

Agudath Israel of Maryland-Rabbi Ariel Sadwin

23 Walker Ave
Suite 102
Baltimore, MD 21208
Office: (410)484-3632
Email: info@agudathisrael-md.org
Website: www.agudathisrael-md.org

About Agudath Israel of Maryland-Rabbi Ariel Sadwin

Agudath Israel of Maryland under the direction of Rabbi Ariel Sadwin was established in 2007 to serve as a government affairs entity in the Orthodox Jewish community. Its mission is to advocate on behalf of the community all levels of government on the issues relevant to its citizens and institutions. Among the many issues addressed by AIMD, matters pertaining to education and religious freedom are most notable. Rabbi Sadwin will be providing www.baltimorejewishlife.com with regular updates of notable meetings, events, and reports from his activities and will instruct the community how and when to get involved on matters to benefit our needs and interests.

