Baltimore, MD – Sept. 13, 2023 - Tonight in Baltimore, the OU convened a panel discussion to explore the experiences of single individuals in the Orthodox Jewish community, drawing upon findings from their recent study. The panel featured prominent figures including Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the Executive Vice President of the OU; Rabbi Shmuel Silber, the Rav of Suburban Orthodox; Tzipora Grodko, a singles advocate and LMSW; and Channah Cohen, the co-author of the OU research report titled 'The Challenges of Singlehood Among American Jews'. These experts shared insights on how the community can enhance support for its single members. The discussion, which shed light on the crucial topic, urged the community to take collective responsibility in fostering a more inclusive and empathetic environment.
One single told BJL: “The event was very good; very rich and impactful – everyone spoke extremely well. Rabbis Hauer and Silber were on fire.”

If you missed it (you really missed out), but you can still catch the live stream on Tzom Gedalya -