Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to an article published by the New York Times Tuesday stating that a rift is emerging between Netanyahu and Israeli generals who want a ceasefire in Gaza.

According to the report, the General Staff Forum sees a ceasefire as the best way to free the 120 hostages still in Gaza and to give the IDF time to "recuperate" before the potential beginning of another war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, even if this would mean leaving Hamas in power in Gaza.

Netanyahu said in response to the report: "Anonymous sources are talking to the New York Times today. They are telling it that Israel will be ready to end the war before all of its goals are achieved. I don't know who those anonymous sources are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: this will not happen."

"We will end the war only after we have achieved all of its goals," Netanyahu said.... Read More: Arutz-7