Washington’s “swamp” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are “scared out of their gourd” about President Donald Trump’s remaining days in office, according to radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

“The hatred is visceral,” Limbaugh said on his show Friday. “You can touch it. You can see it. You can see it steaming from the electrodes on these Democrats’ heads. I’ve never seen personal animosity like this. I mean, it is almost to the point of uncontrollable and unpackageable.”

House Democrats have drafted a second impeachment of Trump, several media outlets reported Friday, listing just one charge: ”Incitement to insurrection” for the Washington protest on Wednesday that breached the Capitol building.

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“They’ve gotta do this in 11 days. So they’ve gotta call the House together, then they got to get the Senate to go ahead and convict for this, and then they want a proviso that Trump cannot seek the presidency ever again,” said Limbaugh. “That doing this is gonna pressure the cabinet and (Vice President Mike) Pence into invoking Amendment 25. But Pence has said that he’s not gonna do this.”

The push is coming because the “entire Washington establishment” is “scared to death of Trump,” said Limbaugh.

Read more at NEWSMAX.