

Kollel of Greenspring 6504 Greenspring Ave

6504 Greenspring Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209

Kollel Ruach Chaim 6229 Greenspring Ave

6229 Greenspring Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209
Phone: 401-273-3923


Baltimore, MD 21215
Email: jdsilverberg@aol.com

Luchansky Law Mincha Minyan-606 Bosley Avenue, Suite 3B-Towson, MD 2120

606 Bosley Avenue, Suite 3B
Towson, MD 21204
Email: smenchel@luchanskylaw.com

Maariv at the Jewish Learning Experience (Megillah)

7909 Stevenson Rd (corner of Terrapin Rd).
Baltimore, MD 21208
Email: yy.romanoff@gmail.com

Machzikei Torah (Sternhill's)

6216 Biltmore Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215

Magen David Sephardic Congregation

11215 Woodglen Drive
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 301-770-6818
Email: andrea@magendavidsephardic.org

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

6500 Baythorne Road
Baltimore, MD 21209
Email: mercaztorahandtefillah@gmail.com

Mesivta Kesser Torah

c/o Etz Chaim Building
Baltimore, MD 21215
Phone: 305-720-9418

Mesivta N'eimus Hatorah

4398 Crest Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21208

Mesivta Shaarei Chaim (Community Kollel )

Fords lane
Baltimore, MD 21209

Mevakshei Torah

2511 Willow Glen Dr
Baltimore, MD 21209

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