You are blessed twice......once for it not being cancer and once that the infection did not cause permanent damage. Osteomyelitis turned my husband into a cripple lucky to get enough pain relief each day just to shower and change clothes.
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we daven for you every day and the other day we went to the kever of the Ohr HaChaim on his Yartzeit and had a Tefila for you!!
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Thank you for the updates. May Mel have a refuah shelaima. Lots of strength to both of you.
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I don't know what is more upsetting with # 15 who just won't quite: the ignorance or the insensitivity? I, personally, made 15 shidduchim with "older" people who are B"H happily married today. How many "older singles" have you tried to help? How many cases justify your blanket remark of "all older singles?" People who really work on shidduchim know that it is hard if you are 19 or 39. Hashem should help all the singles find their beshert (as the above article states) and keep the nay sayers far, far away.
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I don't know you personally but you have just become the #1 hero in my life!
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to #14, True most poskim hold there is no hashchosas Zera for a woman, but they are opinions that consider it. my main argument is that women are not obligated in Pirya V'rivya, so it is questionable for them to endanger themselves even for a minor risk. i would admit that if an older girl found a potential shidduch and the suitor was only willing to marry her if she saved eggs, that it would be permitted. but i have never heard of such a case and i assume it is rare. There is a reason why Hashem made women to become infertile at about 45-50; they are no longer ideal to raise small children for numerous reasons.
As for all the others who have pitted me as being mean spirited and heartless. Nothing can be further from the truth. I have personally tried to make shidduchim for people of all ages, including older singles. Like everybody else here, i haven't had much success. I recall several cases of shidduchim of older couples made by a prominent rav in a community that wound up in disaster. At the time the rav, myself and most others thought these shidduchim were wonderful ideas. Little did we know that among the parties there were severe hidden problems. It happened once that an older woman who married an older bachur came to me when her marriage broke up only a month or two after the wedding. Nobody could figure out what went wrong. Everybody knew both parties as wonderful, normal people. In addition, no one could imagine why the older bachur was not married 25 years before. The woman revealed to me what his problem was. About 35 years ago a man who was also older, about 45 when he first was about to get married, came to me the day before his wedding crying. He also suffered from the same problem and didn't know what to do, he hadn't revealed it to his bride (who was about 32). I counseled him and also explained to him that now i understood why for all these years he was intimidated of marriage. I told him, everything would work out and had he come to me or someone else who understood the problem years before he would have found out that his "problem" was not so bad as to prevent him from getting married. That is what i meant that if you really have concern for older singles, before you try to match them up, you would help them or recommend they get help with the problems and issues they have, which prevented them from getting married until now. Only then, when they gain control of their issues, work on finding them a shidduch, because if you or they continue to ignore the underlying issues, then you are truly wasting your time.
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Is this really Jewish news - a guy praying to oso ha'ish as he's doing a daredevil act?
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Goyishe Shtus
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Lubavitch ken gut lernen, while "they" told me otherwise, the fact is I am so impressed with the scholarship of Lubavithcer bachurim
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We daven for you everyday and today we davened for you at the Tzion of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh
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the author of the article is an alarmist and a fool. Rohani is not yet in power and the author is touting how horrible he will be; worse than the nut who was ousted. furthermore he calls Khameini an anti-semite. where does he get that from? an anti-zionist, yes, but anti=semite? there are thousands of jews living freely in iran, able to keep torah, make a living, and even leave freely. just because the author can write english and certain publications are stupid enough to print his articles does not mean that his article is anything but drivel.
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Please explain how the second to last paragraph miss characterized rabbi Lippman's words. I read over that quote 15 times myself when I read the original article only because I was shocked that a ben Torah could say something like that.Please enlighten me.
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Glad I made with newspaper along with my daughter, Rebbettzin Brenda Weiss.
She is something else along with Mrs. Braun. Mom Katz
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Thank you for these updates. I never met Mel, but he has been an inspiration!
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Pretty balanced article considering its source.
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The second to last paragraph should now produce a second apology. That was a mischaracterization of the question and answer. What happened to the days of journalism? Putting words into peoples mouths? Horrible.
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Just imagine the doors of yeshiva are open....what an opportunity to all!
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Allahu Akbar is said by moslems before they kill anything, even animals for halal meat. if i heard someone yell out Allahu Akbar in a mall or on a crowded street corner, i wouldn't hesitate; if i were to be carrying a weapon, i would draw it immediately and fire to incapacitate the threat. because, in our day and age, the calling of Allahu Akbar among a crowd of non-moslems is a sure indication the perpetrator intends to carry out a terrorist attack.
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It is the second attack on Dov Lipman because that is the MO of many in the Charedi world. When we don't agree let us attack, belittle and undermine the opposing view.
Mr. Rosenblum himself did this 5 years ago during a time of heightened child abuse allegations in Ramat Bet Shemesh.
Mr. Rosenblum wrote a very critical article about one of the child advocates who had been previously quoted stating that he wasn't the alpha omega of child abuse along with other digs.
So once again he attacked the messenger rather than dealing with the serious issue itself.
As a self appointed Charedi "apologist" Mr. Rosenblum would accomplish more through analysis of issues than through attacks on individuals.
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Although I don't subscribe to much of dov lipman's shitos, and I do consider myself chareidi, I believe that men who stand in wait for women who they are not supposed to look at and then shout 'pritzah' are just as pritzasdik as those they are yelling at. they are just as provocative as the chiloni women who purposely board single gender busses. this is no way to win friends and influence people. why would anyone want join a group whose behavior is so pritzasdik?
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Well, sort of an apology. It is like "I'm sorry for my errors of facts and poor research BUT....... The "But" cancels out the apology.
This is the second major Charedi "leader" who has had to publicly apologize to Dov. Wonder why? Maybe because they are being pressed to "get Dov" by the ones who are facing financial loss of government subsidies but fail to share all the facts. Maybe!
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What a a beautiful work and holy place is the Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore.
B"H Baltimore is blessed with such special torah leaders.
Mazal tov! Mazal tov!
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\" '¦ foster diverse expressions of Jewish identity and practice, promote legislation that mitigates control of the Rabbinate, advocate for equal allocation of resources to non-orthodox Jewish services and education, and strengthen liberal elements within orthodoxy to achieve those objects.' And, pray tell, what is wrong with these objectives? Not everyone living in Israel, especially not everyone making aliyah, will subscribe to the same stream of Judaism. It is time that the non-Charedi and non-Orthodox streams were fully recognized as Jews. It is time for all streams of Judaism to be given recognition. As many American Charedim have shown for years, Torah study and earning a living are not mutually exclusive.
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If one follows Israeli media,especially the chareidi sites and papers, personal villification of enemies and almost deification of heros is the norm. Even in the fights between the two factions of Yahadut Hatorah, the Agudah for the Gerrer Chassisim and the Degel Hatorah for the Litvaks, the insults and condemnations make ones ear's burn. Thus, it makes sense that an apologist for these people would use their hyperbole. This apology is an attempt to take the issue away from Dov Lipman and shift it to Yesh Atid. But, Jonathan Rosenblum wrote it originally as a personal attack on Dov Lipman asking that he not be allowed to explain his party's ideas to the RCA. Why, are their ears too tender to hear anything that contradicts the views of those who spit on the Religious Zionists?They have zero respect for Hesder Yeshivot. I read in their media that no one can learn a line in the Hesder Yeshivot. They say their rabbis are ignorant. People who show no respect for others cry unfair when the chickens come home to roost. One more thing, stop hiding behind the worn out phrase that it is a few crazies who do all the evil. So stop them, the Olom Hatorah is so strong and numerous, why can't a few extremists be put out of business. How can you allow a Kollel in Bnai Brak to be closed because they object to anyone learning Torah who also takes courses in college. No one helped Dov Lipman in Beit Shemesh. The root of his career is the callous attitude of the non religious zionist religious community which didn't give a hoot and wouldn't even help protect the little girls. That is the real sin.
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#2 - I believe the phenomenon is occuring because he is unjustly villified...That's the connontation of a thread of apologies
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Great article! Wonder I rabbi lip an will have responses to this article?
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Interestingly, this is the second public apology that has been directed at Dov Lipman. At first I wondered what is it about this guy that he is attacked and then apologized to repeatedly. But, it then occurred to me that it is the very ambiguity of his thinking that creates this seeming ambivalence. One the one hand, he claims to belong to the Charedi world. (He started out there, perhaps.) But his views and opinions, to which the Charedi public does not espouse, and which he is trying to force on the Charedi public, bring him under attack.
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As an emergency manager, this is the totally wrong response to a tornado. This is the correct response to an earthquake.
The correct procedure for a tornado is to move to an interior room of a building, away from windows and doors, as low as possible, and away from exterior walls. If you are unable to get into an interior room, find a bathtub or other recessed area, lie down inside and cover yourself with towels or other items to block any debris which may fall on top of you.
This demonstration sadly proves that our schools are not adequately prepared for myriad of emergencies and disasters which could face our schools at any time. It is strongly suggested that all of the school administrators be in contact with local emergency management officials over the summer to ensure that, come next year, teachers are properly prepared to deal with ALL HAZARDS!
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Great job rabbi rosenblum,your first effort was a game ending triple play,now you've hit a game ending grand slam.
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Eli Greengart is the man!
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Thanks for keeping us updated
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All facets of this story are super impressive! From the Hanhala and Roshei Chabura to the Mesaymim themselves (as well as the photography, kudos to Eli Greengart). It is so refreshing to read a positive story like this, given the many recent news stories that are so deeply troubling. Kein Yirbu!
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TO #1:
I'll remind you, The Associated is a JEWISH charity. Not an Orthodox one.
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Beth El is a conservative synnagogue
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after reading the letter twice 1 fact seems to be omitted he never once said that kolko is guilty
just that hes apologizing for publicly taking a vocal stand against the victims family for going to the authorities after the family was in fact following the directives of a psak from a world renown posek
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I am glad this Rav apologized and made teshuva,however, what I am having a very difficult time understadning is that he needed to hear that a "posek had given permission to go to the authorities." Since when did we throw common sense out the window. There should not be any question that in a situation such as this you go to the police. You should not have to check your brain at the door to be a frum yid.
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An excellent idea! Why should our tax dollars go to subsidize junk food? I agree with these mayors; WIC is product-specific already.
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gimme a break. this is not worthy of a police investigation. A cartoon in bad taste.
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#7 says: \"Daas Torah is stronger than truth\" That\'s a money quote...This man doesn\'t let facts get in the way of his agenda...
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Orthodox is a Greek word.A Yid is a Torah Jew.
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10. Comment from 9bAv
Time June 18, 2013 at 5:10 PM
Please don't even think of posting Lipman's response. It might be true, but Daas Torah is against Lipman and Daas Torah is stronger than truth. And to those who think its assur to speak loson hora about Lipman they're also wrong since we see the Gedolim speaking loson hora and rechilus about him, and if Gedolim can do it it becomes a mitzvah to do it.
I had to share this comment on another site. It says it all. They publish the attack but refuse to publish the refutation. Then they say that even if it is all true what Lipman says, he should be condemed but it is OK, sinch the Gedolim also support loshon horah and rechilus. Is that really the Jewish religion?
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hey Mr. President, maybe when visiting G-D a suit would have been nice. You think?
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I can't overstate how correct # 2 is
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Jonathan Rosenblum has done a great disservice to the Torah world by writing his article which now has been credibly refuted by Lipman. Of course, anyone can see that many of Lipman's responses are weak. Nevertheless he is absolutely right about one thing. According to the Chafetz Chaim in his laws of Loshon Horah, before one takes upon himself to publicly defame another Jew, he must approach that individual, find out the facts and attempt Tochacha. According to Lipman, Rosenblum never approached him. If this is true, then Rosenblum's article is pure Loshon Hora, even if it contains some truths. I strongly believe that Lipman is foolish for his involvment with Yesh Atid, and in the end will be burned. Indeed, he is also doing a great disservice to Klal Yisroel. But Rosenblum, by messing up in his criticism of a subject than needs to be criticized, has produced the opposite affect from his intentions.
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#10 - First, There's no hashchasas zera on female eggs...learn the sugya of hashcashas zera, you won't find such a din. Second, you can debate the merits of this case being shalom bayis or not, but I believe poskim also allow unmarried girls to get cosmetic surgery if they feel it is necessary for shidduchim. The threshold the poskim view as a need for allowing surgery is surprisingly low when considering the potential mazik issues at hand. If I recall correctly, R' Moshe and the Minchas Yitzcahak speak about the mazik issue. As for the sakana issue, again the risk is miniscule and below a level of risk that would be problematic due to safek sakanah. As an aside, The talmidei chachomim involved in the halachcic fertility institutions are second to none in staying at the cutting edge of a quickly evolving medical field and you should be aware of that before deciding on whim the Torah says this is lunacy.
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I applaud #11 and #12. I wish #1/#6 the best of luck asking for mechilah from the incredible population who are unfortunately not yet married whom, I can imagine, you have hurt terribly with your arrogant words.
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Two points: 1. If the problem with basic secular studies in the frum schools is that it gives control of the curriculum to the secular, that is a real problem. However, in all these years why have these schools not implemented any English, Math,social studies on their own? Why do they oppose the actual learning of anything that will help their students earn a living. I am amazed at how many young men are now collecting in shul,more and more. It costs 8-10 dollars to daven shacharis at my shul. Isn't something wrong with this picture?
2. Yes, the army is a melting pot and yes there are problems of soldiers going off the derech ,being exposed to pritzus, having to defend human lives on Shabbos and missing Mincha. The army is developing additional frum units to deal with this problem. It is only a gzeiras shmad if they would force the naive Meah Shearim boys into the paratroopers for 3 years and force them to talk to females face to face. The army isn't even trying to do that. I think that the Gedolim legitimately fear that their talmidim are so weak that they will crumble if given exposure to the outside world. If that is true, the problem is in their chinuch and what ,if anything, are they doing about that? In both cases, the chareidi world is blaming the secular world for faults in their own internal systems. Everyone reading this knows that this is true and slogans don't save lives.
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Lipman labels all of the disputed false claims. However, in many of his points, he simply disagrees with Rosenblum, and does not prove them 'False'.
So who's lying here?
Prime example: Rosenblum states that Yesh ATid- Lipman's party is pushing homosexual 'marriage'. This is true, not false, and Lipman is a part of that party. His response: he's working for a compromise on the issue! That makes Rosenblum's claim false?
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RESPONSE TO #10 about # 9
I have a very hard time believing that a RAV and/or a person who calls himself a TALMUD CHOCHOM would purposefully and blatantly make such terrible comments about an entire population of K'lal Yisroel. The Rabbonim in this town care--they really care about the singles. They talk to them, counsel them , spend time with them and they hear more than anyone else in this town the cries of their mothers. So, I cannot and will not believe that you are a Rav in this town. If you were really a RAV that we should take seriously and learn from then please publically identify yourself. Very easy to make hurtful remarks anonymously. The introduction of the article was for all older singles and yes mainly the 30-40 population and the other articles were simply to impart information to those young women in pain and in need a place to turn and place that many have already turned as their last hope of "hishtadlus." And again, this population is the 30-40 age range--even freezing eggs has its time limitations. So where do you feel that this article was addressing the 40's and 50's ?
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My comments are directed to comment maker # 1. Perhaps in 120 years when you meet your maker, HE will be kinder and less judgmental of you than you have been towards an entire population of frum older singles. Perhaps HE will judge you as an individual and not paint your actions with such a broad, hard, uncaring brush as you have used. This situation affects thousands of frum singles from the ages of 30-50, the majority being 30-40. Do you dare say that 99% of this population needs therapy to get married. Perhaps all they need is a date! Perhaps all they need is a chance. Perhaps they have not had the opportunities. Perhaps they would love to get married. Perhaps they want to get married so badly that they would put themselves through the \"lunacy\" of freezing their eggs because their \"betchon\" in the Rebono Shel Olom is so great that they want to be prepared and ready when their \"bashert\" does knock on their door. And perhaps, unless your last name is Heinemann, Hopfer or Kaminetsky you haven\'t a clue about what the actual halacha is for young women who find themselves in this predicament. You made yourself judge and jury against whom? Why are you so angry and ready to cast stones? Why would you tell good people who want to help not to waste their time? Many, many people would benefit from therapy and have \"issues\", married and single alike. Talk to mothers in this town who cannot get a date for their 23 year old daughter. These singles did not start out 30 years old. Do not judge unless you walked in their shoes. Do not add to the pain with ignorance and blanket statements. It is one thing to choose not to help, but it is entirely something else when you add to the pain.
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Okay. Let the comments begin: I will start with this. It us unfortunate that Lipman fails to recognize that he is in way over his head. That is all I am saying.
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This is a very interesting article. I do not agree with all of Dov Lipman's policies and plans, yet I still was able to see a lot of the mistakes and falsehoods written in Rosenblum's original article when I read it last week, and I was very disappointed with it. I am happy to see Lipman getting a chance to refute those falsehoods. Let us always remember, all Jews are our brothers. In the comments on this article, I truly hope that we will all be writing fewer of the unpleasant comments that other articles about Lipman have received.
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There u go again with the local versus national Give me a break!!!!
Makes no difference.. U don't like it, just gloss over it..
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To #2 and 7 and 8: Whether this was ever discussed on this site before is directly relevant. If this was a story that was being reported since the story broke, this segment would then be an obvious update. Although it would belong in, say, perhaps, National news rather than Local news. If, however, the intention of this publisher is to sensationalize a story by giving it maximum coverage in the Local news category, perhaps, this is a not so subtle effort to portray an unfortunate situation as news that WE MUST KNOW. That, however, I am being asked to believe, is not the motivation of the publisher. No one is denying that -yes this is a serious issue. And -yes these things ought to be discussed. And -yes these issues ought not be swept under the rug. However, when I want to read about local news, about our local community, I dont want to be smacked with this sort of tantalizing news story, that, quite frankly, there are many other sites that one can go to, if one is so inclined.
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to #9: before you express opinions that are hurtful to a rav and a talmid chochom, you should consult a posek. better yet, you should also read the article and comment posts more carefully. The article is not talking about the normative marriageable age crisis for girls. I agree wholeheartedly that is a societal problem that has resulted from our contemporary educational system. But as inferred in #6, my advice is more useful than the vast majority of those trying to make shidduchim for older unmarried men and women for whom they have no clue as to their underlying problems, which i stick to my opinion, such issues and problems can be found in the cast majority of cases.
to #8: it seems you do not understand how halacha works. For shalom bayis there may be a heter for surgery despite the dangers. but in the case of saving eggs, the woman has no obligation, it is doubtful that it will have any purpose, since she is not presently married and trying to have children with her husband, and it may (although probably not) even present a problem of what to do with the frozen eggs when realization comes they will never be implanted (hashchosas zera).
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Yasher koach to the publisher of this site. These things need to be brought to attention- on this site and "quote unquote" sites.
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every person has different medical needs. Dr. Katz is wonderful but may not be the right doctor for every person out there. please consult with the ATIME staff to nfind the best doctor for your situation
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Let the comments begin!!!!!!remember this is a news item and the fact that this is on the BJL website doesn't make Jeff Cohen a rasha or a Torah hater!!!!!!!!!!
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#6 you stated: \"Chazal (chagiga) describe a person who unnecessarily endangers himself or throws away money as a lunatic. a woman is not obligated in pirya v\'rivya, therefore going to such an extreme which involves danger and tremendous expense, would be rightfully characterized as lunacy\" First, I believe you are not applying the gemara the way the poskim understand it...Poskim allow surgery for even for mucb less of a need than having children for example a woman who feels she needs cosmetic surgery where no one would know about the issue except for the husband. All the more so in this case where everyone understands this need of a woman to help her get married and have children. Second, I am not a doctor and B\"H haven\'t had to deal with this procedure but I suspect the procedure of extracting eggs is painless, requires little to no anasthsia, and has a risk next to zero and Rabbonim allow the procedure to be done for fertility treatments. Who should bear the expense of this is a whole seperate discussion?...I think it should be of the single woman and not a burden of the community tzedakah.
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to Bryon Szojchet: where did you get the idea that i have no sympathy for people with problems and you characterize daas torah as, midas sdom? I said, people with problems should get help for their problems and if they get resolved then seek a shidduch. All i was trying to emphasize is many do-gooders miss the boat when trying to make shidduchim for older unmarried individuals because they are NOT HELPING those those people to resolve their underlying problems, and instead lead them on to think that they really don't have any problems, and the reason they are still unmarried is because of society or the so-called "shidduch crisis."
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to #6
whether this was ever discussed on this site before is IRRELEVANT! this article speaks to a broader problem of issues geeting swept under the rug and legitimate victims intimidated to keep quiet. Puhlease! let us have adult conversations about the abuse issue and iy'h we will start to put these creeps in jail/out of business. Ignoring the issue might make yu feel good in the short run, but long term the cancer continues to fester under the surface. Let us all rise up in unison and say "NOT IN OUR CITY!!!!"
signed by #2
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to #4: when i mentioned the 99% figure, i am not talking about individuals of 36, i am referring to those in their 40s and 50s. For those over 30, it may be only 50% that have concealed problems!
to #3: extracting eggs involves surgery. surgery is always a danger. Chazal (chagiga) describe a person who unnecessarily endangers himself or throws away money as a lunatic. a woman is not obligated in pirya v'rivya, therefore going to such an extreme which involves danger and tremendous expense, would be rightfully characterized as lunacy.
to #2: i see all kinds of boys and girls getting married, many of them could not be described as "a good catch". if you are a maamin, a shidduch is "bashert". some people, due to their problems, either pass up their bashert, or never are given the opportunity because the Abishter knows they won't take the opportunity when presented.
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To comments 2, 3 and 5. This is called dredging up dirt because, if my memory serves correct, and as quick subject search of this site will confirm, this is not a story that BJL has been following since it began some five years ago. It is likely that many of BJLs readership are not even familiar with the particular details of this case. Is it important to be aware of predators and prosecute them? Sure. But lets face, it every community has its issues. Just to report sensational stories that dont have relevance to our community, is simply becoming like all those other quote unquote sites.
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6-17-2013 The Torah teaches us to have compassion for all people and to work to help them. If we take the attitude that people with problems deserve no sympathy or help because their problems are self inflicted then we would have no kindness for the poor, the sick or the oppressed. We would just say that if had been as smart as we are they would have avoided their problems like we did. This cold lack of sympathy and denial of compassion is Midas S'dom. One of the major grievances with the contemporary observant community is the lack of compassion and assistance to those in suffering. Yes, of course there are numerous Chesed organizations. But one cannot fail to notice the cries of pain from so many who have been victims of either our communal system or victims of individuals within that system. People who have been marginalized under the ruse that they have caused their own problems. May Hashem send us leaders and teachers who will show us the true way of Hashem and how to have compassion for all and to work assiduously to relieve their pain and suffering. Bryon Szojchet
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Trust me, if it's one site that is NOT a smut site it's this one. I know the publisher and I know the hashkafa by which the site is run. This article was published l'toeles. That's how I read it and I'm confident other readers would feel the same way. This is a serious issue that must be eradicated and only when there is the possibility of good to come of it would something like this be posted. I, for one, am very happy it was put out here. I don't go to the other sites anymore. At least here know I can trust that nothing untoward will be posted and I will continue to support them. You can look through this entire site, which i have read since day one, and see only proper things being posted. I applaud them for their zehirus in what they post in terms of content and comments. Tavo alehem bracha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1 -- can you back up your 99% statistic? Or is your rant about older single people having physical and mental problems made-up drivel? (Signed: Married at 36, 5 beautiful children, no apparent mental or physical problems. Hmmmmm... can't just be the 1%)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yea, this site is becoming like all these other Jewish smut sites
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well done.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
lets see how many idiotic comments we can dredge up criticizing this article? This isn't dredging up dirt!!!!! This is a clear and everpresent danger/problem and has to be talked about until it is full eradicated.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why are you dredging up this dirt and spreading it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1 - Please explain where the Torah describes the practice of unmarried women freezing eggs as lunacy
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it's lunacy- until it happens to you or your own daughter. and then you understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please note that the Haredi community turning against soldiers from its own community has drawn a lot of momentum from the policies of Yesh Atid. It was not like this just a few months ago. Unfortunately, by forcing the issue, the government is setting Haredi society back, not helping it forward.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is lunacy. There is no shidduch crisis. However, there may be a crisis of both men and women who have problems, some real, some perceived, that prevent them from getting married. those problems can't be solved or resolved by singles get togethers and dating websites. the individuals must go for treatment, be it physical or mental. We see older unmarried people, both men and women, seemingly normal and productive citizens. But we really don't know the concealed problems they bear. 99% of those who are unmarried have these problems. So before you start working your guts out to be Mshadeich a friend, either find out what is really going on, or don't waste your efforts! As for young unmarried women freezing eggs, that is also pure lunacy from a Torah perspective.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's time we did this in Baltimore. It's time to stop judging others and accept all of Klal Yisrael as Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a CHILUL HASHEM, than any Jew would even threaten to raise their hand to another Jew, let alone actually following through!! This is why Moshiach is not here yet! You may disapprove of what the government is doing, but that is no reason to get violent, especially with someone who has no power to change it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh are in our thoughts and prayers here in yerushalayim too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Dolphin Club is a brainstorm. This program should be presented at the next Torah Umesorah Convention to be implemented in Jewish Day Schools and Bais Yaakov's .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to Rosenblum for calling a spade a spade. Lipman is part of the hate-fueled Yesh Atid party. One need not be charedi to understand that he is, at best, a most divisive figure.
What is the RCA thinking??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everything he writes indicates that he agrees that change must come, that the status quo is untenable. The only argument here is that by its proposed cuts in financial aid and requirements for participating in the army, the government has turned back the clock. Maybe, the clock was indeed moving, but much too slow. Maybe ,just maybe, cooler heads on both sides will compromise once the maximalist positions have been stated and a middle of the road course can be mutually agreed to. That is how normal people would handle it. The tragedy is that the leaders fear the extremists and cannot openly say what changes must come. The extremists need to be put in their place and it won't happen by the government apologizing and asking forgiveness. Be realistic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't wait for my daughter to join The Dolphin Club.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Dolphin Club is a brainstorm. What a wonderful program that should be added to every Jewish curriculum in the country. This idea should be presented at the next Torah Umesorah convention.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why does he have to be so personal? Isn't it sufficient to criticize his stands on issues? Jonathan Roenblum and all the other writers know that what Dov Lipman said about the street cleaner was that it would be a chesed for a yeshiva bochur to volunteer during his vacation time to help an old man for a little while. He did not suggest that yeshiva students should become street cleaners. Writing that he did is a sign of the ugliness of those who can only use ugliness when they run out of arguments.24i
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is an example of ahavat chinum, loving all your fellow Jews. Posters #3 and #5 display sinat chinum, hatred of your fellow Jew for no reason. I agree with #7 100%.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing. Mom Katz. Wasn't sure I could get it on here at the Jewish Home, but I did.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
JEWELS is a great school that is worthy of your support!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#3 and #5: How dare you bring your divisive and hateful rhetoric to this or any website. You do not speak for the "g'dolim"and obviously do not know what a true gadol is. #3: Clearly the author of the article is superior to you in intellect and all other ways. Notice she does not call anyone foolish and writes with love about Torah and Judaism!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful! Dos Heist A Kiddush Hashem. Ashreichem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with #1. That is NOT the correct response to a potential tornado. The correct response is to go to the lowest floor of a building away from glass windows or doors. BY administrators need to have a safety visit by the State emergency management team to identify which part of their campus has the safest section for the children to wait out the storm. I do not know if BY uses trailers as temporary classroom or not, but if they do there is an extra need for timed evacuation drills from the trailers to the main buildings. Trailers are very dangerous in storms. Nice that they have drills, but let's do the drills better and safer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow that's my brother's baseball coach!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is a breath of fresh air. To the commenter who says 1800 learning deferments are not enough: you think there are more than 1800 iluyim who are giong to be gedei hador? How many rabbonim over the years have been referred to as a gadol hador? Certainly not 1800. And since gadol hador is a relative term, if every Bochur or avreich becomes a gadol hador then there won't be any gedolim as they will all be on the same madreiga. To think that everyone will be a gadol hador simply by sitting in beis medrash for years is foolish. You sir are the foolish one, not the author.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the idea is that the desk will help shield them from falling debris, in the event that they are not blown away (being completely blown away doesn\'t always happen). Any protection is better than nothing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow that was such a vital piece of information I will even recommend that idea to a few of my colleagues that live in the dangourous areas where it is more common for it to occur people say that chinch is just in terms of the ruchnis but lihavdil in gashmius as well we do not know how different storms will be as the posuk in tehillim says ruach Siora OSA Divoro thank you
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the editor of this website, how can you allow such an article to be published? Her ideas mock those of the gedolei hador.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm not sure hiding under a desk will protect you from a tornado. If tornadoes rip apart buildings, I think they would destroy a desk too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I feel your pain
How indeed did it come to this mess?
I hope the chareidim can see the fallacy of their ways but I am not holding my breath
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This author is a foolish person. So called "Charedim" opine that everyone who learns Torah full time should be exempt, regardless of party affiliation! As for her misguided analogy of the Israeli army to Joshua and David's army: When all of Klal Yisroel observe and learn Torah as in the days of Joshua and David, then, if needed, Bene Torah ill join the army. But now, when half the population of Israel is Mechalel Shabbos, eating Tarfus, and atheist in belief, we need all the Torah Zechus available. The 1% of the population who are not going to the army because of their occupation with full time learning only get all the smears because the secular zionists still have the goal of destryiong Torah altogether!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are many good arguments against the israeli charedi position,this article isn't one of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It\\\\\\\'s time to define the various classifications of chareidi.
1800 military deferments in not nearly indicative of the true number of
avreichim who are serious Bnai Torah and deserve not to be interrupted in their
Torah V\\\\\\\'ahvoidah. These Bnai Torah are our future Torah Gedolim. It\\\\\\\'s
unfortunate that only 1800 deferments are available from the government.
This arbitrary number should have been merit based on the true need of deferments . But, making deferments merit based would have exposed the whole underbelly of a deceitful community .
Does any clear thinking individual truly believe that these protests are
leshaim shamayim, or are they an extension of \\\\\\\'I\\\\\\\'m not a part of you, your rules don\\\\\\\'t apply to me?
Does leshaim shamayim mean that it\\\\\\\'s acceptable to forge a letter with Hagoan Harav Chaim Kanievsky\\\\\\\'s signature urging all Bnai Yeshiva to protest
against the government when two days earlier Harav Chaim and Hagoan Harav Leib Shteinman told the yeshivas not to join in any protest.
Does leshaim shamayim mean padding yeshiva rosters for additional and illegal remuneration from the government.
will a yeshiva report a bachur who doesn\\\\\\\'t show up to yeshiva or is that moser?
Leshaim Shamayim, that\\\\\\\'s all you need to preface all kinds of unsavory
undertakings for dispensation
How ironic , those masses that want to preserve Klal Yisroel with their
learning find it necessary to protest ,for the world to see , rather than
rely on their tefillos .If they have time to interrupt their learning to
protest to a secular government of \\\\\\\'bussar v\\\\\\\'dom\\\\\\\' and not have ehmunah in the Rebono Shel Ohlam they should all be in the army
The Israeli Chareidi community is saturated with \\\\\\\'laidig gaiers\\\\\\\' and this part of the community should be drafted.
My hope, also, is that the IDF be as strict with the children of the elitist left ,who do not serve in the army as they are with the chareidi
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Az der rebbe tantz, Tantzn ale chasidim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The pshat: BE A MENTSCH. No need for stickers, no need for tow trucks if you don't park illegally in the first place. If you are a considerate person who thinks about what impact your actions might have on others this entire discussion becomes moot. Why is that so hard?
G. Berry
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What can WE do to help??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing. The Arabs' hatred of us has kept Israelis from intermarrying them en masse, and now they're keeping the Kosel kosher. Shluchei Hashem come in many disguises...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yeah, dont sticker the car, it is really annoying to get it off. If it is a rainy day, maybe write a note on cardboard with a black sharpee and then stick that baby in a ziplock bag and put underneath the windshield wipers telling him that if he does this again, we will call the tow truck!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chaverim 4104869000
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shomrim 410 358 9999
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
looking forward full recovery.
Jackie Spivack
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please include a time stamp as well as date for weather-related news.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
please do not send this weather to new york i thought derecho comes every 7 years
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this tittle how to make a kosher soft pretzels? just say how to make soft pretzels.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To me, this makes no sense. Waiting between meals is gzeira by rabban, this just adding another gzeira on top of this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Israel shall dwell alone! Get used to it! Keep building!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what nonsense. The world will really love us if we destroy ourselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am invited to a meeting in a reform institution ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
More like purple. go ravens
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has been the policy of the Badatz forever!!! I obviously wouldn\'t know about Rabbanut.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you love me, support me, if you don\'t, this is a great way to get me back. Support a sick child and make me have to skate 175 miles with 300 smelly cyclist pointing at me and laughing.
Shlomo Caplan
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are there more people in Baltimore with stories & interactions with the Rebbe?
It will be nice to collect them - Can they email them to BJL?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Avi Fogel's donation page is:
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pretty sad when we get t schooled about freedom from Mr Putin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A great cause and wishing all the riders the best of luck and a safe ride to Camp Simcha.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Such a beautiful story - how great is the torah insight of the Rebbe.
Very interesting - BTW this is a weekly story - can you publish it each week??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is the deal with pink table clothes?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So did the fine publisher of this website eat his hat? :-)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Do people realize that Sara Schenirer was considered a "radical" when she proposed establishing schools for girls. It was not a halachik issue that had denied young women access to formal Torah studies but tradition. Where would we be if she had been silenced and outcast? There is richness in a vibrant Jewish tomorrow if we can continue to recast traditional activity within the confines of Halacha in the face of an ever changing world. it just takes the ability to see the future instead of living in the past.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's never any thing anti , it sounds like they are realy shivering
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
cholov Israel??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
is this an advertisement??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the updates i started lighting an xtra candle for a refuah for mel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dark days
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Your updates are priceless and very reassuring. Your continued support of Mel as he recuperates is #2 reason he is doing so well. #1, of course, is the guiding hand of HaShem as He sees to every little detail along this long road. Keep up your strength and continue updating all of us who treasure Mel. Give him my best regards.
Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So so sad, whether you agree with those who feel that all citizens of Israel should serve in the armed forces including charedim, or you disagree...assaulting a fellow Jew who is a member of TZAHAL and who ultimately is willing to sacrifice his life to protect you (even so that you can sit and Torah) is unacceptable.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am so happy Bais Yaakov has kept this program. The first year they did it was when my daughter was in third grade as a response to the 9-11 attacks. It was a beautiful presentation then and knowing Bais Yaakov, it just got better with age. Kudos to the hard working teachers!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Boruch Hashem and yes, we will continue to daven for a full and speedy healing. Thank you for posting these regular updates. King family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this on Baltimore Jewish Life?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#6 They didn't serve treif. O'Fishel did a great job with the food and the Associated is making their events open to the whole jewish community. Mordichai Ben David would not have drawn the crowd, nor would seperate seating.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great video!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, when Gedolei HaDor say don't demonstrate, you post that, but when Gedolei HaDor denounce Lapid and Lipman, you still post articles which support them. Hmmm. Obvious pattern.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was it really necessary to publish this right before shabbat?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the chareidim must be very proud - even the goyim are emulating them - they terrorize others therefore they are terrorists - it doesnt matter if you are jewish, \\\"frum\\\", goyim or chareidim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Mel,
you have touched the lives of so many in our community in such a positive way. We are so happy to hear the good news about the progress you continue to make. Hope you have a great shabbos. Let us know when you are ready visitors
Devorah Vidal and family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's not put paid ads in the "local news" section. It may be local, but it's certainly not "news".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The path out of poverty is thru education. In spite of huge government social programs the extreme poverty in the NY area Charedei community is a self inflicted wound. Could it happen here? Sure could. The formula of very large families, no real secular education or job skills, and no family support will result in local poverty. The antidote to poverty? EDUCATION!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kind of an alarm call from Hashem reminding us that nothing is hidden from Him! If flesh & blood can do this, then kal v'chomer the Abishter!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope these guys sit in jail for a while
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for keeping us updated
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mel & Judy, you are mechazek us all every day. may you continue to bring us these great reports
Miriam Robbins
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When you dehumanize those you disagree with , you are on the road to genocide. it is wrong to demonize other people just because they do not agree with you on religion or politics. This boy might think it is funny but there are crazy people out there who do crazy things, like shooting Yitzchak rabin and think that is what a good Jew should do. We have to be menchen first and then holy, anshei kodesh. E.Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a camp or yeshiva should definitely buy. it would be a welcome addition to the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For those that love Lakewood so much - if it's that cheap and marvelous to live there, why don't you move there already!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#2: how sad that you can\'t be open minded that there are all different kinds of Jews and hashkafos. Everyone has to be like you or they\'re all bad and wrong? Research the reasons behind some of these things before being so judgemental.
Facts are that Lakewood is doing something right. There\'s a reason the majority of young couples are opting to live there. More than half of every graduating Bais Yaakov Baltimore class is moving there after they get married. Let\'s face it, tuition is half the price of what it is here as well as almost every expense. When I tell my Lakewood friends how much I pay for certain food items here they are shocked that a frum family can afford to live here. I\'m lucky that I have simchos about once a month in lakewood and can stock up on food but for those who aren\'t there often, you would never believe the price differences on all the heimeshe food (not to mention the much larger selection). And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is that Lakewood is an affordable place to raise a large frum family and has been built to accomodate this. Life there is convenient. The word \"carpool\" is almost non-existent. The only drawback is the level of gashmius that seems to permeate most sections of Lakewood. A typical Baltimore house would seem like a garage to most Lakewooders and is perhaps the one reason why anyone is still living out of town. Its definitely gotten out of hand there and there is tremendous pressure to conform (i.e. children always in matching clothes, top of the line strollers) But besides that, now that Lakewood has become much more open minded in terms of working and fitting into the American mainstream it is the perfect place to raise a frum family which is proven in its continued explosive growth.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if this doesn't wake people up to the evil that is Barack Obama, nothing will
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And perhaps the biggest draw of Lakewood- affordable tuition. If only we could duplicate that here!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For low-income seniors needing legal assistance, contact Senior Legal Services (part of the Balto Bar) at 410-396-1322.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a wonderful example of how much children can accomplish when a teacher truly believes in the capabilities of her students and provides opportunities for them to shine! Kol Hakavod to the OCA students and their star teacher, Becca Friedman! - Chavi Abramson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And had they served treif would you have said the same thing ? Thats what they did in essence.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
6-6-2013 Some people perceive learning Torah as an act of devotion in the same way that Davening or doing various Mitzvos such as Tefilin are acts of religious devotion. And learning Torah can be that. But the arena of learning Torah is much much more than that. Learning Torah is the frontier of discovery and adventure. Only someone who is completely immersed in a learning environment such as the Bais Medrash in Lakewood (and others such a Telshe in Cleveland or Torah Vadaas and Mirrer in Brooklyn) truly experiences the uniquely compelling and epiphany type feeling that true learning provides. And it is addictive in the sense that once you feel it you do not wish to stop - ever. This is a rarefied atmosphere that most will never experience fist hand. But these small enclaves have been at the center of Jewish communities since the beginning. And those who have been a part of it understand and know how vital these small communities within communities are to us as a people. May Hashem send us leaders and teachers who understand all this and can convey these truths to our people. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi O,
This is a direct result of the Yesh Atid campaign which has galvanized even the most moderate Chareidim into a harder line position.
The poverty that will result is on Yair Lapid's head. Foolish, left to themselves the Chareidim would have kelp on moving in the direction Lakewood has gone-MORE FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL THAT ITS COLLEGE EDUCATED SOUTHRN NEIGHBOR -- BALTIMORE!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I disagree. Lakewood has more financial and institutional success that our hometown, Baltimore despite the fact that Balitmore\'s NIRC is way more open to college education. The reason lies in the core of this article\'s point-Lakewood has embraced the capitalist concept of MAKING MONEY-LOTS OF IT, while Baltimore talmidim and residents are still ambivalent about material success. This i the crux of our local challenge to support, grow and start new community mosdos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mel: A speedy recovery! The road may be long but you are clearly up for the ride. David Shapiro
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To above! I agree totally you said it fabously . There are good and bad in every religion. Just because you ate a religious Jew doesn't make u a great person!!! There vials much more to a person than their dress.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, that is really an amazing vort! I always wondered why Shabbos Rosh Chodesh was yom-tov-dik in it\'s Mussaf prayer. Thank you R. Kaganoff!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
# 2
Fellow Baltimoron.... Why the hate? Why the inability to understand that some people have different beliefs than you do? I think that is sad!! When was the last time you were in Lakewood? Did you not read the article that talks about how many men do go to college, that many open businesses? No you chose to ignore the main thrust of the article just to spew your hate and venom. Time for an an attitude adjustment!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: Once again, that's a silly comment. This was not an Orthodox-only function. This was an event for ALL of Jewish Baltimore. Because someone is not frum doesn't make them a poor role model. We all know there are plenty of frum people who would be poor role models for our children as well. There are good and bad people everywhere. If you do the right job, YOU are your children's role models.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hi Mel, I davened for you at the Kotel and will continue to do so now that I am back home in Baltimore. May Hashem hear all our Tefillot for a Refuah Shlaimah for Moshe Ben Tzion Ben Leah Rachel. Sincerely, Rachel Eilberg
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Logic dictates that patents would drool over boys who actually get an education that's applicable regarding making a living and feeding a family rather than boys who's perpetual learning sentences their daughter and umpteen children to perpetual poverty. In guess logic doesn't apply in this case. Forget college, how about a trade school at least. A man is obligated to work to support the family - it says so right in bereishis. "By the sweat of your brow..." This stuff they learn in FIRST GRADE! I guess they forgot it during all the Gemara learning. Perpetual learning night and day for years is not mentioned in the Torah. Working for a living is. This article does describe Lakewood to a T - and it's sad.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for an excellent,and well written article. I think perhaps, there's a little more gashmius (materialism) there than your writer indicated, but overall-it described Lakewood to a T.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\'\'Mattisyahu held a meet & greet for area teens \"......hope the meeting didnt last too long, he makes a terrible impression on todays youth. He has quit on his religion , when the whole phenomenom that got him where he is today, was his religious look & garb.
He has taken off his Yarmulka, beard , and Payot in the last 12 months.
Whether u are a religious teen , or Jewish but un-affiliated teen, we only have one lesson to learn from him.....a bad one !
Don\'t quit like day religious, one day not ?
I\'d keep my kids away from him
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry #1, other Jews are allowed to celebrate the State of Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
where's the "like" button for this post?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Matisyahu doesnt wear a yarmulka ? This is a celebration ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I was in TA camp in 1988, swimming was at this club. Rabbi Yitzchok Pollock was the camp director. Rabbi Dinovitzer I think was head counselor.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1. Just because some people don't express closeness to Hashem as a reason for making Aliya, doesn't mean it's not the case. People tend to internalize those feelings, but it exists.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
With all due respect, quite the contrary. You express the idea of someone who does symbolic acts without thought. People are more concerned with the land of Israel than they are with the performance of all of the Torah and its Mitzvos. Many people i know make aliyah and there's no mention of being closer to Hashem. It's all about Judaism on a cultural level. I think aliyah is a beautiful thing, but as you express, when properly thought through for the right reasons.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Get on the case TOVS!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have have spoken to Rabbi Bleich about this and he tends to opine the birth mother is the real mother in Halacha. As for Michael Broyde, the writer is not up to date. He has been let go by the RCA and the Beis Din of America.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful event! Already looking forward to next year's!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Terrible Chilul Hashem. In this day and age we are expected to be at out best. The world is judging us and these stories don't help our public image. If I were a passenger on that flight, I would have been so embarrased. I hope the Yeshiva of Flatbush has the common sense to write a sincere apology letter.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As the esteemed Rabbi points out, the drawing is not to scale and all of the relevant bits are labelled. As a schematic describing Rambam's interpretation of the exceedingly difficult section in Parshas Terumah, describing the number, configuration, and direction of the cups, balls, flowers, etc. on the _ends_ of the branches, it is excellent (though far from uncontested, as I have yet to see any commentators agree unequivocably on any aspect of the Menorah - even Moshe, who was shown an image of it by Hashem Yisborach directly, couldn't get his head around it (Rashi)). The point of making a detail study or schematic is to show just that, the detail you want to focus on. In the case of this drawing, the point is clearly to show the orientation, number, and order of the features described at the end of the branches. It does so exceedingly well. It does not show the branches themselves, nor does the "3D image" accurately depict the drawing - otherwise the branch would consist entirely of cups! (Or, if you were to argue that the branches are not shown to scale, on what basis do you extrapolate them as straight, as they are not shown at all?) Furthermore, speaking from experience, it is almost impossible to accurately and reasonably draw a piecewise structure with curvature - much less to repeat it six times! As an experiment, with modern paper and pencil - and eraser - try to draw 6 triangles, one vertex of each touching the base opposite the previous, aligned such that the chain of traingles forms an even curve. Then draw five more next to it, keeping it aligned. THEN talk about how it would be just as easy for the artist to do it curved. Doing so would not merely be (almost) impossible, it would be complately unnecessary as well. The point is to show the configuration, not the complete structure. If I recall correctly, the curve on the bottom is not even labelled explicitly as the base - the only labelled bits are pertaining to the details from Terumah. The curved base could just as easily been to show that the branches are MEANT to be curved (as the base itself was not curved). It could also just show the orientation so you know what you're looking at. Perhaps Rambam thought that it was so obvious that the branches would be curved that he didn't want to waste time and precious writing material with something the reader already knew, preferring to focus on something that even confused Moshe.
One historical question, on what basis is any sketch created 1200 years after the last living person would have seen a given object, a sketch drawn 20 generations afterwrds, by someone who had never seen it, who was trying to make clear a series of difficult verses, on basis could such a thing ever be viewed as "evidence" or "accurate"? On what basis does such absolute faith and certainty as to the intent of a commentator's drawing for a section in Menachos, how does such a thing arise? Declaring that one's interpetation of a commentator's supplemental explanatory material is not only correct, but is also an unimpeachable historical representation - whilst declaring all contemporary evidence, as well as the traditions and depictions of every community throughout the restt of time, as worthless or highly questionable - is intellectually dishonest. Rambam wasn't there. He's not an ayd - nor was it his intent to be such. He was explaining detail. He wasn't there.
One other note - we don't even know if it is from Rambam's hand, technically. It was included in a manuscript purchased around 300 years after Rambam was niftar. I do not know if it was included in any other manuscript, nor is its lineage unimpeachable.
-Layv Avimelech
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bloomberg is a fool.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth!!! G-d has a special place for people like these.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It\'s Korach all over again and this is happening during parshas Korach! Rav Lchem my dear ladies!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Were the shooters drinking large bottles of soda?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow - I do hope this type of situations are part of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) planning
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good point #5. Plus, there is no other country in the "western world" that is under constant threat of annihilation. There is a great need to serve the country in some capacity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yankie Statman - can I be your friend?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My head\'s about to explode: if he\'s an atheist he believes this doesn\'t exist. If he believes it is a valuable asset, then he DOES believe it exists in which case he\'s not a true atheist...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much money did you raise?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is an eight year old doing with access to a cell phone for anything but emergencies! I say less video/computer games and more going outside to play with REAL people!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazal tov! Simply amazing how well you are representing Baltimore and your family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand what this piece is doing here. Sure it is exciting and tittilating because the shule is probably conservative or reform. The picture is obnoxious and I think the whole thing is probably loshon hora.
George Schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Mazel tov, Meirah! Very proud the SCW Valedictorian is from Baltimore!
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Yochanan Danziger is the son of Rabbi S Danziger a former Rebbe in Hirsch HS in Washington Heights.
Comment by george schwartz
They are not dressed to appear \"orthodox\". After doing a little research, they also have a belief in modesty. They are simply dressing the way they always do.
Comment by george schwartz
Note that this synagogue is in Connecticut -- do not confuse it with the Beth El Congregation in Baltimore.
Comment by george schwartz
The Ezras Torah book said it this way.
Comment by george schwartz
\"He told them that they are all to be praised because, in his mind, they are all volunteers. Even though there is universal draft, he knows that, as observant men, they could have all found a way to escape army service. Therefore they are to be praised for joining the fighting unit of Netzach Yehudah.\"
And those that decided to go to yeshiva instead of the army are even bigger heros. Yes. I believe that with all my heart. I know many bachurim that had great offers from the army and turned them doen in order to learn Torah.
Note that I have the utmost respect for all the chayalim. But I do have even more respect for those spending their time in the beis Medrash.
BTW, Rav bar Chaim is a big tzaddik. I personally have a lot of hakaras hatov to him as a mechanech of my son in a yeshiva ketana in Yerushalayim.
Comment by george schwartz
But these \"divinity exemptions\" are not for people who are entering the clergy to serve the worshipers. These are people who do nothing but sit around and study Torah. They don\'t teach it or preach it for a living, they simply learn it in lieu of having a productive job or alternative conscientious-objector service. If the \"charedim\" in other countries also work as well as learn, why not those in Israel, a country that certainly needs productive citizens.
Comment by george schwartz
(5/31/13) Mr. Szojchet, very well put - thank you - i believe that a main reason why those even from "frum" families go off the derech is that they are in fact in the category of "tinok shenishbah - a captive child" - unfortunately it seems that the tradition of ours is being passed down as a set of rules (dont do this, dont do that, you must do this etc...) instead of the beauty of yiddishkeit being given over, so the "younger" generation mainly sees the limitations of being "frum" but not the true benefit or beauty of being "frum" - therefore they are likely in the same category of one who has never been exposed to "true" yiddishkeit - i purposely put the word "frum" in quotes as it has no viable definition anymore, many who are "frum" keep shabbos and kosher yet cheat on their taxes or park illegally or use their hand held cell phones while driving - these people are obviously not "frum" - they are like those charedi terrorists who throw bottles and stones at other jews or non jews - they selectively choose what to keep and not to keep regardless of the safety of others - good shabbos - name withheld so as not to be judged
Comment by george schwartz
I'm wondering - does anybody know if this record of calls that Krauthammer has access to include incoming calls?
Comment by george schwartz
Commenter #2: It is a shame you neglect to think before posting your comments. Mr. Cohn provides you and all of us with the news tidbits that are of interest to us as Shomrei Torah uMitzvos. Unfortunately, Lapid is a force to be dealt with due to his position as Finance Minister. Lipman, as Lapid's poor excuse for "Haredi" support, also becomes a factor. Your assault on Mr. Cohn would apply to all of the other members of frum media and reporting. If you don't like the fact that Lapid and Lipman are getting attention, you can follow the Gedolim (who you allege Mr. Cohn opposes) and stay off of these websites and the internet in general.
Comment by george schwartz
Please write the yiddish text for the molad
Comment by george schwartz
Comment #1-Do you know of any Rav that supports Lipman and Lapid? Please name one from any direction of the spectrum. Their plans are to remove thousands of 21 year olds who want to learn from the BM. All western countries have divinity exemptions and not Israel? And not for Torah?
Comment by george schwartz
Jeff Cohn, you clearly have an anti-Gedolim, anti-charedi agenda, what gives? You give Lapid and Lipman all the attention you can.
Comment by george schwartz
How do you know this?
Comment by george schwartz
Why do we assume the gab aim
Comment by george schwartz
Do our legislators know about this? Are they taking steps to make this sneaky practice illegal? Thank you for the alert!
Comment by george schwartz
What exactly is there in this video that leads the chareidi askanim to compare him to Adolf Hitler? What exactly do they fear that prevents them from considering Yair Lapid a decent human being and why do they have a pathological need to turn Dov Lipman into a charicature of every stereotype that they despise? Why don't the normal frum Jews speak up?
Comment by george schwartz
The e-cigarette help me quick smoking.
Comment by george schwartz
great cash grab - typical for MD!
Comment by george schwartz
5-31-2013 There are numerous reasons why a Jew may end up embracing their religion. Many Jews have been estranged from their own people. Some due to being born to non-observant parents, some were raised by gentiles and some were either rejected or repulsed by their Jewish communities. It is hard for us as observant Jews to admit this, but the truth is that the many gentile communities will often embrace some of our own virtues and ideals better than we do. Judging people is one of the major criticism against the contemporary observant Jewish community. To turn our backs on our estranged brethren will not show them the wisdom of our ways, it will only confirm their grievances. We must be patient and understanding and wise in how we deal with all of our people, observant, at risk or non-observant to show them they have a place and we have The Way. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
My only question is how is Judaism passed from the mothers side if the first Jew was Abraham? Was it not him that God made his covenant with?
Comment by george schwartz
I used to live in Binghamton and have never heard of Truxton. Must be a really small place.
I hope for the best for all the family members and friends of these people.
Comment by george schwartz
we just renewed our health insurance (year goes from July 1 to June 30). We were told that the rates will only be in force and effect till Dec 31, 2013 because of the new laws taking effect on Jan 1, 2014. I assume that they are preparing to cancel us as of that date and that we will be looking for new insurance as of Sept 15.
Comment by george schwartz
i would like to hear others' opinion on this.someone whom I respect told me that there is no point in pointing out the faults of the fanatics to a readership such as you all because none of you belong to that group and none of you have any influence on them. Thus all I am accomplishing is sinas chinam and I should keep my pen dry andmy mouth shut.Is he right? E.Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks so Much for the updates
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Purim came a bit early this year....
Comment by george schwartz
Brilliant!! Add some Dr. Seuss-style illustrations and you have a best-seller!
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
#1 I like you don\\\'t have significant money to give to a great mood like Mir. However, I go with my head held high to listen to words of chizzuk and Torah and walk out without giving anything. I suggest you do the same.
Comment by george schwartz
Many happy and healthy returns of the day! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. The King family
Comment by george schwartz
Mazal Tov on your birthday. Ad Meah Vesrim Healthy years together with Judy, Your children & Grandchildren.
Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
To #1: No one is stopping you from going to listen. You can give what you can. Unless, of course, you choose to wallow in self-pity and feel jealous of others.
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I know what the Halacha is, and by "frummie" standards, a Christian can be Jewish; but to me, once an erstwhile Jew accepts Jesus, he/she forfeits any link to Judaism and the Jewish people.
Comment by george schwartz
Happy birthday and many more til .120
Comment by george schwartz
Dear Mel:
May you continue to have a speedy refuah shlaima. A Happy May 28th birthday to us both.
Judy, I plan to be back in Baltimore before this Shabbos. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Bernie K.
Comment by george schwartz
Love you Mel. Love to your family too. Let me know if you need any help OT wise when you get home. I am happy to help. Shoshana Shamberg
Comment by george schwartz
I believe the Halacha is that if born to a Jewish mother you are always Jewish. Maybe by today's frummie standards that's no longer the case, but that's how it used to be.
Comment by george schwartz
I don't have any money like these guys. I guess I don't qualify to hear words of Torah from these rabbonim. Oh well.
Comment by george schwartz
Some young ladies were scouring our neighborhood today and I told them they were in the wrong neighborhood. They looked disappointed.
Comment by george schwartz
Cantor is a "multimillionaire Jewish businessman"? I would correct that designation by changing "is" to "was", eliminating the word "Jewish", or changing "Jewish" to "ex-Jewish" or "formerly Jewish".
Comment by george schwartz
'My husband didn't choose to be born this way,' Ms. Bruce said.
And the employer, or government, or maybe ME are supposed to pay for that? Typical liberal/Democrat. As ridiculous as the "Independence Card" that does everything BUT make people independent. Get it straight everyone. The rest of America is not going to continue to pay your way.
Comment by george schwartz
I believe it is better not to take their material as they base their stats on how much is distributed.
Comment by george schwartz
They came to my door. I politely took the pamphlet they gave me. Then tore it up and threw it in the trash.
Comment by george schwartz
Mrs. Eagle is amazing - Thanks for your leadership !!
(and thanks to david eagle for supporting you ;)
Comment by george schwartz
I'm sure Shomrim was reviewing the tape AFTER it happened.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstein is trying (I believe) to warn us about what could happen here if we are not careful. Deracheha darchei noam- frumkeit should be "normal." R' Yochanan ben Zakkai had to sneak out of Yerushalayim because of this type of zealotry to compromise with the Romans. This is an exestential issue for our people. The worst part is it has a paradoxical effect of diminishing Torah in the long run. We absolutely need full time scholarship on as large a level as possible, but that cannot be divorced from the Jewish People in toto. Do we look at the kanoim and say "fortunate is his father who taught him Torah?"
Comment by george schwartz
Instead of filming it why didn\'t anyone try to help?
Comment by george schwartz
Some Sherer saw that there was no concept in Israel of trying to explain your position and making others understand .It was all fights and name calling,much like today.Jonathan has done a masterful job of defending what often is incomprehensible to others, as has his former partner in this ventureAvi Shafran. Unfortuantely, Rabbi Sherer is not here and tghe whole concept has declined. Right now, the chareidi world is under tremendous pressure and its way of dealing with change is counter productive. If you watch the Knesset channel you wonder how the Gedolim picked these guys to be their mouthpieces. They interupt and insult ad hominem and act in a way that makes their opponents want to stick it to them. So, I hope Jonathan succeeds in his own way in calming the waters. The article he refers to does seem to paint a negative but accurate view but is one sided and only picks the bad side He only picks the good side. I miss Rabbi Sherer. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
Muslims threatening harm to others who don\'t share their crazy beliefs is the same terror as rabbis and Chareidi blowhards who threaten physical harm or even death to those who disagree with them. Same with throwing rocks and dirty diapers at people who disagree with them. What is the literal meaning of \"Chareidi\" and \"frum\"?? Certainly not representative of the actions and attitudes of those that call themselves such. Rabbi oberstein\'s analysis is a breath of fresh air.
It\'s also ironic that some of the same American yeshivish experts who hold the Israeli Chareidi \"education\" system to be so sacred are the same ones who took their BTLs to goyishe law schools.
Comment by george schwartz
Jeff- why would you put the word "terror" in the title. An irresponsible word ot be used in this context.
Rabbi Oberstein, you are a very eloquent writer. why not put your talents to use for many other critical issues facing our community right here in Baltimore, instead of opining non-stop about one issue impacting our brothers in E'Y?
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Really!?!?!?!?!? How Is It Even Possible That The United States Ogf America Has A Fool As Vice President- Joe Biden The Fool
Comment by george schwartz
yasher koach Rabbi Oberstein for your honest views on life in eretz yisrael.
we support you.
Comment by george schwartz
DAVID BEN GURION emasculated the office of President because he wanted all the power for himself and didn't agree with Chaim Weizmann's policies. Shimon Peres is the last of the founding generation and was in politics before Yuval Steinitz was born. He is a pie in the sky optimist, who wants peace so much that he imagines that his vision is a reality instead of a mirage. I wish it were true. It would save lives and make the world a better place. But it is what it is. I think that Shimon Peres is smarter at 90 than most people at 50. Halevai we should be as healthy and smart as he is when we ,G-d willing, reach his age.Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
WOW! BARUCH HASHEM. Please keeps these posts coming, they give us great Chizuk. Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I just spent an hour and eight and half minutes watching this video and it was worth every second!
Am Yisroel Chai
Comment by george schwartz
The cult of charedim against the army have as much concern for Yidishkeit as Jews for J. The problem is the charedi press that fools naïve American Jews that this draft thing is not all about money. Trillions of dollars are given to charedim that don't wear the army uniform from people that do. Now, the majority of Jews want to stop giving the people that bite the hand that feeds them. It is that simple. That is the "gzeiras shmad" how ironic!
Comment by george schwartz
Hang in there! All the customers that Mel has so graciously helped are davening for him now. We will help in any way we can. Please keep on updating us we want to do something to help.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank G-d a mature voice over a naive one
Comment by george schwartz
Wow! yes, of course he is right. It is time parents wake up and stop this terrible trend. The underage drinking at simchas has become a disgrace.
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for updating
Comment by george schwartz
Refua shlayma Mel. I think you\'ve helped everybody in this community at one time or another. We are pulling for you now.
Comment by george schwartz
Put your money where your mouth is! Don\'t give donations to people who actively promote hatred. Blau is considered an ish chinuch. In my book he is dirt.
Recently I didn\'t give a donation to someone with a hamlatza from Rav Rosenberger of Bet Shemesh. Remember him? He thinks that Rav Shteinman is a nobody. Afra l\'pumei. Hapeles is known for writing against Rav Shteinman and the chayalim in mea shearim. The world is crazy here.
Again: Put your money where your mouth is! Don\'t give toldos aharon. They trashed the city because a woman was accused of starving her child. Don\'t give the Eida. The Gaavad believes that Elior Chen is innocent. There\'s more.
Comment by george schwartz
How do you know he is a yeshiva bachur? If he is maybe he has an off Shabbos.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstien, now you know how Yirmiyahu hanavi felt.
Comment by george schwartz
Wow The Rabbanim Are Always There
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
refuah shlaima from a customer
Comment by george schwartz
I'm not surprised to hear about his progress.
Comment by george schwartz
The link is working. Tizku LeMitzvos
Comment by george schwartz
It's not there.
Comment by george schwartz
To #1- he should be fine he is a boy and probably from a rich thornhill family.
Comment by george schwartz
Excellent! Well said!
Comment by george schwartz
Where is the Belzer Rebbe on condemning this harassment of soldiers ?
Comment by george schwartz
the link for donating isn't working
Comment by george schwartz
McLouth clearly caught the ball. Not only is he missing night seder, he's telling a sheker. There is no shidduch resume that can recover from this.
Comment by george schwartz
Will the interview be archived? I can\\\'t listen at that time. Perhaps the recording can be uploaded to this website.
Comment by george schwartz
consiracy anybody?? Jay Bernstein must have been hijacked by the Charedei movement.....
Comment by george schwartz
boruch hashem
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the updates each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
We will keep the prayers coming! We do appreciate your updates so much! So happy things are moving in the right direction!
Comment by george schwartz
by the way- please be especially careful when driving on Park Heights between Clarks and Shaari Zion. The water is pooling into most of the right lane. Just be aware, so you don't splash anyone. Thank You!!
Comment by george schwartz
If you watch this, you see how Israelis discuss anything. They talk and don't let the other side get a word in edgewise. Instead of fighting the government, why can't they work in peace.Instaed of calling it a Shaas Hashamd, why not teach a student basic subjects so they can earn a living.
Comment by george schwartz
wow; how predictable was the "local news" comment?
Fellow baltimoron - get a grip - is it really that important/worthy of comment if a story should be considered local or not??
let's give the local news question a rest... OK??
Comment by george schwartz
To Judy abd family, we all have you & Mel in our thoughts and "t'fillos" everyday. Karen Cohn
Comment by george schwartz
beautiful words!
Comment by george schwartz
Local news?
Comment by george schwartz
Are they that naive?
Comment by george schwartz
We are all out here davening & cheering Moshe BenTzion B Leah Rochel on!
D&S Zaslow
Comment by george schwartz
Hi, Judy! Please email me at any time, I am looking forward to meeting you! leibtag [at] gmail [dot] com
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Amen to everything that Miriam says!
Comment by george schwartz
I like your article and know how right you are. We are following in your footsteps and will be arriving on Alyah BE"H this summer. How can we reach you?
Judy Rosen
Comment by george schwartz
Amen. May Hashem give you both the strength to overcome all hurdles that you may be faced with. We are all davening for you both.
Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
Wow, very refreshing that a Dov Lippmann article doesn\'t have 85 comments. Seems like Dov Lippmann fatigue is setting in......
Comment by george schwartz
2 judges on other venues disagreed with this judge.....I hope they take this to the limit and jail her for contempt if she fails to tell what she knows and who else knew it. The IRS playing with lives for political reasons is unfair, no matter who is being targetted. Next month it could be you....
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch Hashem, halevai vaiter! Mel's name is being given to a chosson/kallah tomorrow. Let's hear continued good news!
Comment by george schwartz
So we are getting a one sided screed - thanks Shalom USA for nothing.
Comment by george schwartz
Go Mel!
Comment by george schwartz
It\'s the ONLY group in the Orthodox community that offers the "OTHER" side!!
Comment by george schwartz
Will they allow another side - or is it going to be a typical fawning interview with a master spin artist?
Comment by george schwartz
The haters coming out. Why can't people appreciate that other have different customs and ways???
Comment by george schwartz
Looking forward to another informative show from Shalom USA
Comment by george schwartz
Ill be davenng for him at the kosel - leaving to Israel tomorrow
Comment by george schwartz
Mel - and your whole family- is in our prayers every day. May HaShem send him a refuah shleimah and you the koach you need to make it through these days. Please send him best wishes from the whole Toso family.
Comment by george schwartz
You can't even see the bride and groom. Not good videography. And where were the women? Hello, a girl has her friends and family too.
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch hashem each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch Hashem
Comment by george schwartz
Susan, let's hope that lots of people take you up on your offer. Leah Schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I'd love to run the shtreimel concession for one of these!
Comment by george schwartz
Call me stupid, but who is this and why was this wedding such a big deal?
Comment by george schwartz
Circle those wagons!
Comment by george schwartz
fascinating... maybe now they can go on a field trip to the town that is in the west bank flying the nazi flag...
Comment by george schwartz
Tell the moron to stay home and mind his own business. American intervention only causes the loss of Jewish lives.
Comment by george schwartz
If you didn't already know it, the Baltimore frum community is amazing! Actually, we are all amazing. Refuah shelaima
Comment by george schwartz
It was an awesome event. Thank you Hindy Leeder and all the other volunteers for making this years carnival such a success. Can't wait to do or all again next year.
Comment by george schwartz
Hatzalah is a classy organization and everything they do is always done in such a tasteful manner. I have experienced their care first hand and they are the best. I urge anyone who can join the Chai club to join. For less than a dollar a day, you can help out Hatzalah and their volunteers who give up their time and energy for the community. And special thanks to the wives and families of Hatzalah who sacrifice daily (and nightly) as well. Help THEM help US!!!
Comment by george schwartz
I would like to clarify the title of this article. This is not "text hacking", this would be called text spam. Most people are familiar with the word spam from the many random emails that show up in their inbox that are essentially junk mail. Just like you get ads from Papa Johns in your physical mailbox, so to with email you receive a bunch of garbage that you don't want. Lucky for you there are filters that can be put in place to block these messages from your inbox. Wouldn't that be nice if we could do that with the U.S. Mail?
Back to the issue on hand. DO NOT CLICK AN UNKNOWN LINK! This text message is simple, if a person wanted to send you a private message, why wouldn't they just text you? Our curiosity sometimes gets the best of us and that is where people get into trouble.
This specific incident is commonly referred to as mobile malware. You may think malware is just viruses or spyware built for computers, but the reality is that with the increasing number of smartphone users, it is becoming a big business to sell mobile malware. Malware by definition stands for malicious software and that is exactly what this is. Many people do NOT have unlimited text messages and if your phone sends a message to your 500 contacts you are going to pay for it. This is why this is very dangerous. If people keep clicking the link it stays alive. I have not analyzed this specific malware in a lab environment, so hopefully it is nothing more than a spam generator and people have little to worry about. People can report the number that the message came from as spam online.
Leor London
Comment by george schwartz
If you believe that I have a bridge to sell to you
Comment by george schwartz
We would be remiss not to note that Bnos Yisroel went over and beyond in hosting at no charge this wonderful event. Gadi Brody and school director Mrs. Ahuvah Heyman did everything to ensure that their facilities were the perfect setting for a carnival. I would also like to comment what a Kiddush Hashem the students made in their tireless dedication to their jobs and the Tznius Erlich manner in which they presented themselves. Kudos.
A Proud Bnos Yisroel Parent
Comment by george schwartz
You probably don't want to have the link as a hyperlink, so that someone doesn't click it...
Comment by george schwartz
Utica Avenue and Sterling Place are in The Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, not Williamsburg.
Comment by george schwartz
That picture is NOT of Rabbi Ginsburg.
Comment by george schwartz
i was wondering why there were 9 police cars with sirens on driving to the high school!
Comment by george schwartz
Each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Please know that Moshe Ben Tzion ben Leah Rachel is in my tefila every single day. Give Mel my best regards and wishes for a refuah shleima and a return to a boring work schedule. I\'ll bet he\'ll never think things are boring again!
Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by george schwartz
This article is biased against Torah Judaism. FRom the trashing of Agriprocessors to the unsupported accusations against the OU, it has a nasty slant. Face it - Magen Tzedek failed to win market share. They didn't build a better mousetrap.
Comment by george schwartz
sad when our actions are the same as those who hate us...
Comment by george schwartz
Obama reminds me of Sgt. Schultz. (Hogan's Hero's)
Comment by george schwartz
why is this news?
Comment by george schwartz
Amen to #1 !
Comment by george schwartz
We are happy to hear that there is some improvement. We will continue to daven for a complete refuah shelaima. Chaim and Shulamit Gartenhaus
Comment by george schwartz
More like the perp figured that no one in the haredi school would know what marijuana was and wouldn't get suspicious.
Comment by george schwartz
Yes! I knew it wasn\\\\\\\'t just baalat teshuvot that smoked. Anyone got their shidduch resume?
Comment by george schwartz
Hope, shmope, people can't pay their bills because they can't get a job because they don't have an education. The charedi schools need to teach basic subjects for getting a job and the kids need to go to the army to prepare them for life outside of the yeshiva.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstein- We can only hope.
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the update may each day have an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
It is sad and heart wrenching to see so many fellow Jews voicing their own opinions without regard to the clear opinions of the Torah Scholars \"of our day and age\". I too agree with all those who are saying that the people need to support themselves and that this will only bring good to the Torah society. But WHO AM I? I submit my opinion to the opinion of our teachers who know better. I too know the Mishna in Pirkei Avos and all the sources that are being quoted to support his views. But dear brothers and sisters, ARE THE RABBIS WHO ARE TELLING US TO REJECT HIS VIEWS LESS KNOWLEDGEABLE THEN WE ARE? Of course they know all those sources and can probably list many many more! BUT THEY KNOW BETTER! How sad it is that knowledgeable people on this forum have the \"answers\", even though it conforms very strongly with their opinions, emotions, and limited knowledge. My dear Brethren, I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! I PROMISE! And I am crying... Please cry along with me. Any one of us who did not finish the whole Talmud many times please let\'s keep quiet! The audacity (and I know it comes from misunderstanding our role and the strength of our opinions) is ludicrous to the nth degree! Let\'s repent and consider what the true Talmidei Chachamim of our generation such as Rav Feldman Shlita and Rav Kanievsky Shlita are telling us. It is brutally hard to put aside our own cherished opinions and to listen and accept those of those who are much much smarter than us. BUT THE SCHAR IS THAT MUCH GREATER! May we all be blessed with all good. children who are healthy and Talmidei Chachamim, and the blessing that is prayed for before Havdala on Motzoei Shabbos, to merit TRUST in the Torah Scholars of each generation!
Comment by george schwartz
Oh goodness what are succumbing too. It will never pass at least I don\\\'t think but cant even fathom of what will happen to the Holyland if it were ever to be voted on and pass. The Gra was right, the generation of Noach would be the one to see the coming of Meshiach only in its worst and last stage.
Comment by george schwartz
This is a load of crock! Cell phones have ZERO affect on aircraft avionics. They are assigned to different frequencies and the cell phone's signal is too weak to cause any problems. A plane's compass uses GPS and standard compensated magnetic signals, it is impossible that a cell phone transmission signal threw it off.
Comment by george schwartz
Maybe this will wake up Mr. Lipman.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you for the heads up! Forewarned is forearmed
Comment by george schwartz
It's baffling that Mr. Rosenblum would blithely dismiss the ongoing violence toward women at the Kotel as old news. If it's still happening that means the Haredi leaders do not care enough about it to put a stop to it. Instead of worrying about what's going on on the other side of the mechitza, why don't we clean up our own act? If we do, most like the other problems at the Wall will dissipate.
Comment by george schwartz
Will I Be The Only Person To Thank Someone For The Update. I Mean Seriously Why Give So Many Negative Comments And Be Thankful. Use the Saying If Do Not Have Anything Good To Say Or Write Then Just Do Not Say Or Write It. You Do Not Need To Comment On EveryThing.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you for the update
Comment by george schwartz
This is the best news I've heard in a long time
Comment by george schwartz
You neglect to mention the fact that many of these yeshiva girls who were ordered to attend this protest were traumatized emotionally - they were very upset that they were put in the position of crowding out other Jewish women who wanted to pray at the Kotel. You completely whitewash the fact that these young girls were used as political puppets and feel betrayed by their rabbis and rebbetzins. If you're going to cover the story, you might want to really look at the whole picture - not just the picture you want to see. Further, why are WOW only deemed troublemakers with a political agenda when the Haredim in Israel are deemed spiritually pure? Not so - as we see in their protest against enlistment in the army and the war of words that have taken place about education and economic benefits, the Haredim are equally political and have an agenda to advance, as well. The Kotel does not belong to any one sect of Judaism. Since when does Torah teach you to be so intolerant of another Jew's prayer that you must have total control? Torah is the path of peace. I believe that Hashem wants to hear from these Women of the Wall - He is happy for their prayers, for their desire to be at the Kotel at all. Perhaps everyone should take their ego out of the equation and judge one another with equanimity, respect, and love.
Comment by george schwartz
Why, why??? We so looked forward to the kosher stand at Dutch.......any reasons given?? Was this driven by park managements?
Comment by george schwartz
Refuah shlaimah. We\'re all thinking of him
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the update each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you so much for the update. May he be blessed with a refuah sheleimah bekarov.
Comment by george schwartz
Israel for Israelis, not Islamists!
Comment by george schwartz
The Macks Center for Jewish Education has a copy of this book available for check out.
Comment by george schwartz
I heard the comments from the Rosh Yeshiva about this plan destroying Torah and that it was a similar act to that of Amalek and yet less than one week later, every single Shas school (which are certainly Charedi) agreed to do exaclt what MK Lipman had suggested. I dont get it...
Comment by george schwartz
Welcome to New York, the land of the Stupid. I hope everyone in New York feels safer now.
Comment by george schwartz
5-14-2013 This should be required reading for every family. A blessing on the heads of everyone involved in the creation and distribution of this book. Bryon W. Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
Someone actually left a copy of this book at the Welwood playground on Thanksgiving. I have not been able to find the owner. If its yours, please call 410-504-2400.
And yes, it\\\'s a wonderful book! :)
Comment by george schwartz
There is science and math in the Talmud. This is not some secular shtus being forced on anyone.
Comment by george schwartz
Cops usually don't shoot to kill if they can avoid it, they shoot to incapacitate.
Comment by george schwartz
this is a wonderful book that should be read constantly on people's homes! but not as a group parents should take each child individulay and "learn" the bookm together...
Comment by george schwartz
#15, if you are so concerned about Lashon Hora on this site (which there isn't), why do you visit it?
Comment by george schwartz
If you feel the need to complain about BJL simply stop reading the articles because in your comments you are saying Loshon Horah .
Comment by george schwartz
This should be under national news not local news
Comment by george schwartz
In answer to #14: Most cops are not particularly good shots. Many of them only shoot the minimum to qualify. In addition, it is not easy to aim a handgun, especially with an adrenalin rush. The shots could have grazed her, and even if one hit center of mass, it could easily have missed vitals.
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Is Obama aonther Nixon?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Comment by george schwartz
I agree with #8 and I personally know many people and Rabbanim who feel the same way. It is one thing to bring us the news, it is crazy to allow an open Lashon Hara fest. If something happened to Mr. Baltimore jewish Life's family, would he post it with their names? What ever happened to privacy? I too enjoy the news, but BJL and many other Jewish sites are full of Lashon Hara. It would be nice if we can read the news, perhaps respect peoples privacy and leave it at that. There was no need to post the couple's name. The leadership in the community at some point will realize it is not right.
Comment by george schwartz
Agree with #13. I'd like to know how someone shot by the cops 3 times is still alive. Maybe they need a higher caliber weapon. One shot, one kill.
Comment by george schwartz
As a recent Kidney recipient I beg people to really consider this great mitzva. People tend to assume that it is very difficult to be a match and while this was true many years ago , it is much less the case nowadays.This is not just a story..It\'s a call for action!
Comment by george schwartz
People in Baltimore really need to get a life if they are complaining about this.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Lipman,
Kol hakavod.
You have many supporters here in Baltimore.
Dont be offended by rude people commenting here.
They never learned derech eretz.
Comment by george schwartz
How much more free advertising is this Lipman going to get? ENOUGH!
Comment by george schwartz
To #8: Let's start by asking a couple of questions.
1. How do you know that the editor has not asked Rishus from the family?
2. The editor (who I know personally) spends an inordinate amount of time trying to determine what he posts and does not post.
You, sir, sound a little jealous. Please take your jealousy and go elsewhere.
Comment by george schwartz
Dear Self Righteous Commentor #8,
I think your comment is disgusting.BJL\'S ONLY concern is for local families.That\'s why this website was created!They are extremely concerned about what they post and go to an accepted Torah authority to ask when in doubt if something is Loshon Hora.They have NEVER been asked to take down comments and if they listened to all local \"Rabbonim\'s\" request they would have a blank page for a website.The people on Northbook\'s names had already been posted in other outlets.I think that if you are being a Mevakesh Emes than you actually owe BJL an apology.If you just want to be a naysayer and stir up things.I have a good idea,since the website bothers you so much ,perhaps spend a little more learning hilchos Loshon Hora and less time on the web.Especially this website.I for one am very appreciative of the job BJL does.I don\'t always agree but I always appreciate how things are presented.
Comment by george schwartz
Ladies and Gentlemen: can you please chill out? BJL has been offering a service to the community that is unparelleled anywhere. It is balanced, quality and always seeks guidance and advice from our rabbanim and community leaders. It is sensitive to everyone\'s feelings as well. Whether or not names were mentioned is a not cause to throw barbs at everything. Chill out and have a great yom tov!
Comment by george schwartz
Wow to #8. I am going to try my best to be dan l'kaf zechus. In regard to your comment about BJL's concern for local families, where exactly are you coming from? As what mentioned by another comment, this was on the local news and the family was interviewed. This is definitely not private information. Also, what gives you the right to defame BJL and the way it treats local families? Relating to your comment about removing comments (ironic isn't it), please state your source. If you know the editor, you will know that if he ever has a question about posting something, an article or comment, he takes pains to make sure and ask these rabbonim you reference below. I am sure there are others out there who understand the great care and concern that BJL has to its community members and quality of comments that are posted.
Comment by george schwartz
Baltimore Jewish Life has no concern about local families in general. They only post things regardless if there is lashon hara involved. They should not have posted the names and they should take down their comments sections altogether as several local rabbonim have requested them to do over the last week.
Comment by george schwartz
Seeing that the publisher of BJL lives on the same street I'm not sure he needed abc2news for their name
Comment by george schwartz
Noam Efron was interviewed on the televised news this morning, this incident is newsworthy and has public safety ramifications, I see no reason not to publish the names.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you Bracha Goetz! And to others who have questioned the "details"...YES we need to hear the details because there are many of us who have experienced these horrific things and were not believed because people have no idea that these disgusting things happen to children all the time.
Comment by george schwartz
Perhaps it was a Kiddush Hashem in your mind but to the non-orthodox Jews and the rest of the world who is watching this is a terrible chillul Hashem!
Comment by george schwartz
Because we're curious and we want to know everything. Hope the culprit doesn't make it.
Comment by george schwartz
apparently, put their names up on their website, so i think BJL copied this and posted it on their website!
i still agree BJL should have not posted their name.
Comment by george schwartz
#2 - It's not hate. People who are mevazeh talmidei chachamim and try to strengthen machlokes must be put down. It's a mitzvah: See Shaarei Teshuvah, Shmiras haLashon, etc. These seforim are clear and explicit about this.
Comment by george schwartz
At #1, your comment is full of hate. Do you have no Ahavas Yisroel? Why do you take pleasure in maligning your fellow Jews?
Comment by george schwartz
The wow did not consist only of women. It was a very mixed group of both men and women. They cannot possibly be sincerely Jewish religious people. If someone does not believe that the Torah was divinely written and given to the Jewish people by G-d on Har Sinai, what relevance does does the Kotel Hamaaravi, tallis and tefillin have to them? Why can\'t they just pray at any old wall with any object on their head and a shawl and not display a lack of respect for Judaism and the people who truly believe in the sanctity of the Torah and the Kotel? People from all over the world and members of every other religion come to the Kotel and pray without demanding anything and yet feel a religious experience being there.
I happened to have been at the Kotel Friday morning, and there was no socializing between the girls and boys. It was a very moving experience-being there with thousands of our people making a Kiddush H-shem.
Comment by george schwartz
The Daati Leumi who voted Bennett and those associated with the Litvish community who support Lipman will come to see the folly of their ways. Unfortunately, they have been brazen to be mevazeh the words of the true Gedolei Torah, who see sof l'dvar and saw that collusion with rashaim leads to this destination. With internet and social media today, any dabrani who likes attention and is an ani in Torah (even those with semicha) tries to bring kavod on himself through shaming talmidei chachamim. There is no fooling the "reality filter" we all eventually pass through.
Comment by george schwartz
Why is everyone getting so worked up about a personal rift when we should be looking at the overall position? As an acquaintance of Lipman, I can tell you he has only good intentions. However, people on this board make some very valid points. While I do agree with Lipman on the fact that Hareidim should probably receive some form of secular education, why should he come along and change a system that has been in place for years already? Army service is another story. If you were born in Israel and are a citizen of the State, every able body should do SOME form of service. But in terms of education and Yeshiva learning? That should be kept in place as it is. HOWEVER, \"give and you shall receive\" holds true here. If Hareidim don\'t provide any physical service to the State, they should not be entitled to a penny. ALL Yeshiva and personal funding should be private. The Roshei Yeshivot should go and fundraise. My tax shekels should not go to anyone who doesn\'t physically contribute. The Israeli government should allow the Yeshiva students to learn as they please but some form of service to the State must be installed and monetary benefits should be taken away after their service - just like everyone else.
Comment by george schwartz
"The magazine I work for has a deep respect for all sorts of Jews." Really? Maybe all sorts of Jews that adhere to your beliefs and wishes. When they are your tax dollars, then you deserve a say. You are an American, not an Israeli. And you would certainly call a Rabbi who you agree with by his earned title.
Rabbi Lipman does not need your Mussar. What he deserves as an elected member of the Israeli Knesset is your respect. He took the time to correspond with you, while expressing his desire to keep his emails to you private, so you publish a one-sided \\\"argument.\\\" Thankfully, Rabbi Lipman has more important things to worry about, like pressing issues facing the State of Israel.
Comment by george schwartz
"All beginnings are difficult". It is uncomfortable to change, but the current situation of chareidim in Israel is broken.
Sruli - it is obvious that you mean well, but you are wrong and your attempts to quote Rashi and Chullin as a justification for your position is silly.
Chareidim have already entered the army and have been receiving secular education for years. The changes have started and cannot be stopped. Sruli, all you are doing is creating more hatred and sinat chinam and reducing achdut.
Please think about how you can use your kochot and the amazing gift of Mishpacha magazine to help bring more achdut and Mashiach for all Jews (even the mamrim).
Comment by george schwartz
Great story. In my former days as a Rebbe, I have found that kids are usually open-minded to anyone. We (adults) can learn a lot from them.
Comment by george schwartz
I'm not saying not to post the articles, but the specific details, including the name, don't accomplish anything for us here.
Comment by george schwartz
To Bracha Goetz, I can only imagine how you must feel knowing that you have saved these little girls from a lifetime of pain. This story gives me the chills because of what could have happened, and what didn\'t, because you cared enough to publish your book.
Comment by george schwartz
I am a male who has been trying to reach this Baltimore shadchan for 3 years. The dozen of times I called and left messages have gone ignored if they went through in the first place. I have emailed with the same result. I live here in Baltimore. After having a friend look into it he told me The Baltimore Shacchan stopped. It made some sense as I haden\'t seen them brought up in the Where What When for a while, but didn\'t explain why I couldn\'t get through before. It was with this recent event I believe that led me to think that this is an underground network meant to set up the small group they choose. Before I wrote this message I made sure to call them again. You can try it for yourself 443 622 3809.
Comment by george schwartz
Agreed - why was the couple\'s name posted?
Comment by george schwartz
What is an "honorary rabbi"?
Comment by george schwartz
BJL should be commended for keeping this issue in the forefront of our thinking, so that we do not become too nonchalant about protecting our children. Thank G-d, I have heard of not only many children who reported being sexually abused because they read Let\\\'s Stay Safe, I have also, thank G-d, heard of many children that got away from their potential perpetrators because they had read the safety book. Bracha Goetz
Comment by george schwartz
Very helpful & necessary to know
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Yes, why did bjl feel the need post the couples name?
Comment by george schwartz
Why did you post the couples name?
Comment by george schwartz
we need Moshiach NOW!
Comment by george schwartz
I don't back WoW, but the truth is, who can blame anyone for supporting them considering some Chareidim acting like Vilde Chayas. The claim is that Chareidim want to maintain the sanctity of the Kotel, which is correct, but throwing garbage doesn't maintain that sanctity.
Comment by george schwartz
Do we in Baltimore really need to hear all of this? What does we gain from it? If you want to give us a summary so we are aware it could happen, I could accept that, but the details are disgusting and not helpful in any way.
Comment by george schwartz
Will he also boycott all the inventions that Israel has made that allow him to function at all? Also, there was a report the other day that Israel may have found a cure for ALS and even reverse existing conditions. If so, with Hawkings be aeven a bigger hypocrite or will he boycott his cure?
Comment by george schwartz
5-12-2013 The real differences in the Torah world today are not between Chareidim and the rest of Orthodoxy or between those who want secular studies and those who do not or even between those who want our men to have a parnossoh or those who do not. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists. Bryon W. Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
#27 - This is not really a discussion about adding secular studies. It is acceptable for someone like Dov to consult with the gedolei rosh hayeshiva to ask them about his ideas. However, it is not acceptable for him to attempt to force them to change anything at all - even their breakfast menus - regardless of whether they agree with his or your ideas or not! It's an unbelievable arrogance and chutzpah!
Comment by george schwartz
#2, why do you find it so abhorrent that talis- and tfillin-clad women be allowed to sincerely practice their brand of Judaism as they see fit? It is about time that non-Orthodox streams of Judaism were recognized in the place that is supposed to be the homeland of all Jews.
Comment by george schwartz
Back in the 60's, as well as today, Ner Israel students were simultaneously going for secular degrees by attending the evening division of Loyola College.
Comment by george schwartz
who said anything about ending learning? just learn secular studies a few hours a day. Can someone please explain to me why it's ok to learn secular studies in America and not in Israel?
If it's not ok in Israel, than it should be banned from America NOW!
Comment by george schwartz
I am a mother of a soldier in Israel, and I live here to fulfill the mitzvah of yishuv haaretz. We risk our lives and livelihoods to do so, relying on Hashem's mercy. So my first comment is, come join us, then lovingly advise us about our dificulties. Second, I agree that the army is spiritually dangerous for the vulnerable. But in part that is because the army lacks the influence Chareidim could have-- if they were there. I don't believe our Rosh Yeshivot couldn't find any among their talmidim who would be lions in defense of Torah as well as am israel. I surely wish there were some there for my son, who was not fit for full- time Torah study and wouldn't lie about himself to qualify for an exemption. Third, it is true that the Chareidim are not loved among the general populace in Israel (Chabad being the outstanding exception). This in itself is a chilul Hashem, and we as a people desperately need to find healing for that breach. So I plead with you and all your readership, go to your gedolim and Rebbes, and ask them the vital questions -- " should I make aliyah?" And " what should I, personally, do to improve the situation between the chareidim in Israel and the rest of the Jewish population there?" This is the crisis of our times, and it is unacceptable to not get involved in a constructive way. All Jews are responsible for one another.
Comment by george schwartz
To #2 - the barrier between the two sides is high enough that men can't see the women - as long as they stay with their feet on the ground. That they insist on standing on chairs to throw garbage at the women is shameful!
Comment by george schwartz
WoW Rosh Chodesh prayers always take place at the back of the women\'s section and not next to the wall. In this, your account about the Beis Yaakov girls not letting WoW get near the wall is inaccurate. It does seem to me that there were more young orthodox women that weren\'t with WoW than usual this month. That\'s a good thing. But I\'m not sure it was \"thousands\" as you describe.
Comment by george schwartz
#23 & # 16: The only change is that he means well. However, his actions are as destructive as if he did not mean well. Just because someone thinks the status quo cannot be maintained - correctly or not - does not give anyone the right to force a change on the Yeshivos. Imagine if a contemporary of #16 had gone to Lakewood in the early 60s as a musmach or Ner Yisroel and actively tried to force Lakewood Yeshiva to end learning only kolel and allow college... No Rosh HaYeshiva or Rebbe at Ner Yisroel would have tolerated such activity! That is similar to what is going on in Eretz Yisroel now!
Comment by george schwartz
#2 are you serious? This is what concerns you, not the fact that women see fit to put on tallit and tfillin and try to destroy the ambiance of the Kotel?
Comment by george schwartz
To #18. Was Rabbi Lipman Obeying his parents?
Comment by george schwartz
The provision for talmidim to take up life-long learning, without training for or attempting to pursue an occupation, is at best a \"yesh omrim of a yesh omrim\" and contradicts many statements in Chazal, Rishonim and Acharonim. The Chareidi kollel system of today would be unfathomable to our ancestors. Kollel-type study is supposed to be for the cream of the intellectual crop. Does the Gemara not point this out very clearly?
Comment by george schwartz
wow this site is amazing keep it up
Comment by george schwartz
#16- Classic Rabbi Ruderman story--- Torah was his only mission. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by george schwartz
Ironically, advocates of kovod hatorah are engaged in the kind of superficial sound bite driven media battle that has debased the Torah in the past (see l'affaire Slifkin). As an aside, it seems that the opinions of many expressed in this forum are inconsistent with using the internet. If you are so chareidi, I cant imagine your heter for reading and posting on BJL. Is it your parnossa? Did the Gedolim direct you to do so?
Comment by george schwartz
I think this program is a beautiful program and it should go until mashiach comes! I am very impressed that these girls did this all by themselves! I wish my daughter could be in this program.
Comment by george schwartz
If you want to affect the fate of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, get on a plane and vote in the next Knesset elections. Don't sit in Baltimore (or anywhere else outside the Land of Israel) and give mussar to someone who is trying to help ameliorate the problems faced, that with all due respect those in Chu"l have no thorough understanding. Mr Besser writes and runs a magazine. Bully for him. Let him try to help run/defend/improve a country before he makes the condescending statements he does for someone he admits is genuinely sincere.
Comment by george schwartz
It was a retraction that he called Rabbi Lipman a rasha, but said he was misguided. With such a polarity in Israel, a bridge must be built that still respects the Chareidi community, but requires them to contribute to the society that keeps them. The status quo cannot ultimately be maintained. Dov Lipman is doing that, l\\\'shem shamayim.
Comment by george schwartz
#16: Of course it is very possible that Ner Yisroel would approve a custom arrangement for a specific talmid. I too know of such things. However, neither Rav Weinberg nor anyone else at Ner Yisroel would ever approve rebelling against the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel. It is well known that Ner Yisroel allows buchrim to go to college, but that has nothing to do with trying to force others to do the same and even more. The fact that you can publically root for Dov and Yesh Atid against the Gedolei Rosh HaYeshiva in Eretz Yisroel indicates that you too are misguided and need to do teshuva.
Rav Feldman states that Chareidim don't want to give their kids an hour or two of secular studies.
If that is true, why when Ma'arava was opened decades ago by Rabbi Chait, did Rav Shach need to put a ban on it? If nobody wanted it, nobody would attend and it would close up.
It is quite obvious that the leadership doesn't want it and the leadership doesn't want the people to want it. But many people do want it.
Comment by george schwartz
#21, I believe the proper title is Rabbi Lipman. Until such time as NIRC decides to rescind his smicha, he should be addressed as such. Please don't lecture me on how tuition works in Israel; I have the zchut to live in E"Y and I suspect that I know Israeli tuition much better than you. If you accept the money, than you accept the rules that go along with it.
Comment by george schwartz
Rav Feldman is only apologizing for calling Lipman a rasha on the bases that Lipman thinks he is doing this l'shem shamayim and is therefore doing it b'shogeg. A rasha acts b'maizid. However he clearly stresses that he still vehemently opposes what he is doing and that his misguided acts are trying to decrease the kedusha of the chareidim in Eretz yisroel. He also states that Lipman has not consulted with any of the gedolim to discuss the correct implementation of his plans. If he would simply consult with R' Feldman or other gedolim he could discuss what the correct approach (if any) should be and then it would really be l'shem shamayim.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Ahron Feldman (RAF) makes the extraordinary assertion that RDL\\\\\\\'s views are not that of Ner nor that of a prior Rosh Yeshiva Rav Y Weinberg (RYW). How he wud know what RYW\\\\\\\'s view wud be beats me. What I do know firsthand is my personal experience with the founder of Ner Rav Yitzchak Ruderman (RVR). When I was in Yeshiva in mid-60\\\\\\\'s my parents very much wanted me to come back to go to University in Toronto and even relented to let me go to Ner Toronto during daytime and U of T at night. The problem was U of T did not accept any of my credits I had taken at Loyola College. I determined if I went to 3 colleges during the summer semester I could make up the courses U of T required. Well going to 3 schools at same time was not night college was not even day college it was college all day. Basically 8-10 and I wud get back to Yeshiva at 11. After about 6 weeks the yeshiva caught on that I was AWOL but still around. I get a message that the Rosh Yeshiva (RYR) wanted to see me. That was not too bad he liked me. I walk in and every Rebbe in the place is there including the Executive Director Rabbi Neuberger. My Rebbe (Rav Kulefsky) said sholom aleichem thought U went home after Shavuos. I told them the above story and they went around the room and voted to throw me out. They gave me 5 days to find an apt. There was one abstention and he remained silent throughout my ordeal the Rosh Yeshiva (RYR). I found an apt and then get a message that RYR wants to see me. Thank goodness he was the only one there. He asks me U know U did something wrong. I concurred. That was the easy question next was what did U do wrong? I said I engaged in deception. He dismissed that. He said U were obeying UR parents. My next guess was instead of night college I went to day college. He retorts U were obeying UR parents. Whatever I said his response was wrong U were obeying UR parents. He said he cud not believe after all these years in Yeshiva I did not have a seder set aside, no matter how busy I might be, to learn for even a short period of time. Told me I should not leave the Yeshiva and he set up a chvrusa for me between 11-12 at night. Rav Dov Lipman represents these values that I and so many others garnered from Ner. The language of RAF and the Yatid equating Lapid with Hitler demonstrates the hatred is a one way street. Let\\\\\\\'s all hope for the success of Rav Dov Lipman Yesh Atid!
Comment by george schwartz
Why not have some type of CIVIL SERVICE mandated for everyone who does not want to be in the army proper. For those who don't want to be in the army (maybe some are scared of holding a gun?), why not let them serve in another capacity? I'm sure there is plenty of civil work needed to be done. This does not address the issue of poverty and living off the government, but at least the system of civil service will be fair since everyone would be involved.
Comment by george schwartz
I am concerned that our bochrim were allowed to be at the Kosel when our rabbonim knew so many of our dear bais yaakov girls would be there. I hope this didn't lead to any Tsnius issues are chas v'chalila boys and girls meeting before they are of marriageable age. For next month's protest our Gedolim should make sure the boys are not at the Kosel at the same time.
Comment by george schwartz
Rav Feldman apologized for calling MK Lipman a rasha, but still maintains that Lipman is "misguided". Rav Feldman said (4:18 to 4:27) that "even though we do it in America, but it's at a cost in America also, it's a different society in America, different reasons, you can't compare the two societies." I wish he would have explained what the differences are, and why we are willing to pay that cost in America but unwilling in Israel. This is something that I really would like to understand.
Comment by george schwartz
Eli - you are so presumptuous - the RY doesn't need your approval and your article doesn't add anything to the discussion. We all need to quiet down and let those who actually know what they are talking about work through the issues.
Comment by george schwartz
Perfect response. What was a great Kiddush Hashem was mired by a fool throwing gargage at the WoW. It's fine to accuse the WoW of breaking the sanctity of the Kotel, but throwing garbage, at the Kotel, is worse.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Feldman did not say that Dov was right, he only took back his comment about Lipman being a rasha. Rabbi Feldman used the word "misguided" about Lipman several times.
Comment by george schwartz
It\'s wonderful that he has apologized for the personal attack. It\'s ironic that he accuses R Lipman of \"paternalism\" in trying to force Haredim into the workforce without seeing the paternalism in the entire State funding system for Haredi families and institutions, which is designed to enable large families and to permit Haredi men to learn fulltime at State expense.
Comment by george schwartz
there are sects in judaism that search for any way to pull us apart,,to find any minute clue on how to seperate us ,,and then b"h there are those who work at finding what connects us .rabbi dov lipman,,rabbi shmuel hertfeld you are of the ones that will bring on the geula.
Comment by george schwartz
Hopefully, now people will learn how to disagree with each other, with respect, though I doubt it. The character assasination approach is wrong, and is a Chillul Hashem.
The nasty approaches have set back Kiruv work. Who would want to emulate Chareidim who act is such manner. Even the Chareidi protest at the Kotel this morning. I agree with the protest and feel that the WoW are doing it to stir trouble, but for Torah Jews to throw garbage at the Kotel, no matter the reason, is disgusting and behavior far worse that what they are protesting about.
Comment by george schwartz
How does someone who lives in comfort in America have the right to say what anyone in Israel should be doing? Does he suffer poverty like most of the yungerlight in Eretz Yisroel? How does he know that the majority of the Charedi population doesn't want these changes? This bothers me as much as when I heard the conservative 'rabbis' of America complaining to Yair Lapid about doing something to push 'share the burden' - same idea, you want to talk about how things should be in Eretz Yisroel, first decide to leave the goldeneh medinah and then you have a right to talk.
Comment by george schwartz
I would just like to say that it is a big mistake for anyone who grew up in America to think that they have the knowledge, understanding, or ability to change the Charedi world in Eretz Yisroel.
I am an American living in Israel for almost 30 years, and I don\'t understand the approach of the Israeli Charedi society of which I am a part.
Comment by george schwartz
Did anyone else actually listen to what he says? He isn't a Rasha, he's just negligently wrong.
Comment by george schwartz
The Rosh Yeshiva says that the government is taking a paternalistic approach in what it\'s doing by trying to get the chareidim out of the beis medrash. At 7:10 in the recording the Rosh Yeshiva says \"...It\'s absurd to take taxpayers\' money, which frum people pay as much as anyone else and use it against them and use it in a manner that they are not interested in....\". With all due respect, I beg to differ with that: I live in Beit Shemesh and the vast majority of the chareidi residents do NOT pay the same taxes that I do! With the influx of 10\'s of thousands of chareidim over the past decade, Beit Shemesh has become one of the poorest cities in Israel! As a result, there are many problems here that don\'t get fixed due to lack of money. No one ever asked ME if I wanted my hard-earned tax money to go to supporting people who learn all day.
Comment by george schwartz
"shogeig isn't a rasha"
So is the same message, different words???
Comment by george schwartz
Here are some highlights from MK Dov Lipman\\\'s interview in Times of Israel on 2/19:
TOI: You will stick even to the number of 400 annual army exemptions for outstanding scholars?
MKDL: I don't think it will be 400. I want to be the one to write that test for the 18-year-old. The test that is going to decide which 18-year-olds can study Torah day and night. I want to write that test. It'll be less than 400. ...
TOI: Do you think it would be justified to actually have fewer than 400 exemplary students?
MKDL: Yes. ...
TOI: What do they study all day in ultra-Orthodox yeshivas in Israel?
MKDL: They'll open up a Talmud and they'll read a line in the Talmud. And then they'll read the Rashi and then they will read the Tosfot and then they will read the Rishonim on it and then the Aharonim on it and they'll spend a day analyzing that line of the Talmud and all the commentaries, and that's it... I would have a much harder time making my argument if we saw tens of thousands of the most brilliant Talmudic scholars who mastered every possible classic text and were writing great works of new thought and ideas. I'd still argue my case, but it'd be harder for me. But we don't see that. You don't see the results.
TOI: You'd say they are studying for study's sake, obscure alleys that have no relevance for living a good live?
MKDL: Right. ...
MKDL: Studying Torah day and night is what I went through one year when I was in yeshiva ' one year, when I left the Beit Midrash at 1:30 in the morning and was back in the Beit Midrash at 6:30 in the morning. I was just on fire in learning, so to speak. And then after a year ' I loved it but you can't do more of that'¦ It's not a normal thing for a human being to be studying Torah, full-fledged, day and night.
MKDL: A moment for me that was really powerful was when I studied in yeshiva here, when I was 18. I was in a Haredi yeshiva. They didn't say the prayer for the [protection of Israel\\\'s] soldiers. That's the first moment when I realized that this [world] is not my home, ultimately.
Comment by george schwartz
Kvod HaRav has been misled about what\'s going on here in Eretz Yisrael: THERE\'S NOT ENOUGH MONEY! All budgets are being cut, income taxes are being raised, all the government spending is being sliced and diced, working people have less maaser to give, and there simply isn\'t enough money for a growing and growing percentage of people to learn. I see all the people coming to knock on my door, many of whom are in such poverty or need to deal with a sudden expense, and they can\'t get jobs because they don\'t have the skills needed for anything more than 20 NIS/hr. Even the World Economic Forum has analyzed the country and concluded that the \"not working by choice\" percentage is too high to sustain the economy (derech ha\'teva). THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Noone\'s coming after chareidim, chilonim of today don\'t care about chareidim, but they care about having an economy that can work and they care about reducing their kids army service and they care about the government being able to function without huge deficits. The problem is that the chareidi politicians here have decided to treat it as a shmad and not treat it as a situation of there-isn\'t-enough-money. The chareidim on the street know that there\'s a huge problem that needs to be fixed.
Comment by george schwartz
I have gained tremendous respect for him. Everybody makes mistakes but few people own up to it. Kol hakavod.
Comment by george schwartz
hallo #2: Maybe a bisseleh english loining would help you make a besser parnossa.
Comment by george schwartz
It also takes guts to leave the party because the gedolim do not agree with us and say I made a mistake and I don't know better then the gedolim.That's a kiddush Hashem.
Comment by george schwartz
The Rosh Hayeshivah does not a need applaud for doing what is right. We as Bnia Torah look up to him. If he feels that he made a mistake in a call and apologies in public he was doing what the torah telling him to do. He stills disagree with him and his party and asking him to leave this party for kiddush Hashem. When MK Lipman does that then we can applaud him for doing a kiddush Hashem.
Comment by george schwartz
Is the national tax increase guided at weakening the charreidim too? But glad to hear the price of cigarettes has increased as well. A healthier society too.
Comment by george schwartz
Agree with #2-It is easy to bash, but very difficult to apologize. Kol Hakavod
Comment by george schwartz
Agree 100% with everything you wrote
Comment by george schwartz
Ashreichem Yisrael!!
Comment by george schwartz
Bauruch Hashem!
Comment by george schwartz
Yes, that's amazing and was needed.
Comment by george schwartz
I find it amusing that people feel that the Government of Israel has to fund a movement that does't recognize it. Maybe people should pray for money to come from sources that they respect, like charity.
Comment by george schwartz
That's a gadol.
Comment by george schwartz
Sign of a true Gadol!
Comment by george schwartz
Sign of a true Gadol.
Comment by george schwartz
You definitely won that argument.
Comment by george schwartz
#5 - You make Haredim sound like they are prisoners. This is complete nonsense. If a Haredi Jew wanted to go to college, get a job, join the army, s/he would. If your point is that they would be ostracized socially for doing this, correct. And nothing will change this... except the Haredi culture slowly changing. In other words, Dov's initiative is doing little to nothing to amend the supposed problem that you're speaking of. You can't legislate social mores.
Comment by george schwartz
According to Rav Dessler, it is worth having 1,000 talmidim in Yeshiva who are not going to become huge talmidiei chachomim, and some may leave the fold because they are being asked to do what they cannot, for the sake of one who will rise to the top. That is the mindset of the Torah Only camp in E"Y.
For those who are upset with Rabbi Lipman or anyone else who doesn't run to the gedolim to talk about this, the answer is simple. The gedolim have already decided to allow this situation to continue. So if you believe that there is a need to address the needs of the many, many of the 999 who won't rise to become the next gadol hador, and who won't be able to find ample parnosaa for their families, and whose children are leaving the fold because they don't like living this way, what is there to do? Go to the Gedolim and be told to just do nothing? That asking for a change is kefira?
Rabbi Lipman, and others like me feel it is time to take a stand and give our children an opportunity to remain frum but with dignity. The system as it stands is a gezaira she'ain hatzibbur yochol la'la'mod ba.
Every day over 30 chareidim come to my city in the USA to ask for money. They can't work because they were instructed to avoid the army and to avoid learning basic skills to succeed at work. Don't blame it on them. The leadership has caused this. There are probably well over 500 aniyim at any given time roaming the world asking for support who are very capable of working, but don't know how.
Comment by george schwartz
Ridiculous. Why would anyone publish this? Is this supposed to be news? Publishing a one sided argument accomplishes nothing except alerting the readers that the "author" is deceitful and not to be trusted. Consider us warned.
Keep this kind of "article" in the comment section where it belongs.
Comment by george schwartz
As an American Orthodox Jew with a yeshiva education who also understands Israeli Charedi society, I would like to throw in my 2 cents into this issue. I relate better to the Ner Israel (and general American yeshiva..) system. There are those who claim that post high school yeshivas and certainly kollelim are not necessary. They point to the fact that historically there were frum boys who left "learning full time" at the age of 12, 13, ect. I,(and I assume Dov Lipman) don't side with them. I understand the necessity of a yeshiva education for a longer period of time, if possible past ones marriage to start out the family in a torah way even if they are not going to become rabbanim.
I, having gotten a yeshiva high school education, understand that it is important in this day in age to have some type of secular education to be able to succeed in the workplace. I don't understand how a society can be built where everyone is cut out for full time learning for the rest of their lives. It does not make sense that this is how things should be, and in this regard I can understand where Dov Lipman (and for that matter Yair Lapid, I personally don't think he is intentionally trying to destroy Torah) is coming from.
The Charedi yeshiva system of today was built on the draft deferment set up by David Ben Gurion after pressure from the Chazon Ish and other gedoilim. They did not see the army as a proper place for a frum boy, while they wanted to rebuild a Torah world that had been (along with the rest of the Jewish world) severely crippled. This arraignment was the perfect solution and indeed Torah learning (In quantity, at least) is flourishing in a way not seen for perhaps thousands of years, if ever.
As Charedim become a larger percentage of the Israeli population the issue has come to the forefront. It's unsustainable that such a large segment of the population should continue not learning and out of the workplace, but they won't go to the army because of what it will do to their spirituality. We can't just say that if you are Charedi you don't have to go to the army- that is so unfair to the others that are required to go to the army regardless. It's wrong, on the other hand, to claim that there is no threat to religious observance in the army because that is simply not true (there, I said it. I am sure there are many national religious Jews who will scoff at that but the statistics back it up, sorry).
So what do you do?
The answer to that question is what alludes us today. There is no one who can give an answer that really takes into account all of those issues. You can claim that new army units that are exclusively religious will preserve the strong level of observance in its members, but who says that it will really work. Additionally, who decides who gets to stay in yeshiva? Are there tests? Are the test objective? What about a late bloomer who may not yet be on the level of the top talmidim but will thrive if allowed to stay in yeshiva? Who is going to tell the aspiring Talmud chochom that he is not doing well enough to continue his Torah study and become a rav or rebbi that he so desperately wants to be?
The Gedolim are not clueless. They don't call them Gedolim for nothing, Torah teaches them how to act in situations even beyond Halacha. There are those who like to claim that daas torah is a new concept, they clearly don't know history. Jews have always consulted with their leaders, and they have kept us afloat through all of these years. We may not understand everything that the Gedoilim do, but we must realize that they are aware of what is going on, are consistently working to help preserve a Torah society, and are going to come up with a solution far better than ours. Not all gedoim agree on all issues, and frankly not all gedolim agree on this issue, but they speak with one voice denouncing Lapid's attempts to solve this particular problems.
If Dov Lipman had one great Torah scholar in his corner then my argument would be weakened, but he doesn't
So how can one oppose the great Torah leaders and think that they are going to end up on the right side of history? (Spoiler alert- it's never happened)
So what can be done?
If I knew the answer to that question then I wouldn't be sitting here posting a blog comment. What I do know is that we have to trust our Gedolim. We have to have a rebbi, a moral compass that we trust to advise us on major issues. Someone that can insure that our decisions are nor influenced by external, personal agendas. Someone that shares our common values, knows Torah and will guide us accordingly. It's sort of humbling to know that we don't have all the answers, but true intelligence is to know that there are some things that we don't.
Reb Dov, please take heed'¦
Comment by george schwartz
to Galia Berry, where is there sinas chinum here? There is someone going against daas torah. Are you saying that the correct approach would be to keep quiet and allow that to continue? Should we sit silently and watch as someone is publicly being mevaseh our chachamim? I think we all agree that if the Eretz Yisroel gedolim including R' Chaim Kanievsky, R' Aharon Leib Shteinman and the American gedolim such as the rosh yeshiva and R' Shmuel Kamentzky, etc. etc all give their approval to Lipman's plans then the charedi world will be all for it. We have a chiyuv to stand up for Torah. That's all that's happening here. If it was pure sinas chinam then trust me, the gedolim wouldn't have asked for asifos to daven that the gazeira be annulled and surely wouldn't have called Lipman a rasha.
Comment by george schwartz
mk lipman is being a little disingenuous with the \"1800 elite torah scholars\". That is the plan now because Netanyahu forced Yesh Atid to raise the number. MK Lipman wanted 400 or fewer. Everyone should read Times of Israel\'s interview with him from Feb. 19. It is very enlightening.
Comment by george schwartz
To #4 What is DISGUSTING!!!!!? Is Rabbi Lipman the Rav to pasken the halachah for his party or the Knesset. Were does he come to argue on Rav Chaim Kanievsky about if women can make their own minyan at the Kosel and say the Kosel have no kedushah like a Beis Haknesss and it is ok to do so. Rav Chaim Kanievsky cried out don\'t change anything at the kosel. That is \"DISGUSTING!!!!!\". A person Who saids straight if the schools don\'t teach general studies we won\'t close you down but we won\'t support you.Does he know anything more that Rav Steinman shlita.That\'s DISGUSTING!!!!!. Knowing his Rebbe Rav Weinberg z\'l and Rabbi Naftali Neuberger z\'l they would have put him in his place you don\'t go up against Gedolim of your generation. On something like this before they would speak they would go to gedolim and speak to them, after that they would fast for 3 days and davening that they are making the right decision, also the words that they choose are the right ones. Do you think if he was teaching in the The Yeshiva High of Greater Washington and he would make statements like this, Rav Anemer z\'l would be blasting him or maybe fire him also. What About chareidim families that husbands and wives that work and support their families pay taxes which goes to pay his salary.They have no say.
Comment by george schwartz
How can you possibly publish a one-sided letter? Obviously, Besser will look good and Lipman will be the bad guy. This is disgusting, indeed! You're obviously very much nogea b'davar.
Comment by george schwartz
Unlike other commentators, I do not see the above letter as "beautiful." Nor do I see it as "newsworthy" or necessary for public consumption. I see no reason to perpetuate this argument. We all suffer from sinas chinam, which is the root of ALL of our tzarot today, since the time of the Beis HaMikdash. Fomenting the machlokes will do nothing to correct this.
Galia Berry
Comment by george schwartz
For those who keep saying that chareidim should stop taking money, they should also realize that chareidim pay taxes. Yes, many chareidim work. Many wives of those in kollel have full time jobs. Does it cover all of the people in learning? Maybe, maybe not. You might be surprised how much tax is collected in Israel. Sales tax is 17% and rising. I pay over 10% in property taxes. We still pay taxes for social security. Do you know that gas is $8/gallon here, a huge chunk of which is tax. Everyone says they should stop taking money, but no one is telling the govt to stop taking their tax money.
Comment by george schwartz
Will Hashem answer our prayers and keep us learning Torah funded by money taken from secular Israelis?
Comment by george schwartz
I was surprised that the video of Mrs. Rochkind was shown. I believe this is a break in Tsnius. It was right that none of the other women honored were allowed to speak -- their husbands spoke on their behalf. This is the proper Torahdik way.
Comment by george schwartz
Allowing girls to look inside a sefer torah -- what are we coming to. I expected more from BY and these rabbis
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
#19: If the yeshivos lose gov't funding, they will be forced to close down. In Israel they do not charge tuition as they do in America, one reason why it is much more affordable to live in Israel than in America. All schools survive there through gov't funding. Mr. Lipman dosn't have to say outright that they will shut down. Anyone with even a pint size brain can figure that out. No need to state the obvious which is that if they do not teach math and english the way the gov't would like them to be taught with a certain amount of hours accorded to them each day then they will lose gov't funding which translates as: will shut down due to lack of funding!!1!
Comment by george schwartz
Way to go,Sruly!
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Lipman never said any such thing. What he DID say was that if schools didn't teach basic math and English, they would lose government funding. He never said the schools would be forced to close. Shabbat Shalom
Comment by george schwartz
Not sure how many of you commenting here live in Israel. 10 months ago I left Baltimore to return HOME to Israel. Hashem blessed us and we found employment quickly but I took a huge pay cut in my salary. You give up a lot to live here but the rewards are tremendous. We can\\\\\\\'t afford to buy an apartment/house now, well maybe we could in a charedi neighborhood where they have low income housing. Is it fair that I have to work hard but have to pay double for housing just because I am not charedi. I am all for supporting the elite who are learning torah full time. I am all for supporting those in hesder who learn and serve in the IDF. But please tell me what is wrong with Charedim getting an education so they can earn a decent living?!?! And for the person who said why do they need English? Knowing English gives you a big advantage in the job market. I may not agree with everything Dov Lipman\\\\\\\'s party stands for but I do appreciate everything he has done, especially for my community. If it weren\\\\\\\'t for him, who know, my 6 year old daughter might be spit in and called a whore by grown men who call themselves frum.
Aviva Zahtz, Bet Shemesh Israel
Comment by george schwartz
Way to go,Sruly!
Comment by george schwartz
As someone living in Israel, I think the Haredim need to stop thinking that the government is out to get them. Want your own curriculum? Then don\\\'t take their money. State funding is not a right.
Comment by george schwartz
I am personally witness to the dozens, if not hundreds of calls that were recieved by not only Rabbi Lipman, but by people in our community who were known to be at Rabbi Lipman\'s side. These phone calls were from our neighbors accross the street- in RBS B- the most hardcore of chareidim, as well as chareidim from other neighborhoods. These phone calls were made in secret and were pleading with Rabbi Lipman to continue his amazing work of bringing badly needed change to their community. These were mothers living in squalor with a dozen children, fathers who couldn\'t go find appropiate work because it was frowned upon, and young adults who wanted to go to the army and contribute to society like everyone else. They were pleading with Rabbi Lipman not to give up, to continue his holy work, L\'shem Shamayim. You say your issues are \"being dealt with\". Really? Then why are a very large percentage of chareidim in Israel living in poverty? Why aren\'t the ones who aren\'t cut out to learn all day (the majority) enlisting in the army and performing the mitzvah of doing our hishtadlut to defend fellow jews and Israel? Whoever you think is \"dealing with\" the problems had plenty of time to do so. They failed. Rabbi Lipman, keep up the good work, and let the many phone calls you\'re still recieiveing from the \"man on the street\" encourage you that what the masses really want is very different than what the \"askanim\" are trying to convince them that they want. Keep at it.
Comment by george schwartz
"...I am not glib or smooth enough to continue a war of words.." But smug he is.
Comment by george schwartz
Great job,r srulli,both sharp and sweet which shows your skill as a writer.I would only differ in that acknoledging the terribly sad lipman situation is not mutualy exclusive to recognizing the disaster that is israeli chareidi society.acting and being wrong comes in many I personally would stick to pointing out lipmans folly without tring to defend the indefensible.
Comment by george schwartz
Beautifully written Mr Besser. May your word penetrate Mr Lipman's heart to arouse him to teshuvah from his mishugas.
Comment by george schwartz
klal yisroel has endured for over 3000 years because we don't make changes based on our opinions or emotions. Changes, which at times do have to be made, need to be made through the lens of the Torah and only daas Torah can decide what the correct path is, not our own personal feelings. If this was the case klal yisroel would have ceased to exist long ago as we would have become so assimilated into the secular world that we would no longer be recognizable as Jews. Sora shnierer also made a radical change when she began the Bais Yaakov movement. She too had to deal with those who were opposed to the change. The difference is that she was able to go to the naysayers and list the gedolei yisroel who backed and supported her new movement and only then was she accepted by klal yisroel as a whole and as time has shown, was widely successful due to the fact that it was done entirely al pi daas torah.
Comment by george schwartz
In addition to changing his tone between the first attack and the second response, how about an apology for calling a fellow Jew a bloodthirsty murderer of Jews?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I highly recommend the Annual Health Symposium! I gained tremendously from all the speakers and really enjoyed the event! Way to go Mrs. O!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #76, that was exactly the point I was trying to make in my comment to #70, but thank you for articulating it more clearly.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think what Rabbi Lipman is doing is great, and I hope it works. And those wishing for his downfall should be very careful. The charedi community in Israel would be much worse off WITHOUT Rabbi Lipman or someone like him in Yesh Atid than with him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, Nice to see that you 'checked' with the leaders of your party to find out what their views were before joining. Did you think of checking with the Gedolim to see what their position is? Did you sit with any of the Torah leaders of our generation and present your positions to see how they respond? You take Lapid's word but ignore Daas Torah??
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #73 and #70: Yes, Dov's dad, Ron Lipman Z'L, was not a quiet community person. He had views and "shetos" that were at times not popular. However, he never used his status as a Federal judge to influence those views. In addition, it is blatantly wrong to bring Dov's extended family members into this issue. They may agree or disagree with him but that should be a private family matter and of no concern to others.
Judging from the comments to his letter there is a fairly even split among those who comment. Let's try to address the issues with "menchlechkeit" and logic, not emotions and name calling.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who exactly are the Gedolei Hador now? Is there really anyone with the wide-ranging respect of a R' Moshe Feinstein or R' Shlomo Zalman that almost everybody accepts? Is it possible that there is no Gadol hador who feels strong enough to change the status quo?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Rabbi Lipman. The gedolim and you are on the exact same page. The Rambam, Rashi, Ramban, Chofetz Chaim, for example, clearly taught and exemplified that one should have a parnasa. We learn that a father MUST teach his children a trade, and as a leader in Israel, you are fulfilling this obligation. If I child is stubborn, and does not want to learn, it is a parent's job to encourage them. Kol Hakavod. As far as Daas Torah, I agree. Pirkei avos was written so it should be learned, not ignored. What about the previous gedolim? It is an interesting argument, Daas Torah. The Torah that I have teaches me about Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe.... They all worked! We can't all be Yisachars or we'll have no Zevulins. That's Daas Torah. Thank you Rabbi Lipman for your leadership, it's never easy, but always important.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #18 I think you miss the boat. You need siyata for everything if you have the education or not.What is parnanassah without torah?Money comes and money goes. Nobody said let the state support you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This piece does enormous good for the charedeim. They should be only proud to have Dov Lipman in their midst. Kol hakavod!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am a single mother living in a large apartment complex here in Baltimore. I keep my single dollar bills by the door so that they are there when the able-bodied 35-65 year old men of Yerushalayim come through on erev Shabbos, begging for money. I do not mind giving, but I think they would prefer being able to support their own families rather than having to rely on donations from the working widows of America.
Comment by Leah Snyder
17 is right. Working for a living can be demanding. That\\\'s no way to raise a family. Better to just let the state support you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
@#70- I\'m not sure that you ever really spent time around Rabbi Lipman\'s father (I grew up in that community, and I assure you that in his own warm way,Ronnie Lipman z\'l was not the silent person you are suggesting) but that\'s really immaterial.Bringing up his father (who is no longer around to respond to anything you say) is out of bounds.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A fellow alumnus of Ner Yisrael,who blogges on the internet(Rachmana litzlan) wrote this suggestion for Dov Lipman. I think it shows how rediculous the violent opposition to him is:
"MK Rabbi Dov Lipman's vision for charedim in Israel has been summarily rejected by Charedi Leadership. He has even been called a rasha by an American Rosh Yeshiva. It seems MK Lipman's message is not getting through to charedim in Israel or even in America.
I have a suggestion.
Don't talk about massive overhauls and revamping the entire system. Instead, simply suggest that Israeli Charedim learn from the American Charedim.
American Charedim get a secular education. American Charedim go to work (eventually). American Charedim even moderately support the State of Israel.
The plan for Charedim is not that they should become secular. The plan is that they should be more like American Charedim. Just a little less insular and little more productive. It's not massive change. But more importantly, it's not treif. It's okay for American Charedim, and it should be okay for Israeli Charedim."
The resounding rejection of MK Lipman and all he stands for might be reversible. It might be as easy as embarking on a slightly different marketing strategy. It seems to me that if MK Lipman would reach out to American Charedim and propose that their standard become the Israeli Charedi standard, his ideas might find a bit more acceptance in America and eventually in Israel as well.
Adapted from this post on my home blog: Not All Charedim Are The Same
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, I have no idea if you will read this, but let me say the following. I know you mean well, but you have gone overboard here and have guaranteed your own failure. By choosing to grandstand and gain your 15 minutes of fame, you have alienated the entire community you claim to want to help. If you would have practiced some Tzenius, gained the trust of the Chareidim and Gedolim, you may have had a shot. You have chosen a different path. One that has already led to your complete alienation from both the American and Israeli Yeshiva worlds. You would not be welcome back even to visit today.
Consider apologizing , rebuilding trust and maybe you will succeed in what you claim is your goal, to help Chareidim. Until then , you are just another political climber, sacrificing effective diplomacy for the spotlight.
Your Father Z"L never was intoxicated by the power of Hus position and sat in. Shul like a regular Jew B hatznea Leches. You should consider following in his footsteps.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Now we see why the "gedolim" of Israel are not on the same page as Americans and can not set policy for us.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol Hakavod Dov! We believe that you are trying to change the face of Israel for the better! Stray strong - both against your naysayers, as well as those in your party that have anti-dati agendas.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #16 there are a lot of Americans who are going around collecting for them self. You know there are a lot of find people who have lost there jobs with the education they have also. There are also families who both parents are working and they need help. What about many men who spend the time away from home to make a living ? Shochtim are away weeks sometime months at a time. I know a lawyer from Baltimore who goes to NY every week for his work. I know a person who lives in E'Y and comes to the USA to work and goes home maybe every 6 weeks. Is that away to raise a family?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think there\'s a certain amount of rejecting anything that isn\'t status quo. I\'m sorry that you were offended by the reactions of the community, but at least everyone\'s aware of what\'s on the table. Thank you for allowing your shining character to show through the abuse.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"In the mean time, most every Rav, posek, rosh yeshiva, etc. in Israel, America or otherwise that isn't modern and or tzioni is adamantly opposed to what he's doing and... Where's the yira?! "
Er, maybe is aligned with the mesorah of "modern" and tziyoni rabbonim? The ones who take the approach of Rambam and other Rishonim seriously? The ones who actually respect Chazal's teachings on the importance of teaching one's child to be self-sufficient?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#65 please, please, I beg of you. watch how you speak about our holy leaders. you might not understand. no right to be mevaza our leaders. dangerous waters.......
Comment by Leah Snyder
Glad to see aLl the support here for what Rav Dov Lipman is supporting. Of course Israel today is different than America today. That's why the shuls in America are full of tzedaka collectors from Israel and not vice versa, even though they supposedly learn and dedicate themselves so much more to Torah. If Charedim would follow Rav Lipman then they would be able to spend more time learning and raising their families instead of collecting in America. You don't need a college degree or yadin yadin to figure it out.
Comment by Leah Snyder
were they not allowed to go on stage? Or perhaps they chose not to go up on stage. Lets step back for a second.... and calmly assess the situation. all of the honorees besides one was featured prominently speaking on the video. Is that shutting the women out of the picture?? Please, please, let us think before we lash out.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why should the state support a the current charedi system which is unsustainable and against its greater goals?
Comment by Leah Snyder
jeff- why all the racist comments allowed on your fine website????
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov is completely correct to say \\\"Yeshivas not teaching math will only be blocked from funding, they will not be closed down\\\".
Are the Gedolei Yisroel not logical? How does that offer not make sense?
The Israeli government is giving complete freedom to teach whatever you want. Oh, but if you want your fellow citizens to pay for what you\\\'re teaching you have to allow them some input. To protest otherwise is essentially some kind of strange mugging of the people. If you don\\\'t like my demands don\\\'t take my money. Duh!
The Gedolim are treating tax money as if it\\\'s some massive gold mine that was just discovered and should be split evenly across all the population. The treasury is not a gold mine - it\\\'s other people\\\'s money!!
Gedolim who are confident in the truth and \\\"geshmak\\\" of Torah should not feel threatened by math. Math is a natural faculty created by Hashem, and can bring people to incredible bewilderment in Hashem\\\'s genius (I did my bachelors in Mathematics, so I know!)
Geez. Anywhere else in the world we\\\'d think this was a ridiculous argument.
Comment by Leah Snyder
so much to think about... no easy thing is clear.. and everybody can agree.. WE NEED MOSHIACH NOW!!!! that is the only way, too many tzuros, too much confusion..
Comment by Leah Snyder
You should use more commas in your writing to make it clearer.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Dov for your service. You and your whole party are showing everyone that there is, in fact, a viable future.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman - you are the first ray of hope to shine into the chareidi world in literally generations. Please don\'t be discouraged or slow down at all - WE NEED YOU DESPERATELY!
Comment by Leah Snyder
When Dov closes his letter with "let's work together to strengthen Torah study, the spreading of Torah values, and unity amongst the Jewish people", I know with 100% surety that Dov is officially a politician. I've encountered numerous disingenuous politicians in my life but this performance by Dov has to be near the top. He's proposing that all yeshivas that don't teach basic math and English will not receive government funding and he closes his letter with "let's work together to strengthen Torah study, the spreading of Torah values, and unity amongst the Jewish people." Really?! He refers to himself as not one to wear a white shirt and engage in the trappings of being Haredi yet he is truly a yiras shamayim, etc. In the mean time, most every Rav, posek, rosh yeshiva, etc. in Israel, America or otherwise that isn't modern and or tzioni is adamantly opposed to what he's doing and... Where's the yira?! In the history of politics, let alone Jewish politics, there have been few people with a bigger disparity between their image and reality.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I was always taught nobody is allowed to question the Gedolim? I was told it was like questioning the Ribono Shel Olam and that isnot allowed to be done?!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What does this mean? I am So confused?!?!?!?!?!?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Coca cola is just another big corporation trying to make money. The fact remains that people who drink diet soda daily have a 50 to 60% higher chance of getting a stroke than people who don't. Thus, my suggestion is cut out soda totally. It is not worth the risk to you health.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where in Park Heights will this be? Anyone know?
Comment by Leah Snyder
"An Apikores - as the gemara (Sanhedrin Daf 99b) states about one who says 'ÂÂmai ahani lan rabanan'ÂÂ and according to the Rambam (Hilchos Teshuva perek gimmel halacha ches)that 'ÂÂHamackish Maggideha'ÂÂ is an Apikores."
R. Feldman never called him an apikores. Also, why is saying that more bnei Torah should work Hamackish Maggideha ?
R. Aron Lichtenstein discuused the problem of Charedi poverty. He, too, is an Apikores?
Comment by Leah Snyder
RE: #44
In your comment, you make many accusations/criticisms toward Dov. I don't know whether or not your accusations are correct or incorrect.
But, As Dov notes in his letter to the Baltimore Jewish Life, Rabbi Feldman's accusations/criticisms are based on MISinformation. He is simply not guilty of saying what Rabbi Feldman accused him of saying.
Now if Rabbi Feldman could be so misinformed about the truth, and you probably get your information from the same sources, is it more than likely you are incorrect in everything you say about Dov?
Point being, I cannot trust anything you say, and neither should the readers of the Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So many responses! This is obviously a topic that we can all relate to.In historical terms, today's situation was an unanticipated consequence of several things. By not serving in the army, chareidim were never forced to join the Israeli mainstream and feel themselves a seperate entity. Because the Socialists believe in helping the poor, the chareidim benefited from the secular socialists who established a welfare state. The welfare payments enabled several generations of very large families to grow up without the extreme poverty that previously caused many Meah Shearim youth to escape to the kibbutzim,etc. The gravy train is ending. This whole thing was an anomaly that never existed in the history of the Jewish People. Rav Shteinman is the recognized Godol Hador, only when they agree with him. Otherwise the chareidim trash him and call him names ,etc. These Israeli chareidim are very angry and frustrated and have a lot of pent up rage because they don't really want to be poor, they are forced to say it,but they are smart Jews and they want to have a house, a car and pay their bills.The Gedolim are very afraid of the Haskalah and they have been fighting it unsuccessfully for 200 years. It is time to come to terms with the reality .Chag Sameach, it is Yom Yerushalayim. How can these people not appreciate that and not show common respect to the korbonos who died so they could evade the army?There is something sick about the whole thing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Gedolim recognize the problem of more people needing skills and options, but seem concerned about the best and the brightest leaving Kolel, as R. Nosson Scherman notes below(Note 1), and are also under pressure from extremists who do not want to see any change, as Jonathan Rosenblum quotes from a Rosh Yeshiva(Note 2):
Note 1-
In "A Conversation on Haredi Life, Israel, Learning, and Divine Providence"(Shma, February, 2007), R. Shmuel Goldin interviewed R. Nosson Scherman about Kollel life:
Goldin: But you can project learning as one option; not the sole option. Doing so would prevent giving those who don't sit and learn the sense that they're failing because they're not in the elite.
Scherman: I agree with you. Some of the men who are not suited to full-time learning feel that they're failures. Every yeshiva recognizes that problem. But if the Rosh Yeshiva gives options, then their institutions ' and the Jewish people ' might lose the most talented.
Note 2-
In December, 2009, Jonathan Rosenblum wrote on Cross Currents("Kollel is Not Always Forever" ):
"One of the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of the United States told me recently that the gedolim cannot even discuss questions surrounding poverty because if they did the 'street' would just label them fake gedolim."
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kudos to you Dov. The irony is that the your policies may provide for the continuity of the very people who are labeling you their enemy.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gedolei Hador Throughout the Generations:
Moshe Rabbeinu - King, Head of Army, originally a foreign prince, then a shepherd
Yehoshua HaNavi - King, Head of Army, originally an executioner (Midrash)
Shoftim - Political / military leaders to varying degrees who encouraged Israel to engage enemies in battle
Shmuel - King, Head of Army, wanted Shaul to remain king
Avner, Amasa, Yoav, Yehonatan, etc - Generals, many of who backed the wrong king and made other major political and military mistakes
Shaul - King, successful general, drove out enemies, became jealous of David, ordered Nov massacre
Doeg - Adviser to Shaul, caused and conducted Nov massacre, jealous of David, Ein Lo Chelek LaOlam HaBa
Achitophel - Advisor to David, backed Avshalom in rebellion and advised sinful course, Ein Lo Chelek
David - King, Head of Army, drove out enemies, wrote/edited Tehillim, David Melech Yisrael Chai V'Kayam, started out as a shepherd
Shlomo - King, did not fight any wars, became seduced by foreign wives
Achijah HaShiloni - Prophet, anointed Yerovam ben Navat
Yerovam ben Navat - First King of Ten Tribes, led masses to idol worship to protect political position, Ein Lo Chelek
Later prophets - heavily involved in political, military life (see Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Yechezkel)
Later kings - heavily involved in religious life (see Chizkiya)
Anshe Knesset HaGedolah (Ezra, Nechemia, Chaggai, Zecharia, Malachi, Mordechai, Shimon HaTzadik) - Founded a state, presumably with an army and taxes
Tannaim - Predominantly engaged in "Torah im Derech Eretz" which was why they were worthy of the Mishna (Tanna D'vei Eliyahu)
Hillel - Logger, dealt with Herod
Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai - decided to cooperate with Rome
Rabbi Akiva - Led a revolt against Rome
Rabbi - Close relationship with Caesar, took political and religious leadership
Amoraim/Gaonim - Held professions and political leadership, except for those who could not work because of a disability such as blindness
Rishonim - Predominantly held jobs (Rashi, Rabbeinu Tam, Rambam, Ramban, etc.)
Hafetz Haim - Shopkeeper
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'd be curious to see a comparison survey of pro sports watching rates between those support Lipman and those who do not.
I agree with the Rosh Yeshiva shlita that all these little guys running around claiming they want to help frum people make a living are really just chasing kavod and taivos. I work long hours, and B'H make a good living; and I support people who want to learn full time.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#19- Volozhin closed because they refused to teach secular studies in the morning, refusing to grant secular studies that optimal time of the day. They did not refuse to teach secular studies. Had Volozhin been asked to do what Dov is suggesting, they would not have had a problem with it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1) Dov's argument is basically that the state has an interest in making sure people have certain basic life skills. Yeshivot in the US are required to teach these skills. Why not in Israel?
2) Anyone who knows Dov (and I do) knows he is motivated by ahavat yisrael. I respect all Roshei Yeshiva. I'd love to see R' Feldman discuss the issue with Dov so that they fully understand each other and then I'd like to see R' Feldman's reaction. In the meantime, it is one thing for R' Feldman to speak about Dov in the fashion he sees fit (and who am I to question him for it), but it is entirely another thing for people on this list to pile on. That's also not a Jewish quality.
3) Nobody has a right to ask for public charity (like government funding) unless they make an effort to "make it" without charity. That's what government funding is. I like to learn and would love to learn all day. However, I got an education and job training so that I can support my family without the need for charity. Baruch Hashem it worked out. If it didn't or does not in the future, then perhaps I would need help. Since when is living off charity and not even trying to earn a livelihood a lechatchilah approach. That certainly was not the approach of the Tannaim.
4) How do any of you know that Dov did not speak to gedolei torah before adopting his approach? You are not correct. Again, posting things like that on this list is clearly not a halachic approach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman is right on track. Keep going R. Lipman - this is really the answer for the Israel Haredi community. I agree with Dov Lipman 100%. - Avraham Sonenthal
Comment by Leah Snyder
Many people in Baltimore support you
Be strong.
You have emes on your side
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am at a loss on what to say.
On the one hand we are all aware of the importance of Da'as Torah, and having our Gedolim determine what is in the best interest of Am Yisrael. On the other hand, we all know how difficult it would be to change the status quo, and how frightened we are of what the consequences may be. There are so many political considerations as well, which you can be sure the Gedolim are aware of and take into consideration, and lets be honest, not always do ALL OF THE GEDOLIM AGREE on what our position should be on ALL ISSUES. I have to assume that most of us who are shomrei Torah UMitzvos would agree that we would prefer to see a situation in Klal Yisrael and specifically in Eretz Yisrael, where the Frum Community could find itself in a state which would allow us to truly shine as examples of what it means to represent Hakdosh Baruch Hu. There is no question that the concept of the Levi'im who were the Rebbeim of Am Yisrael is one that we are all familiar with. However, not everyone is cut out to be a Rebbi or a Rosh Yeshiva or Gadol. We need the Zevulun's as well as the Yissachar's. This is not a new situation or concept, but one which we really need to address, and sooner rather than later. There needs to be a way to make changes that will allow OUR PEOPLE to live as upstanding individuals who contribute to the society in which they live. The real question is how to create the PROPER MECHANISM which would be sanctioned by OUR GEDOLIM. Something needs to change, may Hashem give us the wisdom and gumption to make it happen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I rarely post in this forum, but I enjoy reading the articles to gain a better insight into the frum philosophy and lifestyle. Even as a (non-Orthodox) regular shulgoer, I am often stymied by what I am reading. In all seriousness, is there a web site that has a "Yeshivish glossary", or even a Google-style "Yeshivish translator" so that those of us unfamiliar with many of the words in the above text may better understand what Rabbi Feldman is saying here?
Comment by Leah Snyder
So let me get this straight: It\'s kosher for a Jew in Ner Yisrael Baltimore to learn math, science and english, but it\'s treif for a Jew in Yerushalayim to do the same? Do you Baltimore Jews enjoy seeing your brethren in Eretz HaKodesh live in abject poverty? Can someone please explain why the double standard?
Comment by Leah Snyder
RECEIVED FROM AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA: 'To Distinguished Rabbonim and Leaders of Agudath Israel of America: Please permit me to call your attention to the Kol Korei [Hakhel Note: We provide the Kol Korei by the following link -- ], issued by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, calling upon Yidden in their local communities to gather together for special tefilah this Thursday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan (May 9), in light of the threat facing Torah scholars and charedi families under policies being promoted by the new government in Israel. These policies, if enacted, would plunge large segments of the charedi community into abject poverty, rob charedi schools of their independence from intrusive governmental regulation, and pressure charedim to radically change their religious lifestyle. This unprecedented campaign against Torah scholars and charedi families is cause for deep concern and dismay. As you will see below, leading Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel have designated Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan as a day of special tefilah, and now the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America have added their voices to the call. We respectfully urge you to disseminate the urgent message of these Kol Koreis, and to arrange for special tefilos to be said in your local batei knessios and yeshivos.'
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Dessler explains the approach of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel which R. Feldman seems to be following(translation from Daas Torah Blog):
"In contrast the Lithuanian yeshivos focused on a single goal ' to create great Torah scholars who were also G-d fearing people. To accomplish this they prohibited going to university. They realized that there was no other way to produce great Torah scholars except by concentrating all their students' energies and desires exclusively to learning Torah.
Don't think that they didn't realize from the beginning that this approach would ruin some who would not be able to deal with this extreme lifestyle and would consequently leave religious observance. But this is the price that they paid for the sake of producing in their schools great Torah scholars who were G'd fearing.
Obviously they tried their best to deal with those who could not remain full time yeshiva students ' but not in a way which would encourage others to follow in their path of leaving yeshiva. For example, those who had to leave the yeshiva were advised to become storekeepers or other low-status jobs which were not professions. These were jobs which didn't require training or studying and would not be attractive or interesting to the students. However those who had a strong desire to learn a profession and surely those were interested in become academics were completely abandoned and not dealt with at all.
This rejection was done so that the actions of these students wouldn't harm others by giving them any legitimacy by trying to help them in any way. I heard that they found support for such an approach by the statement found in Vayikra Rabba (2:10), One thousand students enter to study Bible and only one comes out as a posek and G-d says 'that is the one I desire.' They also mentioned the words of the Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim, 'It is better that 1000 fools die in order to obtain one Torah scholar.'
Comment by Leah Snyder
For one who truly cares, you are going about it all wrong. No one will be able to learn math, or get a job at a high tech corridor of Raanana several years from now because they will die of starvation in the mean time. If you squeeze all of the nickels and dimes out of them through increasing the VAT another point (on top of the point that it was raised about a month ago), increase taxes on vegetables and basic food staples, cut the funding that families receive for their children, cut the discounts on arnona, cut the kollel stipends, etc, etc, etc (you know the list better than I do), no one will be able to make it to the promised land you dream of. The quick response from someone who does not agree with me is "So let them get a job". I have a close friend who is skilled and can't find a job. I have another friend who just made aliyah. He is trying to find a job, & can't find one. There is more hurting than helping going on. It is being led by exactly those who you so proudly met with before joining the party. I know you genuinely want to help, but you aren't. Maybe you will, but right now, it's only hurting.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman,
Welcome to the world of politics. You\'re doing great!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I appreciate your clarification Dov, but, your party is a disgrace to be willing to throw more people into poverty, including children by reducing child benefits. Even Stanley Fisher reminded your leaders to remember the poor. That to me is what is disgraceful about your party and about you being a part of it!
Comment by Leah Snyder
And only the basketball courts will be used. What a waste of money.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's a sad commentary where a reasonable position is attacked without a real discussion of the merits. That's the way of the world now, in all circles.
Good luck Dov and stay strong.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nu...So tell me..Will "unzerer menschen" ever get any use out of this wonderful field?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I love the rosh yeshiva Morainu Hagoan HaTzaddick HaRav Aharon Feldman !!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you should speak to one of the three gedolai ha\'dor (you know who they are) and get direction from them before you do anything!!! Just like the MK\'s from Gimmel & Shas do.
And while you are at it, maybe lower taxes so that people can afford to live in Eretz Yisrael. $8 a gallon for gas... but you don\'t care anymore, you get it free now that you are an MK, sponsored by our tax dollars. I say dollars because no one who makes shekels can afford the outrageous taxes in Israel.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you brought a knife to a gunfight. History will decide if you are an Eybeschutz
or a Shabtai Tzvi.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent reply, Rabbi Lipman! I hope people listen to you with an open mind and heart.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 There is a chinuch system set up in eretz yisrael that differs from the system set up in chutz laaretz. Europe as well was chutz laaretz. One of the reasons that I am familiar with is that there is a much greater risk of chareidim going off the derech or becoming close to doing so in Israel than in chutz la'aretz which is why the middle ground can work here without risk on the most part of one going otd. The rabbanim there have had to draw a definite line that cannot be crossed there if one is to remain chareidi unlike in America where there is no uniform definition for what is considered to be yeshivish. Of course there are issues in the work place here and one certainly should join the workforce with proper hadracha on how to maintain the same level of yiddishkeit one had before joining the workforce. We also wouldn't advocate for our children to join the army as we all know the tumah they would be exposed to. But overall a Yeshivish American kollel yungerman can expect to one day join the workforce here and still maintain his kesher with the yeshivish world. When one enters the workforce here he generally understands that he is a Jew and that although he is working with goyim he is very different. There are gedarim in place as well to protect him but usually all he has to do is explain that he is Jewish and in most cases it is understood that he will dress, talk, and behave in a very different manner and that there will be a certain distance in order to maintain his yiddishkeit. However in Israel where everyone is Jewish (most Jews would not find themselves in a workplace with arabs) it is easier to be swayed and influenced by the chilonim. There is not a great degree of respect there for charaidim and in fact many chilonim would be happy to do away with religion in its entirety. In America even among the goyim no one is making a concerted effort to uproot yiddishkeit. Even when working with non frum Jews generally there is no animosity. In a nutshell it is easier for a frum Jew in America to retain his frumkeit in the workplace than in Israel. If chareidim as a rule joined the Israeli workforce we would slowly see a downgrade in the chareidi level of observance and the typical yerushalmi chareidi yid would in a few generations become a thing of the past.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The RCA represents the shrinking middle ground. At last week's Bais Yaakov Dinner, I found it personally offensive that women who have worked hard for the school and were honored were not allowed to go onto the stage and get their plaques. This never ever was the was of Baltimore Bais Yaakov for decades. I think that what Avi Weiss is doing is also not the way of our ancestors,but shutting women out of the picture is also not the way of our ancestors. Both are scandalous deviations from masorah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Name one gadol b'yisrael who agrees with you. You won't; they have all declared as one that just underneath the thin veneer of "share the burden" and "integrating the chareidim in the workforce," lies a vicious attempt at shmad, at uprooting Torah from Klal Yisroel.
Moses Mendelsson also learned Torah and kept mitzvos. However, he went against the da'as Torah of the gedolim of his time regarding the relationship between Torah and secular learning. His children went off the derech, and today there is no remnant of his family in Klal Yisroel. Learn a lesson.
Comment by Leah Snyder
R\\\' Dov means exactly what he says. I live in Israel (I don\\\'t know if you do). To say that, \\\"the IDF has been made out to be a demon that destroys the spirituality of Jews and turns them secular,\\\" is motzei shem ra of the first order on an entire chelek of klal yisrael. I have two sons-in-law that just finished their IDF service, one in the IAF (grew up rachmastrivk chassid and learned for 3 years in Mir Yerushalaim), and one in Givati (Gush Katif expellee). Both are fine \\\"frum\\\" young men. And, yes, schools that don\\\'t teach basic skills should NOT receive gov\\\'t funding. I grew up in NYC and learned in Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe (Yeshiva K\\\'tana of Chafetz Chaim). We received a top-notch Torah education and a top-notch secular education. My classmates, today, are all leaders in the Torah, Medical, Law and Business communities. R\\\' Dov is spot-on when he says that he will, in the end, benefit the Chareidi world by giving them a better opportunity to flourish.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speak truth to power Rav Lipman. Some Haredim in Baltimore support you! There is work like this that needs to be done in the US as well.
Ben and Miriam Altman
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am at a loss on what to say.
On the one hand we are all aware of the importance of Da'as Torah, and having our Gedolim determine what is in the best interest of Am Yisrael. On the other hand, we all know how difficult it would be to change the status quo, and how frightened we are of what the consequences may be. There are so many political considerations as well, which you can be sure the Gedolim are aware of and take into consideration, and lets be honest, not always do ALL OF THE GEDOLIM AGREE on what our position should be on ALL ISSUES.
I have to assume that most of us who are shomrei Torah UMitzvos would agree that we would prefer to see a situation in Klal Yisrael and specifically in Eretz Yisrael, where the Frum Community could find itself in a state which would allow us to truly shine as examples of what it means to represent Hakdosh Baruch Hu. There is no question that the concept of the Levi'im who were the Rebbeim of Am Yisrael is one that we are all familiar with. However, not everyone is cut out to be a Rebbi or a Rosh Yeshiva or Gadol. We need the Zevulun's as well as the Yissachar's. This is not a new situation or concept, but one which we really need to address, and sooner rather than later. There needs to be a way to make changes that will allow OUR PEOPLE to live as upstanding individuals who contribute to the society in which they live. The real question is how to create the PROPER MECHANISM which would be sanctioned by OUR GEDOLIM. Something needs to change, may Hashem give us the wisdom and gumption to make it happen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speak truth to power Rav Lipman. Some Haredim in Baltimore support you! There is work like this that needs to be done in the US as well.
Ben and Miriam Altman
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is an amazing article written by a real visionary. We all must act to change the world and create our place in olam habah. We must sustain ourselves physically and spiritually. Torah and Avodah. Hashem did not create the world for us to sit and learn torah and never apply it. Thank You Rabbi for doing something. For taking a stand. Please if you have problems with his actions. Do not berate him or his family. Make your own change.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Producing "gedolim"?
What's the basis of such a goal?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Daas Torah is the litvish version of Chasidism. It is only very recent and not the Torah way. That is what the Gra fought against.
Comment by Leah Snyder
so sorry but I don't really understand the language and trying to translate what the Rav is trying to say. Does someone mind translating in the Rav's word and not your own?
Comment by Leah Snyder
this man dose not listen to the gedolim not in the us and not in israel , does what he feels is right shame on him
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman,
You are very brave. There are many of us who have learned in E"Y in the Chareidi kollel world and now have a major problem feeding our families with dignity.
I've read a few of the comments and they're nasty. Know that many of us are behind you. We understand that you had to do this pretty much alone because the Gedolim insist of keeping things the way they are. I don't want to say they don't care about us, but it seems they care more about keeping the Torah world exactly the same than they do about keeping their talmidim's homes functional. Many of us yearn for a solution and believe that you're onto something.
Stay strong!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman,
You are very brave. There are many of us who have learned in E"Y in the Chareidi kollel world and now have a major problem feeding our families with dignity.
I've read a few of the comments and they're nasty. Know that many of us are behind you. We understand that you had to do this pretty much alone because the Gedolim insist of keeping things the way they are. I don't want to say they don't care about us, but it seems they care more about keeping the Torah world exactly the same than they do about keeping their talmidim's homes functional. Many of us yearn for a solution and believe that you're onto something.
Stay strong!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sadly, the Charedi leadership has rejected MK Lipman. It has doubled down on their unsustainable lifestyle.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mr. Lipman: If you feel it's important to provide these basic secular studies why not make after hours - optional courses - for those who choose to benefit from them? Many may actually do so! But why do you choose to put a strangle hold on the Charedi Yeshivos (and individual families) who feel they don't need or want it? What right do you have to force it upon them?
Your proposed law seems no different than the gezayra that closed down Yeshivas Valozhon.
It's not too late. You are a ben Torah who surely means well but is making an error in judgment. Even Moshe Rabbainu admitted making errors. Seek out Daas Torah to stand together with them (not anyone's daughter who pleaded etc.).
Even Dovid HaMelech consulted the Sanhedrin many times - regardless of the fact that he was the undisputed ruler of Klal Yisroel.
Sadly if you do push this through, you should have no complaints that your Rosh HaYeshiva labeled you a rasha and a shoneh upirush.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This sounds like what Korach would of said.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I grew up in USA went to yeshiva with secular studies. That was america here in EY we don't need to learn english if someone wants to get a job that needs english THEN he should learn english. It is like going to collage and taking all the courses that are worthless to get a job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nobody thinks Dov said "all yeshiva ketanos in Israel should be closed", including the Rosh Yeshiva. They think he said "The Israeli government should not fund institutions which don't teach basic math and English. Yeshivos which don't do so... won't receive government funding." This he did say, and repeats and... This is a piece, there's much more, that makes him evil.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#8 is correct.There is one factor left out. Most Israeli taxpayers do not want to support the chareidim any longer. They got what they got because of political deals and now they are out of the coalition. If Lapid does not burn out, he may be the next Prime Minister. I think that there have to be structural changes to the chareidi educational system and that it would be better if their leaders would see the benefits of the changes proposed. If they remian adamant, that is their call but the State will not fund their system to the extent they have in the recent past. Isn't that fair?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The irony of Dov is that he is so adamant that he does not want to "force his way of life" on the Haredim... while he forces his way of life onto the Haredim. The quintessential, Dov "doth protest too much". Dov wants the Haredi Jews in Israel to be "Haredi Jews" like he is and he sees no issue with this . But the Haredi Jews in Israel don't see Dov as Haredi and, explicitly, don't want to be like him. I've read article after article after article written by Dov expressing how wonderful he is and his son is and his family is and... Israeli Haredi don't agree. Though a blow to Dov's ego and a difficult pill to swallow, he needs to hear and internalize this fact. Haredi Jews do not want to live like him. Dov has been confronted with this fact numerous times and his response has consistently been, Well then I'm doing this for their own good. It is stances like this from Dov that lead Rav Feldman shlita to say "...little people with little minds strutting around looking for their taivas and their kovid..." But Dov's narcissism and grandiosity won't allow him to see this. Dov has convinced himself that he's saving the Haredim and... This could not be further from the truth.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If you feel it\'s important to provide these basic secular studies why not make after hours - optional courses - for those who choose to benefit from them? What does that have to do with putting a strangle hold on the Charedi Yeshivos (and individual families) who feel they don\\\'t need it? What right do you have to force it upon them? Your law is no different than the gezayra that closed down Valozhon. And if you do force this through, you are indeed a rasha in the full sense of the word!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Rav Lipman for everything you do!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#8 - Lipman uses your same logic and it is flawed. Israel is democracy, and there are plenty of things the government funds which not everybody supports. The point is that the citizens of Israel accept the democratic process, and it ends up funding what enough people support. There are plenty of people in Israel who support government funding people who learn Torah. It's just that won't find that support from the mechaellei Shabbos in Tel Aviv, whom you and Lipman obviously drink their Kool-Aid.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There comes a point where even a person who is now an MK and has to \\\"stand for what they have said and not be seen as a wimp..\\\"
When the yeshiva for which you have Semicha comes out against you, (and they are a yeshiva which didn\\\'t run out against you at the first sign of something being amiss...!) it\\\'s time to self introspect and decide whom you represent and what you stand for.
Simply put: is there ANYTHING that if a document stated something specific, not this one as written, came out, would make you retract? Would you THEN realize that you have gone too far and do represent a person with a downfall in the making?
Tell us what who has to sign on that document and what it has to say for you to retract form your \\\"misunderstood\\\" positions... and that document will be on its way.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman- Please list the gedolei yisroel who endorse what you are trying to do.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I went to the Neturai Karta rally.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mr Lipman,
Your words are very smooth and seductive. It all sounds like a utopia, but let's get some facts straight:
(1) You are mevazeh the leaders of the Chareidi world by disregarding their daas. The Chareidi world lives their life according to the Torah as brought down through the ages by the Talmud, Rishonim, Shulchan Aruch and later Acharonim. We've always turned to the Torah greats of our generation to find the solutions to the current day challenges. They are the ones who know the Torah from aleph to tav, and can see sof l'davar. It is the basis of our religion and the halachic process to follow the Chachamim of our day. Your behavior, if followed by the Chareidi community, would end that halachic process and destroy our religion. The approach of a mussar Jew should be: Yes Mr Lipman, I can hear what you say makes sense, but I do not have the wisdom to see sof l'davar, and therefore I rely on the Torah greats to guide us. The leaders of our generation even have more say than the Rambam than you like to quote, because we always follow later authorities over earlier ones. They are the ones who understood the Rambam and other authorities, and incoporated it into their psak.
(2) You have joined together with an Am-Haaretz rasha who wantonly rejects the Torah and mitzvos, and if that were not enough, you have colluded with him against the very community that you claim to serve.
(3) This Knesset "Beis Midrash" is a totally non-mitsvos-keeping woman teaching Gemara to men?! Who in Ner Israel taught you that? What is the praise?
(4) The mitzvah of remembering Amelek in the pasukim in the end of parashas Ki Seitzeh says that Amalek went after the weak in a state of lack of clarity (karcha), and he did not hear G-d. That is why you are compared to Amalek.
(5) If your intentions are so pure to serve Hashem but to make a parnasoh, then why do we hear you talk so much about professional sports? Even the Rambam said a person should work 3 hours a day, and spend the rest of his day learning with no bitul Torah.
I'd love to write more, but I have to get back to work making my own parnassoh.
Comment by Leah Snyder
>I owe so much to Ner Yisrael and want to be clear from the outset that my words are not against the yeshiva.
Sounds like another possible R' Slifkin here. He is from this world, but somehow doesn't comprehend what's happening to him as it is happening. You might not be opposed to the yeshiva, but the Yeshiva will be opposed to you going forward.
>I was called a rasha and equated with Amalek and Haman.
Get used to it.
>Yeshivos which don't do so will not be closed down but they won't receive government funding.
In Israel, this is the same thing. You think those poor Charedim who don't have any money and send schnorrers to America to beg for cash, even with the government funding, will be able to keep them open? Probably not.
>there are numerous yeshivos which already take zero government money and continue to flourish.
Mostly the anti-zionist ones who are even more ideologically opposed to government support, which depend on American money and those who own businesses in the tax free haven of Meah Sharim.
>We are going to help Chareidim sustain their families - literally feed their children - and we are compared to murderers?
I think you're underestimating just how much the leadership is opposed to anyone getting a job. Better they should starve and feed off Torah than be mevatel zman to get money.
>the rest can study Torah uninterrupted until age 21 and then serve in military or national service geared specifically to chareidim... and we are compared to Amalek and Haman?
Since the IDF has been made out to be a demon that destroys the spirituality of Jews and turns them secular, yes, that's exactly the goal of Amalek.
>My e-mail in-box is filled with letters of support from Chareidim
From individuals, but not from the leaders themselves who will only intensify their rhetoric against you.
>I certainly hope the misquote will be acknowledged and that the comparison to Amalek and Haman will be taken back.
Good luck with that. It doesn't matter how many facts you have, you cannot disprove an ideology that is opposed to everything you are doing.
>Misunderstandings happen and can always be corrected.
This isn't a misunderstanding, they know what they are opposing, and they will go to great lengths to oppose you. The only thing in your favor is the hope that the government will succeed regardless of what the vocal ruling minority demand.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #8: If the Israeli-style Chareidi (chinuch) system is working so well, then why is it so dependent on government funding and $$ from Chutz L'aretz? It is not as if the Israeli Chinuch system (in its current percentages) has been the Jewish historical reality for thousands of years. Did not Gedlolim in Europe emerge from such a "middle ground"?
Chinuch is chinuch (with basic guidelines found in Kiddushin 29-30). Torah is Torah. And having the skills and financial resources to support one's family means having the skills and financial resources to support one's family. So, this seems to be apples to apples to me which should now be culturally dependent. So, why is the double-standard somehow reasonable?
Comment by Leah Snyder
It;s so ice that you met with the leaders of the party. But why didn't you consider meeting with the leaders of your PEOPLE??
You claim Rav Weinberg was your rebbe.. as maverick as he was, do you know how much he was machniya himself to the gedolei hador??
But you know better!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov- Who are you fooling? All of Israel knows that Yesh Atid received 19 seats because they are 'anti-charedi'. Let's not be disingenuous. Your party leader made it clear in his recent Knesset speech that he despises chareidim. And, true to its campaign, your party is doing exactly that: Taking away kitzvat yeladim, arnona breaks for avrechim, stopping all funding to foreign yeshiva students (how do you like that as an oleh!), 30% cut to overall yeshiva budget, slicing seminary slots and more.
Are these moves being done out of love for the charedim? Or are they brazen attempts to drive the community- already poor as can be - into utter poverty, so that they abandon their values?
If you believe in it, its your right to do- you are democratically elected. But please, stow the self righteous baloney how you- and Yesh Atid- care about the charedim's best interest!
These are just the budgetary issues. I haven't even touched on your articles and statements which put you completely OUT of the Torah camp."No such thing as daas Torah", "No halachic sanctity to the Kotel", and Rabbi Ovadia is a (senile?) extremist"...
Are these all misquotes too?
Comment by Leah Snyder
What does this mean "1) The Israeli government should not fund institutions which don't teach basic math and English. Yeshivos which don't do so will not be closed down but they won't receive government funding." Ner Yisrael or Harav Weinberg did not teach you that. The Rosh Hayeahiva's of the the yeshiva was mossad nefesch for Chinuch Atzmaie. It's true what you write Most young Chareidi young men are not cut out to learn Torah day and night for their entire lives and this will empower them to be Talmidei Chachamim, Bnei Torah, and also supporting their families with dignity.But giving money to yeshivas ketanas does not have to do with the this. The way you write shows you have big yedias in torah but lacking yiras shamayim. Don't play around to think what you are doing is saving E'y.Maybe if you would like to put that type of school in the system plus work on trying to help with courses to help the Chareidi families get into the job market. You must to gedolim of E'Y. Then you will see Hazalchah
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am waiting to read a comment that while it is OK to get a basic education in Baltimore, it is evil to force pure chareidi children in Israel to learn skills that will help them enter the work force. Why are we having a prayer gathering to protest the evil decrees? What is evil about them? The chutzpah to take money and then insult your donor.Why should the state of Israel force taxpayers to support a whole community that thinks they are entitled to lietime support . Why are we on their side,they look down on us and won't even let our grandchildren into their chadorim. Arrogant beggars are not the best of the best.Why do they think they are?
Comment by Leah Snyder
incredibly disingenuous Mr. Lipman
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad piece. Dov, Im sure you mean well. You talk the good talk but have quickly proven that you are 'for sale' issuing halachic opinions (on leninent conversions, no less) and spewing psakim.
The rosh yeshiva is a talmid chacham, leader and intelligent person who counts his words and unlike you, his salary and fame isnt dependant on persuading people to see things his way.
I feel for you when you've outlived your usefulness as Lapids token haredi and then what?
Comment by Leah Snyder
1967 was a long time ago, I was in Ner Israel and the entire yeshiva, everyone went on busses to Washington,DC for a mass rally. The yeshiva was 100% supportive of Israel and wished for the survival and success of Eretz Yisrael. I remember being on the Mall amidst thousands from all over the country when the end of the war was announced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Let's hope Ner Israel comments on this letter and doesn't stay silent.
Comment by Leah Snyder
kol hakavod dov
Comment by Leah Snyder
You met with the leaders and decided for yourself that all was fine. You are a Nogea B'Davar. Of course you decided all was fine. Your opinions are not at all inline with mainstream Torah Yahadus (aka the constituency thereof; not your chosen definitions).
Re: Amalek; Rish'us. I totally agree with you. But don't misrepresent....
Comment by Leah Snyder
how can you disagree with this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Right on! We are proud of you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
If this all true, why haven\'t you met with the gedolim of e\'y 1st.By that way you would have daas torah. Since this group came in not one time do you show or hear daas torah with you, just behind or against you. I guess there is rason why in perkai avos it saids o\'hav eas melachah oa\'sehnah rabbanus v\'al tisvadie le\'rashus. What you write sounds good and could be true,but 1st you must have daas torah. Remember what is good for e\'y doesn\'t mean it is good for churtz leareatz and what is good for ch\'le doesn\'t mean it is good for e\'y.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comparing the israeli chinuch system to the american one is like comparing apples to oranges. Eretz yisroel is a completely different culture from the American culture. what works here cannot work there for many reasons. In america there is a middle ground. You can learn and work and still be considered a talmud chacham. For various reasons there really is no middle ground there, its black or white. Either you associate with daati, mizrachi or you are chareidi. Those who have tried the middle ground i.e. many americans who have moved there and have tried to maintain the American culture of learning and working have found that it didn't work and they mostly ended up being regarded as mizrachi even though in America they were what is considered a typical yeshivish family. why it works that way there is too complicated to discuss here but there are definite reasons why the gedolim feel that is the right approach for Israel but not outside e"y (except maybe in the chasidishe velt).Its the way it is there. There are many American families who can't consider moving to E"Y due to this factor. Every country has their own cultural norms. As the saying goes, when in Rome do as the romans. Trying to change the entire system is not going to work there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's interesting that the typical American Yeshivish guy in Baltimore who went to TA, NIRC, college or law school makes chinuch decisions for his own children which are really inconsistent with the Israeli Chareidi mindset/lifestyle which is being discussed here. I don't think that the typical Baltimore balabuss would be too happy if TI, TA, of BY did away with all Limudei Chol and transformed them into Yeshiva Ketanos. Yet, we have to somehow vigorously protest the creation of remotely similar Mosdos Chinuch in Israel, sharply condemn anyone who is advocating for precisely what we sacrifice to pay tuition to here. Am I missing something?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol hakavod
Comment by Leah Snyder
One if the roots of the problem is the assumption that every child has the ability to be a gadol or needs to be a gadol. 99.9% don't have the ability to sit and learn ALL day, EVERY day for YEARS on end. This is not the way it was done in Europe and it is not the way it should be done now. In Europe, the best and brightest learned in famous yeshivas and excelled. (A lot of them also found it worthwhile to have a trade for Parnassah on the side. Back then there was such a thing as a "simple Jew". If you didn't have what it took to learn in yeshiva all day, it was okay to be a simple god fearing Jew. You would still be able to get a shidduch and be a member of the community. The expectations of the "frum" community today with regards to the volume of learning are downright ridiculous. There are plenty of gedolim (the Rosh HaYeshiva included) who had/ have the abilities described above. To expect it from every kid is absurd and irresponsible.. I graduated from TA about 15 years ago and learning was emphasized of course but not nearly to the extreme that it is now. Making time every day for learning is important. Round the clock learning for years is not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Byron W. Szochet ESQ.
Instead of posting a question like that to the BJL reader comments. Why don't you call or pay a visit to Rabbi Feldman and ask him your question. He is a very nice, welcoming man, and I am sure he will provide you with the answer that you are looking for. Don't think you are going to get the answer on this website.
As an aside, I have no idea what you are asking. Who said we dont have the same passion to reach out to boys in our own city to bring them back. I for one can tell you about many programs in this city that address the very things that you are looking for. Did you take the time to find out if it exists before lashing out online???
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff, honestly, some of these comments are hurtful and should be taken down.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I certainly agree with the Rosh Yeshivah. As for commoners like myself, I feel that limudei chol is very important for people who will not be able to handle all day learning in a yeshivah or kollel. We need those yeshivos k'tanos, chadarim, and of course the yeshivas gedolim && kollelim for our future gedolim and getting rid of those would be beyond devastating for us!!! Nevertheless there should be good strong Orthodox day schools with good limudei chol classes for guys like myself!
Comment by Leah Snyder
5-7-2013 This is passion for Torah. If only we had the same passion to reach out to the boys in our own city who have been estranged from Torah learning within our own city within our own schools. We have boys, many boys, some in the Torah schools, some who have been put out of Torah schools, some who have dropped out of Torah schools, who have been made to feel that there is no place for them in Torah. We must have this same passion for them, to reach out to them and bring them back under the wing of Hashem. We must look right here at home. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is the title only about Lipman\'s response? Where is the title/article about Lipman saying that the Kotel is not a bais haknesses or that he would close the Yeshiva Ketanos?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Has anyone (including Rav Feldman) actually heard this radio interview attributed to Dov Lipman?
I live in Eretz Yisroel and can't find it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #5: They are talking about math and science, not the shtus taught in public schools.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In Talmudic times, engagements lasted a year while the Choson learned an occupation to be able to support a family. Why is that now become a crime?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Rosh Yeshiva has made very clear that he does not represent the yeshiva and is in fact a Rasha and a shono u'porish
Comment by Leah Snyder
and the Shechinah resting at the Kotel is crying and Mashiach is sighing, waiting in the wings, while Klal Yisroel counts sefiras haomer and remembers Rabi Akiva's students....or maybe not!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am assuming BJL is going to link to the Rosh Yeshiva's shmuess where he refers to Dov as a rasha and a shana u'pirush
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman has also said that any Yeshiva Ketana (equivalent to high school) that doesn't teach the state required secular curriculum should be shut down by the government - doesn't sound chareidi to me. And this is a "jewish" state??
Comment by Leah Snyder
One would love to root for mk lipman in this case,but then he has to say some idiotic thing about thekosel not needing a mechitza.
Comment by Leah Snyder
First: Lipman's citation that the Kosel is not a Bais Haknessess and about photos from the old days of men and women praying there together is disingenuous. For hundreds of years that Jerusalem was controlled by muslims, the Kosel was along a narrow street strewn with donkey dung. The ruler forbade Jews from making a Minyan and certainly from erecting a Mechitza. I heard this argument from a feminist Conservative female "rabbi". Obviously now the Kosel has the Din of a Bais Knessess, albeit an outdoor one. I don't think that Yakov Asher's attack was smart for other reasons. And I don't think it is important whether Lipman considers himself Chareidi or not. Even if some of his objectives are correct, to improve the financial status of Bene Torah, which I will presume he is sincere about. But by joining the enemies of Torah, and publically defying all of the Gedolim, he makes a monumental Chilul Hashem, which someday will come back to bite him hard, if he doesn't get smart and do Teshuva.
Comment by Leah Snyder
wow. he was actually interrupted saying derech eretz kadma l\\\'torah. timing could not have been more perfect
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess you can't be Chareidi, if you have an independent thought. OK, Lippman was wrong in what he said about the Kotel, but give me a break. He is what he is. Not every Chareidi agrees on everything.
Lippman's answer was 100% correct.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very exciting. Stand at the counter at Tov Pizza and see it done better and more professionally. I'll take Tov any day of the week.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm glad that the Agudah has the sechel to realize that a public anti-Israel rally/Kinus like the one previously planned and nixed would not sufficiently differentiate them from J-Street or other group. That would have neither played well in the media nor beyond hard-core Yeshivish community in America, especially with those who have friends and relatives in Israel who both learn and serve in Tzahal or work.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Praying for Mel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Pretty awesome stuff.
It would be helpful to know if any of the kosher vitamin companies are working on developing a supplement with the new formula. Follow-up story.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Isn't it amazing that so-called "moral issues" become important when they wants something. For everything else, they don't want to hear moral arguments, i.e. abortion, gay marriage, etc.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No matter how far away or alone one feels BALTIMORE is a place that never sleeps never stops doing for one another and Never stops being a place that so many of us call home even when we live in other communities.A person might leave Baltimore but Baltimore never leaves the person.....Take it from me Elise Hamburger Zakroff I know how far the chessed of Baltimore reaches up close and personal every day even here in Colorado.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have to be honest this whole thing is a bit sick. How does the Chareidi world deal with an Nechemia who went out and built the walls of Yerushalyim, why didn\'t he say... nu wall? Just sit and learn...
... The rishonim do bring down Kollel. R\' Avraham ben HaRamabam says in a big city his father said there should be 10 people always in the shul since the shul is like the mikdash which was always watched and that these people should do the work of the community. What terrible narcissism that you think you should learn all day and not be obligated to the community. Why don\'t you volunteer to teach, to do something for the Jewish people.
What is really distorted here is your entire relationship to Torah. You think the act of Torah learning per se is holy, the act is an act like all others. That is to say torah learning is a qualitative issue, not a quantitative one. Further as a great thinker once said, it is wrong to aggrandize anything but G-d, including the Torah. Meaning, the Torah is a MEANS to G-d, not an end. Serving the Am, protecting the Am is the same is serving G-d. Torah, as Dovid Hamelech remarks in Tehilim 19 (see commentary by R\' Hirsh) is a means to serving G-d. Protecting one\'s fellow Jew partakes of the same holiness.
Further, even if the above were not true the Chareidim should serve for the sake of Shalom. A Dati family or a secular family that lays its children out on the line has a very strong argument in that why should only their children die while the Chareidim benefit. By not serving the Chareidim create an environment of Tzinus Chinum whether they like it or not. Shalom overrides truth in certain moments (not that I think the Chareidim have much truth here). That is, as R\' Moshe Soloveitchik commented, without Mashiach sometimes truth and peace cannot be maintained simultaneously. In this case peace would need to be chosen. As such even in their own framework the chareidim no legs to stand on.
What makes this so upsetting is that if the entire state were frum they would serve. They only wont serve bec. they think the state is Tammei....which it may be ...but the Jewish people are not.... If the entire state were frum they would have no issue with an army, it would be a legitimate task its only when they have to protect secular people that they find it a vile involvement... this to me is very sick...
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 please read my comment #8. This article belongs whereever people will read it. There is a local angle. called perps in B-more molesting kids. Remember, no more head in the sand. If someone in NY molests a kid and peope in Baltimore didn't hear about it, did it really happen..........
Comment by Leah Snyder
There are only 2 places in Baltimore that have a tifilah for yom kippur katan Agudah and Rabbi Weiss shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Any updates on how mel is doing
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nice to see so many people at the Kotel. We found out about it with 5 minutes left to catch the last bus to get us there on time, but we tried and just missed it. Refuah Shlaima Mel. We're Davening for you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
NOTE: This is NOT Brood 10 - the massively dense 17 year Cicada that Baltimore last experienced in 2004 and will next experience in 2021. This is Brood 2 - which affects a much larger area that does include Brood 10 territory, but is much less dense and therefore much less severe.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A mensh. Pray for him. Charles G. Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
As an editorial note, I do not believe this article belongs in Local News (i wa expecting to read about a Baltimore connection). Maybe National News since it is a story about an incident in NY.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not true at all! Amsalam went against Rav Ovadya. Rav OY decided to reinstate Deri over Yishai. Amsalam refuses to see the truth that he is the one that changed.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am praying for Mel speedy recovery in Israel.
Jackie Spivack
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sorry my fellow Baltimorons,
With all due respect, an article regarding one of our own who was seriously injured in this accident is not the time and place to be debating the virtues of riding a bike in the street or on the sidewalk, relevant laws etc. Seriously??? lets shut down this discussion right now.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When will the frum Jews in Americ have the integrityand courage to disassociaqte themselves from the Israeli chareidi extremists who use such vile language and compare other Jews to Nazis. How can anyone with brains think for one second that any of our great gedolim, Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov, Rav Ruderman would have ever stooped to the gutter language of the chareidi askanim in Israel. They misuse the Gedolim and misinform them. These askanim are the true culprits.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very speedy Refuah Shleimah to our brother Moshe Benzion (Reb Mel Pachino)!
May these never happen again in Klal Yisroel ever again!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gene was a special person and has a very supportive family, may they all have the strength to continue on.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I had two similar stories with MTA buses. I feel that many people can say the same. Perhaps if enough people come forward, we can put an end to this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
hope each day is an improvement
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please include his jewish name and mother\\\'s name so that we can daven for him. thank you
Comment by Leah Snyder
Doni Kandel
The writer is currently studying for his M.A. in Counter-Terrorisms and Homeland Security at the IDC Herzliya, a researcher for the International Institute of Counter-Terrorisms and writes a column for the Washington Times Communities.
Comment by Leah Snyder
We, here in Baltimore are all davening for him! May all our prayers be answered speedily and for good.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Echoing comment #3 from G. Berry who appears to be familiar with the appropriate laws. If we used bicycles more often we and the environment would be healthier and we\'d be less dependent on Arab oil. Win, win, and win.
Commenter #1, learn something about the traffic laws and resolve to stop making insensitive and completely wrong (such as advocating for cyclists to break the law and drivers to ignore them) comments, and learn something of the laws of Ona\'as Devarim, for the speedy healing of Moshe Ben Tzion ben Leah Rachel!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dear BJL,
Could you provide any updates after Shabbat?
Comment by Leah Snyder
wbal tv is reporting that the driver made a left turn. and charges are pending against the driver. draw your own conclusions about who is at fault. in the meantime, can we just daven, and focus on achdus???? especially during yemei sefiras haomer? my tehillim list is WAYYYY too long.
Comment by Leah Snyder
For some people a bike is their only form of transportation. It is illegal to ride on a sidewalk. In order to access parks that have bike paths, one must drive great distances. Most bicyclists I've seen wear bright clothing or have special lights, flags, etc. to make themselves more visible to drivers. We don't know the full story: was the bicyclist driving safely or recklessly. Was the driver speeding or using his/her cell phone? But putting the blame on the bicyclist is completely unfair if he was riding in a law abiding manner. A bicyclist does not "cause" traffic (too many cars do). It's as if you are saying it's irresponsible for someone to walk with a purse because they're asking to get robbed. Indeed it is dangerous for someone to ride their bike due to lack of designated bike lanes, and incredibly rude and distracted drivers.
G. Berry
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes; it is local news. we here in B-more have to get our heads out of the sand and rid ourselves once and for all of these subhumans who prey on kids. Awareness is important! Perhaps a creep will see this article and think twice before abusing. Prison and only prison and all that goes along with molestors in prison! nothing else for molestors. no more turning the other way!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To commenter #1: I understand your frustration, but there is no reason to vent against cyclists and their \"toys\". A sidewalk is no place for a bicycle as there are pedestrians there. Most cyclists, like myself, ride on or close to the shoulder, if not right next to the curb. There are many times I have almost been hit motorists who are just not paying attention. Just the other day, an MTA bus in oncoming traffic made a left turn in front of me as I was legally going through the intersection at the green light. So let me ask you - was that irresponsible on my part? We know too little of the details to make such broad and accusatory comments.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for sharing your perspective on this important issue. I don\'t necessarily agree with all your points, but I do believe that there should be room for respectful dialogue in our community.
I think that this issue is a complex one and is something many women struggle with to one degree or another. I, too, was blown away by Devorah Heshelis\'s book The Moon\'s Lost Light, and actually had the opportunity to meet her when she spoke at the Schor\'s home in Baltimore this year (her real name is Devorah Farzag). She is a chareidi/chassidish mother of 10+ kids whose book on the role of women in Judaism has haskamos from many talmedei chachamim and is based on Torah sources. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in hearing another perspective.
Bracha Poliakoff
Comment by Leah Snyder
I encourage people to stop riding bikes in the streets. There are paths, sidewalks and parks where you can exercise with your toys. Putting yourself and others in danger and causing traffic is simply irresponsible.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Baruch Dayan Emes. You will not be forgotten Gene.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is this local news?
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is a great Story!!!!
I love that line! "if they dont have a problem with me then I dont have a problem with them!" Thats awesome. But the sad part is... what happens when they do have a problem with you???? How do we prevent that from even happening withing the community at large. If we can get this figured out and into action then Nissin and the rest of Klal Yisrael will be bringing us back to Yerushalayim in a jiffy
Kudos to the writer for your ability to let this wonderful boy into your camp and giving him a chance to show this point!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jewish Big Brother is watching. I can't believe people will stand for this. WHO ARE these Rabbis?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just because one is frum doesn't mean that he/she deserves to be defended by the frum community. Jack Abramoff was drum; but he eventually got what he deserved. Ditto for that "devout churchgoer" Al Capone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The immoral part is that the Israeli government freed the psychopath so that he would terrorize again. Unfortunately, Israel's schizophrenic government has a habit of doing that just for the sake of Peace..... I propose they take this terrorist's body and give it to the pigs to feast over. Not likely though, I am sure he was given over to his family already where they can continue to kvell over his \"heroism\". The family should be punished severly as well for their support in this. They are accomplices. And by the way the only people \"occupying\" the west bank are those Arabs and if they do not want to live in peace with Israel then they must be deported!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What are we becoming as a nation?
Comment by Leah Snyder
BDE - tragic loss of one of our finest. A true hero!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow, what a nice story and a great and much needed lesson.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How can anyone expect peace with these people?
Comment by Leah Snyder
His family is so in love with HaShem and His people.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am not putting a damper on things. Just stating the obvious. have you taken a walk through Baltimore recently?? way too many overweight people. Not healthy!! I speak out of love for my fellow Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I hope that those standing around got some drinking water for the fireman.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, way to put a damper on things. you can eat a salad if you'd like. We all have the ability to make our own choice.
Comment by Leah Snyder
where is the shul?
Comment by Leah Snyder
"inside track on Weberman" "Weberman was innocent"
Care to elaborate on your inside track? why dont you speak to people who really know what went on? why dont you call rabbi Yaakov Horowitz and inform him of your inside track? A "Chassidic" man who admitted that he used to spend FOUR HOURS in a locked room "counseling" this young girl. Puhlease; If you believe that i have a bridge to sell you. it is people with the "inside track" like you that have allowed these disgusting molestors to destroy lives for way too long! . Sorry - doesnt fly any more!
Molestors in our community, you are on notice - keep your stinking hands off of our children!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Good idea! I have witnessed too many good people unable to kick their habit and then dying in agony from long cancer. Making them wait until they're 21 will give them a chance to acquire enough common sense to not start in the first place. The convenience shop guys can sell other merchandise.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#3 your attitude is totally disgusting. A court of law found him guilty so it doesn't matter much to me what you think. Have you ever thought the victim went off the derech because of Weberman's actions? Just because someone has gone off the derech does not automatically make them a lier or their story false. These criminals should serve the maximum prison sentences under the law. Our children are not hefker! The attitude in the orthodox community on this issue needs to change dramatically! When I hear people say things like this it makes me ashamed to be a Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Amazing that frum baltimore hasn't been on the map till this Shul opened. Shearith Israel, Ner Israel, TA... I guess they don't hold a candle to a Shul in a house that's been around for a year an a half. Half a dozen shuls have opened or built buildings in baltimore in the last 5-10 years and it seems like no e were as big a deal as this place. I wonder why this is?
Comment by Leah Snyder
No joke. This is just a sample of how low the "frum" world has sunk. This is ridiculous. So concerned about the halachos of makeup on Shabbos but no concern whatsoever for making a profound chillul Hashem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I don't have any inside track on this case, but I do on the Weberman case. Weberman was innocent, the charges against him were invented. The so called "victim" had gone off the derech and had no compunction to invent stories that blamed Weberman. Sometimes the so-called "victims" deserve all the shunning they get! The same was true of Baruch Lanner, he did nothing, but when you have teenage girls crying and putting on a good show in court, it is often impossible to defend yourself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Stupidity leads to tragedy.
The rifle should never have been left out or unlocked or unsupervised.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The victim said he was \"kicked out of school and lost friends.\" That is totally disgusting! As compassionate human beings we should not allow a victim of a crime to be subjected to continued bullying and abuse. It is totally unacceptable! I applaud the family for staying observant. If my child had been treated this way by the community I would have probably walked away.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff - before all the comments asking why you posted this article, I would like to be the first saying THANK YOU!!!!! Molestors in our community, you are on notice - keep your stinking hands off of our children!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
This has to be a joke, right?
Comment by Leah Snyder
OK. So give her back her $45. Why sue? Since it didn't work for her, she is in no worse position than before (except for the $45). This will only make the lawyers wealthier. Lancome will eventualy settle, anyone who bought the makeup will get a $10 refund, and the lawyers will get $1 million or more!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Never prouder to be a Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shhh,no one tell e fink
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is just horrific and so tragic...
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am sure the BJL staff is busy, but it seems like articles on events like this come out 3 days after the fact. You have spoiled us...... night of or following morning at the latest please.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm embarrassed for the previous commenter. You say she's entitled to her views but then you accuse her of "apikorsus". You ramble on about the different roles of men and women, yet you never cite where this appears in Torah. By the way, her PhD makes her Dr. Lambert Adler, not Ms.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am so embarressed for Ms. Lambert Adler. She is entitled to her views but it is painfully obvious that they stem from a reform/conservative mindset or upbringing. These views are not in line with the Torah. Men and women according to the Torah are equally important yet we have clearly defined different roles. The man's role is in the public domain and his mitzvos are generally performed in a more public way. The women's role is in the private domain as women strive to be tzanuah, yet they are just as meaningful to Hashem. This is what Hashem wants from women and is not forced down women's throats by male chauvinism. Rashi in Parshas vayera states that sorah imainu was ba'ohel due to the fact that she was a tzanuah. Ms. Lambert Adler's approach is unfortunately misguided,not based on Torah values and shows an ignorance of why the Torah mandates certain practices in regard to men and women. We do the mitzvos because Hashem wants us to, period. When a man and a women have a happy stable marriage they are happy with their respective roles and happy for each other when they can fulfill these roles. We are each half of a whole. When one's husband is davening for the amud or is laining from the Torah the wife is happy that the other half of them is serving Hashem in the way Hashem wants, while their half is serving Hashem the way He wants by being a tzanua. Both are equally important and contribute to raising happy and emotionally healthy children who will ultimately grow up being confident and secure in their relationship with Hashem. Someone who has a healthy self esteem and is secure in their relationship with Hashem feels no need to take on the role that Hashem intended for someone else. I agree that this article should be removed as it borders on apikorsus.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where are the angry unions to protest (like in Wisconsin)this horror of employees contributing to their own retirement a full 1%!!! oh, that's right. It's a democrat that is proposing this small sense of sanity.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Look at all the fat laden food consumed in the name of a good cause. Please next year let us change this great event to "America Eats SALAD & SHUSHI for Israel". Pizza, donuts, pancakes, deli, oils, shortening have no place in a campaign like this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
While I do not necessarily see eye to eye with every viewpoint stated I believe that there is a great need for introspection in the Frum community. The lack of Derech Eretz expressed above is part of a critical problem that has been plaguing us for over 2000 years. It's just one more component of the Bein Adam L'chavaro we have obviously not been able to repair in this long Galus. If the Talmidim of Rabbi Akiva had trouble to the point of 'lo nahagu kavod zeh la-zeh', we a generation far from that level and leadership, needs to consider our behavior so much more. For those who believe that thoughtful and respectful discussion about issues in Judaism is k'neged being a Torah True Jew, there are other venues for uniform, homogeneous, Frum points of view that you may share in. I feel for the damage that such spiritual complacency inflicts on Klal Yisroel. It is a sad time in Klal Yisroel when opportunities for introspection are no longer considered acceptable. If trying to work through the issues in the Frum community disturbs your comfort zone in your Yiddishkeit, venues like BJL may not be for you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When I read articles such as this one, I feel sad. I feel sad for the women who are unable to appreciate the true value of the Jewish woman. Men and Women are different and have different roles. The man's role is more public and as such more visible while the woman's role is more private. However, this does not put women down. As a matter of fact, women are on a higher spiritual level than men! This is why women do not participate in a minyan--they don't NEED to! A woman can achieve on her own what a man needs 9 other men to achieve. Women are responsible for raising the next generation of Jewish children, a task that is not entrusted to men.
I am a professional living in an ultra orthodox community. In my work I am treated the same as the men but at home I feel special and proud of my role as a Aim B'yisroel. The feminist movement did a great disservice to the world by trying to turn women into men. Perhaps we should start more educational classes teaching women to appreciate themselves as women. Then we would not have so many women feeling bad about not being able to do things that men do.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, have you lost your way? Why did you link to this anti-Torah piece?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can someone explain what 'Torah haskafah' means? Does it say anything about mechitzahs or preventing women from davening or going to Shul in the Torah? If so, please cite the location. I went to TA and I have never heard of any of this being stated in the Torah. Please be specific on which 'Torah views' are being distorted here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I second #1's sentiments. You lose credibility by bringing in WOW who are k'neged the Torah hashkafa. And the letter writer was also on the mark. Will you accuse R' Hirsch of a lack of derech eretz for the vociferous way he fought reform?
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-30-2013 I am reluctant to enter into what is primarily a women's issue. But I think that this essay states in a very well thought and well stated manner a serious issue that we have in our community. We need to be better people. That is not a minor problem today, it is a major problem that is at the center of our core beliefs and ideals and virtues. She, the author of this article, has shown courage and conviction for that in which we all passionately believe. May Hashem send us those who would lead us and teach us in truth so we can all achieve the true Torah ideals. Respectfully, Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm sorry but I don't understand why a frum website would print this when there are Torah views being distorted here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess you can\\\'t take that $40 million to the grave with you now, can you?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am sure New York wants the money and will do what ever it takes.
I am sure they will not go after families in other countries
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for the insights . I have a better understanding of the importance of lag baomer
Comment by Leah Snyder
Has anyone followed up on this? Is anyone wondering if this is for real?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am suffering maybe ny is not as bad
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very Nice. Unfortunately Rabbi Lipman flies in the face of all the Gedolim of Eretz Yisroel in our generation. He has partnered with Lapid who mocks frum yidden and all Torah values.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There are many Chareidim in the Army. In an interview, one of them said that the Army accomodates them and that they are good influences on others. The sad part is that Chareidim in the Army have to hide it from their communities.
They are defending Jews lives, still learn Torah and keep Mitzvos. They also learn skills and get opportunities that will enable them to support a family (if that is still allowed?) It's a shame that the Kiddush Hashem they are doing must be hidden from their communities.
Comment by Leah Snyder
# 9
Nice try... R\' Chaim in Stencilach says lehedya not like that.......
Comment by Leah Snyder
Enjoying the Competition is a Din in the Cheftza, while Being Competitive is a Din in the Gavra..
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mi kiamcha yisroel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Money talks. Let us not confuse Rabbi Zarger with the majority of charedi rabbis. But, when one brings a letter to ypur house requesting funds and it has a recomendation from R. Zarger then make a protest.
A few days ago R Rosenberger, also of the Eida Charedis, from Beit Shemesh made serious accusations against Rav Shteinman. People must speak up and protest these things.
I live inYerushalayim and am proudly charedi. A few years ago I totally stopped giving any money to anyone from Toldos Aharon. I usually tell them why. They trashed the city while supporting a woman who was starving her child. We need to make our protests heard.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When you advocate a lie you must protect yourself from the truth
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-24-2013 With all due respect, no proper G-d fearing Jew should be labeling another Jew as a "Shaigetz". That is unacceptable. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who is the Rabbi who wrote this letter?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lets call the facts what they are - the issue most chareidim have with the draft is not netzach yehuda but the general army which is where many of the draftees are headed where there is no respect for halacha as the chareidim observe it. Additionally 18 is too young to be out of yeshiva.
Unfortunately the current political climate is not about looking for solutions rather it is about sticking it to the chareidim for being parasites on israeli society, and there is no way to explain to them or to you Rabbi Oberstein, the value in real security to the state of israel of having so much full time learning supported by the state.
It is clear that this will not be peacefully resolved in the near future, and i fear that there will be much bloodshed with the defunding of yeshiva learning with the loss of this shmira.
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-24-2013 This brings out some very strong emotions. As in so many things in our day and age the one who dresses and talks like the Tzadik is the opposite of what he claims to be and the one he decries as the "sheigitz" is the real Tzadik. May Hashem send us Rabbis and teachers who will lead us and teach in truth. May Hashem guard and protect Yoni and all the brave men and women who protect the Jewish people, those in the army and those in the Bais Medrash and those in the home and those in the street. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
One clarification: The very happy ,mellow looking fellow in the picture is not Yoni.It was part of the article and is a file photo of someone else.
Yoni, I think, is the one in the center of the group with his face covered.
His unit works directly with the Shabak and each night they go out with specific instructions of whom to arrest and where he is to be found. In Netzach Yehuda, they receive Glatt Kosher food, have times set aside for prayer and study and are not exposed to other influences that might pull them away from a "chareidi" lifestyle. Maybe, to the rabbi, a frum soldier who comes into shul and davens is a danger because it is harder to call him a sheigetz, but, deep down, he has to be because he is risking his life for the people who live in the State of Israel, including the rabbi. Yoni's Dad
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please explain how one can "enjoy the competition" while not "being competitive"
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think it's softball, not baseball. At least that's what the pictures seem to indicate. No safety equipment either I.e. batting helmets. God forbid, but i Hope they have some good liability insurance although if they did, there would probably be some safety equipment requirements.
Comment by Leah Snyder
*P*irchei *B*aseball *G*ames. It's Yiddle league with a more professional branding. Play Ball!
Comment by Leah Snyder
When I was in toddle league years ago they abolished the three strike strikeout and made it 5 strikes. Thought that was very weird at the time. A foul ball with 4 strikes was considered strike 5 and you were out. Circa early '90s.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm guessing it is a super slow news day.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is Yiddle League still around?
Comment by Leah Snyder
You want facts? Fine. These two murderers were living fat and happy in Boston, Major Hassan was in the middle of a successful military career, the Times Square bomber was a regular suburbanite and a Wall Street analyst, ben Laden came from wealth, and the London terrorists were second and third-generation immigrants, students at English universities. Nobody was "oppressed," nobody needed "tools,' nobody needed "hope," nobody needed "Great Society" money or welfare thrown at them.
To try to equate what goes on in American cities with international terrorism is the ultimate in namby-pamby bleeding-heart liberalism. Get real.
Comment by Leah Snyder
we want answers!!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
what does the \"G\" stand for?
Comment by Leah Snyder
what a beautiful sight. aza kiddush hashem.
what does PBG stand for?
Please explain how one can "enjoy the competition" while not "being competitive"
Comment by Leah Snyder
The triple murder of Brendan Mess, 25, of Waltham; Erik Weissman, 31, of Cambridge; and Raphael Teken, 37, of Cambridge. All three were Jewish.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: This what diplomacy is...Like it or not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From all the conspiracy theories out there this one is the craziest.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Assume for the sake of argument that Rabbi Shafran is correct that there is \"insufficient evidence to establish a link\" between metzizah bpeh and herepes, why continue to perform (and defend) a procedure that many medical experts insist is dangerous to infants given that (a) is not halachically mandated and (b) can be accomplished through use of a sterile tube? -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow,I didn't think my esteem for r lipman could think any lower.
Comment by Leah Snyder
because it\'s a good article to show that there are alternatives to the ultra orthodox for kosher certification. something that\'s happening in detroit and should happen here in baltimore too. that\'s why
Comment by Leah Snyder
I assume the first comment was referring to all the noshim in the crowd who were singing. The video focuses on the noshim while they are singing. That is Shulchan Aruch 101.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The anthem singer is a man. Since when is hearing a man sing considered kol isha? Is there a new shulchan aruch we haven't heard about?
Comment by Leah Snyder
zero mostel
Comment by Leah Snyder
what a beautiful event! kol hkavod to all involved.
Comment by Leah Snyder
isnt that kol isha? please take down this video.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When they said "no one read the bill before it was passed" they meant everyone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #7 the new MK. Are you unaware that "talmud torah k'neged kulam?" Don't be stupid! At least the author answered me (#5) normally.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wonderful,almost 2 years late !
Comment by Leah Snyder
Aren't these guys tired of looking like fools? What do they expect from Iran, or the other Muslims that continuous make them look like idiots?
Comment by Leah Snyder
At #1: You should be grateful to Oliver, because he voted to reduce the stormwater fee for our non-profits. I think he has mended his ways and you should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder if any of the 'grassroots' 'concerned' 'county residents' who spent months annoying us are willing to stand in front of the bulldozers, a la Rachel Corrie.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please stop with this Ken Oliver backed propaganda
Comment by Leah Snyder
That was not an OU certification letter. It was their own that they printed. The OU does not certify the stores nor are they allowed to claim certification which that letter implies as does the OU on the flavor descriptions.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Levine: Please clarify- I do not think the store claimed to be under OU supervision. Rather, a number of yogurts and toppings had OU certification per a letter they showed customers. Has this letter been revoked?
Comment by Leah Snyder
it's about time! those are nothing but cash cows!
Comment by Leah Snyder
As I read this, it also brings tears to my eyes. We are so proud of Yoni and what he's doing for our people. We live in the dark about the personal sacrifices that it takes to keep Israel safe. I am glad you are opening my eyes to the risks and bravery of these young soldiers. I'm with you--Uncle Joe would be so proud!
Knowing about Yoni's reality certainly does make some of the issues we get so hard-boiled about seem much less significant. We need to recognize the positives of each other's side, find common ground, compromise and get along with each other. For the sake of Yoni and his fellow soldiers, let's stop the infighting, stand united and fight together for our survival.
A nephew of Rabbi Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
From Dov Lipman M.K.
Now I teared up as well. May you and your wife have tremendous nachas. As I have pointed out in recent weeks - without taking away from the importance of Torah learning - the Torah says "kol yotzei tzava" many more times than Talmud Torah.
Kol hakavod. Dov
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sure they believe that. There is also a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Look what happens when we continiously vote for radical leftists.we gained nothing by getting our schools rates reduced if its offset by residences.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a Kiddush haShem! Mazel tov on a wonderful event for Baltimore and the YTC students, faculty and supporters. Jerry and Carol Wittenstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
rabbi oberstein,
We pray your son stays safe and we are all proud of him and of all the boys defending eretz yisrael
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hi # 2, Since you asked, I will answer. My son learned in Mir Kollel 10 years,was aRosh Chabura and Magid Shiur and now is in the Thornhill Community Kollel. We are very proud of him. The point is that not every Jewish male should be in Mir Kollel for 10 years,and the present chareidi system forces many people into an unfulfilling lifestyle and prevents them from earning a living to support their family. By going into Netzach yehuda, a religious young man can enter Israeli society and do whatever his talents lead him to. Learning forever is not for everyone . Have a gevaltigeh Yom HaAtzmaut, and show appreciation to the Borei Olom that you live in freedom and comfort and are not in a ghetto starving.
Comment by Leah Snyder
May G-d Watch over your son and his army buddies.
N Edinger
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Oberstein often mentions his son in the Mir.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am very proud of Yoni too. My only question: Were you just as proud of your son who learned in the Mir Kolel all those years? I don\'t recall any articles about him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So well written (as usual Rabbi Oberstein)! We should all reflect (whether you say tachanun or Hallel.....or both) on Yom Ha'Atzma'ut, on the wonderful blessing of Eretz Yisrael, which Hashem saw fit to return to us. Let us not take it for granted! Yasher Koach for sharing your personal reflections and communications from your son the Israeli Chayal. May you continue to enjoy much nachat from him, and may Hashem watch over him and all Chayalei T'Zahal. Aharon Newman
Comment by Leah Snyder
The vast majority of the gedolim of that time, who of course knew all about hakaras hatov, galus and geula, and any other rationale you or I can conceive, did not consider the day significant and did not say hallel, even without a bracha. So do as you please, but that one fact makes the entire argument irrelevant.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wishing you the best of luck. I am in the registry hoping to be a match. I got swabbed in Montreal. :)
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is BJL rabble rousing with this headline? The bachur did not refuse the draft, he got fed up with the lies the zionists fed him about serving in a suitable unit for a chareidi!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Don't think this story is not typical of the secular zionist regime; it has been trying to uproot Torah observance since its inception.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Shmuel - rosh yeshiva in philadelphia has not been told yet - plz do not call his house
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not yet....
Comment by Leah Snyder
The real question: will tuition go down?
Comment by Leah Snyder
if i'm registered with the gift of life bone marrow foundation would i be contacted if i were a match?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Yaakov Yosef A\"H, like his father Chacham Ovadia Yosef YBD\"L, was an amizing Talmid Chacham with a photographic memory. I had the zechut of learning from him when I lived in Yerushalyim in the late 70\'s. His Shiurim were amazing, his breadth on knowledge mind-boggling, and his modesty unparalleled. I was a young kollel student at the time and I had many she\'eilot in halacha that I would ask him. After Tefillah I would approach him with my list of questions, and he asked me to walk with him as he answered them. After a while he suggested that I write my questions and give to him, and that he would write the answers and return them to me. I still have the copies of of my questions with his written answers (he had a beautiful handwriting of course!). I will miss (my Rav, if I can call him that) him dearly. Yh\'ei Zichro Baruch! Aharon Newman/Ne\'eman
Comment by Leah Snyder
Condolences for sad tragedy. May his memory be a blessing and warning this should not repeat. May the Lord comfort!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am an American Jew, and like the Russian Jews, I stand with Israel and condemn the appeasement-oriented American \"jews\" who will destroy Israel, the same way they are destroying America.
Comment by Leah Snyder
WOW, so all this is a synopsis of Wikipedia? Go figure...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Same with the credit cards.
Comment by Leah Snyder
i think its kinda obvious who the teffillin belong to
Comment by Leah Snyder
So much for hurtful demonizing comments
Comment by Leah Snyder
Your article appears to misquote Joel. The YU press release does not include: Nevertheless, having the single most anti-Israeli president be honored as resolver of conflicts by the students of a Jewish school on the premises of said Jewish school is not being well accepted, to be polite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
he was taken to the hospital to evaluate for mental health. this way he can claim insanity or non medication mental health reasons and get out of jail for a hate crime...
Comment by Leah Snyder
WHAT? Who were you writing this for? The war is over and we're on the same team? Why can't we "cannibalize non-orthodox institutions"? Kiruv is about sharing the truth, our responsibility to other Jews. Reform is often a stepping stone for spiritually sensitive people who have no access to the frum community. Kiruv is about bringing all of Klal Yisroel close to G-d- not to some feel-good brotherhood of meaningless mixed denominations.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So much for academic freedom
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps you mean alleged hero, as the snatcher is only a suspect...
Comment by Leah Snyder
According to many poskim, it's not such a b'dieved at all to make the bracha even if it's not the month of Nissan. When Chazal said Nissan, they meant the Spring season, not the month, as these poskim say. Of course, zerizim makdimim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Whether it is disease-causing or not, metzitzah b\'peh is a disgusting practice that is not a mandated part of any bris.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Aunt Marlit, you were great!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The OU (and unfortunately many of our politicians) does not know the first thing about firearms. The OU should stick to a subject it has knowledge about. Passing all the proposed gun laws will NOT stop a criminal from, chas v'shalom, shooting up the next school. So what then? More laws? The NRA had it right. There should be an armed presence at every school. But, unfortunately, that seems not to be a politically correct response to gun violence in our schools.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm so embarresed that the usualy smart ou has bought into this left wing propoganda.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Common sense? No law other than outright confiscation and banning, would have prevented a single shooting crime.
None of these laws do anything for violence, they only control guns and keep them away from honest citizens.
Comment by Leah Snyder
kol hskavod Sharon for an inspiring piece, Shifra
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful article and I don't disagree with any of it- but the whole thesis is shaky because you miss one important point. Klal Yisroel as a model nation was meant to be strong and proud, and that includes in personal and economic responsibility. Avraham Avinu was wealthy. Our frum communities have huge numbers in Torah but we're a nation of glorified beggars and fundraisers, living lifestyles we can't afford with money that is not earned. That is the real reason the non-religious are not running to join us, especially in Israel, and why our children are at risk.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sometimes your worst enemy is from within. They feel it is ok to behave this way, but on the other hand they have no problem taking money from the Israeli government to house them, and feed them. I call it being a Hyprocite
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks to Abie Rotenberg for writing and singing this very moving tribute.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What exactly is the value of this article?? Very very confusing...
For example, why not define KIRUV?
Is helping a jew perform an individual mitzvah not kiruv as per this self-proclaimed kiruv professional? Then i choose the mitzvah rather than your kiruv paycheck.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
I consider myself a "national religious." i am very sincere about my observance of halacha and mitzva. i take personal offense by the Rav's words, and only see sinas chinam behind them.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is just nonsense. How can a rav incite against an entire Torah community? Surely he does not know my true face, for if the Rav did--he would love me. Yehoshua in Kedumim, Eretz Israel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hey Tamir,
Just one comment about the Sport Strings Tziztit. Technically, the Tziztit Strings are not allowed to touch the floor, or your skin for that matter, which in this video they are. You might want to redesign the Sport Strings Tziztit with a little pocket in the corners to tuck the Strings into.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No, #22, the majority of the Jewish people did not want to be lost. And no, your inability to understand and teach the values of the Torah is not more important that the entire Jewish people save for yourself. The result of your approach is intended to be the further estrangement of the Jewish people. That speaks for itself. May Hashem send Rabbis and teachers to bring all of our people, especially the Orthodox, back to the proper and true path of Torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It is no spoof at all. The way it is IS the way it was meant to be. This is our mesorah. The Charedi way is the ONLY way. We have lost no one who didn't want to be lost. They couldn't handle the heat, so they left the kitchen. Just because you don't like the show, doesn't mean the actors are at fault. Maybe you just need to clean your glasses. Judaism does not bend to tolerate the intolerable. Whether it is female "rabbis", gay marriages, intermarriage, or any other abomination, we will never accept those who practice them and their ilk. We are not a people of tolerance. We are exactly the opposite. Tolerance and acceptance is a Xtian value, not a Jewish one. We have survived because of our refusal to accept, not because of tolerating anti-Torah values. Even if every single Jew save for one becomes reform, G-d forbid, it will be worth it for that one.
Comment by Leah Snyder
They look like they are in a torture chamber in some dungeon!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ok. This is so typical Orthodox thinking that it seems almost formulaic and it makes me wonder if post #20 is a spoof. But sadly, this type of thinking is ubiquitous among the Orthodox and it makes me question whether Orthodoxy really is the true way or if it has been so distorted that it no longer is viable. The Orthodox will proudly announce that they have weathered everything imaginable storm and they do not fear that their system will not endure. But that is only if you allow them to discount the loss of the majority of the Jewish people from their ranks over the past 200 years or so. The Orthodox will claim that these losses do not count. But they do count. We loose Jews every day because of this type of myopathy. And each Jew counts. May Hashem send Rabbis and teachers who have the insight and skill to teach us the true way of Torah as it was meant to be.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Was Miriam told to shut up or exiled because she sang Shira after the nes of the Yam Suf? I am quite sure that she and the women did not whisper the shir or told to go a mile or so away. Joy and song are immediate responses to a simcha, a nes, or "just" davening to HKB"H. I think the "gentlemen" are jealous of the joy and kavannah these women have - or did I miss something in Torah that HaShem "died" and made Man as His replacement?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #19
It\'s all part and parcel of the same thing. Women at the wall, tefila groups, hakafot, all of it stems from the egotistical notion that women can be the same or do the same as men. It\'s a nonstarter. Men have to go to shul, women don\'t. Just because they WANT to go does not mean the shul is required to afford similar accommodations to them as they do for the women. There is nothing wrong with the desire to be more spiritual or to connect with Hashem. They just have to do it in the way that is proper for them. My mention of the minyanim, etc was just to show that whenever they try to breach the accepted norm, it doesn\'t work. When the household has been attended to, and even when the nest is empty, there are other ways for women to do spiritually uplifting things. Everyone has their role and place. You play the cards you have been dealt. If you are praying for the day that all Orthodox shuls will have an egalitarian atmosphere, don\'t hold your breath. The crusade is an uphill battle to nowhere. Make a kugel and be happy about it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
how about Miller's in the Atrium? I buy beer and wine from him. He's a secular Jew, I think, but maybe he sells his chometz?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To # 14, How can you possibly claim to to know the ins and outs the differences between men and women with regard to Bein Adam l'Makom when you clearly do not understand the fundamentals of Bein Adam l'chavero. In addition, it appears to me that the author was writing this commentary with regard to women having a comfortable place to daven in a regular shul with a mechitzah and a women's section. She was not speaking in this writing about women's minyanim or hakafos. It is plainly apparent that you did not actually read the article, you just read the comments and got all excited that you could impart your ignorance upon us.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol have Hakavod! You hit the nail precisely on its head! I couldn't have expressed it any better!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What Chesed is there in cleaning streets? It may be a nice thing to do, but it has nothing to do with Chesed. Lipman is obviously "out of touch" for joining with enemies of Torah. Now we see that he, albeit well-intentioned and maybe a nice guy, may be out of touch with reality!
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my shul the Aron Kodesh is in the Ezras Nashim for weekday and Hashkama Minyanim. Really. An Orthodox shul in Baltimore! Hameyvin Yavin.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my shul, the women and the men have exactly the same type of chairs. The Ezras Nashim is open for women for all of Shabbos Tefilos. On weekdays, if a woman comes to shul, then all men quickly leave the Ezras Nashim. The women are able to see the Aron HaKodesh from Ezras Nashim. The issues described by the author of the article are not present in my shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's interesting to me that there are more comments about whether this article should have been published on this site than those that address the substance of what I wrote.
To those who think that this article should not have appeared, I would argue that we need not pretend everything is perfect when clearly, some things need improvement. That's why Hashem put teshuva into the world. We make mistakes, but we can become aware and do better.
I'm asking that the Orthodox community live up to our own standards of Derech Eretz and Kavod HaBriot. I believe the Torah world can take honest critique and use it to improve. The conversation has to start somewhere.
Rivkah Lambert Adler
Comment by Leah Snyder
A man's connection is thru physical things like tefillin, shul, tzitzis, etc. A woman's is via her household & family. That is how it's always been, and how it always will be. There have been many attempts at women's minyanim, hakafot, etc, and all have failed, for a good reason. It's not their place. That may be chauvinistic, but truth can't be biased.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is it a lack of shalom to have a debate about an issue that effects half our population? We just finished Pesach where all we do is encourage questions and debate at the sedarim. Kudos to BJL for including an article that raises awareness and shame on #8 who wants this taken down \"ASAP\", why silence a woman who is so clearly driven to increase her connection to Torah and Tefilah? Donna Wach
Comment by Leah Snyder
If an Orthodox rebbitzin can't bring these issues to light, who should. If anything Orthodox media (wouldn't Baltimore Jewish Life prefer to be a community medium) should be at the forefront of bringing such issues light. Previous issues of scandal related to the community have been "swept under the rug" by our community only to present as a huge chillul hashem when they eventually emerge (abuse (child, women, spouse), fraud, etc....)
Comment by Leah Snyder
What happened to the "shalom" of Baltimore?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I did not disagree with you. However these articles lead to a general bashing of the Torah community. Such a thing, in my opinion is wrong. This website which usually keeps themselves pretty neutral,I would not have expected to publish such an article. I am disappointed.So I say again that I do not disagree with the point of the writer nor do I disagree with your point. Rather I feel that a website of the orthodox community should not publicly open a forum for bashing, and articles such as these trend to do so.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In a recent forum about serving in the army, the various charedi writers took great pains to emphasize that most members of tzahal do not serve in combat positions. True. But if you really believed that your learning was important you would not allow vacations from learning when soldiers are in active combat, and the charedi community should view every chayal death (r"l) as a failure. I know of at least one yeshiva where all the rebeim have to fast if they kick a bochur out, and I would expect that those learning do the same if their learning fails to protect our fellow jewish souls.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just because there are sentiments expressed that are not what you want to hear does not mean they should be silenced. The fact is that the Orthodox do not take the social rules of the Torah seriously. Being fixated on procedural piety does not absolve the community and its individuals from their social duties to others in the community. This is exactly the kind of article that should be published.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think this article should be removed asap
Comment by Leah Snyder
Articles like these, wrong or right, are always a springboard for bashing the frum even though this was not the intent of the writer. To this,I say two things.
1If you are looking for things wrong in the Torah community you will always be able to find "items".
2 If this is the intent of the website, is this not an orthodox website?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful vort.
Comment by Leah Snyder
i recently "discovered" the Israeli charedi website Kikar Shabbat. If you can understand Israeli Modern Hebrew ,which has lots of new words and lots of English words in Hebrew charecters, I reccomend it. You can see there the venom and foul mouthed charecterizations of non Chareidim by the hghest echelons of leadership and public figures. It is embarressing and bears no resemblance to what we in Baltimore call frum, yeshivish Yiddishkeit.
If you call someone a "Rosho Ben Rosho" and his party not a Jewish home but Bayit shel Goyim, then how in the world can you expect these people to repect you. I couldn't come up with the vileness of language against anyone who is of another party that I saw in such a paper as Hamodia (the Hebrew editon) which calls anyone not in their group "mesanei Hashem" ie those who cause others to Hate the Ribono Shel Olom. That is a quote. It is painful to read but it would wake us up to who is speaking for those we think are the same as us. We have to wake up and stop accepting everything that they say as the truth. The charedim in Israel need to share the burden and anyone with a brain knows that thousands of batlanim are wasting their lives because they are forbidden to get any secular education and that those who join the Nachal Hareidi are ostracized,often by their own mothers.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sometimes taking into account history can assist in understanding a challenging situation. I am not saying that your dilemma is acceptable but keep in mind that women are not obligated in Tfilah BeTzibur and so synagogues traditionally have not been designed for equal consideration of access and space. There are many that have been built or renovated or established in the last 15 years or so that do take the increased attendance and involvement of women into account and provide equitable environments on both sides of inviting mechitzot.
Comment by Leah Snyder
NY....How does this apply to Baltimore,Maryland???
Comment by Leah Snyder
Come to Shearith Israel. Everything is conducted with the utmost dignity and kedusha. Women are not diminished in the ladies\' shul - they are elevated!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To Reader #3 - My point was that this situation occurs in lots of shuls, both in the US and in Israel. Since I first wrote this piece, I\'ve been overwhelmed with comments by other women who have faced the exact same problem but have never spoken up. It\'s delightful when women are accorded a respectable place to sit in shul and it does happen, but much too often, it does not.
Thanks for reading.
Rivkah Lambert Adler
Comment by Leah Snyder
i think you need to find a better shul!
Comment by Leah Snyder
There does seem to be a disconnect between what is written in the Torah about consideration for people and what is practiced by the Orthodox. I attended a shiur series on Derech Eretz that used a particular Sefer as the basis of the shiur. During the shiur I asked what I felt were important questions. I did not think I was being disrespectful, just actively participating. I was told after the first couple of shiurim, to please not return to the shiur since my questions were a distraction and was interfering with the group getting through the Sefer efficiently. I felt bad but I was amused that although they assiduously read all the individual words on the page, they failed to get the message. I have found this to be all too typical of the Orthodox.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Item: a woman attends a weekday minyan to say Kaddish on a yahrzeit only to find the women's section occupied by a few men, while the men's section is mostly empty with plenty of available seats. Why do these men need to sit in the ladies section?
Comment by Leah Snyder
OU seems to feel that its a problem earlier links
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm not clear what the propaganda is. You can buy non-chometz gamur items at any of the stores - see the list provided. As for the stores listed, the problem was not with the store, but the distributor. So, if Giant owned the kosher aisle food items on Pesach, it would be OK, as the only issue with Giant is who supplies their other chometz items. As perhaps the certifying agencies do not give hashgachos to Jewish owned companies who do not address the chometz sheovar alav hapesach issue. Before shrugging of what may be a serious problem and an issur, perhaps a bit of due diligence and careful thought and investigation is warranted.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with #3: the Star-K makes no sense. You can buy some kosher brand at Giant because it was distributed by A&L? But A&L already sold it to Giant, so Giant owned it over Pesach.
#2: Chametz she-avar alav haPesach is chametz owned by a Jew during Pesach, when Jews aren\'t supposed to eat, own, or get benefit from Chametz. If a Jew owned it during Pesach we can\'t eat it.
#5: Yeah Shoppers Food Warehouse is \"Shoppers\" on Smith Ave. at the Greenspring Shopping Center or any other \"Shoppers\" you know of.
So what happens if a food manufacturer is owned by Jews and they own stuff on Pesach that they sell six months later, huh? There\'s no end to it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
and yet we still continue to honor and vote for these radical left wing politicians in this state.its time for us to wake up and realise we will never get anything from omalley and his ilk,so at least lets retain our dignity
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is really getting absurd. Can't they just carpet bomb these idiots and be done with it already?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To the one claiming that it is propaganda did it occur to you that they may have taken delivery durring Pesach... And why exactly would the star-k have an agenda in regards to this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have 2 questions
1: What is Shoppers Food Warehouse? Does that mean the Shoppers in the Atrium?
2: I go to Giant a lot when can I go back also,does that refer to all the Giants in the US bc I can go to one out of town?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Goldberg's Bagels!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Propaganda. Anything in the stores immediately after pesach was already in the store on pesach and not at the distributor. If they wanted to make sense, they would say you can buy immediately, but after a few days, wait until the the inventory in the store turns over.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What is Chometz She\\\'avar Alav HaPesach?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yet another reason why control of the Temple Mount must be seized from the Waqf and given over 100% to Israel. Muslims have no use for the Temple Mount other than as a base to launch attacks on Jews.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is his brother not Jewish, or is this a misleading headline?
Comment by Leah Snyder
it\'s a connection tool, why is this disturbing? Now if there was data showing what meaningful activities were ignored, or safety measures violated, that would be disturbing
Comment by Leah Snyder
[ED. Note: Apparently your first comment never reached us]
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where was Reb Bert and no burning plastic? Missed you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
One question: The owner seems to be Jewish, but has tattoos. How can we trust this guy who we are prohibited to berry in a Jewish cemetery? This whole story seems odd. This is my second attempt to post this comment, your website should post all comments, just because you don't agree with the comments does not mean it is not a valid point. If you don't post this I will make sure to never read you articles again.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Fink is NOT a reliable source. The owner of Doheny Kosher has admitted he brought in non kosher items. And with regard to \"the fence\" it was NOT at Doheny, if you watch the video, Rabbi Fink, you can see the owner of Doheny put boxes in his car, then he meets his employee at a McDonalds and transfers the treyf to the employee, then the video shows the employee. Loading the treyf at Doheny. They also recovered 5,000 glatt kosher labels and the printing plates to produce them. Rabbi Fink, if you\'re going to discredit yourself, at least have SOME facts straight
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a wonderful d'var torah. Very insightful and meaningful. I will, iy"H, tell this at the Shabbos table this week.
Thank you. A guten shabbos and a continued sweet, liberating Pesach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can one have a child's ears pierced? It would definitely add to the child's simcha s Tom tov
Comment by Leah Snyder
G-d bless you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
has thiw event been cancelled due to the weather?
Comment by Leah Snyder
people who call with urgent shailohs on erev YT can dial ext 217
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please only bring Non-perishable items for the Cometz Sharing. Thank you!
3-24-2013 From the heart to the heart. A blessing on the head of this writer. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Obama was talking to college kids, who like many adults listen to the tone of voice and not what he really says and certainly not what he does. He only fooled the fools. Most people in Israel don't trust him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Oh well, If only he didn't miss!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
will it be open erev yomtov?
Comment by Leah Snyder
He was a true tzadik. He was mosar nefesh for klal yisrael. He was zocher to have a son like Rav J.J. Schacter.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I don't understand all of the details, but if Rabbi Sadwin is asking folks to get involved for the benefit of the mosdos, I fully trust him and declare myself "all in"!
Comment by Leah Snyder
3-22-2013 This is very clear, well written and shows prodigious scholarship. May the author be blessed for sharing these insights with us. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
He's brilliant and adorable!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! You Rock!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I've just met my granddaughter's bashert!
Comment by Leah Snyder
oy, the hate!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Listen up, Rush, Fox News, Bachmann, and all you other hate-mongers, Israel likes him, they really like him. Am Yisrael Chi.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It warms my heart to read that Chessed is alive! We need more people like Frank Storch!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Zogby is an Arab.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ich farshteit nisht kein ein vort
Comment by Leah Snyder
The secularist, besides being damaging to Klal Yisroel are also cry babies. The property owner only told him, he could not renew the lease. He offered him to stay, just to adjust the menu, which we all know is not difficult, there are substitutes to every treif dish that is kosher (it's not crab). And so what if he'll be closed Shabbos, he was probably closed some other day of the week before. The restaurant owner is a Rasha, and won't comply with the gracious offe of the Chareidi property owner, only L'Hachis!
Comment by Leah Snyder
This article is a pretty weak attempt at a smear. The facts as presented in the article don't show ay fraud. Fraud would be if they billed the city and didn't provide the service.
Once Island child earned the money, they can spend it wherever they want.
Not to mention that some of the tutoring may have happened at the Bais Yaakov.
Does the city really feel that it is the only funding source for this organization?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sounds like a bunch of sore losers to me.
Comment by Leah Snyder
UTJ conduct: immature & lack of derech eretz
Comment by Leah Snyder
The only ones occupying anything are the ARABS. Stop allowing such terms to be used about Jews in our own Country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who cares it was beautiful and only simchos
Comment by Leah Snyder
niftara is actually right hebrew grammer
Comment by Leah Snyder
I went to Israel and enjoyed most of it, but they were also racist towards me in certain areas. You guys definitely need to improve on that front. But the whole bringing the \\\\\\\"morals\\\\\\\" back from Israel gave me a good chuckle.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman continuously speaks out publicly against every Gadol's view, whether Mizrachi or Charedi. He is pro the advancement of Reform Judaism in Israel, wants civil marriage which will produce more mamzerim, supports Ruth Calderon, the biggest maskil in Israel right now, these are without mentioning that he wants to pull every 18 year old (except 400 'top guys' he says) who wants to learn full time, away from yeshiva.
Jeff Cohn, stop giving this man honor.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, why do your promote anti-Gedolim people?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The word is Niftara not Nifteres. Should read "young mother of two who was niftara in July". Nifteres is either a noun or means that they continue to die.
Thank you
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is the owner Jewish?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Millions of locusts invading israel coming from egypt 2-3 weeks before passover uhmm! Interesting!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Finally, after over a month and a half of arguing and name calling, a government has been presented to the Israeli people, to be installed on Monday.
The hyperbole and vitriol associated with this campaign are typical of the way Israelis discuss politics. That is because decisions made in this coalition agreement will have a broad effect on the society in general and the very religious in particular. There is very good reason to be apprehensive of the new government. No one really knows what real changes will take effect. We only know what has been promised ,but not if these will be enacted or enforced. Only time will tell. One thing is certain, the "status quo" in effect since the beginning of the state is no longer part of the coalition agreement and that is a major change.
If you read this carefully, you see that no one is threatening to put chareidim in jail. In fact it will take until 2017, at least to set things up. In the meantime, any chareidi who wants to go to work or take courses can do so with no fear of being drafted.
I am impressed by the video . It is a positive tool that has as its purpose motivating young men to volunteer for the frum battalion . Draw your own conclusions if Netzach Yehudah is a slippery slope to shmad, as the politicians and many of the leaders would have you believe. Maybe they are right in the fear that this will change the way things have been, but is it really the end of Judaism as we know it?
By the way Yoni is taking a course this week to be a sniper. He says they have to use rubber bullets to avoid killing the rock throwers. He gives me nachas every time I talk to him, so confident, so strong, so self assured and full of happiness. I wish such nachas for other parents. E.Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow !
Comment by Leah Snyder
yasher koach to this family for displaying hakaras hatov to this important rav
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Stein ZT"L was a great man with a unique ability to relate to children and help them maximize their true potential. He was a jewel and a rare gem. Without a doubt, he will serve as a meilitz yosher for his family, Baltimore, and Klal Yisrael. Yehi Zichro Boruch!
Another grateful set of parents
Comment by Leah Snyder
amazing article. brought tears to my eyes!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To Confused: Judaism has evolved A LOT over the past 3,000 years since Mt. Sinai. For simplicity's sake we'll say that there have been two major groups of Jews, each of whom have incorporated different customs and interpretations: the Ashkenazim and the Sepharadim. Just as issues were debated during Talmudic times (before the A&S split), so too issues arose that were not considered in modern times and different resolutions were found in the various communities, hence the difference in custom.
Additionally, communal enactments were made in certain areas. One, of course, was in the area of kitniyot. For whatever the reason the Jews of Eastern Europe decided to outlaw many of the legumes due to a variety of reasons. This enactment has been passed down, generation to generation and has evolved much over the years until it is as we have it today in 2013.
If Judaism was just about looking things up in the Bible and decided yea or nay, you would be right to be confused. But, Judaism also includes all the rulings that were made along the way that have been incorporated into modern day practice.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks! Chag Kasher V'Sameach!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Goldberger is one AMAZING person! Baltimore is lucky to have such a great Rabbi and Rebbitzen in our midst. We all benefit!
Comment by Leah Snyder
We should not have a cross on a Jewish website.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If there is no "official" prohibition on eating kitniyot, all Jews should be able to eat it during Pesach. If it is recognized as Pesachdik by some groups of Orthodox Jews, it should be recognized by all groups.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! This is awesome thank you so much!!! May you continue to have much Yiddisheh Nachas from all the whole family!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shehechianu was made after Lag Ba'Omer.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No Biggie OUR STAR-K got over 1300 in One day!!! see the back of the Pesach guide!!! GO STAR-K! GO BALTIMORE!....GO....GO AW SHUCKS GO RAVENS!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lol- & notice what the Rav is looking at on his computer!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1 didn\'t watch the video. He saw that Dov Lipman was in the headline, and immediately went on the attack. Whatever issues you may have with Lipman, can\'t we just admit that what he\'s doing in this video (pushing for Pollard\'s release)is a matter of pidyon shvuyim, and is therefore commendable? Keep up the good work, Jeff Cohn!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can this also be used to tame down flyaway hair on a sheitel? I would like to find a way to fix that
Comment by Leah Snyder
So one can get kitnios but gebrokts are impossible to find?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
hi i love bnos yisroel i am proud of our school that we raised so much money for such an important cause. JCN really is the best, thank you for the oppurtunity to raise money this way!!!!-BNYHS girl
Comment by Leah Snyder
Translation of the Nanny Mayor's comments: "Poor people are too dumb or undisciplined to take care of themselves.". Little Napolian, the czar of the world, will look after them. Sorry, little man, we do have laws that you, too, are subject to.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #1: Do you disagree with a word he said? Probably not. If anyone who advocates that not every yeshiva bochur should learn full time with no job training and no ability to earn a decent living is an apikorus, you have excluded most readers of this site.The system in Israel never existed in Jewish History, it is an aberation and there will be changes. You can call Dov Lipman any name you want, but he is not asking for anything not done in Baltimre,Maryland by the most frum and Torah loving people.
Comment by Leah Snyder
410 241 6438
Comment by Leah Snyder
He didn\'t care on 9/11 that some of the victims were Jewish. What \"comes around goes around\".
Comment by Leah Snyder
Address and contact info????
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, you are a good Yid! You do great things but you are very wrong with this one.
Please stop posting and publicizing the activities of this man, Dov Lipman, who has been and continues to be mevazeh Gedolim and their views in public.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hooray for Chani. You did a great job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is it that at this time of the year when families are strugling to make ends meet that prices go up? Always another excuse, but prices keep soaring. Chicken becoming too expensive? where are the Rabbonim to say use fish or something else. If the slaughter houses get stuck with a few tons of meat, you'll how quickly prices tumble
Comment by Leah Snyder
It could save a lot more by canceling Barak and Michelle's fancy vacations!
Comment by Leah Snyder
very impressive!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Levaya Friday morning. Leaving Shomrei Hadas at 9:00 am, passing Bais Yaakov 10:00 -10:15 - 46th st bet 13th 14th ave, passing 770 eastern parkway at 10:45.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Levaya is tomorrow, Friday. Leaving Shomrei Hadas Chapel in BP around 10am. Passing Beis Yakov at around 10:15
Comment by Leah Snyder
i disagree with rabbi brener completley. and he is misusing the torah to prove his point. aron was quiet because aron accepted the din of hakadosh baruch hu with a full heart. and he understood on his very lofty level that everything gd does is for the best. Now what does that have to do with keeping quiet when a brutal tyrant dies. We daven everyday that hashem should get rid of all evil in the world, it is preferable that these people repent and rid themselves of evil in that manner but if they dont do that, then the next best thing is for these people to cease from existance. theres a pasuk that says we should be bsimcha when a rasha dies. it says that aron was a \"oheiv sholom and a rodeif sholom\" wat does this mean? it means he loved peace and also knew when to chase away peace and say THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR A PEACE!!!! do you control a midda or is the midda controlling you? somebody who controls a midda knows when to use it and when to put it away. A person is supposed to know when to use the midda of chesed and when to feel sad. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES!!! dont let the midda of chesed control you rather we have to be able to control the midda! MUCH HATZLACHA!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
does rabbi brenner also believe that all of klal yisrael should of gone to be menachem avel adolf hitler's parents?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I certainly hope that John Brennan will not be nominated as the next director of the CIA. The Washington Times, in it's OP ED section last week, had an article indicating that Mr. Brennan converted to Islam back in the late 1990's while working for the CIA in Saudi Arabia at the time. Since then, he has done everything he possibly can to whitewash the Islamic threat of terrorism. It is truly a conflict of interest and he should definitely not be allowed to be in charge of our nation's intelligence agency.
Comment by Leah Snyder
They are Gypsies! They are regulars on Ave J in Brooklyn, and can be identified by the way they say \\\"Zdakah\\\" or \\\"Give for Shabbos\\\". Lately they have read that everyone is moving to Lakewood, and they have moved some of their fundraising there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Chavez was a serial racist Israel hater as well as an anti-semite.Good riddance to him!
Comment by Leah Snyder
While I understand the notion of #1's comment: the purpose of AIPAC is to maintain, enhance and build the US-Israel Relationship. The topics you suggest are not within the focus of AIPAC's mission focus. They are important issues, just not for the AIPAC policy conference. I suggest that you attend next year and participate in promoting the US-Israel relaitonsthip. The last special session we want to see is, "American Jews like to complain but do not want to participate to make a difference".
Comment by Leah Snyder
What about gan yaffa
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just wanted to know if there was a special session called "The dangers to Israel of a Two State Solution" or perhaps a session called "The travesty and immorality of the Gush Katif expulsion and it's aftermath" or even better "The unjustice regarding Pollard's life imprisonment". No, I didn't think so. But glad to hear they had good Kosher food!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't it be interesting if he was one of those illegals that was ordered (by theWhite House administration last week),to be freed by homeland security due to the "sequestration". But don't hold your breath, because even if true, the media will make sure to cover up that story. What a terrible tragedy for that beautiful couple and their baby. May they rest in peace.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I doubt that tourists and constituents are \"suffering\" due to these cuts. Pretty strong language! Travel agents will have some extra work adjusting, maybe will even lose a few client hours if they are not clever enough to find alternative activities. No one is suffering.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From a letter from Talmid.
The following letter was written by a talmid of Rav Rothenberg when the talmid was honored by the yeshiva dinner. It speaks volumes about the love and care of the rosh yeshiva:
Dear Friend:
I was not walking away from a teacher like that. I requested admittance to the Yeshiva in Mountaindale. The roshei yeshiva made my acceptance contingent upon two clauses, not easy ones. Sometime later, after I had been in the yeshiva for a while, I asked my rebbi why he chose those two things for me to have to do. His reply astounded me. He told me that anything that I would show I was willing to control in my life would indicate I was capable of learning to control all my actions and becoming a pro at serving Hashem. In other words, just as in sports you want to see capability and flexibility in muscle, my rabbeim were showing me in spirituality you have to work out your spiritual muscles and prove them supple and flexible.
The months I spent learning in Mountaindale will stay with me forever. It gave me a basis for building a home that is focused on trying to hit the aim in avodas Hashem with each action. It gave me rabbonim who continue to serve as yoatzim [advisors] to me, always available to answer my questions and to continue to provide me guidance.
At this time, I am humbled to be called upon to accept an honor. I accept, not because I feel I deserve this honor, but because I think it might be an opportunity for me to share this amazing jewel of a yeshiva with my friends and relatives and urge them to help support such a wonderful place. It is my opportunity to show gratitude to the place that set me on the proper path. The honor is not mine, it is the yeshiva's, and I would be most grateful for all support that helps the yeshiva continue to teach people how to 'aim their shots' at kedushah.
It was this kedushah that Rav Rothenberg humbly shared and spread with his cherished talmidim and with the Yidden, of all stripes and from all circles, he came in contact with.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The nurse should have clocked out or taken a few minutes of leave from her job, performed CPR, then gone back to her job.
I'm sure the number of residents interested in living at Glenwood Gardens is going to drop quickly!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a horrific story. That driver should have never been on the road.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1 & #4 -
I think Rabbi Shafran actually said it well: \"The judge knew about the bad thing; the least I could do was describe the good man.\" The judge likewise knows about the long-term harm inflicted by sexual abuse, and probably even heard from the victims in this case. But sentencing guidelines allow the judge to take other things into account. Indeed, this is precisely why our judicial system allows for judicial discretion and for community input to the judge. Such character testimony is routinely brought to bear, and defense attorneys actively solicit it. So just how does the mention of the good \"whitewash the problem\" or \"enable the abusers\"? Yes, our community has a long way to go in combatting abuse, but this case against Rabbi Miller is much ado about nothing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Noted. However the " very conservative hashkafa" has made an any critism of the right wing/"ultra-orthodox" off limits. My point regarding Assemblyman Hikind was that we (all observant, and indeed all Jews) should be the first to condemn this insensitivity (as did observant Assemblyman Sheldon Silver).
The comment regarding Rabbi Kanievsky tried to point out the absurdity of an article fretting over fallen sefarim and unconcerned about a subpopulation wishing to exempt itself from military service.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Baby unfortunately died this morning
May we do good deeds in their memory
And may they pray for the coming of mashiach bkarov
Comment by Leah Snyder
Another nail in the coffin of the old canard that it was just a few "Nazis" that did it all, and the rest of the Europeans were blissfully unaware. Who built, supplied, maintained, and profited from 42000 death centers. They all knew, and millions of Europeans actively aided and abetted mass murder.
Comment by Leah Snyder
what about jonathan pollard
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is the baby alive? Before it said baby died
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a wonderful way to meet our community's needs! Thank you for your accessibility and increased availability!
Risyl Edelman
Comment by Leah Snyder
Eglah Yefifyah Mitzroyim.
N M Edinger
Comment by Leah Snyder
#6 - Questioning the decision or action of "our Holy rabbis", is not a bizayon or a sin. Saying that asking a question regarding the decision of a "holy rabbi" a bizayon, is a bizayon.
Comment by Leah Snyder
On Ma'amar 2 I have to strongly disagree. I would characterize it as a speculative and false Pshat. We have no other information from Chazal as to Timna's intentions, and to speculatively impugn her seems to me to be a avla toward one who appears to be a Tzadekes! I think the Pshat on why Amalek could come out of a union between Elifaz (a quasi-tzadik and Timna, has more to do with Timna's state of mind, and that was, according to Chazal, unwarranted rejection by the Avos. We know that the state of mind of a husband and wife during relations can seriously affect their offspring. such is the affect of the B'ne Tisha Midos.
Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by Leah Snyder
When people ask me what I miss most since making Aliya two years ago it is hands down Suburban Orthodox. What a very special place, Jeremy and I are waiting here for all of you to come and make it Suburban Orthodox East!
Comment by Leah Snyder
ED. Note:, when created, was done so with high expectations and with very conservative hashkafos. Nothing has changed since June 8, 2010 when the site launched. All Hashkafically/Halachically questionable comments are submitted to several rabbinic authorities for confirmation or declination. This has occurred since day one. This is done so that those who are well versed in Hilchos Lashon Hara , etc., can help see to it that the site is free from inappropriate comments. (As an aside, comments that offer \'facts\' are fact-checked by a committee as best as possible before publication. If the facts in the comment proposed by the commenter are incorrect, that comment is not posted to the public.)
There are times that even a well written comment may offer a little more than the commenter may have intend. Such was the case with regard to your comment about the Gadol Hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita.
The comment about Dov Hikind was very well written, however, at the end of the comment you parenthetically suggested that our readers view a specific video which, due to language, would come nowhere near acceptable for our readership and would certainly not meet our high standards. Since we are prohibited from editing comments, it was impossible to post the first part of your comment without the last piece, which was totally unacceptable.
While we are sorry you are finished reading we stand by our decisions l\'hagdil Torah U\'l\'ha\'adera.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yasher koach and hatzlacha to Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi Gelber. Baltimore needs more mentchen like them. Their middos and ahavas yisrael are something we can all emulate.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nowadays, there is little truly impartial and fair news reporting and analysis. RushLimbaugh has an agenda , he is an entertainer who makes millions of dollars. He is no Walter Cronkite. Blame for the dysfunction in Wasington is complex but Rush has a share in the blame. The element that prefers default on our debt and all the other fiscal cliffs and filibusters has a strangle hold on too many elected officials and this prevents reasonable compromise and good governement. Also the hatred of the President means that there are too many people rooting for him to fail and unwilling to let government function. It is a sick situation.Tragically too many orthodox Jews are so full of prejudice and sick with hatred that they can't understand how out of touch they are with American values. It is sad.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hatzlacha to Rabbi Gelber, for always finding ways to reach more Yidden! May the Owings Mills Torah Center grow in Torah and members!
Comment by Leah Snyder
You censored my critique of Assemblyman Hikind as well as my critism of R. Kanievsky's reciting Tehillim so other people's kids can protect the Chareidim. These remarks were polite and well written. No reason to censor them Jeff. You're becoming a tool of the Right/Vaad/Yeshiva! I believe I'm now done with Baltimore Jewish Life!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The one that drives me crazy is \"You know what I\'m saying?\" This \"elongation\" of #2, which I do not recall hearing at all until the early 2000\'s, seems to be becoming more and more popular in the past few years.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! That was amazing. Mi Chamocha, Am Yisroel
Comment by Leah Snyder
almost every phone has a vibrate feature, and if it was truly important we would not forget to turn it off and back on - even when announcements are made at a chupah a funeral and other events people still do not have un"common" courtesy or respect to turn off their electronic leashes - even worse is when a persons cell phone goes off more than once during an event - just a total lack of respect - since we lack respect for others and for shul, of course we dont deserve the bais hamikdash
Comment by Leah Snyder
Respond to #1: Unfortunately too many of us forget to turn it back on!
Comment by Leah Snyder
They forget. It\'s human. B\"H this is not your challenge.
Comment by Leah Snyder
ummm... it is no miracle if the crash only happened because he was leaving...
Aderabah, this is a shreklach zach that people did not control themselves and it led to a bookcase with hundreds of sefarim, nebach, to fall down. Chaval, maybe we should all be mekabel taanis like when a sefer torah falls, as this is so public and it is the favorite sefarim of the gadol hador, no less!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Children's Megillah reading was co-sponsored by Youth Motivation for Education by Marla Lewis.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why don't people simply turn the phones off? That's what I do when I enter shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
can't wait for the Goldstein/Lerner wedding. Going to be a blast!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I can never find Northbrook when I need to.
Comment by Leah Snyder
boruch hatov v'hameitiv :)
Comment by Leah Snyder
FACT: Most articles in Ynet about religion are not too reliable. This website gains nothing from the cut and paste. This Rebbe is not influential at all. And anyway, what's the purpose of quoting him and stirring up sinas chinom. The mark of a chacham is knowing what to say and what NOT to say.
Comment by Leah Snyder
yoni, we're very proud of you and all your fellow soldiers. please convey this message to yoni
Comment by Leah Snyder
Indeed. Possibly the single most helpful resource of the year.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dittos,kol hakavod
Comment by Leah Snyder
Does BJL really need to show an article where one Jew, no matter how great, places blame on others? Don't we have enough of this already?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just like their israeli counterparts the aguda never fail to drop the ball on an almost every issue.instead of pointlessly trying to shnor some money from a radical adminisration that has rabid animosity towards any religious institution,how about taking a principled stance against further spending that will bankrupt our country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I saw these types of costumes all over Baltimore yesterday. Not too impressive for an Am Hamivchar...
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2, that would be the WORST thing that can happen to Northwestern. IF the school closes, and (reading from the above article)students in brown and black neighborhoods are displaced, building a school that would serve Jewish kids in place of brown and black kids would create/exacerbate racial tension. NOT a good idea, by any means.
Comment by Leah Snyder
As a proud second generation member of Ohr Hamzirach, I would like to thank the entire Persian Jewish Community for being such a warm community to be a part of. I could not imagine myself and my family being a part of any other community. Such warmth, dedication, devotion and integrity does this Shul mean for me and my family. Baruch Hashem for gift that Hashem has given us with our beautiful Makom Torah to allow our rich Persian Jewish Heritage to flourish and continue. Yasher KoAch to everyone involved.
Chana Lavi
Comment by Leah Snyder
However if the associated can buy it and build a nice Jewish school in the heart of the community the property values will all go up in that neighborhood and revitalize park heights
Comment by Leah Snyder
northwest high is an underachieving school. the students who attend it are categorically not from the neighborhood and do not respect the demographics of this neighborhood. additionally northwest high services the homeless population who need a school location. the main concern is that when/if the school shuts down what will it be replaced with. developers have long been taking empty schools and turning it into section 8 housing. if that happens the property values in the northwest community will plummet.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Postscript: Yoni told me that it would not have been Purim without the Lubavitchers who came in their Mitzvah truck and read the Megilla and gave out shalach monos. I asked how they got permission to go into a restricted and dangerous area and he answered, "don't ask". Yasher Koach to Chabad for caring about our boys, no matter where they are and whatever matzav they are in. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Megillah reading times:
Bnai Jacob - from Bulletin:
Saturday: 7pm and 8:15pm and 9:45pm
Sunday: 7:10am, 8:40am, 10:00am
Shomrei Emunah from bulletin:
Saturday: 7pm and 9pm
Sunday: 6:35am,7:35am,8:35am,10:00am,kids reading at 10:45am,
Comment by Leah Snyder
The display is adorable. Stop by with your family. You'll enjoy it tremendously! Leah Schwartz
Comment by Leah Snyder
A total waste of money. Castro will only release Gross with a concession from the State Department. Hilary Clinton did nothing to help him, and most likely Kerry will also do nothing. The U.S. Agency for International Development, who sent him to Cuba should foot the entire bill, it sent him to Cuba knowing full well the dangers involved. It now has the total responsibility to get him out!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for the comment! Yes, NNC is open to everyone, and we are working very hard to make sure the organization reflects the diversity of the neighborhood. We have a diverse group of members; we host monthly diversity dialogues; and we are building relationships with black churches in order to build trust in the community with people who don\'t always hear about, connect with, or engage in projects that originate in Northern Park Heights. We welcome other suggestions, and more importantly, we welcome your help - in continuing in this direction. See you at the launch event.
-Lane, Northwest Neighbors Connecting
Comment by Leah Snyder
there are two ways out of a marriage: divorce or death. if a man does not give his wife a get thereby divorcing her he is in essence asking for the other option to be applied.
Comment by Leah Snyder
His book is an absolute must read for every Jew. An example for us all. Baruch Dayan Emet!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder why he's homeless to begin with. If it's the result of some addiction or mental/emotional issue all this money won't help unless that issue is addressed. There was a homeless man a few years ago who made headlines with his professional voice and who's youtube clip landed him a job with Kraft cheese. I recall hearing that he regressed after the noise calmed down and went back to drinking.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Those who truly want to donate to the community would do better to ignore beggars coming to the door and instead give to a legitimate charity like Ahavas Yisroel that provides food for the poor.
Comment by Leah Snyder
BD"E- I remember when he spoke to us when I was in seminary. I was so young then but his story was and remains inspiring to me till today. What a special person. May his family have a nechama.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I thought I would share the latest polls. If there is no coalition and if new elections were held today, Yesh Atid would rise from 19 to 30 and become the largest party in the Knesset, Bayit Yehudi would rise from 12 to 15. All other parties would go down, Likud-Beiteinu from 31 to 20, etc. Regardless of what the chareidi leaders threaten, the vast majority of Israelis are sick and tired of the present situation and want real change. This debate has been going on since 1948 and unless there is some reasonable compromise, the next elections will overturn the professional politicians. Netanyahu is trying to marginalize Yesh Atid,but it may backfire. E. Oberstein This is not my interpretation but what the polls show.
Comment by Leah Snyder
And let us not forget the brochures' promises of shedduchim, parnossa, and alleh guteh zachin!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent post!
I live here in Israel and in my city there is one organization that has gone overboard with advertising.
Not only is it a waste of tzedaka money it also trashes the neighborhood and causes a great Chilul HaShem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very nice speach and great accomplishment to be chosen as a Chevrah Knesset. Unfortunately most of what he said is directly against the ENTIRE Moetzes of Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel. too bad. He is very passionate.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Frand gave an incredible talk with profound insights on how to properly raise children. I wish the venue would have been filled to capacity like the teshuva drasha. He is worth it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Seriously Jeff...what is the moderator review intended for if every comment denigrating our Holy rabbis is posted. the sin of Bizui Talmud chochom is great.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"none of their business"
what is this website coming to?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America would have more credibility on the issue is they made Aliya and encouraged others to join them. Maybe that is what's holding back the final Geulah and the army would no longer be necessary.
I wonder what they would have so say about the many bochurim learning in the Hesder yeshivos in EY. They too learn the same Torah at a high level. Yet they and their families also feel a sense of responsibility to defend the borders of Eretz Yisroel, which includes Bnei Brak and Geulah. These statements are equivalent to stipulating that the Hesder bochrim are welcome contributors--as Shabbos Goyim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How rich!This self rightousness coming from a guy who held multiple fundraisers prior to the last election even though he was running basicaly unopposed.I wonder where all that money went
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder if Rabbi Shafran has ever known or spoken with a person who has been sexually assaulted. (He can\'t even bring himself to say it: 'Orthodox Rabbi Defends Jewish Psychiatrist Convicted in'¦ Assaults') The LIFELONG damage done to the victims is certainly incomparable to cheating on taxes, no matter how \"nice\" the perpetrator may be otherwise.
Rabbi Shafran\'s astounding column further substantiates the accusations of the regrettably silent members of our community , who maintain that much of the Orthodox rabbinical world whitewashes the problem of abuse at best, and at its worst, enables the abusers.
Rabbi Shafran states that Rabbi Miller was not defending the accused or his actions, but merely asking for mercy and leniency from the court since \"the bad does not erase the good.\"
I wonder if Rabbi Shafran\'s own child had been assaulted, chas v\'shalom, if he would be satisfied with a more \"merciful\" punishment for the perpetrator. If, due to the requested leniency, the perpetrator gets probation or a minimal sentence, he will soon be back on the streets, without any guarantee that more innocent souls will be not victimized in the future.
Abusive journalism? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Oy lanu.
Galia Berry (I hope others will speak out and sign their names)
Comment by Leah Snyder
Orthodox Jews must be sensitive to the perception that we do not take abuse seriously. My question is did the letter enhance the honor of Heaven or detract from it? And Rabbi Shafran's apologetics for our community's foibles sounds more like spin.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#4 & #6 are correct - they are Roma, gypsies. Our Russian yidden know them very well. The level of chutzpa they show is incredible as is their interest in "perfecting their skills", i.e., getting better at mimicking people you would give to. Their culture smiles on stealing. It won't be long before they figure out what saying Shema is, or parshas hashavua, etc., as there is no consequence to trying over and over again until they get it right. On the other hand, if there were a consequence to failing - arrest, harassment, worse - it would probably not be worth it to them. 'Nuf said.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The 1st commentor is 100 % right.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you TA (& BJL)!
Comment by Leah Snyder
there is a middah of rachamim that applies even to the worst sinners, we rely on it every year...
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm sorry but didn't Congressman Sarbanes support ObamaCare? With his support of that legislative monstrosity he put partisan and special interests ahead of the interests of his constituents.
It's hard to take his complaint about special interests seriously when he is a big part of the problem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speaking of Meshulachim, real or fake, I don't give if he smells like a chimney from smoking. Besides the fact that he is jeopardizing his life and health when he has a needy family, he is also burning up hundreds of dollars a month in weeds. That is money that should be going for his needy family. I often confront them on the issue when they ring the bell. All say they are addicted and really want to stop smoking. I tell them, when they stop, I will give them money. I consider it good Musar for them. RSG
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have noticed this MANY times in Avi Shafran's writing - he compares two incomparibles to make a "point" which he attempts to have readers believe is the ONLY valid way of looking at something. In the end, this only makes his writing seem willfully insensitive. Committing a financial crime and assaulting the innocence of one's patient's are VERY different. Being tempted by money is a very natural, human thing -- assaulting teenagers is NOT. Rabbi Miller should have stayed out of doing anything that would seemingly have defended this doctor. Instead, he should focus on the individuals whose lives have been damaged by the doctor.
And furthermore, if the doctor did not want to go to jail in this ill health, perhaps he should have thought about the consequences of committing the crime for which he is accused.
Comment by Leah Snyder
re: #4: they are correct. they are gypsies. there is a large gypsy community in the maryland/virginia area they have been doing this for years and it is nothing new. re: people collecting money etc. i do not give money. i will offer food, drink (water, soda, juice) and information on job offers, links with others, etc, but i do not give money. i have found that those who are really seeking help will take what is offered. those who are not usually give a negative response.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Maybe this isn't the most appropriate place to post this comment, but I wanted to alert community members of another disturbing occurrence. Last night (2/19/2013) a group of "bochurim" were collecting in my neighborhood at approximately 9PM. They were being rowdy and boisterous - behavior definitely not befitting those collecting for either the poor or the various mosdos. I refused to answer the door for them, as I was afraid that they would wake my sleeping children. Additionally, I did not think it was appropriate to reward their behavior with a check. The previous night I did answer the door for a couple of bochurim from Ner Israel who were cordial and polite - they received a check.
A little while after they knocked on my door I heard them again outside my home. I do not know exactly what happened, as I was upstairs, but it sounded to me like they threw objects at my house.
I was also a yeshiva bochur who collected and understand that it is a fun activity for those involved. However, whoever is sending out these bochurim are responsible for their behavior and the kiddush or chillul Hashem that is caused.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What some people do to make a buck...
Comment by Leah Snyder
When the gedolim in EY meddle in issues that only affect Chutz Laaretz, it is at best annoying, and generally gets laughed off (crocs on YK, abridged hataras nedarim). EY Gedolim don't understand the issues that we have in CHU"L. So why is it the the Moetzes in the US thinks they have any business commenting on issues that only affect EY. I am not saying that I agree or disagree with the Moetzes' stance, I am saying that it is none of their business. Just like we expect the gedolei EY to defer to the CHU"L gedolim for CHU"L issues, the CHU"L gedolim should do the same. Besides, which lawmaker in EY cares what the American Moetzes says. Just stay out of it. Often being quiet is being smart.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you BJL
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think its really important that BJL run these articles. You may not agree with Rabbi Lipman, but you definitely see his ahavas yisrael, and midos, and menschlichkeit, which is very lacking in political discourse. Even if you don't agree with anything he says, he is a role model for us all.
Comment by Leah Snyder
My wife and I want to thank Ohr Hamizrach Congregation specially the following people for all their time and hard work on annual dinner event. Rabbi Reuben Arieh, Mr. David Cohen, Rabbi Emanuel Goldfeiz, Rabbi Menashe Sadik,Rabbi Reuven Rooshenshad,Mr. Daniel Golfeiz. May Hashem help you and you should see good in whatever you do,and appreciate it. Amen!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps BJL should stop posting articles about R' Lipman, not because he's done anything wrong (of course), but because people cannot refrain from bashing him in the comments section of these articles. Seriously, it's ok to disagree with his politics and hashkafos, but people should be a little more careful with the terms they throw around, all in the name of kana'us. It's a little bit sickening, to be honest.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: That's your opinion...Keep up the good work Jeff. Every time there is an article about Dov Lipman certain commenters only seek to attack and besmirch his work. Why do you assume every one has to agree with your haskafa? Is it possible there is more than one opinion on the matter?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1-Time will tell
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mazel Tov Shira! What an amazing chesed! You are a true tzadekes. May your noble actions bring refuah to all those in need and may you continue to see mazel and bracha from your nephews!
Comment by Leah Snyder
no shortage of opportunities to make a Chilul Hashem
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn-You are granting publicity to wrong hashkafos and wrong actions by Dov Lipman. He says the wildest, most arrogant things, esp. in this interview.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kleinman should be ashamed of himself!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
These rabbis need a dose of reality administered to them. If these students are indeed the Israeli equivalent of conscientious objectors, they should be subject to an alternative type of national service. It is no mitzvah to be a Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Interesting how they skirt around the politically incorrect real reason we moved to the suburbs. "There goes the neighborhood" was the most common saying of the day.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hi folks,I was glad to see the program comming to light on the printed page just do not want you to leave the impression that the program is only for the Jewish Community in the Northwest Community. The picture speaks for it self. I know you are just presenting the excitement of the launch and am sure other pictures will represent your total picture of the NNC.
I just don\'t want you to miss the point that the picture should reflect a diverse population however it was not reflected in this picture.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ner Israel is certainly not proud of his career
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mazal Tov, Shira! What a wonderful project! May Hashem bless you and your family!
Comment by Leah Snyder
So now, it's all about the hand shake. Foolish people, Israel is falling apart. It's government continues to tear down Jewish homes (as recent as last Friday in the Shomron), while allowing Arabs to continue to build illegally all over Jerusalem. The Israeli government just announced it would be aiding Turkey's electronic weapon systems as well as awarding Obama with a special presidential award when he comes to visit Israel in March. You call Feiglin an extremist. Well, excuse me, if it is considered extreme to want Israel to stop committing suicide in it's march towards a two state solution, then I am an extremist too! Unbelievable!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I believe that wine producers/vineyards can ship directly to Maryland, not other retailers. Read the fine print carefully and you'll see that this web site works around this by having your purchase occur in Pennsylvania and they are only shipping your already purchased merchandise. ?kosher
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dear #1, My onversation with Yehuda Avner was a seperate one from that of the Baltimoe Jewish Times. If you read both, you see that there were different quesions. In any event, I hope you are able to hear him in person . rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is not an exclusive! The Baltimore Jewish Times had it first: Check out this interview for a full Q&A and an in-depth look at Ambassador Avner's life and wisdom.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not that I agree with these signs, but isn't this the frum equivalent of "No shirt, no shoes, no service"?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeremy, you rock!! YAAH!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yair Lapid is a wolf in sheep clothing, and it is interesting to see that Dov Lipman is doing the same thing. Dov, maybe call the Rosh Yeshiva (Harav Aron Feldman) and get his advice before you speak.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is this called a secret?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful Rochelle. I would love to read more things you wrote! Keep writing!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Isn't Shea Jacobs formally of Baltimore.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #3 do some more research, the link you posted is referencing the This is off their site
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank You Eli Lasson for all you do for Baltimore as you help people from all walks of life find real, well paying jobs.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you are not making us all proud. The legitimacy of any problems you highlight does not justify what you are doing. Please stop this grand chilul hashem! - A Ner Israel Chaver who went to College and who also recognizes that we must seek guidance from our manhegim, especially regarding public matters.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my family, our usual way to play Scrabble is to play it on Shabbos. We don't have time during the week. So, I guess the question then is why can't we play? Our usual mode of play is to NOT write the score. Since this is our USUAL way, it implies that games kept just for Shabbos can be played. I'd love to hear people's response to this!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you R.Kaplan for a amazing shabbos filled with ruach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very inspiring - Thank you Shuey Grunwald for bringing in the Mzamrim and to the Rubin family for sponsoring the great Shabbos. Thank you Mzamrim for inspring thousands of jews with their heartfelt singing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
With Shas calling Shomer Shabbos Jews "Goyim," they should be left out of the government.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can you please provide Aharon Newman\'s contact info? The link does not work. Thanks!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's sad that so many Jews drive mercedes and BMW to begin with. One pf the photos shows Nissan as the "sponsor of Ahmadinejad's carpool". Well, Mercedes was the official sponsor of Hitler's carpool.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yashe Koyach to Reb Shuey for bringing such ruchnius to the community.
Comment by Leah Snyder
After watching this clip again and again I realized that this really is the way to start a shabbos, thank you abe for the hospitality I'm looking forward for another shabbos with you,
(Chilu posen, Mzamrim)
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad testament, when a drink of water is more important than the future of the Country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #1: Mechalel Shem Shomayim?!? Who are you to judge? Are you an expert in Israeli politics? If anything, he is making a Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Way to go Dov. You make us all proud.
A Ner Israel Chaver who went to College
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just by joining Lapid, he has crossed the Chillul Hashem Line... big time.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman,
you have many supporters in this community.
Ignore the bitter rantings below.
we are very proud of you
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: A bit too harsh. Yes, there is danger here and he could fall into a trap. But there is also opportunity for kiddish hashem. Let's be mispallel that Reb Dov crosses the kidish Hashem line rather then the opposite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
is there a video of this speech?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lipman might be a nice guy and perhaps may even think he acts L\'shem Shomayim, but just the opposite is true; he is a complete Mechalel Shem Shomayim. By aiding and abetting the Sonei Hashem, Torah and Yisroel Lapid in Yesh Atid, we must consider that he has thrown away his Olam Habah. He calls himself a rabbi but he has publicly divorced himself every Gedol Yisroel, that makes him a Megale Ponim B\'Torah Shelo K\'halacha.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why are we even giving this guy publicity? I'm the child of a Holocaust survivor and frankly I don't see how the ranting an raving helps us, it only bolsters more fools and copycats to try to create a more of an antisemitic splash.
Comment by Leah Snyder
seems like his prank backfired... he's the one who is a fashion designer but can't seem to become fashionable...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Maryland law changed 6 months ago. Check out for more information
Comment by Leah Snyder
Numbers 1 and 3.
All I can say is give me a break and Chill Out!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
it is now allowed under MD law.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This isn't news. It's a nice humanitarian story, but not local news.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I thought shipping wine to MD was against the law...Did something change?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Oberstein: Can you provide a little more information regarding how they determined this and what proof they have? - A curious reader
Comment by Leah Snyder
That's because they didn't get the vitamins from a natural food store.
You get what you pay for!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The way the frum world has tried to protect itself for generations is by banning anyone who thinks differently.This is very evident in Israel where any deviation leads to ostracism. It doesn't work, and it is wrong.
Dov Lipman went from unemployed yeshiva rebbe to $125,000 a year, car and office with a secretary. He did NOT sell his soul as some contend, he stood up for normal, American style frumkeit which is considered apikorsus in charedi Israel. Lapid may fizzle and burn out and Dov may have to get another job,but,meanwhile, let's give them a chance to save the chareidim from a failure of vision. Politics is not kid stuff and Yesh Atid is the latest in a long line of centrist parties that may not succeed in changing the way Israel is governed. But,meanwhile, Dov should enjoy the car and the office and the paycheck and keep his head held high.
Comment by Leah Snyder
People who take from society, need to contribute as well. Torah learning is vital for Israel to succeed, but not every Chareidi is sitting and learning.
There was just a report, where Hesder Yeshiva students, who were sitting and learning, were called up earlier than they were supposed to because of a manpower shortage. Their Torah learning is no less important than Chareidi learning and certainly more imporant than Chareidim who are no longer sitting and learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps there would have been a greater turnout had the Baltimore Israel Coalition, an arm of the Baltimore Jewish Council, opted to have supported the event. Their abject failure to do so is a sad commentary on the quality of what passes for communal leadership in this city -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Bravo Jay and company. It would have been nice to have a more broad based community support (seems like a no-brainer).
Comment by Leah Snyder
may this animal be brough to justic3 real soon.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2: Not true for a second. Please stop spewing garbage. Firstly, RABBI Lipman is a rov himself. Secondly, Rabbi Lipman has consulted with many Rabbonim - and I know that for a fact. If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Because jeremy Lustman whose family is well known in Baltimore moved to Israel with a dream of building bridges between Israeli businesses and US businesses and has been successful despite a very difficult global economy. I think it's quite an accomplishment and shows quite alot of emunah and bitachon by moving his family to Israel.
He should be commended.
Comment by Leah Snyder
musmach of YU 1954
Comment by Leah Snyder
why is this news?
Comment by Leah Snyder
As a NIRC talmud, I am very proud of Rabbi Lipman. He is a true tzadik, and a humble one as well.
He is an inspiration and role model to many of us. He was and is one of the few chareidim to stand up for emes in Beit Shemesh.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov lipman received no hadrocha from any rov or gadol and should be shunned in our community for joining an anto torah party .probbaly the worst that israel has ever seen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can't believe he'd be willing to give away Yehuda and Shomron. Living here for 8 + years he should know that there is no such thing as peace with the Palestinians monsters.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't that be a dream come true - the fanatic who are running Iran destroy each other, and there's another revokution.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is anyone even bothering to answer #11/13. He is obviously a very, disturbed, unhappy individual. If someone can stoop so low as to be m\'vaseh our rabonim b\'rabim then he is either unstable or extremely lonely and unhappy. He reminds me of the yidden who made a mockery of Mordechai Hatzadik when he tried to remind the yidden that attending achashveirosh\'s party was not the proper way for a frum yid to act. What an \"audacity\" of Mordechai hatzadik to dare persuade the yidden to act properly!! Who did he think he was anyway? Just because he knew kol hatorah kuloh backwards and forwards and was the tzadik ha\'ir that gave him a right to remind the yidden that perhaps they were moving in the wrong direction? This unhappy yid thinks along the same lines. Unfortunately he has no emunas chachamim and feels that he knows better than all of the rabanim listed below as well as the chashuveh rosh hayeshiva, Rav Aharon Feldman shlita, of the moetzes gedolai hatorah. I fear for Mr. 11/13 acharei mayah v\'esrim shana when he gets up there and finds out that perhaps our esteemed rabanim knew a thing or two more than him and were right.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sorry Number 11/13,
Do you really believe that you or I have the right to judge whether Rabbis Berger, Hopfer, Heinemann, Feldman, Shuchatowitz, Taub, Tesser, Weiss, Goldfeiz, Naiman, Seidemann, Heber, Eichenstein, and Aryeh have audacity for organizing a Torah learning program.
Borrowing from the words of Bibi Netanyahu
Have You No Shame? Have You No Decency? What a Disgrace! What A Mockery You Make Of Our Distinguished Rabbis For Having The \"Audacity\" To Schedule a 45 minute Learning Session In The Middle Of The Super Bowl! Whatever The Motivation!
Sorry Number 11/13 - It Is You Who Have Unbelievable \"Audacity\" For Stating What You Did Publically!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#12: I think a Macha'a is audacious. Do you disagree?
Comment by Leah Snyder
B'H What achdus from our chassidic bretheren!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I dont even know where to start............Let me get this clear number 11.
You think it was "audacious" of our distinguished rabbonim to discourage their congregants from getting " too wrapped up in the super bowl?? If your answer is yes, it is you who is missing the boat in a big way! Again I repeat, chill out Baltimore!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I believe that the Jews still living in Iran wish to live there. This isn't like the 1930s where Hitler came to power and in a short period of time had the Gestapo on the streets. The Iranian leadership has been in place for decades. Any Jew who wanted to leave had, and still does, the opportunity to leave. We should absolutely boycott companies who do business with Iran.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 and 10#: When you make a community wide event, that means whoever organized it intended to send a message to everyone. It was not just a few fathers and sons making their own decisions to skip some of the game. The message was that the community was discouraged from getting too wrapped up in the game. Even the Rabbonim expressed this last Shabbos. I know first hand one particular Rav intended it as a Macha'a against the community. That's audacious if you ask me. That's what got people riled up...You missed the boat.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When Jewish leaders in the 30s would organize boycotts of German goods, all it did was enrage Hitler, who would turn around and take it out on German Jews, who were helpless to resist.
Thousands of Jews still live in Iran. Why should American Jews antagonize the mullahs who really run the country? Learn, daven, do chesed - that's what stops them!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree. Why do people care so much if a bunch of men and boys sat and learned Torah at the same time as the Superbowl? If you didn't want to do it then so be it. You should have shredded up the despicable flyer and used it as confetti to throw on the field at the Ravens homecoming parade. What you do with your time is between you and Hashem. Did someone come into your house, turn off the game,put a revolver to your head and demand you head over to Kol Torah? Breaking news: WE HAVE BECHIRA! Why such an uproar? You made a choice to go watch the superbowl. Does everyone have to make the same choice as you?? If there are people out there who really sincerely can't understand why there are people who only want their children and themselves exposed to ruchniyus I suggest you speak it over with a rav that shares that same hashkafa so that you can clarify these hashkafos for yourself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Had an awesome time in week 1. Great job guys!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am shocked and amazed by all the negative comments on this article and another on BJL about the beautiful Torah learning event held at Rabbi Berger's shul. Why is anybody viewing this as a choice between learning and the SB? It was a 45 minute program with plenty of time before and after to watch. And if you or your son didnt want to go, who was forcing you to go?? Don\'t we have enough self confidence that someone can do something different than us without criticizing. Take a chill Baltimore!!!
Just for the record, I DIDN\'t take my son to the learning event.
Comment by Leah Snyder
there is a perki avos that discusses this issue... something along the lines of "do not trust those in government for they are there only to pursue their own interests"....
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't it be healthier to make your children confident in their belief and value system so they can face the challenge of the secular world rather than run away from it?
Comment by Leah Snyder
And who do you think is paying for it?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Great League! Thank you Dovi Ziffer and Yossi Openden for making this happen!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Apparently, we don't try to sign up; looks like the league was formed without involving the Greater Baltimore community. If you were in the know, you were included. It would have been nice to open this up to the community at large, guys.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have figured out how to watch Israeli television, specifically the Knesset Channel and I watched as each of the 120 members rose and stated their loyalty to the state. For a Jew with historical memory it was emotional to me. There are so many kipot, it is actually 1/3 of the Knesset.
It is time to appreciate the miracle and cease the fighting. L.Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
He is a unique individual.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From Phoenix to Monroe.. what a journey!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#5: I would like to respectfully answer your question as it is a very valid question and I hope this answer helps you understand the mindset. Perhaps you don't have a problem having your children watch or attend a football game (or watch tv or anything else secular). And if that is the derech you have chosen for you and your children then I'm sure you discussed it with your rav first and together you decided that this was best for your family and particular situation. We are supposed to make a cheshbon hanefesh every night and think about if we are making Hashem happy in every choice we make throughout our day and think how we can improve on it the next day. You have made the choice that by exposing your children to secular culture and ideas you are making Hashem happy and doing the right thing. I may not understand your decision but I also understand that everyone serves Hashem in his own way as long as they are keeping all the mitzvos and not being oiver avairos. There are people though who have made the decision not to expose their children to the secular world as much as possible. Even if they are not seeing any outright pritzus (what some people call watching "kosher" tv) we still shield them from the secular mindset which is not based on Torah values. We can not completely shield our children obviously because we don't live in a bubble but we believe that we must do our hishtadlus not to intentionally bring it into our homes which are a mikdash mi'at. Just as certain things did not belong in the bais hamikdash because it was a makom kedusha, our homes too are a mini bais hamikdash and there are people who work tirelessly to keep their homes free of any secular concepts (no tv, secular newspaper, internet etc). They also work very hard to keep their children as sheltered as possible outside the home as well. Many gedolim feel that children can reach an overall higher level of learning and yiras shamayim if they are free of foreign ideas. Torah is compared to water. We all want to drink pure water even paying big bucks for bottled water! When anything dirty is in the water whether its chemical's, pieces of food or objects, or just plain old fashioned dirt the water is not as pure as it could be. This is why many people won't expose their children to secular ideas. Their children's nishamos won't have the chance to be as pure as they could have been had they not been exposed to it. We each have our own definitions of normal and as we grow in our yiddishkeit it changes. At one time I too watched sports and went to games but I have grown in my yiddishkeit and have made a decision not to do this anymore. Perhaps one day you will get there (and beyond!) but for now you are where you are and that's okay as long as there's always an awareness to grow. You may not understand this mindset but again, we all have different ways of serving Hashem. Many people were upset that their children saw purple cookies in our heimishe stores and ads about superbowl specials in our heimishe circulars. You may not agree with this but part of being open minded means understanding that not everyone is the same. As long as we are constantly asking ourselves "Am I making Hashem happy right now?" and answering with a YES!! then that's what's important. And if the answer is no or not sure, then don't be afraid to work on it. This is why some families did not want their children watching the superbowl even if they would have learned before and/or after. I hope this answers your question!
Comment by Leah Snyder
With all due respect, if the best defense is a good offense, this man is doing the best he can with specious and partiaally correct statistics. Just like Creation Science is a way to justify not teaching evolution, it is a sematic defense not based on emes. The statistics of Charedi poverty are there for all to see.The lack of a basic core curriculum puts chareidi men at a distinct disadvantage in the job market. Those who work off the books are geting less income and are dodging taxes, which is illegal. A large class of poverty stricken families is needlessly created and the figures cited are only part of the story, the Chareidim benefit from the social welfare system due to large families and low income. Learning English is not heresy, it is necessary for getting a good job and also would help them when they come around asking for money in shul to buy an apartment for their child so he or she can get married. This article smacks of paranoia.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I\'m saddened by the obsession w/ prizes. Gashmius! I thought we were holier than that.
Comment by Leah Snyder
anyone who attended had no idea what the prizes would be or that they'd be so extensive usually, the prizes at these events are pretty 'dinky' but hey, Chazal say (and the Rambam writes extensively) that esp. with children you must use prizes as a motivation
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very nice event. But, do we have to close off our children from everything secular? Would it have been so bad if they watched a football game, and this event were held at another time?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#32 and #35. I wouldn't call it an obsession with the "super bowl". The frum community, or parts of it, do not go "over the top" every year at super bowl time. It just so happens that this year, like 12 years ago, the home team made it to the final game. Even for the average yid who watches an occasional game, or merely checks on the scores, it can be an exciting time for us Baltimoreans. Having the home team get to the super bowl creates a jolt of civic pride for the whole city and state. Nothing wrong with being joyous over a sporting even for a short while. No one here is devoting their life to the Super Bowl.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If this was supposed to be such an easy choice for the boys, why did we have to give them all of these prizes? Does this mean that without the prizes the boys would have chosen to watch the game?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#24 and #30: The rabbonim in town need the feedback of their mispalelim to help them understand the consequences of the policies and statements that are put forth. When you give your Rav feedback that will help him make informed decisions for the future when similar issues arise. Your Rav needs to know what message your sons and daughters understood from the learning program. Did they hear the nuanced message that the \"fan culture\" in our community took their \"purple fever\" too far or did they hear the the Super Bowl and professional sports in general is as treif as an xmas tree?
What was the take away of the extended jewish community, including the impression of those that did watch the game, from the event? What message did they understand?
Now, I doubt the Rabbonim intended to create such a firestorm when getting behind the event. The organizers themselves were surprised and amazed with the turnout, as were all those who attended. Unfortunatley, it appears they were victims of their own success. On the one hand a huge crowd of people came to learn to show their solidarity with Toras Hashem. On the other hand many people felt alienated by the outcry against a game which was always viewed as a more or less pareve pursuit in our community. Many feel as if watching the super bowl (not just the commercials and half time show which jsut about everyone across the orthodox spectrum could understand why the rabbonim would object) and rooting for the local team was declared treif. It seems the nuanced message the Rabbonim hoped to portray got lost on many individuals?
There will be many who will want to have another Avos Ubunim next year during the Super Bowl to build off the success of this year\'s. I hope they think long and hard about the consequences and message the whole community perceives when organizing a community wide event. Most likely the Ravens will not make the Super Bowl next year and another community wide event will clearly say the Rabbonim have a major issue with the Super Bowl itself and not the fanaticism of the Jewish Baltimore Ravens fan. We\'ll find out next year if that\'s what the Rabbonim want.
Your Rav needs to hear from you. Is this the right forum to express your opinion to your Rav? Probably not. Tell him yourself. If you\'re apprehensive about expressing your opinion to your Rav for fear of being judged or because you don\'t have much of a relationship with him you or because your Rav doesn\'t take well to feedback you probably should rethink your choice of Rav. The Rabbonim of our community need to hear. The decisions can\'t be made in a vacuum.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why prizes? Limmud Torah with your father is enough of a prize!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! Thats amazing.
Go Klal Yisroel!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#34: it pinned fathers against sons?? You are the father and you can tell your child that you are not attending an event. Since when does a father need to accommodate his child's every demand. Often there is more than one event occurring in Baltimore at the same time. It is up to the parents to decide what the family will be attending and what not. Your son easily could have learned with his rebbe or a neighbor if he wanted to go. There is no reason a father should ever be afraid to tell his child that he can not attend an event. If however you were afraid to tell your son that you were not attending because you didn't want him to know that you wanted to watch the superbowl instead then maybe its time to re-examine your values. If that was not the issue then you needed to put your foot down and say that tatty can not attend but you will be more than happy to find him someone to learn with instead. What a bracha that your son wanted to learn instead of watching the superbowl! The event did not pin fathers against sons; guilt may have though.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Draft Arabs? Is he nuts. Also If you take from society, you have to contribute as well, atleast in some way. Not everyone is a learner. It is also not a crime to support ones family.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Marwick for this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How nice that the Shomrei event was held before the Super Bowl, so the boys and their fathers were able to learn Torah and still see the game. "Efshar l'kayaim shnaihem (it is possible to have both)."
Comment by Leah Snyder
What part of it is a "community-wide collective guilt trip?" It was just a beautiful event designed to make a statement. Even if you didn't want to be forced to make that choice, don't snap back at the event. It's your perception about the event that's making you feel guilty, not the event itself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Buy him a one-way ticket!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with # 32. This is not about watching the Superbowl. Each to this own. But it is about the obsession that part of the frum community had with it, which includes: a superbowl viewing in a beis haknesses with a front-cover ad in the major community magazine comparing it to a siyum; purple challos in all the bakeries; and other mishugas. It went too far, and a statement needed to be made. We all love everybody. Parents scold their children, siblings argue over things. It's not hatred. Let's not take it there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The problem is not a father-son learning program, everyone agrees that\'s a wonderful thing. The problem is that this pinned fathers against sons and vice versa. Obviously if neither father nor son follows sports all is well, but what happens when either the father or son want to watch while the other wants to learn? The result is friction and loss of respect for whichever party wanted to watch. We don\'t create opportunities to magnify our short-comings and place individuals in awkward situations with family members do we? Would any of us create such a circumstance in our own homes? At the very least, the program should have been geared towards children only...without placing responsibility on the parent who may have other plans. The child can decide to attend or not. By making it a dual father-son program, the fathers were dragged in perforce, or suffer the consequence of being viewed by the child as an ignoramous. Gee, thanks. Simply an insensitive gesture with no regard for those who don\'t fit the mold of what every Jewish family *should* be like. What event can I think of to magnify the shortcomings of the more devout who came up with this scheme?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful article! The pictures brought tears to my eyes! I can only imagine the Aibeshter looking down from the kisay hakovod and rejoicing along with the malachim and the simcha and nachas it must have brought to shamayim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Such a beautiful Kiddush H\'. L\'maan yirbu ymaichem viymei vneichem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hurrah!!! Then North Korea can fire a missile at it and we can watch the fireworks from below!
Let's hope he burns up in re-entry!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Everyone will agree Yiddin learning Torah is a good thing. The problem started when this became a community-wide collective guilt trip ON EVERYONE rather than what should have been directed at specifically a few Shuls by their own rabbonim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This event was intentionally made during the Super Bowl, and it was for the purpose of making a communal statement. The 900 fathers and sons (as reported by BJL) made that statement loud and clear. My Rav explained the intention of this event, and he did so with heartfelt passion and feeling for the health of our community. He first made it clear that it\'s not about following sports or not. That judgement is the responsibility of parents to make and its approach is different for different people. At the same time, our community has never endorsed or identified with the Super Bowl to the extent that it did this year, as evidenced by the advertisements in the local circulars. That\'s an unhealthy sign and the following loud and clear statement had to be made: The Baltimore community does not *identify* with the Super Bowl or *define* themselves as Ravens Fans or Super Bowl celebrants! There may be those who watch it or are general fans of the Ravens and that is not being condemned. This protest of 900 Avos UBanim told HKB\"H, we are Yours, and we\'re all about what\'s important to You!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The comments that follow this feature demonstrate several problems that are part of what seems to be the never ending bein adam l'chaveiro issues that have plagued us throughout Galus Edom.
-We do not respect the different approaches that K'lal Yisroel has in the wide spectrum of Shomrei Torah U'Mitzvos
-We do not respect that the banner of Shomrei Torah U'Mitzvos includes people who watch the Superbowl in a Raven's jersey and people in white shirts and black trousers who haven't a clue who Beyonce is.
-We do not respect that every person has their own package of nisyonos and struggles within Kiyum Mitzvos and often to grow or even to survive as a practicing Jew a person needs to access who they are and pick their individual battles. Their choices may be different than our own and that does not give us a right (nor is it in keeping with being a Torah Jew) to thumb our noses at them.
For some reason we don't seem to be able to get beyond the issues of our own insecurities and self-doubt and we keep stepping on each other to get a leg up to reassure ourselves. This behavior exists within all parts Orthodox spectrum, from the tiniest kipah to the black velvet delux yarmukah.
I think everyone should read the Netziv's hakdoma to Sefer Bereishis for some sobering thoughts on the shefichas damim that results from this lack of derech eretz bein adam l'chaveiro. We haven't changed all that much since Charban Bayis Sheini. We still have bloody hands.
It needs to stop.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with # 24-Why have a comments section that allows cynical comments against rabbanim?
Comment by Leah Snyder
What sort of sad, cynical person would write comment #19, calling a learning program on the night of the super bowl 'divisive.' If you don't want to go, don't go. With 14 shuls participating it's obvious that every father/son pair couldn't even fit. But to claim a learning program is divisive because you'd rather be out celebrating hevel v'rik sounds like the mashchisim who attended the banquet of Achashverosh.
#11 I'm glad you are so ignorant of the job requirements of offensive & defensive linemen. Halevai you should continue to fill your mind with better things.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I can\'t believe anyone would be anti this event. Learning Torah en masse-we\'re all for that, right? No one was forcing anyone to do anything. Those who came wanted to come and those who chose to do something else at that time, I hope they enjoyed some kosher fun. Let\'s stop being anti people and rabbis just because we\'re not doing exactly what they do. That works both ways-the learners and those who had parties.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It was beautiful, an amazing Kiddush Hashem. Our own mini Siyyum HaShas feeling! After 120 years, my son and I will have something to show for last night. My Hakaros HaTov to all the organizers and other attendees.
Comment by Leah Snyder
My son too, was excited to join the learning last night. We watched the first half hour of the game (but not the commercials), went to learn, and then returned to watch the end of the game. (BTW ' HaShem delayed the second half of the game a half hour so we would not miss much.) Torah is primary, but balance is important too.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think anyone who was there will have a hard time forgetting how amazing it was hearing 500+ kids learning - and to those who say this was a community split 14 Shuls speaks for most of the community .
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think Baltimore would be better off without the reader comments. You are just giving people an opportunity to display a lack of respect for our Rabbanim. I don\'t think that benefits anyone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Love this! The greatest examples that Limmud Torah is a remarkably colorful endeavor! And for those boys in Ravens shirts, I guess your efforts were rewarded!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Its amazing to hear those in favor of watching the superbowl make a point in stressing how they feel that this is better for our children's chinuch- with such an attitude we will never grow. Let's not kid ourselves. I am a huge raven's fan and will be watching the game but I am jealous for the sch'ar of those learning! It takes true cynicism to bash this beautiful program!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I cannot believe this discussion. Over 700 fathers and sons showed up and learned Hashem's Torah. How can anyone be against that? Those 700 people were trying to show that the Torah is more important than the Super Bowl. What's wrong with that? As far for those that have Super Bowl parties, I'm hapyy they had they kosher fun. Nothing wrong with that at times either. Why are we fighting? It just seems that those who are anti here are just anti in general.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#19 -What damage ??? You either went or didn't. It is pretty simple, no need to mourn this sad day where hundreds of children learned torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Personally I don't see sinas chinam or anyone being judgemental here. What I see is people following their own daas torah and b"H we live in a community that follows daas torah. The list of shul's that endorsed learning the night of the super bowl are clearly listed on the flyer. If your rav put your shul's name on there then he is in a sense paskening that you should spend the night learning with your son instead of watching the super bowl. If on the other hand you attend one of the shuls that did not list their name on the flyer then that rav is also in a sense saying that for the members of HIS SHUL the avos u'banim program is not where HIS members should be spending their time. Each rav knows the dynamics and level of frumkeit in their own shul. For some people it may be okay to watch the super bowl because that is where they are holding in their yiddishkeit especially if as some people mentioned they will be turned off to Torah without it. However for others watching the super bowl is wrong for them. They are simply holding at a different level and for THEM it would be wrong. There may be people who are members of the shuls listed that were planning on watching the game. The rabbanim of those shuls endorsed the avos u'banim to make a statement that for their members this is not the proper thing to be doing. A rav has an achrayus to remind people of what is the proper derech for them. Everyone follow your own daas torah and calm down please.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad day for frum Baltimore. The day we became two communities. I am not sure the organizers thought through what damage they ultimately caused. It appears some rabbis understand the community and some don't.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shomrei is having an Avos Ubanim at 5:15. Kudos to them for showing that there is a middle ground and a way to make the kids feel good and infuse ten with Torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #7: There is more to life than studying. One needs to relax. One can't shut oneself off completely to the parts of the outside world that may be enjoyed without violating religious restrictions. One has to lighten up occasionally. All work and no play does indeed make Yitz a dull boy.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How do we try to sign up?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The real winner is not the ravens or 49ers but Sinas chinam.
Comment by Leah Snyder
2-3-2013 Men never do wrong so completely and so cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No one is forced to attend. They should have given more warning, though.
Comment by Leah Snyder
B'H we have rabbanim chachamim who can lead us on the path of Torah & mitzvos, and help guide us away from the darchei hevel of the umos ha'olam. Shaal avicha v'yagedcha, zaknecha v'yomru lach. Haboreh yisbarach shmo shebara ha-yetzer hara b'adam, hu shebara haTorah tavlin lo.
The world only exists through the merit of Talmud Torah. Let us show H', our children, other Yidden, and all the world what we value most in our lives!
Comment by Leah Snyder
There is also a father son learning program at shomrei from 4:30 to 5:15.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#10 I wonder what the Torah Hakedosha says about Judgemental people. These \"thugs\" are human beings playing a sport to make a living. Who gives you a right to refer to them as unintelligent thugs?
Try living what you learn instead of just learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There is no "quandary." On the one side you have the Torah HaKedosha, and on the other you have the opportunity to cheer on a brawling thug (who may or may not have gotten away with murder) and his thug colleagues (the only football position requiring any real intelligence being quarterback).
I have a Yetzer Hara like any other Yid, and would probably track the game on phone or browser while my son watched it on TV somewhere. Instead, my son came home Friday very excited about this special Avos UBanim, and we'll be adding to the Kol Torah at Kol Torah. The organizers deserve a tremendous Yeyasher Kochachem for what they've done here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is obviously being organized to make a statement, especially in the face of the hype of the Super Bowl locally including within the (frum) community. While watching sports and tooting for the hometeam has always been within the fabric of even Yeshivish oriented types in America from time immemorial, obviously that's not good enough anymore. This is an example of "efsher l'kayem shneihem"--either with the same program before the game or watching the game in an appropriate manner, sans Beyonce, and with kosher food. But, that's not good enough where the mindset is black and white and non-nuanced.
Of course, no kid will go "off the derech" even if he is forced to attend the Avos U'Banim program. But, it does send a message to "normal kids" that being "normal" is just not good enough anymore in our community. If they can't watch a football game and eat food from the many Star-K establishments running specials, how will they feel good about themselves? The end result is that many will no longer buy what is being sold as this limited definition of frum Judaism. Some will invariably just go on to maintain some of the externalities that will allow them to marginally fit in, while on the inside remain uninspired and cynical.
In addition, setting such a standard of "excellence" in our community will only serve to reduce the increasingly scarce population of young men who are deemed "eligible" by Bais Yaakov and the seminaries for the young women in the community.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Many rabbis feel this is the wrong approach. This is not community-wide.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I would have thought the Rebbe would hold that gambling is chukas hagoyim, and that it's assur.
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes, it is obvious that this was set up so that fathers would have to make a choice of whether to watch the super bowl or use their time to learn Torah instead. If you have the time available why waste it? There are times when a person may need to take a break from torah and mitzvos but only if it is to recharge in order to have energy to learn better and more diligently the next time. But, what we do in order to relax needs to be carefully measured so that it does not chas v\\\'shalom become bitul zman. The super bowl (and all professional sports for that matter) fills our minds with many things that are kineged torah. The macabeem faught hard to eradicate the Greek culture from among the yidden. and now today it seems as if the American culture is being glorified and worshipped. Kudos to Harav Feldman shlita and Pirchei for standing up and acting as the maccabeem did and reminding klal yisroel that this culture has no business in a Torah Jew\\\'s life. Mi laHashem alaiy. Make your choice tomorrow. Will you fill your mind with the emptiness of a football game or the emes of our heilige torah? I am proud to say that my husband will be at the avos ubanim with my sons IY\"H tomorrow night.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very interesting debate with valid points on each side.Just wanted to say to # 4 ,I know many parents who have every intention of censoring the innapropriate parts that you refer to .
Comment by Leah Snyder
I understand the intentions of the organizers. I even missed the Ravens/Denver playoff game Motzei Shabbos due to a set seder with my child. However, to purposely schedule something at this time, with such short notice, puts fathers in a quandry as to what to tell their children.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I know plenty of fathers who would ordinarily take their boys to this event, but will not because they will be watching the Super Bowl with their sons. They value learning with their son, but they also enjoy other things in life. What a shame that they are forced to make that choice. This even could easily be made at 3 pm instead of in the evening. It is quite obvious what the intentions were and I hope they are not surprised if the turnout is lower than usual. From a cynical point of view, they can now keep track of who does not show up and assume that they were watching Schmutz instead of learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"The Bais Yosef permits kitniyos on Pesach, while the Rema rules that kitniyos are forbidden. Hence, Jews of Sephardic descent cosume kitniyos on Pesach while Ashkenazic Jewry follows the Rema's psak, which does not permit the consumption of kitniyos on Pesach."
Still confused: Why do the Sephardim have to follow authority #1? What prevents them from following authority #2. Likewise, why do the Ashkenazim have to follow authority #2? What makes one authority any more "authoritative" than the other?
I give up!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To the first comment:
I don't know what the intentions of the organizers were, but there won't be many who intended on watching the Super Bowl that will go to this instead. That having been said it is perfectly understandable why they would like kids to be learning instead of watching the game. While there are many good kosher outlets, watching the Super Bowl- complete with ads, cheerleaders, halftime show, ect.. is not one of them. No kid is going off the derech because they learned with their fathers instead of watching the game.
This is coming from sombody who does follow the Ravens and will be watching the game (although I do intend to skip the inappropriate parts of the telecast as best I can).
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, i don't completely agree with your presentation of the importance of watching the game, but i do think that if that's the reason for the event, it should be said. Are we trying to teach the kids something or take something away from them? They are not dumb. If you want to make it valuable, get them excited about making the choice to do this over that don't try to sneak it in like some shtick. when will we ever learn, value is felt, not enforced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is this to keep kids from watching the Super Bowl? What a shame. Children need to have fun, and to have outlets, and not only learning. No wonder we have so many children who are "off the derech." The game could also give them pride in their hometown. Be part of the community, the whole community, and watch the Super Bowl!
Comment by Leah Snyder
May the Rosh Hayeshiva have a refuah sheleima bekarov.
Comment by Leah Snyder
confused see this article!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I\'m a still confused #1. Then if it\'s not chometz and is kosher by all other standards (rice doesn\'t contain pork or shellfish parts, etc.), then it should be permissible to eat during Pesach. It is off limits to people just because of one\'s ancestry or what type of Orthodox shul one goes to? \"If you are Ashkenazic you can\'t eat it during Pesach\" makes absolutely no sense to me. So please, please explain WHY \"If you are Ashkenazic you can\'t eat it during Pesach\". That is what I was getting at in my original question.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Confused #1
No one says that kitniyot is chometz, just that if you are Ashenazi you can't eat it during Pesach, but it is not chometz and one is allowed to own it during Pesach and it would not make your dishes unusable for Pesach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Would someone please explain to confused, non-Orthodox me how a food can be considered chometz for one group of Jews and pesachdik for another? It's not a question of Orthodox vs. Conservative here, it seems to be a question of Orthodox vs. Orthodox. It would seem to me that according to Orthodox belief, pesachdik = pesachdik and chometzdik = chometzdik.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Shlomo Leib Brevda z'l, A Ben Acher Ben 8th generation of Harav HaChosid Chaim Chaikal of Amdora, one of the Mezritcher Maggid's big Talmidim, was born in Crown Heights, Brooklyn NY USA in 1931. His father, Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Brevda, had brought his family to the United States from Baranovich, Poland, shortly before Reb Shlomo's birth. Growing up as an average American boy, he attended Yeshiva of Crown Heights, and then moved on to Yeshiva Rabbi Isaac Elchanan with plans to pursue a college education. However, he was advised by Rabbi Gorelik zt'l who was his 12th Grade Rebbi in 1947 to pursue his learning elsewhere; thus, he joined the Mir Yeshiva that have just come to New York following its miraculous escape from the Holocaust. At Mir, Rav Brevda became a disciple of Rabbi Chatzkel Levenstein zt'l the Mir Yeshiva's Mashgiach.
Reb Shlomo was a prolific author and Maggid who traveled around the world for about 60 years delivering Divrei Chizuk and Hisorerus at the behest of his Rebbi, the Mir Mashgiach, and was Niftar on the 26th of Tevas 5773 following an extended illness. He was 81. Rav Brevda, who was in New York at the time of his Petirah, was the impetus behind the Brisker Rav establishing his now-famed Yeshivah in Yerushalayim.
He devoted his life to travel to many continents in order to inspire many tens of thousands on many different levels. He was Zoche to speak worldwide in many schools, high schools, Yeshivos, Kollelim, Shulls and Batai Medroshim, Asifas, Chizuk Coventions etc.
He was considered by many as their personal Mashgiach. His inspiration to others was credited for making many into real Bnai Torah and honest Bali Ba'tim. He was also devoted to doing extensive research on the Vilna Gaon's Seforim, publishing many of them with his own commentary i.e. Shir HaShirim first 3 Prokim (4th to be published soon bs'd) Tefilas Chanah, Chad Gadyah, and Yonah. He was also known for his other Seforim: Amoloh Shel Torah, Leil Shimurim on Pesach, Kimu Vekiblu on Purim, and many more. He sold his Seforim only out of his house or after a Shiur, though he was fortunate to sell over 50,000 copies of his Seforim.
'Something unique about him, something extremely positive, was that everyone who spoke about his Shmuessen had the same line: They always felt addressed,' a family member said. 'You could have someone as young as 8 and as old as 80 and they all felt like he was talking to them.'
Reb Shlomo learned in Yeshivah Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, then the country's premier Yeshivah for higher learning. A straight A-plus student in Hebrew and secular studies, Reb Shlomo prepared to start going to college following Rosh Hashanah of 1947. But shortly before the Yamim Noraim, the bulk of the Mirrer Yeshivah, miraculously rescued from the Holocaust through their sojourn in Shanghai, China, arrived in New York, Harav Chatzkel Levenstein z'l, the Mashgiach, at their head.
Reb Shlomo spent an uplifting Rosh Hashanah with Reb Chatzkel and the Mirer Yeshiva, and this was a turning point in Reb Shlomo's life. He had witnessed learning and Davening with Hislahavus as he had never experienced in America. The pull of the Emes of the Mirer Derech helped him decide that he wanted to remain learning Torah full time. 'If this is Yiddishkeit,' he said, 'then I am not going to college.' That decision was not an easy one. Friends in Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan ostracized him over it. Family members and neighbors thought he was extreme. But the worst was yet to come. As the 'only' Yeshivah Bachur in the Shul where he Davened, a Makom Tefillah for more than 800 Mispallelim, he was requested to speak at the yearly Simchas Bais HaShoavoh .
Reb Shlomo geared up for his first Drashah and cried out in his short lived Drashah 'College, Rachmana Litzlan!!!!!!!!!!!!'
He then ducked under a table to save his life, not a second too soon, most members of the Shul, incensed at his denigration of what was an integral of the American Jewish lifestyle, began pelting him with objects, then graduating to chairs and benches.
After what he later said was a 20-minute scuffle, Reb Shlomo told them, 'I learned from Reb Chatzkel not to be afraid of saying the Emes' (this was the base of all his teachings throughout his life) I'm now going to continue my Drashah saying the true Hashkafah regarding college and advanced secular studies versus full time torah learning as I was taught by my Rebbim in the Mir.
He was not fond of today's life style that the women are perusing careers in order to be the breadwinners to allow their husbands to sit and learn Torah, Reb Shlomo would say, if you want to have good children the mother has to be home to take care of the kids so they feel secure and dependent on the parents, not that the children come home, are all alone, with instructions to heat up the food and serve it to the rest of the children or worse spend their evening hours with a gentile caregiver, nothing in the world can replace the warmth of a Yiddisah Mama.
We have to admit how true his words are, so many children of today's society have no respect for their parents, and their way of life because they don't feel attached to them, they don't feel part of their family, they feel that their parents were never there for them.
Secondly he did not like the idea of women working in offices that have men working there. He often spoke about the possible downfalls Chas Veshalom. He so much did not like the idea of career women that he advised future Chassanim to preferably marry girls who are teaching in a girl's school even if it meant sacrificing larger salaries.
He would also say look how many Yungerlite are learning Torah living a luxurious life of support by their rich or poor father-in-law or the wife's job, or both and some how we hardly see Gedolim growing out of this kind of arrangement, because Torah at its highest level is only acquired without the comforts of this materialistic world. As Chazal teach us Miyut Taanug. When one has a brand new car, lifestyle of eating out, and needs all the latest gadgets and styles. When going on vacations and dreaming of entertainment and fun dictates a person's life, he can't grow up to be a Talmid Chacham from this kind of so-called learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mi K'amcha Yisrael! Thinking of every way to help out the fellow Yidden!
Comment by Leah Snyder
and yet the current "president" is still sending millions in aid to Egypt with out asking for retraction or any kind of change in this mindset.... interesting...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Be careful what you wish for.....
Comment by Leah Snyder
This brings back painful memories to what, we here in Baltimore dealt with a few short years ago! R"L!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What an amazing productive idea! I give YU a lot of credit!
Comment by Leah Snyder
His son, Reb Seymour Kleiman, lives in Baltimore.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have it from impeccable sources that Weberman is [not] innocent. The guilty verdict rested completely on his accuser's word against his, [just like the majority of rape/assault cases do,] and against numerous character witnesses, [as well as the accuser's character witnesses].
He has a reputation as a child molester, he was chased out of Kiryas Yoel for that reason, he violated yichud countless times, the accuser was cross examined for three days, her therapist and her mother testified, and there are many other victims who are afraid to go public, because of the vile backlash she has faced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
More people came forward with the same accusation. It's time to stop making excuses and/or covering for people and deal with the problem. Many innocent children are being scared for life.
#1. You may fool yourself, but that makes ONE of you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
BDE That is horrible. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion.
Comment by Leah Snyder
And when it was EID in Palestine the Israelis went round in their thousands chanting "Mohammed is dead...Mohammed is dead? Biggest hypocrites on planet earth to date.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have it from impeccable sources that Weberman is innocent. The guilty verdict rested completely on his accuser's word against his, and against numerous character witnesses.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Cheder Chabad?
Comment by Leah Snyder
wish he were mayor of Baltimore. would do better than the current occupant.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I notice no mention of Krieger Schechter, Torah Institute, Baltimore Hebrew or the Cardin School.
Comment by Leah Snyder
TI at 10:30
Comment by Leah Snyder
BCoPS was already supposed to be closed to students today. From their calendar: "Grade & Data Recording, Data Analysis, and Professional Development for All Schools** 'Schools Closed for all Students ' Teachers on Duty". Teachers are to report 2 hours later than usual.
BT - 2 hour delay. Announced before 6am.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess they moved the basketball hoops off the court.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shock! The Satmar rebbe in Israel, and has a granddaughter who lives there? Don\'t the Satmars denounce those who live there? The first Rabbi Teitelbaum called the establishment of the state in 1948 \"sinful\".
Comment by Leah Snyder
In 10 years the so-called assault weapons ban didn't make any dent on illegal uses of guns, and it is self-evident that it can't make any difference now. Dianne Feinstein is a first class hypocrite, because she carries gun!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree as well that Rabbi Lipman has put himself in dangerous situation by not following the gedolim of Eretz Yisroel and making decisions without a rebbi behind him. I think he is a genuine and well intentioned person, and will hopefully use this opportunity to change the course of his party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There was nothing wrong with the ad, it got right to the point. it wasn\'t critical of nor did it make any comment about Obama\'s children, it only noted his hypocrisy in being against armed security in all schools. Furthermore, Obama is the one who exploited children when he appeared in an ad where children were taught to parrot his message of gun control. the whole idea of gun control from law-abiding citizens endangers society more than it adds security. In every case where a lunatic, a criminal or a terrorist perpetrated a mass shooting, if a citizen with a legal gun had been present, he/she could have stopped it or limited the carnage. This has been proven true on numerous occasions, but of course the media ignores them. The time is now to: 1. Join the NRA, 2. Take a course in basic handgun and personal protection, 3. Purchase a firearm and ample ammunition before government bans and restrictions (mostly, even when new laws are passed, those already owning newly banned firearms are \"grandfathered\")
Comment by Leah Snyder
#4- Isn't this a parental area rather then a Rabbanim area? After all who is responsible for a child's parnassah efforts - the parents or the Rov/Rebbe? It is time for parents to get back into the picture of their older children's parnassh efforts.
Comment by Leah Snyder
aside for the obvious lies, Britain should be embarrased to criticize anyone after the horrendous things they have done. Especially their history in the Middle East.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who currently are the Gedolei Yisroel and who makes that decision?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol hakavod to our new legislators who are advocating more training and better education to rescue the chareidi population from the self-inflicted plague of poverty.
I personally think that there is no "shaila" here and if rabbanim think that this is wrong they should hand back their smicha.
By the way, that education should include acquiring the ability to communicate properly.
FANFARE -not fan fair.
Shavua Tov.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1- your same advice about Israeli charedei vocational training applies to the American scene as well. We no longer have an American military draft, but we do have a growing American charedei poverty problem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why are you printing stories from AlJazzera?
Comment by Leah Snyder
a lot of the points my buddy Rabbi Oberstein touched upon are ideological in nature and require the input of Gedolei Yisrael. We can't just say, "the gedolim are wrong" and ignore them. Like any other Diyun, the questions,the facts and the evidence must be properly presented to them, and they render an opinion on the subject. For example, I think they may agree to more vocational training for chareidi men and women to earn decent parnosa, but it must be done without fan fair and revolution. Torah must remain the priority and must not be put in a position where it could be weakened.
Comment by Leah Snyder
For some reason they forgot to mention that virtually all the mass shooters in this country (Columbine, Virrginia Tech and the list goes on and on) had all been on psycho-tropic drugs! The relationship between psychiatric drugs and homicidal and suicidal ideation has been well documented. However, the corruption and the push to drug our population
continues to be promoted by the all powerful pharmaceutical industrial complex. People need to open their eyes and do the research themselves!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! Unbelievable! A I uplifting and inspiring. Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have family in, and know people in these communities--unfortunately, this article is NOT an exaggeration. Since basic literacy is not taught to these boys, and modern technology too, is outlawed,they are falling further and further behind in their abilities to ever be able to even minimally support families. What are earth are their Rebbes,and other community leaders thinking?
Comment by Leah Snyder
This aticle is over exxagerated
Comment by Leah Snyder
I would say that the education given boys at these schools borders on child abuse, perpetuating a culture of ignorance that ill-prepares them for life. Frum and educated are not mutually exclusive. These rabbis should be ashamed of themselves for what they are doing to these boys.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please explain to me what "daas Torah" is and where it is discussed in the Torah
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, I have been both impressed by your activism for good causes resulting in kidush hashem as I have been concerned about your apparent unwillingness to be mevatel your daas to a gadol b'yisroel resulting in chilul hashem. Now that you are entering the national stage as a member of the Knesset, I truly hope that you perform a true cheshbon hanefesh and proceed in a way gives the neshamos of your roshei yeshivas nothing but nachas. Please Dov, for your sake, your family's sake, and all of klal yisroel's sake, make us proud of one of us in the knesset! Please make sure that your solutions to legitimate problems are not worse than the problems themselves. I am nervous for you because now you stand at the intersection of kidush hashem and chillul hashem on such an amazing scale. I will bli neder be mispallel that you choose the way of everlasting life!
Comment by Leah Snyder
how can we be proud when this individual aligns himself with lapid. Isn't it more an honor to be aligned with a torah party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
does "rabbi
does rabbi dov lipman have semicha?
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes, some of us are and some have already taken the appropriate measures to not break the law. But, you see just as many on the roads doing this who are not from our community...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Weinberg zt\\\'l was always mevatel his own daas to that of the gedolei yisrael in eretz yisrael, especially Harav Shach. This is what happens when one doesn\\\'t consult with a rebbi after the petira of his original rebbi. I would expect the yeshiva to publicly disavow his views shortly.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Let's hope that Dov comes back to his senses and utilizes this unique opportunity and make a Kiddush Hashem and not chas v'shalom the opposite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
dov has made his recent hashkofa decisions without dass torah and this has led him into an extreme party thats the opposite positions of gedolei hatorah in eretrz yisroel onj drafiting of yeshiva bochurim
Comment by Leah Snyder
I fail to see the point of this article. Please expand? Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Feifer is 1 of a kind. When he was a barchur in yeshiva he always was the type to help another person. He always knew how to to chizuk to someone.Always with a smile on his face. His wife was the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Louie Miller A"H. For us old Baltimoreans all remember him at the Glen Ave Shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Good article. One correction: the season is 48 games this year, not 99
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where can I buy that hairspray?
I looked and could not find it....
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow I always had that problem!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Blj,why do you consistently subscribe to these ridiculous radical left headlines from ap and abc news
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hopefully nobody will ever leave valuables in their car again - especially blatant disrespect to torah (and tefillin) to leave them in a car unattended and certainly not the smartest thing to leave valuables worth over $30,000 dollars in a car - hashem let you get away with it once - be careful in the future
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent article. I also highly advise having an updated LinkedIn profile. Networking is crucial in today's job market, and this may make the difference between you getting or not getting a job. Not only should it be up to date, but you need to build and maintain your network (even if you're happily employed). Don;t wait until it's too late. Who you know will get you an interview; what you know will get you the job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Seridei Eish,also wrote Mechkarim beTalmud in 1938,while he was a rosh yeshiva in Berlin.It contains not only a great number of sugyos, explained in pilpul derech. Rabbi Baruch Leizerovsky was talmid of the Chafetz Chaim
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Seridei Eish learned in Slabodka and Mir yeshivah.The Alter of Slabodka, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel,he consider his rebbe. He never got married. After the war he was in Switzerland,until he was niftar in 4 Shevet 5726 (1966).He was 82 Yrs old.
Comment by Leah Snyder
obviously leaving a torah in a car over shabbos is a complete disregard for how to care for a torah - besides the disrespect shown for the sefer torah by leaving it in the car unattended, who would leave thirty thousand dollars worth of anything in their car?
Comment by Leah Snyder
ummm... it was not chief justice john roberts who misspoke at the first inauguration it was obama... just saying...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yidden, please, it is a chillul Hashem. We as a community are big offenders of this law. Our children are in the car watching us disregard the law. I have been behind you, I have been cut off by you. It is dangerous. Please stop talk and texting while driving. drive with two hadns, two eys and your whole brain on the road.
k of pikesville
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks for pointing out the overuse of anti-biotics in this country. It has become an epidemic and unfortunately there is an inappropriate amount of anti-biotic use in America. Anti-biotics indeed help fuel drug resistance and they also can cause serious side effects. One of the biggest problems and side effects of anti-biotics today is a serious condition called C-Diff. It is a dangerous condition that can cause Colitis-like symptoms. It is very important, if a person really needs an anti-biotic, for that person to take Pro-Biotics as well in order to protect their gut. The anti-biotic destoys the bad bacteria but also attacks the good bacteria. The Pro-biotic will help replenish this good bacteria and help prevent illness and disease. However, the best way to heal a cough is by eating nutritious foods and getting plenty of rest and avoiding stressful situations. There is a wonderful natural product called N-A-C (N-Acetyl-L Cysteine), that can also help relieve and heal a cough. Acupuncture is helpful as well. Finally, someone once told me that putting some Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet at night and covering them with socks can help relieve the coughing at night as well. These things really work! For those skeptical ones who are addicted to their drugs, it does not hurt to try! Wishing everybody good health and have a wonderful day!
Comment by Leah Snyder
These liberals seem to forget that six million unarmed Jews were slaughtered not too long ago. Shame on them fooled us once, shame on us shamed us twice !
Comment by Leah Snyder
Global anti-Semitism!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Silver Zt''l represented Agudah at the Knessia Gedolah in Mirinbahd then Checlsolavikah and affirmed being against PARTITION of Eretz Yisroel then proposed by the League of Nations, that would mean the Arab goyim would obtain parts of Eretz Yisroel. The Klauzenburger rebbe at that gathering also was against giving up Eretz Yisroel,He declared,VSEATOHAYENU BIGVULAYNU all the Land HASHEM gave us in our boundaries. The Knessia Gedolah psakened not one inch to be give away. Rav Eliezer Silver wrote in his Sefer 'Tzamach Erez',"It is forbidden to give up (al pea din)and other reasons, even one inch of our land!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Science fiction bogus... We migrated from ancient Judea to the diaspora.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Of course they are armed. The NRA knows what they are talking about and are one of the most critical civil rights organizations of our times. Whether you own a gun or not, join the NRA now. If the OU agrees with any kind of additional weapons ban, it is ignorant and irresponsible on the issue. because the ban has no effect on those who misuse firearms or those who are already banned from possessing any firearm such as a criminal and a mentally ill person. It is like banning all private ownership of cars and alcohol because some people endanger society by driving drunk. It has been scientifically proven that more guns in the hands of law-abiding responsible individuals reduces violent crime. (see the studies of Professors John Lott and Gary Kleck)
Comment by Leah Snyder
i assume the woman in the photo is not Frankiel. No OJ woman would be wearing a yarmulke.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The one thing you should have known is that since they predicted it, it was pretty much guaranteed to not happen - No surprise there at all - Maybe the weatherpersons conspire with the supermarkets to sell more toilet paper (yes, I am joking (maybe))
Comment by Leah Snyder
Are you lauding this appointment , or are you just reporting another misuse of the term, "orthodox"!? The only orthodox person in the story is the woman in the pink veil. This is a travesty and a disgrace.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hmmm. Can these new officers be armed? If so, sounds like a tacit endorsement of the NRA proposal. If not, what are they there for?
Comment by Leah Snyder
3Pm not a drop. The weather people get it wrong again. What an inconvienent truth.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why? Does any other ethnic,racial or religious group have a legal holiday?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I was there. It was so energetic! you could feel the excitement in the air. Yasher Coach to the organizers. Looking forward to next year!
Comment by Leah Snyder
It looks everyone was having a great time. Certainly better than a sit down banquet with lots of speaches.
Comment by Leah Snyder
much hazlacha
Comment by Leah Snyder
Actually, three generations ago there was a bigger gun-control push. Against the Jews in Germany.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hahlevah to built the bais hamigdash. lol
Comment by Leah Snyder
March 7th is not a Monday.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Love to see more stories like this. You can by following Chaverim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thimerosal is only in multi-use vials, not the single use vials. Your health care provider can tell you if it is in the vaccine they have in stock. I\\\'ve been asking about it for years and have never yet had a flu shot from a source that used the multi-use vials with thimerosal.
Comment by Leah Snyder
maybe rikki spector should move into the neighborhood and not live in harbor and then she will truly appreciate the crime situation in northwest baltimore
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is laughable. The guy is destroying the United States and he proports to know what is in Israel's best interest. It's funny how he speaks of things he never saw and knows nothing about. He just takes the Arab line and runs with it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
At one point in his life he worked in a bank as a teller. He did this for quite a number of years. He was already a massive talmid chachom.He was asked to quit the bank and join the Eidoh which he refused until all of his children were married.The bank didn't wanted to take him'¦ until he proved to them how he could calculate mortgages and interest rates quicker then the guy using a calculator.He Chazered Hilchos Ribbis before he would approve a loan.The Minchas Yitzchok took him straight from the bank to the Eida Charedis.The bank offered to double his salary, but he said he'll get what he needs from the Eida so he went with them.His sefer Bris Yehudoh on ribis is as outstanding as it is based on him combined knowledge of the halachos and the banking industry.He was an unbelievable Talmid Chacham who was such an Anav as well.
Comment by Leah Snyder
OMG! I am so happy for her! She is awesome! She is showing the world how a Bas Melach can achieve her dreams even through keeping Shabbos.
In the Zechus of her act may we all be Zocheh to come back to Jeruselum. Bimhairah Viyamainu.
Good Luck to Estee! And I hope she reaches her goal!
~A Bais Yaakov High School Student
Comment by Leah Snyder
You can call 410 664 6927 thats the NWCP hotline and leave a message that you would like to join the NWCP 24 hour Citywatch Patrol
Comment by Leah Snyder
What is city watch and how can i sign up for that
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for your courage, insight and wisdom in handling a very difficult and dangerous situation.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Amazing story. The zchus of the drivers was so strong that a frum jew from baltimore was there to help them
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-14-2013 This man was a great Talmud Chochom, learned, compassionate and sensitive. All those who love Hashem and love the Torah should shed a tear for the loss of this treasure. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-14-2013 A blessing on your head. May there be many like you amongst our people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When is the next CityWatch team training provided?
Is it open?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gam ani,Hon.Mei culpa .
Comment by Leah Snyder
Even if you have never touched a gun in your life, everyone should join the NRA. In the early 1800s while in eastern europe Jews were being persecuted by the tsar, and in western europe the roman church clamped an iron fist on the Jews, America, through its Constitution became a safe haven where we could worship and hold the ancient beliefs and traditions freely. The idiotic war on guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is a war on the Constitution. endangers everybody (except criminals). We do not have a cradle to grave marxist society or a fascist government as some in power are seeking. One of the first acts the communists did as well as the nazis was to take away firearms from the people. the nazis specifically banned jews from even applying for a firearms permit. The turkish government in 1915 first took away the guns from the Armenians, "for their own safety", and then commenced to exterminate them. The NRA is a civil rights organization that fights hard for one of the fundamental rights that has made America the greatest nation on earth. The right to keep and bear arms. In two recent cases, the supreme court has affirmed it is a right of every citizen, and not mere a collect or right of a state. there are lunatics, in government, some jewish, who will try any means to remove that right. Stand up and join the fight, join the NRA today.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Quoting Henry Kissinger is a no! no! Kissinger is a mumar lhachas, In Germany he was a member of Tzerei Agudas Yisroel, later he became totally non-frum and divorced his Jewish wife and married shiksa Nancy! He held up military/medical supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur war. Nixon find out and ordered the supplies to be sent! He was formally put into cherem by an Orthodox bais Din.
Comment by Leah Snyder
nobody, jew or arab, should be treated this way - but since the chareidim insist on attacking other jews.... maybe (but not likely) the 'frum' chaeidim will stop acting like animals - be more accepting of others and then maybe they wont be targeted as much in the same manner they target others
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks for all the information, but I\'m more confused now than I was before. Could you possibly shorten your Darsh, so that I can understand it better
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow!! So inspiring, as usual! Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gives new meaning to "Dr. Pepper"
Comment by Leah Snyder
Seems like this was a fabulous event, & this article was so well written I feel like I was actually there!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol Hakovod - a man with independent thought and courage.Let\'s throw out the establishment that has made us so dependent on America. Ezrat Hashem Bennett will
have a political tsunami on Israel.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sounds like a chilul Hashem, why exactly were you sharing this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Of course, I am sure the fine individuals from Baqa al-Gharbiya vehemently thanked their rescuers. Not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Im glad she is not my mother. But if she was, sitting shiva for her after she blows herself up should be a real party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Have a Coke and a smile!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Eagle eyed Reader #1 - the pit thing is a myth???? Really? Ha! I'm going to have to go investigate - thank you so much. Someone told me about the pit thing a few years ago and it has seemed to work (but I normally also take the air out). Thank you. Take care - Bracha.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Putting a the pit into the guacamole to prevent it from turning brown is a myth. Removing all air from the container (such as saran wrap tight to the guacamole) will work.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Google "Aaron Dehoog scam" and "Bob Wiedemer scam." These guys are selling fear to get you to buy gold thru their dubious channels, such as Monex, and to buy their expensive newsletters etc. Buyer beware!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Hecht was a wonderful person! I knew him personally through his daughter in Detroit - would see him whenever he came to visit the family! A wonderful father and Zaidy! Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shame that people have to be so cynical and can't expect that comments are genuine and heartfelt. There was no malice intended. I honestly commend NCSY for their open approach to Torah engagement and am pleased that BJL supports that through their coverage. Show me photos of other gatherings lately that haven't been only women, or father with sons, or only men. It is encouraging to know that not all learning has to take place in segregated settings.
Comment by Leah Snyder
snarky. #1, do you know how many people who are the backbone of the community Baltimore, no, around the world, got their start in NCSY?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have seen Al Jazeera's coverage of Israel. As soon as the newswoman began speaking about Israel, she wrinkled her forehead and put her microphone in front of her mouth, concealing it. The obvious intent was to show loathing and disgust. And of course, what she said was right in line with how she was saying it. Gore is showing his true colors; we should be thankful that he never became president.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I love a healthy learning environment in which males and females can grow their Torah knowledge together!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, I'm not getting your point. Do you want the Women of the Wall to have the right to pray and sing as loud as they want, and for us to not follow the Shulchan Aruch?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am ashamed to affiliated with the republican party right now. We have acted like a bunch of egotistical selfish little pigs. Whats more is that in 2005 I think after Katrina hit the south they republican controlled congress and senate passed a 62.5 Billion in aid just 10 days after the storm. The republican stock is taking a major hit and its time to sell off the shares.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The only reason to select the sex of a child is if there is a genetically sex-linked disease.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I envy her share in Olam HaBah for this. Wow.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-2-2012 When people, all people, become aware of the meaning and message of our (Torah) laws and traditions, when the meaning of what we are saying at davening and the wisdom of the laws we have from our Rabbis are explained and understood, then all people find inspiration and joy and want and desire the authentic original davening. When we become mere practitioners of rote ceremony and hide behind citations from the Shulchan Aruch without understanding and sentivity to its message and meaning, then even the orthodox loose interest and want something better. The message of our davening is deep and sensitive and full of passion. Not zealousness to impose laws on others, rather, passion for the meaning and virtues and ideals for which our Torah and Hashem stand. As in all things, the problems and the answer lies within our own hearts and mouths to do. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that only about $9 billion of the $60.4 billion proposed by Democrats would be spent over the next nine months." This is a quote from the AP. Do we really need to pass an emergency measure of over 60 billion in order to help with 9 billion. The other 50 billion could be researched and voted on at a later date. THis is why we have a debt crisis.
Comment by Leah Snyder
We live in Galut! If we lived in a Jewish Torah Theocratic Israel we could have a worldwide shabbous.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think after all that financial cliff nonsense, they were just too tired and wanted to get out of Dodge as quickly as possible! Let's all pray that all the Sandy victims get help and support ASAP!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I would have told them to go back to the beis medrash and stop wasting time attacking nice Jewish ladies! Hopefully I wont be too scared to be able to do this! Also an alarm call for us to work harder on our middos and be more nice and cheerful to people!
Comment by rabbim friedman
If only the yeshivos would actually teach something useful - such as being a human being - forget being \"frum\" - just try being human
Comment by rabbim friedman
@3. The race is a fact of the story.
Comment by rabbim friedman
1-2-2013 The danger to Torah Judaism is not from the outside world nor from the fringe groups nor from haskala nor from reform or conservative nor even the modern orthodox. The danger to Torah Judaism is from within the heart of the Torah community itself. This is Midos Sdom, pure and simple. And all the rationale in the world will not alter that fact. There is no knowledge nor understanding that can stand up to Hahshem Yisborach. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
"....or families with six or seven daughters in which the father wants a son so much that it threatens the marriage." Really? Is this what we have come to? We have a selfish father with underlying issues, so we make a Psak which until now was unheard of?
Comment by rabbim friedman
They are delicious and worth making readers #1 and #2 - let me know how they turn out if you do make them. Take care, Bracha.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Is the perpetrator's race germaine to the story?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Horrible horrible horrible. I bring as evidence that this is disturbingly troublesome, all the families I know who have only sons or only daughters and have raised wonderful families in exceptional homes, this \"psychological\" issue seems to be something new. Soon there will be \"considerations\" to avoid other genetic imperfections - like short stature or red hair or dark eyes - because it will cause anguish. There are others who suffer legitimate \"psychological\" need for special dispensation and understanding within halacha...why does this situation warrant such avid attention?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Think the PD will do a search warrant at his apt to find everyone else's property he stole the rest of the year???
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach and thank you!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is a chilul HASHEM to allow a Mosuqe on the holiest place in Judaism! The Mosuque is a Chilul HASHEM and must be removed! Whether we can daven on hAR HABAYIT is a MACHLOWKOUS. We know the Ramban had a shul on the Temple Mount! At minimum rid the islamofacists from dishonoring the Mahkom of the Bais HaMigdash! Afterwards, we can Paskan whether or not we can walk let alnoe daven there because we are in TOMAH status. The Halacha is clear that GOYIM are prohibited from being there!!! The secular who occupy our land with the Arab occupation of our land,must be put to an end!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Well, following my heart to tell you: Please make Easta La Vista feel welcome and able to serve food for people who like or love to eat Middle East food. For me, I have not entered it yet. One day I will go there and try to taste new food.
Wishing you all (Easta La Vista chefs or workers) have happy and healthy this year-nachas.
All the best,
Balitmore lady
Comment by rabbim friedman
not really... if they continue to train their children to be suicide bombers then their numbers will steadily decrease..
Comment by rabbim friedman
These look amazing!! Can't wait to try it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
yum! Can't wait to make these!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2- Here is a clue. If it is the morning 695 towards glen burnie will be the one with traffic. If it is the afternoon the side with the traffic is 695 towards Towson. And a siman you can use to remember Montel Williams who is from Glen Burnie you watch in the morning and it is a great time in the afternoon to watch a game at Johnny Constantine Unitas Stadium (which is in Towson.-Bob
Comment by rabbim friedman
As a Jew he\'s got to be one arrogant S.O.B. to take a job like that.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is mentioning his name not loshen hara?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hows about a phone number???
Comment by rabbim friedman
The cameras seem to be working fine and this is a great service. However, please indicate from what direction the cameras are facing, so that if traffic is slow in one direction, people unfamiliar with the landmarks can know in which direction the problem lies.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Tried it just now at 10:02 a.m. on 13/31 and it is not working
Comment by rabbim friedman
This should be our biggest problem.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any parent that does not keep the Torah nor believes in Eretz Yisroel should not be circunsised! The Covenant-Bris is what HASHEM demands of us,that the Covenant took place/ensued. We accept the Torah and in return we receive all of Eretz Yisrael. If,one does not have just the sign(circumsion)such a person is chayav koras, then by Pilpul we can deduce the following: If someone is not circumsized is too be excised,then certainly one who is against observing the Torah and or advocates nor giving away parts of our religious,ancestral,historical and secutiry lands. is certainly to be excised/cheremed out of klal yisroel!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Probably the cia has needs to comprehend Yiddish to listen in on Muslim terrorist states due to Neturie karta/satmar dealings with muslim terrorists.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To everyone in our community:
Take one or more NRA courses teaching safe handling, storage and shooting of various types of guns, and BUY GUNS NOW! There are experts in the community who can help you; ask around.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think the only way a kosher restaurant can "make it" is if they appeal to non-kosher consumers. The food has to be good enough and worthy of the cost, and the restaurant ambience has to be pleasant and professional. I don't know how many other middle eastern restaurants there are around. If there isn't a lot of non-kosher competition for this type of cuisine, perhaps this restaurant has a shot. I wish them hatzlacha rabba and look forward to trying the food.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hope it does well--maybe a breakfast buffet on sundays that includes grits since we are in the south-
Comment by rabbim friedman
A beautiful salute to a tremendous person. J G Dahlem III, Life Member, PVFC
Comment by rabbim friedman
Brr freezing dont like snow or winter
Comment by rabbim friedman
The pictures are amazing;however,one room was left out!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great job!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I wish you guys could do something about all this weather we are having. :0
Comment by rabbim friedman
Pizur l'reshaim, tov lahem v'tov la'olam!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is kosher meat so expensive? Are kosher butchers paid a lot more than non-kosher butchers? Is the cost of kosher supervision that expensive?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I hope they make it, but let\'s be realistic about this. The only kosher food establishment that has lasted in Baltimore are the pizza shops. And why is that? Because the cost of kosher meat is outrageous, especially compared to New York. I\'m a meat lover, and I do mean lover. I\'m old school. I want a ton of meat on my plate or sandwich, for a reasonable price. Look at Dougie\'s. Good food, and lots of it. But who has $100 to blow for 4 people, and that\'s a small family.
And even if they can afford it, how often? Once a month? Twice maybe? A restaurant needs a crowd EVERY night to survive, especially in the high rent area of Pikesville. To be honest, even the price of pizza is out of line. Almost 25 bucks for 1 pizza and drinks!
For those among us who used to not eat kosher, you know full well the drastic difference between the two pricewise. If Domino\'s can deliver 2 for less than 15 dollars, how can a kosher pizza be nearly 20? Makes no sense at all. How can Accents charge almost 9 bucks for a burger? Outrageous!
So if this place lasts more than a year I\'ll be happily surprised, but I can tell you this. For 15 bucks if I get a skimpy plate and leave hungry, I won\'t be going back.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Dear Reader #5 - you betchum! The cheese fondue would be really good on potatoes (maybe with broccoli and sour cream, too). When you are making a cheese sauce - your cheese needs to be grated (i.e. do not put big pieces of cheese in your boiling liquid - they won't melt fast enough). Make sure your liquid is boiling (i.e., broth, apple cider, beer, milk, etc) and add the cheese in parts stirring between each part. Then if it's still lumpy - keep the sauce on a low heat (so it's barely or not simmering) keep stirring and it'll incorporate. Good luck - it sounds like a great idea. - Bracha Shor from Sweet and Good Catering....
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1- Many of the restaurants do serve breakfast and are open for lunch like Goldbergs, Dunkin Donuts, Eden Cafe, and Milk and Honey. Perhaps the problem is you seek a Fleishek meal in the morning. As you know that is not healthy like smart meters, fatty kiddushes and honey bees.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1- Many of the restaurants do serve breakfast like Goldbergs, Dunkin Donuts, Eden Cafe, and Milk and Honey. Perhaps the problem
Comment by rabbim friedman
You'll rarely find the authorities presenting statistics about the firearms collected. In one such report that was published, a large number of the firearms were totally non-functional. I wonder how many criminals are turning in their guns? By the way, I didn't realize that L.A. had sold so many guns to its citizenry... after all, it is called a "buyback" program, right? They're just buying back what they originally sold.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Would this be a good recipe for nacho cheese? I've only made one attempt before at melted cheese to pour over some baked potatoes and it was a lumpy, not delicious mess.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Readers 1, 2, and 3 - I completely agree - fondue is fun and delicious - and it provides you a great evening with friends and family. The pretzel rods - that's a great idea - I didn't think to add them to the cheese course. Reader #3 - if you do not already have a fondue pot - you can easily get them at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and most likely lots of other places (or just use your own pot - you can always do that). I also found that my children ate a lot of vegetables - especially during the cheese course - they just munched on them as we were talking.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#7: The art pieces can probably be purchased. Own a piece of the exhibit and support Bais Yaakov!
Comment by rabbim friedman
it is so easy to manage other people\'s money somehow...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for posting this! Before becoming kosher our favorite place to eat was Melting Pot. Went there for ALL special occasions. I was so bummed that I wouldn't get to enjoy yummy meals like that anymore but now I can!
Comment by rabbim friedman
This exhibit is always so well done. I am only sorry that more of it cannot be stored or recycled. It kind of makes me sick how much of it gets thrown away.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Very excited about this place. Hope it does well.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The Bais Yaakov Exhibit is unbelievable. All the rooms and hallways came out amazing! The girls all know the information and give great tours. The amount of achdus that went into this exhibit foresure made it worth it. All the hundreds of hours put into it surely paid! A must see! Thank you!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I like the idea of a full-fledged restaurant opening early. This way, if you are ordering delivery or to go lunch for a large office group, they can take your order and have it ready by lunchtime, as opposed to trying to prepare all the food in the short window between when they open and when you need it. I hope some of the other restaurants in town sit up and take notice.
Also, I hope the food tastes good.
Comment by rabbim friedman
GO AVIVA H!!! you did an awesome job!!!! way beyond impressive!!! its not normal!! the creativity and detail amazing!!! WORK WELL EXPRESSED!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
And now I know what my daughter has been doing every day and night for the last many weeks. Wow!!!!! Tuition very well spent!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
the pictures are great, but one ant come close to appreciating the amazing exhibit and the all the details, explanations etc. without seeing it in person.
Comment by rabbim friedman
wow!!! so amazing!! thanks to all the hard work of the teachers and students, this exhibit is unbelievable. You cannot imagine the work involved-just look at the pictures!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
A must see exhibit. Will blow you away. What creativity, art, in depth learning and focus. We as a community should be so proud we have a school like Bais Yaakov!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Joel Weinberger is definitely the future for kosher global marketing. He has the charisma and charm of an experienced politician but the honesty and sincerity of a true Ben Torah. We are immensely proud of his achievements for the kosher market. And wish him much success and safety on his sometimes very daring and challenging missions!!
In constant admiration, James & Shoshana Zimmer - London U.K.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I really do not like articles like this. Yeshiva education is not the panacea to everything. Not all schools and communities have the proper resources to provide real state of the art therapies to children with disabilities. Public schools do provide these therapies and remedial studies for no cost and they are in many cases state of the art.
An honest conversation needs to take place in this community and many others around the country about 1) if we are providing real and proper services to disabled religious jewish children 2) would they be better off in public school 3) what is the cost benefit analyses for this 4) can we provide a talmud torah/special programming for them if they go to public school 5) Come to the realization, that in many cases the yeshiva system cannot provide and does not have the adequate resources to help our children with various disabilities.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Isn't Spengler a Jewish surname?
Comment by rabbim friedman
In the chanukah era such apostate Jews celebrating idol worshipping cults(holidays) were executed en masse by the orthodox macabbes/chasmonahyim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
why publish this story???
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a fun idea for a different type of meal. I did something like this at the request of one of my kids for a birthday meal. I also had pretzel rods, which were great dipped into either cheese OR chocolate!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yum! This sounds great. Like having the Melting Pot restaurant in your own house! It all sounds pretty straightforward. I think I I am going to try it for a girls night in.
Comment by rabbim friedman
In the U.S.A. when there was a draft, all who studied for divnity were exempt! So, to in ISRAEL! In addition, there should be an all voluntary army is in the U.S.A. !!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why don\'t the sackcloth have tzitzis?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
This sounds like Williamsburg
Comment by rabbim friedman
May he be a Maylitz Yosher for his Family, talmidim & klall Yisroel
Comment by rabbim friedman
i really enjoy looking and watching other girls do
Comment by rabbim friedman
#14, and WE know a lot more than came out in court as well. Such as the physical abuse that Weberman perpetrated on his victims along with the sexual abuse. How would you like it if someone took a flame from a lighter and burned the skin on your stomach? Is that something you would appreciate? Oh by the way, he told the victim to go home and put peanut butter on it. That is why she was so terrified she stayed home in bed for 3 days which prompted the \\\"home visit\\\".
There is a lot that was not permitted to come out in court. However if you were in court and you listened to the defense present its case you would have learned a lot.
For starters, you should know that it was the defense that chose most of the jurors and agreed to ALL of them. So to say that he can\\\'t get a fair trial is ludicrous. The defense just played their cards wrong with this jury. They believed the jury was \\\"dumb\\\" and they patronized them, talked down to them, and treated them like idiots. Please don\\\'t blame the jury for the stupidity of the defense team.
The defense did a very poor job of defending their client. They did basically nothing at all in that capacity. They turned the tables and put the victim on trial. They allowed their client to take the stand, which they announced at the beginning of the trial. It was more obvious each and every day, that it would be very foolish if he did so.
It was the defense that allowed the Jury four days in which to get to know the victim and in which to hear them brutally question her, make her repeat her story over and over again, until the Jury were invested in her and believed her.
It was the defense themselves who established that their client was oiver two huge issers and halachas of Jewish Law which were \\\"Yichud and Moiser\\\". It was the defense who made a fool of himself when questioning an expert witness who he made to \\\"agree\\\" that one must have \\\"Yichud\\\" when performing \\\"Adultery\\\".
It was the defense who brought character witnesses, other young women who testified that they lived with their client. Not one mention nor comment was made as to their relationship with his wife, the woman of the home because there was none. They only had a \\\"relationship\\\" with HIM. As much as they professed that his wife \\\"could\\\" walk through at any time, there was a lock on the door that was a one way only from the office. And again, not one mentioned any connection what so ever with the wife.
The Wife was not called to testify as to her connection with any of the girls or how she herself took care of them, or how they were a part of her family. She was not called to testify that she would or did walk through those doors at any time. This leaves huge holes in the story and oh so many questions.
When Weberman was on the stand he admitted that he was neither a Rabbi nor a therapist and therefore he did not abide by the rules of confidentiality, therefore he was basically a \\\"snitch\\\" and got his \\\"clients\\\" to trust and confide in him only to go back to their parents and the community to masser on them. Yet he charged them the going rate of a counselor and called himself both \\\"Rabbi and Counselor\\\". So he admitted that he was a liar.
He admitted to running a Charity organization and using those accounts for paying for his own personal needs including his own Yeshiva Tuition bills and Lingerie receipts. This opens up a whole other area of Fraudulent practices aside from pretending to be a therapist.
He claims to be a very pious and religious man who practices the very highest and stringent degrees of chumras and modesty levels yet had no problem whatsoever sitting \\\"thisclose\\\" to a very scantily dressed female attorney when he obviously could have asked the other male attorney to switch seats. Not only did this show that he was a phony but this was totally disrespectful to his poor wife sitting behind him.
He knew the laws of the courtroom which is explained to all the attendees but chose to break those laws by walking over to the victim\\\'s witness room and staring at her through the glass. Two court officers had to drag him away from the door.
The DA in their opening remarks gave a time line which the victims school therapists confirmed. The defense ignored the timeline given and perpetrated a myth claiming that the victim made up a farse to get even with their client. None of which held up since it wasn\\\'t the victim who reported him to the authorities (no mesira involved on her part), it was the mandatory reporter, the therapist, who actually made the report and it was done before the victim knew about the tape in question or the fact that he had something to do with the tape.
Basically, it was proven that the defense lied about everything and neither they nor their client was credible. To make matters worse, in their closing statements they once again patronized the jurors by speaking about the fact that there was no DNA evidence. The defense stupidly and incorrectly claimed to the Jury that DNA lasts forever. The jury are no fools. One\\\'s own DNA lasts forever. Someone else\\\'s DNA on another\\\'s body does NOT. It can be cleansed off. So to tell the jury to assume that someone else\\\'s DNA will stay in a child\\\'s mouth or body for years after the fact or even months after the fact and can be tested is ridiculous and the jury understood that. Furthermore, the defense could have insisted on DNA testing themselves if those statements would have been true. In addition, they had the utter gaul to imply to the jury to think about TV shows such as CSI to help them understand and deliberate the case.
When one does NOT do a good job defending their client, and one disrespects the jury to such an extent, one cannot go around saying they did NOT get a fair trial nor that the Jury did not understand nor get a true picture of the situation. The defense took all the time they wanted. They were given all the time and could have called any witness they chose to call. What was proven in court was that the principal of the girls\\\' school was the defendant\\\'s cousin and was no more qualified to be a principal or educator than was the defendant to be a therapist or Rabbi. These two were in cahoots for financial gain.
Personally I won\\\'t be reading the article on Farkas in the Ami magazine because after seeing him in the courtroom, I wouldn\\\'t believe one word that came out of his mouth! He defended Weberman because it is a job. He gets paid for it. Does he believe his client is innocent. Please, don\\\'t make me laugh.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#16, What exactly is your point and how is it relevant? This article addresses the needs of the community. This article also shows something important that I am not pretty sure you didn't realize, something that went completely over your head. I highly doubt that Mr. Friedlander would have believed that Webershmutz was guilty had he himself NOT heard with his own two ears from a source he deemed reliable, that he was guilty of molesting yet another victim who was very dear to that person. No one wants to believe the truth unless it hits home and hits hard. I am quite sure that the author was more than willing to believe the lies the community was spewing about the innocent victim before the truth was confirmed to him in private.
Now back to your comment. What difference does it make who his clients are? So what if he represents both factions of Satmar? How exactly does that put a spin on this article? Are you saying that Satmar put him up to writing this article? What if they did? Does that take away from the points raised here? That things have to change and that education and implementation of child protection on this very important issue has to be a priority in our Frum communities? Whether it is his own thoughts and conviction or the realization coming from the Satmar communities it is high time that these concepts are discussed and applied. I highly doubt that it is coming from the communities who have bashed the victim and harassed her family, but if they all of a sudden did a 180, then kol hakovod to them. So again, what is your point and how is it relevant?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
"As everyone will admit, an Orthodox Jew has no chance in front of a jury in a case like this, the community will not get intimidated by the negativity in the public press, yes it is uncomfortable to be so negatively covered in the press but that will not change our believes and to stood up for what we believe is right. No one likes us, no one is looking out for our success, every little thing is blown up,"
This comment by # 14 shows the problem Satmar is not living in the real America. It is living in a bubble with attitudes that were formed in anti-semitic Eastern Europe. Everyone knows that Satmar is reknowned for its chesed and its good hearted generosity.That is what makes this such a shame. The Orthodox community has much too much molestation,abuse, addiction, estrangement from religion, kids off the derech because they were victimized by those they trusted. Satmar is blaming the victim. If this girl was seclued with a man for 3 hours at a time, how can anyone say he is a good Jew? He was found guilty on all counts because it was beyond a reasonable doubt. If their leaders didn't defend him and didn't besmurch his victim, they would not be complicit. Unfortuantely, by their behavior subsequent to the trial, they lose their innocence and become enablers of molestation. How sad.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To 8, you sad \\\"We are a community that always unite to help each other in any cause for good and for bad\\\". Most of it is true, but I wouldn\\\'t go as far, to say for good and bad. Good and bad would mean even when our fault is allover this story. We should stop and think and do the right thing and not take it personal like you did. However we didn\\\'t do that because we were clouded by ignorance and still are.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is really wrong of BJL to allow a shill such as Friedlander to write this article. If you look at his website, he actually is a paid consultant for UJO - of Williamsburg, which may be in deep trouble, and implicated in the Webberman trial. Friedlander is much more than an uninterested party, he's actually a flack for one of the biggest Community Organizations in Williamsburg itself. Does anyone vet who writes stuff here? All you needed to do was look at his own website!! He also has "Kiryas Yoel" as a paid client. Another Satmar entity! He gets paid by Satmar and Satmar organizations to do their bidding on their behalf! This is really wrong and disingenuous. Is this a paid ad by Satmar? If not, he has more than a casual interest, HE GETS PAID BY THEM!
I check this website all the time, and I am really disappointed by this article. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But you need to disclose the relationships that are in play here. I don't think they were disclosed to BJL, and I don't think that they were omitted by mistake.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The tragedy of the Satmar community is that it has lost it's chezkas kashrus by having massive fund raisers for Weberman, by trying to bribe witnesses not to testify, by intimidating the family not to report the abuse, and by automatically circling the wagons to protect to evil doer instead of the victims, of whom there are more than this one woman. Satmar is living in the United States ,not in Romania and the government is not our enemy. Obey the laws, pay income tax, be part of the solution instead of leading the charge to protect Weberman. Such a good community so ill led.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Dear Ezra,
I sense from your letter that you are a part of the public opinion and have no idea of facts presented by the defense, I suggest you read this weeks Ami magazine the interview with Webweman's attorney. We chose to defend Weberman not because we don't want to admit to this happening in the community, we chose to defend Weberman because we know a lot more of the facts that was reported in the public media, a lot more that the accusers side want you to know.
You forgot to mention, when Moshe rebeinu said to Hashem "aral sefasayim" Hashem said to Moshe rebeinu to go anyway and nothing will stand in your way, knowing what we know of the accuser we chose to defend Weberman because we really believe he is innocent.
As everyone will admit, an Orthodox Jew has no chance in front of a jury in a case like this, the community will not get intimidated by the negativity in the public press, yes it is uncomfortable to be so negatively covered in the press but that will not change our believes and to stood up for what we believe is right.
No one likes us, no one is looking out for our success, every little thing is blown up, take rabbi Glanz for an example, who did more for yidden then rabbi Glanz and the media did a character assassination for no reason, should we drop him? Should we despise him? No, because we know the good side of him, we know him for many years as a person that will do anything for another yid that eventually got hin in trouble. So to all of you who are quick to accept public opinions, bloggers and a biased conviction, we want to tell you - we know more of Webweman that the general public knows and we know more of the accuser that the general public knows, therefore we truly believe in his innocence.
Comment by rabbim friedman
You make great points. All the things you want to implement are great but remember, it will take a VERY long time and effort on the part of the community itself to do so. But it will unfortunately be incredibly difficult because of the ingrained and taught mindset of people like post #8.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #8
Exactly as you say!!
Shame on you Friedlander!! Shame on you Yes your are one of those who giving a hand to destroy our community! Hurricane Sandy couldn't do such a great churban to our Shtetl like you did wit this sham-full article!!
A Willliamsburger for 35 years
Comment by rabbim friedman
what does it matter if a peoples are as you say above so good in so many ways yet we let our children become victims and many times insulate the perpatrator
Comment by rabbim friedman
CNC predator unfriendly buildings are worthless unless there is a complete change in attitude in our community. We have to listen to our gedolim and report predators to the authorities. This is a violent crime - mesirah is mutar. Right now our schools are a predators paradise - thousands of innocent children and parents afraid to report abuse - AND WHY? - SHIDDUCHIM!
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #6: What? You aren't making any sense. Those who shield the perpetrators share in the responsibility and will ultimately, after 120, have to answer for it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ezra Friedlander is not the spokesman for the Willamsburg community, he dose not live here, and he doesn't know all the facts either.
The Weberman case has noting to do with the willamsburg community either, Weberman was never a leader in our community.
Those who dragged in the entire community in this unfortunate situation, are a few outspoken Bums who went of the Derech, they wanted to show the world that the entire community is at shame, in order to take off there guilt and justify themselves to be who day are today
We are a community that always unite to help each other in any cause for good and for bad, but we would\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve never in our right mind unite to harm our own children Ch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"V, but when people like them who have an agenda to destroy us, we all come together to fight them, we didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t come together to protect predators, we only came in unity to fight those bums.
did anyone came to Willamsburg to check on those who call themselves protesters to protect our kids look like, if anyone would look who they are, you would\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve understand why we were all united, the community came together to protest against dose bums who are here to destroy a Frum community, they couldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t just say we are here to destroy you so they called themselves protectors.
I live in Willamsburg for 20 years now, I had no idea who Mr. Weberman was, he never spoke at any community event, etc. One night I got a call from a freind that there are a bunch of Bums Yiddish speaking individuals with there girlfriends specially dressed immodest, gathered in front of a hall and they are screaming that they are here to protect our children, that was the only reason I went to support the weberman family, because I felt that this became a fight against those who wanna destroy our customs.
Those Bums don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t live in Willamsburg, they destroyed there own families they are long gone from here,and suddenly they all came back now to protect our children.
No We never supported predators, we always did what was needed to protect our children, the weberman case was not a case that had anything to do with a community, he took care of a troubled girl who was always a problem, and he was asked by her parents who couldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t handle her anymore to try to take care on her, you could ask any girl from her class and they will all agree that she was always a problem child, and never obeyed any rules, yes weberman put himself in a very dangerous situation by even trying to help this troubled girl, but this is a private case.
As a side note: Even if we would all believe the story, it still needs to be clarified that This is not a case were a predator damaged a child for life who never new anything, this girl did everything rung with other boys, long before she even came to Weberman, and that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s public record, if you really wanna know, if anyone of you readers would try to get a picture of this victim, you would understand my point.
But again to put things in prospective that doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t make anything right if the story is true
All I wanted to say is that Webermans case is a private case, it has noting to do with the community, and those who question why the entire community came together to support him, the answer is that we always unit and we will continue in unity to fight those who want to destroy us, if the victim and all of her boy friends wouldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t gather together to try to harm us, we wouldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have come together either, but since they chose to fight with a community we united to fight back in order to protect our children from them.
Non of us are here to fight with the DA in any way, we always agree and help the DA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s office, its stupid to even think that an entire community is against those who are protecting us and our children
It is unfortunate that the Medea didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t understand our side, because those who don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t understand our custom will never be able to understand it.
But ask yourself why all those who left this community long time ago and those who despised us and our customs, suddenly they felt to reunite and come to take revenge from our community.
Hey we will not give in, we will always be on the other side of them, no matter what the Media would say.
Media never liked us before this story, and we won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t try to win them over either, those who really wanna know the truth will get to know us.
Hashem is with us and he knows the real truth.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow! What an amazing article. Thanks
Comment by rabbim friedman
shame on you Ezra for trying to make a dollar out of this tragedy, their is a saying in Hebrew \"hurotze lesaker yarchik eidisoi\" the one who wants to say a lie should go far away - so he is not afraid of his hometown people who know him and know the truth.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I'm in.
Comment by rabbim friedman
bais yaakov is an amzing school that edcates their students beutifky
Comment by rabbim friedman
Chaval al diavdin!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think it should say 2013, not 2012
Comment by rabbim friedman
So Mr Friedlander will also be getting his five minutes of fame on the communities expense....
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #1 amen.. there is a program called the shofar coalition. they seek to find and bring to justice these molesters.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Besides the sorrow, shame, horror and chilul HaShem, I would just like to point out a few things:
1. There is no 'cure' for someone who is tormented by sexual desire for a child. Even if the abuser doesn't physically act out, his mind is always filled with desire. It is usually only a question of time before he can no longer control his need to act upon this desire.
2. Castration (or medication which accomplishes a similar result) is not effective. Abuse can occur with hands or other body parts just as easily as with a sex organ.
3. Victims of abuse suffer for the rest of their lives. That doesn't mean that a victim of abuse cannot go on with life and live a happy life, but s/he will always be affected by the abuse s/he experienced.
4. When school administrators, teachers, rabbis, youth organizations, camp counselors, friends, and family are aware of abuse and do not report it, they are enablers of said abuse. Firing a teacher or youth leader guilty of abuse but then turning a blind eye when the accused moves to a different city/state/country and gets another job that will place him in contact with children and more opportunities for abuse, without the previous administration informing his new place of employment of the abuser's past history, is intolerable, and an accessory to crime.
5. If rabbis that give piskei Torah or administer kashrus organizations know about specific abusers but do nothing, why should we trust them as reliable when it comes to their rulings or their hechsherim?
6. We must not send our children to a school that harbors abusers, even if our own child is not specifically targeted or affected.
7. A false accusation of abuse will change an innocent person's life forever. While false accusations are rare, they are completely despicable and inexcusable, and should not go unpunished.
-Galia Berry
Comment by rabbim friedman
How sad that you can not enjoy such a beautiful chag. Take time to enjoy the good parts and don't focus on the "stress"
Comment by rabbim friedman
Baltimore has it\'s fair share of molesters, most of whom have been protected by specific Rabbonim in the hope that hiding the facts under the carpet will make the issue disappear. Countles teens have left Yiddishkeit on account of abuse. It\'s time to make an all out war to erradicate molesters from our community.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yeah. Obama. Thanks to all the Jews who voted for him.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a negative attitude towards Chanukah!
Comment by rabbim friedman
wonder if arabic is on the approved list?
Comment by rabbim friedman
How dare Obama think he Runs America! We, The Jews, Control America. As Sharon said. The Goyim are here to Serve us, like Donkeys. We will stop Hagel. He is a vile anti semite
Comment by rabbim friedman
As is often the case, a naive Jew is set up as a front-man for individuals or groups inimical to Jewish interests, in order to give them some cover in the Jewish community. And when push comes to shove, they are pushed and shoved aside. Exactly as told in Pirkei Avot.
What will Forman say when Hagel is nominated officially, and the Democratic leadership pushes strongly for his confirmation? Will he come out and admit he was played for a fool, or will he suddenly discover that Hagel is really a pro-Israel Jew-lover who deserves our support, because in the long run it's good for us?
Comment by rabbim friedman
GENTILE AMERICAN SPIES FOR USA ENEMIES HAVE NOT SERVED FOR 29 YEARS TO LIFE. BUT A JEWISH AMERICAN GIVING CLASSIFIED DATA TO AN ALLY ISRAEL pinpointing terrorist bases, saving the lives of Jewish children,women and men, receives 29 years of harsh,humilating jail time, and a life sentence ! shame,shame,shame!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hellary Rod(ham)(not kosher)Clinton has a long history of anti-Semitism. When she wiggled her puggy finger at Israeli FM Avidor Liberman,"Stop building in Jerusalem and the territories"! As she left meeting him,she broke her hand! This is all minhashamayim! Her taking money from Muslim Americans who have ties to terrorists are well documented. When she is caught,she sayss, returning the political funds. The list goes on and on!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for the update. Plese put a date on the comments so we know when the Rav came back to the Yeshiva. We hope and pray that he continues to do well, amv\'sh.
Comment by rabbim friedman
He was such a special man. He made me feel so comfortable and accepted. I am so sad that he has left us.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Contrary to this article, it is far from clear that the Rambam\'s drawing was intended to be accurate, as opposed to merely a schematic; see -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-13-2012 I think what this writer means is that we cannot escape from reality by ignoring the reality. We have versions of this same folly right within our orthodox lifestyles. We spend a lot of money on appearances, hats, black suits, very very very nice seforim and of course the ubiquitous wedding and bar mitzvah extravaganzas, $26.00 per pound matzos, exorbitantly priced Tefilin and Mezuzos, and so many other vanities, all with the implied ability to ignore the pain and suffering we cause our own brethren by pricing them out of Yiddishkeit, putting innocent children out of school an marginalizing so many from the main stream of our people. It is easy to ridicule and make jokes at the expense of people who do not know any better. What have we got to say about those who do know better but choose to ignore the realities of the societal sins of our times, and I am referring to our society, the orthodox society. Do not think that it does not concern you if it does not affect you. The sins of our community concern us all. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Seems pretty odd, but nice you know why the woman call 911 though?
Comment by rabbim friedman
If you only recently bought your home you will not get a discount because you will pay the current assessed rate. If the value goes up over time you may start getting the credit. So for most people that recently bought homes it wont matter whether you are eligible for the first year since there would be no discount.
Comment by rabbim friedman
On my address it says the Homestead Application Status is "Approved" with a date after it in 2010. Does this mean I have nothing to worry about? Thanks.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As HaRav Nota Schiller put it, he "lit neros around the world -- Ohr Somayach, a light that brought simcha -- EMESDIKA SIMCHA, not superficial, plastic, smiling... but the DEPTH".
Comment by rabbim friedman
great advice. also applicable to parents of teens who need to be in the know and young people in shidduchim.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #1 - we always have to be prepared. even in peaceful times.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The funeral was very moving today. All three speeches were on target. They were short because of chanuka and so they could finish before shkiya.
The Rosh Yeshiva had a very clear vision. He was perceptive to the needs of the talmidim. He is missed by all.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Susan, I would hope that you wish for IDF to no longer be mandatory by the time your grandsons are of age. Instead of assuming that they will have to fight, wish for peaceful times in their lifetime and a future that sees no more war!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great article! more articles from Mayer Solomon!
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is not a mitzva. Our sages determined how to publicize the miricle of chanuka. This is plain simple PR.
Comment by rabbim friedman
count the number of instances of AP bias in this article
Comment by rabbim friedman
I recognize the Belinsky! !
Comment by rabbim friedman
amazing....such an exciting way to engage the kids in spreading the light of chanukah...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wasn\'t is High\'s convenience store as well?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Chasdei Hashem Yisborach!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#7 - Not unless lunch is his hat.....
Comment by rabbim friedman
Nice demolition music.
Comment by rabbim friedman
y doesnt the chosheve yeshiva post the powerful video online ?????
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 - I thought he owes you lunch?
Comment by rabbim friedman
No, it is not. It is watching out for people HERE where plenty people need money. We did our part, it's time for them to begin to cope. We already had a number of clothing trucks returned back here full of clothes....
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-6-2012 Yesher Koach! Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
And a final cloud of asbestos and mildew settled over the area one last time, to finally be carried away by the wind.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Classic comment
Comment by rabbim friedman
will it be a winter like we had last winter
Comment by rabbim friedman
So when does the esteemed publisher of this website eat his hat? :-)
Comment by rabbim friedman
what about ushmartem moed nafsosaichem ??arent you being over a lav dioraisa
Comment by rabbim friedman
That attitude is middas sdom.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I remember buying wacky packages at Wagner\'s.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of course. It's not their money. Let's travel around the glove on someone else's dine.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Okay. Really. New York is big enough that they can begin to help their own brothers. Things need be done with money in THIS community. Let New York handle itself at this point.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What's your question? Hunting near populated areas requires the use of a shotgun slug instead of a high powered rifle. The slug is much heavier than a bullet and moves much slower. Therefore it has a very limited range of a few hundred yards. A bullet from a high powered rifle can travel 5 miles with lethal force.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I am not an educator, so my comments are strictly anecdotal, but I honestly cannot make a connection between better understanding presented material in the classroom and the completion of homework. Looking back, the only thing homework prepared me for was the discipline necessary for the massive study workload in college, but surely I would have survived nevertheless. After such a long day at school for our children, the last thing any already tired and stressed parent (not to mention the child) wants to do is assist in homework. This is a huge shalom bayis problem, especially when there are multiple children in the family requiring attention at the end of a long day. I personally do not believe that homework is beneficial or an achievement indicator.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Such is life . . .It takes so long to build . . . and so little time to destroy
Comment by rabbim friedman
B\'Sha\'a Tova u\'mutzlachat
Comment by rabbim friedman
Does anyone remember the days of walking to Wagner's Pharmacy to buy candy and cards?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Rabbi Hebers knowledgeability is exceeded only by his enthusiasm and love for this subject. Yasher Koach to Rabbi Heber!
Comment by rabbim friedman
\"Shotgun\"? \"Slug\"? huh?
Comment by rabbim friedman
OK here we go again. The CDC and the Industrial Pharma Complex are busy inciting fear in the population to make sure everybody gets there vaccinations. For those who are willing to think outside of the box and don't want to risk the side effects here are some alternatives:
Supplements like NAC, Andrographis, Congaplex, Immunity Take Care and Influenzinum by Boiron are all worth investigating when it comes to natural alternatives for cold and flu prevention. Good Luck and wishing you all good health!
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1
The Yeshiva has also set up a fund to help the rest of the community. Despite their own severe losses, they are also helping out their neighbors in the Long Beach community.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I guarantee you Ner Israel, and certainly the rosh haysehiva, doesn\\\\\\\'t want its name associated with person anymore.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Is anyone truly surprised by this? After all didn't the so called "Palestinians" vote for Hamas to begin with back in 2006. Hamas and Fatah have always been one of the same and their sole intention is to destroy Israel and the Jews. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in severe denial!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't see a video? Is it only available on Pc? I'm using my smartphone.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What Israel should have done while the Hamas rockets were still flying and definitely right after the UN vote was to annex Judea and Samaria immediately! They should then announce the a two state solution is impossible because it would mean the "final solution" for Israel! The Arab nations with all their massive territory are going to have to absorb these Arabs just as Israel absorbed the nearly one million Jews from Arab territories in the past. Pretty simple, if only the Israeli government had the courage to do that. Hopefully Feiglin getting into the Knesset will help start this new way of thinking!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What about the rest of the Jewish Community in Long Beach?
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-3-2012 Wisdom is needed to learn the correct lesson from this. Some may say that it is not worth trying to help or may learn that this man has no virtue and just wants to cash in. Those would be the wrong lessons. The problems of the poor are complicated and often cannot be alleviated with one grand gesture. This is also true closer to home. Often we try to help others in need by a single grand gesture and then afterwards we are confounded when their problems persist. The problems of the poor are complicated and need wisdom and sensitivity to deal with. Too often I hear people say that the poor are poor because of their own lack of character or virtue. I have even heard some say that poverty in our day and age is a result of some depravity and that those suffering financially, unless it is from a socially acceptable cause, is nothing more than a tell tale sign of depravity of character. But this simply is not true. People who are in need are in need of more than a mere handout. Problems can be complicated and deep seated. But after all is said and done, even if a person does not have the insight or resources to assist those in need, we can at least show acceptance without judgement, friendship and dignity. And of course, we should include all those in need in our thoughts and prayers. For in the end, we are all needy in some way or another. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Interesting. New party with platform requiring all Israeli's to both serve in the army and work. Yasher Koach to the Ner Israel talmid!
Comment by rabbim friedman
wonderful! How about creating 10 more irrelevant Chareidi party's, so they water down their numbers even more? If all the religious party's would get together and actually bring real Torah based change, as opposed to just looking after themselves, maybe Moshiach would come?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Response to the comments: As fa as I know, private school students do not get subsidies for their private school tuition from the government, while their parents pay school taxes. Therefore, a small allowance for their transportation to the private schools is the least government can do to help these families.
Comment by rabbim friedman
and knee issues too!
Comment by rabbim friedman
There never was a Palestinian(sic)sovereginty ih history! All the lands are part parcel of HASHEM promise to the Jewish people. These lands were part of the the two Jewish kingdoms, the Kingdom of Judea and Kingdom of Israel!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Jeb Bush for President in 2016!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What an amazing Kiddush Sehm Shomayim!!! Ashreinu matov chelkenu uma naim goralaynu!!! May the Rosh Yehsiva have arichas yomim v'shanim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
He is Back in Yeshiva now!
he came back on last thursday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boruch Rofeh Cholim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
The muslims were following the Koran,"Don't make friends of Jews and Christians"(Sura chapter 5) In addition, the same sura 5,chapter,verse 33-"kill,crucify,chop their limbs off, and throw them out of the land" All Muslims believe in these Jihadist teachings! All muslims whether Arab or non-Arab muslims,it is their Bible!
Comment by rabbim friedman
All your posts are interesting and inspiring to someone who is considering Aliyah. Thank you
Comment by rabbim friedman
HOW SICK AND SAD!!!! Why? Most Now a Day Palestenian's have never lived in that "country" . We all need to come together and put our difference aside for Moshiach to come. This is what we need and boy do I think it may be soon. It is just horrible what is going on and how blinded the UN is
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Excellent photo essay & good to see former Baltimoreans doing well!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Will it turn into a new girls school or another car repair shop?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why are Jews living in Poland? It has a history of bloody anti-Semitism!
Comment by rabbim friedman
We work with Menucha on many areas of emergency and security planning for people with disabilities. The Menucha staff is amazing - they are always available for any questions or concerns we have. We wish the best of luck to Menucha in all their endeavors.
Dovid Cohen
NWCP Operations
Comment by rabbim friedman
They are closing Northwestern after 2015-2016!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
at least 5 people have been held up at gunpoint in the last 2-3 weeks. what are they doing about it?
Comment by rabbim friedman
You nailed it Elly. A mentor can mean the difference between failure and success, between reaching for the top and struggling to hold your own in the middle. Also remember the value of an older, experienced person at work who can help guide a career. Shlomo
Comment by rabbim friedman
The \"grimaces\" are the way they reproduce instrumental sounds--that\'s what a capella is all about.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey from the Who say in Wont Get Fooled Again: "Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.
Just like Louis XVI gave way to Robespierre and Napolean
Just like the Czar gave way to Stalin
So too...Mubarrak gave way to Morsi
That's the reason why we need Torah law to G-d willing take force worldwide
Comment by rabbim friedman
Article didn't say what is wrong with NorthWestern
Comment by rabbim friedman
nice guys, great voices. i liked it. if you don't like the 'grimaces,' close your eyes.
Comment by rabbim friedman
They sound pretty good but their bizarre grimaces compromise them and their message.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I found this to be so touching. It is much needed. As a provider I know how much time, energy, and commitment this takes. But the rewards are great for everyone - the children, parents and volunteers.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Garbage in, garbage much for their stats.
Comment by rabbim friedman
That's my dads shul!
Comment by rabbim friedman
You wrote: and this miraculously fueled the lamps of the Menorah for seven days.
I think you meant either \"eight\" or \"seven extra days.\"
Comment by rabbim friedman
From the pictures it appears that the event was poorly attended. Is this correct?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any Jewish person who voted for the TZORARE HAYEHOODIM is a JINO(Jewish In Name Only)! The upperwestside has Jinos,as goodman and schwerner, who had no nexus to Jews,Judaism or Israel, but went down south to fight for civil rights but not for Jewish rights! They were killed by a white person for engaging in race baiting! I grew up on the upperwestside it was radical left. Reb Shlomo Carelebach, Yeshiva/Congregation Hechal Moshe,Young Israel,West Side Institutional Synagogue, Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, and a few shtiblech made the upperwestside warm for frum Jews..
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boycotts are always counterproductive, besides, there are 600,000 Jews living in France, more than any other country in Europe.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Very Pretty song I got the chills from listening to it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reminds me of the Gemara in Shabbos, bottom of 63a: \"If he\'s an am-haaretz, even a chasid, do not live in his neighborhood.\" Rashi says: \"Because he doesn\'t know the fine points of mitzvos, his piety is not whole, and ultimately you will learn from him.\"
Comment by rabbim friedman
I thought that he lost his chance when he divorced Dianna. The Catholic church does not recognize divorces. When he divorced he abdicated. That\'s what i thought. Did I think wrong?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I closed on my home June 15 of this year and mailed in the homestead application shortly thereafter. I'm fairly certain it was postmarked before July 1. For which tax year would I be eligible for a homestead credit?
Comment by rabbim friedman
rofl, what a joke!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think he is great but it doesn't mean a lot to be number 20 is they only get 4 seats, which is what the polls indicate.LO
Comment by rabbim friedman
What is the actual possuk?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I feel it is a HUGE mistake to leave Eretz Yisroel for any reason. Just as in the Gulf War, the Ribono Shel Olam will take care of his children. Running to Flatbush or somewhere else is not the answer. Who thinks for a moment that it is safer in Chutz Laa'retz than in Eretz Yisroel? It's during these times of conflict when it is most important for people to travel to the holy land. I am sure you will be rewarded and protected for being there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Sorry that you went through this terrible accident, but very inspiring story. I'm also B+, and when I found out, I said "that's not a blood type but a message". I know that it is somewhat rare, but I am not allowed to donate.
Wish you a refua shleima.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this story here? Is he Jewish? Am I missing something here? If I want a sports story I can go to espn.
Comment by rabbim friedman
well said
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please keep us posted. May Hashem grant Rav Aharon, shlita, a refuah Shleimah b'korov.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Perhaps article should be corrected???
Comment by rabbim friedman
hi its #2
my info was incorrect thanks for the correction
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 Please provide your evidence so we can know the truth. Poster #2 seemed quite confident.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The business does have to be registered with Amex- see #4 above.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It would seen that #2 needs to come clean also .He/She was so confident that the response was Shouted Out in CAPS.The article implied the same.#5 Could you provide youf empirica
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 this is #4 you are correct I asked some people who went also. I only saw Star-K's because I did not attend any Dairy events.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't think the store has to do anything to participate. As long as they're a small business your Amex charge for that store will be credited back to you.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I've only seen a few local businesses that say they are participating. Can people please post which stores will be open and are participating?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach to Reb Hershel for being Osiek btzechrei rabbim and representing the chevra. I am sure there will be a lunch in your honor. Zechoso yagen aleini.
Comment by rabbim friedman
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless all of you and your families for your back breaking work that was done because of your big hearts. KOL HAKOVOD!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
All cholov yisroel STAR-K
Comment by rabbim friedman
Was dairy catering all CholovYisroel Star K also?
Comment by rabbim friedman
YES!!, ALL THE CATERED FOOD AT THE CONVENTION CENTER AND HYATT WAS STAR-K CERTIFIED INCLUDING THE NON-GA RELATED EVENTS TO PRESERVE STAR-K KASHRUS INTEGRITY the only exception was the year-round Starbucks Kiosk in the far corner of the Convention Center which had a sign that clearly identified it as NOT STAR-K CERTIFIED
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reading the article you would assume all the food was StarK certified.Was it?
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is very helpful and effective.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Participation in a webinar is, indeed very useful for any educator. Having the additional support to implement what is learned is invaluable. We\'re lucky to have the professional expertise from Shemesh to help teachers maximize this resource.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Would it be ok to shoot missles after the 15 years? Sounds nuts to me. BTW #1, the only way to stop the missle attacks is a ground invasion. Hamas has most things stored under ground. Air strikes can only do so much. Right now, almost 1/3 of the country is under rocket attack. I would carpet bomb Gaza and finish it once and for all. Warn the so-called innocent civilians and then do it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Terrific idea.I just hope people are smart enough not to dump their old unused sfarim on these good intentions.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Anyone who is an educator and/or parent can benefit from these webinars. They are easy to access and present a wealth of information on various educational topics. Right in the comfort of your own home, you can be a part of an interactive power point presentation where the host presenter enables input from those attending as a valued part of this forum. I am so delighted to know that our local schools are promoting this great resource. Enjoy!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
thank you -- we also have a son there in the army --
Comment by rabbim friedman
Feelings from the Heart. Nothing is more powerful.
Rabbi Oberstein, Thanks as always for sharing.
Comment by rabbim friedman
If it is any measure of comfort, we are all davening for the safety of our brave soldiers in Israel and for the safety of our children and close friends and family who are holding up the fort in Eretz Yisroel for us chutznikim. May Hashem bless Am Yisroel with shalom and may we know peace soon.
Comment by rabbim friedman
we are all davening for your son and for the entire army
Comment by rabbim friedman
While I fully support Israel and hope Hams is totally overthrown I am fully against a ground invasion risking the lives of our soldiers considering we are going to need them for bigger wars with Syria, Hizballah and eventually Iran why waste them on the scum of the earth. Not one Yiddisha soul is worth 1 Million Arabs. If they do capture one soldier it will be a whole parade until his release and we free all the captured terrorists again.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Let me add to that. The only way for Israel to live in peace and security is to stop the ridiculous and insane idea of a \"two state solution\" and to kick out/destroy the thugs and murderers of Gaza and let the wonderful families of Gush Katif return back to their rightful home there!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Our rabbis were not afraid of discussing the laws of unintended consequences; for example, we are suffering today because of the pain (rightfully) caused to esav. Our insular top down community has its benefits, but it is a fact that whether at penn state, in the Catholic Church, or in our community a secretive group looking to protect its own provides fertile ground for molesters. This author provides a convenient straw man argument and ignores the fact that molestation occurs because of and not just despite orthodoxy.
Comment by rabbim friedman
You\'re welcome - Avie
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hadhem save us!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Actually giving me nightmares. I, like many have family in Israel and all I can say is Hashem promises to keep us safe even when we are surrounded by enemies, and even as we sleep. I will daven for them but fear mongering isnt going to solve anything.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Maybe whoever buys them will make them kosher!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
11-16-2012 'There are some who believe'¦ that repression in the ultra-Orthodox community can foster abuse' This is not referring to the devotion to ceremony and custom and general piety. This is referring to the characteristic of repressing issues and people who do not conform. The orthodox community uses ostracism, rejection and exclusion as a tool for enforcing compliance and conformity. This is ubiquitous within the orthodox community. The result is that good people will avoid speaking up when bad things are happening. This is more than the sever abuse situations we hear about. This is also about the mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults in schools and Shuls and in the community in general. There are wonderful people within the community. But they are hobbled from objecting to children being put out of the classroom or the school, when individuals are made to feel unwelcome in Shul and when whole families are ostracized from a community. This very essay is an example. Instead of inspiring thoughtful self examination it lashes out at the 'outsiders' and seeks to demonize all that raise the issue. No one condones child abuse. What we condone is a societal trait which leads to abusive habits which creates an abusive character which solidifies an abusive destiny. We need to do some serious thinking and make some real changes. Or our destiny will be sealed. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#1: wait for page to load (it can take a few extra seconds), then see the slideshow in the 2nd set of pictures below the first one. use the forward arrow to scroll through.
Comment by rabbim friedman
there's only one picture...
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a well written article. Kudos to such a young boy going to help in the cleanup effort
Comment by rabbim friedman
Beautiful. Other schools need to this too.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Al Jazeera is actually more balanced!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ih the surgery should go well
Comment by rabbim friedman
Way to say it Judah! Kby all the way!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Well said and right on the mark! Thanks for the wakeup call
Comment by rabbim friedman
Are we really organizing another trip 2 weeks after the storm? This is NY and we know they have some "resources". They haven't hired anyone yet to clean up? Why not?
Comment by rabbim friedman
#4 Agreed....if one wants to secluded they can do that with an old fashioned door and lock as well....maybe we should asser doors period.
Comment by rabbim friedman
If it talks,walks as an anti-Semite, it is an anti-Semite!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you so much to all of the rabbis and families who lent a huge helping hand. Thank you for writing this incredible article so that we can have some glimpse into what is happening and what our community contributed. G-d bless.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Agree with #4. If you can spare the time to go midweek, fantastic. If not, everyone understands that it's not easy to get away during the week.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is a "b'rachot" class considered the female equivalent of what I assume is a text base "Avot U'vanim?" (Tanach,Mishnayot, ?Gemara) The "Parent/chiid" learning at Suburban is slowly being supplanted by separate sex shiurim (as our community continues to drift to the right). I'm sure Morah Kruger is a wonderful teacher but I doubt these young girls will be learning much inside. Now you could make the argument this is "not interesting" or "boring" but no more to the girls than the boys.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #8. Nevertheless, there is no point in accusing anyone of back-padding when there is no back-padding going on. Given all of the articles posted, it might be embarrassing to accuse someone of that, especially when it's not true. Like a poster said, this whole thing has been a major life even for those affected, and those who have gone to help. If they want to talk about it, let them.
Comment by rabbim friedman
No, it's not true. It's enough to say there was an armed robbery. Ridiculous unnecessary statements like "lots of money were taken" or "Hatzalah responded" is complete overkill.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Are you surprised by CNN?
Comment by rabbim friedman
ENOUGH!!!! Just say Boruch Hashem there are men from the community that are willing to go whenever needed. I am sure there is a valid reason why they are not going over the weekend. Besides, have any of you driven to New York any time during Thanksgiving weekend??? It is not pleasant. A 3 hour drive can be twice as long, I know from experience.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What took Israel so long? One Israeli family is worth ALL of Gaza. Like the U.S. would allow Mexico or Canada to get away with bombing U.S. border cities! I always advocated using a huge blade to cut around Gaza and just push it into the Mediterranean. They can have their independant state there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
why not do it on Thursday? Most people are off of work for Thanksgiving and many people in the frum community do not have a formal Thanksgiving meal anyhow. Plus it falls on a weekday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Sometimes during the week is easier for our wives
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this being scheduled on a tuesday when we can have so many more volunteers available ona sunday? As we can see the first mission was done in the middle of the week and had nowhere near the amount of volunteers that the second one had which was done on a sunday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why didn't they condemn the mortar attacks on Israel? I guess bombing lots of Israelis is ok, but taking out one rotten terrorist is forbidden.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Criminal activity like this does scare everyone, but you are safer by being informed. Scaring people helps get them to pay attention and can help reduce the criminal activity.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for sharing your experiences. What I take from it is a heartwarming message that we are there for each other no matter how uncomfortable and inconvenient, even for strangers from a different city. We also should appreciate the nice people we have living here in Baltimore.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I asked everyone to write essays/ memoirs for the purpose of allowing ALL of our people to be part of what only some experienced- for them to see just how powerful this was and be inspired. Rabbi Hauer said, "...not a publicity stunt...not a photo-op..." That's true! Also know that Rabbi Goldberg worked incredibly hard in Seagate and offered much advice. -Ari Lichtman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for the Hakarat Hatov article. I also had the "Divine Providence" experience of coming in contact with a deer a few months ago, only I was on a bicycle. It was early morning and I along with two other cyclists were out on Greenspring Valley Road traveling East towards Greenspring Road, when we noticed a young deer running paralel to us about twenty feet out in the field to our right, quite quickly I may add. Suddenly it decided to make a left turn and cut across the street right between me and the rider in front of me. It happened so quickly, and the deer did not stop for a second. I fell to the ground and the rider behind me fell on me. Baruch Hashem I sustained minor injuries, though my bicycle was damaged and needed a new front wheel. The rider behind me was hurt more than me, though the bicycle was fine (that's what most of us cyclists are more concerned about :o). So I thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my Hakarat Hatov as well, though I have shared the story with many since the incident occurred. May HaKadosh Baruch Hu continue to bless us with safe travels and limited contact with wildlife. Aharon (Alan) Newman
Comment by rabbim friedman
MAZEL TOV I"HY SHAS you guys are on your way
Comment by rabbim friedman
ok Lett me clear everything up. I know this is old new but this will happen again next year . Theses missionary are college aged students from Bible Schools . Theses men and women are sent all over the us to reach out to the Jewish communtiy with their packets . What they are doing is perfectly legal. The leave the packet at the door step in respect for the owner of the house, not in the Mail box. These men a new group will be back next year. and these young men when they are not workin in a jewish community go soul winning -same idea minus the packet they have a tract with the Gospel and they reach any one who isnt a jew even those of like faith. If you dont like what their doing all I can say is ohh well.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To # 4 Rabbi Sander Goldberg was in Sea gate and work very hard. Who ever saw him coming back to the buses (he is Rav in town and Talmud Chacham), with so much mud on him and saw so much in the 7 hours he was there. He has the right to feel this way. His feeling come from learning musar. He is not being negative,but being positive a real Bal Chesed wants to do a mitzvah that the sechar comes from the Hashem and he does not want that to get lost.Remember the purpose of this trip to bring achdus to Kal
Yisrael and NOT cinas chinuman, Mea Ki Amacha Yisrael.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2 Firstly, this is about more than how much they gained from us financially. The emotional and moral support they gained is priceless and it was a zechus to be there and have that opportunity to give in such a way. Furthermore, perhaps the stories and coverage will inspire those who were unable to see firsthand the devastation, to give more generously...
Comment by rabbim friedman
11-14-2012 Take the words in this essay, ' The end of a life means the undermining of whatever relationships, accomplishments, and good deeds potentially lie in the death wisher's future. Cutting off that future ... deprives himself, and his relatives and friends and society, of unknown and untold meaningful benefits. Quite literally, wastes a life. That is to demonstrate a severely limited understanding of human life's import. The most meaningful matters any of us ever can access are things like forgiveness, repentance, prayer, commitment, love, and fulfilling what we believe is G-d's will. Human life is human life ... it is invaluable.' And you can apply these very words to a child, a precious soul, who would be put out from the classroom or the school or from the Shul or from the community. As a community we ostracize and exclude so many under the guise of a greater purpose for the group. If the orthodox were really serious about the value of a human life then they would apply these same principles to how they treat and reject people. It is easy to voice these ideals in the political arena of assisted suicide. But the real test of what they really believe is when and if these principles are applied to how we treat children and anyone who is facing any form of rejection from the group under the guise of preserving the high standards of th group. No child should be out of the classroom or the school. Nobody should be evicted from the Shul. No family should be made to feel unwelcome in the community. Consider that before you pat yourself on the back for your piety and reverence for life. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Awesome news! May Hashem wreck vengeance on all our enemies!
May He also protect us from any stupid immature retaliation attempts!
G-d bless our Israeli Air Force!
Comment by rabbim friedman
@2 I must say that your comment is really disappointing and upsetting. From my understanding, people were asked to write personal memoirs of their experiences, not intended for public consumption but rather to document the experience. Nothing here was done for personal gain or credit. I don\'t understand why someone would take something so great and belittle it. Obviously there is a lot more work to be done and the cost of the damage is great, but I don\'t see what\'s wrong with recognizing people\'s efforts to help one another.
Comment by rabbim friedman
There is so much more to be done.Not only in Sea Gate, but in Far Rockaway, Bays water, 5 towns area, Long Beach, Bell Habor and there other places I missed or didn't even mention. How can we help? Maybe all the cities in the U.S.A should get together and try to put units of teams together to help these communities do there the clean up.
Comment by rabbim friedman
@Rabbi Goldberg: Where is this negativity from? There's no back patting going on, there are our fellow community members who have been deeply, emotionally affected! This has turned out to be a major life event for those who were able to look teary eyed, grateful, yiddishe victims in the eye. All of this coverage NEEDS to touch those who don't have such a strong connection. That's chizuk! That's inspiration to go do chesed too! This isn't about us at all! I have heard "mi k'amcha yisrael" a dozen times in the last 5 days! That's exactly who this is about!
Comment by rabbim friedman
@2, Rabbi Goldberg. I understand your initial feeling that perhaps you have been overwhelmed by all of the SeaGate recaps. There have been many. Would you like to see more articles about the many other locations that have been devastated? What exactly do you hope to accomplish by embarrassing those that have posted here about the help being offered to the people in SeaGate? These are not pat-on-the back articles. These are people telling of their experiences, and just maybe others will be encouraged by the retelling of these experiences and want to assist in the relief efforts. I would bet that you have not been to SeaGate or other Long island locations....otherwise you would not be so quick to chastise those who have experienced the suffering there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is #1 again, still bewildered. If those two people find the door inadvertently locked, they can quickly reopen it and remedy the situation. On the other hand, if those two people decide not to come out of the room locked from the outside, it seems that they have no intention of observing the prohibition anyway.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just to emphasize the point the \"worst case\" scenario actually did occur about a day earlier and a block away.,0,514031.story
Comment by rabbim friedman
Kol Hakavod!! Ashreicha Israel!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Oh stop writing about how great we are that we helped Seagate. Enough! You want all the Zechus to be spent on Ga'ava? As far as the actual work, it was a drop in the bucket. When these people rebuild they will have to spend 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars; our work saved them perhaps $500 each in cleanup costs. The Ikar accomplishment was to show that Jews care for each other. Now, BJL I implore you, no more articles and videos. If there is another trip to help out, just post it as you did in past, but stop all the back-patting.
Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow we all hear these stories but until it actually happens then u believe it
Comment by rabbim friedman
to this incredible team:
i came across this article and was thrilled to find it as i was trying to figure out who you are and how to contact you. you are truly exceptionally special people. it is thanks to you that our family can move on. when my parents told me that there are 5 men in their house who are hard at work and really care, i could hear in their voices how relieved they were. we were all so physically and mentally exhausted from the situation that there was no way that our family could have done this on our own. it's amazing that you gave of your time, your hearts, and your chizuk to help out people you have never met before. mi k'amcha yisroel!! may hashem bentch you and all the other amazing people who came out to help this community, with mazel, bracha, hatzlacha, parnassah, nachas from your children, v'chol tuv!! in the zchus of your selfless chesed i'm sure that mashiach will be here b'karov!
sincerely, a very grateful seagate family
Comment by rabbim friedman
And it's important to know all these details for what? To scare people? Isn't it enough to say (and even this is too much) that there was an armed robbery?!?
Comment by rabbim friedman
unbelievable CHESED
Comment by rabbim friedman
Truly unreal! It's hard to say this is a beautiful video due to it's subject matter. But if people have been following all of 's outstanding coverage of this event or not, this video makes it very real. Please consider donating if you have not yet. You can go to either Bnai Jacob's or Suburban Orthodox's website to donate. Then email that your donation was "hurricane relief". - Ari
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of course so. Read the Shomrim blotter - Before 8 PM tonight, at Park Heights and Pinkney, a woman was robbed
of considerable cash at gunpoint, and then pistol whipped. The
assailant was a young black man wearing a white hoodie.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I guess Sheitlach got boring.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Noone can enter the room if locked, whether you can get out is not very relevant
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hashem Yiracheim! We must daven for the RBS"O to be mikayaim banu chachmei yisrael!
Comment by rabbim friedman
This bewilders me. If the door is no self-locking but simply shut, unlocked, and can be opened from the outside, there is no problem for the man and woman to be inside the room; but if the door can't be opened from the outside, that is prohibited. In either case, the door can be easily opened from the inside, so what is the difference between the two cases?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I noticed Hatzoloh and Shomrim there on Pinkney. Were there any major injuries?
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2 I don't think Baltimore's criminal read this. But I do think that Officer Bennett who is our liaison, should be contacted to coordinate it with people in uniform.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this plan posted on-line? Are you sure that the criminal does not read this?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't want to sound cynical, but considering these were ARMED robberies, shouldn't the additional posted people be undercover police officers who have weapons? Wouldn't ordinary citizens patrolling the streets unarmed be putting themselves in harms way? I hope we see a huge police presence in our area - people are afraid to walk outside!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach Gobbie for writing what I am sure we all felt! Music is powerful and seeing the crowd sitting and enjoying songs that we incorporate in our Tefillos was very uplifting. As Abie mentioned, we know many pesukim because they are now songs. It was an amazing concert! It was such a thrill to have Abie there. Kudos to Hymie and Kenny and everyone who made the evening so special. Jonathan Lasson
Comment by rabbim friedman
the craziest thing about this was that it felt like the hurricane just hit...and it had already been close to 2 weeks...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach to all who brought this concert to fruition. What I like most about Dveykus is that this is authentic Jewish music, not goyishe music overlaid with some words from the siddur by illiterates who have no understanding of the depth of the words. Joe Domageo's Card was my personal favorite and brought tears to my eyes.L. Oberstein
Comment by rabbim friedman
great job Pete;)!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
A pilot? A baton? Are you kidding? Shouldn't we have pilots armed with Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistols? Even if he was just dead-heading (flying as a passenger back to his home base) I would like him to be armed. Airline officers should all be trained and armed.
Comment by rabbim friedman
But if he had no weapon then he could have crashed the plane and killed everyone? I thought pilots were exempt from weapons searches because they were allowed to carry them for protection.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The range of numbers are really the dates that the toilets were manufactured: (101497) 10/14/97 to (022909) 02/29/09
Comment by rabbim friedman
You're right. But, if you go to the website and put in the serial number that is in your toilet tank, they will tell you right away whether your particular toilet is being recalled.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The range of numbers so not make sense...the first range of numbers is higher than the second number. Can you please let me know what the correct sequence of numbers are. Thank you.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Guys, we have to be careful not to blow our trumpets too loud here. The Borough Park Shomrim and Misaskim also did fantastic jobs running the operation - we would have been lost without their guidance and leadership! We did awesome, however lets be careful not to say anything against the NY communities as well. All Jews in Seagate, whether from New York, from Baltimore, or any other place were all ONE HUGE TEAM - ONE HUGE CHESED POWERHOUSE that day! - A Seagate cleanup volunteer
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is absolutely awesome. Means so much to my teenage daughter who is quite upset at losing many of her childhood things, to see that another Bas Yisrael, miles away, is thinking of her and wants to put a smile on her face.
THANK YOU! You are all really special, and Hashem should bless you all with all the best!
Comment by rabbim friedman
There were many people who worked very hard yesterday and they all deserve a tremendous Yashar Koach. Rabbi Hauer was the powerhouse driving force behind the entire effort. Yashar Koach to him. B. Ansbacher
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ya'asher co-ach. Very proud of our community this week.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Only Hashem can repay all of you for what you have done. For us it was more than just help, and the help was amazing, it was the caring and heartfelt wishes, knowing that strangers who may never see us again, just wanted to come and sweat and share in our hardest moments. And sweat they did! We wish for you only brachos, mazel and hatzlacha in all that you do, and that the Aibeshter should send you all lots of good health, long life, with lots of yiddish nachas and success in all that you do. May we only be zoche to share simchas together in the future, with dancing and singing in the 3rd Beis Hamikdosh very soon! THANK YOU from all of us in Seagate! It has been a zchus to have all of you special people here with us....kol tuv to all of you!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yoni klein also went on this trip
Comment by rabbim friedman
I have tears in my eyes! What a beautiful sight. It should serve as a tremendous zechus for all of klal Yisroel!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
You wrote, "Rabbi Bamberger then welcomed descendants of Rabbi Rice who were present at the event, the Rosenberg family of Monsey."
Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Rice had two children, neither of whom survived infancy. They adopted two children. Hence there are no "blood" descendents of Rabbi and Mrs. Rice. The Rosenberg family are descended from these adopted children.
Prof. Y. Levine
Comment by rabbim friedman
so beautiful! what a kiddush hashem!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great job chaim. Proud to have you as a memeber of our kehila. Your secret admirer
Comment by rabbim friedman
You can check your serial number here:
If you need to install the kit, it is really simple, a video at the same link as above will show you how.
Comment by rabbim friedman
From all of us in Seagate, thanks in advance! Tizku Lemitzvos!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Latest from Ari:
The bus will leave from BJSZ at 5:30. Your arrival time should be about 5:15am. We will daven on the buses. You should wear the type of clothes you would wear to do yard work in this weather. Construction boots or sturdy shoes are recommended, not snow boots. You will probably want to pack a pair of comfortable clean pants for the way home. Food is provided as well as over-the-shoe-boots, long gloves, and lights are also provided. We will depart NY at about 4pm to get back about 7:30pm.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Kol Hakavod to all of you going tomorrow and all who went last week, and to all the volunteers who shlepped stuff to NY/NJ in the last 2 weeks.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why arent the yeshivas in Balltimore New York and Lakewood Joining together and having groups of Bachurim traveling to New York to help these people ! The government is extremely slow in their response to the situation we need to join together and help immediately and just a bus load of people one day a week although wonderful is not nearly enough
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please post departure and return times. Thank You.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow..Great article! I want more articles from Rabbi Bergman!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Monday is a Federal Holiday - Veterans Day. Many men in Baltimore have the day off. Maybe the rest of the Rabbanim on the Vaad HaRabbonim can encourage every able bodied fellow in the Baltimore kehilla to go out and lend a hand.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any updates?
Comment by rabbim friedman
is this the Rabbi that sends out daily vort I love his articles
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
If I want to go help out where do I go?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boruch Hashem we have people like Rabbi Zwibel
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reb Moshe Feinstein Z\\\"L has a tushvah that if a person gives 10% of his time that is tzedakah.If a rebbe learns with someone by giving 10% of his time to a person who needs help in learning torah that is tzedakak. Such a cheasid like this I\\\'m jealous that I was unable to go. Maybe #3 that is what not sitting well with you that you were unable not to go. There other communities that need help also. Bell Harbor, The yeshiva needs a place for its Talmidim , Bays Water ,Long Beach and other communities.Remember Tzedakah Zavel Hamahves
Comment by rabbim friedman
\\\"28. Because Israeli women are the real thing, not trying to be like shiksas, and Israeli men aren't teenagers who never grow up.
29. Because Israeli mothers still cook meals for the family.\\\"
These reasons are highly offensive-the writer implies that all Jewish women outise Israel are \\\"trying to be like shiksas\\\", and that all men outside the land are somehow \\\"teenagers who never grew up.\\\" To imply this about Jews outside the land is ridiculous, untrue, and reeking of sinas chinam. I am sad that someone who so values living in the Land would say such things. Also, my non Israeli wife as well as my non Israeli mother when I was growing up cooked plenty of meals for the family. The writer\\\'s baseless hatred undermines any value of his love for the land of Israel. You have done an extremely poor job here, Tzi Fishman.
Joel Carter
Comment by rabbim friedman
#10 We really appreciate the help that the Baltimore community gave for all of us here in Seagate. Mi Ke'Amcha Yisrael?! Joining us uplifted our spirits and showed us that we will IYH rebuild, and we will persevere! THANK YOU! Only HKBH can repay you and bless you with all good things!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a joy it was last night to see Karl rove, who had raised over 100 million attempting to buy this election and who had often confidently predicted a big Romney win, mount a perspiration soaked tirade against the rabidly right wing fox news channel for daring to declare president Obama the winner! G-d bless America, where even self serving scoundrels like Rove and his cohorts can pretend to be statesmen.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to # 3
what did not sit well with you?
Comment by rabbim friedman
It also doesn\'t mean there is a disconnect between orthodox groups in America and Israel. These organizations do not publicly endorse candidates for president; rather they urge people to go out and vote. And wisely so, as they do need to be able to work with both Democrats and Republicans on issues that are important to all of us.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just because the orthodox groups didnt want to join \'Rabbis for Romney\' doesn't mean they didnt vote for Romnney...
Comment by rabbim friedman
who is in charge of this ? i would like to contact them by phone?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Tzvi is my hero and Mitzva Motivator
Comment by rabbim friedman
Rachmana litzlan! That is excruciatingly painful (and more so dangerous for an older person!). Everyone should take a moment after reading this and say some tehillim immediately for a Refuah Sheliema for the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #3. what did not sit well with you about this story. Tzvi Shear
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow, people voted. Pretty lame photo essay. Keep up the subpar work.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As a sea gate resident I cannot begin to express our heartfelt thanksto the baltimore volunteers. Seeing the bus pull up to the BSSP command center and seeing the volnteers coming of the bus with their work cloths boots gloves construction garbage bags brooms & ready for the hard work that was ahead of them, warmed up our hearts while our bodies are frozen from the devastation. May Hashem repay the Baltimore community for its kindness and chesed with much bracha and hatzlacha.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Maybe because they have critical thinking skills, something long gone in the U.S.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Baruch Dayan Emes.
#1. Hmmm, where do you think a Jew should be?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Get ur passports and pack up
Comment by rabbim friedman
Obama got re-elected.
Comment by rabbim friedman
So where are we all moving??
Comment by rabbim friedman
Punctured lung. Broken ribs and a broken collarbone
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ashreichem v'ashrei chelkichem!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please know that we all made it back to vote too.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It was a great day being able to help people in need. And, we specfically left in time to make it back to Baltimore to exercise our Constitutional right to vote. The city of Sea Gate is completely devastated. Please consider giving money, items and time to help these people who\'s lives have been permanently disrupted.
Comment by rabbim friedman
We helped out our fellow Jews that were in need. And also got to vote in this very important election
Comment by rabbim friedman
May Hashem blessed all the guys in Baltimore and everyone in NY that helping our brothers and sisiters that are suffering so much from the storm, what a Kidus Hashem, may they know only good things in the future and we should all see mashiac arrive soon Amen! Avi Lazar.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher koach to all those who participated, but there are several things I see here that don't sit well with me.
Comment by rabbim friedman
A hearty \"yosher koach\" to all of the kind hearts who sacrificed their time and energy to do such a huge \"mitzvah. Baltimore is very proud of each and every one of you!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#1, that is a good question. But the situation is what it is, and right now, no one can really understand the destruction unless you see it in person. I was in Long Island and it seems like a war zone. No power, no sewage or clean running water in many areas. the lines for gas are many blocks long at the few locations that have gas/power. Large military vehicles everywhere. Its a physical and tremendously emotional devastation.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Nobody can say Baltimore is low voltage after this.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why didnt they move stuff out ahead of time ?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please elaborate on how the Maran was hurt. The injuries are not life threatening, but please tell us what was dameged (for tefilla purposes).
Comment by rabbim friedman
IF you meet the requirements.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of all things to make controversial this takes the cake. You are trying to vote to keep societal morals intact and yet when people attempt to do the most moral of things and help people in a most difficult situation you have a problem with it. If people were strong in their convictions and able to make the right decisions on their own then this vote wouldn't be that important in the first place.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Those who are helping out in Seagate have stated that they plan to return prior to the close of the polls. I am not sure why there is a need to speak so negatively about these people who have taken from work and other responsibilities to help those with NO homes.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Provisional ballots are counted along with the electronic ballots.
Comment by rabbim friedman
this call to action should have included the words "only for those who voted already" or that they should leave after 7:30 to allow those men to did not vote to vote. or go next week when there is a federal holiday. i think poster #1 is just expressing frustration on how the rabbanim tell us to vote and there are robo calls and letters from the agudah on the importance of each vote, but it is seems that helping the people of seagate for a few more hours is more important then 50-60 votes, which makes me feel that really my 1 vote is not that important and maybe i should use my valuable time to do other important things. i look forward to a response from anyone one of the people mentioned above about this matter.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I really can't believe the quibbling I'm reading. I have family in Far Rockaway. Let me tell you the situation is Pikuach Nefesh there and it's no exaggeration to say it. Some families have lost EVERYTHING and have nowhere to go. THEY NEED US! The RBS'O will have the ultimate say of how this election will go with or without the votes of the wonderful people who are choosing to take time to go up to help with the relief efforts that are truly needed. Our obligation right now, is to see to the well being of our brethren. Pikuach nefesh docheh Shabbos.
Comment by rabbim friedman
wow what an amazing reproof. yasher koach please keep your studies going they get more intriguing every time i read them.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is a difficult "shikul hadaas", no doubt. They should surely push off their departure until after the opening of the polls to enable them to vote (even if it shortens their time spent there). As for it being outrageous, it would only be so if they thumbed their noses and said, "who cares" about the election and question 6 - which I hope is not so.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just take someone along whose non vote would cancel yours
Comment by rabbim friedman
It's not outrageous. Why use language like this? Simply reminding people is sufficient with out putting down the dedicated people planning this mission of mercy.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To poster #1.
Please watch how you comment towards our Choshuv rabbonim, who cleary differ with you on this matter. At all times our words and speeech to all of our brethern but especially to Talmeidei Chochomim and Manhigim has to be done with the utmost respect.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow! I am envious of those who are taking the day to head up to NY to help.
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is outrageous. We have an obligation to vote in this historic election, and our vote, especially as it regards to Question 6, really counts. We CANNOT, in no terms, shirk this responsibility that we have towards our own community!! Please, unless you voted already, stay here and vote!
Comment by rabbim friedman
At #15: What you don't understand is that many frum people are truly passionate about core religious beliefs...which happen to coincide with many conservative social/political beliefs. For the most part, liberal democrats stand for exactly what they are: liberalism, which is an everything is fine/anything goes society. so it's difficult for Religious jews to understand how you can support Liberal politicians when liberalism promotes so much that is not compatible with being religious (like question 6).
Comment by rabbim friedman
kol hakavod to the community! you were truly 'nosei b'ol im chaveiro'.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think if Rabbi Oberstein is voting for Romney we are definitely coming a long way!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ditto on all.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The Torah teaches us compassion tzedakah ect., however that does not include the notion that taxpayers money should go to children of illegal immigrants supporting their college education
Comment by rabbim friedman
Question 4 encourages illegal behavior+ benefits!
Comment by rabbim friedman
As far as Rabbi Herman Neuberger,zecher tzadik libracha, Rabbi Seidemann told me that when Governor Ehrlich came to be menachem avel, he said that at his final visit with Rabbi Neuberger,(They visited him,not the other way around), Rabbi Neuberger made one request. He said that it was going to be a cold winter and he asked him to add money to the fuel fund for the poor people.
