Jerusalem, Israel - July 1, 2024  - The Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, Israel hosted a special memorial tribute event to Senator Joe Lieberman z"l on Monday night, July 1, 2024, moderated by Paul Gross, Senior Fellow at the Begin Center.

With the passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman z'L four months ago, the Jewish world lost one of its most important American politicians. Lieberman was a U.S. Senator for 24 years and the first Jew nominated to a major party as Vice-President in 2000, with Democratic Presidential nominee Al Gore. 

He was an outspoken supporter of the State of Israel, the US-Israel relationship, and liberal democratic values. With friends across the political spectrum, he was respected for his generosity, decency, and belief in putting the country before the party.

A special recorded message from the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog opened the program.

Representing the family, Hani Lowenstein spoke eloquently of her father.

Other speakers in Jerusalem were Ambassador Jack Lew, Natan Sharanskyy, Ruth Abramzon, and Gil Troy. Multiple video clips included comments by Al Gore, John McCain, and Lieberman at a Begin Center Conference two years ago. 

Friends in the audience lingered to share memories until the Center began to turn off the lights to encourage everyone to leave.