Baltimore, MD – March 26, 2025 - Tomorrow, Thursday, March 27, is Yom Kippur Koton, a meaningful opportunity to daven on behalf of Acheinu B’nei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and around the world.

Below is a list of Mincha Minyanim scheduled across the community:
(Know of another one? Let us know so we can share it.)

Khal Ahavas Yisrael Tzemach Tzedek (KAYTT)Rabbi Dovid Heber
2:00 PM
• Ezras Noshim open for women
• ArtScroll Yom Kippur Koton booklets available

Community Kollel
2:45 PM

  • Shearith Israel  HaRav Yaakov Hopfer
  • 6:15PM (Front Bais Medrash-Upstairs
  • Agudah of Park HeightsRabbi Moshe Heinemann
    6:25 PM (Upstairs – 3rd Floor)

    Darchei TzedekRabbi Yaakov Horowitz
    6:25 PM (Downstairs Beis Medrash)

    Bais HaKnesses Ohr HaChaimRabbi Zvi Weiss
    6:30 PM
    Please text 410-458-9522 if you will be fasting

    Bais NossonRabbi Shmuel Friedman
    6:40 PM