Baltimore, MD - Mar. 25, 2024  - Host Rabbi Zvi Goldberg and guest Rabbi Dovid Heber will review fascinating insights into this rare celestial occurrence. The discussion will include:

•             An explanation of what happens during an eclipse

•             Whether one should recite a bracha when seeing one

•             What the Gemara has to say about eclipses

•             Why the Chofetz Chaim zt"l instructed the residents of Radin to view a solar eclipse

•             Halachos that pertain to this phenomenon

•             YOUR questions!

For the last time until 2044 a total solar eclipse will be visible in the Continental United States.

On Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784 Monday, April 8, 2024 the eclipse will sweep across a narrow path From Texas to Maine.

The sky will darken birds will stop chirping and you will be plunged into a premature night.

Rabbi Dovid Heber is a Kashrus Administrator at STAR-K and Rav of Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek (KAYTT). He is the author of Sefer Shaarei Zmanim and The Intriguing World of Jewish Time, and regularly lectures and writes on a broad array of topics regarding time in Jewish Law.

To submit questions:

•             Email us prior to the program at

•             Ask questions via chat during the show

The conference will run for about one hour. You can join us:

•             Online: Live via the web. Register here:

•             By Phone: call 1-267-279-9000; pin to enter conference 391243891#

•             Via ClickMeeting App (Google Play  App Store   Event ID: 751-681-169