Dozens of left-wing activists from the Achim Laneshek protest group demonstrated on Monday evening against the government at the Kotel in Jerusalem.

Under the headline "Liberating the Western Wall Again and Swearing Allegiance to Democracy," the demonstrators were called to arrive at the entrance to the holy site. "Come show respect to the paratroopers who liberated the Western Wall," the notices read.

The demonstration itself was held outside the Western Wall plaza after the Western Wall Heritage Foundation prohibited the event.

At one point, a right-wing activist called Moshe Miloa, one of the paratroopers who liberated the Western Wall from Jordanian occupation in 1967, a "leftist traitor." Miloa told Channel 12: "This is an outrage, people who don't know history are belittling the liberators of Jerusalem and the Western Wall.... Read More: Arutz-7