Later someone said that probably Rabbi Neuberger was thinking of poor Yidden, and one of his sons said that anyone who knew their father would know that he was thinking of the poor in general and not only Jews. his heart was big enough to encompass all people.
\\\"A soft answer turns away wrath\\\" is something that we all need to remember. I am not the spokesman for anyone and my opinions are my own,and have no institutional endorcement. I recognize that other people also have legitimate points of view and celebrate democracy. I do not understand why anyone in our frum community would feel that there is no room whatsoever for disagreement on anything, that there is only one correct viewpoint. We don\\\'t live in North Korea or Iran. If you want to vote for Bongino or Sobhani, gezunt4r heit, but people who have another point of view are also nice human beings worthy of being considered tzelem elokim.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Does anyone have any logical explanation as to why one should vote for question 4? Does not wmake sense to me ? And why hasn't Cardin stood up to Obama regarding Obamas skewed views on Israel . Furthermore as frum Jews we should stand behind conservative values. Times are differerent now the world has changed. You do not have to vote democrat just because you have done it your whole life
Comment by rabbim friedman
A vote for Cardin and Sarbanes is a vote for Obama ! These Democrats are joined at the head.If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck and Cardin,Sarbanes and Obama are all Quacks!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Vote against question 7. It is a competition between to big casino owners. Either way Marylanders loose. OMallley passed this law in the summer during a Special Session behind closed doors. Special Sessions cost the taxpayer more money and is done in secret. Vote against and let the bill come up again during the regular session where it is in the open and people know what is in the law.
Comment by rabbim friedman
So much passion. Not for Torah, not for Yidden, not for the souls seeking Hashem who are turned away, not for the poor, not for the sick, not for those suffering, not for the lonely and not for the welfare of our children. So much passion.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please post my comment. I am waiting. Why do you censor comments and wait so long to post them?
Comment by rabbim friedman
And the storm doesn\'t stand a chance!...........A simply amazing embodiment of a Mentsch!
Comment by M Anker
Frank Storch has been a friend of my family for over 50 years, and I was not surprised at all to hear of this tremendous act of chessed and tzedakah. People like him are an inspiration.
Comment by M Anker
To anyone who is an undecided voter and still feels Obama stands for a strong America and a strong friendship with Israel? just goggle Obama's foreign policy speech in Cairo June 2009
Comment by M Anker
Kudos to you sir, the black Protestant gentleman from NC. who does not partake of ant parties platform and votes on the issues. Your assessment of funding tuition to children of non legal residents and it's ramifications is right on the money! Thank you for your support of Jerusalem the capital of Israel. On another note, anyone have comments about question 7
Comment by M Anker
How dare you support Sarbanes and Cardin!!
Have they rebuked:
Voting to take G-d out of the Democratic platform?
Denying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel?
Cover-up of the Bengazhi US Ambassador murder and Seal Members?
Challenge Obama after refusing to meet with PM Netanyahu?
Condemn Obama for telling Israel to go back to the 1967 lines?
Condemn Obama for forcing a building freeze in Jerusalem?
Made demands to stop Iran with threats against Israel and the U.S.?
If the president refuses to protect American citizens, how can we expect him
to protect Jews?
The Democratic party does not deserve the Jewish vote.
While in the voting booth vote against all of the questions.
Vote against the bond issues.
Comment by M Anker
Not only did people show up in droves with numerous donations, but a father with 2 teenage sons showed up and said, "We're here to help. Please tell us what to do." Amazing!
Comment by M Anker
There r boxes at shomrei for donations to the five towns
Comment by M Anker
regarding comment # 2.You don\'t understand the perception that Obama is anti-Israel???As soon as he became president he ran to the middle east, skipped over Israel decided to bow down to leaders of the arab countries made disparaging remarks about his so-called friend Netanyahu on a open mike,did not accord proper respect when Netanyahu visited him at the White House and the list goes on.The Arabs and fanatical Islamists are laughing at our gestures and we only look weaker in their eyes.What\'s best for America and our fellow countrymen is not a, and I am being generous, a naive passive president who does not have national security and the safety of the American as his top priority. I for one do not feel safe in this country anymore with this President, his policies, and the mess he\'s helping to create in the middle east
Comment by M Anker
Thank you Baltimore!Your response was overwhelming. Please drop off any new or VERY SLIGHTLY USED clothing, pillows and blanket at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion's Lobby. Donations can be sent to Achiezer at or sent to:
334 Central Avenue
Lawrence, NY 11559
Please indicate that the money should go to the Hurricane Relief Fund. 100% of the donation will go to those in need due to the hurricane.
Comment by M Anker
So I know politics is complicated.But, can anyone explain to me why any frum jew should support Cardin who is a leftist democrat who has remained silent about Obama about his policy on Israel and who supports a president who lies about Benghazi,who is a socialist, who believes in redistribution,has plunged America into a 16 trillion dollar debt and wants to overtax big businesses that many jewish legal immigrants worked hard to build up so they could give a lot of tzedakah and support our jewish schools, yeshivas and beyond?! .Furthermore,I understand that we were also immigrants, but the jews were and are law abiding immigrants who did not come to this country looking for handouts.So logically , why would one vote in favor of question 4 which gives over our tax dollars to help children of illegal immigrants and encourage more illegal behavior. Hashem can only help those who help themselves has the world gone mad or am I crazy?So please let us know what is going on behind closed doors with the yeshivas support for Cardin because it seems to me none of these decisions are in sync with torah values in doing the right thing and helping ourselves and our people Only 2 more days to vote
Comment by M Anker
Most Democrats are joined at the hip.There is no difference in voting for Cardin and Sarbanes and not Obama ! There is a saying, if everyone thinks the same, then no one is thinking. And one from Mayor Koch that I will paraphrase. If you agree with me most of the time your OK,if you agree with me all the time, you need a psychiatrist.And the famous Micheal Savage quote\\\" Liberalism is a mental disease. That just about sums up the Democrats and their evil supporters like the Baltimore Sun and New York Times !
Comment by M Anker
I appreciate the comments which are reasoned and show common courtesy. I am concerned when political differences are reduced to insults and smears. Our political system is dysfunctional, millions of dollars are spent on lies and mischarecterizations instead of on honest descriptions. No matter who wins on Thuesday, we need to work together. Most Americans are in the middle, not fanatic Republicans or Democrats. The problem is that the primaries are dominated by the extremes and the need to raise money gives power to those who give the money and they tend to have strong views. The way Congressional districts are gerrymandered blatantly hinders moderate Republicans from having a chance. But, in the end, it is the voters who decide and, if we don't vote, we are guilty. L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
They cheerfully turned me away when I brought my donation. Please post when the next truck will be going. I have a car full of donations....
Comment by M Anker
Israel still has and will continue to have that bi-partisan support. I have never understood the perception that Obama is anti-Israel. Please remember here that we are voting for what will be best for the United States and all its people. I would prefer to see four more years of Obama (with all the imperfections that it entails) than to see our country ruled by a Republican Party that has been hijacked by Ayn Rand clones.
Comment by M Anker
I am so proud to be a member of the Baltimore community. This is amazing.
Comment by M Anker
His phone number is not correct it haa been tirned off.
Comment by M Anker
Rabbi Oberstein - Shalom
I am not a Jew. I am a black Protestant residing in Greensboro, NC (but I was born in Baltimore). I agree with all of your assessments except for the last one concerning instate tuition though it tugs at my heart also. But should the child of a nonlegal resident (say of Mexican origin) receive state tax revenue for tuition over the child of an equally poor legal resident of Mexican origin whose parent is paying federal, state, and social security taxes above the retail taxes that everyone pays. And I am sure you\'ve seen the plight of the black youths along Franklin Ave but the hopes of those seeking to escape those neighborhoods through tuition grants will be dashed if the number available would include children of nonlegal residents.
Also, though black I am an Indepent voter and refuse to be a partaker of any parties platform especially that of the Democratic Party. I will continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem which is the capital of Israel forever.
be blessed
Comment by M Anker
No mention of the absolute need to get yearly mammograms if you choose this path?
Hormones are used, hormones may increase chances of breast cancer.
Friends who have gone this path were advices by their Doctors that they must get yearly mammograms to detect any possible cancers forming and monitor any changes.
Out of three friends, one actually was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40, after the back to back birth of three children. She opted to have both breasts removed and reconstructed the same day upon the advice of doctors in baltimore. After the initial surgery a plastic surgeon was brought in to take fat from other areas and rebuild \"natural feeling\" breasts.
Easy for men to make this process seem so \"easy\" when it isn\'t. Other friend had to have a litter of fluid drained during pregnancy with twins and more invacive monitoring of pregnancy progress. She said it hurt, bad. And she had already delivered three other children, so to say the pain was worse is amazing. Then later in the pregnancy she had to have her cervic stiched up and bedrest for months, she was going stir crazy.
And be prepared for twins or even triplets with these procedures.
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
Hatzalah of Baltimore, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Comment by M Anker
Actually Chaverim offered but was not needed in the end as there were enough drivers. Thanks for the clarification.
Comment by M Anker
Chaverim was involved too. They had members drive the truck.
Comment by M Anker
It's Israel's fault!
Comment by M Anker
They cancelled Professional Day for the elementary school only and are indeed having school that day
Comment by M Anker
Amen to the above comment. As hard working parents who are struggling to keep up with the demands of tuition, it's hard to pay and not work.... Just not happening....
Comment by M Anker
I have never met Frank Storch but I am always reading about his outreach to members of the community in need. He is to be commended for his perpetual selflessness.
Comment by M Anker
Tell them Bais yaakov needs power, these kids and their poor parents ate going out of their minds!
Comment by M Anker
Assuming power will be restored by the end of this week, any word on whether or not there will be school on Tuesday (election day/professional day)? I certainly hope that the administration will take this week into account and not have another day off next week.
Comment by M Anker
Frankenstorm meets Frank Storch
Comment by M Anker
From #1: Todah rabah, #2.
Comment by M Anker
A lot of people were taking pictures of downed trees on east .18th street and avenue i and east 16th street between i and j
Comment by M Anker
What about Maalot?
Comment by M Anker
Why should the rabbonim have an opinion on questions 5 & 7? People need to learn to think for themselves.
Comment by M Anker
To the students of the holy Yeshiva,
Please strengthen your Torah learning and prayer as a merit for our brothers, the Jews in the USA, to be saved from the potential impending disaster that is upon them (may the Merciful one save them). And with the merit of the strengthening of Torah learning and prayer we should all merit to be saved with the eternal salvation.
The administration
Comment by M Anker
You entirely forgot the Godzilla pics, as well as, the ones with Stay Puff Marshmallow Man...
Comment by M Anker
who knew that they had trees in Brooklyn!
Comment by M Anker
How do the Rabbonim hold on questions 5 and 7?
Comment by M Anker
Translation, please?
Comment by M Anker
Yasher Koach. I couldn't buy a battery on Sunday anywhere and this came as big help.
Comment by M Anker
10-30-2012 It is very easy to condemn and ridicule people who do not know any better. At least these individuals wish to be bound to their people through their pain and suffering. But what of those who really do or should know better. It is a serious sin to chase away a person a child or an adult from the Torah. Yet, our communities and schools and Yeshivos assiduously exclude more and more people under the guise of raising their standards. Children and adults are made to feel they are neither needed nor even welcome since they are not up to the high standards of the contemporary Orthodox. We suppose that by ostracizing, alienating and excluding people they will come to see the wisdom of our ways. Those who do not know better are at least trying to be a part. The Torah community, on the other hand, is seeking to be keep so many apart. We are using in 2012 the methods employed in the mid-1800's. The Torah community thinks it is still fighting Haskala, which has been long dead. What they do not realize is that the cure for Haskala is a poison in today's environment. We must reach out and let every Jew know they are wanted and needed and that there is a place for everyone under the wing of Hashem and in his Torah. May Hashem have mercy on us and send us leaders who have the wisdom and insight to lead us properly. Bryon Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
How can they open at 10:00 when the mayor ordered people to stay of the roads until noon?? Has that driving ban been lifted?
Comment by M Anker
The second to last photo on Coney Island looks like frummies.
Comment by M Anker
Yery true, but what is the conclusion?
There are several which can be made but the ultimate one is to return home to Eretz Yisrael
Nachman Kahana
Comment by M Anker
Shame on Emmanuel! If it wasn't bad enough that Obama engaged in a cover up regarding BenGhazi, he also engaged in spreading a vicious lie with his cohorts that the video responsible for the attack on the consulate was made by an Israeli, which of course turned out not to be true. Reminiscent of the blood libels of long ago. Thank goodness this cover up is now coming back to haunt him.
Comment by M Anker
So to recap... Iran claims superiority and the rest is conjecture. Can I have the last minute of my life back Mr. Dareini? What a misleading headline...
Comment by M Anker
Call the hotline after 6
Comment by M Anker
What about TI?
Comment by M Anker
Can county residents get sandbags anywhere?
Comment by M Anker
This is simplistic Romnesia. Look over the history of Republican presidents vs. that of the Democratic presidents can only convince you that while Bibi and Obama may not play golf at the same golf club, Israel has always fared better under the Democrats. Lest we forget, who forced our withdrawal from Gaza in 1957, who told Shamir "if you're interested in talking peace, you have our phone number," etc.
As Defense Minister and former IDF chief of staff Ilan Barak noted, the current Obama administration has been more close and cooperative with Israel that any previous administration.
Comment by M Anker
It was such a great event, thanks for writing up about it.
Comment by M Anker
Thanks IB for asking about the workshop. IY\"H I\'m starting a workshop on Nov 4 called The 7 Priniciples for Making Marriage Work. Some of the topics covered will be: 1. Effective methods to handle conflict; 2. How to build a sound relationship house and 3. How to turn negativity into positive experiences. Please contact me for more information at or 410-736-8118.
Comment by M Anker
The storm is not an issue for Shabbos.
Comment by M Anker
I heard you\'re giving a workshop on marriage. Can you tell me more about it? thanks -IB
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
Are any rabbis saying that people could leave radios on on shabbos for updates on the hurricane
Comment by M Anker
It is no surprise that the vast majority of Jews continue to support Democratic candidates at all levels given the continued refusal of Jewish conservatives such as Dr. Wisse to honestly examine the complex reasons for this enduring phenomena. I am a (Reform) religious Jew who has arrived at my understanding of both Israel and other issues through deep engagement with Jewish sources, living in Israel for a year at two different times of my life and continuing to study and be engaged with Jewish issues. An objective assessment of the Obama administration's support for Israel rather than a cherry-picked set of incidents would offer a far different view of which candidate would be better for Israel. At the very least this question is open for debate rather than obvious as Dr. Wisse and those who agree with her believe it is.
Comment by M Anker
Those who rant against Obama should read today's New York Times Op-Ed article by former Mossad head Efraim Halevy. He reminds us of key security events over past years during which several Republican presidents "threw Israel under the bus." He writes: "Despite the Republican Party's shrill rhetoric on Israel, no Democratic president has ever strong-armed Israel on any key national security issue." Furthermore, Romney's habitual shifting on many issues, depending on whom he is addressing, makes it highly uncertain what positions he would take if he actually won the White House.
Comment by M Anker
Your thoughts are very original to say the least but if our Rabbis aren't worried that voting against Question 6 will lead to shechita bans and forced public schooling, we needn't worry either.
Who exactly are you pointing fingers at when you refer to "the growing arrogance of frum yidden", those who disagree with you? That reads more like sina than ahava to me.
Comment by M Anker
Full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Disappointed that you chose to publish this.
Comment by M Anker
I think it will be different
Comment by M Anker
This article did not "rile Jew against Jew", it simply expressed the opinion of 3 eminently qualified Rabbis on this matter. They and the Orthodox leadership of this community respectfully disagree with your silly claim that voting against Question 6 will prevent us from sending our kids to private school or not working on Yom Kippur.
What's with the blanket statement about the "arrogance of frum yidden"? Is that directed at those who would dare to disagree with you? Yes, it was sina that brought about the churban but the only whiff of hatred I'm picking up here is from you.
Comment by M Anker
With all due respect, I cannot fathom why the Jewish community is still holding on to this idea that President Obama doesn't support Israel. The whole "pre-67 line" argument is misleading, misquoted, and far too simplistic on which to base a decision. How about the increase in military spending to Israel,more than any other President of either party? Has disagreement with certain Netanyahu policies now come to equate "anti-Israel?" And, what makes any Jew in this country doubt that the people who brought Mr. Romney to the party aren't going to insist he dance with them,i.e. the extreme far right, whose understanding of the Establishment Clause in the Constitution is fuzzy, at best; would prefer to erase it altogether, at worst. No, thank you. Obama is the best choice for me as a Jew, a woman, an American, a citizen of the world.
Comment by M Anker
Is it going to be like the last hurricane where people were without power for so long and trees that fell down
Comment by M Anker
Now, according to # 3, it is Judaism itself that is at risk. It is intriguing how the orthodox think. Even the casual observer can see that the greatest threat to Torah is not from the general community but rather the serious threat to Torah is from within the Torah community itself. Under the guise of high standards, the Torah community is actively excluding the very people to whom it owes its very existence. This whole marriage issue is a red hearing that distracts attention away from the failure of our own leaders to promote Torah and provide access for all Jews and all Jewish. children.
Comment by M Anker
President Obama has given more military aid to Israel than did Bush, both Bushes. And Obama never said that the 1976 armistice lines would be the eastern boundary of Israel. What he did say is that negotiations should start with the 1967 line and make adjustments from it. It serves no positive purpose to distort and mischaracterize.
Comment by M Anker
I read Roger Cohen's Op-Ed article in the New York Times yesterday. It appears that now that Cohen is done shilling for the Iranian Mullahs, he's taken up a new cause - a gentler, more reasonable and accommodating Mulsim Brotherhood. What struck me so much about the article is that Jews like Cohen, Friedman and Dershowitz seem to imbibe this insane desire to rationalize the obvious vitriol the left in this country directs against the State of Israel and accept it as the normal state of things. The Democratic convention platform and Obama's behavior, words and beliefs are consistent with this attitude. Rationalize it all you want, but to those Jews who vote for Obama, I say to you that you're no better then your co-religionists who remained silent while their fellow Jews were murdered in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.
Comment by M Anker
Romney only says he supports Israel. Wait a minute and his view could change. Jews in America can work with Obama who is not throwing most Americans under the bus. Obama says he stands unequivocally with Israel and we can believe him.
Comment by M Anker
Ha! Keep trying. Looks like most Jews see through such transparent partisan attempts to alienate Jews from the larger half the American electorate and, again, almost 70% of Jews will vote Democrat. Guys, you do Israel a disservice by trying to make Israel a wedge issue in an election, it turns Israel from a consensus issue into another point of party contention. In doing so you are using Israel as a club to partisan ends rather than serving it.
Comment by M Anker
It is scary how many caring Americans don\'t realize how dangerous President Obama is to their own security and interests. Iran and the rest of the fanatic Islamic isn\'t just Israel\'s problem, it\'s America\'s problem. How many more lies and devious explanations must we hear before we realize that Obama\'s main interest is gaining the trust of the Islamic world, regardless of the threat to his own nation.
Comment by M Anker
#6 I'm not sanctioning immoral behavior, I am sanctioning a society that allows us to make our own choices about our own lives. And #s 5 & 7, those rights are what lets you live here as an observant Jew. Without that safety net you might find that shchita is on the line, or that you can be fired for not going to work on Yom Kippur, or that you won't have an option to send your kid to private Jewish school. We are living in America, face the fact that you can't control society here, that exact reason is why you can live here and practice as you do.
I think that riling Jew against Jew, as this article has done, is an indicator of the growing arrogance of frum yidden who shout and point rather than talk. I remind you that it was sina that brought about the churban, and that it is ahava that can restore us.
Comment by M Anker
Is the DNC writing the headlines?
Comment by M Anker
Agree with #5 completely. The old slippery slope argument is tired and meaningless. Maybe if we started exercising the right to limit some rights we'd be better off.
Comment by M Anker
#3 seems to be espousing the typical liberal line of, "If we don't sanction every kind of immoral behavior in the name of 'freedom' then the practice of our own religion is at risk".
That old argument has no merit; nowadays, the most dangerous threat to the practice and perpetuation of our own religion is the lowering of societal standards and values.
I think I'll go with the guidance of the highly qualified Rabbis in the above letter regarding the best way to safeguard Judaism. Their informed opinion carries more weight than the feelings of #3.
Comment by M Anker
While I certainly respect the opinions of these Talmidei Chacham, this approach goes too far in trying to insulate the frum community from dangers which threaten the public welfare. Publicizing this issue would have the effect of making members of our community more passionate about these dangers to decency. What if most of the frum community were to have yard signs against question 6? This would certainly at least give pause to many people who otherwise assume that all opponents of the measure are a bigoted hate-filled minority. Unfortunately, the bulk of the population has become convinced that opposition to question 6 is an attempt to repress and mistreat the downtrodden.
Comment by M Anker
10-24-2012 I rest my case. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
The end of comment #3 should say "I CAN support someone's right to choose how they want to live without having to agree with their choice."
Comment by M Anker
Mr. Szojchet - I do not know to what Orthodox synagogue you refer, but I have never encountered an Orthodox shul that would not let someone have a seat on the Yomim Noraim because they could not (or did not) pay. I know with certainty that is not the case in the shul where I daven, so there is, in actuality, no "cover charge that is enforced in _all_ orthodox shuls." I would posit that your absolutist statement with regards to schools is flawed as well. And the price for matzo is not a "cover charge" but a cost. True, it is steep - but again, there are many organizations and individuals - Orthodox - that will assist those people, generously, who cannot afford that price.
Perhaps the claim of unfairness decribed in this article rubs you the wrong way, but that is not an excuse for portraying - incorrectly - an entire segment of Judaism in a negative light.
Comment by M Anker
True, \"we didn\'t build it\", but neither did the government. Society always turns to a higher power, and when they reject G-d as that higher power, they eventually turn to humanly-flawed government as that higher power - just like what happened in Soviet Russia. Hashem Yishmor.
Comment by M Anker
Good. A scared Arab is a well-behaved Arab.
Comment by M Anker
If there were a vote to outlaw circumcision I imagine we might see some manner of signage in more traditional settings. I don\'t disagree with the premise being made by Rabbis Hauer, Goldberger and Hopfer, but I also do not think that public accusations and attacks on neighboring Jews whose are making a stand for peoples\' rights is productive either. In Europe, laws were enacted that curtailed the rights of Jews, we know what happens if society doesn\'t have a conscience to publicly defend people whose behaviors are deemed \"peculiar\" or \"abhorrent\" just because they aren\'t like me. I don\'t have to agree with same-sex marriage, but if I want to be able to live my Jewish life in America, I am going to have to be a supporter of others whose practices are not within American mainstream stereotypes so that we can all live our own personally meaningful lives. I can\'t support someone\'s right to choose how they want to live without having to agree with their choice. But without the right, we all stand to lose.
Comment by M Anker
I saw a sign hanging on the Agudah of PH, telling people to vote no on 6.
Comment by M Anker
Personally I think the signs should be illegal anywhere. Those who vote already know what they will vote for or against, and ugly obtrusive signs won't make a bit of difference. I knew I wouldn't be voting for Obama the minute I saw him 4 years ago. No sign, debate, sound bite, or robo-call is going to change my mind. Those who are against gay marriage or gay anything already know what to vote for. There is little more annoying than the constant barage of political garbage, especially the people standing on the corners waving at drivers.
Comment by M Anker
10-23-2012 You did not build that. That nice Shul, that nice school, that nice Yeshiva, that nice community, that nice Kollel, you did not build that, they all were was built on the Zechus of the the Jews, the children, that you are now excluding under the guise of your high standards. Its easy to fire barbs at uneducated and unrefined people who do not know any better. The real test is if the orthodox are willing and able to withstand the same scrutiny of their actions, which, in the end, really do matter. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
The man speaking in the picture is my father Rabbi Yitzchok Katzenstein, an active agudist and supporter of torah and many great causes. He is on the board of Aguda and has helped many people in many areas. No mention was made in the article!
Comment by M Anker
Susan. You forgot the 5 NIS piece for the priviledge of using the cart!
Comment by M Anker
It might be informative to note that Rabbi Rosenberg is the leader of a \"Conservative, egalitarian\" congregation with ordination from YU and a DD from JTS. It is always useful to have some kind of perspective on a person\'s intellectual roots in evaluating their philosophies and opinions.
Personally, I disagree with the Rabbi on two issues noted: Obama is indeed anti-Zionist [I have not evidence regarding anti-Semite], and when I had a pulpit [Orthodox, in Queens], I was never hesitant to include politics in my drashot. To limit a Rabbi\'s leadership to \"religious\" issues, while ignoring the fact that our religion encompasses all of life, including secular and political, is ignoring the clear direction of our Gedolim throughout the ages.
Comment by M Anker
Why can't we forget just for a moment that he used drugs and look at all the money he raised for beat cancer?? Does that not make him great?!! i think it does !!
Comment by M Anker
Of course he can!!,he's thePresident off the united states!!
Comment by M Anker
For those of you that are looking to improve the quality of life for those with alzheimers, dementia, memory loss etc. there is new research about a simple remedy called coconut oil. The research has shown that taking two tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help reverse/prevent memory loss. Google it and see. (I assume the coconut oil should be of good quality from a health food store).
Comment by M Anker
10-22-2012 It is intriguing what the orthodox think is unfair. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those who wish to simply sit in the Shul to hear Shofar on Rosh Hashana but cannot pay the cover charge that is enforced in all orthdox shuls. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those children who wish to attend school to hear Torah but cannot pay the strictly enforced cover charge. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those Jews who wish to keep the Mitzva of Matza on Pesach but cannot afford the $26.00 per pound cover charge. We have marketed and packaged the Torah as a commodity and commercialized everything we hold dear and yet we cannot countenance a restaurant that seeks to make a simple profit. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
What a ridiculous fool....Obama brings it on himself and the two are equal contestants. What's next - out of respect for the incumbent president we won't entertain electing him out of office?!?!?!
Comment by M Anker
I am pretty sure there are many places that have the same feeling. When a large family can go to the bowling alley and spend almost nothing it is probably a chilul Hashem as well. They may give coupons and allow outside shoes in but they would hope you would choose their fast food for dinner and such.
Comment by M Anker
As I was reading this I was horified that Orthodox Jews were discriminated against. Then I realized the place as not kosher and our presence was hurting their business by us not paying as others do. Of course they could not tell us that as we would get angry, yell and stomp like children. What a chillul hashem. I think the Post readers will just look at us Orthodox Jews as fools (which we are too many times).
Comment by M Anker
I agree with #1. Frum Jews do not belong in a treif bar. There are plenty of other places a young, frum couple can date at.
Comment by M Anker
I agree with the first commenter. We really should be flattered that as soon as they see tzitzis they know we won\'t order treif food. But they also know we\'ll sit for hours and order only water. This treif restaurant is open to make money, not be a dating spot for frum Jews.
Comment by M Anker
Frum people should not be going to a treif eateryand it must be a chilul Hashem to go for the view and spend very little as giving the goyim reason to hate us and resent us must not be smiled upon from Him.
Comment by M Anker
how do i know if the ketchup i just bought is really the real heinz???
Comment by M Anker
obama is wonderful and is telling the whole truth to the american people....not!
Comment by M Anker
Are any comments being posted on this article or are all Americans being censored now?
Comment by M Anker
Why are all of the news agencies withholding what they know about how the ambassador was really killed and tortured and why? Read about what the arab news stations are reporting. Even google has shut the news down. The videos we are seeing are not of a kind group of men trying to save another human. They are dragging the ambassador thru the streets and stripping off him clothes to rape him. In the land of the free and the home of the brave our news and the truth is being censored. Why did Hillary Clinton and the President send a gay man to an Arab country and put him in harms way without protection. We should all be asking questions of our government and the news media.
Comment by M Anker
Not sure I agree with you #1.
Comment by M Anker
I think its crazy to say he can't fill that stadium
Comment by M Anker
How do I sign up to get The Torah Connection every week via e-mail?
Comment by M Anker
Great insight! Thank you!
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful. Hatzlacha to members of the kehilla who manage to take this upon themselves bli neder. May Shabbos kodesh bring shefa bracha to the whole of Baltimore and all of Klal Yisroel
Comment by M Anker
He should rot.
Comment by M Anker
You can email to find out how to get the shiurim
Comment by M Anker
Wonderful pictures!
Comment by M Anker
If he is a political commentator, he's doing his job. If he is a reporter, he isn't.
Comment by M Anker
Why aren't the shuls on park heights putting up signs to differentiate from the signs in front of non-orthodox shuls encouraging a yes on question 6?
Comment by M Anker
Does anyone know if there is a recording of the shiurim online?
Comment by M Anker
Why about the parents who let their kids shnorr for dollar bills in front of 7 Mile setting them up for rejection. Are these kids so desperate to win a cheap trinket that the school will give them for the work that the fundraisers are not doing?
Comment by M Anker
gentleman, hmmm
Comment by M Anker
Would the Police Union say the same thing if the victim\'s name was Achmed, DeShawn, or Carlos?
May this gentleman be cleared of all charges along with Mr. Rubashkin and Mr. Pollard and the yeshivah boys in Japan!
Comment by M Anker
#2 nice troll job
Comment by M Anker
So much more disturbing than this, but about which our community does nothing, is when parents leave their most prized possessions, their children, alone in shopping carts at 7 Mile Market to run and get items they forgot to put in the cart. I have observed this too many times to count. For shame.
Comment by M Anker
My sympathies. Our family lost a camera at a wedding hall in Brooklyn when a younger family member, who had temporary custody of the camera, decided to leave it on the table to dance. At another Brooklyn wedding, the hosts were kind enough to provide a changing room for the out of town guests. A pair of tennis shoes AND a pair of cubic zirconia earrings were lifted. I figured it was a Brooklyn thing...guess not! so sorry.
Comment by M Anker
Besides cell phones, it's also become acceptable for guests to bring uninvited infants and toddlers to weddings. Totally inappropriate. In previous generations, there was an invention called a babysitter (who made house calls!), which must be an extinct species today.
Comment by M Anker
Does any proof read these articles? 1) It's Faux pas not paux 2) even if others do leave their belongings on the table it IS foolhardy to follow suit.
Comment by M Anker
Such beautiful pictures! I can't believe I missed this Hachnasas Sefer Torah, this is a wonderful simcha. Mazal tov to Rabbi Teichman shlita and the Kahal hakadosh of Ohel Moshe.
Comment by M Anker
Well said....his talents were indeed rare.
Comment by M Anker
It is absolutely disgraceful for the authorities not to permit women to chant prayers or wear yarmulkes/taleisim at the Western Wall. It is time that the overseers of religious life in Israel give full recognition to all streams of Judaism and not relegate the Masorti, Reform and Reconstrutionist to second-class status. Enough is enough!
Comment by M Anker
There are few homes in the national and local frum community that have not been enhanced by the warm, witty, entertaining style of Rabbi Kunda and his books, tapes, and videos. Additionally, many of us here in Baltimore spent their formative childhood and adolescent summers in the friendly and thrilling confines of Camp Na\'arim where our personalities were molded and talents developed. His neshama should have a lichtigen Gan Eden and his children should find true nechama.
Comment by M Anker
a much fairer fact check than the one post the 1st debate but still with some inaccuracies.
1) There was no simple way to explain the bankruptcy process in the time allotted...
2) to say that tax cuts contribute to deficit is misleading, they just don\'t ameliorate it... it is all about the terminology. PLUS can we mention Paul Ryan\'s plan - although I will grant you that Romney has not endorsed a specific plan...
so a much fairer check than that of the post sourced last time
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful. Yasher ko'ach!
Comment by M Anker
Hopefully, ehrlichkeit will win out over "the [ability to] deliver funding to the party's religious institutions."
Comment by M Anker
Mima nafshach. If the objective is to be able to get a job with a frum company, then the degree is irrelevant. If the objective is to get a job in corporate America, then the piece of paper obtained from a gender seperate environment is not doing anyone any favors.
Comment by M Anker
How does this help people in Baltimore?
Have you consulted with our own JobLink?
Comment by M Anker
How about opening a Baltimore branch? (Otherwise, I am not sure what this is doing on BJL).
Comment by M Anker
My, this is a biased "where they stand". On almost every note the unpopular points for Romney are highlighted while they are glossed over for Obama.
Comment by M Anker
Congrats to Andrew Wohlberg. A true mentsch.
Comment by M Anker
Yay!! Can he also add inter-species marriage? How about a referendum on Cherem D'Rabbeinu Gershom, to allow polygamy? Isn't it so exciting how our very own state is progressing?
Comment by M Anker
Generally speaking, functional adults should leave his/her Rov out outside of the workplace. The Associated publishes a 3-year calendar that has all of the Jewish holidays and that should be be sufficient documentation for this purpose. Also, as Dr. Lasson stated, one should first consider the employer's needs, and not over-focus on his/her "religious needs". Also, separate "needs" from "wants". "Wants" are "travel days" on Erev and Isru Chag as well as a second cousin's l'chaim in Passaic. Needs are requesting Yom Kippur off or getting home on Friday by lichtzen.
As for the 8.5 hours, the key is to offer that weeks in advance and not after-the-fact. "Ezehu Chacham? Ha-roeh es hanolad."
Comment by M Anker
Why would one think otherwise? That it has a Star-K on it is scary
Comment by M Anker
As a recruiter with 14 years in the industry, I highly recommend not discussing yom tovim/early Shabbos until you have received the offer. For early Shabbos, offer to work 4 8.5 hour days and 6 hours on Friday for a total of 40 hours. Employers are flexible if approached correctly.
Comment by M Anker
Our country is falling apart because peopel would rather vote/hire people based on skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation and any other reason rather than the one reason that should count and that is COMPETENCE!
Comment by M Anker
This deviant monster Harris as well as his immoral lawyer Seiden should both be put away in prison for life. Get these sickos and the scum who protect them off our streets!
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
I was told to go for the job and NEVER raise Shabbos or Yom Tov until they hire you. Then as you sign the forms, you can then tell your new boss about your religious needs. If he is not buying them, then ask your Rov to write a letter to your employer. Keep asking people who know this better than I. May Hashem help you!
Comment by M Anker
any recommendations on broaching the yom tov and erev shabbos (in the winter) subject then?
Comment by M Anker
10-12-2012 Jews are not drawn away from Torah and Mitzvos by the outside world, rather they are repulsed from within the Torah world. We have created a world where not every Jew is welcome in the Synagogue and not every family is welcome in the community and not every child is welcome in the schools and Yeshivos. In the name of standards we have shut out more and more of our people, our children. What is a child or anyone supposed to think and conclude when they are told by word and by action and by inaction that the community not only does not need them but does not want them? And so we smash devices in a fever of piety and in the excitement and self infatuation we forget the children and adults that we have shut out and denied a place. Remember Timnah. The destruction of the Torah community is not coming from phones or internet or media. Nor is it coming from the reform or the conservative or the modern orthodox. The destruction of the Torah community is coming from the heart of the Torah community itself. And if we do not wake up and face this reality we will soon be past the tipping point. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
no, its not loshon hora. it is NEWS! anyway, everyone knows and everyone saw.
Comment by M Anker
Isn't this loshon hora? this article is mocking Biden. Not that I am pro-Obama but I don't think I expected such an article here.
Comment by M Anker
God Bless Senator Mitchell and his family.
Sir Dr. Charles W. Swan
Comment by M Anker
This study only cost the UN $42M. Keep up the good work!
Comment by M Anker
Sweet justice when turkey starts its own \"blockade\" on the poor \"Palestinian\" people. Mi Kamocha...
Let\'s hear that apology now :)
Comment by M Anker
Huh? 31 shuls and what looked like 62 people. Where were the people from 31 shuls. What good is a sponsorship if no one from those shuls attend? Not a criticism but a challenge to those who listed their shuls as sponsors.
Comment by M Anker
We are so proud of you. Next year can you help us build our Sukkah in Riverdale? Unless, of course, we are all in Yerushalayim, B'EH.
Kol tuv,
The Adelson's.
Comment by M Anker
10-10-2012 This is how our leaders have failed us all. Jews are not drawn away from Torah and Mitzvos by the outside world, rather they are repulsed from within the Torah world. We have created a world where not every Jew is welcome in the Synagogue and not every family is welcome in the community and not every child is welcome in the schools and Yeshivos. In the name of standards we have shut out more and more of our people, our children. What is a child or anyone supposed to think and conclude when they are told by word and by action and by inaction that the community not only does not need them but does not want them? And so we smash devices in a fever of piety and in the excitement and self infatuation we forget the children and adults that we have shut out and denied a place. Remember Timnah. The destruction of the Torah community is not coming from phones or internet or media. Nor is it coming from the reform or the conservative or the modern orthodox. The destruction of the Torah community is coming from the heart of the Torah community itself. And if we do not wake up and face this reality we will soon be past the tipping point. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
oh forgot it's not yom tov for them. Nevertheless, I dont like this. Also doing things for salvation sounds quite Xtian to me!
Comment by M Anker
Hmm, I thought during Yom Tov these devices are muktzeh and cant be moved. Also isnt it loshon hora to say this info to people?
Comment by M Anker
You are so smart!!!
We are proud of you. You are aliving example of what it means to be a jewish
young boy.
Comment by M Anker
Stuff a rag/towel into the exhaust pipe and that will stall/cut out the engine. Place a block under the tires so the car can\'t move. Sounds a lot simpler to me.
Comment by M Anker
Everone makes mistakes, who are we to judge.
Comment by M Anker
How abt if one is holding a child and therefore needs to sit?
Comment by M Anker
You have written about an object that is in evidence in neighborhoods all over the world every year at approximately this time and thus it is timely. In addition, the reader is privy to a beautiful tradition continued by a family whose value system remains in tact. Malkiel is a multi talented boy who is blessed with a father who can instruct and a family who teaches by example.
Comment by M Anker
The analogy to the donkey is correct, but not for the reason stated by Rabbi Hoffman. To subdue a wild donkey is difficult and dangerous, that is why the man cannot be held liable for halting the problem in a more radical manner. The same is true with puncturing tires. The tread is made much tougher than the sidewall and it is more dangerous to extend one's hand under the car to puncture the tread of a car whose engine is running than puncturing the sidewall. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by M Anker
Kudos to the Suburban family for a wonderful achievement and for a celebration that was shared by families in a beautiful way. It's so nice to see photos of all people sitting together b'simcha.
Comment by M Anker
Omg shlomom u r soooooooooo cute! Keep going making kids happy!
Comment by M Anker
oh right, i forgot. he's perfect. romney has run a stellar campaign, is not going to shred the safety net, is not kowtowing to the ultra right neocons, is an honest, consistent, levelheaded gentleman. yes, he's super on israel, but his flip-flops and etch-a-sketch moments can make one wonder who is the 'real' romney. and will he be as supportive of israel after the election as he is when grovelling for votes. sorry, these days every politician is suspect. anyone who believes every word that comes out of a politician's mouth is supremely naive. and believing that romney is an upstanding, flawless candidate is laughable, if it weren't so serious. here's hoping that if he wins, the real romney proves to be a good guy after all.
Comment by M Anker
What exactly is SOOOOO scary about Romney?
Comment by M Anker
How about listing some reasons? Both candidates are frankly quite scary, albeit for different reasons. I will need to hold my nose whichever one I decide to vote for.
Comment by M Anker
I think Rubashkin got a bad deal. but , let\'s remember that he is a crook. He did a lot of illegal things. It seems to be something that runs in his family. His brother had trouble with the law. And his brother in law. I think his father too.
Imagine what would have been if he\'d been honest. Imagine how much money was taken by the tzibbur [tzaddaka that could have been used for ______ - you fill in the blank] to try to get him off the hook.
And the same thing happened with the three [tzaddikkim ] bachurim from Bnei Brak who ended up in jail in Japan.
The next guy should think that maybe the tzibbur WON\'T bail him out.
Comment by M Anker
This is very excited. Rabbi Silber is an amazing orator and a big talmud Chacham. I am sure the classes will be exceptional.
Comment by M Anker
That was yesterday morning. Probably open by now. But you know that BaltimoreJewishLife is not known for timely updates.
Comment by M Anker
They have hot coffee pots behing the counter. They should have used them......
Comment by M Anker
Thanks for posting this story. It's important for the community to know.
Comment by M Anker
Sounds great, every time there is work to be done, I'll just say NO and it's for the marriage. The fault in the study lies in the paragraph of Dr. Frank Furedi, who says that in working professionals that divorce rates are known to be high. Just,perhaps, if you have 2 professionals, one will feel they are independent enough to financially "move on" rather then be trapped in a relationship. That may be a better conclusion of the research than household chores. Possibly, women are saying I work the whole day and then come home and he won't left a finger. Who knows, but there are too many variables to have a factual reality in such a paper.
Comment by M Anker
10-4-2012 Going to work everyday and earning an honest and sufficient income to support the family is not vegetating. And caring for the children and running a household is not vegetating. The roles we play are deeply vital. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
Are you telling me that I can tell my wife I will sit and vegitate while she does all the housework and that I am doing it to save our marriage?
L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
This is a very worthwhile article because it explains things. I watched the debate and thought that Romney did better than Obama.He sounded confident and Obama was a little tentative. Romney put Obama on the defensive and that is always a good tactic. The election will be decided by a small number of "undecided" voters and by the apathy or lack thereof of Hispanics and African Americans. Most voters have made up their minds. L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
1) the healthcare law is NOT actually forecast to reduce the deficit
2) the independent advisory board reports to the secretary of HHS who will have the ability to determine formularies and coverage criteria
- what kind of \"fact\" check is this?
Comment by M Anker
why do you have to include the name of the driver who hit the father and daughter?
Comment by M Anker
Like Rubashkin, Jack Abramoff is supposedly devout, as was Al Capone in a different faith during a different epoch. Their supposed piety should not be an excuse for their misdeeds or their ethics. Rubashkin is a criminal and needs to serve his time
Comment by M Anker
they need better cameras thwy only have 1
Comment by M Anker
They r crazy
Comment by M Anker
This happened on sunday morning too!
Comment by M Anker
actually you can be a queen without a king....
Comment by M Anker
you can`t be a queen, if you don`t have a KING.
Comment by M Anker
Any up dates
Comment by M Anker
Chareidi publications have been pulling this shtick for a decade already.
Comment by M Anker
Wow. Maybe they can get a advertising contract with Binah or Mishpacha or the other publications that won't print images of women.
Comment by M Anker
I can see Netanyahu's frustration with the Obama administration.
This is serious business with Iran's insanity to produce nuclear weapons.
I hope that the President will be more supportive to Israel.
It seems to me that Iran is a major threat to the world as we know it.
Comment by M Anker
Oy this is so horrible... How can a person be so coldhearted and so not take her job seriously?? What a crime...
Comment by M Anker
Have tasted bagels from all over Baltimore the last 30 years and this place is the best....period! Try the Black Russian or the "stick", an everything bagel rod that is to die for! Be sure to ask what is "hot"...any bagel is best hot out of the oven! Enjoy
Comment by M Anker
I know its after YK, but I was chalishing to hear the drasha, but I missed it. BH its here!! Great article, its written so well!
Comment by M Anker
Have a wonderful ant-free Sukkot! Chag Sameach. Morah K in Baltimore
Comment by M Anker
How ironic that whilst doing kapparos you are simultaneously committing the aveira of Tzar baalei Chaim. I wonder if that aveirah gets transferred to the chicken too during these kapparos or if that one has to wait till next year to be transferred. How would you like it if someone much larger than you bent your arms back like that and held you in the air. There is no hiddur mitzvah to do it with a chicken vs. money.
Comment by M Anker
So disgusting and even worse for children to watch. They could use a toy chicken instead.
Comment by M Anker
It shouldnt be tough for the ones quoted in the article to cite what percentage of local money from the Associated goes to frum causes. This should be part of the information provided so that donors can make informed decisions, especially when the case being made to give is that the frum community is one of the Associated's top priorities.
Comment by M Anker
Sorry. I believe that comment from the Day School President has to be taken out of context. The allocation is based on a % per head count. It is a very "small" amount relative to a Day School's budget. I am not diminishing the need and the importance but a school has a much greater % to cover by fundraising that it is very likely should they not get the Associated money they could not fundraise the difference. In any case, the issue isn't that an Associated in Baltimore would ever take away ALL the allocation. The discussion is whether they should be covering more given the huge number of students in this community relative to other communities where the Associated gives more for a smaller head count. People should give relative to their ability but please do not preach a guilt trip in here. It is not right either.
Comment by M Anker
according to apac the Pres. talks to Israeli almost every day.
Comment by M Anker
Hey, I don't know what percentage of the Associated's money goes to frum causes or schools but I heard from one school's president that if not for the Associated money, the school would have to close.
Comment by M Anker
The Associated is probably the largest source of funds for our day schools after tuition. One can argue whether they should give more, but the fact is that the schools need them. Perhaps, if more frum people were involved in the Associated and contributed more to their Annual Campaign the percentage to the schools would be higher. It's tough to know exactly what percentage of local money from the Associated goes to frum causes, but in addition to the schools, a large part, if not the majority, of CHAI, JCS, Hebrew Free Loan and other organizations goes to the frum community.
Comment by M Anker
Major Kiddush Hashem! Kol Hakovod!
Comment by M Anker
I\'ve got a pro-Obama article I want to share with the Jewish community. Do I need to start another BJL?
Comment by M Anker
Yes, I was unable to hear Rabbi Frand this year! We would love to have this online so we can hear it before Yom Kippur, G-d willing!!!
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful! Very encouraging.
Comment by M Anker
Why arent more specifics provided such as what percentage of Associated money goes even to frum causes (before even getting into the day school discussion)? Then let people decide whether they agree the frum community is a TOP priority of the Associated. Yes, make token donations as Hakarat Hatov, but present the facts accurately please so that people know what percentage of their donations are going to frum causes.
Comment by M Anker
when is it going to be posted online?
Comment by M Anker
Thank you so much for your effort to-put the drash in word so beautifully
Comment by M Anker
As always - well written and a pleasure to read.
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
This is such an inspiring and interesting article. Thanks for putting it up so quickly and writing it up so well.
Comment by M Anker
i wonder who put it there! let's guess. the problem now is, i hope there are new ways to gather intel. or explode power lines.
Comment by M Anker
Appreciate the message everyone but everyone must make their own decisions how to spend tzedakah on top of exorbitant tuition that go up year after year far outpacing affordability. This is not to say people shouldn't donate to the Associated. But please do not make this seem like a "community expectation". As much as the Associated is doing (and we should appreciate it and give within our individual abilities and desires), given the huge number of students in Day Schools in Baltimore and in comparison to other communities, they should still be doing more.
Comment by M Anker
A magnificient tribute to a magnificient man. How we all miss you, Rabbi Tendler, zt"l, I hope you are davening for us.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
this is a great video and song!great job
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Beautiful!! So moving.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I think there should also be a special prayer to stop the suicidal two state solution idea as well as a prayer for the release of Jonathan Pollard!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The link to the original article actually just redirects me to this page
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I hope that these things work. It is a shame for a community to die. However, nowadays, frum people all want to live in very heavily populated frum areas.It's just the way it is. Especially, if there is a frum area not too far away, it is nearly impossible to convince someone to move to the less populated by frum people area. E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
In awe and admiration!! May you all be blessed to succeed in helping Jews
Make more informed decisions!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Why is one particular realtor featured in the picture that goes with this article? Is this news, or an advertisement?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
That\'s hilarious! Tami G. is quick, and how wonderful you could ride with it! You also were showing your class a healthy approach to mistakes and accidents- an invaluable lesson at any age!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Everywhere in Baltimore abides by these Halachos. This letter does not apply to the Baltimore community, but was meant for the New York communities. In regards to: ensuring that a live chicken that has already been used for Kapporos by one individual should not be reused for Kapporos by another individual - Baltimore doesn't have the number of Chickens or the people who need the chickens available (they shlug Kaparos with money)to enable this Halacha to be a reality. In New York, they order chickens by the pallet.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I want to relate a story that I heard when I went to Israel with Rabbi Hauer a number of years ago. Effie Eitam, who was at that time the Mafdal leader in the Knesset (he is gone and so is the Mafdal,sadly)said that he spent a Shabbat in Lawrence and was surprised to see a man in a shtreimel walking to shul. He said to his host, "there must be very good welfare in America is this man can live in Lawrence." His host said that this man is a wealthy lawyer and he doesn't live on welfare. Effie Eitam said he was amazed because in his whole life in Israel, he never met such a Jew who worked for a living and had a university degree at that. Maybe Effie is uninformed, but that is not the point. The point is that only immigrants from the West are chareidi lawyers and doctors in Israel, not native Yerushalmi Jews whose whole culture is based on coming to Baltimore and going around the shuls and knocking on doors. When will that end?Who says these people are all or even mostly masmidim like Rav Elyashiv and the Chazon Ish, why should they then demand to be treated like them? E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Bergman,
And with exactly what selfishness are we betraying our freedoms???
Here in Baltimore, and in most Jewish communities around the world, we indeed have built "an exemplary community, filled with kindness, charity and justice." Please back up your accusatory statement, otherwise your preachy comments makes no sense.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#7 you are missing the underlying point. Everyone agrees that learning is important, but there is a whole way of life that has become completely dependent on government support....which is more embarrassing in Israel since many of these people refuse minimal military service that everyone else participates in. Not to mention that this refusal is a smack in the face to the same government who pays them to sit and not work every day.
If someone chooses to learn all day (and I assume all night since he is not working a night shift), that is fine, but don't expect other to pay for that way of life.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Is there anywhere in Baltimore to do Kaparos that abides by these halachos?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Terrorists walk free and Rubashkin is the one in jail.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Rabbi Oberstein,
I appreciate your response, but you are mistaken. There already are chareidi lawyers, doctors, accountants and scientists who learn sedarim and keep mitzvos-I live in Yerushalaim and have a chareidi lawyer and doctor, for example. This does not change anyone's opinion of chareidim. I agree that people who cannot learn full time should not be forced to, nor should they have to be ashamed- where I live there are many chareidi men who work full time (I live in a normative chareidie Israeli neigborhood) and are respected and accepted. Nevertheless, men who can learn full time should be able to - if they stop, it will not be a kiddush Hashem, it will be a tragedy of immense proportions for Klal Yisrael. Torah learning is precious,it is what keeps the world revolving!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Is there one person who honestly believes that all of the words of Chazal about a person earning a living, yafeh talmud torah im derech eretz,or the mishna which says that a father must teach his son a trade are all obsolete. Isn't that kefira? Never since the 40 years in the Desert has anyone suggested that if you are frum, the tzibur owes you a livlihood. Never in our long history was there a situation like the one in Israel today where a child who wants learn a trade is ostracized and numerous men who cannot sit and learn are still forced to pretend to do so. Is that really what anyone ever taught. You cannot compare Lakewood to Israel because men in Lakewood ,if they so desire, can earn a living and even go to school . In Boro Park there is a Machon LeParnassah, I have a nephew ,a Gerer Chosid who got a GED, a degree from Touro at night, then earned his CPA and makes a decent living. That can't happen in a society that frowns on labor and denies basic skills to its children. There is an historic anomaly caused by the good will of Menachem Begin, z"l, who increased support to a level not seen before. Everyone knows that this is changing and it will change. Why should frum Jews be looked upon as shirkers and people who take advantage of others, isn't that a chillul Hashem Once there are chareidi lawyers,doctors, accountants, scientists who also learn sedarim and keep mitzvos, like here in Baltimore, there will be a different view of Torah. Also, why does anyone think he has a monopoly on truth, shivim panim latorah, just because you have an idea, e.g that no woman's picture can appear in a magazine, doesn't mean you can make that the standard. None of my teachers opposed working for a living if one wasn't able to devote his life to learning. There is a reason Rav Rudrman allowed college for those who wanted to learn a trade.E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I thought iPhones were assur.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#4, the only warped thinking is from yourself. the Chofetz Chaim said that we should earn a living FIRST, then set time aside for learning.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Oberstein,
I was so disappointed to read this article and to see that your once clear hashkafa has become corrupted. Israel does not save itself- only Hakadosh Boruch Hu can save us from our enemies. Having serious students of Torah, talmidei chachamim, leave the bais midrash for the work force will not draw people closer to Torah! I am truly saddened to see your clear thinking warped. I hope you will achieve clarity once again in the future.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I disagree with this Iranian commander. I think Israel will act unilateraly.
The Obama administration just doesn't get it. I fully support Netanyahu and whatever he decides to do. G-d is on the side of Israel.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
well said. go romney!!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I hope he said "no one should EVER doubt this basic truth..."
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Very tragic, and very eery how this happened right before the start of the New Year. You never know when your time is up....
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Oberstein,
Beautiful, powerful and just what we needed to read before Rosh Hashana. May HKB"H watch over your son and all of Klal Yisrael. Thank you for your tremendous historical points, too.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Rabbi Oberstein, I applaud your moral courage, your insightfulness, and this very timely and important article.
May G-d bless us all with a Healthy New Year, peace and safety for all Jews-here and in Israel.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
What was the couples name
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
There was another couple also severely injured. Please say tehillem for Hadar Yocheved bas Chaya Sara and for Yerachmiel Nosson Ben Liba
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
BDE! These were people I knew. So sad and tragic!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
...with festive music led by Aharon Greyson and Yehuda Mond...
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The people doing it may not even be Jewish- just locals who figured it out.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This Uman business is absured. Rosh Hashanah has become a party there - people leave their families and go party. In previous years, the party has caused a significant Chilul Hashem.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Excuse me. I'm not a racist. But a quick check of Towson Universities web site proudly displays the fact that a Black Student Union exists. In fact, here is the web site: Their mission is to: "provide services and support for all black minds at Towson University."
Can't have a double standard here. Either you have racially divided student unions or you don't.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I guess that makes me a disgusting abomination according to him. What ridiculous foolishness. If I want to buy his logic, then the same could be said about being a rebbe in cheder, because there are a sick few who molest children.
BTW, I'm not criticizing those who decide not to use a smartphone. I think perishus is praiseworthy, and in this case, if a person doesn't need a phone with internet access, good for him. But perishus is something one should keep to himself, not something to use to sit on their high horse and call other rashaim. There is even a Gemara in Bava Metzia (perek ezehu neshech) that seems to say that a person is allowed to destroy another person's property for calling him a rasha (if I remember correctly, Rashi and Tosfos affirm this, although other meforshim are perplexed.)
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It was an iPhone 3 with a poor battery and the Rov had already placed his order for the iPhone 5. He was eligible for the upgrade having a contract for more than tow years. Nisht geferlach.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I agree with Jay. Wimpy stand by the RCA who more and more seem like the Agudah (despite just electing Mark Dratch (Jay\'s classmate)as executive director). This is would seem to be a slam dunk. Poskim have been forbidding (or at least not requiring) metzizah b\'peh for generations. The CDC (that is Center for Disease Control) sees this as a health issue. This is not some conspiracy to forbid milah. A rogue infectious disease physician continues to support the practice (see Dialogue Winter 5772 issue) and this seems to be the basis for many to ignore the potential danger.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
No one should think for a second that America is a safe haven for Jews, they thought the same about Germany. Its no wonder that the Rabbonim here and in Eretz Yisrael are telling us to learn, daven, and be better the gezeros are stacking up on us at an alarming rate.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This is a disgusting article. Wise is the one who advised Roosevelt do nothing and AH Silver was nothing. How could such an article omit the main movers and shakers to form the WRB, who together with the Bergson group, made it happen. That was the Rabbonim from the Agudas Harobbonim lead by Rabbi Lazer Silver, Rabbi Avraham Kalmanovitch and others. Their entire effort was initiated by Rav Weissmandel who was working tirelessly from the warzone and who forwarded all the information and the instructions of what to do to save Jews.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
good article! Only thing I disagree with is that Holocaust wouldn't or couldn't happen with the state of Israel. That is untrue and G-d is in charge and can make anything happen if we are not deserving.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
great review and preparation. thank you!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Oh, Good! So from now on BJL is going to do fact checks on all statements from all Presidential candidates?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Oh well, two birds of the same feathers flock together.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
hes a jew hater
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This is Toras Chayim. Rabbi Nesanel Cadle is the Menahel
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yes, very sad indeed. What ever happened to "Lo Signov"?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It was very special how each young man had his photo taken with the rav.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Also, may I add that the success rate of IVF is 50% on average across all age groups, and the success rate diminishes as age increases. The price tag of 10,000+ for IVF plus $4000+ for medications is PER CYCLE, meaning that if the first try is unsuccessful, you need to pay again to try again.
To summarize, IVF should remain a treatment for those who cannot conceive naturally, and generally not for those wanting to delay parenthood.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This article is somewhat misleading. First of all, prices for IVF start at $10,000 but that does not include the medications which cost over $4000! In addition, freezing the ova, while it might be free in Israel, is also relatively expensive, costing a good few hundred dollars a year per ovum.
Studies are also showing that frozen ova, fertilized and transferred, have an increased chance of resulting in a child with birth defects and cerebral palsy.
Also, here in the States most fertility centers require that the female be married and that both the husband and wife sign a waiver. I'm unaware that single older girls who delay marriage due to their careers are able to do this.
In short, this article is redundant. At the end of the day, the best way is the way that has kept the Jewish people alive, stable (for the most part) and healthy for thousands of years. Do we really need to re-emphasize why we do not need "modernization" of our society??
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I have been wondering, are the Agudah scrip any more secure? I guess technically anyone cashing them in has to at least show a legitimate need for the tzedakah. This is such a shame though.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yes, the Obama Administration\'s wonderful ally, the Egyptians.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
.i heard it is an exaggeration. an excuse.. whenever their is technical problem. they say it hacker or attack.. yawn.. truth please.. no more excuses.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
AMEN-Sister! And a gut gebentsht yuhr! [AKA K'Tivah V'Chatima Tova]-Works the same in any language.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Funny and true - especially the "it takes more energy and focus" part.
We'd like to be more included - appropriately, of course.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
How exactly is NYC is supposed to \"collaborate with Jewish leadership\" when that very same \"leadership\" maintains that metzizah is halachicly mandated and poses absolutely no health risk (both of these propositions are false), and refuses to adopt the \"voluntary procedures\" advocated by the RCA? A firm, unequivocal call for parents and mohelim to use a tube or other non-oral suction method is needed from the RCA, as opposed to the mealy-mouthed statement printed above -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
what shul was this in?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Sounds like you\'re bragging!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Susan, during this serious time of Elul, struggling to balance the start of the school year along with preparations for the yomim noraim, this was truly a breath of fresh air to laugh out loud and to be in total agreement with you. Thanks for the reminder to reserve my seat in Shul. Kesivah vachasimah (I mean, Ketivah vachatimah)tova to you and your family. Now, back to the serious stuff....
Morah K in Baltimore
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It is wonderful to have this league and to watch from year to year the growth of the league and its players. The sportsmanship is reflective of our values and you will witness this every week. I am very proud that Shomrei Emunah has spearheaded this league and I wish it was around when I was growing up. Yasher Koach to Dov as well as Dovid and Pasey for all of their hard work!
Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
A big thank you to Dov Ocken and Shomrei Emuna for organizing this league which provides an excellent outlet for our kids.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
love it!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Which yeshiva is this? Who is the Rosh yeshiva/director?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yishar Koach!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Think it\'s still there 3 hours later? You guys have got to learn to take down stories after they outlive their usefulness.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Perhaps, but it says something about a party when G-d and Jerusalem are taken off the platform and then gerrymandered back on to an overwhelming chorus of booing.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
But where are they ranked in yeshiva tuition? Probably second to last, with Lakewood coming in at dead last.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The only `Platform that matters is the Duchen. Neither party has a meaningful/truthful dedication to Ha-shem or to Jerusalem... not even to B`nai Noach minimal ideals or establishing an embassy in Jerusalem . This has been on the the platform for decades ,but no real movement.Lip service that struggles in the throat of these so-called leades
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#1 Based on the information above it is not a leniency. The direct application of the mouth is a Minhag and as such it does not make the alternative a bedieved heter.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Does this mean that the buildings owner will get rid of this eyesore?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Are you kidding me? It's all political pandering. The Dems have no interest in God or Jerusalem. They just want their anointed one to survive in Nov. My suggestion: run for your life now before we have nothing left here in this country.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
so if you don't do it his way you must be wrong. You must be a bad parent if you don't want to rely on a leniency. Great.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Hakaros hatov to Rabbi Weinfeld for this amazing and enlightening shiur. May we always keep these words in our hearts and in our thoughts B'ezras Hashem. Thank you BJL for sharing this with your readers.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I'm responding somewhat belatedly to the #5 comment.
Shlomo Carlebach once said that of course when Moshiach comes, he'll come to Yerushalyim and not Uman. But when Moshiach comes, Yerushalyim will look like Uman. The kedusha that emanates from this area, carved for five days or so out of the ugliest most tumahdik part of the world is extraordinary.
It's more than that really.
Rebbe Nachman dafka chose Uman to be die and be buried in as a tikun for the kedoshim who had been murdered a few decades earlier. That tikkun continues today. It's not coincidental that it's about the same number of Jews who come as were killed. It's no coincidence that the antisemitic residents of Uman have to vacate their homes for the Jews and become bag carriers and street cleaners serving the Holy nation. It's not a coincidence that they are the ones that have to show passes to move around in their city while the Jews walk freely. And the best part is that the passes they must show, as created by the Ukrainian police, are yellow.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The Jewish people need to see the handwriting on the wall and vote Republican in this election.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Coincidence that the DNC party platform committee removes Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and 16 hours later their venue for Thursday night's acceptance speech by President Obama at outdoor Bank of America stadium has been changed to the indoor arena which holds maybe only 20000 people !!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
And this man has presidential aspirations for 2016 -what a joke.. He was an embarassment to the State of Maryland.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I presume you mean \\\"impeccable\\\" reputation.
Unfortunately I had such a pair of retzuous.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
YAY! There is hope to be found within the actions of noble people!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Hopefully this may be Hashem making the Dems look bad in the eyes of the Jewish voters, and pull in more people for Romney. However Hashem controls the politics and He sure is pulling strings right now! Lets see and pray that something really good comes out of these things!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Michelle, I am so happy that you found Pedro..and that you are so happy..You look radiant...May you be blessed with many years of happiness, lots of reasons to celebrate good times, and good health always ... Enjoy each other as you begin your life as husband & wife...Congratulations...Carol Rosenthal, Albany, NY (The Terrace at Beverwyck)
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
This is just excellent! Our " boys" have need real choices & more role models & through such a program - with Rabbi Teichman leading the way- the entire K'lal will benefit! May this holy endeavor have much Hatzlocha for everyone!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
you may want to state from the get-go that it\'s for men. It only mentions gender - it says \'him\' - in the last paragraph. Great resource; hatzlacha!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Awesome video!!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
BTW, There are a few Venezuelans in our community....
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
No, no bright bulb. And not such a nice guy, either. If you're name ain't O'malley or Obama, you are just another nothing.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
It happens in Baltimore too.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Pathetic responses from our pathetic governor. Nice guy and all...but not the brightest bulb in the box.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
this is a great, informative article. Thanks
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
9-2-2012 The writer of the above article has a good point. There is a distinction between purity, which is a virtue, and sterility which is a disability. Many schools and communities are marginalizing themselves. But in the end, before not too long, these efforts that make for the sterility of our children, will result in the collapse of the school and the community itself. The children themselves will not stand for it. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
keep on reposting this type of trash, quality reporting.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
what fat heads!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Two over sized egos butting their small heads together!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I agree. We're not living in the dark ages. How about a little intelligent evolution here ???
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Reb Bulka,
Why have a shtikle about a Geit with a Mazel Tov re an engagement?
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Lakewood is actually about 4 times the size of Baltimore with 11,000 frum families and growing. There are alot of amenities that Lakewood offers that Baltimore dosn't but tuition is absolutely up there among the top reasons why the girls don't want to stay in Baltimore anymore and are choosing to either live in eretz yisroel or Lakewood. If something dosn't change more and more families will be making the move. Currently there are at least 2 or 3 families that move there each year from Baltimore and of course we already know that about half of each graduating class is moving there after getting married. So maybe instead of all of this kvetching we should move to Lakewood and our tuition woes will be solved once and for all!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Must be some accident that has traffic tied up for 3 1/2 hours!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
once a Jew starts hiding who he is in public he/she will start hiding who they are in private... you don't see Muslims hiding who they are despite attacks elsewhere, why should we Jews be any different???
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Good for Bibi. Its about time he woke up and smelled the coffee
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Just realize tuition is important to growing and sustaining a community. There are way more baltimore people who live in lakewood than vice versa. Just like with taxes people gravitate to lower tuition. That us one reason lakewood was smaller than baltimore recently but is now more than twice ita size
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
While none of us condone Jews acting like Arabs, one can understand the anger and frustration over the constant attempts to kill us.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Fellow say No to Soloites,
Now is not the time to give up. Let us continue this fight between wealthy developers and paid off politicians. Such an altruistic endeavor requires the support of a community who literally has no dog in this fight. This fight can be our own Chanukah "nes", our own call to "rabim b'yad muatim" and "zediem b'yad tzaddikim"
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
No wonder the country is called Hungary! Hungary for Jewish money!
Pretty soon, Hungary will get fed along with all the other evil people from the cup of shame and bitterness, while we dance with Moshiach and throw you the now worthless money saying "We dont need those trinkets anymore" like tossing a bone to the dogs!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
#30 is a tad off on his accounting. The Rebbeim are in the $50-60K range today.
The cost per child is the total operating budget, less the expenses of fund raisers, divided by the number of students in the school.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
and they say antisemitism is dead....
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
the writer makes the assumption that the Israeli system is religious. it is not. When people (Jews, non jews; religious or otherwise) neglect to include SPIRITUALITY not just religion in to their lives is when the anger and hatred have room to grow.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
32 - Amen!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I don\'t care what this rabbi says. The whole concept of \"metzitzah b\'peh\" is utterly disgusting in this day and age.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Maybe he should rename it E.H. Dyer's Emporium
What a jerk!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
They should have considered turning the lunch counter into a lite-fare kosher dairy establishment. The community would have supported them.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
MAZAL TOV!!!!!!! PEDRO!!! Muy lindas fotos, Mazal Tov para la novia tambien! Veni de luna de mel a la Argentina. Saludos y hablamos
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Lamento mucho no haber estado allÃ,para compartir tanta alegrÃa de mi primo hermano, pero me dejaron la invitación debajo de mi puerta despues de la fecha de la boda. Les deseo mucha felicidad y unidos para siempre con amor y armonÃa. Tu prima hermana desde Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alicia Monica Trigub Clover
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
the issue came about because there were three reported infant deaths in the NY area from herpes: came about that the babies contracted this disease by receiving metzitzah b'peh...
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
#16, unfortunately, you are correct...people look at is , \"I don\'t want to be a frier, why should I pay full when no one else does? Let me just apply for a a break and see what I get?\" I know because I used to be one of them! When my child started school, people told us this.....\"just apply for a break and see what you get.\" Because we were both in unstable jobs at that point, we did, and received a small break. Looking back, I believe that although we were in a difficult situation, we could have pushed ourselves to pay a bit more in order to pay full.
Unfortunately, I hear these types of attitude across the board. People just look at a frum day school education for their children as an entitlement and it's the job of the schools to bend over backward to help out each family. Really, it's the responsibility of each mother/father to educate our kids, and the schools are just a shaliach.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Beautiful, what a blessing for both families! Mazel Tov!!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Let's give him a round of applause.
Comment by Levi Miller
I read this story twice and I fail to see any reference to Israel. The headline and the story do not match.
Comment by Levi Miller
Is there condemnation by any (and I mean any) Muslim organization about this crime? I'll bet not.
Comment by Levi Miller
#30- There are a lot more expenses than books, supplies, heat and light! What about desks and chairs? What about a principal for the school? What about repairs and maintenance of the building, not to mention the original cost. What about the phone system and the secretary? What about computers and a xerox machine? The list could go on and on! Having rebbeim and teachers does not even begin to run a school!
Who would collect this money from the community? How could the community pay for it- clearly this is the problem now- the community can't afford the extra money- hence the tuition crisis!!
Comment by Levi Miller
The "boy" is not grown up until he finishes his residency and has a private practice.
Comment by Levi Miller
What is the real cost to educate a student?
A rebbie might earn $40,000 per year, a secular teacher $30,000. A class of 25 needs both, for a total of $70,000 or $2,800 per student. That is the REAL cost of the education. You might add a small amount for books, supplies, heat and light. I think that $3,000 should cover it!
School BUILDINGS, administration, fundraisers, and everything else should be covered by the community, donations, and fundraising. Not by the parents. Parents should pay only for teacher saleries and supplies.
So, that said, why is the tuition $8,800 in Baltimore? Where is all the extra money going?
Comment by Levi Miller
What a lovely article. The author, Margie Pensak, really painted a beautiful picture of the blessed day and, photographer, Esky Cook, who I have worked with for other Levindale functions, made me feel as though I attended the wedding myself. Levindale was proud to have such a wonderful joining of two lives on our campus. And, of course, Mrs. Kahn, is one of our favorite people! Thank you for sharing this. Helene King
Comment by Levi Miller
I'm on a nonprofit board and my name and the entire board is on the website and letterhead
Comment by Levi Miller
The article above states - Baltimore schools have a policy of turning no child away.
If this is true then maybe it's time for an ultimatum - the parents call a tution strike until the schools are willing to open their books and give FULL transparency to the parent body.
Comment by Levi Miller
Let him rot where he is, the world is a much better place without him.
Comment by Levi Miller
Agree with 26. BJL could do a big service by providing board member names.
Comment by Levi Miller
First of all it\\\'s GINGER ALE it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Hashem\\\'s name, no need to be fake religious. As for \\\"fancy\\\" affairs because they have food Baltimore keeps up with the Jones\\\' by being 10 years behind!As far back as there have been Jews Kiddush was never been a piece of sheet cake and seltzer. It just isn\'t Kavod Shabbos!
Comment by Levi Miller
BJL should publish the names of all school board members so we can politely ask them to open the books.
Comment by Levi Miller
How beautiful! Mazal tov to chosson and kallah
Comment by Levi Miller
Where is the rabbinic leadership? Pressure your shul rov to push for transparency. Many non-profits are happy to open their books. Why can't ours?
Comment by Levi Miller
You reap what you sow. If your going to pay the tuition money to the yeshivos and you're too much of a coward to do what it takes to bring back EMES to the yeshivos then what is the point of all your kvetching here? Unfortunately your kids hear your kvetching too and between you guys and the lack of priorities in the Yeshivos they no longer believe that the yeshiva movement stands for anything but hypocrisy. Look around you, look at the casualties of the system we are maintaining. We need to overhaul the system before it damages more of the neshamos of our children. Maybe all of you should stop your Kvetching and get up and actually do something. Call for a tuition strike and perhaps people should homeschool for a while. If you parents get together and refuse to pay until there is transparency and a return to haskofos over alephs what can they really do to you?
Comment by Levi Miller
In Baltimore City, it\\\'s 7pm the night before. Not that I\\\'ve ever seen them ticket -- even with garbage put out DAYS early....
Comment by Levi Miller
#18: All the local schools are run by a closed group who exclude others. They run community schools like TA and BY as private enterprises that only they have the Zchus of administering. It is not right and adds to the lack of commitment many have to the schools. Many say that if the closed group wants to run the schools then let them pay the freight too. So, how does this ever change? By badgering the senior board members and leadership (not the principles) about this. They all want to appear to be bastions of sholom and a little questioning does upset their view of reality.
Comment by Levi Miller
Solution? No FACTS form is filled out, no check is written until the school is 100% open and transparent. NOT ONE PENNY INTO THE SCHOOL! Once the books are on the table, and the parents be given the opportunity to go over every single transaction and decide what we will or won't pay for, and it is voted on by the PARENT body, and the tuition rate adjusted accordingly per family, not a red cent should be given to the schools. And they will have no choice but to release that information eventually.
Comment by Levi Miller
Boruch HaShem, in our community there are many talented and capable parents and others who are capable of teaching and helping kids grow. One of these days, a bunch of them will get together and cooperate to teach each other's children, with perhaps a small additional tuition cost (i.e. $2,000) thrown in to cover things parents obviously cannot do/teach. At that point, there will be the novel idea of the person receiving the service paying for the service (which is antithetical to most of American government today). All schools will then have the opportunity to compete in the marketplace based on price (including overhead) and quality. Oh, by the way, some of the new schools might be in shuls that do not require hours of carpool daily.
Comment by Levi Miller
17 - No one is saying that people should not be having children because of tuition. Unfortunately the mindset today has become that I am entitled to have'¦ and yes children have become an entitlement and part of the es kupt mir lifestyle of the modern yeshiva world. The old guard of the yeshiva world as #5 wrote earlier didn't hold from this. If you look at their generation you will see that many of their families were smaller ' 2-4 kids were common when we were growing up - and remember many of them were survivors who were rebuilding their families and yet they didn't have the chutzpah of today to think that they could have what they wanted even after all they went through. Many had fewer children precisely because their children were so precious and they understood the deep achrayus of raising the next Dor. As a child of survivors I have heard many of them express that they can't figure out where they went so wrong with us that we and our children have such irresponsible attitudes. In those days you were told not to even consider a next child until the baby was two. The difference today is that the child will be put into daycare anyway so why bother taking the time. Most contemporary mothers ' I use the term loosely ' don't want to be home anyway even when they can afford it. 5-6 kids was a large sized Mishpacha when I was growing up but with spacing AND a dedicated mother at home that means something very different doesn't it? Unlike today, those larger families understood that there would be many things that they would have to do without and that the budget was based on real priorities. Animals breed Humans raise - Piryah U'Rivyah - the process is much more than birth. Raising a child means actually doing the time to teach and train them. Today training means that tuition is a necessary part of the process to procure the mechanchim necessary to be part of the Rivyah component. If there are reasons that will impede the ability to fulfill ones achrayus properly than one has to take the achrayus to be absolutely honest with oneself and one's spouse and consult a competent Rav. It is a chorban in itself that the postwar generations of the 60s through today seems to have lost this sense of achrayus.
Comment by Levi Miller
Unfortunatly, regardless of how much parents complain schools will not open thier books. It is sad that some of our community institutions rely on the PTA and Womens Auxillary for extra funding. Isn\'t the purpose of these organizations to help provide for \'extras\'? I was appaled when I heard the ammount of one the schools designated (i.e salaried) fundraisers demanded from the PTA. The chutzpah!! Here were mothers, many of them working, who volunteered to run events and these people expected them to hand over a hunk of change!!!
Comment by Levi Miller
I don't know why anyone is fighting this development, or why the media is trying to publicize it as a fight. Wegman's is a great store, and will bring quality shopping and jobs to the area.
Comment by Levi Miller
How about we start by having boards elected by the parent bodies themselves and not receiving a letter that "by the way, the new board is so and so." I have been a parent at one school for 13 years with several children there. When my oldest was younger, I started asking how I could help. I said I didn't have a lot of money, but I wanted to contribute time and energy while I was young and enthusiastic. I said I would love to be on the board. I spoke to the principal on several occasions, I spoke to one of the fundraisers. I spoke to the tuition assistance committee. I spoke to other administrators. They told me it was wonderful that I wanted to get involved and that they would pass my name on. I NEVER received a single call back. I begged, but nothing. I gave up and gave my time to my shul. Now, thank G-d, my financial situation has improved dramatically. But I choose to give my extra maaser to my shul instead of the school because the school didn't seem to want my help. My wife joined the PTA and tried to help. All she was ever asked to do was come in for lice checking. Nothing more. The schools are run by clicks and if you are not in the click, you are out in the cold and the same people will continue to run it and nothing will change.
Comment by Levi Miller
I have seen (and heard people say) the quote \"We don\'t buy what we can\'t afford. That includes having the number of children we can afford.\" numerous times. Just curious - where does Chazal say this? What posek says that you should not have children solely because you will need to ask for a tuition break? And the fact that people are truly not having having kids because of tuition within a generation or two after the Holocaust is terribly sad.
And frankly, this whole argument does not help matters. Getting a young couple to plan ahead for education is wise. But I dont know who can truly \"plan\" how many kids HKB\"H blesses them with. I do know that if you would have asked me when I got married what tuition was, I can tell you the answer would be vastly different from the answer I wold give today. One can only do so much advance planning. Can I plan for Special-Ed? Can I plan for job changes?
What ever else I can say in frustration has been said by others. But hearing people treat the bracha of children like new cars is distateful, and leaves me wondering where such a Hashkafa comes from. I don\'t recall seeing such in any sefer I opened or in any shmuess I ever heard.
Comment by Levi Miller
I was at a lunch recently on Shabbos and one of the families was just starting paying tuition at BY- their oldest child was entering kindergarten. They mentioned that they asked for help with the tuition and there was silence in the room. They asked why everyone was surprised- they were told that everyone does it and you just see what you can get.
What a terrible system we've created here. I don't know if they'll get any tuition remission, but that's not the point. It's the mentality of everyone getting some remission and it's acceptable and encouraged in our community. It's time for our schools to change that.
Comment by Levi Miller
We have been a full paying parents for many years. I agree with the comments of #5. It's time for families to accept responsibilities for their own children. We were taught to make our own way in this world- and we do. We don't buy what we can't afford. That includes having the number of children we can afford. We also both work fulltime.
Can this model work? Yes! It does! Our children know that we put tuition first and this teaches them excellent values. More children in our community need to be taught that we shouldn't accept community handouts, state handouts and federal handouts.
We give tzedakah- we never accept it! Don't parents realize that accepting tuition subsidies is accepting tzedakah? Don't parent realize that accepting a federally subsidized lunch is accepting tzedakah?
I'm worried about our tuition crisis, but I'm even more worried about the future generations of Orthodox Jews. If many children grow up seeing their families accept tzedakah, they will only expect what they can get for free and even more of it in their futures!
Comment by Levi Miller
Whose got the guts to demand the schools show transparency and start holding them responsible? We're all screaming on the Internet, but where are those "Gvirim" "Askanim" who have a say in these matters?? Problem is, the middle class is the one screaming here, and let's be honest here, our
Vote counts for very little....
Comment by Levi Miller
Just a logic question here: IF full tuition falls short of the cost to educate each child, then those who are paying full tuition are not subsidizing the families who have a tuition reduction. They are bearing the burden of full tuition and still falling short of the goal of paying for just their own kids?
Comment by Levi Miller
This project violates the current Baltimore County Master Plan. Our council people need to think this through carefully. PS Don't depend on anyone to "rearrange" the roads After the fact.
Comment by Levi Miller
A friend of mine who lived in Baltimore and moved to Lakewood several years ago once told me that although the school\'s in Lakewood do not have campuses as nice as the Baltimore schools, some of Lakewood\'s schools do indeed have beautiful buildings. The secular education there for the boys is probably comparable to TI\'s and the girls schools is about the same as Bais Yaakovs. I would assume that their budgets do not allow for any over spending since the tuition is quite low. If we adopted the same model in Baltimore the schools by default would need to spend less and much of the extras we take for granted would need to be cut. Ideal? no. But the way our system is set up now, we are basically forcing people to pay for a standard of education they can\'t afford but is being forced down our throats. I would be ok with larger class sizes and shabbier facilities if it made tuition more affordable. We can\'t have our cake and eat it too. If someone will not tolerate these types of cuts maybe that person should volunteer to foot the extra bill. The school\'s are yelling that we should all be paying more tuition but if people are begging for lower tuition because they can\'t afford it then we need to realize that we will get what we pay for and have to accept that. It would be pretty hilarious if the butcher forced me to buy the 1st cut meat even though I\'m begging for 2nd cut and then is angry with me for not being able to afford the 1st cut price. If we can only afford schools that are comparable to Lakewood\'s (and someone from our schools would have to sit down and compare where their spending differs from ours) then that may be what we need to do. The schools should not be forcing us to pay more than we can afford and then getting angry at us when we can\'t pay! They should be working within the confines of our budget, not the other way around!
Comment by Levi Miller
I don't see manufacturing coming back to the Solo plant -- really the the land is much more valuable for retail or offices. Wegman's is a terrific store! I shop in their Hunt Valley store even though it's far, and I look forward to shopping in their new Owings Mills store soon!
Comment by Levi Miller
#6. Look carefully at the Lakewood model. How large are their classes? What is the secular studies program? What are the school\'s facilities like? I think you\'ll find very large class sizes (25+ per class), minimum secular studies, and old shabby facilities. Be careful what you ask for.
Comment by Levi Miller
Why are the schools so afraid of financial transparency? Something to hide? Maybe, maybe not, but until there is transparency there will be the cloud of doubt.
Comment by Levi Miller
With these type of Yidden who needs enemies?
Comment by Levi Miller
To #4 - Please stop using the public schools for comparison. It's an incorrect basis for comparison. It's like holding up a yardstick to measure the size of a US penny! The public school costs that keep getting trotted out are inflated, they are structured on the government model of the more you spend the more the government gives you or use it or lose it. As a government funded institution they have to put out the largest figures possible to maintain their piece of the funding pie. While Jewish day schools may be dual curriculum the Public schools include enough enrichment and auxiliary programming to be considered dual curriculum.
Comment by Levi Miller
#5 makes very good pints. But, he is going against the 'entitlement mentality' of getting everything for nothing. Achtayus is a forgotten theoretical concept. I am entitled to a large family, little tuition, all types of government and family assistance with no end plan in sight, and a large house with newer cars too. I'm entitled! As the Yiddish expression is "umpt mir" So, what do we do? As #5 says we must badger the schools for financial transparency and stop being a herd of sheep. We must demand that parents get involved and this secretive boards come to an end. Otherwise, the status quo will continue and the squeezing of the working families will continue.
Comment by Levi Miller
It doesn't take an economics grad to know that if there is a strong disincentive to earn more, then people won't; this stuff about encouraging everyone to feel a personal responsibility is not going to change that. Related to this, there is something wrong when a family earning twice as much as another and with half as many kids is doing no better. Concerning BY's claim that its tuition is the 'real' cost per child, aside from how do we know this if they don't open the books, even if it is real, it could include administrative fat, higher teacher salaries than otherwise, a beautiful campus they never could have afforded without cost shifting onto the few, etc. So even if it's real, they charge that much BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Comment by Levi Miller
The point was that this particular article was not written from the POV of a local religious family. Not that the tuition crisis is a relevant one, but that the issues and solution offered is not relvant. Where in our community is the \"stunning increase in affluence\" that the schools serve?
Comment by Levi Miller
Maybe its high time the schools in Baltimore start looking more closely at Lakewood\'s model of tuition. Everyone pays the same amount, no exceptions! If you don\'t have it, you raise it yourself. As far as I am aware, the girls schools average about $4,000/child and the boys schools slightly more. Even a family with 7 school age children would only be paying at the most $35,000 while here in Baltimore that same family would be paying double this amount. The education is excellent they\'re doing something right. What are they doing in Lakewood(and many chasidishe schools in New York as well) that perhaps we can initiate here in Baltimore? Also, as much as I agree with Mrs. Schorr that more people need to make tuition a priority, most of us have long given up vacations and fancy cars! Just look around for yourself and see how most of us are living. There\'s not much more to give up! Many have cut back in almost every imaginable area including food and medical care. But how do you cut back on day school use? Obviously you can\'t and so its not so simple as saying \"cut back on spending\". What happens when there\'s no place left in the budget to cut back and you still can\'t come up with the full tuition dollars? You can\'t spend what you ain\'t got no matter how important it may be!
Comment by Levi Miller
Rabbossai the time to kvetch is over.
There were a few people trying to bring up tuition reform in Baltimore over a decade ago, but they were left to go at it alone because most people in this town are into the status quo until the issue is too much for THEM. Unfortunately by that point the situation is usually too big to benefit from less aggressive measures, and here we are. Now we have reached the point where the luxury to kvetch is gone and it's time to roll up our sleeves and deal.
We need to demand transparency of our schools. Like many families who have budgetary issues, there is a lack of brutal honesty of what is essential and what is not. An analysis of ALL spending must be made and the schools must make all spending information available to the parent body. An annual meeting to discuss budgetary issues should be held by the Yeshivos and the boards which should be open to all parents to attend.
Parents need to understand that their children can't have everything. The extras need to be cut. Unfortunately many of the upper income parents don't have the reality check the rest of us deal with, and they sometimes unintentionally raise the bar for everyone else. The Parents who are on major assistance have nothing to lose by the extras as they are not paying the full cost. The Parents in the middle are left to struggle to the point of exasperation. This has to stop. It doesn't help any of the kids in the long run and just creates more problems and need for the economic mainstream parents.
The Yeshivos need to consider buying supplies, resources, prizes, etc. in bulk, with teachers having a cap of what each class can have from the bulk resources and making the most of it. Creativity is more often borne of limitations rather than largesse; as we all know - Necessity is the mother of invention. It may help further if the Yeshivos banded together to get even better deals and create some type of resource network that may allow procuring bigger ticket items that can be shared.
Fund raising for TUITION needs to be THE priority. The schools have to stop using the Ladies auxiliary and PTA as an extra piggy bank. This is preventing clarity in spending.
PARENTS HAVE TO VOLUNTEER. If we want the schools to work to help us we need to work to help them. There are fundraising efforts that can be made if we get back to having a widespread volunteer parent force. There are many skilled and creative parents in this town; we need to think of how best to combine our people resources with the needs of our institutions.
And this will make a number of you folks out there really angry - Larger families can no longer expect smaller families to pick up their tab. There are many smaller families in this who took the achrayus of chinuch seriously; i.e. work at reasonable jobs, bought smaller homes in less expensive neighborhoods, cut spending, and consult a competent Halachic authority about mishpacha issues. Yet they are struggling to make ends meet. A Ba'al HaBas who is making the reasonable efforts to be a ba'al achrayus should be able to take care of his family with dignity. As my Parents, who raised a large mishpacha by post war standards, told me very clearly before my marriage, Your children are YOUR achrayus and if you choose to have a large family the large achrayus is YOURS as well. The priority for tuition assistance should be those in real need such as those dealing with family tragedy or those dealing with true economic stress, not irresponsibility. The War Generation parents I had the zchus to know while growing up often held down multiple jobs for Chinuch and took none of what the Yeshivos would give for granted. They also kept giving once their kids left as if they owed a large debt. If a family is not up to the achrayus involved in raising a large mishpacha they need to consult an appropriate Morah DeAsrah. The older generation of Rabbonim did not hold from what goes on today. Somehow this mesorah has been lost! There should be a cheshbon per child based on actual costs to be charged as core tuition, with a reasonable mandatory scholarship fund payment that could be tax deductible and unquestionably taken from ma'aser. I think parents would be more willing to contribute if we called a spade a spade.
If we are willing to work together to achieve, rather than kvetch, there are things that can be done to start working through the mess. The reality is that times are hard and there will be no perfect solution, but we can surely do better than what we have now.
BE"H may we be able to tackle these issues with the appropriate sense of achrayus to the community and bring true Shalom among us. May the efforts bring us a the zchus to be zoche to Moshiach coming soon. Kesiva Vechasima Tova!
Comment by Levi Miller
#1, #2, and #3: I understand your pain (we are also getting squeezed as a full paying family), but I don't think it is accurate to say that full tuition is more than it costs to educate our children.
Baltimore Public Schools seem to have an over $14,700 per child allocation of funds. And that is without a dual curriculum.
Something to think about.
At the end of the day, we have to recognize that the costs ARE high and no one has to be "out to get" anyone to create the crisis we find ourselves in.
Comment by Levi Miller
Agudah not only does all these amazing things, but it does so with an eye towards keeping down costs to an absolute minimum which is so unusual in today's world. People come before structures and frills. A volunteer culture is key.
Comment by Levi Miller
This is quite impressive. I have to admit I have taken a lot of this for granted over the years but it is eye-opening to see all the Agudah does for the community.
Comment by Levi Miller
#2 is 100% correct. Until the schools "open the books" and become accountable for the funds they collect and spend there will be no real change. Ever wonder why the post-tuition families turn away from supporting the schools their own children attended? After years of being squeezed for tuitions to cover the non-payers they now squeeze out the schools.
Comment by Levi Miller
It would be great to have a Wegman\'s in that location. It\'s a great store. It will bring good jobs with benefits to the area. And other supermarkets will have to keep prices down in order to stay competetive. Please comment if you agree!
Comment by Levi Miller
I give credit to those 7,000 people who are saying NO to the location. Now I just wish that those 7,000 people would stand up for proper JEWISH education for all JEWISH children and make sure that there is a school for all of them so they these children can learn to the best of their ability and in a Least Restrictive Environment.
Comment by Levi Miller
Anyone naive enough to believe that the cost of tuition is the cost to educate out children and not to supplement those who don't pay full tuition, I have a bridge to sell you. I have run those numbers a million times and it's not true. The schools have nobody forcing them to open their books so they can tell you anything they want.... The middle class is getting squeezed to the point of no return....
Comment by Levi Miller
This happened a couple of weeks ago, too, when we had heavy rains. A car was almost underwater and the people had to be rescued by 911. (I know about it, cuz I read the story here!) Maybe it is time for the City/County to think about improving the roads on that strip?
Comment by Levi Miller
Yes, there is a tuition issue. Unless some relief comes to the full paying families all the programs you can think of will only benefit the school's fund raisers. The time to act is now!
Comment by Levi Miller
Let me get this straight: we want our local schools to be a priority for tzedakah dollars? We want full transparency as to costs? How is that not relevant to our system? Shouldn't there be a clear relationship between cost and cost?
Comment by Levi Miller
A time would be helpful on this!
Comment by Levi Miller
Is this article is supposed to apply realistically to the Orthodox community, where tuition is not just something parents take on as a luxury expense, say, instead of a boat or a family trip to Italy this summer?
How many Orthodox families in Baltimore can afford the "full cost of the product" if that full cost is close the quoted amount of $50,000 per year? How many families can afford even half that amount for at least 2 or 3 children in school?
Maybe I'm in the wrong circles, but are there really enough "affluent" families to make this a realistic solution?
Comment by Levi Miller
Unfortunately this article has little to no relevance to the Baltimore Jewish community. On various different levels and issues there no comparisons that can be made between the writers experiences and postulates.
Comment by Levi Miller
Excessive exercizing is a syptom of an eating disorder. Many women misuse the exercise facilities of the JCC and other gyms unaware and unwilling to deal honestly with their eating disorders. I see them at affairs pretending to be busy so they don't touch the food. Then they force their daughters to hide their issues and lie to shadchanim and think that if they pretend it doesn't exist, it will go away. If you read the above article you will see that her parents lived in denial but it was what they thought the community demanded of them. Then there is the woman who can't go to a group because men are also there. Should she die of anorexia rather than sit in a group with others including men? This article reveals a much broader sickness in our community than we are willing to acknowledge. I would sign my name except I would get hostile calls from people who can't live with truth.
Comment by Levi Miller
The SENSUS IconA Smart Meter is a KNOWN FIRE STARTER SMECO in MD is following PECO in PA on setting people's homes on fire, while they try to figure out what to do.
Comment by Levi Miller
just for the record, R\' Shurkin said (to my own ears), R\' Moshe did not publish a teshuva because he did not think it was a shaila.
There is a Rav from South Africa who has published an entire sefer explaining why they are 100% muttar
Comment by Levi Miller
Regarding numerous comments concerning the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l, see the halachic ruling of his son, Horav Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, quoted in The Laws of Pesach: A Digest (Rav Blumenkrantz zt'l), 5771 edition, pg. 421:
'There is no widely available shaver that can be purchased and used as is'
See also Meged Givos Olam (vol. I pg. 96) where Rav Michel Shurkin, wrote that Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l intentionally never published a teshuva in Igros Moshe permitting electric shavers, because Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l held that the 'tzura' (traditional, proper appearance) of a Jew is only with a beard.
But there is a published teshuva regarding this issue from Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l . In his sefer Emes L'Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 181) Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l wrote that there is no 'mesorah' from the rabbonim in America that can be relied upon to permit the use of electric shavers. To quote Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l: 'Regarding [the prohibition of using] machines for shaving [the beard], this is not just a chumra [halachic strictness] but a substantive [halachic] issue'¦in fact, I do not know whether the great Torah authorities (Gedolim) of America [ever] explicitly permitted them; it is possible that they kept silent because no one asked them [their opinion], and they avoided the issue, knowing that their words would not be heeded'¦it is difficult to rely on [any] tradition [to be lenient].'
Comment by Levi Miller
This is not new news. In Nisan of 5768, the greatest poskim and roshei yeshiva of our generation issued a Psak Din that all shaving machines which leave the face smooth are halachically equivalent to a razor (not because the uproot the hair, but rather) because they do not leave over any hair. The Psak Din cites that this was the opinion of the Chofetz Chaim (in whose time shaving machines were invented), the Chazon Ish, the Steipler Gaon, Rav Schach, etc. The Psak Din was signed by 34 poskim and roshei yeshiva, including Rav Elyashiv zt'l (who wrote that today's electric shavers are much more severe than the hand machines prohibited by the Chofetz Chaim), Rav Noson Tzvi Finkel zt'l, Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt'l, Rav Aharon Leib Steinman shlita, Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner shlita (who attested that this was the opinion of the Chazon Ish), Rav Nisan Karelitz shlita, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, Rav Shmuel Auerbach shlita (Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt'l wrote that all close cutting shavers are an "issur chomer").
For an English translation of the Psak Din see or see KTAV's "The Beard in Jewish Law".
Comment by Levi Miller
Is he from Baltimore? (local news?)
Comment by Levi Miller
I don\'t know that with Elul upon us, and Tishrei approaching that this is how we should be acting. The Torah Hakdosha says to judge everyone favorably. No. 2, how do you know that the \"line eater\" does not suffer from a medical condition that requires him or her to eat immediately? No. 4, how do you know that person rushing to unload his or her cart didn\'t just receive a frantic call from the babysitter to run home immediately?
The bottom line is I think we all need to be more careful in our judgment of others. In this zechus, may the Abishter judge us favorably as we approach the yom hadin.
Comment by Levi Miller
I just think that you wrote the title and some of the content in a way that was not respectful to Chazal. You made it seem as if they had trouble pronouncing a simple ches the way we say it which you now agree with me was not the case. I am happy I gave you a chance to clarify in these comments.
Comment by Levi Miller
Another issue plaguing our community occurs only at seven mile. On two occasions I was unloading my cart at the checkout line. The customer behind me began unloading her cart before I finished. I had to hand over each item to the cashier. The irony was this woman thought she was saving time and in reality caused a real teircha de'tzibur. Please Let's all try to have proper manners and kavod ha'brios at our checkout lines. I am glad we have this forum to work out these issue instead of embarrassing someone be'rabbim. And yes # 3 I remember that simpler time. In my day only show offs served ginger kale at a kiddush.
Comment by Levi Miller
I remember when Baltimore was a simpler place and we didn\'t need four kinds of herring, cholent, and six kinds of Kugel at a Kiddush. Whats wrong with our traditional cake and soda?
Comment by Levi Miller
I agree with number one however the real issue is with those that serve themselves while in line and begin to eat. They hold the line up while they eat. This is also unsanitary because they talk with their mouths full of food and it falls on the serving plates on the table. I have spoken with many baleei simcha who had their kiddush ruined by these line eaters. The solution is simple if we can get the vaad of kahrus to send a letter out telling people to fill their plates and move on and not eat while in line. With these simple changes we can make the kiddush a more pleasurable experience.
Comment by Levi Miller
Another place where lots of food gets wasted is at kiddushim in area shuls. A co-worker of mine tells me that because of pushing and shoving around the kiddush tables, immeasurable amounts of cholent, cake and kugel are needlessly dropped to the floor and trampled. Let's all try to have proper manners and kavod ha'brios at our kiddushim, please.
Comment by Levi Miller
I think the above pic is stretched...she ain't that skinny!
Comment by Levi Miller
Although I have been a LinkedIn member for years, I consider it to be rather ineffective for what it is intended for: to link me to a new job.
There are plenty of other ways to find that new position - Linked In is TOO PUBLIC to be effective.
Comment by Levi Miller
We, Russian Jews, owe so much to him...
Comment by Levi Miller
Enough of this garbage on BJL already! Aren't there important things to report on, like sales on school supplies or plumbing problems in the new Beazer homes? Ken Oliver just has a bad case of sour grapes. The Owings Mills mall invited Wegman's to their site. Of course, wegman's declined because the owings mills mall is run-down, and only a step above Mondowmin Mall.. So I don't really think this is about "process" or whatever words Ken Oliver is throwing around...he wants Wegman's in HIS district....not Vicky's.
Comment by Levi Miller
Of course there is going to be a lot of traffic, because Wegman's is an excellent store with prices ranging from high to very reasonable, we should welcome traffic, traffic means there is a heart still beating in Owings Mills retail. When was the last time you hit traffic on the way to Owings Mills Mall?
Comment by Levi Miller
Ditto to poster #1. Do any readers of BJL care about this topic quite as much as the editors of BJL? But since they are clearly taking money from the "Say No To Solo" group, then they have to publish all of these "articles" about bias!
Comment by Levi Miller
Wow a politician asking for more process what a shock! Either way I am begging for no more articles on this topic until we have a definitive answer it\'s just wierd how much space you are giving it. I guess I can\'t help being assaulted by the paid aid that flashes contantly on your home page. How much does that cost anyway?
Comment by Levi Miller
If any of these Rabbis have a pulpit could they be in violation of the federal tax code that does not allow for tax exempt institutions and their leaders to endorse a specific candidate by having their name on the \"Rabbis for Obama list?
Comment by Levi Miller
Rabbis for Romney sounds much better to my ears!
Or Romney's Rabbis Rock!
Comment by Levi Miller
Lipa Shmeltzer lives in Airmont, NY part of Monsey NOT BROOKLYN!
Comment by Levi Miller
I just hope the orthodox community doesn't face a backlash for an issue that has little to do with us. Why antagonize people for no gain?
Comment by Levi Miller
Louis: If you love Iran so much, why don't you and all your followers MOVE THERE! It's where your "religion" is practiced. As for war; did Israel or the Arabs invade Israel causing the Israelis to defend themselves? And did Israel threaten Iran with destruction or is it the other way around? Wake up and smell the hate!
Comment by Levi Miller
Amazing! If you do an economic cost-benefit analysis you would find that the kosher costs make no sense for most companies. The kosher market (observant Jews, Moslems, and "quality" control consumers) drive the issue. I recall the first head of the OU (Rabbi Alexander Rosenberg) saying the the entire OU was a "nes" and hepeach min hatevah.
Comment by Levi Miller
he's no longer missing
Comment by Levi Miller
Amen, brother. Amen.
Comment by Levi Miller
I have seen the kosher heaven concession at 7 eleven in monsey, it is an insult to kosher obeservance. The kosher and non kosher meat is being sold behind the same counter on a kosher grill identical to the treif grill selling treif sausages 2 feet apart! Are we really so deprived of kosher food in monsey that we have to resort to this????
Comment by Levi Miller
This sounds so wonderful and beautiful. Anecdotally, however, I see truly caring parents whose kids' behaviors are completely hefker and disruptive. Consequently those children may be "happy" because their parents think they are tzadikim, while everyone around them (siblings, teachers, neighbors, etc) are absolutely miserable, as they know that they cannot rely on the parents to discipline their children because they are "rising above the smallness of the child's misdeeds . . ." which are " . . . mere happenstance when compared to the good."
Comment by Levi Miller
Isn\\\\\\\'t it amazing that we are the only people, as a whole, who vote against our own interests!
Comment by Levi Miller
My eyes watered as I read this...amazing that a communist did never know who Hashem will pick as his shliach
Comment by Levi Miller
beautiful! I really wanted to know what the exact words were. Thanks you!!
Comment by Levi Miller
Thanks for ruining it for me....... I enjoyed making up my own words
Comment by Levi Miller
need more naps? or more apps!
Comment by Levi Miller
"Observant Jews aren't supposed to open regular disposable diapers with adhesive glue-laden fasteners during the Sabbath because the ripping motion is considered 'work,' which is forbidden." Isn't it time that both Orthodox and Conservative Jewish authorities revisited the definition of "work"?
Comment by Levi Miller
What an incredible story!!! Jerome, I never knew! Wow!
Comment by Levi Miller
Excellent article...that\'s exactly how I explain my \"chareidiness\" (despite that I\'m in the professional world) to my peers.
Comment by Levi Miller
Its news on this site every day because there are Jewish people with a financial interest in Solo not being developed. Hence the pain in the neck kids paid to get signatures outside seven mile.
Comment by Levi Miller
This comment is from Rabbi Storch: Thank you. I am not sure exactly where you see that we disagree at this point, though. We both agree that members of Chazal had trouble pronouncing certain words or letters including the ches. Your speculation as to how it was mispronounced is interesting, although I must say that there is no textual basis for it and it would take a linguist familiar with the regional pronunciations in ancient times to adequately propose a viable theory. Either way, it is not very relevant as it is clear that there were mispronunciations, and based on the Rambam and Ramban it would seem it was because they lived in a region where the spoken language caused certain sounds that are specific to the Hebrew to become foreign. It is more like a foreign accent which causes many to have difficulty pronouncing certain letters. Whether it was similar to the contemporary difficulty that you mentioned, or the Yemenite pronunciation which you have proposed as a theory, or a completely different issue altogether (I never sided with any of these three options), the cause is the same. I still maintain that in no way does it reflect poorly on these venerable sages.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so sad!! People that are against this simply do not understand. It is a mere stuipity. It all about greed!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i dont think that elal is losing out money. it dosnt cost them as much as they charge for us to fly!!! they will probably break even. its insane to even suggest such a thing. u found a great deal- it was meant to be!! enjoy your cheap tickets and enjoy israel!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good grief. Of course a poll funded by the Owings Mills Mall will show that people don\\\\\\\'t want it....if they are funding it, the results will just show what they want it to. That\\\\\\\'s like asking a pharmaceutical company to pay for testing of their own medicines! Please. The Owings Mills Mall invited Wegman\\\\\\\'s to build on their site. Of course they declined, because the Owings Mills Mall is run down, lower class, and no one likes to shop there. So Ken Oliver is annoyed, because he wants Wegman\\\\\\\'s in HIS district. Meanwhile, the Solo cup plant, which is zoned for manufacturing, is sitting empty, and have you heard of any manufacturer who is interested in moving in? What\\\\\\\'s better, Wegman\\\\\\\'s or a large empty plot of land?
And why is this topic on Baltimore Jewish Life every other day?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the exchange. I do think Megillah 24b is again an issue of the Teimani way of saying ches, which 99% of people today cannot pronounce either. So, again it's a much diff. issue than merely pronouncing a reg. ches like we do today. I say the same about Edyos because who ever (even a convert) would have a problem saying a heh and settle for saying an aleph as the Rambam writes there? Is there anyone who can't say the 'h' sound? Eleh it must be again the very unique way Teimanim say the heh and the ches which is prob. how many Rabbanim, and medakdekim tried to say it then. But many, as we are today, were unsuccessful.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope our enemies, when they visit the park, either drop dead from sheer boredom, or else nag their parents to take them to a real theme park like Disney World! Come on Dad, with all those oil sales, and all that money coming to support Hezbollah from US taxpayers, you can take us to Disney World!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hard to believe it's been 25 years. I remember this like it was yesterday.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
2 questions - does refusing to sign the form not violate the Torah precept of "dina d'malchuta dina" meaning the law of the land is the law? 2. what if one of some of these men would like to join the IDF, there are already Charedi units. I have to believe that some of them would appreciate protecting their country and being trained in skills that may allow them to earn a living one day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I learned in Yeshiva for 11 years after high school. Five of them here in Ner Israel and six in Mirrer Yeshiva in New York as a Kollel man. I have tried to maintain my standards of religious devotion all these years (left Mirrer Kollel in 1986). Recently I volunteered to tutor and learn as a chavrusa with boys who needed a learning partner at a local Kollel. I was told that I did not meet the necessary standards to be a part of that program. They only wanted Yeshivesheh men. I was not Yehsivesh (Chareidi) in their eyes. My point is that Chareidi or Yeshivesh is a label whose application changes. You can devote your whole life to being a Yeshiva, Chareidi man only to discover that you are obsolete and no longer up to standards. So why bother? I know that a lot of children have despaired from ever gaining acceptance in the Yeshiva, Chareidi world and have just given up and drifted away. If I feel this way and I am 53, how would a sensitive child at a critical point in his development feel? This community , I mean the Yeshiva-Chareidi community, has gone from a harbor for all who seek to serve Hashem to being harsh and exclusive. This is not the way it is supposed to be. That's all I am saying.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
STOP WEGMANS! They sell eggs, which are proven to be more deadly than smoking!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Haredi are not so special so they should go into IDF.. they do nothing to pay taxes....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Now we can shop the area and go in for lunch instead of eating lunch at home then shop in the afternoon. i'd go without eating all day but kids...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I like Wegman closer to my home instead of going to hunt valley. My husband misses it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not Charedi, thankfully. I am deaf, and most charedim do not treat the deaf and disabled properly and i refuse to let my kids marry into charedi families along with Hassadism. I am a jew without being limited in these kind of world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just let me understand this, this entire movement wants the public's support to bring life back to the owings mills mall ( a private entity). Can someone explain to me why we should use public support for a private business. Will they share their profits with us? This is very similar when a sports owner asks a state to build them a stadium and the team keeps all the profits. If Wegman's wants to build there, let them it is a free country. If the owings mills developers wants to make the property more attractive, by all means. They certaintly had many years to do so. Why should they get a leg up by crushing the competition. Here is an idea do a better job attracting customers it is the american way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To # 1: I'm going a step further. Next Pesach, I'm replacing the egg on my ka'arah with a pack of cigarettes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am sorry but I like eggs. These type of articles are written to scare us like solo cups, smart meters,tipping camp counselors and kiddush etiquette.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great! I hate eggs, but was eating them to be healthy. Now I'll quit the eggs and go back to the smokes!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! Now if only someone could get people to video date, That would be a great innovation. A time saver and save klall yisroel lots of money enabling shidduchim between people in distant cities! What a concept that would be!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am Jewish. I believe that each and every man, woman and child is a tzelem Elokim. I believe that every Jew is a precious neshama. I believe that it is not my place to interfere or force the personal manifestations of my belief in G-d and performance of mitzvos upon another person, because that is bein adam l'makom - between me and HaShem. I believe that bein adam l'chavero is mostly about ahavas yisrael. I am Jewish, and do not need any other label.
- Galia Berry
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i can see it now. buses full of wheelchair bound seniors storming the SSA in Woodlawn demanding oatmeal and prune juice. this is hysterical.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol hakavod to all those who came on yesterday's flight. Where are the rest of you?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Frum is the relationship one has with God. Chareidi is how you present yourself to the rest of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ha ha ha
Knock it down!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a welcome development. #1 stop playing party politics and punishing children for their parents sins. It is kosher and fair to allow these poor children to thrive in this country. Practice what you preach: For republicans use some of that compassion from "compassionate conservitavism" and for the Jewish community do unto others...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What nerve!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This comment is from Rabbi Storch: I guess we will have to disagree as to how to understand the Ramban. However, there were certainly members of Chazal who had difficulty pronouncing certain letters and in no way is that disrespectful! The Gemara cites an explicit example of such an instance of one of the sages' difficulty to pronounce a ches. (Megillah 24b; see Rashi, Tosefos, and Rabbeinu Chananel who all take this approach.) Additionally, the Rambam mentions that Shmaya and Avtalyon had difficulty pronouncing certain words (although I concede that this second example is because these individuals were converts). (Peirush Hamishnayos Ediyos 1:3) Nevertheless, clearly it was not considered disrespectful as their Talmid, Hillel, mispronounced these words in the same way to preserve them in the exact manner in which he heard them. If it was derogatory in any possible, Hillel would not have disrespected his honorable Rabbeim in such a fashion!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
not included in here was also that many Churches own their buildings outright, so they are also not paying mortgage.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
answer to number #2 - unrealistic expectations and entitlement. I am not sure what "more Torah" and "more frummer" means, was this sarcasm? Sometimes learning full time can make you selfish, (calm down everyone I said sometimes). If you are handed everthing on sterling silver platter can you learn to live with anything less at the ripe old wise age of 19 or 20? Most of the young couples (here I actually meant to say most not some) are actually "playing house" more than starting a household, they are dependent on their family for everything, they are ill prepared for the "job" of marriage. We could start by longer dating period and not under a cloud of darkness and secrecy. It makes me violently ill to here a secret "shhh don't tell anyone they are dating" then to find them engaged the next night. Why does it have to be such a secret? What are people afraid of, it makes the whole dating process quite strange and difficult to navigate. Could someone explain to me why a couple who have dated 2 or 3 times can't go to a local restaurant for dinner? Let's take they mystery out of this very important process. Let's allow the couples to discuss the issues they have with real people not just the rebbe and the shadchan. This is an area that has really declined in our community and it is not clear to my why.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I respect and appreciate the comments as it pertains to how to treat this man from a religious stand point. With that said however and as one of the victims who came forward I can tell you there is no feeling of foregiveness for this man (only speaking for myself) and to be allowed to hide behind the cloak of religion is beyond belief. To see other rabbis come to speak on his behalf at his sentencing sent a very loud message that this man is still accepted and dare I say foregiven by some and that I, as a victim to this mans crimes, mean nothing to these men that are supposed to be my brothers and leaders in the Jewish community. To abuse and leave a child with a life times worth of horrendous memories goes well beyond any scriptures and religious interpretations. He should have received jail time and beyond that he should be held accountable for all of his actions by the Jewish community as a whole. Moses was not shown foregiveness for his actions in the desert and was not allowed to enter the holy land, this man should not be allowed to be called a rabbi (a term I refuse to use when discussing him) and should not be allowed in any temple to represent himself as a true believer of the faith when in reality he uses it as a cloak to disguise his true intentions.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do not think you are correct. The Ramban does not at all say that Chazal had trouble pronouncing the ches. He says tichabaid bilshonam yes, but that does not say Chazal had the trouble. It sounds much more like some people had trouble, maybe many people had trouble but to attribute a pronunciation impediment to Chazal, making them sound like they had issues with the \'ches\' like non-Jews sometimes do is not being respectful to them. Again, you say the Ramban says this. I don\'t see it at all.
Even those that had \'trouble\' had this issue most likely because they pronounced the ches like the Yemenites and if you have ever heard that, you know it could be taken for an aleph. Not that they had \'trouble\' with the ches.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not a halachic authority by any means, I think that my subject common sense tells me that
1. The Sephardi should have respected the Rabbi and the minhag of the Shul and should have followed the Nusach of the Shul!
2. The Ashkenazi should not have embarrassed the Sephardi by saying that possuk!
My 2 cents
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is it that our generation which has much more Torah and is much frummer than the previous ones has so much less shalom bayis? Shouldn\'t our young men who learn full time be much better husbands than their fathers who had little if any yeshiva education? Shouldn\'t our young women who attended the finest seminaries be much better wives and mothers? What am I missing?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is nuts and should not be allowed. This does not sound very kosher to me. Shame on Obama !! He does not know how to play fair. He should not be re-elected. The USA is already suffering and he is making much worse.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I always wonder why there are so many cars parked on Brooks Robinson!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ahh, we are finally acknowledging the elephant in the room. A breath of fresh air. Haven't yet read the magazine articles, but looking at the digest, some important themes are out on the table for discussion. No one has yet dared touch the third rail, though. The state of Jewish education today, the disempowerment, nay, usurpation of the parental role, the mandate to spend "the year in the Israel" (or more) and the clash of values/cultural expectations that is the fallout from this educational "investment". Universal kollel learning for all can young people to be under-educated and unprepared for today's economic/workplace realities, leading to great financial stress on young couples and their parents, who are expected to "help" with the finances, with resultant health problems and shalom bayis problems in the folks who are married 25+ years, too!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thats all it does is rain
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This comment is from the author, Rabbi Ari Storch: The Ramban clearly mentions that it was difficult in Chazal's vernacular to pronounce a ches and not just some sort of slang. "Ki haChes t'chabaid bilshonam v'haykelu osa l'alef" "This is because the letter cheth is difficult to pronounce in their language and so they used the easier aleph." (Translation Chavel edition)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article Yaakov but your first paragraph says it all.
You claim to be \"Charedi circa 1970, my father's generation Then, yeshiva students wrote, spoke and thought in English. They dressed in color.\"
In your opening paragraph you state \"I wear a black hat on Shabbos and dark pants and a white shirt much of the week. My yarmulke is large, black and velvet\".
Yaakov, if you were truly Charedi like your father\'s generation the color of your shirt and pants wouldn\'t matter.
You now dress \"black and white\" because that\'s what other Charedim expect of you.
It is the fear of what others think that has created the issues in Charedi Judaism of which you mention.
Charedi means to tremble before HaShem, not before neighbors, shadachanim, principals or anyone else.
The true Charedim of your father\'s generation understood this and therefore could dress \"in color\", go to college and be pashut in their hashkafa and avoda.
I challenge you to ask how much of what you and other Charedim do is due to your avoda and how much is what society expects.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wegmans will ot bring jobs... just redistribute them from Giant and other grocers. Where is the gain?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Love this...wish more people felt and lived the same!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I looked up the Ramban and I don't think he says that Chazal had difficulty pronouncing the ches. The Ramban is saying what people did as a slangish kind of talk with ches and aleph. I realize you just wanted a cute,catchy title but I also think it's a bit of a disrespect to Chazal. Otherwise, good piece.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The author is on the mark if he is describing American out of town "chareidim" but not chassidim and certainly not Lakewood-Brisk Yeshivish. maybe the problem is that we really aren't in the same club and that our pathetic attempts to pretend that we are really chareidi only exposes us to the disdain and ridicule of those who are holier than we.
Why do they not let children of American Kollel yungeleit into the "better" Yerushalayim chadorim and why do we try to get in? Are we suffering from an inferiority complex and want to believe that those who look down on us and then come to ask us to support their lifestyle are really superior?
My son is in Nachal Chareidi and he tells me of a soldier whose mother told him that he cannot come into the house if he is wearing an army uniform, out of shame and fear of what the neighbors will think. That son is now a "lone soldier" because he feels rejected by his mother and father. Is that really the standard that the One Above set at Mt.Sinai ? Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Look at how many more likes the support facebook page has than the say no page has. It looks like they have the stronger support.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great the signiatures have been submitted, let the decision be made either way and let's put this ot rest, I certainly hope the opposition to Foundry Row do- not continue their campaign and accept the project if it occurs. I personally look forward to a beautiful shopping center with Wegman's at it's center at that corner, every time I drive by that empty plant I am reminded of our declining economy. Either way may the best man win, or hopefully everyone will win as both the old Mall location and Foundry Row will bring jobs to this section of the county.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so wrong !! There is so much hype and very misleading for no reason. I sure hope that Wegman's does come as it will establish more jobs for those who need.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I love Wegman's! But I will never go there if the traffic situation is prohibitive and I can't imagine it NOT being.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not a question of forgiving, or not forgiving. This has everything to do with protecting our children. There is no cure for this disease. This man is capalble of being a threat where ever there are children - including a shul. I would rather look in my siddur, then have to watch every step this man takes, praying that he doesn't happen to fall upon a child taking a walk in the hall or in the washroom. In all of Hashem's kindness, may no other child fall victim.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The world's greatest kiruv entrepreneur.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I also think it would be amazing to open a Goldberg's location downtown.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish this place a lot of success. History has shown that it's hard to sustain a kosher restaurant in an area that is not heavily populated with kosher-only consumers. Part of it has to do with not being competitive in terms of prices compared to non-kosher restaurants. I hope this isn't a problem in this new location. Hatzlachah rabah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
can you please please please open a location downtown!!!! i know there was one a while back but it closed... so many people downtown have no kosher options and must brown bag it or starve!!! (a downtown working constituent)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is the owner, Stanley Drebin. We are under Star-K. The only thing different is that we will not be Yoshon and our bagels sold in the individually must be considered dairy due to handling.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
under the Star-K
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i heard some time ago that this location will not be under any hashgacha. can someone please clarify?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My favorite is the everthing wait garlic is the best...or is it the pumpernickel. Oh, I just like all the bagels.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yay! My daughter is starting as the new K-1 autism teacher at Padonia Elemenary School and it is great that she will have a kosher place for lunch!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The psak of the Rav of the Shul, the mara de'asra, must be respected and upheld. It is out of place and offensive for an outsider like Rabbi Hoffman (I don't know who gave him the authority to pasken for the whole world on the internet anyway - do you?) to inject his own opinions to undermine the authority of the Rav and the minhag of the Shul. We go according to the Rav of the Shul and not a relatively young writer who, while a fine talmid chacham, has not been ordained as poseik for the world at large via the internet.
Such articles should at least carry a disclaimer that one should consult their local poseik/Rav for psak halacha, as some pieces online have. Aseh lecha Rav does not mean paskening from articles on the internet. It is troubling that such a notice does not appear here.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Human beings don't have the authority to grant him mechila. We also don't have the authority to deny it from him. Based on this article (the only information I've seen on the topic) the government of this country has said that he is free, but needs to be supervised, and Rabbonim have said the same. No one is trying to "protect" him or hide his deeds or place him in a position of honor or responsibility for children--nor should they. A shul where davening is taking place and he is being watched is not a place where he is capable of being a threat. When we stand before kol nidre and the community says "we permit praying with sinners", will it be a true statement?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shalom Kvod Ha'Rav!
I read the halachot as your wrote about the so called ELAL glich, your analysis is wonderful Yasher Coach!
I wanted to point out to you that ELAL has not exactly been there for the Jewish people for the past 60+ years.
The way the travel to Israel works is as follows. ELAL is owned 51% by the Israeli government which means the
Israeli government has full control of 100% of that company. The economic committee in the Knesset in Israel
controls how many airlines can fly to Israel, how many flights can take place a day and even what size planes
can land in Israel. This committee set a very low cap on the number of flights it allows into Israel this is called
a 'Quotta'. In addition the Knesset sets is so that within the Quotta ELAL is given the great majority of the flights
and the rest of the few selected airlines get a small % of the flights. Now since there is a government controlled
small supply of flights and a huge demand for tickets to Israel, this causes the price of a ticket to be sky high.
Fuel charges & Security charges as you pointed out are an accounting gimmick ELAL created and they have nothing
to do with the total price of a ticket. What Continental does not have fuel charges and security charges?
ELAL is the airline that is not allowing this situation to change. ELAL does not care how many people fly to Israel in total.
ELAL only wants to make sure their flights are full and passengers are paying as much as they squeeze out of them.
The competing airlines like Delta or Continental are very happy with the one or 2 flights a day they are granted permission
to fly to Israel because they can charge as much as they want on these few flights and still their plane will be full since
the demand is very high and the supply can not possibly fill it.
For 60 plus years people are fighting to have Israel comply with open skies and let more airlines and flights into Israel
but to no avail to this date.
Also wanted to add, most large groups traveling to Israel Fly ELAL (Yeshivas, federations, schools, camps are just a few
examples of large groups flying to Israel) why? The group leader receives a free ELAL ticket and the rest of the group more
than pays for the leader's free ticket. I am sure the Ha'lach has what to say about this. I would think a group leader has the
obligation to check that the total price the group will be paying is cheaper on ELAL than on a competing airline and make
sure this is communicated to the group members before the group flies ELAL.
My advice to anyone flying to Israel from the USA is do not fly ELAL rather fly any other airline.
Also if in any way possible fly to Israel (but never ELA L) via a stop in Europe.
If we all follow the strategy listed above (not ELAL and via a stop in Europe) within one year all parties in control will realize
that people in the USA have woken up, and that the business as usual model is broke. Only then will the limited supply regulations
stop and fairs will become competitive.
There is a lot more to say on how ELAL currently structures it's self however it is much more constructive to focus on how we
the people can change the structure of the flights system so that as many Jews as possible get to visit Israel for a fair rate to
the airlines and for the passengers.
Wishing you a Shanah Tova,
Le'Shana Habah B'yershalim Ha'Benuyah,
A Pushit a Yid.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#12 - unless you are one of his victims, I'm not so sure you have the right to grant him mechila.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ha ha, for a minute I thought the 'threat' from Sinai was that event that happened 2000 years ago --- actually that THREAT is what Iran should worry about more than anything!
We pray that the real threat from Sinai will be delicious in our mouths and eyes, and will create the influence of the National Awakening of Klal Yisroel on the issue of creating the Davidic Kingdom and eliminating Iran, Palestine, and the intifada once and for all and focus on ways to attain the ultimate goal of liberating Yerushalayim which embodies the dignity of not just the Jewish people but the entire world! AMEN!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How horrible, to inform parents 2 weeks before school starts. I hope the community is open to accepting these children no matter their situation. All children need an education. This is extremely unacceptable for any school to do. These poor CHILDREN
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Another reason why Catholic schools are a bad comparison is that they provide their employees benefits not offered by yeshivah schools. They also have the expense of athletic & other extra-curricular programs the yeshivah schools do not.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wouldn't want my children marrying someone who was raised to believe that it's ok to publicly embarrass someone.
Money, status, yichus - they are essentially meaningless - the middos are paramount.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
His title of \"Rabbi\" should and must be stripped from him. He is an evil and sick person who should do time for his actions. He has stripped the life from his victims. He gives the Jewish People a bad name. Shame on him!!! I do not know how he sleeps at night.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Uh, I hate to rain on your teshuva parade but the issue here is that sexual predators who act on their compulsions have a very high recidivism rate and will molest again! They are sick individuals who halacha considers to be rodfim, since they pose a clear and present danger to the children of our community. That is why Rabbi Hopfer wrote and publicized his letter.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Agree with Mr. Wolfish in theory. Are there any tzadikim among us? Are we really prepared to nullify teshuva, even for these heinous acts? As a parent, I think I'd want the guy's head on a pole, no matter how old the crime. But as a frum Yid, I'm not so sure that's proper. Especially considering that we are about to start Elul, would we cry for mechila at the same time we would deny it to someone else? I don't think that would look very nice to the One above.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would love to hear more about the significance of the five letters that have sofis forms.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Co-workers of my who were researching Catholic schooling for their children found they were expected to make significant contributions to their diocese, on top of the tuition. So, some of the subsidies they give may come directly from the parents who can pay.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well written, thank you Ms. Finkelstein for a well-researched article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mosheh Wolfish, Are you serious?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"...proper precautions" - Vigilant, but not vigilante-ism. The picture is up to protect the community, and his embarrassment can't be helped. He is SITUATIONALLY dangerous. But how to deal with him when NOT in a dangerous situation, i.e., "normal" social interaction. Yes, he is obligated to attain mechila and undo the damage, etc., as WE ALL ARE for our sins. But most of us have yet to overcome such trifling issues as (well I won't say because I am not trying to trivialize) and even some serious ones, too, but they are better hidden. My point being, other than taking the steps necessary to protect our children and community, and considering that this terrible thing was done more than 30 years ago, and it SOUNDS LIKE he has stayed out of trouble since then - should he be ostracized? - Mosheh Wolfish
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is a good thing that notices like this one be circulated. I applaud the VAAD's assertiveness in this situation. As Rabbi Horowitz (Project YES) said once to the effect: If someone was going around the community cutting of the tips of our kid's pinky fingers, what would we do - how would we respond? So much more so when it comes to those who molest our children.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by BJLife BJLife
One day the Moshiach will call on the people to 'rise, destroy Palestine and replace it with the holy Torah nation,' while showing video footage of the 12 Siyum HaShas with Yidden dancing in the aisles , showing demonstrators holding signs saying 'We are all Klal Yisroel!' and anti-Gog Jews and righteous gentiles waving Israeli flags.
Bimheira v\'yameinu!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For the record, Rabbi Berger's shul had a letter warning mispallelim of Levitt with his picture signed by Rabbi Hopfer hanging on the Shul's official bulletin board.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Doesn't work
Comment by BJLife BJLife
U can't return the tickets because EL AL is not offering refunds.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well said and El Al already offered full refund's for anyone that wants
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yasher Koach! It really would be a huge kiddush Hashem. And I know it would not be an easy one either... imagine the reward!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would you be saying this if the company was a Non-Jewish company
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We need one here!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#1 ask YOUR rav if you think you need to. Obviously the community and OUR rabbeim are in agreement on this otherwise it would not be posted on this site or the many other sites it has been on.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you are looking for names of local rabbis involved, simply google the name of the perpetrator.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wonder how many would have "taken advantage" of this "sale" if they knew it was a mistake. I hope that most Yidden wouldn't. If not, we've got work to do.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, President of the Vaad Harabbanim sent a letter to all community rabbis asking them to publicize this with the man\'s pictue.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow #1 - you really need a Rav to tell you to be vigilant? This monster molested 3 children and I don't care what any Rav says, there's no way mine will be number 4!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what is our community going to do about this person. what should people do when they see him in a shul, JCC, or parks.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Has this vigilance been encourage by a Rav? This should probably be quoted in the rabbi\'s name as opposed to an anonymous statement which was not in the Boston Herald article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
True customer service !!! Not seen very often these days.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing !!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
100%. Every shul, everywhere, needs to be prepared. People need to stop leaving their stuff around in shuls. People need to be more aware of who is visiting their shuls. People need to be more aware of who is around the shul. And people need to learn what to do in the event something goes terribly wrong. I think our community is ill prepared and way too complacent regarding these security issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#1: \"Bless\" can also mean \"give approval to/for\". It doesn\'t always have to be with regards to something religious.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Follow the money. The opposition is about developers exploiting our community to line their own pockets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The word \\\"blessing\\\" is out of context and misleading!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
seems like a case of hiding what happens and silencing the victim...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Each individual should make the choice himself" I didn't think that we were capable of doing that any more? Many people ask shailos for the most mundane and simple reasons because they no longer "make choices for themselves" - unfortunately.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
FYI: El Al is now considering if they will honor those tickets. There is no law stating that they must. They have stated that this was caused by a contractor who made a mistake when entering the prices.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is this newsworthy? And i dont understand why he would call? The victims are Americans, they live here. Would he call Hugo Chavez if 4 venezualens were killed? Or the Pope if 4 catholics were killed???
Just dont get it
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The "Jewish Voice for Peace" group is stupid and anti-Semitic. Bravo to Romney. He is who we need as the next President.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why would anyone oppose the opening of a Wegman's in this economy? It means jobs for the area and competition to keep prices in line. And let's not forget -- a great shopping experience for all!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for printing a comprehensive article about the facts regarding the Foundry Row vs Owings Mills Mall conflict. The Say No To Solo campaign has been clouding the issues by their scare tactics.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#4 you have EMS people in your family and you were at the very biased meeting so that makes you an expert? Give me a huge break.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The problem with the world are the liberal left-wing Jews who are mentally disturbed. They are so anti-Jewish and despise anything Jewish which causes them to love and capitulate to the enemy. They are the reason that there is a Moslem president in the USA today. Unfortunately, Jews are concentrated in the large states which have the most electoral votes which handed Hussein Obama the Oval Office in 2008. I call on all of you liberal Jews to wake up before it is too late.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel tov on their enggement
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#2 ditto to #1~ AM YISRAEL CHAI!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aren't folks aware that Reisterstown Road and Painters Mill Road are planned for enlargement? Hearings from the public were just heard at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council office. Where was the public then? I agree with #2. Traffic is just the excuse. Use it often enough and people will begin to believe it. No one is countering with the road changes planned. I know this because I sit on the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Israel is not the problem
Comment by BJLife BJLife
is there any way to download this video?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What made it such as great conference because the tone was collegial and collaborative. There was a mix of shiurim and professional sessions dealing with various topics relevant to our community. Best practices, successes, and challenges were shared among over 90 different cities. It was an opportunity to introspect and discuss the issues in an open way, allowing each of us to learn from one another. As the keynote Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar emphasized, it is not about finding all of the answers but asking all of the right questions.
An added nachas was seeing all of the talented YU and Stern students who were there working the conference in logistic support roles. The Presidential Fellows Mentoring program that was initiated will surely guide and bring out the best in them, in the hopes that they will be future leaders of our communities. Out of this delegation, there were three young women from Baltimore, including two BY graduates heading to medical school! Kol hakavod.
Shabbos was beautiful, filled with ruach and Divrei Torah. The catering was fantastic and a good time was had by all. YU's CJF and the Mitzner Family deserve a big Yasher Koach for continuing to make the conference available to us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
More cyclists on Baltimore roads=more accidents between cars and bicyclists.
How many times have you driven over the painted bicycles on the road on Glen Avenue?
What about the new bike path on Greenspring Ave?
How bicyclists have you seen there?
Do you want to ride your bike there, between parked cars and moving cars? Would you let your child ride there?
Governor O'Malley, stop wasting our tax dollars!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please tell me this is satire!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#4, no need to get personal. I was at the hearings, I know what I heard, from people who have years of experience in urban planning. Also have EMS and medical people in my family, so I know very well about that which I speak. As for hurdles, actually, high jump was my specialty in track and field, which is what the people on the City Council are going to have to do in order to push this through against public opposition!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
comment #3 I won't even try to argue with your logic, the hurdle jumpers at the Olympics could learn a lot from the conclusions you are jumping to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congested roads as a result of poor traffic planning equals accidents waiting to happen, and poor EMS response times as a result, with lives hanging in the balance chas v'shalom. The intersection of Painter's Mill and Reisterstown Road is already documented as THE worst intersection and the most DANGEROUS intersection in Baltimore County. Aa for it being about the money, commenter #2, of course it is about money. Time and money spent waiting in traffic, extra time spent carpooling which means leaving work earlier equals less $ in a family's pocket, not to mention the money it takes to fill a gas tank in this economy. All that before factoring in higher car insurance rates from having a car accident and the resultant medical bills, time spent in rehab for injuries, and so on. Certainly, it is about the money, as well as time, pain, aggravation, trauma, etc.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not about traffic it's about $$$, just call it what it is. People who are worried about traffic could never fund such an antibusiness scare campaing, it's about the might dollar, just admit it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is rabbi kosman in the hospital what is wrong
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What does it matter if other developers are part of the opposition? Of course they are, what sense would it make for a business to just sit around and say...okay..take everything I have worked for away and give it to someone else? KIMCO purchased the OM mall and then 4 days later Vicky Almond came out in support of converting the solo plant to a retail center of up to 70 stores the size of 7 football fields less than 1.5 miles away.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the businesses, grocery stores, and shopping centers that believe they'll be hurt by Foundry Row: Create an atmosphere where customers will want to shop and you can be successful too! I'm really looking forward to having a Wegman's within easy driving distance!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Well then, if Dr. Anne Lindboe views Milah as a violation of a person's right to decide over his own body, I hope she will forbid all children to have peirced ears before they can properly make that decision. While we\'re at it a child\'s nails should not be trimmed or their hair cut until such time as we deem a child able to decide over their own body. Perhaps we should ban diapers as well as a baby can\'t tell uss if they really do want that comfort. Ah well if we expand this in the right direction, upon birth we should just leave the baby where they are born to be exposed to the elements until such time as they can make their own decisions.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This is a joke, right??
Comment by Ellene Newman
This cannot be true. Its not even Purim!! What about seeing busses and cars etc-I guess Hashem will give them extra protection if they wear these glasses.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Ah, the evil developers are at it again.
Amazing how easy it is to stop someone from achieving because of fear...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Their newest banner on BJL says "Carpoolers and Commuters Beware" using scare tactics to get people to their meeting. This smells of corporate money backing an alleged "grassroots" effort. Shameful.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yes, teens and calls from India with people reading scripts that they know nothing about. And the teens can be misleading, asking people to sign because they are concerned about too much traffic on Reisterstown Road. The dual between the developers is not mentioned.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This 'Say No to Solo' campaign is curiously well funded. Teens are being paid a lot of money to approach citizens for signatures; with excessive street signs and internet presence (especially on BJL) the point has been made and made and made. But in the end we will either have a huge empty space on Reisterstown Rd or a retail center; the chances of anything else moving in there are very slim. Wegmans and Co. I am sure will gladly take their jobs and tax revenues somewhere else .
Comment by Ellene Newman
It is really important that Shules start becoming pro-active in protecting their congregants during services. Security guards should be hired and there should be people in the Shules who have licenses to carry arms.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank You very much! Beautiful article.
Comment by Ellene Newman
And where was the women\'s section?
Comment by Ellene Newman
is there a link to Rabbi Frand's speech at the siyum hashas?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Super job!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yasaher Coach Rabbi Markowitz!
When is the Kitzur Siyum?
Comment by Ellene Newman
that's why he asked
Comment by Ellene Newman
the ananim blocked the moon and they were not mekadesh al pi reiah so the gemora R\"H did not apply. (Tosafos)
* it must have merely obscured the clarity so they couldn\'t testify but were still able to tell that it was whole
Comment by Ellene Newman
All curiosity is built on not knowing
Comment by Ellene Newman
Both shuls were and remain important community institutions. Both had rabbis who were great. Both reflect similar values. Both are united in support of one of the finest, most genuine, scholarly, intelligent, sensitive and sincere Rabbonim in the history of America, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Shlit'a. Baltimore can be proud of his achievements and the great, united shul he marvelously leads. Everyone is welcome.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Must have been something to see horses and coaches pull up and then see cars show up a few years later. I suppose a store like this has become a thing of the past; even if the economy wasn\'t lousy.
Comment by Ellene Newman
OMG i saw that on the way must have been the beginning bc there was no traffic yet
Comment by Ellene Newman
Your curiosity is built on a foundation of simply not knowing about the merger or the circumstances of both shuls before the merger.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I have always been curious about the genesis of the shul's name; in particular, why it is "B'nai Jacob Shaarei Zion" and not "Shaarei Zion B'nai Jacob" inasmuch as before the merger, Shaarei Zion was by far the better known of the two shuls. Plus, they merged into the old Shaarei Zion building. a2y
Comment by Ellene Newman
Huh? Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky are affirming the gedolim of America's ruling that Americans should vote? On what authority or expertise do they base this decision, and why do we need the confirmation of the the daas torah of American rabonnim by the gedolim of Israel?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I just wasted 45 seconds of my life reading this "article".
Comment by Ellene Newman
I love my school! Bnos Yisroel is the BEST!! Love, a 2012 Graduate
Comment by Ellene Newman
Go Bnos Yisroel!!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Glass houses my friend, glass houses.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excuse me, but in the interest of preventing defamation based on misinformation, could you give some examples of "defamation and misinformation' from Breitbart. Surely an article like this has to be based on more that the attitude of the NYT and CNN.
Comment by Ellene Newman
A quick note about Mr. Kinsolving: Les Kinsolving, Tom Marr, Frank Luber and Sean Casey are true friends of Israel and the Jewish people. They should be thanked and awarded for coming out and decrying Islam for what it is, and not cowering behind a microphone. The management of WCBM as well should be acknowledged.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Mr. Obama is clearly no a friend of Israel - no pandering on his part of \"when I get elected for a second term I will, of course, make a trip to Israel.\" He has been proven as a liar. It\'s clear as daylight where his priorities lie, and they are not with Israel (and I have to question if America is on his priorities radar). Should Obama be elected, and he\'s hinted to this himself, the \"gloves are off\". He is totally invincible because he is under a term limit himself. Did you know:
*Obama signed an executive order last week removing the look for work requirement for welfare recipients. Now, if you take out your trash or mow your lawn, you are eligible for welfare until the day you die. That\'s money out of my pocket - instead of forcing people to work, they can just loif around and do nothing (no, I am not on welfare, food stamps, or any other government assistance plan, BH. It\'s not a bad thing for those who need it, though, but it shouldn\'t be for lifetime)
*Obama is ready to gut the Second Amendment which places strict requirements on the purchase of guns, should he win a second term. His \"folks\" want to know who is applying for and buying a gun. There has already been a huge demand for people who want to get in under a possible government crackdown. This will lead to certain extremist groups, who thrive and believe in guns purchasing, to rise up against the government (which, coincidentally, is advocated in the Constitution).
*When you are sitting in a business meeting, or in front of a Rov, do you put your feet up in their face? Obama decided that Mr. Netanyahu deserved the soles of his shoes while meeting in the Oval Office. Very interesting to note: In the Muslim, throwing or presenting your shoes at someone is a sign of hatred. Remember when shoes were thrown at Bush?
In short: The broom sitting across the room would be a better choice than the current individual sitting in the Oval Office right now. Bush aside (who, yes, made some mistakes, but was a huge mentch) he has, at the minimum, made some extremely poor choices in where his priorities lie. Anyone except Obama, 2012.
Oh, and in response to the question posted at the top of the article: Anyone willing to come out and state that J\'lem is the Capital of Israel has my vote. One doesn\'t say that if they don\'t believe it, and trust me - he understands the ramifications of that statement.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Gelber. We are so proud of you! Thank you for making a difference in Klal Yisroel.
The Bermans.
Comment by Ellene Newman
If you're still not sure about Romney, I suggest you read Charles Krauthammer's latest article where he states, "Anyone who still thinks Obama is a friend of Israel has been in a coma the last three and a half years". If you're STILL not sure, I recommend reading Naomi Ragen ( or Caroline Glick and Martin Sherman, two excellent, spot on columnists for the Jerusalem Post ( as much as stated he intended to put "daylight" between the U.S. and Israel, and he has done more than that. Many of us saw, before the 2008 elections, who this man's friends were and that there was no way he could be trusted. He is a danger not only to Israel, but to the U.S., and we're praying that the rest of American Jewry wake up before he is elected to a disastrous second term.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Tragically, there is a wide gulf between secular Israelis like this one and believing Jews. What I fail to understand is why the secular totally ignore the majority of frum Jews who are not chareidim. Why is there so little impact on the minds of the secular by the modern orthodox ,zionist Jews? They seem invisable.
Comment by Ellene Newman
At White House News Conference after White House News Conference, many reporters including Baltimore Radio host, Les Kinsolving, keep asking if President Obama considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and the answer keps being that "final negotiations" must take place to answer that question.
BUT, when CNN's Wolf Blitzer just asked Romney during his trip to israel if Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Romney said, "Yes".
If you are a Jew and do not understand why that simple difference means you have to vote for Romney, then I suggest you study World history and Jewish history, and think why you just FASTED on TISHA B'AV..
Comment by Ellene Newman
The International Olympic Committe (IOC) had stated emphatically, and NBC who is broadcasting the Games stated, that the IOC did not want to have a Memorial for the Israeli athletes and coaches murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics, because the Opening Ceremonies would not be an appropriate time and place to have a Memorial, as it a festive opening ceremony, and there would be no opportunity for a memorial.
Well, that was bad enough and many people and organizations, including Bob Costas, thought the IOC decision was very anti-Semitic.
But it turns out that it is even worse than this: It turns out that The IOC and the Director of the opening Ceremony, Danny Boyle, and NBC are all liars as well as anti-semites:
At the beginning of the \"festive\" opening ceremony, a 5 minute MEMORIAL was shown, in which members of the English military were memorialized, as well as the victims of the 7/7 London terror attack were memorialized, as well as the deceased father of the Director was memorialized. So the International OLYMPIC Committee DID approve a memorial at the opening ceremonies- just EXCLUDING the victims of those killed at an actual Olympic Games who were Olympic athletes and Olympic Coaches!
By the way, interestingly, NBC did not broadcast that memorial- it dubbed in a taped interview with swimmer Michael Phelps, because they had been claiming all along that there would be no memorial during the Opening Ceremony, and didn\'t want to look like liars. And in a final ironic twist, the English are angry that NBC did not broadcast this memorial in America. Why aren\'t we angry that the IOC and NBC did not include a memorial to the 1972 Munich Olympic athletes?
MOST IMPORTANTLY: EVERYONE MUST DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF ALEX GILADY, who is SENIOR VP NBC SPORTS AND ON IOC\'s Radio and Television Commission. According to Guri weinberg, the son of the coach who was murdered in Munich, in an article entitled \"Why the IOC will Never Memorialize the 1972 Munich Massacre\" on, when Guri Weinberg asked him why the Israeli Olympic athletes and coaches could not be memorialized, Alex Gilady of NBC and the IOC answered that because if they did, then they would also have to memorialize the Palestinians who died that day. He actually equated the victims with the murderers. That is intolerable and this man must be fired. PLEASE CALL NBC SPORTS in NYC to demand that ALEX GILADY BE FIRED>
Comment by Ellene Newman
The most connected Jew connections have not helped us or Israel. He hasn't stopped Obama from mistreating and disdaining Israel. Obama has opened the door to fashionable antisemitism. Despite these connections we are still endangered.
Comment by Ellene Newman
We already know what Obama has done for Israel. Romney did show respect for the Jewish religion. He also respected his audience as promised. Obama is known for letting his audience wait up to two hours before he shows up. That is why people faint at his presentations. No water or food is allowed for security. Show us an article of Obama where he can be trusted.
Romney respects PM Netanyahu not like the current president. Obama has shown complete disrespect for PM Netanyahu and he has been very disloyal to an ally.
Comment by Ellene Newman
the real question is, 'If elected can we trust that Romney will be able to follow through on his promises.' - Is this statement for real? Will the author put her trust in Obama? He's already proven to be a compulsive liar and has treated Israel very poorly and has caused much harm.
As politicians go, Romney is about as straight as they come. That being said, statements by any candidate can only be marginally believed, since when in office, other factors come into play. At issue is, where is their heart. Romney is a religious person who has always genuinely supported Israel. Can the same be said for Obama?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I would surely trust him a lot more than I trust Obama!
Comment by Ellene Newman
At this juncture; Howard IS more connected than Malcom Hoenlein. I would say he is one of the most internationally connected Jews. period. (Orthodox or not.)
Comment by Ellene Newman
In response to comment #4; it is not a competition to see who is the most "connected Orthodox Jew", it is a testament to the quality of askanim we have working for klal yisroel. We are fortunate to have such a prestigious yid within our community. Zvi does not did it for the kavod, he is always thinking about how he can help yidden wherever and whoever they are. May he continue to be able to advocate for us all.
Comment by Ellene Newman
BDE. This is a very sad story.
The writer, however, should not refer to the child as "the kid."
Comment by Ellene Newman
we have an extra mens green section ticket for sale for $65 if anyone is in need of a ticket. please call 443-293-6048
Comment by Ellene Newman
What a beautiful idea! Thank you for taking the time to describe it so beautifully. I would not have wanted to miss this!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Beautiful story!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excellent introduction to this vast, beautiful and largely (at least in the Orthodox world) ignored section of Torah.
A few corrections, if I may be permitted:
The first paytan was by no means R Elazar HaKalir. We have several anonymous paytanim who composed very early piyutim which found their way into the nussah hatefillah and which are considered an inseparable part of it, such as Hakol Yoducha and Asher Hainie (purim evening). Cant go into detail here on these. Also perceding R Elazar were R Yosi Bar Yossi (the Tur says he wrote Atta Konanta, the Sefard Avoda of Yom Kippur, and surely the introductions to the Malchiyos Zichronos and Shofaros for the second day of Rosh Hashana according to the German nussah) and R Yannai (author of Uvchen Vayhi Bachatzi halayla and Vechol Ma'aminim). We know this because R. Saadia Gaon lists those three as the leading paytanim in that order (there is also loads of other evidence).
Paytanim composed many piyutim for the same event. R. Elazar composed 5 kerovos for Tisha B'av (one is still recited in the German communities and another in Italian), 2 Avodos Leyom Hakippurim, and over 60 kinnos. He MEANT for the gabbaim and chazzanim to choose (such selection still practiced by Gabbaim in German and Wien shuls regarding selichos of Yom Kippur). That's why we have two separate kerovos for sukkos (though R. Elazar kept only one day of Yom tov)
Minhag Eretz Yisrael had only 18 berachos and the 14th was Elokei David Uvonay Yerushalayim. We know this from the siddurim for the community in Cairo which still followed Minhag Eretz Yisrael as late as the Rambam's time. (He criticized their tri-annual Torah readings.) R. Elazar lived in Eretz Yisrael (that's why he kept only one day of Yom tov) and therefore had only 18 berachos in the Amida.
As to the Ibn Ezra's criticism of R. Elazar and his support of Rav Saadia Gaon, (relatively) recently Menahem Zulai published all the piyutim of RSG. Turns out he was "guilty" of many of the "sins" of which the Ibn Ezra accused R. Elazar. RSG was an incredible innovator in lashon hakodesh and he also complicated his piyutim by mixing in some very complex philosophical ideas. R Shlomo Ben Gvirol and R. Yehuda Halevi (impeccable Spanish credentials) also invented words and forms in lashon Hakodesh and introduced philosophy into piyut (see Barchi Atzula, recited before Neila, from RIHAL and Kesser Malchus, for yom Kippur evening by RSBG).
Finally the Shibolei Haleket is realy a quote from Rabbeinu Tam. This shows the tremendous kedusha which our paytanim infused into these poetic works. Someone explained to me the kinnah "Ohali asher ta'avta" al pi derech ha-sod, and the repeated use of the word "poh" in that kinna is clearly from the Zohar.
May Hashem bless you with many years Lehagdil Torah U-Le-Haadirah
Comment by Ellene Newman
#6 - Your statement is incorrect. "Electrical pollution, otherwise known as dirty electricity is a term used to describe a type of electrical phenomenon occurring worldwide. However, the phenomenon is not widely known, and can be complex to understand. But research and case studies have shown that consumers should learn about electrical pollution, how it is controlled and measured, the health effects, and public protection against electrical pollution." . . .Smart meters have 2 types of health hazards: RF and Dirty Electricity. Dirty Electricity may be even more harmful than RF.
#4- If you will note the date on the American Academy of Environmental Medicine just issued its press release about its recommendations on July 14, 2012 and if you will read it, you will understand this documents' importance in providing a warning to us.
#7 - Although you are allergic to honey and bees, I'd be willing to be that all of the vegetables and fruits you enjoy were pollinated by bees. Ditto to #2.
Electromagnetic/radio frequency lowers the immune systems of all life, resulting sooner or later in death.
Lastly, The Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 1252, says nothing about utility companies (yes - all utilities, not just electric) forcing "smart meters" on consumers. Utility companies received subsidy money to purchase these "smart meters." In many states, these same companies receiving federal money now want to charge their consumers for the meters the companies already purchased (probably from China)and for which they already received compensation.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Associated represent!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
It looks like he was photoshopped into the video to me.....
Comment by Ellene Newman
While Howard Tzvi is pretty connected, I think he is way outdone by Malcolm Hoenlein who really is the most connected Orthodox Jew - possibly in the world!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Has there even been a president, Democrat or Republican, who has viewed Jerusalem as the capital? If so, why is the US embassy still in Tel Aviv?
Comment by Ellene Newman
When was the last time he got that question?
Comment by Ellene Newman
He's probably thinking "this guy hasn't got a shot come November".
Comment by Ellene Newman
Howard Tzvi is the single most connected Orthodox Jew in America! It is even better that he is our "home town boy"
Comment by Ellene Newman
Fellow Jews and other supporters of Israel, wake up! This is the true face of the anti-Zionist Obama administration. As much as I do not like Rahm Emanuel either, what do you think was the REAL reason he left as Obama's Chief of Staff after only 18 months? Yet so many of us still cling to this ridiculous nostalgia for the Democratic Party, no matter how many times Barrack Hussein Obama throws Israel under the bus.
Comment by Ellene Newman
What a great asset Tzvi is for our community.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks for this comprehensive list of programming in the community. So nice to see an offering for elementary school students this year - thanks Ohr Chadash Academy for this much needed program.
Comment by Ellene Newman
In addition, check out his press secretary\'s morning briefing. He was asked if the President saw Jerusalem or Tel Aviv as Israel\'s capitol. He hemmed and hawwed for a full minute without giving an answer.
Comment by Ellene Newman
hmmmm.... the Olympics came from the ancient Greeks.... another nation that tried to destroy us... irony anyone?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Nice, but will it trickle down to tuition relief for the full paying parents? If not, then all he is doing is helping the fund raisers and ignoring the growing resentment about who pays and who does not pay.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I heard Les Kinsolving in the background, pushing Mr. Carney to answer the question, which he never did. Go Les!
Comment by Ellene Newman
The ULTIMATE chutzpah, but they say what they mean....don\'t they!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Does anyone know where I may tender my resignation from Orthodox Judaism? Don't worry I am thrilled to continue to be shomer shabbos, shomer mitzvos the whole nine yards but this organized, political stuff is out of control and I must dissociate with it ASAP.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Still, when disunity is on display so glaringly it is very painful and upsetting. Who knows? The unity that we would have seen at this Siyum Hashas, may have been just enough to bring Moshiach. Now, who knows...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Put on a tie, guys.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Click here to view the 2010 Jewish grants
Comment by Ellene Newman
I agree with # 1 that this is a poor choice of an article.
BTW, Ben & Jerry's also sells "Apple-y Ever After" ice cream, recently named after gay marriage.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Whats stopping the "Dessert Thief" from cutting open the bottom? I mean, if he's gonna eat the whole thing anyway..........
Comment by Ellene Newman
Absolutely true. The biggest question is, will Jews ever learn?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I am a little disappointed with the language in this article. I am sure it was an oversight by BJL.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Really #1? You don\'t know any Jews in the community who are suffering from Alzheimers? or who need legal aid? Nobody in the community benefits from social services?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I hate to disagree with you, but I have to say that if not for the open internet, we would not have so many sexual predators around... And I am talking from experience...
Rabbanim know what they are talking about - and know EXACTLY which issues are in our community. and if our children wouldn't be sitting on the open internet all day and filling their minds with nonesense - then they would be MUCH more interested in learning..
Comment by Ellene Newman
It is in March, not \"this summer\". Please correct!
Comment by Ellene Newman
#1 - These charities were chosen by the employees. This does not count the millions of dollars the Weinberg Foundation gives to Jewish charities. If you would calculate what percent of charity is given to Jewish charities, you may not be so sad anymore.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I found this article very informative however I am allergic to bees and honey.
Comment by Ellene Newman
From a quick glance it only seems that 1 of those organizations is connected to the Jewish Community. I don't think Harry is getting as much nachas as he could be. Sad.
Comment by Ellene Newman
To #5: Dirty electricity?...Come on now, let's get serious, electricity isn't dirty. It amazes me how the minority opposition to the smart meters are so vocal yet they have so little scientific evidence to back their claims. Someone should take a closer look at who is behind this campaign. Who is paying for their ads in the advertiser and in all other local media? Where are they getting their funding from?...It's one thing if the opposition claimed the smart meters are not financially worth while which many detractors have said and is a claim that is a legitamate concern. But, these opposition groups are resorting to tactics trying to scare people on to their side. What is their motive?!? -#1
Comment by Ellene Newman
I have friends that are bee keepers and I am very concerned about smart meters adding to the high levels of electromagnetic radiation and dirty electricity we are already exposed to. I am so impressed with this article. Kudos to Jewish Life for providing such accurate information. This is rare these days.
Rebecca Hanna
Comment by Ellene Newman
To #3: I checked the opposition page on Wikipedia and the opposition links to the Academy of Environmental Medicine. While posing as a seemingly reputable doctor organization, the home page immediately zeroes in on the smart meter issue. Shouldn't a reputable Academy of Medicine have a home page that lists their resason d'etre? Why do they immediately lash into the smart meter issue? The opposition reeks of special interests and fear mongering. I challenge the opposition to provide a solid peer reviewed paper from a reputable journal to document the harmful effects of smart meters. - #1
Comment by Ellene Newman
to #1:
The article you point to blames the \"disease\" on pesticides, which she mentions in the article above as another possible contributor. She is not indicating there is one \"true cause\" but rather one of many causes, all of which are harrowing to the honeybee population.
I\'ll have you know I know the writer of this article personally, and she is a fantastic doctor. Don\'t degrade her title in an attempt to make your point seem more valid. It just makes you look insecure. Rather, point out where you think her logic is flawed, if it actually is. Back it up with scientific research to strengthen your stance.
While you\'re at it, take a look at why some areas of California have banned smart meters, in an attempt to protect the public. Look into how broken the security behind these meters is, how hackable they are. Look at what the actual benefits of them are. You will find that they promise you lower prices on your energy bill but the actual result is an increase in price.
Look into the humming effect that these have on some people. Look at the way it has destroyed their lives, and then come back and say it is just fear mongering.
Here you go, start here: <-- look under opposition and then proceed from there. But don\'t take my word for it. Even I thought it was overhyped until I actually researched it more thoroughly.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Frankly i\'m scared to death of bees, so if they al disappeared tomorrow i\'d be a happy camper. Maybe i wouldn\'t have all the produce i like, but i\'m willing to live without it.
Comment by Ellene Newman
The demise of the honey bees has been a mystery to scientists for a few years already. Most recently, it was linked to a previously unknown disease amongst the bee population...See the link below. It's funny how this "doctor" discovered what the "true" cause is...I see a lot of fear mongering amongst the groups against these smart meters and they always come up with some questionable science in attempt to link smart meters to all of our modern day ills.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I listened to Rabbi Tovia Singer talk about this. He said that if the media ever says a bad thing about the PLO, the Palestinians, whatever - they will not be able to interview in those areas anymore. In other words, the Middle East will be cut off from them. This plus a healthy dose of antisemitism creates a cement that will be very difficult to break down! Better to rely on Hashem, daven to Him, talk to Him about the problem and also thank Him for the test/opportunity to grow from this. Also it will motivate us to desire and want Moshiach to come NOW!
Comment by Ellene Newman
One of the most relevant rulings of Rav Elyashiv (published in the first volume of his Kovetz Teshuvos, siman 32) explains that all shaving machines which give a close shave have the halachic status of a razor and their use involves a definite Torah prohibition. Modern day shavers are incomparably more severe than the shaving machines prohibited by the Chofetz Chaim.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Well, it's pretty obvious she was referring to herself when she said "You have the right person."
Comment by Ellene Newman
more famous for being in 'we didn't start the fire'
Comment by Ellene Newman
Just my 2 Cents: Government aid just helps the fund raiser administrators. Who is going to help the tuition paying parents? The tuition squeeze is real and a lot of resentment is building.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Once again they miss the point. It's not about more government aid, it's about the schools themselves operating with financial transparency. Are the school's finances open and accessible for all to see? Are there routine financial audits by outside auditors? What are the real costs per child? How many non tuition paying children do they have enrolled?
Many questions, but very few answers
Comment by Ellene Newman
An amazing programme. Shuki Taylor you have once again taken Israel and America by storm. we love you!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Ooh, what a wonderful incentive to give him another term - NOT!
Obama's not visiting Israel doesn't say anything about his true feelings but his shoddy treatment of Israel and specifically of PM Netanyahu over the past four years speaks volumes! Hopefully, our "friend" will be defeated and go back to Chicago so Israel doesn't have to worry about him any longer!
Comment by Ellene Newman
For those in Baltimore who want to have an opportunity to recite Marovis on YT, the Kehillas Ashkenaz Minyan that takes place at Shomrei, has a nice davening which adheres to the traditional Minhag Ashkenaz as followed in Frankfurt, and recites Piyutim. They actually generally finish earlier than the main minyan on the first nights of YT (no speech) even with the Marovis, and they finish only about 5-10 minutes later on the second nights.
The Marovis piyutim they recite are about half the time the same as the Polish ones (as found in the Artscroll and other Polish Machzorim). But sometimes, the German Marovis are different. Both ways, the Minhagim there at least as far as piyutim are concerned are more authentic to the ancient Minhag Polin than what is done in the "regular" Ashkenaz shuls these days. Ans as such, I think the Minyan can be of interest to and set an example even for non-yekkis.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks for a good article, well needed in a generation where bnei torah often lack the appreciation for piyutim that was so common in previous generations.
I have two comments/questions:
#1 As discussed in the article, Yeshivas often justify their omission of piyutim based on the Gra who considered them (outside of RH, YK and Geshem/Tal) to be a hefsek in the davening. However, in the same Maaseh Rav quoted in the article, it describes how the GRA DID say many of the piyutim AFTER Chazaras Hashatz (including not only the 4 Parshios but also many parts of the Yom Tov Krovos, and some piyutim from the Yotzros (including Ve'Ata Bonim on Shavuos and Brach Dodi on Pesach). In fact, Maaseh Rav describes how the Gra recited Ve'Ata Bonim verse by verse with great excitement! If so, even for those concerned about hefsek (despite the clear ruling of the Rema and the fact that the Gra did not try to influence his own Minhagim beyond his own BM), should they not at least recite those piyutim recited by the Gra AFTER Chazoras Hashatz. This way the piyutim would not be forgotten. They add so much beauty to the Yom Tov davening, and if only a few of them are said it would not add more than a few minutes to the davening but would add so much more in terms of keeping (at least part) of our Mesorah, and truly making our tefillah unique and special to the time of year.
(I think this point about the Gra should be added to the article, which seems to allow one to infer that the Gra did not say ANY of the YT/Special Shabbos piyutim, when in fact he said many of them).
#2 I have heard many Rabonnim speak about how unfortunate it is that the centuries-old beautiful Ashkenazi minhagim are getting lost to the "Yeshivish minhag". But for some reason, no one wants to do something about it. I personally know many yeshiva guys who don't even know what Marovis is! If it isn't possible to reintroduce some of these Minhagim to our shuls (and I'm not sure why), why can't we at least set up some Minyanim, that for example, recite Marovis on Yom Tov night? (yes, some yekkis have been doing this but what about Minyanim following Minhag Polin, piyutim weren't only said in Germany!) If it had the support of the Rabonnim (who can also darshen on the meaning of these beautiful piyutim and about the Gedolei Ashkenaz who composed them), I'm sure some people will attend. It really should not add more than 5-10 minutes to the YT night davening, and for the sake of bringing life to what many now call A Meis Mitzvah (in reference to the YT/Special Shabbos piyutim), is it not worth the 5-10 minutes on a YT evening?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Beautiful, Susan. Keep it up! Leah Schwartz
Comment by Ellene Newman
We are so proud of you ETHAN, MATAN AND CHANAN!! You all have worked very hard and it has paid off!!Keep up the good work. Mom and Dad Kaplan
Comment by Ellene Newman
This year, Sunday, Yud Av is the day we fast. If a person must break his fast for medical reasons, when does he make Havdala?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excellent article. There are shuls today that endeavor to follow the ancient Ashkenaz Messorah. These shuls are re-instituting the practice of reciting piyutim.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Very good article, thanks.
One thing that I don\\\'t understand is how can those who omit piyutim during chazoras hashatz during the year, based on a claim that they are a hefesek, then turn around and say them (and not just a few words, but many pages of them) during the Yomim Noraim season? Is the halacha different then? On the contrary, if anything, one should be more machmir at that time of the year seemingly (this sheila I heard from Rav Binyomin Hamburger shlit\\\"a of Bnei Brak in an excellent shiur he gave on the subject).
Additionally, some places who don\\\'t want to say piyyutim during chazoras hashatz say them afterward instead (I davened in such a minyan years ago). So such a position doesn\\\'t necessarily preclude saying them altogether.
Comment by Ellene Newman
what is moving into the old space? a new minyan?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Not exactly an unbiased article, a bit self-serving I think....what would Frank Luntz or another Republican pollster say about potential and significant Jewish migration to Republicans?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I would like a yellow diamond shaped traffic sign about 200 feet before these camera locations giving a valid warning to slow down because there is a dangerous section of roadway ahead. That would make it feel the purpose is really safety and not just a sneaky way to profit from unwarned drivers. Safety or profit, make it clear!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Number one grandson GREAT JOB to all of you. Your grandparents will match what ever the 3 boys donate & challenge others to do the same .
Grandma T & Poppa Rod
Comment by Ellene Newman
ymach shmo v\'zichro
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks Bob. A true protest would be for ALL of the participants to actively participate in a moment of silence during the opening ceremonies.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you, Bob! It always takes strength to protest - will it cost your job or future jobs, will you lose respect for bucking the majority, will you be even ostracized or avoided for acting "too Jewish"? Thank you for doing the right thing.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Way to go guys!!!!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Ethan, Chanan, and Matan had a succesful day today- they profitted $200. and will be making a $100. donation to Gevuras Yarden.
Thank you to the community for coming out supporting the boys.
The snowball stand will be open again this sunday evening from 5:30- 8:30.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Aaron Shiller
Comment by Ellene Newman
Best snowballs in town!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yeah for Suburban Youth!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is the 3 weeks may all those who lost loved ones have no more sorrows
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
7-18-2012 This most precious man was his learning his Psak and his love for us. And more. He was the tune in our lives the skip in our step and the beat of our hearts. He was us. He was our melody our rhythm our song. Those who hear those who feel will all shed an ocean of tears. May Hashem in his compassion send us all comfort and redemption. May all of our people come together in acceptance and forgiveness and pray with one heart. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Boruch dayan emes! This is a massive loss to all of klal yisroel. The posek hador is gone.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's time to boycott Disneyland, folks.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I agree with #1 there are plenty of poskim who don't require mbp or allow it to be performed in an indirect fashion. This is without consideration to the possible harm it could cause. Even looking to the origins of this in the Gemara one wonders whether this was originally done to better the child (saliva acting as a coagulating factor). If there are other means to stop bleeding and mbp could even remotely cause harm I don't see a rational(halachic and non-halachic) for doing it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I made the second comment. In response to #3, I agree there is no substitute for two people spending time with each other to figure out if they are compatible for each other. On paper things can look great, or even the opposite, but you never know how two strangers will take a liking to one another. However, it can be a good idea to inquire of the young man or young lady about topics and values the other feels are important to them.
In response to commenter #4, I am not suggesting that 19 to 22 years of age is too young for marriage. I think young adults with a good ubringing, proper guidance, and a whole lot of common sense can make fantastic spouses.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great idea #2 sounds like your suggesting that 19 to 22 are too young to get married, great idea I second the motion.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I made the first comment and in respontse to #2 if course it does not matter if they are called girl and boy but it is just part of the process of infantilizing people who are about to bring children into the world. Inquiries in to what other people perceive as someones \"menchlichkite\" is a poor subsitute for getting to know someone and figuring it out for yourself, becuase quite honestly I know from many personal experiences that people who are invested in getting a person shidduch will paint a rosey picture or even downright lie. Let\'s call them men and woman and let\'s treat them as such.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Well then they better be set to lose government benfits like healthcare.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does it really matter if it says girl and boy vs. man and woman? In my opinion,a 19 to 22 year old with not so much worldly experiences are still more like kids than adults. Sharing life experiences together, and growing together can change them from kids to adults. Also, asking about middos is very important. A person can put on a show during the 1 week to 2 month dating process. However, if they lived their whole life a certain way, through inquiries, you can get a basic idea of their true colors.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
First of all if they are ready to get married she is not a "girl" and he is not a "boy" they are adults. The reason one does not necessarily need to inquire about whether he is pleasant with good middos is because these are things that should be evaluated via the dating process. The problem is these type of couples date in a vacuum and cannot assess these issues in a hotel lobby or their parent's living room after meeting on 2 or 3 occasions. Let's give the most important decision in your life at least weeks if not months so that they can ascertain for themselves whether the other is the right "man" or "woman" for them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Are these people totally insane? Nobody is drafting Meah Shearim people into the army, this is just an excuse to have a protest about something. The use of handcuffs shows that it is all about getting into the media. After they dressed their children as concentration camp inmantes, I don\'t see why we humor them. They are a disgrace and a chillul Hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you Etan. You are such a fine, caring person. You have made such a difference already! We are so blessed to have you as a member of our community. We wish you every success in all of your recruitment efforts on behalf of those in our community in need of support.
Beth Land Hecht
Senior Manager, Volunteer Services
Jewish Community Services
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Such a great article Etan - JVC is in good hands with you leading the way! - Jennie Gates Beckman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, remind me before I come to visit Eliana next year and I'll bring you Bacobits (bli neder).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
sure he's concerned about Israel's security. He's also selling a bridge in Brooklyn and asking people to recommend in lieu of gifts, give a donation to his campaign. Oh, he is doing that, lol
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hang him.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kol Ha Kavod!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear Atara,
It was great learning about the successes you and your team have managed in such a short time. We loved seeing your photos in the Baltimore Life paper. Love grandma & papa
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don't think it has anything to do with any political agenda. I don't see any movement to ban circumcision when I read this. I see a move to ban an unnecessary, possibly harmful and rather disgusting practice. It doesn't matter what stream of Judaism you subscribe to--you can have a bris without using metzitzah b'peh.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So wonderful, B'H!!
Bracha Goetz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Go Eitan!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I certainly hope he does not follow in his boss Lookstein\'s footsteps and daven in churches.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I think Klei Kodesh, in this sense, is referring to Rebbeim and teachers who participate and work for the school. I don't think anyone is suggesting that just because someone is a Rov of a shul or a Rebbe in a different school they should be entitled to a tuition break.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You know, we are wringing our hands over determining who can pay more and who should pay more. Here is a totally radical idea. Let us all agree that our children's chinuch should not be run by for profit companies. People should not be getting rich from running a school. Education should be free. We have the organizational talent and the financial ability to make this happen. We just are scared to challenge the status quo. When we act like proper Jews and stop making the Torah into a commodity then the solutions will show themselves. And yes, I know a lot of the true believers will curse me for floating this idea but I think it is about time somebody pointed out the emperor's lack of morals and ethics.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Shomrei will be showing Rabni Weinreb in the morning and the OU/YU video in the afternoon as part of their annual video selections.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dr. Schick pinpoints many of the facets of the Jewish day school affordability challenge. And while the OU has done so much to initiate and increase government funding for Jewish day schools, the uncertainty of the funding precludes its status as THE answer to the affordability challenge. PEJE has also played a strong role supporting day schools as they strengthen their boards, and build fundraising capacity through programs like the Leadership and Fundraising Academy, and the Endowment and Legacy Institute. But even the respective impacts of these programs varies by community and school.
Ultimately, there is no one single strategy - communities and schools must choose the right mix of initiatives (that raise revenue and lower expenses) that\'s best for them. Multi-pronged efforts will have stronger, longer-lasting benefits for our Jewish day schools.
Charles Cohen
Manager, Jewish Day School Affordability Knowledge Center
A partnership of the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education and the Orthodox Union
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In 1998, then Governor Glendening was running for a second term and at a fundraiser in our community, he proudly highlighted the new $50 per student textbook stipend being given to private schools. Someone commented that considering the tax base our community represents, we really should be getting more than that and the Governor replied that we wouldn't be. When the person asked Glendening, "What would happen if we all showed up to register our kids in public school?" he replied, "I know you're not going to do that".
It might happen in New Square but it won't happen here.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I would venture to say that most people in Baltimore do not in most cases have an issue with klei kodesh receiving free or an automatic tuition reduction. Its certainly reasonable that if one is only earning $50,000/yr, if even that, he is absolutely entitled to free tuition. I think that the area that bothers the "middle class" is when one is earning say $90,000/yr, and very often working longer hours than a rebbi, and is paying $40,000 more in tuition because of it and yet is considered to be making more money. He is not entitled to any government benefits but the rebbi earning only $50k is because obviously the gov't dosn't care that he received $40k in free tuition. There's nothing that can be done about that part, thats government beaurocracy for you but what we can do something about is the automatic chinuch discounts being given to chinuch families regardless of income. If I make $90k but pay an additional $40k in tuition over someone who earns $50k why is he more entitled to a discount? and what about klei kodesh earning $125k such as many principals and rabbonim of shuls? Is it fair that they are automatically entitled to reduced tuition and chinuch breaks just because they can say their in klei kodesh? Is it fair that my daughter went to seminary with her friend who went on a major chinuch scholarship while my daughter worked 5(!) summers to cover the additional amount we would have to pay since I'm not entitled to the scholarship? Is it fair that this girl's parents both came to Israel to visit her during the year (self- paid) while receiving this scholarship but I couldn't even afford to bring my daughter home for pesach? I happen to be good friends with the parents and know that they are earning more than I am. I am happy for them that they received the scholarship and that they could visit their daughter even if it is "unfair" as life is not necessarily fair but I can also see why this might breed resentment especially because if I had gone to visit my daughter the tuition committee's would have most likely questioned the visit. No one has a problem with free or reduced tuition to the klei kodesh that are truly earning paultry sums of money but when its a blanket reduction given to any and all klei kodesh, yes it going to breed resentment and hurt those klei kodesh who truly deserve the breaks.
also, regarding all those who can pay more tuition but are not, I wonder if the tuition committees should be asking more pointed questions as to where their money is going. The current form only asks about camp, cleaning help and vacations but there are other expenses that might help determine if one is living a more luxurious lifestyle over the typical klei kodesh family. For example, do they hire someone to drive their kids to school, pay someone to mow their lawns, have children in braces, go out to eat etc. But then again each family may have their own ideas about what is considered luxurious. One family may forego cleaning help to pay for some of the above mentioned items while another may forego meat on yom tov to help pay for cleaning help. Everyone's family dynamics and needs are different based on their own individual situation. But I am wondering if there may be a way to determine who can pay more than they actually are based on their spending habits in other areas.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Solution: everyone enroll your kid in public school. Let Baltimore city freak out over the new 20,000 kids that just enrolled and then we strike a deal to let them supplement our schools. Someone needs to form a committee over this.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There are lots of stores like that in J'lem. Cheaperkol on Kanfei Nesharim and Super Deal on Derech Chevron. It's great that they have these things to help us adjust to life here, although white tuna is now a thing of the past for us, I just can't see paying 14 NIS for one 6 oz can and I'm tired of relying on lifts.
Good luck with your baco bits shopping!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I thought that there were rumors that he died of AIDS related complications.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"overwhelmingly Orthodox enrollment today is in charedi institutions and in these circles there is great respect for klei kodesh" This insinuates that the modern orthodox world does not respect klei kodesh with is simply not true. Klei kodesh encompassess so many positions in the community, should my shul rav who I have the utmost respect for have his tuition bill torn up when he clearly makes more money than I do (forget about parsonage, a whole other issue)? In this day and age we cannot afford to educate any child without compensation and each family must be judged on a case by case basis it is not an issue of respect.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow we are all very happy and very exited and most important very proud
for all those who made it till the end.
We werent expecting such a syum it was incredible amaizing no words to describe the kidush hashem that was made on this day..
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If Marylanders would stop voting for Democrats time after time maybe folks would be staying put.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why do you emphasize the negative? He was applauded many times and received a standing ovation at the end of his speech. His focus was on job creation and family positive values, two areas that concern Black-Americans. Don\'t fall into the trap of the so-called mainstream media who only report bad news when it concerns Republicans and Conservative candidates.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
OK, so to whom do we send the bill for all our spoiled food, etc.? Would BGE like to pay for that!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To #31:
So someone living say, in Chashmonaim, with their American lifestyle and entertainments has a G-d, but someone living in Baltimore learning Torah full time, doesn't?
As Harav Y. B. Soloveitchik taught, each person needs to figure out where they can do the most good and that's where they should live. Just like he did for himself. Your writing the way you did demonstrates a woeful lack of knowledge as well as mentschlichkeit. Very sad; you owe hundreds of thousands of people an apology and I don't know how you'll manage that. I guess you have some time before Yom Kippur to figure it out; use it wisely.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
maybe if the state was prepared for emergencies we wouldn't have been without power so long and we wouldn't have to ask out of state workers for help!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kinda like the Health Care Bill - We'll charge you, and force you to buy it, but we're not exactly sure what we are charging you or forcing you to do.
Welcome to Socialist Maryland folks. Don't you think it's time for O'Malley to take a little vacation somewhere outside of Annapolis?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for the very thorough analysis. I would just point out to the readers that "other Sefardic authorities" above refers to R' Ovadia Yosef, author of Shut Yabia Omer, and he has now become the primary halachic reference for the majority of Sephardic shul rabbis in America and Israel, at least in my experience.
I hope that "stop them from breaking the community's custom", means to discuss the issue with sensitivity and understanding, learn first why this date was chosen, and then help them to think of a way to change the date in a way that doesn't cause too much hardship on the family. Remember that this is the most important and emotional time of somebody's life. R' Ovadia repeats throughout his writings that peace is more important than the risk of violating a minhag or even a halacha as long as there is an acceptable opinion to rely on to act differently.
Also, I don't know where this fits in to the discussion precisely, but it should be noted that dancing at a wedding, when done properly, is itself also a mitzvah.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear comment #31 I respond to you with the words of the great sage Uncle Moishy "HaShem is here, HaShem is there, HaShem is truly everywhere"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good luck with Orange. We've had a terrible experience with them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Keep in mind that when they run out of the cups, no more free Slurpees.
It would be nice for anyone who encounters a 7-11 that is either out or not participating to post here to save others the trouble.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a hateful letter promoting Aliyah, you should be ashamed of yourself. I have never seen such an ugly display stating that those who live in Chutz L\\\\\\\'Arets have no G-d. I should ask my rav a shayla? How about asking your rav about ahavas yisroel, or does that just apply to those who live in Israel?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Seriously? A dinner on Tisha B'Av? Way to check the calendar, Romney's staff.....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The clear solution is to make Aliyah! You don't have a means of making a parnassah in Israel? How do you know? Did you seriously look into it? Did you ask a 'shayla' to an 'unbiased' Rav? Have you considered retraining? Many families make Aliyah without a clue as to how they will earn a parnassah, and retrain in new fields. A lot of them even get creative and invent fields to fill niches.
High school here costs on average 12,000 NIS for the the current exchange rate, that's almost $3,000 FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!!! And on top of it, if absolutely necessary, you can get a deduction or some other assistance.
Don't delude yourselves. You learn so much Torah, but you learn nothing because you live with blinders on! There's even a question if practicing Yiddishkeit in Chutz LaAretz is anything but that...practice! Sit in Kollel in Chu"L? What a waste of time, when you are supposed to be maximizing your learning, and that can only be done in Israel! How many times do you have to learn that those who live in Chutz LaAretz are as if they have no G-d? How many times are you going to daven and mention Yerushalayim, yet have no desire to live in the ONLY place G-d wants you to live? Want to learn some history? By what? Taking a trip to Philadelphia? How about learning about and seeing with your own eyes where David fought Goliath! How about learning and seeing with your own eyes the ruins of the Beit HaMikdash! How about truly walking in the footsteps of your forefathers! You're worried about educating your kinderlach in a subpar education system? They will grow up with no love of Yiddishkeit and no connection to their nation!
And here's the other little secret...the more of you who move to Israel, the more influence you will have, and the more jobs there will be for you! Be thankful that after 2,000 years in exile the Rebono Shel Olam had enough Rachamim to allow us to move back Home instead of griping about tuition costs in a system that will never heal!
Living in Israel is not a walk in the park, but if you want to be the best Jew you can possibly be and raise the best Jews you can possibly raise, it's the ONLY place to be!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for putting so many experiences which have been so similar to our own into your excellent words. Your Ulpan attitude is right on -- get what you can from it and don't sweat the rest! Much Hatzlacha!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for sharing this story. Chris Brown, mom, is continuing a fight for justice. She asks that all join her in this mission. You may write, call, or email your state representative to show your support, especially those ressidents of legislative district 10. Information on donstions is the following:
Christopher Brown Memorial Fund
P.O. 1175
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Again, we appreciate your support.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is typical of the underhanded, despicable, hateful and dishonest methods this administration is using to bring down the greatness of America.
The problem is the voters don't know the truth. They are pathetically unaware of most the this. I think they would be livid if they knew they were being duped but their apathy and ignorance will bring us down.
Pass this along.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Happy Birthday!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Change the word zuz to mitzvah or heavenly brownie points, and this article takes on a different meaning.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about all the women who are working in chinuch, getting paid less, who are supporting their husbands in kollel? I feel that if some people in chinuch are getting a break, then EVERYONE should - men, women, limudei kodesh, limudei chol.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The reason given for not paying women in chinuch as well as men is that they are not the primary breadwinners, while men are. So the very institutions that encourage women to support husbands in kollel then pay them less for doing just that. Talk about having your cake and eating too!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about the women in chinuch? They are not paid as \"well\" as the rebbeim. Why is it that in other cities there are good paying jobs with benefits for everyone in chinuch, men and women?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Basically #25 is saying rabbis with perks are making the same as us working class people when you get to the bottom line, so I guess it all evens out. But the middle class does not get recognized for their contributions as do the selfless mechanchim or the rich gevirim. This is no different that any other society. We can qvetch all we want in social medial but this won't change and will only get worse with the emerging culture of long and short tem kollel, long has its clear issues but short(3-4 years) delay college and career into child bearing tuition paying years.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Being a heimishe yeshivish mother who works (in a place that has internet) and who's husband is working in a non klei kodesh field, I feel that I can understand both sides as I am from a klei kodesh family with a lot of family currently in klei kodesh (both in and out of Baltimore). I believe whole heartedly that Rabbeim deserve to be paid 6 figure salaries and I am disgraced with the current acceptable salary of the average Rebbi. Chinuch is one of the lowest paying jobs out there, although my husband once figured out that if he worked the same hours and days per year he would actually be paid less than a Rebbi so there are other low paying jobs out there. My husband does work summers and the days right up to yuntif, as well as working 9-5 each day (along with additional hours at night that he does not get compensated for but are just part of the job) so at the end he does earn a decent parnasa (although not a 6 figure salary). That being said however in comparing myself with my siblings who are rabbeim(and this does not take away from the fact that rabbeim are grossly underpaid) we actually do live on a lower standard of living than my siblings. yes, our tax return says we earn more but at the end of the day we are left with a lot less. How is this possible? For starters we pay much more tuition, maaser and taxes as our salary is higher. We do not pay full tuition although I wish we could. We do pay substantially more though than our siblings. Therefore much of our extra salary goes toward higher tuition rates. The rest of our higher salary above and beyond an average rebbi salary goes toward things that we do not receive as subsidies but that my siblings do receive due to their lower salaries such as: medical assistance and doctor, dentist and orthodontic visits, higher food bills for lack of wic or food stamps, higher overnight camp costs and seminary costs for lack of a chinuch discount, hot lunch fees, higher JCC membership costs (many chinuch families are members) as well as higher fees at many local businesses which B"H are able to give discounts to many chinuch families enabling them to live a higher standard of living. We also have a cleaning lady which is an extra expense as my husband is not home erev shabbos or the days before any yomim tovim to help me. My siblings as well do have cleaning help (which is not considered a luxury today) but some of them are receiving subsidies for that as well. Rabbeim deserve these discounts as their salaries are laughable, however on our salaries we unfortunately are bringing home less than a Rebbi because our salary, although higher is simply not high enough to cover the extra costs we must endure. Again, the Rabbeim deserve it. They work very hard for our precious kinderlach. Although my husband may not be working in as chusheve a field, he does work very very hard and also gets burnt out from time to time and would love to recharge his batteries once in a while but he can't take off summers or even a weekend every so often. We would never ever consider having less children due to parnasa issues. Parnasa and children are in Hashem's domain and we would never tamper with that. I just wish that some of these discounts would be available based on income AFTER total tuition costs so that our salaries would be more comparable and that heimishe discounts would be available in this fashion as well rather than on what field one happens to work in. I hope it does not sound as if I have a lack of hakaras hatov toward those in Klei kodesh. I just wanted to point out "the other side of the story".
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Baltimore has been building shuls at breakneck speed, with building funds to match when there are already lovely long established synnagogues in place. I am begging the Vaad HaRabbanim to put a moratorium on new shuls (I assume some Beezer shul is in the works) so that our resources can be put toward the education of our children rather than boutique places of worship.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
hmmm what if you have no way of making a livlihood in Eretz Yisroel, what if one parent needs to fly back to the U.S. constantly to work? I would love to make aliyah but at what cost?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Teachers may not be given a list, but the relative affluence of the parents are known and children of more affluent parents are treated differently than children of less affluent parents. This effect is ubiquitous in the community and extends to beyond the schools. The community has been strictly divided into social and economic classes across the board. Its part of the sociology of the community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bottom-line'¦the entire model and process is broken and not sustainable. If you have young children below 5th Grade, my advice is get-out now. Your total tuition cost will continue to grow every year by 5 ' 10%. Scale those numbers by number of children and high-school and you will see that I am right. The answer is clear, move to Eretz Yisroel, all the crazy lashon hora that you have heard in the past is just not true. Your children can get a great education in Eretz Yisroel and it will not be at the cost of Shalom Bayis. A'zea Chochum Ro'ei Es'Ha'nolad, this is your heads-up to the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In all my many many years as a TA parent I have never seen a full paying child get preferential treatment, I think the person who posted comment #19 is sorely mistaken or even dillusional. The teachers/rebbeim are not given a list of who pays what, puhleeze take the chip off your shoulder.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don\'t remember any writers in Richard Scary... just sayin\' :)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We desperately need leadership to solve this crisis, not hotheads to make it worse. There are thousands of boys in the chareidi world who are trapped into their lifestyle and want a way to earn a living and live a middle class life while keeping their way of life. No one is trying to draft masmidim and those growing in learning. It is the reality that there are many who are not happy in poverty and they deserve a way out without losing their payos or their adherance to tzniyus. The Nachal Chareidi provides this. If both sides would stop yelling and deal honestly with the issues, it could be solved to the benefit of everyone. The religious terrorism of the fanatics intimidates the rabbis in Israel and wall posters go up with names of rabbis who did not sign. The chareidi press is no more honest than the chiloni press. We need gedolei yisroel who will lead.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We already have class warfare.. The students whose parents pay more absolutely get preferential treatment. I would rather pay full tuition for 4 kids than get a break for 6 and see them ignored.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
After paying full tuition for three years now my husband and I have elected to homeschool. We feel we were going under financially paying for at best a subpar education. I became very disgusted watching a neighbor who is a rebbe and on public assistance affording to hire a maid, someone to cut his grass, ballet lessons, and i am sure free or reduced tuition. If my husband and I are expected to go without and work two jobs to afford full tuition why isn\\\\\\\'t he? In my humble opinion it is a lifestyle choice and one I no longer choose to finance. Many public school teachers must hold down two jobs in order to pay for living expenses. Why should teachers in Jewish day schools be any different?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If we taxed everyone, akin to public school, irresponsible procreation would occur even more so. What food will be on the tables of those grandchildren of kollel-lites? What lesson is a rich Zeidy teaching his grandchildren when he pays the way for mommy and tati to blow money on bugaboos and take out while they work 30 minutes a month? Those children won\\\'t have zeidy for their children paying the way... WAKE UP EVERYONE!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The dirty little secret in Baltimore is that for TA, TI, BY and Bnos, 65%-70% of their budgets are covered by tuition (twice that of NY schools) but only 25%-30% of parents pay full tuition!
How long can this house of cards stand?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To a large extent, what is happening in the emerging generation is merely a consequence of people following exactly what what they have been trained to do by the institutions that educated them. For HS and below, parents may have limited choices if they want to keep their kids local. But, after HS, they should look for institutions elsehwere which are more consistent with the Hashkafos of the family and what were once the values for this community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yet another example of wasting the time of the court & legal system. Frivolousness and insanity abound.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Commenter # 13 -- This article is not creating divisions. The divisions were created long ago, when the current self-defeating model of Jewish living was created. All this article does is publicize a division that has been simmering under the surface for a long time. Avoidance of the issue by hiding behind sinas chinam is merely perpetuating the problem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I have often wondered which takes a greater toll on the Jewish home and the Jewish future of the children -- having the kids attend public school or having a mother who is so stressed out due to having to work full time that she does not have the energy to create a warm and proper Jewish home.
And kids aside -- working full time has certainly taken on toll on this full-time working Mom's Jewish life. It most definitely filters down to the children.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very important issue. Yes. But we're at the beginning of the three weeks. Do we really need articles that create division sooner than solutions at this very dangerous time of year? Couldn't we have published this before or after the Three Weeks?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why can't we as parents be like a tuition board to the administration? We can come with a checklist of demands in education goals and have them check it off and tell us we will get our payment in full.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As someone who does pay full tuition, it greatly disturbs me when I get a call from the tuition person demanding to know why I am not fully paid up in August. I try to explain that the money is coming, and will be paid soon. Then, when I do pay it (shortly into the new school year), I get a letter from the "tuition department" telling me that it is unacceptable that I paid my full tuition at an unacceptable time. Trust me, I am not such an Oisher that paying full tuition is not a major hardship on me. I just wish that the "tuition" departments would be a little understanding on those who are working non-stop to pay for tuition, and work with them instead of demanding the "rules" be followed. Trust me: you'll get your money.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We are considered financially as middle class. B'h, we have six children. Both Parents are working full time. We go to the tuition board to beg for a tuition break. No, we do not have a cleaning lady, no we no longer for away for 3 days with the kids to pennsylvania, no none of our children go to camp anymore. House renevations? I invite the board to come look at my crumbling house!. Had we known in our early married days that 6 weeks after giving birth I'd be back at work full time for other women to raise our infants would be have been so quick to ask shaylas in between children? I'm sorry to say no, I would have made the decision between my husband and self. Do I look at my wealthy friends with their yearly trips to Eretz Yisroel, new care, new wardrobes etc etc and think they should have to kick out more and more each year? No sorry I don't. How many sefer torahs are given a year in Baltimore? How many Torahs can each shul possiably need, let alone store? 25,000 could make a huge difference to the schools isn't that more important then another Torah collecting dust? Our children are like torahs, holy and pure. Our system is a very broken one. It's time to get our prioritys straight. It's time for tuition boards to have people serving them that don't live in million dollar homes that understand what it's like to have to choose between feeding our family's with 2 parents working vs tuition.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Re: #3
I called 311 a few times and got different answers. Finally an operator referred to what I had as storm cleanup, or a similar term, and she said I could leave the pieces in either piles, cans, bags, or bundles. I had to tell her how many piles, cans, etc. I planned to leave and there was a limit of 5. However, there was no limit on the size of any of these so I left one bundle (that I had already bundled) and a LARGE pile (not bundled and probably 10 feet long and 3 feet high) with the rest of my tree pieces. They picked it up the next day and even raked up the little twigs they dropped when tossing it into the truck.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kudos to Rabbi Alterstein for writing about an issue that many professional bnei Torah families are acutely aware of, but rather not put into writing.
So let\'s get to the core underlying issue-- the lack of job skills and planning in today\'s yeshiva world communities. The \"push\" to \"universal kollel\" for every boy who spends 3 years in a yeshiva produces mediocrity. Th absence of job skills and a secular education means a lifetime of underemployment, low salaries, and the inability to support the families financial needs, especially tuition.
In our upside down yeshiva world today we have older single ladies (age 30+) rejecting a shiddich option of a working Ben Torah because she is \"looking for a learner\". She probably need a refuah shlaymah more than a shiddich!
So what\'s the answer? Maybe the Lakewood style where everyone pays a minimum amount of tuition per child period, no and, if, or buts. Maybe!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Our sons have been educated in an environment that looks down on earning a living. A poisonous byproduct of this attitude is that the high school diplomas they receive do not represent any accomplishment in the most basic skills. I have heard young men refer to getting a job as "the J word" - as if it is some kind of obscenity. They are taught that the only s'char is Torah - but there is no mention of the s'char of paying one's children's tuition. The kollel family that pays no tuition and receives discounts on food, medical care, JCC membership etc. is equal to the middle class family in terms of the cars, clothing, housing it can afford - but the kollel family is admired and the struggling working family is "nebich." When the yeshiva rebbeim start telling our boys that the parents who support them should be admired for their hard work and sacrifice, maybe they will also see that their parents are role models and they will be willing to take their places as responsible grown-ups in the Jewish world.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Responding to #2 regarding the homescholing option. As a family who homeschooled for 10+ years, I can tell you that there are significant costs associated with this option as well. People seem to think that homeschooling is \"free\" but it most assuredly is not. Other than the public library, there are significant expenses involved, ESPECIALLY if one\'s child needs a private rebbe or tutoring for math and science subjects or Ivrit or...well, you get the idea. Don\'t forget, homeschooling parents have a parent who is home, perhaps working a part time job or telecommunity, but this may mean limiting money making opportunity in order to be present for the child\'s (children\'s) educational pursuits. We won\'t even get into the time/gas/$ spent in the car.... No matter which educational choices are made, education is a big line item in a Torah family\'s budget, both in real dollars and in opportunity costs.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A very well written and accurate picture of the tuition issue today. Cost Shifting has been going on for decades. The only recent change is that it went from the fund raisers to the middle class working families. It is a "bubble" that cannot be sustained. Unless it is addressed expect to see more home schooling, alternative schools, and other innovations as these families refuse to go bankrupt supporting the others.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I saw on Chaverim's facebook page that they wrote ice was available by Northwestern High School
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This article on has over 45 comments. It is very timely.The Vaad Harabbanim has asked the community to give priority to local chinuch but I wonder if people are following through. On the one hand I have to help every person who comes around for tzedakah in shul but on the other hand, I know that each one leaves town with money that should be going to local causes. Why are young ,healthy men going around asking for help getting married. Why can't they earn a living? Israel is not a poor country, it's economy is better than the US right now. Sometimes there are 8 guys going around at shacharis and they go to every shul and come back for later minyanim. If they didn't come, would that money go to local causes or maybe it doesn'[t make a difference. I wonder.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This situation is further complicated by the pressure on young folk to pay beyond their means. Often this results in massive debt. So, when the children are out of school, there aren't any tuitions, but there can be 100s of thousands of dollars of debt, and no way to get rid of it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1. mechanchim get paid very little, so that when they get free tuition or reciprocal reduced tuition from other schools it is really just a deserved benefit of being in chinuch.
2. schools for some reason are no longer top priority. New Shuls with new buildings are cropping up all over and that is taking away a significant portion of the members tzedakah money. Which is a greater need for the continuation of Klal Yisroel - a bigger fancier Shul or educating our precious children?
3. you may not be aware, but another option that some parents have chosen is to send their children to public schools since it is free! That was a major cause of the children of religious parents turning away from Judaism years ago. Unfortunately, some parents do not want to forgo on their \'extras\' in order to ensure the continuity of their future generation\'s religiousity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a consumer, when you pay $15K for an item that is acquired with much sacrifice, you want to feel you are getting your money's worth. If not, you ask for a refund from the store you bought the item from. Well, imagine all the parents struggling and sacrificing at the risk of their own personal shalom bayis for a fine Jewish education for their children, only to feel that they haven't gotten their "money's worth" due to academic mediocrity. Yes, parents are angry and bitter. And they feel that they have no choice but to continue contributing to a very defective system. Beware: people just can't take it anymore. There will be a revolt and then a revolution. Whether it's talmudei torah after (gasp) public school, or home schooling where parents pool their money to hire a private rebbi, or making aliyah - the situation cannot and will not continue.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The most important statement in this important piece is that the tuition reduction is not free. Someone will be paying it, and that person may not be able to afford it. There is a perception that it is free, and that goes to a terrible lack of financial understanding. Tuition is not free, WIC is not free, Americare is not free -- the burden is just shifted to others, often the same people who are staggering under their own tuition and tax burdens. Somebody pays. Instead of a sense of entitlement that some feel toward these programs, a little hakaras hatov to the rest of the people who are footing the bill might be in order.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
My neighbor was told by a 311 operator that tree pieces had to be no longer than 5 feet and only 5 pieces would be picked up. That doesn\'t sound reasonable to me.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In my opinion, the city should have ice available to all residents after the storm (and should have a distribution point in NW so we don\\\'t have to travel to the inner city to get the ice). Additionally, the frum community organizations should have ice in a freezer somewhere to distribute should a power outage happen on shabbos because the stores were out by the time we were able to get there on motzei shabbos. Also, we need to figure out how to get the city and BGE to properly maintain the area trees so that they don\\\'t knock all of our power out every time there is a storm.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A shelter would of been nice.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The dirty little secret that many people don't want to publically acknowledge is this: the more public transportation, the higher the crime rate. Somehow, there needs to be a balance.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bomb squad came. It was determined that it was a duffel bag full of seforim being dropped off to donate.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am very happy that the temperatures r going down
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1. how much money was spent restoring power to the hundreds of thousands of homes that lost power for this storm? what abour irene? isabel?
2. outages to underground wires last longer, but how often do they occur?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
reminds me of the stories about the Chorbon: when Antiochus outlawed circumcision, when the Romans outlawed it as well, and now ironically Germany; the last nation to try and destroy us... makes one daaven for Moshich all the more.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
My bags are packed and I am ready to go, Hoyts awaiting and blowing his horn.........
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Leave it to... Oh, just forget it. This should continue to be a message to all Jews those who insist the Fuhrer is the greatest thing to every happen to America, and deserves another chance.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love when you post these humorous stories, this one is particularly outrageous, I mean who would ever believe there could be a hechsher on lobby music? You guys crack me up.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"At this stage, of course, it is still difficult to state whether we are talking about a miracle or just a historic medical breakthrough..."
Who said those are mutually exclusive?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
...and why is "just a historic medical breakthrough" not a "miracle"?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is that I hear? Bricks flying out of the third Beis Hamikdash, makes me happy I live in the good old U.S.A. where organizations like the OU and Star K give a hechsher on the food and stay out of other areas like lobby music (so far). I have no way to determine the kashrut of an establishment so I rely on the mashgiach, the rest I am perfectly able to handle on my own.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is divisive and separates the Jews. Was this the "Dass" of Mosheh Rabanu when he came down from Har Sinai.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Pardon my ignorance but what is special about this high school? Not being sarcastic I really don't know why they would be featured here.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1: the county has asked us to relay to all county residents that a hotline has been established for info on county services. The number is 410-887-2222.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1: The NWCP has been contacted by the city, and has been releasing timely and accurate iinformation on our Facebook page, Twitter account and through our email alerts list. You can find them at:
Twitter: @nwcpbaltimore
Sign up for our alerts list:
We continue to address issues and concerns with the city, and, if you have any questions you need the answer to, call our 24 hour dispatcher at 410-664-6927 x1. We'll either have the answer, or know who to ask to get you the answer.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There is a negative side to primaries.Extreme elements tend to vote in primaries and moderate candidates have to appeal to the fringes to get the nomination. Whether it is the LIKUD underf attack from Feiglin and his friends or the Republican Party in Utah overtaken at its convention by those who refused to renominate a Senator who would have easily been re-elected -Bennett, the only solution is for normal people to also vote in primaries.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear Morah- you are correct, arba starts with an aleph (I think - although at this point I'm sooooo confused). Glad you like the blog!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is it possible, or is it my imagination that your photo insert mispelled the Hebrew word ARBA??? They have it with an "ayin"...I grew up spelling ARBA with an "aleph". In that case, Susan, you either have nothing to worry about..or lots to worry about.
Anyway, love your blogs... keep them coming please. Morah SK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about trees and branches that fell? Will they pick it up if we put it at the sidewalk?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah were grateful to Fishel and his family for what they did for the community, and we are so honored to have been able to provide a place where families could get out of the heat and partake in a home cooked meal. The smiles on the faces of the people we served all evening and the deep felt thank yous made us know that we were able to provide a brief respite to those in need.
Yasher Koach to Fishel and the entire Gross family, Tzvi, and everyone who works for O\'Fishel Catering.
Jeff Forman, president MMAE
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1 - please don't call Hatzala or the other emergency services in the community for general information. They need their lines clear for people in imminent life-threatening distress. Thanks.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow so if you have a job and are currently at work you just have to let your smelly garbage sit for a week, garbage that contains the rotting food that is a result of losing power for 3 days, or if you don\'t have a vehicle you are in the same boat. This is not a workable solution for a city that only picks up trash once a week, this is actually a public safety issue. They should add an extra pick up or at least have more drop off facilities with evening hours. This town is going to stink to high heaven.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don't know if it was the Algemeiner that chose the photo or Baltimore Jewish life but it is highly innapropriate. It depicts the flowers left as a memorial in 2006 after the fatal Seattle Jewish Federation shooting. It is not something that should be used to promote a new slogan, bad taste.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
thats all very nice for city dwellers. how about us folks in the county? i called hatzala, chaverim, shomrim, all were clueless as to what to do about getting ice, water, etc. they said call 311. hello? 311 is ONLY for city people! it wont even connect you if u live in the county. 1 guy from shomrim told me to go to hampstead to get ice. great. very helpful. NOT.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
4 days without power in Pickwick. no ac, food gone (spoiled), ain't life grand? we're Jewish, we should get priority.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why are they only publically fighting about Solo Cup and Foundry Row and not this project?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for sharing the pictures - truly a devastating storm. I heard Hatzalah fielded 5 emergency calls during the thick of the storm from 11p-1:30am. Kol HaKavod for their great work and mesiras nefesh!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this article it helped refresh my memory as to why I cannot stand politicians. While they are having all of these productive sessions I will take my money to Hunt Valley and Towson.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wonder what the real story is. This is a lot of political posturing but will anything actually change?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The original root of the Spanish word Derecho is most likely from Hebrew, \"derech\" as is the English word \"direct.\" In his book \"The Word,\" Isaac Mozeson lists words from at least 15 diverse languages with meanings related to \"direct,\" \"path\" or \"way,\" etc. which are derived from \"derech.\" EK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
And we care, why?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This was so easy - I really enjoyed making it with my children. Thanks! -MM
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The Gross family has a special place in my heart. Thank you for your chessed
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"V'chol me sheoskim btzorchai tzibur b'emunah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu Yishalaim Sechoram.... And for all those who are involved in the needs of the community, Hashem will pay their reward." The Grosses are tzaddikim par excellence. This is not the first time they have stepped up for the community and shown extraordinary chessed to this community. May the Grosses receive all the rewards that Hashem has in store for those who are involved in Tzorchei Tzibbur.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
thank you Fishel for once agin stepping up to mezaka the masses.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Their automated report system is useless you wait on hold forever than the automated opperater says to high a call volume and disconects you
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great work...and IY"H we're next in MD!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for such a comprehensive article!
I know that the \"smart\" project will cost BGE $500M-$700M and BGE only received $200M in grant funds from the Dept of Energy. According to the MD Energy Administration and BGE\'s filings with the PSC, BGE will be raising our rates to recover the costs of these dangerous and \"dumb\" unconstitutional devices from US.
Comment by Traci Radice
As long as clueless socialists like omally and srb are running the show,there is no hope.
Comment by Traci Radice
Aside from the bad neighborhoods, I dont think ppl want to move to a city where the Fire Department makes national headlines for wanting to put advertisements on their fire trucks, or shutting down some of the most active fire companies (starting July 1).
Comment by Traci Radice
If you want privacy in today's world, turn off your phone, stop using your credit cards, avoid streets with traffic cameras, and most of all, stop using the computer that you are seeing this post on. The last thing you have to worry about is that your coffee maker will snitch on you.
Comment by Traci Radice
the answer to this is very simple. Jews are afraid of anything that smells like authority. They dont vote Republican because the liberal mindset says the govt should take care of everyone as long as no rules come along with the check. the minute anything smells like a restriction on freedom, they run away with their tails between their legs.
Comment by Traci Radice
And people actually believe that money buys happiness
Comment by Traci Radice
In Chabad we call that "Shlichus" not that we are expecting them to come to us, but we will go out to them...
Comment by Traci Radice
Who checked their facts/arguements?
Folks, as a retired electrical / electronics engineer who worked 40 years in federal and private telecommunications, this 'article' is peppered with (too many) false statements. This is not the forum to correct the facts, but keep in mind that the authors are distorting the reality with 'misstatements'.
Comment by Traci Radice
That's my kind of recipe! Thanks Bracha!
Comment by Traci Radice
Any frum person should be crying
Comment by Traci Radice
6-28-2012 A blessing on the heads of all those who work on behalf of and worry for the poor and the downtrodden. A special blessing for those who do the same for the poor who are also suffering from ill health or disability. It is too easy to dismiss the poor and to declare that poverty in such an affluent environment can only be explained by a fundamental depravity of the soul. This is a harsh and unfair indictment. May Hashem protect all those who are poor, downtrodden, ill or disabled. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Traci Radice
I am rather hesitant to write in such an open forum. Birth control is not something to be tossed about without the deepest of respect, but while I know the article above was addressing poverty I found the following statement in the article above to be distorted and dangerous:
'Meaning, we base our opposition to birth control on theology and on Halacha that offers us little wiggle room when it comes to controlling family size'
It seems that over the past half century a great deal of information regarding the topic of the statement above seems to have either been forgotten or in the move of the past few decades to a more machmir approach, it has been misunderstood.
I am a yeshivish woman who was raised by the war generation in the 'old school', by the early supporters of the yeshivishe movement - and with a strong Chassidish background to boot, I am weary of seeing families struggle with this issue and I find the pronounced ignorance about this topic to be disquieting.
There is a misguided belief of what Europe was, much of the information twisted into a new mythology. Yes, many families were large in pre-war Europe, but there were smaller ones as well. We also forget that woman were often married as girls (15-17 was very common) and had an earlier start on having families. People lived among their extended family in the shtetl and if the husband started off in learning - which was not the common thing it is today - you moved in with the parents and they shared the something or the nothing that they had with you. Most people lived simply and didn\\\'t have lifestyle expectations beyond their means. Having a large family with that type of backdrop was very different.
A large family was also part of the effort to beat the mortality rate in Eastern Europe, the hope was that perhaps fifty percent would survive into adulthood. In poorer families, this hope was very much part of the fabric of a large family. In addition, a family often had their children help in the effort to make ends meet. Again I will repeat that there were plenty of families that weren't so large.
Very few of us are left who have a matrilineal mesorah for Taharas Hamishpacha. I was one of the few in my generation to be given this precious gift before my Chasunah and I was astonished how much more information about the feminine being was given to my mother and grandmother than what I was given in my kallah class.
I was also amazed at the respect for gift of children that was given as well. I was told that a woman is responsible to be brutally honest regarding the current state of her household. She must consider her duty to her already existing children before considering bringing more children into the family. There was also the realization that if one wanted children to thrive as frumme yidden, we could not let children be raised on the 'gasse' - the street. That meant that as a Mother you actually have to show up for the job and that the job could be difficult. If that meant going to a Rav to frankly discuss the matter, it was our duty to do so.
In the years following the war many families like my family were large as our Parents tried to rebuild families decimated by Hitler YSH''VZ. Large in those days was five or more. My Parents and some of their friends with six or more were viewed with wonder. My Parents made sure to remind me of the cheshbonos of their time on several occasions before my chasunah as well.
In my day, Rabbonim, very chashuvah Rabbonim I may add, would tell you to wait two years before discussing the next child. That meant that there were no qualms about having two years and nine months between children as a minimum. Today, I am told things have changed and that a six month consult is common, or worse one is made to feel inadequate for considering such a thing at all. If this is true than people really shouldn't be surprised at the growing number of issues that we are having with our children and our marriages today. Many of today's women often aren't home enough to realistically gauge the well-being of their households and most of today's menfolk are not machshiv the idea to have their children raised at home. Mesiras Nefesh has become a foreign concept as we focus on our fulfillment being something separate from the family responsibilities we chose to take on when we chose to marry.
I am in no way advocating that we should go with the American dream of two and a dog as the new frum household. I am writing out of concern for the next generation who are building families on a foundation of misguided priorities and lifestyle choices. As people seem to gravitate to stringencies in search of answers we are losing the sight of the basics that our zekainim have understood and the amazing mesorah they carry.
The frum community is struggling with issues on all fronts. We must take the time examine what we are doing and look back to our past in truth and honesty to realize that we may be losing our way.
' Zechor Yimos Olam Binu Shinos Dor VaDor'¦ Zikaynecha V'Yomru Lach'.
Comment by Traci Radice
#4: Very smart and very right. And the people that need to hear this need to be told this loud and clear.
Comment by Traci Radice
Well, since I am paying for it as a taxpayer, I demand reform!
Comment by Traci Radice
I am not against a national care system, but it does have to be implemented correctly. And this push through at midnight on a Sunday is not the right way to do it. The pols are STILL not 100% sure what\'s in there - but one thing is for certain, we just got hit with a huge ax hike.
Comment by Traci Radice
This is so heartbreaking. I'm happy that the families retreated safely from the flames. But I'm distressed that the sifrei Torah were not so fortunate.
Comment by Traci Radice
We also gained clarity to remember that tamuz is always a sad month
Comment by Traci Radice
what about putting the schools into combined building and then turning the old school buildings into low income housing????
Comment by Traci Radice
Who is this Rav?
Comment by Traci Radice
Of course this is run by a Jewish person and we appreciate it because they go to all non Jewish and perhaps non kosher sites and gather news so we don't have to. We truly appreciate it. M Teller
Comment by Traci Radice
Comment by Traci Radice
I live in Pikesville.... They didn\\\'t bother to knock on the door to talk though.... Just put the envelope in the door. There was no paperwork inside, just the DVD. I didn\\\'t even bother and it was tossed in file 13... Hope lots of people do that.
Comment by Traci Radice
this same young lady came to my door. She mentioned the Israel Restoration Ministries and Tom Cantor and how she had something for the Jewish families in the community. I asked what it was about and she mentioned something about "yoshke". I told her we were not interested and she politely walked away.
Comment by Traci Radice
why is this site called baltimore jewish life and posting all these inaccurate articles written by anti semitic reporters? "Beating of a black boy" really? Allegedly getting hit on the head with a "Walkie talkie" (which by the way if anyone had taken time to verify any real facts they are called "Radios") means "beating"??? and this from a website which during its coverage posted pictures of the "victim" while he was around 9 years old. I find it pathetic this is coming from a "Jewish" website. Or is this being run by the community leader Rev Cortly C.D. Witherspoon after he was kicked out of the courtroom for racial slurs?!?
Comment by Traci Radice
Brother of Reb Seymour Kleiman of Baltimore.
Comment by Traci Radice
Yet Baltimore is last in regular safety......
Comment by Traci Radice
Maybe in the other 42 states they force you to wear a sign on your back saying "hit me." I guess that would be worse.
Comment by Traci Radice
Baltimore Sun is reporting two concurrent three year probations. In calendar time, that's actually going to be a three years probation, not six.
Comment by Traci Radice
We are fortunate to have a real justice system.
Comment by Traci Radice
B'H'. But let's also hope that no member of our community ever does anything like this again.
Comment by Traci Radice
I can hardly imagine how bad the rest of the states must be as bike riding hardly seems safe here. In Baltimore, most of the "bike" lanes are located practically in the middle of the regular vehicle lanes. It's impossible to fit both a bike and a car in that space. How this could be better than the other 42 states who fare worse than this is beyond me.
What does this mean for Kosher Bite, who is in the city? It is a restaurant where 0% of the alcohol sold is sold to those eating there, which makes them non-exempt to this law as a restaurant.
Would they be considered a store instead, where the law is different?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Eli Werdesheim has done so much for our community. He trains people in self defense and serves as a consultant for many law enforcement agencies. If law enforcement trusts him, so should we. Perhaps he can train other communities on methods of how to keep their communities safe.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
The JCC should apologize for rushing to judgment by banning Eli who was a personal trainer and martial arts instructor at the JCC. This was a case that did not deserve the attention it received. In a rushed PR move, the JCC wanted to demonstrate positive black Jewish relations. They created more problems than necessary. The black community was not supportive of the alleged victim as evidenced by the four supporters who showed up. Three of whom were homeless people. When interviewed, they had no clue as to why they were demonstrating. At a meeting with neighborhood associations (Glen, Cross Country etc) most black community members expressed that they are happy with the nice relationship they have with their Jewish neighbors. Most criminal activity in our community is not from the inside but from students who are bussed into the neighborhood or from others who are known petty criminals who for the most part live further south and are opportunistic criminals.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
why shoudl the JCC give him an apology?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Must we be our own worst enemy?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I wish he were living in Milwaukee again too.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
THEY WANT HIM TO SERVE COMMUNITY SERVICE!!!! WHAT A HORRIBLE JOKE!!! I\'m not sure if to laugh or cry...What irony!! Hey, dopeheads, you prosecuted him for exactly that - the highest form of community service - protecting the community!! Just let him have probation before judgment, and if anyone brings up Trayvon Martin, yell them out of court. What a backwards world we live in, it's scary...
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I wish Eliyahu were living in Milwaukee again. We could use an upstanding defender of the public safety here!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I\'m reading this article from Germany, having also lived in Baltimore. Lots of Jews live here, especially Jews allowed in by the government when the USSR fell. Lots of Kiruv is needed.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
B"H, I certainly hope this is what happens and this young man escapes prison time.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Why a Jew would or could live in Germany, is beyond me.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Community service should be done at the JCC with the JCC giving him and the community a public apology! Eli exemplifies community service and should be welcomed with open arms.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
People like this should not be allowed to have kids.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Dear reader who thought this was a useless article - I\'d be happy to share any information with you offline. Please write to me at!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To quote Rav Nachman Kahana of the Old City, \"You might live better in Chutz La\'aretz but you will have a better life in Israel.\" To paraphrase the Master Card commercial, the kedusha of Eretz Yisrael is \"priceless\".
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Lovely! This is really well-written, Adena! Thanks for sharing. CR Werner
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This article was basically useless, as everyone knows that things cost a lot in Israel. So, what do specific clothing items cost? What kind of car did you buy and what did it cost with your oleh's rights? What would the same kind of car cost without using these rights? It would be nice to give some actual sample prices besides plastic cups.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
She needs to have her head examined
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Praise to the man's rabbi who called Hatzalah and saved a life. This couple is clearly mentally ill.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-26-2012 With all due respect to the author of this essay, this is an over simplification of the lesson from the Parshah. Such puerile analyses only reinforce the notion that the ethos of the Torah is only meant for the uneducated and the very young. People who embrace this notion tend to eschew any ethos. For them, the wisdom of the Torah is transformed to mere guile posing as maturity. And it is these people who inspire the good and decent to rebel. So, after all is said and done, reducing the Torah to mere children's stories is what feeds the rebellion by those who are actually good and decent people seeking truth. So who is today's real Korach? Those who sincerely question and seek true moral authority or the bible thumpers? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-26-2012 I have found stories and biographies of Gedolim and Tzaddikim to be inspirational and motivational. When I see what our great men and women went through and how they persevered, I am refreshed about my own life and when I read of Tzaddikim my sense of altruism and purpose is replenished. These stories are the proverbial chicken soup for the soul. And when my kids were little these biographies and stories played a key role. And that stays with a person forever. A Yesher Koach to the author of this essay and all those who faithfully recount the stories of our great men and women of Torah. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Even the Agudah admits they only addressed abusers because of blog pressure
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
One can almost admire the breathtaking moral & mental acrobatics required to see things as this writer would have it. He's in thrall to a Bizarro mindset (aka Leftist), in which up is down, Israel has done nothing for peace, and, perhaps most impressively, Abbas & the Palestinians have done nothing but work doggedly toward peace for decades now, only to see a lack of reciprocation from Israel!
Thrall ignores Abbas' ongoing intransigence, public incitements & uncompromising stance over the years, focusing instead on his overrated 'cooperation' with Israel on security matters, which---so ironically!---has allowed Israelis to breathe easy and callously ignore the Plight of the Palestinians.
In this topsy-turvy world, anytime Israel has attemped to move toward peace, all of the concessions & evacuations over the years, have all been brought on by Arab violence---but Arab peace-making (!) has invariably been met with a cold shoulder from the Israelis!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I and most Americans would be thrilled to see comprehensive immigration reform that rewards those who come here legally and doesn't reward those who do so illegally. And again, our grandparents didn't get much compassion, they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and educated themselves and their children. My point about Asians has nothing to do with where they came from in relation to the border but simply that they value higher education and Hispanics don't. There are enough of both groups who are here legally to demonstrate that this reality has nothing to do with how they got here.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
People who oppose immigration reform as yourself and commenter #9 want the current illegals to be a permanent underclass. That is what the illegals already are, and will continue to be, if they are not given legal status along the lines of the Democrats' plan a few years ago (which let's remember included paying huge fines/back taxes etc.)
Once again, our grandparents were patriotic and revered education AFTER they were allowed in the country, not the other way around! If our grandparents entered illegally and were a permanent under-class for generations, things would have turned out different. Which brings us to an important point:
Our grandparents WOULD have come here illegally if that was the only way! I would have. You probably would have. Anyone in their right mind would have. Marco Rubio would have, as just became news. So stop picking on the Hispanics for doing something anyone in their right mind would have done. "But they broke the law?!!?"" you might scream as did commenter 9 below. Well so did you when you drove ten miles over the speed limit this morning. Compare their crime to that one, as opposed to treating them like murderers. Again, give them the same compassion as our grandparents received, and then patriotism and a love for education will follow.
There is however something which differentiates Mexicans from Jews at the turn of the century (and Asian Americans as you brought up). Their developing/formerly third world country shares a porous 1200 mile border with a US state. If there was the same border with an Asian country, or with one of the European countries at the turn of the century filled with Jews waiting to leave, we have would have the same millions of illegal Jews and Asians.
You want to blame someone, blame the government for not securing the border. But don't blame the people driving 40 MPH in a 30 MPH speed limit.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I bet a large number of these "poor" New Yorkers are earning additional money "off the books."
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yes. It was advertised in the Advertiser, in shuls, and posted on the NWCP and Baltimore Hatzalah facebook pages and Twitter pages.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Was this advertised anywhere?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I do ot think that the lads pictured in the picture above are the ones who will be joining the Army. There seem to be a lot of aimless youths in Meah Shearim whose idea of recreation is violent demonstrations. They can;t play ball,they have no career training, they are isolated and alienated from Israeli society and see no exit from their condition. Maybe they are really demonstrating against their own poverty and ignorance. I notice more and more young men, in their 20's, collecting in shul lately.Who is raising these youths? L. Oberstein
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
What about when stories are made up or enhanced?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yasher Koach Reb Ari (SZ) Taragin, once again putting the needs of the klal ahead of his own. Zechoso Yagen Aleini
-The Chevra
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Where's the video?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Maybe he can send a campaign rep to school cafeterias to collect lunch money from kids - after all, they\'re too fat so they don\'t need lunch anyway!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Hatzlacha to the new Rabbi!!!!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
2 incompetent corrupt radical left institutions,I wish they could both lose
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
\"THE\" Menorah in the temple? ...The connection between this Roman image and the actual shape of the menorah that stood in the Kodesh in the Beis HaMikdash is not very strong at best....
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#8: Who exactly is trying to ensure that Hispanics remain a "permanent under-class"? The American dream is as open to them as to all immigrants and they can choose to embrace education with the same drive that Asian-Americans do; they just choose not to.
If you had the opportunity to speak to your grandparents and if you would study some history, you'd discover that they certainly did revere education and were very patriotic to this country. Who said anything about compassion? There was plenty of anti-Semitism and very little compassion but they took advantage of the opportunities they had to better themselves and climbed the ladder, the same way countless immigrants do today. Do you think Asian immigrants are shown much compassion in the neighborhoods they have to start out in? Do you remember the LA riots? Hispanics have it much easier in that regard because of their numbers, and also have the same opportunities to succeed.
BTW, I don't form my opinions from talk radio; I study history and speak to as many people who lived through it as I can. You might consider turning off NPR and doing the same!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
HI!! I go to BNYHS and am SO EXCITED AND PROUD OF MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We worked really hard to raise the money and run in the race, and we had a lot of fun doing it!!!! THANK YOU JCN FOR HOLDING IT!!! Thank you so much--for holding the race, and for the plaque. It\'s beautiful!
--A BNYHS Student
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Hatzlacha Rabbah and Mazel tov!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Case in point: Half-Moon K used to be as unreliable as the Triangle K is today. But the Half-Moon K made some changes, and is now accepted as a very pious hechsher. Why should the Triangle K be given any less of a chance?!?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
On Friday nights, when the orthodox come home from their synagogue service, they have a ceremony at their dinner table where they cover two small loaves of bread (challas) and they make a blessing over their wine (known as Kiddush). Do you know why they do that? They cover the challas so as not to embarrass them when the first blessing is made over wine rather than the bread. (Usually, the blessing on bread comes before and in lieu of any blessings over any other food). It's intriguing in that the ceremony of covering the challas is meant to teach us sensitivity towards others. And yet, I have seen over and over again and I have just seen again today, that a person, (and in this case another observant Jew), will be refused assistance of any kind if he does not conform to one view point or another. This is the case even if the subject of disagreement is a rather minor issue. It's as if there is a silent declaration that the person has been stripped of his status as a Jew and is to be given no quarter. This is why the orthodox are so scared to show any independent thinking at all. If someone even suggests you are non-conforming you are ejected silently and without a chance to defend or correct. Imagine you woke up one day and without warning you were no longer accepted as a member of whatever community of which you were a part. It would be a nightmare. I refer you to The Metamorphasis by Franz Kafka. It is frightening to be suddenly on the out and out, especially if every aspect of your life from your family to your living is tied to that community. The pain is indescribable if you have devoted your entire life to that community. But I have to take a step back and ask myself, now that I see their true colors, would I really want to be a part of such a group? If this is the result their morals and ethics and beliefs and ideals and virtues, then what does it all really amount to anyway? And though it may be painful and even scary, and late in life, is it not worth at least knowing the truth even for such a short time? If they will stand by and watch one of their own suffer with no sense of compassion, do you really want to stand with them? Not me. Not this time. Not in this world. And not in the next world.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Can these women just get a life already?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Regarding the previous comment about triangle k being an unreliable symbol - this has been accepted by most of the frum world as true. Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate this fact. Who gets to decide its not reliable? A frum rabbi heads it up and says its Kosher. I agree with the comment above - all you need is an eid Echod here. All of a sudden we change the rules and say we need more than that? It seems to me that it's about the business side. We all know that hashgacha is big business - and competitors act with no mercy towards their competitors in this area of business. I think it's time for a revolution. I'm going to go eat a hot dog now. I hope I don't burn in gehenom from the hotdog.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
What exactly is the problem?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Well said #1 it would be a real shame to miss out on Wegmans in Owings Mills
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #1. He's a democrat, he probably voted while in the womb.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Repeat after me ,border crossing =illegal immigration,our grandparents=legal,hence the whole comparison is irrelevent .what the wicked and evil liberal godfather fdr prevented was even legal immigration.(to the previous commentor,maybe you shouldlisten to some talk radio,so you become a little less ignorant).
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Mazel tov! Too bad Boaz won't be eligible to vote for another 18 years . . .
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
When many are doing everything they can to ensure that the Hispanics are a permanent under-class, it is not surprising that they have a relatively low enrollment rate in schools. What came first, their lack of drive towards education or their marginalization?
Much of your distinction is based on the assertion that Eastern European Jews revered education and were patriotic (to the US?!), and therefore they deserved compassion. But I wonder: Did our great-grandparents running away from extreme poverty really think about these things? It\'s more likely that the same sentiments were going through the minds of the Jews crossing the Atlantic in dreadful boats and Mexicans crossing the border in 18-wheelers. Neither cared much about education or patriotism. They cared about making it, earning a few bucks, and living the dream. The Jews were successful because of the following things in this exact order: A)They were accepted with relative compassion (until the 20's). B)They had a strong work ethic and were successful in business. C)THEN education and patriotism worked their way in over the next generations. Give the Mexicans the same compassion, and then in a few generations they might be doing the same thing.
Regarding advocacy groups; Organizations on all sides regularly say extreme things when advocating regarding hot topics. Do you agree with every statement of the ADL?
I am not saying the 'Jews will be negatively impacted' but rather 'Jews were positively impacted'. Not that 'Jews won't be allowed in' but that 'Jews were allowed in'. Doesnt sound like a detrimental position, because it worked!
Have the same compassion for others, and maybe stop listening to talk radio :-)
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
There is nothing misleading about this article. Triangle K has long been an unreliable symbol.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
First three posters need to calm down. Stop over-reacting on this site.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Phrases like "councilmanic courtesy" and "I've been against the project since Day One." are what makes people despise politicians who are out for their own gain, political, financial or both. If I were Wegmans I would take my money and jobs elsewhere and leave this ungrateful county right away.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I love comment #1's assertion that bjl will get banned by the rabanim. I think you may have a misconception about the number of people who would follow such a cult like ban. Do you ever think for yourself, or do you just blindly follow everything you're told to do.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Regarding the first comment - it's ignorant comments like that that make me believe how very lost Orthodoxy has become. Do you think the triangle k Shochtim are some summer interns? I'm sure they are frum. Why has Orthodoxy become an OCD institution obsessed with constantly upping the ante of restriction and constriction? Enough is enough already. Eid Echod ne'eman be'esurin. Who are you to say its not kosher? Get off your high horse. I guarantee the crazier you get with restriction the further you are getting from G-d. It's time to examine why we do what we do instead of just following a bunch of leaders who promote tighter control right off the cliff of insanity. Look at our youth. They've already figured this out.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
this is so appalling, the biggest problem about this is that people don't realize it is a problem!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I agree tremendously with the first two commentators. Vote Yes to Solo Cup, Vote NO to Howard Brown!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Correction to #1: Looks like a big section of the MALE ORTHODOX Jewish community.767
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#6: Census data for children in the U.S. shows that of the various demographic groups, Hispanics have the lowest percentage enrolled in High School and College. This means that while many are willing to take jobs that Americans supposedly refuse, they will not be able to climb the economic ladder in large numbers and will therefore remain a huge financial burden on the public. In addition, several large, Hispanic advocacy organizations are taking increasingly radical positions against U.S. foreign policy and even against Israel.
Our grandparents succeeded in this country and didn't become economic burdens because they revered education and were unabashedly patriotic. Unfortunately, you can't say the same the current wave of immigrants.
Your arguments really sound like the typical, liberal positions of, "Let's relax every requirement and standard because otherwise, Jews will be negatively impacted" and "Let's open the borders wide to everyone, otherwise Jews won't be allowed in". Such positions have a very detrimental impact on Jews, both religiously and economically.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
it will be a miracle if these boys are able to develop into serious students of gemara
shame on the adults who encourage these neshamos to dance like the bnei cham in times square !!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #5 and #2: A similar sentiment in the 1920's would be as follows: Many of the Eastern European Jews who dont know English may be hard working but they and their large families have become a growing and lasting economic burden on this country.
Also why do you believe that the current would-be immigrants are any less patriotic and pro-education than our grandparents? Was patriotism and education really on the Jewish immigrants' minds any more than the Mexicans are thinking about it? Both groups simply want(ed) to make it here, WHATEVER it takes. Agreed on FDR though. Question at this point is why todays Mexicans should get any less compassion than our grandparents deserved.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Is there a recording available of Rabbi Heinemann and Rabbi Lopianksy's speeches?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I am so confused I thought this was a jewish sad
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #4: Many of the "border crossers" you mention may be hard working but aside from filling up the public schools, they are not pro-education like our grandparents were. They and their large families have become a growing and lasting economic burden on this country. Also unlike our grandparents, many of them are not exactly patriotic; just take a look at what their advocacy group La Raza has to say.
Despite the immigration policies of the 1920's, Jews might have been allowed into this country when their lives depended on it but unfortunately, FDR was a virulent anti-Semite, as was his "good friend" Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Susan--I LOVE your aliyah blogs, and follow them faithfully. Please keep them coming! Try to stay cool. Chaya Statman,Balto,MD.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Comment #1 is not Orthodox thinking but the extreme right wing (Chareidi if you will) thinking that pervades much of Orthodoxy especially in Baltimore. If one chooses to eat only Glatt meat, so be it but don\'t baselessly defame another product. I highly don\'t BJL will be banned (another right wing process) by the Rabbanim (whoever they are) because as a rule this website supports their agenda.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This reeks of political/financial motivation and clearly has nothing to do with traffic. Wegmans and other businesses want to come in, renovate an eyesore, pay taxes and bring jobs to Owings Mills and the politicians want to stand in its way because there is a "proposal" to revamp Owings Mills Mall? I say you take the sure thing, Wegmans in Hunt Valley and other places is enormously successful, a proven entity and should be allowed to break ground tomorrow, if this negatively effects the David S. Brown project so be it, let the best man win - it's called capitalism.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
These days, it is not a problem to boil an even number of eggs or even just 1 or 2 eggs alone. Hear the answer from Rabbi Leff here:
It\'s question number 1651- 5th from bottom.
I asked a Rabbi Berger a year or two ago and got the same answer.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Please. Kenneth Oliver is the councilman for Randallstown, which includes the Owings Mills Mall! He probably gets kickbacks from Kimco to oppose this new shopping center. The proposed Foundry Row has already been approved by the county council and the zoning council of Baltimore county. The site is within the district of Vicky Almond-- who has heard lots of positive feedback from her constituents regarding the project. This shopping center will be a nice addition to that very ugly part of Owings Mills.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This sounds like a great recipe. I can't wait to try it. And thanks for all your tips!
Bellanne Weitz
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-20-2012 Comment #1 below is an excellent example of orthodox thinking. The orthodox are proud of their piety. Piety is indeed a virtue. But not when the piety ends at the mere ceremonial. Piety must extend to the substance of the ceremony. And it must extend to beyond our comfort zone. The rigorous laws of Kashruth apply everywhere and to everyone. So if we see the laws of Kashruth being observed by people we do not relate to and in places that are outside our comfort zone and by companies we do not normally see in the grocery store, we must afford honor to those laws and their observance. So too the entire galaxy of interpersonal laws. These laws of the Torah apply to all people whether we know them or not, like them or not, dress like them or not, live among them or not. Others, those different from us, also deserve the rights and protections of the Torah. Kosher is Kosher, all over the world and for all people, a Jew is a Jew, no matter where he lives or what he wears. The attitude that others are not Jews and their food is not Kosher is repugnant to the ideals and virtues Torah that burn in the heart of all good and decent people. Repugnant. Plain and simple. You can lock your doors and hide in the closet and wrap yourself in Rabbinical garb, that will not protect or preserve an individual or a community that is already dead inside. And make no mistake about it. A person who can roundly and summarily dismiss the piety of another Jew is dead inside. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#2 basic kashrut 101. Odd number of eggs is used in case of blood spots (prior to boiling of the egg.) This nuilfies the process and allows you to use your pot without concern and kashring your pot. Speak with your Rav.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #2: Today's 'border crossers' share the most basic noble view that our immigrant great-grandparents held in the first decades of the last century, when the masses of Jews came largely because of poverty in Eastern Europe (not because of persecution). Mexicans today also simply want a new life in the goldena medina. They are some of the most pro-working people you can find, and are willing to work in jobs most Americans would never take (for example industrial kitchens and landscaping). Anti-immigrationists in the early 1900's used your exact arguments to limit Jewish immigration, and were succesful when immigration was significantly curtailed in the 1920's.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Dear reader #1 - now I am curious, why do I have to use an odd number of eggs? - Bracha
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Statements like these are why the aguda continues to bleed membership.This was a dangerous unconstitutional power grab by obama for sinister motives.Instead of "chanifa",either they should stay qiet(as its a matter basicly irrelevent to their consittuency)or condemn .shame
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Looks like a big section of the jewish community.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
When you boil eggs you need to use an odd number
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
THIS IS SO MISLEADING. I predict there will be outrage over this post. BJL you are pushing the envelope. This is an advertisement and should clearly say it is in big letters. I think BJL will get banned by the rabbanim over this post because every one know hebrew national is not kosher
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yes, they do share the "virulent anti-immigration agenda of most of today's republicans" (you left out "hateful"). That's because most of these immigrants come from cultures that do not share the same patriotic, pro-education, pro-work ideals of our grandparents, and our community donesn't want to have to pick up the tab!
Here's a little history lesson: when the Jews of Europe were trying so desperately to immigrate to this country in the 1930's and 1940's, it wasn't the "nasty republicans" that locked them out. No, it was your hero, FDR, who consistently had large majorities in the House and Senate and could have let them in but hated Jews.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yasher Koach to the Agudah. Given our community's history, we should adopt pro-immigration policies across the board, and have compassion for the people who are attracted to this country for the same reasons our grandparents were. Instead, many in our community sadly adopt the virulent anti-immigration agenda of most of today's republicans.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
You mach. Instead of sitting and complaining and creating paranoid conspiracy theories, you mach. While it helps a lot to have money, there are many machers who don't. Hatzalah was originally started by a macher in Williamsburg. The Bais Yaakov movement was started by a macher. There are dozens of unmet needs in the community waiting for someone to step up. Stop kvetching and start maching!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Is the pamphlet still available?
Comment by N S
How do you become a macher ?
Comment by N S
its unknown if this is actually cancelled
Comment by N S
This was cancelled
Comment by N S
how do we get access to the petition so we could sign it?
Comment by N S
Shield your eyes, on a highway billboard? While driving? Couldn't they have found a better place for it?
Comment by N S
Nice try. If you agree that these machors truly care about the community, get them to not sell out and perform for us as a whole. Maybe I struck a chord and possibly you are one of them :)
Comment by N S
If you don't agree with our community's leaders, become one. If you host a reception for a republican I will come.
Comment by N S
I blame the Internet.
Comment by N S
By the way, Obama did not take question at the end. he almost never does.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 What hurts the most is not so much the sayings of your enemies, but the silence of your friends. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
The Obama Administration political appointee who administers the ACA just announced his resignation. What does that \"say?\"
Comment by N S
Please. Thats the game called politics. When you see any one of them campaigning for Romney or any local Republican candidate, post it. You won't until magically a republican wins without any of their public support. Then they will come to the table again. No one expected Ehrlich to win and then he got public support. When after losing to omalley, he ran again, his public orthodox supporters ran away from him. They are all short sighted and looking for immediate power and sell us all out in the process (no matter how much they justify their actions by thinking they will vote republican when they vote). Completely short sighted and actually hurts us all.
Comment by N S
to commenter #1, i would imagine that BJL is offering this article/information in case any Baltimore readers are planning a visit to London in the near future. There are also by the way, many Londoners and other Brits living in Baltimore,like myself, who are interested in reading articles like this. Why the need to bash?
Comment by N S
"inherently forbidden"? by whom?
Comment by N S
yeah, it is does not exactly have anything to do with Baltimore Jewish Life. Not to mention the Jewish Cronicle is not a very well respected source of information. Shame.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 Yesher Koach Rabbi Krakowski for this essay. But I have a question. What is the Jewish homeland? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 Yaisher Koach Reb Avraham for this essay. When I think of the idea of peering at the Tzitzis I cannot help but think that to peer means more than merely staring at them but to peer into them means to also ponder their meaning and their message and the message of the Mitzvos individually and as a whole group. We must always ask ourselves, what is the message? It is not sufficient to keep only the ceremonial but to also live the ideals and virtues that the Miztvos teach us. That is consistent with the expression, on the 'Kanfei' of the clothing. Knaf means corner but it is from the word Knaf or Kanfei which means wings. The wings carry on the wind, the ruach. The Miztvos allow us to access the spirit of the Torah and it is the spirit of the Torah which burns in the heart of all good and decent people. And the lesson of Parshas Shelach lies in observing not only the mere ceremonial but being true to the spirit. Yesher Koach again Reb Avraham. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Why do we need to know this?
Comment by N S
Where oh where is our lovely State Department?!!!!!!! How much tax payers' money goes to an ineffectual and agency when needed. Are the also helping Mr. Gross in Cuba? Alas, I think not.
Comment by N S
What the facade is and what the reality is behind the scenes are 2 different things. Don't be so naive. Just because we can't legally chose our neighbors doesn't mean we delight in their presence. Nor they in ours, for that matter. We go along to get along, nothing more.
Comment by N S
How naive. The leaders who hosted are inherently forbidden to host something similar for ANY republican candidate in any major race. Wake up. It's not about helping you going there. We should support all. What is not good is these leaders selling out for the present thus preventing any hope for change in the future. You young supporters, wake up. You can do whatever you want to help a republican but these leaders have sold all of us out.
Comment by N S
The speaker was referring to menuchas hanefesh as a state of inner peace. Among the practical suggestions made, Rebbetzin Feldman advised singles to know both their maalot (stong points) and chisronot (weaknesses) before dating. She emphasized that people have to know who they are and what they are willing or unwilling to forgo. Mrs. Rochelle Goldberg discussed meeting one\'s emotional, physical, and psychological needs. She emphasized the importance of being happy and at times, being flexible. Mrs. Dvora Meira Ringo pointed out that during the dating process, people have to be very self-focused on their own needs, assessing if their needs are being met. However, once married, people need to focus on their spouses' needs. She also advised singles to get out and meet people--go out for a meal on Shabbos, visit friends in other communities, and get to know new people.
Comment by N S
To comment #1, do you realize that non \"frum\" people read this website and nasty comments like yours? Stop the divisive words, if G-d forbid you get a book you do not feel is appropriate for your home dispose of it how you see fit. And how exactly would you like them to advertise that this is for non \"frum\" people only? With a huge warning label, perhaps? Please re-read and reconsider your words.
Comment by N S
Interesting article. Wilkes-Barre, PA's Jewish community was still thriving in the 1970s although now it is struggling. The history of that community is thoroughly covered in the book available at this link:
Comment by N S
Are we not to be a Light unto the World? If we isolate ourselves completely, how do we bring the other nations to belief and acceptance of HaShem?
Bnos Yisroel would not have their school building and CHAI would not have a planned senior building if the Glen Community Improvement Association did not sign on to the project. There were many objections. Orthodox Jewish involvement on the Association, working with our non-Jewish neighbors, helped to approve the project. Ignoring neighborhood associations and government agencies because they are the 'goyishe community' has caused problems for the Jewish community. Last year Hatzalah was fined $500 for parking their ambulance in a driveway. Only by amending the law to exempt volunteer ambulances were we able to defeat this problem. If Hatzalah is ONLY for the Jews (which it is not), then it would not be an exempt volunteer ambulance and would continue to be fined. We live in Baltimore and must interact with others to ensure our own stability and success. Honoring someone who has helped is in our community is commendable.
Comment by N S
Do the women still wear those atrocious straps that extend from each pant leg under the foot? Never seen that any place but Israel and have no idea what the point of it is... do they want to make sure their pant lets stay in place even if they are suddenly turned upside down?
Comment by N S
What selfish jerks comment on this website. I assume all these idiots also don't want any funding that doesn't come from non-ultra orthodox jews including the gov't and federation. Go take your self misery to another town, we don't need any of that here. And to you Mr. Cohn why on earth are you allowing these comments? Is this the type of website you want to operate? If you keep this up then you will be in the same parsha of or worse. Overall you run a good website and it would be a terrible shame to give that up all for some senseless lashen hara.
Comment by N S
Yes they do good work. They help JEWS buy homes. Anything else is irrelevant if it's not for us.
Comment by N S
I think all these stupid comments were written by one idiot who should jump into a lake. CHAI does great work for our community and its a real shame that this website lets psychopaths post absolutely dumb comments that have no place in our community. All those comments qualify as lashon harah against CHAI and the editor of this website and the commentators will suffer for it.
Comment by N S
I\'m no macher, but I saw the signs and went. I will not be voting for the congressman, but the mesorah (tradition) I received from individuals such as R\' Moshe Feinstein (and I understand that Rabbi Neuberger was of the same mind) is we work with all politicians to further the good of the country and the needs of our community. Mr. Sarbannes is a strong incumbent with a bright future who has shown a willingness to work with us, and seichel (common sense) says at least some of us should support him. If we can come up with a viable alternative I am all for it, but how may of you can name his Republican opponent? As an aside, there were some women present.
Comment by N S
#2 you do not speak for the entire Jewish community, or anyone else besides yourself for that matter. So don't say "we". I happen to agree with #1. This is just like those who think that Shomrim and Hatzalah are here for everyone. They are not. They are here for the Jewish people who live here, and that's all. If the rest want an ambulance or a watch patrol, let them get their own to do it.
Comment by N S
It may not be the Baltimore way, but it is the Torah way, and without Torah there is no Jewish community. Maybe you should reread your "Bible". We are not supposed to want to live with them. It is just a sad fact that we do, so we tolerate them, that's all. But to go out of our way to make them happy? Not me, never.
Comment by N S
This event was clearly intended for \\\"the non macher crowd\\\" by only charging $25 instead of the usual $1,000+. Kudos to Congressman Sarbanes for making your events affordable for everyone in the community. I hope more politicians follow your lead.
Comment by N S
Dear comment number 1: We, the Baltimore Jewish Community, would kindly appreciate it if you pick up your stuff and got the heck out of town. There is no place for your stupid and hateful isolating thoughts in our community. Go back to wherever you came from. That is not the baltimore way!
Comment by N S
Why were there no women there??
Comment by N S
I believe this event was open to the public and even advertised right here on Baltimore Jewish Life, no need to "macher" up to attend.
Comment by N S
Since when is it commendable to honor our own for their nice relations with the goyishe community? Whatever happened to it being commendable for NOT associating with them? Isn't that what the Torah teaches? Ok, they live among us (or vice versa). That doesn't mean we have to go out of our way or bestow honors on those who revel in that fact. Persoanlly, I'd prefer a fence or a wall between us.
Comment by N S
I would like to read in an article why those gathered at the reception support the Congressman, other that his support of Israel.
Comment by N S
Isn't this for non-frum people? why is it being put here? My friend didn't know and then stopped hers because she said they send books that she didn't want in her house for her kids. They should say that the books aren't frum.
Comment by N S
Menuchas Hanefesh = Serenity, a calm mind, peace of mind or stepping back from the storms of life to get an opportunity to reflect.
Comment by N S
Comment #7 ,nailed it
Comment by N S
The article only mentions Mr. Sarbanes' support for Israel. It would be nice to know why the Hosts and other people attending the reception actually support the Congressman. The domestic policies he supports are destroying this country, and are steadily destroying this state. It should be embarrassing to those in the above pictures, assuming they are there to give support.
Comment by N S
Some of these "leaders" told me "don't worry we will be voting republican when we go I into the voting booth." How short sighted this bunch is. They would rather politically rub elbows and take political personal favors, knowing they can't now represent themselves supporting a republican candidate, while justifying to themselves (falsely) that somehow by privately and quietly going into the voting booth and voting Republican, they are doing mechila. Not so sadly. You have and will continue to hurt your state and country and yes by blindly supporting a Democrat like Sarbanes because of Israel support,you are tacitly publicly asking us to vote for Obama too. Look yourselves in the mirror one day.
Comment by N S
I'd like to hear more detail about the practical suggestions that were offered. Thank you.
Comment by N S
6-13-2012 Yesher Koach Rabbi Storch. I would humbly like to add a thought this essay inspired in me. Loshon Hora is the prohibition of speaking certain truths. One may be tempted to ask, why would it be forbidden to say the truth? Truth is truth! How can we prohibit the truth? The answer is suggested by Rabbi Storch\'s essay. It is not the simple truth which is forbidden. It is when that truth becomes more than a truth. It is when the truth becomes a label. That is the depravity of the Loshon Hora. In the episode of the snake and the sin of Odom Harishon, the snake is told his seed will bite the heal of the seed of Eve. Onkeles writes on that, the snake\'s seed will remind her seed of their original sin. The fact is transformed to a label. And you can never shake a label. That is not truth. That is not fair. That is depravity. Yesher Koach Rabbi Storch. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
The phrase "menuchas hanefesh" is used over and over in this article, could you please offer a definition of this term? Thank you.
Comment by N S
The actual Marine One with POTUS on board flew over Ner Yisroel today on its way to McDounagh school.
Comment by N S
Why would anyone re-elect any politician in Maryland when we have:
Highest unemployment rates ever,
High crime rates, including murders, robberies and assaults,
High and ever increasing taxes, including high income taxes both federal and State and City, high real estate taxes, high gas taxes, alcohol tax, car registration taxes, computer services taxes, haircut taxes, increased sales tax
Under ObamaCare, in the coming year we will get hit with increased Capital Gains tax that will affect anyone with any investment including 401K, CD's, House sales, stocks, mutual funds , higher estate taxes, and other taxes embedded in the Bill,
Highest gas prices ever seen for this length of time, huge electric rate increases that will increase even more with "green energy" legislation that passes the high cost of useless expensive wind energy onto consumers,
and more. With all this horrible taxation and lousy economy, why would anyone re-elect any of the politicians in office? That is giving them a green light to just tax us more and decrease individual wealth while enriching the ruling class. When you fail at a job, you get fired. It is time we fired these failing politicians. Israel can survive without any politicians saying nice things about it.
Comment by N S
Im bedavka not voting for him. We need a non-macher candidate !
Comment by N S
How sad. How many of us were welcoming Ann Romney today with such smiles? Of course none of you because once you sell out your political courage you cannot then show your public faces for a Democrats political adversary. Yes, we need Sarbanes to support Israel but we also an overall agenda that he cannot offer us. Please don't cut deals like this without stating you are happy to offer your support as long as you can also show your support to Republicans who you support for other agenda areas. Of course none of you will do that. You are blind (or simply do not care) to the long term damage you are doing to your fellow Jews in Baltimore and the US.
Comment by N S
Yeah, how do non- machers get invited? Also, was this a fundraiser? If so, it should be stated explicitly in your article.
Comment by N S
Rabbi brull is awsome.keep up the gr8 work
Comment by N S
How does the average person get invited ?
Comment by N S
\" New Book\"? this book was published in 2004
Comment by N S
"A Marine One helicopter" -- no such beast. If the president was not on board (and, if it was a dry-run only, he was not), then it is NOT Marine One. It was either a VH-3D Sea King or a VH-60N WhiteHawk helicopter -- both of which are the type used to transport the president. By definition, "Marine One" is a call sign -- the call sign reserved for any USMC aircraft onboard which is POTUS.
Comment by N S
There is more than supporting Israel. What has Mr. Sarbanes done? What\'s his voting record? We should be looking at what effects us first... And yes, Israel is definately important, but I don\'t believe that Mr. Sarbanes is the best choice for residents of NW Baltimore. Case in point: Mr. Sarbanes was one of those Members who voted for ObamaCare prior to it being read. Mr. Sarbanes was also one of those Members who attended the White House shakedowns prior to ObamaCare being passed. I don\'t see much going on here that benefits Marylanders.
Comment by N S
Nice roundup of a great event
Comment by N S
Are there no Conservative candidates that support Israel?
Comment by N S
I often write about the uniqueness of the Holocaust and state that the Holocaust is completely different from other Genocides. This position is controversial to some people. There are those who believe that the only way to preserve the memory of the Holocaust is by making it a universal lesson regarding the tribulations throughout the world. Whether I am right or wrong, only our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will know. Seventy five years from when the last of the holocaust survivors are gone I predict that regardless of Yad Vashem, the United States Holocaust Museum, and all the other museums and books, the memory of the Holocaust will not be preserved. It will be regarded as just another Genocide in the history of genocides.
Unless we preserve the memory of the Holocaust and tie it to Jewish observance and ritual by including the Holocaust in prayer service or as I have done, creating a Holocaust Siddur and Haggadah (which is available free on line: the Holocaust will become a mere date in history. It has to be tied into a revitalized Judaism to keep it alive.I for one, at this point in my life, no longer stress the pain, suffering and horrors of the Holocaust. Today I speak of the importance of learning about the heroic individuals who survived the Holocaust to make better lives for themselves and their families. Many Holocaust survivors have created synagogues, yeshivot and day schools and still support them financially. We need to learn about those who resisted the Nazis, not only about the crematoriums. The memory of the Holocaust will be kept alive by future generations if we have pride in the accomplishments of the survivors and preserve Judaism. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
Comment by N S
I can't understand what the rabi is trying to say. It's just a collection of different mekoros with thoughts that start and stop. What is this supposed to be?
Comment by N S
You can vote once EVERY day....
Comment by N S
i love the irony of reading this article, and commenting on it, on the dreaded internet. the internet is no different from any other form of technology or science - neither good nor ill. it is the purposes for which people use it that render it good or ill. have self-restraint. if you don\'t, no number of asifas or bais yaakov events or demands from rabbis will protect you. and if you do, you don\'t need their \"protection\".
Comment by N S
Nice trash can! Go Hatzalah.
Comment by N S
Actually if you listen to the OLD Jewish music - Avraham Fried, MBD, etc. You will feel the beauty in Jewish music. It\'s the contemporary Jewish music that needs a major make-over. Where are the really talented singers who sang from the Neshama and had beautiful natural voices without the use of synthesizers every few seconds?
If you\'d like to hear music of the soul - listen to Avraham fried and MBD\'s OLD compositions / CDs. They will uplift you to higher levels guaranteed.
Comment by N S
To #4 - Do I detect a bit of defensiveness at Mr.Szojchet\'s comments? He has the right to express his opinion as much as you do, and he does not state that he writes his opinion in any official capacity for the rest of us. If you would read through what he wrote a second time perhaps you would see that he has some valuable points. The fact is that we are particularly vulnerable at this juncture in history. There is a widespread defensiveness in our community when anyone CH\"VSH is willing to admit the slightest implication that we are not the best thing since sliced bread. We are a generation that wallows in complacency and denial. We come out of Levayas and run to Tehillim gatherings crying \"Why?\" without the requisite introspection. Instead we blame whatever problems that WE have on the environment, objects and even people that we haughtily deem spiritually lower than ourselves. Unfortunately, this is not a new phenomenon either. Mussar is never dangerous; defensiveness and denial is spiritually deadly!!
Comment by N S
I came home from work one day to find about 12 of them in a circle with their clipboards figuring out how to case the neighborhood. Within an hour, there were 6 packets on 2 adjoining buildings of my apartment complex. I felt no shame in destroying all 12 packets of their mishegoss. In my neighborhood, where there are mostly frum Jews, they may have less of a chance of spreading their \\\'word.\\\' What I fear most is their going to lesser observant neighborhoods where Torah isn\\\'t present in peoples\\\' lives and homes. This is where the true danger lies...and they are Jews one in the same.
Comment by N S
Ha ha,so cute,its nice jack lew can laugh while his administration destroys our country.
Comment by N S
Cool video. I am not into modern technology. I think it's shtus, but now I got a smartphone and online access so I could see this video. I love it.
Comment by N S
My neighbor who owns/owned a Shabbos Mode GE oven woke up Shavuos morning to find that the wall above the stove was blackened the top of the oven above the display was burned and the oven itself dead (kind of dangerous situation I think). He had bought a service agreement with it fortunately. GE was totally unhelpful about the problem, but did offer to sell him another oven with a $300 credit. My neighbor said that even with that discount, the same model still sold for less at local stores.
Comment by N S
I LOVE THIS ARTICLE! The pictures and video are terrific! Thanks!
Comment by N S
To say that Rav Yosef is Godol is fine, but to attribute his chair as having special powers sounds like Avodah Zoroh.
Comment by N S
Why wasn't this announced on BJL? We had no idea about this event!
Comment by N S
While I am sure this article will receive many comments, I\'m not sure what the purpose of it is.
If anyone can share the significance of it, I\'d love to know.
Comment by N S
What a beautiful event celebrating the importance of teachers and jewish education across the spectrum. The CJE did a marvelous job of showcasing the most important thread of jewish survival. An evening of appreciation, inspiration and job well done!
Comment by N S
Kudos to the Center for Jewish Education. Not enough is done to recognize and support the important work that teachers do. I am glad to learn that there is a place here in Baltimore that has made it a priority.
Comment by N S
eisav sone et yaakov
Comment by N S
I couldn't agree more. I understand the need the at the game and some of our democrats are strong supporters of israel but where is there backbone to say I will host a fundraiser for you but understand I may do the same for a republican too. None of these leaders have the guts to do so and in the end they hurt all of us. Let them write their checks and makes their connections but leave us all alone to support what is best for all of us and not the leaders themselves. Sad times ahead for all of us unless these leaders wake up.
Comment by N S
Regarding the previous posters: I think it is okay to post your thoughts and frustrations without using words lke drivel. Regarding the issue at hand, I believe that the TFSA seminars being put on are more than sufficient for our community. Most of the people in town are now required to attend one of these anyway. We don't have make a huge, spectacular (and may I add costly) event because it looks nice - that's one of the nice things of Baltimore. We don't need the extravagance. Yaasher Koch to those who are working on these issues here in town - let's continue to keep it small and b'kavodik.
Comment by N S
How sad. How many of our "community leaders" dare show their faces in a picture with Mrs. Romney? They sold themselves out and while they party with democrats in the short run, they ate hurting all of us in the long run.
Comment by N S
Captain Zaryk worked very, very closely with the NWCP for many years, and was always available when needed. We wish him much luck in his future endeavors. And, yes Captain, you are still invited to attend the dinner any year that you would like. :). Your friends at the NWCP
Comment by N S
When it comes to competence, no one will ever believe that Obama is suprior to anyone, certainly not Israel.
Comment by N S
interesting article and thank you BJL for posting. Who is this surgeon from baltimore named "Papel"? I've never heard of him and wondering if any of the other readers have.
Comment by N S
WE need to support Romney and the Republican Party.
Not Sarbanes, Cardin, Mikulski, Obama, Almond, etc.
Comment by N S
Why exactly is this on BJL?
Comment by N S
and why can't it be done here????
Comment by N S
Does this mean that kicking a kid out of school since their parents did not attend an educational class become bullying by the administration of the school?
Comment by N S
This article should be a \"must read\" for all school teachers and administrators.
Comment by N S
I wonder how many people that went to the required Bais Yaakov classes feel they really got any real world useful information? Did people come out of the class with information to use that they did not know prior to attending (internet being dangerous was already known by most as well as the concept of using a filter) or was it just informational with little real world applications (a list of filters could have been given out everyday for a few days to all girls to get the parents the message. What was the ultimate goal of the classes.
Comment by N S
6-7-2012 I once again find myself articulating an unpopular contrary opinion. Its good that more people are becoming aware of their Judaism and are taking joy in its practice. But you have to ask yourself what is it that attracts these people. Are they attracted to the ideals and virtues that they see and feel in the Torah? Probably. Will they embrace orthodoxy when they see and learn what the real substance of their faith? Will they embrace the orthodox attitude towards non-halachic ethics and morals? Will they embrace the orthodox attitude towards gentiles and non-orthodox? Will they embrace the trends of piety and the unique social mores of the orthodox community? How will they react when they see aggression between one orthodox Jew and another that is so common in our day and age? Will they shrug it off and say it is not a reflection of the whole community? And for how long will they say that? What happens when they find themselves on the wrong end of the communities' opinions ? Will they continue to embrace orthodoxy or will they conclude they love the Torah but not the orthodox community. What then? What if they embrace the halachah but look elsewhere for spiritual enrichment? What then? We need to answer these questions for ourselves and our own children if we wish to be ambassadors of Torah to our brethren and the world. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Did anyone ask him about Jonathan Pollard??
Comment by N S
No need for an Asifa with Rabbanim. The presentation at Bais Yaakov was informative and has some reasonable practical steps. Just have the Rabbanim suggest that people attend this presentation and that will be far more effective.
Comment by N S
Dear comment #1. Are you Jewish? Are even from Baltimore? Chances are you are a supporter of Pascrell. Please be honest about who you are and why you back Pascrell?
Comment by N S
You think he cares what a bunch of Rabbis have to say to him? Waste of time... NOTE: This is not directed at the Askunim.
Comment by N S
Don\'t blame Baltimore Jewish LIfe for the tone in this article. It was written by a secular media outlet and it is representing their point of view which is actually quite positive considering the circumstances and how negative it could really be. For example if it was in the NY Times. Also, imagine if the Amish had a massive conference against the automobile and declared anyone who uses a car will rot in gehonimm. We would think they are out of their mind and crazy. Whether you like it or not banning the internet in it\'s entirety nowadays in the equivalent of banning the automobile at least from the secular point of view.
Comment by N S
The author is either a totally incompetant journalist or a partisan troll. First, he can't even decide whether the Congressman's name is Parcell or Pascrell. (It is the latter.) Second, while Pascrell is not one of the leading supporters of Israel in Congress, it is completely false to call him an "Arab" candidate. Third, Pascrell won the primary with more votes than all the other Democrats and Republicans put together -- with Pascrell getting almost six times as many votes as Boteach. Fourth, the author has defended the single most embarrasing member of Congress, Joe Walsh, who lost a condo to foreclosure, faced lawsuits from a former campaign manager for nonpayment of services and from his ex-wife for over $100,000 in back child support, had his driver's license suspended for not paying his auto insurance, and had the chutzpah to attack the military record of his Democratic opponent who had lost both legs while serving, saying, "What else has she done?" Yanover's opposition may be a good reason to support Pascrell.
Comment by N S
The Bnos Yisroel high school students that welcomed and ushered at the event truly embodied the Bnos Yisroel spirit. Kol Hakavod to Bnos Yisroel for putting together such a wonderful event and for teaching their students to act in a manner that is befiting a true Bas Melech.
Comment by N S
Rabbi Lau is without a doubt one of the very best speakers in the Jewish World today.He had the audience spellbound and his message cut through all of the divisions and obstacles that divide Jews,whether they have pure faith or not, his message resonated. No wonder he is so popular in Israel.
Thank you Bnos Yisroel for bringing him to Baltimore and thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for videoing his speeches so that those who were not there can see it and those of us who were there can see it again. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by N S
Poster #5, why are your comments worth more than every \"joe mick and Tim?\"
Comment by N S
I am Poster #5
I apologize to anyone who got the wrong idea. My comments are directed at comment #3. Yet I still feel uncomfortable that every Joe, Mick, and Tim on this site thinks their comments and ideas are worth any weight.
But mostly my comments are directed at Mr. Cohn for allowing this article and other articles that are critical of earnest people trying to be G-d fearing people.
Comment by N S
If #5 and #7 were truly following the gedolim they would not be posting here as this is not for Parnassa! What is your heter to be using the Internet to read BJL?
Comment by N S
Thank you BJL for always videoing events and posting them so those who cannot be at certain events can still experience them!!!
Comment by N S
Positive aspects? A positive waste of money that could have been put to much more charitable use. There must be an Ahavas Yisroel-like fund in the NY area that could have used the money spent on renting the ball park.
Comment by N S
Poster #5 and #7 how dare you attack BJL and its readership's yiras shamayim? I was not allowed to attend the event at Citi Field because I am a woman so it would not help me if like you say my "husbands and sons are doing who knows what on the internet", we have to get real about this issue and get our heads out of the sand. Everyone knows that true Torah learning is accomplished via arguments and disagreements, just go into the most illustrious batei medresh in the world and you will see b'nai Torah asserting their own opinions. We are not only allowed but encouraged to have our own viewpoint. We are not robots, G-d gave us incredible brains and we need to individually use them. The internet is not going anywhere, that is not cynicism that is the truth. As we know from history if we totally forbid our children from doing something those who want to will go behind our backs and then the consequences could be much much worse.
Comment by N S
#7: Glad to see you advocate such an open and honest approach to the communities problems. Or maybe we do not have any problems, except for the internet! You seem like a person who is so confident that you can tolerate dissent, positive critique, and the need for improvement without relying on censorship or pushing the problems under the rug. Thanks.
Comment by N S
I must protest the cynical tone of this article and that of the commenters below. I don't believe their views or the views in the article reflect the public message that baltimorejewishlife and its advertisers seeks to promote. There were many, many positive aspects to the Asifa and that should be the focus. Cynicism directed towards the event, and by inference the Gedolim involved, creates much more damage than good. I request the article be edited and the comments be denied. Thank you.
Comment by N S
Poster #4 mentioned financial transparency in our schools, as a long time user of the day school system in Baltimore I have to say the schools have greatly improved in this area and I believe if there is any information you would like from a school that you either send your child to or donate to they would be accomodating.
Comment by N S
Mr. cohn, At first I was appalled that you took an article that has a negative view towards the first asifa. But now that I see that your readership doesn't have that much yiras shamayim, it makes sense. Let's see what happens when these readers husbands and sons are doing who knows what on the internet. Then we'll see whether they "need" these gedolim....
Comment by N S
off to the side?
Comment by N S
Sure, right after the asifa on the economic issues facing the frum community like the tuition squeeze, lack of parnasah plans for many families, and the absence of financial transparency in our schools.
Comment by N S
We take pride in Baltimore, not being a community where we follow the masses like a herd of sheep. There are competent Rabbis in our community who know their congregants well enough to give them guidance in their lives on difficult issues including the Internet. As it is, Bais Yaakov forces it's parent body to go to an orientation on Internet safety. Do we now need "the Gedolim" telling us what to do? Do we need mixed messages from different groups? Should we waste 4 hours of our precious non-working family time to hear "inspiring" drivel in Yiddish? Thanks but no thanks.
Comment by N S
This is better for so many reasons, a. it acknowledges that women exist, b. it recognizes that most people in America do not understand Yiddish and c. it is in a shul rather than a stadium keeping expenses to a minimum. Those of us who were vehemently opposed to the original asifa do recognize the internet as a serious challenge to our community but wishing it away is not the solution. Let us talk practical strategies if not solutions. As far as whether I would like to see a similar asifa in Baltimore, I believe we already have had a number of gatherings to address this issue and feel local rabbis can discuss this from their own pulpits as they see fit.. Mostly we all must use out G-d given reasoning to assess how internet use effects ourselves and our families, draw our own conclusions and make the adjustments we feel are needed.
Comment by N S
Is it a divide between the chassidim of boro park, williamsburg, ky and the orthodox of flatbush, lakewood? The chassidim would never have english and mixed audiences. What seperates orthodox from ultra orthodox?
Comment by N S
Yisrael may be contacted at 410-666-6666 and
Comment by N S
University chabad houses are packed on Friday nights- with non orthodox students! Why? Because they know that is address for authentic davening, a kosher seuda with zemiros amd divrei torah and a rabbi that knows how to connect and relate with them amd cares about them. Not to mention home cooking by the rebbitzen with help in her kitchen from female students in preparing the shabbos meals. The students know whats authentic and what isnt. Non authentic judaism does not interest them- real jewish experiences do. The author knows this and knows wher
Comment by N S
It is so sad that the author of this article does not see the truth. He even ended with referring to Orthodox as a movement. When looking at the history of our Jewish religion, it is obvious that Orthodoxy is not a movement, but rather the original and correct Jewdaism. At least the author notices that Orthodoxy is doing something right. It is a kudush Hashem when Jews see how we, as orthodox Jews, value what is important to us.
Comment by N S
Hope the price drops below $50 a barrel.Let the Arabs and the greedy oil companies like B.P.suffer with major financial losses to teach them a lesson for their greed.
Comment by N S
I think everyone is out to make a *living*. Businesses need to survive these days. I also feel bad about the situation. But I can\\\'t necessarily blame the store for not accepting a perfectly good product back after the one who bought it decides it is not for them for whatever the reason. This is one of the advantages of paying more and going to a larger known store that has better return policies. Though I would advice that if he used a credit card to buy the product, he may have some purchase protection. Most CC companies extend the warranty but some will also protect you against a retailer that does not want to accept the product back (like Amex Blue).
Comment by N S
6-5-2012 AND WHAT OF US? FROM WHERE DO WE LEARN OUR ETHICS? Not from the common rabbi / Not from those tens of thousands of rabbis / Not from the lazy officials of ceremonies / Not from the greedy merchants with magic spells / Not from the vain, vacuous speakers / Not from the mean, deceitful men of God / Not from the decent, stupid sheep in the herd of the many / Not from the Tzaddikim busy sitting with their crowns on their heads basking in the light of God. ..... We have a deficit in our lives, and if we do not fill that deficit, it will only be a matter of time before our children fill that void themselves. And we may not like very much from where they fill that void. We cannot anchor ourselves on mere contempt for the rest of the world. We must have our own body of ethics from our own Torah. Or we will be just as irrelevant as the ethics of rest of the world. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Yes, we also got a citation from the camera near BY camera last month.
Comment by N S
Definition of a loony nebach. You can tell just by looking at him.
Comment by N S
Thank you Yaakov!
Comment by N S
easy to make. a little grainer than i would have liked but used to make cheese cake with regular cream cheese and it came out wonderful! thanks BJL/Bracha
Comment by N S
Where are the women who mourn him?
Comment by N S
This article is full of information that is completely irrelevant for the Baltimore Lunch Programs. You are taking information about programs in California, and quoting people from Baltimore? How much sense does that make. Menu changes are listed here are from these schools in California. You have not taken into consideration any of the actual guidlelines of the programs here. I run all the government programs in Baltimore, yet I was never even contacted about this article. Interesting. Way to slant the news. And a slap in the face to those of us who spend hours of our free time volunteerint to make these programs possible to out students in Batlimore.
Comment by N S
Reader #2 - we also (now) put cocoa in our cholent! It is a flavor enhancer - it brings a creaminess and a richness to the dish. Miriam -thank you so much for sharing - I was happily shocked to find out that I cocoa could be used as a dry rub... Take care, Bracha
Comment by N S
To #1
Pirchei Baseball has been around for a very long time - I think your issue is with the other new league.
Comment by N S
In a city where there is already a little league that has bent over bakwards to make every accomodation to various religious sensitivities, This goes too far. Wellwood Baseball promotes their games as being night seder friendly and every coach is constantantnly reminded that any food brought for the team is to be Kosher. Why mus we make further rifts among our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors alike...It is patently absurd and should be ended right away. Let up teach our children how to integrate in the modern world with success. Not everyone will be in Yeshiva the rest of their lives and never come across a non frum Jew, or otherwise, who may have a different way of life.. Get with it!!
Comment by N S
Great article and great organization!!
Comment by N S
No skin off the GOP\\\'s back, but you better watch yours if this now corrupted party gets back in
Comment by N S
My mother in law tried this recipe for friday night and it was surprisingly delicious! :) really yummy flavor, highly recommend.
Comment by N S
We put some in our chulent every week. It gives it a nice color and taste.
Comment by N S
ice cream?? sign me up!
Comment by N S
I am so glad this is on the "featured news article" You guys at BJL are awesome
Comment by N S
I got a citation in April from a speed camera at BY, so I don't understand this article saying it hasn't been installed yet.
Comment by N S
I thought Smith Avenue went east west not north south?
Comment by N S
I live on Lightfoot Dr., where they installed very annoying speed bumps which, when travelled daily, will eventually deteriorate your car's suspension. When I complained to the project manager, he told me that it is possible to petition the County to have speed bumps removed, however he recommended against it because according to "inside information" that he had received, all Baltimore County streets that were heavily traveled that were within 1/4 mile of a school would eventually be getting speed cameras, if they didn't already have speed bumps.
Comment by N S
Very interesting interview but how can someone contacted Yisroel if they need his photography services?
Comment by N S
KOl Hakavod to the NWCP for handling this situation and making our community safer.
Comment by N S
As long as they don't put one by the school on Mt. Wilson Lane I'm fine with it
Comment by N S
So they can keep a police officer with out one they can't do anything like every Saturday night they are on there own if they get a call or see something they can't do more then call 911
Comment by N S
The NWCP has had police liaison officers assigned to them for the past 30 years, so why would they need to brown-nose the police?
Comment by N S
Why did NWCP start a 24 hour patrol?
Shomrim didn't start a 7-10 Patrol.
I think both organizations need to work together; that being said, someone has too be correct while someone is incorrect. For one I remember Shomrim putting out incredible amounts of assaults taking place over the holidays while NWCP put out incident free holidays thanks to the police department. Is Shomrim making up these cases or is the NWCP giving false praise to brown nose the police?
Comment by N S
I think we should all go back to arguing about Solo Cup and Wegmans. Which if you want to say this website has a bias about anything it's definitely the fact that its against Wegmans and Solo Cup. Come on Baltimore Jewish life! get honest and balanced because this is getting ridiculous.
Comment by N S
As someone who strongly backs both organizations the thing that makes me most upset is how each can\'t even give slight credit to the other. This article makes it seem like the NWCP did it all while the SHOMRIM blotter mentions only Shomrim. Is there anyone that both organizations respect who can work out these hard feelings so this doesn\'t have to be a three way fight? We all believe that g-d is in charge and we stand a better chance with unity than either of these organizations.
Comment by N S
Did any of you critical posters read Officer Bennett's comment #14? Are you also calling him a liar who is looking to claim credit for the work of others? I think as a law enforcement officer, his should be the final, definitive word on last night's events!
Comment by N S
*** Is This another "RashÅmon" (a 1950 Japanese crime drama film)? ***
I saw "RashÅmon" in the 50s. ONE event took place and 4 people tell it over. Three were witnesses and one was the culprit! Guess what? All 4 versions were different!!! I suspect Thursday the 31st was the same thing. Everyone was there; everyone saw, heard, did, etc. etc. And the 'truth' is somewhere between, the different versions are one reality. The good news is that WE care and want to do the right thing. And that is: prevent crime, catch the bad guys, and do what has to be done (legally). Thanks to all for starting to close the very sad story of last Friday! (Maybe we can find a way to work together and be better?)
Comment by N S
It makes me sick that NWCP takes responsibility for things they had nothing to do with, and Baltimore City takes responsibility for responding to calls that they ignored several times prior. Shomrim responded, Shomrim found him, Shomrim called 911 and Shomrim made sure the guy was arrested. Not the first time NWCP will take responsibility for something they had nothing to do with,wont be the last.
Comment by N S
I think two things have to change. One, the bickering has to stop because we all want the same thing and the bickering will never lead to a happy conclusion - why do ourselves in? Two, the way a crime is defined has to change if we are going to be able to continue to live in this section of the city. The police do a fabulous job considering their small numbers, the big job they have to do and keeping within what the law says. We need to go to the people who write the laws. It should not be legal to make certain threats and bully people scaring them back into their homes. At the moment, according to Officer Bennett, it is not illegal to scare people and make threatening comments. We need to give the police the power they need to help us live with peace of mind in our community. The answer should NOT be that we have to lock ourselves into our homes - even if that were possible. I would suggest having a meeting with our lawmakers. I would also suggest that we have prosecutors and attorneys at the meeting to see whether there are things that can be done based on laws already on the books. We need to applaud and thank everyone who is involved in trying to keep us safe, first always the police and then to all volunteer community members.
Comment by N S
Thanks to all involved (no matter what organization) , but especially Officer Bennett and Officer Montmorency!
Comment by N S
Shomrim 100 percent led and had full control of this call not the NWCP. We identified the suspicious individual, maintained numerous units to watch this group of 20 plus african american males and then got the police to show up. Yes officer Bennett made the arrest. But, people need to understand that this was only possible because of the dedication of Shomrim units, not an NWCP citizens patrol car.
Comment by N S
Shomrim should be commended for the great work they do. NWCP should be commended for the great work they do. Finished.
Comment by N S
It is clear that NWCP has someone working on PR and submitting these stories, they are then posted saying BJLife Staff. Perhaps, if Shomrim would submit articles about their successes, they too would be posted.
We all lose by the lack of shalom between the organizations, though.
Comment by N S
I would like to commend Shomrim for the great work they do. They are the first people I call after my usually futile call to the police. They respond quickly and have assisted numerous times in my neighborhood. They even have a psychologist who has helped me when my elderly mother went missing. He stayed with us for two hours until my mother was found. On another occasion my son was pushed off his bike. Once again Shomrim was there within 30 seconds and kept eyes on the kid that pushed him off. Again their psychologist come to visit with my son not once not twice but three times to see if he was okay. My son was traumatized by this event and their professionals helped him regain confidence with the help of their mental health professional. The community is a much better place with Shomrim. Despite the unfortunate bad press Shomrim has received, the people of Northwest Baltimore owe it to themselves to commend these men who respond so quickly and professionally. Give credit where credit is due. Thank you Shomrim!
Comment by N S
Officer Bennett, Please answer the following question: You say they, 8 thugs, surrounded #2s car and banged on it, how is this different and not worse than 2 werdeshheims \"surrounding\" a black kid, which was part of the charges against them???? 3 months ago that was a crime!
Comment by N S
Tamir is a true example of a kiddush Hashem
Comment by N S
As soon as any public transportation becomes available to the malls they go downhill. I used to go to owings mills mall but that went downhill. Same thing with Towson mall with the shootings and other unsavory crowd. Arundel Mills will be next. All this outrage over wether a supermarket should open and there will be more traffic?!? Where's the outrage that our kids aren't safe to rise their bikes without being jumped and stolen from? Where's the outrage that our neIghborhoods are not safe between break ins? My neighbor even had her mail stolen, they took a check and tried to change the amount on it and cash it!!!! Who cares about more traffic???
Comment by N S
Keep up the amazing work, HonestReporting!
Comment by N S
Everyone is out to make a buck these days, I feel bad for this guy.
Comment by N S
I wonder if NWCP is a reporter for Jewish life since it gives false information giving credit where credit is CLEARLY not due, and the unsupportive articles about a recent case involving a past Shomrim member.
Comment by N S
I have never commented here before and I just want to try to clear up what is some obvious confusion of events that took place tonight. This is the way the event took place from my point of view as liaison officer for the NWCP. As NWCP patrol started tonight calls started coming into the dispatcher that a group of 8 to 10 juveniles were in the area causing various disturbances. NWCP unit 2 which is the map area that covers this section called to report that a group had surrounded his car and one of them banged on his car with their hands. He was not out of his car. I instructed unit 2 to leave the area for his safety since his car was clearly marked as an NWCP patrol vehicle, and that I was responding. I found the group and spoke to them; at this point there was no information that they had done anything of a criminal nature and I didn\\\'t have any legal basis to stop them other then a warning that they were being observed. This was at Gist and Bancroft. As I was turning onto Bancroft I was approached and informed that one of the juveniles was involved in an assault that took place on 5/19. I got on my police radio and requested another unit meet me on Biltmore where they had stopped and were sitting on the curb. Our plan was to approach from both ends of Biltmore so they wouldn\\\'t be able to scatter. I was keeping a distance and observing the individuals to keep them from dispersing until I had another unit with me. At this time I saw a couple units from Shomrim in the area and asked them to leave the area (so they would not inadvertently disperse them) the units quickly and without argument complied with my request. Thank you for that if any of those units read this. When the other police units arrived we together moved in on the group, myself (Officer Bennett), Lt. Hauf and Officer Montmorency. I already knew from the description from the victim who was the priority suspect from the group. I pulled up my patrol car to that individual and got out of my car and took him by the arm. Lt. Hauf and Ofc Montmorency corralled several of the other youths. We began to conduct FI\\\'s (Field Interviews) since we now had enough reasonable suspicion to detain the group. It was at this point that I responded to the victim of the 5/19 assault\\\'s home and picked him up and responded back to Biltmore where he was able to make a positive identification and we took the Juvenile into custody and charged him with assault.
The NWCP unit 2 was in the right place at the right time and was flagged down by several residents on Menlo where this group had just left. Unit 2 turned onto Gist where he unwittingly found himself amidst this group. He reported the encounter to me and followed my instruction to leave the area. I am assuming that just as the residents called the NWCP office or flagged down the NWCP unit several other concerned citizens called Shomrim. Everyone assisted as they should have by following the official law enforcement officer\\\'s directions and allowed us to do our jobs and hopefully make the neighborhood a little safer, at least for tonight. So I thank you.
P/O Montmorency took over for me and did the processing of the juvenile so I could continue with the rest of the NWCP patrol schedule for the evening and monitor the area so I want to make sure he gets the credit for the work he did tonight.
P/O Samuel Bennett, Baltimore City Police
Comment by N S
As I watch the comments going back and forth i must make some observations and I ask that no one take these comment personally. And, before I begin I just have to mention that BJL is a fantastic web site and that it exceeds my expectations and i know the community feels the same way and appreciates all it does for us BUT! I notice what seems to be a bias by BJL towards the NWCP. I very rarely see any articles about the goings on of Shomrim on the site yet i constantly see NWCP postings. It only helps both sides to feed honest info to BJL to keep the greater community aware so i wonder why the imbalance in exposure. Why doesn\'t BJL post info from both organizations equally? Having said that, I think that BJL is at least fair when they post comments from both sides and that seems to equal out what i consider the slight bias here as mentioned. (#2 I\'m not sure what you\'re talking about-seems BJL is posting all comments even those that might not be in their favor and that\'s pretty big of them. Let\'s be honest here.) In the bigger picture, what I fail to understand though is the animus between Shomrim and NWCP. I\'m sure in this case based on the comments I\'ve seen, that whether the nwcp liaison office himself made the arrest or another cop made the arrest, both organizations had something to do with the arrest. Sort of like, \"you\'re right and you\'re right, you\'re both right.\" Whats most important is that the community can breathe a sigh of relief assuming the right person was arrested. Can\'t we all just get along?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the good work Shomrim the community is safer thanks too you guys
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i was on the call also! COMMENTS MADE BY NUMBER 3,4 AND 5 ARE ALL CORRECT!
NWCP was not there. ONLY the watch commander and OFC bennet were in the police car, there were no NWCP patrol cars around at all!!! OFC bennett was told by the victim that. that was the person who assaulted him and OFC bennett told him "ok thanks" and that was it OFC bennett just told all the black males to leave the area ! OFC bennett only decide to take the matter seriously after the victim called 911 and reported to police that he has the suspect in sight that assaulted him ! the lieutenant of the sift and other officers showed up and arrested the suspect! BENNETT DID NOT ARREST HIM! shomrim had eyes on these guys the whole time!!! and they did a great job!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you are not an NWCP member pushing an agenda: why would a Baltimore Police officer give you confidential information? Or are calls placed into the NWCP hotline NOT confidential?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Personally and myself.... Is that a joke or are you being caught in a lie
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So Bennett was in two places at the same time??? "sit the individuals down" and "brought the victim to the scene" if you indeed saw this, who drove the victim to te scene? Because I saw a black car driven by a Shomrim member pull up with the victim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was there, in person, as a witness, and personally myself called the NWCP about this group (as a resident on the block). I personally saw the NWCP vehicle watching this group. I personally saw the NWCP vehicle get surrounded by these thugs, and personally saw Officer Bennett sit the individuals down and bring the victim to the scene. I personally spoke to Officer Bennett who advised me that he responded to the area based on a call received from the NWCP dispatcher, who stated that multiple calls were received, as well as from the unit in the field. While I did see a Shomrim car in the area, it is clear, to me, as an eyewitness that the NWCP was instrumental in getting these jerks stopped, identified ad arrested. Why can't we just give credit where credit is due?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
According to the nwcp Facebook page "unit 2 who was, at one point, surrounded by a group of THUGS" WAS HE OUT OF HIS CAR? I HERD DOVID COHEN FROM THE NWCP SAY AT A MEETING THAT NWCP NEVER GETS OUT OF THE CAR no matter what even if they see some one being assaulted.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I called Shomrim to report this large gathering of black kids and watched from my window as Shomrim had guys parked at each corner watching these kids from a distance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a joke there wasn't even one NWCP car there at all! It was SHOMRIM that did all the work get the real story before you write a story
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The facts are not quite as reported. There were multiple calls to Shomrim regarding a large group of black males in the area. Shomrim units responded and advised the victim to be available to make a positive Id which he did. Shomrim kept eyes on the suspect until police were able to respond and stop the youths. Sam Bennett was there doing his job as a police officer, not as a community liaison .i find it interesting that the Nwcp always seems to find a way to say they were in places that they were not.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why don't you (BJL) ever post our comments?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What type of suspicious activity was reported?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Which is why WE require a hecksher on Orange Juice - it may be unnatural, but we have someone checking that it's still kosher.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would also be ticked if I didn\'t get the timed bake feature , but at the end of the day he still has a Shabbos mode oven that can be used to keep his Shabbos food that was placed there before Shabbos warm until he needs it on Shabbos. How is having the oven on over Shabbos a safety risk? Jews with any Shabbos mode oven use this feature all the time for Yom Tov for as much as 3 days when Shabbos and Yom Tov follow each other.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Back when I was young and traveling to business meetings around the US and Canada I
honestly believed I could judge the quality of life in a community by visiting the local mall. Owing Mills is an oddity. Most of the surrounding communities are still OK despite the "crappy" mall. We still have a chance. Lets be adult and act like we have one of the highest literacy rates in Baltimore County. Tell the shady politician we'll remember their actions and see that those who do not protect out interest have very short political careers. STAND FIRM AND KEEP GOOD NOTES.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Cars park there for van pools, mostly to DC area.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And he showed how much he learned reading all about it when he lit all the candles on the first day of Hannukah for the Whitehouse celebration.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally, a media organization that wants people to see the truth. And, Media Matters is a left wing, Pro-obama group that is anti anything anti-Obama.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have the same menorah that they show in the museum!!! stop the video at 5:10 to see it up close.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For some reason, I feel the need to put on my dashiki, throw on my peace medallion and grab my boom-box and listen to Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" as I walk up and down the intersection of Painters Mills and Reisterstown Road'¦.No worries, I probably won't be seen anyway due to the congestion and traffic. Wegmans is not the solution at this time. As a matter of fact, it's going to take away business from the Giants in the St. Thomas Shopping Center and the Safeway in the Garrison Forest Shopping Center. Both within walking distance from the proposed location. Yes, competition is always good, but I'll guarantee within a year or two'¦we'll be back in the same situation trying to find a new business to place in both the Safeway and Giants locations after they pack up and leave. The same thing happened to the Shoppers Food Warehouse that use to be next to the Target in Reisterstown. Target started selling food and Shoppers was forced to close. Now, why can't Wegmans go to that vacant building?
I do agree that the Subway station played a part in the crippling of the mall. But, I also think that he mall was poorly managed. The Rouse Company failed the people of Owings Mills, by not securing large scale stores and restaurants. I'm not talking about the nail shops, the urban clothing stores, the small scale jewelry stores, and sneaker shops '¦I'm talking about brand named stores. Yes, Towson Town Center is on a bus route and Hunt Valley is on a bus route as well as a light rail station, but both of those malls are not suffering like the Owings Mills Mall. So, back to my original response'¦public transportation did not create this void.
In closing, the question we should be asking is 'What are we going to do to get our Mall back'. I don't really give a damn about an upscale grocery store, but I do care about having to drive to Columbia, Towson, Westminster, and Hunt Valley for good end merchandise. Homes in Owings Mills and Randallstown are steadily being built and the prices of those homes are equal to or greater than the ones in the other areas/districts. So, why should we have to drive more than 30 minutes to shop in another district or county? This is not rocket science people, but the truth.
Owings Mills use to be viewed as town of promise, class, and industry and hope'¦.Now; it's filled with vacant buildings. Let's get back our Mall and Welcome in the new Owings Mills Metro Centre. Wegmans is not the answer!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The nytimes must be living under a rock. They are the only ones to think that Jstreet has been successful. It has been a utter failure.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the county need to concentrate on finishing up the metro/mall redevelopment they started,those roads and buildings are a eyesore riding through there.I think we could be the Arundle Mills North with a little planning.I hat burning my gas to go shopping on weekends when that area was supposed to be family orient.Now Wegmans wants to bully there way up here causing all this confusion when we have the structure to be finished here.Put the Wegmans at the mall or find another district.WE WANT OUR MALL DEVELOPED
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I can see how it's advantageous for trucks to park there, but why would anyone else?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are we going to allow people like Jim Smith to buy votes and get away with it? No matter what they do at that corner to make it better, it is still going to bottleneck further down. The thought of adding 5,000 more cars a day is a nightmare. And why we throw away all the money that has already gone into the town center at the mall? Too many headaches to add Wegmans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In answer to the question \"what kind of congestion do you mean?\" The answer is - it is not only a grocery store (Wegmans) that is going in that spot. It is a full 400,000 SQUARE FEET of retail. Many, many stores in addition to the Wegmans. It will bring thousands of trips through that intersection on a daily basis. And no - Reisterstown Road is not wide enough. The Painters Mill intesection is already considered by the County as near failure. Estimates to bring Reisterstown Road up to par for the new developemnt are in the $50 million dollar range. This is from the state - not made up numbers. Let me repeat - it is more than one store - more than a little traffic - and no infrastructure to deal with it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The first comment that annoys me is "the Wegmans proposal has sparked an unusually professional response from community members.". I mean, really...would you expect anything another commenter stated, " now is not the time for councilmanic courtesy". And why is the views of district 4 laughable and not worthy of consideration? You want to create jobs, lure another manufacturing company to that space, not another retailer..Especially since it's already zoned that way..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Many of my friends feel the Solo Cup project is a done deal because of the amount of money passed around by its backers. I personally believe transparency may make it difficult for our political leaders to support the project. This whole things has become a open sore on Baltimore County government and the really smart politician will run for the door. What they need right now is away to back off without returning the money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes the entire country of Germany made up waiting 3 hours on a whim, puhleeze, it is a completely valid minhag, don't throw the term "prominent Rav" around just to insult the practices of thousands of Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I do not understand the argument that the Metro subway killed the Owings Mills Mall but will not kill Wegmans. The subway stops less than a mile from the SOLO Cup/proposed Wegmans location... You can walk there from the subway. It is my sincere hope and expectation that the Council members will vote according to what's in the best interest of the entire County, not just one district. This is NOT the time for "councilmanic courtesy." This issue is too important for game-playing on the Council. Stand up for something or you will fall for anything...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What kind of congestion do you mean? Traffic? You think a grocery store is gong to change that area into the LA Freeway? Get a grip. Both Reisterstown Road and Painters Mill Road are wide enough to handle one more store, and they both already have turn lanes. Would you prefer the place remain vacant, or have an office or condo complex there?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Solo Cup site is only going to bring more congestion to the area and will really hurt the redevelopment of the Owings Mill Mall which the county has already invested alot of money in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans is great ' but not at Solo Cup. I can't begin to imagine what traffic will be like with so much new retail. We are already deadlocked. Don't we have enough retail on the corridor? Will Foundry Row cause even more vacancy up and down Reisterstown Road? Is it smart planning to invest in Owings Mills Mall and Metro Centre then jeopardize all of this to line a developers pocket? These are questions we should be asking.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From what I understand this article is a total whitewash.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What an idiot!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The subway killed Owings Mills Mall because it brought the wrong crowds to the mall. Crowds that stores like Saks 5th Avenue did not like and therefore left the mall.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I asked a prominent Rav in town about the 3 hours once. He said there is no mesorah for 3 hours. It just seems to be something people made up. A new mesorah, perhaps? Don't get me wrong -- I'm in favor of that! 6 hours always seemed a bit extreme to me.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Anything the baltimore sun is against I'm for.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Curious -- how did the subway kill Owings Mills Mall? I haven't been in Baltimore long enough to have heard this story.
I was so excited when, several months ago, I heard that Wegman's was coming to Owings Mills. Walmart is not enough of a draw for me to go up there, but Wegman's sure is!! I really hope this project is not DOA.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For obvious reasons I am not going to mention for whom I am a fund raiser but it is for a local Baltimore Jewish institution. Our institution (and I'm sure others) are always looking for ways to raise additional funds and I, for one, am very appreciative that BJL posted this. They say, 'one man's trash is another's treasure' which, in this case is obvious because what you term as 'irrelevant garbage' (you couldn't have said this in a nicer way?) may, in fact, be a another 'ticket'/treasure for raising additional funds. Thank you BJL for posting and don't be dissuaded by these very myopic comments
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegman's is a quality operation and will bring jobs to the area. We should welcome them with open arms!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What type of view is that??? Our community should be for Wegmans %100. They treat the kosher crowd extremely well. What everyone knows but no one is admitting publicly is that the Subway Metro killed Owings Mills Mall and until the Subway goes there is nothing anyone could do to turn it around. Thats why Wegmans has said they are only willing to go to Solo Cup and not the Mall.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I Love blogs about how great life in Israel is, I hate blogs about how horrible life in America is.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I see another Asifah waiting to happen on this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"But for those who came to learn, to grow and to be inspired, there were special moments not soon to be forgotten", maybe I am a cynic Rabbi Spero but I wasn't allowed to come to learn, to grow and to be inspired, you see Rabbi Spero I'm a woman. So yes you can make this fantasy world in Citi Field and pretend that their are no women on earth, that the internet can disappear and that everyone speaks Yiddish or we can learn to deal with the real world we live in by teaching are children to make good safe decisions recognizing that to learn these lessons mistakes will be made along the way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
WHy is this in local news?!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has nothing to do with the Jewish community. Please only post articles that have what to do with the Jewish community locally, nationally, internationally etc. None of this irrelevant garbage. Thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"We all know that after eating meat one has to wait six hours.\"
Oh really? I hold by three, which based on informal surveys seems to be the most common time.
The Dutch have historically just waited one hour.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
His enthusiasm is contagious. No wonder kids like him and learn fom him. - H. Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What do you expect from a man who burned out his brain on cocaine while serving as Mayor of DC?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He deserves it ! A role model for all.
Naftoli Edinger
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As Rabbi Spero so nicely wrote, the Asifa was a rally of the people to a goal, an ideal. What is a king, in the sense that Hashem is the King. There is the prosaic idea of being the strongest. The strongest is the king. But there is a second idea. A king that stands for the ideals and virtues that the people rally around and for which they are willing to die. Hashem is not only the most powerful, but is the fountain of those ideals and virtues that every good and decent person will rally to and give their very lives. In the Shema, also a rallying cry, we first vow our duty to the monarchy of Hashem and then we vow our duty to the Mitzvos. The vow of duty to the monarchy is the vow to stand for those ideals and virtues that come from Hashem. It is a duty to more than the procedural or ceremonial, it is a duty to be, as individuals, citizens of the realm, to be a prince in the land, to stand for and embrace those ideals and virtues that shine from the Throne. It is one thing to trounce and subdue an opponent. It is quite another to bring them around. We say every day, Hashem Ish Milchomo, Hashem Shmo, and Rashi writes on that posuk, not a war of weapons, rather a war fought with His Name. We are at war for the heart and souls of our children and our people. A war for the hearts and souls of ALL of our children and ALL of our people. Our weapons are not guns and bombs. Our weapons are our ideals and virtues that are embedded within the words of the Torah, from the Chumash all the way through to the Talmud all they way through to even the contemporary works form our Rabbis. The battlefield is no longer the public media or the streets. The battlefield is in our Shuls, Batei Medroshos, schools and even our own living rooms. We must be princes of the King in all of these places more than ever to win the hearts and souls of our loved ones , our children, our brethren and ALL of our people. May our prayers of the Shmoneh Esrei on behalf of the righteous, the devoted, the new inductees, the teachers and students and all those who love and cherish the words of Hashem, and that we always be amongst them, be granted speedily and in our day. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful! Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Rabbis who share their thoughts and Divrei Torah on these pages do a fabulous job of educating and inspiring.....might there also be women scholars in the community who could offer their Torah wisdom? I think their inclusion would enhance what is already offered.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go, Rabbi K!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol Hakavod Rabbi Krawatzky! He is not only infectious with kids, but also adults can appreciate his enthusiasm and presentation. He is a great teacher and outstanding role model.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hope it doesn't turn out to be milchig!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very nice article. Thank you baltimore jewish life and Rabbi Spero for the chizuk
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How come there is no "grassroots" campaign against this proposal? How come there is no article about how they are killing the county schools? I'd say all the developers should mind their own business and don't attack each other especially not with attacks that could easily be used against yourself.
Aryeh F.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if ever there was a video that shouldn\'t be on youtube....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Gobbie Cohen is awesome !!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Her lack of understanding and idiocy shows that women shouldn't shake her hand either.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To comment number 1. Its national news stupid. And its an interesting perspective not picked up by the same mainstream garbage you will read in the sun paper. Kudos to BJLife.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Go back and get more? Save your cup? The point is to get one slurpee as a \"welcome to summer gesture\" from the store. Let\'s have some manners.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can a representative of the OK explain the Halachic basis of its about-face on this matter?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe it's the bridge to nowhere. It *was* a sales pitch, it was sheep being led and told what to do by some who really had a sincere and holy agenda, and by some who had less respectable intentions.
Regardless, the fact that they claimed the internet was responsibile for some people becoming less religious is a straw-man argument. Poor parenting, and failure to imbue in children the beauty of their religion is part of the problem. Separatist mentalities are part of the problem. Attempting to control the thoughts of a population by controlling what information they see is a problem. The organizers put the blame on the wrong things.
Groucho Marx (If you're not sure who he is, look him up) said it best: "âPolitics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and then misapplying the wrong remedies.â"
This is EXACTLY what was going on at the Asifa.
Sex abuse without a means of empowerment and publicity against the abusers is a problem. Address those things first, and you'll have something.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'll second that. A Wegmans in OM would be awesome -- good for the community and help boost the economy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and this story is pertinant to us in baltimore, how?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
By the way, I absolutely hate the new comment system on this website. First comments should go first - last go last. And unless a comment has inappropriate language - it should be accepted regardless of opinion voiced
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I thought free slurpee day is on 7/11 every year? But hey, I'll have it tomorrow too!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think solo cup would be good for the neighborhood. I don't want to have to shlep all the way out to Hunt Valley for Wegmans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Marc Terrill - you da man!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
ITS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST LABEL THE COMMENTS! PUT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER! THE FIRST COMMENTS GET TO BE SHOWN FIRST! THAT IS THE COMMON CUSTOM OF ALL WEBSITES! But I guess since you are not acting like a real website by putting up twisted ads that appear as news articles then you could do whatever you want, WRONG!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Another nonsense skewed poll where far more Democrats are polled that others. Obama only knows how to destroy an economy and has no idea how it really works.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Although I like the idea of a Wegmans, I like the idea of a great new shopping center at the mall. I am sick of having to drive all the way to Hunt Valley or go to Towson every time I want to go shopping; especially now with the cost of gas. And I can't imagine all the traffic. I'll take the mall anyday where I won't have to fight the traffic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
THIS IS MADNESS!!! Now you are messing up the comments and putting the supportive comments first. What is this communist china. PUT THEM BACK IN ORDER!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a gigantic waste of money and resources that could have been put to better use both here and in Israel. The more I think about this aspect, the more disgusted I become at this whole undertaking. Put the money into feeding the poor, improving educational opportunities for men and women in the community, â¦
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is why i never answer the door. i did not invite any of these visitors - christian or otherwise. sorry if this is unpopular, but my time is valuable.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Simple solution... use or To heck with Google.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, all I can think of is how many admittedly scarce resources went into funding this. I hope those involved think it was worthwhile. I can think of many many other (better) uses for these funds.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Think TI carpool. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s bad enought now. Think about how impossible it will become if large scale retail is built on the Solo Cup site. The traffic will be a nightmare - and TI will never be the same. Anyone who drives TI carpool knows this will be a terrible strain. Wegmans will be great at The Mall, just not on Reisterstown @ Painters Mill Rd. Before its too late email, text & call Vicki Almond & her colleagues - urge them to vote NO on Solo, or forget about the votes of people who have to live with their mistakes. Vicki be our representative.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was there a women's section?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Howabout R' Elya Brudny who spoke beautifully IN ENGLISH?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that those who go to shul 14 or 15 times a week can become "cozy" w/ the environment. The Church world goes once a week and therefore it is a time of brief immersion. I wonder to compare more accurately, how a Mosque compares as they are gathering more often. I have been in churches, in an earlier life and I would say they are as u have described, but frequency which in itself shows a devotion, also breeds a negative familiarity. That's my thought and to judge harshly may not get the correct result!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is Torah? And what does it mean that Hashem gave it to us? What does it mean to be holy? What does it mean to be a light unto the nations?
How can we speak of these words with our mouths and yet not follow through in our actions? Is that what being a 'light' is about, is this holiness?
Is the goal of a light to throw shadows on everyone or to bring warmth, joy and clarity?
I was not at this event, and what I heard about it from this any many other tellings makes me sad and causes great pain.
What do these men of learning hope to accomplish by making the flame of Torah small, weak and unable to bring light to all?
Tell me truly - from where does love of Hashem come? From where does the light flow?
Have we not learnt from history and every word that Hashem gave us that to be holy, it must come from within. That words are nothing without our internal actions being above reproach first.
How can someone call themselvs a man of G-D and at the same time tell Klal Yisroel you are in cherem if you don't do this that and the other?
Each man and woman of Torah has one job, be holy, be a light. How? Read the words Hashem gave us. When we live from there, we will find that the 'Internet' won't be the concern.
Until we live from there the Internet won't be a concern.
Our actions are just symptoms of what's inside and make no mistake, hate mongers no matter what colour their clothing are not the road makers to our path of redemption.
My prayer is that we should all see that the darkness we see around us exists because that's whats in us, not outside of us.
The people who call themselves Rabbi and Godal, do your tikun inside first and then come talk to me with love - then and only then will you have a message of value.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I had just read elsewhere that the Sheloh Hakodesh\\\'s kever is in Tiveria and many went there today, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, to say the Tefilah Sheloh for hatzlacha in raising children. Hashem Yerachem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the warning. One came to my house this morning and I wouldn't have had a clue that she was a missionary had I not read this first.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i got one of these in the mail this past shabboss...beware of what you pop in the dvd player
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This sounds great. They are all wonderful *english* speakers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you BJL for posting this. without your reminder I would not have said this beautiful tefillah. To the first poster, this is not a 'magic potion', just a nice opportunity to daven for your children's success, good health, long life and happiness. Yes, of course you should regularly make the time to daven for your children, but not everyone remembers to do so often enough. There is no harm in saying Tefillash Hashloh with kavonoh or for that matter any other similar tefillah, the more the better! Wishing you hatzlochah for your children and all other Jewish children. (From a caring Jewish mother)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We can do 24 hours! Shabbath!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The work has had a profound influence on the early Hassidic movement, including the Baal Shem Tov. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi was described as a Shelah Yid, and Shelah clearly echoes in Tanya
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mi K\'amcha Yisroel, Goy echad b\'aretz!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would we re-develop the Solo Cup site when there is no money for schools, etc? It makes no sense to even put a Wegman\\\'s there, when the mall is clearly the best location... I mean, it\\\'s already being redeveloped and there is plenty of space. Furthermore, it would cost millions of dollars to invest an area on Reisterstown Road when the mall already has the existing infrastructure to handle such a project. If this is going to jeopardize redevelopment at the mall, which has been in need of redevelopment for years, I am not going to support this. This is not news, BJLife should not be publishing this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I live across the street from the Solo Cup site. It already takes me 30 minutes to get home from the beltway on Reisterstown Road. No more traffic!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While I agree this not a news article, the fact remains that supporting the Solo Cup project is not only going to bring even more traffic to the area, making a tough commute even worse but it will also cost taxpayers a lot of money to improve the existing infrastructure while county schools are struggling to find funding.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Look at the bottom - it says "paid for by the Say No To Solo Coalition." But regardless of who wrote or paid for this ad - this appears to have become an issue where developers and elected officials are making a lot of decisions about our communities without allowing us to have a say. Why is Councilwoman Vicki Almond out there supporting the project, when there is supposed to be a process and a vote? Why is former County Executive Jim Smith lobbying for state funding for the project, while his developer client is refusing to share traffic studies and saying there will be no public money spent on roads? This all seems like inside baseball and I don't like it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree that Wegmans would be great for our community! Why though, would we put it on Reisterstown Road at Painters Mill? One of the worst intersections in the county! This would hurt local businesses and create a traffic nightmare. I understand that Wegman\'s has announced they would only go to the Foundry, but this is not the first time they\'ve made this claim. Ten years ago, they said the same thing about Texas Station. However, when zoning for the store was denied - they ended up a year later in Hunt Vally. We can still have a Wegmans - but the Solo Cup site just isn\'t the right place.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the first comment. It is plainly obvious for those who are willing to see it that this rally was not commercially motivated. The sheer cost of such an event is staggering and far exceeds any profit from any frum filtering company. The underling motivations of the organizers are clealry good, as they are concerned with what is happining to people as a result of the Internet. While you can talk about whether the spicific rally was the way to go about it, it's foolish to question the motivation in order to dissmiss their concers and make yourself feel better about your Internet usage...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"The rally in Citi Field on Sunday was sponsored by a rabbinical group, Ichud Hakehillos Letohar Hamachane, that is linked to a software company that sells Internet filtering software to Orthodox Jews. Those in attendance were handed fliers that advertised services like a âkosher GPS Appâ for iPhone and Android phones, which helps users locate synagogues and kosher restaurants."
So follow the money lives!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans has been great to the Jewish community of Baltimore thus far. They have made sure to maintain a large kosher section even all the way out in Hunt Valley. Our community should support them expanding in Owings Mills. And if Baltimore Jewish Life is a representation of our community then they should endorse the solo cup project. If BJL is just in it for the money then it is not a good news resource for our community. So what is it BJL?!? Please respond to our comments!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much radio energy is emitted by these meters? Given that we are constantly bombarded by radio waves inside and outside our houses at all times, I have no problem with allocating a small portion of the spectrum (which would doubtless be used by something else if were not used by smart meters) to a function that allows me to actually check my energy usage and save a few dollars. I only wish that we in Baltimore city had smart meters for our water bills!
As for privacy, you give away more personal information every time you buy medicine with a credit card, or walk on the street in front of a security camera, or allow your name to be listed in a community directory, or make a phone call on your cell phone, or do any of a thousand other things you do without thinking every day, than the Electric Company would collect in a year.
In the absence of more specific information, I see no reason to object to the Smart Meters. If people don't want them, they should be allowed to opt out, but should pay the full true cost of that privilege.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear reader - thank you so much - you could also "press" the cheese. Put the cheese (still in the cheese cloth) in between 2 flat plates and put a big pot of water on top of the top plate (or something very heavy) and let it sit for 20 minutes or more to press more of the water out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans would be a great asset to the Owings Mills/Pikesville area. In addition to jobs being created, Wegmans offers scholarships to its employees. It would be a shame to leave the eyesore Solo Cup factory sitting on that property when a thriving business that is a destination for the area could be there generating taxes, jobs, and an upgraded corner. When tax cuts are made for wealthy citizens (because "they create jobs") doesn't it really make sense to assist a business in relocating to this area to really create jobs? I, for one, am fully in favor of helping Wegmans to build in Owings Mills.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chillul Hashem???????????????? REALLY????????
When we have Jews in Israel mocking little girls? When we Jews In Israel belittling and scolding women to sit in the back of the bus? When we have Jews whether they be "modern" or "right" on extremes belittling each other? When some women are told the quality food product they use to bake with will no longer be available and they buy the last remnant and you call that a "Chillul Hashem"????? Give me a break. Loosen up and just hope you get an invite one day a month from today to eat some of their shabbos baking and save that term Chillul Hashem for what is REALLY wrong in this world. hmmmmmmmm.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
BJLife should disclose who is behind this ad. The above comments seem to think its Brown. Is that true?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not a chillul Hashem? "By 11 am the shelves and pallets were bare" Frum Jews were coming into the store to load their carts with dozens of packets of chocolate chips at a time. A chillul Hashem can occur anytime we don't take into account the impression we give others. Madness over chocolate chips is such an event in my opinion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Glad no one besides the attacker was hurt -Seems like just a regular criminal with a knife. This doesn\'t seem like terrorist method of operation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Update: Baltimore Police advise us that there were NO incidents this year. There were many extra officers deployed in the area to assist as needed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If its a paid advertisement then why does it say "by BJLife News Room" at the top of the article. Very misleading.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the first 2 comments. Baltimore Jewish Life should not get involved in fights between developers. Almost all development is good for the neighborhood and this silo cup project is no exception. Boruch G.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Nobody said they were acting in an appropriate manner that would resemble a chilul Hashem - chas v'shalom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This will be good for the neighborhood but bad for Howard Brown. VOTE YES TO SOLO CUP!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear BJL: Stop shilling for Howard Brown. This is a pure advertisement and twisted article and should be labeled as such. Unimpressed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
embarrassing behaviour...
are chocolate chips such an important part of our life? get a life everyone!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The behavior of frum Jews in a public venue acting like chocolate chips are an emergency and being excessive in their conduct is nothing less than a chilul Hashem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is especially important as we prepare for Kabolos Hatorah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is nuts!... I mean chips!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a shame that, in the words of the OK, "the level of separation between pareve and dairy is no longer sufficient." There are, unfortunately, many, many products on the market now that are being labeled dairy when they have no milk ingredients. The OK, OU, and other supervising agencies should find a way to make life easier for the kosher consumer and only label products that contain milk or milk products as dairy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe I am missing something but I think people need to get priorities strait. People is is a bag of chips... get over it. This shuld be the biggest problem we have a community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Come on. Why take an obviuos joke or crazy persons comment as a reason to think that applies to the masses who simply see high quality readonably priced chocolate chips going away. No one says you need to buy them. There are artificial chocolate chips available elsewhere that will make others happy and that is great. We live in a world of freedom of choice. Help the person that made that comment to you and don't broaden this beyond. Good shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This just proves how messed up the hechsherim are! Seriously? There is no dairy in these people! Your lives are not over!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Us locals" anticipate these updates and consider them to be local news. Your profound love for Eretz Yisrael is evident is every posting and unquestionable. Please keep these coming and don't change a thing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"Another shopper told me she would have trouble paying her next month\'s tuition because of this unexpected expenditure but, as she put it \"priorities are priorities.\"\"
And people think the internet is the cause of all our problems? I think that shopper\'s idea of \"priorities\" speaks volumes.
No doubt someone out in the readership of this site will write in at a later point to criticize my lack of proper rachmonis as I expect someone to go without their chocolate chips to pay for tuition.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I've tried them. Not as good a quality but I guess until they find a way to switch back (and I assume they will given all the national facebook reaction they have received), it is Wegman's and the choc chips at the great Shoprite in Timonium. By the way, have people been there? They have 100's of their store brands at very cheap prices with none of the markups Seven Mile has to place on them. I always shopped Shoprite in NY and their store brands are cheap and great if you want to save money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
FYI-Wegman's also has great chocolate chips, parve and comparable price.
Comment by Nancy Broth
What are you talking about? This site is extremely fair and balanced. I am surprised myself how many times the moderator posts things that I find controversial. Perhaps you should explain more, and complain less.
Comment by Nancy Broth
In the study, wWere the medications prescribed for similar situations or was Zithromax used when the situation was worse to begin with?
Comment by Nancy Broth
To Mr. Szojchet: I don\'t know what \"house of spiritual cards\" you are living in, but please don\'t act as a mouthpiece for the rest of Klal Yisroel.
Perhaps you are âweakâ. Perhaps you are âhiding in the shadowsâ. Perhaps you feel âdead inside\" and you feel the need to project that onto the community.
Klal Yisroel has always been susceptible to the dangers of negative spiritual influence since the birth of our nation. Christian missionaries have always preyed on us. How many hundreds of thousands of Yiddin died âAl Kiddush Hashemâ throughout our history? There were periods of âJewish enlightmentâ in the 19th century that the Rabbanim of that time battled. These are not a new phenomenon. They are simply manifesting themselves in new ways. The Internet is simply a more dangerous incarnation of television. YES, there WAS a time that television was considered THE threat. Now it is not even thought of anymore.
YES, Mr. Szojchet, we need to strengthen ourselves and fortify ourselves from within and from without. No one is âlocking their doorsâ Mr. Szojchet, we are REACTING to the dangers of our time. No one is âanchoring themselves on the blame they can wield against othersâ. WE - Klal Yisroel as a nation - are doing whatever can be done in this dark and difficult Golus to navigate ourselves through these challenges. G-d willing we will persevere and be Zoche to the coming of the Moshiach to redeem us speedily in our day.
Comment by Nancy Broth
5-18-2012 Between the dreaded internet and the hated missionaries, we seem to be very concerned about people going astray. But I see no similar concern over the precious children that we estrange every day from our faith as a result of our system in which we take so much pride. We are weak and the predators know this. Locking our doors and hiding in the shadows will not save a community that has already died inside. This house of spiritual cards we have built will come down in the first wind. We need to look inside ourselves to find the spiritual anchor we each need as individuals, or risk being swept away by one tide or another. Hint: You will find it within, so don't anchor yourself on the blame you can wield against others. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Why not ask for a few copies and destroy them to help prevent them from getting to others
Comment by Nancy Broth
What's the basis of what comments to post? Your site is the most bias media in the world.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Thank you!
Comment by Nancy Broth
T0 quote Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski on;
"The effort to stop this plague by outlawing computers and internet is unfortunately futile. Every day, more of our daily actions become dependent on the internet. It is predicted that check writing will become extinct and all transactions will take place on-line."
A few sentences later he continues;
"I may sound naive, but I believe the only truly effective antidote to this terrible plague is developing a genuine sense of kedushah. A person would not think of taking a siddur or chumash into the bathroom. Yet, when one looks at pornography, one is doing much worse. One is taking one's neshamah, which is part of Hashem Himself, and dragging into the pits of disgusting filth! I believe that if a person had a true feeling of personal kedushah, one would be loath to defile it."
I think he's got something there.
Comment by Nancy Broth
I just created a petition: Trader Joe's: Keep chocolate chips non-dairy - certified as pareve, because I care about this important issue. Similar to the success when Duncan Hines and Stella D'Oro reversed plans to make previously pareve products dairy, I'm hoping that we can convince Trader Joe's as well.
I'm trying to collect 1000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Comment by Nancy Broth
They now have left Israel because of the need for medical help and now are living in New Jersey USA, any contact request or help in any way can be sent to The MOOREs at or to ,Moore, 1218 Raritan Ave Apt#11A,Highland Park NJ 08904
Thank you,Yoel
Comment by Nancy Broth
Over the past few years I\'ve noticed many cars parked in driveways on Greenspring Avenue over the shabbos of Preakness.While I understand that car owners want to be extra vigilent that their cars not get sideswiped by drivers speeding down Greenspring Ave, please be sure not to block the sidewalk by parking multiple cars in driveways. This forces people to walk around the cars into the street and is dangerous for children. Thanks.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i agree, it was truly inspirational. Thank you Family Storch for sponsoring this event.
Comment by Nancy Broth
This just makes me very uncomfortable. Tens of thousands of Jews descending en masse to a very public place to show their support for... internet censorship. I don't necessarily disagree with the message, but we don't often do anything in such large numbers. Is it really the right message to be sending, not only to the outside world, but also to ourselves, that we support anti-internet sentiment more than we support, say, Israel? They could've done this without having such a massive gathering. Why not print in all major Jewish publications? Or have informative shiurim in every large Orthodox Jewish population center? I feel like $1.5 million could have been put to better use than this.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Super lame video
Comment by Nancy Broth
and dont worry, if something does happen, its only an isolated incident that is a minor crime.
Comment by Nancy Broth
I can tell you that 23 years ago my husband walked to Sinai Hospital and watched a man get hit by a car and thrown from it in a drunken stupor. Every year one can see on Greenspring Avenue the aftershocks of Preakness. Watch your children well and be grateful for the NWCP and the Baltimore City police.
Comment by Nancy Broth
$1.5m? You wish. They were up to almost $5m a few weeks ago.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Waste of time sending anything to the White House. They at the public as parasites, and many times don't even entertain petitions sent in by the minions.
Comment by Nancy Broth
That's because the NWCP has worked with the police to ensure that this is the case! Great job BPD and NWCP!
Comment by Nancy Broth
if you hang the soft cheese in a cheese cloth or other fine mesh bag and let the liquid drip out, you\'ll have a harder cheese.
Comment by Nancy Broth
wow what a great speech!
Comment by Nancy Broth
To the post that states "I hope you are a rabbi" you don't need smicha to understand kashrus but do agree that speaking to the mashgiach or supervising organization is certainly more reliable than inquiring from the company, anyone can do that not just a rabbi.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i won't be watching the games this year....
Comment by Nancy Broth
Interesting as even your facts from OK are questionable because the current "pareve" bag that many people are now buying and hoarding, states "Made in a facility that processes milk".
Traders Joe is stating nothing in the process has changed at all and the process is the same but the "cleaning method has changed (from a wet wipe to dry) and that is what prompted the certification change. Hardly sounds like a change from pareve to milchig equipment based solely on the facts stated above.
Comment by Nancy Broth
The person commenting on the kashrut status of the product now. I hope you are a rabbi and spoke with the rabbi supervising from the OK. If not, you quite possibly are giving wrong information. My understanding from the OK is that it used to be produced on its own line, and now it is being produced on the same line as dairy products. Ingredient changes or not, this would still make it dairy equipment and problematic for baking \"pareve\" deserts. Be careful when you dissiminate information in a public forum such as the internet.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Halacha Eisav sonei es Yaakov. 100 years ago would the polls have been any different? It is a mussar on enlightened assimilation... we still do live in our father's world, times have not changed in a significant way...
Comment by Nancy Broth
I think if BJL added a Trader Joe's article each week they would dramatically increase web traffic.
Comment by Nancy Broth
guy in the picture looks like William Donald Schaffer
Comment by Nancy Broth
Whoever said she doesn't get why this is such a problem since there are 5 other brands in 7-mile NEVER tasted trader Joe's chips. They are a staple in my home and dramatically change and add to anything you put them in.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i spoke to a lady at trader joes headquarters who told me that they are not changing the recipe at all! they are still dairy free. the only thing changing is the cleanser they are using the clean the product lines. it will now be cleaner and even more dairy free than before.
Comment by Nancy Broth
"Why would one complain about this, there are 5 different pareve chocolate chip brands at 7 mile?"
Because the Trader Joe's chips are outstanding in quality and extremely smooth -- not at all grainy. They're not only excellent snacking and baking chips, they're the best I've used for dipping fruit. In addition, TJ's chocolate chips are quite reasonably priced.
Comment by Ellene Newman
To the individual who feels that this writer doesn't say positive things about Israel, please take a look at this - - and so many other pieces about how amazing it is to live there. It's a whole picture, so calm down.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Love this article \"Should one wish to call and complain...\" How about \"Should one wish to call and offer feedback or some other nice way to share your feelings with the company?\" Please don\'t encourage people to complain, we as a people we need no assistance in this area.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Why would one complain about this, there are 5 different pareve chocolate chip brands at 7 mile?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Left a message w/ national HQ. So funny- before I even opened my mouth the lady asked if I was calling about the chocolate chips.
Comment by Ellene Newman
:( those were the best chocolate chips................
Comment by Ellene Newman
Hi all i am living in israel and yesterday i when to one of their Kiosks at the Malcha Mall but they were not open yet
and when i get to read the FINE PRINT i might move over to one of these new companies
right now i am with Rami Levi (which uses the Pelephone infrastructure) and i am very happy with it at 20 agorot per min and 15 NIS a month
Comment by Ellene Newman
Susan clearly loves Eretz Yisrael, it\'s the ridiculous bureacracy and red tape there that\'s driving her crazy. Once I realized what the \"Aliyah Diaries\" were, I was hooked! My daughter made aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh several years ago, and it\'s nice to hear that she has company in the cultural adjustment. Keep these terrific stories from an ex-Baltimorian coming!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Sounds delicious! I didn't know you could use chocolate as a seasoning on chicken. Can't wait to try it.
Comment by Ellene Newman
to commenter #1, I believe it is local news as it is a diary of a local Baltimorean who made Aliyah and is sharing her journey with everyone (I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to read them if they choose not to) and her stories are quite entertaining
Comment by Ellene Newman
The meraglim spoke loshon hara about the actual land of Israel, Susan is just commenting on modern day life in Israel in a funny way, calm down she appears to be learning how to navigate through the systems while keeping her sense of humor. Refreshing to hear the truth, and its helpful to others. Why is the local news? because The Liebtag's were residents of Baltimore and pillars of the community for decades and are greatly missed, so back off! Keep 'em coming Susan, it's helping me know what to expect when G-d willing we make aliyah - Donna Wach
Comment by Ellene Newman
Why can\'t you write positive things all the time about living in Israel. Yes, we all experience hardships living here but honestly that\'s the sin of the meraglim, saying lashon hara on Eretz Yisrael. This is our home, it has its quirks but we need to have patience and all will work itself out.
Comment by Ellene Newman
It\'s a rare thing these days for children to grow up in the warm nurturing environment like Nerak Rd offers. Those of us who live here appreciate what a good thing we\'ve got!
Comment by Ellene Newman
how can you make a shehechianu in sefira?????
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Kostelitz for his continued Harbatzas Hatorah and Ruchnius in our community!
Comment by Ellene Newman
why is this local news?
Comment by Ellene Newman
$1.5 million. What an utter waste of $$$. That money could have gone to so many worthy tzedakah projects.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This is only one of the great things about living on NERAK.
Comment by Ellene Newman
What an absolutely lovely tradition! All blocks should do this!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
"..How many families could that money help?..." This challenge is destroying marriages, children, schools, & communities. I think it is a worthy investment to gather Klal Yisrael to Daven to H' for help, and take steps to show we're serious about being His Am Kadosh. That money will IY"H be helping many families, along with their communities.
Comment by Ellene Newman
but to spend $1.5 Million to rent CitiField is beyond my comprehension! How many families could that money help? How many mosdos would benefit from that infusion of support? Why so large a gathering? Why not have local asifa's in each community? $1.5 Million!
Comment by Ellene Newman
and this surprises whom?
Comment by Ellene Newman
This "doomsday" senerio is a bunch of nonsense. Terms are used to mislead and the public gets duped once again. Politicians always pretend to choose cuts that would supposedly harm the public to make tax increases acceptable to the ignorant masses. Most of the time, alledged cuts are cut in the projected increased budget, while the actual proposed spending is still higher than the prior year, just not as much as the sly politicians really wanted. There is nobody, intellectually honest, who has witnessed government operations who won't acknoweledge all the waste of our money that goes on. The public was conned once again.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Too many people there to witness the mitzvah unfortunately.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Unfortunately, most people don\'t realize that there is a bigger \"doomsday\" when the government continues to raiase taxes, which leaves us with significantly less funds to be able to donate to worth causes such as The Associated. Sad...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Sgt. Warehime - you make us proud here in b-more county. thanks for your service!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Rabbi rosen
Comment by Ellene Newman
way to go Vikki
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you to Ami and Nesanel Gantz for this amazing article. Tears flowed down my face as i read this. I believe Rabbi Gantz captured the essence of Reb Nosson Tzvi in this poignant piece. Yehi Zichro Baruch
Comment by Ellene Newman
Hi, it\'s Dov Lipman. I believe that these issues are so critical so will respond to the comments which someone brought to my attention.
1)The Torah world in Israel is starving. Let me say that again - people are starving. I guarantee that if the Gedolei Yisroel were aware of the degree of the inability to sustain families (without resorting to shtick and the like) they would mandate major change. The Gedolim are surrounded by askanim who mislead them. A close talmid of one of the Gedolim told me that if someone has $5,000 one can get a letter signed by this gadol about whatever one wants. This is not because the gadol is corrupt, chas v\'shalom, but because he is being handled by a corrupt askan. We need to recreate the Torah world of America in Israel - where people can become tremendous talmidei chachamim and have the background to sustain their families with dignity without it being looked down upon.
2)This \"sounds like Lapids\" business has to stop. Yair Lapid is not his father, Tommy Lapid, and is not saying anything crazy. In his speech the other day he suggested that instead of army service, chareidi boys should volunteer to spend time with Holocaust survivors - doing their shopping, buying their medicine, and talking with them. Is that being \"anti-chareidi\" or \"anti-Torah?\"
3)We are suggesting that non-extremist rabbonim address the conversion crisis - not secular politicans. I have a sefer called \"Zera Yisrael\" written by MK Rabbi Amsalem which makes the halachic case for being more lenient with conversions but within halacha. He gave the sefer to Rav Zalman Nechmiah Goldberg with the following deal - if Rav Zalman Nechemya can refute any of his logic, then the sefer won\'t be published. However, if he cannot refute even one point, then he would write a haskama. The sefer has Rav Zalman Nechemya\'s haskama. The government would willingly accpet MK Rabbi Amsalem\'s halachic approach would be accepted by the government if the Chareidi parties do not have say.
4) People in the yeshiva world in the US have to understand that the secular in Israel don\'t want to hate religion and are searching for something. The situation in which chareidim don\'t do any kind of service while everyone else\'s sons serve cannot continue. \"Will your brothers go to war and you sit here?\" I believe Moshe Rabbeinu said that. All of the proposed solutions talk about community and national service as an option.
5)How will we decide who is exempt for service because Torah is really his life day and night? We will start with tests at age 18. Anyone being intellectually honest knows that 50,000 guys cannot be sincerely learning day and night and making real progress. We test them - see what they know, evaluate their abilities to learn - and decide based on that. We continue to test (and check attendance!)to make sure they are really learning. This will actually strengthen Torah. The others won\'t be asked to stop learning. Just as an example, one can be in the army Shachar program and have three minyanim and two mandatory shiurim a day.
6)My high school Rosh Yeshiva, zt\"l, and my Beis Medrash Rebbi, zt\"l, would agree 100 percent that yeshiva boys need to be given a general education and sustain their families with dignity. They would agree 100 percent that boys who were not learning day and night and consumed by Torah and capable of becoming the Gedolim should serve in some capacity. How do I know? I talked to them about these issues openly. Both had vast secular and worldly knowledge as well and I personally heard both lament the lack of worldly knowledge among yeshiva boys today.
7)One last point - the Haredi political leaders have a clear political agenda to keep the yeshiva world in Israel in this prison of a system which is keeping people impoverished and turning kids off from yiddushkeit. 7.8 percent of haredi boys are called \"yeled nosheir\" which means they reject their home and actually leave. This makes sense because what boy wants to embrace a worldview which does not let them experience anything outside of Torah - not general studies, not sports, not music, not art, etc. And way more than the 7.8 percent who actually leave are uninspired and trapped. So, while people enjoy painting me as anti-Torah (no worries, I have been called \"amalek\" and \"satan\" this year), I believe my efforts together with others will ultimately save Jewish neshamos from across the spectrum and will save the Torah world.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions instead of anonymous postings on web sites so we can engage in a real dialogue about these important issues.
Comment by Ellene Newman
5-13-2012 We cannot clear the path of all obstacles for our children. But we can show them how to walk the path and how to deal with obstacles. You may draw your own conclusions. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Who is the Cohain?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I live in Israel and also find the honking totally excessive. I recommend that every car here be rigged so that you have 5 honks a month, and no more. And if you want to waste those honks on narishkeit and impatience, you'll be left with none when you really need it, God forbid.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Look at the myriad of cases around the Country and ask yourself, Are we getting equal justice? I don't think so. Maybe Hashem is telling us it's time to go?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Rabbi Frankfurter implies that not allowing (kosher) food in a courtroom is somehow unfair. I don't follow. Some rules make sense.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Witnesses gave conflicting testimony because they "were not familiar with the system." Not likely. Not likely at all. Their inconsistencies are what got Eli convicted. We need to take a look in the mirror. We need to do what's right. Racism is equal to anti-Semitism.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This guy sounds like he's got an internet addiction problem.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Mr. Cohn, I\'m surprised that you let this apikorsus on your site. You should be ashamed of yourself. I used to think more highly of you.
Not anymore.......
Comment by Ellene Newman
Very happy to see a flourishing school here in Baltimore that integrates Eretz Yisroel and Halacha into a singular vision for its students. Can the entire community join next year- would love to have seen it?
Comment by Ellene Newman
We need this in Maryland to prevent situations like the Wegman\'s \"kosher\" meat section with no hashgacha whatsoever.
Comment by Ellene Newman
A sham of Justice. If your white and especially if your jewish and the defendant is black your presumed guilty. Hashem y\\\'rachem and maybe this can be overturned on appeal
Please everyone go to the "Free Jacob Now" website or Facebook page to sign the petition to President Obama to please intervene on Jacob's behalf to get him released from captivity in Boliva!
Comment by Ellene Newman
The status quo definitely has some serious problems â there is no disputing that. And there may not be any good solutions at present. But you mamish sound like one of the Lapids! You are advocating tearing the Torah world apart in the hope that doing so might solve some societal problems. How can you possibly want secular parties to solve the conversion crisis? And can you really want secular parties to decide who and how many can learn Torah and who and how many must be drafted into a religiously intolerant army? You are essentially attacking the gedolei yisroel, who are represented by the "ultra-Orthodox parties". You are gloating over gedolei yisroel having no influence over vital decisions regarding the future of Torah and Klal Yisroel. What would your high school Rosh HaYeshiva Zt"l have said? What would your Bais Medrash Rosh HaYeshiva Zt"l have said? What mesorah are you following? And finally, isn't respecting gedolei yisroel also a "core Jewish value"?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I did not see a mechitza, nor did I see any women in the audience in the photos displayed here. Were women barred from thisevent?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you to all the people who worked tirlessly to ensure that Ohr Chodosh would open and thrive this year and not leave a signifificant void in the Baltimore Jewish educational landscape!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Tobey, You are amazing........just saying!
Comment by Ellene Newman
BJLife: should report this for multiple reasons.
1) Rabbi Lipman is one of the most active Maryland born and bread, and Ner Israel educated, political "frum" activists in Israel.
2) As a concerned Jewish website, BJL wants to enlighten its readership of what is TRULY going on in Israel. If we want to keep Israel as a Jewish country, we must do "family introspection" and address and fix what is wrong with our Jewish family. As an American, you are educated enough to see that the current model of Israeli society is not sustainable. The USA Social Security system is more sustainable then the current charaidi situation in Israel! (al pi derech haTeva).
Comment by Ellene Newman
With due respect to Mr. Szojchet, you're wrong. Whether civil marriage is recognized by Jewish law or not, is not the point. Civil marriage is recognized in common law and has always been defined as a marriage of one man and one woman. Regardless of what Jewish law recognizes or doesn't recognize, once the definition of marriage is changed by common law, that opens the floodgates, so to speak, to defining marriage as whatever one may want it to be, thus opening the floodgates to continued moral decline of society. As orthodox religious Jews, who abide to the words of the bible, (which refers to homosexuality as an abomination), it is our moral obligation to protest this emphatically. What may ultimately become the law does not bear on our moral obligation to protest.
Comment by Ellene Newman
There is a world of difference between civil marriages between Jews and nonJews. Non Jews have civil marriages, Jews do not - K'das Moshe V'yisroel. That marriage amongst non Jews remains between a man and a woman and homosexual acts remains a toeaiva.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I too believe that the comment should be removed. This is a Jewish site and the comments should follow halachic guidelines. By keeping it, it is a chilul HaShem and is loshon hara. The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with it. No one here is calling for government intervention.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
why is bjlife becoming a mouthpiece for this Anti-Chareidi instigator?
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Oy Nebach! Such a sad story. That poor girl and her family will never be the same.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
I wish I had a clear, cogent argument that explains why I\'m uncomfortable with same-sex marriage. Throughout the ages marriage has been the central social framework of civilization; having a mother and father in your life (ideally) or at least knowing who they were (hopefully) defined our place in the world. Of course, the institution of marriage has already taken a huge hit in our era; this could be the nail in the coffin of the \"nuclear family\" and bring us into the \"it takes a village\" age. I must admit to being a little scared for our children\'s children.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
5-9-2012 I do not want to be the lone contrary voice in all of this. But the Orthodox hold that civil marriages have no meaning and effect. So much so, that an Orthodox woman will, while still being married to one man in a civil marriage, marry another man in a religious ceremony. I am not trying to make a controversy but this is done regularly and I have yet to hear even a single Rabbinical voice disapprove of this practice. If this is what we believe, than we need to be consistent. If a civil marriage has no meaning than we cannot now cry out in righteous indignation over the extension of civil marriages to same gender partners. In the eyes of the Orthodox, none of it has any meaning anyway. I know that the fool who announces to the world that the Emperor has no clothes remains a fool while the Emperor remains the Emperor. But I just feel we need to be true to our beliefs for better or for worse. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
there will be a HADLAKA at Congregation Arugas Habosem (Rabbi Taub's Shul) at 3509 Clarks Lane, in back of the shul, at 9:45 PM after second maariv.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Facebook is not the culprit here. Common sense dictates that we not share personal information with strangers, period. This could have happened anywhere and through any forum of communication. I\\\'m sorry for the tragic ordeal that this girl went through, but it could easily have been prevented (without necessarily canceling her Facebook account).
Comment by Moshe Cohen
While the first comment here seems meanspirited and vindictive, what I can't understand is all the subsequent comments demanding the post be taken down. Placing limits on freedom of speech has dire consequences. We live in this wonderful country- no country has been better to the Jews- and part of the foundation of this country is freedom of speech. You don't have to share this person's opinions, but please don't try to erase or restrict them.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Well done!! Just put my vote in and hope others do the same!
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Sounds like her name should be Maria Baalagan!
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Editor - Please address why comments like the first one are allowed on this site.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
some cones are pareve other are not. The labeling needs to be accurate.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
I was there. This is a beautifully written accurate synaposis. Thanks to BJL for publishing it
Comment by Moshe Cohen
[ED. Note:] Jeff Cohn only wishes he had a scintilla of talent like that of Mrs. Margie Pensak who actually did the reporting/writing/editing
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This was just one of several posts on The Race for The Cure. Check The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook Page, or see website for a greater selection from 613 photos from the day. There were large groups from AMIT and Emunah for example... yes, US Jewish women were well represented!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the first comment: This IS news. This is about an event that happened in our community, and is kindly and rightfully made available to the wider community that may not have had the opportunity to be there. This Is the sort of news that should be featured and shared. If you are looking for gossip, incitement and controversy there are plenty of other blogs / websites that spew the rubbish that they pass off as news. Perhaps you\'d enjoy commenting / criticizing anonymously on those forums?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please Contact the e-mail at the end of the video for information on how to donate.
Tsipora Besancon
Producer of "Naftali's Story"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to personally thank Mr Jeff Cohen for his incredible recounting of what i said the other night. It is rare that a reporter gets it all down correctly but Jeff did just that. I feel sorry for the first comment maker. He/she must be a bitter angry person looking to demean for no good reason.May Hashem help that person find tranquility in life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very touching sory - how an I contribute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how can we help?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Eliminating Conflict, Friction & Dissension Through Ahavas Yisrael": to the person who wrote the offensive first comment. Look at the title. Please take it to heart. comments like yours don't bring any joy to hashem and only brings dissension to our holy people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
in response to first comment - Moderator - Please, please, please, leave such mean spirited, misguided, disgusting comments off of this website. What does it add to the discussion?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is there contact info. available for those who want to contribute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore Jewish Life! Please do not allow such Lashon HaRah, such as the above critical, derogatory comment above, on your website! Please, screen the comments
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How dare you criticize a beautiful summary to a wonderful shiur obviously intended to allow people who werent able to attend the Shiur the chance to read a synopsis of it and gain from it. Please keep your ridiculous comments to yourself
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why should we expect more from Biden. When has any intelligent statement come out of this man? Was he chosen for VP for his deep insight or his marvelous record in Washington. In fact I have always questioned the judgement of his home state.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is an article?? It reads like a press release, not anything belonging in news. It is clearly either dictated by the speakers press agent, or written by a disciple. No one EXCEPT a disciple would, after reading the overly florid praise for each word, take anything in the article seriously. I might be thrilled to learn some of what he said, but after this obvious puffed up piece, I wouldn't go near him Many more articles like this in the New Jewish Times and it will be left to shilling for whoever wants it to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a very touching story
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have to wonder what would have happened if the Werdesheim brothers were not Jewish and white but Gentile and black? Would there have been any case. Somehow I doubt it. But then, where are the neighborhood citizen patrols in the other neighborhoods of Baltimore City. Are there any?
Perhaps if the teen in question would be part of a community that puts itself out to care for its neighbors, he wouldnât have been meandering around on other people properties. Perhaps he would have had something of a more responsible nature to do.
While it would have been best had Eli stayed in his car and watched the young man from the front seat, maybe the teens family should be asking whether this young adolescent male could have been doing something better too.
Ah, but they canât, they are too busy running after the lawyers to get them their big money off the case. Somehow I doubt the money will do them much good. When itâs gone, which wonât take long, this youth will still be found meandering in some other neighborhood. Perhaps this time heâll meet up with someone who will defend himself or his property with much more than just a radio. His mother just better pray the other guy isnât someone from her community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can someone explain why this product requires two certifications?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for this excellent coverage of the conference. I was one of the speakers and authors. Even after 7 years of homeschooling, I gained much wisdom and inspiration from the workshops.
Evelyn Krieger
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Susan, You are so entertaining. I can't stop laughing!!! THANKS!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was there- why didn\'t you show more pictures of US jrewish women?- You give the arabs too much kavod here I think, and although not all arab women agree to blow up thier kids- the sad fact is that too many do- and it seems ironic to me that so many of these same mama- jihadists care about breast cancer more than they care about thier kids or peace with Israel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't understand the purpose of this post. It is not news. Its seems to be nothing more than an attempt to stir up controversy (i.e. loshon hora, machlokes and being mevazeh Roshei Yeshivos).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Which Israeli's should they eat like? The Iraqi's? The Moroccan's? The Polish Jews? Cholent in Meah Shearim? Seafood in Eilat?
Should we tell the Israeli's who come to the USA to stop eating Israeli food, and only eat pizza and burgers?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You have to be careful, what looked like plain chopped meat for Pesach..had soya in it. The chicken hot dogs are not so bad and should be healthier,too.
Just wait the Shavout dairy are coming out now!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
totally unreasonable title for the article; titlal alone wuld have you belive this guy is raging anti-isreal and all the great things that go along with it. why put it on this website?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
LOL. Here is a thought. Stopping trying to eat like an American. You are in Israel. Eat like an Israeli. It will be cheaper and taste much better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate the cute idea behind your headline, but please change it. We are very sensitive to the way the press portrays Israel in the headlines because everyone reads the story and nobody reads the correction. People are sharing this on Facebook, and some will just see the headline and not bother to read the article. Here are Arab women doing something wonderful and they should not be subject to possible misunderstanding. How about "Why are Arab women racing through Jerusalem?" Or even more in the spirit of this event: "Arab women race through Jerusalem in solidarity." People can click if they want to know solidarity with what?
I am a breast cancer survivor and I know I'm alive because of the past actions of others who subjected themselves to clinical trials, raised money, raised awareness. Let's reward good deeds!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I suggest that the good Rabbi send a delegation to Lubavitch asking them to participate in the gathering, which, after all, they are free to decline if they are so inclined.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ah, but the christians, they produced geniuses! Like the brilliant cardinal who talks in this clip!
Perhaps someone should remind him to remove his foot from his mouth before he chokes on it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hopefully there will be a huge crowd for this banquet. lets give a big thank you and nicne welcome to R' Ehpraim Blumenkranz who is doing such an amazing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to know if the person is a former member of Shomrim how would he know if someone was taken down this week or not?? And you seem so verbal, why don't you sign your name on the end of your posts?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The NWCP is proactive 24/7. I have called them numerous times during the day for various issues, problems or emergencies, and there has always been someone there to help me deal with my problems, send someone to my home, or help me connect with the police. There is a great resource on their web site which explains what they do:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow! That must have hurt!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
so nice
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nwcp is actually full time including random patrols at 3 in the morning but u wouldn't know that because your sleeping.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The fact is that Chabad Lubavitch usually does its own thing. Rav Kotler was making an observation that, for example, yeshiva based kiruv organizations have long known. Just check with AJOP. Except for some Chabad presence at early conventions, they don't participate. Why, is another matter. Suffice it to say that each camp has its own approach. Baruch Hashem that we all eat cholent, so there's always hope.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why should Shomrim want to continue to volunteer for a community that doesn't show support and is quick to judge? And yes NWCP is pro active provided the incident occurs between 7 to 10, let's let all the criminals in on that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Many people commented that the police do not respond quickly to calls from our neighborhood. This is probably because they are busy with "more serious" situations. I think it would be a good idea for someone to record acts of theft, attempted theft, violence or attempted violence in the Jewish community and how long it took the police to respond (if at all). It seems that the Jewish community does not have a good idea of how much crime occurs here. (This is evident from conflicting stories on this site.) If we see that there is a lot of crime that is not responded to in a timely matter, it would be easy to lobby for a stronger police presence in our neighborhoods.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good job everyone!! After being such a big part of this project last year I know how much work it takes to make the day such a success. Major props to everyone involved- it\\\'s hard work! I am sure you guys did a fantastic job. Based on this video it looks like you did! I feel so proud to have been a part of this! Thanks for continuing such an amazing cause!!
-Rachel G
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had a chaver in Yeshiva who was a Snider litigation fellow in law school. I wonder if the "Wallis" Snider is related related. Seeing these wonderful pictures makes we wonder why there are not more Chasidishe Mosdos in Baltiomore. It is something this community seriously needs.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well done you guys !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great job, Noah and Rafi! Let\'s do a Tish!!
An old YR Rebbe
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would be nice to see photos you received
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am trying to figure out why anyone would feel the desire or need for this product and why it has been posted here. On the other hand, it might come in handy for Purim if one feels he must actually get drunk to fulfill a mitzvah of not knowing the difference between Haman and Mordechai. This would, apparently, be a faster, safer way to do that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video on the Suns website is many years old. Things have changed considerably. And no, the police do not monitor shomrims radio.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Read the Seforim of Rav Kook ZTZ'L, and you will learn much about Religious Zionism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Johanna, You are a great artist! I can see you put a lot of time and effort in this project. Awesome!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is ironic that there is a call for oversite at this juncture. If you look at the video posted on the Baltimore Sun you can clearly see Major Delgato praising Shomrim and indicating he is quite aware of what they do and how they operate. Shomrim has had Baltimore County Chief of Police attend their meetings and has arranged for Shomrimmembers to take and complete the Baltimore County Police citizens academy. State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger addressed the group as well. To make it seem that there is an organization in the community that no government official or police department is aware of is ludicrous. When there were missing person searches the Baltimore County Police basically gave Shomrim use of there Towson station. Since this incident there have been hundereds of calls Shomrim has responded to without incident. There is always room for improvement, but to categorically make it seem that this is a rouge organization is a flat out distortion or reality.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Quote: "I don't know if this article should be posted on here. It's not helping anyone right now. We have a Moser in our community who should be dealt with." What does that mean?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"I wonder if there will ever be this much publicity about the hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood. It only seems news-worthy when it appears to be reversed, even when it is self defense."
A. Why would it be newsworthy when it commonly happens? B. It is the sad natural order of things. Black male youths, from certain socio-economic backgrounds, often commit violent acts towards Jews in Jewish neighborhoods. When a Jew does something moderately violent and questionably legal, even in self-defense, it is an aberration and thus becomes newsworthy.
Why are reader comments anonymous? It seems that Baltimore Jewish Life by allowing anonymous digs and lashon hara is supporting severe violations of Halacha. Believe me, I'm no expert but that's pretty serious. -Yoseph
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Sir, You really are off your rocker. This is what you want? Are you willing to live with the results of ARMED Shomrim members on the street?"
Absolutely. I would vote for martial law as well. When the police are too afraid to use the weapons they have becuz they fear retribution & prosecution, it's time to do it ourselves. Do you know why police no longer carry night sticks/billy clubs? Because some namby-pamby liberals decided it was too intimidating to the (black) youth. Too intimidating? Please! I WANT intimidation. I want every one of these little ruffians with their pants around their knees and their loud music to feel the fear when they see a cop twirling that baton, knowing that it might be their own head that gets cracked if they don't move along. You may be too young to remeber, but I grew up in the 60's, and it was a wonderful peaceful time, and the police were in charge. It was perfect.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was under the impression what the Police have and monitor Shomrim's radio. If that is still the case, why would Shomrim need to call the Police? Aren't the Police intelligent enough to know when they should respond on their own initiative, or are they?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who responded with quotation marks, "hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood." How long have you lived here? Do you have a clue what has happened over the years? Are you involved in anything or just hide behind your locked doors. When I said "hundreds," I meant it because it's true. Have your children ever been punched in the face and knocked off their bikes? A few years ago, on Pesach, there were a half a dozen attacks on Jews just that week alone. What planet do you live on?
All I want to see is Black leaders having the same outrage when whites are beaten. Maybe then society would be more civil and organizations like Shomrim wouldn't be necessary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"White's rebuke of Shomrim members' credibility followed a year and a half of criticism from community leaders that the group lacks oversight and structure. Eliyahu, who testified Wednesday, said that the group had no written rules and only a "loose mentorship program" for training."
Ouch- those words sting.
Ok, so the only thing now to do is look forward. How can we as a community help Shomrim be more effective. Other organizations have support of our community's leaders (pulpit rabbis, board of directors) what can we do to bring Shomrim up to par so as to garner that support and respect and ultimately help the community.
It is clear to me that NWCP is in the business of being pro-active. Shomrim is re-active and I believe there is a place for both. We just need to help Shomrim do it in the right way- working with the police. Following Laws. Offering proper training. The goal should be helping the community, not the organization.
Who is in charge of Shomrim? Is it time for some new vision?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You really are off your rocker. This is what you want? Are you willing to live with the results of ARMED Shomrim members on the street? I (and my neighbors, and their neighbors) are not.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish we had more guys like these 2 brothers. In my book they are heroes par excellence. I think every Shomrim member should be given a real deadly weapon to assault with, not just a radio. I remember the good old days when cops carried billy clubs and you were afraid to turn left or right without permission. I long for those days again, when the streets were safe and you could sit outside all night while fearing nothing but mosquito bites. These guys have the cajones to stand up for a change. Give them a medal, not a jail sentence.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood"
What are you even talking about? Please do not inflame tensions between the races and try to heighten and play on people's fears. I highly doubt there is this degree of battery going on under the radar. About 8 or 9 years ago there was a string of violent incidents and the police handled it. I believe Shomrim came into existence soon after that.
Unfortunate that Eli got out of the car. If the kid had actually attacked the woman with the dog, or actually broken into a house perhaps his action could have been justified. I feel for Eli and the Werdesheims -- I know he regrets his mistake. But from what I read in Sun's reporting of the judge's verdict it sounds like she had a good handle on what happened.
I especially appreciate the clarification of the statement "you don't belong here" to refer to the fact that it was the middle of the day and the kid was obviously truant and NOT to the idea that a black kid walking down Falstaff is somehow in the wrong place. First I heard of that.
Eli is a smart and resourceful man. In the long run he will survive this as he survived his trials in the IDF. He will move past it and it will have made him stronger.
At this point we should all daven that the sentencing will be lenient and Eli can get on with his life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kudos to all those who are organizing the biggest Kiddush Hashem of our generation. I just got an email encouraging me to bringing at least one person who wouldnât normally attend. Itâs a great idea and everyone should do it. Iâm coming with my Partners in Torah chavrusa and his son. FYI, you can get tickets at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Judging? There was an incident where no law was broken, a 16 year old held down and struck, a trial, and now national new coverage focus on baltimore, shomrim, and black and Jew relationships and you expect no judging?Â
Shomrim has and will continue to do good work as long as each member is trained to follow the law.Â
Yes all you write about the lack of what appears to be caring on the police part may be true and likely is. However whether we like it or not we can only live as orthodox Jews in certain areas. Normally when people feel threatened daily as you do, they move to another area, they don't take the law into their own hands. Unfortunately since you/we cannot move as we are limited we must right or wrong accept the situation to the point that we live in the US with laws. Laws tell us, that when we are a neighborhood watcher, we are no more empowered then any citizen. In thus case, if this boy was casing homes or cars, any citizen calls the police and if they care they stay close to the potential crime maker and likely the crime dies not occur before the police arrive.Â
If you want your cake and eat it to, it is likely more Eli situations will be occurring and we will be continuing to judge.Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Someone wrote "you sound so sour". Yes, I am sour. I am sour because I volunteered my time for an organization which had great potential. Shomrim, had it been managed and run properly, could have been a great asset. But "leaders" of Shomrim had other ideas. Other lofty goals. No protocols, no training (the fact of which was testified on court on Wednesday). And now Shomrim is nothing more than a failed experiment. The police would respond to calls where we were, and began to make the victims the bad ones for calling us. Sorry, but that's not what I signed up for.
In all fairness, ELi was allowed to do what he did because of the failed policies and complete lack of organization from the "leaders". And now he has to suffer. But, fear not, Shomrim has not learned. They continue to engage. They continue to interact. And have no fear - if the current situation is allowed to continue, there WILL be another incident.
I wish the organization the best -
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As a wife of a Shomrim member, I can tell you this case hits home. My heart aches for Eli and Avi. Its easy for someone to jump to say how they should have stayed in the car, worse comes to worse the guy would have broken into a house or maybe stolen a car. But what if instead of looking for valuables in the windows of the houses he was looking for a young girl or woman at home to G-d forbid attack or rape? Would you, who are so quick to name call "vigilante" be quick to complain that Shomrim is supposed to be protecting our neighborhoods and aren't doing enough?!? Were my husband and the other members of Shomrim "Vigilantes" when they got out of their cars to respond of suspicious strangers banging on the door of houses where there were children home alone? Were they "Vigilantes" when they got back the bikes that your children were punched in the face and thrown off for? I have had friends in the past complain to me that they called Shomrim to report suspicious people in their neighborhood and all the Shomrim did was drive around and watch, not get out of the car, question them or better yet arrest them?!? It was kept pretty quiet from the press exactly what this individual was doing. Just like it was also kept quiet how much black on black crime has taken place during the trial in itself. I called the police one sunday to report that a few black minors were laying flat on skateboards and riding down the middle of the street. I told the operator I wanted police to come right away as I'm sure there will be an accident and I don't want it blamed on the woman driving a 15 passenger van who is not looking on the street for children laying there waiting for a lawsuit. I'm still waiting for the police to come, to find where these parents are and hold them responsible for not watching their kids. That was five years ago. Whether or not you think Eli and Avi were right or wrong as Jews we should be supporting each other and not judging.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just an FYI for all those outraged over the civil suit yet don\'t take the time to actually read news reports - the civil suit has been dropped.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is reprinted from the sun, correct? I think some readers think this is from bjl
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a divided community. We stand up for child molesters in our schools because rabbanim do something wrong it is hidden and okay. Rabbinic leaders were well aware of molesters and perverts who taught in schools yet chose to cover it up because they were one of their own. This community makes me sick, especially this website. To post this oped from a garbage paper like the Baltimore sun is disgusting. This website pertains to the Jewish community. You also only post things with a serious liberal slant. I guarantee if the Werdesheim brothers wore black hats and learned in yeshiva all day that everyone would have stood behind them. As for shomrim, way to stand behind a volunteer of your organization. You can admit maybe he was wrong but at the same time th is no reason to neglect these guys. The community should put together funds for these boys who served and protected our community. Hindsight is always 20/20 and we all make bad decisions. The black community rallied behind the \"victim\" we barely had a showing. Way to go Baltimore. When the jcc wants to open on Shabbos, we gather at a public school, rally etc. but when a boy who wears a kippah srugah finds himself in trouble we ignore and judge. What a shame.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My understanding of a misdemeanor vs. a felony is that the prior may have a jail time of a year or less and that a felony is a year or more. Further, felony records stay while a misdemeanor can be expunged. So that is at least a small bright side. Hopefully, it will be a community service punishment. The sad reality is, that if the judicial system was doing there job, we would not need a Shomrim or NWCP. But, the \\\"bad guys\\\" know that the revolving door will release them in no time and therein lies the problem with police sometimes not caring as they know nothing will happen. 150 years ago horse thievery was a hanging offense. Today, you still someone\\\'s car and they (Judicial) call it unauthorized use. Very sad day, no winners today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am a mother. I am a Jewish mother. All I want to do is cry. This is a Jewish neshama, one of our own. Did your children ever do anything wrong? Would you cast the first stone? Write an article? Why is the community so quick to criticize and point fingers? Why was there not a public Tehillim organized for these boys? Even if you feel that they made a mistake, you can daven for them. A Jewish boy with a wife and parents could go to jail? I am so sad to read all these comments, so sad for our community, so disappointed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fact of the matter is he had the oppurtunity to call police 2 times if not 3 which could have been done by his brother as well. Cops may take their time however we have a Officer Bennett and several others that are near at all times. And even if it took 10 minutes for them to get their you stil have a duty to call them especially if you call yourself a citizens patrol. I guarantee you this much a call to the POLICE by other orgnizations like NWCP, Hatzalah, Chaverim and yes Shomrim will be responded by the police a little quicker too. But again no call was ever made and it made him look like a vigilante.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
On what basis is the judge rejecting Werdesheim\'s self-defense claims? It\'s the only testimony from someone who was there. The prosecution has no proof that it went down as they claim because their star witness lost all credibility. Yes, they were wrong to get out of their car. But the judge somehow determined that the prosecution was right and Eli was wrong. Please enlighten us with this thought process.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't know if this article should be posted on here. It's not helping anyone right now. We have a Moser in our community who should be dealt with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Everyone seems to be complaining that Eli got out of the car. While this may be against official Shomrim policy (and I don't know if it is or it isn't), it certainly is not against the law to get out of your car and talk to a "suspicious person". Sure, in hindsight, it was a bad idea. But again, not against the law. So why was he convicted? The only testimony presented in the case (since the defendant declined to testify) stated that Eli acted in self defense after the kid began swinging a board at him. Clearly the judge got it wrong. This was a high profile case and I assume that she knew what she wanted the judgement to be before the trial began.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wonder if there will ever be this much publicity about the hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood. It only seems news-worthy when it appears to be reversed, even when it is self defense.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Again... Even if the Police Dept does not come soon enough is not the point in this case anyway. This is not a crime with a weapon until they got out of the car. If the weapon (the board) was so vital to the case why wasn't it displayed by the defense? They created a situation. Maybe the kid intended to break into a house BUT I assure you he wasn't going to break into a house while being watched from a car. That was the deterrent in this case and that is the Shomrim's mandate. Getting out of the car created a needless blemish on Eli's record and potentially at minimum many legal bills and possibly asset's disputed in a civil lawsuit case for years to come. Again no excuses. Stay in the car and deal with a sometimes slow in responding police department as well. That is not related to this case nor justify getting out of their car.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ha. if the cops had the call from someone who _wasnt_ their boss, they'd never have showed up.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! what yeshiva did the PERPETRATORS attend
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This editorial is missing one major point. It assumes that the Baltimore Police department, if called, would respond in a timely manner. Unfortunately, Baltimore\\\'s police continue to be a dismal example of law enforcement. I have needed the help of the Baltimore Police. They do not respond to this kind of call; it is not of the caliber necessary to get their attention with all necessary speed. This was the case for me personally when I was being maliciously followed while driving. I was sincerely scared and the person kept tailing and following me while I circled my neighborhood. I called Shomrim -- who immediately called the police while I was on the phone with them. Within 2 minutes, shomrim responders where there to help me. An hour later, the police arrived. It is all well and good for the Baltimore Sun to preach as they do. If so, the response from the police needs to be trustworthy, reliable and timely. Right now, it isn\\\'t.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
\"Under this bill, vacant homes do not qualify for a tax cut; vacant lots don\'t qualify; and speculators and owners of blighted properties won\'t get a penny of tax relief at the expense of everyone else. This tax cut is for city homeowners first,\" she said.
Notice how she left out only one group, and it\'s the one she should be appealing to even more than the rest. The investment properties. If she wants to spur growth and rehabilitation, this credit should apply to responsible investors as well.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My question is, what does the "kid" who was trying to commit a crime will get??? The one Eli held down. My prayers go to the Werdesheim Family. G-d willing nothing more then a PBJ for Eli; Thank G-d Avi is clear of all charges.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please post these comments in the now full article. This one is dead. Thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You sound so sour. It is a shame when people are willing to risk a chesed organization because they are in it for themselves.To whoever wrote that comment I would just say the organization is certainly better off without you. (I am not nor ever was affiliated with Shomrim).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The civil suit should not be a problem. Even if there is a judgment, which is not a given, there are ways to shield his assets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrim STILL taking people down and getting out of their cars??? I guess we'll be facing a similar case soon.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm really glad to see this article. I was feeling this way myself but was afraid to say anything because I thought I would be in the minority and everyone else would be supporting these guys. I too hope they learn their lesson and that Shomrim stick to what their mission should be.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
True, and in theory this is how it should be. Only problem is the police take their good old time because they are always tied up in other neighborhoods with higher crime. The police do a great job and I am not trying to bash them, but they have their hands full. We need more cops on the streets!!!!What if they were watching somone beat up an old lady, should they still sit in their cars and watch \\\'till the police come?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thousands of calls without incident that we know of - as a former member, I can tell you time upon time where Shomrim took people down and got out of their cars - as recently as this week.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well written and stated. It is a BIG lesson that Eli has learned and will serve to educate others. At the end of the day given the outrageous civil suit judgements out there, that may be a bigger hurdle for him over his life then the verdict in the criminal case and may cost him for many years to come. Very sad day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I dont think we should be judging anybody here! There has been enough of that today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a thoughtful editorial. It is a shame that it is the first thoughtful piece published by the Sun since this incident occurred. The editorial points out the clear distinctions between this case and the killing of Tayvon Martin; virtually every story you have printed recently has prominently noted that many have wished to make that comparison. The Sun's disappointment that hate crime charges were not brought was evident in each and every story. The editorial points out the cooler heads of most community leaders; the Sun's coverage has included -perhaps even sought-comments from those whose stated desire was to exploit the incident to inflame tensions, even so far as to threatening a riot. Let's hope that the defendants have learned a lesson, that the community watch group has learned a lesson, that the communities have learned a lesson, and that the Sun has learned a lesson.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aharon Newman:
Meaning well and having good intentions may mitigate, but they don\'t excuse. We can support Eli and hope that he is given a suspended sentence and/or community service. But we must be law-abiding even (especially) in our efforts to protect ourselves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Are there grounds for appeal? Can't help but think the "judge" needed to deliver some sort of sentence to prevent a race riot.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The biggest issue he faces is not incarceration. He likely will get probation of some sort hopefully. BUT now in a civil suit his earnings will go to this kids family for many years.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good kids make errors in judgement. The fact he got out of his car, didn't call the police and held the kid down, set himself up for this. Even if the kid was looking to burglar, this error in judgment allowed the kid to get away with it. A big lesson to all our volunteers. STAY IN YOUR CAR.Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"false imprisonment"!& I don't get that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very sad how we have ongoing instances of burglaries, car jackings and assaults in our neighborhood, and when someone tries to help limit such activity they get the raw end of the deal. Seems to me, that even if "mistakes" were made in how Eli reacted under the circumstances, we should all voice our support and appreciation for Eli Werdesheim at this time. As it is obvious to anyone who knows him and his family, that he meant well and was concerned for the safety our community.
Aharon Newman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oy; nebach; does anybody know if he faces prison time or as a first time misdemeanor offender is he eligible for probation?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a surprise, another miscarriage of justice in Baltimore.I wonder what gleeful and incindiary headlines the Baltimore Sun will run tomorrow.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I also looked at for Aaron Ausby's court records, but Aaron J Ausby who is listed on that site with numerous records has to be a different person because his birth date is listed 1991. The Aaron Ausby involved with the Werdesheims is a teenager and likely born around 1996.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know why they \\\"quickly left the area\\\"?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aaron J. Ausby has multiple crimes listed under the maryland docket. this person is a juvenile delinquent who has open active cases for various offenses. maybe people need to look further than a single moment....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great job, Johanna!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Rabbi Charner and TSGW!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What happened to the woman walking her dog? Was she a witness?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Although it would have been nice to have the charges dropped, this may work to Shomrim\'s advantage in the long haul. If (and when, G-d willing) they are acquitted, Shomrim, as an organization, will be vindicated in open court and will only emerge stronger as a respectable and honorable organization (and hopefully, with a few lessons learned).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to the whole community for suppporting this worthy event - watch for updates on our website as the money comes in !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's the Liberal Jews who make up this "support". It's no surprise. Romney doesn't hide the fact that he adheres to religious core values. This is something liberals, Jewish or otherwise, despise.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You said you're a Zionist on every level. ("I am a Zionist on every level.") How do you define Zionism?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
unfortunately same article could have been written about many of our local orthodox shuls
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Goldberg's Bagels is not a participant this year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I just heard that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Senator Sarbanes will be there on Sunday too! This is a fantastic event for our community that says so much about how we work together to make it better for everyone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about Goldbergs bagels???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Rafi!! We (grandpa and I) are so proud of your community service work.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can we please have "Latest News" less than almost a month old?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How is the first poster "self righteous"? Let's face the fact that internet is here to stay, let's put the appropriate limits on those who are too young to handle it just the same way we do with anything else such as alcohol. At some point we all have to deal with this new fangled test that is the internet and take responsiblity for how we deal with it just like anything else.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the reminder, my family is prepared to sacrifice and Eat for Israel throughout the day, it's the very least we can do. So proud of our Baltimore youth for starting and continuing this awesome event. - Donna Wach
This is the 1st poster.
I'm sorry #2 that you felt my post was foolish. There are a number of facts I left out as I am not a reporter- just someone who wants to hear the truth. One thing I know is that there are 2 sides to every story.
Your defensive accusations are surprising. Yes, no organization is 100% perfect but I think that organizations need to be held to a high standard and we all need to know if they are hiding things. If people or an orginization as a whol say they are doing good, they need to only do good. And if they mess up, they need to own it-not try to cover it up. If that happens, the whole Jewish community is at risk. Public (available) testimony on this case points to a number of things being hidden and that does not bode well for the Jewish Community.
All the facts need to come out on both sides. A bench trial was chosen- luckily you and i are not the judge- she has a hard job from what I've seen.
Let us all hope and pray that the truth comes out, for better or worse, and that we all learn from our mistakes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
freedom of speech - why are we such babies ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nebach. Are we waiting for another Germany to happen before people wake up? Besides, what has this man done during the last four years that would merit him to keep his position?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am jealous of my brothers and sisters who live in Eretz Yisrael but there are a number a valid reasons I can\'t join them at this stage of my life.
As Rav Soloveitchik, ZT\"L said, one has to reside where one can do the most good, for one\'s self, family and people. In his case it was Boston and NYC, despite his having considered making aliyah at one point. I don\'t think anyone would have the nerve to criticize him for his choice, nor should anyone be criticized regarding this personal decision.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jeff Cohn, I never thought you lacked kavod haTorah and kavod Gedolim.
How can you post this?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate that, finally, instead of making a blanket statement that the Internet is Assur, someone has decided to find a way to make it Muttar while helping limit those things which can be detrimental to a persons spiritual being.
I think that the "this is assur, that is assur" is a problem in Yiddishkeit today (and no, this is not a bash against Rabbonim). But I do think that many people who get turned off from Frumkeit do so because, instead of finding solutions to make our world a livable place using the technologies we have available and find ways to block those things that need to be blocked, its easier just to say, "No internet, no cell phones, no email".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I must comment on the foolish post (the first one). I see you didn't mention the claim of self defense. There is a reason the teen didn't want to testify, like maybe he created the situation? Why are you so quick to judge a fellow Jew unfavorably?
Do you understand the harm you may cause the entire community? You obviously have an ax to grind against Shomrim. No organization is 100% perfect, but we should all be appreciative that Shomrim members put themselves out for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hmmmmm. I\'ve had the Internet for many, many years yet have never visited a pornographic website. If one wants to find such outlets, they are available. Before the Internet (and currently), religious men visited houses of prostitution and pornography stores. If that\'s who you are, that\'s who you\'ll be with or without the Internet. People need to take responsibility for their own actions and not just look for external sources to blame.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Once again, Jeff Cohn, please remove this guy, Fink. He is mevazeh the Gedolim even in this half-hearted attempt at an apology.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Regardless of the issue of criticizing gedolei yisroel or not (although I think there is a big difference between criticizing a program that was organized by gedolei yisroel-which this is not- and criticizing a program made by someone who got gedolei yisroel to sign on-which unfortunately we all know how genuine some of these signatures tend to be), I think the author has a very good point here. I think women can have a tremendous influence here and if they are on board, they can do a lot to enforce the takanos that are being made since they are at home a lot more. Why can\'t the authors words be addressed instead of flaming him about him being critical??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This account is missing many other parts that were said in court including parts about leaving the scene and a request for info on the part of Shomrim's operations etc. Please report this info also.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As a long time friend of both Hinde and Yosef, and an employee of theirs for a little over 3 yrs. Hinde and Yosef did a tremondous amount of good, their honesty, hakoras hatov, in their everyday life and in business. Yosef Goliger is one of the most honest businessmen I have ever met and worked for, from a 'Jewish Business Ethics' perspective, he was and will always be an example to all.
Harriet Shemesh
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to the goligers i am so sorry that u had to close the business i have fond memories of balt kosher from 16 years ago
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not worthy of a comment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ben Goldy,
That's the whole point. There are no Gedolei Yisroel pushing for this. The event was booked by the Mashgiach R.Salomon before consulting the Roshei Yeshivo's in America. Now that he is trying to get them on board their response has been lukewarm at best.
In this case I advise each person to ask their own Rav or Rosh Yeshiva whether to attend or not and not to rely on a mass advertising campaign or signatures on a generic Kol Koreh.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful... If the main distributor for the butcher shops is closing, it has to be likely the prices will keep going up by the time it reaches us. A big shame...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If they kashered the shake shack for the "asifa" they'd sell out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jeff Cohn, you are a ben Torah!
Please take this off your site!
Or name the Rav who gives his haskamah to this article! That you are relying on.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is the craziest thing ive heard in a while. not much thinking went into this article. its a shame it was posted
Comment by BJLife BJLife
and what about single mothers (widowed or divorced) who would want to know the information shared at this gathering?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So, Eliyahu, and Baltimore Jewish Life who foolishly chose to post this, let's see what you have done with this post.
You publicly criticized and ridiculed Gedolei Yisrael.
Not exactly a mitzvah to put it mildly.
Whatever questions you have, I am 100% sure that Rav Matisyahu Salomon, one of the major supporters and leaders of this, can answer them.
You are very wrong for posting this and you gain nothing by being so cynical except to be a 'hero' to all the anti-Gedolim people out there.
Ben Goldy
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-27-2012 Reb Aizik was a prince of Torah. He not only knew the words, he grasped and lived the message. I remember the first time I ever set foot in a Yeshiva, Telshe Yeshiva. I was 15 and I never actually had met a Rabbi like him before. I saw him walking towards the Bais Medrash. His image, his long coat and brimmed hat with his long beard and shining face. I asked my guide who that was and he told me it was Reb Aizik. I think that simple glimpse of him changed me forever. I later observed him in the Bais Medrash at the Mizrach Vant all the way to the right (his left). I watched as he davened and learned and spoke with the bochurim. Something awoke inside of me and I carry that feeling within me to this day, 38 years later. A father brings you into this world. Such a Rabbi leads you into the next world. May the memory of this most precious man awaken all of us to the natural passion for Torah and Mitzvos and good deeds that lies in the heart of all good and decent people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why can\'t we all just get along?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Of note, in the background of the picture of the Werdesheim boys you have above, the words; \"In God We Trust\". What a devine coincidence.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When we went one time to Eretz Bereshis from Yerushalayim, instead of following Route 1 down south, we got off at the first turn off the highway (on the north side of town). We were driving and driving... and then there were signs for Ramallah. We knew were in the wrong place then!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"They are actually Latinos trying to take advantage of our generosity on Purim. The extent of their Hebrew is âchag sameachâ and âtzedakaâ --just enough Hebrew to know how to steal from us.â
Just FYI -- They are gypsies not latinos. It's been going on for years.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why was their no investigation? if there are not muslims who put a target on me, prove it, as a faculty member why are these charge ignored. THIS IS A STATE UNIVERSITY NOT A PRIVATE ONE. RABBI ROSENBERG
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, who has been teaching at speech/public speaking at Rutgers without incident for more than two decades, is, according to all reports, the only teacher in his department who wears a kippah.
This year, after the first day of class, he was summoned to the head of the department and berated for using You Tube and Twitter as part of his course and for using his own textbook. He explained these issues (and the fact that he has been teaching like this for years without problems). He is convinced he was denounced by an antisemitic student who was in his class for only one day. Many of his students have written letters to the Rutgers administration and to the press praising him.
One of his students, a practicing Coptic Christian, wrote that he âpersonally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg, who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community, is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class, I have heard this from students in a variety of ways.â
It was the letter I received from this student (which I included below) which prompted me to write to you.
About a month ago, Rabbi Rosenberg, who has served as the spiritual leader of Cong Beth El in Edison for the past 23 years, discovered from a student that Rutgers was not asking him back to teach this summerâthe first time in ten years. The administration did not even give Rabbi Rosenberg the courtesy of a notification, although they did confirm it when he asked them directly. He does not know if he will be given his classes this fall.
The administration, of course, denies that any of this is based on antisemitism. They say it is based on economics. They say they had to let him go. He is convinced he is being squeezed out due to antisemitism.
I thought I would pass this on to you to see if you think there is anything here, or if it is just too nebulous an antisemitic hook on which to hang our hats.
Read the studentâs letter below. Itâs quite moving.
To whom it may concern,
My name is Mena Beshay, a junior at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The
purpose of this email is to inform and raise awareness of one of the most
significant issues that threaten this university. It is very unfortunate that a
university as diverse as Rutgers, does not do enough to protect its faculty,
staff, and students from harassment and persecution based on religion. This is a
very serious issue that I unfortunately witness too often. As part of the Coptic
Orthodox Fellowship (COF) here at Rutgers I have personally been harassed in
many instances by Muslim students. On my way out of COF meetings or events when
walking out with my Priest we will be looked at, pointed at, laughed at, cursed
at, and hear phrased like "Allah we Agbar" or "Salam Aleekom" which are two very
common Islamic phrases. Instances like these unfortunately occur too often on
Rutgers Campuses. I know for a fact, because i personally heard it that Rabbi
Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the
Jewish community is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know
this because being a student in his class i have heard this from students in a
variety of ways. In fact, Dr. Rosenberg's letter to Rutgers which he shared in
class is very plausible. I have never heard of a student that would
intentionally bring a teacher up for charges after one day of class for such a
ridiculous accusation such as using his Twitter page and YouTube, which i see in
almost every class here at Rutgers. The fact that the professor uses his book in
addition to the required one should not be a reason to take him to task as at
least half of the professors at Rutgers do the same. It undoubtedly raises the
question of why Dr. Rosenberg is the one being singled out. Living and growing
up in Egypt, instances like this are all too common for me, it is clear that
someone intended on destroying him based on his religion and beliefs. he is one
of the most popular teachers on campus and it is impossible to get into any of
his classes from how much students respect and admire him. His public speaking
class is one that i am eagrly waiting to attend because it is one of the few
classes I actually enjoy and learn from. i am not Jewish , I am a Coptic
Orthodox Christian and I can verify there is anti-semitism on campus, and that
Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg.
Concerned Student,
Mena Beshay
why was their no investigation? if there are not muslims who put a target on me, prove it, as a faculty member why are these charge ignored. THIS IS A STATE UNIVERSITY NOT A PRIVATE ONE. RABBI ROSENBERG
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, who has been teaching at speech/public speaking at Rutgers without incident for more than two decades, is, according to all reports, the only teacher in his department who wears a kippah.
This year, after the first day of class, he was summoned to the head of the department and berated for using You Tube and Twitter as part of his course and for using his own textbook. He explained these issues (and the fact that he has been teaching like this for years without problems). He is convinced he was denounced by an antisemitic student who was in his class for only one day. Many of his students have written letters to the Rutgers administration and to the press praising him.
One of his students, a practicing Coptic Christian, wrote that he âpersonally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg, who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community, is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class, I have heard this from students in a variety of ways.â
It was the letter I received from this student (which I included below) which prompted me to write to you.
About a month ago, Rabbi Rosenberg, who has served as the spiritual leader of Cong Beth El in Edison for the past 23 years, discovered from a student that Rutgers was not asking him back to teach this summerâthe first time in ten years. The administration did not even give Rabbi Rosenberg the courtesy of a notification, although they did confirm it when he asked them directly. He does not know if he will be given his classes this fall.
The administration, of course, denies that any of this is based on antisemitism. They say it is based on economics. They say they had to let him go. He is convinced he is being squeezed out due to antisemitism.
I thought I would pass this on to you to see if you think there is anything here, or if it is just too nebulous an antisemitic hook on which to hang our hats.
Read the studentâs letter below. Itâs quite moving.
To whom it may concern,
My name is Mena Beshay, a junior at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The
purpose of this email is to inform and raise awareness of one of the most
significant issues that threaten this university. It is very unfortunate that a
university as diverse as Rutgers, does not do enough to protect its faculty,
staff, and students from harassment and persecution based on religion. This is a
very serious issue that I unfortunately witness too often. As part of the Coptic
Orthodox Fellowship (COF) here at Rutgers I have personally been harassed in
many instances by Muslim students. On my way out of COF meetings or events when
walking out with my Priest we will be looked at, pointed at, laughed at, cursed
at, and hear phrased like \"Allah we Agbar\" or \"Salam Aleekom\" which are two very
common Islamic phrases. Instances like these unfortunately occur too often on
Rutgers Campuses. I know for a fact, because i personally heard it that Rabbi
Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the
Jewish community is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know
this because being a student in his class i have heard this from students in a
variety of ways. In fact, Dr. Rosenberg\'s letter to Rutgers which he shared in
class is very plausible. I have never heard of a student that would
intentionally bring a teacher up for charges after one day of class for such a
ridiculous accusation such as using his Twitter page and YouTube, which i see in
almost every class here at Rutgers. The fact that the professor uses his book in
addition to the required one should not be a reason to take him to task as at
least half of the professors at Rutgers do the same. It undoubtedly raises the
question of why Dr. Rosenberg is the one being singled out. Living and growing
up in Egypt, instances like this are all too common for me, it is clear that
someone intended on destroying him based on his religion and beliefs. he is one
of the most popular teachers on campus and it is impossible to get into any of
his classes from how much students respect and admire him. His public speaking
class is one that i am eagrly waiting to attend because it is one of the few
classes I actually enjoy and learn from. i am not Jewish , I am a Coptic
Orthodox Christian and I can verify there is anti-semitism on campus, and that
Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg.
Concerned Student,
Mena Beshay
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This was not a very good day for these young men. Inhope tomorrow is better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I enjoyed the program. I have been to YH to YA transition programs for 20 years in various cities including Rambam the last several years. No doubt it was a moving evening. Hearing local leading Rabbis take the stage was nice as they haven't been publicly identified in to these programs in the past. I would suggest for next year in addition to videos and locals, to get a true Israeli presence such as a former soldier hero or someone who can speak from the heart possibly from the Israeli Embassy who can give a live real feelings. Remember as much as we like to talk, they live there and we all still have chosen not to fir whatever reasons. Give them both the kovod and add to the best opportunities to reach hearts and minds. Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad to say, but the fraud also extends to Jewish people as well. I remember well, people coming to the door with letters in hand, who, when receiving a generous donation would remark something like "what, that\'s all you will give me.\" or \"I need more than that\". Fraud and audacity are unfortuntely, character faults that know no bounds. Elisheva
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nicely put Joel, my experience has been that more people are turned off by this type of haranguing than are actually inspired by it. Aliyah is a major personal choice that is not to be entered into lightly, affecting the family that you are taking with you as well as the family that you leave behind. Be happy with your personal choice and respect the choice of others please.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with the prior comment. Those boys could have prevented lots of grief for themselves that victim and our entire community, if they just picked up their walkie talkie, stayed in their car, and let the police handle what may or may not have been any issue to start with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May they be acquitted. And if and when that happens may our community have the common sense and decency to be a bit contrite, and not to gloat and declare our superiority and absolute purity and innocence. This incident has caused much harm.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why wasn't this letter send to Netanyahu? And the old addage action speaks louder than words apparently doesn't apply here. He's all words and and no action. I'm tired of hearing this rhetoric time and time again: Ours is a unique relationship founded on an unbreakable commitment to Israelâs security, and anchored by our common interests and deeply held values."
Guy is full of malarky.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Passion for living in Israel is great, and I respect those who live there. What bothers me is the high and mighty attitude of belittling those who don't, which I have unfortunately found to be highly prevalent amongst those who have made aliyah. Everyone has their own battles, struggles, and reasons for what they do. I don't publish articles and make comments of a self promoting nature when I put on tefillin, daven or fulfill any other mitzvos. If I do merit to live in the holy land one day, I plan to adopt a much more humble approach than the author of this article and many others with the same attitude.
Joel Carter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The meshulach situation both here and in Eretz Yisroel has become a culture.
Agudah scrip is a wonderful way to give meshulachim here as some money goes to the local mosdos. Rabbi Heinemann and the Agudah should be thanked for this service to the community. It is also a b'kovod way to give tzedakah. With the new .50 scrip if you have 10 meshulachim in shul it makes it more manageable, especially if they come to the home also.
eli W. schlossberg
Comment by BJLife BJLife
People should not think that the letter from the Agudah is an absolute approbation. Many are able bodied individuals who have made decisions not to work or get training for skills that would allow them to do so. Also "meshulach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
mo marks is amazing. and a tremendous ba'al tzedaka
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Od lo avda tikvateinu!!! Yay Bet Shemesh, again!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hopefully this will lead to a quick peasful resolution that we all have been praying for.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mafkir= to renounce any ownership interest. Similar to "abandon" under secular law. For example, you do this to bread before Passover so you don't own it.
Machlokes: a debate among legal authorities as to the proper interpretation of a law.
Kinyan: a legally binding method of acquisition. The formal execution of a transfer of rights in property.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful article Aron. Thank you so much. I couldn\'t agree with you more. Kol Hakavod! Leah Schwartz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-25-2012 To the first commentator who wrote "yawn", that was rude. This essay was written from the heart. Less contempt and more respect, even just mere courtesy and we will all enter our homeland, the land of Torah and good acts where we all have a place. Politics aside, this man should be admired for his passion for Torah and Mitzvos and his devotion to his brothers and sisters to share with them this passion in a public forum where he might be exposed to such treatment. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
R\' Ari Taragin and his chushive rebbetzin have been moser nefesh in mamash an emesdike way to establish this mosdos dedicated to ameilus b'Torah.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why the photoshopped picture?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We Rabenstein Mispacha are proud of you ! - Chaim
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go emuna and Eden, my good friends. Congrats!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please define for those of us who are Yeshivish-impaired": mafkir, machlokes, kinyan. Thank you in advance.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To call anyone who acknowledges the holiness of Yom Haatzmaut left shows a lack of knowledge that is astounding to hear from a frum Jew.
Do you know what Chardal is?
Clearly not.
Charedi Dati L'Umee.
'You' have a lot to learn...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Somebody please provide details behind this SURPRISING development.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This great mitzva should be a big zechus for the Poretsky family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
there is a Machlokes as to whether the mitzva of Shiluach Hakan is performed if you don\'t want the eggs or chicks. On the side that it is not a mitzva, it is an Aveira of Tzar Baalei Chayim (even if the mother bird comes back). Thus the correct Halacha is Shev V\'al Taase. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by BJLife BJLife
But is it necessary to taunt those who remain on the waiting list for whatever reason. When I am fortunate to have something that someone else may very well want but have not been able to obtain as of yet due a myriad of reasons do I need to shove it in their faces day in and day out, is that even productive? So please be patient with us Eli, listen to what we have to say, who knows you might even learn something.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why does everything have to be celebrated with a "shot" of liquor? Not a great example for the kids out there.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov. I might also be in the minority of yeshiva students who voice pro-Israel ideas. My first thought when I hear the more radical anti-Zionism approach is "I know of very few people who do not have relatives living in Israel or have not benefitted greatly from spending time in Israel. If we did not have something to call our own, we would not be so privileged". Israel is the home of many of our Gedolim who can only study in freedom and without fear because of the protection they receive from the State of Israel. I have seen how you have supported the State and applaud your efforts. It is bothersome that there are those, not many, who make it a point to show their opposition. I understand their point of view and where it comes from although I do not agree. I still consider these individuals friends but I try to avoid engaging them in coversations about this issue. If people are truly opposed to the State of Israel, just think of your most recent visit to Israel or your relatives who are able to enjoy living in a Holy Land with relative peace.
All the best.
Jonathan Lasson
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who said Phil Jacobs testified for the prosecution?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for clarifying as the article had no details which could lead to misunderstanding.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm no lawyer but I think Phil Jacobs can be called to testify by either the prosecution or defense. He doesn't have the "option" to appear. Dina d'malchuta dina. Don't think he needed to consult a rabbinic advisor. He'll just tell the truth
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov:
The Charedi world is warning you. You must follow their way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The tragedy is that the senior leaders are all very old. Rav Elyashiv is in a coma but that won't stop the people around him from issuing decrees in his name. He hasn't been aware of what they are doing for a long time. For example his ban on Mishpacha Magazine as treif and evil was proven to be a forgery. It was done because Yated was losing revenue to its competition. This is the low level part ofthe charedi community has sunken to in Israel. Those who manipulate very old rabbis are a criminal element in my opinion masquerading as religious people. The younger generation doesn't pay attention to bans and posters because they know it has no credibility.
If Rabbi Amsellem can get the Morroccan vote , the traditional Sephardim, the Anglos and some who call themselves secular, he can make a kiddush Hashem by reforming the way religion is manipulated for political purposes in Israel .He would be a real Jewish Hero. Lipman is either headed for the big time or not, let's wait and see.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Since you asked,
I found a mourning dove nesting on my front porch. Realizing this could be an opportunity to perform the mitzvah of shiluach hakain, I called Rabbi Teichman for details and he directed me to an excellent article by Rabbi Goldberg of the Star-K. As the mourning dove female is generally on the eggs at night, I waited until nightfall. A beis din was convened and I publicly was mafkir the eggs. I then pushed the bird away, lifted the eggs (to make a kinyan), and returned them. The bird was soon back on her nest, and we look forward to seeing the chicks very soon.
If anyone has questions feel free to contact me.
I thank the Ribonno Shel Olam for this opportunity to serve him!
Gary Poretsky
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov: Many of your old friends and associates in USA applaud and respect your positions on the Beth Shemesh situation. But watch out! You are learning Left and seem to be going in a different direction from your past and from your Rebbeim, both USA and Israel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Their is a major difference between the Mesorah of the Torah and a halachic OPINION. Halachic opinions that differ are a fact. Using the term Daas Torah to make a particular halachic opinion as the definitive and only valid halachic opinion is akin to the non Jewish concept of 'papal' infallibility and has no place in Halachic Judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Did he want or use the eggs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Let me get this straight. Mr. Jacobs testified for the prosecution??? Isn't that a form of Mesira??? Who is his Rabbinic advisor? Then again wasn't he once upon a time a member of Shomrim himself? Perhaps it's a convenient way to distance himself from a potential civil lawsuit...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is not clear if the Rabbi came upon this situation or set it up in order to perform the act, please clarify.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the update, this is not a typical trial and certainly effects the entire community. this article needs to be here. What might not need to be her are the incendiary comments that will only serve to incite.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It would be nice if kosher product manufacturers actually took the time to identify "actual" allergen risks and then only list those on their labels. Many kosher manufacturers are lazy and simply identify all allergens on their lables. The result is products manufactured by heimish brands that are clearly marked pareve listing milk on the "may contain" allergen label. Such lazyness protects no one except the manufacturer (who is concerned about liability) at the expense of market share as those who need to know about allergies can find more accurate and reliable information from the national brands.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
its a bench trial, so the chances of it being unfair are much slimmer.
each and every member of the community owes these guys, as well as every other volunteer in Shomrim, Hatzala, and Chaveirim a huge yasher koach.
they're there for us, we should be there for them.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How can the Charedi Gedolim embrace a State that they say should not have been able to exist (for 64 years)...and prosper...?
They cannot explain that...They said it wouldn't. It has. Now they have a problem of their own making.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am by no means an authority on daas Torah, but consider someone who has a solid mesorah from a Rebbe, who has a solid mesorah from his Rebbe, and spent 20 to 30 years learning Torah for 12 to 18 hours per day and continues to do so. While such people are not neviyim and are not infallible, they are the only mesorah that we have. Follow the daas Torah of someone else on that caliber if you wish, but do not dismiss the entire mesorah of the Torah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nebach. Frumkeit is one thing, extremism another.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Old Chaver did not say anything about embracing the state. He merely said Recognizing the significance of current events.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
These are the very same Charedi Gedolim who said that the State of Israel would not survive 50 years.
It is not only surviving, it is thriving.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During the Holocaust many 'Gedolim' used Daas Torah to tell their followers not to leave their European abode because they feared that they would go off the Derech in America. As a result more frum Yidden died in the Hololaust because they did not escape when they could have.
Which Gadol do you follow as even Gedolim frequently disagree even though they and their followers invoke Daas Torah as though their pasak is the definitive one.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Of course there's a reason the article exists. These boys were serving our community and attempting to protect us from crime. It's a high profile case which members of far left wing (with anti-Semitism involved) took up to claim it involved a case of racism. You can look up the some of the people who are so heatedly quoted in the news media and see what their backgrounds are like. Many "community activists" are professional rabble-rousers pursuing their own interests with no real interest in the truth.
The recent case in Florida which has drawn national attention could not have come at a worse time as some people will compare it to this incident, which is totally different.
I pray the Werdesheim boys will get a fair trial.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This article exists (and thank you BaltimoreJewishLife for posting this) for a few reasons.
1. I don\'t think you are going to see that Mr. Ploni is on the front page of every news article, top news on every TV show and the talk of the town.
2. Like it or not, the community happens to be in a tremendous ais Tzorah over this court case. People need to be aware of what is going on, and be prepared for any possible negative results that may occur.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My comment was censored. Not even posted. The site won\\\'t allow opposing opinions.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is there any particular reason why this article even exists? I am sure there are many other community members currently embroiled in court proceedings but there are no updates of their cases!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not Veteran's Day, Memorial Day!!! Not that it changes your point...or maybe makes it a little stronger since Memorial Day in the US is a long weekend with BBQs as it's focal activity!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish I was hearing more of our communities outrage. It seems so easy to pick up a phone to ask for help but where is the help for the men who risk EVERYTHING for our community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
let's hope these boys get aquited, i'd hate to see them punished for protecting our community
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May You be comforted among the mourners of Zion.
My deepest sympathy,
Rona Jacobson Schaffel
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To Old Chaver: Does the ultra-Orthodox leadership really embrace the State and its significance but simply have issues with the special days? Really? Do they ever talk about its significance on any level? Have you ever stepped foot in a yeshivishe yeshiva? Not one word will be mentioned about the state in any context. So who is going against daas Toirah?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mark Twain describing the land of Israel which he visited in 1843"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." Do you still stand by your statement that fruits have been sprouting since nearly 200 years ago?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Daas Torah is invoked repeatedly as a way of making opinions as halachic FACT.... making believe that these opinions are clearly the only halchicly correct and undisputed way of paskining and not just one of many possible halachic opinions.
Your warning is based upon halachic opinions that you don't want to be challenged by other halachic opinions.
Daas Torah...Easy to say...Rabbi X's OPINION is THE correct definitive opinion...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why are you not publishing any articles about the Werdesheim trial? It is prominent enough to make everyone who reads this site think that you are deliberately leaving out information that should be on your site!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice to see happy children doing well! Kol Hakavod Ohr Chadash
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I\'m so proud of my girls!! Go Emuna and Eden! Whoo hoo! -Mrs. Friedman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
100% on target.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Reb Dov,
As you well know, the vast majority of our gedolim consider and considered our time period to be the end of the galus, rather than the beginning of the redemption. Of course, they know all the sources that you listed. And even if we have or will soon transition to the beginning of the redemption, your sources do not indicate anything about the observance of Israelâs Memorial Day, Israelâs Independence Day, or even Jerusalem Day -- or creating and saying special prayers.
You mentioned wicked leaders who led the Jewish people to victory. Yet, what special observances do we have on the days when King Ahab, Omri, or Yeravam led troops to miraculous victory, added a city to the Land of Israel, or restored the borders of Israel? If fact, what special observances do we have on the days when the great Yehoshua bin Nun led the people into Eretz Yisrael or concluded conquering the land? Recognizing the significance of current events does not in any way suggest that we must observe specific holidays.
I admire your strength in standing up for what you feel is right, but I caution you regarding advocating against daas Torah.
Kol Tuv,
An Old Chaver
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bravo to BJL for an informative piece that will iyh prevent needless concern. We in Baltimore have a history of good relationships with our fellow citizens and it should continue ad biyas goel tzedek.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1991, Bob Simon snuck across the Kuwaiti border into Iraq, against Coalition guidelines, to report on the Gulf War "from the other side". When he was quickly captured by the Iraqi's, he explained that he didn't see himself as an American but as a citizen of the world who was trying to publicize the truth. He later reported how shocked he was when they beat the stuffing out of him, especially after finding out he was a Jew.
It looks like Bob needs another good beating.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fruits have been sprouting in Israel since the Jews started to emigrate there nearly two hundred years ago.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very nice work, Emuna Shiller and Eden Hariri. You parents should continue to schep naches from you!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Schustal was mechaber the two-volume Chemed Simcha on sugyos hashas.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
beautiful and powerful. thank you so much for this article.
r edelman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baruch Dayan Ha'emes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzlacha Rabbah, what's the name so we can Daven?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know if it is Kosher certified and, if so, where one can find this product? I'd love to try it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ariel Taragin is a real tzaddick for being such an askan. Ashreichem. Mi K\'amcha Yisroel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If we would just be friendly to one another that would do more than all these articles.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In just a short period of time, OCA has truly developed into a top-notch organization. Parents that are on the fence should definitely take a few minutes this evening to check it out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yasher koach to Reb Ari and his Rebbetzin who are always \"Oiskim Btzorchey Tzibur.\" Zechoso yagen Aleini.
-The Chevra
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe that Justice should be blind. If a dozen well-meaning citizens weight the facts of what happen I hope that the truth will come to be seen. If these youngsters went too far in their zealousness to protect their area then as first offenders the punishment should be light. They do themselves no favors coming to court looking like a million with the fancy shades and such. Humility to the proceedings should shine through. Just saying.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great article. But why did you refer to your in-laws as Yechezkel and Rivka? Everyone knew them as Chester and Roslyn!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-22-2012 Passion. These great individuals had passion for the Torah and for their brothers and sisters to have the Torah. Every Jew was wanted and needed. And such passion, once unleashed, is unstoppable. For this passion burns in the center of the heart of all good and decent people. Every Jew must be wanted and needed. May the spirit of the Omer ignite this most ancient of passions within us and spread irresistibly to welcome all our brothers and sisters to Torah. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what an incredible chesed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Major Tapp-Harper was (and continues to be) a huge resource in our neighborhood when she was Deputy Major. She worked very closely with the NWCP on many issues, and gave the patrol all the support which was needed. We are thrilled that the Major was chosen for this important endeavor, and we wish her much luck. Dovid Cohen, NWCP
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"House of Horrors" ? "tragic'? "traumatized"? Comparing this to a torture chamber on Erev Yom Ha Shoah is a bit much. This type of activity (hazing) is illegal and clearly will be punished. NCSY knows from personal experience that having policies in place doesn't always prevent real traumatizing activities from happening.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
fantastic article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Moshe A. Are you saying that this one article provides all the news you need to know about Boro Park? Who cares about another politician running for office. I'm a former New Yorker too, but this news has no meaning for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think you make some very good points here....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great restaurant. Sorry to hear they are closing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The point? I moved to Baltimore from Brooklyn a few years ago and i get most of my news from BJL. It's one of the few frum/Jewish site that I and my family feel comfortable visiting because there is no lashan hara or pritzus, etc. probably the only one of its kind. For me/us (and I do believe there are many other New Yorkers living here (just attend an Oriole/Yankee game at Camden yards) being able to have it all in one spot is fantastic. Thank you BJL...keep up the good work
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In Cincinatti, state vouchers are in place and each student receives up to 5k tuition from the state.
R Edelman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess Obama would then force Yeshivas to teach the Koran! Do we really want government involvement in our kid's education?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I didn't know the BJL was covering Boro Park now? What's the point?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It may not be a chiyuv but it is is def. a mitzvah to hear all the parshiyos in a krias haTorah, hence the accomodation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a Chovas Hatzibur, no ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
middos, middos, middos, emphasizing yashrus and ehrlichkeit, teaching that yiddishkeit is NOT just mitzvos bein adam l\'makom but also mitzvos bein adam l'chaveiro is true Jewish values education.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a former NIRC yeshiva bachur who went to UMBC at the same time, I personally met President Hrabowski numerous times, and was a complete mensche and always a complete pleasure to deal with.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wonderful! Such a beautiful response to such an awful crime. Thank you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dr. Hrabowski is the real deal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a simple classy answer
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We wish you the same as we wish for our sons and all those in the IDF: that Hashem should grant us peace; but if the need should arise for them to use their battle skills to help protect our people, that their aim be true; their efforts be successful; they should decimate our enemies in a way which brings Kiddush Hashem to the world, and which makes all nations fearful to lift a hand against His chosen people ever again; and they should all return safely to their homes and families.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Hashem, glad to hear he's ok!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you NWCP for the great service you have provided to our community for the last 30+ years under the able leadership of Nachi Schachter and his predecessor Tzvi White.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Grateful that the BZD has picked up this community event which was hosted by Yeshivat Rambam for so many years. However we will miss the excitement of the pure youth driven presentation which we looked forward year after year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great Job NWCP!! U need a Facebook page so you can update the community about some of the larger things you do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I want to thank the staff of the Vaad for putting this list together. In previous years, information on other options was not available. For those who shop within a tight budget it can make a big difference. This year, in light of the issues with Giant, Target and Safeway alternative options are even more important. Yasher Koach and Thanks, R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for sharing! I miss E"Y...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sent: Tue, Apr 10, 2012 11:09 am
To whom it may concern,
After countless, phone calls, messages, emails, and letters, to deans, heads of departments, and the president of Rutgers himself, many concerned students and myself remain left in the dark and our questions unanswered. Our beloved Professor Dr. Rosenberg, has been a victim of the anti-semetic environment that has been created and allowed to grow at Rutgers University. Dr. Rosenberg has been facing many instances of harassment by department heads, deans, and leaders for no reason. He has made many formal complaints and reports to numerous departments over a span of many weeks, and the only response he and us students receive are very rude responses that simply say "thanks" and that this is a personnel matter. This is not the way that a prestigious university, the state university of New Jersey should be handling the serious concerns that its staff and students have regarding harassment, more specifically, anti-semitism. It was not until one of the Rutgers university daily newspapers, The Medium, published an article entitled "What About the Good Things Hitler Did?" In this article, the Medium praised Hitler and said he wasn't such a bad guy, The medium used an active Jewish students name, and picture as the author of the article, when he in fact had no relation to the article. This is one instance that was made known due to the severity and availability of the evidence since it was published in a newspaper allowed by Rutgers to be circulated throughout campus. Unfortunately for Dr. Rosenberg, the anti-semtism he faces from the department is not published in newspapers, and therefore is not as easily seen by others. however this does not mean that this serious issue can be ignored. Dr. Rosenberg is one of the only professor here at Rutgers that willingly and proudly wears a "skullcap" every day, clearly revealing his Jewish religion. Also a clergyman, he often speaks publicly about his religious views as well as others. He respects all religions and simply wished that people would do the same for his. Now Dr. Rosenberg has lost his opportunity to teach his public speaking course which he does every summer for over 10 years. He is not getting a response as to whether or not he will be teaching in the fall, and the harassment continues. The fact of the matter is that Rutgers University has created an anti-semitic atmosphere and has let it thrive to the point where students feel comfortable publishing anti-semetic articles in a well known school newspaper. Rutgers University allows this paper to circulate throughout campus just like they allow their main newspaper "The Daily Targum" which refuses to address this issue after numerous requests. Overall, something must be done about the anti-semitic injustices Dr. Rosenberg has and still is facing here at Rutgers University.
As we are in the midst of concluding the Spring Semester, we the students of Doctor Rosenberg want you to know that this has been on of the most enjoyable non pressure, insightful, and exciting courses we have ever taken at Rutgers. Unlike other teachers, through his dynamic teaching abilities and intuitive nature, he instills within his students the desire to constantly improve. He does this not through pressure, numerous papers, constant criticism, but through a magic that he possesses to convey his belief in his students abilities to perform. In short he makes public speaking fun. While we have followed the syllabus he has done so with great humor, intelligence, creativity, and sensitivity. We have heard from other students how unhappy they are in other public speaking classes. How even though they deserve an A, the grades have been severely lessened because of their written work on first drafts. Dr. Rosenberg has made this a true public speaking class. He has corrected out outlines and given us tests but from both we have learned much without stress and pressure. It is beyond our understanding why our teacher should be harassed when he in fact deserves the teacher of the year award at Rutgers.
