The University of California of Los Angeles (UCLA) claims that it should not be ordered by a federal court to protect Jewish students from antisemitism when they return to campus in the fall, after the “encampment” this past spring.

UCLA was the scene of some of the most egregious and violent antisemitism among the dozens of “encampment” protest that swept the nation. Jewish students were barred by pro-Palestinian activists from entering some public areas of campus, and from reaching some of their classes. While there were pro-Israel counter-protests, Jewish students continued to be harassed; police only intervened after pro-Israel vigilantes attacked the encampment.

Three Jewish students are suing UCLA in federal court under civil rights law, demanding a preliminary injunction requiring the university to guarantee their safety when they return to campus. Their lawyers, from the Becket and Clement & Murphy PLLC firm, said:

UCLA … helped a group of activists as they set up an encampment where they harassed Jewish students and stopped them from accessing classes, the library, and other critical parts of campus. UCLA reinforced these zones—both by providing metal barriers and by sending away Jewish students—while taking no effective action to ensure safe passage for Jewish students. UCLA’s policies harm Jewish students and violate numerous provisions of the U.S. and California Constitutions and multiple civil rights laws.... Read More: Breitbart