Israel is preparing to welcome back the sixth wave of hostages from Gaza: 12 hostages are expected to be released this evening (Wednesday) from Hamas captivity and to be handed over to the Red Cross and later arrive in Israeli territory.

Hamas claims it released two hostages who hold Russian citizenship, but as of reporting, they were not handed over to the Red Cross. They join the ten additional Israeli hostages whose names were given to Israel overnight and whose families were notified of their return.

In the meantime, no further agreements have been reached regarding additional days of the ceasefire in return for the release of hostages, but the Qatari Foreign Ministry told CNN that his government is "very optimistic" regarding the extension of the pause. According to him, an announcement on the matter can come within hours.

Earlier on Wednesday, Hamas claimed that three of the four members of the Bibas family, who were kidnapped on October 7, are dead.... Read More: Arutz-7