Baltimore, MD - Oct. 15, 2020:

Dear Faculty, Parents and Friends of TA,

It is with great excitement that we announce a generous grant award by an anonymous foundation (the rules of the grant do not allow us to release the name yet) to fund the installation of a comprehensive solar power system on TA's campus. We also express our appreciation to TA grandparent, Mrs. ZC Brodie and her son, TA parent Shlomo Brodie from HESP Solar, who have given us constant guidance throughout this process, and have also arranged for the donation of additional solar panels to be able to expand the system beyond the initially planned scope of the project. Lastly, we thank the Weil Mandel Charitable Foundation for funding a portion of the project as well.  

This investment in solar technology will save TA tens of thousands of dollars per year in energy costs and will allow us to use environmentally friendly energy through renewable energy sources. The solar panels have been delivered earlier this week, and work has already begun. Installation should be complete within the next few weeks.  TA was one of 6 independent schools to be invited to apply for this grant, and we are grateful to the Foundation and these two other families for this wonderful opportunity. We are confident that this new solar energy system will reap benefits for TA for several decades, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs.  

We also are pleased to announce that TA is the recipient of two new security grants for this year. TA has been awarded $100,000 through the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSPG), and $60,000 through the State of Maryland Hate Bias Crimes Grant (HBCG).  Over the last number of years, TA has made significant investments in security infrastructure, training, and guard services in order to help keep our staff and students safe, and these two grants with continued Siyata Dishmaya, will help us continue to do so.  

I am looking forward to keeping you informed on our continued progress on both of these fronts. 

Warmest Regards,

Rabbi Yaacov Cohen

Executive Director