Baltimore, MD - July 6, 2023 - On my way out from Rabbi Eichenstein's Shul a few days ago, I met a gentleman from Eretz Yisroel.  He was in the States collecting tzedakah for his family. What I thought would be a brief encounter, turned to be a game changer for me.

A smile began to radiate from his face.  And, without skipping a beat, he proceeded to ask: "Did you grow up in this town?" After nodding yes, I will never forget his response: "Ashrecha!" And then came the tearjerker: "You should know, the community here in Baltimore is a very special place to live. The people, the Rabbonim, there is so much chesed, so much caring, so much Torah."

Still trying to savor this “Divine rendezvous”, I quickly ran over to Rabbi Eichenstein, and shared my experience. The Rav beautifully explained to me that Baltimore is "on the map" for so many Aniyei Eretz Yisroel, because our community excels in the quality of greeting everyone with a "sever panim yafos", loosely translated: a pleasant, warm, and engaging countenance.

As glimpses of sunlight begin to penetrate the darkened morning sky of this 17th Day of Tammuz, 5783, I feel inspired to put pen to the paper.  Our Nation has begun a unique period of time, where we bring comfort to one another over Churban Bayis, over this seemingly endless galus. What greater gift of comfort than to give a “sever panim yafos” to our fellow Yid, to evoke a smile from a Yiddishe neshama.   It is our sincere tefillah, that with the zchus of this beautiful act of nechama, may our Father in Heaven bestow upon His Children a “sever panim yafos” to bring us back to Yerushalayim speedily in our days. 

Amen v’Amen.