Sincerely the Concerned Students of Dr. Rosenbergâs class,
Nicole Honey
Jackson Udelsman
Leonora Slatnick
Lucas Blebelberg
Rob Beringer
Ruslana Trytas
Megan Caylor
Justic Brown
Rebecca Sampayo
Prahlad Annamraju
Karina Veliz
Loren Williams
Meagan Robinson
Felicia OâDonnell
Allison Payenski
Camille Handy
Shama Jhaveri
Hyeri Ahn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their air conditioning must really stink!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My wife called me to say that our son, Baruch HaShem, had been found. Not that he was missing, but that he was already found. When she discovered him missing she called the NWCP. An emergency responder answered the phone immediately and started the process of calling in CityWatch members. In minutes members started to respond to our house. Once the team was assembled with the tracking equipment, his signal was picked up and our son was found. It happened so fast my wife did not have the time to call me to say he was missing. More importantly, she felt calm knowing that the situation was under control from the first minute and that our son would be found quickly. She didn't feel the need to call me.
HaShem watches over us at all times. Today He showed us His mercy and allowed us to see His earthly angels do His will. Through the NWCP CityWatch Emergency Response Team, HaShem turned a potentially dangerous and terrifying situation into a calm, professional and rapid search. Our son is non-verbal and has wondered off in the past. Project Lifesaver provides piece of mind that should he ever wonder off again, CityWatch members, with HaShem's help, will be able to find him in minutes.
Thank you HaShem. Thank you NWCP and the CityWatch members who, in an instant, dropped everything in their busy day to find our son. We urge everyone who has someone in their family with cognitive conditions, who has a history of wandering, to sign up for the NWCP Project Lifesaver program by calling 410-664-6927 extension 0.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What\\\\\\\'s the source for the new info?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am the mother in a dual-income home and it is all I can do function on the 4 or 5 hours of sleep/night I get. Forget creating a warm, loving, and calm Jewish home. I find it to be nearly impossible because all my energy is used for cooking, shopping, laundry, and maintaining my own sanity (in that order). Having MOMs work is not the answer. Come back and tell me all women need to work after all the MEN are fully employed in real jobs that pay a healthy parnassah. Full employment for all MEN plus transparent and excellent and frugal management of the schools and tuition would like be able to be reduced -- at least in a large community like Baltimore. Asking the schools to simply swallow the expense is not the answer. Neither is requiring dual full income.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Frankly, this business of "Chometz craze" is sickening. Pesach comes, pesach goes - you eat Chometz or you don't eat chometz. This business of rushing for the chometz instantly after yom tov takes away from the spirit of Yom Tov, and is extremely Chazerish.
The Chassidim DO have a minhag of using beer following Yom Tov for Havdalah, but there is a symbolic reason for using it - not staam chazarai.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Back in the day, all Jewish children were welcomed and embraced to come to a Jewish school. It was the unspoken understanding that the ideal is for every child to have a Torah education and to grow up as an observant Jew. But times have changed. The orthodox community has grown and now not every Jew is seen as needed or even wanted. It is the perception now that we can turn away those who do not fit in or are 'under-capitalized'. We have achieved the level of exclusivity. When I came to Judaism I felt a kinship and a desire to be a part of this people and Hashem and the feeling was reciprocated. I felt wanted and I felt wanting. Now, if they do not need me, well, I do not need them. And that is how I feel after 35 years of living amongst them. How is a child supposed to feel when he or she hears all this or is, sadly, turned away or even put out of the school, which so many administrators are fond of doing these days. We do not need a new school. We need a new people and a new religion, a new Torah. Or maybe, just the old one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, $10K/child is a lot. However, it's time for parents to all start paying for their children's education and not keep depending on others to do so. It's time for BOTH parents to work, and it's time for everyone to live simply to pay one's obligation. Yes, big families are beautiful, but only if you can afford them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unless Pollard chooses to apply for parole, his estimated release date is November 21, 2015. I am glad he is feeling better and that he is back where he belongs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree wholeheartedly with the article, very well said. Unfortunately, if this is only online you're preaching to the choir and this needs to be in print.
For the online audience it needs to be stressed that the the problems our Rabbis are worried about are real and that they are truly well meaning. We need to work with them, respect them, and empower them to help us remain pure in our service to Hashem and use the resources of the Internet in only positive ways.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The left is staying very silent aqbout Obama\\\'s \\\"moves\\\" to the middle. Rosen broke that silence. Just you wait. If Obama is reelected, its leftward ho we go.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, $10-K a child is a lot. But, it is also time for the schools to get honest with the funds collected from the community.
If Moshe Rabbanu was OK giving Klall Yisroel a full accounting of the materials for the building of the Mishkan why isn't it OK for the schools to give the community a full accounting of how the community's funds are used?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You missed reporting on the other major contributor to this building.....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As someone who would find $1,000/month per kid quite unaffordable even for one kid, and I\'m quite sure I am not alone I resent seeing such a project billed as \"affordable\". A person making $80k still brings home \"only\" about $5k/month. You could barely afford food, mortgage, and tuition even with only one child in school. If more people lived financially honestly, i.e. on what they could afford without borrowing money from loan institutions, credit cards, and relatives, those of us with kids in public school would find more institutional support for our choice and our kids would not feel like such outsiders. Time to stop calling $10k/year \"affordable\" because it\'s not!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very moving. Thank you for sharing. These special women are very missed. May Hashem give strength to both families.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
With jews like hillary rosen and debbie wasserman schultz, the rest of us moderate jews are in big trouble. This kind of talk from them is going to cause all jews tzures. Besides, Obamma is selling out Isreel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this hillary rosen is quite a pig
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good luck to them. Baltimore could use a new boys school as both TI and TA have become "fat and complacent." A little competition will help everyone. Bnos helped wake up BY a bit, so too would a new boys school do the same for TI and TA.
While the Baltimore tuition's are a bit lower than Silver Spring, the dwindling number of full paying families is a problem that gets worse every year. Why haven't the schools allowed for an independent financial audit of their books? Why the secrecy? Secrecy breeds suspicion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I like the idea of focusing the budget on hiring excellent teachers. I have long felt that our schools are very top heavy and full of nepotism. The result is far too often poor teachers in the classrooms. Our children need to be educated to keep up, both with the secular world as well as in Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I live in Silver Spring and have only heard positive enthusiasm about this project. From what I heard, the long term budget has been reviewed and approved by internal and independent accountants and consultants. They recently announced a matching grant from a foundation in New York. Another option has been long overdue. I am just happy that it will also work on the affordability issue. This school can save our neighborhood. There is more information on their web site at
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
HISTORICALLY....any comments arguing that a new thing divides a community or affects current institutions is a response crafted bby an employee of an existing institution. No negative response, no hidden start-up costs, no division - 9 other schools are doing this. This just terrifies the establishment employment, not the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. Seems like the initial reaction from the community has been very negative. Maybe now this new school will have to respond. Should be interesting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Volunteer faculty, staff, and somebody else's building. The costs are being kept artificially low in the initial start-up phase of the school. In the meantime, resources are being diverted from existing institutions. If they actually follow through with the plan to grow and expand, they will also have to pay professionals and maintain a physical plant, raising their costs and tuition - and by dividing the community, they will ultimately increase the cost to the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps instead of keeping on saying 'no' the institutions represented by the Rabbanim will start to develop Internet content of their own that will be attractive, such as Torah, information, and entertainment. If they are just going to badmouth it and say that we all need filters, it will be been there, done that. The result will be a huge waste of everyone's money to put on such a dog and pony show, not to mention a demonstration that the Rabbanim are out of touch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Here's a comment I made on a similar article R' Teitelbaum wrote here You make an excellent point, but I think it must be taken a step further. You acknowledge that the addiction to these things is the real problem, but how do you address the addiction? People seeking addictive behaviors are in some sort of pain and they're running to their drug of choice - games, Pritzus, books, etc. - while not addressing the pain itself. The focus in any campaign to end this destructive behavior should be to teach people how to handle their pain appropriately. There's such a missed opportunity here. Judaism teaches to turn to H' to heal the pain. To find joy in His Torah and His Mitzvos and turn that into the drug of choice. Let's seize the opportunity to teach people the Jewish way of coping with pain - the core principles of Judaism itself!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow. $10,000 is now considered \"affordable\".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. I hope he gets put in cherem as it will prove he is right!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
4-11-2012 Elokeinu - emphasis on the 'nu'. Our diversity is our unity and our diversity unifies Hashem's name. We seek to merge, with our people and with Hashem. "Shema Yisroel, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echod". The Echod is through the Elokeinu. As individuals and as a people and Hashem himself, we stand for the one true ideal, that most ancient of passions that is so deep in the heart of all good and decent people. May the spirit of this Pesach make the subject of 'who is' obsolete, dry our tears, heal our wounds and bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
..and this year you have an "eight" day just like us here in Gulus.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We had the same thing in my family- we didn't have as much money as we wanted so we spend less. It's ok Maryland! You can't spend what you don't have.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to comment number 1. it isn\'t interesting. They are splitting one of the 3 winning tickets into 3. They obviously work together - teaching.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Three cheers for the dedicated people who teach our children!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm fascinated by the phrase "haredi website." kind of boggles the mind.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thats intresting, three people all from maryland and all teachers!!?!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Chaverim for always being there for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov I am so happy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
But they don\'t eat Gebrocht!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I noticed the Rite Aids are getting more friendly. This is serious competition. Happy Passover to all.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Best ER DOC in the nation!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Attaboy Dovi!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol hakovod, dr frankel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is trash pickup in the county on erev Pesach.
Last year there were people walking around with buckets to put your donation in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is trash pickup for the county on friday. To view the county\\\'s trash pickup schedule go to
Last year there were people going around with buckets to place your donation in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing how those who complain of outsourcing jobs to foreign countries are not bothered with outsourcing to technology... I suppose it is up to the parents to decide how they want their children to be educated, by man or machine. It will be interesting to see as these programs progress which delivers better quality education. Hatzlacha Raba!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
do we there garbage pick up in county on erev pesach?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you NWCP for continuing to provide wonderful services and look out for the community!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who do we give the money to?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I remember spending a month on jury duty in downtown Baltimore in 1976 and attending the downtowm minchah minyan. I had the pleasure of meeting Simon L. Isaacson , the former principal of T.A. when i was A student there, 1939-1951.
Elliott Berlin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agreed! Let us lead by example. We should all show acceptance and respect for all members of the Torah community and by extension we should show inclusion for all members of the Jewish Nation. We should be aware of and have intent when we say 'Elo-k-ainu' in our blessings with emphasis on the 'nu' of the 'Elo-k-ainu'. When we lead by example the rest see how wonderful our Torah truly is and will come around. May the spirit of Pesach heal our wounds, dry our tears and bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chasam Sofaer touches on that them in his Hagadah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Zechoso yagen aleini!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Marvelous. Now let's see if the new ownership will reverse the lovely decision to print same sex marriage announcements, birth announcements by gay couples, remove the treife advertising, and start doing something that actually benefits the Torah-true community instead of the watered down everything goes community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I find your comments to be highly incendiary in nature. The vast majority of us in the Kashrut industry work very hard - not for monetary gain but because we believe in helping the community. I suggest you check out the lifestyles of the people in the industry - no one is living it up. As for your criticism of kitniyot - it happens to trace itself back to the period of geonim and I would dare say that one who in a blanket statement condemns an enactment of our sages - certainly of the geonim has left behind the orthodox Jewish camp a long time ago. Indeed by your reasoning, there is no reason to celebrate Hannukah or Purim, they are all of a rabbinic origin. And yet if you accept even the written torah - you would clearly know that which it states "you shall not stray from that which the sages instruct you right or left". On a final note, you are factually incorrect - even those who do not keep kitniyot would be ill advised to drink non KP products - they may contain acids, enzymes, emulsifiers, flavorants and other ingredients which are derived from wheat.
I hope that you will change your cynical view of our generally honest and ethical rabbinate and wish you all the best.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
any words for the defense?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
are you sure this was 50 years ago, the glasses seem to be today's style
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
all of these sodas are kosher for pesach; the only issue is their use of corn syrup or other kitniyot derivatives, which are not in any way chametz, and which (contrary to the kosher certification industry and their rabbinic enablers, which have a vested financial interest in maintaining the minhag taut of kitniyot)require no special hashgacha for pesach -- jay bernstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Nice article, but the premise is wrong. By the gov'ts own admission, 15 million people would not be covered, therefore the benefit is limited. The gov't also say (through Obama's own words) that a gov't panel, not the doctor and patient, will determine if you life is worth the cost of a proceedure, thereby shortening life.
This is really about gov't control of our lives and control of 1/6 of the economy. The current law also states that hospitals must provide care irrespective of whether the patient has insurance. We are already paying for the uninsured. Lets not forget the illegals which creates the brunt of the problem.
Obama care would destroy the best health care in the world, putting all of us at risk. The most important point of the article is that gov't is required to eliminate wasteful spending.
The bottom line is this, the public could pay for private insurance for cheaper than it would cost for gov't to control everything and still leave the quality of care intact. As Europe collapses and tries to reform it's socialistic programs, the dolts in this country are trying to become like Europe.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Actually, illegal dumping in progress is a crime in progress and the city prefers 911 in that case. Call 311 to report it only after it has happened. See
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am always impressed by people who want to recommend things for other people's health. Here is my turn: cars are bad for people they kill so many people each day - let's all go to car rehab! What is that you say? Oh right, there is a risk vs benefit in every decision including cocaine. Somehow sugar just doesn't stack up...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There's a new tv show in Australia called "Please Marry My Boy" that is a curious case study of the saying 'mom knows best'. The premise of the show is this: a local matchmaker finds girls with similar interests to the boy in question, and then through challenges and dates with her son, the mom picks the girl she thinks is right for her son. Though the season just ended, the filming ended months ago.
The results?
Three of the four guys broke up with their winning girl not long after the show ended. One is still taking things slowly through a long didtance relationship with his winning girl.
While moms do know their children really well, once they become adults, choosing a spouse for the kids who have become their own person and make their own decisions becomes a LOT more complicated. Especially in the Jewish world where middos and hashkafa are so important.
We're taught that kibbud av v'em is so important, that we must never argue with our parents or disobey them in any way. Unless it comes to doing an aveira or shidduchim.
Parents are passing the shallowness on to their children, which is why it's so hard to find a good shidduch these days.
But if a guy is happy with a girl and her looks, it doesn't matter what his mom thinks. Guys need to realize this and just be happy with the person they've grown to love.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Too bad - Washington Jewish Week is just as treff. Given the change in technology, it's doubtful anyone could start a Jewish newspaper these days since everything is online, but it would have been nice if Baltimore had a real Jewish newspaper.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
That comment about burning the paper for chametz was quite nasty. From one frummie to another please share your opinions with derek eretz.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have heard the orthodox say this very thing about their own children. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is traditional orthodox doctrine that if we alienate, offend, ostracize and generally cut off those we disagree with, they will eventually see how wonderful our Torah is and will come around. What is tragic is that the orthodox apply this same method not only to the gentiles and non-orthodox, but to other orthodox and even their own children. The tears shed are from the ones rejected and from their Father in heaven whose heart is so very broken when they are sent away. A little more love and a little less judgement. May the spirit of Pesach heal our wounds, dry our tears and finally bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's good to see the girls learning to mix amongst the other nations of the world. Hashem destroyed the shtetl for a reason.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who wrote 911 please note 911 should only be called in true emergencies, i.e. the fire not the illegal dumping.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Until they start refusing advertising from treife restaurants, immodest pictures, and gay marriages, this paper could be used only for burning chametz.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The city has already indicated that this service will no longer be provided after this year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Either way it doesn't belong in a Jewish home.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I did not even know these dumpsters exsisted for that purpose and I have been a member of the Baltimore orthodox community for over 20 years. I say this to state that I do not understand why we as a community are using our political capital for this, just plan ahead, make a bulk trash appointment or just utileze the dumpsters at the community burning which is something that is critical for public safety. We as a community should tell local goverment that we no longer need this service.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I regularly see contractors dumping their building materials in these dumpsters. It saves them a trip and wait on line at the dump. Calling 911 is an idea, but there's no way they'll be there to stop the dumper in time. I don't think there's much to gain from these dumpsters at all unless they're placed on a locked property. They're usually filled by opportunists before the community that ordered the dumpsters even has a chance to use them. Perhaps it's an idea whose time has passed. Thank you to the organizers who arranged these, but maybe our energy needs to be channeled elsewhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with your point, but was that in the bylaws? Was there some rule stating that "All member schools must agree to play on Friday nights"? Or, "By becoming a member of TAPPS, you agree to abide by all scheduled programming, even if it conflicts with your schools religious beliefs"? Or even just, "All programming schedules are at the sole discretion of the program director. No exceptions will be granted under any circumstances"? What definitional rules were there that they strong armed? This seems like a fairly straightforward case of a Christian guy who believes firmly that HIS beliefs are right, and thus everyone else's are nonsense, and that he wouldn't stand for such nonsense. Can you imagine, for a minute, that he would have scheduled a game on Easter? How about on a regular Sunday morning? I'll bet he wouldn't have.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First of all these things should be discussed and decided on before it comes down to an 11th hour championship game and that would be the obligation of the yeshiva, just as the students in the yeshiva will very soon be on secular campuses and working environments where they will have to navigate to ensure their commitment to Torah. But most of all I believe that as orthodox Jew there are some things you just can't participate in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unfortunately, those who dump building material often do that on Shabbos when members of the community cannot do any reporting (I used to have the dumpsters on my block). Also, regarding dumping before Pesach, community members should be aware that trashcans in front of the schools in the neighborhood are not to be used as private dumpsters this time of year. You have no idea what kind of a chillul hashem this makes.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have to agree. If there are certain rules that preclude complete membership by definition, then an orthodox school has no business being a member. I don\'t think it is appropriate to join an organization pro temp and then strong-arm that organization into changing its structure to match your beliefs. There are ways to deal with these kinds of issues and the one that was used here was not one that displayed the beauties of Klal Yisroel\'s way of life. There is no doubt that this is not a simple issue, and that there are times when it might be appropriate, but you have to ask yourself is basketball one of those? Perhaps the saddest thing here is that so many people do not appreciate that there is being in the right and then there is doing the right thing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This man is infinitely smarter than just about anyone in President Obama's administration, and can run circles around the current Secretary of State. If Romney intends on having Bolton in his cabinet as a possible SoS or SoD, then I can support him.
President Obama's lack of support for Israel came to an obvious head this past week when his administration "leaked" Israel's intentions on Iran to try and stop them from defending themselves before his election. You know, so he can be more "flexible" (right Russia?).
I certainly hope my fellow Jews are starting to open their eyes to what is going on with this man in office. Unfortunately I know too many Jews in Maryland that no matter what won't care and vote to re-elect him anyway. But I pray that more people will fall away from that now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You go Mom! I love my sister in law and my brother did a great job choosing! And like you said - it was HIS decision.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Baltimore Frum Community, and Jews everywhere, should be aware that Rav Ruderman ZT"L was known to be one of the more lenient poskim when it came to metzitza b'peh.
Also, Rabbi Heinemann Shlita has long held that there was enough of a health concern that he, and many local rabbonim following his lead, signed a document many years ago encouraging local mohalim to use a tube. While this earned him much grief from some kanoim, he has stood his ground.
Raphael Davidovich
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Andrew brought the entire paper down, both in terms of its quality and circulation. It became more and more sensationalist and many of its accusations were exaggerated or unfounded or poorly researched. The treatment of staff by Andrew was abysmal, and he undermined his editors who should have had the authority to make policy decisions for reporters and other staff. It's been a slow death, and an unnecessary death, and it's because of Andrew. What a shanda.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan: Your stories make me miss Israel so much. Have a wonderful Chag.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You are so right!!!! GO LEEBAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's my friend, and i love her!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Feigi sat and watched it and recognized a few of the guys. It was a far more simple world. Now, our TV programs, newsletters, etc. have to have so much more glitz. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You are right on the money! That article really disturbed me and I applaudyou mrs k. NC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Some more names:
Gary Neuman
Ian Neuman
David Shapiro
George Stanislawski
Elli Kranzler
Alan Jacob
Eli Schmell
Mark Horowitz
Ronnie Grey
Alter Shapiro
Benzion Shapiro
Manny Friedman
Marc Berman
The Kahn Brothers (their mother worked in the Cafeteria)
Jacob Schuchman
Jack Spivack
Bernie Idav
Marty Cohen
Gerald Einbinder
Frank Shane
Alan Hess
Alan Williams
Sheldon Sydney
Asher Rabinowitz
Michael Jeff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And the Terrapin baseball team is much improved this year too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Aldi's uses the coin system for their carts, which are always clean, in place and not being used to haul scrap metal. You get the quarter back when you return the cart. I think the system is great.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to say that I went to this event and I came back with one feeling, a feeling of pride.I could not help but to think Mi K'amcha Yisrael. I agree with the author it was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. Kudos to the schools, parents of these students and of course the students themselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for posting. Now, how do I know which blossoming tree is a blossoming fruit tree to say a bracha? If you know how i can tell, or you know where there are some blossoming fruit trees, please post it here l'zakos horabbim. Thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe your phrase 'promote self-acceptance rather than self-alteration' sums up the heart of the issue...Thank you for sharing your insight! -Malka Koretzky
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Demographic changes and the decline of print media sums it up. The once large segment of the community that was interested in the kind of news in the JT died out. The orthodox community lost interest and found alternative media and put its advertising dollars into those publications, the younger generation doesn't belong to Temples, doesn't buy papers and doesn't care that much about exclusive community issues. Time and Newsweek are thin and are a shadow of what they once were. The only papers that are really thick are niche market ones like Hamodia,even the Jdewish Press isn't what it once was.How many subscriptions would the NY Jewish Week have if the Federation didn't send it to all its contributers? The world is changing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
THank you Mrs. Kruger. You are awesome! From a girl who 'needs plastic surgery' but found my prince charming with out it! There's someone out there for everyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
cool! from the pheonix fans!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job Eli. Thanks. Leah Schwartz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
John Bolton is coming to Baltimore on Sunday to the Royal Restaurant for a Romney event that is free and open to the public
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i find it interesting that nobody seems to believe strongly enough in their comments to actually sign their name at the bottom - also although i have not read the jewish times unless someone cut out a specific article for me please keep in mind that for whatever reason i believe some of the respected rabbanim in the community have on a pretty regular basis had their articles printed in the jewish times - i am not saying that this is a tacit endorsement but if it was really a terrible magazine why would they want their name associated with articles published in the jewish times - i have no problem if you want to say that the word \\\'jewish\\\' should not have been in the magazine name - of course the frum community (no i dont mean in its entirety) still continues to use the owings mills \\\'jewish\\\' community center even though it is open on shabbos (to my understanding) - again a seemingly tacit endorsement of \\\"jewish\\\" and open on shabbos - anyway i just wanted to say my two cents which in todays economy isnt even worth two cents - chag kosher vesameach - yitz fleischman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He undermines Israel in so many way, yet there are dumb Jews who still support him. He's undermining the future of the U.S. as well, but no one seems to care.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's not forget the absolute ignorance of writers discussing anything religious. Remember the "Vashti was the heroin of Purim" article? If that was the only one, it would be funny.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The title of this article should have been "End of an Error". This rag, which isn't even worthy of lining my pet's cage, will not be missed.
There hasn't been anything truly "Jewish" about it for many years. Starting with ads for treif restaurants, moving on to marriage announcements for intermarriages, and culminating in wedding anouncements for homosexual couples, this magazine was never allowed in my house. The expose of pedophiles and other negative articles about the frum community seemed to be written with glee, in a "gotcha you frummies, see what hypocrites you are" manner. I found that particularly disgusting. In addition, current pro-Obama, and always liberal/leftie bias to everything always made me shake my head and wonder ×¢× ×× ××× ××× ×ר××
....they have eyes, but the do not see. Baltimore Jewish Times - Gone and Forgotten!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a brave stand to take, going against the stream of conformity and suggesting this plan. It would be a powerful message if the Roshei Yehsivos and the Rabbonim of the community would join him. It is also a powerful message that they do not join him. So now is decision time. On this it is written 'B'makom She'ain Ish, Hishtadul Lihyios Ish'. The big voices are silent. So we must find many small voices to fill the void. One thing is for sure. The future generations will always think of us, if for nothing else than that we did not think of them. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i never knew eli was into this stuff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If hijacking the vaad harabonim means asking people to daven against the real threat towards continued religious freedom of the usa and the freedom to make end of life desicions without govt coercion ,consider me guilty as charged.To pretend this isnt a real threat would be a gross violation of Torah .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Felder, now a senior at Maryland, didnât even apply to YU, although he turned down Johns Hopkins University because its Jewish community wasnât big enough."
Does he know anything about our community?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This tefilla gathering was unanimously called by the Vaad Harabbanim of Baltimore. As some posters below have pointed out, it is because of many problems facing the Jewish People. In New York recently, there was a false advertising that the gedolim had said that it was forbidden by Torah Law to vote for one candidate over another in a state election. Besides, that it is illegal for a church to endorse a candidate, it is a misuse of religion. Right now, the issue of health care is before the Supreme Court. Time will tell if the Justices agree with some of the posters below . Your political views are your own, don't try to hijack the Vaad Harabbanim of Baltimore to your agenda. That is a gross violation of Torah, menchlichkeit and law.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that a portion of the ultra-Orthodox community stopped reading the JT because of articles exposing several rabbis as pedophiles and perverts is a sad commentary on those readers, not on the JT.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
come on. most of the frum community in baltimore was never a fan of the JT and as the JT increasingly moved to the left on all social/religious issues, that's what caused the frum community to abandon the JT. Gary\'s living in a bubble.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i thought this is all about trust in g-d. there is an equation between our level of trust in G-d and our hishtadlus. however we are to put out there our best selves no different than going for a job interview. i was taught from two well known rebbitzens the importance of taking time to look presentable and yes apply some makeup. this topic brought up points to ponder and as always in our Torah outlook on life balance is required. i dont understand the indignation people are expressing after reading the original article. What i do know is I must use all opportunities to oncrease my trust in G-d and being a parent of an older single girl gives me that opportunity. That trust can only help my child as it helps me to grow and be a role model for her.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It look ago stopped being the Baltimore \"Jewish\" Times. It was the Baltimore \"if you fit in with my version of Judism, and we do not have to worry about being respectful to the ones who are Orthodox, but they have to be respectful of ours\" Times. Good riddance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good riddance, Baltimore will be a better place without that rag.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They ignored changing demographics. Focused on non-observant suburbanites, and made a point of being antagonistic to Orthodox Jews who are the major audience for a "Jewish" newspaper in Baltimore, who developed alternative media. A newspaper whose business plan is to "diss" its readers deserves to be bankrupt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
BEAUTIFUL!!! wow... thanks.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Devora for your heartfelt words and important message. Thank you also for being a true role model and inspiration to so many teens and young adults in our community. Kol Hakavod! -- Bracha Poliakoff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We live in a very frightening time. We have lost several Torah giants. Several others are very ill. As a community and as a nation we survive and have survived on the merits of their greatness. Jews in Israel have missiles pointed at them from all sides. We in America have invisible missiles pointed at us as well. We as individuals are being tested, be it with health, parnosa, shiduchim, children at risk-the list goes on. What better time is there than now to ask Hashem to help us in this time of uncertainty.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Im in agreement with the previous post.This is way beyond petty politics.The koach of a tzibbur carries unusual weight in tiffiloh.We should not waste this opurtunity to daven for the continued religious freedom and saftey we American Jews enjoy as well as the other eqauly pressing issues facing klall yisroel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To poster 3: this is not about politics. I am not poster 2, but I applaud him for bringing this up. Obamacare is an extremely dangerous bill, and many of its mandates are in place for the purpose of government control. The continued implementation of this bill will not only harm us as people, but will also very strongly infringe on many religious freedoms we have enjoyed.
Everyone must daven for the repeal of this bill.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the previous poster - I think the goal of the event is more to pray about the murders in France, the rockets in Israel and the Arab protests threatening to storm the borders of Israel. But if you'd rather get political about this, I"m sure G-d would love to hear your views. The rest of us....not so much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
u go girl! well said DJ:)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent response. Truly excellent. :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol hakavod for this beautiful piece!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
AMEN! Well stated!
I want to take up arms against this culture that forces men to objectify women. It\\\'s unfair and indeed barbaric. We\\\'re already paying the price with such high numbers of women and men with eating disorders.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B"H for the few voices of reason such as Rabbi Horowitz, reminding parents to take our responsibilities seriously and not simply sacrifice our children, especially our boys, to the modern-day Moloch known as "The System" just because "that's what everyone else is doing". Many who take the easy way out early on find themselves supporting their adult children and wondering why they are more like children than adults.
Baltimore is fortunate to have a dedicated professional like Dr. Elly Lasson who is available to assist all members of our community with their career issues. His articles (such as the one referenced above) and workshops serve as "Careers 101" training for everyone, from young people planning for their future employment to experienced workers seeking professional growth or change.
We would be wise to take advantage of these valuable resources!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
well said! great job Devora!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very well said dj!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree 100%! Thank you Devora for expressing this so well!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
amen. enough said. :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While the previous commenter is in theory correct, that is not going to happen magically or even over time. It is up to parents to follow the credo of "let the buyer beware" in choosing their Yeshiva Gedolas, Yeshiva Ketanas, (or girls' schools/seminaries for that matter) and subsequently sending tuition payments and financial support, where the Rabbeim are not on the "same page" in this regard.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I spoke to Mr. Muse about exactly this issue as he was by the early voting in the Jewish Neighborhood. I said to him it sounds like you are a racist. He had no answer. We all need to vote anyone besides him.
A Voter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This was a beautiful, special event. The Strauss\' are wonderful and so is their entire family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is very nice, but until the boys start getting this message directly from the Rosh Yeshiva and their rebbes, the only thing they are going to hear is "bitachon" and "keep learning" without the "plan."
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to correct the custom of the wimple. The father and child come to shul with the wimple when the child is toilet trained. The father gets an aliyah and the wimple is wrapped around the sefer torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and lets not forget the various Shabbos tablecloth issues and other such stupidity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally, some common sense and normal "hasgofa" in a sea of lunacy. When will these articles and
"good" meaning advice stop, so that the singles can stop reading about how they are doing everything wrong. If everyone would stop giving advice and try to make a shiddach, perhaps the "crisis" might end.
You cannot leave all the work to a few people. Each of you who reads this, should get involved. Take on just one single person you know and call and network and daven for this one person. Let Hashem see that you care and that you are trying and stop giving the singles advice, as well meaning as it is, it is so painful for them. Walk a day in their shoes...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This Teshuva is misleading and flawed. A lot of certain types of fruit imported to FSU such as oranges does indeed come from Israel (even if marked from Egypt). The Halacha principle this author skipped over has nothing to do with Nemanus, it has to do with verifiable common knowledge. In this case, it is probably possible for the students on the plane to ascertain where the fruit came from, therefore they would have to refrain from eating it until they do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for giving those who missed the event an opportunity to hear and gain from the advice!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We scream and rant that El Al shoudl be Shomer Shabbos. Yet they are not patronized. The dollar is more important than our screaming.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope there is enough foresight to include davening for the defeat of obamacare as one of the evenings goals.As any well informed person knows this bill threatens our physical well being as well as the religious freedom we have enjoyed for so long in this country .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everyone dances around the broken shidduch system as if it is sacrosanct. The fact is that the heligeh system is a chiddush, rather than being older than 25 years old. If it was working so well, there would be no need for the Shadchan or such an event. Instead of being introspective and effecting a change back to sanity, everyone is a Psychologist with an explanation of how to behave without rocking the boat and sonehow offending someone connected with the system. Thats the real shidduch crisis. Shehechyanu, Vikiyimanu, v'higiyanu lazeman hazeh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you so much for putting this video on Baltimore Jewish Life. Two of my sons learned in the Mir one son is still there after 13 years or more.He had a close personal relationship with the Rosh Hayeshiva,as did so many thousands of others. Yehi zicro boruch.
Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! Very inspiring! May you continue in life and in raising your daughter in such a positive way and continue to inspire the best in others. You are amazing and while I may not be the best at words here, I wish you the best!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Police said the victims of the attack in South Baltimore called 911 immediately and police recognized a description of a youth on a bicycle he had seen earlier in his shift. That enabled police to arrest a suspect within minutes of the attack." Very important lesson. Call 911.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Terrific and inspiring.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jeannie Gruzin is a nut case.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, your articles are a very big hit back here in Baltimore. We all enjoy your sense of humor as you go through the very difficult "aliya" process. Chag Kasher V'Sameach to you and your family. Karen Cohn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am very impressed that this community is stepping up to the overwhelming problem that is increasing in our communities. Now we just have to get the Rabbiem behind this more and more and get them to stop allowing under age drinking, ie, PURIM
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for your inspiring words. I pray that you will find peace in the wonderful memories you have of your husband and children. May you have long life.
Hazel, Saskatchewan, Canada
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, as usual, I agree with you 100%. Keep writing in your diary. Maybe more and more readers will "get the picture". Leah Schwartz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
they should put the brother behind bars before he gets any ideas to copy his brothers\\\' killing spree!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This says it all!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How about a private machine that was not used for flavored coffee at all, but just regular coffee with hechsher? Can that be used for Pesach? It has been sitting on the chometz kitchen counter but all that has been in it is water and plain coffee?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the thrust of what you write. This is a special topic for me because I grew up in Montgomery, Alabama in that era.Anti-Semites just don't like Jews. They will call them Communists, Capitalists, Rootless Cosmopolitans, etc The real reason is that they don't like Jews. As far as anti-zionism, it is also not something that we can argue logically with an anti-zionist because they do not believe the State of Israel has a right to exist,period.It is not a matter of territory or how the Arabs in Israel are treated or anything else, it is that the Zionist Entity is illegitimate.
As far as misogyny in Judaism, there is plenty of it and we are being overtaken by fanaticism that is repulsive to me and other thinking human beings. We are being dragged into a world that our own grandparents in Europe never knew and which our gedolim of past generations never practiced. It is tyranical and destructive of true spirituality and it is a shame that it is being foisted on the normal orthodox world. But, I will not say anything controversial.L. Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Moshe Heinemann sits on Joblinks's advisory board according to their website.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In response to the comment that pondered âwho are members of the joblink rabbinic board that approved the guidance on the last three religious issues?" all I have to say is I too want to know in order to thank them for their responsible advice and allowing Joblink to do its vital task. It is difficult enough in this economy to find work lets not make it harder, wearing your tzitit out does not make you frummer and tucking them in does not mean you are ashamed of your religion, on the other hand supporting yourself and your family with an honest days labor is quite a Kiddush HaShem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ymach whom vzichro
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope he is cremated
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow Richard. I had read this article wishing you guys then best, but you really blew it with that rude and obnoxious comment, in which you just proved everyone\'s point. \"Older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married.\" Nice. Gee I wonder why it took you this long find someone?
\\\"if there were more women such as Tehilla, a LOT more guys might be motivated to get married!\" And by that you mean women desperate enough to marry men who are old enough to be their fathers? Tehilla made her choice, and I respect that and wish you well, but the vast majority of normal, healthy women would cringe at the thought. By the way, my 32 year old friend just married the 35 year old man of her dreams. Ladies - don\\\'t give up hope, you are not \"old and bitter\" like Richard here would have you believe. Your age appropriate basheret is out there!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that even frum interviewers might perceive that such language might demonstrate an inability to \"turn it off\" and would be concerned that it will not convey the most professional aura when communicating with or working with others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
who are members of the joblink rabbinic board that approved the guidance on the last three religious issues?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The entire process is so broken and demeaning, it is pathetic. Girls are being objectified and treated like commodities by parents and shadchanim. Just pay attention to the language used. When a girl is "in shidduchim", all that means is that her birth certificate was issued 19+ years ago and she is back from Seminary (does that guarantee that she is truly READY to get married?). Other than that, she has no real individual identity beyond her "resume". All attempts to solve the "shidduch crisis" with various "shtick" and programs, diddle-daddle around the real elephant in the room--which is that the community has made a conscious effort to suppress hashgacha pratis and ways that people have met in the frum community from time immemorial. Clothing is now all-black, all-year and no one has an opportunity to demonstrate anything that is individualistic. Every event now has to be separate standing, seating, speaking, and thinking. Pictures and first names of females are no longer considered acceptable to print. There is a whole new shidduch "rulebook" that is out there with made-up "Halachos" and other practices that are done for everyone's "own good" in mind. While the current system works for a chosen few, the outcomes of this self-inflicted crisis for everyone else demonstrate that it has been far from successful paradigm shift.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Using the term "Boruch Hashem" to a frum interviewer isn't necessarily wrong. However, you do not want to give the impression that the frum interviewer is giving you consideration based upon your "landsman" status, especially if there are others within earshot. Use your best judgement!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Now this was noteworthy! Kol Hakavod
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is wrong with using words like Boruch Hashem to a frum interviewer?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am not sure this was newsworthy to pass along. This is a great tragedy and while we can't judge her for feeling this way the rest of us need all the chizuk (encouraging) words and reminders of mitzvos we can do instead of reading this. Contrast what she said to what her niece said right away that everyone should learn more torah and do mitzvos as a zechus for their holy neshamos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The problem is not what has been written or suggested here. The problem is that such an event can even take place. Women who present themselves as shadchanim and mothers should be ashamed to demean young women in such a manner. And young women should have enough self-respect to not lower themselves to being \"products\" to be perused, judged and purchased.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for helping us express our feelings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe that you may have missed the point of Mrs. Halberstam's article. The point, as I understand it to be, is not to denigrate the internal beauty of a girl or any of her real, intrinsic, qualities. Rather, the point is that without some superficial means of attracting a boy (or his mother), the girl will have no audience to see or appreciate her internal beauty. External beauty is like a key to a house, a means to an end. The key will not keep one warm in the winter or protect one from the rain, but without it, one cannot get into the house which does protect from the elements. And when it is so "easy" to use cosmetics to enhance one's appearance, it behooves girls to take advantage of them so that they might find it easier to get in the front door and have an audience for their real, intrinsic, qualities.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally someone whose opinion reflects their intellect!! People have to stop doing and saying what they think satisfies other people and be true to themselves and their Torah!! Enough of all the other ridiculous shidduch articles. Young people should be meeting each other in appropriate ways instead of creating "resumes" that are impersonal and imply that marriage is a 'job' rather than life-long relationship and investment with another human being.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If this happened in America, the police would have him in hand within 5 minutes, and the Frenchmen take hours! He'll probably get 20 years in prison eating croissant and reading le Monde,
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our community's inability to perceive satire is the same literalism that causes the thugs in bet shemesh to read chazal as justifying their behavior. And of course no one will understand this post either
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You might want to correct your above reference to 'Marine Le Pen.' HIS name is Jean-Marie Le Pen and he is very much of the male persuasion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bde may we only share simchas and moshiach should come and we will all be reunited
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The speed limit on that road is 30. Even if your going 40 it feels like your crawling let alone 30.But I bet if you were going over 40 they would pull you over for "speeding". The same on Greenspring ave. 35 mph .It used to be posted at 40.You see this is how they trick you , this is how they take your money. Most police don't have any common sense and just love to enforce under posted limits and help the state collect extra money. It's so important to aim the stupid radar gun at everyone and give them tickets when in reality there not really doing anything wrong . There's a difference between speeding and driving at a reasonable speed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Totally agree with this! When my daughter gets older, I hope she uses her cosmetics wisely. Why are Apple products producing huge revenues? Because they are beautiful, despite their faults. L\'havdil - it is so important that our daughters look beautiful as well - it will also help lift their neshamos as well.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, there are girls who should pay more attention to their appearance, but the vast majority of the girls I know who are struggling to find their zivug are attractive and well-put together.
Cosmetic surgery is halachically questionable.
My three married sons - all considered desirable "catches" for their learning, middos, and looks - chose girls who are attractive but modest - definitely not showy or glamorous. Not a single nose job or size 2 among them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Did anybody understand the ner yisroel reference in the video?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have a better response. How about making Aliyah!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would you post this? It's an offensive article in so many ways that I won't even begin to list them. Is your goal to rile people up? To cause friction? Even the author opens with "I know I'm going to get crucified" (Interesting choice of words in themselves) I am beginning to self a lack of sensitivity and good judgement on the part of Baltimore Jewish Life with regards to articles that deal with Shidduchim. Maybe you'd be better off leaving this topic off your site.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
2 points:
1) Who do we need greater than our Tanaim and Amoraim to tell us this! As I recall, the gemara in Yoma says that together with the DAILY mahn, HKB\"H sent/included cosmetics. As food is vital, so are they.
Even during the times when halacha distances a wife from her husband, Chazal still permitted her to wear cosmetics - k\'dai shelo tisganeh al ba\'alah - that she should remain attractive to her husband.
The midrash describes that HKB\"H Himself \"built up\" Chava, that He braided and set her hair to bring her to the chuppa with Adam.
2) Nevertheless, I cringe when thinking about this proposal of having B\'nos Yisrael go through such a beauty contest, rather than the discrete, \"standard\" process. It is true that on 2 days a year Klal Yisrael had some similar sort of beauty contest in which the boys themselves picked wives. But those 2 days were very, VERY special (15 Av and Y\"K) and we, as a nation, were holding at a much higher, spiritual level.
Mosheh Wolfish - Baltimore
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i totally agree. you shuld come and visit my studio where i hve before and after pictures of ladies all ages. Makeup applied the right way and the right colors makes an amazing difference. it is easy to learn how to apply and it give a girl the confidence to put on a smile, which is also very important. i love making girls feel good about themselves so come in and have a free makeup over and lets play with new colors and a new look. shaindy kelman CEO ShainDee Cosmetics.(baltimore) also available in New York, toranto, LA, israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We all know why you wanted to date younger women, it's still insensitive to the myriad of older women who don't have the luxury of time that you had.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"especially the ones which seem to have been written by older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married!" Richard while I wish you and your wife only blessings, I have to say this is the most insensitive statement you could make, you who knew the pain of loneliness, you who dated for over 30 years, this insensitivity is what people commented on. Get married and live and be well but to announce that you refused to date a women past 35, to have a shadchan endorse that and then to celebrate it in this public forum is beyond callous. You should apologize for that hurtful statement, then move on and enjoy your private life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is it bloodthirsty to say âmay God avenge their bloodâ? Besides the fact that this is a traditional Jewish suffix, the sentiemnt implies that WE will not avenge the blood, rather we leave it to G-d to settle the score. WHats wrong with that?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is Richard writing with help from Tehilla:
First, we are not insulted or hurt by any of the comments, WE found them to be hilarious (although Tehilla found them to also be pathetic)! (especially the ones which seem to have been written by older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married!).
Tehilla dated enough guys to know what she wanted and what was important to her and she says the only compromise she made was on my age. Actually, it was an 18 year old girl who Tehilla met who said to Tehilla, \"Are you going to wait and be single for 5 more years or more while waiting for someone your own age?\" Quite wise for an 18 y.o., I think.
The article was celebrating a very joyous and FUN wedding. We had a great time as (it seemed) did everyone who was there. We did not have the stress of coordinating a huge operation, we were able to be \'in the moment\' and enjoy and appreciate that we began our life together to fulfill the mitzva of getting married and (b\'ezrat hashem) having children. THAT is the reason I did not want to date women over 40.
Also, if there were more women such as Tehilla, a LOT more guys might be motivated to get married!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a great success story for the Baltimore community. what a great asset for the Park Heights corridor.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How about here in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The worst part of this entire embarrassing episode is the article, publicly shaming the happy couple!
What was the author\\\'s motivation? Ridicule? Shaming the new couple? Shaming the Shadchan? Drawing attention to the desperation some single people feel?
Let\\\'s assume the couple married for all the right reasons, and wish them a long happy life together, and that the author repents for exposing them to ridicule.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reinforcement for single older men\\\'s refusal to date women of realistic ages, and how depressing for older single women! At a synagogue event, I introduced an older single man to a younger than him single woman who was a physician, and he picked a fight with her about fertility statistics, putting her on the defensive and probably humiliating her. Meanwhile a similarly-aged man at the same synagogue married a woman his age, they got along wonderfully, and had a healthy baby girl in a normal, healthy pregnancy, and they could not be happier.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It does not take much \\\"intelligence\\\" to recognize that this \\\"agreement\\\" is an outright lie. You can argue about whether Iran has succeeded in building a nuclear weapon or how close they are to actually building one. But there is no question at all that they have decided to build one as soon as they can!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I certainly hope that Jewish institutions in Baltimore (as well as throughout the USA), will take this seriously and begin to hire armed security guards!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
[Ed. Note:] The excerpted video will be available by Monday evening
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what happened to the video?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where did the video go? I was telling friends, who are parents, that it is a must see.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't even see 100 people there. R' Daniel should be brought into speak in the 12th grade of each school in the city. Why are we waiting until they're ready to date to fix what was broken? And why should the community pay again to the Baltimore shadchan when they already paid tuition that should not have taught the boys and girls the opposite of what R' Frank is saying?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May you be blessed to retain all your beautiful child-like qualities and to continue nurturing our children and seeking emes. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with many things Rabbi Frank offered and will encourage those who are dating to attend the April 17th event. Regarding Rabbi Hopfer's comments, "dating singles do not know the first thing about what the other gender is all about, and have little inkling of their needs. Theyâve never thought about itâ. I must say with great respect to the Rav that while this statement is very true it is sad that most people are working against improving this situation through our current obsession with the separation of the sexes. I know couples who are in their 40's and 50's who for instance who met at their friends engagement parties, the last one I went to I saw a sign on the front door re-routing me to the back porch for the "women's entrance". The great divide will only grow wider unless we gain some sort of normal perspective on this issue. How about making the April 17th event co-ed? I know pas nisht, sorry for the insane suggestion. That being said I am very proud that our community supports The Baltimore Shadchan which addresses the significant issues of dating.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
3-18-2012 I agree. The standard is rather peurile. That is a sign of the problem. We relegate matters of character to childish standards and our attitude suggests that we value character somewhere below sports acumen. The result is academic (i.e. learning) proficiency carried by moral bankruptcy. The fruits of such \'dis-pedagogia\' are disenfranchised youth, apathetic leadership and a seriously compromised future for our children and our people. A boy must be a man before he is to marry and be a husband and father. If he is a man then he will find a woman who is a woman. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1. Boys should not be dating and getting married, men should.
2. Boys don\\\'t know to ask for \\\"size 0\\\" women. It\\\'s their moms.
3. You are a baal achrayus if you can support your own family. Not if you can be trusted to brush your own teeth.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"if you are a baal achrayus, you are ready to date. How can you tell? If the boy covers his bicycle to protect it from rain;" Really? What about if he has ever had a part time or a summer job? Or if he has an intention to provide for his own family? Or even makes his own phone call to set up the date. I don't think that the matter of relationships and marriage is presented seriously when the suggested indicator is the action expected of a 12 year old.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am sorry for the poor man, but why was a Jew living in Pakistan for the past seven years?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Apparently, the mother's name is Yuspah, not Yosefa.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ymach shmo v'zichro.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mrs. Guttman is a great and inspiring woman! Baltimore is a better city becuae we are lucky enough to have her. Mrs. Guttman should live in good health until 120.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Laure,
You are a true source of inspiration for our entire community. It is wonderful to have you as such an active member in so many community institutions. May you continue to have the strength to continue the amazing work you do on behalf of the greater Baltimore Jewish community.
Chazak V'Ematz!
Jonathan and Chaya Lasson
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Mrs. Gutman, We still use your cookbook that you produced during the Bais Yaakov Middle School years, some 15 years later! May you have a continued refuah shlema
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is my sis and I couldn't be more aware of the chesed of HAshem that he has taken care of her. Laure is all this and so much more. I love you sis. And I read all of this! Shosh
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He's a kafoi tov, and lacks Jewish values. I never understood why Israel gave up so much for his son, with all his selfish attitude. He keeps reminding us of this fact. Maybe he's a descendant of Lot.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It says: "A 2010 study of more than 28,000 Danish children found that exposure to cell phones both before and after birth increased the risk for behavior problems."
Just a thought: what if the association between cell phone use and behavior problems is not so much due to the 'ions, etc.' in the phone, but simply due to the fact that children whose parents are so busy texting and talking and practicing 'distracted parenting' begin to act out to receive the attention they so desperately crave? Why don't those 'brilliant' scientists ever consider the obvious explanations first?
When my parents took me to the park, they played with me! Now, I see mom with one hand pushing the stroller and the other holding a phone. Hello? Is anybody home?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lesson should be learned then, that when someone makes it a lead article on an online site it's no longer a "simplistic private moment."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
comment to "wedding five states away" - was Richard's Rabbi for 40 years. perhaps the stress of trying to make a wedding (tho dress and wig already purchased, fitted) became too unwieldy for other people's schedules and travel plans and pregnancies and whatever every day lives were involved to please all - they chose a simplistic, private moment for themselves - which is, of course, the base point of marriage - to do what is best for one another. Their intellect matched, their religion, their goals, their energies. So, their choice. Do not judge, lest ye be judged.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Silber and his shul continue to be a bastion of chessed, torah and many other Mitzvohs. Haztalach Rabba and Yaasher Koach! DC
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nobody made any comments about the simplicity of the wedding, kol hakavod, its the surrounding details that are disturbing, a wedding is a ketubah and sheva brachos a marriage on the other hand is a life long commitment not to be entered into on a whim and the words "makeshift" connote impulsive behavior. I have been to lovely weddings at restaurants, rabbi's offices, backyards, that are simple, unique but though out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I controlled myself from commenting until now, but now I feel compelled to do so. I found this story very disturbing. I have no problem whatsoever with the simplicity of the wedding, Kol HaKovod on that. It is the rush of making a wedding after such a short time of knowing it each other that I find disquieting and rather bizarre. What could it hurt to get to know each other better? As for the comments of " Hashem made it happen", that is ridiculous beyond words. People have BECHIRA!!! You have to use seichel. Hashem gives us intellect to think things through and a vitally important decision about choosing who to marry is not something to be taken lightly. Also the chosson's interest in only a young/beautiful woman is frankly, creepy. Lastly, for those commenters that are upset that people are writing negative responses to the story, Hey, if you choose to put the story on public view, then be prepared for comments, both negative and positive.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is already happening. The leadership of all Jewish schools in MD are familiar with the advocacy work and efforts for education funding by the state Agudah office and the federations of both Baltimore and Washington.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The same should be happening in Maryland -- Baltimore, Columbia, Rockville, Silver Spring... -- should all be working together.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Purim Torah???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Let's do this in Baltimore!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had hoped this was a Purim shpiel. Sigh.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I understand the sentiments (bitterness?) with which some have commented regarding age, beauty, etc. but those remarks are inappropriate. Such comments show a lack of hakaras hatov and bitachon. HaShem has His reasons for everything, including unusual shiddichum. Who are you all to question His will and the free will that He grants the happy couple? You don\'t know them or their history or situations. I\'m 50, never married, but I\'ve made 4 successful shidduchim myself. Where is my bashert? I don\'t know, but I\'ve learned to have emunah and bitachon despite funny and horrific dating stories. I have absolute certainty that my life will turn out as HaShem intends it, and that\'s good enough for me.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tov Richard and Tehilla ! The beautiful simplicity of your event was rare. Please ignore all the negative comments here. Weddings nowadays have become so typical and therefore such a waste of time and money. People spend months of stress preparing for a night that they don't even enjoy because of the worry that one of the hundreds of details wonât work out perfectly. Most of the guests have been to loads of other weddings exactly the same and therefore thereâs nothing special about it, except of course for the fact that itâs your friend or relative getting married. So the simpler the better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How does a wedding get relocated 5 states away last minute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very handsome kid in the orange! Ok maybe I am subjective....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe the negative comments are more directed toward the content of the article than the couple themselves. The age difference, the rushing, his criteria for dating, that is whats upsetting, the couple should live and be well in privacy, putting this out there is the problem, the internet is a dynamic arena, thinking people respond with opinions, thats how it works in 2012.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with #1. There are many disturbing messages in this article. In addition to his not wanting to go out w/ anyone over 35, I'm shocked that Tova Weinberg actually said that she never thought it would happen for this guy. That is NOT the message she should be putting out there about the clients on her website!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
amazing. I spent time
Perusing archives in yu library
Nothing like going to the source
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is so beautiful.Mazal Tov.
and to all the wary comments: relax. look at the big picture. they found each other. they did not do anything wrong! they did good! I know Men who married older girls then themselves. there is no right or wrong. look for, and at the positive!!!!!!!
its Beautiful! Mazal Tov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow--but I don\\\'t have an ipad ye and am considering getting one. I need to know how much room this will take on the hard drive, so that I can plan how big a machine to purchase. Further, why not produce this program for PCs and Macs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Uncle Mendel is my hero!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tov
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Best picture: #51 of all the star-k secretaries crying in the background.
Just think, if we all made chasunas like this, we might be able to afford tuition!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am Tehilla's mother, only having just met Richard two days ago on their return to Florida. I wish them only successes, happiness, adventure and healthy children. God, Hashem, by whatever name one prefers has His plan for us and for us to question the path is foolish and derogatory. My daughter is an intellectual, goal performing young woman with many passions, one of which is to be a loving and nuturing parent. I wish them fun and love on their journey.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tehilla, I am SO happy for you! Absolutely amazing! Especially considering what you went through just months before meeting Richard! You are a woman of great emuna. I wish you both a very happy life together, I know that you will soar through clouds to reach your goals. kol tuv, Devorah H. from Chicago
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Seriously embarrassing. why would this guy let himself be portrayed in such an awful manner?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've never met Tehilla, but I've known Richard for many years. He has the youngest soul of anyone I've ever met. [except maybe me] They are obviously two very unique people that will make a wonderful family together. They will do what's important to them and ignore or avoid what isn't. I too am blessed with a phenomenal basheret and am looking forward to meeting Tehilla.
ps. readers really need to see beyond the "sound bites" that are printed. Richard is absolutely not superficial.
with Love, Jacob.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tov Richard & Tehilla! Love the chupah poles!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I too question why BJL has posted many of these comments. While the critique likely has merit, it is focused on two "tzelem elokim" who have feelings. Please remove all the negative comments.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The picture of him forking over the money is so beautiful, I may cry, a beauty tht scuba dives, who could ask for more? G-d help us if anyone outside the orthodox community sees this.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article, terrible title
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What an insult to all \\\"older\\\" single women!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow. I am so concerned for him, the poor guy really has it tough. One minute. These events are only \\\"outside of his control\\\" now because of choices he made earlier. That puts them SQUARELY in his control, or at the least a direct consequence of his leadership and something he SHOULD own up to and be responsible for in his re-election bid.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I encourage BJL to take this spectacle down, the chosson comes off as creepy, sharing to the whole world that this women recently converted is innapropriate, endorsing getting married after knowing eachother less than 2 months is downright dangerous. They should live and be well and have only simchas in their life but this is private and should stay that way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nothing left to say. The first comment says it all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Hashems ways are awesome. Shame on all of you for judging . Is it not possible that his desire for someone young and beautiful was not part of the plan from above? " Wow!!! What's wrong with people? Yes, sure. When I decide to commit fraud in order to increase my bank account it's all part of the plan from above, so it must be ok!! Are you kidding me??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"some of you have a nerve Shteren this beautiful simcha with your thoughtless comments" first of all learn how to write. Secondly, everyone is happy for the couple, this doesn't change the fact that the writer chose to write in such a gleeful manner regarding an older man who refuses to go out with someone under 35 years old. This part of the article is something that should make everybody very sad.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During my visit to South Africa I was appalled by the townships I passed on my way down to Cape Town. I have never witnessed such abject poverty where people are living in tin shacks with no sanitation or electricity. Yet the South African Council of Churches remains silent on the Apartheid of Poverty in own their backyard. No week of campus activity for their own black co-religionists who are suffering. Only the Jewish State is subject to an expensive hate campaign for perceived crimes not committed by Israel.
Their message and actions wreak of anti-Semitism borne out of Replacement Theology.
It is time for the right thinking world, of Jews and Christians, to stand up and say this shall not pass.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hashems ways are awesome. Shame on all of you for judging . Is it not possible that his desire for someone young and beautiful was not part of the plan from above?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\'t understand why this wedding had to be \"makeshift\"?? He was dating for 32 years- waiting for this special day and he had to rush it to make a flight?? No wedding gown- no special plans? Was this day not that important to them? I am so confused.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne\'eman and a binyan adei ad. Mazel Tov!
Some of you have a nerve shteren this beautiful simcha with your thoughtless comments. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Grow up!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You mean Obama and dirty Harry lied to poor little Arlen? He got what he deserved for being such a fool. Why was he surprised? These guys lie as much as they breathe.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tof and much happiness, always!
Kelly Outermans
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with comment #1. Makes you wonder.... He's 57 and wanted nobody over 35?? Pathetic that its being praised here and pathetic it even made it to print. Guess anything makes it to print these days. This is a small example of Te ridiculousness that the shidduch system has come to.This article makes me sick....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To comment #4... You serious?? It should give hope to older singles??? Really like a young woman whose 36, can\'t get a date with a 57 year old geezer let alone a normal 40 year old?? I dare you to share this story with a 38 year old woman whose been dating for 19 years and tell her she should be inspired from this story??? Your pathetic... This is so upsetting!!! What is wrong with people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think that this is absolutely beautiful, and should give hope to all of the older singles out there, not to give up hope. Your bashert is out there, you just have to wait for the right time!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do not even know where to begin with this. It is so wrong in so many ways that it is not wrong, it is not even right, it just isn't. I believe the fashionable term is, 'whatever'.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I completely agree with the first comment. \\\"Richard, who had been dating for 32 years, didnât want to go out with anyone over 35, and he wanted beauty.\\\" Is this something of which to be proud? It\\\'s a good thing Tehilla is, according to Mrs. Weinberg, a \\\"gorgeous, beautiful girl\\\" or who knows what would have happened? I wish the new couple all the best and hope that over time those things that are so important to Richard never change.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Actually, this is a very noble cause. Everyone deserves to find a spouse. All the participants should be praised and admired for their kindness and compassion. We should wish all good and decent people the wholesome joy of a beloved spouse that every parent wants for their children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"dating for 32 years, didnât want to go out with anyone over 35, and he wanted beauty." How can one not be embarrassed to 1)make such a demand and 2) print it here? It would help considerably if Shadchanim spent more time supporting appropriate expectations and meaningful characteristics rather than implying that old men should hold out in their demand for young beauties.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Susan, I couldn't agree with you more. Leah Schwartz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We must all participate in getting it to the referendum!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Only amongst the orthodox would the word "sad" be a pejorative in this context.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree. This from a Democrat who NEVER thought she could ever vote Republican. Obama is making me jump ship to the other side. Obama is a nightmare who must not be re-elected.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"To this day I despise all that Pesach stands for." Wow. That's a sad statement. Nuff said. I stand by what I wrote above. I am anything but stressed out. I anticipate the arrival of Pesach with simcha and excitement. I was just trying to dispel the common presumption that Pesach prep is all about stress and drudgery. And it IS common. And attitude IS everything. (And btw, I'm speaking from experience. I'm one of those who used to start feeling Pesach stress as soon as we began reading Sefer Shmos. It's only in recent years that I adopted a different outlook and appreciated the difference.) Wishing all a chag kasher v'same'ach!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's about time that Jewish voters open their eyes and see that Obama is not good for America, not good for Israel, and not good for Jews! The Democrat party is NOT what it used to be. Republican values are much closer to Torah values and Jewish values these days. Jews need to THINK when they go to the ballot box, not just vote in knee-jerk fashion because they think that good Jews are Democrats--good Jews analyze and vote for the best candidate regardless of their political party.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1) The results of these polls are highly skewed by the way the questions are worded and asked.
2) Most of the most vocal proponents and opponents on both sides of the aisle never make it to the real polls in November!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Oberstein. Lately when I listen to politicians I recall the quote from Macbeth..\"full of sound and fury, signifying nothing\". It seems obvious that we cannot fight this battle alone. We need the cooperation of Big China, and from other countries in the Middle East with a vested interest in preserving the peace there. We need a President and congress willing to build bridges around the world. PS I am not talking about people like Chamberlain who thought he could make peace with Hitler!)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Based on this Obama quote, maybe you should be the Democrat nominee for President:
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1939 we had a Democrat President who was willing to allow 6 million Jews perish; in 2012 we have...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I used to think doing kiruv was scary. What if someone asks me something I don't know? But I tried it and people just want to learn more. I think this is worth the effort
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol hakovaod to 7 Mile Market! I think everyone can find one hour to talk to a fellow Jew about Pesach.I am calling Rabbi Roll now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If this is what it takes, maybe I can be the Republican nominee for President.
L. Oberstein
"Despite polls showing Romney running behind Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum in Southern states, the former Massachusetts governor pitched himself as an âunofficial Southerner.â
âIâm learning to say âyâallâ and âI like grits,âââ said Romney" (Washington Post)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes, this is a very difficult call in a very difficult time for both Israel and rest of the democracies in the free world. Difficult, but also simple at the same time. Many in the U.S. do want to get out of the Middle East. They blame their own country for being attacked by those who hate for the sake of hating. These poor misguided countrymen of ours project Western sentiments onto the Eastern mind, believing that we must have done something to cause them to hate us so much. They fail to realize that radical Islam does not think like us. To occupy Iraq and Afganistan does anger them, but when we leave prematurely it only emboldens them to plot against us all the more. So others in the U.S. and Western Europe do, in fact, find that sending troops to the Middle East, although costly in dollars, keeps the fight off our own shores. Can we weigh the lives of the three thousand who perished on 9/11/2001 against the cost of troops in Iraq? So if forced to act, better to act as soon as possible and with clear rules of engagement.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well Said. You point out how America today is different from America of 1939 but is Iran\'s leadership very different in it\'s goals than that of Germany\'s in 1939. The bottom line for me is this - Is the risk to all of us ( Iran puts the entire world at risk not just Israel or the middle east) greater with war with Iran now, than no war now and probably one later. I cannot answer this and I am glad I do not have to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
And I always thought Yisroel Betach B'Hashem, not in Obama...silly me
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful, that the frum community has come to this. People should now think twice before making disparaging remarks about those outside of the community who get "shikkur".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree, lighten up a bit. But I also am sympathetic. I myself recall how miserable Pesach was with my mother got into Pesach mode. To this day I despise all that Pesach stands for. But it is Purim and its time to be happy.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The words of the sages are holy. And if they said these words then they are true in their pure black and white meaning. Any attempt to interpret them away is simply apologetics, and we do not have to apologize for truth. Truth is truth and cannot be changed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oh, come on--it\\\'s Purim! Take this in the humerous meaning it was meant. You sound quite stressed out to me. When I saw this I laughed and I wondered to myself. Perhaps she is screaming at the Pesach prices and not the prospect of cleaning her house! :-) A frielichin Purim! Life is too short--learn to laugh and your children will laugh with you. Learn to laugh and you will have a happy husband and life. Laughter is the best medicine and the greatest stress reducer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thank you for providing this service to the community! There is an error in the time for the learning session at TA. The correct time is: after the 3.30 mincha minyan. A freilichen Purim to the Baltimore Kehilla.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The guy gets on the watch list for doing his job? Maybe we need to start working towards a better solution than to continually condemning those with whom we disagree. I don't think this signals a soft spot for terrorism but possibly an honest attempt to open paths of dialogue for a more peaceful future.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Attitude is EVERYTHING. Let's not accept the notion that Pesach is synonymous with stress. It's an improper hashkafa and so damaging to our children! (Who might be thinking, 'who needs this 'Pesach' thing and why are my parents being such martyrs??!'). It's essential, for both our own peace of mind and for the chinuch of our children, to embrace the coming of Pesach with joy and exuberance. Let's roll up our sleeves and get ready to work HARD (we all understand the other adage, 'no pain, no gain' -- we don't mind sweating in the gym to get fit and healthy -- our kids understand that type of strenuous effort) as we prepare to celebrate zman ge'ulasaynu. We don't moan and mutter about working out ('Oy, here comes another workout. I can't believe I have to endure ANOTHER zumba/ raquetball/ pilates class...'); we should do no less, and in fact much better with regards to this most significant and chashuv yom tov. Please replace your wacky photo with something a bit more inspiring. You don't know how many people you can impact with a more positive message. Thank you for listening, and I encourage others to jump into this conversation.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent message, we need to encourage people to seek help when needed and end the silly stigma that lingers with mental health treatment, thanks for posting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is someone to be proud of.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We go a bit too far as to whom we refer to as "Orthodox" when it comes to politics. Case in point #1 is David Strobin in NY's state senate race. #2 is Josh, a great guy with very strong Jewish faith and likely to make a more firm commitment to frumkeit some time soon. But let's slow down on the Orthodoxy...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
AMEN! And we love having you here to experience it all with us, Mommy!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrei Emunah is having one at 9:45-10:30
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why isn\'t Shomrei on the list?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very impressive...a true Kiddush HaShem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Easy! Contact R. Eli Klein at 410-764-3354.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
if you don't like new York why don't they move to Israel
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Renting what out
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With organizations like this one, Chaverim, Hatzalah, and Shomrim- all that have the best interests of the community at heart, I'm proud to live in Baltimore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how to donate?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Weiss; such an asset to our community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We daven that you, like Hatzalah, will have a quiet Purim, but thank you for being there for the Klal! Hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks Jackie, for sharing. Looks like you had a great time. Luv, Cousin Cindy in Baltimore
Comment by BJLife BJLife
all bjlife videos stop partway through! any idea how to get around that?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ESPN carried the story of Beren\\\\\\\'s loss, without much attention being paid to the other team. How much more press do you want?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice touch - the photos of the fireman lighting up a cigarette :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was riggedast year. The leprechaun should've won it. How do we know it won't happen again?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Super job!!! We see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Carlebach minyan? Maybe some of these guys that use Shlomo's name and schmaltz up his nigunim should ask themselves if they would have invited the man himself to sing at their shuls. Otherwise I think they should pay a fee to the Carlebach Foundation for trading on his name.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great news, now I can eat out when I go to Lowe's!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baruch dayan Haemes...she was a wonderful teacher and colleague of almost 30 years. She will be missed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Timonium is not a tourist area. This makes no sense. They're "deciding on a Hashgocho this Friday," yet the statement was that âIt will be the only for non-kosher, non-observant Jewsâ kosher bagel shop.â What's the point? It's either kosher or it's not!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A good bagel is a good bagel, where ever
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is some of the best news I\\\'ve heard since moving from Owings Mills to Lutherville.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you don't bring the bagels, then don't bother coming. The area already has enough places that sell everything you mentioned...except for the fantastic bagels you sell at the Reisterstown Road store. I used to pick up bagels from Goldberg's every Wednesday for everyone at work. Wednesday was our bagel day. I went to Joan and Gary's, Bagel Works in Lutherville on York Road, and Goldberg's. All of my co-workers decided that GOldberg's was the winner by a long way. No one has that product (real Jewish bagels) in the Lutherville-Timonium-Cockeysville area. There are, however, many other outlets who have the other items this story mentions. Without the bagels, it just wouldn't be GOldberg's.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks Jackie I hope you all had a warm cozy time drinking hot chocolates after building snowmen. I'm glad Zalmie Bracha and the grandkids had a good time. Thee picture looks beautiful like a resort
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That is really great especially for tourists and for people to grab a bite while in that area
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is this local news?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
who are they to tell people waht they can or cannot wear this is the United States not Israel
give me a break
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jerusalem gets more snow than Baltimore this winter. Crazy but I am really enjoying this mild Baltimore winter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sounds Wonderful! Chazak V'Ematz!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video stops working after 40 minutes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This guy will say anything for money and votes. All he does it create a perception and uses slight of hand but act differently. A two state solution is just a ruse to harm Israel. He can't be that dumb to ignore the fact that the Arabs don't want peace. All the while he undermines people avoiding war and promotes the Muslim Brotherhood. It's almost Purim boys and girls. Can you say Amalek?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
as a kid at the auction I want to let the dolphins how much fun this was.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
R they having shabbat across america in new york
Comment by BJLife BJLife
amend the bylaws and let the children play they have worked so hard
not to let them play because of religion is not what our soldiers are dying for !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Roll for all that you do for our community. Thank you Jay Meyers as well for organizing this new minyan.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who is Mr. Yopung?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about the women whose children are all in school, they have full time help yet refuse to work outside the home to support thier spending habit on clothes and other frivilous expenses? It seems they use articles such as these as an excuse for their laziness
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If the rabbanim feel that having dinner at home as a family is important, why do they have the boys in the community stay at yeshiva for dinner and night seder? School hours are too long. The children should be home in the evenings with their families.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This has been said thousands of years ago - its called Torah Im Derech Eretz. All the schools need to promote it, not full time learning. It doesnt work anymore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A very insightful message from one of our wonderful leaders.
My only comment is regarding the letter to the son at the end of the article. It seems to be addressed to a chasson â someone that is already engaged to be married. I would suggest that this letter â and the message it contains â should be delivered long before a person is engaged or even begins the process of looking to become married. In other words, lets us provide our children the right message and set them on the road to responsibility before they begin to make significant life choices such as a spouse.
Thank you for posting this article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
sounds good but the reality is that parents paying $10K tuition per child will have to work like dogs just to keep their heads above water, ironically at the expense of their family life/values. Late model cars? Luxury vacations? Nope.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
3-1-2012 I am sympathetic to the last writer's feelings. The answer is in your comment. The safe haven to which a person seeks is a powerful influence for that is where we are ourselves. Share that space with children. You are yourself where they are themselves. Share that. And the bond will come naturally. And that bond will be the transfer agent of your ideals and virtues. The your real ideals and virtues, not the ones in the show case, the ones in the secret stash that is reserved for loved ones. And you will find that together with you and your children will be Hashem himself, a loved one just feeling at home. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very important article as are the others in Klal Perspective. Thank you for bring it to the community's attention. The tide must turn since the present system cannot continue. We need to take to heart Rabbi Hauer's suggestion that...
"In Torah-only yeshivos that do not include a career track, young men should be encouraged â by their Yeshiva and by their parents â to discuss how they intend to support their families. They need to take seriously the language of the Kesuba marriage contract in which they commit to âserve, honor, feed and support their wives, as is the loyal custom of Jewish men.â It must be made clear that it is not the responsibility of their parentsâ or in-lawsâ to support them, and that if their idealistic bride wishes to follow the path of the wife of the sainted Chafetz Chaim and manage the store so that her husband can study, she will not be fulfilling her own responsibilities but rather she will graciously be doing her husbandâs job for him."
How do we do this??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Less time spent in school and more time at home, with a parent at home, would certainly help children absorb the lessons the home has to offer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"How do you ge invited to one of these things?" One gue$$
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sometimes, many of the best attitudes and approaches are present in the home, but the children are not interested in absorbing the messages of the parents.
Sometimes, mesora simply does not occur - and only after it is too late, does the child wake up and realize the opportunities they missed. Perhaps, children can be educated at school on the importance of their engagement in what goes on at their shabbos table, and in their interactions with their parents.
Many children are so stressed and pressured from school, that the home simply becomes a "downtime" place for them, to recover, and DISENGAGE...
a disheartened mother
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ed. Note: We thank you for your suggestion. We direct the reader to the bottom of the article where the very information requested had already been provided.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is from the latest issue of klal perspectives. Baltimore Jewish Life should let people know that so they can read the other good articles in that issue as well. Maybe even include a link. thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The article was changed to give credit where credit is due. If the NWCP didn't have other motives why would they request that Baltimore Jewish change the article?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
One word: Wow!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How do you ge invited to one of these things ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope that reader isn't suggesting that the Norman family is a group of liars. Somehow I accept the veracity of the story told by the Norman family a little more than some random anonymous person that can't spell and seems to be attempting to disparage the NWCP.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perhaps some readers need to take time to read and understand. NWCP is not taking credit for anything. They are utilizing Baltimore Jewish Life to inform the community of important information that they received for distribution.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Looking at this email, I don\'t understand what your issue is. It says specifically where the information came from. Excellent work from the NWCP: timely and relevant.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This vile hatred has got to stop!!!! The NWCP took no credit for alerting the community. It mention right in the article that this came from Mr. Yopung's office. Moderator, please don't allow baseless comments to appear on this website. we don't want BJL to become like the other poular news sites with the mud slinging etc.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it is very disrespectful to call any rabbi by his first name. i was appalled at seeing that the alter rebbe: Reb Shneur Zalman has been called "Zalman" by this religious publication. please correct this mistake. thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This info came from Jack Youngs office. What a sour attempt by the NWCP to take credit for alerting the community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Could they take out some books ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
the problem is not alcohol. the problem is excess. people eat too much, drink too much, spend too much, etc. If people had self control their children would too.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For all you who are as outraged at this stupidity as I am. Here is the association email address. Send them an email and let them know your opinion!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\\\'t think the person who wrote \\\"Someone\\\'s chumra is wasting the tzibur\\\'s money\\\" is against Ezras Nashim, my take on their comment was that this should be under Hatzalah\\\'s umbrella to save the tzibur\\\'s money, am I right?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore is actually ahead of NY on this issue as a result of changes made by Rabbi Weinreb years ago who identified this problem and was proactive in making the changes needed. Unfortunatly the above stipulations are not enough, in fact it only shows the children that the adults don't know how to celebrate without alcohol, I don't believe in prohibition but how often do we see adults that are not able to handle their liquor at shul. Our kids are looking at us and how we behave and while this may not solve underage drinking it is a good place to start.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Part of the mandate of all Hatzalahs is to provide service in a modest manner. This is the epitome of modest - if I was a female, and I was in labor, I definitely would not want my husbands friend coming over and delivering my baby!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\'t think this is \"someone\'s churmra\" or a waste of money. I labor is a very intense time for a woman and a time of sakana. When a woman finds herself in middle of an unplanned home (or work, the supermarket, etc!) delivery, having a professional, trained female to help her instead of her neighbor\'s husband, can make a world of a difference. What a great Chessed!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a great idea, too bad they cannot utilize the resources of Hatzalah but so amazing to see this did not stop these awesome women. Please post instructions to donate to this cause.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Someone's chumra is wasting the tzibur's money.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you commenters, especially the person who knows my son in Chicago! I agree that he is a great rav!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I guarantee if it was a muslum school they would bend over backwards to accomadate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In heaven I am sure they are true winners for refraining from playing on Shasbbos! All the power to them!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Never blsme Muslims!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mrs. Liebtag, Your son in Chicago who you bemoaned is not with you in EY, is an amazing Rov! He told a great Baal Shem Tov story on Motsei Shabbos at an outstanding Etan Katz Kumzitz. No hyperboly here.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Use that credit (called a ×××××) as soon as you can, they print them on receipt paper, the ink wears off after a while and you can\'t read it. Good luck! Chana Staiman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know if there will be a round 2?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good luck lookingforward to the next episode
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not what happend. I was with the girl your referring to and a Hatazalah member saw us and Notified the NCWP
Comment by BJLife BJLife
12-26-2012 My objections are the oversimplifications and the use of platitudes. To many this essay would appear to be more pandering than earnest analysis. The issue is not the nature of Torah or the enduring value of Torah. Neither is the issue of whether Torah is truth. No one is suggesting otherwise. But we just covered in Parshas Mishpatim, the 'eye for an eye' passage. The Rabbis of Blessed memory (Chaza'l) taught us that we do not practice that, but rather, we assess monetary damages. Which begs the question, so why did the Torah express the 'eye for an eye' passages? To say that the lesson is for us to understand that the 'tortfeasor' really should have his eye put out is an oversimplification at best and down right false at worst. The lesson is simpler, that no black and white words are to be applied exactly as written under the guise of empirical truth, even the words of G-d. We always must know the intent behind the words. All the more so for written words from mere humans, even Rabbis. It is for this reason that we cannot practice Judaism i.e. Torah, as a paint by number excercise by reading all the available 'How To' manuals, even if you read all the various Shulchan Aruchs from the Tur all the way down to the present day works. You cannot practice from the written word. You must awlays have the insight of a living breathing Talmud Chochom i.e. Daas Torah to practice correctly. That being stated, I am not comfortable with passionate rhetoric based on literal readings and professed unalterable truths. I am all for personal opinions. But they should be disclaimed as such, personal opinions, and not professed to be the indelible words of G-d. That is all I am saying. So I re-invoke my 'disavowel' of this essay by Rabbi Sharon. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Compare these pictures to those from the Fogel funerals last year...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I loved this presents a startlingly revolutionary stance simply, articulately, and intelligently.Dovid Teitelbaum, your father sounds like he was an amazing man and i have to say the apple didnt fall far from the tree.
Cathy Dinovitz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To Commentor #2: Could you be more specific as to what your objections are? Are you objecting to the Torah's mandates? Or are you objecting to Rabbi Shafran's application of the Torah to this issue? He clearly points out that certain activities are forbidden by the Torah while stating that the persons doing the forbidden activity requires our support and encouragement in overcoming their desires. The Torah is truth. People can debate both sides of an issue, but the Torah's truth is always the correct position. Stating that an activity prohibited by the Torah is somehow acceptable or unavoidable is an untruth. People may have difficulty following a particular aspect of the Torah, and need support and encouragement to help them, but the Torah's truth is eternal. We are our brother's keepers and cannot hide from these issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great Article
Really helps us to understand our great rebbi that much better
Tzvi Karp
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This article, is most unfortunate. This type of article will bring down criticism and ridicule not only on the orthodox and their Rabbis, but on the Torah itself. This is a complex issue and cannot be broken down into platitudes and over simplifications. I am 'Torah loyal' and observant, and I personally disavow this essay and its reasoning.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well said Rav Shafran! They always bring up 2 points as well:
1) Why would Hashem create a person a certain way and then forbid them from being that way?, and
2) Why would Hashem prevent a loving relationship.
My response to #2 is where are we promised to have love in the first place. I know the Torah says Hashem promises food, safety, and Eretz Yisrael, but have yet to find a guarantee of love.
The world is one big apple pie, but not everyone is entitled to the piece they want, or even a piece at all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Cmon its entertaining and enjoyable. Their are much more troubling issues the the "jewish star"...relax...good shabbos.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful article! Very well written and inspiring!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Absolutely disgusting. If the referendum is on the ballot, every single reader of this site MUST vote against it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
where will we find this list on your website? thank you very much for this service. it was a huge help last year! Gail Feinstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes, Dr. David Pelcovitz is a Professor of Education and Psychology at Yeshiva University. I doubt the lack of mention of this fact had any malicious intent, other than simple oversight.
But now, YOU and I mentioned it! We are good to go! :-)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Five years? God forbid!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When I see a Baltimorian go soo far in the world, It makes me proud to be a Baltimorian-The Lurmanator
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree. Ayin Ra, the inability to see graciously another's joy, is not a good character trait. Yes, in Yeshiva, the Baalei Mussar would spend time ridiculing frivolity. But that is not for the public or for little kids. To do that does not foster a serious attitude. To the contrary, it fosters hurt and resentment. And raises sardonic children. Let the kids have their fun. Even the big kids. And enjoy watching the kids enjoy. A little happiness is healthy. And that couldn\'t hurt. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who knows what is going on behind the scenes? I compare this to WWII when thousands of Jewish lives could have been saved had the Allies bombed the tracks to Aushwitz. Now, Israel is able to "bomb the tracks" itself and the world is trying to say , "wait a while". However, the bombing of Iran is the easy part. it is the long lasting war and terrorism that will follow that requires Israeli will and strong American support. It is easy to start a war, hard to end it. Iran is not a pushover. I hope that behind the scenes this is just a diversion. Hashem yerachem. L. Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would it have been too much to ask for the publicity pre-and post to make mention of his academic credentials and current faculty position at Yeshiva University? All it said was noted Psychologist sought out by Rabbanim....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congratulations to Mendy Pellin & Yaakov Shwekey and all those who came together to make this beautiful music video, 'CRY NO MORE.'
Stay tuned for more of Mendy Pellin when he hits the big screen in a Tawd b. Dorenfeld anthology feature film.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1984 , at the end of my senior year , Rabbi Tendler zt''l , challenged our senior class to complete an entire tractate of Talmud before we graduated . As one can imagine , with all the academic pressures and life decisions , on seniors , it was no easy task . His shiurim , lectures always stressed areas of halakha (jewish law)within the structure of the talmudic process of study and argument . He made the material relevant to our jewish adult lives . If we were struggling , as High School students do , he patiently would reexamine the material with us . I never remember him ever getting "mad,"with my ups & downs , and his style of chinnuch , and musssar , seemed more direct , than intense . In ways he seemed to have a striking resemblence to those in law enforcement etc .,and again , that was why , in my opinion he succeeded . I think that responsibility equals mentchlichkeit , and the " buck always stopped there ." May his avodah as a wonderful rebbe and mentch be an example for our lives , be''h. Mike Milch.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For most people that means getting overcharged for sewer service as well since that is usually based on your water bill.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yisroel BeTach B'Hashem
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you BJL and R Fishel for providing the forms as a download, I usually have to trek around town searching for them and frequently ending up MMAE O Fishel headquarters!
Thank you also to R Fishel for this wonderful contest. I find that it inspires myself and my children to improve on our brachos incredibly. i just wish I could say that we keep it up all year...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you NWCP for providing this service! It is wonderful to know that such a service is available if it should ever, God forbid, be needed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes. I actually learned to speak Hebrew 32 years ago in an ulpan here in Israel. I too, have a facility for languages. I learned well and after living here for two years was speaking quite well. Then I went back to the States. In the intervening 32 years I never used it -- and lost my facility with Hebrew. As they say, \"use it or lose it\". I made aliyah this past August. I did an ulpan for a while, and was in Kita Gimmel. I was quite proud that I retained enough Hebrew to be in Kita Gimmel. Thing is, I am quite hard of hearing (have been since age 3) and I wear hearing aids. I read lips. I am also 32 years OLDER than I was way back when. These days, I preface all my Hebrew conversations with \"Ani C\'vedat Shmiyah, v\'ani korayt b\'sfatayim\". Then, people speak ENGLISH to me! I always have to tell them, \"Lo amarti sheh ani lo m\'daberet ivrit. Amarti sheh ani c\'vedat shmiyah v\'ani korayt b\'sfatayim. B\'vakasha, t\'daber iti b\'ivrit, aval t\'daber yotar l\'at, vaz ani y\'kolah l\'havin.\" They usually get it then and speak in Hebrew to me. I also explain to them that if they do NOT speak Hebrew to me, I will NEVER learn! (But if I were sitting down to a major contract, I would do it in English -- or with a translator!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The Yom Kippur Katan minyan today at Rabbi Weiss's shul (Clarks Lane) is at 4:50.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
New York Post is NOT a reliable source. IF Kosher Sports was planning to open on SHabbos, does that mean they are giving up their hecksher, and what are the implications for other cities where they do business (such as Baltimore). Is this case really about advertising or subcontracting?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I view his article as negative. And my comment was hardly pointless-I wholeheartedly agree with Shafran that there are far greater heroes than football players. I take issue with taking any world event and using it to put down other people in the world while trying to glorify some perceived greatness we Jews have over others. Do you have any idea how many Orthodox Jewish people attended that parade? I know of several myself, and I\'m just one person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good Job Yossi! The cousins are proud!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Congratulations from Handwerger, Cardegna, Funkhouser & Lurman, CPA's!
The Lurmanator's papa is proud and so is the rest of the firm!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The author thought about what he witnessed and chose to take the time to share it. "Mi K'Amcha" is personified by this writer as well, seeing the positive essence of our brethren. Thank you for sharing.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really? We need to be like the Gantze Velt in everything? Let\'s just call it Dancing with the Jewish Stars. Goodness, when will this stupidity end?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great story
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great Article. How True. I loved it. And to the previous writers comment, please keep your pointless negative comments to your self. And if your the one who is constantly writing these negative \\\'put downs\\\' to the beautiful articles that bjl puts on the website its about time you stop
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Amazing recollections of our rebbi....thanks Hillel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Another condescending put down by Rabbi Shafran.Does he think anyone enjoys this stuff?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I loved this article because it so accurately defined Rabbi Tendler: authentic. He was the Real Deal which is why he earned the respect and trust of his talmidim, even if/when his decisions weren't always to their liking. That type of emes today is, sadly, all to rare.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Quite honestly, Gingrich is being big for his britches. His campaign is going nowhere - his attacks against Romney backfired, his payload from the past is overwhelming, everyone sees Santorum as balanced, genuine, and the true conservative (as he is), and the primaries have reflected that so far. Perhaps he should be the one to drop out - especially if he loses Georgia, his own home state.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To sign up for the 24 hour patrol, please contact us at 410-664-6927 x1 or send an email to It is under the Auspicies of the NWCP, but a separate program.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you very much for this useful information!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is NWCP 24 hour patrol seperate from its regular patrol?
If a person were to volunteer for the 24 hour patrol where can I sign up?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To the previous poster: Well said!
The arrogance that this man portrays is unbelievable and based on what? 515 losses?
The coach has stated in the article that he will return next season which means he will be entering his 41st season looking for his 400th win? How good of a coach do you have to be to compile a record like that?
But this man, who is supposedly the best coach the Orthodox Jews can thrown out there, will tell you that itâs not his fault itâs his players fault â they missed too many layups.
When did mediocrity become ok for the Jews? When did become ok for the Jews to fall back on excuses? The Jewish people don\\\'t make excuses and wallow in our own self pity - certainly thousands of years of oppression could have counted as an excuse - we take what we have and we make it excellent.
Just look at the university that this man represents. It is one the top academic institutions in the country, its graduate schools are renowned, and at the same time it excels in producing Torah scholars. How did all of this happen? It definitely was not by making excuses. It certainly was not by blaming others. Iâm sure it was through hard work, dedication, accountability, and pure desire.
We tell our kids that they can do anything they put there mind too â except this guy wants us all to know that âanythingâ does not include winning basketball games in the worst conference in the NCAA Division 3.
âIâm not going to engage in this false humility,â he said. âThe university owes me for taking a program and representing it in the community to where itâs respected.â
What is it respected for â taking a beating?
So why, in his mind, would the university owe him? Iâm willing to admit that he has surely had a positive effect on many of his players and Iâm sure that he has been a good ambassador for the university. The truth is, though, that his record is 397-515 and any guy off the street could have compiled that record and countless others could have had the same effect on players and the university that he had so what did he give to the school that any other ordinary Joe couldnât have?
âIâve done a great job this season,â he said. âIâve done everything I can possibly do. If your team is missing layups, thereâs nothing more you can do.â
Perhaps you can practice making layups?
But seriously â how do you throw your players under the bus and in the same interview demand the respect of those around you?
I honestly hope that this article misrepresents this guy because if this is how he truly is then I feel bad for the players that he âleadsâ
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow! Thank you to the Norman Family for your kind words. We were glad to be able to help. A couple of notes:
1. All of our operations, including operations on Shabbos and Yom Tov, are under the rishus and guidance of Rav Heinemann. In fact, we met the next night with the Rov to go over what we did and find out how to do it better in terms of Halacha. (BTW: The Rov paskened that we did everything in an acceptable manner.)
2. The NWCP Citywatch Team is a program of the NWCP. We are available 24x7 for any emergency situation. 410-664-6927 x1.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Not quite the same thig, but in Baltimore last year, a meshaloch took the check I'd written to "Agudath Israel," gave the check to them, but made a copy, and then deposited it on his own. The same check thus cleared twice. And no, I do not know why the bank accepted the copy, but it cleared the system!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
âIâve done a great job this season,â he said. âIâve done everything I can possibly do. If your team is missing layups, thereâs nothing more you can do.".....With all due respect to the wizard of Amsterdam avenue, throwing his players under the bus is a bit less of the teaching thing and a bit too much of the look at me thing. Have a little class coach...(you could have substituted players who could actually make layups instead of playing those who can't...but you could not be bothered, you did all you could was their fault...) I know the University owes you for bringing them 500 plus losses but give me a break on the I'm the reason we win thing....Is the arrogance part of the message you want the players to leave Yeshiva with? "Before leaving his house for his first game, Halpert, then 27, told his wife that the Maccabees were going to win and he was going to be the reason." So when you lost by 22 were you the reason...or did you do everything you could and your players just missed shots? (which by the way is part of basketball) The "we're not as talented as the others, we work harder in school, we only practice after 8, only 4 days..." that gets old after awhile and I would think the Jewish people deserve better than excuses...we got beat, period. I'm as responsible as my players are for our losses and they deserve the credit when they preform up to their capabilities, quite honesty I get too much credit when we win....I appreciate the university giving me the opportunity to coach and do what I love to do for 40 years even though I've won an average of less than 10 games a year and have yet to bring a conference championship to our program, I am humbled by the kindness they showed me for putting up with my flaws and celebrating our players and their effort...I am grateful to the entire community for taking a chance on me...No we dont get that ...we get this...."The university owes me for taking a program and representing it in the community to where itâs respected.â Awesome leadership and role model...Red would be so proud....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
welcome to the nanny state!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a major reason why people should use Agudah Scrip rather than writing checks to a stranger.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beautifully done video. It truly brings me to tears.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All the more reason to use tzedakah scrip. Not the first time this happened.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Small world indeed. While looking up Sherwood Press I came across your writings above. My Father, Edwin O'Loughlin, was a type setter at Sherwood Press. I, as a small child would go with my Father on Saturdays to be with him as he finished up some jobs. I remember Mr. Harry and Mr. Merrill and oddly enough the big safe in the office. Brings back memories, Thank You!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The bais hamikdash's wall should not be exploited like this. This is so crass. Umikdoshai Tirau
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a beautiful song and a very well-done video. The effect of the "peteks" coming out of the Kosel is very powerful. There is one flaw in the video, though. At the end, when the tefillos turn into the Beis HaMikdash, you see the front of it behind the Kosel. However, the Kosel is the Western wall. The opening to the heichal faces East. You would see the back of the Beis HaMikdash from that vantage point.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a Kiddush Hashem. Kol Torah and Rabbi Berger are such an asset for our community. Nosson Samet is the main man!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am \"commenter #1\". Of course I understood the article. I was just expressing my curiosity at the ever-present \"Yeshivish\" words bandied about in BJL articles, words that I have never heard or seen in my lifetime of picking up Yiddishisms. Some of those words, like \"shlita\", I find in Wikipedia or other online sources. Others, like \"zoche\", I can\'t find. I am curious as to their meaning and what nuances are conveyed by the choice to use, for example, \"zoche\" and \"gadlus\" instead of \"honored\" and \"greatness\".
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hatzalah could really use your money. They have a huge operating expense, and need to upgrade and replace equipment. Every penny counts - even $5 or $10 goes a long way and is much appreciated!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We are seeing government intrusion in all aspects of our lives. This is only initial stages. Too many people aren't contecting the dots yet. When they do, it will be too late.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
nonsense. CNN has proven to be liars. The media will do anything to reelect this disaster.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Last years Dolphin club event was a huge success- tons of prizes, lots of fun, raised a lot of money for a Hatzalah- so the money whent right back into the community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
please b-more. a little shalom, kavod habrios etc. just because someone wrote something you disagreed with doesn't mean sarcasm has to fly.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sir/Madam- the comment from the parent of the Waterbury bochur was not mine. There are many Baltimore/Waterbury families in town.
as for my silly was prompted by your silly comment. These events, highly publicized or not, do not take away from our local schools or the tirless folks who serve them.
Next time BMG comes 'round 695 looking for donations, I'll be looking for your comments to resurface.
ps- hatzlacha to all of our children!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is this Philip Grossman by any chance the brother of the late Cantor Herbert Grossman, who was the long-time chazzan at the Rogers Avenue Synagogue?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Housing is not that much cheaper in Houston, when you compare it to the lower salaries. Maybe its a drop cheaper, but thats only in one neighborhood, which is surrounded by horrible neighborhoods on three sides. Kosher food is at least 30-40% more expensive than major jewish cities, and tuitions are probably as expensive and if not more than Baltimore.
And the weather, it gets pretty hot down in Houston in the summer, and does anyone forget when they evacuated the ENTIRE CITY because of a hurricane? I do. Galveston used to be a Jewish City, until it was destroyed.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am proud to have Mayor Rawlings-Blake represent our city.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"Maybe, we should scribble the notices on a paper towel and put them on the bottom layer of other notices on our shul bulletin boards?" Please what a silly comment all I said is that we have struggling institutions in this town, tireless volunteer workers and suggested that these lovely fundraising events for out of Baltimore institutions should be more private. I will not burden you with my civil comments anymore since clearly my words are glossed over and misconstrued, I think that anyone who takes the time to read my original comment would have no problems with it. Goodbye p.s. so happy your son did so well in Waterbuy, hatzlacha to him in the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is the OU doing to help bring down the cost of tuition in general? We need the OU to invest in Jewish Education.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is advertising that powerful that it hypnotizes people to attend parlor meetings and donate money that they should have kept in town? I imagine that the majority of our fellow Baltimoreans apportion their tzedakah funds properly.
Outwardly? Maybe, we should scribble the notices on a paper towel and put them on the bottom layer of other notices on our shul bulletin boards?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbis tend to show up when wealthy people ask them to, which is fine and totally makes sense but does nothing to increase my desire to support those causes. Does not make those Rabbi's any less reliable but a fact is a fact. Kol hakavod to Waterbury and their wonderful rebbeim and talmidim, glad they are helping boys from Baltimore just like many schools from Baltimore help students from other cities.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mayor Rawlings-Blake has proven to be an excellent Mayor, who cares for her citizens. She has been VERY receptive to the Baltimore Jewish Community, and even retains a person on her staff who deals directly with the NW\\Jewish Community. Wishing continued success to the Mayor. DC
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Houston is different because housing is much cheaper and the economy is much stronger than most cities on the east coast given its focus on energy.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Didn't say local institutions should have exclusive rights and of course the Wolaskys and Friedmans are pillars of the community, I just think that events for out of Baltimore institutions should not be advertised so outwardly. Please re-read my original comments, I believe they were respectful and did not attack any person or worthy institution. I would hope an observation can be made without people getting defensive. I never disparaged the wonderful people or the amazing yeshiva just concerned about our community priorities and our local institutions. Thank you in advance for re-considering the tone of your comments.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
BJL's job is to report on what is happenning in Baltimore. I am sure BJL would give equal, if not more exposure, to any event that supports a local school.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a Baltimore parent of a Waterbury bochur, I cannot thank Yeshiva of Waterbury enough. My son flourished there!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, Baltimore schools need our support; however, Reb Sheftel, Rabbi Hauer, Rav Shlanger and Rabbi Kostelitz were all in attendance. That says something.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Of course local schools should receive precedence, but they don't have exclusive rights to our tzedaka!! Waterbury serves many boys from Baltimore and has every right to make an event for our community. Those who feel it's not appropriate, need not attend, but why make ad hominem Ttacks against the wonderful gvirim who aren't to the effort to host such an event?!
BTW mssrs Wolasky and Friedman do tons for the local schools....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Cheers to O---bama and O---malley. Hoefuklky we can get an X factor and over come the O-----pressors
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Commenter #1: were you really unable to understand the point of the article despite the use of a couple of terms that are foreign to you?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wish with a full heart all the success in the world to this yeshiva, I think however rather than making a "community event" like this it would be better for these g'virim to invite alumni and select friends and associates over to their home for a parlor meeeting fundraiser, an event advertised and covered by BJL is not very sensitive to the local schools and organizations that are struggling.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I think most people would agree that the biggest problem is yeshiva tuition, and the yeshivas in Houston are almost as expensive as NY yeshivas, and way more expensive than Baltimore ones. I don't see how this solves anything.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It was a succesful evening for the Maryland Jewish Community. It is also encouraging to see a strong representation of the Baltimore Orthodox community at these events.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The Governor of Maryland has a similar proposal that would have the same effect in regard to state taxes
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How about a donation to Hatzalah, folks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You mean R\' Tendler Z\"L was NOT \"echad b\'peh v\'echad b\'lev\". That phrase refers to someone who is a hypocrite - the antithesis of R\' Tendler Z\'L was.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You are correct, how rude and ignorant of the author, but certainly not malicious or arrogant.
Zoche means to have the honor of and Gadlus is greatness.
I hope the editor of this wonderful website takes your comments to heart and translates all Yiddish and Hebrew words in the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"zoche", "gadlus": These are two words that are foreign to us readers who, even as shul-goers, are not part of the Ultra-Orthodox community and thus are illiterate in "Yeshivish". Could the webmaster of BJL consider adding a glossary of Yeshivish terms that often appear in these articles and their translations into English? It would be of great help to us "outsiders" By the way, when I looked up ""gadlus" in Wikipedia, I found nothing, and when I looked up "zoche", I found an article about German company that makes diesel engines for aircraft.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wish every teacher and principal in every day school and yeshiva would read this article. Rabbi Perton brought tears to my eyes.
Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To strengthen the author's well stated insights, I just read about a recent study that found that the number one place where kids see inappropriate content is on T.V., NOT the internet. Categorizing internet as "treif" when it became an inevitable part of our daily functioning, does not help people learn how to use this tool appropriately, and made a mockery of those that spread this kind of message. Thank you for this great article.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan: the sun is brighter there...I always notice are closer to the equator than we are..(or that's the explanation I got) have a shavua tov (or gut voch)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's nice to see that the BJC is finally willing to do something for the Day Schools and help R' Sadwin push this bill through this year. Kudos to both!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Gary & I were married for 25 years and I know from personal experience that he was fully dedicated to his career as a Baltimore City Police Officer. He was a wonderful man and though we were divorced I could always count on him to be there for me. I miss him so much. Melody Manuel
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Well said!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A wonderful tribute.
I do have to correct one item. Rav Yaakov Weinberg was around 10 years older then Rav Tendler so I\'m not sure \'practically peers\' is an accurate statement. Rav Tendler loved Rav Weinberg\'s Torah because it was emes and real, not because he was working on his anivus by quoting Rav Weinberg. Rav Tendler was indeed an anav but his love for Rav Weinberg\'s Torah is not an example of it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Beautiful article. I was a talmid in Mechina close to 20 yrs. ago and then continued on to yeshiva and then Kollel. I can't begin to thank the Yeshiva for enabling me to achieve what I have until this day. But most of all I can't imagine the Schar that Rabbi Tendler has for simply saying "yes" twenty years ago to accept me to the Mechina. What about the Schar for all the other thousands of Talmidim and their accomplishments in "not wasting their life?"
I hope that bezras Hashem his wonderful mishpacha has a nechama along with the rest of the Yeshiva and Klal YIsroel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
the author of this article really captured R. Tendler so beautifully and acurately. Thank you.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"echad b'peh vechad b'lev"--i doubt i ever met anyone who exemplified this to such a degree as Rav Yosef ztl did. The straightest arrow to shoot out of a quiver...always called it like he saw it, whether you agreed with him or not.
His son really puled out all the stops at the levaya...beautiful words about a beautiful person. Simply beyond words...
Max Liskovich Mechinas Ner Israel 1993-1996
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
beautiful story about a beautiful person
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Tendler exemplified the mida of "echad b'peh vechad b'lev". Hw will be missed
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a talmid from the early 80's, I have his Friday morning shmuessen flooding me. The gemorrah in taanis about abba chilkiyah came first, probably because it described him as well. Vayeilchu acharei hahevel vayehebolu. The friday morning shiur in michtav mayeliyahu- yayeilech eeto lot vs. V'lot eemo hanegbah. The way to connect with a godol. Once it is eemo it is not far from sdom.
I recognize his savlonus with me and with many in the Mechina in those years.
He had a firm/scary exterior and a warm interior.
Hashem nosan Hashem lokach yehi shem Hashem mevorach.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I was not a talmid, but I will miss Rabbi Tendler. What a special man. Look at his beautiful family. Clearly reflects positivley on Rabbi Tendler and Mrs. Tendler and what type of home they ran. A shining example for all of us.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
who is the frum guy in the picture?? Let's get some guessing going here!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Oberstein - I owe a lot to Ner Israel and to Rabbi Tendler. Thank you for this article.
Rabbi Dovid Toback
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A tzadik yesod olam...
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a huge loss for Baltimore. Rav Tendler not only cared about the high school bochrim, he always dealt with them - including the occasional troublemakers - fair and square and they respected that.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maybe we could go with something like that for chronically late carpool drivers. We could tack it on to the offenders tuition. My son would finally get to minyan on time and the school would get extra cash.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sadly, Rabbi Linzer is completely correct about how tznius is practiced and the situation in Israel today. Rabbi Shafran needs to wake up and smell the coffee.Also, perhaps grown men terrorizing little girls in Bet Shemesh is more responsible for our exile than these op ed articles.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
it is concerning when the government becomes involved in religion, even if it is not something that the torah subscribes to, take for example the reaction to the bris ban in san francisco. seperation of church and state is just that, separate.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
2-7-2012 If the room is dark, brighten the light. The Mitzvos are the candle (the lighting device) and the Torah is the light. To light up the world we must embrace the Torah. We must be more than merely assiduously pious. We must ignite the ancient and sacred passions that are hidden within the hearts of all good and decent people. When we are passionate about our authentic ideals and virtues, then the world will follow suit. One small spark will melt away an enormous amount of chaff. This is not a battle of 'braun'. It is a struggle of virtues and ideals. When we toil to understand the Torah we merit perception of Hashem and we exclaim 'Zeh Kayli' This is my God! and then we naturally spread what we see to others. So, like we learn from Reb Elyashav and Reb Shteinman in our day and from Reb Shmuel and Reb Ruderman and Reb Gifter before them, the answer is to toil in the learning of Torah. Or, as Rav Gifter once said, 'Nothing does more for the world than working a Blatt of Gemoroh!' And that my friend, is how it is done! Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Unless one is living in a old house, most Dud Shemesh are now solar powered, meaning you can take unlimited showers in the day, but only a few at night (because the water isn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t able to be heated until the sun comes out).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sadly, pieces like this aren't bringing moshiach here any quicker or people any closer to yahadus.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good Luck Mark. Don\'t know if you remember me, your former Hebrew School teacher at Ner Tamid.
Mrs. Tova Taragin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Melech Evyon
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Looking forward to reading more about this topic.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Actually, "Dud" Shemesh is pronounced like "good"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
OMG!!! this is the ultimate invasion of privacy! infertility is hard enough why is it ok to be asked such personal questions and if it is asked out loud then moving to another room is too late after the question is posed in public. i wish for 1 second those people would feel the pain of infertility bc if they had they never would do this to someone
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher koach for taking a stand on this issue. You are truly the voice of our community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
That frothy mixture? I think not!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It should be a refuaha shleima and hope to hear good news
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
lol hilarious :-)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I would suggest that those who need their nitroglycern carry it in a way that allows for the easiest access in the event of a medical emergency and NOT try to tuck it in their hat, shoe or other shinui manner. General publications such as these provide little benefit and can lead to very dangerous results if misinterpreted by your readership.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher Koach to all those involved, what a wonderful accomplishment on behalf of the tzibur! Tizku LeMitzvot! (I am one of those who did not enjoy the mud on my shoes)
Aharon Newman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this path! I have used it, and it is a great amenity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Doesn't matter if rates are all-time lows. Too hard to qualify with all the government regulations.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This should be posted in every shul in America instaed of all the silly bans and vaads and conferences
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very nice but she is not Blossom she is Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
ur father also made a \"kosher\" spaceballs movie which was edited down to about 16 minutes. good times.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Just think if you moved to Israel 40 years ago you would have to wait at least six months for service. You made so much progress in a short time!! Ca not wait to hear about the new car !!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Waiting for the next one look forward to it
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I helped the owner sift through the rubble and found 16 and a half garbage bags worth of shaimos
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In this day and age everyone knows what a Kippah is and esp. in an area which it is commonly found. Someone at the helm of a school needs to be more educated !!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wait for the diary each day or every few days
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You are missing Mr. and Mrs. Grossman who are making aliyah in 12 days, He is 95 ans she is 92 and they have been married for 71 years!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Since when is stating an opinion "taking a shot", really now, I don't agree with everything the woman says or stands for but you have to admit between the segregated busses and the Beit Shemesh situation the ultra religious are drawing their own lines in the sand. Valid point about Hebrew not being the national language, this will not lead to a healthy future for Israel in the world market.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Waiting for episode .17
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
And so, another great Jewish tradition and characteristic and virtue has been pawned away for a few bucks. It might make dollars and cents sense. But, like so many other of our national and natural treasures, this last remaining pure virtue has now been made into a mere commodity and cashed in on.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Please keep updates
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This sounds like a great event! I want to hear more about Menucha - what a wonderful organization.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'m trying to have work done on my house, and the service is not so great here, either!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Any woman who keeps her own last ame in marriage is not to be trusted.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
WOW! Sounds like this was amazing shabbaton! I hope this inspires our community to continue bringing the magic of Menucha to more and more people! So proud! ~Sarah Edinger
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
AMEN! Thank you, Baltimore, for producing some very fine IDF soldiers. All of them are my heroes, among them Yaakov Abergel, Ami Bennett, Aryeh Eastman, Dovid Eastman, Josh Eastman, Michoel Nathan, Jeremy "Petey" Petersen, Sarit Petersen, Yehoshua "Josh" Reznick, Aaron Dovid Schwartz, Yaakov Tenenbaum, and Meir Verschleisser. May they grow to be very old people, with excellent stories to tell their great-grandchildren.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
mazel tov! I am so proud of Aaron! instead of just lip service, what he is doing realy counts. May G-d watch over him and may he go from streanth to steanth.
may his parents and grandparents have much nachas.
Kol HaCovod
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Was Dr. Cooper's office affected?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz wouldn\'t understand the truth if her life depended on it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv ur diaries keep it up i look forward
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great pictures, makes me proud. Thanks Sharon!!!!!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks Rabbi Sadwin for all you do for our community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maze TOV to Adam,Phran,andPhamily.Can you Phigure out who sent this.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Don't forget about the tireless efforts of Mrs Ward and her indefatigable staff of volunteer elves. With no salaried workers this is definitely a high return on investment charity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
First comment in poor taste...No doubt Rabbi Sadwin will be all over this when it actually counts. He is not in the business of "expressing deep concern". If it concerns him, he does something about it!!!! His track record speaks for itself in every single area of need this community has had over the last few years.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beauitiful thing. KEep up the good work!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel tov to the entire Edelman family, and thank you for serving and protecting our Jewish nation. We are proud to know you.
Diane and Ari Weintraub
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How dare yiou take a gratuitous cheap shot like that against Rabbi Sadwin! At least have the guts to sign your name! Have you any idea what Rabbi Sadwinb does for each and every one of us. Just because we don't agree with everyhting that O'Malley does, doesn't mean we ignore him through the political process. Cleary you have no idea how politics work.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Where is rabbi sadwin and the aguda on this one? Please. Rabbi sadwin ,no more cheap photo ops when omally throws us an ocassional cheap bone.The govs policies are as radical as Obamas and just as dangerous and destructive for all marylanders,jewish and non jewish alike..
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Adam, Phran and Aaron. Congrats! We are so happy for you. look great! Thanks for serving the country with pride!
Jonny and Chaya Lasson and Family
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Fantastic! Mazal tov! I remember when he was a wee little trouble maker;)may u only have nachas!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow! Mazel Tov! What a special week for the Edelman family! Enjoy all the Simchas! Courtney and family
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is shaping up to be a quid pro quo year. O'Malley will pass BOAST in exchange for less public opposition from our community for his gay marriage bill.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The J Street poll quoted in the article was proven to be false and misleading. The poll was conducted on a Saturday when Orthodox Jews cannot answer their phones.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher Koach
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This wont work - they can take taxi
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
they are very crazy people working with many arms of neo nazi s I did survive most sadistic persons chasing me and wanting me to suffer.No body will believe what i experienced The most sinister fact i can tell you is the showering room i was to use but it was changed into a gas chamber.This was in france at brienon sur armason 2011 sept
They take there prey and hunt them down.If you survive then nowbody will believe your story and might think your insane
So for now i just wish that if other people wittness horror like i did then start writing about it so the sic minds creating this may be stopped
If old nazi people are not satisfeid that they could live in freedom and learnd nothing than this people must be stopped and ther swiss pass wont protect them
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is this how it works in Baltimore? Does the driver receive $18 and the three meshulachim he drives each receive $12 when I give $18 to the three of them?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This article really helped put things in perspective for me. It is nicely written, an easy and enjoyable read, and well organized! I now have lots of ideas swirling in my head to choose from to make this Purim more enjoyable(and affordable)!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
@mly- What the drivers have is a monopoly of sorts and what the TT is doing is attempting to break the artificially high fixed prices in that particular market of Meshulachim drivers.All the other plumbers and fish sellers have healthy markets where there is competition on price and everyone can choose to buy from whoever they want at different prices. That doesn't exist with the drivers. TT is not attempting to dictate what's fair price for the market but just trying to end something which is unfair and unhealthy for the meshulachim and tzedekah givers. That's an important difference. Meir
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does Lakewood have elected Parnesei Hatzibbur who make decisions on behalf of the K"K that have elected them? Is that who T"T are, or represent? When will be zocheh to have them decide how much plumbers may charge? Electricians? Doctors? Grocery stores? L'ma'aseh, if they are charging too much, it is a misuse of our tuition/tzedaka/mitzva money. It least those professionals should all have a particular ishur that we could see and decide for ourselves. Transparency! Are the prices for fish and meat and cereal and candy all fair? When will we be zocheh to a Price Control Board, of course, in consultation with Da'as Torah?
-MLY (Baltimore)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why is it not a fixed rate? If someone decides to give generously it is probably to the plight of the ani and not to the driver!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can someone clarify this? If the driver\\\'s are shomrei torah u\\\'mitzvos\\\' does that require said driver\\\'s to agree to the 33% for one meshulach 25% for 2 meshulach, etc. and therefore they need to sign. As a side point, it must be difficult w/ wages frozen in the US to expect them to take further cuts in salary when driving more than 1. I\\\'m assuming people are much less generous in giving than in years past. Is there hard evidence to prove that? If so driver\\\'s maybe getting a double penalty in trying to meek out a living! Just a thought.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel tov Susan and Bernie for passing the driving test. I must admit that I cheated when I read your article by reading the end first so I'd know if you passed. Kol Hakavod to both of you. Leah Schwartz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The pics of the kids look very fake - as if they wearing a 2012 daavening jacket and nice Arrow shirt.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about Gay Rights ? Suddenly we are so quiet.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel Tov Leibtags! Hope you won\\\'t be too busy driving around the Holy Land to write your daily diary.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Her caring for klal Yisroel reached across the globe. Her love for her fellow man, her concern for everyone, no matter who they were or where they came from,was evident from all that loved her as their own best friend and confidant.On a personal note,she was like a second mother to me,& her care went on long after I had a family of my own.She will always be in my heart.I miss her terribly.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A.O - this is such a great point - the more activities we do with children (all children) the better. And there are so many activities that are fun and can be infused with learning - so that children learn that learning is FUN! (Which it really is). And then fractions aren't so scary and math is easy (because if the end of the math problem is eating chocolate chip cookies - well that's fun, not much argument there). And making chocolate chip cookies requires a formula - and formulas are also fun. Take care, and thank you for commenting - Bracha.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this beautiful summary and for the pictures. I was unable to be in Baltimore for the levaya and was so glad to have the opportunity to participate in this way, and to read these very accurate tributes to an extraordinary woman.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really loving this series...flashing back to my own aliyah experience in \"87..things have changed and yet some things stay the same!! Mazel and bracha to you. Really looking forward to your following your journey...
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
She was so regal so caring I will miss her warm smile
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It was her job to put up those signs, please don't blame the victim.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Question: Mr Obama, what is on your agenda?
Obama: I will lay out a blueprint for an economy that's built to last.
Question: And how will you accomplish that?
Obama: By making sure the economy endures.
Question: And how will you make sure the economy endure?
Obama: By making an economy that's built to last.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How ironic that Ms. MASHIAH states, "I won't come near Ramat Beit Shemesh again\\\", how will we ever earn the arrival of Moshiach if this behavior continues? We will never be able to change the deep-seated hatred these âpeopleâ have for anyone who is not exactly like them but we certainly can change how they are dealt with, our reaction to evil in this case is our only hope for redemption.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The thugs are animals, but something smells about this woman's story. First of all, what was she doing putting up lottery posters in the shuls of the neighborhoods where everyone knows these animals live? Imagine putting up Powerball posters in the Agudah!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All of us 'orthodox' must take some responsibility for this. The 'orthodox' believe that they are as far above the gentiles as the gentiles are above the apes'. That is bad enough. But what happens is that this attitude is extended to not only the gentiles but also to anyone who is perceived as less 'orthodox' or even just different. We all stand by without opposition when we see people we do not include as 'our own' in suffering. We all fail to even extend a hand to those in suffering. We are all guilty of the sin of silence. We should not look down our noses at these events. We must ask ourselves what our role is in these abominations. The'orthodox' do not like such criticism and often either quash such a voice or turn on the voice to discredit the speaker. Whether this site prints this or not, it is a truth that will come out one way or another.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I remember years ago, Star K was \"aboard\" to provide Kashrus. I also remember that Star K advised people to consider if a Cruise was appropriate, considering the environment. Despite that you provided the Kashrus, which I thought was a tad hypocritical. I am glad to hear that Star K is out of the \"Cruise buisness.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very inspiring Levaya.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's time that these thugs, and that's what they are, be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It's time for the Rabbis of these thugs to stand up and condem them .
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We sent our son to Skokie after Yeshivat Rambam closed and we are so glad we did! If you want detailed info about the school, email me-
Steve Levin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A great lady.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a loss to a tzadekes
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
these people should be put in cherem
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1-23-2012 The message of a man like this is more akin to a melody than a speech. Do not scrutinize words spoken in his name. Rather, watch him, hear his tune, feel his resonance and harmony and let the sweet and powerful melody ignite the ancient and sacred passions of the Torah that is within the heart of every good and decent person. This precious man is our treasure and we must embrace him and his message with all of our hearts and soul and emotion. His message is our faith and our faith in his message will merit the redemption of all mankind. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
One reason that parents of addicts have to go to support groups in churches is because our community is unwilling to own up to flaws in our society. We hide our troubles because we are embarresed of what the neighbors will think or we want shadchanim to think our family is perfect. One of the main causes of children going off the derech in the frum world is sexual molestation yet we pretend it doesn't exist. Parents who would prefer their child be dead than for people to know he or she is off the derech is a phenomenon that is very telling. We are afraid to honestly deal with the issues, we cover up, we pretend and so many are left to suffer..and the molesters go on their merry way.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
May the rabbi have a refuah shleimah. Howis it possible that a man as old and sick as he is can still issue decrees forbidding things on a regular basis. How could someone as old and sick as he sign a decree that it is forbidden to bring Mishpacha Magazine into your home because they violate the Torah? Is that what is on his mind at this time or has he been totally manipulated by handlers who deny access to him and put his name on decrees without giving him a chance to hear the other side. Ever since he came out against Slifkin, etc. I have felt that the whole concept of Daas Torah has been manipulated and debased and can't understand why the rabbi didn't stop it since it is all done in his name. His handlers should have let him retire gracefully instead of making a mockery of his erudition. he has been misused and it is a major chillul Hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a great person! A significant loss for Baltimore and all of Judiasm
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
They are one of the most special people that I know. Rabbi Motzen is a really open person and I'm sure that he will find the right balance in leading the shul.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A far-fetched suggestion: Rabenu Hananel offers the explanation for TSAFAR-DE\'A knows the morning. This agrees with the Aramaic parallel UR-DA\'. What if the initial sound changed from ALEF to a sound represented by TSADE-PE and the DAGESH was not added either (a) because it did not appear in the earlier vocalization, or (b) in order to keep the TSADE-PE a single phoneme. Please let me know if you find anything else. Thank you. ben^
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Nice STORY indeed... so, what are the names of the people involved... and especially what is the name of the reporter who must have been sitting right in the next row to write down every word?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am all for simple & minimal ingrediants! I printed this out for my next baking day - sounds delicious!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love ur diary
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Nice story but this is obviously not someone brought up haredi. Lets see a haredi brought up to eschew the army and secular education act like this
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Adler should move to bet shemesh with his fellow kooks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I know rabbi motzen and his amazing wife hindy....the congragation made the best choice they could make.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beautiful story!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rain falling is a very good thing. When we went to Haifa port to get our things released, it was during the Second Lebanon War and bombs were falling, at least it was easy to get a parking space that day!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Then the men look down whereever they go and control themselves!!!!! why protect them?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I hope Ner Tamid will remain a modern Orthodox congregation.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
New york got the snow
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
These are the easy things. It passes- then the real hard things start.
Been here for 26 years- there's no place better in the world.
But remember- you're not in Kansas anymore.
Moshe Schecter
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hi Susan, Looking forward to the next installment. Any chance of an \"Israel Welcomes the Leibtags\" reality show. Hope the shower doors don\'t leak. Shabbat Shalom.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So the non-charedim are animals in a zoo. Mr. Rosenblum's arguments use more straw men than the Wizard of Oz.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is it supposed to snow in baltimore
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Keep the women speakers. Have the men attendees sit in the far back of the auditorium, behind a screen. That way everyone wins.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Perhaps the 5th commentor felt the author needs to understand that it\'s silly nonsense to call people he doesn\'t agree with politically racists!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Please continue writing ur diary i look forward to it
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am disappointed by the 5th comment. It is inappropriate to be so rude to the author. Signed, a Baltimorean who doesn't even know the author, but wishes that commenters could comment with derech eretz even when they are in disagreement.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The cookies were delicious, and the girls are adorable!! Thanks soooo much!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
you don\'t need a gym membership to exercise. Go take a walk.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Shame the JCC membership is not affordable to those on disability who are unable to make a decent living!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, I look forward to reading your diary everyday. Keep up the great work. You\'re an inspiration to us all. Shabat shalom, Leah Schwartz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I really enjoy ur diary keep on writing
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What part of israel r u living in
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
shower away and have a Shabbat shalom. Fondly Ruth and Ronnie Friedman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The prior comment states \"divorce no longer has the same negative ramifications and, to the contrary, if a woman or man can do better for themselves, divorce is not only acceptable but even advisable\" - I think that was said too lightly. I doubt any Rav of caliber would agree with that statement. If the couple has tried counseling, therapy etc. and then could still not make a go of it , then yes, at that point a true Daas Torah would agree that divorce may be the only remedy for such a situation. The type of \"Contemporary Rabbinical thinking\" that may be referred to in the prior comment may not always reflect true Daas Torah. This is why for serious matters one should find a Zakein who possesses Daas Torah with the perspective that life experience brings.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It\'s odd that in this article there is no mention of the fact that David Rubenstein was born and raised right here in Baltimore (City, class of 1966)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If being reviled is a sign of being a threat to the status quo, then Dov Lipman might actually have a chance to get into the Knesset, or at least, the Beit Shemesh City Council. The other side , not the sikrikim but the mainstream chareidim, blames the whole problem on Dov. If he would have not opened his muth and if he hadn't made a mountain out of a molehill, then we could all live quietly. I have read thee sentiments again and again,on the editorial pages of chareidi magazines and in a very distrubing letter sent by the rabbi of a large Anglo shul in RBS. Their desire to "kill" the messenger and ignore the message is very disheartening. I hope he wins.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv your diary keep on writing when did you move to israel i met u a long time ago thru ncsy
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"the shower door guy" -- What a cliffhanger!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Contemporary Rabbinical thinking in America seems to disagree with the conclusion of this article. Today, in America, due to the affluence of the orthodox community, the abundance of available potential new partners and the new found freedoms and rights for women that have been recognized by the present day Batie Dinim, divorce no longer has the same negative ramifications and, to the contrary, if a woman or man can do better for themselves, divorce is not only acceptable but even advisable. Indeed, if a spouse opposes divorce and wishes to keep the family together they are now considered unenlightened at best and even immature at worst. This is the opinion of the contemporary Rabbinical leadership and Daas Torah. We must be loyal and have faith in their leadership rather than trying to compare their present day wisdom to past opinions that were products of a bygone era.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
what about families? They should take separate elevators?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
maybe its more referring to teaching our sons and daughters how live independently before being in a marriage.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maybe you didn't get the memo but nobody is interested in your outdated and overstated political pap. Guise of religion? When you publicly pat yourself on the back at how "religious" you are because of your liberal views you come across as not very credible, either regarding religion or politics.
If you want to reminisce then reminisce but keep your silly nonsense to yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If the Chareidi Rabbanim would have been outspoken about this a long time ago, as they should, this probably never gets to the point of coverage in the news. Instead of stepping up and being accountable for not being more outspoken against the behavior when it first started, it seems the leadership blames everyone but themselves, which that shows there\'s still a major problem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rejoinder: I a appreciate that you only call me silly, not evil.
Thank G-d, our community has not reached the nadir where dissenting opinion is put in cherem. Tragically, that is the case in the Holy Land where a chareidi newspaper can get (forge) the signature of a great rabbi to put a competing magazine in cherem. Can you imagine forbidding competition in the guise of religion. Let\'s stop that before it happens here.
Many people hold political opinions based on self interest. If this were so, most Jews would be Republicans but most are Democrats because they vote with their values. There once was a Great Old Party that believed in emancipation and many other good things. That party at the moment has been overtaken by the Tea Party. Instead of compromise, they have opposed everything . It is a shanda ans a charpa, that our legislative branch has been hobbled . How can anyone oppose a 1/2 of 1 percent surtax on the second million of income when that would save the jobs of thousands of firemen, policemen and teachers. Yet every Republican voted against it. How can it be that a consumer protection agency passed by the previous congress to clean up the mess of Wall street was not allowed to organize because a minority party would not allow a vote on the nominee to head the agency unless the agency was gutted and made ineffective.
The issues that divided the parties in the past were miniscule compared to the gulf between the majority and the minority in this Congress. You know that Romney doesn\'t believe in half the stuff he has to say to get the nomination, yet , that is the price he has to pay to get the nod of the fanatics who have overtaken his party at the moment (we can hope for a yeshua).
As far as voter suppression, it goes on in various ways. In Maryland, the Democrats gerrymandered Bartlet out of his old district .That isn\'t so kosher in my opinion.But the real reason for requiring photo ID is to suppress minority and elderly voters is the belief of those who are pushing it that if they can diminish that vote by 5%, they can get a secure base for their party. It is but one example of the cynicism and hyposcrisy that dominates so much of politics. There are exceptions,Lyndon Johnson knew that he was losing the South for a long time for the Democrats when he passsed the Civil Rights Act, but his conscience made him do it.
Maybe those of us who saw racism first hand are more sensitive to subtle and not so subtle attempts to turn back the clock. However, most of my best friends are Republicans and I certainly don\'t subscribe to every jot and tittle of the current agenda.
I am a Harry Truman Democrat. E. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We've been here for 2 weeks today!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love ur diary when did u go on aliyah
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, if you need help in the Olim office in Modiin ask for Reva Eilberg. I hear she's fabulous.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Yaacov Haber is a true Jewish leader. His initiative to foster Ahavas Yisroel goes hand-in-hand with his other great projects such as TorahLab and Lema'an Achai.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Love the idea of paying for the wedding of a poor person but I humbly question the use of Shiluach Ha'kan as a "segula". I thought this mitzvah of sending away a mother bird before taking its young comes to teach us compassion and respect for the species, setting up this scenario sounds a bit cruel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv ur writing it is very interesting
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All 50 states can issue valid ID\'s to non-drivers. When you call those with whom you disagree politically racists, you only discredit yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Highway robbery by the government thugs!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Baruch dayan emes. Thank you M. Seidler for your service to out country. May the Seidler family be comforted.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
When you use your reminiscing as an excuse for political commentary as you have a habit of doing, you discredit yourself. Sure, it\'s easy to call people you don\'t agree with politically racists but every state allows non-drivers to obtain a valid state-issued ID.
Please keep your silly political opinions to yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can always count on Susan to provide a realistic and funny view of aliyah - keep 'em coming. Donna Wach
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'ve worked with special needs kids who needed OT. A lot of the skills that they had never learned were simple tasks like how to pour, measure, scoop, and mix. Maybe if more mothers adopted your resolution they could give their kids a head start with little tasks we grownups take for granted. Hope you have a happy sweet new year!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"You got me at Calvin & Hobbes". No children to share in baking cookies, but my husband and I enjoyed making and eating the Granola Bars. Keep looking for that healthy cookie.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'m all for fast, easy, and delicious. I tried these the night I got the recipe, and they are all three! I love a delicious, healthy treat that doesn\'t involve the oven...instant gratification; yum, yum!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is COPE a university that grants a BS? Of course not. So other than within the NY frum world what secular corporation or government agency will accept such credentials? Very few, if any. But, I guess it is better then nothing. Or is it?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So for someone who is too lazy to get themselves an ID, which in most countries the law is to carry ID at all times, we should allow voting fraud. We appreciate your unusual upbringing and positive experiences with minority groups. But there is no need to go out of our way to destroy our society.
America needs to care for itself before it can for others.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a great receipe so easy and simple. Can't wait to try it! Happy New Years!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Welcome home!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to the Jews. They are stepped on and taken advantage of in every country. If you look at history, every time a ruler wanted to create a city, he would first invite Jews to live in the area. Only then would the city flourish. Jews are in control of so many businesses and corporations for a very simple reason: they are the best ones for those jobs. Many people are resentful of this because they are jealous. They cannot say that isn't true. The Jews were murdered ruthlessly generation after generation, and yet they still remain. There is a reason for that. The Muslims want to exterminate the Jews. They will not succeed. I know this because I am a Jew. I believe very deeply in G-d and I know that His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will come true. We will be redeemed and there will be peace throughout all the nations. The Muslims believe in an illiterate shepherd while we Jews believe in the word of G-d that we heard as a nation at Mount Sinai. No other religion claims this. Why? Because to make this claim, everyone in that religion must have heard it and all of the current day religions were made up by men. Judaism was created by G-d. May the day come soon in which everyone will believe in on G-d. Amen.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good ole days. The traffic guys were my biggest client when I use to lease my plane to them. As stated in the article, 9/11 grounded my plane and I sold it shortly afterwards.
Sheldon Caplan
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This looks so easy and sounds delish!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for this article. Now I realized that we, the Israelis, are the real bad guys, desperately trying to survive and to exist. Of course, we must stop our covert and overt operations against the Iranian nuclear bomb right away, and hope for salvation.And if the Iranians blow us out of existence, I am sure you'll find out that this was our fault.
Dr. Michael Bar-Zohar, former Labor MK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You forgot to mention that he served for a while as the rabbi of the Rogers Avenue Synagogue in the 1980's.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
kind of speechless don\'t you think?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
is it my imagination, but it seems like the news flow on has slowed dramatically. we miss the up to date real time news flow!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The title doesn't capture the article which concludes that he got the ruling that it was really permissible for him to answer or return the call
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There is generally far more to a story than reported by the media, especially a biased media. I felt that the Chareidim should get their own buses and not force others to comply to their wishes. Now I learn that they were going to do just that, until Egged approached them and convinced them not to start their own bus company with the promise of segregated buses that run through specific communities. Furthermore, I saw a report (from a reliable source) that the woman who was dubbed "The Jewish Rosa Parks" deliberately chose to take the segregated bus even though she had reasonable alternatives.
Now you know "The rest of the story"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
tamir is great
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Silence is NOT an answer. These "kooks" are threatening our Torah way of life - ahavas yisrael and shalom. If a rav cannot stand up for the safety of Jewish children, then what do we have a Torah for?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for your inspiring message Rabbi Silber. I attended a Baltimore women's meet up last evening and this article was mentioned to me. I would like to suggest a 4th suggestion for the Baltimore rabbonim to consider. Please read this article - if they can make this phenomenal ahavas yisrael happen in Atlanta, do you think we can make it happen here?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We need this chizuk! Thank you Rabbi Silber for your inspiring words.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! R. Laks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow, this is an incredible letter.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a terrific message, thank you Rabbi Silber.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
amazing words; lets try to comment more on articles like this rather than 20 or so comments whan Accents changes its hasgacha!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What an innovative mind you have! I would never think to put these ingredients together and it sounds amazing. I can't wait to whip it up. Love the title. Can't wait to see what you will bring us next. EOL
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Article "written" by "Staff Reporter"?!?!?!? No where does Ron Paul say he supports Suicide bombing or bombers or their tactics! What a sellout! are you, the reader a Democrat, a Republican, perhaps some 3rd party supporter? do you like your basic freedoms? do you want to keep them? and help Israel become TRULY independant? than you owe it to yourself to do a soul searching bit of research, and look in to what Ron Paul ACTUALLY says and believes, as well as his constitutional voting record, and VOTE RON PAUL!!!! cutting off american financial grants and handouts to israel, will necesitate that we go cold turkey, tighten our belts, and develop our own solutions to issues that the US now dictates to us. the other side of the coin is that the neighboring arab states, will also be cut off from US aid and would thus be less inclined to go to war with us.
if you decide to vote for another person, that is your right, but do so because you have done all the research, and are voting your concience, and not because of populist pressure, like the writer of the previous comment, and may the chains of your slavery/servitude (I'm sorry - security) sit lightly upon you.
Gershon B. in Tekoa, Israel
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It is unfortunate that current events have inspired the rabid writings of Yossi Sarid and others like him. Rabbi Finkâs comments regarding the Sarid article make some valuable points. Yet, I find the comments regarding \'evolution of Judaism to conform to modernity\' a little disconcerting. The understanding that I have been given is that Torah Judaism is a finished entity rather than a concept in the process of evolving. It does not âconform to modernity, but rather, a Jew can draw the tools needed from Torah Judaism to function as a Jew in a modern world.
Torah education has always existed for the Jewish Woman. A woman learned Lâmaaseh, for practical application and until the last century that had always been in the context of home and family. We also tend to forget that through the nineteenth century, the level of Jewish education for the masses was a basic one. A boyâs educational career in Cheder gave him basic literacy and minimal scholarship and often ended by the time of Bar Mitzvah.
There have always been women in Jewish history who were accomplished Torah Scholars from Tenach onward. Devorah HaNeviah served Am Yisroel as a Shofetes . Rashiâs daughters provided part of the mesorah to the Baâalei Tosfos. However, Torah Scholarship is not the role of a Jewish woman, and practically speaking the roles and responsibilities of women are generally not conducive to such an activity.
The 20th century brought challenges that damaged the links that supported the context of a Jewish female education that existed through the nineteenth century. To preserve the concept of the Jewish Woman in her natural role as the Akeres Habayis the context had to change. Female education became an organized communal entity. This was not about negotiation; the original goal was in keeping with L\'maasah, in giving a woman the education and the inspiration to maintain her role and her Yiddishkeit. The new context was a necessity.
Ironically, while women are no longer chattel and are no longer dependant on matrimony for survival, Jewish women are now experiencing the role confusion that secular modern women face in the struggle to juggle everything that embodies the modern concept of the modern Superwomen. The Jewish Woman can now identify with the numerous secular articles directed at the modern woman stressed to meet todayâs expectation of being able to do it ALL. One might say that this challenge has actually done as much damage to the Chazal imbued attitude of feminine respect as any outer influences of the Diaspora environment in the history thus far. One has to look no further than the complexities of todayâs Shidduchim to get a glimpse of some of the mounting issues that a Jewish Woman faces in todayâs modern era.
Yes, women work outside the home. Yes, women learn Torah. However, while \'women are expected to be treated with as much respect as one would like to be treated by others\' that respect is contingent on a value for Derech Eretz.
Mournfully, the modern era, whether religious or secular, lacks this sense of value for courtesy and consideration. Truth be told, it is the lack of Derech Eretz, a core of Torah Judaism that underlies all of these communal crises.
Derech Eretz Kadmah LâTorah.
R. Laks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Makes me want to go back and revisit every Shabbos meal I ever had at the Goetz home. The whole family creates a feeling of being in Eretz YIsrael wherever they may be. Ruchama
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The very picture you chose for this article makes a mockery of their claim. When the Nazis made Jews wear a Yellow Star, they did not let them wear fur head gear and the well tailored coats these two "victims' ae wearing. The smirk on their faces shows that they think they have come up with a "chop", a great way to show their disdain for the rest of the Jewish People.
What practicle steps must we take to take the smirk off their faces. They live off of the charity of others and they spit in our faces. If they didn't live in a Jewish country, they wouldn't have the chutzpah to act this way. They bite the very hand that feeds them. How much of their income comes from us here in the USA, how can we seperate these repulsive people from the worthy individuals knocking on our doors? Any ideas? L.Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I asked some of my children how to respond to Yossi Sarid and got varying answers. One said he wasn't worth responding to as he is anti religion , Another felt he was cherry picking certain quotes while ignoring others. No one actually treats women the way his selected quotes would indicate.
In reality, I have noticed that, public practice aside, orthodox women are very powerful in every community,even those that segregate them in public.
As the mother says in My Big Fat greek Wedding,"The man is the head of the house,but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she wants."
L. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
for what it's worth,here is some political commentary on the Iowa Caucuses. For those of you who don't follow this narishkeit, the vote split 3 ways and no one got a majority. I think they are drinking a L'Chayim in the White House and hope the Republicans continue to beat up each other and spend fortunes dissing one another. One thing is for sure, what can save Obama is a divided and dispirited opposition party. So, for those of you who don't follow this , here is a description of the 3 front runners.
Romney is a Mormon and most real Christians think they are a cult. He is also smart and doesn't believe the narishkeit he has to say and most people realize that he is an opportunist. He is the only one who has the sechel to be a good President.
Rick Santorum is a Christian conservative who is more interested in Jesus than in politics. He is the darling of the religious right and will get their support but is too far to the right to win a national election.
Ron Paul should be exposed as the anti Israel isolationist he is. He is what is called a Libertarian and believes that the US should stay out of the rest of the world. He is pro legalization of marijuana and has lots of young supporters. He is a very dangerous man and if he were elected, it would be a tragedy for Israel.But, he won't.
I predict that there is a chance that there will be a third party candidate and it will be Mayor Bloomberg of New York. If so, he will have my vote. If not, I could live with Romney . If it has to be one of them, Romney is the best of the lot.nHowever, most Republiccans aren't enthused about him and may not try that hard to elect him. That is how they treated McCain four years ago. In the end, the Republicans may bring about the re-election of Barak Obama. That's how it looks at the moment. L. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
BMW - what a great question. I found that you did need the extra salt - but you can make it first without the salt and see what you think and then you can add salt at the end. I hope you enjoy it and let me know how it goes!
Take care - Bracha
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This sounds delicious! Do you use all of the oil in the anchovies can? I've never used anchovies in cooking before. Do you think there needs to be extra salt with the saltiness of the fish? This is such a fun and unique take on a salad course - I look forward to trying it. - BMW
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dina, thank you for your beautiful work and thoughts. If there is anyone out there who thinks this is fiction, I am here to tell you that this is an accurate and complete picture of Rabbi Goetz. Since the children have grown and received their tool boxes, the Goetz\' have made sure that their Shabbos table is full every Shabbos, and I am one of the grateful recipients of a seat (nearly EVERY Shabbos). I look forward every week not only to reporting my highlight (I think about it all week which makes me feel the sweetness of Shabbos all week long!)but also to the amazing discussions that result out of Rabbi Goetz\' D\'var Torah. You can\'t imagine how we laugh and cry and learn around that table. ALWAYS, their home is open to every kind of Jew who has any desire AT ALL to experience Shabbat. Bracha Goetz, Dina\'s mom, and the Rabbi have created an atmosphere so FULL of love, understanding, kindness, with no judgment at all, where I\'m sure even the angels cry when Shabbos is over and they have to leave until we sing Shalom Alecheim and invite them back the next Shabbos. --Ariella Levin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bernstein actually made this announcement at the NWCP Dinner. He went into depth about many of the other changes he plans to make as well. Hopefully, these changes will bring about a new working relationship between BPD and the State\'s Attorneys Office, and will be able to focus on crimes that previously were unable to be prosecuted. DC
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1-2-2012 I understand the emotional impulse of this writer to Mr. Sarid's piece. I have lived as an orthodox Jew for 40 years now. And for forty years I also was repulsed by such challenges from the secular and dismissed them as mere marginalized rhetoric. The 'lunatic fringe' of the secular, if you will. But, after some very sobering experiences, I have also come to realize that the Orthodox have a serious challenge before them. Let us focus only on the challenges within our own community. We are not merely a religious group or community. We are charged with the preservation and promotion of the authentic Torah. What we have is more than a mere lifestyle. What we have is a calling. In our zeal to preserve and promote this most sacred and cherished of all treasures, we have rallied together to organize and unite for the greater good of our Torah. But, there have been some real draw backs. Organizing and uniting are good things. Unfortunately, some of what has happened is akin more to incorporating. Some of what we have done smacks of commercialization where the group has been incorporated in order to package and market a commodity. Sometimes it seems that our Torah is valued more as a commodity than anything else. We seek standardization. Our goal is greater compliance but the result sometimes is a lack of humanity. One of the secrets of the Torah and its unique quality for us is its effects on us as individuals and the cherished and sacred passions it awakens in us. Just the thought of the Chofetz Chaim arouses these feelings within us. Yes, the Torah relegates all women as unfit to testify. But when you ask yourself how to deal with a living breathing person, you must envision the Chofetz Chaim and draw your conclusions from that image rather than from what you think you have read. Every Mitzvah we do and every word we learn must be embraced for the lesson it teaches us as individuals, right here, right now. It is not enough to be merely be assiduous in our adherence. We must be passionate about our ideals and virtues. Like the Chofetz Chaim was. And then, we will be a true light unto the people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a poorly written article. Needs grammar and spell check.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great article - this is a wonderful recipe! What is she going to write about next? Keep the fantastic articles coming. KLH
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yay!! More Democrats to ruin this sad city..... Who cares?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
an uzi isn't a rifle its a sub machine gun, and the ammunition is so rusted in the picture I doubt it\'s of any use!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
[This is a general comment â not about Accents, OU or Star-K.] As a kosher consumer, why a hashgacha is switched is 100% my business! Over the years, I have asked to speak to mashgichim and have followed up with supervisory organizations when necessary. Discriminating kosher consumers are vital for ensuring that hashgacha organizations are not under the constant threat of being dumped any time they attempt to enforce one of their standards, not to the liking of the owner. Kosher consumers must not be complacent!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"The most common reasons for Facebook causing problems in relationships were a spouse finding flirty messages, photos of their partner at a party they did not know about or with someone they should not have been with."
It sounds as if facebook leads to spouses being caught - not necessarily causing the behavior.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You sounds like a true chef.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, footnote 3 does say that Reb Moshe says that a civil non jewish will, is valid halachically.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I have read with amusement some of the naive and yes, ignorant remarks made by members of this community. To think that the OU is lowering the standards of kashrus in this city is ridiculous. The OU is the largest most respected kashrus agency in the world. Its poskim are Rav Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva Torah V\'das and Rav Herschel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yitchok Elchanan. There are two full time OU mashgiachs in Baltimore who between them are responsible for commercial companies that produce foods you eat every day. They have over 40 years of experience between them. To claim that the Star K is a local Vadd is also absurd since they too are international. Companies change hashgachas.It happens. Why is no ones business. If the change is from one reliable hashgacha to another there are no issues. The OU would not take damaged goods and neither would the Star K. I am sure if you asked Accents or the OU who their rabbi in charge is they would gladly tell you. I agree with one comment and that the loshon hora has been terrible. Ask before commenting
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for sharing! Miriam and Avraham Sidell
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for this beautiful article. I'll never forget my embarrassment the first time I had to announce my "highlight of the week" in front of all your shabbos guests. But it obviously made an impression, because I still remember what my highlight was that week! Plus, every so often, I encourage (force) the people around my own shabbos table to do the same. Thanks for the good memories, and for acknowledging this special gift in your life!
Devora (Milevsky) Stern
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So let me get this straight -if I have triplets I can\\\'t fly US Airways?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Are the secular Jews running after other Jews to beat them, harass them, spit on them, boycott and burn down businesses? If there is any comparison to the Holocaust, it is the illegitimate and atrocious, violent behavior of some Charedim, who in actuality, should not be considered frum or respectful of G-d, Torah, and fellow Jews, at all.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There was a rainbow today.....DAVEN cuz we don't need another holocaust!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I'm not surprised. When I was in that store for a pick-up order about three
months ago, I was literally the only customer in the store. I still needed to search for sales help (when I became interested in another item).
Dave W from Baltimore
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Lanch a full scale opperationagainst HAMAS!
This time don't take any prisioners, they are not worth the soldiers time to guard them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
my 32 oz bag of shredded mozzarella has upc #026638-26405-8. does not have a date anywhere on the bag.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I forgot to mention - the anchovies should be minced.... enjoy! Bracha Shor
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sounds delicious! I'll have to try it soon.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really Beautiful! It makes me want to be a part of their family :)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A bumbling fool who has become a danger and threat to Americans and Jews alike.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Typical O'malley. Do these guys understand anything about economics? With people struggling to survive, this will cause the prices of everything to rise. Who is the bigger fool, O'malley, or the people dumb enough to elect him and his ilk?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a disappointment. The Agudah has become so caught up in the Charedi culture of \"what\'s outside is what counts\" that it cannot even see the real issue here, which is the oppressive need of a few to control all others, and by any means. Tzinut is meant to cultivate refinement in a person\'s soul, not to turn everything into numbers -- how long is the skirt, how long the sleeve. This statement shows that, though the current situation might have shocked the Agudah, it still does not understand the reason we\'ve come to this: the culture of externality that so dominates the right-wing mindset is eating away at the very soul of Judaism.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you to the Fleischman family!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
With this being the case, the Rabbi\'s of Beit Shemesh will need to do a better job of controling and enforcing their own to convice me.
Non action is the equivilant of agreement.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can someone show this to the agudah please?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Disappointing. The Agudah does not represent this charedi's views. Just say it is wrong without any apologetics our equivocation
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, the old days things were more simple and that included kashrus. Leibes did not need a hescher because he employed only two people. Himself and his wife. He had no other employees. The minute he needed to hire an employe he too would have needed a hescher.
In the final analysis each of us will make a personal decision as to whether the Baltimore OU supervision in a restaurant or caterer that employs non Jewish workers is adequate. Some of us will say it is OK, while others will say that they are not comfortable with this arrangement and take their business to other establishments. It's that simple!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How sad we must read these public comments. To this is about me:
You won't get it but I'll write it any way. You are wrong. A business has a right to make a business decision. You have a right to make a choice. If you were truly concerned you could simply have met with the mashgiach, asked these questions, and rendered your consumer decision. To publicly use this or any public forum under the guise of anynomity to create any sense of doubt to hurt a business, is a pure chilul Hashem. I certainly doubt when you entered any star k facility you ever asked to interview the mashgiach and asked questions about his qualifications and the infrastructure that hired him. You should have and you would learn a lot. The bottom line is concerns can be addressed but people who have public agendas to try to embarrass are motivated by a chilul hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sign me in!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To this is about me. If you eat both Star K and the OU as you say you do you are an informed consumer. You also know that the products, the menu and the mashgichim have not changed. Soooo as long as a Restaurants and Caterers are using a Reliable Hasgacha, and they publically display it, I do not need to know the why, nor do I need to hear about anyones dirty laundry, and I am impressed that the ownership has the high morals and good sense to keep their private business private. It is truly ashame that Kashrut has come to this. I miss the days when Leibes didn't need a Hashgacha because the community knew he was a Shomer Shabbos Jew (as are the Franks).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a Dait Leumi In Israel I would like to say that I am satisfied with this statement. At first the Agudah owes me nothing, so the fact that they bothered condemning these acts "unconditionally" and in a manner that to me looks honest.
I do think That the agudah's statement has the right to stress the importance of tsinyus or any other issue they choose, Agudah of America is not a side in this story they don't owe anyone an apologi
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The problem of which you in America might not be aware, is that hundreds of non-extremist, non-fanatical, mainstream Hareidim might not openly support the violence, but their silence and other forms of support are what make it possible for the fanatics to continue. While no Hareidi kehilla would accept into their schools or shuls someone who has a TV, there is no cry to put these hooligans into Heirem. At the same time, many many non-fanatics attend \"peaceful rallies\" calling for the non-Hareidi citizens to hand over their school and shul buildings. In front of both my girls\' preschools and high schools, non-exteremeist, non-violent, typ[ical Hareidi men stand outside and say Tehillim davening that these schools shoudl disappear.
And a teh same time, Hareidim, unlike Aguda mebers inAmerica, pay no taxes and every serveice they receive, whetehr teachers\' aslaries, hospital stays, fixed siedwalks or garbage collection, is padi for by thevery public they wish woudl disappear.
Please, do not claim the the press are the ones making it seem that the entire Hareidi population supports the extremists. It is the Hareidi population themselves, whether by the silence of their rabbanim (shtika k\'hoda\'a said Hazal) or by their active participation in other demonstrations, that give the that to a Hareidi Jew, all other Jews are only good for what they can give Hareidim.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How appropriate for Jewish Caring Network to light the brightest chanukia with all 9 lights ablaze since they bring light to homes that are going through "dark" times. A fantastic organization.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This post is not about Accents. It is not about the OU. It is about me. I am a Baltimore Kosher consumer. I eat both Star-K and OU. When a local caterer or restaurant switches hashgacha, I want to know why. And if I do not know why, I might just avoid the caterer or restaurant until I decide that I feel comfortable that they are not shopping for weaker standards or weaker oversight. I might choose to patronize a different caterer or restaurant even if I would eat the food, for example at a kiddush. This is especially true if the caterer or restaurant switched from a local hashgacha with known local oversight to a national organization with unclear local infrastructure. Unless you believe that I am anomaly, it would be wise for caterers and restaurants to realize that the choice of a hashgacha is not a private business decision. It is a very public religious decision.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How nice it was to see Accents hold a Chanukah art contest and award 18 children prizes! I 'm sure it made their day, as well as the Franks. I suggest that people search the article written in to see the beautiful art created by the youth in our community.
I thinks it's important as a community for us to recognize the "good" that businesses do, and to celebrate with them. It is so wonderful that the businesses we support give back so much to our community!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yay Dov!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As the parents of one of the girls who was repeatedly verbally attacked at the Orot school for the past four months, I am deeply disappointed in what Agudath Israel has to say on the issue. Rather than be concerned about the welfare of our girls and of klal yisroel in general, Agudath Yisrael is concerned about "the culture of tzniut." The general secular culture in Israel, may lack a culture of tzniut, but they also lack people coming out of that culture that spit and curse at little girls. Of course, it is correct that this behavior is "rejected by the vast majority of charedi jews." However, we here in Israel have yet to see a public condemnation of this behavior by any major rabbinic authority in the chareidi community. For months we BEGGED the chareidi community in Beit Shemesh to publicly reject this behavior and declare that these people are not torah abiding Jews and do anything - yes anything to try and stop them. Each and every Chareidi rabbi refused. At a loss for finding any response to our problem from within the Chareidi community, we turned to the press of the secular community - where we did get support and b'ezrat hashem now maybe my daughter will be able to walk to and from school in safety. I am glad that Agudat Yisroel condemns this behavior but what is missing from their statement is any kind of cheshbon nefesh on behalf of an organization that is a representative of the mainstream chareidi community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The events taking place in Bet Shemesh are taking place exactly at the seam where a Dati Leumi neighborhood meets a Haredi neighborhood, the latter having been built a decade after the Dati Leumim established themselves at that very location. Tzniut is important, but no one has a right to move into an apartment and then force his stringincies on his neighbors. If they don\\\'t like what they see from their windows then they should pick themselves up and move to a different apartment. Attempting to impose standards of super-tzniut on an entire community is just plain wrong and against Torah. No one ever brought a person closer to Torah by spitting and throwing stones, that is a chilul Hashemite 100 times worse than a woman with uncovered elbows.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
if only the black hatters in israel were exposed to other points of view we might not be at the outbreak of a war between the jews in israel.
i pride myself on trying to understand others perspective and have always felt that there is a place in israel for all jews. The recent events in beit shemesh and yesterday in ramat eshkol have led me to question my tolerance. It is very disappointing that the rabbis are condoning their talmidims actions. I dont see any reason for the citizens of israel to support charedim learning if they dont condemn their talmidim for spitting on an eight yr old girl walking to school.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
No one is disputing the right of individuals to act and dress with tzniyut. What is being protested is having supposed exemplars of religious behavior threatening, spitting and insulting others who do not hold the same opinion, in order to force them to do so. Is this tzniyut? Is this Ahavat Yisrael? Is this the kind of behavior that will influence others to look upon religious Jews with favor? I think not! And I am saddened to see this statement change the subject of what the issue is here in Beit Shemesh. As a Dati-leumi Jew, I find the behavior of the so called zealots to be disturbing. But what disturbs me even more, is the lack of the response by the Rabbanim in their communities! The talmudic dictum, 'silence is assent', would lead one to believe that at best they agree with the zealots, and at worst, that they are so afraid of them that they refuse to lead their communities by speaking out. Honestly, I can't imagine which is worse. It will not surprise me if this comment is not printed....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kol hakavod! May the new room and all that is offered through Bikur Cholim ease the way for visitors from outside our community and Baltimore families. It gives me a feeling of pride to know that we are taking care of the sick and those dealing with a birth in such a meaningful way.
Debs Weinberg
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I do not think tznius should be a factor in the discussion when the girls being spit on and cursed at for lack of it are 7 year olds covering their knees, elbows and collarbones.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
When it comes to hashgachas, it appears that our practice of Judaism mirrors the culture of our society. Free market principles appear to apply. We have the choice of many different certifying agencies. Accents and Cocaoccino\'s are undoubtedly successful kosher businesses and I have no doubt that this was a business decision. This should be healthy for our community since I am convinced that this is not a whimsical decision. Perhaps the correct question to ask is what is going on at the Star-K that would prompt businesses to consider switching.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In chader schools the kids are taught a lie that the \"alter haim\" ( old country) i.e. Europe was the best. But the TRUTH is.... it wasnt!!! They grow up & see there\'s more to Judaism then THEIR WAY!!....& get confused & lash out @ people to protect their fort!!! They cant accept the change Differents amoug other Observant Jews!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is there a way to define "the culture of tzenius"? What is permitted and what is forbidden? Is this culture universal or does it vary by community?
How about a picture of a 90 year old deceased rebbetzin in her obituary, is that not tzeniusdik? This statement is an attempt at damage control for something that the American Agudah had nothing to do with but which we are all forced to react to. How about the culture of segregation in Israel that keeps Sephardim out of Ashkenazi schools, is that part of our culture too?Why do we have to take the blame for them, do they care what we think or do they think we American chareidim aren't really frum anyway? E. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What has happened to our midos? Because a restaurant changed hashgachas we feel we can speak loshan hora.
I don't think so. Do people realize that it's a Chilul Hashem to potentially adversely affect someone's parnusa because they want to make something out of nothing. I don't think most of us realize how difficult it is to run a business, and we should appreciate that during this entire ordeal the ownership of Accents has been respectful and professional. Accents is clearly a well run organization with high morals. We could all learn a lesson from them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dov Lipman is to be praised for stepping to the fore and helping to galvanize the massive reaction of the overwhelming majority of the Jewish People, religious and non religious alike, to what is going on not only in Beit Shemesh but in other areas. He is number 2 on the Knesset list of a new party started by Rabbi Amsellam, Am Shalem. I don't know if this will propel him into the Knesset, but it's worth a try. E.Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Two things are apparent from the commentaries I am reading in the media, One is that the chareidi world is overwhelmed by the massive outpouring of criticism and can only react by saying that "they are out to get us". This is normal when someone doesn't get it and thinks those who find behavior wrong are prejudiced against them. This is partially true, of course. Secular Israelis are very afraid of losing their country to the chareidim and they see the demographic trends and are panicked .
The second point is that some commentators don't really see the depth of loathing for segregation and gender inequality in Western society. I can understand that in a magazine like Mishpacha or newspapers like Yated and Hamodia that believe that printing a woman's picture is a violation of modesty, one cannot expect understanding of how this appears to the rest of the Jewish community and the world in general. But there is a difference.
No one forces the general public to buy a certain magazine, but a public bus is in the public domain. Forcing our definition of modesty on the general public causes a lot of anger and many of our rabbonim have so stated.
I think that this is going to blow up in our faces, it isn't a minor storm. The little girl who was spat upon is the poster child of a backlash that has been building up for a while. Busses are just one of many issues.The religious zionist community and the majority of the normative chareidi community don't support the zealots but they do support a creeping intrusion of chareidi criteria on the general public in many areas of communal life. To pretend otherwise is to deny the obvious.
Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Baltimore, MD
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As an orthodox person, I am disappointed at all of the loshan hora being spoken/written. We all buy OU,Star K,Chof K,CRC food at the Giant and SevenMile with out knowing which Rabbi is supervising or if the product has switched Hashgachas. Star K and the OU are both international organizations and both provide kosher food supervision in Baltimore and New York. I truly believe most of us in the Baltimore community are just grateful to have kosher restaurants with reliable Hashgachas. PLEASE stop this nonsense, and appreciate that we have choices, and should never take anything forgranted. Accents has earned a solid reputation, and has an obligation to the run their business as they see fit. Many if not all of the restaurtants in Baltimore and New York employ non Jewish workers, as long as they are properly supervised this is also none of our business.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The doubts people are expressing are a result of the lack of transparency here. Those familiar with hashgacha business in Baltimore know that the OU costs more than the Star-K-- so what's the reason behind the switches?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
were there any jewish people involved
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am so disappointed in the of the comments made. The negative comments and doubts people have. Its such a Chilul Hashem. If you have questions, then go and ask, don't post them. I am also insulted that a person posted something about the Mashichim. Is there a problem with them since now they are under the OU but when they were working for the StarK they were ok and approved by the StarK. Before you post get you facts straight. Stop this nonsense!!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Suggest everyone send an email to the OU in their NY headquarters at and ask them about their Baltimore OU supervision. Who is the person in charge? What is the structure for oversight?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about operators\' abuse of their unprecedented access? If you thought stalking was out of control now, just imagine a bored \"pilot\" zoning into the bedroom of an ex-lover, jokers zooming into the private lives of innocent people, and the implication politics has in \"obtaining\" sensitive information used to blackmail potential candidates? The negative consequences are severely downplayed. Are the characters operating these devices college graduates or or only hold high school degrees (or less)? If the latter...who decides if they have the maturity to navigate such highly intrusive technology? One skillfully aimed camera angle nabs SSN, credit card information, and an early vacation for some lucky DOT employee in the \"traffic drone\" department.
Scary stuff.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Me Latte at 7 Mile closed because it failed to generate business. Had nothing to do with Kashrus or Star-K, just pure economics. The law of supply and demand is king.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I assume accents doesn\'t switch to Rabbi Weiss because he doesn\'t give hashgacha to meat restaurants only dairy? Also during the last month since the previous article they were under the Star-K.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There was recently an announcement on this website that Me Latte was no longer under the Star-K. Now, this announcement that Accents and Cocoaccinos are no longer under the Star-K. Perhaps the Star-K supervision is just too expensive. If the Star-K can provide supervision in other cities, other hashgachos should be welcome here. May all of these kosher businesses have much success.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does this imply that the Star-K is not an \"internationally acclaimed kosher supervision\" while the OU is?
What is the underlying reason for the shift away from the Star-K? Wouldn\'t it make sense to use the local Vaad for Kashrus?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
They were still under the Star-K until the switch. Under no means were they ever not without Star-K supervision until the switch.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Such as?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is happening to kashrus in Baltimore? We went from a unified everyone trusts the Star-K and Rabbi Heinermann to a splintered kashrus where some will eat and others will not eat.
What infrastructure does the Baltimore OU have?
What are Rabbi Weiss's standards and structure?
We do not know the answer to either question.
This is a sad day for Baltimore Kosher consumers
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
[Ed. Note] Our apologies; the article has been corrected.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With all due respect to the remarkable Rabbi Rosenblum, Soulfarm is their own band - not Rabbi Rosenblum's band! Oy vey. They are an amazing rock-country-bluesy, Jewish band with a Mediterranean flair led by Grammy Award-winning guitarist C Lanzbom and Noah Solomon Chase, son of legendary Breslov musician Benzion Solomon and brother of Moshav Band frontman Yehuda Solomon. They have have toured the world, opened for bestselling artists and played at such legendary venues as Carnegie Hall, The Bitter End, and many more. They are a force to be reckoned with in their own right - and in fact, were the main act for the concert on Sunday. How could this photo essay not include them? They played for two hours (Rabbi Rosenblum played for about 45 minutes) and then stayed after to shmooze with kids and give an encouraging word to aspiring young Jewish musicians - before heading onto their next stop in Indiana! Surely Baltimore can do better than this by way of hospitality - they definitely warrant their own mention and photo! Soulfarm rocked the house - when Rabbi Rosenblum joined them onstage it was phenomenal!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Salfer is a name the Star-k uses intown for non cholov yisroel when they dont want to use the star-d hechcher
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The article mentions that the mashgichim, menus, and products being used will all remain the same. But in order to feel comfortable with this change, I need to know who specifically from the OU will be providing the local oversight of the mashgichim. I am sure that the OU has an entire organization in New York, just as the Star-K does in Baltimore. But who is the OU's local representative for providing oversight of a restaurant?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The OU may be nationally recognized, but it is only as strong as its weakest link. So who exactly will be in charge of kashrus at Accents? Why isn't he named? We knoew the Star K is Rabbi Heinermann. Who is the OU in Baltimore?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad for kosher Baltimore as the local OU is NOT on a par with Star-K. Just ask the OU in NY who is their Baltimore OU supervisor? When they finally give out a name-check it out. Then decide if Accents is OK or not.
Both restaurants employ non Jewish workers and the potential for mix ups is there. It is a sad day for Kosher Baltimore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What does it mean "Aside from its move up to the internationally acclaimed kosher supervision of the Orthodox Union" - is that a suggestion that going to the OU is a step up from the Star-K?!?!?! That would be rediculous...there's a reason they're going to the OU and it's not becuase it's a step up...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There was a lot more to the evening. I hope that Baltimore Jewish Life will choose to report details of the whole event.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What changed since last month when a BJLIFE articll announced that Accents decided to make these changes? Was Accents not "accepted" until now by the OU? Does that mean there was no hechsher for the last month?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So why did they change from Star-K to OU? Also if they trust Rabbi Weiss so much why dont they use him for Accents as well? Personlly i still eat in both places but seems kind of weird. Also is Rabbi Salfer retiring?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The picture is so disturbing but what troubles me even more is the young boy smiling from ear to ear during this fracas, passing on their hateful "mesorah" to the next generation, blecch.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He\'s no worse than the reform jews of that era who not only did not support saving Jewish lives, but actually actively tried to sabotage plans of other Jews to convince FDR to intervene.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is most tragic and heartbreaking. However, I am baffled by what the connection might be to Baltimore Jewish life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Eric Dondero is a disgruntled former staffer who was fired for performance issues," -Paul spokesman Jesse Benton
Mr. Dondero, aka Mr. Rittburg, also ran for Congress against his former boss and was trounced.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is nothing in the Hechsher Tzedek movement that overrules kashrus. It simply adds an additional layer to be considered, if one so chooses to consider it, assuring that the people involved in the manufacture and processing of kosher foods have been treated ethically. Kashrus is still the basic standard. A Hechsher Tzedek will not be given unless the food has already been halachically deemed kosher.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I\'m registered to receive local news, not commercial promotions. Please be more careful in classifying your articles.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Every time I visit the Chanukah House for lighting I get a feeling of community unity, if you drive by and laugh at it just keep on driving, your cynicism can stay in the car.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Sheinberg of Toroh Ohr is Only Caeful about milk while in the States. He will definitely eat Breyers yougurt.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HEY! How about have the bakery bake a huge batch for that entire shift of TSA screeners. It would be a good, and funny comeback.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about non chilov Yisreol yogurt?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
\"which makes it unprofitable to make butter from non-kosher milk. (I invite those curious about this aspect to read the highly entertaining responsum of the Shu\'t Melamed LeHo\'il, 2:36:2, on this topic.) For these reasons, even in the days of Chazal one could assume that a gentile would not add milk of non-kosher species when he intends to produce either cheese or butter, and therefore these items were excluded from the prohibition of chalav akum.\"
Based on this reasoning all milk should be good in the U.S. not only is it not profitable if any dairy were to round up every treif animal in a 50 mile radius and milk them the milk produced would be batul b\'shishim ribui if poured into that days production.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Inexcusable.Sidewalks are public property open to Orthodox and Non-Orthodox, Jew and non-Jew. Intolerance is uncivilized--period!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for this article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Awesome! Thank you Avraham and BaltimoreJewishlife.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for a great comment! Here is a qoute, from Wikepedia, based on the work of Stephen Hawkings: \"... the theory of general relativity does suggest a scientific basis for the possibility of backwards time travel in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semiclassical gravity suggest that when quantum effects are incorporated into general relativity, these loopholes may be closed. These semiclassical arguments led Hawking to formulate the chronology protection conjecture, suggesting that the fundamental laws of nature prevent time travel, but physicists cannot come to a definite judgment on the issue without a theory of quantum gravity to join quantum mechanics and general relativity into a completely unified theory.\" Stephen Hawkings suggests that the fact that there are no time travel tourists seem to indicate that travel into past never becomes a reality. Like you said, in all likelyhood, \"it aint gonna happen\", but it sure is fun to imagine all the scenarios and the different paradoxes they would create! And, as I said in the article, it is also interesting to note the way time and light intercorrelate. Have a good shabbos! Rochelle
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My understanding of "Time Travel" is that as u approach the Speed of light, your connection to it would alter. So that if you were in a spaceship appoaching the speed of light, your time would slow relative to people on the earth who are stationary. Thereby a year in a space ship could lapse, but 100 years might pass on the earth. Thus you could go into the relative future, and forever say bye to those who died while the 100 years lapsed. That is my understanding of "relativity". My question is how exactly are you going to go back into the past as stated in the 4th paragraph? I don't believe that is what "The theory of relativity" was about. Time travel is only a forward possibility. And it is only relative to those who are in a different time reference point! It really is not time travel. Further to propel someone in a space ship approaching "light" would require all the energy that has ever been consumed on the planet earth up to this point. It ain't gonna happen. It is not possible and I think "Hashem" wants it that way. Light the mennorah and gaze, Happy Hannukah!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't get the story. If this was true and it got to this point with no teacher or principal getting in touch with one of her parents it would be malpractice.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The creator of Barbie is Jewish, and that has what to do with Chanukah? It's just like the Jewish Times running stories about some Hollywood star because their grandfather was Jewish. If it's a "Chanukah House", then let it be that. Otherwise just call it a conglomeration and collage of everything even remotely related to being Jewish. I laugh every time I drive by it. Why not put some Xmas lights and Santa Claus there too? After all, wasn't JC Jewish, too?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Barbie is Jewish
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just to be clear i don't think its appropriate to claim the new Chanukah house is comedic. If you had ever been to the Cohens you would've known the Barbie was added to their collection about 4 years ago and its connection with Judaism is that the creator of barbie is jewish. so before you claim things have become absurdities which they have not i would recommend getting all your facts straight. i feel that the family that took on this project from the Cohens is a very respectful person because i know how much time and effort goes in to creating such an amazing attraction.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I completely agree with the first commentator. And I am still waiting for Baltimore Jewish Life to endorse him because he is the candidate we should all be supporting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who cares about the wording?!?!?!! We're all used to slang - so OK! But hopefully everyone who read the article can appreciate the huge amount of work that went into coordinating this whole wonderful "Chanukah Car Parade" event!!!! It was wonderful!!! Let's hope that next year we double the amount of cars and the amount of people who came to McKeldin Square to be part of the Chanukah celebration!! And, Margie, you are invited back to write an article - I think you did a great job! And the pictures were wonderful! Chag Sameach! A freilichen Chanukah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How did Zimri and Kozbi defile the Mishkan?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not trying to be a party pooper, but this thing has become an absurdity already. When the Cohen's started it, it was a Jewish themed nice to look at attraction. Now it's comedic. I mean Barbie has what to do with Chanukah exactly?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I may be a little biased, but those were some of the best doughnuts I have ever tasted. They were fresh out of the fryer, coated with chocolate and filled with custard and jelly. Those were the best doughnuts, and I am not even allowed to eat wheat right now.
- Laivi Shor (an unsolicited opinon)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If Mrs. Pensak was indeed speaking of the Jewish neighborhood, to the average reader, one would have a hard time understanding this as we are told the precession went from Bnos to the JfX. If indeed they drove through the Jewish areas to reach the JFX, perhaps a G.P.S. would be in order. In any event, the term "hood" has one meaning only! we can try and justify the term with online slang dictionaries but quite frankly, if I must run for a slang dictionary and make infernces as to location meaning etc. that isn by no means inimitable writing. Don't get me wrong, I have read Mrs. Pensak for many years in various publications and do find a very informative personality. It is for this reason that I was supprised by this style of writing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The online slang dictionary defines hood as: a shortened form of "neighborhood." Often implies a ghetto or urban community. It looks like Mrs. Pensak was referring to our neighborhood in the upper Park Heights section of Baltimore. I suppose not everyone can appreciate her inimitable style of writing. I greatly do. Thanks for another outstanding article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had to reread the article after seeing the comment. The \'hood was referring to the Jewish neighborhood
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How often does an article make you laugh, interesting writer, I would like to hear more. Mgt. M
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is in awfully poor taste to refer to the intial trek of the parade as having traveled through "the hood". How would we react if a march, demonstration, or any other gathering traversed upper Park Heights and referenced it as having passed through "the Shtetl" ( which is far less a pejorative a term than "the hood"). The unfortunate aspect is that as soon as I saw that wording, I didn't bother reading the rest of the article which likely would have been very interesting as I was simply put off.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At the end of the speech Rabbi Kelemen mentioned something about a vaad can you please put up some information about the Vaad so we can know more information?
Thank you for putting this up for us to see.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Just a tad overboard!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I couldn't help shed a tear after reading this article. This is aweinspiring and moving for anyone going through this ordeal or taking care of patients as I do on a daily basis. As a youngster I shared many a weekend with friends in the Park Heights community and remember the closeness of the community. I live in Silver Spring and the community is close but Baltimore has a special flavor of closeness.
Thank you for sharing this crisis time in your life and living through it. Some others in Baltimore were not so fortunate.
I recently discovered that Mrs. Diane Taragin was not successful in her anti-cancer treatment and am very saddened by their loss. I remember her in my youth as a beautiful angelic creature, younger sister to Vivien Lieder now Schecter.
Norma Sandow
Comment by BJLife BJLife
American Jews are rightly worried about where America is today. When the US stands with Israel it exhibits a moral backbone. When it stands against Israel it no longer has a backbone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been saying along that Huntsan is the man, he has the cleanest and most proven background and he is tied to Israel with passion. Finally he is getting a good look.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Another great bracha recipe...loved it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i loved the rice...YUM!!! of the most special recipes i have seen in a tasted AMAZING!!! I would love to see more of Bracha Shor in the immediate future!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
maybe people should not shove themselves onto buses that are so crowded that they have to rub up against one another.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Often people will say, "If you need something, call me." This is usually perceived as an empty offer. When you offer help, be specific: I can drive your carpool; can I help you in your job search?; do you need money to meet your expenses; I can arrange for meals, etc. Even if that particular offer is not what they need, the fact that you are thinking in specifics will imbue a certain level of trust in your sincerity.
However, if you just want to feel good about yourself, say "If you need something call me." Then you will satisfy your conscience and never be disturbed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The family who owned the home on Park Heights ended the Chanukah House when they put their home up for sale, the incredible Yitz Fleishman bought all the decorations and clearly added some of his own to bring the glory of the Chanukah House back to Baltimore. Thanks Yitz, I was their last night and it was awesome!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was lovely last night as Ohr Chadash lit!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe they also had kosher when they koshered the king\\\'s kitchen a couple years back in Achashverosh time. Hmmmmmmm, just saying .....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
did they move the old chanukaha house on parkheights to a new one
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's also become a chillul Hashem. They should create their own private bus lines and then do as they want. Are women to play musical chairs just because the bus line goes through a Chareidi neighborhood?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As they say, "figures lie and liars figure." The poll was weighted heavily with democrats. Just like the reduction in the unemployment rate. They eliminated 2 million jobs off the rolls from a few years ago, and left off all the people who couldn't find jobs even after their unemployment compensation ended. The real unemployment rate is 11.5%, with the under-emploment added in, it's over 18%. But hry, perseption becomes reality in people's minds, true or not!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
only Baltimore Jewish Life would be outside at 12:30 AM last night taking pictures of the Chanukah house so we could enjoy. Shkoiach Jeff.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great event for a great organization! we are truly blessed for having this makon torah in our comunity.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad. Ron rarely discussed the Mid-East or the Israeli-Palestine issue. Many thought he was anti-Israel. He was not. He believed that this was an issue that could not be solved by men alone so therefore why bother wasting time discussing it. (maybe even a frum hashgafa).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Such cute girls in the picture!
- A Proud Father
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I see something wrong with the politicians in this state not figuring out a genuine way to raise revenue or reduce spending that can actually be traced to some accountability. Rather, they'd rather cook the books and balance the budget by nickel and diming their own constituents. Have you looked at your phone bill lately? Special cell phone tax for Baltimore City residents? Extra fees on parking garage owners that get passed on to the users. Extra fees at the DMV for renewing registration or licenses. Hey, if you're gonna charge Marylanders more, why not do it out in the open by raising taxes property, sales, or corporate taxes? Ah, well, that could affect your reelection chances.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"It is provoking the nations to hate us and it brings danger upon Jews not only here but all over the globe." ???
As if the anti-semites needed any reason to hate us! While it is incumbent upon Jews to pray for the welfare of the state and its leaders, Jews cannot be under any obligation to stay silent *in a democracy*.
By the way, Kastner wasn't "found innocent." He brought a libel suit against the person who made the claims against him. He won the suit, but the judge awarded Kastner one shekel, the absolute lowest amount that could be awarded. Read the book "Perfidy" for more information.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
awesome tip!!
Comment by Elana Maister
to Number 4: How do we know what the real costs per child are? The schools never share such information. We parents must assume that full tuition covers the real costs plus the shortfall from families who pay little tuition. The cost shifting issue is not going away. People are getting tired of carrying others. What do the fund raisers do?
Comment by Elana Maister
I think chai life line does a lot for people in newyork and allover i know girls involved
Comment by Elana Maister
1 glaring omission from this article are the red light cameras that DO NOT promote safety at all, and is merely a cash cow for the jurisdiction that it sits in.
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you to the Weinberg Foundation and Associated for continuing to find ways to support our schools. To respond to the first comment, while it may not bring down the tuition price, tuition does not cover the true cost of the education. Further, a large number of families are unable to pay the tuition causing greater stress on our institutions. Kol HaKavod to the Associated for working tirelessly to find ways to keep the doors of our institutions open.
Comment by Elana Maister
Today, NWCP had the opportunity to meet Lt. Lally. He is extremely excited to be working with the NWCP and the community as whole, and we look forward to working with him as well.
Comment by Elana Maister
Until the cost of tuition for full paying families can be reduced all this does is take the fund raisers "off the hook." The tuition fees above what the real cost per child is merely cost shifting from parents who cannot pay their fair share to parents who do pay full tuition. Will this Associated program help these families? Unless it does by reducing the full tuition fees, this is just a fund raiser program and not a day school family project.
Comment by Elana Maister
i guess we can have our car painted while we do our friday shopping
Comment by Elana Maister
Does this mean prices will drop b/c they no longer have to pay rent on 2 buildings?
Comment by Elana Maister
And we wonder why Moshiach hasn't come!!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Do you think he will let us park there to run into Savings Center?
Comment by Elana Maister
The headline reads, Baltimore Are You Ready? But the article does not discuss any possibility of the storm heading our way. Please elaborate further.
Comment by Elana Maister
Rosa Parkowitz
Comment by Elana Maister
I agree, unspectacular, but gelt is gelt and covering both buildings can't be inexpencive and the old store being vacent was Bal Tashcis.
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you Jeff for always posting the shiurim that I can\'t get to so that I can watch them at home!
Boruch leff
Comment by Elana Maister
Correct.Captain Landsman was someone who NWCP worked with on a daily basis, and was always there to assist us with any problems, issues or just to chat. In fact, Capt. Landsman received an award at our NWCP dinner a couple of weeks ago. We wish Capt. Landsman much luck in his new assignment, and look forward to working with Lt. Lally in the future. DC
Comment by Elana Maister
Will the drive-thru to 7mile market remain open from 7mile lane?
Comment by Elana Maister
Thanks for the update. Could you please research where the Monsey Trails bus will now stop?
Comment by Elana Maister
that\\\\\\\'s it. the temple mount is the site of the holy temples of the jews and the arabs went and built right there showing \\\\\\\"who\\\\\\\'s the boss\\\\\\\" this so called historic bridge is 7 years old --- historic ??
israel is here to stay. peace with Israel seems to take second place to hatred
Comment by Elana Maister
Yay!!! More auto repair shops!!! I'm psyched!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Thankyou bjl for always having the scoop!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you for your beautiful letter. As someone with experience in the fields of retail, customer service, and human services, I am often suprised that there are businesses in the Jewish community that are lacking in the area of customer service. For example, secrataries or sales people are often unfriendly or sometimes downright rude. I always remarked to my husband after leaving Subway that they must hire really nice, respectful employees - or at least train them well. I think that Subways really raised the bar for service at Jewish businesses in the community. Thank you for all that you have done for the community!
Comment by Elana Maister
This is not good for our community. Captain Landsman is a great friend of nwcp and someone who you can call personally anytime u need him
Comment by Elana Maister
Its great that people want to invest in the continual Jewish education for children, but what about the JEWISH children that have no school to attend and need assistance from schools that use to exist here, like P\\\'tach/Weinberg/Gift. Where is the help for those children? Where are those schools. Jewish education doesn\\\'t stop at TA, TI, BY, BNOS and ALL the other places that are opening up. We need to help these children as well and that doesn\\\'t mean putting them into these schools with \\\"services\\\". I think the community needs to open their eyes and realize we need this school back!
Comment by Elana Maister
just wanted to tell you Tahdig is a Persian food not Israeli
Comment by Elana Maister
A womans gym and bowling alley sounds good
Comment by Elana Maister
it doesnt seem to bring down the cost of tutiton for parents so i am not sure what this all means.....
Comment by Elana Maister
Rather unspectacular...
Comment by Elana Maister
B'Tselem and Yesh Din are far left organizations, anyone who quotes them as a source of information should be questioned as objective. Writing "Baruch Goldstein, massacred" in this article proves the anti-Israel position.
Comment by Elana Maister
My brother just informed me of this post. I am both humbled and honored to see this public. Humbled because I don't deserve this praise and honored because I can be a catalyst for the greater community, some of whom take for granted, the great opportunities one can achieve by thinking out of the box.Â
Dovid deserves to be honored. We were equally skeptical upon first speaking to Dovid and hearing the words "but I am legally blind". It was obvious from the start that Dovid's perceived challenges were easily overcome by his experience and pure heart driving him to succeed. In fact everyone "joked" that Dovid could prepare produce and fulfill many hats of responsibility. Dovid can do many things better then many people with perfect eyesight. What he lacks in vision he more then makes up for with everything else he brings.Â
When the final decision was made to convert towards the sales opportunities that came to us, it was concern for Dovid that came first to our minds.Â
We wish Dovid all the best and cannot wait to hear about the next opportunity someone will offer him.
Comment by Elana Maister
I had a friend who was a cop. He said you should never signal to oncoming drivers that they are approaching a \"speed trap.\" You never know why the \"speed trap\" has been set up -- it is not always to catch speeders as this article indicates.
Comment by Elana Maister
If this article is true, let them just give warnings to those who check outOK and are going a reasonable speed for a road of that size -- even if they exceeded the speed limit. But no, they won't do that because the real objective is to collect some easy money!
Comment by Elana Maister
congratulations on your new safer May you continue to be a source of pride to your parents Steve and Linda
Comment by Elana Maister
they are called the "dead sea scrolls"....
Comment by Elana Maister
12-16-2011 Mrs. Himelstein's letter is poignant and inspiring. I felt that the Subway was unique and noteworthy for its pleasant atmosphere and the warm and relaxed way Mr. Kozlovsky and his staff treated people, all people. It was clear to me at least, that the ideals and virtues of pleasant ways and courtesy for all people filtered down from the top to all the staff. This was the only place my children would ever want to go to eat when they were in town. This was a precious example of how the teachings of our ancestors shows in our everyday lives. And yes, I enjoyed shmoozing with Reb Dovid when I was there. May Hashem see these virtues in the people who made this experience and promote these ideals and virtues within them so we can all learn from and be influenced to be better people, a better people and a better nation. Sincerely, Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Elana Maister
I see something wrong with fines that are designed for the purpose of raising revenue under the guise of public safety. It is no different than roads that the Police frequently use for speed traps. If everyone is going above the speed limit, the road or the speed limit need to be changed. But I see nothing wrong with fining people who see nothing wrong with others being fined.
Comment by Elana Maister
I'm sure the site supervisor has to weed out the inappropriate rants of our brethren on a constant basis...
Comment by Elana Maister
I see nothing wrong in making traffic regulation violators pay the fines, which in some small way alleviates our tax burden.
Comment by Elana Maister
I would be careful what people write on this website. You never know who reads it and we do not want to cause a chillel hashem!
Comment by Elana Maister
I also wondered why it was in local-who knows-who cares-its a great story (maybe a dealer here will do the same for someone in our community if chas veshalom they would need. But Why wouldnt it be seen in NAtional news. I click on the link that says Read More in every category and i see the myriad stories-i do that for the whole site. they have tons of content out there. if your not clickin ur missin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If they placed this in the National News section, you would not have seen. I think it is a nice story for all to see and I personally would not have read if it was not in the local. Besides, NY is almost local!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A Bizoyon of the Mitzvah of Ner Chanuka
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is the "local" news connection?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm so glad that the Star K is being pro-active with the assault on Jewish law. Unfortunately, many people in the world are very misinformed about our rituals and practices, be it Brit Mila or Kashrut. The only way to combat this is to continue to inform and educate. I applaud the Star K for this effort.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Opening any business is a risk and I congratulate people who are willing to take such a chance in bringing healthy affordable food to the Jewish community, it will be missed. As far as the comment about the "genre of cheap prices, quality, and ambiance", I feel that Umami has a lovely ambiance and Accents has wonderful quality and good prices. Thanks for condemning Dougies before it opens, come on. Of course we would like the Brasserie back but for most it was a "special occasion" restaurant and in this economy that would probably not fly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So nice to see a school include boys and girls, mothers and fathers in their learning program! And if a child has only one parent, s/he can still participate. Mazel tov to Ohr Chadash! Off to a great start!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ari you look great. Yasher Koach.
Love Aunt Sandy and Uncle Gary
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I attended this excellent program!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is a tremendous void for a restaurant in Baltimore that serves great food in a great setting. Subway, Kosher Bite, Dougies, Bistro, Umami, David Chu, Accents, & the Royal are all from the same genre of cheap prices, quality, and ambiance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B\'H Dougies is coming soooon!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! That is desperation!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The best. I'm so impressed with the presentation, your insight and the effectiveness of Imago.
Robert Barnett
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very well done. Keep up the good work.
Larry Katz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their tactics remind me of the MAFIA.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B"H I spent four years in ner yisroel, and when I learnt with an older bocher, they never asked for money, they just expected me to show up (which I did :-) and then when I was the older bocher I only asked for money from people on the outside (dhaynu any younger bocher in yeshiva I didnt charge, but if a parent from in town asked me to learn with their son who was not in yeshiva I would charge - very minimally though) and B"H the mechina is run by two of the best menahalim in the world, which is something I didnt appreciate till I went to Bais medrash out of town.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My opinion is that what happened here is that same that happens to most restaurants that open here - they are succesful so try adding things and then get carried away with it to the point it doesn't work for them. Just stick with one thing that works and don't get greedy. Someday a restaurant in town will understand that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I loved their comedy's and promotions. Their social media was the best by far. No one came close. I enjoyed it every week. I saw on their page that accents and cocoaccinos will be taking them all over. I am very happy to hear that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I found the food very reasonably priced. Don't know what you mean expensive. I loved it and their pricing. It might not have been the right model for everyone but no one left fills their model of value and health. Will miss it greatly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what a shame!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Me too. I heard as much as Harry appreciated all the loyal customers, he had enough with all the illogical business issues involved in running a Kosher Subway in this city. He said the issues in other cities are unique to each city. Subway supported the kosher subway here and allowed for unique items on the menu for Baltimore however he said the unique issues of Baltimore were quite unique and he just said no, enough was enough. Interestingly he said the Rockville J has none of these issues. We appreciated the Kosher Subways efforts and I hope another restaurant in town buys that 1000 degree in a few seconds oven he said Subway uses. If you like subs, there is nothing like a toasted one and no one else does it. Will miss it greatly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Its not sad, almost all of the other \"Kosher Subways\" around the country have closed down, along with all of them in the NYC area (at least 6 in the NYC area). The business model does not work when you have to pay franchise fees, mashgiach salary, kosher certification, and kosher food which does not take into account Subway\'s economies of scale, plus frankly the food was expensive.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is it closing i thought it was doing well i always looked forward to going there for a quick bite to eat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It will be strongly missed! :( I hope duggies will open soon!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thank you to Harry Kozlovsky for a great Subway experience! Yaakov Szajowitz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is sad that we cannot support this Kosher institution. But that is what competition is all about. I'm sad to see this one close.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this here?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very cute
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ain Ode Milvado!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
that video made me feel like I was having some kind of epileptic seizure or something!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mr. Obama is the President. Whether one likes this or not, and whether one would vote for him next time or not, he is due the respect of the leader of our country. Our Rabbis gave respect to the Emperors of Rome. Many of "our Orthodox Jewish friends" are conservative in political thought and do not support him, but we support the office of the President. G-d will protect Israel, however, we still need to support the United States and its leadership and encourage them to continue to also help Israel. This was a kidush HaShem.
- Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, come to Baltimore. There is a great need for a true Carlebach minyan.
I must have met you years ago in Palm Springs. It is good that you are spreading California openness with traditional Judaism/Carlebach joy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow! what an accomplishment. May Bikur Cholim continue to go MaChayil El Chayil helping Klal Yisroel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job, and a great "tour" of good old TA! You guys should definitely put this on you tube!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is nothing wrong with this. Its a kidush Hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Some of us Jews have big egos to point we will sell out our principles to feel like a big shot. What big shots being at that White House. We are our own worst enemy and why President Obama will be back for another 4 years and ohy the price Israel will pay then. Of course our Orthodox Jewish friends will excuse his actions no matter what he says or does. What massive egos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It infuriates me,that anyone would give political cover to this israel hating man.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Newt just lost the far right vote. Far right conservatives are very against pardoning Pollard. Bring up the next anti Romney candidate.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is great stuff! I started keeping time with the mouse watching the video. (Hope I didn't damage it.) Keep playing.
Howard Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wont play- says it is private
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yehuda - All of your groupies at T.A. are so proud of you. You are definitely getting our votes, even if we are not listed in the credits!
S.S. and R.M
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mr. Schachter does get paid. I believe that credit should be focused on volunteers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can u put it on facebook you tube so people can hear the song and vote
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. Nice video! I hope he wins.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dovid Cohen does work really hard for the NWCP but why would he get paid? It's a community group.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why should this surprise anyone? After all the shennanigans Acorn pulled on his behalf and his history of cheating and destroying any oposition in every elected office he's held, this should not shock anyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unbelievably sorry!!! What a riot... Give the wrong man too much power and he will go to no end to step on others. Ask me about it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to say that I only watched the video and was unable to attend the dinner but from what I saw there was no mention of Dovid Cohen who puts his Kishkas into the NWCP and doesn\'t make a penny doing it. I personally can attest that he devotes hours daily and again he gets no salary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is 2011 and "the democracy of the middle east" Israel has segregated buses that are not a relic from days of old but a relatively recent initiative. Hillary Clinton has every right and dare I say duty to call Israel out on this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
terrific, wonderful! keep it up!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
exciting!! great news!!! the Friedmans from Yerushalayim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sure they should meet with her but can you really blame Hillary Clinton. How could she possibly understand the laws of Kol Isha (the prohibition of a man hearing a women sing) and she is totally correct about the segregated bus system being discriminatory. I think she sized up the situation pretty darn well and I am not a huge fan of hers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got gas at Costco this week for $3.08. I also get 2% for my Costco membership and 4%on my Costco / American Express card. The store by White Marsh on Pulaski Hwy. has numerous Kosher products. They have for instance 2 lb bags of Cholev Yisroel shreeded cheese for $8.29 and 3 lb bags of sala under Star K for $2.99. That\'s my $.02.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz was also in attendance. Somebody gave you poor information.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please explain to me why one million dollars a mile for a bike trail for 250 bicyclists a day(estimated) to go the Inner Harbor or zoo is worth my tax dollars?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think she knows all this...she has to be politically correct. She has to join any women's side of gender issues that affects them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks to Agudas Yisroel for standing up for what is right. We all have to be thankful that we have the Aguda and the OU advocating on our behalf.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not sure what "Makes me sick to my stomach!" means. I know some of the rabbis on this list and I am sure it pained them to have to put out such a missive. I am sure they worried about alienating peole. Although it had to be done I am certain the decision to put this out was not taken lightly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The biggest issue in Klal Yisroel today is Gaavah (haughtiness) and the problem is we have applied it to our Yiddishkeit. We have added a FRUM flavor to not having kavod bein adam l'chaveiro, because after all, WE have the more chashuv Posek and YOU are a Choteh if you don't follow MY shitah.
You know it may turn out that Moshiach will turn out, not to be Litvish, Chasiddish, Yekkish or Sfardi. He might show up telling us we ALL have it WRONG.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When a generation is mekabel Chumrahs without the proper consideration and long term perspective, such extremes are the inevitable outcome.
Only when a person has truly assessed that they are doing the actual halacha correctly, and has then consulted a qualified Rav should a person consider embracing a Chumrah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am certain that it was difficult for many of these rabbis to sign on this letter as I am sure they have congregants and perhaps friends and family that are gay, but they had the courage to deliver a statement to the world that certain aspects of the Torah are clear and eternal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I feel bad for whoever's wedding this photo depicts for being associated with this story.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Makes me sick to my stomach!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Gobbie...we're so proud of you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful and well written! Nesanel Gantz is an amazing author.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a sad day for this city.....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Real nice of them to wait until most of the survivors had already died or are in their 80s or 90s. Why couldn't they have done this 30 years ago???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How come only 1 Baltimroe Rabbi ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why do we not ostracize these people? Thye get away with it because their community shelters them. Are they learning all day or are these neerdowells who secretly wish they weren\'t frum? People who act this way are either sick or evil, take your pick, but get them out of society.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It makes sense to have shatnez free clothes. What I can\'t abide is those in Meah Shearim who burn down stores that sell items that they do not approve of. Why do the evil doers thrive and we cower before them?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When good people are silent, we all suffer. Why has the normative frum world bowed to those who won't print a woman's picture in a magazine,etc.
Segregated buses are a scandal and a disgrace and this is not the religion of my forefathers nor of your's.It is religous coercion and imposes practices that turn away normal people from orthodoxy. These people are driving Jews away from Judaism by their rigidity and intolerance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sanity lives!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why the third comment? please, please leave out the sarcasm from this site!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reminds me of another little Israel company who insisted on operating on Shabbos, pushing back against their Rabbinical advisory board. After operating a few months, and seeing an overall loss, they realized that the only advantage to operating on Shabbos was to see that it wasn\\\'t worth it. As soon as they stopped operating on Shabbos, their profits immediately rose.
Oh, and what is the name of that Israeli company? El Al.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel tov Simcha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope that the Talmidai Chachamim in Baltimore that disagree with the above story speak up. Teaching our children crazy ideas like that dinasours never existed only serves to discredit the Torah. These children do grow up at some point, and when they do, the rational thinking ones have no choice but to reject what they were taught as kids...the rejection is not selective. Once any part is discredited, the whole thing loses credibility... There needs to be a revolution in our approach to Torah and science, it\\\'s time to admit what science has confirmed. There was a big bang billions of years ago, and life on our planet evolved. It doesn't have to contradict the Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There were at least 30 trucks around, no joke. BH, no one got hurt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
oh so thats why there were so many fire engines friday night. did they keep you up too
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
O'malley as President? well, he is trying hard to do to Maryland what Obama has done to the country. Cuomo, on the other hand, has been a very responsible Governor in NY. I guess that would give O'malley an upper hand in the democrat primaries.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
12-2-2011 The Torah is alive and full of meaning. Any Jew would be moved to embrace the Torah. But if you are asking about where the destruction of American Jewry is coming from, that is a different story. The destruction of the American Jewish community is coming not from the Reform nor the Conservative nor even the outskirts of the Orthodox. The destruction is coming from the very heart of the Torah community itself. What happens in the heart sends waves of influence throughout our entire people. Yes, all Jews will embrace Torah when given a chance. When the Torah community embraces the authentic Torah, then the rest of our people will embrace the authentic Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great. Way to reject the only legitimate candidate for change. Are Jews really happier with people like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
12-2-2011 Yeah, Mr. Crater is right. Sadly, the answer is that it is simply easier to fabricate an issue than it is to deal with matters of substance. And we wonder why our kids do not buy into the ideals and virtues we did. Truth is an individual quest. Reb Chaim of Brisk eschewed Agudas Yisroel for a good reason. I applaud your comments Mr. Carter.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I\\\'m an American Jew and think it\\\'s brilliant... if it makes American Jews uncomfortable, there is probably a very good reason for that... assimilation affects them too and they see it all too clearly in their own families... but they don\\\'t like this elephant being pointed out
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not a hate crime A mentally challenged soul Who needs help Mr. Green is a poor Jewish male with a long history of mental illness. his serious mental illness are not made public. He needs help and perhaps there is a mental institution where he can get help. This is the second day that the media intentionally or unintentionally misinform people by omitting critical facts from the story.
Unfortunately, now that he has gone ahead and committed crimes and shown himself to be unstable and destructive, he will be in the "system" for significant time. RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In less they are planning on becoming pipe fitters or steam fitters it should probably read \\\"more fit\\\".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everyone can follow my progress and pledge a per sufganiya amount to their favorite charity or cause via the Facebook event page: If one does not have Facebook, they can send me their pledge via e-mail:
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I eagerly await the day that the rabbonim stop focusing on technology as the no.1 isse facing the Jewish people, and focus on more important things. I'm not sure it will happen, though. We need to accept that technology is part of the world and it's here to stay. It can be used in prefectly permissible ways and it's getting ever harder to function without using it on one way or another. The Agudah convention would be more productive if it focused on issues like the tuition costs that are breaking the backs of Jewish families (and causing a lot more marital stress than the Internet, I will add), changing the curriculums in school to keep kids interested in Judaism, and not allowing sexual predators in our community. I'm infinitely saddened that technology continues to be the focus of the rabbonim.
Joel Carter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elie Klein has started his Sufganiya for Tzedaka campaign with a bang! You can pledge to Lema'an Achai in order to increase Elie's bottom line (and waistline)!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great shoutout to Dov O!!!!! what an amazing effort on behlf of all the young kids of B-More. A Huge Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My kids truly enjoy participating! It gives them something to do on a Sunday afternoon! Thank you Dov for organizing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Livni comes from a dying breed of socialist, anti-Jewish zionists. A daughter of a gadol has no business mingling with such anti-Torah, vemon-spewing haters of Judaism. In honor of her father, she should learn from how the Torah is more stringent regarding a bas Cohen than a bas Yisroel due to the honor of a Cohen. Similarly, a bas Gadol b\\\'Torah should be more careful about their behavior.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great program, makes me proud to be a member of Shomrei.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
unfortunately terrorism wins out again - these terrorists masquerading as jews should be jailed and forced to leave the holy land they are desecrating - and of course they should reimburse what financial damage they have caused - hmmmm exactly what the torah would require - these terrorists are NOT jews - i would normally go to mea shearim when i am in the holy land - but these terrorists have ruined it for me - they have caused people to lose business and money - i will make sure to only patronize this bookstore from now on when i am there
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very nice speach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The race was a big mitzvah and lots of fun. I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait until next years race.
Tzvi Frankel a 5th grader at T.A.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would be a tragedy if Cain dropped out based on baseless allegations, and it would be even more tragic if these allegations proved to be true. However, Cain had a great message and would have made a great president. I really hope he stays and is able to disprove his detractors.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Speaking as a parent of some participants in the race, this was a truly beautiful event. A great opportunity to teach our children how to give back to their community without expecting any reward. I am proud that my children were excited to be joining in this, and I look forward to next year's event, B'ezras Hashem! I hope we will see many more participants next year!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-28-2011 I deals and virtues. I deals and virtues. A Rabbi is more than a mere manager. A Rabbi is and brings out in us the highest and deepest feelings of our ideals and virtues. Loyalty and compliance are a result of that connection. A Rabbi leads not so much by what he pronounces but by what he is. Today, that translates to not only listening but also watching. And thinking. When the Rabbis of today follow Daas Torah then the people will follow Daas Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A sad end to a very entertaining guy. Did not always agree with him, but he was engaging. He avoided discussion of the Israeli-Arab issues because he said, they were impossible to resolve so why waste time talking about them. He maybe right.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Houston has gained one amazing author. Lucky us! Rochelle, Beautiful. We can't wait to see more of your work!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
OR....... would give Pinny MORE Parnassa by providing him(and others who do that sort of repair) with many more sefarim to repair!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While this is a nice idea, Pinny Hexter is great and reasonable and it would seem that this initiative could be hasagat gevul (infringement of boundaries) and cause a loss of parnassa to a valuable member of our community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pinny Hexter is great!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chasdei Hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and here i always thought that the chasidim only ate cholov yisroel which i believe haagen dazs is not
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congratulations. A great Rabbi for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very funny, yet so true. I could imagine people actually saying those things.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to see our local Rabbis speak about this to the community. Our voices need to be heard in Annapolis. Where is the Associated on this as well? Our community needs to be heard loud and clear. WE SUPPORT MARRIAGE BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN ONLY. Silence is acquiesce.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
OMG. If we keep taking mitzvos away from people to make their lives easier, when they need to do it they won't know how. Stop trying to make life easier and allow people to do what they need to. ALLOW THEM TO DO THE MITZVAH THEMSELVES. To the person who posted putting Heksher on clothing, have strength and make sure you do the right thing. Hashem didn't put these restriction on people for others to do their job.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pretty sure that unless a full lobotomy has been performed a person can figure out if an item of clothing is "totally tznius" without rabbinic certification.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why not use Rabbi Meyer Birnbaum`s work to say the first B`racha
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree Pinny is the best and really cheap too. He does it as a major chesed to many shuls.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
you forget to mention one thing. Israelis and Jews are not allowed to ride "Palestinian" busses into Area A either. If a Jew goes into area A (Bethlehem, Jricho, Shchem, etc) either via bus or Private car they are immediately arrested. So where's our equal rights to Palestinian areas?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this attorney is also involved in the werdesheim case. funny how he always brings in the race card. guess he's not good enough to just practice law.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
call pinny hexter; he is the best sefer binder!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wish they'd put a heksher on clothing that's totally tznius (i.e. no slits, no plunging necklines, no super sheer fabric, etc.)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It was truly an inspiring event. A Yasher Koach to Mike and Layne Lowenstein, the Rabbanim who enlightened everyone with stories and to the musicians who performed at their own expense for a great cause. May the Achdus shown here in Baltimore be a Zechus for our entire community!-Dr. Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"The concept of time during this period may have been different than our concept of time. Our way of measuring time began with the Shabbos on the seventh day. However, this in no way changes the literal reading of the Torah that the Creation lasted six days.\" This makes no sense. If the concept of time was different at the Creation, then by definition the "six days" are not literal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think he is a Musmach of Yeshivas Shem V'ever. What difference does it make to you where he learned? He is spreading Torah to people who have not had so many opportunities. If you read his bio you would find your answer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beware of these people. They are supposedly in the States now. Our state should not become a sponsor of terrorism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The story about Rav Soloveitchik tells us that this was his opinion at that time regarding this particular issue (whether a bris should be postponed).
Given that Rav Soloveitchik himself would be the first to recognize that other poskim are free to disagree with him -- which they do in this case -- how does one extrapolate from this story (as Rav Meiselman does) that no other opinions about Torah/Science are valid?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is a shame that they use the term orthodox in describing these terrorists - why can\'t they just call them extremist ultra terrorist group - they do not even come close to resembling orthodox judaism - hopefully nobody will mistake them for torah jews - they terrorize therefore they are terrorists
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For an in depth anaylysis and point-counterpoint to this article read Rabbi Natan Slifikin's response on his blog Rationalist Judaism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, she wears close to nothing... she may still not travel on Shabbat and eat kosher food, which are the only requirements.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree with commenter 11-24-2011. There are other reasons to question R. M.'s credentials.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job,reb eliezer
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is truly a beautiful article. Thank you from a grateful talmid.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Love it! How come we don't do this in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Now I know Moshiach is coming. Seriously. When the Amish turn against each other . . . and arm themselves . . . Geeeez.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Adam is a Jewish hero.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-24-2011 The point of the Torah is not teach us how nature behaves but rather to teach us how we should behave. No Rabbi has the academic credentials to discuss science. And it only makes the Torah look as foolish and desperate as they are. Look to the Torah for lessons about how we should be as people and you will find what you need to know. Let the Torah be what it is meant to be for us and let the scientists be scientists.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was in the ER a couple of times and I could have used some good humor. I would invite Shmop in a heartbeat to entertain. I bet the recovery time would be much less! Great job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-24-2011 The truth about these people, our people, is not found in what they (we) deny ourselves. The truth about these (our) people can be found in what they (we) permit ourselves. Like the proverbial pig who openly displays its Kosher feet, overt and exaggerated piety veils profound depravity. Observe the behavior of the members of this 'pietocracy' in matters of money, charity, marriage and learning (academics) and you will see their true face. They are the miserable result of the wretched teachings of their ancestors. I curse myself for coming from such putrid origins.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is meister's religion relevant at all????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Oberstein has a good point, not just as it applies to the bus issue, but more generally within our (non-Chassidic) communities as well, with some of these new innovations. The female picture ban is merely symptomatic of a tendency to always have to accommodate the frummest common denominator in the interest of âsensitivityâ. This trend is certainly problematic when it ignores precedents in our communities that were and are still fully acceptable according to normative Halacha. In most of these matters, itâs not about correcting shortcomings in Halachic observance of previous generations. Rather, it is about chasing the shadows of others and subsequently trying to put out a façade of being holier than thou. Obviously, few are bothered by imposing new standards on everyone else, because this is seen as an "improvement".
While the rhetoric of more liberal elements is either over-the-top or imprecise on some of these issues, similar resistance made by normal frum people (without a liberal agenda), can probably be expressed in a sharper and more compelling way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lo Sechonaim
Comment by M Edinger
Great illustration of what NOT to do! Thanks!!
Comment by M Edinger
What a disgrace - people nebach are sick and this makes a complete laitzanus of such a situation. I understand this is meant as a lesson of what not to do, but there is a way to teach that without joking about illness and death as this mockery video does.
Comment by M Edinger
What a kiddush Hashem!! Kvell!!
Comment by M Edinger
On KristallNacht, Dr. Bondi spoke about Rav Breuer\'s being rescued from a lineup of yidden by a policeman who had been the guard outside the shul. The guard was fond of Rav Breuer since the latter had bought the guard a box of cigars every year for his holiday.
Comment by M Edinger
sad that because of one weak link the entire idf is now subject to this issue...
Comment by M Edinger
reminded me a bit of lebowski - great.
Comment by M Edinger
That was really funny! Thanks :)
Comment by M Edinger
i would be interested in hearing how many of our community agree with the \"reisha\" or the \"seifa\". Obviously, the clever writers who justify the actions of the Chassidim have made a passionate case. Does that take away from the equally passionate and sincere feeling that in the 21st century, we cannot relagate women to the back of the bus, in many ways besides sitting in the back of the bus. Their refusal to print a female\'s picture, even an old lady, even a deceased person like Sarah Schnirrer is becoming more and more the norm even outside of Chassidic circles. How many of us reallly believe in our hearts that this is true
\"men told her to move to the back, according to the paper. She asked why she had to move, at which point a man reportedly told her, âIf G-d makes a rule, you donât ask âWhy make the rule?ââ is this truly Torah MiSinai or the peculiar practices of a sub group within our community being imposed on the broader community more and more each day?
As a native of Montgomery who lived in that era, I don\'t think we can justify this behavior in the cloak of civil rights. It isn\'t right to treat women as less than equal human beings in the public sphere.
Comment by M Edinger
oy vey!this had me cracking up! thanks for the lessons you taught us today...
Comment by M Edinger
My illness has been long and slow, and the course is predicted to be rough. There are times when I don't know how I will stay the course. However, whenever it all seems too hard for me to manage, all I need to do is look around and an \"angel\" from Gevuras Yarden is helping to lift me up. One minute my body may feel too heavy to manage and my feet may seem unable to help carry me forward for the steps ahead, but then I look up: angels from Gevuras Yarden are helping me glide with unexpected ease to whatever place comes next.
Please excuse this wordy metaphor, but I often falter when it comes to trying to describe how deeply the kind words, thoughtful acts, and steady and gentle presence of all of Gevuras Yarden touch me day after day, week after week, and year after year. It amazes me that they haven\'t given up on me! Even if I will spend Shabbos mostly alone, mostly in bed, and mostly uncomfortable, their Shabbos calls and treats leave me feeling rich and peaceful and part of a world that I love.
No other organization comes close.
Also, most organizations have abandoned me in this tough financial climate, so it amazes me extra that despite my long and demanding illness, they remain with me to the finish.
This comes with great gratitude to the blessing of Gevuras Yarden and all who work to make it possible.
Deep gratitude to all of you who do what you can to help them stay whole and healthy and one of the great riches of Jewish Baltimore!
Comment by M Edinger
I think this is the best video out there. I love this city probably more than the preceding commenter. Congratulations to all of the runners and the Jewish Caring Network on a race well run!
Comment by M Edinger
Only in Baltimore can a Rabbi get away with racing in \"grey\" sweatpants. And not black. Three cheers for Rabbi Hauer and all the runners. I love this city
Comment by M Edinger
Who cares what he says. We have enough losers and fakers running for president now. Lets focus on the 1 or 2 real candidates in the race, we don't need any more phonies, if anything we need more real and substantive candidates. Also he is past the deadline to vote in the Republican primary and running as an independent would just hurt the republicans
Comment by M Edinger
It is terrible to compare the two. Pollard is a convicted and guilty Criminal. He is being held for his crimes through a fair and just legal system. Shame on anyone who compares them.
Comment by M Edinger
Very beautiful
Comment by M Edinger
I hope vice-President Biden will look into the case for Pollard remain in jail until he either a) petitions for parole - which he has been eligible for since 1995, but not done or; b) reaches his mandatory release date of November 2015.
Jonathan Pollard was not jailed for spying for Israel - he was jailed for stealing tens of thousands of pages of classified documents and selling them for profit. He broke his plea bargain deal three weeks before sentencing. In order to petition for parole he would have to show remorse, not grandstand about how he has been some kind of political prisoner. Pollard did the crime - let Pollard do the time.
Comment by M Edinger
It is great to see that the OU is taking a leadership role in helping shuls and day schools. Come on, Baltimore. Let's submit some creative ideas!
Comment by M Edinger
Excellent article! Jonathan Pollard has been eligible for parole since 1995. Why has he not applied? Because to apply he must show remorse for his crime. What was his crime? Not spying for Israel; his crime was to steal tens of thousands of pages of highly classified documents and sell them. To Israel? Yes, but also to various countries, including Australia!! He will be out of jail in four years. He did the crime - let him do the time.
Comment by M Edinger
I elect Shomrei. What shul is in more need of, "Objective is to meet shuls challenge of promoting long-term financial stability." Of course $5000 is going to go very far to help Shomrei today :)
Comment by M Edinger
You bring up an excellent point about children/family. When things are chaotic many people decide to cry, shout or laugh. I think laughing is more gentle and kinder. IY"H In my next article, I will discuss how to use laughter in marriage and with children (one needs to be cautious how they use laughter). Thank you, Elisheva Rabinowitz
Comment by M Edinger
Isn't Joseph Zablocki an Orthodox Jew? I guess lawyer really are desperate for clients these days.
Comment by M Edinger
Mazel Tov! May she be a role model for all Frum girls.
Comment by M Edinger
Yichus is just a bunch of zeros. What matters is if you can put a one on the end of it. --Source Unknown
Comment by M Edinger
Very nice to see a picture of the new Rabbi with Rabbi Hopfer. It is nice to see the 2 Rabbis from across town together.
His bio is here
Comment by M Edinger
I definitely agree! Laughter is the best medicine, when things are not exactly normal and my children are acting in a chaotic fashion, I have two choices,You could break down in cry or you could laugh a little. This really makes it so much kinder to the body.
Comment by M Edinger
Where did he learn ?
Comment by M Edinger
Sounds wonderful - wish I had been there.
Comment by M Edinger
I appreciate your attempt at lightening the situation by posting a cartoon of the perpetually confused Homer Simpson at the controls of a nuclear power plant. However, the article highlights a very real threat to our national and personal health and safety. Please show a little sensitivity to the issue.
Comment by M Edinger
The author states \"It is common knowledge that the root of racism, bias and intolerance is ignorance and fear.\" Yes, this is what I have learned and believe too. Unfortunately, ignorance and fear are also the tools of evil regimes, the tools being used by big government in Islamic countries. Ignorance and fear are bred systematically in their schools, in their culture, by their media -- their citizens are bombarded daily with this. Calls for death to Israel, Jews and America are the result of the ignorance and fear that is systematically bred amongst them. In this topsy turvy world, if we utter so much as a word against this culture of ignorance and fear we are called \"Islamophobic\". Sorry, I could not sit back and \"forgive\"....We as humans have a responsibility to others and to not exercise that responsibility is a crime.
Comment by M Edinger
You could be right about that. But it doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Let's hope R' Sadwin and his allies can come up with a way to get boast done without having to compromise on ssm. Hatzlacha!
Comment by M Edinger
Seems like a very easy solution. Just tell Rabbi Heinemann, shlit\"a. not to give these men his approval papers, because 99.9% of the frum community in Baltimore will not give a dime without them.
Comment by M Edinger
O'Mally is trying to pull a quid pro quo with our community. We let him pass his SSM bill and he will pass school choice legislation. Not that I'm against that deal but our community should just be aware of it. Mordy G.
Comment by M Edinger
Even those trucking companies that have good safety records are hazardous to have on our highways. Trucks are so much larger and heavier than the cars with whom they share the roads, and the drivers are often tired because of the long hours they put in. It would be so much safer (and better for the environment) to go back to delivering goods by rail.
Comment by M Edinger
11-18-2011 The last comment is is a good example of 'HaKol Kol Eisav V'Hayodayim Y'dei Yaakov'. The writer of the comment is adopting the affectation of an outraged individual who admires HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the memory of whose righteousness is a blessing. In fact, he stands for the opposite. He has publicly and sardonically criticized some individual who he does not know. That person will not only be personally hurt but may suffer professionally. Thus, the commentator has damaged an individual whom he does not know and who will never know who he is. So, the preferred practice of Tzedaka and Chesed has now been employed to distribute, not kindness but rather its reverse, cruelty. Thus the commentator stands for the very converse of what our beloved Teacher was. Consider this, which one of the issues would the departed have cared about, the incorrect copy or the heartless attack on a nameless and faceless individual. May the memory of our Teacher and the ideals and virtues he stood for be blessed.
Comment by M Edinger
The third paragraph says the school needs 3.8 billion in renovations, wow that\\\'s going to be some rehab. Those numbers sound more like how the feds spend!!! Proof read your stuff. LOL
Comment by M Edinger
Why is Baltimore Jewish Life posting an article with a curse word in it?
Comment by M Edinger
clearly the comment above is coming from a person who has never had to work retail. I work for the gov\\\'t but for years worked for companies who were retail businesses. The employees are the heart of the business and need time to relax too. I think this decision is the worst ever.....nothing is sacred anymore most of all time with family. You are asking people to choose between their family and their livelihood. What would you do....obviously you are not standing in their shoes!
Comment by M Edinger
The MVA has posted a notice that e-mails about renewal notices not being sent are FALSE.
Comment by M Edinger
I remember Rav Dovid, zecher tzadik librocho, telling us that in Brisk they didn\'t talk about the great Torah learning of the Brisker Rav, Rav Chaim, but about the incredible chesed and ahavas yisroel he exuded. Knowing a lot is only one part of the equation, a real godol is an exemplar of what an odom hasholeim is , a complete human being.
I honestlyl think that coming in contact with these unique people is a life enhancing experience. It reminds me of the story of Reb leibele Eiger, the chassidic grandson of Rav Akiva Eiger. His father ridiculed him for going to spend time with the Kotzker. What did you learn in Kotkz, he answered \"I learned that there is a G-d in the world\". His father who was anti Chassidic laughed at him and called in the housekeeper, and asked her if she believed in G-d and she answered \"of course\". Reb Leibele retorted. \"She says it but I know it.\"
If you have a relationship , even a short one , with such a person as Rav Nosson Tzvi, you see Hashem in this world. It\'s not belief, it is real. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by M Edinger
Once again, where is someone who can type coherently? The acronym for "zecher Tzadik l'vracha" is "Ztz"l", not ZATAL! Is anyone there awake?
Comment by M Edinger
Ill just send my bill to all the big chachomim who put srb signs on their front lawns
Comment by M Edinger
Target should not budge, they need the business so that they can employ these people who are doing all of the complaining, with this kind of economy there is no room for this type of stand, if you have a job and are required to be there just shut up or quit.
Comment by M Edinger
build baby build
Comment by M Edinger
Another example of incremental tax increases. This will only cost the city jobs.
Comment by M Edinger
just goes to show what the left-wing radicals are all about. All this with our community organizer-in-cheifs approval and encouragement.
Comment by M Edinger
Yay Rabbi Sadwin!!!
Comment by M Edinger
Rav Shteinman's name is Aharon Yehuda Leib. Not Aryeh. R' Beinish was not the Rosh Yeshiva when R' Noson Tzvi was married. That only happened later.
Comment by M Edinger
around 11:30
Comment by M Edinger
Today, 11-14-11, at 11:34am.
Comment by M Edinger
Today 11-14-11 at 10:35am
Comment by M Edinger
When did this happen?
Comment by M Edinger
Disgusting. These Haredim - using violence to protect their \"piety\" - they are the ones who blaspheme Hashem\'s name. Violence against women and against those who protect women is never acceptable. Harassing other Jews is not merely putting up a fence - it\'s abuse and a violation of Torah. Their behavior is shameful.
Comment by M Edinger
You are both an absolute inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing your story. May HKB\"H continue to give you the strength and health to do such things together for yourselves and Klall Yisroel. Malka Barron
Comment by M Edinger
Glad to hear other hashgachos aren't afraid to come to baltimore now
Comment by M Edinger
Raising doubts regarding the reliability of a hechsher without reliable information constitutes speaking loshon hora. Shame on all of you.
Comment by M Edinger
Kudos to Chedva Rose for organizing an outstanding event!
Comment by M Edinger
There is absolutly nothing wrong with what he said. Everyone starts at zero make your case for funding then wwe will give. Israel should do the same I have no doubt that Israel would get MORE funding this way. Egypt, Iran, Afgahnistan, and (Palestine)would then get zero then there is more aid to Israel.
Comment by M Edinger
Romney said he agrees with Perry that aid to Israel should also start at zero. Romney and Perry lost my vote. Its down to Ginrich and Huntsman.
Comment by M Edinger
finally, some good news!
Comment by M Edinger
Shame on you for comparing Pollard to Shalit. Pollard is a convicted criminal who is guilty. Shalit is a soldier protecting Israel. Shame on you Hoffman. I couldn't even read past the first few paragraphs.
Comment by M Edinger
Hello everyone, I am poster#1 back for an update. I actually regret my original post it was impulsive for sure. I certainly realize that our experience was not everyone's experience and am thrilled for Moshe A. that he was so happy and successful in Ner. Look I realize the school that my son wound up in was not for everyone also, my son was happy there while many other's took their children out for various reasons. My claims were not false but probably did not need to be aired in this forum and perhaps my experience and perceptions are unique. I will remain anonymous however to protect my son from embarrasament and wish you all a shabbat shalom.
Comment by M Edinger
Buying him Pizza is not enough. Its like investing in a stock for 1.39. You put up something more serious and your investment in Torah will pay-off. Why do people spend thousands on entertainment but when it comes to Torah they wont put their money where there mouth is.
Comment by M Edinger
To the first commenter (BJL perhaps you should # the comments), you write "My son spent two years wandering around the beis medrash during night seder because no older boys in H.S. or Beis Medrash would volunteer to learn with a younger boy unless they were paid."
I take great exception to that comment and here is why. (BTW, to the commenter who has a taina on BJL for posting that comment anonymously I don't think that's fair . This person is free to express their experiences anonymously even if they may have been misperceived; they are probably embarrassed. I'm happy that BJL offers this forum and is very careful with what they post and what they allow to be posted.) As far as it being negative, I am glad they posted it because this person and probably ohthers need to know what Ner is really all about.
My son and I attended the Mechinah at Ner and you will not find a more caring institution than the way they care for each boy and their learning. Rabbi tendler(may he have a Refuah shalimah) and Rabbi Cook are master mechanchim and menahelim and their 24 x 7 has been proven time in and time out. There is absolutely no such thing as not finding a bachur to learn with another because of money. That concept does not exist in the halls of Ner Yisrael. from Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi cook all the way through the Bais Medrash Ner cares about one thing and one thing only-a boy's limud HaTorah on the highest level of whihc they are capable. They nurture each boy bringing out the best middos and the finest learning of which that child is capable.
I know this for a fact because my learning was weak and my parents could not afford anything extra. I remember my father telling me about a meeting he had with rabbi Cook and how he was so amazed as to the response he got when it came to finding a chavrusa for me. Money never came up-NEVER! and i got a top-notch bachur to learn with me.
My parents did take the chavrusa out for pizza to show their hakras hatov and he was very appreciative and i know for a fact he did not get a penny, he did it because it was the right thing to do.
My son who used to be in the Mechinah knew how to learn very well. When a certain boy who came from a day school to learn in Ner needed a cahvrusa my son was asked by Rabbi Cook to learn with him. Money never, ever came in to the equation.
So, the long and the short of it is that if your son wandered around the Bais Medrash it had nothing to do with money and no, the situation has not improved because it was great to begin with and needed no improvement .
I hope by now you are shepping nachas from your son
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is mamesh beautiful
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow everyone chill the first person wasnt beimg negative or hating he was just pointimg out a problem that persons son personally had... No need to attack him, and also just bc it didmt happen to your child doesnt mean it didnt happen to this persons child
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He enriched each person he met with his smile and sincere demeanor and politeness.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
<i>But, we do not know the reason they changed. Why don\'t we know?</i>
Why should we? On the outside, all anyone needs to know is that they\'re under a reliable hashgacha. If individuals are makpid on those areas where the OU and Star-K disagree, then they\'d want to find out whether Accents is changing its operations. Otherwise, it\'s not really anyone\'s concern.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a shame that a person could make such a terrible and most likely false claim like the 1st commentator did and not back it up with his name. It is also a shame that this website would post such a highly critical comment anonymously. In keeping with the tradition of this site. Yours truly, Anonymous.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I spent 10 years at Ner Israel between Mechina and Yeshiva. The vast majority of bachurim who learn with younger ones do so for no compensation. And the rebbeim would always make serious efforts to make sure everyone had a chavrusa.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hmmm, thought yeshiva came with "chavrusa's included", at least it did back in my day.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You can hire a bochur for a couple of bucks. For Torah you have to shell out some money. Its well worth the investment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great man who left over a beautiful legacy and a wonderful family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
But, we do not know the reason they changed. Why don't we know?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Star K and OU are both reliable businesses that provide the service of kosher food supervision. It is well with in Accents right to use any reliable organization they see fit. Since they opened,they have provided fresh,delicious, and innovative kosher food, and I hope they continue for many years. We don't ask Seven Mile or any other restaurant,why they change specific brands, and this is no different. I'm sure they made the change because they felt it was a sound business decision.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, they have an obligation to inform the public the reason for the change. Otherwise the rumors will grow and grow and business will be lost.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great program, and a wonderful way for the older boys to learn how to share their learning, I just wish this organized and inclusive attitude would continue into 9th and 10th grades at Ner. My son spent two years wandering around the beis medrash during night seder because no older boys in H.S. or Beis Medrash would volunteer to learn with a younger boy unless they were paid. While the administration was sympathetic, they were not very helpful. I hope this situation has changed for the better in recent years
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Accents has only got better over the years it has been in business. It looks like they have made another good decision which will prove their dedication to their customers needs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the Franks have every right to run thier business as they see fit. I am proud of the Franks for being upstanding members of our community,and for being respectful of the Star K. It is frankly none of our business as to why they changed. I am thankful we in Baltimore have a such an excellent restaurant under a very reliable Hashkacha.Being in the food buisness is extremely difficult and demanding,
and we the public have no right to make it more difficult.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Iâm not part of the Kosher community but it appears as though there is a pattern erupting. Is Accents not one of a few operations to leave the Star K and move to the OU. Our Jewish hospital (Sinai & Levendale) and nursing home are not even under the Star K anymore. To me that is a sign there must be some kind of problem. Personally Accents has great food and they seem to be good people.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why does it have to be either a financial decision or kashrus issues. Kosher supervision is provided by people( not computers) , and when there are people involved there are relationships and personality. Some times change is good No need nor would it be right for accents to reveal their reasoning.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No explanation required, the Franks have served our community well offering great food at high level of kashrus that I am sure will continue. Ate there last night and not only enjoyed the food but the service was excellent,, lets continue to support our local restaurants, if we don't they will surely fade away. Donna Wach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are certain people in our neighborhood who have nothing better to do with their lives than call the authorities for violations and infringements. These people prowl the streets anxiously looking to get someone else in trouble, it is their greatest pleasure. Many years ago, I got a citation from the Baltimore Housing Authority because the paint on my chimny was peeling. I called and asked why this was so important to the HOUSING authority and the man said that when they get a complaint they have to investigate. I painted the chimny .We all need to get involved in our neighborhood association so that those who delight in bringing pain to others will not win. They resent our presence and our way of life and want to drive us out of the neighborhood. We are the majority but look how one bitter person could get manypeople fined for nothing, just because she resents orthodox Jews. Many of the worst are Jews themselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How beautiful! I was crying as I read it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the first two comments and it would be great if you could put this article in the local news section so that more people could see it and learn some of the great lessons expressed in this article.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
generally, ou is more expensive than the star-k.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The business owners wall of silence allows everyone "to fill in the blamks". Why not come forth with a valid reason for the switch?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Accents needs to say why they switched.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful article, thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This a great article and a really great lesson for all of us to be koveah itim. Thank you baltimorejewishlife for posting this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great piece! Thanks for posting!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would we assume that this is a hashgacha issue and not purely a business issue. It is a very difficult economy right now, and businesses are allowed to shop around to get the most for their money. Hashgacha is a competetive business, and right now with the way the economy is going, I believe that all local businesses need to control their spending in any way they can to be able to stay afloat. If outside Hashgacha organizations are more cost effective, more power to them. Maybe the Star-K needs to rethink their prices and policies.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think this is great. Rabbi Weiss is an honorable man with lots of experience and the OU is the largest hashgachah in the world. Hatzlachah to the owners of both restaurants.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Published: Saturday, February 9, 2002
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The technicalities of the shechita debate are complex but the bottom line is simple, and that is that animal welfarists and anti shechita politicians approach shechita from the point of view that "Jews keep this outdated and cruel method of animal slaughter without regard to the modern and welfare-friendly advances in the slaughtering industry". This is the old blood libel against the Jews in a new form and an attempt to attack Jews worldwide whilst appearing to hold the moral high-ground under the guise of "animal welfare". There can be no other reason than anti-Semitism since the anti shechita bloc rely on inconclusive and faulty "science" to show that shechita causes unnecessary pain and suffering, while at the same time they willfully ignore the abundance of scientific evidence which clearly shows that shechita conforms with all the principles of humaneness and animal welfare.
As for the arguments about shechita munachas versus meumedes, although the kashrus of the one over the other is an important factor, the main point is that to make consessions to the non-Jewish authorities on THEIR perception of animal welfare is to open the flood gates to all manner of compromises which denegrate the "kovod" of Torah Hakedosho. These compromises chip away at the practice of shechita which is clearly "Ka'asher Tzivisicho". That principle, and only that principle, should be the guiding factor in any debate about shechita. Anything other than this allows our detractors to make unwelcome inroads into our Divinely ordained and humane method of shechita. True that there are some who have the appearance of supporting shechita but this support can change to outright hostility if the circumstances concerning "new developments" in animal welfare demand reviewing how a "concerned" public views the new principles of animal wefare.
Chanoch Kesselman
London UK
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
even regular black hats are made of rabbit fur
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Must be a bunch of Litvaks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Best. Story. Ever.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The issue isn't cocoacinos but Accents. I AM VERY disappointed to see ACCENTS leave the Star K. This opens up all kinds of speculation. They should answer as to whether this was financially based decision or an issue. Baltimore holds to the highest standards of which the Star K is most valued in Baltimore. One may disagree with that and that is fine but when one moves away from the Star K the public who respects it, needs to know why? Rumors are not good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Byron S. I have no idea what you are saying. Can you restate your view in regular English?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Cocoaccinos was never under the star k.
It was under rabbi salfer. So its moving from one rabbi to another.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can u write that? Does that make u happy that our local vaad loses business? Would u like it if I joyed in your lose of business.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Here is a thought for those who seek to exclude people suffering from depression, or who dismiss people suffering from depression or who even ridicule those suffering from depression: If you assert someone is depressed, will you be Mevaker Choleh? Everyone should ask yourselves, of the people you personally have labeled as depressed, were you Mevaker Choleh? How many suffering from this disorder are abandoned and left to dwell in solitude. This is not a fashionable sort of condition that people rally to those afflicted. So ask yourself - have you been Mevaker Choleh - has anybody. And the ask yourself - if not me - then who? And if not now? then when?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The pot calling the kettle black - no? This is classic orthodox blindness. They will not even know what hit them, when it comes.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
This is an example of the flame burning brightest before it goes out for good. We started back in the day with the ideals of Torah. And today we are coasting on the price of the Torah. Where we once had Rabbis we now have business men dressed as Rabbis. We have incorporated our Jewish institutions and used the Torah into a commodity. This is not success. This is the end. The end arising not from the fringe's of the observant but from the very heart of the pious themselves. And the meek shall inherit the earth.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
You are indeed correct. That is an unimaginably huge z'chus that we all shared...and will cherish forever and ever.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
11-8-2011 The passing of Tzadikim, like Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, is a time for Teshuva. Teshuva is an awakening. Who are our contemporary kings - the Rabbi's. A king is a man who stands for our highest ideals and virtues - a man who is the lesson of what an ideal man is supposed to be. And so the king arouses a deep identity and affinity within his people who rally around him in their seeing in him what they hold in their very hearts. A king amongst the Jews is the lesson of what we are as a people and what we stand for. When one of them passes it is a time for us to sequester ourselves and think deeply and dig within to find the very heart of what we believe we are and to see how he stood for us. The sign that we have reached this is when we are moved to tears over his loss since loosing him is to loose the reflection of ourselves, the ourselves we hold most near and dear. This is personal. And if we do not feel it, then we need to dig deep within our hearts to remind ourselves what we are until we see just how personal this is. May Hashem open our hearts and reawaken our feelings for what we are , our ideals our virtues our identity and ultimately our destiny. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Baruch Dayin HaEmes. We as a community were very fortunate to see him during his last USA visit this past July.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
This should be mechazek Rabbi Slifkin
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why? Don't the customers deserve an honest answer to these changes? Absent any logical business reason, we will jump to a conclusion that this is a lowering of Kashrus standards.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
star k= not happy.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why? The public deserves an answer. Was this a pure business decision based Star-Ks milchig requirements? Why not the OU for both? Not a good sign. Rabbi Weiss is NOT the OU, not the Star-K or Kof-K. I'm sorry to read of this development.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I would like to thank Rabbi Gordimer for informing me about the existence of International Rabbinic Fellowship (IRF) and so on. I have been looking for this type of Rabbi for my whole life. Seems like a breath of fresh air after being in the "traditional" frum yeshiva world.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
âYou mean that we can just do away with Halacha because we are not comfortable with it?â
Rabbi Gordimer of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America does not really answer the question with any facts. His response is the "Avraham wore a yarmulka" argument. Not even balhabatish. Not even vibish. Definitely not yeshivish. All Rabbi seems to say is "oh how bad that some people wish to daven differently than I..."
Does Rabbi say "av harachamim" when bentching rosh chodesh? Well, I do. Wanna fight about that? (fallaciously)
Seriously, Rabbi should worry that 90% of Jews in America don't say anything at all.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I hope as Rabbi Weiss gives his hechsher to more and more establishments that he hires more employees and mashgiachs so as to keep up his hechshers integrity and trust. It would also do good if he does indeed hire more employees that he announce it to the community.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I wish the government would repent and reform as much as Jack has.Looking forward to reading the the after Crusty.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Would Rabbi A. Kotler approve of what has happened to Lakewood and his vision of Kollel being Gadlis Batorah- Producing Torah Giants? Are we doing that today? Yes, we have quantity in kollel today, but do we have quality? If so-where are they?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
As her brother-in-law, although I cannot adequately describe what very special person, Esther OB"M was. Although I am sure that the loss to Bais Yaakov and the entire Orthodox Baltmore community is great, it is very difficult to put into words the loss to us, members of her family. Besides being a wise advisor she was a shining light to our entire family. We are still walking around dazed about this tremendous Aveidah. I always expect the telephone to ring and to hear her sweet voice. The many blatt gemorrahs that she allowed, her husband, my Choshiva brother-in-law to learn greeted her and escorted her to her lofty place in Gan Eden. Teheih Zichro Boruch.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Who has the patience to read through this? Can you please re-post with an abridged version?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
thank you for the great job you do for our community!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Anyone in business knows that a food establishment can change Hechsherim for a number of reasons. To the poster who wrote \"not a good sign\": I\'m sure you probably didn\'t realize that your comment was not only completely incorrect, but it was also rechilus. Please think next time, BEFORE you post. Negative thinking and blurting out the first thing that comes to a person\'s mind isn\'t the best way to go through life. Mr Bemaras is not only a kind hearted person, he is also a ehrlich yid with integrity. May Hashem bless him with much continued Hatzlocha. We are pleased to continue to frequent his establishments.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Ok, we get it. No need to use the word \"elephant\" 7 times.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Will Baltimore Jewish Life be videoing this event? I might not be able to attend...Thank you.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree sooooo much. Leaders, educators, Rabbis and elders of our community need to be the ones to be in the know and to have the wisdom to decide what we, as commoners, should not know. In fact, the truly pious would never want to know more than they need to do their duties and to conform. And that is why this is a Kosher web site. You can read all that is in it and never worry that you will encounter any questionable material. Who is like you Oh Jewish people! whose leaders protect them from what they need not know.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We miss you at Mincha at Tov's
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Thank you Rabbi Sadwin and the Agudah office for all your effort on behalf of Baltimore. If there is anything the community can do to help our city receive bussing please let us know. We are one of the only frum communities that I know of where families with less than 6 children must drive a 12 passenger van due to carpools. I hope the city understands that the reason most of us have such large vans to begin with is because of carpools. My siblings who grew up here in Baltimore refuse to even consider living in Baltimore because of carpools so if there is anything that needs to be done by us members of the community please let us know. I would love to spend that time actually being home when my other kids arrive home and be able to do homework with them instead of driving around town doing 5 afternoon carpools per week and then rushing in all stressed out because no one has even started on their homework without Mommy there. It would be a tremendous chesed to the community if anyone was willing to spearhead such a movement to end carpools. I for one would love to but with all my carpools there's simply no more time!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Rabbi Sadwin is extrememly dedicated to the needs of our community. Lets us all say a very loud Thank You to him for all he does for us. Let support him. Ask not what....
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Where are the comments complaining about this free advertising?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I happen to know that Rabbi Sadwin is constantly working on busing and trying to access various options to get transportation funding...but there are no magic wands! NY and NJ have had busing for many years and no local or state budget could afford to enact a busing program while still in such tremendous spending deficits.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
What a beautiful program! Thank you Bais Yaakov for all that you do for the girls of our community.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Rabbi Sadwin
When will you work on getting our children fully subsidized school transportation like they have in ny and lakewood
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I hope this is the first of several articles posted over the weekend about the general election. I am looking forward to reading many more.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Let's not forget that the entire issue could have been avoided if the city had just relied on the state definition in the first place. The state MVA clearly distinguishes between commercial and personal vehicles by license plate when they are registered. All Baltimore City has to do is apply that standard locally for overnight parking. Instead, in a classic display of arrogance, the City Council had to make their own definitions. Maybe with the city elections coming up next week it's time to get some fresh faces in city government, and some fresh ideas to boot!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Good timing for Ricki Spector. This good news is right before her verry very challenging and extremely close general election battle (NOT!). But thanks Ricki anyway and you have my vote in the general anyway
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
If the city is looking for a fundraiser, then they should send the transportation officers to the public schools at dismissal. If they ticketed all the people double parked and just parked illegally, they would make a fortune. Cross Country is a perfect example.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Great title!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree with the above poster. Ari has been working hard - so hard, in fact, that he was the number 1 candidate (hence, he is on the ballot). And he was up against some pretty important people. It says something for Ari that he was able to get on the Ballot.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
You may "attend" this gathering, by phone, by calling 712-432-1001 passcode: 472317041# after 7:45 PM.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Does that mean 7 mile will not have a place to sit down for a snack
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Perhaps you feel that Ari is only waking up now. However, as someone who follows politics, I know that he has been actively working his campaign for quite a while. He has published interviews going back to July. Plenty of people have heard of him, even if you have not. Perhaps the people that haven't heard of him just aren't taking the time to be aware of important local news like the city elections?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
if Repubs were at all smart then they would nominate john huntsman who has by far the best shot to beat obama.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Frankly, I do not know what Rabbi Weiss' kashrus standards are. But, it appears to me that whatever the standards are they are less than Star-K standards. Otherwise why would 7 Mile not accept it?
7 Mile could not care less how much a hashgacher costs, only what are the standards? It is not the same as changing accountants. When was the last time a major retail outlet like bakeries, meat stores, pizza stores, or caterers changed hasgachos? A recent caterer changed from Star K to OU. That is different then going to an individual Rabbi.
So I return to reader #1- "not a good sign"
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why is this guy waking up now and mere few hours before the election. Hardly anyone has heard about him. I assume its very cheap to run and maybe hes just doing it to become popular in the community but I think there are better ways to do that than this. Just my honest opinion. I'd love to hear though why he did not start getting his name out earlier.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree with the second comment but the great part about the primaries is that we get 8 candidates to choose from and there are not many distinctions and differences amongst the candidates. So this is something that makes Perry not the ideal candidate and the other 7 candidates more appealing. But if it came down to it I would still vote for Perry over Obama.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Great job. Technology not only makes education better but cheaper too.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
So exciting, and so wonderful for the students. Thank you Noam for your initiative, hard work and drive, and the administration and teachers of OCA for daring to create an innovative and excellent IT Program in both Hebrew and English subjects for the students of OCA to grow and learn in a way that my grandchildren are so thrilled with.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Noam has worked very hard to blaze a trail for others to follow. Yasher koach!!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Way to go OCA! My kids love school and love the interactive learning experience on the iPads. If you are interested in a great Jewish and general education for your kids in a warm, caring and exciting environment, check out the Ohr Chadash Academy website at!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
what will replace it at 7mile?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
To the poster who wrote that they he "will jump to conclusions"
In an effort to be so careful with kashrus, you spread richilus by insinuating that there was an issue with the kashrus of me latte.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Salomon Bemaras is an upstanding ehrlich person. Please, Please let us be dan lekar zchus. Enough of the shoot first and ask later!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Plenty of items that aren't really local news are often placed in the local news section. Perhaps this should have been a letter to the editor, and perhaps the editor could use some help categorizing.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I look forward to continuing to frequent Me Latte's other locations.
Why would a store or restaurant switching its kosher certification not be a good sign? If a business switches accountants, does it automatically mean that they were involved in tax fraud previously? Rabbi Weiss's hashgacha is reliable and used by other establishments in town. Kosher certification is a business like all others and it is the right of any kosher establishment to find the reliable certification agency that provides them with the best product for the lowest cost. Me Latte provides a service for the community - they will be missed at 7-Mile and should continue to have hatzlacha at Hopkins and the JCCOM.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The question remains: Why was this labeled paid political advertisement run as a local NEWS article rather than a "click-the-banner-for-the-text" ad?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
A hechsher is a hechsher is a hechsher. It's a shame that hechshers get tied up in territorial disputes. When I was growing up, the OU was the be-all and end-all of hechshers. Now everybody wants to get into the hechsher business.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We used to be with Rabbi Weiss before we open 7M, 7M request Star-K Hecsher
after we closed 7M, we decide to go back with Rabbi Weiss like we were before!
Salomon Bemaras
if you have any question please feel free to call me @ 443-552-6908
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The kosher "business" charges a lot of money. R' Weiss is doing Baltimore a big favor by offering affordable rates for his hechsher and allowing more people to afford kosher supervision.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
unless the owners come forth with a valid business reason for changing hescherim, we will jump to the conclusion that "this is not a good sign."
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Please don't jump to conclusions and assume something was wrong. Hechsharim are a business and people change hechsharim for many reasons many of them strictly monetary.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
not a good sign
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Owner told me they are now under rabbi Weiss
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
would love to know what politics made them lost their hechsher. I am sure it was not kashrut! Talk about kicking someone while they are down.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
What a shame for our community that we could not support MeLatte.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We need to make it known that this community is that a place to mug people walking home. Why should we fear being a victim? It is time to stop the criminals from roaming our streets. Police need to patrol more often and Judges need to keep the criminals in jail.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Oh yea...And do you even have permission to use their logo? that is copywrited material...You cannot use something owned by another off the web.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
To the person who posted: I think this is another example of how the Baltimore Jewish Life.... Baltimore Jewish Life is NOT a news reporting agency. Baltimore Jewish Life is a service to the Baltimore Community that incorporates SOME news and other important and relevant information that relates to our (and other) communities. This is relevant information to our community. You can't expect the editors to investigate, get quotes and dabble in all the stories. When there is an opportunity for further delving into a story, BaltimoreJewishLife does a fine job.
Please note that I am not associated with, but I do find what is disgusting (in contrast to what you find disgusting) is your manner of tone towards the editors of this site. The editors have done, in my opinion, an excellent job of presenting good and informative information. What gives you the right to address people this way? You want the news - go to CNN where you can get whatever trash you want to see. Frankly, in the future, you can keep your opinions to yourself.
A yasher koach to the writers and editors of BaltimoreJewishLife and I'm look forward to new and exciting ventures coming from this team of wonderful people. DC
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I think this is another example of how the Baltimore Jewish Life is not really a news reporting agency..Just a glory seeking website...All you did was cut and paste from the Star K email..Which has NOTHING to do with the other Hashkafa's of the company. Did you even ATTEMPT to make contact with Me Latte to get an ACTUAL news story? Disgusting..
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I guess another casualty of the weak economy. Sad.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
From my dealings with Rabbi Brull as well as other people I spoke to, he is not being overly successful. Ver few shidduchim are actually 'redt', or brought to fruitation.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I know Ari quite well and has shown me over the years that he is well versed in "good ideas". He doesn't just jump into the fray, yelling and shouting ideas without any thought. I have yet to see any idea of his that DOESN'T work. Everything is well thought out and planned prior to being pursued. In addition, I believe his intentions are truly honorable - Ari is one of us, a member of our community who lives in our community and understands what is needed to help our community continue to grow. He is NOT a professional politician, nor is he someone who is looking for a position for the sake of a position. In addition, Ari is a hard working, well educated individual, one who is extremely resourceful and innovative.
Ari has my vote. That's not to say I don't respect Rikki Spector and have Hakaros HaTov for what she has done for our community, but I believe the time has come to get rid of politics as usual and move in people with new, fresh and innovative ideas that can help us get back to the Baltimore this once was. Dovid Cohen
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I do not want to turn this into a discussion forum. That is not the purpose of Baltimore Jewish Life. Therefore, I will be brief with my answers. I have 10+ years in the field of Information Technology. For three of those years I also taught a high school computers class. Please feel free to contact me directly with any further questions.
Ari Winokur
Candidate, Baltimore City Council
Comment by Ari Winokur
This website has no credibility, I used to come every day now I come once a month if that often. It is stories like this that make me lose all interest.
Comment by Ari Winokur
It says you can call him to ask him questions.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Its labeled on the bottom of the article
Comment by Ari Winokur
As much I care about the financial welfare of bmg I think the financial welfare of the the country should be our primary focus.
Comment by Ari Winokur
"Lakewoodâs Beth Medresh Govoha (BMG) is rumored to receive well over $5 million annually from Pell Grants with around 60% of their students as Pell Grant recipients, while receiving even more money from other government programs. Imagine the ramifications if, G-d forbid, that money would suddenly go away."
The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain postbaccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. I imagine the purpose of this grant is to assist low-income students in getting out of that cohort.
"Poor and underprivileged students across the country rely on federal assistance such as Pell Grants and our bochurim (students) in yeshivas (rabbinical schools) are no exception."
Perhaps poor and underpriviliged yidden need to focus on putting that Pell Grant towards an education that can lead to a decent parnassah.
"Whether one thinks our schools should be relying on government assistance or not is immaterial because the fact is that many of them currently do and need to."
Why is it immaterial? Change needs to be made now. Our day schools are suffering because families cannot pay tuition because of limited parnassah.
"Yes, one could argue that we should try to preempt such a seemingly inevitable cut and phase out our reliance on such aid but the point is that a sudden abolishment would be disastrous on so many levels."
What levels? Please elaborate.
"We as a community nowadays are not in an economically favorable position to replace such crucial government funding."
We as a community should never have come to rely on such funding.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I knew him well; what a great man!
Comment by Ari Winokur
I would like to know more about this candidate's education background and work experience. Thank you.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I hope this political advertisement is paid for. I think it should be labelled as such as well and not made to look like a news article. That takes away from the credibility of this webpage.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Fascinating article about an extraordinary gentleman. Thank you. I wish I could have met him.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Beautiful story. Keep on writing!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thats a stretch. She is not blaming Bush she is just warning what Democracy could bring. This is not healthy for Israel or us to have untrue partisan attacks. By the way there should be more than enough true "dirt" on the Dems that Coservative media outlets like Newsmax should not have to resort to untrue and stupid attacks. Judy K
Comment by Ari Winokur
remember, memorial stadium was the 1st
Comment by Ari Winokur
This story makes me nervous and spoked,i'm so scared i can't sleep at night, this website should warn readers by displaying a banner that says SCARY above storys like this, how am i supposed to function this week
Comment by Ari Winokur
The UN is silly, SILLY! like babys, BABYS!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Man that's nuts- those crazy palestinian little men have driven me completely insane! INSANE!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Can someone translate "Miyam biyad aru sei!"? I assume it's Farsi.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is no halachic issue with being in the front of the bus. As long as she wasn't sitting right next to him touching him....what is the issue? I know there are "fences" but this is a municipal location---maybe they should walk if they are concerned. Or maybe move to Meah Shearim!
Comment by Ari Winokur
None of us should be walking without others at night--male or female. One person always is a target! BK and Yitz both make good points. Hashem has given us a tight knit community and the privilege of many well skilled individuals (in this case both frum) that can help teach us how to protect ourselves. This is how Hasem is protecting us (for the individual who said let us rely on Hashem) People need to take advantage of it! ---Lisa
Comment by Ari Winokur
No. This is the incident from last Friday night.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mazel Tov, Rabbi Arieh, Morah Tirtza and Family! May you be blessed with only good.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Happy Birthday Officer Bennett thank for all you do. We owe you, NWCP and CITYWATCH a debt of graditude for everything. May we only share in good tidings and hear of no bad news.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Robert, you and I are related. My great-great grandfather (Joel Kaufmann)'s oldest sister married Jacob Gundersheimer. You can contact me at as I'd love to email/or talk to you by phone. I live in North Idaho. I enjoyed reading your parents celebration.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Now, if Canada or Mexico pulled these little "stunts" and bombed the Southwest or the Northwest of the U.S. I am sure that the World opinion would be silent or, in fact, positive, when the U.S retaliated and bombed the heck out of Mexico and Canada, invaded, and then put troops in to secure the borders. For that matter, ANY country would do the same if attacked by rockets, but only if that country were white, Christian/Moslem/Hindu then you would not hear a peep of condemnation from anywhere in the world, or from the UN. But if a Jewish country tries to defend itself, BAD, BAD DOG, you are to be punished. Jewish blood has always been cheap. Every person in this world has rights of survival EXCEPT Jews, and poor & helpless Africans (especially African Christians and women).
What a world, what a world...
Comment by Ari Winokur
Please dont talk so harshly. We need to ask Hashem for mercy and to look in our own lives and see if there are any ways we can create more shalom and acceptance of others. We must do our part as we all know what one does in this world has an effect on others. Please let us use this as a reminder to better ourselves and help our nation in that way. May the Ribono Shel Olam have mercy on us all in this time of yemei Hamashiach.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Wasn't there a similar incident in this location last Friday night?
Comment by Ari Winokur
The men who held up Chaim Cotton are either not from this neighborhood or are new in town. The locals know we don't carry valuables on Shabbos. The police should be made aware of this fact.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Lets rely on Hashem. He will prtect us.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What these people call wise is vulgar sly and craft. And their vaunted mercy and empathy is veiled hate and cruelty. They are smug that their god loves them and ridicule man who despises them. This is their great legacy, the celebrated teachings of their ancestors. I curse them, their god, their legacy and myself that I come from such putrid origins.
Comment by Ari Winokur
hopefully people will take it seriously enough to actually train - unfortunately too many people think it can never happen to them - there are plenty of places to train at - they are not all the same - educate yourself - get some training - it can save your life or the life of someone else - yitz fleischman
Comment by Ari Winokur
This is NOT a private bus line. It is a NYC Transit Authority bus line. They will probably lose that bus if the city presses for compliance with Federal/State/City laws. The folks in Brooklyn need to buy a few buses and set about their segregated lives. But to have the tax payers subsidize such illegal nonsense is beyond reason.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am not sure why the writer didn't stay up front. And, if the men really want to sit separately from the women, perhaps they should sit in the back of the bus!
Comment by Ari Winokur
lol welcome to Judaism... you can do what you want but we still insist on doing it our way....
Comment by Ari Winokur
With weather like this, my Sukkah might still be up come Pesach!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
We better watch out for that global warming!
Comment by Ari Winokur
We live in a day when increasingly Frumkeit is defined by the gaavah we have for our derech and shitos rather than Yiras Shamayim. This is unfortunately a growing problem in ALL groups within the Frum velt. When we let such inappropriate attitudes to grow and fester without condemnation it is little wonder that we have such Chillulai HaShem as a result. OY!!! How fast and far we have fallen from the great Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus that we had just a few months ago when Leibi Kletsky was brutally murdered.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Very beautiful and moving. So many twists to it. We all see someone we know or love in this story!
Comment by Ari Winokur
This sounds like a typical "conspiracy theory" to me. I don't think that there is any Israeli interest in assasinating Mubarak and the killing of Coptic Cristians was not engineered by Israel. The Arab mind seems to prefer blaming others for everything that is not right in their society.They never admit it was their fault. E.Oberstein
Comment by Ari Winokur
this vort from R Tzvi Meir Zilverberg is attributed to many tzadikim including R Yisroel Mi Rizhin, R Simcha Bunim mi Prisischa, and the Magid miKoznitz. He was probably quoting from them
Comment by Ari Winokur
Is this strory true ? Sounds like a fable
Comment by Ari Winokur
As Arky's father, I couldn't be prouder of the path he has chosen, which has included both Yeshiva learning and army service. But I think that there's no need to weigh what's more important -- the incalculable merit and protection which Torah learning brings to the world, or the hishtadlus that the IDF makes, acting as shluchei shamayim to protect Israel on the physical plane. May Hashem bless them all, u'fros aleinu sukas rachamim v'chaim v'shalom!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Princeton is a wonderful place to be frum; I went there, and it has more provisions for observant kids than any other ivy league school (which is even more impressive considering the relatively small size of the frum student body).
I'd be delighted to see more kids from our area applying to Princeton! If you'd like to learn more, contact Isaiah Cox at 410 358 5234.
Comment by Ari Winokur
what troubles me is how the menahel didnt take the time to figure binyamin out we are in a through awat society and children are being treated like this too. when are mechanchim going to stop and kook at the inside of a child.
Comment by Ari Winokur
This stoery reminds me of a a situation i saw unfold in Bnos Yisroel about 8,9 years ago.
There was a student brought into Mrs. Itzkowitz's office for cheating on a spelling test. The girl was maybe 9 or 10 years old maybe younger. The kid was shaking was going to be her punishment. Mrs. Itzkowitz asked her to come around to her desk she put her arm around her sholder and said "this test must've been so hard for you next week I want you to come to my office before the test and we will study together". After the teacher and child walked out Mrs. Itzkowitz said "A child never cheats for no reaon and I have to find out why she did"
What a mechaneches!
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am shocked that we actually have a competition to support lack of socialization. How is this teen when it comes to communicating with others and being around others. Maybe we should have a competition for people who text the least and hang out with others.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States:
"I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others."
Thomas Jefferson
Comment by Ari Winokur
I highly recommend this program. My daughter not only beneffited from the development of her voice and how to modulate and use it to its fullest potential but she also increased her self concept. She composed a song with words and music and continues to do so. What a joy to hear her sing throughout the day. Thank you Ratzon. LB
Comment by Ari Winokur
Some Ashkenazic Jews hold a Wachnacht consisting of a dinner including meat and wine and a night of study in the presence of the baby. There is even a machlokess whether this is considered a seudas mitzvah (Nachalas Shivah) or a seâudas reshus (Magen Avraham,Chavos Yair).
Comment by Ari Winokur
interesting that the MVA website says "A renewal notice will be mailed to your address of record with the MVA 60 days prior to the expiration of your driver's license."
Comment by Ari Winokur
More direct way to reach the page:
Then click Emergency Contacts.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank goodness! While there is a halachic basis for separate seating during prayer, some groups have taken it (and many other laws) too far. Sending women to the back of the bus is disrespectful.
Comment by Ari Winokur
technically, the Vacht Nacht is the seudah the night before the bris, which was held in the house and only for family members. the children recited kirash shema.
Comment by Ari Winokur
A vacht nacht is a chasidishe custom where small children come and say Shema in front of the Baby. The kinderlach then get a pekel of candy. There is also a custom for the family to have a Seudah in honor of the Vach Nacht. In addition, there is a custom for the father to stay up learning all night to ward off any "evil spirits". DC
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rosa Parkowitz
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mazel tov
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am appalled that people in this community would request that the Hatzalah responders should turn down their radios during davening. Rachmana L'tzilan it could happen to be someone in their family who needs the help of Hatzalah and the responders are delayed because they had their radio turned down because it bothered other members in shul. We should learn from people who dedicate their hours, money, and efforts to this community and not be so selfish.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What is a Vacht Nacht?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rabbi Weil's program in 5771 was outstanding. Looking forward to the visit.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Just a week before the crash I had the incredible good fortune to speak with Jay and Bari for about an hour. Hearing even just a little bit of their story and witnessing their sincerity had me walking away richer. I'm so grateful that these this wonderful family in Klal Yisroel can bring this message of gratitude to us!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kudos to Hatzalah if only they would keep their radios off so the noise doesn't bother us.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Just spoke with Jay. B'H he is recuperating slowly but surely. I had a hard time finding his new number -- Eruv book numbers are no longer in service. (Including the work number listed there -- it actually belongs to a woman who would rather not be disturbed.) Jay suggested posting his new number here, so here goes for anyone who would like to be in touch with him: 443-352-8964. Speaking with him is a lesson in true bitachon, hakaras hatov, and in having an ayin tovah no matter what. Incredible.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you for sharing this very spiritual experience. When your world was turned upside down, you held onto Hashem and He held onto you. BH, Hashem gave you a glimpse into the prism of bitachon, emuna, chesed, and gratitude. I suspect your relationship with Hashem will be even stronger from now on. Since this happened so publicly in our community, we should take our cues from you, as well. So happy you're okay!
Comment by Ari Winokur
i am thankful for my father to be ALIVE
Louis Myers
Comment by Ari Winokur
Which prisoner exchange was he referring to?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Trying to figure out why this (and others) are "local" news
Comment by Ari Winokur
People bored with their lives.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Could this article have been written a little longer? I enjoyed it so much!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
These individuals are an embarrassment to Jews all over the world. If they would find jobs and work for a living, they would be better using their time and become productive citizens. Leave the girls of Orot alone. They are good frum girls just try to go to school. Just because their hashkafot are not yours, gives you no right to humiliate frum Jews. This is truly an example of one's using the argument of "l'shem shamayim" so wrongly.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Why would this not be using Shem Hashem laShav?? And "shchunoteinu??" - Their neighborhood? They came well after the residents of Nofei Aviv & Scheinfeld whose kids attend the school and have been living in the neighborhood for more than a dozen years!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Voters knew he was a hypocrite well before this. This just brings more proof. No wonder the GOP is not excepting him anytime soon. M.R.
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a parent, in the event Chas Vishalom a terrorist who come into Bais Medrash and start shooting (which has happened) would the author of comment #1 be proud of their child if they:
a) hid under their Shtender, said Shmaeh and died Al Kiddish Hashem
b) continued learning Daf Yommie so that their Torah protects the Jewish People
c) Jumped up and personally take action to save everyone else without regard to their personal safety, having the proper equipment and training
Enough said!
Us Yidden need Arky and the rest of the Israeli Army & they deserve our unconditional Hacoras Hatov and full support.
A super big and even bigger Mazel Tov to Arky. Yasher Koach to Jermeny and Chana for supporting their son in his personal decision and for being willing to share him with us, for our benefit.
We as a people need to come together and support all our Soldiers, frum and not frum, because our enemies don't discriminate. Chash Vishalom, Hashem brings a situation to remind us of this, as his way of ending Sinass Chenoom.
Am Yisroel Chai â Chai - Vichyuom
Comment by Ari Winokur
It is so nice to read that our community participated in the Komen Race for the Cure. Kudos to all who took part! And may the cure come soon.
Comment by Ari Winokur
A Motherâs Pain
by Sherri Mandell
The price of allowing murderers to go free.
Why is it that terror victims are seemingly the only ones against the prisoner exchange? While other Israelis are rejoicing, we are in despair.
Arnold and Frimet Roth circulated a petition against the release of Ahlam Tamimi, an accomplice in their daughter Malkiâs murder at the Sbarro pizza shop.
Tamimi says she is happy that many children were killed in the attack. Meir Schijveschuurder, whose family was massacred in the same attack, filed a petition with the high court and says he is going to leave Israel because of his feelings of betrayal. The parents of Yasmin Karisi feel that the state is dancing in their blood because Khalil Muhammad Abu Ulbah, who murdered their daughter and seven others by running them down with a bus at the Azor junction in 2001, is also on the list to be released. Twenty-six others were wounded in that attack.
Why are so many of us against the exchange that allows murderers and their accomplices to go free? Because we know the suffering that these murderers leave in their wake.
Yes, I want Gilad Schalit released. But not at any price. Not at the price we have experienced.
My son Koby Mandell and his friend Yosef Ish Ran were murdered by terrorists 10 years ago when they were 13 and 14 years old. They had been hiking in the wadi near our home when they were set upon by a Palestinian mob and stoned to death. It was a brutal, vicious murder.
We now run the Koby Mandell Foundation for terror victimsâ families. We direct Camp Koby, a 10-day therapeutic sleep away camp for 400 children who have lost loved ones, mostly to terror. We also run mothersâ healing retreats and support groups.
Most people donât understand the continuing devastation of grief: fathers who die of heart attacks, mothers who get sick with cancer, children who leave school, families whose only child was murdered. We see depression, suicide, symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. You wouldnât believe how many victimsâ families are still on sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication. We see the pain that doesnât diminish with time. We literally see people die of grief.
Bereaved families face acute psychological isolation.
Nobody understands us, they often complain.
They mean that nobody understands the duration or the severity of their pain and longing. In the aftermath of a prisoner exchange, this isolation will only be exacerbated.
So will the feeling that our childrenâs deaths donât matter.
When people tell me that my son Koby died for nothing, I always used to say: No, it is our job to make his death mean something.
But now I am not sure. It seems that the government is conspiring to ensure that our loved onesâ deaths were for nothing.
Cheapening our loved onesâ deaths only enhances the pain. If Israel is willing to free our loved onesâ murderers, then the rest of the world can look on and assume that the terrorists are really freedom fighters or militants. If Palestinians were murdering Jews in cold blood without justification, surely the Israeli government wouldnât release them.
No sane government would.
When we were sitting shiva for Koby, a general in the army told us: âWe will bring the killers to justice.â I believed him. I took his words to heart. Today I am thankful my sonâs killers have not been found. So are my children. Of course, I donât want the terrorists to kill again. But if they were to be released in this prisoner exchange, I donât think I could bear it.
We donât want other families to be put in our situation.
We donât want terrorists to be free when our loved ones are six feet underground. Ten years after my son was beaten to death, the pain often feels like a prison. In many ways, I am not free.
We donât want other terrorists to be emboldened because they know that even if they murder, they may not have to stay in prison. President Shimon Peres says he will pardon but he will not forgive. Terrorist victimsâ families will not pardon or forgive the government for this release.
We have been betrayed. To pardon terrorists mocks our love and our pain.
Furthermore, terrorism aims to strike fear in an entire society, to bring a whole populace to its knees. During the intifada, the terrorists did not succeed in defeating Israeli society. But to release prisoners now signals to Hamas that their strategy of terror was correct, effective.
They will celebrate wholeheartedly because they have won.
And as a result of prisoner exchanges, the Israeli justice system can only be seen as a joke, a mockery, even a travesty of justice.
It provides no deterrent and no retribution. Itâs as if our government says to the killers: Come hurt us again. Weâll be happy to release you one day. Weâll let you go when you demand it.
I want Gilad Schalit home.
We need to protect our own soldiers. But not with a wholesale prisoner exchange. I wish that I could rejoice with the Schalit family. But I canât. The price is too high.
Comment by Ari Winokur
No need for a bigger Mazel Tov for those learning in Yeshiva. The reality is that without our brave sons and daughters like Arky, willing to put themselves in harms way for the rest of us, Israel would be a very different place with far fewer Yeshivos.
A Yeshiva Bachor is being Mosher Neffesh by giving his time, efforts and earning capacity to serve Klal Yishroel, but not in the clear selfless way that our brave IDF Soldiers do. The IDF is a Kley of Hashem protecting our people and land, without which Erez Yisroel as we know it today would not exist Al DeRech Teva.
Mazel Tov to Arky and the Staiman family (at least equal to the Mazel Tov of the Yeshiva students). KOL HA KOVOD !!!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kol Hakavod Arky! Hashem Yishmor tzetcha u'voecha!
Your parents have much to admire in you!Your whole family is an inspiration to us in the golah!Chazak v'ematz!
Zvi Teichman
Comment by Ari Winokur
My tefilos are always with you! (your 10th grade gemara rebbe)
Comment by Ari Winokur
I concur. And I add even a bigger MAZEL TOV to all those who just went to Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael. I wish them all a bracha that they should be big talmedei chachamim and that their learning Torah should protect the Jewish people throughout the world.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Haaretz doesn't like the present government and they always have an ideological agenda. The "facts" of this article are all suppositions. It was all secret and they don't really know anything we don't know, which is next to nothing. Nachshon Wachsman died being rescued, why would this have been different?
Comment by Ari Winokur
ok i am now convinced that not only are these chareidim terrorists but i doubt they are even jewish - they are a disgrace to everything the torah represents - they should be arrested and jailed and forced to move out of mea shearim and if possible be forced to leave the land they are defiling - they are an obvious reason of why the bais hamikdash was destroyed - they have some sort of baseless hatred for jews - thankfully we can hope that people realize that these chareidi terrorists are not to be respected or admired - but instead they are an example of animals in human form (no offense to animals intended) - a real shame the police can not enforce the law - these chareidi terrorists will eventually push too hard and will be expelled hopefully - they have no place in holy territory and they are causing the area they live in to lose its holiness - GET THEM OUT NOW - let jews occupy the area not these chareidi terrorists
Comment by Ari Winokur
Gilad -- Welcome home! May you have a speedy recovery, and may Hashem bless you and bless you and bless you some more.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Welcome home Gilad!
Comment by Ari Winokur
How much will a person get if they get 481.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I agree.Have a chag sameach. E.Oberstein
Comment by Ari Winokur
"dysfunctional liberal Westernism and get back to Halachah." Why do so many people in our comunity live in a world of cognitive disonance. Do you really want to get rid of liberal democracy and give up all of the gov't programs , do you honestly want a theocracy where someone else's interpretation of halacha wil be imposed by force on your lives ,Get real.
Israel is a small country and everyone feels like one family especially in times like this. The overwhelming majority of the Israeli people support the exchange of 1,027 Palestinians for 1 Jew. This was done because the public demanded it. The Religious Settlers are idealists who have chosen to live in areas that expose them to danger. The average Israeli does not identify with them. The views expressed here may be very true but the public is just not interested in that approach. There is a right wing government in Israel and this deal was approved by the entire Cabinet. I think that too often we in the Diaspora want the Israelis to do things that they don't want to do and we can afford to be aggressive because we sit in safedty. Do not judge your fellow until you have been in his place. Let the Israelis make this very difficult calculation. Don't confuse Israel with one point of view.
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a parent I can feel in some way the joy and relief that Gilad's parents felt upon his return. It is true that Israel is a small country and everyone in the country feels they are family with the Schalits. That being said, the reason this exchange happened despite the negatives is the 5 and a half year public relations campaign waged by the Schalits. If they had not devoted every moment to raising this issue , the easier choice would have been to not do the exchage. That option was not viable because most Israelis are happy he is home. The ones who talk of blood and war are those who sit peacefully in the Exile, where such talk is cheap.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The release agreement was an irrational and irresponsibile (though understandable) act by Israel.
How many more Israelis will die at the hands of some of these released murderers?
How many more kidnappings of Israeli soldiers will occur, now that Israel has again confirmed that 1) They do indeed negotiate with terrorists, and 2) Release prisoners with blood on their hands?
Israel needs to kick their dysfunctional liberal Westernism and get back to Halachah.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The answer is that Israel needs the death penalty for terrorists. If they are Moslem, tie a dead pig carcass to them and then execute them, cremate them with the pig, then spread the mixed ashes over the Mediterranean. If they blow themselves up, collect the body parts and sew them into a pig carcass and do the same thing. The real question is, however, how come the combined resources of the Mossad, Shin Bet, Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet 13, and the advanced IDF computer division cannot locate someone in an area half the size of Dallas TX (Gaza)? Someone needs to be asking this question.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rabbi sadwin where are you?this will harm everyone.
Comment by Ari Winokur
people make choices to follow what they want. vandalism and covert aggressive activity does not ring of the "right thing to do". extremism is rampant everywhere, we are no different.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Sometimes we are zocheh to see our prayers answered. Thank you HaKadosh Baruch Hu
Comment by Ari Winokur
Even ten thousand non-Jewish murderers are not equal to the life of one Jew. However, now that these monsters are back on their 'home' streets and plotting anew, hunt them down and kill them. I fear that more kidnappings are in the making, chas v'shalom, in order to release the dogs of war. Ribono shel olam help your beloved people, b'nai Yisrael. Turn the hearts of your other children, our "cousins", to peace and understanding of the evil of their ways.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Seeing the pictures and reading the articles of Gilad's release makes me so proud to be a Jew. Knowing how much we value life and that we are not willing to let one of our brothers rot is so comforting. It pains me to hear so many people against the release deal, especially those who lost loved ones. Wouldn't they give anything to have their loved one's back safely. Ultimately, we need to trust that GD will protect us against these monsters.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am not sure how our opinion matters. This is opening a pandoras box which you mat regret opening. I would retract this article.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Like all terrorism and extremism, it starts at the top down. It's an undeniable fact that has to be addressed. These people were not born this way, they were indoctrinated by the leaders.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Death Penalty needs to be instated in Israel, as per Torah law. In the meantime, welcome home Galit - you are not the one who makes the laws.
Comment by Ari Winokur
WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN - since they wear masks they must have some inkling that what they are doing is wrong - a real shame we cant send these terrorists out along with the over 1000 terrorists just released - they have more in common with each other than with jews - to use the term orthodox or ultra-orthodox or charedim to describe these people is a real embarrassment to jews everywhere - these terrorists who are born jewish should be jailed - their behavior violates many torah laws and many basic laws of human decency - so that really sums it up - these are terrorists - in case anyone misunderstood me - THESE ARE TERRORISTS - THEY TERRORIZE PEOPLE - have a good yom tov
Comment by Ari Winokur
"...he is in good health and his Hamas captors had treated him well...". What BS!! He looks horrible. Probably scared to death to say anything else.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What a magnificent Kavod. Continue to bring all of us in Cherry Hill "Nachat!" We're very proud to have you as one of our own.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I think it would be helpful if rabbi ariel sadwin would express our communal disgust at this harmful dangerous plan.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Who exactly voted for O'malley?
Comment by Ari Winokur
How stupid are they? Do they ever learn anything? Higher gas taxes = higher cost of doing business and is a job killer. Raising taxes never works, except if you want to harm the economy when it's in recession. Every President, Democrat and Republican alike, who cut taxes during a recession spurred the economy resulting in growth and job creation. This also resulted in increasing $$ going into the treasury.
Elected officials should be required to take courses on economics.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Maybe they should raise it to $10 per gallon or even $20! Then everyone will have top paying jobs! Or just maybe this has nothing to do with jobs. It is just another opportunity to tax more and spend more.
Comment by Ari Winokur
They should raise it a whole $1.00 then they will create even more jobs. If they make it $2.00 every body will have a job. Stupid is , as stupid does!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Comment by Ari Winokur
The whole issue of "tznius" is completely overdone. Even in our community in Baltimore, we must stop judging others by the length of their sleeves and other manner of dress. Yiddishkeit is supposed to be emunah in Hashem.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is a lot more going on here. It's all about the game change. The movements in the region between Egypt, Turkey and the UN gambit(statehood) could preclude any other opportunity to get him back. I would not be surprised if this is also being done to validate Egypt as the authority in the region and put Turkey off from trying to keep up their current rhetoric against Israel.
This is EVERYBODY's acknowledgement that a Jewish life (and even corpses) are valued more than Arab lives. The arab's are tacitly admitting this, the world that condones and urges these releases admits it. Perhaps this more than anything is what really irks them. That we value our lives and our brethren so much while the arabs and most of the world are content just to throw their lives away literally and figuratively.
A couple of other considerations: Netanyahu is reinforcing in action now that he can and will negotiate with palestinians - so drop the statehood bid. I am sure they will try to find a way to track these terrorists and get a better idea of Hamas' apparatus. One of the preconditions the palestinians have for negotiations is release of all prisoners - before Netanyahu could be forced into releasing more like Olmert was, he is getting something for it. Given that it took Hamas 6 years to get anything for this, it dampens the chances that they will deliberately plan another raid for this purpose alone - not to say that if the opportunity falls in their lap they won't do it again, but i don't think they will call this a success. But who knows how terrorists think? I don't. Plus it knocks Abbas down a little in response to his chutzpah.
I would also point to the current negotiations with the Taliban.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Trading hundreds of convicted terrorists for a kidnapped soldier should not even exist as a possibility... anyone convicted in a terrorist attack in which someone was killed needs to receive the death penalty... with no delays and no exceptions... that would go a long way to removing the incentive to conduct kidnappings... there would be nobody alive to trade for.
Comment by Ari Winokur
stands to reason that we need to work harder to bring moshiach now!!!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Comment by Ari Winokur
Baruch dayan emes
Comment by Ari Winokur
The truth is that my uncle was a people lover and all who knew him felt good around him. He always had a nice word to say and honed in on ones positive traits. I miss him already. I considered myself his favorite niece however it is possible that all his nieces felt that way. May Uncle Abe be a Meilitz Yosher for his family and all of us. Leeba, a favorite niece.
Comment by Ari Winokur
if i read this correctly - does that mean that those walking from lets say greenspring toward seven mile lane on the shopping center side will not have a continuous sidewalk but will have to walk in the street???? or am i mis-reading?
Comment by Ari Winokur
If someone wants to inconvenience themselves in part due to their agreement with someone else's interpretation of something written a few thousand years ago, that's fine. But how fair is it to inconvenience other people simply so you can inconvenience yourself? Where should that line be drawn?
Comment by Ari Winokur
So sorry to hear that you are closing. We considered your restaurant to be a hospital one with quality food and attentive service ....Tony D
Comment by Ari Winokur
Getting a system that sends text messages and vibrates is a very expensive proposition. In addition, it would require a dispatcher to be sitting in a dispatch center, as opposed to being able to dispatch from their home or cell phone. While there are options to send a text from radio to radio, it severely reduces the amount of time it would take to dispatch a call.
And I do agree - the responders do their best to leave shul as soon as possible when the radio goes off.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The problem with most earpieces is that they "key up" when inserted into the radio which makes it problematic over Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Great pictures, great photographer
Comment by Ari Winokur
Incredible photos!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Maybe they can have an earpiece while davening similar to other emergency response agencies. It would be in one ear only.
Comment by Ari Winokur
To the first comment: I appreciate that you are exposed to the sounds of a responder's radio - it can definitely be jarring! However, I notice that the responders do their utmost to leave shul immediately. If they don't go on the call, they typically continuing davening in the shul lobby or outside so they do not disturb the tzibur.
While in theory your idea of a vibrating device w/ text messages is good, it may not work practically. 1. The dispatcher has to take time to type the text to responders, and the responders have to then have to read it and respond on their radio. This could in turn delay response time. 2. As we all know with cell phones, vibrating devices aren't always felt by the wearer, in turn delaying response time.
Comment by Ari Winokur
It's so sad...
Comment by Ari Winokur
If I was this young ladyâs parent I would be super proud that this protest was important to her and that she felt so compassionate toward the plight of those less fortunate than herself. However, I would also encourage her not to make such black and white choices; this day the day of Yom Kippur is actually a gift, an opportunity to connect with G-d, to atone for any misdeeds and to encourage a better future for ourselves and the world around us. There will certainly be more opportunities to support causes such as this without sacrificing this very special day.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Walkie Talkies were never invented for that purpose, and the funding that they would need to add that feature in order to that would be extremely high. All emergency workers have regular walkie talkies and no need for a vibrate. The only thing they could do would be similar to what NWCP 24 hour citywatch response has. Get a pager that has a vibrate function on it, when the page goes off the responders turn on the walkie talkies outside shul and wait for instructions. However this method takes time and cuts the response time which every patient needs.
Scott Leder
Comment by Ari Winokur
kudos to hatzalah BUT I have to say I don't understand why congregants were constantly exposed to the sounds of Hatzolah's radios. I am not criticizing, but simply wondering why on a Shabbos or YT they cannot wear vibrating devices with text messages alerting them to the problem so they may respond in an equally timely manner.
Comment by Ari Winokur
If they were trying to pay their rent and or mortgages then why would they protest when they could be working, or looking for a job. Instead they are marching on the idea of hitting up the people who have EARNED their wealth with smart ideas and/or beating other people to the punch?????
Scott Leder
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kramer is at it again!
Joey D.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Good song. Energetic.
Comment by Ari Winokur
kol hakavod to Chananya and Kol Rom...boy...I remember you when....
Comment by Ari Winokur
It is a huge concern why we are not united t o support Eli W. where is the backbone of the community? Is there such fear that holds our leaders back from standing firm? Why are we not joining together to say tehilim on behalf of one of ours? There are too many stories of people who are the korban for the community or for an organization. WHy let this be another one.
Comment by Ari Winokur
chananya, you know it is time to begin the HERO series. YOu know it is the way to go. This is the cutting edge. Have a great idea...something with a barber shoppe.....
Comment by Ari Winokur
Great article. Hopefully the media reads it. Thanks for posting.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kol Rom has expanded its horizons and that can only be a benefit to Klal Yisroel.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Fantastic!!SO creative.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Forced to listen to Rush is the equivalent of our kids being forced to listen to retiredly biased and dumb secular studies teachers every day that our local Jewish day schools employ many of whom also happen to listen to Rush. Imagine being stuck in a classroom for 3 hours every day being forced to listen to Rush then you will know what it is like for our kids in school. This problem tends to be more prevalent in the more "yeshivish" schools, who will not hire intelligent and capable men and women, rather only old, tired, cranky, and burnout geezers. The schools give these wannabes their own little talk radio forum where they can say over what they heard from their hero Rush. Our kids not only don't gain from this non education but they also lose, alot. Not only that but us parents are the ones that are wasting our money so that these old men could go to talk radio fantasy camp at the expense of our kids. Shame on the so called "teachers" and shame on the schools that hire them. The community should become more aware of what actually happens in these classrooms and become more vocal about it because before you know it, your kid might become the next Rush or worse an old cranky burnout wannabe trying to imitate the next Rush. Together lets stop this madness. C.S.L
Comment by Ari Winokur
At least the Associated is financially transparent, they have an annual financial audit. But, our schools- when will they become financially transparent? When the large donors go elsewhere? Maybe!
Comment by Ari Winokur
A few questions:
To Rabbi Tendler: If someone has a large sum of money which they want to donate either directly to a yeshiva day school or to the associated day school fund, which one should they give it to?
To Dr. Jonathan Lasson: If someone has a large sum of money which they want to donate either directly to Shomrei's current emergency building campaign or to the associated day school fund, which one should they give it to?
To any respected community Rabbi: Please provide an article for BJLIFE clarifying these issues. We need your guidance.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Unfortunetly sarbanes statements and voting record also show strong support for every radical left wing agenda item.
Comment by Ari Winokur
special thanks to teh boehm family, another one of the untold mitzvos they sponsor in this town...
Comment by Ari Winokur
Many thanks to everyone who helped out, including Mr. Nachum Hurvitz, NWCP and all of the other volunteers.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The writer's inadvertent error in rendering the term for a grave, or tombstone, as tzion (Zion), which is the word for our holy (old) city of Yerusholayim, with the Makom Hamikdash, where the holy of holies (Kodesh Hakadoshim) stood, instead of the similar but different tziyyun, is symbolic of the problem with this piece and the unfortunate reality among some that it reflects. Instead of turning to Yerusholayim ir hakodesh, they instead run, at great expense, to the defiled soil of the Ukraine in a mass pilgrimage that is inappropriate, however well meaning they are.
I am sure that a Jewish Woodstock, as some have dubbed it, is fun and exciting, however, that doesn't mean that it is proper, especially for Rosh Hashanah. If some restless souls feel a need to get away and choose to go to such a gathering, that is a one thing, but it is not something that should be promoted and prescribe for the holy masses of Klal Yisroel in general.
We have to work to improve the services at our mainstream Shuls, yeshivas, etc., and make them more meaningful, so that so many people won't have such an urge to run away from them for Yom tov.
May we all be zoche to teshuvah sheleima bimheira.
Comment by Ari Winokur
gives new meaning to a "chasid shoteh"
Comment by Ari Winokur
In today's Yated Neeman some guy whose baby had a Bris on Rosh HaShanah, so the father appointed some Rabbi in Israel to take care of arrangements, and went off to Uman for R'H. He had the audacity to miss his very own son's Bris.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is also daiah that holds you should do kiddush levanah before yom kipper in order to have the zechus of making the brachah for the mitzvah to have before yom kipper.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Is this "Nanach" stuff for real or a put-on? Their videos on YouTube seem to be of a satiric bent.
Comment by Ari Winokur
w/ all due respect to the author, Jobs was not a gr8 individual. He had an illegitimate child for which he did not take responsibility for many years, and his charitable contributions are next to nothing. Let's not make him out to be a gadol.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What a beautful article
Comment by Ari Winokur
Wow, wonderful article and very well written! Thank you for this! Gmar Chassima Tova!
Comment by Ari Winokur
My understanding is new sidewalks will be paid for by the city. Repairs to existing sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowner. Homeowners can have them fixed themselves or the city will fix them and charge the homeowner. Payments to the city may be made over a 5 year period. There is interest on the payment plan. I don't know the percentage rate. Of course full payment can be made to the city. The city claims they are less expensive than private contractors. Ron Rosenbluth President CNA
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you for posting this Cheshbon HaNefesh video.
Comment by Ari Winokur
To Ruth Miller: Thanks for your input regarding the Associated financial management requirements for our schools. What is still missing is the schools sharing that information with its customers- we the parent body, that pay the high tuition. All the schools need to be financially transparent.
Comment by Ari Winokur
does this mean that people whose sidewalks have been repaired by the city will now get a bill? What if they would have choosen to do the work on their own?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mr. Feldman,
We attempted to find your information and would like to talk to you about this, however, we were unable to find a number for you. Just so you know:
1. Every number that is called into our line during the week, and option 1 (dispatch) is chosen, is emailed to our dispatchers automatically. We have no missed calls that we are aware of.
2. On Shabbos and Yom Tov, there are no options to push - the phone system automatically sends all calls to the dispatch line, and forwards an email to our dispatchers. We saw some calls that came in over Yom Tov, but only one person followed the instructions on reaching us, so we assumed the other calls were not emergencies. The one call that was taken was handled per our protocols as defined by Rav Heinemann.
3. We take this very seriously. We have not had any problems with our phone system, but technology is sometimes "quarky". There should never be 9 rings - our system picks up the call immediately. It is important to note that we have had 0 reports of any problems in the thousand or so calls we have received into the system since we started using it in March.
We would like to know of any problems. Please contact us at 410-664-6927 x1 to discuss so we can ensure it doesn't happen again.
Dovid Cohen
NWCP Operations
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Jewish Community needs to have a continuing care facility that has independent, but supportive living, as in the various Weinberg apts, with assisted living facilities attached to those buildings.In this way, seniors as they age, in place can have the services they need right in the same building.For example, if they are independent in self care but need medication management, they could pay for that service. Seattle Washington has such a facility called the Summitt at First Hill, run under the auspices of the Kline Galland Jewish nursing home. This really should be a model for our community. It is unfortunate that so many assisted living facilities exist in Baltimore that are filled with Jews but do not serve kosher food. This leaves very few options for the Jews who keep kosher.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I hope Vice-President Biden will advise the Jews who attend this meeting that Jonathan Pollard can be paroled as soon as he applies. He's been eligible since 1996 but has never applied. Pollard does NOT deserve clemency or a pardon.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I tried calling this 24 x 7 number it rang 9 times so I hung up....
-Ben Feldman
Comment by Ari Winokur
This should not be posted and everyone knows why. At the very least they should know why. I prefer not to get into the details but there are many problems with this entire initiative. GL
Comment by Ari Winokur
GEVALDIK!!! We need more events like this!
Comment by Ari Winokur
thank you mendel rosen for organizing this visit. The gansa kehilla owes you a debt of gratitude.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I have never seen such stupidity spouted off by known intelligent people. Homosexuality is not a "religious" problem. Until the early 70s it was universally recognized as an abnormal psychological condition. The 2 APAs delisted it as a psychological disorder because of politics, not because it isn't. A large number of well-qualified mental health professionals still consider it what it is in reality, an abnormality. The "Gay marriage" issue is a bogeyman. The vast majority of hetero couples don't care about marriage anymore, why should those with degenerate tendencies? It is only to intimidate and push in the faces of normal intelligent people who refuse to be suckered by "the emperor's new clothes" syndrome that homosexuality is normal. As such, it should be vigorously fought at every opportunity. It is the HS lobby that is trying to attribute to their opponents, whom they have coined as "homophobes" (a phony moniker), with "religious" bigotry! Itâs like a murderer who comes to court with the defense, charging him with murder is a violation of his 1st amendment right of freedom of religion because the prohibition of murder originates in the Ten Commandments!
Comment by Ari Winokur
So he's frum. Does that automatically make him a good man? Al Capone was a devout Catholic who went to church every Sunday. Look at how one lives his life and treats others, not just at the rituals one may follow.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I was lucky to attend. It was a classy, beautiful event. Great job BZD!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Yes, the 'not recommended' designation is a unique star-k mendacity that is consistent with orthodox character.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kudos to the citizens of Bet Shemesh for their brave and determined efforts to maintain a city that welcomes all Jews!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
You sang Lema'an Achai? That was very appropriate as it is the name of the great Bet Shemesh organization that brings Jews of all stripes together to help those in need.
Kol HaKavod!
Comment by Ari Winokur
No one will listen! The people who need to see these debates are the type who will not listen to the radio - they need the theater and drama to hold their interest.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Because comments relating to NWCP are totally irrelevant to this article.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Star-K does not tell people what not to eat. They tell people What is not recommended. I can assure you that eating bamboo schach of any kind is not recommended. But if you use a mat that is not kosher schach, then even eating your kosher food under it may not be recommended.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Dear Davida,
Thank you for seeing the best in our community, and for writing about it so beautifully. I have lived here for years and did not all that we offer to one another. May you and each of your readers have a new year filled with blessings!!
Jennifer R. Zunikoff
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a fellow recipient of a vast amount of chessed here in Baltimore, I echo your accolades and gratitude.
Zakah Glaser
Comment by Ari Winokur
How many Jews have to die before (a) Israel adopts something like our 2nd Amendment so every Jew can protect themselves (b)start moving the Arabs to the real "palestine"... JORDAN
Comment by Ari Winokur
So im not allowed to eat bamboo schach that has no star k hechsher?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Did they "duck" as well as Bush?
Comment by Ari Winokur
I'm in favor of most things that result in peace and quiet.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Why does Baltimore Jewish Life always block out coments pertaining to NWCP?
Comment by Ari Winokur
In response to a previous post about what the Associated is doing regarding day school financial accountability, The Associated requires and receives independent financial audits of all day schools receiving its funding. In addition, the Associated has launched two projects in the past year designed to assist day schools in building their capacity for financial stability. Both of these projects are being underwritten by the Avi Chai Foundation and by local funders so there is no financial cost to the schools. The first is a financial benchmarking project that is underway with the end goal being expense reduction and income enhancement. Each school is developing its own three-year financial plan under the direction of the consulting organization, YU Institute for University School Partnership. The second is a day school endowment building program known as the Russel Family Generations Baltimore project. This will help each school build or increase its endowment in order to address long-term financial stability. These projects are in addition to the direct scholarship assistance provided by the Associated to the day schools. Ruth Miller
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you Shomrim. As they suggest: the cheapest and the most effective (for the cost) method of crime prevention is having adequate lighting. Keep the porch lights on and have spot lights installed or turned on that can be timer or light controlled.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I think we should all be thankful that Shomrim exists, and help us out, by helping catch these people, and our pipes.
Comment by Ari Winokur
You must be new to this site-this was the biggest news story of the day and as a reputable news site BJL is doing what they do best and that is keeping us all informed in so many areas.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was this sold at seven mile?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Okay why is this is in Baltimore JEWISH life. IS she jewish?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People concerned about the need for additional/wider/stroller and wheelchair-friendly sidewalks along and near Greenspring will want to attend the upcoming meeting of the Cheswolde Neighborhood Association: Wednesday evening 7:30 PM at the Falls Village Apartments club room.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A wonderful article that has something for everybody. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm. Thank You.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't believe they are losing money, I personally believe I have paid for at least two of those cameras, sheesh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jonathan Pollard has yet to apply for parole. He has been eligible for parole since 1996. He will be released in 2015. His espionage was motivated by greed. He wants a pardon. He deserves to either admit his wrongdoing and ask for parole or stay put until his sentence is served in 2015.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Biden is just shouldering the blame for Obama. If anything it is Obama who doesn't want to pardon Pollard and it is interesting to note but a lot of americans agree with him.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry, but I would take Christie over O'Malley and his buddy "there's no one more Irish than me" O'bama. Any day of the year.
Actually, I would take the deer that almost totaled my car before I would vote for either of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are so many other major problems with Romney, religion is just a minor one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Social media interaction does not work if people post anonymously. I noticed an interesting trend, the people that had positive things to say, included their name at the end. All the negative comments on the other hand were anonymous. If you want to complain berabim then back it up with your name. Brian Friedman.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that anyone can post whatever they want saying whatever garbage they want makes this a very broken system. Maybe they could use a real news service similar to
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow Rick Perry was at a Shabbaton. :-)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva's classes have been an inspiration and life altering experience for me. Her expertise is not only in exercise but personal attention to the needs of her clients. Her "true" feeing about her connection to Hashem shines through with her encouragement and dedication to caring for others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This school is amazing. It is incredible that their goal is to cater to each child's needs. WIshing you the best of luck.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
" Either the schools have to get bigger or there needs to be more schools! Let each school be very good at serving their target students. That way, many more types of boys and girls can be accommodated. Multiple schools in the picture allow more choices. Why should we have to send our children out of town?â
I agree with the first writer before me. Please, I hope you don't mean that quote. I see members of the Associated in that audience. Why do you think the community can sustain every nuance and every hashkafa. Children are bused every day to Washington for lacking alternative schools in Baltimore. Rambam folded with 450 students. Certainly that seemed like a need and 450 sounded like a good number. Why not? The point is your comment is exactly why this community remains poor and our institutions look to hashem for help that they won't be able to find anywhere else and the community as a whole suffers for the needs of a few. This community is wonderful in so many ways but in so many ways it lives in "fairy tale land".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand this at all. A school just had to close due to financial problems, leaving numerous people unemployed. Now another school starts up? I hope this one is financially stable, but one has to wonder why every time a child has issues, it means yet another school is needed. Years ago you had 1 or 2 choices, and look at how many great families came out of them. Why are we catering to every new issue that arises? Sometimes forcing the square peg into the round hole has good results, too. I hope these kids don't grow up thinking that the world is going to cater to their every whim just because they aren't comfortable with their lot. Not every child needs a cookie. Some need a potch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what a wonderful day of the commmunity coming together to support one another! What an incredible way to start the new year- standing together..or should I say...phoning together? What great leaders we have to give us the opportunity to do a mitzvah. The kids with the hand made tzedakah boxes added the haimishah atmosphere that made the day special. -debs
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Jeff,
Thanks for sharing this important piece of information. My waist line is starting to bulge already, and we haven't even started Yom Tov yet!
Thanks also for the "heads-up" on the Shop-rite facial tissues. You don't miss a beat!
Let me take this opportunity to commend you on the outstanding service you do for our community. I can't start my day without my coffee and my email alerts from you! You are my "window" to the outside world! Keep up your great work, and have a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful Shana Tova!
We miss you, neighbor!
Moshe Englander
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to all the Women of Valor who have cooked so many festive Shabbos and Yomtov meals!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Having visited Turkey recently,it is a police state.Erdogans stance on Israel reflects his necessity to keep the lid on his own people. He dosn't want a Turkish autumn although he deserves it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Based on what is the story stating that he is Jewish? Having a Jewish father and a bar mitzva at a Jewish Temple do not make someone Jewish.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
where is the information about Blech use?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just yesterday you printed an article about the protests from local Umanians, last year multiple riots broke out and here you are glorifying this behavior. I have something else to daven for this Rosh Hashana the safe return of these people to their homes after yom tov.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you want to join or support our community you are really welcome.
You can contact us by mail: P.O. Box 273, Bronx, NY 10462
or by E-mail:
or by phone:347-770-5452
Thank you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'd like to see R' Oberstein explain this one, please.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mrs. Kozlovsky,
I just called about signing up for the study. I am fascinated about the link to Yoga which I just started also. Thank you for offering this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the reminder. The fire department visited my house last Rosh Hashanah on the 3rd day of the 3-day yom tov because we came home to the carbon monoxide detector blasting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva always has helpful suggestions about maintaining health and truly cares about others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva is my personal trainer and she is truly fantastic!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry but that is not how interactive social media works, if you use this forum to get your message out then you can use this forum to respond to these appropriate questions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
they have one in bryant park.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ed. Note - Hillel Tendler is happy to respond to any of these comments and asks that if you are so inclined you email whereupon will forward your contact info on to him
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As someone else already commented, Rabbi Tendler strongly implied that the "Gedolim" encourage giving to the Associated as opposed to directly to the yeshivot. Can Rabbi Tender please have one of these Gedolim spell this out in a follow-up BJLife article?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have a minhag from my father, I don't go where I am not invited or welcome. Want to travel this year for Rosh Hashanah? Just heard the the Western Wall has a few seats left.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about if our community members volunteer a few hours a year to make phone calls to the larger Jewish community? That doesn't seem like such a quandary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about this idea? Don't go to Uman!! There is no mitzvah that I am aware of to put yourself in harm's way to daven in the vacinity of a grave. I am sure these people listen to their Rebbes so how about giving a p'sak not go, to stay safe with the added benefit of avoiding a significant Chillul Hashem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is not a matter of being insular. It is about priorities. After tuition, giving directly to the schools is far better then having it dispersed through a central agency. Limited dollars = targeted goals and sacrifices. That's the basic response. Do all the money oriented parlor meetings you want and definitely sell the Associated and their work here but please don't ask for contributions inherent in this article. Do you understand the economy? I have seen these types of promotions for years coming from differing members of our community. Now of all times is not the time to write this. I support the Associated. Give them money but I find the timing almost devoid of the economic realities of our schools and our parents today.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"UPPER MARLBORO, Md". What's in a name?
H. Alec
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I applaud Rabbi Tendler for writing this article. It is matter of fact and continues to further the great legacy of the perhaps the most influential men in Baltimore-Rabbi Herman Neuberger ZT"L. Rabbi Neuberger's mantra has always been Achrayus (responsibility). Along with his mantra is the aspect of being a visionary. Being a visionary includes being actively involved in the community which you live in. The Associated wants to help and although many in the communiy distance themselves from events that are sponsored by the Associated, they must realize what Rabbi Tendler is attempting to convey in his article. There are many institutions in Baltimore that need help. We are not a wealthy community and with the high cost of tuition and raising our families in this day and age, we are being shortsighted and far to insular to not take advantage of the hand that is being extended to us. To remain insular means we will ultimately lose out. If you were to meet some of the hard working people from the Associated, you will see that we are very similar in our goals for strengthening Jewish Baltimore.
Dr. Jonathan Lasson-President, Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Their mesiras nefesh is extraordinary! What an inspiration.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was amazing. I don't know why people never thought of this before. This was so great!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Shifra and Deena for all your hard work and effort for making this possible. It was amazing to be apart of this astounding event.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
After reading your extensive background, it is with dedication for man kind. I would hope that all who come for your service, have an open heart and are truly looking for your assistance. I'm looking forward in the near future, to make an appointment. God Bless you! Keep up the good work!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mr. Rosenthal, owner of Nutrition4AllSeasons, and I worked together to develop this Free Teleconference. The next TELECONFERENCE will be held in November. Thank you for your comments-Elisheva Rabinowitz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bill Clinton said today that it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Well it depends what "is" really means....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Tender is spreading an important and needed message. Involvment with the Associated is indeed very beneficial for our community.
One question: Which Gedolim are you referring to in the quote below? Let's say someone is about to pledge $10,000 to Beis Yakov or TA. Is he better off giving it to the Associated instead? Can one of these Gedolim provide written clarification?
"Am I not better off directing my Associated pledge to the individual schools where I want my gift to go? I have spoken to several ×××××× and all are ×¤× ××× that with those kinds of benefits flowing to our families, and to get a seat at the communal table, supporting The Associated is absolutely the right thing to do."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The most pressing issue facing most Day School families today is the high tuition costs for their children. What is the Associated doing to ensure the schools are financially accountable? Are there independent financial audits of the schools? Why not? Until the community is convinced that the financial operation of all the schools is transparent, large donors will shy away from supporting the schools.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With all due respect, I don't want to disparage the range of $225 - $900 a student and we should respect for what they also do for the elderly through the Weinberg facilities. However, it is isn't enough. The Associated has and will always (for their own good) be made up of a higher percentage of non Jewish day school liberal passionatte left-wing thinkers (Baltimore Jewish Council for example) and like President Obama, religious Day School education will sit at a tiny fraction of cost to the day school's budget. The whole system is collapsing Hillel. The parents are breaking down and asking to take money to the Associated is both right and chutpedik at the same time depending on your forum.
Please don't use this forum to come to the community. Use parlor meetings where you can invite people who have extra income to give for this. Big donors matter and go after them and please leave our burden alone until you can perform at numbers that will turn around this mess.
Respectfully Submitted....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW sounds like Reb Mordichai alright nothing ever gets in his way of spreading the aibishters torah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you to Belsky's Bedding on being a sponser
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A tremendous yasher coach to mrs Leeba braun for pulling together this successful event. I know her since our school days and she has always been an active and spirited leader. May Hashem grant her much koach to continue doing good and being involved with the klal
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It should be mentioned that Rabbi Tendler's grandfather of whom he speaks was Rav Moshe Feinstein Ztv'kl
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzalah is doing themselves a disservice by fighting this innovation. Women need time to groom themselves? How can that be? It's so easy to fit our little pea brains under our shaitels and hats... These women are fantastic!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I love the Rebbe's clear, incisive direction. Our tzadikim are holy and spiritual but they also have a tremendously practical understanding of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you to whoever made this available in Baltimore!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very beautiful and helpful. Thanks for posting!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At least he got one thing almost right: "...which make you wonder if G-d wants..." ALL events are what G-d wants. We do not have to wonder, we need only accept his will and obey. - Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I second "A Few Random Comments" wholeheartedly... And it is well-known that left-wingers will inject toxic comments into right-wing blogs, or attend Tea Party meetings holding signs with racist/hateful slogans, to paint the right wing as bigoted and hateful. Wasserman Schultz herself would endorse such behavior; she is a foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing hater. A shame, really...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sure, sure Billy. We love you and acknowledge you as the most uder-appreciated solver of world problems. Now go back in your multi-million home and leave us alone. Enough publicity for a lifetime, all right?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not voting for him, and neither should you. Someone who puts the PM of Israel in a room and leaves to go have dinner or a snack is not someone who I want as the president. (Of course, let's not forget the Dalai Lama, who was rushed in the back door of the White House. Makes me feel a little better that his rudeness and eliteism is not only directed to Netanyahu, but to other leaders as well).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Obama rolling out another initiative. Pour more money into something. Kinda reminds me of a company called Solyndra...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ya'asher koach to tzvi haber!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would add that blogs on the internet are often anonymous and there is no reason to assume that a frum yid left a specific comment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This alert does not appear on the KDM website ( ), nor does it appear on the cRC one ( ), nor on OU Kashrut ( ).
Also, a contradictory statement was posted by, which states "Entenmann's products now bears an authorized KMD symbol." ( ).
Finally, the above post does not say whether the products are still kosher.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Living in Israel as a dati leumi woman, I also get very frustrated with the extremists and find them very scary. whole situation makes me so angry and sad. Why do the police default to giving in to the extremists? That's what happened when they made the 'men only' streets in Mea Shearim. Kol hakavod to you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A few random comments on your well meaning article Rabbi Oberstien.1.Weprin himself injected his orthodox judaism into the marriage debate as he used it to explain his position on the matter.That is why so many frum people were rightfuly horrified by his stance.From reading interviews with him there is no indication that he feels any regret 2.It is almost laughable to bring "riyos"from the civility of our recent mayoral elections when there existed no signifigant differences between any of the candidates as they all want to uphold the same disasterous left wing policies that have destroyed a once proud city.3.You are correct that we need not delegitimize the president(ie the birther and muslim issues) but overlooking his radical views and thier results, how he is influenced by toxic associates and mentors does our country and ourselves no good.4.You are correct that we must get along with all sides ,but keep in mind that there are far too many high profle jews firmly alligned with the far left(axelrod,emmanuel,shumer,wasserman shultz,thomas friedman,krugman ect)not to mention the mindless dedication of 80 % of jews religiously voting democrat.We have a tremendous achryus to demonsrate that authentic judaism is not about global warming,protecting the welfare state,gun control,higher taxes,teachers unions,turning a blind eye to radical islam,gay marriage ,palestinian justice ect.and all the other causes of the left.By taking strong stances on these issues we are essentialy allowing jews to not be isolated on one extreme side of the spectrum which is what you advocate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very good article! Let's see if the commentariat can remain Nichbodim in the comments on this article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree mostly with the article however orthodox Jews shouldn't be silent. I would take inappropriate speech over silence because silence signifies apathy. I remember clearly my days on campus when Orthodox Jews walked past our Holocaust remembrance booth.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
APPLAUSE APPLAUSE Finally someone actually presenting a bill that actually makes sense. Even if this a last minute ditch to deter the PA from getting their state at least we have a back up plan in place.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very one sided report. Both sides of this clash are equally guilty and both are rigid extremists. Unfortunately each one is adamant that they have the only truth and this will end with bloodshed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I forwarded this article by Avi Shafran to a number of rabbis and there is definately a variety of opinions out there. One said that as long as the secular court would impose the exact same penalty as the religious court, then one can testify. Another agreed with Rabbi Shafran. Most did not agree, they were of the opinion that "mesira" of this sort does not apply in a fair and equitable justice system where Jews are treated the same as non Jews. It is an issue when the govenement is anti Semitic. Of course, those who feel that Pollark and Rubashkin are both victims of anti semitism, will not agree with the above description of the US justice system. One rabbi told me that the fellow should not testify but should not have told the gentiles that it was for "mesira" reasons, that is the chillul Hashem, that he let them know that a Jew doesn't have to follow the dictates of the law if it means getting another Jew, even a bad Jew, in trouble. I suspect that there are more shades of opinion on this issue.
Rabbi E. Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bravo! The worst part is when people resort to ad hominem attacks against the President it distracts from the legitimate criticisms (and there are many)of his policies. If one really opposes the President, then demonizing him will have a paradoxical effect. Sometimes I think the "right wingers" who attack him are "left wingers" in disguise. (Now that's a conspiracy theory!)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
the charedim terrorists strike again - if only they could be torah jews - especially during the yemai hadin you would think at a minimum they could pretend to be civilized human beings
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What were two Americans doing near the very dangerous border between Iraq and Iran, if not for a questionable clandestine activity?
Of course they were suspected to be spies. Who would choose to go there for any other reason? Iran did what was prudent. The term of imprisonment may be a bit harsh, but the hikers knew the risks.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful! But Rabbi, you are going to get a lot of flack. It would certainly be nice if those who demonize would take to heart what you wrote.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yashar Koach! Rabbi Oberstein, as always your article and point is well done. I agree whole heartedly with you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why is this on Baltimore Jewish life?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! Belsky, Goldfinger and Glazer are truly dynamic, warm and wonderful people, truly fit to be running an organization such as this and being successful. Wishing them much Bracha and Hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm with Dave Letterman. There are PLENTY of places to HIKE in the U.S.
A. How about Yosemite. It's actually closer! Now you can get a life and start paying back that million.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was a great game (even if they lost)! Was able to scalp tickets at the door for cheap. Very few frum people there though.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Romney has Obamney and ORomney CARE to deal with. He is a liar who holds every side of every issue.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a great program- sad we didnt register in time
Comment by BJLife BJLife
which dairy ingredient is in the grounds?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The question is can Perry gather enoigh swing voters and independants, Romney for sure can and would make him the best candidate as for as eliminating our dear friend Mr. Obama.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been following his shiurim for the past few years on This is a Rov who deals rather than dancing around issues. How many of those Rabbonim are left? He is the real thing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Such a sweet man. A real rov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The quintessential pulpit Rabbi, I once saw him rushing to the afternoon service and tried to stop him to ask a question, he answered that he would talk to me after the service. He then took two steps, stopped suddenly and turned around, apologized to me and encouraged me to ask him the question. A true mensch, a great example for anyone going into the rabbinate, he and his amazing wife are welcoming to everyone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What an incredible event. N'shei Hatzalah is right on the msrk when it comes to creating events that unite klal Yisroel. And how can we thank Hatzalah enough for helping our community in areas of safety and health. May the Ribono Shel Olam continue to bless you and our wonderful community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a wonderful event for such a great organization. Kudos to Nshei Hatzalah for a job well done. It was unbelievable how many people were at the carnival. Yes we had to wait for a long time in line, but Hatzalah deserves our support and think about how much time they put in for us. It was worth the waiting to be able to show how important Hatzalah is to us. Look at all the smiles in the video it seems we as a community got it right in supporting our own organization. It seemed like there were thousands of people at the carnival. Beautiful day, beautiful event for a beautiful organization. Hatzlacha to Hatzalah.
P.S. The video stops at 5 minutes is blank for about 3 minutes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shkoiach! By giving kids a healthy kosher outlet you are saving neshamos.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope the rabbanim will come out against going this year, I don't believe anyone should put themselves in such danger to daven by a kever.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why were they arrested?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This passage is incorrect:
As with any genetic disease, when both parents are carriers, each of their children will have a 25-percent likelihood of being affected; the more diseases for which each parent is a carrier, the greater the odds of the children being affected.
This is only the case with RECESSIVE genetic diseases. There are many x-linked genetic disorders, such as Fragile X Syndrome, which only require one parent to have the genetic defect to pass on to future children. In these cases, the couple has a 50% chance of having a child born with the genetic defect.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Didn't Achasvayrosh do the same thing. Scott L.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is this about women, men go through this too.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I see the BJL only lets certain comments to be posted. Mine the other day with a slight different view did not get posted (though nothing was 'off color' etc)Personally, i think this too contributes to the ongoing problems.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perry wants to get rid of Pell grants and that is not too kosher in my mind! S.F.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You need to all stop calling them charedim............. Every single person in the video is a Chassid......... I repeat they are ALL chasidim... get it right....... it is bad enough
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We were a former YR family who moved out of the area after the closing was announced due to our specific family situation but WE ARE THRILLED that Ohr Chadash has opened and are looking forward to many, many years of success for them! Baltimore needs a school that concentrates on Judaic and Secular EXCELLENCE!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Also,the fact that Bnos Yisroel acquired (bought) this campus has nothing to do with the loss of the other school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chill out! Obviously the title was meant to generate interest, and get people to read the article and learn these important lessons for protecting their children.
Just like Rabbi Horowitz mentioned in his presentation, "Take a deep breath and relax!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perry took one out of Romney's playbook. Romney is just hurting himself by criticizing a tactic that he is the biggest abuser of. This is why people hate status quo politics.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is probably in response to Turner's win that Democrats want to show that they are pro Israel themselves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chill out! Obviously the title was meant to generate interest, and get people to read the article and learn these important lessons for protecting their children.
Just like Rabbi Horowitz mentioned in his presentation, "Take a deep breath and relax!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1. In the last week since Monday, Baltimore Police were called in during the overnight hours MULTIPLE TIMES to check out suspicious vehicles and individuals in various areas in the patrol area. The latest was 3:17 this AM, when three individuals were seen in a dark vehicle on a roadway which is not usually traveled. In this case, all checked out okay. The night before, between 2 & 3 AM, police were called for suspicious individuals near the Agudah and in Pickwick.
2. We do have a lead, however, a lot more work will be necessary before we can confirm a specific suspect or suspects. We will make an announcement at that time.
2. Rest assured, we are out there working for you while you are sleeping. We work closely with BPD and BCoPD and have an excellent system of information sharing on both sides. We are all committed to firming up our leads in regards to these incidents and getting them stopped.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shabbos vs. football. Is this what we have been reduced to ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe it is insensitive to Bnos Yisroel. It is the Bnos Yisroel new campus. I am not known as the wife of my husband but as myself. Bnos Yisroel has proven to be a vital, vibrant school in the community and has earned the right to be known as itself.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how is it that there are no leads for the 125 + incidents ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The title Having "The Talk" is disturbing. Why must the issue of safety be viewed as an uncomfortable 'elephant in the room'? "The Talk" infers ambiguity and that the topic at hand is one to be avoided. Parents! Teachers! Let us be confident, upfront and tackle today's issues head on. Rabbi Horowitz is doing all of us a tremendous service by teaching us how we can educate our children in this vital, sensitive topic- in a direct, respectful and understandable way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"It's unacceptable that that the newly-religious will tell us that our women aren't modest and good enough," a senior haredi businessman explained. yet the charedi spend their efforts terrorizing others because the charedi claim that others arent good enough - ridiculous - here is another quote "We can accept young girls who returned to their faith as long as they accept the rules and speak Yiddish," said the businessman. - i feel bad when moshiach comes because i have no doubt that the charedi will shun the avos and moshe rabeinu as i am sure they did not speak yiddish - i am ashamed that non-jews and non-religious jews actually think that charedi represent the jews - charedim are barely jewish - an accident of birth and a disgrace - obviously i am not talking about all the charedi - but unfortunately the news succeeds based on shock factor - these charedim AKA terrorists need to realize that vengeance belongs to hashem and as yom hadin approaches it is unfortunate but they will get what they deserve - the torah jews have no use for these extremists 'jews' - a chillul hashem is being made daily - what a waste of a portion of the holy land if israel - hopefully they will come to their senses and become torah jews someday
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Sklare's Shmuzzen are amazing. You'll hear beautiful insights and parallels between different Parshiyos, Yomim Tovim and other Torah topics that you've never heard of or thought of before. Come to one of his Shmuzzen and find out for yourself. SG
Comment by BJLife BJLife
BJL, can you post the video from this event online?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
way to go chabad!!!!! this is a fantastic example of the groups outreach efforts and desire to help. hope to hear more along these lines!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think I will also make a poster: Palistinian ANIMALS murdered a family in their sleep, then had a party afterwards to celebrate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Some predicted it and some bemoan it but President Obama has been a deliberate and unrepentant foe of Israel since he took office. Shame on those who would say that Israel is not meaningful in the larger American-Jewish electorate. Israel is meaningful to Jews for many, many reasons - not least because it represents the only significant democracy in The Middle East. They can spin his record any way they want - and they will try - but Obama has been no friend to Israel. - A Democrat.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The truck was found in Philadelphia.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad so sad
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Agree w/ the previous comment
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Half-Arab. Half-Jewish - What does half Jewish mean? Which side of this woman is half Jewish? Her right side, her left side? And why is she an Israeli citizen!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a shocker
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If the other shlumps had something to say that made sense then I would have voted for them. She was the status quo the best that we were offered. In spite of all this she hasn't harmed the North West District. Hatzalah, NWCP and Cahaverim are operating freely and even Shomrim is still operating with her as Mayor.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing article!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HAHAHA LMAO, if Obama hadn't forced Mubarak out of office this wouldn't have happened.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is scary, doesnt the truck have some kind of GPS installed nowadays?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lets thank the Obama administration......yet again. Baruch Hashem we can rely on the abishter for assistance instead of those in with power. Daven Daven Daven, Learn Learn Learn, truly rely on Heaven for help.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wishing Bnos Yisroel all the best in the future. Just a little observation regarding sensitivity, I have noticed in many articles and ads the building is described as the "the former Yeshivat Rambam campus", I think by now we are all aware of the move and by continously adding this may cause pain to those who are still grieving the loss of their school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Now that she is our mayor we might as well treat her well. No good can come out of bad mouthing her now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A very beautiful and moving article written by a very beautiful person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent. Very good news. Others had all sorts of crazy (or no) ideas.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
a shande!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Her hair and sleeves were fine according that woman's and most probably her rav's interpretation of hilchos tznius, let us look at the real problem and not cloud the issues with nonsense, or maybe that comment is systemic of the real problem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You're right. We still have 494 days, 11 hours 43 minutes and (looks at watch) 35 seconds till à is out of office...
Good work, NYC, lets stay focussed and work get that guy out of D.C.!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a disgrace. Great job, Baltimore Jewish community, another 4 years of the same garbage we are used to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This looks premature.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A fool is a fool is a fool!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
wow! sounds like a fun family outing on a Sunday for the kids.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1111116666666???????????? YEARS OLD!!??!!?!?!?! CRAZY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I voted early and didnt need to give my ID. Its a joke, anyone with my address can pretend they are me and vote. The system is pathetic. Welcome to Baltimore City. The democratic party 30 years ago would never have allowed this. Shameful that elections have come down to no one caring who votes and only that votes get counted. How easy it is to rig elections in Baltimore City.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Are both parties Jewish?
If so great!!!! MAZAL TOV!
If not... it is a ChiLUL HASHEM.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this article should not be in Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video will not be commemorating 911 it will be about Hatzalah of Baltimore with Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Paysach Krohn. It will play every Half an hour from 1:30 p.m. until its last showing at 3:30 p.m.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I voted early and didnt need to give my ID. Its a joke, anyone with my address can pretend they are me and vote. The system is pathetic. Welcome to Baltimore City.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ahmedenijad was "misader" and "eidei kidushin" were Abu Mazen and Quadaffi
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why was this on Baltimore Jewish Life? These people do not represent Judaism in any way; they represent mental illness and extremism. This article makes be physically ill.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Hair and sleeves uncovered are no way to solve religious issues just antagonizes torah jews."
Really? Where in the torah does it say that hair and sleeves uncovered is unacceptable to "torah Jews?"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent narrative to introduce this school to parents who are not familiar with the wonderful accomplishments of it's founders. Best wishes for a productive school year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As with the Muslims LeHavdil it's the extremist making everyone look bad! A huge Chilul Hashem and Sinas Chinum WHEN WILL THEY REALIZE THEIR HYPOCRISY??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very sad example of what more and more of the Charedim are becoming. It stems from their lack of education in both torah and secular subjects. Moreover, there seems to be significant evidence that the zealotry of their Muslim neighbors has had a profound influence on them.
The time has come to stop this unauthentic strain of Judaism form hijaking the Torah. I used to think the chilonim were the biggest threat to Israel's Jewish Identity but now I'm convinced our biggest internal threat to perpetuating the Torah is a segment of society that does not work, avoids the army, steals from the government, perverts the Torah, throws diapers at policeman, and intimidates fellow Jews. Who will be the future doctors, lawyers, bankers, and soldiers of Israel in 2050?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've always been curious. When B'nai Jacob and Shaarei Zion merged, they moved into the Shaarei Zion building. In addition, Shaarei Zion, as Rabbi Tabak's congregation, was by far the better-known shul throughout the years. So why is the "B'nai Jacob" put before "Shaarei Zion".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
stop giving money to charadi yeshivas and these people will have to get jobs and not have time to harass little girls.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When did the school start using the name "YCC-TA"? What happened to just "TA"?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzlach Rabbah! To the author of the first comment; It's Elul get with the program and put your wet blanket in the dryer!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
People should be aware that when they create their own hand-outs, posters, invitations, etc. they should be careful about using other peoples creative material (artwork,poetry, etc.) for their own uses. They may be infringing on copyright law. This is particularly a problem in yeshivos where teachers seem to be ignorant of copyright law. Surprisingly some of the frum publications do this as well. It is not appropriate (as well as often being illegal) and one must obtain permission of the individual who created the original work before incorporating it for ones use.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That is appalling! How can these people go home at night and consider themselves religous! How can they say those horrible things to religious little girls? Yet they don't show their faces- the cowards.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We're all with you, Rav Lipman. Keep saving the world. You're my hero.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just curious: Why is this item in "local news"? Baltimore's quite a distance from Rockaway.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What did we ever do to them to hate us so much except the fact that we build and they destroy sick people :-0(
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When you combine unemployment with little academic acumen, that results in these people having time on their hands. They obviously have no other place to bebor constructive activity to do. Subsequently all they can do is make trouble. It has little to do with the particular issue at hand, because tomorrow these lowlifes will be protesting an archeological dig or the like. I think water cannons would probably be the best way to disperse these people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it seems to me that dov should be more sensitive to the halachos of tzinus and not bringing a woman with him that was totally dressed unaceptable to not only charedim but torah jews alike. Hair and sleeves uncovered are no way to solve religious issues just antagonizes torah jews.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just an FYI. "Religious Zionists" are actually regular frum people who when they lived in Baltimore would daven at Shomrei. Israelis have a problem that they believe the clothes make a person and someone who wears a blue shirt is not religious enough.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was just wondering the same thing...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
But they are charedim, and that is the problem, just as yigal amir's action were a foreseeable of national religious thought, this is a foeseeable outcome of current charedi thought. We are foolish when we say anyone who dos something wrong is no longer frum, denying that erzatz "frumkeit" caused the bad behavior in the first place
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is coming to america and already exists here in baltimore as "frummer than thou" snobbery. Just see the condescending letterin the latest where what when about letting children play with someone who has a tv.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tizku L'Mitzos! May Hashem shower brachos on you, your family, and on all of k'lal yisroel.
Chaya Statman [Proud to be related, distantly, by marriage]
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Humm... Maybe the JCC should start running background checks on all members. You just never know...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol Hakavod to you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! What a great Article! I believe the portrayal of the school is definitely an accurate one and a true kiddush Hashem... Thank you BJL and keep articles like these coming.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very good i am your daughters fifth cousin once removed
good luck
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Standing up for the rights and equal treatment of non terroristic Islamic people is not wrong Mr. Beamer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To answer your comment about whether the cars stopped were stolen or had stolen property in them is simple: The vehicles and drivers that are stopped have their names or license plates run for stolen and wanted checks. If the driver was suspended or wanted or if the vehicle was stolen, that information would be known as soon as the officer run the normal routine checks that are completed on traffic stops. Just remember the stop is just the first part of the investigation, a traffic stop can and has lead to more complex investigations and arrests simply from a normal speeding stop.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
where are the spelling mistakes? this article was posted by BJL. If there are spelling errors in newsletter, please email Thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
THank you for this honest report of a distressing situation. It is incumbent upon all of us to be informed and to speak up in order to guarantee that ALL Jews can live safely and securely!! A bully is a bully - even if he professes to be upholding G-d's Torah!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish Ohr Chadash all the success in the world, we need this school to thrive, however I believe you are in danger of suffering from over exposure, go on and do what you need to do on a daily basis your success will be advertised in the faces of your happy talmidim. Hatzlacha Rabah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think someone should have done a spell check before posting this. It doesn't look good on the school if there are spelling mistakes. Also to the person below, this is a new school and people want to know how it is doing and taking off. The other schools have been around for years. Give it a break and stop the competition
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HaKol Kol Eisav VeHayodayim Yedei Yaakov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dov, thank you so much for writing this. This has been so heartbreaking to watch. You are right, something wonderful can come out of this and I was so heartened to hear about the good that is happening
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you can believe absurdities you can commit atrocities. What you are seeing is the future of orthodoxy - all orthodoxy. We laugh at these people as fools and primitives. But in fact, all the orthodox show aggression and hostility and hatred to anyone who is not just like them. We say that our anti-social mores are directed only to gentiles. But in fact the orthodox include anyone who they condescend to as in the group known as 'not your brother'. And once they declare a person as 'not a brother' , it is open season on them. This is happening in Israel today. Soon it will be on Park heights Avenue. We are looking at the future. Chew on that fortune cookie.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
These so-called "charedi" are disgusting. It is this type of fundamentalist zealotry in all religions that has given rise throughout history to the mind set that kindled the Crusades, the Inquisition, Al-Qaida, and the Taliban, not to mention the attempted religious indoctrination by the Father Couglins and Pat Robertsons of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i am posting this again from the original article - since this group terrorizes people they are by definition terrorists - i would hate to say that these terrorists are the worst kind of frum people because they are obviously not frum - their actions demonstrate that they have no understanding whatsoever of how a god-fearing jew is supposed to act and they constantly prove that not only are they not frum but that they are a constant example of desecrating the holy name of hashem which to my understanding is a sin that has no repentance for it - they are just terrorists masquerading as frumah yidden - hopefully the police or some other authority will lock these terrorists in jail which is what you are supposed to do with terrorists
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about the other schools? How were their starts to the new year??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Landau will be missed, he is a great person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Simcha Wasserman's father was named Elchanan. His f-i-l was the famous Rav Meir Atlas. His intention was to commemorate both of them with the name Ohr Elchanan. Most people assumed he only named the yeshiva for his more famous father. He regretted that he did not name it Yeshivas Meir Simcha.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wishing Ohr Simcha all the success in the world, it sounds like a lovely place to daven. Interesting though some of the key names in this article have a strong connection to Shomrei Emunah and have recently been at the helm of their desperate fund raising effort, confusing to those of us who have made financial commitments due to their pleas. I love Baltimore but we have to be careful about how many slices we make in the pie.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What is their problem. they have nothing to do but harass the girls! nuts!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As the computer teacher at Ohr Chadash I have to share what some students wrote in email today, about the first week at OCA: "My week is going gr8"; "My first week at Ohr Chadash was very fun. I like my teacher; her rules are fun and everything is new...I can't wait for the rest of the year."; "My first week at Ohr Chadash was awesome."; and another one: "This is such a fun schoolI love Ohr Chadash; This is so awesome and I love this school!"...I think these 6th graders' comments says it all!!
Tova Taragin
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The county put out this list at 3 PM today Thur Sept 8
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about putting up some of the videos of these chareidi fanatics tormenting the neighborhood and young children so everyone can see the extent of their madness. This is not a matter to take lightly...these particular chareidim are dangerous and disturbed and everyone should be witness to it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Read the signs of world events (economic downturn, natural disasters,rise in antisemetism etc)Save your money- take your kehilla to Eretz Yisroel asap
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is TI not participating for a reason?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I full list of canditates is available at We are in the 5th Councilmanic District. A report on the cadidates can be found here on BJL at
- Chaim
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The site is so overloaded that you can't access it right now
Comment by BJLife BJLife
you should be building a life in eretz yisrael......
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This list is out of date - I was at the following intersections and they are NOT closed for flooding:
6600 Blk Security
Security & Kernan
Security Blvd & Gwynnoak
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's beautiful to see the continued growth of this wonderful kehila under the guidance of the esteemed Rabbi Hauer. I wish them much hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to hear more about the candidates for City Council President. Thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ironic how when I told my friend about this video he right away took out his phone to search for it
Comment by BJLife BJLife
since this group terrorizes people they are by definition terrorists - i would hate to say that these terrorists are the worst kind of frum people because they are obviously not frum - their actions demonstrate that they have no understanding whatsoever of how a god-fearing jew is supposed to act and they constantly prove that not only are they not frum but that they are a constant example of desecrating the holy name of hashem which to my understanding is a sin that has no repentance for it - they are just terrorists masquerading as frumah yidden - hopefully the police or some other authority will lock these terrorists in jail which is what you are supposed to do with terrorists
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So much hard work, so much effort, so much planning and creating, baruch hashem, so much success! Hatzlacha raba! Baltimore is very fortunate to have so many creative, and inspiring individuals willing to put so much into this vision to make it a reality. Kol Hakovod! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures, so I can get a taste of the school, see my grandsons in class and my son hard at work! Judy Davidovics
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If any of you read "Obama's Wars" you can see how this very well could happen. The man can't make decision
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful pictures, beautiful children, beautifully written article. Naomi Einhorn (grandmother of 2, currently living in Israel)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Security Blvd in Woodlawn has been reopened.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wasn't the news of this article that he saved the mother's life too? What's the story behind that?
May he be a maylitz yosher for his family
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good luck to Ohr Chadash. Sounds like a wonderful school. Looks like a wonderful facility.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I heard that Millford Mill was closed and so was a part of Old Court.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what about the virtual model of secular studies in use in a Los Angeles yeshiva. Costs less and would achieve more.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The price to attend is free. There will be tickets available to purchase for rides with the choice of buying a bracelet or individual tickets. More importantly realize that by supporting Hatzalah you are actually supporting yourself, your family and your loved ones. Hatzalah does not charge for its services and relies on donations and fundraisers to be available to you 24/7 365 days a year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not an innovative idea, this is throwing money at other people in hopes that they will be innovative. I have heard countless "new" concepts over the years to address this issue, the only time I have seen any relief is when a wealthy benefactor writes a big check.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
TWO police cars giving speeding tickets at a single location are TWO police cars that are not patrolling the streets of our residential neighborhood which has suffered from numerous burglaries. The real motivation of a speed trap is simple: money generated by those fined. I want to know HOW MANY cars of those ticketed had stolen goods inside them, or were stolen cars. This is just utter nonsense!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Put it this way, you will be supporting the saving of lives and that is priceless. enough said.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is a another crisis in Klal Yisroel and that is that frum people do not know how to innovate. They think all change is bad. Well here is an example of where we need to innovate, so thank you to the OU and I hope you can set a precedent of innovation in the Orthodox world because right now we are so desperately lacking one. Josh F.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just slow down or avoid that area!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
give them full rights please now!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why, after all these years and after all the good that Jews have done for all states and the country, do these hatreds still exist? One has to feel sorry for these people but they have broken the law and should be made to pay for these heinous acts.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perhaps a start would be to shut off cell phones,blackberries, etc. during dovening. I cannot understand how (some)people who would not think of talking during dovening think texting is perfectly permissible.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I got caught there once. Went to court and pled insanity, and got off. OK, so I made up the insanity part. But I think I did surprise the officer by thanking him for being so courteous.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There's a simple solution to reducing the number of speeding tickets one receives--SLOW DOWN!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A saved life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you have gotten 3 tickets there, I'm sorry to say that you are not so bright. If you didn't learn from event 1, that's bad enough. Didn't learn anything from event 2 - nu, maybe not so bright. 3 times?!? Speechless. Pay your own ticket.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is nice to hear that there may be a silver lining in such a speed trap. However, as a member of the public, I also see a correlation between the speed limit, the appearance of the road and the placement of the speed traps. The speed limit is too low for the type and appearance of the road. The police set traps there because it is easy to catch speeders when a very high percentage of reasonable drivers will be going faster than the speed limit. The same situation exists on Green Spring Avenue on the way to the beltway. The speed limit must match the type of road in order for a speed trap to be reasonable!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"The OU has set aside funds to spur new thinking in addressing this issue" been there done that, I don't know of an orthodox Jewish day school/yeshiva in America that has not tried to "develop ideas which have broad communal support,â THERE IS NO MONEY, The OU and Young Israel and other similar bodies must subsidize Jewish education, yes that is correct a good old fashioned hand out. The situation is too far gone for such challenge grants to make a dent, that grant will probably line the pocket of the person hired to perform the impossible, better use of this money would go directly to the schools to alleviate crippling tuition costs.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That's a relief. Now who wants to pay the 3 tickets I've received there?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do this for about 25 hours every week!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
tho those who think only shabbos is the day to pay attention to their families let me tell you there are so many people out their waiting desperatley to have a family maybe give them some of yours if you dont want to take time for them
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what is the price
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They also have a facebook page at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great video. Thanks for posting. So is BJL trying to say that we should spend less time on!?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If we allow our governor and mayor to raise our income and property taxes to the level and rate that NY has, we may be able to get it too!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Unfortunately, these are New York State grants only available for New York state institutions/residents. Just like the vast array of other social service offerings that exist in New York - they are funded by the state or city of New York to the envy of residents from all other states.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Could Agudas Yisroel get this grant for Baltimore as well?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
BH we have shabbos but how about the 6 other days of the week? Are you saying that allowing oneself to be so distracted and not "in the moment" for 6 days is okay? Clearly this awareness is a lesson in shviras hamiddos. TO break the habit of busy-ness and to spend quality time in whichever moment we are in. I signed up and so did my family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
No to a Palestinian state. This would be a malignant cancer in the side of Israel as the Arabs will still send their rockets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yeah. What he said.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Don't we already do this? I believe it's called Shabbos...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
when my husband comes homne from work he started shutting off his phone and we as a family made it a practice to not answer calls for 2 hours after the children come home. it has enhanced our family time. the kids know that the phone may ring but thewy are more important then anything else i n the world. i see the change in their self esteem and their love for eachother bc. our family unit is gettoing stronger bc of this vital time each day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is an example of technology harnassed for Torah. One can sit in his home and view this very inspiring video. Only a few years ago, this would not have been imagined. Yashar Koach for making this available.
Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why can't u use grape juice during the 9 days Thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Landau will be hard to replace, a great Rabbi, leader, mentor and friend.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am in the midst of shopping for a suit for my son- thank you!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My family went to Ner Tamid many years ago. I checked it out the past few weeks. Wow! What a difference. The place is really becoming another frum (orthodox) option in town with this new dynamic torahdick rabbi and the fact that they got rid of the microphone for good.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Milevsky is the best! What a great drasha today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Turkey did the right thing - The Israeli's are so used to reject and ignore any rightful criticism and refuse to look in the mirror - how ugly and mean and vindictive they are. Good Turkey -- Thank you for standing for what is right and now the only option for Israel is to beg their dad USA to do something.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What I would like to know is: New York, New Jersey, Maine, Vermont, Delaware, Virginia have all been declared disaster areas, opening up financial assistance for people who need to have their basement fixed, mold removal and other post storm cleanup and recovery activities. Why hasn't the State of Maryland submitted to FEMA a request to declare Maryland a disaster area? Disappointing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
who here refers to their uncle as a "distant relative?"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
no caption?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why don't you write about may rawlings illegal homestead credit on her investment property. Moreover. Jack young the president of the ciy council has been investigated for homestead credit on his investment properties. Your are a totally biased site and you should be ashamed of yourself
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sheila Dixon may have been unethical but she had much more vision and seemed to care more for this great city then the incumbant exhibits. Mayor
Rawling blake has done nothing for the city. She is never visible in any neighborhood, nor does she ever make statements that are well thought out.
Baltimore deserves much better than this inept incompetent amateur
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"I saw people who claimed that you can kill people in the name of Islam. It is disheartening to see this. But these people exist also in Christianity and Judaism as well."
They do?? Maybe these Christians existed 50-60 years ago but they don't exist today. And Jews? I can think of 2 that might fit the bill, just 2. Versus how many radical Islamists? Millions??? There is absolutely nothing to compare here; until Muslims stop making these ridiculous comparisons, I have no hope that there will be truly moderate Muslims that one can talk to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why isn't Young Israel Shomrei Emuna a recipient did they apply?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tamir Goodman is the Jewish Jordan (tm)!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Your staff reporter needs to learn how to be a journalist first, not a partisan hack. The headline for this article is grade A Foxnews slant. NOTHING in this article would indicate that President Obama is pulling a "speech stunt." If you can't do a better job of being objective, get OUT OF THE BUSINESS!!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What's really sad is that it was one of the few kosher restaurants that a frum person could bring non-frum and non-Jewish associates/friends. In the non-kosher world the standards of expectation for "fine dining" are hard to come by in the Baltimore/Washington area. Pity.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Boruch dayan ha'emes <3
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was "commenter #2" and I apologize for not signing my name. And I agree it should not be an automatic decision and that many of our caterers and in fact many members of our community are Baalei Chessed. However, Fishel seems to continuously go far above and beyond that all things being equal he should get some extra consideration when making a choice. I'm sure there are circumstances when making a wedding out of town is the correct decision. However before making such a decision, supporting members of our community and showing hakoras hatov should also be considered.
Simcha Kossman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what a nice showing of ahavas Yisrael! Very refreshing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel is the unbelievable Baal Chesed, the other caterers and jewish businessess in town all do incredible things such as offering food or services to our wonderful chesed organizations that you may not know about.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Absolute correct policy. Our wet limp rag of a Foreign Secretary in England is oo frightened of the muslims to bring in such a policy. Thank God for America.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To commenter #2, I agree with you. Reb Fishel is terrific and we definitely owe him our business. I am sure that you didn't mean it as it sounds, that we should automatically choose Reb Fishel over all other caterers, because surely there should be enough business for all the caterers in town!
(Thank you Reb Fishel for all your care and concern for the community b'ruchniyus uv'gashmiyus.)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to Baltimore Jewish Life for keeping residents updated of Baltimore City's efforts.
Betsy Gardner
Mayor's Office of Neighborhoods
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think the majority of our community recognizes the unbelievable amount of Chesed that Fishel does for our community and offer their thanks when they see him. However, when it comes time to choosing a caterer, they seem to forget their hakoras hatov. Even if our community didn't owe such a great debt to Fishel, his outstanding catering at reasonable prices (and with Shomre's plan, VERY reasonable prices) should be sufficient reason to use his services. But given how much he does for our community, don't we owe it to him to reciprocate?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank You Gross family for taking us in! May HKB"H grant you the strength to continue to do chesed for many years to come! Gobbie & Shayna Cohn and family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is exceedingly ridiculous!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel is amazing!!! Who else would make such a great offer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great work NWCP thanks for being a pillar in the community and taking the lead on these matters
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Remember, it is proper to treat an intersection with non-functioning traffic lights as a four-way stop. If everyone follows this simple rule we can be assured that everybody will get home and where they are going safely!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A big THANK YOU to NWCP and CityWatch for their vigilance in ensuring the safety of our community!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to Mr.sugarman for volunteering your time and expertise with removing trees that were blocking the roads.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to the NWCP who was visibly out in the dark areas of our community last night.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Third & final" sounds like the other two have been released, which is not so, only one has. Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel is still in jail after the May 16 ruling of the Tokyo High Court denying his appeal and upholding the guilty verdict handed down by the Chiba District Court.
There is a prisoner transfer agreement in place between Japan and Israel, and thus, according to Japanese law, a prisoner legally need not be held even one day in Japan, but can be transferred to his own country. The reality, however, is far different. Transfers usually take a long time, as was the case with Yossi, the youngest of the three boys who were arrested at Narita International Airport over three years ago.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Super Fishel strikes again!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
kol hakavod
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel Gross you never cease to amaze us with your creative ways to help your fellow man! With appreciation The Wachs
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with the first poster. This is not such a large issue that it should cause divisiveness in the orthodox community. It always amazes me to see what issues become popular in our communities. Why do we focus on issues like whether or not to say "shelo asani isha" or how to check our strawberries etc. etc. Why not address more severe problems in our community? For example, we have many students that are going off the derech because although they learn, they never find the spiritual feeling of connection to Hashem. There are many Jews from every spectrum that intermarry. Let's focus on what's really important.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
b4 i bring my food over i would like to know whose giving the hashgacha on the food goin in to the truck? if not will u keep them seperated?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If anyone needs help:
3614 glengyle avenue
Freezer space - internet - cooking, etc..
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why Rabbi Gordimer then is it o.k. to march so far to the right? For example, today many young men are denying the actual text of their ketubah by not even trying to support their wives, and this is just one of many examples of this trend in our orthodox community. No thinking person today can say that the yeshiva world is not leaning more to the right than it was 20 years ago. Actually, this small suggestion actually appears to be less of a "radical halachic and hashkafic change" than a small gesture that may retain some young people who feel disenfranchised by today's version of Torah Judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
there are no denominations in judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The following is from an email sent to me by Rabbi Moshe Schwab, the eldest son of Rav Shimon Schwab, ZT"L who served as the Rov of Congregation Shearith Israel from 1936 to 1958. Reb Moshe has given me permission to post his email on this site.
Thank you every so much for the interesting article by Mr. Lehman. I
remember Merrill and Nanette Lehman very well. They were close friends of my
Uncle Herbert and Aunt Dita Froehlich A.H. A big Mazel Tov to them on their
70th wedding anniversary and respective birthdays. May they live and be
well. All those names he mentioned in the artice are so familiar and brought
back many memories. I remember " P.W." Gudesheimer very well. He lived in
the big old house across Glen Avenue from what is now the parking lot of
Shearith Israel. My father ZT"L would tell us about the tzidkus of Mr.
Gudesheimer - particularly about his Bedikas Chometz which took him the
better part of the night despite his old age!
It is amazing what became of Gundesheimer-Lehmann. Their ancestors were
simple Jews who kept every din and minhag that they inherited from their
good, simple, uprightly Jewish ancestors from small towns in Germany. These
people merited to have all their descendants remain from Jews, and many with
a great deal of Torah learning. I contrast this with the descendants of
learned Rabbis in Baltimore ( who shall remain nameless) whose children
became totally assimilated and married non-Jews. My father always said
" Shearith Israel is not just a Shul, it is a Kehilla that stands for a
Torah-true undiluted Jewish way of life.
On a personal note, I was recently in Baltimore and made it my business to
go into the Shul and sit in my old seat and let me memories float back to
those good old days of my carefree youth there. I looked around and
remembered the old timers and where they sat.
Those seats are now filled by other people who never knew them, but is was
those old timers of German descent who kept the shul intact. That visit was
a very uplifting experience for me - especially because of the Hakoras Hatov
I feel toward Shearith and its officers who brought my father here from
Germany, and very likely saved our lives.
As I went out to my car in the parking lot. I noticed that "big old house"
across the street ( now somewhat renovated) and fondly remembered that here
lived the Tzaddik, Mr. P.W. Gundesheimer.
Please convey my best Mazel Tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lehman, may they
live and be well L'Orech Yomim Tovim.
Thanks again for the interesting historic article by their son.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We have reefer truck available 2714 Bartol please seal and put phone # on box(shomer chinam laws apply)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The tree has been cleared
Comment by BJLife BJLife
While checking messages, I saw that we got one of these at 1:49 AM -- but we slept right through it, so we didn't get to say "It's Shabbos" to the telephone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have a lot of large trees in my yard, so I parked my car next door at a neighbors where there are no trees. I suggest you consider moving your car a safe distance from trees, til Sunday evening.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank-you, NWCP!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful Davida! Such clarity!
Danielle Sarah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Stirah! the Florida Hurricane questions quote R' Heinneman as saying that when winds reach 35mph you should no longer carry. Yet here the P'sak is different. What's a Yid to do?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Which eruv announcement do we rely on? A previous article said that we can rely all shabbos on the eruv being up before shabbos. This article says that if winds go above 35mph then we need to assume the eruv is down. Which is it?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you BJL! Might I add let us be sure to check on our elderly neighbors, or others that may be vulnerable.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I want to thank all my fellow candidates in the 5th District for coming out tonight and participating in the forum tonight. Scott Carberry, Curtis Jones, Derrick Lennon, and Rikki Spector. I would also like to thank the League of Women Voters for organizing this wonderful opportunity to have this forum and meet the wonderful voters of the 5th District.
Ari Winokur
Candidate, Baltimore City Council
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very sad, but mostly a reflection of the economy. Now we have to go to new york for our anniversary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is quite a shame, we personally have two wonderful meals there - Donna Wach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mashiach called...he reminds all Jews that Ahavat Chinam is all it takes for him to walk through the door. Shame that too many Jews are so judgmental and busy throwing rocks and barbs, it's costing the rest of us our geulah.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope Armidinajad dies of the most painful cancer and that Iran is nuked.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They are chabad, and chabadnikim write to the ohel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
we used to say tehillim, now we write to the ohel?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I definitely felt it in middle of the night. And I thought I was dreaming when I felt a few other minor shakes, but apparently others felt it as well, so I guess I really wasn't dreaming! DC
Comment by BJLife BJLife
All we can do is pray. Would you be so kind as to publish Mr. Ostreicher's Jewish name?
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
To Tova and Tsvi S.
The way you both handled these comments and especially the comment by Tova at the end was beautiful to see. I wish all comments on blogs would be done in such a mentchlachkeit type of way.
Mi K'amcha Yisrael (Mi K'eercha K'Baltimore)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Sounds awesome and is a great cause but am I can't be the only one that thinks that $3,000 per paticipant, most of whom are teens is a bit excessive. Also the overhead of "roundtrip airfare to Miami; hotel accommodations; a personalized training regimen; official Team Yachad race gear; guaranteed race admission; a pre-race pasta party and post-race BBQ; and an unforgettable Yachad Shabbaton at the beautiful Newport Beach Resort and Spa" is quite a reward for raising "tzedaka" money. These comments do now reflect my appreciation for these wonderful and worthwile projects.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in my house. I thought my brother upstairs had fell or dropped something really big. Then the noise kept going and moving across the house. Then before i knew it the entire house was shaking in its tracks(foundation)LITERALLY! I heard it click each time it changed directions. Right about then i realized it was an earthquake, but i was still pretty confused. It stopped, i ran to turn on WBAL right as C4 asked his producer if he just felt that. My thoughts were confirmed. Social Security was evacuated and all non- essentials were told to go home. (my father)
Follow @wannabehocker on Twitter.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was seated at my desk. It felt like a subway train running under the floor under my desk.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was downtown at a design conference on the 12th floor of a hotel.
Felt as if the building was about to collapse from the swaying from side to side due to height.
Malka Frankel
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in merrick ny the couch started shaking the food in the cabinet starting moving i thought my cousin was sending us a message
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was sitting at a table at work. I thought that they must have an overloaded washing machine, because I heard and felt that type of shaking. Then our boss told us all to leave the building immediately.We figured out that it was an earthquake. The cell phones didn't work and people outside reported seeing the ground and cars "move". We were given the rest of the day off,as they were not sure the building was safe to return to. Hashem shook up a lot of people today and got our attention! Lets appreciate that we are safe, and daven for safety of our brothersand sisters in Eretz Yisroel! Miriam Sidell, Baltimore
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in Bais Yaakov, Park Heights campus, preparing my room for the new school year, and thought that there were MAJOR renovations taking place on the second floor (above my room).
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
In case you didn't receive the beginning of the comment starting with "stream" -- here it is: Did you hear that the Mount Sinai revelation included a Divine sound and light show along with a real "4D" mountain-shaking experience? Sometimes a good sales pitch works wonders! And, also at that event, all Jews -- no matter which "stream"
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
"stream" floated their boat -- were UNITED in their desire to hear how each Jew could flow toward the "ocean of TALMUD" (a word that also mean STUDY!)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was sitting at my desk in my office working on my computer, when I felt the rumbling. My chair was shaking and heard the building shake. I thought the hot water furnace in the basement was getting ready to blow right below me. My co-worker shouted âwhat was that? What is going on?â Then I knew that it wasnât only me. I said, âI donât know but letâs get out of here!â I ran outside and a FedEx guy was walking up to the building. I told him I just left the building because there is this rumbling, like the building is about to blow! He looked at me as though I was nuts! I guess he didnât feel anything.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Thank you for the info.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
All depands on what you want. If you want your child to learn Hebrew but do not like the cost and or lack of diversity at a Day School, this Hebrew charter school movement is a Nes Gadol, a big miracle. If you want an intensive Torah based Orthodox education of course it is not a good fit. But please speak for yourself Charles.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
would someone please educate me - what is the halachic problem of sitting behind a woman - if i remember correctly there is a possible issue of walking behind a woman - which supposedly on today's streets the solution of passing that woman is pointless - but to sit behind a woman??? is it really an issue? and depending on the issue is it not possible for men to control their eyes and minds???
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
sounds like the best of homeschooling to me! no age segregation, meet the kids where they are at, customize the learning in "chunks", give kids a sense of mastery, one on one tutoring, and then move them along at their own pace.....nothing new under the sun here! just intuitively hitting on the right formula, using the new technology to spice it up. can't wait to try it! R. Levin
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
The correct address is 5271 Reisterstown Rd. (5721 is a sketchy-looking garage. 5271 is a respectable-looking building in a sketchy neighborhood.)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
It is nice to hear that that "rabbi" did partial teshuva by revising his article. However, I think that R. Shafran's comments still apply. He only revised his statements because of the outpouring against his omission of a bracha. Does anyone really trust that "rabbi's" yiras shamayim. And, even if he is truly repentant, still it is necessary to vigorously protest the heretical ideas proposed. Too many people read the 1st article. And commented on it. I never knew there was a retraction. How many people were mislead by the un-orthodox position expressed in the name of Torah. Thank you R. Shafran.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Ohr Chadash Academy students will benefit from this program. We encourage others to take a look at how we integrate technology into the program at Ohr Chadash Academy to ensure that each student is maximizing his/her individual potential.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Please update the story; this was a stale news item.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Yasher Koach to the folks who run O Fishel caterers. I am impressed with the fact that you not only spoke with a Rav but with AMF bowling themselves. More power to you and may you be zoche to much more business b'ruchniyus and b'gashmiyus for many years to come.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Thank you so much for this wonderful vehicle to give over to our kids guidance around these things and giving us parents an easy way to get coversations going around these sometimes hard to talk about subjects.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
In an attempt to satisfy those who question the Bowling Shoe Gemach, we have contacted AMF directly. The question was posed whether there is a problem with people borrowing bowling shoes. Gregg A. Nichols, District Manager AMF Pennsylvania / Delaware / Maryland responded "If there are families you are connected with that want to share shoes - and save some money - all the more power to you". "We offer numerous ways for families to save money at our bowling centers. Summer Unplugged (aka - kids bowl free)..."
Signed - Mitzva Mo'
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
It appears that Rabbi Shafran has unfairly and unfortunately chosen to respond to a version of an article that the author himself realized was too strident in tone and has since withdrawn and replaced with another. Given the inherent difficulty of effectively retracting electronic statements once they are out there, I would think that the second iteration of his thoughts would be the one deserving of exclusive focus. In that one he disparaged no one, impugned no institutional practice, and did not propose anything that, in essence has not been proposed, at least in part, before. I would call attention to a 1995 Tradition article by Rabbi Dr Joel Wolowelsky, proposing that in certain communities at least, this beracha might be said silently because, time honored interpretations notwithstanding, language and words have simple, direct meanings that cannot be easily shunted aside. That issue of Tradition also contained a rejection of that idea penned by Rabbi Emanuel Feldman.
I am not taking a side here - other than the side of transparency and fairness. The article to which Rabbi Shafran refers and from which he quotes or paraphrases does not actually exist any longer.
Yaakov Chaitovsky
Baltimore MD
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
nice elaboration on a topic where many a person vigor is inversely proportional to their knowledge.
I will point out also that Rav Ovadia Yosef has essentially the same opinion as Rav Moshe.
>and Rav Moshe similarly advocates being strict, and himself did not rely on the heter.
This is not totally accurate. Rav Moshe DID rely on the heter when other milk was not readily available.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
There was nothing wrong with posting this article. I found it informative and it was news worthy.
When you publish an article it merely said what the
man had recently said. It's news! Let the reader decide its merits.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you for this informative article. I also appreciate that since this site is viewed by so many different types of yidden, that you remind us to check with our own Rav.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Things are getting scary again.....Daven harder, learn more and say tehillim my friends becasue the birthpangs are here
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Why doesn't Baltimore have a Kosher/tea party chapter?
It's time for a little activism among our people to protect the future of Klal Yisrael.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
all this discussion and....In conclusion, we allow each reader to clarify with his own rav whether his or her circumstances permit relying on using non-chalav Yisrael milk. ???? Shkoyach really! give me a break.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
This is really exciting! Who cares that it is not local. Israel is becoming more and more advanced. We should all be so happy to see this.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
enemy's. Oops
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you BJL for sharing this important article. If you read only one newspaper,read your enemie's.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
To the "commentor" who feels the need to defame BJL for this article:
The role of this site and the others out there just like it is to provide the news to the frum community in a more Torah'dik environment void of the objectionable material on other news websites. We all know that the author of this op-ed is worthy of the strongest and harshest condemnation for his actions and statements - both past and present. However, there are still many in our circles who find his remarks as somewhat intriguing and would like to have access to an article such as this.
To suggest that you are going to try and cause monetary harm to the site's proprietors (especially in the week of mevorchim Chodesh Elul) would deem you as a colossal hypocrite and an unmistakable rasha.
You have the discretion to read whichever articles that appeal to you and you can ignore the other ones. This is an article that you can hereby ignore.
Zait gebentched.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Local News?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Not that I don't appreciate the article...But how is this local news?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
"I could see brick-throwing on all sides."
"I did not know Yankel Rosenbaum had been killed by a mob on that first night."
At Freddies Fashion Mart, more screaming about white and Jews and more people dies. This man is a professional race-bating riot-master, and SHAME on the BJL for printing this garbage,
I will now spend the rest of the week calling your advertisers suggesting they pull their ads from now on unless YOU apologize for publishing the racist garbage by Sharpton.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
After consultation with the Mitzva Motivator Rabbinic Authority it has been determined that as long as people adhere to the policies of the bowling alley, there is no issue if a chillul hashem by borrowing shoes from the gemach.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Yasher Koach for a beautiful story. I grew up in Balto, davened at the McCullogh street shul and remember when Robert Cohen was struck tragically in a thunderstorn on the first night of Sukkos, THe Lehman name is a very Chashuv one in the history of Baltimore Ortohodoxy. My Uncle, Horav Chaim Eliezer Samson, zaztal, and my father , Horav Yosef Samson, zatzal, were also instumental in helping your granfather promote true Yiddishkeit in the Yerushalayim D'America, as it was called. Keep up the good work and may your granparents zechus continue to inspire you and your entire family
Benjamin Samson (TA, class 0f 1953)
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
The fact that a Jewish publication prints writings by a Sharpton, a known anti-semite and Jew-hater shows the sad state of most Jews in America. 90% of Jews in this America dont know their left from their right hand. Pretty sad. I think one would call it Stockholm syndrome.
The editor of your "humble" publication needs his or her head examined. Why not just publish excerpts of Mein Kamppf, the Koran, or other enlightening articles.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
It is about time! The American Revolution of 2012...!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Awesome, we in Texas are with you!!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Hi. I'm Yonah Ribiat.Yes the eruv repair did need to be completed,specifically in the middle of the night.However, it was not an emergency and could have been done either Wednesday or Thursday night. We chose to do it right away on Wednesday night, as soon as we became aware of the problem. We are very appreciative of all the people who gave up their midnight hour L'Tovas Haklal.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Fantastic and inspiring story! Your parents (and you), have much to be proud of; and there's no question that K'lal Yisroel has benefitted tremendously from your great-grandfather's philanthropy...
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
For those in the city who want an alternative, they need to be aware that Ari Winokur is running for City Council, to replace Rikki Spector. #2 said we (the frum community) need to "be in it to win it." Well, here is a chance for that. People need to fully understand the issues. Let's go down the list. The fire department budget was cut, locations were closed. Maybe stations close to our neighborhood, like the Glen Avenue station haven't been closed, but what happens when they keep cutting in future budgets? People talk about the roadwork at Clarks and Fallstaff, but what about all the other roads that are falling apart? The police department hasn't had any major cuts yet, but they have tried cutting their pensions. Cut pensions will make new police look to other jurisdictions for employment. The police work very hard in this city, but they are often busy outside of our neighborhood with major crimes. We owe a large debt of gratitude to all our organizations that actively watch for crime and make it clear that we are watching. Our area's crime-rate is way below the city average, and that is due in major part to these wonderful organizations. The Mayor talks about fixing a budget gap. But she did this at the expense of many programs that improve the livelihood of children throughout the city. After-school program budgets were cut and rec centers were closed. These are programs that help keep the children of Baltimore busy and give them incentives to strive for a better life. So remind me again how the current city government is improving things?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Mr Lehman's father & Mrs Lehman's mother were both maarich yomim & active communal members. As one who grew up in Shearith Israel, I found the history lesson fascinating - thsnk you Robert
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank g-d! What would they have done if we didn't have a functional Eruv on Thursday morning! I wouldn't be able to carry my tfillin to shul!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Some of the facts are incorrect. Doctors do not make $6000-7000 shekel per month. If so, they wouldn't be striking! Currently residents make approximately $8 per hour and attendings make approximately $12 per hour, or even less! Most doctors have to work privately because they cannot pay their mortgage in the public health care system. As a result, the information about the health care system is inaccurate. Many people are forced to pay privately if they do not want to wait 1/2 a year for an important test or procedure or up to 9 months to see a specialist. Specialists can easily cost over 1000 shekel per visit.
Additionally, the rates for religious middle and high school, while signficantly lower than US rates, are higher than the ones mentioned. A good rate for a public religious middle school is at least $2000 and up, and many have to also pay for transportation which adds to the cost.
Regarding the comment made about teachers' salaries/benefits, they are correct. Teachers have excellent benefits, much better than other professions, and paid vacation, which makes their package much better than their base salary will reflect. For example, Psychologists and social workers in the public system earn below minimum wage (20 shekel per hour) and do not receive similar benefits. Furthermore, their pension is solely based on their less than minimumn wage salary, which means that their pension is unliveable.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you NWCP, and everyone who helped us out. Keep up the great work
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
I didn't read anything about free bowling. who is bowling free?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Hey, didn't see you there on Wednesday night! Thanks to the NWCP for all they do for the community.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Best of luck in trying to get the group to bring benefit us maximum benefit.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Good info. Thanks for putting it up here.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Wow what a save! On a wedensday night
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Congrats to our community's faithful advocate!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
If the OU really wants to do something about terrorism, let them stop being so diplomatic and wishy washy and finally speak out against the establishment of a Palestinian terror state in Israel!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Innocent bystanders? I wonder.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Ask a rav not me I am not a posek. I was merely expressing my discomfort at the idea of a bowling shoe g'mach which, coupled with the use of the free bowling coupons causes the bowling alley to lose revenue.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
this is not beating the system. lets say that every family in town buys their own shoes. the alley still gives out the coupons. would this be okay.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
yes but large numbers of orthodox Jews coming for free e.g. on Chol HaMoed will only serve to convince the owners that the Jews figured out a way to beat the system.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
if the bowling alley was only opened for the frum people that have access to the shoe gemach, then you might be right. the last time i was there there were a lot of people that were there paying full price and buying food.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
the bowling alley attracts a lot more than just the frum people that have access to the bowling shoe gmach.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
If your game is free and you don'y rent shoes and i am assuming you aren't buying a drink how is the bowling alley supposed to stay in business?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
ad me'ah ve'esrim...and then a little more!!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Great Story! Like I say, Every Jew A 22!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Look at other cities - they have cut their fire and police departments. Not so here. We may not be in the best financial situation, and yes, there are some "odd" things about this city, but, hey, it could be worse. I will be voting for her in the next election.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
when you go bowling do they say "what size shoes do you need?". No they ask you "if" you need shoes. What difference does it make if you buy them yourself, get them as a gift, or borrow them from someone else.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Why wasn't a Crown Heights Chabad representative invited?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Maybe because we don't really care about relationships with the goyim? What do we need it for? The Torah says to stay away from them, so why are we even interested?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
How about an iPhone app for this?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Tova i could not agree more
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Moshe A: As I said, I have no issue with a family purchasing their own bowling shoes (or using shoes they have received as a gift for that matter). What doesn't sit well with me is a bowling shoe g'mach for the reasons I express in my comment
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you congress for lowering our bank fees- the law of unintended (though eminently foreseeable!) consequences strikes again
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Some (but not all) of our schools are 'YAVIS,' putting the 'best' kids in the class with the best teachers. A rebbe's kid or board member gets the optimal situation, while those lower on the scocio-econimic ladder get crumbs or are told they have problems the school can't handle.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Are there institutions in the USA that are involved with this technique?
Francine Haber, Denver
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Tova: I'm not following you. Supposing I buy shoes for the entire family (or supposing we get them as a gift?) No difference, bottom line, we all have our own shoes. Now, supposing we take the free passes and use them. They are to be used, correct? Putting bowling aside for a second, supposing a shopper goes to Seven Mile Market and combines all kinds of available coupons plus a store-special and the item's cost ends up being so low you know they are not making any money on it? Or supposing the item ends up being free? Please explain the chilul Hashem in any of these scenarios.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for coming forward - even at this later date.
H. Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People Don't drink as much coffeee as they used to so they drop the price to try and spark some sales
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher Koach Fishel and all the mitzvah motivator sponsors!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Aah but this will ultimately create a chillul Hashem iflarge families repeatedly use the bowling alley for free - and remember we don't buy food either so they make no revenue. Perhaps each family can purchase their own bowling shoes but a shoe g'mach combined with using the free bowling passes "strikes" me as wrong. Perhaps daas Torah should be asked?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I first moved to Israel, I could not understand how Israeli make it through the month, or even the day, with such low salaries. That was until I discovered that the "low" salaries do not include benefits, which can be quite hefty. Teachers receive payment for 75 percent of their rent; nurses (such as my wife) receive considerable additions for night shift work and all sorts of ideas the labor union comes up with to raise the gross salary without raising the basic wage. There also are several funds to which the employers often contribute twice or three times as much as the employees, leaving the worker with a nice built-in savings account after a few years.
Concerning food expenditures, the "average" Israeli is a spendthrift. Good nutrition and wise buying can bring down the food bill considerably. For example, ours is approximately $725 a month, including Pesach and the High Holidays. And why buy expensive Osem soup almonds when you can buy a non-brand name for almost half the price? Orange juice? Squeeze your own. It is a lot healthier and a lot cheaper.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All you need to live in Israel is emunah. Yes, simple, childlike trust in Hashem that He will provide. Hashem provides daily sustenance for an ant, so OF COURSE He will provide for His beloved children. It's true what the other person wrote - we know it is G-d who is sustaining us. If you believe your sustenance is gained by your human efforts alone, then you will be very frustrated living in Israel. My best advice to you would be to get yourself some CD's by Rabbi Lazer Brody on Parnassah and Emunah in Hashem. They will inspire you. Guaranteed!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow!!!!!! what a great idea , if only this leads to many others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Jewish education cannot just be the concern and responsibility of Jewishly engaged parents, but must be handled from a communal perspective. If our educational institutions and resources remain focused on the most highly motivated parents, we undermine the vitality of American Jewry."
-- Jewishly engaged and highly motivated parents are precisely what is needed, not more "paternialistic" wealth transfer programs disguised as community initiatives. As a major North American Rav once told me regarding outreach, "They know where we are".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In Israel bowling costs a little more (about 6-7 dollars a game) but the shoes are free!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's not garbage at all. My son and his friend have been in uniform on buses and have suffered abuse at the hands of charedi passengers. It is fine if they feel that their learning exempts them from service in the army. It doesn't permit them to shower abuse on those who risk their lives every day so that we can live here safely.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have no problems with Mayor Rawlings-Blake. She has done everything for this community that she possibly could. She has a liaison (Betsy Gardner) who looks out specifically for our community, and has saved our organizations thousands of dollars. Please state specifically what Rawlings-Blake has done that is not in the best interest of our community?
1. Our police department continues to keep our community safe. No cops have been laid off or re-assigned, and our neighborhood continues to have the complete support of the police department (I don't see the big blue truck posted in Islamic areas for Ramadan - but I do in the frum area for Yom Tov!)
2. Our fire department is there when you need them, and they are a complete supporter of our community (I.e. Hatzalah)
3. Our trash is picked up on time
4. Our roads are repaired (Clarks\Fallstaff for example)
What more do people want? A mayor who only looks at the Jewish Community? Lakewood? Never gonna happen. We have it good here, why put someone else in office who has no track record of doing anything for anyone? Screams "Hope and Change" to me. You want hope and change? That's fine, vote for someone who has done nothing (like our beloved President - see where he has gotten us). Otherwise, be happy with the good things that our City officials bring to the table, and find ways to tweak it to make it even better.
Mayor Rawlings Blake has my vote in the next election!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The general tone of the article â that life in Israel is more expensive than it was in Baltimore, is quite accurate. I think that the âaverageâ salary was overestimated. My husband is told that at a gross salary of 9500nis/mo ($2600) is quite high for average Israelis.
Our situation: We earn ¼ what we did in the US. Our rent, for a house 2/3 the size is about the same, electric is about the same, arnona (homeownerâs taxes) are higher, food is considerably higher and we donât buy anything packaged; contact lens solution, deodorant, feminine needs are 2-4 times higher, depending on the item â the contact lens solution is nearly 4 times what I pay for it when I am in the US. Transportation is considerably higher.
The ONLY things in our life that are cheaper are tuition and healthcare and they donât come to anywhere near what we are overpaying for the other things. In general, we are living at least half of the standard of living we did in the US. When you also take into consideration that they rarely have sales here, no wal-mart or Samâs club, and clothing prices, we are having a very hard time of it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I admire the mayor, though I am not sure she has achieved much for our city. I am more concerned about Jack Young. He seems to be someone who does not deserve our trust.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The numbers don't tell the real story of economic life here in Israel. For many of us, rationally speaking (i.e. by the numbers), it seems that we can't afford to live here. And yet, we are sustained in comfort in some metaphysical way we don't fully understand. We know it's God who is sustaining us, so the price of cottage cheese doesn't really matter that much in the end.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Considered a shoo-in for easy reelection Dinkins kept the NYPD out of Crown Hts for 3 days. In a city with 6 to 1 Democratic voters Dinkins lost to a unknown Republican Federal prosecutor named Rudy G, and the rest is history.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Commenter #2 says to commenter #3 you are reading into what I said. I did not endorse the mayor. If we want to get behind a candidate who will be better for us, by all means! The key is access. As for progressive, that means left of liberal (the President and Governor are progressive). I assume you mean a reformer, or perhaps a populist or even conservative.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Response to comment #2.
So basically we need to throw our weight behind the person most likely to win... Hmmmm.... Sounds like what jews did in 2008 with President Obama and look where that got us. We are not so small anymore and we have a voice. We need to get the trash out of the city and put someone progressive who will work on cleaning the city up and lower our taxes. Stephanie Rawling Blake is a puppet to our liberal governor and will only plunge this failing city into further trouble. I think its ridiculous to vote for her because we think she's going to win anyways...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In spite of filibusters by Republicans and tactics of Tea Party activists against what President Obama is trying to do,he has done a great job. He was elected by a majority of Americans including white democrats in South Carolina of whom I am one. Who elected Ryan Rhodes to any office?
Jack D. Simrill, Attorney at Law, Hilton Head Island. South Carolina
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We get less than other frum communities because 1)We are very small compared to other frum communities 2)We are split between the City and the County which dilutes us politically, and 3) Because we are not part of the system. We have no Orthodox Jews that I am aware of in any executive positions in the City or County. We need to be in it to win it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thats garbage.... I would be willing to guess that the bus driver/inspecter DID say things like that as they do not like people like us who are SHOMER MITZVOT and they don't like the army as they seem to think that they would survive without us.!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Interesting story!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
another chillul hashem - no wonder the world seems to hate the jews and appears to discriminate against the jews - some of the jews seem to set the example for the rest of the world - we should be jumping to our feet to honor these soldiers who put their lives on the line everyday to protect us - to avoid this ridiculous self-created issue again there should be seats of honor reserved for soldiers on all buses and they should be given priority
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The use of the words "frum" and "non-frum" is divisive, they may be descriptive but this "us" and "them" attitude is quite condescending. While I think the people behind these programs have the best intentions, they need to be more careful on how and especially where they present their manifesto, BJL is not an exclusively orthodox website. Torah is a "product" that does not need slick videos and award winning educational materials, never has. Also with the ever-increasing lack of observance of our own yeshiva-educated children, time may be better spent with our own families enhancing our own shabbos tables.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, any frum person who actually thinks voting for Stephanie Rawlings Blake is good for the long term in this city, is delusional. She is like any other liberal in this wonderful city of ours. Your property taxes will go down by a mere couple bucks a year and she will proclaim victory! Money from slots will go to "revitalize" druggie neighborhoods while taking cops off the streets that protect your neighborhood. This is a city where you get less for your buck than any other city with a large frum community in it. Crime is at an all time high, taxes are'nt going down. The city squanders money like the federal government and this woman is part of the problem. She has got to go!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Per then mayor David Dinkin- "Let them vent." I never heard that statement before. It did cost Dinkin his job as he was defeated two months later. Many refer to these events as the First American Pogrom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Physical assault is the preference among this administration. Demean people enough and they'll let you do anything to them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps, good friends and family who think they have found a key to a precious treasure can be appreciated for volunteering to share, rather than target, their find with others. Although I was born into an Orthodox family more than 50 years ago, I still enjoy the lifelong exploration for ever new facets of these gems. Kudos to those who try to enhance this quest with their pleasant and creative offerings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job....thanks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Isn't that picture from a hurricane when Harborplace was flooding? Misleading for this story, isn't it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We don't want another Nixon in the White House. Don't elect Perry.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We all owe R' Ariel a great hakaras hatov for this and the multitude of other areas where he is effective on our behalf!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this an advertisement for these baked goods?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
One thing nice about shuls that use a wimpel, such as Shearith Israel, is that the boys eagerly wait for it and get to roll it up. Also, the young boys wearing talleisim makes them feel important. Rav Elyashiv looks favorably upon that minhag.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reb Chaim Sarna did not learn under Reb Chaim Kanievsky thay were Chavrusos. Reb Chaim Sarna also was a Chavrusa with Reb Dovid Soleveitchik. Reb Chaim edited and printed many of his fathers Seforim and six of his own Seforim on the Rambam. He also edited the Toras Cohanim - Sifra for the first clear reprint. His Levayah was attended by about 20 thousand people including tens of Roshai Yeshivos and Rabonim. Please foward this information to your sorces. A family member.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You need the children to see that the shul is a place for them as well. It needs to start at a young age (2 or 3) with programs geared to them that are well put together and age appropriate. You have to get them excited about coming to shul each week. As they get older youth minyans and young adult services. There is no quality programming for children in this community. I am the mother of 4 and I had tried the few shuls that actually make an attempt. I am a convert and I will tell you, it really suprised me all shuls do not have focused quality programming for the children and young adults. In churches that is not the case. Having quality programs for the young will make or break a church. If you want your kids to enjoy coming to davening on Shabbat you need to start working on it long before they turn 12 years old.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
EVERY frum person should be going to these things. These meetings are critical for our community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The key to generational transmission of shul-going habits, whatever stream of Judaism one observes, is participation. The young members need to be treated as active, important members of the congregation. Establishment of youth services, teen minyans and young adult services, for and by the respective age groups, with active participation by the members will make the services important to them. As was in my case, nothing turns a teen off more than to sit as a non-involved post-bar-mitzvah "forgotten man" in a shul. It was decades later that I returned to active shul-going as a member of a participatory congregation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good thing Baltimore has Ohr Chadash Academy filling this need for the 2011-2012 school year!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks Councilwoman Spector. This has been a big problem for us. Thanks for your help!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
R' Sadwin does so much for the community and works so well with all segments of the Jewish community! Thanks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article was already on this website weeks ago. Why is it re-posted?!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Would SRB have done this after her election? Is she just doing this for our votes? Either we are thankful but at the same time cognizant of her intentions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is always stories like this posted here re: modern orthodox, as if the problem is limited to them alone. Why not address the issues that our community faces as well? They are no different. This only helps to let Yeshivish and Chassidic parents bury their heads further in the sand, thinking it's only someone else's problem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe the family should look into the laws for non jews residing in isreal. as the father does not want to convert then there must be laws pertaining to helping him as a non jewish illegal alien in the land of isreal. just like in america we have to give coverage to all regardless of citizenship so too should the government in isreal have some laws relating to that issues.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Sadwin does so much for our community in a quiet unassuming way! Thanks from all of us!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
August 12th, 2011
I note your ridicule and I will comply your wish.
Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
enough with the fortune cookie postings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, they checked "no" on all the boxes, and when they were confronted with the contraband, they were probably given the option of having it destroyed. When they didn't comply with that, they were given a fine.
While we might argue about the policy, it is there for a reason -- to prevent insect infestations from crossing international borders.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
something sounds fishy in Denmark... I mean in Ecuador!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
August 12th, 2011
It is not the honey barrel that we avoid. It is the snake that is wrapped around it to which we are averse. Either the snake will be removed - or the barrel will be smashed. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congratulations David on this well deserved honor. Keep up the great work!
Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree with you. Vote Obama out of office.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well, as far as the army and reserve service goes, what Propper said was true. Those that serve do feel (and rightly so) that not all segments of the Israeli communities serve. Is it any more fair that my child should be in the army, but not someone else's child?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I initially read about this program I was wondering how a non-orthodox person would feel being targeted for outreach when actually, if they are shopping in 7 Mile Market they are clearly quite involved in "their stream of Judaism" as mentioned in the previous post. Drafting a "mission statement" to the orthodox community with the how to's about kiruv, to make assurances such as "You can be confident that once they feel comfortable, they will come back on their own" and to insinuate that only "frum" people are "yirei Shamayim" is more than a little bit arrogant.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for articulating why we need to care about our neighbors, but besides our own interests, we need to care about our fellow creations of hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is important that Mr. Sarbanes is a part of American-Israeli politics. Thank you for your unyielding support of our State. However, I think that this interview should have also touched upon Mr. Sarbanes voting record on the Health Plan (Obamacare), the Deficit Ceiling increase, and other important factors which will affect us here at home. And frankly, I haven't heard much from Mr. Sarbanes on any of these important topics.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow,what hard hitting interview!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sounds like more of a threat than a warning. What is happening in London is not a protet by any means it is a rampage by a bunch of looting thugs. The Student Union did not do themselves any favors by connecting their agenda to that of these hoodlums.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing Job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing Range!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing voice!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just a friendly reminder from one of your non-Orthodox readers that adherents of other streams of Judaism also "got Judaism" and can be just as dedicated to their stream of Judaism and to K'lal Yisrael as Orthodox Jews are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Eminem; I've heard your raps that you know all about the Fcc. However, in this circumstance you are off base. The solution you are offering is just a band-aid on the problem & is only a temporary quick fix. s
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The FCC requirement only requires that frequencies go to narrowband - meaning, that the FCC is able to fit more organizations and companies into less bandwidth. This takes a small adjustment to a repeater, and MAY cost a couple of thousand dollars to upgrade older radios. 20,000 dollars?!? Overkill by any stretch of the imagination. Before I give 20,000 bucks of community money towards this purpose, I would check and see what Ahavas Yisroel's, Bikur Cholim's and other charitable organizations needs are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the good work!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing How we join together in times of joy and we come together in times of great sadness we are a stubborn Nation that won't let any world power destroy us our way of life our spirit!!! May we see Mashiach speedily in our days and RETURN to THE HOLY LAND SOON!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
hatzlachah rabba thank you very much shomriim for all your hard work!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can we sign up for these emails?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Name 1 frum person who goes to these things
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope Republicans and Democrats criticize the President over this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mrs. Terri Rosen's name was inadvertently left off the PTA Board. Apologies to Terri.
The Editor
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Republicans!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good luck, Ohr Chadash Academy! You look mahvelous!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shecoach and Lechaim - fom a Scotsman living in London
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Second campaign? What happened to Obama's statement that he will be a one term President? I guess he is making a LIAR of himself. Elliott
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
someone forgot to tell this guy about the global recession. joy de vivre baby
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The US should focus on Syria where people are getting butchered, slaughtered, and killed and they should stop butting into their ally and friend Israel's domestic politics. Stop trying to equate Israel with the other countries in the Middle East that have protests. For one you can't equate even if you tried and you shouldn't be trying in the first place.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great letter!! Now if only everyone would read it and listen to it!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
ill give u a break. point is that this is an excellent and very intersting approach to musser. the idea that a trustworthy and previously demonstrably reliable news source would "pretend" that this is a piece of verifiabley accurate news, makes for much discussion.. not that any of that made any sence but i agree that this is prbly a hoax intended to make a very good point.. but the good point was made and whoever devised this neferiously sneaky scheme should step forward so that they can receive the credit to which they deserve. agrred?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The alleged offender apparently dropped out of yeshiva about 15 years ago. He was a "baal ha-bayis" (at best). The lesson is that people who give up on Torah education should be suspected of being insane or criminal?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lol, half of it is true? kol hakavod to the shul you daven at!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's the 9 days you can eat frozen grapes, but you can't use the grape juice.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have a simple suggestion for all parents to teach their children: Need Help? Ask A Mommy! Every child, particularly every boy should be taught that if they need help, they're lost or confused, or if they are approached by a man asking for help finding his lost puppy, that child should immediately go up to the first Mommy he or she sees and say, "I need help." A mother walking down the street with her kinderlach in tow will never turn down a child's request for help. ESPECIALLY young boys who are taught not to look at women should know that a Mommy will almost always help.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
such a chillul hashem - even if only half of this is true it is still a chillul hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chilul Hashem possibly?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My Dad is now back in the Hospital in Israel with possible blood clot in the leg all the way to his hip,They may have to G-D forbid Amputate his leg. We need Medical help and with money for whatever needs to be done... Please someone.... HELP!
Yoel Moore-Baltimore,MD 443-430-1548
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
S&P only downgraded themselves. They just proved how irrelevant they really are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess there will be people whose head will always be in the sand!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Obama agrees to a release, it will be timed for Obama's reelection bid.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"One thing Obama has going for him is the lack of a Republican alternative. Moderate Jewish Democrats are looking for someone who is liberal on social policies but hawkish on defense and unabashedly pro-Israel. No one in the current Republican field fits that bill and it is unlikely such a candidate could win the nomination given the bias in favor of social conservatives in Republican primaries and the influence of the Tea Party."
This statement is completely untrue. Perry, Huntsman, and Romney all fit that bill as of now and all the Republican candidates except for Ron Paul are very pro Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Powerful article. Rabbi Martin Schloss's comment is irrelevant to the subject matter, however. "...we consider our teachers the frontline defense systems for picking up signs of abuse." The topic at hand is not parental or neighbor abuse - the topic is abuse of children by teachers! Agudath has no reason not to sign this bill - why would we want to harbor and protect the criminals who are killing off - spiritually and physically - the future of the Jewish people?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would be ironic if a plane hit it
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This isn't good news. We need 300,000 jobs and we need it now. Obama is still failing us. He focused on health care which killed jobs when he should have been focused only on jobs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a shame that Baltimore Jewish Life would waste band width on this garbage. To present the ravings of racist, right wing looneys as fact is beyond bad taste.
I am ashamed for a Jewish publication to carry this trash
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a born Jew and Orthodox myself, I think it is an embaressment and disgrace for the Israeli government to turn their back on these people. Their cildren are citizens of Israel and have converted and live orthodox lives. These are two elderly people, who do live a Torah life but for what ever reason have not done the "Official" act of conversion. I bet they are more jewish and spiritual believers in their hearts then some who live in Israel or anywhere in the world, who look the part of being "Orthodox" but feel nothing inside but just got lucky by being born Jewish.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I for one, am grateful that The Jewish Week chose to respond to these charges. It seems if anyone dares to question methods in the Orthodox community for dealing with crimes, they are castigated or worse, banned. 2.5 hours does seem an excessive amount of time to wait when a child has gone missing. Period. I love Shomrim - I think we're blessed to have this phenomenal group of dedicated volunteers in our community. But that is not really the point, is it? G-d forbid we should have an honest discussion or inquiry... they shouldn't be so afraid - the truth can hold its own.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My name is Yoel Moore and I am there youngest son & as a Jew and as a Citizen of Israel I believe that they should be given FULL rites to live in Israel as well as FULL Medical and anything else that they need and I will fight for it as long as needed until they get it.
we as a family now have 4 siblings living in Israel at the moment and 6 out of 9 kids in the family are Lawful Citizens of Israel, There is no reason why they should be in danger of not being able to receive the Medical help that they need when the Torah states that we are to help each other whether they are Jews or not.
Besides that they are to sick and elderly to be able to risk the long trip if they were to leave and to not have Medical help is wrong and cruel on the part of the Israeli government.
Making them citizen's will not hurt anyone and will bring a blessing on all that are involved in making them citizen's and all that help them,
My Dad & Mom are among the most LOYAL and HONEST & CARING people in Israel.
Please..... Take care of them as you would your own Mom & Dad and grant them FULL CITIZENSHIP ASAP,
Thank you in advance for all your help and Shabbat Shalom,Yoel Moore-Baltimore,MD USA
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
HaShem should bless them that they be allowed to remain in Eretz Yisrael!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You seem to know alot about this topic and i hope and pray that your efforts will bring refuah for the children and the perpetrators. Yasher Koach!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent article.
If you protect the perpetrator, you share the guilt of that person's crimes.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't know if i'd support Gov. Perry or not, but if someone goes to a prayer rally of their own faith, that's their business, elected official or not. What irks me is when there is a public event and a minister is invited to offer a prayer with their specific religious beliefs. This happens at government sponsored event all the time, including in Baltimore.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this guy for real? Does he really believe it's a perception problem? He can list whatever he wants to show support for Israel, but that's all a sham. Obama follows a particular pattern with all the underhanded things he does.
There is no denying he's a socialist/marxist. His pattern is simple misdirection. He'll give a little support or a positive statement here and there to give brain-dead or just brain-washed (if there is a difference)supporters enough to camoflogue his real actions and intentions.
This doesn't just apply to Israel. Also, it would help to ignore what he says and watch what he does. You'll see a vast different picture.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He lost my support a long time ago by breaking campaign promises and expanding the federal government. My perception of him is that he is not a friend of Israel. No amount of spin is going to change that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So switch back for '12! You can switch every year. SM
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Enough already this man has suffered.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Very professional and well done video as well.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
This article forgets to mention the fact that the Maryland Republican Presidential Primary is scheduled to be the first primary after the Super Tuesday primaries and since the political analysts are predicting that the Republican nomination will play out over a long period of time similar to Hillary and Obama in 08, your Republican vote in Maryland will matter. So which do you care more about? Your trash getting picked up when you like it or Obama's terrible policies toward Israel?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you, Bracha Goetz, for saying what needs to be said. Now we can only hope and pray that everyone gets the message, and understands it! If we don't protect our children, who will?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
As a therapist for 34 years, I have worked in prison with people who have hurt children, sexually or otherwise. From them I learned that it wasnât just one time- one child, but rather a repeated pattern of behavior that got so out of hand, that they got caught; this despite the fact that it was done so privately and with threat of further harm if the victim said anything, for so many years.
I have also seen 200 to 300 women and men, in my office over the years, who were victimized. I have learned to respect the life changing impact this has on a person who was molested as they proceed through life, marriage and becoming parents themselves- like you or me. I have learned over the years to err on the side of believing the person who reports the pain of what happened to them. I have learned to not hesitate to consult with the proper authorities who have the ability, expertise and the experience to investigate the facts while I give comfort to one who has been hurt.
I thank Mrs Getz for, once again, bringing light to this dark place. In this day and age, we have discovered that we are like the other nations of the world with the challenge of being exposed to the same maladies of sickness and unhealthy behaviors as they are. What sets us apart from the other nations perhaps is our striving to do the right thing; to learn how best, individually and collectively, to respond to these matters.
As community members we should heed the renewed statements recently from our rabbinic leaders [see RCA] and [see Agudath Israel l] as reported here in the last few weeks, and to the give comfort to the hurt and report suspicion to those able to investigate and help protect potential future victims ,who are our neighbors, our kids.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Great article. Thanks for posting it.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
My friends husband was accused of molesting a 57 year old mentally challenged woman when nothing actually happened i was accused of letting it happen that i had to leave baltimore and the sister of the mentally challenged woman Is not talking to me because of it i wish this nonsence of accusing the innocent people would stop my x husband was also accused by this same woman
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
August 3rd, 2011
I again applaud this writer for this relevant essay. People, men and women, who have professional training and clinical experience and some street smarts, can pick up on a fabrication very quickly. Fabricating a story is much harder to do than the average person realizes. We must raise our awareness and create a safe environment for people to seek protection and assistance. To turn away someone, even by showing garden variety skepticism, is a form of condonation. And we must not give in to 'care fatigue' where we get tired of listening to people. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
"there's little reason behind a lot of what religious Jews do." Are you even religious? You sure don't sound like it. So why bother the devout with articles displaying your confused feelings towards the frum. Sort out your difficulties privately! "I take a quick moment to be thankful for the freedom to wear whatever I want," you write. Who, may I ask do you thank? It certainly doesn't sound like you thank G-d.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Not sure that this article increases kavod shamayim. Why don't you take it down, and if you think it's really important, post it AFTER the 9 days are over?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Most of the chasidic shuls are probably heavily air conditioned, and when they get home, I think they are allowed to take off the outer layers
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
What a wonderful inspirational visit for all. Good, happy memories for all especially for you, Justin.... Love, GrandmaAnita
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Amen to that as much as it hurt to do it I became a Registered Democrate last year to be able to cast a vote that counts I will vote out anyone that doesn't focus on issues we care about
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I'm trying to understand why you decided to print an article that's antagonistic towards Chassidic custom, and perhaps Jewish custom in general
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
To show what good neighbors we have, the Fallstaff Neighborhood Association led by Sandy Johnson moved its National Night Out to later in the month to accomodate the Orthodox community. The abobe program was in Southern Park Heights. This is a program across the country and was not planned here in Baltimore.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
baruch hashem for chai lifeline
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Camp Simcha is a very special and "holy" place. We all need to support Chai Lifeline that operates the camp.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Such a good idea. People can do so much dumb things with smart phones like texting in Shul and forgetting the honor of Hashem who resides in shul.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
awesome Steve!
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I've been going to the "Millbrook shul" (Beth Isaac Adath Yisroel) for years before I met Rabbi Diskind on one Tishah B'av, and he invited me to the sunday minyan there. The problem is that so many frum yidden are moving away from the community and are unable to attend Shabbat minyan. We struggle to get a minyan on Fridays... Pretty soon, we'll have to stop minyan on Fridays entirely, unless more Jewish families move here.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
How was the suspect identified? Was he driving a car around the neighborhood? I suppose the Shomrim volunteers couldn't go up to him and ask him for his ID. Please follow up on this story. My car was broken into last month.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I had a situation in the ally behind my house. I called 911, and to my dissmay I got a recording some thing along the line of "All lines are busy right now.... I just hung up and called Shomrim
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Rav Paysach cares and makes a difference in our lives. Thank you! Yablonovskys.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Absolutely ask your Rav if you feel you need to but please remember we are all blessed with the abiltiy to reason, that blessing came from Hashem and at times we are allowed to use the information we have to develop our own conclusions.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Might my malachevsky's family living in Argentina have any roods relation whatsoever with the family of Mr. Boris Malachevsky??? I will love to know the true roots of my grandfather Efraim Malachevsky born in Kiev at the end of last century who came to Argentina sometime after 1900 and who very little spoke to her children (my father one of them) about his family... He always presented himself as an atheist, but was he a Jewish before of became atheist? Because he never wanted to talk too much about his past we do not know nothing about it and we would love to know something!
Are the ancestors of Boris Malachevsky from Ukraine? If he wants to contact me, even if we do not share more than the lastname, I will be very happy! (
Best regards from the Argentinean Patagonia
Eduardo Andres Malachevsky
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you Shomrim for your commitment to the security of our community!
Aharon Newman
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
This is being done in accordance with a national initiative. It was not city planning that caused this.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Ask your Rav, who puts halacha(based on emunah), before politics(based on kochem veotzem yadi).
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Did i read this correctly? You observed someone?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Stopping by for a few minutes to show support for this unifying event would probably not violate adherence to the restrictions of the 9 days, go this year and get involved in the planning for next year so this issue won't come up again. How many of us are really entertained by marching bands?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
thank you shomrim for all you do for this community , keep up the great work !
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
i am a bit concerned about why the term "EVEN" is used three times in regard to charedim as if they somehow are innately beyond reproach - even the frum are not above reproach - the charedim who have proven themselves to be activists and violent by throwing bottles, rocks and garbage (thereby violating multiple halachos (including making a chilul HaShem) themselves) thinking they are example-setters; perhaps they are example setters - of how a frum person should NOT act - unfortunately one should not confuse charedim with those who are shomer torah and mitzvos - either way they are certainly not beyond reproach - if anything we should be more wary of them due to their history - anyway having been to see R yosef nad lapolianski - i can personally say that r yosef has more intense secrity anyway but added protection is a good thing and i hope it works
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
seriously? during the 9 days? what dreadful planning. where was the voice of the orthodox community when this was scheduled? i'm all for achdus and getting along with our non-Jewish neighbors, but this was poorly planned.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I became observant in 1993 as the result of Rabbi Diskind's outreach work. Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Spetner for making the broader Orthodox community aware of Rabbi Diskind's accomplishments. Roman Kimelfeld
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you Reb Paysach! Your love and care for the Russian yidden is remarkable.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I second that! Pesach Diskind is the penultimate ohev Yisroel, completely sincere. For years he walked great distances to reach the Milbrook shul on Shabbos and get involved with Russian youth there. His goal wasn't necessarily to make Russians frum, but rather to make them value their Jewish heritage enough so that they wouldn't intermarry. There is a very fine frum Russian community in Baltimore today, but back in the "Milbrook days" the gratification from his efforts was anything but instantaneous. Most people would have given up, but Rabbi Diskind persevered and made no demands, only genuine love for his fellow Jew.
Because we are blessed to have Boris Malachevsky (the final speaker mentioned in the article) as our friend and neighbor, I have had a front-row view of how committed the Russian community is to rediscovering and appreciating their Jewish roots. The Malachevskys often host a melaveh malka that attracts more than 80 Russians of all ages and levels of observance, who come to hear intriguing speakers from all over the world, as well as the inspiring words of Rabbi Diskind.
The Associated was perhaps disappointed in the Russian community, after funding proved to be thankless according to their perameters, and so they discontinued their support. But Rabbi Diskind did not make demands or have expectations. He just gave them constant encouragement, friendship, and intellectual and spiritual stimulation. Consequently, the Russian community is not only supportive, but they give back to their own community - both Russian and Jewish - in so many ways. They are your neighbors, your children's schoolmates in Jewish day schools and yeshivos, your doctors, lawyers, and business owners that you deal with on a daily basis. If you are really lucky, you will have members of the Russian community as your friends. It will give you a different and more enriched view of life in general. When you hear their stories - men who have a bris at age 70, women who do all kinds of chesed despite personal struggles - you will also be inspired to be a better Jew.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
The editor of the (not so) Jewish week was also editor of the (not so) Baltimore Jewish Times ages ago. While professing to be moderrn orthordox he trashed the religious Jews. He was proud that he started accepting advertisements from outright non kosher food establishments, thus encouraging no so religious Jews to eat non kosher. He had non tzinious pictures in that rag. I cancelled my subscription at that time.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
What encouraging news. May Hashem bless of the families of Netzer Hazani with kol tuv & much siyata d'Shmaya in their rebirth, b'soch she/ar Yisrael!!!
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Pesach Diskind is a Tzaddik! Achim is a very worthy organization.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
[Ed. Note: there are varying opinions; we suggest you ask your Rav]
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Marching bands and live entertainment..... it's the 9 days. Just sayin'.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ezer Mizion's International Jewish Bone Marrow Registry has saved the lives of so many of our Jewish brethren whose sole chance of survival had been a bone marrow transplant. Avichai is one of the many children that will have a future because of caring Jews around the globe who have contributed to Ezer Mizion. For more info:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During the Nine Days, is this acceptable for us to attend?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
its in the news becasue it is news. Congrats to the Cohn family they should continue to inspire youths of all ages to grow in their yiddushkeit.
Comment by Scott Leder
Call 911 before hatzalah? call 911 before shomrim? call AAA before chaverim? Ignore the failures of their systems and continue to wast precious time on the phone (or on hold) with one of their operators. Locally, you may never get an ambulance or a police car to show up and if it does, it almost never comes within a reasonable time frame. This is not to disparage those one the streets. The system is just overtaxed and the community suffers the result. Amazingly, our community has filled the gap with our own resources yet the efforts are subject to criticism???
Until these entities can show that they are able to respond in a timelier manner they should just be grateful and keep quiet.
Comment by Scott Leder
An excellent analysis. Far superior than the original piece in the Jewish Week.
Comment by Scott Leder
The Jewish Week is one of a number of so called Jewish periodicals that are not generally read within the mainstream Orthodox community. Its affiliation with Judiasm has always been one that believes in the cultural Jewish American, rather than the Halacha abiding American Jew. I really donât care what they have to say, nor do most people of my acquaintance who are familiar with the NY paper.
Frankly, I really donât see the point of the Agudah constantly running out to defend the Orthodox community from attacks by self hating Jews. They donât give the defense any more credence than we give the original article.
The talented writers of the Frum world would do so much greater a service if they inked their pens to inspire our community to move in the direction of Achdus that we were headed in after Leibi Kletky ZTL went missing. This sense of Achdus has already started to fizzle regardless of the fact that it is the 3 weeks.
Maybe there is mussar to be found in the fact that these unaffiliated brethren have no great love for us, or compassion for our tragedies. Unfortunately, our communities have not been handling some of our problems properly in recent years, perhaps politics or fear have come before doing what should have been done. Perhaps the Jewish Week and others like them have Ragyalim Lidavar on the issues we, as a community have mishandled. Perhaps, if we canât move beyond our stuyot to feel for one another even after shiva is over we should not expect a lovefest from those who view us as the Jewish OTHER.
Achai V'Rayai its time to get our act together. The Jewish Week is not the problem, we are.
Comment by Scott Leder
I appreciate that everything was so meticulously sourced.
Comment by Scott Leder
Kudos to the NWCP. We are a very fortunate community to have such wonderful volunteer groups that work together. Thank you NWCP, Shomrim, Hatzolah, Chaveirim for all you do for us.
Comment by Scott Leder
Fascinating. Thank you.
Comment by Scott Leder
pasha what an honor it is to see you dancing so vibrantly with the torah!!!
Comment by Scott Leder
July 31st, 2011
This is a very relevant essay and I applaud its author and the Baltimore Jewish Life for publishing this. I am myself divorced and I have seen the effects on my children and on myself. It is my opinion that whatever effort is necessary to maintain a marriage, no matter how much self sacrifice it takes, is less than and less painful than the efforts needed after a divorce. Marriage and family and children are as holy and precious and delicate as a Sefer Torah and must be handled with as much respect and care and love. Most observant people would give their very lives rather than permit a Sefer Torah to burn. It is that devotion that is called for in a marriage and a family. In the four years since my divorce I have not slept one entire night and I have not gone even one day without sobbing and tears for the loss of my family, my children, my spouse and the love we had. May God have mercy on all of us and allow the pain and suffering of our people bring us to Teshuva and save ourselves and our marriages and our children and our families. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Scott Leder
This story seriously freaks me out
Comment by Scott Leder
The amazing thing is about the conference, is the fact that the American Taxpayer has to pay for security, etal.
Comment by Scott Leder
its in the news because it's his fathers site
Comment by Scott Leder
Why is this in the news? You're kidding I hope. When you have someone of this guy's talent in dealing with kids and who, in doing so, puts his heart and sole in to it just like when he davens (he is a fabulous chazan), you want to yell it from the rafters. You don't just want Suburban's parents to hear about it(as we did from the shul's email system), you want everyone to know. Who knows? Parents may come to Suburban just so their kids can be be under the hashpaha of just such a person. As Suburban parents we are very excited and we also are happy this made it to BJL's news. Join us why don't you?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A note to all parents of young children: this is just my observation, but if your child - son or daughter - ever finds him or herself lost or confused, tell them to ask a MOMMY for help. A strange man can impersonate an Abba or a Tatty, but a Mommy or an Imma will almost always help a child. We should all never know the pain of the Kletsky family and they should find comfort with all who mourn the loss of Tzion and Yerushalayim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this in the news???? The parents of children in this program should find out from Suburban.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congrats to the new youth director. I am sure he will do a wonderful job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
maybe it is just me but having 8 plus years of wonderful memories and a few days of tragic memories - i wonder if a professional was consulted (or even if the family was consulted) if the family moves they lose the physical reminders of life with their wonderful son - this may not be an idea that is actually beneficial to the family - maybe it is just my skewed perception
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ma'aseh Bonim Simon L'Avos - if it works for the children maybe there is a chance it will work for adults
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is awesome. Hatzlacha for future endeavors! It's great to see more and more frum women running. Since non-frum women are wearing skirts while running, I don't stick out as much except that my skirt is below my knees. I hope these women running continue with it. I'm training for my second half marathon in September. I plan to run a full marathon next spring and a 50K (30 mile race) in the next year or so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Gerrymandering is the reason Washington is so dysfunctional and can't work together. It keeps congressmen's seats locked up and secure so they can go on and be as radically partisan as they would like. We need reform even if they claim it will hurt the Jews. If not for gerrymandering the debt ceiling would be solved. The fact that it is not solved, and it could lead to a downgrade on Israeli bonds as well, is a greater danger than losing some Jewish seats. Lets get our priorities straight people.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I cant believe it. Raffles like they have in school for children to get adults to behave?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that a person cant put his phone on silent and leave it is his pocket for 15 - 20 is just absurd. It shouldnt have to come to this. Now that it has, I definately agree that it is a very good idea, and shuls around the world should do this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
An intelligent idea by a wonderful rabbi. We have become slaves to technology.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think it's great. We also have to get people to stop texting and e-mailing in shul. While not noisy, it is distracting in it's own way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is nice to see someone in authority actual doin g something about this situation - i have actually suggested similar ideas for the past 5 years but nobody ever did anything - i hope this is successful - maybe a next step would be to do this during chupahs and levayas - instead of people having their cell phones go off repeatedly when they shouldnt be going off - more power to the program - i hope it brings awe and reverence back into our shuls
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This clarity is welcome to all of us wanting to the right thing for the children in our community - for they are all our children.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And will BGE be turning off people's air conditioning again??? That was so fun last week!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Eh" is such a Jewish complaint. Complain with substance otherwise you are just wasting words and doing no good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this place in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Weprin voted for the gay bill in Albany, which violates Jewish law. He is another tax and spend liberal. Turner is more in line with Jewish postions and we should vote for him.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ed. Note: To begin the process of ordering High Resolution prints please email: Be sure to include all contact info including your email address and cell#. Please be aware there is a cost: 5x7 $12 8x10 $20
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you very much for this wonderful service! It is possible to order higher resolution prints of these photographs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can someone define raglayim la'davar.
Rabbi Zweibel in an interview with Zev Brenner does not make this clear. He seems to be saying that one needs to go to ones Rav to determine if there is raglayim la'davar.
My fear is that people may go to a Rav who is not qualified in these inyanim, that it will provide a loophole for those who don't want to get involved for whatever reason or worse yet it may give a molester more time to do more damage while a person tries to reach a Morah Halacha.
People need to realize that they will ultimately have to answer to the RBSO for not protecting the vulnerable among us. The cries of those already hurt has brought a trememndous kitrug on Klal Yisroel already. This may necessitate acting quickly without the Golden Star of the community haskamos. If you are aware that a youth of our community is in danger or has been already put in harms way, it is your absolute ACHRAYUS to immediately alert the PROPER authorities. It is up to every member of our community to clarify what this may mean BEFORE something happens.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Eh a lot of the same
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bracha Goetz has given voice to many children who do not have a voice. While Rosh Yeshivas and Ravs around the country are busy claiming the root of the evil done to Leiby was a) the existence of Jewish summer camps b) Jews turning Jewish sexual predators and incest perpetrators over to the police or c) gay marriage, Rebbetzin Goetz has named the real cause: our tolerance of evil-doers. Thank you Bracha Goetz for bravely insisting we do what is right to protect our children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a fantastic article. Many people have negative things to say about "teen minyan" and "youth groups" for kids who may be old enough to sit in shul without disturbing other or going crazy. I think if the shul properly monitors how these youth programs are run to ensure they instill the right values and practices in the kids, then there is no greater resource available to help kids. Children get to spend time walking to shul with their parents, and even go in to the "adult shul" for a good portion of davening before attending a davening that is geared more towards their needs. Sure, youth minyanim have some talking and they speed through davening, but when a 15 year old kid knows people are relying on him for a minyan or to learn the leining, he shapes up. Youth minyanim also allow kids to perfect nusach, learn sections of Torah and haftarah which they remember for a long time and practice giving divrei Torah.
