House Democratic leaders are drafting a letter to President Donald Trump that would propose roughly $5 billion in border security – if the president agrees to reopen the government.

The proposal does not include money for any “new structures” along the southern border as the president has demanded, so it is unlikely to move as is. But it is still significant because it’s the first time Democratic leadership will broadly lay out what they might accept in a compromise to end the partial government shutdown, now in its 33rd day.

“It’s a starting point. You know, I think we all want border security. There is no question about it,” Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, told reporters Wednesday. “It’s just that some of the things that are being pursued in the name of border security we disagree with.”

Thompson said he is involved in drafting the letter, which he expects to come from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Read more at USA Today.