President Isaac Herzog will depart, Friday, for the Munich Security Conference in Germany, for a two-day visit.

During the visit, the President will meet with President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and will discuss with him efforts to advance the return of the hostages. At the conference, the President will hold a series of further diplomatic meetings with international leaders and speak at the conference.

The President will be joined on the visit by Raz Ben Ami, Adi Shoham, and Aviva Segal – who were released having been taken captive by Hamas on October 7 – and other representatives of the families of hostages.

In his meetings with world leaders, aimed at promoting intense political pressure as part of the crucial efforts to secure the safe and swift return the hostages held by Hamas, the President will stress the enormity of the atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist organization Hamas.

The visit comes against the background of the legal and diplomatic opposition by Israel to the lawsuit launched against it in The Hague, a lawsuit which the President has defined as blood libel in support of Hamas directed against the nation-state of the Jewish people. The President will emphasize in his meetings, the humanitarian efforts that Israel is making for the civilian population of Gaza, which are an integral part of the overall campaign. He will stress Israel’s strict adherence to international law, and the essential need to defend Israel from the security threats - which endangered Israel and the entire region - as long as the terrorist organization Hamas continued to control the Gaza Strip.

As part of their visit, First Lady Michal Herzog will participate in a panel dealing with the use of gender-based violence as a weapon in conflict, following the horrific sexual crimes committed by Hamas terrorists in the 7 October terrorist attack. Later, the First Lady will also participate in an event calling for the return of the hostages, in which those released from captivity and representatives of the families of the hostages will take part. The event will also be attended by Coordinator for the Hostages and Missing, Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz and other senior officials.