"Shalom Sivan,
I am Sandra Baras from Karnei Shomron. Something happened yesterday from which we have yet to recover.
About an hour after the holiday was over, we opened our front door and saw an envelope on the ground.
It contained 1,400 shekels and a letter describing how someone, as a child, took money from our home decades ago and was returning it now -- with interest.
Over the years we raised five children here and we always hosted their many friends so it is impossible to know which child -- who writes that he was 'one of the family' -- authored the letter.
I was so inspired to discover how one little theft bothered this individual all these years. This proves we have an inclination to do good that never wanes.
But I am curious to know what happened now, precisely at the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah, 5784, during the Ten Days of Teshuvah, that the one who stole asa child decided to come back to our home to make amends.
We forgive him with a whole heart. We decided to contribute the money to tzedakah and, as far as I’m concerned, this contribution is in his merit.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslav famously said: "If you believe it's possible to do damage, believe that it's possible to make things right."