Over recent decades, Israel's defense establishment has invested billions in preparing for a potential strike on Iran, developing specialized munitions along the way. Some of these capabilities were only revealed after being sold to foreign air forces. Here’s what can be disclosed amidst these preparations.

Last month, Israel conducted another strike in Yemen, deploying F-15 jets from a base 1,800 kilometers away, showcasing its renowned improvisation skills. These aircraft, initially designed for air combat, were modified in Israel for strike missions. The Israeli Air Force also equipped them to carry modern munitions from both American and Israeli manufacturers.

However, an attack on Iran presents a far more complex challenge, despite the similar distance.

Iran's nuclear facilities and ballistic missile bases are deeply embedded underground, in contrast to less-protected targets like oil terminals. Additionally, Iran operates an advanced air defense system, primarily domestically developed. According to their claims, yet to be tested, this system matches the capabilities of Russian systems like the S-300, which can intercept missiles launched by Israel. However, the Israeli-attributed strike on Isfahan after Iran's April attack was not intercepted by these advanced defenses. Iran also maintains an outdated fleet, including Russian MiG-29s and American F-14s from the Shah’s era, which continue to operate despite international sanctions.... Read More: JPost