The IDF announced on Sunday that since the beginning of the war against Hamas, approximately 10,000 airstrikes were carried out under the guidance of IDF soldiers on the ground in short time frames. The soldiers quickly completed missions and thwarted terrorist cells, terrorist infrastructure, command centers, tunnel shafts, weapons depots, and more.

Following Hamas’ violation of the operational pause agreement, the fighting in the Gaza Strip has resumed, and the IDF soldiers are continuing the ground operation in full cooperation with aircraft of the IAF. According to the IDF, the cooperation between the ground forces and the IAF is one of the most prominent elements in the IDF’s ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

On Sunday, the Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, conducted a situational assessment at the Ops Room of the IAF with commanders in the IAF.

“A very large part of our security in the ground operation is the cooperation of the soldiers with the Israeli Air Force," Halevi stated.... Read More: Arutz-7