I have many friends in the city who thank Shomrei Emunah and Shaarei Zion's youth minyanim for the opportunities they provided them as teenagers. Without them, the turbulent years of teenagehood may have prevented them from developing a proper appreciation for davening. Furthermore, these young men are now polished baalei kriah and baalei t'filah. I think shuls everywhere need to strengthen the way their youth programs function, and that this city is doing it all right (for once?).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been checking daily for the video and pics before going to camp.please put it up tonight before i go. thanks july 26
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When generic colchicine was taken off the market, the cost skyrocketed from $5.83 for 30 to over $350 for 30. That's right, a 6,000% increase.
Needless to say, I'm getting my colchicine from another source.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is no assuming, "elite" and "finer families, a cut above the standard âBais Yaakovâ family" mean "frumer", means that there are no siblings that are more modern or totally off the derech, it means that the boys from these families are planning to learn full time and these young ladies are planning to support their husbands.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yiddishkeit is not mutually exclusive. All Yiddishe Neshamas recievied the gift of the Torah. B"H for this statement!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
was this school more frum or less frum than BY, why is everyone assuming it was mroe frum?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for sharing this article, the voice of sanity prevails
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jewish schools have always been against self-proclaimed elite. This goes back to antiquity so this is hardly a hidush. Now,perhaps if they distinguished the school by an elite curriculum and offering to accept anyone who applied - that would an Jewish type of being elite. However Jews don't go around feeling we are more noble than other Jews. Not now, not ever.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Although I b'h don't understand what they are going through, it do understand the need for a fund to be set up in memory of Leiby, but to raise money to move the family I feel is a little much. Unfortunately, there are many people in this world who have lost there child and there are painful memories in their houses. What about the parents who have lost their child in war, standing up and protecting Israel or dying from a long painful disease? Where is the money for them and the help for them to forget and start over???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
While the egalitarian in me applauds this rabbi's decision, I am confused as to why this particular rabbi's blessing is needed in the first place. The last time I checked, Jews do not have a Pope blessing Am Yisrael from a window in Jerusalem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is one of my proudest moments as a Jew
Comment by BJLife BJLife
July 25th, 2011
And Hashem said to Mosheh, step aside and I will make from you a greater and stronger nation. But Moshe said, Hashem, people will say that you lacked the qualities necessary to bring up all of them, even the weak and small. And so it was, that Hashem included all of them, even the weak and the small. May the spirit and influence of this precious man of God spread and envelop all of us and all of our lost brothers and sisters. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very important statement and should serve as a guide for all who are concerned about the health and safety of children and communities. I thank Baltimore Jewish Life and all other outlets that publicize and lend support to this statement.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm ELATED that BJL published this. Rabbi Bendory has a rational, documented approach, in which he presents documented, viable solutions to Baltimore's problems. As a rabbi, he educates, not diminishes Mr. Rolley. Bravo!
Charles Heller
Tucson, Az.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where can we donate money to this cause?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oh please, they were counting heads to make sure the amount of students they are funded for are actually there If there had not been misconduct by other yeshivas in the past this would not have been necessary, does not sound like any precious learning time was wasted, just drop it these people are funding you be grateful.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I can't stand when people try to judge if you're Jewish enough, it's so wrong, we are all brothers and sisters
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who wrote: P.S. Is he the same Dovid Cohen whose business is to be a private investigator? Classified information. Sorry. :)Hire a private investigator to find out!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Does not sound like much of a disturbance occurred.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazal Tov to Mort and Toby Mower on this highly deserved honor and to Shalom USA on many more years of broadcasting success!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congratulations to the NWCP. I agree that we need to stop this bashing if every organization is really L'shma then it is a beautiful Zchus we have as a community to have so many people(ie.Hatzalah, Shomrim, NWCP,Chaverim...) willing to take time and money out of their own pockets for the benefit of the Klal. Negative statements only show the true jealous color of its writer. Kudos to Dovid Cohen. P.S. Is he the same Dovid Cohen whose business is to be a private investigator?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it says that you have hundreds of photos and complete footage! where are they?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've got to agree and sympathize with them. Israelis, especially the newly released chayalim, have a tough time affording anything these days. Americans, Europeans, South Africans, Australians come with money or money from wealthy parents buy (and only stay in the apts/houses for vacation/yomtovim and then return back to their homes overseas) and invest in properties and drive the prices up over and over again. Israelis and non-wealthy olim don't have a chance against this. There are 100's, if not 1000's of prime properties unused because the owner is not a full time resident. This is frustrating and unfair. Olim are forced to go up North or the "Territories" to get something over their heads. And if one buys in the "territories" who knows if the government won't come along in a few year, shut down your neighborhood and exile you! What do hardworking Israelis with great emunah, bitachon and large families do then??????
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Weiss: The wording of this announcement implies that there are kashrus problems with Carvel Ice Cream. I think you meant to ssy that there are kashrus problems with the Carvel Ice Cream sold at the Cinnabon Towson Town Mall location. Carvel ice Cream is under the national Kaf-K supervision and is not in question. Please clarify:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so sad
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i would really love to watch the video please try to get a hold of it
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who wrote: "Just get them a smart phone": The patients who this program targets are individuals who have cognitive conditions, meaning they are or have lost their short tem memory. Some of these individuals don't remember their names. Some don't remember where they live. Some go out in winter and are totally oblivious to the freezing cold, not even realizing they have left the house in a 20 degree weather without their coat. Or even their shoes. Its not prudent to give a wanderer a removable device to be used as their lifeline... What happens the one time they don't have their cell phone with them?
In regards to ALL law enforcement using smart phones to track people, we are proud to be joining these and 1200 other fine agencies who utilize Project Lifesaver:
Arlington County Police Department, VA Norfolk Sheriffâs Office, VA Montgomery County Police Department, MD Brooklyn South Shomrim Safety Patrol Bergen County Sheriffâs Office, NY Jersey City Police Department, NJ New Jersey State Police/ Aviation Division Ocean County Sheriffâs Office, NJ Passaic County Sheriffâs Office, NJ Philadelphia Police Department, PA New Castle County Police Department, DE
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm just wondering here. The NWCP has gpne out and done something good. Why all the negativity? Why all the bashing? Why can't people either write a congratulatory or message saying "good job" instead of all this negativity?
Certainly sounds like some jealousy going on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our generation needs a pinchas to act and stop the plague
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm Embarrassed that BJL pubished this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe another reason congressman make such bad Presidents is because they are so used to the hyper-partisanship in DC that when they get elected they fail to pass anything substantial or productive due to the fact that they are all caught up in party labels and have a history of being extremely partisan. And to the 2nd commentator, when she says all across the country she means the crazy old cranky white tea party men in Iowa who love crazy and radical white women as their politicians. As Ben said we need someone that we unite out country not cause more divide as Ms. Bachman and her supporters want. And to the 1st commentator, that pledge says that if elected President she will not appoint anyone including judges and cabinet members who are pro choice and are for gay marriage. Any pledge is stupid because it ties a President's hands and doesn't let them govern and this pledge specifically is the stupidest of them all because hardly any of these appointees should it make a difference when it comes to their view on social issues. Also in the pledge is racist, bigoted, and hateful comments towards all minorities, it also says blacks were better off during slavery. Regardless this upcoming election should be all about the economy not social issues. It is a losing topic for the GOP. Someone needs to address the hyper-partisianship in DC right now because it is preventing us from getting anything done. Think debt ceiling. Long term the good news is that all the cranky social radicals will soon die off and the younger generation has their priorities in order and they know the economy and jobs come way before losing and divisive social issues. Michael M., Cleveland.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
True, but what happened?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for posting this important video.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The answer to the 2nd comment is already in the article. There is nothing really wrong with what the spokeswoman said. It just reminds us of the problem with members of congress becoming President and our current President also reminds us of that problem. So the point of the article is that we should all learn our lesson and not elect members of congress any time soon especially when we have other candidates who are more qualified.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person that wrote such old technology: It is truly amazing that the NWCP went out and applied for this "old" technology. I think the thinking goes like this: Rather save one life with old technology than no lives with no technology. In fact, after some research, I also discovered the Boro Park Shomrim is also a member agency of Project Lifesaver. Kudos to the NWCP for actually taking an initiative to do something worthy in this community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bravo!otis if you think your shot at winning is to out "liberal" sr blake you have no chance.provide people with an alternative to the disaterous liberal policies that have destroyed balt. City and than maybe you have a shot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do u watch the video
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Without addressing the substance of your letter, its statements are automatically suspect when you cite wikipedia as authority for any assertion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bachman's spokesperson is quoted as saying that Ms. Bachman has been listening to people all across the country and is committed to having their voice is that parochial or partisan? It doesn't say she is listening to her own district and will fight for their concerns, or even that she is only listening to Republicans. It says "people all across the country." Come on, let's be fair.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
whats wrong with the pledge/ (in the link) Shes opposed to same-sex marriage and pornography? Great!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
turkey is just trying to restore ties so they could break them off again in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is high time that the Agudah came around to the thoughts and statements that other Rabbonim were brave enough to make and stand by for quite a few years now. It is unfortunate that it was THIS statement which is what the Jewish Community at large needed in order to follow simple logic and halacha to protect themselves. It is the way halacha is interpreted that either aids or prevents one to do the right thing and do what is necessary in any scenario. One either has the green light to go ahead or one finds their hands tied depending who they ask and how they interpret. Many Rabbonim I have spoken too over the years who are as involved with kids as I am have told me plain and simple that when it came to this issue their hands were tied since the Agudah did NOT agree to go to the authorities. Others have said that although they respect the Agudah and are basically Agudahniks if a family came to them with this issue they would tell them to go to the authorities.
Just yesterday, I was discussing with my colleagues that because of Rabbi Zweibel's instructions to Jewish Mental Health Professionals to NOT report to the authorities even though they are Mandated reporters and risk losing their licensees and parnasah, we have no choice but to send families in need to non-frum and non-jewish therapists so that they would get the appropriate help without a conflict of interest.
B"H, the Agudah finally turned around and came to their senses after this terrible tragedy with Leiby Kletzky. It is a terrible shame that Leiby had to be a kaparah to make this happen and be the wake up call that they needed, but maybe Hashem saw no other way but to send them a very strong message. Who knows? All I have to say is better late than never. B"H, they finally made the statement ALL advocates for children and abuse victims have been waiting to hear. May we all work together to heal the pain of ALL victims of child abuse and victims of ALL forms of abuse.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if they are the representatives we are all going to hell they are the ones that are allowing all the deaths
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just get them smart phones which are cheaper and more technologically advanced. WHY DO ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN THE COUNTRY USE PEOPLES PHONES TO TRACK WHERE THEY ARE? BECAUSE IT WORKS.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
THese kids have terrible aim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
GPS doesn't work in a building. GPS may not work on rainy or cloudy days. If using GPS through a cell provider, what happens when there is no cell signal? Radio is PROVEN to work in concrete buildings, under trees and in wooded areas. It doesn't rely on cell carriers.
Now answer this: If its such a waste of time, why are 1200 agencies across the country part of this program and using this technology?
We think its a wonderful thing (as do the 10 families that have expressed an interest in joining), and a great investment of time and money. DC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a geriatric registered nurse I applaud the NWCP for this lifesaving initiative! The terror experienced by caregivers when a loved one goes missing cannot be imagined and this will put both the patient and his loved ones a bit more at ease.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just remember, another entitlement, no matter how worthy, without full funding (which is another way of saying paid out of someone's, maybe everyone's, pocket), simply adds to the unsustainable [city/state/national] debt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
NWCP has people within the community that will respond at any hour.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
GPS you can see on a map within 4 feet where a person is, where he was, and where he is going. Radio you get none of that. and it only works in a small vicinity and it won't work on rainy or cloudy days. I hate to say it but this is a waste of time and money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The NWCP Citywatch team is available and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All members have or will be trained and have beeb certified as Electronic Search Specialists. We are available and prepared to respond to any emergency situation at any time of the day and night. We have also been patrolling the neighborhood overnights and during the day and have dealt with over 100 incidents outside of our regular patrol hours since we started in March.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
such old technology
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Uh, what happens if someone gets lost at 11am? what the heck is NWCP gonna do? This is ridiculous!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
you can leave this up. JUST GET RID OF THE BY NKI! the troubling aspect of this video is massive group burning the israeli flag. it was always believed that is a small extreme retarded fringe group. but it appears as though they have sympathizers. PUT THEM IN CHERIM!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher Koach, Yisrael Dov. Truly you are a talmid of R' Feldman, ah"sh, who used to complain to us that it seems as if almost no one talks of the rebuilding of the BH"M and the coming of the Moshiach, bv"y. We have no appreciation of the expected greatness of those coming times, and we don't realize how miserable our lot is now, resulting in our being satisfied with the crumbs that we have of ruchniyus and gashmiyus. Like the Jewish soldier, offered a wish for saving the Emperor's (Napolean's) life, he asks for some nice shmaltz herring because that's all he knows! If he would ask for an estate, a mansion, wealth, a noble title - all would be opened to him! And so his request is actually an insult to the Emperor!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ridiculous. Go review the sessions from the Torah U'Mesorah convention this year. Technology is hardly the answer to all educational problems and certainly not in religious education.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
pure madness. please delete this whole article - it's just sickening.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for posting this. When do you think you'll have the video up?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The NKniks have a history of rabid anti-Israeli sentiments, and consistently create a Chillul Hashem. In fact, I remember one time when there was an Israeli demonstration, and they showed up with their Palestinian flags. They needed a separate set of police to protect them. I am not a lover of the Medina, but that doesn't mean you make a Chillul Hashem over it. Sadly, some of the "people" are certifiably ill. DC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hopefully these are only the crazies, but it is up to the rabbonim to put these types of crazies down. They should be put into Cherim by their Rebbes and by the Agudah.
So sad, you'd think we could have made the Achdus that resulted from the Kletzky tradgey last into the 3 weeks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Stupid morons! You paid to go and burn the Osem products. You just gave money to the Zionists! LOL - you are DUMB according to your own logic!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How many weeks ago was it that a little boy was slaughtered in another neighborhood in Brooklyn????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good we will all lose a little weight now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These are very sick people. These idiots are such a chilul Hashem!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sad that he and his wife did not choose one of the many fine Chicago area Jewish Day Schools for their children. Who could critique that choice?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So sad! It's the 3 weeks and such ugly words. We should all be coming together not tearing one another down. And I am also very disgusted by them burning all of that perfectly good food. Such a chilul Hashem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ask anyone that needed help with city zoning, Spector advocates for the frum community. If Lennon is our rep we can forget about an advocate. We need to get out and vote for her this election.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
these people will rot in hell!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 21st, 2011
Mrs. Leibtag is eloquent and conveys her feelings well. Awareness of the pain and suffering of others is an virtue that is developed daily. Many suffer silently and overshadowed. Suffering is hidden before us in plain sight. Sometimes ignored or denigrated. Awareness causes us to be more alert to resist causing sorrow with our words or attitudes broadcast non-verbally. A kind word. A bit of restraint. Deference to people's dignity. These are the acts of kindness that, although not publicly celebrated, are comforting and therapeutic. And in the merit of our consideration for each other, God will be moved to protect all of us from sorrow and misfortune. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Do people honestly think that the nothings running against Spector will be better for our community? The most known of the candidates running against Spector is Derrick Lennon, who has been divisive as president of the Glen Assn. Spector, while not the ideal at this point, is still far better for us than any other candidate. If she loses, our community will have NO representation in city government. Be careful what you wish for, you may regret getting it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why do you want her out?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the issue here is that practically speaking, banning the Internet is like banning Cars. The Internet is how people communicate, bank, get directions, look up phone numbers, on and on... It's a reality of life that is unavoidable. For gedolim to ban it, is futile and will simply force people to not listen to their rulings. It destroys emunas chachamin, alienates them from the majority of society, and is a psal that has no chance of being listened to. Technology is moving so powerfully and rapidly, Yidishkite and 'those who make the rules' will have to catch up and integrate it or risk being steam rolled by it, and losing followers.
Of course there are horrible things on the Internet, but society can not function today without it in any functional way. That much should be obvious to everyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kohanim are the ones who bless. Here the blessor is blessed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If I didn't have a phone with internet how would I keep up with Baltimore Jewish Life? I think the people who ask these questions to gdolim need to get a life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am very glad to hear this and hope she is on her way OUT!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
please have a little derech eretz to the gedolai hador!!! what does it mean "our rabonim are late again" are you a mechutzaf I.e. S/o that has chuzpah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well, let's see who speaks louder at the polls, a few hundred or thousand like this or the tens or even hundreds of thousands who gained jobs because Mitt invested in Staples, Dominos Pizza, and dozens of other famous companies, or the half million who have lost their jobs because of Obama in California or the 20 million nationwide who are unemployed or underemployed because of the President.
A major difference: Mitt Romney was doing his job. Barack Obama isn't.
At least, 75+ taxpayer funded rounds of golf in 2.5 years say he's not.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The boys in the first picture are a TA Camp Learning Group who held a siyum on Mishnayos Mesechetes Broches before the Rosh Hayeshiva this AM. Mazol tov to the boys and their learning Rebbe.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Iranian president and all the mullahs in the country should donate two kidneys each.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It seems that the world never wants to let Israel live in peace. I think the Israeli navy was certainly justified to do what it did. And I'm glad that Israel continues to keep a watchful eye on Gaza.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People might be interested to know that this summer, for the first time, McCleaf's is accepting Bais Yaakov KinderKash. And they produce a selection of amazing apple butters and Honey Crisp apple sauce with a hechsher. It's been one of my fav farmer's markets and now it's even better. Except now I'm not sure where to find them from week to week.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is with all this complaining. I agree this shouldn't be posted but still can't you guys calm down.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hilarious!! Make him pay!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These same people are against going to the police when it comes to abuse and yet they want these boys to snitch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Only one candidate, Jon Huntsman Jr., has refused to sign any pledge, saying he owes allegiance to his flag and his wife. It is refreshing in a field of candidates who have forgotten the true source of political power in America.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 19th, 2011 I am not addressing the merits of the internet. I am not addressing the merits of the 'Halachic decision' (psak). I am speaking to the issue of honor and recognizing choices, even when those choices involve great personal sacrifice. Betraying another person is an act of profound dishonor and removing yourself can be an honorable solution. That is all I am saying. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I love the maccabeats! They are the best! I would really like it if they can make a song for every holiday. That would be great!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautifully written!
I wonder why there are so many comments on the articles that have to do with Rambam closing or other things that everyone can jump and attack one party or another yet there are barely any comments on the articles in recent memorial to Leiby Kletzky? I think this article has some very valid points-which we are ignoring! Hashem, please bring mashiach in zechus of this neshama and bring us ALL home be'achdus!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Things like this ruin and hurt das torah and emunahs chachamim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can we conduct these comments with a little civility. We can acknowledge that there are potential problems with the internet but at the same time realizing that banning it completely is irresponsible and that there are many other practical options before that. By saying we should ban it completely is shows just how ignorant these people are about the internet when they think the only option is to ban it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
think about the fact that this is being relayed on the internet itself. a bunch of hypocrites!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the gadolim are late to the scene once again. if they wanted to outlaw this they should have done it in the 90s. it is too late now to accomplish anything.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
we should listen to gedolim like R'Shmuel Kaminetzky who are holding in what is going on in the US. R'elyashiv has to rely on his manipulative gaboim to tell him and I think this "ruling" on applies in israel anyway.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
can we stop posting these reports. many of which are false and the cause is that R'Elyashiv's gabboim manipulate and trick him into saying these things. think about the whole crocs situation
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 19th, 2011
It is not what we forbid, rather, it is what we permit that shows what we are. Our downfall is not coming due to our piety, rather, it is coming due to our character. It is wrong to act dishonorably. Honor demands to leave a Yeshiva rather than act with dishonor and betrayal. Honor comes from within. No voice of any holy man can drown that. And we are not about personal honor, then what are we about? May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Kuperman argued that forcing him to shave his beard prevented him from following a central tenet of his religious faith." Apparently though, whatever it was that got him thrown into prison cause no religious issues whatsoever. Idiot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Any suggestions on how we do it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was fascinated to learn about my rebbie's younger years! I thought that he was never younger than 50!
Mordechai Nissel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if i'm not mistaken i believe the kid in the picture is from baltimore. i may be wrong but can anyone confirm this?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a very powerful video with a very powerful message. It also signals that its time to move on from the news stories and on to what it means for all of us. Its time to stop dwelling on the details and instead start focusing on tshuvah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And what if you are in prison during the 3 weeks?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please publicize this article throughout Jewish communities world wide. This was unfortunately a time bomb waiting to happen. As leaders in our communities are busy drawing "lessons" from this horrific crime that we need to do more Mitzvos and have more Achdus and stop speaking Lashon Haroh, the biggest Mitzvah we can do is start advocating and protecting our children by removing the cancer within our midst and that is the sexual predators that lurk among us. There must be a zero tolerance policy for all predators in our communities! They need to be reported to the police and followed up to make sure their toxic presence is removed from our neighborhoods so that our children can be safe. And that is the biggest lesson we can learn from this horrible crime! Midat Din for all people that prey on our precious children! My heartfelt prayers go out to Leiby's family! Leiby, your sweet and precious Neshama will live on forever!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The saddest video I have ever watched. May we be ge'bentched to never again have to endure such a tragedy!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the key idea in Mrs. Goetz's article is the need for parents to protect and provide safety for their children. After reading this and hearing about what happened to Liebby, I spoke to my seven year old daughter about child safety. I had an open conversation about not taking rides from anyone-even if they look Jewish. My main point to her was that they could be mean people even if they look okay. During the conversation she asked me questions about what she should do and at the end I felt like my daughter felt empowered on how to protect herself.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He will be sorely missed by so many people and mosdos
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I find it ironic that Rabbi Shandra uses other Internet sights to share his insights on the Jewish scene but that his own home organization, Agudah Israel of America, lacks a Internet outlet and frowns on those who do. Be consistent! Why are other Intent sights OK when your own organization objects to them?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And what about all the grown men who aren't in shul? The ones who spend the majority of davening time out in the hall shmoozing? Where do you think their kids learn it from?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article lacked useful info in terms of days & hours of operation, fees, addresses and phone numbers. Additionally, the American Visionary Arts Museum frequently has exhibits that are most definitely NOT appropriate for children due to their "racy" content.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Although I am a shomer mitzvos, I had to stop subscribing to Mishpacha, HaModia and Yated because I found myself getting angrier and angrier. It wasn't just the incredible amount of typos and poor English, or the photoshopped alteration of news photos so that women's faces would be blurred or omitted (even when relevant to a particular news item); but the rabblerousing (sometimes subtle, sometimes not) against the Other - be it "frei" Yidden, or other "dati" Jews who were simply of another stripe. Instead of promoting ahavas Yisrael, the shortcomings within our own "religious" community were all too apparent and maddening. I found myself feeling ashamed at the incredible ignorance, whitewashing and patronizing attitudes presented in these newspapers. Sorry, Rabbi Shafran, but it's a window, after all . . . to embarrassment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
After last week's events, Rov Dovid Cohen who is our posek here at ohel stated explicitly that as mandated reporters, therapists are required legally and ethically to report all suspected abuse to the authorities IMMEDIATELY--as the law requires--; the idea that we should have to consult a rav about whether or not to call when our professional training and instincts tell us that something is amiss is like hemming and hawing about whether to call Hatzolah. Crazy.
Anyway, the Rabbonim are well trained in paskening halacha, they are not sufficiently trained and experienced in picking up on abuse or recognizing its dynamics. I had a couple here few months ago who had been working on their marriage for FIVE YEARS with a well respected and really smart Rov who just wasnt able to detect in all those years what i-a dumb intern not particularly experienced at all--was able to pick up on 5 lousy minutes. Big difference between dysfunctional marriage and an abusive marriage and hard to tell if u dont know what to look 4 and what questions to ask. Had they gone for the right help at the outset, 3 less kids would have been brought into a toxic situation. Very tragic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think one of the clearest indications of how deep the problem is, lies in the fact that Levi Aron participated in public Tehilim reading at his work place after he had already killed Leiby.
This indicates that we are missing some major pathology when we do cover up the oddities, and concerns that are raised regarding adults in our midst. Maybe the message is clear enough, we are not going to rid ourselves of any problem by ignoring it. We need to address the fact that this is a serios mental health issue, not just adults misbehaving.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It has been requested by many different sources that we write an email of n'chama to Leiby's family. Based on the responses I have seen and heard, I would estimate that this outpouring of achdus we are encouraged to take will result in 1000's of emails. Based on my experience with this issue I would estimate that of this number of people there are probably in the hundreds who know something of some (highly)suspect(ed) individuals within their community(/ies): Before writing Your email(s) I would highly encourage You to resolve to do something beyond leaving it to the Rabbonim to handle. Let Leiby's family know that his death was not completely in vain, and that should/would, I believe, serve as much greater source of n'chama than mere words.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is so right on and so necessary to finally bring the message home that we are doing our children a disservice playing G-d with their lives. WE are feeding a sickness by NOT going to the authorities with information that can literally save thousands of neshomas a year. We are literally guiding lambs to be slaughtered when we don't turn in known molesters and stop them from harming the next child and the child after that. You have no idea how many children you are saving by going to the authorities and stopping that one perpetrator. Don't listen to the nonsense of those who wish to protect the molesters and their families. Do your utmost to protect the children and THEIR future families. That should be YOUR MAIN concern. Don't listen to those fools who say, kids make up these stories to get even. Less than 4% of the Non-Jewish population make up these stories. Those are the statistics. We don't have statistics on the Jewish population because they don't report it so there is no way to gather the info. However think about it. Jewish kids are not looking to be stigmatized by this issue. Why would they make something like this up? In addition those who are sheltered don't even have access to this kind of knowledge. Where would they get the knowledge to make this up? Furthermore, once you go to the police they have the knowledge and where-with-all to find out the truth.
Anyone who has knowledge of an abuser has the obligation to stop that person and must take that information to the authorities. The future safety of any child in your vicinity is your responsibility. After 120, you will have to explain to Hakodosh Baruh Hu, why you allowed these children to be a Kaparah and you fed the sickness of these evil reshaim rather than save these yiddishe neshomas.
Had the mother of the other child or mothers of the other children that this butcher tried to entice into his car gone to the police, it is highly possible that Little Leiby could have been saved. Had the Yeshiva and the parents in Boro Park taken this issue more seriously, Little Leiby could have been saved. Stop burying your heads in the sand and leave it up to others to do what every single individual and every single Jew must take upon themselves to do. This is a wake up call to everyone. Don't ever let another tragedy like this happen again.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is this a family article?????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 17th, 2011
There are Tzaddikim, who are seated, crowns upon their heads, basking in the light of God. citation: Gemara Shabbos . Then there are Kings, who every day immerse their arms in blood up to their elbows to help their people. citation: Gemara Brachos Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the previous poster: Nicely said.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lets not legitimize this behavior by calling it "fighting for Shabbos." Rabbis come to these protests to restrain the crazies, not to encourage this behavior. If these "protesters" truly cared about Shabbos, they'd reach out to their secular brothers and show them the beauty of this special day. I don't understand the benefit of yelling and screaming at other Jews who through no fault of their own don't understand the meaning of Shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This week Bnos Yisroel mailed out prevention education pieces that I've written to the parents of their students. Parents of students in our other schools can also request prevention education information as well as the personal safety guidelines of each of their children's schools. This is our responsibility. Bracha Goetz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A couple of years ago, I had a conversation with one of this town's leading rabbonim/roshei yeshiva, in which he told me that there is an issur gamur going to the police. This rabbi went on to say that the Torah does not mandate incarceration for molestation and therefore we are not allowed to incarcerate such people.
While I find this type of rhetoric reprehensible, I am well aware that my opinion cannot compete with the long white beard. I have much respect for our manhigim and the chavrei Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. But, many of these rabbonim chashuvim are just plain wrong on this issue.
My concerns are made worse by some rabbonim taking a progressive public stance, but in private, they still advocate providing safe harbor to these molesters.
But, in the end, I am not sure how the hamon am can influence the rabbinic leadership.
Oy lanu.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Buy larger boats! If they are the customers, then accommodate them. If not, then the NY Waterways losses!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
good they have this every week? why is this the first one i've seen on this website?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My son Shmuly learned in the Mir and my son Avi has been a talmid there for 12 years. Every talmid feels that the Rosh hayeshiva knows and cares about him as an individual. He is one of the great men of this generation. Everyone should come and show him the respect he is due. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very nice and important article. Unfortunately, I don't think that the writer's ideas are currently a reality in Baltimore. We all know that the Jewish Times was trying to reverse the trend of cover ups for these "rodfim". However, the newspaper received harsh backlash from community Rebbeim for doing so. The Rebbeim did issue a letter in response to the Jewish Times' series of exposes. Unfortunately, it seems that the letter was just words with no follow up action.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Implementing technology into Jewish education is an important step for all Jewish day schools. By using technology as an educational tool, schools, teachers, and of course the students can benefit from the truly endless possibilities. Tomorrow's Genius is a new organization that creates online technology programs for Jewish schools. The organization launched last year in Israel and within six months, was able to help over 500 students in the Israeli school system. The need for additional academic resources, is evident both in Israel and the United States. The cost of Jewish education has risen exponentially in recent years meaning that there are less opportunities to implement the needed additional learning resources and programs. Tomorrow's Genius combines cutting edge technology and experienced Jewish educators to create learning programs for all students, regardless of skill levels, age, or financial situations. Our programs include one-on-one learning sessions, online classes, academic coaching, chavruta learning, and more. After our successful launch in Israel, we are creating a pilot program within the North American Jewish school community. We believe that by working together with schools that we can provide students with more educational opportunities.
Aryeh Eisenberg
Director of Education
Tomorrow's Genius
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The cameras are showing a very small, if any, backup headed Northbound.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what if you are driving north?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It doesn't only have to be news. Divrei Hisorirus, which is what this is, is just as important. Frankly, your comment is ridiculous.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this news?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 14th, 2011 The deepest darkest secrets are hidden right in plain sight. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 14th, 2011 "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." The Book of Common Prayer, circa 1549 Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
congratulations Leah Golfeiz you are perfect for this job and I wish you all the best. Hatslacha Rabba
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a time period where Hashem is sending us a strong message to keep our eyes and ears open and to stay vigilent in keeping and educating our communities on staying safe even in the relaxed days of summer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Don't judge Baltimore by a few nasty posts, most people hold ACHAINU KOL BAIS YISROEL very near to their hearts
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very inspiring and beautiful! Thank you so much for
sharing this! Klal Yisroel IS one big family and we should appreciate the gifts of every Jew! This is comforting , especially as we are all grieving and inconsolable over the murder of Leiby.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow!! Baltimore, you sure are quite a community!!! On one end, you have teachers who worked to teach your future leaders of tomorrow even though those teachers knew there would probably be no money to pay them for work they did. On another end, you have people like Rabbi Hauer and the other Rabbeim and lay leaders that are trying very hard to pay those teachers. And on one more end, you have some of the nastiest yidden I have ever seen or heard! I taught my 5 year old students something last year that you ALL need to learn..... ACHAINU KOL BAIS YISROEL..... Try it..... You might like it!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who commented that this guy is possibly a child molester,(3rd comment from top) go watch/listen to NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly's press conference. No indication of s****l abuse. Also, the only previous criminal history this Monster had, was urinating in public. Dont go accusing these people of "covering it up". In almost every case, when something is "covered up" it is done very badly, and most people have a basic idea about the situation,(very watered down and full of rumors? I will agree) and full secrecy doesnt last very long. It just takes time to straighten out the facts, and arrest someone, if necessary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
... and don't think in Baltimore they're not going to hear about this. My 9 yr old daughter came home today and asked about the boy from Boro Park that she heard was found dead in a dumpster and they were saying Tehillim for in camp yesterday. Baruch Hashem we were prepared, but we didn't expect it to be brought up at supper in front of the 3 younger siblings and we were surprised that out here in Baltimore the children would have already heard about this in such detail.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Agudath Israel expresses "tremendous gratitude to the New York City Police Department, the FBI and local government officials for their round-the-clock efforts in leaving no stone unturned in their search; and we hope and trust that the perpetrator of this murder of an innocent boy will swiftly be brought to justice.
How ironic! The Agudath Israel is at the forefront of the movement to keep child abuse at yeshivas under wraps, and NOT report it to the secular government law enforcement officials!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
police should have been contacted immediately. they might then have viewed surveillance videos before the posters went up and scared the freak.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is so sad and disgusting that any person would do such a thing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There can be no justice for such a horrendous crime. The boys parents are going to suffer forever from this. There is NOTHING that we can do to ensure justice. And think too, about Levi Aron's family -- his parents, his siblings, his children What can they be going through? This is just horrendous beyond belief.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Update again. I believe he has been found.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just a thought to try to be Menachem Aveilim of the family of Leiby z"l. Hashem usually takes those who are the Tzadikim of the generation; those that themselves have no Avla, in order to show the rest of Klal Yisroel the level that is expected of us, the message that we have to do Teshuva. In doing so, may the Teshuva of Klal Yisroel serve as a trememdous zchus for Leiby z"l.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Dayan Emes. Hashem takes the Tzadikim from us, like Nadav and Avihu, in order to teach us the severity of the message. If only I could understand this truly. We have to Daven that Hashem helps us do Teshuva.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent article. Anyone with common sense will agree with Rabbi Pruzansky. Note that he said a man is supposed to pursue a woman. In the shidduch system, young men are pursued by shadchanim and by mothers of young ladies who need dates. It is backwards.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i am not a rabbi - but if i remember correctly - if there are situations (usually architectural reasons) where a mezuzah can not logistically be affixed to the doorpost on the way in - i thought you can affix it behind the door or some other such spot within a tefach or so of where it should ideally be placed - i have this issue on my shed where it is not practical to put it in the ideal spot so it is inside the shed as close to the appropriate place as possible - maybe this case is to prove a point - maybe it is making a chillul hashem - i am not addressing that issue at all - but halachically i believe the solution may be simple
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I donât know how well these work but they sell things like âThe Little Buddyâ child tracker. A parent using a computer can track the location of their child at all times.
So a child should have two things. 1. A panic button that makes a very loud and shocking sound to get other peopleâs attention (or maybe we need a panic button which shouts âHelp, Iâm in Troubleâ etc.) and 2. A child tracker.
Also, there are services that will come to the aid of a person by having them press a button (instead of having to dial a number which takes too long when itâs a real emergency). Maybe our Hatzolah could provide that service for a nominal fee per child/person/business.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Total Shock
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am glad to call you my friend. Chaim Ketzler
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So maybe Agudah will back off their "mesira" defense and start assisting law enforcement to put these animals away so no other children will be harmed! Maybe?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I couldn't sleep last night thinking about this poor boy. This is a mother's worst nightmare. We should only share good news in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I cried last night and hoped as I said Tehillim, that this morning would dawn to find Parents and child happily reunited. I cried this morning when that wasnât so. Perhaps it is time to think why the RBS"O brings such terrible tzoros. It shouldn't have to take such a terrible death of an innocent child to bring Klal Yisroel together. I truly hope that the Kiddush Hashem of thousands joining in the search for one child brought some zechus from all of this, but the heart cries out with the question of why it should take something like this to get us to set down the labels and come together? Perhaps we could take a moment and before we run to add another "pretty" Takanah or Chumrah for his Aliyah HaNishama, we could consider that maybe the RBS"O wants something of us. Maybe we need to work on our Bein Adom L'Chavero, on loving our brother (sister), be he (or her) Yeshivish, Modern, Centrist, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Hassidish etc.. Yes, we may disagree on the Shita, but we can still love, help, respect and honor each other as our fellow members of Klal Yisroel and understand that there is a concept of "Shivim Panim L'Torah". Perhaps a week before we start our annual mourning period for the Churban, we can start working on the failure of our ability in showing the Derech Eretz and respect to one another, the lack of Bein Adom L'Chavero that brought upon us the exile of this Galus and continues as the reason why we have remained in Galus for 2000 years.
May the RBS"O bring Nechama to the family of Leibby Kletzky a"h. May the RBSâO give Shalom and an Aliya to the Neshama of Leibby Kletzky a"h. May he be a Meilitz Yosher for all of us and may the RBS"O bring Moshiach and make Tisha B'Av this year into a Yom Tov. ~ R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Check They are actually looking for volunteers now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If the sick killer turns out to be a molester that was hidden and protected by the inaction of the frum leadership- all H--- is going to break out. Enough cover up, enough hiding these sick people. They need to be put away so they cannot harm others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 13th, 2011
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." The Book of Common Prayer, circa 1549 Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 13th, 2011
Ask yourself, did you shed even one tear for this child? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Dayam HaEmes
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Pruzansky, I wouldn't be too confident if I were you to say that the marriages of the current generation are better by the couples that didn't go through the shidduch system vs. the shidduch system couples. Granted the couples of your generation prior to the explosion of the shidduch system, mostly found each other on their own.
As far as creating male emasculation, I don't see how you get emasculation when using a shadchan(broker). Maybe your congregants are all emasculated males because they can't hustle and are lazy that they use brokers in real estate, finance, stock trading, etc. We all understand brokers as people that help us network and not as crutches to do our legwork.
We have enough axe-grinding articles without this one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jeff, Rabbi Frand was wrong. After reading this article, I think we can say "You are a Tzaddik"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this Israel Jewish Life? This is not local it should be filed under Israel news.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
bc rambam was not for profit and constellation is a for profit. a not for profit is expected to be fiscally responsible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I echo the sentiments of the other comments.
Tova Taragin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Consciously buying goods in bulk and reducing the use of disposables will significantly cut down on waste. This in addition to separating trash (recyclables) and starting a small/modest composting bin for (most) food waste will leave you with hardly any trash at all, no matter what the size of your family. Really. There are large families in Baltimore that are doing it right now, and easily making the original 64 gal. trash limit with plenty of room to spare. I highly recommend families in Jewish Baltimore take advantage of the recyclable service and reduce their waste. The rising cost of waste hauling is due to the fact that we are running out of places to dump/bury our trash - not because the City is greedy! We have to haul waste farther and farther away, which costs more money. As a City taxpayer, I for one would prefer to not continue to pay more and more taxes every year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you BJL for providing the video of the Hespedim for us all to gain from. Chazak Ve'Ematz!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 12th, 2011
One who sheds a tear for the loss of a proper and ehrlich man is forgiven his sins. Let each man ask himself, 'have I shed even one tear for the loss of even one of these precious men?'. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Fun article- you captured the week in pictures!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 12th, 2011
Do not say 'Lo Aleinu', this IS Aleinu. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this available at 7-mile :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
now we are ready for the geulah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is there a caption for the picture?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's imagine Constellation Energy had major layoffs and 100 frum people from our community were suddenly out of work. Imagine also that these people did not receive a few paychecks for work that they already completed. If Rabbi Hauer decided to take up a collection to help out these families, would there be a controversy? Would people make comments like "We don't owe them"? Why is there repeatedly a negative attitude on this site towards anything having to do with Rambam?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To quote a great writer, what really matters is what we do with the time we are given. Jeff, you are the personification of doing good for many, many people with the years Hashem has given you. May He continue to bless you with good health and simcha. Susan Leibtag
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I honestly do not know what all the fuss is over. My husband and I have been blessed with a large family (B"H). We too were initially concerned about this new legislation ,however, we have found that the vast bulk of our waste is recycables. It has been no problem to to meet the 96 gallon limit. We will admit that before this change took affect we were lazy about seperating the recycling. Maybe other families are suffering from the same problem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May H-shem bless him and his family.
From friend Jackie of Efrat, Israel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess we should all pick up and register in PA. Our vote in maryland is meaningless
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
At first I couldn't understand why they flew them from Georgia, Atlanta has good hospitals. Curious tht such disparate places have th same name.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the issue is not his name spelling rather his job title. he is the Rosh Hayeshiva and not Rosh Bais Medrash!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the commentator who says downsizing the community is ludicrous: please explain your reasoning. If instead of 50 shuls, costing the community X million dollars a year, there were 25 shuls, costing the community 1/2 of that per year, millions would be saved which could go to aniim and other worthy Torah causes. Halacha does not mandate so many shuls per town.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So parking a 15 passenger van (which is commercial according to city law) on private property can get you ticketed too?! Wonder how many Church vans in the area got the tickets or were they not "seen"?
Glad to see the Glen Neighborhood Improvement Association improve our neighborhood look 1 van at a time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The board is not legally responsible the "school" is which does not exsist anymore, so now the community is. A lawsuit against the board is insane, why would any lay leader ever take another board position again if they knew they could be sued, they are volunteers. Oh and by the way which boad would you sue? This board who acted responsibly and ended the madness of crippling debt or the multiple boards/presidents who made with probable great intentions significant financial errors. A tzedakah fund is not the best way to get these teachers paid but it is currently the only way and getting them the 3 more paychecks they have earned is to me the bottom line at this time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A bochur was once confronted by the late, great Mashgiach of Ner Yisroel Rav Dovid Kronglas, as to why he came late for daily minyan. His answer was that davening is boring, you just say the same thing every day. Learning is more fun as you have new ideas daily. Rav Dovid devoted a Shabbos afternoon shmooz to refuting the bochur's contention that there is nothng new in the daily repetition of the same words.
This isn't a problem of one group or another, even those who go to shul often just go through the motions or mouth the words without much introspection. Our Buddish friends have a prayer wheel.Every time the wheel goes around, you get credit for saying a prayer. Maybe that is what a lot of us would prefer, short and effortless.
The other side of not going to shul is going to shul but not to daven. I have noticed a lot of alcohol drinking among young orthodox adults, they drink like fish. I asked a young married wonman which shul her husband goes to in Manhatten and she innocently told me that he goes to a certain shtible because they have the best kiddush club, he goes for the scotch. Rabbi E. Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Weprin will win if Republicans will be azzzzzzz...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
That does not sound very believable to me. It is all over the web but no checked source, and one basic article reposted everywhere. How many Jews do we know that, after receving a warning and perhaps a fine, would not go to city hall and seek an agreement of some sort, and make sure they are in compliance? She is according to some sources a mother of six, still with young children: how many jewish mamas do you know that would be ready to go to jail - and for three months! - for such a stupid reason? And how many observant Jews do we know, that go to court against nonjews in the three weeks? Think about it. If she is so particular about eating only organic food, it's not like it'll be provided t0 her in jail. If she is tight on money and can not spend on organic vegetables, how comes she is prepared to throw cash, and lots of it, at a lawyer - and for a lost case, because this is the regulation and people have obviously to comply. Things do not really add up in this story. Someone should check into this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rav Slanger shlit"a's name is spelled accurately. Feel free to look it up...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In this case, it's a zoning issue... Not a safety issue. Translation: City Income!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 9th, 2011
Torah needs neither promoters nor defenders. Torah stands on its own merits. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 8th, 2011
As in many things, the answers, the keys, the greatest treasures are all hidden in plain sight. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to Rena Levin. what happened to your online school idea?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to the poster who commented: who has school in July? As stated previously, the arrangement was work for 10 months, and have the paychecks for that work paid over a period of 12 months. This arrangement is quite common in public schools.
More importantly, there are still a number of middle/high school boys who have not yet solidified their educational plan for next year. And the rebbeim and administrators are going above and beyond, showing enormous dedication and Ahavas Yisroel, being fierce advocates for these boys. They are not being paid for this! The school year is over, the school is defunct, and yet, the sense of achrayus for their students continues. Saying "thank you" does not scratch the surface of what we owe to these dedicated mechanchim. Rena Levin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What kind of police activity
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The BJL should be commended for bringing issues facing the Jewish community to light. First of all, we should be worried about ALL Jews. Second, of course all of these issues exist here, such as Shabbos texting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do you know when Obama is lying? He opens his mouth
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is what Marxist do. Just wait, it's only the beginning. The interesting thing about Marxist elites and their preaching about redistribution of wealth, everyone gets poor except for them. Look at Obama's lifestyle. The Country is in trouble, yet they are jet-setters and party animals. Let's not forget about the import of $100 per pound steaks from Japan.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Harav Reb Tzvi DOV SHlanger
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't people realize that tickets are not for safety rather they are there as a revenue maker for the gov't
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is the BJL devoting so much time to stories on MO teens? Look around our community, most of the "at-risk" teens come from Yeshivish families. Are we to feel better due to problems in other communities, while burying our heads in the sand about our own problems? Why not devote some time and space here for discussions on how to solve our own community's problems?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got news for you, the politicians really don't care what we need. They will pay lip service, but in the final analysis, we get very little except for the privilege of paying more than our share of taxes. We have to fend for ourselves for security, ambulances, tuition's, carpools, etc. Maybe we need to create our own sanitation dept. now?
The Police think our community needs little coverage because of the self inflicted problems below Northern PKWY. That area complains when the Jewish community get the slightest little thing from the City, but we are the ones that pay the bill, not them, yet they get all the services.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The sign of a very successful kosher restaurant is when a majority of the customers do not even keep kosher. This place and its Boston location are great examples of that. Golbergs bagels in the only place in Baltimore that is able to attract any non frum customers but they are still far from having a majority of non kosher clientele.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jews in NY vote for these idiots. They are too committed to the Democrat Party no matter how vile a position they take. Weprin will win.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Parking in a driveway may not help. I have been told by a reliable source that Hatzlah's ambulance received a ticket parked in a driveway. Something has to be done to stop this outrageous blatant anti-semitism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From the entries I am seeing on this site, it is clear why the days of Baltimore being reputed as an "Ir Chesed V'Shalom" are over. The stench of the Chillul Hashem and Ga'ava/arrogance that Baltimore now reeks of, is quickly replacing the name of Yerushalayim of America that Baltimore once had. As the beginning of the 3 weeks approaches perhaps it is time that the leadership and members of the community finally confront the very real problems that the community has. Baltimore has spent way to much time (and money) avoiding a necessary reality check about the way it handles.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who has school during the summer months of July and August anyway? Only ti has torah in july!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The board of the school is legally responsible. If they cannot pay, a law-suit needs to be filed so insurance can pay. Teachers deserve the money and I am offended that we are being asked for tzedakkah money to pay them. Also teachers deserve the money and should not feel like they have to accept tzedakka.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was a Rambam parent and proud to be. I am devastated that the school is closed and the teachers, many of whom I regard as friends, are without parnossa. Although, the bulk of our tzedekah has always gone to our children's school I have given to for TA, TI, etc. That is what you do when you are part of a community. My children have a book at home that they love and the recurring phrase goes like this...."Because it's a miztvah to help every Jew no matter what and no matter who!" PLEASE I beg you don't be a chillul Hashem! It is hard enough many times to just be a frum Jew. Some of the comments have just been disgusting. These are YOUR neighbors YOUR community. The people who will be in line to help you if G-d forbid you ever need it. Shabbat Shalom! Leah Samuels
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am shocked by the insensitivity of some of these comments. If someone doesn't want to give, don't give, but I wouldn't add insult to injury to teachers who kept teaching under very difficult circumstances not knowing if they would get paid. If I'm a teacher or Rebbe at any of the Frum schools in the area, I am watching the community reaction with interest. Who says this can't happen to them in the future, and if you're one of these teachers, do you want to take a chance at being stuck in midlife without a big chunk of your paycheck and unprepared for another job because there's only a couple yeshivas in the area? I wouldn't.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As somewhat of a side point, all teachers in the community should be paid over 12 months so they can pay their bills year-round.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
450 South June Street, Hancock Park, Los Angeles, CA is the exact address
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the commentor who says downsize the community, thats ludacris. Cant believe someone would write that.
Also please use smaller words that everyone can understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Go to Bais Din. Thats why its there. Or, heres a novel idea, go to the parents from the school whose children were educated by these teachers. This was an employer employee relationship.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These teachers agreed to be paid over 12 months for the 10-month school year. That is to say that they already worked for the pay they should get in July and August. This campaign is NOT to pay them for losing their jobs, but to pay them the salary that is rightfully theirs, but Rambam does not have the funds to pay. The alternative is for the teachers to bring the matter to a Bais Din. This campaign is to bring shalom to the community and will only cover the lost salaries for July and August.
Apparently this point needs to be made again..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This whole community needs to downsize. There is absolutely no need for 40+ shuls and 6 schools. There should be 2 shuls, one in Greenspring, and one in Pikesville, which the community as a whole supports. At maximum, there should be 3 Jewish schools: one for boys, one for girls, and one co-ed. The travails faced by Rambam recently are indicative of the fact that this community has spread itself far too thin. Unfortunately, Rambam was among the first to have to publicly suffer for this. Yes, there may be inconsistencies in terms of who the community rallies around and bails out at the last minute, but these considerations obscure the main point: there is no reason why there should so many shuls, schools and other community institutions in the first place. It shouldn't be the case that another institution springs up for virtually every 10 jews with an opinion. It doesn't say much for our achdus as a community, and on a practical level it is utterly unsustainable. It is excessive and it is wasteful. These innumerable divisions have disturbed the core of the community, and the aftermath is now palpable.
As a community of professionals, educators and scholars, we must speak out. When every day we aspire towards our eschatological destiny of returning to the beis hamikdash as a unified nation, but the context and community from which we issue this message is so artificially splintered, and our voices are so tainted by banal sectarian politics, do we practice what we proclaim?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This issue is broader than just a Rambam issue. Once it's known that the community will not stand behind contracts of these teachers, the already small pool of competent, reliable teacher applicants will continue to shrink. It will be even more difficult for Baltimore Orthodox schools (especially small ones)to hire well-qualified, professional teachers.Solid teachers will look elsewhere for positions even if that means traveling to Silver Spring. In the end, students from families across the frum community will continue to lose out educationally.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We have spent months reading and listening to Faculty, Students, Alumni, Parents, lament the loss of the school. Do not get me wrong, I agree Rambams closure has left a tremendous void, that will hopefully be filled quickly. However, the community does not owe anything! Yes, we must do whatever we can to support our neighbors who are without parnassa. I agree with the 3rd comment. This is NOT a Rambam disscusion. If your needy go to the organizations that have been helping so many for so long, or go to your Rav. Stop writing letters to the community under the guise of BEING OWED!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To number 3 and others like him/her:
I am truly glad that you have donated to the cause, but it is clear that you have issues with having done so.
The teacher in letter above is merely presenting the problem facing the teachers who have been left in need with the sad closing of their school, which happens to be Rambam. The issues of this being a âRambam thingâ is perhaps yours.
When someone presents his or her need for Tzedakah, be it via letter, an Agudah card, a communal website, or any other vehicle that one may choose to solicit the help of oneâs fellow member of Klal Yisroel it is our choice to give or not. If there is a question of whether or not, someone should be eligible for tzedakah, one can consult oneâs Moreh Dâasreh. That being said, the choice of how we respond to a solicitation is our as well, does one yell at the person asking (ALL CAPS) before sending them on their way or does one express oneâs regret of not being able to help. R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How dare the Dutch government--they really have chuzpah!
It's so wonderful to be an American.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is NOT progress. This is violent anti-semitism. And Europe at it again!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ms Epstein is so misguided.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Israel IS a Jewish country..
Sunday should remain a regular workday.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very nice. very very nice
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment #3- Why is this about comparisons? We have Ahavas Yisroel, shul funds and I am sure the various rabbonim have discretionary funds. Of course every needy person should be helped. No one said otherwise. But if someone is left homeless due to a fire you don't run to help? No one said you should have ignored the other homeless person to save someone in a similar position. But isn't each situation unique? Did you not already give money to Ahavas Yisroel or to your Rav's discretionary fund to address your concerns? If so, then why do they sound so pressing? You already gave to this fund so one can only presume that you have likewise been working in support of the needy in our community for a very long time. May HKBH always enable you to give so generously, to all of the community's needs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This isn't the first time this has happened here in Baltimore. Anyone remember KinderKademy. Same thing happened to us and the Av Beis Din decided that Peshara was the best solution. So we lost multiple pay checks of our salaries.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment #3, that's a question that you should ask Rabbi Hauer directly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Firstly let me make clear, I HAVE donated to your cause!
However, not because I understand why this is an acceptable campaign, rather because I was asked to by a close friend.
I have no connection to Rambam, and I am struggling mightily to understand how your cause trumps any individual case of Tzedakah. Why are you better than the guy around the corner who lost his job, and is struggling to make Mortgage payments! Why do you get a special campaign???
I know you were stiffed by Rambam and thats wrong, but as in your example the next step is not for the contractor to go to your neighbor and ask for the rest of the money! So again I beg the question why is this a Rambam thing??? ARE YOU NEEDY, if yes than let Rabbi Hauer make a campaign for the NEEDY IN THE COMMUNITY, and your friend who is also needy BUT DID NOT WORK FOR RAMBAM can get equal benefit.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You may write a check to the BJSZ Charity Fund, Memo: Rambam Teachers Fund, or donate online at and click on the Donate tab and then at the bottom on Help RAMBAM Teachers.
Yitzie Pretter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
is it also not a simple matter of putting in a driveway. It has to be zoned for a driveway. You can't just put one in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Local car dealerships have told me that Ford Club Wagon 12 seat vans are actually 8 seat vans with an additional bench installed. I am not sure about other manufacturer 12 seat vans. This may be a defense if someone was ticketed on their "12" passenger Ford van.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please provide appropriate information for contributing to the collection for this cause that is under the direction of Rabbi Hauer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The law is going to be re-written. A number of Askonim in town are diligently working on this issue with the DOT, Mayor's office, and Rikki Spector's office.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"you can put in an asphalt driveway that will accommodate"
that will cost thousands of dollars
I researched that option a while ago not a solution my friend
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got a 2nd ticket form the same officer last night on my 12 seater.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No more Jew Canoes? What's next?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yemach shmam v'zichram.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Looking at the code it appears 12 passenger van are in the same boat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this applies to 12-passenger vans as well
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
1) For less than the cost of two tickets, you can put in an asphalt driveway that will accommodate *two* 15 passenger vans. Plus, you might get a break on your car insurance for having off-street parking.
2) How exactly is showing the judge that the law *might* change in the future supposed to change the fact that it is now illegal to do exactly what you did? The judge is supposed to take into account the law -- not proposed bills.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"against a generic Republican opponent". In this country we have 2 major parties and who a swing voter choses depends not just on whether he likes OBAMA but who the Republican nominee is. It ain't over until the Republicans come up with a dynamic leader who can inspire the masses, not just the Tea Party. Can they?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Happy birthday Cousin Elinor -How do I get on the team????
All the best always
The Federmans
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These teachers agreed to be paid over 12 months for the 10-month school year. That is to say that they already worked for the pay they should get in July and August. This campaign is NOT to pay them for losing their jobs, but to pay them the salary that is rightfully theirs, but Rambam does not have the funds to pay. The alternative is for the teachers to bring the matter to a Bais Din. This campaign is to bring shalom to the community and will only cover the lost salaries for July and August.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Israel is a Jewish country, then it's Friday & Saturday. If companies don't want to work on Sundays, let them switch to a 4/10 work week.
Israel has gotten along fine until now. What has changed besides people's intelligence?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are they needy? Do they qualify for tzedakah??? If yes, why is'nt Ahavas Yisroel running this campaign. If NOT why are they different than anybody else who has lost his/her job during the economic crunch????? PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
None of this matters because the that got the largest Jewish vote was Reagan and he only got about 31 - 33%. For some unknown reason my people think that party affiliation is more important than the quality of the candidate and they will continue to support inferior people on the Democrat ticket.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
yes-- please explain/?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 5th, 2011
Science and Faith are co-dependant in that each is sustained by their mutual dysfunction. Science is for the purpose of understanding the behavior of nature. Faith (read Torah) is to teach us how to behave and, for those more insightful, to understand the heart. Those who insist we learn the intricacies of quantum mechanics from scripture and those who insist we adjust human behavior to the strictures of science are both misguided. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is nothing in Bereshis that contradicts the theory of evolution. Each "day" of creation represents a step in the evolution of species,all orchestrated by God.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First Roger Clemens as a family article and now this? Come on. If you don't have a good family article, please spare us and leave it off.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please don't forget ,that r oberstien says its ok to vote democrat.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their results are not answering the whole picture. As they were breaking down who they were researching, More of the non-orthodox students are likely to use the term,"half shabbos." Those answers from that sector are already known. The question that does arise is why six schools? Was it in one area or spread across the national map? The ratio of boys to girls on texting on shabbos? They keep on mentioning the Modern Orthodox schools, yet there has been reports from higher up schools that yeshiva students are doing this also. This report is not complete in reporting all details.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what in the world does this have to do with family family section?
sports section but wait, you don't have a sports section
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is absolutely crazy
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The halacha is that you were supposed to keep it. Giving it to the bus driver was pretty stupid. Why should he get the money? Hashem gave it to you. Why don't you want it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the air france plane pictured in the article is the Concorde, which I believe is no longer in service. will it be used again as part of this biofuel process?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Avi Chai is privately funded and can spend their money however they see fit but here is one person wishing that instead of funding the RUACH (Religious Understanding in Adolescent Children)project they would think about the REACH (Religious Education of Adolescent Children)project by funding existing educational institutions. Irritating that large amounts of Jewish money has been spent quantifying what parents and educators already know via observation and experience.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
never say never. everyone has their own challenges. lucky for you this is not one of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The non-MO students are described as ranging from chareidi to non-frum. For the non-frum kids who would be doing this anyway, the orthodox environment is a positive. Also, I don't think six schools is a representative sample. I am also not MO.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This generation is so sad... that's all I have to say. Even though I am also a teen i would never in a million years text on shabbat.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The last paragraph explains it. NOT all students attending M.O. schools are Orthodox. That doesn't mean that no Orthodox students text or use internet. I would bet that about the same percentage of Orthodox students in M.O. and typical Yeshivish schools do those things.
Incomplete studies can be very misleading. BTW, I am not M.O.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Michelle Bachman has often said that there is no need to raise the debt ceiling. She says that it is ok to default on entitlements and that the President could simply chose to pay whichever obligations he choses. Thus, he could pay interest on debt to keep the credit rating and pay the military but ignore other legal obligations if there is not enough money. I heard her say this on television. How can anyone with any sense support her and her policies? The reason this country went from a surplus to a deficit is because two things happened at the same time. Congress lowered tax rates below what they were under Reagan and Clinton anda then fought a 10 years war on borrowed funds. One day of the war in Afganistan and Iraq costs far more than the minimal health care or social security given to our seniors. Michelle Bachman and her party would destroy the safety net while giving more and more tax breaks to the wealthiest people, who have gotten richer under Bush, while the rest of the country has gone down. It isn't a matter of politics, it is basic humanity on which war is being waged by Bachman and her cohorts. L.Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lots of luck. Mazel Tov Saw your mother last week, and she is a busy lady.I am Ron Davis,mother. Mazel Tov again
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can one get around this by paying cash?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am confused totally why she supports the Palestinians specially a holocaust survivor i am baffled her brain must of been put in backwards
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so difficult to comprehend how someone who is a survivor would support terrorists who want Israel and Jews to be wiped out!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
can someone explain when & why fruit became non-kosher??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is not kosher about dried fruit?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What's next no pierceing ears
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the Elmans are responsible for so much Torah and mitzvos in our community and beyond!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
im very pleased with my new school from yechezkel englander
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Will there be any hook ups here in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a very humane thing to come about because animals, in Abrahamic cultures, are treated with disrespect and disdain. Hooray for progress!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
During World War 2 Holland had pro rata the largest number of collaborators who betrayed Jews to the Nazi occupiers.Dutch society is still virulently antisemetic and racist towards citizens of it's former colonies.The past lives on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I suppose they will outlaw abortions after the first trimester next, since the fetus can experience pain.
Why not? (And why won't you publish this comment?)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is pretty disgusting article. Shame on the Rabbinate, and shame on this abusive woman.
The judges should all be locked up. What criminal fascists they are!
It's amazing what gaavah will make a person do to himself.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a great event to bring to the community but it should had been free entrance since rides are at a course. Families try to do family events and this can be costly at $5.00 per person, or there could had been a family package.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baltimore Zionist District has just been told by Mayor Rawlings-Blake that she is proud to join Governor O'Malley and Baltimore City Council by issuing a proclamation stating that Honorary Citizen of Baltimore City Gilad Shalit be immediately released and return safely to his family and his homeland. BZD wants to thank our elected officials who stand and support the local Jewish community, the family of Gilad Shalit, the people and State of Israel. Please join BZD, Baltimore's elected officials and the Embassy of Israel tomorrow at the public ceremony demanding the immediate and safe return of Gilad.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The law is great. The trapping not so much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
MO is so confusing. I moved here years ago from NY and find the usage of the term so funny. MO gained its "fame" from Yeshiva University in NY not from old time Baltimore. This poster is correct about MO. Is MO defined as mixed dancing of the Baltimore 60's, driving on shabbos and proms out of Beth Tfiloh, serious Torah umadah (Rabbi Soloveitchik as the psoter wrote) out of YU, progressive women ideals out of Netivot and Rabbi Avi Weiss, out of Israel with religiuos zionism, boys and girls mixed, or many others? You pick. This poster is right. I was a parent there for many years. Rambam likely suffered greatly because they used that term and its parents had so many definitions of what MO meant. BT can get away with that term. Rambam could not. Mr. Kozlovsky is right about the confusion and negativity that can be associated with it. In my mind and I believe in YU's mind where it originated, any definition of Orthodoxy must first adhere to halacha. However, since there is no standards from any Rav like a Rabbi Soloveitchik, MO will continue to be all things to all people for better or worse.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
he loved every jew, of every stripe!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the Israeli Justice Minister--assimilation is the worst threat to Judaism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a wonderful article. I hope that many people will read it and perhaps understand the Israeli stance at the United Nations.
Goldie said it ALL at the end of this editorial.
Thanx again, BJL.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was responding to this article when I encountered computer problem.
I agree with the Israeli Justice Minister..
Assimilation is devastating to Judaism..
By the way, I am an American.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is unreal. I can't believe that a Jew more less a rabbi could ever advocate the killing of a non-Jew in wartime or otherwise. As an American I am shocked if this is true and as a Jew I am horrified.
I have the utmost respect for the Orthodox as I am a traditionalist.
The article mentioned Judea and Samaria..
I seem to recall the division between Israel and Judea..
Jews must remember that a house divided can be devastating for Israel.
I am totally shocked by this rabbi's statement. Being a rabbi does not take priority over G-d.
G-d Bless the Jewish people. The G-d of Israel will determine the fate of this rabbi.
And I refer the rabbi to Isaiah 49..There's a reason for G-d choosing the Jews..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The loss of Rambam is going to and has already effected the future of this community. The Associated should have stepped in and help the school survive.There is nothing more important than the foundation of a Jewish education.For our community who raises so many dollars....saving Rambam should have been a priority. We are now a polarized community. Ohr Chadash better flourish and survive or there is another big exit of families in the near future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is amazing how the definition of "Modern Orthodox" has changed over the years to a much less-inclusive, right-leaning one. "MO" used to be the nomenclature to describe synagogues such as Beth Tfiloh and Beth Jacob that had Orthodox services but accepted Jews of all degrees of observance, from the frum to the not-so-frum, from the black hats to those folks who removed their yarmulkes upon leaving the building. Now it seems that only Beth Tfiloh, Moses Montefiore, and Ner Tamid remain from the old-line MO shuls, with some of the other old-liners, such as Suburban Orthodox and Shaarei Zion no longer fitting the old definition. When exactly did "Modern Orthodox" take on a more fundamentalist tone?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is curious how the definition of the term "modern Orthodox" has changed over the years. MO used to be the term reserved for shuls like Beth Tfiloh, Beth Jacob, Liberty Jewish Center, Rogers Avenue, Denmore Avenue and others who davened the Orthodox litany but accepted without question members and visitors of all degrees of personal observance, the frum and the not-so-frum, the black hats and the folks who would remove their yarmulkes after leaving the building. MO shuls were distinct from the "frum" shuls, which then consisted of Shearith Israel and several cottage sanctuaries. Now, everything has shifted considerably to the right, with Beth Tfiloh, Ner Tamid and Moses Montefiore being the only old-line MO shuls left. The 2011 definition of MO seems to be a much less inclusive one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Welcome to Maryland where such a move-over law has been in effect since October 2010. See the text of the MD law at You can find out more information about Move-Over laws across the country at
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please tell me the last two lines of this article are not a joke.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think someone should send this discussion to the GULF francise supervisor.
Bryon S. is absolutly right, we don't have a right to park on the Gulf station's lot. BUT the Gulf station does not have the right to LURE people into parking on the lot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The previous commenter makes some outstanding points regarding the integrity of our schools when it comes to Yiddiskeit. I believe that there is a second point that is exacerbating the situation. A lack of leadership and outspokenness by our local rabbinate. We are blessed in this town with wonderful & tremendous talmedai chachamim. We have also been blessed with Shalom between the factions of Judaism over the years. Today, the leaders seem afraid to stand up and loudly protest actions or ideals that go against our core values, for fear, they may shake up the shalom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Howie for your tireless efforts on behalf of this and every other Jewish community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I on the other hand agree how bad labeling is and you actually make the case why and don't realize it. The point I think is when one labels, they have no exclusivity to the label. Put 10 people from Baltimore in the room and their definition of what the term modern, right, left can all be different but they all feel passionate within their own definitions. That doesn't even take into account, discussing definitions cross other states in the US and Israel.
Labeling tears people apart. If one holds to Halacha and spirituality why can't we all be Orthodox and just define philosophy differences like supporting State of Israel and other philosophical differences. At the core, once one holds Halacha because it's an expectation, but also a means to get closer to hashem, we are all Orthodox.
Let's stop using these labels.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am extremely saddened by the closing of such a great school, and feel for the children in upper middle school and High School that feel that they have no where to go. While I feel that your assesment of the situation and recomendations for the future sheds a great amount of light on this ever-present issue, I must disagree with you on one of your points. I believe that labels are extremely important for a school like Yeshivat Rambam/Ohr Chadash. Look at Beth Tfiloh; as a former student, I have emerged disgusted at the lack of guidleines and structure (in the realm of both religious beliefs and Jewish Studies)of BT. It claims to be both a "Modern Orthodox" Jewish day school, and a "community school". Whule it of course does not advocate "non-MO" actions and beliefs, teachers do not teach the students what is and is not permissable under Modern Orthodoxy, and what Modern Orthdox beliefs essentially are. To students, Judaism is divided into 2 categories: Religious and Non Religious; there is no inbetween and shomer shabbos to them might as well mean chassidic. Many students are unaware of what muksa is and what the laws of shabbos exactly entail, Glatt Kosher is a foreign term, laws of tzniut (and even the word itself) are unknown, intermarriage and some aspects of conversion are such a politically correct issues that they can barely be discussed, shomer negiah and kol isha are looked upon as crazy and extrmeist as students believe that the only reasons for these laws are of a sexual nature meant to control men's desires, and etc. Having spent a great deal of time at BT, I can tell you that while it may seem to be the fault of the teachers, it truly isn't. Instead, it is Beth Tfiloh's "community school" stance. There is a feeling that if true Modern Orthodoxy is taught (while of course not made to be followed), parents and children will get extremely offended and then pull their children out of the school. And of course, Beth Tfiloh would definately not want that to happen. If a new school were to spring up and not directly say what they exactly believe in, I fear that another Beth Tfiloh will form, and that is not something that will benefit the Jewish community at all.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are no answers here.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can a teacher know how much time a student will need to do an assignment?
A child might take two hours to do a very simple assignment. 1 1/2 hrs complaining and putting it off. 15 minutes doing it. 15 min reviewing with parents.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What's the chilul Hashem in his involvement in ObamaCare?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Read the full quote. She is grateful to the Media for its help in giving her daughters' privacy and sparing them (the daughters) the nastiness their parents' political lives would otherwise foster. It has nothing to do with the innuendo the headline and opening line are attempting to convey. BJL should remove this article from its lineup.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kids should not have "unlimited" texting plans. They should be limited in the number of texts they can send and receive every month; Texting should not be allowed to become an all-day-long involuntary bodily function. This limit will make it easier for them to keep Shabbat as a boundary as well.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think you were missing the point of that previous comment. There are levels to public and private - and I don't thing that was really the main point of the comment anyway - I think it was less about the kids and more about the environment that produces the kids... If it is pervasive then it's because of the environment that is producing the kids, not the kids.... The only way to change the kids behavior is to change the institutions - it's really quite simple. You do the same thing, you will get the same result.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov! It is amazing and a true kiddush hashem the progress and voice you bring on behalf of our community to Annapolis!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Spitting and throwing rocks, sounds very "Shabbat-like"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
did you talk to him about the horrible chillul hashem his envolvement in the implementation and promotion of obama care is?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article makes a lot of sense. I can truly relate to what it is saying. I hope that a lot of people will read this..
Thank you, Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We went last year too - definitely worth going! Too bad it is on such a busy Sunday with so many competing programs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the vital work that you do...and Mazel Tov!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011
Our teachers taught us the words of the Torah. It is on us to get the message. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Byron, as customers have parked on that lot for over 20 years I bet as an esq. you can make the argument that it is allowable by law. The parking lines just seem to confuse people as to what the signs mean. that would be the lefney eevair
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He does have a right to prohibit parking but should ensure each space is clearly marked. These lines give a false impression and can easily confuse customers. No idea why he needed the spaces when at most there is only one car parked at the pumps. Hope he goes out of business soon!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011
What a pleasure to see the words of this learned man published for us. May we hear often from Rabbi Kaganoff. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011
I do not see where we differ. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just as a side point when you text most often you are texting with another human being. So no of these kids are texting privately. Also parents can see when their kids text assuming they are the ones who pay for the bill. So all these kids are texting publicly because there is no other way
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The current owner of the Gulf station has clearly said to many people that he does not like the Jews and doesn't care if they don't buy gas from him. I think people should know this about him and not support his establishment. The previous owners did appreciate the Jewish business and therefore didn't mind when someone parked their car near the payphones/snowball stand. The current owner will tow your "Jewish" car even if you just purchased something from him(ie. cigarettes, or a drink) if you go into Tov Pizza or Kosher Bite afterward Ronnie has had a great relationship with several different owners for over 25 years, so I'm sure it's not him! I see this as a problem Bryon, it's a shame that you see it otherwise.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011
I know this is politically incorrect, but this property belongs to the Gulf station and he has the right to prohibit parking. We think we are entitled and we think he is intruding on our rights. In fact, we are not entitled and it is we who are intruding on his rights. Respecting the property rights of others is a matter of respecting the human rights of others. If we as a people do not stand for human rights, then for what do we stand? The quality if his character is irrelevant to his rights. Publicly ridiculing him and fomenting anger towards him is a form of bullying him to give up that which we have no right to demand. We need to act according to our ideals and virtues. And our ideals and virtues are the absolute valuing of human rights, of all people. Even the ones we do not like. Indeed, especially the ones we do not like.
Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The owner of the Gulf station is an Anti-Semite and no one should give him any business. Not gas or convenience. Let him feel it in his wallet and maybe he will change his tune!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
pretty impressive
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great speech. Now, it would be nice if the leadership of our Yeshivos would not only understand the need for their Talmidim to re-assume their roles as Jewish men, but to make the necessary changes and give them the tools to do so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful speech.........the love for Yeshivat Ramban, family and friends truly comes through.......good job!!!!! ttfn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov. It's about time people in the "Frum" community realize the importance of being involved with neighborhood associations.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! It's about time someone had the courage to say this. I hope the graduates, their parents, and their teachers take this message to heart to change the expectation of our current environment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He is such an amazing Rav and person! Kol Hakavod to him!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do I get this coupon?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos for the frum community working in a mentchlich way to work with an often recalcitrant board, and to GNIA president Derrick Lennon for working things through.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 23rd, 2011
'Be as Aaron and bring people to the faith.' Mishneh, Pirkei Avos. 'The greatest influence you can do for our people - is to learn a blot of gemorah.' Mordechai Gifter. 'People come to Judaism by people learning in bais medrash' Yitzchak Ruderman 'When a yid in Vilna chaps pshat in Tosfos, a yid in pariz keeps Shanbbos.' Yisroel Salanter. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 23rd, 2011
It is an abomination to make pollard and Shalit equal. Shalit is a hero defending his people. May God have mercy on Shalit quickly. May pollard's name never again be mentioned in the same sentence with his. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this family related to the Rosh Hayeshiva?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So sad and troubling.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our local community federation could learn a lot from Boston, with regard to their support for children and adults with disabilities in the Jewish community and Jewish day schools.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps you are all missing a much bigger point. It's that those teens are not troubled teens, but instead are being very respectful to their patents by not doing it out in the open. Teens know who they are. If they are texting on Shobbos it's because they don't believe it's a real problem that has a real impact on them or the universe around them. Teens today are remarkably intelligent and are growing up on science and physics and technology. They are taught aggadata as reality in school and are too intelligent to believe it. Once any part loses credability, it all loses credability. It's not the teens with the problem. It's the Old way of thinking and those who are stuck in old ways of understanding and teaching. Unless yidishkite catches up to our kids' reality, it will be rejected by many. Not out of spite or rebellion, but by an intellect that we did not posses at their age. It's time to accept that it's ok to teach our children concepts that were reserved for elders, that anthropomorphism is a juvenile way of looking at Hashem, that it served its purpose 1000 years ago, but that such concepts are outdated and simply unbelievable to many thoughtful teens. Just ask them. And if you stick to the part of the story that's not real, it will be assumed that none of it is real. It's time for a reality check.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What does BMG stand for?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have personally witnessed a young person I know texting on yom tov. The person goes to a single gender school
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is happening in Baltimore schools. All of them. Texting is an addiction for some children. Just as certain people can barely get through Shabbos without a cigarette, kids who do not have the strong faith basis to overcome (and even some who might) this addiction, will do it. Don't fool yourself into thinking that this is not in Bais Yaakov, TA, Ner, Mesivta or Rambam. It's in all of these places to various degrees. What can be done? I say, why does a kid need a cell phone? I had no cell phone until I was out of college, and I'm not that much older than these kids. The point is that a person can figure out their lives without a phone if a phone is not put into their hands. Parents reserve the right to choose not to give children a phone. Also, why are kids bored on Shabbos? We need to engage kids more -- create programming for them, engage in more family activities, be more proactive. Of course it would occur if the only thing to do on Shabbos afternoon is sleep. Finally, strengthening our own practices, being the models ourselves, showing others how we LOVE Shabbos and can turn off everything and WELCOME turning off everything for a whole day -- this is how we can help the situation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Jews did not make such a big deal about Pollard he would have been pardoned long ago. The reason why its a big deal to pardon him is because Jews turned it into a big deal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Baltimore community needs to wake up! Yes it is happening here also! also don't think this is just in the. " modern orthodox", which happens to be a wrong word, it is happening all over the Orthodox community. how about we get our heads out of the sand and find a way to help these kids and realize that there is something going on!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Jewish community all around the world is thank God large enough, and savvy enough, to be able to handle many issues at one time. Are we ready to abandon the Pollards and Shalits of the Jewish people- and they are both ours- and focus on only one issue at a time? With 55 major American Jewish organizations, not to mention those in Israel and across the world, there is plenty for all of us to tackle. Let's not be a "shah shtil" community afraid to upset the powers that be.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is the answer always to shelter our kids more? Why can't the answer be better parenting? It seems cowardly to me to keep your kids away from the world so that they will not be tempted. Shouldn't we teach them to live in the world as it is and be courageous and strong and make a kiddush Hashem wherever they go? Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? Why are so many people hiding from the world???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you let your CHILD have his/her own cell phone, you have abdicated on your parental responsibility to supervise them. As Moshe argued with G-d, "What will the child do, but sin?!" (Ma ya'aseh haben v'lo yechtah.) A child/adolescent/teen without a cellphone is like a fish without a bicycle.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Supervised social activities to fill those long shabbos afternoons might be helpful"
Supervised family activities with supervising parents might be more helpful. There are already to many "activities" from the outside. The biggest part of the problem is the home is no longer the fortress it was intended to be. With the stresses of double incoming and the mentality that has developed in the wake working family structure, children are no longer able to entertain themselves the way they used to and Parents have no time to train them to do so. Combine that with a lack of home enforced boundaries and misguided (and thoughtless) parents who give their children unlimited cell phone use and we have serious issues. It is time to admit that as a generation we have fumbled the ball where chinuch habonim is concerned. There is NO quality without quantity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For those who are confused. Read the by-line. This article comes from Jewish Week, not Baltimore. But I'm sure it happens in Baltimore. And attributing this phenomenon exclusively to Rambam or BT, and not TA or Beis Yaakov is naive and wishful thinking. Kids are kids everywhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"When we did take away a phone,â he said, âthe amount of pain the student was in was literally unbearable."
We may joke about the hive mentality of the Borg on Star Trek, but for these children, being connected, being able to formulate a thought, transmit it immediately, and get a response, is a very real "need" for them, because they've grown up with it.
In case you think this is ridiculous, tell me: Why is it impossible to get some people to stop talking in shul, and most people not to talk at all?? - There is this urge to communicate as soon as you get a thought.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is not a problem that you can isolate in the "Modern" orthodox community. Dr Twersky has been speaking on this problem in the yeshivish community for a while. The yeshivish kids are more likely to hide it and nebach, subsequently are less likely to stop.
There are many yeshivish kids who are living dual lives in their observance. Speak to the professionals, the counselors, therapists, chaplains and you will see a very different yeshivish community.
Unfortunately, Baltimore is poorly set up to deal with these problems because it continues to live in denial.
If you are struggling with these issues in your household, you may want to consult outside of Baltimore, where the Rabbanim are more open and experienced with working with these problems (and worse) and are better connected with a wider range of the appropriate professionals to help you. In other communities they have woken up to the fact that you can't walk around pinning every problem in the community on the "Modern Orthodox".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the closing of Rambam won't help this problem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If it goes on in NY it goes on in Baltimore, with technology our kids are very connected to peers everywhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No, the article is not about Baltimore's "local" schools, but I was wondering if this kind of thing is going on here in town. I agree that "idle hands" is a big part of the problem - too much free time on shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They are NOT Muslims, they are Sikhs who wear turbans to cover their long hair! This seems to be a business decision. They are in a Jewish Neighborhood, they want to attract Jews. They have several display cases marked Koser, with items having an OU on it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't profess to be an expert at all but with any addiction "idle hands" tend to be at least part of the problem. Could we either individually or as a community develop counter programming to this behavior? Supervised social activities to fill those long shabbos afternoons might be helpful - Donna Wach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I thought this was talking about Baltimore. It said "local" schools.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't have kids this age at home anymore - is this common in Baltimore too????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This piece should run on every op-ed page in the country. Europe too. Israel needs a new PR agency.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perfectly written - I will share with others. Thank you
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is an event we should all attend. I went last year and my kids had a great time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i resent ppl equate the holocaust with the arabs in israel. i also resent when they only look at history where it suits them - and stop before going far back enough to reveal where did these arabs came from, and whose land THEY took. jews are not a european-style colony in occupied land. we are native to israel, since ancient times. it is our name the land carries.
and 1 last thing - UNRWA and the passing of the title "refugee" from generation to generation is something the world only grants the arabs. can it be because it is another way to attack israel? by making people "victims" (of losing a war they started) for eternity? no other people was ever given the amount of money the west gave the palestinian - good business for them, eh?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This lesson is one best shared. To focus on the best aspects of a culture, to progress and grow. Life can be beautiful, but you must desire it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was one of the very early members of NCSY back around 1960 and have been a fan ever sense. NCSY demonstrated that Orthodoxy is alive and able to relate to contemporary youth. Yachad is a fantastic organization of chesed and Tikkun Olam. Keep up the good work. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So many issues with this I don't know where to start. Torah study should be L'shem Shamayim, how exactly will that be fulfilled if you "draft" men into yeshiva. Also where is the evidence that 'Haredim are better employees?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Gaon was buried there, not "is". His remains were relocated.
Chaim Freedman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Rabbi Oberstein: As a conservative Republican, but as a person who listens to other views, I really enjoyed your articles, as I always enjoy when you write. I enjoy hearing liberals when they speak sensibly, even when I disagree with them. We both agree that this is a blessed country where we can all express our views and not have to worry if we will be arrested for those views, (that was called "Freedom in the Marketplace" bY Natan Sharansky.
I also strongly agree that there need to be some mechanism for discussion of religious differences between Jewish groups and certainly within the Orthodox community. You serve at a Yeshiva where the Rosh HaYeshiva has expressed such virulent and negative views publicly about the State of Israel, to the extreme that he sounds more like the PLO's Abbas than a Jewish leader. After I called him down on it publicaly (in the Jewish Times) someone is setting up a meeting for us to meet. While I despise his views, I will meet with him out of respect to his position to see if there is any way to breech the gap in the Orthodox community. I really respect that you are a Zionist in the Yeshiva - I am sure that is harder than being a Democrat in the Republican Jewish community of Baltimore. Kol HaKavod, and please continue your views and write about them often. Conservatives enjoy well-written pieces that disgree with our views.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very good article. thanks for posting
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Was baltimore jewish life one of the "50 sources of news" for Baltimore mentioned in the article?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I bet you it's because they are muslim--they keep Hallal. When I was in there, they were wearing turbans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what does this even mean?
there is a 7-Eleven Hashgacha?
If the meat is shechted properly and is cooked by Jew, isn't the food kosher?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
True, but to a point. As citizens of this "free" country, we have a right to speak out, as does everyone else who looks to protect and defend their heritage. No one chided the Kennedy's from speaking out on Irish issues.
There has never been as dangerous a president in regard to Israel's security and our future and we have a right to say so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so unclear
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree Shomrim has been extremely effective in the community especially with it's rapid response and has proven results. Sorry I don't give NWCP any credit (what a waste of time and resources)- it's about time they follow Shomrim and hatzalla and finally WOKE UP and now starting to be a little more proactive!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
all you people have to do is check NWCPs 990 which list salaries and other expenses, some of which you may be surprised by
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thanks for posting this video. just a general question: why is the media so supportive of the UN? I know there are individuals such as this one who get up and blast it but it seems like the media has yet to get on their case and apply pressure. Its time for some sanctions against the UN especially considering the fact that we host and support it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you think that Shomrim has a police liaison officer assigned to them, you obviously have no knowledge of the situation and should not be commenting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 19th, 2011
Reb Ephraim Zt'l was a father to those who sought to achieve his virtues and ideals. His devotion to gadlus in learning, his piety and his bond with people, especially those who toiled in learning, was an inspiration and a comfort in a world and at a time when these virtues were left in the corner to gather dust. Those of us who knew him remember him with love and we hope and pray that his song should endure. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I so agree with that last comment.
Jewish support of Obama is incredibly bothersome to me.
I am scared looking forward to 2012.
Yes, like the person said in their comment watch the President's actions.
Israel does not deserve the President's pressure on an ally that has been so supportive of America and democracy.
Would the US deal with England or any of her other allies in this manner?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
After what Spain did to the Jews I would think it should take yet ANOTHER 519 years for a Jewish leader to go back there.
I found the book, Jews, G-d, and History very informative with regards to the Inquisition..
No one suffered like the Jews of Spain.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Duh? Will we ever learn? I doubt it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Of course we all want shalom and everyone to work together. And Shomrim has bent over backward to do that through multiple offers to NWCP 'management'. It is the NWCP who surreptitiously listens in to the Shomrim channel, takes credit for Shomrim's work, and tells BCPD officials and the public that there is less crime than 'other' organizations claim there is.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I can see why Netanyahu is angered with Obama and the US foreign policy.
It is so very hard to comprehend why the US puts so much pressure on her staunch ally in the middle east.
Israel will prevail--I honestly believe that.
The Palestinians really need to recognize the Jewish state.
Palestinians would gain so much by dealing directly with Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has made my day. I wish all potisngs were this good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the fact is that nwcp does not want to work with shomrim. their leadership has said so in front of various rabbonim. they pay an off duty cop to patrol on friday nights and when they were asked to allow him to carry a shomrim radio in order to have a quick efficient method of two way communication to the cop and the community, they said no. it wouldnt cost them anything nor would it hurt them, it would just make this friday night patrol more effective if a problem arose. say what you want but, the fact is shomrim has asked multiple times to work together and the consistant response from the nwcp is.... NO. some of you probably blame the victim of a bully for being bullied, if he would only get along with the's time to realise that it's the bully doing the pushing and yelling, not the receiver of the bully.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bad headline BJL. Agent?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
TYVM you've solved all my prlobems
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Another reason why I have steered clear of Chivas whiskies for many years now . . . . . . .
Chivas have continually blanked any public approach for further detail of the process other than what is contained within patent registration document. It would appear that they are very keen to keep this matter out of the public eye. It does beg the question - WHY?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While most of us would prefer that cads such a Weiner receive ZERO pensions, this Congressional pension is quite modest by California public employee standards -- indeed less generous than any CA public employee plan I can think of!
With a current salary of $174,000, Weiner's pension for 14 years in office will be only $46,000. That's about 2% times salary times number of years in office. Most CA pensions use 2.5% to 3% of salary.
Moreover, Weiner's pension is based on the average of his highest three salaries. Most CA public employees figure it based on their SINGLE highest year's salary.
In addition, Weiner's pension starts at age 62. Almost all CA public employees can start their full pensions from ages 50 to 60.
The problem is not that Weiner's Congressional pension is too little -- the problem is that we taxpayers pay millions of government employees pensions that cost too much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's tell the truth. The only reason Maryland's unemployment rate is as low as it is, is because of obsurd increases in government hiring, both federal and state. How about the private sector unemployment rate, whose taxes actually pay for all these gov't employees?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This man has been eligible for parole since 1995! If getting out of jail meant something to him, why doesn't he apply for parole? Because Jonathan Pollard refuses to admit his guilt and seek atonement.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 11 "Your drives with the NWCP are the only reason we have a community today." You maybe getting a little carried away. It takes more than a 3 hour patrol as "the only reason we have a community". In perspective I would thank our leadership Rabbis and civil and so on. Be real our community does better because of 7 Mile Market than the patrol. If
I were to list important volunteer organizations benefiting our community, I would go with Ahavas Yisroel, Bikur Cholem, Hatzalah, Shomrim, Gevurous Yarden, Chaverim, and many more before I got to the patrol. Good Morning its time to wake up #11
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To all: This is, frankly, a ridiculous conversation. You have two groups, both out to help the community. Why is any of this important at all? Kudos to NWCP, kudos to Shomrim, and to Hatzalah and Chaverim who have an EXCELLENT working relationship with BOTH groups. From what I can tell, the city officials have an excellent working relationship with BOTH (if I am not mistaken, Shomrim recently attended a baseball game in the Mayor's box, which was posted here on this site). Both Shomrim and NWCP have the right to present to this community any awards, accolades or anything they deem appropriate.
As far as the Baltimore City Police Officer, why make this an issue? The money to pay him is not coming out of YOUR pocket. Instead of appreciating the fact that the city is willing to supply the community with a liaison officer, you need to make this into a point of contention? If I am not mistaken, Shomrim also has a liaison police officer assigned to them.
It is time to put this conversation to rest. If you love Shomrim, call Shomrim and support them. If you love NWCP, call NWCP and support them. Why does there have to be this ridiculous fighting? Everyone shares a common goal: the safety and security of this community. Don't you agree?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What do you mean who is going to see it? Its posted on!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful and thought provoking.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good video. The question is who's going to see it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
at today's matzoh prices that one sheet would sell for $540!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If NWCP can't make it on volunteers, for only three hours of coverage six days a week, with a full-time Baltimore city paid police officer on staff, then they have management problems that we shouldn't be pouring more community funds into.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #9: Your drives with the NWCP are the only reason we have a community today.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with Eli Schlossberg. Both organization are needed, if nwcp works only 3 hours a day the community needs shomrim the other 21 hours. If shomrim uses all volunteers that is what the nwcp did many years ago. As far as the community, we should insist on the 2 groups working togather. The one who does not want to work with the other should not be supported by the community or the Rabbis. case settled A.H.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so what happened on Wednesday.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 4 Last summer Shomrim was able to return my eight year olds sons bike just minutes after it was stolen from him. It happened 3:00pm when the patrol is not out.To this day he talks about it, he knows there people out there interested in helping others. When he grows up he wants to join shomrim. I do my drives with the patrol and am starting to feel like it is a waste of my time. I also do not believe we have brought crime down by 70%
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From Rabbi Oberstein:
I appreciate the comments and read all of them. Maybe the fact that they are all anonymous makes it easier for some people, I personally prefer to take ownership of my statements, but that's just me.
Historically, the Democratic Party in Alabama was racist. It's symbol after the Civil War (which we called the War between the States) was a rooster and the motto "White Supremacy For the Right". In a bygone era, the Republican Party hardly existed in the Deep South. This all changed when Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act and Richard Nixon cynically used states rights as a way to change the loyalty of many whites from D to R.
I do not agree that the Torah is for either political party and I am sure that many people could bring evidence from various verses to prove one side or the other of many questions. People of my persuasion believe that "His mercy is over all His creations" means that we should emulate G-d and care about all people and help them achieve a better life. I would not equate certain hot button issues like gay rights or gay marriage with the Democartic Party per se. However, I acknowledge that many in today's society believe that goverment should not legislate these things and it is a matter of personal choice. I don't feel that way but I do think that most young people in this country do and in time, much of what is seen as radical will become normal. Unless, there is a backlash, and that is also a possibillity. Time will tell.
I have no desire to defend Obama, my beliefs are based on what I think is moral and just and not what is convenient at the moment. I actually believe in what I believe in, and I am not sure if all politicians do.
George Wallace was a sincere repentant and after he was shot in Maryland, he became pro black and was elected to office with black votes . He was never as bad as some thought, we knew him and he was just saying what he had to say to get elected at that time. He was a politician, not an ideologue.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As far as I can tell, Shomrim works as a partner with Hatzollah, CERT, Chaveirim and others. I never see the NWCOP work with anyone, where do you think the issue is? If an organization as honorable as Hatzollah has no problem working with Shomrim, I'm thinking the issue is not with them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 3. non-prof info is public. You can look it up. I did and was shocked. I don't want to write what maybe loshon hara but you may want to ask the NWCP and Shomrim before making you next contribution. Josh G
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#4 please explain how and from what time frame crime is down 70% You are clearly someone in the know. The nwcop patrols the streets for about 3 hours a day, help me with the math
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: The fact that in his post, Eli Schlossberg, one of the biggest askanim in town, does not dispute the comment that asks about the $100K budget, tells me that they indeed have that large budget, maybe even larger. Aside from that point, I think it is such a shame that they can not somehow work in harmony. I mean, after all, are their goals not the same - protecting our Baltimore community? Donât they both wish to be as effective as possible on behalf of the community? We are lucky to have people willing to put themselves out there on our behalf. Why canât there be achdus between these two on our behalf. I throw this suggestion out to everyone for discussion: Nachi Schechter and Ronnie Rosenbluth, both of whom should be applauded for all they do, should each become co-presidents of a combined organization, each focusing on their strengths. Ever hear of united we stand, divided we fall? I think someone like Eli Schlossberg, or another major askan in town, should become the Chairman of the Board of this combined organization. It is just so silly that when it comes to protecting us and doing all that both Shomrim and NWCP do so effectively, there should be even a little divisiveness. Every time something bad happens, everyone has an opinion as to why it happened. Reasons from talking during chazaras hashatz, talking lashon hara, talking against our gedolim, etc., etc., etc. might be given as *the* reason. Everyone knows these are all assur. But, I have to think that maybe, just maybe, if these 2 very, very worthy organizations would begin talking with each other, well, who knows???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's no surprise to me that several European countries would support the Palestinians in the UN.
Europe has always been so steeped in anti-semitism.
I'm happy that the United States is on the Security Council.
I am, however, disturbed by England's support of the PLO.
I pray that G-d will continue to be on Israel's side.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope this issue is resolved. There certainly is enough friction between the United States and Russia..
I think the sacred texts should be returned as soon as possible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #1: Please explain how running around after someones bike gets stolen is effective? The NWCP is and always has been pro-active - and the lack of any appreciable signage on the part of Shomrim doesn't do anything for anyone. As a private citizen you can also follow people around and call the police. NWCP may not be going out and interacting with criminals, but there is no comparison between an organization that has been in existence for 29 years and is clearly attributed to dropping crime 70% and one that has been for 5 and is barely holding on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand why Jews can't have a free day school? Can't Judaic studies be taught on a volunteer basis, with all the rabbis available and the emphasis on giving tzaddakah in the community? I doubt Amish kids pay for their schooling...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As one who gives money to both these organizations, can anyone confirm that the NWCP has a budget of over $100K/year. I was of the understanding that both of these groups are strictly volunteer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Interesting article. People's positions are the sum total of their experience and outlook on life. Yes, discourse should be civil. Unfortunately, we are seeing the politics of destruction and demonization, mostly perpetrated by the left and media. (Just look at the frenzie on the release of Sarah Palin's e-mails. The media looked foolish. BTW, I certainly hope she is not a candidate).
I grew up in NY and was elected to a local office in my early 20's. I was endorsed by every union. Life would be so much simpler if I were naive and didn't see first hand what these people were about. The unions only cared about themselves. During a budget crisis, they told us that "we don't care how many people you lay off, as long as you give more to the remaining employees." This was during meeting with them during a budget crisis.
I also saw, first hand, that the lunatic fringe, the leftist, maxists, socialists infiltrated the Democrat political clubs in NY and took many of them over. These people with their mentality are now of age and took control of the Democratic Party. These are not the democrats that most of us grew up with. My parents were members of the Liberal Party in NY and I was the first member of the Democrat Party in my family. I was involved in politics and election from the days as a young child and frankly, the whole thing sickens me today.
The Heritage Foundation (a conservative group) says in their radio ad that conservative need the truth to be out in public with an educated population. Neither exists today. Truth is irrelivent, political spin rules the day and the public is no longer educated.
It's time to ignore what people say and look what they do. Rabbi Oberstein, you seem to put too much value on what Pres. Obama says in support of Israel, while ignoring his actions and the position he puts Israel into. He is aiding and abetting Israel's enemies. You can't negotiate anything with unwilling partners while giving away everything before negotiation actually starts.
Rabbi Oberstein, another thing that puzzles me about your liberalism. You quote Gov. Wallace to show racism, which is fair, but he was a democrat and was most of the racist in his day. Policies the Democrats created, alledgedly to help Blacks destroyed their strong family life (easily proven).
Isn't it time for Jews to wake up and see how the world really is today and take their heads out of the sand?
B"H, everything is in Hashem's hands and in the hands of "wishful thinking" Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the most bipartisan and civil candidate in this race so far is Jon Huntsman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We are funding NWCP and Shomrim for they are both very worthy community safety organizations. I have been a Baltimore resident for 61 years and I and my family and friends appreciate the work of both organizations. No one is forced or taxed to donate to any of these groups as donations are optional but the tremendous NWCP community support only reinforces its perceived need and the confidence most of the community has in their wonderful program. Kol Hakovod to the leadership of NWCP. The terrific volunteers at Shomrim also play a very vital and important crime fighting roll in keeping our community safe. They do a incredible job! I applaud their work! It is high time that both these worthy groups stop bickering and work together to protect the neighborhood. It is not fair to question anyones budget as I trust the leaders of both are fiscally responsible. The person who asked why we are funding uses the term "WE" I question how much they contributed. So support what you prefer but do not dare question the budgets of a worthy group that is led by Das Torah and especially if you do not support them financially. Instead double the support for the organization you wish to support. I thank NWCP and its leadership for their excellent work as I thank Shomrim and their leadership for their incredible contribution all volunteer to our community. Both keep us safe and Hashem will I"H keep it that way if we together display a ruach of Ahavas Yisroel and Shalom going forward.
Eli W. Schlossberg a Baltimore Native and fan of both groups!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is true that the Torah is neither Democratic or Republican, but despite any history of the parties, in our time, the Republicans are much closer to the Torah way than the Democrats.
A Radical, Right Wing Democrat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Oberstein, you said "it is the intolerance of diversity and lack of respect for other points of view". I think that this doesn't only apply to political discourse among orthodox Jews, but is also about all types of discourse about halacha and hashkafa among orthodox jews. I don't think that this is the problem, but rather a symptom of another problem, and it just spills over into the political arena.
Just take a look at various publications both on the right and the left and see what is included, what is censored and what is omitted. I think this is just a continuation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for your comments. I think you should write more about how we as frum Jews treat other minorities, because many frum people grew up without the kind of education and experience as you (and I) have in relation to minorities.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A Torah Jew is neither a Democrat or Republican- rather he should decide issues based on our values and not those of a particular political ideology. If you are beholden to either party you necessarily have views that are contrary to Torah, but worse you give their platforms greater credence than that of the Divine.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you, Rabbi Oberstein, for having the courage to say this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mitt Romney in '12!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree. I love debating politics with people - and some are really just outright obnoxious. In fact, I am a firm believer of "I am going to run on my merits - what I can offer, what I can do for my constituency." Stop worrying about what the other guy has or hasn't done. I think mudslinging should be banned in any political process.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who's wedding?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It was a very special event. I found it so weird that we were looking at this from our backyard as though projected onto a screen but we were very much part of the whole thing. Imagine what it must have been like for ancient peoples who could only be in awe of something they didn't understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why are we funding the NWCP when Shomrim, a fully VOLUNTEER organization (unlike NWCP) is far more effective. The community is being shielded from what is really taking place behind the scene regarding these 2 organizations. It is time for both to be transparent and help us understand why the NWCP needs to have a budget of over $100k/year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
kudos to Crusty
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What date was the harbor incident ? Nice lack of information . Please provide source
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! This is amazing! The Jewish Press' outstanding journalism shines like a beacon of truth and integrity in our age of sullied publications ripe with corrupt claptrap.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It works fine. Be sure you follow the instructions. For example where it instructs you: In order to purchase the above Jewpon you must either be logged in to your existing Jewpon account, or you need to create a username account below together with your billing information. Anyway, you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a fabulous Program
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What nonsense. After putting in all my info., including credit card, it doesn't work for Baltimore. Why is it on a Baltimore site?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol Ha Kavod!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This incident underlines the fact that the PA cannot be trusted with regard to security at holy sites.Jerusalem must always be the undivided capitol of Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
take on a mitzva in their zchus! shmiras halashon...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Then i won't let my daughters marry or live in willimsburg... men should learn to control themselves!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Crusty!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Crusty you are truly Baltimore's Finest! We miss you here in NJ. The Lansky's
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! Kol HaKavod! Amian
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Have the US. give back to the Amerian Indians all land other than the land the U.S. bought from the Fench and Russia. Even as to the Louisiana Purchas and Alaska did the foreign owners (sellers) have the legal right to the land or was that land stolen? Attorneys (Jewish Attorneys) should be given the case.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
way to go crusty,keep up the great work.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kov Hakavod, Crusty, for the Kiddush Hashem you have made. There are so many who can learn from the wonderful things you do for the community! We are so proud of you. The Porcelain Family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
these dictatorial decrees are a major cause of anti semitism - if these 'rabbis' want to live in a dictatorship i am sure they can find a communist country in which to live - and what is the point in writing a poster in yiddish - likely those who can read yiddish already dress appropriately - women can't speak on cell phones??? another waste of the rabbis' supposedly valuable time and energy - women to cross the road to prevent scandalizing.........i think chasidic (and other supposedly frum)men have already scandalized themselves much too much by fraud, embezzlement and other crimes against the torah and american law - maybe try to teach these 'men' not to look/stare/leer at women - teaching them some self control would likely be a good idea or is this their solution since williamsburg rabbis realize that they cant teach their 'chasidic' men self control - if you dont want to live in a free county then DONT LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
would it not be nice if the entire team would wear a t shirt under the jersey to enable her to play since according to this article article 'a team must be uniformly dressed' not that every team has to dress the same - i am assuming i am not the first person to think of this but that would make an even bigger kiddush hashem in my humble opinion
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The great Crustopolis! Your the man. Very deserving, congrats.
Your old friend and classmate, DML
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go shomrim unit 6
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What will it take for American Jews to pull away from their love-fest with the Dim-o-cratic party?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Featured speakers include:Â House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Fri); MD Governor Martin OâMalley, Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post Media Group "
...and they call it a "non-partisan organization"?? Pul-eeze.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 19th, 2011
Ah yes, the refreshing satire of yellow journalism. Is Reinhardt Heidrich available for interview to bolster the story? Its good the BJL publishes these articles to remind us that hatred for the Jew is hatred for the ideals and virtues of the Jew, and it simmers right beneath the surface. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is no apostrophe in "mayors"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First the pilots were also saving their own lives. We so much want a hero in an undevoted society that the "modest" pilot has become one. If anyone knows anything about flying the whole megillah was a rather routine experience. Pilot's training includes such emergency procedures. Had the same occurence happened out in the midle of the Pacific there would have been no survivors.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shame on the school board, they should all be impeached.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a non issue, especially in comparrison to Obama's undermining Israel in an existential way. Why people latch on to his false statements of support for Israel, while cause her such harm is beyond me. Wordd are cheap, watch his actions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Does anybody know how many U.S. Presidents have done the same?
Let Israel Move their embassy to Baltimore
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm writing to clarify a possible mis-impression. While English speakers in Ma'ale Adumim attend and feel at home in a host of outstanding shuls in our community, Nachalat Yehuda's uniqueness is that it explicitly caters to English speakers with sermons, classes, lectures and announcements delivered in English.
Rabbi Elan Adler
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would seem that the Syrian government is encouraging its citizens to invade Israel and risk being killed. Of course, this is the same government which is also shooting its own citizens. It looks to me like it is just trying to divert attention from its own problems. Either way the Syrian government is trying to kill its own citizens.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
PRIORITY should be given to local institutions, while at the same time, there are multiple causes in Eretz Yisrael and other Jewish communities that people can hear about and decide what they would like to support. Even in Baltimore, a local organization has asked that people sign a pledge to keep at least 51% of their tzedakah locally, which leaves room for setting other priorities if one wishes to. Does anyone in Baltimore recommend calling the many meshulachim from Israel who come to homes insensitive? People choose what they wish to support.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a kiddush HaShem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, amazing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good for you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't think that it does any credit to our people when you call anyone "garbage".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To previous commentator - check your math!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I had Mr Miller in 79' and 80. I guessed he was 79 or 80 then. What a great guy. To all those that had him "Aww Gee"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to Gobby for continung to provide activities for young boys. With a litany of places that they are "encouraged or directed NOT to be" an organization that offers them they CAN do is a fabulous outlet!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 5th, 2011
May Rabbi Horowitz and all like him be given strength and reward from heaven for their work and may there be many like him amongst our people.
Those who attend this talk should have a double measure of blessing in their homes and in their lives. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This recount has touched the deepest fiber of my neshama. Hodu l'HASHEM KI TOV KI LE'OLAM CHASDOH. Thank you Dr Elman for sharing this with the Klal. Yeshar Kochecha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for letting Klal Yisroel feel, through your words, this awesome experience. I am grateful for all of us for your realizing that your bountiful knowledge of your profession is carried by your bitachon in HaShem the Real Healer. We need you here on earth to be a good Sholiach because we can't rely on miracles. But sometimes they do happen.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
CHAI, keep up the great work you do for our community! We really appreciate it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No link!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful Video! You can always count on Aish for true inspiration
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I just read this and am going to send it to my childern. MIchael I heard your synopsis at Shomrei last week but this longer article captures the emunah and bitachon that you and your family exibit. Boruch Hashem that the plane landed safely. Hodu Lashem Ki Tov, Ki L'olom Chasdo.
Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
stop whining and complaining publicly. Baltimore Jewish Life had a system set up with where you can add your suggestions in the upper right corner by clinking on "contact us"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great Story!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jim and ruth have been the best people I have ever met , You couldn't wish for a nicer couple anywhere in your life, Don't know how Ruth keeps herself from killing Jim,Met them in Alaska, they have been my adopted family ever since.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I've been to Jim and Ruth's tour stop. They make it a fun event. We always love the Jelly Belly candies.
Dave and Norma
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Once again, misleading headline about where this takes place. Headline says "local" but you have to read inside to find out it is California. Please proof-read these articles and headlines to make their location clear to the reader before we get into it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Continue with the courage and conviction you have demonstrated over the years: giving voice to issues that may not be popular but need to be heard.
Mazal to you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that the success of the school was stated clearly when the slide presentation stated that 7 families are moving to Israel this year, and 61 have moved over the last 20 years. The love for Eretz Yisrael was ingrained from a young age in Rambam kids. Other schools take Israel for granted and it is just a convient place for their kids in 12th grade. Shabbat Shalom!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Since when does a nazir not wear a head-covering?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Superb - wow!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
yes, Meyer you did...especially when mentioning your inlaws...just really were good (except for the joke...!!)
your shvigger Tova Taragin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And if he didn't go they would say what a lousy dad
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Meyer, you spoke beautifully.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Molly. You and Rachel so well represent all the good of Rambam over the years. You make proud for all your peers and other alumni. May you all go from strength to strengh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All these different tefillos, for parnosoh, children, etc are relatively new âdiscoveriesâ as far as I know. Now with e-mail everyone is sending them around like they are some kind of magic potions.
There are kabbalistic references therein of which most people (myself included) have no understanding. If one would wish to say a Tefillah on behalf of the Torah education of one's children, one might be better off making up a Tefillah of one's own or using the short simple Tefillos available. See ספר ×××¦× ×××× ×¡×' ×"× of R' Chaim Palagi or the Tefillah of the Chazon Ish in ק×××¥ ××ר×ת or the short Tefillah in ס' ×ס×××× ×¡×' תק"× that Rebbi Yehudah HaChasid suggests saying every day.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think it is very nice that Rabbi Adler has found such a wonderful congregation in Israel. However, I also think his coming to Baltimore to fundraise is insensitive, considering the current dire financial circumstances that many Baltimore Jewish communal organizations find themselves in. We already had one school close here this year - and there are other schools and shuls that are struggling to stay above water. Surely Rabbi Adler has stayed in touch with people in Baltimore and knows that as a community we are really hurting. What more will it take before we all learn that "aniyei ircha kodem" - our priority for tzedakah should be our own local institutions?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All of us on the ground had our hearts and tefillos up there in the air...
Baruch HaShem we are priviledged to read your inspiring thoughts & share witnessing a true Nes. sz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
there is no word to explain this its just an out right miracle from g-d
it really touched my heart it was so touching to me that i was crying the entire time
im just amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please don't blame all if Baltimore. We do have our fill of bitter and negative people who feel Orthodoxy is defined in their monopolistic terms that don't at all relate to Halacha, on the contrary. They use forums like this to show their true colors. The challenge is to see through them, put them in their place once nicely, and if they keep coming back just ignore them. Likely the same person is getting his or her thrills. Don't give them the satisfaction of a response. They don't deserve it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The job of the community association is to say "no" NO! The job of the community association is to improve the community. Whether by disapproving bad projects or encouraging good ones.
It is a fact that the Orthodox community, with rare exception, has not participated in the neighborhood associations TRUE! That was an error that we are now correcting. Should past apathy cause us to be forever barred from participation? That would be compounding the error. Let us all move forward together for the betterment of our shared community.
It's disappointing that we've allowed it to go this far without simply taking over! We do not want to take over; we just want our fair share of input and decision-making.
It is 100% typical in organizations to require a waiting period before new members can vote. Voting is regulated by an organizationâs bylaws. The Orthodox Jewish members of GNIA have been members since last June, and in some cases much longer.
The goal is to include all segments of the community to work together for the benefit of all of us. Delegate Carter told us that Glen is losing population while Cross Country is seeing great growth. Let us make Glen a place where people want to come and live again.
- Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When posting stories like this, it would be nice to know where it is. I have no idea where Egg Harbor Township is. THere are many stories posted this way. Please try to be more clear in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov to an incredible Rebbe from a Talmid and his appreciative family. Fondly Tuvia Chaim and the Rappaport family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Evil is so prevalent in Iran.
This article is very sad and scary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wonderful article, beautifully written. When I first got a text to daven for those on the plane,I first forwarded it to everyone in my phone. I was so overcome with emotion. My children, husband and I sat down and said Tehilim. Even my 3year old shuckled back and forth with his Tehilim. I didn't know anyone on the plane, but like you said, us jews are one big family. May we stand together in achdus always without being tested again. Amen
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a beautifully written article. Her neshama should have an Aliyah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing for a communoty that supposedly prides it's self in it achdus and ahavas yisroel the amount of venom and negetivity in response to this anouncement that should make us as a community proud is painfull and pitifull. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEND YOUR KIDS TO THIS SCHOOL DONT. HOwever, keep you negetivity out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 31st, 2011
Belief implies experiences that suggest a conclusion. Faith, faith endures even when life flies in your face. Faith suggests a calling. More than mere responsibility and duty. Faith invokes a calling, the highest calling of all. A lecture informs. But a song, a song will make you get up and dance. Hear more than just words. Hear the message. Hear the song, feel the rhythm and the beat of the song we call Torah, and our hearts will thump and we will dance. Together. All night. Bryon W Szojchet, Esq. - card carrying music fan since 1971.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Actually, that is a misprint. We are substituting Arabic Prayers for Hebrew ones on the Sabbath. All Islamic prayers are of course conducted already in Arabic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All the commitees meet in the late morning or afternoon when the rest of us work
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is 100% typical in organizations to require a waiting period before new members can vote. The reason is simple: To make it hard for a vote to be âboughtâ for a single cause or issue. This happens in Shulâs for example so that the election of a new Rabbi, or vote on a hot topic canât be artificially manipulated. The reason this clause hits the âOrthodoxâ any harder than anyone else is because we have been inactive in great numbers. So whoâs fault is that? Perhaps the members of the association board are taking it too far, however you only have YOURSELF to blame for ignoring the process until the very moment you needed it or found it offensive.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The outpouring of requests for tehillim were phenomenal. Jeff had it on Baltimore Jewish Life immediately, notifying his entire readership immediately of the serious situation. Hatzalah in New York put an alert over their radio system for all responders to stop what they were doing, and immediately say a kappitel of Tehillim. I believe the NWCP did the same over their radio system. In a matter of minutes, tens of thousands of people were saying Tehillim for flight 027. Never before had I seen such an outpouring of concern. Chaverim Kol Yisroel!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Michael thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are grateful to Hashem that all of you were safely returned to us. Prayer and Achdus are amazing. May we all treat each and every day with the proper meaning.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for sharing this awesome miracle and the wonderful demonstration of ahavas chinam
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ohr Chadash should innovate if they want to be around for a long time. They should be exploring jewish schools all across the country who are finding ways to make jewish education more affordable such as outsourcing the general studies to a virtual school which was mentioned on this site There is no reason why there should be two new schools opening targeting the same crowd instead Ohr Chadash should be for the elementary students and this new innovative virtual school will be for the middle and high school students. There were a lot of comments to that story, it would be nice if baltimore jewish life could update us on any progress with it asap. Our wallets would really appreciate it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 30th, 2011
I second Mrs. Goetz's motion. There cannot be too much awareness of abuse. The only 'danger' with this horrific story is that the violence reported overshadows the facts that suggest long term profound emotional abuse of this poor child. We must shed a tear and utter a prayer for this child and all victims of abuse. The deepest wounds are of the heart and that can be inflicted by any one , any gender, any walk of life and never be seen or reported in the newspaper. We make a whole production of our awareness of the 'pain' of the Challah on Friday night, so we must raise awareness of the pain of the living and breathing. To be silent is to condone. To condone is to be like Sdom. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To those of you who are continuing to take your time to answer this "supporter", move on. His last response makes it clear what his real agenda is. If he truly was someone who wants Ohr Chadash to work, he'd have contacted you by now. Move on. You have important work to do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thank G-d for his comments --- because sometimes our fellow Jews can only act in unity when attacked head on . And I think it is OUR unity which is needed most ( to acheive the blessings of Hashem that we yearn for)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Orthodox community may only be 43% of population but it's probably 95% of the additions, commercial construction (shuls) or other items that the City empowers Glen to have this input. Yet we are controlled by those who want no construction or change that have nothing to do with our community. It's dissappointing that we've allowed it to go this far without simply taking over!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The term "game" was not intended to be hurtful nor is my intention to dissuade or cast doubt on Ohr Chadash and its board, however, people tend to be clouded by their mission and while they may have good intentions they will put the dart on the bulls-eye however they can. The parents and supporters of Rambam were burned by being asked to "trust". It was mentioned at the meeting that the financial decisions would be available to those requesting it. The answer to the question is pertinent it clarifies whether or not the current board abandoned their original promise of not opening unless they got 75 full paying students. This is something that is the business of anyone in the community who will no doubt be expected to help support this school.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am directing this to the person who apparently has their children enrolled in the school but feels the need to make anonymous, condescending comments on a blog....why don't you just pick up the phone and call one of the board members and ask them your questions directly. I feel everything has been very above board to this point so don't cry foul unless there is actually a problem. What you are doing is very childish and is certainly not productive. Leah Samuels
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It says very clearly at the end of this article "If you would like to meet with an Ohr Chadash Academy board member or Principal, please e-mail". Why don't you anonymous commenters who have so many questions, email your questions to that email address, and/or schedule a meeting with the board members to find out answers.
Anonymously "venting" is ridiculous. Also, at the parent meeting it was stated "we will not open" until the independent financial oversight committee is convinced that we can financially make it. If the independent financial oversight committee "has approved a fiscally responsible budget" why do we need to know whether it was from 75 parents paying full tuition or from private donations. They had figures that they showed us at the meeting that had to be met, they obviously met that goal...what difference does it make how?
They are not robbing banks to get there. Even in the name of transparency they don't need to tell us exactly how each penny got them to that proposed figure, just that they reached their goal. I, for one, trust that they are trying very hard not to repeat past mistakes of other institutions. I also know that they were very cautious not to announce an opening until they could. At the barbecue on Thursday, Dr. Weinreb stated, we are close, but we cannot and will not announce an opening without the ok from the independent financial oversight committee. Believe me, it would have been amazing to hear it at the bbq but we all waited..with baited breath. Baruch Hashem they are opening and I for one am happy that 4 of my 7 grandchildren are going there.
Tova Taragin, a happy Bubby
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When the suspect is found guilty and gets 25 years to life,is the entire Orthodox world of Am Haratzim going to demand clemency for him like it did for the murderer Martin Grossman? The big question in my mind is: who sent him? In Halacha, Ain Sholiach L'Dvar Avera. But we are living in America, and the Din of the Malchus is: conspiracy gets the same punishment as the perpetrator!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Canada is to be commended for it's position on this important issue.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Do they have 75 full tuition paying students or are they up to the old games of hiding things from the community and supporters?"
"Old games?" Firstly, I can't ignore the use of the very insulting term "games." I'd never wish on anyone to go through what my family has been going through over much of the last school year - losing the high school, the hope for the elementary/middle school, the devastating news about losing the entire school.
Personally, I've not had a good night sleep in quite along time. And the pain my children are STILL going through is significant.
In addition, even if there were/is blame to be cast for the demise of YR, I highly doubt that it was all just a big game to anyone. So the use of the word "game" to me, is personally, very hurtful. I'm sure it wasn't intended as such, but it hurt.
Valid questions that individuals want real answers to should be addressed to the board or the staff of the school. Not posted as an anonymous comment on a blog.
Even if you attended an informational meeting, it's fine to have questions. The decision of where to turn for a quality education for our children is one of the toughest ones we will ever make. Ask away!
But do it in the right way - to the right sources of information. Not just as a way of casting negativity onto something so positive that is happening.
Although I'm not on the board, as a parent who is thrilled to have a local Modern Orthodox option to provide a quality secular and Judaic education to my children, I'd be happy to talk to any prospective parents about why we're making this choice.
So happy to be the mom of 2 Ohr Chadash Academy students
Rachel Turniansky
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Glen Association has a long history of opposing zoning variences or construction, irrespective of its merits.
That being said, it is a fact that the Orthodox community, with rare exception, has not participated in the neighborhood associations, to its own deteriment. It is only recently that some people have gotten out of their slumber and gotten involved.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I did attend the meeting and I clearly remember being told that if there are not 75 full paying students it would be irresponsible to open and this would prohibit Ohr Chadash from opening. I am not being condescending I am just saying we should start off on the right foot. I do not know the answer to the question so I am answering it I hope that this question is being evaded under the guise of trying to eliminate negativity. I truly hope that Ohr Chadash does open for the sake of my children and the rest of the community, but at the same time I hope that it doesn't start with the same false pretenses other well intentioned schools or organizations have opened in the past. To focus on everything but the question is to say we didn't keep to our commitment and we decided to wing it. It could be that there is a good answer other than yes we have the 75 parents or no but we have some major donors who have stepped up and decided to bridge the gap, but not to answer the question in a public forum such as this is to continue in our old faulty ways.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The job of the community association is to say "no". Change is unwelcome, even if it benefits most of the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am not on their board, don't have kids young enough to attend, and support their existence. I find your questioning condescending. Why? Because you don't ask who their independent Financial Oversight Committee is. As long as their their independent Financial Oversight Committee finds they are in the right position (who knows if they have 50 full paying and now fundraising sources or 75 full paying and no fundraising sources. Your questioning is simply condescending, that's all. Did you attend their parent's meeting? Did you call for questions. Did you not get your answers. "This is not negativity it is a question! :) "
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, negativity is not great but we the prospective parents and supporters of Ohr Chadash to have our question answered. Does the school have 75 full paying students enrolled? This is not negativity it is a question!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach! We are so happy that our niece, nephews, and cousins will have a school that meets their needs and wish you only hatzlacha. Tsiona and Yaakov Cohen
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Awesome and very inspiring. May we all take these timeless messages to heart and use our days fully, in the right way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In the words of Nisa Goffin, incoming 5th grader "WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!". Ayala, incoming first grader, is equally as excited. In response to the nay-sayers, OF COURSE WE'RE STARTING A SCHOOL TO BENEFIT OUR OWN CHILDREN! However, the school is more than willing to welcome anyone else who would like to be a part of this exciting new institution. Also, all of the questions about transparency and about only opening the school until sixth grade were answered, in full, at all of the parent informational meetings. Those of us who were there had our questions answered...Chavi Goffin, Ohr Chadash Academy parent
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I might have also written a comment similar to the first one - just a few short years ago. Sadly, in the past few years, it seems like Hashem wanted me to understand that serious abuse like this goes on in our community as well. May prevention education efforts (like even this article being posted) help our community so that someday soon there be no more need for us to be aware of this problem.
Bracha Goetz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How does this article relate to Baltimore Jewish Life? I would suggest that you keep your posts more closely related to the core mission of your website. Otherwise people will choose to unfollow, unsubscribe and tune out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: Our hotline is staffed 24 hours a day. We are happy to assist you at any time. Call the hotline at 410-664-6927 x1 to request this service.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How disappointing that people throw such negativity and distrust publicly. I assume they have their own agendas. If someone has a question of the valiant Ohr Chadash volunteers, why not call them and ask them? Why would they want to start something and hide things now. To put such negativity thoughts in public so sully them. How sad. At least the community can see through such comments.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They say they have 80 applicants enrolled. Do they have 75 full tuition paying students or are they up to the old games of hiding things from the community and supporters? If they they do Kol HaKavod and I wish them much Hatzlacha. If they don't we need to question whether they were strong enough to keep to their initial plan and this could be a precursor for what is to come... another Ramabam.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the "Journalism Scholar":
If you don't support Ohr Chadash, that is your prerogative and you have have every right. BUT please don't use your venom to attack BJL as a way to attack Ohr Chadash. BJL serves as an Orthodox COMMUNITY resource. You should find other sources and ways to attack and unfortunately I am sure you will.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would hope that after all this time, the community would have learned to keep the negative comments to themselves. What happened to simply SUPPORTING each other??? AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING EACH OTHER!!! Chaverim Kol Yisroel!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a shame that such an interesting talk wasn't offered in a communal setting rather than to just a small select group of invitees. Maybe on his next visit he can talk publicly!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Michael, Your pen is almost as beautiful as your heart. Instead of overloading your email and cell phone, i"ll just say thanks....again. The Crazy Guy Who Took Over For You a Few Years Back on Old Court :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How many parents do you think would put their child in a school for 8th grade, knowing they would have to find another school for the following year? How many incoming 8th graders does TI accept? Same for 7th grade.
IY"H there will be a 7th grade the following year. Just like when YR started, they only started with a few grades. Same for Bnos Yisroel.
And for the issue of transparency - did you attend any of the informational gatherings or try addressing your question to a member of the OCA board?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
hatzlacha rabbah and may you grow so that you can serve k-8 in the future as you plan for Tova T.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Was this article a press release from OCB or a news article from BJL? If the former, it should explicitly say so. If the latter, I suggest you review your Journalism 101 notes: You don't quote or even mention a single source. "[T]hey would like you to be a part of it." In a news article?! Really?! I guess it's just that there's journalism and then there's BJL -- from which I need to weed out the drivel before doing the standard analysis one does (should do) of any news story.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazal tov!We wish you tremendous hatzlacha, and we pray that
Ohr Chadsah will become a permanent fixture
In the Baltimore community!
David and Stacy Spigelman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This was an excellent article which clearly explained the benefits of online learning. This however is not a new idea in Jewish education. Tomorrow's Genius a Jerusalem based company, creates online educational platforms specifically for Jewish day schools and educational institutions. By combining cutting edge technology with talented and experienced educators, we enable schools to provide students with a superior quality of education that until now has been too costly. Tomorrow's Genius offers affordable options in both secular and Judaic studies courses and works together with Jewish schools to build programs that fit the needs of the students. After a successful launch within the Israeli school system, Tomorrow's Genius will be facilitating a pilot program within the Jewish day school community in North America. For more information, please contact us at or 212-913-0500 ext. 562.
Aryeh Eisenberg
Director of Education
Tomorrow's Genius
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful write up and so true.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov Phi! We will miss your BJT reporting very much! The Washington Jewish Week is lucky to have you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe that the plan is to add a grade a year until it goes through 8th grade. Right now there were not enough children or resources to go until that point. There are plenty of people who's younger children will be part of Ohr Chadash, but still will have to find schools for their older children, and understand that it is not fiscally responsible to start a school for all ages. We are thrilled that they are opening for whatever grades they are and believe that this school will G-d willing be an asset to the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yeshivat Rambam did not have enough enrollment to allow for 7th and 8th grades for next year. It is my understanding that Ohr Chadash Academy was developed to create an option for the students Yeshivat Rambam planned to serve in the 2011-2012 school year. We should applaud them for this monumental effort in such a short amount of time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that they are only until six grade shows that this school was only created by parents who were concerned about their own kids. This is not the way to sustain a school for the long run especially after the current leaderships kids are out of this school. Either make this school for elementary and middle school or only for elementary. This school has the potential to be a great school they should just be a little bit more transparent about the process especially when it comes to the decision to only be until grade 6.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This still does not solve the problem for my middle school and high school kids. Maybe the idea mentioned last week on this website will work out
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if I come home late and I want someone to watch me into my house, who do I call?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 29th, 2011
The Rebbe's holy words are law. The ten commandments are only a secondary source and since it is scripture it must be suspect as misinterpretation, meaning that we cannot really understand them as they are stated. All we have are the words of the contemporary prophet and he has been silent on those ten issues. Contemporary attention is focused more practical matters such as kashrus and tznius. Murder is more the concern of the great unwashed who cannot be trusted or heeded. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Its nice of the star k to fund this program.
Wonder if they could find some funding for shomrim to use to enable them to continue their work for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is no longer Goldwater Republican times, Jews. Wake up! The table has turned. Obama and the rest of his left must go!! Jews felt nice and safe in Germany, also. Then 1933 changed for them like 2010 has changed for us.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
sounds like a yummy deal!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
See Genesis 1:1, Rashi ad loc
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Like we don't have enough money problems here.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bs"d. Thank you for your clear summary. I also did not get to ask my question...Doesn't it seem the intent was just to put out their message but given that the q&a was inordinately brief, that the interest was NOT to hear or answer our concerns??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dennis Prager said it well. The Arab/Moslem/Jewish conflict is easy to understand and hard to resolve peacefully. The late Gen. George Patton had it right when he said the success goes to those who do NOT die for their country but kill enough of their enemy to convince the rest to stop killing. This is the ONLY effective way! Thaddeus Jude
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very interesting article..
Dershowitz certainly understands the issues.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is absolutely shameful. There is nothing wrong with reaching out to the Jewish community; however it is quite upsetting to forget your Muslim identity (re:substituting Hebrew for Arabic in prayers). Pretty horrible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Alan Dershowitz is incredibly accurate..
Comment by steven juftes
It seems the Jews have always protected the holy sites of other religions in Jerusalem.
The world must know that only the Jews have a legitimate claim to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel.
Comment by steven juftes
Peres is right when he says that "democracy and terror cannot co-exist".
It seems almost frightening that Hamas and Fatah have united..
Comment by steven juftes
Thank G-d for Fox News..
The President may not be Jewish but he certainly has chutzpah.
Comment by steven juftes
What an excellent summary of events by Dershowitz..
It is so difficult to admire or even respect the President..
I pray the American people do not repeat their error in 2012.
I'm proud to be an American but very disappointed with the executive branch of government..
It was comforting to see that the legislative threw support to our best ally in the middle east.
Comment by steven juftes
good luck Phil
Comment by steven juftes
We're thrilled! Mazal Tov Yosef and Chaya!
David and Nancy
Comment by steven juftes
How is this any different than what Shomrim already does?
Comment by steven juftes
Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and an Education" by Grace Llewellyn. Ultimately, our community's values reflect the need for ownership of the learning process and being a life-long learner, engaged in life and learning till 120.
Comment by steven juftes
where do u buy this magazine from?
Comment by steven juftes
Perhaps $25 million for Rambam?!?
Comment by steven juftes
To poster lucky #13, you are correct. In Maryland, the state will not pay for virtual academies out of the public school budget, as they do in California and some other states. (This is not necessarily a bad thing, by the way, but that is another discussion, not for this forum). That is why I mentioned TLCI as being an accredited PRIVATE school. There are 2 discussions here, really. One is the viability of this model in bringing another educational option to the table. The other is using this educational model to bring down costs. Clearly, if our tax dollars are not going to support this model and bring down our tuition costs, we are going to continue to pay for both Kodesh and chol subjects. That being the case, then why pay money for the equivalent of a public school education through an online academy? TLCI is a PRIVATE school, and creating a program in conjunction with TLCI would be another educational option that can be customized for our community's needs and the needs of high school students who may be thrive with independent study that such a program can provide. Call me, Rena Levin, 410-764-8205, for more info.
Comment by steven juftes
Imagine what $325M could do for the jewish community.
Comment by steven juftes
I think its great how baltimore jewish life can get an idea like this going. Thanks a ton and keep it up! Great work!
Comment by steven juftes
I agree completely with the person who commented first on this article.
And I have no clue as to why American Jews seem so complacent with Obama.
There is something not right and it is very scary.
I am proud to be an American but G-d and Israel take precedence.
Comment by steven juftes
I'll second that. Can 2012 come soon enough?
Comment by steven juftes
In response to poster #12, you are totally right! What wouldn't work in Baltimore is for the secular studies to be totally free as it is in California. JS (Poster #8)
Comment by steven juftes
In response to commenter #8: This COULD work in Maryland, if a group of parents and educators were to join together to create a program similar to R. Tropper's. There are several options for the virtual learning component of a program . There is one program that could even be used that would eliminate the problem of interaction with others outside our community. All that would be needed would be for parents to get together, hire rebbeim for the kodesh and commit to one of the virtual learning groups. One such program is The Learning Community International, an accredited private school that gives college guidance, transcripts, individualized programming, along with virtual education that can be combined with more traditional classroom or independent study activities, if desired. This could be customized to the needs of our community and could be very flexible, even giving credits for some/part of the kodesh studies, if desired. Where there is a will, there is a way! I have spoken to Manfred Smith of TLCI. He is willing to meet with parents of the community who are interested in creating this option. Call me, Rena Levin, 410-764-8205, if you want more info on this program, so we can schedule a community meeting. For a brief overview, go to .
Comment by steven juftes
We tried to start this program here in baltimore and had a lot of people interested. We were told to go to a couple of people in town and they were going to look into which MSDE school would help us with this. We found the school went back to the people, who said that they would get back to us. We found out that they were working on it, tried to contact them and never call one call back. We later found out that they didn't want to do it, but never got back to us. This would be amazing for so many children here in Baltimore. Its an amazing idea and opens up a great learning style for children who learn differently. So SAD that people gave up before we could even present it to the community. If Bryon Szojchet is interested in starting this please contact Beth and Yisroel Bluman
Comment by steven juftes provides these types of programs, but the poster above has stated the #1 stumbling block in Maryland. The state does not permit virtual schooling. I perused Pennsylvania's offerings and I was impressed. The virtual academy delivers EVERYTHING (billed to the state) to your doorstep including laptop, printer, books, and internet stipend. It even provides opportunities for kids to participate in (real not virtual) sports!
I can't imagine my kid having the discipline to participate in this on his own, but I like the way the LA school is doing it by providing a proctor and a group environment for the kids to learn. "Little red schoolhouse" model is possibly the wave of the future.
I wonder how devoted the state is to its stance on virtual schooling?
Comment by steven juftes
Sounds interesting and it may work for some kids, but many others are not equipped to work on their own. Then again, the quality of english education in most schools are seriously deficient.
Comment by steven juftes
This will not work in Baltimore for one simple reason. California allows virtual public schools. Maryland does not.
But even if Maryland did allow virtual public schools (as many states do including Pennsylvania), enrolling our children in virtual public schools for secular would not help our existing schools. Please note that R' Tropper started a NEW yeshiva to implement this model (a great idea).
But even R' Tropper's model would not work for all. A frum student in a virtual public school must adhere to the same curriculum as his/her classmates that aren't of the same religious ideology. Virtual interaction with these same classmates would not be restricted. In other words, the yeshiva would have no control of the student's experience.
That all being said, efficiencies created by the rise in online learning should be explored. There are day schools exploring this. Check it out for yourself:
Comment by steven juftes
Brilliant analysis
Comment by steven juftes
The amount of cynacism in a government sponsored Cheif Rabbinate is shameful. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef would still be the Sephardi Chief Rabbi till today except that people in power wanted to get rid of Rabbi Shlomo Goren,alav hashalom.Rabbi Lau should still be the Chief Rabbi. He is, in reality the "chief' rabbi,but has to be Rabbi of tel Aviv and a neighborhood rabbi , who was never Cheif Rabbi of any town is now the country's official rabbi. Those who put him in that position want a person who is not recognized as a great leader so that others can pull the strings. Religion mixed with money and power corrupts but the chareidi leadership actively wants to diminish the government recognized rabbinate, and they are succeeding. We need a rabbi like Rabbis, Kook,Herzog,etc.,someone who has the broad shoulders to deal with major questions and whose decisions are respected, not a figurehead. Maybe it would be better to abolish the Cheif Rabbinate if they won't let a real godol get the job,i.e. Rabbi Simcha Hakohen Kook.
Comment by steven juftes
5 Surprising Perspectives About Online Schools
Comment by steven juftes
While the concept is great, we are still very far from achieving this in Maryland.
Comment by steven juftes
Avraham Fried is the'king' of Jewish music!
Comment by steven juftes
Three more great articles on this subject including one that mentions that this could be done in Maryland
Comment by steven juftes
Outstanding idea. I am interested in getting involved with this project in Baltimore. I am a former Mechanech, with 25 years experience in the field. I was the principal of three Jewish schools. How can I find out more, and who is the contact person here in Baltimore? Please let me know.
Moshe Englander
Home: 410-585-1154
Cell: 443-980-6018
Comment by steven juftes
I think it is a great idea! Especially for the Rambam crowd thats disappointed at the lack of choices for their kids.
Comment by steven juftes
I think people in Baltimore are just about at the breaking point with the cost of tuition at our local institutions. Frankly, I believe it is spiraling out of control. I have two kids who haven't even entered 1st grade yet, and, as I am paying full tuition, I am putting out over $12,000 for the year. Then there are the additional fees such as raffles, school trips, and other added on expenses that have to be paid.
I think this is an excellent idea, with one caveat. I don't believe every kid would flourish in this type of program. I happen to have received my Bachelor's degree in a 100% virtual environment, and I know first hand that not every child is cut out for virtual schooling. The schools should run parallel classes - one a virtual class, the other a traditional class. The schools would have to work out a fair billing structure for all parents, as well as a pathway to allow a student to transition between the two if necessary (on a yearly basis). However, the schools, together with the parents, and the student, need to make sure 100% that the student is able to carry a virtual workload. It requires a significant amount of willpower and the ability to sit for an extended period of time.
Comment by steven juftes
May 25th, 2011
This is the proverbial boat sent to the man praying to be saved from the flood. This brilliant plan should be given every consideration. The editors of Baltimore Jewish Life should be rewarded from heaven for publishing this article. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
why doesn't hamas invite neturei karta over for a game of russian rouelette.
to the winner goes extra bullets to keep on playing
Comment by steven juftes
On his 9th point. He should be happy-We already trust them. Hamas speaks of killing jews and destroying Israel and we trust that's theri goal. Let's negotiate.
Comment by steven juftes
I'd like to see kosher supervisor wearing tzitzis and davening 3 times a day.
I'd like to see pay rates based on the type of asset the kosher supervisor is.
I'd like to see peace in the middle east.
I'd like to see the orioles win 100 games in a season.
Comment by steven juftes
Duh! Get a NJ easy pass.
Comment by steven juftes
Yes, Lerner is scary. Thank you Rabbi Oberstein.
Comment by steven juftes
Once again, Jeff Cohn comes through in a big way for Baltimore's Jewish community. has become the go-to site for anyone looking to stay informed about news that affects Baltimore's Jewish community, Israel and the world at large. My friends and I check in several times every day ( not just to read the news but also to find out what's going on in our community. Simchos, nichum aveilim, eiruv info, you have it all, with no tznius or lashon hara issues. What could be better?
While there are certainly other Jewish news sites, presents us with news that is timely, appropriate and relevant, instead of being inundated with news and sagas that I honestly have no interest in hearing about. Your alert system is amazing - if it hadn't been for Baltimore Jewish Life I would have missed visiting aveilim in town.
Shkoyach Jeff, keep the good stuff coming!
BTW, How do I contact you if I want to advertise on the site?
Comment by steven juftes
May 25th, 2011 Look at the pain on his face. His suffering. His sorrow. His agony. And at night, when alone, when the pain rises up? And the pain of his children and wife. Those in suffering, everywhere and anywhere, are one family, together. The wells within the heart of every Yid should merge with his and his loved ones, that they and all of ours, are not alone and our tears combine to a mighty river to mix with the vast depths that are the tears of G-d himself. We are one heart one people and we all cry for this man's pain and the pain and suffering of all of ours. May G-d have mercy on us all. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
This man is represents the loony peace now types and will ensure Palestinian leaders will get their away and Jews will pushed out to the sea. How sad so few years after the holocaust such Jew mindsets still exist.
Comment by steven juftes
It's a shame that unemployment has always been rampant among the Neturei Karta.
Comment by steven juftes
Who is this guy and why is his opinion being posted?
Comment by steven juftes
He is seriously delusional....
Comment by steven juftes
this one of the reason why frum jews should stop listening to those crazy tea party maniacs on WCBM 680
Comment by steven juftes
diversity is not a hasidic value. The taliban live in ny
Comment by steven juftes
Literally one of the best speeches ever - even NPR had a hard time finding fault with it!
Comment by steven juftes
Happy Birthday Mrs. Cohn!! Do you have any cake left? Have much nachas from your children, gandchildren and great grandchildren. Od meah v'esrim!
Naomi Gross
Comment by steven juftes
Kudos to our community reps in attendance, Rabbi Sadwin and Jeff!
Comment by steven juftes
Is SF the 21st-century version of Ancient Greece? Sure looks like it...
Comment by steven juftes
It figures that Barak would say that..remember him?
The President should never have even made a statement that would suggest that Israel return to pre-'67 borders.
I'm so happy that Congress gave Netanyahu such a positive response..
The Democrats never stop but that's another story.
Comment by steven juftes
WOW! How did you get in?
Comment by steven juftes
While this was an amazing speech, I was saddened that Bibi did not once mention G-d's hand in protecting Israel, especially at the beginning where he gave Israel credit for keeping themselves safe and having a democracy. "Im Hashem lo yishmor ir..."
Comment by steven juftes
So Ray how many NFL players will be arrested if they can't play football.
Comment by steven juftes
WOW I didnât even know JEWPON existed nor did I know Tov Pizza sold 12â pizza. Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for keeping us updated.
Comment by steven juftes
How true is it when Mo said that Mrs. Margolese was a real/normal person. She was the most normal person I EVER met. She was my mentor and I truly miss her. Last Friday night, I went to the Mikvah and I made sure to do everything in preparation exactly the way Mrs. Margolese taught me. When I was actually in the Mikvah I thought of you, Mrs. Margolese, and I realized a big piece of me, my teacher, and my sounding board is gone and I miss you so much!
Comment by steven juftes
Are people now going to commit crimes so the lockout will end?
Comment by steven juftes
Yes, what do you think half of the Ravens would be doing if they weren't football players . . .welcome to Balto, hon.
Comment by steven juftes
wow. brilliant. i have an idea, why dont we divert all that money we spend on police, prison and the court system and pay the NFL players to play 52 weeks a year and eliminate crime!!! RAY LEWIS FOR MAYOR!!!
Comment by steven juftes
just my 2 cents...... crime rate will go up simply because the football players will be perpetrating those crimes.
Comment by steven juftes
I don't love this concept for a number of reasons while I love groupon. Securing email lists from local religiuos establishments definitely is irritating for one. I think groupon which is based on a very big state-wide marketplace is basically running local ads when they do it a local baltimore city small kosher market. Maybe just maybe this works in a NY or LA because of the huge population which can simulate a groupon concept. Most kosher cities outside NY and LA (even included Baltimore) are just to small to be compelling. It is nice concept for Jewish entrepreneurs to try to make money on but I just don't see it working well outside those two cities.
Comment by steven juftes
A beautiful tribute. But it would have been nice to have a woman speak on behalf of her friends and all the women of the community.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you for posting the video. I wasn't able to make it to the event but I'm glad I was able to watch this. I only met Mrs. Margolese a handful of times at the Mikvah but she truly touched my life and inspired me to be a better person. I am so grateful to have had those few moments with her. She will be sorely missed!
Comment by steven juftes
It's not published by respectable newspapers because it's complete fabrication.
Hard to imagine any rational person believes such idiocy.
Comment by steven juftes
Beautifully written
Comment by steven juftes
This is a very funny joke.
Comment by steven juftes
Yeshivas Ohr Yaakov also had a very spirited bonfire with hot dogs enjoyed by all.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank G-d!
Comment by steven juftes
Netanyahu is precisely what Israel needs. I hope that Jews everywhere support him and his policies..
It's of the utmost importance that Israel is truly able to defend her borders..
G-d Bless Netanyahu and the Jewish State.
Comment by steven juftes
I was so very happy to read this article. I believe in 1 Jerusalem always and forever to be under Israeli control.
Comment by steven juftes
I totally agree with Netanyahu..
And I pray that my President understands the terrible resulting reality of Israel returning to the pre-1967 borders..
I don't feel that Israel should return any remaining territory from the '67 War.
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
Baruch Hashem!!
Comment by steven juftes
BARUCH HASHEM it landed safely and everyone is OK!!! HODU L'HASHEM KI TOV KI L'OLAM CHASDO!!!!
Comment by steven juftes
There are a lot of Baltimorians on this flight.
Comment by steven juftes
There are a lot of Baltimorians on this flight.
Comment by steven juftes
has anything happened since then?
Comment by steven juftes
has anything happened since then?
Comment by steven juftes
Great, they're trying to buy my email address from my shul. I really hope my shul doesn't sell it so easily.
Comment by steven juftes
first one :)
Comment by steven juftes
THANKS BJL for spreading the word about this great candidate. Keep it up.
Comment by steven juftes
bad headline BJL. totally distorts the video.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol Hakavod, members of the Beth Abraham Congregation! Eli File in Israel
Comment by steven juftes
What the AIPAC folk should do is as soon as Obama begins his speech, they should stand up and turn their backs as a response to the Obama administration turning its back on Israel.
Comment by steven juftes
Was planning to go to hear him but had surgery few weeks ago and couldn't tolerate riding an hour long in car. Drats
Comment by steven juftes
I can't even see a injured person in any photo, so I'm not sure what's the big deal! My message to all is slow down, the speed limit is 30, in theory that means 29 is OK and 31 is too fast. I bet the bus was going 40, based on where it stopped.! Slow down everyone
Comment by steven juftes
This is not a surprise - we have known from the beginning that Obama is an empty suit. He listens to the hard left of his wife and apparently the same with Valerie Jarrett. Yep, empty suit
Comment by steven juftes
May 20th, 2011 This is well intentioned. But characterizing the over eaters as wicked is a little harsh. Eating is naturally tied to emotions and memories. A delicious treat can take you back to a happier time. And we want to recreate that for our loved ones. I am not proposing senseless gluttony. But a little 'charoses' read :perspective would mitigate the 'marror' read: harshness of contemporary read: transitory images of health and virtue. But I do support Rabbi Glaser's efforts and he should be rewarded from Shomayim for his good deeds. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
Obama has shown his true colors by essentially calling for Israel's destruction. It is time for the liberal sector of the Jewish community to wake up and smell the coffee. Obama is not good for the Jews. He also has not been good for America.
Comment by steven juftes
May 20th, 2011 I applaud this article. It is vital to listen to a child. It is vital to listen to adults. Listen, not to just the words articulated, hear the message. With words, with faces, with what they do and with what they do not do and do not say - victims broadcast their S.O.S. Always ask yourself, what is the message? Abuse does not always come in the expected package. Abusers of all varieties have a unnatural ability to charm and divert attention. So when your puppy or kitten whimpers in fear at a harmless image, hear the message. Even if it flies in the face of everything you think you see. May Hashem give strength, wisdom and courage to anyone and everyone who stands against abuse and May Hashem comfort the victims from their sorrow. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
really cool. wish it would happen more often.
Comment by steven juftes
How many Jews are still blind to Obama's motives? When will we wake up? Hashem is sending us a message. Remember: "Bechal dor v'dor, omdim aleinu the chaloseinu, v' HaKodosh Boruch Hu matzeleinu meyuduv." "In every generation, they stand against us to destroy us, but Hashem saves us from their hands."
Obama now stands against G-d in an effort to destroy Israel. You still feel safe and comfortable in the United States? This country will be held to account. With 2012 on the horizon, how many blind and foolish Jews, including Orthodox Jews will still vote for this Haman?
Comment by steven juftes
Wow lots of interesting stuff here. I agree with many commentors. I put my child in BT 2 years ago because of the unique situation my child is in and no one else fit better. We are very Orthodox. To the people calling BT not orthodox, I prefer to use the term "Unorthodox" as what they do and do not do fits no term. We get through it as it's the best option our child presently has.
Comment by steven juftes
Giving them a break from their teenage brothers!
Comment by steven juftes
Who cares about credibility. Look at all the "credible" Jewish leaders who ate still praising him.
Comment by steven juftes
what is shomrei doing for hs girls and moms?
Comment by steven juftes
At least we can count on some Jewish leaders to step up and say what's right. No mention at all about Arabs need to recognize Israel's  right to even exist and he expects israel to give again and leave the country in jeopardy? Surely he has finally proven to even cynics how much he dislikes Israel as though we couldn't figure it out earlier. Unfortunately we Jews are our worst enemy and will find every excuse and reason to give President Obama another 4 years. How can we keep voting for Ben Cardin who know his feelings and and blindly supports Obama.Â
Comment by steven juftes
I'm no liberal, but Mort has 0 credibility. When George W. Bush was President he was running around saying that W. was the worst president to the Jews ever.
Comment by steven juftes
For the record, the Hatzalah ambulance was certainly *not* provided by the government but by private fundraising.
Comment by steven juftes
I believe in your first paragraph you meant to say "when LaG BaOmer falls on Sunday," not Friday.
Comment by steven juftes
You can contact him through Twitter:
Comment by steven juftes
your transcripts are incomplete, but you know that
Comment by steven juftes
maybe then orthodox kids could go to online public school. It would definitely be a lot cheaper and could solve the tuition crisis.
Comment by steven juftes
The "problem" with orthodox schools is the need for parents and teachers to have to say the word no. To Orthodox children in a modern world it is even more challenging. In community schools, they have the "luxury" of avoiding that issue.
Comment by steven juftes
Having orthodox is no measure of the torah education. Fortunately or unfortunately it is the Orthodox population who go into chinuch. Look at many non orthodox schools around the country and you will find many orthodox teachers. Teachers must conform to their schools. It's a parnasa and very few Orthodox teachers (male or female) are fortunate enough to be able to teach in the schools they place their own kids in.
Comment by steven juftes
over the last 4 years that I worked this area their were NO problems caused by the Preakness
Comment by steven juftes
I agree with the last entry. BT is a great school that builds a strong Jewish identity for kids. For any orthodox family that chooses to go there you must know you are making compromises. The social environment for a fum kid is not easy...they have have dances/parties/prom. How many times can you say no to your kid?
Comment by steven juftes
As a Rambam parent of upper school students I am thrilled to see that OCA is moving towards succeeding. It is crucial for this school to exist for the Baltimore community. No one who is looking for a Religious Zionist school will consider moving to Baltimore if there is no school for the kids and hopefully it will retain the families of YR to stay in Baltimore.
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
I am not sure what you mean by pressure. Each parent should be schooled enough to know the differences between a BT and a Ohr Chadash YU education. If someone chooses BT they certainly know what they are not getting compared to the other. If many choose BT and not enough choose the Ohr Chadash YU models, it just shows the state of Modern Orthodoxy in Baltimore and will continue the retreat to silver spring and other communities and many possible Baltimoreans will not be moving here. So be it.
Comment by steven juftes
Was this deliberately vauge - is that pre 1967 or post 1967?
Comment by steven juftes
Why only thru 6th grade?
Comment by steven juftes
To the above commenter, Beth Tfiloh IS an orthodox school under the auspices of an orthodox synagogue (see their website). Perhaps what you meant to say is that not all of the students are orthodox. And, by the way, all Judaics studies teachers are orthodox.
Comment by steven juftes
I would love to meet you at Aipac. I run a campus program called we educate students about the facts about Israel through film courses. Perhaps we could have you speak at some of our events.
how do I reach you?
Comment by steven juftes
Beth Tfiloh is a great community school - but it is not an Orthodox school. It is important to make this distinction. The pressure that they are putting on current Rambam families is unfair and certainly looks like they are aimed at trying to hurt efforts to open a new Torah U'Madah school in Baltimore. I certainly hope that is not the case.
Comment by steven juftes
I guess my question was- is it modest to take such a lavish vacation? How about drive an Escalade? Is this the type of thing a frum yid should be occupying their time with?
Comment by steven juftes
why only 46%? The way he treated Netanyahu in the past is a clear message as to where Obama stands. He may say positive things to Jews now, but once reelected he will revert back to his original pro arab policies. The US must support the only true democracy in the region and not trust the current turmoil as necessarily arabs moving in a pro western direction. moving toward ,.
Comment by steven juftes
great candidate. very pro Israel. i like this guy
Comment by steven juftes
The whole point of this particular cruise is to make a tznuis vacation for those looking to go on a cruise. So instead of going on Carnival with its many halachik problems here you have a completely kosher option. It is a great idea!
Comment by steven juftes
fabolous article how does one contact you
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
"The goodness that radiates of human hearts holds the universe in harmony."
Goodness and truth have no owners, belongs all and sundry puttar ! Very proud of you....keep up the good work....!
Comment by steven juftes
There is a reason people are abandoning the City. Our elected officials need to be thrown out of office.
Comment by steven juftes
No school can be everything to everyone. BT does a great job in building a strong jewish is going to have its challenges as those who go to BT that are not frum do not want the school to become more frum to cater to the Rambam families
Comment by steven juftes
Our child is also very excited to go to Berman. She will be even more comfortable when the ride shortens hopefully soon.
Comment by steven juftes
I have been reading all these posts and feel I need to write something. To a non religious person reading these comments, it makes our community sound so intolerant. I would like to clarify my interpretation. No one in the frum community should feel any negativity to BT. This isn't about negativity and I am afraid it can look that way. I think most of the community knows the incredible job Mrs Schorr does at  BT in keeping kids in a Jewish school when many would otherwise go to non Jewish public or private schools. Additionally there is wonderful Kiruv taking place. The line of demarcation I think that offends people is the characterization of the words high quality Torah education. BT can be and is very successful without those words being needing to be used. Let's be clear of the wonderful work BT does do in the community as a whole.Â
Comment by steven juftes
Cardin(the most radical left wing senator according to national journal rankings)and jewish values don't belong in the same sentence.
Comment by steven juftes
I can relate to R. Shafier's point about atomic prayer services in a minyan. Also my focus and concentration are greatly improved, even in the early morning hours with a fast paced chazan, when I daven with my fellow Jews. I have experienced many special moments during and after services, sometimes with amazing results. There is much similar and in-depth classes on this and other fascinating subjects on
Comment by steven juftes
"ICC goes absolutely no where near MJBHA. red herring."
You are not correct. The current leg of the ICC (that opened in Feb 2011) does not help BUT the next leg of the ICC that is scheduled to open early next year (as stated above) will make a dramatic difference in time between Baltimore and Rockville.
Also why would you use the word "red herring"? If you don't support Hebrew Academy that is fine but please allow parents to make the best choices for their children.
Comment by steven juftes
I am a BT parent and sent a post and you haven't published it? I dont think I said anything offensive. Do you get so many posts you don't print them all or was it lost and I need to send again? If you havent posted yet, please disregard this message. Thanks
Comment by steven juftes
To previous comment....the event didn't happpen yet
Comment by steven juftes
One can clearly see that this letter was written, dated and publshed to parents on 5/11/11, the same day that the letter on BJL from TA, TI & BY was published. It just didn't make it to BJL for 6 days????? BT and Rambam parents saw it almost a week ago.... I'm just saying.....
Comment by steven juftes
I met Rabbi Amos Bunim a number of timess. He was an example of a type we need more of, an alumnus of YU, who was eulogized in Lakewood, Shaar Yoshuv and Chofetz Chaim. In other words, he was a Klal Yisroel Jew. He cared about the full range of the Jewish People and participated in helping any worthy cause. He was an "Inclusive Jew" not an "Exclusive Jew". We need that more than ever. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by steven juftes
Esther Nechama was a beautiful, warm person who always had a smile on her face. As I was unable to attend the shloshim event, I was hoping to be able to read a synopsis of what was said at the event on this website.
Comment by steven juftes
I certainly wish beth Tfiloh offered a Torah first education. I prefer to not travel to Hebrew academy but my children must know first and foremost that Halacha is the top. Mrs Schorr made it clear to me that BT was not right for me and I appreciated that. No one school is right for every Jewish child.
Comment by steven juftes
I personally have no issue with the letter as one hopes people are educated enough to make their own decisions for their children. What I expect from all schools is stating facts in their letters that aren't marketing but fact. To state "high quality Torah education" and not high quality Judaic education or love for all Jews or love for all denominations, to a Baltimore Orthodox community is simply not right and I am a parent of BT saying this. I wish Mrs Shorr once and for all would be consistent to her parent body even when she promotes in the overall community.
Comment by steven juftes
Mrs Schorr states that students have transitioned successfully to BT. This is her opinion, one that very few Shomrie Torah Umitzvot would agree with! Its no secret.
I believe it is shameful that BT is openly encouraging/welcoming these students. It is irresponsible of the Frum leadership of BT who understand that the Frum students who attend BT often fail the challenge that comes along with that school.
TA must go out of there way to establish a track that our communities boys can thrive in a day school type setting
Comment by steven juftes
Is it tznuis (modest) to take this type of vacation and for a Torah observant Jew to vacation in this way?
Comment by steven juftes
I suggest you speak to our rabbaim about allowing words like these to solicit on your site that then allows criticisms of our community on top of that. Why ate you doing this?
Comment by steven juftes
Why is it that you allow comments that clearly knock our community but you don't allow any criticism of a school in any form? Eventually this type of behavior will hurt you if it hasn't already. You cant respond back I realize but tempered tespected criticism based on obvious fact should be allowed. If you can't handle two sided criticism of a letter, then ask yourself why you allow that letter in the first place. You should be there to censor obnoxious or over the top posts but two sided respectful but critical exchanges allowing your readers to answer each other is what you should be all about. I am hearing more and more about censorship decisions and this will hurt you in ways you don't know if you continue this selective censorship.
Comment by steven juftes
As an answer to the commenter above: Is it possible that the purpose of the joint letter from the other institutions was a message that was very much needed to be heard to reassure the community that those institutions were open to accepting Rambam's students? BT is in a different category than the others, having a proven track record of Rambam students who have successfuly transitioned to BT in the past. This letter was also informational about the logistics of the admissions process: If you want this, then do it NOW!
It is time to stop the negativity and trash talking about the community, its schools, its Rabbis and lay leadership, etc etc and start focusing on the many positive and beautiful aspects of Jewish life that we are blessed with here in Baltimore. At this time of the year, especially, it would be a tremendous zechus for our hatzlacha to strengthen ourselves in the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel. Commit to respecting those who learn and teach Torah, regardless of venue, label, institution, nusach, accent, or type of head covering.
Comment by steven juftes
How do you know that? Our community let Rambam die so what does that mean?
Most Rambam families would not go to a BT it is not frum enough for them.
You dont get the same level of judaics and socially it is a challenge compared to the TA/BA/TI.
Comment by steven juftes
Please stop looking for controversy and division where it doesn't exist. After sending out the first letter, Rambam made a decision to let BJL be the conduit for schools to pass along thei info. MJBHA did it this way as well. There is enough real divisionin our community--no need to spend your time looking for it where it doesn't exist.
Comment by steven juftes
To the poster above- how do you know the BT letter was really written simultaneously with the other schools? Just from Mrs. Schorr stating so in her letter "that they were first" does not mean that actually happened.
Comment by steven juftes
ICC goes absolutely no where near MJBHA. red herring.
Comment by steven juftes
what a you thing to say
Comment by steven juftes
I would not exactly consider BT a community school for the frum people of Baltimore. Over 95 percent of the school is not frum.
Comment by steven juftes
Why is it that you allow critical comments against our community from beth Tfiloh supporters but you refuse to print my somewhat negative letter and I'm also a beth Tfiloh parent. Why do have clearly a biased double standard? This is shameful. Print nothing or allow both sides to be fairly represented.
Comment by steven juftes
Can Cardin, Kreiger Schecter, and Baltimore Hebrew make the same case, if they wrote letters too? Maybe it is a community statement. Who knows. It doesnt bother me.
Comment by steven juftes
BT's letter was evidently written at the same time as the joint letter from TA, TI, BY. Why didn't Rambam and the press make the BT letter available last week? It doesn't speak well for our community-at-large.
Comment by steven juftes
the question is do they have kosher passover cruises yet???
Comment by steven juftes
Mrs Schorr,
I agree and respect every parents right and desire to send their child to any school they desire. I say that with experience as I transferred my son to BT a few years ago. I have to respectfully disagree with you choosing to use the words "a high quality Torah education". "Love and respect for all Jews", yes. "love and respect for all denominations", yes. Please state what you are known and great at. Stating a high quality Torah education, to an Orthodox baltimore audience and to my personal experience, no. That doesnt mean BT isnt a great choice for certain segments but please chose your words for this audience more accurately. Thank you.Â
Comment by steven juftes
kiddush hashem
Comment by steven juftes
I am s grateful as many other parents to Hebrew Academy.
A great fit for rambam families. Everything that Rambam Hebrew Academy. Join us!
Comment by steven juftes
The irony is unbelievable considering Cardin is the 100th best Senator for Israel and Jews
Comment by steven juftes
BT was not included because it is not the same type of school religiously, level of learning or socially. It is not a frum atmosphere for a frum kid
Comment by steven juftes
Our kids are excited to go to Berman, and we are lucky to have such a good school within commuting distance. While we wish this option could be available locally, it isn't so we are approaching this with a positive attitude because we know that is what is best for our children.
Comment by steven juftes
Growing up in the NY/NJ area it was very rare to have a day school right in your community, most students did and still do travel by carpool, public or private transportation. Some people even live in communities where there are school but find a better fit elsewhere. They all survived even back in the day before cell phones and laptops for added safety and entertainment. I have known wonderful "products" of Hebrew Academy and I am sure that the Baltimore contingent will be very successful in such a wonderful and welcoming environment. Donna Wach
Comment by steven juftes
He failed to obey an order to pull over in Towson! Very strange how he ended up at Mount Wilson
Comment by steven juftes
Consider Maryland our community. Because if not then what you consider the Baltimore community is really two communities of Baltimore City and Baltimore County and many different neighborhoods in between. So consider the entire Maryland one community because after all the best food in our area is at PomBistro in Potomac. Anyone from Silver Spring will tell you that outsiders (such as New Yorkers) think they live in or right next to Baltimore. You refer to anyone from New York as New Yorkers so too we should be referred to as Marylanders not Baltimoreans.
Comment by steven juftes
With all due respect to the writer, sending kids kids to schools that don't have grades for the type of education parents desire for their children has nothing to do with supporting schools in our community. This isnt about good and bad and if you don't send children to my school, you don't fit, as some parents in schools believe. It's simply about desiring an education that doesn't exist. People who send their kids to schools you don't support, doesn't mean defacto that they don't support your school. Stop being negative like too much of the past has proven true and let parents decide what is best for their children in the most positive ways they can find.
Comment by steven juftes
It wasn't me.. (Whywhy)
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Berman Hebrew Academy for welcoming our Baltimore families and allowing them to apply for financial aid now that there is no modern Orthodox option for them locally. But how sad is it that our high schoolers need to travel every day to go to school, because our own community could not support a local option?
Comment by steven juftes
Well said
Comment by steven juftes
Not supporting schools in our own community is what got us into this mess in the first place...
Comment by steven juftes
The Arabs were not asleep. This was not a mistake.
They shot in order to murder Jews.
The Arab who murdered Ben Yosef was a former terrorist who sat in the Israeli jail system and was there after trained by the American gov.
Comment by steven juftes
The word jewish and ben cardin do not belong in the same universe.he is a shameful left wing radical with a horrid voting record on every issue including israel.please do not provide a forum for his deceitful propaganda.
Comment by steven juftes
Awesome Article, this is a much needed work to be done in Muslim and Jewish communities!! Thanks Hamza!
Comment by steven juftes
I just heard there are over 50 kids registered in the last 36 hours!! Please G-d the registration numbers will continue to grow!
Comment by steven juftes
It's great to hear that there are people reaching out between communities. Keep up the good work!
Comment by steven juftes
There goes the neighborhoods!
Comment by steven juftes
boruch hashem nobody was hurt the ribono shel oilam is always watching us, and we have to be thankful every day of our lives, may this be a wake up call to us all to inspire us and bring everyone to tremendous aliyah,amen!!!
Comment by steven juftes
As a Hatzalah responder's wife, I feel there is NO justification for publishing pictures like these in the name of showing how much gratitude we have for their dedicated work. I wouldn't need to see photos of a policeman standing over the body of an intruder he had just shot to prove how grateful we should be that we have law enforcement. And I concur about the laws of HIPPA (patients rights)- it doesn't matter who they pertain to - it should be common sense and sensitivity to refrain from publishing every available photo. As an aside, traffic updates (sans photos!) ARE helpful from this blog, especially on carpool days.
Comment by steven juftes
Don't worry, the police were there from about 11:00 pm until 1:30 am! And the package was there from at least Saturday morning onwards.
Comment by steven juftes
The Ambeulance was given to them by the government
Comment by steven juftes
Re: Who will pay Rambam's debts? The is a question for Yeshivat Rambam. This is a new school and is not under the auspices of Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by steven juftes
I hope he didn't cause too much bittul torah.
Comment by steven juftes
While I agree with your sentiment about supporting the responders who do a kiddush hashem, please don't justify these pictures for any reason. People being treated in accidents are personal for the victim and the responder, plain and simple. Gawkers on site should keep their distance and vertainly pictures should be posted for gawkers on line. Why isn't this simple courtesy and common sense?
Comment by steven juftes
I don't believe in that. Four of us girls, were born in each season and we are healthy. My children show no signs of whatever this conception claims.
Comment by steven juftes
Who will pay Rambam's debts ?
Comment by steven juftes
The driver should have looked back first before opening the door. It is on going problem when parked on busy streets. this would not have happened.
Comment by steven juftes
I would hope the Masmidim find greater "entertainment" - in fact, JOY - from their Gemaros! :)
Comment by steven juftes
If you are putting up all the pictures to help raise awareness and money for the wonderful Hatzala and Policy and Fire departments please do it as a seperate article. I feel that the slide show takes away from the severity of the accident. If you want to get a message accross it should be raising awarness of roadside safety.
Comment by steven juftes
Hatzlacha to Ohr Chadash, from a Bnos Yisroel parent.
Comment by steven juftes
"At approximately 12:40am, received a call of a suspicious package......". Truthfully, I would have called the police first. Kol HaKavod to this site for contacting the bomb squad! :-) All joking aside, you have a great site. Keep up the good work.
Comment by steven juftes
What these pictures and article should do is make people of the community realize how fortunate we are that we have people who are there for us ready to drop everything for us. These people take hours out of their lives just to do this wonderful chesed. This article should make people reach into their pockets and say wow they have an ambulance! Where did they get their money from? As far as I understand all money is raised locally based on donations. As far as HIPPA goes I believe that the only people bound by it are the health professionals not a free-lance phtographer.
Comment by steven juftes
lol- some nice entertainment for the masmidim and late nighters...
Comment by steven juftes
âThe most important question is, how will we do things differently?â
âFirst, we are starting off with Rabbinic support.â
And, right there is the proof that they've already lost. What needs to be done differently needs to start with fiscal responsibility -- best expressed by announcing their leadership will be headed by a person with business acumen above all else.
Comment by steven juftes
Besides the HIPA issues involved of showing the crash victim (even at a distance)being cared for, is there a compelling reason for publishing these types of photos? Are our lives so "boring" that this is what passes for local news?
Comment by steven juftes
How will juvenile delinquents/criminals be dealt with by the policeing/juvenile authorities? Will they roam the streets and thus impact on law abiding citizens?
Comment by steven juftes
I really think the pictures of the emergency team working on the child should be taken off the website. I feel it is irreverent. This is not a spectator event. The entire Baltimore does not have to view it.
Comment by steven juftes
Hatzlacha rabbah on this very important endeavor.
Comment by steven juftes
Rachel, I am so proud of you. The way you have articulated your feelings and written this article is outstanding. You have learned so much at Rambam and that shows through in your writing. May Hashem guide you into much success in the future, with this very solid foundation you now have. Mindy Dickler
Comment by steven juftes
What a kiddush Hashem! Thank you to all the responders and continued hatzlacha in your holy work!!!!!
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Ohr Chadash leaders for working so hard to create a school that our children need- Baltimore will be a better place because of you!
Comment by steven juftes
Rabbi Hauer is a true asset to our community.
Comment by steven juftes
not a good idea
Comment by steven juftes
It's great that the other schools in our community are reaching out to these displaced students and families. Kol Hakavod.
But let's remember that there are reasons why each Yeshivat Rambam family did not choose these wonderful institutions in the first place. Families that want an education that fits as closely to the ideals, principles and mission of Yeshivat Rambam should focus their efforts on making Ohr Chadash Academy a success, if possible.
*disclaimer - I'm not a member of OCA's board or faculty, just a hopeful parent:-)
Comment by steven juftes
This is not the time to scale back detention for the City young offenders. As an owner of an apartmnt community in Baltimore City, I fear for the safety of our residents. We have experienced an increase in crime in our community (car break-ins; theft). We want to see all offenders - young and old - punished for their offenses so that the law-abiding members of the community can live without fear.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol Hakavod to Bnos for stepping forward with this letter. Hopefully, the other schools follow suit and also convey this feeling when speaking one-on-one with interested Rambam families.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you to Bnos for being so understanding and accommodating!
Comment by steven juftes
Obviously the oops is that "it's" was written twice when clearly it should be "its."
Comment by steven juftes
its not it's
Comment by steven juftes
Where is the "oops?" Mrs. Itzkowitz is the founding principal.
Comment by steven juftes
"... its mission and its founding principal..." Oops on the spelling.
Comment by steven juftes
Very nice. Great Job. Miro's Mobile Catering is the first in Florida as well. keep up the good work. I think you can find Miro on Facebook.
Comment by steven juftes
I think they mean that if you are interested in Ohr Chadash as your first choice and for some reason it doesn't pan out, they will welcome your daughter to Bnos. Kol Hakavod for that attitude. We appreciate that Mr. and Mrs. Reitberger.
Comment by steven juftes
the new mini melts store downtown is awesome !!!
Comment by steven juftes
Can you please post who the members of the Executive Board are?
Comment by steven juftes
"we will not treat families that have been impacted by Rambam's closure any differently for considering Ohr Chadash." why would you? whats the hava amina?
Comment by steven juftes
Thinking outside the box and willingness to try something new that is well thought out and planned are such positive behaviors to model for one's children. I hope there will be enough parents who are willing to do this so Ohr Chadash can get started on a strong, positive footing. An alternative school is so needed and important.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol HaKavod!
Comment by steven juftes
With the death is there now going to be world peace. I think not, and further a few days later an attack occured in Pakistan killing 80. So the US gets to kill bin Laden and they react and will continue to do so til the West looses its drive to combat evil. Europe already has surrendered. Most likely nothing was accomplished.
Comment by steven juftes
The release after the "Task" should have said, A mission was carried out by the US Dept of Defense and was successful in the elimination of the "Bad guy". Better yet, they should have said nothing and left the whole world guessing. Toom much info will be a nations downfall. If the Manhattan Project was going on today, the German and Japan enemy would have had the bomb at the same time as the US.
Comment by steven juftes
Was he a YU musmach?
Comment by steven juftes
A true tzadik and visionary... Me yiten lanu temusaso
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you, Rabbi Hauer
Comment by steven juftes
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Weiss for expanding the Kosher certified options in DC!
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer.
Tova Taragin
Comment by steven juftes
Too bad that Weiss and Rosenberg are not religious. I wonder if they are even Jews?
Comment by steven juftes
Wow! This was a truly sad but beautiful article. Hopefully we can get past our previous mistakes and greet Mashiach B'Achdus!
Comment by steven juftes
Outstandingly written!
Comment by steven juftes
Dera Mrs. Cohn,
Mazel Tov on your 90th birthday. It has been fun sharing a birthday with you for 64 years. May Hashem continue to bless you with good health and Simcha until 120.
Libby and Robbie Lehman
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer for all that you have done and continue to do. Yasher Koach
Comment by steven juftes
wow amazing that is!
Comment by steven juftes
You talk of a comparison to a corporation like GM and end with the most important goal is to educate children. The most passionate leadership regardless of where they come from should lead this effort and give it the most chance for success. Sour feelings is no way to support a new school whose goal is to educate children.
Comment by steven juftes
I don't attend BJSZ but I admire such support. Rabbi Hauer does not have an obligation to do this. Yet he is the Rabbi in the community taking on this initiative. He deserves much praise from all over. Hopefully with Rabbi Weinreb's direct involvement added to this, the new school can gain broader support.
Comment by steven juftes
Baltimore is lucky to have RMH in its city.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer for all of your support! Yehudit Shields
Comment by steven juftes
I don't know who was on Rambam's board nor do I know who will be on the new school's board. But, I do know that if I was owed money by Rambam, I would feel cheated if I knew a Ohr Chadash member had served on Rambam. (In other words school was closed to skirt legal debts) Another way to say this would be. We learned from numerous financial decisions what not to do going forward w/ a new school. Having an old board member in a new school, in my view, is not a Kiddish Hashem to those who are owed money to. Such people should step down, if they are claiming a new start w/ transpariency. I personally don't think this is an attempt to defraud money, but if I was on the outside I might percieve that. All that being said, what has made GM a "new success" is starting anew w/ lower payrolls and non productive workers eliminated. For Ohr Chadash to succeed they need to have a whole lot less overhead. Coordinators and Admin. make up a small part of a schools success. A dedicated teacher in a classroom is the main critical ingredient. Also, to those who get bent out of shape reading others comments, may I suggest not reading comments and just inform your self w/ the news. I wish a new school a successful endeavor as they begin the critical need of reaching out to educating children. That is the main thing, which I think we tend to overlook when we become overly critical of an individual's opinion.
Comment by steven juftes
As a former Rambam parent whose children are now at Beth Tfiloh, I want to applaud BT for its warm embrace and accommodation of all their former Rambam students. I don't understand why BT wasn't included in that letter, especially because I know that BT reached out to Rambam families in the same spirit of the above letter.
Comment by steven juftes
View the May 11, 2011 letter to Yeshivat Rambam parents from Zipora Schorr at
Comment by Joan Feldman
Shame on you for not including Beth Tfiloh
Comment by Joan Feldman
"If there is any debt that Rambam will still have to rebaim, teachers etc. will they get all caught up before another school opens?"
Ohr Chadash is a completely separate entity from Rambam. It may share it's core values, but it will be starting from a completely clean slate financially. May it have much Hatzlacha as Baltimore certainly needs this school!
Comment by Joan Feldman
to the person who asked about the Rambam debt...Ohr Chadash is not Rambam is a totally new school I believe, separate from Rambam, and not taking on any of their debts. Correct me if I am wrong.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Without question; I wrote that there's a need for another school.
Comment by Joan Feldman
How unfortunate that even at the outset of a new institution such insensitivity reaks again. I was not on the Rambam board but quite aware of the circumstances they faced. To impugn all board members for such a multitude of issues that eventually led to this outcome is simply not right. Enjoy leadership that cares and you have it. Mix in Rabbi Weinreb and they can take off. Get positive or the future will be bleak.
Comment by Joan Feldman
To refreshing: Also read that the Rav said "We all recognize that Rambam played a vital role in meeting the educational needs of a significant sector of the community". Regardless, (and its true that the school had a certain me first attitude), it served amazing role for many families, students and graduates who are making the world a better place in their communities in the US and especially Israel. In your desire to look for inclusiveness, let's not miss the other point of the Rav as well.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Some people may think that California is a bordering state of ours.
Comment by Joan Feldman
This letter is refreshing and most welcome because it's the first time anyone of note publicly stated that there were "missteps that may have characterized Rambam".
While there is a need for another school, for most of its existence Rambam cared more about the philosophical views of its founders than about marketing itself to the broader community. When fiscal reality hit they woke up very late in the game, made some long overdue changes and then asked the community that they never seemed to acknowledge before for financial help. Aside from the fact that we're not a wealthy community, it's not surprising that help didn't come.
Rabbi Weinreb has proven himself to be a person who gets things done in a cooperative way that acknowledges and respects the views of the greater community. May he have much success in this new endeavor.
Comment by Joan Feldman
If there is any debt that Rambam will still have to rebaim, teachers etc. will they get all caught up before another school opens?
Comment by Joan Feldman
Mi K'amcha Yisroel!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Rachel, this is so beautiful and so heartfelt! I am so grateful for having been a part of Yeshivat Rambam ( especially getting to know you and all of your classmates!) Thank you for this!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Comment by Joan Feldman
Baltimore Jews are concerned with their brethren in LA.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thank you to all of the members of the Baltimore community who did send in donations and tried very hard to help the school. It is very much appreciated!
Comment by Joan Feldman
B"H - Rabbi Weinreb got involved just in time.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Mazel tov, keep on rolling!
Many, many more!
Best wishes from the Altshul family
Comment by Joan Feldman
I'd love a definition of incorporating the school into the context.... Can an observant school exist in Baltimore and be accepted if it is Zionist, believes in Reishit zmichat geulateinu, if boys and girls are allowed to talk to each other, etc. As "yiddishkeit" grows in Baltimore, the observant (oops, who sets the standards?) middle of the road, believing, loving of both Hashem and Medinat Yisrael, Jews, seem to be not only the huge minority, but are also not considered "acceptable" (again, who gave these people the right to set the standards?). By all definitions, religious and observant should not be confused - they are not the same. I know religios people who are not observant, and observant people who are not religious. Rabbi Weinreb, I wish you and the Ohr Chadash community the best of luck. B"h, I left Baltimore years ago and was able to raise my kids in mamlachti dati schools in Israel.
Comment by Joan Feldman
How is this LOCAL?
Comment by Joan Feldman
Glad to hear the good news about cops.
Comment by Joan Feldman
GREAT NEWS!!! I Love this park!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thank you Rabbi Weinreb
Tova Taragin
Comment by Joan Feldman
Elinor Happy b-day . Many Many more till 120.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Happy Birthday to one great lady who brings "lite" to all who know and love her:)
Comment by Joan Feldman
Nice. Very nice. MKS
Comment by Joan Feldman
This shows the true character of Rabbi Weinreb.
Kol Hakavod, MKS
Comment by Joan Feldman
I must agree with the last post. If this is a new initiative and a fresh start then it should be just that. Any former Rambam board members should recuse themselves and allow new leadership to take root. If nothing else, it just really looks bad. I need to know this time around things will be different. We look forward to the meeting on Sunday night.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thanks. Although the Yeshiva will no longer be named after the Rambam, I hope that the new Yeshiva carries the legacy of Maimonides into its identity, mission and philosophy.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Finally between the message from the other Orthodox schools and Rabbi Weinrebs letter, we can hope that all comments for the new school can now be positive. If you still don't want to support such a school in the community, please be up front and explain why?
Comment by Joan Feldman
What a Bracha! Ad Mea V'Esrim Mom!! We love you!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Wow! What a bracha to celebrate like this! Happy birthday Grandma! May this year bring you only the best and may you continue to celebrate many more birthdays with friends and family!!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Happy birthday Grandma! Thanks for teaching me the important lessons in how to be the best bowler I can be!!! Wishing you only the best for the coming year and may you continue to celebrate many more birthdays with friends and family! We love you!!!! Love, Leib, Fran, Ariella and Batsheva
Comment by Nancy Broth
I wish the new school Ohr Chadash the best of luck and truly hope it succeeds. One question. Is is really appropriate for 3 of the board members who voted on Saturday night to close Rambam be the signatories on the above article? Is it not a confict of interest once you are involved (officially or otherwise) in starting a new school to vote to close another? Not to mention, if its the same leadership (of part thereof) why do we expect better outcome this time. I think its great if they want to help with advise, contributions etc, but they should recuse themselves from decesion making positions....please.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Love the story. Hope I'm like her when I turn 90. Mazel Tov, Elinor. May you continue to "strike" it rich in life.
With love,
Mrs. Hinkelfoffer
Comment by Nancy Broth
Kol hakavod to all of the schools and their staff!
Comment by Nancy Broth
If Rambams demise becomes a catalyst for acceptance of a school that is allowed by the community to fill that wide gap between the existing schools, Rambam succeeded in the painful end. Let's hope when the new school starts (and this pain can subside over time), this same theme of working together continues. Let's hope and pray.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Comment by Nancy Broth
If nothing else, having the rav play an active role in the community will benefit all of us!
May G-d bless the children to be strong and grow from this difficult experience... DM
Comment by Nancy Broth
So true, maybe he can cut his vacation short though to help with this crisis.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Baltimore misses you
Comment by Nancy Broth
The story has now gone around the world. The Orthodox, Hassidic, Jewish newspaper, Di Tzeitung, republished the famous photo of President Obama and his advisors watching the raid on Bin Ladenâs compound while they were sitting in the situation room. The only thing is that this publication cut out Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason, director of counterterrorism, from this photograph.
Let it be stated for the record that this Orthodox Hassidic newspaper through this action was itself in violation of many severe sins.
First, they have violated the sin of âbaal tosifâ, there is a prohibition in Torah against adding more prohibitions. This is based upon Deuteronomy 4:2, which states, âDo not add what I have commanded to you.â Nowhere in the Torah does it state that it is prohibited to look at a picture of a woman who is modestly dressed. In cutting out Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason, they are thus guilty of this sin.
They have also violated the sins of âmidvar sheker tirchakâ, not distancing themselves from falsehoods (Exodus 23:7). One is guilty for this sin by presenting a story that is inaccurate. Similarly they have violated the Talmudic sin (Babylonian Talmud, Hullin 94a)of âgeneivat dataâ (stealing the mind), tricking someone into believing an inaccurate idea.
By tampering with this photo in violation of White House guidelines, they have violated the Talmudic sin that one must obey the laws of the land, (âdina demalchuta dinaâ, the law of the land is the law).
They have also violated the positive commandment of âhakarat hatovâ, showing gratitude. This commandment is described in the classic and great medieval work, Sefer HaChinuch as follows: ârecognize and bestow kindness upon one who has done him good and that he not be base, a dissimulator, and one who denies the good done him by another.â Since Ms. Clinton and Ms. Tomason worked on this effort for many years, it is disgraceful that they were cut out of this photo.
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, Ohev Sholom,Washington,DC
Comment by Nancy Broth
And people wonder why I love Baltimore!
Comment by Nancy Broth
This letter shows the unique achdus of Baltimore. It came as a result of a meeting of leading rabbonim and representatives of the schools and community leaders, who all worked together in unity to deal with a communal issue. There are few other cities like Baltimore and we should be proud of our lay and religious leaders.
Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Nancy Broth
Very nice - that's what's special about Baltimore - for all the supposed differences, people care about each other
Comment by Nancy Broth
So no more problem. BH.
Comment by Nancy Broth
There would be more nice comments if this letter and it's sentiments would have been posted as an immediate response.
BE"H there have been some lessons learned here. Halevai we could have learned them without doing the damage that was done. May we be zoche to be able to move onward and appropriately from here and may the wounds that have been inflicted heal with minimal scarring.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Brings a tear to me eye.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Kol HaKavod to the leadership of the four schools for stepping up in such a weloming manner which is demonstrative of how our community does work together to help others in need.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Obama has no stomach for making any decision. He is surrounded by radicals who make all of the decisions so he can do the only thing he knows is campaign for office. Valarie worked at a hospital before the Obama job at the whitehouse. Really this is the Chicago machine running the country. Planet of the Apes (aka Valarie Jarrett) needs to wait for her segual.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Love the achdus!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Comment by Nancy Broth
Where are the comments on THIS beautiful letter?!?
Comment by Nancy Broth
Just a reminder - comments of individuals on a website do not at all represent an accurate survey of the community's sentiment towards the Rambam family. A responsible person would not take medical advice from anonymous internet commentators, so they certainly should not trust them for an accurate impression of community support. There's a lot of sensitive people out there, a lot of communal expressions of love, generosity, and understanding, and it would be a shame to overlook that because of some insensitive close-minded commentators.
Comment by Nancy Broth
It is interesting that the tone of the comments makes the underlying assumption that BY, TA, TI, etc. are now fiscally healthy and that Rambam is the anomaly. Is this objectively the case? While a variety of factors unique to Rambam led to its demise, its closing should be a wake-up call to the other schools to make an objective assessment of where they truly are financially in 2011 as well as a projection of where they will be in 5 and in 10 years, assuming that current trends of tuition income, expenses, and fundraising hold constant. Values like financial/decision-making transparency and accountability are vital to their continued marketing to the community, as being schools OF the community. So, it would be interesting to hear these other ââState of the Schoolsâ addressesâ, other than continuing to state that they simply need more money now and they will need even more money later. (And fiscal responsibility goes beyond simple cost-cutting measures like buying supplies and energy from cheaper vendors.)While their entrenchment might allow them to be a bit more successful than Rambam in gaining traction for a communal emergency fundraising campaign/bailout down-the-road, the money might ultimately not be there to ensure their continuity.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Based on all the previous military and stratigic political indecisions of President Obama this scenario seems most plausible. Valerie Jarrett's behavior and her actions follow her radical beliefs and her influence over the president is most alarming. One can only wish this story was not true but it is hard to believe otherwise. God bless and help the Republic.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Zvi Spivack, Golani 3 years service.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Great pictures. Ah, to be in Yerushalyim on Yom HaAtzmaut! May ALL k'lal yisrael be gathered here next year (or at least SOMEWHERE in Eretz Yisrael :-D)
Comment by Nancy Broth
Binyamin Goldberg
Comment by Nancy Broth
If you airbrushed all the females out of this picture, it would look empty. May Baltimore continue to have a wide spectrum of observant Jewish life. 20 years is a generation and Yeshivat Rambam educated a generation of students. I hope the new school will be able to serve those who want what it has to offer and that we can continue to have unity.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Well unlike the current situation, there will be no large amount of debt and an overly ambitious, unrealistic leadership.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Binyomin Leventhal
Comment by Nancy Broth
I am very proud of those who care about the children in this case "displaced Jewish Children" If you have saved one Jewish life you have saved the world, it is something we are all taught, either in Hebrew School or JDS by the time we are Bat/Bar Mitzvad. It is sad to see people making such sarcastic remarks about people in the community who are trying to do such a wonderful thing The New Light for the Children, and Children are the Light of the world, makes me really wonder where have some of you have studied; because if I went to school with any of you who made a GM comment, or New Rambam comments, or I sit next to you in shul I want to move my sit as far as possible because you stink badly. I can careless, if you dress all in black with knee highs upto your ears, or with a covered head and a slit upto your tush and your sleeves barely cover your shoulders. If you wear a baseball hat or a leather kippa to an O's game, what I care about the future of the children and in this matter my child's future. Who might be one day, a Rabbi, or a teacher, or a Doctor, or an IDF soldier with 20+ years of service, however, I want to make sure my child has the core values of being a religious Jew, a ben adam tov, if he grows up and be a Rabbi like Rabbi Zuckerman or Rabbi Feld for that matter, the whole community can rest at ease, now if he grows up like those who have posted really bad comments on here, then I have failed as a mother. My heart goes out to your mothers they should be sadden by your GM, and alike remarks. So sad yet so true, all that money, time, and health out the window for a complete fool. sad but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well done, Rachel. Your parents have so much to be proud of! [MKS]
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol HaKavod, Rachel...
your beautiful article illustrates perfectly why we, the founding families and members of the extended Rambam family can be proud of all of our efforts over the years. Despite the difficulties and challenges of the last years, we helped to facilitate the education of so many wonderful Jewish children.
Karen Katz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not only do the previous children of Rambam's parents who made aliyah serve, but also those students who just go for the purpose of serving our Land of Israel, and may Hashem keep them safe and to safe return into their loved ones' arms; ie Tzvi Rotenberg; some of the people you have listed I went to school with too. Thank you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We enjoyed our falafels! Thanks, Tov Pizza!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article. As a Yeshivat Rambam student (and a proud member of the Rambam family), I can honestly say that I fully agree with everything expressed . Furthermore, I am truly grateful to everyone at Yeshivat Rambam for the efforts that they exerted in making last night (at the Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut commemoration/celebration) a truly wonderful experience. However, perhaps more importantly, I want to thank them for making my years at Yeshivat Rambam both meaningful and fruitful in both Limudei Kodesh - my spiritual growth - and Limudei Chol - general studies.
Thank you Hashem for giving me the opportunity to go to this wonderful school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Rachel,
Thank you so much for writing and dedicating an article in everlasting memory to the school I myself hold so dear, from previous Dr. Shloush to Rabbi Feld. Being an unfortunate person who never got to experience Rambam as a student, and yet so fortunate for having my son in this school. Sadly he will never experience, what you have through your middle and high school years, well not at Rambam. Thank you again for such a beautiful article, Am Yisrael Chai!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not a nice title!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To whoever said: "Wake up and smell the coffee in the form of Rambam's closure! This is the POST Zionist era." It's not like Zionist schools are closing all over the country. Just because Yeshivat Rambam in particular didn't work out for FINANCIAL reasons, doesn't mean an extremely valid part of Judiasm doesn't exist anymore. If you don't believe in Zionism, then don't believe in Zionism. But quite honestly, what did your comment do to add to the conversation other than state your obvious lack of belief in Zionism?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article and well articulated journalization of your school years! We are so very proud of you! Lynn&Carl Gold
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Incredible article from an amazing and talented niece. May you always be humbled and proud of your heritage and legacy. Mazel tov for your acheivmentsDistance From City Distance To City Distance (km)
Jacksonville Miami 526.69
Tampa Saint Petersburg 29.28
Hialeah Orlando 317.33
Fort Lauderdale Tallahassee 627.9
Hollywood Pembroke Pines 7.49
Coral Springs Gainesville 426.56
Port Saint Lucie Clearwater 252.62
Cape Coral Lakeland 164.18
Brandon Pompano Beach 285.46
Miami Beach Sunrise 38.21
Plantation Kendall 50.55
Davie West Palm Beach 74.72
Deltona Boca Raton 305.61
Palm Bay Melbourne 5.79
Miramar Town 'n' Country 323.38
Largo The Hammocks 340.56
Tamiami Spring Hill 371.38
Weston Boynton Beach 57.76
Deerfield Beach Fountainbleau 65.52
Delray Beach Daytona Beach 319.65
Palm Harbor Kissimmee 135.02
Carol City Kendale Lakes 30.48
Lauderhill Tamarac 8.84
North Miami Pensacola 853.36
Margate Bradenton 273.18
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As a fellow classmate of Rachel's, I am so impressed that she was able to take the general feeling which we all experienced last night and worded it so beautifully. Rachel: thank you for explaining to the rest of the Baltimore community how incredible our school is. -Eliana Shields
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the comment about Rabbi Hauer was mine
Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I was thinking about one of my favorite books, Man's Search for Meaning, and the way he evokes the Latin phrase to console his exhausted comerades, "What you've experienced, no power on earth can take from you."
It is 1 am on motzei Yom Haatzmaut and after 13 years of unforgettable Rambam community celebrations, I am finally able to write from my home for the year in Beit Shemesh. Yesterday, I joined thousands of people in Jerusalem at the military cemetary to pay respects, hear the siren, listen to stories, and hear the Prime Minister's adress. Last night, streets were shut down for the celebrations. There was dancing, daglanut, fireworks, and barbeques lit up all over the country. Not to sound haughty, but I appreciated this independance day more than many of my American friends. My entire life Rambam has prepared me for this celebration. I knew the blue and white outfit I wanted to take out weeks in advance, I expected the decorations, I looked forward to the flag dancing, I knew the words to the Israeli folk songs the Native Israelis were singing.
I was amazed; thousands of miles away from where I celebrated Israeli memorial and independance day for so many years, everything was so familiar to me. I stopped for the siren and Hatikvah, I did those dances, I sang those songs. And I got to transfer everything that I learned from a school so passionate for Religious Zionism and the amazing sense of community and excitement that are so potent now around the spring holidays.
My years in Rambam were not all fun and games. It got raw. It would be an understatement to say that the class of 2010 struggled through the last few years. But my unique experience really instilled me with the passion and appreciation for what the school stood for. Part of me even regretted missing the last assembly, even though I'm at the place it's supposed to be celebrated in. At the end of the day, I've come out with the proper understanding of what's important, and the ability to look towards something so much bigger.
Getting to the point: Rachel, I wanted to express how much I appreciate you've written. It's difficult for me to watch my former classmates rough such a difficult time for the Rambam community, especially at a time of year that reminds me of all that we stood for as an institution. We all went through something so hard together, but the memories and experiences you've gained will only take you further. I know it sounds cliche, but it does go so uphill from here.
Madeline List
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To Rambam light and GM commenter-Rambam's closing has been so difficult on all of the children who have to find another school to go to and the talented teachers who are without jobs. Kol HaKavod for the community members who are stepping up to try and form this new school for the children. It isn't about zionists, black hats, or striemels, it's about Jews. How incredibly disrespectful and hurtful. What a hilel Hashem.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article, Rachel. You and your classmates should all feel very fortunate to have had the privilege of your education and chevrah at Rambam. Our community is so proud of all of you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Since I started this whole thread, I would publicly like to acknowledge and thank Rabbi Hauer and "many concerned members of the community" who have contributed to a fund, to help ensure that the YR teachers get paid through the summer. If anyone else is interested in helping, please contact Rabbi Hauer.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Tov Pizza for making this happen. It was a real treat to take my family out to eat and enjoy the delicious food.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a wonderful article. Rachel you are a fantastic writer. You mom, dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles should be very proud of you. Nannette Flax
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are a family, and we're a tree, our roots go deep down in history.......We're a green and growing Rambam tree!!! Our Rambam kids will make us proud wherever they go!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful ceremony! We will miss this so much. Unless you were there, you have no idea what you are losing when Rambam closes. It was full of Yiddushkeit and love of Israel which is unique to Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Incredibly good article!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am proud to call you my sister! Thank you for expressing how we all feel in such a beautiful and composed way. We will get through this together :)
Love, Stephanie Gold
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is also dishonest for a newspaper to edit images and print them as if they were real. I agree with your point about publishing a husband's photo when a woman dies, etc. That is absurd. However editing a picture and presenting it as real is fraud and journalistic misconduct. My yiddish is very weak so I can't understand the caption. Does it at least say that the photo is edited???
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
In principal how right you are. Naive yes. Let's hope the new school can have such parents. Don't kid yourself. For every grade your child is in any school here, be lucky if the top 10 % practice what you preach even if they desire it. Parents as their children get older change. You sound like an elementary school parent. I hope the new school maintains their hopes and dreams as their kids get into middle and high school whether at a growing new growing post Rambam or another school. Good luck.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
You and Molly Sharfman have much in common. You represent what Rambam stood for so well. Through good and bad, you both are mature beyond your years and are able to speak and write publicly so positively under difficult circumstances. You are true role models to be joined by I am sure others from other schools. Keep your memories intact. They will take you far.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Your parents should be proud (and I know they are :) )
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It doesn't appear that the new school will get any less sarchasm or negative arrows pointed at it, then Rambam had. The good part is it will embolden you to succeed for the parents and the missions sake. The bad part is you always know there are those out there who will do what they can to prevent border line parents from attending. You are going to need those borderline parents as you move ahead. Kol Hakavod.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol Hakavod what a lovely article! You are very fortunate to have had such amazing educators. I don't know if I will ever see that much talent under one roof again.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"Rambam light" - Judaic bankruptcy? What is that supposed to mean? The families trying to pull together an education that meets their children's needs aren't in financial debt to any of Rambams creditors. Parents don't sign any legal contract taking on financial responsibilities of the schools they send their children to.
I don't get comments that make it seem like this is an attempt for anyone to get away with cheating anyone out of money. The financial situation that Rambam is in has nothing to do with any endeavors to build something new.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the last post: While I am sure it is a very nice yeshiva, Ohr Yaackov, would not be a fit for someone with a modern orthodox, religious zionist hashkafa.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why not connect up with New Baltimore Yeshiva - Ohr Yaakov ?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the un-informed writer who states "NONE of the long established yeshivas in this town is making real efforts to cut back on the fat in their budgets. Don�t get me wrong the fat is thought to be in the best interest of education, but given the choice most of the Parents in this town struggling to make ends meet would gratefully acquiesce to streamlining the schools back to no frills than having to face more tuition hikes. There is hardly a yeshiva in this town that would be able to stand up to the full scrutiny of an audit by the average middle income Parents paying tuition in this community. " Let me INFORM YOU. I have worked in another school is this community. About 4 years ago we started cutting down on supplies and on other items that YOU might feel are un-necessary, yet are extremely helpful in teaching YOUR children. Why don't you give the schools a call and ask them for their financial reports? Then you can share an informed opinion. Not one that is foolish and baseless.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its in Israel.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are new to the community and sincerely hope that this endeavor succeeds. We wish you all the very best and will try to contribute in whatever way we can. I am, however, dismayed at the level of discourse represented by the "Reader Comments" section over all. Particularly to the individual who made the GM comment. Shame on you. That sort of sarcasm is essentially destructive and unhelpful. And, "Rambam light" author, is it really "Judaic bankruptcy" to offer your time and energy to building a school that reflects your Jewish values? I challenge you to make your point in a more coherent and persuasive fashion.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow. This is a beautiful article. As a community member who attended another school yet supported Rambam through this difficult period, I am appreciative that you were able to express these feelings to us. I am grateful that there are those who can relate to this situation in a positive light. Saddened, yet hopeful. You brought tears to my eyes.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
While I agree with the focus of Rabbi Obersteinâs editorial in that the â⦠normative middle ground is being eroded.â I take issue with his view that the growing lack of normative middle ground is the result of Chassidim imposing âthis on the rest of usâ.
I come from a very Chassidishe background and have many Chassidishe and Rebbeshe cousins. My family like many post WWII families went Litvish. The Frum schools in America were predominately Litvish and my Parents chose to have us educated in Litvishe institutions.
Rabbi Oberstein does not quite grasp the Chassidishe world if he feels they seek to impose their derech on the Litvaks. Chassidim live in their own world, build their own communities and while they may sigh for us Litvishe folk, who they genuinely feel lack the benefits of what they view as their less complicated society, they couldnât care less what Chumras we choose to we do so long as we do not impose our Litvishe shtoos on them.
While the Chassidishe may seem machmir because of their levush and minhagim (Gebrokts, Shchitah, etc.), ironically, in many areas of practical day-to-day halacha Chassidim have not moved in the direction of todayâs generation of the âChumrah of the monthâ litvishe yeshivish and this is certainly true in Eretz Yisroel where the Litvishe reign supreme the world of Machmir Chareidim.
Since the Eighties as more yungelite have chosen to spend time learning in EâY and our communication with EâY has become easier and faster, the trend has been to follow EâY. This is not necessarily the proper thing to do.
It is unfortunate that rather than following the old and proper Mesorah of speaking to the qualified Poskim and Zekainim of the locality (in America we still have great Poskim who know when to discuss matter further with the next tier of the Torah hierarchy), many of todayâs generation opt to rush into whatever has become the âfashionâ in the world of Machmir Shitos in EâY. This is more of a Litvishe machlah than a Chassidishe one. One has no further to look than Baltimore to see this. We are a predominately Litvish community, the real Chassidishe presence is tiny in size, yet Baltimore is becoming a town know for its increasing Machmirkite. As one Alte Yeshivishe person recently said to me, Baltimore is becoming âfar chnyockedâ.
In light of the apathy that our Yeshivishe community has recently shown in its abandonment of Yeshivat Rambam I think we have much more to worry about than the Chassidim.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Last night's event was beautiful. As one of your classmates, I agree with everything you said in this article. When I was an elementary school student at Rambam, I remember seeing the faces of the senior class each year as they walked on stage to light a candle in honor of continuing their education in Israel whether it be going to the army, seminary, yeshiva or college there. Last night, I was able to be one of those proud seniors on stage. I was happy to see the whole community gathered together to celebrate our future as well as the future of other families joining us in Israel. ~Mari Mordfin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what is 'tziyonut al pi halacha'?
Please explain?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks for being a role model for all of us Rach. You've really said what we're all feeling now. Thanks for putting it out there. -Liora
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
excuse my saying so, but the last post is a lot of mussar to say without signing your name.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish you Hatzlacha Raba. Or Chadash al Tzion Tair. May it be a light unto Zion....
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Now that's the spirit! Very nice of Tov Pizza to celebrate Israel's 63rd Anniversary in this way!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
With all due respect to Rabbi Oberstein I passionately disagree. As an orthodox young woman that is not an extremest in any way, I believe in women advancing in their careers and education and having just as much potential in life as men. At the same time, women play a very distinct and important role in Judaism and we need not confuse it with society's perspective. When I read about the paper's policy I take absolutely no offense, if anything I am empowered by the prospect of our influence as a gender. Admittedly, altering the photo in this case was a mistake however I am speaking about the larger issue at hand. There is a strong misconception that this is an issue of sexuality, however, it's an issue of modesty and respect. As god fearing women we are the pillars of our communities but that doesn't mean our faces should be the ones plastered on the front page of our publications. We are a religion of boundaries, which is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. We understand when it's okay to take a step back. How is an Orthodox newspaper supposed to differentiate between Hillary Clinton and a wig ad that looks like it was pulled from the pages of Vogue? Who holds the measuring stick of what should be deemed immodest? I feel we are at a point in time when Orthodox judaism is straddling a fence between what's appropriate and i give kudos to these publications for having the guts to take a stand. Whether this publication is for you or not, I think we need to acknowledge and respect it's goal here. To elevate women, not disparage them, to a level far more important than a picture in a newspaper.
-S. Friedman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article, thank you so much for sharing your feelings with the community, I am sure it reflects the emotions of many of your fellow Rambam students. - Donna Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow!! Amazing! Kol Hakavod to them and their families. It should also be noted that so many of these brave men are from Yeshivat Rambam! So many families from Rambam made Aliyah, and so many of their kids served in the IDF.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rachel!! Beautiful article!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I do agree with you. However I think that you made one mistake. Unlike Hamodia and Binah which are run by Chasiddim (Ger), Mishpacha is not, and does publish pictures of women. The phenomena is mostly limited to Chasiddish publications, as is the newspaper that is featured in this story.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rabbi Oberstein, you have an excellent point but I think the answer to why this has been imposed on us is fear and finances. Litvishe media is afraid to go against the tide of the Chasidishe influence on our community because they want to sell papers. Their readership, which includes the thugs who print public condemnation statements and those who follow them, will not print things that their readership might be offended by.
One point with this media blitz that's been overlooked is how the media found out about this. You may see this issue as an important one to discuss, but if your brother was the one who negligently altered the photo, which he shouldn't have, would you rush to tell the world about it? Would you jump on the bandwagon of people in the midst of beating his paper to the ground and deliver a few kicks, maybe pulling his Payos and knocking off his Yarmulka? Chas V'Shalom. I'm not so religious to point out the Lashon Hara issues here, but simply the fact that this is your brother who's in pain. Maybe you won't defend his action because you disagree with them but why is everyone rushing to join the mob of critics?
When we use the words "Avinu Malkeinu" and "Elokeinu" we are including every Jew in our family, whether that Jew wears no Yamulka or a purple Yarmulka, a fancy Sheitel or no Sheitel, whether we're proud of what that Jew does or whether that Jew makes a stupid mistake. They're all family and it's unfortunate that this is so easily forgotten. In Der Tzitung's rush to publish an iconic photo, their fellow Yidden rushed to publish a public insult to their own brethren.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Love the picture! Please add Sam Friedman. Also, Beth Tfiloh runs a Yom Hazikaron ceremony each year which mentions their alumni who served -- I'm sure they'd be happy to share it with you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We live in an era where Jews do not tolerate other Jews who don't think, act, or talk the same way we do. There are TA families that put down TI families, TI families that put down TA families, Rambam families who put down TA families, BY families that put down Rambam families and their respective Hashkafot and so on and so on. Baltimore is not the exception to this and if you think that moving out to another city will help you, you'll be in for a big surprise. Remember, whenever you point a finger at someone there are always three fingers pointing back at youselves. I have heard the most insulting comments made about people who study Torah all day, have large families, have small families, have pets, read newspapers, watch TV, send their kids to Rambam, TA, Bnos, BY, eat only Cholov Yisroel, go to Pesach hotels, are democrats etc. We are perhaps the most intolerant people and our own worst enemies. Let's work on promoting tolerance and not build a new school based on animosity but rather one based on appreciating all Jews, no matter how they dress, think, or act.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As if this is the strangest thing the hassidic community does...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It's time to put the cheerleader pom poms down and get to work dealing with the issues. The Baltimore community has been hung up on praising itself far too long. The proper derech of a yid is to be introspective, to be mifashfesh bâmaasav. This town has been way too preoccupied with its worn out stellar reputation. Itâs time to be mekabel mussar.
Baltimore has grown in size, but it has not matured in attitude.
Our schools and organizations are run along the lines of âitâs nice to..â rather than fiscal responsibility or any other less trendy priority dictated by Chazal. NONE of the long established yeshivas in this town is making real efforts to cut back on the fat in their budgets.
Donât get me wrong the fat is thought to be in the best interest of education, but given the choice most of the Parents in this town struggling to make ends meet would gratefully acquiesce to streamlining the schools back to no frills than having to face more tuition hikes. There is hardly a yeshiva in this town that would be able to stand up to the full scrutiny of an audit by the average middle income Parents paying tuition in this community.
The larger institutions are able to get away with their spending habits among their other issues because of their size and the power wielded by that size. The Parents of the institutions in this town meekly nod their heads every year when new costs emerge and tuition rises. They hope that if they keep their mouths shut, they will be able to keep the breaks they already receive. The few full tuition parents grumble as they are told that they are being given the opportunity to give Tzedakah. Many average income families can barely break even with 2 children in the system on one income. Full time Motherhood has become a scare concept in this town even for Mothers of smaller families. They are sent out to work to pitch in to pay tuition as soon as the second child hits school-age. If the full paying Parents complain too loud, they are advised to apply for a tuition break themselves, and be quiet.
With such a backdrop Rambam as a smaller school and under the scrutiny of being an "other" could not have possibly survived this storm. Our community is very selective in who it permits to be criticized and who it is willing to support.
It is no wonder that people on the net are quibbling about monetary "reality-checks" and pointing fingers while the fate of a group of our community's children hangs in the balance.
Yes some non-Rambam Parents, like us opened our pockets and answered the limited calls for help from the few Rabbonim who had the conviction to say something OUT LOUD. But let's be real there was no real UNIFIED communal outpour of sympathy, compassion or support for this segment of our community. There was no unified call from the leadership of this town to come out in support of our fellow Parents and Teachers and their families.
As a community, if we can still use that term in this place, we have what to answer for. We will have to say Al Cheit for this tremendous Chillul Hashem.
Does it not frighten any of you that in the weeks of Sefirah as we approach the time of Zâman Maatan Torah, a time of Naaseh V'Nishmah this town is behaving like a kindergarten gone hefker?
The only possible good thing that can come from all of this would be if Baltimore, it's people, it's lay leadership and yes it's Rabbonim took this tragedy as an opportunity for mussar and some serious introspection.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you so much for posting this list and honoring these men in this way, Donna Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
GM commenter - what system are they trying to beat? These are parents who are trying to provide an education to their children. Not multimillionaire CEOs trying to pass the expense of their screw ups on to the consumers.
And why should Mrs. Taragin take down her post? The sentiment is still valid.
I don't get the point of people taking the time to post their negative thoughts. I guess whatever school YOU went to didn't teach you the middos to say nothing if all you have to say is something negative. If you can't wish them well, why not just keep quiet?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mia Lazarus
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Daniel and Yossi Taylor
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Reads like "Rambam light" Major point is missing- coed or not coed? Will YR staff have a priority for new jobs at this new school? Sort of Judaic bankruptcy. YR closes on Friday and OCA opens on Monday! To whom does YR owe its debt to? If it's to community members I sense a din torah/court fight brewing.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Move to Eretz Yisrael, It will solve all the problems even economy. I have been here for 25 years and still going despite of everything else. Parents want to move out of Baltimore,it is my understanding- it will be the same thing anywhere in America. Best to move to Israel, everyone will respect you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wake up and smell the coffee in the form of Rambam's closure!
This is the POST Zionist era.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
For a man who professes a liberal, pluralistic worldview, I am appalled by Rabbi Oberstein's attitude towards practices which he fails to understand or appreciate.
Rabbi Oberstien states, 'Let the Chassidim do whatever they want, but why in the world are they the norm and able to impose this on the rest of us?'
Please explain: which chassiddim are imposing anything on anyone? Did some Satmars come and threaten the local Litvish paper with sanctions for printing women? If charedi media decides not to publish such pictures, it is their right to do so, and your right as a consumer not to patronize them if it disturbs you. They apparently feel it is worthwhile to not publish such pictures, whether it is for religious reasons (ie they or their Rabbinic authorities pasken this way) or financial reasons (ie people won't buy their publication if they show women). Either way, it is a legitimate decision taken by private individuals or companies in light of their own interests.
Furthermore, R Oberstein calls this a 'misogenous practice'. As there is no word 'misogenous', one has to assume he means 'misogynous', which connotes hatred of women. It is grossly unfair of R Oberstein to determine that this custom is an expression of women-hatred, just because it is not his hashkafa.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I find it wonderful that you list these fantastic boys and girls. However, there are may more Baltimore youth and young adults who serve in the IDF. In my home alone there are 2 more chayalim and in our neighborhood, I know of 2 additional chayalim originally from Baltimore. All of these heroes desereve the credit. They make us very proud. Dena Zalcman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Bravo! What a courageous editorial. Would that more people would agree. There is a time and place for tznius, and airbrushing our Secretary of State from an iconic, historically significant photograph is not one of them. What will these newspapers do when, one day, a woman is elected president of the United States? Spotlight her male vice-president or press secretary for the next four years? We need more sensible voices out there. Thanks for contributing one here.
From a woman on the sidelines.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Menachem Baer Rosenbloom
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is what happens when you treat a yeshiva like a law firm or high-tech company instead of as a YESHIVA, home to hundreds of students and families.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why aren't Rabbis and Community leaders in outrage about this? If this was BY, TA or TI, how would the response be different?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Who is on the board?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
you are not to show tag numbers and letters in the photo's.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why was the building and property - the most valuable asset Rambam had - given away if it was not going to save the school or help pay teachers??? Just the land itself could have been sold to a developer for millions of dollars, that could have paid for a small Rambam building on the corner of the property. Who gave away this valuable asset, and why? And to whose benefit? These are questions that demand answers. Not in private board rooms, but in public.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
can someone explain to me what debt Rambam has exactly?? Didn't we sell our building, pay off the mortgage and other debts? What is still out there and who is it owed to? Has anyone from our school answered this question yet????!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
can someone explain to me what debt Rambam has exactly?? Didn't we sell our building, pay off the mortgage and other debts? What is still out there and who is it owed to? Has anyone from our school answered this question yet????!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
MKS stands corrected: Thank you for supporting schools in need.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They aren't trying to beat the system. The are simply trying to provide an education for the children who want this type of education. If not now, when?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What's the difference if we're "modern orthodox" or "charedi" or "black hat"? Who cares if we keep kosher or glatt kosher? Who cares if we keep cholov Yisrael or cholov stam? The fact is that children who were learning Torah now will not. Teachers and rebbeim who had jobs, now will not. Many of these kids WILL be in public schools next year. Is that how we care for Klal Yisrael?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Looks like a fun place to take the kids. How far away is this place from Pikesville?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well, if the community gives support everything should run nice and smoothly
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Good Luck and I hope all works out for our community!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm sure that many individuals in the community were generous in trying to save Rambam, and they should all be truly proud of themselves for acting as the Torah says one should. But I think that the point being made by many is that the orthodox community of Baltimore, as a whole, did not rally behind Rambam as it would have, and has done, for other institutions. It almost seems that, Chas v'Shalom, there are those who thought to themselves "Well, it's really too bad, but they really shouldn't be around anyway"
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
B'hatzlachah. You are filling a true need.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Um. Is it just me or is this the same old Rambam but with a new name? It's kind of like when GM went bankrupt and started out 6 months later as a new entity but with none of the debt. If that's the case, if it's good for GM, then.... Congrats. You beat the system. Way to go. At least Ms. Taragin, take down the heartfelt article you just posted 6 hours ago before you take this job.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that there is one thing that has not been mentioned here. THere are many of us who pay full tuition in other schools who did reach out when asked. We don't have much to give but we gave what we can. Yet, people are saying the community didn't stand up for Rambam when I know many people who have children in other schools who contributed. Please keep in mind that there are many out there who do care, even if our children are not in your school. We understand that without Rambam, there will be a lacking in our community. Yet, we can only do so much. Please don't make us regret that we cared.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Sounds like the good ole' days when Rambam was starting pre-1991. Kol HaKavod!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
×צ××× ×¨×× on your efforts. I hope you can be successful with the K-6 kids. Now we need something for the kids in grades 7-12. I understand, and agree that you can only do what you can do, but nonetheless...
Just please, do this right.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol Hakavod and Hatzlacha. This community desperately needs this new school to succeed.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful and inspriational is our memory of Rabbi Anemer, shared with us by Rebetzen Anemer and family that will forever continue to live on in our lives. Chuck, Ahuva, Shmuel and Alix Engel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I did not send my children to Yeshivat Rambam. But, when I heard of the financial situation recently I sent in a generous donation. I am sure I am not alone. It hurts me whenever I here people saying that the community did not help.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am a little offended at the last post made. Just because our children attend YR doesn't mean that we are not shomer Shabbat/mitzvot. You should not also automatically assume that everyone who sends there children to YR are modern orthodox. There are many misconceptions regarding the school and the familes who send their children there. The only appropriate label is that the familes involved are Jews that need help.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well unlike the current situation, there will be no large amount of debt and an overly ambitious, unrealistic leadership.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
people think this will work out more than rambam because it's a totally fresh start with a number of new individuals and pledges for better communication, not to mention the absence of the crippling debt that essentially devastated Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Transparency is key. THANK YOU!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Good luck. Timing is very interesting.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think Tova's point is simple and it is this:
Baltimore is a fairly unified community when it comes to certain institutions. Unlike many other communities, the Baltimore orthodox community lives in a shared physical area (with the exception of Ner Israel) and there is a SINGLE va'ad hakashrut, a single mikveh, and in the days of Rabbi Preis, there was a single va'ad harabonim. This is indeed unusual.
But of course there always has been different schools to meet the varying educational, religious and social needs of the children and adolescents in the community. Yet, they all belong to the Association of Jewish Day Schools of Greater Baltimore.
The point is that we are all one community. So, when Bais Yaakov or TA or TI has had financial issues in the past and the entire Baltimore community was called on to help, I don't quite remember people saying "this isn't my school" or "they were mismanaged" or "I have other places to give tzedakah to."
Correct - Rambam was not everyone's school. And mistakes were indeed made. But that is not the point. The point is to (1) move forward from here to find students appropriate places to learn Torah and academics, (2) pay the teachers what they are owed, and (3) pay off any debt that the school owes if at all possible.
If we are a Jewish community of menchen/bnei adam, then it is our collective obligation to give what each of us can.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why do ppl think that this will work out more than rambam?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"""reaching out to local Rabbinic leadership and have received their support. Additionally, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsh Weinreb has agreed to chair the Rabbinic Advisory Committee""" The best news yet!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i cant believe its closing
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that it is really important for a non interested party to conduct a thorough investigation to discover why Rambam crashed and burned the way it did. Its important so that we can learn from the mistakes that were made, and do not replicate them. When we do this investigation, nobody or no topic should be "untouchable", faculty, administrators, parents, ability or inability to work with the rest of the community, board members, and even students. This is from the founding of the school until the closing. Maybe the Avi-Chai Foundation can fund it, to show other schools, what to do and what not do to.
Moreover, this really reflects badly on the Baltimore community itself, that such a thing could take place in the disorderly fashion that it did. One wonders that if there was a unifying figure that this could have been prevented. Perhaps R' Herman Neuberger would have been able to help with matters, perhaps not.
It wasn't that long ago that BY and TA had many students in their schools that were not shomer shabbos. I don't think that Rambam kids are any worse than that.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
300 kids no school !!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I know of famalies that will be sending their childern to public school next year. No matter your hashkafic background, we can't let that happen to the childern.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The past posters are correct. However their reasoning is too simplistic and avoids the bigger points. The community Rabbis were NEVER going to accept no less help a coeducational Orthodox School and likely neither were you. As Rambam's financial problems came to light, Rambam had shifted to a separated model. Don't believe for a minute the "community" you are referring to prior to Rambams changeover, would have helped in any fashion. Coeducation on Orthodox Baltimore is never going to be supported. I am not stating my preference but please don't miss this important point in your analysis.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To whoever said "So tell me- how does a school of 300 children go out of business? It seems to me that the Board threw in the towel, lacked "seatah dishmayah" to persevere and just walked away from these children and families." The president and vast majority of the Yeshivat Rambam board has children in the school. Do you think that the president wished that the school would close on his four kids? They did what they felt they needed to do. Don't blame them. They tried.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks so much. He was like a father to us and our family. I'm very honored that our daughter Atara was able to attend the unveiling with her classmates. Larry & Aviva Rosen.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Throwing blame around isn't solving anything. There are hundreds of teachers who now find themselves jobless. Teachers with mortgages. Teachers with tuition. Teachers with bills and taxes and children.
The blame needs to stop. These teachers NEED to get paid. Its not even a question. Why are people having trouble understanding this? This isn't okay. I'm not trying to appoint blame to the community at large. I'm blaming whoever decided it was okay for the hundred+ teachers not getting paid. Write to SOMETHING.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why am I not surprised. The "Meathead in Chief", like all of his other decisions just can't quite be anything more than George Soros' stooge and puppet to do his bidding. This poor dummy hasn't the first idea that he's being used the way he is.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Tonight is one last opportunity for people to come out in support of what YR stands for at the annual Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut event. It will be a chance for those even without children in the school to show that we relate to the values of the school, including caring about Eretz Yisrael--its soldiers, its people, and its future.
Of course, a huge turnout will not have an effect on the disposition of the school. But it will at least show that there are people locally who care about having chinuch options, not to mention a symbol of achdus with those who are disillusioned. So, even if one was not planning to attend previously for whatever reason, should make every effort to show up.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Ms. Taragin's message is poignant. The real sorrow is that contemporary Torah schools exclude so many who seek to learn and practice their Torah. Sorrow for the displaced, sorrow for us and sorrow for the Ribono Shel Olam. What is upsetting here is not the hightened level of piety the community has attained, the new and broader scope of what is now forbidden. What is upsetting and even disturbing, is what the contemporary Torah community will permit. It is not our piety that will destroy us, but rather, our character. We must all shed a tear for the closing of this precious Torah instituion. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Baltimore community - get involved and support this school. When you find the vacuum between BT or TA/BY not successfully meeting your children's hashkafic needs, and you look around and you thought Rambam was always your option, it is no more. Support this new school better then you did Rambam. Don't wait wait wait until you say ouch what did I do to my child.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is not an embarrassment to the "community". It is an embarrassment for the administrators of the school's financial situation as they saw everything going downhill. They did not have the foresight years ago to foster a serious culture of gevirim (Orthodox and Orthodox-friendly philanthropists) to support the school. Look at any day-school in America. As a general, rough estimate, it is usually sustained at most by 30 to 40% in tuition, another varying sum coming from Federation or Federation-like foundation funding, and then by serious pro-active fundraising, i.e. the gevirim, including wealthy and well-off parents and grandparents of attending students. How could there have been such an epic fail in this area. The modern orthodox are the professionals, right?!
If a new school is born out of the ashes of YRambam, its founding parents and administration better figure this out and quickly.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
" the community tried very hard but failed. Not for lack of effort"
Agreed! How much more should we have given before it would have been said "dayehnu"? What of those hundreds (thousands?) of people and organizations that gave until they couldn't give anymore? What of the Rebbeim who stood in front of their kehillah and spoke of the great attributes of YR and need to support it? Do they not count as part of the "Baltimore community"? An analogy was given last year at a YR meeting to a sinking ship and trying to plug the holes: in this same analogy, one has to be savvy enough to know when to abandon ship and find a life raft rather than let everyone drown. The effort of YR to reach out to the community and engage the main orthodox community was too little too late. How can the community be blamed for letting this school fail, when it had one year to turn around 20 years of mismanagement and debt? The crucial issue right now is what will be with the kids from YR - how will they be absorbed into the rest of the community. It would be wonderful to see the community come together and have a meeting with all of the orthodox schools to develop a plan of action with how to meet and accomodate the number of and needs for these children.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
In the comments here and to other articles - a constant theme is blaming the community at large and talking about how its a shame on Baltimore and a shame on the community to allow this school to close.
Its time for Rambam families (and we were one for some time)and others - to realize that this in not a shame on the "community" - it is a shame on the leadership and parents of this school.
A school that overspends without fiscal responsibility for years is what caused the demise of this school. What caused Rambam closing was a close minded leadership that thought they knew better than everyone else in the larger Baltimore community, but, then ultimately had to go hat in hand to that community that they disregarded for 20 years. Perhaps, if the more recent leadership was the leadership for the past 20 years this school would not have reached this points.
Stop blaming the community and look at yourselves.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let's be real folks. Some of the Rabbanim in this city have steeped up to the plate but there are many others who have done nothing. I can't help but think if TI, TA, etc where in this type of situation the response would be very different. I don't think that anyone at the school is blaming the community for the financial situation the school found itself in. But, if you can honestly tell me you believe there was a community effort to save the school you need to pull your head out of the sand.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"one vehicle speeding southbound decided to run the red light". So the vehicle made this decision? Pretty cool that a car can make decisions nowadays. I hope the vehicle had insurance to cover the damage caused by it's bad decision.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope Mr. Shields does not catch the wrath of the community in his role as "president," considering he has only been "president" since May 2, when the previous president resigned.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mrs. Taragin - I agree with your statement that "It is too bad that the community cannot lift their heads in pride saying, we helped save a Baltimore makom Torah". However the implication is that the community did not try. I disagree with this implication. Many of not all of the resources in this community who were able to help, did so valiantly. I don't think that the community is to blame. Yes it would be nice to say that the community saved Rambam, unfortunately, the community tried very hard but failed. Not for lack of effort. The Rabbanim, askonim, and gvirim in this community put lots of personal time and financial resources into saving Rambam. I think some people who are blaming the community, need to take a look in the mirror.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
plate #s are public information
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I feel as though my heart has been ripped out. My son has some learning differences and this was the ONLY school that would give him the opportunity at a Torah education. My son was depressed and languishing at another school. The faculty and teachers worked with him and now he is happy and flourishing academically and socially. We were so thrilled with the YR when our other children became school age we enrolled them there as well. My husband and I are not modern orthodox we are not zionists we are just Jews who want a quality Jewish education for our children. I don't think the Baltimore community at large has any idea what they have lost. We too are working diligently to move out of the community as soon as possible. There is nothing here for us anymore.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are not YR family, but it is still a sad event. Jobs are lost, children displaced, community school choices are reduced, and families are in flux. So tell me- how does a school of 300 children go out of business? It seems to me that the Board threw in the towel, lacked "seatah dishmayah" to persevere and just walked away from these children and families. It is NOT the general communities problem if the YR community does not step up and make an effort to persevere.
Frankly, I never heard a clear and understandable explanation of just how much YR is short each year and what is their total debt! Yes, the larger community bailed out TA years ago, but they came clean, made adjustments, and had 600 children and a campus.
In the end it is a sad day for Baltimore.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
My husband and I are deeply grateful for the love and caring that the administration and faculty has shown to our family over the past two years. You are a wonderful group of people and some of the most dedicated and passionate teachers I have ever met. With a sad heart we say goodbye. May Hashem bless all of us with only revealed good in the future. Thank you so much for everything! Mordechai and Leah Samuels
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"As "terrible" as it may be for Rambam parents to have to consider other schools, there still are other schools available, so the community doesn't exactly relate to it as "there's hundreds of children with absolutely no place to learn Torah"...
I am sorry to tell you number 5 poster, that there are currently 28 high school students without a school to go to next year because many of them were turned away from the local institutions. There also are many students from the Elementary School who have been told in the last few weeks/months by local institutions that there is no place for them in those institutions. It may be a space issue, it may be a Hashkafic issue, I have no idea, but to say that all the children from Rambam can go to other institutions is false, as the institutions cannot accommodate all of our kids.
I hope and pray that the new school will open and be successful so that all the children in Baltimore who want/need a school to go to will have one!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I have read these comments and shame on the people who don't realize that there are children involved in this. It says in the Torah that it takes a community to help RAISE CHILDREN. So NU where was/is our community THEN/NOW. This doesn't just mean children with disabilities, it means ALL children. Wake up and smell the coffee, there are over 100 children that don't have a place to go. From age 2-16. On top of that after May 15th these children may be at home because there wasn't the money to pay the teachers. It is not only our job to raise these children it is our RESPONSIBLITY. PS. By the way my husband and I have gone to 4 Rabbeim in the community about what we should do with our children and all 4 have shrugged their shoulders and thrown up their hands. What does that say.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The whole school is closing down? i thought it was just the high school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The new school is not a rumor. Concerned parents, educators and community leaders got together one week ago when rumors started flying about Yeshivat Rambam and began planning a new school. It is amazing how much planning has already been done and how many students are interested in attending. For more information, and to get involved, please go to or e-mail The website will be updated with new information as it becomes available.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Everyone talks about the community not supporting Rambam financially, but no one brought up the fact that their enrollment has declined. I read in an article that it has declined by 50%. That also has played into this.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that the community needs to get off of it's high horse and think of what they can do to help someone in need. We know that it's hard for you to financially support the school, but its coming to a point that the other schools in the community aren't accepting the Rambam children that don't have anywhere to go. For those who said and still continue to say that there's no need for Rambam, or you don't want to support're lucky that you're kids are settled in their respective schools. You're lucky that they're so easily absorbed and accepted. Please do the same for ours.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We moved here 11 years ago because Baltimore was a place in which families lived in modest homes and drove modest cars. The shul buildings were modest but adequate for the needs of the shuls, new buildings that went up for shuls were simple but sufficient - but the schools had buildings and support. Fast forward 11 years - bigger and newer houses are being built and young families can't afford to buy homes. Cars are getting fancier and fancier. Shuls - even those with sufficient space - are building additions - and the new shuls that are being built are bigger and fancier. Every time we turn around our Jewish Federation is building another building. And the schools - when was the last time you heard of a frum school in this city that was economically stable? Almost 2 years ago, the story was about shuls making announcements to help BY teachers get paid over the summer... Parents from Yeshivat Rambam who are calling other schools in desperation are being told that there is simply no room for their children. That their boards need to meet to discuss the "Rambam children." This community was asked over and over again to help Yeshivat Rambam - whether by community mailing, or by the few Rabbanim willing to stand up and show their concern for these children and teachers. There are close to 30 children from the YR high school who have no school placements for next year - and so far the only answer offered by our community's leadership is to ask them to look for other cities to move to. There are about to be a lot more children in that boat. What will become of these children who know that their community has turned its back on them? How will this story affect their relationships with Yiddishkeit? What crime did these children and families commit that they are being treated this way? And most importantly, who in this town really cares? Had I known this is what this community would turn into, I would have never moved here 11 years ago.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Simply put, instead of building a new shul on every block, why can't it be that way with schools? I'm ashamed this had to happen to Rambam, a school I attend for elementary and part of high school. I fully agree with Mrs. Taragin's letter. For the sector of Rambam families that are respectfully "in between" Modern Orthodoxy and frumkite, there is now almost no school to attend in the community, at least one fitting that description that isn't open late at night and on Sundays. I feel it's almost as if secretly, some members of the community wanted this to happen. I hope Rambam can be revived some day, and I wish the faculty, parents, and families all the best.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a sad day for the Baltimore community. I'm really ashamed that this had to happen. I agree with the second commenter.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What are the rumors about new school? I haven't heard.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thank you to comment #10 who truly understood what I was trying to get at. I am not "blasting" the community, rather expressing sadness at the loss. And yes, if anyone can help my fellow teachers get paid through the summer, kol hakavod.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope that someone remembers what the real source of Rambam's money problems was. They opened the high school and bought the building at a time that they really couldn't afford to do either. The people who made those decisions are long gone -- some were forced out because of those decisions. But Abba Poliakoff, Meyer Shields et. al. were trying to save a sinking ship by making the school single-sex and all the rest. They did what they could but they were NOT the source of the original problems.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I read this letter over a few times trying to find a hint of the so-called "blasting of the Baltimore community" and that wasnât the message that stood out to me. I found a deep sense of sadness at the current and future changes in this community. I saw, perhaps a plea to the community at large to recognize the loss of not only a school, but families who will be forced to leave Baltimore. I guess I just wasn't looking hard enough.
Why are so many of the comments in reaction to Rambam's closing such negative, defensive, and hurtful reactions? I am not a Rambam student but I have friends that are and I know that they, as well as I, are disillusioned by the lack of sympathy from this community.
Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Rambamâs mehalach, feel that the school is unnecessary, the community canât support another school, or whatever defensive reasoning that is presented in so many of these comments-regardless of all that, the fact remains that so many kids right now are facing the prospect of having nowhere to go next year, teachers and staff members who will have no jobs, and families who will be forced to leave because they feel they no longer belong.
And yes, if Baltimore does nothing to help these kids and families then it deserves a blasting. If we canât help each other than there is no way we can even call this place a community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is a very sad day for Baltimore. The closing of Rambam is going to effect this community greatly. How can teachers not get paid? The Board sold the second building to ensure there would be a school for the future.
So many lies. There will be families leaving. Families not moving here.
Families who kids are going to schools in other communities and families whose kids will have no where to go and probably land up in public school.
If this community doesnt step in and help now..shame on you! Hopefully the talk of the new yeshiva is not a sounds like it is exactly what Baltimore needs! I hope the community will step forward and support it!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I have to say I am not thrilled with the economic take of expression here. This is not about Baltimore's economy. Those parents who move because of their devotion to attaining an education that they feel is best for their children are admirable but they are not primarily an "economic" issue.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Meyer, you are truly amazing!!! Kol Hakavod for all your hard work and efforts. May you the one above bless those that work for the community, and may you be zoche to continued nachat from your family. All those that work diligently for the needs of the community, The One Above will send them their reward.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the community was never asked. The Board of Directors would not let it happen.
In stead they sold all of the buildings for less then they could have now the community and the rabbeim should step forward and help!
Tova is right. Families are leaving. Families will not move here that are looking for a religious zionist Rambam was is it. There is no where for these children and their families to go.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How very difficult it is to read about the closing of Yeshivat Rambam. As stated below, Eretz Yisrael is anxiously awaiting the arrival of all of b'nei yisrael, our doors are open, please come join us here as we await the coming of Moshiach bimhaira b'yameinu.
(A former Yeshivat Rambam parent)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is a very sad day for the entire Baltimore community. What a huge loss. I really hope that the remaining Orthodox schools can step up their game, and ATTEMPT to meet the religious and secular levels of excellence that Yeshivat Rambam has provided.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the person who asked "How is it possible to build new synagogues and fancy new additions to existing synagogues etc..", be realistic, a person who has some maaser money to give is going to prioritize his own institutions..and yes, recently in baltimore that has often meant helping your kehila build a needed makom. It's simply unrealistic to ask the whole community to give up everything else and go to the enth degree to support an institution they have no direct connection with. Yes, kol yisroel areivim zeh bazeh, and we should do our best to support eachother and particularly our schools, but I agree with post #1 here, that you have to be realistic. Blaming the baltimore community of a "shanda" is simply unfair and wrong. As "terrible" as it may be for Rambam parents to have to consider other schools, there still are other schools available, so the community doesn't exactly relate to it as "there's hundreds of children with absolutely no place to learn Torah"...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol HaKavod for your letter. I can vividly remember when another local institution was in financial distress many years ago and the ENTIRE community (despite religious and hashkafik differences) came to them aid and bailed them out.
It is a shanda that a similar reaction did not occur in this case.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We can only hope that some good will come out of this and the dedicated parents of Rambam will now make aliyah.
Jews of America (and particularly those who recognize the essence of Medinat/Eretz Yisrael should heed this wake up call.
Torat Yisrael for Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How is it possible to build new synagogues and fancy new additions to existing synagogues, when there are schools that are unable to pay their teachers? Should not our priority be on the education of all of our children?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
*correction: I even ordered the sign in the picture above.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is a very sad day for Baltimore, and a terrible mark on the community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
you wrote "It doesnât matter what or who caused its demise" and then you go on to blast the baltimore community...just an observation. Should all of the frum community, even the majority of those who are trying to make ends meat paying tuition in their own schools have given many millions of dollars to this cause? It's sad, but you do have to be realistic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I was one of the pioneer parents. I volunteered, was on the board, then worked at Rambam. I even the sign in the picture and knew where every item in the building was. My daughter (oldest) was in the first graduating class; my youngest son would have graduated this year had he not taken early admissions. The school lasted only as long as my family did. Too many memories, so much hard work all for this..... It's very, very sad for so many families, but mostly for the children.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
this is a real shame
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Sorry for the typo. Can you please correct the prior post. It should read " not true teachers won't be paid".
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
whoever wrote not true teachers (not parents) won't be paid obviously wasn't at meeting. No promises were made. In fact, the teachers were told that hopefully they will be paid through May 15. after that, they don't know and won't give assurances about anything. Hopefully the new school in planning (not rumored) will come to fruition.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am so sad for all the students and families affected.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Faculty and staff were told by the board this evening that our salaries are not guaranteed past this coming paycheck (i.e. May 15). After that, faculty and staff are working for free unless something happens, and at this juncture there is nothing definitive.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is so sad we can not help our community school. so many people will be affected by this children and teachers and so many people will lose their jobs. we need to show compassion not anger and blame.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not true parents won't be paid. The community is fronting the money to ensure payment until the Rambam parents fulfill their obligations and the building is sold.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
not sure that its legal to post the license plate # without owners permission
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
An embarrassment for the community they couldn't support this type of school. Baltimore goes back to the old reputation of too right and too left. Parents will be leaving and others will nit move here. Who can blame them.
Hopefully the new rumired k-5 school who won't have Rambams financial baggage, can be the only hope for this community (Rambam without the Rambam name - only in shameful Baltimore).
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
yes, classes will continue, but teacher pay will not
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
So what happened?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you for sharing...It means alot to me
Shonny Kugler
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
way to go Sgt
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm not a YR person. But it amazes me how a school can exist for 20 years then in a short period of time just declare itself "closed." This can be a case study for other schools -- "The Rise and Fall of YR"-- has lessons for everyone. Are the issues so overwhelming that the Board keeps throwing in the towel and now you have the third President in less than 3 years! What are the parents, especially potential new parents, to think? If the Board is not committed, who is?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Third President in less than 3 years! Whats up RAMBAM?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
With the help of G-d, this void will not last long. WE NEED A DAY SCHOOL!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
There are parents already working on a Plan B should the news be bad. If you would like more information, please e-mail
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is done all the time by Yated Ne'eman in Israel. Sometimes they even alter the woman to look like a man. They also use initials for by-lines of female writers.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
If this is true, it is one more reason to DUMP the Mooslim lover hiding in the Oval Office!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rise in poll numbers? Everywhere else besides NY Times has zero change in poll numbers.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I love Rambam and appreciate all the hours the board has put in. That being said, the communication is lacking at best. I did not hear the rumors about the remaining school year. However, I am very concerned about the fact that it seems Rambam will not be to go forward next year. I myself have three children that would need to find a new school home and it's May. It would be nice to have clarification either way on this issue....good or bad.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks Abba for your hard work and support!
Why is this website publishing internal board memos that were not made public?!
Greg G.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
No question Abba stepped into a mess. I don't think anyone would disagree or challenge the tremendous work he did and the enormous amount if time he put in. All some people are writing (and I agree) is he brought the school to a point now that people can question they needed be at even with all the issues he dealt with. The point it is at was not likely any if his doing and likely he is as upset as many people but he is walking away leaving those facts unaddressed while he could have stayed until the end if this year to "finish his job". To leave now with such an email and positive looking marketing campaign message, does not negate the great work he has done but certainly diminishes and disappoints and leaves many people to wonder why he didnt overcome and stay on to finish. That's all. This is not an attack on Abba but sound reasoning with an expression of tremendous disappointment.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Picture no. 1 says it all. Thanks for posting.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rabbi Anemer zatzal continues to remain close to us in his teachings and as an inspiration for his steadfast devotion to all of us who sought his guidance. Rabbi and Rebitzen Anemer continued always to be interested in all of us who were honored, so to speak, by being part of their extended family. Joanne Jackson Yelenik
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
For those of you upset that Abba is quitting at this point in the game, I think you are completely right. He should have quit a long time ago - as soon as he found out what a thankless and overwhelming job this would be - on top of his full-time job and other commmunity and family obligations. I think the fact that he stayed this long, considering what he has had to put up with, is a pretty amazing thing. That being said, there are many people, myself included, who actually know how much he did and how hard he tried to save this school - even though he himself does not have school-age children - and truly respect his decision in this area.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It was a sinking ship before Mr. Poliakoff got involved. He put a in an insane amount of time and energy (unpaid!) and deserves a tremendous amount of hakaras hatov from the community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why isnt this published by the press?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
strange time for a letter like this to be made public on 'official closing day' for the school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"We thank our teachers for their professionalism in this difficult time."
These professional teachers might not get their full salaries (for which they took a pay cut this year) and might not get paid through the summer for the 10 months of work they did so admirably. Please, now is the time for the Associated or private donors to come forward and make sure the teachers get paid. This year was an amazing amazing school year, with the most wonderful principal and faculty. Please allow them to hold their heads up high with pride.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Where are the words to the community at large: Thank You ?????
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think the overwhelming majority of parents feel appreciative of the efforts of the board and Mr. Poliakoff. Count me among them. TDR
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What about next year?!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Could agree more. I personally thank Abba for doing the best he could do with what was dealt to him. I wish that that his letter had went out to the whole parent body and have some type of letter from the board about this situation. Its now Friday and there is still no communication from the board about this situation. Again thank you Abba
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
That's six weeks left that make a huge, huge difference.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I disagree with Yitzie Pretter i doubt you are a parent of a Rambam child and are friends with Abba. I Agree about not finishing what he started. When you leave in mid year and you post this self congratulatory message at such a critical time for Rambam, you are sending a clear message that you care more about your reputation then the disarray you have left. How sad for Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Abba
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We thank you Meyer and the entire board for trying so hard and volunteering so many hours. As your mother in law I know the countless hours you and everyone spent. May Hashem reward you and your families for all your hard work to ensure a good school for my grandchildren and all my precious students!!
Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let's face it. YR won't be around next year. This is the death knell of modern orthodoxy in Baltimore. Sad but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
yihi zichro baruch. thank you for sharing
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Only 6 weeks left in the "current academic year".
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
If you voted for Obama in 2008
to prove you're not a racist,
you'll have to vote for someone else
to prove you're not an idiot.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Abba for all that you have done for Rambam and our community. I hope that you will continue to be a great example for many more years of someone that cares about the needs of our community.
Yitzie Pretter
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
YR has been given a gift this year. Abba Poliakoff literally put his life so that the school could succeed this year.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We thank the entire community for your support. If you are able, please give a meaningful gift to Rambam, which will make a huge impact on its ability to meet its current financial commitments.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I just don't buy this. Leaving with only 2 months left in the school year and showing such "accomplishments" while leaving the other leaders rudderless? Doesn't portray you so well. Many parents are not too happy with you no matter how good you make your accomplishments sound.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
and next year?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please Mr. Poliakoff. You have a lot on your mind for sure and I am sure you tried to help this school in many ways but please. We can read through your lines and leaving at this exact point is nothing short of cowardly. A true mark of a leader is to stay on the ship through thick and thin. To leave now and make it seem you deserve such credit is so wrong of you. Sorry but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I agree 100% that the board has done everything that they could do and I thank them. But in business communication is everything. The School should have been pro active and gotten a letter or e-mail out to the parents before it leaked out to the press. People don't know to keep mouth shut
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Bless this man for his courage. We see how it was that his son saved the US Capitol from being attacked on that awful day.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a joke. Patting himself on his back, while abandoning a sinking ship. At least have the decency to finish what you started.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Remember the "I" in NGA stands for "Intelligence"
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
By the way why do you assume that the school put this out for publication? Your current leadership put their lives on hold for over a year to try to save this school, with gratitude like this you are only proving that NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED. We would like to thank the board for their incredible efforts in taking on this thankless task. sincerely, Donna and Sam Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its so sad that the parents of YR have to read this on facebook and not be informed by the shools leadership by a letter or email. Add this to the list of negetive things done by our current leadership. Way to go.
This issue is all about power and money, not halacha. For the Agudah to contend otherwise is disgraceful, and just one more example (as if more were needed) of the bankruptcy of what passes for leadership in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i'm sure Joey P wrote the 1st comment
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It's a real problem for those who keep kosher. This "new" kashrut symbol may seem innocuous but it will confuse people at best and make it legally more difficult to for kashrut observers to legally protect their rights
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
gr8 ball player
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How can Orthodox Kashrut agencies pretend that they themselves donât create requirements that âhave nothing to do with kashrutâ and ââextending the definitionâ of kashrut.â Is Agudah blind to âkashrut agencyâ rules that limit boys and girls mixing in restaurants and do not allow TVs to be shown if they are going to give haskacha? There are so many non-kashrut rules that govern haskacha today. Orthodox âkashrut agenciesâ so often provide our community with a âfalsification of the Jewish religious heritageâ by setting standards that were never required by our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, etc.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
100% corect!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Overblown response to a legimate embarrasment to Kashrus Agencies who turned a blind eye to violations of the Torah.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
That's SHABSI he don't need a beard.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"I look forward to this all Pesach!" Frankly, I would be ashamed to even utter these words.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
MSNBC did the same thing. A Fox "Affiliate" vs. the main MNNBC, hmmmm. What can you expect from the leftist media trying to defame others, while ignoring their own.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
that's schneider!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its Schneider!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what happened to your beard???
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Nu, where is the winning picture?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Actually, this is an idiotic idea. This would replace an property tax paying arena, that does generate some sort of revenue in terms of events for the city and state, with a Federal Court House, which would add 0 jobs to the area (just replace the current courthouse with this), the Federal government would pay no taxes, and the arena would disappear. Yes, there would be short term construction union jobs for polls to line their campaign coffers with from contributions from the affected locals, but these jobs wouldn't be private sector created jobs, but rather tax money created jobs that would require Davis-Bacon job scale, moreover, long term, its pretty pathetic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Transparent government is a joke.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
beautifull idea!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It would be nice if the LINK worked to view the site!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We already count the omer in base 7, in the standard text.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Is it true that "the tradition of Jews wearing black headgear goes back ages (it was a sign of mourning for the loss of Jerusalem)"? I thought wearing a head covering in general is considered a pious act to remember the Providence? Also, isn't the whole concept of a small circular cap versus a hat only a modern thing? Is is the Jewish law to wear a Yarmulke?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
very funny article. thank you BJL for posting
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He is the best Republican yet and definitely has my vote if he wins the nomination.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I had called the Va'ad yesterday and I was told Save a Lot was ok. I don't understand why they aren't posting it on the list above. I wish they would do a check on Price Rite and other cheaper alternatives for those of us who take the achrayus to maintain a budget
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you BJL and BJL Staff for this beautiful article. We really appreciate it!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mazal Tov!!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
sorry I meant savealot next to shabsis
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
does anyone know if stop shop and save next to shabsis is ok
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I loved the extra aisles they had for Pesach and that the regular aisles didn't have to get rearranged.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
let's move!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Shopping at 7 Mile Market is a pleasurable experience!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
is this true or just propaganda?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Correction to reference to "Johnquil Resident". The resident is Ron Lewis who lives on Narcissus Avenue. Otherwise, the item is accurate about re-enclosing the porch.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Nothing to be proud of
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
its soo sad that a yid doing avodas Hashem was murdered. May Hashem give his family a nechama, and may ben yosefs neshama have a aliah in shamayim.
a fellow yid
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We saw it all pretty cool pizza right out of the your Denver friends
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Il Duce Bloomberg does not speak for the American people!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
So nice
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
WoW! 22,000 people each paying on average of $3,000 for the week. That's $66,000,000! What recession?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It appears to me that based on the pre-Peasch advertising there care many fewer Pesach hotel options this year. The ones that remain may have higher booking rates, but the overall bookings for Pesach hotels appears to be still lower than the pre-recession era.
Just An Observer
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let it fall to foreclosure. That should teach those klotzes in SF a few good lessons: 1) A shul isn't "green" if it cannot be paid for. 2) Congregants will not flock to a certain shul b/c it is "green" - especially if it comes with membership charges through the roof. 3) You don't build a shul to convey a social message, especially not one based on false premises of man-made global warming or climate change.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Only the Regular Kfp Gefilte fish in the brown bag and the Twin pack are made with hazelnut oil, all others including the Family Pack, Salmon, Pike & White, Carb Free, Sugar Free, Splenda, Sweet, Less Suger are 100% Nut free.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The Star-K with all their annual revenue should support many more Jewish Baltimore causes than it currently does especially the local jewish day schools.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Too long, too long. I think that now that our government is really doing nothing other than talk, Aviva and Noam shalit must move their efforts elsewhere. I think they must take a position in front of the Red Cross, have a tent there, start to move these people to at least see Gilad and let him have his basic rights. If that means being at another country for several months, ask for the support of the Israeli and Jewish people to keep you there on a daily basis. I know you will get that. Someone, someone in this world needs to move and do something...............
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What does the Star K hold now?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please consider giving a Pesach donation in honor of these amazing children and their teachers -
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
maybe nobody called the city to file a complaint
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
truly a beautiful experience
Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thanks Senator Mikulski, we greatly appreciate it!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank the City of Baltimore for their fantastic work. Oh, they did not do anything for 10 hours. And why is that?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thank you Chaverim and Michael you guys rock !
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Most seen in pictures own real estate and or conduct business in Baltimore city - main agenda of Otis is reducing property taxes while incumbent Blake will increase them again. Plus hear his plan to save the city millions.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
way to go ed@josh,u did it. the besy kosher food in baltimor.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
R' Oberstein;
Thank you so much for this article. I'm so far away from those yeshiva days now, but it was heart warming be brought back for the minutes it took to read this article. An unexpected pleasure in my busy day. R' Tendler means so much to many of us...he is an Institution...and I think we sometimes forget Who he is...what his path has been...if we ever knew it.
Thank you....
Jon Gerszberg (Eli's classmate and sometime chavrusa)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks for the beautiful divrei Torah!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
wow, everyone is a grouch. if I submitted a picture of myself in a costume I would not be embarrassed to see myself as 2nd place, I'd be kind of pleased.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow he is the BEST!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Awesome awesome costume!!! made my Purim - thank you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks, Eta. A really nice love story.
Best regards and have a good, family filled Pesach.
P.S. I remain a great fan of everything you write!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please make sure the former bnos property stays in jewish hands! it would be a travesty for the community if rambam sells to the highest bidder but will ultimately weaken the stability of the Park Heights corridor!You may fix one institutions financial woes but create a whole new issue for the greater jewish community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Amazing! Mazal Tov!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
A class A Chillul Hashem, Jewish Organizations have been working quietly behind the scenes for months to work out arrangements for alternative voting sites for this election, and the DC board of elections bent over backwards to accomodate. Now this publicity seeking rabbi just wants a nice press release. Its a Chillul hashem and it causes sinah. Terrible.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the commenter about Sfardic discrimination, the 1st place winner is half Sfardic too!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They just took the runner up down
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article. I have tears in my eyes.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We have increased around 30% over the last couple of years. Could you imagine getting a 30% raise in your paycheck. Come on, who's making all of this? Yes, families are struggling here, we take one day at a time. I always had extra money, now it's paid in all the bills that have risen. Really tight. What do we do?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He probably lost due to his Sfardic heritage, no equality in this town...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The runner up should get SOMETHING, especially considering that he has now gone through the humiliation of having his picture posted.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
my favorite teacher!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Now that's NEWS!!! Mazal Tov to all, and may they continue to grow.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why would you put the runner up on there? Nobody wants to hear they won second place which gets you nothing. BJL, not cool!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What about the same for cyclists who are negligent of traffic laws. I see them riding 3 abreast on Park Heights Ave. To be truly fair, it needs to apply to BOTH parties.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As someone who has used almost EVERY single weight loss and diet iPhone app in the Health and Fitness Category. I can say that I was LESS THAN IMPRESSED with lose it app. I find myself half the time having to enter in a "custom food" because it's not in their comprehensive database. frustrating, and then i stop using it because this happens day in an day out. In my opinion **THE BEST** iPhone diet app is hands down intelli-Diet! It just takes the thinking out of the equation and I just eat what it says. Down 12 pounds in a few weeks! I believe itâs sixty percent off now too so you should check it out before meal snap! is their link.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Very nice. The part about R Perr was especially moving.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i think the headline shud read 5 billion, no?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is an anti-Israel group. Although they claim to represent "American Orthodox Jews," they only represent a narrow and divisive view. They do not want a "State" of Israel until the coming of Moshiach (may it be HaShem's will that it happen soon) and believe any efforts to support Israel harms Jews in the diaspora. They are extremely opposed to Israel and have said, "It is time for Jews to realize that we would be much better off without the friends and enemies Zionism has given us." See: They also claim, "Those of Jewish extraction who do not practice Judaism are not to be considered Jews at all." See:
While I agree a secular state in Israel is not ideal, activly working against Israel is wrong. Let us not tear down what HaShem has given us in His mercy and kindness - let us build up a Torah true Israel as a place of holiness prepared to accept the coming of Moshiach.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a terrible letter
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The time is ripe to reach out to those looking for a "coherent ideology" that has worked for thousands of years. These people have real questions and we have to offer real answers. Invite your Conservative neighbor or co-worker for a Pesach meal!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Emergency fund has been set up for the Viflic family who have suffered great business loss due to the injuries.
Donations can be made through
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
as a person who has bought this CD, this is one of my favorite CD's ever
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He wants to combine the departments of Health, Social Services and Aging. This does not make seniors happy. Who can best serve seniors other than those who are expert at it: the Department of Aging.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks very much for this fascinating glimpse into our past!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Passage of this bill will just drive consumers to purchase alcohol in
neighboring states.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Who cares its still news
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I've been wanting to ad some creativity to our seder this year and this article did all the footwork for me. Thank you for being so generous with your ideas! May your family have continued wondeful Yom Tov experiences
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
how come my comments never get posted?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why is the theif white?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I don't know how you can use Menachem Lubinsky as a "news source", where he has admitted in the past that he takes money from companies for "consulting" and then writes about them in his article, and claims that he doesn't have to and refuses to disclose his relationship.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wonderful article. Historical perspective is so important especially when it comes to appreciating the unbelievable evolvement of Torah life in America over the decades. It is something that today's generation of B'nei Torah need to know. Thank you Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi Oberstein for your insightful article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I wonder what Otis has to say about this?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
R' Oberstein - Thank you very much for this article.As a talmid of R' Tendler for many years in the 90's, it is eye opening to hear about his early days in Lakewood. Yasher Koach.
Mendy Nemwan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I wish you all the best. I will pray for you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
until baltimore elects a no nonsense republican like ny did with rudy guliani,it will remain a lost cause.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well, What is the secret recipe to this tasty cholent?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar comes from a wonderful frum family in Ramat Beit Shemesh. They davened in our shul, and we did business with his parents. May he have a refuah shlaima! Please daven for him!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm seeing ONLY Baltimore County residents in the feature picture .... Doesn't the Mayor only serve Baltimore City ? Oh Baltimore, class up !
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
gotta love R'T!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
does dov ocken have a job?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope and pray no-one pays attention to him.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mayor Blake is doing a great job.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think this is an excellent move on multiple fronts. The OU is definitely a very respected and Universal Hechsher, at least on par with, if not more respected than, the Star K. This event eliminates the Star K monopoly, and therefore, the "strong arm" control that the Star K has had on this community in the area of Kashrus Hashgacha. It introduces a level of competition within the Hashgacha Kashrus Business in this community, which may inspire the Star K to be more people friendly and run their business with more consumer and customer focus.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
A+ on the copy and pasting skills.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
And also remember Hatzalah of Baltimore transports patients with life threating emergencies to the Emergency Room. The number is 410-358-0000 or 410-753-4444.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
John Kaplan makes the best omlets!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie- I am so glad that you wrote this article. Now others, both in Baltimore and outside of Baltimore can understand the true tragedy not only that Baltimore will suffer, but Am Yisroel will suffer with the closing of such an outstanding Jewish Day School ...that Rambam was.
Joy Schwartz-Cleveland
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why is this article in Baltimore Jewish Life?...Is Diageo, a liquor conglomerate, Jewish owned?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you so very much for sharing your family and its stories with us. A truly heartwarming, endearing read.
Chag Kosher v'Sameach to you and yours.
Rivkah M.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How do I get more info about this program?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie Sharfman, you continue to amaze us with your emotional writings that hit the deep places in our hearts. You were and continue to be a shining example of what a true Yeshivat Rambam graduate is suppose to be. And I know where I will continue to see the YR Red Storm the weddings! Life goes on - we cry some, we laugh some and we move on, growing with each experience. Stay strong and continue to bring us all much nachat. Vered Klein.
Chashmonaim, Israel.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
From Eretz Yisrael, Refuah Shlayma to Yossi!
Rabbi Elan Adler
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
refuah shelaima you are in all our tefillohs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Mollie,
Thank you for your wonderful article evoking the spirit of the games, touching words and feelings, reminiscing through the years and taking us all along for the ride. I was feeling the nostalgia along with you, and could feel the excitement and exuberance whelming up inside of me as I read your accounts of your experiences as a player, and also, a participant in the events. It was very special for me to read through your eyes, the amazing impact the Yeshivat Rambamâs Willner Boys Varsity Basketball Tournament had on the lives of all the students and players. Thank you for being a testimonial to the ideal that was conceived by Mr. Willner, zâl, He wanted yeshiva students to be well rounded individuals and rise to greater heights with Torah learning. The hard work put in to the tournament was well worth knowing the benefits reaped by all, going forth with special midos gained and memories to last a lifetime.
You all made Mr. Willner, zâl, myself, and my family proud. Wishing you all much success in the future.
Sandy Willner
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am so uplifted and delighted to learn Yossi passed this important milestone, even though the biopsy shows the road ahead will be long and difficult. I will keep davening and saying tefila for his refuah shleima and will keep it up till you tell me he is out of danger.
Keep up your good work and may the whole family be blessed with much nachas and simcha and have many happy events to share with the community.
Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am proud to have been a part of this for so many years and proud of the wonderful alumni we have produced. Mollie you are a shining example of them all - what a wonderful article - it brought tears to my eyes..
Fond wishes
Laurie Austen
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are all still davening for a refua sheleima and you should know that there are so many people davening for Yossi-- my son Naftali said his entire mesivta (Mesivta Chaim Shlomo in Far Rockaway) -- several hundred boys, said tehillim-- we should hear besuros tovos
-Shira Jacobson Far Rockaway (formerly Brookline)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a beautiful article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Since the guns that were used were "leaked" into Mexico by BATFE, shouldn't they be held responsible?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautifully written and "from the heart". Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The footage of tsunami water is at the end
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thats a really good question: Star-K can you please clarify the halachic basis of this psak?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
great article!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow Mollie, I'm blown away. What a great article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
mollie a very well written article. I could not have said it any better. Ever since I joined Rambam in 8th grade the sports team was the core of our school unity. It brought everyone together especially the willner tournament running out of that locker room hearing every one from the Rambam family cheering us all on our team our school our tournament our Rambam family. This years team represented Rambam with hard play midos on and off the court and dedication to their school work as well. To go out with this victory at the red saracheck tournament was a feeling I will never forget. I was proud as a coach player and alumni all at the same time I will never forget my time at rambam as a student player or coach. Rambam and coach Braun have given me the tools to grow in life and help shape my future. I would like to thank coach Braun for all his hard work as a coach and a role model. Only after this year as a coach did I get to see the hard work and dedication that you put in. Mollio once again great article we will be part of a rambam family together forever. Our team. Our players. Our colors. Our school forever.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Aharon you look so cute:) OMG LOL TTYL ROTFL LOVE your FAVORITE SISTER MOSHE!!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie - this is such a well-written article. It really conveys the feeling of witnessing the "end of an era" so to speak. Learning institutions may come and go, but connections never die. We're a family and we're a tree. Never forget those roots. --CherylT
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why do they not require kashering if they do not recommend using them? Either they are okay or not. Can someone explain this equivocal stance? Either it is the case that it makes things not kosher or it is not the case that it makes things not kosher. If they do not need kashering, that indicates that they remain kosher; why then do they not recommend using them?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article. It is a great shame that our community is allowing this wonderful bastion of talmud Torah and derech eretz to vanish.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
refuah shelaima. you are in our tefilos!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Much thanks to Yaakov Berkovich and crew for hosting a great event for our T.A. boys. Aharon had a great time!
Ephraim and Sarah Stern
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
And we are doing the same thing again to get the new one removed.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This video was made pre-tsunami.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the footage of water in the beginning from the tsunami was totally classless.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Our hopes and prayers are with you. Simcha & Leah Kossman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As our daughter is a survivor of cancer, your story resonates with us in a personal way. We have "been there" and are there with you in our hearts. May Hashem bring a refuah shlema for Yossi and the cholim of klal yisrael.
Shmuel Silberman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why is this only a Chabad-Lubavitch problem?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah shelamah!
Yaacova Herring
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The picture is of him in Baltimore County at Quarry Lake and the story mentions him having coffee at the Starbucks there too. If this guy is serious about running for mayor he might want to consider promoting city parks and businesses.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
wishing Yossi a full, quick and complete recovery. May Hashem give your family the strengh you need. the Sellam family from Brookline
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I love it! my may the entire world start learning and keeping the Talmud soon,Yoel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is so kind of you to give us this update.
Many in the community are davening for a complete refuah.
May Hashem bless all of you with the strength that you need.
Morah Chana Zuber
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish Yossi a complete and speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and tefillot.
Jonathan & Temima Cohen
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are with you in tefillah here in Boston and think of you and your wonderful family all the time. Though we were privileged only to have our time here coincide with you for a year, we know how beloved you are to so many (we are close with Rich and Valerie Levine--small world!). May Hashem give you nissim v'niflaos and a refuah Sheleima for Yossi!
Zvi and Yehudis Solomon
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Best wishes for a Refuah Shlaimoh b'nefesh u'vguf. We are saying Tehillim at Bais Pinchas in Brookline. I find it slightly amusing that the ad next to these articles for the last 2 days is for "ZIPS dry cleaners". I thought perhaps Eli had gone back into the business....
Izzy Zuber
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are davening for your refuah every day. Get well soon. The Wolffs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
You should know that many many people are davening for Yossi. Our son Naftali who was at TA Boston with Yossi said the entire mesivta at Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway (several hundred boys) said special tehillim for Yosef Simcha ben Zakah Basya today. May the Ribbono shel Olam grant Yossi a refuah sheleima bekarov.
Barry and Shira Jacobson (Far Rockaway, formerly Brookline)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
36 years old and has spent "spent 20-plus years in city government", did he volunteer as a youth or is this the start of the exaggeration process that is part and parcel of politics? Really interested in the answer not just being sarcastic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rafuah Sheleima to Yossi from Sundels.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please G-d, Yossi should have a refuah shleima b'karov.
- The Copelands
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah sheleima u'meheira to Yossi and a whole lot of chizuk to Yossi & the whole family! Please have someone keep us updated if you cannot make the time. Thank you. Debbie Cohen, Brookline
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"I will never underÂstand it â when a word ends with a "t," why would someÂone proÂnounce it with an "s"?"
If you investigated just a little, you would find the answer (and you would not be so stupid)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah Shelaima!
May Hashem grant Yosef Simcha a full recovery!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what a terribly ignorant article. how did this get past the editors?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I appreciate the author making wide generalizations about one group in order to make wide generalizations about another, all while touting an attitude that reeks of cultural supremacy rather than a confident knowledge of his own culture or its lasting value.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Women only tehillim phone conference for cholei yisroel, twice daily, 9:45 a.m. and 9:45 p.m. Dial: 1-605-715-4900. Follow the prompts, put in the pin number: 534592#. Please bookmark your tehillim in advance, we say 7 perakim and we move fast! Perek 13, 20, 30, 41, 121, 130, 142. For more info, please call Rena Levin, 410-764-8205. Yasher koach, tizku l'mitzvos. I"H we will be zoche to see refuos and yeshuos!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I feel very sorry for Mr. Sam Scott who seems to be stuck in a rut and is not seeing what is happening around him.
Yes, Yiddish is spoken mostly by the ultra-orthodox Ashkenazi Jews â and new generations are being brought up in these communities and new Yiddish speakers are âbornâ each day. To serve this growing target audience, new books, teaching materials, games and entertainment products are being made available (also audio and visual materials).
In parallel to the religious, there is a growing interest among the youth to learn about the past, whether via genealogy, (klezmer) music, or translations of Yiddish literature. The more serious take this further and enroll in Yiddish literature and actual Yiddish language classes, and even take up Yiddish singing or acting.
Although time has taken its toll of the so-called âalte gvardieâ (old-guard) and not-necessarily-non-religious Yiddish speakers and creative talents (writers, poets, journalists, actors, musicians, etc.) there is a new generation of Jews (and also non-Jews) who have taken up the challenge and are producing new Yiddish creations, or have taken upon themselves to preserve and spread the language and culture in various forms. One of the places you will find this is the abundance of Yiddish on the World Wide Web. Some of it is top-quality, and some (probably a lot) is questionable â to say the least. But so it is with any language and culture. The key, here, is that this is all grass-roots. No one is âpayingâ them to promote and/or preserve Yiddish (songs, idioms, jokes, video and audio clips, etc.).
Yiddish is as âoldâ or as âmodernâ as you want it to be (like any other language): There is a Yiddish version of Google and Google-translate; there are numerous Yiddish mailing lists and chat-lines; Yiddish books and encyclopedias, as well as music, songs and lyrics â plus current events and newspapers are all available online.
In a recent program on the Paris Yiddish radio show âOt Azoyâ ( ), the producer Lise Amiel interviewed my 12 year-old on how he feels about Yiddish, and what his friends think (I speak Yiddish to my kids; we are modern-orthodox, living in Israel). He said it was âcoolâ and his friends think so too. My 17 year-old daughter was also there, and responded (also in Yiddish) that her friends are always asking her to translate words, expressions, etc. â they are thirsty for that knowledge. The long and the short of it is that there is fantastically great potential out there. More than Mr. Scott can see in his limited vision, or within earshot. The surprises are yet to come. (Feel free to visit my website ).
- Leybl Botwinik, Israel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"International News"? Baltimore Jewish Life, shame on you for posting this drek.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am glad you dont like it.
get lost...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They will never stop. They are spewing hatred. Just like a former friend of mine using facebook to send his Denial messages and hate for Israel. Favebook is a platform for anti=semits for sure. Yes they have a right to their opinions. So do I. But is this the right place to encite hatred?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why are you printing this crap from a disgusting self-hating Jew?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
May he have a speedy, complete refuah. Hurry back to class! Mr. S, and Yossi's English Class!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
they should bring this to all cities
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Eli and Zakah, Wishing Yossi a refuah sheleimah! Yossi is in our tefilah an minds. Thinking of you-
Lippy and Deborah Jacobs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what a kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish you all the best Yosef. Ou thoughts are with you!
Marian Wasser
Jason Denkevitz
David Denkevitz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Our thoughts and teffilah are with you.
Arnold and Ina Shear
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refua shlaima
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am in awe that you were able to take time out of what I am sure was and continues to be a stressful day to update the community. Thank you! May Hashem grant yossi a complete refuah. Andrea Schulman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Does anyone know the result from the surgery?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The Greens from Brookline have your son and your family in our hearts and preayers and are praying for a full and speedy recovery. Refuah Shelamah!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
May Hashem grant a full recovery!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Eli and Zakah,
We remember Yossi well during our time in Brookline. Our daughter Hudi used to work in the library in your house.
May he have a refuah shleima bkarov.
Barry and Shira Jacobson
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish Yossi a complete recovery. He is in our prayers. Judi and David Solomont
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah Shelaima!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
so in Baltimore who is the OU Rav Hamachsher?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It only implies that there was a change for a reason, and some would like to know what that reason was?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
While I totally support the efforts of PHR, let us not forget that PHR is the by-product of a lot of work done by other organizations in Park Heights. The Lucille Park project was a product of our work to create and change a bond bill that initially wanted to put a golf driving range in. We got the bond for $950,000 to get that project done. Also, the roundabout at Park Circle, the $11 million project, was brought to our organization and we hosted several community meetings to get the project approved so that the solicitation could be made to get the stimulus funds that is funding that project. The new Zeta Senior Center was another project of our initiative that began long before PHR existed. While there are several other projects and initiatives that are ongoing in the community, it has been our collaborative work that has gotten these things done. This community has been neglected for some time and it would be unfair to say that all of these accomplished have been met by PHR. While we are all now working together, its the collaborative efforts going forward that will revitalize Park Heights and other organizations should be recognized for their efforts as well. PHR is doing some good things and I am glad that Mr. Colon has come and added his expertise. Having worked with him directly, he is knowledgeable and shows concern for the community. I believe that the community is now in good hands, not just with PHR, but with all the organizations such as the Park Heights Community Health Alliance headed by Mr. Willie Flowers (whose building houses PHR) and The New Park Heights Community Development Corporation, Inc. headed by Mr. Will Hanna, Community Solutions headed by Mr. Luvon Dungee and The Development Corporation of NW Baltimore headed by Ms. Florine Robinson. We are all working together for the betterment of Park Heights. They should all be recognized for their efforts.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It implies nothing of the sort.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The accident that prompted this article involved a Jewish bicyclist, Nathan Krasnopolor. His parents are Susan Cohen and Mitchell Krasnopolor of Howard County, MD. Nathan's hebrew name is Natan Shmuel ben Shoshana. He remains in a coma at Johns Hopkins.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Actually, for those who work in Kashrus, it is known that the OU has higher standards.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Valuing life - it's what we do.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Awesome move Ed & josh now not only do you have the best food but the more popular heksher
Comment by yehuda brody
because it implies a lowering of standards.
Comment by yehuda brody
Why would the community look elsewhere?? Is the OU not reliable enough for you??
Comment by yehuda brody
For all urgent or timely requests, such as having someone watch you into your home, call 410-664-6927 x1.
Comment by yehuda brody
So what will the OU allow that the Star-K would not? Be up front or most of the community will look elsewhere.
Comment by yehuda brody
way to go!
Comment by yehuda brody
What is phone # for NWCP.I call that #, But i don't NWCP. When I come home late, I like to have some to watch me to into my house Thanks
Comment by yehuda brody
The father is a despicable person and a shame to the human race. He abandoned a woman he was married to and had a repsonsibility to care for. And now he wants to deprive his children of not only knowing their mother (even in her incapaciated state) and also of knowing their grandparents. Shame shame shame on him!
Comment by yehuda brody
Tell all your friends to shower the delegates with email- the numbers matter!
Comment by yehuda brody
410-664-6927 x1 is the 24 hour emergency hotline. For other options, please listen to the prompts.
Comment by yehuda brody
WOW! such beautiful powerful and true words! klal yisroel is with you!
Comment by yehuda brody
Who do i call if i want NWCP? Hoping to hear from u thanks
Comment by yehuda brody
wow! I also got the chills
this is written so well!
Comment by yehuda brody
I have the chills! Unbelievable and so inspiring!!!
Comment by yehuda brody
Nothing like a long distance brother..If you (and the rest of our American Jewish brothers) really want to respond to this tragedy, consider joining us here in Israel, where we all belong. That is the ultimate response to these savages.
Comment by yehuda brody
A wonderful simcha to honor the best that Baltimore has in its midst. Mazal tov to Rabbi and Bracha, and to all members of Tiferes Yisroel. Here's t the next 25 years, I"H!
Comment by yehuda brody
good video
Comment by yehuda brody
I look good standing there in those glasses.
Comment by yehuda brody
I look really serious wearing those glasses just standing there.
Comment by yehuda brody
I remember the same thing. Having been in yeshiva during the 1995 Intafada, and the shooting of Rabin, I remember waking up Sunday morning to sirens screaming down on the highway. I immediately got a feeling that something was "not right"... It's eerie.
Comment by NWCP
i love love love these pictures and i love baltimore!
Comment by NWCP
May Hashem bring Moschiach speedily in our days.
Comment by NWCP
Can't find any pics! Would to see them!
Comment by NWCP
thanks!! let Rabbi Hauer know i'll never forget the tofu!
Comment by NWCP
Is there a link somewhere for the pics?
Comment by NWCP
This is disgusting
Comment by NWCP
Great pictures!! It was worth burning up the 3 batteries in your camera
Comment by NWCP
What am I supposed to click on to see the Purim photos?
Comment by NWCP
This is an excellant writeup of a wonderful evening. Thank you for bringing it back to mind with such clarity, meaning and joy.
Comment by NWCP
What a buzz kill on the happiness . Hope his daughters don't find out of his dissapointment
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
go nick and josh! best uncle and cuzin ever!!
Comment by NWCP
haha! i like the dry cleaners part officially the best! zacharya ur such a good day care watcher!!
Comment by NWCP
Pediatric Nuerlogist??????
Comment by NWCP
Loved it thanks Yossi & Crew for the laughs, Chaya Suri would be proud - Donna Wach
Comment by NWCP
HaShem gave the world 10 parts of beauty, Yerushalyim received 9.
HaShem gave the world 10 parts of humor. Dr. Yossi Scheller received 9!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Thanks for bringing purim cheer!
Comment by NWCP
The funny part? That you just wasted 8 minutes of your life watching this
Comment by NWCP
Five stars abbaJo
Comment by NWCP
very creative !! great job! L. Volosov
Comment by NWCP
Go Iris, you made my Purim!
Comment by NWCP
v'nahafoch hu - Lazarus in a black hat!! Love it!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Yossi - Thanks for tipping me off about this video at the end of my jog this morning. It gave me my first glimpse of SSM. Maybe one day in person!
Comment by NWCP
wheres the funny part
Comment by NWCP
Wow what a great deal.
Comment by NWCP
How fantastic...a program that brings mothers, fathers, sons and daughters together in a setting of Limmud Torah. Indeed we are taught, "Shma Bni, musar avicha ve'al titosh Torat imecha." Engaging in Jewish learning is an equal opportunity endeavor. Kudos to Yeshivat Rambam for providing our community with that environment. May your successes continue!
Comment by NWCP
The article failed to mention Rabbi Eden Goldman's outstanding leadership of the Shearith Israel Avos U'Bonim program. His mesirus nefesh helped make it a tremendous success.
Comment by NWCP
So that she is nice to the orthodox community
Comment by NWCP
Why give free publicity to this teacher union beholden hack ?
Comment by NWCP
Yasher Koach!
Nechama Schreiber greenfield
Comment by NWCP
they might be one of the lost tribes
Comment by NWCP
Unfortunately, Democratic priorities are useless. As shown again and again by Mr. Obama, the words of Democratic politicians are good for show and tell - and not much more.
Comment by NWCP
You said it. On the money!
Comment by NWCP
Thank you for printing this story. We need to get the general media to cover stories like this, to make it known that the Jewish people -- even those in the settlements -- are a loving nation.
Comment by NWCP
What a beautiful event! The sequel is even better! Mazel tov!
Comment by NWCP
The Fogels died on our behalf? That sounds like a Xian idea...
Comment by NWCP
I commented originally: very well said. But after reading the subsequent comments, I'd like to add something to what Mrs. Adler "gently" answered to someone who felt that the Fogels' death dicourages us from making Aliyah. Yes, it would be to our advantage if we were stronger in numbers. But I feel that for any Jew who loves his fellow-Jews he must make all efforts to 'live the dream' because if not, he is sending a message: either that what the terrorist are doing pays off (and this encourages them to G-d forbid do it again) and/or that since he's afraid for his life, (and as a Jew he must be afraid for his fellow-Jews as well) and therefore his opinion would be to tell all the Jews living in Israel to, G-d forbid, move out!?! or is the discouraged reader suggesting that it's ok for them but not for him!?! I'd love to hear a reply from this reader. Thank you again, Mrs. Adler & warm regards to your wonderful family & esp. From me to your husband and Ariella.
With a heart full of love for all Jews and the promised land,
Rabbi G. Vogel
Comment by NWCP
If we have any prophets today in Israel my vote is for Rivkah Lambert Adler.
Her insight is right on the bull's eye.
I couldn't disagree with any word of her's.
The redemption is not soon - it's NOW. And anybody who doesn't see it as such is blinded by the reflection of their golden idol.
Comment by NWCP
This is Rivkah Lambert Adler. Thank you to all those who took time to comment in support of my message.
I would like to respond to two readers in particular. To Yocheved, the conclusion I mean to draw, based on emuna, is that Hashem runs the world and everything He does is for the ultimate benefit of Am Yisrael. According to Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rashi teaches that the geula will begin with the trembling of the sea. This idea is supported by the verse from Tehillim (98:7), "The sea and all its fullness will roar, as will the inhabited land and those who dwell therein." It is not for me to say why Hashem picked Japan (or New Zealand or Australia or whichever country comes next). But it is a matter of simple emuna to know that God is behind every "natural" disaster.
To the person who suggested that the Fogel family murders are a source of discouragement for making aliyah, I gently suggest that we in Israel would not be nearly as vulnerable if half the Jews in the world didn't still live outside the Land.
Comment by NWCP
Mobile version? Do tell!
Comment by NWCP
Beautifully put!
Comment by NWCP
I understand that there have been many "messages" telling us to move to Israel. But when a beautiful family is murdered there, that does not encourage me to make aliyah.
Comment by NWCP
"All that is happening â natural disasters....
Hashem is exhibiting His limitless force to destroy the enemies of Am Yisrael."
Surely, Rivkah, you are not suggesting that the devastation of Japan is somehow an act of God for the benefit of amcha? or that Japan is an enemy to be destroyed? Please tell me you don't mean to draw such a conclusion!
Comment by NWCP
Well, Rivka, you said it all. But, that's not all folks....stay tuned......more to come....hold onto your hats or shaitels!!!!
Comment by NWCP
As usual, you get right to the heart of the matter at hand!!
Comment by NWCP
This is only added to the confirmation and the stirring in us to make aliyah now. The fogels made us sit down and revise our plans and these last few days this feelign ahs only intensified to a forget what you need to do just go. Thank you for sharing your views.
Comment by NWCP
A superb, timely and sane analysis from a Torah true perspective. Yashar koach! May your words echo and re-echo through time, space and cyberspace. May Jews in the nations have ears to hear, and may the nations hear and heed the God of Creation, the God of Israel.
Comment by NWCP
Very well said!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Excellent! It's time to go home.
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Errata: HaRav Soloveitchik,z"l,; Shearith Israel synagogue. Dr.E.G.
Comment by NWCP
As one of the grandfathers present at the Siyum, I can personally attest to the electric mood present in the Bravmann Beis HaMedresh. HaRav Hopfer's Dvar Torah and Divrei Chizuk were tender and inspiring. The pride with which each father took standing alongside his son as the son concluded his particular text study was transparent. For a moment I was transported back many years when my father, z"l, took my dear brother and me to the Motzai Shabbes Shiur delivered by HaRav Soloveitchk, z"l in Boston. These are existentially lived-experiences that forever remain etched on one's heart and mind, certainly on those of the Avos U'Bonim at Baltimore's Sheartith Israel synagogogue. Dr. Emanuel Goldman
Please it's just the government trying to get more of our money!
Comment by NWCP
so sad... people should be allowed to love whoever and however they please. everyone deserves to be loved
Comment by NWCP
What are you doing? Yes this is horrific. Yes the family has every right to want the world to see this tragedy. In your desire to show "news", you crossed a line. You can't be showing this on a site you know WILL be seen but younger children. They will be create horrific psychological issues. This is a family site. Horrific pictures (even with warning) that all blasted by one scroll of the mouse is simply wrong. Please remove this now.
Comment by NWCP
Please post the pictures of the slain family as the remaining family members want the world to see their loved ones laying in their blood. Seeing a 3 month old with her throat slashed might get through to the rest of the world. Also, please post the pictures of arabs handing out candies in celebration at Rafah.
Jere Finer
Comment by NWCP
B"H, remember that ALL of our local State Delegates and State Senators supported this abomination!
Comment by NWCP
great article!!
very insightful..
Comment by NWCP
Thank you, Rabbi, for saying/quoting, exactly what needs to be said. Surely after today's display, and other recent "natural disasters", no one could deny Hashem's Hand in our world. These wake-up calls serve to remind us just how very, very fragile life is...
Comment by NWCP
Boruch HaShem!
Comment by NWCP
I would take this statement more seriously if the aguda showed some spine and stopped providing political cover photo ops with the likes of omally,cardin,zirkin,almond.ect.
Comment by NWCP
Yep, the old man still got his stuff! GREAT job officers!
Comment by NWCP
protect you from what??
Comment by NWCP
the kosher consumer palate will gravitate towards a fresh, delicious, reasonably priced exotic/healthy option...alot has to do with presentation and marketing, something many kosher supermarkets and delis know little about
Comment by NWCP
this is really a great thig Jewish people do to help each other, the rest of the world should learn from it and we should be proud of what we do to help our poor. and also what a excelent job Meir panim does in getting it to thoses most in need.
Comment by NWCP
yay rambam!! you guys pulled off an amazing program!!! you're awesome!
Comment by NWCP
Rabbi Baron is the best, true and total dedication to the Jews in Howard County. He has sacrificed his life to bring Judaism to the community in Howard County. His Chabad Center is a living example of ahavat Yisrael.
Comment by NWCP
Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and support !
Rambam committee
Comment by NWCP
Thanks for keeping us safe!!!! Go Police!!!!
Comment by NWCP
From the information that i heard it was the diligent work of the Baltimore County Police and their thorough search of the area that lead them to catching the bank robber with the assistance of tips from citizens. I agree the senior Officer that caught him did a good job and should get an award. He looks like he has around 30 years or more on the force. He should retire while he's on top of the world.
Comment by NWCP
My wife Feigi fondly remembers spending many an afternoon at the Kranzler home ,where the children were all musical and it was a hapapening place.Back in the day, Shearith Israel was the shul and Judaism was uplifting and normal. For her, it was like a recreatiion of the good old days.
Comment by NWCP
I am still feeling the inspiration from the concert! Thanks to all those who made it possible and for all those who attended the concert. The Achdus was beautiful and I am still getting calls requesting an encore performance!
Dr. Jonathan Lasson
President, Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Comment by NWCP
Give it up for the old guy that apprehended him. He looks like he has been on the job for a long time and probably is very experienced with apprehended criminals.
Comment by NWCP
What a wonderful idea. I find it frustrating to have a house full of "nosh" four weeks before Pesach. If we all limited our shalach manot to the amount necessary to fulfill the mitzvah, that would not be a problem.
Comment by NWCP
it was an incredible evening...such beautiful achdus...a walk down memory lane with all the songs they are known for!! Thank you Shomrei!!
Tova Taragin
Comment by NWCP
Dont be a pary pooper
Comment by NWCP
I don't believe anybody is denying that Orthodox Judaisim is clear in it's position against redefining marriage. I think the posters above feel that as Orthodox Jews we should not push our beliefs on other people. I hardly think that just because someone would like equal rights for all members of society regardless of sexual orientation, they suddenly have no right to label themselves Orthodox. How about the idea that we as Orthodox Jews should not judge others. I can just as easily say to you that anyone who judges others can not call themselves Orthodox. But if that were the case, sadly I don't believe anyone in this Baltimore Jewish community would be able to call themselves Orthodox.
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Keep up the good work Rambam students ! Well done on all your hard work.
Comment by NWCP
We should encourage one of the voices of sanity on the left who has been a consistent friend of Israel, and remember we can find friends on both sides of the aisle
Comment by NWCP
why are you printing statements made by your readers against dass torah
Comment by NWCP
The first three comments do not belong on this site. Someone can fail to live up to all of the standards of Orthodox Judaism and still be an Orthodox Jew. But those who wish to deny that Orthodox Judaism is absolutely clear in its position against redefining marriage, are not Orthodox Jews at all.
Comment by NWCP
You really want to call people who observe shabbos and kashrut "something other than an Orthodox Jew", it is clear that these posters are not discussing the halachic (jewish law) opinion about gay marriage, what they are saying is halacha should not be imposed on those who are not bound by it. Now if you want to say it is a negative societal trend then that is yours and the Vaads right to do so, but not you, the Vaad or anyone else has the right to decide the orthodoxy of others based on reading one Jewish Life post. The Baatei Medresh of the world are full of people disagreeing all day, that's how one learns.
Comment by NWCP
With all due respect to the posters below, even though I don't always follow the views of Agudah and the local Vaads and consider myself much more moderate, by definition, if one calls themselves Orthodox Jews (doesn't matter the hashkafa - Left, modern, centrist, whatever flavor), that means they follow Halacha and as one who follows Halacha, Halacha dictates the this opinion. If one wants to not agree with this dictate that is fine and their right but please call yourself something other then an "Orthodox Jew". THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE DEMEANING OR SELF RIGHTEOUS. It is just based on basic definitions and some of my closest friends are conservative and reform Jews and everything in between and I love them to death and disagree with those that disagree with this reasoning.
Comment by NWCP
It's not a religious belief - its a moral belief. This idea of behavior that even animals don't subscribe to is repulsive, and trust me, in Shamayim, they are looking at this immorality with disgust. How much more of the sanity of this world is going to be lost before someone does something about it? Thank G-d for people like the Vaad Harabanim who have the willingness to stand up and speak out against this stupidity.
Comment by NWCP
Dear Agudath Israel of Maryland, Rabbinical Council of Baltimore and Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington,
You do not speak with my voice. You embarass me by claiming to speak on my behalf and I hope that our state legislators ignore your voice and listen instead to the voice of human decency and finish passing a law that is long overdue.
Comment by NWCP
The Orthodox Community does NOT speak with one voice on this issue and I resent that that line was included in the letter!
Comment by NWCP
What a horrible statement! If you truly do not wish to impose your own religious beliefs on others - stay out of the debate! If you don't want to redefine marriage, then marry a member of the opposite sex and stay out of other people's business!
Comment by NWCP
I promise you that after reading this sad story I heard a "ping, ping, ping", the sound of bricks popping out of the walls of the third Bais Hamikdash (Holy Temple). - Donna Wach
Comment by NWCP
The connection between the modern company that is bidding on the contract, and the French rail equipment that was used (after being seized during the war) is dubious. Given that guys with guns showed up and took the trains and the crew (and show those who didn't obey), I really don't think the French can be blamed. Perhaps the real reason by this controversy has to do with politics (would the French company pay off the same people as the current combination of railroads and unions do?).
Comment by NWCP
Information I have heard is that Shomrim was called by a resident who saw the suspect hiding in the bushes on Summerson, Shomrim in addition to telling the caller to immediately call 911, notified Baltimore County Police and utilizing thier radios which the Police have one of, were able to relay information regaridng the suspect. Good work Shomrim!
Comment by NWCP
Who said Baltimore was boring?????
Comment by NWCP
Sing all together now (to the tune of "To Life" from Fiddler on the Roof"):
For life,
for life,
in prison!
In prison,
in prison,
for life!
Tried to take money which wasn't his,
Put many precious lives at risk,
Give him prison, for life!!
Comment by NWCP
Ronnie Rosenbluth won the Community Leader award several years ago.
Comment by NWCP
I was glad to see that you can now advance the video without having to watch every second to get to a certain part. That is a vast improvement. Yasher Koach.
Maybe the invention of glasses itself should be considered too modern? At what point does things get completely obsurd?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to all those who are insulting Rambam by saying that it doesn't need to exist: it is clear that those who are putting comments up like this have never stepped foot into Rambam such as the person who wrote
"What are we teaching our kids by creating an entire new school
every time some new dynamic is "discovered" whereby the kids just
don't fit in any more? They are learning quite well that they can
get life tailored to suit them."
Rambam is not just another school, it is unique, and TA just doesn't work for Rambam students. all who are calling this untrue are not only showing nothing but arrogance, but are also showing a lack of intelligence and intellectual honesty. I hope that people posting these things can grow up and face reality some day. A proud Rambam student.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"The real deal" = "a real fool" :). People who are so derogatory and demeaning in their writing represent the institutional historical baggage that made the sad facts of today possible and that can't face the fact that the school today has as energetic and passionate a set of young parents and leadership and that all people like "the real deal" can do is bad mouth as they always had, have and will.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We can see from here that the Unions cost people jobs. They make it so expensive for busineses hat the businesses either have to move out of the USAor fire workers, or, as we see here, move operations away from the State. Because the Paper is pro-Labor Unions, the article does not even mention what the concessions are that the union is refusing! Why are they afraid to report this important information? They are making Giant sound unreasonable, but what are the present wages and benefits and what are the unions' demands? At this point many people are making fair wages, and the Unions are just about Union bosses raising money for their coffers to use to support democratic nominees. As we saw in the last election, many democratic candidates get a lot of money from unions. The union bosses visit the White House many times a week.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a shame that this blog has turned into a place where people put down the efforts of the board and flaws of the school. It's sad that as a student, I feel the need to check up on this blog every day to make sure that people are not saying negative things, and if they are that I must comment back defending my school. One of the things I have learned this year when I went to the Yeshiva University Model UN conference is how to take situations and look at them from different perspectives. At the conference people come together from all over the USA, and represent different countries, and they talk about their opinions from the country's perspective and work together to help resolve world issues. In Baltimore, as we all have different opinions on the matter of Yeshivat Rambam's high school closing, we as a community should work together to help those in the mess that they are in- even if it's just emotional support. Why should this be a place to criticize the school after all it has done for us students? I think that this blog has turned into a place of Lashon Hara and is hurting a lot of students, parents, and teachers who are really attached to the school and are appreciative for all that it has done for us. I understand that this is a place for people to express themselves and everyone has freedom of speech, but please take into consideration people's feelings. It's extremely difficult going through school life every day knowing that there are people out there who are putting down the institution that I love and have been apart of for my entire life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wear a sheitel, and my husband wears a black hat, AND we have a son in Yeshivat Rambam. This school shares a committment to our family's core values: Derech eretz kadma l'Torah, middos, and menschlichkeit, along with a broad curriculum in Kodesh subjects, including Ivrit and Tanach, not just all gemorah. In addition, there is a rigorous secular studies curriculum, all things that reflect our family's values. Our son is now in the difficult space of having to check out schools for the remainder of his high school career. It is most unsettling and demoralizing to consider having to have him spend a long day and Sunday away from home, perhaps adding a long commute to that, or perhaps having to send him away to dorm for high school. In addition, he will be missing out on an opportunity to learn from some stellar faculty of rebbeim and secular studies teachesr, and he will miss the warmth and support of his peers. Rambam's high school is unique in that they not only teach personal responsibility, don't only preach personal responsibility but exemplify this. The manner in which the high school administration dealt with difficult teenage behavior and sensitive topics was stunning. The administration did not flinch, did not look away, did not blink, did not point fingers and blame but sought to understand, educate and form partnerships with parents and community leaders to do what is best for the kids. I understand the financial realities and appreciate the need for fiscal rseponsbility. Still, the real accomplishments of Yeshivat Rambam high school should not go unrecognized in all the noise about the school's closing. Yeshivat Rambam is a community and a family and a model of achdus, and my husband and I tip our hat/sheitel to you in recognition of all that you have done for us, our family and the community at large. Rena Levin
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For whoever said that "The board threw in the towel", did you think twice before sending that comment? Why would the board make decisions for the school that would affect it negatively without thinking for hours upon hours about it? Why do you think that these people are even on the board? For fun? A way to kill free time? Or out of spite and hatred towards the school? Absolutely the opposite. The incredible people which worked for so long to come up with the most logical and fiscally responsible plan for the school should be thanked, not ridiculed. They shouldn't be blamed for their decisions. This is a bad predicament all around, but blaming the board is absolutely NOT the way to go. Now is the time to stop throwing blame around, saying rude and spiteful things, but now is the time to work out how to support the school - not only financially, but verbally too. If you feel that the best way to solve the problem is to continue ridiculing past decisions, that is your idea of problem solving. But it really doesn't help or solve any of the current issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Actually, that was a student who commented that. And I'm the one that has to live with the decisions of the board and find a new plan for the rest of high school, yet I'm still defending them. Please have sympathy for those who are in this situation and please do not continue to make accusations. I'm not asking for your money and I'm not asking for you to send your kids to Rambam or support Rambam. I'm simply asking for you not to be putting down other Jews who worked very hard to keep Rambam lasting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Once your kid is at another school you will realize WHY WE NEED RAMBAM: Rambam is very dear to so many people. The teachers are amazing the staff is amazingly devoted. These amazing teachers will not all be together in one place ever again. There is so much individualized attention to the kids. The curriculum is Frum and well rounded. The learning is on a very high level. Boys can have a Frum education without having to go to school until 8PM. Kids can excel in different subjects and not just Gemarrah, but do learn Gemarrah everyday, and can excel if they have the talent! Girls are not just one of 100 in a class. This is a real gem that the community will sorely miss once its gone. DR. ROTHSCHILD WE NEED YOUR VISION AND TALENTS. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS TO SAVE THE SCHOOL! Everyone on the Board should have children at the school, if not, they should resign immediately, because they are seeing it through the prism of dollars and cents but not seeing it through the prism of children, the need in the community, and needs of families. How dare the Board have announced a closure of the high school without calling a community meeting first? The announcement itself caused bad results to the whole school, with parents looking elsewhere in large numbers- it was reckless! We need someone to turn this around, and our only hope is Dr. Rothschild.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what middle school division are you talking about ? I seriously doubt there will be a middle school at all without a HS - most parents are now in panic mode and are withdrawing all their children as they seek options for their HS children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To "the former Rambam student who goes to BT"- a good lesson in life is to learn to follow rules, even when you consider them to be "irrational" or "unfair". Just because a school is lenient, such as say, not making kids come to davening when they come late, or maybe not even davening at all. Maybe if you would allow yourself to really be honest, you would see how if a school wants to follow Halacha, rules for kids need to be strict, if you really want to be honest, how many kids won't end up doing something if the rule isn't strictly in place. How many kids would just sleep late. At your school, when something is optional, do a majority of kids skip it or just a small few? When you are in the real world and have a tough boss, or an "irrational" teacher in college, what will you do- get mad and leave, or stick with it and accomplish higher goals and expectations? Being frum is hard work, there are alot of rules in Halacha. Learning Torah subjects is hard too. Sure maybe some rules were "unfair", but is that a reason to leave a school? Weren't there other good things about the school that warranted some allegiance and loyalty? Just as other schools don't bend on some of their rules, neither could Rambam sometimes! Try and see it from the Rabbi's point of view- would bending on the rule lead to an undesired result?
As you mature you will realize more that some things have value even though they aren't fulfilling our personal needs all of the time and even if they present challenges. Don't you think that the same people who made the rules that you thouht were irrational. don't you think they were hurt and devastated when you left? Don't you know that these Rebbeim, are not paid kings ransoms and do the best they can? I wish you much good luck and success in your future.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The board did not put the children last but they in fact put the school first. This board did what made sense, they made the difficult decisions, many of these board members have their own children in the high school, they did not do what was best for them but rather what was best for the institution. They announced when they did so that everyone and would have enough time to place their children in other schools, they had a plan in place for the 11th graders to either graduate or transfer. It is not that the board is not supporting the "idea of the high school", they are the messengers sharing the difficult reality with all of us, donât shoot the messenger. If you do contact board members I hope it will be to thank them for all their hard work and to ask what you can do to ensure the future success of the middle and elementary divisions. Donna Wach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm so proud of you!! This is really showing the community a student's perspective, not one of a parent, faculty, or an outsider. Yasha Koyach!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You must be a Board member and all I can say is that you did throw in the towel. You never came to the high school parents or the rest of the Board.
This was an executive decision and not an entire Board decision. This was the time to include all the parents of the school to tell them what was needed to keep the whole school together. You choose to be the soul decision makers and you now need to live with yourself that you let a lot of kids down. I am glad that I am not you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for clarifying it for is time for the Board of Directors of YR to step down as their soul mission is to do what is best for the entire student body and undoubtedly they have put the children last. Never did they come forward and ask the community for help that they would probably have received. It sounds like it was high school parents who stood up to take action. Shame on the Board of Directors for not fighting for the students.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go Chava! I am so proud of you for saying what so many people are thinking but do not say.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is why it is critical that Shomrim thrive and continue to be a liason for the community. It speaks volumes that the Police Department contiues to interact with Shomrim and reach out to them for assitance on a high profile case such as this. Shormim is known for its organization in missing persons cases and has been extremely successful in the past. Hope this young lady is found and the family finds the closure it needs.Keep up the good work!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
After reading the above comments, it becomes apparent how much misinformation and misplaced blame is circulating around. And, while I do not want to air dirty laundry in public, I think it is important to set the record straight to stop the unfair and hurtful accusations. So here goes. Rambamâs economic troubles began several years ago, and there have been many contributing factors. But, in its most simple form, revenue in did not equal expenses out. In an attempt to attract more families, the board decided to split the boys and girls. This was a gamble. Despite the increased cost of teaching a greater number of classes and supporting two campuses, it was hoped that more students would join Rambam, thereby increasing revenue and improving the economic outlook of the school. Unfortunately, this did not occur, and, while new students came, an equal number left, and total enrollment remained mostly unchanged. This coincided with the global economic crisis, making fundraising more difficult. The deficits have mounted, making it necessary for the board to vote to sell the building so it can use the equity to pay off debt. But, unfortunately, this has added to the schoolâs perceived instability, further reducing enrollment. Most recently, in an effort to reduce the deficit, the board voted to close the high school, arguing that the high school is the most expensive component of the school, and, by closing it, it gives the lower school the greatest chance of remaining viable. A group of high school parents, including two past presidents, a current board member, and myself, formed an ad hoc committee to try to come up with a plan to save the high school. We formulated a plan to try to reach a balanced budget within the high school by raising tuition and reducing costs by bringing the boys and girls back together for secular studies, thereby reducing the total number of classes offered and the cost of staffing. We surveyed the parents of the high school to see if this was a viable model, and the majority of parents agreed. A few declined our model because of the coed classes, and an even larger number of 11th graders declined because they had decided to graduate early, an option given to them because of the planned closure of the high school. Despite this, the majority of students were planning on returning, and many parents were willing to pay the increased tuition. But, because of the smaller numbers and because not everyone can commit to the full tuition, we fell short of our goal of a balanced budget. Our hope was that, with our new model, as enrollment returned back to its pre-crisis level, we would eventually be able to meet expenses with tuition revenue, or at least come very close. And, in truth, no school runs purely on tuition without fundraising. So our committee decided on an earnest emergency fundraising effort which would try to go to the community to make up the deficit for the coming year to enable the high school to open its doors this fall. We have been coordinating with the rabbeim of the community, who have been VERY helpful in supporting the school. They have written letters to support Rambam, given their time to meet with us, and even given their own personal contributions to help the school. We then met with executive board members to tell them our plans and to coordinate with them. To our surprise, they told us to stop, making it clear that they would not support our efforts. They believe that our efforts could be detrimental to the survival of the lower school. They explained that, in their opinion, a coed high school, while clearly acceptable to the high school parents, would be unacceptable to the elementary school parents and would cause some of those children to leave the school. Moreover, they believe that there is limited funding available for a school like Rambam, and that directing it toward the high school would draw it away from the elementary school. In our opinion, however, the extra funding necessary to keep the high school alive would be temporary, as the new model makes it more likely to keep a balanced budget in the long run. Furthermore, we did not propose bringing the boys and girls back together as a change of hashgafa or as a comment on the way children learn best, but purely out of a fiscal need to reduce costs. If, at a future date, there is adequate enrollment to support separate classes in the high school, then this can certainly be done without any modification to the core principles of the school â Torah, Umadah, and Tzionut. Perhaps our attempts to raise the needed funds would have failed, but we were hoping to get the opportunity to try. The board, though, felt otherwise and has chosen a different path for the school. None of this was the fault of the community at large or of our wonderful rabbeim. While we personally disagree with the boardâs assumptions and conclusions, we cannot ask the rabbeim of the community to get in the middle of a dispute between Rambamâs parents and its board. If Rambamâs own board is not supporting the idea of a high school, how can we possibly ask the rabbeim or the community to support this idea? The rabbeim have been nothing but helpful to our attempts and do not deserve the criticism that has been directed against them. If you are a Rambam parent and disagree with the boardâs position, call the members of the executive board and let them know. Perhaps you could change their mind, as we have been unsuccessful in doing so. But stop blaming the community and the rabbeim. It wasnât their decision to stop all attempts at saving the high school. --Elliot Rothschild, Parent of 4 Yeshivat Rambam Students
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm confused as to why people keep mentioning the past as an excuse not to help. Of course mistakes and bad decision were made to get us into this mess, but the school is trying to fix it. Multiple times inflated teacher salaries were mentioned- my husband has worked at Rambam for 5 years and not only has he never received an increase, but this year they cut all teaching staff salaries by 5%. We are trying to keep Rambam afloat and changes are being made. Why hold not only past mistakes, but mistakes made by people no longer at the school against us?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
FYI Eberle Drive is in that apartment complex right between Home Depot and the train tracks off of Patterson Ave. It's practically in our neighborhood.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who commented: "It seems like the current Rambam Board "just threw in the towel" and walked away from the HS", since you didn't have the courage sign your name, I'm not sure who you are. But you obviously don't know that the financial committee and board at Yeshivat Rambam went through endless hours of meetings and put in every bit of effort to try to keep the high school open. Please don't make accusations when you have absolutely no idea what you're saying. Thanks! :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At the end of January, Baltimore Jewish Life, posted several letters from Rabbonim of our community urging community members to support Yeshivat Rambam.
As I speak to non-Rambam parents within this community, I find there is a great deal of assumption regarding the situation of Yeshivat Rambam. The lack of clarity, as to the real issues, is more than evident in the comments that follow the letters on-line.
I am not writing this comment to clarify these issues to the community. That is not my place. I am writing this letter because of other things that seem to be lacking. While a lack of clarity is always an issue that should be addressed, the lack of empathy towards my fellow parents and educators is far more disturbing. I write this as a plea for compassion to your neighbors and their children who are feeling pain.
A written version of a lecture from Rabbi Yochana Zweig has the following thought, [Quote] Our Sages tell us that it is Sinas Chinom that destroyed Jerusalem, and it is Sinas Chinom which keeps us mired in exile until this very day. Sinas Chinom is sometimes translated as baseless hatred - hatred for no reason. When there is love and caring among Jews, Hashem acts with us in a way that shows love and care. But when we act with anger and spite, harboring animosity, it's as though we're inviting Hashem to do the same. [End Quote]
My Father, AMVES, is a survivor from Hungary. He has often told me that we should feel grateful but never comfortable here, that Chas VSholom our safety on these shores may pass. He has often painfully expressed that we have not learned the lessons of what took place during those horrific years of WWII.
We once spoke about Kristallnacht.My Father reminisced about what the reaction was among the frum community in Hungary. They called for a Taanis and gathering for Tefilla, but there was a popular sentiment, as they klapped in 1939 for their brethren in Germany, that they, the Yekkes, deserved it. There was Sinas Chinam then, and it is alive and well today.
Looking at the comments on Baltimore Jewish Life over the past few days, I have to pause and wonder where we, a generation that has come of age in relative ease and comfort is headed. Why have so many of the comments regarding Rambam been directed at defending the lack of communal support or worse yet, diatribes against a school has clearly shown that it fills a vital need? Where is the sense of empathy that Rachmonim benai Rachmonim should have?
I do not profess to know what the financial difficulties are or how they originated. I do know that small schools by virtue of the mathematics involved have to charge a higher tuition, and I sincerely doubt anyone involved in the school has been driving a Lamborghini as a result of being in Rambamâs employ. Furthermore, considering the reputation for excellence in both academic performance and the actual student product that Rambam has put out over the years, a farsighted person can see the wider communal return on the initial investment.
Unfortunately, I havenât won the lottery and Publishers Clearing House is not beating a path to my door. I donât have the money to rescue Rambam, but I can feel pain for my fellow parents and express care and concern for the educators and children in my community who are suffering from a loss on so many levels. I realize, in view of keeping an institution open, that may not be much, but in the scope of Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh LahZeh, thatâs a great deal more than the extra burden of indifference or harangues being thrust upon the shoulders of parents and educators who now have to make shift for the coming year.
Another thing that should be considered as people post comments or discuss the predicament in public is the reality that Rambam students are following the communal response to their situation. Please consider, how you or your child would feel if your school, a Torah institution,was being trashed by your fellow community members. In addition, does such behavior exemplify good chinuch for ANY student in our community?
As I write this letter, we are approaching Shabbos Shekalim. In Parshas Shekalim we read about the obligatory half-shekel offering. In the half shekel we display the concept of achdus,unity; that each and every Jew is part of a whole.
It is very clear that the international tolerance of anti-Semitism is changing, it is clear that the world-wide Jewish community is standing at a crossroads, let us show love and caring among Jews and may the RBSH bring the Orah, Simcha, Sasson, Vykar of zman Moshiach speedily in our days.
R. Laks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Almost 20 years ago we wrote a check to TA for $118, before we even HAD kids, because we were told that to keep an Orthodox school open was a COMMUNITY responsibility. I wonder how the community would have responded back then if someone had suggested that TA simply close its high school because it "couldn't afford it"? Somehow back then TA was indispensible to the community, yet now Rambam, with OVER 95 STUDENTS IN ITS HIGH SCHOOL (how's that for critical mass?) is considered disposable. We all know that times are tough for everyone. That's a reason to come together and help one another, not to throw around judgemental accusations about what random people THINK the school did wrong in the past. (By the way, the Smartboards were FREE - a grant - and, as a Rambam teacher, I'd really like to know who's getting paid these "ridiculous salaries," because I'm just working for my kids' tuition...) So what did TA do to get itself into that mess all those years ago? And did that stop people from doing the right thing and making sure that all those students didn't lose their school, and that Baltimore didn't lose an important part of its educational make-up? Rambam isn't some small "yeshiva business." It's an essential school with over 350 students in its preschool through high school. And a great many of these students will have nowhere else to go if Rambam closes its doors. They won't "fit" in the other Baltimore schools, and the other schools don't have room for them. So what will be the result? Large numbers of families will be forced to leave Baltimore because this community nolonger offers a school appropriate for their children. Is this the message that the Baltimore Orthodox Community wishes to convey - Conform or Get Out? If you don't send your kids to TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, or B'nos, who needs you? Should Rambam parents take from the community's silence during this tragedy the message that we are not welcome here? That the warm and welcoming Baltimore Jewish Community has lost it's heart and its soul? I have lived here for over 20 years, and I thought I knew Baltimore. But the Baltimore I knew would have stood up and helped. I can only conclude from the apathy I am now witnessing that Baltimore has changed, and, unfortunately, not for the better...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"when students go to bt, the rules that they are complaining about aren't there." Yes, unfortunately at any yeshiva day school that is grounded on following halacha, the word "no" is a real part of the culture and must be. Even a Rambam compared to a TA or a BY is also guided unfortunately many times having to say the word "no". In community schools (not just BT but any school whose mission is not guided first and foremost by following halacha), the word "no" does not frequently need to be used in comparison and to a student how wonderful is that opportunity. I hope one day as you grow and mature and G-d willing have kids, you will be able to understand that word "no" is acceptable and necessary and it is no easy job saying it, whether as as a frum parent or educator in a frum school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With comments like "Please do not assume that under ever black hat or sheitel is a person who is close-minded" (assuming that Rambam doesn't have these too??). and "the indifference you sense from the wider community can be directly traced to the smug aloof approach the Rambam leadership took when they began the school" (....hmmm I was told the leadership was compared to Nadav and Avehu for even talking of starting the school and that does not exactly engender warmth and love my friend), one can see why Rambam struggles and will continue among many people. The lack of knowledge and understanding the first quote shows (yet with a sincere genuine caring for sure) and the sheer bitterness and arrogance from some of the "elite" members of the community, the second quote, that will use any excuse to not support Rambam from the beginning to now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the last commenter: why do you assume only non-Rambam parents are the black hat and sheitel wearers??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very well written and spoken with true emes. I am not a Rambam supporter, but feel badly for the students, teachers, and the loss of another choice in the community.
But, the indifference you sense from the wider community can be directly traced to the smug aloof approach the Rambam leadership took when they began the school. Now in their crises mode we in the larger community have no real understanding of the financial needs of Rambam. What are we talking about? What are the projected enrollments? It seems like the current Rambam Board "just threw in the towel" and walked away from the HS. Why? Can it be saved? Why can't a boys HS of 65 boys continue? Stop blaming the community and start to look for strength from within. Only Rambam can save Rambam.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chava - I am proud that I had the z'chut to teach you (even if it was only for a few weeks last year as a sub) You are truly a special young lady. May you continue on your path to greatness, and don't let all of the negative comments get you down.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Chava. You said it ALL!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to the person who wrote To All Rambam Parents: what you are saying is not true. Parents didn't leave because they didn't get what they wanted. they left because of the idiocy in the administration. with other schools such as bt, the rules maybe strict, but they are logical. on the other hand, many of rambam's newly implemented policy were only due to idiocy not logic. when students go to bt, the rules that they are complaining about aren't there. I can tell you that from first hand experience. from a former Rambam Student (who now goes to bt).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes - the high school absolutely can be saved if enough money is raised. Several plans have been proposed by groups of high school parents that involve reducing costs and increasing funding, the goal being a balanced budget. As the first commenter suggested, money is needed to "get things off the ground" initially. But saving the high school absolutely is within the reach of the community, if everyone would just pitch in and help.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I did not send my children to Rambam, but I support the school. I hope things will improve and one day Rambam will reopen its high school. Please do not assume that under ever black hat or sheitel is a person who is close-minded. I wish Rambam all the best.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To All Rambam Parents, Past and Present:
One of the problems with Rambam are all the people who left over the years. Over the years I would be shocked as this one or that one simply pulled their kid out- instead of realizing that as a whole this school was the appropriate school, the only modern Orthodox Zionist Day school in Baltimore, that needed as much support as possible, even if it wasn't perfect.
The ridiculous reasons I heard for removing kids from rambam could fill a book- such as a teacher did not respond well to a parent's e-mail about Israel, or that the principle did not put the child into an honors class, didn't like a teacher, or other pouty, nonsense. Once that kid was in another school the parent for some mysterious reason accepted the brick wall response of the other school's administration. But for some reason the parents at Rambam always felt that Rambam should listen to all their demands even if other schools do not.
So many people left over the years whenever they had a disagreement or complaint, instead of sticking with the school. At Bais Yaakov, TA, TI, BT, the parents do NOT leave when they have differences of opinions and complaints- they get used to having the administration run things without parents input and without swaying to parental complaints and desires.
Whenever Rambam parents had a complaint they simply pulled their kids out and went to BT. By doing this tantrum they then changed the course of their kids lives because in no way does BT have as Frum a curriculum or standards as Rambam does. Why did they do it? Because the parents at Rambam are different than the parents at Bais Yaakov and TA. At BT, Bais Yaakov and TA the administrations are tightly in control, and you can complain to the walls, and parents accept this without question. But, Because Rambam was always a school with lots of parent input, if a parent didn't get her way, she would take her kids out.
Then she'd go to any other school and she would discover that the other school do not sway at all to parental input and they suddenly accept this tough approach and unlike at Rambam, they go quietly into the night with all their grievances. If only the Rambam parents who left would have realized that no other school's principles listen even one iota to their complaints and do not change anything due to their rantings. At BY, TA or BT if you don't like a teacher or the curriculum- too bad!
If only the Rambam parents had known that before they ditched Rambam, the real school where their kids truly belonged, warts and all. Instead of marching off with their kids to other schools, the school could have been saved long ago.
However, even now, there are enough kids to have a viable high school. Rambam needs a real leader, a tough yet kind person to take over and run it like BY and BT are run- by devoted tough cookies, who are passionate about keeping the school alive and running strong, who set a course and do not veer off. And PARENTS need to accept that Rambam, as other schools, will not be perfect, but it will be the ONLY Modern Orthodox Zionist Day School in Baltimore, and they need to SUPPORT it and STICK WITH IT!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kudos to a very brilliant and caring physician, who is modest and an amazing example for Jewish women.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The closing of the Rambam High School is very sad and every person I speak to in the rabbinic community feels that Rambam is an important part of the fabric of our community. Rather than repeat the inaccurate accuations against "the rabbonim' and mischarecterize the TA story, it is important that those who care deeply for this institution accept responsibility for its sucess in the future. There are many good schools in the community and each has its place. each has its fundraising process and its coterie of supporters. Rambam has been in existence for 20 years and its lay leaders raised millions of dollars over those years. It is a tragedy that all that effort is being lost with the selling of the campuses, both old and new. However, this is the time to get up, dust off and take achrayus for a school and do whatever it takes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
CHAVA!!! Nice going, you said what everyone else was too afraid to say! you got guts girl~! May it take you far in life!
Love, Sarah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
She is a wonderful Doctor. She has been working with my mother who has retinitus pigmantosa and my 15 year old son has the disease as well. She has been great! Congratulations! and thanks for all the hard work you put into these horrible eye diseases.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanx for saying what needed to be said. baltimore's "achdus" is really rather one-sided after all.
a baltimore native for 50 yrs
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore needs more people like Chava Barr, kind and caring and sensitive, a true Bat Yisrael. You go, girl!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When I moved to Baltimore several years ago, the Rambam community welcomed my family and me with open arms. We found a home here with good friends and a wonderful school. I have learned so much during my time at Rambam that extends far beyond the incredible academic and Torah education that I have received. The teachers and administration have guided all of us with warmth, love, and wisdom for many years. This is my last year at Rambam, I am a senior, and it upsets me greatly to see the anger and bitterness in the Baltimore community towards Rambam. I know that this community that I have grown to love has more to offer than just harsh words. As many of my friends have said, I am a proud Yeshivat Rambam student, and I hope that people will see the pride that we have for our school and learn to recognize its incredible value as we have.
Liora Miller
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"What do you want people to do when they can't afford the millions it would take to get Rambam out of the hole?"
The same thing that was done for TA years ago when it suffered through financial mismanagement. Perhaps you weren't in Baltimore at the time. Every orthodox Rabbi in every shule got up and begged and cajoled their congregants to give money to TA so it wouldn't be forced to close. How many of the Orthodox shule and community rabbis in Baltimore have done that for Rambam? Other than a handful of letters from a small group, where is the outcry? Shame, shame, shame!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To "Chava, you make no sense. No one is insulting anyone." Have you read the comments on the other post along these similar lines? These seem pretty insulting to me.
Comments like, "Believing that Rambam was the only school that was a viable option which is how it sounded showed elitism and intolerance to other institutions."
as well as, "Baloney. The community did not cause Rambam to overspend on EVERYTHING from salaries to smartboards to phone systems, etc. This never was a community school and until it acts like one the 'community' need not support it. The TA debacle was entirely different. Do your homework."
and also, " There are countless stories about former Rambam families who were pushed away from the school due to financial difficulties and degraded in the process. While our hearts bleed for innocent familes left with non-perfect options, we will not support this school as they brought it upon themselves. - Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chava, you are a perfect example of how a bas yisroel must be, to express your feelings in a non-attacking way and heartfelt way as a plea for the ultimate good of klal Yisroel, trying to keep open a wonderful Jewish school for your fellow classmates. I am sorry that you had to have such an insensitive, arrogant answer to your letter. Do not let her words harm you as they were meant to. Do not let those words turn you away from the beautiful Torah and middos that are taught at Rambam. You are an example of how Rambam students are taught to behave.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have just come back to read comments after a hiatus of a few days without my beloved computer. I truly commend the HS students , my granddaughter Eliana Shields, included) who wrote so fervently about the need for Rambam HS and what it has done for them. Unfortunately, many of the comments prove that many in this city do not have what these students learned in YR-tolerance and ahavas Yisroel. For a very long time I used to praise Baltimore, saying how wonderful it was living here, because there is such unity, such achdus. Whereas, other cities were divided over issues such as kashrus, eruv, or the like, Baltimore did not have this kind of strife.
My prime example of the achdus of Baltimore occurred 13 and a half years ago at the levaya of our uncle Saul Taragin zl. Saul was an ardent Zionist, president of the local RZA. He was one of the founders of Yeshivat Rambam. You can imagine my surprise and the surprise of others when, none other than Rav Heinemann shlita got up to be maspid him. Rav Heineman said, in his hesped, we might have had our differences, but Saul Taragin was my friend. That was an example of the achdus Baltimore was proud of. What can we be proud of today?
Tova Taragin, proud member of the Yeshivat Rambam family
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am a proud student of Yeshivat Rambam. These past few weeks have been extremely difficult and emotional for us, but anyone who walks through the doors of my school can immediately feel the happy atmosphere in the hallways. My friends and I have dealt with so much ridicule and hardship, donât we deserve some credit for going through it all with Sever Panim Yafot, smiles on our faces? There is so much love filling that place it's sometimes crazy- my classmates and teachers EMBODY "V'ahavta l're'echa kamocha". I will never forget the years spent at Rambam, but not only for the beautiful friendships I have made, the amazing relationships I still have with my teachers, or the lessons I have learned. In fact, I hate to say, one of the foremost memories I have from my career at Rambam is the discontent I faced at the hands of other Jews, those who didn't attend my school. How do you think it feels, to walk into shul and hear the whispers of, "Oh, those Rambam kidsâ¦"? How do you think it feels to be having a conversation and see a smirk come across the other person's face when you mention what school you go to? It feels awful. Worse yet, to be proud of your school and face this. Let's not forget the amounts of persecution at the hands of the community that Rambam students have received for years. Yes, this is a blanket statement somewhat, but the harsh words always seem to overtake the kind ones. Even the most open-minded, accepting parent would naturally hesitate to send their child to a school with such a stigma surrounding it. But who created that stigma in the first place? Money aside, the real downfall of Yeshivat Rambam has been and continues to be Loshon Hara. How can you only blame the school's ill financial decisions when you too are at fault? Poor or rich, donations or no donations, one bad word about an institution spreads like wildfire, and can cause it to fail. Especially those bad words stated without knowledge or facts. So to all the hatred and dirty looks I've gotten over the past 11 years throughout the community (you know who you are), I say this: Perhaps Rambam is a sinking ship, but you, those residing in the Jewish community who continue to be narrow-minded and cruel, are the iceberg.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As an "out of towner" visiting Baltimore, I am sad and astounded that such an unfortunate set of circumstances has befallen a Jewish Institution in a City as reknowned for its Orthodoxy as Baltimore! This situation truly casts a pall on your city. What is even more unfortunate is the apparent lack of unity and the absence of kehilla-wide solidarity on behalf of Yeshiva Rambam. In my town, all Jews and all Rabbanim would have altruistically rallied behind a struggling Jewish institution in both monetary and moral terms. Is the Board of Directors of Rambam aware of the consequences of their misguided decision and their seeming lame effort to turn things around ? Did they earnestly try to reach out to philanthropists (in Baltimore or elsewhere) whose greatest pleasure would be to help bail this fine institution out? (People in my community have often been called upon to save struggling institutions and were we approached here would have risen to the occasion.) It's not to late........
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have attempted to stay out of the fray, but feel moved to at least contribute my thoughts to this board. The comments by the current Rambam students are both inspirational and sad. They make me happy that my son, while only in kindergarten, attends Rambam, with my hopes that one day he will feel like these students do about his school. On the other hand, many other comments on this site add to my feelings that if Rambam ultimately does not survive, my family's ability to survive as productive Orthodox Jews in Baltimore will not either. We can only hope that the school is viable going into the future.
Joel Carter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think anyone of sound mind reading Chava Barrâs articulate and well written message and then the Bais Yaakov students less than stellar response can clearly understand why we need schools like Rambam.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the person who said Chava,you make no sense...Chava makes perfect sense. We as Rambam students have understood and accepted (with much difficulty) the fact that we are graduating as 11th graders and going to college next year. She is simply asking for sympathy and for those people who are hurting the Rambam family to stop. We've understand that people who can't help monetarily won't, because we know that people have their bills and high tuitions to pay for their children, but I think that Chava is asking as a plea to those who may be able to help in any way. And yes, Rambam was not financially stable, but that's not because they overspent aimlessly, rather they were kind to those who needed financial aid and tried to help as many people as possible...isn't it a shame that by trying to help people by doing a kind deed that it came to the point that they had to close? Before you say that Rambam overspent, even if it did, consider the fact that they helped lots of students get an amazing education and grow to be the amazing community leaders that they are. Thanks.
Comment by Rivka Laks
very nice letter but sadly you did not do your homework before hitting submit. As others have written there was over a decade of overspending and mismanagement at YR that has led to its current dire situation. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the community or parents not appreciating what YR means to the klal. We all know that there is a need for YR to exist but to blame the community for the mistakes of insiders is a mistake in itself. Good luck to you.
Comment by Rivka Laks
is it the fault of parents of students of bais yaakov or other schools that the school is closing? did the school just get into financial trouble in the last week or did this take place over many years? no one is saying that Rambam is not an important institution. The Weinberg Academy was also a very important institution, but they were forced to close as well for financial reasons. to put the blame on everybody else does not seem fair.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the poster above - I don't believe anyone at Yeshivat Rambam would like you to rob a bank or stop fulfilling your current commitments in order to support our school. When we speak of lack of community support, we (or at least I) are speaking of the almost deafening silence of the vast majority of our community leaders about this matter. (With the exceptions of Rabbi's Caplan, Marwick, Silber and Hauer.. and forgive me if I've missed others.) A few years ago there was a big campaign within the city to keep our tzedekah money local within Baltimore. Why haven't the rabbonim of our city been reminding people of the commitments that they made and reminding people that Yeshivat Rambam is its own epicenter of Torah learning in the community? Why aren't they yelling from the rooftoops, "Baltimore is a city that believes in the concept of Shivim Panim L'Torah"? Why is nobody saying, "you know what, it might not be your way, but V'chol Netivoteh Shalom?" To me, that's the most saddening part of this entire situation. The fact that I have to face the reality that Baltimore has become a city that seems unable to recognize these facts.
I feel so deeply for the students of Yeshivat Rambam that are losing their "home." I remember my high school days fondly and how at that point in life ones school really does become a second family to them. But, I have to say that I am proud of them, and also inspired by them. The passion and love for Torah and their school that they have displayed both within the halls of Yeshivat Rambam and on this forum are to be admired. Reading their comments and seeing them in person re-affirms to me that I made the right choice for my kindergartener when we chose Yeshivat Rambam.
Lanie Carter - Proud YR Parent
Comment by Rivka Laks
well written and well put! i am proud to call you a friend!
Comment by Rivka Laks
Chava, you make no sense. No one is insulting anyone.
Rambam is closing because they overspent for years and got themselves into a mountain of debt. What do you want people to do when they can't afford the millions it would take to get Rambam out of the hole?
Comment by Rivka Laks
As a teacher at Rambam I am proud of you Chava ! All that you have learned at this school is reflected in your heartfelt and articulate words ! May you always be the very special young lady that you are today...
Comment by Rivka Laks
Why didn't they make a plea to the community for support before they announced that they were closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the person who wrote, "Right back at you", in no way did Chava Barr "insult Bais Yaakov" in this letter. Instead of going on the attack, why don't you show how kind Bais Yaakov students are to those who are hurting, and show some support and empathy for someone whose school is closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
GO CHAVA!!!!!!!!!-from one of your old BY classmates
Comment by Rivka Laks
Articulate and heartfelt. Kudos!
I saw no insult to anyone.
To all the non-Rambam parents out there, please read the above and consider what the comments you may be writing in to this site (or any others) are saying to our community's kids and our fellow Parents.
A Bais Yaakov Parent who feels shame for Baltimore
Comment by Rivka Laks
The impending closing of this school sadly mark of a recent shift in our community toward a reformist ideal of homogeneity, a culture focused on superficial externalities such as dress, power and concealment, rather than on the noble and virtuous characteristics that our avos and gedolim of yesteryear sacrificed so much to perpetuate.
Comment by Rivka Laks
very well put!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am not from Baltimore, but I almost cried when reading this. This sounds like such a beautiful school - why is it closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
This is an outstanding article, a mark of the chochmoh and derech eretz Rambam has imbued in its students. While I am neither a student at Rambam nor a parent, I recognize the singular and essential role the school plays within our community. It is an utter embarrassment that our community leaders and philanthropists are allowing it to sink. Indeed, there is still time for us to turn this story of tragedy into a story of triumph; with Purim approaching, this is a lesson we must learn and live.
Comment by Rivka Laks
"its not that we don't have enough students or enough money". So sorry but simply not true. Hebrew Academy has closer to 200 students in their HS but most importantly they have 750 total students. Rambam at its peak never exceeded 450 students and to survive as it was it needed 650 students. Could they have spent less. Sure. Could they have cut more. Sure. But in the end not enough total students to sustain itself. It is very unfortunately sad but not enough parents put their kids in the school and that in the end doomed it later then sooner only because of David Sidransky. The facts, the budget, and the numbers speak for themselves unfortunately.
Comment by Rivka Laks
As an adult community member, it is sad, but heartening to see the post of YR students. They are obviously bright, well educated and commited Jews. Any school should be proud to have such examples of their efforts.
To those denegrading YR, you should be ashamed! You are not an example of what "Frum" means and are making a Chillul Hashem. You are also setting a very poor example for your children and making the other schools/Yeshivos, that serve our community, look bad. Everyone deserves better.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Kol Hakavod Chava for writing such a beautiful letter.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Chava thank you for expressing your feelings I am proud that you are brave to put this out there!
Comment by Rivka Laks
It's an absolute abomination that there was not enough support from the entire Baltimore community to sustain the existence of Yeshivat Rambam. While we have had positive experiences in both schools I think it's a terribly sad state of affairs which allowed this to happen. Too bad Baltimore developed into such an uncohesive group.
Chava, I think you wrote beautifully. I think that anyone who writes a negative comment to your words should think twice about it.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I do not live in Baltimore and do not know Rambam School. HOWEVER, I do know the parent who wrote the article that spurred all this response. I know that this parents' children had to have financial help to go to this school.
As an outsider, I am shocked at the infighting and the lack of Ahavas Yisroel in this matter.
What about the children? Where will they be next year? What can each of you do to protect them and make sure they are each in the right environment.
I have visited the Orthodox community in Baltimore. It is clear to me that there is room for this type of school among other Orthodox schools. Please support a plan to protect and even enhance the education of the affected schools rather than engaging in loshon hora and denegration.
A CT visitor
Comment by Rivka Laks
What a courageous and beautiful neshama!
Comment by Rivka Laks
The students are not saying that it is the community's responsibility to pay to keep the high school open. I believe they are saying that they would prefer the community not to speak harshly towards Rambam's high school closing.
Comment by Rivka Laks
rambam has more than enough students to sustain itself! the administration at the hebrew academy was shocked when they heard that a high school of 90 people was closing. its not that we don't have enough students or enough money, it is the fact that they spend more than they have. had they been fiscally responsible, we could have had a high school that could have easily sustained its self
Comment by Rivka Laks
I'm so proud of you, Chava! And I truly hope everyone can find it in themselves to take this earnest plea to heart. It's the right thing to do.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Well right back at you. Please do not insult my parents, who are proud members of the Bais Yaakov Family for many years. They are proud of Bais Yaakov and Baltimore and believe it or not, they are strong supporters of Rambam too (as well as Bnos Yisrael).They understand that Baltimore needs more than just one type of school to thrive as a community. I am personally offended that you can make such comments, insulting so many people. What surprises me the most in your letter is that you are doing the same thing that you feel others are doing to you. Maybe you should think twice before making a blanket statement in public and then signing your name on it. I wish you the best of luck as you move on
Comment by Rivka Laks
"They erred in transitioning" Not so. The "non transitioned Rambam" did not have enough students to be financially viable. Any one who saw the books including board members realized this but always put faith in David Sidransky to make it all work. That simply could not sustain itself forever. Transitioning methods were abysmal no doubt but the high school was always not viable financially.
What Rambam needs now are parents to support them and the great work they do.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I understand that not everyone in the community is financially capable of helping, and while it would be nice if Rambam could have survived with help from the community, I don't think that was the intention of a lot of the Rambam comments, especially by the students. Even if people could not support the school in order to stay open, we just wanted the community's support; emotionally. People don't have to give support monetarily, but rather share their sympathy for the situation we are in.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I'm an eleventh grader in Yeshivat Rambam, and I have something to say. Rambam has taught me more than just information, facts, study skills, and Hebrew skills; Rambam has taught me what it means to be a Jew. I have been at Rambam my entire school-life, and have enjoyed every year of it, as much as one enjoys school. Without Rambam I would not be who I am today - if I had gone to either a more right-wing or more left-wing school I would not be as happy as I was and am in Yeshivat Rambam, because that is the kind of person I am; nothing else would have worked for me. Rambam is my family, a large part of my life and of every student's who goes there; Rambam it essential for the happiness and education of many children, and needs to be there for those children and their families. I was heavily considering ending my schooling a year early - the one thing that stopped me was this: I wanted very much to graduate with my class. This is the sense of ahavas yisroel that Rambam infuses its students with, and is something that will impact their lives forever. This is something we need in our community, for all of the Rambam people out there.
Rambam is something unique and special that has to stay.
Please help us in our endeavor to keep the school and high school open and running.
A Rambam Person
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been following all the comments about Rambam over these past few days and really feel a need to comment. First of all, everyone please stop blaming the community for not saving Rambam. Where are people supposed to get this money from? This is not fair to put blame on an entire community and to rant and rave how the community has let you down and you're ashamed to be part of such a community. We have seven children ka"h, six of whom are school age and we are paying full tuition for them. We receive no governmental subsidies whatsoever including medical assistance, food stamps, wic etc. and cannot receive any community subsidies either. B"H we do not need to but we are left with just enough to get by at the end of the month even though we earn a decent salary. Yes, on paper it seems like a nice amount, but after all the extra's that we pay for things that many receive subsidies for we are left with the same "take home" pay at the end of the month as those who receive tuition breaks and subsidies. Where should we get this so called money from? Rob a bank? We are lucky we can cover our monthly bills. We do not give maaser al pi psak due to the full tuition payments in lieu of taking a scholarship, our children do not attend overnight camps and we really live with the minimum. Please stop blaming us! Its very hard to read this and it is simply wrong and unfair. I'm sorry the school is closing down and I do believe that not every child fits into Bais Yaakov, Bnos, TA and TI but this is not the community's fault. If people don't have the money, then no matter how much they'd like to help, they simply can't. There are many in the community who are like ourselves and simply cannot afford it. Stop blaming PLEASE!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
The state of this community is disgusting. I am a Rambam student, and I can't imagine what my life would have been like had I not found Rambam in first grade. Would I be religious? Probably not. If I had gone to BT, the temptations would have gotten to me. If I had gone to Bais Yaakov, I would have been entirely turned off by having religiosity stuffed down my throat on a daily basis. In either case, a moderate, accepting school where I could ask questions was just what I needed. And now, kids like me- who need somewhere to go- have nowhere to belong. THAT is a tragedy.
This community used to be something. There used to be a sense of Jewish brotherhood, a common theme. Now what are we? A bunch of cowards who can't see something we all really needed until it was gone. Sure, Rambam made some mistakes, but the "Holier-than-thou" attitude of the Jewish community is a disgrace. It's a chilul Hashem that people can't appreciate something good, something worthwhile, and something necessary. I personally am filled with anger and horror at how attacked I feel as a student of this establishment. When people crack jokes, point fingers, and act carelessly around me and my classmates, it not only nauseates me, but hurts me. Why do I have to be the one crying myself to sleep? All you are doing when you criticize is thinking of yourselves, your own fears. But take a look at your children. What will become of them? What will become of this generation, without someone to tell them that even if they don't wear a black hat, and even if their mothers don't wear sheitels, they are still good Jews, and are still valuable to this community? It is heartbreaking to imagine that, at the rate we're going, there may not be a thriving Jewish community in Baltimore in a few years. I can't express my gratitude for Rambam, and I hope that people can come to terms with their own pretensions and learn to appreciate the good thing we once had.
Comment by Rivka Laks
A usually treif cut of meat (T-Bone) on this site?
Comment by Rivka Laks
âKol Yisrael Araivim Zeh LâZeh.â
All of Yisrael are responsible for one another.
This quote emphasizes the clear mission of Yeshivat Rambam.
The Achdut and Chessed which the Yeshivat Rambam embodies is incredible. We strive to help, and give, and share. The lessons we learn extend way past the classroom, and taught us how to volunteer and give of ourselves. Our incredible teachers have given so much to us, and taught us how to get out of our comfort zones to do work with Yachad, Menucha, Chai Lifeline. We started projects such as America Eats for Israel, a nationwide project which fundraises hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed hungry families in Israel, and Mind, Body & Soul, a project which raised thousands of dollars in order to help fund weddings. Without Rambam, I would not be who I am today, someone full of passion, sensitivity, and generosity.
As a proud Yeshivat Rambam student, the comments which are surrounding the Rambam situation are both heart wrenching and appalling. Firstly, to those people who are in support of the schoolâs existence â thank you. Your kind words and support are immeasurable to me, and all of my class and schoolmates. To those who decided to speak of Yeshivat Rambam negatively â Iâm sorry for you. I am sorry that you didnât take the time to think twice before posting a spiteful and hurtful comment.
To those saying that Rambam is a âsinking shipâ â maybe the high school is not opening next year. This can be true for many reasons. However, now is not the time to point fingers and appoint blame on the past and poor decision making. Now is the time to point fingers at ourselves, and think about the tragedy that losing a Torah institution will be in Baltimore. Yes, Yeshivat Rambam may have different views on the State of Israel. However, just like TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, Bnos Yisrael, and Beth Tfiloh, we are all learning one Torah. Rambam may not be a viable option for your children or grandchildren, but it is certainly a more than feasible option for many of your friendsâ and community membersâ children. There is still an elementary school which needs your kind support.
Before responding, please think twice about it. Please remember the people who love and respect Yeshivat Rambam.
Eliana Shields
A proud Yeshivat Rambam student.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Dear Rambam commenters: You are all giving us such nachas! We will never give up trying to save the school for you! This is true yiddishkeit and you should be so proud of yourselves for the people you have become and how much greater you will be as you grow up and enter the adult society. Through all this pain and negativity, keep your focus and your sights straight, you are true children of Israel. You are our guiding lights! May the entire community and leadership grow and learn from you!!!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
I as a student in Yeshivat Rambam would like to point out that despite the individuals in the community who have been putting down my school, we still contribute to the community. It states in our mission statement: âWe build character and foster commitment to the community. We develop strong middot in our students with an emphasis on kindness, honesty, respect, and responsibility. We care deeply about the Jewish and broader communities in which we live, and educate our students to be respectful of others. We train our students to assume leadership roles in their communities and to contribute as sensitive, knowledgeable, active citizens.â Examples of this would be our commitment to Menucha, Yachad, Jewish Caring Network, and Chai Lifeline. A few of us take leadership in the Associated programs, such as STAC, TGI, and Diller. We help starving people in Israel by getting restaurants throughout the entire United States to devote a day to set aside 10% of their income to a soup kitchen in Israel. We had an event called Mind Body and Soul, and raised $3,000 for those Kallahs who do not have enough money to get married. For those who say that there is no place for Yeshivat Rambam, who else would be doing these projects? The leadership that we have in our school is over the top, and I am sure of it that the Yeshivat Rambam students will continue to participate in these leadership activities. But without Rambam, there would be starving children in Israel. Multiple Kallahs would not have gotten married, but because we raised money for them, they were able to. These leadership activities have helped these students succeed and grow, and helped them become who they are today. I know that for me personally, without Menucha, I would not be who I am today. I would not appreciate my health and well being. Every week when I go to visit my Menucha family, I walk out of there with a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for who I am. This is what we are taught at Yeshivat Rambam. My question is, how could somebody say that there is no need for this- for Chessed, for Achdut, for love, for inclusion, and for passion? This does not fit into the Baltimore community? Now, that is a tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the members of our community,
I have been a Yeshivat Rambam student for three years, and never in my life have I been more proud of my Judaism. Before coming to Rambam I was in Bais Yaakov, most of my life was spent in the BY uniform, much like many of the girls in our community. I learned to speak with a Saf like your children, I learned my brachos with Morah Devorah, and my Lamed Tes Milachos with Mrs. Katz, I know what it means to be a dead fish, and all the other aphorisms used by Rabbi Hexter, I know that at the end of the day there is a line by the teacherâs room waiting to get a cup of Mrs. Gutmanâs famous soup. As much as I know this, I did not know how cruel the parentâs of my former classmates could be. I did not know that people who send their children to Jewish day schools to learn the Halacha of Ahavas Yisroel, would be the ones to insult another Jewish day school. I did not think that they would be the ones to leave a school to âsinkâ, especially after different Rebbeim sent out letters asking for their help. I honestly did not think it possible to be so disappointed in my own people.
Rambam has taught me many things, one of which is acceptance. I learned that you can not change others, even though sometimes people need to change. I learned that just because people pronounce things differently, it does not make them any less worthy. I have been given opportunities that I had not been given in Bais Yaakov, ones that I did not think of being possible. I was given to the chance to show just how capable I was, I was able to make activities and other things come to life, not just for my school, but for the whole community. Many of the people who have commented probably have heard of one of my programs, Mind Body & Soul.
It was all about coming together to achieve a goal, and an astounding number of people came to help. We rose over $3,000 for people who could not afford a Chasuna. I got volunteers to help me run programs with CHANA, Menucha, Yachad, Chai Lifeline, and other amazing chessed organizations. Never had I even thought I would be one to bring others to good. I had always thought I was just one of a million, Rambam taught me that I am in fact one in a million. For over six years the students have organized America Eats for Israel, and now, we must give it away.
It says in Mishlei (Proverbs) âDo not withhold good from its rightful recipient, when you have the power to do it.â If you are one who follows the Torah to the letter, you are ignoring what is your duty.
Râ Yonah explains that the pasuk is saying that if a person comes to you and asks for help you may not turn him away. He brings forth another pasuk from Devorim 15:7 to validate his point; it states that âyou shall not harden your heart or close yours against your destitute brother.â It is said that a person who refuses to help his fellow Jew is held responsible in the same way as one who worships Avodah Zara. Râ Yonah also says that one who has the means to help the poor should, as it says, âPerform the commandments of charity as long as you find someone in need and you have the money availableâ (Shabbat 151b).
I understand that people do not see the need for a âmodernâ school, but I do. If you donât want to helpâ¦thatâs fine, but please do not insult the people who have put so much of themselves into my school. Please do not insult the children, and teachers who are the school. Please, I beg of you, do not turn someone away when they ask for help.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Reading the comments made by the students of Rambam's high school is heart-wrenching for me. I do not know how the leadership of the community and all of you who have been so "cynical" and insensitive, can read their heartfelt words and not want to help to save the school that has taught them these beautiful middos. All of you who have judged Rambam in such a harsh and cruel way without "getting to know it", I would want no part of your level of so-called frumkeit. You should go and pick out some good books on loshon hora. Rambam, you have done a good job to give these messages to these children!
Comment by Rivka Laks
Reading the many, many comments makes me realize that the lack of achdus in the community and tolerance for each other, with the children as the victims, is the real tragedy. Don't we have enough outside enemies, why must we be enemies with each other? Isn't this the work of the yetzar hora, to divide and conquer?
Comment by Rivka Laks
My children have gone to other schools/yeshivos as well as Rambam. There is Torah learning of equal quality at all of them. If the child learns the beauty of davening, Torah and mitzvahs and is happy and fluorishes in the environment he or she is in everyday, we, as parents, are accomplishing our jobs. As parents and leaders of the community, we should know that this is our top priority. As has been suggested a number of times throughout this comment section, we welcome everyone to come and walk down the halls and into the classrooms of Rambam's high school and see the peaceful atmosphere, caring teachers and rebbeim and involved administration. Come see the depth of Torah learning going on within our walls and see that to lose this group of 93 children who learn and daven in unison, as one voice, really would be a tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Do you know what it is like to have a year of your life taken away from you? Well I do. I was expecting another full year of my high school life to decide who I wanted to be in the world. I not only wanted that year I needed that year. I have no idea what I want to be when im an adult and maybe one year wouldn't have been enough but what if it was? I have been a family member of Yeshivat Rambam for 9 years. 9 years of a persons life isn't just forgotten. Yeshivat Rambam has made me everything I have ever wanted to be. I have learnt there morals and life skills that the rest of my life will be based on forever, and I am so proud of them. I was taught never to judge a person before knowing them. I was taught to never speak Lashon Hara. And the most important thing I have learnt in the beautiful hallways of Rambam is to love. Not one person who attends there can say they weren't loved. The amount of effort and devotion our teachers have to us and we have to our teachers is overwhelming. Not only have I found my life role models there in everyone of my teachers, but I have found my second family. In a family, no matter how different each member is you love them with all your heart. As Klal Yisroel isn't that suppose to be the same? We are all the children of G-d and it makes me want to fall asleep crying every night that we speak of each other so badly and we don't love each other. Yeshivat Rambam taught me how to love people no matter how different they are. That kind of mida is incredible and that is the kind of midot Rambam teaches. You have never known what you lost till its gone. This is especially true for our community. One day people will realize there is a huge need for Rambam and they will be so sorry for what they said. Love is so important and Rambam understands that. I am a proud Yeshivat Rambam student and will always be.
Comment by Rivka Laks
When people think about Rambam from an outsiders point of view there are so many things that they do not see. As a student I can definitely say that there have been difficult times. Beyond difficult times. There were times when I could not even bear to hear about all the lashon hara being spoken about my school that was flooding the community. These times were the hardest. But what people did not see was the love and support that we got from our teachers. They have always supported and helped us through it all. I hope that they read this and understand that words cannot express just how much we appreciate it. It means the world to us that we have relationships with our teachers. Itâs the people in the school that make up Rambam. Without the student unity and support from teachers it would have been 10 times harder. It hurts so much to read these posts because I want so badly to stress how amazing Rambam is. The closing of the high school is terrible for so many reasons, one of the biggest ones being the loss of a family. We are truly a family at Rambam and the fact that it is being taken away is hurting us so badly. My friends and I have relationships with our teachers that I doubt we would have gotten in other schools. I am saddened for those who will not get to have those same experiences. These are relationships that I hope that I can keep up for a long time. To walk around knowing that so many kids will get to have these same experiences is sad. So please, before you continue to say these negative things about our school, consider our feelings. Consider the emotional roller coaster that we are riding. Consider all the amazing things about our school that so often go unrecognized. Realize that we are a huge part of this situation and are trying our best to be as mature as possible considering the circumstances. Posts bashing our school certainly is not helping the situation.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am a proud student of Yeshivat Rambam. I love my school. It has helped me become who I am today. It has helped build the foundation of my Judaism. Because of Yeshivat Rambam, I have learned so much in the secular world and world of Torah. Because of Yeshivat Rambam, I have a love for Israel and a strong passion for Torah. Like the previous proud student just said, we started the project "America Eats for Israel" to help feed those who are hungry. We show the community every year on Yom Haatzmaut that we love and care about Israel! This past year we marched in the streets of NYC in the Israeli Day Parade as proud students, chanting "WE GO TO YESHIVAT RAMBAM". We do this because we are proud of who we are. "We're a family and we're a tree", the Yeshivat Rambam theme song, is true. Yeshivat Rambam has been my family for my entire career as a student. From kindergarten until now, I have truly felt that I can call the teachers and students of Yeshivat Rambam my family. Is there another school that every teacher welcomes their students into their home for Shabbos, Chanukah parties, or just to catch up on life? Is there another school where students can feel comfortable to go to their teachers house and just cry about anything, or talk about anything that is on their mind? Honestly, I'm not really sure. But this is how it is in Yeshivat Rambam. I love Yeshivat Rambam with all my heart, and it breaks my heart when I see people writing comments like "Yeshivat Rambam does not fit into our community", because to me, Yeshivat Rambam is my life! It's where I grew up and its MY family. These comments are hurtful- as students trying to succeed in high school with the challenging curriculum that we have, and deal emotionally with the high school closing, it is not helping when people put down our school. Please, STOP. Stop bashing the school! We might not belong in Bais Yaakov, BT, or TA, and we might not be on the same level as them Hashkafically, but do we go around bashing their schools saying that they do not belong? No. That is not what we do because we believe in achdut- unity. It is evident that this situation brings up many feelings and opinions, but please- if you do not have anything positive to say, do not say it. Sincerely, one of many proud Yeshivat Rambam students
Comment by Rivka Laks
I AM A PROUD RAMBAM STUDENT! Although my education with Rambam is over after 12 amazing years, I am deeply saddened by the fact the high school is closing. I have had amazing teachers and I thank them all. The teachers are always inviting students over for Shabbat and are always helping students through academic problems or average teenage problems. They have beautiful nishamot and I wish them well on finding jobs. Rambam has taught me how to love the people around you. They have also taught me how to love Israel. Having gone to kindergarder in another Jewish Baltimore school, I knew about Israel but not as much as my classmates in Rambam. I remember my first Yom HaAtzmaut at Rambam. I came home and told my parents everything I had learnt about Israel. Over the years, Rambam continued teaching me about Israel and what great things Israel does. Rambam has provided the community with amazing opportunities to spread Zionism such as America Eats for Israel and the Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzmaut community program. No other school has done anything like this. No other school has teachers that care so much for their students. Rambam is needed in this community since not every child fits into the other options of schools here. I love Rambam and for the people saying that Rambam is not needed, it hurts us students because its OUR school. Its where OUR parents chose to send us for a reason. Saying Rambam is not needed is like saying that the other Jewish schools like BT, Bais Yakov and TA are not needed. They are needed because the students need them, just like Rambam students need Rambam. Please stop with the negitivity towards OUR school. It hurts.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am honestly in shock of what I see going on here. I am currently a student at Yeshivat Rambam and I can certainly attest to the fact that the news of our school closing is truly tearing us apart. It is hard enough as it is to internalize the fact that the school that we have grown up in is closing the doors of its high school. And on top of that we have to read these blogs and these awful posts completely bashing our school. I think that people should realize that when they write these terrible things about our school (several of which are not even true!) it is painful to us and the last thing that we need right now.
Comment by Rivka Laks
The real tragedy here is that people have no idea what they lost. RAMBAM, the old RAMBAM, served a dire need. So many people feared the "stigma" of sending their kids to RAMBAM, concern of what people would say. Never mind how their children would benefit.
As a parent who transfered children to the old RAMBAM from supposedly "Frummer" schools, I found, that the midos at RAMBAM were far superior; an intolerance for fighting, even among the students, and a superior education, both in Limudei Kodesh and secular. B"H, my children thrived and generated wonderful lasting relationships. This only occurred for our children, because as parents, we were more concerned about what was best for our kids, than what people would say. (BTW, we did get some nasty comments). As a community, we need to reevaluate the definition of what frumkeit really is.
RAMBAM's closing the high school is far greater a loss for the community most realize. They erred in transitioning, trying to be all things to all people. That error shouldn't have been necessary. It's fine that boys and girls are seperate, but don't think for a moment that the "frummer" school students don't associate with the opposite sex. There were more problems at some of the other schools, than at RAMBAM.
It's sad that RAMBAM has to close its high school. It's sadder that the community, as a whole, doesn't know what it lost.
Comment by Rivka Laks
You and your intolerance for different types of Jews is the only thing that is laughable here and probably, in and of itself, a tragedy.
A school closing might not be a tragedy until it's your school that closes. Like a different poster asked - if TA and TI both closed down would you send your kid to Rambam? I doubt it and in that situation if you felt you had no place to turn and might have to send your kid away or move out of your community you might classify that as a personal tragedy.
The truth is though that the school closing is not the tragedy its the fact that the Baltimore "community" has turned a blind eye to it.
You have no idea what goes on inside the classrooms at Yeshivat Rambam and, although you think you know, you have no idea what the true hashkafa of the school really is.
Who are you to decide what is the Torah way? Each person has to decide for themselves what is right for them and their children and while Rambam may not work for you it really does for a good number of people.
I don't believe that people think yeshivish is a bad thing it's just not right for them. The parents at Rambam don't feel that TA is a terrible school it's just not right for our kids.
"I can categorically state that the Administration, Moros, Rebbeim, and teachers are the most accepting of any stripe of child that comes through its doors"
Does that mean that if I switch my high school age kid to TA then he doesn't have to wear a black hat or jacket to davening? So they are accepting of all stripes as long the stripes conform to what they want?
And please don't think that I'm saying that it's bad or wrong to have to wear a black hat and a jacket but it's obviously not for everyone.
Everyone needs to be more tolerant of "the other side" and understand that there is big need in our community for all our school, TA, TI, Shlongers, Ner, Rambam, BT, etc.
You can think that all the kids at Rambam should go to one of the other schools but that is not a reality and the truth is that a great number of them will feel the need to leave our community with whole families going as well and that IS a real tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Is divorce a tragedy?
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been reading the ongoing response to the original letter and felt the need to respond to the article and some of the comments. Firstly, calling the closing of a high school "a tragedy" is the utmost in hyperbole. The death of a young person, chas v'shalom, is a tragedy, bombs falling on our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel is a tragedy, people in our community not having money to put food on the table or pay their utility bills..those are tragedies. A school closing is a difficult situation for parents and the community at large, but certainly not a tragedy. Secondly, I found the comment that T.A. is too yeshivish, laughable. As a T.A. parent for umpteen years, I can categorically state that the Administration, Moros, Rebbeim, and teachers are the most accepting of any stripe of child that comes through its doors. I have seen teachers and principals come and go at T.A., but one thing they all had and continue to have in common, is their caring for each indivdual student no matter what their background. If "yeshivish" has a negative connotation, then that tells me all I need to know about the commentator and his/her support of Rambam. Co-ed classrooms are just not the Torah way of teaching our children; changing that to add to your enrollment doesn't change the underlying hashkofah, or lack thereof. I am indeed sorry for the students who will suffer for the bad management policies of Rambam's administration, but prefer to give my tzedakah to a charity that does indeed take care of the tragedies in our community, ie, Ahavas Yisroel, Bikur Cholim, or Gevuras Yarden, etc.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I do believe it can be saved! It takes leadership on the Board of Directors of YR, its takes the Rabbonim and the leadership of our Federation to do the right thing...which is invested to educate the children of our community.
Comment by Rivka Laks
This is why Mashiach is not coming. Why can't a community come together in times of need? It is understood that Yeshivat Rambam high school will not be opening, and there is not much to do to save it at this point. Why is the Balitmore Jewish community putting down my institution that I have been apart of for 12 years? So what. It did not succeed. "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY TRY AGAIN". And we did. We tried and tried for years to make Yeshivat Rambam last, but that does not mean that people should be bashing it and saying that it does not belong in the community. Just because it is different, it does not mean that it does not belong. This is why Rambam students are so passionate about doing Chessed such as Yachad, Menucha, and Chai Lifeline- we feel the importance of inclusion and acceptance of everyone in Klal Yisrael. Please, help Mashiach come by not speaking Loshon Hara about this situation, and not bashing it- because these students do belong in the community, regardless of what their background is.
-2 proud Yeshivat Rambam students
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been proud to be a part of the Rambam family for 15 years. Rambam is a school which is vital to our community and which I have personally gained and grown from as an educator. I will miss the high school and sincerely hope and pray that something can be done to save it.
T Menken
Comment by Rivka Laks
Hatzlacha to the Rambam families, faculty and lay leaders. Perhaps one lesson we can take from this as a community is that parents and community members need to be closely involved with all aspects of our schools, while expecting the appropriate transparency on the part of our institutions. Our schools need our time, talent, and treasure, and every single member of the community can offer at least one of those things to at least one of our schools.
Comment by Rivka Laks
One thing I just can't ignore any more. This is not the main issue but it has been mentioned more than once. I have seen a few posts about previous Rambam staff fired for disagreeing with the changes in the school or with the administration. Since the posters have not id'd themselves they cannot be responded to specifically. And I don't know every situation that occurred. However, if you publicly and repeatedly disparage your employer there is no corporation, business, school, or organization that will keep you in their employ. It is one thing to schedule a meeting with the administration and voice your concerns in an appropriate manner. But I cannot feel sympathy for employees let go for publicly bashing and personally criticizing the leadership. This is not a defense of decisions made, but there is a proper way to act and people must be accountable for their actions.
Also, I have no problem with this letter being anonymous. Some parents may be worried their views or statements may affect their children in some way.
Comment by esther braun
I am a YR parent and have received chizuk from some of the comments here and have been dismayed by others.
To those of you who are interested in taking a look at the school for your children - I encourage you to learn more and come on a tour. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at all Rambam has to offer (I know I was the first time I toured).
To those of you who would like to donate to help at this difficult time (THANKS!), here is a link to the donate page on the Yeshivat Rambam website:
Please remember that there are families and children involved here - please think carefully before commenting - if your comments are not constructive and no possible good could come of them, please think twice before clicking the "add your comment" button.
Comment by esther braun
Comment by esther braun
We are not a Rambam family, but believe it is important for the community to have choices for our community and its children. We are also ready to help but there seems to be a lack of honest and up front information as to what is the real financial issues that remain in keeping both the Rambam lower school and its HS together. All I have seen from the public statements from the Rambam leadership is spin and more spin. What is the real financial deal? What steps has Rambam leadership taken to prevent the financial losses from reoccurring? How many jobs are being lost if the HS closes? Will these staff members have priority for opening at other Rambam openings?
We all knew the sore at the TA crises and the community responded. Rambam needs to be up front or else the indifference you all are seeing will continue. Can the PH JCC really accommodate your grades 1-8 classes? I did not think they had that many class rooms there. Are there any real buyers for your 5600 PH Building? What were your leadership thinking in arranging that facility swap with Bnos? Yes, you overpaid certain administrators in the past and covered up a financial scandal. No one is being fooled. Now it's reality time or Rambam will fail.
A Non-Rambam Family Waiting to Help
Comment by esther braun
I certainly hear the emotions of the writer, but why print an anonymous letter? Now is not the time to hide, now is the time for people to come forward with guts and leadership and say, without a mask, "Whoever is for Rambam, join me!"
Comment by esther braun
You are right, and whereas we all suffer the closing of this beloved high school, the kids have the most to lose. But remember that critical and irreversible mistakes were made a few years ago when "changes" were being made to "increase enrollment" and that's where the problems snowballed, on top of an already increasing debt.
The goal of separating became the focus - instead of focusing the kids, the parents, the beloved Yeshivat Rambam community. Unfortunately, some people were so blind-sighted by their determination to achieve this newer & better mission, people who were committed to the school - pioneer parents, innocent children, dedicated employees - were tossed aside like poisonous chaff. Anyone who uttered the words - this is not a good idea - or don't transition too quickly or you will fail - were not only ignored but systematically discarded.
It's not that Rambam got what they deserved, b/c after all, it is all about the kids. But the poor decisions and the poor planning yielded a poor result, and that is no surprise. Even if the school does close - even just a part of it - I think Rambam will ultimately re-invent itself and rise anew from the ashes of all of the ill-will bein adam l'chavero it created. But yes, ultimately the kids are the ones who are taking the toll. That should never have happened.
Comment by esther braun
Someone wrote: Forget Rambam HS; It's been a sinking ship and no one wants to board a sinking ship. People who have been on it will cherish and miss it, but you also need a new excited mass to come in and that hasnt happened.
I have been following this thread with increasing horror. I now have a better understanding of why this is happening. The tone of the comments idnicate a distinct lack of Ahavas Yisroel and achdus. Reading this comment, I flashed on the scene in Fiddler on the Roof, when the Jews were leaving their little village, with dirge-like singing in an undertone, Anatevka, Anatevka. Yes, some maintained nostalgia for their little village and others....well, they reached critical mass and created something "new and improved". Can we leave politics aside, and focus on the kids and the school community and create real solutions to the problem, not just sound bites. Otherwise, we can cue the violins!
Comment by esther braun
To the TI/B'nos parent who would send their kids to TA/BY -
What if all 4 schools closed, would you send your kid to Rambam? I'm guessing you would think long and hard about sending you kids to a more Yeshivish place out of town or moving. So please don't sit there and judge us for not wanting to send our kids to those schools.
Of course you are well within your rights not to want to send your kids to Rambam and if you send your kids to TI/Bnos then I completely understand why you wouldn't want to but to say that everyone should be able to fit into one school is ludicrous. Yes we should all love each other because we are Jews but there are all different kinds of Jews and the intolerance in this community to those who think differently then the majority is the real big fault. If "A school does not have to be a perfect fit - we are all shomer shabbos Jews and there is more that unites us than divides us." then why do we have so many schools? Wouldn't the community be better off with all our kids in one school with two (separate gender) giant campuses? Of course not, that's why we have 5 schools and need 5 schools.
Comment by esther braun
To Marc L. - the reason that you have never been presented with a plan to save the school is because the Rabonim in this community are either not strong enough or don't care enough about Rambam to present a plan to the community. Believe me, the Rabonim have been approached and a few have spoken and maybe sent a letter to their congregations saying that Rambam is vital but none of them have stood up in front of the community and said that we must save Rambam. Who, within the Rambam community has power, or the forum, to stand before the entire Baltimore community and demand help? I'm not saying that Rambam closing is a black eye on the entire community because maybe people just haven't been asked but if that's the case then it's a huge black eye on the leadership of this community.
Comment by esther braun
The only losers here are the students - who have done nothing to deserve this. As their teacher, I see how much stress, change, uncertainty, venom, vitriolic rhetoric and hopelessness has been thrust upon them and to their credit, the get up every day and come to school to learn. Adult mismanagement and poor decision making aside, sinking ship metaphors aside, there are young people, yiddishe kinder, neshamos of klal yisroel, that are being effected. They are the people you need to consider and no one else. Not a board, not the teachers (although we'd certainly take your positive consideration), not the parents, not alumni or alumni parents but the children themselves who are being thrown out for doing absolutely nothing but go to school everyday. Callous remarks help no one, cynicism is nivul peh -- but ahava (coming from the root word hav, to give) is what is now needed.
Comment by esther braun
Comment by esther braun
To Forget Rambam HS
Come on now. Another condescending comment. If such a "center left Ner Israel that think TA is too yeshivish group exists in numbers to make a new school financially viable, and you sound so confident, start it with your group. Big talk. You want someone else to do all the political dirty work for you. Join in, become a part of the existing solid group of dedicated hard working parents and make it happen. I doubt anyone will ever see you beyond your writings.
Comment by esther braun
Forget Rambam HS; It's been a sinking ship and no one wants to board a sinking ship. People who have been on it will cherish and miss it, but you also need a new excited mass to come in and that hasnt happened. What Baltimore needs is a NEW school with a NEW name. Keep some of the powerhouse Rabbis and teachers but beyond that no connection to the old ship. In this new community day school - center to left Ner Israel grads will be comfortable sending those kids who TA has become too Yeshivish for. Plus all the people who have gone to Rambam till now will go there.
Comment by esther braun
Very little has been said about the teachers and rebbeim who have dedicated years to the success of the school and who will now be without parnassah at a very precarious economic time -the closing of the High School is a tragedy for the Students, the devoted teachers who are now jobless and for the community at large......
Comment by esther braun
As a present Rambam student and a former Bais Yaakov student, I am one to say that although Rambam is small and has financial issues, why say that there is no need for it? If a high school has 95+ students, that's 95+ students that need to be absorbed somewhere else, by some other school. If its not possible for you to personally and financially help the school, so be it. That's legitimate. But to sit and publicly bash it and say that there's no need for it in the community? That's wrong, and inappropriate, and hurtful to the dedicated parent and student body who need and want the school to survive. So whoever feels that there's no need in the community, come check out what we have. Come see what we do. If you don't send your kids there, don't send your kids there. But please, please stop putting it down. -Eliana Shields, Yeshivat Rambam, Grade 11ish
Comment by esther braun
As Rambam high school parents have being forced to check out other options...I believe most parents would love nothing better than to bring their kids to Rambam's high school plus almost all of the teachers who have been so dedicated to our kids would come back too! Rambam's Board made a terrible mistake. Rambam is about the ECC, lower, middle and high school.
It is a family and the Board should have worked to keep it that way. As a High school parent I really believe if the community was asked they would be there for our kids.
Comment by esther braun
Although it is sad to say, I agree with the postings indicating that many Rambam parents see Rambam as absolutely the only options. I have often heard Rambam parents say, "I would never send my child to TA, TI,Bais Yaakov or Bnos. As a TI and Bnos parent, if need be, I would send my children to TA and BY. Promoting a school based on the need to to not send to another school is a big fault of Rambam. A school does not have to be a perfect fit - we are all shomer shabbos Jews and there is more that unites us than divides us.
Comment by esther braun
A commenter asked: Can the school be saved? The answer is yes, the school could have been saved, but at this point, even if (big IF) the community would step up to the plate and support the school, it is probably too late to save the high school program. Many of the rebbeim and teachers are looking for work, and probably have made other plans for next year. Many of the families have been generating alternatives for their children and are doing their best to move forward. As far as where is the community, have we lost our heart and soul? The answer is YES! It seems to me that back in the day, Baltimore was blessed with the leadership of R. Naftoli Neuberger, Z"TL. R. Neuberger was a pragmataic visionary and his banner was achdus. As far as the community requiring conformity, and only certain schools being on the "kosher, approved" list, that is too sad for words. Truth is, I have had kids in Bais Yaakov and TA in the past, with extended family in Bnos (as well as Beth Tfiloh) AND I am a Rambam parent. So much for stereotypes!
Comment by esther braun
To the commenter on the comment of the woman working out: I had considered sending my children to Rambam. It was people like this woman who was raising her voice so loud that the entire gym could hear who turned me off. Believing that Rambam was the only school that was a viable option which is how it sounded showed elitism and intolerance to other institutions. I have no doubt she passes these messages along to her children. One other woman with children in Rambam realized that this woman was out of line with her negative comments and blaming the other institutions for Rambam's high school demise. She stated it is not the fault of any other school. Good for her for having common sense.
Comment by esther braun
What are we teaching our kids by creating an entire new school every time some new dynamic is "discovered" whereby the kids just don't fit in any more? They are learning quite well that they can get life tailored to suit them. That's not what I want for mine. A square can fit in a round hole if you trim the corners and sides a little. It's the kids that need some fixing, not the schools.
Comment by esther braun
The Weinberg Acadamy failed. No one saved it either. Now that was a definite need.
Comment by esther braun
I can not claim to have any knowledge or understanding of the intricacies of the current Rambam situation. What is obvious is the absolute need for this or a similar school to exist in Baltimore. I am an unrelated party (to rambam) who cares deeply about the welfare of the entire community. I feel strongly that the anti-community rhetoric is misplaced. We have never been presented with a plan to "save" Rambam nor has anybody approached the general members of the community with a plea for Money.
It is offensive to suggest that this was a failure due to a lack of Community response. The depth of Rambams financial woes were unknown to the public and frankly has still never been clarified.
As I mentioned, there is a definite need. SO PRESENT A PLAN. People will step up. They always do, but they need to know and understand. SEE A GOAL. No one wants to help a dead cause and all we have been hearing for 2 years is "ITS OVER." The leadership needs to bring Rambam back to life so the VOID can be filled.
Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
Get with the program already. Baltimore is now a Haredi town, and a Zionist-geared co-ed school is not on the menu any more.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Reading the comments made from the woman working out: I am wondering how you would feel if one of these children were yours. Would you reach out and do whatever it took, even beg for help from others, for your own child? We have to realize that no one, none of us, are immune to finding ourselves in a situation where we find ourselves needing help from others, from the community. This judgementalness and lack of compassion for children's welfare, for whatever reason, cannot be giving Hashem much nachas, no matter what excuses one can find. Let's remember, these are children of Hashem, too, and I believe that we all need to pass this test given to us, by doing whatever it takes to protect them and allow them continue to go to their beloved school. Only good can come out of our community if we all look at these children as if they are ours; to not help these precious neshamas is simply not an option.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Yes - the high school absolutely can be saved if enough money is raised. Several plans have been proposed by groups of high school parents that involve reducing costs and increasing funding, the goal being a balanced budget. As the first commenter suggested, money is needed to "get things off the ground" initially. But saving the high school absolutely is within the reach of the community, if everyone would just pitch in and help.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I was at the JCC working out and heard two Rambam mothers complaining about TA and Shomrei Emunah and Shaarei Zion, that it's their fault that Rambam is closing. Can someone explain? What am I missing? They were so bitter that I think they lost more calories from complaining than from exercising. I agree with the comment above that complainers are doing harm to their children and making them cynical and disrespectful towards those to the right of Rambam.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Almost 20 years ago we wrote a check to TA for $118, before we even HAD kids, because we were told that to keep an Orthodox school open was a COMMUNITY responsibility. I wonder how the community would have responded back then if someone had suggested that TA simply close its high school because it "couldn't afford it"? Somehow back then TA was indispensible to the community, yet now Rambam, with OVER 95 STUDENTS IN ITS HIGH SCHOOL (how's that for critical mass?) is considered disposable. We all know that times are tough for everyone. That's a reason to come together and help one another, not to throw around judgemental accusations about what random people THINK the school did wrong in the past. (By the way, the Smartboards were FREE - a grant - and, as a Rambam teacher, I'd really like to know who's getting paid these "ridiculous salaries," because I'm just working for my kids' tuition...) So what did TA do to get itself into that mess all those years ago? And did that stop people from doing the right thing and making sure that all those students didn't lose their school, and that Baltimore didn't lose an important part of its educational make-up? Rambam isn't some small "yeshiva business." It's an essential school with over 350 students in its preschool through high school. And a great many of these students will have nowhere else to go if Rambam closes its doors. They won't "fit" in the other Baltimore schools, and the other schools don't have room for them. So what will be the result? Large numbers of families will be forced to leave Baltimore because this community nolonger offers a school appropriate for their children. Is this the message that the Baltimore Orthodox Community wishes to convey - Conform or Get Out? If you don't send your kids to TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, or B'nos, who needs you? Should Rambam parents take from the community's silence during this tragedy the message that we are not welcome here? That the warm and welcoming Baltimore Jewish Community has lost it's heart and its soul? I have lived here for over 20 years, and I thought I knew Baltimore. But the Baltimore I knew would have stood up and helped. I can only conclude from the apathy I am now witnessing that Baltimore has changed, and, unfortunately, not for the better...
Comment by Marc Loeb
Bring back Rita Shloush!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baltimore needs a Yeshivah like Rambam. I am very shocked to see that most of the leaders in the community donât see this need. How can they just close their eyes on this disaster? If the Rabanim have any control on community then why they donât do anything? Shame on anybody who can say something and doesnât, shame on anybody who can help and doesnât. How Rabanim expect us to help any other Jews when THEY stay silent in our time of need? This action of Rabanim has divided the community.
Comment by Marc Loeb
The executive board is not doing their utmost best to keep the high school from closing. Instead of giving up, they should accept one of the many plans proposed by the parents and try to make them work. Rambam's high school is a vital part of the community and it must be kept alive.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Yeshivat Rambam was started twenty years ago as a modern orthodox coed day school. It offered both strict Torah education, as well as an accelerated secular program enhanced with music,art and physical education. From its very inception, the Baltimore orthodox community did not support it. This was despite the fact that our goals and hopes for our students were the same as other Yeshivas in Baltimore. Among others, the false accusation of "outrageous salaries" is so exaggerated and furthermore loshon hora. Our students love Rambam and want so much for it to thrive. As a parent of a YR high school student deeply affected by the high school closing, I implore the Jewish community to help our school continue and excel.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Is there any way that the high school can still be saved at this time?
Comment by Marc Loeb
To: Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students... Shame on you. Everyone has "personal stories" that can cloud big picture decisions. For every personal story you share there will be another party who will share just the opposite. I can share many a parent financial situation that the school bent over backwards to quietly get parents to help in. This is similar to hating a school because one "hates a teacher". We know a teacher hated by one parent is equally loved by another. One doesn't bash on support because of personal vindictiveness.
If you no longer want to help a school in need, that's your prerogative but to hide behind your personal belittling stories degrades the messenger.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I am writing in response anyone who might express their honest and heartfelt doubts about the new direction of Yeshivat Rambam. It is important to learn from history so that we don't make the same mistakes. As a parent who has been reading the school's communication over the past few months, I can say with confidence that new Yeshivat Rambam lay leaders have worked tirelessly to eliminate Rambam's historic debt, build relationships with Rabbanim in the community and make the decisions necessary to ensure the long-term financial responsibility and viability of the school. Having participated in Rambam's recent parent meeting, I am impressed with the attentiveness of the new board and its willingness to listen and respond to build a better Rambam. I am confident that the school is emerging from its financial crises that it has faced over many years, and that it continues to offers an excellent education and a hashkafah that represents our personal philosophies that we hold dear.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Dear Former YR Grandparent, I am sorry for your personal experiences of the past. I have been the Chair of the Finance Committee for the past year and can say honestly that we have worked with families whose financial situations were difficult to ensure that no child is turned away for lack of ability to pay tuition. Our financial aid process is handled with confidentiality and sensitivity - our financial aid committee is made up of community leaders who are not specifically related to Yeshivat Rambam. We have been willing to work out individual situations with families to the best of our ability. As we move toward the future, our Finance Committee is committed to working out financial issues with individual families on a case by case basis, ensuring that the families - and their children - are treated with the utmost respect and personal attention that they deserve. Meyer Shields, Finance Committee Chair
Comment by Marc Loeb
When the future of TA was threatened, we were glad to pitch in. To our knowledge, TA doesn't turn away families/students for financial reasons. When a TA family is experiencing financial difficulties, the caring school works with the family and does so in a non-degrading way. The same could be said for one of our other community schools, Bais Yaakov. There are countless stories about former Rambam families who were pushed away from the school due to financial difficulties and degraded in the process. While our hearts bleed for innocent familes left with non-perfect options, we will not support this school as they brought it upon themselves. - Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students
Comment by Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
As much as I would like to see Rambam succeed, I believe that there were many factors that caused the current predicament. One can not pin this predicament on poor management, over staffing the front office, going to a non-coed model etc...I have lived in Baltimore my entire life and recognize the general shift in the community's mission and philosophy. I don't necessarily agree with everything about the shift but I would like to point out that the blame game especially when done in earshot of our children will do nothing but create cynicism and animosity towards people who have innocently traveled with this generational shift. When people are upset about the town becoming more "right wing" or "yeshivish", it demonstrates a sense of intolerance towards a particular lifestyle within modern orthodoxy, called "right wing" or "yeshivish". I don't know exactly how people would label me but I have heard too many comments that demonstrate a very narrow view of Orthodoxy. I see how the children of the "baby boomers" have either gone with the shift or have left town. Let's engage in a healthy dialogue and hope and pray that the high school students at Rambam do not become lost or G-d forbid, perhaps even worse, become cynical Jews.
Comment by Marc Loeb
When well over $6 million dollars walks out of the community every year to meshulachim and other outside organizations (as reported when the script program went into effect), I don't know what to say. If people felt they had achrayus to their community first....also the tuition attitude gotta change...people feel that once their kids are through the system, they have no requirement to continue to support that organization....
Comment by Marc Loeb
Response to Dear Baloney,
You missed my point completely. I fully appreciate the need for Rambam and the vital role the school and the students play in our community. It would be hard pressed for you to argue that the school has not overspent itself in recent years. The community had nothing to do with that. Now that you are asking for help from the 'community' I think the community deserves to know that it is supporting a fiscally responsible organization.
Comment by Marc Loeb
As a member of the Baltimore community, I do believe that we each hold a responsibility to our fellow Jews and are obligated within our means to support community institutions even if our children attend different schools. However, the Rambam leadership has made a number of decisions over the past four years that have put their school in severe jeopardy despite the advice of community rabbonim and lay leaders. I do not believe that as a community we are obligated to redeem a school that has is run by a select few who choose to do what they desire and ignore the advisors of the Jewish community. What happened to the Rambam that was an outstanding school ten years ago? When Rambam finds some new leadership who are demonstrate how an appropriate Torah institution is run, I will be happy to support the institution.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Dear Baloney, I think you need to do some homework - the Smartboards and telephone system were both purchased by grants - no community dollars were spent on them - although they do enhance operations and the educational experience for the children. I am a newer parent, so I can't comment on events of the past - but I can tell you that the school as it is now is a community school - and the families, children and staff are integral parts of the community. One need look no further than to the Yachad, Menucha and Chai Lifeline volunteers in town and see Yeshivat Rambam high school students giving back to the community. Rabbanim from across the community have posted letters of support for Yeshivat Rambam - I encourage you to read them.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baloney. The community did not cause Rambam to overspend on EVERYTHING from salaries to smartboards to phone systems, etc. This never was a community school and until it acts like one the 'community' need not support it. The TA debacle was entirely different. Do your homework.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Does Rambam have any connection to the Vadd Harabonim ? If they do now would be the time to use it. If they dont, they ought to now.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I would love to help Rambam. I really, truly would. Rambam is a great outlet and program for kids who may not want to or don't feel comfortable being more "yeshivish", or who want a more Tzioni education. Everything helps. But with two kids in another school (who, coincidentally, are both below 1st grade and I'm paying over $12,000 a year!), raffles, building funds, and other "tacked on" expenses, and many rising household expenses, its not feasible to support another school. You must understand: If everyone in the community gave $18, it would be far from what is needed to support a high school.
Someone had a great idea that I would like to float. Every parent who has a child born and is going to send them to a school in Baltimore, immediately starts paying X $(for example 1,000 or 2,000 a year)amount of money into a fund. That fund is a tuition fund. All schools are permitted to take what they need from the fund for whatever tuition would have paid in previous years. Parents start paying into the fund when a child is born, and continue paying until their child is 21. This program would not only ensure that parents are not paying through the nose for tuition, but also ensures that money is always there for the schools, especially because the funds are being paid before and after a child is no longer attending the school. If every parent would start to pay today, and figure there are 5,000 school children TODAY in our schools, that would be, at $1,500 per child, $7,500,000 per year into the fund. If the program is postponed for 3 years, but parents start to pay into the fund in August, that would be $22,500,000 available the first year that funds are made available from the program. Each parent would end up paying $31,500 per child over the course of their 21 year commitment. I am close to that already, and I have just started!
Comment by Marc Loeb
There is enough leadership in the community to ensure that Rambam does not repeat its past finanical mistakes. The kids of the high school are being punished by this community for past adminstration and board members mistakes. This community should be ashamed if they do not step up to the plate to show our children that as a community we take care of our own.
Comment by Marc Loeb
The closing of Yeshivat Rambam's high school is a tragedy for our community, not just for the kids who attended and their parents. Maybe Baltimore orthodoxy can no longer consider itself a community - maybe it has become too large, maybe it no longer has leaders who are invested in the true notion of community. Rather, the city seems to be comprised of smaller localized communities that support only their own institutions and leaders with little concern for the wider implications of insularity and baseless judgementalism. The lack of public orthodox communal support for Rambam throughout this trying time has sent a loud message of indifference and exclusion - is that really the way Torah instructs us to behave??
Comment by Marc Loeb
I am a parent of Rambam high school student and I have repeatedly cycled through all the stages of grief over the past few weeks. I, too, remember the town rallying to support TA when its existence was threatened. I was hoping/praying that somehow Rambam could be saved, as it evidently fills a much needed role in the community. (denial stage). Then, I got angry, when I saw that no one was going to come to Rambam's rescue. I thought that perhaps this was because the community at large did not support the school's hashkafa. But then I came to a place of acceptance when I realized that this has happened before. The community has allowed the doors of Shalheves and Eshkol to close in the past and will allow Rambam to close its doors as well. My concern at this point is that my child continue to feel a point of connection to Hashem, His Torah and mitzvos, Am Yisroel and tzedakah, chesed and emes and that my child and my child's peers do not turn their back on our community and slam the door on all that we have to offer. I pray that these children find places that will support their growth and development in all spheres so that they can grow to contribute to Klal Yisroel and bring nachas to Hashem and that they desire to do so, despite the harsh treatment that they have received through no fault of their own.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Have someone compare the salraies in Rambam to ther schools, you will be shocked. Not everyone on staff has to have a PHD and the school could make do with a quarter of the office staff and administration. In NY you can create a 'high end' school with elite faculty because there are parents willing to pay 'prep' school tuition to get that level of education. If you want Rambam to be a 'community' school it must be run like one. TI spent years on the run until it settled in their beautiful location. Everything must be scaled down with only what it can afford. There is a perception in town that Rambam spent itself broke in order to achieve this elite status and the community will not and should not have to support that. Now that we see the real need for a school that serves the kids that go to Rambam the parents must show the community that it wants to become a true community school. The leaders of Baltimore will follow through with support if this is accomplished.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baltimore leadership, Rabbonim, Yeshivat Rambam executive...where are you?
Comment by Marc Loeb
My heart goes out to you and all the Rambam parents. Unfortunately, it is not about money ("outrageous salaries, expenses", etc..). The HS simply doesn't have enough kids (and never has) to be a financially viable entity. For many reasons, the community voted over the years to not send enough kids. Maybe that had to do with the coed nature. Maybe not. The bottom line is without the critical mass number of students that proves viability, no one will keep writing the type of checks needed to cover. It is time to move on, unfortunately...........
Comment by Marc Loeb
Its sad but haven't they already made up their minds about the high school closing? We need to focus on keeping the rest of the school afloat.
Comment by Marc Loeb
What "outrageous salaries" ?
From a Rebbi
Comment by Marc Loeb
Outrageous salaries? I've worked there several years. I wish someone told me about these alleged outrageous salaries.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I commend you for a writing- no doubt, a very hard, but honest letter. I hope the community can listen with open ears and an open heart -and an open wallet. What is the amount that needs to be raised to keep the HS open? If we all work towards the goal and campaign, that might make a difference....
Comment by Marc Loeb
Unfortunately, there is simply not enough money for every yeshiva "business" in town. Customers will vote with their wallets and their feet; an economic value judgement.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I recommend you put together a proposal with a balanced budget that will allow the HS to survive long term and not just next year. Show this to the Rabbonim and community leaders. Let them know that you are commited to making it work within these guidelines but need the support of the community for logistics and funding to get off the ground. Once the community realizes that the days of outrageous salaries and expenses are over and the school will focus on the true needs of the kids you will get what you need. I am sure of it.
Comment by Marc Loeb
good luck rambam
Comment by Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
Avi and Eli are wonderful people. They protect, serve and care for anyone of any race. Anyone who believes that they are racist are certainly blind to reality.
Comment by Marc Loeb
why are you posting this?
Comment by Marc Loeb
Does that seem like the type of person who would beat someone up for no reason!!?
Both Avi and Eli and are outstanding citizens, and deserve nothing but our support! Thank you again!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Looking forward to watching and helping Rambam re-establish its vital position in our community as a bastion of Torah U'Madah.
Comment by Marc Loeb
There is nothing new and exciting about Yeshivat Rambam when a Board, school and the Baltimore community walk away from 93 amazing students in their high school. What a sad statement this community has made!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Outstanding news for all of the students, parents and faculty as well as the entire Baltimore community. Wishing the Yeshivat Rambam family continued success. Donna Wach
Comment by Marc Loeb
Our boys are good-looking.
Comment by Marc Loeb
How would our community react if a black defendant charged with beating up a Jewish teenager was cheered and congratulated as he left the court house? Just a thought.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Where were all our politicians ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
The sitra achra (other side) doesn't want justice, as they call it. They just want Eli and Avi punished without any proof. It's all a libel in the style of the Dreyfuss affair.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Hopefully,the Werdesheim brothers will get a fair trial but I have my doubts,considering what I read about the U.S. these days.
S.I.Emanuel-American living in Israel
Comment by Marc Loeb
If you are writing from a psak din point of view as whether to have or not have gone one must speak to their local rabbi. From a DEFENSE attorney's perspective , we should look to Eli's more than ample counsel who obviously had no issues with the rally ( for if he did we would have heard otherwise ). Let's not second guess Mr. Alperstein's credibility in such a forum. Give him a call and offer your advice , or speak to him and find out what he thinks rather than to speculate and come to conclusions on your own and then profess them to the world. Better yet let him do his job! The Only person who knows all the facts of the case and is working it daily is Andy. So all of the attorneys who think the rally wasn't a good idea from a defense prospective should allow the choosen counsel to do their jobs without backseat drivers. I am sure that is the way you would want it if the shoe was on the other foot.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Great story and opportunity to work the real problems.
Comment by Marc Loeb
"EACH AND EVERYONE OF US" - The continued categorization of "us" and "them" is anti-American, and perpetuates antisemitism. Seeing in print the notion that Jews are particularly interested in themselves sheds a bad light on the direction the Jewish community is intent on traveling in a country where many different people have been discriminated against for many years. The judicial process must be respected and so must free speech. But many people feel, as I do, that a cultural security force operating in a country where everyone has a responsibility to bear allegiance to one thing, The United States of America, is incompatible with what our country should be about, and moves against the efforts that good Americans are trying to accomplish so we can progress as a society.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Beautifully said, a real Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Do we need to promote voilence ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
The mikveh (ritual bath) being excavated in the basement of the Lloyd Street Synagogue is most certainly not the oldest mikveh constructed in the US. "As early as 1759 in New York and 1784 in Philadelphia, small Jewish communities began building mikvehs, imploring local Jews not to neglect the laws of family purity.' (from
Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Comment by Marc Loeb
I suppose the rabbi who granted the heter would also approve of the JCC being open on Shabbos who rules this to be "exercise and recreation." This is a busha and a shanda!
Comment by Marc Loeb
The luzerne county prison is run by an anti semetic warden that doesent want to allow jews to be able to practice their religion. Ariel Ephraim Varsanyi needs your help to support his lawsuit. He is located at: Ariel Ephraim Varsanyi 16355171 fci fort dix po box 2000 fort dix NJ 08640
Comment by Marc Loeb
Why is there no response from this website that took down the article to begin with???
Comment by Marc Loeb
Why don't you take the responsibility of asking your own Posek.
Comment by Marc Loeb
What does the Vaad Harabonim say about this ? Go or Dont ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
I certainly hope and pray that both Werdesheim brothers come out of this with the best result possible. But I am not at all sure that this rally will not be counter-productive to that purpose. Those who wish to exploit this situation for their own purposes have continued to have weekly rallies at noon at the Mitchell Courthouse. Those rallies have dwindled dramatically. Last week there were only six people demonstrating, including a couple of homeless people being paid to do so, and no one was paying any attention. It seems to me that drawing more attention to the case is not likely to prove beneficial. More likely, those with an opposite view will ratchet up their protests and the Sun papers will take the opportunity to report on increasing community tensions. I don't see how that can be a positive development in the defense of these young men.
I also think that the rally can play further into the hands of those who do not wish them well. The message at the rally cannot be that we are Jews and therefore we simply want the case to go away because the defendants are also Jews. That's exactly what the other demonstrators are picketing against. I am expressing this opinion not to quarrel with those who have organized the rally, whose motives are surely pure, but because I truly have concerns that the rally may make it less likely that the result we all want will be achieved. May it be that the brothers are exonerated and that a situation like this does not arise again. Jeff Silverberg
Comment by Marc Loeb
The Lloyd Street Synagogue building was completed in 1845 and expanded in 1860. This building, which is today a historic site and presently houses the Jewish Museum of MD, was the home of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation until 1889. Rabbi Avraham Rice, the first ordained rabbi to settle in America became the rabbi of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in 1840. In the 1870s the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation began introducing reforms and soon became a Reform temple.
On February 3, 1889 the synagogue building which had once been the centerpiece of traditional Judaism in Baltimore was sold to the newly organized Lithuanian Roman Catholic Parish and became the Church of St. John the Baptist! The building was used as a church until 1905. In that year it once again became home to an Orthodox Jewish congregation - Congregation Shomrei Mishmeres HaKodesh (Guardians of the Sacred Heritage).
I presume that the mikve was filled in not long after the building became a church. Until then the mikve was presumably still in use. In 1875 there is a record of Congregation Chizuk Amuno contributing toward needed mikve repairs. Chizuk Amuno was formed in 1871 by a group of Orthodox Jews who withdrew from the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation as a result of the reforms that were introduced. In 1873 the reform Baltimore Hebrew Congregation rented out use of the mikve to Sheves Achim Congregation, and Congregation Chizuk Amuno contributed to its maintenance from time to time.
While the mikve in the Lloyd Street Synagogue building may be "the oldest Jewish ritual bath complex in the United States" that still exists, it was not the first mikve built in the US. On page 45 of "An Old Faith in the New World" Rabbi David and Mrs. Tamar De Solo Pool write that "at the end of the 18th century the congregation [Shearith Israel of NY] was making use of a complex of five buildings - the synagogue, the community center (which served as a school and a meeting house), the home of the hazzan, and the ritual bath house."
In addition to a mikve, the basement of the Lloyd Street synagogue building contained an oven for baking matzos and 4 classrooms for the day school that Rabbi Rice had started in 1841.
Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Comment by Marc Loeb
The anonymity of the writer is irrelevant. The real issue at hand is that there is a growing problem here in Baltimore, and that problem is indifference to our fellow Jew, an out an out breakdown of âBein Adam LâChaveroâ. When Baltimore was a small community, which was not so long ago, ALL community members counted and were regarded as âUnzerah Yiddenâ. Baltimore has grown, but as we have grown we seemed to have fractioned off into different groups that have increasingly less to do with one another, and worse yet a growing disrespect for one another. In light of the lack of support for Rambam in recent weeks and the absence of support for the Werdesheim boys, one might even say that we no longer qualify as a community, but rather it would be more appropriate to call Baltimore an area with a high population of Orthodox Jewish Families.
I ask all of you out there to consider if perhaps the lack of support for the Werdesheim boys in the early stages has brought us to here. Had the shuls come forward to offer the ability to create a tzedakah fund for the boys, perhaps a better hishtadlus for legal council could have been offered? I also ask you all if you can take a moment to honestly ask yourselves what you are feeling towards your fellow Jew and why you feel it. Ideally, you should feel joy any time you see any fellow Jew in the street. You should be Mekabel EVERY Jew âBâSever Panim Yafosâ. But if that is not what you feel ask yourselves if it is sheer indifference, a terrible thing for Benei rachmonim, or worse yet is it negativity to someone not in your camp, also known as Sinaas Chinom.
In light of the Nisyonos we seem to be undergoing in the community it is time for Ahavas Chinom. For those of you who need help with this I have a visualization technique that may help. Visualize the Werdesheim boys or any fellow Jew wearing whatever religious trappings you are wearing. If that doesnât work then imagine that they are your family. You may realize after doing this for a while that THEY ARE YOUR FAMILY.
Comment by Marc Loeb
If we don't support these boys, don't ask where they are the next time someone comes looking for trouble. You can blame yourselves when your house or shed gets broken into.
Comment by michael caplan
An ANONYMOUS impassioned comment such as yours is worse then a deleted post. If you stand behind the Werdesheim boys, then let them and the rest of the community, know. And if you're not secure enough in your endorsement then I propose it is of no value at all.
Signed Proudly,
Barbie Porcelain
Comment by michael caplan
In 1840, Rabbi Avraham Rice was sent by the rabbonim of Germany to America as there was no spiritual leadership to help them withstand the temptations of their new environment. By 1845, he was presiding over the erection of the Lloyd Street Schul of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. He later became the Rov of the Howard Street Shul, which is a forebear of Shearith Israel.
Avraham Yosef Rice was born in a small town near Wurzburg, Bavaria in 1802. The villages of south Germany were permeated with uncompromising devotion to Torah and mitzvos. Rav Rice first studied under Rabbi Abraham Bing (1752-1841), who was Chief Rabbi of Wurzburg and maintained a yeshiva there. Rav Bing had studied under Rabbi Nosson Adler in Frankfurt, together with the Chasam Sofer. He is known as the first ordained rabbi in the USA, however that is the Christian term ORDAINED. He had semicha and was a gadol b Torah, as a talmid muvhak of the Shaar Hazekeinim of Furth, Rabbi Wolf Hamburger.
One burning halachic issue in America of his day was kosher supervision of oil, as the Reform contended that use of lard was permissible. Other topics were the kashrus of esrogim from the West Indies, drawing blood of an animal before shechitah and dealing with issues of chalitzah and agunos since many Jewish families were now spread across the globe.
Most of his congregants were not interested in his message of uncompromising fidelity to Torah. He suffered terrible loneliness of this in the spiritual desert of mid-nineteenth century America. And wrote to his revered rebbe, Rabbi Wolf Hamburger in Furth: (quote) I dwell in complete darkness, without a teacher or companion . . . The religious life in this land is on the lowest level. Most people eat foul food and desecrate the Shabbos in public.
Yet despite his struggles, he broke the ground where Torah would eventually flourish. Rabbi Shmuel Singer wrote the following in an article:
(quote) Nurturing the growth of Torah life in a country is similar to planting a crop in a field. At first, the hard unworked soil must be broken up by a plow and a hoe. Only then can the seeds be planted and the crop raised. Perhaps the efforts of Rabbi Rice and his colleagues served to plow the hard unbroken soil of America, in preparation for the twentieth century crop of Torah flourishing here. In this way we can all be considered spiritual heirs of Rav Rice.
Rabbi Israel Tabak, the deceased Rav of Shaarei Zion wrote this forty years ago:
(quote) The town of Baltimore was zoche to a special name amongst the American community. It bore itself the name of Yerushalayim d America---because our kehilla in Baltimore has a strong Torah basis, stronger than other kehillos. Whoever understands Jews and Jewish life in this country can feel what a spirit of Torah and Mesorah we have in our kehillah. There is no doubt that the one man which left his mark on this wonderful city, with his outstanding mesirus nefesh, influenced not only his own generation but also on those after him, was HaRav Avraham Rice.
Comment by michael caplan
The lack of support shown by the people of this community is shameful. We seem to turn our backs because it is unpleasant or makes us uncomfortable. The truth is, if we let these heroes be railroaded, then it is as if we put them in the cell. I urge you all to look deep inside. If you find that spark of pride in being who you are, don't let these heroes be locked up for being who they are. We all know that if the two sides were the same race, this would be a no-brainer. Get out and support our heroes, before we have to get out of Baltimore for the crime of being Jews!
Comment by michael caplan
an anonymous comment is just as bad as a deleted post .... if you support the Werdesheim boys, then do it with a backbone ........ otherwise, no criticisms !
Comment by michael caplan
You deleted it? That's terrible! WHY???
Comment by michael caplan
Thanks Ron for being you,congratulations on your well deserved recognition.I wish I had known of the event. With warm regards Sgt V.L Amos.
Comment by michael caplan
Hired him for a corporate show for my company...did an incredible job!!!!
Comment by michael caplan
I had the privilege of davening in Kehillas Ashkenaz last January when R' Hamburger came. It was an incredible experience. I hope other people will check out this special minyan. Daniel, NY
Comment by michael caplan
Comment by michael caplan
while it certainly makes finding the desired product easy to locate for the kosher consumer, it makes just as much sense to put the foods with their traif counterparts if they fit into the same catagory. Knishes might be considered ethnic but certainly cookies and noodles are not. more consumers might buy them if they saw them side by side with the "competition" as long as teh prices are comparable.
Comment by michael caplan
Don't understand why this is local news
Comment by michael caplan
It's sad that Google's Sergey Brin is not on that list. He is worth $15 billion! You'd think he could spare a little of that for some Jewish causes, especially since he only even ended up in this country because he is Jewish.
Comment by michael caplan
Yasher Koach to Kehillas Ashkenaz for its ongoing dedication to preserving our rich minhagim, both through the minyan and itself and by offering the tzibbur the opportunity to listen to shiurim on the topic and to read from the latest seforim related to minhag ashkenaz in the Kehilla's growing library. As R' Scheinbaum is quoted to say in the article above, the mesorah that Kehillas Ashkenaz diligently keeps dates back (to a large extent)to before Rashi. As such, the minyan is providing a service not only to "yekkis" but to all Bnei Ashkenaz. Many of the minhagim which the minyan strictly adheres to (for ex. the recitation of yotzros and maaravos, saying shir hayichud, one person saying kaddish)were followed in Poland just as they were in Germany. As such, I hope this would encourage all Bnei Ashkenaz (including those of Polish or Litvish decent) to appreciate the beautiful minhagim of the past and to try to gain a better understanding of what tefilla was like in Ashkenaz when every shabbos had it's unique flavor. I hope the minyan continues to grow and look forward to davening there on my next visit to Baltimore. Yitzchak.
Comment by michael caplan
Wonderful to see how, despite many pressures, the Minhogei Ashkenaz are still held in high esteem and efforts are being made around the world to preserve our rich heritage.
See and select 'Shuls around the world' on right hand menu
Yitzchok Katz, N W London, UK
Comment by michael caplan
A Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by michael caplan
Go Reb Dovid for sanctifying that moment with your timely benediction. You are a true talmid chacham and mentch. Personal pleasure to know you for more than 40 years.
Comment by michael caplan
It's a miracle to even hear a liberal discussing budgetary responsibility.
Comment by michael caplan
I hope this article will inspire members of our community with German roots and experiences to try our Minyan on Eruv Shabbos or Shabbos morning. A special experience is also to be shared by attending the Kiddish after Minyan and hear a D'var Torah from Rabbi Yonah Sklare. He provides a very unique and refreshing approach to the Parsha.
Robert B. Lehman, M.D.
Comment by michael caplan
great job leeba was always a true leader yasher koach!!!!!
Comment by michael caplan
isn't Rabbi Moshe Landau the av bais din in Bnei Brak?
Comment by michael caplan
Where's the rest of the article?
Comment by michael caplan
Now is the person who comes to the shuls and plasters little cards and flyers all over the place going to come and pick them all up?
Comment by michael caplan
If you review the artcle there is something in there traif: "wedding altar, or chuppah."
Please review the articles first and add caveats.
Comment by michael caplan
I am so happy for them! IY"H they should be able to keep their enrollment up so they can be successful. Baltimore really needs a school like Rambam in the community
Comment by michael caplan
what ever happened to the swap with benos ?
Comment by michael caplan
Thank You.
Comment by michael caplan
It's insane! Why do people stand for this?
Comment by michael caplan
True words spoken about Joblink, but this is not a forum for bashing bnei torah who choose to sacrifice comfort for the gift of learning, if you must express such unfortunate opinions, please do so elsewhere.
Comment by michael caplan
Kudos to Eli Lasson and his much needed organization. Interesting to see Rabbi Frand speaking at such an event, I hope he takes the Joblink message back to the Yeshiva he has been connected with for decades. Sharing with them the need and requirement to support your family and how difficult that is in 2011 without proper education and training. There are a limited amount of jobs in Avodas HaKodesh and not everyone who is a great learner can be a great teacher. Looking for a second career after 10 years in kollel with a number of children in tow and mounting bills is an unfair burden for the family and the community to bear.
Comment by michael caplan
The real issue is the 82 percent of all jail time is suspended. Rather than added new laws to the books, how about putting the violent criminal in jail.
Oh, and by the way, this is real similar to the AGW debate. There is a drop in gun crime, so we need tougher gun laws??????
The perp in the article was serving a five year sentence and shouldn't have gotten out before 2012. The real issue is keeping the violent criminal behind bars.
Comment by michael caplan
WOW, what chesed! Last night one of the askonim in these pictures was willing to leave his home and help us make a maariv minyan at a local shul in baltimore, the good guys just donât stop being good. Iâm honored to have such amazing neighbors and friends here in Baltimore. Ahh, Mamish a good feeling.
Comment by michael caplan
This poem was circulated a number of years ago. Perhaps it needs to be circulated again. Please read it and open your hearts and pockets to help our fellow community members.
Moshiach's Hat
'Twas the night of the Geulah and in the world's varied shtiebelach
The sounds of Torah could be heard coming from all kinds of Yeedelach
Some were learning in English, some in Ivrit or Yiddish
Some were expounding on apshat or elucidating a chiddish
And up in shamayim The Aibishter decreed
That the time had come "for My Children to be freed"
Moshiach was roused from his heavenly berth
And given instructions to set out for planet earth
He instantly complied and with much jubilation
Descended to earth and entered a shtiebel congregation
I am the Moshiach, he announced. Hashem has heard your plea!
Your Geulah has arrived! I've come to set you free!
They all stopped their learning - this was quite a surprise
And looked him over carefully with scrutinizing eyes
He's not the Moshiach, declared one on a whim
Take a look at that hat, the pinches and the brim!
