Several Jewish groups on Friday scolded Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price for sending a political mailer equating President Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler, Y'sh.

Price, who is not up for re-election this year, sent the mail ad to his constituents this week. The ad juxtaposed images of Trump and Hitler and compared the two point by point. For instance, it stated both men had “used racism to rise to power” and urged people to vote for Democratic candidates in the Nov. 6 election.

The Dallas-area organizations said that bringing up the Nazi leader for anything other than education or in reference to the Holocaust was “highly inappropriate and offensive.”

“This reference diminishes the inexpressible horror perpetrated and orchestrated by Adolf Hitler with the systematic murder of six million Jews and millions of other victims,” reads the statement. “To use his name and portrayal as a comparison in a political advertisement demeans the memory and humanity of those who perished and cheapens our political process.”

Read more at Dallas News.