Jerusalem, Israel - Dec. 7, 2023  - The Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) is based in Jerusalem, Israel in the Malha Technology Center. However, the GPO has opened up a site in Tel Aviv to accommodate the hundreds of international journalists who arrived in Israel after the invasion by Hamas on Simchat Torah on October 7, 2023.

From Tel Aviv, the GPO is providing press conferences in English and in multiple languages. On December 7, two months into the war Israel did not start, a special briefing was presented by Colonel Elad Goren, Head of the Civil Department at COGAT, The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.  COGAT is the unit in the Israeli Ministry of Defense dealing with coordination of civilian issues between the Government of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces, international organizations, diplomats, and the Palestinian Authority.

COGAT considers the humanitarian and health issues in Gaza as extremely important and is working to prevent an epidemic crisis. Before October 7, work permits were issued to 18,500 residents of Gaza. Through Kerem Shalom hundreds of huge trucks came with goods on a regular basis. Each oversized vehicle had to be searched for weapons and explosive materials. Hamas caused damage to Kerem Shalom on October 7 and destroyed 9 of ten power lines Israel supplied to Gaza. 

The Nitzana border crossing between Egypt and Gaza has been used for humanitarian trucks to enter since Kerem Shalom was forced to close on October 7. Colonel Goren stated that the slow progress in Gaza of delivering aid is because the UN has not collected and distributed the goods. Israel wants the humanitarian aid and fuel to go to civilians not Hamas. Six new warehouses have been built to house all the materials that have arrived for Gaza.

The UAE and Jordan have hospitals in the south of Gaza to support the 11 Gazan hospitals. Blankets and tents have been distributed and the water has been repaired.

While Israel is careful to follow all humanitarian and legal codes of war to protect civilians, Hamas has continued to shoot missiles at Israeli cities. A double war crime to shoot at civilians while using them as human shields. Today from the declared safe area Hamas shot 16 missiles from near the tents with at least one falling back in the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone. 

Israeli soldiers continue to fight in close quarter raids, 415 IDF have fallen since October 7. The latest name added to the growing list, Gal the son of the former IDF chief of staff from 2015 to 2019 Gadi Eisenkot. 

In spite of international pressure,  with 138 hostages, who include 11 foreigners, the determination to remove Hamas' military capabilities goes on into a third month. 

There was good news today.  

Professor Isaac Ben Israel held an afternoon press conference where he discussed Israel's "Science Force" and technology. The Arrow defense system was begun in the 1980s. Today Arrow 3 was used for the first time and was successful in intercepting a long range ballistic missile launched from Yemen toward Eilat. He explained, "out of the atmosphere" because of the arched trajectory of the incoming missile, it was destroyed 1,700 km far away above altitude. 

The use of Ai and Machine Learning are part of the science technology which has saved lives. Israel has the human talent and science and technology to gather huge amounts of data, yet at the end a human has to make a decision to fire the Iron Dome or Arrow. 

The third month of war begins along with the first night of Hanukkah, the holiday of miracles. Am Yisrael Chai.

The photos attached are screen shots from the GPO with COGAT information.