In a plea bargain agreement between his attorney and the prosecution, HaGaon HaRav Avraham Yosef will step down as Chief Rabbi of Holon, the result of a plea bargain agreement in his indictment, which was filed in 2015.

According to the Yisrael Hayom report, the rav was convicted of breach of trust has agreed not to run for another position in the Rabbanut for the next seven years. The rav will also be compelled to suspend himself from the Chief Rabbinate Council and pay a 75,000 NIS fine.

Rabbi Yosef was found guilty of promoting Badatz Beit Yosef, headed by a brother, Rabbi Moshe Yosef, thereby abusing his authority as the city’s chief rabbi. He was also responsible for the kashrus of Ohr Yehuda.

Tel Aviv District Court Vice President Justice Tzachi Uziel accepted the agreement, which compels the deal to go into effect after the Tishrei Yomim Tovim.