Baltimore, MD - Dec. 5, 2023  - We haven't received that question yet, but minimizing time online is in total harmony with the observance of Chanukah.

Have you ever wondered why Chanukah appears to be such a private Mitzvah, primarily observed at home with the lighting of the Menorah? While there are special Chanukah additions to synagogue services, such as singing the Hallel praises and inserting the Al HaNisim prayer, no one brings their Menorah to the Shul and waves it like a Lulav. Why is this symbol of the Chanukah miracle reserved for the home?

The Greek war against the Jewish people specifically targeted the Jewish home and family. Recognizing that Torah values, when imparted within the family, remain strong, the Greeks aimed to invade holy Jewish homes with their non-Torah values, attempting to destroy the citadel of Jewish tradition from within. It’s within that bastion of Jewish values that we place the lights of the Menorah.

What better time to disconnect from the outside world and kindle the warmth of the Jewish family from within than during the first 30 minutes of Menorah lighting? Powering off our screens and recharging our family time—singing Chanukah songs, telling stories, and celebrating together—directly combats the Greek cultural campaign. The best news is that this kind of filter is the most effective and comes free of charge!