The State Control Committee on Monday will hold a discussion regarding the matter of haredi IDF battalions, initiated by MK Meir Cohen of Yesh Atid.

Ahead of the meeting, Cohen ordered a survey on steps which could potentially increase the number of Charedim enlisting in the IDF.

The survey, published by Maariv, showed that in response to the question, "If the IDF created a variety of units in which there were conditions which allow Charedi men to preserve their lifestyle, would this increase the chance that more haredi men would enlist in the IDF?" over 60% of respondents answered in the affirmative.

According to the report, the percentage of respondents who believe that such adjustments would lead to more haredim enlisting is higher among older respondents (age 40 and up) and Charedi and Sephardic respondents, especially those from the Chabad-Lubavitch community - who showed 93% support.... Read More: Arutz-7