Baltimore, MD - Apr. 11, 2024  - According to the newest poll by Goucher, Brandon Scott is in the lead for the Baltimore City mayoral race, if it was held today.

Brandon Scott has 40% of voters, followed by Sheila Dixon with 32%, Thiru Vignarajah at 11%, Bob Wallace at 3%, with the rest voting for some other candidate, or remaining unsure.

Crime stood out as an issue among voters, with 88% of those polled saying "Crime and public safety" is a major issue. Affordable housing, litter, and the local tax rate were also majority major issues among voters.

When polled about the cause of the overall crime rate for Baltimore City, 83% of voters labeled "Drugs and substance abuse" as a major factor, and 77% labeled "Underfunded schools and a lack of educational opportunities for young residents" as a major factor.... Read More: FOX45