That's right, offered another with a sneer and a frown
Moshiach wouldn't show with a brim that's turned down
Hmm, thought Moshiach, if this indeed is the rule
I'll simply turn my brim up before I enter the next shul
So he confidently strode into the next shul in town
Sure that he'd be welcomed with his brim no longer down
I'm the Moshiach, he proclaimed as he made his move to enter
But the Yidden wanted to verify if he was Left, Right, or Center
Your clothes are so black, they cried out in fright
You can't be Moshiach, you're much too far right
If you want to be Moshiach, you must be properly outfitted
And they replaced his black hat with a kippa that was knitted
With his new kippa on his head Moshiach shrugged and said
What difference is it to me what I wear on my head?
And so he went on to the next shtiebel for his mission was dear
Though he was fast becoming disillusioned with the Yidden down here
I'm the Moshiach! He introduced himself bravely once more
Hoping they wouldn't find fault with the clothes that he wore
You're the Moshiach - without a black hat??
But I do have a hat!" said Moshiach to that.
He pulled it right out and plunked it down on his head
But they all started laughing and one of them said,
If you want to be Moshiach and be accepted in this town,
Try some pinches here and there and turn the brim down
Moshiach was heartbroken and thought the time must not be right
He turned around despairingly and walked out into the night.
But when he reached his chariot and began to enter
All sorts of Yidden came together - from Left, Right, and Center
Please don't go it's all their fault! they accusingly said
Pointing to one another and to what each wore on his head.
But Moshiach sadly shook his head and said you don't understand
As he started up his chariot to get out of this land
Yes, it's very wonderful that you all are learning Torah
But you seem to have forgotten a crucial part of our mesorah.
Bewildered and befuddled they all began to shout
What does he mean? What is he talking about?
Moshiach rebuked them: The first place to start
Is to seal your lips and open your hearts
To all who deem other Yidden too frum or too frei
Know that all Yidden are beloved in The Aibishter's eye
If you sincerely and truly wish for me to come
Try working a little harder on Ahavas Chinom!
Comment by michael caplan
Attention panicking parents who are rushing to find other options: Will you honestly be able to say "Yadeinu lo shafchu et hadam" (we don't have the blood of Rambam on our hands) NO!!! Because you will. The mass exile will kill the school leaving scores of children (not only your own) school-less and many faculty members without jobs. Please don't abandon a valuable school which has educated hundreds of wonderful children in our community!!
Comment by michael caplan
There is so much illegal Arab construction. Compare this to what the gov't does to Jews and it's evident that the Arabs are treated with kid gloves. Time to crack down on their activities and allow freedom to Jews is a Jewish country.
Comment by michael caplan
The politics of race is disgusating!
Comment by michael caplan
It may be sad to see him go, but it's important to point out that the Democratic Party abandoned him along time ago, along with the prionciples the party used to stand for.
Comment by michael caplan
This is so well articulated. I so hope it penetrates the hearts and minds of those that have been hurt by abuse.
Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by michael caplan
If members of the community could raise $500,000.. Are there any benefactors out there that might be willing to help match those funds? Lets try creative problem solving and and get the job done! Does anyone know a "celebrity" willing to come to Baltimore to help us raise funds for YR?
Comment by michael caplan
As a Rambam parent who sat in a meeting with 28 families and representatives from MJBHA (whose administration couldn't have been more understanding and welcoming and want to ensure us that our kids have a school which would welcome our families- plus we would not have to compromise our haskaf)I cannot help but feel angry that another community is opening their arms while ours is not. What a sad day for the Baltimore community.
Comment by michael caplan
Shortfalls in state budgets are not anything brand new. Maryland is planning to some more creative tactics to fill their budget deficit. <a title="MD budget tries to reduce $1.6 billion" href=""> MD is going to be facing billions of dollars worth of money</a> that they simply can't afford.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As I was driving home three Rambam middle school boys (including my own son)from their basketball practice, the boys were extremely upset and kept asking why the community is not saving our school? I had no answer..because I dont know why. Families are finding themselves in crisis. Kids who have been together are finding themselves in a state of anxiety as they are being split. How very very sad that the community sits by while this religious Zionist community finds itself being pushed out. This is our community where we live, where we daven and we should be able to educate our kids here....not being told to go to Yeshiva in Washington. Baltimore...where are you?
Comment by gerlie thomas
To "Rambam gambled........"
Don't sound holier though. The high school couldn't make it financially with you and they couldn't make it without you. Trying to reach a financially sound structure is worth gambles.
Comment by gerlie thomas
you rock danny!
Comment by gerlie thomas
"HE WAS NOT WEARING HIS SEATBELT" - shouldn't that be the headline?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those of you out there, who keep focusing on which side the school tilts, are missing the issue.
Without a doubt, YR is evaluating what their options are.
The issue for those of us on the sidelines is helping our fellow parents and the staff as best we can and share what the RBSO has given us.
I am not a Rambam parent, the hashkafos of my family led us to other choices, however I have a profound respect for my friends and family members who chose YT as their school of choice. It has provided a much-needed role in the Chinuch options within this community and at times I have always been impressed by the level of excellence and professionalism the school has stood for. Those who feel that YT does not have a rightful place in this town are sorely lacking in communal vision and are ignorant of what Chinuch is al pi Chazal.
I have heard and seen some terrible comments regarding the opinions that some members of this community have regarding the struggle that YR is now facing. In todayâs economy, ANY of our yeshivas are vulnerable. That people in this community, a community that constantly holds itself up as the bastion of Shalom, could sound so callous to a predicament that will leave students without a Yeshiva and staff without jobs is a Chillul Hashem.
In this Galus of Bein Adam LâChavero we must band together and help each other. It is time to get beyond the labels, which are little more than a cover for Gaavah and Sinaaas Chinom.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Being a Baal Teshuva, I am quite surprised from the comments received from some of the community members. Rambam has been everything to my two sons who are now in their second year. BT wasn't for us as we are a newly observant (3 years) family and I didn't want to expose my sons to kids whose family did not keep Shabbos or a kosher home. TI and TA were not for us because I felt that they would feel out of thier element and may get scared off. We found Rambam and have never been happier. Because of the wonderful, warm Rebbeim and teachers, my sons have immersed themselves into their faith with joy and an eagerness to learn. They are devasted about this. Please save our school.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam gambled that it could be saved by a sharp tilt to the Right, in the process marginalizing and disregarding those many families who had been involved with the school since its inception. The market for "TA-lite" is apparently a limited one here in Baltimore, and the gamble failed.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The entire Jewish Community needs to be invested to help ensure YR's survival.
Myriads of others outside the Orthodox community could be a source.
David Cordish
Sylvia Francus
David M. Schwaber
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks printing socialist propaganda.even if true what good is money to dead people?the real effects of repealing obamacare would be to stop the euthanasia it requires
Comment by gerlie thomas
IS this emes? The Democrats say that that is what they want - what do the Republicans say? I am confident they would make a provision to spare them having to repay it. thanks
Comment by gerlie thomas
The community should show YR the same level of rachmanut that it showed its dedicated families that fell under similar financial circumstances.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dear "if indeed",
Would you feel the same if it was Bnos, or the Bais Medrash of Baltimore were in trouble?
If you are not machshiv the pasuk "Chanoch l'naar al pi darcho", these newer and smaller institutions have much less credibility as a communal necessities. They can easily be viewed as a redundant fiscal drains as they channel funds in additional communal directions and out of the coffers of the industrial size yeshivos in our town.
My point CV"SH is not to close any of these yeshivos, but to point out that our town, which is one of the largest orthodox communities in the US has a large spectrum of chinuch needs and the community needs to support these institutions with the same sense of achrayus and care.
Also, everyone should remember that when TA was in trouble years ago, through their mismanagement the community banded together and at the time the economy wasnât the mess it is now.
It is time for Ahavas Chinam. It is time to see if Baltimore really is a "Community" or a bunch of different factions who have an appreciation for lip service but lack the sense of âKOL Yisroel areivin zeh lazehâ.
Comment by gerlie thomas
My children do not go to Rambam - it's not my Derech - but I believe they should be supported. There is a large portion of our community that follows the Rambam philosophy of Chinuch and sees that as their way of Avodas Hashem and that should be respected. Love Jews for who they are - not for who you think they should be. If you'd like to open a dialogue about their philosophy this is certainly not the place and time, and using ALL CAPS as a digital protest is an ineffective means of communication. Whatever Chinuch one ascribes to, Derech Eretz must be a core element of it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the previous commenter, Obviously, Rabbanim far greater than you disagree and feel there is a need
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree Rambam is needed, but what is their vision of the school for the future? If they continue to try to make themselves into a watered-down version of Bais Yaakov or Talmudical Academy then they can't succeed. If they can reconnect to the Torah Im Derech Eretz and academic excellence that they once stood for, then they have a chance.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If indeed it is $1,000,000 sometimes you have to prioritize as a community and though it would be a crying shame to lose Rambam as a school (though I would not send my kids there), the financial errors of the past and the lack of balancing the budget has led to this terrible situation now. When do you say ad kahn? All the other schools are very large and serve so so many it is obvious we can't let them fold. Rambam is unclear-if the deficit were much less, you say for sure save the school, but for $1,000,000 it is not so clear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
R' Silber is out of town this week, but I'm certain, as the former Rosh Yeshivah of YR not to mention the parent of several children there, he will add his voice.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Where is the Va'ad HaRobbonim?!! Had it been BY, TA, TI or Bnos, there would have been a Va'ad response. The silence of the President of the Va'ad HaRobbonim is deafening.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Just another rotten lawyer (as opposed to the great ones!) using every trick in the book as last resort...just ignore Gordon and he will go away.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Have there been any other crimes by Jewish people that Bernstein has shown favoritism to? Why would this lawyer say this? I think that is unfounded and antagonistic, and if he doesn't have proof, the lawyer should retract it. If he has proof, let's hear it. Sounds to me like he wants to have vengeance or stir the pot for hate. Do we need to do that? Does the Black community want to start a hate dialog? Sounds like they are itching for a fight instead of making peace. The blame never rests all on one side.
Comment by gerlie thomas
about 1,000,000
Comment by gerlie thomas
How much do they need?
Comment by gerlie thomas
"being soft on Jewish hate crimes" Has their been any others?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I thought that guy was a rapper - looks like his album
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about R'Silber
Comment by gerlie thomas
thank you for the wonderful communtiy service that you did by videoing this talk. SO many people asked me wheather it had been recorded and I was happy to tell them "yes! by Baltimote Jewish Life!" May we all take this message of emunah into our hearts and our lives.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I hope we dont hear the same old rhetoric from the DSS, i.e. how overburdened they are, how they can't do whats best for everyone all the time, blah blah blah. DSS = Dept of Social Stupidity
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam is an important institution in the Baltimore Jewish community. Let's hope the community comes together and helps the school meet its financial obligations and keep its doors open.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank G-D, praying for more good news about this case soon.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was an excellent seminar - a must for all nonprofits.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The greater community knows nothing of the financial issues at Rambam. What are we talking about? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many Millions? The Rambam Board needs to come clean to the community if they expect non-Rambam families to financially support the school. What was the outcome of the Monday January 17, 2011 parents meeting at Rambam?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those who could not prevail in a discussion on the merits about whether "brain death" constitutes death in orthodox Jewish law have succeeded in taking their cause to the secular media and subverting the centuries-old traditional way of resolving legal disputes. An online statement accusing renowned international scholars of holding a "morally untenable" is beyond the pale.
Rabbi Elyashiv, whom many consider the foremost scholar alive today, expressly forbade his followers from going to China to receive organs from Chinese prisoners condemned to death, due to his concern that this might result in shortening the lives of these non-Jewish prisoners by even one second. Rulings with regard to receipt of an organ removed from a patient declared "brain dead" relate to whether one needs to refuse such an organ in a patient who has already had his vital organs removed. This discussion is beyond the scope of an article in a Jewish newspaper, and apparently beyond the grasp of those who have seized on this one point, in a 110-page paper, to try to discredit that work and all rabbis who oppose their point of view.
How sad.
Leon Zacharowicz MD
Comment by gerlie thomas
The time has come for the community to take a stand and support Yeshivat Rambam. Please consider donating through this link:
Comment by gerlie thomas
over the holidays ??????
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Moshe Schecter for your heartfelt memories of Abie z"l, todah rabbah. I too have fond indelible memories of Abie, and I believe he still remains close to those that knew him. Kind , sensitive, wise and graced with humility, he was a real mentch that I got aquainted with at Hertzbergs'. I was classmates with Abies' younger brother Sidney, and we both shared a commonality in that both our families were holocaust survivors. There were many threads that linked us together. Abie managed to build an eternal Jewish household (ahday ahaad) and I feel blessed to have him as a part of my consciousness. That is how powerfully I felt him. When I see his family, I see him. He in return is never far from those that loved him. I also believe he has become a celestial advocate on behalf of the Jewish people. I grieve still at his early departure and miss his presence. His memory remains a blessing, zichrono levrocha. Israel(Fuchs)Shualy, Oakland California.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am curious if the Aguddath Israel statement also applies to the Charedi London Beth din and its Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks. It just issues a statement declaring that brain death is not death. "For anyone, rabbi or layman, to decide that a perceived outcome should determine what halachic approach to take is something usually associated with Jewish movements outside of Orthodoxy."
Comment by gerlie thomas
Abie (as we in the family called him) was my brother. And I, like Moshe, miss him still. He really was a terrific person; sweet, kind, funny and loved how things worked. He was taken from this world way too early, but those who knew him still keep him in their hearts. we can all learn how to treat people we meet - with kindness and equality. Yehi Zichro Baruch. Susie (Diamond) Ben-David, Israel
Comment by gerlie thomas
"BT has apparently made a "frum" track, how about TA and BY making a religious Zionist track."
Please. Please. Recycled wishful thinking every 20 years. New generation, same issues. The issues don't change but maybe the generation does. Modern Orthodoxy more so then 20 years ago has gone further to the left. BT will benefit most. 20 years ago "modern Orthodox" parents were looking for a religious atmosphere first and foremost and a smattering of feeling that women need to learn gemara. The moden orthodox of today feel a BT environment is perfectly acceptable while women rights and desires have far surpassed simply girl's learning gemera. For those orthodox looking for intensity in orthodox atmosphere, culture, spirituality, with modernity, it is back to Hebrew Academy in Silver Spring again as it used to be. Sad that Baltimore can't support a school to fill that big gap Baltimore has again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rabbinic response is needed, not to be sarcastic but major issues such as microscopic fish worms and Indian wig worship seem to elicit articles and symposiums. BT has apparently made a "frum" track, how about TA and BY making a religious Zionist track? I know it is radical but not more radical than losing a school like Yeshivat Rambam in one of the largest Jewish communities in the U.S.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Spin, spin, spin. I have not seen any Rabbinic leader associated with any decision(s) made by Rambam's Board. Why not? Are there any? Where can these 8-10th graders go next year? BY? TA? DC? BT? These are "pekuach nefesh issues that demand Rabbinic input!
Comment by gerlie thomas
In response to this "sad" person. I understand your sadness. But at those who in the past did not act in the interest of the school's future should not cloud your ability to respect those who are so passionately working to clean up past wrongs and do the very best to ensure a future for Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am not proud. I am sad. There is blame to be laid, but not at a single personâs feet. It was a combination of ill-made decisions, gross overspending, and a vision beyond what reality could contain. I, for one, begged the admin to hold onto its mission, and not believe the folklore that splitting would solve the problem. There were many issues, many problems, and dividing a house falling is never the solution. I, among many others, was fired for expressing my opinion.
Many claimed that educating boys and girls was not the correct way anymore, yet my children graduated and went onto bigger and better things. I felt they were the poster kids for Rambam, yet some wanted to avoid that success? I am bewildered, I am hurt, I am sad, and I am mostly upset that upstanding educators could not admit that they made mistakes.
Comment by gerlie thomas
they don't allow boys in bais yaakov
nor do they allow any individuality.....
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a Yeshivat Rambam high school student, I can only express regret and disappointment at what I perceive will be the practical ramifications of this decision, mainly: the lack of an vital high school in the Baltimore-Jewish community and the effects that it will have on the greater community as a whole. With this move, Baltimore will lose what I percieve to be a truly Modern Orthodox school which emphasizes the importance and the overarching nature of Torah, while stressing the value and need for a Secular Education and the important role that it can and should play in a Jew's life. I can only say that I will miss Rambam, that I am thankful for the years that I had there, and hope that it is successful in its endeavors.
Comment by gerlie thomas
come to bais yaakov!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam has a very strong program for ECC, elementary and middle school, with well qualified professionals who are dedicated to providing the very best education in lemudei kodesh secular studies and life skills to our children
And let's not lack in hakarat hatov for it's herd-working, dedicated High School staff.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I commend the exective board of Yeshivat Rambam for their efforts, as extreme as they are, to give the institution every possible chance for viability into the future. I look forward to watching a renewed and vibrant school thrive and grow. With its idealogy of Torah U'Madah, Yeshivat Rambam holds a key role in the Jewish educational landscape of our community. There would be a severe void in Baltimore without it's unique character and philosophy. I wish all the very best of success!! A loyal friend.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
so where are they all supposed to go ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Please submit any question regarding this seminar to the email link above.
Comment by gerlie thomas
will there be recordings available after the presentation for those who can't make that time?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about a new garage?! Or at least an expansion of existing garages! Why are they wasting money on this?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Weiser Side of Magic is Da Bomb!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Besides being an amazing magician Danny is also an AMAZNG MENSH. Hatzlacha in all of your endeavors.
Mrs R.
Comment by gerlie thomas
More lost jobs -- what a shame!
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's good I like coke!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Of course. They wouldn't want a little thing like the Constitution get in the way of socializing this country.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't shoot the messenger. Chaim did a great job. Your opinions of the event valid as they may be, have nothing to do with this article. You want to talk smack call Chabad. Don't post it on a local news site where people are trying to earn an honest living. Chaim GREAT JOB!!!! AWESOME article!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Chaim is one of the most creative writer's I have read on a local website. He is a master of the English language and writes with perfect clarity. Keep up the good work!!! We'd love to see a weekly column of Chaim's work and thoughts.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Who cares ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the poster who posted the following: "There is an outcry here that this is an "unnecessary" hashgacha only because it is from outside of the Orthodox community."
If you look at the comments, they weren't referring to the conservative movement's attempt to make money. It referred to having multiple Orthodox hashgochos on products that only add cost unnecessarily.
BTW, of what value is a kosher certification by a movement that doesn't keep kosher (though some Convservative Jews do keep kosher, most don't and the movement certainly doesn't).
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am the person that wrote "Oh the people that have such simplistic expert.........".
After reading the 2 postings that followed mine, I can only say shame on whoever wrote that demeaning comment. I realize you can look yourself in the mirror and feel you are right to write such harmful words. I assume you are either one of those older former vindictive Rambam parents who couldn't say a nice word if someone offered you money to or simply someone who never wanted a Rambam to succeed in Baltimore in any form. In any case your harmful and demeaning words unmasked your anonymity.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a member of the Yeshivat Rambam faculty and a Yeshivat Rambam grandparent I am very proud of the letter my granddaughter wrote (above). Even though, as my grandchildren have stated: Our abba spends more time in Rambam than we do, she is proud (as we all are) of the involvement of her abba in the education of his children. The hours my son in law spends to ensure the viability and survival of Yeshivat Rambam are mind boggling. For someone to write that these people are a lot of "well-meaning people making poor decisions" is hitting below the belt. Why aren't any of the negative commenters rolling up their sleeves to attempt to help the situation? If your are a parent, why be such a naysayer? Why not work hard to make sure the school survives? I am sure that any of these volunteers who spend their spare time on YR business in addition to their "lawyer/accountant/doctor/businessman jobs would appreciate any help they can get.
There is no other school in the city like Yeshivat Rambam. Make an appointment and see for yourself. I am a long time Bubby, on the inside as a faculty member and I can personally say I am very impressed with the education that all my grandchildren (grades 1-11) are getting at this fine school. It would be a shame if a city like Baltimore would lose such a jewel as Yeshivat Rambam.
From a proud Bubby, mother in law, and faculty member at YR, Tova Taragin.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a daughter of one of the volunteers who is one of the "well-meaning people making poor decisions", I must say that the letters written about the poor leadership are absolutely appalling disgusting. The few, yet strong, amazing people who spend hours upon hours ensuring Rambam's existence are not doing it for fun, or for their own benefit, but to ensure a thriving school for their own children, and for the 360 other students who have the privilege benefiting from the wonderful education that Rambam is providing. If other people wanted to volunteer their time or expertise in order to allow Rambam to continue and thrive, than maybe this complaining would make sense. However, since that does not seem to be the case, the few people who are willing to dedicate hundreds upon hundreds of hours (and I know personally how many) and effort beyond belief should be thanked over and over again for the awe inspiring Chessed that they are doing for the community.
So, thank you Abba.
Thank you everyone else for donating your precious time and allowing me to benefit from Rambam.
Yeshivat Rambam
Grade 11
Comment by gerlie thomas
Oh the people that have such simplistic expert reasoning that conjecture facts and "their personal expertise after the fact" after never having lived through the situations the leaders of those institutions have to.
I am not a member of the Rambam situation but have been intimately involved in day schools in Baltimore and around the country for years. The so-called experts who have so much great "advice" and use forums like this to bash are usually the ones who are the loudest and most destructive in their respective schools. If these people had so much to offer they wouldn't be sharing it so negatively in print and would have been involved in their respective institutions working on the inside to help them and would know they would never offer such "advice" in such a demeaning method and forum.
Comment by gerlie thomas
There is an outcry here that this is an "unnecessary" hashgacha only because it is from outside of the Orthodox community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The folks currently involved in the leadership are very fine, well-meaning people, however, it seems as thought they are making the same mistakes that those before them have made. (as seems to be symptomatic of NEW lay-leadership). Namely, they do not know what they are doing. All of them are too preoccupied in their own professions to commit the time necessary to gain the requisite experience.
Can anybody explain how a full-time Lawyer / Accountant / Doctor / Businessman has the time to manage, NOT a well-run enterprise, but a sinking ship? The answer is that in any business, trusted, full-time hired professionals are required to run the organization. That individual becomes the decision maker, the advocate, mouthpiece and bears the burden of responsibility BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR JOB!!!
What we have here is a lot of well-meaning people making poor decisions, and compounding those decisions with unclear, veiled, and confusing communication to the parents/customers/stakeholders.
The current board of directors was involved in the process of the terribly poor decision to purchase that dilapidated building, and squandered its final remaining asset in the process.
The fact that there is historic debt is what led to the change in leadership. The fact that there will continue to be such debt, is because of it.
Unless there is a REAL game-change, the results will continue to reflect the past, until the final propeller is miles beneath the surface.
Comment by gerlie thomas
actually, there are a couple of other Baltimore Jewish stars. When I went to the Jewish Star web site, I noted that my neighbor, Ratzon Gholian (now living in Brooklyn)is a contestant. I also noticed that Binyamin Guttman, is also competing in the contest. Go to the web site and enjoy the wonderful music of our native sons!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just voted, wonderful voice.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just voted 5 stars!!! Good luck Yehuda!
Comment by gerlie thomas
wow. good luck
Comment by gerlie thomas
Wow. That's so amazing!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yes, it happened while the NWPC was patrolling. And the NWCP also was patrolling then.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Did this happen between 7-10 wile the NWPC was patrolling
Comment by gerlie thomas
for those of you on top of your game, the picture is in the candy isle of Pomegranate in Bklyn, not to be confused with 7 Mile Market, which has no similarities in any way!
Comment by gerlie thomas
why didnt they call my house ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Both players are impressive. What a creative event. I hope this becomes an annual competition. Congratulations to Mike Lowenstein and Rabbi Landau.
Joel Marcus
Comment by gerlie thomas
I couldn't agree more with the person that wrote about the lack of "strategic marketing". I am a current Rambam parent. Last year, the President, only days before Pesach wrote a cryptic email to the parents about selling the Rambam building. Instead of announcing it directly to the parents, he made the parents anxious and start rumors of the unknown for many weeks before speaking directly to them. Now a new President sends out a cryptic email announcing a need for the sale of the next building without again speaking first directly to the parents and make us again worry and start rumors about what is next.
Rambam has supportive parents that understand the need and struggle this school has to be fiscally responsible as you remind us daily. On the other hand, you also equally have a responsibility to communicate directly with the parents instead of cryptic emails making us worry and wonder for weeks instead of meeting us first and directly speaking to us.
Let's again wait and see (only because you have given us no choice) what is going on now. If you have found a building better then Bnos's (and we know Bnos's needs much work anyway) and will bring us good news, fine. If on the other hand you have decided to close parts of the school (which your cryptic letter does not rule out - allowing for more rumors), shame on you for making the parents sweat and have to endure more rumors and not first directly sharing that information first to the parents at a meeting.
If that is the course and this is the methodology you decided to use, the remaining parents invited back to the school should wonder long and hard, whether they should support you and what you will do to them next in such an uncaring way.
Only time will now tell and I am hoping you are making us wait because you have good news to share (and maybe I will write a letter to the Jewish Times too but will probably wait to see what is going on before doing so).
Once and for all leadership when making tough decisions must remember we parents deserve better then what we have been given.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Correction: The site is <a href=""></a>
No <b>www</b>
Comment by gerlie thomas
#7 I feel that other people have sufficiently responded to you, my only comment is that you do not need to refer to me as #2 since I put my full name - Donna Wach on my comments.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I could perfectly understand the comments "Many in our community are having a very difficult time paying tuition, including ourselves...." but to add "It may be right for some people but most of the gedoilei yisoel do not hold of the zionistic hashkafa and people do not want to donate to a cause they do not hold of" is quite a sad comment. You should have left with the first comment alone. I am sure when a "non-frum" person who the "gedoilei" feel are not the type of people you should personally associate with or emulate are ready to give a contribution the the schools the "gedoilei" hold by, no one will send their money back. Shameful to feel this way. Even more shameful to put it in print. (and I am not a Rambam parent) but I feel too many people like you have such religious zeal you can't see the similarities between spirituality and common sense love thy fellow man. How sad.
Comment by gerlie thomas
#7 - Regarding your concern about supporting institutions that are not representative of your haskafah, I believe that a full spectrum of opportunities should be available to children in a frum community as large as Baltimore. While you may choose to send your children to other schools, it cannot be overlooked that Yeshivat Rambam is a Torah institution that educates hundreds of students and employees over 100 staff members. When the community was asked to support TA in their time of need, the community responded positively. All #2 was asking is that the community do the same for Yeshivat Rambam - I believe that the Gidolei Yisroel who do not support a Zionist hashkafah would also not support the closing of a Torah institution.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Everyone wants transparency but this is a perfect example of over doing it. There is a time and place and their exec committee needed to hold this in until they could tell all to their parents. This is simply foolish now and another uncertainty (one might have been fine but now this is many) only hurts ability to recruit new students. This school is doing a great job educating kids but the leaders even with their need to be fiscally responsible and likely doing as good a job as possible under stressful financial conditions, need a strong course (I'd call it a PH'D) in strategic marketing. They simply don't have a clue.
They stated the associated is working with them. No fear then that the building will go to anyone who wouldn't help that corridor.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I apologize in advance for not being completely specific about the proposed new location, but the sensitivity inherent to all real estate negotiations makes that impossible at this time. We understand that parents want and deserve this information, and we are committed to disseminating it as quickly as possible.
The broad answer to the questions raised by one of the commentors is that selling the Beth Jacob campus should provide us with funds necessary to pay down all of our accumulated debts, and position us to operate the school (including covering the lease expenses for the proposed new facility) much more smoothly. There are a number of fundraising initiatives that the co-Chairs of Development and their committee are working on (volunteers welcome!), and I believe that as we improve Rambam's finances and operations, that improvement itself should help improve enrollment and fundraising. (It's an axiom of fundraising that need itself doesn't stimulate donations. I learned that the hard way over the past year-and-a-half.)
I appreciate the various commentors' words of support for Rambam and the job its hanhala, rebbeim, and teachers (and parents) are doing. I must correct one widespread mis-impression, though, by pointing out that a number of rabbanim (and other community members) have stepped forward and offered significant support.
I'm happy to explain any of this (or any other Rambam-related issues) to the extent that I can. I'm not sure this comments section is the ideal forum, but I can be reached via email (meyershields at gmail dot com), and I'm happy to respond to email inquiries with my cell phone number as well, if that's easier. (People with much greater technological skills than I have dissuaded me from posting my number here.)
Meyer Shields
Comment by gerlie thomas
#2- $250? Who has that kind of money? We are paying full tuition to 3 different schools and didn't even have money to buy the teachers chanukah presents as all our money is going to tuition. Many in our community are having a very difficult time paying tuition, including ourselves, and we should find money for another school? Personally we do not give any tzedakah to any organizations in town as all our maaser goes to our kids schools in the form of full tuition. Also not everyone holds of Rambam's hashkafos. It may be right for some people but most of the gedoilei yisoel do not hold of the zionistic hashkafa and people do not want to donate to a cause they do not hold of.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't think Beth Jacob is all that strategic. The JCC provides a pretty substantive Jewish presence down there, don't you think? Much more so than Beth Jacob/Bnos.
Comment by gerlie thomas
i truly hope that whomever they are negotiating with to purchase the former Beth Jacob property is from the jewish community. If that proprty leaves jewish hands and ends up in the community of those who live on the other side of Northern Parkway, it will be the beginning of the end... The community can't afford to lose that important boundry that helps maintain stability in that neighborhood.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It seems to me that less communication in this case is better than more.
This recent letter, though clearly designed to give good news, resulted in more rumors. People read the first paragraph and concluded "Rambam is closing!" as I heard from several parties not associated with the school. These people claim to have heard "Rambam is closing!" from school parents!
I am a very satisfied Rambam parent. I would love to see the community as a whole rally to help save the school as it did for TA. It is an awesome school and definitely the best school for my kids. However, the unfortunate reality is that there is not broad community support for Rambam. It does not fit the accepted norm for a Jewish day school in frum Baltimore. I believe the board has tried to rally support from some local rebbeim and the effort was not successful.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"we rushed to get the good news out to our parents as soon as possible." The "good news" is that although they "realized that, in the absence of extraordinary efforts, we would not be able financially to complete this academic year" they will sell their only asset and somehow afford "a beautiful, new premises." Is this new location nearby or in the county? How is this going to restore enrollment, increase fund-raising, etc.? I realize that these issues may be discussed on January 17, but shouldn't the parents be better informed NOW? Last year the rumor mill caused parents to seek other options. The current lack of "Communications and Outreach" could have an even greater negative impact. The "new" board is struggling with issues they inherited, but they are not including the parents or community in their efforts. If you do not inform us, you will be fighting rumors and negative public opinion.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you to the committee for all of your hard work and difficult decisions. I recall about 18 years ago TA being in dire straits, the response at that time was for the Rabbis in town to all but require every family to donate $250 to TA whether or not you had children in the school. Clearly, the survival of this important institution is at stake, and the community needs to rally, the leaders needs to respond. Sincerely, Donna Wach
Comment by gerlie thomas
I sent a comment, where is it?
Comment by gerlie thomas
The fools don't realize that it would destroy the economy that's already a disaster.
Comment by gerlie thomas
no denying this is bad but werent the cattle cars during the holocaust called the hell trains?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whats the big deal? its just looking at a bag. its not like those crazy airport scaners
Comment by gerlie thomas
We need to go back to the days where the towns hired Kashrus supervisors, so we can get rid of these high priced, big business extortionists playing unethical games.
Comment by gerlie thomas
what a sad commentary!
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those who have challenges with the internet etc. these tactics are insufficient. For those who do NOT have a problem with these technologies, the constant focus and attention paid to this issue is BORING. Like everything else, technology and the internet is a TOOL that can be used or misused. To continuously harp on it to the exclusion of all else = especially at our bais yaakov convention, is of great disappointment to me.
There is so much more to be worked on - in the realm of growth, connection to each other, respect towards each other, connection to Hashem and honoring Him in our daily life - if only such topics had been broached....
Risyl Edelman
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
I called the JCC and found out that Mr. Werdesheim was not only not on staff since May 2010 (although he did sub a few times since then), he also was not a member at the time so why should they allow him in. I also understand their point that if someone is accused of a violent crime they shouldnt be allowed in. I hope he is cleared if in fact he is innocent but I am comforted to know that the JCC is taking steps to protect me.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I can understand the US budget concerns. If the US spends too much money helping their only true ally against terrorist, murderers and holocaust enthusiasts, they won't have enough money to pay for Michelle's or Barrach Hussein's next vacation or "oh so successful" trips abroad.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Unecessary hashgochos should be considered a kosher tax, as it adds to the price of the food product for no reason other than some Kashrus agencies blackmail companies into paying them or they won't recommend their products. This is dispite the fact that the productss have reputable hashgochos already. We see this all the time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This should be posted on the front page and not hidden. The deluded need to be woken up.
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those of you who still think Obamaa and the Democrats care about the "Little guy," as they pretend they do, this amounts to a tax increase for lower and middle income tax payers who don't itemize, but own homes. Keep sticking your heads in the ground and ignore reality.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is it necessary to refer to this as a "kosher tax." This is a term created and used by anti-semites.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Time to wipe out the terrorists.
Comment by gerlie thomas
In general, Kashrus has become big business and the overall ethical standards suffer. The games played against each other and the unnecessary burdens placed on businesses is sickening.
Comment by gerlie thomas
who thinks the schools are gonna be open tomorrow ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Batya, your heartfelt poem was read and all in the room felt your pain. Rochel, the event was very well done. Cynthia
Comment by gerlie thomas
I cannot agree more, what a wonderful family. Thank you for all that you have done for our community. Wishing you a wonderful Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael. May we be zoche to join you there very soon!
Aharon Newman
Comment by gerlie thomas
The insult is to the American people. Birther's aside, Obama coulddput the whole thing to rest in a second, by just releasing all of his information, not just a legit. birth certificate.
We've never had a president, whom the country has so little knowledge. No school record, no nothing. Either he's hiding something, or would rather people focus their energies on these things instead of his actions in office.
In any case, has the public been do dumbed down that they don't care what their leaders are really about and their histories. We should know all these things and it doesn't matter which party the person belongs. Obama's people challenged McCain over his place of birth. McCain, as bad a candidate as he was, immediately released his info. Obama should do the same and not the unoffical birth certificate he released during the campaign. Anyone can get that from Hawaii without being born there.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What ever happened to the poem AKEIKDA written by me , Batya Dagan ?
Frankly I don't feel good about this.
batya Dagan
Comment by gerlie thomas
this speech should be sent to every school, history class. The voice of one can pave the way to understanding and peace. This was a great event.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks to Rochelle Kaplan for a beautiful event.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you so much for posting these pictures!
Comment by gerlie thomas
A lot of time and money expended. They would accomplish a lot more (for the school and the girls) with a bake and clothing(made by the students) sale.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The problem with the Jewish community is that they don't speak out loud to protect their own. Would other groups allow their member to be thrown under the bus? We always sit quietly and take the abuse. Listen to WOL or CSPAN and see what is said about the Jews. Why do I not hear the opposite. What have we learned?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you. We recently received a Bikur Cholim package from a Hatzala responder. We were appreciative beyond words.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazel Tov! Moshiach must be near.
Comment by gerlie thomas
A match for the aged, you mean.
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about "racing" to save the state from lunatic policies?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very important.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If Ben Cardin cares about victims of terror why has he spent years pushing for a Palestinian state?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Jews, wake up!!! This may not be Europe, but it is Golus and it won't get better. We in the U.S. are not immune.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Accountability in Gov't? Baltimore City, where are you?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Now this is what we Jews need to see from this site. Don't think the U.S. is that far behind.
Comment by gerlie thomas
And so begins the next phase of Galus Edom. This is how it starts folks. Next on the list, a new set of Nuremburg Laws. Start sewing your yellow stars.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is this important for Baltimore Jewish Life ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I really enjoyed reading this dvar Torah thank you Rabbi Goode
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have heard that their work is amazing.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Perhaps he has frequent flier miles. Or perhaps a sponsor "paid". Even if the ticket was paid that would be part of operating expenses. I know that the meshulachim who come to my door from Israel get expenses + 20-30%.
So I have no problem with just the expense of a ticket.
Comment by gerlie thomas
You write: There are no percentages or "cuts"; all donations are going directly to help those in need.
Who payed for his ticket to Baltimore?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mixed seating??
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: the youth has a previous criminal record. So what?
at a minimum it tells you something about the person.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: the youth has a previous criminal record.
So what?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Maybe we davened too much, lol
Comment by gerlie thomas
shomrim tried to get blacks to join but no one wanted to.
Comment by gerlie thomas
the youth has a previous criminal record
Comment by gerlie thomas
This is a fantastic organization, these guys answered the question "why isn't anyone doing anyhing for the boys in our community?" by taking action, providing a safe, healthy environment for our young men. Gobbie and his crew are doing a great service for the boys of Baltimore. Donna Wach
Comment by gerlie thomas
Arnold Jablon is highly qualified and a man of integrity. It's common for gov't personnel to go to the private sector and vice versa. Much ado about nothing.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dumbest thing I ever heard of.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, "trust but verify." Don't trust them too much.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nice article! For more about wimpels check out newly released Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz (English version) at Shabsi's.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazal Tov
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hopefully the "new" Shomrim that will surface after all the politics is over, will be stronger and far more disciplined and rules oriented. Lack of rules makes for easily handling of complex decisions; however, the more complex decisions in the end have to rest with the police. How complex was this decision? who knows but it has cost Shomrim some of their good reputation unfortunately.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why Jews felt the need to prostrate themselves in the media and in meetings is beyond me, but of course the extraordinarily highly paid functionary head of the Baltimore Jewish Council was right there selling the Shomrim people down the river-and the community with them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is clogging up a lot of streets called a Kiddush Hashem? The blaring horns were not a sign of gratitude. Next year maybe do it in a way that doesn't block off Park Heights Ave.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It is very sad, when a black beats up a white, not too many people get upset about it. but G-d forbid if a white beats up a black - the whole world get upset, Even Jews which in itself is pathetic.
This is without mentioning the fact that this youth has a criminal record, And its his word against the word of an adult who does not have a criminal record.
doesnt anyone see that this wrong.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Precisely. Look at the Purim story. How does it start? The Jews go to an innocent party thrown by the King. The King! Not the office co-workers. And look what happened. Most meforshim say it was their attendance at the party that was a main cause of the decree against them.
It starts off small. An innocent office party. Exchange some gifts for the holidays. Lets do lunch. I have never been a fan of slippery slope arguments at all. But this one is as clear as day. If you don't mingle with them, it lessens the chances of intermarriage, no doubt about it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yidden shouldnt be in the US military anyway. There should be no need for a Rabbi there, unless he can secretly encourage them not fight but to go to Israel if they have a need for fighting and fight for Israel, not the US.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The Talmud says Nair Ish UBaiso. Nothing about this.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"The name should probably be in english and non-denominational"
That would defeat the entire purpose. It's a JEWISH organization, to protect the JEWISH community. If the other people want protection, they can start their own, or pay us to do it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks for the update. Excellent work.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful Kiddush Hashem and putting the video on your website for all to see and relive. Great Coverage! Keep up the good work, Chaim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Couldn't agree more!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think that we need to take a step back and ask the question why a 23 year old is a member of Shomrim, their is an advantage that age brings to one's perspective - it gives one an added maturity to deal with situations wisely - I think an organization like Shomrim which provides such a vital service needs to have an age minimum and vet recruits carefully, because one wrongly handled situation as we see can sour a good name really fast.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Interesting article, but it was written in August. Any update on this situation?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim has been very beneficial to my family over the past five years
Comment by gerlie thomas
Welcome! can't wait to read your articles!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Were any of these 200 people Jewish? If not, why bring it up?
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's quite pricey.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Strategically Shomrim should probably make more of an effort to appear less parochial. The name should probably be in english and non-denominational and the group should be open to non-jews who pass the careful screening process similar to everyone else. Also, they should probably have a minimum age required that is 30yrs+.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yes it is those interfaith office parties that are the downfall of the Jewish people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"Shomrim was established in 2005 in response to an increase of assaults around the community."
I thought it was in response to a rash of home break-ins.
But that's just details. I haven't had any direct experience with Shomrim but I do get their periodic blotter and unless they're making all that stuff up, it definitely gives me an extra sense of security knowing that there is a group that is ready to respond at a moment's notice to any issues in the neighbourhood. Shomrim is not only valuable for the work they do "after the fact," to address an incident after it has happened. It is also a valuable asset to the community in the information it provides "in advance," such as tips on how to keep your home and belongings safe and warnings about times of higher risk such as Halloween and the Preakness.
Keep up the good work!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree with most of the sentiments. Of course Shomrim should remain. Do they need to be reorganized in some way? Absolutely. Oversight and following all the rules given to them that allows them to work with the Police is mandatory now. It was not before but unfortunately one real bad incident makes a game changer. The game has changed. The question we will all have to see is if Shomrim can play under the new rules of the new game they will be given.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Is it possible that a member of Shomrim went a little too far in this case, hopefully not, but possibly yes. As in all such cases, let us allow the legal system (not a great one, but all we have) to figure that out. Meanwhile "innocent until proven guilty" should be our position.
It is absurd that some in the black community as well as "some leadershipâ in the Jewish community have already judged the individual as well as the organization (something that they would cry foul over if it was happening to them). To call on the Shomrim organization to disband is as ridiculous as calling for the entire Pikesville area to be off limits to members of the black community because statistics and facts show that they commit the majority of crime in the area. Would anyone in their right mind suggest that the police force disband because of the occasional use of excessive force in a given situation? Shomrim has a track record of helping to reduce crime in our area, ninety nine percent of the time they do whatâs right, volunteering their time to help protect us. I am convinced that the leadership of the organization will make every effort to be even more careful in future situations. For now I believe that all members of our community should stand behind the organization as well as the individual involved in this case. This is an opportune moment for all of us to thank shomrim for all that they do!
Comment by gerlie thomas
NWCP is not only from 7:30-10:30 as you can call them for specific requests at other times. In general I don't think all the volunteer drivers know why they are out though they can be quite helpful. Shomrim is available 24-7 and have helped my family personally. All these organizations have succeeded in lowering the crime rate in our neighborhoods and I feel a lot safer knowing they are around.
Comment by gerlie thomas
why isn't the police defending Shomrim? They help the police do their job more efficiently and effectively. People need time to realize the value of additional assistance. When birthing mothers first started coming to the hospitals with doulas, doctors and nurses ere very opposed to their presence, feeling as if it was infringing on their abilities. Over the past 10 years that my mother has been a doula, she has noted how the attitudes of nurses has changed so positively, because they know that a doula's supportive presence means that their job will be easier and the mother will have a healthier and more satisfying birthing experience, which ultimately reflects back on the hospital and its nursing staff. I think people need to realize that the same applies here as well. We are ALL living in this Northwest Corridor and a call for Shomrim to close down is like inviting unhealthy, dissatisfying and more harmful experiences back into everyone's lives. For most of us, both African American and Jewish folks share the same neighborhood block and the same concern for safety and overall security for their homes, cars, and lives.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What's the problem with mentioning that the NWCP is the longest standing in the group? It is.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person that wrote: "Northwest Citizens Patrol (the longest standing in this group)' Is that statement really necessary to include?.
Yes, it sure it is. It is important to note that the NWCP has been around for 28 years with NO incidents while this group has been around 5 years with one public incident, and many non publicized incidents.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hey, look over there, it's the ACLU! Sure took them long enough! Sure, go ahead and protect yourselves and your community, just don't scratch anyone in the process, or you will be the one in jail, not them. Mamash geferlach!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
"Northwest Citizens Patrol (the longest standing in this group)' Is that statement really necessary to include?.
Is this sites head quarters in the Aguda PH?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baltimore Shomrim is a valuable organization for our community. They help keep crime down. We need them
Comment by gerlie thomas
So, just like every other organization, maybe a little sensitivity training is all that is required to the "over zealous" Shomrim member.Where else can you find communities go out of their way with no compensation or gratitude for helping the city reduce payroll in the areas that are covered by these important communal organizations.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Come on. There is far too much defensiveness. If anyone thinks that Shomrim can get away with protecting the community without needing to call the police first in this society in America, they now have found out after many years, they can't plain and simple. This may not be best for protecting the community but now anyone who volunteers for shomrim will be guided by specific rules and shomrim as an organization will be at stake if anyone goes "at it alone" again. This one bad judgment call has caused this to happen. Don't blame anyone but this situation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Innocent until proven guilty only extends for the victim? It also applies to the accused. We should all just shake hands, be friends, and wait for the next break-in or bike being stolen, when we call Shomrim(and then 911 or the other way, if you're a sucker) for help. And then send an email to the NWCP for their statistics.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dangerous? Oh how very wrong you are. What's dangerous is thinking that we are all equal and should co-mingle and let's be friends and sit around the campfire singing Koombayah. What's dangerous is thinking you know better than what the Torah tells us, which is to COMPLETELY separate ourselves. That means separate everything. No office parties with them,no "interfaith" nonsense either. Or perhaps you know better?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim did come out of individuals feeling that the NWCP was too passive. What is wrong with "taking care of our own"?, well who is "our own", who are we excluding. I hope we are including all non-criminals, black, white Jewish and gentile, if not we are moving in a very dangerous segregated direction.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Rabbi Landau for your clarity on this issue.
Is it possible that a member of Shomrim went a little too far in this case, hopefully not, but possibly yes. As in all such cases, let us allow the legal system (not a great one, but all we have) to figure that out. Meanwhile "innocent until proven guilty" should be our position.
It is absurd that some in the black community as well as "some leadershipâ in the Jewish community have already judged the individual as well as the organization (something that they would cry foul over if it was happening to them). To call on the Shomrim organization to disband is as ridiculous as calling for the entire Pikesville area to be off limits to members of the black community because statistics and facts show that they commit the majority of crime in the area. Would anyone in their right mind suggest that the police force disband because of the occasional use of excessive force in a given situation? Shomrim has a track record of helping to reduce crime in our area, 99% of the time they do whatâs right, volunteering their time to help protect us. I am convinced that the leadership of the organization will make every effort to be even more careful in future situations. For now I believe that all members of our community should stand behind the organization as well as the individual involved in this case. This is an opportune moment for all of us to thank Shomrim for all that they do!
Aharon Newman
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the last 2 posters, you hit the nail on the head. We must be vigilant with rules and regulations. The leadership of Shomrim is by default responsible (unless as the other poster said, the leadership thinks shomrim can take the law into their own hands). Some here I think hope so. That is fine but don't expect to exist with police and politicians help though.
Comment by gerlie thomas
With all due respect, Rabbi, it is a big deal because it is 2010 and a white Jewish volunteer said to a black youth "you don't belong in this neighborhood". Where does he belong south of Northern Parkway? Shomrim stepped over the line, not this young man but Shomrim the group he represents when he put on that jacket. Is the boy an innocent, probably not but that is not the point, not the point at all. The black community leaders are outraged by the violence in Baltimore, meetings and vigils are held throughout the year. Our ears all perked up because it happened to "one of us". Shomrim should not disband, it should be trained on its responsibilities and limits.
Comment by gerlie thomas
such a great program! my 4 year old came home knowing so much about fire safety!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rabbi, with all due respect, you mix too important issues - disproportion and the facts of this case. Yes, we all know the Sun acts disproportionately. They have for years and will always to the detriment of the Jewish community. It is a given and we must speak up. However, regardless if the 15 year old has a record, if he was doing anything suspicious (and time will tell), it was up to the 23 year old shomrim member to not get out of his car BUT CALL THE POLICE. That is their job. If it isn't and their job has morphed to act as policeman, G-d protect us all.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hey, you think Ronnie, Art Abramson and the Guv discussed the Shomrim mess? A few pastors included wouldn't have hurt :)
Comment by gerlie thomas
I couldnt agree more
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Rabbi Landau for the courage of clear thinking and expression.
Aaron Shamberg
Comment by gerlie thomas
100% on target!
As the saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished. It makes one wonder why anyone would want to put themselves at risk, especially when they get abused for it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Amen, Rabbi!
Comment by gerlie thomas
very well written, please try to get this into the sun paper.
Comment by gerlie thomas
7mile market is in the county for the record.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
shomrim did not come out of the nwcp. that is just one of the facts you have wrong.
Comment by gerlie thomas
thank you!!!!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very well written.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the Hebrew commentator: Write it in English. I hope they do see it. I want them to know that we are not part of their community, and they are certainly not part of ours.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ulay chashavtem rega sheha"ainam yehudim" korim et zeh gam kein vero'im kol ma she'atem kotvim? Yeish devarim she'einam reuyim lichtov baInternet leinei kol.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I love the idea of having OUR Hatzalah, OUR Chaverim, OUR Shomrim, and OUR NWCP. Why can't THEY get their own as well? Truthfully, I don't want OUR groups serving THEIR people. I think Hatzalah, for example, should only respond to Yiddishe homes. The community is not Baltimore, Upper Park Heights, or Greenspring. It's the JEWISH community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Another Chanukah miracle, the NAACP acting responsibly.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Well, I'm certainly glad to know we have the haskama of the NAACP. As if we needed it. Can we get back to the business of keeping our community safe now that we have it, or do we need to answer more questions?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whats wrong with taking care of our own?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am not sure how this all has gotten out of hand. Shomrim came out of the NWCP. To my knowledge NO community group is allowed to get out of their car and question suspected criminals. They are supposed to call the police plain and simple. If members of Shomrim feel (as some of these writers do) that the Police are not protecting the area enough, that is a different story that can't give any member of shomrim the right to take on Police duties (without explicit police permission which they never will have). No one is saying Eli is not a good person. The 15 year old may very well be a hardened thief BUT the police needed to be called if that were the case and no one at Shomrim can act as a police officer. This is so plain and simple the rhetoric here is astounding.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Did I just read "because trouble makers know we take care of our own"? Oy vey.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If Shomrim is gone, my CQC and handgun combat classes should double if not tripple in size. The "Black Leaders" are only making things worse, because scared people do things thay are not trained to do.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim does what needs to be done because the police are in other neighborhoods in the NW District. They must go where the demand is. You don't hear about the level of violence in Upper Park Heights - a greatly underserved neighborhood of the city - because trouble makers know we take care of our own. If the mayor has an issue, it should be with the leaders of communities in which have very high crime and violence rates and let us continue to do what we do - because it works.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nobody, absolutely nobody, especially someone identified as an on duty member of a community patrol organization should tell someone that they do not belong on a certain street or in a certain neighborhood, bottom line. Let us hope that the result of this incident will be increased training for the volunteers with clear guidelines on how to handle situations such as these. Without guidelines, without an understanding of their role and legal limitations we can only expect such an event to happen again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nobody, absolutely nobody, especially someone identified as an on duty member of a community patrol organization should tell someone that they do not belong on a certain street or in a certain neighborhood, bottom line. Let us hope that the result of this incident will be increased training for the volunteers with clear guidelines on how to handle situations such as these. Without guidelines, without an understanding of their role and legal limitations we can only expect such an event to happen again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just think it is a bit ridiculous because if I am not mistaken it was over sukkot when a young Jewish boy was attacked and had his arm broken and it took Baltimore City Police an hour and a half to respond. In that case, like many others, there was no investigation. They simply accepted what happened. Now I wasn't there, so I can not say what happened but lets be honest: Mr. Werdesheim was in the special forces in the Israel Army. If the story was he crossed Northern Parkway and picked the biggest guy he could find and broke his wrist, I would believe it. But something just doesn't sound right. A man with his skill and toughness stopping a car to pick on a little kid? I have trouble with that. Again, I wasn't there, but this seems like an act of self defense.
In America, if someone breaks into your house and you shoot him, is that not called self defense? Where will they draw the line? What if something like questioning turns into a harassment charge...
Comment by gerlie thomas
Everyone knows this is going to become a HUGE racial thing this week. They should just pause and ask themselves: How many goyim would cross the street when a group of yeshiva bochurs are walking towards them, and how many vice versa?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think there is value to sitting in shul with your little one for five minutes.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Civil unrest situation?? Don't you mean a riot by people in the other community that will gain status by controlling it or those criminals looking for a chance to cause damage and harm?
Comment by gerlie thomas
These ministers and the NAACP need a cause. When it doesn't exist, they'll make one up. The rush to judgement is a sad commentary on everyone involved. How about an honest search for the truth?
Their cause should be the addressing of problems within their own community and not look for villains. Their youths are killing each other. Crime among the same group is out of control. This isn't racism, its fact. That's where their focus should be.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Such chutpah that there is an assumption of guilt here. It sounds as if people don't want to believe or accept that a Jew can and will defend themselves. Why not take a look at the history of this juvenile, who was arrested on car theft charges a week prior to this incident, vs. Werdesheim. Whose story is more plausible, the criminals?
Comment by gerlie thomas
This article misses the point multiple times.
First, the DREAM ACT is a boon to our military. Bill Carr, former acting deputy undersecretary of defense for military personnel, has called the DREAM Act "very appealing" to the military because it applies to the "cream of the crop" of students.
Second, the article referring to students of age 16 is a distortion, giving the impression that a flood of 15 year olds are crossing the borders to beat a system. This is not accurate. Those who will benefit from the DREAM ACT have been here since they were babies in most cases. They have grown up here and they entered the country on valid visas. There are many reasons why someone loses status, and a two or three year old child is not in a position to know or argue visa status. They have no options and there is no line to get into. If they leave the US, many cannot return for ten years minimum, and they are exiled to countries where they have no family, no friends, no knowledge of the culture, leaving the only home they have ever known.
As Margaret Stock, a former military officer has publicly stated, potential DREAM Act beneficiaries are a military recruiter's dream candidates for enlistment, even if they have no legal status. "They are Americanized, having lived in the United States for at least five years, unlike the newly lawful permanent residents whom the military currently enlists.
DREAM Act beneficiaries have no adult period of residence in a foreign country, making it easier to perform background checks for security clearance.â
These are our childrenâs friends and you would be hard pressed to identify them. They are high school graduates, and only those with no criminal record will be eligible for this program.
Ms. Stock noted that âif approved as DREAM Act beneficiaries, they will have passed rigorous criminal background and security checks from DHS. They will have "conditional lawful residence," which is recognized under current military recruiting regulations. Thus, the military will not have to change its regulations or process their enlistments differently from other recruits. Finally, they will be motivated to serve the United States so as to be given a chance to stay here."
Finally, the DREAM ACT strengthens, not weakens the US economy. The students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the U.S. and by allowing them to pursue a higher education, we are investing in the future of our country and our economy.
Communities, states, and nation would reap significant fiscal benefits from the DREAM Act as these young people pay taxes, pay tuition and cost $3,900 less in government expenses than if they dropped out of school. This amounts to an annual fiscal benefit of over $9,000 every year, money that can be used to pay for the education of others.
The United States already welcomes foreign students, and the schools often get double tuition fees from foreign students. Why is allowing children who grew up here to attend school and pay tuition eroding the system?
DREAM Act beneficiaries will make up part of the educated workforce needed to help the U.S. compete in the global economy. In our globalized world, their multilingual and bicultural skills, and contributions are more important than ever to the success and global competitiveness of the United States.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ours is a peaceful community if we are left alone. It's only when certain elements cross over Northern Pkwy that trouble starts. Shomrim are tzadikim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: Things dont escalate in the Jewish community. She's confusing ours with hers.
Wake up, fool. We are on the brink of a civil unrest situation. And stop with the racism. What happened, happened. Its par for the course with Shomrim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Things dont escalate in the Jewish community. She's confusing ours with hers.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim should be licensed to carry guns
Comment by gerlie thomas
"KOL HA KAVOD to ELIYAHU at least we have someone that would do what it takes to keep are neighborhoods safe !!"
Are you kidding. I am sure even he regrets not calling the police right now. I am sure you would love to be in his position right now feeling as good as you do. It is comments like this, that got him into trouble to make the bad decision. Eli is now a victim of the macho mentality that ruled too long without enough rules. Those days are now over for better of worse.
Comment by gerlie thomas
They need strong leader ship, and licenses to carry guns, too. What good is guarding and patrolling if you have no authority to do anything about it? It's like the store security guards, a big joke. If not guns, at least give them billy clubs like the cops had in the good old days. People should fear these good guys like they used to fear the cop walking a beat. Now, even cops have to have those silly hidden Asp things that expand when they take them out. Why? Because the liberal nudniks complained that the cops were too intimidating with the old style billy clubs! Ha! Hello? They are cops! They SHOULD be intimidating!
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was only a matter of time that a loose knit bunch of young men who have little real leadership guiding them day to day (who have done great jobs for the community overall), could make a critical error in judgment (not calling the police if they saw someone suspicious) and just maybe undo all those good years of work. One think is for sure. If Shomrim is politically allowed to exist anymore, it will be with VERY strong rules and oversight. Too bad. A former Israeli commando is the not at fault. It is the leadership who couldn't see what was coming.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was only a matter of time before they found a reason to cry foul.
Comment by gerlie thomas
its open 2 men on the 2nd
and one the 4th 2 the community
Comment by gerlie thomas
KOL HA KAVOD to ELIYAHU at least we have someone that would do what it takes to keep are neighborhoods safe !!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't understand. Why would you write a comment before you know all the facts. Oh, I get it, let's just assume he's a criminal because he's a fifteen year old Black male. My goodness, some of you really need to think what your comments would be had he been a 15 year old White male. Stop with the generalizations!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm confused-is it open tonight, the 2nd, or next week, the 9th?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Also to the person that wrote this:
Would you be happier if Werdesheim was hurt?
Werdesheim had no business approaching this kid, or anyone. Show me one place in the law where it says that private citizens are allowed to bully, harrass, and detain people because they are a black kid in a white area? It would have been no one's fault except his own. Don't wish it on him or any of them, but you get what you ask for. Don't approach people and no one would get hurt.
Also, I would like to see pics of this supposed "stick" with nails in it. Someone, probably the police, or Shomrim, if this was a true statement, would have a picture of it to cover their liability and back up the story, don't you think? If it was 100% true that it was self defense, don't you think pictures, comments, statements and anything they could have thought of would have already made their way around the news? It's not the first time they have done this, because I myself have been the recipient of their warm, friendly behavior. They have done this to too many people - black, white, middle eastern. I know the way they operate - they are a band of vigilante, racist macho men who need to make their name in the community by being everyone's savior.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote:
"Think of this, who will you call if you or a family member are threatened, the 15 year old punk, the police who'll show up when it's too late and say they can't write a report or Shomrim?"
I have never, nor would I ever, call Shomrim. I have no interest in being a party to a law suit that someone else will bring on them. I would call police from Alaska before I call them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It is comments like this (apparently made by Shomrim supporter who are fearful now they may lose all the good work they accomplished through one terrible incident), will make the police run from Shomrim. The bottom line is the kid had no gun or knife and if he looked suspicious in any way, Shomrim were to call the police. How are they different then the NWCP? That is the big issue that the leaders Shomrim may now have to pay the extreme price.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the poster who wrote: " I'm glad he got his butt kicked. I'm sure he was mouthing off to the Shomrim too--up until he realized he was in trouble. I wish he was carrying a gun or knife so Israeli guy could have taken this further."
First of all, why shouldn't have mouth off to Shomrim?? As much as you want them to be, they are NOT police and have done nothing to deserve this kid's respect! And second, really? You think he should have been shot for walking down the street??? And then what would have happened to "the Israeli guy"??? Idiot!
Comment by gerlie thomas
These are sick comments. We might all agree that vigilantism is sometimes needed to take back the streets BUT we all know we live in the US and we can't or WE will be the one's to get locked up. Regardless if this boy was defending himself or was the aggressor, Shomrim had better come out strongly against the word vigilantism real soon or they won't exist. The public in the US won't allow them to exist. Whether the people writing here want and like vigilantism, they can do it themselves as the Baltimore City Police will run from Shomrim real fast if they don't distance themselves from it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Let's think... Did anyone care to consider that perhaps this "punk" lived nearby? You know, there are black people who live in this community... And the people here should be ashamed of themselves. The Baltimore Police Department does for this community more than any other community in the city. During Yom Tov, BPD adds multiple, tens, of officers to watch the streets to keep residents safe. They have done so much more for this community than for other communities. What's wrong - they don't respond in 3.28 seconds because someone stole a bike? Yes, bike theft is a problem - yes, its way down the totem pole. I bet if you would call 911 and tell them someone is breaking into your home, they will be there in moments.
This teenager was walking down the street in the middle of the day. Is that a crime? He was not on anyone's property. And, the punk became belligerent? Wouldn't you if someone approached you and asked you what you are doing walking along the street? Sometimes, wrong is wrong. And they were wrong, very wrong this time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who posted "This was a totally unprovoked attack," you are a fool. Why do you assume that Werdesheim wasn't attacked as he says? Would you be happier if Werdesheim was hurt? It's funny, you're practicing Dahn Le'kaf Zchus for the wrong person. Think of this, who will you call if you or a family member are threatened, the 15 year old punk, the police who'll show up when it's too late and say they can't write a report or Shomrim?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't mess with the Zohan
Comment by gerlie thomas
Quit playing the race card. The 15 year old was a punk looking for trouble. He found it.
What exactly was he doing at 12:45 on a Tuesday? How many 15 year olds do you know that have been arrested for theft? Would you feel different about what happened to this future felon if he was breaking into your house?
I'm glad he got his butt kicked. I'm sure he was mouthing off to the Shomrim too--up until he realized he was in trouble. I wish he was carrying a gun or knife so Israeli guy could have taken this further.
Did someone say call the cops? Yeah right. If the cops were on top of things, the Shomrim would never have been formed.
I wish the Shomrim would patrol my neighborhood too. I'd love to send them a check to help pay legal costs. I'm not jewish but, I love jews because they don't take crap from anyone.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I encourage every one to join my family in making a contribution to help keep our neighborhood safe 24/7 (Shomrim)!
I also encourage every one to join my family in making a contribution to help keep our neighborhood safe 3/6 (NWCP)!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Leave it to Baltimore City to take the side of and give rights to the criminal. Also, the Baltimore Sun conveniently leaves out what the teenager was doing right before and during the confrontation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Kol Ha Kavod Eliyahu!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Leave it to Baltimore City to take the side of and give rights to the criminal. Also, the Baltimore Sun conveniently leaves out what the teenager was doing right before and during the confrontation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This was a totally unprovoked attack. No one, other than law enforcement, has the right to stop anyone, approach anyone, or inquire what someone is doing on the street. Unfortunately, the fools in this community think that Shomrim is the best thing to come here. Explain self defense? Self defense is when you are walking down the street, and someone approaches you and tries to hurt you. All of you waxing self defense are correct - the 15 year old was defending himself from these out of control punks who think they own the streets of Baltimore!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Good Job! I wish Shomrim was an armed patrol. And he is right, the guy didn't belong in our neighborhood. Israeli's have so much more common sense than we do.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If "he was a criminal who was caught stealing a car just one week ago", why in the world would this young man not call the police for backup. Shomrim got into the same trouble other loosely knit groups do - lack of proper supervision. Once they allowed someone with the military background of this young man into Shomrim, someone should have read him the riot act about the rules. This incident alone could blow away ALL the good work Shomrim has done. Some leaders really blew it here.
Comment by gerlie thomas
it is so pretty
Comment by gerlie thomas
Last week when I made a true comment about NWCP not stopping to protect our community's residents as they enter their homes, which is the only thing they really do, you don't post that. This nonsense you post.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I guess self defense is not acceptable with certain NW policemen. Better to believe a criminal who was caught stealing a car just one week ago.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nothing is always what it appears in print. I hope this young man did not get carried away given his para military background. Shomrim, a major asset in our community, must make certain (and it is no easy job), the volunteers realize the strong limits that are placed upon them and they should never place themselves in positions where they will need to use their own force. If they don;t understand this, they can easily be setup as targets which might have happened here. There is a point to back down and call the police and this young man is lucky this boy didn't get hurt any worse.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shouldn't they destroy the building?
Comment by gerlie thomas
These are all closely related to what happened to the Armenians living in Turkey.My grandparents, endured in the genocide 1.5 million Armenians by the Turkish government in 1915 and came to America. This was the first genocide of the 20th century. After listening and watching the video, I am glad that future generations are told the stories that are related.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If that were true, big corporations would be fighting for the right to do the job. There is no honest money to be made in environmental projects. In fact, the only "profit" is that taxes are raised for a public project, and those with the right connections get to line their pockets with our tax money, which would otherwise be available for groceries, tuition, etc.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have Comcast and did not have any problems.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks for the article!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Well, Duh!
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those of you who believe everything the media says, look at the headline above, vs. what Barak actually said. He said, "'no option should be removed from the table' when confronting Iran and North Korea." Is this the same as the headline Leaked Document: Barak Encourages Attack on Iran, N. Korea?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about posting info on the dangers the U.S. is putting on Israel? Most people have no idea and it's getting worse by the day.
Comment by gerlie thomas
There are so many important articles involving Israel, is this the best you can do?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Of course. Obama has made such a fool of himself worldwide, that no one respects, nor has an fear of him. It's open season for all crack-pots and despots. They can do anything with impunity.
Comment by gerlie thomas
ofishel makes the best fried chicken in town
Comment by gerlie thomas
Good talk!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The Obamanation will learn nothing. People who accept this kind of abuse, will ultimately accept anything. Plays right into the "Rules for Radicals."
Comment by gerlie thomas
this was their night, leave them alone. (as they like to be)
Comment by gerlie thomas
When does he start working at Tov Pizza?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about posting this too:
Jews should know how the U.S. gov't is really treating us.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Boo-Hoo, the abusers cry foul!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Best yet: Take I-83 North to I-81. I-81 to I78 East. Take I-78 all the way into the New Jersey Turnpike Extension.
The Route 40 bridge is down to 1 lane - bad alternative.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The moderator is a coward. If you want a successful web site, be honest. You didn't post a legitamite concern about NWCP, that they are not doing what they are supposed to do. If you censor the truth, you will fail.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What a great idea we should do that sometime
Comment by gerlie thomas
Route 40 is another alternate to I-95.
Comment by gerlie thomas
this was a great Yom Iyun
Comment by gerlie thomas
Kudo's to thee many members of Shomrim, CERT and Chaverim for providing security, covering the entire community on Friday night, so all the girls can make it home safely and without any fear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ok. Then why in the world would you publish clear OPINION articles you disagree with. This is great and many people will be happy to read your opinion. But you just solidified our point. If you disagree with opinion, you shouldn't publish it. If you disagree with a news article you should. That is the standard you should set for yourself. If you disagree with an opinion, by publishing it, you are by default (unless you comment under it), giving your readers (who are not all as wise as you may think) the feeling you accept it. I hope you reconsider this foolish thought and ONLY PRINT NEWS. Your concept is too good to play political opinions with it and tarnish it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"over a blood clot" does not make sense. you probably want to say "due to a blood clot". unless he is flying over the blood clot in an airplane- in that case you would be correct!
Comment by gerlie thomas
where can u buy suntree swiss mix thanks Sylvia
Comment by gerlie thomas
In response to some of the comments implying that the BJL has a liberal agenda, I think you need to take a step back. At our pre-election event for Bob Ehrlich, covered exclusively by (see SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=1867 )it was personally evident to us that the principals of BJF are most definitely NOT LIBERALS!!! I believe that the purpose of publishing this current piece of trash article is more for highlighting the absurd liberal bias of the Baltimore Sun than anything else. While the media continues to ignore big problems locally and state-wide,the Sun prints this garbage instead of holding our (sic) elected representatives' collective feet to the fire. has become an incredible resource to the the Baltimore Jewish community; presenting tremendously valuable, real-time and up-to-date community information. They also re-print a cross-section of articles (some from the Baltimore Sun). Perhaps greater discretion could be exercised but I think it is important that our heads are not buried so deep in sand that we ignore what OTHER people are talking about. This is just one of those articles that should cause people to cancel subscriptions (or validate those of us who have already done so) to the Sun, not BJL!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I can only assume if you are now printing political opinions instead of news articles, that Baltimore Jewish Life backs the opinions they are sharing. If that is the case, you are telling the community you have a liberal bias to this site. That is sad. You started out so well. If you now are showing a politically biased agenda, you will turn this site upside down. If the who are making the decisions to publish political opinions (rather then news) are doing so because they "think it will help drive traffic to your site", you have lost your conscience (an sold yourself out) already at such an early stage of your growth. I hope you come to your senses.
Also, I agree with the commenter above. Please share your views on publishing political commentary vs political news. You have crossed a line now (on purpose or by accidental lack of oversight or standards set or both) and should inform your readers.
Comment by gerlie thomas
voracious appetite indid, kol hakavod :)
Comment by gerlie thomas
Fiberwise should pay a little extra so they can use whatever they would like
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sure the kids will be lined up for their salad. How stupid are these people. The idiocy never ceases.
Comment by gerlie thomas
He understand....yeah right! He just doesn't care. I'm sure he's got another agenda, other than security. If they get away with demeaning people in this manner, what will they do next? The terrorist have already won.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have finally come to the realization that this website must have a liberal agenda. The editors only post articles that are in line with democrats or scrutinize republicans.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have finally come to the realization that this website must have a liberal agenda. The editors only post articles that are in line with democrats or scrutinize republicans.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Didos to the above comment
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree. This is NOT a news article but an opinion by (known biased) TV personality. No news whatsoever. Totally an opinion. By what standards do you post "news" articles? Does one person make judgments or a team. Do you allow political bias in what you decide is news or opinion. What standards do you use? Please share.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's really too bad that such misinformation as is in this article is used to try to exonerate a traitor and spy such as Pollard.
He didn't merely supply information to Israel that was denied because of the Iraqi raid, but supplied tens of thousands of documents about all kinds of USA weapons systems, USA codes, USA personnel, etc. to his Israeli handlers. According to the forms that USA govt personnel sign to get security clearances, it is made clear to the individual signing that each document that is inappropriately handled can lead to a fine of $10K and 10 years in prison. Thus, for the tens of thousands of documents he delivered to a foreign country (albeit a friendly foreign country), he could easily be liable for 100,000 years in prison.
Still, he could have attempted to get paroled in 1997. He has *never* applied for parole. His sick, twisted mindset is that he wants to be acknowledged by Israel as a master spy, rather than admitting that he was a small time traitor to his own country.
Comment by gerlie thomas
You should be embarrassed for posting such nonsense. Why should he comment to a reporter when there are legal considerations?
how does this embarrass anyone? Bottom line is that the Sunpapers is a piece of garbage and you choose to publish them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Im just a kid and i've only been there once but even I like it better. all of my friends who have gone love it. there is like five times the candy and cookies
Comment by gerlie thomas
The program was beautiful. It is a testament to Rebecca's life that there was standing room only for the duration of the program. May Rebecca's neshama have an aliyah as a result of this evening in her memory.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What a chazer!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those people are so deluded to the point of insanity. How much more destruction to they want? Obama hasn't done enough to the country already? Besides, they already have the groups they want to create, like their nut fringe groups and labor unions, who do their bidding.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The new 7mile is so cool! It's very spacious and more than 1 cart can fit in each isle
Comment by gerlie thomas
Amazing!! Keep it up!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baltimore Jewry wake up !! The writing is literally on the wall. Time to come home to Eretz Yisrael.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Cross Country is an East-West Road. What does it mean that the camera is placed southbound and northbound?
Comment by gerlie thomas
When you compare the prices at 7 mile with the prices of other kosher stores in the ny/nj/philadelphia area they are consistently higher for the same products. This is what a monopoly in town achieves.
Keep smiling and keep on paying.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This is what happens when government is allowed to overreach. They dominate the citizens, taking more and liberties at our expense and ignore the will of the people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
can't wait till it comes
Comment by gerlie thomas
Time November 17, 2010 at 12:51 PM
Comment by gerlie thomas
has CERT been called out for the storm
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think it is great. I do notice prices have definitely gone up and assume moving to a more spacious location must be covered in costs back to us. I like one stop shopping but if prices there keep rising even given how nice the store looks, I will continue shopping also at Shoppers and Giant. Also, the produce looks much nicer then it ever looked. Let's hope it stays that way after the newness wears off.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazel Tov. A true American and Jewish sucess story!
Comment by gerlie thomas
No reason was given to the members. It was not even mentioned in the meeting. This group is focused on maintaining control, not serving the people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sure the commenter davens in a beautiful shul but Darchei is literally falling apart, Shomrei was not meeting the needs of the community and R. Bergers is in a private pool house that is cramped. Should we daven in slums?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Darchei's funding is coming entirely from the membership digging down as deep as the can to help pay for the new building. No outside donors have contributed to this cause as I understand it. If they do not build, the current structure will fall down on top of them. Yes, schools need money, but if this shul does not rebuild, it will simply not exist. Fixing the existing structure is no longer possible. Please know your facts before making sweeping generalities.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whether to give to a shul or a school is really a question for an individual to ask his/her Rabbi. A community needs them all -- schools,shuls, and charity for the poor. Everyone should ask his/her Rabbi as to how to prioritize their tzadakah monies.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Pretty slick how some of the prices were raised BEFORE moving to the new store.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Wishing Darchei, Rabbi Berger's shul, Shomrei, Rabbi Weiss etc. all the best in their continued growth, but where is all the funding coming from? Excuse the pollyannaish point of view but I would rather see all that cash funneled toward the day schools and Ahavas Yisroel, does anyone share my opinion out there?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am sorry I unable to shop there. However great news and pictures (as you know me-pictures and video are fantastics). Great work Jeffrey!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell them I wish them many Mazal. Jackie Spivack of Efrat
Comment by gerlie thomas
we will see how amazing it is when my wonerful wife shops at the new 7 mile market tomorrow. The pictures and the video production were done beautifully. anonymous
Comment by gerlie thomas
What does the tie say?!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The best change made was the customer service counter! So nice to be able to interact with the Customer Service Managers! No more looking up through a window and hoping they hear you! Congrats to such a great store!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Can all us citizens, who are struggling to make ends meet, have a printing press too. This way, we wouldn't have to cut our expenditures. Hmmm, maybe the egov't should learn from us instead?
The more money printed, the less the dollar is worth and the higher prices go. Anyone notice the rise in gas prices lately? The sole reason for the increasee this time, is the lessening value of the dollar. Go Obama, your destruction of the Country is gaining steam.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If the customer service and the to high prices stay the same then it wil be the same ol seven mile
Comment by gerlie thomas
is it true someone will have to eat someones hat when this is built?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I thought the new 7 Mile market is very nice and clean looking. It has much more space and items are presented nice. I just bought some of the parve yogurt and will report later on it's taste. The salad bar looked nice but needed stocking and the prepared food looked better than before. It seems that they took the old store and moved it over as is with some addition.
I would like to see some more upper end items such as ethnic sauces and spices that are new to 7 mile. I am a big fan of Pomegranate grocery store in NY and was hoping for some new items similar to what they carry in this store. I would also like to see some bulk items like spices, dried fruits, olives.
I think the store is just the way they were before but bigger and cleaner. I want to I do like that but I am would like more.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Their logo on the receipt takes up so much room! Maybe 7mile wants to be more "green" and make it much smaller- it would reduce the amount of paper needed tremendously.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't understand why anyone would write a paper check at a grocery store. There is something called a check card... I know it only came out about 10 years ago, but you should really check it out... no pen required!
Comment by gerlie thomas
i was thinking "my it looks like the old 7mm" and then i realised that these are pictures are from the old one . no wonder it looked so familiar.
Comment by gerlie thomas
why would they place the camera getting cars going away from the school, that defeats the whole purpose ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
My family and I would like to thank and the Knish Shop for a very tastey Shabbos, and a great excuse for a family get together (not that we really need an excuse to get together). Someone else doing the cooking made for a very easy welcoming of Yaakov into the quarter century club.
Comment by gerlie thomas
hatzlacha to the boehm family.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's opening tuesday morning!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
hatzlacha to the Boehm family
Comment by gerlie thomas
It would be nice to know where it is located and the hours. This article is sadly lacking real information
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about the robocalls in OUR community. The 10's of unsolicited calls from every organization in the world that probably buys their list from that guy at the good book for $1. How many calls did we get during the snow storm last year at 11 o'clock at night with the act of "chesed" that someone can shovel your street for $400 (even though the other private guys were doing it for $200) or all of the NY "tzedakahs" and Baltimore sheitel machers calling and telling us about their sales. How come we can't stop those? Who cares about Ehrlick and O'Malley. Let's stop the ones here in our own backyard.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about the robocalls in OUR community. The 10's of unsolicited calls from every organization in the world that probably buys their list from that guy at the good book for $1. How many calls did we get during the snow storm last year at 11 o'clock at night with the act of "chesed" that someone can shovel your street for $400 (even though the other private guys were doing it for $200) or all of the NY "tzedakahs" and Baltimore sheitel machers calling and telling us about their sales. How come we can't stop those? Who cares about Ehrlick and O'Malley. Let's stop the ones here in our own backyard.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Interesting, Julius Henson is a Democratic party operative.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Much ado about nothing! The Dem's are notorious for voter fraud and voter suppression techniques. This is childs play compared to the things they do.
BTW, is anyone investigation why Harry Reid's name automatically appeared on the voting machine when, even before people voted? The fact that his son had control of the machines, as Secretary of State in Nevada and supporting unions program the machines....hmmm.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The major factor for this, that the Sunpapers conveniently left off, is the fact that there was a major population shift from Baltimore City to the County. As a result, many B. County residents have fled to the outer suburbs to get aways from the resulting social problems the new residents brought with them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It works as a deterrent, because the NWCP places a very reflective and very bright piece of tape on the frame of the bike. Most of these bike theft punks know what that tape is and steer clear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Agudath Israel of America is an anti-Internet organization, yet has no problem using the Internet outlets of any other organization that allows them that option. I'm not commenting on the substance of Avi Shafran's op-ed, just the seemingly hypocricy of using the Internet while condeming it at the same time.
Eis HaEmes
Comment by gerlie thomas
The people in Glen area waited too long to get involved. Don't make that mistake, join your association and be heard today.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't know what the facts are on this issue, but I'd choose Glen Beck over Soros anytime. Soros is one of the most dangerous, hateful person around. He funds and manipulates all the anti-Israel, anti-democratic forces in the country and elsewhere.
Comment by gerlie thomas
We're far better off that people not know that the despicable George Soros is Jewish. Why worry about external enemies, when we have such vile internal enemies, such as Soros?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
You need more than 2-3 people on the Board to make any impact. Glen Assn. has always opposed any zoning issue. They have a very small membership base, constituting a minimal % of the community. They are clearly not representative of the community and their legitimacy is a valid issue.
I suggest you get a copy of their by-laws, as a first start. They are required to provide it to any member making the request. A main problem on the Glen Assn board is a Jewish, non religious couple who are very anti the frum community.
I suggest you get a copy of their by-laws, as a first start. They are required to provide it to any member making the request. A main problem on the Glen Assn board is a Jewish, non religious couple who are very anti the frum community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baal Tashchis on the house.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What reason was given for expelling Mr. Sauer?
Comment by gerlie thomas
It always is larger than they expected. What can you expect of these irresponsible fools, who spend like drunken sailor. BTW, a study showed that O'malley's "New Americans," you know, the illegals that he loves, cost the tax payers $2 Billion a year, an amount larger than the deficit.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think it also works as a deterrent.
Comment by gerlie thomas
wow and lots of mazel, Jackie Spivack of Efrat, Israel
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sorry I missed it..I heard it was wonderful!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The experiences cited by the speakers were more appropriate for Yom Hashoah than for Kristallnacht. The first speaker spoke far too long and the night of the November pogrom (Kristallnacht) had no part in it.
A small change, please; in your next bulletin,spell Kristallnacht without the "Y"
Comment by gerlie thomas
It doesn't prevent your bike from being stolen but after if it gets stolen they can prove that it's yours because it has your licences plate num. on it
Comment by gerlie thomas
How does having your bike engraved, and marked prevent it from being stolen ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't forget, the NWCP has a great system that actually prevents bike thefts by having your bike engraved and marked. Call the NWCP office at 410-664-6927 to make an appointment.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
A thirty-eight minute long video? Almost as long as it takes me to wait in line at the checkout there lol. Seriously, though, I wish them much hatzlacha!
Comment by gerlie thomas
looks more like "wannabees"
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very exciting. I'm just so curious what is going to be done with the old store??
Comment by gerlie thomas
i hope it opens soon with all the food that is already on the shelves :)
Great article and video. We can t wait until it opens...
Comment by gerlie thomas
That's what the left does best, demonize the opposition. The sad part, is that so many people beleive their nonsense. The "big lie theory" works. Dunces fall for it all the time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very interesting.
Comment by Ari Storch
This is such a wonderful organization,which literally saved us thousands of dollars.
Comment by Ari Storch
Thanks, Faith. Marsha S
Comment by Ari Storch
This just show that Gov't should keep its hands out of the private sector. For those who don't get it, the City spent YOUR tax dollars on this boondogle. They can't run government efficiently, you expect them to run a hotel?
Comment by Ari Storch
Can we see pictures of the new store?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
TO those who are interested in the Girl Scouts - the contact information for Mrs. Lazar is in the Eruv Book - Also remember that has a great phone book section - add the information there so that everyone can get to it!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Anyone interested in Girl Scouting in the Orthodox community can call me and I'll be happy to help you find the right troop. I'm in the Eruv Book as well as the Good Book. Karen Hening-Speedone on Menlo Drive.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
What makes this Jewish? First of all HE was Jewish... he lived through the Holocaust coming to this country, literally, with nothing... he didn't always keep Shabbos, but he did later in life, and he did give a lot of tzedaka, quite often anonymously. Above all, he was a mensch... Jewish enough in my book.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Did he only sell Kosher food ? Did he keep Shabbos ? Did he give a lot of tzedaka ? What makes this Jewish ?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I knew and loved Paul Diamond. He was a great man, full of charm and hard working. I am inspired by his ability to build something (a chain of grocery stores and a legacy to leave his family) out of nothing. His past rooted in persecution by the Nazis, he had the strength of character to go forward and create a successful life for himself and his family. I worked as a cashier in one of his stores to pay for my apartment while in college in Baltimore. We were also family friends. Kudos on making a great choice in inducting Paul Diamond into the Food Industry Hall of Fame.
Sandy Weiner
Comment by Susan Leibtag
They left off watching the vote count in the Cemetary district and the illegal's vote count. Oh, the criminal count too.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Interesting, Obama's Justice Dept. stopping voter fraud. That's funny, just like they prosecuter voter intimidation by The New Black Panther party in Philadelphia. The Dem's are experts in voter fraud. The only fraud to them, is anyone voting for their opposition.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
If you would like to find out more about Girl Scouts, stop by Tov's Pizza on Sundays between 11am-1pm or 4pm-6pm (through the end of November) and meet some of the local Jewish Girl Scouts and thier leaders. Any girl in Kindergarten through Highschool is able to particpate in the Girl Scout program and join at anytime durring the year. You can also check out the website:
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Way to go Paulie D
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Better to 'go to waste' trying, than to go to liberal democrats and their anti-Torah philosophies.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Considering that Sinai has to put up with the "Gun and Knife" club in the City and the rest of the non-paying public, including the illegals that were invited hear by then Mayor O'malley, it's a small price for the city to pay.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
and Mrs. Lazar's email address? please. Thanks.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Sounds like a wonderful idea to have girl scout like that, great opportunity for them learn something. Could you send me information about girl scout? I'd like my kids to join with them next year. Thanks.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Time to remove the Arabs from all these places. Such chutpah. Now they vote to make Kever Rochel a mosque. Time for them to go. Israel needs a backbone.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I support a stop sign. Besides the frequest accidents at Strathmore and Cross Country, it is not safe for kids to cross there.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
David Chu's is open until 9:30 or 10
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Kol hakovod!finally some people standing up for what's right and making a kiddush hashem.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Maybe those who were "notably absent" weren't aware of it. Most of Ehrlich supporters in our community had no idea about it.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
a few thousand dollars gone to waste!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
You can triple their salaries and the result will still be the same pathetic results.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
the only things that sounds not kosher is the school and the principle. the school thinks just expel the girls that will take care of the problem. maybe it's time to expel teachers and principle who don't know how to give and teach love to the students.was das torah confront or this was a gerzarah made by the principle. before any child is expel from a school or a yeshiva ,the hanala's of the yeshiva should fast for three days.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The website for the Technology and Family Safety Alliance is
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Here is a bit more about the gathering from the Technology and Family Safety Alliance Blog:
Also, here is a bit more about the Technology and Family Safety Alliance itself:
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Baltimore officially has 3 jewish book stores, not 2
Mamah Leahs should have moved to the quarry.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Fascinating article - I lived near Breuer's for several years and absolutely loved davening there. You are right, it is something to be experienced and it is unlike any other davening experience anywhere.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Fascinating article - I lived near Breuer's for several years and absolutely loved davening there. You are right, it is something to be experienced and it is unlike any other davening experience anywhere.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
K-9, not Canine, as the filtering system.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
To view the photos, click on the green box with the white arrow. The slideshow will play automatically.
Comment by Monica Caplan
This is not a fair or appropriate picture of him.
Comment by Monica Caplan
Great article Adam! May you soon see the fruition of all your efforts for this noble project.
Comment by Monica Caplan
Comment by Monica Caplan
Dear readers - the photo essay is below the article
Comment by Susan Leibtag
How do I view the photo essay? I only see 1 picture
Comment by Susan Leibtag
where are the other pictures?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!Kudos!!!!! NBG
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It was a beutiful shabbos. Starting with a wonderful friday night davening, where people were standing shoulder to shoulder in the new shul. On to the Oneg Shabbos with all the Rabbonim of the city, some who had an hour walk, who came to be mekabel ponim the Novominsker Rebbe and to be mechazek the new kehila and their Rov, Rav Eichenstien. The Rebbe spoke beutifuly 8 times in the city, including Ner Yisroel, TI, TA , Rav Shlanger's and 4 times over Shabbos. It was great to see all the different hats, yarmulkas and shtreimels that wove together this friday night at the huge tent that was built for the occasion. Baltimore is a wonderful place.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It was a wonderful event Friday night. Baltimore is really a special place with our achdus diligently maintained from our Rabbanim shlita. Rav Heinnemann and Rav Hopfer had a forty minute walk! Ashreinu! That we have leaders like we do!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Thank you so much. I feel lucky to have won this prize. I already have a number of individuals who would like to be our special friends on the Shabbas we celebrate with this package.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Let the sicko womanizer stay home. No one need him or O'Malley.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
To #1: What a ridiculous comment. I am not the author of this, but wish to comment anyway.
1. If you are such a buckee, why haven't you written this yourself? In fact, what seforim or halachic guides have you written? I know the answer: 0
2. What a complete chutzpah. The most senior Rabbonim in town have endorsed this, and you have the chutzpah to open your fat mouth and post your ridiculous opinions? Leave your opinions to yourself. No one cares what you get a kick out of.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Can't wait!!!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Another lovely and innovative program from one of the most creative shuls in town. Yosher koach!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I would love a fancy milchig place, like the ones in NY, but I am sure it is too much $$$ for B-more.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
In what way was this written by your staff?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
What if I have no non-Jewish neighbors? What if the police is/are Jewish? I get such a kick out of these promotional/propoganda items that are being passed-off as halacha but don't even scratch the surface.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Love this article - what a great thing to get the kids together, running around, having fun. Parents too!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I'm fairly certain the Quarry intentionally discourages kosher establishments. Rent is very high, and I don't think they want the place to turn into a frum enclave.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
"An upscale milchig place? Like where I can take business partners for a business lunch!"
It will never happen!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I always beleived that our state legislature is high all the time anyway. The reality is that medical marijuana makes sense to help people alleviate suffering. Who does it hurt? It is also done in Israel. The only reason it's not allowed here is our ridiculous approach that can't distinguish from the illegal user vs. someone with a painful disease.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
An upscale milchig place? Like where I can take business partners for a business lunch!
"Abba's, Daddy's and Tatty's" what? Those are possessive forms. I believe that what you want to write is "Abbas, Daddies and Tatties" the plural. Isn't there an editor who checksd grammar before items are released to the public?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
You can never have too many kosher restaurants in an given area and having one at Quarry Lake would be an ideal location for families to enjoy in a nice atmosphere, especially with outside seating during the warmer months. Any type of retail establishment, either books or Judaica or kosher groceries or even a bakery would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood and would surely increase the choices available to the frum community.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I think a supermarket similar to 7 mile would be very bad for the community because it would take business away from 7 mile and 7 mile has great prices, so its not like there needs to be anymore competition. A restaurant would be great....Mexican would be my preference....but I doubt that it will happen in this economy. Again, a bookstore wouldn't really do the community any favors. We have two and both have approximately the same prices and variety.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
That woudl be an awsome idea
It would become much more popluar with the jewish communtiy
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I can't really see someone opening another kosher restaurant in Baltimore in this economy.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It would be nice to see the actual "quarry" used for something other than a whole with water to look boating and fishing.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Had they not said this, we wouldn't have known that a women can't lead davening. Was that ever an issue within Orthodox circles, in any venue? The issue referred to in the article was a woman's role as a leader, not davening for the Amud.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
OK. A shame segments of the modern orthodox world must keep trying to push the envelope. There is no doubt of women's frustration that exist among some Orthodox woman who feel left out and under-stimulated intellectually and spiritually today. Many years ago it was woman wanting to study gemara. Today with so many woman desiring and entering Orthodoxy from Conservative upbringings, they feel so left out and are yearning for Rabbis to give them some of the good feelings they had had in their otherwise spiritually unstimulated Conservative backgrounds. It truly is a shame a schism is happening to good and well intentioned women. Unfortunately, this modern orthodox congregant, although he feels for this situation, feels trying to apply pressure to reform existing institutions halachic interpretations and feelings is the wrong way to go. It only increases bitterness over the shabbos tables among all fellow Jews. The best way for women who feel disconnected today and can't work within the existing system of halachic interpretation is to not fight against it but to create their own institutions as they have. It won't buy acceptance they seem to want also but it should give them the spirituality within their own synagogues and institutions. I just hate to see in fighting among well intentioned spiritually inclined Jews that does no one any good except those that like it. I don't.
Good luck to all.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Very nice article, Danielle!
Susan Spear Kaiser
Fairfax, Virginia
Comment by Susan Leibtag
BW Parkway is NOT an interstate- that is, it is MD 295 not I-295.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
One camera in Baltimore issued over 900 erroneous tickets early this year when it was configured to the wrong speed limit. It was located on the 2200 block of West Cold Spring Lane. But just don't speed and the cameras won't bother you, right?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
O'malley hiredd a lot of people. Is that his job growth? If his stats are anything like he did to "Citistat" when he was Mayor, it's figured lie and liars figure.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Yum, both soups sound amazing. I will try them when I have some time on a Sunday.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
51% approve? My have we fallen.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Whoopee, all the guys who can't pass a lie detector test.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Hey, this is Baltimore. What do you expect? A visit from the Noviminsker Rebbe or something?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The should let him out already!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Wow - these guys are taking over the world.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Me too!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Since when are Fannie May chocolate kosher?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Any news on the stolen speed cam?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It seems to me like a better idea to is CUT TAXES. This way we won't need loans from the government.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I sure hope Ehrlich wins!!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Baltimore City won't tolerate criminal arrests. It's discriminatory. Arrest law abiding citizens too, to end discrimination against the criminals.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
More political baloney. Wasn't the near Trillion dollar so-called "stimulus" supposed to go for the same thing? More political election cycle payoffs, with our money.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
There are numerous accidents at the corner of Cross Country and Strathmore. The speed camera is woefully insufficient - a traffic light is needed. Last year we circulated a petition that got over 500 signatures requesting the city for a traffic light. instead, we got a speed camera, which does not address the fact that it is a blind curve and it is nearly impossible to turn onto or go across cross country without saying a hearty tefillah that no one will suddenly appear around the bend. For pedestrians, it is Russian Roulette.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The camera is gone
Comment by Susan Leibtag
will this be "news" until next Succos?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Am also very happy with this development. I live on Cross Country and note that drivers tend to think it's a highway and not a residential street. I have witnessed many many close calls -- including seeing a truck flipped over, a collision with a teenager on a bicycle, and a car hanging halfway into the creek and held back by a single sturdy tree limb. Fortunately, none of the incidents has resulted in a fatality. Yet.
It's also HIGH time to educate the public about the purpose of crosswalks and the LEGAL duty of every driver to stop when pedestrians are trying to cross. A pedestrian paddle alerting drivers to stop, along with the speed camera, can go a long way to calming the traffic on Cross Country.
Better drivers get a speeding ticket than ch'v'sh injure one of our children crossing the street or plow into a car going through an intersection.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
First I couldn't drive on reisterstown bc of cameras then park height then greenspring now cross country. There is no place to drive at a normal pace :'(
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The government should mandate lawn mower engines for cars...ooops, they pollute.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I guess this means that if everyone loses their jobs, the stock market will explode with growth, because in Obamnomics, the government will have a never ending supply of money to prop everything up.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I am VERY happy about this. People go flying down Cross Country. Maybe this will help. There also needs to be a sign telling people to STOP at the cross walk when people are waiting to cross. Most people don't know they have to stop - how do we get one of those cross walk signs put into the middle of the street?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He can only motivate the ignorant!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We rarely see the beautiful shul from this angle. I appreciate it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Watching this slide show was ALMOST as good as being there. Thank you for the wonderful pictures and the sharing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate the pictures. Thank you for the huge time and effort it must have taken to put these online for our enjoyment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
America is very good for jews. Those who don't think do are just ignorant. the reason he got mugged is because it was on shabbas. This is gang initiation month and you have to beat someone up to get in and on shabbas the only people walking around ARE JEWS!! Im sorry but if you think he got beatup because he's jewish, YOUR AN IDIOT.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the input; we will do our best to organize the next album better!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way too many pictures without knowning how many more are coming. Should be organized. How many pictures of the same people in a row are needed???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wasted money anyway. Throwing money at a failing system doesn't solve anything.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This appears to be for UB students only. Why is it here on
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If this were a sane state, he would be a liability to those candidates. Then again, if this were a sane state, they wouldn't have been elected to begin with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The only reason it seems to be declining is because it takes the police an hour to get to the scene of the crime and by then the criminals are already gone and it's one less statistic
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The cake and cupcakes portrayed in the pictures were created and served by me for our family's personal succah. As of today, I still have 3/4 of the cake and at least 1/2 of the cupcakes left over in my refrigerator. I had many guests, including family members who stayed throughout the chag. My personal, not editorial opinion, is that these "sweets" enhanced our enjoyment of the holiday - by their aesthetic presence and by their actual taste. Tasting a bit of something sweet, in my humble opinion, is not equivalent to plying children with quantities of sweets and candies. Moderation and restraint are good qualities to instill in our children and ourselves, whether serving desserts or any rich foods. Overindulgence is not attractive, but complete removal of temptation does not necessarily eliminate this vice; learning that savoring a small bite of a treat might satisfy that sweet tooth even more than gulping it in large quantities is a lesson to be encouraged.
Faith Wolf, Editor
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Safer, or raising $$$$?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is a new one on Strathmore and Cross Country-watch out it is very well hidden.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He means, until after his election.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If it is such a good idea, why have no private companies proposed to build it with their money. If it can only be built with tax dollars, and will rely on a taxpayer subsidy to operate, who needs it?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Common sense? Common sensee is not forcing cars into on-coming traffic because bike lanes were put on streets not wide enough to accomodate them. Common sense is now a thing of the past, if it ever existed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Boo Hoo. The Arabs think of nothing when they burn Shuls or churches, nor does it bother them when they desecrate graves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Did anyone call Shomrim? Isn't this one of their many specialties?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think it's more for us to understand that we have enemies. Posting the article is not a forum for Ahmadinejad, it's a reminder for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why give this moron a forum for his diatribes?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Every Jew should learn self-defense and be armed with a gun at all times.
Shoot and don't bother asking questions. Hitler's first directive was to take the guns from the people, just like Barak Hussein Obama Y.S. wants to do. ,David Altman
,David Altman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
THis will be hard to get used to, but it will make Maryland a safer place to drive!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where is the apology from all those who defended having omalley signs?!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hate to be a spoilsport, but this article is right below the one on NOT giving sweets on simchas torah. Which is the editorial position?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is great! Obama will sink O'Malley like he sunk every other candidate that he stumped for. It'll be a great chance to find out if they think Maryland should freeze any construction to give the land back to the Native Americans!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
if the police doing it's job wright, the conclusion should be, that this was a hate crime, wchich is a federal offence
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Faith, you are so creative! They are beautiful!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This proves once again that a vote for omalley is a vote for the radical socialist israel hating any frum person could display an omalley sign is beyond disgusting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope Moshe realizes that there are many non-Jews who are appalled that this happened. I pray that it strengthens his resolve to become a Jew his children will be proud to call Father.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
refua shlema, and i hope the cops end up doing their job and make an arrest.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chutzpah. They should forgo raises. They are paid to much already, based on the quality of what they achieve. Raises for politicians should be voted on by the public.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lieberman is more realistic than the rubber spin of Netanyahu. Only Hashem will make peace. Netanyahu is foolish if he believes that Abbas is a true peace partner or that he can deliver anything.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
yes because nothing bad ever happens to Jews in Israel.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A visceral lesson to all those who think America is so wonderful for Jews. Wake up people! It's called GALUS!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
unbelievable to take a raise at this time. another reason to shake this whole md system up. democrats have been in so long they can do whatever they want (even in these historically bad times) and they feel no one can stop them. Clean house everywhere is hold new office holders immediately to standards before they too become power corrupted.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why do they have to use more tax money for that ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He has requested executive clemency for many years and it has been denied repeatedly by Both Bushes and Clinton.
As far as parole, if he requests parole and it is denied, it could substantially prevent his chances from ever getting the opportunity to be eligible for parole in the future. His attorneys do not believe there is any chance that he would be granted parole which is why there has not been any parole request although his sentence is subject to review in 2015. There is no guarantee that he will be granted parole in 2015 either which is why it is so important that you call your Representatives in Congress and ask them to sign this letter. We need Pollard out of jail now. He is in very bad health.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
All Jonathan Pollard has to do is request parole or a pardon. He has been eligible for parole for many years, yet he refuses to apply. Why?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i guess they forgot about the city.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
dose anyone know what time the actual shoe starts ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
cant wait!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To all the people who think "shoot first ask questions later" is the correct thing to do. IT ISN'T.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Always, just on the other side of the mechitza or whatever Rabbi Hauer calls that thing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There's an old saying; "Don't believe everything you read on the Web". And especially not, if someone is getting paid to write it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yeah, but the question is from where do you draw your population to determine those statistics(10%). Are you drawing it from a Middle Eastern shuk? Or from Sam's, where after years of purchasing, I've not found a bug in a strawberry.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks avi, the next invention should be a necklace with the press of a button to alert hatzalah .
Comment by BJLife BJLife
kol hakavod Avi!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They should all go, including Obama. What a disaster!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
are women invited?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks for being the eyes and ears of the community !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
we are so lucky to have shomrim in our neighborhood.
you guys are the best!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go Shomrim! I didn't know you patrol so late.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where can I get a large, life-size copy of this picture of HaRav Hagaon Doyv Oycken for my succah to place alongside the other gedolim?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It would be nice to have a sukkah either near the Capitol or somewhere on the mall (perhaps attached to a kosher food stand).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks for sharing these yummy recipes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is great to see the partnership Shomrim has built with the Baltimore City Police Department. BPD is lucky to have them as a resource in the NWD.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what pictures?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol Hakavod!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrim should be armed, with instructions to shoot first & ask questions later.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm looking to buy mouse traps for my sukkah. Are they selling mouse traps again this year?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Don't forget the US Capitol. The new Visitors Center is a highlight of any visit to DC. You can also schedule a tour online They have interactive exhibits (such as a touchable model of the Capitol Dome) and other interesting exhibits. Both the House and Senate are scheduled to be in session (Tuesday evening and Wednesday for the House), so make sure you visit your Members office in the House and Senate Office Buildings (Constitution Ave for Senate and Independence Ave for House) and get gallery passes for your trip.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You can't believe anything either one of them say!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think he wants to eat it!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a great article - love the recipes too ! Gmar Tov to all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great info, I just checked with Eli's Restaurant in Dupont Circle and they are open Chol Hamoed and have two sukkahs for thier customers. find info at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is that the new Rabbi?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is in the national interest to sell to Israel and not only for Israel's defense. They improve the technology and give it to the U.S. Saudi Araibia, on the other hand, funds terrorists.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
congrats ron! and i agree! take down that green o'malley sign BEFORE yom kippur please :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ron when you run for President, will Crusty be your VP?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is there a call in number?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Way to go Ronnie, I know first hand your selfless dedication to the community, you deserve this.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Ronnie, you are the best we need you keep on going!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
She didn't have the cemetary vote counted yet!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
ok,ronnie you won .now take down that shamefull omalley sign,after all we are in the aseres yimie teshuva.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
where is jack abramoff? he's probably in his little office next to ronnie
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
So much for the "religion of peace".
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
keep it rocking
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
its steel, not steal
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I DO NOT like the idea of a mosque any where near ground zero, I HATE the idea of a mosque in my face in the Holy city of Jerusalem. But this guy is sooo wrong. There is no upside and only potential repercutions.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
That was very nice of him, glad there is a place like Baltimore Jewish Life to pass it along to us.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
what a great resource! i will be printing it out and hanging it in my kitchen! thank you!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The juggling is so good!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What a lovely, mouth-watering reminiscence, Faith. And I can attest to how delicious those spring rolls are. To a sweet, healthy new year!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Eli- Thanx for the menu ideas. Your salad ideas sound good. I am going to try it this Shabbos. The chicken soup recipe is easy but I think you might do better starting with a basic homemade low fat chicken stock instead of the frz stuff.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
This is an election of historic proportion (as polls indicate too). People are angry. The country has against its will been forced to shift radically. The people in this video are "old school" business as usual. We are in a new day and November will prove that to all of you one way or another.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What the amateur in the White House won't understand from this, is that this and gov't employment can't be sustained and will fall if the private sector continues as it is. Only the private sector generates wealth that allows for the economy to succeed.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Please be careful with your headlines - if someone doesn;t bread the full articlpe, they may assume it refers to DST here in the US.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
To limit the disicion between Erlich and Omalley on how much school textbook they aid they propose is tragicly smallminded .With issues such as socialised medicine,parnasa killing tax hikes,and in a broader sense the security of this country and israel at stake this election carries once in a lifetime ramifacations.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A waste of money for a waste of a States Attny.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Please stop nitpicking to justify. Today with President Obama, we have seen the Democratic Party shift dramatically to the far left. As Orthodox Jews we know what that means. Whether Governor O'Malley internally loves the direction of his party or not, he represents his party and therefore represents President Obama. I need not say more. You have every right to try to justify your support but don't look for any individual reason to. They simply don't overcome the bigger picture. I hope you feel that way when you privately enter your vote.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Very nice! Thanks for posting!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The support provided the community's schools by the two candidates for Governor was raised by one reader.
The four budgets that Gov. Ehrlich submitted provided $14,730,000 in textbook aid. Over his 4-year period in office, despite a significant decline in state spending, Gov. O'Malley proposed spending $14,388,000 - virtually the same amount.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I couldn't agree more with the last poster. If one can't discuss politics open and honestly in areas that effect all of us and then get accused of "attacking people", we are worse off than we all know. Who says we can't respect people for who they are yet criticize their political choices that are blasted in front of all of us that the general Orthodox public disagree with? Come on. Stop using the attack card. That is like saying if you criticize President OBama, you are called by some a racist. Everyone grow up and let's disagree without making it personal.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Re: The first comment. Do you think people should be educated and warned about a potential disaster before or after an event? Have a little seichel next time. Most of the info is pertinent to any disaster and unless you're a Novi, be prepared. You'd probably be the first one crying for help.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
YR Rocks!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sorry comment # 16,I am disgusted that you would accuse frum jews of speaking inaproprietly without any basis whatsover.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Cute kid!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
After reading the comments on this article I am disgusted that frum Jews would speak to each other in this manner. No matter what your political views are, and you do have a right to them, there is a proper way to communicate those views. Especially in the month of elul, we should be concentrating on treating each other with respect and derech eretz. Also, I would like to understand why there was a reference to Yeshivat Rambam in connection with this incident.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Mazel tov Mazel tov !!!! I am thrilled to be able to view this across this country here in Oakland California and feel being inside the Beis Medresh of Hertzbergs',Beth Abraham. So good to see familiar faces. Rav Hertzberg would be so proud. Building a binyan aday odd. Israel Shualy
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Hence... Notice the line that says... "It is important to note that the track of the storm is still very much in flux, and a small shift in its position could make a big difference in the track of the storm, and the impact to our area."
The point is: it doesn't matter if the storm is 1,000 miles away. The point is, be prepared. Preparedness will never hurt, only help.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What a shame these "leaders" couldn't do the same outward promotions for the candidate who they know in their hearts will best serve this constituency. That is the shame of our system. One must always play games, fear if they speak the truth in balance, and in a close race like this, they create lost opportunities rather then new opportunities.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Huh? Where's CERT getting this from. Are they in North Carolina. Baltimore weather reports are predicting cloudy weather at worst.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yep, K"H, sure is an expensive way to make one. You city taxes at 'work' again. Glad that I'm in the county.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yep, K"H, sure is an expensive way to make one. You city taxes at 'work' again. Glad that I'm in the county.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
what a kiddish hashem.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"Politics aside, Ronnie will always try to do what is best for our community."
"Politics aside" has no margins for crossing the line. These days once you support democrats indirectly or directly you support the party and its goals. It is shameful to be in position where you cannot in full honesty tell our constituency to vote for Ehrlich especially in a year when bringing two party rule back is within reach. Ronnie has made his bed. Maybe Ronnie will do the right thing when he gets in the voting booth but if all of us took his path, we will always be sunk in the monopolistic hole of one party rule.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
To AN - We don't necessarily "NEED" to support anyone. It is beneficial for us, as a community, to have access to all sides. Some of these posters think that we are such a large community that we have this power. We don't. Our influence is in having access. Our voting influence can only occur in a close race, which is very rare in Maryland, though this Gov. race in the exception.
Also, you can't vote for Ronnie, since you are a registered Republican. That registration has no value in a one party state, which unfortunately is where we live, since most of the time the Democrat primary is the election and your vote doesn't count in the primary.
Another point, we won't get vouchers from anyone. The State Legislature would never pass it, no matter what Ehrlic wants.
I don't want to speak for Ronnie, nor should I, but if he were registered Republican as you seem to want, he couldn't do anything to help the community.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Race is the only reason this incompetent excuse for a States Attny gets elected. This was a veiled attempt to enter race as an issue, on her part. She is good at prosecuting cops, more so than real criminals.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I have read the Comments posted below and there are several points to be made that seem to be missed by the Reader Comments:
1. Ronnie is a running for the Democratic State Central Committee. This Committee is the Governing body of the State Democratic Party. One of its primary responsibilities is to support Democratic candidates. He would have no option to support the sitting Governor.
2. If you are a registerd Republican you cannot vote for the position Ronnie is running for.
3. There are 9 individuals running for the 7 available seats on the Democratic State Central Committee. I am sure all the readers would agree that Ronnie will surly represent this community more effectively than any other of the 8 candidates for this position.
4. Elected officials look at voter turn out and in this case will specifically look to see how many votes Ronnie recieves. The more community support Ronnie has will affect how seriously he will be taken when trying to advance the needs of this community that he has given his all for over the past almost 30 years.
While the discussion of Erlich v. O'Malley is a valid and important debate, if you are registered Democrat you would only be hurting your own community not to vote for Ronnie in the upcoming primary. Politics aside, Ronnie will always try to do what is best for our community.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I would like to give Ronnie the benefit of the doubt that he did what he felt he needed to do under the circumstances. However, the attitude that seems to be prevalent among some in our community, that we need to support our current officials (namely the Democrats) so that we can gain favor with them, is mistaken. If we assume that former Governor Ehrlich has no chance to win the upcoming elections, it might make sense. But given the fact that he stands a very good chance of winning, it seems to me that he would be our man in office whom we could count on to support "our agenda". Just to use one example to make my point. If we could get "school vouchers" for the State of Maryland, to help our schools and so many of us who pay so much in taxes to the State which we do not receive any benefit from at least in terms of education. Who is more likely to support such a bill? We know that it is not O'Malley. It is also difficult for me to fathom how members of the Orthodox Community could support the current Democrat ticket which supports Obama.
Assuming that I can (though I am a registered Republican) I plan to vote for Ronnie even though he is running as a Democrat because I believe that he will have our communities best interests at heart. Why he feels the need to run on the Democrat ticket is a question that I would like him to address at some time soon (maybe after he is elected).
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I did not realise he had a huge omalley sign in front of his that confirmed?that would certainly make me reconsider.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no."
Please, this was an orchestrated day to solicit in the Orthodox community and yes when the governor and his staff want to meet this important voting bloc instead of pandering with big signs as though you are influencing us to vote that way, you should tell him seriously "with a 50/50 split vote in a democratic state, you obviously are doing something wrong to the independents (who we Jews represent) and it is high time you realize it or lose our voting bloc" BUT who has the guts (event though we all know he is worried and why he wanted to us). Like I said earlier - hopefully all of you symbolic O'Malley panderers) vote your conscience inside that voting booth and cast the ballot that cares most about us.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How come the story doesn't continue with his stop at Yeshivat Rambam afterward?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no."
True, but you don't have to post huge O'Malley yard sign in front of the pizza shop. I don't care for Ronnie's politics; I'm not voting for him anyway b/c in my opinion, a frum Jew in political office is idiotic and destructive to the frum community. However, anyone who shows face as an O'Malley supporter (when O'malley has done nothing for the state except raise taxes and spending and support Obama), is going against the interests of the Baltimore Jewish community and of Maryland in general, and doesn't deserve my business quite frankly. Eating in a pizzeria which displays large O'Malley signs is in essence endorsing O'Malley.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
As someone involved with one of the local mosdos I can attest to the fact that gov. Ehrlich was much more cooperative and helpful with respect to private schools than the current govorner who is beholden to the teacher unions.However as the previous comment points out ,you cannot expect Ronnie(who is a model baal chesed) to refuse the Govorners request.My issue is with the articles writer who somehow eqautes eating pizza with respect and admiration.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The two comments above are very nice, but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no. There were plenty of people there who will most likely vote for Ehrlich.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I must agree with reservations. Mr. Rosenbluth (and other frum democratic party players) must play the game the way the cards are dealt in Maryland. But yes I agree that if everyone played to incumbents (always democrats in this state) this state will always remain a monopoly which hurts all of us. Yes I wish members of the frum community had the internal guts to outwardly put the pressure on politicians as an important core voting bloc, instead of pandering but it won't ever happen in this state. The only thing we can hope is when all them get into their voting booths where their actions are not watched, they vote their conscious and some monopolies finally are broken for all our collective good. Let's hope this...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I often hear people say that in maryland" frum jews have to be democrats for practical reasons but this in no way indicates consent to toxic dem views."The above article about frum people fraternizing with and promoting from the most offensive politicians raises serious doubt that claim.Inspite of Mr Rosenbluth's many admirable acts of chesed,I now have real reservations about voting for him in the upcoming elections.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The visit by the governor demonstrates only that too many frum jews are super gulible or self centered.Omaaley has proven he is an Obama radical democrat,and vote for him is a vote for Obama.Governors will play a major role in the implementation chas v'shalom of Obama care.Any objective person know that this bill is the path to shfichas damim and its repeal is "hatzalos nefashos".That alone is reason enough why any resposible(Jewish)person wouldn't consider voting for Omalley,not to mention all the other disasterous policies he has implemented(ie. job killing tax increases,cutting of any chance of private school funding,sanctuary to illegal immigrants ect ect.)We must also keep in mind that an electoral rebuke of dems in november i'h will make them less likely and less powerful to pressure Israel into dangerous concessions.Bottom line we must not fall victim to meaningless gestures(Such as eating pizza)and focus on the welfare of our country and our Israeli bretheren.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Abraham, it's great to read your story. I found it through following links from today's NY Times article, "Black and Jewish, and Seeing No Contradiction." I'm a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Morgan, and I want to welcome you to Morgan--have a great year!
Comment by Janice McLane
Is earning money a crime? It's a shame that too many politicians are cluless as to how to earn a living, other than on our backs. We need good people in public office who actually know how the economy really works....what a novel approach!
Comment by Janice McLane
make no mistake,a vote for omalley is a vote for the disaterous obama.
Comment by Janice McLane
I hope that bob Ehrlich reflects the view of true conservatives.
Comment by Janice McLane
Mazel ToV! It is about time that this should happen.
Comment by Janice McLane
Go Bob! What an ehrliche person!
Comment by Janice McLane
This sounds like a wonderful and desperately needed tzedakah. It would certainly be helpful to know who the people are behind this venture or at least those who review applications (sort of like the Hebrew Free Loan Association here in Baltimore where their board is shared). Thanks for doing this.
Comment by Janice McLane
How many people were at the meeting?
Comment by Janice McLane
Comment by Janice McLane
hows this gonna help?
Comment by c m
Mazal Tov Heshie and Hatzlachah Rabbah
Comment by c m
why did it take 3 years to get rid of him ?
Comment by c m
its not just upper park heights. its greenspring also
Comment by c m
Vere good . keeping them coming
Comment by c m
Count me in! 86
Comment by c m
And the end of the story is ...... ? Did you provide them with food ?
Comment by c m
Mazel Tov to the whole Friedman family!
Comment by c m
Knish Shop is open late on Thursday night.
Comment by c m
Wow!now ill forsure vote socialist/dem this november
Comment by c m
We enjoyed every second of it. You 6 were great!! ENCORE!!!
Comment by c m
Where can we see a video or hear the audio of this?
Comment by c m
Comment by c m
They did a beautiful rendition of the song. It was awesome!
Comment by c m
Here is the link for an application to register.
Comment by c m
Instead of Eggplant Parmesan, I make eggplant pizza. It is a very low fat and filling version of pizza. I cut eggplant the length wise, egg it and bread it, spray some pam over it over it and bake it for ten minutes or so the eggplant has some sort of crunch. I then put sauce and light amount of either shredded mozzarella cheese or cottage cheese and spices and bake it for another ten minutes or so! It tastes great and it is a very low fat dinner! Going to try that eggplant spread above looks great!
Comment by c m
There's a time for narrow self interest and a time for puting the very existence of our country first.frum people,wake up!!these are not the dems of old,these are (sarbanes ,mikulski ect.)radical socialists out to destroy the country we love.
Comment by c m
It's nice to hear politicians checking out our community. REMEMBER WHEN YOU VOTE ON SEPTEMBER 14th for you get to decide "who will win and who will lose"
Comment by c m
Comment by c m
I agree with all you write except your leap of faith that people may not take Mr. Schlossberg delving into losing weight topics as him seriously trying to lose weight. To assume that is false. Not everyone knows Mr. Schlossberg who comes to the site (if that were true you might be correct and no one would take this topic seriously). You should assume that when someone who does not know Mr. Schlossberg hits this site, sees the word Food and losing weight together, they might assume some seriousness. This is mute if it was stated upfront that that all posts are meant to be fun and not taken seriously. Taking about "low carbs" and "weight watchers" followed immediately about decadent foods just needs a disclaimer of "don't follow me as your guide as this is entertainment".
I am truly sorry this is being taken for more then I intended. I agree with what you wrote. Mr. Schlossberg is not meant to be taken seriously on these topics and as long as that is known, he can't (WITHOUT INTENTION - I know he does not realize this) send out the wrong messages to the wrong persons.
Yes, I have been to other pages, love this website as there is nothing close to it in Baltimore for comprehensiveness, and have found not a thing wrong anywhere else.
Hopefully everyone can move forward and this can close this topic. No ill will was intended by anyone.
good shabbos
Comment by c m
to the person who commented- The articles we have been reading are called "eating with Eli", a persons personal struggle with their weight. There is a seperate health category on this website, Eli doesn't write for it for a reason. I honestly do not think that the overweight people in our community are reading this for tips, rather an outlet to laugh about what they deal with day in and day out. Constructive critisicm is important, but so is knowing whats constructive. Firstly, if you think the website has an issue with its' choosing, then Eli isn't the one to talk to. If you really wanted to get your point across I don't think here is the place. I am curious how many other places on this website you have taken such an interest...
Comment by c m
When is JUST?
Comment by c m
"Don't call Shomrim, don't call NWCP - call Nefesh B'Nefesh. Jews don't belong in Baltimore. COME HOME!"
I agree wholeheartedly. We're living in Golus, and every so often we need a reminder from above that we're getting too comfortable in Golus and that we don't fully belong here...This is HaShem's wake-up call to stop relying on our resources and our friendly non-Jewish neighbors and turn to him more often.
Turning to the authorities is rediculously stupid, anyway. What are they going to do, stop antisemitism? If they catch the prankster, what can they do? Give him a slap on the wrist for offensive vandalism, make him clean up and send him home. Nobody was hurt by this incident. Please stop making an eisek out of this.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Ummm... Why would you advise someone to call Shomrim and not 911?!?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Shouldn't people call 911 and get the police?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Isn't that Willowbrook Apartments?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
does anyone have any updated information ?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Unfortunately, Mr. Schlossberg, I doubt you will ever see the point shared by the two commenters. The saving point is you keep mentioning how much you love to eat. Thank you. Move off weight watchers themes and stay with what you and others who love to eat are good at. That market is strong and your articles on great foods will be appreciated. Move off selling "cutting carbs" and "Weight Watcher" stories. That market loves to eat too but also values their health. Allow forums on weight loss to be led by those who truly care about their health within their love for food. Their also is a large receptive market for that too.
I hope this magazine takes this as constructive criticism and not attacks. Please don't consider me a healthy eating nut. I am not. I do see how far too many people in our community make a mockery of health in how we eat and our unfortunately, with all our blessings, our children pay the price.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Ronnie,Baltimore is a better city because of you.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
You mean the Republicans aren't the party of the rich? When will people stop beleiving that fallacy and propaganda?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Go Ronnie!!! We appreciate everything you do.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
In Baltimore, you gotta drive forever to get to school. Why?
Comment by c m
I am the second commenter. I agree with you that this site is wonderful and fulfills a great resource. The constructive criticism is not meant to be "an attack" nor a knock on the site as a whole. I agree with the other commenter. A title of a columnist is not the same as any of us who can comment or add our own comments. A columnist is placed at a higher madriega of respect. Eli certainly deserves respect as to who he is. That is not the point. The point is a columnist he has a responsibility to make sure his intentions of his articles are clearly understood. For example Mrs. Wolf is an expert baker. Her articles reflect her expertise. If Mr. Schossberg who is an expert on gourmet foods and consulting wrote on those topics (maybe how much he loves to eat rather then how he is truly going to lose weight), who could be confused. If he states he is writing a light hearted column that should not be taken seriously and let an expert deal with the serious issues of losing weight so be it. Don't confuse. Stick to an expertise or at the very least be upfront with the goals or lack thereof. Again, no attacks but constructive criticism which a good start up magazine should appreciate.
Comment by c m
Baltimore is known for its achdus because no one would allow differing views to be heard. This is the only way to let them be heard. People in community leadership roles want to squash the criticism and secure their control.
Comment by c m
That's an update? Anyone could have provided that information.
Comment by c m
To the 2 people who commented, in particular the 2nd. I am not sure how much of this website you have glanced at, but 85 percent if not more is helpful and constructive. I am not sure what personal feelings you have to make such attacks, but remember this website promotes others adding their opinions. So if you feel you know better in the food arena (you clearly feel you do), then by all means. What is your secret diet plan? What 'hashkafik' insight do you have to help guide the rest of us?
As someone who has had weight issues in the past, I view these articles as a breath of fresh air in todays uptight world. Maybe now you can view these columns the way they should be viewed.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
These guys are so calculating that you can't believe them, even if you happen to agree with something they say. With Obama, his first off-the- cuff remark is what he generally believes, before he backs off when finding out that his beliefs will damage him politically.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
While I appreciate that the gist of the series is to highlight the challenge of achieving good health in the face of difficult food and exercise choices, the extensive description of overloaded tables filled with decadence and opulent foodstuffs did little to bring this message home. The post seemed less about making good choices and more about "never saying to NO to copious amounts of extravagant gourmet fare?" The assumption that either, or both, of those who have commented here have no struggles with food is an arrogant swipe that is not true, at least in my case. Perhaps this is why the article disturbed me. The inability to see the danger and ugliness of pride in overeating, of being immune to the upperclass attitude of too much is never enough, has permeated Torah Jews to the extent that I do not recognize the Torah in many any longer. Food is to nourish and sustain us, not a means to itself. Perhaps you will think twice before making false assumptions of other people's personal challenges and read your material with a more critical eye that ensures your worthwhile points are not lost in a grand Viennese table.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
we need burnstien for are community !
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Authors rebuttal,
To the two readers who took offense to my article on Vail: I do agree the picture was a poor choice! Unfortunately it set the wrong tone for the article. They need to view the article as part of a series. In that context it was one tough week for a struggling individual trying to loose weight.
They need to lighten up! They evidently do not struggle with eating issues. For those of us who struggle daily the point is we sometimes stray from eating properly and the point was that after we stray, and we all do, we get back on track. My articles are truthful and serious and they represent what many are struggling with.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I could not agree more. If these articles are supposed to be a forum to truly teach people to eat right then get people who are doing it or can teach it. If these series of articles are only supposed to be light- hearted and fun and not to try to teach healthy eating then say so and don't make it harder for those who are struggling to have to read this as chizuk which it is not. Move on to new topics or get people in here who can teach. Sorry to be harsh but eating healthy is a serious topic today and deserves better then this.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
editors: I believe that the time has come to moderate comments on this very valuable website. Time and time again, anonymous commentators to various posts on this site have written inflammatory, angry comments which almost always consist of lashon hara as well. Baltimore is known for its achdus, but many of the comments to articles on this website are far from uniting in nature!!
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
The directive for Birkat HaMazon is from the line "Ve'achalta, ve'savata, u'verachata et Hashem - You shall eat, and be satisfied and bless HAshem." I am surprised to find BJL promoting gluttony through both the disturbing picture and this article that is well represented by the photo. The pride in indulgent eating conveyed here seems out of sync with true Jewish values.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
What a wonderful man he was. It only took a few times meeting him to see just how special and loving he was. May all the lives he touched be a source of aliyah for his beautiful neshama.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Is that black sentra in the picture Crustys new car????
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
dose anyone know if their were any witnesses ?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Baruch Dayan Emes, He was a very special person.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
It seems this article has really caused a stir. To set the record straight, the police were notified about this crime about 4:00pm Saturday afternoon. The crime most likely occurred between 12:30am and 3:00am. This crime is being taken very seriously. If you believe you have any information about this crime, please call Major Teidermann at the Associated 410-542-4850.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
You have got to be kidding! Some individuals from 2 very terrific organizations are publicly fighting - one trying to put the other down and show how great they are? And to top off this avaira, you want the rest of us reading this to join the machlokes? No thanks. I hope all who read this realize that both organizations do great work. They are Shleichim from Hashem. It's Ellul - don't give into a Yetzer Hara by writing or believing Loshon Hara. And to the individuals who are either looking for fight or just want to show how wonderful they are - stop trying to bash others and wake up. Did you ever think that maybe Hashem is sending us a message? The stupid swasticas are a symbol of hate. Like one of the others commented, "I believe this is a call to teshuva and an opportunity to develop greater achdus this Elul"
May our Teshuva be accepted and may we all be Zoche for a K'siva V'chasima Tova.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
did any one see it happen if it was in the afternoon ? and are they sure that it wasnt an at risk kid ?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Neither NWCP nor Shomrim could have prevented this incident, but that is not the point. To turn this into infighting or competition within our community, is the work of fools!
The more people out there guarding our community, the better. Everyone involved serves a purpose. There is an old saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut and thought of as a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it."
Drop the NWCP vs. Shomrim stupidity. It only demonstrates arrogance and insecurity by those in this ridiculous competition.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I am confused and maybe there was a purpose for the NWCP at some point in time, but those days seem to be over. The proof is this very incident. The NWCP is out Friday night. For what? look what happened last Friday night. True, had an NWCP car been driving by the criminal would have waited for them to pass. It was time for change and we should all be grateful for the wonderful work of Shomrim.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I believe this is a call to teshuva and an opportunity to develop greater achdus this elul.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
The response was anger, not fear. This was not done by Jewish kids "at-risk." There is a reasonable idea of who did this, but it can't be proven. To turn this into an argument about NWCP or deflect it to Jewish kids at-risk, is almost as obscene as the incident itself.
The bottom line is that we are in Golus. The worst part of all is that so many Jews don't understand that any longer. The last thing we should do is fight among ourselves.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Just a few notes about the NWCP, for those of who don't know or may not want to know:
1. NWCP continues to be regarded (by the Baltimore Police and city government, as well as groups across the country)THE ONLY reason that crime is virtually non existent in the NW District. Ask any cop on the street about NWCP and see what response you get.
2. The NWCP continues to enjoy the unprecedented support of the Baltimore Police Department. NWCP has a police officer EVERY SINGLE night (including Friday night) who rides along or in place of the patrol.
3. The NWCP continues to enjoy the unified support of EVERY SINGLE Rov in the community. Every one.
4. NWCP is a nightly patrol that drives every night (we have a police officer on Friday nights) and lets the evil doers in the community know that people are watching them and monitoring their activities. There is a police officer assigned to the patrol nightly, and he rides along with the assigned shift commander.
5. NWCP has responded to over 350 calls for service since January 1, with calls ranging from open doors, cyber security issues, missing persons, car accidents, and even missing pets (which NWCP safely recovered).
So, perhaps instead of bashing the NWCP, why don't you join the NWCP and actually make a difference in your community. There is a reason the NwCP has been around for 28 years and counting... And to the chagrin of some, as appears in earlier posts, they are not going anywhere any time soon.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
What lashon hara about the NWCP. And during Elul! I thought this was a frum place . . .
Comment by Dena Stenberg
looking at the pictures does anyone think it was the same person from the first vans to the one with the blue covering? Notice they were all done to White vans.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
If an attack like this against us all can't create unity among us what hope do we have. Do we have to afraid of each other?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
what is the nwcp? Do they work 24 hours a day? do they have a police officer with them at all times? how do they get immediate police response? are they just make believe?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
I think it is important to advise location of white vans. If it is a prank by one of our own they should be taken to task and appropriate action taken.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
NWCP has not helped our community in years. And I dont know why any one would call them for help. they would just sit in there cars waiting for the police to come. Thats a real deterrent! NOT.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Yes. Both NWCP and Shomrim are organizations that provide for the security of the members of our community.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Don't call Shomrim, don't call NWCP - call Nefesh B'Nefesh. Jews don't belong in Baltimore. COME HOME!
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Let's not jump to any conclusions. It could have easily been perpetrated by our own Jewish "at risk" kids!!
Comment by Dena Stenberg
NWCP? you are joking, right?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
They are on
Comment by Dena Stenberg
so don't call them.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
You can also call NWCP - 664-6927 for immediate POLICE response.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Been in Bawlimor for over fifty years and didn't need them. Why now?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
why are the lights on the ambulance not on ?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Comment by Dena Stenberg
your Asking "games of what" you need to get out more. Read the Baltimore Jewish times once in a wile
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Games of what?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
The judges could sleep on the job and the prisons would be full in Balto. City. When was the last time Balto City expanded a jail? The previous poster must be a defense lawyer. He replaces 90% with the word 'all'. And who was talking about taking office?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Judge Chaya or Karen Friedman as I have known her, is a tremendously steadfast, dynamic,authority figure. Karen was inspirational, strong willed, and charasmatic. I am not Orthodox, in fact I am Agnogstic. This NEVER changed how she reacted to me. Chaya taught me some of the most interesting, honest, steadfast metholodologies EVER.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
We have been following Jordan's work for quite some time and look forward to being able to access his writings on a regular basis. Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for scoring a real talent!
Yankie and Cathy Dinovitz
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Jessamy is a waste. She's much happier prosecuting police than the criminal who is ruining the quality of life for all of us.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Best of luck to Abraham! I wish him the best. May he always continue to follow his Judaism.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It is a great story and it is amazing to see how Abraham has continued to follow his Jewish traditions. It is admirable and very respectable. I wish him the best and I am sure G-d will guide him through life.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It is an amazing story. I should add also that Abraham is a great student as well. He knows that he needs to succeed in academics in order to have a better life. We are proud of him keeping his judaism and values regardless of the circumstances.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It's nice to see we have such insightful and intelligent posters on BJL. I'm sure that the person who posted the initial response to this article is aware that Baltimore city currently has the most locked up offenders per capita in the COUNTRY. I'm sure he realizes that there is so much overcrowding in the prisons that it has become a real problem. Obviously it has gotten to this stage because the judges let all repeat offenders back out onto the street. Also, as we all know, no one ever slips through the cracks in any other State... darn the judges. If only people like the initial poster could take office. I'm sure we would all be much better off.
Comment by Yussi Shar
Go Jamaica! We have a bobsled team!
Comment by Yussi Shar
Who cares what he says, let him rot in jail. I will never forget his press conference just before the First Irag War when he linked Israel to the "proposed aggression agaisnt Iraq." Then came the Scuds. So, let his stay put and rot!
Comment by Yussi Shar
Gratitude for what? For taking our taxes and not providing us a service? The streets of Baltimore are unsafe because the judges continue to turn the criminals loose. Over 90% of the criminals are repeat offendors, that means that a judge let them back on the street to do more crime. The community wouldn't have to support NWCP and Shomrim, if the judges would do their jobs. But, of course, this situation is something that a defense attorney would show gratitude for because it keeps his business strong!
Comment by Yussi Shar
, Reb Ariel,you left out the part where you chalenged ben cardin on his support of extreme left wing agenda items and his freqent israel bashing,right?
Comment by Yussi Shar
To put this article in perspective, please note who these "Jewish Activists" are. The Shalom Center (, was founded in 1983 as a division of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and calls itself "a prophetic voice in Jewish, multireligious, and American life." Its leader , Arthur Waskow, Ph. D.(pictured in this article), was born in Baltimore in l933 and "In 1995, Waskow was ordained a Rabbi by a beit din made up of one Rabbi whose rabbinic lineage was Hassidic, one Conservative Rabbi, one Reform Rabbi, and a feminist theologian." (
According to the Sholom Center (, the religeous leaders/Jewish activists who support the planned mosque are:
Rabbis Rebecca Alpert (Temple University); Dennis Beck-Berman ; Leila Gal Berner; Amy Eilberg (Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, St. Paul, MN); Michael Feinberg; Laura Geller (Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills); Everett Gendler (Emeritus, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA ; Emeritus, Temple Emanuel, Lowell, MA); Roberto D. Graetz (Temple Isaiah, Lafayette,CA); Margaret Holub; Nancy Fuchs Kreimer; Joyce Galaski; Marc Gopin; Peter Knobel; Mordechai Liebling; Ellen Lippmann (Kolot Chayeinu); Brant Rosen; Jeff Roth; Zalman Schachter-Shalomi; Gerald Serotta; David Shneyer; Burton L. Visotzky (Jewish Theological Seminary); Brian Walt (Taanit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for Gaza); Arthur Waskow (The Shalom Center); Sheila Peltz Weinberg (Institute for Jewish Spirituality); Simkha Weintraub and Cherie Brown (National Coalition-Building Inst) Jeffrey Dekro; Arlene Goldbard (Shalom Center president); Cindy Greenberg (Shalom Center board and Kolot Chayeinu president); Judith Plaskow; Russell G. Pearce (Fordham University School of Law); Jane Ramsey.
Comment by Yussi Shar
Why is it that Chambliss and Isakson are more Pro -Israel than Ben Cardin?
Comment by Yussi Shar
shliefer is lookin good
Comment by Yussi Shar
Comment by Yussi Shar
To the reader who asked about preparing cold soups in advance and freezing them, I will address your question by providing you with several recipes very soon. Look for them in the Editor's Bytes section. And to my other "foodie fans", please send me your questions and comments. I want to know what you want featured in this Food and Dining section. Can't wait to hear from you!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Thank you for your comment. Yes, you are correct, that is ideally the most tzanua manner possible. However, in times like these, it is imperative for young women in the community to have a shidduch resource who will be able to meet with young men as "a fellow guy." I think Rabbi Brull probably has access to many more shidduch possiblities because he is a man.
Comment by Faith Wolf
i love my neighbors
Comment by Faith Wolf
I tried this recipe and the whole family loved it.
Comment by Faith Wolf
Make sure that you do plenty of walking, and not just to the dining room!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Do you have any cold soup recipes that could be made in advance and frozen?
Comment by Faith Wolf
I don't know what I would do if National Photo closed, B'H it's only 7-11!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Birds of a feather. It's funny, in a tragic way, to watch these politicians lament over the things their policies cause. Only, they never look inward.
They are all weak on crime and not very competent economically either. Through the bums out!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
a school that does not have the backing of the gedolei hador will never thrive
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Interesting to find a chef who also cooks their prose so eloquently.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sounds Delicious
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great article yossila
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How can anyone frum not vote for the democrats after judge friedman was just given a cushy job by the great martin omally?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Wake up people! This is not an aberration. It's a sign of the times.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Wow. This is a news article??
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It has nothing to do with minor perks. It has to do with whether the Jewish community is part of the political process or not. This is self preservation.
On the issue of an "open primary system," this is the worst alternative. That system gave the Republicans the eworst of all candidates for president in John McCain. Obama's people flooded the open primaries and now look where we are.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The point of this article is well taken but what about the perception issue.Does identifying with a democrtic party that now is the home for most anti-semtic/israel voices,anti capitisim,anti school voucher,rabidly pro abortion,pro health care rationing(ie. Shfichas damim)pro gay marriage ect ect .justified for the sake of some minor perks.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The real problem is not conservatives who won't subvert the system by registering Demoncrat, but in the number of folk who *are* part of the Jewish community who continually vote for the DemocRAT ticket.
While the Demoncrats were once the party for the little guy and the downtrodden, they have shown their anti-Semitic roots, their classist stems, and their anti-capitalist branches. Anyone who votes for any DemocRAT is a traitor to the USA in my opinion.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
FYI - air popped popcorn, or light microwave popcorn is only 1 point for 3 (yes 3!) cups on Weight Watchers and it's a filling snack.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
You know...they could always just move to an open primary system, as many other places have.
Registering a Democrat isn't the only's the only way it is right now...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
This is great for Rambam!
Where is bnos yisroel going to be if not in the beth jacob building? Will the two schools be in the building together?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
NCSY does great work. Thank you Rabbi Lowenstein!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Rambam is not thriving. What is the last commenter smoking?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The announcement says 6600 block, not 6800 block, of Shelrick Place.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
There is no 6800 block of Shelrick Pl.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Rambam is thriving! How luck our community is to have a school that combines excellence in Torah education with strong secular studies. My kids could not be happier here!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
911 is also a good option!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Did it end up being a successful weight watchers week?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sick pics!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
that's the shomrim hotline number that you put up , and hatzalah started to transport so whats the need to call 911 ?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Hatzalahs # is 410-358-0000 or 410-764-0000
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Larry and Lara's food is always delicious and one of my regular stops when I visit Baltimore. Not that I'm biased in any way!
Sue Penn (Irvine, California)
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Good luck & have an easy I meaningful fast! Good thing I read this before the fast & not during the fast! Everything sounded so scrumptious! Stuffed flounder? Rainbow trout? Grilled veggies? Volcano sushi roll? Hook me up! Great reporting!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A young married man meeting one on one with single dating girls and providing them one-one guidance via phone and email is not 'the most tzanua manner possible'. The age-old way of a woman working with the single girls and a man working with the boys is 'the most tzanua manner possible'.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
So impressive! Proud to be part of such a great community!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Thanks for coming out guys, I will always remember the moonwalk in the pouring rain! Stella
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Mazol tov to all the young men who, under the guidance of Aryeh Zigdon were so helpful in helping to complete the project.
they were not the only Jewish men who volunteered. Nelson Precast, with 2 Jewish partners , were the suppliers of precast concrete materials needed in the construction of the outside of the home.
This is what wee Jews do, help our fellow men, and women...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Kol Hakavod. It's good to see some positive news about the frum community for public consumption. Hopefully the Jewish Times will pick up on this.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great program!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
That's what they say but the point of the quake was at HWY 270 and RT 124, which is exactly where IBM and LM do high security testing and development, not a major fault-line. I wouldn't count on this being a natural one.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Good work for your first week!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
hello i was wondering why you had skipped accents sushi which i think is the best sushi in town. The rice is seasoned properly, which is very important. I have gotten sushi from the other restaurants in town and have to say that they do not even compare to accents. I ordered a spicy salmon roll from a different restaurant and it is not spicy it tastes like it is only salmon but when you order a spicy salmon roll from accents it does not only have a salmon taste but you taste the spicy part also which is what a spicy salmon roll is supposed to taste like.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Does the school have a Rosh Yeshiva or Vaad HaChinuch?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great pics!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Eli Pollock was born in Baltimore and was educated at Talmudical Academy and Ner Israel.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
even when you're power walking, you're on the phone doing ahavas yisrael work. kol hakavod. keep up the great work ( dieting AND chesed) leah
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How low can you go.......
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Who hires jack abramoff and then runs for office? Something is wrong with this picture.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It is a shame that we don't have a little balance in our local district. Our congressman is always voting of the extreme left/liberal side of every issue. At least Frank Kratovil is a moderate Democrat.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Very cute photo of Eli.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Ummm.... So who exactly is in charge of the school right now?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Power walk? Next Sunday walk at 8:30 am with Ella & me and we will burn up some calories. Karen
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Go Officer Dickstein!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Your perfect just the way you are
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
One of the great things about is that it highlights lots of individuals who are working hard for our community. I would encourage the editors to keep this up. I think it helps build pride within our community and hopefully will encourage others to work hard to help our community thrive as well.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Keep up the motivation!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I am offended by this action. I am a frequent visitor to Quarry Lake and have never noticed speeding or other traffic violations. The speeding occurs on Greenspring Avenue before reaching the entrance to Quarry Lake. I have noted police cars pulling violators over at that poing, which is a good thing. Perhaps signs reminding users of the streets at the Quarry to beware of pedestrians, turning vehicles, vehicles exiting parking spaces etc. might be a better solution.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It was great to see this awesome math teacher recognized. I had him in 78' & 79 and still talk about his class. To everyone who had him "AWWW GEEEZ no questions on test days"
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I couldn't understand calculus the way it was taught to me in school. Went to Mr. Miller's house and he taught me the week's work in an hour so I could get it. And his dog talked!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
On what platform is Ronnie running? Is having a Jew in the State Center Committee (whatever that is) the sole purpose of him running? I don't think we need that. Jews should stay out of direct involvement in American politics, we all know too well what happens.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Longer hours please.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great recipes. Always looking for something new.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Can't wait to try the eclairs!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Looking forward to trying Faith's apple pie recipe this weekend!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Giving tickets is not in the Torah and people need to help each other instead of trying to take there money and turn them into criminals,Yoel M
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Now that is a great way to treat your customers! Instead of using traffic calming devices such as speed bumps and/or electronic signs that show people the speed that they are driving, or marked police cars to help influence people to slow down... just use clever new technology and unmarked cars to catch people and give them tickets. Maybe we need to stay away from Quarry Lake until they learn how to better treat their customers.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is the Quarry getting a cut?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Will the Rebbe himself be there?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
this man has about as much expierence in being a civil servant as his pizza maker has in making a pizza..
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What I like about Rambam is it allows for a rich diversity in our community, encouraging people from the whole spectrum of Judaism to come to Baltimore and live in unity. I'm a TI and Bnos parent, but I appreciate what Rambam has brought to Baltimore.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
are you sure about all this?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The most important part of it all, is that there is new responsible and professional law leadership at Rambam, without people who have a personal financial interest in the success of the school.
Frankly, if Rambam fails the other community schools have no desire to take the Rambam kids, so its in everyones best interest that this work out.
And its also important that Rambam now have mainstream community leadership, so it can become the community school that it never was.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It allows faculty and admin to work both buildings seamlessly allowing for less payroll.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great move! Rabbi Lutch has done a fenomenal job in finding ways to cost cut without sacrificng quality.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
hope you stay open until at least 12 M during the week
Comment by mike kane
"This is an advantageous arrangement for both parties. Rambam can now bring their girls division closer to the boy's division, currently located at the JCC."
What advantage does that provide to Rambam?
Comment by mike kane
This is such exciting news! You've just got to love Baltimore for how the community works together to create Win/Win's like this.
Comment by mike kane
I have been a MARC rider between Baltimore and Washington for almost 10 years. I do not agree with the statement, "MARC has a very poor history of running and maintaining the system." Most of the time the trains run on time or close to it. I have not found the cars to be dirty. There is no cheaper or more convenient way to make this trip. A large part of MARC's problem is its success. Ridership has grown steadily. That said, MARC has done two major things wrong. First, MARC has opted to put all of its equipment in service rather than hold back equipment for emergencies. Second, MARC has done a terrible job of crisis management. When one thing goes wrong, MARC handles it poorly and problems build up. MARC should spend some of its resources on reserve equipment and developing crisis management.
Comment by mike kane
Nice title for the piece. I fully approve. Chana R.
Comment by mike kane
The cameras will be in operation on the same days during the same times when schools are out for the summer months. This is being done to protect summer school students as well as to enhance overall public safety around the schools.
Yeah! I have a bridge to sell the county!
Comment by mike kane
Re: "Is abramoff his campaign chair?" There is always one in every crowd. Cynicism over politics is a good thing. Using it to harm your community is another.
If our community is to have representation and influence, where we need it, we need good people to step up. Thank you Ronnie!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is abramoff his campaign chair?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Does Ronnie Deliver???You betcha!!
Good luck,
Moshe S
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Go Ronnie!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Perhaps you can start another column for our fried here... writing legibly with Eli?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Instructor of what?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
He will be sorely missed!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yeshiva guys probably don't get out much, so we forgive you. :-)
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Be Matzleach
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A very impressive resume. When I am in Baltimore I will come to Shomrei to meet, listen and hear the new Rabbi. Hatzlacha Rabba
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
On behalf of all my fellow ner guys we perfer tov
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sounds like a great move! Only downside would seem to be the loss of customers from Ner Israel down the block. I guess that's a plus for Ner Israel - one less temptation.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
We wish you the best of luck. Keep yourself out of the snack pantry. Make sure that you have lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Now is the best season for them. Karen
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I want to congratulate you on admitting something that is very difficult to admitespecially publicly. You are very brave
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I applaud your effort! You have my support. Interestingly, I was disturbed by your recent post about what's lacking in Baltimore food-wise. I originally wrote the following comment, which I did not post:
"Food is the greatest and least of our problems/concerns. I enjoy good food like the next guy, but two things strike me when reading this piece. Our community spends too much time/money/resources on food as recreation/entertainment. We have schools and other vital community institutions that need our help, not to mention scores of causes in Eretz Yisroel that could benefit from our excess. In addition, there seems to be a high percentage of people in Orthodox Baltimore who are suffering from over-indulgence in food-related activities. I recently attended a community function and was shocked at the number of "creative projects" that were simply about assembling and eating sweets. I am happy that we have reputable and talented food service providers in this town, but let's keep things in perspective. Baltimore should focus on being a leader in good nutrition, not good restaurants."
I, too, have battled weight issues for many years and would be happy to support you in your own personal goals and in helping others in our community to do the same.
Comment by David D
what happened with their luggage?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I think what you are doing is GREAT! Good luck and I look forward to reading your updates.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I am very grateful to have Shomrim in our community. I'm also impressed with the Baltimore Jewish Life reporting, this JUST happened. For anyone who does not yet know, after you login, you can sign up for new alerts (see the button above)...
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
super article. Even if we don't believe everything (or anything) in the media, we still need to hear about real events from those of you who are eyewitnesses to the daily travesties going on at the Gaza border.
Comment by d k
I am very grateful to have Shomrim in our community. I'm also impressed with the Baltimore Jewish Life reporting, this JUST happened. For anyone who does not yet know, after you login, you can sign up for new alerts (see the button above)...
Comment by d k
The time of the report should also be mentioned.
Comment by d k
Brina C you hit the bulls eye on that one. I have been trying to find good places for my dates. (nothing like dating in new york,lol). Eli, with all your culinary experience why wouldn't you open what we need? We'd all love to eat there.
Comment by d k
as always, great piece of the Baltimore kosher food spectrum. short, to the point and right on target. looking forward to future articles
Comment by d k
Wow, what a great article. ( you really like New York Shmorgs). All that you have said is true, I guess the real question is, what does the Baltimore community want?
I also think we could use a nice milchigs restaurant. On my dating experiences, if the date led to a meal it would mean a trip all the way to Pomegranate. I am still in the "parsha" and would love to be taken to our new upscale kosher restaurant.
I will continue looking forward to your articles..
Comment by brina cooperman
It is a welcome sight to see someone who is well qualified to relate to the community the adventures in Baltimore's kosher food scene.
There is some good and some and to put it mildly, not so good.
I hope this forum brings about the opportunity for the community to push the envelope and create a better and healthy dinning experience.
Comment by Jack Fromberg
Great Article Devorah!
Comment by Shira Gryll
Thank you for writing what so many people think and feel but won't publish!
Comment by CG Fordonski
What a great and inspiring message for those who haven't yet found their match. It's applicable to us old married people as well. There is no reason to stop growing as an individual and purusing personal interests that make us happy just because we're part of a couple.
Comment by CG Fordonski
Wow! What a well-written article! It's about time that an article this truthful was written! Kol hakavod to you! I hope your happiness only increases! :-)
Comment by Hinda Moskovitz
What a great and inspiring message for those who haven't yet found their match. It's applicable to us old married people as well. There is no reason to stop growing as an individual and purusing personal interests that make us happy just because we're part of a couple.
Comment by Hinda Moskovitz
What is this organization called Heart Mind & Soul? Tell me more about that. How can I get my kids involved? Thanks.
What about Perns
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You are blessed twice......once for it not being cancer and once that the infection did not cause permanent damage. Osteomyelitis turned my husband into a cripple lucky to get enough pain relief each day just to shower and change clothes.
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we daven for you every day and the other day we went to the kever of the Ohr HaChaim on his Yartzeit and had a Tefila for you!!
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Thank you for the updates. May Mel have a refuah shelaima. Lots of strength to both of you.
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I don't know what is more upsetting with # 15 who just won't quite: the ignorance or the insensitivity? I, personally, made 15 shidduchim with "older" people who are B"H happily married today. How many "older singles" have you tried to help? How many cases justify your blanket remark of "all older singles?" People who really work on shidduchim know that it is hard if you are 19 or 39. Hashem should help all the singles find their beshert (as the above article states) and keep the nay sayers far, far away.
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I don't know you personally but you have just become the #1 hero in my life!
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to #14, True most poskim hold there is no hashchosas Zera for a woman, but they are opinions that consider it. my main argument is that women are not obligated in Pirya V'rivya, so it is questionable for them to endanger themselves even for a minor risk. i would admit that if an older girl found a potential shidduch and the suitor was only willing to marry her if she saved eggs, that it would be permitted. but i have never heard of such a case and i assume it is rare. There is a reason why Hashem made women to become infertile at about 45-50; they are no longer ideal to raise small children for numerous reasons. As for all the others who have pitted me as being mean spirited and heartless. Nothing can be further from the truth. I have personally tried to make shidduchim for people of all ages, including older singles. Like everybody else here, i haven't had much success. I recall several cases of shidduchim of older couples made by a prominent rav in a community that wound up in disaster. At the time the rav, myself and most others thought these shidduchim were wonderful ideas. Little did we know that among the parties there were severe hidden problems. It happened once that an older woman who married an older bachur came to me when her marriage broke up only a month or two after the wedding. Nobody could figure out what went wrong. Everybody knew both parties as wonderful, normal people. In addition, no one could imagine why the older bachur was not married 25 years before. The woman revealed to me what his problem was. About 35 years ago a man who was also older, about 45 when he first was about to get married, came to me the day before his wedding crying. He also suffered from the same problem and didn't know what to do, he hadn't revealed it to his bride (who was about 32). I counseled him and also explained to him that now i understood why for all these years he was intimidated of marriage. I told him, everything would work out and had he come to me or someone else who understood the problem years before he would have found out that his "problem" was not so bad as to prevent him from getting married. That is what i meant that if you really have concern for older singles, before you try to match them up, you would help them or recommend they get help with the problems and issues they have, which prevented them from getting married until now. Only then, when they gain control of their issues, work on finding them a shidduch, because if you or they continue to ignore the underlying issues, then you are truly wasting your time.
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Is this really Jewish news - a guy praying to oso ha'ish as he's doing a daredevil act?
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Goyishe Shtus
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Lubavitch ken gut lernen, while "they" told me otherwise, the fact is I am so impressed with the scholarship of Lubavithcer bachurim
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We daven for you everyday and today we davened for you at the Tzion of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh
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the author of the article is an alarmist and a fool. Rohani is not yet in power and the author is touting how horrible he will be; worse than the nut who was ousted. furthermore he calls Khameini an anti-semite. where does he get that from? an anti-zionist, yes, but anti=semite? there are thousands of jews living freely in iran, able to keep torah, make a living, and even leave freely. just because the author can write english and certain publications are stupid enough to print his articles does not mean that his article is anything but drivel.
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#9 Please explain how the second to last paragraph miss characterized rabbi Lippman's words. I read over that quote 15 times myself when I read the original article only because I was shocked that a ben Torah could say something like that.Please enlighten me.
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Glad I made with newspaper along with my daughter, Rebbettzin Brenda Weiss. She is something else along with Mrs. Braun. Mom Katz
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Thank you for these updates. I never met Mel, but he has been an inspiration!
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Pretty balanced article considering its source.
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The second to last paragraph should now produce a second apology. That was a mischaracterization of the question and answer. What happened to the days of journalism? Putting words into peoples mouths? Horrible.
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Just imagine the doors of yeshiva are open....what an opportunity to all!
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Allahu Akbar is said by moslems before they kill anything, even animals for halal meat. if i heard someone yell out Allahu Akbar in a mall or on a crowded street corner, i wouldn't hesitate; if i were to be carrying a weapon, i would draw it immediately and fire to incapacitate the threat. because, in our day and age, the calling of Allahu Akbar among a crowd of non-moslems is a sure indication the perpetrator intends to carry out a terrorist attack.
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#2, It is the second attack on Dov Lipman because that is the MO of many in the Charedi world. When we don't agree let us attack, belittle and undermine the opposing view. Mr. Rosenblum himself did this 5 years ago during a time of heightened child abuse allegations in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Mr. Rosenblum wrote a very critical article about one of the child advocates who had been previously quoted stating that he wasn't the alpha omega of child abuse along with other digs. So once again he attacked the messenger rather than dealing with the serious issue itself. As a self appointed Charedi "apologist" Mr. Rosenblum would accomplish more through analysis of issues than through attacks on individuals.
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Although I don't subscribe to much of dov lipman's shitos, and I do consider myself chareidi, I believe that men who stand in wait for women who they are not supposed to look at and then shout 'pritzah' are just as pritzasdik as those they are yelling at. they are just as provocative as the chiloni women who purposely board single gender busses. this is no way to win friends and influence people. why would anyone want join a group whose behavior is so pritzasdik?
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Well, sort of an apology. It is like "I'm sorry for my errors of facts and poor research BUT....... The "But" cancels out the apology. This is the second major Charedi "leader" who has had to publicly apologize to Dov. Wonder why? Maybe because they are being pressed to "get Dov" by the ones who are facing financial loss of government subsidies but fail to share all the facts. Maybe!
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What a a beautiful work and holy place is the Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore. B"H Baltimore is blessed with such special torah leaders. Mazal tov! Mazal tov!
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\" '¦ foster diverse expressions of Jewish identity and practice, promote legislation that mitigates control of the Rabbinate, advocate for equal allocation of resources to non-orthodox Jewish services and education, and strengthen liberal elements within orthodoxy to achieve those objects.' And, pray tell, what is wrong with these objectives? Not everyone living in Israel, especially not everyone making aliyah, will subscribe to the same stream of Judaism. It is time that the non-Charedi and non-Orthodox streams were fully recognized as Jews. It is time for all streams of Judaism to be given recognition. As many American Charedim have shown for years, Torah study and earning a living are not mutually exclusive.
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If one follows Israeli media,especially the chareidi sites and papers, personal villification of enemies and almost deification of heros is the norm. Even in the fights between the two factions of Yahadut Hatorah, the Agudah for the Gerrer Chassisim and the Degel Hatorah for the Litvaks, the insults and condemnations make ones ear's burn. Thus, it makes sense that an apologist for these people would use their hyperbole. This apology is an attempt to take the issue away from Dov Lipman and shift it to Yesh Atid. But, Jonathan Rosenblum wrote it originally as a personal attack on Dov Lipman asking that he not be allowed to explain his party's ideas to the RCA. Why, are their ears too tender to hear anything that contradicts the views of those who spit on the Religious Zionists?They have zero respect for Hesder Yeshivot. I read in their media that no one can learn a line in the Hesder Yeshivot. They say their rabbis are ignorant. People who show no respect for others cry unfair when the chickens come home to roost. One more thing, stop hiding behind the worn out phrase that it is a few crazies who do all the evil. So stop them, the Olom Hatorah is so strong and numerous, why can't a few extremists be put out of business. How can you allow a Kollel in Bnai Brak to be closed because they object to anyone learning Torah who also takes courses in college. No one helped Dov Lipman in Beit Shemesh. The root of his career is the callous attitude of the non religious zionist religious community which didn't give a hoot and wouldn't even help protect the little girls. That is the real sin.
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#2 - I believe the phenomenon is occuring because he is unjustly villified...That's the connontation of a thread of apologies
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Great article! Wonder I rabbi lip an will have responses to this article?
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Interestingly, this is the second public apology that has been directed at Dov Lipman. At first I wondered what is it about this guy that he is attacked and then apologized to repeatedly. But, it then occurred to me that it is the very ambiguity of his thinking that creates this seeming ambivalence. One the one hand, he claims to belong to the Charedi world. (He started out there, perhaps.) But his views and opinions, to which the Charedi public does not espouse, and which he is trying to force on the Charedi public, bring him under attack.
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As an emergency manager, this is the totally wrong response to a tornado. This is the correct response to an earthquake. The correct procedure for a tornado is to move to an interior room of a building, away from windows and doors, as low as possible, and away from exterior walls. If you are unable to get into an interior room, find a bathtub or other recessed area, lie down inside and cover yourself with towels or other items to block any debris which may fall on top of you. This demonstration sadly proves that our schools are not adequately prepared for myriad of emergencies and disasters which could face our schools at any time. It is strongly suggested that all of the school administrators be in contact with local emergency management officials over the summer to ensure that, come next year, teachers are properly prepared to deal with ALL HAZARDS!
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Great job rabbi rosenblum,your first effort was a game ending triple play,now you've hit a game ending grand slam.
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Eli Greengart is the man!
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Thanks for keeping us updated
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All facets of this story are super impressive! From the Hanhala and Roshei Chabura to the Mesaymim themselves (as well as the photography, kudos to Eli Greengart). It is so refreshing to read a positive story like this, given the many recent news stories that are so deeply troubling. Kein Yirbu!
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TO #1: I'll remind you, The Associated is a JEWISH charity. Not an Orthodox one.
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Beth El is a conservative synnagogue
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after reading the letter twice 1 fact seems to be omitted he never once said that kolko is guilty just that hes apologizing for publicly taking a vocal stand against the victims family for going to the authorities after the family was in fact following the directives of a psak from a world renown posek
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I am glad this Rav apologized and made teshuva,however, what I am having a very difficult time understadning is that he needed to hear that a "posek had given permission to go to the authorities." Since when did we throw common sense out the window. There should not be any question that in a situation such as this you go to the police. You should not have to check your brain at the door to be a frum yid.
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An excellent idea! Why should our tax dollars go to subsidize junk food? I agree with these mayors; WIC is product-specific already.
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gimme a break. this is not worthy of a police investigation. A cartoon in bad taste.
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#7 says: \"Daas Torah is stronger than truth\" That\'s a money quote...This man doesn\'t let facts get in the way of his agenda...
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Orthodox is a Greek word.A Yid is a Torah Jew.
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10. Comment from 9bAv Time June 18, 2013 at 5:10 PM Please don't even think of posting Lipman's response. It might be true, but Daas Torah is against Lipman and Daas Torah is stronger than truth. And to those who think its assur to speak loson hora about Lipman they're also wrong since we see the Gedolim speaking loson hora and rechilus about him, and if Gedolim can do it it becomes a mitzvah to do it. I had to share this comment on another site. It says it all. They publish the attack but refuse to publish the refutation. Then they say that even if it is all true what Lipman says, he should be condemed but it is OK, sinch the Gedolim also support loshon horah and rechilus. Is that really the Jewish religion?
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hey Mr. President, maybe when visiting G-D a suit would have been nice. You think?
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I can't overstate how correct # 2 is
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Jonathan Rosenblum has done a great disservice to the Torah world by writing his article which now has been credibly refuted by Lipman. Of course, anyone can see that many of Lipman's responses are weak. Nevertheless he is absolutely right about one thing. According to the Chafetz Chaim in his laws of Loshon Horah, before one takes upon himself to publicly defame another Jew, he must approach that individual, find out the facts and attempt Tochacha. According to Lipman, Rosenblum never approached him. If this is true, then Rosenblum's article is pure Loshon Hora, even if it contains some truths. I strongly believe that Lipman is foolish for his involvment with Yesh Atid, and in the end will be burned. Indeed, he is also doing a great disservice to Klal Yisroel. But Rosenblum, by messing up in his criticism of a subject than needs to be criticized, has produced the opposite affect from his intentions.
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#10 - First, There's no hashchasas zera on female eggs...learn the sugya of hashcashas zera, you won't find such a din. Second, you can debate the merits of this case being shalom bayis or not, but I believe poskim also allow unmarried girls to get cosmetic surgery if they feel it is necessary for shidduchim. The threshold the poskim view as a need for allowing surgery is surprisingly low when considering the potential mazik issues at hand. If I recall correctly, R' Moshe and the Minchas Yitzcahak speak about the mazik issue. As for the sakana issue, again the risk is miniscule and below a level of risk that would be problematic due to safek sakanah. As an aside, The talmidei chachomim involved in the halachcic fertility institutions are second to none in staying at the cutting edge of a quickly evolving medical field and you should be aware of that before deciding on whim the Torah says this is lunacy.
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I applaud #11 and #12. I wish #1/#6 the best of luck asking for mechilah from the incredible population who are unfortunately not yet married whom, I can imagine, you have hurt terribly with your arrogant words.
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Two points: 1. If the problem with basic secular studies in the frum schools is that it gives control of the curriculum to the secular, that is a real problem. However, in all these years why have these schools not implemented any English, Math,social studies on their own? Why do they oppose the actual learning of anything that will help their students earn a living. I am amazed at how many young men are now collecting in shul,more and more. It costs 8-10 dollars to daven shacharis at my shul. Isn't something wrong with this picture? 2. Yes, the army is a melting pot and yes there are problems of soldiers going off the derech ,being exposed to pritzus, having to defend human lives on Shabbos and missing Mincha. The army is developing additional frum units to deal with this problem. It is only a gzeiras shmad if they would force the naive Meah Shearim boys into the paratroopers for 3 years and force them to talk to females face to face. The army isn't even trying to do that. I think that the Gedolim legitimately fear that their talmidim are so weak that they will crumble if given exposure to the outside world. If that is true, the problem is in their chinuch and what ,if anything, are they doing about that? In both cases, the chareidi world is blaming the secular world for faults in their own internal systems. Everyone reading this knows that this is true and slogans don't save lives.
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Lipman labels all of the disputed false claims. However, in many of his points, he simply disagrees with Rosenblum, and does not prove them 'False'. So who's lying here? Prime example: Rosenblum states that Yesh ATid- Lipman's party is pushing homosexual 'marriage'. This is true, not false, and Lipman is a part of that party. His response: he's working for a compromise on the issue! That makes Rosenblum's claim false?
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RESPONSE TO #10 about # 9 I have a very hard time believing that a RAV and/or a person who calls himself a TALMUD CHOCHOM would purposefully and blatantly make such terrible comments about an entire population of K'lal Yisroel. The Rabbonim in this town care--they really care about the singles. They talk to them, counsel them , spend time with them and they hear more than anyone else in this town the cries of their mothers. So, I cannot and will not believe that you are a Rav in this town. If you were really a RAV that we should take seriously and learn from then please publically identify yourself. Very easy to make hurtful remarks anonymously. The introduction of the article was for all older singles and yes mainly the 30-40 population and the other articles were simply to impart information to those young women in pain and in need a place to turn and place that many have already turned as their last hope of "hishtadlus." And again, this population is the 30-40 age range--even freezing eggs has its time limitations. So where do you feel that this article was addressing the 40's and 50's ?
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My comments are directed to comment maker # 1. Perhaps in 120 years when you meet your maker, HE will be kinder and less judgmental of you than you have been towards an entire population of frum older singles. Perhaps HE will judge you as an individual and not paint your actions with such a broad, hard, uncaring brush as you have used. This situation affects thousands of frum singles from the ages of 30-50, the majority being 30-40. Do you dare say that 99% of this population needs therapy to get married. Perhaps all they need is a date! Perhaps all they need is a chance. Perhaps they have not had the opportunities. Perhaps they would love to get married. Perhaps they want to get married so badly that they would put themselves through the \"lunacy\" of freezing their eggs because their \"betchon\" in the Rebono Shel Olom is so great that they want to be prepared and ready when their \"bashert\" does knock on their door. And perhaps, unless your last name is Heinemann, Hopfer or Kaminetsky you haven\'t a clue about what the actual halacha is for young women who find themselves in this predicament. You made yourself judge and jury against whom? Why are you so angry and ready to cast stones? Why would you tell good people who want to help not to waste their time? Many, many people would benefit from therapy and have \"issues\", married and single alike. Talk to mothers in this town who cannot get a date for their 23 year old daughter. These singles did not start out 30 years old. Do not judge unless you walked in their shoes. Do not add to the pain with ignorance and blanket statements. It is one thing to choose not to help, but it is entirely something else when you add to the pain.
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Okay. Let the comments begin: I will start with this. It us unfortunate that Lipman fails to recognize that he is in way over his head. That is all I am saying.
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This is a very interesting article. I do not agree with all of Dov Lipman's policies and plans, yet I still was able to see a lot of the mistakes and falsehoods written in Rosenblum's original article when I read it last week, and I was very disappointed with it. I am happy to see Lipman getting a chance to refute those falsehoods. Let us always remember, all Jews are our brothers. In the comments on this article, I truly hope that we will all be writing fewer of the unpleasant comments that other articles about Lipman have received.
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#9 There u go again with the local versus national Give me a break!!!! Makes no difference.. U don't like it, just gloss over it..
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#9 Whatever!!! #2
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To #2 and 7 and 8: Whether this was ever discussed on this site before is directly relevant. If this was a story that was being reported since the story broke, this segment would then be an obvious update. Although it would belong in, say, perhaps, National news rather than Local news. If, however, the intention of this publisher is to sensationalize a story by giving it maximum coverage in the Local news category, perhaps, this is a not so subtle effort to portray an unfortunate situation as news that WE MUST KNOW. That, however, I am being asked to believe, is not the motivation of the publisher. No one is denying that -yes this is a serious issue. And -yes these things ought to be discussed. And -yes these issues ought not be swept under the rug. However, when I want to read about local news, about our local community, I dont want to be smacked with this sort of tantalizing news story, that, quite frankly, there are many other sites that one can go to, if one is so inclined.
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to #9: before you express opinions that are hurtful to a rav and a talmid chochom, you should consult a posek. better yet, you should also read the article and comment posts more carefully. The article is not talking about the normative marriageable age crisis for girls. I agree wholeheartedly that is a societal problem that has resulted from our contemporary educational system. But as inferred in #6, my advice is more useful than the vast majority of those trying to make shidduchim for older unmarried men and women for whom they have no clue as to their underlying problems, which i stick to my opinion, such issues and problems can be found in the cast majority of cases. to #8: it seems you do not understand how halacha works. For shalom bayis there may be a heter for surgery despite the dangers. but in the case of saving eggs, the woman has no obligation, it is doubtful that it will have any purpose, since she is not presently married and trying to have children with her husband, and it may (although probably not) even present a problem of what to do with the frozen eggs when realization comes they will never be implanted (hashchosas zera).
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Yasher koach to the publisher of this site. These things need to be brought to attention- on this site and "quote unquote" sites.
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every person has different medical needs. Dr. Katz is wonderful but may not be the right doctor for every person out there. please consult with the ATIME staff to nfind the best doctor for your situation
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Let the comments begin!!!!!!remember this is a news item and the fact that this is on the BJL website doesn't make Jeff Cohen a rasha or a Torah hater!!!!!!!!!!
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#6 you stated: \"Chazal (chagiga) describe a person who unnecessarily endangers himself or throws away money as a lunatic. a woman is not obligated in pirya v\'rivya, therefore going to such an extreme which involves danger and tremendous expense, would be rightfully characterized as lunacy\" First, I believe you are not applying the gemara the way the poskim understand it...Poskim allow surgery for even for mucb less of a need than having children for example a woman who feels she needs cosmetic surgery where no one would know about the issue except for the husband. All the more so in this case where everyone understands this need of a woman to help her get married and have children. Second, I am not a doctor and B\"H haven\'t had to deal with this procedure but I suspect the procedure of extracting eggs is painless, requires little to no anasthsia, and has a risk next to zero and Rabbonim allow the procedure to be done for fertility treatments. Who should bear the expense of this is a whole seperate discussion?...I think it should be of the single woman and not a burden of the community tzedakah.
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to Bryon Szojchet: where did you get the idea that i have no sympathy for people with problems and you characterize daas torah as, midas sdom? I said, people with problems should get help for their problems and if they get resolved then seek a shidduch. All i was trying to emphasize is many do-gooders miss the boat when trying to make shidduchim for older unmarried individuals because they are NOT HELPING those those people to resolve their underlying problems, and instead lead them on to think that they really don't have any problems, and the reason they are still unmarried is because of society or the so-called "shidduch crisis."
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to #6 whether this was ever discussed on this site before is IRRELEVANT! this article speaks to a broader problem of issues geeting swept under the rug and legitimate victims intimidated to keep quiet. Puhlease! let us have adult conversations about the abuse issue and iy'h we will start to put these creeps in jail/out of business. Ignoring the issue might make yu feel good in the short run, but long term the cancer continues to fester under the surface. Let us all rise up in unison and say "NOT IN OUR CITY!!!!" signed by #2
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to #4: when i mentioned the 99% figure, i am not talking about individuals of 36, i am referring to those in their 40s and 50s. For those over 30, it may be only 50% that have concealed problems! to #3: extracting eggs involves surgery. surgery is always a danger. Chazal (chagiga) describe a person who unnecessarily endangers himself or throws away money as a lunatic. a woman is not obligated in pirya v'rivya, therefore going to such an extreme which involves danger and tremendous expense, would be rightfully characterized as lunacy. to #2: i see all kinds of boys and girls getting married, many of them could not be described as "a good catch". if you are a maamin, a shidduch is "bashert". some people, due to their problems, either pass up their bashert, or never are given the opportunity because the Abishter knows they won't take the opportunity when presented.
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To comments 2, 3 and 5. This is called dredging up dirt because, if my memory serves correct, and as quick subject search of this site will confirm, this is not a story that BJL has been following since it began some five years ago. It is likely that many of BJLs readership are not even familiar with the particular details of this case. Is it important to be aware of predators and prosecute them? Sure. But lets face, it every community has its issues. Just to report sensational stories that dont have relevance to our community, is simply becoming like all those other quote unquote sites.
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6-17-2013 The Torah teaches us to have compassion for all people and to work to help them. If we take the attitude that people with problems deserve no sympathy or help because their problems are self inflicted then we would have no kindness for the poor, the sick or the oppressed. We would just say that if had been as smart as we are they would have avoided their problems like we did. This cold lack of sympathy and denial of compassion is Midas S'dom. One of the major grievances with the contemporary observant community is the lack of compassion and assistance to those in suffering. Yes, of course there are numerous Chesed organizations. But one cannot fail to notice the cries of pain from so many who have been victims of either our communal system or victims of individuals within that system. People who have been marginalized under the ruse that they have caused their own problems. May Hashem send us leaders and teachers who will show us the true way of Hashem and how to have compassion for all and to work assiduously to relieve their pain and suffering. Bryon Szojchet
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Trust me, if it's one site that is NOT a smut site it's this one. I know the publisher and I know the hashkafa by which the site is run. This article was published l'toeles. That's how I read it and I'm confident other readers would feel the same way. This is a serious issue that must be eradicated and only when there is the possibility of good to come of it would something like this be posted. I, for one, am very happy it was put out here. I don't go to the other sites anymore. At least here know I can trust that nothing untoward will be posted and I will continue to support them. You can look through this entire site, which i have read since day one, and see only proper things being posted. I applaud them for their zehirus in what they post in terms of content and comments. Tavo alehem bracha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1 -- can you back up your 99% statistic? Or is your rant about older single people having physical and mental problems made-up drivel? (Signed: Married at 36, 5 beautiful children, no apparent mental or physical problems. Hmmmmm... can't just be the 1%)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yea, this site is becoming like all these other Jewish smut sites
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well done.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
lets see how many idiotic comments we can dredge up criticizing this article? This isn't dredging up dirt!!!!! This is a clear and everpresent danger/problem and has to be talked about until it is full eradicated.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why are you dredging up this dirt and spreading it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1 - Please explain where the Torah describes the practice of unmarried women freezing eggs as lunacy
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it's lunacy- until it happens to you or your own daughter. and then you understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please note that the Haredi community turning against soldiers from its own community has drawn a lot of momentum from the policies of Yesh Atid. It was not like this just a few months ago. Unfortunately, by forcing the issue, the government is setting Haredi society back, not helping it forward.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is lunacy. There is no shidduch crisis. However, there may be a crisis of both men and women who have problems, some real, some perceived, that prevent them from getting married. those problems can't be solved or resolved by singles get togethers and dating websites. the individuals must go for treatment, be it physical or mental. We see older unmarried people, both men and women, seemingly normal and productive citizens. But we really don't know the concealed problems they bear. 99% of those who are unmarried have these problems. So before you start working your guts out to be Mshadeich a friend, either find out what is really going on, or don't waste your efforts! As for young unmarried women freezing eggs, that is also pure lunacy from a Torah perspective.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's time we did this in Baltimore. It's time to stop judging others and accept all of Klal Yisrael as Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a CHILUL HASHEM, than any Jew would even threaten to raise their hand to another Jew, let alone actually following through!! This is why Moshiach is not here yet! You may disapprove of what the government is doing, but that is no reason to get violent, especially with someone who has no power to change it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh are in our thoughts and prayers here in yerushalayim too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Dolphin Club is a brainstorm. This program should be presented at the next Torah Umesorah Convention to be implemented in Jewish Day Schools and Bais Yaakov's .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to Rosenblum for calling a spade a spade. Lipman is part of the hate-fueled Yesh Atid party. One need not be charedi to understand that he is, at best, a most divisive figure. What is the RCA thinking??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everything he writes indicates that he agrees that change must come, that the status quo is untenable. The only argument here is that by its proposed cuts in financial aid and requirements for participating in the army, the government has turned back the clock. Maybe, the clock was indeed moving, but much too slow. Maybe ,just maybe, cooler heads on both sides will compromise once the maximalist positions have been stated and a middle of the road course can be mutually agreed to. That is how normal people would handle it. The tragedy is that the leaders fear the extremists and cannot openly say what changes must come. The extremists need to be put in their place and it won't happen by the government apologizing and asking forgiveness. Be realistic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't wait for my daughter to join The Dolphin Club.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Dolphin Club is a brainstorm. What a wonderful program that should be added to every Jewish curriculum in the country. This idea should be presented at the next Torah Umesorah convention.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why does he have to be so personal? Isn't it sufficient to criticize his stands on issues? Jonathan Roenblum and all the other writers know that what Dov Lipman said about the street cleaner was that it would be a chesed for a yeshiva bochur to volunteer during his vacation time to help an old man for a little while. He did not suggest that yeshiva students should become street cleaners. Writing that he did is a sign of the ugliness of those who can only use ugliness when they run out of arguments.24i
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is an example of ahavat chinum, loving all your fellow Jews. Posters #3 and #5 display sinat chinum, hatred of your fellow Jew for no reason. I agree with #7 100%.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing. Mom Katz. Wasn't sure I could get it on here at the Jewish Home, but I did.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
JEWELS is a great school that is worthy of your support!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#3 and #5: How dare you bring your divisive and hateful rhetoric to this or any website. You do not speak for the "g'dolim"and obviously do not know what a true gadol is. #3: Clearly the author of the article is superior to you in intellect and all other ways. Notice she does not call anyone foolish and writes with love about Torah and Judaism!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful! Dos Heist A Kiddush Hashem. Ashreichem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with #1. That is NOT the correct response to a potential tornado. The correct response is to go to the lowest floor of a building away from glass windows or doors. BY administrators need to have a safety visit by the State emergency management team to identify which part of their campus has the safest section for the children to wait out the storm. I do not know if BY uses trailers as temporary classroom or not, but if they do there is an extra need for timed evacuation drills from the trailers to the main buildings. Trailers are very dangerous in storms. Nice that they have drills, but let's do the drills better and safer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow that's my brother's baseball coach!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is a breath of fresh air. To the commenter who says 1800 learning deferments are not enough: you think there are more than 1800 iluyim who are giong to be gedei hador? How many rabbonim over the years have been referred to as a gadol hador? Certainly not 1800. And since gadol hador is a relative term, if every Bochur or avreich becomes a gadol hador then there won't be any gedolim as they will all be on the same madreiga. To think that everyone will be a gadol hador simply by sitting in beis medrash for years is foolish. You sir are the foolish one, not the author.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the idea is that the desk will help shield them from falling debris, in the event that they are not blown away (being completely blown away doesn\'t always happen). Any protection is better than nothing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow that was such a vital piece of information I will even recommend that idea to a few of my colleagues that live in the dangourous areas where it is more common for it to occur people say that chinch is just in terms of the ruchnis but lihavdil in gashmius as well we do not know how different storms will be as the posuk in tehillim says ruach Siora OSA Divoro thank you
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the editor of this website, how can you allow such an article to be published? Her ideas mock those of the gedolei hador.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm not sure hiding under a desk will protect you from a tornado. If tornadoes rip apart buildings, I think they would destroy a desk too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I feel your pain How indeed did it come to this mess? I hope the chareidim can see the fallacy of their ways but I am not holding my breath
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This author is a foolish person. So called "Charedim" opine that everyone who learns Torah full time should be exempt, regardless of party affiliation! As for her misguided analogy of the Israeli army to Joshua and David's army: When all of Klal Yisroel observe and learn Torah as in the days of Joshua and David, then, if needed, Bene Torah ill join the army. But now, when half the population of Israel is Mechalel Shabbos, eating Tarfus, and atheist in belief, we need all the Torah Zechus available. The 1% of the population who are not going to the army because of their occupation with full time learning only get all the smears because the secular zionists still have the goal of destryiong Torah altogether!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are many good arguments against the israeli charedi position,this article isn't one of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It\\\\\\\'s time to define the various classifications of chareidi. 1800 military deferments in not nearly indicative of the true number of avreichim who are serious Bnai Torah and deserve not to be interrupted in their Torah V\\\\\\\'ahvoidah. These Bnai Torah are our future Torah Gedolim. It\\\\\\\'s unfortunate that only 1800 deferments are available from the government. This arbitrary number should have been merit based on the true need of deferments . But, making deferments merit based would have exposed the whole underbelly of a deceitful community . Does any clear thinking individual truly believe that these protests are leshaim shamayim, or are they an extension of \\\\\\\'I\\\\\\\'m not a part of you, your rules don\\\\\\\'t apply to me? Does leshaim shamayim mean that it\\\\\\\'s acceptable to forge a letter with Hagoan Harav Chaim Kanievsky\\\\\\\'s signature urging all Bnai Yeshiva to protest against the government when two days earlier Harav Chaim and Hagoan Harav Leib Shteinman told the yeshivas not to join in any protest. Does leshaim shamayim mean padding yeshiva rosters for additional and illegal remuneration from the government. will a yeshiva report a bachur who doesn\\\\\\\'t show up to yeshiva or is that moser? Leshaim Shamayim, that\\\\\\\'s all you need to preface all kinds of unsavory undertakings for dispensation How ironic , those masses that want to preserve Klal Yisroel with their learning find it necessary to protest ,for the world to see , rather than rely on their tefillos .If they have time to interrupt their learning to protest to a secular government of \\\\\\\'bussar v\\\\\\\'dom\\\\\\\' and not have ehmunah in the Rebono Shel Ohlam they should all be in the army The Israeli Chareidi community is saturated with \\\\\\\'laidig gaiers\\\\\\\' and this part of the community should be drafted. My hope, also, is that the IDF be as strict with the children of the elitist left ,who do not serve in the army as they are with the chareidi community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Az der rebbe tantz, Tantzn ale chasidim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The pshat: BE A MENTSCH. No need for stickers, no need for tow trucks if you don't park illegally in the first place. If you are a considerate person who thinks about what impact your actions might have on others this entire discussion becomes moot. Why is that so hard? G. Berry
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What can WE do to help??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing. The Arabs' hatred of us has kept Israelis from intermarrying them en masse, and now they're keeping the Kosel kosher. Shluchei Hashem come in many disguises...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yeah, dont sticker the car, it is really annoying to get it off. If it is a rainy day, maybe write a note on cardboard with a black sharpee and then stick that baby in a ziplock bag and put underneath the windshield wipers telling him that if he does this again, we will call the tow truck!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chaverim 4104869000
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shomrim 410 358 9999
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
looking forward full recovery. Jackie Spivack
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please include a time stamp as well as date for weather-related news.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
please do not send this weather to new york i thought derecho comes every 7 years
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this tittle how to make a kosher soft pretzels? just say how to make soft pretzels.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To me, this makes no sense. Waiting between meals is gzeira by rabban, this just adding another gzeira on top of this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Israel shall dwell alone! Get used to it! Keep building!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what nonsense. The world will really love us if we destroy ourselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am invited to a meeting in a reform institution ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
More like purple. go ravens
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has been the policy of the Badatz forever!!! I obviously wouldn\'t know about Rabbanut.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you love me, support me, if you don\'t, this is a great way to get me back. Support a sick child and make me have to skate 175 miles with 300 smelly cyclist pointing at me and laughing. Shlomo Caplan
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are there more people in Baltimore with stories & interactions with the Rebbe? It will be nice to collect them - Can they email them to BJL?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Avi Fogel's donation page is:
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pretty sad when we get t schooled about freedom from Mr Putin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A great cause and wishing all the riders the best of luck and a safe ride to Camp Simcha.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Such a beautiful story - how great is the torah insight of the Rebbe. Very interesting - BTW this is a weekly story - can you publish it each week??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is the deal with pink table clothes?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So did the fine publisher of this website eat his hat? :-)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Do people realize that Sara Schenirer was considered a "radical" when she proposed establishing schools for girls. It was not a halachik issue that had denied young women access to formal Torah studies but tradition. Where would we be if she had been silenced and outcast? There is richness in a vibrant Jewish tomorrow if we can continue to recast traditional activity within the confines of Halacha in the face of an ever changing world. it just takes the ability to see the future instead of living in the past.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's never any thing anti , it sounds like they are realy shivering
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
cholov Israel??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
is this an advertisement??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the updates i started lighting an xtra candle for a refuah for mel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dark days
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Judy, Your updates are priceless and very reassuring. Your continued support of Mel as he recuperates is #2 reason he is doing so well. #1, of course, is the guiding hand of HaShem as He sees to every little detail along this long road. Keep up your strength and continue updating all of us who treasure Mel. Give him my best regards. Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So so sad, whether you agree with those who feel that all citizens of Israel should serve in the armed forces including charedim, or you disagree...assaulting a fellow Jew who is a member of TZAHAL and who ultimately is willing to sacrifice his life to protect you (even so that you can sit and Torah) is unacceptable.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am so happy Bais Yaakov has kept this program. The first year they did it was when my daughter was in third grade as a response to the 9-11 attacks. It was a beautiful presentation then and knowing Bais Yaakov, it just got better with age. Kudos to the hard working teachers!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Boruch Hashem and yes, we will continue to daven for a full and speedy healing. Thank you for posting these regular updates. King family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this on Baltimore Jewish Life?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#6 They didn't serve treif. O'Fishel did a great job with the food and the Associated is making their events open to the whole jewish community. Mordichai Ben David would not have drawn the crowd, nor would seperate seating.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great video!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, when Gedolei HaDor say don't demonstrate, you post that, but when Gedolei HaDor denounce Lapid and Lipman, you still post articles which support them. Hmmm. Obvious pattern.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was it really necessary to publish this right before shabbat?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the chareidim must be very proud - even the goyim are emulating them - they terrorize others therefore they are terrorists - it doesnt matter if you are jewish, \\\"frum\\\", goyim or chareidim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Mel, you have touched the lives of so many in our community in such a positive way. We are so happy to hear the good news about the progress you continue to make. Hope you have a great shabbos. Let us know when you are ready visitors Devorah Vidal and family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's not put paid ads in the "local news" section. It may be local, but it's certainly not "news".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The path out of poverty is thru education. In spite of huge government social programs the extreme poverty in the NY area Charedei community is a self inflicted wound. Could it happen here? Sure could. The formula of very large families, no real secular education or job skills, and no family support will result in local poverty. The antidote to poverty? EDUCATION!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kind of an alarm call from Hashem reminding us that nothing is hidden from Him! If flesh & blood can do this, then kal v'chomer the Abishter!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope these guys sit in jail for a while
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for keeping us updated
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mel & Judy, you are mechazek us all every day. may you continue to bring us these great reports Miriam Robbins
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When you dehumanize those you disagree with , you are on the road to genocide. it is wrong to demonize other people just because they do not agree with you on religion or politics. This boy might think it is funny but there are crazy people out there who do crazy things, like shooting Yitzchak rabin and think that is what a good Jew should do. We have to be menchen first and then holy, anshei kodesh. E.Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a camp or yeshiva should definitely buy. it would be a welcome addition to the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For those that love Lakewood so much - if it's that cheap and marvelous to live there, why don't you move there already!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#2: how sad that you can\'t be open minded that there are all different kinds of Jews and hashkafos. Everyone has to be like you or they\'re all bad and wrong? Research the reasons behind some of these things before being so judgemental. Facts are that Lakewood is doing something right. There\'s a reason the majority of young couples are opting to live there. More than half of every graduating Bais Yaakov Baltimore class is moving there after they get married. Let\'s face it, tuition is half the price of what it is here as well as almost every expense. When I tell my Lakewood friends how much I pay for certain food items here they are shocked that a frum family can afford to live here. I\'m lucky that I have simchos about once a month in lakewood and can stock up on food but for those who aren\'t there often, you would never believe the price differences on all the heimeshe food (not to mention the much larger selection). And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is that Lakewood is an affordable place to raise a large frum family and has been built to accomodate this. Life there is convenient. The word \"carpool\" is almost non-existent. The only drawback is the level of gashmius that seems to permeate most sections of Lakewood. A typical Baltimore house would seem like a garage to most Lakewooders and is perhaps the one reason why anyone is still living out of town. Its definitely gotten out of hand there and there is tremendous pressure to conform (i.e. children always in matching clothes, top of the line strollers) But besides that, now that Lakewood has become much more open minded in terms of working and fitting into the American mainstream it is the perfect place to raise a frum family which is proven in its continued explosive growth.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if this doesn't wake people up to the evil that is Barack Obama, nothing will
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And perhaps the biggest draw of Lakewood- affordable tuition. If only we could duplicate that here!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For low-income seniors needing legal assistance, contact Senior Legal Services (part of the Balto Bar) at 410-396-1322.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a wonderful example of how much children can accomplish when a teacher truly believes in the capabilities of her students and provides opportunities for them to shine! Kol Hakavod to the OCA students and their star teacher, Becca Friedman! - Chavi Abramson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#4 And had they served treif would you have said the same thing ? Thats what they did in essence.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
6-6-2013 Some people perceive learning Torah as an act of devotion in the same way that Davening or doing various Mitzvos such as Tefilin are acts of religious devotion. And learning Torah can be that. But the arena of learning Torah is much much more than that. Learning Torah is the frontier of discovery and adventure. Only someone who is completely immersed in a learning environment such as the Bais Medrash in Lakewood (and others such a Telshe in Cleveland or Torah Vadaas and Mirrer in Brooklyn) truly experiences the uniquely compelling and epiphany type feeling that true learning provides. And it is addictive in the sense that once you feel it you do not wish to stop - ever. This is a rarefied atmosphere that most will never experience fist hand. But these small enclaves have been at the center of Jewish communities since the beginning. And those who have been a part of it understand and know how vital these small communities within communities are to us as a people. May Hashem send us leaders and teachers who understand all this and can convey these truths to our people. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi O, This is a direct result of the Yesh Atid campaign which has galvanized even the most moderate Chareidim into a harder line position. The poverty that will result is on Yair Lapid's head. Foolish, left to themselves the Chareidim would have kelp on moving in the direction Lakewood has gone-MORE FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL THAT ITS COLLEGE EDUCATED SOUTHRN NEIGHBOR -- BALTIMORE!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#2 I disagree. Lakewood has more financial and institutional success that our hometown, Baltimore despite the fact that Balitmore\'s NIRC is way more open to college education. The reason lies in the core of this article\'s point-Lakewood has embraced the capitalist concept of MAKING MONEY-LOTS OF IT, while Baltimore talmidim and residents are still ambivalent about material success. This i the crux of our local challenge to support, grow and start new community mosdos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mel: A speedy recovery! The road may be long but you are clearly up for the ride. David Shapiro
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To above! I agree totally you said it fabously . There are good and bad in every religion. Just because you ate a religious Jew doesn't make u a great person!!! There vials much more to a person than their dress.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, that is really an amazing vort! I always wondered why Shabbos Rosh Chodesh was yom-tov-dik in it\'s Mussaf prayer. Thank you R. Kaganoff!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
# 2 Fellow Baltimoron.... Why the hate? Why the inability to understand that some people have different beliefs than you do? I think that is sad!! When was the last time you were in Lakewood? Did you not read the article that talks about how many men do go to college, that many open businesses? No you chose to ignore the main thrust of the article just to spew your hate and venom. Time for an an attitude adjustment!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: Once again, that's a silly comment. This was not an Orthodox-only function. This was an event for ALL of Jewish Baltimore. Because someone is not frum doesn't make them a poor role model. We all know there are plenty of frum people who would be poor role models for our children as well. There are good and bad people everywhere. If you do the right job, YOU are your children's role models.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hi Mel, I davened for you at the Kotel and will continue to do so now that I am back home in Baltimore. May Hashem hear all our Tefillot for a Refuah Shlaimah for Moshe Ben Tzion Ben Leah Rachel. Sincerely, Rachel Eilberg
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Logic dictates that patents would drool over boys who actually get an education that's applicable regarding making a living and feeding a family rather than boys who's perpetual learning sentences their daughter and umpteen children to perpetual poverty. In guess logic doesn't apply in this case. Forget college, how about a trade school at least. A man is obligated to work to support the family - it says so right in bereishis. "By the sweat of your brow..." This stuff they learn in FIRST GRADE! I guess they forgot it during all the Gemara learning. Perpetual learning night and day for years is not mentioned in the Torah. Working for a living is. This article does describe Lakewood to a T - and it's sad.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for an excellent,and well written article. I think perhaps, there's a little more gashmius (materialism) there than your writer indicated, but overall-it described Lakewood to a T.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\'\'Mattisyahu held a meet & greet for area teens \"......hope the meeting didnt last too long, he makes a terrible impression on todays youth. He has quit on his religion , when the whole phenomenom that got him where he is today, was his religious look & garb. He has taken off his Yarmulka, beard , and Payot in the last 12 months. Whether u are a religious teen , or Jewish but un-affiliated teen, we only have one lesson to learn from him.....a bad one ! Don\'t quit like day religious, one day not ? I\'d keep my kids away from him
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry #1, other Jews are allowed to celebrate the State of Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
where's the "like" button for this post?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Matisyahu doesnt wear a yarmulka ? This is a celebration ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I was in TA camp in 1988, swimming was at this club. Rabbi Yitzchok Pollock was the camp director. Rabbi Dinovitzer I think was head counselor.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#1. Just because some people don't express closeness to Hashem as a reason for making Aliya, doesn't mean it's not the case. People tend to internalize those feelings, but it exists.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
With all due respect, quite the contrary. You express the idea of someone who does symbolic acts without thought. People are more concerned with the land of Israel than they are with the performance of all of the Torah and its Mitzvos. Many people i know make aliyah and there's no mention of being closer to Hashem. It's all about Judaism on a cultural level. I think aliyah is a beautiful thing, but as you express, when properly thought through for the right reasons.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Get on the case TOVS!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have have spoken to Rabbi Bleich about this and he tends to opine the birth mother is the real mother in Halacha. As for Michael Broyde, the writer is not up to date. He has been let go by the RCA and the Beis Din of America.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful event! Already looking forward to next year's!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Terrible Chilul Hashem. In this day and age we are expected to be at out best. The world is judging us and these stories don't help our public image. If I were a passenger on that flight, I would have been so embarrased. I hope the Yeshiva of Flatbush has the common sense to write a sincere apology letter.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As the esteemed Rabbi points out, the drawing is not to scale and all of the relevant bits are labelled. As a schematic describing Rambam's interpretation of the exceedingly difficult section in Parshas Terumah, describing the number, configuration, and direction of the cups, balls, flowers, etc. on the _ends_ of the branches, it is excellent (though far from uncontested, as I have yet to see any commentators agree unequivocably on any aspect of the Menorah - even Moshe, who was shown an image of it by Hashem Yisborach directly, couldn't get his head around it (Rashi)). The point of making a detail study or schematic is to show just that, the detail you want to focus on. In the case of this drawing, the point is clearly to show the orientation, number, and order of the features described at the end of the branches. It does so exceedingly well. It does not show the branches themselves, nor does the "3D image" accurately depict the drawing - otherwise the branch would consist entirely of cups! (Or, if you were to argue that the branches are not shown to scale, on what basis do you extrapolate them as straight, as they are not shown at all?) Furthermore, speaking from experience, it is almost impossible to accurately and reasonably draw a piecewise structure with curvature - much less to repeat it six times! As an experiment, with modern paper and pencil - and eraser - try to draw 6 triangles, one vertex of each touching the base opposite the previous, aligned such that the chain of traingles forms an even curve. Then draw five more next to it, keeping it aligned. THEN talk about how it would be just as easy for the artist to do it curved. Doing so would not merely be (almost) impossible, it would be complately unnecessary as well. The point is to show the configuration, not the complete structure. If I recall correctly, the curve on the bottom is not even labelled explicitly as the base - the only labelled bits are pertaining to the details from Terumah. The curved base could just as easily been to show that the branches are MEANT to be curved (as the base itself was not curved). It could also just show the orientation so you know what you're looking at. Perhaps Rambam thought that it was so obvious that the branches would be curved that he didn't want to waste time and precious writing material with something the reader already knew, preferring to focus on something that even confused Moshe. One historical question, on what basis is any sketch created 1200 years after the last living person would have seen a given object, a sketch drawn 20 generations afterwrds, by someone who had never seen it, who was trying to make clear a series of difficult verses, on basis could such a thing ever be viewed as "evidence" or "accurate"? On what basis does such absolute faith and certainty as to the intent of a commentator's drawing for a section in Menachos, how does such a thing arise? Declaring that one's interpetation of a commentator's supplemental explanatory material is not only correct, but is also an unimpeachable historical representation - whilst declaring all contemporary evidence, as well as the traditions and depictions of every community throughout the restt of time, as worthless or highly questionable - is intellectually dishonest. Rambam wasn't there. He's not an ayd - nor was it his intent to be such. He was explaining detail. He wasn't there. One other note - we don't even know if it is from Rambam's hand, technically. It was included in a manuscript purchased around 300 years after Rambam was niftar. I do not know if it was included in any other manuscript, nor is its lineage unimpeachable. -Layv Avimelech
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bloomberg is a fool.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth!!! G-d has a special place for people like these.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It\'s Korach all over again and this is happening during parshas Korach! Rav Lchem my dear ladies!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Were the shooters drinking large bottles of soda?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow - I do hope this type of situations are part of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) planning
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good point #5. Plus, there is no other country in the "western world" that is under constant threat of annihilation. There is a great need to serve the country in some capacity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yankie Statman - can I be your friend?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My head\'s about to explode: if he\'s an atheist he believes this doesn\'t exist. If he believes it is a valuable asset, then he DOES believe it exists in which case he\'s not a true atheist...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much money did you raise?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is an eight year old doing with access to a cell phone for anything but emergencies! I say less video/computer games and more going outside to play with REAL people!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazal tov! Simply amazing how well you are representing Baltimore and your family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand what this piece is doing here. Sure it is exciting and tittilating because the shule is probably conservative or reform. The picture is obnoxious and I think the whole thing is probably loshon hora. George Schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Mazel tov, Meirah! Very proud the SCW Valedictorian is from Baltimore!
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Yochanan Danziger is the son of Rabbi S Danziger a former Rebbe in Hirsch HS in Washington Heights.
Comment by george schwartz
They are not dressed to appear \"orthodox\". After doing a little research, they also have a belief in modesty. They are simply dressing the way they always do.
Comment by george schwartz
Note that this synagogue is in Connecticut -- do not confuse it with the Beth El Congregation in Baltimore.
Comment by george schwartz
The Ezras Torah book said it this way.
Comment by george schwartz
\"He told them that they are all to be praised because, in his mind, they are all volunteers. Even though there is universal draft, he knows that, as observant men, they could have all found a way to escape army service. Therefore they are to be praised for joining the fighting unit of Netzach Yehudah.\" And those that decided to go to yeshiva instead of the army are even bigger heros. Yes. I believe that with all my heart. I know many bachurim that had great offers from the army and turned them doen in order to learn Torah. Note that I have the utmost respect for all the chayalim. But I do have even more respect for those spending their time in the beis Medrash. BTW, Rav bar Chaim is a big tzaddik. I personally have a lot of hakaras hatov to him as a mechanech of my son in a yeshiva ketana in Yerushalayim.
Comment by george schwartz
But these \"divinity exemptions\" are not for people who are entering the clergy to serve the worshipers. These are people who do nothing but sit around and study Torah. They don\'t teach it or preach it for a living, they simply learn it in lieu of having a productive job or alternative conscientious-objector service. If the \"charedim\" in other countries also work as well as learn, why not those in Israel, a country that certainly needs productive citizens.
Comment by george schwartz
(5/31/13) Mr. Szojchet, very well put - thank you - i believe that a main reason why those even from "frum" families go off the derech is that they are in fact in the category of "tinok shenishbah - a captive child" - unfortunately it seems that the tradition of ours is being passed down as a set of rules (dont do this, dont do that, you must do this etc...) instead of the beauty of yiddishkeit being given over, so the "younger" generation mainly sees the limitations of being "frum" but not the true benefit or beauty of being "frum" - therefore they are likely in the same category of one who has never been exposed to "true" yiddishkeit - i purposely put the word "frum" in quotes as it has no viable definition anymore, many who are "frum" keep shabbos and kosher yet cheat on their taxes or park illegally or use their hand held cell phones while driving - these people are obviously not "frum" - they are like those charedi terrorists who throw bottles and stones at other jews or non jews - they selectively choose what to keep and not to keep regardless of the safety of others - good shabbos - name withheld so as not to be judged
Comment by george schwartz
I'm wondering - does anybody know if this record of calls that Krauthammer has access to include incoming calls?
Comment by george schwartz
Commenter #2: It is a shame you neglect to think before posting your comments. Mr. Cohn provides you and all of us with the news tidbits that are of interest to us as Shomrei Torah uMitzvos. Unfortunately, Lapid is a force to be dealt with due to his position as Finance Minister. Lipman, as Lapid's poor excuse for "Haredi" support, also becomes a factor. Your assault on Mr. Cohn would apply to all of the other members of frum media and reporting. If you don't like the fact that Lapid and Lipman are getting attention, you can follow the Gedolim (who you allege Mr. Cohn opposes) and stay off of these websites and the internet in general.
Comment by george schwartz
Please write the yiddish text for the molad
Comment by george schwartz
Comment #1-Do you know of any Rav that supports Lipman and Lapid? Please name one from any direction of the spectrum. Their plans are to remove thousands of 21 year olds who want to learn from the BM. All western countries have divinity exemptions and not Israel? And not for Torah?
Comment by george schwartz
Jeff Cohn, you clearly have an anti-Gedolim, anti-charedi agenda, what gives? You give Lapid and Lipman all the attention you can.
Comment by george schwartz
How do you know this?
Comment by george schwartz
Why do we assume the gab aim
Comment by george schwartz
Do our legislators know about this? Are they taking steps to make this sneaky practice illegal? Thank you for the alert!
Comment by george schwartz
What exactly is there in this video that leads the chareidi askanim to compare him to Adolf Hitler? What exactly do they fear that prevents them from considering Yair Lapid a decent human being and why do they have a pathological need to turn Dov Lipman into a charicature of every stereotype that they despise? Why don't the normal frum Jews speak up?
Comment by george schwartz
The e-cigarette help me quick smoking.
Comment by george schwartz
great cash grab - typical for MD!
Comment by george schwartz
5-31-2013 There are numerous reasons why a Jew may end up embracing their religion. Many Jews have been estranged from their own people. Some due to being born to non-observant parents, some were raised by gentiles and some were either rejected or repulsed by their Jewish communities. It is hard for us as observant Jews to admit this, but the truth is that the many gentile communities will often embrace some of our own virtues and ideals better than we do. Judging people is one of the major criticism against the contemporary observant Jewish community. To turn our backs on our estranged brethren will not show them the wisdom of our ways, it will only confirm their grievances. We must be patient and understanding and wise in how we deal with all of our people, observant, at risk or non-observant to show them they have a place and we have The Way. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
My only question is how is Judaism passed from the mothers side if the first Jew was Abraham? Was it not him that God made his covenant with?
Comment by george schwartz
I used to live in Binghamton and have never heard of Truxton. Must be a really small place. I hope for the best for all the family members and friends of these people.
Comment by george schwartz
we just renewed our health insurance (year goes from July 1 to June 30). We were told that the rates will only be in force and effect till Dec 31, 2013 because of the new laws taking effect on Jan 1, 2014. I assume that they are preparing to cancel us as of that date and that we will be looking for new insurance as of Sept 15.
Comment by george schwartz
i would like to hear others' opinion on this.someone whom I respect told me that there is no point in pointing out the faults of the fanatics to a readership such as you all because none of you belong to that group and none of you have any influence on them. Thus all I am accomplishing is sinas chinam and I should keep my pen dry andmy mouth shut.Is he right? E.Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks so Much for the updates
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Purim came a bit early this year....
Comment by george schwartz
Brilliant!! Add some Dr. Seuss-style illustrations and you have a best-seller!
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
#1 I like you don\\\'t have significant money to give to a great mood like Mir. However, I go with my head held high to listen to words of chizzuk and Torah and walk out without giving anything. I suggest you do the same. Nate
Comment by george schwartz
Many happy and healthy returns of the day! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. The King family
Comment by george schwartz
Mazal Tov on your birthday. Ad Meah Vesrim Healthy years together with Judy, Your children & Grandchildren. Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
To #1: No one is stopping you from going to listen. You can give what you can. Unless, of course, you choose to wallow in self-pity and feel jealous of others.
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I know what the Halacha is, and by "frummie" standards, a Christian can be Jewish; but to me, once an erstwhile Jew accepts Jesus, he/she forfeits any link to Judaism and the Jewish people.
Comment by george schwartz
Happy birthday and many more til .120
Comment by george schwartz
Dear Mel: May you continue to have a speedy refuah shlaima. A Happy May 28th birthday to us both. Judy, I plan to be back in Baltimore before this Shabbos. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Bernie K.
Comment by george schwartz
Love you Mel. Love to your family too. Let me know if you need any help OT wise when you get home. I am happy to help. Shoshana Shamberg
Comment by george schwartz
I believe the Halacha is that if born to a Jewish mother you are always Jewish. Maybe by today's frummie standards that's no longer the case, but that's how it used to be.
Comment by george schwartz
I don't have any money like these guys. I guess I don't qualify to hear words of Torah from these rabbonim. Oh well.
Comment by george schwartz
Some young ladies were scouring our neighborhood today and I told them they were in the wrong neighborhood. They looked disappointed.
Comment by george schwartz
Cantor is a "multimillionaire Jewish businessman"? I would correct that designation by changing "is" to "was", eliminating the word "Jewish", or changing "Jewish" to "ex-Jewish" or "formerly Jewish".
Comment by george schwartz
'My husband didn't choose to be born this way,' Ms. Bruce said. And the employer, or government, or maybe ME are supposed to pay for that? Typical liberal/Democrat. As ridiculous as the "Independence Card" that does everything BUT make people independent. Get it straight everyone. The rest of America is not going to continue to pay your way.
Comment by george schwartz
I believe it is better not to take their material as they base their stats on how much is distributed.
Comment by george schwartz
They came to my door. I politely took the pamphlet they gave me. Then tore it up and threw it in the trash.
Comment by george schwartz
Mrs. Eagle is amazing - Thanks for your leadership !! (and thanks to david eagle for supporting you ;)
Comment by george schwartz
I'm sure Shomrim was reviewing the tape AFTER it happened.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstein is trying (I believe) to warn us about what could happen here if we are not careful. Deracheha darchei noam- frumkeit should be "normal." R' Yochanan ben Zakkai had to sneak out of Yerushalayim because of this type of zealotry to compromise with the Romans. This is an exestential issue for our people. The worst part is it has a paradoxical effect of diminishing Torah in the long run. We absolutely need full time scholarship on as large a level as possible, but that cannot be divorced from the Jewish People in toto. Do we look at the kanoim and say "fortunate is his father who taught him Torah?"
Comment by george schwartz
Instead of filming it why didn\'t anyone try to help?
Comment by george schwartz
Some Sherer saw that there was no concept in Israel of trying to explain your position and making others understand .It was all fights and name calling,much like today.Jonathan has done a masterful job of defending what often is incomprehensible to others, as has his former partner in this ventureAvi Shafran. Unfortuantely, Rabbi Sherer is not here and tghe whole concept has declined. Right now, the chareidi world is under tremendous pressure and its way of dealing with change is counter productive. If you watch the Knesset channel you wonder how the Gedolim picked these guys to be their mouthpieces. They interupt and insult ad hominem and act in a way that makes their opponents want to stick it to them. So, I hope Jonathan succeeds in his own way in calming the waters. The article he refers to does seem to paint a negative but accurate view but is one sided and only picks the bad side He only picks the good side. I miss Rabbi Sherer. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
Muslims threatening harm to others who don\'t share their crazy beliefs is the same terror as rabbis and Chareidi blowhards who threaten physical harm or even death to those who disagree with them. Same with throwing rocks and dirty diapers at people who disagree with them. What is the literal meaning of \"Chareidi\" and \"frum\"?? Certainly not representative of the actions and attitudes of those that call themselves such. Rabbi oberstein\'s analysis is a breath of fresh air. It\'s also ironic that some of the same American yeshivish experts who hold the Israeli Chareidi \"education\" system to be so sacred are the same ones who took their BTLs to goyishe law schools.
Comment by george schwartz
Jeff- why would you put the word "terror" in the title. An irresponsible word ot be used in this context. Rabbi Oberstein, you are a very eloquent writer. why not put your talents to use for many other critical issues facing our community right here in Baltimore, instead of opining non-stop about one issue impacting our brothers in E'Y?
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Really!?!?!?!?!? How Is It Even Possible That The United States Ogf America Has A Fool As Vice President- Joe Biden The Fool
Comment by george schwartz
yasher koach Rabbi Oberstein for your honest views on life in eretz yisrael. we support you.
Comment by george schwartz
DAVID BEN GURION emasculated the office of President because he wanted all the power for himself and didn't agree with Chaim Weizmann's policies. Shimon Peres is the last of the founding generation and was in politics before Yuval Steinitz was born. He is a pie in the sky optimist, who wants peace so much that he imagines that his vision is a reality instead of a mirage. I wish it were true. It would save lives and make the world a better place. But it is what it is. I think that Shimon Peres is smarter at 90 than most people at 50. Halevai we should be as healthy and smart as he is when we ,G-d willing, reach his age.Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by george schwartz
WOW! BARUCH HASHEM. Please keeps these posts coming, they give us great Chizuk. Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I just spent an hour and eight and half minutes watching this video and it was worth every second! Am Yisroel Chai
Comment by george schwartz
The cult of charedim against the army have as much concern for Yidishkeit as Jews for J. The problem is the charedi press that fools naïve American Jews that this draft thing is not all about money. Trillions of dollars are given to charedim that don't wear the army uniform from people that do. Now, the majority of Jews want to stop giving the people that bite the hand that feeds them. It is that simple. That is the "gzeiras shmad" how ironic!
Comment by george schwartz
Hang in there! All the customers that Mel has so graciously helped are davening for him now. We will help in any way we can. Please keep on updating us we want to do something to help.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank G-d a mature voice over a naive one
Comment by george schwartz
Wow! yes, of course he is right. It is time parents wake up and stop this terrible trend. The underage drinking at simchas has become a disgrace.
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for updating
Comment by george schwartz
Refua shlayma Mel. I think you\'ve helped everybody in this community at one time or another. We are pulling for you now.
Comment by george schwartz
Put your money where your mouth is! Don\'t give donations to people who actively promote hatred. Blau is considered an ish chinuch. In my book he is dirt. Recently I didn\'t give a donation to someone with a hamlatza from Rav Rosenberger of Bet Shemesh. Remember him? He thinks that Rav Shteinman is a nobody. Afra l\'pumei. Hapeles is known for writing against Rav Shteinman and the chayalim in mea shearim. The world is crazy here. Again: Put your money where your mouth is! Don\'t give toldos aharon. They trashed the city because a woman was accused of starving her child. Don\'t give the Eida. The Gaavad believes that Elior Chen is innocent. There\'s more.
Comment by george schwartz
How do you know he is a yeshiva bachur? If he is maybe he has an off Shabbos.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstien, now you know how Yirmiyahu hanavi felt.
Comment by george schwartz
Wow The Rabbanim Are Always There
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
refuah shlaima from a customer
Comment by george schwartz
I'm not surprised to hear about his progress.
Comment by george schwartz
The link is working. Tizku LeMitzvos
Comment by george schwartz
It's not there.
Comment by george schwartz
To #1- he should be fine he is a boy and probably from a rich thornhill family.
Comment by george schwartz
Excellent! Well said!
Comment by george schwartz
Where is the Belzer Rebbe on condemning this harassment of soldiers ?
Comment by george schwartz
the link for donating isn't working
Comment by george schwartz
McLouth clearly caught the ball. Not only is he missing night seder, he's telling a sheker. There is no shidduch resume that can recover from this.
Comment by george schwartz
Will the interview be archived? I can\\\'t listen at that time. Perhaps the recording can be uploaded to this website.
Comment by george schwartz
consiracy anybody?? Jay Bernstein must have been hijacked by the Charedei movement.....
Comment by george schwartz
boruch hashem
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the updates each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
We will keep the prayers coming! We do appreciate your updates so much! So happy things are moving in the right direction!
Comment by george schwartz
by the way- please be especially careful when driving on Park Heights between Clarks and Shaari Zion. The water is pooling into most of the right lane. Just be aware, so you don't splash anyone. Thank You!!
Comment by george schwartz
If you watch this, you see how Israelis discuss anything. They talk and don't let the other side get a word in edgewise. Instead of fighting the government, why can't they work in peace.Instaed of calling it a Shaas Hashamd, why not teach a student basic subjects so they can earn a living.
Comment by george schwartz
wow; how predictable was the "local news" comment? Fellow baltimoron - get a grip - is it really that important/worthy of comment if a story should be considered local or not?? sheesh... let's give the local news question a rest... OK??
Comment by george schwartz
To Judy abd family, we all have you & Mel in our thoughts and "t'fillos" everyday. Karen Cohn
Comment by george schwartz
beautiful words!
Comment by george schwartz
Local news?
Comment by george schwartz
Are they that naive?
Comment by george schwartz
We are all out here davening & cheering Moshe BenTzion B Leah Rochel on! D&S Zaslow
Comment by george schwartz
Hi, Judy! Please email me at any time, I am looking forward to meeting you! leibtag [at] gmail [dot] com
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Amen to everything that Miriam says!
Comment by george schwartz
I like your article and know how right you are. We are following in your footsteps and will be arriving on Alyah BE"H this summer. How can we reach you? Judy Rosen
Comment by george schwartz
Amen. May Hashem give you both the strength to overcome all hurdles that you may be faced with. We are all davening for you both. Miriam Robbins
Comment by george schwartz
Wow, very refreshing that a Dov Lippmann article doesn\'t have 85 comments. Seems like Dov Lippmann fatigue is setting in......
Comment by george schwartz
2 judges on other venues disagreed with this judge.....I hope they take this to the limit and jail her for contempt if she fails to tell what she knows and who else knew it. The IRS playing with lives for political reasons is unfair, no matter who is being targetted. Next month it could be you....
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch Hashem, halevai vaiter! Mel's name is being given to a chosson/kallah tomorrow. Let's hear continued good news!
Comment by george schwartz
So we are getting a one sided screed - thanks Shalom USA for nothing.
Comment by george schwartz
Go Mel!
Comment by george schwartz
It\'s the ONLY group in the Orthodox community that offers the "OTHER" side!!
Comment by george schwartz
Will they allow another side - or is it going to be a typical fawning interview with a master spin artist?
Comment by george schwartz
The haters coming out. Why can't people appreciate that other have different customs and ways???
Comment by george schwartz
Looking forward to another informative show from Shalom USA
Comment by george schwartz
Ill be davenng for him at the kosel - leaving to Israel tomorrow
Comment by george schwartz
Mel - and your whole family- is in our prayers every day. May HaShem send him a refuah shleimah and you the koach you need to make it through these days. Please send him best wishes from the whole Toso family.
Comment by george schwartz
You can't even see the bride and groom. Not good videography. And where were the women? Hello, a girl has her friends and family too.
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch hashem each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Baruch Hashem
Comment by george schwartz
Susan, let's hope that lots of people take you up on your offer. Leah Schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
I'd love to run the shtreimel concession for one of these!
Comment by george schwartz
Call me stupid, but who is this and why was this wedding such a big deal?
Comment by george schwartz
Circle those wagons!
Comment by george schwartz
fascinating... maybe now they can go on a field trip to the town that is in the west bank flying the nazi flag...
Comment by george schwartz
Tell the moron to stay home and mind his own business. American intervention only causes the loss of Jewish lives.
Comment by george schwartz
If you didn't already know it, the Baltimore frum community is amazing! Actually, we are all amazing. Refuah shelaima
Comment by george schwartz
It was an awesome event. Thank you Hindy Leeder and all the other volunteers for making this years carnival such a success. Can't wait to do or all again next year.
Comment by george schwartz
Hatzalah is a classy organization and everything they do is always done in such a tasteful manner. I have experienced their care first hand and they are the best. I urge anyone who can join the Chai club to join. For less than a dollar a day, you can help out Hatzalah and their volunteers who give up their time and energy for the community. And special thanks to the wives and families of Hatzalah who sacrifice daily (and nightly) as well. Help THEM help US!!!
Comment by george schwartz
I would like to clarify the title of this article. This is not "text hacking", this would be called text spam. Most people are familiar with the word spam from the many random emails that show up in their inbox that are essentially junk mail. Just like you get ads from Papa Johns in your physical mailbox, so to with email you receive a bunch of garbage that you don't want. Lucky for you there are filters that can be put in place to block these messages from your inbox. Wouldn't that be nice if we could do that with the U.S. Mail? Back to the issue on hand. DO NOT CLICK AN UNKNOWN LINK! This text message is simple, if a person wanted to send you a private message, why wouldn't they just text you? Our curiosity sometimes gets the best of us and that is where people get into trouble. This specific incident is commonly referred to as mobile malware. You may think malware is just viruses or spyware built for computers, but the reality is that with the increasing number of smartphone users, it is becoming a big business to sell mobile malware. Malware by definition stands for malicious software and that is exactly what this is. Many people do NOT have unlimited text messages and if your phone sends a message to your 500 contacts you are going to pay for it. This is why this is very dangerous. If people keep clicking the link it stays alive. I have not analyzed this specific malware in a lab environment, so hopefully it is nothing more than a spam generator and people have little to worry about. People can report the number that the message came from as spam online. Leor London
Comment by george schwartz
If you believe that I have a bridge to sell to you
Comment by george schwartz
We would be remiss not to note that Bnos Yisroel went over and beyond in hosting at no charge this wonderful event. Gadi Brody and school director Mrs. Ahuvah Heyman did everything to ensure that their facilities were the perfect setting for a carnival. I would also like to comment what a Kiddush Hashem the students made in their tireless dedication to their jobs and the Tznius Erlich manner in which they presented themselves. Kudos. A Proud Bnos Yisroel Parent
Comment by george schwartz
You probably don't want to have the link as a hyperlink, so that someone doesn't click it...
Comment by george schwartz
Utica Avenue and Sterling Place are in The Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, not Williamsburg.
Comment by george schwartz
That picture is NOT of Rabbi Ginsburg.
Comment by george schwartz
i was wondering why there were 9 police cars with sirens on driving to the high school!
Comment by george schwartz
Each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Please know that Moshe Ben Tzion ben Leah Rachel is in my tefila every single day. Give Mel my best regards and wishes for a refuah shleima and a return to a boring work schedule. I\'ll bet he\'ll never think things are boring again! Regards, Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by george schwartz
This article is biased against Torah Judaism. FRom the trashing of Agriprocessors to the unsupported accusations against the OU, it has a nasty slant. Face it - Magen Tzedek failed to win market share. They didn't build a better mousetrap.
Comment by george schwartz
sad when our actions are the same as those who hate us...
Comment by george schwartz
Obama reminds me of Sgt. Schultz. (Hogan's Hero's)
Comment by george schwartz
why is this news?
Comment by george schwartz
Amen to #1 !
Comment by george schwartz
We are happy to hear that there is some improvement. We will continue to daven for a complete refuah shelaima. Chaim and Shulamit Gartenhaus
Comment by george schwartz
More like the perp figured that no one in the haredi school would know what marijuana was and wouldn't get suspicious.
Comment by george schwartz
Yes! I knew it wasn\\\\\\\'t just baalat teshuvot that smoked. Anyone got their shidduch resume?
Comment by george schwartz
Hope, shmope, people can't pay their bills because they can't get a job because they don't have an education. The charedi schools need to teach basic subjects for getting a job and the kids need to go to the army to prepare them for life outside of the yeshiva.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Oberstein- We can only hope.
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the update may each day have an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
It is sad and heart wrenching to see so many fellow Jews voicing their own opinions without regard to the clear opinions of the Torah Scholars \"of our day and age\". I too agree with all those who are saying that the people need to support themselves and that this will only bring good to the Torah society. But WHO AM I? I submit my opinion to the opinion of our teachers who know better. I too know the Mishna in Pirkei Avos and all the sources that are being quoted to support his views. But dear brothers and sisters, ARE THE RABBIS WHO ARE TELLING US TO REJECT HIS VIEWS LESS KNOWLEDGEABLE THEN WE ARE? Of course they know all those sources and can probably list many many more! BUT THEY KNOW BETTER! How sad it is that knowledgeable people on this forum have the \"answers\", even though it conforms very strongly with their opinions, emotions, and limited knowledge. My dear Brethren, I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! I PROMISE! And I am crying... Please cry along with me. Any one of us who did not finish the whole Talmud many times please let\'s keep quiet! The audacity (and I know it comes from misunderstanding our role and the strength of our opinions) is ludicrous to the nth degree! Let\'s repent and consider what the true Talmidei Chachamim of our generation such as Rav Feldman Shlita and Rav Kanievsky Shlita are telling us. It is brutally hard to put aside our own cherished opinions and to listen and accept those of those who are much much smarter than us. BUT THE SCHAR IS THAT MUCH GREATER! May we all be blessed with all good. children who are healthy and Talmidei Chachamim, and the blessing that is prayed for before Havdala on Motzoei Shabbos, to merit TRUST in the Torah Scholars of each generation!
Comment by george schwartz
Oh goodness what are succumbing too. It will never pass at least I don\\\'t think but cant even fathom of what will happen to the Holyland if it were ever to be voted on and pass. The Gra was right, the generation of Noach would be the one to see the coming of Meshiach only in its worst and last stage.
Comment by george schwartz
This is a load of crock! Cell phones have ZERO affect on aircraft avionics. They are assigned to different frequencies and the cell phone's signal is too weak to cause any problems. A plane's compass uses GPS and standard compensated magnetic signals, it is impossible that a cell phone transmission signal threw it off.
Comment by george schwartz
Maybe this will wake up Mr. Lipman.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you for the heads up! Forewarned is forearmed
Comment by george schwartz
It's baffling that Mr. Rosenblum would blithely dismiss the ongoing violence toward women at the Kotel as old news. If it's still happening that means the Haredi leaders do not care enough about it to put a stop to it. Instead of worrying about what's going on on the other side of the mechitza, why don't we clean up our own act? If we do, most like the other problems at the Wall will dissipate.
Comment by george schwartz
Will I Be The Only Person To Thank Someone For The Update. I Mean Seriously Why Give So Many Negative Comments And Be Thankful. Use the Saying If Do Not Have Anything Good To Say Or Write Then Just Do Not Say Or Write It. You Do Not Need To Comment On EveryThing. Thank You BALTIMORE JEWISH LIFE For The Update.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you for the update
Comment by george schwartz
This is the best news I've heard in a long time
Comment by george schwartz
You neglect to mention the fact that many of these yeshiva girls who were ordered to attend this protest were traumatized emotionally - they were very upset that they were put in the position of crowding out other Jewish women who wanted to pray at the Kotel. You completely whitewash the fact that these young girls were used as political puppets and feel betrayed by their rabbis and rebbetzins. If you're going to cover the story, you might want to really look at the whole picture - not just the picture you want to see. Further, why are WOW only deemed troublemakers with a political agenda when the Haredim in Israel are deemed spiritually pure? Not so - as we see in their protest against enlistment in the army and the war of words that have taken place about education and economic benefits, the Haredim are equally political and have an agenda to advance, as well. The Kotel does not belong to any one sect of Judaism. Since when does Torah teach you to be so intolerant of another Jew's prayer that you must have total control? Torah is the path of peace. I believe that Hashem wants to hear from these Women of the Wall - He is happy for their prayers, for their desire to be at the Kotel at all. Perhaps everyone should take their ego out of the equation and judge one another with equanimity, respect, and love.
Comment by george schwartz
Why, why??? We so looked forward to the kosher stand at Dutch.......any reasons given?? Was this driven by park managements?
Comment by george schwartz
Refuah shlaimah. We\'re all thinking of him
Comment by george schwartz
Thanks for the update each day should be an improvement
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you so much for the update. May he be blessed with a refuah sheleimah bekarov.
Comment by george schwartz
Israel for Israelis, not Islamists!
Comment by george schwartz
The Macks Center for Jewish Education has a copy of this book available for check out.
Comment by george schwartz
I heard the comments from the Rosh Yeshiva about this plan destroying Torah and that it was a similar act to that of Amalek and yet less than one week later, every single Shas school (which are certainly Charedi) agreed to do exaclt what MK Lipman had suggested. I dont get it...
Comment by george schwartz
Welcome to New York, the land of the Stupid. I hope everyone in New York feels safer now.
Comment by george schwartz
5-14-2013 This should be required reading for every family. A blessing on the heads of everyone involved in the creation and distribution of this book. Bryon W. Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
Someone actually left a copy of this book at the Welwood playground on Thanksgiving. I have not been able to find the owner. If its yours, please call 410-504-2400. And yes, it\\\'s a wonderful book! :)
Comment by george schwartz
There is science and math in the Talmud. This is not some secular shtus being forced on anyone.
Comment by george schwartz
#14 Cops usually don't shoot to kill if they can avoid it, they shoot to incapacitate.
Comment by george schwartz
this is a wonderful book that should be read constantly on people's homes! but not as a group parents should take each child individulay and "learn" the bookm together...
Comment by george schwartz
#15, if you are so concerned about Lashon Hora on this site (which there isn't), why do you visit it?
Comment by george schwartz
If you feel the need to complain about BJL simply stop reading the articles because in your comments you are saying Loshon Horah .
Comment by george schwartz
This should be under national news not local news
Comment by george schwartz
In answer to #14: Most cops are not particularly good shots. Many of them only shoot the minimum to qualify. In addition, it is not easy to aim a handgun, especially with an adrenalin rush. The shots could have grazed her, and even if one hit center of mass, it could easily have missed vitals.
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Is Obama aonther Nixon?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Comment by george schwartz
I agree with #8 and I personally know many people and Rabbanim who feel the same way. It is one thing to bring us the news, it is crazy to allow an open Lashon Hara fest. If something happened to Mr. Baltimore jewish Life's family, would he post it with their names? What ever happened to privacy? I too enjoy the news, but BJL and many other Jewish sites are full of Lashon Hara. It would be nice if we can read the news, perhaps respect peoples privacy and leave it at that. There was no need to post the couple's name. The leadership in the community at some point will realize it is not right.
Comment by george schwartz
Agree with #13. I'd like to know how someone shot by the cops 3 times is still alive. Maybe they need a higher caliber weapon. One shot, one kill.
Comment by george schwartz
As a recent Kidney recipient I beg people to really consider this great mitzva. People tend to assume that it is very difficult to be a match and while this was true many years ago , it is much less the case nowadays.This is not just a story..It\'s a call for action!
Comment by george schwartz
People in Baltimore really need to get a life if they are complaining about this.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Lipman, Kol hakavod. You have many supporters here in Baltimore. Dont be offended by rude people commenting here. They never learned derech eretz.
Comment by george schwartz
How much more free advertising is this Lipman going to get? ENOUGH!
Comment by george schwartz
To #8: Let's start by asking a couple of questions. 1. How do you know that the editor has not asked Rishus from the family? 2. The editor (who I know personally) spends an inordinate amount of time trying to determine what he posts and does not post. You, sir, sound a little jealous. Please take your jealousy and go elsewhere.
Comment by george schwartz
Dear Self Righteous Commentor #8, I think your comment is disgusting.BJL\'S ONLY concern is for local families.That\'s why this website was created!They are extremely concerned about what they post and go to an accepted Torah authority to ask when in doubt if something is Loshon Hora.They have NEVER been asked to take down comments and if they listened to all local \"Rabbonim\'s\" request they would have a blank page for a website.The people on Northbook\'s names had already been posted in other outlets.I think that if you are being a Mevakesh Emes than you actually owe BJL an apology.If you just want to be a naysayer and stir up things.I have a good idea,since the website bothers you so much ,perhaps spend a little more learning hilchos Loshon Hora and less time on the web.Especially this website.I for one am very appreciative of the job BJL does.I don\'t always agree but I always appreciate how things are presented.
Comment by george schwartz
Ladies and Gentlemen: can you please chill out? BJL has been offering a service to the community that is unparelleled anywhere. It is balanced, quality and always seeks guidance and advice from our rabbanim and community leaders. It is sensitive to everyone\'s feelings as well. Whether or not names were mentioned is a not cause to throw barbs at everything. Chill out and have a great yom tov!
Comment by george schwartz
Wow to #8. I am going to try my best to be dan l'kaf zechus. In regard to your comment about BJL's concern for local families, where exactly are you coming from? As what mentioned by another comment, this was on the local news and the family was interviewed. This is definitely not private information. Also, what gives you the right to defame BJL and the way it treats local families? Relating to your comment about removing comments (ironic isn't it), please state your source. If you know the editor, you will know that if he ever has a question about posting something, an article or comment, he takes pains to make sure and ask these rabbonim you reference below. I am sure there are others out there who understand the great care and concern that BJL has to its community members and quality of comments that are posted.
Comment by george schwartz
Baltimore Jewish Life has no concern about local families in general. They only post things regardless if there is lashon hara involved. They should not have posted the names and they should take down their comments sections altogether as several local rabbonim have requested them to do over the last week.
Comment by george schwartz
Seeing that the publisher of BJL lives on the same street I'm not sure he needed abc2news for their name
Comment by george schwartz
Noam Efron was interviewed on the televised news this morning, this incident is newsworthy and has public safety ramifications, I see no reason not to publish the names.
Comment by george schwartz
Thank you Bracha Goetz! And to others who have questioned the "details"...YES we need to hear the details because there are many of us who have experienced these horrific things and were not believed because people have no idea that these disgusting things happen to children all the time.
Comment by george schwartz
Perhaps it was a Kiddush Hashem in your mind but to the non-orthodox Jews and the rest of the world who is watching this is a terrible chillul Hashem!
Comment by george schwartz
Because we're curious and we want to know everything. Hope the culprit doesn't make it.
Comment by george schwartz
apparently, put their names up on their website, so i think BJL copied this and posted it on their website! i still agree BJL should have not posted their name.
Comment by george schwartz
#2 - It's not hate. People who are mevazeh talmidei chachamim and try to strengthen machlokes must be put down. It's a mitzvah: See Shaarei Teshuvah, Shmiras haLashon, etc. These seforim are clear and explicit about this.
Comment by george schwartz
At #1, your comment is full of hate. Do you have no Ahavas Yisroel? Why do you take pleasure in maligning your fellow Jews?
Comment by george schwartz
The wow did not consist only of women. It was a very mixed group of both men and women. They cannot possibly be sincerely Jewish religious people. If someone does not believe that the Torah was divinely written and given to the Jewish people by G-d on Har Sinai, what relevance does does the Kotel Hamaaravi, tallis and tefillin have to them? Why can\'t they just pray at any old wall with any object on their head and a shawl and not display a lack of respect for Judaism and the people who truly believe in the sanctity of the Torah and the Kotel? People from all over the world and members of every other religion come to the Kotel and pray without demanding anything and yet feel a religious experience being there. I happened to have been at the Kotel Friday morning, and there was no socializing between the girls and boys. It was a very moving experience-being there with thousands of our people making a Kiddush H-shem.
Comment by george schwartz
The Daati Leumi who voted Bennett and those associated with the Litvish community who support Lipman will come to see the folly of their ways. Unfortunately, they have been brazen to be mevazeh the words of the true Gedolei Torah, who see sof l'dvar and saw that collusion with rashaim leads to this destination. With internet and social media today, any dabrani who likes attention and is an ani in Torah (even those with semicha) tries to bring kavod on himself through shaming talmidei chachamim. There is no fooling the "reality filter" we all eventually pass through.
Comment by george schwartz
Why is everyone getting so worked up about a personal rift when we should be looking at the overall position? As an acquaintance of Lipman, I can tell you he has only good intentions. However, people on this board make some very valid points. While I do agree with Lipman on the fact that Hareidim should probably receive some form of secular education, why should he come along and change a system that has been in place for years already? Army service is another story. If you were born in Israel and are a citizen of the State, every able body should do SOME form of service. But in terms of education and Yeshiva learning? That should be kept in place as it is. HOWEVER, \"give and you shall receive\" holds true here. If Hareidim don\'t provide any physical service to the State, they should not be entitled to a penny. ALL Yeshiva and personal funding should be private. The Roshei Yeshivot should go and fundraise. My tax shekels should not go to anyone who doesn\'t physically contribute. The Israeli government should allow the Yeshiva students to learn as they please but some form of service to the State must be installed and monetary benefits should be taken away after their service - just like everyone else.
Comment by george schwartz
"The magazine I work for has a deep respect for all sorts of Jews." Really? Maybe all sorts of Jews that adhere to your beliefs and wishes. When they are your tax dollars, then you deserve a say. You are an American, not an Israeli. And you would certainly call a Rabbi who you agree with by his earned title. Rabbi Lipman does not need your Mussar. What he deserves as an elected member of the Israeli Knesset is your respect. He took the time to correspond with you, while expressing his desire to keep his emails to you private, so you publish a one-sided \\\"argument.\\\" Thankfully, Rabbi Lipman has more important things to worry about, like pressing issues facing the State of Israel.
Comment by george schwartz
"All beginnings are difficult". It is uncomfortable to change, but the current situation of chareidim in Israel is broken. Sruli - it is obvious that you mean well, but you are wrong and your attempts to quote Rashi and Chullin as a justification for your position is silly. Chareidim have already entered the army and have been receiving secular education for years. The changes have started and cannot be stopped. Sruli, all you are doing is creating more hatred and sinat chinam and reducing achdut. Please think about how you can use your kochot and the amazing gift of Mishpacha magazine to help bring more achdut and Mashiach for all Jews (even the mamrim).
Comment by george schwartz
Great story. In my former days as a Rebbe, I have found that kids are usually open-minded to anyone. We (adults) can learn a lot from them.
Comment by george schwartz
I'm not saying not to post the articles, but the specific details, including the name, don't accomplish anything for us here.
Comment by george schwartz
To Bracha Goetz, I can only imagine how you must feel knowing that you have saved these little girls from a lifetime of pain. This story gives me the chills because of what could have happened, and what didn\'t, because you cared enough to publish your book.
Comment by george schwartz
I am a male who has been trying to reach this Baltimore shadchan for 3 years. The dozen of times I called and left messages have gone ignored if they went through in the first place. I have emailed with the same result. I live here in Baltimore. After having a friend look into it he told me The Baltimore Shacchan stopped. It made some sense as I haden\'t seen them brought up in the Where What When for a while, but didn\'t explain why I couldn\'t get through before. It was with this recent event I believe that led me to think that this is an underground network meant to set up the small group they choose. Before I wrote this message I made sure to call them again. You can try it for yourself 443 622 3809.
Comment by george schwartz
Agreed - why was the couple\'s name posted?
Comment by george schwartz
What is an "honorary rabbi"?
Comment by george schwartz
BJL should be commended for keeping this issue in the forefront of our thinking, so that we do not become too nonchalant about protecting our children. Thank G-d, I have heard of not only many children who reported being sexually abused because they read Let\\\'s Stay Safe, I have also, thank G-d, heard of many children that got away from their potential perpetrators because they had read the safety book. Bracha Goetz
Comment by george schwartz
Very helpful & necessary to know
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
Yes, why did bjl feel the need post the couples name?
Comment by george schwartz
Why did you post the couples name?
Comment by george schwartz
we need Moshiach NOW!
Comment by george schwartz
I don't back WoW, but the truth is, who can blame anyone for supporting them considering some Chareidim acting like Vilde Chayas. The claim is that Chareidim want to maintain the sanctity of the Kotel, which is correct, but throwing garbage doesn't maintain that sanctity.
Comment by george schwartz
Do we in Baltimore really need to hear all of this? What does we gain from it? If you want to give us a summary so we are aware it could happen, I could accept that, but the details are disgusting and not helpful in any way.
Comment by george schwartz
Will he also boycott all the inventions that Israel has made that allow him to function at all? Also, there was a report the other day that Israel may have found a cure for ALS and even reverse existing conditions. If so, with Hawkings be aeven a bigger hypocrite or will he boycott his cure?
Comment by george schwartz
5-12-2013 The real differences in the Torah world today are not between Chareidim and the rest of Orthodoxy or between those who want secular studies and those who do not or even between those who want our men to have a parnossoh or those who do not. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists. Bryon W. Szojchet
Comment by george schwartz
#27 - This is not really a discussion about adding secular studies. It is acceptable for someone like Dov to consult with the gedolei rosh hayeshiva to ask them about his ideas. However, it is not acceptable for him to attempt to force them to change anything at all - even their breakfast menus - regardless of whether they agree with his or your ideas or not! It's an unbelievable arrogance and chutzpah!
Comment by george schwartz
#2, why do you find it so abhorrent that talis- and tfillin-clad women be allowed to sincerely practice their brand of Judaism as they see fit? It is about time that non-Orthodox streams of Judaism were recognized in the place that is supposed to be the homeland of all Jews.
Comment by george schwartz
Back in the 60's, as well as today, Ner Israel students were simultaneously going for secular degrees by attending the evening division of Loyola College.
Comment by george schwartz
who said anything about ending learning? just learn secular studies a few hours a day. Can someone please explain to me why it's ok to learn secular studies in America and not in Israel? If it's not ok in Israel, than it should be banned from America NOW!
Comment by george schwartz
I am a mother of a soldier in Israel, and I live here to fulfill the mitzvah of yishuv haaretz. We risk our lives and livelihoods to do so, relying on Hashem's mercy. So my first comment is, come join us, then lovingly advise us about our dificulties. Second, I agree that the army is spiritually dangerous for the vulnerable. But in part that is because the army lacks the influence Chareidim could have-- if they were there. I don't believe our Rosh Yeshivot couldn't find any among their talmidim who would be lions in defense of Torah as well as am israel. I surely wish there were some there for my son, who was not fit for full- time Torah study and wouldn't lie about himself to qualify for an exemption. Third, it is true that the Chareidim are not loved among the general populace in Israel (Chabad being the outstanding exception). This in itself is a chilul Hashem, and we as a people desperately need to find healing for that breach. So I plead with you and all your readership, go to your gedolim and Rebbes, and ask them the vital questions -- " should I make aliyah?" And " what should I, personally, do to improve the situation between the chareidim in Israel and the rest of the Jewish population there?" This is the crisis of our times, and it is unacceptable to not get involved in a constructive way. All Jews are responsible for one another.
Comment by george schwartz
To #2 - the barrier between the two sides is high enough that men can't see the women - as long as they stay with their feet on the ground. That they insist on standing on chairs to throw garbage at the women is shameful!
Comment by george schwartz
WoW Rosh Chodesh prayers always take place at the back of the women\'s section and not next to the wall. In this, your account about the Beis Yaakov girls not letting WoW get near the wall is inaccurate. It does seem to me that there were more young orthodox women that weren\'t with WoW than usual this month. That\'s a good thing. But I\'m not sure it was \"thousands\" as you describe.
Comment by george schwartz
#23 & # 16: The only change is that he means well. However, his actions are as destructive as if he did not mean well. Just because someone thinks the status quo cannot be maintained - correctly or not - does not give anyone the right to force a change on the Yeshivos. Imagine if a contemporary of #16 had gone to Lakewood in the early 60s as a musmach or Ner Yisroel and actively tried to force Lakewood Yeshiva to end learning only kolel and allow college... No Rosh HaYeshiva or Rebbe at Ner Yisroel would have tolerated such activity! That is similar to what is going on in Eretz Yisroel now!
Comment by george schwartz
#2 are you serious? This is what concerns you, not the fact that women see fit to put on tallit and tfillin and try to destroy the ambiance of the Kotel?
Comment by george schwartz
To #18. Was Rabbi Lipman Obeying his parents?
Comment by george schwartz
The provision for talmidim to take up life-long learning, without training for or attempting to pursue an occupation, is at best a \"yesh omrim of a yesh omrim\" and contradicts many statements in Chazal, Rishonim and Acharonim. The Chareidi kollel system of today would be unfathomable to our ancestors. Kollel-type study is supposed to be for the cream of the intellectual crop. Does the Gemara not point this out very clearly?
Comment by george schwartz
wow this site is amazing keep it up
Comment by george schwartz
#16- Classic Rabbi Ruderman story--- Torah was his only mission. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by george schwartz
Ironically, advocates of kovod hatorah are engaged in the kind of superficial sound bite driven media battle that has debased the Torah in the past (see l'affaire Slifkin). As an aside, it seems that the opinions of many expressed in this forum are inconsistent with using the internet. If you are so chareidi, I cant imagine your heter for reading and posting on BJL. Is it your parnossa? Did the Gedolim direct you to do so?
Comment by george schwartz
I think this program is a beautiful program and it should go until mashiach comes! I am very impressed that these girls did this all by themselves! I wish my daughter could be in this program.
Comment by george schwartz
If you want to affect the fate of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, get on a plane and vote in the next Knesset elections. Don't sit in Baltimore (or anywhere else outside the Land of Israel) and give mussar to someone who is trying to help ameliorate the problems faced, that with all due respect those in Chu"l have no thorough understanding. Mr Besser writes and runs a magazine. Bully for him. Let him try to help run/defend/improve a country before he makes the condescending statements he does for someone he admits is genuinely sincere.
Comment by george schwartz
It was a retraction that he called Rabbi Lipman a rasha, but said he was misguided. With such a polarity in Israel, a bridge must be built that still respects the Chareidi community, but requires them to contribute to the society that keeps them. The status quo cannot ultimately be maintained. Dov Lipman is doing that, l\\\'shem shamayim.
Comment by george schwartz
#16: Of course it is very possible that Ner Yisroel would approve a custom arrangement for a specific talmid. I too know of such things. However, neither Rav Weinberg nor anyone else at Ner Yisroel would ever approve rebelling against the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel. It is well known that Ner Yisroel allows buchrim to go to college, but that has nothing to do with trying to force others to do the same and even more. The fact that you can publically root for Dov and Yesh Atid against the Gedolei Rosh HaYeshiva in Eretz Yisroel indicates that you too are misguided and need to do teshuva.
Comment by george schwartz
Rav feldman didn't want this poor soul go down deep end and in his gadlut apologized, but only for calling him רשע
Comment by george schwartz
Rav Feldman states that Chareidim don't want to give their kids an hour or two of secular studies. If that is true, why when Ma'arava was opened decades ago by Rabbi Chait, did Rav Shach need to put a ban on it? If nobody wanted it, nobody would attend and it would close up. It is quite obvious that the leadership doesn't want it and the leadership doesn't want the people to want it. But many people do want it.
Comment by george schwartz
#21, I believe the proper title is Rabbi Lipman. Until such time as NIRC decides to rescind his smicha, he should be addressed as such. Please don't lecture me on how tuition works in Israel; I have the zchut to live in E"Y and I suspect that I know Israeli tuition much better than you. If you accept the money, than you accept the rules that go along with it.
Comment by george schwartz
Rav Feldman is only apologizing for calling Lipman a rasha on the bases that Lipman thinks he is doing this l'shem shamayim and is therefore doing it b'shogeg. A rasha acts b'maizid. However he clearly stresses that he still vehemently opposes what he is doing and that his misguided acts are trying to decrease the kedusha of the chareidim in Eretz yisroel. He also states that Lipman has not consulted with any of the gedolim to discuss the correct implementation of his plans. If he would simply consult with R' Feldman or other gedolim he could discuss what the correct approach (if any) should be and then it would really be l'shem shamayim.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Ahron Feldman (RAF) makes the extraordinary assertion that RDL\\\\\\\'s views are not that of Ner nor that of a prior Rosh Yeshiva Rav Y Weinberg (RYW). How he wud know what RYW\\\\\\\'s view wud be beats me. What I do know firsthand is my personal experience with the founder of Ner Rav Yitzchak Ruderman (RVR). When I was in Yeshiva in mid-60\\\\\\\'s my parents very much wanted me to come back to go to University in Toronto and even relented to let me go to Ner Toronto during daytime and U of T at night. The problem was U of T did not accept any of my credits I had taken at Loyola College. I determined if I went to 3 colleges during the summer semester I could make up the courses U of T required. Well going to 3 schools at same time was not night college was not even day college it was college all day. Basically 8-10 and I wud get back to Yeshiva at 11. After about 6 weeks the yeshiva caught on that I was AWOL but still around. I get a message that the Rosh Yeshiva (RYR) wanted to see me. That was not too bad he liked me. I walk in and every Rebbe in the place is there including the Executive Director Rabbi Neuberger. My Rebbe (Rav Kulefsky) said sholom aleichem thought U went home after Shavuos. I told them the above story and they went around the room and voted to throw me out. They gave me 5 days to find an apt. There was one abstention and he remained silent throughout my ordeal the Rosh Yeshiva (RYR). I found an apt and then get a message that RYR wants to see me. Thank goodness he was the only one there. He asks me U know U did something wrong. I concurred. That was the easy question next was what did U do wrong? I said I engaged in deception. He dismissed that. He said U were obeying UR parents. My next guess was instead of night college I went to day college. He retorts U were obeying UR parents. Whatever I said his response was wrong U were obeying UR parents. He said he cud not believe after all these years in Yeshiva I did not have a seder set aside, no matter how busy I might be, to learn for even a short period of time. Told me I should not leave the Yeshiva and he set up a chvrusa for me between 11-12 at night. Rav Dov Lipman represents these values that I and so many others garnered from Ner. The language of RAF and the Yatid equating Lapid with Hitler demonstrates the hatred is a one way street. Let\\\\\\\'s all hope for the success of Rav Dov Lipman Yesh Atid!
Comment by george schwartz
Why not have some type of CIVIL SERVICE mandated for everyone who does not want to be in the army proper. For those who don't want to be in the army (maybe some are scared of holding a gun?), why not let them serve in another capacity? I'm sure there is plenty of civil work needed to be done. This does not address the issue of poverty and living off the government, but at least the system of civil service will be fair since everyone would be involved.
Comment by george schwartz
I am concerned that our bochrim were allowed to be at the Kosel when our rabbonim knew so many of our dear bais yaakov girls would be there. I hope this didn't lead to any Tsnius issues are chas v'chalila boys and girls meeting before they are of marriageable age. For next month's protest our Gedolim should make sure the boys are not at the Kosel at the same time.
Comment by george schwartz
Rav Feldman apologized for calling MK Lipman a rasha, but still maintains that Lipman is "misguided". Rav Feldman said (4:18 to 4:27) that "even though we do it in America, but it's at a cost in America also, it's a different society in America, different reasons, you can't compare the two societies." I wish he would have explained what the differences are, and why we are willing to pay that cost in America but unwilling in Israel. This is something that I really would like to understand.
Comment by george schwartz
Eli - you are so presumptuous - the RY doesn't need your approval and your article doesn't add anything to the discussion. We all need to quiet down and let those who actually know what they are talking about work through the issues.
Comment by george schwartz
Perfect response. What was a great Kiddush Hashem was mired by a fool throwing gargage at the WoW. It's fine to accuse the WoW of breaking the sanctity of the Kotel, but throwing garbage, at the Kotel, is worse.
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Feldman did not say that Dov was right, he only took back his comment about Lipman being a rasha. Rabbi Feldman used the word "misguided" about Lipman several times.
Comment by george schwartz
It\'s wonderful that he has apologized for the personal attack. It\'s ironic that he accuses R Lipman of \"paternalism\" in trying to force Haredim into the workforce without seeing the paternalism in the entire State funding system for Haredi families and institutions, which is designed to enable large families and to permit Haredi men to learn fulltime at State expense.
Comment by george schwartz
there are sects in judaism that search for any way to pull us apart,,to find any minute clue on how to seperate us ,,and then b"h there are those who work at finding what connects us .rabbi dov lipman,,rabbi shmuel hertfeld you are of the ones that will bring on the geula.
Comment by george schwartz
Hopefully, now people will learn how to disagree with each other, with respect, though I doubt it. The character assasination approach is wrong, and is a Chillul Hashem. The nasty approaches have set back Kiruv work. Who would want to emulate Chareidim who act is such manner. Even the Chareidi protest at the Kotel this morning. I agree with the protest and feel that the WoW are doing it to stir trouble, but for Torah Jews to throw garbage at the Kotel, no matter the reason, is disgusting and behavior far worse that what they are protesting about.
Comment by george schwartz
How does someone who lives in comfort in America have the right to say what anyone in Israel should be doing? Does he suffer poverty like most of the yungerlight in Eretz Yisroel? How does he know that the majority of the Charedi population doesn't want these changes? This bothers me as much as when I heard the conservative 'rabbis' of America complaining to Yair Lapid about doing something to push 'share the burden' - same idea, you want to talk about how things should be in Eretz Yisroel, first decide to leave the goldeneh medinah and then you have a right to talk.
Comment by george schwartz
I would just like to say that it is a big mistake for anyone who grew up in America to think that they have the knowledge, understanding, or ability to change the Charedi world in Eretz Yisroel. I am an American living in Israel for almost 30 years, and I don\'t understand the approach of the Israeli Charedi society of which I am a part.
Comment by george schwartz
Did anyone else actually listen to what he says? He isn't a Rasha, he's just negligently wrong.
Comment by george schwartz
The Rosh Yeshiva says that the government is taking a paternalistic approach in what it\'s doing by trying to get the chareidim out of the beis medrash. At 7:10 in the recording the Rosh Yeshiva says \"...It\'s absurd to take taxpayers\' money, which frum people pay as much as anyone else and use it against them and use it in a manner that they are not interested in....\". With all due respect, I beg to differ with that: I live in Beit Shemesh and the vast majority of the chareidi residents do NOT pay the same taxes that I do! With the influx of 10\'s of thousands of chareidim over the past decade, Beit Shemesh has become one of the poorest cities in Israel! As a result, there are many problems here that don\'t get fixed due to lack of money. No one ever asked ME if I wanted my hard-earned tax money to go to supporting people who learn all day.
Comment by george schwartz
"shogeig isn't a rasha" So is the same message, different words???
Comment by george schwartz
Here are some highlights from MK Dov Lipman\\\'s interview in Times of Israel on 2/19: TOI: You will stick even to the number of 400 annual army exemptions for outstanding scholars? MKDL: I don't think it will be 400. I want to be the one to write that test for the 18-year-old. The test that is going to decide which 18-year-olds can study Torah day and night. I want to write that test. It'll be less than 400. ... TOI: Do you think it would be justified to actually have fewer than 400 exemplary students? MKDL: Yes. ... TOI: What do they study all day in ultra-Orthodox yeshivas in Israel? MKDL: They'll open up a Talmud and they'll read a line in the Talmud. And then they'll read the Rashi and then they will read the Tosfot and then they will read the Rishonim on it and then the Aharonim on it and they'll spend a day analyzing that line of the Talmud and all the commentaries, and that's it... I would have a much harder time making my argument if we saw tens of thousands of the most brilliant Talmudic scholars who mastered every possible classic text and were writing great works of new thought and ideas. I'd still argue my case, but it'd be harder for me. But we don't see that. You don't see the results. TOI: You'd say they are studying for study's sake, obscure alleys that have no relevance for living a good live? MKDL: Right. ... MKDL: Studying Torah day and night is what I went through one year when I was in yeshiva ' one year, when I left the Beit Midrash at 1:30 in the morning and was back in the Beit Midrash at 6:30 in the morning. I was just on fire in learning, so to speak. And then after a year ' I loved it but you can't do more of that'¦ It's not a normal thing for a human being to be studying Torah, full-fledged, day and night. MKDL: A moment for me that was really powerful was when I studied in yeshiva here, when I was 18. I was in a Haredi yeshiva. They didn't say the prayer for the [protection of Israel\\\'s] soldiers. That's the first moment when I realized that this [world] is not my home, ultimately.
Comment by george schwartz
Kvod HaRav has been misled about what\'s going on here in Eretz Yisrael: THERE\'S NOT ENOUGH MONEY! All budgets are being cut, income taxes are being raised, all the government spending is being sliced and diced, working people have less maaser to give, and there simply isn\'t enough money for a growing and growing percentage of people to learn. I see all the people coming to knock on my door, many of whom are in such poverty or need to deal with a sudden expense, and they can\'t get jobs because they don\'t have the skills needed for anything more than 20 NIS/hr. Even the World Economic Forum has analyzed the country and concluded that the \"not working by choice\" percentage is too high to sustain the economy (derech ha\'teva). THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Noone\'s coming after chareidim, chilonim of today don\'t care about chareidim, but they care about having an economy that can work and they care about reducing their kids army service and they care about the government being able to function without huge deficits. The problem is that the chareidi politicians here have decided to treat it as a shmad and not treat it as a situation of there-isn\'t-enough-money. The chareidim on the street know that there\'s a huge problem that needs to be fixed.
Comment by george schwartz
I have gained tremendous respect for him. Everybody makes mistakes but few people own up to it. Kol hakavod.
Comment by george schwartz
hallo #2: Maybe a bisseleh english loining would help you make a besser parnossa.
Comment by george schwartz
It also takes guts to leave the party because the gedolim do not agree with us and say I made a mistake and I don't know better then the gedolim.That's a kiddush Hashem.
Comment by george schwartz
The Rosh Hayeshivah does not a need applaud for doing what is right. We as Bnia Torah look up to him. If he feels that he made a mistake in a call and apologies in public he was doing what the torah telling him to do. He stills disagree with him and his party and asking him to leave this party for kiddush Hashem. When MK Lipman does that then we can applaud him for doing a kiddush Hashem.
Comment by george schwartz
Is the national tax increase guided at weakening the charreidim too? But glad to hear the price of cigarettes has increased as well. A healthier society too.
Comment by george schwartz
Agree with #2-It is easy to bash, but very difficult to apologize. Kol Hakavod
Comment by george schwartz
Agree 100% with everything you wrote
Comment by george schwartz
Ashreichem Yisrael!!
Comment by george schwartz
Bauruch Hashem!
Comment by george schwartz
Yes, that's amazing and was needed.
Comment by george schwartz
I find it amusing that people feel that the Government of Israel has to fund a movement that does't recognize it. Maybe people should pray for money to come from sources that they respect, like charity.
Comment by george schwartz
That's a gadol.
Comment by george schwartz
Sign of a true Gadol!
Comment by george schwartz
Sign of a true Gadol.
Comment by george schwartz
You definitely won that argument.
Comment by george schwartz
#5 - You make Haredim sound like they are prisoners. This is complete nonsense. If a Haredi Jew wanted to go to college, get a job, join the army, s/he would. If your point is that they would be ostracized socially for doing this, correct. And nothing will change this... except the Haredi culture slowly changing. In other words, Dov's initiative is doing little to nothing to amend the supposed problem that you're speaking of. You can't legislate social mores.
Comment by george schwartz
According to Rav Dessler, it is worth having 1,000 talmidim in Yeshiva who are not going to become huge talmidiei chachomim, and some may leave the fold because they are being asked to do what they cannot, for the sake of one who will rise to the top. That is the mindset of the Torah Only camp in E"Y. For those who are upset with Rabbi Lipman or anyone else who doesn't run to the gedolim to talk about this, the answer is simple. The gedolim have already decided to allow this situation to continue. So if you believe that there is a need to address the needs of the many, many of the 999 who won't rise to become the next gadol hador, and who won't be able to find ample parnosaa for their families, and whose children are leaving the fold because they don't like living this way, what is there to do? Go to the Gedolim and be told to just do nothing? That asking for a change is kefira? Rabbi Lipman, and others like me feel it is time to take a stand and give our children an opportunity to remain frum but with dignity. The system as it stands is a gezaira she'ain hatzibbur yochol la'la'mod ba. Every day over 30 chareidim come to my city in the USA to ask for money. They can't work because they were instructed to avoid the army and to avoid learning basic skills to succeed at work. Don't blame it on them. The leadership has caused this. There are probably well over 500 aniyim at any given time roaming the world asking for support who are very capable of working, but don't know how.
Comment by george schwartz
Ridiculous. Why would anyone publish this? Is this supposed to be news? Publishing a one sided argument accomplishes nothing except alerting the readers that the "author" is deceitful and not to be trusted. Consider us warned. Keep this kind of "article" in the comment section where it belongs.
Comment by george schwartz
As an American Orthodox Jew with a yeshiva education who also understands Israeli Charedi society, I would like to throw in my 2 cents into this issue. I relate better to the Ner Israel (and general American yeshiva..) system. There are those who claim that post high school yeshivas and certainly kollelim are not necessary. They point to the fact that historically there were frum boys who left "learning full time" at the age of 12, 13, ect. I,(and I assume Dov Lipman) don't side with them. I understand the necessity of a yeshiva education for a longer period of time, if possible past ones marriage to start out the family in a torah way even if they are not going to become rabbanim. I, having gotten a yeshiva high school education, understand that it is important in this day in age to have some type of secular education to be able to succeed in the workplace. I don't understand how a society can be built where everyone is cut out for full time learning for the rest of their lives. It does not make sense that this is how things should be, and in this regard I can understand where Dov Lipman (and for that matter Yair Lapid, I personally don't think he is intentionally trying to destroy Torah) is coming from. The Charedi yeshiva system of today was built on the draft deferment set up by David Ben Gurion after pressure from the Chazon Ish and other gedoilim. They did not see the army as a proper place for a frum boy, while they wanted to rebuild a Torah world that had been (along with the rest of the Jewish world) severely crippled. This arraignment was the perfect solution and indeed Torah learning (In quantity, at least) is flourishing in a way not seen for perhaps thousands of years, if ever. As Charedim become a larger percentage of the Israeli population the issue has come to the forefront. It's unsustainable that such a large segment of the population should continue not learning and out of the workplace, but they won't go to the army because of what it will do to their spirituality. We can't just say that if you are Charedi you don't have to go to the army- that is so unfair to the others that are required to go to the army regardless. It's wrong, on the other hand, to claim that there is no threat to religious observance in the army because that is simply not true (there, I said it. I am sure there are many national religious Jews who will scoff at that but the statistics back it up, sorry). So what do you do? The answer to that question is what alludes us today. There is no one who can give an answer that really takes into account all of those issues. You can claim that new army units that are exclusively religious will preserve the strong level of observance in its members, but who says that it will really work. Additionally, who decides who gets to stay in yeshiva? Are there tests? Are the test objective? What about a late bloomer who may not yet be on the level of the top talmidim but will thrive if allowed to stay in yeshiva? Who is going to tell the aspiring Talmud chochom that he is not doing well enough to continue his Torah study and become a rav or rebbi that he so desperately wants to be? The Gedolim are not clueless. They don't call them Gedolim for nothing, Torah teaches them how to act in situations even beyond Halacha. There are those who like to claim that daas torah is a new concept, they clearly don't know history. Jews have always consulted with their leaders, and they have kept us afloat through all of these years. We may not understand everything that the Gedoilim do, but we must realize that they are aware of what is going on, are consistently working to help preserve a Torah society, and are going to come up with a solution far better than ours. Not all gedoim agree on all issues, and frankly not all gedolim agree on this issue, but they speak with one voice denouncing Lapid's attempts to solve this particular problems. If Dov Lipman had one great Torah scholar in his corner then my argument would be weakened, but he doesn't So how can one oppose the great Torah leaders and think that they are going to end up on the right side of history? (Spoiler alert- it's never happened) So what can be done? If I knew the answer to that question then I wouldn't be sitting here posting a blog comment. What I do know is that we have to trust our Gedolim. We have to have a rebbi, a moral compass that we trust to advise us on major issues. Someone that can insure that our decisions are nor influenced by external, personal agendas. Someone that shares our common values, knows Torah and will guide us accordingly. It's sort of humbling to know that we don't have all the answers, but true intelligence is to know that there are some things that we don't. Reb Dov, please take heed'¦
Comment by george schwartz
to Galia Berry, where is there sinas chinum here? There is someone going against daas torah. Are you saying that the correct approach would be to keep quiet and allow that to continue? Should we sit silently and watch as someone is publicly being mevaseh our chachamim? I think we all agree that if the Eretz Yisroel gedolim including R' Chaim Kanievsky, R' Aharon Leib Shteinman and the American gedolim such as the rosh yeshiva and R' Shmuel Kamentzky, etc. etc all give their approval to Lipman's plans then the charedi world will be all for it. We have a chiyuv to stand up for Torah. That's all that's happening here. If it was pure sinas chinam then trust me, the gedolim wouldn't have asked for asifos to daven that the gazeira be annulled and surely wouldn't have called Lipman a rasha.
Comment by george schwartz
mk lipman is being a little disingenuous with the \"1800 elite torah scholars\". That is the plan now because Netanyahu forced Yesh Atid to raise the number. MK Lipman wanted 400 or fewer. Everyone should read Times of Israel\'s interview with him from Feb. 19. It is very enlightening.
Comment by george schwartz
To #4 What is DISGUSTING!!!!!? Is Rabbi Lipman the Rav to pasken the halachah for his party or the Knesset. Were does he come to argue on Rav Chaim Kanievsky about if women can make their own minyan at the Kosel and say the Kosel have no kedushah like a Beis Haknesss and it is ok to do so. Rav Chaim Kanievsky cried out don\'t change anything at the kosel. That is \"DISGUSTING!!!!!\". A person Who saids straight if the schools don\'t teach general studies we won\'t close you down but we won\'t support you.Does he know anything more that Rav Steinman shlita.That\'s DISGUSTING!!!!!. Knowing his Rebbe Rav Weinberg z\'l and Rabbi Naftali Neuberger z\'l they would have put him in his place you don\'t go up against Gedolim of your generation. On something like this before they would speak they would go to gedolim and speak to them, after that they would fast for 3 days and davening that they are making the right decision, also the words that they choose are the right ones. Do you think if he was teaching in the The Yeshiva High of Greater Washington and he would make statements like this, Rav Anemer z\'l would be blasting him or maybe fire him also. What About chareidim families that husbands and wives that work and support their families pay taxes which goes to pay his salary.They have no say.
Comment by george schwartz
How can you possibly publish a one-sided letter? Obviously, Besser will look good and Lipman will be the bad guy. This is disgusting, indeed! You're obviously very much nogea b'davar.
Comment by george schwartz
Unlike other commentators, I do not see the above letter as "beautiful." Nor do I see it as "newsworthy" or necessary for public consumption. I see no reason to perpetuate this argument. We all suffer from sinas chinam, which is the root of ALL of our tzarot today, since the time of the Beis HaMikdash. Fomenting the machlokes will do nothing to correct this. Galia Berry
Comment by george schwartz
For those who keep saying that chareidim should stop taking money, they should also realize that chareidim pay taxes. Yes, many chareidim work. Many wives of those in kollel have full time jobs. Does it cover all of the people in learning? Maybe, maybe not. You might be surprised how much tax is collected in Israel. Sales tax is 17% and rising. I pay over 10% in property taxes. We still pay taxes for social security. Do you know that gas is $8/gallon here, a huge chunk of which is tax. Everyone says they should stop taking money, but no one is telling the govt to stop taking their tax money.
Comment by george schwartz
Will Hashem answer our prayers and keep us learning Torah funded by money taken from secular Israelis?
Comment by george schwartz
I was surprised that the video of Mrs. Rochkind was shown. I believe this is a break in Tsnius. It was right that none of the other women honored were allowed to speak -- their husbands spoke on their behalf. This is the proper Torahdik way.
Comment by george schwartz
Allowing girls to look inside a sefer torah -- what are we coming to. I expected more from BY and these rabbis
Comment by george schwartz
Comment by george schwartz
#19: If the yeshivos lose gov't funding, they will be forced to close down. In Israel they do not charge tuition as they do in America, one reason why it is much more affordable to live in Israel than in America. All schools survive there through gov't funding. Mr. Lipman dosn't have to say outright that they will shut down. Anyone with even a pint size brain can figure that out. No need to state the obvious which is that if they do not teach math and english the way the gov't would like them to be taught with a certain amount of hours accorded to them each day then they will lose gov't funding which translates as: will shut down due to lack of funding!!1!
Comment by george schwartz
Way to go,Sruly!
Comment by george schwartz
Rabbi Lipman never said any such thing. What he DID say was that if schools didn't teach basic math and English, they would lose government funding. He never said the schools would be forced to close. Shabbat Shalom
Comment by george schwartz
Not sure how many of you commenting here live in Israel. 10 months ago I left Baltimore to return HOME to Israel. Hashem blessed us and we found employment quickly but I took a huge pay cut in my salary. You give up a lot to live here but the rewards are tremendous. We can\\\\\\\'t afford to buy an apartment/house now, well maybe we could in a charedi neighborhood where they have low income housing. Is it fair that I have to work hard but have to pay double for housing just because I am not charedi. I am all for supporting the elite who are learning torah full time. I am all for supporting those in hesder who learn and serve in the IDF. But please tell me what is wrong with Charedim getting an education so they can earn a decent living?!?! And for the person who said why do they need English? Knowing English gives you a big advantage in the job market. I may not agree with everything Dov Lipman\\\\\\\'s party stands for but I do appreciate everything he has done, especially for my community. If it weren\\\\\\\'t for him, who know, my 6 year old daughter might be spit in and called a whore by grown men who call themselves frum. Aviva Zahtz, Bet Shemesh Israel
Comment by george schwartz
Way to go,Sruly!
Comment by george schwartz
As someone living in Israel, I think the Haredim need to stop thinking that the government is out to get them. Want your own curriculum? Then don\\\'t take their money. State funding is not a right.
Comment by george schwartz
I am personally witness to the dozens, if not hundreds of calls that were recieved by not only Rabbi Lipman, but by people in our community who were known to be at Rabbi Lipman\'s side. These phone calls were from our neighbors accross the street- in RBS B- the most hardcore of chareidim, as well as chareidim from other neighborhoods. These phone calls were made in secret and were pleading with Rabbi Lipman to continue his amazing work of bringing badly needed change to their community. These were mothers living in squalor with a dozen children, fathers who couldn\'t go find appropiate work because it was frowned upon, and young adults who wanted to go to the army and contribute to society like everyone else. They were pleading with Rabbi Lipman not to give up, to continue his holy work, L\'shem Shamayim. You say your issues are \"being dealt with\". Really? Then why are a very large percentage of chareidim in Israel living in poverty? Why aren\'t the ones who aren\'t cut out to learn all day (the majority) enlisting in the army and performing the mitzvah of doing our hishtadlut to defend fellow jews and Israel? Whoever you think is \"dealing with\" the problems had plenty of time to do so. They failed. Rabbi Lipman, keep up the good work, and let the many phone calls you\'re still recieiveing from the \"man on the street\" encourage you that what the masses really want is very different than what the \"askanim\" are trying to convince them that they want. Keep at it.
Comment by george schwartz
"...I am not glib or smooth enough to continue a war of words.." But smug he is.
Comment by george schwartz
Great job,r srulli,both sharp and sweet which shows your skill as a writer.I would only differ in that acknoledging the terribly sad lipman situation is not mutualy exclusive to recognizing the disaster that is israeli chareidi society.acting and being wrong comes in many I personally would stick to pointing out lipmans folly without tring to defend the indefensible.
Comment by george schwartz
Beautifully written Mr Besser. May your word penetrate Mr Lipman's heart to arouse him to teshuvah from his mishugas.
Comment by george schwartz
klal yisroel has endured for over 3000 years because we don't make changes based on our opinions or emotions. Changes, which at times do have to be made, need to be made through the lens of the Torah and only daas Torah can decide what the correct path is, not our own personal feelings. If this was the case klal yisroel would have ceased to exist long ago as we would have become so assimilated into the secular world that we would no longer be recognizable as Jews. Sora shnierer also made a radical change when she began the Bais Yaakov movement. She too had to deal with those who were opposed to the change. The difference is that she was able to go to the naysayers and list the gedolei yisroel who backed and supported her new movement and only then was she accepted by klal yisroel as a whole and as time has shown, was widely successful due to the fact that it was done entirely al pi daas torah.
Comment by george schwartz
In addition to changing his tone between the first attack and the second response, how about an apology for calling a fellow Jew a bloodthirsty murderer of Jews?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I highly recommend the Annual Health Symposium! I gained tremendously from all the speakers and really enjoyed the event! Way to go Mrs. O! BB
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #76, that was exactly the point I was trying to make in my comment to #70, but thank you for articulating it more clearly.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think what Rabbi Lipman is doing is great, and I hope it works. And those wishing for his downfall should be very careful. The charedi community in Israel would be much worse off WITHOUT Rabbi Lipman or someone like him in Yesh Atid than with him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, Nice to see that you 'checked' with the leaders of your party to find out what their views were before joining. Did you think of checking with the Gedolim to see what their position is? Did you sit with any of the Torah leaders of our generation and present your positions to see how they respond? You take Lapid's word but ignore Daas Torah??
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #73 and #70: Yes, Dov's dad, Ron Lipman Z'L, was not a quiet community person. He had views and "shetos" that were at times not popular. However, he never used his status as a Federal judge to influence those views. In addition, it is blatantly wrong to bring Dov's extended family members into this issue. They may agree or disagree with him but that should be a private family matter and of no concern to others. Judging from the comments to his letter there is a fairly even split among those who comment. Let's try to address the issues with "menchlechkeit" and logic, not emotions and name calling.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who exactly are the Gedolei Hador now? Is there really anyone with the wide-ranging respect of a R' Moshe Feinstein or R' Shlomo Zalman that almost everybody accepts? Is it possible that there is no Gadol hador who feels strong enough to change the status quo?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Rabbi Lipman. The gedolim and you are on the exact same page. The Rambam, Rashi, Ramban, Chofetz Chaim, for example, clearly taught and exemplified that one should have a parnasa. We learn that a father MUST teach his children a trade, and as a leader in Israel, you are fulfilling this obligation. If I child is stubborn, and does not want to learn, it is a parent's job to encourage them. Kol Hakavod. As far as Daas Torah, I agree. Pirkei avos was written so it should be learned, not ignored. What about the previous gedolim? It is an interesting argument, Daas Torah. The Torah that I have teaches me about Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe.... They all worked! We can't all be Yisachars or we'll have no Zevulins. That's Daas Torah. Thank you Rabbi Lipman for your leadership, it's never easy, but always important.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #18 I think you miss the boat. You need siyata for everything if you have the education or not.What is parnanassah without torah?Money comes and money goes. Nobody said let the state support you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This piece does enormous good for the charedeim. They should be only proud to have Dov Lipman in their midst. Kol hakavod!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am a single mother living in a large apartment complex here in Baltimore. I keep my single dollar bills by the door so that they are there when the able-bodied 35-65 year old men of Yerushalayim come through on erev Shabbos, begging for money. I do not mind giving, but I think they would prefer being able to support their own families rather than having to rely on donations from the working widows of America.
Comment by Leah Snyder
17 is right. Working for a living can be demanding. That\\\'s no way to raise a family. Better to just let the state support you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
@#70- I\'m not sure that you ever really spent time around Rabbi Lipman\'s father (I grew up in that community, and I assure you that in his own warm way,Ronnie Lipman z\'l was not the silent person you are suggesting) but that\'s really immaterial.Bringing up his father (who is no longer around to respond to anything you say) is out of bounds.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A fellow alumnus of Ner Yisrael,who blogges on the internet(Rachmana litzlan) wrote this suggestion for Dov Lipman. I think it shows how rediculous the violent opposition to him is: "MK Rabbi Dov Lipman's vision for charedim in Israel has been summarily rejected by Charedi Leadership. He has even been called a rasha by an American Rosh Yeshiva. It seems MK Lipman's message is not getting through to charedim in Israel or even in America. I have a suggestion. Don't talk about massive overhauls and revamping the entire system. Instead, simply suggest that Israeli Charedim learn from the American Charedim. American Charedim get a secular education. American Charedim go to work (eventually). American Charedim even moderately support the State of Israel. The plan for Charedim is not that they should become secular. The plan is that they should be more like American Charedim. Just a little less insular and little more productive. It's not massive change. But more importantly, it's not treif. It's okay for American Charedim, and it should be okay for Israeli Charedim." The resounding rejection of MK Lipman and all he stands for might be reversible. It might be as easy as embarking on a slightly different marketing strategy. It seems to me that if MK Lipman would reach out to American Charedim and propose that their standard become the Israeli Charedi standard, his ideas might find a bit more acceptance in America and eventually in Israel as well. Adapted from this post on my home blog: Not All Charedim Are The Same
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, I have no idea if you will read this, but let me say the following. I know you mean well, but you have gone overboard here and have guaranteed your own failure. By choosing to grandstand and gain your 15 minutes of fame, you have alienated the entire community you claim to want to help. If you would have practiced some Tzenius, gained the trust of the Chareidim and Gedolim, you may have had a shot. You have chosen a different path. One that has already led to your complete alienation from both the American and Israeli Yeshiva worlds. You would not be welcome back even to visit today. Consider apologizing , rebuilding trust and maybe you will succeed in what you claim is your goal, to help Chareidim. Until then , you are just another political climber, sacrificing effective diplomacy for the spotlight. Your Father Z"L never was intoxicated by the power of Hus position and sat in. Shul like a regular Jew B hatznea Leches. You should consider following in his footsteps.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Now we see why the "gedolim" of Israel are not on the same page as Americans and can not set policy for us.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol Hakavod Dov! We believe that you are trying to change the face of Israel for the better! Stray strong - both against your naysayers, as well as those in your party that have anti-dati agendas.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #16 there are a lot of Americans who are going around collecting for them self. You know there are a lot of find people who have lost there jobs with the education they have also. There are also families who both parents are working and they need help. What about many men who spend the time away from home to make a living ? Shochtim are away weeks sometime months at a time. I know a lawyer from Baltimore who goes to NY every week for his work. I know a person who lives in E'Y and comes to the USA to work and goes home maybe every 6 weeks. Is that away to raise a family?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think there\'s a certain amount of rejecting anything that isn\'t status quo. I\'m sorry that you were offended by the reactions of the community, but at least everyone\'s aware of what\'s on the table. Thank you for allowing your shining character to show through the abuse.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"In the mean time, most every Rav, posek, rosh yeshiva, etc. in Israel, America or otherwise that isn't modern and or tzioni is adamantly opposed to what he's doing and... Where's the yira?! " Er, maybe is aligned with the mesorah of "modern" and tziyoni rabbonim? The ones who take the approach of Rambam and other Rishonim seriously? The ones who actually respect Chazal's teachings on the importance of teaching one's child to be self-sufficient?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#65 please, please, I beg of you. watch how you speak about our holy leaders. you might not understand. no right to be mevaza our leaders. dangerous waters.......
Comment by Leah Snyder
Glad to see aLl the support here for what Rav Dov Lipman is supporting. Of course Israel today is different than America today. That's why the shuls in America are full of tzedaka collectors from Israel and not vice versa, even though they supposedly learn and dedicate themselves so much more to Torah. If Charedim would follow Rav Lipman then they would be able to spend more time learning and raising their families instead of collecting in America. You don't need a college degree or yadin yadin to figure it out.
Comment by Leah Snyder
were they not allowed to go on stage? Or perhaps they chose not to go up on stage. Lets step back for a second.... and calmly assess the situation. all of the honorees besides one was featured prominently speaking on the video. Is that shutting the women out of the picture?? Please, please, let us think before we lash out.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why should the state support a the current charedi system which is unsustainable and against its greater goals? -Chaya
Comment by Leah Snyder
jeff- why all the racist comments allowed on your fine website????
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov is completely correct to say \\\"Yeshivas not teaching math will only be blocked from funding, they will not be closed down\\\". Are the Gedolei Yisroel not logical? How does that offer not make sense? The Israeli government is giving complete freedom to teach whatever you want. Oh, but if you want your fellow citizens to pay for what you\\\'re teaching you have to allow them some input. To protest otherwise is essentially some kind of strange mugging of the people. If you don\\\'t like my demands don\\\'t take my money. Duh! The Gedolim are treating tax money as if it\\\'s some massive gold mine that was just discovered and should be split evenly across all the population. The treasury is not a gold mine - it\\\'s other people\\\'s money!! Gedolim who are confident in the truth and \\\"geshmak\\\" of Torah should not feel threatened by math. Math is a natural faculty created by Hashem, and can bring people to incredible bewilderment in Hashem\\\'s genius (I did my bachelors in Mathematics, so I know!) Geez. Anywhere else in the world we\\\'d think this was a ridiculous argument.
Comment by Leah Snyder
so much to think about... no easy thing is clear.. and everybody can agree.. WE NEED MOSHIACH NOW!!!! that is the only way, too many tzuros, too much confusion..
Comment by Leah Snyder
You should use more commas in your writing to make it clearer.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Dov for your service. You and your whole party are showing everyone that there is, in fact, a viable future.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman - you are the first ray of hope to shine into the chareidi world in literally generations. Please don\'t be discouraged or slow down at all - WE NEED YOU DESPERATELY!
Comment by Leah Snyder
When Dov closes his letter with "let's work together to strengthen Torah study, the spreading of Torah values, and unity amongst the Jewish people", I know with 100% surety that Dov is officially a politician. I've encountered numerous disingenuous politicians in my life but this performance by Dov has to be near the top. He's proposing that all yeshivas that don't teach basic math and English will not receive government funding and he closes his letter with "let's work together to strengthen Torah study, the spreading of Torah values, and unity amongst the Jewish people." Really?! He refers to himself as not one to wear a white shirt and engage in the trappings of being Haredi yet he is truly a yiras shamayim, etc. In the mean time, most every Rav, posek, rosh yeshiva, etc. in Israel, America or otherwise that isn't modern and or tzioni is adamantly opposed to what he's doing and... Where's the yira?! In the history of politics, let alone Jewish politics, there have been few people with a bigger disparity between their image and reality.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I was always taught nobody is allowed to question the Gedolim? I was told it was like questioning the Ribono Shel Olam and that isnot allowed to be done?!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What does this mean? I am So confused?!?!?!?!?!?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Coca cola is just another big corporation trying to make money. The fact remains that people who drink diet soda daily have a 50 to 60% higher chance of getting a stroke than people who don't. Thus, my suggestion is cut out soda totally. It is not worth the risk to you health.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where in Park Heights will this be? Anyone know?
Comment by Leah Snyder
"An Apikores - as the gemara (Sanhedrin Daf 99b) states about one who says 'ÂÂmai ahani lan rabanan'ÂÂ and according to the Rambam (Hilchos Teshuva perek gimmel halacha ches)that 'ÂÂHamackish Maggideha'ÂÂ is an Apikores." R. Feldman never called him an apikores. Also, why is saying that more bnei Torah should work Hamackish Maggideha ? R. Aron Lichtenstein discuused the problem of Charedi poverty. He, too, is an Apikores?
Comment by Leah Snyder
RE: #44 In your comment, you make many accusations/criticisms toward Dov. I don't know whether or not your accusations are correct or incorrect. But, As Dov notes in his letter to the Baltimore Jewish Life, Rabbi Feldman's accusations/criticisms are based on MISinformation. He is simply not guilty of saying what Rabbi Feldman accused him of saying. Now if Rabbi Feldman could be so misinformed about the truth, and you probably get your information from the same sources, is it more than likely you are incorrect in everything you say about Dov? Point being, I cannot trust anything you say, and neither should the readers of the Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So many responses! This is obviously a topic that we can all relate to.In historical terms, today's situation was an unanticipated consequence of several things. By not serving in the army, chareidim were never forced to join the Israeli mainstream and feel themselves a seperate entity. Because the Socialists believe in helping the poor, the chareidim benefited from the secular socialists who established a welfare state. The welfare payments enabled several generations of very large families to grow up without the extreme poverty that previously caused many Meah Shearim youth to escape to the kibbutzim,etc. The gravy train is ending. This whole thing was an anomaly that never existed in the history of the Jewish People. Rav Shteinman is the recognized Godol Hador, only when they agree with him. Otherwise the chareidim trash him and call him names ,etc. These Israeli chareidim are very angry and frustrated and have a lot of pent up rage because they don't really want to be poor, they are forced to say it,but they are smart Jews and they want to have a house, a car and pay their bills.The Gedolim are very afraid of the Haskalah and they have been fighting it unsuccessfully for 200 years. It is time to come to terms with the reality .Chag Sameach, it is Yom Yerushalayim. How can these people not appreciate that and not show common respect to the korbonos who died so they could evade the army?There is something sick about the whole thing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Gedolim recognize the problem of more people needing skills and options, but seem concerned about the best and the brightest leaving Kolel, as R. Nosson Scherman notes below(Note 1), and are also under pressure from extremists who do not want to see any change, as Jonathan Rosenblum quotes from a Rosh Yeshiva(Note 2): Note 1- In "A Conversation on Haredi Life, Israel, Learning, and Divine Providence"(Shma, February, 2007), R. Shmuel Goldin interviewed R. Nosson Scherman about Kollel life: Goldin: But you can project learning as one option; not the sole option. Doing so would prevent giving those who don't sit and learn the sense that they're failing because they're not in the elite. Scherman: I agree with you. Some of the men who are not suited to full-time learning feel that they're failures. Every yeshiva recognizes that problem. But if the Rosh Yeshiva gives options, then their institutions ' and the Jewish people ' might lose the most talented. Note 2- In December, 2009, Jonathan Rosenblum wrote on Cross Currents("Kollel is Not Always Forever" ): "One of the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of the United States told me recently that the gedolim cannot even discuss questions surrounding poverty because if they did the 'street' would just label them fake gedolim."
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kudos to you Dov. The irony is that the your policies may provide for the continuity of the very people who are labeling you their enemy.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gedolei Hador Throughout the Generations: Moshe Rabbeinu - King, Head of Army, originally a foreign prince, then a shepherd Yehoshua HaNavi - King, Head of Army, originally an executioner (Midrash) Shoftim - Political / military leaders to varying degrees who encouraged Israel to engage enemies in battle Shmuel - King, Head of Army, wanted Shaul to remain king Avner, Amasa, Yoav, Yehonatan, etc - Generals, many of who backed the wrong king and made other major political and military mistakes Shaul - King, successful general, drove out enemies, became jealous of David, ordered Nov massacre Doeg - Adviser to Shaul, caused and conducted Nov massacre, jealous of David, Ein Lo Chelek LaOlam HaBa Achitophel - Advisor to David, backed Avshalom in rebellion and advised sinful course, Ein Lo Chelek David - King, Head of Army, drove out enemies, wrote/edited Tehillim, David Melech Yisrael Chai V'Kayam, started out as a shepherd Shlomo - King, did not fight any wars, became seduced by foreign wives Achijah HaShiloni - Prophet, anointed Yerovam ben Navat Yerovam ben Navat - First King of Ten Tribes, led masses to idol worship to protect political position, Ein Lo Chelek Later prophets - heavily involved in political, military life (see Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Yechezkel) Later kings - heavily involved in religious life (see Chizkiya) Anshe Knesset HaGedolah (Ezra, Nechemia, Chaggai, Zecharia, Malachi, Mordechai, Shimon HaTzadik) - Founded a state, presumably with an army and taxes Tannaim - Predominantly engaged in "Torah im Derech Eretz" which was why they were worthy of the Mishna (Tanna D'vei Eliyahu) Hillel - Logger, dealt with Herod Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai - decided to cooperate with Rome Rabbi Akiva - Led a revolt against Rome Rabbi - Close relationship with Caesar, took political and religious leadership Amoraim/Gaonim - Held professions and political leadership, except for those who could not work because of a disability such as blindness Rishonim - Predominantly held jobs (Rashi, Rabbeinu Tam, Rambam, Ramban, etc.) Hafetz Haim - Shopkeeper
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'd be curious to see a comparison survey of pro sports watching rates between those support Lipman and those who do not. I agree with the Rosh Yeshiva shlita that all these little guys running around claiming they want to help frum people make a living are really just chasing kavod and taivos. I work long hours, and B'H make a good living; and I support people who want to learn full time.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#19- Volozhin closed because they refused to teach secular studies in the morning, refusing to grant secular studies that optimal time of the day. They did not refuse to teach secular studies. Had Volozhin been asked to do what Dov is suggesting, they would not have had a problem with it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1) Dov's argument is basically that the state has an interest in making sure people have certain basic life skills. Yeshivot in the US are required to teach these skills. Why not in Israel? 2) Anyone who knows Dov (and I do) knows he is motivated by ahavat yisrael. I respect all Roshei Yeshiva. I'd love to see R' Feldman discuss the issue with Dov so that they fully understand each other and then I'd like to see R' Feldman's reaction. In the meantime, it is one thing for R' Feldman to speak about Dov in the fashion he sees fit (and who am I to question him for it), but it is entirely another thing for people on this list to pile on. That's also not a Jewish quality. 3) Nobody has a right to ask for public charity (like government funding) unless they make an effort to "make it" without charity. That's what government funding is. I like to learn and would love to learn all day. However, I got an education and job training so that I can support my family without the need for charity. Baruch Hashem it worked out. If it didn't or does not in the future, then perhaps I would need help. Since when is living off charity and not even trying to earn a livelihood a lechatchilah approach. That certainly was not the approach of the Tannaim. 4) How do any of you know that Dov did not speak to gedolei torah before adopting his approach? You are not correct. Again, posting things like that on this list is clearly not a halachic approach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman is right on track. Keep going R. Lipman - this is really the answer for the Israel Haredi community. I agree with Dov Lipman 100%. - Avraham Sonenthal
Comment by Leah Snyder
Many people in Baltimore support you Be strong. You have emes on your side
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am at a loss on what to say. On the one hand we are all aware of the importance of Da'as Torah, and having our Gedolim determine what is in the best interest of Am Yisrael. On the other hand, we all know how difficult it would be to change the status quo, and how frightened we are of what the consequences may be. There are so many political considerations as well, which you can be sure the Gedolim are aware of and take into consideration, and lets be honest, not always do ALL OF THE GEDOLIM AGREE on what our position should be on ALL ISSUES. I have to assume that most of us who are shomrei Torah UMitzvos would agree that we would prefer to see a situation in Klal Yisrael and specifically in Eretz Yisrael, where the Frum Community could find itself in a state which would allow us to truly shine as examples of what it means to represent Hakdosh Baruch Hu. There is no question that the concept of the Levi'im who were the Rebbeim of Am Yisrael is one that we are all familiar with. However, not everyone is cut out to be a Rebbi or a Rosh Yeshiva or Gadol. We need the Zevulun's as well as the Yissachar's. This is not a new situation or concept, but one which we really need to address, and sooner rather than later. There needs to be a way to make changes that will allow OUR PEOPLE to live as upstanding individuals who contribute to the society in which they live. The real question is how to create the PROPER MECHANISM which would be sanctioned by OUR GEDOLIM. Something needs to change, may Hashem give us the wisdom and gumption to make it happen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I rarely post in this forum, but I enjoy reading the articles to gain a better insight into the frum philosophy and lifestyle. Even as a (non-Orthodox) regular shulgoer, I am often stymied by what I am reading. In all seriousness, is there a web site that has a "Yeshivish glossary", or even a Google-style "Yeshivish translator" so that those of us unfamiliar with many of the words in the above text may better understand what Rabbi Feldman is saying here?
Comment by Leah Snyder
So let me get this straight: It\'s kosher for a Jew in Ner Yisrael Baltimore to learn math, science and english, but it\'s treif for a Jew in Yerushalayim to do the same? Do you Baltimore Jews enjoy seeing your brethren in Eretz HaKodesh live in abject poverty? Can someone please explain why the double standard?
Comment by Leah Snyder
RECEIVED FROM AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA: 'To Distinguished Rabbonim and Leaders of Agudath Israel of America: Please permit me to call your attention to the Kol Korei [Hakhel Note: We provide the Kol Korei by the following link -- ], issued by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, calling upon Yidden in their local communities to gather together for special tefilah this Thursday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan (May 9), in light of the threat facing Torah scholars and charedi families under policies being promoted by the new government in Israel. These policies, if enacted, would plunge large segments of the charedi community into abject poverty, rob charedi schools of their independence from intrusive governmental regulation, and pressure charedim to radically change their religious lifestyle. This unprecedented campaign against Torah scholars and charedi families is cause for deep concern and dismay. As you will see below, leading Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel have designated Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan as a day of special tefilah, and now the members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America have added their voices to the call. We respectfully urge you to disseminate the urgent message of these Kol Koreis, and to arrange for special tefilos to be said in your local batei knessios and yeshivos.'
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Dessler explains the approach of the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel which R. Feldman seems to be following(translation from Daas Torah Blog): "In contrast the Lithuanian yeshivos focused on a single goal ' to create great Torah scholars who were also G-d fearing people. To accomplish this they prohibited going to university. They realized that there was no other way to produce great Torah scholars except by concentrating all their students' energies and desires exclusively to learning Torah. Don't think that they didn't realize from the beginning that this approach would ruin some who would not be able to deal with this extreme lifestyle and would consequently leave religious observance. But this is the price that they paid for the sake of producing in their schools great Torah scholars who were G'd fearing. Obviously they tried their best to deal with those who could not remain full time yeshiva students ' but not in a way which would encourage others to follow in their path of leaving yeshiva. For example, those who had to leave the yeshiva were advised to become storekeepers or other low-status jobs which were not professions. These were jobs which didn't require training or studying and would not be attractive or interesting to the students. However those who had a strong desire to learn a profession and surely those were interested in become academics were completely abandoned and not dealt with at all. This rejection was done so that the actions of these students wouldn't harm others by giving them any legitimacy by trying to help them in any way. I heard that they found support for such an approach by the statement found in Vayikra Rabba (2:10), One thousand students enter to study Bible and only one comes out as a posek and G-d says 'that is the one I desire.' They also mentioned the words of the Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim, 'It is better that 1000 fools die in order to obtain one Torah scholar.'
Comment by Leah Snyder
For one who truly cares, you are going about it all wrong. No one will be able to learn math, or get a job at a high tech corridor of Raanana several years from now because they will die of starvation in the mean time. If you squeeze all of the nickels and dimes out of them through increasing the VAT another point (on top of the point that it was raised about a month ago), increase taxes on vegetables and basic food staples, cut the funding that families receive for their children, cut the discounts on arnona, cut the kollel stipends, etc, etc, etc (you know the list better than I do), no one will be able to make it to the promised land you dream of. The quick response from someone who does not agree with me is "So let them get a job". I have a close friend who is skilled and can't find a job. I have another friend who just made aliyah. He is trying to find a job, & can't find one. There is more hurting than helping going on. It is being led by exactly those who you so proudly met with before joining the party. I know you genuinely want to help, but you aren't. Maybe you will, but right now, it's only hurting.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman, Welcome to the world of politics. You\'re doing great!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I appreciate your clarification Dov, but, your party is a disgrace to be willing to throw more people into poverty, including children by reducing child benefits. Even Stanley Fisher reminded your leaders to remember the poor. That to me is what is disgraceful about your party and about you being a part of it!
Comment by Leah Snyder
And only the basketball courts will be used. What a waste of money.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's a sad commentary where a reasonable position is attacked without a real discussion of the merits. That's the way of the world now, in all circles. Good luck Dov and stay strong.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nu...So tell me..Will "unzerer menschen" ever get any use out of this wonderful field?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I love the rosh yeshiva Morainu Hagoan HaTzaddick HaRav Aharon Feldman !!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you should speak to one of the three gedolai ha\'dor (you know who they are) and get direction from them before you do anything!!! Just like the MK\'s from Gimmel & Shas do. And while you are at it, maybe lower taxes so that people can afford to live in Eretz Yisrael. $8 a gallon for gas... but you don\'t care anymore, you get it free now that you are an MK, sponsored by our tax dollars. I say dollars because no one who makes shekels can afford the outrageous taxes in Israel.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you brought a knife to a gunfight. History will decide if you are an Eybeschutz or a Shabtai Tzvi.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent reply, Rabbi Lipman! I hope people listen to you with an open mind and heart.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 There is a chinuch system set up in eretz yisrael that differs from the system set up in chutz laaretz. Europe as well was chutz laaretz. One of the reasons that I am familiar with is that there is a much greater risk of chareidim going off the derech or becoming close to doing so in Israel than in chutz la'aretz which is why the middle ground can work here without risk on the most part of one going otd. The rabbanim there have had to draw a definite line that cannot be crossed there if one is to remain chareidi unlike in America where there is no uniform definition for what is considered to be yeshivish. Of course there are issues in the work place here and one certainly should join the workforce with proper hadracha on how to maintain the same level of yiddishkeit one had before joining the workforce. We also wouldn't advocate for our children to join the army as we all know the tumah they would be exposed to. But overall a Yeshivish American kollel yungerman can expect to one day join the workforce here and still maintain his kesher with the yeshivish world. When one enters the workforce here he generally understands that he is a Jew and that although he is working with goyim he is very different. There are gedarim in place as well to protect him but usually all he has to do is explain that he is Jewish and in most cases it is understood that he will dress, talk, and behave in a very different manner and that there will be a certain distance in order to maintain his yiddishkeit. However in Israel where everyone is Jewish (most Jews would not find themselves in a workplace with arabs) it is easier to be swayed and influenced by the chilonim. There is not a great degree of respect there for charaidim and in fact many chilonim would be happy to do away with religion in its entirety. In America even among the goyim no one is making a concerted effort to uproot yiddishkeit. Even when working with non frum Jews generally there is no animosity. In a nutshell it is easier for a frum Jew in America to retain his frumkeit in the workplace than in Israel. If chareidim as a rule joined the Israeli workforce we would slowly see a downgrade in the chareidi level of observance and the typical yerushalmi chareidi yid would in a few generations become a thing of the past.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The RCA represents the shrinking middle ground. At last week's Bais Yaakov Dinner, I found it personally offensive that women who have worked hard for the school and were honored were not allowed to go onto the stage and get their plaques. This never ever was the was of Baltimore Bais Yaakov for decades. I think that what Avi Weiss is doing is also not the way of our ancestors,but shutting women out of the picture is also not the way of our ancestors. Both are scandalous deviations from masorah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Name one gadol b'yisrael who agrees with you. You won't; they have all declared as one that just underneath the thin veneer of "share the burden" and "integrating the chareidim in the workforce," lies a vicious attempt at shmad, at uprooting Torah from Klal Yisroel. Moses Mendelsson also learned Torah and kept mitzvos. However, he went against the da'as Torah of the gedolim of his time regarding the relationship between Torah and secular learning. His children went off the derech, and today there is no remnant of his family in Klal Yisroel. Learn a lesson.
Comment by Leah Snyder
R\\\' Dov means exactly what he says. I live in Israel (I don\\\'t know if you do). To say that, \\\"the IDF has been made out to be a demon that destroys the spirituality of Jews and turns them secular,\\\" is motzei shem ra of the first order on an entire chelek of klal yisrael. I have two sons-in-law that just finished their IDF service, one in the IAF (grew up rachmastrivk chassid and learned for 3 years in Mir Yerushalaim), and one in Givati (Gush Katif expellee). Both are fine \\\"frum\\\" young men. And, yes, schools that don\\\'t teach basic skills should NOT receive gov\\\'t funding. I grew up in NYC and learned in Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe (Yeshiva K\\\'tana of Chafetz Chaim). We received a top-notch Torah education and a top-notch secular education. My classmates, today, are all leaders in the Torah, Medical, Law and Business communities. R\\\' Dov is spot-on when he says that he will, in the end, benefit the Chareidi world by giving them a better opportunity to flourish.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speak truth to power Rav Lipman. Some Haredim in Baltimore support you! There is work like this that needs to be done in the US as well. Ben and Miriam Altman
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am at a loss on what to say. On the one hand we are all aware of the importance of Da'as Torah, and having our Gedolim determine what is in the best interest of Am Yisrael. On the other hand, we all know how difficult it would be to change the status quo, and how frightened we are of what the consequences may be. There are so many political considerations as well, which you can be sure the Gedolim are aware of and take into consideration, and lets be honest, not always do ALL OF THE GEDOLIM AGREE on what our position should be on ALL ISSUES. I have to assume that most of us who are shomrei Torah UMitzvos would agree that we would prefer to see a situation in Klal Yisrael and specifically in Eretz Yisrael, where the Frum Community could find itself in a state which would allow us to truly shine as examples of what it means to represent Hakdosh Baruch Hu. There is no question that the concept of the Levi'im who were the Rebbeim of Am Yisrael is one that we are all familiar with. However, not everyone is cut out to be a Rebbi or a Rosh Yeshiva or Gadol. We need the Zevulun's as well as the Yissachar's. This is not a new situation or concept, but one which we really need to address, and sooner rather than later. There needs to be a way to make changes that will allow OUR PEOPLE to live as upstanding individuals who contribute to the society in which they live. The real question is how to create the PROPER MECHANISM which would be sanctioned by OUR GEDOLIM. Something needs to change, may Hashem give us the wisdom and gumption to make it happen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speak truth to power Rav Lipman. Some Haredim in Baltimore support you! There is work like this that needs to be done in the US as well. Ben and Miriam Altman
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is an amazing article written by a real visionary. We all must act to change the world and create our place in olam habah. We must sustain ourselves physically and spiritually. Torah and Avodah. Hashem did not create the world for us to sit and learn torah and never apply it. Thank You Rabbi for doing something. For taking a stand. Please if you have problems with his actions. Do not berate him or his family. Make your own change.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Producing "gedolim"? What's the basis of such a goal?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Daas Torah is the litvish version of Chasidism. It is only very recent and not the Torah way. That is what the Gra fought against.
Comment by Leah Snyder
so sorry but I don't really understand the language and trying to translate what the Rav is trying to say. Does someone mind translating in the Rav's word and not your own?
Comment by Leah Snyder
this man dose not listen to the gedolim not in the us and not in israel , does what he feels is right shame on him
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman, You are very brave. There are many of us who have learned in E"Y in the Chareidi kollel world and now have a major problem feeding our families with dignity. I've read a few of the comments and they're nasty. Know that many of us are behind you. We understand that you had to do this pretty much alone because the Gedolim insist of keeping things the way they are. I don't want to say they don't care about us, but it seems they care more about keeping the Torah world exactly the same than they do about keeping their talmidim's homes functional. Many of us yearn for a solution and believe that you're onto something. Stay strong!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman, You are very brave. There are many of us who have learned in E"Y in the Chareidi kollel world and now have a major problem feeding our families with dignity. I've read a few of the comments and they're nasty. Know that many of us are behind you. We understand that you had to do this pretty much alone because the Gedolim insist of keeping things the way they are. I don't want to say they don't care about us, but it seems they care more about keeping the Torah world exactly the same than they do about keeping their talmidim's homes functional. Many of us yearn for a solution and believe that you're onto something. Stay strong!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sadly, the Charedi leadership has rejected MK Lipman. It has doubled down on their unsustainable lifestyle.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mr. Lipman: If you feel it's important to provide these basic secular studies why not make after hours - optional courses - for those who choose to benefit from them? Many may actually do so! But why do you choose to put a strangle hold on the Charedi Yeshivos (and individual families) who feel they don't need or want it? What right do you have to force it upon them? Your proposed law seems no different than the gezayra that closed down Yeshivas Valozhon. It's not too late. You are a ben Torah who surely means well but is making an error in judgment. Even Moshe Rabbainu admitted making errors. Seek out Daas Torah to stand together with them (not anyone's daughter who pleaded etc.). Even Dovid HaMelech consulted the Sanhedrin many times - regardless of the fact that he was the undisputed ruler of Klal Yisroel. Sadly if you do push this through, you should have no complaints that your Rosh HaYeshiva labeled you a rasha and a shoneh upirush.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This sounds like what Korach would of said.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I grew up in USA went to yeshiva with secular studies. That was america here in EY we don't need to learn english if someone wants to get a job that needs english THEN he should learn english. It is like going to collage and taking all the courses that are worthless to get a job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nobody thinks Dov said "all yeshiva ketanos in Israel should be closed", including the Rosh Yeshiva. They think he said "The Israeli government should not fund institutions which don't teach basic math and English. Yeshivos which don't do so... won't receive government funding." This he did say, and repeats and... This is a piece, there's much more, that makes him evil.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#8 is correct.There is one factor left out. Most Israeli taxpayers do not want to support the chareidim any longer. They got what they got because of political deals and now they are out of the coalition. If Lapid does not burn out, he may be the next Prime Minister. I think that there have to be structural changes to the chareidi educational system and that it would be better if their leaders would see the benefits of the changes proposed. If they remian adamant, that is their call but the State will not fund their system to the extent they have in the recent past. Isn't that fair?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The irony of Dov is that he is so adamant that he does not want to "force his way of life" on the Haredim... while he forces his way of life onto the Haredim. The quintessential, Dov "doth protest too much". Dov wants the Haredi Jews in Israel to be "Haredi Jews" like he is and he sees no issue with this . But the Haredi Jews in Israel don't see Dov as Haredi and, explicitly, don't want to be like him. I've read article after article after article written by Dov expressing how wonderful he is and his son is and his family is and... Israeli Haredi don't agree. Though a blow to Dov's ego and a difficult pill to swallow, he needs to hear and internalize this fact. Haredi Jews do not want to live like him. Dov has been confronted with this fact numerous times and his response has consistently been, Well then I'm doing this for their own good. It is stances like this from Dov that lead Rav Feldman shlita to say "...little people with little minds strutting around looking for their taivas and their kovid..." But Dov's narcissism and grandiosity won't allow him to see this. Dov has convinced himself that he's saving the Haredim and... This could not be further from the truth.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If you feel it\'s important to provide these basic secular studies why not make after hours - optional courses - for those who choose to benefit from them? What does that have to do with putting a strangle hold on the Charedi Yeshivos (and individual families) who feel they don\\\'t need it? What right do you have to force it upon them? Your law is no different than the gezayra that closed down Valozhon. And if you do force this through, you are indeed a rasha in the full sense of the word!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you Rav Lipman for everything you do!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#8 - Lipman uses your same logic and it is flawed. Israel is democracy, and there are plenty of things the government funds which not everybody supports. The point is that the citizens of Israel accept the democratic process, and it ends up funding what enough people support. There are plenty of people in Israel who support government funding people who learn Torah. It's just that won't find that support from the mechaellei Shabbos in Tel Aviv, whom you and Lipman obviously drink their Kool-Aid.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There comes a point where even a person who is now an MK and has to \\\"stand for what they have said and not be seen as a wimp..\\\" When the yeshiva for which you have Semicha comes out against you, (and they are a yeshiva which didn\\\'t run out against you at the first sign of something being amiss...!) it\\\'s time to self introspect and decide whom you represent and what you stand for. Simply put: is there ANYTHING that if a document stated something specific, not this one as written, came out, would make you retract? Would you THEN realize that you have gone too far and do represent a person with a downfall in the making? Tell us what who has to sign on that document and what it has to say for you to retract form your \\\"misunderstood\\\" positions... and that document will be on its way.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman- Please list the gedolei yisroel who endorse what you are trying to do.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I went to the Neturai Karta rally.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mr Lipman, Your words are very smooth and seductive. It all sounds like a utopia, but let's get some facts straight: (1) You are mevazeh the leaders of the Chareidi world by disregarding their daas. The Chareidi world lives their life according to the Torah as brought down through the ages by the Talmud, Rishonim, Shulchan Aruch and later Acharonim. We've always turned to the Torah greats of our generation to find the solutions to the current day challenges. They are the ones who know the Torah from aleph to tav, and can see sof l'davar. It is the basis of our religion and the halachic process to follow the Chachamim of our day. Your behavior, if followed by the Chareidi community, would end that halachic process and destroy our religion. The approach of a mussar Jew should be: Yes Mr Lipman, I can hear what you say makes sense, but I do not have the wisdom to see sof l'davar, and therefore I rely on the Torah greats to guide us. The leaders of our generation even have more say than the Rambam than you like to quote, because we always follow later authorities over earlier ones. They are the ones who understood the Rambam and other authorities, and incoporated it into their psak. (2) You have joined together with an Am-Haaretz rasha who wantonly rejects the Torah and mitzvos, and if that were not enough, you have colluded with him against the very community that you claim to serve. (3) This Knesset "Beis Midrash" is a totally non-mitsvos-keeping woman teaching Gemara to men?! Who in Ner Israel taught you that? What is the praise? (4) The mitzvah of remembering Amelek in the pasukim in the end of parashas Ki Seitzeh says that Amalek went after the weak in a state of lack of clarity (karcha), and he did not hear G-d. That is why you are compared to Amalek. (5) If your intentions are so pure to serve Hashem but to make a parnasoh, then why do we hear you talk so much about professional sports? Even the Rambam said a person should work 3 hours a day, and spend the rest of his day learning with no bitul Torah. I'd love to write more, but I have to get back to work making my own parnassoh.
Comment by Leah Snyder
>I owe so much to Ner Yisrael and want to be clear from the outset that my words are not against the yeshiva. Sounds like another possible R' Slifkin here. He is from this world, but somehow doesn't comprehend what's happening to him as it is happening. You might not be opposed to the yeshiva, but the Yeshiva will be opposed to you going forward. >I was called a rasha and equated with Amalek and Haman. Get used to it. >Yeshivos which don't do so will not be closed down but they won't receive government funding. In Israel, this is the same thing. You think those poor Charedim who don't have any money and send schnorrers to America to beg for cash, even with the government funding, will be able to keep them open? Probably not. >there are numerous yeshivos which already take zero government money and continue to flourish. Mostly the anti-zionist ones who are even more ideologically opposed to government support, which depend on American money and those who own businesses in the tax free haven of Meah Sharim. >We are going to help Chareidim sustain their families - literally feed their children - and we are compared to murderers? I think you're underestimating just how much the leadership is opposed to anyone getting a job. Better they should starve and feed off Torah than be mevatel zman to get money. >the rest can study Torah uninterrupted until age 21 and then serve in military or national service geared specifically to chareidim... and we are compared to Amalek and Haman? Since the IDF has been made out to be a demon that destroys the spirituality of Jews and turns them secular, yes, that's exactly the goal of Amalek. >My e-mail in-box is filled with letters of support from Chareidim From individuals, but not from the leaders themselves who will only intensify their rhetoric against you. >I certainly hope the misquote will be acknowledged and that the comparison to Amalek and Haman will be taken back. Good luck with that. It doesn't matter how many facts you have, you cannot disprove an ideology that is opposed to everything you are doing. >Misunderstandings happen and can always be corrected. This isn't a misunderstanding, they know what they are opposing, and they will go to great lengths to oppose you. The only thing in your favor is the hope that the government will succeed regardless of what the vocal ruling minority demand.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #8: If the Israeli-style Chareidi (chinuch) system is working so well, then why is it so dependent on government funding and $$ from Chutz L'aretz? It is not as if the Israeli Chinuch system (in its current percentages) has been the Jewish historical reality for thousands of years. Did not Gedlolim in Europe emerge from such a "middle ground"? Chinuch is chinuch (with basic guidelines found in Kiddushin 29-30). Torah is Torah. And having the skills and financial resources to support one's family means having the skills and financial resources to support one's family. So, this seems to be apples to apples to me which should now be culturally dependent. So, why is the double-standard somehow reasonable?
Comment by Leah Snyder
It;s so ice that you met with the leaders of the party. But why didn't you consider meeting with the leaders of your PEOPLE?? You claim Rav Weinberg was your rebbe.. as maverick as he was, do you know how much he was machniya himself to the gedolei hador?? But you know better!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov- Who are you fooling? All of Israel knows that Yesh Atid received 19 seats because they are 'anti-charedi'. Let's not be disingenuous. Your party leader made it clear in his recent Knesset speech that he despises chareidim. And, true to its campaign, your party is doing exactly that: Taking away kitzvat yeladim, arnona breaks for avrechim, stopping all funding to foreign yeshiva students (how do you like that as an oleh!), 30% cut to overall yeshiva budget, slicing seminary slots and more. Are these moves being done out of love for the charedim? Or are they brazen attempts to drive the community- already poor as can be - into utter poverty, so that they abandon their values? If you believe in it, its your right to do- you are democratically elected. But please, stow the self righteous baloney how you- and Yesh Atid- care about the charedim's best interest! These are just the budgetary issues. I haven't even touched on your articles and statements which put you completely OUT of the Torah camp."No such thing as daas Torah", "No halachic sanctity to the Kotel", and Rabbi Ovadia is a (senile?) extremist"... Are these all misquotes too?
Comment by Leah Snyder
What does this mean "1) The Israeli government should not fund institutions which don't teach basic math and English. Yeshivos which don't do so will not be closed down but they won't receive government funding." Ner Yisrael or Harav Weinberg did not teach you that. The Rosh Hayeahiva's of the the yeshiva was mossad nefesch for Chinuch Atzmaie. It's true what you write Most young Chareidi young men are not cut out to learn Torah day and night for their entire lives and this will empower them to be Talmidei Chachamim, Bnei Torah, and also supporting their families with dignity.But giving money to yeshivas ketanas does not have to do with the this. The way you write shows you have big yedias in torah but lacking yiras shamayim. Don't play around to think what you are doing is saving E'y.Maybe if you would like to put that type of school in the system plus work on trying to help with courses to help the Chareidi families get into the job market. You must to gedolim of E'Y. Then you will see Hazalchah
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am waiting to read a comment that while it is OK to get a basic education in Baltimore, it is evil to force pure chareidi children in Israel to learn skills that will help them enter the work force. Why are we having a prayer gathering to protest the evil decrees? What is evil about them? The chutzpah to take money and then insult your donor.Why should the state of Israel force taxpayers to support a whole community that thinks they are entitled to lietime support . Why are we on their side,they look down on us and won't even let our grandchildren into their chadorim. Arrogant beggars are not the best of the best.Why do they think they are?
Comment by Leah Snyder
incredibly disingenuous Mr. Lipman
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad piece. Dov, Im sure you mean well. You talk the good talk but have quickly proven that you are 'for sale' issuing halachic opinions (on leninent conversions, no less) and spewing psakim. The rosh yeshiva is a talmid chacham, leader and intelligent person who counts his words and unlike you, his salary and fame isnt dependant on persuading people to see things his way. I feel for you when you've outlived your usefulness as Lapids token haredi and then what?
Comment by Leah Snyder
1967 was a long time ago, I was in Ner Israel and the entire yeshiva, everyone went on busses to Washington,DC for a mass rally. The yeshiva was 100% supportive of Israel and wished for the survival and success of Eretz Yisrael. I remember being on the Mall amidst thousands from all over the country when the end of the war was announced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Let's hope Ner Israel comments on this letter and doesn't stay silent.
Comment by Leah Snyder
kol hakavod dov
Comment by Leah Snyder
You met with the leaders and decided for yourself that all was fine. You are a Nogea B'Davar. Of course you decided all was fine. Your opinions are not at all inline with mainstream Torah Yahadus (aka the constituency thereof; not your chosen definitions). Re: Amalek; Rish'us. I totally agree with you. But don't misrepresent....
Comment by Leah Snyder
how can you disagree with this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Right on! We are proud of you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
If this all true, why haven\'t you met with the gedolim of e\'y 1st.By that way you would have daas torah. Since this group came in not one time do you show or hear daas torah with you, just behind or against you. I guess there is rason why in perkai avos it saids o\'hav eas melachah oa\'sehnah rabbanus v\'al tisvadie le\'rashus. What you write sounds good and could be true,but 1st you must have daas torah. Remember what is good for e\'y doesn\'t mean it is good for churtz leareatz and what is good for ch\'le doesn\'t mean it is good for e\'y.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comparing the israeli chinuch system to the american one is like comparing apples to oranges. Eretz yisroel is a completely different culture from the American culture. what works here cannot work there for many reasons. In america there is a middle ground. You can learn and work and still be considered a talmud chacham. For various reasons there really is no middle ground there, its black or white. Either you associate with daati, mizrachi or you are chareidi. Those who have tried the middle ground i.e. many americans who have moved there and have tried to maintain the American culture of learning and working have found that it didn't work and they mostly ended up being regarded as mizrachi even though in America they were what is considered a typical yeshivish family. why it works that way there is too complicated to discuss here but there are definite reasons why the gedolim feel that is the right approach for Israel but not outside e"y (except maybe in the chasidishe velt).Its the way it is there. There are many American families who can't consider moving to E"Y due to this factor. Every country has their own cultural norms. As the saying goes, when in Rome do as the romans. Trying to change the entire system is not going to work there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's interesting that the typical American Yeshivish guy in Baltimore who went to TA, NIRC, college or law school makes chinuch decisions for his own children which are really inconsistent with the Israeli Chareidi mindset/lifestyle which is being discussed here. I don't think that the typical Baltimore balabuss would be too happy if TI, TA, of BY did away with all Limudei Chol and transformed them into Yeshiva Ketanos. Yet, we have to somehow vigorously protest the creation of remotely similar Mosdos Chinuch in Israel, sharply condemn anyone who is advocating for precisely what we sacrifice to pay tuition to here. Am I missing something?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol hakavod
Comment by Leah Snyder
One if the roots of the problem is the assumption that every child has the ability to be a gadol or needs to be a gadol. 99.9% don't have the ability to sit and learn ALL day, EVERY day for YEARS on end. This is not the way it was done in Europe and it is not the way it should be done now. In Europe, the best and brightest learned in famous yeshivas and excelled. (A lot of them also found it worthwhile to have a trade for Parnassah on the side. Back then there was such a thing as a "simple Jew". If you didn't have what it took to learn in yeshiva all day, it was okay to be a simple god fearing Jew. You would still be able to get a shidduch and be a member of the community. The expectations of the "frum" community today with regards to the volume of learning are downright ridiculous. There are plenty of gedolim (the Rosh HaYeshiva included) who had/ have the abilities described above. To expect it from every kid is absurd and irresponsible.. I graduated from TA about 15 years ago and learning was emphasized of course but not nearly to the extreme that it is now. Making time every day for learning is important. Round the clock learning for years is not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Byron W. Szochet ESQ. Instead of posting a question like that to the BJL reader comments. Why don't you call or pay a visit to Rabbi Feldman and ask him your question. He is a very nice, welcoming man, and I am sure he will provide you with the answer that you are looking for. Don't think you are going to get the answer on this website. As an aside, I have no idea what you are asking. Who said we dont have the same passion to reach out to boys in our own city to bring them back. I for one can tell you about many programs in this city that address the very things that you are looking for. Did you take the time to find out if it exists before lashing out online???
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff, honestly, some of these comments are hurtful and should be taken down.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I certainly agree with the Rosh Yeshivah. As for commoners like myself, I feel that limudei chol is very important for people who will not be able to handle all day learning in a yeshivah or kollel. We need those yeshivos k'tanos, chadarim, and of course the yeshivas gedolim && kollelim for our future gedolim and getting rid of those would be beyond devastating for us!!! Nevertheless there should be good strong Orthodox day schools with good limudei chol classes for guys like myself!
Comment by Leah Snyder
5-7-2013 This is passion for Torah. If only we had the same passion to reach out to the boys in our own city who have been estranged from Torah learning within our own city within our own schools. We have boys, many boys, some in the Torah schools, some who have been put out of Torah schools, some who have dropped out of Torah schools, who have been made to feel that there is no place for them in Torah. We must have this same passion for them, to reach out to them and bring them back under the wing of Hashem. We must look right here at home. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is the title only about Lipman\'s response? Where is the title/article about Lipman saying that the Kotel is not a bais haknesses or that he would close the Yeshiva Ketanos?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Has anyone (including Rav Feldman) actually heard this radio interview attributed to Dov Lipman? I live in Eretz Yisroel and can't find it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #5: They are talking about math and science, not the shtus taught in public schools.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In Talmudic times, engagements lasted a year while the Choson learned an occupation to be able to support a family. Why is that now become a crime?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Rosh Yeshiva has made very clear that he does not represent the yeshiva and is in fact a Rasha and a shono u'porish
Comment by Leah Snyder
and the Shechinah resting at the Kotel is crying and Mashiach is sighing, waiting in the wings, while Klal Yisroel counts sefiras haomer and remembers Rabi Akiva's students....or maybe not!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am assuming BJL is going to link to the Rosh Yeshiva's shmuess where he refers to Dov as a rasha and a shana u'pirush
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman has also said that any Yeshiva Ketana (equivalent to high school) that doesn't teach the state required secular curriculum should be shut down by the government - doesn't sound chareidi to me. And this is a "jewish" state??
Comment by Leah Snyder
One would love to root for mk lipman in this case,but then he has to say some idiotic thing about thekosel not needing a mechitza.
Comment by Leah Snyder
First: Lipman's citation that the Kosel is not a Bais Haknessess and about photos from the old days of men and women praying there together is disingenuous. For hundreds of years that Jerusalem was controlled by muslims, the Kosel was along a narrow street strewn with donkey dung. The ruler forbade Jews from making a Minyan and certainly from erecting a Mechitza. I heard this argument from a feminist Conservative female "rabbi". Obviously now the Kosel has the Din of a Bais Knessess, albeit an outdoor one. I don't think that Yakov Asher's attack was smart for other reasons. And I don't think it is important whether Lipman considers himself Chareidi or not. Even if some of his objectives are correct, to improve the financial status of Bene Torah, which I will presume he is sincere about. But by joining the enemies of Torah, and publically defying all of the Gedolim, he makes a monumental Chilul Hashem, which someday will come back to bite him hard, if he doesn't get smart and do Teshuva.
Comment by Leah Snyder
wow. he was actually interrupted saying derech eretz kadma l\\\'torah. timing could not have been more perfect
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess you can't be Chareidi, if you have an independent thought. OK, Lippman was wrong in what he said about the Kotel, but give me a break. He is what he is. Not every Chareidi agrees on everything. Lippman's answer was 100% correct.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very exciting. Stand at the counter at Tov Pizza and see it done better and more professionally. I'll take Tov any day of the week.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm glad that the Agudah has the sechel to realize that a public anti-Israel rally/Kinus like the one previously planned and nixed would not sufficiently differentiate them from J-Street or other group. That would have neither played well in the media nor beyond hard-core Yeshivish community in America, especially with those who have friends and relatives in Israel who both learn and serve in Tzahal or work.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Praying for Mel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Pretty awesome stuff. It would be helpful to know if any of the kosher vitamin companies are working on developing a supplement with the new formula. Follow-up story.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Isn't it amazing that so-called "moral issues" become important when they wants something. For everything else, they don't want to hear moral arguments, i.e. abortion, gay marriage, etc.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No matter how far away or alone one feels BALTIMORE is a place that never sleeps never stops doing for one another and Never stops being a place that so many of us call home even when we live in other communities.A person might leave Baltimore but Baltimore never leaves the person.....Take it from me Elise Hamburger Zakroff I know how far the chessed of Baltimore reaches up close and personal every day even here in Colorado.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have to be honest this whole thing is a bit sick. How does the Chareidi world deal with an Nechemia who went out and built the walls of Yerushalyim, why didn\'t he say... nu wall? Just sit and learn... ... The rishonim do bring down Kollel. R\' Avraham ben HaRamabam says in a big city his father said there should be 10 people always in the shul since the shul is like the mikdash which was always watched and that these people should do the work of the community. What terrible narcissism that you think you should learn all day and not be obligated to the community. Why don\'t you volunteer to teach, to do something for the Jewish people. What is really distorted here is your entire relationship to Torah. You think the act of Torah learning per se is holy, the act is an act like all others. That is to say torah learning is a qualitative issue, not a quantitative one. Further as a great thinker once said, it is wrong to aggrandize anything but G-d, including the Torah. Meaning, the Torah is a MEANS to G-d, not an end. Serving the Am, protecting the Am is the same is serving G-d. Torah, as Dovid Hamelech remarks in Tehilim 19 (see commentary by R\' Hirsh) is a means to serving G-d. Protecting one\'s fellow Jew partakes of the same holiness. Further, even if the above were not true the Chareidim should serve for the sake of Shalom. A Dati family or a secular family that lays its children out on the line has a very strong argument in that why should only their children die while the Chareidim benefit. By not serving the Chareidim create an environment of Tzinus Chinum whether they like it or not. Shalom overrides truth in certain moments (not that I think the Chareidim have much truth here). That is, as R\' Moshe Soloveitchik commented, without Mashiach sometimes truth and peace cannot be maintained simultaneously. In this case peace would need to be chosen. As such even in their own framework the chareidim no legs to stand on. What makes this so upsetting is that if the entire state were frum they would serve. They only wont serve bec. they think the state is Tammei....which it may be ...but the Jewish people are not.... If the entire state were frum they would have no issue with an army, it would be a legitimate task its only when they have to protect secular people that they find it a vile involvement... this to me is very sick...
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 please read my comment #8. This article belongs whereever people will read it. There is a local angle. called perps in B-more molesting kids. Remember, no more head in the sand. If someone in NY molests a kid and peope in Baltimore didn't hear about it, did it really happen..........
Comment by Leah Snyder
There are only 2 places in Baltimore that have a tifilah for yom kippur katan Agudah and Rabbi Weiss shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Any updates on how mel is doing
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nice to see so many people at the Kotel. We found out about it with 5 minutes left to catch the last bus to get us there on time, but we tried and just missed it. Refuah Shlaima Mel. We're Davening for you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
NOTE: This is NOT Brood 10 - the massively dense 17 year Cicada that Baltimore last experienced in 2004 and will next experience in 2021. This is Brood 2 - which affects a much larger area that does include Brood 10 territory, but is much less dense and therefore much less severe.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A mensh. Pray for him. Charles G. Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
As an editorial note, I do not believe this article belongs in Local News (i wa expecting to read about a Baltimore connection). Maybe National News since it is a story about an incident in NY.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not true at all! Amsalam went against Rav Ovadya. Rav OY decided to reinstate Deri over Yishai. Amsalam refuses to see the truth that he is the one that changed.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am praying for Mel speedy recovery in Israel. Jackie Spivack
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sorry my fellow Baltimorons, With all due respect, an article regarding one of our own who was seriously injured in this accident is not the time and place to be debating the virtues of riding a bike in the street or on the sidewalk, relevant laws etc. Seriously??? lets shut down this discussion right now.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When will the frum Jews in Americ have the integrityand courage to disassociaqte themselves from the Israeli chareidi extremists who use such vile language and compare other Jews to Nazis. How can anyone with brains think for one second that any of our great gedolim, Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov, Rav Ruderman would have ever stooped to the gutter language of the chareidi askanim in Israel. They misuse the Gedolim and misinform them. These askanim are the true culprits.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very speedy Refuah Shleimah to our brother Moshe Benzion (Reb Mel Pachino)! May these never happen again in Klal Yisroel ever again!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gene was a special person and has a very supportive family, may they all have the strength to continue on.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2 I had two similar stories with MTA buses. I feel that many people can say the same. Perhaps if enough people come forward, we can put an end to this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
hope each day is an improvement
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please include his jewish name and mother\\\'s name so that we can daven for him. thank you
Comment by Leah Snyder
Doni Kandel The writer is currently studying for his M.A. in Counter-Terrorisms and Homeland Security at the IDC Herzliya, a researcher for the International Institute of Counter-Terrorisms and writes a column for the Washington Times Communities.
Comment by Leah Snyder
We, here in Baltimore are all davening for him! May all our prayers be answered speedily and for good.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Echoing comment #3 from G. Berry who appears to be familiar with the appropriate laws. If we used bicycles more often we and the environment would be healthier and we\'d be less dependent on Arab oil. Win, win, and win. Commenter #1, learn something about the traffic laws and resolve to stop making insensitive and completely wrong (such as advocating for cyclists to break the law and drivers to ignore them) comments, and learn something of the laws of Ona\'as Devarim, for the speedy healing of Moshe Ben Tzion ben Leah Rachel!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dear BJL, Could you provide any updates after Shabbat?
Comment by Leah Snyder
wbal tv is reporting that the driver made a left turn. and charges are pending against the driver. draw your own conclusions about who is at fault. in the meantime, can we just daven, and focus on achdus???? especially during yemei sefiras haomer? my tehillim list is WAYYYY too long.
Comment by Leah Snyder
For some people a bike is their only form of transportation. It is illegal to ride on a sidewalk. In order to access parks that have bike paths, one must drive great distances. Most bicyclists I've seen wear bright clothing or have special lights, flags, etc. to make themselves more visible to drivers. We don't know the full story: was the bicyclist driving safely or recklessly. Was the driver speeding or using his/her cell phone? But putting the blame on the bicyclist is completely unfair if he was riding in a law abiding manner. A bicyclist does not "cause" traffic (too many cars do). It's as if you are saying it's irresponsible for someone to walk with a purse because they're asking to get robbed. Indeed it is dangerous for someone to ride their bike due to lack of designated bike lanes, and incredibly rude and distracted drivers. G. Berry
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes; it is local news. we here in B-more have to get our heads out of the sand and rid ourselves once and for all of these subhumans who prey on kids. Awareness is important! Perhaps a creep will see this article and think twice before abusing. Prison and only prison and all that goes along with molestors in prison! nothing else for molestors. no more turning the other way!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To commenter #1: I understand your frustration, but there is no reason to vent against cyclists and their \"toys\". A sidewalk is no place for a bicycle as there are pedestrians there. Most cyclists, like myself, ride on or close to the shoulder, if not right next to the curb. There are many times I have almost been hit motorists who are just not paying attention. Just the other day, an MTA bus in oncoming traffic made a left turn in front of me as I was legally going through the intersection at the green light. So let me ask you - was that irresponsible on my part? We know too little of the details to make such broad and accusatory comments.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for sharing your perspective on this important issue. I don\'t necessarily agree with all your points, but I do believe that there should be room for respectful dialogue in our community. I think that this issue is a complex one and is something many women struggle with to one degree or another. I, too, was blown away by Devorah Heshelis\'s book The Moon\'s Lost Light, and actually had the opportunity to meet her when she spoke at the Schor\'s home in Baltimore this year (her real name is Devorah Farzag). She is a chareidi/chassidish mother of 10+ kids whose book on the role of women in Judaism has haskamos from many talmedei chachamim and is based on Torah sources. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in hearing another perspective. Bracha Poliakoff
Comment by Leah Snyder
I encourage people to stop riding bikes in the streets. There are paths, sidewalks and parks where you can exercise with your toys. Putting yourself and others in danger and causing traffic is simply irresponsible.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Baruch Dayan Emes. You will not be forgotten Gene.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is this local news?
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is a great Story!!!! I love that line! "if they dont have a problem with me then I dont have a problem with them!" Thats awesome. But the sad part is... what happens when they do have a problem with you???? How do we prevent that from even happening withing the community at large. If we can get this figured out and into action then Nissin and the rest of Klal Yisrael will be bringing us back to Yerushalayim in a jiffy Kudos to the writer for your ability to let this wonderful boy into your camp and giving him a chance to show this point!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jewish Big Brother is watching. I can't believe people will stand for this. WHO ARE these Rabbis?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just because one is frum doesn't mean that he/she deserves to be defended by the frum community. Jack Abramoff was drum; but he eventually got what he deserved. Ditto for that "devout churchgoer" Al Capone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The immoral part is that the Israeli government freed the psychopath so that he would terrorize again. Unfortunately, Israel's schizophrenic government has a habit of doing that just for the sake of Peace..... I propose they take this terrorist's body and give it to the pigs to feast over. Not likely though, I am sure he was given over to his family already where they can continue to kvell over his \"heroism\". The family should be punished severly as well for their support in this. They are accomplices. And by the way the only people \"occupying\" the west bank are those Arabs and if they do not want to live in peace with Israel then they must be deported!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What are we becoming as a nation?
Comment by Leah Snyder
BDE - tragic loss of one of our finest. A true hero!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow, what a nice story and a great and much needed lesson.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How can anyone expect peace with these people?
Comment by Leah Snyder
His family is so in love with HaShem and His people.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2 I am not putting a damper on things. Just stating the obvious. have you taken a walk through Baltimore recently?? way too many overweight people. Not healthy!! I speak out of love for my fellow Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I hope that those standing around got some drinking water for the fireman.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, way to put a damper on things. you can eat a salad if you'd like. We all have the ability to make our own choice.
Comment by Leah Snyder
where is the shul?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#3 "inside track on Weberman" "Weberman was innocent" Care to elaborate on your inside track? why dont you speak to people who really know what went on? why dont you call rabbi Yaakov Horowitz and inform him of your inside track? A "Chassidic" man who admitted that he used to spend FOUR HOURS in a locked room "counseling" this young girl. Puhlease; If you believe that i have a bridge to sell you. it is people with the "inside track" like you that have allowed these disgusting molestors to destroy lives for way too long! . Sorry - doesnt fly any more! Molestors in our community, you are on notice - keep your stinking hands off of our children!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Good idea! I have witnessed too many good people unable to kick their habit and then dying in agony from long cancer. Making them wait until they're 21 will give them a chance to acquire enough common sense to not start in the first place. The convenience shop guys can sell other merchandise.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#3 your attitude is totally disgusting. A court of law found him guilty so it doesn't matter much to me what you think. Have you ever thought the victim went off the derech because of Weberman's actions? Just because someone has gone off the derech does not automatically make them a lier or their story false. These criminals should serve the maximum prison sentences under the law. Our children are not hefker! The attitude in the orthodox community on this issue needs to change dramatically! When I hear people say things like this it makes me ashamed to be a Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Amazing that frum baltimore hasn't been on the map till this Shul opened. Shearith Israel, Ner Israel, TA... I guess they don't hold a candle to a Shul in a house that's been around for a year an a half. Half a dozen shuls have opened or built buildings in baltimore in the last 5-10 years and it seems like no e were as big a deal as this place. I wonder why this is?
Comment by Leah Snyder
No joke. This is just a sample of how low the "frum" world has sunk. This is ridiculous. So concerned about the halachos of makeup on Shabbos but no concern whatsoever for making a profound chillul Hashem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I don't have any inside track on this case, but I do on the Weberman case. Weberman was innocent, the charges against him were invented. The so called "victim" had gone off the derech and had no compunction to invent stories that blamed Weberman. Sometimes the so-called "victims" deserve all the shunning they get! The same was true of Baruch Lanner, he did nothing, but when you have teenage girls crying and putting on a good show in court, it is often impossible to defend yourself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Stupidity leads to tragedy. The rifle should never have been left out or unlocked or unsupervised.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The victim said he was \"kicked out of school and lost friends.\" That is totally disgusting! As compassionate human beings we should not allow a victim of a crime to be subjected to continued bullying and abuse. It is totally unacceptable! I applaud the family for staying observant. If my child had been treated this way by the community I would have probably walked away.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff - before all the comments asking why you posted this article, I would like to be the first saying THANK YOU!!!!! Molestors in our community, you are on notice - keep your stinking hands off of our children!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
This has to be a joke, right?
Comment by Leah Snyder
OK. So give her back her $45. Why sue? Since it didn't work for her, she is in no worse position than before (except for the $45). This will only make the lawyers wealthier. Lancome will eventualy settle, anyone who bought the makeup will get a $10 refund, and the lawyers will get $1 million or more!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Never prouder to be a Jew.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shhh,no one tell e fink
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is just horrific and so tragic...
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am sure the BJL staff is busy, but it seems like articles on events like this come out 3 days after the fact. You have spoiled us...... night of or following morning at the latest please.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm embarrassed for the previous commenter. You say she's entitled to her views but then you accuse her of "apikorsus". You ramble on about the different roles of men and women, yet you never cite where this appears in Torah. By the way, her PhD makes her Dr. Lambert Adler, not Ms.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am so embarressed for Ms. Lambert Adler. She is entitled to her views but it is painfully obvious that they stem from a reform/conservative mindset or upbringing. These views are not in line with the Torah. Men and women according to the Torah are equally important yet we have clearly defined different roles. The man's role is in the public domain and his mitzvos are generally performed in a more public way. The women's role is in the private domain as women strive to be tzanuah, yet they are just as meaningful to Hashem. This is what Hashem wants from women and is not forced down women's throats by male chauvinism. Rashi in Parshas vayera states that sorah imainu was ba'ohel due to the fact that she was a tzanuah. Ms. Lambert Adler's approach is unfortunately misguided,not based on Torah values and shows an ignorance of why the Torah mandates certain practices in regard to men and women. We do the mitzvos because Hashem wants us to, period. When a man and a women have a happy stable marriage they are happy with their respective roles and happy for each other when they can fulfill these roles. We are each half of a whole. When one's husband is davening for the amud or is laining from the Torah the wife is happy that the other half of them is serving Hashem in the way Hashem wants, while their half is serving Hashem the way He wants by being a tzanua. Both are equally important and contribute to raising happy and emotionally healthy children who will ultimately grow up being confident and secure in their relationship with Hashem. Someone who has a healthy self esteem and is secure in their relationship with Hashem feels no need to take on the role that Hashem intended for someone else. I agree that this article should be removed as it borders on apikorsus.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where are the angry unions to protest (like in Wisconsin)this horror of employees contributing to their own retirement a full 1%!!! oh, that's right. It's a democrat that is proposing this small sense of sanity.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Look at all the fat laden food consumed in the name of a good cause. Please next year let us change this great event to "America Eats SALAD & SHUSHI for Israel". Pizza, donuts, pancakes, deli, oils, shortening have no place in a campaign like this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
While I do not necessarily see eye to eye with every viewpoint stated I believe that there is a great need for introspection in the Frum community. The lack of Derech Eretz expressed above is part of a critical problem that has been plaguing us for over 2000 years. It's just one more component of the Bein Adam L'chavaro we have obviously not been able to repair in this long Galus. If the Talmidim of Rabbi Akiva had trouble to the point of 'lo nahagu kavod zeh la-zeh', we a generation far from that level and leadership, needs to consider our behavior so much more. For those who believe that thoughtful and respectful discussion about issues in Judaism is k'neged being a Torah True Jew, there are other venues for uniform, homogeneous, Frum points of view that you may share in. I feel for the damage that such spiritual complacency inflicts on Klal Yisroel. It is a sad time in Klal Yisroel when opportunities for introspection are no longer considered acceptable. If trying to work through the issues in the Frum community disturbs your comfort zone in your Yiddishkeit, venues like BJL may not be for you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When I read articles such as this one, I feel sad. I feel sad for the women who are unable to appreciate the true value of the Jewish woman. Men and Women are different and have different roles. The man's role is more public and as such more visible while the woman's role is more private. However, this does not put women down. As a matter of fact, women are on a higher spiritual level than men! This is why women do not participate in a minyan--they don't NEED to! A woman can achieve on her own what a man needs 9 other men to achieve. Women are responsible for raising the next generation of Jewish children, a task that is not entrusted to men. I am a professional living in an ultra orthodox community. In my work I am treated the same as the men but at home I feel special and proud of my role as a Aim B'yisroel. The feminist movement did a great disservice to the world by trying to turn women into men. Perhaps we should start more educational classes teaching women to appreciate themselves as women. Then we would not have so many women feeling bad about not being able to do things that men do.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, have you lost your way? Why did you link to this anti-Torah piece?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can someone explain what 'Torah haskafah' means? Does it say anything about mechitzahs or preventing women from davening or going to Shul in the Torah? If so, please cite the location. I went to TA and I have never heard of any of this being stated in the Torah. Please be specific on which 'Torah views' are being distorted here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I second #1's sentiments. You lose credibility by bringing in WOW who are k'neged the Torah hashkafa. And the letter writer was also on the mark. Will you accuse R' Hirsch of a lack of derech eretz for the vociferous way he fought reform?
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-30-2013 I am reluctant to enter into what is primarily a women's issue. But I think that this essay states in a very well thought and well stated manner a serious issue that we have in our community. We need to be better people. That is not a minor problem today, it is a major problem that is at the center of our core beliefs and ideals and virtues. She, the author of this article, has shown courage and conviction for that in which we all passionately believe. May Hashem send us those who would lead us and teach us in truth so we can all achieve the true Torah ideals. Respectfully, Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm sorry but I don't understand why a frum website would print this when there are Torah views being distorted here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess you can\\\'t take that $40 million to the grave with you now, can you?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am sure New York wants the money and will do what ever it takes. I am sure they will not go after families in other countries
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for the insights . I have a better understanding of the importance of lag baomer
Comment by Leah Snyder
Has anyone followed up on this? Is anyone wondering if this is for real?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am suffering maybe ny is not as bad
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very Nice. Unfortunately Rabbi Lipman flies in the face of all the Gedolim of Eretz Yisroel in our generation. He has partnered with Lapid who mocks frum yidden and all Torah values.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There are many Chareidim in the Army. In an interview, one of them said that the Army accomodates them and that they are good influences on others. The sad part is that Chareidim in the Army have to hide it from their communities. They are defending Jews lives, still learn Torah and keep Mitzvos. They also learn skills and get opportunities that will enable them to support a family (if that is still allowed?) It's a shame that the Kiddush Hashem they are doing must be hidden from their communities.
Comment by Leah Snyder
# 9 Nice try... R\' Chaim in Stencilach says lehedya not like that.......
Comment by Leah Snyder
Enjoying the Competition is a Din in the Cheftza, while Being Competitive is a Din in the Gavra..
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mi kiamcha yisroel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Money talks. Let us not confuse Rabbi Zarger with the majority of charedi rabbis. But, when one brings a letter to ypur house requesting funds and it has a recomendation from R. Zarger then make a protest. A few days ago R Rosenberger, also of the Eida Charedis, from Beit Shemesh made serious accusations against Rav Shteinman. People must speak up and protest these things. I live inYerushalayim and am proudly charedi. A few years ago I totally stopped giving any money to anyone from Toldos Aharon. I usually tell them why. They trashed the city while supporting a woman who was starving her child. We need to make our protests heard.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When you advocate a lie you must protect yourself from the truth
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-24-2013 With all due respect, no proper G-d fearing Jew should be labeling another Jew as a "Shaigetz". That is unacceptable. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who is the Rabbi who wrote this letter?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lets call the facts what they are - the issue most chareidim have with the draft is not netzach yehuda but the general army which is where many of the draftees are headed where there is no respect for halacha as the chareidim observe it. Additionally 18 is too young to be out of yeshiva. Unfortunately the current political climate is not about looking for solutions rather it is about sticking it to the chareidim for being parasites on israeli society, and there is no way to explain to them or to you Rabbi Oberstein, the value in real security to the state of israel of having so much full time learning supported by the state. It is clear that this will not be peacefully resolved in the near future, and i fear that there will be much bloodshed with the defunding of yeshiva learning with the loss of this shmira.
Comment by Leah Snyder
4-24-2013 This brings out some very strong emotions. As in so many things in our day and age the one who dresses and talks like the Tzadik is the opposite of what he claims to be and the one he decries as the "sheigitz" is the real Tzadik. May Hashem send us Rabbis and teachers who will lead us and teach in truth. May Hashem guard and protect Yoni and all the brave men and women who protect the Jewish people, those in the army and those in the Bais Medrash and those in the home and those in the street. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
One clarification: The very happy ,mellow looking fellow in the picture is not Yoni.It was part of the article and is a file photo of someone else. Yoni, I think, is the one in the center of the group with his face covered. His unit works directly with the Shabak and each night they go out with specific instructions of whom to arrest and where he is to be found. In Netzach Yehuda, they receive Glatt Kosher food, have times set aside for prayer and study and are not exposed to other influences that might pull them away from a "chareidi" lifestyle. Maybe, to the rabbi, a frum soldier who comes into shul and davens is a danger because it is harder to call him a sheigetz, but, deep down, he has to be because he is risking his life for the people who live in the State of Israel, including the rabbi. Yoni's Dad
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please explain how one can "enjoy the competition" while not "being competitive"
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think it's softball, not baseball. At least that's what the pictures seem to indicate. No safety equipment either I.e. batting helmets. God forbid, but i Hope they have some good liability insurance although if they did, there would probably be some safety equipment requirements.
Comment by Leah Snyder
*P*irchei *B*aseball *G*ames. It's Yiddle league with a more professional branding. Play Ball!
Comment by Leah Snyder
When I was in toddle league years ago they abolished the three strike strikeout and made it 5 strikes. Thought that was very weird at the time. A foul ball with 4 strikes was considered strike 5 and you were out. Circa early '90s.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm guessing it is a super slow news day.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is Yiddle League still around?
Comment by Leah Snyder
You want facts? Fine. These two murderers were living fat and happy in Boston, Major Hassan was in the middle of a successful military career, the Times Square bomber was a regular suburbanite and a Wall Street analyst, ben Laden came from wealth, and the London terrorists were second and third-generation immigrants, students at English universities. Nobody was "oppressed," nobody needed "tools,' nobody needed "hope," nobody needed "Great Society" money or welfare thrown at them. To try to equate what goes on in American cities with international terrorism is the ultimate in namby-pamby bleeding-heart liberalism. Get real.
Comment by Leah Snyder
we want answers!!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
what does the \"G\" stand for?
Comment by Leah Snyder
what a beautiful sight. aza kiddush hashem. what does PBG stand for? Please explain how one can "enjoy the competition" while not "being competitive"
Comment by Leah Snyder
The triple murder of Brendan Mess, 25, of Waltham; Erik Weissman, 31, of Cambridge; and Raphael Teken, 37, of Cambridge. All three were Jewish.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: This what diplomacy is...Like it or not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From all the conspiracy theories out there this one is the craziest.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Assume for the sake of argument that Rabbi Shafran is correct that there is \"insufficient evidence to establish a link\" between metzizah bpeh and herepes, why continue to perform (and defend) a procedure that many medical experts insist is dangerous to infants given that (a) is not halachically mandated and (b) can be accomplished through use of a sterile tube? -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow,I didn't think my esteem for r lipman could think any lower.
Comment by Leah Snyder
because it\'s a good article to show that there are alternatives to the ultra orthodox for kosher certification. something that\'s happening in detroit and should happen here in baltimore too. that\'s why
Comment by Leah Snyder
I assume the first comment was referring to all the noshim in the crowd who were singing. The video focuses on the noshim while they are singing. That is Shulchan Aruch 101.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The anthem singer is a man. Since when is hearing a man sing considered kol isha? Is there a new shulchan aruch we haven't heard about?
Comment by Leah Snyder
zero mostel
Comment by Leah Snyder
what a beautiful event! kol hkavod to all involved.
Comment by Leah Snyder
isnt that kol isha? please take down this video.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When they said "no one read the bill before it was passed" they meant everyone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #7 the new MK. Are you unaware that "talmud torah k'neged kulam?" Don't be stupid! At least the author answered me (#5) normally.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wonderful,almost 2 years late !
Comment by Leah Snyder
Aren't these guys tired of looking like fools? What do they expect from Iran, or the other Muslims that continuous make them look like idiots?
Comment by Leah Snyder
At #1: You should be grateful to Oliver, because he voted to reduce the stormwater fee for our non-profits. I think he has mended his ways and you should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder if any of the 'grassroots' 'concerned' 'county residents' who spent months annoying us are willing to stand in front of the bulldozers, a la Rachel Corrie.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please stop with this Ken Oliver backed propaganda
Comment by Leah Snyder
That was not an OU certification letter. It was their own that they printed. The OU does not certify the stores nor are they allowed to claim certification which that letter implies as does the OU on the flavor descriptions.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Levine: Please clarify- I do not think the store claimed to be under OU supervision. Rather, a number of yogurts and toppings had OU certification per a letter they showed customers. Has this letter been revoked?
Comment by Leah Snyder
it's about time! those are nothing but cash cows!
Comment by Leah Snyder
As I read this, it also brings tears to my eyes. We are so proud of Yoni and what he's doing for our people. We live in the dark about the personal sacrifices that it takes to keep Israel safe. I am glad you are opening my eyes to the risks and bravery of these young soldiers. I'm with you--Uncle Joe would be so proud! Knowing about Yoni's reality certainly does make some of the issues we get so hard-boiled about seem much less significant. We need to recognize the positives of each other's side, find common ground, compromise and get along with each other. For the sake of Yoni and his fellow soldiers, let's stop the infighting, stand united and fight together for our survival. A nephew of Rabbi Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
From Dov Lipman M.K. Now I teared up as well. May you and your wife have tremendous nachas. As I have pointed out in recent weeks - without taking away from the importance of Torah learning - the Torah says "kol yotzei tzava" many more times than Talmud Torah. Kol hakavod. Dov
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sure they believe that. There is also a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Look what happens when we continiously vote for radical leftists.we gained nothing by getting our schools rates reduced if its offset by residences.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a Kiddush haShem! Mazel tov on a wonderful event for Baltimore and the YTC students, faculty and supporters. Jerry and Carol Wittenstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
rabbi oberstein, We pray your son stays safe and we are all proud of him and of all the boys defending eretz yisrael
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hi # 2, Since you asked, I will answer. My son learned in Mir Kollel 10 years,was aRosh Chabura and Magid Shiur and now is in the Thornhill Community Kollel. We are very proud of him. The point is that not every Jewish male should be in Mir Kollel for 10 years,and the present chareidi system forces many people into an unfulfilling lifestyle and prevents them from earning a living to support their family. By going into Netzach yehuda, a religious young man can enter Israeli society and do whatever his talents lead him to. Learning forever is not for everyone . Have a gevaltigeh Yom HaAtzmaut, and show appreciation to the Borei Olom that you live in freedom and comfort and are not in a ghetto starving.
Comment by Leah Snyder
May G-d Watch over your son and his army buddies. N Edinger
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Oberstein often mentions his son in the Mir.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am very proud of Yoni too. My only question: Were you just as proud of your son who learned in the Mir Kolel all those years? I don\'t recall any articles about him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So well written (as usual Rabbi Oberstein)! We should all reflect (whether you say tachanun or Hallel.....or both) on Yom Ha'Atzma'ut, on the wonderful blessing of Eretz Yisrael, which Hashem saw fit to return to us. Let us not take it for granted! Yasher Koach for sharing your personal reflections and communications from your son the Israeli Chayal. May you continue to enjoy much nachat from him, and may Hashem watch over him and all Chayalei T'Zahal. Aharon Newman
Comment by Leah Snyder
The vast majority of the gedolim of that time, who of course knew all about hakaras hatov, galus and geula, and any other rationale you or I can conceive, did not consider the day significant and did not say hallel, even without a bracha. So do as you please, but that one fact makes the entire argument irrelevant.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wishing you the best of luck. I am in the registry hoping to be a match. I got swabbed in Montreal. :)
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is BJL rabble rousing with this headline? The bachur did not refuse the draft, he got fed up with the lies the zionists fed him about serving in a suitable unit for a chareidi!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Don't think this story is not typical of the secular zionist regime; it has been trying to uproot Torah observance since its inception.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Shmuel - rosh yeshiva in philadelphia has not been told yet - plz do not call his house
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not yet....
Comment by Leah Snyder
The real question: will tuition go down?
Comment by Leah Snyder
if i'm registered with the gift of life bone marrow foundation would i be contacted if i were a match?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Yaakov Yosef A\"H, like his father Chacham Ovadia Yosef YBD\"L, was an amizing Talmid Chacham with a photographic memory. I had the zechut of learning from him when I lived in Yerushalyim in the late 70\'s. His Shiurim were amazing, his breadth on knowledge mind-boggling, and his modesty unparalleled. I was a young kollel student at the time and I had many she\'eilot in halacha that I would ask him. After Tefillah I would approach him with my list of questions, and he asked me to walk with him as he answered them. After a while he suggested that I write my questions and give to him, and that he would write the answers and return them to me. I still have the copies of of my questions with his written answers (he had a beautiful handwriting of course!). I will miss (my Rav, if I can call him that) him dearly. Yh\'ei Zichro Baruch! Aharon Newman/Ne\'eman
Comment by Leah Snyder
Condolences for sad tragedy. May his memory be a blessing and warning this should not repeat. May the Lord comfort!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am an American Jew, and like the Russian Jews, I stand with Israel and condemn the appeasement-oriented American \"jews\" who will destroy Israel, the same way they are destroying America.
Comment by Leah Snyder
WOW, so all this is a synopsis of Wikipedia? Go figure...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Same with the credit cards.
Comment by Leah Snyder
i think its kinda obvious who the teffillin belong to
Comment by Leah Snyder
So much for hurtful demonizing comments
Comment by Leah Snyder
Your article appears to misquote Joel. The YU press release does not include: Nevertheless, having the single most anti-Israeli president be honored as resolver of conflicts by the students of a Jewish school on the premises of said Jewish school is not being well accepted, to be polite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
he was taken to the hospital to evaluate for mental health. this way he can claim insanity or non medication mental health reasons and get out of jail for a hate crime...
Comment by Leah Snyder
WHAT? Who were you writing this for? The war is over and we're on the same team? Why can't we "cannibalize non-orthodox institutions"? Kiruv is about sharing the truth, our responsibility to other Jews. Reform is often a stepping stone for spiritually sensitive people who have no access to the frum community. Kiruv is about bringing all of Klal Yisroel close to G-d- not to some feel-good brotherhood of meaningless mixed denominations.
Comment by Leah Snyder
So much for academic freedom
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps you mean alleged hero, as the snatcher is only a suspect...
Comment by Leah Snyder
According to many poskim, it's not such a b'dieved at all to make the bracha even if it's not the month of Nissan. When Chazal said Nissan, they meant the Spring season, not the month, as these poskim say. Of course, zerizim makdimim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Whether it is disease-causing or not, metzitzah b\'peh is a disgusting practice that is not a mandated part of any bris.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Aunt Marlit, you were great!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The OU (and unfortunately many of our politicians) does not know the first thing about firearms. The OU should stick to a subject it has knowledge about. Passing all the proposed gun laws will NOT stop a criminal from, chas v'shalom, shooting up the next school. So what then? More laws? The NRA had it right. There should be an armed presence at every school. But, unfortunately, that seems not to be a politically correct response to gun violence in our schools.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm so embarresed that the usualy smart ou has bought into this left wing propoganda.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Common sense? No law other than outright confiscation and banning, would have prevented a single shooting crime. None of these laws do anything for violence, they only control guns and keep them away from honest citizens.
Comment by Leah Snyder
kol hskavod Sharon for an inspiring piece, Shifra
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful article and I don't disagree with any of it- but the whole thesis is shaky because you miss one important point. Klal Yisroel as a model nation was meant to be strong and proud, and that includes in personal and economic responsibility. Avraham Avinu was wealthy. Our frum communities have huge numbers in Torah but we're a nation of glorified beggars and fundraisers, living lifestyles we can't afford with money that is not earned. That is the real reason the non-religious are not running to join us, especially in Israel, and why our children are at risk.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sometimes your worst enemy is from within. They feel it is ok to behave this way, but on the other hand they have no problem taking money from the Israeli government to house them, and feed them. I call it being a Hyprocite
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks to Abie Rotenberg for writing and singing this very moving tribute.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What exactly is the value of this article?? Very very confusing... For example, why not define KIRUV? Is helping a jew perform an individual mitzvah not kiruv as per this self-proclaimed kiruv professional? Then i choose the mitzvah rather than your kiruv paycheck.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
I consider myself a "national religious." i am very sincere about my observance of halacha and mitzva. i take personal offense by the Rav's words, and only see sinas chinam behind them.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is just nonsense. How can a rav incite against an entire Torah community? Surely he does not know my true face, for if the Rav did--he would love me. Yehoshua in Kedumim, Eretz Israel
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hey Tamir, Just one comment about the Sport Strings Tziztit. Technically, the Tziztit Strings are not allowed to touch the floor, or your skin for that matter, which in this video they are. You might want to redesign the Sport Strings Tziztit with a little pocket in the corners to tuck the Strings into.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No, #22, the majority of the Jewish people did not want to be lost. And no, your inability to understand and teach the values of the Torah is not more important that the entire Jewish people save for yourself. The result of your approach is intended to be the further estrangement of the Jewish people. That speaks for itself. May Hashem send Rabbis and teachers to bring all of our people, especially the Orthodox, back to the proper and true path of Torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It is no spoof at all. The way it is IS the way it was meant to be. This is our mesorah. The Charedi way is the ONLY way. We have lost no one who didn't want to be lost. They couldn't handle the heat, so they left the kitchen. Just because you don't like the show, doesn't mean the actors are at fault. Maybe you just need to clean your glasses. Judaism does not bend to tolerate the intolerable. Whether it is female "rabbis", gay marriages, intermarriage, or any other abomination, we will never accept those who practice them and their ilk. We are not a people of tolerance. We are exactly the opposite. Tolerance and acceptance is a Xtian value, not a Jewish one. We have survived because of our refusal to accept, not because of tolerating anti-Torah values. Even if every single Jew save for one becomes reform, G-d forbid, it will be worth it for that one.
Comment by Leah Snyder
They look like they are in a torture chamber in some dungeon!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ok. This is so typical Orthodox thinking that it seems almost formulaic and it makes me wonder if post #20 is a spoof. But sadly, this type of thinking is ubiquitous among the Orthodox and it makes me question whether Orthodoxy really is the true way or if it has been so distorted that it no longer is viable. The Orthodox will proudly announce that they have weathered everything imaginable storm and they do not fear that their system will not endure. But that is only if you allow them to discount the loss of the majority of the Jewish people from their ranks over the past 200 years or so. The Orthodox will claim that these losses do not count. But they do count. We loose Jews every day because of this type of myopathy. And each Jew counts. May Hashem send Rabbis and teachers who have the insight and skill to teach us the true way of Torah as it was meant to be.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Was Miriam told to shut up or exiled because she sang Shira after the nes of the Yam Suf? I am quite sure that she and the women did not whisper the shir or told to go a mile or so away. Joy and song are immediate responses to a simcha, a nes, or "just" davening to HKB"H. I think the "gentlemen" are jealous of the joy and kavannah these women have - or did I miss something in Torah that HaShem "died" and made Man as His replacement?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #19 It\'s all part and parcel of the same thing. Women at the wall, tefila groups, hakafot, all of it stems from the egotistical notion that women can be the same or do the same as men. It\'s a nonstarter. Men have to go to shul, women don\'t. Just because they WANT to go does not mean the shul is required to afford similar accommodations to them as they do for the women. There is nothing wrong with the desire to be more spiritual or to connect with Hashem. They just have to do it in the way that is proper for them. My mention of the minyanim, etc was just to show that whenever they try to breach the accepted norm, it doesn\'t work. When the household has been attended to, and even when the nest is empty, there are other ways for women to do spiritually uplifting things. Everyone has their role and place. You play the cards you have been dealt. If you are praying for the day that all Orthodox shuls will have an egalitarian atmosphere, don\'t hold your breath. The crusade is an uphill battle to nowhere. Make a kugel and be happy about it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
how about Miller's in the Atrium? I buy beer and wine from him. He's a secular Jew, I think, but maybe he sells his chometz?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To # 14, How can you possibly claim to to know the ins and outs the differences between men and women with regard to Bein Adam l'Makom when you clearly do not understand the fundamentals of Bein Adam l'chavero. In addition, it appears to me that the author was writing this commentary with regard to women having a comfortable place to daven in a regular shul with a mechitzah and a women's section. She was not speaking in this writing about women's minyanim or hakafos. It is plainly apparent that you did not actually read the article, you just read the comments and got all excited that you could impart your ignorance upon us.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol have Hakavod! You hit the nail precisely on its head! I couldn't have expressed it any better!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What Chesed is there in cleaning streets? It may be a nice thing to do, but it has nothing to do with Chesed. Lipman is obviously "out of touch" for joining with enemies of Torah. Now we see that he, albeit well-intentioned and maybe a nice guy, may be out of touch with reality!
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my shul the Aron Kodesh is in the Ezras Nashim for weekday and Hashkama Minyanim. Really. An Orthodox shul in Baltimore! Hameyvin Yavin.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my shul, the women and the men have exactly the same type of chairs. The Ezras Nashim is open for women for all of Shabbos Tefilos. On weekdays, if a woman comes to shul, then all men quickly leave the Ezras Nashim. The women are able to see the Aron HaKodesh from Ezras Nashim. The issues described by the author of the article are not present in my shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's interesting to me that there are more comments about whether this article should have been published on this site than those that address the substance of what I wrote. To those who think that this article should not have appeared, I would argue that we need not pretend everything is perfect when clearly, some things need improvement. That's why Hashem put teshuva into the world. We make mistakes, but we can become aware and do better. I'm asking that the Orthodox community live up to our own standards of Derech Eretz and Kavod HaBriot. I believe the Torah world can take honest critique and use it to improve. The conversation has to start somewhere. Rivkah Lambert Adler
Comment by Leah Snyder
A man's connection is thru physical things like tefillin, shul, tzitzis, etc. A woman's is via her household & family. That is how it's always been, and how it always will be. There have been many attempts at women's minyanim, hakafot, etc, and all have failed, for a good reason. It's not their place. That may be chauvinistic, but truth can't be biased.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is it a lack of shalom to have a debate about an issue that effects half our population? We just finished Pesach where all we do is encourage questions and debate at the sedarim. Kudos to BJL for including an article that raises awareness and shame on #8 who wants this taken down \"ASAP\", why silence a woman who is so clearly driven to increase her connection to Torah and Tefilah? Donna Wach
Comment by Leah Snyder
If an Orthodox rebbitzin can't bring these issues to light, who should. If anything Orthodox media (wouldn't Baltimore Jewish Life prefer to be a community medium) should be at the forefront of bringing such issues light. Previous issues of scandal related to the community have been "swept under the rug" by our community only to present as a huge chillul hashem when they eventually emerge (abuse (child, women, spouse), fraud, etc....)
Comment by Leah Snyder
What happened to the "shalom" of Baltimore?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I did not disagree with you. However these articles lead to a general bashing of the Torah community. Such a thing, in my opinion is wrong. This website which usually keeps themselves pretty neutral,I would not have expected to publish such an article. I am disappointed.So I say again that I do not disagree with the point of the writer nor do I disagree with your point. Rather I feel that a website of the orthodox community should not publicly open a forum for bashing, and articles such as these trend to do so.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In a recent forum about serving in the army, the various charedi writers took great pains to emphasize that most members of tzahal do not serve in combat positions. True. But if you really believed that your learning was important you would not allow vacations from learning when soldiers are in active combat, and the charedi community should view every chayal death (r"l) as a failure. I know of at least one yeshiva where all the rebeim have to fast if they kick a bochur out, and I would expect that those learning do the same if their learning fails to protect our fellow jewish souls.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just because there are sentiments expressed that are not what you want to hear does not mean they should be silenced. The fact is that the Orthodox do not take the social rules of the Torah seriously. Being fixated on procedural piety does not absolve the community and its individuals from their social duties to others in the community. This is exactly the kind of article that should be published.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think this article should be removed asap
Comment by Leah Snyder
Articles like these, wrong or right, are always a springboard for bashing the frum even though this was not the intent of the writer. To this,I say two things. 1If you are looking for things wrong in the Torah community you will always be able to find "items". 2 If this is the intent of the website, is this not an orthodox website?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful vort.
Comment by Leah Snyder
i recently "discovered" the Israeli charedi website Kikar Shabbat. If you can understand Israeli Modern Hebrew ,which has lots of new words and lots of English words in Hebrew charecters, I reccomend it. You can see there the venom and foul mouthed charecterizations of non Chareidim by the hghest echelons of leadership and public figures. It is embarressing and bears no resemblance to what we in Baltimore call frum, yeshivish Yiddishkeit. If you call someone a "Rosho Ben Rosho" and his party not a Jewish home but Bayit shel Goyim, then how in the world can you expect these people to repect you. I couldn't come up with the vileness of language against anyone who is of another party that I saw in such a paper as Hamodia (the Hebrew editon) which calls anyone not in their group "mesanei Hashem" ie those who cause others to Hate the Ribono Shel Olom. That is a quote. It is painful to read but it would wake us up to who is speaking for those we think are the same as us. We have to wake up and stop accepting everything that they say as the truth. The charedim in Israel need to share the burden and anyone with a brain knows that thousands of batlanim are wasting their lives because they are forbidden to get any secular education and that those who join the Nachal Hareidi are ostracized,often by their own mothers.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sometimes taking into account history can assist in understanding a challenging situation. I am not saying that your dilemma is acceptable but keep in mind that women are not obligated in Tfilah BeTzibur and so synagogues traditionally have not been designed for equal consideration of access and space. There are many that have been built or renovated or established in the last 15 years or so that do take the increased attendance and involvement of women into account and provide equitable environments on both sides of inviting mechitzot.
Comment by Leah Snyder
NY....How does this apply to Baltimore,Maryland???
Comment by Leah Snyder
Come to Shearith Israel. Everything is conducted with the utmost dignity and kedusha. Women are not diminished in the ladies\' shul - they are elevated!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To Reader #3 - My point was that this situation occurs in lots of shuls, both in the US and in Israel. Since I first wrote this piece, I\'ve been overwhelmed with comments by other women who have faced the exact same problem but have never spoken up. It\'s delightful when women are accorded a respectable place to sit in shul and it does happen, but much too often, it does not. Thanks for reading. Rivkah Lambert Adler
Comment by Leah Snyder
i think you need to find a better shul!
Comment by Leah Snyder
There does seem to be a disconnect between what is written in the Torah about consideration for people and what is practiced by the Orthodox. I attended a shiur series on Derech Eretz that used a particular Sefer as the basis of the shiur. During the shiur I asked what I felt were important questions. I did not think I was being disrespectful, just actively participating. I was told after the first couple of shiurim, to please not return to the shiur since my questions were a distraction and was interfering with the group getting through the Sefer efficiently. I felt bad but I was amused that although they assiduously read all the individual words on the page, they failed to get the message. I have found this to be all too typical of the Orthodox.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Item: a woman attends a weekday minyan to say Kaddish on a yahrzeit only to find the women's section occupied by a few men, while the men's section is mostly empty with plenty of available seats. Why do these men need to sit in the ladies section?
Comment by Leah Snyder
OU seems to feel that its a problem earlier links
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm not clear what the propaganda is. You can buy non-chometz gamur items at any of the stores - see the list provided. As for the stores listed, the problem was not with the store, but the distributor. So, if Giant owned the kosher aisle food items on Pesach, it would be OK, as the only issue with Giant is who supplies their other chometz items. As perhaps the certifying agencies do not give hashgachos to Jewish owned companies who do not address the chometz sheovar alav hapesach issue. Before shrugging of what may be a serious problem and an issur, perhaps a bit of due diligence and careful thought and investigation is warranted.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with #3: the Star-K makes no sense. You can buy some kosher brand at Giant because it was distributed by A&L? But A&L already sold it to Giant, so Giant owned it over Pesach. #2: Chametz she-avar alav haPesach is chametz owned by a Jew during Pesach, when Jews aren\'t supposed to eat, own, or get benefit from Chametz. If a Jew owned it during Pesach we can\'t eat it. #5: Yeah Shoppers Food Warehouse is \"Shoppers\" on Smith Ave. at the Greenspring Shopping Center or any other \"Shoppers\" you know of. So what happens if a food manufacturer is owned by Jews and they own stuff on Pesach that they sell six months later, huh? There\'s no end to it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
and yet we still continue to honor and vote for these radical left wing politicians in this state.its time for us to wake up and realise we will never get anything from omalley and his ilk,so at least lets retain our dignity
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is really getting absurd. Can't they just carpet bomb these idiots and be done with it already?
Comment by Leah Snyder
To the one claiming that it is propaganda did it occur to you that they may have taken delivery durring Pesach... And why exactly would the star-k have an agenda in regards to this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have 2 questions 1: What is Shoppers Food Warehouse? Does that mean the Shoppers in the Atrium? 2: I go to Giant a lot when can I go back also,does that refer to all the Giants in the US bc I can go to one out of town?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Goldberg's Bagels!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Propaganda. Anything in the stores immediately after pesach was already in the store on pesach and not at the distributor. If they wanted to make sense, they would say you can buy immediately, but after a few days, wait until the the inventory in the store turns over.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What is Chometz She\\\'avar Alav HaPesach?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yet another reason why control of the Temple Mount must be seized from the Waqf and given over 100% to Israel. Muslims have no use for the Temple Mount other than as a base to launch attacks on Jews.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is his brother not Jewish, or is this a misleading headline?
Comment by Leah Snyder
it\'s a connection tool, why is this disturbing? Now if there was data showing what meaningful activities were ignored, or safety measures violated, that would be disturbing
Comment by Leah Snyder
[ED. Note: Apparently your first comment never reached us]
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where was Reb Bert and no burning plastic? Missed you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
One question: The owner seems to be Jewish, but has tattoos. How can we trust this guy who we are prohibited to berry in a Jewish cemetery? This whole story seems odd. This is my second attempt to post this comment, your website should post all comments, just because you don't agree with the comments does not mean it is not a valid point. If you don't post this I will make sure to never read you articles again.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Fink is NOT a reliable source. The owner of Doheny Kosher has admitted he brought in non kosher items. And with regard to \"the fence\" it was NOT at Doheny, if you watch the video, Rabbi Fink, you can see the owner of Doheny put boxes in his car, then he meets his employee at a McDonalds and transfers the treyf to the employee, then the video shows the employee. Loading the treyf at Doheny. They also recovered 5,000 glatt kosher labels and the printing plates to produce them. Rabbi Fink, if you\'re going to discredit yourself, at least have SOME facts straight
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a wonderful d'var torah. Very insightful and meaningful. I will, iy"H, tell this at the Shabbos table this week. Thank you. A guten shabbos and a continued sweet, liberating Pesach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can one have a child's ears pierced? It would definitely add to the child's simcha s Tom tov
Comment by Leah Snyder
G-d bless you. Jackie
Comment by Leah Snyder
has thiw event been cancelled due to the weather?
Comment by Leah Snyder
people who call with urgent shailohs on erev YT can dial ext 217
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please only bring Non-perishable items for the Cometz Sharing. Thank you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
re: Chametz Sharing. Are frozen items (e.g. potato latkes) accepted? Thanks!
Comment by Leah Snyder
3-24-2013 From the heart to the heart. A blessing on the head of this writer. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Obama was talking to college kids, who like many adults listen to the tone of voice and not what he really says and certainly not what he does. He only fooled the fools. Most people in Israel don't trust him.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Oh well, If only he didn't miss!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
will it be open erev yomtov?
Comment by Leah Snyder
He was a true tzadik. He was mosar nefesh for klal yisrael. He was zocher to have a son like Rav J.J. Schacter.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I don't understand all of the details, but if Rabbi Sadwin is asking folks to get involved for the benefit of the mosdos, I fully trust him and declare myself "all in"!
Comment by Leah Snyder
3-22-2013 This is very clear, well written and shows prodigious scholarship. May the author be blessed for sharing these insights with us. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
He's brilliant and adorable!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! You Rock!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I've just met my granddaughter's bashert!
Comment by Leah Snyder
oy, the hate!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Listen up, Rush, Fox News, Bachmann, and all you other hate-mongers, Israel likes him, they really like him. Am Yisrael Chi.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It warms my heart to read that Chessed is alive! We need more people like Frank Storch!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Zogby is an Arab.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ich farshteit nisht kein ein vort
Comment by Leah Snyder
The secularist, besides being damaging to Klal Yisroel are also cry babies. The property owner only told him, he could not renew the lease. He offered him to stay, just to adjust the menu, which we all know is not difficult, there are substitutes to every treif dish that is kosher (it's not crab). And so what if he'll be closed Shabbos, he was probably closed some other day of the week before. The restaurant owner is a Rasha, and won't comply with the gracious offe of the Chareidi property owner, only L'Hachis!
Comment by Leah Snyder
This article is a pretty weak attempt at a smear. The facts as presented in the article don't show ay fraud. Fraud would be if they billed the city and didn't provide the service. Once Island child earned the money, they can spend it wherever they want. Not to mention that some of the tutoring may have happened at the Bais Yaakov. Does the city really feel that it is the only funding source for this organization?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sounds like a bunch of sore losers to me.
Comment by Leah Snyder
UTJ conduct: immature & lack of derech eretz
Comment by Leah Snyder
The only ones occupying anything are the ARABS. Stop allowing such terms to be used about Jews in our own Country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who cares it was beautiful and only simchos
Comment by Leah Snyder
niftara is actually right hebrew grammer
Comment by Leah Snyder
I went to Israel and enjoyed most of it, but they were also racist towards me in certain areas. You guys definitely need to improve on that front. But the whole bringing the \\\\\\\"morals\\\\\\\" back from Israel gave me a good chuckle.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov Lipman continuously speaks out publicly against every Gadol's view, whether Mizrachi or Charedi. He is pro the advancement of Reform Judaism in Israel, wants civil marriage which will produce more mamzerim, supports Ruth Calderon, the biggest maskil in Israel right now, these are without mentioning that he wants to pull every 18 year old (except 400 'top guys' he says) who wants to learn full time, away from yeshiva. Jeff Cohn, stop giving this man honor.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, why do your promote anti-Gedolim people?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The word is Niftara not Nifteres. Should read "young mother of two who was niftara in July". Nifteres is either a noun or means that they continue to die. Thank you
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is the owner Jewish?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Millions of locusts invading israel coming from egypt 2-3 weeks before passover uhmm! Interesting!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Finally, after over a month and a half of arguing and name calling, a government has been presented to the Israeli people, to be installed on Monday. The hyperbole and vitriol associated with this campaign are typical of the way Israelis discuss politics. That is because decisions made in this coalition agreement will have a broad effect on the society in general and the very religious in particular. There is very good reason to be apprehensive of the new government. No one really knows what real changes will take effect. We only know what has been promised ,but not if these will be enacted or enforced. Only time will tell. One thing is certain, the "status quo" in effect since the beginning of the state is no longer part of the coalition agreement and that is a major change. If you read this carefully, you see that no one is threatening to put chareidim in jail. In fact it will take until 2017, at least to set things up. In the meantime, any chareidi who wants to go to work or take courses can do so with no fear of being drafted. I am impressed by the video . It is a positive tool that has as its purpose motivating young men to volunteer for the frum battalion . Draw your own conclusions if Netzach Yehudah is a slippery slope to shmad, as the politicians and many of the leaders would have you believe. Maybe they are right in the fear that this will change the way things have been, but is it really the end of Judaism as we know it? By the way Yoni is taking a course this week to be a sniper. He says they have to use rubber bullets to avoid killing the rock throwers. He gives me nachas every time I talk to him, so confident, so strong, so self assured and full of happiness. I wish such nachas for other parents. E.Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow !
Comment by Leah Snyder
yasher koach to this family for displaying hakaras hatov to this important rav
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Stein ZT"L was a great man with a unique ability to relate to children and help them maximize their true potential. He was a jewel and a rare gem. Without a doubt, he will serve as a meilitz yosher for his family, Baltimore, and Klal Yisrael. Yehi Zichro Boruch! Another grateful set of parents
Comment by Leah Snyder
amazing article. brought tears to my eyes!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To Confused: Judaism has evolved A LOT over the past 3,000 years since Mt. Sinai. For simplicity's sake we'll say that there have been two major groups of Jews, each of whom have incorporated different customs and interpretations: the Ashkenazim and the Sepharadim. Just as issues were debated during Talmudic times (before the A&S split), so too issues arose that were not considered in modern times and different resolutions were found in the various communities, hence the difference in custom. Additionally, communal enactments were made in certain areas. One, of course, was in the area of kitniyot. For whatever the reason the Jews of Eastern Europe decided to outlaw many of the legumes due to a variety of reasons. This enactment has been passed down, generation to generation and has evolved much over the years until it is as we have it today in 2013. If Judaism was just about looking things up in the Bible and decided yea or nay, you would be right to be confused. But, Judaism also includes all the rulings that were made along the way that have been incorporated into modern day practice.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks! Chag Kasher V'Sameach!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Goldberger is one AMAZING person! Baltimore is lucky to have such a great Rabbi and Rebbitzen in our midst. We all benefit!
Comment by Leah Snyder
We should not have a cross on a Jewish website.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If there is no "official" prohibition on eating kitniyot, all Jews should be able to eat it during Pesach. If it is recognized as Pesachdik by some groups of Orthodox Jews, it should be recognized by all groups.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! This is awesome thank you so much!!! May you continue to have much Yiddisheh Nachas from all the whole family!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shehechianu was made after Lag Ba'Omer.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No Biggie OUR STAR-K got over 1300 in One day!!! see the back of the Pesach guide!!! GO STAR-K! GO BALTIMORE!....GO....GO AW SHUCKS GO RAVENS!!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lol- & notice what the Rav is looking at on his computer!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1 didn\'t watch the video. He saw that Dov Lipman was in the headline, and immediately went on the attack. Whatever issues you may have with Lipman, can\'t we just admit that what he\'s doing in this video (pushing for Pollard\'s release)is a matter of pidyon shvuyim, and is therefore commendable? Keep up the good work, Jeff Cohn!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can this also be used to tame down flyaway hair on a sheitel? I would like to find a way to fix that
Comment by Leah Snyder
So one can get kitnios but gebrokts are impossible to find?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
hi i love bnos yisroel i am proud of our school that we raised so much money for such an important cause. JCN really is the best, thank you for the oppurtunity to raise money this way!!!!-BNYHS girl
Comment by Leah Snyder
Translation of the Nanny Mayor's comments: "Poor people are too dumb or undisciplined to take care of themselves.". Little Napolian, the czar of the world, will look after them. Sorry, little man, we do have laws that you, too, are subject to.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #1: Do you disagree with a word he said? Probably not. If anyone who advocates that not every yeshiva bochur should learn full time with no job training and no ability to earn a decent living is an apikorus, you have excluded most readers of this site.The system in Israel never existed in Jewish History, it is an aberation and there will be changes. You can call Dov Lipman any name you want, but he is not asking for anything not done in Baltimre,Maryland by the most frum and Torah loving people.
Comment by Leah Snyder
410 241 6438
Comment by Leah Snyder
He didn\'t care on 9/11 that some of the victims were Jewish. What \"comes around goes around\".
Comment by Leah Snyder
Address and contact info????
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn, you are a good Yid! You do great things but you are very wrong with this one. Please stop posting and publicizing the activities of this man, Dov Lipman, who has been and continues to be mevazeh Gedolim and their views in public.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hooray for Chani. You did a great job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is it that at this time of the year when families are strugling to make ends meet that prices go up? Always another excuse, but prices keep soaring. Chicken becoming too expensive? where are the Rabbonim to say use fish or something else. If the slaughter houses get stuck with a few tons of meat, you'll how quickly prices tumble
Comment by Leah Snyder
It could save a lot more by canceling Barak and Michelle's fancy vacations!
Comment by Leah Snyder
very impressive!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Levaya Friday morning. Leaving Shomrei Hadas at 9:00 am, passing Bais Yaakov 10:00 -10:15 - 46th st bet 13th 14th ave, passing 770 eastern parkway at 10:45.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Levaya is tomorrow, Friday. Leaving Shomrei Hadas Chapel in BP around 10am. Passing Beis Yakov at around 10:15
Comment by Leah Snyder
i disagree with rabbi brener completley. and he is misusing the torah to prove his point. aron was quiet because aron accepted the din of hakadosh baruch hu with a full heart. and he understood on his very lofty level that everything gd does is for the best. Now what does that have to do with keeping quiet when a brutal tyrant dies. We daven everyday that hashem should get rid of all evil in the world, it is preferable that these people repent and rid themselves of evil in that manner but if they dont do that, then the next best thing is for these people to cease from existance. theres a pasuk that says we should be bsimcha when a rasha dies. it says that aron was a \"oheiv sholom and a rodeif sholom\" wat does this mean? it means he loved peace and also knew when to chase away peace and say THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR A PEACE!!!! do you control a midda or is the midda controlling you? somebody who controls a midda knows when to use it and when to put it away. A person is supposed to know when to use the midda of chesed and when to feel sad. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES!!! dont let the midda of chesed control you rather we have to be able to control the midda! MUCH HATZLACHA!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
does rabbi brenner also believe that all of klal yisrael should of gone to be menachem avel adolf hitler's parents?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I certainly hope that John Brennan will not be nominated as the next director of the CIA. The Washington Times, in it's OP ED section last week, had an article indicating that Mr. Brennan converted to Islam back in the late 1990's while working for the CIA in Saudi Arabia at the time. Since then, he has done everything he possibly can to whitewash the Islamic threat of terrorism. It is truly a conflict of interest and he should definitely not be allowed to be in charge of our nation's intelligence agency.
Comment by Leah Snyder
They are Gypsies! They are regulars on Ave J in Brooklyn, and can be identified by the way they say \\\"Zdakah\\\" or \\\"Give for Shabbos\\\". Lately they have read that everyone is moving to Lakewood, and they have moved some of their fundraising there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Chavez was a serial racist Israel hater as well as an anti-semite.Good riddance to him!
Comment by Leah Snyder
While I understand the notion of #1's comment: the purpose of AIPAC is to maintain, enhance and build the US-Israel Relationship. The topics you suggest are not within the focus of AIPAC's mission focus. They are important issues, just not for the AIPAC policy conference. I suggest that you attend next year and participate in promoting the US-Israel relaitonsthip. The last special session we want to see is, "American Jews like to complain but do not want to participate to make a difference".
Comment by Leah Snyder
What about gan yaffa
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just wanted to know if there was a special session called "The dangers to Israel of a Two State Solution" or perhaps a session called "The travesty and immorality of the Gush Katif expulsion and it's aftermath" or even better "The unjustice regarding Pollard's life imprisonment". No, I didn't think so. But glad to hear they had good Kosher food!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't it be interesting if he was one of those illegals that was ordered (by theWhite House administration last week),to be freed by homeland security due to the "sequestration". But don't hold your breath, because even if true, the media will make sure to cover up that story. What a terrible tragedy for that beautiful couple and their baby. May they rest in peace.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I doubt that tourists and constituents are \"suffering\" due to these cuts. Pretty strong language! Travel agents will have some extra work adjusting, maybe will even lose a few client hours if they are not clever enough to find alternative activities. No one is suffering.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From a letter from Talmid. The following letter was written by a talmid of Rav Rothenberg when the talmid was honored by the yeshiva dinner. It speaks volumes about the love and care of the rosh yeshiva: Dear Friend: I was not walking away from a teacher like that. I requested admittance to the Yeshiva in Mountaindale. The roshei yeshiva made my acceptance contingent upon two clauses, not easy ones. Sometime later, after I had been in the yeshiva for a while, I asked my rebbi why he chose those two things for me to have to do. His reply astounded me. He told me that anything that I would show I was willing to control in my life would indicate I was capable of learning to control all my actions and becoming a pro at serving Hashem. In other words, just as in sports you want to see capability and flexibility in muscle, my rabbeim were showing me in spirituality you have to work out your spiritual muscles and prove them supple and flexible. The months I spent learning in Mountaindale will stay with me forever. It gave me a basis for building a home that is focused on trying to hit the aim in avodas Hashem with each action. It gave me rabbonim who continue to serve as yoatzim [advisors] to me, always available to answer my questions and to continue to provide me guidance. At this time, I am humbled to be called upon to accept an honor. I accept, not because I feel I deserve this honor, but because I think it might be an opportunity for me to share this amazing jewel of a yeshiva with my friends and relatives and urge them to help support such a wonderful place. It is my opportunity to show gratitude to the place that set me on the proper path. The honor is not mine, it is the yeshiva's, and I would be most grateful for all support that helps the yeshiva continue to teach people how to 'aim their shots' at kedushah. It was this kedushah that Rav Rothenberg humbly shared and spread with his cherished talmidim and with the Yidden, of all stripes and from all circles, he came in contact with.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The nurse should have clocked out or taken a few minutes of leave from her job, performed CPR, then gone back to her job. I'm sure the number of residents interested in living at Glenwood Gardens is going to drop quickly!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a horrific story. That driver should have never been on the road.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1 & #4 - I think Rabbi Shafran actually said it well: \"The judge knew about the bad thing; the least I could do was describe the good man.\" The judge likewise knows about the long-term harm inflicted by sexual abuse, and probably even heard from the victims in this case. But sentencing guidelines allow the judge to take other things into account. Indeed, this is precisely why our judicial system allows for judicial discretion and for community input to the judge. Such character testimony is routinely brought to bear, and defense attorneys actively solicit it. So just how does the mention of the good \"whitewash the problem\" or \"enable the abusers\"? Yes, our community has a long way to go in combatting abuse, but this case against Rabbi Miller is much ado about nothing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Noted. However the " very conservative hashkafa" has made an any critism of the right wing/"ultra-orthodox" off limits. My point regarding Assemblyman Hikind was that we (all observant, and indeed all Jews) should be the first to condemn this insensitivity (as did observant Assemblyman Sheldon Silver). The comment regarding Rabbi Kanievsky tried to point out the absurdity of an article fretting over fallen sefarim and unconcerned about a subpopulation wishing to exempt itself from military service.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Baby unfortunately died this morning Bde May we do good deeds in their memory And may they pray for the coming of mashiach bkarov
Comment by Leah Snyder
Another nail in the coffin of the old canard that it was just a few "Nazis" that did it all, and the rest of the Europeans were blissfully unaware. Who built, supplied, maintained, and profited from 42000 death centers. They all knew, and millions of Europeans actively aided and abetted mass murder.
Comment by Leah Snyder
what about jonathan pollard
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is the baby alive? Before it said baby died
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a wonderful way to meet our community's needs! Thank you for your accessibility and increased availability! Risyl Edelman
Comment by Leah Snyder
Eglah Yefifyah Mitzroyim. Respectfully N M Edinger
Comment by Leah Snyder
#6 - Questioning the decision or action of "our Holy rabbis", is not a bizayon or a sin. Saying that asking a question regarding the decision of a "holy rabbi" a bizayon, is a bizayon.
Comment by Leah Snyder
On Ma'amar 2 I have to strongly disagree. I would characterize it as a speculative and false Pshat. We have no other information from Chazal as to Timna's intentions, and to speculatively impugn her seems to me to be a avla toward one who appears to be a Tzadekes! I think the Pshat on why Amalek could come out of a union between Elifaz (a quasi-tzadik and Timna, has more to do with Timna's state of mind, and that was, according to Chazal, unwarranted rejection by the Avos. We know that the state of mind of a husband and wife during relations can seriously affect their offspring. such is the affect of the B'ne Tisha Midos. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by Leah Snyder
When people ask me what I miss most since making Aliya two years ago it is hands down Suburban Orthodox. What a very special place, Jeremy and I are waiting here for all of you to come and make it Suburban Orthodox East!
Comment by Leah Snyder
ED. Note:, when created, was done so with high expectations and with very conservative hashkafos. Nothing has changed since June 8, 2010 when the site launched. All Hashkafically/Halachically questionable comments are submitted to several rabbinic authorities for confirmation or declination. This has occurred since day one. This is done so that those who are well versed in Hilchos Lashon Hara , etc., can help see to it that the site is free from inappropriate comments. (As an aside, comments that offer \'facts\' are fact-checked by a committee as best as possible before publication. If the facts in the comment proposed by the commenter are incorrect, that comment is not posted to the public.) There are times that even a well written comment may offer a little more than the commenter may have intend. Such was the case with regard to your comment about the Gadol Hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. The comment about Dov Hikind was very well written, however, at the end of the comment you parenthetically suggested that our readers view a specific video which, due to language, would come nowhere near acceptable for our readership and would certainly not meet our high standards. Since we are prohibited from editing comments, it was impossible to post the first part of your comment without the last piece, which was totally unacceptable. While we are sorry you are finished reading we stand by our decisions l\'hagdil Torah U\'l\'ha\'adera.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yasher koach and hatzlacha to Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi Gelber. Baltimore needs more mentchen like them. Their middos and ahavas yisrael are something we can all emulate.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Nowadays, there is little truly impartial and fair news reporting and analysis. RushLimbaugh has an agenda , he is an entertainer who makes millions of dollars. He is no Walter Cronkite. Blame for the dysfunction in Wasington is complex but Rush has a share in the blame. The element that prefers default on our debt and all the other fiscal cliffs and filibusters has a strangle hold on too many elected officials and this prevents reasonable compromise and good governement. Also the hatred of the President means that there are too many people rooting for him to fail and unwilling to let government function. It is a sick situation.Tragically too many orthodox Jews are so full of prejudice and sick with hatred that they can't understand how out of touch they are with American values. It is sad.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hatzlacha to Rabbi Gelber, for always finding ways to reach more Yidden! May the Owings Mills Torah Center grow in Torah and members!
Comment by Leah Snyder
You censored my critique of Assemblyman Hikind as well as my critism of R. Kanievsky's reciting Tehillim so other people's kids can protect the Chareidim. These remarks were polite and well written. No reason to censor them Jeff. You're becoming a tool of the Right/Vaad/Yeshiva! I believe I'm now done with Baltimore Jewish Life!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The one that drives me crazy is \"You know what I\'m saying?\" This \"elongation\" of #2, which I do not recall hearing at all until the early 2000\'s, seems to be becoming more and more popular in the past few years.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! That was amazing. Mi Chamocha, Am Yisroel
Comment by Leah Snyder
almost every phone has a vibrate feature, and if it was truly important we would not forget to turn it off and back on - even when announcements are made at a chupah a funeral and other events people still do not have un"common" courtesy or respect to turn off their electronic leashes - even worse is when a persons cell phone goes off more than once during an event - just a total lack of respect - since we lack respect for others and for shul, of course we dont deserve the bais hamikdash
Comment by Leah Snyder
Respond to #1: Unfortunately too many of us forget to turn it back on!
Comment by Leah Snyder
They forget. It\'s human. B\"H this is not your challenge.
Comment by Leah Snyder
ummm... it is no miracle if the crash only happened because he was leaving... Aderabah, this is a shreklach zach that people did not control themselves and it led to a bookcase with hundreds of sefarim, nebach, to fall down. Chaval, maybe we should all be mekabel taanis like when a sefer torah falls, as this is so public and it is the favorite sefarim of the gadol hador, no less!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Children's Megillah reading was co-sponsored by Youth Motivation for Education by Marla Lewis.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why don't people simply turn the phones off? That's what I do when I enter shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
can't wait for the Goldstein/Lerner wedding. Going to be a blast!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I can never find Northbrook when I need to.
Comment by Leah Snyder
boruch hatov v'hameitiv :)
Comment by Leah Snyder
FACT: Most articles in Ynet about religion are not too reliable. This website gains nothing from the cut and paste. This Rebbe is not influential at all. And anyway, what's the purpose of quoting him and stirring up sinas chinom. The mark of a chacham is knowing what to say and what NOT to say.
Comment by Leah Snyder
yoni, we're very proud of you and all your fellow soldiers. please convey this message to yoni
Comment by Leah Snyder
Indeed. Possibly the single most helpful resource of the year.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dittos,kol hakavod
Comment by Leah Snyder
Does BJL really need to show an article where one Jew, no matter how great, places blame on others? Don't we have enough of this already?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just like their israeli counterparts the aguda never fail to drop the ball on an almost every issue.instead of pointlessly trying to shnor some money from a radical adminisration that has rabid animosity towards any religious institution,how about taking a principled stance against further spending that will bankrupt our country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I saw these types of costumes all over Baltimore yesterday. Not too impressive for an Am Hamivchar...
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2, that would be the WORST thing that can happen to Northwestern. IF the school closes, and (reading from the above article)students in brown and black neighborhoods are displaced, building a school that would serve Jewish kids in place of brown and black kids would create/exacerbate racial tension. NOT a good idea, by any means.
Comment by Leah Snyder
As a proud second generation member of Ohr Hamzirach, I would like to thank the entire Persian Jewish Community for being such a warm community to be a part of. I could not imagine myself and my family being a part of any other community. Such warmth, dedication, devotion and integrity does this Shul mean for me and my family. Baruch Hashem for gift that Hashem has given us with our beautiful Makom Torah to allow our rich Persian Jewish Heritage to flourish and continue. Yasher KoAch to everyone involved. Chana Lavi
Comment by Leah Snyder
However if the associated can buy it and build a nice Jewish school in the heart of the community the property values will all go up in that neighborhood and revitalize park heights
Comment by Leah Snyder
northwest high is an underachieving school. the students who attend it are categorically not from the neighborhood and do not respect the demographics of this neighborhood. additionally northwest high services the homeless population who need a school location. the main concern is that when/if the school shuts down what will it be replaced with. developers have long been taking empty schools and turning it into section 8 housing. if that happens the property values in the northwest community will plummet.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Postscript: Yoni told me that it would not have been Purim without the Lubavitchers who came in their Mitzvah truck and read the Megilla and gave out shalach monos. I asked how they got permission to go into a restricted and dangerous area and he answered, "don't ask". Yasher Koach to Chabad for caring about our boys, no matter where they are and whatever matzav they are in. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Megillah reading times: Bnai Jacob - from Bulletin: Saturday: 7pm and 8:15pm and 9:45pm Sunday: 7:10am, 8:40am, 10:00am Shomrei Emunah from bulletin: Saturday: 7pm and 9pm Sunday: 6:35am,7:35am,8:35am,10:00am,kids reading at 10:45am, -ezra
Comment by Leah Snyder
The display is adorable. Stop by with your family. You'll enjoy it tremendously! Leah Schwartz
Comment by Leah Snyder
A total waste of money. Castro will only release Gross with a concession from the State Department. Hilary Clinton did nothing to help him, and most likely Kerry will also do nothing. The U.S. Agency for International Development, who sent him to Cuba should foot the entire bill, it sent him to Cuba knowing full well the dangers involved. It now has the total responsibility to get him out!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for the comment! Yes, NNC is open to everyone, and we are working very hard to make sure the organization reflects the diversity of the neighborhood. We have a diverse group of members; we host monthly diversity dialogues; and we are building relationships with black churches in order to build trust in the community with people who don\'t always hear about, connect with, or engage in projects that originate in Northern Park Heights. We welcome other suggestions, and more importantly, we welcome your help - in continuing in this direction. See you at the launch event. -Lane, Northwest Neighbors Connecting
Comment by Leah Snyder
there are two ways out of a marriage: divorce or death. if a man does not give his wife a get thereby divorcing her he is in essence asking for the other option to be applied.
Comment by Leah Snyder
His book is an absolute must read for every Jew. An example for us all. Baruch Dayan Emet!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder why he's homeless to begin with. If it's the result of some addiction or mental/emotional issue all this money won't help unless that issue is addressed. There was a homeless man a few years ago who made headlines with his professional voice and who's youtube clip landed him a job with Kraft cheese. I recall hearing that he regressed after the noise calmed down and went back to drinking.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Those who truly want to donate to the community would do better to ignore beggars coming to the door and instead give to a legitimate charity like Ahavas Yisroel that provides food for the poor.
Comment by Leah Snyder
BD"E- I remember when he spoke to us when I was in seminary. I was so young then but his story was and remains inspiring to me till today. What a special person. May his family have a nechama.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I thought I would share the latest polls. If there is no coalition and if new elections were held today, Yesh Atid would rise from 19 to 30 and become the largest party in the Knesset, Bayit Yehudi would rise from 12 to 15. All other parties would go down, Likud-Beiteinu from 31 to 20, etc. Regardless of what the chareidi leaders threaten, the vast majority of Israelis are sick and tired of the present situation and want real change. This debate has been going on since 1948 and unless there is some reasonable compromise, the next elections will overturn the professional politicians. Netanyahu is trying to marginalize Yesh Atid,but it may backfire. E. Oberstein This is not my interpretation but what the polls show.
