Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the sudden and tragic petira of Adina (Aryeh) Zahavi, a’h, mother of nine, daughter of Barry & Susie Openden and sister of Yossi (Yona) Openden and Dahlia (Daniel) Steinherz.

Adina and her husband Aryeh heroically saved all of their children from a fire that broke out in their home in the middle of the night. 

One of the children is still in the hospital with burns. Please keep 

מיכאל בן עדינה בתשבע in your teffilos.

The Levayah will take place at 10:15AM (Israel) (3:15AM Baltimore)  on Monday, July 1, 2024 at Beit Kneset Ashkenazi -Kochav Yaakov

Shiva will be observed at Tal Orot 33, Kochav Yaakov.


Susie Openden - 516.984.8331

Barry Openden: 516.984.8330

Yossi Openden -  443-326-9315

Yona Openden - 410-499-7118

Dahlia Steinherz - +972 52-765-1343 (Be sure to first hit the + key)

A go-fund-me has been established to help the family recover from the fire:

 Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…