According to a report that appeared in the Ma’ariv news service, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation passed the proposed bill submitted by MK Bezalel Smotritch (Bayit Yehudi) that would limit the use of credit cards by people who refuse to give a Get.

“Only with a continuous and long-term stubbornness will we succeed at eradicating the negative trend of Get refusers,” said Smotritch.

“This law was written in collaboration with Rabbinic Bais Din and is intended to add an additional sanction that can be used against men and women who refuse to either give or receive a Get. Whoever attempts to use Halacha as a tool to entrench their own position, will find all of us unified against them. We will continue to safeguard the Jewish holy framework of marriage, and we will make it extremely difficult for anyone who attempts to abuse that framework.”... Read More: YWN