Bahrain announced it will label goods from Judea and Samaria as “Made in Israel,” defying the European Union, United Nations, and proponents of anti-Israel boycotts.

Bahrain’s Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Zayed R. Alzayani told members of the media on Thursday that Bahrain would not distinguish between goods made in Judea and Samaria or the Golan Heights and other Israeli products.

All products of Israel will be treated the same, he specified, rejecting a policy adopted by other countries of treating goods and services from Judea and Samaria or the Golan Heights differently than other Israeli products.

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Alzayani added that there would be “no restrictions” or “special rules” for these products, explaining that Bahrain sees Israeli companies in the same light as those from Italy, India, China, Germany, or Saudi Arabia.

Referring to relations with Israel as a “new chapter,” Alzayani appeared to deal a significant blow to entities such as the European Union and the United Nations, which have pursued a labeling policy that ostracizes Israeli goods from Judea and Samaria.

Alzayani told Times if Israel that goods from Judea and Samaria and the Golan can be sold as “Products of Israel” in Bahrain.

In taking this position, Bahrain complies with U.S. guidelines announced by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that require labeling all goods emanating from places where Israel maintains civilian control as “Products of Israel” or “Made in Israel.” Read more at WIN