Comment by Leah Snyder
And let us not forget the brochures' promises of shedduchim, parnossa, and alleh guteh zachin!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent post! I live here in Israel and in my city there is one organization that has gone overboard with advertising. Not only is it a waste of tzedaka money it also trashes the neighborhood and causes a great Chilul HaShem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very nice speach and great accomplishment to be chosen as a Chevrah Knesset. Unfortunately most of what he said is directly against the ENTIRE Moetzes of Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel. too bad. He is very passionate.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Frand gave an incredible talk with profound insights on how to properly raise children. I wish the venue would have been filled to capacity like the teshuva drasha. He is worth it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Seriously Jeff...what is the moderator review intended for if every comment denigrating our Holy rabbis is posted. the sin of Bizui Talmud chochom is great.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"none of their business" what is this website coming to?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America would have more credibility on the issue is they made Aliya and encouraged others to join them. Maybe that is what's holding back the final Geulah and the army would no longer be necessary.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kav Hayoshor is the name of the sefer - ×§× ××שר.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder what they would have so say about the many bochurim learning in the Hesder yeshivos in EY. They too learn the same Torah at a high level. Yet they and their families also feel a sense of responsibility to defend the borders of Eretz Yisroel, which includes Bnei Brak and Geulah. These statements are equivalent to stipulating that the Hesder bochrim are welcome contributors--as Shabbos Goyim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How rich!This self rightousness coming from a guy who held multiple fundraisers prior to the last election even though he was running basicaly unopposed.I wonder where all that money went
Comment by Leah Snyder
I wonder if Rabbi Shafran has ever known or spoken with a person who has been sexually assaulted. (He can\'t even bring himself to say it: 'Orthodox Rabbi Defends Jewish Psychiatrist Convicted in'¦ Assaults') The LIFELONG damage done to the victims is certainly incomparable to cheating on taxes, no matter how \"nice\" the perpetrator may be otherwise. Rabbi Shafran\'s astounding column further substantiates the accusations of the regrettably silent members of our community , who maintain that much of the Orthodox rabbinical world whitewashes the problem of abuse at best, and at its worst, enables the abusers. Rabbi Shafran states that Rabbi Miller was not defending the accused or his actions, but merely asking for mercy and leniency from the court since \"the bad does not erase the good.\" I wonder if Rabbi Shafran\'s own child had been assaulted, chas v\'shalom, if he would be satisfied with a more \"merciful\" punishment for the perpetrator. If, due to the requested leniency, the perpetrator gets probation or a minimal sentence, he will soon be back on the streets, without any guarantee that more innocent souls will be not victimized in the future. Abusive journalism? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Oy lanu. Galia Berry (I hope others will speak out and sign their names)
Comment by Leah Snyder
Orthodox Jews must be sensitive to the perception that we do not take abuse seriously. My question is did the letter enhance the honor of Heaven or detract from it? And Rabbi Shafran's apologetics for our community's foibles sounds more like spin.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#4 & #6 are correct - they are Roma, gypsies. Our Russian yidden know them very well. The level of chutzpa they show is incredible as is their interest in "perfecting their skills", i.e., getting better at mimicking people you would give to. Their culture smiles on stealing. It won't be long before they figure out what saying Shema is, or parshas hashavua, etc., as there is no consequence to trying over and over again until they get it right. On the other hand, if there were a consequence to failing - arrest, harassment, worse - it would probably not be worth it to them. 'Nuf said.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The 1st commentor is 100 % right.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you TA (& BJL)!
Comment by Leah Snyder
there is a middah of rachamim that applies even to the worst sinners, we rely on it every year...
Comment by Leah Snyder
I'm sorry but didn't Congressman Sarbanes support ObamaCare? With his support of that legislative monstrosity he put partisan and special interests ahead of the interests of his constituents. It's hard to take his complaint about special interests seriously when he is a big part of the problem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Speaking of Meshulachim, real or fake, I don't give if he smells like a chimney from smoking. Besides the fact that he is jeopardizing his life and health when he has a needy family, he is also burning up hundreds of dollars a month in weeds. That is money that should be going for his needy family. I often confront them on the issue when they ring the bell. All say they are addicted and really want to stop smoking. I tell them, when they stop, I will give them money. I consider it good Musar for them. RSG
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have noticed this MANY times in Avi Shafran's writing - he compares two incomparibles to make a "point" which he attempts to have readers believe is the ONLY valid way of looking at something. In the end, this only makes his writing seem willfully insensitive. Committing a financial crime and assaulting the innocence of one's patient's are VERY different. Being tempted by money is a very natural, human thing -- assaulting teenagers is NOT. Rabbi Miller should have stayed out of doing anything that would seemingly have defended this doctor. Instead, he should focus on the individuals whose lives have been damaged by the doctor. And furthermore, if the doctor did not want to go to jail in this ill health, perhaps he should have thought about the consequences of committing the crime for which he is accused.
Comment by Leah Snyder
re: #4: they are correct. they are gypsies. there is a large gypsy community in the maryland/virginia area they have been doing this for years and it is nothing new. re: people collecting money etc. i do not give money. i will offer food, drink (water, soda, juice) and information on job offers, links with others, etc, but i do not give money. i have found that those who are really seeking help will take what is offered. those who are not usually give a negative response.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Maybe this isn't the most appropriate place to post this comment, but I wanted to alert community members of another disturbing occurrence. Last night (2/19/2013) a group of "bochurim" were collecting in my neighborhood at approximately 9PM. They were being rowdy and boisterous - behavior definitely not befitting those collecting for either the poor or the various mosdos. I refused to answer the door for them, as I was afraid that they would wake my sleeping children. Additionally, I did not think it was appropriate to reward their behavior with a check. The previous night I did answer the door for a couple of bochurim from Ner Israel who were cordial and polite - they received a check. A little while after they knocked on my door I heard them again outside my home. I do not know exactly what happened, as I was upstairs, but it sounded to me like they threw objects at my house. I was also a yeshiva bochur who collected and understand that it is a fun activity for those involved. However, whoever is sending out these bochurim are responsible for their behavior and the kiddush or chillul Hashem that is caused.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What some people do to make a buck...
Comment by Leah Snyder
When the gedolim in EY meddle in issues that only affect Chutz Laaretz, it is at best annoying, and generally gets laughed off (crocs on YK, abridged hataras nedarim). EY Gedolim don't understand the issues that we have in CHU"L. So why is it the the Moetzes in the US thinks they have any business commenting on issues that only affect EY. I am not saying that I agree or disagree with the Moetzes' stance, I am saying that it is none of their business. Just like we expect the gedolei EY to defer to the CHU"L gedolim for CHU"L issues, the CHU"L gedolim should do the same. Besides, which lawmaker in EY cares what the American Moetzes says. Just stay out of it. Often being quiet is being smart.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you BJL
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think its really important that BJL run these articles. You may not agree with Rabbi Lipman, but you definitely see his ahavas yisrael, and midos, and menschlichkeit, which is very lacking in political discourse. Even if you don't agree with anything he says, he is a role model for us all.
Comment by Leah Snyder
My wife and I want to thank Ohr Hamizrach Congregation specially the following people for all their time and hard work on annual dinner event. Rabbi Reuben Arieh, Mr. David Cohen, Rabbi Emanuel Goldfeiz, Rabbi Menashe Sadik,Rabbi Reuven Rooshenshad,Mr. Daniel Golfeiz. May Hashem help you and you should see good in whatever you do,and appreciate it. Amen! Cyrus
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps BJL should stop posting articles about R' Lipman, not because he's done anything wrong (of course), but because people cannot refrain from bashing him in the comments section of these articles. Seriously, it's ok to disagree with his politics and hashkafos, but people should be a little more careful with the terms they throw around, all in the name of kana'us. It's a little bit sickening, to be honest.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: That's your opinion...Keep up the good work Jeff. Every time there is an article about Dov Lipman certain commenters only seek to attack and besmirch his work. Why do you assume every one has to agree with your haskafa? Is it possible there is more than one opinion on the matter?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1-Time will tell
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mazel Tov Shira! What an amazing chesed! You are a true tzadekes. May your noble actions bring refuah to all those in need and may you continue to see mazel and bracha from your nephews!
Comment by Leah Snyder
no shortage of opportunities to make a Chilul Hashem
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeff Cohn-You are granting publicity to wrong hashkafos and wrong actions by Dov Lipman. He says the wildest, most arrogant things, esp. in this interview.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kleinman should be ashamed of himself!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
These rabbis need a dose of reality administered to them. If these students are indeed the Israeli equivalent of conscientious objectors, they should be subject to an alternative type of national service. It is no mitzvah to be a Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Interesting how they skirt around the politically incorrect real reason we moved to the suburbs. "There goes the neighborhood" was the most common saying of the day.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hi folks,I was glad to see the program comming to light on the printed page just do not want you to leave the impression that the program is only for the Jewish Community in the Northwest Community. The picture speaks for it self. I know you are just presenting the excitement of the launch and am sure other pictures will represent your total picture of the NNC. I just don\'t want you to miss the point that the picture should reflect a diverse population however it was not reflected in this picture.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Ner Israel is certainly not proud of his career
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mazal Tov, Shira! What a wonderful project! May Hashem bless you and your family!
Comment by Leah Snyder
So now, it's all about the hand shake. Foolish people, Israel is falling apart. It's government continues to tear down Jewish homes (as recent as last Friday in the Shomron), while allowing Arabs to continue to build illegally all over Jerusalem. The Israeli government just announced it would be aiding Turkey's electronic weapon systems as well as awarding Obama with a special presidential award when he comes to visit Israel in March. You call Feiglin an extremist. Well, excuse me, if it is considered extreme to want Israel to stop committing suicide in it's march towards a two state solution, then I am an extremist too! Unbelievable!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I believe that wine producers/vineyards can ship directly to Maryland, not other retailers. Read the fine print carefully and you'll see that this web site works around this by having your purchase occur in Pennsylvania and they are only shipping your already purchased merchandise. ?kosher
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dear #1, My onversation with Yehuda Avner was a seperate one from that of the Baltimoe Jewish Times. If you read both, you see that there were different quesions. In any event, I hope you are able to hear him in person . rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is not an exclusive! The Baltimore Jewish Times had it first: Check out this interview for a full Q&A and an in-depth look at Ambassador Avner's life and wisdom.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Not that I agree with these signs, but isn't this the frum equivalent of "No shirt, no shoes, no service"?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Jeremy, you rock!! YAAH!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yair Lapid is a wolf in sheep clothing, and it is interesting to see that Dov Lipman is doing the same thing. Dov, maybe call the Rosh Yeshiva (Harav Aron Feldman) and get his advice before you speak.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is this called a secret?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful Rochelle. I would love to read more things you wrote! Keep writing!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Isn't Shea Jacobs formally of Baltimore.
Comment by Leah Snyder
to #3 do some more research, the link you posted is referencing the This is off their site
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank You Eli Lasson for all you do for Baltimore as you help people from all walks of life find real, well paying jobs.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, you are not making us all proud. The legitimacy of any problems you highlight does not justify what you are doing. Please stop this grand chilul hashem! - A Ner Israel Chaver who went to College and who also recognizes that we must seek guidance from our manhegim, especially regarding public matters.
Comment by Leah Snyder
In my family, our usual way to play Scrabble is to play it on Shabbos. We don't have time during the week. So, I guess the question then is why can't we play? Our usual mode of play is to NOT write the score. Since this is our USUAL way, it implies that games kept just for Shabbos can be played. I'd love to hear people's response to this!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you R.Kaplan for a amazing shabbos filled with ruach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Very inspiring - Thank you Shuey Grunwald for bringing in the Mzamrim and to the Rubin family for sponsoring the great Shabbos. Thank you Mzamrim for inspring thousands of jews with their heartfelt singing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
With Shas calling Shomer Shabbos Jews "Goyim," they should be left out of the government.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can you please provide Aharon Newman\'s contact info? The link does not work. Thanks!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
It's sad that so many Jews drive mercedes and BMW to begin with. One pf the photos shows Nissan as the "sponsor of Ahmadinejad's carpool". Well, Mercedes was the official sponsor of Hitler's carpool.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yashe Koyach to Reb Shuey for bringing such ruchnius to the community.
Comment by Leah Snyder
After watching this clip again and again I realized that this really is the way to start a shabbos, thank you abe for the hospitality I'm looking forward for another shabbos with you, (Chilu posen, Mzamrim)
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad testament, when a drink of water is more important than the future of the Country.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #1: Mechalel Shem Shomayim?!? Who are you to judge? Are you an expert in Israeli politics? If anything, he is making a Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Way to go Dov. You make us all proud. A Ner Israel Chaver who went to College
Comment by Leah Snyder
Just by joining Lapid, he has crossed the Chillul Hashem Line... big time.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Lipman, you have many supporters in this community. Ignore the bitter rantings below. we are very proud of you
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1: A bit too harsh. Yes, there is danger here and he could fall into a trap. But there is also opportunity for kiddish hashem. Let's be mispallel that Reb Dov crosses the kidish Hashem line rather then the opposite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
is there a video of this speech?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Lipman might be a nice guy and perhaps may even think he acts L\'shem Shomayim, but just the opposite is true; he is a complete Mechalel Shem Shomayim. By aiding and abetting the Sonei Hashem, Torah and Yisroel Lapid in Yesh Atid, we must consider that he has thrown away his Olam Habah. He calls himself a rabbi but he has publicly divorced himself every Gedol Yisroel, that makes him a Megale Ponim B\'Torah Shelo K\'halacha.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why are we even giving this guy publicity? I'm the child of a Holocaust survivor and frankly I don't see how the ranting an raving helps us, it only bolsters more fools and copycats to try to create a more of an antisemitic splash.
Comment by Leah Snyder
seems like his prank backfired... he's the one who is a fashion designer but can't seem to become fashionable...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Maryland law changed 6 months ago. Check out for more information
Comment by Leah Snyder
Numbers 1 and 3. All I can say is give me a break and Chill Out!!!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
it is now allowed under MD law.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This isn't news. It's a nice humanitarian story, but not local news.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I thought shipping wine to MD was against the law...Did something change?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Oberstein: Can you provide a little more information regarding how they determined this and what proof they have? - A curious reader
Comment by Leah Snyder
That's because they didn't get the vitamins from a natural food store. You get what you pay for!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The way the frum world has tried to protect itself for generations is by banning anyone who thinks differently.This is very evident in Israel where any deviation leads to ostracism. It doesn't work, and it is wrong. Dov Lipman went from unemployed yeshiva rebbe to $125,000 a year, car and office with a secretary. He did NOT sell his soul as some contend, he stood up for normal, American style frumkeit which is considered apikorsus in charedi Israel. Lapid may fizzle and burn out and Dov may have to get another job,but,meanwhile, let's give them a chance to save the chareidim from a failure of vision. Politics is not kid stuff and Yesh Atid is the latest in a long line of centrist parties that may not succeed in changing the way Israel is governed. But,meanwhile, Dov should enjoy the car and the office and the paycheck and keep his head held high.
Comment by Leah Snyder
People who take from society, need to contribute as well. Torah learning is vital for Israel to succeed, but not every Chareidi is sitting and learning. There was just a report, where Hesder Yeshiva students, who were sitting and learning, were called up earlier than they were supposed to because of a manpower shortage. Their Torah learning is no less important than Chareidi learning and certainly more imporant than Chareidim who are no longer sitting and learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Perhaps there would have been a greater turnout had the Baltimore Israel Coalition, an arm of the Baltimore Jewish Council, opted to have supported the event. Their abject failure to do so is a sad commentary on the quality of what passes for communal leadership in this city -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
Bravo Jay and company. It would have been nice to have a more broad based community support (seems like a no-brainer).
Comment by Leah Snyder
may this animal be brough to justic3 real soon.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#2: Not true for a second. Please stop spewing garbage. Firstly, RABBI Lipman is a rov himself. Secondly, Rabbi Lipman has consulted with many Rabbonim - and I know that for a fact. If you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Because jeremy Lustman whose family is well known in Baltimore moved to Israel with a dream of building bridges between Israeli businesses and US businesses and has been successful despite a very difficult global economy. I think it's quite an accomplishment and shows quite alot of emunah and bitachon by moving his family to Israel. He should be commended.
Comment by Leah Snyder
musmach of YU 1954
Comment by Leah Snyder
why is this news?
Comment by Leah Snyder
As a NIRC talmud, I am very proud of Rabbi Lipman. He is a true tzadik, and a humble one as well. He is an inspiration and role model to many of us. He was and is one of the few chareidim to stand up for emes in Beit Shemesh.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov lipman received no hadrocha from any rov or gadol and should be shunned in our community for joining an anto torah party .probbaly the worst that israel has ever seen.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Can't believe he'd be willing to give away Yehuda and Shomron. Living here for 8 + years he should know that there is no such thing as peace with the Palestinians monsters.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't that be a dream come true - the fanatic who are running Iran destroy each other, and there's another revokution.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why is anyone even bothering to answer #11/13. He is obviously a very, disturbed, unhappy individual. If someone can stoop so low as to be m\'vaseh our rabonim b\'rabim then he is either unstable or extremely lonely and unhappy. He reminds me of the yidden who made a mockery of Mordechai Hatzadik when he tried to remind the yidden that attending achashveirosh\'s party was not the proper way for a frum yid to act. What an \"audacity\" of Mordechai hatzadik to dare persuade the yidden to act properly!! Who did he think he was anyway? Just because he knew kol hatorah kuloh backwards and forwards and was the tzadik ha\'ir that gave him a right to remind the yidden that perhaps they were moving in the wrong direction? This unhappy yid thinks along the same lines. Unfortunately he has no emunas chachamim and feels that he knows better than all of the rabanim listed below as well as the chashuveh rosh hayeshiva, Rav Aharon Feldman shlita, of the moetzes gedolai hatorah. I fear for Mr. 11/13 acharei mayah v\'esrim shana when he gets up there and finds out that perhaps our esteemed rabanim knew a thing or two more than him and were right.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sorry Number 11/13, Do you really believe that you or I have the right to judge whether Rabbis Berger, Hopfer, Heinemann, Feldman, Shuchatowitz, Taub, Tesser, Weiss, Goldfeiz, Naiman, Seidemann, Heber, Eichenstein, and Aryeh have audacity for organizing a Torah learning program. Borrowing from the words of Bibi Netanyahu Have You No Shame? Have You No Decency? What a Disgrace! What A Mockery You Make Of Our Distinguished Rabbis For Having The \"Audacity\" To Schedule a 45 minute Learning Session In The Middle Of The Super Bowl! Whatever The Motivation! Sorry Number 11/13 - It Is You Who Have Unbelievable \"Audacity\" For Stating What You Did Publically!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#12: I think a Macha'a is audacious. Do you disagree?
Comment by Leah Snyder
B'H What achdus from our chassidic bretheren!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I dont even know where to start............Let me get this clear number 11. You think it was "audacious" of our distinguished rabbonim to discourage their congregants from getting " too wrapped up in the super bowl?? If your answer is yes, it is you who is missing the boat in a big way! Again I repeat, chill out Baltimore!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I believe that the Jews still living in Iran wish to live there. This isn't like the 1930s where Hitler came to power and in a short period of time had the Gestapo on the streets. The Iranian leadership has been in place for decades. Any Jew who wanted to leave had, and still does, the opportunity to leave. We should absolutely boycott companies who do business with Iran.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#9 and 10#: When you make a community wide event, that means whoever organized it intended to send a message to everyone. It was not just a few fathers and sons making their own decisions to skip some of the game. The message was that the community was discouraged from getting too wrapped up in the game. Even the Rabbonim expressed this last Shabbos. I know first hand one particular Rav intended it as a Macha'a against the community. That's audacious if you ask me. That's what got people riled up...You missed the boat.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When Jewish leaders in the 30s would organize boycotts of German goods, all it did was enrage Hitler, who would turn around and take it out on German Jews, who were helpless to resist. Thousands of Jews still live in Iran. Why should American Jews antagonize the mullahs who really run the country? Learn, daven, do chesed - that's what stops them!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree. Why do people care so much if a bunch of men and boys sat and learned Torah at the same time as the Superbowl? If you didn't want to do it then so be it. You should have shredded up the despicable flyer and used it as confetti to throw on the field at the Ravens homecoming parade. What you do with your time is between you and Hashem. Did someone come into your house, turn off the game,put a revolver to your head and demand you head over to Kol Torah? Breaking news: WE HAVE BECHIRA! Why such an uproar? You made a choice to go watch the superbowl. Does everyone have to make the same choice as you?? If there are people out there who really sincerely can't understand why there are people who only want their children and themselves exposed to ruchniyus I suggest you speak it over with a rav that shares that same hashkafa so that you can clarify these hashkafos for yourself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Had an awesome time in week 1. Great job guys!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am shocked and amazed by all the negative comments on this article and another on BJL about the beautiful Torah learning event held at Rabbi Berger's shul. Why is anybody viewing this as a choice between learning and the SB? It was a 45 minute program with plenty of time before and after to watch. And if you or your son didnt want to go, who was forcing you to go?? Don\'t we have enough self confidence that someone can do something different than us without criticizing. Take a chill Baltimore!!! Just for the record, I DIDN\'t take my son to the learning event.
Comment by Leah Snyder
there is a perki avos that discusses this issue... something along the lines of "do not trust those in government for they are there only to pursue their own interests"....
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wouldn't it be healthier to make your children confident in their belief and value system so they can face the challenge of the secular world rather than run away from it?
Comment by Leah Snyder
And who do you think is paying for it?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Great League! Thank you Dovi Ziffer and Yossi Openden for making this happen!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Apparently, we don't try to sign up; looks like the league was formed without involving the Greater Baltimore community. If you were in the know, you were included. It would have been nice to open this up to the community at large, guys.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have figured out how to watch Israeli television, specifically the Knesset Channel and I watched as each of the 120 members rose and stated their loyalty to the state. For a Jew with historical memory it was emotional to me. There are so many kipot, it is actually 1/3 of the Knesset. It is time to appreciate the miracle and cease the fighting. L.Oberstein
Comment by Leah Snyder
He is a unique individual.
Comment by Leah Snyder
From Phoenix to Monroe.. what a journey!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#5: I would like to respectfully answer your question as it is a very valid question and I hope this answer helps you understand the mindset. Perhaps you don't have a problem having your children watch or attend a football game (or watch tv or anything else secular). And if that is the derech you have chosen for you and your children then I'm sure you discussed it with your rav first and together you decided that this was best for your family and particular situation. We are supposed to make a cheshbon hanefesh every night and think about if we are making Hashem happy in every choice we make throughout our day and think how we can improve on it the next day. You have made the choice that by exposing your children to secular culture and ideas you are making Hashem happy and doing the right thing. I may not understand your decision but I also understand that everyone serves Hashem in his own way as long as they are keeping all the mitzvos and not being oiver avairos. There are people though who have made the decision not to expose their children to the secular world as much as possible. Even if they are not seeing any outright pritzus (what some people call watching "kosher" tv) we still shield them from the secular mindset which is not based on Torah values. We can not completely shield our children obviously because we don't live in a bubble but we believe that we must do our hishtadlus not to intentionally bring it into our homes which are a mikdash mi'at. Just as certain things did not belong in the bais hamikdash because it was a makom kedusha, our homes too are a mini bais hamikdash and there are people who work tirelessly to keep their homes free of any secular concepts (no tv, secular newspaper, internet etc). They also work very hard to keep their children as sheltered as possible outside the home as well. Many gedolim feel that children can reach an overall higher level of learning and yiras shamayim if they are free of foreign ideas. Torah is compared to water. We all want to drink pure water even paying big bucks for bottled water! When anything dirty is in the water whether its chemical's, pieces of food or objects, or just plain old fashioned dirt the water is not as pure as it could be. This is why many people won't expose their children to secular ideas. Their children's nishamos won't have the chance to be as pure as they could have been had they not been exposed to it. We each have our own definitions of normal and as we grow in our yiddishkeit it changes. At one time I too watched sports and went to games but I have grown in my yiddishkeit and have made a decision not to do this anymore. Perhaps one day you will get there (and beyond!) but for now you are where you are and that's okay as long as there's always an awareness to grow. You may not understand this mindset but again, we all have different ways of serving Hashem. Many people were upset that their children saw purple cookies in our heimishe stores and ads about superbowl specials in our heimishe circulars. You may not agree with this but part of being open minded means understanding that not everyone is the same. As long as we are constantly asking ourselves "Am I making Hashem happy right now?" and answering with a YES!! then that's what's important. And if the answer is no or not sure, then don't be afraid to work on it. This is why some families did not want their children watching the superbowl even if they would have learned before and/or after. I hope this answers your question!
Comment by Leah Snyder
With all due respect, if the best defense is a good offense, this man is doing the best he can with specious and partiaally correct statistics. Just like Creation Science is a way to justify not teaching evolution, it is a sematic defense not based on emes. The statistics of Charedi poverty are there for all to see.The lack of a basic core curriculum puts chareidi men at a distinct disadvantage in the job market. Those who work off the books are geting less income and are dodging taxes, which is illegal. A large class of poverty stricken families is needlessly created and the figures cited are only part of the story, the Chareidim benefit from the social welfare system due to large families and low income. Learning English is not heresy, it is necessary for getting a good job and also would help them when they come around asking for money in shul to buy an apartment for their child so he or she can get married. This article smacks of paranoia.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I\'m saddened by the obsession w/ prizes. Gashmius! I thought we were holier than that.
Comment by Leah Snyder
anyone who attended had no idea what the prizes would be or that they'd be so extensive usually, the prizes at these events are pretty 'dinky' but hey, Chazal say (and the Rambam writes extensively) that esp. with children you must use prizes as a motivation
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very nice event. But, do we have to close off our children from everything secular? Would it have been so bad if they watched a football game, and this event were held at another time?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#32 and #35. I wouldn't call it an obsession with the "super bowl". The frum community, or parts of it, do not go "over the top" every year at super bowl time. It just so happens that this year, like 12 years ago, the home team made it to the final game. Even for the average yid who watches an occasional game, or merely checks on the scores, it can be an exciting time for us Baltimoreans. Having the home team get to the super bowl creates a jolt of civic pride for the whole city and state. Nothing wrong with being joyous over a sporting even for a short while. No one here is devoting their life to the Super Bowl.
Comment by Leah Snyder
If this was supposed to be such an easy choice for the boys, why did we have to give them all of these prizes? Does this mean that without the prizes the boys would have chosen to watch the game?
Comment by Leah Snyder
#24 and #30: The rabbonim in town need the feedback of their mispalelim to help them understand the consequences of the policies and statements that are put forth. When you give your Rav feedback that will help him make informed decisions for the future when similar issues arise. Your Rav needs to know what message your sons and daughters understood from the learning program. Did they hear the nuanced message that the \"fan culture\" in our community took their \"purple fever\" too far or did they hear the the Super Bowl and professional sports in general is as treif as an xmas tree? What was the take away of the extended jewish community, including the impression of those that did watch the game, from the event? What message did they understand? Now, I doubt the Rabbonim intended to create such a firestorm when getting behind the event. The organizers themselves were surprised and amazed with the turnout, as were all those who attended. Unfortunatley, it appears they were victims of their own success. On the one hand a huge crowd of people came to learn to show their solidarity with Toras Hashem. On the other hand many people felt alienated by the outcry against a game which was always viewed as a more or less pareve pursuit in our community. Many feel as if watching the super bowl (not just the commercials and half time show which jsut about everyone across the orthodox spectrum could understand why the rabbonim would object) and rooting for the local team was declared treif. It seems the nuanced message the Rabbonim hoped to portray got lost on many individuals? There will be many who will want to have another Avos Ubunim next year during the Super Bowl to build off the success of this year\'s. I hope they think long and hard about the consequences and message the whole community perceives when organizing a community wide event. Most likely the Ravens will not make the Super Bowl next year and another community wide event will clearly say the Rabbonim have a major issue with the Super Bowl itself and not the fanaticism of the Jewish Baltimore Ravens fan. We\'ll find out next year if that\'s what the Rabbonim want. Your Rav needs to hear from you. Is this the right forum to express your opinion to your Rav? Probably not. Tell him yourself. If you\'re apprehensive about expressing your opinion to your Rav for fear of being judged or because you don\'t have much of a relationship with him you or because your Rav doesn\'t take well to feedback you probably should rethink your choice of Rav. The Rabbonim of our community need to hear. The decisions can\'t be made in a vacuum.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why prizes? Limmud Torah with your father is enough of a prize!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! Thats amazing. Go Klal Yisroel!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#34: it pinned fathers against sons?? You are the father and you can tell your child that you are not attending an event. Since when does a father need to accommodate his child's every demand. Often there is more than one event occurring in Baltimore at the same time. It is up to the parents to decide what the family will be attending and what not. Your son easily could have learned with his rebbe or a neighbor if he wanted to go. There is no reason a father should ever be afraid to tell his child that he can not attend an event. If however you were afraid to tell your son that you were not attending because you didn't want him to know that you wanted to watch the superbowl instead then maybe its time to re-examine your values. If that was not the issue then you needed to put your foot down and say that tatty can not attend but you will be more than happy to find him someone to learn with instead. What a bracha that your son wanted to learn instead of watching the superbowl! The event did not pin fathers against sons; guilt may have though.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Draft Arabs? Is he nuts. Also If you take from society, you have to contribute as well, atleast in some way. Not everyone is a learner. It is also not a crime to support ones family.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Marwick for this.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How nice that the Shomrei event was held before the Super Bowl, so the boys and their fathers were able to learn Torah and still see the game. "Efshar l'kayaim shnaihem (it is possible to have both)."
Comment by Leah Snyder
What part of it is a "community-wide collective guilt trip?" It was just a beautiful event designed to make a statement. Even if you didn't want to be forced to make that choice, don't snap back at the event. It's your perception about the event that's making you feel guilty, not the event itself.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Buy him a one-way ticket!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with # 32. This is not about watching the Superbowl. Each to this own. But it is about the obsession that part of the frum community had with it, which includes: a superbowl viewing in a beis haknesses with a front-cover ad in the major community magazine comparing it to a siyum; purple challos in all the bakeries; and other mishugas. It went too far, and a statement needed to be made. We all love everybody. Parents scold their children, siblings argue over things. It's not hatred. Let's not take it there.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The problem is not a father-son learning program, everyone agrees that\'s a wonderful thing. The problem is that this pinned fathers against sons and vice versa. Obviously if neither father nor son follows sports all is well, but what happens when either the father or son want to watch while the other wants to learn? The result is friction and loss of respect for whichever party wanted to watch. We don\'t create opportunities to magnify our short-comings and place individuals in awkward situations with family members do we? Would any of us create such a circumstance in our own homes? At the very least, the program should have been geared towards children only...without placing responsibility on the parent who may have other plans. The child can decide to attend or not. By making it a dual father-son program, the fathers were dragged in perforce, or suffer the consequence of being viewed by the child as an ignoramous. Gee, thanks. Simply an insensitive gesture with no regard for those who don\'t fit the mold of what every Jewish family *should* be like. What event can I think of to magnify the shortcomings of the more devout who came up with this scheme?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Beautiful article! The pictures brought tears to my eyes! I can only imagine the Aibeshter looking down from the kisay hakovod and rejoicing along with the malachim and the simcha and nachas it must have brought to shamayim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Such a beautiful Kiddush H\'. L\'maan yirbu ymaichem viymei vneichem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hurrah!!! Then North Korea can fire a missile at it and we can watch the fireworks from below! Let's hope he burns up in re-entry!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Everyone will agree Yiddin learning Torah is a good thing. The problem started when this became a community-wide collective guilt trip ON EVERYONE rather than what should have been directed at specifically a few Shuls by their own rabbonim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This event was intentionally made during the Super Bowl, and it was for the purpose of making a communal statement. The 900 fathers and sons (as reported by BJL) made that statement loud and clear. My Rav explained the intention of this event, and he did so with heartfelt passion and feeling for the health of our community. He first made it clear that it\'s not about following sports or not. That judgement is the responsibility of parents to make and its approach is different for different people. At the same time, our community has never endorsed or identified with the Super Bowl to the extent that it did this year, as evidenced by the advertisements in the local circulars. That\'s an unhealthy sign and the following loud and clear statement had to be made: The Baltimore community does not *identify* with the Super Bowl or *define* themselves as Ravens Fans or Super Bowl celebrants! There may be those who watch it or are general fans of the Ravens and that is not being condemned. This protest of 900 Avos UBanim told HKB\"H, we are Yours, and we\'re all about what\'s important to You!
Comment by Leah Snyder
The comments that follow this feature demonstrate several problems that are part of what seems to be the never ending bein adam l'chaveiro issues that have plagued us throughout Galus Edom. -We do not respect the different approaches that K'lal Yisroel has in the wide spectrum of Shomrei Torah U'Mitzvos -We do not respect that the banner of Shomrei Torah U'Mitzvos includes people who watch the Superbowl in a Raven's jersey and people in white shirts and black trousers who haven't a clue who Beyonce is. -We do not respect that every person has their own package of nisyonos and struggles within Kiyum Mitzvos and often to grow or even to survive as a practicing Jew a person needs to access who they are and pick their individual battles. Their choices may be different than our own and that does not give us a right (nor is it in keeping with being a Torah Jew) to thumb our noses at them. For some reason we don't seem to be able to get beyond the issues of our own insecurities and self-doubt and we keep stepping on each other to get a leg up to reassure ourselves. This behavior exists within all parts Orthodox spectrum, from the tiniest kipah to the black velvet delux yarmukah. I think everyone should read the Netziv's hakdoma to Sefer Bereishis for some sobering thoughts on the shefichas damim that results from this lack of derech eretz bein adam l'chaveiro. We haven't changed all that much since Charban Bayis Sheini. We still have bloody hands. It needs to stop.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree with # 24-Why have a comments section that allows cynical comments against rabbanim?
Comment by Leah Snyder
What sort of sad, cynical person would write comment #19, calling a learning program on the night of the super bowl 'divisive.' If you don't want to go, don't go. With 14 shuls participating it's obvious that every father/son pair couldn't even fit. But to claim a learning program is divisive because you'd rather be out celebrating hevel v'rik sounds like the mashchisim who attended the banquet of Achashverosh. #11 I'm glad you are so ignorant of the job requirements of offensive & defensive linemen. Halevai you should continue to fill your mind with better things.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I can\'t believe anyone would be anti this event. Learning Torah en masse-we\'re all for that, right? No one was forcing anyone to do anything. Those who came wanted to come and those who chose to do something else at that time, I hope they enjoyed some kosher fun. Let\'s stop being anti people and rabbis just because we\'re not doing exactly what they do. That works both ways-the learners and those who had parties.
Comment by Leah Snyder
It was beautiful, an amazing Kiddush Hashem. Our own mini Siyyum HaShas feeling! After 120 years, my son and I will have something to show for last night. My Hakaros HaTov to all the organizers and other attendees.
Comment by Leah Snyder
My son too, was excited to join the learning last night. We watched the first half hour of the game (but not the commercials), went to learn, and then returned to watch the end of the game. (BTW ' HaShem delayed the second half of the game a half hour so we would not miss much.) Torah is primary, but balance is important too.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think anyone who was there will have a hard time forgetting how amazing it was hearing 500+ kids learning - and to those who say this was a community split 14 Shuls speaks for most of the community .
Comment by Leah Snyder
I think Baltimore would be better off without the reader comments. You are just giving people an opportunity to display a lack of respect for our Rabbanim. I don\'t think that benefits anyone.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Love this! The greatest examples that Limmud Torah is a remarkably colorful endeavor! And for those boys in Ravens shirts, I guess your efforts were rewarded!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Its amazing to hear those in favor of watching the superbowl make a point in stressing how they feel that this is better for our children's chinuch- with such an attitude we will never grow. Let's not kid ourselves. I am a huge raven's fan and will be watching the game but I am jealous for the sch'ar of those learning! It takes true cynicism to bash this beautiful program!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I cannot believe this discussion. Over 700 fathers and sons showed up and learned Hashem's Torah. How can anyone be against that? Those 700 people were trying to show that the Torah is more important than the Super Bowl. What's wrong with that? As far for those that have Super Bowl parties, I'm hapyy they had they kosher fun. Nothing wrong with that at times either. Why are we fighting? It just seems that those who are anti here are just anti in general.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#19 -What damage ??? You either went or didn't. It is pretty simple, no need to mourn this sad day where hundreds of children learned torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Personally I don't see sinas chinam or anyone being judgemental here. What I see is people following their own daas torah and b"H we live in a community that follows daas torah. The list of shul's that endorsed learning the night of the super bowl are clearly listed on the flyer. If your rav put your shul's name on there then he is in a sense paskening that you should spend the night learning with your son instead of watching the super bowl. If on the other hand you attend one of the shuls that did not list their name on the flyer then that rav is also in a sense saying that for the members of HIS SHUL the avos u'banim program is not where HIS members should be spending their time. Each rav knows the dynamics and level of frumkeit in their own shul. For some people it may be okay to watch the super bowl because that is where they are holding in their yiddishkeit especially if as some people mentioned they will be turned off to Torah without it. However for others watching the super bowl is wrong for them. They are simply holding at a different level and for THEM it would be wrong. There may be people who are members of the shuls listed that were planning on watching the game. The rabbanim of those shuls endorsed the avos u'banim to make a statement that for their members this is not the proper thing to be doing. A rav has an achrayus to remind people of what is the proper derech for them. Everyone follow your own daas torah and calm down please.
Comment by Leah Snyder
What a sad day for frum Baltimore. The day we became two communities. I am not sure the organizers thought through what damage they ultimately caused. It appears some rabbis understand the community and some don't.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shomrei is having an Avos Ubanim at 5:15. Kudos to them for showing that there is a middle ground and a way to make the kids feel good and infuse ten with Torah.
Comment by Leah Snyder
To #7: There is more to life than studying. One needs to relax. One can't shut oneself off completely to the parts of the outside world that may be enjoyed without violating religious restrictions. One has to lighten up occasionally. All work and no play does indeed make Yitz a dull boy.
Comment by Leah Snyder
How do we try to sign up?
Comment by Leah Snyder
The real winner is not the ravens or 49ers but Sinas chinam.
Comment by Leah Snyder
2-3-2013 Men never do wrong so completely and so cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
No one is forced to attend. They should have given more warning, though.
Comment by Leah Snyder
B'H we have rabbanim chachamim who can lead us on the path of Torah & mitzvos, and help guide us away from the darchei hevel of the umos ha'olam. Shaal avicha v'yagedcha, zaknecha v'yomru lach. Haboreh yisbarach shmo shebara ha-yetzer hara b'adam, hu shebara haTorah tavlin lo. The world only exists through the merit of Talmud Torah. Let us show H', our children, other Yidden, and all the world what we value most in our lives!
Comment by Leah Snyder
There is also a father son learning program at shomrei from 4:30 to 5:15.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#10 I wonder what the Torah Hakedosha says about Judgemental people. These \"thugs\" are human beings playing a sport to make a living. Who gives you a right to refer to them as unintelligent thugs? Try living what you learn instead of just learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There is no "quandary." On the one side you have the Torah HaKedosha, and on the other you have the opportunity to cheer on a brawling thug (who may or may not have gotten away with murder) and his thug colleagues (the only football position requiring any real intelligence being quarterback). I have a Yetzer Hara like any other Yid, and would probably track the game on phone or browser while my son watched it on TV somewhere. Instead, my son came home Friday very excited about this special Avos UBanim, and we'll be adding to the Kol Torah at Kol Torah. The organizers deserve a tremendous Yeyasher Kochachem for what they've done here.
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is obviously being organized to make a statement, especially in the face of the hype of the Super Bowl locally including within the (frum) community. While watching sports and tooting for the hometeam has always been within the fabric of even Yeshivish oriented types in America from time immemorial, obviously that's not good enough anymore. This is an example of "efsher l'kayem shneihem"--either with the same program before the game or watching the game in an appropriate manner, sans Beyonce, and with kosher food. But, that's not good enough where the mindset is black and white and non-nuanced. Of course, no kid will go "off the derech" even if he is forced to attend the Avos U'Banim program. But, it does send a message to "normal kids" that being "normal" is just not good enough anymore in our community. If they can't watch a football game and eat food from the many Star-K establishments running specials, how will they feel good about themselves? The end result is that many will no longer buy what is being sold as this limited definition of frum Judaism. Some will invariably just go on to maintain some of the externalities that will allow them to marginally fit in, while on the inside remain uninspired and cynical. In addition, setting such a standard of "excellence" in our community will only serve to reduce the increasingly scarce population of young men who are deemed "eligible" by Bais Yaakov and the seminaries for the young women in the community.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Many rabbis feel this is the wrong approach. This is not community-wide.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I would have thought the Rebbe would hold that gambling is chukas hagoyim, and that it's assur.
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes, it is obvious that this was set up so that fathers would have to make a choice of whether to watch the super bowl or use their time to learn Torah instead. If you have the time available why waste it? There are times when a person may need to take a break from torah and mitzvos but only if it is to recharge in order to have energy to learn better and more diligently the next time. But, what we do in order to relax needs to be carefully measured so that it does not chas v\\\'shalom become bitul zman. The super bowl (and all professional sports for that matter) fills our minds with many things that are kineged torah. The macabeem faught hard to eradicate the Greek culture from among the yidden. and now today it seems as if the American culture is being glorified and worshipped. Kudos to Harav Feldman shlita and Pirchei for standing up and acting as the maccabeem did and reminding klal yisroel that this culture has no business in a Torah Jew\\\'s life. Mi laHashem alaiy. Make your choice tomorrow. Will you fill your mind with the emptiness of a football game or the emes of our heilige torah? I am proud to say that my husband will be at the avos ubanim with my sons IY\"H tomorrow night.
Comment by Leah Snyder
A very interesting debate with valid points on each side.Just wanted to say to # 4 ,I know many parents who have every intention of censoring the innapropriate parts that you refer to .
Comment by Leah Snyder
I understand the intentions of the organizers. I even missed the Ravens/Denver playoff game Motzei Shabbos due to a set seder with my child. However, to purposely schedule something at this time, with such short notice, puts fathers in a quandry as to what to tell their children.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I know plenty of fathers who would ordinarily take their boys to this event, but will not because they will be watching the Super Bowl with their sons. They value learning with their son, but they also enjoy other things in life. What a shame that they are forced to make that choice. This even could easily be made at 3 pm instead of in the evening. It is quite obvious what the intentions were and I hope they are not surprised if the turnout is lower than usual. From a cynical point of view, they can now keep track of who does not show up and assume that they were watching Schmutz instead of learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"The Bais Yosef permits kitniyos on Pesach, while the Rema rules that kitniyos are forbidden. Hence, Jews of Sephardic descent cosume kitniyos on Pesach while Ashkenazic Jewry follows the Rema's psak, which does not permit the consumption of kitniyos on Pesach." Still confused: Why do the Sephardim have to follow authority #1? What prevents them from following authority #2. Likewise, why do the Ashkenazim have to follow authority #2? What makes one authority any more "authoritative" than the other? I give up!
Comment by Leah Snyder
To the first comment: I don't know what the intentions of the organizers were, but there won't be many who intended on watching the Super Bowl that will go to this instead. That having been said it is perfectly understandable why they would like kids to be learning instead of watching the game. While there are many good kosher outlets, watching the Super Bowl- complete with ads, cheerleaders, halftime show, ect.. is not one of them. No kid is going off the derech because they learned with their fathers instead of watching the game. This is coming from sombody who does follow the Ravens and will be watching the game (although I do intend to skip the inappropriate parts of the telecast as best I can).
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, i don't completely agree with your presentation of the importance of watching the game, but i do think that if that's the reason for the event, it should be said. Are we trying to teach the kids something or take something away from them? They are not dumb. If you want to make it valuable, get them excited about making the choice to do this over that don't try to sneak it in like some shtick. when will we ever learn, value is felt, not enforced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Is this to keep kids from watching the Super Bowl? What a shame. Children need to have fun, and to have outlets, and not only learning. No wonder we have so many children who are "off the derech." The game could also give them pride in their hometown. Be part of the community, the whole community, and watch the Super Bowl!
Comment by Leah Snyder
May the Rosh Hayeshiva have a refuah sheleima bekarov.
Comment by Leah Snyder
confused see this article!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I\'m a still confused #1. Then if it\'s not chometz and is kosher by all other standards (rice doesn\'t contain pork or shellfish parts, etc.), then it should be permissible to eat during Pesach. It is off limits to people just because of one\'s ancestry or what type of Orthodox shul one goes to? \"If you are Ashkenazic you can\'t eat it during Pesach\" makes absolutely no sense to me. So please, please explain WHY \"If you are Ashkenazic you can\'t eat it during Pesach\". That is what I was getting at in my original question.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Confused #1 No one says that kitniyot is chometz, just that if you are Ashenazi you can't eat it during Pesach, but it is not chometz and one is allowed to own it during Pesach and it would not make your dishes unusable for Pesach.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Would someone please explain to confused, non-Orthodox me how a food can be considered chometz for one group of Jews and pesachdik for another? It's not a question of Orthodox vs. Conservative here, it seems to be a question of Orthodox vs. Orthodox. It would seem to me that according to Orthodox belief, pesachdik = pesachdik and chometzdik = chometzdik.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Shlomo Leib Brevda z'l, A Ben Acher Ben 8th generation of Harav HaChosid Chaim Chaikal of Amdora, one of the Mezritcher Maggid's big Talmidim, was born in Crown Heights, Brooklyn NY USA in 1931. His father, Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Brevda, had brought his family to the United States from Baranovich, Poland, shortly before Reb Shlomo's birth. Growing up as an average American boy, he attended Yeshiva of Crown Heights, and then moved on to Yeshiva Rabbi Isaac Elchanan with plans to pursue a college education. However, he was advised by Rabbi Gorelik zt'l who was his 12th Grade Rebbi in 1947 to pursue his learning elsewhere; thus, he joined the Mir Yeshiva that have just come to New York following its miraculous escape from the Holocaust. At Mir, Rav Brevda became a disciple of Rabbi Chatzkel Levenstein zt'l the Mir Yeshiva's Mashgiach. Reb Shlomo was a prolific author and Maggid who traveled around the world for about 60 years delivering Divrei Chizuk and Hisorerus at the behest of his Rebbi, the Mir Mashgiach, and was Niftar on the 26th of Tevas 5773 following an extended illness. He was 81. Rav Brevda, who was in New York at the time of his Petirah, was the impetus behind the Brisker Rav establishing his now-famed Yeshivah in Yerushalayim. He devoted his life to travel to many continents in order to inspire many tens of thousands on many different levels. He was Zoche to speak worldwide in many schools, high schools, Yeshivos, Kollelim, Shulls and Batai Medroshim, Asifas, Chizuk Coventions etc. He was considered by many as their personal Mashgiach. His inspiration to others was credited for making many into real Bnai Torah and honest Bali Ba'tim. He was also devoted to doing extensive research on the Vilna Gaon's Seforim, publishing many of them with his own commentary i.e. Shir HaShirim first 3 Prokim (4th to be published soon bs'd) Tefilas Chanah, Chad Gadyah, and Yonah. He was also known for his other Seforim: Amoloh Shel Torah, Leil Shimurim on Pesach, Kimu Vekiblu on Purim, and many more. He sold his Seforim only out of his house or after a Shiur, though he was fortunate to sell over 50,000 copies of his Seforim. 'Something unique about him, something extremely positive, was that everyone who spoke about his Shmuessen had the same line: They always felt addressed,' a family member said. 'You could have someone as young as 8 and as old as 80 and they all felt like he was talking to them.' Reb Shlomo learned in Yeshivah Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan, then the country's premier Yeshivah for higher learning. A straight A-plus student in Hebrew and secular studies, Reb Shlomo prepared to start going to college following Rosh Hashanah of 1947. But shortly before the Yamim Noraim, the bulk of the Mirrer Yeshivah, miraculously rescued from the Holocaust through their sojourn in Shanghai, China, arrived in New York, Harav Chatzkel Levenstein z'l, the Mashgiach, at their head. Reb Shlomo spent an uplifting Rosh Hashanah with Reb Chatzkel and the Mirer Yeshiva, and this was a turning point in Reb Shlomo's life. He had witnessed learning and Davening with Hislahavus as he had never experienced in America. The pull of the Emes of the Mirer Derech helped him decide that he wanted to remain learning Torah full time. 'If this is Yiddishkeit,' he said, 'then I am not going to college.' That decision was not an easy one. Friends in Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan ostracized him over it. Family members and neighbors thought he was extreme. But the worst was yet to come. As the 'only' Yeshivah Bachur in the Shul where he Davened, a Makom Tefillah for more than 800 Mispallelim, he was requested to speak at the yearly Simchas Bais HaShoavoh . Reb Shlomo geared up for his first Drashah and cried out in his short lived Drashah 'College, Rachmana Litzlan!!!!!!!!!!!!' He then ducked under a table to save his life, not a second too soon, most members of the Shul, incensed at his denigration of what was an integral of the American Jewish lifestyle, began pelting him with objects, then graduating to chairs and benches. After what he later said was a 20-minute scuffle, Reb Shlomo told them, 'I learned from Reb Chatzkel not to be afraid of saying the Emes' (this was the base of all his teachings throughout his life) I'm now going to continue my Drashah saying the true Hashkafah regarding college and advanced secular studies versus full time torah learning as I was taught by my Rebbim in the Mir. He was not fond of today's life style that the women are perusing careers in order to be the breadwinners to allow their husbands to sit and learn Torah, Reb Shlomo would say, if you want to have good children the mother has to be home to take care of the kids so they feel secure and dependent on the parents, not that the children come home, are all alone, with instructions to heat up the food and serve it to the rest of the children or worse spend their evening hours with a gentile caregiver, nothing in the world can replace the warmth of a Yiddisah Mama. We have to admit how true his words are, so many children of today's society have no respect for their parents, and their way of life because they don't feel attached to them, they don't feel part of their family, they feel that their parents were never there for them. Secondly he did not like the idea of women working in offices that have men working there. He often spoke about the possible downfalls Chas Veshalom. He so much did not like the idea of career women that he advised future Chassanim to preferably marry girls who are teaching in a girl's school even if it meant sacrificing larger salaries. He would also say look how many Yungerlite are learning Torah living a luxurious life of support by their rich or poor father-in-law or the wife's job, or both and some how we hardly see Gedolim growing out of this kind of arrangement, because Torah at its highest level is only acquired without the comforts of this materialistic world. As Chazal teach us Miyut Taanug. When one has a brand new car, lifestyle of eating out, and needs all the latest gadgets and styles. When going on vacations and dreaming of entertainment and fun dictates a person's life, he can't grow up to be a Talmid Chacham from this kind of so-called learning.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Mi K'amcha Yisrael! Thinking of every way to help out the fellow Yidden!
Comment by Leah Snyder
and yet the current "president" is still sending millions in aid to Egypt with out asking for retraction or any kind of change in this mindset.... interesting...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Be careful what you wish for.....
Comment by Leah Snyder
This brings back painful memories to what, we here in Baltimore dealt with a few short years ago! R"L!
Comment by Leah Snyder
What an amazing productive idea! I give YU a lot of credit!
Comment by Leah Snyder
His son, Reb Seymour Kleiman, lives in Baltimore.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have it from impeccable sources that Weberman is [not] innocent. The guilty verdict rested completely on his accuser's word against his, [just like the majority of rape/assault cases do,] and against numerous character witnesses, [as well as the accuser's character witnesses]. He has a reputation as a child molester, he was chased out of Kiryas Yoel for that reason, he violated yichud countless times, the accuser was cross examined for three days, her therapist and her mother testified, and there are many other victims who are afraid to go public, because of the vile backlash she has faced.
Comment by Leah Snyder
More people came forward with the same accusation. It's time to stop making excuses and/or covering for people and deal with the problem. Many innocent children are being scared for life. #1. You may fool yourself, but that makes ONE of you!
Comment by Leah Snyder
BDE That is horrible. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion.
Comment by Leah Snyder
And when it was EID in Palestine the Israelis went round in their thousands chanting "Mohammed is dead...Mohammed is dead? Biggest hypocrites on planet earth to date.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have it from impeccable sources that Weberman is innocent. The guilty verdict rested completely on his accuser's word against his, and against numerous character witnesses.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Cheder Chabad?
Comment by Leah Snyder
wish he were mayor of Baltimore. would do better than the current occupant.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I notice no mention of Krieger Schechter, Torah Institute, Baltimore Hebrew or the Cardin School.
Comment by Leah Snyder
TI at 10:30
Comment by Leah Snyder
Corrections: BCoPS was already supposed to be closed to students today. From their calendar: "Grade & Data Recording, Data Analysis, and Professional Development for All Schools** 'Schools Closed for all Students ' Teachers on Duty". Teachers are to report 2 hours later than usual. BT - 2 hour delay. Announced before 6am.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I guess they moved the basketball hoops off the court.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shock! The Satmar rebbe in Israel, and has a granddaughter who lives there? Don\'t the Satmars denounce those who live there? The first Rabbi Teitelbaum called the establishment of the state in 1948 \"sinful\".
Comment by Leah Snyder
In 10 years the so-called assault weapons ban didn't make any dent on illegal uses of guns, and it is self-evident that it can't make any difference now. Dianne Feinstein is a first class hypocrite, because she carries gun!
Comment by Leah Snyder
I agree as well that Rabbi Lipman has put himself in dangerous situation by not following the gedolim of Eretz Yisroel and making decisions without a rebbi behind him. I think he is a genuine and well intentioned person, and will hopefully use this opportunity to change the course of his party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
There was nothing wrong with the ad, it got right to the point. it wasn\'t critical of nor did it make any comment about Obama\'s children, it only noted his hypocrisy in being against armed security in all schools. Furthermore, Obama is the one who exploited children when he appeared in an ad where children were taught to parrot his message of gun control. the whole idea of gun control from law-abiding citizens endangers society more than it adds security. In every case where a lunatic, a criminal or a terrorist perpetrated a mass shooting, if a citizen with a legal gun had been present, he/she could have stopped it or limited the carnage. This has been proven true on numerous occasions, but of course the media ignores them. The time is now to: 1. Join the NRA, 2. Take a course in basic handgun and personal protection, 3. Purchase a firearm and ample ammunition before government bans and restrictions (mostly, even when new laws are passed, those already owning newly banned firearms are \"grandfathered\")
Comment by Leah Snyder
#4- Isn't this a parental area rather then a Rabbanim area? After all who is responsible for a child's parnassah efforts - the parents or the Rov/Rebbe? It is time for parents to get back into the picture of their older children's parnassh efforts.
Comment by Leah Snyder
aside for the obvious lies, Britain should be embarrased to criticize anyone after the horrendous things they have done. Especially their history in the Middle East.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Who currently are the Gedolei Yisroel and who makes that decision?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol hakavod to our new legislators who are advocating more training and better education to rescue the chareidi population from the self-inflicted plague of poverty. I personally think that there is no "shaila" here and if rabbanim think that this is wrong they should hand back their smicha. By the way, that education should include acquiring the ability to communicate properly. FANFARE -not fan fair. Shavua Tov.
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1- your same advice about Israeli charedei vocational training applies to the American scene as well. We no longer have an American military draft, but we do have a growing American charedei poverty problem.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why are you printing stories from AlJazzera?
Comment by Leah Snyder
a lot of the points my buddy Rabbi Oberstein touched upon are ideological in nature and require the input of Gedolei Yisrael. We can't just say, "the gedolim are wrong" and ignore them. Like any other Diyun, the questions,the facts and the evidence must be properly presented to them, and they render an opinion on the subject. For example, I think they may agree to more vocational training for chareidi men and women to earn decent parnosa, but it must be done without fan fair and revolution. Torah must remain the priority and must not be put in a position where it could be weakened.
Comment by Leah Snyder
For some reason they forgot to mention that virtually all the mass shooters in this country (Columbine, Virrginia Tech and the list goes on and on) had all been on psycho-tropic drugs! The relationship between psychiatric drugs and homicidal and suicidal ideation has been well documented. However, the corruption and the push to drug our population continues to be promoted by the all powerful pharmaceutical industrial complex. People need to open their eyes and do the research themselves!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow! Unbelievable! A I uplifting and inspiring. Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have family in, and know people in these communities--unfortunately, this article is NOT an exaggeration. Since basic literacy is not taught to these boys, and modern technology too, is outlawed,they are falling further and further behind in their abilities to ever be able to even minimally support families. What are earth are their Rebbes,and other community leaders thinking?
Comment by Leah Snyder
This aticle is over exxagerated
Comment by Leah Snyder
I would say that the education given boys at these schools borders on child abuse, perpetuating a culture of ignorance that ill-prepares them for life. Frum and educated are not mutually exclusive. These rabbis should be ashamed of themselves for what they are doing to these boys.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Please explain to me what "daas Torah" is and where it is discussed in the Torah
Comment by Leah Snyder
Dov, I have been both impressed by your activism for good causes resulting in kidush hashem as I have been concerned about your apparent unwillingness to be mevatel your daas to a gadol b'yisroel resulting in chilul hashem. Now that you are entering the national stage as a member of the Knesset, I truly hope that you perform a true cheshbon hanefesh and proceed in a way gives the neshamos of your roshei yeshivas nothing but nachas. Please Dov, for your sake, your family's sake, and all of klal yisroel's sake, make us proud of one of us in the knesset! Please make sure that your solutions to legitimate problems are not worse than the problems themselves. I am nervous for you because now you stand at the intersection of kidush hashem and chillul hashem on such an amazing scale. I will bli neder be mispallel that you choose the way of everlasting life!
Comment by Leah Snyder
how can we be proud when this individual aligns himself with lapid. Isn't it more an honor to be aligned with a torah party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
does does "rabbi does rabbi dov lipman have semicha?
Comment by Leah Snyder
yes, some of us are and some have already taken the appropriate measures to not break the law. But, you see just as many on the roads doing this who are not from our community...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Harav Weinberg zt\\\'l was always mevatel his own daas to that of the gedolei yisrael in eretz yisrael, especially Harav Shach. This is what happens when one doesn\\\'t consult with a rebbi after the petira of his original rebbi. I would expect the yeshiva to publicly disavow his views shortly.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Let's hope that Dov comes back to his senses and utilizes this unique opportunity and make a Kiddush Hashem and not chas v'shalom the opposite.
Comment by Leah Snyder
dov has made his recent hashkofa decisions without dass torah and this has led him into an extreme party thats the opposite positions of gedolei hatorah in eretrz yisroel onj drafiting of yeshiva bochurim
Comment by Leah Snyder
I fail to see the point of this article. Please expand? Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Feifer is 1 of a kind. When he was a barchur in yeshiva he always was the type to help another person. He always knew how to to chizuk to someone.Always with a smile on his face. His wife was the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Louie Miller A"H. For us old Baltimoreans all remember him at the Glen Ave Shul.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Good article. One correction: the season is 48 games this year, not 99
Comment by Leah Snyder
Where can I buy that hairspray? I looked and could not find it....
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow I always had that problem! Thanks!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Blj,why do you consistently subscribe to these ridiculous radical left headlines from ap and abc news
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hopefully nobody will ever leave valuables in their car again - especially blatant disrespect to torah (and tefillin) to leave them in a car unattended and certainly not the smartest thing to leave valuables worth over $30,000 dollars in a car - hashem let you get away with it once - be careful in the future
Comment by Leah Snyder
Excellent article. I also highly advise having an updated LinkedIn profile. Networking is crucial in today's job market, and this may make the difference between you getting or not getting a job. Not only should it be up to date, but you need to build and maintain your network (even if you're happily employed). Don;t wait until it's too late. Who you know will get you an interview; what you know will get you the job.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Seridei Eish,also wrote Mechkarim beTalmud in 1938,while he was a rosh yeshiva in Berlin.It contains not only a great number of sugyos, explained in pilpul derech. Rabbi Baruch Leizerovsky was talmid of the Chafetz Chaim
Comment by Leah Snyder
The Seridei Eish learned in Slabodka and Mir yeshivah.The Alter of Slabodka, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel,he consider his rebbe. He never got married. After the war he was in Switzerland,until he was niftar in 4 Shevet 5726 (1966).He was 82 Yrs old.
Comment by Leah Snyder
obviously leaving a torah in a car over shabbos is a complete disregard for how to care for a torah - besides the disrespect shown for the sefer torah by leaving it in the car unattended, who would leave thirty thousand dollars worth of anything in their car?
Comment by Leah Snyder
ummm... it was not chief justice john roberts who misspoke at the first inauguration it was obama... just saying...
Comment by Leah Snyder
Yidden, please, it is a chillul Hashem. We as a community are big offenders of this law. Our children are in the car watching us disregard the law. I have been behind you, I have been cut off by you. It is dangerous. Please stop talk and texting while driving. drive with two hadns, two eys and your whole brain on the road. k of pikesville
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks for pointing out the overuse of anti-biotics in this country. It has become an epidemic and unfortunately there is an inappropriate amount of anti-biotic use in America. Anti-biotics indeed help fuel drug resistance and they also can cause serious side effects. One of the biggest problems and side effects of anti-biotics today is a serious condition called C-Diff. It is a dangerous condition that can cause Colitis-like symptoms. It is very important, if a person really needs an anti-biotic, for that person to take Pro-Biotics as well in order to protect their gut. The anti-biotic destoys the bad bacteria but also attacks the good bacteria. The Pro-biotic will help replenish this good bacteria and help prevent illness and disease. However, the best way to heal a cough is by eating nutritious foods and getting plenty of rest and avoiding stressful situations. There is a wonderful natural product called N-A-C (N-Acetyl-L Cysteine), that can also help relieve and heal a cough. Acupuncture is helpful as well. Finally, someone once told me that putting some Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet at night and covering them with socks can help relieve the coughing at night as well. These things really work! For those skeptical ones who are addicted to their drugs, it does not hurt to try! Wishing everybody good health and have a wonderful day!
Comment by Leah Snyder
These liberals seem to forget that six million unarmed Jews were slaughtered not too long ago. Shame on them fooled us once, shame on us shamed us twice !
Comment by Leah Snyder
Global anti-Semitism!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rav Silver Zt''l represented Agudah at the Knessia Gedolah in Mirinbahd then Checlsolavikah and affirmed being against PARTITION of Eretz Yisroel then proposed by the League of Nations, that would mean the Arab goyim would obtain parts of Eretz Yisroel. The Klauzenburger rebbe at that gathering also was against giving up Eretz Yisroel,He declared,VSEATOHAYENU BIGVULAYNU all the Land HASHEM gave us in our boundaries. The Knessia Gedolah psakened not one inch to be give away. Rav Eliezer Silver wrote in his Sefer 'Tzamach Erez',"It is forbidden to give up (al pea din)and other reasons, even one inch of our land!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Science fiction bogus... We migrated from ancient Judea to the diaspora.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Of course they are armed. The NRA knows what they are talking about and are one of the most critical civil rights organizations of our times. Whether you own a gun or not, join the NRA now. If the OU agrees with any kind of additional weapons ban, it is ignorant and irresponsible on the issue. because the ban has no effect on those who misuse firearms or those who are already banned from possessing any firearm such as a criminal and a mentally ill person. It is like banning all private ownership of cars and alcohol because some people endanger society by driving drunk. It has been scientifically proven that more guns in the hands of law-abiding responsible individuals reduces violent crime. (see the studies of Professors John Lott and Gary Kleck)
Comment by Leah Snyder
i assume the woman in the photo is not Frankiel. No OJ woman would be wearing a yarmulke.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The one thing you should have known is that since they predicted it, it was pretty much guaranteed to not happen - No surprise there at all - Maybe the weatherpersons conspire with the supermarkets to sell more toilet paper (yes, I am joking (maybe))
Comment by Leah Snyder
Are you lauding this appointment , or are you just reporting another misuse of the term, "orthodox"!? The only orthodox person in the story is the woman in the pink veil. This is a travesty and a disgrace.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hmmm. Can these new officers be armed? If so, sounds like a tacit endorsement of the NRA proposal. If not, what are they there for?
Comment by Leah Snyder
3Pm not a drop. The weather people get it wrong again. What an inconvienent truth.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Why? Does any other ethnic,racial or religious group have a legal holiday?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I was there. It was so energetic! you could feel the excitement in the air. Yasher Coach to the organizers. Looking forward to next year!
Comment by Leah Snyder
It looks everyone was having a great time. Certainly better than a sit down banquet with lots of speaches.
Comment by Leah Snyder
much hazlacha
Comment by Leah Snyder
Actually, three generations ago there was a bigger gun-control push. Against the Jews in Germany.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Hahlevah to built the bais hamigdash. lol
Comment by Leah Snyder
March 7th is not a Monday.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Love to see more stories like this. You can by following Chaverim.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thimerosal is only in multi-use vials, not the single use vials. Your health care provider can tell you if it is in the vaccine they have in stock. I\\\'ve been asking about it for years and have never yet had a flu shot from a source that used the multi-use vials with thimerosal.
Comment by Leah Snyder
maybe rikki spector should move into the neighborhood and not live in harbor and then she will truly appreciate the crime situation in northwest baltimore
Comment by Leah Snyder
This is laughable. The guy is destroying the United States and he proports to know what is in Israel's best interest. It's funny how he speaks of things he never saw and knows nothing about. He just takes the Arab line and runs with it.
Comment by Leah Snyder
At one point in his life he worked in a bank as a teller. He did this for quite a number of years. He was already a massive talmid chachom.He was asked to quit the bank and join the Eidoh which he refused until all of his children were married.The bank didn't wanted to take him'¦ until he proved to them how he could calculate mortgages and interest rates quicker then the guy using a calculator.He Chazered Hilchos Ribbis before he would approve a loan.The Minchas Yitzchok took him straight from the bank to the Eida Charedis.The bank offered to double his salary, but he said he'll get what he needs from the Eida so he went with them.His sefer Bris Yehudoh on ribis is as outstanding as it is based on him combined knowledge of the halachos and the banking industry.He was an unbelievable Talmid Chacham who was such an Anav as well.
Comment by Leah Snyder
OMG! I am so happy for her! She is awesome! She is showing the world how a Bas Melach can achieve her dreams even through keeping Shabbos. In the Zechus of her act may we all be Zocheh to come back to Jeruselum. Bimhairah Viyamainu. Good Luck to Estee! And I hope she reaches her goal! ~A Bais Yaakov High School Student
Comment by Leah Snyder
You can call 410 664 6927 thats the NWCP hotline and leave a message that you would like to join the NWCP 24 hour Citywatch Patrol
Comment by Leah Snyder
What is city watch and how can i sign up for that
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thank you for your courage, insight and wisdom in handling a very difficult and dangerous situation.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Amazing story. The zchus of the drivers was so strong that a frum jew from baltimore was there to help them
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-14-2013 This man was a great Talmud Chochom, learned, compassionate and sensitive. All those who love Hashem and love the Torah should shed a tear for the loss of this treasure. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-14-2013 A blessing on your head. May there be many like you amongst our people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
When is the next CityWatch team training provided? Is it open?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gam ani,Hon.Mei culpa .
Comment by Leah Snyder
Even if you have never touched a gun in your life, everyone should join the NRA. In the early 1800s while in eastern europe Jews were being persecuted by the tsar, and in western europe the roman church clamped an iron fist on the Jews, America, through its Constitution became a safe haven where we could worship and hold the ancient beliefs and traditions freely. The idiotic war on guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is a war on the Constitution. endangers everybody (except criminals). We do not have a cradle to grave marxist society or a fascist government as some in power are seeking. One of the first acts the communists did as well as the nazis was to take away firearms from the people. the nazis specifically banned jews from even applying for a firearms permit. The turkish government in 1915 first took away the guns from the Armenians, "for their own safety", and then commenced to exterminate them. The NRA is a civil rights organization that fights hard for one of the fundamental rights that has made America the greatest nation on earth. The right to keep and bear arms. In two recent cases, the supreme court has affirmed it is a right of every citizen, and not mere a collect or right of a state. there are lunatics, in government, some jewish, who will try any means to remove that right. Stand up and join the fight, join the NRA today.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Quoting Henry Kissinger is a no! no! Kissinger is a mumar lhachas, In Germany he was a member of Tzerei Agudas Yisroel, later he became totally non-frum and divorced his Jewish wife and married shiksa Nancy! He held up military/medical supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur war. Nixon find out and ordered the supplies to be sent! He was formally put into cherem by an Orthodox bais Din.
Comment by Leah Snyder
nobody, jew or arab, should be treated this way - but since the chareidim insist on attacking other jews.... maybe (but not likely) the 'frum' chaeidim will stop acting like animals - be more accepting of others and then maybe they wont be targeted as much in the same manner they target others
Comment by Leah Snyder
Thanks for all the information, but I\'m more confused now than I was before. Could you possibly shorten your Darsh, so that I can understand it better
Comment by Leah Snyder
Wow!! So inspiring, as usual! Thank you.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Gives new meaning to "Dr. Pepper"
Comment by Leah Snyder
Seems like this was a fabulous event, & this article was so well written I feel like I was actually there!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Kol Hakovod - a man with independent thought and courage.Let\'s throw out the establishment that has made us so dependent on America. Ezrat Hashem Bennett will have a political tsunami on Israel.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Sounds like a chilul Hashem, why exactly were you sharing this?
Comment by Leah Snyder
Of course, I am sure the fine individuals from Baqa al-Gharbiya vehemently thanked their rescuers. Not.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Im glad she is not my mother. But if she was, sitting shiva for her after she blows herself up should be a real party.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Have a Coke and a smile!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Eagle eyed Reader #1 - the pit thing is a myth???? Really? Ha! I'm going to have to go investigate - thank you so much. Someone told me about the pit thing a few years ago and it has seemed to work (but I normally also take the air out). Thank you. Take care - Bracha.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Putting a the pit into the guacamole to prevent it from turning brown is a myth. Removing all air from the container (such as saran wrap tight to the guacamole) will work.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Google "Aaron Dehoog scam" and "Bob Wiedemer scam." These guys are selling fear to get you to buy gold thru their dubious channels, such as Monex, and to buy their expensive newsletters etc. Buyer beware!
Comment by Leah Snyder
Rabbi Hecht was a wonderful person! I knew him personally through his daughter in Detroit - would see him whenever he came to visit the family! A wonderful father and Zaidy! Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
Comment by Leah Snyder
Shame that people have to be so cynical and can't expect that comments are genuine and heartfelt. There was no malice intended. I honestly commend NCSY for their open approach to Torah engagement and am pleased that BJL supports that through their coverage. Show me photos of other gatherings lately that haven't been only women, or father with sons, or only men. It is encouraging to know that not all learning has to take place in segregated settings.
Comment by Leah Snyder
snarky. #1, do you know how many people who are the backbone of the community Baltimore, no, around the world, got their start in NCSY?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I have seen Al Jazeera's coverage of Israel. As soon as the newswoman began speaking about Israel, she wrinkled her forehead and put her microphone in front of her mouth, concealing it. The obvious intent was to show loathing and disgust. And of course, what she said was right in line with how she was saying it. Gore is showing his true colors; we should be thankful that he never became president.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I love a healthy learning environment in which males and females can grow their Torah knowledge together!!
Comment by Leah Snyder
#1, I'm not getting your point. Do you want the Women of the Wall to have the right to pray and sing as loud as they want, and for us to not follow the Shulchan Aruch?
Comment by Leah Snyder
I am ashamed to affiliated with the republican party right now. We have acted like a bunch of egotistical selfish little pigs. Whats more is that in 2005 I think after Katrina hit the south they republican controlled congress and senate passed a 62.5 Billion in aid just 10 days after the storm. The republican stock is taking a major hit and its time to sell off the shares.
Comment by Leah Snyder
The only reason to select the sex of a child is if there is a genetically sex-linked disease.
Comment by Leah Snyder
I envy her share in Olam HaBah for this. Wow.
Comment by Leah Snyder
1-2-2012 When people, all people, become aware of the meaning and message of our (Torah) laws and traditions, when the meaning of what we are saying at davening and the wisdom of the laws we have from our Rabbis are explained and understood, then all people find inspiration and joy and want and desire the authentic original davening. When we become mere practitioners of rote ceremony and hide behind citations from the Shulchan Aruch without understanding and sentivity to its message and meaning, then even the orthodox loose interest and want something better. The message of our davening is deep and sensitive and full of passion. Not zealousness to impose laws on others, rather, passion for the meaning and virtues and ideals for which our Torah and Hashem stand. As in all things, the problems and the answer lies within our own hearts and mouths to do. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Leah Snyder
"The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that only about $9 billion of the $60.4 billion proposed by Democrats would be spent over the next nine months." This is a quote from the AP. Do we really need to pass an emergency measure of over 60 billion in order to help with 9 billion. The other 50 billion could be researched and voted on at a later date. THis is why we have a debt crisis.
Comment by Leah Snyder
We live in Galut! If we lived in a Jewish Torah Theocratic Israel we could have a worldwide shabbous.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think after all that financial cliff nonsense, they were just too tired and wanted to get out of Dodge as quickly as possible! Let's all pray that all the Sandy victims get help and support ASAP!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I would have told them to go back to the beis medrash and stop wasting time attacking nice Jewish ladies! Hopefully I wont be too scared to be able to do this! Also an alarm call for us to work harder on our middos and be more nice and cheerful to people!
Comment by rabbim friedman
If only the yeshivos would actually teach something useful - such as being a human being - forget being \"frum\" - just try being human
Comment by rabbim friedman
@3. The race is a fact of the story.
Comment by rabbim friedman
1-2-2013 The danger to Torah Judaism is not from the outside world nor from the fringe groups nor from haskala nor from reform or conservative nor even the modern orthodox. The danger to Torah Judaism is from within the heart of the Torah community itself. This is Midos Sdom, pure and simple. And all the rationale in the world will not alter that fact. There is no knowledge nor understanding that can stand up to Hahshem Yisborach. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
"....or families with six or seven daughters in which the father wants a son so much that it threatens the marriage." Really? Is this what we have come to? We have a selfish father with underlying issues, so we make a Psak which until now was unheard of?
Comment by rabbim friedman
They are delicious and worth making readers #1 and #2 - let me know how they turn out if you do make them. Take care, Bracha.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Is the perpetrator's race germaine to the story?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Horrible horrible horrible. I bring as evidence that this is disturbingly troublesome, all the families I know who have only sons or only daughters and have raised wonderful families in exceptional homes, this \"psychological\" issue seems to be something new. Soon there will be \"considerations\" to avoid other genetic imperfections - like short stature or red hair or dark eyes - because it will cause anguish. There are others who suffer legitimate \"psychological\" need for special dispensation and understanding within halacha...why does this situation warrant such avid attention?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Think the PD will do a search warrant at his apt to find everyone else's property he stole the rest of the year???
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach and thank you!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is a chilul HASHEM to allow a Mosuqe on the holiest place in Judaism! The Mosuque is a Chilul HASHEM and must be removed! Whether we can daven on hAR HABAYIT is a MACHLOWKOUS. We know the Ramban had a shul on the Temple Mount! At minimum rid the islamofacists from dishonoring the Mahkom of the Bais HaMigdash! Afterwards, we can Paskan whether or not we can walk let alnoe daven there because we are in TOMAH status. The Halacha is clear that GOYIM are prohibited from being there!!! The secular who occupy our land with the Arab occupation of our land,must be put to an end!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Well, following my heart to tell you: Please make Easta La Vista feel welcome and able to serve food for people who like or love to eat Middle East food. For me, I have not entered it yet. One day I will go there and try to taste new food. Wishing you all (Easta La Vista chefs or workers) have happy and healthy this year-nachas. All the best, Balitmore lady
Comment by rabbim friedman
not really... if they continue to train their children to be suicide bombers then their numbers will steadily decrease..
Comment by rabbim friedman
These look amazing!! Can't wait to try it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
yum! Can't wait to make these!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2- Here is a clue. If it is the morning 695 towards glen burnie will be the one with traffic. If it is the afternoon the side with the traffic is 695 towards Towson. And a siman you can use to remember Montel Williams who is from Glen Burnie you watch in the morning and it is a great time in the afternoon to watch a game at Johnny Constantine Unitas Stadium (which is in Towson.-Bob
Comment by rabbim friedman
As a Jew he\'s got to be one arrogant S.O.B. to take a job like that.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is mentioning his name not loshen hara?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hows about a phone number???
Comment by rabbim friedman
The cameras seem to be working fine and this is a great service. However, please indicate from what direction the cameras are facing, so that if traffic is slow in one direction, people unfamiliar with the landmarks can know in which direction the problem lies.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Tried it just now at 10:02 a.m. on 13/31 and it is not working
Comment by rabbim friedman
This should be our biggest problem.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any parent that does not keep the Torah nor believes in Eretz Yisroel should not be circunsised! The Covenant-Bris is what HASHEM demands of us,that the Covenant took place/ensued. We accept the Torah and in return we receive all of Eretz Yisrael. If,one does not have just the sign(circumsion)such a person is chayav koras, then by Pilpul we can deduce the following: If someone is not circumsized is too be excised,then certainly one who is against observing the Torah and or advocates nor giving away parts of our religious,ancestral,historical and secutiry lands. is certainly to be excised/cheremed out of klal yisroel!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Probably the cia has needs to comprehend Yiddish to listen in on Muslim terrorist states due to Neturie karta/satmar dealings with muslim terrorists.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To everyone in our community: Take one or more NRA courses teaching safe handling, storage and shooting of various types of guns, and BUY GUNS NOW! There are experts in the community who can help you; ask around.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think the only way a kosher restaurant can "make it" is if they appeal to non-kosher consumers. The food has to be good enough and worthy of the cost, and the restaurant ambience has to be pleasant and professional. I don't know how many other middle eastern restaurants there are around. If there isn't a lot of non-kosher competition for this type of cuisine, perhaps this restaurant has a shot. I wish them hatzlacha rabba and look forward to trying the food.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hope it does well--maybe a breakfast buffet on sundays that includes grits since we are in the south-
Comment by rabbim friedman
A beautiful salute to a tremendous person. J G Dahlem III, Life Member, PVFC
Comment by rabbim friedman
Brr freezing dont like snow or winter
Comment by rabbim friedman
The pictures are amazing;however,one room was left out!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great job!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I wish you guys could do something about all this weather we are having. :0
Comment by rabbim friedman
Pizur l'reshaim, tov lahem v'tov la'olam!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is kosher meat so expensive? Are kosher butchers paid a lot more than non-kosher butchers? Is the cost of kosher supervision that expensive?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I hope they make it, but let\'s be realistic about this. The only kosher food establishment that has lasted in Baltimore are the pizza shops. And why is that? Because the cost of kosher meat is outrageous, especially compared to New York. I\'m a meat lover, and I do mean lover. I\'m old school. I want a ton of meat on my plate or sandwich, for a reasonable price. Look at Dougie\'s. Good food, and lots of it. But who has $100 to blow for 4 people, and that\'s a small family. And even if they can afford it, how often? Once a month? Twice maybe? A restaurant needs a crowd EVERY night to survive, especially in the high rent area of Pikesville. To be honest, even the price of pizza is out of line. Almost 25 bucks for 1 pizza and drinks! For those among us who used to not eat kosher, you know full well the drastic difference between the two pricewise. If Domino\'s can deliver 2 for less than 15 dollars, how can a kosher pizza be nearly 20? Makes no sense at all. How can Accents charge almost 9 bucks for a burger? Outrageous! So if this place lasts more than a year I\'ll be happily surprised, but I can tell you this. For 15 bucks if I get a skimpy plate and leave hungry, I won\'t be going back.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Dear Reader #5 - you betchum! The cheese fondue would be really good on potatoes (maybe with broccoli and sour cream, too). When you are making a cheese sauce - your cheese needs to be grated (i.e. do not put big pieces of cheese in your boiling liquid - they won't melt fast enough). Make sure your liquid is boiling (i.e., broth, apple cider, beer, milk, etc) and add the cheese in parts stirring between each part. Then if it's still lumpy - keep the sauce on a low heat (so it's barely or not simmering) keep stirring and it'll incorporate. Good luck - it sounds like a great idea. - Bracha Shor from Sweet and Good Catering....
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1- Many of the restaurants do serve breakfast and are open for lunch like Goldbergs, Dunkin Donuts, Eden Cafe, and Milk and Honey. Perhaps the problem is you seek a Fleishek meal in the morning. As you know that is not healthy like smart meters, fatty kiddushes and honey bees.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1- Many of the restaurants do serve breakfast like Goldbergs, Dunkin Donuts, Eden Cafe, and Milk and Honey. Perhaps the problem
Comment by rabbim friedman
You'll rarely find the authorities presenting statistics about the firearms collected. In one such report that was published, a large number of the firearms were totally non-functional. I wonder how many criminals are turning in their guns? By the way, I didn't realize that L.A. had sold so many guns to its citizenry... after all, it is called a "buyback" program, right? They're just buying back what they originally sold.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Would this be a good recipe for nacho cheese? I've only made one attempt before at melted cheese to pour over some baked potatoes and it was a lumpy, not delicious mess.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Readers 1, 2, and 3 - I completely agree - fondue is fun and delicious - and it provides you a great evening with friends and family. The pretzel rods - that's a great idea - I didn't think to add them to the cheese course. Reader #3 - if you do not already have a fondue pot - you can easily get them at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and most likely lots of other places (or just use your own pot - you can always do that). I also found that my children ate a lot of vegetables - especially during the cheese course - they just munched on them as we were talking.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#7: The art pieces can probably be purchased. Own a piece of the exhibit and support Bais Yaakov!
Comment by rabbim friedman
it is so easy to manage other people\'s money somehow...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for posting this! Before becoming kosher our favorite place to eat was Melting Pot. Went there for ALL special occasions. I was so bummed that I wouldn't get to enjoy yummy meals like that anymore but now I can!
Comment by rabbim friedman
This exhibit is always so well done. I am only sorry that more of it cannot be stored or recycled. It kind of makes me sick how much of it gets thrown away.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Very excited about this place. Hope it does well.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The Bais Yaakov Exhibit is unbelievable. All the rooms and hallways came out amazing! The girls all know the information and give great tours. The amount of achdus that went into this exhibit foresure made it worth it. All the hundreds of hours put into it surely paid! A must see! Thank you!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I like the idea of a full-fledged restaurant opening early. This way, if you are ordering delivery or to go lunch for a large office group, they can take your order and have it ready by lunchtime, as opposed to trying to prepare all the food in the short window between when they open and when you need it. I hope some of the other restaurants in town sit up and take notice. Also, I hope the food tastes good.
Comment by rabbim friedman
GO AVIVA H!!! you did an awesome job!!!! way beyond impressive!!! its not normal!! the creativity and detail amazing!!! WORK WELL EXPRESSED!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
And now I know what my daughter has been doing every day and night for the last many weeks. Wow!!!!! Tuition very well spent!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
the pictures are great, but one ant come close to appreciating the amazing exhibit and the all the details, explanations etc. without seeing it in person.
Comment by rabbim friedman
wow!!! so amazing!! thanks to all the hard work of the teachers and students, this exhibit is unbelievable. You cannot imagine the work involved-just look at the pictures!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
A must see exhibit. Will blow you away. What creativity, art, in depth learning and focus. We as a community should be so proud we have a school like Bais Yaakov!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Joel Weinberger is definitely the future for kosher global marketing. He has the charisma and charm of an experienced politician but the honesty and sincerity of a true Ben Torah. We are immensely proud of his achievements for the kosher market. And wish him much success and safety on his sometimes very daring and challenging missions!! In constant admiration, James & Shoshana Zimmer - London U.K.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I really do not like articles like this. Yeshiva education is not the panacea to everything. Not all schools and communities have the proper resources to provide real state of the art therapies to children with disabilities. Public schools do provide these therapies and remedial studies for no cost and they are in many cases state of the art. An honest conversation needs to take place in this community and many others around the country about 1) if we are providing real and proper services to disabled religious jewish children 2) would they be better off in public school 3) what is the cost benefit analyses for this 4) can we provide a talmud torah/special programming for them if they go to public school 5) Come to the realization, that in many cases the yeshiva system cannot provide and does not have the adequate resources to help our children with various disabilities.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Isn't Spengler a Jewish surname?
Comment by rabbim friedman
In the chanukah era such apostate Jews celebrating idol worshipping cults(holidays) were executed en masse by the orthodox macabbes/chasmonahyim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
why publish this story???
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a fun idea for a different type of meal. I did something like this at the request of one of my kids for a birthday meal. I also had pretzel rods, which were great dipped into either cheese OR chocolate!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yum! This sounds great. Like having the Melting Pot restaurant in your own house! It all sounds pretty straightforward. I think I I am going to try it for a girls night in.
Comment by rabbim friedman
In the U.S.A. when there was a draft, all who studied for divnity were exempt! So, to in ISRAEL! In addition, there should be an all voluntary army is in the U.S.A. !!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why don\'t the sackcloth have tzitzis?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
This sounds like Williamsburg
Comment by rabbim friedman
May he be a Maylitz Yosher for his Family, talmidim & klall Yisroel
Comment by rabbim friedman
i really enjoy looking and watching other girls do chessed
Comment by rabbim friedman
#14, and WE know a lot more than came out in court as well. Such as the physical abuse that Weberman perpetrated on his victims along with the sexual abuse. How would you like it if someone took a flame from a lighter and burned the skin on your stomach? Is that something you would appreciate? Oh by the way, he told the victim to go home and put peanut butter on it. That is why she was so terrified she stayed home in bed for 3 days which prompted the \\\"home visit\\\". There is a lot that was not permitted to come out in court. However if you were in court and you listened to the defense present its case you would have learned a lot. For starters, you should know that it was the defense that chose most of the jurors and agreed to ALL of them. So to say that he can\\\'t get a fair trial is ludicrous. The defense just played their cards wrong with this jury. They believed the jury was \\\"dumb\\\" and they patronized them, talked down to them, and treated them like idiots. Please don\\\'t blame the jury for the stupidity of the defense team. The defense did a very poor job of defending their client. They did basically nothing at all in that capacity. They turned the tables and put the victim on trial. They allowed their client to take the stand, which they announced at the beginning of the trial. It was more obvious each and every day, that it would be very foolish if he did so. It was the defense that allowed the Jury four days in which to get to know the victim and in which to hear them brutally question her, make her repeat her story over and over again, until the Jury were invested in her and believed her. It was the defense themselves who established that their client was oiver two huge issers and halachas of Jewish Law which were \\\"Yichud and Moiser\\\". It was the defense who made a fool of himself when questioning an expert witness who he made to \\\"agree\\\" that one must have \\\"Yichud\\\" when performing \\\"Adultery\\\". It was the defense who brought character witnesses, other young women who testified that they lived with their client. Not one mention nor comment was made as to their relationship with his wife, the woman of the home because there was none. They only had a \\\"relationship\\\" with HIM. As much as they professed that his wife \\\"could\\\" walk through at any time, there was a lock on the door that was a one way only from the office. And again, not one mentioned any connection what so ever with the wife. The Wife was not called to testify as to her connection with any of the girls or how she herself took care of them, or how they were a part of her family. She was not called to testify that she would or did walk through those doors at any time. This leaves huge holes in the story and oh so many questions. When Weberman was on the stand he admitted that he was neither a Rabbi nor a therapist and therefore he did not abide by the rules of confidentiality, therefore he was basically a \\\"snitch\\\" and got his \\\"clients\\\" to trust and confide in him only to go back to their parents and the community to masser on them. Yet he charged them the going rate of a counselor and called himself both \\\"Rabbi and Counselor\\\". So he admitted that he was a liar. He admitted to running a Charity organization and using those accounts for paying for his own personal needs including his own Yeshiva Tuition bills and Lingerie receipts. This opens up a whole other area of Fraudulent practices aside from pretending to be a therapist. He claims to be a very pious and religious man who practices the very highest and stringent degrees of chumras and modesty levels yet had no problem whatsoever sitting \\\"thisclose\\\" to a very scantily dressed female attorney when he obviously could have asked the other male attorney to switch seats. Not only did this show that he was a phony but this was totally disrespectful to his poor wife sitting behind him. He knew the laws of the courtroom which is explained to all the attendees but chose to break those laws by walking over to the victim\\\'s witness room and staring at her through the glass. Two court officers had to drag him away from the door. The DA in their opening remarks gave a time line which the victims school therapists confirmed. The defense ignored the timeline given and perpetrated a myth claiming that the victim made up a farse to get even with their client. None of which held up since it wasn\\\'t the victim who reported him to the authorities (no mesira involved on her part), it was the mandatory reporter, the therapist, who actually made the report and it was done before the victim knew about the tape in question or the fact that he had something to do with the tape. Basically, it was proven that the defense lied about everything and neither they nor their client was credible. To make matters worse, in their closing statements they once again patronized the jurors by speaking about the fact that there was no DNA evidence. The defense stupidly and incorrectly claimed to the Jury that DNA lasts forever. The jury are no fools. One\\\'s own DNA lasts forever. Someone else\\\'s DNA on another\\\'s body does NOT. It can be cleansed off. So to tell the jury to assume that someone else\\\'s DNA will stay in a child\\\'s mouth or body for years after the fact or even months after the fact and can be tested is ridiculous and the jury understood that. Furthermore, the defense could have insisted on DNA testing themselves if those statements would have been true. In addition, they had the utter gaul to imply to the jury to think about TV shows such as CSI to help them understand and deliberate the case. When one does NOT do a good job defending their client, and one disrespects the jury to such an extent, one cannot go around saying they did NOT get a fair trial nor that the Jury did not understand nor get a true picture of the situation. The defense took all the time they wanted. They were given all the time and could have called any witness they chose to call. What was proven in court was that the principal of the girls\\\' school was the defendant\\\'s cousin and was no more qualified to be a principal or educator than was the defendant to be a therapist or Rabbi. These two were in cahoots for financial gain. Personally I won\\\'t be reading the article on Farkas in the Ami magazine because after seeing him in the courtroom, I wouldn\\\'t believe one word that came out of his mouth! He defended Weberman because it is a job. He gets paid for it. Does he believe his client is innocent. Please, don\\\'t make me laugh.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#16, What exactly is your point and how is it relevant? This article addresses the needs of the community. This article also shows something important that I am not pretty sure you didn't realize, something that went completely over your head. I highly doubt that Mr. Friedlander would have believed that Webershmutz was guilty had he himself NOT heard with his own two ears from a source he deemed reliable, that he was guilty of molesting yet another victim who was very dear to that person. No one wants to believe the truth unless it hits home and hits hard. I am quite sure that the author was more than willing to believe the lies the community was spewing about the innocent victim before the truth was confirmed to him in private. Now back to your comment. What difference does it make who his clients are? So what if he represents both factions of Satmar? How exactly does that put a spin on this article? Are you saying that Satmar put him up to writing this article? What if they did? Does that take away from the points raised here? That things have to change and that education and implementation of child protection on this very important issue has to be a priority in our Frum communities? Whether it is his own thoughts and conviction or the realization coming from the Satmar communities it is high time that these concepts are discussed and applied. I highly doubt that it is coming from the communities who have bashed the victim and harassed her family, but if they all of a sudden did a 180, then kol hakovod to them. So again, what is your point and how is it relevant?
Comment by rabbim friedman
tragic bd'e
Comment by rabbim friedman
"As everyone will admit, an Orthodox Jew has no chance in front of a jury in a case like this, the community will not get intimidated by the negativity in the public press, yes it is uncomfortable to be so negatively covered in the press but that will not change our believes and to stood up for what we believe is right. No one likes us, no one is looking out for our success, every little thing is blown up," This comment by # 14 shows the problem Satmar is not living in the real America. It is living in a bubble with attitudes that were formed in anti-semitic Eastern Europe. Everyone knows that Satmar is reknowned for its chesed and its good hearted generosity.That is what makes this such a shame. The Orthodox community has much too much molestation,abuse, addiction, estrangement from religion, kids off the derech because they were victimized by those they trusted. Satmar is blaming the victim. If this girl was seclued with a man for 3 hours at a time, how can anyone say he is a good Jew? He was found guilty on all counts because it was beyond a reasonable doubt. If their leaders didn't defend him and didn't besmurch his victim, they would not be complicit. Unfortuantely, by their behavior subsequent to the trial, they lose their innocence and become enablers of molestation. How sad.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To 8, you sad \\\"We are a community that always unite to help each other in any cause for good and for bad\\\". Most of it is true, but I wouldn\\\'t go as far, to say for good and bad. Good and bad would mean even when our fault is allover this story. We should stop and think and do the right thing and not take it personal like you did. However we didn\\\'t do that because we were clouded by ignorance and still are.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is really wrong of BJL to allow a shill such as Friedlander to write this article. If you look at his website, he actually is a paid consultant for UJO - of Williamsburg, which may be in deep trouble, and implicated in the Webberman trial. Friedlander is much more than an uninterested party, he's actually a flack for one of the biggest Community Organizations in Williamsburg itself. Does anyone vet who writes stuff here? All you needed to do was look at his own website!! He also has "Kiryas Yoel" as a paid client. Another Satmar entity! He gets paid by Satmar and Satmar organizations to do their bidding on their behalf! This is really wrong and disingenuous. Is this a paid ad by Satmar? If not, he has more than a casual interest, HE GETS PAID BY THEM! I check this website all the time, and I am really disappointed by this article. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But you need to disclose the relationships that are in play here. I don't think they were disclosed to BJL, and I don't think that they were omitted by mistake.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The tragedy of the Satmar community is that it has lost it's chezkas kashrus by having massive fund raisers for Weberman, by trying to bribe witnesses not to testify, by intimidating the family not to report the abuse, and by automatically circling the wagons to protect to evil doer instead of the victims, of whom there are more than this one woman. Satmar is living in the United States ,not in Romania and the government is not our enemy. Obey the laws, pay income tax, be part of the solution instead of leading the charge to protect Weberman. Such a good community so ill led.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Dear Ezra, I sense from your letter that you are a part of the public opinion and have no idea of facts presented by the defense, I suggest you read this weeks Ami magazine the interview with Webweman's attorney. We chose to defend Weberman not because we don't want to admit to this happening in the community, we chose to defend Weberman because we know a lot more of the facts that was reported in the public media, a lot more that the accusers side want you to know. You forgot to mention, when Moshe rebeinu said to Hashem "aral sefasayim" Hashem said to Moshe rebeinu to go anyway and nothing will stand in your way, knowing what we know of the accuser we chose to defend Weberman because we really believe he is innocent. As everyone will admit, an Orthodox Jew has no chance in front of a jury in a case like this, the community will not get intimidated by the negativity in the public press, yes it is uncomfortable to be so negatively covered in the press but that will not change our believes and to stood up for what we believe is right. No one likes us, no one is looking out for our success, every little thing is blown up, take rabbi Glanz for an example, who did more for yidden then rabbi Glanz and the media did a character assassination for no reason, should we drop him? Should we despise him? No, because we know the good side of him, we know him for many years as a person that will do anything for another yid that eventually got hin in trouble. So to all of you who are quick to accept public opinions, bloggers and a biased conviction, we want to tell you - we know more of Webweman that the general public knows and we know more of the accuser that the general public knows, therefore we truly believe in his innocence.
Comment by rabbim friedman
You make great points. All the things you want to implement are great but remember, it will take a VERY long time and effort on the part of the community itself to do so. But it will unfortunately be incredibly difficult because of the ingrained and taught mindset of people like post #8.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #8 Exactly as you say!! Shame on you Friedlander!! Shame on you Yes your are one of those who giving a hand to destroy our community! Hurricane Sandy couldn't do such a great churban to our Shtetl like you did wit this sham-full article!! A Willliamsburger for 35 years
Comment by rabbim friedman
what does it matter if a peoples are as you say above so good in so many ways yet we let our children become victims and many times insulate the perpatrator
Comment by rabbim friedman
CNC predator unfriendly buildings are worthless unless there is a complete change in attitude in our community. We have to listen to our gedolim and report predators to the authorities. This is a violent crime - mesirah is mutar. Right now our schools are a predators paradise - thousands of innocent children and parents afraid to report abuse - AND WHY? - SHIDDUCHIM!
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #6: What? You aren't making any sense. Those who shield the perpetrators share in the responsibility and will ultimately, after 120, have to answer for it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ezra Friedlander is not the spokesman for the Willamsburg community, he dose not live here, and he doesn't know all the facts either. The Weberman case has noting to do with the willamsburg community either, Weberman was never a leader in our community. Those who dragged in the entire community in this unfortunate situation, are a few outspoken Bums who went of the Derech, they wanted to show the world that the entire community is at shame, in order to take off there guilt and justify themselves to be who day are today We are a community that always unite to help each other in any cause for good and for bad, but we would\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve never in our right mind unite to harm our own children Ch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"V, but when people like them who have an agenda to destroy us, we all come together to fight them, we didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t come together to protect predators, we only came in unity to fight those bums. did anyone came to Willamsburg to check on those who call themselves protesters to protect our kids look like, if anyone would look who they are, you would\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve understand why we were all united, the community came together to protest against dose bums who are here to destroy a Frum community, they couldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t just say we are here to destroy you so they called themselves protectors. I live in Willamsburg for 20 years now, I had no idea who Mr. Weberman was, he never spoke at any community event, etc. One night I got a call from a freind that there are a bunch of Bums Yiddish speaking individuals with there girlfriends specially dressed immodest, gathered in front of a hall and they are screaming that they are here to protect our children, that was the only reason I went to support the weberman family, because I felt that this became a fight against those who wanna destroy our customs. Those Bums don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t live in Willamsburg, they destroyed there own families they are long gone from here,and suddenly they all came back now to protect our children. No We never supported predators, we always did what was needed to protect our children, the weberman case was not a case that had anything to do with a community, he took care of a troubled girl who was always a problem, and he was asked by her parents who couldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t handle her anymore to try to take care on her, you could ask any girl from her class and they will all agree that she was always a problem child, and never obeyed any rules, yes weberman put himself in a very dangerous situation by even trying to help this troubled girl, but this is a private case. As a side note: Even if we would all believe the story, it still needs to be clarified that This is not a case were a predator damaged a child for life who never new anything, this girl did everything rung with other boys, long before she even came to Weberman, and that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s public record, if you really wanna know, if anyone of you readers would try to get a picture of this victim, you would understand my point. But again to put things in prospective that doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t make anything right if the story is true All I wanted to say is that Webermans case is a private case, it has noting to do with the community, and those who question why the entire community came together to support him, the answer is that we always unit and we will continue in unity to fight those who want to destroy us, if the victim and all of her boy friends wouldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t gather together to try to harm us, we wouldn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have come together either, but since they chose to fight with a community we united to fight back in order to protect our children from them. Non of us are here to fight with the DA in any way, we always agree and help the DA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s office, its stupid to even think that an entire community is against those who are protecting us and our children It is unfortunate that the Medea didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t understand our side, because those who don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t understand our custom will never be able to understand it. But ask yourself why all those who left this community long time ago and those who despised us and our customs, suddenly they felt to reunite and come to take revenge from our community. Hey we will not give in, we will always be on the other side of them, no matter what the Media would say. Media never liked us before this story, and we won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t try to win them over either, those who really wanna know the truth will get to know us. Hashem is with us and he knows the real truth.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow! What an amazing article. Thanks
Comment by rabbim friedman
shame on you Ezra for trying to make a dollar out of this tragedy, their is a saying in Hebrew \"hurotze lesaker yarchik eidisoi\" the one who wants to say a lie should go far away - so he is not afraid of his hometown people who know him and know the truth.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I'm in.
Comment by rabbim friedman
bais yaakov is an amzing school that edcates their students beutifky
Comment by rabbim friedman
Chaval al diavdin!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think it should say 2013, not 2012
Comment by rabbim friedman
So Mr Friedlander will also be getting his five minutes of fame on the communities expense....
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #1 amen.. there is a program called the shofar coalition. they seek to find and bring to justice these molesters.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Besides the sorrow, shame, horror and chilul HaShem, I would just like to point out a few things: 1. There is no 'cure' for someone who is tormented by sexual desire for a child. Even if the abuser doesn't physically act out, his mind is always filled with desire. It is usually only a question of time before he can no longer control his need to act upon this desire. 2. Castration (or medication which accomplishes a similar result) is not effective. Abuse can occur with hands or other body parts just as easily as with a sex organ. 3. Victims of abuse suffer for the rest of their lives. That doesn't mean that a victim of abuse cannot go on with life and live a happy life, but s/he will always be affected by the abuse s/he experienced. 4. When school administrators, teachers, rabbis, youth organizations, camp counselors, friends, and family are aware of abuse and do not report it, they are enablers of said abuse. Firing a teacher or youth leader guilty of abuse but then turning a blind eye when the accused moves to a different city/state/country and gets another job that will place him in contact with children and more opportunities for abuse, without the previous administration informing his new place of employment of the abuser's past history, is intolerable, and an accessory to crime. 5. If rabbis that give piskei Torah or administer kashrus organizations know about specific abusers but do nothing, why should we trust them as reliable when it comes to their rulings or their hechsherim? 6. We must not send our children to a school that harbors abusers, even if our own child is not specifically targeted or affected. 7. A false accusation of abuse will change an innocent person's life forever. While false accusations are rare, they are completely despicable and inexcusable, and should not go unpunished. -Galia Berry
Comment by rabbim friedman
How sad that you can not enjoy such a beautiful chag. Take time to enjoy the good parts and don't focus on the "stress"
Comment by rabbim friedman
Baltimore has it\'s fair share of molesters, most of whom have been protected by specific Rabbonim in the hope that hiding the facts under the carpet will make the issue disappear. Countles teens have left Yiddishkeit on account of abuse. It\'s time to make an all out war to erradicate molesters from our community.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yeah. Obama. Thanks to all the Jews who voted for him.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a negative attitude towards Chanukah!
Comment by rabbim friedman
wonder if arabic is on the approved list?
Comment by rabbim friedman
How dare Obama think he Runs America! We, The Jews, Control America. As Sharon said. The Goyim are here to Serve us, like Donkeys. We will stop Hagel. He is a vile anti semite
Comment by rabbim friedman
As is often the case, a naive Jew is set up as a front-man for individuals or groups inimical to Jewish interests, in order to give them some cover in the Jewish community. And when push comes to shove, they are pushed and shoved aside. Exactly as told in Pirkei Avot. What will Forman say when Hagel is nominated officially, and the Democratic leadership pushes strongly for his confirmation? Will he come out and admit he was played for a fool, or will he suddenly discover that Hagel is really a pro-Israel Jew-lover who deserves our support, because in the long run it's good for us?
Comment by rabbim friedman
GENTILE AMERICAN SPIES FOR USA ENEMIES HAVE NOT SERVED FOR 29 YEARS TO LIFE. BUT A JEWISH AMERICAN GIVING CLASSIFIED DATA TO AN ALLY ISRAEL pinpointing terrorist bases, saving the lives of Jewish children,women and men, receives 29 years of harsh,humilating jail time, and a life sentence ! shame,shame,shame!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hellary Rod(ham)(not kosher)Clinton has a long history of anti-Semitism. When she wiggled her puggy finger at Israeli FM Avidor Liberman,"Stop building in Jerusalem and the territories"! As she left meeting him,she broke her hand! This is all minhashamayim! Her taking money from Muslim Americans who have ties to terrorists are well documented. When she is caught,she sayss, returning the political funds. The list goes on and on!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for the update. Plese put a date on the comments so we know when the Rav came back to the Yeshiva. We hope and pray that he continues to do well, amv\'sh. (12/15/2012)
Comment by rabbim friedman
He was such a special man. He made me feel so comfortable and accepted. I am so sad that he has left us.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Contrary to this article, it is far from clear that the Rambam\'s drawing was intended to be accurate, as opposed to merely a schematic; see -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-13-2012 I think what this writer means is that we cannot escape from reality by ignoring the reality. We have versions of this same folly right within our orthodox lifestyles. We spend a lot of money on appearances, hats, black suits, very very very nice seforim and of course the ubiquitous wedding and bar mitzvah extravaganzas, $26.00 per pound matzos, exorbitantly priced Tefilin and Mezuzos, and so many other vanities, all with the implied ability to ignore the pain and suffering we cause our own brethren by pricing them out of Yiddishkeit, putting innocent children out of school an marginalizing so many from the main stream of our people. It is easy to ridicule and make jokes at the expense of people who do not know any better. What have we got to say about those who do know better but choose to ignore the realities of the societal sins of our times, and I am referring to our society, the orthodox society. Do not think that it does not concern you if it does not affect you. The sins of our community concern us all. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Seems pretty odd, but nice you know why the woman call 911 though?
Comment by rabbim friedman
If you only recently bought your home you will not get a discount because you will pay the current assessed rate. If the value goes up over time you may start getting the credit. So for most people that recently bought homes it wont matter whether you are eligible for the first year since there would be no discount.
Comment by rabbim friedman
On my address it says the Homestead Application Status is "Approved" with a date after it in 2010. Does this mean I have nothing to worry about? Thanks.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As HaRav Nota Schiller put it, he "lit neros around the world -- Ohr Somayach, a light that brought simcha -- EMESDIKA SIMCHA, not superficial, plastic, smiling... but the DEPTH".
Comment by rabbim friedman
great advice. also applicable to parents of teens who need to be in the know and young people in shidduchim.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #1 - we always have to be prepared. even in peaceful times.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The funeral was very moving today. All three speeches were on target. They were short because of chanuka and so they could finish before shkiya. The Rosh Yeshiva had a very clear vision. He was perceptive to the needs of the talmidim. He is missed by all.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Susan, I would hope that you wish for IDF to no longer be mandatory by the time your grandsons are of age. Instead of assuming that they will have to fight, wish for peaceful times in their lifetime and a future that sees no more war!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great article! more articles from Mayer Solomon! JG
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is not a mitzva. Our sages determined how to publicize the miricle of chanuka. This is plain simple PR.
Comment by rabbim friedman
count the number of instances of AP bias in this article
Comment by rabbim friedman
I recognize the Belinsky! !
Comment by rabbim friedman
amazing....such an exciting way to engage the kids in spreading the light of chanukah...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wasn\'t is High\'s convenience store as well?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Chasdei Hashem Yisborach!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#7 - Not unless lunch is his hat.....
Comment by rabbim friedman
Nice demolition music.
Comment by rabbim friedman
y doesnt the chosheve yeshiva post the powerful video online ?????
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 - I thought he owes you lunch?
Comment by rabbim friedman
No, it is not. It is watching out for people HERE where plenty people need money. We did our part, it's time for them to begin to cope. We already had a number of clothing trucks returned back here full of clothes....
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-6-2012 Yesher Koach! Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
And a final cloud of asbestos and mildew settled over the area one last time, to finally be carried away by the wind.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Classic comment
Comment by rabbim friedman
will it be a winter like we had last winter
Comment by rabbim friedman
So when does the esteemed publisher of this website eat his hat? :-)
Comment by rabbim friedman
what about ushmartem moed nafsosaichem ??arent you being over a lav dioraisa
Comment by rabbim friedman
That attitude is middas sdom.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I remember buying wacky packages at Wagner\'s.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of course. It's not their money. Let's travel around the glove on someone else's dine.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Okay. Really. New York is big enough that they can begin to help their own brothers. Things need be done with money in THIS community. Let New York handle itself at this point.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What's your question? Hunting near populated areas requires the use of a shotgun slug instead of a high powered rifle. The slug is much heavier than a bullet and moves much slower. Therefore it has a very limited range of a few hundred yards. A bullet from a high powered rifle can travel 5 miles with lethal force.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I am not an educator, so my comments are strictly anecdotal, but I honestly cannot make a connection between better understanding presented material in the classroom and the completion of homework. Looking back, the only thing homework prepared me for was the discipline necessary for the massive study workload in college, but surely I would have survived nevertheless. After such a long day at school for our children, the last thing any already tired and stressed parent (not to mention the child) wants to do is assist in homework. This is a huge shalom bayis problem, especially when there are multiple children in the family requiring attention at the end of a long day. I personally do not believe that homework is beneficial or an achievement indicator.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Such is life . . .It takes so long to build . . . and so little time to destroy
Comment by rabbim friedman
B\'Sha\'a Tova u\'mutzlachat
Comment by rabbim friedman
Does anyone remember the days of walking to Wagner's Pharmacy to buy candy and cards?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Rabbi Hebers knowledgeability is exceeded only by his enthusiasm and love for this subject. Yasher Koach to Rabbi Heber!
Comment by rabbim friedman
\"Shotgun\"? \"Slug\"? huh?
Comment by rabbim friedman
OK here we go again. The CDC and the Industrial Pharma Complex are busy inciting fear in the population to make sure everybody gets there vaccinations. For those who are willing to think outside of the box and don't want to risk the side effects here are some alternatives: Supplements like NAC, Andrographis, Congaplex, Immunity Take Care and Influenzinum by Boiron are all worth investigating when it comes to natural alternatives for cold and flu prevention. Good Luck and wishing you all good health!
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #1 The Yeshiva has also set up a fund to help the rest of the community. Despite their own severe losses, they are also helping out their neighbors in the Long Beach community.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I guarantee you Ner Israel, and certainly the rosh haysehiva, doesn\\\\\\\'t want its name associated with person anymore.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Is anyone truly surprised by this? After all didn't the so called "Palestinians" vote for Hamas to begin with back in 2006. Hamas and Fatah have always been one of the same and their sole intention is to destroy Israel and the Jews. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in severe denial!!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't see a video? Is it only available on Pc? I'm using my smartphone.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What Israel should have done while the Hamas rockets were still flying and definitely right after the UN vote was to annex Judea and Samaria immediately! They should then announce the a two state solution is impossible because it would mean the "final solution" for Israel! The Arab nations with all their massive territory are going to have to absorb these Arabs just as Israel absorbed the nearly one million Jews from Arab territories in the past. Pretty simple, if only the Israeli government had the courage to do that. Hopefully Feiglin getting into the Knesset will help start this new way of thinking!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What about the rest of the Jewish Community in Long Beach?
Comment by rabbim friedman
12-3-2012 Wisdom is needed to learn the correct lesson from this. Some may say that it is not worth trying to help or may learn that this man has no virtue and just wants to cash in. Those would be the wrong lessons. The problems of the poor are complicated and often cannot be alleviated with one grand gesture. This is also true closer to home. Often we try to help others in need by a single grand gesture and then afterwards we are confounded when their problems persist. The problems of the poor are complicated and need wisdom and sensitivity to deal with. Too often I hear people say that the poor are poor because of their own lack of character or virtue. I have even heard some say that poverty in our day and age is a result of some depravity and that those suffering financially, unless it is from a socially acceptable cause, is nothing more than a tell tale sign of depravity of character. But this simply is not true. People who are in need are in need of more than a mere handout. Problems can be complicated and deep seated. But after all is said and done, even if a person does not have the insight or resources to assist those in need, we can at least show acceptance without judgement, friendship and dignity. And of course, we should include all those in need in our thoughts and prayers. For in the end, we are all needy in some way or another. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Interesting. New party with platform requiring all Israeli's to both serve in the army and work. Yasher Koach to the Ner Israel talmid!
Comment by rabbim friedman
wonderful! How about creating 10 more irrelevant Chareidi party's, so they water down their numbers even more? If all the religious party's would get together and actually bring real Torah based change, as opposed to just looking after themselves, maybe Moshiach would come?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Response to the comments: As fa as I know, private school students do not get subsidies for their private school tuition from the government, while their parents pay school taxes. Therefore, a small allowance for their transportation to the private schools is the least government can do to help these families.
Comment by rabbim friedman
and knee issues too!
Comment by rabbim friedman
There never was a Palestinian(sic)sovereginty ih history! All the lands are part parcel of HASHEM promise to the Jewish people. These lands were part of the the two Jewish kingdoms, the Kingdom of Judea and Kingdom of Israel!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Jeb Bush for President in 2016!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What an amazing Kiddush Sehm Shomayim!!! Ashreinu matov chelkenu uma naim goralaynu!!! May the Rosh Yehsiva have arichas yomim v'shanim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Update: He is Back in Yeshiva now! he came back on last thursday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boruch Rofeh Cholim!
Comment by rabbim friedman
The muslims were following the Koran,"Don't make friends of Jews and Christians"(Sura chapter 5) In addition, the same sura 5,chapter,verse 33-"kill,crucify,chop their limbs off, and throw them out of the land" All Muslims believe in these Jihadist teachings! All muslims whether Arab or non-Arab muslims,it is their Bible!
Comment by rabbim friedman
All your posts are interesting and inspiring to someone who is considering Aliyah. Thank you
Comment by rabbim friedman
HOW SICK AND SAD!!!! Why? Most Now a Day Palestenian's have never lived in that "country" . We all need to come together and put our difference aside for Moshiach to come. This is what we need and boy do I think it may be soon. It is just horrible what is going on and how blinded the UN is
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Excellent photo essay & good to see former Baltimoreans doing well!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Will it turn into a new girls school or another car repair shop?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why are Jews living in Poland? It has a history of bloody anti-Semitism!
Comment by rabbim friedman
We work with Menucha on many areas of emergency and security planning for people with disabilities. The Menucha staff is amazing - they are always available for any questions or concerns we have. We wish the best of luck to Menucha in all their endeavors. Dovid Cohen NWCP Operations
Comment by rabbim friedman
They are closing Northwestern after 2015-2016!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
at least 5 people have been held up at gunpoint in the last 2-3 weeks. what are they doing about it?
Comment by rabbim friedman
You nailed it Elly. A mentor can mean the difference between failure and success, between reaching for the top and struggling to hold your own in the middle. Also remember the value of an older, experienced person at work who can help guide a career. Shlomo
Comment by rabbim friedman
The \"grimaces\" are the way they reproduce instrumental sounds--that\'s what a capella is all about.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey from the Who say in Wont Get Fooled Again: "Meet the new boss...same as the old boss. Just like Louis XVI gave way to Robespierre and Napolean Just like the Czar gave way to Stalin So too...Mubarrak gave way to Morsi That's the reason why we need Torah law to G-d willing take force worldwide
Comment by rabbim friedman
Article didn't say what is wrong with NorthWestern
Comment by rabbim friedman
nice guys, great voices. i liked it. if you don't like the 'grimaces,' close your eyes.
Comment by rabbim friedman
They sound pretty good but their bizarre grimaces compromise them and their message.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I found this to be so touching. It is much needed. As a provider I know how much time, energy, and commitment this takes. But the rewards are great for everyone - the children, parents and volunteers.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Garbage in, garbage much for their stats.
Comment by rabbim friedman
That's my dads shul!
Comment by rabbim friedman
You wrote: and this miraculously fueled the lamps of the Menorah for seven days. I think you meant either \"eight\" or \"seven extra days.\"
Comment by rabbim friedman
From the pictures it appears that the event was poorly attended. Is this correct?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any Jewish person who voted for the TZORARE HAYEHOODIM is a JINO(Jewish In Name Only)! The upperwestside has Jinos,as goodman and schwerner, who had no nexus to Jews,Judaism or Israel, but went down south to fight for civil rights but not for Jewish rights! They were killed by a white person for engaging in race baiting! I grew up on the upperwestside it was radical left. Reb Shlomo Carelebach, Yeshiva/Congregation Hechal Moshe,Young Israel,West Side Institutional Synagogue, Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, and a few shtiblech made the upperwestside warm for frum Jews..
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boycotts are always counterproductive, besides, there are 600,000 Jews living in France, more than any other country in Europe.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Very Pretty song I got the chills from listening to it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reminds me of the Gemara in Shabbos, bottom of 63a: \"If he\'s an am-haaretz, even a chasid, do not live in his neighborhood.\" Rashi says: \"Because he doesn\'t know the fine points of mitzvos, his piety is not whole, and ultimately you will learn from him.\"
Comment by rabbim friedman
I thought that he lost his chance when he divorced Dianna. The Catholic church does not recognize divorces. When he divorced he abdicated. That\'s what i thought. Did I think wrong?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I closed on my home June 15 of this year and mailed in the homestead application shortly thereafter. I'm fairly certain it was postmarked before July 1. For which tax year would I be eligible for a homestead credit?
Comment by rabbim friedman
rofl, what a joke!
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think he is great but it doesn't mean a lot to be number 20 is they only get 4 seats, which is what the polls indicate.LO
Comment by rabbim friedman
What is the actual possuk?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I feel it is a HUGE mistake to leave Eretz Yisroel for any reason. Just as in the Gulf War, the Ribono Shel Olam will take care of his children. Running to Flatbush or somewhere else is not the answer. Who thinks for a moment that it is safer in Chutz Laa'retz than in Eretz Yisroel? It's during these times of conflict when it is most important for people to travel to the holy land. I am sure you will be rewarded and protected for being there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Sorry that you went through this terrible accident, but very inspiring story. I'm also B+, and when I found out, I said "that's not a blood type but a message". I know that it is somewhat rare, but I am not allowed to donate. Wish you a refua shleima.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this story here? Is he Jewish? Am I missing something here? If I want a sports story I can go to espn.
Comment by rabbim friedman
well said
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please keep us posted. May Hashem grant Rav Aharon, shlita, a refuah Shleimah b'korov.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Perhaps article should be corrected???
Comment by rabbim friedman
hi its #2 my info was incorrect thanks for the correction
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 Please provide your evidence so we can know the truth. Poster #2 seemed quite confident.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The business does have to be registered with Amex- see #4 above.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It would seen that #2 needs to come clean also .He/She was so confident that the response was Shouted Out in CAPS.The article implied the same.#5 Could you provide youf empirica
Comment by rabbim friedman
#5 this is #4 you are correct I asked some people who went also. I only saw Star-K's because I did not attend any Dairy events.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't think the store has to do anything to participate. As long as they're a small business your Amex charge for that store will be credited back to you.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I've only seen a few local businesses that say they are participating. Can people please post which stores will be open and are participating?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach to Reb Hershel for being Osiek btzechrei rabbim and representing the chevra. I am sure there will be a lunch in your honor. Zechoso yagen aleini.
Comment by rabbim friedman
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless all of you and your families for your back breaking work that was done because of your big hearts. KOL HAKOVOD!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
All cholov yisroel STAR-K
Comment by rabbim friedman
Was dairy catering all CholovYisroel Star K also?
Comment by rabbim friedman
YES!!, ALL THE CATERED FOOD AT THE CONVENTION CENTER AND HYATT WAS STAR-K CERTIFIED INCLUDING THE NON-GA RELATED EVENTS TO PRESERVE STAR-K KASHRUS INTEGRITY the only exception was the year-round Starbucks Kiosk in the far corner of the Convention Center which had a sign that clearly identified it as NOT STAR-K CERTIFIED
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reading the article you would assume all the food was StarK certified.Was it?
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is very helpful and effective. Thx
Comment by rabbim friedman
Participation in a webinar is, indeed very useful for any educator. Having the additional support to implement what is learned is invaluable. We\'re lucky to have the professional expertise from Shemesh to help teachers maximize this resource.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Would it be ok to shoot missles after the 15 years? Sounds nuts to me. BTW #1, the only way to stop the missle attacks is a ground invasion. Hamas has most things stored under ground. Air strikes can only do so much. Right now, almost 1/3 of the country is under rocket attack. I would carpet bomb Gaza and finish it once and for all. Warn the so-called innocent civilians and then do it.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Terrific idea.I just hope people are smart enough not to dump their old unused sfarim on these good intentions.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Anyone who is an educator and/or parent can benefit from these webinars. They are easy to access and present a wealth of information on various educational topics. Right in the comfort of your own home, you can be a part of an interactive power point presentation where the host presenter enables input from those attending as a valued part of this forum. I am so delighted to know that our local schools are promoting this great resource. Enjoy!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
thank you -- we also have a son there in the army --
Comment by rabbim friedman
Feelings from the Heart. Nothing is more powerful. Rabbi Oberstein, Thanks as always for sharing. DML
Comment by rabbim friedman
If it is any measure of comfort, we are all davening for the safety of our brave soldiers in Israel and for the safety of our children and close friends and family who are holding up the fort in Eretz Yisroel for us chutznikim. May Hashem bless Am Yisroel with shalom and may we know peace soon.
Comment by rabbim friedman
we are all davening for your son and for the entire army
Comment by rabbim friedman
While I fully support Israel and hope Hams is totally overthrown I am fully against a ground invasion risking the lives of our soldiers considering we are going to need them for bigger wars with Syria, Hizballah and eventually Iran why waste them on the scum of the earth. Not one Yiddisha soul is worth 1 Million Arabs. If they do capture one soldier it will be a whole parade until his release and we free all the captured terrorists again.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Let me add to that. The only way for Israel to live in peace and security is to stop the ridiculous and insane idea of a \"two state solution\" and to kick out/destroy the thugs and murderers of Gaza and let the wonderful families of Gush Katif return back to their rightful home there!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Our rabbis were not afraid of discussing the laws of unintended consequences; for example, we are suffering today because of the pain (rightfully) caused to esav. Our insular top down community has its benefits, but it is a fact that whether at penn state, in the Catholic Church, or in our community a secretive group looking to protect its own provides fertile ground for molesters. This author provides a convenient straw man argument and ignores the fact that molestation occurs because of and not just despite orthodoxy.
Comment by rabbim friedman
You\'re welcome - Avie
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hadhem save us!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Actually giving me nightmares. I, like many have family in Israel and all I can say is Hashem promises to keep us safe even when we are surrounded by enemies, and even as we sleep. I will daven for them but fear mongering isnt going to solve anything.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Maybe whoever buys them will make them kosher!!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
11-16-2012 'There are some who believe'¦ that repression in the ultra-Orthodox community can foster abuse' This is not referring to the devotion to ceremony and custom and general piety. This is referring to the characteristic of repressing issues and people who do not conform. The orthodox community uses ostracism, rejection and exclusion as a tool for enforcing compliance and conformity. This is ubiquitous within the orthodox community. The result is that good people will avoid speaking up when bad things are happening. This is more than the sever abuse situations we hear about. This is also about the mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults in schools and Shuls and in the community in general. There are wonderful people within the community. But they are hobbled from objecting to children being put out of the classroom or the school, when individuals are made to feel unwelcome in Shul and when whole families are ostracized from a community. This very essay is an example. Instead of inspiring thoughtful self examination it lashes out at the 'outsiders' and seeks to demonize all that raise the issue. No one condones child abuse. What we condone is a societal trait which leads to abusive habits which creates an abusive character which solidifies an abusive destiny. We need to do some serious thinking and make some real changes. Or our destiny will be sealed. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#1: wait for page to load (it can take a few extra seconds), then see the slideshow in the 2nd set of pictures below the first one. use the forward arrow to scroll through.
Comment by rabbim friedman
there's only one picture...
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a well written article. Kudos to such a young boy going to help in the cleanup effort
Comment by rabbim friedman
Beautiful. Other schools need to this too.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Al Jazeera is actually more balanced!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ih the surgery should go well
Comment by rabbim friedman
Way to say it Judah! Kby all the way!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Well said and right on the mark! Thanks for the wakeup call
Comment by rabbim friedman
Are we really organizing another trip 2 weeks after the storm? This is NY and we know they have some "resources". They haven't hired anyone yet to clean up? Why not?
Comment by rabbim friedman
#4 Agreed....if one wants to secluded they can do that with an old fashioned door and lock as well....maybe we should asser doors period.
Comment by rabbim friedman
If it talks,walks as an anti-Semite, it is an anti-Semite!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you so much to all of the rabbis and families who lent a huge helping hand. Thank you for writing this incredible article so that we can have some glimpse into what is happening and what our community contributed. G-d bless.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Agree with #4. If you can spare the time to go midweek, fantastic. If not, everyone understands that it's not easy to get away during the week.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is a "b'rachot" class considered the female equivalent of what I assume is a text base "Avot U'vanim?" (Tanach,Mishnayot, ?Gemara) The "Parent/chiid" learning at Suburban is slowly being supplanted by separate sex shiurim (as our community continues to drift to the right). I'm sure Morah Kruger is a wonderful teacher but I doubt these young girls will be learning much inside. Now you could make the argument this is "not interesting" or "boring" but no more to the girls than the boys.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To #8. Nevertheless, there is no point in accusing anyone of back-padding when there is no back-padding going on. Given all of the articles posted, it might be embarrassing to accuse someone of that, especially when it's not true. Like a poster said, this whole thing has been a major life even for those affected, and those who have gone to help. If they want to talk about it, let them.
Comment by rabbim friedman
No, it's not true. It's enough to say there was an armed robbery. Ridiculous unnecessary statements like "lots of money were taken" or "Hatzalah responded" is complete overkill.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Are you surprised by CNN?
Comment by rabbim friedman
ENOUGH!!!! Just say Boruch Hashem there are men from the community that are willing to go whenever needed. I am sure there is a valid reason why they are not going over the weekend. Besides, have any of you driven to New York any time during Thanksgiving weekend??? It is not pleasant. A 3 hour drive can be twice as long, I know from experience.
Comment by rabbim friedman
What took Israel so long? One Israeli family is worth ALL of Gaza. Like the U.S. would allow Mexico or Canada to get away with bombing U.S. border cities! I always advocated using a huge blade to cut around Gaza and just push it into the Mediterranean. They can have their independant state there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
why not do it on Thursday? Most people are off of work for Thanksgiving and many people in the frum community do not have a formal Thanksgiving meal anyhow. Plus it falls on a weekday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Sometimes during the week is easier for our wives
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this being scheduled on a tuesday when we can have so many more volunteers available ona sunday? As we can see the first mission was done in the middle of the week and had nowhere near the amount of volunteers that the second one had which was done on a sunday.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why didn't they condemn the mortar attacks on Israel? I guess bombing lots of Israelis is ok, but taking out one rotten terrorist is forbidden.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Criminal activity like this does scare everyone, but you are safer by being informed. Scaring people helps get them to pay attention and can help reduce the criminal activity.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for sharing your experiences. What I take from it is a heartwarming message that we are there for each other no matter how uncomfortable and inconvenient, even for strangers from a different city. We also should appreciate the nice people we have living here in Baltimore.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I asked everyone to write essays/ memoirs for the purpose of allowing ALL of our people to be part of what only some experienced- for them to see just how powerful this was and be inspired. Rabbi Hauer said, "...not a publicity stunt...not a photo-op..." That's true! Also know that Rabbi Goldberg worked incredibly hard in Seagate and offered much advice. -Ari Lichtman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Thank you for the Hakarat Hatov article. I also had the "Divine Providence" experience of coming in contact with a deer a few months ago, only I was on a bicycle. It was early morning and I along with two other cyclists were out on Greenspring Valley Road traveling East towards Greenspring Road, when we noticed a young deer running paralel to us about twenty feet out in the field to our right, quite quickly I may add. Suddenly it decided to make a left turn and cut across the street right between me and the rider in front of me. It happened so quickly, and the deer did not stop for a second. I fell to the ground and the rider behind me fell on me. Baruch Hashem I sustained minor injuries, though my bicycle was damaged and needed a new front wheel. The rider behind me was hurt more than me, though the bicycle was fine (that's what most of us cyclists are more concerned about :o). So I thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my Hakarat Hatov as well, though I have shared the story with many since the incident occurred. May HaKadosh Baruch Hu continue to bless us with safe travels and limited contact with wildlife. Aharon (Alan) Newman
Comment by rabbim friedman
MAZEL TOV I"HY SHAS you guys are on your way
Comment by rabbim friedman
ok Lett me clear everything up. I know this is old new but this will happen again next year . Theses missionary are college aged students from Bible Schools . Theses men and women are sent all over the us to reach out to the Jewish communtiy with their packets . What they are doing is perfectly legal. The leave the packet at the door step in respect for the owner of the house, not in the Mail box. These men a new group will be back next year. and these young men when they are not workin in a jewish community go soul winning -same idea minus the packet they have a tract with the Gospel and they reach any one who isnt a jew even those of like faith. If you dont like what their doing all I can say is ohh well.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To # 4 Rabbi Sander Goldberg was in Sea gate and work very hard. Who ever saw him coming back to the buses (he is Rav in town and Talmud Chacham), with so much mud on him and saw so much in the 7 hours he was there. He has the right to feel this way. His feeling come from learning musar. He is not being negative,but being positive a real Bal Chesed wants to do a mitzvah that the sechar comes from the Hashem and he does not want that to get lost.Remember the purpose of this trip to bring achdus to Kal Yisrael and NOT cinas chinuman, Mea Ki Amacha Yisrael.
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2 Firstly, this is about more than how much they gained from us financially. The emotional and moral support they gained is priceless and it was a zechus to be there and have that opportunity to give in such a way. Furthermore, perhaps the stories and coverage will inspire those who were unable to see firsthand the devastation, to give more generously...
Comment by rabbim friedman
11-14-2012 Take the words in this essay, ' The end of a life means the undermining of whatever relationships, accomplishments, and good deeds potentially lie in the death wisher's future. Cutting off that future ... deprives himself, and his relatives and friends and society, of unknown and untold meaningful benefits. Quite literally, wastes a life. That is to demonstrate a severely limited understanding of human life's import. The most meaningful matters any of us ever can access are things like forgiveness, repentance, prayer, commitment, love, and fulfilling what we believe is G-d's will. Human life is human life ... it is invaluable.' And you can apply these very words to a child, a precious soul, who would be put out from the classroom or the school or from the Shul or from the community. As a community we ostracize and exclude so many under the guise of a greater purpose for the group. If the orthodox were really serious about the value of a human life then they would apply these same principles to how they treat and reject people. It is easy to voice these ideals in the political arena of assisted suicide. But the real test of what they really believe is when and if these principles are applied to how we treat children and anyone who is facing any form of rejection from the group under the guise of preserving the high standards of th group. No child should be out of the classroom or the school. Nobody should be evicted from the Shul. No family should be made to feel unwelcome in the community. Consider that before you pat yourself on the back for your piety and reverence for life. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Awesome news! May Hashem wreck vengeance on all our enemies! May He also protect us from any stupid immature retaliation attempts! G-d bless our Israeli Air Force!
Comment by rabbim friedman
@2 I must say that your comment is really disappointing and upsetting. From my understanding, people were asked to write personal memoirs of their experiences, not intended for public consumption but rather to document the experience. Nothing here was done for personal gain or credit. I don\'t understand why someone would take something so great and belittle it. Obviously there is a lot more work to be done and the cost of the damage is great, but I don\'t see what\'s wrong with recognizing people\'s efforts to help one another.
Comment by rabbim friedman
There is so much more to be done.Not only in Sea Gate, but in Far Rockaway, Bays water, 5 towns area, Long Beach, Bell Habor and there other places I missed or didn't even mention. How can we help? Maybe all the cities in the U.S.A should get together and try to put units of teams together to help these communities do there the clean up.
Comment by rabbim friedman
@Rabbi Goldberg: Where is this negativity from? There's no back patting going on, there are our fellow community members who have been deeply, emotionally affected! This has turned out to be a major life event for those who were able to look teary eyed, grateful, yiddishe victims in the eye. All of this coverage NEEDS to touch those who don't have such a strong connection. That's chizuk! That's inspiration to go do chesed too! This isn't about us at all! I have heard "mi k'amcha yisrael" a dozen times in the last 5 days! That's exactly who this is about!
Comment by rabbim friedman
@2, Rabbi Goldberg. I understand your initial feeling that perhaps you have been overwhelmed by all of the SeaGate recaps. There have been many. Would you like to see more articles about the many other locations that have been devastated? What exactly do you hope to accomplish by embarrassing those that have posted here about the help being offered to the people in SeaGate? These are not pat-on-the back articles. These are people telling of their experiences, and just maybe others will be encouraged by the retelling of these experiences and want to assist in the relief efforts. I would bet that you have not been to SeaGate or other Long island locations....otherwise you would not be so quick to chastise those who have experienced the suffering there.
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is #1 again, still bewildered. If those two people find the door inadvertently locked, they can quickly reopen it and remedy the situation. On the other hand, if those two people decide not to come out of the room locked from the outside, it seems that they have no intention of observing the prohibition anyway.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just to emphasize the point the \"worst case\" scenario actually did occur about a day earlier and a block away.,0,514031.story
Comment by rabbim friedman
Kol Hakavod!! Ashreicha Israel!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Oh stop writing about how great we are that we helped Seagate. Enough! You want all the Zechus to be spent on Ga'ava? As far as the actual work, it was a drop in the bucket. When these people rebuild they will have to spend 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars; our work saved them perhaps $500 each in cleanup costs. The Ikar accomplishment was to show that Jews care for each other. Now, BJL I implore you, no more articles and videos. If there is another trip to help out, just post it as you did in past, but stop all the back-patting. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow we all hear these stories but until it actually happens then u believe it
Comment by rabbim friedman
to this incredible team: i came across this article and was thrilled to find it as i was trying to figure out who you are and how to contact you. you are truly exceptionally special people. it is thanks to you that our family can move on. when my parents told me that there are 5 men in their house who are hard at work and really care, i could hear in their voices how relieved they were. we were all so physically and mentally exhausted from the situation that there was no way that our family could have done this on our own. it's amazing that you gave of your time, your hearts, and your chizuk to help out people you have never met before. mi k'amcha yisroel!! may hashem bentch you and all the other amazing people who came out to help this community, with mazel, bracha, hatzlacha, parnassah, nachas from your children, v'chol tuv!! in the zchus of your selfless chesed i'm sure that mashiach will be here b'karov! sincerely, a very grateful seagate family
Comment by rabbim friedman
And it's important to know all these details for what? To scare people? Isn't it enough to say (and even this is too much) that there was an armed robbery?!?
Comment by rabbim friedman
unbelievable CHESED
Comment by rabbim friedman
Truly unreal! It's hard to say this is a beautiful video due to it's subject matter. But if people have been following all of 's outstanding coverage of this event or not, this video makes it very real. Please consider donating if you have not yet. You can go to either Bnai Jacob's or Suburban Orthodox's website to donate. Then email that your donation was "hurricane relief". - Ari
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of course so. Read the Shomrim blotter - Before 8 PM tonight, at Park Heights and Pinkney, a woman was robbed of considerable cash at gunpoint, and then pistol whipped. The assailant was a young black man wearing a white hoodie.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I guess Sheitlach got boring.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Noone can enter the room if locked, whether you can get out is not very relevant
Comment by rabbim friedman
Hashem Yiracheim! We must daven for the RBS"O to be mikayaim banu chachmei yisrael!
Comment by rabbim friedman
This bewilders me. If the door is no self-locking but simply shut, unlocked, and can be opened from the outside, there is no problem for the man and woman to be inside the room; but if the door can't be opened from the outside, that is prohibited. In either case, the door can be easily opened from the inside, so what is the difference between the two cases?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I noticed Hatzoloh and Shomrim there on Pinkney. Were there any major injuries?
Comment by rabbim friedman
#2 I don't think Baltimore's criminal read this. But I do think that Officer Bennett who is our liaison, should be contacted to coordinate it with people in uniform.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why is this plan posted on-line? Are you sure that the criminal does not read this?
Comment by rabbim friedman
I don't want to sound cynical, but considering these were ARMED robberies, shouldn't the additional posted people be undercover police officers who have weapons? Wouldn't ordinary citizens patrolling the streets unarmed be putting themselves in harms way? I hope we see a huge police presence in our area - people are afraid to walk outside!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach Gobbie for writing what I am sure we all felt! Music is powerful and seeing the crowd sitting and enjoying songs that we incorporate in our Tefillos was very uplifting. As Abie mentioned, we know many pesukim because they are now songs. It was an amazing concert! It was such a thrill to have Abie there. Kudos to Hymie and Kenny and everyone who made the evening so special. Jonathan Lasson
Comment by rabbim friedman
the craziest thing about this was that it felt like the hurricane just hit...and it had already been close to 2 weeks...
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher Koach to all who brought this concert to fruition. What I like most about Dveykus is that this is authentic Jewish music, not goyishe music overlaid with some words from the siddur by illiterates who have no understanding of the depth of the words. Joe Domageo's Card was my personal favorite and brought tears to my eyes.L. Oberstein
Comment by rabbim friedman
great job Pete;)!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
A pilot? A baton? Are you kidding? Shouldn't we have pilots armed with Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistols? Even if he was just dead-heading (flying as a passenger back to his home base) I would like him to be armed. Airline officers should all be trained and armed.
Comment by rabbim friedman
But if he had no weapon then he could have crashed the plane and killed everyone? I thought pilots were exempt from weapons searches because they were allowed to carry them for protection.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The range of numbers are really the dates that the toilets were manufactured: (101497) 10/14/97 to (022909) 02/29/09
Comment by rabbim friedman
You're right. But, if you go to the website and put in the serial number that is in your toilet tank, they will tell you right away whether your particular toilet is being recalled.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The range of numbers so not make sense...the first range of numbers is higher than the second number. Can you please let me know what the correct sequence of numbers are. Thank you.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Guys, we have to be careful not to blow our trumpets too loud here. The Borough Park Shomrim and Misaskim also did fantastic jobs running the operation - we would have been lost without their guidance and leadership! We did awesome, however lets be careful not to say anything against the NY communities as well. All Jews in Seagate, whether from New York, from Baltimore, or any other place were all ONE HUGE TEAM - ONE HUGE CHESED POWERHOUSE that day! - A Seagate cleanup volunteer
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is absolutely awesome. Means so much to my teenage daughter who is quite upset at losing many of her childhood things, to see that another Bas Yisrael, miles away, is thinking of her and wants to put a smile on her face. THANK YOU! You are all really special, and Hashem should bless you all with all the best!
Comment by rabbim friedman
There were many people who worked very hard yesterday and they all deserve a tremendous Yashar Koach. Rabbi Hauer was the powerhouse driving force behind the entire effort. Yashar Koach to him. B. Ansbacher
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ya'asher co-ach. Very proud of our community this week.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Only Hashem can repay all of you for what you have done. For us it was more than just help, and the help was amazing, it was the caring and heartfelt wishes, knowing that strangers who may never see us again, just wanted to come and sweat and share in our hardest moments. And sweat they did! We wish for you only brachos, mazel and hatzlacha in all that you do, and that the Aibeshter should send you all lots of good health, long life, with lots of yiddish nachas and success in all that you do. May we only be zoche to share simchas together in the future, with dancing and singing in the 3rd Beis Hamikdosh very soon! THANK YOU from all of us in Seagate! It has been a zchus to have all of you special people here with us....kol tuv to all of you!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yoni klein also went on this trip
Comment by rabbim friedman
I have tears in my eyes! What a beautiful sight. It should serve as a tremendous zechus for all of klal Yisroel!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
You wrote, "Rabbi Bamberger then welcomed descendants of Rabbi Rice who were present at the event, the Rosenberg family of Monsey." Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Rice had two children, neither of whom survived infancy. They adopted two children. Hence there are no "blood" descendents of Rabbi and Mrs. Rice. The Rosenberg family are descended from these adopted children. Prof. Y. Levine
Comment by rabbim friedman
so beautiful! what a kiddush hashem!!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Great job chaim. Proud to have you as a memeber of our kehila. Your secret admirer
Comment by rabbim friedman
You can check your serial number here: If you need to install the kit, it is really simple, a video at the same link as above will show you how.
Comment by rabbim friedman
From all of us in Seagate, thanks in advance! Tizku Lemitzvos!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Latest from Ari: The bus will leave from BJSZ at 5:30. Your arrival time should be about 5:15am. We will daven on the buses. You should wear the type of clothes you would wear to do yard work in this weather. Construction boots or sturdy shoes are recommended, not snow boots. You will probably want to pack a pair of comfortable clean pants for the way home. Food is provided as well as over-the-shoe-boots, long gloves, and lights are also provided. We will depart NY at about 4pm to get back about 7:30pm.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Kol Hakavod to all of you going tomorrow and all who went last week, and to all the volunteers who shlepped stuff to NY/NJ in the last 2 weeks.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why arent the yeshivas in Balltimore New York and Lakewood Joining together and having groups of Bachurim traveling to New York to help these people ! The government is extremely slow in their response to the situation we need to join together and help immediately and just a bus load of people one day a week although wonderful is not nearly enough
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please post departure and return times. Thank You.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow..Great article! I want more articles from Rabbi Bergman! JG
Comment by rabbim friedman
Monday is a Federal Holiday - Veterans Day. Many men in Baltimore have the day off. Maybe the rest of the Rabbanim on the Vaad HaRabbonim can encourage every able bodied fellow in the Baltimore kehilla to go out and lend a hand.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Any updates?
Comment by rabbim friedman
is this the Rabbi that sends out daily vort I love his articles
Comment by rabbim friedman
Comment by rabbim friedman
If I want to go help out where do I go?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Boruch Hashem we have people like Rabbi Zwibel
Comment by rabbim friedman
Reb Moshe Feinstein Z\\\"L has a tushvah that if a person gives 10% of his time that is tzedakah.If a rebbe learns with someone by giving 10% of his time to a person who needs help in learning torah that is tzedakak. Such a cheasid like this I\\\'m jealous that I was unable to go. Maybe #3 that is what not sitting well with you that you were unable not to go. There other communities that need help also. Bell Harbor, The yeshiva needs a place for its Talmidim , Bays Water ,Long Beach and other communities.Remember Tzedakah Zavel Hamahves
Comment by rabbim friedman
\\\"28. Because Israeli women are the real thing, not trying to be like shiksas, and Israeli men aren't teenagers who never grow up. 29. Because Israeli mothers still cook meals for the family.\\\" These reasons are highly offensive-the writer implies that all Jewish women outise Israel are \\\"trying to be like shiksas\\\", and that all men outside the land are somehow \\\"teenagers who never grew up.\\\" To imply this about Jews outside the land is ridiculous, untrue, and reeking of sinas chinam. I am sad that someone who so values living in the Land would say such things. Also, my non Israeli wife as well as my non Israeli mother when I was growing up cooked plenty of meals for the family. The writer\\\'s baseless hatred undermines any value of his love for the land of Israel. You have done an extremely poor job here, Tzi Fishman. Joel Carter
Comment by rabbim friedman
#10 We really appreciate the help that the Baltimore community gave for all of us here in Seagate. Mi Ke'Amcha Yisrael?! Joining us uplifted our spirits and showed us that we will IYH rebuild, and we will persevere! THANK YOU! Only HKBH can repay you and bless you with all good things!
Comment by rabbim friedman
What a joy it was last night to see Karl rove, who had raised over 100 million attempting to buy this election and who had often confidently predicted a big Romney win, mount a perspiration soaked tirade against the rabidly right wing fox news channel for daring to declare president Obama the winner! G-d bless America, where even self serving scoundrels like Rove and his cohorts can pretend to be statesmen.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to # 3 what did not sit well with you?
Comment by rabbim friedman
It also doesn\'t mean there is a disconnect between orthodox groups in America and Israel. These organizations do not publicly endorse candidates for president; rather they urge people to go out and vote. And wisely so, as they do need to be able to work with both Democrats and Republicans on issues that are important to all of us.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just because the orthodox groups didnt want to join \'Rabbis for Romney\' doesn't mean they didnt vote for Romnney...
Comment by rabbim friedman
who is in charge of this ? i would like to contact them by phone?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Tzvi is my hero and Mitzva Motivator
Comment by rabbim friedman
Rachmana litzlan! That is excruciatingly painful (and more so dangerous for an older person!). Everyone should take a moment after reading this and say some tehillim immediately for a Refuah Sheliema for the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita.
Comment by rabbim friedman
to #3. what did not sit well with you about this story. Tzvi Shear
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow, people voted. Pretty lame photo essay. Keep up the subpar work.
Comment by rabbim friedman
As a sea gate resident I cannot begin to express our heartfelt thanksto the baltimore volunteers. Seeing the bus pull up to the BSSP command center and seeing the volnteers coming of the bus with their work cloths boots gloves construction garbage bags brooms & ready for the hard work that was ahead of them, warmed up our hearts while our bodies are frozen from the devastation. May Hashem repay the Baltimore community for its kindness and chesed with much bracha and hatzlacha.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Maybe because they have critical thinking skills, something long gone in the U.S.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Baruch Dayan Emes. #1. Hmmm, where do you think a Jew should be?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Get ur passports and pack up
Comment by rabbim friedman
Obama got re-elected.
Comment by rabbim friedman
So where are we all moving??
Comment by rabbim friedman
Punctured lung. Broken ribs and a broken collarbone
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ashreichem v'ashrei chelkichem!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please know that we all made it back to vote too.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It was a great day being able to help people in need. And, we specfically left in time to make it back to Baltimore to exercise our Constitutional right to vote. The city of Sea Gate is completely devastated. Please consider giving money, items and time to help these people who\'s lives have been permanently disrupted.
Comment by rabbim friedman
We helped out our fellow Jews that were in need. And also got to vote in this very important election
Comment by rabbim friedman
May Hashem blessed all the guys in Baltimore and everyone in NY that helping our brothers and sisiters that are suffering so much from the storm, what a Kidus Hashem, may they know only good things in the future and we should all see mashiac arrive soon Amen! Avi Lazar.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Yasher koach to all those who participated, but there are several things I see here that don't sit well with me.
Comment by rabbim friedman
A hearty \"yosher koach\" to all of the kind hearts who sacrificed their time and energy to do such a huge \"mitzvah. Baltimore is very proud of each and every one of you!
Comment by rabbim friedman
#1, that is a good question. But the situation is what it is, and right now, no one can really understand the destruction unless you see it in person. I was in Long Island and it seems like a war zone. No power, no sewage or clean running water in many areas. the lines for gas are many blocks long at the few locations that have gas/power. Large military vehicles everywhere. Its a physical and tremendously emotional devastation.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Nobody can say Baltimore is low voltage after this.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Why didnt they move stuff out ahead of time ?
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please elaborate on how the Maran was hurt. The injuries are not life threatening, but please tell us what was dameged (for tefilla purposes).
Comment by rabbim friedman
IF you meet the requirements.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Of all things to make controversial this takes the cake. You are trying to vote to keep societal morals intact and yet when people attempt to do the most moral of things and help people in a most difficult situation you have a problem with it. If people were strong in their convictions and able to make the right decisions on their own then this vote wouldn't be that important in the first place.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Those who are helping out in Seagate have stated that they plan to return prior to the close of the polls. I am not sure why there is a need to speak so negatively about these people who have taken from work and other responsibilities to help those with NO homes.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Provisional ballots are counted along with the electronic ballots.
Comment by rabbim friedman
this call to action should have included the words "only for those who voted already" or that they should leave after 7:30 to allow those men to did not vote to vote. or go next week when there is a federal holiday. i think poster #1 is just expressing frustration on how the rabbanim tell us to vote and there are robo calls and letters from the agudah on the importance of each vote, but it is seems that helping the people of seagate for a few more hours is more important then 50-60 votes, which makes me feel that really my 1 vote is not that important and maybe i should use my valuable time to do other important things. i look forward to a response from anyone one of the people mentioned above about this matter.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I really can't believe the quibbling I'm reading. I have family in Far Rockaway. Let me tell you the situation is Pikuach Nefesh there and it's no exaggeration to say it. Some families have lost EVERYTHING and have nowhere to go. THEY NEED US! The RBS'O will have the ultimate say of how this election will go with or without the votes of the wonderful people who are choosing to take time to go up to help with the relief efforts that are truly needed. Our obligation right now, is to see to the well being of our brethren. Pikuach nefesh docheh Shabbos.
Comment by rabbim friedman
wow what an amazing reproof. yasher koach please keep your studies going they get more intriguing every time i read them.
Comment by rabbim friedman
It is a difficult "shikul hadaas", no doubt. They should surely push off their departure until after the opening of the polls to enable them to vote (even if it shortens their time spent there). As for it being outrageous, it would only be so if they thumbed their noses and said, "who cares" about the election and question 6 - which I hope is not so.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Just take someone along whose non vote would cancel yours
Comment by rabbim friedman
It's not outrageous. Why use language like this? Simply reminding people is sufficient with out putting down the dedicated people planning this mission of mercy.
Comment by rabbim friedman
To poster #1. Please watch how you comment towards our Choshuv rabbonim, who cleary differ with you on this matter. At all times our words and speeech to all of our brethern but especially to Talmeidei Chochomim and Manhigim has to be done with the utmost respect.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Wow! I am envious of those who are taking the day to head up to NY to help.
Comment by rabbim friedman
This is outrageous. We have an obligation to vote in this historic election, and our vote, especially as it regards to Question 6, really counts. We CANNOT, in no terms, shirk this responsibility that we have towards our own community!! Please, unless you voted already, stay here and vote!
Comment by rabbim friedman
At #15: What you don't understand is that many frum people are truly passionate about core religious beliefs...which happen to coincide with many conservative social/political beliefs. For the most part, liberal democrats stand for exactly what they are: liberalism, which is an everything is fine/anything goes society. so it's difficult for Religious jews to understand how you can support Liberal politicians when liberalism promotes so much that is not compatible with being religious (like question 6).
Comment by rabbim friedman
kol hakavod to the community! you were truly 'nosei b'ol im chaveiro'.
Comment by rabbim friedman
I think if Rabbi Oberstein is voting for Romney we are definitely coming a long way!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Ditto on all.
Comment by rabbim friedman
The Torah teaches us compassion tzedakah ect., however that does not include the notion that taxpayers money should go to children of illegal immigrants supporting their college education
Comment by rabbim friedman
Question 4 encourages illegal behavior+ benefits!
Comment by rabbim friedman
As far as Rabbi Herman Neuberger,zecher tzadik libracha, Rabbi Seidemann told me that when Governor Ehrlich came to be menachem avel, he said that at his final visit with Rabbi Neuberger,(They visited him,not the other way around), Rabbi Neuberger made one request. He said that it was going to be a cold winter and he asked him to add money to the fuel fund for the poor people. Later someone said that probably Rabbi Neuberger was thinking of poor Yidden, and one of his sons said that anyone who knew their father would know that he was thinking of the poor in general and not only Jews. his heart was big enough to encompass all people. \\\"A soft answer turns away wrath\\\" is something that we all need to remember. I am not the spokesman for anyone and my opinions are my own,and have no institutional endorcement. I recognize that other people also have legitimate points of view and celebrate democracy. I do not understand why anyone in our frum community would feel that there is no room whatsoever for disagreement on anything, that there is only one correct viewpoint. We don\\\'t live in North Korea or Iran. If you want to vote for Bongino or Sobhani, gezunt4r heit, but people who have another point of view are also nice human beings worthy of being considered tzelem elokim. Elchonon
Comment by rabbim friedman
Does anyone have any logical explanation as to why one should vote for question 4? Does not wmake sense to me ? And why hasn't Cardin stood up to Obama regarding Obamas skewed views on Israel . Furthermore as frum Jews we should stand behind conservative values. Times are differerent now the world has changed. You do not have to vote democrat just because you have done it your whole life
Comment by rabbim friedman
A vote for Cardin and Sarbanes is a vote for Obama ! These Democrats are joined at the head.If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck and Cardin,Sarbanes and Obama are all Quacks!
Comment by rabbim friedman
Vote against question 7. It is a competition between to big casino owners. Either way Marylanders loose. OMallley passed this law in the summer during a Special Session behind closed doors. Special Sessions cost the taxpayer more money and is done in secret. Vote against and let the bill come up again during the regular session where it is in the open and people know what is in the law.
Comment by rabbim friedman
So much passion. Not for Torah, not for Yidden, not for the souls seeking Hashem who are turned away, not for the poor, not for the sick, not for those suffering, not for the lonely and not for the welfare of our children. So much passion.
Comment by rabbim friedman
Please post my comment. I am waiting. Why do you censor comments and wait so long to post them?
Comment by rabbim friedman
And the storm doesn\'t stand a chance!...........A simply amazing embodiment of a Mentsch!
Comment by M Anker
Frank Storch has been a friend of my family for over 50 years, and I was not surprised at all to hear of this tremendous act of chessed and tzedakah. People like him are an inspiration.
Comment by M Anker
To anyone who is an undecided voter and still feels Obama stands for a strong America and a strong friendship with Israel? just goggle Obama's foreign policy speech in Cairo June 2009
Comment by M Anker
Kudos to you sir, the black Protestant gentleman from NC. who does not partake of ant parties platform and votes on the issues. Your assessment of funding tuition to children of non legal residents and it's ramifications is right on the money! Thank you for your support of Jerusalem the capital of Israel. On another note, anyone have comments about question 7
Comment by M Anker
How dare you support Sarbanes and Cardin!! Have they rebuked: Voting to take G-d out of the Democratic platform? Denying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel? Cover-up of the Bengazhi US Ambassador murder and Seal Members? Challenge Obama after refusing to meet with PM Netanyahu? Condemn Obama for telling Israel to go back to the 1967 lines? Condemn Obama for forcing a building freeze in Jerusalem? Made demands to stop Iran with threats against Israel and the U.S.? If the president refuses to protect American citizens, how can we expect him to protect Jews? The Democratic party does not deserve the Jewish vote. While in the voting booth vote against all of the questions. Vote against the bond issues.
Comment by M Anker
Not only did people show up in droves with numerous donations, but a father with 2 teenage sons showed up and said, "We're here to help. Please tell us what to do." Amazing!
Comment by M Anker
There r boxes at shomrei for donations to the five towns
Comment by M Anker
regarding comment # 2.You don\'t understand the perception that Obama is anti-Israel???As soon as he became president he ran to the middle east, skipped over Israel decided to bow down to leaders of the arab countries made disparaging remarks about his so-called friend Netanyahu on a open mike,did not accord proper respect when Netanyahu visited him at the White House and the list goes on.The Arabs and fanatical Islamists are laughing at our gestures and we only look weaker in their eyes.What\'s best for America and our fellow countrymen is not a, and I am being generous, a naive passive president who does not have national security and the safety of the American as his top priority. I for one do not feel safe in this country anymore with this President, his policies, and the mess he\'s helping to create in the middle east
Comment by M Anker
Thank you Baltimore!Your response was overwhelming. Please drop off any new or VERY SLIGHTLY USED clothing, pillows and blanket at Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion's Lobby. Donations can be sent to Achiezer at or sent to: Achiezer 334 Central Avenue Lawrence, NY 11559 Please indicate that the money should go to the Hurricane Relief Fund. 100% of the donation will go to those in need due to the hurricane.
Comment by M Anker
So I know politics is complicated.But, can anyone explain to me why any frum jew should support Cardin who is a leftist democrat who has remained silent about Obama about his policy on Israel and who supports a president who lies about Benghazi,who is a socialist, who believes in redistribution,has plunged America into a 16 trillion dollar debt and wants to overtax big businesses that many jewish legal immigrants worked hard to build up so they could give a lot of tzedakah and support our jewish schools, yeshivas and beyond?! .Furthermore,I understand that we were also immigrants, but the jews were and are law abiding immigrants who did not come to this country looking for handouts.So logically , why would one vote in favor of question 4 which gives over our tax dollars to help children of illegal immigrants and encourage more illegal behavior. Hashem can only help those who help themselves has the world gone mad or am I crazy?So please let us know what is going on behind closed doors with the yeshivas support for Cardin because it seems to me none of these decisions are in sync with torah values in doing the right thing and helping ourselves and our people Only 2 more days to vote
Comment by M Anker
Most Democrats are joined at the hip.There is no difference in voting for Cardin and Sarbanes and not Obama ! There is a saying, if everyone thinks the same, then no one is thinking. And one from Mayor Koch that I will paraphrase. If you agree with me most of the time your OK,if you agree with me all the time, you need a psychiatrist.And the famous Micheal Savage quote\\\" Liberalism is a mental disease. That just about sums up the Democrats and their evil supporters like the Baltimore Sun and New York Times !
Comment by M Anker
I appreciate the comments which are reasoned and show common courtesy. I am concerned when political differences are reduced to insults and smears. Our political system is dysfunctional, millions of dollars are spent on lies and mischarecterizations instead of on honest descriptions. No matter who wins on Thuesday, we need to work together. Most Americans are in the middle, not fanatic Republicans or Democrats. The problem is that the primaries are dominated by the extremes and the need to raise money gives power to those who give the money and they tend to have strong views. The way Congressional districts are gerrymandered blatantly hinders moderate Republicans from having a chance. But, in the end, it is the voters who decide and, if we don't vote, we are guilty. L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
They cheerfully turned me away when I brought my donation. Please post when the next truck will be going. I have a car full of donations....
Comment by M Anker
Israel still has and will continue to have that bi-partisan support. I have never understood the perception that Obama is anti-Israel. Please remember here that we are voting for what will be best for the United States and all its people. I would prefer to see four more years of Obama (with all the imperfections that it entails) than to see our country ruled by a Republican Party that has been hijacked by Ayn Rand clones.
Comment by M Anker
I am so proud to be a member of the Baltimore community. This is amazing.
Comment by M Anker
His phone number is not correct it haa been tirned off.
Comment by M Anker
Rabbi Oberstein - Shalom I am not a Jew. I am a black Protestant residing in Greensboro, NC (but I was born in Baltimore). I agree with all of your assessments except for the last one concerning instate tuition though it tugs at my heart also. But should the child of a nonlegal resident (say of Mexican origin) receive state tax revenue for tuition over the child of an equally poor legal resident of Mexican origin whose parent is paying federal, state, and social security taxes above the retail taxes that everyone pays. And I am sure you\'ve seen the plight of the black youths along Franklin Ave but the hopes of those seeking to escape those neighborhoods through tuition grants will be dashed if the number available would include children of nonlegal residents. Also, though black I am an Indepent voter and refuse to be a partaker of any parties platform especially that of the Democratic Party. I will continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem which is the capital of Israel forever. be blessed
Comment by M Anker
No mention of the absolute need to get yearly mammograms if you choose this path? Hormones are used, hormones may increase chances of breast cancer. Friends who have gone this path were advices by their Doctors that they must get yearly mammograms to detect any possible cancers forming and monitor any changes. Out of three friends, one actually was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40, after the back to back birth of three children. She opted to have both breasts removed and reconstructed the same day upon the advice of doctors in baltimore. After the initial surgery a plastic surgeon was brought in to take fat from other areas and rebuild \"natural feeling\" breasts. Easy for men to make this process seem so \"easy\" when it isn\'t. Other friend had to have a litter of fluid drained during pregnancy with twins and more invacive monitoring of pregnancy progress. She said it hurt, bad. And she had already delivered three other children, so to say the pain was worse is amazing. Then later in the pregnancy she had to have her cervic stiched up and bedrest for months, she was going stir crazy. And be prepared for twins or even triplets with these procedures.
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
Hatzalah of Baltimore, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Comment by M Anker
Actually Chaverim offered but was not needed in the end as there were enough drivers. Thanks for the clarification.
Comment by M Anker
Chaverim was involved too. They had members drive the truck.
Comment by M Anker
It's Israel's fault!
Comment by M Anker
They cancelled Professional Day for the elementary school only and are indeed having school that day
Comment by M Anker
Amen to the above comment. As hard working parents who are struggling to keep up with the demands of tuition, it's hard to pay and not work.... Just not happening....
Comment by M Anker
I have never met Frank Storch but I am always reading about his outreach to members of the community in need. He is to be commended for his perpetual selflessness.
Comment by M Anker
Tell them Bais yaakov needs power, these kids and their poor parents ate going out of their minds!
Comment by M Anker
Assuming power will be restored by the end of this week, any word on whether or not there will be school on Tuesday (election day/professional day)? I certainly hope that the administration will take this week into account and not have another day off next week.
Comment by M Anker
Frankenstorm meets Frank Storch
Comment by M Anker
From #1: Todah rabah, #2.
Comment by M Anker
A lot of people were taking pictures of downed trees on east .18th street and avenue i and east 16th street between i and j
Comment by M Anker
What about Maalot?
Comment by M Anker
Why should the rabbonim have an opinion on questions 5 & 7? People need to learn to think for themselves.
Comment by M Anker
To the students of the holy Yeshiva, Please strengthen your Torah learning and prayer as a merit for our brothers, the Jews in the USA, to be saved from the potential impending disaster that is upon them (may the Merciful one save them). And with the merit of the strengthening of Torah learning and prayer we should all merit to be saved with the eternal salvation. The administration
Comment by M Anker
You entirely forgot the Godzilla pics, as well as, the ones with Stay Puff Marshmallow Man...
Comment by M Anker
who knew that they had trees in Brooklyn!
Comment by M Anker
How do the Rabbonim hold on questions 5 and 7?
Comment by M Anker
Translation, please?
Comment by M Anker
Yasher Koach. I couldn't buy a battery on Sunday anywhere and this came as big help. E. OBERSTEIN
Comment by M Anker
10-30-2012 It is very easy to condemn and ridicule people who do not know any better. At least these individuals wish to be bound to their people through their pain and suffering. But what of those who really do or should know better. It is a serious sin to chase away a person a child or an adult from the Torah. Yet, our communities and schools and Yeshivos assiduously exclude more and more people under the guise of raising their standards. Children and adults are made to feel they are neither needed nor even welcome since they are not up to the high standards of the contemporary Orthodox. We suppose that by ostracizing, alienating and excluding people they will come to see the wisdom of our ways. Those who do not know better are at least trying to be a part. The Torah community, on the other hand, is seeking to be keep so many apart. We are using in 2012 the methods employed in the mid-1800's. The Torah community thinks it is still fighting Haskala, which has been long dead. What they do not realize is that the cure for Haskala is a poison in today's environment. We must reach out and let every Jew know they are wanted and needed and that there is a place for everyone under the wing of Hashem and in his Torah. May Hashem have mercy on us and send us leaders who have the wisdom and insight to lead us properly. Bryon Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
How can they open at 10:00 when the mayor ordered people to stay of the roads until noon?? Has that driving ban been lifted?
Comment by M Anker
The second to last photo on Coney Island looks like frummies.
Comment by M Anker
Yery true, but what is the conclusion? There are several which can be made but the ultimate one is to return home to Eretz Yisrael Nachman Kahana Yerushalayim
Comment by M Anker
Shame on Emmanuel! If it wasn't bad enough that Obama engaged in a cover up regarding BenGhazi, he also engaged in spreading a vicious lie with his cohorts that the video responsible for the attack on the consulate was made by an Israeli, which of course turned out not to be true. Reminiscent of the blood libels of long ago. Thank goodness this cover up is now coming back to haunt him.
Comment by M Anker
So to recap... Iran claims superiority and the rest is conjecture. Can I have the last minute of my life back Mr. Dareini? What a misleading headline...
Comment by M Anker
Call the hotline after 6
Comment by M Anker
What about TI?
Comment by M Anker
Can county residents get sandbags anywhere?
Comment by M Anker
This is simplistic Romnesia. Look over the history of Republican presidents vs. that of the Democratic presidents can only convince you that while Bibi and Obama may not play golf at the same golf club, Israel has always fared better under the Democrats. Lest we forget, who forced our withdrawal from Gaza in 1957, who told Shamir "if you're interested in talking peace, you have our phone number," etc. As Defense Minister and former IDF chief of staff Ilan Barak noted, the current Obama administration has been more close and cooperative with Israel that any previous administration.
Comment by M Anker
It was such a great event, thanks for writing up about it.
Comment by M Anker
Thanks IB for asking about the workshop. IY\"H I\'m starting a workshop on Nov 4 called The 7 Priniciples for Making Marriage Work. Some of the topics covered will be: 1. Effective methods to handle conflict; 2. How to build a sound relationship house and 3. How to turn negativity into positive experiences. Please contact me for more information at or 410-736-8118.
Comment by M Anker
The storm is not an issue for Shabbos.
Comment by M Anker
I heard you\'re giving a workshop on marriage. Can you tell me more about it? thanks -IB
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
Are any rabbis saying that people could leave radios on on shabbos for updates on the hurricane
Comment by M Anker
It is no surprise that the vast majority of Jews continue to support Democratic candidates at all levels given the continued refusal of Jewish conservatives such as Dr. Wisse to honestly examine the complex reasons for this enduring phenomena. I am a (Reform) religious Jew who has arrived at my understanding of both Israel and other issues through deep engagement with Jewish sources, living in Israel for a year at two different times of my life and continuing to study and be engaged with Jewish issues. An objective assessment of the Obama administration's support for Israel rather than a cherry-picked set of incidents would offer a far different view of which candidate would be better for Israel. At the very least this question is open for debate rather than obvious as Dr. Wisse and those who agree with her believe it is.
Comment by M Anker
Those who rant against Obama should read today's New York Times Op-Ed article by former Mossad head Efraim Halevy. He reminds us of key security events over past years during which several Republican presidents "threw Israel under the bus." He writes: "Despite the Republican Party's shrill rhetoric on Israel, no Democratic president has ever strong-armed Israel on any key national security issue." Furthermore, Romney's habitual shifting on many issues, depending on whom he is addressing, makes it highly uncertain what positions he would take if he actually won the White House.
Comment by M Anker
#8: Your thoughts are very original to say the least but if our Rabbis aren't worried that voting against Question 6 will lead to shechita bans and forced public schooling, we needn't worry either. Who exactly are you pointing fingers at when you refer to "the growing arrogance of frum yidden", those who disagree with you? That reads more like sina than ahava to me.
Comment by M Anker
Full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. Disappointed that you chose to publish this.
Comment by M Anker
I think it will be different
Comment by M Anker
#8: This article did not "rile Jew against Jew", it simply expressed the opinion of 3 eminently qualified Rabbis on this matter. They and the Orthodox leadership of this community respectfully disagree with your silly claim that voting against Question 6 will prevent us from sending our kids to private school or not working on Yom Kippur. What's with the blanket statement about the "arrogance of frum yidden"? Is that directed at those who would dare to disagree with you? Yes, it was sina that brought about the churban but the only whiff of hatred I'm picking up here is from you.
Comment by M Anker
With all due respect, I cannot fathom why the Jewish community is still holding on to this idea that President Obama doesn't support Israel. The whole "pre-67 line" argument is misleading, misquoted, and far too simplistic on which to base a decision. How about the increase in military spending to Israel,more than any other President of either party? Has disagreement with certain Netanyahu policies now come to equate "anti-Israel?" And, what makes any Jew in this country doubt that the people who brought Mr. Romney to the party aren't going to insist he dance with them,i.e. the extreme far right, whose understanding of the Establishment Clause in the Constitution is fuzzy, at best; would prefer to erase it altogether, at worst. No, thank you. Obama is the best choice for me as a Jew, a woman, an American, a citizen of the world.
Comment by M Anker
Is it going to be like the last hurricane where people were without power for so long and trees that fell down
Comment by M Anker
Now, according to # 3, it is Judaism itself that is at risk. It is intriguing how the orthodox think. Even the casual observer can see that the greatest threat to Torah is not from the general community but rather the serious threat to Torah is from within the Torah community itself. Under the guise of high standards, the Torah community is actively excluding the very people to whom it owes its very existence. This whole marriage issue is a red hearing that distracts attention away from the failure of our own leaders to promote Torah and provide access for all Jews and all Jewish. children.
Comment by M Anker
President Obama has given more military aid to Israel than did Bush, both Bushes. And Obama never said that the 1976 armistice lines would be the eastern boundary of Israel. What he did say is that negotiations should start with the 1967 line and make adjustments from it. It serves no positive purpose to distort and mischaracterize.
Comment by M Anker
I read Roger Cohen's Op-Ed article in the New York Times yesterday. It appears that now that Cohen is done shilling for the Iranian Mullahs, he's taken up a new cause - a gentler, more reasonable and accommodating Mulsim Brotherhood. What struck me so much about the article is that Jews like Cohen, Friedman and Dershowitz seem to imbibe this insane desire to rationalize the obvious vitriol the left in this country directs against the State of Israel and accept it as the normal state of things. The Democratic convention platform and Obama's behavior, words and beliefs are consistent with this attitude. Rationalize it all you want, but to those Jews who vote for Obama, I say to you that you're no better then your co-religionists who remained silent while their fellow Jews were murdered in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.
Comment by M Anker
Romney only says he supports Israel. Wait a minute and his view could change. Jews in America can work with Obama who is not throwing most Americans under the bus. Obama says he stands unequivocally with Israel and we can believe him.
Comment by M Anker
Ha! Keep trying. Looks like most Jews see through such transparent partisan attempts to alienate Jews from the larger half the American electorate and, again, almost 70% of Jews will vote Democrat. Guys, you do Israel a disservice by trying to make Israel a wedge issue in an election, it turns Israel from a consensus issue into another point of party contention. In doing so you are using Israel as a club to partisan ends rather than serving it.
Comment by M Anker
It is scary how many caring Americans don\'t realize how dangerous President Obama is to their own security and interests. Iran and the rest of the fanatic Islamic isn\'t just Israel\'s problem, it\'s America\'s problem. How many more lies and devious explanations must we hear before we realize that Obama\'s main interest is gaining the trust of the Islamic world, regardless of the threat to his own nation.
Comment by M Anker
#6 I'm not sanctioning immoral behavior, I am sanctioning a society that allows us to make our own choices about our own lives. And #s 5 & 7, those rights are what lets you live here as an observant Jew. Without that safety net you might find that shchita is on the line, or that you can be fired for not going to work on Yom Kippur, or that you won't have an option to send your kid to private Jewish school. We are living in America, face the fact that you can't control society here, that exact reason is why you can live here and practice as you do. I think that riling Jew against Jew, as this article has done, is an indicator of the growing arrogance of frum yidden who shout and point rather than talk. I remind you that it was sina that brought about the churban, and that it is ahava that can restore us.
Comment by M Anker
"Steals"??????!!!!! Is the DNC writing the headlines?
Comment by M Anker
Agree with #5 completely. The old slippery slope argument is tired and meaningless. Maybe if we started exercising the right to limit some rights we'd be better off.
Comment by M Anker
#3 seems to be espousing the typical liberal line of, "If we don't sanction every kind of immoral behavior in the name of 'freedom' then the practice of our own religion is at risk". That old argument has no merit; nowadays, the most dangerous threat to the practice and perpetuation of our own religion is the lowering of societal standards and values. I think I'll go with the guidance of the highly qualified Rabbis in the above letter regarding the best way to safeguard Judaism. Their informed opinion carries more weight than the feelings of #3.
Comment by M Anker
While I certainly respect the opinions of these Talmidei Chacham, this approach goes too far in trying to insulate the frum community from dangers which threaten the public welfare. Publicizing this issue would have the effect of making members of our community more passionate about these dangers to decency. What if most of the frum community were to have yard signs against question 6? This would certainly at least give pause to many people who otherwise assume that all opponents of the measure are a bigoted hate-filled minority. Unfortunately, the bulk of the population has become convinced that opposition to question 6 is an attempt to repress and mistreat the downtrodden.
Comment by M Anker
10-24-2012 I rest my case. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
The end of comment #3 should say "I CAN support someone's right to choose how they want to live without having to agree with their choice."
Comment by M Anker
Mr. Szojchet - I do not know to what Orthodox synagogue you refer, but I have never encountered an Orthodox shul that would not let someone have a seat on the Yomim Noraim because they could not (or did not) pay. I know with certainty that is not the case in the shul where I daven, so there is, in actuality, no "cover charge that is enforced in _all_ orthodox shuls." I would posit that your absolutist statement with regards to schools is flawed as well. And the price for matzo is not a "cover charge" but a cost. True, it is steep - but again, there are many organizations and individuals - Orthodox - that will assist those people, generously, who cannot afford that price. Perhaps the claim of unfairness decribed in this article rubs you the wrong way, but that is not an excuse for portraying - incorrectly - an entire segment of Judaism in a negative light.
Comment by M Anker
True, \"we didn\'t build it\", but neither did the government. Society always turns to a higher power, and when they reject G-d as that higher power, they eventually turn to humanly-flawed government as that higher power - just like what happened in Soviet Russia. Hashem Yishmor.
Comment by M Anker
Good. A scared Arab is a well-behaved Arab.
Comment by M Anker
If there were a vote to outlaw circumcision I imagine we might see some manner of signage in more traditional settings. I don\'t disagree with the premise being made by Rabbis Hauer, Goldberger and Hopfer, but I also do not think that public accusations and attacks on neighboring Jews whose are making a stand for peoples\' rights is productive either. In Europe, laws were enacted that curtailed the rights of Jews, we know what happens if society doesn\'t have a conscience to publicly defend people whose behaviors are deemed \"peculiar\" or \"abhorrent\" just because they aren\'t like me. I don\'t have to agree with same-sex marriage, but if I want to be able to live my Jewish life in America, I am going to have to be a supporter of others whose practices are not within American mainstream stereotypes so that we can all live our own personally meaningful lives. I can\'t support someone\'s right to choose how they want to live without having to agree with their choice. But without the right, we all stand to lose.
Comment by M Anker
I saw a sign hanging on the Agudah of PH, telling people to vote no on 6.
Comment by M Anker
Personally I think the signs should be illegal anywhere. Those who vote already know what they will vote for or against, and ugly obtrusive signs won't make a bit of difference. I knew I wouldn't be voting for Obama the minute I saw him 4 years ago. No sign, debate, sound bite, or robo-call is going to change my mind. Those who are against gay marriage or gay anything already know what to vote for. There is little more annoying than the constant barage of political garbage, especially the people standing on the corners waving at drivers.
Comment by M Anker
10-23-2012 You did not build that. That nice Shul, that nice school, that nice Yeshiva, that nice community, that nice Kollel, you did not build that, they all were was built on the Zechus of the the Jews, the children, that you are now excluding under the guise of your high standards. Its easy to fire barbs at uneducated and unrefined people who do not know any better. The real test is if the orthodox are willing and able to withstand the same scrutiny of their actions, which, in the end, really do matter. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
The man speaking in the picture is my father Rabbi Yitzchok Katzenstein, an active agudist and supporter of torah and many great causes. He is on the board of Aguda and has helped many people in many areas. No mention was made in the article!
Comment by M Anker
Susan. You forgot the 5 NIS piece for the priviledge of using the cart!
Comment by M Anker
It might be informative to note that Rabbi Rosenberg is the leader of a \"Conservative, egalitarian\" congregation with ordination from YU and a DD from JTS. It is always useful to have some kind of perspective on a person\'s intellectual roots in evaluating their philosophies and opinions. Personally, I disagree with the Rabbi on two issues noted: Obama is indeed anti-Zionist [I have not evidence regarding anti-Semite], and when I had a pulpit [Orthodox, in Queens], I was never hesitant to include politics in my drashot. To limit a Rabbi\'s leadership to \"religious\" issues, while ignoring the fact that our religion encompasses all of life, including secular and political, is ignoring the clear direction of our Gedolim throughout the ages.
Comment by M Anker
Why can't we forget just for a moment that he used drugs and look at all the money he raised for beat cancer?? Does that not make him great?!! i think it does !!
Comment by M Anker
Of course he can!!,he's thePresident off the united states!!
Comment by M Anker
For those of you that are looking to improve the quality of life for those with alzheimers, dementia, memory loss etc. there is new research about a simple remedy called coconut oil. The research has shown that taking two tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help reverse/prevent memory loss. Google it and see. (I assume the coconut oil should be of good quality from a health food store).
Comment by M Anker
10-22-2012 It is intriguing what the orthodox think is unfair. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those who wish to simply sit in the Shul to hear Shofar on Rosh Hashana but cannot pay the cover charge that is enforced in all orthdox shuls. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those children who wish to attend school to hear Torah but cannot pay the strictly enforced cover charge. Consider the orthodox viewpoint on those Jews who wish to keep the Mitzva of Matza on Pesach but cannot afford the $26.00 per pound cover charge. We have marketed and packaged the Torah as a commodity and commercialized everything we hold dear and yet we cannot countenance a restaurant that seeks to make a simple profit. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
What a ridiculous fool....Obama brings it on himself and the two are equal contestants. What's next - out of respect for the incumbent president we won't entertain electing him out of office?!?!?!
Comment by M Anker
I am pretty sure there are many places that have the same feeling. When a large family can go to the bowling alley and spend almost nothing it is probably a chilul Hashem as well. They may give coupons and allow outside shoes in but they would hope you would choose their fast food for dinner and such.
Comment by M Anker
As I was reading this I was horified that Orthodox Jews were discriminated against. Then I realized the place as not kosher and our presence was hurting their business by us not paying as others do. Of course they could not tell us that as we would get angry, yell and stomp like children. What a chillul hashem. I think the Post readers will just look at us Orthodox Jews as fools (which we are too many times).
Comment by M Anker
I agree with #1. Frum Jews do not belong in a treif bar. There are plenty of other places a young, frum couple can date at.
Comment by M Anker
I agree with the first commenter. We really should be flattered that as soon as they see tzitzis they know we won\'t order treif food. But they also know we\'ll sit for hours and order only water. This treif restaurant is open to make money, not be a dating spot for frum Jews.
Comment by M Anker
Frum people should not be going to a treif eateryand it must be a chilul Hashem to go for the view and spend very little as giving the goyim reason to hate us and resent us must not be smiled upon from Him.
Comment by M Anker
how do i know if the ketchup i just bought is really the real heinz???
Comment by M Anker
obama is wonderful and is telling the whole truth to the american people....not!
Comment by M Anker
Are any comments being posted on this article or are all Americans being censored now?
Comment by M Anker
Why are all of the news agencies withholding what they know about how the ambassador was really killed and tortured and why? Read about what the arab news stations are reporting. Even google has shut the news down. The videos we are seeing are not of a kind group of men trying to save another human. They are dragging the ambassador thru the streets and stripping off him clothes to rape him. In the land of the free and the home of the brave our news and the truth is being censored. Why did Hillary Clinton and the President send a gay man to an Arab country and put him in harms way without protection. We should all be asking questions of our government and the news media.
Comment by M Anker
Not sure I agree with you #1.
Comment by M Anker
I think its crazy to say he can't fill that stadium
Comment by M Anker
How do I sign up to get The Torah Connection every week via e-mail?
Comment by M Anker
Great insight! Thank you!
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful. Hatzlacha to members of the kehilla who manage to take this upon themselves bli neder. May Shabbos kodesh bring shefa bracha to the whole of Baltimore and all of Klal Yisroel
Comment by M Anker
He should rot.
Comment by M Anker
You can email to find out how to get the shiurim
Comment by M Anker
Wonderful pictures!
Comment by M Anker
If he is a political commentator, he's doing his job. If he is a reporter, he isn't.
Comment by M Anker
Why aren't the shuls on park heights putting up signs to differentiate from the signs in front of non-orthodox shuls encouraging a yes on question 6?
Comment by M Anker
Does anyone know if there is a recording of the shiurim online?
Comment by M Anker
Why about the parents who let their kids shnorr for dollar bills in front of 7 Mile setting them up for rejection. Are these kids so desperate to win a cheap trinket that the school will give them for the work that the fundraisers are not doing?
Comment by M Anker
gentleman, hmmm
Comment by M Anker
Would the Police Union say the same thing if the victim\'s name was Achmed, DeShawn, or Carlos? May this gentleman be cleared of all charges along with Mr. Rubashkin and Mr. Pollard and the yeshivah boys in Japan!
Comment by M Anker
#2 nice troll job
Comment by M Anker
So much more disturbing than this, but about which our community does nothing, is when parents leave their most prized possessions, their children, alone in shopping carts at 7 Mile Market to run and get items they forgot to put in the cart. I have observed this too many times to count. For shame.
Comment by M Anker
My sympathies. Our family lost a camera at a wedding hall in Brooklyn when a younger family member, who had temporary custody of the camera, decided to leave it on the table to dance. At another Brooklyn wedding, the hosts were kind enough to provide a changing room for the out of town guests. A pair of tennis shoes AND a pair of cubic zirconia earrings were lifted. I figured it was a Brooklyn thing...guess not! so sorry.
Comment by M Anker
Besides cell phones, it's also become acceptable for guests to bring uninvited infants and toddlers to weddings. Totally inappropriate. In previous generations, there was an invention called a babysitter (who made house calls!), which must be an extinct species today.
Comment by M Anker
Does any proof read these articles? 1) It's Faux pas not paux 2) even if others do leave their belongings on the table it IS foolhardy to follow suit.
Comment by M Anker
Such beautiful pictures! I can't believe I missed this Hachnasas Sefer Torah, this is a wonderful simcha. Mazal tov to Rabbi Teichman shlita and the Kahal hakadosh of Ohel Moshe.
Comment by M Anker
Well said....his talents were indeed rare.
Comment by M Anker
It is absolutely disgraceful for the authorities not to permit women to chant prayers or wear yarmulkes/taleisim at the Western Wall. It is time that the overseers of religious life in Israel give full recognition to all streams of Judaism and not relegate the Masorti, Reform and Reconstrutionist to second-class status. Enough is enough!
Comment by M Anker
There are few homes in the national and local frum community that have not been enhanced by the warm, witty, entertaining style of Rabbi Kunda and his books, tapes, and videos. Additionally, many of us here in Baltimore spent their formative childhood and adolescent summers in the friendly and thrilling confines of Camp Na\'arim where our personalities were molded and talents developed. His neshama should have a lichtigen Gan Eden and his children should find true nechama. TNZBZ\"H
Comment by M Anker
a much fairer fact check than the one post the 1st debate but still with some inaccuracies. 1) There was no simple way to explain the bankruptcy process in the time allotted... 2) to say that tax cuts contribute to deficit is misleading, they just don\'t ameliorate it... it is all about the terminology. PLUS can we mention Paul Ryan\'s plan - although I will grant you that Romney has not endorsed a specific plan... so a much fairer check than that of the post sourced last time
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful. Yasher ko'ach!
Comment by M Anker
Hopefully, ehrlichkeit will win out over "the [ability to] deliver funding to the party's religious institutions."
Comment by M Anker
Mima nafshach. If the objective is to be able to get a job with a frum company, then the degree is irrelevant. If the objective is to get a job in corporate America, then the piece of paper obtained from a gender seperate environment is not doing anyone any favors.
Comment by M Anker
How does this help people in Baltimore? Have you consulted with our own JobLink?
Comment by M Anker
How about opening a Baltimore branch? (Otherwise, I am not sure what this is doing on BJL).
Comment by M Anker
My, this is a biased "where they stand". On almost every note the unpopular points for Romney are highlighted while they are glossed over for Obama.
Comment by M Anker
Congrats to Andrew Wohlberg. A true mentsch.
Comment by M Anker
Yay!! Can he also add inter-species marriage? How about a referendum on Cherem D'Rabbeinu Gershom, to allow polygamy? Isn't it so exciting how our very own state is progressing?
Comment by M Anker
Generally speaking, functional adults should leave his/her Rov out outside of the workplace. The Associated publishes a 3-year calendar that has all of the Jewish holidays and that should be be sufficient documentation for this purpose. Also, as Dr. Lasson stated, one should first consider the employer's needs, and not over-focus on his/her "religious needs". Also, separate "needs" from "wants". "Wants" are "travel days" on Erev and Isru Chag as well as a second cousin's l'chaim in Passaic. Needs are requesting Yom Kippur off or getting home on Friday by lichtzen. As for the 8.5 hours, the key is to offer that weeks in advance and not after-the-fact. "Ezehu Chacham? Ha-roeh es hanolad."
Comment by M Anker
Why would one think otherwise? That it has a Star-K on it is scary
Comment by M Anker
As a recruiter with 14 years in the industry, I highly recommend not discussing yom tovim/early Shabbos until you have received the offer. For early Shabbos, offer to work 4 8.5 hour days and 6 hours on Friday for a total of 40 hours. Employers are flexible if approached correctly.
Comment by M Anker
Our country is falling apart because peopel would rather vote/hire people based on skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation and any other reason rather than the one reason that should count and that is COMPETENCE!
Comment by M Anker
This deviant monster Harris as well as his immoral lawyer Seiden should both be put away in prison for life. Get these sickos and the scum who protect them off our streets!
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
I was told to go for the job and NEVER raise Shabbos or Yom Tov until they hire you. Then as you sign the forms, you can then tell your new boss about your religious needs. If he is not buying them, then ask your Rov to write a letter to your employer. Keep asking people who know this better than I. May Hashem help you!
Comment by M Anker
any recommendations on broaching the yom tov and erev shabbos (in the winter) subject then? Thanks
Comment by M Anker
10-12-2012 Jews are not drawn away from Torah and Mitzvos by the outside world, rather they are repulsed from within the Torah world. We have created a world where not every Jew is welcome in the Synagogue and not every family is welcome in the community and not every child is welcome in the schools and Yeshivos. In the name of standards we have shut out more and more of our people, our children. What is a child or anyone supposed to think and conclude when they are told by word and by action and by inaction that the community not only does not need them but does not want them? And so we smash devices in a fever of piety and in the excitement and self infatuation we forget the children and adults that we have shut out and denied a place. Remember Timnah. The destruction of the Torah community is not coming from phones or internet or media. Nor is it coming from the reform or the conservative or the modern orthodox. The destruction of the Torah community is coming from the heart of the Torah community itself. And if we do not wake up and face this reality we will soon be past the tipping point. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
no, its not loshon hora. it is NEWS! anyway, everyone knows and everyone saw.
Comment by M Anker
Isn't this loshon hora? this article is mocking Biden. Not that I am pro-Obama but I don't think I expected such an article here.
Comment by M Anker
God Bless Senator Mitchell and his family. Sir Dr. Charles W. Swan
Comment by M Anker
This study only cost the UN $42M. Keep up the good work!
Comment by M Anker
WOW. Sweet justice when turkey starts its own \"blockade\" on the poor \"Palestinian\" people. Mi Kamocha... Let\'s hear that apology now :)
Comment by M Anker
Huh? 31 shuls and what looked like 62 people. Where were the people from 31 shuls. What good is a sponsorship if no one from those shuls attend? Not a criticism but a challenge to those who listed their shuls as sponsors.
Comment by M Anker
We are so proud of you. Next year can you help us build our Sukkah in Riverdale? Unless, of course, we are all in Yerushalayim, B'EH. Kol tuv, The Adelson's.
Comment by M Anker
10-10-2012 This is how our leaders have failed us all. Jews are not drawn away from Torah and Mitzvos by the outside world, rather they are repulsed from within the Torah world. We have created a world where not every Jew is welcome in the Synagogue and not every family is welcome in the community and not every child is welcome in the schools and Yeshivos. In the name of standards we have shut out more and more of our people, our children. What is a child or anyone supposed to think and conclude when they are told by word and by action and by inaction that the community not only does not need them but does not want them? And so we smash devices in a fever of piety and in the excitement and self infatuation we forget the children and adults that we have shut out and denied a place. Remember Timnah. The destruction of the Torah community is not coming from phones or internet or media. Nor is it coming from the reform or the conservative or the modern orthodox. The destruction of the Torah community is coming from the heart of the Torah community itself. And if we do not wake up and face this reality we will soon be past the tipping point. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
oh forgot it's not yom tov for them. Nevertheless, I dont like this. Also doing things for salvation sounds quite Xtian to me!
Comment by M Anker
Hmm, I thought during Yom Tov these devices are muktzeh and cant be moved. Also isnt it loshon hora to say this info to people?
Comment by M Anker
You are so smart!!! We are proud of you. You are aliving example of what it means to be a jewish young boy.
Comment by M Anker
Stuff a rag/towel into the exhaust pipe and that will stall/cut out the engine. Place a block under the tires so the car can\'t move. Sounds a lot simpler to me.
Comment by M Anker
Everone makes mistakes, who are we to judge.
Comment by M Anker
How abt if one is holding a child and therefore needs to sit?
Comment by M Anker
You have written about an object that is in evidence in neighborhoods all over the world every year at approximately this time and thus it is timely. In addition, the reader is privy to a beautiful tradition continued by a family whose value system remains in tact. Malkiel is a multi talented boy who is blessed with a father who can instruct and a family who teaches by example.
Comment by M Anker
The analogy to the donkey is correct, but not for the reason stated by Rabbi Hoffman. To subdue a wild donkey is difficult and dangerous, that is why the man cannot be held liable for halting the problem in a more radical manner. The same is true with puncturing tires. The tread is made much tougher than the sidewall and it is more dangerous to extend one's hand under the car to puncture the tread of a car whose engine is running than puncturing the sidewall. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by M Anker
Kudos to the Suburban family for a wonderful achievement and for a celebration that was shared by families in a beautiful way. It's so nice to see photos of all people sitting together b'simcha.
Comment by M Anker
Omg shlomom u r soooooooooo cute! Keep going making kids happy!
Comment by M Anker
oh right, i forgot. he's perfect. romney has run a stellar campaign, is not going to shred the safety net, is not kowtowing to the ultra right neocons, is an honest, consistent, levelheaded gentleman. yes, he's super on israel, but his flip-flops and etch-a-sketch moments can make one wonder who is the 'real' romney. and will he be as supportive of israel after the election as he is when grovelling for votes. sorry, these days every politician is suspect. anyone who believes every word that comes out of a politician's mouth is supremely naive. and believing that romney is an upstanding, flawless candidate is laughable, if it weren't so serious. here's hoping that if he wins, the real romney proves to be a good guy after all.
Comment by M Anker
What exactly is SOOOOO scary about Romney?
Comment by M Anker
How about listing some reasons? Both candidates are frankly quite scary, albeit for different reasons. I will need to hold my nose whichever one I decide to vote for.
Comment by M Anker
I think Rubashkin got a bad deal. but , let\'s remember that he is a crook. He did a lot of illegal things. It seems to be something that runs in his family. His brother had trouble with the law. And his brother in law. I think his father too. Imagine what would have been if he\'d been honest. Imagine how much money was taken by the tzibbur [tzaddaka that could have been used for ______ - you fill in the blank] to try to get him off the hook. And the same thing happened with the three [tzaddikkim ] bachurim from Bnei Brak who ended up in jail in Japan. The next guy should think that maybe the tzibbur WON\'T bail him out.
Comment by M Anker
This is very excited. Rabbi Silber is an amazing orator and a big talmud Chacham. I am sure the classes will be exceptional.
Comment by M Anker
That was yesterday morning. Probably open by now. But you know that BaltimoreJewishLife is not known for timely updates.
Comment by M Anker
They have hot coffee pots behing the counter. They should have used them......
Comment by M Anker
Thanks for posting this story. It's important for the community to know.
Comment by M Anker
Sounds great, every time there is work to be done, I'll just say NO and it's for the marriage. The fault in the study lies in the paragraph of Dr. Frank Furedi, who says that in working professionals that divorce rates are known to be high. Just,perhaps, if you have 2 professionals, one will feel they are independent enough to financially "move on" rather then be trapped in a relationship. That may be a better conclusion of the research than household chores. Possibly, women are saying I work the whole day and then come home and he won't left a finger. Who knows, but there are too many variables to have a factual reality in such a paper.
Comment by M Anker
10-4-2012 Going to work everyday and earning an honest and sufficient income to support the family is not vegetating. And caring for the children and running a household is not vegetating. The roles we play are deeply vital. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by M Anker
Are you telling me that I can tell my wife I will sit and vegitate while she does all the housework and that I am doing it to save our marriage? L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
This is a very worthwhile article because it explains things. I watched the debate and thought that Romney did better than Obama.He sounded confident and Obama was a little tentative. Romney put Obama on the defensive and that is always a good tactic. The election will be decided by a small number of "undecided" voters and by the apathy or lack thereof of Hispanics and African Americans. Most voters have made up their minds. L. Oberstein
Comment by M Anker
ummm, 1) the healthcare law is NOT actually forecast to reduce the deficit 2) the independent advisory board reports to the secretary of HHS who will have the ability to determine formularies and coverage criteria - what kind of \"fact\" check is this?
Comment by M Anker
why do you have to include the name of the driver who hit the father and daughter?
Comment by M Anker
Like Rubashkin, Jack Abramoff is supposedly devout, as was Al Capone in a different faith during a different epoch. Their supposed piety should not be an excuse for their misdeeds or their ethics. Rubashkin is a criminal and needs to serve his time
Comment by M Anker
they need better cameras thwy only have 1
Comment by M Anker
They r crazy
Comment by M Anker
This happened on sunday morning too!
Comment by M Anker
actually you can be a queen without a king....
Comment by M Anker
you can`t be a queen, if you don`t have a KING.
Comment by M Anker
Any up dates
Comment by M Anker
Chareidi publications have been pulling this shtick for a decade already. RD
Comment by M Anker
Wow. Maybe they can get a advertising contract with Binah or Mishpacha or the other publications that won't print images of women.
Comment by M Anker
I can see Netanyahu's frustration with the Obama administration. This is serious business with Iran's insanity to produce nuclear weapons. I hope that the President will be more supportive to Israel. It seems to me that Iran is a major threat to the world as we know it.
Comment by M Anker
Oy this is so horrible... How can a person be so coldhearted and so not take her job seriously?? What a crime...
Comment by M Anker
Have tasted bagels from all over Baltimore the last 30 years and this place is the best....period! Try the Black Russian or the "stick", an everything bagel rod that is to die for! Be sure to ask what is "hot"...any bagel is best hot out of the oven! Enjoy
Comment by M Anker
I know its after YK, but I was chalishing to hear the drasha, but I missed it. BH its here!! Great article, its written so well!
Comment by M Anker
Have a wonderful ant-free Sukkot! Chag Sameach. Morah K in Baltimore
Comment by M Anker
How ironic that whilst doing kapparos you are simultaneously committing the aveira of Tzar baalei Chaim. I wonder if that aveirah gets transferred to the chicken too during these kapparos or if that one has to wait till next year to be transferred. How would you like it if someone much larger than you bent your arms back like that and held you in the air. There is no hiddur mitzvah to do it with a chicken vs. money.
Comment by M Anker
So disgusting and even worse for children to watch. They could use a toy chicken instead.
Comment by M Anker
It shouldnt be tough for the ones quoted in the article to cite what percentage of local money from the Associated goes to frum causes. This should be part of the information provided so that donors can make informed decisions, especially when the case being made to give is that the frum community is one of the Associated's top priorities.
Comment by M Anker
Sorry. I believe that comment from the Day School President has to be taken out of context. The allocation is based on a % per head count. It is a very "small" amount relative to a Day School's budget. I am not diminishing the need and the importance but a school has a much greater % to cover by fundraising that it is very likely should they not get the Associated money they could not fundraise the difference. In any case, the issue isn't that an Associated in Baltimore would ever take away ALL the allocation. The discussion is whether they should be covering more given the huge number of students in this community relative to other communities where the Associated gives more for a smaller head count. People should give relative to their ability but please do not preach a guilt trip in here. It is not right either.
Comment by M Anker
according to apac the Pres. talks to Israeli almost every day.
Comment by M Anker
Hey, I don't know what percentage of the Associated's money goes to frum causes or schools but I heard from one school's president that if not for the Associated money, the school would have to close.
Comment by M Anker
The Associated is probably the largest source of funds for our day schools after tuition. One can argue whether they should give more, but the fact is that the schools need them. Perhaps, if more frum people were involved in the Associated and contributed more to their Annual Campaign the percentage to the schools would be higher. It's tough to know exactly what percentage of local money from the Associated goes to frum causes, but in addition to the schools, a large part, if not the majority, of CHAI, JCS, Hebrew Free Loan and other organizations goes to the frum community.
Comment by M Anker
Major Kiddush Hashem! Kol Hakovod!
Comment by M Anker
I\'ve got a pro-Obama article I want to share with the Jewish community. Do I need to start another BJL?
Comment by M Anker
Yes, I was unable to hear Rabbi Frand this year! We would love to have this online so we can hear it before Yom Kippur, G-d willing!!!
Comment by M Anker
Beautiful! Very encouraging.
Comment by M Anker
Why arent more specifics provided such as what percentage of Associated money goes even to frum causes (before even getting into the day school discussion)? Then let people decide whether they agree the frum community is a TOP priority of the Associated. Yes, make token donations as Hakarat Hatov, but present the facts accurately please so that people know what percentage of their donations are going to frum causes.
Comment by M Anker
when is it going to be posted online?
Comment by M Anker
Thank you so much for your effort to-put the drash in word so beautifully
Comment by M Anker
As always - well written and a pleasure to read.
Comment by M Anker
Comment by M Anker
This is such an inspiring and interesting article. Thanks for putting it up so quickly and writing it up so well.
Comment by M Anker
i wonder who put it there! let's guess. the problem now is, i hope there are new ways to gather intel. or explode power lines.
Comment by M Anker
Appreciate the message everyone but everyone must make their own decisions how to spend tzedakah on top of exorbitant tuition that go up year after year far outpacing affordability. This is not to say people shouldn't donate to the Associated. But please do not make this seem like a "community expectation". As much as the Associated is doing (and we should appreciate it and give within our individual abilities and desires), given the huge number of students in Day Schools in Baltimore and in comparison to other communities, they should still be doing more.
Comment by M Anker
A magnificient tribute to a magnificient man. How we all miss you, Rabbi Tendler, zt"l, I hope you are davening for us.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
this is a great video and song!great job
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Beautiful!! So moving.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I think there should also be a special prayer to stop the suicidal two state solution idea as well as a prayer for the release of Jonathan Pollard!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The link to the original article actually just redirects me to this page
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I hope that these things work. It is a shame for a community to die. However, nowadays, frum people all want to live in very heavily populated frum areas.It's just the way it is. Especially, if there is a frum area not too far away, it is nearly impossible to convince someone to move to the less populated by frum people area. E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
In awe and admiration!! May you all be blessed to succeed in helping Jews Make more informed decisions!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Why is one particular realtor featured in the picture that goes with this article? Is this news, or an advertisement?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
That\'s hilarious! Tami G. is quick, and how wonderful you could ride with it! You also were showing your class a healthy approach to mistakes and accidents- an invaluable lesson at any age!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Everywhere in Baltimore abides by these Halachos. This letter does not apply to the Baltimore community, but was meant for the New York communities. In regards to: ensuring that a live chicken that has already been used for Kapporos by one individual should not be reused for Kapporos by another individual - Baltimore doesn't have the number of Chickens or the people who need the chickens available (they shlug Kaparos with money)to enable this Halacha to be a reality. In New York, they order chickens by the pallet.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I want to relate a story that I heard when I went to Israel with Rabbi Hauer a number of years ago. Effie Eitam, who was at that time the Mafdal leader in the Knesset (he is gone and so is the Mafdal,sadly)said that he spent a Shabbat in Lawrence and was surprised to see a man in a shtreimel walking to shul. He said to his host, "there must be very good welfare in America is this man can live in Lawrence." His host said that this man is a wealthy lawyer and he doesn't live on welfare. Effie Eitam said he was amazed because in his whole life in Israel, he never met such a Jew who worked for a living and had a university degree at that. Maybe Effie is uninformed, but that is not the point. The point is that only immigrants from the West are chareidi lawyers and doctors in Israel, not native Yerushalmi Jews whose whole culture is based on coming to Baltimore and going around the shuls and knocking on doors. When will that end?Who says these people are all or even mostly masmidim like Rav Elyashiv and the Chazon Ish, why should they then demand to be treated like them? E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Bergman, And with exactly what selfishness are we betraying our freedoms??? Here in Baltimore, and in most Jewish communities around the world, we indeed have built "an exemplary community, filled with kindness, charity and justice." Please back up your accusatory statement, otherwise your preachy comments makes no sense.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#7 you are missing the underlying point. Everyone agrees that learning is important, but there is a whole way of life that has become completely dependent on government support....which is more embarrassing in Israel since many of these people refuse minimal military service that everyone else participates in. Not to mention that this refusal is a smack in the face to the same government who pays them to sit and not work every day. If someone chooses to learn all day (and I assume all night since he is not working a night shift), that is fine, but don't expect other to pay for that way of life.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Is there anywhere in Baltimore to do Kaparos that abides by these halachos?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Terrorists walk free and Rubashkin is the one in jail.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Rabbi Oberstein, I appreciate your response, but you are mistaken. There already are chareidi lawyers, doctors, accountants and scientists who learn sedarim and keep mitzvos-I live in Yerushalaim and have a chareidi lawyer and doctor, for example. This does not change anyone's opinion of chareidim. I agree that people who cannot learn full time should not be forced to, nor should they have to be ashamed- where I live there are many chareidi men who work full time (I live in a normative chareidie Israeli neigborhood) and are respected and accepted. Nevertheless, men who can learn full time should be able to - if they stop, it will not be a kiddush Hashem, it will be a tragedy of immense proportions for Klal Yisrael. Torah learning is precious,it is what keeps the world revolving!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Is there one person who honestly believes that all of the words of Chazal about a person earning a living, yafeh talmud torah im derech eretz,or the mishna which says that a father must teach his son a trade are all obsolete. Isn't that kefira? Never since the 40 years in the Desert has anyone suggested that if you are frum, the tzibur owes you a livlihood. Never in our long history was there a situation like the one in Israel today where a child who wants learn a trade is ostracized and numerous men who cannot sit and learn are still forced to pretend to do so. Is that really what anyone ever taught. You cannot compare Lakewood to Israel because men in Lakewood ,if they so desire, can earn a living and even go to school . In Boro Park there is a Machon LeParnassah, I have a nephew ,a Gerer Chosid who got a GED, a degree from Touro at night, then earned his CPA and makes a decent living. That can't happen in a society that frowns on labor and denies basic skills to its children. There is an historic anomaly caused by the good will of Menachem Begin, z"l, who increased support to a level not seen before. Everyone knows that this is changing and it will change. Why should frum Jews be looked upon as shirkers and people who take advantage of others, isn't that a chillul Hashem Once there are chareidi lawyers,doctors, accountants, scientists who also learn sedarim and keep mitzvos, like here in Baltimore, there will be a different view of Torah. Also, why does anyone think he has a monopoly on truth, shivim panim latorah, just because you have an idea, e.g that no woman's picture can appear in a magazine, doesn't mean you can make that the standard. None of my teachers opposed working for a living if one wasn't able to devote his life to learning. There is a reason Rav Rudrman allowed college for those who wanted to learn a trade.E. Oberstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I thought iPhones were assur.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#4, the only warped thinking is from yourself. the Chofetz Chaim said that we should earn a living FIRST, then set time aside for learning.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Oberstein, I was so disappointed to read this article and to see that your once clear hashkafa has become corrupted. Israel does not save itself- only Hakadosh Boruch Hu can save us from our enemies. Having serious students of Torah, talmidei chachamim, leave the bais midrash for the work force will not draw people closer to Torah! I am truly saddened to see your clear thinking warped. I hope you will achieve clarity once again in the future.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I disagree with this Iranian commander. I think Israel will act unilateraly. The Obama administration just doesn't get it. I fully support Netanyahu and whatever he decides to do. G-d is on the side of Israel.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
well said. go romney!!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I hope he said "no one should EVER doubt this basic truth..."
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Very tragic, and very eery how this happened right before the start of the New Year. You never know when your time is up....
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Dear Rabbi Oberstein, Beautiful, powerful and just what we needed to read before Rosh Hashana. May HKB"H watch over your son and all of Klal Yisrael. Thank you for your tremendous historical points, too.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Rabbi Oberstein, I applaud your moral courage, your insightfulness, and this very timely and important article. May G-d bless us all with a Healthy New Year, peace and safety for all Jews-here and in Israel.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
What was the couples name
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
There was another couple also severely injured. Please say tehillem for Hadar Yocheved bas Chaya Sara and for Yerachmiel Nosson Ben Liba
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
BDE! These were people I knew. So sad and tragic!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
...with festive music led by Aharon Greyson and Yehuda Mond...
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The people doing it may not even be Jewish- just locals who figured it out.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This Uman business is absured. Rosh Hashanah has become a party there - people leave their families and go party. In previous years, the party has caused a significant Chilul Hashem.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Excuse me. I'm not a racist. But a quick check of Towson Universities web site proudly displays the fact that a Black Student Union exists. In fact, here is the web site: Their mission is to: "provide services and support for all black minds at Towson University." Can't have a double standard here. Either you have racially divided student unions or you don't.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I guess that makes me a disgusting abomination according to him. What ridiculous foolishness. If I want to buy his logic, then the same could be said about being a rebbe in cheder, because there are a sick few who molest children. BTW, I'm not criticizing those who decide not to use a smartphone. I think perishus is praiseworthy, and in this case, if a person doesn't need a phone with internet access, good for him. But perishus is something one should keep to himself, not something to use to sit on their high horse and call other rashaim. There is even a Gemara in Bava Metzia (perek ezehu neshech) that seems to say that a person is allowed to destroy another person's property for calling him a rasha (if I remember correctly, Rashi and Tosfos affirm this, although other meforshim are perplexed.)
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It was an iPhone 3 with a poor battery and the Rov had already placed his order for the iPhone 5. He was eligible for the upgrade having a contract for more than tow years. Nisht geferlach.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I agree with Jay. Wimpy stand by the RCA who more and more seem like the Agudah (despite just electing Mark Dratch (Jay\'s classmate)as executive director). This is would seem to be a slam dunk. Poskim have been forbidding (or at least not requiring) metzizah b\'peh for generations. The CDC (that is Center for Disease Control) sees this as a health issue. This is not some conspiracy to forbid milah. A rogue infectious disease physician continues to support the practice (see Dialogue Winter 5772 issue) and this seems to be the basis for many to ignore the potential danger.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
No one should think for a second that America is a safe haven for Jews, they thought the same about Germany. Its no wonder that the Rabbonim here and in Eretz Yisrael are telling us to learn, daven, and be better the gezeros are stacking up on us at an alarming rate.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This is a disgusting article. Wise is the one who advised Roosevelt do nothing and AH Silver was nothing. How could such an article omit the main movers and shakers to form the WRB, who together with the Bergson group, made it happen. That was the Rabbonim from the Agudas Harobbonim lead by Rabbi Lazer Silver, Rabbi Avraham Kalmanovitch and others. Their entire effort was initiated by Rav Weissmandel who was working tirelessly from the warzone and who forwarded all the information and the instructions of what to do to save Jews.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
good article! Only thing I disagree with is that Holocaust wouldn't or couldn't happen with the state of Israel. That is untrue and G-d is in charge and can make anything happen if we are not deserving.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
great review and preparation. thank you!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Oh, Good! So from now on BJL is going to do fact checks on all statements from all Presidential candidates?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Oh well, two birds of the same feathers flock together.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
hes a jew hater
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This is Toras Chayim. Rabbi Nesanel Cadle is the Menahel
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yes, very sad indeed. What ever happened to "Lo Signov"?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It was very special how each young man had his photo taken with the rav.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Also, may I add that the success rate of IVF is 50% on average across all age groups, and the success rate diminishes as age increases. The price tag of 10,000+ for IVF plus $4000+ for medications is PER CYCLE, meaning that if the first try is unsuccessful, you need to pay again to try again. To summarize, IVF should remain a treatment for those who cannot conceive naturally, and generally not for those wanting to delay parenthood.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
This article is somewhat misleading. First of all, prices for IVF start at $10,000 but that does not include the medications which cost over $4000! In addition, freezing the ova, while it might be free in Israel, is also relatively expensive, costing a good few hundred dollars a year per ovum. Studies are also showing that frozen ova, fertilized and transferred, have an increased chance of resulting in a child with birth defects and cerebral palsy. Also, here in the States most fertility centers require that the female be married and that both the husband and wife sign a waiver. I'm unaware that single older girls who delay marriage due to their careers are able to do this. In short, this article is redundant. At the end of the day, the best way is the way that has kept the Jewish people alive, stable (for the most part) and healthy for thousands of years. Do we really need to re-emphasize why we do not need "modernization" of our society??
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I have been wondering, are the Agudah scrip any more secure? I guess technically anyone cashing them in has to at least show a legitimate need for the tzedakah. This is such a shame though.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yes, the Obama Administration\'s wonderful ally, the Egyptians.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
.i heard it is an exaggeration. an excuse.. whenever their is technical problem. they say it hacker or attack.. yawn.. truth please.. no more excuses.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
AMEN-Sister! And a gut gebentsht yuhr! [AKA K'Tivah V'Chatima Tova]-Works the same in any language.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Funny and true - especially the "it takes more energy and focus" part. We'd like to be more included - appropriately, of course.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
How exactly is NYC is supposed to \"collaborate with Jewish leadership\" when that very same \"leadership\" maintains that metzizah is halachicly mandated and poses absolutely no health risk (both of these propositions are false), and refuses to adopt the \"voluntary procedures\" advocated by the RCA? A firm, unequivocal call for parents and mohelim to use a tube or other non-oral suction method is needed from the RCA, as opposed to the mealy-mouthed statement printed above -- Jay Bernstein
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
what shul was this in?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Sounds like you\'re bragging!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Susan, during this serious time of Elul, struggling to balance the start of the school year along with preparations for the yomim noraim, this was truly a breath of fresh air to laugh out loud and to be in total agreement with you. Thanks for the reminder to reserve my seat in Shul. Kesivah vachasimah (I mean, Ketivah vachatimah)tova to you and your family. Now, back to the serious stuff.... Morah K in Baltimore
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
It is wonderful to have this league and to watch from year to year the growth of the league and its players. The sportsmanship is reflective of our values and you will witness this every week. I am very proud that Shomrei Emunah has spearheaded this league and I wish it was around when I was growing up. Yasher Koach to Dov as well as Dovid and Pasey for all of their hard work! Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
A big thank you to Dov Ocken and Shomrei Emuna for organizing this league which provides an excellent outlet for our kids.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
love it!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Which yeshiva is this? Who is the Rosh yeshiva/director?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Yishar Koach!!
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Think it\'s still there 3 hours later? You guys have got to learn to take down stories after they outlive their usefulness.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Perhaps, but it says something about a party when G-d and Jerusalem are taken off the platform and then gerrymandered back on to an overwhelming chorus of booing.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
But where are they ranked in yeshiva tuition? Probably second to last, with Lakewood coming in at dead last.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The only `Platform that matters is the Duchen. Neither party has a meaningful/truthful dedication to Ha-shem or to Jerusalem... not even to B`nai Noach minimal ideals or establishing an embassy in Jerusalem . This has been on the the platform for decades ,but no real movement.Lip service that struggles in the throat of these so-called leades
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
#1 Based on the information above it is not a leniency. The direct application of the mouth is a Minhag and as such it does not make the alternative a bedieved heter.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Does this mean that the buildings owner will get rid of this eyesore?
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Are you kidding me? It's all political pandering. The Dems have no interest in God or Jerusalem. They just want their anointed one to survive in Nov. My suggestion: run for your life now before we have nothing left here in this country.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
so if you don't do it his way you must be wrong. You must be a bad parent if you don't want to rely on a leniency. Great.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Hakaros hatov to Rabbi Weinfeld for this amazing and enlightening shiur. May we always keep these words in our hearts and in our thoughts B'ezras Hashem. Thank you BJL for sharing this with your readers.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
I'm responding somewhat belatedly to the #5 comment. Shlomo Carlebach once said that of course when Moshiach comes, he'll come to Yerushalyim and not Uman. But when Moshiach comes, Yerushalyim will look like Uman. The kedusha that emanates from this area, carved for five days or so out of the ugliest most tumahdik part of the world is extraordinary. It's more than that really. Rebbe Nachman dafka chose Uman to be die and be buried in as a tikun for the kedoshim who had been murdered a few decades earlier. That tikkun continues today. It's not coincidental that it's about the same number of Jews who come as were killed. It's no coincidence that the antisemitic residents of Uman have to vacate their homes for the Jews and become bag carriers and street cleaners serving the Holy nation. It's not a coincidence that they are the ones that have to show passes to move around in their city while the Jews walk freely. And the best part is that the passes they must show, as created by the Ukrainian police, are yellow.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
The Jewish people need to see the handwriting on the wall and vote Republican in this election.
Comment by Rochelle Goldberg
Coincidence that the DNC party platform committee removes Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and 16 hours later their venue for Thursday night's acceptance speech by President Obama at outdoor Bank of America stadium has been changed to the indoor arena which holds maybe only 20000 people !!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
And this man has presidential aspirations for 2016 -what a joke.. He was an embarassment to the State of Maryland.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I presume you mean \\\"impeccable\\\" reputation. Unfortunately I had such a pair of retzuous.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
YAY! There is hope to be found within the actions of noble people!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Hopefully this may be Hashem making the Dems look bad in the eyes of the Jewish voters, and pull in more people for Romney. However Hashem controls the politics and He sure is pulling strings right now! Lets see and pray that something really good comes out of these things!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Michelle, I am so happy that you found Pedro..and that you are so happy..You look radiant...May you be blessed with many years of happiness, lots of reasons to celebrate good times, and good health always ... Enjoy each other as you begin your life as husband & wife...Congratulations...Carol Rosenthal, Albany, NY (The Terrace at Beverwyck)
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
This is just excellent! Our " boys" have need real choices & more role models & through such a program - with Rabbi Teichman leading the way- the entire K'lal will benefit! May this holy endeavor have much Hatzlocha for everyone!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
you may want to state from the get-go that it\'s for men. It only mentions gender - it says \'him\' - in the last paragraph. Great resource; hatzlacha!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Awesome video!!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
BTW, There are a few Venezuelans in our community....
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
No, no bright bulb. And not such a nice guy, either. If you're name ain't O'malley or Obama, you are just another nothing.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
It happens in Baltimore too.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Pathetic responses from our pathetic governor. Nice guy and all...but not the brightest bulb in the box.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
this is a great, informative article. Thanks
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
9-2-2012 The writer of the above article has a good point. There is a distinction between purity, which is a virtue, and sterility which is a disability. Many schools and communities are marginalizing themselves. But in the end, before not too long, these efforts that make for the sterility of our children, will result in the collapse of the school and the community itself. The children themselves will not stand for it. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
keep on reposting this type of trash, quality reporting.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
what fat heads!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Two over sized egos butting their small heads together!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I agree. We're not living in the dark ages. How about a little intelligent evolution here ???
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Reb Bulka, Why have a shtikle about a Geit with a Mazel Tov re an engagement?
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Lakewood is actually about 4 times the size of Baltimore with 11,000 frum families and growing. There are alot of amenities that Lakewood offers that Baltimore dosn't but tuition is absolutely up there among the top reasons why the girls don't want to stay in Baltimore anymore and are choosing to either live in eretz yisroel or Lakewood. If something dosn't change more and more families will be making the move. Currently there are at least 2 or 3 families that move there each year from Baltimore and of course we already know that about half of each graduating class is moving there after getting married. So maybe instead of all of this kvetching we should move to Lakewood and our tuition woes will be solved once and for all!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Must be some accident that has traffic tied up for 3 1/2 hours!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
once a Jew starts hiding who he is in public he/she will start hiding who they are in private... you don't see Muslims hiding who they are despite attacks elsewhere, why should we Jews be any different???
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Good for Bibi. Its about time he woke up and smelled the coffee
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Just realize tuition is important to growing and sustaining a community. There are way more baltimore people who live in lakewood than vice versa. Just like with taxes people gravitate to lower tuition. That us one reason lakewood was smaller than baltimore recently but is now more than twice ita size
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
While none of us condone Jews acting like Arabs, one can understand the anger and frustration over the constant attempts to kill us.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Fellow say No to Soloites, Now is not the time to give up. Let us continue this fight between wealthy developers and paid off politicians. Such an altruistic endeavor requires the support of a community who literally has no dog in this fight. This fight can be our own Chanukah "nes", our own call to "rabim b'yad muatim" and "zediem b'yad tzaddikim"
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
No wonder the country is called Hungary! Hungary for Jewish money! Pretty soon, Hungary will get fed along with all the other evil people from the cup of shame and bitterness, while we dance with Moshiach and throw you the now worthless money saying "We dont need those trinkets anymore" like tossing a bone to the dogs!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
#30 is a tad off on his accounting. The Rebbeim are in the $50-60K range today. The cost per child is the total operating budget, less the expenses of fund raisers, divided by the number of students in the school.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
and they say antisemitism is dead....
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
the writer makes the assumption that the Israeli system is religious. it is not. When people (Jews, non jews; religious or otherwise) neglect to include SPIRITUALITY not just religion in to their lives is when the anger and hatred have room to grow.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
32 - Amen!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
I don\'t care what this rabbi says. The whole concept of \"metzitzah b\'peh\" is utterly disgusting in this day and age.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Maybe he should rename it E.H. Dyer's Emporium What a jerk!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
They should have considered turning the lunch counter into a lite-fare kosher dairy establishment. The community would have supported them.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
MAZAL TOV!!!!!!! PEDRO!!! Muy lindas fotos, Mazal Tov para la novia tambien! Veni de luna de mel a la Argentina. Saludos y hablamos
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Lamento mucho no haber estado allÃ,para compartir tanta alegrÃa de mi primo hermano, pero me dejaron la invitación debajo de mi puerta despues de la fecha de la boda. Les deseo mucha felicidad y unidos para siempre con amor y armonÃa. Tu prima hermana desde Buenos Aires, Argentina Alicia Monica Trigub Clover
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
the issue came about because there were three reported infant deaths in the NY area from herpes: came about that the babies contracted this disease by receiving metzitzah b'peh...
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
#16, unfortunately, you are correct...people look at is , \"I don\'t want to be a frier, why should I pay full when no one else does? Let me just apply for a a break and see what I get?\" I know because I used to be one of them! When my child started school, people told us this.....\"just apply for a break and see what you get.\" Because we were both in unstable jobs at that point, we did, and received a small break. Looking back, I believe that although we were in a difficult situation, we could have pushed ourselves to pay a bit more in order to pay full. Unfortunately, I hear these types of attitude across the board. People just look at a frum day school education for their children as an entitlement and it's the job of the schools to bend over backward to help out each family. Really, it's the responsibility of each mother/father to educate our kids, and the schools are just a shaliach.
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Beautiful, what a blessing for both families! Mazel Tov!!
Comment by Marilyn Goldstein
Let's give him a round of applause.
Comment by Levi Miller
I read this story twice and I fail to see any reference to Israel. The headline and the story do not match.
Comment by Levi Miller
Is there condemnation by any (and I mean any) Muslim organization about this crime? I'll bet not.
Comment by Levi Miller
#30- There are a lot more expenses than books, supplies, heat and light! What about desks and chairs? What about a principal for the school? What about repairs and maintenance of the building, not to mention the original cost. What about the phone system and the secretary? What about computers and a xerox machine? The list could go on and on! Having rebbeim and teachers does not even begin to run a school! Who would collect this money from the community? How could the community pay for it- clearly this is the problem now- the community can't afford the extra money- hence the tuition crisis!!
Comment by Levi Miller
The "boy" is not grown up until he finishes his residency and has a private practice.
Comment by Levi Miller
What is the real cost to educate a student? A rebbie might earn $40,000 per year, a secular teacher $30,000. A class of 25 needs both, for a total of $70,000 or $2,800 per student. That is the REAL cost of the education. You might add a small amount for books, supplies, heat and light. I think that $3,000 should cover it! School BUILDINGS, administration, fundraisers, and everything else should be covered by the community, donations, and fundraising. Not by the parents. Parents should pay only for teacher saleries and supplies. So, that said, why is the tuition $8,800 in Baltimore? Where is all the extra money going?
Comment by Levi Miller
What a lovely article. The author, Margie Pensak, really painted a beautiful picture of the blessed day and, photographer, Esky Cook, who I have worked with for other Levindale functions, made me feel as though I attended the wedding myself. Levindale was proud to have such a wonderful joining of two lives on our campus. And, of course, Mrs. Kahn, is one of our favorite people! Thank you for sharing this. Helene King
Comment by Levi Miller
I'm on a nonprofit board and my name and the entire board is on the website and letterhead
Comment by Levi Miller
The article above states - Baltimore schools have a policy of turning no child away. If this is true then maybe it's time for an ultimatum - the parents call a tution strike until the schools are willing to open their books and give FULL transparency to the parent body.
Comment by Levi Miller
Let him rot where he is, the world is a much better place without him.
Comment by Levi Miller
Agree with 26. BJL could do a big service by providing board member names.
Comment by Levi Miller
First of all it\\\'s GINGER ALE it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Hashem\\\'s name, no need to be fake religious. As for \\\"fancy\\\" affairs because they have food Baltimore keeps up with the Jones\\\' by being 10 years behind!As far back as there have been Jews Kiddush was never been a piece of sheet cake and seltzer. It just isn\'t Kavod Shabbos!
Comment by Levi Miller
BJL should publish the names of all school board members so we can politely ask them to open the books.
Comment by Levi Miller
How beautiful! Mazal tov to chosson and kallah
Comment by Levi Miller
Where is the rabbinic leadership? Pressure your shul rov to push for transparency. Many non-profits are happy to open their books. Why can't ours?
Comment by Levi Miller
You reap what you sow. If your going to pay the tuition money to the yeshivos and you're too much of a coward to do what it takes to bring back EMES to the yeshivos then what is the point of all your kvetching here? Unfortunately your kids hear your kvetching too and between you guys and the lack of priorities in the Yeshivos they no longer believe that the yeshiva movement stands for anything but hypocrisy. Look around you, look at the casualties of the system we are maintaining. We need to overhaul the system before it damages more of the neshamos of our children. Maybe all of you should stop your Kvetching and get up and actually do something. Call for a tuition strike and perhaps people should homeschool for a while. If you parents get together and refuse to pay until there is transparency and a return to haskofos over alephs what can they really do to you?
Comment by Levi Miller
In Baltimore City, it\\\'s 7pm the night before. Not that I\\\'ve ever seen them ticket -- even with garbage put out DAYS early....
Comment by Levi Miller
#18: All the local schools are run by a closed group who exclude others. They run community schools like TA and BY as private enterprises that only they have the Zchus of administering. It is not right and adds to the lack of commitment many have to the schools. Many say that if the closed group wants to run the schools then let them pay the freight too. So, how does this ever change? By badgering the senior board members and leadership (not the principles) about this. They all want to appear to be bastions of sholom and a little questioning does upset their view of reality.
Comment by Levi Miller
Solution? No FACTS form is filled out, no check is written until the school is 100% open and transparent. NOT ONE PENNY INTO THE SCHOOL! Once the books are on the table, and the parents be given the opportunity to go over every single transaction and decide what we will or won't pay for, and it is voted on by the PARENT body, and the tuition rate adjusted accordingly per family, not a red cent should be given to the schools. And they will have no choice but to release that information eventually.
Comment by Levi Miller
Boruch HaShem, in our community there are many talented and capable parents and others who are capable of teaching and helping kids grow. One of these days, a bunch of them will get together and cooperate to teach each other's children, with perhaps a small additional tuition cost (i.e. $2,000) thrown in to cover things parents obviously cannot do/teach. At that point, there will be the novel idea of the person receiving the service paying for the service (which is antithetical to most of American government today). All schools will then have the opportunity to compete in the marketplace based on price (including overhead) and quality. Oh, by the way, some of the new schools might be in shuls that do not require hours of carpool daily.
Comment by Levi Miller
17 - No one is saying that people should not be having children because of tuition. Unfortunately the mindset today has become that I am entitled to have'¦ and yes children have become an entitlement and part of the es kupt mir lifestyle of the modern yeshiva world. The old guard of the yeshiva world as #5 wrote earlier didn't hold from this. If you look at their generation you will see that many of their families were smaller ' 2-4 kids were common when we were growing up - and remember many of them were survivors who were rebuilding their families and yet they didn't have the chutzpah of today to think that they could have what they wanted even after all they went through. Many had fewer children precisely because their children were so precious and they understood the deep achrayus of raising the next Dor. As a child of survivors I have heard many of them express that they can't figure out where they went so wrong with us that we and our children have such irresponsible attitudes. In those days you were told not to even consider a next child until the baby was two. The difference today is that the child will be put into daycare anyway so why bother taking the time. Most contemporary mothers ' I use the term loosely ' don't want to be home anyway even when they can afford it. 5-6 kids was a large sized Mishpacha when I was growing up but with spacing AND a dedicated mother at home that means something very different doesn't it? Unlike today, those larger families understood that there would be many things that they would have to do without and that the budget was based on real priorities. Animals breed Humans raise - Piryah U'Rivyah - the process is much more than birth. Raising a child means actually doing the time to teach and train them. Today training means that tuition is a necessary part of the process to procure the mechanchim necessary to be part of the Rivyah component. If there are reasons that will impede the ability to fulfill ones achrayus properly than one has to take the achrayus to be absolutely honest with oneself and one's spouse and consult a competent Rav. It is a chorban in itself that the postwar generations of the 60s through today seems to have lost this sense of achrayus.
Comment by Levi Miller
Unfortunatly, regardless of how much parents complain schools will not open thier books. It is sad that some of our community institutions rely on the PTA and Womens Auxillary for extra funding. Isn\'t the purpose of these organizations to help provide for \'extras\'? I was appaled when I heard the ammount of one the schools designated (i.e salaried) fundraisers demanded from the PTA. The chutzpah!! Here were mothers, many of them working, who volunteered to run events and these people expected them to hand over a hunk of change!!!
Comment by Levi Miller
I don't know why anyone is fighting this development, or why the media is trying to publicize it as a fight. Wegman's is a great store, and will bring quality shopping and jobs to the area.
Comment by Levi Miller
How about we start by having boards elected by the parent bodies themselves and not receiving a letter that "by the way, the new board is so and so." I have been a parent at one school for 13 years with several children there. When my oldest was younger, I started asking how I could help. I said I didn't have a lot of money, but I wanted to contribute time and energy while I was young and enthusiastic. I said I would love to be on the board. I spoke to the principal on several occasions, I spoke to one of the fundraisers. I spoke to the tuition assistance committee. I spoke to other administrators. They told me it was wonderful that I wanted to get involved and that they would pass my name on. I NEVER received a single call back. I begged, but nothing. I gave up and gave my time to my shul. Now, thank G-d, my financial situation has improved dramatically. But I choose to give my extra maaser to my shul instead of the school because the school didn't seem to want my help. My wife joined the PTA and tried to help. All she was ever asked to do was come in for lice checking. Nothing more. The schools are run by clicks and if you are not in the click, you are out in the cold and the same people will continue to run it and nothing will change.
Comment by Levi Miller
I have seen (and heard people say) the quote \"We don\'t buy what we can\'t afford. That includes having the number of children we can afford.\" numerous times. Just curious - where does Chazal say this? What posek says that you should not have children solely because you will need to ask for a tuition break? And the fact that people are truly not having having kids because of tuition within a generation or two after the Holocaust is terribly sad. And frankly, this whole argument does not help matters. Getting a young couple to plan ahead for education is wise. But I dont know who can truly \"plan\" how many kids HKB\"H blesses them with. I do know that if you would have asked me when I got married what tuition was, I can tell you the answer would be vastly different from the answer I wold give today. One can only do so much advance planning. Can I plan for Special-Ed? Can I plan for job changes? What ever else I can say in frustration has been said by others. But hearing people treat the bracha of children like new cars is distateful, and leaves me wondering where such a Hashkafa comes from. I don\'t recall seeing such in any sefer I opened or in any shmuess I ever heard.
Comment by Levi Miller
I was at a lunch recently on Shabbos and one of the families was just starting paying tuition at BY- their oldest child was entering kindergarten. They mentioned that they asked for help with the tuition and there was silence in the room. They asked why everyone was surprised- they were told that everyone does it and you just see what you can get. What a terrible system we've created here. I don't know if they'll get any tuition remission, but that's not the point. It's the mentality of everyone getting some remission and it's acceptable and encouraged in our community. It's time for our schools to change that.
Comment by Levi Miller
We have been a full paying parents for many years. I agree with the comments of #5. It's time for families to accept responsibilities for their own children. We were taught to make our own way in this world- and we do. We don't buy what we can't afford. That includes having the number of children we can afford. We also both work fulltime. Can this model work? Yes! It does! Our children know that we put tuition first and this teaches them excellent values. More children in our community need to be taught that we shouldn't accept community handouts, state handouts and federal handouts. We give tzedakah- we never accept it! Don't parents realize that accepting tuition subsidies is accepting tzedakah? Don't parent realize that accepting a federally subsidized lunch is accepting tzedakah? I'm worried about our tuition crisis, but I'm even more worried about the future generations of Orthodox Jews. If many children grow up seeing their families accept tzedakah, they will only expect what they can get for free and even more of it in their futures!
Comment by Levi Miller
Whose got the guts to demand the schools show transparency and start holding them responsible? We're all screaming on the Internet, but where are those "Gvirim" "Askanim" who have a say in these matters?? Problem is, the middle class is the one screaming here, and let's be honest here, our Vote counts for very little....
Comment by Levi Miller
Just a logic question here: IF full tuition falls short of the cost to educate each child, then those who are paying full tuition are not subsidizing the families who have a tuition reduction. They are bearing the burden of full tuition and still falling short of the goal of paying for just their own kids?
Comment by Levi Miller
This project violates the current Baltimore County Master Plan. Our council people need to think this through carefully. PS Don't depend on anyone to "rearrange" the roads After the fact.
Comment by Levi Miller
A friend of mine who lived in Baltimore and moved to Lakewood several years ago once told me that although the school\'s in Lakewood do not have campuses as nice as the Baltimore schools, some of Lakewood\'s schools do indeed have beautiful buildings. The secular education there for the boys is probably comparable to TI\'s and the girls schools is about the same as Bais Yaakovs. I would assume that their budgets do not allow for any over spending since the tuition is quite low. If we adopted the same model in Baltimore the schools by default would need to spend less and much of the extras we take for granted would need to be cut. Ideal? no. But the way our system is set up now, we are basically forcing people to pay for a standard of education they can\'t afford but is being forced down our throats. I would be ok with larger class sizes and shabbier facilities if it made tuition more affordable. We can\'t have our cake and eat it too. If someone will not tolerate these types of cuts maybe that person should volunteer to foot the extra bill. The school\'s are yelling that we should all be paying more tuition but if people are begging for lower tuition because they can\'t afford it then we need to realize that we will get what we pay for and have to accept that. It would be pretty hilarious if the butcher forced me to buy the 1st cut meat even though I\'m begging for 2nd cut and then is angry with me for not being able to afford the 1st cut price. If we can only afford schools that are comparable to Lakewood\'s (and someone from our schools would have to sit down and compare where their spending differs from ours) then that may be what we need to do. The schools should not be forcing us to pay more than we can afford and then getting angry at us when we can\'t pay! They should be working within the confines of our budget, not the other way around!
Comment by Levi Miller
I don't see manufacturing coming back to the Solo plant -- really the the land is much more valuable for retail or offices. Wegman's is a terrific store! I shop in their Hunt Valley store even though it's far, and I look forward to shopping in their new Owings Mills store soon!
Comment by Levi Miller
#6. Look carefully at the Lakewood model. How large are their classes? What is the secular studies program? What are the school\'s facilities like? I think you\'ll find very large class sizes (25+ per class), minimum secular studies, and old shabby facilities. Be careful what you ask for.
Comment by Levi Miller
Why are the schools so afraid of financial transparency? Something to hide? Maybe, maybe not, but until there is transparency there will be the cloud of doubt.
Comment by Levi Miller
With these type of Yidden who needs enemies?
Comment by Levi Miller
To #4 - Please stop using the public schools for comparison. It's an incorrect basis for comparison. It's like holding up a yardstick to measure the size of a US penny! The public school costs that keep getting trotted out are inflated, they are structured on the government model of the more you spend the more the government gives you or use it or lose it. As a government funded institution they have to put out the largest figures possible to maintain their piece of the funding pie. While Jewish day schools may be dual curriculum the Public schools include enough enrichment and auxiliary programming to be considered dual curriculum.
Comment by Levi Miller
#5 makes very good pints. But, he is going against the 'entitlement mentality' of getting everything for nothing. Achtayus is a forgotten theoretical concept. I am entitled to a large family, little tuition, all types of government and family assistance with no end plan in sight, and a large house with newer cars too. I'm entitled! As the Yiddish expression is "umpt mir" So, what do we do? As #5 says we must badger the schools for financial transparency and stop being a herd of sheep. We must demand that parents get involved and this secretive boards come to an end. Otherwise, the status quo will continue and the squeezing of the working families will continue.
Comment by Levi Miller
It doesn't take an economics grad to know that if there is a strong disincentive to earn more, then people won't; this stuff about encouraging everyone to feel a personal responsibility is not going to change that. Related to this, there is something wrong when a family earning twice as much as another and with half as many kids is doing no better. Concerning BY's claim that its tuition is the 'real' cost per child, aside from how do we know this if they don't open the books, even if it is real, it could include administrative fat, higher teacher salaries than otherwise, a beautiful campus they never could have afforded without cost shifting onto the few, etc. So even if it's real, they charge that much BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Comment by Levi Miller
The point was that this particular article was not written from the POV of a local religious family. Not that the tuition crisis is a relevant one, but that the issues and solution offered is not relvant. Where in our community is the \"stunning increase in affluence\" that the schools serve?
Comment by Levi Miller
Maybe its high time the schools in Baltimore start looking more closely at Lakewood\'s model of tuition. Everyone pays the same amount, no exceptions! If you don\'t have it, you raise it yourself. As far as I am aware, the girls schools average about $4,000/child and the boys schools slightly more. Even a family with 7 school age children would only be paying at the most $35,000 while here in Baltimore that same family would be paying double this amount. The education is excellent they\'re doing something right. What are they doing in Lakewood(and many chasidishe schools in New York as well) that perhaps we can initiate here in Baltimore? Also, as much as I agree with Mrs. Schorr that more people need to make tuition a priority, most of us have long given up vacations and fancy cars! Just look around for yourself and see how most of us are living. There\'s not much more to give up! Many have cut back in almost every imaginable area including food and medical care. But how do you cut back on day school use? Obviously you can\'t and so its not so simple as saying \"cut back on spending\". What happens when there\'s no place left in the budget to cut back and you still can\'t come up with the full tuition dollars? You can\'t spend what you ain\'t got no matter how important it may be!
Comment by Levi Miller
Rabbossai the time to kvetch is over. There were a few people trying to bring up tuition reform in Baltimore over a decade ago, but they were left to go at it alone because most people in this town are into the status quo until the issue is too much for THEM. Unfortunately by that point the situation is usually too big to benefit from less aggressive measures, and here we are. Now we have reached the point where the luxury to kvetch is gone and it's time to roll up our sleeves and deal. We need to demand transparency of our schools. Like many families who have budgetary issues, there is a lack of brutal honesty of what is essential and what is not. An analysis of ALL spending must be made and the schools must make all spending information available to the parent body. An annual meeting to discuss budgetary issues should be held by the Yeshivos and the boards which should be open to all parents to attend. Parents need to understand that their children can't have everything. The extras need to be cut. Unfortunately many of the upper income parents don't have the reality check the rest of us deal with, and they sometimes unintentionally raise the bar for everyone else. The Parents who are on major assistance have nothing to lose by the extras as they are not paying the full cost. The Parents in the middle are left to struggle to the point of exasperation. This has to stop. It doesn't help any of the kids in the long run and just creates more problems and need for the economic mainstream parents. The Yeshivos need to consider buying supplies, resources, prizes, etc. in bulk, with teachers having a cap of what each class can have from the bulk resources and making the most of it. Creativity is more often borne of limitations rather than largesse; as we all know - Necessity is the mother of invention. It may help further if the Yeshivos banded together to get even better deals and create some type of resource network that may allow procuring bigger ticket items that can be shared. Fund raising for TUITION needs to be THE priority. The schools have to stop using the Ladies auxiliary and PTA as an extra piggy bank. This is preventing clarity in spending. PARENTS HAVE TO VOLUNTEER. If we want the schools to work to help us we need to work to help them. There are fundraising efforts that can be made if we get back to having a widespread volunteer parent force. There are many skilled and creative parents in this town; we need to think of how best to combine our people resources with the needs of our institutions. And this will make a number of you folks out there really angry - Larger families can no longer expect smaller families to pick up their tab. There are many smaller families in this who took the achrayus of chinuch seriously; i.e. work at reasonable jobs, bought smaller homes in less expensive neighborhoods, cut spending, and consult a competent Halachic authority about mishpacha issues. Yet they are struggling to make ends meet. A Ba'al HaBas who is making the reasonable efforts to be a ba'al achrayus should be able to take care of his family with dignity. As my Parents, who raised a large mishpacha by post war standards, told me very clearly before my marriage, Your children are YOUR achrayus and if you choose to have a large family the large achrayus is YOURS as well. The priority for tuition assistance should be those in real need such as those dealing with family tragedy or those dealing with true economic stress, not irresponsibility. The War Generation parents I had the zchus to know while growing up often held down multiple jobs for Chinuch and took none of what the Yeshivos would give for granted. They also kept giving once their kids left as if they owed a large debt. If a family is not up to the achrayus involved in raising a large mishpacha they need to consult an appropriate Morah DeAsrah. The older generation of Rabbonim did not hold from what goes on today. Somehow this mesorah has been lost! There should be a cheshbon per child based on actual costs to be charged as core tuition, with a reasonable mandatory scholarship fund payment that could be tax deductible and unquestionably taken from ma'aser. I think parents would be more willing to contribute if we called a spade a spade. If we are willing to work together to achieve, rather than kvetch, there are things that can be done to start working through the mess. The reality is that times are hard and there will be no perfect solution, but we can surely do better than what we have now. BE"H may we be able to tackle these issues with the appropriate sense of achrayus to the community and bring true Shalom among us. May the efforts bring us a the zchus to be zoche to Moshiach coming soon. Kesiva Vechasima Tova!
Comment by Levi Miller
#1, #2, and #3: I understand your pain (we are also getting squeezed as a full paying family), but I don't think it is accurate to say that full tuition is more than it costs to educate our children. Baltimore Public Schools seem to have an over $14,700 per child allocation of funds. And that is without a dual curriculum. Something to think about. At the end of the day, we have to recognize that the costs ARE high and no one has to be "out to get" anyone to create the crisis we find ourselves in. *
Comment by Levi Miller
Agudah not only does all these amazing things, but it does so with an eye towards keeping down costs to an absolute minimum which is so unusual in today's world. People come before structures and frills. A volunteer culture is key.
Comment by Levi Miller
This is quite impressive. I have to admit I have taken a lot of this for granted over the years but it is eye-opening to see all the Agudah does for the community.
Comment by Levi Miller
#2 is 100% correct. Until the schools "open the books" and become accountable for the funds they collect and spend there will be no real change. Ever wonder why the post-tuition families turn away from supporting the schools their own children attended? After years of being squeezed for tuitions to cover the non-payers they now squeeze out the schools.
Comment by Levi Miller
It would be great to have a Wegman\'s in that location. It\'s a great store. It will bring good jobs with benefits to the area. And other supermarkets will have to keep prices down in order to stay competetive. Please comment if you agree!
Comment by Levi Miller
I give credit to those 7,000 people who are saying NO to the location. Now I just wish that those 7,000 people would stand up for proper JEWISH education for all JEWISH children and make sure that there is a school for all of them so they these children can learn to the best of their ability and in a Least Restrictive Environment.
Comment by Levi Miller
Anyone naive enough to believe that the cost of tuition is the cost to educate out children and not to supplement those who don't pay full tuition, I have a bridge to sell you. I have run those numbers a million times and it's not true. The schools have nobody forcing them to open their books so they can tell you anything they want.... The middle class is getting squeezed to the point of no return....
Comment by Levi Miller
This happened a couple of weeks ago, too, when we had heavy rains. A car was almost underwater and the people had to be rescued by 911. (I know about it, cuz I read the story here!) Maybe it is time for the City/County to think about improving the roads on that strip?
Comment by Levi Miller
Yes, there is a tuition issue. Unless some relief comes to the full paying families all the programs you can think of will only benefit the school's fund raisers. The time to act is now!
Comment by Levi Miller
Let me get this straight: we want our local schools to be a priority for tzedakah dollars? We want full transparency as to costs? How is that not relevant to our system? Shouldn't there be a clear relationship between cost and cost?
Comment by Levi Miller
A time would be helpful on this!
Comment by Levi Miller
Is this article is supposed to apply realistically to the Orthodox community, where tuition is not just something parents take on as a luxury expense, say, instead of a boat or a family trip to Italy this summer? How many Orthodox families in Baltimore can afford the "full cost of the product" if that full cost is close the quoted amount of $50,000 per year? How many families can afford even half that amount for at least 2 or 3 children in school? Maybe I'm in the wrong circles, but are there really enough "affluent" families to make this a realistic solution?
Comment by Levi Miller
Unfortunately this article has little to no relevance to the Baltimore Jewish community. On various different levels and issues there no comparisons that can be made between the writers experiences and postulates.
Comment by Levi Miller
Excessive exercizing is a syptom of an eating disorder. Many women misuse the exercise facilities of the JCC and other gyms unaware and unwilling to deal honestly with their eating disorders. I see them at affairs pretending to be busy so they don't touch the food. Then they force their daughters to hide their issues and lie to shadchanim and think that if they pretend it doesn't exist, it will go away. If you read the above article you will see that her parents lived in denial but it was what they thought the community demanded of them. Then there is the woman who can't go to a group because men are also there. Should she die of anorexia rather than sit in a group with others including men? This article reveals a much broader sickness in our community than we are willing to acknowledge. I would sign my name except I would get hostile calls from people who can't live with truth.
Comment by Levi Miller
The SENSUS IconA Smart Meter is a KNOWN FIRE STARTER SMECO in MD is following PECO in PA on setting people's homes on fire, while they try to figure out what to do.
Comment by Levi Miller
just for the record, R\' Shurkin said (to my own ears), R\' Moshe did not publish a teshuva because he did not think it was a shaila. There is a Rav from South Africa who has published an entire sefer explaining why they are 100% muttar
Comment by Levi Miller
Regarding numerous comments concerning the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l, see the halachic ruling of his son, Horav Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, quoted in The Laws of Pesach: A Digest (Rav Blumenkrantz zt'l), 5771 edition, pg. 421: 'There is no widely available shaver that can be purchased and used as is' See also Meged Givos Olam (vol. I pg. 96) where Rav Michel Shurkin, wrote that Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l intentionally never published a teshuva in Igros Moshe permitting electric shavers, because Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l held that the 'tzura' (traditional, proper appearance) of a Jew is only with a beard. But there is a published teshuva regarding this issue from Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l . In his sefer Emes L'Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 181) Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l wrote that there is no 'mesorah' from the rabbonim in America that can be relied upon to permit the use of electric shavers. To quote Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt'l: 'Regarding [the prohibition of using] machines for shaving [the beard], this is not just a chumra [halachic strictness] but a substantive [halachic] issue'¦in fact, I do not know whether the great Torah authorities (Gedolim) of America [ever] explicitly permitted them; it is possible that they kept silent because no one asked them [their opinion], and they avoided the issue, knowing that their words would not be heeded'¦it is difficult to rely on [any] tradition [to be lenient].'
Comment by Levi Miller
This is not new news. In Nisan of 5768, the greatest poskim and roshei yeshiva of our generation issued a Psak Din that all shaving machines which leave the face smooth are halachically equivalent to a razor (not because the uproot the hair, but rather) because they do not leave over any hair. The Psak Din cites that this was the opinion of the Chofetz Chaim (in whose time shaving machines were invented), the Chazon Ish, the Steipler Gaon, Rav Schach, etc. The Psak Din was signed by 34 poskim and roshei yeshiva, including Rav Elyashiv zt'l (who wrote that today's electric shavers are much more severe than the hand machines prohibited by the Chofetz Chaim), Rav Noson Tzvi Finkel zt'l, Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt'l, Rav Aharon Leib Steinman shlita, Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner shlita (who attested that this was the opinion of the Chazon Ish), Rav Nisan Karelitz shlita, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, Rav Shmuel Auerbach shlita (Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt'l wrote that all close cutting shavers are an "issur chomer"). For an English translation of the Psak Din see or see KTAV's "The Beard in Jewish Law".
Comment by Levi Miller
Is he from Baltimore? (local news?)
Comment by Levi Miller
I don\'t know that with Elul upon us, and Tishrei approaching that this is how we should be acting. The Torah Hakdosha says to judge everyone favorably. No. 2, how do you know that the \"line eater\" does not suffer from a medical condition that requires him or her to eat immediately? No. 4, how do you know that person rushing to unload his or her cart didn\'t just receive a frantic call from the babysitter to run home immediately? The bottom line is I think we all need to be more careful in our judgment of others. In this zechus, may the Abishter judge us favorably as we approach the yom hadin.
Comment by Levi Miller
I just think that you wrote the title and some of the content in a way that was not respectful to Chazal. You made it seem as if they had trouble pronouncing a simple ches the way we say it which you now agree with me was not the case. I am happy I gave you a chance to clarify in these comments.
Comment by Levi Miller
Another issue plaguing our community occurs only at seven mile. On two occasions I was unloading my cart at the checkout line. The customer behind me began unloading her cart before I finished. I had to hand over each item to the cashier. The irony was this woman thought she was saving time and in reality caused a real teircha de'tzibur. Please Let's all try to have proper manners and kavod ha'brios at our checkout lines. I am glad we have this forum to work out these issue instead of embarrassing someone be'rabbim. And yes # 3 I remember that simpler time. In my day only show offs served ginger kale at a kiddush.
Comment by Levi Miller
I remember when Baltimore was a simpler place and we didn\'t need four kinds of herring, cholent, and six kinds of Kugel at a Kiddush. Whats wrong with our traditional cake and soda?
Comment by Levi Miller
I agree with number one however the real issue is with those that serve themselves while in line and begin to eat. They hold the line up while they eat. This is also unsanitary because they talk with their mouths full of food and it falls on the serving plates on the table. I have spoken with many baleei simcha who had their kiddush ruined by these line eaters. The solution is simple if we can get the vaad of kahrus to send a letter out telling people to fill their plates and move on and not eat while in line. With these simple changes we can make the kiddush a more pleasurable experience.
Comment by Levi Miller
Another place where lots of food gets wasted is at kiddushim in area shuls. A co-worker of mine tells me that because of pushing and shoving around the kiddush tables, immeasurable amounts of cholent, cake and kugel are needlessly dropped to the floor and trampled. Let's all try to have proper manners and kavod ha'brios at our kiddushim, please.
Comment by Levi Miller
I think the above pic is stretched...she ain't that skinny!
Comment by Levi Miller
Although I have been a LinkedIn member for years, I consider it to be rather ineffective for what it is intended for: to link me to a new job. There are plenty of other ways to find that new position - Linked In is TOO PUBLIC to be effective.
Comment by Levi Miller
We, Russian Jews, owe so much to him...
Comment by Levi Miller
Enough of this garbage on BJL already! Aren't there important things to report on, like sales on school supplies or plumbing problems in the new Beazer homes? Ken Oliver just has a bad case of sour grapes. The Owings Mills mall invited Wegman's to their site. Of course, wegman's declined because the owings mills mall is run-down, and only a step above Mondowmin Mall.. So I don't really think this is about "process" or whatever words Ken Oliver is throwing around...he wants Wegman's in HIS district....not Vicky's.
Comment by Levi Miller
Of course there is going to be a lot of traffic, because Wegman's is an excellent store with prices ranging from high to very reasonable, we should welcome traffic, traffic means there is a heart still beating in Owings Mills retail. When was the last time you hit traffic on the way to Owings Mills Mall?
Comment by Levi Miller
Ditto to poster #1. Do any readers of BJL care about this topic quite as much as the editors of BJL? But since they are clearly taking money from the "Say No To Solo" group, then they have to publish all of these "articles" about bias!
Comment by Levi Miller
Wow a politician asking for more process what a shock! Either way I am begging for no more articles on this topic until we have a definitive answer it\'s just wierd how much space you are giving it. I guess I can\'t help being assaulted by the paid aid that flashes contantly on your home page. How much does that cost anyway?
Comment by Levi Miller
If any of these Rabbis have a pulpit could they be in violation of the federal tax code that does not allow for tax exempt institutions and their leaders to endorse a specific candidate by having their name on the \"Rabbis for Obama list?
Comment by Levi Miller
Rabbis for Romney sounds much better to my ears! Or Romney's Rabbis Rock!
Comment by Levi Miller
Lipa Shmeltzer lives in Airmont, NY part of Monsey NOT BROOKLYN!
Comment by Levi Miller
I just hope the orthodox community doesn't face a backlash for an issue that has little to do with us. Why antagonize people for no gain?
Comment by Levi Miller
Louis: If you love Iran so much, why don't you and all your followers MOVE THERE! It's where your "religion" is practiced. As for war; did Israel or the Arabs invade Israel causing the Israelis to defend themselves? And did Israel threaten Iran with destruction or is it the other way around? Wake up and smell the hate!
Comment by Levi Miller
Amazing! If you do an economic cost-benefit analysis you would find that the kosher costs make no sense for most companies. The kosher market (observant Jews, Moslems, and "quality" control consumers) drive the issue. I recall the first head of the OU (Rabbi Alexander Rosenberg) saying the the entire OU was a "nes" and hepeach min hatevah.
Comment by Levi Miller
he's no longer missing
Comment by Levi Miller
Amen, brother. Amen.
Comment by Levi Miller
I have seen the kosher heaven concession at 7 eleven in monsey, it is an insult to kosher obeservance. The kosher and non kosher meat is being sold behind the same counter on a kosher grill identical to the treif grill selling treif sausages 2 feet apart! Are we really so deprived of kosher food in monsey that we have to resort to this????
Comment by Levi Miller
This sounds so wonderful and beautiful. Anecdotally, however, I see truly caring parents whose kids' behaviors are completely hefker and disruptive. Consequently those children may be "happy" because their parents think they are tzadikim, while everyone around them (siblings, teachers, neighbors, etc) are absolutely miserable, as they know that they cannot rely on the parents to discipline their children because they are "rising above the smallness of the child's misdeeds . . ." which are " . . . mere happenstance when compared to the good."
Comment by Levi Miller
Isn\\\\\\\'t it amazing that we are the only people, as a whole, who vote against our own interests!
Comment by Levi Miller
My eyes watered as I read this...amazing that a communist did never know who Hashem will pick as his shliach
Comment by Levi Miller
beautiful! I really wanted to know what the exact words were. Thanks you!!
Comment by Levi Miller
Thanks for ruining it for me....... I enjoyed making up my own words
Comment by Levi Miller
need more naps? or more apps!
Comment by Levi Miller
"Observant Jews aren't supposed to open regular disposable diapers with adhesive glue-laden fasteners during the Sabbath because the ripping motion is considered 'work,' which is forbidden." Isn't it time that both Orthodox and Conservative Jewish authorities revisited the definition of "work"?
Comment by Levi Miller
What an incredible story!!! Jerome, I never knew! Wow!
Comment by Levi Miller
Excellent article...that\'s exactly how I explain my \"chareidiness\" (despite that I\'m in the professional world) to my peers.
Comment by Levi Miller
Its news on this site every day because there are Jewish people with a financial interest in Solo not being developed. Hence the pain in the neck kids paid to get signatures outside seven mile.
Comment by Levi Miller
This comment is from Rabbi Storch: Thank you. I am not sure exactly where you see that we disagree at this point, though. We both agree that members of Chazal had trouble pronouncing certain words or letters including the ches. Your speculation as to how it was mispronounced is interesting, although I must say that there is no textual basis for it and it would take a linguist familiar with the regional pronunciations in ancient times to adequately propose a viable theory. Either way, it is not very relevant as it is clear that there were mispronunciations, and based on the Rambam and Ramban it would seem it was because they lived in a region where the spoken language caused certain sounds that are specific to the Hebrew to become foreign. It is more like a foreign accent which causes many to have difficulty pronouncing certain letters. Whether it was similar to the contemporary difficulty that you mentioned, or the Yemenite pronunciation which you have proposed as a theory, or a completely different issue altogether (I never sided with any of these three options), the cause is the same. I still maintain that in no way does it reflect poorly on these venerable sages.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so sad!! People that are against this simply do not understand. It is a mere stuipity. It all about greed!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i dont think that elal is losing out money. it dosnt cost them as much as they charge for us to fly!!! they will probably break even. its insane to even suggest such a thing. u found a great deal- it was meant to be!! enjoy your cheap tickets and enjoy israel!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good grief. Of course a poll funded by the Owings Mills Mall will show that people don\\\\\\\'t want it....if they are funding it, the results will just show what they want it to. That\\\\\\\'s like asking a pharmaceutical company to pay for testing of their own medicines! Please. The Owings Mills Mall invited Wegman\\\\\\\'s to build on their site. Of course they declined, because the Owings Mills Mall is run down, lower class, and no one likes to shop there. So Ken Oliver is annoyed, because he wants Wegman\\\\\\\'s in HIS district. Meanwhile, the Solo cup plant, which is zoned for manufacturing, is sitting empty, and have you heard of any manufacturer who is interested in moving in? What\\\\\\\'s better, Wegman\\\\\\\'s or a large empty plot of land? And why is this topic on Baltimore Jewish Life every other day?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the exchange. I do think Megillah 24b is again an issue of the Teimani way of saying ches, which 99% of people today cannot pronounce either. So, again it's a much diff. issue than merely pronouncing a reg. ches like we do today. I say the same about Edyos because who ever (even a convert) would have a problem saying a heh and settle for saying an aleph as the Rambam writes there? Is there anyone who can't say the 'h' sound? Eleh it must be again the very unique way Teimanim say the heh and the ches which is prob. how many Rabbanim, and medakdekim tried to say it then. But many, as we are today, were unsuccessful.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope our enemies, when they visit the park, either drop dead from sheer boredom, or else nag their parents to take them to a real theme park like Disney World! Come on Dad, with all those oil sales, and all that money coming to support Hezbollah from US taxpayers, you can take us to Disney World!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hard to believe it's been 25 years. I remember this like it was yesterday.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
2 questions - does refusing to sign the form not violate the Torah precept of "dina d'malchuta dina" meaning the law of the land is the law? 2. what if one of some of these men would like to join the IDF, there are already Charedi units. I have to believe that some of them would appreciate protecting their country and being trained in skills that may allow them to earn a living one day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I learned in Yeshiva for 11 years after high school. Five of them here in Ner Israel and six in Mirrer Yeshiva in New York as a Kollel man. I have tried to maintain my standards of religious devotion all these years (left Mirrer Kollel in 1986). Recently I volunteered to tutor and learn as a chavrusa with boys who needed a learning partner at a local Kollel. I was told that I did not meet the necessary standards to be a part of that program. They only wanted Yeshivesheh men. I was not Yehsivesh (Chareidi) in their eyes. My point is that Chareidi or Yeshivesh is a label whose application changes. You can devote your whole life to being a Yeshiva, Chareidi man only to discover that you are obsolete and no longer up to standards. So why bother? I know that a lot of children have despaired from ever gaining acceptance in the Yeshiva, Chareidi world and have just given up and drifted away. If I feel this way and I am 53, how would a sensitive child at a critical point in his development feel? This community , I mean the Yeshiva-Chareidi community, has gone from a harbor for all who seek to serve Hashem to being harsh and exclusive. This is not the way it is supposed to be. That's all I am saying.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
STOP WEGMANS! They sell eggs, which are proven to be more deadly than smoking!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Haredi are not so special so they should go into IDF.. they do nothing to pay taxes....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Now we can shop the area and go in for lunch instead of eating lunch at home then shop in the afternoon. i'd go without eating all day but kids...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I like Wegman closer to my home instead of going to hunt valley. My husband misses it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not Charedi, thankfully. I am deaf, and most charedim do not treat the deaf and disabled properly and i refuse to let my kids marry into charedi families along with Hassadism. I am a jew without being limited in these kind of world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just let me understand this, this entire movement wants the public's support to bring life back to the owings mills mall ( a private entity). Can someone explain to me why we should use public support for a private business. Will they share their profits with us? This is very similar when a sports owner asks a state to build them a stadium and the team keeps all the profits. If Wegman's wants to build there, let them it is a free country. If the owings mills developers wants to make the property more attractive, by all means. They certaintly had many years to do so. Why should they get a leg up by crushing the competition. Here is an idea do a better job attracting customers it is the american way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To # 1: I'm going a step further. Next Pesach, I'm replacing the egg on my ka'arah with a pack of cigarettes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am sorry but I like eggs. These type of articles are written to scare us like solo cups, smart meters,tipping camp counselors and kiddush etiquette.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great! I hate eggs, but was eating them to be healthy. Now I'll quit the eggs and go back to the smokes!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! Now if only someone could get people to video date, That would be a great innovation. A time saver and save klall yisroel lots of money enabling shidduchim between people in distant cities! What a concept that would be!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am Jewish. I believe that each and every man, woman and child is a tzelem Elokim. I believe that every Jew is a precious neshama. I believe that it is not my place to interfere or force the personal manifestations of my belief in G-d and performance of mitzvos upon another person, because that is bein adam l'makom - between me and HaShem. I believe that bein adam l'chavero is mostly about ahavas yisrael. I am Jewish, and do not need any other label. - Galia Berry
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i can see it now. buses full of wheelchair bound seniors storming the SSA in Woodlawn demanding oatmeal and prune juice. this is hysterical.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol hakavod to all those who came on yesterday's flight. Where are the rest of you?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Frum is the relationship one has with God. Chareidi is how you present yourself to the rest of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ha ha ha Knock it down!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a welcome development. #1 stop playing party politics and punishing children for their parents sins. It is kosher and fair to allow these poor children to thrive in this country. Practice what you preach: For republicans use some of that compassion from "compassionate conservitavism" and for the Jewish community do unto others...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What nerve!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This comment is from Rabbi Storch: I guess we will have to disagree as to how to understand the Ramban. However, there were certainly members of Chazal who had difficulty pronouncing certain letters and in no way is that disrespectful! The Gemara cites an explicit example of such an instance of one of the sages' difficulty to pronounce a ches. (Megillah 24b; see Rashi, Tosefos, and Rabbeinu Chananel who all take this approach.) Additionally, the Rambam mentions that Shmaya and Avtalyon had difficulty pronouncing certain words (although I concede that this second example is because these individuals were converts). (Peirush Hamishnayos Ediyos 1:3) Nevertheless, clearly it was not considered disrespectful as their Talmid, Hillel, mispronounced these words in the same way to preserve them in the exact manner in which he heard them. If it was derogatory in any possible, Hillel would not have disrespected his honorable Rabbeim in such a fashion!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
not included in here was also that many Churches own their buildings outright, so they are also not paying mortgage.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
answer to number #2 - unrealistic expectations and entitlement. I am not sure what "more Torah" and "more frummer" means, was this sarcasm? Sometimes learning full time can make you selfish, (calm down everyone I said sometimes). If you are handed everthing on sterling silver platter can you learn to live with anything less at the ripe old wise age of 19 or 20? Most of the young couples (here I actually meant to say most not some) are actually "playing house" more than starting a household, they are dependent on their family for everything, they are ill prepared for the "job" of marriage. We could start by longer dating period and not under a cloud of darkness and secrecy. It makes me violently ill to here a secret "shhh don't tell anyone they are dating" then to find them engaged the next night. Why does it have to be such a secret? What are people afraid of, it makes the whole dating process quite strange and difficult to navigate. Could someone explain to me why a couple who have dated 2 or 3 times can't go to a local restaurant for dinner? Let's take they mystery out of this very important process. Let's allow the couples to discuss the issues they have with real people not just the rebbe and the shadchan. This is an area that has really declined in our community and it is not clear to my why.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I respect and appreciate the comments as it pertains to how to treat this man from a religious stand point. With that said however and as one of the victims who came forward I can tell you there is no feeling of foregiveness for this man (only speaking for myself) and to be allowed to hide behind the cloak of religion is beyond belief. To see other rabbis come to speak on his behalf at his sentencing sent a very loud message that this man is still accepted and dare I say foregiven by some and that I, as a victim to this mans crimes, mean nothing to these men that are supposed to be my brothers and leaders in the Jewish community. To abuse and leave a child with a life times worth of horrendous memories goes well beyond any scriptures and religious interpretations. He should have received jail time and beyond that he should be held accountable for all of his actions by the Jewish community as a whole. Moses was not shown foregiveness for his actions in the desert and was not allowed to enter the holy land, this man should not be allowed to be called a rabbi (a term I refuse to use when discussing him) and should not be allowed in any temple to represent himself as a true believer of the faith when in reality he uses it as a cloak to disguise his true intentions.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do not think you are correct. The Ramban does not at all say that Chazal had trouble pronouncing the ches. He says tichabaid bilshonam yes, but that does not say Chazal had the trouble. It sounds much more like some people had trouble, maybe many people had trouble but to attribute a pronunciation impediment to Chazal, making them sound like they had issues with the \'ches\' like non-Jews sometimes do is not being respectful to them. Again, you say the Ramban says this. I don\'t see it at all. Even those that had \'trouble\' had this issue most likely because they pronounced the ches like the Yemenites and if you have ever heard that, you know it could be taken for an aleph. Not that they had \'trouble\' with the ches.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not a halachic authority by any means, I think that my subject common sense tells me that 1. The Sephardi should have respected the Rabbi and the minhag of the Shul and should have followed the Nusach of the Shul! 2. The Ashkenazi should not have embarrassed the Sephardi by saying that possuk! My 2 cents
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is it that our generation which has much more Torah and is much frummer than the previous ones has so much less shalom bayis? Shouldn\'t our young men who learn full time be much better husbands than their fathers who had little if any yeshiva education? Shouldn\'t our young women who attended the finest seminaries be much better wives and mothers? What am I missing?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is nuts and should not be allowed. This does not sound very kosher to me. Shame on Obama !! He does not know how to play fair. He should not be re-elected. The USA is already suffering and he is making much worse.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I always wonder why there are so many cars parked on Brooks Robinson!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ahh, we are finally acknowledging the elephant in the room. A breath of fresh air. Haven't yet read the magazine articles, but looking at the digest, some important themes are out on the table for discussion. No one has yet dared touch the third rail, though. The state of Jewish education today, the disempowerment, nay, usurpation of the parental role, the mandate to spend "the year in the Israel" (or more) and the clash of values/cultural expectations that is the fallout from this educational "investment". Universal kollel learning for all can young people to be under-educated and unprepared for today's economic/workplace realities, leading to great financial stress on young couples and their parents, who are expected to "help" with the finances, with resultant health problems and shalom bayis problems in the folks who are married 25+ years, too!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thats all it does is rain
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This comment is from the author, Rabbi Ari Storch: The Ramban clearly mentions that it was difficult in Chazal's vernacular to pronounce a ches and not just some sort of slang. "Ki haChes t'chabaid bilshonam v'haykelu osa l'alef" "This is because the letter cheth is difficult to pronounce in their language and so they used the easier aleph." (Translation Chavel edition)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article Yaakov but your first paragraph says it all. You claim to be \"Charedi circa 1970, my father's generation Then, yeshiva students wrote, spoke and thought in English. They dressed in color.\" In your opening paragraph you state \"I wear a black hat on Shabbos and dark pants and a white shirt much of the week. My yarmulke is large, black and velvet\". Yaakov, if you were truly Charedi like your father\'s generation the color of your shirt and pants wouldn\'t matter. You now dress \"black and white\" because that\'s what other Charedim expect of you. It is the fear of what others think that has created the issues in Charedi Judaism of which you mention. Charedi means to tremble before HaShem, not before neighbors, shadachanim, principals or anyone else. The true Charedim of your father\'s generation understood this and therefore could dress \"in color\", go to college and be pashut in their hashkafa and avoda. I challenge you to ask how much of what you and other Charedim do is due to your avoda and how much is what society expects.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wegmans will ot bring jobs... just redistribute them from Giant and other grocers. Where is the gain?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Love this...wish more people felt and lived the same!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I looked up the Ramban and I don't think he says that Chazal had difficulty pronouncing the ches. The Ramban is saying what people did as a slangish kind of talk with ches and aleph. I realize you just wanted a cute,catchy title but I also think it's a bit of a disrespect to Chazal. Otherwise, good piece.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The author is on the mark if he is describing American out of town "chareidim" but not chassidim and certainly not Lakewood-Brisk Yeshivish. maybe the problem is that we really aren't in the same club and that our pathetic attempts to pretend that we are really chareidi only exposes us to the disdain and ridicule of those who are holier than we. Why do they not let children of American Kollel yungeleit into the "better" Yerushalayim chadorim and why do we try to get in? Are we suffering from an inferiority complex and want to believe that those who look down on us and then come to ask us to support their lifestyle are really superior? My son is in Nachal Chareidi and he tells me of a soldier whose mother told him that he cannot come into the house if he is wearing an army uniform, out of shame and fear of what the neighbors will think. That son is now a "lone soldier" because he feels rejected by his mother and father. Is that really the standard that the One Above set at Mt.Sinai ? Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Look at how many more likes the support facebook page has than the say no page has. It looks like they have the stronger support.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great the signiatures have been submitted, let the decision be made either way and let's put this ot rest, I certainly hope the opposition to Foundry Row do- not continue their campaign and accept the project if it occurs. I personally look forward to a beautiful shopping center with Wegman's at it's center at that corner, every time I drive by that empty plant I am reminded of our declining economy. Either way may the best man win, or hopefully everyone will win as both the old Mall location and Foundry Row will bring jobs to this section of the county.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so wrong !! There is so much hype and very misleading for no reason. I sure hope that Wegman's does come as it will establish more jobs for those who need.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I love Wegman's! But I will never go there if the traffic situation is prohibitive and I can't imagine it NOT being.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not a question of forgiving, or not forgiving. This has everything to do with protecting our children. There is no cure for this disease. This man is capalble of being a threat where ever there are children - including a shul. I would rather look in my siddur, then have to watch every step this man takes, praying that he doesn't happen to fall upon a child taking a walk in the hall or in the washroom. In all of Hashem's kindness, may no other child fall victim.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The world's greatest kiruv entrepreneur.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I also think it would be amazing to open a Goldberg's location downtown.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish this place a lot of success. History has shown that it's hard to sustain a kosher restaurant in an area that is not heavily populated with kosher-only consumers. Part of it has to do with not being competitive in terms of prices compared to non-kosher restaurants. I hope this isn't a problem in this new location. Hatzlachah rabah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
can you please please please open a location downtown!!!! i know there was one a while back but it closed... so many people downtown have no kosher options and must brown bag it or starve!!! (a downtown working constituent)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is the owner, Stanley Drebin. We are under Star-K. The only thing different is that we will not be Yoshon and our bagels sold in the individually must be considered dairy due to handling.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
under the Star-K
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i heard some time ago that this location will not be under any hashgacha. can someone please clarify?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My favorite is the everthing wait garlic is the best...or is it the pumpernickel. Oh, I just like all the bagels.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yay! My daughter is starting as the new K-1 autism teacher at Padonia Elemenary School and it is great that she will have a kosher place for lunch!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The psak of the Rav of the Shul, the mara de'asra, must be respected and upheld. It is out of place and offensive for an outsider like Rabbi Hoffman (I don't know who gave him the authority to pasken for the whole world on the internet anyway - do you?) to inject his own opinions to undermine the authority of the Rav and the minhag of the Shul. We go according to the Rav of the Shul and not a relatively young writer who, while a fine talmid chacham, has not been ordained as poseik for the world at large via the internet. Such articles should at least carry a disclaimer that one should consult their local poseik/Rav for psak halacha, as some pieces online have. Aseh lecha Rav does not mean paskening from articles on the internet. It is troubling that such a notice does not appear here.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Human beings don't have the authority to grant him mechila. We also don't have the authority to deny it from him. Based on this article (the only information I've seen on the topic) the government of this country has said that he is free, but needs to be supervised, and Rabbonim have said the same. No one is trying to "protect" him or hide his deeds or place him in a position of honor or responsibility for children--nor should they. A shul where davening is taking place and he is being watched is not a place where he is capable of being a threat. When we stand before kol nidre and the community says "we permit praying with sinners", will it be a true statement?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shalom Kvod Ha'Rav! I read the halachot as your wrote about the so called ELAL glich, your analysis is wonderful Yasher Coach! I wanted to point out to you that ELAL has not exactly been there for the Jewish people for the past 60+ years. The way the travel to Israel works is as follows. ELAL is owned 51% by the Israeli government which means the Israeli government has full control of 100% of that company. The economic committee in the Knesset in Israel controls how many airlines can fly to Israel, how many flights can take place a day and even what size planes can land in Israel. This committee set a very low cap on the number of flights it allows into Israel this is called a 'Quotta'. In addition the Knesset sets is so that within the Quotta ELAL is given the great majority of the flights and the rest of the few selected airlines get a small % of the flights. Now since there is a government controlled small supply of flights and a huge demand for tickets to Israel, this causes the price of a ticket to be sky high. Fuel charges & Security charges as you pointed out are an accounting gimmick ELAL created and they have nothing to do with the total price of a ticket. What Continental does not have fuel charges and security charges? ELAL is the airline that is not allowing this situation to change. ELAL does not care how many people fly to Israel in total. ELAL only wants to make sure their flights are full and passengers are paying as much as they squeeze out of them. The competing airlines like Delta or Continental are very happy with the one or 2 flights a day they are granted permission to fly to Israel because they can charge as much as they want on these few flights and still their plane will be full since the demand is very high and the supply can not possibly fill it. For 60 plus years people are fighting to have Israel comply with open skies and let more airlines and flights into Israel but to no avail to this date. Also wanted to add, most large groups traveling to Israel Fly ELAL (Yeshivas, federations, schools, camps are just a few examples of large groups flying to Israel) why? The group leader receives a free ELAL ticket and the rest of the group more than pays for the leader's free ticket. I am sure the Ha'lach has what to say about this. I would think a group leader has the obligation to check that the total price the group will be paying is cheaper on ELAL than on a competing airline and make sure this is communicated to the group members before the group flies ELAL. My advice to anyone flying to Israel from the USA is do not fly ELAL rather fly any other airline. Also if in any way possible fly to Israel (but never ELA L) via a stop in Europe. If we all follow the strategy listed above (not ELAL and via a stop in Europe) within one year all parties in control will realize that people in the USA have woken up, and that the business as usual model is broke. Only then will the limited supply regulations stop and fairs will become competitive. There is a lot more to say on how ELAL currently structures it's self however it is much more constructive to focus on how we the people can change the structure of the flights system so that as many Jews as possible get to visit Israel for a fair rate to the airlines and for the passengers. Wishing you a Shanah Tova, Le'Shana Habah B'yershalim Ha'Benuyah, A Pushit a Yid.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#12 - unless you are one of his victims, I'm not so sure you have the right to grant him mechila.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ha ha, for a minute I thought the 'threat' from Sinai was that event that happened 2000 years ago --- actually that THREAT is what Iran should worry about more than anything! We pray that the real threat from Sinai will be delicious in our mouths and eyes, and will create the influence of the National Awakening of Klal Yisroel on the issue of creating the Davidic Kingdom and eliminating Iran, Palestine, and the intifada once and for all and focus on ways to attain the ultimate goal of liberating Yerushalayim which embodies the dignity of not just the Jewish people but the entire world! AMEN!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How horrible, to inform parents 2 weeks before school starts. I hope the community is open to accepting these children no matter their situation. All children need an education. This is extremely unacceptable for any school to do. These poor CHILDREN
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Another reason why Catholic schools are a bad comparison is that they provide their employees benefits not offered by yeshivah schools. They also have the expense of athletic & other extra-curricular programs the yeshivah schools do not.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wouldn't want my children marrying someone who was raised to believe that it's ok to publicly embarrass someone. Money, status, yichus - they are essentially meaningless - the middos are paramount.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
His title of \"Rabbi\" should and must be stripped from him. He is an evil and sick person who should do time for his actions. He has stripped the life from his victims. He gives the Jewish People a bad name. Shame on him!!! I do not know how he sleeps at night.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Uh, I hate to rain on your teshuva parade but the issue here is that sexual predators who act on their compulsions have a very high recidivism rate and will molest again! They are sick individuals who halacha considers to be rodfim, since they pose a clear and present danger to the children of our community. That is why Rabbi Hopfer wrote and publicized his letter.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Agree with Mr. Wolfish in theory. Are there any tzadikim among us? Are we really prepared to nullify teshuva, even for these heinous acts? As a parent, I think I'd want the guy's head on a pole, no matter how old the crime. But as a frum Yid, I'm not so sure that's proper. Especially considering that we are about to start Elul, would we cry for mechila at the same time we would deny it to someone else? I don't think that would look very nice to the One above.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would love to hear more about the significance of the five letters that have sofis forms.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Co-workers of my who were researching Catholic schooling for their children found they were expected to make significant contributions to their diocese, on top of the tuition. So, some of the subsidies they give may come directly from the parents who can pay.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well written, thank you Ms. Finkelstein for a well-researched article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mosheh Wolfish, Are you serious?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"...proper precautions" - Vigilant, but not vigilante-ism. The picture is up to protect the community, and his embarrassment can't be helped. He is SITUATIONALLY dangerous. But how to deal with him when NOT in a dangerous situation, i.e., "normal" social interaction. Yes, he is obligated to attain mechila and undo the damage, etc., as WE ALL ARE for our sins. But most of us have yet to overcome such trifling issues as (well I won't say because I am not trying to trivialize) and even some serious ones, too, but they are better hidden. My point being, other than taking the steps necessary to protect our children and community, and considering that this terrible thing was done more than 30 years ago, and it SOUNDS LIKE he has stayed out of trouble since then - should he be ostracized? - Mosheh Wolfish
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is a good thing that notices like this one be circulated. I applaud the VAAD's assertiveness in this situation. As Rabbi Horowitz (Project YES) said once to the effect: If someone was going around the community cutting of the tips of our kid's pinky fingers, what would we do - how would we respond? So much more so when it comes to those who molest our children. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by BJLife BJLife
One day the Moshiach will call on the people to 'rise, destroy Palestine and replace it with the holy Torah nation,' while showing video footage of the 12 Siyum HaShas with Yidden dancing in the aisles , showing demonstrators holding signs saying 'We are all Klal Yisroel!' and anti-Gog Jews and righteous gentiles waving Israeli flags. Bimheira v\'yameinu!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For the record, Rabbi Berger's shul had a letter warning mispallelim of Levitt with his picture signed by Rabbi Hopfer hanging on the Shul's official bulletin board.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Doesn't work
Comment by BJLife BJLife
U can't return the tickets because EL AL is not offering refunds.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well said and El Al already offered full refund's for anyone that wants
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yasher Koach! It really would be a huge kiddush Hashem. And I know it would not be an easy one either... imagine the reward!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would you be saying this if the company was a Non-Jewish company
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We need one here!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#1 ask YOUR rav if you think you need to. Obviously the community and OUR rabbeim are in agreement on this otherwise it would not be posted on this site or the many other sites it has been on.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you are looking for names of local rabbis involved, simply google the name of the perpetrator.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wonder how many would have "taken advantage" of this "sale" if they knew it was a mistake. I hope that most Yidden wouldn't. If not, we've got work to do.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, President of the Vaad Harabbanim sent a letter to all community rabbis asking them to publicize this with the man\'s pictue.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow #1 - you really need a Rav to tell you to be vigilant? This monster molested 3 children and I don't care what any Rav says, there's no way mine will be number 4!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what is our community going to do about this person. what should people do when they see him in a shul, JCC, or parks.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Has this vigilance been encourage by a Rav? This should probably be quoted in the rabbi\'s name as opposed to an anonymous statement which was not in the Boston Herald article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
True customer service !!! Not seen very often these days.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing !!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
100%. Every shul, everywhere, needs to be prepared. People need to stop leaving their stuff around in shuls. People need to be more aware of who is visiting their shuls. People need to be more aware of who is around the shul. And people need to learn what to do in the event something goes terribly wrong. I think our community is ill prepared and way too complacent regarding these security issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#1: \"Bless\" can also mean \"give approval to/for\". It doesn\'t always have to be with regards to something religious.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Follow the money. The opposition is about developers exploiting our community to line their own pockets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The word \\\"blessing\\\" is out of context and misleading!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
seems like a case of hiding what happens and silencing the victim...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Each individual should make the choice himself" I didn't think that we were capable of doing that any more? Many people ask shailos for the most mundane and simple reasons because they no longer "make choices for themselves" - unfortunately.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
FYI: El Al is now considering if they will honor those tickets. There is no law stating that they must. They have stated that this was caused by a contractor who made a mistake when entering the prices.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is this newsworthy? And i dont understand why he would call? The victims are Americans, they live here. Would he call Hugo Chavez if 4 venezualens were killed? Or the Pope if 4 catholics were killed??? Just dont get it
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The "Jewish Voice for Peace" group is stupid and anti-Semitic. Bravo to Romney. He is who we need as the next President.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why would anyone oppose the opening of a Wegman's in this economy? It means jobs for the area and competition to keep prices in line. And let's not forget -- a great shopping experience for all!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for printing a comprehensive article about the facts regarding the Foundry Row vs Owings Mills Mall conflict. The Say No To Solo campaign has been clouding the issues by their scare tactics.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#4 you have EMS people in your family and you were at the very biased meeting so that makes you an expert? Give me a huge break.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The problem with the world are the liberal left-wing Jews who are mentally disturbed. They are so anti-Jewish and despise anything Jewish which causes them to love and capitulate to the enemy. They are the reason that there is a Moslem president in the USA today. Unfortunately, Jews are concentrated in the large states which have the most electoral votes which handed Hussein Obama the Oval Office in 2008. I call on all of you liberal Jews to wake up before it is too late.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel tov on their enggement
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#2 ditto to #1~ AM YISRAEL CHAI!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aren't folks aware that Reisterstown Road and Painters Mill Road are planned for enlargement? Hearings from the public were just heard at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council office. Where was the public then? I agree with #2. Traffic is just the excuse. Use it often enough and people will begin to believe it. No one is countering with the road changes planned. I know this because I sit on the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Israel is not the problem
Comment by BJLife BJLife
is there any way to download this video?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What made it such as great conference because the tone was collegial and collaborative. There was a mix of shiurim and professional sessions dealing with various topics relevant to our community. Best practices, successes, and challenges were shared among over 90 different cities. It was an opportunity to introspect and discuss the issues in an open way, allowing each of us to learn from one another. As the keynote Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar emphasized, it is not about finding all of the answers but asking all of the right questions. An added nachas was seeing all of the talented YU and Stern students who were there working the conference in logistic support roles. The Presidential Fellows Mentoring program that was initiated will surely guide and bring out the best in them, in the hopes that they will be future leaders of our communities. Out of this delegation, there were three young women from Baltimore, including two BY graduates heading to medical school! Kol hakavod. Shabbos was beautiful, filled with ruach and Divrei Torah. The catering was fantastic and a good time was had by all. YU's CJF and the Mitzner Family deserve a big Yasher Koach for continuing to make the conference available to us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
More cyclists on Baltimore roads=more accidents between cars and bicyclists. How many times have you driven over the painted bicycles on the road on Glen Avenue? What about the new bike path on Greenspring Ave? How bicyclists have you seen there? Do you want to ride your bike there, between parked cars and moving cars? Would you let your child ride there? Governor O'Malley, stop wasting our tax dollars!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please tell me this is satire!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
#4, no need to get personal. I was at the hearings, I know what I heard, from people who have years of experience in urban planning. Also have EMS and medical people in my family, so I know very well about that which I speak. As for hurdles, actually, high jump was my specialty in track and field, which is what the people on the City Council are going to have to do in order to push this through against public opposition!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
comment #3 I won't even try to argue with your logic, the hurdle jumpers at the Olympics could learn a lot from the conclusions you are jumping to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congested roads as a result of poor traffic planning equals accidents waiting to happen, and poor EMS response times as a result, with lives hanging in the balance chas v'shalom. The intersection of Painter's Mill and Reisterstown Road is already documented as THE worst intersection and the most DANGEROUS intersection in Baltimore County. Aa for it being about the money, commenter #2, of course it is about money. Time and money spent waiting in traffic, extra time spent carpooling which means leaving work earlier equals less $ in a family's pocket, not to mention the money it takes to fill a gas tank in this economy. All that before factoring in higher car insurance rates from having a car accident and the resultant medical bills, time spent in rehab for injuries, and so on. Certainly, it is about the money, as well as time, pain, aggravation, trauma, etc.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not about traffic it's about $$$, just call it what it is. People who are worried about traffic could never fund such an antibusiness scare campaing, it's about the might dollar, just admit it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is rabbi kosman in the hospital what is wrong
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What does it matter if other developers are part of the opposition? Of course they are, what sense would it make for a business to just sit around and say...okay..take everything I have worked for away and give it to someone else? KIMCO purchased the OM mall and then 4 days later Vicky Almond came out in support of converting the solo plant to a retail center of up to 70 stores the size of 7 football fields less than 1.5 miles away.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the businesses, grocery stores, and shopping centers that believe they'll be hurt by Foundry Row: Create an atmosphere where customers will want to shop and you can be successful too! I'm really looking forward to having a Wegman's within easy driving distance!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Well then, if Dr. Anne Lindboe views Milah as a violation of a person's right to decide over his own body, I hope she will forbid all children to have peirced ears before they can properly make that decision. While we\'re at it a child\'s nails should not be trimmed or their hair cut until such time as we deem a child able to decide over their own body. Perhaps we should ban diapers as well as a baby can\'t tell uss if they really do want that comfort. Ah well if we expand this in the right direction, upon birth we should just leave the baby where they are born to be exposed to the elements until such time as they can make their own decisions.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This is a joke, right??
Comment by Ellene Newman
This cannot be true. Its not even Purim!! What about seeing busses and cars etc-I guess Hashem will give them extra protection if they wear these glasses.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Ah, the evil developers are at it again. Amazing how easy it is to stop someone from achieving because of fear...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Their newest banner on BJL says "Carpoolers and Commuters Beware" using scare tactics to get people to their meeting. This smells of corporate money backing an alleged "grassroots" effort. Shameful.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yes, teens and calls from India with people reading scripts that they know nothing about. And the teens can be misleading, asking people to sign because they are concerned about too much traffic on Reisterstown Road. The dual between the developers is not mentioned.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This 'Say No to Solo' campaign is curiously well funded. Teens are being paid a lot of money to approach citizens for signatures; with excessive street signs and internet presence (especially on BJL) the point has been made and made and made. But in the end we will either have a huge empty space on Reisterstown Rd or a retail center; the chances of anything else moving in there are very slim. Wegmans and Co. I am sure will gladly take their jobs and tax revenues somewhere else .
Comment by Ellene Newman
It is really important that Shules start becoming pro-active in protecting their congregants during services. Security guards should be hired and there should be people in the Shules who have licenses to carry arms.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank You very much! Beautiful article.
Comment by Ellene Newman
And where was the women\'s section?
Comment by Ellene Newman
is there a link to Rabbi Frand's speech at the siyum hashas?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Super job!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yasaher Coach Rabbi Markowitz! When is the Kitzur Siyum? Y
Comment by Ellene Newman
that's why he asked
Comment by Ellene Newman
the ananim blocked the moon and they were not mekadesh al pi reiah so the gemora R\"H did not apply. (Tosafos) * it must have merely obscured the clarity so they couldn\'t testify but were still able to tell that it was whole
Comment by Ellene Newman
All curiosity is built on not knowing
Comment by Ellene Newman
Both shuls were and remain important community institutions. Both had rabbis who were great. Both reflect similar values. Both are united in support of one of the finest, most genuine, scholarly, intelligent, sensitive and sincere Rabbonim in the history of America, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Shlit'a. Baltimore can be proud of his achievements and the great, united shul he marvelously leads. Everyone is welcome.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Must have been something to see horses and coaches pull up and then see cars show up a few years later. I suppose a store like this has become a thing of the past; even if the economy wasn\'t lousy.
Comment by Ellene Newman
OMG i saw that on the way must have been the beginning bc there was no traffic yet
Comment by Ellene Newman
Your curiosity is built on a foundation of simply not knowing about the merger or the circumstances of both shuls before the merger.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I have always been curious about the genesis of the shul's name; in particular, why it is "B'nai Jacob Shaarei Zion" and not "Shaarei Zion B'nai Jacob" inasmuch as before the merger, Shaarei Zion was by far the better known of the two shuls. Plus, they merged into the old Shaarei Zion building. a2y
Comment by Ellene Newman
Huh? Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky are affirming the gedolim of America's ruling that Americans should vote? On what authority or expertise do they base this decision, and why do we need the confirmation of the the daas torah of American rabonnim by the gedolim of Israel?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I just wasted 45 seconds of my life reading this "article".
Comment by Ellene Newman
I love my school! Bnos Yisroel is the BEST!! Love, a 2012 Graduate
Comment by Ellene Newman
Go Bnos Yisroel!!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Glass houses my friend, glass houses.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excuse me, but in the interest of preventing defamation based on misinformation, could you give some examples of "defamation and misinformation' from Breitbart. Surely an article like this has to be based on more that the attitude of the NYT and CNN.
Comment by Ellene Newman
A quick note about Mr. Kinsolving: Les Kinsolving, Tom Marr, Frank Luber and Sean Casey are true friends of Israel and the Jewish people. They should be thanked and awarded for coming out and decrying Islam for what it is, and not cowering behind a microphone. The management of WCBM as well should be acknowledged.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Mr. Obama is clearly no a friend of Israel - no pandering on his part of \"when I get elected for a second term I will, of course, make a trip to Israel.\" He has been proven as a liar. It\'s clear as daylight where his priorities lie, and they are not with Israel (and I have to question if America is on his priorities radar). Should Obama be elected, and he\'s hinted to this himself, the \"gloves are off\". He is totally invincible because he is under a term limit himself. Did you know: *Obama signed an executive order last week removing the look for work requirement for welfare recipients. Now, if you take out your trash or mow your lawn, you are eligible for welfare until the day you die. That\'s money out of my pocket - instead of forcing people to work, they can just loif around and do nothing (no, I am not on welfare, food stamps, or any other government assistance plan, BH. It\'s not a bad thing for those who need it, though, but it shouldn\'t be for lifetime) *Obama is ready to gut the Second Amendment which places strict requirements on the purchase of guns, should he win a second term. His \"folks\" want to know who is applying for and buying a gun. There has already been a huge demand for people who want to get in under a possible government crackdown. This will lead to certain extremist groups, who thrive and believe in guns purchasing, to rise up against the government (which, coincidentally, is advocated in the Constitution). *When you are sitting in a business meeting, or in front of a Rov, do you put your feet up in their face? Obama decided that Mr. Netanyahu deserved the soles of his shoes while meeting in the Oval Office. Very interesting to note: In the Muslim, throwing or presenting your shoes at someone is a sign of hatred. Remember when shoes were thrown at Bush? In short: The broom sitting across the room would be a better choice than the current individual sitting in the Oval Office right now. Bush aside (who, yes, made some mistakes, but was a huge mentch) he has, at the minimum, made some extremely poor choices in where his priorities lie. Anyone except Obama, 2012. Oh, and in response to the question posted at the top of the article: Anyone willing to come out and state that J\'lem is the Capital of Israel has my vote. One doesn\'t say that if they don\'t believe it, and trust me - he understands the ramifications of that statement.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Gelber. We are so proud of you! Thank you for making a difference in Klal Yisroel. The Bermans.
Comment by Ellene Newman
If you're still not sure about Romney, I suggest you read Charles Krauthammer's latest article where he states, "Anyone who still thinks Obama is a friend of Israel has been in a coma the last three and a half years". If you're STILL not sure, I recommend reading Naomi Ragen ( or Caroline Glick and Martin Sherman, two excellent, spot on columnists for the Jerusalem Post ( as much as stated he intended to put "daylight" between the U.S. and Israel, and he has done more than that. Many of us saw, before the 2008 elections, who this man's friends were and that there was no way he could be trusted. He is a danger not only to Israel, but to the U.S., and we're praying that the rest of American Jewry wake up before he is elected to a disastrous second term.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Tragically, there is a wide gulf between secular Israelis like this one and believing Jews. What I fail to understand is why the secular totally ignore the majority of frum Jews who are not chareidim. Why is there so little impact on the minds of the secular by the modern orthodox ,zionist Jews? They seem invisable.
Comment by Ellene Newman
At White House News Conference after White House News Conference, many reporters including Baltimore Radio host, Les Kinsolving, keep asking if President Obama considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and the answer keps being that "final negotiations" must take place to answer that question. BUT, when CNN's Wolf Blitzer just asked Romney during his trip to israel if Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Romney said, "Yes". If you are a Jew and do not understand why that simple difference means you have to vote for Romney, then I suggest you study World history and Jewish history, and think why you just FASTED on TISHA B'AV..
Comment by Ellene Newman
The International Olympic Committe (IOC) had stated emphatically, and NBC who is broadcasting the Games stated, that the IOC did not want to have a Memorial for the Israeli athletes and coaches murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics, because the Opening Ceremonies would not be an appropriate time and place to have a Memorial, as it a festive opening ceremony, and there would be no opportunity for a memorial. Well, that was bad enough and many people and organizations, including Bob Costas, thought the IOC decision was very anti-Semitic. But it turns out that it is even worse than this: It turns out that The IOC and the Director of the opening Ceremony, Danny Boyle, and NBC are all liars as well as anti-semites: At the beginning of the \"festive\" opening ceremony, a 5 minute MEMORIAL was shown, in which members of the English military were memorialized, as well as the victims of the 7/7 London terror attack were memorialized, as well as the deceased father of the Director was memorialized. So the International OLYMPIC Committee DID approve a memorial at the opening ceremonies- just EXCLUDING the victims of those killed at an actual Olympic Games who were Olympic athletes and Olympic Coaches! By the way, interestingly, NBC did not broadcast that memorial- it dubbed in a taped interview with swimmer Michael Phelps, because they had been claiming all along that there would be no memorial during the Opening Ceremony, and didn\'t want to look like liars. And in a final ironic twist, the English are angry that NBC did not broadcast this memorial in America. Why aren\'t we angry that the IOC and NBC did not include a memorial to the 1972 Munich Olympic athletes? MOST IMPORTANTLY: EVERYONE MUST DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF ALEX GILADY, who is SENIOR VP NBC SPORTS AND ON IOC\'s Radio and Television Commission. According to Guri weinberg, the son of the coach who was murdered in Munich, in an article entitled \"Why the IOC will Never Memorialize the 1972 Munich Massacre\" on, when Guri Weinberg asked him why the Israeli Olympic athletes and coaches could not be memorialized, Alex Gilady of NBC and the IOC answered that because if they did, then they would also have to memorialize the Palestinians who died that day. He actually equated the victims with the murderers. That is intolerable and this man must be fired. PLEASE CALL NBC SPORTS in NYC to demand that ALEX GILADY BE FIRED>
Comment by Ellene Newman
The most connected Jew connections have not helped us or Israel. He hasn't stopped Obama from mistreating and disdaining Israel. Obama has opened the door to fashionable antisemitism. Despite these connections we are still endangered.
Comment by Ellene Newman
We already know what Obama has done for Israel. Romney did show respect for the Jewish religion. He also respected his audience as promised. Obama is known for letting his audience wait up to two hours before he shows up. That is why people faint at his presentations. No water or food is allowed for security. Show us an article of Obama where he can be trusted. Romney respects PM Netanyahu not like the current president. Obama has shown complete disrespect for PM Netanyahu and he has been very disloyal to an ally.
Comment by Ellene Newman
the real question is, 'If elected can we trust that Romney will be able to follow through on his promises.' - Is this statement for real? Will the author put her trust in Obama? He's already proven to be a compulsive liar and has treated Israel very poorly and has caused much harm. As politicians go, Romney is about as straight as they come. That being said, statements by any candidate can only be marginally believed, since when in office, other factors come into play. At issue is, where is their heart. Romney is a religious person who has always genuinely supported Israel. Can the same be said for Obama?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I would surely trust him a lot more than I trust Obama!
Comment by Ellene Newman
At this juncture; Howard IS more connected than Malcom Hoenlein. I would say he is one of the most internationally connected Jews. period. (Orthodox or not.)
Comment by Ellene Newman
In response to comment #4; it is not a competition to see who is the most "connected Orthodox Jew", it is a testament to the quality of askanim we have working for klal yisroel. We are fortunate to have such a prestigious yid within our community. Zvi does not did it for the kavod, he is always thinking about how he can help yidden wherever and whoever they are. May he continue to be able to advocate for us all.
Comment by Ellene Newman
BDE. This is a very sad story. The writer, however, should not refer to the child as "the kid."
Comment by Ellene Newman
we have an extra mens green section ticket for sale for $65 if anyone is in need of a ticket. please call 443-293-6048
Comment by Ellene Newman
What a beautiful idea! Thank you for taking the time to describe it so beautifully. I would not have wanted to miss this!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Beautiful story!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excellent introduction to this vast, beautiful and largely (at least in the Orthodox world) ignored section of Torah. A few corrections, if I may be permitted: The first paytan was by no means R Elazar HaKalir. We have several anonymous paytanim who composed very early piyutim which found their way into the nussah hatefillah and which are considered an inseparable part of it, such as Hakol Yoducha and Asher Hainie (purim evening). Cant go into detail here on these. Also perceding R Elazar were R Yosi Bar Yossi (the Tur says he wrote Atta Konanta, the Sefard Avoda of Yom Kippur, and surely the introductions to the Malchiyos Zichronos and Shofaros for the second day of Rosh Hashana according to the German nussah) and R Yannai (author of Uvchen Vayhi Bachatzi halayla and Vechol Ma'aminim). We know this because R. Saadia Gaon lists those three as the leading paytanim in that order (there is also loads of other evidence). Paytanim composed many piyutim for the same event. R. Elazar composed 5 kerovos for Tisha B'av (one is still recited in the German communities and another in Italian), 2 Avodos Leyom Hakippurim, and over 60 kinnos. He MEANT for the gabbaim and chazzanim to choose (such selection still practiced by Gabbaim in German and Wien shuls regarding selichos of Yom Kippur). That's why we have two separate kerovos for sukkos (though R. Elazar kept only one day of Yom tov) Minhag Eretz Yisrael had only 18 berachos and the 14th was Elokei David Uvonay Yerushalayim. We know this from the siddurim for the community in Cairo which still followed Minhag Eretz Yisrael as late as the Rambam's time. (He criticized their tri-annual Torah readings.) R. Elazar lived in Eretz Yisrael (that's why he kept only one day of Yom tov) and therefore had only 18 berachos in the Amida. As to the Ibn Ezra's criticism of R. Elazar and his support of Rav Saadia Gaon, (relatively) recently Menahem Zulai published all the piyutim of RSG. Turns out he was "guilty" of many of the "sins" of which the Ibn Ezra accused R. Elazar. RSG was an incredible innovator in lashon hakodesh and he also complicated his piyutim by mixing in some very complex philosophical ideas. R Shlomo Ben Gvirol and R. Yehuda Halevi (impeccable Spanish credentials) also invented words and forms in lashon Hakodesh and introduced philosophy into piyut (see Barchi Atzula, recited before Neila, from RIHAL and Kesser Malchus, for yom Kippur evening by RSBG). Finally the Shibolei Haleket is realy a quote from Rabbeinu Tam. This shows the tremendous kedusha which our paytanim infused into these poetic works. Someone explained to me the kinnah "Ohali asher ta'avta" al pi derech ha-sod, and the repeated use of the word "poh" in that kinna is clearly from the Zohar. May Hashem bless you with many years Lehagdil Torah U-Le-Haadirah
Comment by Ellene Newman
#6 - Your statement is incorrect. "Electrical pollution, otherwise known as dirty electricity is a term used to describe a type of electrical phenomenon occurring worldwide. However, the phenomenon is not widely known, and can be complex to understand. But research and case studies have shown that consumers should learn about electrical pollution, how it is controlled and measured, the health effects, and public protection against electrical pollution." . . .Smart meters have 2 types of health hazards: RF and Dirty Electricity. Dirty Electricity may be even more harmful than RF. #4- If you will note the date on the American Academy of Environmental Medicine just issued its press release about its recommendations on July 14, 2012 and if you will read it, you will understand this documents' importance in providing a warning to us. #7 - Although you are allergic to honey and bees, I'd be willing to be that all of the vegetables and fruits you enjoy were pollinated by bees. Ditto to #2. Electromagnetic/radio frequency lowers the immune systems of all life, resulting sooner or later in death. Lastly, The Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 1252, says nothing about utility companies (yes - all utilities, not just electric) forcing "smart meters" on consumers. Utility companies received subsidy money to purchase these "smart meters." In many states, these same companies receiving federal money now want to charge their consumers for the meters the companies already purchased (probably from China)and for which they already received compensation.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Associated represent!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
It looks like he was photoshopped into the video to me.....
Comment by Ellene Newman
While Howard Tzvi is pretty connected, I think he is way outdone by Malcolm Hoenlein who really is the most connected Orthodox Jew - possibly in the world!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Has there even been a president, Democrat or Republican, who has viewed Jerusalem as the capital? If so, why is the US embassy still in Tel Aviv?
Comment by Ellene Newman
When was the last time he got that question?
Comment by Ellene Newman
He's probably thinking "this guy hasn't got a shot come November".
Comment by Ellene Newman
Howard Tzvi is the single most connected Orthodox Jew in America! It is even better that he is our "home town boy"
Comment by Ellene Newman
Fellow Jews and other supporters of Israel, wake up! This is the true face of the anti-Zionist Obama administration. As much as I do not like Rahm Emanuel either, what do you think was the REAL reason he left as Obama's Chief of Staff after only 18 months? Yet so many of us still cling to this ridiculous nostalgia for the Democratic Party, no matter how many times Barrack Hussein Obama throws Israel under the bus.
Comment by Ellene Newman
What a great asset Tzvi is for our community.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks for this comprehensive list of programming in the community. So nice to see an offering for elementary school students this year - thanks Ohr Chadash Academy for this much needed program.
Comment by Ellene Newman
In addition, check out his press secretary\'s morning briefing. He was asked if the President saw Jerusalem or Tel Aviv as Israel\'s capitol. He hemmed and hawwed for a full minute without giving an answer.
Comment by Ellene Newman
hmmmm.... the Olympics came from the ancient Greeks.... another nation that tried to destroy us... irony anyone?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Nice, but will it trickle down to tuition relief for the full paying parents? If not, then all he is doing is helping the fund raisers and ignoring the growing resentment about who pays and who does not pay.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I heard Les Kinsolving in the background, pushing Mr. Carney to answer the question, which he never did. Go Les!
Comment by Ellene Newman
The ULTIMATE chutzpah, but they say what they mean....don\'t they!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Does anyone know where I may tender my resignation from Orthodox Judaism? Don't worry I am thrilled to continue to be shomer shabbos, shomer mitzvos the whole nine yards but this organized, political stuff is out of control and I must dissociate with it ASAP.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Still, when disunity is on display so glaringly it is very painful and upsetting. Who knows? The unity that we would have seen at this Siyum Hashas, may have been just enough to bring Moshiach. Now, who knows...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Put on a tie, guys.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Click here to view the 2010 Jewish grants
Comment by Ellene Newman
I agree with # 1 that this is a poor choice of an article. BTW, Ben & Jerry's also sells "Apple-y Ever After" ice cream, recently named after gay marriage.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Whats stopping the "Dessert Thief" from cutting open the bottom? I mean, if he's gonna eat the whole thing anyway..........
Comment by Ellene Newman
Absolutely true. The biggest question is, will Jews ever learn?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I am a little disappointed with the language in this article. I am sure it was an oversight by BJL.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Really #1? You don\'t know any Jews in the community who are suffering from Alzheimers? or who need legal aid? Nobody in the community benefits from social services?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I hate to disagree with you, but I have to say that if not for the open internet, we would not have so many sexual predators around... And I am talking from experience... Rabbanim know what they are talking about - and know EXACTLY which issues are in our community. and if our children wouldn't be sitting on the open internet all day and filling their minds with nonesense - then they would be MUCH more interested in learning..
Comment by Ellene Newman
It is in March, not \"this summer\". Please correct!
Comment by Ellene Newman
#1 - These charities were chosen by the employees. This does not count the millions of dollars the Weinberg Foundation gives to Jewish charities. If you would calculate what percent of charity is given to Jewish charities, you may not be so sad anymore.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I found this article very informative however I am allergic to bees and honey.
Comment by Ellene Newman
From a quick glance it only seems that 1 of those organizations is connected to the Jewish Community. I don't think Harry is getting as much nachas as he could be. Sad.
Comment by Ellene Newman
To #5: Dirty electricity?...Come on now, let's get serious, electricity isn't dirty. It amazes me how the minority opposition to the smart meters are so vocal yet they have so little scientific evidence to back their claims. Someone should take a closer look at who is behind this campaign. Who is paying for their ads in the advertiser and in all other local media? Where are they getting their funding from?...It's one thing if the opposition claimed the smart meters are not financially worth while which many detractors have said and is a claim that is a legitamate concern. But, these opposition groups are resorting to tactics trying to scare people on to their side. What is their motive?!? -#1
Comment by Ellene Newman
I have friends that are bee keepers and I am very concerned about smart meters adding to the high levels of electromagnetic radiation and dirty electricity we are already exposed to. I am so impressed with this article. Kudos to Jewish Life for providing such accurate information. This is rare these days. Rebecca Hanna
Comment by Ellene Newman
To #3: I checked the opposition page on Wikipedia and the opposition links to the Academy of Environmental Medicine. While posing as a seemingly reputable doctor organization, the home page immediately zeroes in on the smart meter issue. Shouldn't a reputable Academy of Medicine have a home page that lists their resason d'etre? Why do they immediately lash into the smart meter issue? The opposition reeks of special interests and fear mongering. I challenge the opposition to provide a solid peer reviewed paper from a reputable journal to document the harmful effects of smart meters. - #1
Comment by Ellene Newman
to #1: The article you point to blames the \"disease\" on pesticides, which she mentions in the article above as another possible contributor. She is not indicating there is one \"true cause\" but rather one of many causes, all of which are harrowing to the honeybee population. I\'ll have you know I know the writer of this article personally, and she is a fantastic doctor. Don\'t degrade her title in an attempt to make your point seem more valid. It just makes you look insecure. Rather, point out where you think her logic is flawed, if it actually is. Back it up with scientific research to strengthen your stance. While you\'re at it, take a look at why some areas of California have banned smart meters, in an attempt to protect the public. Look into how broken the security behind these meters is, how hackable they are. Look at what the actual benefits of them are. You will find that they promise you lower prices on your energy bill but the actual result is an increase in price. Look into the humming effect that these have on some people. Look at the way it has destroyed their lives, and then come back and say it is just fear mongering. Here you go, start here: <-- look under opposition and then proceed from there. But don\'t take my word for it. Even I thought it was overhyped until I actually researched it more thoroughly.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Frankly i\'m scared to death of bees, so if they al disappeared tomorrow i\'d be a happy camper. Maybe i wouldn\'t have all the produce i like, but i\'m willing to live without it.
Comment by Ellene Newman
The demise of the honey bees has been a mystery to scientists for a few years already. Most recently, it was linked to a previously unknown disease amongst the bee population...See the link below. It's funny how this "doctor" discovered what the "true" cause is...I see a lot of fear mongering amongst the groups against these smart meters and they always come up with some questionable science in attempt to link smart meters to all of our modern day ills.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I listened to Rabbi Tovia Singer talk about this. He said that if the media ever says a bad thing about the PLO, the Palestinians, whatever - they will not be able to interview in those areas anymore. In other words, the Middle East will be cut off from them. This plus a healthy dose of antisemitism creates a cement that will be very difficult to break down! Better to rely on Hashem, daven to Him, talk to Him about the problem and also thank Him for the test/opportunity to grow from this. Also it will motivate us to desire and want Moshiach to come NOW!
Comment by Ellene Newman
One of the most relevant rulings of Rav Elyashiv (published in the first volume of his Kovetz Teshuvos, siman 32) explains that all shaving machines which give a close shave have the halachic status of a razor and their use involves a definite Torah prohibition. Modern day shavers are incomparably more severe than the shaving machines prohibited by the Chofetz Chaim.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Well, it's pretty obvious she was referring to herself when she said "You have the right person."
Comment by Ellene Newman
more famous for being in 'we didn't start the fire'
Comment by Ellene Newman
Just my 2 Cents: Government aid just helps the fund raiser administrators. Who is going to help the tuition paying parents? The tuition squeeze is real and a lot of resentment is building.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Once again they miss the point. It's not about more government aid, it's about the schools themselves operating with financial transparency. Are the school's finances open and accessible for all to see? Are there routine financial audits by outside auditors? What are the real costs per child? How many non tuition paying children do they have enrolled? Many questions, but very few answers
Comment by Ellene Newman
An amazing programme. Shuki Taylor you have once again taken Israel and America by storm. we love you!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Ooh, what a wonderful incentive to give him another term - NOT! Obama's not visiting Israel doesn't say anything about his true feelings but his shoddy treatment of Israel and specifically of PM Netanyahu over the past four years speaks volumes! Hopefully, our "friend" will be defeated and go back to Chicago so Israel doesn't have to worry about him any longer!
Comment by Ellene Newman
For those in Baltimore who want to have an opportunity to recite Marovis on YT, the Kehillas Ashkenaz Minyan that takes place at Shomrei, has a nice davening which adheres to the traditional Minhag Ashkenaz as followed in Frankfurt, and recites Piyutim. They actually generally finish earlier than the main minyan on the first nights of YT (no speech) even with the Marovis, and they finish only about 5-10 minutes later on the second nights. The Marovis piyutim they recite are about half the time the same as the Polish ones (as found in the Artscroll and other Polish Machzorim). But sometimes, the German Marovis are different. Both ways, the Minhagim there at least as far as piyutim are concerned are more authentic to the ancient Minhag Polin than what is done in the "regular" Ashkenaz shuls these days. Ans as such, I think the Minyan can be of interest to and set an example even for non-yekkis.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks for a good article, well needed in a generation where bnei torah often lack the appreciation for piyutim that was so common in previous generations. I have two comments/questions: #1 As discussed in the article, Yeshivas often justify their omission of piyutim based on the Gra who considered them (outside of RH, YK and Geshem/Tal) to be a hefsek in the davening. However, in the same Maaseh Rav quoted in the article, it describes how the GRA DID say many of the piyutim AFTER Chazaras Hashatz (including not only the 4 Parshios but also many parts of the Yom Tov Krovos, and some piyutim from the Yotzros (including Ve'Ata Bonim on Shavuos and Brach Dodi on Pesach). In fact, Maaseh Rav describes how the Gra recited Ve'Ata Bonim verse by verse with great excitement! If so, even for those concerned about hefsek (despite the clear ruling of the Rema and the fact that the Gra did not try to influence his own Minhagim beyond his own BM), should they not at least recite those piyutim recited by the Gra AFTER Chazoras Hashatz. This way the piyutim would not be forgotten. They add so much beauty to the Yom Tov davening, and if only a few of them are said it would not add more than a few minutes to the davening but would add so much more in terms of keeping (at least part) of our Mesorah, and truly making our tefillah unique and special to the time of year. (I think this point about the Gra should be added to the article, which seems to allow one to infer that the Gra did not say ANY of the YT/Special Shabbos piyutim, when in fact he said many of them). #2 I have heard many Rabonnim speak about how unfortunate it is that the centuries-old beautiful Ashkenazi minhagim are getting lost to the "Yeshivish minhag". But for some reason, no one wants to do something about it. I personally know many yeshiva guys who don't even know what Marovis is! If it isn't possible to reintroduce some of these Minhagim to our shuls (and I'm not sure why), why can't we at least set up some Minyanim, that for example, recite Marovis on Yom Tov night? (yes, some yekkis have been doing this but what about Minyanim following Minhag Polin, piyutim weren't only said in Germany!) If it had the support of the Rabonnim (who can also darshen on the meaning of these beautiful piyutim and about the Gedolei Ashkenaz who composed them), I'm sure some people will attend. It really should not add more than 5-10 minutes to the YT night davening, and for the sake of bringing life to what many now call A Meis Mitzvah (in reference to the YT/Special Shabbos piyutim), is it not worth the 5-10 minutes on a YT evening?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Beautiful, Susan. Keep it up! Leah Schwartz
Comment by Ellene Newman
We are so proud of you ETHAN, MATAN AND CHANAN!! You all have worked very hard and it has paid off!!Keep up the good work. Mom and Dad Kaplan
Comment by Ellene Newman
This year, Sunday, Yud Av is the day we fast. If a person must break his fast for medical reasons, when does he make Havdala?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Excellent article. There are shuls today that endeavor to follow the ancient Ashkenaz Messorah. These shuls are re-instituting the practice of reciting piyutim.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Very good article, thanks. One thing that I don\\\'t understand is how can those who omit piyutim during chazoras hashatz during the year, based on a claim that they are a hefesek, then turn around and say them (and not just a few words, but many pages of them) during the Yomim Noraim season? Is the halacha different then? On the contrary, if anything, one should be more machmir at that time of the year seemingly (this sheila I heard from Rav Binyomin Hamburger shlit\\\"a of Bnei Brak in an excellent shiur he gave on the subject). Additionally, some places who don\\\'t want to say piyyutim during chazoras hashatz say them afterward instead (I davened in such a minyan years ago). So such a position doesn\\\'t necessarily preclude saying them altogether.
Comment by Ellene Newman
what is moving into the old space? a new minyan?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Not exactly an unbiased article, a bit self-serving I think....what would Frank Luntz or another Republican pollster say about potential and significant Jewish migration to Republicans?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I would like a yellow diamond shaped traffic sign about 200 feet before these camera locations giving a valid warning to slow down because there is a dangerous section of roadway ahead. That would make it feel the purpose is really safety and not just a sneaky way to profit from unwarned drivers. Safety or profit, make it clear!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Number one grandson GREAT JOB to all of you. Your grandparents will match what ever the 3 boys donate & challenge others to do the same . Grandma T & Poppa Rod
Comment by Ellene Newman
ymach shmo v\'zichro
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thanks Bob. A true protest would be for ALL of the participants to actively participate in a moment of silence during the opening ceremonies.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you, Bob! It always takes strength to protest - will it cost your job or future jobs, will you lose respect for bucking the majority, will you be even ostracized or avoided for acting "too Jewish"? Thank you for doing the right thing.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Way to go guys!!!!!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Recap: Ethan, Chanan, and Matan had a succesful day today- they profitted $200. and will be making a $100. donation to Gevuras Yarden. Thank you to the community for coming out supporting the boys. The snowball stand will be open again this sunday evening from 5:30- 8:30. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Aaron Shiller
Comment by Ellene Newman
Best snowballs in town!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yeah for Suburban Youth!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is the 3 weeks may all those who lost loved ones have no more sorrows
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
7-18-2012 This most precious man was his learning his Psak and his love for us. And more. He was the tune in our lives the skip in our step and the beat of our hearts. He was us. He was our melody our rhythm our song. Those who hear those who feel will all shed an ocean of tears. May Hashem in his compassion send us all comfort and redemption. May all of our people come together in acceptance and forgiveness and pray with one heart. Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Boruch dayan emes! This is a massive loss to all of klal yisroel. The posek hador is gone.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's time to boycott Disneyland, folks.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I agree with #1 there are plenty of poskim who don't require mbp or allow it to be performed in an indirect fashion. This is without consideration to the possible harm it could cause. Even looking to the origins of this in the Gemara one wonders whether this was originally done to better the child (saliva acting as a coagulating factor). If there are other means to stop bleeding and mbp could even remotely cause harm I don't see a rational(halachic and non-halachic) for doing it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I made the second comment. In response to #3, I agree there is no substitute for two people spending time with each other to figure out if they are compatible for each other. On paper things can look great, or even the opposite, but you never know how two strangers will take a liking to one another. However, it can be a good idea to inquire of the young man or young lady about topics and values the other feels are important to them. In response to commenter #4, I am not suggesting that 19 to 22 years of age is too young for marriage. I think young adults with a good ubringing, proper guidance, and a whole lot of common sense can make fantastic spouses.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great idea #2 sounds like your suggesting that 19 to 22 are too young to get married, great idea I second the motion.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I made the first comment and in respontse to #2 if course it does not matter if they are called girl and boy but it is just part of the process of infantilizing people who are about to bring children into the world. Inquiries in to what other people perceive as someones \"menchlichkite\" is a poor subsitute for getting to know someone and figuring it out for yourself, becuase quite honestly I know from many personal experiences that people who are invested in getting a person shidduch will paint a rosey picture or even downright lie. Let\'s call them men and woman and let\'s treat them as such.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Well then they better be set to lose government benfits like healthcare.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does it really matter if it says girl and boy vs. man and woman? In my opinion,a 19 to 22 year old with not so much worldly experiences are still more like kids than adults. Sharing life experiences together, and growing together can change them from kids to adults. Also, asking about middos is very important. A person can put on a show during the 1 week to 2 month dating process. However, if they lived their whole life a certain way, through inquiries, you can get a basic idea of their true colors.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
First of all if they are ready to get married she is not a "girl" and he is not a "boy" they are adults. The reason one does not necessarily need to inquire about whether he is pleasant with good middos is because these are things that should be evaluated via the dating process. The problem is these type of couples date in a vacuum and cannot assess these issues in a hotel lobby or their parent's living room after meeting on 2 or 3 occasions. Let's give the most important decision in your life at least weeks if not months so that they can ascertain for themselves whether the other is the right "man" or "woman" for them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Are these people totally insane? Nobody is drafting Meah Shearim people into the army, this is just an excuse to have a protest about something. The use of handcuffs shows that it is all about getting into the media. After they dressed their children as concentration camp inmantes, I don\'t see why we humor them. They are a disgrace and a chillul Hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you Etan. You are such a fine, caring person. You have made such a difference already! We are so blessed to have you as a member of our community. We wish you every success in all of your recruitment efforts on behalf of those in our community in need of support. Beth Land Hecht Senior Manager, Volunteer Services Jewish Community Services 410-843-7456 Beth
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Such a great article Etan - JVC is in good hands with you leading the way! - Jennie Gates Beckman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, remind me before I come to visit Eliana next year and I'll bring you Bacobits (bli neder).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
sure he's concerned about Israel's security. He's also selling a bridge in Brooklyn and asking people to recommend in lieu of gifts, give a donation to his campaign. Oh, he is doing that, lol
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hang him.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kol Ha Kavod!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear Atara, It was great learning about the successes you and your team have managed in such a short time. We loved seeing your photos in the Baltimore Life paper. Love grandma & papa
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don't think it has anything to do with any political agenda. I don't see any movement to ban circumcision when I read this. I see a move to ban an unnecessary, possibly harmful and rather disgusting practice. It doesn't matter what stream of Judaism you subscribe to--you can have a bris without using metzitzah b'peh.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So wonderful, B'H!! Bracha Goetz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Go Eitan!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I certainly hope he does not follow in his boss Lookstein\'s footsteps and daven in churches.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I think Klei Kodesh, in this sense, is referring to Rebbeim and teachers who participate and work for the school. I don't think anyone is suggesting that just because someone is a Rov of a shul or a Rebbe in a different school they should be entitled to a tuition break.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You know, we are wringing our hands over determining who can pay more and who should pay more. Here is a totally radical idea. Let us all agree that our children's chinuch should not be run by for profit companies. People should not be getting rich from running a school. Education should be free. We have the organizational talent and the financial ability to make this happen. We just are scared to challenge the status quo. When we act like proper Jews and stop making the Torah into a commodity then the solutions will show themselves. And yes, I know a lot of the true believers will curse me for floating this idea but I think it is about time somebody pointed out the emperor's lack of morals and ethics.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Shomrei will be showing Rabni Weinreb in the morning and the OU/YU video in the afternoon as part of their annual video selections.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dr. Schick pinpoints many of the facets of the Jewish day school affordability challenge. And while the OU has done so much to initiate and increase government funding for Jewish day schools, the uncertainty of the funding precludes its status as THE answer to the affordability challenge. PEJE has also played a strong role supporting day schools as they strengthen their boards, and build fundraising capacity through programs like the Leadership and Fundraising Academy, and the Endowment and Legacy Institute. But even the respective impacts of these programs varies by community and school. Ultimately, there is no one single strategy - communities and schools must choose the right mix of initiatives (that raise revenue and lower expenses) that\'s best for them. Multi-pronged efforts will have stronger, longer-lasting benefits for our Jewish day schools. Charles Cohen Manager, Jewish Day School Affordability Knowledge Center A partnership of the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education and the Orthodox Union
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In 1998, then Governor Glendening was running for a second term and at a fundraiser in our community, he proudly highlighted the new $50 per student textbook stipend being given to private schools. Someone commented that considering the tax base our community represents, we really should be getting more than that and the Governor replied that we wouldn't be. When the person asked Glendening, "What would happen if we all showed up to register our kids in public school?" he replied, "I know you're not going to do that". It might happen in New Square but it won't happen here.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I would venture to say that most people in Baltimore do not in most cases have an issue with klei kodesh receiving free or an automatic tuition reduction. Its certainly reasonable that if one is only earning $50,000/yr, if even that, he is absolutely entitled to free tuition. I think that the area that bothers the "middle class" is when one is earning say $90,000/yr, and very often working longer hours than a rebbi, and is paying $40,000 more in tuition because of it and yet is considered to be making more money. He is not entitled to any government benefits but the rebbi earning only $50k is because obviously the gov't dosn't care that he received $40k in free tuition. There's nothing that can be done about that part, thats government beaurocracy for you but what we can do something about is the automatic chinuch discounts being given to chinuch families regardless of income. If I make $90k but pay an additional $40k in tuition over someone who earns $50k why is he more entitled to a discount? and what about klei kodesh earning $125k such as many principals and rabbonim of shuls? Is it fair that they are automatically entitled to reduced tuition and chinuch breaks just because they can say their in klei kodesh? Is it fair that my daughter went to seminary with her friend who went on a major chinuch scholarship while my daughter worked 5(!) summers to cover the additional amount we would have to pay since I'm not entitled to the scholarship? Is it fair that this girl's parents both came to Israel to visit her during the year (self- paid) while receiving this scholarship but I couldn't even afford to bring my daughter home for pesach? I happen to be good friends with the parents and know that they are earning more than I am. I am happy for them that they received the scholarship and that they could visit their daughter even if it is "unfair" as life is not necessarily fair but I can also see why this might breed resentment especially because if I had gone to visit my daughter the tuition committee's would have most likely questioned the visit. No one has a problem with free or reduced tuition to the klei kodesh that are truly earning paultry sums of money but when its a blanket reduction given to any and all klei kodesh, yes it going to breed resentment and hurt those klei kodesh who truly deserve the breaks. also, regarding all those who can pay more tuition but are not, I wonder if the tuition committees should be asking more pointed questions as to where their money is going. The current form only asks about camp, cleaning help and vacations but there are other expenses that might help determine if one is living a more luxurious lifestyle over the typical klei kodesh family. For example, do they hire someone to drive their kids to school, pay someone to mow their lawns, have children in braces, go out to eat etc. But then again each family may have their own ideas about what is considered luxurious. One family may forego cleaning help to pay for some of the above mentioned items while another may forego meat on yom tov to help pay for cleaning help. Everyone's family dynamics and needs are different based on their own individual situation. But I am wondering if there may be a way to determine who can pay more than they actually are based on their spending habits in other areas.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Solution: everyone enroll your kid in public school. Let Baltimore city freak out over the new 20,000 kids that just enrolled and then we strike a deal to let them supplement our schools. Someone needs to form a committee over this.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There are lots of stores like that in J'lem. Cheaperkol on Kanfei Nesharim and Super Deal on Derech Chevron. It's great that they have these things to help us adjust to life here, although white tuna is now a thing of the past for us, I just can't see paying 14 NIS for one 6 oz can and I'm tired of relying on lifts. Good luck with your baco bits shopping!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I thought that there were rumors that he died of AIDS related complications.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"overwhelmingly Orthodox enrollment today is in charedi institutions and in these circles there is great respect for klei kodesh" This insinuates that the modern orthodox world does not respect klei kodesh with is simply not true. Klei kodesh encompassess so many positions in the community, should my shul rav who I have the utmost respect for have his tuition bill torn up when he clearly makes more money than I do (forget about parsonage, a whole other issue)? In this day and age we cannot afford to educate any child without compensation and each family must be judged on a case by case basis it is not an issue of respect.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow we are all very happy and very exited and most important very proud for all those who made it till the end. We werent expecting such a syum it was incredible amaizing no words to describe the kidush hashem that was made on this day..
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If Marylanders would stop voting for Democrats time after time maybe folks would be staying put.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why do you emphasize the negative? He was applauded many times and received a standing ovation at the end of his speech. His focus was on job creation and family positive values, two areas that concern Black-Americans. Don\'t fall into the trap of the so-called mainstream media who only report bad news when it concerns Republicans and Conservative candidates.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
OK, so to whom do we send the bill for all our spoiled food, etc.? Would BGE like to pay for that!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To #31: So someone living say, in Chashmonaim, with their American lifestyle and entertainments has a G-d, but someone living in Baltimore learning Torah full time, doesn't? As Harav Y. B. Soloveitchik taught, each person needs to figure out where they can do the most good and that's where they should live. Just like he did for himself. Your writing the way you did demonstrates a woeful lack of knowledge as well as mentschlichkeit. Very sad; you owe hundreds of thousands of people an apology and I don't know how you'll manage that. I guess you have some time before Yom Kippur to figure it out; use it wisely.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
maybe if the state was prepared for emergencies we wouldn't have been without power so long and we wouldn't have to ask out of state workers for help!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kinda like the Health Care Bill - We'll charge you, and force you to buy it, but we're not exactly sure what we are charging you or forcing you to do. Welcome to Socialist Maryland folks. Don't you think it's time for O'Malley to take a little vacation somewhere outside of Annapolis?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for the very thorough analysis. I would just point out to the readers that "other Sefardic authorities" above refers to R' Ovadia Yosef, author of Shut Yabia Omer, and he has now become the primary halachic reference for the majority of Sephardic shul rabbis in America and Israel, at least in my experience. I hope that "stop them from breaking the community's custom", means to discuss the issue with sensitivity and understanding, learn first why this date was chosen, and then help them to think of a way to change the date in a way that doesn't cause too much hardship on the family. Remember that this is the most important and emotional time of somebody's life. R' Ovadia repeats throughout his writings that peace is more important than the risk of violating a minhag or even a halacha as long as there is an acceptable opinion to rely on to act differently. Also, I don't know where this fits in to the discussion precisely, but it should be noted that dancing at a wedding, when done properly, is itself also a mitzvah.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear comment #31 I respond to you with the words of the great sage Uncle Moishy "HaShem is here, HaShem is there, HaShem is truly everywhere"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good luck with Orange. We've had a terrible experience with them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Keep in mind that when they run out of the cups, no more free Slurpees. It would be nice for anyone who encounters a 7-11 that is either out or not participating to post here to save others the trouble.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a hateful letter promoting Aliyah, you should be ashamed of yourself. I have never seen such an ugly display stating that those who live in Chutz L\\\\\\\'Arets have no G-d. I should ask my rav a shayla? How about asking your rav about ahavas yisroel, or does that just apply to those who live in Israel?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Seriously? A dinner on Tisha B'Av? Way to check the calendar, Romney's staff.....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The clear solution is to make Aliyah! You don't have a means of making a parnassah in Israel? How do you know? Did you seriously look into it? Did you ask a 'shayla' to an 'unbiased' Rav? Have you considered retraining? Many families make Aliyah without a clue as to how they will earn a parnassah, and retrain in new fields. A lot of them even get creative and invent fields to fill niches. High school here costs on average 12,000 NIS for the the current exchange rate, that's almost $3,000 FOR THE WHOLE YEAR!!! And on top of it, if absolutely necessary, you can get a deduction or some other assistance. Don't delude yourselves. You learn so much Torah, but you learn nothing because you live with blinders on! There's even a question if practicing Yiddishkeit in Chutz LaAretz is anything but that...practice! Sit in Kollel in Chu"L? What a waste of time, when you are supposed to be maximizing your learning, and that can only be done in Israel! How many times do you have to learn that those who live in Chutz LaAretz are as if they have no G-d? How many times are you going to daven and mention Yerushalayim, yet have no desire to live in the ONLY place G-d wants you to live? Want to learn some history? By what? Taking a trip to Philadelphia? How about learning about and seeing with your own eyes where David fought Goliath! How about learning and seeing with your own eyes the ruins of the Beit HaMikdash! How about truly walking in the footsteps of your forefathers! You're worried about educating your kinderlach in a subpar education system? They will grow up with no love of Yiddishkeit and no connection to their nation! And here's the other little secret...the more of you who move to Israel, the more influence you will have, and the more jobs there will be for you! Be thankful that after 2,000 years in exile the Rebono Shel Olam had enough Rachamim to allow us to move back Home instead of griping about tuition costs in a system that will never heal! Living in Israel is not a walk in the park, but if you want to be the best Jew you can possibly be and raise the best Jews you can possibly raise, it's the ONLY place to be!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for putting so many experiences which have been so similar to our own into your excellent words. Your Ulpan attitude is right on -- get what you can from it and don't sweat the rest! Much Hatzlacha!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for sharing this story. Chris Brown, mom, is continuing a fight for justice. She asks that all join her in this mission. You may write, call, or email your state representative to show your support, especially those ressidents of legislative district 10. Information on donstions is the following: Christopher Brown Memorial Fund P.O. 1175 Owings Mills, MD 21117 Again, we appreciate your support.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is typical of the underhanded, despicable, hateful and dishonest methods this administration is using to bring down the greatness of America. The problem is the voters don't know the truth. They are pathetically unaware of most the this. I think they would be livid if they knew they were being duped but their apathy and ignorance will bring us down. Pass this along.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Happy Birthday!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Change the word zuz to mitzvah or heavenly brownie points, and this article takes on a different meaning.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about all the women who are working in chinuch, getting paid less, who are supporting their husbands in kollel? I feel that if some people in chinuch are getting a break, then EVERYONE should - men, women, limudei kodesh, limudei chol.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The reason given for not paying women in chinuch as well as men is that they are not the primary breadwinners, while men are. So the very institutions that encourage women to support husbands in kollel then pay them less for doing just that. Talk about having your cake and eating too!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about the women in chinuch? They are not paid as \"well\" as the rebbeim. Why is it that in other cities there are good paying jobs with benefits for everyone in chinuch, men and women?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Basically #25 is saying rabbis with perks are making the same as us working class people when you get to the bottom line, so I guess it all evens out. But the middle class does not get recognized for their contributions as do the selfless mechanchim or the rich gevirim. This is no different that any other society. We can qvetch all we want in social medial but this won't change and will only get worse with the emerging culture of long and short tem kollel, long has its clear issues but short(3-4 years) delay college and career into child bearing tuition paying years.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Being a heimishe yeshivish mother who works (in a place that has internet) and who's husband is working in a non klei kodesh field, I feel that I can understand both sides as I am from a klei kodesh family with a lot of family currently in klei kodesh (both in and out of Baltimore). I believe whole heartedly that Rabbeim deserve to be paid 6 figure salaries and I am disgraced with the current acceptable salary of the average Rebbi. Chinuch is one of the lowest paying jobs out there, although my husband once figured out that if he worked the same hours and days per year he would actually be paid less than a Rebbi so there are other low paying jobs out there. My husband does work summers and the days right up to yuntif, as well as working 9-5 each day (along with additional hours at night that he does not get compensated for but are just part of the job) so at the end he does earn a decent parnasa (although not a 6 figure salary). That being said however in comparing myself with my siblings who are rabbeim(and this does not take away from the fact that rabbeim are grossly underpaid) we actually do live on a lower standard of living than my siblings. yes, our tax return says we earn more but at the end of the day we are left with a lot less. How is this possible? For starters we pay much more tuition, maaser and taxes as our salary is higher. We do not pay full tuition although I wish we could. We do pay substantially more though than our siblings. Therefore much of our extra salary goes toward higher tuition rates. The rest of our higher salary above and beyond an average rebbi salary goes toward things that we do not receive as subsidies but that my siblings do receive due to their lower salaries such as: medical assistance and doctor, dentist and orthodontic visits, higher food bills for lack of wic or food stamps, higher overnight camp costs and seminary costs for lack of a chinuch discount, hot lunch fees, higher JCC membership costs (many chinuch families are members) as well as higher fees at many local businesses which B"H are able to give discounts to many chinuch families enabling them to live a higher standard of living. We also have a cleaning lady which is an extra expense as my husband is not home erev shabbos or the days before any yomim tovim to help me. My siblings as well do have cleaning help (which is not considered a luxury today) but some of them are receiving subsidies for that as well. Rabbeim deserve these discounts as their salaries are laughable, however on our salaries we unfortunately are bringing home less than a Rebbi because our salary, although higher is simply not high enough to cover the extra costs we must endure. Again, the Rabbeim deserve it. They work very hard for our precious kinderlach. Although my husband may not be working in as chusheve a field, he does work very very hard and also gets burnt out from time to time and would love to recharge his batteries once in a while but he can't take off summers or even a weekend every so often. We would never ever consider having less children due to parnasa issues. Parnasa and children are in Hashem's domain and we would never tamper with that. I just wish that some of these discounts would be available based on income AFTER total tuition costs so that our salaries would be more comparable and that heimishe discounts would be available in this fashion as well rather than on what field one happens to work in. I hope it does not sound as if I have a lack of hakaras hatov toward those in Klei kodesh. I just wanted to point out "the other side of the story".
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Baltimore has been building shuls at breakneck speed, with building funds to match when there are already lovely long established synnagogues in place. I am begging the Vaad HaRabbanim to put a moratorium on new shuls (I assume some Beezer shul is in the works) so that our resources can be put toward the education of our children rather than boutique places of worship.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
hmmm what if you have no way of making a livlihood in Eretz Yisroel, what if one parent needs to fly back to the U.S. constantly to work? I would love to make aliyah but at what cost?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Teachers may not be given a list, but the relative affluence of the parents are known and children of more affluent parents are treated differently than children of less affluent parents. This effect is ubiquitous in the community and extends to beyond the schools. The community has been strictly divided into social and economic classes across the board. Its part of the sociology of the community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bottom-line'¦the entire model and process is broken and not sustainable. If you have young children below 5th Grade, my advice is get-out now. Your total tuition cost will continue to grow every year by 5 ' 10%. Scale those numbers by number of children and high-school and you will see that I am right. The answer is clear, move to Eretz Yisroel, all the crazy lashon hora that you have heard in the past is just not true. Your children can get a great education in Eretz Yisroel and it will not be at the cost of Shalom Bayis. A'zea Chochum Ro'ei Es'Ha'nolad, this is your heads-up to the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In all my many many years as a TA parent I have never seen a full paying child get preferential treatment, I think the person who posted comment #19 is sorely mistaken or even dillusional. The teachers/rebbeim are not given a list of who pays what, puhleeze take the chip off your shoulder.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don\'t remember any writers in Richard Scary... just sayin\' :)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We desperately need leadership to solve this crisis, not hotheads to make it worse. There are thousands of boys in the chareidi world who are trapped into their lifestyle and want a way to earn a living and live a middle class life while keeping their way of life. No one is trying to draft masmidim and those growing in learning. It is the reality that there are many who are not happy in poverty and they deserve a way out without losing their payos or their adherance to tzniyus. The Nachal Chareidi provides this. If both sides would stop yelling and deal honestly with the issues, it could be solved to the benefit of everyone. The religious terrorism of the fanatics intimidates the rabbis in Israel and wall posters go up with names of rabbis who did not sign. The chareidi press is no more honest than the chiloni press. We need gedolei yisroel who will lead.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We already have class warfare.. The students whose parents pay more absolutely get preferential treatment. I would rather pay full tuition for 4 kids than get a break for 6 and see them ignored.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
After paying full tuition for three years now my husband and I have elected to homeschool. We feel we were going under financially paying for at best a subpar education. I became very disgusted watching a neighbor who is a rebbe and on public assistance affording to hire a maid, someone to cut his grass, ballet lessons, and i am sure free or reduced tuition. If my husband and I are expected to go without and work two jobs to afford full tuition why isn\\\\\\\'t he? In my humble opinion it is a lifestyle choice and one I no longer choose to finance. Many public school teachers must hold down two jobs in order to pay for living expenses. Why should teachers in Jewish day schools be any different?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If we taxed everyone, akin to public school, irresponsible procreation would occur even more so. What food will be on the tables of those grandchildren of kollel-lites? What lesson is a rich Zeidy teaching his grandchildren when he pays the way for mommy and tati to blow money on bugaboos and take out while they work 30 minutes a month? Those children won\\\'t have zeidy for their children paying the way... WAKE UP EVERYONE!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The dirty little secret in Baltimore is that for TA, TI, BY and Bnos, 65%-70% of their budgets are covered by tuition (twice that of NY schools) but only 25%-30% of parents pay full tuition! How long can this house of cards stand?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To a large extent, what is happening in the emerging generation is merely a consequence of people following exactly what what they have been trained to do by the institutions that educated them. For HS and below, parents may have limited choices if they want to keep their kids local. But, after HS, they should look for institutions elsehwere which are more consistent with the Hashkafos of the family and what were once the values for this community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yet another example of wasting the time of the court & legal system. Frivolousness and insanity abound.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Commenter # 13 -- This article is not creating divisions. The divisions were created long ago, when the current self-defeating model of Jewish living was created. All this article does is publicize a division that has been simmering under the surface for a long time. Avoidance of the issue by hiding behind sinas chinam is merely perpetuating the problem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I have often wondered which takes a greater toll on the Jewish home and the Jewish future of the children -- having the kids attend public school or having a mother who is so stressed out due to having to work full time that she does not have the energy to create a warm and proper Jewish home. And kids aside -- working full time has certainly taken on toll on this full-time working Mom's Jewish life. It most definitely filters down to the children.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very important issue. Yes. But we're at the beginning of the three weeks. Do we really need articles that create division sooner than solutions at this very dangerous time of year? Couldn't we have published this before or after the Three Weeks?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why can't we as parents be like a tuition board to the administration? We can come with a checklist of demands in education goals and have them check it off and tell us we will get our payment in full.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As someone who does pay full tuition, it greatly disturbs me when I get a call from the tuition person demanding to know why I am not fully paid up in August. I try to explain that the money is coming, and will be paid soon. Then, when I do pay it (shortly into the new school year), I get a letter from the "tuition department" telling me that it is unacceptable that I paid my full tuition at an unacceptable time. Trust me, I am not such an Oisher that paying full tuition is not a major hardship on me. I just wish that the "tuition" departments would be a little understanding on those who are working non-stop to pay for tuition, and work with them instead of demanding the "rules" be followed. Trust me: you'll get your money.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We are considered financially as middle class. B'h, we have six children. Both Parents are working full time. We go to the tuition board to beg for a tuition break. No, we do not have a cleaning lady, no we no longer for away for 3 days with the kids to pennsylvania, no none of our children go to camp anymore. House renevations? I invite the board to come look at my crumbling house!. Had we known in our early married days that 6 weeks after giving birth I'd be back at work full time for other women to raise our infants would be have been so quick to ask shaylas in between children? I'm sorry to say no, I would have made the decision between my husband and self. Do I look at my wealthy friends with their yearly trips to Eretz Yisroel, new care, new wardrobes etc etc and think they should have to kick out more and more each year? No sorry I don't. How many sefer torahs are given a year in Baltimore? How many Torahs can each shul possiably need, let alone store? 25,000 could make a huge difference to the schools isn't that more important then another Torah collecting dust? Our children are like torahs, holy and pure. Our system is a very broken one. It's time to get our prioritys straight. It's time for tuition boards to have people serving them that don't live in million dollar homes that understand what it's like to have to choose between feeding our family's with 2 parents working vs tuition.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Re: #3 I called 311 a few times and got different answers. Finally an operator referred to what I had as storm cleanup, or a similar term, and she said I could leave the pieces in either piles, cans, bags, or bundles. I had to tell her how many piles, cans, etc. I planned to leave and there was a limit of 5. However, there was no limit on the size of any of these so I left one bundle (that I had already bundled) and a LARGE pile (not bundled and probably 10 feet long and 3 feet high) with the rest of my tree pieces. They picked it up the next day and even raked up the little twigs they dropped when tossing it into the truck.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kudos to Rabbi Alterstein for writing about an issue that many professional bnei Torah families are acutely aware of, but rather not put into writing. So let\'s get to the core underlying issue-- the lack of job skills and planning in today\'s yeshiva world communities. The \"push\" to \"universal kollel\" for every boy who spends 3 years in a yeshiva produces mediocrity. Th absence of job skills and a secular education means a lifetime of underemployment, low salaries, and the inability to support the families financial needs, especially tuition. In our upside down yeshiva world today we have older single ladies (age 30+) rejecting a shiddich option of a working Ben Torah because she is \"looking for a learner\". She probably need a refuah shlaymah more than a shiddich! So what\'s the answer? Maybe the Lakewood style where everyone pays a minimum amount of tuition per child period, no and, if, or buts. Maybe!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Our sons have been educated in an environment that looks down on earning a living. A poisonous byproduct of this attitude is that the high school diplomas they receive do not represent any accomplishment in the most basic skills. I have heard young men refer to getting a job as "the J word" - as if it is some kind of obscenity. They are taught that the only s'char is Torah - but there is no mention of the s'char of paying one's children's tuition. The kollel family that pays no tuition and receives discounts on food, medical care, JCC membership etc. is equal to the middle class family in terms of the cars, clothing, housing it can afford - but the kollel family is admired and the struggling working family is "nebich." When the yeshiva rebbeim start telling our boys that the parents who support them should be admired for their hard work and sacrifice, maybe they will also see that their parents are role models and they will be willing to take their places as responsible grown-ups in the Jewish world.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Responding to #2 regarding the homescholing option. As a family who homeschooled for 10+ years, I can tell you that there are significant costs associated with this option as well. People seem to think that homeschooling is \"free\" but it most assuredly is not. Other than the public library, there are significant expenses involved, ESPECIALLY if one\'s child needs a private rebbe or tutoring for math and science subjects or Ivrit or...well, you get the idea. Don\'t forget, homeschooling parents have a parent who is home, perhaps working a part time job or telecommunity, but this may mean limiting money making opportunity in order to be present for the child\'s (children\'s) educational pursuits. We won\'t even get into the time/gas/$ spent in the car.... No matter which educational choices are made, education is a big line item in a Torah family\'s budget, both in real dollars and in opportunity costs.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A very well written and accurate picture of the tuition issue today. Cost Shifting has been going on for decades. The only recent change is that it went from the fund raisers to the middle class working families. It is a "bubble" that cannot be sustained. Unless it is addressed expect to see more home schooling, alternative schools, and other innovations as these families refuse to go bankrupt supporting the others.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I saw on Chaverim's facebook page that they wrote ice was available by Northwestern High School
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This article on has over 45 comments. It is very timely.The Vaad Harabbanim has asked the community to give priority to local chinuch but I wonder if people are following through. On the one hand I have to help every person who comes around for tzedakah in shul but on the other hand, I know that each one leaves town with money that should be going to local causes. Why are young ,healthy men going around asking for help getting married. Why can't they earn a living? Israel is not a poor country, it's economy is better than the US right now. Sometimes there are 8 guys going around at shacharis and they go to every shul and come back for later minyanim. If they didn't come, would that money go to local causes or maybe it doesn'[t make a difference. I wonder.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This situation is further complicated by the pressure on young folk to pay beyond their means. Often this results in massive debt. So, when the children are out of school, there aren't any tuitions, but there can be 100s of thousands of dollars of debt, and no way to get rid of it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1. mechanchim get paid very little, so that when they get free tuition or reciprocal reduced tuition from other schools it is really just a deserved benefit of being in chinuch. 2. schools for some reason are no longer top priority. New Shuls with new buildings are cropping up all over and that is taking away a significant portion of the members tzedakah money. Which is a greater need for the continuation of Klal Yisroel - a bigger fancier Shul or educating our precious children? 3. you may not be aware, but another option that some parents have chosen is to send their children to public schools since it is free! That was a major cause of the children of religious parents turning away from Judaism years ago. Unfortunately, some parents do not want to forgo on their \'extras\' in order to ensure the continuity of their future generation\'s religiousity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a consumer, when you pay $15K for an item that is acquired with much sacrifice, you want to feel you are getting your money's worth. If not, you ask for a refund from the store you bought the item from. Well, imagine all the parents struggling and sacrificing at the risk of their own personal shalom bayis for a fine Jewish education for their children, only to feel that they haven't gotten their "money's worth" due to academic mediocrity. Yes, parents are angry and bitter. And they feel that they have no choice but to continue contributing to a very defective system. Beware: people just can't take it anymore. There will be a revolt and then a revolution. Whether it's talmudei torah after (gasp) public school, or home schooling where parents pool their money to hire a private rebbi, or making aliyah - the situation cannot and will not continue.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The most important statement in this important piece is that the tuition reduction is not free. Someone will be paying it, and that person may not be able to afford it. There is a perception that it is free, and that goes to a terrible lack of financial understanding. Tuition is not free, WIC is not free, Americare is not free -- the burden is just shifted to others, often the same people who are staggering under their own tuition and tax burdens. Somebody pays. Instead of a sense of entitlement that some feel toward these programs, a little hakaras hatov to the rest of the people who are footing the bill might be in order.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
My neighbor was told by a 311 operator that tree pieces had to be no longer than 5 feet and only 5 pieces would be picked up. That doesn\'t sound reasonable to me.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In my opinion, the city should have ice available to all residents after the storm (and should have a distribution point in NW so we don\\\'t have to travel to the inner city to get the ice). Additionally, the frum community organizations should have ice in a freezer somewhere to distribute should a power outage happen on shabbos because the stores were out by the time we were able to get there on motzei shabbos. Also, we need to figure out how to get the city and BGE to properly maintain the area trees so that they don\\\'t knock all of our power out every time there is a storm.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A shelter would of been nice.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The dirty little secret that many people don't want to publically acknowledge is this: the more public transportation, the higher the crime rate. Somehow, there needs to be a balance.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bomb squad came. It was determined that it was a duffel bag full of seforim being dropped off to donate.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am very happy that the temperatures r going down
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1. how much money was spent restoring power to the hundreds of thousands of homes that lost power for this storm? what abour irene? isabel? 2. outages to underground wires last longer, but how often do they occur?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
reminds me of the stories about the Chorbon: when Antiochus outlawed circumcision, when the Romans outlawed it as well, and now ironically Germany; the last nation to try and destroy us... makes one daaven for Moshich all the more.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
My bags are packed and I am ready to go, Hoyts awaiting and blowing his horn.........
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Leave it to... Oh, just forget it. This should continue to be a message to all Jews those who insist the Fuhrer is the greatest thing to every happen to America, and deserves another chance.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love when you post these humorous stories, this one is particularly outrageous, I mean who would ever believe there could be a hechsher on lobby music? You guys crack me up.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"At this stage, of course, it is still difficult to state whether we are talking about a miracle or just a historic medical breakthrough..." Who said those are mutually exclusive? -micha
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
...and why is "just a historic medical breakthrough" not a "miracle"?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is that I hear? Bricks flying out of the third Beis Hamikdash, makes me happy I live in the good old U.S.A. where organizations like the OU and Star K give a hechsher on the food and stay out of other areas like lobby music (so far). I have no way to determine the kashrut of an establishment so I rely on the mashgiach, the rest I am perfectly able to handle on my own.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is divisive and separates the Jews. Was this the "Dass" of Mosheh Rabanu when he came down from Har Sinai.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Pardon my ignorance but what is special about this high school? Not being sarcastic I really don't know why they would be featured here.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1: the county has asked us to relay to all county residents that a hotline has been established for info on county services. The number is 410-887-2222. NWCP
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1: The NWCP has been contacted by the city, and has been releasing timely and accurate iinformation on our Facebook page, Twitter account and through our email alerts list. You can find them at: Facebook: Twitter: @nwcpbaltimore Sign up for our alerts list: We continue to address issues and concerns with the city, and, if you have any questions you need the answer to, call our 24 hour dispatcher at 410-664-6927 x1. We'll either have the answer, or know who to ask to get you the answer. NWCP
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There is a negative side to primaries.Extreme elements tend to vote in primaries and moderate candidates have to appeal to the fringes to get the nomination. Whether it is the LIKUD underf attack from Feiglin and his friends or the Republican Party in Utah overtaken at its convention by those who refused to renominate a Senator who would have easily been re-elected -Bennett, the only solution is for normal people to also vote in primaries.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dear Morah- you are correct, arba starts with an aleph (I think - although at this point I'm sooooo confused). Glad you like the blog!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is it possible, or is it my imagination that your photo insert mispelled the Hebrew word ARBA??? They have it with an "ayin"...I grew up spelling ARBA with an "aleph". In that case, Susan, you either have nothing to worry about..or lots to worry about. Anyway, love your blogs... keep them coming please. Morah SK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about trees and branches that fell? Will they pick it up if we put it at the sidewalk?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We at Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah were grateful to Fishel and his family for what they did for the community, and we are so honored to have been able to provide a place where families could get out of the heat and partake in a home cooked meal. The smiles on the faces of the people we served all evening and the deep felt thank yous made us know that we were able to provide a brief respite to those in need. Yasher Koach to Fishel and the entire Gross family, Tzvi, and everyone who works for O\'Fishel Catering. Jeff Forman, president MMAE
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
#1 - please don't call Hatzala or the other emergency services in the community for general information. They need their lines clear for people in imminent life-threatening distress. Thanks.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow so if you have a job and are currently at work you just have to let your smelly garbage sit for a week, garbage that contains the rotting food that is a result of losing power for 3 days, or if you don\'t have a vehicle you are in the same boat. This is not a workable solution for a city that only picks up trash once a week, this is actually a public safety issue. They should add an extra pick up or at least have more drop off facilities with evening hours. This town is going to stink to high heaven.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I don't know if it was the Algemeiner that chose the photo or Baltimore Jewish life but it is highly innapropriate. It depicts the flowers left as a memorial in 2006 after the fatal Seattle Jewish Federation shooting. It is not something that should be used to promote a new slogan, bad taste.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
thats all very nice for city dwellers. how about us folks in the county? i called hatzala, chaverim, shomrim, all were clueless as to what to do about getting ice, water, etc. they said call 311. hello? 311 is ONLY for city people! it wont even connect you if u live in the county. 1 guy from shomrim told me to go to hampstead to get ice. great. very helpful. NOT.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
4 days without power in Pickwick. no ac, food gone (spoiled), ain't life grand? we're Jewish, we should get priority.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why are they only publically fighting about Solo Cup and Foundry Row and not this project?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks for sharing the pictures - truly a devastating storm. I heard Hatzalah fielded 5 emergency calls during the thick of the storm from 11p-1:30am. Kol HaKavod for their great work and mesiras nefesh!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this article it helped refresh my memory as to why I cannot stand politicians. While they are having all of these productive sessions I will take my money to Hunt Valley and Towson.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wonder what the real story is. This is a lot of political posturing but will anything actually change?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The original root of the Spanish word Derecho is most likely from Hebrew, \"derech\" as is the English word \"direct.\" In his book \"The Word,\" Isaac Mozeson lists words from at least 15 diverse languages with meanings related to \"direct,\" \"path\" or \"way,\" etc. which are derived from \"derech.\" EK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
And we care, why?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This was so easy - I really enjoyed making it with my children. Thanks! -MM
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The Gross family has a special place in my heart. Thank you for your chessed
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"V'chol me sheoskim btzorchai tzibur b'emunah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu Yishalaim Sechoram.... And for all those who are involved in the needs of the community, Hashem will pay their reward." The Grosses are tzaddikim par excellence. This is not the first time they have stepped up for the community and shown extraordinary chessed to this community. May the Grosses receive all the rewards that Hashem has in store for those who are involved in Tzorchei Tzibbur.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
thank you Fishel for once agin stepping up to mezaka the masses.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Their automated report system is useless you wait on hold forever than the automated opperater says to high a call volume and disconects you
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great work...and IY"H we're next in MD!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for such a comprehensive article! I know that the \"smart\" project will cost BGE $500M-$700M and BGE only received $200M in grant funds from the Dept of Energy. According to the MD Energy Administration and BGE\'s filings with the PSC, BGE will be raising our rates to recover the costs of these dangerous and \"dumb\" unconstitutional devices from US. SAY NO TO SMART METERS!
Comment by Traci Radice
As long as clueless socialists like omally and srb are running the show,there is no hope.
Comment by Traci Radice
Aside from the bad neighborhoods, I dont think ppl want to move to a city where the Fire Department makes national headlines for wanting to put advertisements on their fire trucks, or shutting down some of the most active fire companies (starting July 1).
Comment by Traci Radice
If you want privacy in today's world, turn off your phone, stop using your credit cards, avoid streets with traffic cameras, and most of all, stop using the computer that you are seeing this post on. The last thing you have to worry about is that your coffee maker will snitch on you.
Comment by Traci Radice
the answer to this is very simple. Jews are afraid of anything that smells like authority. They dont vote Republican because the liberal mindset says the govt should take care of everyone as long as no rules come along with the check. the minute anything smells like a restriction on freedom, they run away with their tails between their legs.
Comment by Traci Radice
And people actually believe that money buys happiness
Comment by Traci Radice
In Chabad we call that "Shlichus" not that we are expecting them to come to us, but we will go out to them...
Comment by Traci Radice
Who checked their facts/arguements? Folks, as a retired electrical / electronics engineer who worked 40 years in federal and private telecommunications, this 'article' is peppered with (too many) false statements. This is not the forum to correct the facts, but keep in mind that the authors are distorting the reality with 'misstatements'.
Comment by Traci Radice
That's my kind of recipe! Thanks Bracha!
Comment by Traci Radice
Any frum person should be crying
Comment by Traci Radice
6-28-2012 A blessing on the heads of all those who work on behalf of and worry for the poor and the downtrodden. A special blessing for those who do the same for the poor who are also suffering from ill health or disability. It is too easy to dismiss the poor and to declare that poverty in such an affluent environment can only be explained by a fundamental depravity of the soul. This is a harsh and unfair indictment. May Hashem protect all those who are poor, downtrodden, ill or disabled. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Traci Radice
I am rather hesitant to write in such an open forum. Birth control is not something to be tossed about without the deepest of respect, but while I know the article above was addressing poverty I found the following statement in the article above to be distorted and dangerous: 'Meaning, we base our opposition to birth control on theology and on Halacha that offers us little wiggle room when it comes to controlling family size' It seems that over the past half century a great deal of information regarding the topic of the statement above seems to have either been forgotten or in the move of the past few decades to a more machmir approach, it has been misunderstood. I am a yeshivish woman who was raised by the war generation in the 'old school', by the early supporters of the yeshivishe movement - and with a strong Chassidish background to boot, I am weary of seeing families struggle with this issue and I find the pronounced ignorance about this topic to be disquieting. There is a misguided belief of what Europe was, much of the information twisted into a new mythology. Yes, many families were large in pre-war Europe, but there were smaller ones as well. We also forget that woman were often married as girls (15-17 was very common) and had an earlier start on having families. People lived among their extended family in the shtetl and if the husband started off in learning - which was not the common thing it is today - you moved in with the parents and they shared the something or the nothing that they had with you. Most people lived simply and didn\\\'t have lifestyle expectations beyond their means. Having a large family with that type of backdrop was very different. A large family was also part of the effort to beat the mortality rate in Eastern Europe, the hope was that perhaps fifty percent would survive into adulthood. In poorer families, this hope was very much part of the fabric of a large family. In addition, a family often had their children help in the effort to make ends meet. Again I will repeat that there were plenty of families that weren't so large. Very few of us are left who have a matrilineal mesorah for Taharas Hamishpacha. I was one of the few in my generation to be given this precious gift before my Chasunah and I was astonished how much more information about the feminine being was given to my mother and grandmother than what I was given in my kallah class. I was also amazed at the respect for gift of children that was given as well. I was told that a woman is responsible to be brutally honest regarding the current state of her household. She must consider her duty to her already existing children before considering bringing more children into the family. There was also the realization that if one wanted children to thrive as frumme yidden, we could not let children be raised on the 'gasse' - the street. That meant that as a Mother you actually have to show up for the job and that the job could be difficult. If that meant going to a Rav to frankly discuss the matter, it was our duty to do so. In the years following the war many families like my family were large as our Parents tried to rebuild families decimated by Hitler YSH''VZ. Large in those days was five or more. My Parents and some of their friends with six or more were viewed with wonder. My Parents made sure to remind me of the cheshbonos of their time on several occasions before my chasunah as well. In my day, Rabbonim, very chashuvah Rabbonim I may add, would tell you to wait two years before discussing the next child. That meant that there were no qualms about having two years and nine months between children as a minimum. Today, I am told things have changed and that a six month consult is common, or worse one is made to feel inadequate for considering such a thing at all. If this is true than people really shouldn't be surprised at the growing number of issues that we are having with our children and our marriages today. Many of today's women often aren't home enough to realistically gauge the well-being of their households and most of today's menfolk are not machshiv the idea to have their children raised at home. Mesiras Nefesh has become a foreign concept as we focus on our fulfillment being something separate from the family responsibilities we chose to take on when we chose to marry. I am in no way advocating that we should go with the American dream of two and a dog as the new frum household. I am writing out of concern for the next generation who are building families on a foundation of misguided priorities and lifestyle choices. As people seem to gravitate to stringencies in search of answers we are losing the sight of the basics that our zekainim have understood and the amazing mesorah they carry. The frum community is struggling with issues on all fronts. We must take the time examine what we are doing and look back to our past in truth and honesty to realize that we may be losing our way. ' Zechor Yimos Olam Binu Shinos Dor VaDor'¦ Zikaynecha V'Yomru Lach'.
Comment by Traci Radice
#4: Very smart and very right. And the people that need to hear this need to be told this loud and clear.
Comment by Traci Radice
Well, since I am paying for it as a taxpayer, I demand reform!
Comment by Traci Radice
I am not against a national care system, but it does have to be implemented correctly. And this push through at midnight on a Sunday is not the right way to do it. The pols are STILL not 100% sure what\'s in there - but one thing is for certain, we just got hit with a huge ax hike.
Comment by Traci Radice
This is so heartbreaking. I'm happy that the families retreated safely from the flames. But I'm distressed that the sifrei Torah were not so fortunate.
Comment by Traci Radice
We also gained clarity to remember that tamuz is always a sad month
Comment by Traci Radice
what about putting the schools into combined building and then turning the old school buildings into low income housing????
Comment by Traci Radice
Who is this Rav?
Comment by Traci Radice
Of course this is run by a Jewish person and we appreciate it because they go to all non Jewish and perhaps non kosher sites and gather news so we don't have to. We truly appreciate it. M Teller
Comment by Traci Radice
Comment by Traci Radice
I live in Pikesville.... They didn\\\'t bother to knock on the door to talk though.... Just put the envelope in the door. There was no paperwork inside, just the DVD. I didn\\\'t even bother and it was tossed in file 13... Hope lots of people do that.
Comment by Traci Radice
this same young lady came to my door. She mentioned the Israel Restoration Ministries and Tom Cantor and how she had something for the Jewish families in the community. I asked what it was about and she mentioned something about "yoshke". I told her we were not interested and she politely walked away.
Comment by Traci Radice
why is this site called baltimore jewish life and posting all these inaccurate articles written by anti semitic reporters? "Beating of a black boy" really? Allegedly getting hit on the head with a "Walkie talkie" (which by the way if anyone had taken time to verify any real facts they are called "Radios") means "beating"??? and this from a website which during its coverage posted pictures of the "victim" while he was around 9 years old. I find it pathetic this is coming from a "Jewish" website. Or is this being run by the community leader Rev Cortly C.D. Witherspoon after he was kicked out of the courtroom for racial slurs?!?
Comment by Traci Radice
Brother of Reb Seymour Kleiman of Baltimore.
Comment by Traci Radice
Yet Baltimore is last in regular safety......
Comment by Traci Radice
Maybe in the other 42 states they force you to wear a sign on your back saying "hit me." I guess that would be worse.
Comment by Traci Radice
Baltimore Sun is reporting two concurrent three year probations. In calendar time, that's actually going to be a three years probation, not six.
Comment by Traci Radice
We are fortunate to have a real justice system.
Comment by Traci Radice
B'H'. But let's also hope that no member of our community ever does anything like this again.
Comment by Traci Radice
I can hardly imagine how bad the rest of the states must be as bike riding hardly seems safe here. In Baltimore, most of the "bike" lanes are located practically in the middle of the regular vehicle lanes. It's impossible to fit both a bike and a car in that space. How this could be better than the other 42 states who fare worse than this is beyond me.
Comment by Traci Radice
Comment by Traci Radice
Thank G-d it wasn't worse.
Comment by Traci Radice
Boruch Hashem!!! Chasdei Hashem!! (Tehillim works)
Comment by Traci Radice
What does this mean for Kosher Bite, who is in the city? It is a restaurant where 0% of the alcohol sold is sold to those eating there, which makes them non-exempt to this law as a restaurant. Would they be considered a store instead, where the law is different?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Eli Werdesheim has done so much for our community. He trains people in self defense and serves as a consultant for many law enforcement agencies. If law enforcement trusts him, so should we. Perhaps he can train other communities on methods of how to keep their communities safe.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
The JCC should apologize for rushing to judgment by banning Eli who was a personal trainer and martial arts instructor at the JCC. This was a case that did not deserve the attention it received. In a rushed PR move, the JCC wanted to demonstrate positive black Jewish relations. They created more problems than necessary. The black community was not supportive of the alleged victim as evidenced by the four supporters who showed up. Three of whom were homeless people. When interviewed, they had no clue as to why they were demonstrating. At a meeting with neighborhood associations (Glen, Cross Country etc) most black community members expressed that they are happy with the nice relationship they have with their Jewish neighbors. Most criminal activity in our community is not from the inside but from students who are bussed into the neighborhood or from others who are known petty criminals who for the most part live further south and are opportunistic criminals.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
why shoudl the JCC give him an apology?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Must we be our own worst enemy?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I wish he were living in Milwaukee again too.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
THEY WANT HIM TO SERVE COMMUNITY SERVICE!!!! WHAT A HORRIBLE JOKE!!! I\'m not sure if to laugh or cry...What irony!! Hey, dopeheads, you prosecuted him for exactly that - the highest form of community service - protecting the community!! Just let him have probation before judgment, and if anyone brings up Trayvon Martin, yell them out of court. What a backwards world we live in, it's scary...
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I wish Eliyahu were living in Milwaukee again. We could use an upstanding defender of the public safety here!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I\'m reading this article from Germany, having also lived in Baltimore. Lots of Jews live here, especially Jews allowed in by the government when the USSR fell. Lots of Kiruv is needed.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
B"H, I certainly hope this is what happens and this young man escapes prison time.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Why a Jew would or could live in Germany, is beyond me.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Community service should be done at the JCC with the JCC giving him and the community a public apology! Eli exemplifies community service and should be welcomed with open arms.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
People like this should not be allowed to have kids.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Dear reader who thought this was a useless article - I\'d be happy to share any information with you offline. Please write to me at!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To quote Rav Nachman Kahana of the Old City, \"You might live better in Chutz La\'aretz but you will have a better life in Israel.\" To paraphrase the Master Card commercial, the kedusha of Eretz Yisrael is \"priceless\".
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Lovely! This is really well-written, Adena! Thanks for sharing. CR Werner
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This article was basically useless, as everyone knows that things cost a lot in Israel. So, what do specific clothing items cost? What kind of car did you buy and what did it cost with your oleh's rights? What would the same kind of car cost without using these rights? It would be nice to give some actual sample prices besides plastic cups.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Wow She needs to have her head examined
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Praise to the man's rabbi who called Hatzalah and saved a life. This couple is clearly mentally ill.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-26-2012 With all due respect to the author of this essay, this is an over simplification of the lesson from the Parshah. Such puerile analyses only reinforce the notion that the ethos of the Torah is only meant for the uneducated and the very young. People who embrace this notion tend to eschew any ethos. For them, the wisdom of the Torah is transformed to mere guile posing as maturity. And it is these people who inspire the good and decent to rebel. So, after all is said and done, reducing the Torah to mere children's stories is what feeds the rebellion by those who are actually good and decent people seeking truth. So who is today's real Korach? Those who sincerely question and seek true moral authority or the bible thumpers? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-26-2012 I have found stories and biographies of Gedolim and Tzaddikim to be inspirational and motivational. When I see what our great men and women went through and how they persevered, I am refreshed about my own life and when I read of Tzaddikim my sense of altruism and purpose is replenished. These stories are the proverbial chicken soup for the soul. And when my kids were little these biographies and stories played a key role. And that stays with a person forever. A Yesher Koach to the author of this essay and all those who faithfully recount the stories of our great men and women of Torah. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Even the Agudah admits they only addressed abusers because of blog pressure
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
One can almost admire the breathtaking moral & mental acrobatics required to see things as this writer would have it. He's in thrall to a Bizarro mindset (aka Leftist), in which up is down, Israel has done nothing for peace, and, perhaps most impressively, Abbas & the Palestinians have done nothing but work doggedly toward peace for decades now, only to see a lack of reciprocation from Israel! Thrall ignores Abbas' ongoing intransigence, public incitements & uncompromising stance over the years, focusing instead on his overrated 'cooperation' with Israel on security matters, which---so ironically!---has allowed Israelis to breathe easy and callously ignore the Plight of the Palestinians. In this topsy-turvy world, anytime Israel has attemped to move toward peace, all of the concessions & evacuations over the years, have all been brought on by Arab violence---but Arab peace-making (!) has invariably been met with a cold shoulder from the Israelis!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I and most Americans would be thrilled to see comprehensive immigration reform that rewards those who come here legally and doesn't reward those who do so illegally. And again, our grandparents didn't get much compassion, they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and educated themselves and their children. My point about Asians has nothing to do with where they came from in relation to the border but simply that they value higher education and Hispanics don't. There are enough of both groups who are here legally to demonstrate that this reality has nothing to do with how they got here.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
People who oppose immigration reform as yourself and commenter #9 want the current illegals to be a permanent underclass. That is what the illegals already are, and will continue to be, if they are not given legal status along the lines of the Democrats' plan a few years ago (which let's remember included paying huge fines/back taxes etc.) Once again, our grandparents were patriotic and revered education AFTER they were allowed in the country, not the other way around! If our grandparents entered illegally and were a permanent under-class for generations, things would have turned out different. Which brings us to an important point: Our grandparents WOULD have come here illegally if that was the only way! I would have. You probably would have. Anyone in their right mind would have. Marco Rubio would have, as just became news. So stop picking on the Hispanics for doing something anyone in their right mind would have done. "But they broke the law?!!?"" you might scream as did commenter 9 below. Well so did you when you drove ten miles over the speed limit this morning. Compare their crime to that one, as opposed to treating them like murderers. Again, give them the same compassion as our grandparents received, and then patriotism and a love for education will follow. There is however something which differentiates Mexicans from Jews at the turn of the century (and Asian Americans as you brought up). Their developing/formerly third world country shares a porous 1200 mile border with a US state. If there was the same border with an Asian country, or with one of the European countries at the turn of the century filled with Jews waiting to leave, we have would have the same millions of illegal Jews and Asians. You want to blame someone, blame the government for not securing the border. But don't blame the people driving 40 MPH in a 30 MPH speed limit.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I bet a large number of these "poor" New Yorkers are earning additional money "off the books."
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yes. It was advertised in the Advertiser, in shuls, and posted on the NWCP and Baltimore Hatzalah facebook pages and Twitter pages.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Was this advertised anywhere?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I do ot think that the lads pictured in the picture above are the ones who will be joining the Army. There seem to be a lot of aimless youths in Meah Shearim whose idea of recreation is violent demonstrations. They can;t play ball,they have no career training, they are isolated and alienated from Israeli society and see no exit from their condition. Maybe they are really demonstrating against their own poverty and ignorance. I notice more and more young men, in their 20's, collecting in shul lately.Who is raising these youths? L. Oberstein
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
What about when stories are made up or enhanced?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yasher Koach Reb Ari (SZ) Taragin, once again putting the needs of the klal ahead of his own. Zechoso Yagen Aleini -The Chevra
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Where's the video?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Maybe he can send a campaign rep to school cafeterias to collect lunch money from kids - after all, they\'re too fat so they don\'t need lunch anyway!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Hatzlacha to the new Rabbi!!!!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
2 incompetent corrupt radical left institutions,I wish they could both lose
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
\"THE\" Menorah in the temple? ...The connection between this Roman image and the actual shape of the menorah that stood in the Kodesh in the Beis HaMikdash is not very strong at best....
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#8: Who exactly is trying to ensure that Hispanics remain a "permanent under-class"? The American dream is as open to them as to all immigrants and they can choose to embrace education with the same drive that Asian-Americans do; they just choose not to. If you had the opportunity to speak to your grandparents and if you would study some history, you'd discover that they certainly did revere education and were very patriotic to this country. Who said anything about compassion? There was plenty of anti-Semitism and very little compassion but they took advantage of the opportunities they had to better themselves and climbed the ladder, the same way countless immigrants do today. Do you think Asian immigrants are shown much compassion in the neighborhoods they have to start out in? Do you remember the LA riots? Hispanics have it much easier in that regard because of their numbers, and also have the same opportunities to succeed. BTW, I don't form my opinions from talk radio; I study history and speak to as many people who lived through it as I can. You might consider turning off NPR and doing the same!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
HI!! I go to BNYHS and am SO EXCITED AND PROUD OF MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We worked really hard to raise the money and run in the race, and we had a lot of fun doing it!!!! THANK YOU JCN FOR HOLDING IT!!! Thank you so much--for holding the race, and for the plaque. It\'s beautiful! --A BNYHS Student
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Hatzlacha Rabbah and Mazel tov!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Case in point: Half-Moon K used to be as unreliable as the Triangle K is today. But the Half-Moon K made some changes, and is now accepted as a very pious hechsher. Why should the Triangle K be given any less of a chance?!?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
On Friday nights, when the orthodox come home from their synagogue service, they have a ceremony at their dinner table where they cover two small loaves of bread (challas) and they make a blessing over their wine (known as Kiddush). Do you know why they do that? They cover the challas so as not to embarrass them when the first blessing is made over wine rather than the bread. (Usually, the blessing on bread comes before and in lieu of any blessings over any other food). It's intriguing in that the ceremony of covering the challas is meant to teach us sensitivity towards others. And yet, I have seen over and over again and I have just seen again today, that a person, (and in this case another observant Jew), will be refused assistance of any kind if he does not conform to one view point or another. This is the case even if the subject of disagreement is a rather minor issue. It's as if there is a silent declaration that the person has been stripped of his status as a Jew and is to be given no quarter. This is why the orthodox are so scared to show any independent thinking at all. If someone even suggests you are non-conforming you are ejected silently and without a chance to defend or correct. Imagine you woke up one day and without warning you were no longer accepted as a member of whatever community of which you were a part. It would be a nightmare. I refer you to The Metamorphasis by Franz Kafka. It is frightening to be suddenly on the out and out, especially if every aspect of your life from your family to your living is tied to that community. The pain is indescribable if you have devoted your entire life to that community. But I have to take a step back and ask myself, now that I see their true colors, would I really want to be a part of such a group? If this is the result their morals and ethics and beliefs and ideals and virtues, then what does it all really amount to anyway? And though it may be painful and even scary, and late in life, is it not worth at least knowing the truth even for such a short time? If they will stand by and watch one of their own suffer with no sense of compassion, do you really want to stand with them? Not me. Not this time. Not in this world. And not in the next world.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Can these women just get a life already?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Regarding the previous comment about triangle k being an unreliable symbol - this has been accepted by most of the frum world as true. Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate this fact. Who gets to decide its not reliable? A frum rabbi heads it up and says its Kosher. I agree with the comment above - all you need is an eid Echod here. All of a sudden we change the rules and say we need more than that? It seems to me that it's about the business side. We all know that hashgacha is big business - and competitors act with no mercy towards their competitors in this area of business. I think it's time for a revolution. I'm going to go eat a hot dog now. I hope I don't burn in gehenom from the hotdog.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
What exactly is the problem?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Well said #1 it would be a real shame to miss out on Wegmans in Owings Mills
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #1. He's a democrat, he probably voted while in the womb.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Repeat after me ,border crossing =illegal immigration,our grandparents=legal,hence the whole comparison is irrelevent .what the wicked and evil liberal godfather fdr prevented was even legal immigration.(to the previous commentor,maybe you shouldlisten to some talk radio,so you become a little less ignorant).
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Mazel tov! Too bad Boaz won't be eligible to vote for another 18 years . . .
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
When many are doing everything they can to ensure that the Hispanics are a permanent under-class, it is not surprising that they have a relatively low enrollment rate in schools. What came first, their lack of drive towards education or their marginalization? Much of your distinction is based on the assertion that Eastern European Jews revered education and were patriotic (to the US?!), and therefore they deserved compassion. But I wonder: Did our great-grandparents running away from extreme poverty really think about these things? It\'s more likely that the same sentiments were going through the minds of the Jews crossing the Atlantic in dreadful boats and Mexicans crossing the border in 18-wheelers. Neither cared much about education or patriotism. They cared about making it, earning a few bucks, and living the dream. The Jews were successful because of the following things in this exact order: A)They were accepted with relative compassion (until the 20's). B)They had a strong work ethic and were successful in business. C)THEN education and patriotism worked their way in over the next generations. Give the Mexicans the same compassion, and then in a few generations they might be doing the same thing. Regarding advocacy groups; Organizations on all sides regularly say extreme things when advocating regarding hot topics. Do you agree with every statement of the ADL? I am not saying the 'Jews will be negatively impacted' but rather 'Jews were positively impacted'. Not that 'Jews won't be allowed in' but that 'Jews were allowed in'. Doesnt sound like a detrimental position, because it worked! Have the same compassion for others, and maybe stop listening to talk radio :-)
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
There is nothing misleading about this article. Triangle K has long been an unreliable symbol.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
First three posters need to calm down. Stop over-reacting on this site.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Phrases like "councilmanic courtesy" and "I've been against the project since Day One." are what makes people despise politicians who are out for their own gain, political, financial or both. If I were Wegmans I would take my money and jobs elsewhere and leave this ungrateful county right away.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I love comment #1's assertion that bjl will get banned by the rabanim. I think you may have a misconception about the number of people who would follow such a cult like ban. Do you ever think for yourself, or do you just blindly follow everything you're told to do.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Regarding the first comment - it's ignorant comments like that that make me believe how very lost Orthodoxy has become. Do you think the triangle k Shochtim are some summer interns? I'm sure they are frum. Why has Orthodoxy become an OCD institution obsessed with constantly upping the ante of restriction and constriction? Enough is enough already. Eid Echod ne'eman be'esurin. Who are you to say its not kosher? Get off your high horse. I guarantee the crazier you get with restriction the further you are getting from G-d. It's time to examine why we do what we do instead of just following a bunch of leaders who promote tighter control right off the cliff of insanity. Look at our youth. They've already figured this out.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
this is so appalling, the biggest problem about this is that people don't realize it is a problem!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I agree tremendously with the first two commentators. Vote Yes to Solo Cup, Vote NO to Howard Brown!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Correction to #1: Looks like a big section of the MALE ORTHODOX Jewish community.767
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#6: Census data for children in the U.S. shows that of the various demographic groups, Hispanics have the lowest percentage enrolled in High School and College. This means that while many are willing to take jobs that Americans supposedly refuse, they will not be able to climb the economic ladder in large numbers and will therefore remain a huge financial burden on the public. In addition, several large, Hispanic advocacy organizations are taking increasingly radical positions against U.S. foreign policy and even against Israel. Our grandparents succeeded in this country and didn't become economic burdens because they revered education and were unabashedly patriotic. Unfortunately, you can't say the same the current wave of immigrants. Your arguments really sound like the typical, liberal positions of, "Let's relax every requirement and standard because otherwise, Jews will be negatively impacted" and "Let's open the borders wide to everyone, otherwise Jews won't be allowed in". Such positions have a very detrimental impact on Jews, both religiously and economically.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
it will be a miracle if these boys are able to develop into serious students of gemara shame on the adults who encourage these neshamos to dance like the bnei cham in times square !!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #5 and #2: A similar sentiment in the 1920's would be as follows: Many of the Eastern European Jews who dont know English may be hard working but they and their large families have become a growing and lasting economic burden on this country. Also why do you believe that the current would-be immigrants are any less patriotic and pro-education than our grandparents? Was patriotism and education really on the Jewish immigrants' minds any more than the Mexicans are thinking about it? Both groups simply want(ed) to make it here, WHATEVER it takes. Agreed on FDR though. Question at this point is why todays Mexicans should get any less compassion than our grandparents deserved.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Is there a recording available of Rabbi Heinemann and Rabbi Lopianksy's speeches?
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
I am so confused I thought this was a jewish sad
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #4: Many of the "border crossers" you mention may be hard working but aside from filling up the public schools, they are not pro-education like our grandparents were. They and their large families have become a growing and lasting economic burden on this country. Also unlike our grandparents, many of them are not exactly patriotic; just take a look at what their advocacy group La Raza has to say. Despite the immigration policies of the 1920's, Jews might have been allowed into this country when their lives depended on it but unfortunately, FDR was a virulent anti-Semite, as was his "good friend" Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Susan--I LOVE your aliyah blogs, and follow them faithfully. Please keep them coming! Try to stay cool. Chaya Statman,Balto,MD.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Comment #1 is not Orthodox thinking but the extreme right wing (Chareidi if you will) thinking that pervades much of Orthodoxy especially in Baltimore. If one chooses to eat only Glatt meat, so be it but don\'t baselessly defame another product. I highly don\'t BJL will be banned (another right wing process) by the Rabbanim (whoever they are) because as a rule this website supports their agenda.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This reeks of political/financial motivation and clearly has nothing to do with traffic. Wegmans and other businesses want to come in, renovate an eyesore, pay taxes and bring jobs to Owings Mills and the politicians want to stand in its way because there is a "proposal" to revamp Owings Mills Mall? I say you take the sure thing, Wegmans in Hunt Valley and other places is enormously successful, a proven entity and should be allowed to break ground tomorrow, if this negatively effects the David S. Brown project so be it, let the best man win - it's called capitalism.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
These days, it is not a problem to boil an even number of eggs or even just 1 or 2 eggs alone. Hear the answer from Rabbi Leff here: It\'s question number 1651- 5th from bottom. I asked a Rabbi Berger a year or two ago and got the same answer.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Please. Kenneth Oliver is the councilman for Randallstown, which includes the Owings Mills Mall! He probably gets kickbacks from Kimco to oppose this new shopping center. The proposed Foundry Row has already been approved by the county council and the zoning council of Baltimore county. The site is within the district of Vicky Almond-- who has heard lots of positive feedback from her constituents regarding the project. This shopping center will be a nice addition to that very ugly part of Owings Mills.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
This sounds like a great recipe. I can't wait to try it. And thanks for all your tips! Bellanne Weitz
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
6-20-2012 Comment #1 below is an excellent example of orthodox thinking. The orthodox are proud of their piety. Piety is indeed a virtue. But not when the piety ends at the mere ceremonial. Piety must extend to the substance of the ceremony. And it must extend to beyond our comfort zone. The rigorous laws of Kashruth apply everywhere and to everyone. So if we see the laws of Kashruth being observed by people we do not relate to and in places that are outside our comfort zone and by companies we do not normally see in the grocery store, we must afford honor to those laws and their observance. So too the entire galaxy of interpersonal laws. These laws of the Torah apply to all people whether we know them or not, like them or not, dress like them or not, live among them or not. Others, those different from us, also deserve the rights and protections of the Torah. Kosher is Kosher, all over the world and for all people, a Jew is a Jew, no matter where he lives or what he wears. The attitude that others are not Jews and their food is not Kosher is repugnant to the ideals and virtues Torah that burn in the heart of all good and decent people. Repugnant. Plain and simple. You can lock your doors and hide in the closet and wrap yourself in Rabbinical garb, that will not protect or preserve an individual or a community that is already dead inside. And make no mistake about it. A person who can roundly and summarily dismiss the piety of another Jew is dead inside. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
#2 basic kashrut 101. Odd number of eggs is used in case of blood spots (prior to boiling of the egg.) This nuilfies the process and allows you to use your pot without concern and kashring your pot. Speak with your Rav.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
To #2: Today's 'border crossers' share the most basic noble view that our immigrant great-grandparents held in the first decades of the last century, when the masses of Jews came largely because of poverty in Eastern Europe (not because of persecution). Mexicans today also simply want a new life in the goldena medina. They are some of the most pro-working people you can find, and are willing to work in jobs most Americans would never take (for example industrial kitchens and landscaping). Anti-immigrationists in the early 1900's used your exact arguments to limit Jewish immigration, and were succesful when immigration was significantly curtailed in the 1920's.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Dear reader #1 - now I am curious, why do I have to use an odd number of eggs? - Bracha
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Statements like these are why the aguda continues to bleed membership.This was a dangerous unconstitutional power grab by obama for sinister motives.Instead of "chanifa",either they should stay qiet(as its a matter basicly irrelevent to their consittuency)or condemn .shame
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Looks like a big section of the jewish community.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
When you boil eggs you need to use an odd number
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
THIS IS SO MISLEADING. I predict there will be outrage over this post. BJL you are pushing the envelope. This is an advertisement and should clearly say it is in big letters. I think BJL will get banned by the rabbanim over this post because every one know hebrew national is not kosher
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yes, they do share the "virulent anti-immigration agenda of most of today's republicans" (you left out "hateful"). That's because most of these immigrants come from cultures that do not share the same patriotic, pro-education, pro-work ideals of our grandparents, and our community donesn't want to have to pick up the tab! Here's a little history lesson: when the Jews of Europe were trying so desperately to immigrate to this country in the 1930's and 1940's, it wasn't the "nasty republicans" that locked them out. No, it was your hero, FDR, who consistently had large majorities in the House and Senate and could have let them in but hated Jews.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Yasher Koach to the Agudah. Given our community's history, we should adopt pro-immigration policies across the board, and have compassion for the people who are attracted to this country for the same reasons our grandparents were. Instead, many in our community sadly adopt the virulent anti-immigration agenda of most of today's republicans.
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
You mach. Instead of sitting and complaining and creating paranoid conspiracy theories, you mach. While it helps a lot to have money, there are many machers who don't. Hatzalah was originally started by a macher in Williamsburg. The Bais Yaakov movement was started by a macher. There are dozens of unmet needs in the community waiting for someone to step up. Stop kvetching and start maching!
Comment by Gabrielle Burger
Is the pamphlet still available?
Comment by N S
How do you become a macher ?
Comment by N S
its unknown if this is actually cancelled
Comment by N S
This was cancelled
Comment by N S
how do we get access to the petition so we could sign it?
Comment by N S
Shield your eyes, on a highway billboard? While driving? Couldn't they have found a better place for it?
Comment by N S
Nice try. If you agree that these machors truly care about the community, get them to not sell out and perform for us as a whole. Maybe I struck a chord and possibly you are one of them :)
Comment by N S
If you don't agree with our community's leaders, become one. If you host a reception for a republican I will come.
Comment by N S
I blame the Internet.
Comment by N S
By the way, Obama did not take question at the end. he almost never does.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 What hurts the most is not so much the sayings of your enemies, but the silence of your friends. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
The Obama Administration political appointee who administers the ACA just announced his resignation. What does that \"say?\"
Comment by N S
Please. Thats the game called politics. When you see any one of them campaigning for Romney or any local Republican candidate, post it. You won't until magically a republican wins without any of their public support. Then they will come to the table again. No one expected Ehrlich to win and then he got public support. When after losing to omalley, he ran again, his public orthodox supporters ran away from him. They are all short sighted and looking for immediate power and sell us all out in the process (no matter how much they justify their actions by thinking they will vote republican when they vote). Completely short sighted and actually hurts us all.
Comment by N S
to commenter #1, i would imagine that BJL is offering this article/information in case any Baltimore readers are planning a visit to London in the near future. There are also by the way, many Londoners and other Brits living in Baltimore,like myself, who are interested in reading articles like this. Why the need to bash?
Comment by N S
"inherently forbidden"? by whom?
Comment by N S
yeah, it is does not exactly have anything to do with Baltimore Jewish Life. Not to mention the Jewish Cronicle is not a very well respected source of information. Shame.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 Yesher Koach Rabbi Krakowski for this essay. But I have a question. What is the Jewish homeland? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
6-15-2012 Yaisher Koach Reb Avraham for this essay. When I think of the idea of peering at the Tzitzis I cannot help but think that to peer means more than merely staring at them but to peer into them means to also ponder their meaning and their message and the message of the Mitzvos individually and as a whole group. We must always ask ourselves, what is the message? It is not sufficient to keep only the ceremonial but to also live the ideals and virtues that the Miztvos teach us. That is consistent with the expression, on the 'Kanfei' of the clothing. Knaf means corner but it is from the word Knaf or Kanfei which means wings. The wings carry on the wind, the ruach. The Miztvos allow us to access the spirit of the Torah and it is the spirit of the Torah which burns in the heart of all good and decent people. And the lesson of Parshas Shelach lies in observing not only the mere ceremonial but being true to the spirit. Yesher Koach again Reb Avraham. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Why do we need to know this?
Comment by N S
Where oh where is our lovely State Department?!!!!!!! How much tax payers' money goes to an ineffectual and agency when needed. Are the also helping Mr. Gross in Cuba? Alas, I think not.
Comment by N S
What the facade is and what the reality is behind the scenes are 2 different things. Don't be so naive. Just because we can't legally chose our neighbors doesn't mean we delight in their presence. Nor they in ours, for that matter. We go along to get along, nothing more.
Comment by N S
How naive. The leaders who hosted are inherently forbidden to host something similar for ANY republican candidate in any major race. Wake up. It's not about helping you going there. We should support all. What is not good is these leaders selling out for the present thus preventing any hope for change in the future. You young supporters, wake up. You can do whatever you want to help a republican but these leaders have sold all of us out.
Comment by N S
The speaker was referring to menuchas hanefesh as a state of inner peace. Among the practical suggestions made, Rebbetzin Feldman advised singles to know both their maalot (stong points) and chisronot (weaknesses) before dating. She emphasized that people have to know who they are and what they are willing or unwilling to forgo. Mrs. Rochelle Goldberg discussed meeting one\'s emotional, physical, and psychological needs. She emphasized the importance of being happy and at times, being flexible. Mrs. Dvora Meira Ringo pointed out that during the dating process, people have to be very self-focused on their own needs, assessing if their needs are being met. However, once married, people need to focus on their spouses' needs. She also advised singles to get out and meet people--go out for a meal on Shabbos, visit friends in other communities, and get to know new people.
Comment by N S
To comment #1, do you realize that non \"frum\" people read this website and nasty comments like yours? Stop the divisive words, if G-d forbid you get a book you do not feel is appropriate for your home dispose of it how you see fit. And how exactly would you like them to advertise that this is for non \"frum\" people only? With a huge warning label, perhaps? Please re-read and reconsider your words.
Comment by N S
Interesting article. Wilkes-Barre, PA's Jewish community was still thriving in the 1970s although now it is struggling. The history of that community is thoroughly covered in the book available at this link:
Comment by N S
Are we not to be a Light unto the World? If we isolate ourselves completely, how do we bring the other nations to belief and acceptance of HaShem? Bnos Yisroel would not have their school building and CHAI would not have a planned senior building if the Glen Community Improvement Association did not sign on to the project. There were many objections. Orthodox Jewish involvement on the Association, working with our non-Jewish neighbors, helped to approve the project. Ignoring neighborhood associations and government agencies because they are the 'goyishe community' has caused problems for the Jewish community. Last year Hatzalah was fined $500 for parking their ambulance in a driveway. Only by amending the law to exempt volunteer ambulances were we able to defeat this problem. If Hatzalah is ONLY for the Jews (which it is not), then it would not be an exempt volunteer ambulance and would continue to be fined. We live in Baltimore and must interact with others to ensure our own stability and success. Honoring someone who has helped is in our community is commendable.
Comment by N S
Do the women still wear those atrocious straps that extend from each pant leg under the foot? Never seen that any place but Israel and have no idea what the point of it is... do they want to make sure their pant lets stay in place even if they are suddenly turned upside down?
Comment by N S
What selfish jerks comment on this website. I assume all these idiots also don't want any funding that doesn't come from non-ultra orthodox jews including the gov't and federation. Go take your self misery to another town, we don't need any of that here. And to you Mr. Cohn why on earth are you allowing these comments? Is this the type of website you want to operate? If you keep this up then you will be in the same parsha of or worse. Overall you run a good website and it would be a terrible shame to give that up all for some senseless lashen hara.
Comment by N S
Yes they do good work. They help JEWS buy homes. Anything else is irrelevant if it's not for us.
Comment by N S
I think all these stupid comments were written by one idiot who should jump into a lake. CHAI does great work for our community and its a real shame that this website lets psychopaths post absolutely dumb comments that have no place in our community. All those comments qualify as lashon harah against CHAI and the editor of this website and the commentators will suffer for it.
Comment by N S
I\'m no macher, but I saw the signs and went. I will not be voting for the congressman, but the mesorah (tradition) I received from individuals such as R\' Moshe Feinstein (and I understand that Rabbi Neuberger was of the same mind) is we work with all politicians to further the good of the country and the needs of our community. Mr. Sarbannes is a strong incumbent with a bright future who has shown a willingness to work with us, and seichel (common sense) says at least some of us should support him. If we can come up with a viable alternative I am all for it, but how may of you can name his Republican opponent? As an aside, there were some women present.
Comment by N S
#2 you do not speak for the entire Jewish community, or anyone else besides yourself for that matter. So don't say "we". I happen to agree with #1. This is just like those who think that Shomrim and Hatzalah are here for everyone. They are not. They are here for the Jewish people who live here, and that's all. If the rest want an ambulance or a watch patrol, let them get their own to do it.
Comment by N S
It may not be the Baltimore way, but it is the Torah way, and without Torah there is no Jewish community. Maybe you should reread your "Bible". We are not supposed to want to live with them. It is just a sad fact that we do, so we tolerate them, that's all. But to go out of our way to make them happy? Not me, never.
Comment by N S
This event was clearly intended for \\\"the non macher crowd\\\" by only charging $25 instead of the usual $1,000+. Kudos to Congressman Sarbanes for making your events affordable for everyone in the community. I hope more politicians follow your lead.
Comment by N S
Dear comment number 1: We, the Baltimore Jewish Community, would kindly appreciate it if you pick up your stuff and got the heck out of town. There is no place for your stupid and hateful isolating thoughts in our community. Go back to wherever you came from. That is not the baltimore way!
Comment by N S
Why were there no women there??
Comment by N S
I believe this event was open to the public and even advertised right here on Baltimore Jewish Life, no need to "macher" up to attend.
Comment by N S
Since when is it commendable to honor our own for their nice relations with the goyishe community? Whatever happened to it being commendable for NOT associating with them? Isn't that what the Torah teaches? Ok, they live among us (or vice versa). That doesn't mean we have to go out of our way or bestow honors on those who revel in that fact. Persoanlly, I'd prefer a fence or a wall between us.
Comment by N S
I would like to read in an article why those gathered at the reception support the Congressman, other that his support of Israel.
Comment by N S
Isn't this for non-frum people? why is it being put here? My friend didn't know and then stopped hers because she said they send books that she didn't want in her house for her kids. They should say that the books aren't frum.
Comment by N S
Menuchas Hanefesh = Serenity, a calm mind, peace of mind or stepping back from the storms of life to get an opportunity to reflect.
Comment by N S
Comment #7 ,nailed it
Comment by N S
The article only mentions Mr. Sarbanes' support for Israel. It would be nice to know why the Hosts and other people attending the reception actually support the Congressman. The domestic policies he supports are destroying this country, and are steadily destroying this state. It should be embarrassing to those in the above pictures, assuming they are there to give support.
Comment by N S
Some of these "leaders" told me "don't worry we will be voting republican when we go I into the voting booth." How short sighted this bunch is. They would rather politically rub elbows and take political personal favors, knowing they can't now represent themselves supporting a republican candidate, while justifying to themselves (falsely) that somehow by privately and quietly going into the voting booth and voting Republican, they are doing mechila. Not so sadly. You have and will continue to hurt your state and country and yes by blindly supporting a Democrat like Sarbanes because of Israel support,you are tacitly publicly asking us to vote for Obama too. Look yourselves in the mirror one day.
Comment by N S
I'd like to hear more detail about the practical suggestions that were offered. Thank you.
Comment by N S
6-13-2012 Yesher Koach Rabbi Storch. I would humbly like to add a thought this essay inspired in me. Loshon Hora is the prohibition of speaking certain truths. One may be tempted to ask, why would it be forbidden to say the truth? Truth is truth! How can we prohibit the truth? The answer is suggested by Rabbi Storch\'s essay. It is not the simple truth which is forbidden. It is when that truth becomes more than a truth. It is when the truth becomes a label. That is the depravity of the Loshon Hora. In the episode of the snake and the sin of Odom Harishon, the snake is told his seed will bite the heal of the seed of Eve. Onkeles writes on that, the snake\'s seed will remind her seed of their original sin. The fact is transformed to a label. And you can never shake a label. That is not truth. That is not fair. That is depravity. Yesher Koach Rabbi Storch. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
The phrase "menuchas hanefesh" is used over and over in this article, could you please offer a definition of this term? Thank you.
Comment by N S
The actual Marine One with POTUS on board flew over Ner Yisroel today on its way to McDounagh school.
