IMPORTANT NOTICE: Potential Disruption at Towson Town Center today, Black Friday
By: BJLife Newsroom
Baltimore, MD – November 24, 2023 - An anti-Israel "Shut it Down" protest is scheduled to take place today, Black Friday, at the entrance of Towson Town Center beginning at 8:30AM. It is expected that this protest may lead to significant disruptions. Additionally, with licht bentching at 4:28 PM today, we wanted you to be informed so that you can plan your day accordingly.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Potential Disruption at Towson Town Center today, Black Friday
Baltimore, MD – November 24, 2023 - An anti-Israel "Shut it Down" protest is scheduled to take place today, Black Friday, at the entrance of Towson Town Center beginning at 8:30AM. It is expected that this protest may lead to significant disruptions. Additionally, with licht bentching at 4:28 PM today, we wanted you to be informed so that you can plan your day accordingly.
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Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Mrs. Rochel Vim, a'h, mother of Raphael Moshe (Estie) Vim, Aliza Vim, Chedva Vim, Ayala (Ahron) Silbiger, Levi (Sori) Vim, Shana Chaya (Danny) Krasner, Yosef Vim, and Shevy (Zalmy) Jampolsky; daughter of Rabbi Avraham Yagod and sister of Eli (Ettil) Yagod, Leah (Dovid) Zeffrin, Yitzchok Yagod, and Sara CohenShiva will be observed at 3209 Taney Road, Baltimore, MD 21215 Shacharis: 8:00AMMincha: 7:00PMMaariv: 8:30PMMincha Erev Shabbos: 2:00PMMaariv Motzai Shabbos: 8:15PMBreaks 12-1, 5:30-6:30No visitors past 10PM, please Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD - March 26, 2025 - In this episode of 613 Seconds, we sit down with Andrew Cushnir, President & CEO of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore. Andrew shares his journey from Los Angeles to Baltimore, his passion for Jewish communal work, and how The Associated supports Jewish education, security, and social services. He discusses the organization's advocacy efforts, funding initiatives, and global partnerships, including their work in Israel and Ukraine. Tune in for an insightful conversation about the strength and resilience of the Baltimore Jewish community and how The Associated is shaping its future.
Watch:You TubeSpotifyListen hereIf you’re part of an organization or business with a story to share, contact us at to le...
Name of Product: Woolite Delicates detergent in 50-fluid-ounce bottles
Hazard: The recalled products may contain Pseudomonas species bacteria, including Pseudomonas oleovorans, which are environmental organisms commonly found in soil and water. Individuals with weakened immune systems or external medical devices are at risk of serious infection requiring medical treatment if exposed to the bacteria. Infection can occur through the eyes or through breaks in the skin. People with healthy immune systems are typically not affected.
Remedy: Refund
Recall Date: March 20, 2025
Contact Information: Reckitt at 800-228-4722 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, by email at, or online at or at and click on “Volunt...
Baltimore, MD – March 27, 2025 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shlomo & Rebetzin Menucha Weiss on the birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov to grandparents Rabbi & Rebetzin Jonathan Aryeh & Michal Seidemann
יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בתם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
US President Donald Trump's pick to be ambassador to the United Nations has been withdrawn, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman James Risch said on Thursday.
Republican Representative Elise Stefanik is a close Trump ally and was chosen by the president for the role less than a week after he was elected in November.
"It is essential that we maintain EVERY Republican Seat in Congress," Trump said in a social media post. "With a very tight Majority, I don't want to take a chance on anyone else running for Elise's seat."
Trump's Republicans currently hold a 218 to 213 majority in the House of Representatives, where there are four vacancies.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman James Risch told reporters on Thursday: "I have been n...
Israel provided sensitive intelligence from a human source in Yemen on a key Houthi military operative targeted in an attack described by national security adviser Mike Waltz in an unclassified Signal chat with senior Trump administration officials, two U.S. officials said.
Shortly after the U.S. strikes began, Waltz texted that a key target of the attacks, a Houthi missile expert, had been seen entering his girlfriend’s building, which he said had been destroyed.
Israeli officials have complained privately to U.S. officials that Waltz’s text has become public, one U.S. official said.
Israel’s role in supplying information that helped track the militant highlights the sensitivity of some disclosures in the texts and raises questions about the Trump administ...
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 22, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Rabbi David Frid, z’l, husband of Rachel Frid (née Reich), father of Nechama Markovich, Zevi Frid, Aharon Frid, Malki Heshin, Tzachi Frid, Moshe Frid, Miri Margol, and Avi Frid and brother of Cathy (Yankie) Dinovitz, Arlene Gittelson, and Janet Goldberg.The levayah will take place Sunday morning at Shamgar (Jerusalem) at 11:30AMShiva will be observed in:Yerushalayim:Maalot Kedushei Telz 7, Telstone, Jeruslaem011.972. 54-846-5323
Cathy Dinovitz 443-255-7621 and Arlene Gittelson 443-435-9007 will observe shiva at 3213 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore, MD
Strict visiting hours: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Sunday-ThursdayFlorida: Janet Goldberg will observe ...
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 22, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the Rabbi Zvi Menachem Ben Avrohom Arye Tusk, z’l, husband of Sima Tusk and father of Mordechai (Malky) Tusk, Blima (Yanky) Braun, Chaim (Tzirel) Tusk, Meir (Katie) Tusk, Yitzy (Tova) Tusk, Rivky (Michael) Leichter, Leiby (Musha Leah) Tusk and brother of David (Riva) Tusk and Pinky (Dina) Tusk
Click here to watch Livestream of the levayah which will be held on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at Levinson’s at 12 Noon
The kevura will take place at Shomrei Mishmeres Schares Haplata Cemetery 6307 Hamilton Ave., Rosedale, MD, 21237
Shiva will be observed at 3702 Kingwood Square, Baltimore, Maryland 21215.Please, no visitors after 10PM.
