Following is a statement from the International Spokeswoman for Prime Minister Yair Lapid, Keren Hajioff, on the tragic death of Gazan children tonight as a result of an Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short and landed in Gaza.

International Spokeswoman for Prime Minister Yair Lapid, Keren Hajioff:

"Tonight, Islamic Jihad terrorists fired a rocket towards Israel which fell short inside Gaza, hitting a Palestinian home in the Jabalia neighborhood and tragically killing at least four children.

There is video documenting the entire thing.

There was no Israeli activity in the Gaza Strip, in that area or at that time.

Islamic Jihad is killing Palestinian children in Gaza. One in four rockets fired from Gaza towards Israel – lands inside the Gaza Strip.

Iran’s proxies – including Islamic Jihad – have a long history of hiding behind civilians to target Israeli civilians.

The world should be outraged at this terrorist group targeting innocent Israelis and killing innocent Gazans.

Israel will continue to stand up to this vicious terrorist organization – which threatens Israelis and Palestinians alike."