The European Commission announced an urgent review of its financial assistance for Palestine following the Hamas massacre of 900 people on Saturday. The decision could effect hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Arabs.

"The Commission unequivocally condemns the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel over the weekend. Following these events, the Commission is announcing today that it is launching an urgent review of the EU's assistance for Palestine," the announcement reads.

"In addition to the existing safeguards, the objective of this review is to ensure that no EU funding indirectly enables any terrorist organization to carry out attacks against Israel.

"The Commission will equally review if, in light of the changed circumstances on the ground, its support programs to the Palestinian population and to the Palestinian Authority need to be adjusted.

"The Commission will carry out this review as soon as possible and coordinate with Member States and partners any follow-up action necessary.

"In the meantime, as there were no payments foreseen, there will be no suspension of payments.
This review does not concern humanitarian assistance provided under European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)," the statement concludes.