Comment by N S
Why would anyone re-elect any politician in Maryland when we have: Highest unemployment rates ever, High crime rates, including murders, robberies and assaults, High and ever increasing taxes, including high income taxes both federal and State and City, high real estate taxes, high gas taxes, alcohol tax, car registration taxes, computer services taxes, haircut taxes, increased sales tax Under ObamaCare, in the coming year we will get hit with increased Capital Gains tax that will affect anyone with any investment including 401K, CD's, House sales, stocks, mutual funds , higher estate taxes, and other taxes embedded in the Bill, Highest gas prices ever seen for this length of time, huge electric rate increases that will increase even more with "green energy" legislation that passes the high cost of useless expensive wind energy onto consumers, and more. With all this horrible taxation and lousy economy, why would anyone re-elect any of the politicians in office? That is giving them a green light to just tax us more and decrease individual wealth while enriching the ruling class. When you fail at a job, you get fired. It is time we fired these failing politicians. Israel can survive without any politicians saying nice things about it.
Comment by N S
Im bedavka not voting for him. We need a non-macher candidate !
Comment by N S
How sad. How many of us were welcoming Ann Romney today with such smiles? Of course none of you because once you sell out your political courage you cannot then show your public faces for a Democrats political adversary. Yes, we need Sarbanes to support Israel but we also an overall agenda that he cannot offer us. Please don't cut deals like this without stating you are happy to offer your support as long as you can also show your support to Republicans who you support for other agenda areas. Of course none of you will do that. You are blind (or simply do not care) to the long term damage you are doing to your fellow Jews in Baltimore and the US.
Comment by N S
Yeah, how do non- machers get invited? Also, was this a fundraiser? If so, it should be stated explicitly in your article.
Comment by N S
Rabbi brull is awsome.keep up the gr8 work
Comment by N S
How does the average person get invited ? I'maverage
Comment by N S
\" New Book\"? this book was published in 2004
Comment by N S
"A Marine One helicopter" -- no such beast. If the president was not on board (and, if it was a dry-run only, he was not), then it is NOT Marine One. It was either a VH-3D Sea King or a VH-60N WhiteHawk helicopter -- both of which are the type used to transport the president. By definition, "Marine One" is a call sign -- the call sign reserved for any USMC aircraft onboard which is POTUS.
Comment by N S
There is more than supporting Israel. What has Mr. Sarbanes done? What\'s his voting record? We should be looking at what effects us first... And yes, Israel is definately important, but I don\'t believe that Mr. Sarbanes is the best choice for residents of NW Baltimore. Case in point: Mr. Sarbanes was one of those Members who voted for ObamaCare prior to it being read. Mr. Sarbanes was also one of those Members who attended the White House shakedowns prior to ObamaCare being passed. I don\'t see much going on here that benefits Marylanders.
Comment by N S
Nice roundup of a great event
Comment by N S
Are there no Conservative candidates that support Israel?
Comment by N S
I often write about the uniqueness of the Holocaust and state that the Holocaust is completely different from other Genocides. This position is controversial to some people. There are those who believe that the only way to preserve the memory of the Holocaust is by making it a universal lesson regarding the tribulations throughout the world. Whether I am right or wrong, only our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will know. Seventy five years from when the last of the holocaust survivors are gone I predict that regardless of Yad Vashem, the United States Holocaust Museum, and all the other museums and books, the memory of the Holocaust will not be preserved. It will be regarded as just another Genocide in the history of genocides. Unless we preserve the memory of the Holocaust and tie it to Jewish observance and ritual by including the Holocaust in prayer service or as I have done, creating a Holocaust Siddur and Haggadah (which is available free on line: the Holocaust will become a mere date in history. It has to be tied into a revitalized Judaism to keep it alive.I for one, at this point in my life, no longer stress the pain, suffering and horrors of the Holocaust. Today I speak of the importance of learning about the heroic individuals who survived the Holocaust to make better lives for themselves and their families. Many Holocaust survivors have created synagogues, yeshivot and day schools and still support them financially. We need to learn about those who resisted the Nazis, not only about the crematoriums. The memory of the Holocaust will be kept alive by future generations if we have pride in the accomplishments of the survivors and preserve Judaism. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
Comment by N S
I can't understand what the rabi is trying to say. It's just a collection of different mekoros with thoughts that start and stop. What is this supposed to be?
Comment by N S
You can vote once EVERY day....
Comment by N S
i love the irony of reading this article, and commenting on it, on the dreaded internet. the internet is no different from any other form of technology or science - neither good nor ill. it is the purposes for which people use it that render it good or ill. have self-restraint. if you don\'t, no number of asifas or bais yaakov events or demands from rabbis will protect you. and if you do, you don\'t need their \"protection\".
Comment by N S
Nice trash can! Go Hatzalah.
Comment by N S
Actually if you listen to the OLD Jewish music - Avraham Fried, MBD, etc. You will feel the beauty in Jewish music. It\'s the contemporary Jewish music that needs a major make-over. Where are the really talented singers who sang from the Neshama and had beautiful natural voices without the use of synthesizers every few seconds? If you\'d like to hear music of the soul - listen to Avraham fried and MBD\'s OLD compositions / CDs. They will uplift you to higher levels guaranteed.
Comment by N S
To #4 - Do I detect a bit of defensiveness at Mr.Szojchet\'s comments? He has the right to express his opinion as much as you do, and he does not state that he writes his opinion in any official capacity for the rest of us. If you would read through what he wrote a second time perhaps you would see that he has some valuable points. The fact is that we are particularly vulnerable at this juncture in history. There is a widespread defensiveness in our community when anyone CH\"VSH is willing to admit the slightest implication that we are not the best thing since sliced bread. We are a generation that wallows in complacency and denial. We come out of Levayas and run to Tehillim gatherings crying \"Why?\" without the requisite introspection. Instead we blame whatever problems that WE have on the environment, objects and even people that we haughtily deem spiritually lower than ourselves. Unfortunately, this is not a new phenomenon either. Mussar is never dangerous; defensiveness and denial is spiritually deadly!!
Comment by N S
I came home from work one day to find about 12 of them in a circle with their clipboards figuring out how to case the neighborhood. Within an hour, there were 6 packets on 2 adjoining buildings of my apartment complex. I felt no shame in destroying all 12 packets of their mishegoss. In my neighborhood, where there are mostly frum Jews, they may have less of a chance of spreading their \\\'word.\\\' What I fear most is their going to lesser observant neighborhoods where Torah isn\\\'t present in peoples\\\' lives and homes. This is where the true danger lies...and they are Jews one in the same.
Comment by N S
Ha ha,so cute,its nice jack lew can laugh while his administration destroys our country.
Comment by N S
Cool video. I am not into modern technology. I think it's shtus, but now I got a smartphone and online access so I could see this video. I love it.
Comment by N S
My neighbor who owns/owned a Shabbos Mode GE oven woke up Shavuos morning to find that the wall above the stove was blackened the top of the oven above the display was burned and the oven itself dead (kind of dangerous situation I think). He had bought a service agreement with it fortunately. GE was totally unhelpful about the problem, but did offer to sell him another oven with a $300 credit. My neighbor said that even with that discount, the same model still sold for less at local stores.
Comment by N S
I LOVE THIS ARTICLE! The pictures and video are terrific! Thanks!
Comment by N S
To say that Rav Yosef is Godol is fine, but to attribute his chair as having special powers sounds like Avodah Zoroh.
Comment by N S
Why wasn't this announced on BJL? We had no idea about this event!
Comment by N S
While I am sure this article will receive many comments, I\'m not sure what the purpose of it is. If anyone can share the significance of it, I\'d love to know.
Comment by N S
What a beautiful event celebrating the importance of teachers and jewish education across the spectrum. The CJE did a marvelous job of showcasing the most important thread of jewish survival. An evening of appreciation, inspiration and job well done!
Comment by N S
Kudos to the Center for Jewish Education. Not enough is done to recognize and support the important work that teachers do. I am glad to learn that there is a place here in Baltimore that has made it a priority.
Comment by N S
eisav sone et yaakov
Comment by N S
I couldn't agree more. I understand the need the at the game and some of our democrats are strong supporters of israel but where is there backbone to say I will host a fundraiser for you but understand I may do the same for a republican too. None of these leaders have the guts to do so and in the end they hurt all of us. Let them write their checks and makes their connections but leave us all alone to support what is best for all of us and not the leaders themselves. Sad times ahead for all of us unless these leaders wake up.
Comment by N S
Regarding the previous posters: I think it is okay to post your thoughts and frustrations without using words lke drivel. Regarding the issue at hand, I believe that the TFSA seminars being put on are more than sufficient for our community. Most of the people in town are now required to attend one of these anyway. We don't have make a huge, spectacular (and may I add costly) event because it looks nice - that's one of the nice things of Baltimore. We don't need the extravagance. Yaasher Koch to those who are working on these issues here in town - let's continue to keep it small and b'kavodik.
Comment by N S
How sad. How many of our "community leaders" dare show their faces in a picture with Mrs. Romney? They sold themselves out and while they party with democrats in the short run, they ate hurting all of us in the long run.
Comment by N S
Captain Zaryk worked very, very closely with the NWCP for many years, and was always available when needed. We wish him much luck in his future endeavors. And, yes Captain, you are still invited to attend the dinner any year that you would like. :). Your friends at the NWCP
Comment by N S
When it comes to competence, no one will ever believe that Obama is suprior to anyone, certainly not Israel.
Comment by N S
interesting article and thank you BJL for posting. Who is this surgeon from baltimore named "Papel"? I've never heard of him and wondering if any of the other readers have.
Comment by N S
WE need to support Romney and the Republican Party. Not Sarbanes, Cardin, Mikulski, Obama, Almond, etc.
Comment by N S
Why exactly is this on BJL?
Comment by N S
and why can't it be done here????
Comment by N S
Does this mean that kicking a kid out of school since their parents did not attend an educational class become bullying by the administration of the school?
Comment by N S
This article should be a \"must read\" for all school teachers and administrators.
Comment by N S
I wonder how many people that went to the required Bais Yaakov classes feel they really got any real world useful information? Did people come out of the class with information to use that they did not know prior to attending (internet being dangerous was already known by most as well as the concept of using a filter) or was it just informational with little real world applications (a list of filters could have been given out everyday for a few days to all girls to get the parents the message. What was the ultimate goal of the classes.
Comment by N S
6-7-2012 I once again find myself articulating an unpopular contrary opinion. Its good that more people are becoming aware of their Judaism and are taking joy in its practice. But you have to ask yourself what is it that attracts these people. Are they attracted to the ideals and virtues that they see and feel in the Torah? Probably. Will they embrace orthodoxy when they see and learn what the real substance of their faith? Will they embrace the orthodox attitude towards non-halachic ethics and morals? Will they embrace the orthodox attitude towards gentiles and non-orthodox? Will they embrace the trends of piety and the unique social mores of the orthodox community? How will they react when they see aggression between one orthodox Jew and another that is so common in our day and age? Will they shrug it off and say it is not a reflection of the whole community? And for how long will they say that? What happens when they find themselves on the wrong end of the communities' opinions ? Will they continue to embrace orthodoxy or will they conclude they love the Torah but not the orthodox community. What then? What if they embrace the halachah but look elsewhere for spiritual enrichment? What then? We need to answer these questions for ourselves and our own children if we wish to be ambassadors of Torah to our brethren and the world. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Did anyone ask him about Jonathan Pollard??
Comment by N S
No need for an Asifa with Rabbanim. The presentation at Bais Yaakov was informative and has some reasonable practical steps. Just have the Rabbanim suggest that people attend this presentation and that will be far more effective.
Comment by N S
Dear comment #1. Are you Jewish? Are even from Baltimore? Chances are you are a supporter of Pascrell. Please be honest about who you are and why you back Pascrell?
Comment by N S
You think he cares what a bunch of Rabbis have to say to him? Waste of time... NOTE: This is not directed at the Askunim.
Comment by N S
Don\'t blame Baltimore Jewish LIfe for the tone in this article. It was written by a secular media outlet and it is representing their point of view which is actually quite positive considering the circumstances and how negative it could really be. For example if it was in the NY Times. Also, imagine if the Amish had a massive conference against the automobile and declared anyone who uses a car will rot in gehonimm. We would think they are out of their mind and crazy. Whether you like it or not banning the internet in it\'s entirety nowadays in the equivalent of banning the automobile at least from the secular point of view.
Comment by N S
The author is either a totally incompetant journalist or a partisan troll. First, he can't even decide whether the Congressman's name is Parcell or Pascrell. (It is the latter.) Second, while Pascrell is not one of the leading supporters of Israel in Congress, it is completely false to call him an "Arab" candidate. Third, Pascrell won the primary with more votes than all the other Democrats and Republicans put together -- with Pascrell getting almost six times as many votes as Boteach. Fourth, the author has defended the single most embarrasing member of Congress, Joe Walsh, who lost a condo to foreclosure, faced lawsuits from a former campaign manager for nonpayment of services and from his ex-wife for over $100,000 in back child support, had his driver's license suspended for not paying his auto insurance, and had the chutzpah to attack the military record of his Democratic opponent who had lost both legs while serving, saying, "What else has she done?" Yanover's opposition may be a good reason to support Pascrell.
Comment by N S
The Bnos Yisroel high school students that welcomed and ushered at the event truly embodied the Bnos Yisroel spirit. Kol Hakavod to Bnos Yisroel for putting together such a wonderful event and for teaching their students to act in a manner that is befiting a true Bas Melech.
Comment by N S
Rabbi Lau is without a doubt one of the very best speakers in the Jewish World today.He had the audience spellbound and his message cut through all of the divisions and obstacles that divide Jews,whether they have pure faith or not, his message resonated. No wonder he is so popular in Israel. Thank you Bnos Yisroel for bringing him to Baltimore and thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for videoing his speeches so that those who were not there can see it and those of us who were there can see it again. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by N S
Poster #5, why are your comments worth more than every \"joe mick and Tim?\"
Comment by N S
I am Poster #5 I apologize to anyone who got the wrong idea. My comments are directed at comment #3. Yet I still feel uncomfortable that every Joe, Mick, and Tim on this site thinks their comments and ideas are worth any weight. But mostly my comments are directed at Mr. Cohn for allowing this article and other articles that are critical of earnest people trying to be G-d fearing people.
Comment by N S
If #5 and #7 were truly following the gedolim they would not be posting here as this is not for Parnassa! What is your heter to be using the Internet to read BJL?
Comment by N S
Thank you BJL for always videoing events and posting them so those who cannot be at certain events can still experience them!!!
Comment by N S
Positive aspects? A positive waste of money that could have been put to much more charitable use. There must be an Ahavas Yisroel-like fund in the NY area that could have used the money spent on renting the ball park.
Comment by N S
Poster #5 and #7 how dare you attack BJL and its readership's yiras shamayim? I was not allowed to attend the event at Citi Field because I am a woman so it would not help me if like you say my "husbands and sons are doing who knows what on the internet", we have to get real about this issue and get our heads out of the sand. Everyone knows that true Torah learning is accomplished via arguments and disagreements, just go into the most illustrious batei medresh in the world and you will see b'nai Torah asserting their own opinions. We are not only allowed but encouraged to have our own viewpoint. We are not robots, G-d gave us incredible brains and we need to individually use them. The internet is not going anywhere, that is not cynicism that is the truth. As we know from history if we totally forbid our children from doing something those who want to will go behind our backs and then the consequences could be much much worse.
Comment by N S
#7: Glad to see you advocate such an open and honest approach to the communities problems. Or maybe we do not have any problems, except for the internet! You seem like a person who is so confident that you can tolerate dissent, positive critique, and the need for improvement without relying on censorship or pushing the problems under the rug. Thanks.
Comment by N S
I must protest the cynical tone of this article and that of the commenters below. I don't believe their views or the views in the article reflect the public message that baltimorejewishlife and its advertisers seeks to promote. There were many, many positive aspects to the Asifa and that should be the focus. Cynicism directed towards the event, and by inference the Gedolim involved, creates much more damage than good. I request the article be edited and the comments be denied. Thank you.
Comment by N S
Poster #4 mentioned financial transparency in our schools, as a long time user of the day school system in Baltimore I have to say the schools have greatly improved in this area and I believe if there is any information you would like from a school that you either send your child to or donate to they would be accomodating.
Comment by N S
Mr. cohn, At first I was appalled that you took an article that has a negative view towards the first asifa. But now that I see that your readership doesn't have that much yiras shamayim, it makes sense. Let's see what happens when these readers husbands and sons are doing who knows what on the internet. Then we'll see whether they "need" these gedolim....
Comment by N S
off to the side?
Comment by N S
Sure, right after the asifa on the economic issues facing the frum community like the tuition squeeze, lack of parnasah plans for many families, and the absence of financial transparency in our schools.
Comment by N S
We take pride in Baltimore, not being a community where we follow the masses like a herd of sheep. There are competent Rabbis in our community who know their congregants well enough to give them guidance in their lives on difficult issues including the Internet. As it is, Bais Yaakov forces it's parent body to go to an orientation on Internet safety. Do we now need "the Gedolim" telling us what to do? Do we need mixed messages from different groups? Should we waste 4 hours of our precious non-working family time to hear "inspiring" drivel in Yiddish? Thanks but no thanks.
Comment by N S
This is better for so many reasons, a. it acknowledges that women exist, b. it recognizes that most people in America do not understand Yiddish and c. it is in a shul rather than a stadium keeping expenses to a minimum. Those of us who were vehemently opposed to the original asifa do recognize the internet as a serious challenge to our community but wishing it away is not the solution. Let us talk practical strategies if not solutions. As far as whether I would like to see a similar asifa in Baltimore, I believe we already have had a number of gatherings to address this issue and feel local rabbis can discuss this from their own pulpits as they see fit.. Mostly we all must use out G-d given reasoning to assess how internet use effects ourselves and our families, draw our own conclusions and make the adjustments we feel are needed.
Comment by N S
Is it a divide between the chassidim of boro park, williamsburg, ky and the orthodox of flatbush, lakewood? The chassidim would never have english and mixed audiences. What seperates orthodox from ultra orthodox?
Comment by N S
Yisrael may be contacted at 410-666-6666 and
Comment by N S
University chabad houses are packed on Friday nights- with non orthodox students! Why? Because they know that is address for authentic davening, a kosher seuda with zemiros amd divrei torah and a rabbi that knows how to connect and relate with them amd cares about them. Not to mention home cooking by the rebbitzen with help in her kitchen from female students in preparing the shabbos meals. The students know whats authentic and what isnt. Non authentic judaism does not interest them- real jewish experiences do. The author knows this and knows wher
Comment by N S
It is so sad that the author of this article does not see the truth. He even ended with referring to Orthodox as a movement. When looking at the history of our Jewish religion, it is obvious that Orthodoxy is not a movement, but rather the original and correct Jewdaism. At least the author notices that Orthodoxy is doing something right. It is a kudush Hashem when Jews see how we, as orthodox Jews, value what is important to us.
Comment by N S
Hope the price drops below $50 a barrel.Let the Arabs and the greedy oil companies like B.P.suffer with major financial losses to teach them a lesson for their greed.
Comment by N S
I think everyone is out to make a *living*. Businesses need to survive these days. I also feel bad about the situation. But I can\\\'t necessarily blame the store for not accepting a perfectly good product back after the one who bought it decides it is not for them for whatever the reason. This is one of the advantages of paying more and going to a larger known store that has better return policies. Though I would advice that if he used a credit card to buy the product, he may have some purchase protection. Most CC companies extend the warranty but some will also protect you against a retailer that does not want to accept the product back (like Amex Blue).
Comment by N S
6-5-2012 AND WHAT OF US? FROM WHERE DO WE LEARN OUR ETHICS? Not from the common rabbi / Not from those tens of thousands of rabbis / Not from the lazy officials of ceremonies / Not from the greedy merchants with magic spells / Not from the vain, vacuous speakers / Not from the mean, deceitful men of God / Not from the decent, stupid sheep in the herd of the many / Not from the Tzaddikim busy sitting with their crowns on their heads basking in the light of God. ..... We have a deficit in our lives, and if we do not fill that deficit, it will only be a matter of time before our children fill that void themselves. And we may not like very much from where they fill that void. We cannot anchor ourselves on mere contempt for the rest of the world. We must have our own body of ethics from our own Torah. Or we will be just as irrelevant as the ethics of rest of the world. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by N S
Yes, we also got a citation from the camera near BY camera last month.
Comment by N S
Definition of a loony nebach. You can tell just by looking at him.
Comment by N S
Thank you Yaakov!
Comment by N S
easy to make. a little grainer than i would have liked but used to make cheese cake with regular cream cheese and it came out wonderful! thanks BJL/Bracha
Comment by N S
Where are the women who mourn him?
Comment by N S
This article is full of information that is completely irrelevant for the Baltimore Lunch Programs. You are taking information about programs in California, and quoting people from Baltimore? How much sense does that make. Menu changes are listed here are from these schools in California. You have not taken into consideration any of the actual guidlelines of the programs here. I run all the government programs in Baltimore, yet I was never even contacted about this article. Interesting. Way to slant the news. And a slap in the face to those of us who spend hours of our free time volunteerint to make these programs possible to out students in Batlimore.
Comment by N S
Reader #2 - we also (now) put cocoa in our cholent! It is a flavor enhancer - it brings a creaminess and a richness to the dish. Miriam -thank you so much for sharing - I was happily shocked to find out that I cocoa could be used as a dry rub... Take care, Bracha
Comment by N S
To #1 Pirchei Baseball has been around for a very long time - I think your issue is with the other new league.
Comment by N S
In a city where there is already a little league that has bent over bakwards to make every accomodation to various religious sensitivities, This goes too far. Wellwood Baseball promotes their games as being night seder friendly and every coach is constantantnly reminded that any food brought for the team is to be Kosher. Why mus we make further rifts among our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors alike...It is patently absurd and should be ended right away. Let up teach our children how to integrate in the modern world with success. Not everyone will be in Yeshiva the rest of their lives and never come across a non frum Jew, or otherwise, who may have a different way of life.. Get with it!!
Comment by N S
Great article and great organization!! Wow, JG
Comment by N S
No skin off the GOP\\\'s back, but you better watch yours if this now corrupted party gets back in
Comment by N S
My mother in law tried this recipe for friday night and it was surprisingly delicious! :) really yummy flavor, highly recommend. miriam
Comment by N S
We put some in our chulent every week. It gives it a nice color and taste.
Comment by N S
ice cream?? sign me up!
Comment by N S
I am so glad this is on the "featured news article" You guys at BJL are awesome
Comment by N S
I got a citation in April from a speed camera at BY, so I don't understand this article saying it hasn't been installed yet.
Comment by N S
I thought Smith Avenue went east west not north south?
Comment by N S
I live on Lightfoot Dr., where they installed very annoying speed bumps which, when travelled daily, will eventually deteriorate your car's suspension. When I complained to the project manager, he told me that it is possible to petition the County to have speed bumps removed, however he recommended against it because according to "inside information" that he had received, all Baltimore County streets that were heavily traveled that were within 1/4 mile of a school would eventually be getting speed cameras, if they didn't already have speed bumps.
Comment by N S
Very interesting interview but how can someone contacted Yisroel if they need his photography services?
Comment by N S
KOl Hakavod to the NWCP for handling this situation and making our community safer.
Comment by N S
As long as they don't put one by the school on Mt. Wilson Lane I'm fine with it
Comment by N S
So they can keep a police officer with out one they can't do anything like every Saturday night they are on there own if they get a call or see something they can't do more then call 911
Comment by N S
The NWCP has had police liaison officers assigned to them for the past 30 years, so why would they need to brown-nose the police?
Comment by N S
Why did NWCP start a 24 hour patrol? Shomrim didn't start a 7-10 Patrol. I think both organizations need to work together; that being said, someone has too be correct while someone is incorrect. For one I remember Shomrim putting out incredible amounts of assaults taking place over the holidays while NWCP put out incident free holidays thanks to the police department. Is Shomrim making up these cases or is the NWCP giving false praise to brown nose the police?
Comment by N S
I think we should all go back to arguing about Solo Cup and Wegmans. Which if you want to say this website has a bias about anything it's definitely the fact that its against Wegmans and Solo Cup. Come on Baltimore Jewish life! get honest and balanced because this is getting ridiculous.
Comment by N S
As someone who strongly backs both organizations the thing that makes me most upset is how each can\'t even give slight credit to the other. This article makes it seem like the NWCP did it all while the SHOMRIM blotter mentions only Shomrim. Is there anyone that both organizations respect who can work out these hard feelings so this doesn\'t have to be a three way fight? We all believe that g-d is in charge and we stand a better chance with unity than either of these organizations.
Comment by N S
Did any of you critical posters read Officer Bennett's comment #14? Are you also calling him a liar who is looking to claim credit for the work of others? I think as a law enforcement officer, his should be the final, definitive word on last night's events!
Comment by N S
*** Is This another "RashÅmon" (a 1950 Japanese crime drama film)? *** I saw "RashÅmon" in the 50s. ONE event took place and 4 people tell it over. Three were witnesses and one was the culprit! Guess what? All 4 versions were different!!! I suspect Thursday the 31st was the same thing. Everyone was there; everyone saw, heard, did, etc. etc. And the 'truth' is somewhere between, the different versions are one reality. The good news is that WE care and want to do the right thing. And that is: prevent crime, catch the bad guys, and do what has to be done (legally). Thanks to all for starting to close the very sad story of last Friday! (Maybe we can find a way to work together and be better?)
Comment by N S
It makes me sick that NWCP takes responsibility for things they had nothing to do with, and Baltimore City takes responsibility for responding to calls that they ignored several times prior. Shomrim responded, Shomrim found him, Shomrim called 911 and Shomrim made sure the guy was arrested. Not the first time NWCP will take responsibility for something they had nothing to do with,wont be the last.
Comment by N S
I think two things have to change. One, the bickering has to stop because we all want the same thing and the bickering will never lead to a happy conclusion - why do ourselves in? Two, the way a crime is defined has to change if we are going to be able to continue to live in this section of the city. The police do a fabulous job considering their small numbers, the big job they have to do and keeping within what the law says. We need to go to the people who write the laws. It should not be legal to make certain threats and bully people scaring them back into their homes. At the moment, according to Officer Bennett, it is not illegal to scare people and make threatening comments. We need to give the police the power they need to help us live with peace of mind in our community. The answer should NOT be that we have to lock ourselves into our homes - even if that were possible. I would suggest having a meeting with our lawmakers. I would also suggest that we have prosecutors and attorneys at the meeting to see whether there are things that can be done based on laws already on the books. We need to applaud and thank everyone who is involved in trying to keep us safe, first always the police and then to all volunteer community members.
Comment by N S
Thanks to all involved (no matter what organization) , but especially Officer Bennett and Officer Montmorency!
Comment by N S
Shomrim 100 percent led and had full control of this call not the NWCP. We identified the suspicious individual, maintained numerous units to watch this group of 20 plus african american males and then got the police to show up. Yes officer Bennett made the arrest. But, people need to understand that this was only possible because of the dedication of Shomrim units, not an NWCP citizens patrol car.
Comment by N S
Shomrim should be commended for the great work they do. NWCP should be commended for the great work they do. Finished.
Comment by N S
It is clear that NWCP has someone working on PR and submitting these stories, they are then posted saying BJLife Staff. Perhaps, if Shomrim would submit articles about their successes, they too would be posted. We all lose by the lack of shalom between the organizations, though.
Comment by N S
I would like to commend Shomrim for the great work they do. They are the first people I call after my usually futile call to the police. They respond quickly and have assisted numerous times in my neighborhood. They even have a psychologist who has helped me when my elderly mother went missing. He stayed with us for two hours until my mother was found. On another occasion my son was pushed off his bike. Once again Shomrim was there within 30 seconds and kept eyes on the kid that pushed him off. Again their psychologist come to visit with my son not once not twice but three times to see if he was okay. My son was traumatized by this event and their professionals helped him regain confidence with the help of their mental health professional. The community is a much better place with Shomrim. Despite the unfortunate bad press Shomrim has received, the people of Northwest Baltimore owe it to themselves to commend these men who respond so quickly and professionally. Give credit where credit is due. Thank you Shomrim!
Comment by N S
Officer Bennett, Please answer the following question: You say they, 8 thugs, surrounded #2s car and banged on it, how is this different and not worse than 2 werdeshheims \"surrounding\" a black kid, which was part of the charges against them???? 3 months ago that was a crime!
Comment by N S
Tamir is a true example of a kiddush Hashem
Comment by N S
As soon as any public transportation becomes available to the malls they go downhill. I used to go to owings mills mall but that went downhill. Same thing with Towson mall with the shootings and other unsavory crowd. Arundel Mills will be next. All this outrage over wether a supermarket should open and there will be more traffic?!? Where's the outrage that our kids aren't safe to rise their bikes without being jumped and stolen from? Where's the outrage that our neIghborhoods are not safe between break ins? My neighbor even had her mail stolen, they took a check and tried to change the amount on it and cash it!!!! Who cares about more traffic???
Comment by N S
Keep up the amazing work, HonestReporting!
Comment by N S
Everyone is out to make a buck these days, I feel bad for this guy.
Comment by N S
I wonder if NWCP is a reporter for Jewish life since it gives false information giving credit where credit is CLEARLY not due, and the unsupportive articles about a recent case involving a past Shomrim member.
Comment by N S
I have never commented here before and I just want to try to clear up what is some obvious confusion of events that took place tonight. This is the way the event took place from my point of view as liaison officer for the NWCP. As NWCP patrol started tonight calls started coming into the dispatcher that a group of 8 to 10 juveniles were in the area causing various disturbances. NWCP unit 2 which is the map area that covers this section called to report that a group had surrounded his car and one of them banged on his car with their hands. He was not out of his car. I instructed unit 2 to leave the area for his safety since his car was clearly marked as an NWCP patrol vehicle, and that I was responding. I found the group and spoke to them; at this point there was no information that they had done anything of a criminal nature and I didn\\\'t have any legal basis to stop them other then a warning that they were being observed. This was at Gist and Bancroft. As I was turning onto Bancroft I was approached and informed that one of the juveniles was involved in an assault that took place on 5/19. I got on my police radio and requested another unit meet me on Biltmore where they had stopped and were sitting on the curb. Our plan was to approach from both ends of Biltmore so they wouldn\\\'t be able to scatter. I was keeping a distance and observing the individuals to keep them from dispersing until I had another unit with me. At this time I saw a couple units from Shomrim in the area and asked them to leave the area (so they would not inadvertently disperse them) the units quickly and without argument complied with my request. Thank you for that if any of those units read this. When the other police units arrived we together moved in on the group, myself (Officer Bennett), Lt. Hauf and Officer Montmorency. I already knew from the description from the victim who was the priority suspect from the group. I pulled up my patrol car to that individual and got out of my car and took him by the arm. Lt. Hauf and Ofc Montmorency corralled several of the other youths. We began to conduct FI\\\'s (Field Interviews) since we now had enough reasonable suspicion to detain the group. It was at this point that I responded to the victim of the 5/19 assault\\\'s home and picked him up and responded back to Biltmore where he was able to make a positive identification and we took the Juvenile into custody and charged him with assault. The NWCP unit 2 was in the right place at the right time and was flagged down by several residents on Menlo where this group had just left. Unit 2 turned onto Gist where he unwittingly found himself amidst this group. He reported the encounter to me and followed my instruction to leave the area. I am assuming that just as the residents called the NWCP office or flagged down the NWCP unit several other concerned citizens called Shomrim. Everyone assisted as they should have by following the official law enforcement officer\\\'s directions and allowed us to do our jobs and hopefully make the neighborhood a little safer, at least for tonight. So I thank you. P/O Montmorency took over for me and did the processing of the juvenile so I could continue with the rest of the NWCP patrol schedule for the evening and monitor the area so I want to make sure he gets the credit for the work he did tonight. P/O Samuel Bennett, Baltimore City Police
Comment by N S
As I watch the comments going back and forth i must make some observations and I ask that no one take these comment personally. And, before I begin I just have to mention that BJL is a fantastic web site and that it exceeds my expectations and i know the community feels the same way and appreciates all it does for us BUT! I notice what seems to be a bias by BJL towards the NWCP. I very rarely see any articles about the goings on of Shomrim on the site yet i constantly see NWCP postings. It only helps both sides to feed honest info to BJL to keep the greater community aware so i wonder why the imbalance in exposure. Why doesn\'t BJL post info from both organizations equally? Having said that, I think that BJL is at least fair when they post comments from both sides and that seems to equal out what i consider the slight bias here as mentioned. (#2 I\'m not sure what you\'re talking about-seems BJL is posting all comments even those that might not be in their favor and that\'s pretty big of them. Let\'s be honest here.) In the bigger picture, what I fail to understand though is the animus between Shomrim and NWCP. I\'m sure in this case based on the comments I\'ve seen, that whether the nwcp liaison office himself made the arrest or another cop made the arrest, both organizations had something to do with the arrest. Sort of like, \"you\'re right and you\'re right, you\'re both right.\" Whats most important is that the community can breathe a sigh of relief assuming the right person was arrested. Can\'t we all just get along?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the good work Shomrim the community is safer thanks too you guys
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i was on the call also! COMMENTS MADE BY NUMBER 3,4 AND 5 ARE ALL CORRECT! NWCP was not there. ONLY the watch commander and OFC bennet were in the police car, there were no NWCP patrol cars around at all!!! OFC bennett was told by the victim that. that was the person who assaulted him and OFC bennett told him "ok thanks" and that was it OFC bennett just told all the black males to leave the area ! OFC bennett only decide to take the matter seriously after the victim called 911 and reported to police that he has the suspect in sight that assaulted him ! the lieutenant of the sift and other officers showed up and arrested the suspect! BENNETT DID NOT ARREST HIM! shomrim had eyes on these guys the whole time!!! and they did a great job!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you are not an NWCP member pushing an agenda: why would a Baltimore Police officer give you confidential information? Or are calls placed into the NWCP hotline NOT confidential?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Personally and myself.... Is that a joke or are you being caught in a lie
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So Bennett was in two places at the same time??? "sit the individuals down" and "brought the victim to the scene" if you indeed saw this, who drove the victim to te scene? Because I saw a black car driven by a Shomrim member pull up with the victim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was there, in person, as a witness, and personally myself called the NWCP about this group (as a resident on the block). I personally saw the NWCP vehicle watching this group. I personally saw the NWCP vehicle get surrounded by these thugs, and personally saw Officer Bennett sit the individuals down and bring the victim to the scene. I personally spoke to Officer Bennett who advised me that he responded to the area based on a call received from the NWCP dispatcher, who stated that multiple calls were received, as well as from the unit in the field. While I did see a Shomrim car in the area, it is clear, to me, as an eyewitness that the NWCP was instrumental in getting these jerks stopped, identified ad arrested. Why can't we just give credit where credit is due?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
According to the nwcp Facebook page "unit 2 who was, at one point, surrounded by a group of THUGS" WAS HE OUT OF HIS CAR? I HERD DOVID COHEN FROM THE NWCP SAY AT A MEETING THAT NWCP NEVER GETS OUT OF THE CAR no matter what even if they see some one being assaulted.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I called Shomrim to report this large gathering of black kids and watched from my window as Shomrim had guys parked at each corner watching these kids from a distance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a joke there wasn't even one NWCP car there at all! It was SHOMRIM that did all the work get the real story before you write a story
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The facts are not quite as reported. There were multiple calls to Shomrim regarding a large group of black males in the area. Shomrim units responded and advised the victim to be available to make a positive Id which he did. Shomrim kept eyes on the suspect until police were able to respond and stop the youths. Sam Bennett was there doing his job as a police officer, not as a community liaison .i find it interesting that the Nwcp always seems to find a way to say they were in places that they were not.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why don't you (BJL) ever post our comments?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What type of suspicious activity was reported?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Which is why WE require a hecksher on Orange Juice - it may be unnatural, but we have someone checking that it's still kosher.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would also be ticked if I didn\'t get the timed bake feature , but at the end of the day he still has a Shabbos mode oven that can be used to keep his Shabbos food that was placed there before Shabbos warm until he needs it on Shabbos. How is having the oven on over Shabbos a safety risk? Jews with any Shabbos mode oven use this feature all the time for Yom Tov for as much as 3 days when Shabbos and Yom Tov follow each other.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Back when I was young and traveling to business meetings around the US and Canada I honestly believed I could judge the quality of life in a community by visiting the local mall. Owing Mills is an oddity. Most of the surrounding communities are still OK despite the "crappy" mall. We still have a chance. Lets be adult and act like we have one of the highest literacy rates in Baltimore County. Tell the shady politician we'll remember their actions and see that those who do not protect out interest have very short political careers. STAND FIRM AND KEEP GOOD NOTES.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Cars park there for van pools, mostly to DC area.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And he showed how much he learned reading all about it when he lit all the candles on the first day of Hannukah for the Whitehouse celebration.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally, a media organization that wants people to see the truth. And, Media Matters is a left wing, Pro-obama group that is anti anything anti-Obama.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have the same menorah that they show in the museum!!! stop the video at 5:10 to see it up close.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For some reason, I feel the need to put on my dashiki, throw on my peace medallion and grab my boom-box and listen to Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" as I walk up and down the intersection of Painters Mills and Reisterstown Road'¦.No worries, I probably won't be seen anyway due to the congestion and traffic. Wegmans is not the solution at this time. As a matter of fact, it's going to take away business from the Giants in the St. Thomas Shopping Center and the Safeway in the Garrison Forest Shopping Center. Both within walking distance from the proposed location. Yes, competition is always good, but I'll guarantee within a year or two'¦we'll be back in the same situation trying to find a new business to place in both the Safeway and Giants locations after they pack up and leave. The same thing happened to the Shoppers Food Warehouse that use to be next to the Target in Reisterstown. Target started selling food and Shoppers was forced to close. Now, why can't Wegmans go to that vacant building? I do agree that the Subway station played a part in the crippling of the mall. But, I also think that he mall was poorly managed. The Rouse Company failed the people of Owings Mills, by not securing large scale stores and restaurants. I'm not talking about the nail shops, the urban clothing stores, the small scale jewelry stores, and sneaker shops '¦I'm talking about brand named stores. Yes, Towson Town Center is on a bus route and Hunt Valley is on a bus route as well as a light rail station, but both of those malls are not suffering like the Owings Mills Mall. So, back to my original response'¦public transportation did not create this void. In closing, the question we should be asking is 'What are we going to do to get our Mall back'. I don't really give a damn about an upscale grocery store, but I do care about having to drive to Columbia, Towson, Westminster, and Hunt Valley for good end merchandise. Homes in Owings Mills and Randallstown are steadily being built and the prices of those homes are equal to or greater than the ones in the other areas/districts. So, why should we have to drive more than 30 minutes to shop in another district or county? This is not rocket science people, but the truth. Owings Mills use to be viewed as town of promise, class, and industry and hope'¦.Now; it's filled with vacant buildings. Let's get back our Mall and Welcome in the new Owings Mills Metro Centre. Wegmans is not the answer!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The nytimes must be living under a rock. They are the only ones to think that Jstreet has been successful. It has been a utter failure.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the county need to concentrate on finishing up the metro/mall redevelopment they started,those roads and buildings are a eyesore riding through there.I think we could be the Arundle Mills North with a little planning.I hat burning my gas to go shopping on weekends when that area was supposed to be family orient.Now Wegmans wants to bully there way up here causing all this confusion when we have the structure to be finished here.Put the Wegmans at the mall or find another district.WE WANT OUR MALL DEVELOPED ROD
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I can see how it's advantageous for trucks to park there, but why would anyone else?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are we going to allow people like Jim Smith to buy votes and get away with it? No matter what they do at that corner to make it better, it is still going to bottleneck further down. The thought of adding 5,000 more cars a day is a nightmare. And why we throw away all the money that has already gone into the town center at the mall? Too many headaches to add Wegmans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In answer to the question \"what kind of congestion do you mean?\" The answer is - it is not only a grocery store (Wegmans) that is going in that spot. It is a full 400,000 SQUARE FEET of retail. Many, many stores in addition to the Wegmans. It will bring thousands of trips through that intersection on a daily basis. And no - Reisterstown Road is not wide enough. The Painters Mill intesection is already considered by the County as near failure. Estimates to bring Reisterstown Road up to par for the new developemnt are in the $50 million dollar range. This is from the state - not made up numbers. Let me repeat - it is more than one store - more than a little traffic - and no infrastructure to deal with it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The first comment that annoys me is "the Wegmans proposal has sparked an unusually professional response from community members.". I mean, really...would you expect anything another commenter stated, " now is not the time for councilmanic courtesy". And why is the views of district 4 laughable and not worthy of consideration? You want to create jobs, lure another manufacturing company to that space, not another retailer..Especially since it's already zoned that way..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Many of my friends feel the Solo Cup project is a done deal because of the amount of money passed around by its backers. I personally believe transparency may make it difficult for our political leaders to support the project. This whole things has become a open sore on Baltimore County government and the really smart politician will run for the door. What they need right now is away to back off without returning the money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes the entire country of Germany made up waiting 3 hours on a whim, puhleeze, it is a completely valid minhag, don't throw the term "prominent Rav" around just to insult the practices of thousands of Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I do not understand the argument that the Metro subway killed the Owings Mills Mall but will not kill Wegmans. The subway stops less than a mile from the SOLO Cup/proposed Wegmans location... You can walk there from the subway. It is my sincere hope and expectation that the Council members will vote according to what's in the best interest of the entire County, not just one district. This is NOT the time for "councilmanic courtesy." This issue is too important for game-playing on the Council. Stand up for something or you will fall for anything...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What kind of congestion do you mean? Traffic? You think a grocery store is gong to change that area into the LA Freeway? Get a grip. Both Reisterstown Road and Painters Mill Road are wide enough to handle one more store, and they both already have turn lanes. Would you prefer the place remain vacant, or have an office or condo complex there?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Solo Cup site is only going to bring more congestion to the area and will really hurt the redevelopment of the Owings Mill Mall which the county has already invested alot of money in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans is great ' but not at Solo Cup. I can't begin to imagine what traffic will be like with so much new retail. We are already deadlocked. Don't we have enough retail on the corridor? Will Foundry Row cause even more vacancy up and down Reisterstown Road? Is it smart planning to invest in Owings Mills Mall and Metro Centre then jeopardize all of this to line a developers pocket? These are questions we should be asking.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From what I understand this article is a total whitewash.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What an idiot!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The subway killed Owings Mills Mall because it brought the wrong crowds to the mall. Crowds that stores like Saks 5th Avenue did not like and therefore left the mall.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I asked a prominent Rav in town about the 3 hours once. He said there is no mesorah for 3 hours. It just seems to be something people made up. A new mesorah, perhaps? Don't get me wrong -- I'm in favor of that! 6 hours always seemed a bit extreme to me.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Anything the baltimore sun is against I'm for.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Curious -- how did the subway kill Owings Mills Mall? I haven't been in Baltimore long enough to have heard this story. I was so excited when, several months ago, I heard that Wegman's was coming to Owings Mills. Walmart is not enough of a draw for me to go up there, but Wegman's sure is!! I really hope this project is not DOA.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For obvious reasons I am not going to mention for whom I am a fund raiser but it is for a local Baltimore Jewish institution. Our institution (and I'm sure others) are always looking for ways to raise additional funds and I, for one, am very appreciative that BJL posted this. They say, 'one man's trash is another's treasure' which, in this case is obvious because what you term as 'irrelevant garbage' (you couldn't have said this in a nicer way?) may, in fact, be a another 'ticket'/treasure for raising additional funds. Thank you BJL for posting and don't be dissuaded by these very myopic comments
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegman's is a quality operation and will bring jobs to the area. We should welcome them with open arms!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What type of view is that??? Our community should be for Wegmans %100. They treat the kosher crowd extremely well. What everyone knows but no one is admitting publicly is that the Subway Metro killed Owings Mills Mall and until the Subway goes there is nothing anyone could do to turn it around. Thats why Wegmans has said they are only willing to go to Solo Cup and not the Mall.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I Love blogs about how great life in Israel is, I hate blogs about how horrible life in America is.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I see another Asifah waiting to happen on this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"But for those who came to learn, to grow and to be inspired, there were special moments not soon to be forgotten", maybe I am a cynic Rabbi Spero but I wasn't allowed to come to learn, to grow and to be inspired, you see Rabbi Spero I'm a woman. So yes you can make this fantasy world in Citi Field and pretend that their are no women on earth, that the internet can disappear and that everyone speaks Yiddish or we can learn to deal with the real world we live in by teaching are children to make good safe decisions recognizing that to learn these lessons mistakes will be made along the way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
WHy is this in local news?!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has nothing to do with the Jewish community. Please only post articles that have what to do with the Jewish community locally, nationally, internationally etc. None of this irrelevant garbage. Thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"We all know that after eating meat one has to wait six hours.\" Oh really? I hold by three, which based on informal surveys seems to be the most common time. The Dutch have historically just waited one hour.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
His enthusiasm is contagious. No wonder kids like him and learn fom him. - H. Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What do you expect from a man who burned out his brain on cocaine while serving as Mayor of DC?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He deserves it ! A role model for all. Naftoli Edinger
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
5-25-2012 As Rabbi Spero so nicely wrote, the Asifa was a rally of the people to a goal, an ideal. What is a king, in the sense that Hashem is the King. There is the prosaic idea of being the strongest. The strongest is the king. But there is a second idea. A king that stands for the ideals and virtues that the people rally around and for which they are willing to die. Hashem is not only the most powerful, but is the fountain of those ideals and virtues that every good and decent person will rally to and give their very lives. In the Shema, also a rallying cry, we first vow our duty to the monarchy of Hashem and then we vow our duty to the Mitzvos. The vow of duty to the monarchy is the vow to stand for those ideals and virtues that come from Hashem. It is a duty to more than the procedural or ceremonial, it is a duty to be, as individuals, citizens of the realm, to be a prince in the land, to stand for and embrace those ideals and virtues that shine from the Throne. It is one thing to trounce and subdue an opponent. It is quite another to bring them around. We say every day, Hashem Ish Milchomo, Hashem Shmo, and Rashi writes on that posuk, not a war of weapons, rather a war fought with His Name. We are at war for the heart and souls of our children and our people. A war for the hearts and souls of ALL of our children and ALL of our people. Our weapons are not guns and bombs. Our weapons are our ideals and virtues that are embedded within the words of the Torah, from the Chumash all the way through to the Talmud all they way through to even the contemporary works form our Rabbis. The battlefield is no longer the public media or the streets. The battlefield is in our Shuls, Batei Medroshos, schools and even our own living rooms. We must be princes of the King in all of these places more than ever to win the hearts and souls of our loved ones , our children, our brethren and ALL of our people. May our prayers of the Shmoneh Esrei on behalf of the righteous, the devoted, the new inductees, the teachers and students and all those who love and cherish the words of Hashem, and that we always be amongst them, be granted speedily and in our day. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful! Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Rabbis who share their thoughts and Divrei Torah on these pages do a fabulous job of educating and inspiring.....might there also be women scholars in the community who could offer their Torah wisdom? I think their inclusion would enhance what is already offered.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go, Rabbi K!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol Hakavod Rabbi Krawatzky! He is not only infectious with kids, but also adults can appreciate his enthusiasm and presentation. He is a great teacher and outstanding role model.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hope it doesn't turn out to be milchig!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very nice article. Thank you baltimore jewish life and Rabbi Spero for the chizuk
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How come there is no "grassroots" campaign against this proposal? How come there is no article about how they are killing the county schools? I'd say all the developers should mind their own business and don't attack each other especially not with attacks that could easily be used against yourself. Aryeh F.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if ever there was a video that shouldn\'t be on youtube....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Gobbie Cohen is awesome !!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Her lack of understanding and idiocy shows that women shouldn't shake her hand either.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To comment number 1. Its national news stupid. And its an interesting perspective not picked up by the same mainstream garbage you will read in the sun paper. Kudos to BJLife.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Go back and get more? Save your cup? The point is to get one slurpee as a \"welcome to summer gesture\" from the store. Let\'s have some manners.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can a representative of the OK explain the Halachic basis of its about-face on this matter?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe it's the bridge to nowhere. It *was* a sales pitch, it was sheep being led and told what to do by some who really had a sincere and holy agenda, and by some who had less respectable intentions. Regardless, the fact that they claimed the internet was responsibile for some people becoming less religious is a straw-man argument. Poor parenting, and failure to imbue in children the beauty of their religion is part of the problem. Separatist mentalities are part of the problem. Attempting to control the thoughts of a population by controlling what information they see is a problem. The organizers put the blame on the wrong things. Groucho Marx (If you're not sure who he is, look him up) said it best: "âPolitics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and then misapplying the wrong remedies.â" This is EXACTLY what was going on at the Asifa. Sex abuse without a means of empowerment and publicity against the abusers is a problem. Address those things first, and you'll have something.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'll second that. A Wegmans in OM would be awesome -- good for the community and help boost the economy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and this story is pertinant to us in baltimore, how?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
By the way, I absolutely hate the new comment system on this website. First comments should go first - last go last. And unless a comment has inappropriate language - it should be accepted regardless of opinion voiced
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I thought free slurpee day is on 7/11 every year? But hey, I'll have it tomorrow too!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think solo cup would be good for the neighborhood. I don't want to have to shlep all the way out to Hunt Valley for Wegmans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Marc Terrill - you da man!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
ITS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST LABEL THE COMMENTS! PUT THEM IN THE RIGHT ORDER! THE FIRST COMMENTS GET TO BE SHOWN FIRST! THAT IS THE COMMON CUSTOM OF ALL WEBSITES! But I guess since you are not acting like a real website by putting up twisted ads that appear as news articles then you could do whatever you want, WRONG!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Another nonsense skewed poll where far more Democrats are polled that others. Obama only knows how to destroy an economy and has no idea how it really works.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Although I like the idea of a Wegmans, I like the idea of a great new shopping center at the mall. I am sick of having to drive all the way to Hunt Valley or go to Towson every time I want to go shopping; especially now with the cost of gas. And I can't imagine all the traffic. I'll take the mall anyday where I won't have to fight the traffic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
DEAR BJLIFE!!! THIS IS MADNESS!!! Now you are messing up the comments and putting the supportive comments first. What is this communist china. PUT THEM BACK IN ORDER!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a gigantic waste of money and resources that could have been put to better use both here and in Israel. The more I think about this aspect, the more disgusted I become at this whole undertaking. Put the money into feeding the poor, improving educational opportunities for men and women in the community, â¦
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is why i never answer the door. i did not invite any of these visitors - christian or otherwise. sorry if this is unpopular, but my time is valuable.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Simple solution... use or To heck with Google.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, all I can think of is how many admittedly scarce resources went into funding this. I hope those involved think it was worthwhile. I can think of many many other (better) uses for these funds.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Think TI carpool. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s bad enought now. Think about how impossible it will become if large scale retail is built on the Solo Cup site. The traffic will be a nightmare - and TI will never be the same. Anyone who drives TI carpool knows this will be a terrible strain. Wegmans will be great at The Mall, just not on Reisterstown @ Painters Mill Rd. Before its too late email, text & call Vicki Almond & her colleagues - urge them to vote NO on Solo, or forget about the votes of people who have to live with their mistakes. Vicki be our representative.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was there a women's section?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Howabout R' Elya Brudny who spoke beautifully IN ENGLISH?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that those who go to shul 14 or 15 times a week can become "cozy" w/ the environment. The Church world goes once a week and therefore it is a time of brief immersion. I wonder to compare more accurately, how a Mosque compares as they are gathering more often. I have been in churches, in an earlier life and I would say they are as u have described, but frequency which in itself shows a devotion, also breeds a negative familiarity. That's my thought and to judge harshly may not get the correct result!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is Torah? And what does it mean that Hashem gave it to us? What does it mean to be holy? What does it mean to be a light unto the nations? How can we speak of these words with our mouths and yet not follow through in our actions? Is that what being a 'light' is about, is this holiness? Is the goal of a light to throw shadows on everyone or to bring warmth, joy and clarity? I was not at this event, and what I heard about it from this any many other tellings makes me sad and causes great pain. What do these men of learning hope to accomplish by making the flame of Torah small, weak and unable to bring light to all? Tell me truly - from where does love of Hashem come? From where does the light flow? Have we not learnt from history and every word that Hashem gave us that to be holy, it must come from within. That words are nothing without our internal actions being above reproach first. How can someone call themselvs a man of G-D and at the same time tell Klal Yisroel you are in cherem if you don't do this that and the other? Each man and woman of Torah has one job, be holy, be a light. How? Read the words Hashem gave us. When we live from there, we will find that the 'Internet' won't be the concern. Until we live from there the Internet won't be a concern. Our actions are just symptoms of what's inside and make no mistake, hate mongers no matter what colour their clothing are not the road makers to our path of redemption. My prayer is that we should all see that the darkness we see around us exists because that's whats in us, not outside of us. The people who call themselves Rabbi and Godal, do your tikun inside first and then come talk to me with love - then and only then will you have a message of value.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I had just read elsewhere that the Sheloh Hakodesh\\\'s kever is in Tiveria and many went there today, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, to say the Tefilah Sheloh for hatzlacha in raising children. Hashem Yerachem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the warning. One came to my house this morning and I wouldn't have had a clue that she was a missionary had I not read this first.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i got one of these in the mail this past shabboss...beware of what you pop in the dvd player
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This sounds great. They are all wonderful *english* speakers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you BJL for posting this. without your reminder I would not have said this beautiful tefillah. To the first poster, this is not a 'magic potion', just a nice opportunity to daven for your children's success, good health, long life and happiness. Yes, of course you should regularly make the time to daven for your children, but not everyone remembers to do so often enough. There is no harm in saying Tefillash Hashloh with kavonoh or for that matter any other similar tefillah, the more the better! Wishing you hatzlochah for your children and all other Jewish children. (From a caring Jewish mother)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We can do 24 hours! Shabbath!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The work has had a profound influence on the early Hassidic movement, including the Baal Shem Tov. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi was described as a Shelah Yid, and Shelah clearly echoes in Tanya
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mi K\'amcha Yisroel, Goy echad b\'aretz!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would we re-develop the Solo Cup site when there is no money for schools, etc? It makes no sense to even put a Wegman\\\'s there, when the mall is clearly the best location... I mean, it\\\'s already being redeveloped and there is plenty of space. Furthermore, it would cost millions of dollars to invest an area on Reisterstown Road when the mall already has the existing infrastructure to handle such a project. If this is going to jeopardize redevelopment at the mall, which has been in need of redevelopment for years, I am not going to support this. This is not news, BJLife should not be publishing this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I live across the street from the Solo Cup site. It already takes me 30 minutes to get home from the beltway on Reisterstown Road. No more traffic!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While I agree this not a news article, the fact remains that supporting the Solo Cup project is not only going to bring even more traffic to the area, making a tough commute even worse but it will also cost taxpayers a lot of money to improve the existing infrastructure while county schools are struggling to find funding.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Look at the bottom - it says "paid for by the Say No To Solo Coalition." But regardless of who wrote or paid for this ad - this appears to have become an issue where developers and elected officials are making a lot of decisions about our communities without allowing us to have a say. Why is Councilwoman Vicki Almond out there supporting the project, when there is supposed to be a process and a vote? Why is former County Executive Jim Smith lobbying for state funding for the project, while his developer client is refusing to share traffic studies and saying there will be no public money spent on roads? This all seems like inside baseball and I don't like it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree that Wegmans would be great for our community! Why though, would we put it on Reisterstown Road at Painters Mill? One of the worst intersections in the county! This would hurt local businesses and create a traffic nightmare. I understand that Wegman\'s has announced they would only go to the Foundry, but this is not the first time they\'ve made this claim. Ten years ago, they said the same thing about Texas Station. However, when zoning for the store was denied - they ended up a year later in Hunt Vally. We can still have a Wegmans - but the Solo Cup site just isn\'t the right place.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the first comment. It is plainly obvious for those who are willing to see it that this rally was not commercially motivated. The sheer cost of such an event is staggering and far exceeds any profit from any frum filtering company. The underling motivations of the organizers are clealry good, as they are concerned with what is happining to people as a result of the Internet. While you can talk about whether the spicific rally was the way to go about it, it's foolish to question the motivation in order to dissmiss their concers and make yourself feel better about your Internet usage...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"The rally in Citi Field on Sunday was sponsored by a rabbinical group, Ichud Hakehillos Letohar Hamachane, that is linked to a software company that sells Internet filtering software to Orthodox Jews. Those in attendance were handed fliers that advertised services like a âkosher GPS Appâ for iPhone and Android phones, which helps users locate synagogues and kosher restaurants." So follow the money lives!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans has been great to the Jewish community of Baltimore thus far. They have made sure to maintain a large kosher section even all the way out in Hunt Valley. Our community should support them expanding in Owings Mills. And if Baltimore Jewish Life is a representation of our community then they should endorse the solo cup project. If BJL is just in it for the money then it is not a good news resource for our community. So what is it BJL?!? Please respond to our comments!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much radio energy is emitted by these meters? Given that we are constantly bombarded by radio waves inside and outside our houses at all times, I have no problem with allocating a small portion of the spectrum (which would doubtless be used by something else if were not used by smart meters) to a function that allows me to actually check my energy usage and save a few dollars. I only wish that we in Baltimore city had smart meters for our water bills! As for privacy, you give away more personal information every time you buy medicine with a credit card, or walk on the street in front of a security camera, or allow your name to be listed in a community directory, or make a phone call on your cell phone, or do any of a thousand other things you do without thinking every day, than the Electric Company would collect in a year. In the absence of more specific information, I see no reason to object to the Smart Meters. If people don't want them, they should be allowed to opt out, but should pay the full true cost of that privilege.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear reader - thank you so much - you could also "press" the cheese. Put the cheese (still in the cheese cloth) in between 2 flat plates and put a big pot of water on top of the top plate (or something very heavy) and let it sit for 20 minutes or more to press more of the water out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wegmans would be a great asset to the Owings Mills/Pikesville area. In addition to jobs being created, Wegmans offers scholarships to its employees. It would be a shame to leave the eyesore Solo Cup factory sitting on that property when a thriving business that is a destination for the area could be there generating taxes, jobs, and an upgraded corner. When tax cuts are made for wealthy citizens (because "they create jobs") doesn't it really make sense to assist a business in relocating to this area to really create jobs? I, for one, am fully in favor of helping Wegmans to build in Owings Mills.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chillul Hashem???????????????? REALLY???????? When we have Jews in Israel mocking little girls? When we Jews In Israel belittling and scolding women to sit in the back of the bus? When we have Jews whether they be "modern" or "right" on extremes belittling each other? When some women are told the quality food product they use to bake with will no longer be available and they buy the last remnant and you call that a "Chillul Hashem"????? Give me a break. Loosen up and just hope you get an invite one day a month from today to eat some of their shabbos baking and save that term Chillul Hashem for what is REALLY wrong in this world. hmmmmmmmm.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
BJLife should disclose who is behind this ad. The above comments seem to think its Brown. Is that true?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not a chillul Hashem? "By 11 am the shelves and pallets were bare" Frum Jews were coming into the store to load their carts with dozens of packets of chocolate chips at a time. A chillul Hashem can occur anytime we don't take into account the impression we give others. Madness over chocolate chips is such an event in my opinion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Glad no one besides the attacker was hurt -Seems like just a regular criminal with a knife. This doesn\'t seem like terrorist method of operation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Update: Baltimore Police advise us that there were NO incidents this year. There were many extra officers deployed in the area to assist as needed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If its a paid advertisement then why does it say "by BJLife News Room" at the top of the article. Very misleading.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the first 2 comments. Baltimore Jewish Life should not get involved in fights between developers. Almost all development is good for the neighborhood and this silo cup project is no exception. Boruch G.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Nobody said they were acting in an appropriate manner that would resemble a chilul Hashem - chas v'shalom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This will be good for the neighborhood but bad for Howard Brown. VOTE YES TO SOLO CUP!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear BJL: Stop shilling for Howard Brown. This is a pure advertisement and twisted article and should be labeled as such. Unimpressed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
embarrassing behaviour... are chocolate chips such an important part of our life? get a life everyone!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The behavior of frum Jews in a public venue acting like chocolate chips are an emergency and being excessive in their conduct is nothing less than a chilul Hashem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is especially important as we prepare for Kabolos Hatorah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is nuts!... I mean chips!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a shame that, in the words of the OK, "the level of separation between pareve and dairy is no longer sufficient." There are, unfortunately, many, many products on the market now that are being labeled dairy when they have no milk ingredients. The OK, OU, and other supervising agencies should find a way to make life easier for the kosher consumer and only label products that contain milk or milk products as dairy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe I am missing something but I think people need to get priorities strait. People is is a bag of chips... get over it. This shuld be the biggest problem we have a community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Come on. Why take an obviuos joke or crazy persons comment as a reason to think that applies to the masses who simply see high quality readonably priced chocolate chips going away. No one says you need to buy them. There are artificial chocolate chips available elsewhere that will make others happy and that is great. We live in a world of freedom of choice. Help the person that made that comment to you and don't broaden this beyond. Good shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This just proves how messed up the hechsherim are! Seriously? There is no dairy in these people! Your lives are not over!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, "Us locals" anticipate these updates and consider them to be local news. Your profound love for Eretz Yisrael is evident is every posting and unquestionable. Please keep these coming and don't change a thing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"Another shopper told me she would have trouble paying her next month\'s tuition because of this unexpected expenditure but, as she put it \"priorities are priorities.\"\" And people think the internet is the cause of all our problems? I think that shopper\'s idea of \"priorities\" speaks volumes. No doubt someone out in the readership of this site will write in at a later point to criticize my lack of proper rachmonis as I expect someone to go without their chocolate chips to pay for tuition.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I've tried them. Not as good a quality but I guess until they find a way to switch back (and I assume they will given all the national facebook reaction they have received), it is Wegman's and the choc chips at the great Shoprite in Timonium. By the way, have people been there? They have 100's of their store brands at very cheap prices with none of the markups Seven Mile has to place on them. I always shopped Shoprite in NY and their store brands are cheap and great if you want to save money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
FYI-Wegman's also has great chocolate chips, parve and comparable price.
Comment by Nancy Broth
What are you talking about? This site is extremely fair and balanced. I am surprised myself how many times the moderator posts things that I find controversial. Perhaps you should explain more, and complain less.
Comment by Nancy Broth
In the study, wWere the medications prescribed for similar situations or was Zithromax used when the situation was worse to begin with?
Comment by Nancy Broth
To Mr. Szojchet: I don\'t know what \"house of spiritual cards\" you are living in, but please don\'t act as a mouthpiece for the rest of Klal Yisroel. Perhaps you are âweakâ. Perhaps you are âhiding in the shadowsâ. Perhaps you feel âdead inside\" and you feel the need to project that onto the community. Klal Yisroel has always been susceptible to the dangers of negative spiritual influence since the birth of our nation. Christian missionaries have always preyed on us. How many hundreds of thousands of Yiddin died âAl Kiddush Hashemâ throughout our history? There were periods of âJewish enlightmentâ in the 19th century that the Rabbanim of that time battled. These are not a new phenomenon. They are simply manifesting themselves in new ways. The Internet is simply a more dangerous incarnation of television. YES, there WAS a time that television was considered THE threat. Now it is not even thought of anymore. YES, Mr. Szojchet, we need to strengthen ourselves and fortify ourselves from within and from without. No one is âlocking their doorsâ Mr. Szojchet, we are REACTING to the dangers of our time. No one is âanchoring themselves on the blame they can wield against othersâ. WE - Klal Yisroel as a nation - are doing whatever can be done in this dark and difficult Golus to navigate ourselves through these challenges. G-d willing we will persevere and be Zoche to the coming of the Moshiach to redeem us speedily in our day.
Comment by Nancy Broth
5-18-2012 Between the dreaded internet and the hated missionaries, we seem to be very concerned about people going astray. But I see no similar concern over the precious children that we estrange every day from our faith as a result of our system in which we take so much pride. We are weak and the predators know this. Locking our doors and hiding in the shadows will not save a community that has already died inside. This house of spiritual cards we have built will come down in the first wind. We need to look inside ourselves to find the spiritual anchor we each need as individuals, or risk being swept away by one tide or another. Hint: You will find it within, so don't anchor yourself on the blame you can wield against others. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Why not ask for a few copies and destroy them to help prevent them from getting to others
Comment by Nancy Broth
What's the basis of what comments to post? Your site is the most bias media in the world.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Thank you!
Comment by Nancy Broth
T0 quote Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski on; "The effort to stop this plague by outlawing computers and internet is unfortunately futile. Every day, more of our daily actions become dependent on the internet. It is predicted that check writing will become extinct and all transactions will take place on-line." A few sentences later he continues; "I may sound naive, but I believe the only truly effective antidote to this terrible plague is developing a genuine sense of kedushah. A person would not think of taking a siddur or chumash into the bathroom. Yet, when one looks at pornography, one is doing much worse. One is taking one's neshamah, which is part of Hashem Himself, and dragging into the pits of disgusting filth! I believe that if a person had a true feeling of personal kedushah, one would be loath to defile it." I think he's got something there.
Comment by Nancy Broth
I just created a petition: Trader Joe's: Keep chocolate chips non-dairy - certified as pareve, because I care about this important issue. Similar to the success when Duncan Hines and Stella D'Oro reversed plans to make previously pareve products dairy, I'm hoping that we can convince Trader Joe's as well. I'm trying to collect 1000 signatures, and I could really use your help. To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here: It'll just take a minute! Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Comment by Nancy Broth
They now have left Israel because of the need for medical help and now are living in New Jersey USA, any contact request or help in any way can be sent to The MOOREs at or to ,Moore, 1218 Raritan Ave Apt#11A,Highland Park NJ 08904 Thank you,Yoel
Comment by Nancy Broth
Over the past few years I\'ve noticed many cars parked in driveways on Greenspring Avenue over the shabbos of Preakness.While I understand that car owners want to be extra vigilent that their cars not get sideswiped by drivers speeding down Greenspring Ave, please be sure not to block the sidewalk by parking multiple cars in driveways. This forces people to walk around the cars into the street and is dangerous for children. Thanks.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i agree, it was truly inspirational. Thank you Family Storch for sponsoring this event.
Comment by Nancy Broth
This just makes me very uncomfortable. Tens of thousands of Jews descending en masse to a very public place to show their support for... internet censorship. I don't necessarily disagree with the message, but we don't often do anything in such large numbers. Is it really the right message to be sending, not only to the outside world, but also to ourselves, that we support anti-internet sentiment more than we support, say, Israel? They could've done this without having such a massive gathering. Why not print in all major Jewish publications? Or have informative shiurim in every large Orthodox Jewish population center? I feel like $1.5 million could have been put to better use than this.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Super lame video
Comment by Nancy Broth
and dont worry, if something does happen, its only an isolated incident that is a minor crime.
Comment by Nancy Broth
I can tell you that 23 years ago my husband walked to Sinai Hospital and watched a man get hit by a car and thrown from it in a drunken stupor. Every year one can see on Greenspring Avenue the aftershocks of Preakness. Watch your children well and be grateful for the NWCP and the Baltimore City police.
Comment by Nancy Broth
$1.5m? You wish. They were up to almost $5m a few weeks ago.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Waste of time sending anything to the White House. They at the public as parasites, and many times don't even entertain petitions sent in by the minions.
Comment by Nancy Broth
That's because the NWCP has worked with the police to ensure that this is the case! Great job BPD and NWCP!
Comment by Nancy Broth
if you hang the soft cheese in a cheese cloth or other fine mesh bag and let the liquid drip out, you\'ll have a harder cheese. Enjoy!!
Comment by Nancy Broth
wow what a great speech!
Comment by Nancy Broth
To the post that states "I hope you are a rabbi" you don't need smicha to understand kashrus but do agree that speaking to the mashgiach or supervising organization is certainly more reliable than inquiring from the company, anyone can do that not just a rabbi.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i won't be watching the games this year....
Comment by Nancy Broth
Interesting as even your facts from OK are questionable because the current "pareve" bag that many people are now buying and hoarding, states "Made in a facility that processes milk". Traders Joe is stating nothing in the process has changed at all and the process is the same but the "cleaning method has changed (from a wet wipe to dry) and that is what prompted the certification change. Hardly sounds like a change from pareve to milchig equipment based solely on the facts stated above.
Comment by Nancy Broth
The person commenting on the kashrut status of the product now. I hope you are a rabbi and spoke with the rabbi supervising from the OK. If not, you quite possibly are giving wrong information. My understanding from the OK is that it used to be produced on its own line, and now it is being produced on the same line as dairy products. Ingredient changes or not, this would still make it dairy equipment and problematic for baking \"pareve\" deserts. Be careful when you dissiminate information in a public forum such as the internet.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Halacha Eisav sonei es Yaakov. 100 years ago would the polls have been any different? It is a mussar on enlightened assimilation... we still do live in our father's world, times have not changed in a significant way...
Comment by Nancy Broth
I think if BJL added a Trader Joe's article each week they would dramatically increase web traffic.
Comment by Nancy Broth
guy in the picture looks like William Donald Schaffer
Comment by Nancy Broth
Whoever said she doesn't get why this is such a problem since there are 5 other brands in 7-mile NEVER tasted trader Joe's chips. They are a staple in my home and dramatically change and add to anything you put them in.
Comment by Nancy Broth
i spoke to a lady at trader joes headquarters who told me that they are not changing the recipe at all! they are still dairy free. the only thing changing is the cleanser they are using the clean the product lines. it will now be cleaner and even more dairy free than before.
Comment by Nancy Broth
"Why would one complain about this, there are 5 different pareve chocolate chip brands at 7 mile?" Because the Trader Joe's chips are outstanding in quality and extremely smooth -- not at all grainy. They're not only excellent snacking and baking chips, they're the best I've used for dipping fruit. In addition, TJ's chocolate chips are quite reasonably priced.
Comment by Ellene Newman
To the individual who feels that this writer doesn't say positive things about Israel, please take a look at this - - and so many other pieces about how amazing it is to live there. It's a whole picture, so calm down.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Love this article \"Should one wish to call and complain...\" How about \"Should one wish to call and offer feedback or some other nice way to share your feelings with the company?\" Please don\'t encourage people to complain, we as a people we need no assistance in this area.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Why would one complain about this, there are 5 different pareve chocolate chip brands at 7 mile?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Left a message w/ national HQ. So funny- before I even opened my mouth the lady asked if I was calling about the chocolate chips.
Comment by Ellene Newman
:( those were the best chocolate chips................
Comment by Ellene Newman
Hi all i am living in israel and yesterday i when to one of their Kiosks at the Malcha Mall but they were not open yet and when i get to read the FINE PRINT i might move over to one of these new companies right now i am with Rami Levi (which uses the Pelephone infrastructure) and i am very happy with it at 20 agorot per min and 15 NIS a month
Comment by Ellene Newman
Susan clearly loves Eretz Yisrael, it\'s the ridiculous bureacracy and red tape there that\'s driving her crazy. Once I realized what the \"Aliyah Diaries\" were, I was hooked! My daughter made aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh several years ago, and it\'s nice to hear that she has company in the cultural adjustment. Keep these terrific stories from an ex-Baltimorian coming!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Sounds delicious! I didn't know you could use chocolate as a seasoning on chicken. Can't wait to try it.
Comment by Ellene Newman
to commenter #1, I believe it is local news as it is a diary of a local Baltimorean who made Aliyah and is sharing her journey with everyone (I don't think anyone is forcing anyone to read them if they choose not to) and her stories are quite entertaining
Comment by Ellene Newman
The meraglim spoke loshon hara about the actual land of Israel, Susan is just commenting on modern day life in Israel in a funny way, calm down she appears to be learning how to navigate through the systems while keeping her sense of humor. Refreshing to hear the truth, and its helpful to others. Why is the local news? because The Liebtag's were residents of Baltimore and pillars of the community for decades and are greatly missed, so back off! Keep 'em coming Susan, it's helping me know what to expect when G-d willing we make aliyah - Donna Wach
Comment by Ellene Newman
Why can\'t you write positive things all the time about living in Israel. Yes, we all experience hardships living here but honestly that\'s the sin of the meraglim, saying lashon hara on Eretz Yisrael. This is our home, it has its quirks but we need to have patience and all will work itself out.
Comment by Ellene Newman
It\'s a rare thing these days for children to grow up in the warm nurturing environment like Nerak Rd offers. Those of us who live here appreciate what a good thing we\'ve got!
Comment by Ellene Newman
how can you make a shehechianu in sefira?????
Comment by Ellene Newman
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Kostelitz for his continued Harbatzas Hatorah and Ruchnius in our community!
Comment by Ellene Newman
why is this local news?
Comment by Ellene Newman
$1.5 million. What an utter waste of $$$. That money could have gone to so many worthy tzedakah projects.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This is only one of the great things about living on NERAK.
Comment by Ellene Newman
What an absolutely lovely tradition! All blocks should do this!!
Comment by Ellene Newman
"..How many families could that money help?..." This challenge is destroying marriages, children, schools, & communities. I think it is a worthy investment to gather Klal Yisrael to Daven to H' for help, and take steps to show we're serious about being His Am Kadosh. That money will IY"H be helping many families, along with their communities.
Comment by Ellene Newman
but to spend $1.5 Million to rent CitiField is beyond my comprehension! How many families could that money help? How many mosdos would benefit from that infusion of support? Why so large a gathering? Why not have local asifa's in each community? $1.5 Million!
Comment by Ellene Newman
and this surprises whom?
Comment by Ellene Newman
This "doomsday" senerio is a bunch of nonsense. Terms are used to mislead and the public gets duped once again. Politicians always pretend to choose cuts that would supposedly harm the public to make tax increases acceptable to the ignorant masses. Most of the time, alledged cuts are cut in the projected increased budget, while the actual proposed spending is still higher than the prior year, just not as much as the sly politicians really wanted. There is nobody, intellectually honest, who has witnessed government operations who won't acknoweledge all the waste of our money that goes on. The public was conned once again.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Too many people there to witness the mitzvah unfortunately.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Unfortunately, most people don\'t realize that there is a bigger \"doomsday\" when the government continues to raiase taxes, which leaves us with significantly less funds to be able to donate to worth causes such as The Associated. Sad...
Comment by Ellene Newman
Sgt. Warehime - you make us proud here in b-more county. thanks for your service!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Rabbi rosen
Comment by Ellene Newman
way to go Vikki
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you to Ami and Nesanel Gantz for this amazing article. Tears flowed down my face as i read this. I believe Rabbi Gantz captured the essence of Reb Nosson Tzvi in this poignant piece. Yehi Zichro Baruch
Comment by Ellene Newman
Hi, it\'s Dov Lipman. I believe that these issues are so critical so will respond to the comments which someone brought to my attention. 1)The Torah world in Israel is starving. Let me say that again - people are starving. I guarantee that if the Gedolei Yisroel were aware of the degree of the inability to sustain families (without resorting to shtick and the like) they would mandate major change. The Gedolim are surrounded by askanim who mislead them. A close talmid of one of the Gedolim told me that if someone has $5,000 one can get a letter signed by this gadol about whatever one wants. This is not because the gadol is corrupt, chas v\'shalom, but because he is being handled by a corrupt askan. We need to recreate the Torah world of America in Israel - where people can become tremendous talmidei chachamim and have the background to sustain their families with dignity without it being looked down upon. 2)This \"sounds like Lapids\" business has to stop. Yair Lapid is not his father, Tommy Lapid, and is not saying anything crazy. In his speech the other day he suggested that instead of army service, chareidi boys should volunteer to spend time with Holocaust survivors - doing their shopping, buying their medicine, and talking with them. Is that being \"anti-chareidi\" or \"anti-Torah?\" 3)We are suggesting that non-extremist rabbonim address the conversion crisis - not secular politicans. I have a sefer called \"Zera Yisrael\" written by MK Rabbi Amsalem which makes the halachic case for being more lenient with conversions but within halacha. He gave the sefer to Rav Zalman Nechmiah Goldberg with the following deal - if Rav Zalman Nechemya can refute any of his logic, then the sefer won\'t be published. However, if he cannot refute even one point, then he would write a haskama. The sefer has Rav Zalman Nechemya\'s haskama. The government would willingly accpet MK Rabbi Amsalem\'s halachic approach would be accepted by the government if the Chareidi parties do not have say. 4) People in the yeshiva world in the US have to understand that the secular in Israel don\'t want to hate religion and are searching for something. The situation in which chareidim don\'t do any kind of service while everyone else\'s sons serve cannot continue. \"Will your brothers go to war and you sit here?\" I believe Moshe Rabbeinu said that. All of the proposed solutions talk about community and national service as an option. 5)How will we decide who is exempt for service because Torah is really his life day and night? We will start with tests at age 18. Anyone being intellectually honest knows that 50,000 guys cannot be sincerely learning day and night and making real progress. We test them - see what they know, evaluate their abilities to learn - and decide based on that. We continue to test (and check attendance!)to make sure they are really learning. This will actually strengthen Torah. The others won\'t be asked to stop learning. Just as an example, one can be in the army Shachar program and have three minyanim and two mandatory shiurim a day. 6)My high school Rosh Yeshiva, zt\"l, and my Beis Medrash Rebbi, zt\"l, would agree 100 percent that yeshiva boys need to be given a general education and sustain their families with dignity. They would agree 100 percent that boys who were not learning day and night and consumed by Torah and capable of becoming the Gedolim should serve in some capacity. How do I know? I talked to them about these issues openly. Both had vast secular and worldly knowledge as well and I personally heard both lament the lack of worldly knowledge among yeshiva boys today. 7)One last point - the Haredi political leaders have a clear political agenda to keep the yeshiva world in Israel in this prison of a system which is keeping people impoverished and turning kids off from yiddushkeit. 7.8 percent of haredi boys are called \"yeled nosheir\" which means they reject their home and actually leave. This makes sense because what boy wants to embrace a worldview which does not let them experience anything outside of Torah - not general studies, not sports, not music, not art, etc. And way more than the 7.8 percent who actually leave are uninspired and trapped. So, while people enjoy painting me as anti-Torah (no worries, I have been called \"amalek\" and \"satan\" this year), I believe my efforts together with others will ultimately save Jewish neshamos from across the spectrum and will save the Torah world. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions instead of anonymous postings on web sites so we can engage in a real dialogue about these important issues.
Comment by Ellene Newman
5-13-2012 We cannot clear the path of all obstacles for our children. But we can show them how to walk the path and how to deal with obstacles. You may draw your own conclusions. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Who is the Cohain?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I live in Israel and also find the honking totally excessive. I recommend that every car here be rigged so that you have 5 honks a month, and no more. And if you want to waste those honks on narishkeit and impatience, you'll be left with none when you really need it, God forbid.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Look at the myriad of cases around the Country and ask yourself, Are we getting equal justice? I don't think so. Maybe Hashem is telling us it's time to go?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Rabbi Frankfurter implies that not allowing (kosher) food in a courtroom is somehow unfair. I don't follow. Some rules make sense.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Witnesses gave conflicting testimony because they "were not familiar with the system." Not likely. Not likely at all. Their inconsistencies are what got Eli convicted. We need to take a look in the mirror. We need to do what's right. Racism is equal to anti-Semitism.
Comment by Ellene Newman
This guy sounds like he's got an internet addiction problem.
Comment by Ellene Newman
Mr. Cohn, I\'m surprised that you let this apikorsus on your site. You should be ashamed of yourself. I used to think more highly of you. Not anymore.......
Comment by Ellene Newman
Very happy to see a flourishing school here in Baltimore that integrates Eretz Yisroel and Halacha into a singular vision for its students. Can the entire community join next year- would love to have seen it?
Comment by Ellene Newman
We need this in Maryland to prevent situations like the Wegman\'s \"kosher\" meat section with no hashgacha whatsoever.
Comment by Ellene Newman
A sham of Justice. If your white and especially if your jewish and the defendant is black your presumed guilty. Hashem y\\\'rachem and maybe this can be overturned on appeal
Comment by Ellene Newman
wowwww!!!! grate job nati erel - kibutz Tirat-Zvi (relative of Neomi Carmel)
Comment by Ellene Newman
Please everyone go to the "Free Jacob Now" website or Facebook page to sign the petition to President Obama to please intervene on Jacob's behalf to get him released from captivity in Boliva!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Dov, The status quo definitely has some serious problems â there is no disputing that. And there may not be any good solutions at present. But you mamish sound like one of the Lapids! You are advocating tearing the Torah world apart in the hope that doing so might solve some societal problems. How can you possibly want secular parties to solve the conversion crisis? And can you really want secular parties to decide who and how many can learn Torah and who and how many must be drafted into a religiously intolerant army? You are essentially attacking the gedolei yisroel, who are represented by the "ultra-Orthodox parties". You are gloating over gedolei yisroel having no influence over vital decisions regarding the future of Torah and Klal Yisroel. What would your high school Rosh HaYeshiva Zt"l have said? What would your Bais Medrash Rosh HaYeshiva Zt"l have said? What mesorah are you following? And finally, isn't respecting gedolei yisroel also a "core Jewish value"?
Comment by Ellene Newman
I did not see a mechitza, nor did I see any women in the audience in the photos displayed here. Were women barred from thisevent?
Comment by Ellene Newman
Thank you to all the people who worked tirlessly to ensure that Ohr Chodosh would open and thrive this year and not leave a signifificant void in the Baltimore Jewish educational landscape!
Comment by Ellene Newman
Tobey, You are amazing........just saying!
Comment by Ellene Newman
BJLife: should report this for multiple reasons. 1) Rabbi Lipman is one of the most active Maryland born and bread, and Ner Israel educated, political "frum" activists in Israel. 2) As a concerned Jewish website, BJL wants to enlighten its readership of what is TRULY going on in Israel. If we want to keep Israel as a Jewish country, we must do "family introspection" and address and fix what is wrong with our Jewish family. As an American, you are educated enough to see that the current model of Israeli society is not sustainable. The USA Social Security system is more sustainable then the current charaidi situation in Israel! (al pi derech haTeva).
Comment by Ellene Newman
With due respect to Mr. Szojchet, you're wrong. Whether civil marriage is recognized by Jewish law or not, is not the point. Civil marriage is recognized in common law and has always been defined as a marriage of one man and one woman. Regardless of what Jewish law recognizes or doesn't recognize, once the definition of marriage is changed by common law, that opens the floodgates, so to speak, to defining marriage as whatever one may want it to be, thus opening the floodgates to continued moral decline of society. As orthodox religious Jews, who abide to the words of the bible, (which refers to homosexuality as an abomination), it is our moral obligation to protest this emphatically. What may ultimately become the law does not bear on our moral obligation to protest.
Comment by Ellene Newman
There is a world of difference between civil marriages between Jews and nonJews. Non Jews have civil marriages, Jews do not - K'das Moshe V'yisroel. That marriage amongst non Jews remains between a man and a woman and homosexual acts remains a toeaiva.
Comment by Ellene Newman
I too believe that the comment should be removed. This is a Jewish site and the comments should follow halachic guidelines. By keeping it, it is a chilul HaShem and is loshon hara. The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with it. No one here is calling for government intervention.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
why is bjlife becoming a mouthpiece for this Anti-Chareidi instigator?
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Oy Nebach! Such a sad story. That poor girl and her family will never be the same.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
I wish I had a clear, cogent argument that explains why I\'m uncomfortable with same-sex marriage. Throughout the ages marriage has been the central social framework of civilization; having a mother and father in your life (ideally) or at least knowing who they were (hopefully) defined our place in the world. Of course, the institution of marriage has already taken a huge hit in our era; this could be the nail in the coffin of the \"nuclear family\" and bring us into the \"it takes a village\" age. I must admit to being a little scared for our children\'s children.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
5-9-2012 I do not want to be the lone contrary voice in all of this. But the Orthodox hold that civil marriages have no meaning and effect. So much so, that an Orthodox woman will, while still being married to one man in a civil marriage, marry another man in a religious ceremony. I am not trying to make a controversy but this is done regularly and I have yet to hear even a single Rabbinical voice disapprove of this practice. If this is what we believe, than we need to be consistent. If a civil marriage has no meaning than we cannot now cry out in righteous indignation over the extension of civil marriages to same gender partners. In the eyes of the Orthodox, none of it has any meaning anyway. I know that the fool who announces to the world that the Emperor has no clothes remains a fool while the Emperor remains the Emperor. But I just feel we need to be true to our beliefs for better or for worse. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
there will be a HADLAKA at Congregation Arugas Habosem (Rabbi Taub's Shul) at 3509 Clarks Lane, in back of the shul, at 9:45 PM after second maariv.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Facebook is not the culprit here. Common sense dictates that we not share personal information with strangers, period. This could have happened anywhere and through any forum of communication. I\\\'m sorry for the tragic ordeal that this girl went through, but it could easily have been prevented (without necessarily canceling her Facebook account).
Comment by Moshe Cohen
While the first comment here seems meanspirited and vindictive, what I can't understand is all the subsequent comments demanding the post be taken down. Placing limits on freedom of speech has dire consequences. We live in this wonderful country- no country has been better to the Jews- and part of the foundation of this country is freedom of speech. You don't have to share this person's opinions, but please don't try to erase or restrict them.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Well done!! Just put my vote in and hope others do the same!
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Sounds like her name should be Maria Baalagan!
Comment by Moshe Cohen
Editor - Please address why comments like the first one are allowed on this site.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
some cones are pareve other are not. The labeling needs to be accurate.
Comment by Moshe Cohen
I was there. This is a beautifully written accurate synaposis. Thanks to BJL for publishing it
Comment by Moshe Cohen
[ED. Note:] Jeff Cohn only wishes he had a scintilla of talent like that of Mrs. Margie Pensak who actually did the reporting/writing/editing
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This was just one of several posts on The Race for The Cure. Check The Real Jerusalem Streets Facebook Page, or see website for a greater selection from 613 photos from the day. There were large groups from AMIT and Emunah for example... yes, US Jewish women were well represented!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the first comment: This IS news. This is about an event that happened in our community, and is kindly and rightfully made available to the wider community that may not have had the opportunity to be there. This Is the sort of news that should be featured and shared. If you are looking for gossip, incitement and controversy there are plenty of other blogs / websites that spew the rubbish that they pass off as news. Perhaps you\'d enjoy commenting / criticizing anonymously on those forums?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please Contact the e-mail at the end of the video for information on how to donate. Thanks, Tsipora Besancon Producer of "Naftali's Story"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to personally thank Mr Jeff Cohen for his incredible recounting of what i said the other night. It is rare that a reporter gets it all down correctly but Jeff did just that. I feel sorry for the first comment maker. He/she must be a bitter angry person looking to demean for no good reason.May Hashem help that person find tranquility in life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very touching sory - how an I contribute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how can we help?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Eliminating Conflict, Friction & Dissension Through Ahavas Yisrael": to the person who wrote the offensive first comment. Look at the title. Please take it to heart. comments like yours don't bring any joy to hashem and only brings dissension to our holy people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
in response to first comment - Moderator - Please, please, please, leave such mean spirited, misguided, disgusting comments off of this website. What does it add to the discussion?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is there contact info. available for those who want to contribute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore Jewish Life! Please do not allow such Lashon HaRah, such as the above critical, derogatory comment above, on your website! Please, screen the comments
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How dare you criticize a beautiful summary to a wonderful shiur obviously intended to allow people who werent able to attend the Shiur the chance to read a synopsis of it and gain from it. Please keep your ridiculous comments to yourself
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why should we expect more from Biden. When has any intelligent statement come out of this man? Was he chosen for VP for his deep insight or his marvelous record in Washington. In fact I have always questioned the judgement of his home state.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is an article?? It reads like a press release, not anything belonging in news. It is clearly either dictated by the speakers press agent, or written by a disciple. No one EXCEPT a disciple would, after reading the overly florid praise for each word, take anything in the article seriously. I might be thrilled to learn some of what he said, but after this obvious puffed up piece, I wouldn't go near him Many more articles like this in the New Jewish Times and it will be left to shilling for whoever wants it to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a very touching story
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have to wonder what would have happened if the Werdesheim brothers were not Jewish and white but Gentile and black? Would there have been any case. Somehow I doubt it. But then, where are the neighborhood citizen patrols in the other neighborhoods of Baltimore City. Are there any? Perhaps if the teen in question would be part of a community that puts itself out to care for its neighbors, he wouldnât have been meandering around on other people properties. Perhaps he would have had something of a more responsible nature to do. While it would have been best had Eli stayed in his car and watched the young man from the front seat, maybe the teens family should be asking whether this young adolescent male could have been doing something better too. Ah, but they canât, they are too busy running after the lawyers to get them their big money off the case. Somehow I doubt the money will do them much good. When itâs gone, which wonât take long, this youth will still be found meandering in some other neighborhood. Perhaps this time heâll meet up with someone who will defend himself or his property with much more than just a radio. His mother just better pray the other guy isnât someone from her community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can someone explain why this product requires two certifications?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for this excellent coverage of the conference. I was one of the speakers and authors. Even after 7 years of homeschooling, I gained much wisdom and inspiration from the workshops. Evelyn Krieger
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Susan, You are so entertaining. I can't stop laughing!!! THANKS!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was there- why didn\'t you show more pictures of US jrewish women?- You give the arabs too much kavod here I think, and although not all arab women agree to blow up thier kids- the sad fact is that too many do- and it seems ironic to me that so many of these same mama- jihadists care about breast cancer more than they care about thier kids or peace with Israel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't understand the purpose of this post. It is not news. Its seems to be nothing more than an attempt to stir up controversy (i.e. loshon hora, machlokes and being mevazeh Roshei Yeshivos).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Which Israeli's should they eat like? The Iraqi's? The Moroccan's? The Polish Jews? Cholent in Meah Shearim? Seafood in Eilat? Should we tell the Israeli's who come to the USA to stop eating Israeli food, and only eat pizza and burgers?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You have to be careful, what looked like plain chopped meat for Pesach..had soya in it. The chicken hot dogs are not so bad and should be healthier,too. Just wait the Shavout dairy are coming out now!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
totally unreasonable title for the article; titlal alone wuld have you belive this guy is raging anti-isreal and all the great things that go along with it. why put it on this website?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
LOL. Here is a thought. Stopping trying to eat like an American. You are in Israel. Eat like an Israeli. It will be cheaper and taste much better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate the cute idea behind your headline, but please change it. We are very sensitive to the way the press portrays Israel in the headlines because everyone reads the story and nobody reads the correction. People are sharing this on Facebook, and some will just see the headline and not bother to read the article. Here are Arab women doing something wonderful and they should not be subject to possible misunderstanding. How about "Why are Arab women racing through Jerusalem?" Or even more in the spirit of this event: "Arab women race through Jerusalem in solidarity." People can click if they want to know solidarity with what? I am a breast cancer survivor and I know I'm alive because of the past actions of others who subjected themselves to clinical trials, raised money, raised awareness. Let's reward good deeds!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful! I suggest that the good Rabbi send a delegation to Lubavitch asking them to participate in the gathering, which, after all, they are free to decline if they are so inclined.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ah, but the christians, they produced geniuses! Like the brilliant cardinal who talks in this clip! Perhaps someone should remind him to remove his foot from his mouth before he chokes on it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hopefully there will be a huge crowd for this banquet. lets give a big thank you and nicne welcome to R' Ehpraim Blumenkranz who is doing such an amazing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to know if the person is a former member of Shomrim how would he know if someone was taken down this week or not?? And you seem so verbal, why don't you sign your name on the end of your posts?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The NWCP is proactive 24/7. I have called them numerous times during the day for various issues, problems or emergencies, and there has always been someone there to help me deal with my problems, send someone to my home, or help me connect with the police. There is a great resource on their web site which explains what they do:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow! That must have hurt!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
so nice
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nwcp is actually full time including random patrols at 3 in the morning but u wouldn't know that because your sleeping.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The fact is that Chabad Lubavitch usually does its own thing. Rav Kotler was making an observation that, for example, yeshiva based kiruv organizations have long known. Just check with AJOP. Except for some Chabad presence at early conventions, they don't participate. Why, is another matter. Suffice it to say that each camp has its own approach. Baruch Hashem that we all eat cholent, so there's always hope.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why should Shomrim want to continue to volunteer for a community that doesn't show support and is quick to judge? And yes NWCP is pro active provided the incident occurs between 7 to 10, let's let all the criminals in on that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Many people commented that the police do not respond quickly to calls from our neighborhood. This is probably because they are busy with "more serious" situations. I think it would be a good idea for someone to record acts of theft, attempted theft, violence or attempted violence in the Jewish community and how long it took the police to respond (if at all). It seems that the Jewish community does not have a good idea of how much crime occurs here. (This is evident from conflicting stories on this site.) If we see that there is a lot of crime that is not responded to in a timely matter, it would be easy to lobby for a stronger police presence in our neighborhoods.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good job everyone!! After being such a big part of this project last year I know how much work it takes to make the day such a success. Major props to everyone involved- it\\\'s hard work! I am sure you guys did a fantastic job. Based on this video it looks like you did! I feel so proud to have been a part of this! Thanks for continuing such an amazing cause!! -Rachel G
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had a chaver in Yeshiva who was a Snider litigation fellow in law school. I wonder if the "Wallis" Snider is related related. Seeing these wonderful pictures makes we wonder why there are not more Chasidishe Mosdos in Baltiomore. It is something this community seriously needs.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well done you guys !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great job, Noah and Rafi! Let\'s do a Tish!! An old YR Rebbe
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would be nice to see photos you received
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am trying to figure out why anyone would feel the desire or need for this product and why it has been posted here. On the other hand, it might come in handy for Purim if one feels he must actually get drunk to fulfill a mitzvah of not knowing the difference between Haman and Mordechai. This would, apparently, be a faster, safer way to do that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video on the Suns website is many years old. Things have changed considerably. And no, the police do not monitor shomrims radio.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Read the Seforim of Rav Kook ZTZ'L, and you will learn much about Religious Zionism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Johanna, You are a great artist! I can see you put a lot of time and effort in this project. Awesome!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is ironic that there is a call for oversite at this juncture. If you look at the video posted on the Baltimore Sun you can clearly see Major Delgato praising Shomrim and indicating he is quite aware of what they do and how they operate. Shomrim has had Baltimore County Chief of Police attend their meetings and has arranged for Shomrimmembers to take and complete the Baltimore County Police citizens academy. State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger addressed the group as well. To make it seem that there is an organization in the community that no government official or police department is aware of is ludicrous. When there were missing person searches the Baltimore County Police basically gave Shomrim use of there Towson station. Since this incident there have been hundereds of calls Shomrim has responded to without incident. There is always room for improvement, but to categorically make it seem that this is a rouge organization is a flat out distortion or reality.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Quote: "I don't know if this article should be posted on here. It's not helping anyone right now. We have a Moser in our community who should be dealt with." What does that mean?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"I wonder if there will ever be this much publicity about the hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood. It only seems news-worthy when it appears to be reversed, even when it is self defense." A. Why would it be newsworthy when it commonly happens? B. It is the sad natural order of things. Black male youths, from certain socio-economic backgrounds, often commit violent acts towards Jews in Jewish neighborhoods. When a Jew does something moderately violent and questionably legal, even in self-defense, it is an aberration and thus becomes newsworthy. Why are reader comments anonymous? It seems that Baltimore Jewish Life by allowing anonymous digs and lashon hara is supporting severe violations of Halacha. Believe me, I'm no expert but that's pretty serious. -Yoseph
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Sir, You really are off your rocker. This is what you want? Are you willing to live with the results of ARMED Shomrim members on the street?" Absolutely. I would vote for martial law as well. When the police are too afraid to use the weapons they have becuz they fear retribution & prosecution, it's time to do it ourselves. Do you know why police no longer carry night sticks/billy clubs? Because some namby-pamby liberals decided it was too intimidating to the (black) youth. Too intimidating? Please! I WANT intimidation. I want every one of these little ruffians with their pants around their knees and their loud music to feel the fear when they see a cop twirling that baton, knowing that it might be their own head that gets cracked if they don't move along. You may be too young to remeber, but I grew up in the 60's, and it was a wonderful peaceful time, and the police were in charge. It was perfect.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was under the impression what the Police have and monitor Shomrim's radio. If that is still the case, why would Shomrim need to call the Police? Aren't the Police intelligent enough to know when they should respond on their own initiative, or are they?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who responded with quotation marks, "hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood." How long have you lived here? Do you have a clue what has happened over the years? Are you involved in anything or just hide behind your locked doors. When I said "hundreds," I meant it because it's true. Have your children ever been punched in the face and knocked off their bikes? A few years ago, on Pesach, there were a half a dozen attacks on Jews just that week alone. What planet do you live on? All I want to see is Black leaders having the same outrage when whites are beaten. Maybe then society would be more civil and organizations like Shomrim wouldn't be necessary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"White's rebuke of Shomrim members' credibility followed a year and a half of criticism from community leaders that the group lacks oversight and structure. Eliyahu, who testified Wednesday, said that the group had no written rules and only a "loose mentorship program" for training." Ouch- those words sting. Ok, so the only thing now to do is look forward. How can we as a community help Shomrim be more effective. Other organizations have support of our community's leaders (pulpit rabbis, board of directors) what can we do to bring Shomrim up to par so as to garner that support and respect and ultimately help the community. It is clear to me that NWCP is in the business of being pro-active. Shomrim is re-active and I believe there is a place for both. We just need to help Shomrim do it in the right way- working with the police. Following Laws. Offering proper training. The goal should be helping the community, not the organization. Who is in charge of Shomrim? Is it time for some new vision?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sir, You really are off your rocker. This is what you want? Are you willing to live with the results of ARMED Shomrim members on the street? I (and my neighbors, and their neighbors) are not.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish we had more guys like these 2 brothers. In my book they are heroes par excellence. I think every Shomrim member should be given a real deadly weapon to assault with, not just a radio. I remember the good old days when cops carried billy clubs and you were afraid to turn left or right without permission. I long for those days again, when the streets were safe and you could sit outside all night while fearing nothing but mosquito bites. These guys have the cajones to stand up for a change. Give them a medal, not a jail sentence.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood" What are you even talking about? Please do not inflame tensions between the races and try to heighten and play on people's fears. I highly doubt there is this degree of battery going on under the radar. About 8 or 9 years ago there was a string of violent incidents and the police handled it. I believe Shomrim came into existence soon after that. Unfortunate that Eli got out of the car. If the kid had actually attacked the woman with the dog, or actually broken into a house perhaps his action could have been justified. I feel for Eli and the Werdesheims -- I know he regrets his mistake. But from what I read in Sun's reporting of the judge's verdict it sounds like she had a good handle on what happened. I especially appreciate the clarification of the statement "you don't belong here" to refer to the fact that it was the middle of the day and the kid was obviously truant and NOT to the idea that a black kid walking down Falstaff is somehow in the wrong place. First I heard of that. Eli is a smart and resourceful man. In the long run he will survive this as he survived his trials in the IDF. He will move past it and it will have made him stronger. At this point we should all daven that the sentencing will be lenient and Eli can get on with his life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kudos to all those who are organizing the biggest Kiddush Hashem of our generation. I just got an email encouraging me to bringing at least one person who wouldnât normally attend. Itâs a great idea and everyone should do it. Iâm coming with my Partners in Torah chavrusa and his son. FYI, you can get tickets at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Judging? There was an incident where no law was broken, a 16 year old held down and struck, a trial, and now national new coverage focus on baltimore, shomrim, and black and Jew relationships and you expect no judging? Shomrim has and will continue to do good work as long as each member is trained to follow the law. Yes all you write about the lack of what appears to be caring on the police part may be true and likely is. However whether we like it or not we can only live as orthodox Jews in certain areas. Normally when people feel threatened daily as you do, they move to another area, they don't take the law into their own hands. Unfortunately since you/we cannot move as we are limited we must right or wrong accept the situation to the point that we live in the US with laws. Laws tell us, that when we are a neighborhood watcher, we are no more empowered then any citizen. In thus case, if this boy was casing homes or cars, any citizen calls the police and if they care they stay close to the potential crime maker and likely the crime dies not occur before the police arrive. If you want your cake and eat it to, it is likely more Eli situations will be occurring and we will be continuing to judge.Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Someone wrote "you sound so sour". Yes, I am sour. I am sour because I volunteered my time for an organization which had great potential. Shomrim, had it been managed and run properly, could have been a great asset. But "leaders" of Shomrim had other ideas. Other lofty goals. No protocols, no training (the fact of which was testified on court on Wednesday). And now Shomrim is nothing more than a failed experiment. The police would respond to calls where we were, and began to make the victims the bad ones for calling us. Sorry, but that's not what I signed up for. In all fairness, ELi was allowed to do what he did because of the failed policies and complete lack of organization from the "leaders". And now he has to suffer. But, fear not, Shomrim has not learned. They continue to engage. They continue to interact. And have no fear - if the current situation is allowed to continue, there WILL be another incident. I wish the organization the best -
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As a wife of a Shomrim member, I can tell you this case hits home. My heart aches for Eli and Avi. Its easy for someone to jump to say how they should have stayed in the car, worse comes to worse the guy would have broken into a house or maybe stolen a car. But what if instead of looking for valuables in the windows of the houses he was looking for a young girl or woman at home to G-d forbid attack or rape? Would you, who are so quick to name call "vigilante" be quick to complain that Shomrim is supposed to be protecting our neighborhoods and aren't doing enough?!? Were my husband and the other members of Shomrim "Vigilantes" when they got out of their cars to respond of suspicious strangers banging on the door of houses where there were children home alone? Were they "Vigilantes" when they got back the bikes that your children were punched in the face and thrown off for? I have had friends in the past complain to me that they called Shomrim to report suspicious people in their neighborhood and all the Shomrim did was drive around and watch, not get out of the car, question them or better yet arrest them?!? It was kept pretty quiet from the press exactly what this individual was doing. Just like it was also kept quiet how much black on black crime has taken place during the trial in itself. I called the police one sunday to report that a few black minors were laying flat on skateboards and riding down the middle of the street. I told the operator I wanted police to come right away as I'm sure there will be an accident and I don't want it blamed on the woman driving a 15 passenger van who is not looking on the street for children laying there waiting for a lawsuit. I'm still waiting for the police to come, to find where these parents are and hold them responsible for not watching their kids. That was five years ago. Whether or not you think Eli and Avi were right or wrong as Jews we should be supporting each other and not judging.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just an FYI for all those outraged over the civil suit yet don\'t take the time to actually read news reports - the civil suit has been dropped.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is reprinted from the sun, correct? I think some readers think this is from bjl
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a divided community. We stand up for child molesters in our schools because rabbanim do something wrong it is hidden and okay. Rabbinic leaders were well aware of molesters and perverts who taught in schools yet chose to cover it up because they were one of their own. This community makes me sick, especially this website. To post this oped from a garbage paper like the Baltimore sun is disgusting. This website pertains to the Jewish community. You also only post things with a serious liberal slant. I guarantee if the Werdesheim brothers wore black hats and learned in yeshiva all day that everyone would have stood behind them. As for shomrim, way to stand behind a volunteer of your organization. You can admit maybe he was wrong but at the same time th is no reason to neglect these guys. The community should put together funds for these boys who served and protected our community. Hindsight is always 20/20 and we all make bad decisions. The black community rallied behind the \"victim\" we barely had a showing. Way to go Baltimore. When the jcc wants to open on Shabbos, we gather at a public school, rally etc. but when a boy who wears a kippah srugah finds himself in trouble we ignore and judge. What a shame.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My understanding of a misdemeanor vs. a felony is that the prior may have a jail time of a year or less and that a felony is a year or more. Further, felony records stay while a misdemeanor can be expunged. So that is at least a small bright side. Hopefully, it will be a community service punishment. The sad reality is, that if the judicial system was doing there job, we would not need a Shomrim or NWCP. But, the \\\"bad guys\\\" know that the revolving door will release them in no time and therein lies the problem with police sometimes not caring as they know nothing will happen. 150 years ago horse thievery was a hanging offense. Today, you still someone\\\'s car and they (Judicial) call it unauthorized use. Very sad day, no winners today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am a mother. I am a Jewish mother. All I want to do is cry. This is a Jewish neshama, one of our own. Did your children ever do anything wrong? Would you cast the first stone? Write an article? Why is the community so quick to criticize and point fingers? Why was there not a public Tehillim organized for these boys? Even if you feel that they made a mistake, you can daven for them. A Jewish boy with a wife and parents could go to jail? I am so sad to read all these comments, so sad for our community, so disappointed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fact of the matter is he had the oppurtunity to call police 2 times if not 3 which could have been done by his brother as well. Cops may take their time however we have a Officer Bennett and several others that are near at all times. And even if it took 10 minutes for them to get their you stil have a duty to call them especially if you call yourself a citizens patrol. I guarantee you this much a call to the POLICE by other orgnizations like NWCP, Hatzalah, Chaverim and yes Shomrim will be responded by the police a little quicker too. But again no call was ever made and it made him look like a vigilante.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
On what basis is the judge rejecting Werdesheim\'s self-defense claims? It\'s the only testimony from someone who was there. The prosecution has no proof that it went down as they claim because their star witness lost all credibility. Yes, they were wrong to get out of their car. But the judge somehow determined that the prosecution was right and Eli was wrong. Please enlighten us with this thought process.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't know if this article should be posted on here. It's not helping anyone right now. We have a Moser in our community who should be dealt with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Everyone seems to be complaining that Eli got out of the car. While this may be against official Shomrim policy (and I don't know if it is or it isn't), it certainly is not against the law to get out of your car and talk to a "suspicious person". Sure, in hindsight, it was a bad idea. But again, not against the law. So why was he convicted? The only testimony presented in the case (since the defendant declined to testify) stated that Eli acted in self defense after the kid began swinging a board at him. Clearly the judge got it wrong. This was a high profile case and I assume that she knew what she wanted the judgement to be before the trial began.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wonder if there will ever be this much publicity about the hundreds of times Blacks attack and beat Jews in this neighborhood. It only seems news-worthy when it appears to be reversed, even when it is self defense.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Again... Even if the Police Dept does not come soon enough is not the point in this case anyway. This is not a crime with a weapon until they got out of the car. If the weapon (the board) was so vital to the case why wasn't it displayed by the defense? They created a situation. Maybe the kid intended to break into a house BUT I assure you he wasn't going to break into a house while being watched from a car. That was the deterrent in this case and that is the Shomrim's mandate. Getting out of the car created a needless blemish on Eli's record and potentially at minimum many legal bills and possibly asset's disputed in a civil lawsuit case for years to come. Again no excuses. Stay in the car and deal with a sometimes slow in responding police department as well. That is not related to this case nor justify getting out of their car.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ha. if the cops had the call from someone who _wasnt_ their boss, they'd never have showed up.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! what yeshiva did the PERPETRATORS attend
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This editorial is missing one major point. It assumes that the Baltimore Police department, if called, would respond in a timely manner. Unfortunately, Baltimore\\\'s police continue to be a dismal example of law enforcement. I have needed the help of the Baltimore Police. They do not respond to this kind of call; it is not of the caliber necessary to get their attention with all necessary speed. This was the case for me personally when I was being maliciously followed while driving. I was sincerely scared and the person kept tailing and following me while I circled my neighborhood. I called Shomrim -- who immediately called the police while I was on the phone with them. Within 2 minutes, shomrim responders where there to help me. An hour later, the police arrived. It is all well and good for the Baltimore Sun to preach as they do. If so, the response from the police needs to be trustworthy, reliable and timely. Right now, it isn\\\'t.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
\"Under this bill, vacant homes do not qualify for a tax cut; vacant lots don\'t qualify; and speculators and owners of blighted properties won\'t get a penny of tax relief at the expense of everyone else. This tax cut is for city homeowners first,\" she said. Notice how she left out only one group, and it\'s the one she should be appealing to even more than the rest. The investment properties. If she wants to spur growth and rehabilitation, this credit should apply to responsible investors as well.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My question is, what does the "kid" who was trying to commit a crime will get??? The one Eli held down. My prayers go to the Werdesheim Family. G-d willing nothing more then a PBJ for Eli; Thank G-d Avi is clear of all charges.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please post these comments in the now full article. This one is dead. Thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You sound so sour. It is a shame when people are willing to risk a chesed organization because they are in it for themselves.To whoever wrote that comment I would just say the organization is certainly better off without you. (I am not nor ever was affiliated with Shomrim).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The civil suit should not be a problem. Even if there is a judgment, which is not a given, there are ways to shield his assets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrim STILL taking people down and getting out of their cars??? I guess we'll be facing a similar case soon.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm really glad to see this article. I was feeling this way myself but was afraid to say anything because I thought I would be in the minority and everyone else would be supporting these guys. I too hope they learn their lesson and that Shomrim stick to what their mission should be.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
True, and in theory this is how it should be. Only problem is the police take their good old time because they are always tied up in other neighborhoods with higher crime. The police do a great job and I am not trying to bash them, but they have their hands full. We need more cops on the streets!!!!What if they were watching somone beat up an old lady, should they still sit in their cars and watch \\\'till the police come?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thousands of calls without incident that we know of - as a former member, I can tell you time upon time where Shomrim took people down and got out of their cars - as recently as this week.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well written and stated. It is a BIG lesson that Eli has learned and will serve to educate others. At the end of the day given the outrageous civil suit judgements out there, that may be a bigger hurdle for him over his life then the verdict in the criminal case and may cost him for many years to come. Very sad day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I dont think we should be judging anybody here! There has been enough of that today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a thoughtful editorial. It is a shame that it is the first thoughtful piece published by the Sun since this incident occurred. The editorial points out the clear distinctions between this case and the killing of Tayvon Martin; virtually every story you have printed recently has prominently noted that many have wished to make that comparison. The Sun's disappointment that hate crime charges were not brought was evident in each and every story. The editorial points out the cooler heads of most community leaders; the Sun's coverage has included -perhaps even sought-comments from those whose stated desire was to exploit the incident to inflame tensions, even so far as to threatening a riot. Let's hope that the defendants have learned a lesson, that the community watch group has learned a lesson, that the communities have learned a lesson, and that the Sun has learned a lesson.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aharon Newman: Meaning well and having good intentions may mitigate, but they don\'t excuse. We can support Eli and hope that he is given a suspended sentence and/or community service. But we must be law-abiding even (especially) in our efforts to protect ourselves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Are there grounds for appeal? Can't help but think the "judge" needed to deliver some sort of sentence to prevent a race riot.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The biggest issue he faces is not incarceration. He likely will get probation of some sort hopefully. BUT now in a civil suit his earnings will go to this kids family for many years.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good kids make errors in judgement. The fact he got out of his car, didn't call the police and held the kid down, set himself up for this. Even if the kid was looking to burglar, this error in judgment allowed the kid to get away with it. A big lesson to all our volunteers. STAY IN YOUR CAR.Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"false imprisonment"!& I don't get that.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very sad how we have ongoing instances of burglaries, car jackings and assaults in our neighborhood, and when someone tries to help limit such activity they get the raw end of the deal. Seems to me, that even if "mistakes" were made in how Eli reacted under the circumstances, we should all voice our support and appreciation for Eli Werdesheim at this time. As it is obvious to anyone who knows him and his family, that he meant well and was concerned for the safety our community. Aharon Newman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oy; nebach; does anybody know if he faces prison time or as a first time misdemeanor offender is he eligible for probation?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a surprise, another miscarriage of justice in Baltimore.I wonder what gleeful and incindiary headlines the Baltimore Sun will run tomorrow.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I also looked at for Aaron Ausby's court records, but Aaron J Ausby who is listed on that site with numerous records has to be a different person because his birth date is listed 1991. The Aaron Ausby involved with the Werdesheims is a teenager and likely born around 1996.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know why they \\\"quickly left the area\\\"?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Aaron J. Ausby has multiple crimes listed under the maryland docket. this person is a juvenile delinquent who has open active cases for various offenses. maybe people need to look further than a single moment....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great job, Johanna!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Rabbi Charner and TSGW!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What happened to the woman walking her dog? Was she a witness?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Although it would have been nice to have the charges dropped, this may work to Shomrim\'s advantage in the long haul. If (and when, G-d willing) they are acquitted, Shomrim, as an organization, will be vindicated in open court and will only emerge stronger as a respectable and honorable organization (and hopefully, with a few lessons learned).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to the whole community for suppporting this worthy event - watch for updates on our website as the money comes in !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's the Liberal Jews who make up this "support". It's no surprise. Romney doesn't hide the fact that he adheres to religious core values. This is something liberals, Jewish or otherwise, despise.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You said you're a Zionist on every level. ("I am a Zionist on every level.") How do you define Zionism?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
unfortunately same article could have been written about many of our local orthodox shuls
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Goldberg's Bagels is not a participant this year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I just heard that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Senator Sarbanes will be there on Sunday too! This is a fantastic event for our community that says so much about how we work together to make it better for everyone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about Goldbergs bagels???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Rafi!! We (grandpa and I) are so proud of your community service work.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can we please have "Latest News" less than almost a month old?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How is the first poster "self righteous"? Let's face the fact that internet is here to stay, let's put the appropriate limits on those who are too young to handle it just the same way we do with anything else such as alcohol. At some point we all have to deal with this new fangled test that is the internet and take responsiblity for how we deal with it just like anything else.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the reminder, my family is prepared to sacrifice and Eat for Israel throughout the day, it's the very least we can do. So proud of our Baltimore youth for starting and continuing this awesome event. - Donna Wach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not commenting on Asisa issue. Commenting on first comment. Your claim to "have had the internet for many, many years yet have never visited a pornographic website" is admirable. But you are wrong. ק××ת says: "××× ×¦××ק ××רץ, ×שר ××¢×©× ××× ××× ××××" It's not "that's who you are, that's who you'll be with or without the Internet." Perhaps not everyone has the same "iron-clad self-control" that you claim to have. Perhaps there are people who would never in a million years involve themselves in the "outlets" that you describe in your comment, but in the privacy of their own home, might stumble into something they will later regret. Not to mention children, or worse, teenagers who can stumble into something inappropriate and not know how to stop themselves. Perhaps try thinking a little, outside "the self-righteous" box.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is the 1st poster. I'm sorry #2 that you felt my post was foolish. There are a number of facts I left out as I am not a reporter- just someone who wants to hear the truth. One thing I know is that there are 2 sides to every story. Your defensive accusations are surprising. Yes, no organization is 100% perfect but I think that organizations need to be held to a high standard and we all need to know if they are hiding things. If people or an orginization as a whol say they are doing good, they need to only do good. And if they mess up, they need to own it-not try to cover it up. If that happens, the whole Jewish community is at risk. Public (available) testimony on this case points to a number of things being hidden and that does not bode well for the Jewish Community. All the facts need to come out on both sides. A bench trial was chosen- luckily you and i are not the judge- she has a hard job from what I've seen. Let us all hope and pray that the truth comes out, for better or worse, and that we all learn from our mistakes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
freedom of speech - why are we such babies ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nebach. Are we waiting for another Germany to happen before people wake up? Besides, what has this man done during the last four years that would merit him to keep his position?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am jealous of my brothers and sisters who live in Eretz Yisrael but there are a number a valid reasons I can\'t join them at this stage of my life. As Rav Soloveitchik, ZT\"L said, one has to reside where one can do the most good, for one\'s self, family and people. In his case it was Boston and NYC, despite his having considered making aliyah at one point. I don\'t think anyone would have the nerve to criticize him for his choice, nor should anyone be criticized regarding this personal decision.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jeff Cohn, I never thought you lacked kavod haTorah and kavod Gedolim. How can you post this?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate that, finally, instead of making a blanket statement that the Internet is Assur, someone has decided to find a way to make it Muttar while helping limit those things which can be detrimental to a persons spiritual being. I think that the "this is assur, that is assur" is a problem in Yiddishkeit today (and no, this is not a bash against Rabbonim). But I do think that many people who get turned off from Frumkeit do so because, instead of finding solutions to make our world a livable place using the technologies we have available and find ways to block those things that need to be blocked, its easier just to say, "No internet, no cell phones, no email".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I must comment on the foolish post (the first one). I see you didn't mention the claim of self defense. There is a reason the teen didn't want to testify, like maybe he created the situation? Why are you so quick to judge a fellow Jew unfavorably? Do you understand the harm you may cause the entire community? You obviously have an ax to grind against Shomrim. No organization is 100% perfect, but we should all be appreciative that Shomrim members put themselves out for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hmmmmm. I\'ve had the Internet for many, many years yet have never visited a pornographic website. If one wants to find such outlets, they are available. Before the Internet (and currently), religious men visited houses of prostitution and pornography stores. If that\'s who you are, that\'s who you\'ll be with or without the Internet. People need to take responsibility for their own actions and not just look for external sources to blame.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Once again, Jeff Cohn, please remove this guy, Fink. He is mevazeh the Gedolim even in this half-hearted attempt at an apology.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Regardless of the issue of criticizing gedolei yisroel or not (although I think there is a big difference between criticizing a program that was organized by gedolei yisroel-which this is not- and criticizing a program made by someone who got gedolei yisroel to sign on-which unfortunately we all know how genuine some of these signatures tend to be), I think the author has a very good point here. I think women can have a tremendous influence here and if they are on board, they can do a lot to enforce the takanos that are being made since they are at home a lot more. Why can\'t the authors words be addressed instead of flaming him about him being critical??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This account is missing many other parts that were said in court including parts about leaving the scene and a request for info on the part of Shomrim's operations etc. Please report this info also.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As a long time friend of both Hinde and Yosef, and an employee of theirs for a little over 3 yrs. Hinde and Yosef did a tremondous amount of good, their honesty, hakoras hatov, in their everyday life and in business. Yosef Goliger is one of the most honest businessmen I have ever met and worked for, from a 'Jewish Business Ethics' perspective, he was and will always be an example to all. Harriet Shemesh
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to the goligers i am so sorry that u had to close the business i have fond memories of balt kosher from 16 years ago
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not worthy of a comment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ben Goldy, That's the whole point. There are no Gedolei Yisroel pushing for this. The event was booked by the Mashgiach R.Salomon before consulting the Roshei Yeshivo's in America. Now that he is trying to get them on board their response has been lukewarm at best. In this case I advise each person to ask their own Rav or Rosh Yeshiva whether to attend or not and not to rely on a mass advertising campaign or signatures on a generic Kol Koreh.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful... If the main distributor for the butcher shops is closing, it has to be likely the prices will keep going up by the time it reaches us. A big shame...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If they kashered the shake shack for the "asifa" they'd sell out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jeff Cohn, you are a ben Torah! Please take this off your site! Or name the Rav who gives his haskamah to this article! That you are relying on.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is the craziest thing ive heard in a while. not much thinking went into this article. its a shame it was posted
Comment by BJLife BJLife
and what about single mothers (widowed or divorced) who would want to know the information shared at this gathering?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So, Eliyahu, and Baltimore Jewish Life who foolishly chose to post this, let's see what you have done with this post. You publicly criticized and ridiculed Gedolei Yisrael. Not exactly a mitzvah to put it mildly. Whatever questions you have, I am 100% sure that Rav Matisyahu Salomon, one of the major supporters and leaders of this, can answer them. You are very wrong for posting this and you gain nothing by being so cynical except to be a 'hero' to all the anti-Gedolim people out there. Ben Goldy
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-27-2012 Reb Aizik was a prince of Torah. He not only knew the words, he grasped and lived the message. I remember the first time I ever set foot in a Yeshiva, Telshe Yeshiva. I was 15 and I never actually had met a Rabbi like him before. I saw him walking towards the Bais Medrash. His image, his long coat and brimmed hat with his long beard and shining face. I asked my guide who that was and he told me it was Reb Aizik. I think that simple glimpse of him changed me forever. I later observed him in the Bais Medrash at the Mizrach Vant all the way to the right (his left). I watched as he davened and learned and spoke with the bochurim. Something awoke inside of me and I carry that feeling within me to this day, 38 years later. A father brings you into this world. Such a Rabbi leads you into the next world. May the memory of this most precious man awaken all of us to the natural passion for Torah and Mitzvos and good deeds that lies in the heart of all good and decent people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why can\'t we all just get along?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Of note, in the background of the picture of the Werdesheim boys you have above, the words; \"In God We Trust\". What a devine coincidence.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When we went one time to Eretz Bereshis from Yerushalayim, instead of following Route 1 down south, we got off at the first turn off the highway (on the north side of town). We were driving and driving... and then there were signs for Ramallah. We knew were in the wrong place then!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"They are actually Latinos trying to take advantage of our generosity on Purim. The extent of their Hebrew is âchag sameachâ and âtzedakaâ --just enough Hebrew to know how to steal from us.â Just FYI -- They are gypsies not latinos. It's been going on for years.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why was their no investigation? if there are not muslims who put a target on me, prove it, as a faculty member why are these charge ignored. THIS IS A STATE UNIVERSITY NOT A PRIVATE ONE. RABBI ROSENBERG Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, who has been teaching at speech/public speaking at Rutgers without incident for more than two decades, is, according to all reports, the only teacher in his department who wears a kippah. This year, after the first day of class, he was summoned to the head of the department and berated for using You Tube and Twitter as part of his course and for using his own textbook. He explained these issues (and the fact that he has been teaching like this for years without problems). He is convinced he was denounced by an antisemitic student who was in his class for only one day. Many of his students have written letters to the Rutgers administration and to the press praising him. One of his students, a practicing Coptic Christian, wrote that he âpersonally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg, who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community, is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class, I have heard this from students in a variety of ways.â It was the letter I received from this student (which I included below) which prompted me to write to you. About a month ago, Rabbi Rosenberg, who has served as the spiritual leader of Cong Beth El in Edison for the past 23 years, discovered from a student that Rutgers was not asking him back to teach this summerâthe first time in ten years. The administration did not even give Rabbi Rosenberg the courtesy of a notification, although they did confirm it when he asked them directly. He does not know if he will be given his classes this fall. The administration, of course, denies that any of this is based on antisemitism. They say it is based on economics. They say they had to let him go. He is convinced he is being squeezed out due to antisemitism. I thought I would pass this on to you to see if you think there is anything here, or if it is just too nebulous an antisemitic hook on which to hang our hats. Read the studentâs letter below. Itâs quite moving. To whom it may concern, My name is Mena Beshay, a junior at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The purpose of this email is to inform and raise awareness of one of the most significant issues that threaten this university. It is very unfortunate that a university as diverse as Rutgers, does not do enough to protect its faculty, staff, and students from harassment and persecution based on religion. This is a very serious issue that I unfortunately witness too often. As part of the Coptic Orthodox Fellowship (COF) here at Rutgers I have personally been harassed in many instances by Muslim students. On my way out of COF meetings or events when walking out with my Priest we will be looked at, pointed at, laughed at, cursed at, and hear phrased like "Allah we Agbar" or "Salam Aleekom" which are two very common Islamic phrases. Instances like these unfortunately occur too often on Rutgers Campuses. I know for a fact, because i personally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class i have heard this from students in a variety of ways. In fact, Dr. Rosenberg's letter to Rutgers which he shared in class is very plausible. I have never heard of a student that would intentionally bring a teacher up for charges after one day of class for such a ridiculous accusation such as using his Twitter page and YouTube, which i see in almost every class here at Rutgers. The fact that the professor uses his book in addition to the required one should not be a reason to take him to task as at least half of the professors at Rutgers do the same. It undoubtedly raises the question of why Dr. Rosenberg is the one being singled out. Living and growing up in Egypt, instances like this are all too common for me, it is clear that someone intended on destroying him based on his religion and beliefs. he is one of the most popular teachers on campus and it is impossible to get into any of his classes from how much students respect and admire him. His public speaking class is one that i am eagrly waiting to attend because it is one of the few classes I actually enjoy and learn from. i am not Jewish , I am a Coptic Orthodox Christian and I can verify there is anti-semitism on campus, and that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg. Concerned Student, Mena Beshay why was their no investigation? if there are not muslims who put a target on me, prove it, as a faculty member why are these charge ignored. THIS IS A STATE UNIVERSITY NOT A PRIVATE ONE. RABBI ROSENBERG Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg, who has been teaching at speech/public speaking at Rutgers without incident for more than two decades, is, according to all reports, the only teacher in his department who wears a kippah. This year, after the first day of class, he was summoned to the head of the department and berated for using You Tube and Twitter as part of his course and for using his own textbook. He explained these issues (and the fact that he has been teaching like this for years without problems). He is convinced he was denounced by an antisemitic student who was in his class for only one day. Many of his students have written letters to the Rutgers administration and to the press praising him. One of his students, a practicing Coptic Christian, wrote that he âpersonally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg, who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community, is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class, I have heard this from students in a variety of ways.â It was the letter I received from this student (which I included below) which prompted me to write to you. About a month ago, Rabbi Rosenberg, who has served as the spiritual leader of Cong Beth El in Edison for the past 23 years, discovered from a student that Rutgers was not asking him back to teach this summerâthe first time in ten years. The administration did not even give Rabbi Rosenberg the courtesy of a notification, although they did confirm it when he asked them directly. He does not know if he will be given his classes this fall. The administration, of course, denies that any of this is based on antisemitism. They say it is based on economics. They say they had to let him go. He is convinced he is being squeezed out due to antisemitism. I thought I would pass this on to you to see if you think there is anything here, or if it is just too nebulous an antisemitic hook on which to hang our hats. Read the studentâs letter below. Itâs quite moving. To whom it may concern, My name is Mena Beshay, a junior at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. The purpose of this email is to inform and raise awareness of one of the most significant issues that threaten this university. It is very unfortunate that a university as diverse as Rutgers, does not do enough to protect its faculty, staff, and students from harassment and persecution based on religion. This is a very serious issue that I unfortunately witness too often. As part of the Coptic Orthodox Fellowship (COF) here at Rutgers I have personally been harassed in many instances by Muslim students. On my way out of COF meetings or events when walking out with my Priest we will be looked at, pointed at, laughed at, cursed at, and hear phrased like \"Allah we Agbar\" or \"Salam Aleekom\" which are two very common Islamic phrases. Instances like these unfortunately occur too often on Rutgers Campuses. I know for a fact, because i personally heard it that Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg who wears a skullcap and is outspoken on behalf of the Jewish community is a target from many of the Muslim students on campus. I know this because being a student in his class i have heard this from students in a variety of ways. In fact, Dr. Rosenberg\'s letter to Rutgers which he shared in class is very plausible. I have never heard of a student that would intentionally bring a teacher up for charges after one day of class for such a ridiculous accusation such as using his Twitter page and YouTube, which i see in almost every class here at Rutgers. The fact that the professor uses his book in addition to the required one should not be a reason to take him to task as at least half of the professors at Rutgers do the same. It undoubtedly raises the question of why Dr. Rosenberg is the one being singled out. Living and growing up in Egypt, instances like this are all too common for me, it is clear that someone intended on destroying him based on his religion and beliefs. he is one of the most popular teachers on campus and it is impossible to get into any of his classes from how much students respect and admire him. His public speaking class is one that i am eagrly waiting to attend because it is one of the few classes I actually enjoy and learn from. i am not Jewish , I am a Coptic Orthodox Christian and I can verify there is anti-semitism on campus, and that Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg. Concerned Student, Mena Beshay
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This was not a very good day for these young men. Inhope tomorrow is better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I enjoyed the program. I have been to YH to YA transition programs for 20 years in various cities including Rambam the last several years. No doubt it was a moving evening. Hearing local leading Rabbis take the stage was nice as they haven't been publicly identified in to these programs in the past. I would suggest for next year in addition to videos and locals, to get a true Israeli presence such as a former soldier hero or someone who can speak from the heart possibly from the Israeli Embassy who can give a live real feelings. Remember as much as we like to talk, they live there and we all still have chosen not to fir whatever reasons. Give them both the kovod and add to the best opportunities to reach hearts and minds. Â
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad to say, but the fraud also extends to Jewish people as well. I remember well, people coming to the door with letters in hand, who, when receiving a generous donation would remark something like "what, that\'s all you will give me.\" or \"I need more than that\". Fraud and audacity are unfortuntely, character faults that know no bounds. Elisheva
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nicely put Joel, my experience has been that more people are turned off by this type of haranguing than are actually inspired by it. Aliyah is a major personal choice that is not to be entered into lightly, affecting the family that you are taking with you as well as the family that you leave behind. Be happy with your personal choice and respect the choice of others please.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with the prior comment. Those boys could have prevented lots of grief for themselves that victim and our entire community, if they just picked up their walkie talkie, stayed in their car, and let the police handle what may or may not have been any issue to start with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May they be acquitted. And if and when that happens may our community have the common sense and decency to be a bit contrite, and not to gloat and declare our superiority and absolute purity and innocence. This incident has caused much harm.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why wasn't this letter send to Netanyahu? And the old addage action speaks louder than words apparently doesn't apply here. He's all words and and no action. I'm tired of hearing this rhetoric time and time again: Ours is a unique relationship founded on an unbreakable commitment to Israelâs security, and anchored by our common interests and deeply held values." Guy is full of malarky.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Passion for living in Israel is great, and I respect those who live there. What bothers me is the high and mighty attitude of belittling those who don't, which I have unfortunately found to be highly prevalent amongst those who have made aliyah. Everyone has their own battles, struggles, and reasons for what they do. I don't publish articles and make comments of a self promoting nature when I put on tefillin, daven or fulfill any other mitzvos. If I do merit to live in the holy land one day, I plan to adopt a much more humble approach than the author of this article and many others with the same attitude. Joel Carter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The meshulach situation both here and in Eretz Yisroel has become a culture. Agudah scrip is a wonderful way to give meshulachim here as some money goes to the local mosdos. Rabbi Heinemann and the Agudah should be thanked for this service to the community. It is also a b'kovod way to give tzedakah. With the new .50 scrip if you have 10 meshulachim in shul it makes it more manageable, especially if they come to the home also. eli W. schlossberg
Comment by BJLife BJLife
People should not think that the letter from the Agudah is an absolute approbation. Many are able bodied individuals who have made decisions not to work or get training for skills that would allow them to do so. Also "meshulach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
mo marks is amazing. and a tremendous ba'al tzedaka
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Od lo avda tikvateinu!!! Yay Bet Shemesh, again!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hopefully this will lead to a quick peasful resolution that we all have been praying for.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mafkir= to renounce any ownership interest. Similar to "abandon" under secular law. For example, you do this to bread before Passover so you don't own it. Machlokes: a debate among legal authorities as to the proper interpretation of a law. Kinyan: a legally binding method of acquisition. The formal execution of a transfer of rights in property.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful article Aron. Thank you so much. I couldn\'t agree with you more. Kol Hakavod! Leah Schwartz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-25-2012 To the first commentator who wrote "yawn", that was rude. This essay was written from the heart. Less contempt and more respect, even just mere courtesy and we will all enter our homeland, the land of Torah and good acts where we all have a place. Politics aside, this man should be admired for his passion for Torah and Mitzvos and his devotion to his brothers and sisters to share with them this passion in a public forum where he might be exposed to such treatment. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
R\' Ari Taragin and his chushive rebbetzin have been moser nefesh in mamash an emesdike way to establish this mosdos dedicated to ameilus b'Torah.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why the photoshopped picture?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We Rabenstein Mispacha are proud of you ! - Chaim
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go emuna and Eden, my good friends. Congrats! love, Rikki
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Please define for those of us who are Yeshivish-impaired": mafkir, machlokes, kinyan. Thank you in advance.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To call anyone who acknowledges the holiness of Yom Haatzmaut left shows a lack of knowledge that is astounding to hear from a frum Jew. Do you know what Chardal is? Clearly not. Charedi Dati L'Umee. 'You' have a lot to learn...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Somebody please provide details behind this SURPRISING development.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This great mitzva should be a big zechus for the Poretsky family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
there is a Machlokes as to whether the mitzva of Shiluach Hakan is performed if you don\'t want the eggs or chicks. On the side that it is not a mitzva, it is an Aveira of Tzar Baalei Chayim (even if the mother bird comes back). Thus the correct Halacha is Shev V\'al Taase. Rabbi Sander Goldberg
Comment by BJLife BJLife
But is it necessary to taunt those who remain on the waiting list for whatever reason. When I am fortunate to have something that someone else may very well want but have not been able to obtain as of yet due a myriad of reasons do I need to shove it in their faces day in and day out, is that even productive? So please be patient with us Eli, listen to what we have to say, who knows you might even learn something.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why does everything have to be celebrated with a "shot" of liquor? Not a great example for the kids out there.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov. I might also be in the minority of yeshiva students who voice pro-Israel ideas. My first thought when I hear the more radical anti-Zionism approach is "I know of very few people who do not have relatives living in Israel or have not benefitted greatly from spending time in Israel. If we did not have something to call our own, we would not be so privileged". Israel is the home of many of our Gedolim who can only study in freedom and without fear because of the protection they receive from the State of Israel. I have seen how you have supported the State and applaud your efforts. It is bothersome that there are those, not many, who make it a point to show their opposition. I understand their point of view and where it comes from although I do not agree. I still consider these individuals friends but I try to avoid engaging them in coversations about this issue. If people are truly opposed to the State of Israel, just think of your most recent visit to Israel or your relatives who are able to enjoy living in a Holy Land with relative peace. All the best. Jonathan Lasson
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who said Phil Jacobs testified for the prosecution?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for clarifying as the article had no details which could lead to misunderstanding.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm no lawyer but I think Phil Jacobs can be called to testify by either the prosecution or defense. He doesn't have the "option" to appear. Dina d'malchuta dina. Don't think he needed to consult a rabbinic advisor. He'll just tell the truth
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov: The Charedi world is warning you. You must follow their way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The tragedy is that the senior leaders are all very old. Rav Elyashiv is in a coma but that won't stop the people around him from issuing decrees in his name. He hasn't been aware of what they are doing for a long time. For example his ban on Mishpacha Magazine as treif and evil was proven to be a forgery. It was done because Yated was losing revenue to its competition. This is the low level part ofthe charedi community has sunken to in Israel. Those who manipulate very old rabbis are a criminal element in my opinion masquerading as religious people. The younger generation doesn't pay attention to bans and posters because they know it has no credibility. If Rabbi Amsellem can get the Morroccan vote , the traditional Sephardim, the Anglos and some who call themselves secular, he can make a kiddush Hashem by reforming the way religion is manipulated for political purposes in Israel .He would be a real Jewish Hero. Lipman is either headed for the big time or not, let's wait and see.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Since you asked, I found a mourning dove nesting on my front porch. Realizing this could be an opportunity to perform the mitzvah of shiluach hakain, I called Rabbi Teichman for details and he directed me to an excellent article by Rabbi Goldberg of the Star-K. As the mourning dove female is generally on the eggs at night, I waited until nightfall. A beis din was convened and I publicly was mafkir the eggs. I then pushed the bird away, lifted the eggs (to make a kinyan), and returned them. The bird was soon back on her nest, and we look forward to seeing the chicks very soon. If anyone has questions feel free to contact me. I thank the Ribonno Shel Olam for this opportunity to serve him! Gary Poretsky
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Reb Dov: Many of your old friends and associates in USA applaud and respect your positions on the Beth Shemesh situation. But watch out! You are learning Left and seem to be going in a different direction from your past and from your Rebbeim, both USA and Israel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Their is a major difference between the Mesorah of the Torah and a halachic OPINION. Halachic opinions that differ are a fact. Using the term Daas Torah to make a particular halachic opinion as the definitive and only valid halachic opinion is akin to the non Jewish concept of 'papal' infallibility and has no place in Halachic Judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Did he want or use the eggs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Let me get this straight. Mr. Jacobs testified for the prosecution??? Isn't that a form of Mesira??? Who is his Rabbinic advisor? Then again wasn't he once upon a time a member of Shomrim himself? Perhaps it's a convenient way to distance himself from a potential civil lawsuit...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is not clear if the Rabbi came upon this situation or set it up in order to perform the act, please clarify.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the update, this is not a typical trial and certainly effects the entire community. this article needs to be here. What might not need to be her are the incendiary comments that will only serve to incite.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It would be nice if kosher product manufacturers actually took the time to identify "actual" allergen risks and then only list those on their labels. Many kosher manufacturers are lazy and simply identify all allergens on their lables. The result is products manufactured by heimish brands that are clearly marked pareve listing milk on the "may contain" allergen label. Such lazyness protects no one except the manufacturer (who is concerned about liability) at the expense of market share as those who need to know about allergies can find more accurate and reliable information from the national brands.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
its a bench trial, so the chances of it being unfair are much slimmer. each and every member of the community owes these guys, as well as every other volunteer in Shomrim, Hatzala, and Chaveirim a huge yasher koach. they're there for us, we should be there for them.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How can the Charedi Gedolim embrace a State that they say should not have been able to exist (for 64 years)...and prosper...? They cannot explain that...They said it wouldn't. It has. Now they have a problem of their own making.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am by no means an authority on daas Torah, but consider someone who has a solid mesorah from a Rebbe, who has a solid mesorah from his Rebbe, and spent 20 to 30 years learning Torah for 12 to 18 hours per day and continues to do so. While such people are not neviyim and are not infallible, they are the only mesorah that we have. Follow the daas Torah of someone else on that caliber if you wish, but do not dismiss the entire mesorah of the Torah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nebach. Frumkeit is one thing, extremism another.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Old Chaver did not say anything about embracing the state. He merely said Recognizing the significance of current events.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
These are the very same Charedi Gedolim who said that the State of Israel would not survive 50 years. It is not only surviving, it is thriving.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During the Holocaust many 'Gedolim' used Daas Torah to tell their followers not to leave their European abode because they feared that they would go off the Derech in America. As a result more frum Yidden died in the Hololaust because they did not escape when they could have. Which Gadol do you follow as even Gedolim frequently disagree even though they and their followers invoke Daas Torah as though their pasak is the definitive one.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Of course there's a reason the article exists. These boys were serving our community and attempting to protect us from crime. It's a high profile case which members of far left wing (with anti-Semitism involved) took up to claim it involved a case of racism. You can look up the some of the people who are so heatedly quoted in the news media and see what their backgrounds are like. Many "community activists" are professional rabble-rousers pursuing their own interests with no real interest in the truth. The recent case in Florida which has drawn national attention could not have come at a worse time as some people will compare it to this incident, which is totally different. I pray the Werdesheim boys will get a fair trial.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This article exists (and thank you BaltimoreJewishLife for posting this) for a few reasons. 1. I don\'t think you are going to see that Mr. Ploni is on the front page of every news article, top news on every TV show and the talk of the town. 2. Like it or not, the community happens to be in a tremendous ais Tzorah over this court case. People need to be aware of what is going on, and be prepared for any possible negative results that may occur.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My comment was censored. Not even posted. The site won\\\'t allow opposing opinions.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is there any particular reason why this article even exists? I am sure there are many other community members currently embroiled in court proceedings but there are no updates of their cases!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not Veteran's Day, Memorial Day!!! Not that it changes your point...or maybe makes it a little stronger since Memorial Day in the US is a long weekend with BBQs as it's focal activity!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish I was hearing more of our communities outrage. It seems so easy to pick up a phone to ask for help but where is the help for the men who risk EVERYTHING for our community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
let's hope these boys get aquited, i'd hate to see them punished for protecting our community
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May You be comforted among the mourners of Zion. My deepest sympathy, Rona Jacobson Schaffel
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To Old Chaver: Does the ultra-Orthodox leadership really embrace the State and its significance but simply have issues with the special days? Really? Do they ever talk about its significance on any level? Have you ever stepped foot in a yeshivishe yeshiva? Not one word will be mentioned about the state in any context. So who is going against daas Toirah?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mark Twain describing the land of Israel which he visited in 1843"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." Do you still stand by your statement that fruits have been sprouting since nearly 200 years ago?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Daas Torah is invoked repeatedly as a way of making opinions as halachic FACT.... making believe that these opinions are clearly the only halchicly correct and undisputed way of paskining and not just one of many possible halachic opinions. Your warning is based upon halachic opinions that you don't want to be challenged by other halachic opinions. Daas Torah...Easy to say...Rabbi X's OPINION is THE correct definitive opinion...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why are you not publishing any articles about the Werdesheim trial? It is prominent enough to make everyone who reads this site think that you are deliberately leaving out information that should be on your site!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice to see happy children doing well! Kol Hakavod Ohr Chadash
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I\'m so proud of my girls!! Go Emuna and Eden! Whoo hoo! -Mrs. Friedman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
100% on target.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Reb Dov, As you well know, the vast majority of our gedolim consider and considered our time period to be the end of the galus, rather than the beginning of the redemption. Of course, they know all the sources that you listed. And even if we have or will soon transition to the beginning of the redemption, your sources do not indicate anything about the observance of Israelâs Memorial Day, Israelâs Independence Day, or even Jerusalem Day -- or creating and saying special prayers. You mentioned wicked leaders who led the Jewish people to victory. Yet, what special observances do we have on the days when King Ahab, Omri, or Yeravam led troops to miraculous victory, added a city to the Land of Israel, or restored the borders of Israel? If fact, what special observances do we have on the days when the great Yehoshua bin Nun led the people into Eretz Yisrael or concluded conquering the land? Recognizing the significance of current events does not in any way suggest that we must observe specific holidays. I admire your strength in standing up for what you feel is right, but I caution you regarding advocating against daas Torah. Kol Tuv, An Old Chaver
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bravo to BJL for an informative piece that will iyh prevent needless concern. We in Baltimore have a history of good relationships with our fellow citizens and it should continue ad biyas goel tzedek.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1991, Bob Simon snuck across the Kuwaiti border into Iraq, against Coalition guidelines, to report on the Gulf War "from the other side". When he was quickly captured by the Iraqi's, he explained that he didn't see himself as an American but as a citizen of the world who was trying to publicize the truth. He later reported how shocked he was when they beat the stuffing out of him, especially after finding out he was a Jew. It looks like Bob needs another good beating.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fruits have been sprouting in Israel since the Jews started to emigrate there nearly two hundred years ago.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very nice work, Emuna Shiller and Eden Hariri. You parents should continue to schep naches from you!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Schustal was mechaber the two-volume Chemed Simcha on sugyos hashas.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
beautiful and powerful. thank you so much for this article. r edelman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baruch Dayan Ha'emes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzlacha Rabbah, what's the name so we can Daven?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know if it is Kosher certified and, if so, where one can find this product? I'd love to try it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ariel Taragin is a real tzaddick for being such an askan. Ashreichem. Mi K\'amcha Yisroel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If we would just be friendly to one another that would do more than all these articles.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In just a short period of time, OCA has truly developed into a top-notch organization. Parents that are on the fence should definitely take a few minutes this evening to check it out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yasher koach to Reb Ari and his Rebbetzin who are always \"Oiskim Btzorchey Tzibur.\" Zechoso yagen Aleini. -The Chevra
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe that Justice should be blind. If a dozen well-meaning citizens weight the facts of what happen I hope that the truth will come to be seen. If these youngsters went too far in their zealousness to protect their area then as first offenders the punishment should be light. They do themselves no favors coming to court looking like a million with the fancy shades and such. Humility to the proceedings should shine through. Just saying.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great article. But why did you refer to your in-laws as Yechezkel and Rivka? Everyone knew them as Chester and Roslyn!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
4-22-2012 Passion. These great individuals had passion for the Torah and for their brothers and sisters to have the Torah. Every Jew was wanted and needed. And such passion, once unleashed, is unstoppable. For this passion burns in the center of the heart of all good and decent people. Every Jew must be wanted and needed. May the spirit of the Omer ignite this most ancient of passions within us and spread irresistibly to welcome all our brothers and sisters to Torah. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what an incredible chesed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Major Tapp-Harper was (and continues to be) a huge resource in our neighborhood when she was Deputy Major. She worked very closely with the NWCP on many issues, and gave the patrol all the support which was needed. We are thrilled that the Major was chosen for this important endeavor, and we wish her much luck. Dovid Cohen, NWCP
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"House of Horrors" ? "tragic'? "traumatized"? Comparing this to a torture chamber on Erev Yom Ha Shoah is a bit much. This type of activity (hazing) is illegal and clearly will be punished. NCSY knows from personal experience that having policies in place doesn't always prevent real traumatizing activities from happening.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
fantastic article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Moshe A. Are you saying that this one article provides all the news you need to know about Boro Park? Who cares about another politician running for office. I'm a former New Yorker too, but this news has no meaning for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think you make some very good points here....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great restaurant. Sorry to hear they are closing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The point? I moved to Baltimore from Brooklyn a few years ago and i get most of my news from BJL. It's one of the few frum/Jewish site that I and my family feel comfortable visiting because there is no lashan hara or pritzus, etc. probably the only one of its kind. For me/us (and I do believe there are many other New Yorkers living here (just attend an Oriole/Yankee game at Camden yards) being able to have it all in one spot is fantastic. Thank you BJL...keep up the good work
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In Cincinatti, state vouchers are in place and each student receives up to 5k tuition from the state. R Edelman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess Obama would then force Yeshivas to teach the Koran! Do we really want government involvement in our kid's education?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I didn't know the BJL was covering Boro Park now? What's the point?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It may not be a chiyuv but it is is def. a mitzvah to hear all the parshiyos in a krias haTorah, hence the accomodation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a Chovas Hatzibur, no ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
middos, middos, middos, emphasizing yashrus and ehrlichkeit, teaching that yiddishkeit is NOT just mitzvos bein adam l\'makom but also mitzvos bein adam l'chaveiro is true Jewish values education.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a former NIRC yeshiva bachur who went to UMBC at the same time, I personally met President Hrabowski numerous times, and was a complete mensche and always a complete pleasure to deal with.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wonderful! Such a beautiful response to such an awful crime. Thank you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dr. Hrabowski is the real deal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a simple classy answer
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We wish you the same as we wish for our sons and all those in the IDF: that Hashem should grant us peace; but if the need should arise for them to use their battle skills to help protect our people, that their aim be true; their efforts be successful; they should decimate our enemies in a way which brings Kiddush Hashem to the world, and which makes all nations fearful to lift a hand against His chosen people ever again; and they should all return safely to their homes and families.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Hashem, glad to hear he's ok!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you NWCP for the great service you have provided to our community for the last 30+ years under the able leadership of Nachi Schachter and his predecessor Tzvi White.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Grateful that the BZD has picked up this community event which was hosted by Yeshivat Rambam for so many years. However we will miss the excitement of the pure youth driven presentation which we looked forward year after year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great Job NWCP!! U need a Facebook page so you can update the community about some of the larger things you do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I want to thank the staff of the Vaad for putting this list together. In previous years, information on other options was not available. For those who shop within a tight budget it can make a big difference. This year, in light of the issues with Giant, Target and Safeway alternative options are even more important. Yasher Koach and Thanks, R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for sharing! I miss E"Y...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
> Sent: Tue, Apr 10, 2012 11:09 am Subject: ANTI-SEMITISM AT RUTGERS UNIVERSITY To whom it may concern, After countless, phone calls, messages, emails, and letters, to deans, heads of departments, and the president of Rutgers himself, many concerned students and myself remain left in the dark and our questions unanswered. Our beloved Professor Dr. Rosenberg, has been a victim of the anti-semetic environment that has been created and allowed to grow at Rutgers University. Dr. Rosenberg has been facing many instances of harassment by department heads, deans, and leaders for no reason. He has made many formal complaints and reports to numerous departments over a span of many weeks, and the only response he and us students receive are very rude responses that simply say "thanks" and that this is a personnel matter. This is not the way that a prestigious university, the state university of New Jersey should be handling the serious concerns that its staff and students have regarding harassment, more specifically, anti-semitism. It was not until one of the Rutgers university daily newspapers, The Medium, published an article entitled "What About the Good Things Hitler Did?" In this article, the Medium praised Hitler and said he wasn't such a bad guy, The medium used an active Jewish students name, and picture as the author of the article, when he in fact had no relation to the article. This is one instance that was made known due to the severity and availability of the evidence since it was published in a newspaper allowed by Rutgers to be circulated throughout campus. Unfortunately for Dr. Rosenberg, the anti-semtism he faces from the department is not published in newspapers, and therefore is not as easily seen by others. however this does not mean that this serious issue can be ignored. Dr. Rosenberg is one of the only professor here at Rutgers that willingly and proudly wears a "skullcap" every day, clearly revealing his Jewish religion. Also a clergyman, he often speaks publicly about his religious views as well as others. He respects all religions and simply wished that people would do the same for his. Now Dr. Rosenberg has lost his opportunity to teach his public speaking course which he does every summer for over 10 years. He is not getting a response as to whether or not he will be teaching in the fall, and the harassment continues. The fact of the matter is that Rutgers University has created an anti-semitic atmosphere and has let it thrive to the point where students feel comfortable publishing anti-semetic articles in a well known school newspaper. Rutgers University allows this paper to circulate throughout campus just like they allow their main newspaper "The Daily Targum" which refuses to address this issue after numerous requests. Overall, something must be done about the anti-semitic injustices Dr. Rosenberg has and still is facing here at Rutgers University. As we are in the midst of concluding the Spring Semester, we the students of Doctor Rosenberg want you to know that this has been on of the most enjoyable non pressure, insightful, and exciting courses we have ever taken at Rutgers. Unlike other teachers, through his dynamic teaching abilities and intuitive nature, he instills within his students the desire to constantly improve. He does this not through pressure, numerous papers, constant criticism, but through a magic that he possesses to convey his belief in his students abilities to perform. In short he makes public speaking fun. While we have followed the syllabus he has done so with great humor, intelligence, creativity, and sensitivity. We have heard from other students how unhappy they are in other public speaking classes. How even though they deserve an A, the grades have been severely lessened because of their written work on first drafts. Dr. Rosenberg has made this a true public speaking class. He has corrected out outlines and given us tests but from both we have learned much without stress and pressure. It is beyond our understanding why our teacher should be harassed when he in fact deserves the teacher of the year award at Rutgers. Sincerely the Concerned Students of Dr. Rosenbergâs class, Nicole Honey Jackson Udelsman Leonora Slatnick Lucas Blebelberg Rob Beringer Ruslana Trytas Megan Caylor Justic Brown Rebecca Sampayo Prahlad Annamraju Karina Veliz Loren Williams Meagan Robinson Felicia OâDonnell Allison Payenski Camille Handy Shama Jhaveri Hyeri Ahn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their air conditioning must really stink!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My wife called me to say that our son, Baruch HaShem, had been found. Not that he was missing, but that he was already found. When she discovered him missing she called the NWCP. An emergency responder answered the phone immediately and started the process of calling in CityWatch members. In minutes members started to respond to our house. Once the team was assembled with the tracking equipment, his signal was picked up and our son was found. It happened so fast my wife did not have the time to call me to say he was missing. More importantly, she felt calm knowing that the situation was under control from the first minute and that our son would be found quickly. She didn't feel the need to call me. HaShem watches over us at all times. Today He showed us His mercy and allowed us to see His earthly angels do His will. Through the NWCP CityWatch Emergency Response Team, HaShem turned a potentially dangerous and terrifying situation into a calm, professional and rapid search. Our son is non-verbal and has wondered off in the past. Project Lifesaver provides piece of mind that should he ever wonder off again, CityWatch members, with HaShem's help, will be able to find him in minutes. Thank you HaShem. Thank you NWCP and the CityWatch members who, in an instant, dropped everything in their busy day to find our son. We urge everyone who has someone in their family with cognitive conditions, who has a history of wandering, to sign up for the NWCP Project Lifesaver program by calling 410-664-6927 extension 0.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What\\\\\\\'s the source for the new info?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am the mother in a dual-income home and it is all I can do function on the 4 or 5 hours of sleep/night I get. Forget creating a warm, loving, and calm Jewish home. I find it to be nearly impossible because all my energy is used for cooking, shopping, laundry, and maintaining my own sanity (in that order). Having MOMs work is not the answer. Come back and tell me all women need to work after all the MEN are fully employed in real jobs that pay a healthy parnassah. Full employment for all MEN plus transparent and excellent and frugal management of the schools and tuition would like be able to be reduced -- at least in a large community like Baltimore. Asking the schools to simply swallow the expense is not the answer. Neither is requiring dual full income.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Frankly, this business of "Chometz craze" is sickening. Pesach comes, pesach goes - you eat Chometz or you don't eat chometz. This business of rushing for the chometz instantly after yom tov takes away from the spirit of Yom Tov, and is extremely Chazerish. The Chassidim DO have a minhag of using beer following Yom Tov for Havdalah, but there is a symbolic reason for using it - not staam chazarai.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Back in the day, all Jewish children were welcomed and embraced to come to a Jewish school. It was the unspoken understanding that the ideal is for every child to have a Torah education and to grow up as an observant Jew. But times have changed. The orthodox community has grown and now not every Jew is seen as needed or even wanted. It is the perception now that we can turn away those who do not fit in or are 'under-capitalized'. We have achieved the level of exclusivity. When I came to Judaism I felt a kinship and a desire to be a part of this people and Hashem and the feeling was reciprocated. I felt wanted and I felt wanting. Now, if they do not need me, well, I do not need them. And that is how I feel after 35 years of living amongst them. How is a child supposed to feel when he or she hears all this or is, sadly, turned away or even put out of the school, which so many administrators are fond of doing these days. We do not need a new school. We need a new people and a new religion, a new Torah. Or maybe, just the old one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, $10K/child is a lot. However, it's time for parents to all start paying for their children's education and not keep depending on others to do so. It's time for BOTH parents to work, and it's time for everyone to live simply to pay one's obligation. Yes, big families are beautiful, but only if you can afford them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unless Pollard chooses to apply for parole, his estimated release date is November 21, 2015. I am glad he is feeling better and that he is back where he belongs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree wholeheartedly with the article, very well said. Unfortunately, if this is only online you're preaching to the choir and this needs to be in print. For the online audience it needs to be stressed that the the problems our Rabbis are worried about are real and that they are truly well meaning. We need to work with them, respect them, and empower them to help us remain pure in our service to Hashem and use the resources of the Internet in only positive ways.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The left is staying very silent aqbout Obama\\\'s \\\"moves\\\" to the middle. Rosen broke that silence. Just you wait. If Obama is reelected, its leftward ho we go.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, $10-K a child is a lot. But, it is also time for the schools to get honest with the funds collected from the community. If Moshe Rabbanu was OK giving Klall Yisroel a full accounting of the materials for the building of the Mishkan why isn't it OK for the schools to give the community a full accounting of how the community's funds are used?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You missed reporting on the other major contributor to this building.....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As someone who would find $1,000/month per kid quite unaffordable even for one kid, and I\'m quite sure I am not alone I resent seeing such a project billed as \"affordable\". A person making $80k still brings home \"only\" about $5k/month. You could barely afford food, mortgage, and tuition even with only one child in school. If more people lived financially honestly, i.e. on what they could afford without borrowing money from loan institutions, credit cards, and relatives, those of us with kids in public school would find more institutional support for our choice and our kids would not feel like such outsiders. Time to stop calling $10k/year \"affordable\" because it\'s not!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very moving. Thank you for sharing. These special women are very missed. May Hashem give strength to both families.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
With jews like hillary rosen and debbie wasserman schultz, the rest of us moderate jews are in big trouble. This kind of talk from them is going to cause all jews tzures. Besides, Obamma is selling out Isreel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this hillary rosen is quite a pig
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good luck to them. Baltimore could use a new boys school as both TI and TA have become "fat and complacent." A little competition will help everyone. Bnos helped wake up BY a bit, so too would a new boys school do the same for TI and TA. While the Baltimore tuition's are a bit lower than Silver Spring, the dwindling number of full paying families is a problem that gets worse every year. Why haven't the schools allowed for an independent financial audit of their books? Why the secrecy? Secrecy breeds suspicion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I like the idea of focusing the budget on hiring excellent teachers. I have long felt that our schools are very top heavy and full of nepotism. The result is far too often poor teachers in the classrooms. Our children need to be educated to keep up, both with the secular world as well as in Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I live in Silver Spring and have only heard positive enthusiasm about this project. From what I heard, the long term budget has been reviewed and approved by internal and independent accountants and consultants. They recently announced a matching grant from a foundation in New York. Another option has been long overdue. I am just happy that it will also work on the affordability issue. This school can save our neighborhood. There is more information on their web site at
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
HISTORICALLY....any comments arguing that a new thing divides a community or affects current institutions is a response crafted bby an employee of an existing institution. No negative response, no hidden start-up costs, no division - 9 other schools are doing this. This just terrifies the establishment employment, not the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. Seems like the initial reaction from the community has been very negative. Maybe now this new school will have to respond. Should be interesting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Volunteer faculty, staff, and somebody else's building. The costs are being kept artificially low in the initial start-up phase of the school. In the meantime, resources are being diverted from existing institutions. If they actually follow through with the plan to grow and expand, they will also have to pay professionals and maintain a physical plant, raising their costs and tuition - and by dividing the community, they will ultimately increase the cost to the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps instead of keeping on saying 'no' the institutions represented by the Rabbanim will start to develop Internet content of their own that will be attractive, such as Torah, information, and entertainment. If they are just going to badmouth it and say that we all need filters, it will be been there, done that. The result will be a huge waste of everyone's money to put on such a dog and pony show, not to mention a demonstration that the Rabbanim are out of touch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Here's a comment I made on a similar article R' Teitelbaum wrote here You make an excellent point, but I think it must be taken a step further. You acknowledge that the addiction to these things is the real problem, but how do you address the addiction? People seeking addictive behaviors are in some sort of pain and they're running to their drug of choice - games, Pritzus, books, etc. - while not addressing the pain itself. The focus in any campaign to end this destructive behavior should be to teach people how to handle their pain appropriately. There's such a missed opportunity here. Judaism teaches to turn to H' to heal the pain. To find joy in His Torah and His Mitzvos and turn that into the drug of choice. Let's seize the opportunity to teach people the Jewish way of coping with pain - the core principles of Judaism itself!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow. $10,000 is now considered \"affordable\".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. I hope he gets put in cherem as it will prove he is right!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
4-11-2012 Elokeinu - emphasis on the 'nu'. Our diversity is our unity and our diversity unifies Hashem's name. We seek to merge, with our people and with Hashem. "Shema Yisroel, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echod". The Echod is through the Elokeinu. As individuals and as a people and Hashem himself, we stand for the one true ideal, that most ancient of passions that is so deep in the heart of all good and decent people. May the spirit of this Pesach make the subject of 'who is' obsolete, dry our tears, heal our wounds and bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
..and this year you have an "eight" day just like us here in Gulus.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We had the same thing in my family- we didn't have as much money as we wanted so we spend less. It's ok Maryland! You can't spend what you don't have.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to comment number 1. it isn\'t interesting. They are splitting one of the 3 winning tickets into 3. They obviously work together - teaching.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Three cheers for the dedicated people who teach our children!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm fascinated by the phrase "haredi website." kind of boggles the mind.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thats intresting, three people all from maryland and all teachers!!?!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Chaverim for always being there for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov I am so happy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yeah, But they don\'t eat Gebrocht!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I noticed the Rite Aids are getting more friendly. This is serious competition. Happy Passover to all.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Best ER DOC in the nation!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Attaboy Dovi!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol hakovod, dr frankel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is trash pickup in the county on erev Pesach. Last year there were people walking around with buckets to put your donation in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is trash pickup for the county on friday. To view the county\\\'s trash pickup schedule go to Last year there were people going around with buckets to place your donation in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing how those who complain of outsourcing jobs to foreign countries are not bothered with outsourcing to technology... I suppose it is up to the parents to decide how they want their children to be educated, by man or machine. It will be interesting to see as these programs progress which delivers better quality education. Hatzlacha Raba!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
do we there garbage pick up in county on erev pesach?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you NWCP for continuing to provide wonderful services and look out for the community!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who do we give the money to?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I remember spending a month on jury duty in downtown Baltimore in 1976 and attending the downtowm minchah minyan. I had the pleasure of meeting Simon L. Isaacson , the former principal of T.A. when i was A student there, 1939-1951. Elliott Berlin Yerushalayim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agreed! Let us lead by example. We should all show acceptance and respect for all members of the Torah community and by extension we should show inclusion for all members of the Jewish Nation. We should be aware of and have intent when we say 'Elo-k-ainu' in our blessings with emphasis on the 'nu' of the 'Elo-k-ainu'. When we lead by example the rest see how wonderful our Torah truly is and will come around. May the spirit of Pesach heal our wounds, dry our tears and bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chasam Sofaer touches on that them in his Hagadah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Zechoso yagen aleini!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Marvelous. Now let's see if the new ownership will reverse the lovely decision to print same sex marriage announcements, birth announcements by gay couples, remove the treife advertising, and start doing something that actually benefits the Torah-true community instead of the watered down everything goes community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I find your comments to be highly incendiary in nature. The vast majority of us in the Kashrut industry work very hard - not for monetary gain but because we believe in helping the community. I suggest you check out the lifestyles of the people in the industry - no one is living it up. As for your criticism of kitniyot - it happens to trace itself back to the period of geonim and I would dare say that one who in a blanket statement condemns an enactment of our sages - certainly of the geonim has left behind the orthodox Jewish camp a long time ago. Indeed by your reasoning, there is no reason to celebrate Hannukah or Purim, they are all of a rabbinic origin. And yet if you accept even the written torah - you would clearly know that which it states "you shall not stray from that which the sages instruct you right or left". On a final note, you are factually incorrect - even those who do not keep kitniyot would be ill advised to drink non KP products - they may contain acids, enzymes, emulsifiers, flavorants and other ingredients which are derived from wheat. I hope that you will change your cynical view of our generally honest and ethical rabbinate and wish you all the best.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
any words for the defense?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
are you sure this was 50 years ago, the glasses seem to be today's style
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How much ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
all of these sodas are kosher for pesach; the only issue is their use of corn syrup or other kitniyot derivatives, which are not in any way chametz, and which (contrary to the kosher certification industry and their rabbinic enablers, which have a vested financial interest in maintaining the minhag taut of kitniyot)require no special hashgacha for pesach -- jay bernstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Nice article, but the premise is wrong. By the gov'ts own admission, 15 million people would not be covered, therefore the benefit is limited. The gov't also say (through Obama's own words) that a gov't panel, not the doctor and patient, will determine if you life is worth the cost of a proceedure, thereby shortening life. This is really about gov't control of our lives and control of 1/6 of the economy. The current law also states that hospitals must provide care irrespective of whether the patient has insurance. We are already paying for the uninsured. Lets not forget the illegals which creates the brunt of the problem. Obama care would destroy the best health care in the world, putting all of us at risk. The most important point of the article is that gov't is required to eliminate wasteful spending. The bottom line is this, the public could pay for private insurance for cheaper than it would cost for gov't to control everything and still leave the quality of care intact. As Europe collapses and tries to reform it's socialistic programs, the dolts in this country are trying to become like Europe.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Actually, illegal dumping in progress is a crime in progress and the city prefers 911 in that case. Call 311 to report it only after it has happened. See
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am always impressed by people who want to recommend things for other people's health. Here is my turn: cars are bad for people they kill so many people each day - let's all go to car rehab! What is that you say? Oh right, there is a risk vs benefit in every decision including cocaine. Somehow sugar just doesn't stack up...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There's a new tv show in Australia called "Please Marry My Boy" that is a curious case study of the saying 'mom knows best'. The premise of the show is this: a local matchmaker finds girls with similar interests to the boy in question, and then through challenges and dates with her son, the mom picks the girl she thinks is right for her son. Though the season just ended, the filming ended months ago. The results? Three of the four guys broke up with their winning girl not long after the show ended. One is still taking things slowly through a long didtance relationship with his winning girl. While moms do know their children really well, once they become adults, choosing a spouse for the kids who have become their own person and make their own decisions becomes a LOT more complicated. Especially in the Jewish world where middos and hashkafa are so important. We're taught that kibbud av v'em is so important, that we must never argue with our parents or disobey them in any way. Unless it comes to doing an aveira or shidduchim. Parents are passing the shallowness on to their children, which is why it's so hard to find a good shidduch these days. But if a guy is happy with a girl and her looks, it doesn't matter what his mom thinks. Guys need to realize this and just be happy with the person they've grown to love.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Too bad - Washington Jewish Week is just as treff. Given the change in technology, it's doubtful anyone could start a Jewish newspaper these days since everything is online, but it would have been nice if Baltimore had a real Jewish newspaper.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
That comment about burning the paper for chametz was quite nasty. From one frummie to another please share your opinions with derek eretz.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have heard the orthodox say this very thing about their own children. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is traditional orthodox doctrine that if we alienate, offend, ostracize and generally cut off those we disagree with, they will eventually see how wonderful our Torah is and will come around. What is tragic is that the orthodox apply this same method not only to the gentiles and non-orthodox, but to other orthodox and even their own children. The tears shed are from the ones rejected and from their Father in heaven whose heart is so very broken when they are sent away. A little more love and a little less judgement. May the spirit of Pesach heal our wounds, dry our tears and finally bring us all together as a family should be. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's good to see the girls learning to mix amongst the other nations of the world. Hashem destroyed the shtetl for a reason.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who wrote 911 please note 911 should only be called in true emergencies, i.e. the fire not the illegal dumping.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Until they start refusing advertising from treife restaurants, immodest pictures, and gay marriages, this paper could be used only for burning chametz.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The city has already indicated that this service will no longer be provided after this year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Either way it doesn't belong in a Jewish home.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I did not even know these dumpsters exsisted for that purpose and I have been a member of the Baltimore orthodox community for over 20 years. I say this to state that I do not understand why we as a community are using our political capital for this, just plan ahead, make a bulk trash appointment or just utileze the dumpsters at the community burning which is something that is critical for public safety. We as a community should tell local goverment that we no longer need this service.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I regularly see contractors dumping their building materials in these dumpsters. It saves them a trip and wait on line at the dump. Calling 911 is an idea, but there's no way they'll be there to stop the dumper in time. I don't think there's much to gain from these dumpsters at all unless they're placed on a locked property. They're usually filled by opportunists before the community that ordered the dumpsters even has a chance to use them. Perhaps it's an idea whose time has passed. Thank you to the organizers who arranged these, but maybe our energy needs to be channeled elsewhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with your point, but was that in the bylaws? Was there some rule stating that "All member schools must agree to play on Friday nights"? Or, "By becoming a member of TAPPS, you agree to abide by all scheduled programming, even if it conflicts with your schools religious beliefs"? Or even just, "All programming schedules are at the sole discretion of the program director. No exceptions will be granted under any circumstances"? What definitional rules were there that they strong armed? This seems like a fairly straightforward case of a Christian guy who believes firmly that HIS beliefs are right, and thus everyone else's are nonsense, and that he wouldn't stand for such nonsense. Can you imagine, for a minute, that he would have scheduled a game on Easter? How about on a regular Sunday morning? I'll bet he wouldn't have.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First of all these things should be discussed and decided on before it comes down to an 11th hour championship game and that would be the obligation of the yeshiva, just as the students in the yeshiva will very soon be on secular campuses and working environments where they will have to navigate to ensure their commitment to Torah. But most of all I believe that as orthodox Jew there are some things you just can't participate in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unfortunately, those who dump building material often do that on Shabbos when members of the community cannot do any reporting (I used to have the dumpsters on my block). Also, regarding dumping before Pesach, community members should be aware that trashcans in front of the schools in the neighborhood are not to be used as private dumpsters this time of year. You have no idea what kind of a chillul hashem this makes.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have to agree. If there are certain rules that preclude complete membership by definition, then an orthodox school has no business being a member. I don\'t think it is appropriate to join an organization pro temp and then strong-arm that organization into changing its structure to match your beliefs. There are ways to deal with these kinds of issues and the one that was used here was not one that displayed the beauties of Klal Yisroel\'s way of life. There is no doubt that this is not a simple issue, and that there are times when it might be appropriate, but you have to ask yourself is basketball one of those? Perhaps the saddest thing here is that so many people do not appreciate that there is being in the right and then there is doing the right thing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This man is infinitely smarter than just about anyone in President Obama's administration, and can run circles around the current Secretary of State. If Romney intends on having Bolton in his cabinet as a possible SoS or SoD, then I can support him. President Obama's lack of support for Israel came to an obvious head this past week when his administration "leaked" Israel's intentions on Iran to try and stop them from defending themselves before his election. You know, so he can be more "flexible" (right Russia?). I certainly hope my fellow Jews are starting to open their eyes to what is going on with this man in office. Unfortunately I know too many Jews in Maryland that no matter what won't care and vote to re-elect him anyway. But I pray that more people will fall away from that now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You go Mom! I love my sister in law and my brother did a great job choosing! And like you said - it was HIS decision.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Baltimore Frum Community, and Jews everywhere, should be aware that Rav Ruderman ZT"L was known to be one of the more lenient poskim when it came to metzitza b'peh. Also, Rabbi Heinemann Shlita has long held that there was enough of a health concern that he, and many local rabbonim following his lead, signed a document many years ago encouraging local mohalim to use a tube. While this earned him much grief from some kanoim, he has stood his ground. Raphael Davidovich
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Andrew brought the entire paper down, both in terms of its quality and circulation. It became more and more sensationalist and many of its accusations were exaggerated or unfounded or poorly researched. The treatment of staff by Andrew was abysmal, and he undermined his editors who should have had the authority to make policy decisions for reporters and other staff. It's been a slow death, and an unnecessary death, and it's because of Andrew. What a shanda.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan: Your stories make me miss Israel so much. Have a wonderful Chag. Tova
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You are so right!!!! GO LEEBAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's my friend, and i love her!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Feigi sat and watched it and recognized a few of the guys. It was a far more simple world. Now, our TV programs, newsletters, etc. have to have so much more glitz. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You are right on the money! That article really disturbed me and I applaudyou mrs k. NC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Some more names: Gary Neuman Ian Neuman David Shapiro George Stanislawski Elli Kranzler Alan Jacob Eli Schmell Mark Horowitz Ronnie Grey Alter Shapiro Benzion Shapiro Manny Friedman Marc Berman The Kahn Brothers (their mother worked in the Cafeteria) Jacob Schuchman Jack Spivack Bernie Idav Marty Cohen Gerald Einbinder Frank Shane Alan Hess Alan Williams Sheldon Sydney Asher Rabinowitz Michael Jeff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And the Terrapin baseball team is much improved this year too.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Aldi's uses the coin system for their carts, which are always clean, in place and not being used to haul scrap metal. You get the quarter back when you return the cart. I think the system is great.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to say that I went to this event and I came back with one feeling, a feeling of pride.I could not help but to think Mi K'amcha Yisrael. I agree with the author it was a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. Kudos to the schools, parents of these students and of course the students themselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for posting. Now, how do I know which blossoming tree is a blossoming fruit tree to say a bracha? If you know how i can tell, or you know where there are some blossoming fruit trees, please post it here l'zakos horabbim. Thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe your phrase 'promote self-acceptance rather than self-alteration' sums up the heart of the issue...Thank you for sharing your insight! -Malka Koretzky
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Demographic changes and the decline of print media sums it up. The once large segment of the community that was interested in the kind of news in the JT died out. The orthodox community lost interest and found alternative media and put its advertising dollars into those publications, the younger generation doesn't belong to Temples, doesn't buy papers and doesn't care that much about exclusive community issues. Time and Newsweek are thin and are a shadow of what they once were. The only papers that are really thick are niche market ones like Hamodia,even the Jdewish Press isn't what it once was.How many subscriptions would the NY Jewish Week have if the Federation didn't send it to all its contributers? The world is changing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
THank you Mrs. Kruger. You are awesome! From a girl who 'needs plastic surgery' but found my prince charming with out it! There's someone out there for everyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
cool! from the pheonix fans!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job Eli. Thanks. Leah Schwartz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
John Bolton is coming to Baltimore on Sunday to the Royal Restaurant for a Romney event that is free and open to the public
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i find it interesting that nobody seems to believe strongly enough in their comments to actually sign their name at the bottom - also although i have not read the jewish times unless someone cut out a specific article for me please keep in mind that for whatever reason i believe some of the respected rabbanim in the community have on a pretty regular basis had their articles printed in the jewish times - i am not saying that this is a tacit endorsement but if it was really a terrible magazine why would they want their name associated with articles published in the jewish times - i have no problem if you want to say that the word \\\'jewish\\\' should not have been in the magazine name - of course the frum community (no i dont mean in its entirety) still continues to use the owings mills \\\'jewish\\\' community center even though it is open on shabbos (to my understanding) - again a seemingly tacit endorsement of \\\"jewish\\\" and open on shabbos - anyway i just wanted to say my two cents which in todays economy isnt even worth two cents - chag kosher vesameach - yitz fleischman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He undermines Israel in so many way, yet there are dumb Jews who still support him. He's undermining the future of the U.S. as well, but no one seems to care.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's not forget the absolute ignorance of writers discussing anything religious. Remember the "Vashti was the heroin of Purim" article? If that was the only one, it would be funny.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The title of this article should have been "End of an Error". This rag, which isn't even worthy of lining my pet's cage, will not be missed. There hasn't been anything truly "Jewish" about it for many years. Starting with ads for treif restaurants, moving on to marriage announcements for intermarriages, and culminating in wedding anouncements for homosexual couples, this magazine was never allowed in my house. The expose of pedophiles and other negative articles about the frum community seemed to be written with glee, in a "gotcha you frummies, see what hypocrites you are" manner. I found that particularly disgusting. In addition, current pro-Obama, and always liberal/leftie bias to everything always made me shake my head and wonder ×¢× ×× ××× ××× ×ר×× ....they have eyes, but the do not see. Baltimore Jewish Times - Gone and Forgotten!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a brave stand to take, going against the stream of conformity and suggesting this plan. It would be a powerful message if the Roshei Yehsivos and the Rabbonim of the community would join him. It is also a powerful message that they do not join him. So now is decision time. On this it is written 'B'makom She'ain Ish, Hishtadul Lihyios Ish'. The big voices are silent. So we must find many small voices to fill the void. One thing is for sure. The future generations will always think of us, if for nothing else than that we did not think of them. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i never knew eli was into this stuff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If hijacking the vaad harabonim means asking people to daven against the real threat towards continued religious freedom of the usa and the freedom to make end of life desicions without govt coercion ,consider me guilty as charged.To pretend this isnt a real threat would be a gross violation of Torah .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Felder, now a senior at Maryland, didnât even apply to YU, although he turned down Johns Hopkins University because its Jewish community wasnât big enough." Does he know anything about our community?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This tefilla gathering was unanimously called by the Vaad Harabbanim of Baltimore. As some posters below have pointed out, it is because of many problems facing the Jewish People. In New York recently, there was a false advertising that the gedolim had said that it was forbidden by Torah Law to vote for one candidate over another in a state election. Besides, that it is illegal for a church to endorse a candidate, it is a misuse of religion. Right now, the issue of health care is before the Supreme Court. Time will tell if the Justices agree with some of the posters below . Your political views are your own, don't try to hijack the Vaad Harabbanim of Baltimore to your agenda. That is a gross violation of Torah, menchlichkeit and law.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that a portion of the ultra-Orthodox community stopped reading the JT because of articles exposing several rabbis as pedophiles and perverts is a sad commentary on those readers, not on the JT.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
come on. most of the frum community in baltimore was never a fan of the JT and as the JT increasingly moved to the left on all social/religious issues, that's what caused the frum community to abandon the JT. Gary\'s living in a bubble.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i thought this is all about trust in g-d. there is an equation between our level of trust in G-d and our hishtadlus. however we are to put out there our best selves no different than going for a job interview. i was taught from two well known rebbitzens the importance of taking time to look presentable and yes apply some makeup. this topic brought up points to ponder and as always in our Torah outlook on life balance is required. i dont understand the indignation people are expressing after reading the original article. What i do know is I must use all opportunities to oncrease my trust in G-d and being a parent of an older single girl gives me that opportunity. That trust can only help my child as it helps me to grow and be a role model for her.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It look ago stopped being the Baltimore \"Jewish\" Times. It was the Baltimore \"if you fit in with my version of Judism, and we do not have to worry about being respectful to the ones who are Orthodox, but they have to be respectful of ours\" Times. Good riddance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good riddance, Baltimore will be a better place without that rag.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They ignored changing demographics. Focused on non-observant suburbanites, and made a point of being antagonistic to Orthodox Jews who are the major audience for a "Jewish" newspaper in Baltimore, who developed alternative media. A newspaper whose business plan is to "diss" its readers deserves to be bankrupt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
BEAUTIFUL!!! wow... thanks.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Devora for your heartfelt words and important message. Thank you also for being a true role model and inspiration to so many teens and young adults in our community. Kol Hakavod! -- Bracha Poliakoff
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We live in a very frightening time. We have lost several Torah giants. Several others are very ill. As a community and as a nation we survive and have survived on the merits of their greatness. Jews in Israel have missiles pointed at them from all sides. We in America have invisible missiles pointed at us as well. We as individuals are being tested, be it with health, parnosa, shiduchim, children at risk-the list goes on. What better time is there than now to ask Hashem to help us in this time of uncertainty.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Im in agreement with the previous post.This is way beyond petty politics.The koach of a tzibbur carries unusual weight in tiffiloh.We should not waste this opurtunity to daven for the continued religious freedom and saftey we American Jews enjoy as well as the other eqauly pressing issues facing klall yisroel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To poster 3: this is not about politics. I am not poster 2, but I applaud him for bringing this up. Obamacare is an extremely dangerous bill, and many of its mandates are in place for the purpose of government control. The continued implementation of this bill will not only harm us as people, but will also very strongly infringe on many religious freedoms we have enjoyed. Everyone must daven for the repeal of this bill.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the previous poster - I think the goal of the event is more to pray about the murders in France, the rockets in Israel and the Arab protests threatening to storm the borders of Israel. But if you'd rather get political about this, I"m sure G-d would love to hear your views. The rest of us....not so much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
u go girl! well said DJ:)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent response. Truly excellent. :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol hakavod for this beautiful piece!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
AMEN! Well stated! I want to take up arms against this culture that forces men to objectify women. It\\\'s unfair and indeed barbaric. We\\\'re already paying the price with such high numbers of women and men with eating disorders.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B"H for the few voices of reason such as Rabbi Horowitz, reminding parents to take our responsibilities seriously and not simply sacrifice our children, especially our boys, to the modern-day Moloch known as "The System" just because "that's what everyone else is doing". Many who take the easy way out early on find themselves supporting their adult children and wondering why they are more like children than adults. Baltimore is fortunate to have a dedicated professional like Dr. Elly Lasson who is available to assist all members of our community with their career issues. His articles (such as the one referenced above) and workshops serve as "Careers 101" training for everyone, from young people planning for their future employment to experienced workers seeking professional growth or change. We would be wise to take advantage of these valuable resources!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
well said! great job Devora!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very well said dj!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree 100%! Thank you Devora for expressing this so well!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
amen. enough said. :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While the previous commenter is in theory correct, that is not going to happen magically or even over time. It is up to parents to follow the credo of "let the buyer beware" in choosing their Yeshiva Gedolas, Yeshiva Ketanas, (or girls' schools/seminaries for that matter) and subsequently sending tuition payments and financial support, where the Rabbeim are not on the "same page" in this regard.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I spoke to Mr. Muse about exactly this issue as he was by the early voting in the Jewish Neighborhood. I said to him it sounds like you are a racist. He had no answer. We all need to vote anyone besides him. A Voter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This was a beautiful, special event. The Strauss\' are wonderful and so is their entire family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is very nice, but until the boys start getting this message directly from the Rosh Yeshiva and their rebbes, the only thing they are going to hear is "bitachon" and "keep learning" without the "plan."
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to correct the custom of the wimple. The father and child come to shul with the wimple when the child is toilet trained. The father gets an aliyah and the wimple is wrapped around the sefer torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and lets not forget the various Shabbos tablecloth issues and other such stupidity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally, some common sense and normal "hasgofa" in a sea of lunacy. When will these articles and "good" meaning advice stop, so that the singles can stop reading about how they are doing everything wrong. If everyone would stop giving advice and try to make a shiddach, perhaps the "crisis" might end. You cannot leave all the work to a few people. Each of you who reads this, should get involved. Take on just one single person you know and call and network and daven for this one person. Let Hashem see that you care and that you are trying and stop giving the singles advice, as well meaning as it is, it is so painful for them. Walk a day in their shoes...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This Teshuva is misleading and flawed. A lot of certain types of fruit imported to FSU such as oranges does indeed come from Israel (even if marked from Egypt). The Halacha principle this author skipped over has nothing to do with Nemanus, it has to do with verifiable common knowledge. In this case, it is probably possible for the students on the plane to ascertain where the fruit came from, therefore they would have to refrain from eating it until they do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for giving those who missed the event an opportunity to hear and gain from the advice!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We scream and rant that El Al shoudl be Shomer Shabbos. Yet they are not patronized. The dollar is more important than our screaming.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope there is enough foresight to include davening for the defeat of obamacare as one of the evenings goals.As any well informed person knows this bill threatens our physical well being as well as the religious freedom we have enjoyed for so long in this country .
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everyone dances around the broken shidduch system as if it is sacrosanct. The fact is that the heligeh system is a chiddush, rather than being older than 25 years old. If it was working so well, there would be no need for the Shadchan or such an event. Instead of being introspective and effecting a change back to sanity, everyone is a Psychologist with an explanation of how to behave without rocking the boat and sonehow offending someone connected with the system. Thats the real shidduch crisis. Shehechyanu, Vikiyimanu, v'higiyanu lazeman hazeh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you so much for putting this video on Baltimore Jewish Life. Two of my sons learned in the Mir one son is still there after 13 years or more.He had a close personal relationship with the Rosh Hayeshiva,as did so many thousands of others. Yehi zicro boruch. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! Very inspiring! May you continue in life and in raising your daughter in such a positive way and continue to inspire the best in others. You are amazing and while I may not be the best at words here, I wish you the best!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Police said the victims of the attack in South Baltimore called 911 immediately and police recognized a description of a youth on a bicycle he had seen earlier in his shift. That enabled police to arrest a suspect within minutes of the attack." Very important lesson. Call 911.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Terrific and inspiring.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jeannie Gruzin is a nut case.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, your articles are a very big hit back here in Baltimore. We all enjoy your sense of humor as you go through the very difficult "aliya" process. Chag Kasher V'Sameach to you and your family. Karen Cohn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am very impressed that this community is stepping up to the overwhelming problem that is increasing in our communities. Now we just have to get the Rabbiem behind this more and more and get them to stop allowing under age drinking, ie, PURIM
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for your inspiring words. I pray that you will find peace in the wonderful memories you have of your husband and children. May you have long life. Hazel, Saskatchewan, Canada
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, as usual, I agree with you 100%. Keep writing in your diary. Maybe more and more readers will "get the picture". Leah Schwartz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
they should put the brother behind bars before he gets any ideas to copy his brothers\\\' killing spree!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Susan, This says it all!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How about a private machine that was not used for flavored coffee at all, but just regular coffee with hechsher? Can that be used for Pesach? It has been sitting on the chometz kitchen counter but all that has been in it is water and plain coffee?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the thrust of what you write. This is a special topic for me because I grew up in Montgomery, Alabama in that era.Anti-Semites just don't like Jews. They will call them Communists, Capitalists, Rootless Cosmopolitans, etc The real reason is that they don't like Jews. As far as anti-zionism, it is also not something that we can argue logically with an anti-zionist because they do not believe the State of Israel has a right to exist,period.It is not a matter of territory or how the Arabs in Israel are treated or anything else, it is that the Zionist Entity is illegitimate. As far as misogyny in Judaism, there is plenty of it and we are being overtaken by fanaticism that is repulsive to me and other thinking human beings. We are being dragged into a world that our own grandparents in Europe never knew and which our gedolim of past generations never practiced. It is tyranical and destructive of true spirituality and it is a shame that it is being foisted on the normal orthodox world. But, I will not say anything controversial.L. Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Moshe Heinemann sits on Joblinks's advisory board according to their website.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In response to the comment that pondered âwho are members of the joblink rabbinic board that approved the guidance on the last three religious issues?" all I have to say is I too want to know in order to thank them for their responsible advice and allowing Joblink to do its vital task. It is difficult enough in this economy to find work lets not make it harder, wearing your tzitit out does not make you frummer and tucking them in does not mean you are ashamed of your religion, on the other hand supporting yourself and your family with an honest days labor is quite a Kiddush HaShem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ymach whom vzichro
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope he is cremated
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow Richard. I had read this article wishing you guys then best, but you really blew it with that rude and obnoxious comment, in which you just proved everyone\'s point. \"Older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married.\" Nice. Gee I wonder why it took you this long find someone? \\\"if there were more women such as Tehilla, a LOT more guys might be motivated to get married!\" And by that you mean women desperate enough to marry men who are old enough to be their fathers? Tehilla made her choice, and I respect that and wish you well, but the vast majority of normal, healthy women would cringe at the thought. By the way, my 32 year old friend just married the 35 year old man of her dreams. Ladies - don\\\'t give up hope, you are not \"old and bitter\" like Richard here would have you believe. Your age appropriate basheret is out there!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that even frum interviewers might perceive that such language might demonstrate an inability to \"turn it off\" and would be concerned that it will not convey the most professional aura when communicating with or working with others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
who are members of the joblink rabbinic board that approved the guidance on the last three religious issues?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The entire process is so broken and demeaning, it is pathetic. Girls are being objectified and treated like commodities by parents and shadchanim. Just pay attention to the language used. When a girl is "in shidduchim", all that means is that her birth certificate was issued 19+ years ago and she is back from Seminary (does that guarantee that she is truly READY to get married?). Other than that, she has no real individual identity beyond her "resume". All attempts to solve the "shidduch crisis" with various "shtick" and programs, diddle-daddle around the real elephant in the room--which is that the community has made a conscious effort to suppress hashgacha pratis and ways that people have met in the frum community from time immemorial. Clothing is now all-black, all-year and no one has an opportunity to demonstrate anything that is individualistic. Every event now has to be separate standing, seating, speaking, and thinking. Pictures and first names of females are no longer considered acceptable to print. There is a whole new shidduch "rulebook" that is out there with made-up "Halachos" and other practices that are done for everyone's "own good" in mind. While the current system works for a chosen few, the outcomes of this self-inflicted crisis for everyone else demonstrate that it has been far from successful paradigm shift.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Using the term "Boruch Hashem" to a frum interviewer isn't necessarily wrong. However, you do not want to give the impression that the frum interviewer is giving you consideration based upon your "landsman" status, especially if there are others within earshot. Use your best judgement!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Now this was noteworthy! Kol Hakavod
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is wrong with using words like Boruch Hashem to a frum interviewer?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am not sure this was newsworthy to pass along. This is a great tragedy and while we can't judge her for feeling this way the rest of us need all the chizuk (encouraging) words and reminders of mitzvos we can do instead of reading this. Contrast what she said to what her niece said right away that everyone should learn more torah and do mitzvos as a zechus for their holy neshamos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The problem is not what has been written or suggested here. The problem is that such an event can even take place. Women who present themselves as shadchanim and mothers should be ashamed to demean young women in such a manner. And young women should have enough self-respect to not lower themselves to being \"products\" to be perused, judged and purchased.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for helping us express our feelings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe that you may have missed the point of Mrs. Halberstam's article. The point, as I understand it to be, is not to denigrate the internal beauty of a girl or any of her real, intrinsic, qualities. Rather, the point is that without some superficial means of attracting a boy (or his mother), the girl will have no audience to see or appreciate her internal beauty. External beauty is like a key to a house, a means to an end. The key will not keep one warm in the winter or protect one from the rain, but without it, one cannot get into the house which does protect from the elements. And when it is so "easy" to use cosmetics to enhance one's appearance, it behooves girls to take advantage of them so that they might find it easier to get in the front door and have an audience for their real, intrinsic, qualities.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Finally someone whose opinion reflects their intellect!! People have to stop doing and saying what they think satisfies other people and be true to themselves and their Torah!! Enough of all the other ridiculous shidduch articles. Young people should be meeting each other in appropriate ways instead of creating "resumes" that are impersonal and imply that marriage is a 'job' rather than life-long relationship and investment with another human being.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If this happened in America, the police would have him in hand within 5 minutes, and the Frenchmen take hours! He'll probably get 20 years in prison eating croissant and reading le Monde,
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our community's inability to perceive satire is the same literalism that causes the thugs in bet shemesh to read chazal as justifying their behavior. And of course no one will understand this post either
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You might want to correct your above reference to 'Marine Le Pen.' HIS name is Jean-Marie Le Pen and he is very much of the male persuasion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bde may we only share simchas and moshiach should come and we will all be reunited
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The speed limit on that road is 30. Even if your going 40 it feels like your crawling let alone 30.But I bet if you were going over 40 they would pull you over for "speeding". The same on Greenspring ave. 35 mph .It used to be posted at 40.You see this is how they trick you , this is how they take your money. Most police don't have any common sense and just love to enforce under posted limits and help the state collect extra money. It's so important to aim the stupid radar gun at everyone and give them tickets when in reality there not really doing anything wrong . There's a difference between speeding and driving at a reasonable speed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Totally agree with this! When my daughter gets older, I hope she uses her cosmetics wisely. Why are Apple products producing huge revenues? Because they are beautiful, despite their faults. L\'havdil - it is so important that our daughters look beautiful as well - it will also help lift their neshamos as well.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, there are girls who should pay more attention to their appearance, but the vast majority of the girls I know who are struggling to find their zivug are attractive and well-put together. Cosmetic surgery is halachically questionable. My three married sons - all considered desirable "catches" for their learning, middos, and looks - chose girls who are attractive but modest - definitely not showy or glamorous. Not a single nose job or size 2 among them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Did anybody understand the ner yisroel reference in the video?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have a better response. How about making Aliyah!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would you post this? It's an offensive article in so many ways that I won't even begin to list them. Is your goal to rile people up? To cause friction? Even the author opens with "I know I'm going to get crucified" (Interesting choice of words in themselves) I am beginning to self a lack of sensitivity and good judgement on the part of Baltimore Jewish Life with regards to articles that deal with Shidduchim. Maybe you'd be better off leaving this topic off your site.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
2 points: 1) Who do we need greater than our Tanaim and Amoraim to tell us this! As I recall, the gemara in Yoma says that together with the DAILY mahn, HKB\"H sent/included cosmetics. As food is vital, so are they. Even during the times when halacha distances a wife from her husband, Chazal still permitted her to wear cosmetics - k\'dai shelo tisganeh al ba\'alah - that she should remain attractive to her husband. The midrash describes that HKB\"H Himself \"built up\" Chava, that He braided and set her hair to bring her to the chuppa with Adam. 2) Nevertheless, I cringe when thinking about this proposal of having B\'nos Yisrael go through such a beauty contest, rather than the discrete, \"standard\" process. It is true that on 2 days a year Klal Yisrael had some similar sort of beauty contest in which the boys themselves picked wives. But those 2 days were very, VERY special (15 Av and Y\"K) and we, as a nation, were holding at a much higher, spiritual level. Mosheh Wolfish - Baltimore
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i totally agree. you shuld come and visit my studio where i hve before and after pictures of ladies all ages. Makeup applied the right way and the right colors makes an amazing difference. it is easy to learn how to apply and it give a girl the confidence to put on a smile, which is also very important. i love making girls feel good about themselves so come in and have a free makeup over and lets play with new colors and a new look. shaindy kelman CEO ShainDee Cosmetics.(baltimore) also available in New York, toranto, LA, israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We all know why you wanted to date younger women, it's still insensitive to the myriad of older women who don't have the luxury of time that you had.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"especially the ones which seem to have been written by older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married!" Richard while I wish you and your wife only blessings, I have to say this is the most insensitive statement you could make, you who knew the pain of loneliness, you who dated for over 30 years, this insensitivity is what people commented on. Get married and live and be well but to announce that you refused to date a women past 35, to have a shadchan endorse that and then to celebrate it in this public forum is beyond callous. You should apologize for that hurtful statement, then move on and enjoy your private life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is it bloodthirsty to say âmay God avenge their bloodâ? Besides the fact that this is a traditional Jewish suffix, the sentiemnt implies that WE will not avenge the blood, rather we leave it to G-d to settle the score. WHats wrong with that?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is Richard writing with help from Tehilla: First, we are not insulted or hurt by any of the comments, WE found them to be hilarious (although Tehilla found them to also be pathetic)! (especially the ones which seem to have been written by older, bitter, single females who will probably never get married!). Tehilla dated enough guys to know what she wanted and what was important to her and she says the only compromise she made was on my age. Actually, it was an 18 year old girl who Tehilla met who said to Tehilla, \"Are you going to wait and be single for 5 more years or more while waiting for someone your own age?\" Quite wise for an 18 y.o., I think. The article was celebrating a very joyous and FUN wedding. We had a great time as (it seemed) did everyone who was there. We did not have the stress of coordinating a huge operation, we were able to be \'in the moment\' and enjoy and appreciate that we began our life together to fulfill the mitzva of getting married and (b\'ezrat hashem) having children. THAT is the reason I did not want to date women over 40. Also, if there were more women such as Tehilla, a LOT more guys might be motivated to get married!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a great success story for the Baltimore community. what a great asset for the Park Heights corridor.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How about here in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The worst part of this entire embarrassing episode is the article, publicly shaming the happy couple! What was the author\\\'s motivation? Ridicule? Shaming the new couple? Shaming the Shadchan? Drawing attention to the desperation some single people feel? Let\\\'s assume the couple married for all the right reasons, and wish them a long happy life together, and that the author repents for exposing them to ridicule.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reinforcement for single older men\\\'s refusal to date women of realistic ages, and how depressing for older single women! At a synagogue event, I introduced an older single man to a younger than him single woman who was a physician, and he picked a fight with her about fertility statistics, putting her on the defensive and probably humiliating her. Meanwhile a similarly-aged man at the same synagogue married a woman his age, they got along wonderfully, and had a healthy baby girl in a normal, healthy pregnancy, and they could not be happier.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It does not take much \\\"intelligence\\\" to recognize that this \\\"agreement\\\" is an outright lie. You can argue about whether Iran has succeeded in building a nuclear weapon or how close they are to actually building one. But there is no question at all that they have decided to build one as soon as they can!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I certainly hope that Jewish institutions in Baltimore (as well as throughout the USA), will take this seriously and begin to hire armed security guards!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
[Ed. Note:] The excerpted video will be available by Monday evening
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what happened to the video?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where did the video go? I was telling friends, who are parents, that it is a must see.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't even see 100 people there. R' Daniel should be brought into speak in the 12th grade of each school in the city. Why are we waiting until they're ready to date to fix what was broken? And why should the community pay again to the Baltimore shadchan when they already paid tuition that should not have taught the boys and girls the opposite of what R' Frank is saying?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
May you be blessed to retain all your beautiful child-like qualities and to continue nurturing our children and seeking emes. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with many things Rabbi Frank offered and will encourage those who are dating to attend the April 17th event. Regarding Rabbi Hopfer's comments, "dating singles do not know the first thing about what the other gender is all about, and have little inkling of their needs. Theyâve never thought about itâ. I must say with great respect to the Rav that while this statement is very true it is sad that most people are working against improving this situation through our current obsession with the separation of the sexes. I know couples who are in their 40's and 50's who for instance who met at their friends engagement parties, the last one I went to I saw a sign on the front door re-routing me to the back porch for the "women's entrance". The great divide will only grow wider unless we gain some sort of normal perspective on this issue. How about making the April 17th event co-ed? I know pas nisht, sorry for the insane suggestion. That being said I am very proud that our community supports The Baltimore Shadchan which addresses the significant issues of dating.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
3-18-2012 I agree. The standard is rather peurile. That is a sign of the problem. We relegate matters of character to childish standards and our attitude suggests that we value character somewhere below sports acumen. The result is academic (i.e. learning) proficiency carried by moral bankruptcy. The fruits of such \'dis-pedagogia\' are disenfranchised youth, apathetic leadership and a seriously compromised future for our children and our people. A boy must be a man before he is to marry and be a husband and father. If he is a man then he will find a woman who is a woman. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1. Boys should not be dating and getting married, men should. 2. Boys don\\\'t know to ask for \\\"size 0\\\" women. It\\\'s their moms. 3. You are a baal achrayus if you can support your own family. Not if you can be trusted to brush your own teeth.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"if you are a baal achrayus, you are ready to date. How can you tell? If the boy covers his bicycle to protect it from rain;" Really? What about if he has ever had a part time or a summer job? Or if he has an intention to provide for his own family? Or even makes his own phone call to set up the date. I don't think that the matter of relationships and marriage is presented seriously when the suggested indicator is the action expected of a 12 year old.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am sorry for the poor man, but why was a Jew living in Pakistan for the past seven years?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Apparently, the mother's name is Yuspah, not Yosefa.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ymach shmo v'zichro.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mrs. Guttman is a great and inspiring woman! Baltimore is a better city becuae we are lucky enough to have her. Mrs. Guttman should live in good health until 120.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Laure, You are a true source of inspiration for our entire community. It is wonderful to have you as such an active member in so many community institutions. May you continue to have the strength to continue the amazing work you do on behalf of the greater Baltimore Jewish community. Chazak V'Ematz! Fondly, Jonathan and Chaya Lasson
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dear Mrs. Gutman, We still use your cookbook that you produced during the Bais Yaakov Middle School years, some 15 years later! May you have a continued refuah shlema
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is my sis and I couldn't be more aware of the chesed of HAshem that he has taken care of her. Laure is all this and so much more. I love you sis. And I read all of this! Shosh
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He's a kafoi tov, and lacks Jewish values. I never understood why Israel gave up so much for his son, with all his selfish attitude. He keeps reminding us of this fact. Maybe he's a descendant of Lot.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It says: "A 2010 study of more than 28,000 Danish children found that exposure to cell phones both before and after birth increased the risk for behavior problems." Just a thought: what if the association between cell phone use and behavior problems is not so much due to the 'ions, etc.' in the phone, but simply due to the fact that children whose parents are so busy texting and talking and practicing 'distracted parenting' begin to act out to receive the attention they so desperately crave? Why don't those 'brilliant' scientists ever consider the obvious explanations first? When my parents took me to the park, they played with me! Now, I see mom with one hand pushing the stroller and the other holding a phone. Hello? Is anybody home?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lesson should be learned then, that when someone makes it a lead article on an online site it's no longer a "simplistic private moment."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
comment to "wedding five states away" - was Richard's Rabbi for 40 years. perhaps the stress of trying to make a wedding (tho dress and wig already purchased, fitted) became too unwieldy for other people's schedules and travel plans and pregnancies and whatever every day lives were involved to please all - they chose a simplistic, private moment for themselves - which is, of course, the base point of marriage - to do what is best for one another. Their intellect matched, their religion, their goals, their energies. So, their choice. Do not judge, lest ye be judged.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Silber and his shul continue to be a bastion of chessed, torah and many other Mitzvohs. Haztalach Rabba and Yaasher Koach! DC
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nobody made any comments about the simplicity of the wedding, kol hakavod, its the surrounding details that are disturbing, a wedding is a ketubah and sheva brachos a marriage on the other hand is a life long commitment not to be entered into on a whim and the words "makeshift" connote impulsive behavior. I have been to lovely weddings at restaurants, rabbi's offices, backyards, that are simple, unique but though out.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I controlled myself from commenting until now, but now I feel compelled to do so. I found this story very disturbing. I have no problem whatsoever with the simplicity of the wedding, Kol HaKovod on that. It is the rush of making a wedding after such a short time of knowing it each other that I find disquieting and rather bizarre. What could it hurt to get to know each other better? As for the comments of " Hashem made it happen", that is ridiculous beyond words. People have BECHIRA!!! You have to use seichel. Hashem gives us intellect to think things through and a vitally important decision about choosing who to marry is not something to be taken lightly. Also the chosson's interest in only a young/beautiful woman is frankly, creepy. Lastly, for those commenters that are upset that people are writing negative responses to the story, Hey, if you choose to put the story on public view, then be prepared for comments, both negative and positive.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is already happening. The leadership of all Jewish schools in MD are familiar with the advocacy work and efforts for education funding by the state Agudah office and the federations of both Baltimore and Washington.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The same should be happening in Maryland -- Baltimore, Columbia, Rockville, Silver Spring... -- should all be working together.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Purim Torah???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Let's do this in Baltimore!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had hoped this was a Purim shpiel. Sigh.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I understand the sentiments (bitterness?) with which some have commented regarding age, beauty, etc. but those remarks are inappropriate. Such comments show a lack of hakaras hatov and bitachon. HaShem has His reasons for everything, including unusual shiddichum. Who are you all to question His will and the free will that He grants the happy couple? You don\'t know them or their history or situations. I\'m 50, never married, but I\'ve made 4 successful shidduchim myself. Where is my bashert? I don\'t know, but I\'ve learned to have emunah and bitachon despite funny and horrific dating stories. I have absolute certainty that my life will turn out as HaShem intends it, and that\'s good enough for me.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tov Richard and Tehilla ! The beautiful simplicity of your event was rare. Please ignore all the negative comments here. Weddings nowadays have become so typical and therefore such a waste of time and money. People spend months of stress preparing for a night that they don't even enjoy because of the worry that one of the hundreds of details wonât work out perfectly. Most of the guests have been to loads of other weddings exactly the same and therefore thereâs nothing special about it, except of course for the fact that itâs your friend or relative getting married. So the simpler the better.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How does a wedding get relocated 5 states away last minute?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very handsome kid in the orange! Ok maybe I am subjective....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe the negative comments are more directed toward the content of the article than the couple themselves. The age difference, the rushing, his criteria for dating, that is whats upsetting, the couple should live and be well in privacy, putting this out there is the problem, the internet is a dynamic arena, thinking people respond with opinions, thats how it works in 2012.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with #1. There are many disturbing messages in this article. In addition to his not wanting to go out w/ anyone over 35, I'm shocked that Tova Weinberg actually said that she never thought it would happen for this guy. That is NOT the message she should be putting out there about the clients on her website!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
amazing. I spent time Perusing archives in yu library Nothing like going to the source
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is so beautiful.Mazal Tov. and to all the wary comments: relax. look at the big picture. they found each other. they did not do anything wrong! they did good! I know Men who married older girls then themselves. there is no right or wrong. look for, and at the positive!!!!!!! its Beautiful! Mazal Tov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow--but I don\\\'t have an ipad ye and am considering getting one. I need to know how much room this will take on the hard drive, so that I can plan how big a machine to purchase. Further, why not produce this program for PCs and Macs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Uncle Mendel is my hero!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Awesome! Mazel Tov Yonah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Best picture: #51 of all the star-k secretaries crying in the background. Just think, if we all made chasunas like this, we might be able to afford tuition!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am Tehilla's mother, only having just met Richard two days ago on their return to Florida. I wish them only successes, happiness, adventure and healthy children. God, Hashem, by whatever name one prefers has His plan for us and for us to question the path is foolish and derogatory. My daughter is an intellectual, goal performing young woman with many passions, one of which is to be a loving and nuturing parent. I wish them fun and love on their journey.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tehilla, I am SO happy for you! Absolutely amazing! Especially considering what you went through just months before meeting Richard! You are a woman of great emuna. I wish you both a very happy life together, I know that you will soar through clouds to reach your goals. kol tuv, Devorah H. from Chicago
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Seriously embarrassing. why would this guy let himself be portrayed in such an awful manner?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've never met Tehilla, but I've known Richard for many years. He has the youngest soul of anyone I've ever met. [except maybe me] They are obviously two very unique people that will make a wonderful family together. They will do what's important to them and ignore or avoid what isn't. I too am blessed with a phenomenal basheret and am looking forward to meeting Tehilla. ps. readers really need to see beyond the "sound bites" that are printed. Richard is absolutely not superficial. with Love, Jacob.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tov Richard & Tehilla! Love the chupah poles!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I too question why BJL has posted many of these comments. While the critique likely has merit, it is focused on two "tzelem elokim" who have feelings. Please remove all the negative comments.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The picture of him forking over the money is so beautiful, I may cry, a beauty tht scuba dives, who could ask for more? G-d help us if anyone outside the orthodox community sees this.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article, terrible title
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What an insult to all \\\"older\\\" single women!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wow. I am so concerned for him, the poor guy really has it tough. One minute. These events are only \\\"outside of his control\\\" now because of choices he made earlier. That puts them SQUARELY in his control, or at the least a direct consequence of his leadership and something he SHOULD own up to and be responsible for in his re-election bid.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I encourage BJL to take this spectacle down, the chosson comes off as creepy, sharing to the whole world that this women recently converted is innapropriate, endorsing getting married after knowing eachother less than 2 months is downright dangerous. They should live and be well and have only simchas in their life but this is private and should stay that way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nothing left to say. The first comment says it all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Hashems ways are awesome. Shame on all of you for judging . Is it not possible that his desire for someone young and beautiful was not part of the plan from above? " Wow!!! What's wrong with people? Yes, sure. When I decide to commit fraud in order to increase my bank account it's all part of the plan from above, so it must be ok!! Are you kidding me??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"some of you have a nerve Shteren this beautiful simcha with your thoughtless comments" first of all learn how to write. Secondly, everyone is happy for the couple, this doesn't change the fact that the writer chose to write in such a gleeful manner regarding an older man who refuses to go out with someone under 35 years old. This part of the article is something that should make everybody very sad.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During my visit to South Africa I was appalled by the townships I passed on my way down to Cape Town. I have never witnessed such abject poverty where people are living in tin shacks with no sanitation or electricity. Yet the South African Council of Churches remains silent on the Apartheid of Poverty in own their backyard. No week of campus activity for their own black co-religionists who are suffering. Only the Jewish State is subject to an expensive hate campaign for perceived crimes not committed by Israel. Their message and actions wreak of anti-Semitism borne out of Replacement Theology. It is time for the right thinking world, of Jews and Christians, to stand up and say this shall not pass. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hashems ways are awesome. Shame on all of you for judging . Is it not possible that his desire for someone young and beautiful was not part of the plan from above?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\'t understand why this wedding had to be \"makeshift\"?? He was dating for 32 years- waiting for this special day and he had to rush it to make a flight?? No wedding gown- no special plans? Was this day not that important to them? I am so confused.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing. May they be zoche to build a bayis ne\'eman and a binyan adei ad. Mazel Tov! Some of you have a nerve shteren this beautiful simcha with your thoughtless comments. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Grow up!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You mean Obama and dirty Harry lied to poor little Arlen? He got what he deserved for being such a fool. Why was he surprised? These guys lie as much as they breathe.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazel Tof and much happiness, always! Kelly Outermans
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with comment #1. Makes you wonder.... He's 57 and wanted nobody over 35?? Pathetic that its being praised here and pathetic it even made it to print. Guess anything makes it to print these days. This is a small example of Te ridiculousness that the shidduch system has come to.This article makes me sick....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To comment #4... You serious?? It should give hope to older singles??? Really like a young woman whose 36, can\'t get a date with a 57 year old geezer let alone a normal 40 year old?? I dare you to share this story with a 38 year old woman whose been dating for 19 years and tell her she should be inspired from this story??? Your pathetic... This is so upsetting!!! What is wrong with people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think that this is absolutely beautiful, and should give hope to all of the older singles out there, not to give up hope. Your bashert is out there, you just have to wait for the right time!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do not even know where to begin with this. It is so wrong in so many ways that it is not wrong, it is not even right, it just isn't. I believe the fashionable term is, 'whatever'.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I completely agree with the first comment. \\\"Richard, who had been dating for 32 years, didnât want to go out with anyone over 35, and he wanted beauty.\\\" Is this something of which to be proud? It\\\'s a good thing Tehilla is, according to Mrs. Weinberg, a \\\"gorgeous, beautiful girl\\\" or who knows what would have happened? I wish the new couple all the best and hope that over time those things that are so important to Richard never change.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Actually, this is a very noble cause. Everyone deserves to find a spouse. All the participants should be praised and admired for their kindness and compassion. We should wish all good and decent people the wholesome joy of a beloved spouse that every parent wants for their children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"dating for 32 years, didnât want to go out with anyone over 35, and he wanted beauty." How can one not be embarrassed to 1)make such a demand and 2) print it here? It would help considerably if Shadchanim spent more time supporting appropriate expectations and meaningful characteristics rather than implying that old men should hold out in their demand for young beauties.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Susan, I couldn't agree with you more. Leah Schwartz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We must all participate in getting it to the referendum!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Only amongst the orthodox would the word "sad" be a pejorative in this context.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree. This from a Democrat who NEVER thought she could ever vote Republican. Obama is making me jump ship to the other side. Obama is a nightmare who must not be re-elected.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"To this day I despise all that Pesach stands for." Wow. That's a sad statement. Nuff said. I stand by what I wrote above. I am anything but stressed out. I anticipate the arrival of Pesach with simcha and excitement. I was just trying to dispel the common presumption that Pesach prep is all about stress and drudgery. And it IS common. And attitude IS everything. (And btw, I'm speaking from experience. I'm one of those who used to start feeling Pesach stress as soon as we began reading Sefer Shmos. It's only in recent years that I adopted a different outlook and appreciated the difference.) Wishing all a chag kasher v'same'ach!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's about time that Jewish voters open their eyes and see that Obama is not good for America, not good for Israel, and not good for Jews! The Democrat party is NOT what it used to be. Republican values are much closer to Torah values and Jewish values these days. Jews need to THINK when they go to the ballot box, not just vote in knee-jerk fashion because they think that good Jews are Democrats--good Jews analyze and vote for the best candidate regardless of their political party.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1) The results of these polls are highly skewed by the way the questions are worded and asked. 2) Most of the most vocal proponents and opponents on both sides of the aisle never make it to the real polls in November!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Oberstein. Lately when I listen to politicians I recall the quote from Macbeth..\"full of sound and fury, signifying nothing\". It seems obvious that we cannot fight this battle alone. We need the cooperation of Big China, and from other countries in the Middle East with a vested interest in preserving the peace there. We need a President and congress willing to build bridges around the world. PS I am not talking about people like Chamberlain who thought he could make peace with Hitler!)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Based on this Obama quote, maybe you should be the Democrat nominee for President: "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1939 we had a Democrat President who was willing to allow 6 million Jews perish; in 2012 we have...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I used to think doing kiruv was scary. What if someone asks me something I don't know? But I tried it and people just want to learn more. I think this is worth the effort
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol hakovaod to 7 Mile Market! I think everyone can find one hour to talk to a fellow Jew about Pesach.I am calling Rabbi Roll now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If this is what it takes, maybe I can be the Republican nominee for President. L. Oberstein "Despite polls showing Romney running behind Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum in Southern states, the former Massachusetts governor pitched himself as an âunofficial Southerner.â âIâm learning to say âyâallâ and âI like grits,âââ said Romney" (Washington Post)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes, this is a very difficult call in a very difficult time for both Israel and rest of the democracies in the free world. Difficult, but also simple at the same time. Many in the U.S. do want to get out of the Middle East. They blame their own country for being attacked by those who hate for the sake of hating. These poor misguided countrymen of ours project Western sentiments onto the Eastern mind, believing that we must have done something to cause them to hate us so much. They fail to realize that radical Islam does not think like us. To occupy Iraq and Afganistan does anger them, but when we leave prematurely it only emboldens them to plot against us all the more. So others in the U.S. and Western Europe do, in fact, find that sending troops to the Middle East, although costly in dollars, keeps the fight off our own shores. Can we weigh the lives of the three thousand who perished on 9/11/2001 against the cost of troops in Iraq? So if forced to act, better to act as soon as possible and with clear rules of engagement.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well Said. You point out how America today is different from America of 1939 but is Iran\'s leadership very different in it\'s goals than that of Germany\'s in 1939. The bottom line for me is this - Is the risk to all of us ( Iran puts the entire world at risk not just Israel or the middle east) greater with war with Iran now, than no war now and probably one later. I cannot answer this and I am glad I do not have to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
And I always thought Yisroel Betach B'Hashem, not in Obama...silly me
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful, that the frum community has come to this. People should now think twice before making disparaging remarks about those outside of the community who get "shikkur".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree, lighten up a bit. But I also am sympathetic. I myself recall how miserable Pesach was with my mother got into Pesach mode. To this day I despise all that Pesach stands for. But it is Purim and its time to be happy.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The words of the sages are holy. And if they said these words then they are true in their pure black and white meaning. Any attempt to interpret them away is simply apologetics, and we do not have to apologize for truth. Truth is truth and cannot be changed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oh, come on--it\\\'s Purim! Take this in the humerous meaning it was meant. You sound quite stressed out to me. When I saw this I laughed and I wondered to myself. Perhaps she is screaming at the Pesach prices and not the prospect of cleaning her house! :-) A frielichin Purim! Life is too short--learn to laugh and your children will laugh with you. Learn to laugh and you will have a happy husband and life. Laughter is the best medicine and the greatest stress reducer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thank you for providing this service to the community! There is an error in the time for the learning session at TA. The correct time is: after the 3.30 mincha minyan. A freilichen Purim to the Baltimore Kehilla.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The guy gets on the watch list for doing his job? Maybe we need to start working towards a better solution than to continually condemning those with whom we disagree. I don't think this signals a soft spot for terrorism but possibly an honest attempt to open paths of dialogue for a more peaceful future.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Attitude is EVERYTHING. Let's not accept the notion that Pesach is synonymous with stress. It's an improper hashkafa and so damaging to our children! (Who might be thinking, 'who needs this 'Pesach' thing and why are my parents being such martyrs??!'). It's essential, for both our own peace of mind and for the chinuch of our children, to embrace the coming of Pesach with joy and exuberance. Let's roll up our sleeves and get ready to work HARD (we all understand the other adage, 'no pain, no gain' -- we don't mind sweating in the gym to get fit and healthy -- our kids understand that type of strenuous effort) as we prepare to celebrate zman ge'ulasaynu. We don't moan and mutter about working out ('Oy, here comes another workout. I can't believe I have to endure ANOTHER zumba/ raquetball/ pilates class...'); we should do no less, and in fact much better with regards to this most significant and chashuv yom tov. Please replace your wacky photo with something a bit more inspiring. You don't know how many people you can impact with a more positive message. Thank you for listening, and I encourage others to jump into this conversation.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent message, we need to encourage people to seek help when needed and end the silly stigma that lingers with mental health treatment, thanks for posting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is someone to be proud of.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We go a bit too far as to whom we refer to as "Orthodox" when it comes to politics. Case in point #1 is David Strobin in NY's state senate race. #2 is Josh, a great guy with very strong Jewish faith and likely to make a more firm commitment to frumkeit some time soon. But let's slow down on the Orthodoxy...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
AMEN! And we love having you here to experience it all with us, Mommy!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrei Emunah is having one at 9:45-10:30
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why isn\'t Shomrei on the list?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very impressive...a true Kiddush HaShem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Easy! Contact R. Eli Klein at 410-764-3354.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
if you don't like new York why don't they move to Israel
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Renting what out
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With organizations like this one, Chaverim, Hatzalah, and Shomrim- all that have the best interests of the community at heart, I'm proud to live in Baltimore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how to donate?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Weiss; such an asset to our community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We daven that you, like Hatzalah, will have a quiet Purim, but thank you for being there for the Klal! Hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks Jackie, for sharing. Looks like you had a great time. Luv, Cousin Cindy in Baltimore
Comment by BJLife BJLife
all bjlife videos stop partway through! any idea how to get around that?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ESPN carried the story of Beren\\\\\\\'s loss, without much attention being paid to the other team. How much more press do you want?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice touch - the photos of the fireman lighting up a cigarette :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was riggedast year. The leprechaun should've won it. How do we know it won't happen again?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Super job!!! We see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Carlebach minyan? Maybe some of these guys that use Shlomo's name and schmaltz up his nigunim should ask themselves if they would have invited the man himself to sing at their shuls. Otherwise I think they should pay a fee to the Carlebach Foundation for trading on his name.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great news, now I can eat out when I go to Lowe's!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baruch dayan Haemes...she was a wonderful teacher and colleague of almost 30 years. She will be missed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Timonium is not a tourist area. This makes no sense. They're "deciding on a Hashgocho this Friday," yet the statement was that âIt will be the only for non-kosher, non-observant Jewsâ kosher bagel shop.â What's the point? It's either kosher or it's not!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A good bagel is a good bagel, where ever
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is some of the best news I\\\'ve heard since moving from Owings Mills to Lutherville.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you don't bring the bagels, then don't bother coming. The area already has enough places that sell everything you mentioned...except for the fantastic bagels you sell at the Reisterstown Road store. I used to pick up bagels from Goldberg's every Wednesday for everyone at work. Wednesday was our bagel day. I went to Joan and Gary's, Bagel Works in Lutherville on York Road, and Goldberg's. All of my co-workers decided that GOldberg's was the winner by a long way. No one has that product (real Jewish bagels) in the Lutherville-Timonium-Cockeysville area. There are, however, many other outlets who have the other items this story mentions. Without the bagels, it just wouldn't be GOldberg's.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks Jackie I hope you all had a warm cozy time drinking hot chocolates after building snowmen. I'm glad Zalmie Bracha and the grandkids had a good time. Thee picture looks beautiful like a resort Elise
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That is really great especially for tourists and for people to grab a bite while in that area
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is this local news?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
who are they to tell people waht they can or cannot wear this is the United States not Israel give me a break
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jerusalem gets more snow than Baltimore this winter. Crazy but I am really enjoying this mild Baltimore winter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sounds Wonderful! Chazak V'Ematz!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video stops working after 40 minutes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This guy will say anything for money and votes. All he does it create a perception and uses slight of hand but act differently. A two state solution is just a ruse to harm Israel. He can't be that dumb to ignore the fact that the Arabs don't want peace. All the while he undermines people avoiding war and promotes the Muslim Brotherhood. It's almost Purim boys and girls. Can you say Amalek?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
as a kid at the auction I want to let the dolphins how much fun this was.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
R they having shabbat across america in new york
Comment by BJLife BJLife
amend the bylaws and let the children play they have worked so hard not to let them play because of religion is not what our soldiers are dying for !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Rabbi Roll for all that you do for our community. Thank you Jay Meyers as well for organizing this new minyan.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who is Mr. Yopung?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about the women whose children are all in school, they have full time help yet refuse to work outside the home to support thier spending habit on clothes and other frivilous expenses? It seems they use articles such as these as an excuse for their laziness
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If the rabbanim feel that having dinner at home as a family is important, why do they have the boys in the community stay at yeshiva for dinner and night seder? School hours are too long. The children should be home in the evenings with their families.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This has been said thousands of years ago - its called Torah Im Derech Eretz. All the schools need to promote it, not full time learning. It doesnt work anymore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A very insightful message from one of our wonderful leaders. My only comment is regarding the letter to the son at the end of the article. It seems to be addressed to a chasson â someone that is already engaged to be married. I would suggest that this letter â and the message it contains â should be delivered long before a person is engaged or even begins the process of looking to become married. In other words, lets us provide our children the right message and set them on the road to responsibility before they begin to make significant life choices such as a spouse. Thank you for posting this article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
sounds good but the reality is that parents paying $10K tuition per child will have to work like dogs just to keep their heads above water, ironically at the expense of their family life/values. Late model cars? Luxury vacations? Nope.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
3-1-2012 I am sympathetic to the last writer's feelings. The answer is in your comment. The safe haven to which a person seeks is a powerful influence for that is where we are ourselves. Share that space with children. You are yourself where they are themselves. Share that. And the bond will come naturally. And that bond will be the transfer agent of your ideals and virtues. The your real ideals and virtues, not the ones in the show case, the ones in the secret stash that is reserved for loved ones. And you will find that together with you and your children will be Hashem himself, a loved one just feeling at home. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very important article as are the others in Klal Perspective. Thank you for bring it to the community's attention. The tide must turn since the present system cannot continue. We need to take to heart Rabbi Hauer's suggestion that... "In Torah-only yeshivos that do not include a career track, young men should be encouraged â by their Yeshiva and by their parents â to discuss how they intend to support their families. They need to take seriously the language of the Kesuba marriage contract in which they commit to âserve, honor, feed and support their wives, as is the loyal custom of Jewish men.â It must be made clear that it is not the responsibility of their parentsâ or in-lawsâ to support them, and that if their idealistic bride wishes to follow the path of the wife of the sainted Chafetz Chaim and manage the store so that her husband can study, she will not be fulfilling her own responsibilities but rather she will graciously be doing her husbandâs job for him." How do we do this??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Less time spent in school and more time at home, with a parent at home, would certainly help children absorb the lessons the home has to offer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"How do you ge invited to one of these things?" One gue$$
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sometimes, many of the best attitudes and approaches are present in the home, but the children are not interested in absorbing the messages of the parents. Sometimes, mesora simply does not occur - and only after it is too late, does the child wake up and realize the opportunities they missed. Perhaps, children can be educated at school on the importance of their engagement in what goes on at their shabbos table, and in their interactions with their parents. Many children are so stressed and pressured from school, that the home simply becomes a "downtime" place for them, to recover, and DISENGAGE... signed a disheartened mother
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ed. Note: We thank you for your suggestion. We direct the reader to the bottom of the article where the very information requested had already been provided.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this is from the latest issue of klal perspectives. Baltimore Jewish Life should let people know that so they can read the other good articles in that issue as well. Maybe even include a link. thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The article was changed to give credit where credit is due. If the NWCP didn't have other motives why would they request that Baltimore Jewish change the article?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
One word: Wow!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How do you ge invited to one of these things ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope that reader isn't suggesting that the Norman family is a group of liars. Somehow I accept the veracity of the story told by the Norman family a little more than some random anonymous person that can't spell and seems to be attempting to disparage the NWCP.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perhaps some readers need to take time to read and understand. NWCP is not taking credit for anything. They are utilizing Baltimore Jewish Life to inform the community of important information that they received for distribution.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Looking at this email, I don\'t understand what your issue is. It says specifically where the information came from. Excellent work from the NWCP: timely and relevant.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This vile hatred has got to stop!!!! The NWCP took no credit for alerting the community. It mention right in the article that this came from Mr. Yopung's office. Moderator, please don't allow baseless comments to appear on this website. we don't want BJL to become like the other poular news sites with the mud slinging etc.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it is very disrespectful to call any rabbi by his first name. i was appalled at seeing that the alter rebbe: Reb Shneur Zalman has been called "Zalman" by this religious publication. please correct this mistake. thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This info came from Jack Youngs office. What a sour attempt by the NWCP to take credit for alerting the community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Could they take out some books ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
the problem is not alcohol. the problem is excess. people eat too much, drink too much, spend too much, etc. If people had self control their children would too.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For all you who are as outraged at this stupidity as I am. Here is the association email address. Send them an email and let them know your opinion!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\\\'t think the person who wrote \\\"Someone\\\'s chumra is wasting the tzibur\\\'s money\\\" is against Ezras Nashim, my take on their comment was that this should be under Hatzalah\\\'s umbrella to save the tzibur\\\'s money, am I right?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore is actually ahead of NY on this issue as a result of changes made by Rabbi Weinreb years ago who identified this problem and was proactive in making the changes needed. Unfortunatly the above stipulations are not enough, in fact it only shows the children that the adults don't know how to celebrate without alcohol, I don't believe in prohibition but how often do we see adults that are not able to handle their liquor at shul. Our kids are looking at us and how we behave and while this may not solve underage drinking it is a good place to start.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Part of the mandate of all Hatzalahs is to provide service in a modest manner. This is the epitome of modest - if I was a female, and I was in labor, I definitely would not want my husbands friend coming over and delivering my baby!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don\'t think this is \"someone\'s churmra\" or a waste of money. I labor is a very intense time for a woman and a time of sakana. When a woman finds herself in middle of an unplanned home (or work, the supermarket, etc!) delivery, having a professional, trained female to help her instead of her neighbor\'s husband, can make a world of a difference. What a great Chessed!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a great idea, too bad they cannot utilize the resources of Hatzalah but so amazing to see this did not stop these awesome women. Please post instructions to donate to this cause.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Someone's chumra is wasting the tzibur's money.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you commenters, especially the person who knows my son in Chicago! I agree that he is a great rav!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I guarantee if it was a muslum school they would bend over backwards to accomadate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In heaven I am sure they are true winners for refraining from playing on Shasbbos! All the power to them!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Never blsme Muslims!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mrs. Liebtag, Your son in Chicago who you bemoaned is not with you in EY, is an amazing Rov! He told a great Baal Shem Tov story on Motsei Shabbos at an outstanding Etan Katz Kumzitz. No hyperboly here.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Use that credit (called a ×××××) as soon as you can, they print them on receipt paper, the ink wears off after a while and you can\'t read it. Good luck! Chana Staiman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Anyone know if there will be a round 2?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good luck lookingforward to the next episode
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not what happend. I was with the girl your referring to and a Hatazalah member saw us and Notified the NCWP
Comment by BJLife BJLife
12-26-2012 My objections are the oversimplifications and the use of platitudes. To many this essay would appear to be more pandering than earnest analysis. The issue is not the nature of Torah or the enduring value of Torah. Neither is the issue of whether Torah is truth. No one is suggesting otherwise. But we just covered in Parshas Mishpatim, the 'eye for an eye' passage. The Rabbis of Blessed memory (Chaza'l) taught us that we do not practice that, but rather, we assess monetary damages. Which begs the question, so why did the Torah express the 'eye for an eye' passages? To say that the lesson is for us to understand that the 'tortfeasor' really should have his eye put out is an oversimplification at best and down right false at worst. The lesson is simpler, that no black and white words are to be applied exactly as written under the guise of empirical truth, even the words of G-d. We always must know the intent behind the words. All the more so for written words from mere humans, even Rabbis. It is for this reason that we cannot practice Judaism i.e. Torah, as a paint by number excercise by reading all the available 'How To' manuals, even if you read all the various Shulchan Aruchs from the Tur all the way down to the present day works. You cannot practice from the written word. You must awlays have the insight of a living breathing Talmud Chochom i.e. Daas Torah to practice correctly. That being stated, I am not comfortable with passionate rhetoric based on literal readings and professed unalterable truths. I am all for personal opinions. But they should be disclaimed as such, personal opinions, and not professed to be the indelible words of G-d. That is all I am saying. So I re-invoke my 'disavowel' of this essay by Rabbi Sharon. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Compare these pictures to those from the Fogel funerals last year...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I loved this presents a startlingly revolutionary stance simply, articulately, and intelligently.Dovid Teitelbaum, your father sounds like he was an amazing man and i have to say the apple didnt fall far from the tree. Cathy Dinovitz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To Commentor #2: Could you be more specific as to what your objections are? Are you objecting to the Torah's mandates? Or are you objecting to Rabbi Shafran's application of the Torah to this issue? He clearly points out that certain activities are forbidden by the Torah while stating that the persons doing the forbidden activity requires our support and encouragement in overcoming their desires. The Torah is truth. People can debate both sides of an issue, but the Torah's truth is always the correct position. Stating that an activity prohibited by the Torah is somehow acceptable or unavoidable is an untruth. People may have difficulty following a particular aspect of the Torah, and need support and encouragement to help them, but the Torah's truth is eternal. We are our brother's keepers and cannot hide from these issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great Article Really helps us to understand our great rebbi that much better Tzvi Karp
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This article, is most unfortunate. This type of article will bring down criticism and ridicule not only on the orthodox and their Rabbis, but on the Torah itself. This is a complex issue and cannot be broken down into platitudes and over simplifications. I am 'Torah loyal' and observant, and I personally disavow this essay and its reasoning.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Well said Rav Shafran! They always bring up 2 points as well: 1) Why would Hashem create a person a certain way and then forbid them from being that way?, and 2) Why would Hashem prevent a loving relationship. My response to #2 is where are we promised to have love in the first place. I know the Torah says Hashem promises food, safety, and Eretz Yisrael, but have yet to find a guarantee of love. The world is one big apple pie, but not everyone is entitled to the piece they want, or even a piece at all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Cmon its entertaining and enjoyable. Their are much more troubling issues the the "jewish star"...relax...good shabbos.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful article! Very well written and inspiring!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Absolutely disgusting. If the referendum is on the ballot, every single reader of this site MUST vote against it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
where will we find this list on your website? thank you very much for this service. it was a huge help last year! Gail Feinstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes, Dr. David Pelcovitz is a Professor of Education and Psychology at Yeshiva University. I doubt the lack of mention of this fact had any malicious intent, other than simple oversight. But now, YOU and I mentioned it! We are good to go! :-)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Five years? God forbid!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When I see a Baltimorian go soo far in the world, It makes me proud to be a Baltimorian-The Lurmanator
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree. Ayin Ra, the inability to see graciously another's joy, is not a good character trait. Yes, in Yeshiva, the Baalei Mussar would spend time ridiculing frivolity. But that is not for the public or for little kids. To do that does not foster a serious attitude. To the contrary, it fosters hurt and resentment. And raises sardonic children. Let the kids have their fun. Even the big kids. And enjoy watching the kids enjoy. A little happiness is healthy. And that couldn\'t hurt. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who knows what is going on behind the scenes? I compare this to WWII when thousands of Jewish lives could have been saved had the Allies bombed the tracks to Aushwitz. Now, Israel is able to "bomb the tracks" itself and the world is trying to say , "wait a while". However, the bombing of Iran is the easy part. it is the long lasting war and terrorism that will follow that requires Israeli will and strong American support. It is easy to start a war, hard to end it. Iran is not a pushover. I hope that behind the scenes this is just a diversion. Hashem yerachem. L. Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Would it have been too much to ask for the publicity pre-and post to make mention of his academic credentials and current faculty position at Yeshiva University? All it said was noted Psychologist sought out by Rabbanim....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congratulations to Mendy Pellin & Yaakov Shwekey and all those who came together to make this beautiful music video, 'CRY NO MORE.' Stay tuned for more of Mendy Pellin when he hits the big screen in a Tawd b. Dorenfeld anthology feature film.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
In 1984 , at the end of my senior year , Rabbi Tendler zt''l , challenged our senior class to complete an entire tractate of Talmud before we graduated . As one can imagine , with all the academic pressures and life decisions , on seniors , it was no easy task . His shiurim , lectures always stressed areas of halakha (jewish law)within the structure of the talmudic process of study and argument . He made the material relevant to our jewish adult lives . If we were struggling , as High School students do , he patiently would reexamine the material with us . I never remember him ever getting "mad,"with my ups & downs , and his style of chinnuch , and musssar , seemed more direct , than intense . In ways he seemed to have a striking resemblence to those in law enforcement etc .,and again , that was why , in my opinion he succeeded . I think that responsibility equals mentchlichkeit , and the " buck always stopped there ." May his avodah as a wonderful rebbe and mentch be an example for our lives , be''h. Mike Milch.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For most people that means getting overcharged for sewer service as well since that is usually based on your water bill.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yisroel BeTach B'Hashem
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you BJL and R Fishel for providing the forms as a download, I usually have to trek around town searching for them and frequently ending up MMAE O Fishel headquarters! Thank you also to R Fishel for this wonderful contest. I find that it inspires myself and my children to improve on our brachos incredibly. i just wish I could say that we keep it up all year...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you NWCP for providing this service! It is wonderful to know that such a service is available if it should ever, God forbid, be needed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes. I actually learned to speak Hebrew 32 years ago in an ulpan here in Israel. I too, have a facility for languages. I learned well and after living here for two years was speaking quite well. Then I went back to the States. In the intervening 32 years I never used it -- and lost my facility with Hebrew. As they say, \"use it or lose it\". I made aliyah this past August. I did an ulpan for a while, and was in Kita Gimmel. I was quite proud that I retained enough Hebrew to be in Kita Gimmel. Thing is, I am quite hard of hearing (have been since age 3) and I wear hearing aids. I read lips. I am also 32 years OLDER than I was way back when. These days, I preface all my Hebrew conversations with \"Ani C\'vedat Shmiyah, v\'ani korayt b\'sfatayim\". Then, people speak ENGLISH to me! I always have to tell them, \"Lo amarti sheh ani lo m\'daberet ivrit. Amarti sheh ani c\'vedat shmiyah v\'ani korayt b\'sfatayim. B\'vakasha, t\'daber iti b\'ivrit, aval t\'daber yotar l\'at, vaz ani y\'kolah l\'havin.\" They usually get it then and speak in Hebrew to me. I also explain to them that if they do NOT speak Hebrew to me, I will NEVER learn! (But if I were sitting down to a major contract, I would do it in English -- or with a translator!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The Yom Kippur Katan minyan today at Rabbi Weiss's shul (Clarks Lane) is at 4:50.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
New York Post is NOT a reliable source. IF Kosher Sports was planning to open on SHabbos, does that mean they are giving up their hecksher, and what are the implications for other cities where they do business (such as Baltimore). Is this case really about advertising or subcontracting?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I view his article as negative. And my comment was hardly pointless-I wholeheartedly agree with Shafran that there are far greater heroes than football players. I take issue with taking any world event and using it to put down other people in the world while trying to glorify some perceived greatness we Jews have over others. Do you have any idea how many Orthodox Jewish people attended that parade? I know of several myself, and I\'m just one person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good Job Yossi! The cousins are proud!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Congratulations from Handwerger, Cardegna, Funkhouser & Lurman, CPA's! The Lurmanator's papa is proud and so is the rest of the firm!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The author thought about what he witnessed and chose to take the time to share it. "Mi K'Amcha" is personified by this writer as well, seeing the positive essence of our brethren. Thank you for sharing.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really? We need to be like the Gantze Velt in everything? Let\'s just call it Dancing with the Jewish Stars. Goodness, when will this stupidity end?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great story
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great Article. How True. I loved it. And to the previous writers comment, please keep your pointless negative comments to your self. And if your the one who is constantly writing these negative \\\'put downs\\\' to the beautiful articles that bjl puts on the website its about time you stop
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Amazing recollections of our rebbi....thanks Hillel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Another condescending put down by Rabbi Shafran.Does he think anyone enjoys this stuff?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I loved this article because it so accurately defined Rabbi Tendler: authentic. He was the Real Deal which is why he earned the respect and trust of his talmidim, even if/when his decisions weren't always to their liking. That type of emes today is, sadly, all to rare.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Quite honestly, Gingrich is being big for his britches. His campaign is going nowhere - his attacks against Romney backfired, his payload from the past is overwhelming, everyone sees Santorum as balanced, genuine, and the true conservative (as he is), and the primaries have reflected that so far. Perhaps he should be the one to drop out - especially if he loses Georgia, his own home state.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To sign up for the 24 hour patrol, please contact us at 410-664-6927 x1 or send an email to It is under the Auspicies of the NWCP, but a separate program.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you very much for this useful information!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is NWCP 24 hour patrol seperate from its regular patrol? If a person were to volunteer for the 24 hour patrol where can I sign up?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To the previous poster: Well said! The arrogance that this man portrays is unbelievable and based on what? 515 losses? The coach has stated in the article that he will return next season which means he will be entering his 41st season looking for his 400th win? How good of a coach do you have to be to compile a record like that? But this man, who is supposedly the best coach the Orthodox Jews can thrown out there, will tell you that itâs not his fault itâs his players fault â they missed too many layups. When did mediocrity become ok for the Jews? When did become ok for the Jews to fall back on excuses? The Jewish people don\\\'t make excuses and wallow in our own self pity - certainly thousands of years of oppression could have counted as an excuse - we take what we have and we make it excellent. Just look at the university that this man represents. It is one the top academic institutions in the country, its graduate schools are renowned, and at the same time it excels in producing Torah scholars. How did all of this happen? It definitely was not by making excuses. It certainly was not by blaming others. Iâm sure it was through hard work, dedication, accountability, and pure desire. We tell our kids that they can do anything they put there mind too â except this guy wants us all to know that âanythingâ does not include winning basketball games in the worst conference in the NCAA Division 3. âIâm not going to engage in this false humility,â he said. âThe university owes me for taking a program and representing it in the community to where itâs respected.â What is it respected for â taking a beating? So why, in his mind, would the university owe him? Iâm willing to admit that he has surely had a positive effect on many of his players and Iâm sure that he has been a good ambassador for the university. The truth is, though, that his record is 397-515 and any guy off the street could have compiled that record and countless others could have had the same effect on players and the university that he had so what did he give to the school that any other ordinary Joe couldnât have? âIâve done a great job this season,â he said. âIâve done everything I can possibly do. If your team is missing layups, thereâs nothing more you can do.â Perhaps you can practice making layups? But seriously â how do you throw your players under the bus and in the same interview demand the respect of those around you? I honestly hope that this article misrepresents this guy because if this is how he truly is then I feel bad for the players that he âleadsâ
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow! Thank you to the Norman Family for your kind words. We were glad to be able to help. A couple of notes: 1. All of our operations, including operations on Shabbos and Yom Tov, are under the rishus and guidance of Rav Heinemann. In fact, we met the next night with the Rov to go over what we did and find out how to do it better in terms of Halacha. (BTW: The Rov paskened that we did everything in an acceptable manner.) 2. The NWCP Citywatch Team is a program of the NWCP. We are available 24x7 for any emergency situation. 410-664-6927 x1. NWCP
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Not quite the same thig, but in Baltimore last year, a meshaloch took the check I'd written to "Agudath Israel," gave the check to them, but made a copy, and then deposited it on his own. The same check thus cleared twice. And no, I do not know why the bank accepted the copy, but it cleared the system!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
âIâve done a great job this season,â he said. âIâve done everything I can possibly do. If your team is missing layups, thereâs nothing more you can do.".....With all due respect to the wizard of Amsterdam avenue, throwing his players under the bus is a bit less of the teaching thing and a bit too much of the look at me thing. Have a little class coach...(you could have substituted players who could actually make layups instead of playing those who can't...but you could not be bothered, you did all you could was their fault...) I know the University owes you for bringing them 500 plus losses but give me a break on the I'm the reason we win thing....Is the arrogance part of the message you want the players to leave Yeshiva with? "Before leaving his house for his first game, Halpert, then 27, told his wife that the Maccabees were going to win and he was going to be the reason." So when you lost by 22 were you the reason...or did you do everything you could and your players just missed shots? (which by the way is part of basketball) The "we're not as talented as the others, we work harder in school, we only practice after 8, only 4 days..." that gets old after awhile and I would think the Jewish people deserve better than excuses...we got beat, period. I'm as responsible as my players are for our losses and they deserve the credit when they preform up to their capabilities, quite honesty I get too much credit when we win....I appreciate the university giving me the opportunity to coach and do what I love to do for 40 years even though I've won an average of less than 10 games a year and have yet to bring a conference championship to our program, I am humbled by the kindness they showed me for putting up with my flaws and celebrating our players and their effort...I am grateful to the entire community for taking a chance on me...No we dont get that ...we get this...."The university owes me for taking a program and representing it in the community to where itâs respected.â Awesome leadership and role model...Red would be so proud....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
welcome to the nanny state!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a major reason why people should use Agudah Scrip rather than writing checks to a stranger.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beautifully done video. It truly brings me to tears.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All the more reason to use tzedakah scrip. Not the first time this happened.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Small world indeed. While looking up Sherwood Press I came across your writings above. My Father, Edwin O'Loughlin, was a type setter at Sherwood Press. I, as a small child would go with my Father on Saturdays to be with him as he finished up some jobs. I remember Mr. Harry and Mr. Merrill and oddly enough the big safe in the office. Brings back memories, Thank You!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The bais hamikdash's wall should not be exploited like this. This is so crass. Umikdoshai Tirau
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a beautiful song and a very well-done video. The effect of the "peteks" coming out of the Kosel is very powerful. There is one flaw in the video, though. At the end, when the tefillos turn into the Beis HaMikdash, you see the front of it behind the Kosel. However, the Kosel is the Western wall. The opening to the heichal faces East. You would see the back of the Beis HaMikdash from that vantage point.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a Kiddush Hashem. Kol Torah and Rabbi Berger are such an asset for our community. Nosson Samet is the main man!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am \"commenter #1\". Of course I understood the article. I was just expressing my curiosity at the ever-present \"Yeshivish\" words bandied about in BJL articles, words that I have never heard or seen in my lifetime of picking up Yiddishisms. Some of those words, like \"shlita\", I find in Wikipedia or other online sources. Others, like \"zoche\", I can\'t find. I am curious as to their meaning and what nuances are conveyed by the choice to use, for example, \"zoche\" and \"gadlus\" instead of \"honored\" and \"greatness\".
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hatzalah could really use your money. They have a huge operating expense, and need to upgrade and replace equipment. Every penny counts - even $5 or $10 goes a long way and is much appreciated!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We are seeing government intrusion in all aspects of our lives. This is only initial stages. Too many people aren't contecting the dots yet. When they do, it will be too late.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
nonsense. CNN has proven to be liars. The media will do anything to reelect this disaster.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Last years Dolphin club event was a huge success- tons of prizes, lots of fun, raised a lot of money for a Hatzalah- so the money whent right back into the community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
please b-more. a little shalom, kavod habrios etc. just because someone wrote something you disagreed with doesn't mean sarcasm has to fly.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sir/Madam- the comment from the parent of the Waterbury bochur was not mine. There are many Baltimore/Waterbury families in town. as for my silly was prompted by your silly comment. These events, highly publicized or not, do not take away from our local schools or the tirless folks who serve them. Next time BMG comes 'round 695 looking for donations, I'll be looking for your comments to resurface. ps- hatzlacha to all of our children!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is this Philip Grossman by any chance the brother of the late Cantor Herbert Grossman, who was the long-time chazzan at the Rogers Avenue Synagogue?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Housing is not that much cheaper in Houston, when you compare it to the lower salaries. Maybe its a drop cheaper, but thats only in one neighborhood, which is surrounded by horrible neighborhoods on three sides. Kosher food is at least 30-40% more expensive than major jewish cities, and tuitions are probably as expensive and if not more than Baltimore. And the weather, it gets pretty hot down in Houston in the summer, and does anyone forget when they evacuated the ENTIRE CITY because of a hurricane? I do. Galveston used to be a Jewish City, until it was destroyed.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am proud to have Mayor Rawlings-Blake represent our city.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"Maybe, we should scribble the notices on a paper towel and put them on the bottom layer of other notices on our shul bulletin boards?" Please what a silly comment all I said is that we have struggling institutions in this town, tireless volunteer workers and suggested that these lovely fundraising events for out of Baltimore institutions should be more private. I will not burden you with my civil comments anymore since clearly my words are glossed over and misconstrued, I think that anyone who takes the time to read my original comment would have no problems with it. Goodbye p.s. so happy your son did so well in Waterbuy, hatzlacha to him in the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is the OU doing to help bring down the cost of tuition in general? We need the OU to invest in Jewish Education.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is advertising that powerful that it hypnotizes people to attend parlor meetings and donate money that they should have kept in town? I imagine that the majority of our fellow Baltimoreans apportion their tzedakah funds properly. Outwardly? Maybe, we should scribble the notices on a paper towel and put them on the bottom layer of other notices on our shul bulletin boards?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbis tend to show up when wealthy people ask them to, which is fine and totally makes sense but does nothing to increase my desire to support those causes. Does not make those Rabbi's any less reliable but a fact is a fact. Kol hakavod to Waterbury and their wonderful rebbeim and talmidim, glad they are helping boys from Baltimore just like many schools from Baltimore help students from other cities.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mayor Rawlings-Blake has proven to be an excellent Mayor, who cares for her citizens. She has been VERY receptive to the Baltimore Jewish Community, and even retains a person on her staff who deals directly with the NW\\Jewish Community. Wishing continued success to the Mayor. DC
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Houston is different because housing is much cheaper and the economy is much stronger than most cities on the east coast given its focus on energy.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Didn't say local institutions should have exclusive rights and of course the Wolaskys and Friedmans are pillars of the community, I just think that events for out of Baltimore institutions should not be advertised so outwardly. Please re-read my original comments, I believe they were respectful and did not attack any person or worthy institution. I would hope an observation can be made without people getting defensive. I never disparaged the wonderful people or the amazing yeshiva just concerned about our community priorities and our local institutions. Thank you in advance for re-considering the tone of your comments.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
BJL's job is to report on what is happenning in Baltimore. I am sure BJL would give equal, if not more exposure, to any event that supports a local school.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a Baltimore parent of a Waterbury bochur, I cannot thank Yeshiva of Waterbury enough. My son flourished there!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, Baltimore schools need our support; however, Reb Sheftel, Rabbi Hauer, Rav Shlanger and Rabbi Kostelitz were all in attendance. That says something.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Of course local schools should receive precedence, but they don't have exclusive rights to our tzedaka!! Waterbury serves many boys from Baltimore and has every right to make an event for our community. Those who feel it's not appropriate, need not attend, but why make ad hominem Ttacks against the wonderful gvirim who aren't to the effort to host such an event?! BTW mssrs Wolasky and Friedman do tons for the local schools....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Cheers to O---bama and O---malley. Hoefuklky we can get an X factor and over come the O-----pressors
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Commenter #1: were you really unable to understand the point of the article despite the use of a couple of terms that are foreign to you?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wish with a full heart all the success in the world to this yeshiva, I think however rather than making a "community event" like this it would be better for these g'virim to invite alumni and select friends and associates over to their home for a parlor meeeting fundraiser, an event advertised and covered by BJL is not very sensitive to the local schools and organizations that are struggling.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I think most people would agree that the biggest problem is yeshiva tuition, and the yeshivas in Houston are almost as expensive as NY yeshivas, and way more expensive than Baltimore ones. I don't see how this solves anything.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It was a succesful evening for the Maryland Jewish Community. It is also encouraging to see a strong representation of the Baltimore Orthodox community at these events.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The Governor of Maryland has a similar proposal that would have the same effect in regard to state taxes
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How about a donation to Hatzalah, folks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You mean R\' Tendler Z\"L was NOT \"echad b\'peh v\'echad b\'lev\". That phrase refers to someone who is a hypocrite - the antithesis of R\' Tendler Z\'L was.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You are correct, how rude and ignorant of the author, but certainly not malicious or arrogant. Zoche means to have the honor of and Gadlus is greatness. I hope the editor of this wonderful website takes your comments to heart and translates all Yiddish and Hebrew words in the future.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"zoche", "gadlus": These are two words that are foreign to us readers who, even as shul-goers, are not part of the Ultra-Orthodox community and thus are illiterate in "Yeshivish". Could the webmaster of BJL consider adding a glossary of Yeshivish terms that often appear in these articles and their translations into English? It would be of great help to us "outsiders" By the way, when I looked up ""gadlus" in Wikipedia, I found nothing, and when I looked up "zoche", I found an article about German company that makes diesel engines for aircraft.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wish every teacher and principal in every day school and yeshiva would read this article. Rabbi Perton brought tears to my eyes. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To strengthen the author's well stated insights, I just read about a recent study that found that the number one place where kids see inappropriate content is on T.V., NOT the internet. Categorizing internet as "treif" when it became an inevitable part of our daily functioning, does not help people learn how to use this tool appropriately, and made a mockery of those that spread this kind of message. Thank you for this great article.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan: the sun is brighter there...I always notice are closer to the equator than we are..(or that's the explanation I got) have a shavua tov (or gut voch)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's nice to see that the BJC is finally willing to do something for the Day Schools and help R' Sadwin push this bill through this year. Kudos to both!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Gary & I were married for 25 years and I know from personal experience that he was fully dedicated to his career as a Baltimore City Police Officer. He was a wonderful man and though we were divorced I could always count on him to be there for me. I miss him so much. Melody Manuel
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Well said!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A wonderful tribute. I do have to correct one item. Rav Yaakov Weinberg was around 10 years older then Rav Tendler so I\'m not sure \'practically peers\' is an accurate statement. Rav Tendler loved Rav Weinberg\'s Torah because it was emes and real, not because he was working on his anivus by quoting Rav Weinberg. Rav Tendler was indeed an anav but his love for Rav Weinberg\'s Torah is not an example of it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Beautiful article. I was a talmid in Mechina close to 20 yrs. ago and then continued on to yeshiva and then Kollel. I can't begin to thank the Yeshiva for enabling me to achieve what I have until this day. But most of all I can't imagine the Schar that Rabbi Tendler has for simply saying "yes" twenty years ago to accept me to the Mechina. What about the Schar for all the other thousands of Talmidim and their accomplishments in "not wasting their life?" I hope that bezras Hashem his wonderful mishpacha has a nechama along with the rest of the Yeshiva and Klal YIsroel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
the author of this article really captured R. Tendler so beautifully and acurately. Thank you.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"echad b'peh vechad b'lev"--i doubt i ever met anyone who exemplified this to such a degree as Rav Yosef ztl did. The straightest arrow to shoot out of a quiver...always called it like he saw it, whether you agreed with him or not. His son really puled out all the stops at the levaya...beautiful words about a beautiful person. Simply beyond words... Max Liskovich Mechinas Ner Israel 1993-1996
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
beautiful story about a beautiful person
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Tendler exemplified the mida of "echad b'peh vechad b'lev". Hw will be missed
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a talmid from the early 80's, I have his Friday morning shmuessen flooding me. The gemorrah in taanis about abba chilkiyah came first, probably because it described him as well. Vayeilchu acharei hahevel vayehebolu. The friday morning shiur in michtav mayeliyahu- yayeilech eeto lot vs. V'lot eemo hanegbah. The way to connect with a godol. Once it is eemo it is not far from sdom. I recognize his savlonus with me and with many in the Mechina in those years. He had a firm/scary exterior and a warm interior. Hashem nosan Hashem lokach yehi shem Hashem mevorach.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I was not a talmid, but I will miss Rabbi Tendler. What a special man. Look at his beautiful family. Clearly reflects positivley on Rabbi Tendler and Mrs. Tendler and what type of home they ran. A shining example for all of us.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
who is the frum guy in the picture?? Let's get some guessing going here!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Oberstein - I owe a lot to Ner Israel and to Rabbi Tendler. Thank you for this article. Rabbi Dovid Toback
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A tzadik yesod olam...
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a huge loss for Baltimore. Rav Tendler not only cared about the high school bochrim, he always dealt with them - including the occasional troublemakers - fair and square and they respected that.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maybe we could go with something like that for chronically late carpool drivers. We could tack it on to the offenders tuition. My son would finally get to minyan on time and the school would get extra cash.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sadly, Rabbi Linzer is completely correct about how tznius is practiced and the situation in Israel today. Rabbi Shafran needs to wake up and smell the coffee.Also, perhaps grown men terrorizing little girls in Bet Shemesh is more responsible for our exile than these op ed articles.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
it is concerning when the government becomes involved in religion, even if it is not something that the torah subscribes to, take for example the reaction to the bris ban in san francisco. seperation of church and state is just that, separate.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
2-7-2012 If the room is dark, brighten the light. The Mitzvos are the candle (the lighting device) and the Torah is the light. To light up the world we must embrace the Torah. We must be more than merely assiduously pious. We must ignite the ancient and sacred passions that are hidden within the hearts of all good and decent people. When we are passionate about our authentic ideals and virtues, then the world will follow suit. One small spark will melt away an enormous amount of chaff. This is not a battle of 'braun'. It is a struggle of virtues and ideals. When we toil to understand the Torah we merit perception of Hashem and we exclaim 'Zeh Kayli' This is my God! and then we naturally spread what we see to others. So, like we learn from Reb Elyashav and Reb Shteinman in our day and from Reb Shmuel and Reb Ruderman and Reb Gifter before them, the answer is to toil in the learning of Torah. Or, as Rav Gifter once said, 'Nothing does more for the world than working a Blatt of Gemoroh!' And that my friend, is how it is done! Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Unless one is living in a old house, most Dud Shemesh are now solar powered, meaning you can take unlimited showers in the day, but only a few at night (because the water isn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t able to be heated until the sun comes out).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sadly, pieces like this aren't bringing moshiach here any quicker or people any closer to yahadus.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good Luck Mark. Don\'t know if you remember me, your former Hebrew School teacher at Ner Tamid. Mrs. Tova Taragin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Melech Evyon
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Looking forward to reading more about this topic.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Actually, "Dud" Shemesh is pronounced like "good"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
OMG!!! this is the ultimate invasion of privacy! infertility is hard enough why is it ok to be asked such personal questions and if it is asked out loud then moving to another room is too late after the question is posed in public. i wish for 1 second those people would feel the pain of infertility bc if they had they never would do this to someone
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher koach for taking a stand on this issue. You are truly the voice of our community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
That frothy mixture? I think not!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It should be a refuaha shleima and hope to hear good news
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
lol hilarious :-)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I would suggest that those who need their nitroglycern carry it in a way that allows for the easiest access in the event of a medical emergency and NOT try to tuck it in their hat, shoe or other shinui manner. General publications such as these provide little benefit and can lead to very dangerous results if misinterpreted by your readership.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher Koach to all those involved, what a wonderful accomplishment on behalf of the tzibur! Tizku LeMitzvot! (I am one of those who did not enjoy the mud on my shoes) Aharon Newman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this path! I have used it, and it is a great amenity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Doesn't matter if rates are all-time lows. Too hard to qualify with all the government regulations.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This should be posted in every shul in America instaed of all the silly bans and vaads and conferences
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very nice but she is not Blossom she is Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
ur father also made a \"kosher\" spaceballs movie which was edited down to about 16 minutes. good times.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Just think if you moved to Israel 40 years ago you would have to wait at least six months for service. You made so much progress in a short time!! Ca not wait to hear about the new car !!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Waiting for the next one look forward to it
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I helped the owner sift through the rubble and found 16 and a half garbage bags worth of shaimos
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In this day and age everyone knows what a Kippah is and esp. in an area which it is commonly found. Someone at the helm of a school needs to be more educated !!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I wait for the diary each day or every few days
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You are missing Mr. and Mrs. Grossman who are making aliyah in 12 days, He is 95 ans she is 92 and they have been married for 71 years!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Since when is stating an opinion "taking a shot", really now, I don't agree with everything the woman says or stands for but you have to admit between the segregated busses and the Beit Shemesh situation the ultra religious are drawing their own lines in the sand. Valid point about Hebrew not being the national language, this will not lead to a healthy future for Israel in the world market.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Waiting for episode .17
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
And so, another great Jewish tradition and characteristic and virtue has been pawned away for a few bucks. It might make dollars and cents sense. But, like so many other of our national and natural treasures, this last remaining pure virtue has now been made into a mere commodity and cashed in on.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Please keep updates
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This sounds like a great event! I want to hear more about Menucha - what a wonderful organization.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'m trying to have work done on my house, and the service is not so great here, either!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Any woman who keeps her own last ame in marriage is not to be trusted.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
WOW! Sounds like this was amazing shabbaton! I hope this inspires our community to continue bringing the magic of Menucha to more and more people! So proud! ~Sarah Edinger
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
AMEN! Thank you, Baltimore, for producing some very fine IDF soldiers. All of them are my heroes, among them Yaakov Abergel, Ami Bennett, Aryeh Eastman, Dovid Eastman, Josh Eastman, Michoel Nathan, Jeremy "Petey" Petersen, Sarit Petersen, Yehoshua "Josh" Reznick, Aaron Dovid Schwartz, Yaakov Tenenbaum, and Meir Verschleisser. May they grow to be very old people, with excellent stories to tell their great-grandchildren.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
mazel tov! I am so proud of Aaron! instead of just lip service, what he is doing realy counts. May G-d watch over him and may he go from streanth to steanth. may his parents and grandparents have much nachas. Kol HaCovod
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Was Dr. Cooper's office affected?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz wouldn\'t understand the truth if her life depended on it.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv ur diaries keep it up i look forward
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great pictures, makes me proud. Thanks Sharon!!!!!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thanks Rabbi Sadwin for all you do for our community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maze TOV to Adam,Phran,andPhamily.Can you Phigure out who sent this.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Don't forget about the tireless efforts of Mrs Ward and her indefatigable staff of volunteer elves. With no salaried workers this is definitely a high return on investment charity.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
First comment in poor taste...No doubt Rabbi Sadwin will be all over this when it actually counts. He is not in the business of "expressing deep concern". If it concerns him, he does something about it!!!! His track record speaks for itself in every single area of need this community has had over the last few years.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beauitiful thing. KEep up the good work!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel tov to the entire Edelman family, and thank you for serving and protecting our Jewish nation. We are proud to know you. Diane and Ari Weintraub
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How dare yiou take a gratuitous cheap shot like that against Rabbi Sadwin! At least have the guts to sign your name! Have you any idea what Rabbi Sadwinb does for each and every one of us. Just because we don't agree with everyhting that O'Malley does, doesn't mean we ignore him through the political process. Cleary you have no idea how politics work.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Where is rabbi sadwin and the aguda on this one? Please. Rabbi sadwin ,no more cheap photo ops when omally throws us an ocassional cheap bone.The govs policies are as radical as Obamas and just as dangerous and destructive for all marylanders,jewish and non jewish alike..
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Adam, Phran and Aaron. Congrats! We are so happy for you. look great! Thanks for serving the country with pride! Love, Jonny and Chaya Lasson and Family
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Fantastic! Mazal tov! I remember when he was a wee little trouble maker;)may u only have nachas!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow! Mazel Tov! What a special week for the Edelman family! Enjoy all the Simchas! Courtney and family
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is shaping up to be a quid pro quo year. O'Malley will pass BOAST in exchange for less public opposition from our community for his gay marriage bill.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The J Street poll quoted in the article was proven to be false and misleading. The poll was conducted on a Saturday when Orthodox Jews cannot answer their phones.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yasher Koach
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This wont work - they can take taxi
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
they are very crazy people working with many arms of neo nazi s I did survive most sadistic persons chasing me and wanting me to suffer.No body will believe what i experienced The most sinister fact i can tell you is the showering room i was to use but it was changed into a gas chamber.This was in france at brienon sur armason 2011 sept They take there prey and hunt them down.If you survive then nowbody will believe your story and might think your insane So for now i just wish that if other people wittness horror like i did then start writing about it so the sic minds creating this may be stopped If old nazi people are not satisfeid that they could live in freedom and learnd nothing than this people must be stopped and ther swiss pass wont protect them
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is this how it works in Baltimore? Does the driver receive $18 and the three meshulachim he drives each receive $12 when I give $18 to the three of them?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This article really helped put things in perspective for me. It is nicely written, an easy and enjoyable read, and well organized! I now have lots of ideas swirling in my head to choose from to make this Purim more enjoyable(and affordable)!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
@mly- What the drivers have is a monopoly of sorts and what the TT is doing is attempting to break the artificially high fixed prices in that particular market of Meshulachim drivers.All the other plumbers and fish sellers have healthy markets where there is competition on price and everyone can choose to buy from whoever they want at different prices. That doesn't exist with the drivers. TT is not attempting to dictate what's fair price for the market but just trying to end something which is unfair and unhealthy for the meshulachim and tzedekah givers. That's an important difference. Meir
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does Lakewood have elected Parnesei Hatzibbur who make decisions on behalf of the K"K that have elected them? Is that who T"T are, or represent? When will be zocheh to have them decide how much plumbers may charge? Electricians? Doctors? Grocery stores? L'ma'aseh, if they are charging too much, it is a misuse of our tuition/tzedaka/mitzva money. It least those professionals should all have a particular ishur that we could see and decide for ourselves. Transparency! Are the prices for fish and meat and cereal and candy all fair? When will we be zocheh to a Price Control Board, of course, in consultation with Da'as Torah? -MLY (Baltimore)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Why is it not a fixed rate? If someone decides to give generously it is probably to the plight of the ani and not to the driver!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can someone clarify this? If the driver\\\'s are shomrei torah u\\\'mitzvos\\\' does that require said driver\\\'s to agree to the 33% for one meshulach 25% for 2 meshulach, etc. and therefore they need to sign. As a side point, it must be difficult w/ wages frozen in the US to expect them to take further cuts in salary when driving more than 1. I\\\'m assuming people are much less generous in giving than in years past. Is there hard evidence to prove that? If so driver\\\'s maybe getting a double penalty in trying to meek out a living! Just a thought.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel tov Susan and Bernie for passing the driving test. I must admit that I cheated when I read your article by reading the end first so I'd know if you passed. Kol Hakavod to both of you. Leah Schwartz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The pics of the kids look very fake - as if they wearing a 2012 daavening jacket and nice Arrow shirt.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about Gay Rights ? Suddenly we are so quiet.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Mazel Tov Leibtags! Hope you won\\\'t be too busy driving around the Holy Land to write your daily diary.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Her caring for klal Yisroel reached across the globe. Her love for her fellow man, her concern for everyone, no matter who they were or where they came from,was evident from all that loved her as their own best friend and confidant.On a personal note,she was like a second mother to me,& her care went on long after I had a family of my own.She will always be in my heart.I miss her terribly.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A.O - this is such a great point - the more activities we do with children (all children) the better. And there are so many activities that are fun and can be infused with learning - so that children learn that learning is FUN! (Which it really is). And then fractions aren't so scary and math is easy (because if the end of the math problem is eating chocolate chip cookies - well that's fun, not much argument there). And making chocolate chip cookies requires a formula - and formulas are also fun. Take care, and thank you for commenting - Bracha.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you for this beautiful summary and for the pictures. I was unable to be in Baltimore for the levaya and was so glad to have the opportunity to participate in this way, and to read these very accurate tributes to an extraordinary woman.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really loving this series...flashing back to my own aliyah experience in \"87..things have changed and yet some things stay the same!! Mazel and bracha to you. Really looking forward to your following your journey...
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
She was so regal so caring I will miss her warm smile
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It was her job to put up those signs, please don't blame the victim.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Question: Mr Obama, what is on your agenda? Obama: I will lay out a blueprint for an economy that's built to last. Question: And how will you accomplish that? Obama: By making sure the economy endures. Question: And how will you make sure the economy endure? Obama: By making an economy that's built to last.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How ironic that Ms. MASHIAH states, "I won't come near Ramat Beit Shemesh again\\\", how will we ever earn the arrival of Moshiach if this behavior continues? We will never be able to change the deep-seated hatred these âpeopleâ have for anyone who is not exactly like them but we certainly can change how they are dealt with, our reaction to evil in this case is our only hope for redemption.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The thugs are animals, but something smells about this woman's story. First of all, what was she doing putting up lottery posters in the shuls of the neighborhoods where everyone knows these animals live? Imagine putting up Powerball posters in the Agudah!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All of us 'orthodox' must take some responsibility for this. The 'orthodox' believe that they are as far above the gentiles as the gentiles are above the apes'. That is bad enough. But what happens is that this attitude is extended to not only the gentiles but also to anyone who is perceived as less 'orthodox' or even just different. We all stand by without opposition when we see people we do not include as 'our own' in suffering. We all fail to even extend a hand to those in suffering. We are all guilty of the sin of silence. We should not look down our noses at these events. We must ask ourselves what our role is in these abominations. The'orthodox' do not like such criticism and often either quash such a voice or turn on the voice to discredit the speaker. Whether this site prints this or not, it is a truth that will come out one way or another.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I remember years ago, Star K was \"aboard\" to provide Kashrus. I also remember that Star K advised people to consider if a Cruise was appropriate, considering the environment. Despite that you provided the Kashrus, which I thought was a tad hypocritical. I am glad to hear that Star K is out of the \"Cruise buisness.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Very inspiring Levaya.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It's time that these thugs, and that's what they are, be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It's time for the Rabbis of these thugs to stand up and condem them .
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We sent our son to Skokie after Yeshivat Rambam closed and we are so glad we did! If you want detailed info about the school, email me- Steve Levin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A great lady.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a loss to a tzadekes
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
these people should be put in cherem
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1-23-2012 The message of a man like this is more akin to a melody than a speech. Do not scrutinize words spoken in his name. Rather, watch him, hear his tune, feel his resonance and harmony and let the sweet and powerful melody ignite the ancient and sacred passions of the Torah that is within the heart of every good and decent person. This precious man is our treasure and we must embrace him and his message with all of our hearts and soul and emotion. His message is our faith and our faith in his message will merit the redemption of all mankind. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
One reason that parents of addicts have to go to support groups in churches is because our community is unwilling to own up to flaws in our society. We hide our troubles because we are embarresed of what the neighbors will think or we want shadchanim to think our family is perfect. One of the main causes of children going off the derech in the frum world is sexual molestation yet we pretend it doesn't exist. Parents who would prefer their child be dead than for people to know he or she is off the derech is a phenomenon that is very telling. We are afraid to honestly deal with the issues, we cover up, we pretend and so many are left to suffer..and the molesters go on their merry way.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
May the rabbi have a refuah shleimah. Howis it possible that a man as old and sick as he is can still issue decrees forbidding things on a regular basis. How could someone as old and sick as he sign a decree that it is forbidden to bring Mishpacha Magazine into your home because they violate the Torah? Is that what is on his mind at this time or has he been totally manipulated by handlers who deny access to him and put his name on decrees without giving him a chance to hear the other side. Ever since he came out against Slifkin, etc. I have felt that the whole concept of Daas Torah has been manipulated and debased and can't understand why the rabbi didn't stop it since it is all done in his name. His handlers should have let him retire gracefully instead of making a mockery of his erudition. he has been misused and it is a major chillul Hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a great person! A significant loss for Baltimore and all of Judiasm
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
They are one of the most special people that I know. Rabbi Motzen is a really open person and I'm sure that he will find the right balance in leading the shul.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A far-fetched suggestion: Rabenu Hananel offers the explanation for TSAFAR-DE\'A knows the morning. This agrees with the Aramaic parallel UR-DA\'. What if the initial sound changed from ALEF to a sound represented by TSADE-PE and the DAGESH was not added either (a) because it did not appear in the earlier vocalization, or (b) in order to keep the TSADE-PE a single phoneme. Please let me know if you find anything else. Thank you. ben^
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Nice STORY indeed... so, what are the names of the people involved... and especially what is the name of the reporter who must have been sitting right in the next row to write down every word?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am all for simple & minimal ingrediants! I printed this out for my next baking day - sounds delicious!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love ur diary
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Nice story but this is obviously not someone brought up haredi. Lets see a haredi brought up to eschew the army and secular education act like this
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Adler should move to bet shemesh with his fellow kooks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I know rabbi motzen and his amazing wife hindy....the congragation made the best choice they could make.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a beautiful story!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rain falling is a very good thing. When we went to Haifa port to get our things released, it was during the Second Lebanon War and bombs were falling, at least it was easy to get a parking space that day!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Then the men look down whereever they go and control themselves!!!!! why protect them?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I hope Ner Tamid will remain a modern Orthodox congregation.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
New york got the snow
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, These are the easy things. It passes- then the real hard things start. Been here for 26 years- there's no place better in the world. But remember- you're not in Kansas anymore. Moshe Schecter
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Hi Susan, Looking forward to the next installment. Any chance of an \"Israel Welcomes the Leibtags\" reality show. Hope the shower doors don\'t leak. Shabbat Shalom. Koz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So the non-charedim are animals in a zoo. Mr. Rosenblum's arguments use more straw men than the Wizard of Oz.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is it supposed to snow in baltimore
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Keep the women speakers. Have the men attendees sit in the far back of the auditorium, behind a screen. That way everyone wins.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Perhaps the 5th commentor felt the author needs to understand that it\'s silly nonsense to call people he doesn\'t agree with politically racists!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Please continue writing ur diary i look forward to it
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am disappointed by the 5th comment. It is inappropriate to be so rude to the author. Signed, a Baltimorean who doesn't even know the author, but wishes that commenters could comment with derech eretz even when they are in disagreement.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The cookies were delicious, and the girls are adorable!! Thanks soooo much!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
you don\'t need a gym membership to exercise. Go take a walk.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Shame the JCC membership is not affordable to those on disability who are unable to make a decent living!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, I look forward to reading your diary everyday. Keep up the great work. You\'re an inspiration to us all. Shabat shalom, Leah Schwartz
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I really enjoy ur diary keep on writing
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What part of israel r u living in
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
shower away and have a Shabbat shalom. Fondly Ruth and Ronnie Friedman
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The prior comment states \"divorce no longer has the same negative ramifications and, to the contrary, if a woman or man can do better for themselves, divorce is not only acceptable but even advisable\" - I think that was said too lightly. I doubt any Rav of caliber would agree with that statement. If the couple has tried counseling, therapy etc. and then could still not make a go of it , then yes, at that point a true Daas Torah would agree that divorce may be the only remedy for such a situation. The type of \"Contemporary Rabbinical thinking\" that may be referred to in the prior comment may not always reflect true Daas Torah. This is why for serious matters one should find a Zakein who possesses Daas Torah with the perspective that life experience brings.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It\'s odd that in this article there is no mention of the fact that David Rubenstein was born and raised right here in Baltimore (City, class of 1966)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If being reviled is a sign of being a threat to the status quo, then Dov Lipman might actually have a chance to get into the Knesset, or at least, the Beit Shemesh City Council. The other side , not the sikrikim but the mainstream chareidim, blames the whole problem on Dov. If he would have not opened his muth and if he hadn't made a mountain out of a molehill, then we could all live quietly. I have read thee sentiments again and again,on the editorial pages of chareidi magazines and in a very distrubing letter sent by the rabbi of a large Anglo shul in RBS. Their desire to "kill" the messenger and ignore the message is very disheartening. I hope he wins.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv your diary keep on writing when did you move to israel i met u a long time ago thru ncsy
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"the shower door guy" -- What a cliffhanger!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Contemporary Rabbinical thinking in America seems to disagree with the conclusion of this article. Today, in America, due to the affluence of the orthodox community, the abundance of available potential new partners and the new found freedoms and rights for women that have been recognized by the present day Batie Dinim, divorce no longer has the same negative ramifications and, to the contrary, if a woman or man can do better for themselves, divorce is not only acceptable but even advisable. Indeed, if a spouse opposes divorce and wishes to keep the family together they are now considered unenlightened at best and even immature at worst. This is the opinion of the contemporary Rabbinical leadership and Daas Torah. We must be loyal and have faith in their leadership rather than trying to compare their present day wisdom to past opinions that were products of a bygone era.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
what about families? They should take separate elevators?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
maybe its more referring to teaching our sons and daughters how live independently before being in a marriage.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Maybe you didn't get the memo but nobody is interested in your outdated and overstated political pap. Guise of religion? When you publicly pat yourself on the back at how "religious" you are because of your liberal views you come across as not very credible, either regarding religion or politics. If you want to reminisce then reminisce but keep your silly nonsense to yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
If the Chareidi Rabbanim would have been outspoken about this a long time ago, as they should, this probably never gets to the point of coverage in the news. Instead of stepping up and being accountable for not being more outspoken against the behavior when it first started, it seems the leadership blames everyone but themselves, which that shows there\'s still a major problem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rejoinder: I a appreciate that you only call me silly, not evil. Thank G-d, our community has not reached the nadir where dissenting opinion is put in cherem. Tragically, that is the case in the Holy Land where a chareidi newspaper can get (forge) the signature of a great rabbi to put a competing magazine in cherem. Can you imagine forbidding competition in the guise of religion. Let\'s stop that before it happens here. Many people hold political opinions based on self interest. If this were so, most Jews would be Republicans but most are Democrats because they vote with their values. There once was a Great Old Party that believed in emancipation and many other good things. That party at the moment has been overtaken by the Tea Party. Instead of compromise, they have opposed everything . It is a shanda ans a charpa, that our legislative branch has been hobbled . How can anyone oppose a 1/2 of 1 percent surtax on the second million of income when that would save the jobs of thousands of firemen, policemen and teachers. Yet every Republican voted against it. How can it be that a consumer protection agency passed by the previous congress to clean up the mess of Wall street was not allowed to organize because a minority party would not allow a vote on the nominee to head the agency unless the agency was gutted and made ineffective. The issues that divided the parties in the past were miniscule compared to the gulf between the majority and the minority in this Congress. You know that Romney doesn\'t believe in half the stuff he has to say to get the nomination, yet , that is the price he has to pay to get the nod of the fanatics who have overtaken his party at the moment (we can hope for a yeshua). As far as voter suppression, it goes on in various ways. In Maryland, the Democrats gerrymandered Bartlet out of his old district .That isn\'t so kosher in my opinion.But the real reason for requiring photo ID is to suppress minority and elderly voters is the belief of those who are pushing it that if they can diminish that vote by 5%, they can get a secure base for their party. It is but one example of the cynicism and hyposcrisy that dominates so much of politics. There are exceptions,Lyndon Johnson knew that he was losing the South for a long time for the Democrats when he passsed the Civil Rights Act, but his conscience made him do it. Maybe those of us who saw racism first hand are more sensitive to subtle and not so subtle attempts to turn back the clock. However, most of my best friends are Republicans and I certainly don\'t subscribe to every jot and tittle of the current agenda. I am a Harry Truman Democrat. E. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We've been here for 2 weeks today!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I love ur diary when did u go on aliyah
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Susan, if you need help in the Olim office in Modiin ask for Reva Eilberg. I hear she's fabulous.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Rabbi Yaacov Haber is a true Jewish leader. His initiative to foster Ahavas Yisroel goes hand-in-hand with his other great projects such as TorahLab and Lema'an Achai.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Love the idea of paying for the wedding of a poor person but I humbly question the use of Shiluach Ha'kan as a "segula". I thought this mitzvah of sending away a mother bird before taking its young comes to teach us compassion and respect for the species, setting up this scenario sounds a bit cruel.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I luv ur writing it is very interesting
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
All 50 states can issue valid ID\'s to non-drivers. When you call those with whom you disagree politically racists, you only discredit yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Highway robbery by the government thugs!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Baruch dayan emes. Thank you M. Seidler for your service to out country. May the Seidler family be comforted.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
When you use your reminiscing as an excuse for political commentary as you have a habit of doing, you discredit yourself. Sure, it\'s easy to call people you don\'t agree with politically racists but every state allows non-drivers to obtain a valid state-issued ID. Please keep your silly political opinions to yourself!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can always count on Susan to provide a realistic and funny view of aliyah - keep 'em coming. Donna Wach
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'ve worked with special needs kids who needed OT. A lot of the skills that they had never learned were simple tasks like how to pour, measure, scoop, and mix. Maybe if more mothers adopted your resolution they could give their kids a head start with little tasks we grownups take for granted. Hope you have a happy sweet new year! -A.O.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"You got me at Calvin & Hobbes". No children to share in baking cookies, but my husband and I enjoyed making and eating the Granola Bars. Keep looking for that healthy cookie.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I\'m all for fast, easy, and delicious. I tried these the night I got the recipe, and they are all three! I love a delicious, healthy treat that doesn\'t involve the oven...instant gratification; yum, yum!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is COPE a university that grants a BS? Of course not. So other than within the NY frum world what secular corporation or government agency will accept such credentials? Very few, if any. But, I guess it is better then nothing. Or is it?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So for someone who is too lazy to get themselves an ID, which in most countries the law is to carry ID at all times, we should allow voting fraud. We appreciate your unusual upbringing and positive experiences with minority groups. But there is no need to go out of our way to destroy our society. America needs to care for itself before it can for others.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a great receipe so easy and simple. Can't wait to try it! Happy New Years!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Welcome home!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to the Jews. They are stepped on and taken advantage of in every country. If you look at history, every time a ruler wanted to create a city, he would first invite Jews to live in the area. Only then would the city flourish. Jews are in control of so many businesses and corporations for a very simple reason: they are the best ones for those jobs. Many people are resentful of this because they are jealous. They cannot say that isn't true. The Jews were murdered ruthlessly generation after generation, and yet they still remain. There is a reason for that. The Muslims want to exterminate the Jews. They will not succeed. I know this because I am a Jew. I believe very deeply in G-d and I know that His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will come true. We will be redeemed and there will be peace throughout all the nations. The Muslims believe in an illiterate shepherd while we Jews believe in the word of G-d that we heard as a nation at Mount Sinai. No other religion claims this. Why? Because to make this claim, everyone in that religion must have heard it and all of the current day religions were made up by men. Judaism was created by G-d. May the day come soon in which everyone will believe in on G-d. Amen.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Good ole days. The traffic guys were my biggest client when I use to lease my plane to them. As stated in the article, 9/11 grounded my plane and I sold it shortly afterwards. Sheldon Caplan
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This looks so easy and sounds delish!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for this article. Now I realized that we, the Israelis, are the real bad guys, desperately trying to survive and to exist. Of course, we must stop our covert and overt operations against the Iranian nuclear bomb right away, and hope for salvation.And if the Iranians blow us out of existence, I am sure you'll find out that this was our fault. Dr. Michael Bar-Zohar, former Labor MK
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You forgot to mention that he served for a while as the rabbi of the Rogers Avenue Synagogue in the 1980's.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
kind of speechless don\'t you think?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
is it my imagination, but it seems like the news flow on has slowed dramatically. we miss the up to date real time news flow!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The title doesn't capture the article which concludes that he got the ruling that it was really permissible for him to answer or return the call
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There is generally far more to a story than reported by the media, especially a biased media. I felt that the Chareidim should get their own buses and not force others to comply to their wishes. Now I learn that they were going to do just that, until Egged approached them and convinced them not to start their own bus company with the promise of segregated buses that run through specific communities. Furthermore, I saw a report (from a reliable source) that the woman who was dubbed "The Jewish Rosa Parks" deliberately chose to take the segregated bus even though she had reasonable alternatives. Now you know "The rest of the story"
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
tamir is great
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Silence is NOT an answer. These "kooks" are threatening our Torah way of life - ahavas yisrael and shalom. If a rav cannot stand up for the safety of Jewish children, then what do we have a Torah for?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for your inspiring message Rabbi Silber. I attended a Baltimore women's meet up last evening and this article was mentioned to me. I would like to suggest a 4th suggestion for the Baltimore rabbonim to consider. Please read this article - if they can make this phenomenal ahavas yisrael happen in Atlanta, do you think we can make it happen here?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
We need this chizuk! Thank you Rabbi Silber for your inspiring words.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! R. Laks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Wow, this is an incredible letter.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This is a terrific message, thank you Rabbi Silber.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
amazing words; lets try to comment more on articles like this rather than 20 or so comments whan Accents changes its hasgacha!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What an innovative mind you have! I would never think to put these ingredients together and it sounds amazing. I can't wait to whip it up. Love the title. Can't wait to see what you will bring us next. EOL
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Article "written" by "Staff Reporter"?!?!?!? No where does Ron Paul say he supports Suicide bombing or bombers or their tactics! What a sellout! are you, the reader a Democrat, a Republican, perhaps some 3rd party supporter? do you like your basic freedoms? do you want to keep them? and help Israel become TRULY independant? than you owe it to yourself to do a soul searching bit of research, and look in to what Ron Paul ACTUALLY says and believes, as well as his constitutional voting record, and VOTE RON PAUL!!!! cutting off american financial grants and handouts to israel, will necesitate that we go cold turkey, tighten our belts, and develop our own solutions to issues that the US now dictates to us. the other side of the coin is that the neighboring arab states, will also be cut off from US aid and would thus be less inclined to go to war with us. if you decide to vote for another person, that is your right, but do so because you have done all the research, and are voting your concience, and not because of populist pressure, like the writer of the previous comment, and may the chains of your slavery/servitude (I'm sorry - security) sit lightly upon you. Gershon B. in Tekoa, Israel
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
It is unfortunate that current events have inspired the rabid writings of Yossi Sarid and others like him. Rabbi Finkâs comments regarding the Sarid article make some valuable points. Yet, I find the comments regarding \'evolution of Judaism to conform to modernity\' a little disconcerting. The understanding that I have been given is that Torah Judaism is a finished entity rather than a concept in the process of evolving. It does not âconform to modernity, but rather, a Jew can draw the tools needed from Torah Judaism to function as a Jew in a modern world. Torah education has always existed for the Jewish Woman. A woman learned Lâmaaseh, for practical application and until the last century that had always been in the context of home and family. We also tend to forget that through the nineteenth century, the level of Jewish education for the masses was a basic one. A boyâs educational career in Cheder gave him basic literacy and minimal scholarship and often ended by the time of Bar Mitzvah. There have always been women in Jewish history who were accomplished Torah Scholars from Tenach onward. Devorah HaNeviah served Am Yisroel as a Shofetes . Rashiâs daughters provided part of the mesorah to the Baâalei Tosfos. However, Torah Scholarship is not the role of a Jewish woman, and practically speaking the roles and responsibilities of women are generally not conducive to such an activity. The 20th century brought challenges that damaged the links that supported the context of a Jewish female education that existed through the nineteenth century. To preserve the concept of the Jewish Woman in her natural role as the Akeres Habayis the context had to change. Female education became an organized communal entity. This was not about negotiation; the original goal was in keeping with L\'maasah, in giving a woman the education and the inspiration to maintain her role and her Yiddishkeit. The new context was a necessity. Ironically, while women are no longer chattel and are no longer dependant on matrimony for survival, Jewish women are now experiencing the role confusion that secular modern women face in the struggle to juggle everything that embodies the modern concept of the modern Superwomen. The Jewish Woman can now identify with the numerous secular articles directed at the modern woman stressed to meet todayâs expectation of being able to do it ALL. One might say that this challenge has actually done as much damage to the Chazal imbued attitude of feminine respect as any outer influences of the Diaspora environment in the history thus far. One has to look no further than the complexities of todayâs Shidduchim to get a glimpse of some of the mounting issues that a Jewish Woman faces in todayâs modern era. Yes, women work outside the home. Yes, women learn Torah. However, while \'women are expected to be treated with as much respect as one would like to be treated by others\' that respect is contingent on a value for Derech Eretz. Mournfully, the modern era, whether religious or secular, lacks this sense of value for courtesy and consideration. Truth be told, it is the lack of Derech Eretz, a core of Torah Judaism that underlies all of these communal crises. Derech Eretz Kadmah LâTorah. R. Laks
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Makes me want to go back and revisit every Shabbos meal I ever had at the Goetz home. The whole family creates a feeling of being in Eretz YIsrael wherever they may be. Ruchama
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The very picture you chose for this article makes a mockery of their claim. When the Nazis made Jews wear a Yellow Star, they did not let them wear fur head gear and the well tailored coats these two "victims' ae wearing. The smirk on their faces shows that they think they have come up with a "chop", a great way to show their disdain for the rest of the Jewish People. What practicle steps must we take to take the smirk off their faces. They live off of the charity of others and they spit in our faces. If they didn't live in a Jewish country, they wouldn't have the chutzpah to act this way. They bite the very hand that feeds them. How much of their income comes from us here in the USA, how can we seperate these repulsive people from the worthy individuals knocking on our doors? Any ideas? L.Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I asked some of my children how to respond to Yossi Sarid and got varying answers. One said he wasn't worth responding to as he is anti religion , Another felt he was cherry picking certain quotes while ignoring others. No one actually treats women the way his selected quotes would indicate. In reality, I have noticed that, public practice aside, orthodox women are very powerful in every community,even those that segregate them in public. As the mother says in My Big Fat greek Wedding,"The man is the head of the house,but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she wants." L. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
for what it's worth,here is some political commentary on the Iowa Caucuses. For those of you who don't follow this narishkeit, the vote split 3 ways and no one got a majority. I think they are drinking a L'Chayim in the White House and hope the Republicans continue to beat up each other and spend fortunes dissing one another. One thing is for sure, what can save Obama is a divided and dispirited opposition party. So, for those of you who don't follow this , here is a description of the 3 front runners. Romney is a Mormon and most real Christians think they are a cult. He is also smart and doesn't believe the narishkeit he has to say and most people realize that he is an opportunist. He is the only one who has the sechel to be a good President. Rick Santorum is a Christian conservative who is more interested in Jesus than in politics. He is the darling of the religious right and will get their support but is too far to the right to win a national election. Ron Paul should be exposed as the anti Israel isolationist he is. He is what is called a Libertarian and believes that the US should stay out of the rest of the world. He is pro legalization of marijuana and has lots of young supporters. He is a very dangerous man and if he were elected, it would be a tragedy for Israel.But, he won't. I predict that there is a chance that there will be a third party candidate and it will be Mayor Bloomberg of New York. If so, he will have my vote. If not, I could live with Romney . If it has to be one of them, Romney is the best of the lot.nHowever, most Republiccans aren't enthused about him and may not try that hard to elect him. That is how they treated McCain four years ago. In the end, the Republicans may bring about the re-election of Barak Obama. That's how it looks at the moment. L. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
BMW - what a great question. I found that you did need the extra salt - but you can make it first without the salt and see what you think and then you can add salt at the end. I hope you enjoy it and let me know how it goes! Take care - Bracha
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This sounds delicious! Do you use all of the oil in the anchovies can? I've never used anchovies in cooking before. Do you think there needs to be extra salt with the saltiness of the fish? This is such a fun and unique take on a salad course - I look forward to trying it. - BMW
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dina, thank you for your beautiful work and thoughts. If there is anyone out there who thinks this is fiction, I am here to tell you that this is an accurate and complete picture of Rabbi Goetz. Since the children have grown and received their tool boxes, the Goetz\' have made sure that their Shabbos table is full every Shabbos, and I am one of the grateful recipients of a seat (nearly EVERY Shabbos). I look forward every week not only to reporting my highlight (I think about it all week which makes me feel the sweetness of Shabbos all week long!)but also to the amazing discussions that result out of Rabbi Goetz\' D\'var Torah. You can\'t imagine how we laugh and cry and learn around that table. ALWAYS, their home is open to every kind of Jew who has any desire AT ALL to experience Shabbat. Bracha Goetz, Dina\'s mom, and the Rabbi have created an atmosphere so FULL of love, understanding, kindness, with no judgment at all, where I\'m sure even the angels cry when Shabbos is over and they have to leave until we sing Shalom Alecheim and invite them back the next Shabbos. --Ariella Levin
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Bernstein actually made this announcement at the NWCP Dinner. He went into depth about many of the other changes he plans to make as well. Hopefully, these changes will bring about a new working relationship between BPD and the State\'s Attorneys Office, and will be able to focus on crimes that previously were unable to be prosecuted. DC
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
1-2-2012 I understand the emotional impulse of this writer to Mr. Sarid's piece. I have lived as an orthodox Jew for 40 years now. And for forty years I also was repulsed by such challenges from the secular and dismissed them as mere marginalized rhetoric. The 'lunatic fringe' of the secular, if you will. But, after some very sobering experiences, I have also come to realize that the Orthodox have a serious challenge before them. Let us focus only on the challenges within our own community. We are not merely a religious group or community. We are charged with the preservation and promotion of the authentic Torah. What we have is more than a mere lifestyle. What we have is a calling. In our zeal to preserve and promote this most sacred and cherished of all treasures, we have rallied together to organize and unite for the greater good of our Torah. But, there have been some real draw backs. Organizing and uniting are good things. Unfortunately, some of what has happened is akin more to incorporating. Some of what we have done smacks of commercialization where the group has been incorporated in order to package and market a commodity. Sometimes it seems that our Torah is valued more as a commodity than anything else. We seek standardization. Our goal is greater compliance but the result sometimes is a lack of humanity. One of the secrets of the Torah and its unique quality for us is its effects on us as individuals and the cherished and sacred passions it awakens in us. Just the thought of the Chofetz Chaim arouses these feelings within us. Yes, the Torah relegates all women as unfit to testify. But when you ask yourself how to deal with a living breathing person, you must envision the Chofetz Chaim and draw your conclusions from that image rather than from what you think you have read. Every Mitzvah we do and every word we learn must be embraced for the lesson it teaches us as individuals, right here, right now. It is not enough to be merely be assiduous in our adherence. We must be passionate about our ideals and virtues. Like the Chofetz Chaim was. And then, we will be a true light unto the people. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a poorly written article. Needs grammar and spell check.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Great article - this is a wonderful recipe! What is she going to write about next? Keep the fantastic articles coming. KLH
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yay!! More Democrats to ruin this sad city..... Who cares?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
an uzi isn't a rifle its a sub machine gun, and the ammunition is so rusted in the picture I doubt it\'s of any use!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
[This is a general comment â not about Accents, OU or Star-K.] As a kosher consumer, why a hashgacha is switched is 100% my business! Over the years, I have asked to speak to mashgichim and have followed up with supervisory organizations when necessary. Discriminating kosher consumers are vital for ensuring that hashgacha organizations are not under the constant threat of being dumped any time they attempt to enforce one of their standards, not to the liking of the owner. Kosher consumers must not be complacent!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
"The most common reasons for Facebook causing problems in relationships were a spouse finding flirty messages, photos of their partner at a party they did not know about or with someone they should not have been with." It sounds as if facebook leads to spouses being caught - not necessarily causing the behavior.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
You sounds like a true chef.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, footnote 3 does say that Reb Moshe says that a civil non jewish will, is valid halachically.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I have read with amusement some of the naive and yes, ignorant remarks made by members of this community. To think that the OU is lowering the standards of kashrus in this city is ridiculous. The OU is the largest most respected kashrus agency in the world. Its poskim are Rav Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva Torah V\'das and Rav Herschel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yitchok Elchanan. There are two full time OU mashgiachs in Baltimore who between them are responsible for commercial companies that produce foods you eat every day. They have over 40 years of experience between them. To claim that the Star K is a local Vadd is also absurd since they too are international. Companies change hashgachas.It happens. Why is no ones business. If the change is from one reliable hashgacha to another there are no issues. The OU would not take damaged goods and neither would the Star K. I am sure if you asked Accents or the OU who their rabbi in charge is they would gladly tell you. I agree with one comment and that the loshon hora has been terrible. Ask before commenting
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you so much for sharing! Miriam and Avraham Sidell
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dina, Thanks for this beautiful article. I'll never forget my embarrassment the first time I had to announce my "highlight of the week" in front of all your shabbos guests. But it obviously made an impression, because I still remember what my highlight was that week! Plus, every so often, I encourage (force) the people around my own shabbos table to do the same. Thanks for the good memories, and for acknowledging this special gift in your life! Devora (Milevsky) Stern
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
So let me get this straight -if I have triplets I can\\\'t fly US Airways?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Are the secular Jews running after other Jews to beat them, harass them, spit on them, boycott and burn down businesses? If there is any comparison to the Holocaust, it is the illegitimate and atrocious, violent behavior of some Charedim, who in actuality, should not be considered frum or respectful of G-d, Torah, and fellow Jews, at all.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There was a rainbow today.....DAVEN cuz we don't need another holocaust!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I'm not surprised. When I was in that store for a pick-up order about three months ago, I was literally the only customer in the store. I still needed to search for sales help (when I became interested in another item). Dave W from Baltimore
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Lanch a full scale opperationagainst HAMAS! This time don't take any prisioners, they are not worth the soldiers time to guard them. CRUSH THEM
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
my 32 oz bag of shredded mozzarella has upc #026638-26405-8. does not have a date anywhere on the bag.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I forgot to mention - the anchovies should be minced.... enjoy! Bracha Shor
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sounds delicious! I'll have to try it soon.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Really Beautiful! It makes me want to be a part of their family :)
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
A bumbling fool who has become a danger and threat to Americans and Jews alike.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Typical O'malley. Do these guys understand anything about economics? With people struggling to survive, this will cause the prices of everything to rise. Who is the bigger fool, O'malley, or the people dumb enough to elect him and his ilk?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What a disappointment. The Agudah has become so caught up in the Charedi culture of \"what\'s outside is what counts\" that it cannot even see the real issue here, which is the oppressive need of a few to control all others, and by any means. Tzinut is meant to cultivate refinement in a person\'s soul, not to turn everything into numbers -- how long is the skirt, how long the sleeve. This statement shows that, though the current situation might have shocked the Agudah, it still does not understand the reason we\'ve come to this: the culture of externality that so dominates the right-wing mindset is eating away at the very soul of Judaism.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Thank you to the Fleischman family!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
With this being the case, the Rabbi\'s of Beit Shemesh will need to do a better job of controling and enforcing their own to convice me. Non action is the equivilant of agreement.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Can someone show this to the agudah please?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Disappointing. The Agudah does not represent this charedi's views. Just say it is wrong without any apologetics our equivocation
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yes, the old days things were more simple and that included kashrus. Leibes did not need a hescher because he employed only two people. Himself and his wife. He had no other employees. The minute he needed to hire an employe he too would have needed a hescher. In the final analysis each of us will make a personal decision as to whether the Baltimore OU supervision in a restaurant or caterer that employs non Jewish workers is adequate. Some of us will say it is OK, while others will say that they are not comfortable with this arrangement and take their business to other establishments. It's that simple!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How sad we must read these public comments. To this is about me: You won't get it but I'll write it any way. You are wrong. A business has a right to make a business decision. You have a right to make a choice. If you were truly concerned you could simply have met with the mashgiach, asked these questions, and rendered your consumer decision. To publicly use this or any public forum under the guise of anynomity to create any sense of doubt to hurt a business, is a pure chilul Hashem. I certainly doubt when you entered any star k facility you ever asked to interview the mashgiach and asked questions about his qualifications and the infrastructure that hired him. You should have and you would learn a lot. The bottom line is concerns can be addressed but people who have public agendas to try to embarrass are motivated by a chilul hashem.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Sign me in!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
To this is about me. If you eat both Star K and the OU as you say you do you are an informed consumer. You also know that the products, the menu and the mashgichim have not changed. Soooo as long as a Restaurants and Caterers are using a Reliable Hasgacha, and they publically display it, I do not need to know the why, nor do I need to hear about anyones dirty laundry, and I am impressed that the ownership has the high morals and good sense to keep their private business private. It is truly ashame that Kashrut has come to this. I miss the days when Leibes didn't need a Hashgacha because the community knew he was a Shomer Shabbos Jew (as are the Franks).
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As a Dait Leumi In Israel I would like to say that I am satisfied with this statement. At first the Agudah owes me nothing, so the fact that they bothered condemning these acts "unconditionally" and in a manner that to me looks honest. I do think That the agudah's statement has the right to stress the importance of tsinyus or any other issue they choose, Agudah of America is not a side in this story they don't owe anyone an apologi
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The problem of which you in America might not be aware, is that hundreds of non-extremist, non-fanatical, mainstream Hareidim might not openly support the violence, but their silence and other forms of support are what make it possible for the fanatics to continue. While no Hareidi kehilla would accept into their schools or shuls someone who has a TV, there is no cry to put these hooligans into Heirem. At the same time, many many non-fanatics attend \"peaceful rallies\" calling for the non-Hareidi citizens to hand over their school and shul buildings. In front of both my girls\' preschools and high schools, non-exteremeist, non-violent, typ[ical Hareidi men stand outside and say Tehillim davening that these schools shoudl disappear. And a teh same time, Hareidim, unlike Aguda mebers inAmerica, pay no taxes and every serveice they receive, whetehr teachers\' aslaries, hospital stays, fixed siedwalks or garbage collection, is padi for by thevery public they wish woudl disappear. Please, do not claim the the press are the ones making it seem that the entire Hareidi population supports the extremists. It is the Hareidi population themselves, whether by the silence of their rabbanim (shtika k\'hoda\'a said Hazal) or by their active participation in other demonstrations, that give the that to a Hareidi Jew, all other Jews are only good for what they can give Hareidim.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How appropriate for Jewish Caring Network to light the brightest chanukia with all 9 lights ablaze since they bring light to homes that are going through "dark" times. A fantastic organization.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
This post is not about Accents. It is not about the OU. It is about me. I am a Baltimore Kosher consumer. I eat both Star-K and OU. When a local caterer or restaurant switches hashgacha, I want to know why. And if I do not know why, I might just avoid the caterer or restaurant until I decide that I feel comfortable that they are not shopping for weaker standards or weaker oversight. I might choose to patronize a different caterer or restaurant even if I would eat the food, for example at a kiddush. This is especially true if the caterer or restaurant switched from a local hashgacha with known local oversight to a national organization with unclear local infrastructure. Unless you believe that I am anomaly, it would be wise for caterers and restaurants to realize that the choice of a hashgacha is not a private business decision. It is a very public religious decision.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
How nice it was to see Accents hold a Chanukah art contest and award 18 children prizes! I 'm sure it made their day, as well as the Franks. I suggest that people search the article written in to see the beautiful art created by the youth in our community. I thinks it's important as a community for us to recognize the "good" that businesses do, and to celebrate with them. It is so wonderful that the businesses we support give back so much to our community!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Yay Dov!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As the parents of one of the girls who was repeatedly verbally attacked at the Orot school for the past four months, I am deeply disappointed in what Agudath Israel has to say on the issue. Rather than be concerned about the welfare of our girls and of klal yisroel in general, Agudath Yisrael is concerned about "the culture of tzniut." The general secular culture in Israel, may lack a culture of tzniut, but they also lack people coming out of that culture that spit and curse at little girls. Of course, it is correct that this behavior is "rejected by the vast majority of charedi jews." However, we here in Israel have yet to see a public condemnation of this behavior by any major rabbinic authority in the chareidi community. For months we BEGGED the chareidi community in Beit Shemesh to publicly reject this behavior and declare that these people are not torah abiding Jews and do anything - yes anything to try and stop them. Each and every Chareidi rabbi refused. At a loss for finding any response to our problem from within the Chareidi community, we turned to the press of the secular community - where we did get support and b'ezrat hashem now maybe my daughter will be able to walk to and from school in safety. I am glad that Agudat Yisroel condemns this behavior but what is missing from their statement is any kind of cheshbon nefesh on behalf of an organization that is a representative of the mainstream chareidi community.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The events taking place in Bet Shemesh are taking place exactly at the seam where a Dati Leumi neighborhood meets a Haredi neighborhood, the latter having been built a decade after the Dati Leumim established themselves at that very location. Tzniut is important, but no one has a right to move into an apartment and then force his stringincies on his neighbors. If they don\\\'t like what they see from their windows then they should pick themselves up and move to a different apartment. Attempting to impose standards of super-tzniut on an entire community is just plain wrong and against Torah. No one ever brought a person closer to Torah by spitting and throwing stones, that is a chilul Hashemite 100 times worse than a woman with uncovered elbows.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
if only the black hatters in israel were exposed to other points of view we might not be at the outbreak of a war between the jews in israel. i pride myself on trying to understand others perspective and have always felt that there is a place in israel for all jews. The recent events in beit shemesh and yesterday in ramat eshkol have led me to question my tolerance. It is very disappointing that the rabbis are condoning their talmidims actions. I dont see any reason for the citizens of israel to support charedim learning if they dont condemn their talmidim for spitting on an eight yr old girl walking to school.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
No one is disputing the right of individuals to act and dress with tzniyut. What is being protested is having supposed exemplars of religious behavior threatening, spitting and insulting others who do not hold the same opinion, in order to force them to do so. Is this tzniyut? Is this Ahavat Yisrael? Is this the kind of behavior that will influence others to look upon religious Jews with favor? I think not! And I am saddened to see this statement change the subject of what the issue is here in Beit Shemesh. As a Dati-leumi Jew, I find the behavior of the so called zealots to be disturbing. But what disturbs me even more, is the lack of the response by the Rabbanim in their communities! The talmudic dictum, 'silence is assent', would lead one to believe that at best they agree with the zealots, and at worst, that they are so afraid of them that they refuse to lead their communities by speaking out. Honestly, I can't imagine which is worse. It will not surprise me if this comment is not printed....
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Kol hakavod! May the new room and all that is offered through Bikur Cholim ease the way for visitors from outside our community and Baltimore families. It gives me a feeling of pride to know that we are taking care of the sick and those dealing with a birth in such a meaningful way. Debs Weinberg
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I do not think tznius should be a factor in the discussion when the girls being spit on and cursed at for lack of it are 7 year olds covering their knees, elbows and collarbones.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
When it comes to hashgachas, it appears that our practice of Judaism mirrors the culture of our society. Free market principles appear to apply. We have the choice of many different certifying agencies. Accents and Cocaoccino\'s are undoubtedly successful kosher businesses and I have no doubt that this was a business decision. This should be healthy for our community since I am convinced that this is not a whimsical decision. Perhaps the correct question to ask is what is going on at the Star-K that would prompt businesses to consider switching.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
In chader schools the kids are taught a lie that the \"alter haim\" ( old country) i.e. Europe was the best. But the TRUTH is.... it wasnt!!! They grow up & see there\'s more to Judaism then THEIR WAY!!....& get confused & lash out @ people to protect their fort!!! They cant accept the change Differents amoug other Observant Jews!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Is there a way to define "the culture of tzenius"? What is permitted and what is forbidden? Is this culture universal or does it vary by community? How about a picture of a 90 year old deceased rebbetzin in her obituary, is that not tzeniusdik? This statement is an attempt at damage control for something that the American Agudah had nothing to do with but which we are all forced to react to. How about the culture of segregation in Israel that keeps Sephardim out of Ashkenazi schools, is that part of our culture too?Why do we have to take the blame for them, do they care what we think or do they think we American chareidim aren't really frum anyway? E. Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What has happened to our midos? Because a restaurant changed hashgachas we feel we can speak loshan hora. I don't think so. Do people realize that it's a Chilul Hashem to potentially adversely affect someone's parnusa because they want to make something out of nothing. I don't think most of us realize how difficult it is to run a business, and we should appreciate that during this entire ordeal the ownership of Accents has been respectful and professional. Accents is clearly a well run organization with high morals. We could all learn a lesson from them.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Dov Lipman is to be praised for stepping to the fore and helping to galvanize the massive reaction of the overwhelming majority of the Jewish People, religious and non religious alike, to what is going on not only in Beit Shemesh but in other areas. He is number 2 on the Knesset list of a new party started by Rabbi Amsellam, Am Shalem. I don't know if this will propel him into the Knesset, but it's worth a try. E.Oberstein
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Two things are apparent from the commentaries I am reading in the media, One is that the chareidi world is overwhelmed by the massive outpouring of criticism and can only react by saying that "they are out to get us". This is normal when someone doesn't get it and thinks those who find behavior wrong are prejudiced against them. This is partially true, of course. Secular Israelis are very afraid of losing their country to the chareidim and they see the demographic trends and are panicked . The second point is that some commentators don't really see the depth of loathing for segregation and gender inequality in Western society. I can understand that in a magazine like Mishpacha or newspapers like Yated and Hamodia that believe that printing a woman's picture is a violation of modesty, one cannot expect understanding of how this appears to the rest of the Jewish community and the world in general. But there is a difference. No one forces the general public to buy a certain magazine, but a public bus is in the public domain. Forcing our definition of modesty on the general public causes a lot of anger and many of our rabbonim have so stated. I think that this is going to blow up in our faces, it isn't a minor storm. The little girl who was spat upon is the poster child of a backlash that has been building up for a while. Busses are just one of many issues.The religious zionist community and the majority of the normative chareidi community don't support the zealots but they do support a creeping intrusion of chareidi criteria on the general public in many areas of communal life. To pretend otherwise is to deny the obvious. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein Baltimore, MD
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
As an orthodox person, I am disappointed at all of the loshan hora being spoken/written. We all buy OU,Star K,Chof K,CRC food at the Giant and SevenMile with out knowing which Rabbi is supervising or if the product has switched Hashgachas. Star K and the OU are both international organizations and both provide kosher food supervision in Baltimore and New York. I truly believe most of us in the Baltimore community are just grateful to have kosher restaurants with reliable Hashgachas. PLEASE stop this nonsense, and appreciate that we have choices, and should never take anything forgranted. Accents has earned a solid reputation, and has an obligation to the run their business as they see fit. Many if not all of the restaurtants in Baltimore and New York employ non Jewish workers, as long as they are properly supervised this is also none of our business.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
The doubts people are expressing are a result of the lack of transparency here. Those familiar with hashgacha business in Baltimore know that the OU costs more than the Star-K-- so what's the reason behind the switches?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
were there any jewish people involved
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I am so disappointed in the of the comments made. The negative comments and doubts people have. Its such a Chilul Hashem. If you have questions, then go and ask, don't post them. I am also insulted that a person posted something about the Mashichim. Is there a problem with them since now they are under the OU but when they were working for the StarK they were ok and approved by the StarK. Before you post get you facts straight. Stop this nonsense!!!!
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Suggest everyone send an email to the OU in their NY headquarters at and ask them about their Baltimore OU supervision. Who is the person in charge? What is the structure for oversight?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What about operators\' abuse of their unprecedented access? If you thought stalking was out of control now, just imagine a bored \"pilot\" zoning into the bedroom of an ex-lover, jokers zooming into the private lives of innocent people, and the implication politics has in \"obtaining\" sensitive information used to blackmail potential candidates? The negative consequences are severely downplayed. Are the characters operating these devices college graduates or or only hold high school degrees (or less)? If the latter...who decides if they have the maturity to navigate such highly intrusive technology? One skillfully aimed camera angle nabs SSN, credit card information, and an early vacation for some lucky DOT employee in the \"traffic drone\" department. Scary stuff.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Me Latte at 7 Mile closed because it failed to generate business. Had nothing to do with Kashrus or Star-K, just pure economics. The law of supply and demand is king.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
I assume accents doesn\'t switch to Rabbi Weiss because he doesn\'t give hashgacha to meat restaurants only dairy? Also during the last month since the previous article they were under the Star-K.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
There was recently an announcement on this website that Me Latte was no longer under the Star-K. Now, this announcement that Accents and Cocoaccinos are no longer under the Star-K. Perhaps the Star-K supervision is just too expensive. If the Star-K can provide supervision in other cities, other hashgachos should be welcome here. May all of these kosher businesses have much success.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Does this imply that the Star-K is not an \"internationally acclaimed kosher supervision\" while the OU is? What is the underlying reason for the shift away from the Star-K? Wouldn\'t it make sense to use the local Vaad for Kashrus?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
They were still under the Star-K until the switch. Under no means were they ever not without Star-K supervision until the switch.
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
Such as?
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
What is happening to kashrus in Baltimore? We went from a unified everyone trusts the Star-K and Rabbi Heinermann to a splintered kashrus where some will eat and others will not eat. What infrastructure does the Baltimore OU have? What are Rabbi Weiss's standards and structure? We do not know the answer to either question. This is a sad day for Baltimore Kosher consumers
Comment by Gobbie Cohn
[Ed. Note] Our apologies; the article has been corrected.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With all due respect to the remarkable Rabbi Rosenblum, Soulfarm is their own band - not Rabbi Rosenblum's band! Oy vey. They are an amazing rock-country-bluesy, Jewish band with a Mediterranean flair led by Grammy Award-winning guitarist C Lanzbom and Noah Solomon Chase, son of legendary Breslov musician Benzion Solomon and brother of Moshav Band frontman Yehuda Solomon. They have have toured the world, opened for bestselling artists and played at such legendary venues as Carnegie Hall, The Bitter End, and many more. They are a force to be reckoned with in their own right - and in fact, were the main act for the concert on Sunday. How could this photo essay not include them? They played for two hours (Rabbi Rosenblum played for about 45 minutes) and then stayed after to shmooze with kids and give an encouraging word to aspiring young Jewish musicians - before heading onto their next stop in Indiana! Surely Baltimore can do better than this by way of hospitality - they definitely warrant their own mention and photo! Soulfarm rocked the house - when Rabbi Rosenblum joined them onstage it was phenomenal!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Salfer is a name the Star-k uses intown for non cholov yisroel when they dont want to use the star-d hechcher
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The article mentions that the mashgichim, menus, and products being used will all remain the same. But in order to feel comfortable with this change, I need to know who specifically from the OU will be providing the local oversight of the mashgichim. I am sure that the OU has an entire organization in New York, just as the Star-K does in Baltimore. But who is the OU's local representative for providing oversight of a restaurant?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The OU may be nationally recognized, but it is only as strong as its weakest link. So who exactly will be in charge of kashrus at Accents? Why isn't he named? We knoew the Star K is Rabbi Heinermann. Who is the OU in Baltimore?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad for kosher Baltimore as the local OU is NOT on a par with Star-K. Just ask the OU in NY who is their Baltimore OU supervisor? When they finally give out a name-check it out. Then decide if Accents is OK or not. Both restaurants employ non Jewish workers and the potential for mix ups is there. It is a sad day for Kosher Baltimore.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What does it mean "Aside from its move up to the internationally acclaimed kosher supervision of the Orthodox Union" - is that a suggestion that going to the OU is a step up from the Star-K?!?!?! That would be rediculous...there's a reason they're going to the OU and it's not becuase it's a step up...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There was a lot more to the evening. I hope that Baltimore Jewish Life will choose to report details of the whole event.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What changed since last month when a BJLIFE articll announced that Accents decided to make these changes? Was Accents not "accepted" until now by the OU? Does that mean there was no hechsher for the last month?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So why did they change from Star-K to OU? Also if they trust Rabbi Weiss so much why dont they use him for Accents as well? Personlly i still eat in both places but seems kind of weird. Also is Rabbi Salfer retiring?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The picture is so disturbing but what troubles me even more is the young boy smiling from ear to ear during this fracas, passing on their hateful "mesorah" to the next generation, blecch.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He\'s no worse than the reform jews of that era who not only did not support saving Jewish lives, but actually actively tried to sabotage plans of other Jews to convince FDR to intervene.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is most tragic and heartbreaking. However, I am baffled by what the connection might be to Baltimore Jewish life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Eric Dondero is a disgruntled former staffer who was fired for performance issues," -Paul spokesman Jesse Benton Mr. Dondero, aka Mr. Rittburg, also ran for Congress against his former boss and was trounced.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is nothing in the Hechsher Tzedek movement that overrules kashrus. It simply adds an additional layer to be considered, if one so chooses to consider it, assuring that the people involved in the manufacture and processing of kosher foods have been treated ethically. Kashrus is still the basic standard. A Hechsher Tzedek will not be given unless the food has already been halachically deemed kosher.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I\'m registered to receive local news, not commercial promotions. Please be more careful in classifying your articles.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Every time I visit the Chanukah House for lighting I get a feeling of community unity, if you drive by and laugh at it just keep on driving, your cynicism can stay in the car.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Sheinberg of Toroh Ohr is Only Caeful about milk while in the States. He will definitely eat Breyers yougurt.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HEY! How about have the bakery bake a huge batch for that entire shift of TSA screeners. It would be a good, and funny comeback.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about non chilov Yisreol yogurt?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
\"which makes it unprofitable to make butter from non-kosher milk. (I invite those curious about this aspect to read the highly entertaining responsum of the Shu\'t Melamed LeHo\'il, 2:36:2, on this topic.) For these reasons, even in the days of Chazal one could assume that a gentile would not add milk of non-kosher species when he intends to produce either cheese or butter, and therefore these items were excluded from the prohibition of chalav akum.\" Based on this reasoning all milk should be good in the U.S. not only is it not profitable if any dairy were to round up every treif animal in a 50 mile radius and milk them the milk produced would be batul b\'shishim ribui if poured into that days production.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Inexcusable.Sidewalks are public property open to Orthodox and Non-Orthodox, Jew and non-Jew. Intolerance is uncivilized--period!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for this article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Awesome! Thank you Avraham and BaltimoreJewishlife.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for a great comment! Here is a qoute, from Wikepedia, based on the work of Stephen Hawkings: \"... the theory of general relativity does suggest a scientific basis for the possibility of backwards time travel in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semiclassical gravity suggest that when quantum effects are incorporated into general relativity, these loopholes may be closed. These semiclassical arguments led Hawking to formulate the chronology protection conjecture, suggesting that the fundamental laws of nature prevent time travel, but physicists cannot come to a definite judgment on the issue without a theory of quantum gravity to join quantum mechanics and general relativity into a completely unified theory.\" Stephen Hawkings suggests that the fact that there are no time travel tourists seem to indicate that travel into past never becomes a reality. Like you said, in all likelyhood, \"it aint gonna happen\", but it sure is fun to imagine all the scenarios and the different paradoxes they would create! And, as I said in the article, it is also interesting to note the way time and light intercorrelate. Have a good shabbos! Rochelle
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My understanding of "Time Travel" is that as u approach the Speed of light, your connection to it would alter. So that if you were in a spaceship appoaching the speed of light, your time would slow relative to people on the earth who are stationary. Thereby a year in a space ship could lapse, but 100 years might pass on the earth. Thus you could go into the relative future, and forever say bye to those who died while the 100 years lapsed. That is my understanding of "relativity". My question is how exactly are you going to go back into the past as stated in the 4th paragraph? I don't believe that is what "The theory of relativity" was about. Time travel is only a forward possibility. And it is only relative to those who are in a different time reference point! It really is not time travel. Further to propel someone in a space ship approaching "light" would require all the energy that has ever been consumed on the planet earth up to this point. It ain't gonna happen. It is not possible and I think "Hashem" wants it that way. Light the mennorah and gaze, Happy Hannukah!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I don't get the story. If this was true and it got to this point with no teacher or principal getting in touch with one of her parents it would be malpractice.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The creator of Barbie is Jewish, and that has what to do with Chanukah? It's just like the Jewish Times running stories about some Hollywood star because their grandfather was Jewish. If it's a "Chanukah House", then let it be that. Otherwise just call it a conglomeration and collage of everything even remotely related to being Jewish. I laugh every time I drive by it. Why not put some Xmas lights and Santa Claus there too? After all, wasn't JC Jewish, too?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Barbie is Jewish
Comment by BJLife BJLife
just to be clear i don't think its appropriate to claim the new Chanukah house is comedic. If you had ever been to the Cohens you would've known the Barbie was added to their collection about 4 years ago and its connection with Judaism is that the creator of barbie is jewish. so before you claim things have become absurdities which they have not i would recommend getting all your facts straight. i feel that the family that took on this project from the Cohens is a very respectful person because i know how much time and effort goes in to creating such an amazing attraction.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I completely agree with the first commentator. And I am still waiting for Baltimore Jewish Life to endorse him because he is the candidate we should all be supporting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Who cares about the wording?!?!?!! We're all used to slang - so OK! But hopefully everyone who read the article can appreciate the huge amount of work that went into coordinating this whole wonderful "Chanukah Car Parade" event!!!! It was wonderful!!! Let's hope that next year we double the amount of cars and the amount of people who came to McKeldin Square to be part of the Chanukah celebration!! And, Margie, you are invited back to write an article - I think you did a great job! And the pictures were wonderful! Chag Sameach! A freilichen Chanukah!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How did Zimri and Kozbi defile the Mishkan?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Not trying to be a party pooper, but this thing has become an absurdity already. When the Cohen's started it, it was a Jewish themed nice to look at attraction. Now it's comedic. I mean Barbie has what to do with Chanukah exactly?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I may be a little biased, but those were some of the best doughnuts I have ever tasted. They were fresh out of the fryer, coated with chocolate and filled with custard and jelly. Those were the best doughnuts, and I am not even allowed to eat wheat right now. - Laivi Shor (an unsolicited opinon)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If Mrs. Pensak was indeed speaking of the Jewish neighborhood, to the average reader, one would have a hard time understanding this as we are told the precession went from Bnos to the JfX. If indeed they drove through the Jewish areas to reach the JFX, perhaps a G.P.S. would be in order. In any event, the term "hood" has one meaning only! we can try and justify the term with online slang dictionaries but quite frankly, if I must run for a slang dictionary and make infernces as to location meaning etc. that isn by no means inimitable writing. Don't get me wrong, I have read Mrs. Pensak for many years in various publications and do find a very informative personality. It is for this reason that I was supprised by this style of writing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The online slang dictionary defines hood as: a shortened form of "neighborhood." Often implies a ghetto or urban community. It looks like Mrs. Pensak was referring to our neighborhood in the upper Park Heights section of Baltimore. I suppose not everyone can appreciate her inimitable style of writing. I greatly do. Thanks for another outstanding article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I had to reread the article after seeing the comment. The \'hood was referring to the Jewish neighborhood
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How often does an article make you laugh, interesting writer, I would like to hear more. Mgt. M
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is in awfully poor taste to refer to the intial trek of the parade as having traveled through "the hood". How would we react if a march, demonstration, or any other gathering traversed upper Park Heights and referenced it as having passed through "the Shtetl" ( which is far less a pejorative a term than "the hood"). The unfortunate aspect is that as soon as I saw that wording, I didn't bother reading the rest of the article which likely would have been very interesting as I was simply put off.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At the end of the speech Rabbi Kelemen mentioned something about a vaad can you please put up some information about the Vaad so we can know more information? Thank you for putting this up for us to see. Akiva.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Just a tad overboard!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I couldn't help shed a tear after reading this article. This is aweinspiring and moving for anyone going through this ordeal or taking care of patients as I do on a daily basis. As a youngster I shared many a weekend with friends in the Park Heights community and remember the closeness of the community. I live in Silver Spring and the community is close but Baltimore has a special flavor of closeness. Thank you for sharing this crisis time in your life and living through it. Some others in Baltimore were not so fortunate. I recently discovered that Mrs. Diane Taragin was not successful in her anti-cancer treatment and am very saddened by their loss. I remember her in my youth as a beautiful angelic creature, younger sister to Vivien Lieder now Schecter. Norma Sandow
Comment by BJLife BJLife
American Jews are rightly worried about where America is today. When the US stands with Israel it exhibits a moral backbone. When it stands against Israel it no longer has a backbone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been saying along that Huntsan is the man, he has the cleanest and most proven background and he is tied to Israel with passion. Finally he is getting a good look.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Another great bracha recipe...loved it!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i loved the rice...YUM!!! of the most special recipes i have seen in a tasted AMAZING!!! I would love to see more of Bracha Shor in the immediate future!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
maybe people should not shove themselves onto buses that are so crowded that they have to rub up against one another.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Often people will say, "If you need something, call me." This is usually perceived as an empty offer. When you offer help, be specific: I can drive your carpool; can I help you in your job search?; do you need money to meet your expenses; I can arrange for meals, etc. Even if that particular offer is not what they need, the fact that you are thinking in specifics will imbue a certain level of trust in your sincerity. However, if you just want to feel good about yourself, say "If you need something call me." Then you will satisfy your conscience and never be disturbed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The family who owned the home on Park Heights ended the Chanukah House when they put their home up for sale, the incredible Yitz Fleishman bought all the decorations and clearly added some of his own to bring the glory of the Chanukah House back to Baltimore. Thanks Yitz, I was their last night and it was awesome!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was lovely last night as Ohr Chadash lit!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe they also had kosher when they koshered the king\\\'s kitchen a couple years back in Achashverosh time. Hmmmmmmm, just saying .....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
did they move the old chanukaha house on parkheights to a new one
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's also become a chillul Hashem. They should create their own private bus lines and then do as they want. Are women to play musical chairs just because the bus line goes through a Chareidi neighborhood?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As they say, "figures lie and liars figure." The poll was weighted heavily with democrats. Just like the reduction in the unemployment rate. They eliminated 2 million jobs off the rolls from a few years ago, and left off all the people who couldn't find jobs even after their unemployment compensation ended. The real unemployment rate is 11.5%, with the under-emploment added in, it's over 18%. But hry, perseption becomes reality in people's minds, true or not!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
only Baltimore Jewish Life would be outside at 12:30 AM last night taking pictures of the Chanukah house so we could enjoy. Shkoiach Jeff.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great event for a great organization! we are truly blessed for having this makon torah in our comunity.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad. Ron rarely discussed the Mid-East or the Israeli-Palestine issue. Many thought he was anti-Israel. He was not. He believed that this was an issue that could not be solved by men alone so therefore why bother wasting time discussing it. (maybe even a frum hashgafa).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Such cute girls in the picture! - A Proud Father
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I see something wrong with the politicians in this state not figuring out a genuine way to raise revenue or reduce spending that can actually be traced to some accountability. Rather, they'd rather cook the books and balance the budget by nickel and diming their own constituents. Have you looked at your phone bill lately? Special cell phone tax for Baltimore City residents? Extra fees on parking garage owners that get passed on to the users. Extra fees at the DMV for renewing registration or licenses. Hey, if you're gonna charge Marylanders more, why not do it out in the open by raising taxes property, sales, or corporate taxes? Ah, well, that could affect your reelection chances.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"It is provoking the nations to hate us and it brings danger upon Jews not only here but all over the globe." ??? As if the anti-semites needed any reason to hate us! While it is incumbent upon Jews to pray for the welfare of the state and its leaders, Jews cannot be under any obligation to stay silent *in a democracy*. By the way, Kastner wasn't "found innocent." He brought a libel suit against the person who made the claims against him. He won the suit, but the judge awarded Kastner one shekel, the absolute lowest amount that could be awarded. Read the book "Perfidy" for more information.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
awesome tip!!
Comment by Elana Maister
to Number 4: How do we know what the real costs per child are? The schools never share such information. We parents must assume that full tuition covers the real costs plus the shortfall from families who pay little tuition. The cost shifting issue is not going away. People are getting tired of carrying others. What do the fund raisers do?
Comment by Elana Maister
I think chai life line does a lot for people in newyork and allover i know girls involved
Comment by Elana Maister
1 glaring omission from this article are the red light cameras that DO NOT promote safety at all, and is merely a cash cow for the jurisdiction that it sits in.
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you to the Weinberg Foundation and Associated for continuing to find ways to support our schools. To respond to the first comment, while it may not bring down the tuition price, tuition does not cover the true cost of the education. Further, a large number of families are unable to pay the tuition causing greater stress on our institutions. Kol HaKavod to the Associated for working tirelessly to find ways to keep the doors of our institutions open.
Comment by Elana Maister
Today, NWCP had the opportunity to meet Lt. Lally. He is extremely excited to be working with the NWCP and the community as whole, and we look forward to working with him as well.
Comment by Elana Maister
Until the cost of tuition for full paying families can be reduced all this does is take the fund raisers "off the hook." The tuition fees above what the real cost per child is merely cost shifting from parents who cannot pay their fair share to parents who do pay full tuition. Will this Associated program help these families? Unless it does by reducing the full tuition fees, this is just a fund raiser program and not a day school family project.
Comment by Elana Maister
i guess we can have our car painted while we do our friday shopping
Comment by Elana Maister
Does this mean prices will drop b/c they no longer have to pay rent on 2 buildings?
Comment by Elana Maister
And we wonder why Moshiach hasn't come!!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Do you think he will let us park there to run into Savings Center?
Comment by Elana Maister
The headline reads, Baltimore Are You Ready? But the article does not discuss any possibility of the storm heading our way. Please elaborate further.
Comment by Elana Maister
Rosa Parkowitz
Comment by Elana Maister
I agree, unspectacular, but gelt is gelt and covering both buildings can't be inexpencive and the old store being vacent was Bal Tashcis.
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you Jeff for always posting the shiurim that I can\'t get to so that I can watch them at home! Boruch leff
Comment by Elana Maister
Correct.Captain Landsman was someone who NWCP worked with on a daily basis, and was always there to assist us with any problems, issues or just to chat. In fact, Capt. Landsman received an award at our NWCP dinner a couple of weeks ago. We wish Capt. Landsman much luck in his new assignment, and look forward to working with Lt. Lally in the future. DC
Comment by Elana Maister
Will the drive-thru to 7mile market remain open from 7mile lane?
Comment by Elana Maister
Thanks for the update. Could you please research where the Monsey Trails bus will now stop?
Comment by Elana Maister
that\\\\\\\'s it. the temple mount is the site of the holy temples of the jews and the arabs went and built right there showing \\\\\\\"who\\\\\\\'s the boss\\\\\\\" this so called historic bridge is 7 years old --- historic ?? israel is here to stay. peace with Israel seems to take second place to hatred
Comment by Elana Maister
Yay!!! More auto repair shops!!! I'm psyched!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Thankyou bjl for always having the scoop!!
Comment by Elana Maister
Thank you for your beautiful letter. As someone with experience in the fields of retail, customer service, and human services, I am often suprised that there are businesses in the Jewish community that are lacking in the area of customer service. For example, secrataries or sales people are often unfriendly or sometimes downright rude. I always remarked to my husband after leaving Subway that they must hire really nice, respectful employees - or at least train them well. I think that Subways really raised the bar for service at Jewish businesses in the community. Thank you for all that you have done for the community!
Comment by Elana Maister
This is not good for our community. Captain Landsman is a great friend of nwcp and someone who you can call personally anytime u need him
Comment by Elana Maister
Its great that people want to invest in the continual Jewish education for children, but what about the JEWISH children that have no school to attend and need assistance from schools that use to exist here, like P\\\'tach/Weinberg/Gift. Where is the help for those children? Where are those schools. Jewish education doesn\\\'t stop at TA, TI, BY, BNOS and ALL the other places that are opening up. We need to help these children as well and that doesn\\\'t mean putting them into these schools with \\\"services\\\". I think the community needs to open their eyes and realize we need this school back!
Comment by Elana Maister
just wanted to tell you Tahdig is a Persian food not Israeli
Comment by Elana Maister
A womans gym and bowling alley sounds good
Comment by Elana Maister
it doesnt seem to bring down the cost of tutiton for parents so i am not sure what this all means.....
Comment by Elana Maister
Rather unspectacular...
Comment by Elana Maister
B'Tselem and Yesh Din are far left organizations, anyone who quotes them as a source of information should be questioned as objective. Writing "Baruch Goldstein, massacred" in this article proves the anti-Israel position.
Comment by Elana Maister
Hana-Bashe, My brother just informed me of this post. I am both humbled and honored to see this public. Humbled because I don't deserve this praise and honored because I can be a catalyst for the greater community, some of whom take for granted, the great opportunities one can achieve by thinking out of the box. Dovid deserves to be honored. We were equally skeptical upon first speaking to Dovid and hearing the words "but I am legally blind". It was obvious from the start that Dovid's perceived challenges were easily overcome by his experience and pure heart driving him to succeed. In fact everyone "joked" that Dovid could prepare produce and fulfill many hats of responsibility. Dovid can do many things better then many people with perfect eyesight. What he lacks in vision he more then makes up for with everything else he brings. When the final decision was made to convert towards the sales opportunities that came to us, it was concern for Dovid that came first to our minds. We wish Dovid all the best and cannot wait to hear about the next opportunity someone will offer him. Harry
Comment by Elana Maister
I had a friend who was a cop. He said you should never signal to oncoming drivers that they are approaching a \"speed trap.\" You never know why the \"speed trap\" has been set up -- it is not always to catch speeders as this article indicates.
Comment by Elana Maister
If this article is true, let them just give warnings to those who check outOK and are going a reasonable speed for a road of that size -- even if they exceeded the speed limit. But no, they won't do that because the real objective is to collect some easy money!
Comment by Elana Maister
congratulations on your new safer May you continue to be a source of pride to your parents Steve and Linda
Comment by Elana Maister
they are called the "dead sea scrolls"....
Comment by Elana Maister
12-16-2011 Mrs. Himelstein's letter is poignant and inspiring. I felt that the Subway was unique and noteworthy for its pleasant atmosphere and the warm and relaxed way Mr. Kozlovsky and his staff treated people, all people. It was clear to me at least, that the ideals and virtues of pleasant ways and courtesy for all people filtered down from the top to all the staff. This was the only place my children would ever want to go to eat when they were in town. This was a precious example of how the teachings of our ancestors shows in our everyday lives. And yes, I enjoyed shmoozing with Reb Dovid when I was there. May Hashem see these virtues in the people who made this experience and promote these ideals and virtues within them so we can all learn from and be influenced to be better people, a better people and a better nation. Sincerely, Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Elana Maister
I see something wrong with fines that are designed for the purpose of raising revenue under the guise of public safety. It is no different than roads that the Police frequently use for speed traps. If everyone is going above the speed limit, the road or the speed limit need to be changed. But I see nothing wrong with fining people who see nothing wrong with others being fined.
Comment by Elana Maister
I'm sure the site supervisor has to weed out the inappropriate rants of our brethren on a constant basis...
Comment by Elana Maister
I see nothing wrong in making traffic regulation violators pay the fines, which in some small way alleviates our tax burden.
Comment by Elana Maister
I would be careful what people write on this website. You never know who reads it and we do not want to cause a chillel hashem!
Comment by Elana Maister
I also wondered why it was in local-who knows-who cares-its a great story (maybe a dealer here will do the same for someone in our community if chas veshalom they would need. But Why wouldnt it be seen in NAtional news. I click on the link that says Read More in every category and i see the myriad stories-i do that for the whole site. they have tons of content out there. if your not clickin ur missin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If they placed this in the National News section, you would not have seen. I think it is a nice story for all to see and I personally would not have read if it was not in the local. Besides, NY is almost local!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A Bizoyon of the Mitzvah of Ner Chanuka
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what is the "local" news connection?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm so glad that the Star K is being pro-active with the assault on Jewish law. Unfortunately, many people in the world are very misinformed about our rituals and practices, be it Brit Mila or Kashrut. The only way to combat this is to continue to inform and educate. I applaud the Star K for this effort.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Opening any business is a risk and I congratulate people who are willing to take such a chance in bringing healthy affordable food to the Jewish community, it will be missed. As far as the comment about the "genre of cheap prices, quality, and ambiance", I feel that Umami has a lovely ambiance and Accents has wonderful quality and good prices. Thanks for condemning Dougies before it opens, come on. Of course we would like the Brasserie back but for most it was a "special occasion" restaurant and in this economy that would probably not fly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So nice to see a school include boys and girls, mothers and fathers in their learning program! And if a child has only one parent, s/he can still participate. Mazel tov to Ohr Chadash! Off to a great start!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ari you look great. Yasher Koach. Love Aunt Sandy and Uncle Gary
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I attended this excellent program!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is a tremendous void for a restaurant in Baltimore that serves great food in a great setting. Subway, Kosher Bite, Dougies, Bistro, Umami, David Chu, Accents, & the Royal are all from the same genre of cheap prices, quality, and ambiance. LONNY, WE WANT THE BRASSERIE BACK!!! WE WILL SUPPORT IT!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B\'H Dougies is coming soooon!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! That is desperation!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The best. I'm so impressed with the presentation, your insight and the effectiveness of Imago. Robert Barnett
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very well done. Keep up the good work. Larry Katz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their tactics remind me of the MAFIA.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B"H I spent four years in ner yisroel, and when I learnt with an older bocher, they never asked for money, they just expected me to show up (which I did :-) and then when I was the older bocher I only asked for money from people on the outside (dhaynu any younger bocher in yeshiva I didnt charge, but if a parent from in town asked me to learn with their son who was not in yeshiva I would charge - very minimally though) and B"H the mechina is run by two of the best menahalim in the world, which is something I didnt appreciate till I went to Bais medrash out of town.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My opinion is that what happened here is that same that happens to most restaurants that open here - they are succesful so try adding things and then get carried away with it to the point it doesn't work for them. Just stick with one thing that works and don't get greedy. Someday a restaurant in town will understand that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I loved their comedy's and promotions. Their social media was the best by far. No one came close. I enjoyed it every week. I saw on their page that accents and cocoaccinos will be taking them all over. I am very happy to hear that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I found the food very reasonably priced. Don't know what you mean expensive. I loved it and their pricing. It might not have been the right model for everyone but no one left fills their model of value and health. Will miss it greatly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what a shame!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Me too. I heard as much as Harry appreciated all the loyal customers, he had enough with all the illogical business issues involved in running a Kosher Subway in this city. He said the issues in other cities are unique to each city. Subway supported the kosher subway here and allowed for unique items on the menu for Baltimore however he said the unique issues of Baltimore were quite unique and he just said no, enough was enough. Interestingly he said the Rockville J has none of these issues. We appreciated the Kosher Subways efforts and I hope another restaurant in town buys that 1000 degree in a few seconds oven he said Subway uses. If you like subs, there is nothing like a toasted one and no one else does it. Will miss it greatly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Its not sad, almost all of the other \"Kosher Subways\" around the country have closed down, along with all of them in the NYC area (at least 6 in the NYC area). The business model does not work when you have to pay franchise fees, mashgiach salary, kosher certification, and kosher food which does not take into account Subway\'s economies of scale, plus frankly the food was expensive.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is it closing i thought it was doing well i always looked forward to going there for a quick bite to eat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It will be strongly missed! :( I hope duggies will open soon!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thank you to Harry Kozlovsky for a great Subway experience! Yaakov Szajowitz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is sad that we cannot support this Kosher institution. But that is what competition is all about. I'm sad to see this one close.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this here?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very cute
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ain Ode Milvado!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
that video made me feel like I was having some kind of epileptic seizure or something!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mr. Obama is the President. Whether one likes this or not, and whether one would vote for him next time or not, he is due the respect of the leader of our country. Our Rabbis gave respect to the Emperors of Rome. Many of "our Orthodox Jewish friends" are conservative in political thought and do not support him, but we support the office of the President. G-d will protect Israel, however, we still need to support the United States and its leadership and encourage them to continue to also help Israel. This was a kidush HaShem. - Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, come to Baltimore. There is a great need for a true Carlebach minyan. I must have met you years ago in Palm Springs. It is good that you are spreading California openness with traditional Judaism/Carlebach joy.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow! what an accomplishment. May Bikur Cholim continue to go MaChayil El Chayil helping Klal Yisroel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job, and a great "tour" of good old TA! You guys should definitely put this on you tube!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is nothing wrong with this. Its a kidush Hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Some of us Jews have big egos to point we will sell out our principles to feel like a big shot. What big shots being at that White House. We are our own worst enemy and why President Obama will be back for another 4 years and ohy the price Israel will pay then. Of course our Orthodox Jewish friends will excuse his actions no matter what he says or does. What massive egos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It infuriates me,that anyone would give political cover to this israel hating man.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Newt just lost the far right vote. Far right conservatives are very against pardoning Pollard. Bring up the next anti Romney candidate.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is great stuff! I started keeping time with the mouse watching the video. (Hope I didn't damage it.) Keep playing. Howard Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wont play- says it is private
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yehuda - All of your groupies at T.A. are so proud of you. You are definitely getting our votes, even if we are not listed in the credits! S.S. and R.M
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mr. Schachter does get paid. I believe that credit should be focused on volunteers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can u put it on facebook you tube so people can hear the song and vote
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow. Nice video! I hope he wins.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dovid Cohen does work really hard for the NWCP but why would he get paid? It's a community group.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why should this surprise anyone? After all the shennanigans Acorn pulled on his behalf and his history of cheating and destroying any oposition in every elected office he's held, this should not shock anyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Unbelievably sorry!!! What a riot... Give the wrong man too much power and he will go to no end to step on others. Ask me about it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to say that I only watched the video and was unable to attend the dinner but from what I saw there was no mention of Dovid Cohen who puts his Kishkas into the NWCP and doesn\'t make a penny doing it. I personally can attest that he devotes hours daily and again he gets no salary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is 2011 and "the democracy of the middle east" Israel has segregated buses that are not a relic from days of old but a relatively recent initiative. Hillary Clinton has every right and dare I say duty to call Israel out on this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
terrific, wonderful! keep it up!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
exciting!! great news!!! the Friedmans from Yerushalayim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sure they should meet with her but can you really blame Hillary Clinton. How could she possibly understand the laws of Kol Isha (the prohibition of a man hearing a women sing) and she is totally correct about the segregated bus system being discriminatory. I think she sized up the situation pretty darn well and I am not a huge fan of hers.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got gas at Costco this week for $3.08. I also get 2% for my Costco membership and 4%on my Costco / American Express card. The store by White Marsh on Pulaski Hwy. has numerous Kosher products. They have for instance 2 lb bags of Cholev Yisroel shreeded cheese for $8.29 and 3 lb bags of sala under Star K for $2.99. That\'s my $.02.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz was also in attendance. Somebody gave you poor information.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please explain to me why one million dollars a mile for a bike trail for 250 bicyclists a day(estimated) to go the Inner Harbor or zoo is worth my tax dollars?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think she knows all this...she has to be politically correct. She has to join any women's side of gender issues that affects them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks to Agudas Yisroel for standing up for what is right. We all have to be thankful that we have the Aguda and the OU advocating on our behalf.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not sure what "Makes me sick to my stomach!" means. I know some of the rabbis on this list and I am sure it pained them to have to put out such a missive. I am sure they worried about alienating peole. Although it had to be done I am certain the decision to put this out was not taken lightly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The biggest issue in Klal Yisroel today is Gaavah (haughtiness) and the problem is we have applied it to our Yiddishkeit. We have added a FRUM flavor to not having kavod bein adam l'chaveiro, because after all, WE have the more chashuv Posek and YOU are a Choteh if you don't follow MY shitah. You know it may turn out that Moshiach will turn out, not to be Litvish, Chasiddish, Yekkish or Sfardi. He might show up telling us we ALL have it WRONG.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When a generation is mekabel Chumrahs without the proper consideration and long term perspective, such extremes are the inevitable outcome. Only when a person has truly assessed that they are doing the actual halacha correctly, and has then consulted a qualified Rav should a person consider embracing a Chumrah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am certain that it was difficult for many of these rabbis to sign on this letter as I am sure they have congregants and perhaps friends and family that are gay, but they had the courage to deliver a statement to the world that certain aspects of the Torah are clear and eternal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I feel bad for whoever's wedding this photo depicts for being associated with this story.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Makes me sick to my stomach!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Gobbie...we're so proud of you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful and well written! Nesanel Gantz is an amazing author.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a sad day for this city.....
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Real nice of them to wait until most of the survivors had already died or are in their 80s or 90s. Why couldn't they have done this 30 years ago???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How come only 1 Baltimroe Rabbi ?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why do we not ostracize these people? Thye get away with it because their community shelters them. Are they learning all day or are these neerdowells who secretly wish they weren\'t frum? People who act this way are either sick or evil, take your pick, but get them out of society.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It makes sense to have shatnez free clothes. What I can\'t abide is those in Meah Shearim who burn down stores that sell items that they do not approve of. Why do the evil doers thrive and we cower before them?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When good people are silent, we all suffer. Why has the normative frum world bowed to those who won't print a woman's picture in a magazine,etc. Segregated buses are a scandal and a disgrace and this is not the religion of my forefathers nor of your's.It is religous coercion and imposes practices that turn away normal people from orthodoxy. These people are driving Jews away from Judaism by their rigidity and intolerance.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sanity lives!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why the third comment? please, please leave out the sarcasm from this site!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reminds me of another little Israel company who insisted on operating on Shabbos, pushing back against their Rabbinical advisory board. After operating a few months, and seeing an overall loss, they realized that the only advantage to operating on Shabbos was to see that it wasn\\\'t worth it. As soon as they stopped operating on Shabbos, their profits immediately rose. Oh, and what is the name of that Israeli company? El Al.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel tov Simcha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope that the Talmidai Chachamim in Baltimore that disagree with the above story speak up. Teaching our children crazy ideas like that dinasours never existed only serves to discredit the Torah. These children do grow up at some point, and when they do, the rational thinking ones have no choice but to reject what they were taught as kids...the rejection is not selective. Once any part is discredited, the whole thing loses credibility... There needs to be a revolution in our approach to Torah and science, it\\\'s time to admit what science has confirmed. There was a big bang billions of years ago, and life on our planet evolved. It doesn't have to contradict the Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There were at least 30 trucks around, no joke. BH, no one got hurt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
oh so thats why there were so many fire engines friday night. did they keep you up too
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
O'malley as President? well, he is trying hard to do to Maryland what Obama has done to the country. Cuomo, on the other hand, has been a very responsible Governor in NY. I guess that would give O'malley an upper hand in the democrat primaries.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
12-2-2011 The Torah is alive and full of meaning. Any Jew would be moved to embrace the Torah. But if you are asking about where the destruction of American Jewry is coming from, that is a different story. The destruction of the American Jewish community is coming not from the Reform nor the Conservative nor even the outskirts of the Orthodox. The destruction is coming from the very heart of the Torah community itself. What happens in the heart sends waves of influence throughout our entire people. Yes, all Jews will embrace Torah when given a chance. When the Torah community embraces the authentic Torah, then the rest of our people will embrace the authentic Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great. Way to reject the only legitimate candidate for change. Are Jews really happier with people like Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
12-2-2011 Yeah, Mr. Crater is right. Sadly, the answer is that it is simply easier to fabricate an issue than it is to deal with matters of substance. And we wonder why our kids do not buy into the ideals and virtues we did. Truth is an individual quest. Reb Chaim of Brisk eschewed Agudas Yisroel for a good reason. I applaud your comments Mr. Carter.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I\\\'m an American Jew and think it\\\'s brilliant... if it makes American Jews uncomfortable, there is probably a very good reason for that... assimilation affects them too and they see it all too clearly in their own families... but they don\\\'t like this elephant being pointed out
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Not a hate crime A mentally challenged soul Who needs help Mr. Green is a poor Jewish male with a long history of mental illness. his serious mental illness are not made public. He needs help and perhaps there is a mental institution where he can get help. This is the second day that the media intentionally or unintentionally misinform people by omitting critical facts from the story. Unfortunately, now that he has gone ahead and committed crimes and shown himself to be unstable and destructive, he will be in the "system" for significant time. RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In less they are planning on becoming pipe fitters or steam fitters it should probably read \\\"more fit\\\".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Everyone can follow my progress and pledge a per sufganiya amount to their favorite charity or cause via the Facebook event page: If one does not have Facebook, they can send me their pledge via e-mail:
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I eagerly await the day that the rabbonim stop focusing on technology as the no.1 isse facing the Jewish people, and focus on more important things. I'm not sure it will happen, though. We need to accept that technology is part of the world and it's here to stay. It can be used in prefectly permissible ways and it's getting ever harder to function without using it on one way or another. The Agudah convention would be more productive if it focused on issues like the tuition costs that are breaking the backs of Jewish families (and causing a lot more marital stress than the Internet, I will add), changing the curriculums in school to keep kids interested in Judaism, and not allowing sexual predators in our community. I'm infinitely saddened that technology continues to be the focus of the rabbonim. Joel Carter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elie Klein has started his Sufganiya for Tzedaka campaign with a bang! You can pledge to Lema'an Achai in order to increase Elie's bottom line (and waistline)!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great shoutout to Dov O!!!!! what an amazing effort on behlf of all the young kids of B-More. A Huge Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My kids truly enjoy participating! It gives them something to do on a Sunday afternoon! Thank you Dov for organizing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Livni comes from a dying breed of socialist, anti-Jewish zionists. A daughter of a gadol has no business mingling with such anti-Torah, vemon-spewing haters of Judaism. In honor of her father, she should learn from how the Torah is more stringent regarding a bas Cohen than a bas Yisroel due to the honor of a Cohen. Similarly, a bas Gadol b\\\'Torah should be more careful about their behavior.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great program, makes me proud to be a member of Shomrei.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
unfortunately terrorism wins out again - these terrorists masquerading as jews should be jailed and forced to leave the holy land they are desecrating - and of course they should reimburse what financial damage they have caused - hmmmm exactly what the torah would require - these terrorists are NOT jews - i would normally go to mea shearim when i am in the holy land - but these terrorists have ruined it for me - they have caused people to lose business and money - i will make sure to only patronize this bookstore from now on when i am there
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very nice speach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The race was a big mitzvah and lots of fun. I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait until next years race. Sincerely, Tzvi Frankel a 5th grader at T.A.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would be a tragedy if Cain dropped out based on baseless allegations, and it would be even more tragic if these allegations proved to be true. However, Cain had a great message and would have made a great president. I really hope he stays and is able to disprove his detractors.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Speaking as a parent of some participants in the race, this was a truly beautiful event. A great opportunity to teach our children how to give back to their community without expecting any reward. I am proud that my children were excited to be joining in this, and I look forward to next year's event, B'ezras Hashem! I hope we will see many more participants next year!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-28-2011 I deals and virtues. I deals and virtues. A Rabbi is more than a mere manager. A Rabbi is and brings out in us the highest and deepest feelings of our ideals and virtues. Loyalty and compliance are a result of that connection. A Rabbi leads not so much by what he pronounces but by what he is. Today, that translates to not only listening but also watching. And thinking. When the Rabbis of today follow Daas Torah then the people will follow Daas Torah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A sad end to a very entertaining guy. Did not always agree with him, but he was engaging. He avoided discussion of the Israeli-Arab issues because he said, they were impossible to resolve so why waste time talking about them. He maybe right.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Houston has gained one amazing author. Lucky us! Rochelle, Beautiful. We can't wait to see more of your work!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
OR....... would give Pinny MORE Parnassa by providing him(and others who do that sort of repair) with many more sefarim to repair!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While this is a nice idea, Pinny Hexter is great and reasonable and it would seem that this initiative could be hasagat gevul (infringement of boundaries) and cause a loss of parnassa to a valuable member of our community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pinny Hexter is great!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chasdei Hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
and here i always thought that the chasidim only ate cholov yisroel which i believe haagen dazs is not
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congratulations. A great Rabbi for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very funny, yet so true. I could imagine people actually saying those things.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would like to see our local Rabbis speak about this to the community. Our voices need to be heard in Annapolis. Where is the Associated on this as well? Our community needs to be heard loud and clear. WE SUPPORT MARRIAGE BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN ONLY. Silence is acquiesce.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
OMG. If we keep taking mitzvos away from people to make their lives easier, when they need to do it they won't know how. Stop trying to make life easier and allow people to do what they need to. ALLOW THEM TO DO THE MITZVAH THEMSELVES. To the person who posted putting Heksher on clothing, have strength and make sure you do the right thing. Hashem didn't put these restriction on people for others to do their job.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Pretty sure that unless a full lobotomy has been performed a person can figure out if an item of clothing is "totally tznius" without rabbinic certification.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why not use Rabbi Meyer Birnbaum`s work to say the first B`racha
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree Pinny is the best and really cheap too. He does it as a major chesed to many shuls.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
you forget to mention one thing. Israelis and Jews are not allowed to ride "Palestinian" busses into Area A either. If a Jew goes into area A (Bethlehem, Jricho, Shchem, etc) either via bus or Private car they are immediately arrested. So where's our equal rights to Palestinian areas?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this attorney is also involved in the werdesheim case. funny how he always brings in the race card. guess he's not good enough to just practice law.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
call pinny hexter; he is the best sefer binder!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wish they'd put a heksher on clothing that's totally tznius (i.e. no slits, no plunging necklines, no super sheer fabric, etc.)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It was truly an inspiring event. A Yasher Koach to Mike and Layne Lowenstein, the Rabbanim who enlightened everyone with stories and to the musicians who performed at their own expense for a great cause. May the Achdus shown here in Baltimore be a Zechus for our entire community!-Dr. Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
\"The concept of time during this period may have been different than our concept of time. Our way of measuring time began with the Shabbos on the seventh day. However, this in no way changes the literal reading of the Torah that the Creation lasted six days.\" This makes no sense. If the concept of time was different at the Creation, then by definition the "six days" are not literal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think he is a Musmach of Yeshivas Shem V'ever. What difference does it make to you where he learned? He is spreading Torah to people who have not had so many opportunities. If you read his bio you would find your answer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beware of these people. They are supposedly in the States now. Our state should not become a sponsor of terrorism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The story about Rav Soloveitchik tells us that this was his opinion at that time regarding this particular issue (whether a bris should be postponed). Given that Rav Soloveitchik himself would be the first to recognize that other poskim are free to disagree with him -- which they do in this case -- how does one extrapolate from this story (as Rav Meiselman does) that no other opinions about Torah/Science are valid?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is a shame that they use the term orthodox in describing these terrorists - why can\'t they just call them extremist ultra terrorist group - they do not even come close to resembling orthodox judaism - hopefully nobody will mistake them for torah jews - they terrorize therefore they are terrorists
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For an in depth anaylysis and point-counterpoint to this article read Rabbi Natan Slifikin's response on his blog Rationalist Judaism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, she wears close to nothing... she may still not travel on Shabbat and eat kosher food, which are the only requirements.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree with commenter 11-24-2011. There are other reasons to question R. M.'s credentials. Baltimorean
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job,reb eliezer
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is truly a beautiful article. Thank you from a grateful talmid.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Love it! How come we don't do this in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Now I know Moshiach is coming. Seriously. When the Amish turn against each other . . . and arm themselves . . . Geeeez.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Adam is a Jewish hero.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-24-2011 The point of the Torah is not teach us how nature behaves but rather to teach us how we should behave. No Rabbi has the academic credentials to discuss science. And it only makes the Torah look as foolish and desperate as they are. Look to the Torah for lessons about how we should be as people and you will find what you need to know. Let the Torah be what it is meant to be for us and let the scientists be scientists.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was in the ER a couple of times and I could have used some good humor. I would invite Shmop in a heartbeat to entertain. I bet the recovery time would be much less! Great job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
11-24-2011 The truth about these people, our people, is not found in what they (we) deny ourselves. The truth about these (our) people can be found in what they (we) permit ourselves. Like the proverbial pig who openly displays its Kosher feet, overt and exaggerated piety veils profound depravity. Observe the behavior of the members of this 'pietocracy' in matters of money, charity, marriage and learning (academics) and you will see their true face. They are the miserable result of the wretched teachings of their ancestors. I curse myself for coming from such putrid origins.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is meister's religion relevant at all????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Oberstein has a good point, not just as it applies to the bus issue, but more generally within our (non-Chassidic) communities as well, with some of these new innovations. The female picture ban is merely symptomatic of a tendency to always have to accommodate the frummest common denominator in the interest of âsensitivityâ. This trend is certainly problematic when it ignores precedents in our communities that were and are still fully acceptable according to normative Halacha. In most of these matters, itâs not about correcting shortcomings in Halachic observance of previous generations. Rather, it is about chasing the shadows of others and subsequently trying to put out a façade of being holier than thou. Obviously, few are bothered by imposing new standards on everyone else, because this is seen as an "improvement". While the rhetoric of more liberal elements is either over-the-top or imprecise on some of these issues, similar resistance made by normal frum people (without a liberal agenda), can probably be expressed in a sharper and more compelling way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lo Sechonaim
Comment by M Edinger
Great illustration of what NOT to do! Thanks!!
Comment by M Edinger
What a disgrace - people nebach are sick and this makes a complete laitzanus of such a situation. I understand this is meant as a lesson of what not to do, but there is a way to teach that without joking about illness and death as this mockery video does.
Comment by M Edinger
What a kiddush Hashem!! Kvell!!
Comment by M Edinger
On KristallNacht, Dr. Bondi spoke about Rav Breuer\'s being rescued from a lineup of yidden by a policeman who had been the guard outside the shul. The guard was fond of Rav Breuer since the latter had bought the guard a box of cigars every year for his holiday.
Comment by M Edinger
sad that because of one weak link the entire idf is now subject to this issue...
Comment by M Edinger
reminded me a bit of lebowski - great.
Comment by M Edinger
That was really funny! Thanks :)
Comment by M Edinger
i would be interested in hearing how many of our community agree with the \"reisha\" or the \"seifa\". Obviously, the clever writers who justify the actions of the Chassidim have made a passionate case. Does that take away from the equally passionate and sincere feeling that in the 21st century, we cannot relagate women to the back of the bus, in many ways besides sitting in the back of the bus. Their refusal to print a female\'s picture, even an old lady, even a deceased person like Sarah Schnirrer is becoming more and more the norm even outside of Chassidic circles. How many of us reallly believe in our hearts that this is true \"men told her to move to the back, according to the paper. She asked why she had to move, at which point a man reportedly told her, âIf G-d makes a rule, you donât ask âWhy make the rule?ââ is this truly Torah MiSinai or the peculiar practices of a sub group within our community being imposed on the broader community more and more each day? As a native of Montgomery who lived in that era, I don\'t think we can justify this behavior in the cloak of civil rights. It isn\'t right to treat women as less than equal human beings in the public sphere. E.Oberstein
Comment by M Edinger
oy vey!this had me cracking up! thanks for the lessons you taught us today...
Comment by M Edinger
My illness has been long and slow, and the course is predicted to be rough. There are times when I don't know how I will stay the course. However, whenever it all seems too hard for me to manage, all I need to do is look around and an \"angel\" from Gevuras Yarden is helping to lift me up. One minute my body may feel too heavy to manage and my feet may seem unable to help carry me forward for the steps ahead, but then I look up: angels from Gevuras Yarden are helping me glide with unexpected ease to whatever place comes next. Please excuse this wordy metaphor, but I often falter when it comes to trying to describe how deeply the kind words, thoughtful acts, and steady and gentle presence of all of Gevuras Yarden touch me day after day, week after week, and year after year. It amazes me that they haven\'t given up on me! Even if I will spend Shabbos mostly alone, mostly in bed, and mostly uncomfortable, their Shabbos calls and treats leave me feeling rich and peaceful and part of a world that I love. No other organization comes close. Also, most organizations have abandoned me in this tough financial climate, so it amazes me extra that despite my long and demanding illness, they remain with me to the finish. This comes with great gratitude to the blessing of Gevuras Yarden and all who work to make it possible. Deep gratitude to all of you who do what you can to help them stay whole and healthy and one of the great riches of Jewish Baltimore!
Comment by M Edinger
I think this is the best video out there. I love this city probably more than the preceding commenter. Congratulations to all of the runners and the Jewish Caring Network on a race well run!
Comment by M Edinger
Only in Baltimore can a Rabbi get away with racing in \"grey\" sweatpants. And not black. Three cheers for Rabbi Hauer and all the runners. I love this city
Comment by M Edinger
Who cares what he says. We have enough losers and fakers running for president now. Lets focus on the 1 or 2 real candidates in the race, we don't need any more phonies, if anything we need more real and substantive candidates. Also he is past the deadline to vote in the Republican primary and running as an independent would just hurt the republicans
Comment by M Edinger
It is terrible to compare the two. Pollard is a convicted and guilty Criminal. He is being held for his crimes through a fair and just legal system. Shame on anyone who compares them.
Comment by M Edinger
Very beautiful
Comment by M Edinger
I hope vice-President Biden will look into the case for Pollard remain in jail until he either a) petitions for parole - which he has been eligible for since 1995, but not done or; b) reaches his mandatory release date of November 2015. Jonathan Pollard was not jailed for spying for Israel - he was jailed for stealing tens of thousands of pages of classified documents and selling them for profit. He broke his plea bargain deal three weeks before sentencing. In order to petition for parole he would have to show remorse, not grandstand about how he has been some kind of political prisoner. Pollard did the crime - let Pollard do the time.
Comment by M Edinger
It is great to see that the OU is taking a leadership role in helping shuls and day schools. Come on, Baltimore. Let's submit some creative ideas!
Comment by M Edinger
Excellent article! Jonathan Pollard has been eligible for parole since 1995. Why has he not applied? Because to apply he must show remorse for his crime. What was his crime? Not spying for Israel; his crime was to steal tens of thousands of pages of highly classified documents and sell them. To Israel? Yes, but also to various countries, including Australia!! He will be out of jail in four years. He did the crime - let him do the time.
Comment by M Edinger
I elect Shomrei. What shul is in more need of, "Objective is to meet shuls challenge of promoting long-term financial stability." Of course $5000 is going to go very far to help Shomrei today :)
Comment by M Edinger
You bring up an excellent point about children/family. When things are chaotic many people decide to cry, shout or laugh. I think laughing is more gentle and kinder. IY"H In my next article, I will discuss how to use laughter in marriage and with children (one needs to be cautious how they use laughter). Thank you, Elisheva Rabinowitz
Comment by M Edinger
Isn't Joseph Zablocki an Orthodox Jew? I guess lawyer really are desperate for clients these days.
Comment by M Edinger
Mazel Tov! May she be a role model for all Frum girls.
Comment by M Edinger
Yichus is just a bunch of zeros. What matters is if you can put a one on the end of it. --Source Unknown
Comment by M Edinger
Very nice to see a picture of the new Rabbi with Rabbi Hopfer. It is nice to see the 2 Rabbis from across town together. His bio is here
Comment by M Edinger
I definitely agree! Laughter is the best medicine, when things are not exactly normal and my children are acting in a chaotic fashion, I have two choices,You could break down in cry or you could laugh a little. This really makes it so much kinder to the body.
Comment by M Edinger
Where did he learn ?
Comment by M Edinger
Sounds wonderful - wish I had been there.
Comment by M Edinger
I appreciate your attempt at lightening the situation by posting a cartoon of the perpetually confused Homer Simpson at the controls of a nuclear power plant. However, the article highlights a very real threat to our national and personal health and safety. Please show a little sensitivity to the issue.
Comment by M Edinger
The author states \"It is common knowledge that the root of racism, bias and intolerance is ignorance and fear.\" Yes, this is what I have learned and believe too. Unfortunately, ignorance and fear are also the tools of evil regimes, the tools being used by big government in Islamic countries. Ignorance and fear are bred systematically in their schools, in their culture, by their media -- their citizens are bombarded daily with this. Calls for death to Israel, Jews and America are the result of the ignorance and fear that is systematically bred amongst them. In this topsy turvy world, if we utter so much as a word against this culture of ignorance and fear we are called \"Islamophobic\". Sorry, I could not sit back and \"forgive\"....We as humans have a responsibility to others and to not exercise that responsibility is a crime.
Comment by M Edinger
You could be right about that. But it doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Let's hope R' Sadwin and his allies can come up with a way to get boast done without having to compromise on ssm. Hatzlacha!
Comment by M Edinger
Seems like a very easy solution. Just tell Rabbi Heinemann, shlit\"a. not to give these men his approval papers, because 99.9% of the frum community in Baltimore will not give a dime without them.
Comment by M Edinger
O'Mally is trying to pull a quid pro quo with our community. We let him pass his SSM bill and he will pass school choice legislation. Not that I'm against that deal but our community should just be aware of it. Mordy G.
Comment by M Edinger
Even those trucking companies that have good safety records are hazardous to have on our highways. Trucks are so much larger and heavier than the cars with whom they share the roads, and the drivers are often tired because of the long hours they put in. It would be so much safer (and better for the environment) to go back to delivering goods by rail.
Comment by M Edinger
11-18-2011 The last comment is is a good example of 'HaKol Kol Eisav V'Hayodayim Y'dei Yaakov'. The writer of the comment is adopting the affectation of an outraged individual who admires HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the memory of whose righteousness is a blessing. In fact, he stands for the opposite. He has publicly and sardonically criticized some individual who he does not know. That person will not only be personally hurt but may suffer professionally. Thus, the commentator has damaged an individual whom he does not know and who will never know who he is. So, the preferred practice of Tzedaka and Chesed has now been employed to distribute, not kindness but rather its reverse, cruelty. Thus the commentator stands for the very converse of what our beloved Teacher was. Consider this, which one of the issues would the departed have cared about, the incorrect copy or the heartless attack on a nameless and faceless individual. May the memory of our Teacher and the ideals and virtues he stood for be blessed.
Comment by M Edinger
The third paragraph says the school needs 3.8 billion in renovations, wow that\\\'s going to be some rehab. Those numbers sound more like how the feds spend!!! Proof read your stuff. LOL
Comment by M Edinger
Why is Baltimore Jewish Life posting an article with a curse word in it?
Comment by M Edinger
clearly the comment above is coming from a person who has never had to work retail. I work for the gov\\\'t but for years worked for companies who were retail businesses. The employees are the heart of the business and need time to relax too. I think this decision is the worst ever.....nothing is sacred anymore most of all time with family. You are asking people to choose between their family and their livelihood. What would you do....obviously you are not standing in their shoes!
Comment by M Edinger
The MVA has posted a notice that e-mails about renewal notices not being sent are FALSE.
Comment by M Edinger
I remember Rav Dovid, zecher tzadik librocho, telling us that in Brisk they didn\'t talk about the great Torah learning of the Brisker Rav, Rav Chaim, but about the incredible chesed and ahavas yisroel he exuded. Knowing a lot is only one part of the equation, a real godol is an exemplar of what an odom hasholeim is , a complete human being. I honestlyl think that coming in contact with these unique people is a life enhancing experience. It reminds me of the story of Reb leibele Eiger, the chassidic grandson of Rav Akiva Eiger. His father ridiculed him for going to spend time with the Kotzker. What did you learn in Kotkz, he answered \"I learned that there is a G-d in the world\". His father who was anti Chassidic laughed at him and called in the housekeeper, and asked her if she believed in G-d and she answered \"of course\". Reb Leibele retorted. \"She says it but I know it.\" If you have a relationship , even a short one , with such a person as Rav Nosson Tzvi, you see Hashem in this world. It\'s not belief, it is real. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by M Edinger
Once again, where is someone who can type coherently? The acronym for "zecher Tzadik l'vracha" is "Ztz"l", not ZATAL! Is anyone there awake?
Comment by M Edinger
Ill just send my bill to all the big chachomim who put srb signs on their front lawns
Comment by M Edinger
Target should not budge, they need the business so that they can employ these people who are doing all of the complaining, with this kind of economy there is no room for this type of stand, if you have a job and are required to be there just shut up or quit.
Comment by M Edinger
build baby build
Comment by M Edinger
Another example of incremental tax increases. This will only cost the city jobs.
Comment by M Edinger
just goes to show what the left-wing radicals are all about. All this with our community organizer-in-cheifs approval and encouragement.
Comment by M Edinger
Yay Rabbi Sadwin!!!
Comment by M Edinger
Rav Shteinman's name is Aharon Yehuda Leib. Not Aryeh. R' Beinish was not the Rosh Yeshiva when R' Noson Tzvi was married. That only happened later.
Comment by M Edinger
around 11:30
Comment by M Edinger
Today, 11-14-11, at 11:34am.
Comment by M Edinger
Today 11-14-11 at 10:35am
Comment by M Edinger
When did this happen?
Comment by M Edinger
Disgusting. These Haredim - using violence to protect their \"piety\" - they are the ones who blaspheme Hashem\'s name. Violence against women and against those who protect women is never acceptable. Harassing other Jews is not merely putting up a fence - it\'s abuse and a violation of Torah. Their behavior is shameful.
Comment by M Edinger
You are both an absolute inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing your story. May HKB\"H continue to give you the strength and health to do such things together for yourselves and Klall Yisroel. Malka Barron
Comment by M Edinger
Glad to hear other hashgachos aren't afraid to come to baltimore now
Comment by M Edinger
Raising doubts regarding the reliability of a hechsher without reliable information constitutes speaking loshon hora. Shame on all of you.
Comment by M Edinger
Kudos to Chedva Rose for organizing an outstanding event!
Comment by M Edinger
There is absolutly nothing wrong with what he said. Everyone starts at zero make your case for funding then wwe will give. Israel should do the same I have no doubt that Israel would get MORE funding this way. Egypt, Iran, Afgahnistan, and (Palestine)would then get zero then there is more aid to Israel.
Comment by M Edinger
Romney said he agrees with Perry that aid to Israel should also start at zero. Romney and Perry lost my vote. Its down to Ginrich and Huntsman.
Comment by M Edinger
finally, some good news!
Comment by M Edinger
Shame on you for comparing Pollard to Shalit. Pollard is a convicted criminal who is guilty. Shalit is a soldier protecting Israel. Shame on you Hoffman. I couldn't even read past the first few paragraphs.
Comment by M Edinger
Hello everyone, I am poster#1 back for an update. I actually regret my original post it was impulsive for sure. I certainly realize that our experience was not everyone's experience and am thrilled for Moshe A. that he was so happy and successful in Ner. Look I realize the school that my son wound up in was not for everyone also, my son was happy there while many other's took their children out for various reasons. My claims were not false but probably did not need to be aired in this forum and perhaps my experience and perceptions are unique. I will remain anonymous however to protect my son from embarrasament and wish you all a shabbat shalom.
Comment by M Edinger
Buying him Pizza is not enough. Its like investing in a stock for 1.39. You put up something more serious and your investment in Torah will pay-off. Why do people spend thousands on entertainment but when it comes to Torah they wont put their money where there mouth is.
Comment by M Edinger
To the first commenter (BJL perhaps you should # the comments), you write "My son spent two years wandering around the beis medrash during night seder because no older boys in H.S. or Beis Medrash would volunteer to learn with a younger boy unless they were paid." I take great exception to that comment and here is why. (BTW, to the commenter who has a taina on BJL for posting that comment anonymously I don't think that's fair . This person is free to express their experiences anonymously even if they may have been misperceived; they are probably embarrassed. I'm happy that BJL offers this forum and is very careful with what they post and what they allow to be posted.) As far as it being negative, I am glad they posted it because this person and probably ohthers need to know what Ner is really all about. My son and I attended the Mechinah at Ner and you will not find a more caring institution than the way they care for each boy and their learning. Rabbi tendler(may he have a Refuah shalimah) and Rabbi Cook are master mechanchim and menahelim and their 24 x 7 has been proven time in and time out. There is absolutely no such thing as not finding a bachur to learn with another because of money. That concept does not exist in the halls of Ner Yisrael. from Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi cook all the way through the Bais Medrash Ner cares about one thing and one thing only-a boy's limud HaTorah on the highest level of whihc they are capable. They nurture each boy bringing out the best middos and the finest learning of which that child is capable. I know this for a fact because my learning was weak and my parents could not afford anything extra. I remember my father telling me about a meeting he had with rabbi Cook and how he was so amazed as to the response he got when it came to finding a chavrusa for me. Money never came up-NEVER! and i got a top-notch bachur to learn with me. My parents did take the chavrusa out for pizza to show their hakras hatov and he was very appreciative and i know for a fact he did not get a penny, he did it because it was the right thing to do. My son who used to be in the Mechinah knew how to learn very well. When a certain boy who came from a day school to learn in Ner needed a cahvrusa my son was asked by Rabbi Cook to learn with him. Money never, ever came in to the equation. So, the long and the short of it is that if your son wandered around the Bais Medrash it had nothing to do with money and no, the situation has not improved because it was great to begin with and needed no improvement . I hope by now you are shepping nachas from your son
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is mamesh beautiful
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow everyone chill the first person wasnt beimg negative or hating he was just pointimg out a problem that persons son personally had... No need to attack him, and also just bc it didmt happen to your child doesnt mean it didnt happen to this persons child
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He enriched each person he met with his smile and sincere demeanor and politeness.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
<i>But, we do not know the reason they changed. Why don\'t we know?</i> Why should we? On the outside, all anyone needs to know is that they\'re under a reliable hashgacha. If individuals are makpid on those areas where the OU and Star-K disagree, then they\'d want to find out whether Accents is changing its operations. Otherwise, it\'s not really anyone\'s concern.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a shame that a person could make such a terrible and most likely false claim like the 1st commentator did and not back it up with his name. It is also a shame that this website would post such a highly critical comment anonymously. In keeping with the tradition of this site. Yours truly, Anonymous.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I spent 10 years at Ner Israel between Mechina and Yeshiva. The vast majority of bachurim who learn with younger ones do so for no compensation. And the rebbeim would always make serious efforts to make sure everyone had a chavrusa.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hmmm, thought yeshiva came with "chavrusa's included", at least it did back in my day.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You can hire a bochur for a couple of bucks. For Torah you have to shell out some money. Its well worth the investment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great man who left over a beautiful legacy and a wonderful family.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
But, we do not know the reason they changed. Why don't we know?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Star K and OU are both reliable businesses that provide the service of kosher food supervision. It is well with in Accents right to use any reliable organization they see fit. Since they opened,they have provided fresh,delicious, and innovative kosher food, and I hope they continue for many years. We don't ask Seven Mile or any other restaurant,why they change specific brands, and this is no different. I'm sure they made the change because they felt it was a sound business decision.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, they have an obligation to inform the public the reason for the change. Otherwise the rumors will grow and grow and business will be lost.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a great program, and a wonderful way for the older boys to learn how to share their learning, I just wish this organized and inclusive attitude would continue into 9th and 10th grades at Ner. My son spent two years wandering around the beis medrash during night seder because no older boys in H.S. or Beis Medrash would volunteer to learn with a younger boy unless they were paid. While the administration was sympathetic, they were not very helpful. I hope this situation has changed for the better in recent years
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Accents has only got better over the years it has been in business. It looks like they have made another good decision which will prove their dedication to their customers needs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the Franks have every right to run thier business as they see fit. I am proud of the Franks for being upstanding members of our community,and for being respectful of the Star K. It is frankly none of our business as to why they changed. I am thankful we in Baltimore have a such an excellent restaurant under a very reliable Hashkacha.Being in the food buisness is extremely difficult and demanding, and we the public have no right to make it more difficult.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Iâm not part of the Kosher community but it appears as though there is a pattern erupting. Is Accents not one of a few operations to leave the Star K and move to the OU. Our Jewish hospital (Sinai & Levendale) and nursing home are not even under the Star K anymore. To me that is a sign there must be some kind of problem. Personally Accents has great food and they seem to be good people.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why does it have to be either a financial decision or kashrus issues. Kosher supervision is provided by people( not computers) , and when there are people involved there are relationships and personality. Some times change is good No need nor would it be right for accents to reveal their reasoning.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No explanation required, the Franks have served our community well offering great food at high level of kashrus that I am sure will continue. Ate there last night and not only enjoyed the food but the service was excellent,, lets continue to support our local restaurants, if we don't they will surely fade away. Donna Wach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are certain people in our neighborhood who have nothing better to do with their lives than call the authorities for violations and infringements. These people prowl the streets anxiously looking to get someone else in trouble, it is their greatest pleasure. Many years ago, I got a citation from the Baltimore Housing Authority because the paint on my chimny was peeling. I called and asked why this was so important to the HOUSING authority and the man said that when they get a complaint they have to investigate. I painted the chimny .We all need to get involved in our neighborhood association so that those who delight in bringing pain to others will not win. They resent our presence and our way of life and want to drive us out of the neighborhood. We are the majority but look how one bitter person could get manypeople fined for nothing, just because she resents orthodox Jews. Many of the worst are Jews themselves.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How beautiful! I was crying as I read it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the first two comments and it would be great if you could put this article in the local news section so that more people could see it and learn some of the great lessons expressed in this article.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
generally, ou is more expensive than the star-k.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The business owners wall of silence allows everyone "to fill in the blamks". Why not come forth with a valid reason for the switch?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Accents needs to say why they switched.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful article, thank you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This a great article and a really great lesson for all of us to be koveah itim. Thank you baltimorejewishlife for posting this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great piece! Thanks for posting!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why would we assume that this is a hashgacha issue and not purely a business issue. It is a very difficult economy right now, and businesses are allowed to shop around to get the most for their money. Hashgacha is a competetive business, and right now with the way the economy is going, I believe that all local businesses need to control their spending in any way they can to be able to stay afloat. If outside Hashgacha organizations are more cost effective, more power to them. Maybe the Star-K needs to rethink their prices and policies.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think this is great. Rabbi Weiss is an honorable man with lots of experience and the OU is the largest hashgachah in the world. Hatzlachah to the owners of both restaurants.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Published: Saturday, February 9, 2002
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The technicalities of the shechita debate are complex but the bottom line is simple, and that is that animal welfarists and anti shechita politicians approach shechita from the point of view that "Jews keep this outdated and cruel method of animal slaughter without regard to the modern and welfare-friendly advances in the slaughtering industry". This is the old blood libel against the Jews in a new form and an attempt to attack Jews worldwide whilst appearing to hold the moral high-ground under the guise of "animal welfare". There can be no other reason than anti-Semitism since the anti shechita bloc rely on inconclusive and faulty "science" to show that shechita causes unnecessary pain and suffering, while at the same time they willfully ignore the abundance of scientific evidence which clearly shows that shechita conforms with all the principles of humaneness and animal welfare. As for the arguments about shechita munachas versus meumedes, although the kashrus of the one over the other is an important factor, the main point is that to make consessions to the non-Jewish authorities on THEIR perception of animal welfare is to open the flood gates to all manner of compromises which denegrate the "kovod" of Torah Hakedosho. These compromises chip away at the practice of shechita which is clearly "Ka'asher Tzivisicho". That principle, and only that principle, should be the guiding factor in any debate about shechita. Anything other than this allows our detractors to make unwelcome inroads into our Divinely ordained and humane method of shechita. True that there are some who have the appearance of supporting shechita but this support can change to outright hostility if the circumstances concerning "new developments" in animal welfare demand reviewing how a "concerned" public views the new principles of animal wefare. Chanoch Kesselman London UK
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
even regular black hats are made of rabbit fur
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Must be a bunch of Litvaks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Best. Story. Ever.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The issue isn't cocoacinos but Accents. I AM VERY disappointed to see ACCENTS leave the Star K. This opens up all kinds of speculation. They should answer as to whether this was financially based decision or an issue. Baltimore holds to the highest standards of which the Star K is most valued in Baltimore. One may disagree with that and that is fine but when one moves away from the Star K the public who respects it, needs to know why? Rumors are not good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Byron S. I have no idea what you are saying. Can you restate your view in regular English?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Cocoaccinos was never under the star k. It was under rabbi salfer. So its moving from one rabbi to another.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can u write that? Does that make u happy that our local vaad loses business? Would u like it if I joyed in your lose of business.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Here is a thought for those who seek to exclude people suffering from depression, or who dismiss people suffering from depression or who even ridicule those suffering from depression: If you assert someone is depressed, will you be Mevaker Choleh? Everyone should ask yourselves, of the people you personally have labeled as depressed, were you Mevaker Choleh? How many suffering from this disorder are abandoned and left to dwell in solitude. This is not a fashionable sort of condition that people rally to those afflicted. So ask yourself - have you been Mevaker Choleh - has anybody. And the ask yourself - if not me - then who? And if not now? then when?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The pot calling the kettle black - no? This is classic orthodox blindness. They will not even know what hit them, when it comes.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
This is an example of the flame burning brightest before it goes out for good. We started back in the day with the ideals of Torah. And today we are coasting on the price of the Torah. Where we once had Rabbis we now have business men dressed as Rabbis. We have incorporated our Jewish institutions and used the Torah into a commodity. This is not success. This is the end. The end arising not from the fringe's of the observant but from the very heart of the pious themselves. And the meek shall inherit the earth.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
You are indeed correct. That is an unimaginably huge z'chus that we all shared...and will cherish forever and ever.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
11-8-2011 The passing of Tzadikim, like Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, is a time for Teshuva. Teshuva is an awakening. Who are our contemporary kings - the Rabbi's. A king is a man who stands for our highest ideals and virtues - a man who is the lesson of what an ideal man is supposed to be. And so the king arouses a deep identity and affinity within his people who rally around him in their seeing in him what they hold in their very hearts. A king amongst the Jews is the lesson of what we are as a people and what we stand for. When one of them passes it is a time for us to sequester ourselves and think deeply and dig within to find the very heart of what we believe we are and to see how he stood for us. The sign that we have reached this is when we are moved to tears over his loss since loosing him is to loose the reflection of ourselves, the ourselves we hold most near and dear. This is personal. And if we do not feel it, then we need to dig deep within our hearts to remind ourselves what we are until we see just how personal this is. May Hashem open our hearts and reawaken our feelings for what we are , our ideals our virtues our identity and ultimately our destiny. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Baruch Dayin HaEmes. We as a community were very fortunate to see him during his last USA visit this past July.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
This should be mechazek Rabbi Slifkin
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why? Don't the customers deserve an honest answer to these changes? Absent any logical business reason, we will jump to a conclusion that this is a lowering of Kashrus standards.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
star k= not happy.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why? The public deserves an answer. Was this a pure business decision based Star-Ks milchig requirements? Why not the OU for both? Not a good sign. Rabbi Weiss is NOT the OU, not the Star-K or Kof-K. I'm sorry to read of this development.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I would like to thank Rabbi Gordimer for informing me about the existence of International Rabbinic Fellowship (IRF) and so on. I have been looking for this type of Rabbi for my whole life. Seems like a breath of fresh air after being in the "traditional" frum yeshiva world.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
âYou mean that we can just do away with Halacha because we are not comfortable with it?â Rabbi Gordimer of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America does not really answer the question with any facts. His response is the "Avraham wore a yarmulka" argument. Not even balhabatish. Not even vibish. Definitely not yeshivish. All Rabbi seems to say is "oh how bad that some people wish to daven differently than I..." Does Rabbi say "av harachamim" when bentching rosh chodesh? Well, I do. Wanna fight about that? (fallaciously) Seriously, Rabbi should worry that 90% of Jews in America don't say anything at all.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I hope as Rabbi Weiss gives his hechsher to more and more establishments that he hires more employees and mashgiachs so as to keep up his hechshers integrity and trust. It would also do good if he does indeed hire more employees that he announce it to the community.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I wish the government would repent and reform as much as Jack has.Looking forward to reading the the after Crusty.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Would Rabbi A. Kotler approve of what has happened to Lakewood and his vision of Kollel being Gadlis Batorah- Producing Torah Giants? Are we doing that today? Yes, we have quantity in kollel today, but do we have quality? If so-where are they?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
As her brother-in-law, although I cannot adequately describe what very special person, Esther OB"M was. Although I am sure that the loss to Bais Yaakov and the entire Orthodox Baltmore community is great, it is very difficult to put into words the loss to us, members of her family. Besides being a wise advisor she was a shining light to our entire family. We are still walking around dazed about this tremendous Aveidah. I always expect the telephone to ring and to hear her sweet voice. The many blatt gemorrahs that she allowed, her husband, my Choshiva brother-in-law to learn greeted her and escorted her to her lofty place in Gan Eden. Teheih Zichro Boruch.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Who has the patience to read through this? Can you please re-post with an abridged version?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
thank you for the great job you do for our community!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Anyone in business knows that a food establishment can change Hechsherim for a number of reasons. To the poster who wrote \"not a good sign\": I\'m sure you probably didn\'t realize that your comment was not only completely incorrect, but it was also rechilus. Please think next time, BEFORE you post. Negative thinking and blurting out the first thing that comes to a person\'s mind isn\'t the best way to go through life. Mr Bemaras is not only a kind hearted person, he is also a ehrlich yid with integrity. May Hashem bless him with much continued Hatzlocha. We are pleased to continue to frequent his establishments.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Ok, we get it. No need to use the word \"elephant\" 7 times.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Will Baltimore Jewish Life be videoing this event? I might not be able to attend...Thank you.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree sooooo much. Leaders, educators, Rabbis and elders of our community need to be the ones to be in the know and to have the wisdom to decide what we, as commoners, should not know. In fact, the truly pious would never want to know more than they need to do their duties and to conform. And that is why this is a Kosher web site. You can read all that is in it and never worry that you will encounter any questionable material. Who is like you Oh Jewish people! whose leaders protect them from what they need not know.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We miss you at Mincha at Tov's
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Thank you Rabbi Sadwin and the Agudah office for all your effort on behalf of Baltimore. If there is anything the community can do to help our city receive bussing please let us know. We are one of the only frum communities that I know of where families with less than 6 children must drive a 12 passenger van due to carpools. I hope the city understands that the reason most of us have such large vans to begin with is because of carpools. My siblings who grew up here in Baltimore refuse to even consider living in Baltimore because of carpools so if there is anything that needs to be done by us members of the community please let us know. I would love to spend that time actually being home when my other kids arrive home and be able to do homework with them instead of driving around town doing 5 afternoon carpools per week and then rushing in all stressed out because no one has even started on their homework without Mommy there. It would be a tremendous chesed to the community if anyone was willing to spearhead such a movement to end carpools. I for one would love to but with all my carpools there's simply no more time!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Rabbi Sadwin is extrememly dedicated to the needs of our community. Lets us all say a very loud Thank You to him for all he does for us. Let support him. Ask not what....
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Where are the comments complaining about this free advertising?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I happen to know that Rabbi Sadwin is constantly working on busing and trying to access various options to get transportation funding...but there are no magic wands! NY and NJ have had busing for many years and no local or state budget could afford to enact a busing program while still in such tremendous spending deficits.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
What a beautiful program! Thank you Bais Yaakov for all that you do for the girls of our community.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Rabbi Sadwin When will you work on getting our children fully subsidized school transportation like they have in ny and lakewood
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I hope this is the first of several articles posted over the weekend about the general election. I am looking forward to reading many more.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Let's not forget that the entire issue could have been avoided if the city had just relied on the state definition in the first place. The state MVA clearly distinguishes between commercial and personal vehicles by license plate when they are registered. All Baltimore City has to do is apply that standard locally for overnight parking. Instead, in a classic display of arrogance, the City Council had to make their own definitions. Maybe with the city elections coming up next week it's time to get some fresh faces in city government, and some fresh ideas to boot!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Good timing for Ricki Spector. This good news is right before her verry very challenging and extremely close general election battle (NOT!). But thanks Ricki anyway and you have my vote in the general anyway
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
If the city is looking for a fundraiser, then they should send the transportation officers to the public schools at dismissal. If they ticketed all the people double parked and just parked illegally, they would make a fortune. Cross Country is a perfect example.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Great title!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree with the above poster. Ari has been working hard - so hard, in fact, that he was the number 1 candidate (hence, he is on the ballot). And he was up against some pretty important people. It says something for Ari that he was able to get on the Ballot.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
You may "attend" this gathering, by phone, by calling 712-432-1001 passcode: 472317041# after 7:45 PM.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Does that mean 7 mile will not have a place to sit down for a snack
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Perhaps you feel that Ari is only waking up now. However, as someone who follows politics, I know that he has been actively working his campaign for quite a while. He has published interviews going back to July. Plenty of people have heard of him, even if you have not. Perhaps the people that haven't heard of him just aren't taking the time to be aware of important local news like the city elections?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
if Repubs were at all smart then they would nominate john huntsman who has by far the best shot to beat obama.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Frankly, I do not know what Rabbi Weiss' kashrus standards are. But, it appears to me that whatever the standards are they are less than Star-K standards. Otherwise why would 7 Mile not accept it? 7 Mile could not care less how much a hashgacher costs, only what are the standards? It is not the same as changing accountants. When was the last time a major retail outlet like bakeries, meat stores, pizza stores, or caterers changed hasgachos? A recent caterer changed from Star K to OU. That is different then going to an individual Rabbi. So I return to reader #1- "not a good sign"
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why is this guy waking up now and mere few hours before the election. Hardly anyone has heard about him. I assume its very cheap to run and maybe hes just doing it to become popular in the community but I think there are better ways to do that than this. Just my honest opinion. I'd love to hear though why he did not start getting his name out earlier.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I agree with the second comment but the great part about the primaries is that we get 8 candidates to choose from and there are not many distinctions and differences amongst the candidates. So this is something that makes Perry not the ideal candidate and the other 7 candidates more appealing. But if it came down to it I would still vote for Perry over Obama.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Great job. Technology not only makes education better but cheaper too.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
So exciting, and so wonderful for the students. Thank you Noam for your initiative, hard work and drive, and the administration and teachers of OCA for daring to create an innovative and excellent IT Program in both Hebrew and English subjects for the students of OCA to grow and learn in a way that my grandchildren are so thrilled with.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Noam has worked very hard to blaze a trail for others to follow. Yasher koach!!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Way to go OCA! My kids love school and love the interactive learning experience on the iPads. If you are interested in a great Jewish and general education for your kids in a warm, caring and exciting environment, check out the Ohr Chadash Academy website at!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
what will replace it at 7mile?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
To the poster who wrote that they he "will jump to conclusions" In an effort to be so careful with kashrus, you spread richilus by insinuating that there was an issue with the kashrus of me latte.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Salomon Bemaras is an upstanding ehrlich person. Please, Please let us be dan lekar zchus. Enough of the shoot first and ask later!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Plenty of items that aren't really local news are often placed in the local news section. Perhaps this should have been a letter to the editor, and perhaps the editor could use some help categorizing.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I look forward to continuing to frequent Me Latte's other locations.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Salomon, wishing you much continued success with Me Latté!
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Why would a store or restaurant switching its kosher certification not be a good sign? If a business switches accountants, does it automatically mean that they were involved in tax fraud previously? Rabbi Weiss's hashgacha is reliable and used by other establishments in town. Kosher certification is a business like all others and it is the right of any kosher establishment to find the reliable certification agency that provides them with the best product for the lowest cost. Me Latte provides a service for the community - they will be missed at 7-Mile and should continue to have hatzlacha at Hopkins and the JCCOM.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The question remains: Why was this labeled paid political advertisement run as a local NEWS article rather than a "click-the-banner-for-the-text" ad?
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
A hechsher is a hechsher is a hechsher. It's a shame that hechshers get tied up in territorial disputes. When I was growing up, the OU was the be-all and end-all of hechshers. Now everybody wants to get into the hechsher business.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We used to be with Rabbi Weiss before we open 7M, 7M request Star-K Hecsher after we closed 7M, we decide to go back with Rabbi Weiss like we were before! Salomon Bemaras if you have any question please feel free to call me @ 443-552-6908
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
The kosher "business" charges a lot of money. R' Weiss is doing Baltimore a big favor by offering affordable rates for his hechsher and allowing more people to afford kosher supervision.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
unless the owners come forth with a valid business reason for changing hescherim, we will jump to the conclusion that "this is not a good sign."
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Please don't jump to conclusions and assume something was wrong. Hechsharim are a business and people change hechsharim for many reasons many of them strictly monetary.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
not a good sign
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Owner told me they are now under rabbi Weiss
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
would love to know what politics made them lost their hechsher. I am sure it was not kashrut! Talk about kicking someone while they are down.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
What a shame for our community that we could not support MeLatte.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
We need to make it known that this community is that a place to mug people walking home. Why should we fear being a victim? It is time to stop the criminals from roaming our streets. Police need to patrol more often and Judges need to keep the criminals in jail.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
Oh yea...And do you even have permission to use their logo? that is copywrited material...You cannot use something owned by another off the web.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
To the person who posted: I think this is another example of how the Baltimore Jewish Life.... Baltimore Jewish Life is NOT a news reporting agency. Baltimore Jewish Life is a service to the Baltimore Community that incorporates SOME news and other important and relevant information that relates to our (and other) communities. This is relevant information to our community. You can't expect the editors to investigate, get quotes and dabble in all the stories. When there is an opportunity for further delving into a story, BaltimoreJewishLife does a fine job. Please note that I am not associated with, but I do find what is disgusting (in contrast to what you find disgusting) is your manner of tone towards the editors of this site. The editors have done, in my opinion, an excellent job of presenting good and informative information. What gives you the right to address people this way? You want the news - go to CNN where you can get whatever trash you want to see. Frankly, in the future, you can keep your opinions to yourself. A yasher koach to the writers and editors of BaltimoreJewishLife and I'm look forward to new and exciting ventures coming from this team of wonderful people. DC
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I think this is another example of how the Baltimore Jewish Life is not really a news reporting agency..Just a glory seeking website...All you did was cut and paste from the Star K email..Which has NOTHING to do with the other Hashkafa's of the company. Did you even ATTEMPT to make contact with Me Latte to get an ACTUAL news story? Disgusting..
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I guess another casualty of the weak economy. Sad.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
From my dealings with Rabbi Brull as well as other people I spoke to, he is not being overly successful. Ver few shidduchim are actually 'redt', or brought to fruitation.
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I know Ari quite well and has shown me over the years that he is well versed in "good ideas". He doesn't just jump into the fray, yelling and shouting ideas without any thought. I have yet to see any idea of his that DOESN'T work. Everything is well thought out and planned prior to being pursued. In addition, I believe his intentions are truly honorable - Ari is one of us, a member of our community who lives in our community and understands what is needed to help our community continue to grow. He is NOT a professional politician, nor is he someone who is looking for a position for the sake of a position. In addition, Ari is a hard working, well educated individual, one who is extremely resourceful and innovative. Ari has my vote. That's not to say I don't respect Rikki Spector and have Hakaros HaTov for what she has done for our community, but I believe the time has come to get rid of politics as usual and move in people with new, fresh and innovative ideas that can help us get back to the Baltimore this once was. Dovid Cohen
Comment by Bryon Szojchet
I do not want to turn this into a discussion forum. That is not the purpose of Baltimore Jewish Life. Therefore, I will be brief with my answers. I have 10+ years in the field of Information Technology. For three of those years I also taught a high school computers class. Please feel free to contact me directly with any further questions. Ari Winokur Candidate, Baltimore City Council
Comment by Ari Winokur
This website has no credibility, I used to come every day now I come once a month if that often. It is stories like this that make me lose all interest.
Comment by Ari Winokur
It says you can call him to ask him questions.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Its labeled on the bottom of the article
Comment by Ari Winokur
As much I care about the financial welfare of bmg I think the financial welfare of the the country should be our primary focus.
