Bear, Delaware - Delaware State Police investigators were trying to determine Thursday how a woman fell 35 feet to her death from a zip line platform at a state park.

Tina Werner, 59, of Felton, was waiting to ride the zip line at the Go Ape Tree Top Adventure at Lums Pond State Park in Bear on Wednesday afternoon when she tumbled from the platform, authorities said.

Participants are equipped with climbing harnesses and carabineers that clip onto safety wires throughout the treetop course, which spans seven acres and includes four zip lines and a variety of swings, rope ladders, bridges and trapezes.

According to the website of Go Ape, which is based in Frederick, Maryland, and operates attractions in 15 states, patrons receive a 30-minute training session before being turned loose on the course, which can take them as high as 50 feet in the air.... Read More: VIN