A poll released Monday in the closely watched race for U.S. Senate found Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks (D) with an 11-point lead over former Gov. Larry Hogan (R) in a matchup that included third-party and independent candidates. She had an 8-point margin over Hogan in a head-to-head race.

The poll, conducted by the North Carolina firm Public Policy Polling, surveyed 635 registered voters last Wednesday and Thursday. It had a 3.9-point margin of error.

PPP is generally hired by Democrats, but does not poll for them exclusively. The firm did not immediately respond Monday to a question about who had commissioned the Maryland poll.

In a head-to-head matchup with Hogan, Alsobrooks led 48% to 40%. When other candidates were included, survey respondents gave Alsobrooks 45%, Hogan 34%, Libertarian nominee Mike Scott 3%, and Green Party nominee Nancy Wallace and independent Emmanuel Osuchukwu 1% each.... Read More: Maryland Matters