IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi stated that the laws surrounding conscription for the army in Israel should change such that all members of Israeli society are called up to defend the country.

"In these challenging times, one thing is very clear - everyone should do their part to protect our home,” Halevi said. “This is a different time, and prior realities should be reexamined. We are currently promoting immediate enlistment solutions in order to fill our ranks in light of the ongoing fighting. More of this will be required in the future.

Currently, under Israeli law, Israeli Arabs and the Ultra-Orthodox are not required to serve in the IDF. Last week, war cabinet Minister Benny Gantz said that "in the long term," a service bill must be gradually implemented so that these two groups could "enter the circle of service,"

“The IDF has always sought to integrate all parts of Israeli society among its ranks,” the IDF chief of staff continued. “This war demonstrates the need for change. To join the service, to protect our home. We have a historic opportunity to expand the IDF’s recruitment sources at a time when the necessity is very high. We will know how to produce the solutions and the right conditions for every population that will join this noble mission.”... Read More: JPost