Baltimore, MD - July 25, 2024 - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a powerful case for Israel in his speech before Congress on Wednesday, but his message was much more clearly delivered by the scene outside Union Station.

Netanyahu’s mission in Congress was neither to lay out specific plans for what comes after Israel’s military offensive against Hamas nor to announce the completion of a hostage deal. Rather, he came to remind America why Israel is a bipartisan issue and ultimately an American one. “If you remember one thing from this speech, remember this: Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” he told lawmakers. 

Bibi does not do kumbaya. While he would express Israel’s gratitude for the support of  President Joe Biden and both sides of the aisle in Congress, the power of the message lay in his clearly and forcefully making the case for his country and its actions, speaking proudly of Israel while articulating the values that have guided its response to the utter depravity of its enemies, and illustrating beyond reasonable doubt that “this is not a clash of civilizations (but) … a clash between barbarism and civilization … between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.” He came to try and change the narrative about Israel’s war and help America see through the lies peddled by the many haters of the Jewish state.

It was a hard job. Aside from the visceral negativity and anger he arouses in many, the Gaza war has generated and activated masses of haters pushing their lies about Israel more often and more effectively than ever, making it that much harder for members of Congress to maintain both the clarity and the courage to stand with Israel and leading 20% of them to skip Netanyahu’s speech. ... Read More: Washington Examiner