Haredi citizens who were forced to make phone calls from their 'kosher' device on Shabbat were fined hundreds of shekels on their bill.

According to Yediot Aharonot, part of the Haredi Council for Matters of Communication conditions for obtaining approval for a 'kosher' phone line is to agree to be fined for using the phone on Shabbat and holidays.

"Suddenly I discovered that 540 shekels had been deducted from my credit card. I looked at the bill. I went to the store where I purchased the line - I pay 12 shekels a month, there is no way I should be charged such a sum," a young haredi was quoted in the report.

"What might have happened is that one of the kids touched the phone and made a call for a few minutes. They did not inform me of any such clause. I went through their advertisements. I did not see anything like this, not even in the fine print, maybe it appeared in one of the many documents received when getting a line from the company."... Read More: Arutz-7