Shacharis: 7:45amMincha/Maariv: 715pm.
Bila Hamaves ...
Update as of Thursday, March 27 @2:15PM: Mrs. Elise (Asher) Wolf will complete the shiva in Baltimore on Friday, March 28, 2025, from 12:30-3:30PM at 6023 Berkeley Ave., Baltimore, MD, 21209***Baltimore, MD – Mar. 21, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Benn Richels, z’l, husband of Jackie Richels, and father of Elise (Asher) Wolf, David (Natalie) Richels, Ira (Ellen) Richels.The levayah will be held Sunday morning, March 23, 2025 at 10:30AM at Bnai Israel, 420 Spotswood Ave., Norfolk, VAThe kevura will take place at B’nai Israel Cemetery, 2710 Cromwell Road, Norfolk, VA
Shiva will be observed at: Aviva-Pembroke, 373 Constitution Drive, Apt. 239, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Visitation Schedule:
Sunday, March 23rd: 7:00 PM – 9:00...
Jerusalem, Israel - March 27, 2025 - Some self-hating Jews in America are working overtime to try to prevent the deportation of those who hate them and wish them harm. Needless to say, these traitors should be shunned by the Jewish Community. Shunned, I say! Protests in Gaza? Speaking of shunning, there have reportedly been protests throughout the Gaza Strip against continued Hamas rule. The most prominent of the protests took place in the northern Gaza Strip. Ironically, exactly where Israel just recently informed the population that they would need to evacuate soon in preparation for a large-scale Israeli incursion. Rockets were also fired at Israel this week from northern Gaza as well. What is going on here? Every rabid animal kicks before it dies and it doesn’t get more rabid tha...
Baltimore, MD – March 26, 2025 - Tomorrow, Thursday, March 27, is Yom Kippur Koton, a meaningful opportunity to daven on behalf of Acheinu B’nei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and around the world.
Below is a list of Mincha Minyanim scheduled across the community: (Know of another one? Let us know so we can share it.)
Khal Ahavas Yisrael Tzemach Tzedek (KAYTT) – Rabbi Dovid Heber 2:00 PM • Ezras Noshim open for women • ArtScroll Yom Kippur Koton booklets available
Community Kollel 2:45 PMShearith Israel HaRav Yaakov Hopfer 6:15PM (Front Bais Medrash-Upstairs
Agudah of Park Heights – Rabbi Moshe Heinemann 6:25 PM (Upstairs – 3rd Floor)
Darchei Tzedek – Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz 6:25 PM (Downstairs Beis Medrash)
Bais HaKness...
Also, Ask about our kitchen CLEANING serviceBaltimore, MD – Are you nervous about Kashering for Pesach; unsure you will get it done properly? Are you afraid the water will ruin your cabinets and create a mess in your kitchen? Are you moving into a new house and need the kitchen kashered; stress-free? Click here.
For the last seven years, The Kashering Konnection, has been servicing the Baltimore and DC communities. Coordinated through Star-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler, experienced, professional Mashgichim are available to come to your home and ensure an easy, mess-free and 100% properly-done Kashering of your kitchen and appliances. From ovens to stoves, counters to sinks, The Kashering Konnection can help you prepare for Pesach in an easy and affordable way....
Baltimore, MD – March 27, 2025 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Mendel Wolowik & Goldie Davidsohn on their engagement!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Avrohom & Baily Wolowik and R’ Yisroel & Chanie Davidsohn
יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Mordehai (Mota) Gur, z'l, father of Yaakov Gur.
The Levaya will be held Friday, Mar 28th at Levinson's at 1:00 pm.
Shiva will be observed through Thursday morning at 6110 Benhurst Road, Baltimore, MD, 21209Minyanim:Sunday: Shacharis: 8:00 am, Mincha/Maariv 7:15 pmMonday through Thursday: Shacharis 7:15 amMincha/Maariv: 7:15 pm (through Wednesday) Visiting:Sunday through Wednesday9:00 am to 12:00 noon2:00 pm to-5:00 pm8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD - March 27 , 2025 - Explore the latest issue of Baltimore Jewish Home.Click on the graphic below:
Jerusalem, Israel - March 27, 2025 - . Overnight, between Thursday and Friday, Israel will move its clocks forward by one hour, marking the start of daylight saving time.
Dr. Oleg Popov, head of time and frequency measurements at the National Physics Laboratory within the Economy and Industry Ministry, shared insights on the timing shift and its global context.
How time is measured in Israel
Israel’s seasonal time change is set by the Time Determination Law of 2013. Daylight saving time begins on the Thursday-Friday night before the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October.
The clocks move forward one hour—jumping from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.
The National Physics Laboratory determines Israel’s official time using four atomic clo...
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 26, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of of Mrs. Sara Nemon, a’h, mother of Mrs. Chaya Chaina (Dovid) Bortz.Visiting at 6602 Edenvale, Baltimore, MD, 21209:Thursday: 10am- 2:30pm 6-9:30pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Motzei Shabbos: 8:45-11pm
Sunday: 10am- 2:30pm 6-9:30pm
Monday: 10am- 2:30pm 6-9:30pm
Tuesday: getting up at 10am Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…