Comment by Ari Winokur
"Lakewoodâs Beth Medresh Govoha (BMG) is rumored to receive well over $5 million annually from Pell Grants with around 60% of their students as Pell Grant recipients, while receiving even more money from other government programs. Imagine the ramifications if, G-d forbid, that money would suddenly go away." The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain postbaccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. I imagine the purpose of this grant is to assist low-income students in getting out of that cohort. "Poor and underprivileged students across the country rely on federal assistance such as Pell Grants and our bochurim (students) in yeshivas (rabbinical schools) are no exception." Perhaps poor and underpriviliged yidden need to focus on putting that Pell Grant towards an education that can lead to a decent parnassah. "Whether one thinks our schools should be relying on government assistance or not is immaterial because the fact is that many of them currently do and need to." Why is it immaterial? Change needs to be made now. Our day schools are suffering because families cannot pay tuition because of limited parnassah. "Yes, one could argue that we should try to preempt such a seemingly inevitable cut and phase out our reliance on such aid but the point is that a sudden abolishment would be disastrous on so many levels." What levels? Please elaborate. "We as a community nowadays are not in an economically favorable position to replace such crucial government funding." We as a community should never have come to rely on such funding.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I knew him well; what a great man!
Comment by Ari Winokur
I would like to know more about this candidate's education background and work experience. Thank you.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I hope this political advertisement is paid for. I think it should be labelled as such as well and not made to look like a news article. That takes away from the credibility of this webpage.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Fascinating article about an extraordinary gentleman. Thank you. I wish I could have met him.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Beautiful story. Keep on writing!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thats a stretch. She is not blaming Bush she is just warning what Democracy could bring. This is not healthy for Israel or us to have untrue partisan attacks. By the way there should be more than enough true "dirt" on the Dems that Coservative media outlets like Newsmax should not have to resort to untrue and stupid attacks. Judy K
Comment by Ari Winokur
remember, memorial stadium was the 1st
Comment by Ari Winokur
This story makes me nervous and spoked,i'm so scared i can't sleep at night, this website should warn readers by displaying a banner that says SCARY above storys like this, how am i supposed to function this week
Comment by Ari Winokur
The UN is silly, SILLY! like babys, BABYS!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Man that's nuts- those crazy palestinian little men have driven me completely insane! INSANE!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Can someone translate "Miyam biyad aru sei!"? I assume it's Farsi.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is no halachic issue with being in the front of the bus. As long as she wasn't sitting right next to him touching him....what is the issue? I know there are "fences" but this is a municipal location---maybe they should walk if they are concerned. Or maybe move to Meah Shearim!
Comment by Ari Winokur
None of us should be walking without others at night--male or female. One person always is a target! BK and Yitz both make good points. Hashem has given us a tight knit community and the privilege of many well skilled individuals (in this case both frum) that can help teach us how to protect ourselves. This is how Hasem is protecting us (for the individual who said let us rely on Hashem) People need to take advantage of it! ---Lisa
Comment by Ari Winokur
No. This is the incident from last Friday night.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mazel Tov, Rabbi Arieh, Morah Tirtza and Family! May you be blessed with only good.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Happy Birthday Officer Bennett thank for all you do. We owe you, NWCP and CITYWATCH a debt of graditude for everything. May we only share in good tidings and hear of no bad news.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Robert, you and I are related. My great-great grandfather (Joel Kaufmann)'s oldest sister married Jacob Gundersheimer. You can contact me at as I'd love to email/or talk to you by phone. I live in North Idaho. I enjoyed reading your parents celebration.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Now, if Canada or Mexico pulled these little "stunts" and bombed the Southwest or the Northwest of the U.S. I am sure that the World opinion would be silent or, in fact, positive, when the U.S retaliated and bombed the heck out of Mexico and Canada, invaded, and then put troops in to secure the borders. For that matter, ANY country would do the same if attacked by rockets, but only if that country were white, Christian/Moslem/Hindu then you would not hear a peep of condemnation from anywhere in the world, or from the UN. But if a Jewish country tries to defend itself, BAD, BAD DOG, you are to be punished. Jewish blood has always been cheap. Every person in this world has rights of survival EXCEPT Jews, and poor & helpless Africans (especially African Christians and women). What a world, what a world...
Comment by Ari Winokur
Please dont talk so harshly. We need to ask Hashem for mercy and to look in our own lives and see if there are any ways we can create more shalom and acceptance of others. We must do our part as we all know what one does in this world has an effect on others. Please let us use this as a reminder to better ourselves and help our nation in that way. May the Ribono Shel Olam have mercy on us all in this time of yemei Hamashiach.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Wasn't there a similar incident in this location last Friday night?
Comment by Ari Winokur
The men who held up Chaim Cotton are either not from this neighborhood or are new in town. The locals know we don't carry valuables on Shabbos. The police should be made aware of this fact.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Lets rely on Hashem. He will prtect us.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What these people call wise is vulgar sly and craft. And their vaunted mercy and empathy is veiled hate and cruelty. They are smug that their god loves them and ridicule man who despises them. This is their great legacy, the celebrated teachings of their ancestors. I curse them, their god, their legacy and myself that I come from such putrid origins.
Comment by Ari Winokur
hopefully people will take it seriously enough to actually train - unfortunately too many people think it can never happen to them - there are plenty of places to train at - they are not all the same - educate yourself - get some training - it can save your life or the life of someone else - yitz fleischman
Comment by Ari Winokur
This is NOT a private bus line. It is a NYC Transit Authority bus line. They will probably lose that bus if the city presses for compliance with Federal/State/City laws. The folks in Brooklyn need to buy a few buses and set about their segregated lives. But to have the tax payers subsidize such illegal nonsense is beyond reason.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am not sure why the writer didn't stay up front. And, if the men really want to sit separately from the women, perhaps they should sit in the back of the bus!
Comment by Ari Winokur
lol welcome to Judaism... you can do what you want but we still insist on doing it our way....
Comment by Ari Winokur
With weather like this, my Sukkah might still be up come Pesach!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
We better watch out for that global warming!
Comment by Ari Winokur
We live in a day when increasingly Frumkeit is defined by the gaavah we have for our derech and shitos rather than Yiras Shamayim. This is unfortunately a growing problem in ALL groups within the Frum velt. When we let such inappropriate attitudes to grow and fester without condemnation it is little wonder that we have such Chillulai HaShem as a result. OY!!! How fast and far we have fallen from the great Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus that we had just a few months ago when Leibi Kletsky was brutally murdered.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Very beautiful and moving. So many twists to it. We all see someone we know or love in this story!
Comment by Ari Winokur
This sounds like a typical "conspiracy theory" to me. I don't think that there is any Israeli interest in assasinating Mubarak and the killing of Coptic Cristians was not engineered by Israel. The Arab mind seems to prefer blaming others for everything that is not right in their society.They never admit it was their fault. E.Oberstein
Comment by Ari Winokur
this vort from R Tzvi Meir Zilverberg is attributed to many tzadikim including R Yisroel Mi Rizhin, R Simcha Bunim mi Prisischa, and the Magid miKoznitz. He was probably quoting from them
Comment by Ari Winokur
Is this strory true ? Sounds like a fable
Comment by Ari Winokur
As Arky's father, I couldn't be prouder of the path he has chosen, which has included both Yeshiva learning and army service. But I think that there's no need to weigh what's more important -- the incalculable merit and protection which Torah learning brings to the world, or the hishtadlus that the IDF makes, acting as shluchei shamayim to protect Israel on the physical plane. May Hashem bless them all, u'fros aleinu sukas rachamim v'chaim v'shalom!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Princeton is a wonderful place to be frum; I went there, and it has more provisions for observant kids than any other ivy league school (which is even more impressive considering the relatively small size of the frum student body). I'd be delighted to see more kids from our area applying to Princeton! If you'd like to learn more, contact Isaiah Cox at 410 358 5234.
Comment by Ari Winokur
what troubles me is how the menahel didnt take the time to figure binyamin out we are in a through awat society and children are being treated like this too. when are mechanchim going to stop and kook at the inside of a child.
Comment by Ari Winokur
This stoery reminds me of a a situation i saw unfold in Bnos Yisroel about 8,9 years ago. There was a student brought into Mrs. Itzkowitz's office for cheating on a spelling test. The girl was maybe 9 or 10 years old maybe younger. The kid was shaking was going to be her punishment. Mrs. Itzkowitz asked her to come around to her desk she put her arm around her sholder and said "this test must've been so hard for you next week I want you to come to my office before the test and we will study together". After the teacher and child walked out Mrs. Itzkowitz said "A child never cheats for no reaon and I have to find out why she did" What a mechaneches!
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am shocked that we actually have a competition to support lack of socialization. How is this teen when it comes to communicating with others and being around others. Maybe we should have a competition for people who text the least and hang out with others.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States: "I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others." Thomas Jefferson
Comment by Ari Winokur
I highly recommend this program. My daughter not only beneffited from the development of her voice and how to modulate and use it to its fullest potential but she also increased her self concept. She composed a song with words and music and continues to do so. What a joy to hear her sing throughout the day. Thank you Ratzon. LB
Comment by Ari Winokur
Some Ashkenazic Jews hold a Wachnacht consisting of a dinner including meat and wine and a night of study in the presence of the baby. There is even a machlokess whether this is considered a seudas mitzvah (Nachalas Shivah) or a seâudas reshus (Magen Avraham,Chavos Yair).
Comment by Ari Winokur
interesting that the MVA website says "A renewal notice will be mailed to your address of record with the MVA 60 days prior to the expiration of your driver's license."
Comment by Ari Winokur
More direct way to reach the page: Then click Emergency Contacts.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank goodness! While there is a halachic basis for separate seating during prayer, some groups have taken it (and many other laws) too far. Sending women to the back of the bus is disrespectful.
Comment by Ari Winokur
technically, the Vacht Nacht is the seudah the night before the bris, which was held in the house and only for family members. the children recited kirash shema.
Comment by Ari Winokur
A vacht nacht is a chasidishe custom where small children come and say Shema in front of the Baby. The kinderlach then get a pekel of candy. There is also a custom for the family to have a Seudah in honor of the Vach Nacht. In addition, there is a custom for the father to stay up learning all night to ward off any "evil spirits". DC
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rosa Parkowitz
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mazel tov
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am appalled that people in this community would request that the Hatzalah responders should turn down their radios during davening. Rachmana L'tzilan it could happen to be someone in their family who needs the help of Hatzalah and the responders are delayed because they had their radio turned down because it bothered other members in shul. We should learn from people who dedicate their hours, money, and efforts to this community and not be so selfish.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What is a Vacht Nacht?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rabbi Weil's program in 5771 was outstanding. Looking forward to the visit.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Just a week before the crash I had the incredible good fortune to speak with Jay and Bari for about an hour. Hearing even just a little bit of their story and witnessing their sincerity had me walking away richer. I'm so grateful that these this wonderful family in Klal Yisroel can bring this message of gratitude to us!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kudos to Hatzalah if only they would keep their radios off so the noise doesn't bother us.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Just spoke with Jay. B'H he is recuperating slowly but surely. I had a hard time finding his new number -- Eruv book numbers are no longer in service. (Including the work number listed there -- it actually belongs to a woman who would rather not be disturbed.) Jay suggested posting his new number here, so here goes for anyone who would like to be in touch with him: 443-352-8964. Speaking with him is a lesson in true bitachon, hakaras hatov, and in having an ayin tovah no matter what. Incredible.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you for sharing this very spiritual experience. When your world was turned upside down, you held onto Hashem and He held onto you. BH, Hashem gave you a glimpse into the prism of bitachon, emuna, chesed, and gratitude. I suspect your relationship with Hashem will be even stronger from now on. Since this happened so publicly in our community, we should take our cues from you, as well. So happy you're okay!
Comment by Ari Winokur
i am thankful for my father to be ALIVE Louis Myers
Comment by Ari Winokur
Which prisoner exchange was he referring to?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Trying to figure out why this (and others) are "local" news
Comment by Ari Winokur
People bored with their lives.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Could this article have been written a little longer? I enjoyed it so much!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
These individuals are an embarrassment to Jews all over the world. If they would find jobs and work for a living, they would be better using their time and become productive citizens. Leave the girls of Orot alone. They are good frum girls just try to go to school. Just because their hashkafot are not yours, gives you no right to humiliate frum Jews. This is truly an example of one's using the argument of "l'shem shamayim" so wrongly.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Why would this not be using Shem Hashem laShav?? And "shchunoteinu??" - Their neighborhood? They came well after the residents of Nofei Aviv & Scheinfeld whose kids attend the school and have been living in the neighborhood for more than a dozen years!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Voters knew he was a hypocrite well before this. This just brings more proof. No wonder the GOP is not excepting him anytime soon. M.R.
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a parent, in the event Chas Vishalom a terrorist who come into Bais Medrash and start shooting (which has happened) would the author of comment #1 be proud of their child if they: a) hid under their Shtender, said Shmaeh and died Al Kiddish Hashem b) continued learning Daf Yommie so that their Torah protects the Jewish People c) Jumped up and personally take action to save everyone else without regard to their personal safety, having the proper equipment and training Enough said! Us Yidden need Arky and the rest of the Israeli Army & they deserve our unconditional Hacoras Hatov and full support. A super big and even bigger Mazel Tov to Arky. Yasher Koach to Jermeny and Chana for supporting their son in his personal decision and for being willing to share him with us, for our benefit. We as a people need to come together and support all our Soldiers, frum and not frum, because our enemies don't discriminate. Chash Vishalom, Hashem brings a situation to remind us of this, as his way of ending Sinass Chenoom. Am Yisroel Chai â Chai - Vichyuom WAY TO GO ARKY!
Comment by Ari Winokur
It is so nice to read that our community participated in the Komen Race for the Cure. Kudos to all who took part! And may the cure come soon.
Comment by Ari Winokur A Motherâs Pain by Sherri Mandell The price of allowing murderers to go free. Why is it that terror victims are seemingly the only ones against the prisoner exchange? While other Israelis are rejoicing, we are in despair. Arnold and Frimet Roth circulated a petition against the release of Ahlam Tamimi, an accomplice in their daughter Malkiâs murder at the Sbarro pizza shop. Tamimi says she is happy that many children were killed in the attack. Meir Schijveschuurder, whose family was massacred in the same attack, filed a petition with the high court and says he is going to leave Israel because of his feelings of betrayal. The parents of Yasmin Karisi feel that the state is dancing in their blood because Khalil Muhammad Abu Ulbah, who murdered their daughter and seven others by running them down with a bus at the Azor junction in 2001, is also on the list to be released. Twenty-six others were wounded in that attack. Why are so many of us against the exchange that allows murderers and their accomplices to go free? Because we know the suffering that these murderers leave in their wake. Yes, I want Gilad Schalit released. But not at any price. Not at the price we have experienced. My son Koby Mandell and his friend Yosef Ish Ran were murdered by terrorists 10 years ago when they were 13 and 14 years old. They had been hiking in the wadi near our home when they were set upon by a Palestinian mob and stoned to death. It was a brutal, vicious murder. We now run the Koby Mandell Foundation for terror victimsâ families. We direct Camp Koby, a 10-day therapeutic sleep away camp for 400 children who have lost loved ones, mostly to terror. We also run mothersâ healing retreats and support groups. Most people donât understand the continuing devastation of grief: fathers who die of heart attacks, mothers who get sick with cancer, children who leave school, families whose only child was murdered. We see depression, suicide, symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. You wouldnât believe how many victimsâ families are still on sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication. We see the pain that doesnât diminish with time. We literally see people die of grief. Bereaved families face acute psychological isolation. Nobody understands us, they often complain. They mean that nobody understands the duration or the severity of their pain and longing. In the aftermath of a prisoner exchange, this isolation will only be exacerbated. So will the feeling that our childrenâs deaths donât matter. When people tell me that my son Koby died for nothing, I always used to say: No, it is our job to make his death mean something. But now I am not sure. It seems that the government is conspiring to ensure that our loved onesâ deaths were for nothing. Cheapening our loved onesâ deaths only enhances the pain. If Israel is willing to free our loved onesâ murderers, then the rest of the world can look on and assume that the terrorists are really freedom fighters or militants. If Palestinians were murdering Jews in cold blood without justification, surely the Israeli government wouldnât release them. No sane government would. When we were sitting shiva for Koby, a general in the army told us: âWe will bring the killers to justice.â I believed him. I took his words to heart. Today I am thankful my sonâs killers have not been found. So are my children. Of course, I donât want the terrorists to kill again. But if they were to be released in this prisoner exchange, I donât think I could bear it. We donât want other families to be put in our situation. We donât want terrorists to be free when our loved ones are six feet underground. Ten years after my son was beaten to death, the pain often feels like a prison. In many ways, I am not free. We donât want other terrorists to be emboldened because they know that even if they murder, they may not have to stay in prison. President Shimon Peres says he will pardon but he will not forgive. Terrorist victimsâ families will not pardon or forgive the government for this release. We have been betrayed. To pardon terrorists mocks our love and our pain. Furthermore, terrorism aims to strike fear in an entire society, to bring a whole populace to its knees. During the intifada, the terrorists did not succeed in defeating Israeli society. But to release prisoners now signals to Hamas that their strategy of terror was correct, effective. They will celebrate wholeheartedly because they have won. And as a result of prisoner exchanges, the Israeli justice system can only be seen as a joke, a mockery, even a travesty of justice. It provides no deterrent and no retribution. Itâs as if our government says to the killers: Come hurt us again. Weâll be happy to release you one day. Weâll let you go when you demand it. I want Gilad Schalit home. We need to protect our own soldiers. But not with a wholesale prisoner exchange. I wish that I could rejoice with the Schalit family. But I canât. The price is too high.
Comment by Ari Winokur
No need for a bigger Mazel Tov for those learning in Yeshiva. The reality is that without our brave sons and daughters like Arky, willing to put themselves in harms way for the rest of us, Israel would be a very different place with far fewer Yeshivos. A Yeshiva Bachor is being Mosher Neffesh by giving his time, efforts and earning capacity to serve Klal Yishroel, but not in the clear selfless way that our brave IDF Soldiers do. The IDF is a Kley of Hashem protecting our people and land, without which Erez Yisroel as we know it today would not exist Al DeRech Teva. Mazel Tov to Arky and the Staiman family (at least equal to the Mazel Tov of the Yeshiva students). KOL HA KOVOD !!!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kol Hakavod Arky! Hashem Yishmor tzetcha u'voecha! Your parents have much to admire in you!Your whole family is an inspiration to us in the golah!Chazak v'ematz! Zvi Teichman
Comment by Ari Winokur
My tefilos are always with you! (your 10th grade gemara rebbe)
Comment by Ari Winokur
I concur. And I add even a bigger MAZEL TOV to all those who just went to Yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael. I wish them all a bracha that they should be big talmedei chachamim and that their learning Torah should protect the Jewish people throughout the world.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Haaretz doesn't like the present government and they always have an ideological agenda. The "facts" of this article are all suppositions. It was all secret and they don't really know anything we don't know, which is next to nothing. Nachshon Wachsman died being rescued, why would this have been different? E.Oberstein
Comment by Ari Winokur
ok i am now convinced that not only are these chareidim terrorists but i doubt they are even jewish - they are a disgrace to everything the torah represents - they should be arrested and jailed and forced to move out of mea shearim and if possible be forced to leave the land they are defiling - they are an obvious reason of why the bais hamikdash was destroyed - they have some sort of baseless hatred for jews - thankfully we can hope that people realize that these chareidi terrorists are not to be respected or admired - but instead they are an example of animals in human form (no offense to animals intended) - a real shame the police can not enforce the law - these chareidi terrorists will eventually push too hard and will be expelled hopefully - they have no place in holy territory and they are causing the area they live in to lose its holiness - GET THEM OUT NOW - let jews occupy the area not these chareidi terrorists
Comment by Ari Winokur
Gilad -- Welcome home! May you have a speedy recovery, and may Hashem bless you and bless you and bless you some more.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Welcome home Gilad!
Comment by Ari Winokur
How much will a person get if they get 481.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I agree.Have a chag sameach. E.Oberstein
Comment by Ari Winokur
"dysfunctional liberal Westernism and get back to Halachah." Why do so many people in our comunity live in a world of cognitive disonance. Do you really want to get rid of liberal democracy and give up all of the gov't programs , do you honestly want a theocracy where someone else's interpretation of halacha wil be imposed by force on your lives ,Get real.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Torat HaRav Aviner Inspiring Torah from Rav Shlomo Aviner, Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim homebiographybookstoreaudiovideoyeshivamailing listcontact us subscribe rss ×צ×× ×ת ×רש×××ת ×××ש×ת ×××תר ×¢× ×ת×××ת Shut She'eilat Shlomo. ××¦× ×¨×©×××ת ××©× ×ת ××תר Redeeming Captives in Exchange for Releasing Terrorists פ××¨×¡× ×¢× ××× Mordechai Tzion ×- 14:27 17 ××ק Question: Is it permissible to release terrorists in exchange for a captured soldier? Answer: 1. Captives may not be ransomed for more than their value It is already stated in the Mishnah: "Captives may not be ransomed for more than their value" (Gittin 4:6). A fixed payment for a captive - whether he was Jewish or non-Jewish - was therefore established (Pitchei Teshuvah, Yoreh Deah 252:5). The Mishnah explains that this Halachah is "because of the good order of the world" (Tikkun Olam). That is to say, because we must act responsibly for the entire Nation of Israel. We must weigh the welfare of the community against the welfare of the captive. The Gemara gives two reasons for this ruling: 1. Preventing a "burden on the community," since collecting large sums of money to free a captive harms the community and causes it great strain. 2. Discouraging extortion, since paying exorbitant sums of money in exchange for captives inevitably leads to more kidnapping. The first reason relates to an immediate problem, the second to a future one. Our halachic authorities also describe a situation which is seen to be life-threatening: that is to say, if the captives are not redeemed immediately, they will likely be killed. Determining whether or not to redeem these individuals would appear to depend on the two reasons that were brought in the Gemara: not burdening the community, and not perpetuating kidnapping. In fact, the first issue does not apply in this case, since here we are talking about saving a life, and one who is in a life-threatening situation should be redeemed even if the community will be financially strained because of it. The second issue, however, may be of great relevance, because if we are faced with the real possibility that freeing this endangered captive will cause other Jews to be kidnapped, and therefore also to become endangered, then saving the present captive cannot be justified (see Tosafot, Gittin 58a d.h. kol mamom and Pitchei Teshuvah ibid. #4). The Rambam (Hilchot Matanot Aniâim 8:12) and the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 252:4) explicitly favor this second line of reasoning, and conclude that we do not redeem captives for more than their value in order not to encourage extortion. As in their times, so in ours: we should not surrender to extortion, no matter what the price, because extortion simply begets more extortion. 2. Maharam Mi-Rotenberg It is well known that Rabbi Shlomo Luria relates in Yam Shel Shlomo (Gittin 4:10) that Maharam Mi-Rotenberg â the leader of Ashkenazic Jewry â was taken captive by the German Emperor King Rudolf I. The Maharam was leaving to make Aliyah, was captured and was held for a huge ransom. He gave a ruling regarding his own captivity: he refused the ransom money raised by his students and the community, arguing that accepting it would encourage the kidnapping of prominent Rabbis in the hopes of exchanging them for outrageous sums of money. Although the Halachah is that an outstanding Torah scholar may be redeemed for an excessive amount (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 252:4), and the Maharam Mi-Rotenberg was an outstanding Talmid Chacham whose learning and piety was matched by none other in his generation, he refused to be ransomed. He held that it is better to lose some wisdom than to endanger all other Rabbis. He remained in prison, where his principal students, the Tashbetz (Rabbi Shimon ben Tzadok) and the "Hagahot Maimoniyot" visited him and asked him halachic questions. He was there until his death, seven years later. His body was held hostage for another fourteen years, until a wealthy Jew finally ransomed it. 3. In our Day â We are at War In this day and age, there is a new factor that influences when and how we are permitted to redeem captives: our State and our Army. When we were in the Exile, under foreign rule, what could we do? It was out of our hands. But now we have a State, and a State should not negotiate for captives. A State should wage war to save even one person. Avraham Avinu, in his time, went to war with another 318 soldiers in order to save one man - Lot (Bereshit 14:14). Israel later waged war against the Canaanite King Arad who had taken a captive (Bamidbar 21:1-3). And even later, King David went out to save captured members of his family (Shmuel 1 30:2). Going to war â yes. Rewarding extortion - no. We do not surrender, in any way, at all. If one of our soldiers is taken captive, or is injured in battle and remains in enemy territory, we must place even ten soldiers in a life-threatening situation to save him. Why? Because in war, there is another outstanding principle: all for one and one for all. Every warrior knows that "the crew" (Ha-Chevra) will not abandon him. When Eli Cohen, may Hashem avenge his blood (an Israeli spy who succeeded in penetrating the Syrian political establishment), fell into enemy hands, Tzahal planned an extensive military action in order to rescue him. And this was despite the fact that an operation such as this would quite possibly require more than a few human sacrifices. Operation Entebbe is another modern example. Rav Yitzchak Hutner â former Rosh Yeshiva of Rabbi Chaim Berlin in New York, and author of "Pachad Yitzchak" â once visited our Rabbi Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah in Israel. Our Rabbi asked him which airline he was flying. Rav Hunter mentioned the name of a foreign airline. Our Rabbi pressed him: "You need to fly El Al." Rav Hutner responded that terrorists were beginning to hijack planes and he was therefore concerned about flying an Israeli airline. Our Rabbi stood firm, but Rav Hutner did not change his flight. In the end, the plane on which Rav Hutner flew was hijacked to Jordan (Iturei Cohanim #176). His students wanted to ransom him from the terrorists and began negotiations. Ha-Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky â a leading Rosh Yeshiva in America - ruled that it was forbidden to negotiate with the terrorists, since we are at war and cannot bow to terror (Be-Ikvei Ha-Tzon of Ha-Rav Herschel Schachter, pp. 206-208). The State of Israel exhibited this same approach when terrorists kidnapped children in Maâalot. Although the rescue mission ended in disaster, Israel's response was not to negotiate but to attack. When the airplane Sabena was hijacked, Israel did not negotiate. Israeli commandos â disguised as technicians â took over the airplane. In a similar vein, American policy too has been to attack for the sake of saving captives, even if many soldiers are killed in the process. They do not negotiate for captives and there are no exchanges. This is the proper way to act. According to all of the above, the exchanges which are now being made on behalf of Gilad Schalit are a mistake. Our case is doubly severe, since here "the burden on the community," is not just a financial burden but a "burden of lives." Hundreds of murderers will now move around freely. And the second issue too, that of encouraging future kidnappings, is also quite real. Terrorists will no doubt rise up to perpetrate a terrorist attack, knowing full well that if they are captured they will be released in exchange for an Israeli captive. They will therefore make every effort to obtain more and more captives. The State of Israel does not need to capitulate to kidnappers. According to the organization of Terror Victims, approximately 180 Israelis have been murdered by terrorists who were released in earlier exchange agreements. One of every two released terrorists is involved in new murders. We are therefore saving one person's life by endangering the lives of others. It is untenable. Only by not capitulating can we show our enemies that kidnapping soldiers has no reward. Only by being unwilling to exchange terrorists for captives can we discourage, rather than encourage, future kidnappings. Question: And what if you were the Prime Minister or the Minister of Defense? It seems difficult for them not to succumb to the pleas of the parents of captive soldiers. Answer: Someone once argued with me: "Letâs see what YOU would do if you were the mother of a captive..." We do not resort to arguments such as these. We need to clarify issues according to the truth. If I were the mother of a captive, I would certainly be in favor of the exchanges. But this fact does not transform the "exchange of prisoners" into a proper (kosher) act. This is human weakness, not objective truth. Question: And what if there is an exchange? Answer: The Halachah states that if one's wife gives birth to a boy and dies during childbirth, the husband recites two blessings: "Blessed be the True Judge" over his wife's death and Shehechiyanu over his son's birth. Similarly, if a person's father dies and the son receives an inheritance, he recites: "Blessed be the True Judge" over his father's death and Shehechiyanu over his inheritance (Berachot 59, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 223:1-2). If the exchange for Gilad Schalit goes through, we will be in a similar situation, and will respond accordingly. We will mourn the release of hundreds of terrorists. Yet, at the same time, we will be overjoyed that Gilad Schalit is returning home, and will recite Shehechiyanu over the release of our holy soldier. ת××××ת: Shut She'eilat Shlomo Oral Q&A on the Decision to Trade Terrorists in return for Gilad Shalit's Release פ××¨×¡× ×¢× ××× Mordechai Tzion ×- 07:21 12 ××ק 1. It is a mistake to release some 1,000 terrorists in exchange for a captured solider. The price is too high. The State of Israel does not need to capitulate to kidnappers. According to the organization of Terror Victims, approximately 180 Israelis have been murdered by terrorists who were released in earlier exchange agreements. One of every two released terrorists is involved in new murders. It is therefore impossible to save one person by endangering others. We have an army, and they should go to war to save even one single person. The Americans are prepared to attack for the sake of saving captives, even if many soldiers are killed in the process. This is the proper way to act. The security establishment also opposes such exchanges. Simply put: if one does not capitulate to pressure, our enemies will stop kidnapping soldiers because they will understand that we will not exchange terrorists for them. 2. Some claim that if terrorists are released there will be tragedies. It is forbidden to predict bad things. One should not open his mouth to Satan. We are not prophets. Rather, we must act with intellect and knowledge. 3. Some claim that this whole deal is politics. There is chaos in Egypt. The State of Israel does not want to ruin its good relations with Egypt, and is therefore agreeing to the deal in order to maintain good relations. They feel, so the claim goes, that it is therefore worthwhile to release 1000 terrorists, but connects the deal to Gilad Shalit rather than to politics. 4. If Gilad Shalit is released, we will certainly recite Shehechiyanu. We will be joyous that he is returning home, and at the same time we will be sad over the release of the terrorists. The Halachah is that if one's wife gives birth to a boy and dies during child-birth, a person recites two blessings: "Blessed be the True Judge" over his wife's death and Shehechiyanu over his son's birth. And if a person's father dies and he receives an inheritance, he recites: "Blessed be the True Judge" over his father's death and Shehechiyanu over his inheritance (Berachot 59, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 223:1-2).
Comment by Ari Winokur
Bachmann, Cain, Santorum, said in the CNN debate tonight that it was wrong to negotiate with terrorists. #JewishVoteFail
Comment by Ari Winokur
Well-Meaning Folly Posted on October 12, 2011 by Rabbi| 11 Comments That the announcement of an impending deal to exchange the IDF soldier Gilad Shalit for more than 1000 hard-core Arab terrorists has unleashed raucous celebrations in the Arab territories and restrained relief in Israel demonstrates the winners and the losers in this awful ordeal. Israel â which once boasted that it never negotiates with terrorists, and mocked the Europeans for doing the same â now is the only country in the world that negotiates with terrorists, and does it quite poorly to boot. Two questions that are not being asked are: first, how long will it be before another Israeli is taken captive by Hamas et al, in order to exchange for more prisoners ? My guess is months, although a few weeks is also a possibility. Second, how many Israelis will be killed in the future by this latest batch of freed terrorists ? The organization Victims of Arab Terror reports that approximately 200 Israelis have been murdered in the last 20 years by freed terrorists. Based on past results, and logic, Israelis should start preparing both fresh graves, and new organizations to memorialize those future victims. Certainly, I have no complaints at all against the Shalit family, and they acted as any family would and should â prioritizing the life of their child, an individual, over the lives of the public and the community. If I were in their predicament, G-d forbid, I would be doing the same thing. But it is at that moment â when emotion and sympathy provoke the desire to free the innocent captive at all costs â when the cooler heads who govern the nation are supposed to have the national interest at heart and do what is in the interest of the nation, and not the individual. And I would be told that the consequences of this transaction â politically, emotionally and militarily â are just too grave. But the Prime Minister, who has a smooth tongue but often seems to function without a spine, caved. It is a populist act, until, of course, the real price is paid. Politically, it is a victory for Arab terror and can only provoke more terror. The bar has been lowered still further for those who want to kill Jews. Jewish blood â past and future â has become cheaper, and future terrorists will be even more emboldened that they can murder Jews with impunity. Those who will pat themselves on the back that the trade demonstrates how Jews value life are, in fact, misguided and short-sighted; it is further proof of how the will of many Jews has been broken by terror and they can no longer even think beyond the present. (It is not speculation that freed terrorists will murder Jews; it has been proved 200 times already.) It is not even a small comfort to recognize that, indeed, the life of a Jew is more valuable than the life of an Arab; about 1000 times more valuable according to the prevailing market rate. Emotionally, it must be devastating for the families victimized by the Arab terrorists who will now be eyewitnesses to those murderers returning to their homes amid heroesâ welcomes and parades, and watching them walk the streets and plot more mayhem against Jews. When will the butchers who carved up the Fogel family be released? Not now â maybe next time, or the time after that. After all, we canât bring back the dead, so why punish the living hostage and his/her family. Militarily, it is a security catastrophe as one thousand hard core terrorists re-enter Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper (for the Israeli Arabs who will be released) to sow the seeds of the next rebellion. (Remember, the first civil war in Israel â in 1987 â erupted a little more than one year after the infamous Jibril exchange released more than 1000 poisonous terrorists into the Israeli bloodstream. Reportedly, this latest group includes about 1/3 currently serving life sentences. And many of these terrorists were captured in undercover operations in which soldiers and security personnel risked their lives, and in some cases were killed. But why risk oneâs life to capture a terrorist today who will be freed tomorrow ? Prisoner exchanges outside the context of an end to hostilities undermine any deterrence that might have existed. Every future terrorist can go about his ghastly business expecting to be released at some point, and be feted and handsomely rewarded when he is released. Imagine, for a moment, the parents of a sick child whose life could be saved for ten billion dollars of medical care. They demonstrate, rally, petition and pressure the government â and even call the government immoral for rejecting their entreaties. Instead, the âcallousâ government responds that all life is precious, but the government does not have ten billion dollars to spend on one child, sad to say, and that money can instead be used to spare the lives of thousands of other children. Rational, yes, but small comfort to the parents of that child. But governments â and hospitals â makes such triage decisions all the time. One might well argue that the Shalit case is different â it is not an individual illness but a soldier sent to do his duty on behalf of the nation for whom the nation than always has an obligation to redeem at any cost. After all, Israel boasts of its mantra that it will never abandon soldiers on the battlefield. But that tripe is obviously untrue. At least three Israeli governments have negotiated with Syria over the disposition of the Golan without first demanding the release of (or information about) the three captives from the Sultan Yaakob battle in June 1982 â Yehuda Katz, Zachary Baumol and Zvi Feldman). And even more Israeli governments abandoned Jonathan Pollard on his battlefield, with Ehud Barak even preferring the pardoning by Bill Clinton of Marc Rich over the pardoning of Pollard. So the cliché is inspiring but ultimately meaningless. It is the type of contention that is made and appreciated but subjected to rational cost-benefit analysis before actual implementation. (Israel also vows never to leave a body in the field, but they would be fools to have half a platoon killed in order to retrieve a body.) By way of contrast, there are currently American soldiers captive in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US is not exchanging Arab terrorists for those captives. Those who conclude that is evidence that the US does not value life should at least consider the alternative; perhaps that is proof sufficient that the US does value life, and perhaps even more than Israelis do. They value not only the life of their captive soldier, but more broadly the lives of the soldiers who captured those terrorists and the lives of the citizens that will be snuffed out by those released terrorists. What does Jewish law say about such grisly ransoms? Unfortunately, we have too much experience in this field. The Talmud in Masechet Gittin (45a) states that we âdo not ransom captives for more than their valueâ¦because of tikkun olamâ (the betterment of society), and the Sages offered two reasons, both of which resonate now: either because it will impoverish the community (i.e., endanger their future well-being) or because it will just encourage more hostage-taking by the wicked. Both are true in this context, and Jews have traditionally heeded such guidance. The Torah values life, but life is not our highest value, and the life of an individual does not supersede the welfare of the community. If that were the case, one should never go into battle, in which individual lives will be sacrificed for the good of the community and nation. Why now? Why wait five years when a similar deal could have been done â at lower cost â five years ago ? Chalk that up to another blundered negotiation by the Israelis, and a persistent inability on the part of much of the populace to recognize â and to retain the reality â that they are in a war that has no end in sight. Certainly, there are political benefits that will accrue to Hamas, which will emerge from this looking like a reasonable interlocutor with whom the world can â and should â do business. (After all, the Israelis shopped in their marketplace.) The real change seems to be a harshening of the conditions of imprisonment for those Arab terrorists now in Israeli prisons. Until this past summer, terrorists were entitled to family visits, cell phones, library and educational privileges, and probably Cable TV and spa treatments. PM Netanyahu ended that when he suddenly realized â just this past July â that Arab murderers were living well on the Israeli shekel and Gilad Shalit had not even been afforded a visit from the Red Cross. That country club lifestyle ended; perhaps that amped up the pressure on Hamas to deal. And deal they did, and they must be enjoying their triumph. It is certainly possible that the deal will yet fall through. Hamas in the past has raised expectations and upped the ante by asking for more prisoners at crunch time. But it seems as if they have made a reasoned decision to quit while they are ahead. The feeling here is joy commingled with sadness, sort of like the reaction of a family whose relative survives a terrorist attack that kills ten people. One grieves for the victims but is quietly happy that oneâs relative survived. It is a gruesome image we dare not forget in the weeks and months ahead.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Israel is a small country and everyone feels like one family especially in times like this. The overwhelming majority of the Israeli people support the exchange of 1,027 Palestinians for 1 Jew. This was done because the public demanded it. The Religious Settlers are idealists who have chosen to live in areas that expose them to danger. The average Israeli does not identify with them. The views expressed here may be very true but the public is just not interested in that approach. There is a right wing government in Israel and this deal was approved by the entire Cabinet. I think that too often we in the Diaspora want the Israelis to do things that they don't want to do and we can afford to be aggressive because we sit in safedty. Do not judge your fellow until you have been in his place. Let the Israelis make this very difficult calculation. Don't confuse Israel with one point of view.
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a parent I can feel in some way the joy and relief that Gilad's parents felt upon his return. It is true that Israel is a small country and everyone in the country feels they are family with the Schalits. That being said, the reason this exchange happened despite the negatives is the 5 and a half year public relations campaign waged by the Schalits. If they had not devoted every moment to raising this issue , the easier choice would have been to not do the exchage. That option was not viable because most Israelis are happy he is home. The ones who talk of blood and war are those who sit peacefully in the Exile, where such talk is cheap.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The release agreement was an irrational and irresponsibile (though understandable) act by Israel. How many more Israelis will die at the hands of some of these released murderers? How many more kidnappings of Israeli soldiers will occur, now that Israel has again confirmed that 1) They do indeed negotiate with terrorists, and 2) Release prisoners with blood on their hands? Israel needs to kick their dysfunctional liberal Westernism and get back to Halachah.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The answer is that Israel needs the death penalty for terrorists. If they are Moslem, tie a dead pig carcass to them and then execute them, cremate them with the pig, then spread the mixed ashes over the Mediterranean. If they blow themselves up, collect the body parts and sew them into a pig carcass and do the same thing. The real question is, however, how come the combined resources of the Mossad, Shin Bet, Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet 13, and the advanced IDF computer division cannot locate someone in an area half the size of Dallas TX (Gaza)? Someone needs to be asking this question.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Rabbi sadwin where are you?this will harm everyone.
Comment by Ari Winokur
people make choices to follow what they want. vandalism and covert aggressive activity does not ring of the "right thing to do". extremism is rampant everywhere, we are no different.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Sometimes we are zocheh to see our prayers answered. Thank you HaKadosh Baruch Hu
Comment by Ari Winokur
Even ten thousand non-Jewish murderers are not equal to the life of one Jew. However, now that these monsters are back on their 'home' streets and plotting anew, hunt them down and kill them. I fear that more kidnappings are in the making, chas v'shalom, in order to release the dogs of war. Ribono shel olam help your beloved people, b'nai Yisrael. Turn the hearts of your other children, our "cousins", to peace and understanding of the evil of their ways.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Seeing the pictures and reading the articles of Gilad's release makes me so proud to be a Jew. Knowing how much we value life and that we are not willing to let one of our brothers rot is so comforting. It pains me to hear so many people against the release deal, especially those who lost loved ones. Wouldn't they give anything to have their loved one's back safely. Ultimately, we need to trust that GD will protect us against these monsters.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I am not sure how our opinion matters. This is opening a pandoras box which you mat regret opening. I would retract this article.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Like all terrorism and extremism, it starts at the top down. It's an undeniable fact that has to be addressed. These people were not born this way, they were indoctrinated by the leaders.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Death Penalty needs to be instated in Israel, as per Torah law. In the meantime, welcome home Galit - you are not the one who makes the laws.
Comment by Ari Winokur
WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN - since they wear masks they must have some inkling that what they are doing is wrong - a real shame we cant send these terrorists out along with the over 1000 terrorists just released - they have more in common with each other than with jews - to use the term orthodox or ultra-orthodox or charedim to describe these people is a real embarrassment to jews everywhere - these terrorists who are born jewish should be jailed - their behavior violates many torah laws and many basic laws of human decency - so that really sums it up - these are terrorists - in case anyone misunderstood me - THESE ARE TERRORISTS - THEY TERRORIZE PEOPLE - have a good yom tov
Comment by Ari Winokur
"...he is in good health and his Hamas captors had treated him well...". What BS!! He looks horrible. Probably scared to death to say anything else.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What a magnificent Kavod. Continue to bring all of us in Cherry Hill "Nachat!" We're very proud to have you as one of our own.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I think it would be helpful if rabbi ariel sadwin would express our communal disgust at this harmful dangerous plan.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Who exactly voted for O'malley?
Comment by Ari Winokur
How stupid are they? Do they ever learn anything? Higher gas taxes = higher cost of doing business and is a job killer. Raising taxes never works, except if you want to harm the economy when it's in recession. Every President, Democrat and Republican alike, who cut taxes during a recession spurred the economy resulting in growth and job creation. This also resulted in increasing $$ going into the treasury. Elected officials should be required to take courses on economics.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Maybe they should raise it to $10 per gallon or even $20! Then everyone will have top paying jobs! Or just maybe this has nothing to do with jobs. It is just another opportunity to tax more and spend more.
Comment by Ari Winokur
They should raise it a whole $1.00 then they will create even more jobs. If they make it $2.00 every body will have a job. Stupid is , as stupid does!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Comment by Ari Winokur
The whole issue of "tznius" is completely overdone. Even in our community in Baltimore, we must stop judging others by the length of their sleeves and other manner of dress. Yiddishkeit is supposed to be emunah in Hashem.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is a lot more going on here. It's all about the game change. The movements in the region between Egypt, Turkey and the UN gambit(statehood) could preclude any other opportunity to get him back. I would not be surprised if this is also being done to validate Egypt as the authority in the region and put Turkey off from trying to keep up their current rhetoric against Israel. This is EVERYBODY's acknowledgement that a Jewish life (and even corpses) are valued more than Arab lives. The arab's are tacitly admitting this, the world that condones and urges these releases admits it. Perhaps this more than anything is what really irks them. That we value our lives and our brethren so much while the arabs and most of the world are content just to throw their lives away literally and figuratively. A couple of other considerations: Netanyahu is reinforcing in action now that he can and will negotiate with palestinians - so drop the statehood bid. I am sure they will try to find a way to track these terrorists and get a better idea of Hamas' apparatus. One of the preconditions the palestinians have for negotiations is release of all prisoners - before Netanyahu could be forced into releasing more like Olmert was, he is getting something for it. Given that it took Hamas 6 years to get anything for this, it dampens the chances that they will deliberately plan another raid for this purpose alone - not to say that if the opportunity falls in their lap they won't do it again, but i don't think they will call this a success. But who knows how terrorists think? I don't. Plus it knocks Abbas down a little in response to his chutzpah. I would also point to the current negotiations with the Taliban.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Trading hundreds of convicted terrorists for a kidnapped soldier should not even exist as a possibility... anyone convicted in a terrorist attack in which someone was killed needs to receive the death penalty... with no delays and no exceptions... that would go a long way to removing the incentive to conduct kidnappings... there would be nobody alive to trade for.
Comment by Ari Winokur
stands to reason that we need to work harder to bring moshiach now!!!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Comment by Ari Winokur
Baruch dayan emes
Comment by Ari Winokur
The truth is that my uncle was a people lover and all who knew him felt good around him. He always had a nice word to say and honed in on ones positive traits. I miss him already. I considered myself his favorite niece however it is possible that all his nieces felt that way. May Uncle Abe be a Meilitz Yosher for his family and all of us. Leeba, a favorite niece.
Comment by Ari Winokur
if i read this correctly - does that mean that those walking from lets say greenspring toward seven mile lane on the shopping center side will not have a continuous sidewalk but will have to walk in the street???? or am i mis-reading?
Comment by Ari Winokur
If someone wants to inconvenience themselves in part due to their agreement with someone else's interpretation of something written a few thousand years ago, that's fine. But how fair is it to inconvenience other people simply so you can inconvenience yourself? Where should that line be drawn?
Comment by Ari Winokur
So sorry to hear that you are closing. We considered your restaurant to be a hospital one with quality food and attentive service ....Tony D
Comment by Ari Winokur
Getting a system that sends text messages and vibrates is a very expensive proposition. In addition, it would require a dispatcher to be sitting in a dispatch center, as opposed to being able to dispatch from their home or cell phone. While there are options to send a text from radio to radio, it severely reduces the amount of time it would take to dispatch a call. And I do agree - the responders do their best to leave shul as soon as possible when the radio goes off.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The problem with most earpieces is that they "key up" when inserted into the radio which makes it problematic over Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Great pictures, great photographer
Comment by Ari Winokur
Incredible photos!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Maybe they can have an earpiece while davening similar to other emergency response agencies. It would be in one ear only.
Comment by Ari Winokur
To the first comment: I appreciate that you are exposed to the sounds of a responder's radio - it can definitely be jarring! However, I notice that the responders do their utmost to leave shul immediately. If they don't go on the call, they typically continuing davening in the shul lobby or outside so they do not disturb the tzibur. While in theory your idea of a vibrating device w/ text messages is good, it may not work practically. 1. The dispatcher has to take time to type the text to responders, and the responders have to then have to read it and respond on their radio. This could in turn delay response time. 2. As we all know with cell phones, vibrating devices aren't always felt by the wearer, in turn delaying response time.
Comment by Ari Winokur
It's so sad...
Comment by Ari Winokur
If I was this young ladyâs parent I would be super proud that this protest was important to her and that she felt so compassionate toward the plight of those less fortunate than herself. However, I would also encourage her not to make such black and white choices; this day the day of Yom Kippur is actually a gift, an opportunity to connect with G-d, to atone for any misdeeds and to encourage a better future for ourselves and the world around us. There will certainly be more opportunities to support causes such as this without sacrificing this very special day.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Walkie Talkies were never invented for that purpose, and the funding that they would need to add that feature in order to that would be extremely high. All emergency workers have regular walkie talkies and no need for a vibrate. The only thing they could do would be similar to what NWCP 24 hour citywatch response has. Get a pager that has a vibrate function on it, when the page goes off the responders turn on the walkie talkies outside shul and wait for instructions. However this method takes time and cuts the response time which every patient needs. Scott Leder
Comment by Ari Winokur
kudos to hatzalah BUT I have to say I don't understand why congregants were constantly exposed to the sounds of Hatzolah's radios. I am not criticizing, but simply wondering why on a Shabbos or YT they cannot wear vibrating devices with text messages alerting them to the problem so they may respond in an equally timely manner.
Comment by Ari Winokur
If they were trying to pay their rent and or mortgages then why would they protest when they could be working, or looking for a job. Instead they are marching on the idea of hitting up the people who have EARNED their wealth with smart ideas and/or beating other people to the punch????? Scott Leder
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kramer is at it again! Joey D.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Good song. Energetic.
Comment by Ari Winokur
kol hakavod to Chananya and Kol Rom...boy...I remember you when....
Comment by Ari Winokur
It is a huge concern why we are not united t o support Eli W. where is the backbone of the community? Is there such fear that holds our leaders back from standing firm? Why are we not joining together to say tehilim on behalf of one of ours? There are too many stories of people who are the korban for the community or for an organization. WHy let this be another one.
Comment by Ari Winokur
chananya, you know it is time to begin the HERO series. YOu know it is the way to go. This is the cutting edge. Have a great idea...something with a barber shoppe.....
Comment by Ari Winokur
Great article. Hopefully the media reads it. Thanks for posting.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kol Rom has expanded its horizons and that can only be a benefit to Klal Yisroel.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Fantastic!!SO creative.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Forced to listen to Rush is the equivalent of our kids being forced to listen to retiredly biased and dumb secular studies teachers every day that our local Jewish day schools employ many of whom also happen to listen to Rush. Imagine being stuck in a classroom for 3 hours every day being forced to listen to Rush then you will know what it is like for our kids in school. This problem tends to be more prevalent in the more "yeshivish" schools, who will not hire intelligent and capable men and women, rather only old, tired, cranky, and burnout geezers. The schools give these wannabes their own little talk radio forum where they can say over what they heard from their hero Rush. Our kids not only don't gain from this non education but they also lose, alot. Not only that but us parents are the ones that are wasting our money so that these old men could go to talk radio fantasy camp at the expense of our kids. Shame on the so called "teachers" and shame on the schools that hire them. The community should become more aware of what actually happens in these classrooms and become more vocal about it because before you know it, your kid might become the next Rush or worse an old cranky burnout wannabe trying to imitate the next Rush. Together lets stop this madness. C.S.L
Comment by Ari Winokur
At least the Associated is financially transparent, they have an annual financial audit. But, our schools- when will they become financially transparent? When the large donors go elsewhere? Maybe!
Comment by Ari Winokur
A few questions: To Rabbi Tendler: If someone has a large sum of money which they want to donate either directly to a yeshiva day school or to the associated day school fund, which one should they give it to? To Dr. Jonathan Lasson: If someone has a large sum of money which they want to donate either directly to Shomrei's current emergency building campaign or to the associated day school fund, which one should they give it to? To any respected community Rabbi: Please provide an article for BJLIFE clarifying these issues. We need your guidance.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Unfortunetly sarbanes statements and voting record also show strong support for every radical left wing agenda item.
Comment by Ari Winokur
special thanks to teh boehm family, another one of the untold mitzvos they sponsor in this town...
Comment by Ari Winokur
Many thanks to everyone who helped out, including Mr. Nachum Hurvitz, NWCP and all of the other volunteers.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The writer's inadvertent error in rendering the term for a grave, or tombstone, as tzion (Zion), which is the word for our holy (old) city of Yerusholayim, with the Makom Hamikdash, where the holy of holies (Kodesh Hakadoshim) stood, instead of the similar but different tziyyun, is symbolic of the problem with this piece and the unfortunate reality among some that it reflects. Instead of turning to Yerusholayim ir hakodesh, they instead run, at great expense, to the defiled soil of the Ukraine in a mass pilgrimage that is inappropriate, however well meaning they are. I am sure that a Jewish Woodstock, as some have dubbed it, is fun and exciting, however, that doesn't mean that it is proper, especially for Rosh Hashanah. If some restless souls feel a need to get away and choose to go to such a gathering, that is a one thing, but it is not something that should be promoted and prescribe for the holy masses of Klal Yisroel in general. We have to work to improve the services at our mainstream Shuls, yeshivas, etc., and make them more meaningful, so that so many people won't have such an urge to run away from them for Yom tov. May we all be zoche to teshuvah sheleima bimheira.
Comment by Ari Winokur
gives new meaning to a "chasid shoteh"
Comment by Ari Winokur
In today's Yated Neeman some guy whose baby had a Bris on Rosh HaShanah, so the father appointed some Rabbi in Israel to take care of arrangements, and went off to Uman for R'H. He had the audacity to miss his very own son's Bris.
Comment by Ari Winokur
There is also daiah that holds you should do kiddush levanah before yom kipper in order to have the zechus of making the brachah for the mitzvah to have before yom kipper.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Is this "Nanach" stuff for real or a put-on? Their videos on YouTube seem to be of a satiric bent.
Comment by Ari Winokur
w/ all due respect to the author, Jobs was not a gr8 individual. He had an illegitimate child for which he did not take responsibility for many years, and his charitable contributions are next to nothing. Let's not make him out to be a gadol.
Comment by Ari Winokur
What a beautful article
Comment by Ari Winokur
Wow, wonderful article and very well written! Thank you for this! Gmar Chassima Tova!
Comment by Ari Winokur
My understanding is new sidewalks will be paid for by the city. Repairs to existing sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowner. Homeowners can have them fixed themselves or the city will fix them and charge the homeowner. Payments to the city may be made over a 5 year period. There is interest on the payment plan. I don't know the percentage rate. Of course full payment can be made to the city. The city claims they are less expensive than private contractors. Ron Rosenbluth President CNA
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you for posting this Cheshbon HaNefesh video.
Comment by Ari Winokur
To Ruth Miller: Thanks for your input regarding the Associated financial management requirements for our schools. What is still missing is the schools sharing that information with its customers- we the parent body, that pay the high tuition. All the schools need to be financially transparent.
Comment by Ari Winokur
does this mean that people whose sidewalks have been repaired by the city will now get a bill? What if they would have choosen to do the work on their own?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Mr. Feldman, We attempted to find your information and would like to talk to you about this, however, we were unable to find a number for you. Just so you know: 1. Every number that is called into our line during the week, and option 1 (dispatch) is chosen, is emailed to our dispatchers automatically. We have no missed calls that we are aware of. 2. On Shabbos and Yom Tov, there are no options to push - the phone system automatically sends all calls to the dispatch line, and forwards an email to our dispatchers. We saw some calls that came in over Yom Tov, but only one person followed the instructions on reaching us, so we assumed the other calls were not emergencies. The one call that was taken was handled per our protocols as defined by Rav Heinemann. 3. We take this very seriously. We have not had any problems with our phone system, but technology is sometimes "quarky". There should never be 9 rings - our system picks up the call immediately. It is important to note that we have had 0 reports of any problems in the thousand or so calls we have received into the system since we started using it in March. We would like to know of any problems. Please contact us at 410-664-6927 x1 to discuss so we can ensure it doesn't happen again. Dovid Cohen NWCP Operations
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Jewish Community needs to have a continuing care facility that has independent, but supportive living, as in the various Weinberg apts, with assisted living facilities attached to those buildings.In this way, seniors as they age, in place can have the services they need right in the same building.For example, if they are independent in self care but need medication management, they could pay for that service. Seattle Washington has such a facility called the Summitt at First Hill, run under the auspices of the Kline Galland Jewish nursing home. This really should be a model for our community. It is unfortunate that so many assisted living facilities exist in Baltimore that are filled with Jews but do not serve kosher food. This leaves very few options for the Jews who keep kosher.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I hope Vice-President Biden will advise the Jews who attend this meeting that Jonathan Pollard can be paroled as soon as he applies. He's been eligible since 1996 but has never applied. Pollard does NOT deserve clemency or a pardon.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I tried calling this 24 x 7 number it rang 9 times so I hung up.... -Ben Feldman
Comment by Ari Winokur
This should not be posted and everyone knows why. At the very least they should know why. I prefer not to get into the details but there are many problems with this entire initiative. GL
Comment by Ari Winokur
GEVALDIK!!! We need more events like this!
Comment by Ari Winokur
thank you mendel rosen for organizing this visit. The gansa kehilla owes you a debt of gratitude.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I have never seen such stupidity spouted off by known intelligent people. Homosexuality is not a "religious" problem. Until the early 70s it was universally recognized as an abnormal psychological condition. The 2 APAs delisted it as a psychological disorder because of politics, not because it isn't. A large number of well-qualified mental health professionals still consider it what it is in reality, an abnormality. The "Gay marriage" issue is a bogeyman. The vast majority of hetero couples don't care about marriage anymore, why should those with degenerate tendencies? It is only to intimidate and push in the faces of normal intelligent people who refuse to be suckered by "the emperor's new clothes" syndrome that homosexuality is normal. As such, it should be vigorously fought at every opportunity. It is the HS lobby that is trying to attribute to their opponents, whom they have coined as "homophobes" (a phony moniker), with "religious" bigotry! Itâs like a murderer who comes to court with the defense, charging him with murder is a violation of his 1st amendment right of freedom of religion because the prohibition of murder originates in the Ten Commandments!
Comment by Ari Winokur
So he's frum. Does that automatically make him a good man? Al Capone was a devout Catholic who went to church every Sunday. Look at how one lives his life and treats others, not just at the rituals one may follow.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I was lucky to attend. It was a classy, beautiful event. Great job BZD!
Comment by Ari Winokur
Yes, the 'not recommended' designation is a unique star-k mendacity that is consistent with orthodox character.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Kudos to the citizens of Bet Shemesh for their brave and determined efforts to maintain a city that welcomes all Jews!!!
Comment by Ari Winokur
You sang Lema'an Achai? That was very appropriate as it is the name of the great Bet Shemesh organization that brings Jews of all stripes together to help those in need. Kol HaKavod!
Comment by Ari Winokur
No one will listen! The people who need to see these debates are the type who will not listen to the radio - they need the theater and drama to hold their interest.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Because comments relating to NWCP are totally irrelevant to this article.
Comment by Ari Winokur
The Star-K does not tell people what not to eat. They tell people What is not recommended. I can assure you that eating bamboo schach of any kind is not recommended. But if you use a mat that is not kosher schach, then even eating your kosher food under it may not be recommended.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Dear Davida, Thank you for seeing the best in our community, and for writing about it so beautifully. I have lived here for years and did not all that we offer to one another. May you and each of your readers have a new year filled with blessings!! Jennifer R. Zunikoff
Comment by Ari Winokur
As a fellow recipient of a vast amount of chessed here in Baltimore, I echo your accolades and gratitude. Zakah Glaser
Comment by Ari Winokur
How many Jews have to die before (a) Israel adopts something like our 2nd Amendment so every Jew can protect themselves (b)start moving the Arabs to the real "palestine"... JORDAN
Comment by Ari Winokur
So im not allowed to eat bamboo schach that has no star k hechsher?
Comment by Ari Winokur
Did they "duck" as well as Bush?
Comment by Ari Winokur
I'm in favor of most things that result in peace and quiet.
Comment by Ari Winokur
Why does Baltimore Jewish Life always block out coments pertaining to NWCP?
Comment by Ari Winokur
In response to a previous post about what the Associated is doing regarding day school financial accountability, The Associated requires and receives independent financial audits of all day schools receiving its funding. In addition, the Associated has launched two projects in the past year designed to assist day schools in building their capacity for financial stability. Both of these projects are being underwritten by the Avi Chai Foundation and by local funders so there is no financial cost to the schools. The first is a financial benchmarking project that is underway with the end goal being expense reduction and income enhancement. Each school is developing its own three-year financial plan under the direction of the consulting organization, YU Institute for University School Partnership. The second is a day school endowment building program known as the Russel Family Generations Baltimore project. This will help each school build or increase its endowment in order to address long-term financial stability. These projects are in addition to the direct scholarship assistance provided by the Associated to the day schools. Ruth Miller
Comment by Ari Winokur
Thank you Shomrim. As they suggest: the cheapest and the most effective (for the cost) method of crime prevention is having adequate lighting. Keep the porch lights on and have spot lights installed or turned on that can be timer or light controlled.
Comment by Ari Winokur
I think we should all be thankful that Shomrim exists, and help us out, by helping catch these people, and our pipes.
Comment by Ari Winokur
You must be new to this site-this was the biggest news story of the day and as a reputable news site BJL is doing what they do best and that is keeping us all informed in so many areas.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
was this sold at seven mile?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Okay why is this is in Baltimore JEWISH life. IS she jewish?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People concerned about the need for additional/wider/stroller and wheelchair-friendly sidewalks along and near Greenspring will want to attend the upcoming meeting of the Cheswolde Neighborhood Association: Wednesday evening 7:30 PM at the Falls Village Apartments club room.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A wonderful article that has something for everybody. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm. Thank You.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't believe they are losing money, I personally believe I have paid for at least two of those cameras, sheesh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jonathan Pollard has yet to apply for parole. He has been eligible for parole since 1996. He will be released in 2015. His espionage was motivated by greed. He wants a pardon. He deserves to either admit his wrongdoing and ask for parole or stay put until his sentence is served in 2015.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Biden is just shouldering the blame for Obama. If anything it is Obama who doesn't want to pardon Pollard and it is interesting to note but a lot of americans agree with him.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry, but I would take Christie over O'Malley and his buddy "there's no one more Irish than me" O'bama. Any day of the year. Actually, I would take the deer that almost totaled my car before I would vote for either of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are so many other major problems with Romney, religion is just a minor one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Social media interaction does not work if people post anonymously. I noticed an interesting trend, the people that had positive things to say, included their name at the end. All the negative comments on the other hand were anonymous. If you want to complain berabim then back it up with your name. Brian Friedman.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that anyone can post whatever they want saying whatever garbage they want makes this a very broken system. Maybe they could use a real news service similar to
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow Rick Perry was at a Shabbaton. :-)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva's classes have been an inspiration and life altering experience for me. Her expertise is not only in exercise but personal attention to the needs of her clients. Her "true" feeing about her connection to Hashem shines through with her encouragement and dedication to caring for others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This school is amazing. It is incredible that their goal is to cater to each child's needs. WIshing you the best of luck.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
" Either the schools have to get bigger or there needs to be more schools! Let each school be very good at serving their target students. That way, many more types of boys and girls can be accommodated. Multiple schools in the picture allow more choices. Why should we have to send our children out of town?â I agree with the first writer before me. Please, I hope you don't mean that quote. I see members of the Associated in that audience. Why do you think the community can sustain every nuance and every hashkafa. Children are bused every day to Washington for lacking alternative schools in Baltimore. Rambam folded with 450 students. Certainly that seemed like a need and 450 sounded like a good number. Why not? The point is your comment is exactly why this community remains poor and our institutions look to hashem for help that they won't be able to find anywhere else and the community as a whole suffers for the needs of a few. This community is wonderful in so many ways but in so many ways it lives in "fairy tale land".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand this at all. A school just had to close due to financial problems, leaving numerous people unemployed. Now another school starts up? I hope this one is financially stable, but one has to wonder why every time a child has issues, it means yet another school is needed. Years ago you had 1 or 2 choices, and look at how many great families came out of them. Why are we catering to every new issue that arises? Sometimes forcing the square peg into the round hole has good results, too. I hope these kids don't grow up thinking that the world is going to cater to their every whim just because they aren't comfortable with their lot. Not every child needs a cookie. Some need a potch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what a wonderful day of the commmunity coming together to support one another! What an incredible way to start the new year- standing together..or should I say...phoning together? What great leaders we have to give us the opportunity to do a mitzvah. The kids with the hand made tzedakah boxes added the haimishah atmosphere that made the day special. -debs
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Jeff, Thanks for sharing this important piece of information. My waist line is starting to bulge already, and we haven't even started Yom Tov yet! Thanks also for the "heads-up" on the Shop-rite facial tissues. You don't miss a beat! Let me take this opportunity to commend you on the outstanding service you do for our community. I can't start my day without my coffee and my email alerts from you! You are my "window" to the outside world! Keep up your great work, and have a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful Shana Tova! We miss you, neighbor! Gratefully, Moshe Englander
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to all the Women of Valor who have cooked so many festive Shabbos and Yomtov meals!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Having visited Turkey recently,it is a police state.Erdogans stance on Israel reflects his necessity to keep the lid on his own people. He dosn't want a Turkish autumn although he deserves it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Based on what is the story stating that he is Jewish? Having a Jewish father and a bar mitzva at a Jewish Temple do not make someone Jewish.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
where is the information about Blech use?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just yesterday you printed an article about the protests from local Umanians, last year multiple riots broke out and here you are glorifying this behavior. I have something else to daven for this Rosh Hashana the safe return of these people to their homes after yom tov.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
B.H. If you want to join or support our community you are really welcome. You can contact us by mail: P.O. Box 273, Bronx, NY 10462 or by E-mail: or by phone:347-770-5452 Thank you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'd like to see R' Oberstein explain this one, please.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mrs. Kozlovsky, I just called about signing up for the study. I am fascinated about the link to Yoga which I just started also. Thank you for offering this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for the reminder. The fire department visited my house last Rosh Hashanah on the 3rd day of the 3-day yom tov because we came home to the carbon monoxide detector blasting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva always has helpful suggestions about maintaining health and truly cares about others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Elisheva is my personal trainer and she is truly fantastic!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sorry but that is not how interactive social media works, if you use this forum to get your message out then you can use this forum to respond to these appropriate questions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
they have one in bryant park.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ed. Note - Hillel Tendler is happy to respond to any of these comments and asks that if you are so inclined you email whereupon will forward your contact info on to him
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As someone else already commented, Rabbi Tendler strongly implied that the "Gedolim" encourage giving to the Associated as opposed to directly to the yeshivot. Can Rabbi Tender please have one of these Gedolim spell this out in a follow-up BJLife article?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have a minhag from my father, I don't go where I am not invited or welcome. Want to travel this year for Rosh Hashanah? Just heard the the Western Wall has a few seats left.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about if our community members volunteer a few hours a year to make phone calls to the larger Jewish community? That doesn't seem like such a quandary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about this idea? Don't go to Uman!! There is no mitzvah that I am aware of to put yourself in harm's way to daven in the vacinity of a grave. I am sure these people listen to their Rebbes so how about giving a p'sak not go, to stay safe with the added benefit of avoiding a significant Chillul Hashem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is not a matter of being insular. It is about priorities. After tuition, giving directly to the schools is far better then having it dispersed through a central agency. Limited dollars = targeted goals and sacrifices. That's the basic response. Do all the money oriented parlor meetings you want and definitely sell the Associated and their work here but please don't ask for contributions inherent in this article. Do you understand the economy? I have seen these types of promotions for years coming from differing members of our community. Now of all times is not the time to write this. I support the Associated. Give them money but I find the timing almost devoid of the economic realities of our schools and our parents today.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"UPPER MARLBORO, Md". What's in a name? H. Alec
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I applaud Rabbi Tendler for writing this article. It is matter of fact and continues to further the great legacy of the perhaps the most influential men in Baltimore-Rabbi Herman Neuberger ZT"L. Rabbi Neuberger's mantra has always been Achrayus (responsibility). Along with his mantra is the aspect of being a visionary. Being a visionary includes being actively involved in the community which you live in. The Associated wants to help and although many in the communiy distance themselves from events that are sponsored by the Associated, they must realize what Rabbi Tendler is attempting to convey in his article. There are many institutions in Baltimore that need help. We are not a wealthy community and with the high cost of tuition and raising our families in this day and age, we are being shortsighted and far to insular to not take advantage of the hand that is being extended to us. To remain insular means we will ultimately lose out. If you were to meet some of the hard working people from the Associated, you will see that we are very similar in our goals for strengthening Jewish Baltimore. Dr. Jonathan Lasson-President, Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Their mesiras nefesh is extraordinary! What an inspiration.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was amazing. I don't know why people never thought of this before. This was so great!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you Shifra and Deena for all your hard work and effort for making this possible. It was amazing to be apart of this astounding event.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
After reading your extensive background, it is with dedication for man kind. I would hope that all who come for your service, have an open heart and are truly looking for your assistance. I'm looking forward in the near future, to make an appointment. God Bless you! Keep up the good work!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mr. Rosenthal, owner of Nutrition4AllSeasons, and I worked together to develop this Free Teleconference. The next TELECONFERENCE will be held in November. Thank you for your comments-Elisheva Rabinowitz
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bill Clinton said today that it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Well it depends what "is" really means....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Tender is spreading an important and needed message. Involvment with the Associated is indeed very beneficial for our community. One question: Which Gedolim are you referring to in the quote below? Let's say someone is about to pledge $10,000 to Beis Yakov or TA. Is he better off giving it to the Associated instead? Can one of these Gedolim provide written clarification? "Am I not better off directing my Associated pledge to the individual schools where I want my gift to go? I have spoken to several ×××××× and all are ×¤× ××× that with those kinds of benefits flowing to our families, and to get a seat at the communal table, supporting The Associated is absolutely the right thing to do."
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The most pressing issue facing most Day School families today is the high tuition costs for their children. What is the Associated doing to ensure the schools are financially accountable? Are there independent financial audits of the schools? Why not? Until the community is convinced that the financial operation of all the schools is transparent, large donors will shy away from supporting the schools.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hillel, With all due respect, I don't want to disparage the range of $225 - $900 a student and we should respect for what they also do for the elderly through the Weinberg facilities. However, it is isn't enough. The Associated has and will always (for their own good) be made up of a higher percentage of non Jewish day school liberal passionatte left-wing thinkers (Baltimore Jewish Council for example) and like President Obama, religious Day School education will sit at a tiny fraction of cost to the day school's budget. The whole system is collapsing Hillel. The parents are breaking down and asking to take money to the Associated is both right and chutpedik at the same time depending on your forum. Please don't use this forum to come to the community. Use parlor meetings where you can invite people who have extra income to give for this. Big donors matter and go after them and please leave our burden alone until you can perform at numbers that will turn around this mess. Respectfully Submitted....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW sounds like Reb Mordichai alright nothing ever gets in his way of spreading the aibishters torah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you to Belsky's Bedding on being a sponser
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A tremendous yasher coach to mrs Leeba braun for pulling together this successful event. I know her since our school days and she has always been an active and spirited leader. May Hashem grant her much koach to continue doing good and being involved with the klal
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It should be mentioned that Rabbi Tendler's grandfather of whom he speaks was Rav Moshe Feinstein Ztv'kl
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzalah is doing themselves a disservice by fighting this innovation. Women need time to groom themselves? How can that be? It's so easy to fit our little pea brains under our shaitels and hats... These women are fantastic!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I love the Rebbe's clear, incisive direction. Our tzadikim are holy and spiritual but they also have a tremendously practical understanding of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you to whoever made this available in Baltimore!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very beautiful and helpful. Thanks for posting!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At least he got one thing almost right: "...which make you wonder if G-d wants..." ALL events are what G-d wants. We do not have to wonder, we need only accept his will and obey. - Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I second "A Few Random Comments" wholeheartedly... And it is well-known that left-wingers will inject toxic comments into right-wing blogs, or attend Tea Party meetings holding signs with racist/hateful slogans, to paint the right wing as bigoted and hateful. Wasserman Schultz herself would endorse such behavior; she is a foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing hater. A shame, really...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sure, sure Billy. We love you and acknowledge you as the most uder-appreciated solver of world problems. Now go back in your multi-million home and leave us alone. Enough publicity for a lifetime, all right?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am not voting for him, and neither should you. Someone who puts the PM of Israel in a room and leaves to go have dinner or a snack is not someone who I want as the president. (Of course, let's not forget the Dalai Lama, who was rushed in the back door of the White House. Makes me feel a little better that his rudeness and eliteism is not only directed to Netanyahu, but to other leaders as well).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Obama rolling out another initiative. Pour more money into something. Kinda reminds me of a company called Solyndra...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
ya'asher koach to tzvi haber!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would add that blogs on the internet are often anonymous and there is no reason to assume that a frum yid left a specific comment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This alert does not appear on the KDM website ( ), nor does it appear on the cRC one ( ), nor on OU Kashrut ( ). Also, a contradictory statement was posted by, which states "Entenmann's products now bears an authorized KMD symbol." ( ). Finally, the above post does not say whether the products are still kosher.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Living in Israel as a dati leumi woman, I also get very frustrated with the extremists and find them very scary. whole situation makes me so angry and sad. Why do the police default to giving in to the extremists? That's what happened when they made the 'men only' streets in Mea Shearim. Kol hakavod to you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A few random comments on your well meaning article Rabbi Oberstien.1.Weprin himself injected his orthodox judaism into the marriage debate as he used it to explain his position on the matter.That is why so many frum people were rightfuly horrified by his stance.From reading interviews with him there is no indication that he feels any regret 2.It is almost laughable to bring "riyos"from the civility of our recent mayoral elections when there existed no signifigant differences between any of the candidates as they all want to uphold the same disasterous left wing policies that have destroyed a once proud city.3.You are correct that we need not delegitimize the president(ie the birther and muslim issues) but overlooking his radical views and thier results, how he is influenced by toxic associates and mentors does our country and ourselves no good.4.You are correct that we must get along with all sides ,but keep in mind that there are far too many high profle jews firmly alligned with the far left(axelrod,emmanuel,shumer,wasserman shultz,thomas friedman,krugman ect)not to mention the mindless dedication of 80 % of jews religiously voting democrat.We have a tremendous achryus to demonsrate that authentic judaism is not about global warming,protecting the welfare state,gun control,higher taxes,teachers unions,turning a blind eye to radical islam,gay marriage ,palestinian justice ect.and all the other causes of the left.By taking strong stances on these issues we are essentialy allowing jews to not be isolated on one extreme side of the spectrum which is what you advocate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very good article! Let's see if the commentariat can remain Nichbodim in the comments on this article!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree mostly with the article however orthodox Jews shouldn't be silent. I would take inappropriate speech over silence because silence signifies apathy. I remember clearly my days on campus when Orthodox Jews walked past our Holocaust remembrance booth.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
APPLAUSE APPLAUSE Finally someone actually presenting a bill that actually makes sense. Even if this a last minute ditch to deter the PA from getting their state at least we have a back up plan in place.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very one sided report. Both sides of this clash are equally guilty and both are rigid extremists. Unfortunately each one is adamant that they have the only truth and this will end with bloodshed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I forwarded this article by Avi Shafran to a number of rabbis and there is definately a variety of opinions out there. One said that as long as the secular court would impose the exact same penalty as the religious court, then one can testify. Another agreed with Rabbi Shafran. Most did not agree, they were of the opinion that "mesira" of this sort does not apply in a fair and equitable justice system where Jews are treated the same as non Jews. It is an issue when the govenement is anti Semitic. Of course, those who feel that Pollark and Rubashkin are both victims of anti semitism, will not agree with the above description of the US justice system. One rabbi told me that the fellow should not testify but should not have told the gentiles that it was for "mesira" reasons, that is the chillul Hashem, that he let them know that a Jew doesn't have to follow the dictates of the law if it means getting another Jew, even a bad Jew, in trouble. I suspect that there are more shades of opinion on this issue. Rabbi E. Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bravo! The worst part is when people resort to ad hominem attacks against the President it distracts from the legitimate criticisms (and there are many)of his policies. If one really opposes the President, then demonizing him will have a paradoxical effect. Sometimes I think the "right wingers" who attack him are "left wingers" in disguise. (Now that's a conspiracy theory!)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
the charedim terrorists strike again - if only they could be torah jews - especially during the yemai hadin you would think at a minimum they could pretend to be civilized human beings
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What were two Americans doing near the very dangerous border between Iraq and Iran, if not for a questionable clandestine activity? Of course they were suspected to be spies. Who would choose to go there for any other reason? Iran did what was prudent. The term of imprisonment may be a bit harsh, but the hikers knew the risks.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful! But Rabbi, you are going to get a lot of flack. It would certainly be nice if those who demonize would take to heart what you wrote.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yashar Koach! Rabbi Oberstein, as always your article and point is well done. I agree whole heartedly with you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why is this on Baltimore Jewish life?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! Belsky, Goldfinger and Glazer are truly dynamic, warm and wonderful people, truly fit to be running an organization such as this and being successful. Wishing them much Bracha and Hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm with Dave Letterman. There are PLENTY of places to HIKE in the U.S. A. How about Yosemite. It's actually closer! Now you can get a life and start paying back that million.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It was a great game (even if they lost)! Was able to scalp tickets at the door for cheap. Very few frum people there though.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Romney has Obamney and ORomney CARE to deal with. He is a liar who holds every side of every issue.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a great program- sad we didnt register in time
Comment by BJLife BJLife
which dairy ingredient is in the grounds?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The question is can Perry gather enoigh swing voters and independants, Romney for sure can and would make him the best candidate as for as eliminating our dear friend Mr. Obama.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been following his shiurim for the past few years on This is a Rov who deals rather than dancing around issues. How many of those Rabbonim are left? He is the real thing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Such a sweet man. A real rov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The quintessential pulpit Rabbi, I once saw him rushing to the afternoon service and tried to stop him to ask a question, he answered that he would talk to me after the service. He then took two steps, stopped suddenly and turned around, apologized to me and encouraged me to ask him the question. A true mensch, a great example for anyone going into the rabbinate, he and his amazing wife are welcoming to everyone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What an incredible event. N'shei Hatzalah is right on the msrk when it comes to creating events that unite klal Yisroel. And how can we thank Hatzalah enough for helping our community in areas of safety and health. May the Ribono Shel Olam continue to bless you and our wonderful community.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a wonderful event for such a great organization. Kudos to Nshei Hatzalah for a job well done. It was unbelievable how many people were at the carnival. Yes we had to wait for a long time in line, but Hatzalah deserves our support and think about how much time they put in for us. It was worth the waiting to be able to show how important Hatzalah is to us. Look at all the smiles in the video it seems we as a community got it right in supporting our own organization. It seemed like there were thousands of people at the carnival. Beautiful day, beautiful event for a beautiful organization. Hatzlacha to Hatzalah. P.S. The video stops at 5 minutes is blank for about 3 minutes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shkoiach! By giving kids a healthy kosher outlet you are saving neshamos.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope the rabbanim will come out against going this year, I don't believe anyone should put themselves in such danger to daven by a kever.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why were they arrested?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This passage is incorrect: As with any genetic disease, when both parents are carriers, each of their children will have a 25-percent likelihood of being affected; the more diseases for which each parent is a carrier, the greater the odds of the children being affected. This is only the case with RECESSIVE genetic diseases. There are many x-linked genetic disorders, such as Fragile X Syndrome, which only require one parent to have the genetic defect to pass on to future children. In these cases, the couple has a 50% chance of having a child born with the genetic defect.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Didn't Achasvayrosh do the same thing. Scott L.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why is this about women, men go through this too.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I see the BJL only lets certain comments to be posted. Mine the other day with a slight different view did not get posted (though nothing was 'off color' etc)Personally, i think this too contributes to the ongoing problems.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perry wants to get rid of Pell grants and that is not too kosher in my mind! S.F.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You need to all stop calling them charedim............. Every single person in the video is a Chassid......... I repeat they are ALL chasidim... get it right....... it is bad enough
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We were a former YR family who moved out of the area after the closing was announced due to our specific family situation but WE ARE THRILLED that Ohr Chadash has opened and are looking forward to many, many years of success for them! Baltimore needs a school that concentrates on Judaic and Secular EXCELLENCE!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Also,the fact that Bnos Yisroel acquired (bought) this campus has nothing to do with the loss of the other school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chill out! Obviously the title was meant to generate interest, and get people to read the article and learn these important lessons for protecting their children. Just like Rabbi Horowitz mentioned in his presentation, "Take a deep breath and relax!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perry took one out of Romney's playbook. Romney is just hurting himself by criticizing a tactic that he is the biggest abuser of. This is why people hate status quo politics.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is probably in response to Turner's win that Democrats want to show that they are pro Israel themselves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chill out! Obviously the title was meant to generate interest, and get people to read the article and learn these important lessons for protecting their children. Just like Rabbi Horowitz mentioned in his presentation, "Take a deep breath and relax!"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1. In the last week since Monday, Baltimore Police were called in during the overnight hours MULTIPLE TIMES to check out suspicious vehicles and individuals in various areas in the patrol area. The latest was 3:17 this AM, when three individuals were seen in a dark vehicle on a roadway which is not usually traveled. In this case, all checked out okay. The night before, between 2 & 3 AM, police were called for suspicious individuals near the Agudah and in Pickwick. 2. We do have a lead, however, a lot more work will be necessary before we can confirm a specific suspect or suspects. We will make an announcement at that time. 2. Rest assured, we are out there working for you while you are sleeping. We work closely with BPD and BCoPD and have an excellent system of information sharing on both sides. We are all committed to firming up our leads in regards to these incidents and getting them stopped. DC
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shabbos vs. football. Is this what we have been reduced to ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I believe it is insensitive to Bnos Yisroel. It is the Bnos Yisroel new campus. I am not known as the wife of my husband but as myself. Bnos Yisroel has proven to be a vital, vibrant school in the community and has earned the right to be known as itself.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
how is it that there are no leads for the 125 + incidents ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The title Having "The Talk" is disturbing. Why must the issue of safety be viewed as an uncomfortable 'elephant in the room'? "The Talk" infers ambiguity and that the topic at hand is one to be avoided. Parents! Teachers! Let us be confident, upfront and tackle today's issues head on. Rabbi Horowitz is doing all of us a tremendous service by teaching us how we can educate our children in this vital, sensitive topic- in a direct, respectful and understandable way.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"It's unacceptable that that the newly-religious will tell us that our women aren't modest and good enough," a senior haredi businessman explained. yet the charedi spend their efforts terrorizing others because the charedi claim that others arent good enough - ridiculous - here is another quote "We can accept young girls who returned to their faith as long as they accept the rules and speak Yiddish," said the businessman. - i feel bad when moshiach comes because i have no doubt that the charedi will shun the avos and moshe rabeinu as i am sure they did not speak yiddish - i am ashamed that non-jews and non-religious jews actually think that charedi represent the jews - charedim are barely jewish - an accident of birth and a disgrace - obviously i am not talking about all the charedi - but unfortunately the news succeeds based on shock factor - these charedim AKA terrorists need to realize that vengeance belongs to hashem and as yom hadin approaches it is unfortunate but they will get what they deserve - the torah jews have no use for these extremists 'jews' - a chillul hashem is being made daily - what a waste of a portion of the holy land if israel - hopefully they will come to their senses and become torah jews someday
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Sklare's Shmuzzen are amazing. You'll hear beautiful insights and parallels between different Parshiyos, Yomim Tovim and other Torah topics that you've never heard of or thought of before. Come to one of his Shmuzzen and find out for yourself. SG
Comment by BJLife BJLife
BJL, can you post the video from this event online?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
way to go chabad!!!!! this is a fantastic example of the groups outreach efforts and desire to help. hope to hear more along these lines!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think I will also make a poster: Palistinian ANIMALS murdered a family in their sleep, then had a party afterwards to celebrate.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Some predicted it and some bemoan it but President Obama has been a deliberate and unrepentant foe of Israel since he took office. Shame on those who would say that Israel is not meaningful in the larger American-Jewish electorate. Israel is meaningful to Jews for many, many reasons - not least because it represents the only significant democracy in The Middle East. They can spin his record any way they want - and they will try - but Obama has been no friend to Israel. - A Democrat.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The truck was found in Philadelphia.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sad so sad
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Agree w/ the previous comment
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Half-Arab. Half-Jewish - What does half Jewish mean? Which side of this woman is half Jewish? Her right side, her left side? And why is she an Israeli citizen!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a shocker
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If the other shlumps had something to say that made sense then I would have voted for them. She was the status quo the best that we were offered. In spite of all this she hasn't harmed the North West District. Hatzalah, NWCP and Cahaverim are operating freely and even Shomrim is still operating with her as Mayor.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Amazing article!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HAHAHA LMAO, if Obama hadn't forced Mubarak out of office this wouldn't have happened.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is scary, doesnt the truck have some kind of GPS installed nowadays?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lets thank the Obama administration......yet again. Baruch Hashem we can rely on the abishter for assistance instead of those in with power. Daven Daven Daven, Learn Learn Learn, truly rely on Heaven for help.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wishing Bnos Yisroel all the best in the future. Just a little observation regarding sensitivity, I have noticed in many articles and ads the building is described as the "the former Yeshivat Rambam campus", I think by now we are all aware of the move and by continously adding this may cause pain to those who are still grieving the loss of their school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Now that she is our mayor we might as well treat her well. No good can come out of bad mouthing her now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A very beautiful and moving article written by a very beautiful person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent. Very good news. Others had all sorts of crazy (or no) ideas.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
a shande!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Her hair and sleeves were fine according that woman's and most probably her rav's interpretation of hilchos tznius, let us look at the real problem and not cloud the issues with nonsense, or maybe that comment is systemic of the real problem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You're right. We still have 494 days, 11 hours 43 minutes and (looks at watch) 35 seconds till à is out of office... Good work, NYC, lets stay focussed and work get that guy out of D.C.!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a disgrace. Great job, Baltimore Jewish community, another 4 years of the same garbage we are used to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This looks premature.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A fool is a fool is a fool!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
wow! sounds like a fun family outing on a Sunday for the kids.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
1111116666666???????????? YEARS OLD!!??!!?!?!?! CRAZY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I voted early and didnt need to give my ID. Its a joke, anyone with my address can pretend they are me and vote. The system is pathetic. Welcome to Baltimore City. The democratic party 30 years ago would never have allowed this. Shameful that elections have come down to no one caring who votes and only that votes get counted. How easy it is to rig elections in Baltimore City.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Are both parties Jewish? If so great!!!! MAZAL TOV! If not... it is a ChiLUL HASHEM.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
this article should not be in Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The video will not be commemorating 911 it will be about Hatzalah of Baltimore with Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Paysach Krohn. It will play every Half an hour from 1:30 p.m. until its last showing at 3:30 p.m.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I voted early and didnt need to give my ID. Its a joke, anyone with my address can pretend they are me and vote. The system is pathetic. Welcome to Baltimore City.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ahmedenijad was "misader" and "eidei kidushin" were Abu Mazen and Quadaffi
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why was this on Baltimore Jewish Life? These people do not represent Judaism in any way; they represent mental illness and extremism. This article makes be physically ill.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Hair and sleeves uncovered are no way to solve religious issues just antagonizes torah jews." Really? Where in the torah does it say that hair and sleeves uncovered is unacceptable to "torah Jews?"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Excellent narrative to introduce this school to parents who are not familiar with the wonderful accomplishments of it's founders. Best wishes for a productive school year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As with the Muslims LeHavdil it's the extremist making everyone look bad! A huge Chilul Hashem and Sinas Chinum WHEN WILL THEY REALIZE THEIR HYPOCRISY??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very sad example of what more and more of the Charedim are becoming. It stems from their lack of education in both torah and secular subjects. Moreover, there seems to be significant evidence that the zealotry of their Muslim neighbors has had a profound influence on them. The time has come to stop this unauthentic strain of Judaism form hijaking the Torah. I used to think the chilonim were the biggest threat to Israel's Jewish Identity but now I'm convinced our biggest internal threat to perpetuating the Torah is a segment of society that does not work, avoids the army, steals from the government, perverts the Torah, throws diapers at policeman, and intimidates fellow Jews. Who will be the future doctors, lawyers, bankers, and soldiers of Israel in 2050?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've always been curious. When B'nai Jacob and Shaarei Zion merged, they moved into the Shaarei Zion building. In addition, Shaarei Zion, as Rabbi Tabak's congregation, was by far the better-known shul throughout the years. So why is the "B'nai Jacob" put before "Shaarei Zion".
Comment by BJLife BJLife
stop giving money to charadi yeshivas and these people will have to get jobs and not have time to harass little girls.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When did the school start using the name "YCC-TA"? What happened to just "TA"?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Hatzlach Rabbah! To the author of the first comment; It's Elul get with the program and put your wet blanket in the dryer!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
People should be aware that when they create their own hand-outs, posters, invitations, etc. they should be careful about using other peoples creative material (artwork,poetry, etc.) for their own uses. They may be infringing on copyright law. This is particularly a problem in yeshivos where teachers seem to be ignorant of copyright law. Surprisingly some of the frum publications do this as well. It is not appropriate (as well as often being illegal) and one must obtain permission of the individual who created the original work before incorporating it for ones use.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That is appalling! How can these people go home at night and consider themselves religous! How can they say those horrible things to religious little girls? Yet they don't show their faces- the cowards.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We're all with you, Rav Lipman. Keep saving the world. You're my hero.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just curious: Why is this item in "local news"? Baltimore's quite a distance from Rockaway.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What did we ever do to them to hate us so much except the fact that we build and they destroy sick people :-0(
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When you combine unemployment with little academic acumen, that results in these people having time on their hands. They obviously have no other place to bebor constructive activity to do. Subsequently all they can do is make trouble. It has little to do with the particular issue at hand, because tomorrow these lowlifes will be protesting an archeological dig or the like. I think water cannons would probably be the best way to disperse these people.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it seems to me that dov should be more sensitive to the halachos of tzinus and not bringing a woman with him that was totally dressed unaceptable to not only charedim but torah jews alike. Hair and sleeves uncovered are no way to solve religious issues just antagonizes torah jews.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just an FYI. "Religious Zionists" are actually regular frum people who when they lived in Baltimore would daven at Shomrei. Israelis have a problem that they believe the clothes make a person and someone who wears a blue shirt is not religious enough.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was just wondering the same thing...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
But they are charedim, and that is the problem, just as yigal amir's action were a foreseeable of national religious thought, this is a foeseeable outcome of current charedi thought. We are foolish when we say anyone who dos something wrong is no longer frum, denying that erzatz "frumkeit" caused the bad behavior in the first place
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is coming to america and already exists here in baltimore as "frummer than thou" snobbery. Just see the condescending letterin the latest where what when about letting children play with someone who has a tv.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tizku L'Mitzos! May Hashem shower brachos on you, your family, and on all of k'lal yisroel. Chaya Statman [Proud to be related, distantly, by marriage]
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Humm... Maybe the JCC should start running background checks on all members. You just never know...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol Hakavod to you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
WOW! What a great Article! I believe the portrayal of the school is definitely an accurate one and a true kiddush Hashem... Thank you BJL and keep articles like these coming.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very good i am your daughters fifth cousin once removed good luck
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Standing up for the rights and equal treatment of non terroristic Islamic people is not wrong Mr. Beamer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To answer your comment about whether the cars stopped were stolen or had stolen property in them is simple: The vehicles and drivers that are stopped have their names or license plates run for stolen and wanted checks. If the driver was suspended or wanted or if the vehicle was stolen, that information would be known as soon as the officer run the normal routine checks that are completed on traffic stops. Just remember the stop is just the first part of the investigation, a traffic stop can and has lead to more complex investigations and arrests simply from a normal speeding stop.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
where are the spelling mistakes? this article was posted by BJL. If there are spelling errors in newsletter, please email Thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
THank you for this honest report of a distressing situation. It is incumbent upon all of us to be informed and to speak up in order to guarantee that ALL Jews can live safely and securely!! A bully is a bully - even if he professes to be upholding G-d's Torah!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wish Ohr Chadash all the success in the world, we need this school to thrive, however I believe you are in danger of suffering from over exposure, go on and do what you need to do on a daily basis your success will be advertised in the faces of your happy talmidim. Hatzlacha Rabah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think someone should have done a spell check before posting this. It doesn't look good on the school if there are spelling mistakes. Also to the person below, this is a new school and people want to know how it is doing and taking off. The other schools have been around for years. Give it a break and stop the competition
Comment by BJLife BJLife
HaKol Kol Eisav VeHayodayim Yedei Yaakov!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Dov, thank you so much for writing this. This has been so heartbreaking to watch. You are right, something wonderful can come out of this and I was so heartened to hear about the good that is happening
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you can believe absurdities you can commit atrocities. What you are seeing is the future of orthodoxy - all orthodoxy. We laugh at these people as fools and primitives. But in fact, all the orthodox show aggression and hostility and hatred to anyone who is not just like them. We say that our anti-social mores are directed only to gentiles. But in fact the orthodox include anyone who they condescend to as in the group known as 'not your brother'. And once they declare a person as 'not a brother' , it is open season on them. This is happening in Israel today. Soon it will be on Park heights Avenue. We are looking at the future. Chew on that fortune cookie.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
These so-called "charedi" are disgusting. It is this type of fundamentalist zealotry in all religions that has given rise throughout history to the mind set that kindled the Crusades, the Inquisition, Al-Qaida, and the Taliban, not to mention the attempted religious indoctrination by the Father Couglins and Pat Robertsons of the world.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i am posting this again from the original article - since this group terrorizes people they are by definition terrorists - i would hate to say that these terrorists are the worst kind of frum people because they are obviously not frum - their actions demonstrate that they have no understanding whatsoever of how a god-fearing jew is supposed to act and they constantly prove that not only are they not frum but that they are a constant example of desecrating the holy name of hashem which to my understanding is a sin that has no repentance for it - they are just terrorists masquerading as frumah yidden - hopefully the police or some other authority will lock these terrorists in jail which is what you are supposed to do with terrorists
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What about the other schools? How were their starts to the new year??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Landau will be missed, he is a great person.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rav Simcha Wasserman's father was named Elchanan. His f-i-l was the famous Rav Meir Atlas. His intention was to commemorate both of them with the name Ohr Elchanan. Most people assumed he only named the yeshiva for his more famous father. He regretted that he did not name it Yeshivas Meir Simcha.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wishing Ohr Simcha all the success in the world, it sounds like a lovely place to daven. Interesting though some of the key names in this article have a strong connection to Shomrei Emunah and have recently been at the helm of their desperate fund raising effort, confusing to those of us who have made financial commitments due to their pleas. I love Baltimore but we have to be careful about how many slices we make in the pie.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What is their problem. they have nothing to do but harass the girls! nuts!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As the computer teacher at Ohr Chadash I have to share what some students wrote in email today, about the first week at OCA: "My week is going gr8"; "My first week at Ohr Chadash was very fun. I like my teacher; her rules are fun and everything is new...I can't wait for the rest of the year."; "My first week at Ohr Chadash was awesome."; and another one: "This is such a fun schoolI love Ohr Chadash; This is so awesome and I love this school!"...I think these 6th graders' comments says it all!! Tova Taragin
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The county put out this list at 3 PM today Thur Sept 8
Comment by BJLife BJLife
How about putting up some of the videos of these chareidi fanatics tormenting the neighborhood and young children so everyone can see the extent of their madness. This is not a matter to take lightly...these particular chareidim are dangerous and disturbed and everyone should be witness to it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Read the signs of world events (economic downturn, natural disasters,rise in antisemetism etc)Save your money- take your kehilla to Eretz Yisroel asap
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is TI not participating for a reason?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I full list of canditates is available at We are in the 5th Councilmanic District. A report on the cadidates can be found here on BJL at - Chaim
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The site is so overloaded that you can't access it right now
Comment by BJLife BJLife
you should be building a life in eretz yisrael......
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This list is out of date - I was at the following intersections and they are NOT closed for flooding: 6600 Blk Security Security & Kernan Security Blvd & Gwynnoak
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's beautiful to see the continued growth of this wonderful kehila under the guidance of the esteemed Rabbi Hauer. I wish them much hatzlacha!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I would like to hear more about the candidates for City Council President. Thank you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ironic how when I told my friend about this video he right away took out his phone to search for it
Comment by BJLife BJLife
since this group terrorizes people they are by definition terrorists - i would hate to say that these terrorists are the worst kind of frum people because they are obviously not frum - their actions demonstrate that they have no understanding whatsoever of how a god-fearing jew is supposed to act and they constantly prove that not only are they not frum but that they are a constant example of desecrating the holy name of hashem which to my understanding is a sin that has no repentance for it - they are just terrorists masquerading as frumah yidden - hopefully the police or some other authority will lock these terrorists in jail which is what you are supposed to do with terrorists
Comment by BJLife BJLife
So much hard work, so much effort, so much planning and creating, baruch hashem, so much success! Hatzlacha raba! Baltimore is very fortunate to have so many creative, and inspiring individuals willing to put so much into this vision to make it a reality. Kol Hakovod! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures, so I can get a taste of the school, see my grandsons in class and my son hard at work! Judy Davidovics
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If any of you read "Obama's Wars" you can see how this very well could happen. The man can't make decision
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Beautiful pictures, beautiful children, beautifully written article. Naomi Einhorn (grandmother of 2, currently living in Israel)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Security Blvd in Woodlawn has been reopened.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wasn't the news of this article that he saved the mother's life too? What's the story behind that? May he be a maylitz yosher for his family
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Good luck to Ohr Chadash. Sounds like a wonderful school. Looks like a wonderful facility.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I heard that Millford Mill was closed and so was a part of Old Court.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what about the virtual model of secular studies in use in a Los Angeles yeshiva. Costs less and would achieve more.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The price to attend is free. There will be tickets available to purchase for rides with the choice of buying a bracelet or individual tickets. More importantly realize that by supporting Hatzalah you are actually supporting yourself, your family and your loved ones. Hatzalah does not charge for its services and relies on donations and fundraisers to be available to you 24/7 365 days a year.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is not an innovative idea, this is throwing money at other people in hopes that they will be innovative. I have heard countless "new" concepts over the years to address this issue, the only time I have seen any relief is when a wealthy benefactor writes a big check.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
TWO police cars giving speeding tickets at a single location are TWO police cars that are not patrolling the streets of our residential neighborhood which has suffered from numerous burglaries. The real motivation of a speed trap is simple: money generated by those fined. I want to know HOW MANY cars of those ticketed had stolen goods inside them, or were stolen cars. This is just utter nonsense!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Nice article.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Put it this way, you will be supporting the saving of lives and that is priceless. enough said.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is a another crisis in Klal Yisroel and that is that frum people do not know how to innovate. They think all change is bad. Well here is an example of where we need to innovate, so thank you to the OU and I hope you can set a precedent of innovation in the Orthodox world because right now we are so desperately lacking one. Josh F.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Just slow down or avoid that area!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
give them full rights please now!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why, after all these years and after all the good that Jews have done for all states and the country, do these hatreds still exist? One has to feel sorry for these people but they have broken the law and should be made to pay for these heinous acts.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Perhaps a start would be to shut off cell phones,blackberries, etc. during dovening. I cannot understand how (some)people who would not think of talking during dovening think texting is perfectly permissible.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I got caught there once. Went to court and pled insanity, and got off. OK, so I made up the insanity part. But I think I did surprise the officer by thanking him for being so courteous.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There's a simple solution to reducing the number of speeding tickets one receives--SLOW DOWN!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A saved life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If you have gotten 3 tickets there, I'm sorry to say that you are not so bright. If you didn't learn from event 1, that's bad enough. Didn't learn anything from event 2 - nu, maybe not so bright. 3 times?!? Speechless. Pay your own ticket.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is nice to hear that there may be a silver lining in such a speed trap. However, as a member of the public, I also see a correlation between the speed limit, the appearance of the road and the placement of the speed traps. The speed limit is too low for the type and appearance of the road. The police set traps there because it is easy to catch speeders when a very high percentage of reasonable drivers will be going faster than the speed limit. The same situation exists on Green Spring Avenue on the way to the beltway. The speed limit must match the type of road in order for a speed trap to be reasonable!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"The OU has set aside funds to spur new thinking in addressing this issue" been there done that, I don't know of an orthodox Jewish day school/yeshiva in America that has not tried to "develop ideas which have broad communal support,â THERE IS NO MONEY, The OU and Young Israel and other similar bodies must subsidize Jewish education, yes that is correct a good old fashioned hand out. The situation is too far gone for such challenge grants to make a dent, that grant will probably line the pocket of the person hired to perform the impossible, better use of this money would go directly to the schools to alleviate crippling tuition costs.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
That's a relief. Now who wants to pay the 3 tickets I've received there?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I do this for about 25 hours every week!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
tho those who think only shabbos is the day to pay attention to their families let me tell you there are so many people out their waiting desperatley to have a family maybe give them some of yours if you dont want to take time for them
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what is the price
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They also have a facebook page at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great video. Thanks for posting. So is BJL trying to say that we should spend less time on!?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If we allow our governor and mayor to raise our income and property taxes to the level and rate that NY has, we may be able to get it too!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Unfortunately, these are New York State grants only available for New York state institutions/residents. Just like the vast array of other social service offerings that exist in New York - they are funded by the state or city of New York to the envy of residents from all other states.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Could Agudas Yisroel get this grant for Baltimore as well?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
BH we have shabbos but how about the 6 other days of the week? Are you saying that allowing oneself to be so distracted and not "in the moment" for 6 days is okay? Clearly this awareness is a lesson in shviras hamiddos. TO break the habit of busy-ness and to spend quality time in whichever moment we are in. I signed up and so did my family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
No to a Palestinian state. This would be a malignant cancer in the side of Israel as the Arabs will still send their rockets.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yeah. What he said.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Don't we already do this? I believe it's called Shabbos...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
when my husband comes homne from work he started shutting off his phone and we as a family made it a practice to not answer calls for 2 hours after the children come home. it has enhanced our family time. the kids know that the phone may ring but thewy are more important then anything else i n the world. i see the change in their self esteem and their love for eachother bc. our family unit is gettoing stronger bc of this vital time each day.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is an example of technology harnassed for Torah. One can sit in his home and view this very inspiring video. Only a few years ago, this would not have been imagined. Yashar Koach for making this available. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why can't u use grape juice during the 9 days Thanks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Landau will be hard to replace, a great Rabbi, leader, mentor and friend.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am in the midst of shopping for a suit for my son- thank you!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
My family went to Ner Tamid many years ago. I checked it out the past few weeks. Wow! What a difference. The place is really becoming another frum (orthodox) option in town with this new dynamic torahdick rabbi and the fact that they got rid of the microphone for good.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Milevsky is the best! What a great drasha today!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Turkey did the right thing - The Israeli's are so used to reject and ignore any rightful criticism and refuse to look in the mirror - how ugly and mean and vindictive they are. Good Turkey -- Thank you for standing for what is right and now the only option for Israel is to beg their dad USA to do something.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What I would like to know is: New York, New Jersey, Maine, Vermont, Delaware, Virginia have all been declared disaster areas, opening up financial assistance for people who need to have their basement fixed, mold removal and other post storm cleanup and recovery activities. Why hasn't the State of Maryland submitted to FEMA a request to declare Maryland a disaster area? Disappointing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
who here refers to their uncle as a "distant relative?"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
no caption?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why don't you write about may rawlings illegal homestead credit on her investment property. Moreover. Jack young the president of the ciy council has been investigated for homestead credit on his investment properties. Your are a totally biased site and you should be ashamed of yourself
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Sheila Dixon may have been unethical but she had much more vision and seemed to care more for this great city then the incumbant exhibits. Mayor Rawling blake has done nothing for the city. She is never visible in any neighborhood, nor does she ever make statements that are well thought out. Baltimore deserves much better than this inept incompetent amateur
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"I saw people who claimed that you can kill people in the name of Islam. It is disheartening to see this. But these people exist also in Christianity and Judaism as well." They do?? Maybe these Christians existed 50-60 years ago but they don't exist today. And Jews? I can think of 2 that might fit the bill, just 2. Versus how many radical Islamists? Millions??? There is absolutely nothing to compare here; until Muslims stop making these ridiculous comparisons, I have no hope that there will be truly moderate Muslims that one can talk to.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why isn't Young Israel Shomrei Emuna a recipient did they apply?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Tamir Goodman is the Jewish Jordan (tm)!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Your staff reporter needs to learn how to be a journalist first, not a partisan hack. The headline for this article is grade A Foxnews slant. NOTHING in this article would indicate that President Obama is pulling a "speech stunt." If you can't do a better job of being objective, get OUT OF THE BUSINESS!!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What's really sad is that it was one of the few kosher restaurants that a frum person could bring non-frum and non-Jewish associates/friends. In the non-kosher world the standards of expectation for "fine dining" are hard to come by in the Baltimore/Washington area. Pity.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Boruch dayan ha'emes <3
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I was "commenter #2" and I apologize for not signing my name. And I agree it should not be an automatic decision and that many of our caterers and in fact many members of our community are Baalei Chessed. However, Fishel seems to continuously go far above and beyond that all things being equal he should get some extra consideration when making a choice. I'm sure there are circumstances when making a wedding out of town is the correct decision. However before making such a decision, supporting members of our community and showing hakoras hatov should also be considered. Simcha Kossman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what a nice showing of ahavas Yisrael! Very refreshing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel is the unbelievable Baal Chesed, the other caterers and jewish businessess in town all do incredible things such as offering food or services to our wonderful chesed organizations that you may not know about.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Absolute correct policy. Our wet limp rag of a Foreign Secretary in England is oo frightened of the muslims to bring in such a policy. Thank God for America.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To commenter #2, I agree with you. Reb Fishel is terrific and we definitely owe him our business. I am sure that you didn't mean it as it sounds, that we should automatically choose Reb Fishel over all other caterers, because surely there should be enough business for all the caterers in town! (Thank you Reb Fishel for all your care and concern for the community b'ruchniyus uv'gashmiyus.)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to Baltimore Jewish Life for keeping residents updated of Baltimore City's efforts. Betsy Gardner Mayor's Office of Neighborhoods
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think the majority of our community recognizes the unbelievable amount of Chesed that Fishel does for our community and offer their thanks when they see him. However, when it comes time to choosing a caterer, they seem to forget their hakoras hatov. Even if our community didn't owe such a great debt to Fishel, his outstanding catering at reasonable prices (and with Shomre's plan, VERY reasonable prices) should be sufficient reason to use his services. But given how much he does for our community, don't we owe it to him to reciprocate?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank You Gross family for taking us in! May HKB"H grant you the strength to continue to do chesed for many years to come! Gobbie & Shayna Cohn and family.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is exceedingly ridiculous!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel is amazing!!! Who else would make such a great offer.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great work NWCP thanks for being a pillar in the community and taking the lead on these matters
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Remember, it is proper to treat an intersection with non-functioning traffic lights as a four-way stop. If everyone follows this simple rule we can be assured that everybody will get home and where they are going safely!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A big THANK YOU to NWCP and CityWatch for their vigilance in ensuring the safety of our community!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to Mr.sugarman for volunteering your time and expertise with removing trees that were blocking the roads.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks to the NWCP who was visibly out in the dark areas of our community last night.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"Third & final" sounds like the other two have been released, which is not so, only one has. Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel is still in jail after the May 16 ruling of the Tokyo High Court denying his appeal and upholding the guilty verdict handed down by the Chiba District Court. There is a prisoner transfer agreement in place between Japan and Israel, and thus, according to Japanese law, a prisoner legally need not be held even one day in Japan, but can be transferred to his own country. The reality, however, is far different. Transfers usually take a long time, as was the case with Yossi, the youngest of the three boys who were arrested at Narita International Airport over three years ago. SO PLEASE KEEP DAVENING FOR BOTH OF THESE BOYS!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Super Fishel strikes again!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
kol hakavod
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Fishel Gross you never cease to amaze us with your creative ways to help your fellow man! With appreciation The Wachs
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I agree with the first poster. This is not such a large issue that it should cause divisiveness in the orthodox community. It always amazes me to see what issues become popular in our communities. Why do we focus on issues like whether or not to say "shelo asani isha" or how to check our strawberries etc. etc. Why not address more severe problems in our community? For example, we have many students that are going off the derech because although they learn, they never find the spiritual feeling of connection to Hashem. There are many Jews from every spectrum that intermarry. Let's focus on what's really important.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
b4 i bring my food over i would like to know whose giving the hashgacha on the food goin in to the truck? if not will u keep them seperated?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If anyone needs help: MY HOUSE IS OPEN TO ALL: SULLIVAN ROCHEL AND YOCHANAN 3614 glengyle avenue phone:410-358-1297 Freezer space - internet - cooking, etc..
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why Rabbi Gordimer then is it o.k. to march so far to the right? For example, today many young men are denying the actual text of their ketubah by not even trying to support their wives, and this is just one of many examples of this trend in our orthodox community. No thinking person today can say that the yeshiva world is not leaning more to the right than it was 20 years ago. Actually, this small suggestion actually appears to be less of a "radical halachic and hashkafic change" than a small gesture that may retain some young people who feel disenfranchised by today's version of Torah Judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
there are no denominations in judaism.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The following is from an email sent to me by Rabbi Moshe Schwab, the eldest son of Rav Shimon Schwab, ZT"L who served as the Rov of Congregation Shearith Israel from 1936 to 1958. Reb Moshe has given me permission to post his email on this site. Thank you every so much for the interesting article by Mr. Lehman. I remember Merrill and Nanette Lehman very well. They were close friends of my Uncle Herbert and Aunt Dita Froehlich A.H. A big Mazel Tov to them on their 70th wedding anniversary and respective birthdays. May they live and be well. All those names he mentioned in the artice are so familiar and brought back many memories. I remember " P.W." Gudesheimer very well. He lived in the big old house across Glen Avenue from what is now the parking lot of Shearith Israel. My father ZT"L would tell us about the tzidkus of Mr. Gudesheimer - particularly about his Bedikas Chometz which took him the better part of the night despite his old age! It is amazing what became of Gundesheimer-Lehmann. Their ancestors were simple Jews who kept every din and minhag that they inherited from their good, simple, uprightly Jewish ancestors from small towns in Germany. These people merited to have all their descendants remain from Jews, and many with a great deal of Torah learning. I contrast this with the descendants of learned Rabbis in Baltimore ( who shall remain nameless) whose children became totally assimilated and married non-Jews. My father always said " Shearith Israel is not just a Shul, it is a Kehilla that stands for a Torah-true undiluted Jewish way of life. On a personal note, I was recently in Baltimore and made it my business to go into the Shul and sit in my old seat and let me memories float back to those good old days of my carefree youth there. I looked around and remembered the old timers and where they sat. Those seats are now filled by other people who never knew them, but is was those old timers of German descent who kept the shul intact. That visit was a very uplifting experience for me - especially because of the Hakoras Hatov I feel toward Shearith and its officers who brought my father here from Germany, and very likely saved our lives. As I went out to my car in the parking lot. I noticed that "big old house" across the street ( now somewhat renovated) and fondly remembered that here lived the Tzaddik, Mr. P.W. Gundesheimer. Please convey my best Mazel Tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lehman, may they live and be well L'Orech Yomim Tovim. Thanks again for the interesting historic article by their son.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We have reefer truck available 2714 Bartol please seal and put phone # on box(shomer chinam laws apply)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The tree has been cleared
Comment by BJLife BJLife
While checking messages, I saw that we got one of these at 1:49 AM -- but we slept right through it, so we didn't get to say "It's Shabbos" to the telephone.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have a lot of large trees in my yard, so I parked my car next door at a neighbors where there are no trees. I suggest you consider moving your car a safe distance from trees, til Sunday evening.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank-you, NWCP!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wonderful Davida! Such clarity! Danielle Sarah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Stirah! the Florida Hurricane questions quote R' Heinneman as saying that when winds reach 35mph you should no longer carry. Yet here the P'sak is different. What's a Yid to do?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Which eruv announcement do we rely on? A previous article said that we can rely all shabbos on the eruv being up before shabbos. This article says that if winds go above 35mph then we need to assume the eruv is down. Which is it?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you BJL! Might I add let us be sure to check on our elderly neighbors, or others that may be vulnerable.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I want to thank all my fellow candidates in the 5th District for coming out tonight and participating in the forum tonight. Scott Carberry, Curtis Jones, Derrick Lennon, and Rikki Spector. I would also like to thank the League of Women Voters for organizing this wonderful opportunity to have this forum and meet the wonderful voters of the 5th District. Ari Winokur Candidate, Baltimore City Council
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very sad, but mostly a reflection of the economy. Now we have to go to new york for our anniversary.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is quite a shame, we personally have two wonderful meals there - Donna Wach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mashiach called...he reminds all Jews that Ahavat Chinam is all it takes for him to walk through the door. Shame that too many Jews are so judgmental and busy throwing rocks and barbs, it's costing the rest of us our geulah.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope Armidinajad dies of the most painful cancer and that Iran is nuked.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They are chabad, and chabadnikim write to the ohel.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
we used to say tehillim, now we write to the ohel?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I definitely felt it in middle of the night. And I thought I was dreaming when I felt a few other minor shakes, but apparently others felt it as well, so I guess I really wasn't dreaming! DC
Comment by BJLife BJLife
All we can do is pray. Would you be so kind as to publish Mr. Ostreicher's Jewish name?
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
To Tova and Tsvi S. The way you both handled these comments and especially the comment by Tova at the end was beautiful to see. I wish all comments on blogs would be done in such a mentchlachkeit type of way. Mi K'amcha Yisrael (Mi K'eercha K'Baltimore)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Sounds awesome and is a great cause but am I can't be the only one that thinks that $3,000 per paticipant, most of whom are teens is a bit excessive. Also the overhead of "roundtrip airfare to Miami; hotel accommodations; a personalized training regimen; official Team Yachad race gear; guaranteed race admission; a pre-race pasta party and post-race BBQ; and an unforgettable Yachad Shabbaton at the beautiful Newport Beach Resort and Spa" is quite a reward for raising "tzedaka" money. These comments do now reflect my appreciation for these wonderful and worthwile projects.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in my house. I thought my brother upstairs had fell or dropped something really big. Then the noise kept going and moving across the house. Then before i knew it the entire house was shaking in its tracks(foundation)LITERALLY! I heard it click each time it changed directions. Right about then i realized it was an earthquake, but i was still pretty confused. It stopped, i ran to turn on WBAL right as C4 asked his producer if he just felt that. My thoughts were confirmed. Social Security was evacuated and all non- essentials were told to go home. (my father) Follow @wannabehocker on Twitter.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was seated at my desk. It felt like a subway train running under the floor under my desk.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was downtown at a design conference on the 12th floor of a hotel. Felt as if the building was about to collapse from the swaying from side to side due to height. Malka Frankel
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in merrick ny the couch started shaking the food in the cabinet starting moving i thought my cousin was sending us a message
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was sitting at a table at work. I thought that they must have an overloaded washing machine, because I heard and felt that type of shaking. Then our boss told us all to leave the building immediately.We figured out that it was an earthquake. The cell phones didn't work and people outside reported seeing the ground and cars "move". We were given the rest of the day off,as they were not sure the building was safe to return to. Hashem shook up a lot of people today and got our attention! Lets appreciate that we are safe, and daven for safety of our brothersand sisters in Eretz Yisroel! Miriam Sidell, Baltimore
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was in Bais Yaakov, Park Heights campus, preparing my room for the new school year, and thought that there were MAJOR renovations taking place on the second floor (above my room).
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
In case you didn't receive the beginning of the comment starting with "stream" -- here it is: Did you hear that the Mount Sinai revelation included a Divine sound and light show along with a real "4D" mountain-shaking experience? Sometimes a good sales pitch works wonders! And, also at that event, all Jews -- no matter which "stream"
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
"stream" floated their boat -- were UNITED in their desire to hear how each Jew could flow toward the "ocean of TALMUD" (a word that also mean STUDY!)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
I was sitting at my desk in my office working on my computer, when I felt the rumbling. My chair was shaking and heard the building shake. I thought the hot water furnace in the basement was getting ready to blow right below me. My co-worker shouted âwhat was that? What is going on?â Then I knew that it wasnât only me. I said, âI donât know but letâs get out of here!â I ran outside and a FedEx guy was walking up to the building. I told him I just left the building because there is this rumbling, like the building is about to blow! He looked at me as though I was nuts! I guess he didnât feel anything.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Thank you for the info.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
All depands on what you want. If you want your child to learn Hebrew but do not like the cost and or lack of diversity at a Day School, this Hebrew charter school movement is a Nes Gadol, a big miracle. If you want an intensive Torah based Orthodox education of course it is not a good fit. But please speak for yourself Charles.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
would someone please educate me - what is the halachic problem of sitting behind a woman - if i remember correctly there is a possible issue of walking behind a woman - which supposedly on today's streets the solution of passing that woman is pointless - but to sit behind a woman??? is it really an issue? and depending on the issue is it not possible for men to control their eyes and minds???
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
sounds like the best of homeschooling to me! no age segregation, meet the kids where they are at, customize the learning in "chunks", give kids a sense of mastery, one on one tutoring, and then move them along at their own pace.....nothing new under the sun here! just intuitively hitting on the right formula, using the new technology to spice it up. can't wait to try it! R. Levin
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
The correct address is 5271 Reisterstown Rd. (5721 is a sketchy-looking garage. 5271 is a respectable-looking building in a sketchy neighborhood.)
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
It is nice to hear that that "rabbi" did partial teshuva by revising his article. However, I think that R. Shafran's comments still apply. He only revised his statements because of the outpouring against his omission of a bracha. Does anyone really trust that "rabbi's" yiras shamayim. And, even if he is truly repentant, still it is necessary to vigorously protest the heretical ideas proposed. Too many people read the 1st article. And commented on it. I never knew there was a retraction. How many people were mislead by the un-orthodox position expressed in the name of Torah. Thank you R. Shafran.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Ohr Chadash Academy students will benefit from this program. We encourage others to take a look at how we integrate technology into the program at Ohr Chadash Academy to ensure that each student is maximizing his/her individual potential.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Please update the story; this was a stale news item.
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Yasher Koach to the folks who run O Fishel caterers. I am impressed with the fact that you not only spoke with a Rav but with AMF bowling themselves. More power to you and may you be zoche to much more business b'ruchniyus and b'gashmiyus for many years to come. Tova
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
Thank you so much for this wonderful vehicle to give over to our kids guidance around these things and giving us parents an easy way to get coversations going around these sometimes hard to talk about subjects. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Hana-Bashe Himelstein
In an attempt to satisfy those who question the Bowling Shoe Gemach, we have contacted AMF directly. The question was posed whether there is a problem with people borrowing bowling shoes. Gregg A. Nichols, District Manager AMF Pennsylvania / Delaware / Maryland responded "If there are families you are connected with that want to share shoes - and save some money - all the more power to you". "We offer numerous ways for families to save money at our bowling centers. Summer Unplugged (aka - kids bowl free)..." Signed - Mitzva Mo'
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
It appears that Rabbi Shafran has unfairly and unfortunately chosen to respond to a version of an article that the author himself realized was too strident in tone and has since withdrawn and replaced with another. Given the inherent difficulty of effectively retracting electronic statements once they are out there, I would think that the second iteration of his thoughts would be the one deserving of exclusive focus. In that one he disparaged no one, impugned no institutional practice, and did not propose anything that, in essence has not been proposed, at least in part, before. I would call attention to a 1995 Tradition article by Rabbi Dr Joel Wolowelsky, proposing that in certain communities at least, this beracha might be said silently because, time honored interpretations notwithstanding, language and words have simple, direct meanings that cannot be easily shunted aside. That issue of Tradition also contained a rejection of that idea penned by Rabbi Emanuel Feldman. I am not taking a side here - other than the side of transparency and fairness. The article to which Rabbi Shafran refers and from which he quotes or paraphrases does not actually exist any longer. Yaakov Chaitovsky Baltimore MD
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
nice elaboration on a topic where many a person vigor is inversely proportional to their knowledge. I will point out also that Rav Ovadia Yosef has essentially the same opinion as Rav Moshe. >and Rav Moshe similarly advocates being strict, and himself did not rely on the heter. This is not totally accurate. Rav Moshe DID rely on the heter when other milk was not readily available.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
There was nothing wrong with posting this article. I found it informative and it was news worthy. When you publish an article it merely said what the man had recently said. It's news! Let the reader decide its merits. T.J.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you for this informative article. I also appreciate that since this site is viewed by so many different types of yidden, that you remind us to check with our own Rav.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Things are getting scary again.....Daven harder, learn more and say tehillim my friends becasue the birthpangs are here
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Why doesn't Baltimore have a Kosher/tea party chapter? It's time for a little activism among our people to protect the future of Klal Yisrael.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
all this discussion and....In conclusion, we allow each reader to clarify with his own rav whether his or her circumstances permit relying on using non-chalav Yisrael milk. ???? Shkoyach really! give me a break.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
This is really exciting! Who cares that it is not local. Israel is becoming more and more advanced. We should all be so happy to see this.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
enemy's. Oops
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you BJL for sharing this important article. If you read only one newspaper,read your enemie's.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
To the "commentor" who feels the need to defame BJL for this article: The role of this site and the others out there just like it is to provide the news to the frum community in a more Torah'dik environment void of the objectionable material on other news websites. We all know that the author of this op-ed is worthy of the strongest and harshest condemnation for his actions and statements - both past and present. However, there are still many in our circles who find his remarks as somewhat intriguing and would like to have access to an article such as this. To suggest that you are going to try and cause monetary harm to the site's proprietors (especially in the week of mevorchim Chodesh Elul) would deem you as a colossal hypocrite and an unmistakable rasha. You have the discretion to read whichever articles that appeal to you and you can ignore the other ones. This is an article that you can hereby ignore. Zait gebentched. HWD
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Local News?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Not that I don't appreciate the article...But how is this local news?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
"I could see brick-throwing on all sides." LIAR. "I did not know Yankel Rosenbaum had been killed by a mob on that first night." LIAR. At Freddies Fashion Mart, more screaming about white and Jews and more people dies. This man is a professional race-bating riot-master, and SHAME on the BJL for printing this garbage, I will now spend the rest of the week calling your advertisers suggesting they pull their ads from now on unless YOU apologize for publishing the racist garbage by Sharpton.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
After consultation with the Mitzva Motivator Rabbinic Authority it has been determined that as long as people adhere to the policies of the bowling alley, there is no issue if a chillul hashem by borrowing shoes from the gemach.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Yasher Koach for a beautiful story. I grew up in Balto, davened at the McCullogh street shul and remember when Robert Cohen was struck tragically in a thunderstorn on the first night of Sukkos, THe Lehman name is a very Chashuv one in the history of Baltimore Ortohodoxy. My Uncle, Horav Chaim Eliezer Samson, zaztal, and my father , Horav Yosef Samson, zatzal, were also instumental in helping your granfather promote true Yiddishkeit in the Yerushalayim D'America, as it was called. Keep up the good work and may your granparents zechus continue to inspire you and your entire family Benjamin Samson (TA, class 0f 1953)
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
The fact that a Jewish publication prints writings by a Sharpton, a known anti-semite and Jew-hater shows the sad state of most Jews in America. 90% of Jews in this America dont know their left from their right hand. Pretty sad. I think one would call it Stockholm syndrome. The editor of your "humble" publication needs his or her head examined. Why not just publish excerpts of Mein Kamppf, the Koran, or other enlightening articles.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
It is about time! The American Revolution of 2012...!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Awesome, we in Texas are with you!!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Hi. I'm Yonah Ribiat.Yes the eruv repair did need to be completed,specifically in the middle of the night.However, it was not an emergency and could have been done either Wednesday or Thursday night. We chose to do it right away on Wednesday night, as soon as we became aware of the problem. We are very appreciative of all the people who gave up their midnight hour L'Tovas Haklal.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Fantastic and inspiring story! Your parents (and you), have much to be proud of; and there's no question that K'lal Yisroel has benefitted tremendously from your great-grandfather's philanthropy...
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
For those in the city who want an alternative, they need to be aware that Ari Winokur is running for City Council, to replace Rikki Spector. #2 said we (the frum community) need to "be in it to win it." Well, here is a chance for that. People need to fully understand the issues. Let's go down the list. The fire department budget was cut, locations were closed. Maybe stations close to our neighborhood, like the Glen Avenue station haven't been closed, but what happens when they keep cutting in future budgets? People talk about the roadwork at Clarks and Fallstaff, but what about all the other roads that are falling apart? The police department hasn't had any major cuts yet, but they have tried cutting their pensions. Cut pensions will make new police look to other jurisdictions for employment. The police work very hard in this city, but they are often busy outside of our neighborhood with major crimes. We owe a large debt of gratitude to all our organizations that actively watch for crime and make it clear that we are watching. Our area's crime-rate is way below the city average, and that is due in major part to these wonderful organizations. The Mayor talks about fixing a budget gap. But she did this at the expense of many programs that improve the livelihood of children throughout the city. After-school program budgets were cut and rec centers were closed. These are programs that help keep the children of Baltimore busy and give them incentives to strive for a better life. So remind me again how the current city government is improving things?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Mr Lehman's father & Mrs Lehman's mother were both maarich yomim & active communal members. As one who grew up in Shearith Israel, I found the history lesson fascinating - thsnk you Robert
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank g-d! What would they have done if we didn't have a functional Eruv on Thursday morning! I wouldn't be able to carry my tfillin to shul!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Some of the facts are incorrect. Doctors do not make $6000-7000 shekel per month. If so, they wouldn't be striking! Currently residents make approximately $8 per hour and attendings make approximately $12 per hour, or even less! Most doctors have to work privately because they cannot pay their mortgage in the public health care system. As a result, the information about the health care system is inaccurate. Many people are forced to pay privately if they do not want to wait 1/2 a year for an important test or procedure or up to 9 months to see a specialist. Specialists can easily cost over 1000 shekel per visit. Additionally, the rates for religious middle and high school, while signficantly lower than US rates, are higher than the ones mentioned. A good rate for a public religious middle school is at least $2000 and up, and many have to also pay for transportation which adds to the cost. Regarding the comment made about teachers' salaries/benefits, they are correct. Teachers have excellent benefits, much better than other professions, and paid vacation, which makes their package much better than their base salary will reflect. For example, Psychologists and social workers in the public system earn below minimum wage (20 shekel per hour) and do not receive similar benefits. Furthermore, their pension is solely based on their less than minimumn wage salary, which means that their pension is unliveable.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you NWCP, and everyone who helped us out. Keep up the great work
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
I didn't read anything about free bowling. who is bowling free?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Hey, didn't see you there on Wednesday night! Thanks to the NWCP for all they do for the community.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Best of luck in trying to get the group to bring benefit us maximum benefit.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Good info. Thanks for putting it up here.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Wow what a save! On a wedensday night
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Congrats to our community's faithful advocate!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
If the OU really wants to do something about terrorism, let them stop being so diplomatic and wishy washy and finally speak out against the establishment of a Palestinian terror state in Israel!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Innocent bystanders? I wonder.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Ask a rav not me I am not a posek. I was merely expressing my discomfort at the idea of a bowling shoe g'mach which, coupled with the use of the free bowling coupons causes the bowling alley to lose revenue. Tova
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
this is not beating the system. lets say that every family in town buys their own shoes. the alley still gives out the coupons. would this be okay.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
yes but large numbers of orthodox Jews coming for free e.g. on Chol HaMoed will only serve to convince the owners that the Jews figured out a way to beat the system.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
if the bowling alley was only opened for the frum people that have access to the shoe gemach, then you might be right. the last time i was there there were a lot of people that were there paying full price and buying food.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
the bowling alley attracts a lot more than just the frum people that have access to the bowling shoe gmach.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
If your game is free and you don'y rent shoes and i am assuming you aren't buying a drink how is the bowling alley supposed to stay in business?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
ad me'ah ve'esrim...and then a little more!!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Great Story! Like I say, Every Jew A 22!
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Look at other cities - they have cut their fire and police departments. Not so here. We may not be in the best financial situation, and yes, there are some "odd" things about this city, but, hey, it could be worse. I will be voting for her in the next election.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
when you go bowling do they say "what size shoes do you need?". No they ask you "if" you need shoes. What difference does it make if you buy them yourself, get them as a gift, or borrow them from someone else.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Why wasn't a Crown Heights Chabad representative invited?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Maybe because we don't really care about relationships with the goyim? What do we need it for? The Torah says to stay away from them, so why are we even interested?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
How about an iPhone app for this?
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Tova i could not agree more
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Moshe A: As I said, I have no issue with a family purchasing their own bowling shoes (or using shoes they have received as a gift for that matter). What doesn't sit well with me is a bowling shoe g'mach for the reasons I express in my comment Tova
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Thank you congress for lowering our bank fees- the law of unintended (though eminently foreseeable!) consequences strikes again
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Some (but not all) of our schools are 'YAVIS,' putting the 'best' kids in the class with the best teachers. A rebbe's kid or board member gets the optimal situation, while those lower on the scocio-econimic ladder get crumbs or are told they have problems the school can't handle.
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Are there institutions in the USA that are involved with this technique? Francine Haber, Denver
Comment by TZVI SHEAR
Tova: I'm not following you. Supposing I buy shoes for the entire family (or supposing we get them as a gift?) No difference, bottom line, we all have our own shoes. Now, supposing we take the free passes and use them. They are to be used, correct? Putting bowling aside for a second, supposing a shopper goes to Seven Mile Market and combines all kinds of available coupons plus a store-special and the item's cost ends up being so low you know they are not making any money on it? Or supposing the item ends up being free? Please explain the chilul Hashem in any of these scenarios.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for coming forward - even at this later date. H. Reznick
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People Don't drink as much coffeee as they used to so they drop the price to try and spark some sales
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher Koach Fishel and all the mitzvah motivator sponsors!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Aah but this will ultimately create a chillul Hashem iflarge families repeatedly use the bowling alley for free - and remember we don't buy food either so they make no revenue. Perhaps each family can purchase their own bowling shoes but a shoe g'mach combined with using the free bowling passes "strikes" me as wrong. Perhaps daas Torah should be asked? Tova
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I first moved to Israel, I could not understand how Israeli make it through the month, or even the day, with such low salaries. That was until I discovered that the "low" salaries do not include benefits, which can be quite hefty. Teachers receive payment for 75 percent of their rent; nurses (such as my wife) receive considerable additions for night shift work and all sorts of ideas the labor union comes up with to raise the gross salary without raising the basic wage. There also are several funds to which the employers often contribute twice or three times as much as the employees, leaving the worker with a nice built-in savings account after a few years. Concerning food expenditures, the "average" Israeli is a spendthrift. Good nutrition and wise buying can bring down the food bill considerably. For example, ours is approximately $725 a month, including Pesach and the High Holidays. And why buy expensive Osem soup almonds when you can buy a non-brand name for almost half the price? Orange juice? Squeeze your own. It is a lot healthier and a lot cheaper.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All you need to live in Israel is emunah. Yes, simple, childlike trust in Hashem that He will provide. Hashem provides daily sustenance for an ant, so OF COURSE He will provide for His beloved children. It's true what the other person wrote - we know it is G-d who is sustaining us. If you believe your sustenance is gained by your human efforts alone, then you will be very frustrated living in Israel. My best advice to you would be to get yourself some CD's by Rabbi Lazer Brody on Parnassah and Emunah in Hashem. They will inspire you. Guaranteed!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
wow!!!!!! what a great idea , if only this leads to many others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Jewish education cannot just be the concern and responsibility of Jewishly engaged parents, but must be handled from a communal perspective. If our educational institutions and resources remain focused on the most highly motivated parents, we undermine the vitality of American Jewry." -- Jewishly engaged and highly motivated parents are precisely what is needed, not more "paternialistic" wealth transfer programs disguised as community initiatives. As a major North American Rav once told me regarding outreach, "They know where we are".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In Israel bowling costs a little more (about 6-7 dollars a game) but the shoes are free!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's not garbage at all. My son and his friend have been in uniform on buses and have suffered abuse at the hands of charedi passengers. It is fine if they feel that their learning exempts them from service in the army. It doesn't permit them to shower abuse on those who risk their lives every day so that we can live here safely.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have no problems with Mayor Rawlings-Blake. She has done everything for this community that she possibly could. She has a liaison (Betsy Gardner) who looks out specifically for our community, and has saved our organizations thousands of dollars. Please state specifically what Rawlings-Blake has done that is not in the best interest of our community? 1. Our police department continues to keep our community safe. No cops have been laid off or re-assigned, and our neighborhood continues to have the complete support of the police department (I don't see the big blue truck posted in Islamic areas for Ramadan - but I do in the frum area for Yom Tov!) 2. Our fire department is there when you need them, and they are a complete supporter of our community (I.e. Hatzalah) 3. Our trash is picked up on time 4. Our roads are repaired (Clarks\Fallstaff for example) What more do people want? A mayor who only looks at the Jewish Community? Lakewood? Never gonna happen. We have it good here, why put someone else in office who has no track record of doing anything for anyone? Screams "Hope and Change" to me. You want hope and change? That's fine, vote for someone who has done nothing (like our beloved President - see where he has gotten us). Otherwise, be happy with the good things that our City officials bring to the table, and find ways to tweak it to make it even better. Mayor Rawlings Blake has my vote in the next election!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The general tone of the article â that life in Israel is more expensive than it was in Baltimore, is quite accurate. I think that the âaverageâ salary was overestimated. My husband is told that at a gross salary of 9500nis/mo ($2600) is quite high for average Israelis. Our situation: We earn ¼ what we did in the US. Our rent, for a house 2/3 the size is about the same, electric is about the same, arnona (homeownerâs taxes) are higher, food is considerably higher and we donât buy anything packaged; contact lens solution, deodorant, feminine needs are 2-4 times higher, depending on the item â the contact lens solution is nearly 4 times what I pay for it when I am in the US. Transportation is considerably higher. The ONLY things in our life that are cheaper are tuition and healthcare and they donât come to anywhere near what we are overpaying for the other things. In general, we are living at least half of the standard of living we did in the US. When you also take into consideration that they rarely have sales here, no wal-mart or Samâs club, and clothing prices, we are having a very hard time of it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I admire the mayor, though I am not sure she has achieved much for our city. I am more concerned about Jack Young. He seems to be someone who does not deserve our trust.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The numbers don't tell the real story of economic life here in Israel. For many of us, rationally speaking (i.e. by the numbers), it seems that we can't afford to live here. And yet, we are sustained in comfort in some metaphysical way we don't fully understand. We know it's God who is sustaining us, so the price of cottage cheese doesn't really matter that much in the end.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Considered a shoo-in for easy reelection Dinkins kept the NYPD out of Crown Hts for 3 days. In a city with 6 to 1 Democratic voters Dinkins lost to a unknown Republican Federal prosecutor named Rudy G, and the rest is history.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Commenter #2 says to commenter #3 you are reading into what I said. I did not endorse the mayor. If we want to get behind a candidate who will be better for us, by all means! The key is access. As for progressive, that means left of liberal (the President and Governor are progressive). I assume you mean a reformer, or perhaps a populist or even conservative.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Response to comment #2. So basically we need to throw our weight behind the person most likely to win... Hmmmm.... Sounds like what jews did in 2008 with President Obama and look where that got us. We are not so small anymore and we have a voice. We need to get the trash out of the city and put someone progressive who will work on cleaning the city up and lower our taxes. Stephanie Rawling Blake is a puppet to our liberal governor and will only plunge this failing city into further trouble. I think its ridiculous to vote for her because we think she's going to win anyways...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In spite of filibusters by Republicans and tactics of Tea Party activists against what President Obama is trying to do,he has done a great job. He was elected by a majority of Americans including white democrats in South Carolina of whom I am one. Who elected Ryan Rhodes to any office? Jack D. Simrill, Attorney at Law, Hilton Head Island. South Carolina
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We get less than other frum communities because 1)We are very small compared to other frum communities 2)We are split between the City and the County which dilutes us politically, and 3) Because we are not part of the system. We have no Orthodox Jews that I am aware of in any executive positions in the City or County. We need to be in it to win it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thats garbage.... I would be willing to guess that the bus driver/inspecter DID say things like that as they do not like people like us who are SHOMER MITZVOT and they don't like the army as they seem to think that they would survive without us.!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Interesting story!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
another chillul hashem - no wonder the world seems to hate the jews and appears to discriminate against the jews - some of the jews seem to set the example for the rest of the world - we should be jumping to our feet to honor these soldiers who put their lives on the line everyday to protect us - to avoid this ridiculous self-created issue again there should be seats of honor reserved for soldiers on all buses and they should be given priority
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The use of the words "frum" and "non-frum" is divisive, they may be descriptive but this "us" and "them" attitude is quite condescending. While I think the people behind these programs have the best intentions, they need to be more careful on how and especially where they present their manifesto, BJL is not an exclusively orthodox website. Torah is a "product" that does not need slick videos and award winning educational materials, never has. Also with the ever-increasing lack of observance of our own yeshiva-educated children, time may be better spent with our own families enhancing our own shabbos tables.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, any frum person who actually thinks voting for Stephanie Rawlings Blake is good for the long term in this city, is delusional. She is like any other liberal in this wonderful city of ours. Your property taxes will go down by a mere couple bucks a year and she will proclaim victory! Money from slots will go to "revitalize" druggie neighborhoods while taking cops off the streets that protect your neighborhood. This is a city where you get less for your buck than any other city with a large frum community in it. Crime is at an all time high, taxes are'nt going down. The city squanders money like the federal government and this woman is part of the problem. She has got to go!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Per then mayor David Dinkin- "Let them vent." I never heard that statement before. It did cost Dinkin his job as he was defeated two months later. Many refer to these events as the First American Pogrom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Physical assault is the preference among this administration. Demean people enough and they'll let you do anything to them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps, good friends and family who think they have found a key to a precious treasure can be appreciated for volunteering to share, rather than target, their find with others. Although I was born into an Orthodox family more than 50 years ago, I still enjoy the lifelong exploration for ever new facets of these gems. Kudos to those who try to enhance this quest with their pleasant and creative offerings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great job....thanks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Isn't that picture from a hurricane when Harborplace was flooding? Misleading for this story, isn't it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We don't want another Nixon in the White House. Don't elect Perry.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We all owe R' Ariel a great hakaras hatov for this and the multitude of other areas where he is effective on our behalf!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this an advertisement for these baked goods?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
One thing nice about shuls that use a wimpel, such as Shearith Israel, is that the boys eagerly wait for it and get to roll it up. Also, the young boys wearing talleisim makes them feel important. Rav Elyashiv looks favorably upon that minhag.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Reb Chaim Sarna did not learn under Reb Chaim Kanievsky thay were Chavrusos. Reb Chaim Sarna also was a Chavrusa with Reb Dovid Soleveitchik. Reb Chaim edited and printed many of his fathers Seforim and six of his own Seforim on the Rambam. He also edited the Toras Cohanim - Sifra for the first clear reprint. His Levayah was attended by about 20 thousand people including tens of Roshai Yeshivos and Rabonim. Please foward this information to your sorces. A family member.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You need the children to see that the shul is a place for them as well. It needs to start at a young age (2 or 3) with programs geared to them that are well put together and age appropriate. You have to get them excited about coming to shul each week. As they get older youth minyans and young adult services. There is no quality programming for children in this community. I am the mother of 4 and I had tried the few shuls that actually make an attempt. I am a convert and I will tell you, it really suprised me all shuls do not have focused quality programming for the children and young adults. In churches that is not the case. Having quality programs for the young will make or break a church. If you want your kids to enjoy coming to davening on Shabbat you need to start working on it long before they turn 12 years old.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
EVERY frum person should be going to these things. These meetings are critical for our community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The key to generational transmission of shul-going habits, whatever stream of Judaism one observes, is participation. The young members need to be treated as active, important members of the congregation. Establishment of youth services, teen minyans and young adult services, for and by the respective age groups, with active participation by the members will make the services important to them. As was in my case, nothing turns a teen off more than to sit as a non-involved post-bar-mitzvah "forgotten man" in a shul. It was decades later that I returned to active shul-going as a member of a participatory congregation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good thing Baltimore has Ohr Chadash Academy filling this need for the 2011-2012 school year!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks Councilwoman Spector. This has been a big problem for us. Thanks for your help!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
R' Sadwin does so much for the community and works so well with all segments of the Jewish community! Thanks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article was already on this website weeks ago. Why is it re-posted?!?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Would SRB have done this after her election? Is she just doing this for our votes? Either we are thankful but at the same time cognizant of her intentions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is always stories like this posted here re: modern orthodox, as if the problem is limited to them alone. Why not address the issues that our community faces as well? They are no different. This only helps to let Yeshivish and Chassidic parents bury their heads further in the sand, thinking it's only someone else's problem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe the family should look into the laws for non jews residing in isreal. as the father does not want to convert then there must be laws pertaining to helping him as a non jewish illegal alien in the land of isreal. just like in america we have to give coverage to all regardless of citizenship so too should the government in isreal have some laws relating to that issues.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Sadwin does so much for our community in a quiet unassuming way! Thanks from all of us!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
August 12th, 2011 I note your ridicule and I will comply your wish. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher koach to Councilwoman Spector and major kudos to Rabbi Sadwin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bryon, enough with the fortune cookie postings.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So, they checked "no" on all the boxes, and when they were confronted with the contraband, they were probably given the option of having it destroyed. When they didn't comply with that, they were given a fine. While we might argue about the policy, it is there for a reason -- to prevent insect infestations from crossing international borders.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
something sounds fishy in Denmark... I mean in Ecuador!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
August 12th, 2011 It is not the honey barrel that we avoid. It is the snake that is wrapped around it to which we are averse. Either the snake will be removed - or the barrel will be smashed. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congratulations David on this well deserved honor. Keep up the great work! Jonathan Lasson
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Agree with you. Vote Obama out of office.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well, as far as the army and reserve service goes, what Propper said was true. Those that serve do feel (and rightly so) that not all segments of the Israeli communities serve. Is it any more fair that my child should be in the army, but not someone else's child?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When I initially read about this program I was wondering how a non-orthodox person would feel being targeted for outreach when actually, if they are shopping in 7 Mile Market they are clearly quite involved in "their stream of Judaism" as mentioned in the previous post. Drafting a "mission statement" to the orthodox community with the how to's about kiruv, to make assurances such as "You can be confident that once they feel comfortable, they will come back on their own" and to insinuate that only "frum" people are "yirei Shamayim" is more than a little bit arrogant.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for articulating why we need to care about our neighbors, but besides our own interests, we need to care about our fellow creations of hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is important that Mr. Sarbanes is a part of American-Israeli politics. Thank you for your unyielding support of our State. However, I think that this interview should have also touched upon Mr. Sarbanes voting record on the Health Plan (Obamacare), the Deficit Ceiling increase, and other important factors which will affect us here at home. And frankly, I haven't heard much from Mr. Sarbanes on any of these important topics.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow,what hard hitting interview!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sounds like more of a threat than a warning. What is happening in London is not a protet by any means it is a rampage by a bunch of looting thugs. The Student Union did not do themselves any favors by connecting their agenda to that of these hoodlums.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing Job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing Range!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing voice!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just a friendly reminder from one of your non-Orthodox readers that adherents of other streams of Judaism also "got Judaism" and can be just as dedicated to their stream of Judaism and to K'lal Yisrael as Orthodox Jews are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Eminem; I've heard your raps that you know all about the Fcc. However, in this circumstance you are off base. The solution you are offering is just a band-aid on the problem & is only a temporary quick fix. s
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The FCC requirement only requires that frequencies go to narrowband - meaning, that the FCC is able to fit more organizations and companies into less bandwidth. This takes a small adjustment to a repeater, and MAY cost a couple of thousand dollars to upgrade older radios. 20,000 dollars?!? Overkill by any stretch of the imagination. Before I give 20,000 bucks of community money towards this purpose, I would check and see what Ahavas Yisroel's, Bikur Cholim's and other charitable organizations needs are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the good work!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing How we join together in times of joy and we come together in times of great sadness we are a stubborn Nation that won't let any world power destroy us our way of life our spirit!!! May we see Mashiach speedily in our days and RETURN to THE HOLY LAND SOON!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
hatzlachah rabba thank you very much shomriim for all your hard work!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can we sign up for these emails?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Name 1 frum person who goes to these things
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope Republicans and Democrats criticize the President over this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mrs. Terri Rosen's name was inadvertently left off the PTA Board. Apologies to Terri. The Editor
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Republicans!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good luck, Ohr Chadash Academy! You look mahvelous!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shecoach and Lechaim - fom a Scotsman living in London
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Second campaign? What happened to Obama's statement that he will be a one term President? I guess he is making a LIAR of himself. Elliott
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
someone forgot to tell this guy about the global recession. joy de vivre baby
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The US should focus on Syria where people are getting butchered, slaughtered, and killed and they should stop butting into their ally and friend Israel's domestic politics. Stop trying to equate Israel with the other countries in the Middle East that have protests. For one you can't equate even if you tried and you shouldn't be trying in the first place.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great letter!! Now if only everyone would read it and listen to it!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
ill give u a break. point is that this is an excellent and very intersting approach to musser. the idea that a trustworthy and previously demonstrably reliable news source would "pretend" that this is a piece of verifiabley accurate news, makes for much discussion.. not that any of that made any sence but i agree that this is prbly a hoax intended to make a very good point.. but the good point was made and whoever devised this neferiously sneaky scheme should step forward so that they can receive the credit to which they deserve. agrred?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The alleged offender apparently dropped out of yeshiva about 15 years ago. He was a "baal ha-bayis" (at best). The lesson is that people who give up on Torah education should be suspected of being insane or criminal?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lol, half of it is true? kol hakavod to the shul you daven at!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's the 9 days you can eat frozen grapes, but you can't use the grape juice.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have a simple suggestion for all parents to teach their children: Need Help? Ask A Mommy! Every child, particularly every boy should be taught that if they need help, they're lost or confused, or if they are approached by a man asking for help finding his lost puppy, that child should immediately go up to the first Mommy he or she sees and say, "I need help." A mother walking down the street with her kinderlach in tow will never turn down a child's request for help. ESPECIALLY young boys who are taught not to look at women should know that a Mommy will almost always help.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
such a chillul hashem - even if only half of this is true it is still a chillul hashem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Chilul Hashem possibly?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My Dad is now back in the Hospital in Israel with possible blood clot in the leg all the way to his hip,They may have to G-D forbid Amputate his leg. We need Medical help and with money for whatever needs to be done... Please someone.... HELP! Yoel Moore-Baltimore,MD 443-430-1548
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
S&P only downgraded themselves. They just proved how irrelevant they really are.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess there will be people whose head will always be in the sand!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Obama agrees to a release, it will be timed for Obama's reelection bid.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"One thing Obama has going for him is the lack of a Republican alternative. Moderate Jewish Democrats are looking for someone who is liberal on social policies but hawkish on defense and unabashedly pro-Israel. No one in the current Republican field fits that bill and it is unlikely such a candidate could win the nomination given the bias in favor of social conservatives in Republican primaries and the influence of the Tea Party." This statement is completely untrue. Perry, Huntsman, and Romney all fit that bill as of now and all the Republican candidates except for Ron Paul are very pro Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Powerful article. Rabbi Martin Schloss's comment is irrelevant to the subject matter, however. "...we consider our teachers the frontline defense systems for picking up signs of abuse." The topic at hand is not parental or neighbor abuse - the topic is abuse of children by teachers! Agudath has no reason not to sign this bill - why would we want to harbor and protect the criminals who are killing off - spiritually and physically - the future of the Jewish people?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would be ironic if a plane hit it
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This isn't good news. We need 300,000 jobs and we need it now. Obama is still failing us. He focused on health care which killed jobs when he should have been focused only on jobs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is a shame that Baltimore Jewish Life would waste band width on this garbage. To present the ravings of racist, right wing looneys as fact is beyond bad taste. I am ashamed for a Jewish publication to carry this trash
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a born Jew and Orthodox myself, I think it is an embaressment and disgrace for the Israeli government to turn their back on these people. Their cildren are citizens of Israel and have converted and live orthodox lives. These are two elderly people, who do live a Torah life but for what ever reason have not done the "Official" act of conversion. I bet they are more jewish and spiritual believers in their hearts then some who live in Israel or anywhere in the world, who look the part of being "Orthodox" but feel nothing inside but just got lucky by being born Jewish.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I for one, am grateful that The Jewish Week chose to respond to these charges. It seems if anyone dares to question methods in the Orthodox community for dealing with crimes, they are castigated or worse, banned. 2.5 hours does seem an excessive amount of time to wait when a child has gone missing. Period. I love Shomrim - I think we're blessed to have this phenomenal group of dedicated volunteers in our community. But that is not really the point, is it? G-d forbid we should have an honest discussion or inquiry... they shouldn't be so afraid - the truth can hold its own.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shalom, My name is Yoel Moore and I am there youngest son & as a Jew and as a Citizen of Israel I believe that they should be given FULL rites to live in Israel as well as FULL Medical and anything else that they need and I will fight for it as long as needed until they get it. we as a family now have 4 siblings living in Israel at the moment and 6 out of 9 kids in the family are Lawful Citizens of Israel, There is no reason why they should be in danger of not being able to receive the Medical help that they need when the Torah states that we are to help each other whether they are Jews or not. Besides that they are to sick and elderly to be able to risk the long trip if they were to leave and to not have Medical help is wrong and cruel on the part of the Israeli government. Making them citizen's will not hurt anyone and will bring a blessing on all that are involved in making them citizen's and all that help them, My Dad & Mom are among the most LOYAL and HONEST & CARING people in Israel. Please..... Take care of them as you would your own Mom & Dad and grant them FULL CITIZENSHIP ASAP, Thank you in advance for all your help and Shabbat Shalom,Yoel Moore-Baltimore,MD USA
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
HaShem should bless them that they be allowed to remain in Eretz Yisrael!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You seem to know alot about this topic and i hope and pray that your efforts will bring refuah for the children and the perpetrators. Yasher Koach!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent article. If you protect the perpetrator, you share the guilt of that person's crimes.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't know if i'd support Gov. Perry or not, but if someone goes to a prayer rally of their own faith, that's their business, elected official or not. What irks me is when there is a public event and a minister is invited to offer a prayer with their specific religious beliefs. This happens at government sponsored event all the time, including in Baltimore.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this guy for real? Does he really believe it's a perception problem? He can list whatever he wants to show support for Israel, but that's all a sham. Obama follows a particular pattern with all the underhanded things he does. There is no denying he's a socialist/marxist. His pattern is simple misdirection. He'll give a little support or a positive statement here and there to give brain-dead or just brain-washed (if there is a difference)supporters enough to camoflogue his real actions and intentions. This doesn't just apply to Israel. Also, it would help to ignore what he says and watch what he does. You'll see a vast different picture.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He lost my support a long time ago by breaking campaign promises and expanding the federal government. My perception of him is that he is not a friend of Israel. No amount of spin is going to change that.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So switch back for '12! You can switch every year. SM
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Enough already this man has suffered.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Very professional and well done video as well.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
This article forgets to mention the fact that the Maryland Republican Presidential Primary is scheduled to be the first primary after the Super Tuesday primaries and since the political analysts are predicting that the Republican nomination will play out over a long period of time similar to Hillary and Obama in 08, your Republican vote in Maryland will matter. So which do you care more about? Your trash getting picked up when you like it or Obama's terrible policies toward Israel?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you, Bracha Goetz, for saying what needs to be said. Now we can only hope and pray that everyone gets the message, and understands it! If we don't protect our children, who will?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
As a therapist for 34 years, I have worked in prison with people who have hurt children, sexually or otherwise. From them I learned that it wasnât just one time- one child, but rather a repeated pattern of behavior that got so out of hand, that they got caught; this despite the fact that it was done so privately and with threat of further harm if the victim said anything, for so many years. I have also seen 200 to 300 women and men, in my office over the years, who were victimized. I have learned to respect the life changing impact this has on a person who was molested as they proceed through life, marriage and becoming parents themselves- like you or me. I have learned over the years to err on the side of believing the person who reports the pain of what happened to them. I have learned to not hesitate to consult with the proper authorities who have the ability, expertise and the experience to investigate the facts while I give comfort to one who has been hurt. I thank Mrs Getz for, once again, bringing light to this dark place. In this day and age, we have discovered that we are like the other nations of the world with the challenge of being exposed to the same maladies of sickness and unhealthy behaviors as they are. What sets us apart from the other nations perhaps is our striving to do the right thing; to learn how best, individually and collectively, to respond to these matters. As community members we should heed the renewed statements recently from our rabbinic leaders [see RCA] and [see Agudath Israel l] as reported here in the last few weeks, and to the give comfort to the hurt and report suspicion to those able to investigate and help protect potential future victims ,who are our neighbors, our kids. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Great article. Thanks for posting it.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
My friends husband was accused of molesting a 57 year old mentally challenged woman when nothing actually happened i was accused of letting it happen that i had to leave baltimore and the sister of the mentally challenged woman Is not talking to me because of it i wish this nonsence of accusing the innocent people would stop my x husband was also accused by this same woman
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
August 3rd, 2011 I again applaud this writer for this relevant essay. People, men and women, who have professional training and clinical experience and some street smarts, can pick up on a fabrication very quickly. Fabricating a story is much harder to do than the average person realizes. We must raise our awareness and create a safe environment for people to seek protection and assistance. To turn away someone, even by showing garden variety skepticism, is a form of condonation. And we must not give in to 'care fatigue' where we get tired of listening to people. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
"there's little reason behind a lot of what religious Jews do." Are you even religious? You sure don't sound like it. So why bother the devout with articles displaying your confused feelings towards the frum. Sort out your difficulties privately! "I take a quick moment to be thankful for the freedom to wear whatever I want," you write. Who, may I ask do you thank? It certainly doesn't sound like you thank G-d.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Not sure that this article increases kavod shamayim. Why don't you take it down, and if you think it's really important, post it AFTER the 9 days are over?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Most of the chasidic shuls are probably heavily air conditioned, and when they get home, I think they are allowed to take off the outer layers
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
What a wonderful inspirational visit for all. Good, happy memories for all especially for you, Justin.... Love, GrandmaAnita
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Amen to that as much as it hurt to do it I became a Registered Democrate last year to be able to cast a vote that counts I will vote out anyone that doesn't focus on issues we care about
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I'm trying to understand why you decided to print an article that's antagonistic towards Chassidic custom, and perhaps Jewish custom in general
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
To show what good neighbors we have, the Fallstaff Neighborhood Association led by Sandy Johnson moved its National Night Out to later in the month to accomodate the Orthodox community. The abobe program was in Southern Park Heights. This is a program across the country and was not planned here in Baltimore.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
baruch hashem for chai lifeline
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Camp Simcha is a very special and "holy" place. We all need to support Chai Lifeline that operates the camp.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Such a good idea. People can do so much dumb things with smart phones like texting in Shul and forgetting the honor of Hashem who resides in shul.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
awesome Steve!
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I've been going to the "Millbrook shul" (Beth Isaac Adath Yisroel) for years before I met Rabbi Diskind on one Tishah B'av, and he invited me to the sunday minyan there. The problem is that so many frum yidden are moving away from the community and are unable to attend Shabbat minyan. We struggle to get a minyan on Fridays... Pretty soon, we'll have to stop minyan on Fridays entirely, unless more Jewish families move here.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
How was the suspect identified? Was he driving a car around the neighborhood? I suppose the Shomrim volunteers couldn't go up to him and ask him for his ID. Please follow up on this story. My car was broken into last month.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I had a situation in the ally behind my house. I called 911, and to my dissmay I got a recording some thing along the line of "All lines are busy right now.... I just hung up and called Shomrim
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Rav Paysach cares and makes a difference in our lives. Thank you! Yablonovskys.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Absolutely ask your Rav if you feel you need to but please remember we are all blessed with the abiltiy to reason, that blessing came from Hashem and at times we are allowed to use the information we have to develop our own conclusions.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Might my malachevsky's family living in Argentina have any roods relation whatsoever with the family of Mr. Boris Malachevsky??? I will love to know the true roots of my grandfather Efraim Malachevsky born in Kiev at the end of last century who came to Argentina sometime after 1900 and who very little spoke to her children (my father one of them) about his family... He always presented himself as an atheist, but was he a Jewish before of became atheist? Because he never wanted to talk too much about his past we do not know nothing about it and we would love to know something! Are the ancestors of Boris Malachevsky from Ukraine? If he wants to contact me, even if we do not share more than the lastname, I will be very happy! ( Best regards from the Argentinean Patagonia Eduardo Andres Malachevsky
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you Shomrim for your commitment to the security of our community! Aharon Newman
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
This is being done in accordance with a national initiative. It was not city planning that caused this.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Ask your Rav, who puts halacha(based on emunah), before politics(based on kochem veotzem yadi).
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Did i read this correctly? You observed someone?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Stopping by for a few minutes to show support for this unifying event would probably not violate adherence to the restrictions of the 9 days, go this year and get involved in the planning for next year so this issue won't come up again. How many of us are really entertained by marching bands?
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
thank you shomrim for all you do for this community , keep up the great work !
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
i am a bit concerned about why the term "EVEN" is used three times in regard to charedim as if they somehow are innately beyond reproach - even the frum are not above reproach - the charedim who have proven themselves to be activists and violent by throwing bottles, rocks and garbage (thereby violating multiple halachos (including making a chilul HaShem) themselves) thinking they are example-setters; perhaps they are example setters - of how a frum person should NOT act - unfortunately one should not confuse charedim with those who are shomer torah and mitzvos - either way they are certainly not beyond reproach - if anything we should be more wary of them due to their history - anyway having been to see R yosef nad lapolianski - i can personally say that r yosef has more intense secrity anyway but added protection is a good thing and i hope it works
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
seriously? during the 9 days? what dreadful planning. where was the voice of the orthodox community when this was scheduled? i'm all for achdus and getting along with our non-Jewish neighbors, but this was poorly planned.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I became observant in 1993 as the result of Rabbi Diskind's outreach work. Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Spetner for making the broader Orthodox community aware of Rabbi Diskind's accomplishments. Roman Kimelfeld
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Thank you Reb Paysach! Your love and care for the Russian yidden is remarkable.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
I second that! Pesach Diskind is the penultimate ohev Yisroel, completely sincere. For years he walked great distances to reach the Milbrook shul on Shabbos and get involved with Russian youth there. His goal wasn't necessarily to make Russians frum, but rather to make them value their Jewish heritage enough so that they wouldn't intermarry. There is a very fine frum Russian community in Baltimore today, but back in the "Milbrook days" the gratification from his efforts was anything but instantaneous. Most people would have given up, but Rabbi Diskind persevered and made no demands, only genuine love for his fellow Jew. Because we are blessed to have Boris Malachevsky (the final speaker mentioned in the article) as our friend and neighbor, I have had a front-row view of how committed the Russian community is to rediscovering and appreciating their Jewish roots. The Malachevskys often host a melaveh malka that attracts more than 80 Russians of all ages and levels of observance, who come to hear intriguing speakers from all over the world, as well as the inspiring words of Rabbi Diskind. The Associated was perhaps disappointed in the Russian community, after funding proved to be thankless according to their perameters, and so they discontinued their support. But Rabbi Diskind did not make demands or have expectations. He just gave them constant encouragement, friendship, and intellectual and spiritual stimulation. Consequently, the Russian community is not only supportive, but they give back to their own community - both Russian and Jewish - in so many ways. They are your neighbors, your children's schoolmates in Jewish day schools and yeshivos, your doctors, lawyers, and business owners that you deal with on a daily basis. If you are really lucky, you will have members of the Russian community as your friends. It will give you a different and more enriched view of life in general. When you hear their stories - men who have a bris at age 70, women who do all kinds of chesed despite personal struggles - you will also be inspired to be a better Jew.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
The editor of the (not so) Jewish week was also editor of the (not so) Baltimore Jewish Times ages ago. While professing to be moderrn orthordox he trashed the religious Jews. He was proud that he started accepting advertisements from outright non kosher food establishments, thus encouraging no so religious Jews to eat non kosher. He had non tzinious pictures in that rag. I cancelled my subscription at that time.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
What encouraging news. May Hashem bless of the families of Netzer Hazani with kol tuv & much siyata d'Shmaya in their rebirth, b'soch she/ar Yisrael!!!
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Pesach Diskind is a Tzaddik! Achim is a very worthy organization.
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
Comment by Dale C. Kaplan
[Ed. Note: there are varying opinions; we suggest you ask your Rav]
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Marching bands and live entertainment..... it's the 9 days. Just sayin'.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ezer Mizion's International Jewish Bone Marrow Registry has saved the lives of so many of our Jewish brethren whose sole chance of survival had been a bone marrow transplant. Avichai is one of the many children that will have a future because of caring Jews around the globe who have contributed to Ezer Mizion. For more info:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
During the Nine Days, is this acceptable for us to attend?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
its in the news becasue it is news. Congrats to the Cohn family they should continue to inspire youths of all ages to grow in their yiddushkeit.
Comment by Scott Leder
Call 911 before hatzalah? call 911 before shomrim? call AAA before chaverim? Ignore the failures of their systems and continue to wast precious time on the phone (or on hold) with one of their operators. Locally, you may never get an ambulance or a police car to show up and if it does, it almost never comes within a reasonable time frame. This is not to disparage those one the streets. The system is just overtaxed and the community suffers the result. Amazingly, our community has filled the gap with our own resources yet the efforts are subject to criticism??? Until these entities can show that they are able to respond in a timelier manner they should just be grateful and keep quiet.
Comment by Scott Leder
An excellent analysis. Far superior than the original piece in the Jewish Week.
Comment by Scott Leder
The Jewish Week is one of a number of so called Jewish periodicals that are not generally read within the mainstream Orthodox community. Its affiliation with Judiasm has always been one that believes in the cultural Jewish American, rather than the Halacha abiding American Jew. I really donât care what they have to say, nor do most people of my acquaintance who are familiar with the NY paper. Frankly, I really donât see the point of the Agudah constantly running out to defend the Orthodox community from attacks by self hating Jews. They donât give the defense any more credence than we give the original article. The talented writers of the Frum world would do so much greater a service if they inked their pens to inspire our community to move in the direction of Achdus that we were headed in after Leibi Kletky ZTL went missing. This sense of Achdus has already started to fizzle regardless of the fact that it is the 3 weeks. Maybe there is mussar to be found in the fact that these unaffiliated brethren have no great love for us, or compassion for our tragedies. Unfortunately, our communities have not been handling some of our problems properly in recent years, perhaps politics or fear have come before doing what should have been done. Perhaps the Jewish Week and others like them have Ragyalim Lidavar on the issues we, as a community have mishandled. Perhaps, if we canât move beyond our stuyot to feel for one another even after shiva is over we should not expect a lovefest from those who view us as the Jewish OTHER. Achai V'Rayai its time to get our act together. The Jewish Week is not the problem, we are.
Comment by Scott Leder
I appreciate that everything was so meticulously sourced.
Comment by Scott Leder
Kudos to the NWCP. We are a very fortunate community to have such wonderful volunteer groups that work together. Thank you NWCP, Shomrim, Hatzolah, Chaveirim for all you do for us.
Comment by Scott Leder
Fascinating. Thank you.
Comment by Scott Leder
pasha what an honor it is to see you dancing so vibrantly with the torah!!!
Comment by Scott Leder
July 31st, 2011 This is a very relevant essay and I applaud its author and the Baltimore Jewish Life for publishing this. I am myself divorced and I have seen the effects on my children and on myself. It is my opinion that whatever effort is necessary to maintain a marriage, no matter how much self sacrifice it takes, is less than and less painful than the efforts needed after a divorce. Marriage and family and children are as holy and precious and delicate as a Sefer Torah and must be handled with as much respect and care and love. Most observant people would give their very lives rather than permit a Sefer Torah to burn. It is that devotion that is called for in a marriage and a family. In the four years since my divorce I have not slept one entire night and I have not gone even one day without sobbing and tears for the loss of my family, my children, my spouse and the love we had. May God have mercy on all of us and allow the pain and suffering of our people bring us to Teshuva and save ourselves and our marriages and our children and our families. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Scott Leder
This story seriously freaks me out
Comment by Scott Leder
The amazing thing is about the conference, is the fact that the American Taxpayer has to pay for security, etal.
Comment by Scott Leder
its in the news because it's his fathers site
Comment by Scott Leder
Why is this in the news? You're kidding I hope. When you have someone of this guy's talent in dealing with kids and who, in doing so, puts his heart and sole in to it just like when he davens (he is a fabulous chazan), you want to yell it from the rafters. You don't just want Suburban's parents to hear about it(as we did from the shul's email system), you want everyone to know. Who knows? Parents may come to Suburban just so their kids can be be under the hashpaha of just such a person. As Suburban parents we are very excited and we also are happy this made it to BJL's news. Join us why don't you?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A note to all parents of young children: this is just my observation, but if your child - son or daughter - ever finds him or herself lost or confused, tell them to ask a MOMMY for help. A strange man can impersonate an Abba or a Tatty, but a Mommy or an Imma will almost always help a child. We should all never know the pain of the Kletsky family and they should find comfort with all who mourn the loss of Tzion and Yerushalayim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this in the news???? The parents of children in this program should find out from Suburban.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Congrats to the new youth director. I am sure he will do a wonderful job!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
maybe it is just me but having 8 plus years of wonderful memories and a few days of tragic memories - i wonder if a professional was consulted (or even if the family was consulted) if the family moves they lose the physical reminders of life with their wonderful son - this may not be an idea that is actually beneficial to the family - maybe it is just my skewed perception
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ma'aseh Bonim Simon L'Avos - if it works for the children maybe there is a chance it will work for adults
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is awesome. Hatzlacha for future endeavors! It's great to see more and more frum women running. Since non-frum women are wearing skirts while running, I don't stick out as much except that my skirt is below my knees. I hope these women running continue with it. I'm training for my second half marathon in September. I plan to run a full marathon next spring and a 50K (30 mile race) in the next year or so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Gerrymandering is the reason Washington is so dysfunctional and can't work together. It keeps congressmen's seats locked up and secure so they can go on and be as radically partisan as they would like. We need reform even if they claim it will hurt the Jews. If not for gerrymandering the debt ceiling would be solved. The fact that it is not solved, and it could lead to a downgrade on Israeli bonds as well, is a greater danger than losing some Jewish seats. Lets get our priorities straight people.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I cant believe it. Raffles like they have in school for children to get adults to behave?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that a person cant put his phone on silent and leave it is his pocket for 15 - 20 is just absurd. It shouldnt have to come to this. Now that it has, I definately agree that it is a very good idea, and shuls around the world should do this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
An intelligent idea by a wonderful rabbi. We have become slaves to technology.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think it's great. We also have to get people to stop texting and e-mailing in shul. While not noisy, it is distracting in it's own way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is nice to see someone in authority actual doin g something about this situation - i have actually suggested similar ideas for the past 5 years but nobody ever did anything - i hope this is successful - maybe a next step would be to do this during chupahs and levayas - instead of people having their cell phones go off repeatedly when they shouldnt be going off - more power to the program - i hope it brings awe and reverence back into our shuls
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This clarity is welcome to all of us wanting to the right thing for the children in our community - for they are all our children. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And will BGE be turning off people's air conditioning again??? That was so fun last week!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Eh" is such a Jewish complaint. Complain with substance otherwise you are just wasting words and doing no good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this place in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Weprin voted for the gay bill in Albany, which violates Jewish law. He is another tax and spend liberal. Turner is more in line with Jewish postions and we should vote for him.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ed. Note: To begin the process of ordering High Resolution prints please email: Be sure to include all contact info including your email address and cell#. Please be aware there is a cost: 5x7 $12 8x10 $20
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you very much for this wonderful service! It is possible to order higher resolution prints of these photographs?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Can someone define raglayim la'davar. Rabbi Zweibel in an interview with Zev Brenner does not make this clear. He seems to be saying that one needs to go to ones Rav to determine if there is raglayim la'davar. My fear is that people may go to a Rav who is not qualified in these inyanim, that it will provide a loophole for those who don't want to get involved for whatever reason or worse yet it may give a molester more time to do more damage while a person tries to reach a Morah Halacha. People need to realize that they will ultimately have to answer to the RBSO for not protecting the vulnerable among us. The cries of those already hurt has brought a trememndous kitrug on Klal Yisroel already. This may necessitate acting quickly without the Golden Star of the community haskamos. If you are aware that a youth of our community is in danger or has been already put in harms way, it is your absolute ACHRAYUS to immediately alert the PROPER authorities. It is up to every member of our community to clarify what this may mean BEFORE something happens.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Eh a lot of the same
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Bracha Goetz has given voice to many children who do not have a voice. While Rosh Yeshivas and Ravs around the country are busy claiming the root of the evil done to Leiby was a) the existence of Jewish summer camps b) Jews turning Jewish sexual predators and incest perpetrators over to the police or c) gay marriage, Rebbetzin Goetz has named the real cause: our tolerance of evil-doers. Thank you Bracha Goetz for bravely insisting we do what is right to protect our children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a fantastic article. Many people have negative things to say about "teen minyan" and "youth groups" for kids who may be old enough to sit in shul without disturbing other or going crazy. I think if the shul properly monitors how these youth programs are run to ensure they instill the right values and practices in the kids, then there is no greater resource available to help kids. Children get to spend time walking to shul with their parents, and even go in to the "adult shul" for a good portion of davening before attending a davening that is geared more towards their needs. Sure, youth minyanim have some talking and they speed through davening, but when a 15 year old kid knows people are relying on him for a minyan or to learn the leining, he shapes up. Youth minyanim also allow kids to perfect nusach, learn sections of Torah and haftarah which they remember for a long time and practice giving divrei Torah. I have many friends in the city who thank Shomrei Emunah and Shaarei Zion's youth minyanim for the opportunities they provided them as teenagers. Without them, the turbulent years of teenagehood may have prevented them from developing a proper appreciation for davening. Furthermore, these young men are now polished baalei kriah and baalei t'filah. I think shuls everywhere need to strengthen the way their youth programs function, and that this city is doing it all right (for once?).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have been checking daily for the video and pics before going to camp.please put it up tonight before i go. thanks july 26
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When generic colchicine was taken off the market, the cost skyrocketed from $5.83 for 30 to over $350 for 30. That's right, a 6,000% increase. Needless to say, I'm getting my colchicine from another source.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is no assuming, "elite" and "finer families, a cut above the standard âBais Yaakovâ family" mean "frumer", means that there are no siblings that are more modern or totally off the derech, it means that the boys from these families are planning to learn full time and these young ladies are planning to support their husbands.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yiddishkeit is not mutually exclusive. All Yiddishe Neshamas recievied the gift of the Torah. B"H for this statement!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
was this school more frum or less frum than BY, why is everyone assuming it was mroe frum?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for sharing this article, the voice of sanity prevails
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Jewish schools have always been against self-proclaimed elite. This goes back to antiquity so this is hardly a hidush. Now,perhaps if they distinguished the school by an elite curriculum and offering to accept anyone who applied - that would an Jewish type of being elite. However Jews don't go around feeling we are more noble than other Jews. Not now, not ever.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Although I b'h don't understand what they are going through, it do understand the need for a fund to be set up in memory of Leiby, but to raise money to move the family I feel is a little much. Unfortunately, there are many people in this world who have lost there child and there are painful memories in their houses. What about the parents who have lost their child in war, standing up and protecting Israel or dying from a long painful disease? Where is the money for them and the help for them to forget and start over??? Beth
Comment by BJLife BJLife
While the egalitarian in me applauds this rabbi's decision, I am confused as to why this particular rabbi's blessing is needed in the first place. The last time I checked, Jews do not have a Pope blessing Am Yisrael from a window in Jerusalem.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is one of my proudest moments as a Jew
Comment by BJLife BJLife
July 25th, 2011 And Hashem said to Mosheh, step aside and I will make from you a greater and stronger nation. But Moshe said, Hashem, people will say that you lacked the qualities necessary to bring up all of them, even the weak and small. And so it was, that Hashem included all of them, even the weak and the small. May the spirit and influence of this precious man of God spread and envelop all of us and all of our lost brothers and sisters. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is a very important statement and should serve as a guide for all who are concerned about the health and safety of children and communities. I thank Baltimore Jewish Life and all other outlets that publicize and lend support to this statement. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm ELATED that BJL published this. Rabbi Bendory has a rational, documented approach, in which he presents documented, viable solutions to Baltimore's problems. As a rabbi, he educates, not diminishes Mr. Rolley. Bravo! Charles Heller Tucson, Az.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where can we donate money to this cause?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Oh please, they were counting heads to make sure the amount of students they are funded for are actually there If there had not been misconduct by other yeshivas in the past this would not have been necessary, does not sound like any precious learning time was wasted, just drop it these people are funding you be grateful.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I can't stand when people try to judge if you're Jewish enough, it's so wrong, we are all brothers and sisters
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who wrote: P.S. Is he the same Dovid Cohen whose business is to be a private investigator? Classified information. Sorry. :)Hire a private investigator to find out!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Does not sound like much of a disturbance occurred.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Mazal Tov to Mort and Toby Mower on this highly deserved honor and to Shalom USA on many more years of broadcasting success!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Congratulations to the NWCP. I agree that we need to stop this bashing if every organization is really L'shma then it is a beautiful Zchus we have as a community to have so many people(ie.Hatzalah, Shomrim, NWCP,Chaverim...) willing to take time and money out of their own pockets for the benefit of the Klal. Negative statements only show the true jealous color of its writer. Kudos to Dovid Cohen. P.S. Is he the same Dovid Cohen whose business is to be a private investigator?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
it says that you have hundreds of photos and complete footage! where are they?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I've got to agree and sympathize with them. Israelis, especially the newly released chayalim, have a tough time affording anything these days. Americans, Europeans, South Africans, Australians come with money or money from wealthy parents buy (and only stay in the apts/houses for vacation/yomtovim and then return back to their homes overseas) and invest in properties and drive the prices up over and over again. Israelis and non-wealthy olim don't have a chance against this. There are 100's, if not 1000's of prime properties unused because the owner is not a full time resident. This is frustrating and unfair. Olim are forced to go up North or the "Territories" to get something over their heads. And if one buys in the "territories" who knows if the government won't come along in a few year, shut down your neighborhood and exile you! What do hardworking Israelis with great emunah, bitachon and large families do then??????
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Rabbi Weiss: The wording of this announcement implies that there are kashrus problems with Carvel Ice Cream. I think you meant to ssy that there are kashrus problems with the Carvel Ice Cream sold at the Cinnabon Towson Town Mall location. Carvel ice Cream is under the national Kaf-K supervision and is not in question. Please clarify:
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is so sad
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i would really love to watch the video please try to get a hold of it
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who wrote: "Just get them a smart phone": The patients who this program targets are individuals who have cognitive conditions, meaning they are or have lost their short tem memory. Some of these individuals don't remember their names. Some don't remember where they live. Some go out in winter and are totally oblivious to the freezing cold, not even realizing they have left the house in a 20 degree weather without their coat. Or even their shoes. Its not prudent to give a wanderer a removable device to be used as their lifeline... What happens the one time they don't have their cell phone with them? In regards to ALL law enforcement using smart phones to track people, we are proud to be joining these and 1200 other fine agencies who utilize Project Lifesaver: Arlington County Police Department, VA Norfolk Sheriffâs Office, VA Montgomery County Police Department, MD Brooklyn South Shomrim Safety Patrol Bergen County Sheriffâs Office, NY Jersey City Police Department, NJ New Jersey State Police/ Aviation Division Ocean County Sheriffâs Office, NJ Passaic County Sheriffâs Office, NJ Philadelphia Police Department, PA New Castle County Police Department, DE
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm just wondering here. The NWCP has gpne out and done something good. Why all the negativity? Why all the bashing? Why can't people either write a congratulatory or message saying "good job" instead of all this negativity? Certainly sounds like some jealousy going on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our generation needs a pinchas to act and stop the plague
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm Embarrassed that BJL pubished this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Maybe another reason congressman make such bad Presidents is because they are so used to the hyper-partisanship in DC that when they get elected they fail to pass anything substantial or productive due to the fact that they are all caught up in party labels and have a history of being extremely partisan. And to the 2nd commentator, when she says all across the country she means the crazy old cranky white tea party men in Iowa who love crazy and radical white women as their politicians. As Ben said we need someone that we unite out country not cause more divide as Ms. Bachman and her supporters want. And to the 1st commentator, that pledge says that if elected President she will not appoint anyone including judges and cabinet members who are pro choice and are for gay marriage. Any pledge is stupid because it ties a President's hands and doesn't let them govern and this pledge specifically is the stupidest of them all because hardly any of these appointees should it make a difference when it comes to their view on social issues. Also in the pledge is racist, bigoted, and hateful comments towards all minorities, it also says blacks were better off during slavery. Regardless this upcoming election should be all about the economy not social issues. It is a losing topic for the GOP. Someone needs to address the hyper-partisianship in DC right now because it is preventing us from getting anything done. Think debt ceiling. Long term the good news is that all the cranky social radicals will soon die off and the younger generation has their priorities in order and they know the economy and jobs come way before losing and divisive social issues. Michael M., Cleveland.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
True, but what happened?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for posting this important video.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The answer to the 2nd comment is already in the article. There is nothing really wrong with what the spokeswoman said. It just reminds us of the problem with members of congress becoming President and our current President also reminds us of that problem. So the point of the article is that we should all learn our lesson and not elect members of congress any time soon especially when we have other candidates who are more qualified.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person that wrote such old technology: It is truly amazing that the NWCP went out and applied for this "old" technology. I think the thinking goes like this: Rather save one life with old technology than no lives with no technology. In fact, after some research, I also discovered the Boro Park Shomrim is also a member agency of Project Lifesaver. Kudos to the NWCP for actually taking an initiative to do something worthy in this community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bravo!otis if you think your shot at winning is to out "liberal" sr blake you have no chance.provide people with an alternative to the disaterous liberal policies that have destroyed balt. City and than maybe you have a shot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do u watch the video
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Without addressing the substance of your letter, its statements are automatically suspect when you cite wikipedia as authority for any assertion.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bachman's spokesperson is quoted as saying that Ms. Bachman has been listening to people all across the country and is committed to having their voice is that parochial or partisan? It doesn't say she is listening to her own district and will fight for their concerns, or even that she is only listening to Republicans. It says "people all across the country." Come on, let's be fair.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
whats wrong with the pledge/ (in the link) Shes opposed to same-sex marriage and pornography? Great!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
turkey is just trying to restore ties so they could break them off again in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is high time that the Agudah came around to the thoughts and statements that other Rabbonim were brave enough to make and stand by for quite a few years now. It is unfortunate that it was THIS statement which is what the Jewish Community at large needed in order to follow simple logic and halacha to protect themselves. It is the way halacha is interpreted that either aids or prevents one to do the right thing and do what is necessary in any scenario. One either has the green light to go ahead or one finds their hands tied depending who they ask and how they interpret. Many Rabbonim I have spoken too over the years who are as involved with kids as I am have told me plain and simple that when it came to this issue their hands were tied since the Agudah did NOT agree to go to the authorities. Others have said that although they respect the Agudah and are basically Agudahniks if a family came to them with this issue they would tell them to go to the authorities. Just yesterday, I was discussing with my colleagues that because of Rabbi Zweibel's instructions to Jewish Mental Health Professionals to NOT report to the authorities even though they are Mandated reporters and risk losing their licensees and parnasah, we have no choice but to send families in need to non-frum and non-jewish therapists so that they would get the appropriate help without a conflict of interest. B"H, the Agudah finally turned around and came to their senses after this terrible tragedy with Leiby Kletzky. It is a terrible shame that Leiby had to be a kaparah to make this happen and be the wake up call that they needed, but maybe Hashem saw no other way but to send them a very strong message. Who knows? All I have to say is better late than never. B"H, they finally made the statement ALL advocates for children and abuse victims have been waiting to hear. May we all work together to heal the pain of ALL victims of child abuse and victims of ALL forms of abuse.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if they are the representatives we are all going to hell they are the ones that are allowing all the deaths
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just get them smart phones which are cheaper and more technologically advanced. WHY DO ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN THE COUNTRY USE PEOPLES PHONES TO TRACK WHERE THEY ARE? BECAUSE IT WORKS.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
THese kids have terrible aim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
GPS doesn't work in a building. GPS may not work on rainy or cloudy days. If using GPS through a cell provider, what happens when there is no cell signal? Radio is PROVEN to work in concrete buildings, under trees and in wooded areas. It doesn't rely on cell carriers. Now answer this: If its such a waste of time, why are 1200 agencies across the country part of this program and using this technology? We think its a wonderful thing (as do the 10 families that have expressed an interest in joining), and a great investment of time and money. DC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As a geriatric registered nurse I applaud the NWCP for this lifesaving initiative! The terror experienced by caregivers when a loved one goes missing cannot be imagined and this will put both the patient and his loved ones a bit more at ease.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just remember, another entitlement, no matter how worthy, without full funding (which is another way of saying paid out of someone's, maybe everyone's, pocket), simply adds to the unsustainable [city/state/national] debt.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
NWCP has people within the community that will respond at any hour.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
GPS you can see on a map within 4 feet where a person is, where he was, and where he is going. Radio you get none of that. and it only works in a small vicinity and it won't work on rainy or cloudy days. I hate to say it but this is a waste of time and money.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The NWCP Citywatch team is available and on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All members have or will be trained and have beeb certified as Electronic Search Specialists. We are available and prepared to respond to any emergency situation at any time of the day and night. We have also been patrolling the neighborhood overnights and during the day and have dealt with over 100 incidents outside of our regular patrol hours since we started in March.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
such old technology
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Uh, what happens if someone gets lost at 11am? what the heck is NWCP gonna do? This is ridiculous!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
you can leave this up. JUST GET RID OF THE BY NKI! the troubling aspect of this video is massive group burning the israeli flag. it was always believed that is a small extreme retarded fringe group. but it appears as though they have sympathizers. PUT THEM IN CHERIM!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yasher Koach, Yisrael Dov. Truly you are a talmid of R' Feldman, ah"sh, who used to complain to us that it seems as if almost no one talks of the rebuilding of the BH"M and the coming of the Moshiach, bv"y. We have no appreciation of the expected greatness of those coming times, and we don't realize how miserable our lot is now, resulting in our being satisfied with the crumbs that we have of ruchniyus and gashmiyus. Like the Jewish soldier, offered a wish for saving the Emperor's (Napolean's) life, he asks for some nice shmaltz herring because that's all he knows! If he would ask for an estate, a mansion, wealth, a noble title - all would be opened to him! And so his request is actually an insult to the Emperor!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ridiculous. Go review the sessions from the Torah U'Mesorah convention this year. Technology is hardly the answer to all educational problems and certainly not in religious education.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
pure madness. please delete this whole article - it's just sickening.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thanks for posting this. When do you think you'll have the video up?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The NKniks have a history of rabid anti-Israeli sentiments, and consistently create a Chillul Hashem. In fact, I remember one time when there was an Israeli demonstration, and they showed up with their Palestinian flags. They needed a separate set of police to protect them. I am not a lover of the Medina, but that doesn't mean you make a Chillul Hashem over it. Sadly, some of the "people" are certifiably ill. DC
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hopefully these are only the crazies, but it is up to the rabbonim to put these types of crazies down. They should be put into Cherim by their Rebbes and by the Agudah. So sad, you'd think we could have made the Achdus that resulted from the Kletzky tradgey last into the 3 weeks!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Stupid morons! You paid to go and burn the Osem products. You just gave money to the Zionists! LOL - you are DUMB according to your own logic!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How many weeks ago was it that a little boy was slaughtered in another neighborhood in Brooklyn????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good we will all lose a little weight now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These are very sick people. These idiots are such a chilul Hashem!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Sad that he and his wife did not choose one of the many fine Chicago area Jewish Day Schools for their children. Who could critique that choice?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So sad! It's the 3 weeks and such ugly words. We should all be coming together not tearing one another down. And I am also very disgusted by them burning all of that perfectly good food. Such a chilul Hashem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ask anyone that needed help with city zoning, Spector advocates for the frum community. If Lennon is our rep we can forget about an advocate. We need to get out and vote for her this election.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
these people will rot in hell!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 21st, 2011 Mrs. Leibtag is eloquent and conveys her feelings well. Awareness of the pain and suffering of others is an virtue that is developed daily. Many suffer silently and overshadowed. Suffering is hidden before us in plain sight. Sometimes ignored or denigrated. Awareness causes us to be more alert to resist causing sorrow with our words or attitudes broadcast non-verbally. A kind word. A bit of restraint. Deference to people's dignity. These are the acts of kindness that, although not publicly celebrated, are comforting and therapeutic. And in the merit of our consideration for each other, God will be moved to protect all of us from sorrow and misfortune. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Do people honestly think that the nothings running against Spector will be better for our community? The most known of the candidates running against Spector is Derrick Lennon, who has been divisive as president of the Glen Assn. Spector, while not the ideal at this point, is still far better for us than any other candidate. If she loses, our community will have NO representation in city government. Be careful what you wish for, you may regret getting it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why do you want her out?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the issue here is that practically speaking, banning the Internet is like banning Cars. The Internet is how people communicate, bank, get directions, look up phone numbers, on and on... It's a reality of life that is unavoidable. For gedolim to ban it, is futile and will simply force people to not listen to their rulings. It destroys emunas chachamin, alienates them from the majority of society, and is a psal that has no chance of being listened to. Technology is moving so powerfully and rapidly, Yidishkite and 'those who make the rules' will have to catch up and integrate it or risk being steam rolled by it, and losing followers. Of course there are horrible things on the Internet, but society can not function today without it in any functional way. That much should be obvious to everyone.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kohanim are the ones who bless. Here the blessor is blessed.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If I didn't have a phone with internet how would I keep up with Baltimore Jewish Life? I think the people who ask these questions to gdolim need to get a life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am very glad to hear this and hope she is on her way OUT!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
please have a little derech eretz to the gedolai hador!!! what does it mean "our rabonim are late again" are you a mechutzaf I.e. S/o that has chuzpah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Well, let's see who speaks louder at the polls, a few hundred or thousand like this or the tens or even hundreds of thousands who gained jobs because Mitt invested in Staples, Dominos Pizza, and dozens of other famous companies, or the half million who have lost their jobs because of Obama in California or the 20 million nationwide who are unemployed or underemployed because of the President. A major difference: Mitt Romney was doing his job. Barack Obama isn't. At least, 75+ taxpayer funded rounds of golf in 2.5 years say he's not.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The boys in the first picture are a TA Camp Learning Group who held a siyum on Mishnayos Mesechetes Broches before the Rosh Hayeshiva this AM. Mazol tov to the boys and their learning Rebbe.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Iranian president and all the mullahs in the country should donate two kidneys each.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It seems that the world never wants to let Israel live in peace. I think the Israeli navy was certainly justified to do what it did. And I'm glad that Israel continues to keep a watchful eye on Gaza.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
People might be interested to know that this summer, for the first time, McCleaf's is accepting Bais Yaakov KinderKash. And they produce a selection of amazing apple butters and Honey Crisp apple sauce with a hechsher. It's been one of my fav farmer's markets and now it's even better. Except now I'm not sure where to find them from week to week.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is with all this complaining. I agree this shouldn't be posted but still can't you guys calm down.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Hilarious!! Make him pay!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These same people are against going to the police when it comes to abuse and yet they want these boys to snitch.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Only one candidate, Jon Huntsman Jr., has refused to sign any pledge, saying he owes allegiance to his flag and his wife. It is refreshing in a field of candidates who have forgotten the true source of political power in America.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 19th, 2011 I am not addressing the merits of the internet. I am not addressing the merits of the 'Halachic decision' (psak). I am speaking to the issue of honor and recognizing choices, even when those choices involve great personal sacrifice. Betraying another person is an act of profound dishonor and removing yourself can be an honorable solution. That is all I am saying. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I love the maccabeats! They are the best! I would really like it if they can make a song for every holiday. That would be great! Thanx!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautifully written! I wonder why there are so many comments on the articles that have to do with Rambam closing or other things that everyone can jump and attack one party or another yet there are barely any comments on the articles in recent memorial to Leiby Kletzky? I think this article has some very valid points-which we are ignoring! Hashem, please bring mashiach in zechus of this neshama and bring us ALL home be'achdus!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Things like this ruin and hurt das torah and emunahs chachamim.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can we conduct these comments with a little civility. We can acknowledge that there are potential problems with the internet but at the same time realizing that banning it completely is irresponsible and that there are many other practical options before that. By saying we should ban it completely is shows just how ignorant these people are about the internet when they think the only option is to ban it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
think about the fact that this is being relayed on the internet itself. a bunch of hypocrites!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the gadolim are late to the scene once again. if they wanted to outlaw this they should have done it in the 90s. it is too late now to accomplish anything.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
we should listen to gedolim like R'Shmuel Kaminetzky who are holding in what is going on in the US. R'elyashiv has to rely on his manipulative gaboim to tell him and I think this "ruling" on applies in israel anyway.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
can we stop posting these reports. many of which are false and the cause is that R'Elyashiv's gabboim manipulate and trick him into saying these things. think about the whole crocs situation
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 19th, 2011 It is not what we forbid, rather, it is what we permit that shows what we are. Our downfall is not coming due to our piety, rather, it is coming due to our character. It is wrong to act dishonorably. Honor demands to leave a Yeshiva rather than act with dishonor and betrayal. Honor comes from within. No voice of any holy man can drown that. And we are not about personal honor, then what are we about? May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Kuperman argued that forcing him to shave his beard prevented him from following a central tenet of his religious faith." Apparently though, whatever it was that got him thrown into prison cause no religious issues whatsoever. Idiot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Any suggestions on how we do it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was fascinated to learn about my rebbie's younger years! I thought that he was never younger than 50! Mordechai Nissel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if i'm not mistaken i believe the kid in the picture is from baltimore. i may be wrong but can anyone confirm this?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
a very powerful video with a very powerful message. It also signals that its time to move on from the news stories and on to what it means for all of us. Its time to stop dwelling on the details and instead start focusing on tshuvah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And what if you are in prison during the 3 weeks?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please publicize this article throughout Jewish communities world wide. This was unfortunately a time bomb waiting to happen. As leaders in our communities are busy drawing "lessons" from this horrific crime that we need to do more Mitzvos and have more Achdus and stop speaking Lashon Haroh, the biggest Mitzvah we can do is start advocating and protecting our children by removing the cancer within our midst and that is the sexual predators that lurk among us. There must be a zero tolerance policy for all predators in our communities! They need to be reported to the police and followed up to make sure their toxic presence is removed from our neighborhoods so that our children can be safe. And that is the biggest lesson we can learn from this horrible crime! Midat Din for all people that prey on our precious children! My heartfelt prayers go out to Leiby's family! Leiby, your sweet and precious Neshama will live on forever!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The saddest video I have ever watched. May we be ge'bentched to never again have to endure such a tragedy!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think the key idea in Mrs. Goetz's article is the need for parents to protect and provide safety for their children. After reading this and hearing about what happened to Liebby, I spoke to my seven year old daughter about child safety. I had an open conversation about not taking rides from anyone-even if they look Jewish. My main point to her was that they could be mean people even if they look okay. During the conversation she asked me questions about what she should do and at the end I felt like my daughter felt empowered on how to protect herself.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He will be sorely missed by so many people and mosdos
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I find it ironic that Rabbi Shandra uses other Internet sights to share his insights on the Jewish scene but that his own home organization, Agudah Israel of America, lacks a Internet outlet and frowns on those who do. Be consistent! Why are other Intent sights OK when your own organization objects to them?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And what about all the grown men who aren't in shul? The ones who spend the majority of davening time out in the hall shmoozing? Where do you think their kids learn it from?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article lacked useful info in terms of days & hours of operation, fees, addresses and phone numbers. Additionally, the American Visionary Arts Museum frequently has exhibits that are most definitely NOT appropriate for children due to their "racy" content.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Although I am a shomer mitzvos, I had to stop subscribing to Mishpacha, HaModia and Yated because I found myself getting angrier and angrier. It wasn't just the incredible amount of typos and poor English, or the photoshopped alteration of news photos so that women's faces would be blurred or omitted (even when relevant to a particular news item); but the rabblerousing (sometimes subtle, sometimes not) against the Other - be it "frei" Yidden, or other "dati" Jews who were simply of another stripe. Instead of promoting ahavas Yisrael, the shortcomings within our own "religious" community were all too apparent and maddening. I found myself feeling ashamed at the incredible ignorance, whitewashing and patronizing attitudes presented in these newspapers. Sorry, Rabbi Shafran, but it's a window, after all . . . to embarrassment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
After last week's events, Rov Dovid Cohen who is our posek here at ohel stated explicitly that as mandated reporters, therapists are required legally and ethically to report all suspected abuse to the authorities IMMEDIATELY--as the law requires--; the idea that we should have to consult a rav about whether or not to call when our professional training and instincts tell us that something is amiss is like hemming and hawing about whether to call Hatzolah. Crazy. Anyway, the Rabbonim are well trained in paskening halacha, they are not sufficiently trained and experienced in picking up on abuse or recognizing its dynamics. I had a couple here few months ago who had been working on their marriage for FIVE YEARS with a well respected and really smart Rov who just wasnt able to detect in all those years what i-a dumb intern not particularly experienced at all--was able to pick up on 5 lousy minutes. Big difference between dysfunctional marriage and an abusive marriage and hard to tell if u dont know what to look 4 and what questions to ask. Had they gone for the right help at the outset, 3 less kids would have been brought into a toxic situation. Very tragic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think one of the clearest indications of how deep the problem is, lies in the fact that Levi Aron participated in public Tehilim reading at his work place after he had already killed Leiby. This indicates that we are missing some major pathology when we do cover up the oddities, and concerns that are raised regarding adults in our midst. Maybe the message is clear enough, we are not going to rid ourselves of any problem by ignoring it. We need to address the fact that this is a serios mental health issue, not just adults misbehaving.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It has been requested by many different sources that we write an email of n'chama to Leiby's family. Based on the responses I have seen and heard, I would estimate that this outpouring of achdus we are encouraged to take will result in 1000's of emails. Based on my experience with this issue I would estimate that of this number of people there are probably in the hundreds who know something of some (highly)suspect(ed) individuals within their community(/ies): Before writing Your email(s) I would highly encourage You to resolve to do something beyond leaving it to the Rabbonim to handle. Let Leiby's family know that his death was not completely in vain, and that should/would, I believe, serve as much greater source of n'chama than mere words.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is so right on and so necessary to finally bring the message home that we are doing our children a disservice playing G-d with their lives. WE are feeding a sickness by NOT going to the authorities with information that can literally save thousands of neshomas a year. We are literally guiding lambs to be slaughtered when we don't turn in known molesters and stop them from harming the next child and the child after that. You have no idea how many children you are saving by going to the authorities and stopping that one perpetrator. Don't listen to the nonsense of those who wish to protect the molesters and their families. Do your utmost to protect the children and THEIR future families. That should be YOUR MAIN concern. Don't listen to those fools who say, kids make up these stories to get even. Less than 4% of the Non-Jewish population make up these stories. Those are the statistics. We don't have statistics on the Jewish population because they don't report it so there is no way to gather the info. However think about it. Jewish kids are not looking to be stigmatized by this issue. Why would they make something like this up? In addition those who are sheltered don't even have access to this kind of knowledge. Where would they get the knowledge to make this up? Furthermore, once you go to the police they have the knowledge and where-with-all to find out the truth. Anyone who has knowledge of an abuser has the obligation to stop that person and must take that information to the authorities. The future safety of any child in your vicinity is your responsibility. After 120, you will have to explain to Hakodosh Baruh Hu, why you allowed these children to be a Kaparah and you fed the sickness of these evil reshaim rather than save these yiddishe neshomas. Had the mother of the other child or mothers of the other children that this butcher tried to entice into his car gone to the police, it is highly possible that Little Leiby could have been saved. Had the Yeshiva and the parents in Boro Park taken this issue more seriously, Little Leiby could have been saved. Stop burying your heads in the sand and leave it up to others to do what every single individual and every single Jew must take upon themselves to do. This is a wake up call to everyone. Don't ever let another tragedy like this happen again.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
why is this a family article?????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 17th, 2011 There are Tzaddikim, who are seated, crowns upon their heads, basking in the light of God. citation: Gemara Shabbos . Then there are Kings, who every day immerse their arms in blood up to their elbows to help their people. citation: Gemara Brachos Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the previous poster: Nicely said.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lets not legitimize this behavior by calling it "fighting for Shabbos." Rabbis come to these protests to restrain the crazies, not to encourage this behavior. If these "protesters" truly cared about Shabbos, they'd reach out to their secular brothers and show them the beauty of this special day. I don't understand the benefit of yelling and screaming at other Jews who through no fault of their own don't understand the meaning of Shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This week Bnos Yisroel mailed out prevention education pieces that I've written to the parents of their students. Parents of students in our other schools can also request prevention education information as well as the personal safety guidelines of each of their children's schools. This is our responsibility. Bracha Goetz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A couple of years ago, I had a conversation with one of this town's leading rabbonim/roshei yeshiva, in which he told me that there is an issur gamur going to the police. This rabbi went on to say that the Torah does not mandate incarceration for molestation and therefore we are not allowed to incarcerate such people. While I find this type of rhetoric reprehensible, I am well aware that my opinion cannot compete with the long white beard. I have much respect for our manhigim and the chavrei Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. But, many of these rabbonim chashuvim are just plain wrong on this issue. My concerns are made worse by some rabbonim taking a progressive public stance, but in private, they still advocate providing safe harbor to these molesters. But, in the end, I am not sure how the hamon am can influence the rabbinic leadership. Oy lanu.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Buy larger boats! If they are the customers, then accommodate them. If not, then the NY Waterways losses!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
good they have this every week? why is this the first one i've seen on this website?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
My son Shmuly learned in the Mir and my son Avi has been a talmid there for 12 years. Every talmid feels that the Rosh hayeshiva knows and cares about him as an individual. He is one of the great men of this generation. Everyone should come and show him the respect he is due. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very nice and important article. Unfortunately, I don't think that the writer's ideas are currently a reality in Baltimore. We all know that the Jewish Times was trying to reverse the trend of cover ups for these "rodfim". However, the newspaper received harsh backlash from community Rebbeim for doing so. The Rebbeim did issue a letter in response to the Jewish Times' series of exposes. Unfortunately, it seems that the letter was just words with no follow up action.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Implementing technology into Jewish education is an important step for all Jewish day schools. By using technology as an educational tool, schools, teachers, and of course the students can benefit from the truly endless possibilities. Tomorrow's Genius is a new organization that creates online technology programs for Jewish schools. The organization launched last year in Israel and within six months, was able to help over 500 students in the Israeli school system. The need for additional academic resources, is evident both in Israel and the United States. The cost of Jewish education has risen exponentially in recent years meaning that there are less opportunities to implement the needed additional learning resources and programs. Tomorrow's Genius combines cutting edge technology and experienced Jewish educators to create learning programs for all students, regardless of skill levels, age, or financial situations. Our programs include one-on-one learning sessions, online classes, academic coaching, chavruta learning, and more. After our successful launch in Israel, we are creating a pilot program within the North American Jewish school community. We believe that by working together with schools that we can provide students with more educational opportunities. Sincerely, Aryeh Eisenberg Director of Education Tomorrow's Genius
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The cameras are showing a very small, if any, backup headed Northbound.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what if you are driving north?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It doesn't only have to be news. Divrei Hisorirus, which is what this is, is just as important. Frankly, your comment is ridiculous.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is this news?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 14th, 2011 The deepest darkest secrets are hidden right in plain sight. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 14th, 2011 "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." The Book of Common Prayer, circa 1549 Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
congratulations Leah Golfeiz you are perfect for this job and I wish you all the best. Hatslacha Rabba
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a time period where Hashem is sending us a strong message to keep our eyes and ears open and to stay vigilent in keeping and educating our communities on staying safe even in the relaxed days of summer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Don't judge Baltimore by a few nasty posts, most people hold ACHAINU KOL BAIS YISROEL very near to their hearts
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very inspiring and beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this! Klal Yisroel IS one big family and we should appreciate the gifts of every Jew! This is comforting , especially as we are all grieving and inconsolable over the murder of Leiby.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow!! Baltimore, you sure are quite a community!!! On one end, you have teachers who worked to teach your future leaders of tomorrow even though those teachers knew there would probably be no money to pay them for work they did. On another end, you have people like Rabbi Hauer and the other Rabbeim and lay leaders that are trying very hard to pay those teachers. And on one more end, you have some of the nastiest yidden I have ever seen or heard! I taught my 5 year old students something last year that you ALL need to learn..... ACHAINU KOL BAIS YISROEL..... Try it..... You might like it!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the person who commented that this guy is possibly a child molester,(3rd comment from top) go watch/listen to NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly's press conference. No indication of s****l abuse. Also, the only previous criminal history this Monster had, was urinating in public. Dont go accusing these people of "covering it up". In almost every case, when something is "covered up" it is done very badly, and most people have a basic idea about the situation,(very watered down and full of rumors? I will agree) and full secrecy doesnt last very long. It just takes time to straighten out the facts, and arrest someone, if necessary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
... and don't think in Baltimore they're not going to hear about this. My 9 yr old daughter came home today and asked about the boy from Boro Park that she heard was found dead in a dumpster and they were saying Tehillim for in camp yesterday. Baruch Hashem we were prepared, but we didn't expect it to be brought up at supper in front of the 3 younger siblings and we were surprised that out here in Baltimore the children would have already heard about this in such detail.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Agudath Israel expresses "tremendous gratitude to the New York City Police Department, the FBI and local government officials for their round-the-clock efforts in leaving no stone unturned in their search; and we hope and trust that the perpetrator of this murder of an innocent boy will swiftly be brought to justice. How ironic! The Agudath Israel is at the forefront of the movement to keep child abuse at yeshivas under wraps, and NOT report it to the secular government law enforcement officials!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
police should have been contacted immediately. they might then have viewed surveillance videos before the posters went up and scared the freak.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is so sad and disgusting that any person would do such a thing.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There can be no justice for such a horrendous crime. The boys parents are going to suffer forever from this. There is NOTHING that we can do to ensure justice. And think too, about Levi Aron's family -- his parents, his siblings, his children What can they be going through? This is just horrendous beyond belief.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Update again. I believe he has been found.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just a thought to try to be Menachem Aveilim of the family of Leiby z"l. Hashem usually takes those who are the Tzadikim of the generation; those that themselves have no Avla, in order to show the rest of Klal Yisroel the level that is expected of us, the message that we have to do Teshuva. In doing so, may the Teshuva of Klal Yisroel serve as a trememdous zchus for Leiby z"l.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Dayan Emes. Hashem takes the Tzadikim from us, like Nadav and Avihu, in order to teach us the severity of the message. If only I could understand this truly. We have to Daven that Hashem helps us do Teshuva.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Excellent article. Anyone with common sense will agree with Rabbi Pruzansky. Note that he said a man is supposed to pursue a woman. In the shidduch system, young men are pursued by shadchanim and by mothers of young ladies who need dates. It is backwards.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i am not a rabbi - but if i remember correctly - if there are situations (usually architectural reasons) where a mezuzah can not logistically be affixed to the doorpost on the way in - i thought you can affix it behind the door or some other such spot within a tefach or so of where it should ideally be placed - i have this issue on my shed where it is not practical to put it in the ideal spot so it is inside the shed as close to the appropriate place as possible - maybe this case is to prove a point - maybe it is making a chillul hashem - i am not addressing that issue at all - but halachically i believe the solution may be simple
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I donât know how well these work but they sell things like âThe Little Buddyâ child tracker. A parent using a computer can track the location of their child at all times. So a child should have two things. 1. A panic button that makes a very loud and shocking sound to get other peopleâs attention (or maybe we need a panic button which shouts âHelp, Iâm in Troubleâ etc.) and 2. A child tracker. Also, there are services that will come to the aid of a person by having them press a button (instead of having to dial a number which takes too long when itâs a real emergency). Maybe our Hatzolah could provide that service for a nominal fee per child/person/business.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Total Shock
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am glad to call you my friend. Chaim Ketzler
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So maybe Agudah will back off their "mesira" defense and start assisting law enforcement to put these animals away so no other children will be harmed! Maybe?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I couldn't sleep last night thinking about this poor boy. This is a mother's worst nightmare. We should only share good news in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I cried last night and hoped as I said Tehillim, that this morning would dawn to find Parents and child happily reunited. I cried this morning when that wasnât so. Perhaps it is time to think why the RBS"O brings such terrible tzoros. It shouldn't have to take such a terrible death of an innocent child to bring Klal Yisroel together. I truly hope that the Kiddush Hashem of thousands joining in the search for one child brought some zechus from all of this, but the heart cries out with the question of why it should take something like this to get us to set down the labels and come together? Perhaps we could take a moment and before we run to add another "pretty" Takanah or Chumrah for his Aliyah HaNishama, we could consider that maybe the RBS"O wants something of us. Maybe we need to work on our Bein Adom L'Chavero, on loving our brother (sister), be he (or her) Yeshivish, Modern, Centrist, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Hassidish etc.. Yes, we may disagree on the Shita, but we can still love, help, respect and honor each other as our fellow members of Klal Yisroel and understand that there is a concept of "Shivim Panim L'Torah". Perhaps a week before we start our annual mourning period for the Churban, we can start working on the failure of our ability in showing the Derech Eretz and respect to one another, the lack of Bein Adom L'Chavero that brought upon us the exile of this Galus and continues as the reason why we have remained in Galus for 2000 years. May the RBS"O bring Nechama to the family of Leibby Kletzky a"h. May the RBSâO give Shalom and an Aliya to the Neshama of Leibby Kletzky a"h. May he be a Meilitz Yosher for all of us and may the RBS"O bring Moshiach and make Tisha B'Av this year into a Yom Tov. ~ R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Check They are actually looking for volunteers now.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If the sick killer turns out to be a molester that was hidden and protected by the inaction of the frum leadership- all H--- is going to break out. Enough cover up, enough hiding these sick people. They need to be put away so they cannot harm others.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 13th, 2011 "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part." The Book of Common Prayer, circa 1549 Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 13th, 2011 Ask yourself, did you shed even one tear for this child? Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baruch Dayam HaEmes
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Pruzansky, I wouldn't be too confident if I were you to say that the marriages of the current generation are better by the couples that didn't go through the shidduch system vs. the shidduch system couples. Granted the couples of your generation prior to the explosion of the shidduch system, mostly found each other on their own. As far as creating male emasculation, I don't see how you get emasculation when using a shadchan(broker). Maybe your congregants are all emasculated males because they can't hustle and are lazy that they use brokers in real estate, finance, stock trading, etc. We all understand brokers as people that help us network and not as crutches to do our legwork. We have enough axe-grinding articles without this one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jeff, Rabbi Frand was wrong. After reading this article, I think we can say "You are a Tzaddik"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this Israel Jewish Life? This is not local it should be filed under Israel news.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
bc rambam was not for profit and constellation is a for profit. a not for profit is expected to be fiscally responsible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I echo the sentiments of the other comments. Tova Taragin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Consciously buying goods in bulk and reducing the use of disposables will significantly cut down on waste. This in addition to separating trash (recyclables) and starting a small/modest composting bin for (most) food waste will leave you with hardly any trash at all, no matter what the size of your family. Really. There are large families in Baltimore that are doing it right now, and easily making the original 64 gal. trash limit with plenty of room to spare. I highly recommend families in Jewish Baltimore take advantage of the recyclable service and reduce their waste. The rising cost of waste hauling is due to the fact that we are running out of places to dump/bury our trash - not because the City is greedy! We have to haul waste farther and farther away, which costs more money. As a City taxpayer, I for one would prefer to not continue to pay more and more taxes every year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you BJL for providing the video of the Hespedim for us all to gain from. Chazak Ve'Ematz!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 12th, 2011 One who sheds a tear for the loss of a proper and ehrlich man is forgiven his sins. Let each man ask himself, 'have I shed even one tear for the loss of even one of these precious men?'. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Fun article- you captured the week in pictures!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 12th, 2011 Do not say 'Lo Aleinu', this IS Aleinu. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this available at 7-mile :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
now we are ready for the geulah
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is there a caption for the picture?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's imagine Constellation Energy had major layoffs and 100 frum people from our community were suddenly out of work. Imagine also that these people did not receive a few paychecks for work that they already completed. If Rabbi Hauer decided to take up a collection to help out these families, would there be a controversy? Would people make comments like "We don't owe them"? Why is there repeatedly a negative attitude on this site towards anything having to do with Rambam?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To quote a great writer, what really matters is what we do with the time we are given. Jeff, you are the personification of doing good for many, many people with the years Hashem has given you. May He continue to bless you with good health and simcha. Susan Leibtag
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I honestly do not know what all the fuss is over. My husband and I have been blessed with a large family (B"H). We too were initially concerned about this new legislation ,however, we have found that the vast bulk of our waste is recycables. It has been no problem to to meet the 96 gallon limit. We will admit that before this change took affect we were lazy about seperating the recycling. Maybe other families are suffering from the same problem.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May H-shem bless him and his family. From friend Jackie of Efrat, Israel
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I guess we should all pick up and register in PA. Our vote in maryland is meaningless
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
At first I couldn't understand why they flew them from Georgia, Atlanta has good hospitals. Curious tht such disparate places have th same name.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the issue is not his name spelling rather his job title. he is the Rosh Hayeshiva and not Rosh Bais Medrash!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the commentator who says downsizing the community is ludicrous: please explain your reasoning. If instead of 50 shuls, costing the community X million dollars a year, there were 25 shuls, costing the community 1/2 of that per year, millions would be saved which could go to aniim and other worthy Torah causes. Halacha does not mandate so many shuls per town.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So parking a 15 passenger van (which is commercial according to city law) on private property can get you ticketed too?! Wonder how many Church vans in the area got the tickets or were they not "seen"? Glad to see the Glen Neighborhood Improvement Association improve our neighborhood look 1 van at a time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The board is not legally responsible the "school" is which does not exsist anymore, so now the community is. A lawsuit against the board is insane, why would any lay leader ever take another board position again if they knew they could be sued, they are volunteers. Oh and by the way which boad would you sue? This board who acted responsibly and ended the madness of crippling debt or the multiple boards/presidents who made with probable great intentions significant financial errors. A tzedakah fund is not the best way to get these teachers paid but it is currently the only way and getting them the 3 more paychecks they have earned is to me the bottom line at this time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A bochur was once confronted by the late, great Mashgiach of Ner Yisroel Rav Dovid Kronglas, as to why he came late for daily minyan. His answer was that davening is boring, you just say the same thing every day. Learning is more fun as you have new ideas daily. Rav Dovid devoted a Shabbos afternoon shmooz to refuting the bochur's contention that there is nothng new in the daily repetition of the same words. This isn't a problem of one group or another, even those who go to shul often just go through the motions or mouth the words without much introspection. Our Buddish friends have a prayer wheel.Every time the wheel goes around, you get credit for saying a prayer. Maybe that is what a lot of us would prefer, short and effortless. The other side of not going to shul is going to shul but not to daven. I have noticed a lot of alcohol drinking among young orthodox adults, they drink like fish. I asked a young married wonman which shul her husband goes to in Manhatten and she innocently told me that he goes to a certain shtible because they have the best kiddush club, he goes for the scotch. Rabbi E. Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Weprin will win if Republicans will be azzzzzzz...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
That does not sound very believable to me. It is all over the web but no checked source, and one basic article reposted everywhere. How many Jews do we know that, after receving a warning and perhaps a fine, would not go to city hall and seek an agreement of some sort, and make sure they are in compliance? She is according to some sources a mother of six, still with young children: how many jewish mamas do you know that would be ready to go to jail - and for three months! - for such a stupid reason? And how many observant Jews do we know, that go to court against nonjews in the three weeks? Think about it. If she is so particular about eating only organic food, it's not like it'll be provided t0 her in jail. If she is tight on money and can not spend on organic vegetables, how comes she is prepared to throw cash, and lots of it, at a lawyer - and for a lost case, because this is the regulation and people have obviously to comply. Things do not really add up in this story. Someone should check into this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rav Slanger shlit"a's name is spelled accurately. Feel free to look it up...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In this case, it's a zoning issue... Not a safety issue. Translation: City Income!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 9th, 2011 Torah needs neither promoters nor defenders. Torah stands on its own merits. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 8th, 2011 As in many things, the answers, the keys, the greatest treasures are all hidden in plain sight. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to Rena Levin. what happened to your online school idea?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to the poster who commented: who has school in July? As stated previously, the arrangement was work for 10 months, and have the paychecks for that work paid over a period of 12 months. This arrangement is quite common in public schools. More importantly, there are still a number of middle/high school boys who have not yet solidified their educational plan for next year. And the rebbeim and administrators are going above and beyond, showing enormous dedication and Ahavas Yisroel, being fierce advocates for these boys. They are not being paid for this! The school year is over, the school is defunct, and yet, the sense of achrayus for their students continues. Saying "thank you" does not scratch the surface of what we owe to these dedicated mechanchim. Rena Levin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What kind of police activity
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The BJL should be commended for bringing issues facing the Jewish community to light. First of all, we should be worried about ALL Jews. Second, of course all of these issues exist here, such as Shabbos texting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do you know when Obama is lying? He opens his mouth
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is what Marxist do. Just wait, it's only the beginning. The interesting thing about Marxist elites and their preaching about redistribution of wealth, everyone gets poor except for them. Look at Obama's lifestyle. The Country is in trouble, yet they are jet-setters and party animals. Let's not forget about the import of $100 per pound steaks from Japan.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Harav Reb Tzvi DOV SHlanger
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can't people realize that tickets are not for safety rather they are there as a revenue maker for the gov't
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is the BJL devoting so much time to stories on MO teens? Look around our community, most of the "at-risk" teens come from Yeshivish families. Are we to feel better due to problems in other communities, while burying our heads in the sand about our own problems? Why not devote some time and space here for discussions on how to solve our own community's problems?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got news for you, the politicians really don't care what we need. They will pay lip service, but in the final analysis, we get very little except for the privilege of paying more than our share of taxes. We have to fend for ourselves for security, ambulances, tuition's, carpools, etc. Maybe we need to create our own sanitation dept. now? The Police think our community needs little coverage because of the self inflicted problems below Northern PKWY. That area complains when the Jewish community get the slightest little thing from the City, but we are the ones that pay the bill, not them, yet they get all the services.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The sign of a very successful kosher restaurant is when a majority of the customers do not even keep kosher. This place and its Boston location are great examples of that. Golbergs bagels in the only place in Baltimore that is able to attract any non frum customers but they are still far from having a majority of non kosher clientele.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jews in NY vote for these idiots. They are too committed to the Democrat Party no matter how vile a position they take. Weprin will win.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Parking in a driveway may not help. I have been told by a reliable source that Hatzlah's ambulance received a ticket parked in a driveway. Something has to be done to stop this outrageous blatant anti-semitism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From the entries I am seeing on this site, it is clear why the days of Baltimore being reputed as an "Ir Chesed V'Shalom" are over. The stench of the Chillul Hashem and Ga'ava/arrogance that Baltimore now reeks of, is quickly replacing the name of Yerushalayim of America that Baltimore once had. As the beginning of the 3 weeks approaches perhaps it is time that the leadership and members of the community finally confront the very real problems that the community has. Baltimore has spent way to much time (and money) avoiding a necessary reality check about the way it handles.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who has school during the summer months of July and August anyway? Only ti has torah in july!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The board of the school is legally responsible. If they cannot pay, a law-suit needs to be filed so insurance can pay. Teachers deserve the money and I am offended that we are being asked for tzedakkah money to pay them. Also teachers deserve the money and should not feel like they have to accept tzedakka.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was a Rambam parent and proud to be. I am devastated that the school is closed and the teachers, many of whom I regard as friends, are without parnossa. Although, the bulk of our tzedekah has always gone to our children's school I have given to for TA, TI, etc. That is what you do when you are part of a community. My children have a book at home that they love and the recurring phrase goes like this...."Because it's a miztvah to help every Jew no matter what and no matter who!" PLEASE I beg you don't be a chillul Hashem! It is hard enough many times to just be a frum Jew. Some of the comments have just been disgusting. These are YOUR neighbors YOUR community. The people who will be in line to help you if G-d forbid you ever need it. Shabbat Shalom! Leah Samuels
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am shocked by the insensitivity of some of these comments. If someone doesn't want to give, don't give, but I wouldn't add insult to injury to teachers who kept teaching under very difficult circumstances not knowing if they would get paid. If I'm a teacher or Rebbe at any of the Frum schools in the area, I am watching the community reaction with interest. Who says this can't happen to them in the future, and if you're one of these teachers, do you want to take a chance at being stuck in midlife without a big chunk of your paycheck and unprepared for another job because there's only a couple yeshivas in the area? I wouldn't.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As somewhat of a side point, all teachers in the community should be paid over 12 months so they can pay their bills year-round.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
450 South June Street, Hancock Park, Los Angeles, CA is the exact address
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the commentor who says downsize the community, thats ludacris. Cant believe someone would write that. Also please use smaller words that everyone can understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Go to Bais Din. Thats why its there. Or, heres a novel idea, go to the parents from the school whose children were educated by these teachers. This was an employer employee relationship.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These teachers agreed to be paid over 12 months for the 10-month school year. That is to say that they already worked for the pay they should get in July and August. This campaign is NOT to pay them for losing their jobs, but to pay them the salary that is rightfully theirs, but Rambam does not have the funds to pay. The alternative is for the teachers to bring the matter to a Bais Din. This campaign is to bring shalom to the community and will only cover the lost salaries for July and August. Apparently this point needs to be made again..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This whole community needs to downsize. There is absolutely no need for 40+ shuls and 6 schools. There should be 2 shuls, one in Greenspring, and one in Pikesville, which the community as a whole supports. At maximum, there should be 3 Jewish schools: one for boys, one for girls, and one co-ed. The travails faced by Rambam recently are indicative of the fact that this community has spread itself far too thin. Unfortunately, Rambam was among the first to have to publicly suffer for this. Yes, there may be inconsistencies in terms of who the community rallies around and bails out at the last minute, but these considerations obscure the main point: there is no reason why there should so many shuls, schools and other community institutions in the first place. It shouldn't be the case that another institution springs up for virtually every 10 jews with an opinion. It doesn't say much for our achdus as a community, and on a practical level it is utterly unsustainable. It is excessive and it is wasteful. These innumerable divisions have disturbed the core of the community, and the aftermath is now palpable. As a community of professionals, educators and scholars, we must speak out. When every day we aspire towards our eschatological destiny of returning to the beis hamikdash as a unified nation, but the context and community from which we issue this message is so artificially splintered, and our voices are so tainted by banal sectarian politics, do we practice what we proclaim?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This issue is broader than just a Rambam issue. Once it's known that the community will not stand behind contracts of these teachers, the already small pool of competent, reliable teacher applicants will continue to shrink. It will be even more difficult for Baltimore Orthodox schools (especially small ones)to hire well-qualified, professional teachers.Solid teachers will look elsewhere for positions even if that means traveling to Silver Spring. In the end, students from families across the frum community will continue to lose out educationally.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We have spent months reading and listening to Faculty, Students, Alumni, Parents, lament the loss of the school. Do not get me wrong, I agree Rambams closure has left a tremendous void, that will hopefully be filled quickly. However, the community does not owe anything! Yes, we must do whatever we can to support our neighbors who are without parnassa. I agree with the 3rd comment. This is NOT a Rambam disscusion. If your needy go to the organizations that have been helping so many for so long, or go to your Rav. Stop writing letters to the community under the guise of BEING OWED!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To number 3 and others like him/her: I am truly glad that you have donated to the cause, but it is clear that you have issues with having done so. The teacher in letter above is merely presenting the problem facing the teachers who have been left in need with the sad closing of their school, which happens to be Rambam. The issues of this being a âRambam thingâ is perhaps yours. When someone presents his or her need for Tzedakah, be it via letter, an Agudah card, a communal website, or any other vehicle that one may choose to solicit the help of oneâs fellow member of Klal Yisroel it is our choice to give or not. If there is a question of whether or not, someone should be eligible for tzedakah, one can consult oneâs Moreh Dâasreh. That being said, the choice of how we respond to a solicitation is our as well, does one yell at the person asking (ALL CAPS) before sending them on their way or does one express oneâs regret of not being able to help. R. Laks
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How dare the Dutch government--they really have chuzpah! It's so wonderful to be an American.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is NOT progress. This is violent anti-semitism. And Europe at it again!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ms Epstein is so misguided.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Israel IS a Jewish country.. Sunday should remain a regular workday.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very nice. very very nice
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment #3- Why is this about comparisons? We have Ahavas Yisroel, shul funds and I am sure the various rabbonim have discretionary funds. Of course every needy person should be helped. No one said otherwise. But if someone is left homeless due to a fire you don't run to help? No one said you should have ignored the other homeless person to save someone in a similar position. But isn't each situation unique? Did you not already give money to Ahavas Yisroel or to your Rav's discretionary fund to address your concerns? If so, then why do they sound so pressing? You already gave to this fund so one can only presume that you have likewise been working in support of the needy in our community for a very long time. May HKBH always enable you to give so generously, to all of the community's needs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This isn't the first time this has happened here in Baltimore. Anyone remember KinderKademy. Same thing happened to us and the Av Beis Din decided that Peshara was the best solution. So we lost multiple pay checks of our salaries.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment #3, that's a question that you should ask Rabbi Hauer directly.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Firstly let me make clear, I HAVE donated to your cause! However, not because I understand why this is an acceptable campaign, rather because I was asked to by a close friend. I have no connection to Rambam, and I am struggling mightily to understand how your cause trumps any individual case of Tzedakah. Why are you better than the guy around the corner who lost his job, and is struggling to make Mortgage payments! Why do you get a special campaign??? I know you were stiffed by Rambam and thats wrong, but as in your example the next step is not for the contractor to go to your neighbor and ask for the rest of the money! So again I beg the question why is this a Rambam thing??? ARE YOU NEEDY, if yes than let Rabbi Hauer make a campaign for the NEEDY IN THE COMMUNITY, and your friend who is also needy BUT DID NOT WORK FOR RAMBAM can get equal benefit. WITH THE RIGHT INTENTIONS, I HAVE MORE TO GIVE BUT WANT TO UNDERSTAND!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
You may write a check to the BJSZ Charity Fund, Memo: Rambam Teachers Fund, or donate online at and click on the Donate tab and then at the bottom on Help RAMBAM Teachers. Yitzie Pretter
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
is it also not a simple matter of putting in a driveway. It has to be zoned for a driveway. You can't just put one in.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Local car dealerships have told me that Ford Club Wagon 12 seat vans are actually 8 seat vans with an additional bench installed. I am not sure about other manufacturer 12 seat vans. This may be a defense if someone was ticketed on their "12" passenger Ford van.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please provide appropriate information for contributing to the collection for this cause that is under the direction of Rabbi Hauer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The law is going to be re-written. A number of Askonim in town are diligently working on this issue with the DOT, Mayor's office, and Rikki Spector's office.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"you can put in an asphalt driveway that will accommodate" that will cost thousands of dollars I researched that option a while ago not a solution my friend
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I got a 2nd ticket form the same officer last night on my 12 seater.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No more Jew Canoes? What's next?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yemach shmam v'zichram.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Looking at the code it appears 12 passenger van are in the same boat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this applies to 12-passenger vans as well
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
1) For less than the cost of two tickets, you can put in an asphalt driveway that will accommodate *two* 15 passenger vans. Plus, you might get a break on your car insurance for having off-street parking. 2) How exactly is showing the judge that the law *might* change in the future supposed to change the fact that it is now illegal to do exactly what you did? The judge is supposed to take into account the law -- not proposed bills.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"against a generic Republican opponent". In this country we have 2 major parties and who a swing voter choses depends not just on whether he likes OBAMA but who the Republican nominee is. It ain't over until the Republicans come up with a dynamic leader who can inspire the masses, not just the Tea Party. Can they?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Happy birthday Cousin Elinor -How do I get on the team???? All the best always Love, The Federmans
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
These teachers agreed to be paid over 12 months for the 10-month school year. That is to say that they already worked for the pay they should get in July and August. This campaign is NOT to pay them for losing their jobs, but to pay them the salary that is rightfully theirs, but Rambam does not have the funds to pay. The alternative is for the teachers to bring the matter to a Bais Din. This campaign is to bring shalom to the community and will only cover the lost salaries for July and August.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Israel is a Jewish country, then it's Friday & Saturday. If companies don't want to work on Sundays, let them switch to a 4/10 work week. Israel has gotten along fine until now. What has changed besides people's intelligence?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Are they needy? Do they qualify for tzedakah??? If yes, why is'nt Ahavas Yisroel running this campaign. If NOT why are they different than anybody else who has lost his/her job during the economic crunch????? PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
None of this matters because the that got the largest Jewish vote was Reagan and he only got about 31 - 33%. For some unknown reason my people think that party affiliation is more important than the quality of the candidate and they will continue to support inferior people on the Democrat ticket.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
yes-- please explain/?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
July 5th, 2011 Science and Faith are co-dependant in that each is sustained by their mutual dysfunction. Science is for the purpose of understanding the behavior of nature. Faith (read Torah) is to teach us how to behave and, for those more insightful, to understand the heart. Those who insist we learn the intricacies of quantum mechanics from scripture and those who insist we adjust human behavior to the strictures of science are both misguided. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is nothing in Bereshis that contradicts the theory of evolution. Each "day" of creation represents a step in the evolution of species,all orchestrated by God.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First Roger Clemens as a family article and now this? Come on. If you don't have a good family article, please spare us and leave it off.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please don't forget ,that r oberstien says its ok to vote democrat.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Their results are not answering the whole picture. As they were breaking down who they were researching, More of the non-orthodox students are likely to use the term,"half shabbos." Those answers from that sector are already known. The question that does arise is why six schools? Was it in one area or spread across the national map? The ratio of boys to girls on texting on shabbos? They keep on mentioning the Modern Orthodox schools, yet there has been reports from higher up schools that yeshiva students are doing this also. This report is not complete in reporting all details.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what in the world does this have to do with family family section? sports section but wait, you don't have a sports section
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
this is absolutely crazy
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The halacha is that you were supposed to keep it. Giving it to the bus driver was pretty stupid. Why should he get the money? Hashem gave it to you. Why don't you want it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the air france plane pictured in the article is the Concorde, which I believe is no longer in service. will it be used again as part of this biofuel process?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Avi Chai is privately funded and can spend their money however they see fit but here is one person wishing that instead of funding the RUACH (Religious Understanding in Adolescent Children)project they would think about the REACH (Religious Education of Adolescent Children)project by funding existing educational institutions. Irritating that large amounts of Jewish money has been spent quantifying what parents and educators already know via observation and experience.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
never say never. everyone has their own challenges. lucky for you this is not one of them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The non-MO students are described as ranging from chareidi to non-frum. For the non-frum kids who would be doing this anyway, the orthodox environment is a positive. Also, I don't think six schools is a representative sample. I am also not MO.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This generation is so sad... that's all I have to say. Even though I am also a teen i would never in a million years text on shabbat.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The last paragraph explains it. NOT all students attending M.O. schools are Orthodox. That doesn't mean that no Orthodox students text or use internet. I would bet that about the same percentage of Orthodox students in M.O. and typical Yeshivish schools do those things. Incomplete studies can be very misleading. BTW, I am not M.O.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Michelle Bachman has often said that there is no need to raise the debt ceiling. She says that it is ok to default on entitlements and that the President could simply chose to pay whichever obligations he choses. Thus, he could pay interest on debt to keep the credit rating and pay the military but ignore other legal obligations if there is not enough money. I heard her say this on television. How can anyone with any sense support her and her policies? The reason this country went from a surplus to a deficit is because two things happened at the same time. Congress lowered tax rates below what they were under Reagan and Clinton anda then fought a 10 years war on borrowed funds. One day of the war in Afganistan and Iraq costs far more than the minimal health care or social security given to our seniors. Michelle Bachman and her party would destroy the safety net while giving more and more tax breaks to the wealthiest people, who have gotten richer under Bush, while the rest of the country has gone down. It isn't a matter of politics, it is basic humanity on which war is being waged by Bachman and her cohorts. L.Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Lots of luck. Mazel Tov Saw your mother last week, and she is a busy lady.I am Ron Davis,mother. Mazel Tov again
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Can one get around this by paying cash?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am confused totally why she supports the Palestinians specially a holocaust survivor i am baffled her brain must of been put in backwards
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so difficult to comprehend how someone who is a survivor would support terrorists who want Israel and Jews to be wiped out!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
can someone explain when & why fruit became non-kosher??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What is not kosher about dried fruit?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What's next no pierceing ears
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the Elmans are responsible for so much Torah and mitzvos in our community and beyond!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
im very pleased with my new school from yechezkel englander
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Will there be any hook ups here in Baltimore?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a very humane thing to come about because animals, in Abrahamic cultures, are treated with disrespect and disdain. Hooray for progress!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
During World War 2 Holland had pro rata the largest number of collaborators who betrayed Jews to the Nazi occupiers.Dutch society is still virulently antisemetic and racist towards citizens of it's former colonies.The past lives on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I suppose they will outlaw abortions after the first trimester next, since the fetus can experience pain. No? Why not? (And why won't you publish this comment?)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is pretty disgusting article. Shame on the Rabbinate, and shame on this abusive woman. The judges should all be locked up. What criminal fascists they are!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
AbviG2 <a href="">wdvhlqmnkona</a>, [url=]aargxvuztljm[/url], [link=]sslqzdoemwqo[/link],
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's amazing what gaavah will make a person do to himself.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a great event to bring to the community but it should had been free entrance since rides are at a course. Families try to do family events and this can be costly at $5.00 per person, or there could had been a family package.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Baltimore Zionist District has just been told by Mayor Rawlings-Blake that she is proud to join Governor O'Malley and Baltimore City Council by issuing a proclamation stating that Honorary Citizen of Baltimore City Gilad Shalit be immediately released and return safely to his family and his homeland. BZD wants to thank our elected officials who stand and support the local Jewish community, the family of Gilad Shalit, the people and State of Israel. Please join BZD, Baltimore's elected officials and the Embassy of Israel tomorrow at the public ceremony demanding the immediate and safe return of Gilad.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The law is great. The trapping not so much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
MO is so confusing. I moved here years ago from NY and find the usage of the term so funny. MO gained its "fame" from Yeshiva University in NY not from old time Baltimore. This poster is correct about MO. Is MO defined as mixed dancing of the Baltimore 60's, driving on shabbos and proms out of Beth Tfiloh, serious Torah umadah (Rabbi Soloveitchik as the psoter wrote) out of YU, progressive women ideals out of Netivot and Rabbi Avi Weiss, out of Israel with religiuos zionism, boys and girls mixed, or many others? You pick. This poster is right. I was a parent there for many years. Rambam likely suffered greatly because they used that term and its parents had so many definitions of what MO meant. BT can get away with that term. Rambam could not. Mr. Kozlovsky is right about the confusion and negativity that can be associated with it. In my mind and I believe in YU's mind where it originated, any definition of Orthodoxy must first adhere to halacha. However, since there is no standards from any Rav like a Rabbi Soloveitchik, MO will continue to be all things to all people for better or worse.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
he loved every jew, of every stripe!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with the Israeli Justice Minister--assimilation is the worst threat to Judaism.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a wonderful article. I hope that many people will read it and perhaps understand the Israeli stance at the United Nations. Goldie said it ALL at the end of this editorial. Thanx again, BJL.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was responding to this article when I encountered computer problem. I agree with the Israeli Justice Minister.. Assimilation is devastating to Judaism.. By the way, I am an American.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article is unreal. I can't believe that a Jew more less a rabbi could ever advocate the killing of a non-Jew in wartime or otherwise. As an American I am shocked if this is true and as a Jew I am horrified. I have the utmost respect for the Orthodox as I am a traditionalist. The article mentioned Judea and Samaria.. I seem to recall the division between Israel and Judea.. Jews must remember that a house divided can be devastating for Israel. I am totally shocked by this rabbi's statement. Being a rabbi does not take priority over G-d. G-d Bless the Jewish people. The G-d of Israel will determine the fate of this rabbi. And I refer the rabbi to Isaiah 49..There's a reason for G-d choosing the Jews..
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The loss of Rambam is going to and has already effected the future of this community. The Associated should have stepped in and help the school survive.There is nothing more important than the foundation of a Jewish education.For our community who raises so many dollars....saving Rambam should have been a priority. We are now a polarized community. Ohr Chadash better flourish and survive or there is another big exit of families in the near future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is amazing how the definition of "Modern Orthodox" has changed over the years to a much less-inclusive, right-leaning one. "MO" used to be the nomenclature to describe synagogues such as Beth Tfiloh and Beth Jacob that had Orthodox services but accepted Jews of all degrees of observance, from the frum to the not-so-frum, from the black hats to those folks who removed their yarmulkes upon leaving the building. Now it seems that only Beth Tfiloh, Moses Montefiore, and Ner Tamid remain from the old-line MO shuls, with some of the other old-liners, such as Suburban Orthodox and Shaarei Zion no longer fitting the old definition. When exactly did "Modern Orthodox" take on a more fundamentalist tone?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is curious how the definition of the term "modern Orthodox" has changed over the years. MO used to be the term reserved for shuls like Beth Tfiloh, Beth Jacob, Liberty Jewish Center, Rogers Avenue, Denmore Avenue and others who davened the Orthodox litany but accepted without question members and visitors of all degrees of personal observance, the frum and the not-so-frum, the black hats and the folks who would remove their yarmulkes after leaving the building. MO shuls were distinct from the "frum" shuls, which then consisted of Shearith Israel and several cottage sanctuaries. Now, everything has shifted considerably to the right, with Beth Tfiloh, Ner Tamid and Moses Montefiore being the only old-line MO shuls left. The 2011 definition of MO seems to be a much less inclusive one.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Welcome to Maryland where such a move-over law has been in effect since October 2010. See the text of the MD law at You can find out more information about Move-Over laws across the country at
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please tell me the last two lines of this article are not a joke.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think someone should send this discussion to the GULF francise supervisor. Bryon S. is absolutly right, we don't have a right to park on the Gulf station's lot. BUT the Gulf station does not have the right to LURE people into parking on the lot.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The previous commenter makes some outstanding points regarding the integrity of our schools when it comes to Yiddiskeit. I believe that there is a second point that is exacerbating the situation. A lack of leadership and outspokenness by our local rabbinate. We are blessed in this town with wonderful & tremendous talmedai chachamim. We have also been blessed with Shalom between the factions of Judaism over the years. Today, the leaders seem afraid to stand up and loudly protest actions or ideals that go against our core values, for fear, they may shake up the shalom.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Howie for your tireless efforts on behalf of this and every other Jewish community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I on the other hand agree how bad labeling is and you actually make the case why and don't realize it. The point I think is when one labels, they have no exclusivity to the label. Put 10 people from Baltimore in the room and their definition of what the term modern, right, left can all be different but they all feel passionate within their own definitions. That doesn't even take into account, discussing definitions cross other states in the US and Israel. Labeling tears people apart. If one holds to Halacha and spirituality why can't we all be Orthodox and just define philosophy differences like supporting State of Israel and other philosophical differences. At the core, once one holds Halacha because it's an expectation, but also a means to get closer to hashem, we are all Orthodox. Let's stop using these labels.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am extremely saddened by the closing of such a great school, and feel for the children in upper middle school and High School that feel that they have no where to go. While I feel that your assesment of the situation and recomendations for the future sheds a great amount of light on this ever-present issue, I must disagree with you on one of your points. I believe that labels are extremely important for a school like Yeshivat Rambam/Ohr Chadash. Look at Beth Tfiloh; as a former student, I have emerged disgusted at the lack of guidleines and structure (in the realm of both religious beliefs and Jewish Studies)of BT. It claims to be both a "Modern Orthodox" Jewish day school, and a "community school". Whule it of course does not advocate "non-MO" actions and beliefs, teachers do not teach the students what is and is not permissable under Modern Orthodoxy, and what Modern Orthdox beliefs essentially are. To students, Judaism is divided into 2 categories: Religious and Non Religious; there is no inbetween and shomer shabbos to them might as well mean chassidic. Many students are unaware of what muksa is and what the laws of shabbos exactly entail, Glatt Kosher is a foreign term, laws of tzniut (and even the word itself) are unknown, intermarriage and some aspects of conversion are such a politically correct issues that they can barely be discussed, shomer negiah and kol isha are looked upon as crazy and extrmeist as students believe that the only reasons for these laws are of a sexual nature meant to control men's desires, and etc. Having spent a great deal of time at BT, I can tell you that while it may seem to be the fault of the teachers, it truly isn't. Instead, it is Beth Tfiloh's "community school" stance. There is a feeling that if true Modern Orthodoxy is taught (while of course not made to be followed), parents and children will get extremely offended and then pull their children out of the school. And of course, Beth Tfiloh would definately not want that to happen. If a new school were to spring up and not directly say what they exactly believe in, I fear that another Beth Tfiloh will form, and that is not something that will benefit the Jewish community at all.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There are no answers here.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How can a teacher know how much time a student will need to do an assignment? A child might take two hours to do a very simple assignment. 1 1/2 hrs complaining and putting it off. 15 minutes doing it. 15 min reviewing with parents.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What's the chilul Hashem in his involvement in ObamaCare?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Read the full quote. She is grateful to the Media for its help in giving her daughters' privacy and sparing them (the daughters) the nastiness their parents' political lives would otherwise foster. It has nothing to do with the innuendo the headline and opening line are attempting to convey. BJL should remove this article from its lineup.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kids should not have "unlimited" texting plans. They should be limited in the number of texts they can send and receive every month; Texting should not be allowed to become an all-day-long involuntary bodily function. This limit will make it easier for them to keep Shabbat as a boundary as well.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think you were missing the point of that previous comment. There are levels to public and private - and I don't thing that was really the main point of the comment anyway - I think it was less about the kids and more about the environment that produces the kids... If it is pervasive then it's because of the environment that is producing the kids, not the kids.... The only way to change the kids behavior is to change the institutions - it's really quite simple. You do the same thing, you will get the same result.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov! It is amazing and a true kiddush hashem the progress and voice you bring on behalf of our community to Annapolis!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Spitting and throwing rocks, sounds very "Shabbat-like"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
did you talk to him about the horrible chillul hashem his envolvement in the implementation and promotion of obama care is?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This article makes a lot of sense. I can truly relate to what it is saying. I hope that a lot of people will read this.. Thank you, Baltimore Jewish Life.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We went last year too - definitely worth going! Too bad it is on such a busy Sunday with so many competing programs.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Keep up the vital work that you do...and Mazel Tov!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011 Our teachers taught us the words of the Torah. It is on us to get the message. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Byron, as customers have parked on that lot for over 20 years I bet as an esq. you can make the argument that it is allowable by law. The parking lines just seem to confuse people as to what the signs mean. that would be the lefney eevair
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He does have a right to prohibit parking but should ensure each space is clearly marked. These lines give a false impression and can easily confuse customers. No idea why he needed the spaces when at most there is only one car parked at the pumps. Hope he goes out of business soon!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011 What a pleasure to see the words of this learned man published for us. May we hear often from Rabbi Kaganoff. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011 I do not see where we differ. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Just as a side point when you text most often you are texting with another human being. So no of these kids are texting privately. Also parents can see when their kids text assuming they are the ones who pay for the bill. So all these kids are texting publicly because there is no other way
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bryon, The current owner of the Gulf station has clearly said to many people that he does not like the Jews and doesn't care if they don't buy gas from him. I think people should know this about him and not support his establishment. The previous owners did appreciate the Jewish business and therefore didn't mind when someone parked their car near the payphones/snowball stand. The current owner will tow your "Jewish" car even if you just purchased something from him(ie. cigarettes, or a drink) if you go into Tov Pizza or Kosher Bite afterward Ronnie has had a great relationship with several different owners for over 25 years, so I'm sure it's not him! I see this as a problem Bryon, it's a shame that you see it otherwise.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 24th, 2011 I know this is politically incorrect, but this property belongs to the Gulf station and he has the right to prohibit parking. We think we are entitled and we think he is intruding on our rights. In fact, we are not entitled and it is we who are intruding on his rights. Respecting the property rights of others is a matter of respecting the human rights of others. If we as a people do not stand for human rights, then for what do we stand? The quality if his character is irrelevant to his rights. Publicly ridiculing him and fomenting anger towards him is a form of bullying him to give up that which we have no right to demand. We need to act according to our ideals and virtues. And our ideals and virtues are the absolute valuing of human rights, of all people. Even the ones we do not like. Indeed, especially the ones we do not like. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The owner of the Gulf station is an Anti-Semite and no one should give him any business. Not gas or convenience. Let him feel it in his wallet and maybe he will change his tune!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
pretty impressive
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great speech. Now, it would be nice if the leadership of our Yeshivos would not only understand the need for their Talmidim to re-assume their roles as Jewish men, but to make the necessary changes and give them the tools to do so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful speech.........the love for Yeshivat Ramban, family and friends truly comes through.......good job!!!!! ttfn
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov. It's about time people in the "Frum" community realize the importance of being involved with neighborhood associations.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! It's about time someone had the courage to say this. I hope the graduates, their parents, and their teachers take this message to heart to change the expectation of our current environment.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
He is such an amazing Rav and person! Kol Hakavod to him!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How do I get this coupon?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos for the frum community working in a mentchlich way to work with an often recalcitrant board, and to GNIA president Derrick Lennon for working things through.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 23rd, 2011 'Be as Aaron and bring people to the faith.' Mishneh, Pirkei Avos. 'The greatest influence you can do for our people - is to learn a blot of gemorah.' Mordechai Gifter. 'People come to Judaism by people learning in bais medrash' Yitzchak Ruderman 'When a yid in Vilna chaps pshat in Tosfos, a yid in pariz keeps Shanbbos.' Yisroel Salanter. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 23rd, 2011 It is an abomination to make pollard and Shalit equal. Shalit is a hero defending his people. May God have mercy on Shalit quickly. May pollard's name never again be mentioned in the same sentence with his. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Is this family related to the Rosh Hayeshiva?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So sad and troubling.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Our local community federation could learn a lot from Boston, with regard to their support for children and adults with disabilities in the Jewish community and Jewish day schools.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perhaps you are all missing a much bigger point. It's that those teens are not troubled teens, but instead are being very respectful to their patents by not doing it out in the open. Teens know who they are. If they are texting on Shobbos it's because they don't believe it's a real problem that has a real impact on them or the universe around them. Teens today are remarkably intelligent and are growing up on science and physics and technology. They are taught aggadata as reality in school and are too intelligent to believe it. Once any part loses credability, it all loses credability. It's not the teens with the problem. It's the Old way of thinking and those who are stuck in old ways of understanding and teaching. Unless yidishkite catches up to our kids' reality, it will be rejected by many. Not out of spite or rebellion, but by an intellect that we did not posses at their age. It's time to accept that it's ok to teach our children concepts that were reserved for elders, that anthropomorphism is a juvenile way of looking at Hashem, that it served its purpose 1000 years ago, but that such concepts are outdated and simply unbelievable to many thoughtful teens. Just ask them. And if you stick to the part of the story that's not real, it will be assumed that none of it is real. It's time for a reality check.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What does BMG stand for?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I have personally witnessed a young person I know texting on yom tov. The person goes to a single gender school
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is happening in Baltimore schools. All of them. Texting is an addiction for some children. Just as certain people can barely get through Shabbos without a cigarette, kids who do not have the strong faith basis to overcome (and even some who might) this addiction, will do it. Don't fool yourself into thinking that this is not in Bais Yaakov, TA, Ner, Mesivta or Rambam. It's in all of these places to various degrees. What can be done? I say, why does a kid need a cell phone? I had no cell phone until I was out of college, and I'm not that much older than these kids. The point is that a person can figure out their lives without a phone if a phone is not put into their hands. Parents reserve the right to choose not to give children a phone. Also, why are kids bored on Shabbos? We need to engage kids more -- create programming for them, engage in more family activities, be more proactive. Of course it would occur if the only thing to do on Shabbos afternoon is sleep. Finally, strengthening our own practices, being the models ourselves, showing others how we LOVE Shabbos and can turn off everything and WELCOME turning off everything for a whole day -- this is how we can help the situation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If Jews did not make such a big deal about Pollard he would have been pardoned long ago. The reason why its a big deal to pardon him is because Jews turned it into a big deal.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Baltimore community needs to wake up! Yes it is happening here also! also don't think this is just in the. " modern orthodox", which happens to be a wrong word, it is happening all over the Orthodox community. how about we get our heads out of the sand and find a way to help these kids and realize that there is something going on!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Jewish community all around the world is thank God large enough, and savvy enough, to be able to handle many issues at one time. Are we ready to abandon the Pollards and Shalits of the Jewish people- and they are both ours- and focus on only one issue at a time? With 55 major American Jewish organizations, not to mention those in Israel and across the world, there is plenty for all of us to tackle. Let's not be a "shah shtil" community afraid to upset the powers that be.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why is the answer always to shelter our kids more? Why can't the answer be better parenting? It seems cowardly to me to keep your kids away from the world so that they will not be tempted. Shouldn't we teach them to live in the world as it is and be courageous and strong and make a kiddush Hashem wherever they go? Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing? Why are so many people hiding from the world???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you let your CHILD have his/her own cell phone, you have abdicated on your parental responsibility to supervise them. As Moshe argued with G-d, "What will the child do, but sin?!" (Ma ya'aseh haben v'lo yechtah.) A child/adolescent/teen without a cellphone is like a fish without a bicycle.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Supervised social activities to fill those long shabbos afternoons might be helpful" Supervised family activities with supervising parents might be more helpful. There are already to many "activities" from the outside. The biggest part of the problem is the home is no longer the fortress it was intended to be. With the stresses of double incoming and the mentality that has developed in the wake working family structure, children are no longer able to entertain themselves the way they used to and Parents have no time to train them to do so. Combine that with a lack of home enforced boundaries and misguided (and thoughtless) parents who give their children unlimited cell phone use and we have serious issues. It is time to admit that as a generation we have fumbled the ball where chinuch habonim is concerned. There is NO quality without quantity.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
For those who are confused. Read the by-line. This article comes from Jewish Week, not Baltimore. But I'm sure it happens in Baltimore. And attributing this phenomenon exclusively to Rambam or BT, and not TA or Beis Yaakov is naive and wishful thinking. Kids are kids everywhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"When we did take away a phone,â he said, âthe amount of pain the student was in was literally unbearable." We may joke about the hive mentality of the Borg on Star Trek, but for these children, being connected, being able to formulate a thought, transmit it immediately, and get a response, is a very real "need" for them, because they've grown up with it. In case you think this is ridiculous, tell me: Why is it impossible to get some people to stop talking in shul, and most people not to talk at all?? - There is this urge to communicate as soon as you get a thought.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is not a problem that you can isolate in the "Modern" orthodox community. Dr Twersky has been speaking on this problem in the yeshivish community for a while. The yeshivish kids are more likely to hide it and nebach, subsequently are less likely to stop. There are many yeshivish kids who are living dual lives in their observance. Speak to the professionals, the counselors, therapists, chaplains and you will see a very different yeshivish community. Unfortunately, Baltimore is poorly set up to deal with these problems because it continues to live in denial. If you are struggling with these issues in your household, you may want to consult outside of Baltimore, where the Rabbanim are more open and experienced with working with these problems (and worse) and are better connected with a wider range of the appropriate professionals to help you. In other communities they have woken up to the fact that you can't walk around pinning every problem in the community on the "Modern Orthodox".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the closing of Rambam won't help this problem
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If it goes on in NY it goes on in Baltimore, with technology our kids are very connected to peers everywhere.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No, the article is not about Baltimore's "local" schools, but I was wondering if this kind of thing is going on here in town. I agree that "idle hands" is a big part of the problem - too much free time on shabbos.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They are NOT Muslims, they are Sikhs who wear turbans to cover their long hair! This seems to be a business decision. They are in a Jewish Neighborhood, they want to attract Jews. They have several display cases marked Koser, with items having an OU on it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't profess to be an expert at all but with any addiction "idle hands" tend to be at least part of the problem. Could we either individually or as a community develop counter programming to this behavior? Supervised social activities to fill those long shabbos afternoons might be helpful - Donna Wach
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I thought this was talking about Baltimore. It said "local" schools.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't have kids this age at home anymore - is this common in Baltimore too????
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This piece should run on every op-ed page in the country. Europe too. Israel needs a new PR agency.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Perfectly written - I will share with others. Thank you
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is an event we should all attend. I went last year and my kids had a great time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
i resent ppl equate the holocaust with the arabs in israel. i also resent when they only look at history where it suits them - and stop before going far back enough to reveal where did these arabs came from, and whose land THEY took. jews are not a european-style colony in occupied land. we are native to israel, since ancient times. it is our name the land carries. and 1 last thing - UNRWA and the passing of the title "refugee" from generation to generation is something the world only grants the arabs. can it be because it is another way to attack israel? by making people "victims" (of losing a war they started) for eternity? no other people was ever given the amount of money the west gave the palestinian - good business for them, eh?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This lesson is one best shared. To focus on the best aspects of a culture, to progress and grow. Life can be beautiful, but you must desire it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I was one of the very early members of NCSY back around 1960 and have been a fan ever sense. NCSY demonstrated that Orthodoxy is alive and able to relate to contemporary youth. Yachad is a fantastic organization of chesed and Tikkun Olam. Keep up the good work. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
So many issues with this I don't know where to start. Torah study should be L'shem Shamayim, how exactly will that be fulfilled if you "draft" men into yeshiva. Also where is the evidence that 'Haredim are better employees?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Gaon was buried there, not "is". His remains were relocated. Chaim Freedman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Rabbi Oberstein: As a conservative Republican, but as a person who listens to other views, I really enjoyed your articles, as I always enjoy when you write. I enjoy hearing liberals when they speak sensibly, even when I disagree with them. We both agree that this is a blessed country where we can all express our views and not have to worry if we will be arrested for those views, (that was called "Freedom in the Marketplace" bY Natan Sharansky. I also strongly agree that there need to be some mechanism for discussion of religious differences between Jewish groups and certainly within the Orthodox community. You serve at a Yeshiva where the Rosh HaYeshiva has expressed such virulent and negative views publicly about the State of Israel, to the extreme that he sounds more like the PLO's Abbas than a Jewish leader. After I called him down on it publicaly (in the Jewish Times) someone is setting up a meeting for us to meet. While I despise his views, I will meet with him out of respect to his position to see if there is any way to breech the gap in the Orthodox community. I really respect that you are a Zionist in the Yeshiva - I am sure that is harder than being a Democrat in the Republican Jewish community of Baltimore. Kol HaKavod, and please continue your views and write about them often. Conservatives enjoy well-written pieces that disgree with our views.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
very good article. thanks for posting
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Was baltimore jewish life one of the "50 sources of news" for Baltimore mentioned in the article?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I bet you it's because they are muslim--they keep Hallal. When I was in there, they were wearing turbans.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
what does this even mean? there is a 7-Eleven Hashgacha? If the meat is shechted properly and is cooked by Jew, isn't the food kosher?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
True, but to a point. As citizens of this "free" country, we have a right to speak out, as does everyone else who looks to protect and defend their heritage. No one chided the Kennedy's from speaking out on Irish issues. There has never been as dangerous a president in regard to Israel's security and our future and we have a right to say so.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so unclear
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree Shomrim has been extremely effective in the community especially with it's rapid response and has proven results. Sorry I don't give NWCP any credit (what a waste of time and resources)- it's about time they follow Shomrim and hatzalla and finally WOKE UP and now starting to be a little more proactive!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
all you people have to do is check NWCPs 990 which list salaries and other expenses, some of which you may be surprised by
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thanks for posting this video. just a general question: why is the media so supportive of the UN? I know there are individuals such as this one who get up and blast it but it seems like the media has yet to get on their case and apply pressure. Its time for some sanctions against the UN especially considering the fact that we host and support it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If you think that Shomrim has a police liaison officer assigned to them, you obviously have no knowledge of the situation and should not be commenting.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 19th, 2011 Reb Ephraim Zt'l was a father to those who sought to achieve his virtues and ideals. His devotion to gadlus in learning, his piety and his bond with people, especially those who toiled in learning, was an inspiration and a comfort in a world and at a time when these virtues were left in the corner to gather dust. Those of us who knew him remember him with love and we hope and pray that his song should endure. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I so agree with that last comment. Jewish support of Obama is incredibly bothersome to me. I am scared looking forward to 2012. Yes, like the person said in their comment watch the President's actions. Israel does not deserve the President's pressure on an ally that has been so supportive of America and democracy. Would the US deal with England or any of her other allies in this manner?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
After what Spain did to the Jews I would think it should take yet ANOTHER 519 years for a Jewish leader to go back there. I found the book, Jews, G-d, and History very informative with regards to the Inquisition.. No one suffered like the Jews of Spain.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Duh? Will we ever learn? I doubt it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Of course we all want shalom and everyone to work together. And Shomrim has bent over backward to do that through multiple offers to NWCP 'management'. It is the NWCP who surreptitiously listens in to the Shomrim channel, takes credit for Shomrim's work, and tells BCPD officials and the public that there is less crime than 'other' organizations claim there is.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I can see why Netanyahu is angered with Obama and the US foreign policy. It is so very hard to comprehend why the US puts so much pressure on her staunch ally in the middle east. Israel will prevail--I honestly believe that. The Palestinians really need to recognize the Jewish state. Palestinians would gain so much by dealing directly with Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This has made my day. I wish all potisngs were this good.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the fact is that nwcp does not want to work with shomrim. their leadership has said so in front of various rabbonim. they pay an off duty cop to patrol on friday nights and when they were asked to allow him to carry a shomrim radio in order to have a quick efficient method of two way communication to the cop and the community, they said no. it wouldnt cost them anything nor would it hurt them, it would just make this friday night patrol more effective if a problem arose. say what you want but, the fact is shomrim has asked multiple times to work together and the consistant response from the nwcp is.... NO. some of you probably blame the victim of a bully for being bullied, if he would only get along with the's time to realise that it's the bully doing the pushing and yelling, not the receiver of the bully.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bad headline BJL. Agent?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
TYVM you've solved all my prlobems
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Another reason why I have steered clear of Chivas whiskies for many years now . . . . . . . Chivas have continually blanked any public approach for further detail of the process other than what is contained within patent registration document. It would appear that they are very keen to keep this matter out of the public eye. It does beg the question - WHY?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
While most of us would prefer that cads such a Weiner receive ZERO pensions, this Congressional pension is quite modest by California public employee standards -- indeed less generous than any CA public employee plan I can think of! With a current salary of $174,000, Weiner's pension for 14 years in office will be only $46,000. That's about 2% times salary times number of years in office. Most CA pensions use 2.5% to 3% of salary. Moreover, Weiner's pension is based on the average of his highest three salaries. Most CA public employees figure it based on their SINGLE highest year's salary. In addition, Weiner's pension starts at age 62. Almost all CA public employees can start their full pensions from ages 50 to 60. The problem is not that Weiner's Congressional pension is too little -- the problem is that we taxpayers pay millions of government employees pensions that cost too much.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Let's tell the truth. The only reason Maryland's unemployment rate is as low as it is, is because of obsurd increases in government hiring, both federal and state. How about the private sector unemployment rate, whose taxes actually pay for all these gov't employees?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This man has been eligible for parole since 1995! If getting out of jail meant something to him, why doesn't he apply for parole? Because Jonathan Pollard refuses to admit his guilt and seek atonement.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 11 "Your drives with the NWCP are the only reason we have a community today." You maybe getting a little carried away. It takes more than a 3 hour patrol as "the only reason we have a community". In perspective I would thank our leadership Rabbis and civil and so on. Be real our community does better because of 7 Mile Market than the patrol. If I were to list important volunteer organizations benefiting our community, I would go with Ahavas Yisroel, Bikur Cholem, Hatzalah, Shomrim, Gevurous Yarden, Chaverim, and many more before I got to the patrol. Good Morning its time to wake up #11
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To all: This is, frankly, a ridiculous conversation. You have two groups, both out to help the community. Why is any of this important at all? Kudos to NWCP, kudos to Shomrim, and to Hatzalah and Chaverim who have an EXCELLENT working relationship with BOTH groups. From what I can tell, the city officials have an excellent working relationship with BOTH (if I am not mistaken, Shomrim recently attended a baseball game in the Mayor's box, which was posted here on this site). Both Shomrim and NWCP have the right to present to this community any awards, accolades or anything they deem appropriate. As far as the Baltimore City Police Officer, why make this an issue? The money to pay him is not coming out of YOUR pocket. Instead of appreciating the fact that the city is willing to supply the community with a liaison officer, you need to make this into a point of contention? If I am not mistaken, Shomrim also has a liaison police officer assigned to them. It is time to put this conversation to rest. If you love Shomrim, call Shomrim and support them. If you love NWCP, call NWCP and support them. Why does there have to be this ridiculous fighting? Everyone shares a common goal: the safety and security of this community. Don't you agree? ML
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What do you mean who is going to see it? Its posted on!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful and thought provoking.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good video. The question is who's going to see it?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
at today's matzoh prices that one sheet would sell for $540!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
If NWCP can't make it on volunteers, for only three hours of coverage six days a week, with a full-time Baltimore city paid police officer on staff, then they have management problems that we shouldn't be pouring more community funds into.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #9: Your drives with the NWCP are the only reason we have a community today.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree with Eli Schlossberg. Both organization are needed, if nwcp works only 3 hours a day the community needs shomrim the other 21 hours. If shomrim uses all volunteers that is what the nwcp did many years ago. As far as the community, we should insist on the 2 groups working togather. The one who does not want to work with the other should not be supported by the community or the Rabbis. case settled A.H.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
so what happened on Wednesday.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 4 Last summer Shomrim was able to return my eight year olds sons bike just minutes after it was stolen from him. It happened 3:00pm when the patrol is not out.To this day he talks about it, he knows there people out there interested in helping others. When he grows up he wants to join shomrim. I do my drives with the patrol and am starting to feel like it is a waste of my time. I also do not believe we have brought crime down by 70%
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
From Rabbi Oberstein: I appreciate the comments and read all of them. Maybe the fact that they are all anonymous makes it easier for some people, I personally prefer to take ownership of my statements, but that's just me. Historically, the Democratic Party in Alabama was racist. It's symbol after the Civil War (which we called the War between the States) was a rooster and the motto "White Supremacy For the Right". In a bygone era, the Republican Party hardly existed in the Deep South. This all changed when Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act and Richard Nixon cynically used states rights as a way to change the loyalty of many whites from D to R. I do not agree that the Torah is for either political party and I am sure that many people could bring evidence from various verses to prove one side or the other of many questions. People of my persuasion believe that "His mercy is over all His creations" means that we should emulate G-d and care about all people and help them achieve a better life. I would not equate certain hot button issues like gay rights or gay marriage with the Democartic Party per se. However, I acknowledge that many in today's society believe that goverment should not legislate these things and it is a matter of personal choice. I don't feel that way but I do think that most young people in this country do and in time, much of what is seen as radical will become normal. Unless, there is a backlash, and that is also a possibillity. Time will tell. I have no desire to defend Obama, my beliefs are based on what I think is moral and just and not what is convenient at the moment. I actually believe in what I believe in, and I am not sure if all politicians do. George Wallace was a sincere repentant and after he was shot in Maryland, he became pro black and was elected to office with black votes . He was never as bad as some thought, we knew him and he was just saying what he had to say to get elected at that time. He was a politician, not an ideologue.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As far as I can tell, Shomrim works as a partner with Hatzollah, CERT, Chaveirim and others. I never see the NWCOP work with anyone, where do you think the issue is? If an organization as honorable as Hatzollah has no problem working with Shomrim, I'm thinking the issue is not with them.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
to # 3. non-prof info is public. You can look it up. I did and was shocked. I don't want to write what maybe loshon hara but you may want to ask the NWCP and Shomrim before making you next contribution. Josh G
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
#4 please explain how and from what time frame crime is down 70% You are clearly someone in the know. The nwcop patrols the streets for about 3 hours a day, help me with the math
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: The fact that in his post, Eli Schlossberg, one of the biggest askanim in town, does not dispute the comment that asks about the $100K budget, tells me that they indeed have that large budget, maybe even larger. Aside from that point, I think it is such a shame that they can not somehow work in harmony. I mean, after all, are their goals not the same - protecting our Baltimore community? Donât they both wish to be as effective as possible on behalf of the community? We are lucky to have people willing to put themselves out there on our behalf. Why canât there be achdus between these two on our behalf. I throw this suggestion out to everyone for discussion: Nachi Schechter and Ronnie Rosenbluth, both of whom should be applauded for all they do, should each become co-presidents of a combined organization, each focusing on their strengths. Ever hear of united we stand, divided we fall? I think someone like Eli Schlossberg, or another major askan in town, should become the Chairman of the Board of this combined organization. It is just so silly that when it comes to protecting us and doing all that both Shomrim and NWCP do so effectively, there should be even a little divisiveness. Every time something bad happens, everyone has an opinion as to why it happened. Reasons from talking during chazaras hashatz, talking lashon hara, talking against our gedolim, etc., etc., etc. might be given as *the* reason. Everyone knows these are all assur. But, I have to think that maybe, just maybe, if these 2 very, very worthy organizations would begin talking with each other, well, who knows???
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It's no surprise to me that several European countries would support the Palestinians in the UN. Europe has always been so steeped in anti-semitism. I'm happy that the United States is on the Security Council. I am, however, disturbed by England's support of the PLO. I pray that G-d will continue to be on Israel's side.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I hope this issue is resolved. There certainly is enough friction between the United States and Russia.. I think the sacred texts should be returned as soon as possible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #1: Please explain how running around after someones bike gets stolen is effective? The NWCP is and always has been pro-active - and the lack of any appreciable signage on the part of Shomrim doesn't do anything for anyone. As a private citizen you can also follow people around and call the police. NWCP may not be going out and interacting with criminals, but there is no comparison between an organization that has been in existence for 29 years and is clearly attributed to dropping crime 70% and one that has been for 5 and is barely holding on.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't understand why Jews can't have a free day school? Can't Judaic studies be taught on a volunteer basis, with all the rabbis available and the emphasis on giving tzaddakah in the community? I doubt Amish kids pay for their schooling...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
As one who gives money to both these organizations, can anyone confirm that the NWCP has a budget of over $100K/year. I was of the understanding that both of these groups are strictly volunteer.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Interesting article. People's positions are the sum total of their experience and outlook on life. Yes, discourse should be civil. Unfortunately, we are seeing the politics of destruction and demonization, mostly perpetrated by the left and media. (Just look at the frenzie on the release of Sarah Palin's e-mails. The media looked foolish. BTW, I certainly hope she is not a candidate). I grew up in NY and was elected to a local office in my early 20's. I was endorsed by every union. Life would be so much simpler if I were naive and didn't see first hand what these people were about. The unions only cared about themselves. During a budget crisis, they told us that "we don't care how many people you lay off, as long as you give more to the remaining employees." This was during meeting with them during a budget crisis. I also saw, first hand, that the lunatic fringe, the leftist, maxists, socialists infiltrated the Democrat political clubs in NY and took many of them over. These people with their mentality are now of age and took control of the Democratic Party. These are not the democrats that most of us grew up with. My parents were members of the Liberal Party in NY and I was the first member of the Democrat Party in my family. I was involved in politics and election from the days as a young child and frankly, the whole thing sickens me today. The Heritage Foundation (a conservative group) says in their radio ad that conservative need the truth to be out in public with an educated population. Neither exists today. Truth is irrelivent, political spin rules the day and the public is no longer educated. It's time to ignore what people say and look what they do. Rabbi Oberstein, you seem to put too much value on what Pres. Obama says in support of Israel, while ignoring his actions and the position he puts Israel into. He is aiding and abetting Israel's enemies. You can't negotiate anything with unwilling partners while giving away everything before negotiation actually starts. Rabbi Oberstein, another thing that puzzles me about your liberalism. You quote Gov. Wallace to show racism, which is fair, but he was a democrat and was most of the racist in his day. Policies the Democrats created, alledgedly to help Blacks destroyed their strong family life (easily proven). Isn't it time for Jews to wake up and see how the world really is today and take their heads out of the sand? B"H, everything is in Hashem's hands and in the hands of "wishful thinking" Jews.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
the most bipartisan and civil candidate in this race so far is Jon Huntsman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
We are funding NWCP and Shomrim for they are both very worthy community safety organizations. I have been a Baltimore resident for 61 years and I and my family and friends appreciate the work of both organizations. No one is forced or taxed to donate to any of these groups as donations are optional but the tremendous NWCP community support only reinforces its perceived need and the confidence most of the community has in their wonderful program. Kol Hakovod to the leadership of NWCP. The terrific volunteers at Shomrim also play a very vital and important crime fighting roll in keeping our community safe. They do a incredible job! I applaud their work! It is high time that both these worthy groups stop bickering and work together to protect the neighborhood. It is not fair to question anyones budget as I trust the leaders of both are fiscally responsible. The person who asked why we are funding uses the term "WE" I question how much they contributed. So support what you prefer but do not dare question the budgets of a worthy group that is led by Das Torah and especially if you do not support them financially. Instead double the support for the organization you wish to support. I thank NWCP and its leadership for their excellent work as I thank Shomrim and their leadership for their incredible contribution all volunteer to our community. Both keep us safe and Hashem will I"H keep it that way if we together display a ruach of Ahavas Yisroel and Shalom going forward. Eli W. Schlossberg a Baltimore Native and fan of both groups!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is true that the Torah is neither Democratic or Republican, but despite any history of the parties, in our time, the Republicans are much closer to the Torah way than the Democrats. A Radical, Right Wing Democrat
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Rabbi Oberstein, you said "it is the intolerance of diversity and lack of respect for other points of view". I think that this doesn't only apply to political discourse among orthodox Jews, but is also about all types of discourse about halacha and hashkafa among orthodox jews. I don't think that this is the problem, but rather a symptom of another problem, and it just spills over into the political arena. Just take a look at various publications both on the right and the left and see what is included, what is censored and what is omitted. I think this is just a continuation.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for your comments. I think you should write more about how we as frum Jews treat other minorities, because many frum people grew up without the kind of education and experience as you (and I) have in relation to minorities.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
A Torah Jew is neither a Democrat or Republican- rather he should decide issues based on our values and not those of a particular political ideology. If you are beholden to either party you necessarily have views that are contrary to Torah, but worse you give their platforms greater credence than that of the Divine.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you, Rabbi Oberstein, for having the courage to say this.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mitt Romney in '12!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I agree. I love debating politics with people - and some are really just outright obnoxious. In fact, I am a firm believer of "I am going to run on my merits - what I can offer, what I can do for my constituency." Stop worrying about what the other guy has or hasn't done. I think mudslinging should be banned in any political process.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Who's wedding?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It was a very special event. I found it so weird that we were looking at this from our backyard as though projected onto a screen but we were very much part of the whole thing. Imagine what it must have been like for ancient peoples who could only be in awe of something they didn't understand.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Why are we funding the NWCP when Shomrim, a fully VOLUNTEER organization (unlike NWCP) is far more effective. The community is being shielded from what is really taking place behind the scene regarding these 2 organizations. It is time for both to be transparent and help us understand why the NWCP needs to have a budget of over $100k/year.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
kudos to Crusty
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What date was the harbor incident ? Nice lack of information . Please provide source
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! This is amazing! The Jewish Press' outstanding journalism shines like a beacon of truth and integrity in our age of sullied publications ripe with corrupt claptrap.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It works fine. Be sure you follow the instructions. For example where it instructs you: In order to purchase the above Jewpon you must either be logged in to your existing Jewpon account, or you need to create a username account below together with your billing information. Anyway, you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a fabulous Program
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What nonsense. After putting in all my info., including credit card, it doesn't work for Baltimore. Why is it on a Baltimore site?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kol Ha Kavod!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This incident underlines the fact that the PA cannot be trusted with regard to security at holy sites.Jerusalem must always be the undivided capitol of Israel.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
take on a mitzva in their zchus! shmiras halashon...
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Then i won't let my daughters marry or live in willimsburg... men should learn to control themselves!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you Crusty!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Crusty you are truly Baltimore's Finest! We miss you here in NJ. The Lansky's
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow! Kol HaKavod! Amian
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Have the US. give back to the Amerian Indians all land other than the land the U.S. bought from the Fench and Russia. Even as to the Louisiana Purchas and Alaska did the foreign owners (sellers) have the legal right to the land or was that land stolen? Attorneys (Jewish Attorneys) should be given the case.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
way to go crusty,keep up the great work.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kov Hakavod, Crusty, for the Kiddush Hashem you have made. There are so many who can learn from the wonderful things you do for the community! We are so proud of you. The Porcelain Family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
these dictatorial decrees are a major cause of anti semitism - if these 'rabbis' want to live in a dictatorship i am sure they can find a communist country in which to live - and what is the point in writing a poster in yiddish - likely those who can read yiddish already dress appropriately - women can't speak on cell phones??? another waste of the rabbis' supposedly valuable time and energy - women to cross the road to prevent scandalizing.........i think chasidic (and other supposedly frum)men have already scandalized themselves much too much by fraud, embezzlement and other crimes against the torah and american law - maybe try to teach these 'men' not to look/stare/leer at women - teaching them some self control would likely be a good idea or is this their solution since williamsburg rabbis realize that they cant teach their 'chasidic' men self control - if you dont want to live in a free county then DONT LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
would it not be nice if the entire team would wear a t shirt under the jersey to enable her to play since according to this article article 'a team must be uniformly dressed' not that every team has to dress the same - i am assuming i am not the first person to think of this but that would make an even bigger kiddush hashem in my humble opinion
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The great Crustopolis! Your the man. Very deserving, congrats. Your old friend and classmate, DML
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go shomrim unit 6
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What will it take for American Jews to pull away from their love-fest with the Dim-o-cratic party?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Featured speakers include:Â House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Fri); MD Governor Martin OâMalley, Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post Media Group " ...and they call it a "non-partisan organization"?? Pul-eeze.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 19th, 2011 Ah yes, the refreshing satire of yellow journalism. Is Reinhardt Heidrich available for interview to bolster the story? Its good the BJL publishes these articles to remind us that hatred for the Jew is hatred for the ideals and virtues of the Jew, and it simmers right beneath the surface. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
There is no apostrophe in "mayors"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
First the pilots were also saving their own lives. We so much want a hero in an undevoted society that the "modest" pilot has become one. If anyone knows anything about flying the whole megillah was a rather routine experience. Pilot's training includes such emergency procedures. Had the same occurence happened out in the midle of the Pacific there would have been no survivors.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Shame on the school board, they should all be impeached.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is a non issue, especially in comparrison to Obama's undermining Israel in an existential way. Why people latch on to his false statements of support for Israel, while cause her such harm is beyond me. Wordd are cheap, watch his actions.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Does anybody know how many U.S. Presidents have done the same? Let Israel Move their embassy to Baltimore
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I'm writing to clarify a possible mis-impression. While English speakers in Ma'ale Adumim attend and feel at home in a host of outstanding shuls in our community, Nachalat Yehuda's uniqueness is that it explicitly caters to English speakers with sermons, classes, lectures and announcements delivered in English. Rabbi Elan Adler
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It would seem that the Syrian government is encouraging its citizens to invade Israel and risk being killed. Of course, this is the same government which is also shooting its own citizens. It looks to me like it is just trying to divert attention from its own problems. Either way the Syrian government is trying to kill its own citizens.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
PRIORITY should be given to local institutions, while at the same time, there are multiple causes in Eretz Yisrael and other Jewish communities that people can hear about and decide what they would like to support. Even in Baltimore, a local organization has asked that people sign a pledge to keep at least 51% of their tzedakah locally, which leaves room for setting other priorities if one wishes to. Does anyone in Baltimore recommend calling the many meshulachim from Israel who come to homes insensitive? People choose what they wish to support.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a kiddush HaShem!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wow, amazing!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Good for you!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I don't think that it does any credit to our people when you call anyone "garbage".
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To previous commentator - check your math!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I had Mr Miller in 79' and 80. I guessed he was 79 or 80 then. What a great guy. To all those that had him "Aww Gee"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Kudos to Gobby for continung to provide activities for young boys. With a litany of places that they are "encouraged or directed NOT to be" an organization that offers them they CAN do is a fabulous outlet!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
June 5th, 2011 May Rabbi Horowitz and all like him be given strength and reward from heaven for their work and may there be many like him amongst our people. Those who attend this talk should have a double measure of blessing in their homes and in their lives. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This recount has touched the deepest fiber of my neshama. Hodu l'HASHEM KI TOV KI LE'OLAM CHASDOH. Thank you Dr Elman for sharing this with the Klal. Yeshar Kochecha!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for letting Klal Yisroel feel, through your words, this awesome experience. I am grateful for all of us for your realizing that your bountiful knowledge of your profession is carried by your bitachon in HaShem the Real Healer. We need you here on earth to be a good Sholiach because we can't rely on miracles. But sometimes they do happen. TA
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
CHAI, keep up the great work you do for our community! We really appreciate it!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
No link!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful Video! You can always count on Aish for true inspiration
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I just read this and am going to send it to my childern. MIchael I heard your synopsis at Shomrei last week but this longer article captures the emunah and bitachon that you and your family exibit. Boruch Hashem that the plane landed safely. Hodu Lashem Ki Tov, Ki L'olom Chasdo. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
stop whining and complaining publicly. Baltimore Jewish Life had a system set up with where you can add your suggestions in the upper right corner by clinking on "contact us"
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Great Story!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Jim and ruth have been the best people I have ever met , You couldn't wish for a nicer couple anywhere in your life, Don't know how Ruth keeps herself from killing Jim,Met them in Alaska, they have been my adopted family ever since. Jim
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I've been to Jim and Ruth's tour stop. They make it a fun event. We always love the Jelly Belly candies. Dave and Norma
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Once again, misleading headline about where this takes place. Headline says "local" but you have to read inside to find out it is California. Please proof-read these articles and headlines to make their location clear to the reader before we get into it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Continue with the courage and conviction you have demonstrated over the years: giving voice to issues that may not be popular but need to be heard. Mazal to you. Howard
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think that the success of the school was stated clearly when the slide presentation stated that 7 families are moving to Israel this year, and 61 have moved over the last 20 years. The love for Eretz Yisrael was ingrained from a young age in Rambam kids. Other schools take Israel for granted and it is just a convient place for their kids in 12th grade. Shabbat Shalom!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Since when does a nazir not wear a head-covering?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Superb - wow!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
yes, Meyer you did...especially when mentioning your inlaws...just really were good (except for the joke...!!) your shvigger Tova Taragin
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
And if he didn't go they would say what a lousy dad
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Meyer, you spoke beautifully.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Way to go Molly. You and Rachel so well represent all the good of Rambam over the years. You make proud for all your peers and other alumni. May you all go from strength to strengh.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All these different tefillos, for parnosoh, children, etc are relatively new âdiscoveriesâ as far as I know. Now with e-mail everyone is sending them around like they are some kind of magic potions. There are kabbalistic references therein of which most people (myself included) have no understanding. If one would wish to say a Tefillah on behalf of the Torah education of one's children, one might be better off making up a Tefillah of one's own or using the short simple Tefillos available. See ספר ×××¦× ×××× ×¡×' ×"× of R' Chaim Palagi or the Tefillah of the Chazon Ish in ק×××¥ ××ר×ת or the short Tefillah in ס' ×ס×××× ×¡×' תק"× that Rebbi Yehudah HaChasid suggests saying every day.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I think it is very nice that Rabbi Adler has found such a wonderful congregation in Israel. However, I also think his coming to Baltimore to fundraise is insensitive, considering the current dire financial circumstances that many Baltimore Jewish communal organizations find themselves in. We already had one school close here this year - and there are other schools and shuls that are struggling to stay above water. Surely Rabbi Adler has stayed in touch with people in Baltimore and knows that as a community we are really hurting. What more will it take before we all learn that "aniyei ircha kodem" - our priority for tzedakah should be our own local institutions?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All of us on the ground had our hearts and tefillos up there in the air... Baruch HaShem we are priviledged to read your inspiring thoughts & share witnessing a true Nes. sz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
there is no word to explain this its just an out right miracle from g-d it really touched my heart it was so touching to me that i was crying the entire time im just amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Please don't blame all if Baltimore. We do have our fill of bitter and negative people who feel Orthodoxy is defined in their monopolistic terms that don't at all relate to Halacha, on the contrary. They use forums like this to show their true colors. The challenge is to see through them, put them in their place once nicely, and if they keep coming back just ignore them. Likely the same person is getting his or her thrills. Don't give them the satisfaction of a response. They don't deserve it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The job of the community association is to say "no" NO! The job of the community association is to improve the community. Whether by disapproving bad projects or encouraging good ones. It is a fact that the Orthodox community, with rare exception, has not participated in the neighborhood associations TRUE! That was an error that we are now correcting. Should past apathy cause us to be forever barred from participation? That would be compounding the error. Let us all move forward together for the betterment of our shared community. It's disappointing that we've allowed it to go this far without simply taking over! We do not want to take over; we just want our fair share of input and decision-making. It is 100% typical in organizations to require a waiting period before new members can vote. Voting is regulated by an organizationâs bylaws. The Orthodox Jewish members of GNIA have been members since last June, and in some cases much longer. The goal is to include all segments of the community to work together for the benefit of all of us. Delegate Carter told us that Glen is losing population while Cross Country is seeing great growth. Let us make Glen a place where people want to come and live again. - Chaim Rubenstein
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When posting stories like this, it would be nice to know where it is. I have no idea where Egg Harbor Township is. THere are many stories posted this way. Please try to be more clear in the future.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov to an incredible Rebbe from a Talmid and his appreciative family. Fondly Tuvia Chaim and the Rappaport family
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Evil is so prevalent in Iran. This article is very sad and scary.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Wonderful article, beautifully written. When I first got a text to daven for those on the plane,I first forwarded it to everyone in my phone. I was so overcome with emotion. My children, husband and I sat down and said Tehilim. Even my 3year old shuckled back and forth with his Tehilim. I didn't know anyone on the plane, but like you said, us jews are one big family. May we stand together in achdus always without being tested again. Amen
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a beautifully written article. Her neshama should have an Aliyah.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Amazing for a communoty that supposedly prides it's self in it achdus and ahavas yisroel the amount of venom and negetivity in response to this anouncement that should make us as a community proud is painfull and pitifull. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEND YOUR KIDS TO THIS SCHOOL DONT. HOwever, keep you negetivity out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 31st, 2011 Belief implies experiences that suggest a conclusion. Faith, faith endures even when life flies in your face. Faith suggests a calling. More than mere responsibility and duty. Faith invokes a calling, the highest calling of all. A lecture informs. But a song, a song will make you get up and dance. Hear more than just words. Hear the message. Hear the song, feel the rhythm and the beat of the song we call Torah, and our hearts will thump and we will dance. Together. All night. Bryon W Szojchet, Esq. - card carrying music fan since 1971.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Actually, that is a misprint. We are substituting Arabic Prayers for Hebrew ones on the Sabbath. All Islamic prayers are of course conducted already in Arabic.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
All the commitees meet in the late morning or afternoon when the rest of us work
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It is 100% typical in organizations to require a waiting period before new members can vote. The reason is simple: To make it hard for a vote to be âboughtâ for a single cause or issue. This happens in Shulâs for example so that the election of a new Rabbi, or vote on a hot topic canât be artificially manipulated. The reason this clause hits the âOrthodoxâ any harder than anyone else is because we have been inactive in great numbers. So whoâs fault is that? Perhaps the members of the association board are taking it too far, however you only have YOURSELF to blame for ignoring the process until the very moment you needed it or found it offensive.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The outpouring of requests for tehillim were phenomenal. Jeff had it on Baltimore Jewish Life immediately, notifying his entire readership immediately of the serious situation. Hatzalah in New York put an alert over their radio system for all responders to stop what they were doing, and immediately say a kappitel of Tehillim. I believe the NWCP did the same over their radio system. In a matter of minutes, tens of thousands of people were saying Tehillim for flight 027. Never before had I seen such an outpouring of concern. Chaverim Kol Yisroel!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Michael thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are grateful to Hashem that all of you were safely returned to us. Prayer and Achdus are amazing. May we all treat each and every day with the proper meaning.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Thank you for sharing this awesome miracle and the wonderful demonstration of ahavas chinam
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Ohr Chadash should innovate if they want to be around for a long time. They should be exploring jewish schools all across the country who are finding ways to make jewish education more affordable such as outsourcing the general studies to a virtual school which was mentioned on this site There is no reason why there should be two new schools opening targeting the same crowd instead Ohr Chadash should be for the elementary students and this new innovative virtual school will be for the middle and high school students. There were a lot of comments to that story, it would be nice if baltimore jewish life could update us on any progress with it asap. Our wallets would really appreciate it.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 30th, 2011 I second Mrs. Goetz's motion. There cannot be too much awareness of abuse. The only 'danger' with this horrific story is that the violence reported overshadows the facts that suggest long term profound emotional abuse of this poor child. We must shed a tear and utter a prayer for this child and all victims of abuse. The deepest wounds are of the heart and that can be inflicted by any one , any gender, any walk of life and never be seen or reported in the newspaper. We make a whole production of our awareness of the 'pain' of the Challah on Friday night, so we must raise awareness of the pain of the living and breathing. To be silent is to condone. To condone is to be like Sdom. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To those of you who are continuing to take your time to answer this "supporter", move on. His last response makes it clear what his real agenda is. If he truly was someone who wants Ohr Chadash to work, he'd have contacted you by now. Move on. You have important work to do.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
thank G-d for his comments --- because sometimes our fellow Jews can only act in unity when attacked head on . And I think it is OUR unity which is needed most ( to acheive the blessings of Hashem that we yearn for)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The Orthodox community may only be 43% of population but it's probably 95% of the additions, commercial construction (shuls) or other items that the City empowers Glen to have this input. Yet we are controlled by those who want no construction or change that have nothing to do with our community. It's dissappointing that we've allowed it to go this far without simply taking over!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The term "game" was not intended to be hurtful nor is my intention to dissuade or cast doubt on Ohr Chadash and its board, however, people tend to be clouded by their mission and while they may have good intentions they will put the dart on the bulls-eye however they can. The parents and supporters of Rambam were burned by being asked to "trust". It was mentioned at the meeting that the financial decisions would be available to those requesting it. The answer to the question is pertinent it clarifies whether or not the current board abandoned their original promise of not opening unless they got 75 full paying students. This is something that is the business of anyone in the community who will no doubt be expected to help support this school.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am directing this to the person who apparently has their children enrolled in the school but feels the need to make anonymous, condescending comments on a blog....why don't you just pick up the phone and call one of the board members and ask them your questions directly. I feel everything has been very above board to this point so don't cry foul unless there is actually a problem. What you are doing is very childish and is certainly not productive. Leah Samuels
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
It says very clearly at the end of this article "If you would like to meet with an Ohr Chadash Academy board member or Principal, please e-mail". Why don't you anonymous commenters who have so many questions, email your questions to that email address, and/or schedule a meeting with the board members to find out answers. Anonymously "venting" is ridiculous. Also, at the parent meeting it was stated "we will not open" until the independent financial oversight committee is convinced that we can financially make it. If the independent financial oversight committee "has approved a fiscally responsible budget" why do we need to know whether it was from 75 parents paying full tuition or from private donations. They had figures that they showed us at the meeting that had to be met, they obviously met that goal...what difference does it make how? They are not robbing banks to get there. Even in the name of transparency they don't need to tell us exactly how each penny got them to that proposed figure, just that they reached their goal. I, for one, trust that they are trying very hard not to repeat past mistakes of other institutions. I also know that they were very cautious not to announce an opening until they could. At the barbecue on Thursday, Dr. Weinreb stated, we are close, but we cannot and will not announce an opening without the ok from the independent financial oversight committee. Believe me, it would have been amazing to hear it at the bbq but we all waited..with baited breath. Baruch Hashem they are opening and I for one am happy that 4 of my 7 grandchildren are going there. Tova Taragin, a happy Bubby
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
When the suspect is found guilty and gets 25 years to life,is the entire Orthodox world of Am Haratzim going to demand clemency for him like it did for the murderer Martin Grossman? The big question in my mind is: who sent him? In Halacha, Ain Sholiach L'Dvar Avera. But we are living in America, and the Din of the Malchus is: conspiracy gets the same punishment as the perpetrator!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Canada is to be commended for it's position on this important issue.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
"Do they have 75 full tuition paying students or are they up to the old games of hiding things from the community and supporters?" "Old games?" Firstly, I can't ignore the use of the very insulting term "games." I'd never wish on anyone to go through what my family has been going through over much of the last school year - losing the high school, the hope for the elementary/middle school, the devastating news about losing the entire school. Personally, I've not had a good night sleep in quite along time. And the pain my children are STILL going through is significant. In addition, even if there were/is blame to be cast for the demise of YR, I highly doubt that it was all just a big game to anyone. So the use of the word "game" to me, is personally, very hurtful. I'm sure it wasn't intended as such, but it hurt. Valid questions that individuals want real answers to should be addressed to the board or the staff of the school. Not posted as an anonymous comment on a blog. Even if you attended an informational meeting, it's fine to have questions. The decision of where to turn for a quality education for our children is one of the toughest ones we will ever make. Ask away! But do it in the right way - to the right sources of information. Not just as a way of casting negativity onto something so positive that is happening. Although I'm not on the board, as a parent who is thrilled to have a local Modern Orthodox option to provide a quality secular and Judaic education to my children, I'd be happy to talk to any prospective parents about why we're making this choice. So happy to be the mom of 2 Ohr Chadash Academy students Rachel Turniansky
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Glen Association has a long history of opposing zoning variences or construction, irrespective of its merits. That being said, it is a fact that the Orthodox community, with rare exception, has not participated in the neighborhood associations, to its own deteriment. It is only recently that some people have gotten out of their slumber and gotten involved.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I did attend the meeting and I clearly remember being told that if there are not 75 full paying students it would be irresponsible to open and this would prohibit Ohr Chadash from opening. I am not being condescending I am just saying we should start off on the right foot. I do not know the answer to the question so I am answering it I hope that this question is being evaded under the guise of trying to eliminate negativity. I truly hope that Ohr Chadash does open for the sake of my children and the rest of the community, but at the same time I hope that it doesn't start with the same false pretenses other well intentioned schools or organizations have opened in the past. To focus on everything but the question is to say we didn't keep to our commitment and we decided to wing it. It could be that there is a good answer other than yes we have the 75 parents or no but we have some major donors who have stepped up and decided to bridge the gap, but not to answer the question in a public forum such as this is to continue in our old faulty ways.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The job of the community association is to say "no". Change is unwelcome, even if it benefits most of the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I am not on their board, don't have kids young enough to attend, and support their existence. I find your questioning condescending. Why? Because you don't ask who their independent Financial Oversight Committee is. As long as their their independent Financial Oversight Committee finds they are in the right position (who knows if they have 50 full paying and now fundraising sources or 75 full paying and no fundraising sources. Your questioning is simply condescending, that's all. Did you attend their parent's meeting? Did you call for questions. Did you not get your answers. "This is not negativity it is a question! :) "
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yes, negativity is not great but we the prospective parents and supporters of Ohr Chadash to have our question answered. Does the school have 75 full paying students enrolled? This is not negativity it is a question!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach! We are so happy that our niece, nephews, and cousins will have a school that meets their needs and wish you only hatzlacha. Tsiona and Yaakov Cohen
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Awesome and very inspiring. May we all take these timeless messages to heart and use our days fully, in the right way.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
In the words of Nisa Goffin, incoming 5th grader "WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!". Ayala, incoming first grader, is equally as excited. In response to the nay-sayers, OF COURSE WE'RE STARTING A SCHOOL TO BENEFIT OUR OWN CHILDREN! However, the school is more than willing to welcome anyone else who would like to be a part of this exciting new institution. Also, all of the questions about transparency and about only opening the school until sixth grade were answered, in full, at all of the parent informational meetings. Those of us who were there had our questions answered...Chavi Goffin, Ohr Chadash Academy parent
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I might have also written a comment similar to the first one - just a few short years ago. Sadly, in the past few years, it seems like Hashem wanted me to understand that serious abuse like this goes on in our community as well. May prevention education efforts (like even this article being posted) help our community so that someday soon there be no more need for us to be aware of this problem. Bracha Goetz
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How does this article relate to Baltimore Jewish Life? I would suggest that you keep your posts more closely related to the core mission of your website. Otherwise people will choose to unfollow, unsubscribe and tune out.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To #3: Our hotline is staffed 24 hours a day. We are happy to assist you at any time. Call the hotline at 410-664-6927 x1 to request this service.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How disappointing that people throw such negativity and distrust publicly. I assume they have their own agendas. If someone has a question of the valiant Ohr Chadash volunteers, why not call them and ask them? Why would they want to start something and hide things now. To put such negativity thoughts in public so sully them. How sad. At least the community can see through such comments.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
They say they have 80 applicants enrolled. Do they have 75 full tuition paying students or are they up to the old games of hiding things from the community and supporters? If they they do Kol HaKavod and I wish them much Hatzlacha. If they don't we need to question whether they were strong enough to keep to their initial plan and this could be a precursor for what is to come... another Ramabam.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
To the "Journalism Scholar": If you don't support Ohr Chadash, that is your prerogative and you have have every right. BUT please don't use your venom to attack BJL as a way to attack Ohr Chadash. BJL serves as an Orthodox COMMUNITY resource. You should find other sources and ways to attack and unfortunately I am sure you will.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I would hope that after all this time, the community would have learned to keep the negative comments to themselves. What happened to simply SUPPORTING each other??? AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING EACH OTHER!!! Chaverim Kol Yisroel!!!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
What a shame that such an interesting talk wasn't offered in a communal setting rather than to just a small select group of invitees. Maybe on his next visit he can talk publicly!!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dear Michael, Your pen is almost as beautiful as your heart. Instead of overloading your email and cell phone, i"ll just say thanks....again. The Crazy Guy Who Took Over For You a Few Years Back on Old Court :)
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
How many parents do you think would put their child in a school for 8th grade, knowing they would have to find another school for the following year? How many incoming 8th graders does TI accept? Same for 7th grade. IY"H there will be a 7th grade the following year. Just like when YR started, they only started with a few grades. Same for Bnos Yisroel. And for the issue of transparency - did you attend any of the informational gatherings or try addressing your question to a member of the OCA board?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
hatzlacha rabbah and may you grow so that you can serve k-8 in the future as you plan for Tova T.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Was this article a press release from OCB or a news article from BJL? If the former, it should explicitly say so. If the latter, I suggest you review your Journalism 101 notes: You don't quote or even mention a single source. "[T]hey would like you to be a part of it." In a news article?! Really?! I guess it's just that there's journalism and then there's BJL -- from which I need to weed out the drivel before doing the standard analysis one does (should do) of any news story.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazal tov!We wish you tremendous hatzlacha, and we pray that Ohr Chadsah will become a permanent fixture In the Baltimore community! David and Stacy Spigelman
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This was an excellent article which clearly explained the benefits of online learning. This however is not a new idea in Jewish education. Tomorrow's Genius a Jerusalem based company, creates online educational platforms specifically for Jewish day schools and educational institutions. By combining cutting edge technology with talented and experienced educators, we enable schools to provide students with a superior quality of education that until now has been too costly. Tomorrow's Genius offers affordable options in both secular and Judaic studies courses and works together with Jewish schools to build programs that fit the needs of the students. After a successful launch within the Israeli school system, Tomorrow's Genius will be facilitating a pilot program within the Jewish day school community in North America. For more information, please contact us at or 212-913-0500 ext. 562. Sincerely, Aryeh Eisenberg Director of Education Tomorrow's Genius
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Beautiful write up and so true.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Mazel Tov Phi! We will miss your BJT reporting very much! The Washington Jewish Week is lucky to have you.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
I believe that the plan is to add a grade a year until it goes through 8th grade. Right now there were not enough children or resources to go until that point. There are plenty of people who's younger children will be part of Ohr Chadash, but still will have to find schools for their older children, and understand that it is not fiscally responsible to start a school for all ages. We are thrilled that they are opening for whatever grades they are and believe that this school will G-d willing be an asset to the community.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Yeshivat Rambam did not have enough enrollment to allow for 7th and 8th grades for next year. It is my understanding that Ohr Chadash Academy was developed to create an option for the students Yeshivat Rambam planned to serve in the 2011-2012 school year. We should applaud them for this monumental effort in such a short amount of time.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
The fact that they are only until six grade shows that this school was only created by parents who were concerned about their own kids. This is not the way to sustain a school for the long run especially after the current leaderships kids are out of this school. Either make this school for elementary and middle school or only for elementary. This school has the potential to be a great school they should just be a little bit more transparent about the process especially when it comes to the decision to only be until grade 6.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This still does not solve the problem for my middle school and high school kids. Maybe the idea mentioned last week on this website will work out
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
if I come home late and I want someone to watch me into my house, who do I call?
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
May 29th, 2011 The Rebbe's holy words are law. The ten commandments are only a secondary source and since it is scripture it must be suspect as misinterpretation, meaning that we cannot really understand them as they are stated. All we have are the words of the contemporary prophet and he has been silent on those ten issues. Contemporary attention is focused more practical matters such as kashrus and tznius. Murder is more the concern of the great unwashed who cannot be trusted or heeded. May God have mercy on our souls. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Its nice of the star k to fund this program. Wonder if they could find some funding for shomrim to use to enable them to continue their work for the community
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
it is no longer Goldwater Republican times, Jews. Wake up! The table has turned. Obama and the rest of his left must go!! Jews felt nice and safe in Germany, also. Then 1933 changed for them like 2010 has changed for us.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
sounds like a yummy deal!
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
See Genesis 1:1, Rashi ad loc
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Like we don't have enough money problems here.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Bs"d. Thank you for your clear summary. I also did not get to ask my question...Doesn't it seem the intent was just to put out their message but given that the q&a was inordinately brief, that the interest was NOT to hear or answer our concerns??
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Dennis Prager said it well. The Arab/Moslem/Jewish conflict is easy to understand and hard to resolve peacefully. The late Gen. George Patton had it right when he said the success goes to those who do NOT die for their country but kill enough of their enemy to convince the rest to stop killing. This is the ONLY effective way! Thaddeus Jude
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Very interesting article.. Dershowitz certainly understands the issues.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
This is absolutely shameful. There is nothing wrong with reaching out to the Jewish community; however it is quite upsetting to forget your Muslim identity (re:substituting Hebrew for Arabic in prayers). Pretty horrible.
Comment by Moshe Amkadosh
Alan Dershowitz is incredibly accurate..
Comment by steven juftes
It seems the Jews have always protected the holy sites of other religions in Jerusalem. The world must know that only the Jews have a legitimate claim to Jerusalem. Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel.
Comment by steven juftes
Peres is right when he says that "democracy and terror cannot co-exist". It seems almost frightening that Hamas and Fatah have united..
Comment by steven juftes
Thank G-d for Fox News.. The President may not be Jewish but he certainly has chutzpah.
Comment by steven juftes
What an excellent summary of events by Dershowitz.. It is so difficult to admire or even respect the President.. I pray the American people do not repeat their error in 2012. I'm proud to be an American but very disappointed with the executive branch of government.. It was comforting to see that the legislative threw support to our best ally in the middle east.
Comment by steven juftes
good luck Phil
Comment by steven juftes
We're thrilled! Mazal Tov Yosef and Chaya! David and Nancy
Comment by steven juftes
How is this any different than what Shomrim already does?
Comment by steven juftes
Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and an Education" by Grace Llewellyn. Ultimately, our community's values reflect the need for ownership of the learning process and being a life-long learner, engaged in life and learning till 120.
Comment by steven juftes
where do u buy this magazine from?
Comment by steven juftes
Perhaps $25 million for Rambam?!?
Comment by steven juftes
To poster lucky #13, you are correct. In Maryland, the state will not pay for virtual academies out of the public school budget, as they do in California and some other states. (This is not necessarily a bad thing, by the way, but that is another discussion, not for this forum). That is why I mentioned TLCI as being an accredited PRIVATE school. There are 2 discussions here, really. One is the viability of this model in bringing another educational option to the table. The other is using this educational model to bring down costs. Clearly, if our tax dollars are not going to support this model and bring down our tuition costs, we are going to continue to pay for both Kodesh and chol subjects. That being the case, then why pay money for the equivalent of a public school education through an online academy? TLCI is a PRIVATE school, and creating a program in conjunction with TLCI would be another educational option that can be customized for our community's needs and the needs of high school students who may be thrive with independent study that such a program can provide. Call me, Rena Levin, 410-764-8205, for more info.
Comment by steven juftes
Imagine what $325M could do for the jewish community.
Comment by steven juftes
I think its great how baltimore jewish life can get an idea like this going. Thanks a ton and keep it up! Great work!
Comment by steven juftes
I agree completely with the person who commented first on this article. And I have no clue as to why American Jews seem so complacent with Obama. There is something not right and it is very scary. I am proud to be an American but G-d and Israel take precedence.
Comment by steven juftes
I'll second that. Can 2012 come soon enough?
Comment by steven juftes
In response to poster #12, you are totally right! What wouldn't work in Baltimore is for the secular studies to be totally free as it is in California. JS (Poster #8)
Comment by steven juftes
In response to commenter #8: This COULD work in Maryland, if a group of parents and educators were to join together to create a program similar to R. Tropper's. There are several options for the virtual learning component of a program . There is one program that could even be used that would eliminate the problem of interaction with others outside our community. All that would be needed would be for parents to get together, hire rebbeim for the kodesh and commit to one of the virtual learning groups. One such program is The Learning Community International, an accredited private school that gives college guidance, transcripts, individualized programming, along with virtual education that can be combined with more traditional classroom or independent study activities, if desired. This could be customized to the needs of our community and could be very flexible, even giving credits for some/part of the kodesh studies, if desired. Where there is a will, there is a way! I have spoken to Manfred Smith of TLCI. He is willing to meet with parents of the community who are interested in creating this option. Call me, Rena Levin, 410-764-8205, if you want more info on this program, so we can schedule a community meeting. For a brief overview, go to .
Comment by steven juftes
We tried to start this program here in baltimore and had a lot of people interested. We were told to go to a couple of people in town and they were going to look into which MSDE school would help us with this. We found the school went back to the people, who said that they would get back to us. We found out that they were working on it, tried to contact them and never call one call back. We later found out that they didn't want to do it, but never got back to us. This would be amazing for so many children here in Baltimore. Its an amazing idea and opens up a great learning style for children who learn differently. So SAD that people gave up before we could even present it to the community. If Bryon Szojchet is interested in starting this please contact Beth and Yisroel Bluman
Comment by steven juftes provides these types of programs, but the poster above has stated the #1 stumbling block in Maryland. The state does not permit virtual schooling. I perused Pennsylvania's offerings and I was impressed. The virtual academy delivers EVERYTHING (billed to the state) to your doorstep including laptop, printer, books, and internet stipend. It even provides opportunities for kids to participate in (real not virtual) sports! I can't imagine my kid having the discipline to participate in this on his own, but I like the way the LA school is doing it by providing a proctor and a group environment for the kids to learn. "Little red schoolhouse" model is possibly the wave of the future. I wonder how devoted the state is to its stance on virtual schooling?
Comment by steven juftes
Sounds interesting and it may work for some kids, but many others are not equipped to work on their own. Then again, the quality of english education in most schools are seriously deficient.
Comment by steven juftes
This will not work in Baltimore for one simple reason. California allows virtual public schools. Maryland does not. But even if Maryland did allow virtual public schools (as many states do including Pennsylvania), enrolling our children in virtual public schools for secular would not help our existing schools. Please note that R' Tropper started a NEW yeshiva to implement this model (a great idea). But even R' Tropper's model would not work for all. A frum student in a virtual public school must adhere to the same curriculum as his/her classmates that aren't of the same religious ideology. Virtual interaction with these same classmates would not be restricted. In other words, the yeshiva would have no control of the student's experience. That all being said, efficiencies created by the rise in online learning should be explored. There are day schools exploring this. Check it out for yourself: JS
Comment by steven juftes
Brilliant analysis
Comment by steven juftes
The amount of cynacism in a government sponsored Cheif Rabbinate is shameful. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef would still be the Sephardi Chief Rabbi till today except that people in power wanted to get rid of Rabbi Shlomo Goren,alav hashalom.Rabbi Lau should still be the Chief Rabbi. He is, in reality the "chief' rabbi,but has to be Rabbi of tel Aviv and a neighborhood rabbi , who was never Cheif Rabbi of any town is now the country's official rabbi. Those who put him in that position want a person who is not recognized as a great leader so that others can pull the strings. Religion mixed with money and power corrupts but the chareidi leadership actively wants to diminish the government recognized rabbinate, and they are succeeding. We need a rabbi like Rabbis, Kook,Herzog,etc.,someone who has the broad shoulders to deal with major questions and whose decisions are respected, not a figurehead. Maybe it would be better to abolish the Cheif Rabbinate if they won't let a real godol get the job,i.e. Rabbi Simcha Hakohen Kook.
Comment by steven juftes
5 Surprising Perspectives About Online Schools
Comment by steven juftes
While the concept is great, we are still very far from achieving this in Maryland.
Comment by steven juftes
Avraham Fried is the'king' of Jewish music!
Comment by steven juftes
Three more great articles on this subject including one that mentions that this could be done in Maryland
Comment by steven juftes
Outstanding idea. I am interested in getting involved with this project in Baltimore. I am a former Mechanech, with 25 years experience in the field. I was the principal of three Jewish schools. How can I find out more, and who is the contact person here in Baltimore? Please let me know. Moshe Englander Home: 410-585-1154 Cell: 443-980-6018
Comment by steven juftes
I think it is a great idea! Especially for the Rambam crowd thats disappointed at the lack of choices for their kids.
Comment by steven juftes
I think people in Baltimore are just about at the breaking point with the cost of tuition at our local institutions. Frankly, I believe it is spiraling out of control. I have two kids who haven't even entered 1st grade yet, and, as I am paying full tuition, I am putting out over $12,000 for the year. Then there are the additional fees such as raffles, school trips, and other added on expenses that have to be paid. I think this is an excellent idea, with one caveat. I don't believe every kid would flourish in this type of program. I happen to have received my Bachelor's degree in a 100% virtual environment, and I know first hand that not every child is cut out for virtual schooling. The schools should run parallel classes - one a virtual class, the other a traditional class. The schools would have to work out a fair billing structure for all parents, as well as a pathway to allow a student to transition between the two if necessary (on a yearly basis). However, the schools, together with the parents, and the student, need to make sure 100% that the student is able to carry a virtual workload. It requires a significant amount of willpower and the ability to sit for an extended period of time.
Comment by steven juftes
May 25th, 2011 This is the proverbial boat sent to the man praying to be saved from the flood. This brilliant plan should be given every consideration. The editors of Baltimore Jewish Life should be rewarded from heaven for publishing this article. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
why doesn't hamas invite neturei karta over for a game of russian rouelette. to the winner goes extra bullets to keep on playing
Comment by steven juftes
On his 9th point. He should be happy-We already trust them. Hamas speaks of killing jews and destroying Israel and we trust that's theri goal. Let's negotiate.
Comment by steven juftes
I'd like to see kosher supervisor wearing tzitzis and davening 3 times a day. I'd like to see pay rates based on the type of asset the kosher supervisor is. I'd like to see peace in the middle east. I'd like to see the orioles win 100 games in a season.
Comment by steven juftes
Duh! Get a NJ easy pass.
Comment by steven juftes
Yes, Lerner is scary. Thank you Rabbi Oberstein.
Comment by steven juftes
Once again, Jeff Cohn comes through in a big way for Baltimore's Jewish community. has become the go-to site for anyone looking to stay informed about news that affects Baltimore's Jewish community, Israel and the world at large. My friends and I check in several times every day ( not just to read the news but also to find out what's going on in our community. Simchos, nichum aveilim, eiruv info, you have it all, with no tznius or lashon hara issues. What could be better? While there are certainly other Jewish news sites, presents us with news that is timely, appropriate and relevant, instead of being inundated with news and sagas that I honestly have no interest in hearing about. Your alert system is amazing - if it hadn't been for Baltimore Jewish Life I would have missed visiting aveilim in town. Shkoyach Jeff, keep the good stuff coming! BTW, How do I contact you if I want to advertise on the site?
Comment by steven juftes
May 25th, 2011 Look at the pain on his face. His suffering. His sorrow. His agony. And at night, when alone, when the pain rises up? And the pain of his children and wife. Those in suffering, everywhere and anywhere, are one family, together. The wells within the heart of every Yid should merge with his and his loved ones, that they and all of ours, are not alone and our tears combine to a mighty river to mix with the vast depths that are the tears of G-d himself. We are one heart one people and we all cry for this man's pain and the pain and suffering of all of ours. May G-d have mercy on us all. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
This man is represents the loony peace now types and will ensure Palestinian leaders will get their away and Jews will pushed out to the sea. How sad so few years after the holocaust such Jew mindsets still exist.
Comment by steven juftes
It's a shame that unemployment has always been rampant among the Neturei Karta.
Comment by steven juftes
Who is this guy and why is his opinion being posted?
Comment by steven juftes
He is seriously delusional....
Comment by steven juftes
this one of the reason why frum jews should stop listening to those crazy tea party maniacs on WCBM 680
Comment by steven juftes
diversity is not a hasidic value. The taliban live in ny
Comment by steven juftes
Literally one of the best speeches ever - even NPR had a hard time finding fault with it!
Comment by steven juftes
Happy Birthday Mrs. Cohn!! Do you have any cake left? Have much nachas from your children, gandchildren and great grandchildren. Od meah v'esrim! Naomi Gross
Comment by steven juftes
Kudos to our community reps in attendance, Rabbi Sadwin and Jeff!
Comment by steven juftes
Is SF the 21st-century version of Ancient Greece? Sure looks like it...
Comment by steven juftes
It figures that Barak would say that..remember him? The President should never have even made a statement that would suggest that Israel return to pre-'67 borders. I'm so happy that Congress gave Netanyahu such a positive response.. The Democrats never stop but that's another story.
Comment by steven juftes
WOW! How did you get in?
Comment by steven juftes
While this was an amazing speech, I was saddened that Bibi did not once mention G-d's hand in protecting Israel, especially at the beginning where he gave Israel credit for keeping themselves safe and having a democracy. "Im Hashem lo yishmor ir..."
Comment by steven juftes
So Ray how many NFL players will be arrested if they can't play football.
Comment by steven juftes
WOW I didnât even know JEWPON existed nor did I know Tov Pizza sold 12â pizza. Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for keeping us updated.
Comment by steven juftes
How true is it when Mo said that Mrs. Margolese was a real/normal person. She was the most normal person I EVER met. She was my mentor and I truly miss her. Last Friday night, I went to the Mikvah and I made sure to do everything in preparation exactly the way Mrs. Margolese taught me. When I was actually in the Mikvah I thought of you, Mrs. Margolese, and I realized a big piece of me, my teacher, and my sounding board is gone and I miss you so much!
Comment by steven juftes
Are people now going to commit crimes so the lockout will end?
Comment by steven juftes
Yes, what do you think half of the Ravens would be doing if they weren't football players . . .welcome to Balto, hon.
Comment by steven juftes
wow. brilliant. i have an idea, why dont we divert all that money we spend on police, prison and the court system and pay the NFL players to play 52 weeks a year and eliminate crime!!! RAY LEWIS FOR MAYOR!!!
Comment by steven juftes
just my 2 cents...... crime rate will go up simply because the football players will be perpetrating those crimes.
Comment by steven juftes
I don't love this concept for a number of reasons while I love groupon. Securing email lists from local religiuos establishments definitely is irritating for one. I think groupon which is based on a very big state-wide marketplace is basically running local ads when they do it a local baltimore city small kosher market. Maybe just maybe this works in a NY or LA because of the huge population which can simulate a groupon concept. Most kosher cities outside NY and LA (even included Baltimore) are just to small to be compelling. It is nice concept for Jewish entrepreneurs to try to make money on but I just don't see it working well outside those two cities.
Comment by steven juftes
A beautiful tribute. But it would have been nice to have a woman speak on behalf of her friends and all the women of the community.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you for posting the video. I wasn't able to make it to the event but I'm glad I was able to watch this. I only met Mrs. Margolese a handful of times at the Mikvah but she truly touched my life and inspired me to be a better person. I am so grateful to have had those few moments with her. She will be sorely missed!
Comment by steven juftes
It's not published by respectable newspapers because it's complete fabrication. Hard to imagine any rational person believes such idiocy.
Comment by steven juftes
Beautifully written
Comment by steven juftes
This is a very funny joke.
Comment by steven juftes
Yeshivas Ohr Yaakov also had a very spirited bonfire with hot dogs enjoyed by all.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank G-d!
Comment by steven juftes
Netanyahu is precisely what Israel needs. I hope that Jews everywhere support him and his policies.. It's of the utmost importance that Israel is truly able to defend her borders.. G-d Bless Netanyahu and the Jewish State.
Comment by steven juftes
I was so very happy to read this article. I believe in 1 Jerusalem always and forever to be under Israeli control.
Comment by steven juftes
I totally agree with Netanyahu.. And I pray that my President understands the terrible resulting reality of Israel returning to the pre-1967 borders.. I don't feel that Israel should return any remaining territory from the '67 War.
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
Baruch Hashem!!
Comment by steven juftes
BARUCH HASHEM it landed safely and everyone is OK!!! HODU L'HASHEM KI TOV KI L'OLAM CHASDO!!!!
Comment by steven juftes
There are a lot of Baltimorians on this flight.
Comment by steven juftes
There are a lot of Baltimorians on this flight.
Comment by steven juftes
has anything happened since then?
Comment by steven juftes
has anything happened since then?
Comment by steven juftes
Great, they're trying to buy my email address from my shul. I really hope my shul doesn't sell it so easily.
Comment by steven juftes
first one :)
Comment by steven juftes
THANKS BJL for spreading the word about this great candidate. Keep it up.
Comment by steven juftes
bad headline BJL. totally distorts the video.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol Hakavod, members of the Beth Abraham Congregation! Eli File in Israel
Comment by steven juftes
What the AIPAC folk should do is as soon as Obama begins his speech, they should stand up and turn their backs as a response to the Obama administration turning its back on Israel.
Comment by steven juftes
Was planning to go to hear him but had surgery few weeks ago and couldn't tolerate riding an hour long in car. Drats
Comment by steven juftes
I can't even see a injured person in any photo, so I'm not sure what's the big deal! My message to all is slow down, the speed limit is 30, in theory that means 29 is OK and 31 is too fast. I bet the bus was going 40, based on where it stopped.! Slow down everyone
Comment by steven juftes
This is not a surprise - we have known from the beginning that Obama is an empty suit. He listens to the hard left of his wife and apparently the same with Valerie Jarrett. Yep, empty suit
Comment by steven juftes
May 20th, 2011 This is well intentioned. But characterizing the over eaters as wicked is a little harsh. Eating is naturally tied to emotions and memories. A delicious treat can take you back to a happier time. And we want to recreate that for our loved ones. I am not proposing senseless gluttony. But a little 'charoses' read :perspective would mitigate the 'marror' read: harshness of contemporary read: transitory images of health and virtue. But I do support Rabbi Glaser's efforts and he should be rewarded from Shomayim for his good deeds. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
Obama has shown his true colors by essentially calling for Israel's destruction. It is time for the liberal sector of the Jewish community to wake up and smell the coffee. Obama is not good for the Jews. He also has not been good for America.
Comment by steven juftes
May 20th, 2011 I applaud this article. It is vital to listen to a child. It is vital to listen to adults. Listen, not to just the words articulated, hear the message. With words, with faces, with what they do and with what they do not do and do not say - victims broadcast their S.O.S. Always ask yourself, what is the message? Abuse does not always come in the expected package. Abusers of all varieties have a unnatural ability to charm and divert attention. So when your puppy or kitten whimpers in fear at a harmless image, hear the message. Even if it flies in the face of everything you think you see. May Hashem give strength, wisdom and courage to anyone and everyone who stands against abuse and May Hashem comfort the victims from their sorrow. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by steven juftes
really cool. wish it would happen more often.
Comment by steven juftes
How many Jews are still blind to Obama's motives? When will we wake up? Hashem is sending us a message. Remember: "Bechal dor v'dor, omdim aleinu the chaloseinu, v' HaKodosh Boruch Hu matzeleinu meyuduv." "In every generation, they stand against us to destroy us, but Hashem saves us from their hands." Obama now stands against G-d in an effort to destroy Israel. You still feel safe and comfortable in the United States? This country will be held to account. With 2012 on the horizon, how many blind and foolish Jews, including Orthodox Jews will still vote for this Haman?
Comment by steven juftes
Wow lots of interesting stuff here. I agree with many commentors. I put my child in BT 2 years ago because of the unique situation my child is in and no one else fit better. We are very Orthodox. To the people calling BT not orthodox, I prefer to use the term "Unorthodox" as what they do and do not do fits no term. We get through it as it's the best option our child presently has.
Comment by steven juftes
Giving them a break from their teenage brothers!
Comment by steven juftes
Who cares about credibility. Look at all the "credible" Jewish leaders who ate still praising him.
Comment by steven juftes
what is shomrei doing for hs girls and moms?
Comment by steven juftes
At least we can count on some Jewish leaders to step up and say what's right. No mention at all about Arabs need to recognize Israel's  right to even exist and he expects israel to give again and leave the country in jeopardy? Surely he has finally proven to even cynics how much he dislikes Israel as though we couldn't figure it out earlier. Unfortunately we Jews are our worst enemy and will find every excuse and reason to give President Obama another 4 years. How can we keep voting for Ben Cardin who know his feelings and and blindly supports Obama.Â
Comment by steven juftes
I'm no liberal, but Mort has 0 credibility. When George W. Bush was President he was running around saying that W. was the worst president to the Jews ever.
Comment by steven juftes
For the record, the Hatzalah ambulance was certainly *not* provided by the government but by private fundraising.
Comment by steven juftes
I believe in your first paragraph you meant to say "when LaG BaOmer falls on Sunday," not Friday.
Comment by steven juftes
You can contact him through Twitter:
Comment by steven juftes
your transcripts are incomplete, but you know that
Comment by steven juftes
maybe then orthodox kids could go to online public school. It would definitely be a lot cheaper and could solve the tuition crisis.
Comment by steven juftes
The "problem" with orthodox schools is the need for parents and teachers to have to say the word no. To Orthodox children in a modern world it is even more challenging. In community schools, they have the "luxury" of avoiding that issue.
Comment by steven juftes
Having orthodox is no measure of the torah education. Fortunately or unfortunately it is the Orthodox population who go into chinuch. Look at many non orthodox schools around the country and you will find many orthodox teachers. Teachers must conform to their schools. It's a parnasa and very few Orthodox teachers (male or female) are fortunate enough to be able to teach in the schools they place their own kids in.
Comment by steven juftes
over the last 4 years that I worked this area their were NO problems caused by the Preakness
Comment by steven juftes
I agree with the last entry. BT is a great school that builds a strong Jewish identity for kids. For any orthodox family that chooses to go there you must know you are making compromises. The social environment for a fum kid is not easy...they have have dances/parties/prom. How many times can you say no to your kid?
Comment by steven juftes
As a Rambam parent of upper school students I am thrilled to see that OCA is moving towards succeeding. It is crucial for this school to exist for the Baltimore community. No one who is looking for a Religious Zionist school will consider moving to Baltimore if there is no school for the kids and hopefully it will retain the families of YR to stay in Baltimore.
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
I am not sure what you mean by pressure. Each parent should be schooled enough to know the differences between a BT and a Ohr Chadash YU education. If someone chooses BT they certainly know what they are not getting compared to the other. If many choose BT and not enough choose the Ohr Chadash YU models, it just shows the state of Modern Orthodoxy in Baltimore and will continue the retreat to silver spring and other communities and many possible Baltimoreans will not be moving here. So be it.
Comment by steven juftes
Was this deliberately vauge - is that pre 1967 or post 1967?
Comment by steven juftes
Why only thru 6th grade?
Comment by steven juftes
To the above commenter, Beth Tfiloh IS an orthodox school under the auspices of an orthodox synagogue (see their website). Perhaps what you meant to say is that not all of the students are orthodox. And, by the way, all Judaics studies teachers are orthodox.
Comment by steven juftes
I would love to meet you at Aipac. I run a campus program called we educate students about the facts about Israel through film courses. Perhaps we could have you speak at some of our events. how do I reach you?
Comment by steven juftes
Beth Tfiloh is a great community school - but it is not an Orthodox school. It is important to make this distinction. The pressure that they are putting on current Rambam families is unfair and certainly looks like they are aimed at trying to hurt efforts to open a new Torah U'Madah school in Baltimore. I certainly hope that is not the case.
Comment by steven juftes
I guess my question was- is it modest to take such a lavish vacation? How about drive an Escalade? Is this the type of thing a frum yid should be occupying their time with?
Comment by steven juftes
why only 46%? The way he treated Netanyahu in the past is a clear message as to where Obama stands. He may say positive things to Jews now, but once reelected he will revert back to his original pro arab policies. The US must support the only true democracy in the region and not trust the current turmoil as necessarily arabs moving in a pro western direction. moving toward ,.
Comment by steven juftes
great candidate. very pro Israel. i like this guy
Comment by steven juftes
The whole point of this particular cruise is to make a tznuis vacation for those looking to go on a cruise. So instead of going on Carnival with its many halachik problems here you have a completely kosher option. It is a great idea!
Comment by steven juftes
fabolous article how does one contact you
Comment by steven juftes
Comment by steven juftes
"The goodness that radiates of human hearts holds the universe in harmony." Goodness and truth have no owners, belongs all and sundry puttar ! Very proud of you....keep up the good work....!
Comment by steven juftes
There is a reason people are abandoning the City. Our elected officials need to be thrown out of office.
Comment by steven juftes
No school can be everything to everyone. BT does a great job in building a strong jewish is going to have its challenges as those who go to BT that are not frum do not want the school to become more frum to cater to the Rambam families
Comment by steven juftes
Our child is also very excited to go to Berman. She will be even more comfortable when the ride shortens hopefully soon.
Comment by steven juftes
I have been reading all these posts and feel I need to write something. To a non religious person reading these comments, it makes our community sound so intolerant. I would like to clarify my interpretation. No one in the frum community should feel any negativity to BT. This isn't about negativity and I am afraid it can look that way. I think most of the community knows the incredible job Mrs Schorr does at  BT in keeping kids in a Jewish school when many would otherwise go to non Jewish public or private schools. Additionally there is wonderful Kiruv taking place. The line of demarcation I think that offends people is the characterization of the words high quality Torah education. BT can be and is very successful without those words being needing to be used. Let's be clear of the wonderful work BT does do in the community as a whole.Â
Comment by steven juftes
Cardin(the most radical left wing senator according to national journal rankings)and jewish values don't belong in the same sentence.
Comment by steven juftes
I can relate to R. Shafier's point about atomic prayer services in a minyan. Also my focus and concentration are greatly improved, even in the early morning hours with a fast paced chazan, when I daven with my fellow Jews. I have experienced many special moments during and after services, sometimes with amazing results. There is much similar and in-depth classes on this and other fascinating subjects on
Comment by steven juftes
"ICC goes absolutely no where near MJBHA. red herring." You are not correct. The current leg of the ICC (that opened in Feb 2011) does not help BUT the next leg of the ICC that is scheduled to open early next year (as stated above) will make a dramatic difference in time between Baltimore and Rockville. Also why would you use the word "red herring"? If you don't support Hebrew Academy that is fine but please allow parents to make the best choices for their children.
Comment by steven juftes
I am a BT parent and sent a post and you haven't published it? I dont think I said anything offensive. Do you get so many posts you don't print them all or was it lost and I need to send again? If you havent posted yet, please disregard this message. Thanks
Comment by steven juftes
To previous comment....the event didn't happpen yet
Comment by steven juftes
One can clearly see that this letter was written, dated and publshed to parents on 5/11/11, the same day that the letter on BJL from TA, TI & BY was published. It just didn't make it to BJL for 6 days????? BT and Rambam parents saw it almost a week ago.... I'm just saying.....
Comment by steven juftes
I met Rabbi Amos Bunim a number of timess. He was an example of a type we need more of, an alumnus of YU, who was eulogized in Lakewood, Shaar Yoshuv and Chofetz Chaim. In other words, he was a Klal Yisroel Jew. He cared about the full range of the Jewish People and participated in helping any worthy cause. He was an "Inclusive Jew" not an "Exclusive Jew". We need that more than ever. Rabbi Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by steven juftes
Esther Nechama was a beautiful, warm person who always had a smile on her face. As I was unable to attend the shloshim event, I was hoping to be able to read a synopsis of what was said at the event on this website.
Comment by steven juftes
I certainly wish beth Tfiloh offered a Torah first education. I prefer to not travel to Hebrew academy but my children must know first and foremost that Halacha is the top. Mrs Schorr made it clear to me that BT was not right for me and I appreciated that. No one school is right for every Jewish child.
Comment by steven juftes
I personally have no issue with the letter as one hopes people are educated enough to make their own decisions for their children. What I expect from all schools is stating facts in their letters that aren't marketing but fact. To state "high quality Torah education" and not high quality Judaic education or love for all Jews or love for all denominations, to a Baltimore Orthodox community is simply not right and I am a parent of BT saying this. I wish Mrs Shorr once and for all would be consistent to her parent body even when she promotes in the overall community.
Comment by steven juftes
Mrs Schorr states that students have transitioned successfully to BT. This is her opinion, one that very few Shomrie Torah Umitzvot would agree with! Its no secret. I believe it is shameful that BT is openly encouraging/welcoming these students. It is irresponsible of the Frum leadership of BT who understand that the Frum students who attend BT often fail the challenge that comes along with that school. TA must go out of there way to establish a track that our communities boys can thrive in a day school type setting
Comment by steven juftes
Is it tznuis (modest) to take this type of vacation and for a Torah observant Jew to vacation in this way?
Comment by steven juftes
I suggest you speak to our rabbaim about allowing words like these to solicit on your site that then allows criticisms of our community on top of that. Why ate you doing this?
Comment by steven juftes
Why is it that you allow comments that clearly knock our community but you don't allow any criticism of a school in any form? Eventually this type of behavior will hurt you if it hasn't already. You cant respond back I realize but tempered tespected criticism based on obvious fact should be allowed. If you can't handle two sided criticism of a letter, then ask yourself why you allow that letter in the first place. You should be there to censor obnoxious or over the top posts but two sided respectful but critical exchanges allowing your readers to answer each other is what you should be all about. I am hearing more and more about censorship decisions and this will hurt you in ways you don't know if you continue this selective censorship.
Comment by steven juftes
As an answer to the commenter above: Is it possible that the purpose of the joint letter from the other institutions was a message that was very much needed to be heard to reassure the community that those institutions were open to accepting Rambam's students? BT is in a different category than the others, having a proven track record of Rambam students who have successfuly transitioned to BT in the past. This letter was also informational about the logistics of the admissions process: If you want this, then do it NOW! It is time to stop the negativity and trash talking about the community, its schools, its Rabbis and lay leadership, etc etc and start focusing on the many positive and beautiful aspects of Jewish life that we are blessed with here in Baltimore. At this time of the year, especially, it would be a tremendous zechus for our hatzlacha to strengthen ourselves in the mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel. Commit to respecting those who learn and teach Torah, regardless of venue, label, institution, nusach, accent, or type of head covering.
Comment by steven juftes
How do you know that? Our community let Rambam die so what does that mean? Most Rambam families would not go to a BT it is not frum enough for them. You dont get the same level of judaics and socially it is a challenge compared to the TA/BA/TI.
Comment by steven juftes
Please stop looking for controversy and division where it doesn't exist. After sending out the first letter, Rambam made a decision to let BJL be the conduit for schools to pass along thei info. MJBHA did it this way as well. There is enough real divisionin our community--no need to spend your time looking for it where it doesn't exist.
Comment by steven juftes
To the poster above- how do you know the BT letter was really written simultaneously with the other schools? Just from Mrs. Schorr stating so in her letter "that they were first" does not mean that actually happened.
Comment by steven juftes
ICC goes absolutely no where near MJBHA. red herring.
Comment by steven juftes
what a you thing to say
Comment by steven juftes
I would not exactly consider BT a community school for the frum people of Baltimore. Over 95 percent of the school is not frum.
Comment by steven juftes
Why is it that you allow critical comments against our community from beth Tfiloh supporters but you refuse to print my somewhat negative letter and I'm also a beth Tfiloh parent. Why do have clearly a biased double standard? This is shameful. Print nothing or allow both sides to be fairly represented.
Comment by steven juftes
Can Cardin, Kreiger Schecter, and Baltimore Hebrew make the same case, if they wrote letters too? Maybe it is a community statement. Who knows. It doesnt bother me.
Comment by steven juftes
BT's letter was evidently written at the same time as the joint letter from TA, TI, BY. Why didn't Rambam and the press make the BT letter available last week? It doesn't speak well for our community-at-large.
Comment by steven juftes
the question is do they have kosher passover cruises yet???
Comment by steven juftes
Mrs Schorr, I agree and respect every parents right and desire to send their child to any school they desire. I say that with experience as I transferred my son to BT a few years ago. I have to respectfully disagree with you choosing to use the words "a high quality Torah education". "Love and respect for all Jews", yes. "love and respect for all denominations", yes. Please state what you are known and great at. Stating a high quality Torah education, to an Orthodox baltimore audience and to my personal experience, no. That doesnt mean BT isnt a great choice for certain segments but please chose your words for this audience more accurately. Thank you.Â
Comment by steven juftes
kiddush hashem
Comment by steven juftes
I am s grateful as many other parents to Hebrew Academy. A great fit for rambam families. Everything that Rambam Hebrew Academy. Join us!
Comment by steven juftes
The irony is unbelievable considering Cardin is the 100th best Senator for Israel and Jews
Comment by steven juftes
BT was not included because it is not the same type of school religiously, level of learning or socially. It is not a frum atmosphere for a frum kid
Comment by steven juftes
Our kids are excited to go to Berman, and we are lucky to have such a good school within commuting distance. While we wish this option could be available locally, it isn't so we are approaching this with a positive attitude because we know that is what is best for our children.
Comment by steven juftes
Growing up in the NY/NJ area it was very rare to have a day school right in your community, most students did and still do travel by carpool, public or private transportation. Some people even live in communities where there are school but find a better fit elsewhere. They all survived even back in the day before cell phones and laptops for added safety and entertainment. I have known wonderful "products" of Hebrew Academy and I am sure that the Baltimore contingent will be very successful in such a wonderful and welcoming environment. Donna Wach
Comment by steven juftes
He failed to obey an order to pull over in Towson! Very strange how he ended up at Mount Wilson
Comment by steven juftes
Consider Maryland our community. Because if not then what you consider the Baltimore community is really two communities of Baltimore City and Baltimore County and many different neighborhoods in between. So consider the entire Maryland one community because after all the best food in our area is at PomBistro in Potomac. Anyone from Silver Spring will tell you that outsiders (such as New Yorkers) think they live in or right next to Baltimore. You refer to anyone from New York as New Yorkers so too we should be referred to as Marylanders not Baltimoreans.
Comment by steven juftes
With all due respect to the writer, sending kids kids to schools that don't have grades for the type of education parents desire for their children has nothing to do with supporting schools in our community. This isnt about good and bad and if you don't send children to my school, you don't fit, as some parents in schools believe. It's simply about desiring an education that doesn't exist. People who send their kids to schools you don't support, doesn't mean defacto that they don't support your school. Stop being negative like too much of the past has proven true and let parents decide what is best for their children in the most positive ways they can find.
Comment by steven juftes
It wasn't me.. (Whywhy)
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Berman Hebrew Academy for welcoming our Baltimore families and allowing them to apply for financial aid now that there is no modern Orthodox option for them locally. But how sad is it that our high schoolers need to travel every day to go to school, because our own community could not support a local option?
Comment by steven juftes
Well said
Comment by steven juftes
Not supporting schools in our own community is what got us into this mess in the first place...
Comment by steven juftes
The Arabs were not asleep. This was not a mistake. They shot in order to murder Jews. The Arab who murdered Ben Yosef was a former terrorist who sat in the Israeli jail system and was there after trained by the American gov.
Comment by steven juftes
The word jewish and ben cardin do not belong in the same universe.he is a shameful left wing radical with a horrid voting record on every issue including israel.please do not provide a forum for his deceitful propaganda.
Comment by steven juftes
Awesome Article, this is a much needed work to be done in Muslim and Jewish communities!! Thanks Hamza!
Comment by steven juftes
I just heard there are over 50 kids registered in the last 36 hours!! Please G-d the registration numbers will continue to grow!
Comment by steven juftes
It's great to hear that there are people reaching out between communities. Keep up the good work!
Comment by steven juftes
There goes the neighborhoods!
Comment by steven juftes
boruch hashem nobody was hurt the ribono shel oilam is always watching us, and we have to be thankful every day of our lives, may this be a wake up call to us all to inspire us and bring everyone to tremendous aliyah,amen!!!
Comment by steven juftes
As a Hatzalah responder's wife, I feel there is NO justification for publishing pictures like these in the name of showing how much gratitude we have for their dedicated work. I wouldn't need to see photos of a policeman standing over the body of an intruder he had just shot to prove how grateful we should be that we have law enforcement. And I concur about the laws of HIPPA (patients rights)- it doesn't matter who they pertain to - it should be common sense and sensitivity to refrain from publishing every available photo. As an aside, traffic updates (sans photos!) ARE helpful from this blog, especially on carpool days.
Comment by steven juftes
Don't worry, the police were there from about 11:00 pm until 1:30 am! And the package was there from at least Saturday morning onwards.
Comment by steven juftes
The Ambeulance was given to them by the government
Comment by steven juftes
Re: Who will pay Rambam's debts? The is a question for Yeshivat Rambam. This is a new school and is not under the auspices of Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by steven juftes
I hope he didn't cause too much bittul torah.
Comment by steven juftes
While I agree with your sentiment about supporting the responders who do a kiddush hashem, please don't justify these pictures for any reason. People being treated in accidents are personal for the victim and the responder, plain and simple. Gawkers on site should keep their distance and vertainly pictures should be posted for gawkers on line. Why isn't this simple courtesy and common sense?
Comment by steven juftes
I don't believe in that. Four of us girls, were born in each season and we are healthy. My children show no signs of whatever this conception claims.
Comment by steven juftes
Who will pay Rambam's debts ?
Comment by steven juftes
The driver should have looked back first before opening the door. It is on going problem when parked on busy streets. this would not have happened.
Comment by steven juftes
I would hope the Masmidim find greater "entertainment" - in fact, JOY - from their Gemaros! :)
Comment by steven juftes
If you are putting up all the pictures to help raise awareness and money for the wonderful Hatzala and Policy and Fire departments please do it as a seperate article. I feel that the slide show takes away from the severity of the accident. If you want to get a message accross it should be raising awarness of roadside safety.
Comment by steven juftes
Hatzlacha to Ohr Chadash, from a Bnos Yisroel parent.
Comment by steven juftes
"At approximately 12:40am, received a call of a suspicious package......". Truthfully, I would have called the police first. Kol HaKavod to this site for contacting the bomb squad! :-) All joking aside, you have a great site. Keep up the good work.
Comment by steven juftes
What these pictures and article should do is make people of the community realize how fortunate we are that we have people who are there for us ready to drop everything for us. These people take hours out of their lives just to do this wonderful chesed. This article should make people reach into their pockets and say wow they have an ambulance! Where did they get their money from? As far as I understand all money is raised locally based on donations. As far as HIPPA goes I believe that the only people bound by it are the health professionals not a free-lance phtographer.
Comment by steven juftes
lol- some nice entertainment for the masmidim and late nighters...
Comment by steven juftes
âThe most important question is, how will we do things differently?â âFirst, we are starting off with Rabbinic support.â And, right there is the proof that they've already lost. What needs to be done differently needs to start with fiscal responsibility -- best expressed by announcing their leadership will be headed by a person with business acumen above all else.
Comment by steven juftes
Besides the HIPA issues involved of showing the crash victim (even at a distance)being cared for, is there a compelling reason for publishing these types of photos? Are our lives so "boring" that this is what passes for local news?
Comment by steven juftes
How will juvenile delinquents/criminals be dealt with by the policeing/juvenile authorities? Will they roam the streets and thus impact on law abiding citizens?
Comment by steven juftes
I really think the pictures of the emergency team working on the child should be taken off the website. I feel it is irreverent. This is not a spectator event. The entire Baltimore does not have to view it.
Comment by steven juftes
Hatzlacha rabbah on this very important endeavor.
Comment by steven juftes
Rachel, I am so proud of you. The way you have articulated your feelings and written this article is outstanding. You have learned so much at Rambam and that shows through in your writing. May Hashem guide you into much success in the future, with this very solid foundation you now have. Mindy Dickler
Comment by steven juftes
What a kiddush Hashem! Thank you to all the responders and continued hatzlacha in your holy work!!!!!
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Ohr Chadash leaders for working so hard to create a school that our children need- Baltimore will be a better place because of you!
Comment by steven juftes
Rabbi Hauer is a true asset to our community.
Comment by steven juftes
not a good idea
Comment by steven juftes
It's great that the other schools in our community are reaching out to these displaced students and families. Kol Hakavod. But let's remember that there are reasons why each Yeshivat Rambam family did not choose these wonderful institutions in the first place. Families that want an education that fits as closely to the ideals, principles and mission of Yeshivat Rambam should focus their efforts on making Ohr Chadash Academy a success, if possible. *disclaimer - I'm not a member of OCA's board or faculty, just a hopeful parent:-)
Comment by steven juftes
This is not the time to scale back detention for the City young offenders. As an owner of an apartmnt community in Baltimore City, I fear for the safety of our residents. We have experienced an increase in crime in our community (car break-ins; theft). We want to see all offenders - young and old - punished for their offenses so that the law-abiding members of the community can live without fear.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol Hakavod to Bnos for stepping forward with this letter. Hopefully, the other schools follow suit and also convey this feeling when speaking one-on-one with interested Rambam families.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you to Bnos for being so understanding and accommodating!
Comment by steven juftes
Obviously the oops is that "it's" was written twice when clearly it should be "its."
Comment by steven juftes
its not it's
Comment by steven juftes
Where is the "oops?" Mrs. Itzkowitz is the founding principal.
Comment by steven juftes
"... its mission and its founding principal..." Oops on the spelling.
Comment by steven juftes
Very nice. Great Job. Miro's Mobile Catering is the first in Florida as well. keep up the good work. I think you can find Miro on Facebook.
Comment by steven juftes
I think they mean that if you are interested in Ohr Chadash as your first choice and for some reason it doesn't pan out, they will welcome your daughter to Bnos. Kol Hakavod for that attitude. We appreciate that Mr. and Mrs. Reitberger.
Comment by steven juftes
the new mini melts store downtown is awesome !!!
Comment by steven juftes
Can you please post who the members of the Executive Board are?
Comment by steven juftes
"we will not treat families that have been impacted by Rambam's closure any differently for considering Ohr Chadash." why would you? whats the hava amina?
Comment by steven juftes
Thinking outside the box and willingness to try something new that is well thought out and planned are such positive behaviors to model for one's children. I hope there will be enough parents who are willing to do this so Ohr Chadash can get started on a strong, positive footing. An alternative school is so needed and important.
Comment by steven juftes
Kol HaKavod!
Comment by steven juftes
With the death is there now going to be world peace. I think not, and further a few days later an attack occured in Pakistan killing 80. So the US gets to kill bin Laden and they react and will continue to do so til the West looses its drive to combat evil. Europe already has surrendered. Most likely nothing was accomplished.
Comment by steven juftes
The release after the "Task" should have said, A mission was carried out by the US Dept of Defense and was successful in the elimination of the "Bad guy". Better yet, they should have said nothing and left the whole world guessing. Toom much info will be a nations downfall. If the Manhattan Project was going on today, the German and Japan enemy would have had the bomb at the same time as the US.
Comment by steven juftes
Was he a YU musmach?
Comment by steven juftes
A true tzadik and visionary... Me yiten lanu temusaso
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you, Rabbi Hauer
Comment by steven juftes
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Weiss for expanding the Kosher certified options in DC!
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer. Tova Taragin
Comment by steven juftes
Too bad that Weiss and Rosenberg are not religious. I wonder if they are even Jews?
Comment by steven juftes
Wow! This was a truly sad but beautiful article. Hopefully we can get past our previous mistakes and greet Mashiach B'Achdus!
Comment by steven juftes
Outstandingly written!
Comment by steven juftes
Dera Mrs. Cohn, Mazel Tov on your 90th birthday. It has been fun sharing a birthday with you for 64 years. May Hashem continue to bless you with good health and Simcha until 120. Libby and Robbie Lehman
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer for all that you have done and continue to do. Yasher Koach
Comment by steven juftes
wow amazing that is!
Comment by steven juftes
You talk of a comparison to a corporation like GM and end with the most important goal is to educate children. The most passionate leadership regardless of where they come from should lead this effort and give it the most chance for success. Sour feelings is no way to support a new school whose goal is to educate children.
Comment by steven juftes
I don't attend BJSZ but I admire such support. Rabbi Hauer does not have an obligation to do this. Yet he is the Rabbi in the community taking on this initiative. He deserves much praise from all over. Hopefully with Rabbi Weinreb's direct involvement added to this, the new school can gain broader support.
Comment by steven juftes
Baltimore is lucky to have RMH in its city.
Comment by steven juftes
Thank you Rabbi Hauer for all of your support! Yehudit Shields
Comment by steven juftes
I don't know who was on Rambam's board nor do I know who will be on the new school's board. But, I do know that if I was owed money by Rambam, I would feel cheated if I knew a Ohr Chadash member had served on Rambam. (In other words school was closed to skirt legal debts) Another way to say this would be. We learned from numerous financial decisions what not to do going forward w/ a new school. Having an old board member in a new school, in my view, is not a Kiddish Hashem to those who are owed money to. Such people should step down, if they are claiming a new start w/ transpariency. I personally don't think this is an attempt to defraud money, but if I was on the outside I might percieve that. All that being said, what has made GM a "new success" is starting anew w/ lower payrolls and non productive workers eliminated. For Ohr Chadash to succeed they need to have a whole lot less overhead. Coordinators and Admin. make up a small part of a schools success. A dedicated teacher in a classroom is the main critical ingredient. Also, to those who get bent out of shape reading others comments, may I suggest not reading comments and just inform your self w/ the news. I wish a new school a successful endeavor as they begin the critical need of reaching out to educating children. That is the main thing, which I think we tend to overlook when we become overly critical of an individual's opinion.
Comment by steven juftes
As a former Rambam parent whose children are now at Beth Tfiloh, I want to applaud BT for its warm embrace and accommodation of all their former Rambam students. I don't understand why BT wasn't included in that letter, especially because I know that BT reached out to Rambam families in the same spirit of the above letter.
Comment by steven juftes
View the May 11, 2011 letter to Yeshivat Rambam parents from Zipora Schorr at
Comment by Joan Feldman
Shame on you for not including Beth Tfiloh
Comment by Joan Feldman
"If there is any debt that Rambam will still have to rebaim, teachers etc. will they get all caught up before another school opens?" Ohr Chadash is a completely separate entity from Rambam. It may share it's core values, but it will be starting from a completely clean slate financially. May it have much Hatzlacha as Baltimore certainly needs this school!
Comment by Joan Feldman
to the person who asked about the Rambam debt...Ohr Chadash is not Rambam is a totally new school I believe, separate from Rambam, and not taking on any of their debts. Correct me if I am wrong.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Without question; I wrote that there's a need for another school.
Comment by Joan Feldman
How unfortunate that even at the outset of a new institution such insensitivity reaks again. I was not on the Rambam board but quite aware of the circumstances they faced. To impugn all board members for such a multitude of issues that eventually led to this outcome is simply not right. Enjoy leadership that cares and you have it. Mix in Rabbi Weinreb and they can take off. Get positive or the future will be bleak.
Comment by Joan Feldman
To refreshing: Also read that the Rav said "We all recognize that Rambam played a vital role in meeting the educational needs of a significant sector of the community". Regardless, (and its true that the school had a certain me first attitude), it served amazing role for many families, students and graduates who are making the world a better place in their communities in the US and especially Israel. In your desire to look for inclusiveness, let's not miss the other point of the Rav as well.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Some people may think that California is a bordering state of ours.
Comment by Joan Feldman
This letter is refreshing and most welcome because it's the first time anyone of note publicly stated that there were "missteps that may have characterized Rambam". While there is a need for another school, for most of its existence Rambam cared more about the philosophical views of its founders than about marketing itself to the broader community. When fiscal reality hit they woke up very late in the game, made some long overdue changes and then asked the community that they never seemed to acknowledge before for financial help. Aside from the fact that we're not a wealthy community, it's not surprising that help didn't come. Rabbi Weinreb has proven himself to be a person who gets things done in a cooperative way that acknowledges and respects the views of the greater community. May he have much success in this new endeavor.
Comment by Joan Feldman
If there is any debt that Rambam will still have to rebaim, teachers etc. will they get all caught up before another school opens?
Comment by Joan Feldman
Mi K'amcha Yisroel!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Rachel, this is so beautiful and so heartfelt! I am so grateful for having been a part of Yeshivat Rambam ( especially getting to know you and all of your classmates!) Thank you for this!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Comment by Joan Feldman
Baltimore Jews are concerned with their brethren in LA.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thank you to all of the members of the Baltimore community who did send in donations and tried very hard to help the school. It is very much appreciated!
Comment by Joan Feldman
B"H - Rabbi Weinreb got involved just in time.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Mazel tov, keep on rolling! Many, many more! Best wishes from the Altshul family
Comment by Joan Feldman
I'd love a definition of incorporating the school into the context.... Can an observant school exist in Baltimore and be accepted if it is Zionist, believes in Reishit zmichat geulateinu, if boys and girls are allowed to talk to each other, etc. As "yiddishkeit" grows in Baltimore, the observant (oops, who sets the standards?) middle of the road, believing, loving of both Hashem and Medinat Yisrael, Jews, seem to be not only the huge minority, but are also not considered "acceptable" (again, who gave these people the right to set the standards?). By all definitions, religious and observant should not be confused - they are not the same. I know religios people who are not observant, and observant people who are not religious. Rabbi Weinreb, I wish you and the Ohr Chadash community the best of luck. B"h, I left Baltimore years ago and was able to raise my kids in mamlachti dati schools in Israel.
Comment by Joan Feldman
How is this LOCAL?
Comment by Joan Feldman
Glad to hear the good news about cops.
Comment by Joan Feldman
GREAT NEWS!!! I Love this park!
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thank you Rabbi Weinreb Tova Taragin
Comment by Joan Feldman
Elinor Happy b-day . Many Many more till 120.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Happy Birthday to one great lady who brings "lite" to all who know and love her:)
Comment by Joan Feldman
Nice. Very nice. MKS
Comment by Joan Feldman
This shows the true character of Rabbi Weinreb. Kol Hakavod, MKS
Comment by Joan Feldman
I must agree with the last post. If this is a new initiative and a fresh start then it should be just that. Any former Rambam board members should recuse themselves and allow new leadership to take root. If nothing else, it just really looks bad. I need to know this time around things will be different. We look forward to the meeting on Sunday night.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Thanks. Although the Yeshiva will no longer be named after the Rambam, I hope that the new Yeshiva carries the legacy of Maimonides into its identity, mission and philosophy.
Comment by Joan Feldman
Finally between the message from the other Orthodox schools and Rabbi Weinrebs letter, we can hope that all comments for the new school can now be positive. If you still don't want to support such a school in the community, please be up front and explain why?
Comment by Joan Feldman
What a Bracha! Ad Mea V'Esrim Mom!! We love you!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Wow! What a bracha to celebrate like this! Happy birthday Grandma! May this year bring you only the best and may you continue to celebrate many more birthdays with friends and family!!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Happy birthday Grandma! Thanks for teaching me the important lessons in how to be the best bowler I can be!!! Wishing you only the best for the coming year and may you continue to celebrate many more birthdays with friends and family! We love you!!!! Love, Leib, Fran, Ariella and Batsheva
Comment by Nancy Broth
I wish the new school Ohr Chadash the best of luck and truly hope it succeeds. One question. Is is really appropriate for 3 of the board members who voted on Saturday night to close Rambam be the signatories on the above article? Is it not a confict of interest once you are involved (officially or otherwise) in starting a new school to vote to close another? Not to mention, if its the same leadership (of part thereof) why do we expect better outcome this time. I think its great if they want to help with advise, contributions etc, but they should recuse themselves from decesion making positions....please.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Love the story. Hope I'm like her when I turn 90. Mazel Tov, Elinor. May you continue to "strike" it rich in life. With love, Mrs. Hinkelfoffer
Comment by Nancy Broth
Kol hakavod to all of the schools and their staff!
Comment by Nancy Broth
If Rambams demise becomes a catalyst for acceptance of a school that is allowed by the community to fill that wide gap between the existing schools, Rambam succeeded in the painful end. Let's hope when the new school starts (and this pain can subside over time), this same theme of working together continues. Let's hope and pray.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Comment by Nancy Broth
If nothing else, having the rav play an active role in the community will benefit all of us! May G-d bless the children to be strong and grow from this difficult experience... DM
Comment by Nancy Broth
So true, maybe he can cut his vacation short though to help with this crisis.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Baltimore misses you
Comment by Nancy Broth
The story has now gone around the world. The Orthodox, Hassidic, Jewish newspaper, Di Tzeitung, republished the famous photo of President Obama and his advisors watching the raid on Bin Ladenâs compound while they were sitting in the situation room. The only thing is that this publication cut out Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason, director of counterterrorism, from this photograph. Oy! Let it be stated for the record that this Orthodox Hassidic newspaper through this action was itself in violation of many severe sins. First, they have violated the sin of âbaal tosifâ, there is a prohibition in Torah against adding more prohibitions. This is based upon Deuteronomy 4:2, which states, âDo not add what I have commanded to you.â Nowhere in the Torah does it state that it is prohibited to look at a picture of a woman who is modestly dressed. In cutting out Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason, they are thus guilty of this sin. They have also violated the sins of âmidvar sheker tirchakâ, not distancing themselves from falsehoods (Exodus 23:7). One is guilty for this sin by presenting a story that is inaccurate. Similarly they have violated the Talmudic sin (Babylonian Talmud, Hullin 94a)of âgeneivat dataâ (stealing the mind), tricking someone into believing an inaccurate idea. By tampering with this photo in violation of White House guidelines, they have violated the Talmudic sin that one must obey the laws of the land, (âdina demalchuta dinaâ, the law of the land is the law). They have also violated the positive commandment of âhakarat hatovâ, showing gratitude. This commandment is described in the classic and great medieval work, Sefer HaChinuch as follows: ârecognize and bestow kindness upon one who has done him good and that he not be base, a dissimulator, and one who denies the good done him by another.â Since Ms. Clinton and Ms. Tomason worked on this effort for many years, it is disgraceful that they were cut out of this photo. Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, Ohev Sholom,Washington,DC
Comment by Nancy Broth
And people wonder why I love Baltimore!
Comment by Nancy Broth
This letter shows the unique achdus of Baltimore. It came as a result of a meeting of leading rabbonim and representatives of the schools and community leaders, who all worked together in unity to deal with a communal issue. There are few other cities like Baltimore and we should be proud of our lay and religious leaders. Elchonon Oberstein
Comment by Nancy Broth
Very nice - that's what's special about Baltimore - for all the supposed differences, people care about each other
Comment by Nancy Broth
So no more problem. BH.
Comment by Nancy Broth
There would be more nice comments if this letter and it's sentiments would have been posted as an immediate response. BE"H there have been some lessons learned here. Halevai we could have learned them without doing the damage that was done. May we be zoche to be able to move onward and appropriately from here and may the wounds that have been inflicted heal with minimal scarring.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Brings a tear to me eye.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Kol HaKavod to the leadership of the four schools for stepping up in such a weloming manner which is demonstrative of how our community does work together to help others in need.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Obama has no stomach for making any decision. He is surrounded by radicals who make all of the decisions so he can do the only thing he knows is campaign for office. Valarie worked at a hospital before the Obama job at the whitehouse. Really this is the Chicago machine running the country. Planet of the Apes (aka Valarie Jarrett) needs to wait for her segual.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Love the achdus!
Comment by Nancy Broth
Comment by Nancy Broth
Where are the comments on THIS beautiful letter?!?
Comment by Nancy Broth
Just a reminder - comments of individuals on a website do not at all represent an accurate survey of the community's sentiment towards the Rambam family. A responsible person would not take medical advice from anonymous internet commentators, so they certainly should not trust them for an accurate impression of community support. There's a lot of sensitive people out there, a lot of communal expressions of love, generosity, and understanding, and it would be a shame to overlook that because of some insensitive close-minded commentators.
Comment by Nancy Broth
It is interesting that the tone of the comments makes the underlying assumption that BY, TA, TI, etc. are now fiscally healthy and that Rambam is the anomaly. Is this objectively the case? While a variety of factors unique to Rambam led to its demise, its closing should be a wake-up call to the other schools to make an objective assessment of where they truly are financially in 2011 as well as a projection of where they will be in 5 and in 10 years, assuming that current trends of tuition income, expenses, and fundraising hold constant. Values like financial/decision-making transparency and accountability are vital to their continued marketing to the community, as being schools OF the community. So, it would be interesting to hear these other ââState of the Schoolsâ addressesâ, other than continuing to state that they simply need more money now and they will need even more money later. (And fiscal responsibility goes beyond simple cost-cutting measures like buying supplies and energy from cheaper vendors.)While their entrenchment might allow them to be a bit more successful than Rambam in gaining traction for a communal emergency fundraising campaign/bailout down-the-road, the money might ultimately not be there to ensure their continuity.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Based on all the previous military and stratigic political indecisions of President Obama this scenario seems most plausible. Valerie Jarrett's behavior and her actions follow her radical beliefs and her influence over the president is most alarming. One can only wish this story was not true but it is hard to believe otherwise. God bless and help the Republic.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Zvi Spivack, Golani 3 years service.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Great pictures. Ah, to be in Yerushalyim on Yom HaAtzmaut! May ALL k'lal yisrael be gathered here next year (or at least SOMEWHERE in Eretz Yisrael :-D) Ilene
Comment by Nancy Broth
Binyamin Goldberg
Comment by Nancy Broth
If you airbrushed all the females out of this picture, it would look empty. May Baltimore continue to have a wide spectrum of observant Jewish life. 20 years is a generation and Yeshivat Rambam educated a generation of students. I hope the new school will be able to serve those who want what it has to offer and that we can continue to have unity.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Well unlike the current situation, there will be no large amount of debt and an overly ambitious, unrealistic leadership.
Comment by Nancy Broth
Binyomin Leventhal
Comment by Nancy Broth
I am very proud of those who care about the children in this case "displaced Jewish Children" If you have saved one Jewish life you have saved the world, it is something we are all taught, either in Hebrew School or JDS by the time we are Bat/Bar Mitzvad. It is sad to see people making such sarcastic remarks about people in the community who are trying to do such a wonderful thing The New Light for the Children, and Children are the Light of the world, makes me really wonder where have some of you have studied; because if I went to school with any of you who made a GM comment, or New Rambam comments, or I sit next to you in shul I want to move my sit as far as possible because you stink badly. I can careless, if you dress all in black with knee highs upto your ears, or with a covered head and a slit upto your tush and your sleeves barely cover your shoulders. If you wear a baseball hat or a leather kippa to an O's game, what I care about the future of the children and in this matter my child's future. Who might be one day, a Rabbi, or a teacher, or a Doctor, or an IDF soldier with 20+ years of service, however, I want to make sure my child has the core values of being a religious Jew, a ben adam tov, if he grows up and be a Rabbi like Rabbi Zuckerman or Rabbi Feld for that matter, the whole community can rest at ease, now if he grows up like those who have posted really bad comments on here, then I have failed as a mother. My heart goes out to your mothers they should be sadden by your GM, and alike remarks. So sad yet so true, all that money, time, and health out the window for a complete fool. sad but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well done, Rachel. Your parents have so much to be proud of! [MKS]
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol HaKavod, Rachel... your beautiful article illustrates perfectly why we, the founding families and members of the extended Rambam family can be proud of all of our efforts over the years. Despite the difficulties and challenges of the last years, we helped to facilitate the education of so many wonderful Jewish children. Karen Katz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not only do the previous children of Rambam's parents who made aliyah serve, but also those students who just go for the purpose of serving our Land of Israel, and may Hashem keep them safe and to safe return into their loved ones' arms; ie Tzvi Rotenberg; some of the people you have listed I went to school with too. Thank you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We enjoyed our falafels! Thanks, Tov Pizza!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article. As a Yeshivat Rambam student (and a proud member of the Rambam family), I can honestly say that I fully agree with everything expressed . Furthermore, I am truly grateful to everyone at Yeshivat Rambam for the efforts that they exerted in making last night (at the Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut commemoration/celebration) a truly wonderful experience. However, perhaps more importantly, I want to thank them for making my years at Yeshivat Rambam both meaningful and fruitful in both Limudei Kodesh - my spiritual growth - and Limudei Chol - general studies. Thank you Hashem for giving me the opportunity to go to this wonderful school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Rachel, Thank you so much for writing and dedicating an article in everlasting memory to the school I myself hold so dear, from previous Dr. Shloush to Rabbi Feld. Being an unfortunate person who never got to experience Rambam as a student, and yet so fortunate for having my son in this school. Sadly he will never experience, what you have through your middle and high school years, well not at Rambam. Thank you again for such a beautiful article, Am Yisrael Chai!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not a nice title!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To whoever said: "Wake up and smell the coffee in the form of Rambam's closure! This is the POST Zionist era." It's not like Zionist schools are closing all over the country. Just because Yeshivat Rambam in particular didn't work out for FINANCIAL reasons, doesn't mean an extremely valid part of Judiasm doesn't exist anymore. If you don't believe in Zionism, then don't believe in Zionism. But quite honestly, what did your comment do to add to the conversation other than state your obvious lack of belief in Zionism?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article and well articulated journalization of your school years! We are so very proud of you! Lynn&Carl Gold
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Incredible article from an amazing and talented niece. May you always be humbled and proud of your heritage and legacy. Mazel tov for your acheivmentsDistance From City Distance To City Distance (km) Jacksonville Miami 526.69 Tampa Saint Petersburg 29.28 Hialeah Orlando 317.33 Fort Lauderdale Tallahassee 627.9 Hollywood Pembroke Pines 7.49 Coral Springs Gainesville 426.56 Port Saint Lucie Clearwater 252.62 Cape Coral Lakeland 164.18 Brandon Pompano Beach 285.46 Miami Beach Sunrise 38.21 Plantation Kendall 50.55 Davie West Palm Beach 74.72 Deltona Boca Raton 305.61 Palm Bay Melbourne 5.79 Miramar Town 'n' Country 323.38 Largo The Hammocks 340.56 Tamiami Spring Hill 371.38 Weston Boynton Beach 57.76 Deerfield Beach Fountainbleau 65.52 Delray Beach Daytona Beach 319.65 Palm Harbor Kissimmee 135.02 Carol City Kendale Lakes 30.48 Lauderhill Tamarac 8.84 North Miami Pensacola 853.36 Margate Bradenton 273.18
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As a fellow classmate of Rachel's, I am so impressed that she was able to take the general feeling which we all experienced last night and worded it so beautifully. Rachel: thank you for explaining to the rest of the Baltimore community how incredible our school is. -Eliana Shields
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the comment about Rabbi Hauer was mine Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I was thinking about one of my favorite books, Man's Search for Meaning, and the way he evokes the Latin phrase to console his exhausted comerades, "What you've experienced, no power on earth can take from you." It is 1 am on motzei Yom Haatzmaut and after 13 years of unforgettable Rambam community celebrations, I am finally able to write from my home for the year in Beit Shemesh. Yesterday, I joined thousands of people in Jerusalem at the military cemetary to pay respects, hear the siren, listen to stories, and hear the Prime Minister's adress. Last night, streets were shut down for the celebrations. There was dancing, daglanut, fireworks, and barbeques lit up all over the country. Not to sound haughty, but I appreciated this independance day more than many of my American friends. My entire life Rambam has prepared me for this celebration. I knew the blue and white outfit I wanted to take out weeks in advance, I expected the decorations, I looked forward to the flag dancing, I knew the words to the Israeli folk songs the Native Israelis were singing. I was amazed; thousands of miles away from where I celebrated Israeli memorial and independance day for so many years, everything was so familiar to me. I stopped for the siren and Hatikvah, I did those dances, I sang those songs. And I got to transfer everything that I learned from a school so passionate for Religious Zionism and the amazing sense of community and excitement that are so potent now around the spring holidays. My years in Rambam were not all fun and games. It got raw. It would be an understatement to say that the class of 2010 struggled through the last few years. But my unique experience really instilled me with the passion and appreciation for what the school stood for. Part of me even regretted missing the last assembly, even though I'm at the place it's supposed to be celebrated in. At the end of the day, I've come out with the proper understanding of what's important, and the ability to look towards something so much bigger. Getting to the point: Rachel, I wanted to express how much I appreciate you've written. It's difficult for me to watch my former classmates rough such a difficult time for the Rambam community, especially at a time of year that reminds me of all that we stood for as an institution. We all went through something so hard together, but the memories and experiences you've gained will only take you further. I know it sounds cliche, but it does go so uphill from here. Madeline List
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To Rambam light and GM commenter-Rambam's closing has been so difficult on all of the children who have to find another school to go to and the talented teachers who are without jobs. Kol HaKavod for the community members who are stepping up to try and form this new school for the children. It isn't about zionists, black hats, or striemels, it's about Jews. How incredibly disrespectful and hurtful. What a hilel Hashem.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Great article, Rachel. You and your classmates should all feel very fortunate to have had the privilege of your education and chevrah at Rambam. Our community is so proud of all of you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Since I started this whole thread, I would publicly like to acknowledge and thank Rabbi Hauer and "many concerned members of the community" who have contributed to a fund, to help ensure that the YR teachers get paid through the summer. If anyone else is interested in helping, please contact Rabbi Hauer.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Tov Pizza for making this happen. It was a real treat to take my family out to eat and enjoy the delicious food.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a wonderful article. Rachel you are a fantastic writer. You mom, dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles should be very proud of you. Nannette Flax
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are a family, and we're a tree, our roots go deep down in history.......We're a green and growing Rambam tree!!! Our Rambam kids will make us proud wherever they go!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful ceremony! We will miss this so much. Unless you were there, you have no idea what you are losing when Rambam closes. It was full of Yiddushkeit and love of Israel which is unique to Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Incredibly good article!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am proud to call you my sister! Thank you for expressing how we all feel in such a beautiful and composed way. We will get through this together :) Love, Stephanie Gold
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is also dishonest for a newspaper to edit images and print them as if they were real. I agree with your point about publishing a husband's photo when a woman dies, etc. That is absurd. However editing a picture and presenting it as real is fraud and journalistic misconduct. My yiddish is very weak so I can't understand the caption. Does it at least say that the photo is edited???
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
In principal how right you are. Naive yes. Let's hope the new school can have such parents. Don't kid yourself. For every grade your child is in any school here, be lucky if the top 10 % practice what you preach even if they desire it. Parents as their children get older change. You sound like an elementary school parent. I hope the new school maintains their hopes and dreams as their kids get into middle and high school whether at a growing new growing post Rambam or another school. Good luck.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rachel, You and Molly Sharfman have much in common. You represent what Rambam stood for so well. Through good and bad, you both are mature beyond your years and are able to speak and write publicly so positively under difficult circumstances. You are true role models to be joined by I am sure others from other schools. Keep your memories intact. They will take you far.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Your parents should be proud (and I know they are :) )
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It doesn't appear that the new school will get any less sarchasm or negative arrows pointed at it, then Rambam had. The good part is it will embolden you to succeed for the parents and the missions sake. The bad part is you always know there are those out there who will do what they can to prevent border line parents from attending. You are going to need those borderline parents as you move ahead. Kol Hakavod.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol Hakavod what a lovely article! You are very fortunate to have had such amazing educators. I don't know if I will ever see that much talent under one roof again.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"Rambam light" - Judaic bankruptcy? What is that supposed to mean? The families trying to pull together an education that meets their children's needs aren't in financial debt to any of Rambams creditors. Parents don't sign any legal contract taking on financial responsibilities of the schools they send their children to. I don't get comments that make it seem like this is an attempt for anyone to get away with cheating anyone out of money. The financial situation that Rambam is in has nothing to do with any endeavors to build something new.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the last post: While I am sure it is a very nice yeshiva, Ohr Yaackov, would not be a fit for someone with a modern orthodox, religious zionist hashkafa.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why not connect up with New Baltimore Yeshiva - Ohr Yaakov ?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the un-informed writer who states "NONE of the long established yeshivas in this town is making real efforts to cut back on the fat in their budgets. Don�t get me wrong the fat is thought to be in the best interest of education, but given the choice most of the Parents in this town struggling to make ends meet would gratefully acquiesce to streamlining the schools back to no frills than having to face more tuition hikes. There is hardly a yeshiva in this town that would be able to stand up to the full scrutiny of an audit by the average middle income Parents paying tuition in this community. " Let me INFORM YOU. I have worked in another school is this community. About 4 years ago we started cutting down on supplies and on other items that YOU might feel are un-necessary, yet are extremely helpful in teaching YOUR children. Why don't you give the schools a call and ask them for their financial reports? Then you can share an informed opinion. Not one that is foolish and baseless.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its in Israel.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are new to the community and sincerely hope that this endeavor succeeds. We wish you all the very best and will try to contribute in whatever way we can. I am, however, dismayed at the level of discourse represented by the "Reader Comments" section over all. Particularly to the individual who made the GM comment. Shame on you. That sort of sarcasm is essentially destructive and unhelpful. And, "Rambam light" author, is it really "Judaic bankruptcy" to offer your time and energy to building a school that reflects your Jewish values? I challenge you to make your point in a more coherent and persuasive fashion.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow. This is a beautiful article. As a community member who attended another school yet supported Rambam through this difficult period, I am appreciative that you were able to express these feelings to us. I am grateful that there are those who can relate to this situation in a positive light. Saddened, yet hopeful. You brought tears to my eyes.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
While I agree with the focus of Rabbi Obersteinâs editorial in that the â⦠normative middle ground is being eroded.â I take issue with his view that the growing lack of normative middle ground is the result of Chassidim imposing âthis on the rest of usâ. I come from a very Chassidishe background and have many Chassidishe and Rebbeshe cousins. My family like many post WWII families went Litvish. The Frum schools in America were predominately Litvish and my Parents chose to have us educated in Litvishe institutions. Rabbi Oberstein does not quite grasp the Chassidishe world if he feels they seek to impose their derech on the Litvaks. Chassidim live in their own world, build their own communities and while they may sigh for us Litvishe folk, who they genuinely feel lack the benefits of what they view as their less complicated society, they couldnât care less what Chumras we choose to we do so long as we do not impose our Litvishe shtoos on them. While the Chassidishe may seem machmir because of their levush and minhagim (Gebrokts, Shchitah, etc.), ironically, in many areas of practical day-to-day halacha Chassidim have not moved in the direction of todayâs generation of the âChumrah of the monthâ litvishe yeshivish and this is certainly true in Eretz Yisroel where the Litvishe reign supreme the world of Machmir Chareidim. Since the Eighties as more yungelite have chosen to spend time learning in EâY and our communication with EâY has become easier and faster, the trend has been to follow EâY. This is not necessarily the proper thing to do. It is unfortunate that rather than following the old and proper Mesorah of speaking to the qualified Poskim and Zekainim of the locality (in America we still have great Poskim who know when to discuss matter further with the next tier of the Torah hierarchy), many of todayâs generation opt to rush into whatever has become the âfashionâ in the world of Machmir Shitos in EâY. This is more of a Litvishe machlah than a Chassidishe one. One has no further to look than Baltimore to see this. We are a predominately Litvish community, the real Chassidishe presence is tiny in size, yet Baltimore is becoming a town know for its increasing Machmirkite. As one Alte Yeshivishe person recently said to me, Baltimore is becoming âfar chnyockedâ. In light of the apathy that our Yeshivishe community has recently shown in its abandonment of Yeshivat Rambam I think we have much more to worry about than the Chassidim.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Last night's event was beautiful. As one of your classmates, I agree with everything you said in this article. When I was an elementary school student at Rambam, I remember seeing the faces of the senior class each year as they walked on stage to light a candle in honor of continuing their education in Israel whether it be going to the army, seminary, yeshiva or college there. Last night, I was able to be one of those proud seniors on stage. I was happy to see the whole community gathered together to celebrate our future as well as the future of other families joining us in Israel. ~Mari Mordfin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what is 'tziyonut al pi halacha'? Please explain?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks for being a role model for all of us Rach. You've really said what we're all feeling now. Thanks for putting it out there. -Liora
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
excuse my saying so, but the last post is a lot of mussar to say without signing your name.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish you Hatzlacha Raba. Or Chadash al Tzion Tair. May it be a light unto Zion....
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Now that's the spirit! Very nice of Tov Pizza to celebrate Israel's 63rd Anniversary in this way!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
With all due respect to Rabbi Oberstein I passionately disagree. As an orthodox young woman that is not an extremest in any way, I believe in women advancing in their careers and education and having just as much potential in life as men. At the same time, women play a very distinct and important role in Judaism and we need not confuse it with society's perspective. When I read about the paper's policy I take absolutely no offense, if anything I am empowered by the prospect of our influence as a gender. Admittedly, altering the photo in this case was a mistake however I am speaking about the larger issue at hand. There is a strong misconception that this is an issue of sexuality, however, it's an issue of modesty and respect. As god fearing women we are the pillars of our communities but that doesn't mean our faces should be the ones plastered on the front page of our publications. We are a religion of boundaries, which is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. We understand when it's okay to take a step back. How is an Orthodox newspaper supposed to differentiate between Hillary Clinton and a wig ad that looks like it was pulled from the pages of Vogue? Who holds the measuring stick of what should be deemed immodest? I feel we are at a point in time when Orthodox judaism is straddling a fence between what's appropriate and i give kudos to these publications for having the guts to take a stand. Whether this publication is for you or not, I think we need to acknowledge and respect it's goal here. To elevate women, not disparage them, to a level far more important than a picture in a newspaper. -S. Friedman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article, thank you so much for sharing your feelings with the community, I am sure it reflects the emotions of many of your fellow Rambam students. - Donna Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow!! Amazing! Kol Hakavod to them and their families. It should also be noted that so many of these brave men are from Yeshivat Rambam! So many families from Rambam made Aliyah, and so many of their kids served in the IDF.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rachel!! Beautiful article!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I do agree with you. However I think that you made one mistake. Unlike Hamodia and Binah which are run by Chasiddim (Ger), Mishpacha is not, and does publish pictures of women. The phenomena is mostly limited to Chasiddish publications, as is the newspaper that is featured in this story.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rabbi Oberstein, you have an excellent point but I think the answer to why this has been imposed on us is fear and finances. Litvishe media is afraid to go against the tide of the Chasidishe influence on our community because they want to sell papers. Their readership, which includes the thugs who print public condemnation statements and those who follow them, will not print things that their readership might be offended by. One point with this media blitz that's been overlooked is how the media found out about this. You may see this issue as an important one to discuss, but if your brother was the one who negligently altered the photo, which he shouldn't have, would you rush to tell the world about it? Would you jump on the bandwagon of people in the midst of beating his paper to the ground and deliver a few kicks, maybe pulling his Payos and knocking off his Yarmulka? Chas V'Shalom. I'm not so religious to point out the Lashon Hara issues here, but simply the fact that this is your brother who's in pain. Maybe you won't defend his action because you disagree with them but why is everyone rushing to join the mob of critics? When we use the words "Avinu Malkeinu" and "Elokeinu" we are including every Jew in our family, whether that Jew wears no Yamulka or a purple Yarmulka, a fancy Sheitel or no Sheitel, whether we're proud of what that Jew does or whether that Jew makes a stupid mistake. They're all family and it's unfortunate that this is so easily forgotten. In Der Tzitung's rush to publish an iconic photo, their fellow Yidden rushed to publish a public insult to their own brethren.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Love the picture! Please add Sam Friedman. Also, Beth Tfiloh runs a Yom Hazikaron ceremony each year which mentions their alumni who served -- I'm sure they'd be happy to share it with you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We live in an era where Jews do not tolerate other Jews who don't think, act, or talk the same way we do. There are TA families that put down TI families, TI families that put down TA families, Rambam families who put down TA families, BY families that put down Rambam families and their respective Hashkafot and so on and so on. Baltimore is not the exception to this and if you think that moving out to another city will help you, you'll be in for a big surprise. Remember, whenever you point a finger at someone there are always three fingers pointing back at youselves. I have heard the most insulting comments made about people who study Torah all day, have large families, have small families, have pets, read newspapers, watch TV, send their kids to Rambam, TA, Bnos, BY, eat only Cholov Yisroel, go to Pesach hotels, are democrats etc. We are perhaps the most intolerant people and our own worst enemies. Let's work on promoting tolerance and not build a new school based on animosity but rather one based on appreciating all Jews, no matter how they dress, think, or act.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As if this is the strangest thing the hassidic community does...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
ATTENTION BALTIMORE! It's time to put the cheerleader pom poms down and get to work dealing with the issues. The Baltimore community has been hung up on praising itself far too long. The proper derech of a yid is to be introspective, to be mifashfesh bâmaasav. This town has been way too preoccupied with its worn out stellar reputation. Itâs time to be mekabel mussar. Baltimore has grown in size, but it has not matured in attitude. Our schools and organizations are run along the lines of âitâs nice to..â rather than fiscal responsibility or any other less trendy priority dictated by Chazal. NONE of the long established yeshivas in this town is making real efforts to cut back on the fat in their budgets. Donât get me wrong the fat is thought to be in the best interest of education, but given the choice most of the Parents in this town struggling to make ends meet would gratefully acquiesce to streamlining the schools back to no frills than having to face more tuition hikes. There is hardly a yeshiva in this town that would be able to stand up to the full scrutiny of an audit by the average middle income Parents paying tuition in this community. The larger institutions are able to get away with their spending habits among their other issues because of their size and the power wielded by that size. The Parents of the institutions in this town meekly nod their heads every year when new costs emerge and tuition rises. They hope that if they keep their mouths shut, they will be able to keep the breaks they already receive. The few full tuition parents grumble as they are told that they are being given the opportunity to give Tzedakah. Many average income families can barely break even with 2 children in the system on one income. Full time Motherhood has become a scare concept in this town even for Mothers of smaller families. They are sent out to work to pitch in to pay tuition as soon as the second child hits school-age. If the full paying Parents complain too loud, they are advised to apply for a tuition break themselves, and be quiet. With such a backdrop Rambam as a smaller school and under the scrutiny of being an "other" could not have possibly survived this storm. Our community is very selective in who it permits to be criticized and who it is willing to support. It is no wonder that people on the net are quibbling about monetary "reality-checks" and pointing fingers while the fate of a group of our community's children hangs in the balance. Yes some non-Rambam Parents, like us opened our pockets and answered the limited calls for help from the few Rabbonim who had the conviction to say something OUT LOUD. But let's be real there was no real UNIFIED communal outpour of sympathy, compassion or support for this segment of our community. There was no unified call from the leadership of this town to come out in support of our fellow Parents and Teachers and their families. As a community, if we can still use that term in this place, we have what to answer for. We will have to say Al Cheit for this tremendous Chillul Hashem. Does it not frighten any of you that in the weeks of Sefirah as we approach the time of Zâman Maatan Torah, a time of Naaseh V'Nishmah this town is behaving like a kindergarten gone hefker? The only possible good thing that can come from all of this would be if Baltimore, it's people, it's lay leadership and yes it's Rabbonim took this tragedy as an opportunity for mussar and some serious introspection. BALTIMORE, ITS TIME TO GET OVER YOURSELF!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you so much for posting this list and honoring these men in this way, Donna Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
GM commenter - what system are they trying to beat? These are parents who are trying to provide an education to their children. Not multimillionaire CEOs trying to pass the expense of their screw ups on to the consumers. And why should Mrs. Taragin take down her post? The sentiment is still valid. I don't get the point of people taking the time to post their negative thoughts. I guess whatever school YOU went to didn't teach you the middos to say nothing if all you have to say is something negative. If you can't wish them well, why not just keep quiet?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mia Lazarus
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Daniel and Yossi Taylor
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Reads like "Rambam light" Major point is missing- coed or not coed? Will YR staff have a priority for new jobs at this new school? Sort of Judaic bankruptcy. YR closes on Friday and OCA opens on Monday! To whom does YR owe its debt to? If it's to community members I sense a din torah/court fight brewing.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Move to Eretz Yisrael, It will solve all the problems even economy. I have been here for 25 years and still going despite of everything else. Parents want to move out of Baltimore,it is my understanding- it will be the same thing anywhere in America. Best to move to Israel, everyone will respect you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wake up and smell the coffee in the form of Rambam's closure! This is the POST Zionist era.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
For a man who professes a liberal, pluralistic worldview, I am appalled by Rabbi Oberstein's attitude towards practices which he fails to understand or appreciate. Rabbi Oberstien states, 'Let the Chassidim do whatever they want, but why in the world are they the norm and able to impose this on the rest of us?' Please explain: which chassiddim are imposing anything on anyone? Did some Satmars come and threaten the local Litvish paper with sanctions for printing women? If charedi media decides not to publish such pictures, it is their right to do so, and your right as a consumer not to patronize them if it disturbs you. They apparently feel it is worthwhile to not publish such pictures, whether it is for religious reasons (ie they or their Rabbinic authorities pasken this way) or financial reasons (ie people won't buy their publication if they show women). Either way, it is a legitimate decision taken by private individuals or companies in light of their own interests. Furthermore, R Oberstein calls this a 'misogenous practice'. As there is no word 'misogenous', one has to assume he means 'misogynous', which connotes hatred of women. It is grossly unfair of R Oberstein to determine that this custom is an expression of women-hatred, just because it is not his hashkafa.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I find it wonderful that you list these fantastic boys and girls. However, there are may more Baltimore youth and young adults who serve in the IDF. In my home alone there are 2 more chayalim and in our neighborhood, I know of 2 additional chayalim originally from Baltimore. All of these heroes desereve the credit. They make us very proud. Dena Zalcman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Bravo! What a courageous editorial. Would that more people would agree. There is a time and place for tznius, and airbrushing our Secretary of State from an iconic, historically significant photograph is not one of them. What will these newspapers do when, one day, a woman is elected president of the United States? Spotlight her male vice-president or press secretary for the next four years? We need more sensible voices out there. Thanks for contributing one here. From a woman on the sidelines.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Menachem Baer Rosenbloom
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is what happens when you treat a yeshiva like a law firm or high-tech company instead of as a YESHIVA, home to hundreds of students and families.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why aren't Rabbis and Community leaders in outrage about this? If this was BY, TA or TI, how would the response be different?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Who is on the board?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
you are not to show tag numbers and letters in the photo's.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why was the building and property - the most valuable asset Rambam had - given away if it was not going to save the school or help pay teachers??? Just the land itself could have been sold to a developer for millions of dollars, that could have paid for a small Rambam building on the corner of the property. Who gave away this valuable asset, and why? And to whose benefit? These are questions that demand answers. Not in private board rooms, but in public.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
can someone explain to me what debt Rambam has exactly?? Didn't we sell our building, pay off the mortgage and other debts? What is still out there and who is it owed to? Has anyone from our school answered this question yet????!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
can someone explain to me what debt Rambam has exactly?? Didn't we sell our building, pay off the mortgage and other debts? What is still out there and who is it owed to? Has anyone from our school answered this question yet????!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
MKS stands corrected: Thank you for supporting schools in need.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They aren't trying to beat the system. The are simply trying to provide an education for the children who want this type of education. If not now, when?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What's the difference if we're "modern orthodox" or "charedi" or "black hat"? Who cares if we keep kosher or glatt kosher? Who cares if we keep cholov Yisrael or cholov stam? The fact is that children who were learning Torah now will not. Teachers and rebbeim who had jobs, now will not. Many of these kids WILL be in public schools next year. Is that how we care for Klal Yisrael?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Looks like a fun place to take the kids. How far away is this place from Pikesville?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well, if the community gives support everything should run nice and smoothly
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Good Luck and I hope all works out for our community!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm sure that many individuals in the community were generous in trying to save Rambam, and they should all be truly proud of themselves for acting as the Torah says one should. But I think that the point being made by many is that the orthodox community of Baltimore, as a whole, did not rally behind Rambam as it would have, and has done, for other institutions. It almost seems that, Chas v'Shalom, there are those who thought to themselves "Well, it's really too bad, but they really shouldn't be around anyway"
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
B'hatzlachah. You are filling a true need.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Um. Is it just me or is this the same old Rambam but with a new name? It's kind of like when GM went bankrupt and started out 6 months later as a new entity but with none of the debt. If that's the case, if it's good for GM, then.... Congrats. You beat the system. Way to go. At least Ms. Taragin, take down the heartfelt article you just posted 6 hours ago before you take this job.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that there is one thing that has not been mentioned here. THere are many of us who pay full tuition in other schools who did reach out when asked. We don't have much to give but we gave what we can. Yet, people are saying the community didn't stand up for Rambam when I know many people who have children in other schools who contributed. Please keep in mind that there are many out there who do care, even if our children are not in your school. We understand that without Rambam, there will be a lacking in our community. Yet, we can only do so much. Please don't make us regret that we cared.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Sounds like the good ole' days when Rambam was starting pre-1991. Kol HaKavod!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
×צ××× ×¨×× on your efforts. I hope you can be successful with the K-6 kids. Now we need something for the kids in grades 7-12. I understand, and agree that you can only do what you can do, but nonetheless... Just please, do this right.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Kol Hakavod and Hatzlacha. This community desperately needs this new school to succeed.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful and inspriational is our memory of Rabbi Anemer, shared with us by Rebetzen Anemer and family that will forever continue to live on in our lives. Chuck, Ahuva, Shmuel and Alix Engel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I did not send my children to Yeshivat Rambam. But, when I heard of the financial situation recently I sent in a generous donation. I am sure I am not alone. It hurts me whenever I here people saying that the community did not help.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am a little offended at the last post made. Just because our children attend YR doesn't mean that we are not shomer Shabbat/mitzvot. You should not also automatically assume that everyone who sends there children to YR are modern orthodox. There are many misconceptions regarding the school and the familes who send their children there. The only appropriate label is that the familes involved are Jews that need help.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well unlike the current situation, there will be no large amount of debt and an overly ambitious, unrealistic leadership.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
people think this will work out more than rambam because it's a totally fresh start with a number of new individuals and pledges for better communication, not to mention the absence of the crippling debt that essentially devastated Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Transparency is key. THANK YOU!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Good luck. Timing is very interesting.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think Tova's point is simple and it is this: Baltimore is a fairly unified community when it comes to certain institutions. Unlike many other communities, the Baltimore orthodox community lives in a shared physical area (with the exception of Ner Israel) and there is a SINGLE va'ad hakashrut, a single mikveh, and in the days of Rabbi Preis, there was a single va'ad harabonim. This is indeed unusual. But of course there always has been different schools to meet the varying educational, religious and social needs of the children and adolescents in the community. Yet, they all belong to the Association of Jewish Day Schools of Greater Baltimore. The point is that we are all one community. So, when Bais Yaakov or TA or TI has had financial issues in the past and the entire Baltimore community was called on to help, I don't quite remember people saying "this isn't my school" or "they were mismanaged" or "I have other places to give tzedakah to." Correct - Rambam was not everyone's school. And mistakes were indeed made. But that is not the point. The point is to (1) move forward from here to find students appropriate places to learn Torah and academics, (2) pay the teachers what they are owed, and (3) pay off any debt that the school owes if at all possible. If we are a Jewish community of menchen/bnei adam, then it is our collective obligation to give what each of us can. MKS
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why do ppl think that this will work out more than rambam?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"""reaching out to local Rabbinic leadership and have received their support. Additionally, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsh Weinreb has agreed to chair the Rabbinic Advisory Committee""" The best news yet!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i cant believe its closing
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that it is really important for a non interested party to conduct a thorough investigation to discover why Rambam crashed and burned the way it did. Its important so that we can learn from the mistakes that were made, and do not replicate them. When we do this investigation, nobody or no topic should be "untouchable", faculty, administrators, parents, ability or inability to work with the rest of the community, board members, and even students. This is from the founding of the school until the closing. Maybe the Avi-Chai Foundation can fund it, to show other schools, what to do and what not do to. Moreover, this really reflects badly on the Baltimore community itself, that such a thing could take place in the disorderly fashion that it did. One wonders that if there was a unifying figure that this could have been prevented. Perhaps R' Herman Neuberger would have been able to help with matters, perhaps not. It wasn't that long ago that BY and TA had many students in their schools that were not shomer shabbos. I don't think that Rambam kids are any worse than that.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
300 kids no school !!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I know of famalies that will be sending their childern to public school next year. No matter your hashkafic background, we can't let that happen to the childern.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The past posters are correct. However their reasoning is too simplistic and avoids the bigger points. The community Rabbis were NEVER going to accept no less help a coeducational Orthodox School and likely neither were you. As Rambam's financial problems came to light, Rambam had shifted to a separated model. Don't believe for a minute the "community" you are referring to prior to Rambams changeover, would have helped in any fashion. Coeducation on Orthodox Baltimore is never going to be supported. I am not stating my preference but please don't miss this important point in your analysis.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To whoever said "So tell me- how does a school of 300 children go out of business? It seems to me that the Board threw in the towel, lacked "seatah dishmayah" to persevere and just walked away from these children and families." The president and vast majority of the Yeshivat Rambam board has children in the school. Do you think that the president wished that the school would close on his four kids? They did what they felt they needed to do. Don't blame them. They tried.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks so much. He was like a father to us and our family. I'm very honored that our daughter Atara was able to attend the unveiling with her classmates. Larry & Aviva Rosen.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Throwing blame around isn't solving anything. There are hundreds of teachers who now find themselves jobless. Teachers with mortgages. Teachers with tuition. Teachers with bills and taxes and children. The blame needs to stop. These teachers NEED to get paid. Its not even a question. Why are people having trouble understanding this? This isn't okay. I'm not trying to appoint blame to the community at large. I'm blaming whoever decided it was okay for the hundred+ teachers not getting paid. Write to SOMETHING.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why am I not surprised. The "Meathead in Chief", like all of his other decisions just can't quite be anything more than George Soros' stooge and puppet to do his bidding. This poor dummy hasn't the first idea that he's being used the way he is.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Tonight is one last opportunity for people to come out in support of what YR stands for at the annual Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut event. It will be a chance for those even without children in the school to show that we relate to the values of the school, including caring about Eretz Yisrael--its soldiers, its people, and its future. Of course, a huge turnout will not have an effect on the disposition of the school. But it will at least show that there are people locally who care about having chinuch options, not to mention a symbol of achdus with those who are disillusioned. So, even if one was not planning to attend previously for whatever reason, should make every effort to show up.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Ms. Taragin's message is poignant. The real sorrow is that contemporary Torah schools exclude so many who seek to learn and practice their Torah. Sorrow for the displaced, sorrow for us and sorrow for the Ribono Shel Olam. What is upsetting here is not the hightened level of piety the community has attained, the new and broader scope of what is now forbidden. What is upsetting and even disturbing, is what the contemporary Torah community will permit. It is not our piety that will destroy us, but rather, our character. We must all shed a tear for the closing of this precious Torah instituion. Bryon W. Szojchet, Esq.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Baltimore community - get involved and support this school. When you find the vacuum between BT or TA/BY not successfully meeting your children's hashkafic needs, and you look around and you thought Rambam was always your option, it is no more. Support this new school better then you did Rambam. Don't wait wait wait until you say ouch what did I do to my child.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is not an embarrassment to the "community". It is an embarrassment for the administrators of the school's financial situation as they saw everything going downhill. They did not have the foresight years ago to foster a serious culture of gevirim (Orthodox and Orthodox-friendly philanthropists) to support the school. Look at any day-school in America. As a general, rough estimate, it is usually sustained at most by 30 to 40% in tuition, another varying sum coming from Federation or Federation-like foundation funding, and then by serious pro-active fundraising, i.e. the gevirim, including wealthy and well-off parents and grandparents of attending students. How could there have been such an epic fail in this area. The modern orthodox are the professionals, right?! If a new school is born out of the ashes of YRambam, its founding parents and administration better figure this out and quickly.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
" the community tried very hard but failed. Not for lack of effort" Agreed! How much more should we have given before it would have been said "dayehnu"? What of those hundreds (thousands?) of people and organizations that gave until they couldn't give anymore? What of the Rebbeim who stood in front of their kehillah and spoke of the great attributes of YR and need to support it? Do they not count as part of the "Baltimore community"? An analogy was given last year at a YR meeting to a sinking ship and trying to plug the holes: in this same analogy, one has to be savvy enough to know when to abandon ship and find a life raft rather than let everyone drown. The effort of YR to reach out to the community and engage the main orthodox community was too little too late. How can the community be blamed for letting this school fail, when it had one year to turn around 20 years of mismanagement and debt? The crucial issue right now is what will be with the kids from YR - how will they be absorbed into the rest of the community. It would be wonderful to see the community come together and have a meeting with all of the orthodox schools to develop a plan of action with how to meet and accomodate the number of and needs for these children.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
In the comments here and to other articles - a constant theme is blaming the community at large and talking about how its a shame on Baltimore and a shame on the community to allow this school to close. Its time for Rambam families (and we were one for some time)and others - to realize that this in not a shame on the "community" - it is a shame on the leadership and parents of this school. A school that overspends without fiscal responsibility for years is what caused the demise of this school. What caused Rambam closing was a close minded leadership that thought they knew better than everyone else in the larger Baltimore community, but, then ultimately had to go hat in hand to that community that they disregarded for 20 years. Perhaps, if the more recent leadership was the leadership for the past 20 years this school would not have reached this points. Stop blaming the community and look at yourselves.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let's be real folks. Some of the Rabbanim in this city have steeped up to the plate but there are many others who have done nothing. I can't help but think if TI, TA, etc where in this type of situation the response would be very different. I don't think that anyone at the school is blaming the community for the financial situation the school found itself in. But, if you can honestly tell me you believe there was a community effort to save the school you need to pull your head out of the sand.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"one vehicle speeding southbound decided to run the red light". So the vehicle made this decision? Pretty cool that a car can make decisions nowadays. I hope the vehicle had insurance to cover the damage caused by it's bad decision.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope Mr. Shields does not catch the wrath of the community in his role as "president," considering he has only been "president" since May 2, when the previous president resigned.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mrs. Taragin - I agree with your statement that "It is too bad that the community cannot lift their heads in pride saying, we helped save a Baltimore makom Torah". However the implication is that the community did not try. I disagree with this implication. Many of not all of the resources in this community who were able to help, did so valiantly. I don't think that the community is to blame. Yes it would be nice to say that the community saved Rambam, unfortunately, the community tried very hard but failed. Not for lack of effort. The Rabbanim, askonim, and gvirim in this community put lots of personal time and financial resources into saving Rambam. I think some people who are blaming the community, need to take a look in the mirror.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
plate #s are public information
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I feel as though my heart has been ripped out. My son has some learning differences and this was the ONLY school that would give him the opportunity at a Torah education. My son was depressed and languishing at another school. The faculty and teachers worked with him and now he is happy and flourishing academically and socially. We were so thrilled with the YR when our other children became school age we enrolled them there as well. My husband and I are not modern orthodox we are not zionists we are just Jews who want a quality Jewish education for our children. I don't think the Baltimore community at large has any idea what they have lost. We too are working diligently to move out of the community as soon as possible. There is nothing here for us anymore.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are not YR family, but it is still a sad event. Jobs are lost, children displaced, community school choices are reduced, and families are in flux. So tell me- how does a school of 300 children go out of business? It seems to me that the Board threw in the towel, lacked "seatah dishmayah" to persevere and just walked away from these children and families. It is NOT the general communities problem if the YR community does not step up and make an effort to persevere. Frankly, I never heard a clear and understandable explanation of just how much YR is short each year and what is their total debt! Yes, the larger community bailed out TA years ago, but they came clean, made adjustments, and had 600 children and a campus. In the end it is a sad day for Baltimore.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
My husband and I are deeply grateful for the love and caring that the administration and faculty has shown to our family over the past two years. You are a wonderful group of people and some of the most dedicated and passionate teachers I have ever met. With a sad heart we say goodbye. May Hashem bless all of us with only revealed good in the future. Thank you so much for everything! Mordechai and Leah Samuels
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"As "terrible" as it may be for Rambam parents to have to consider other schools, there still are other schools available, so the community doesn't exactly relate to it as "there's hundreds of children with absolutely no place to learn Torah"... I am sorry to tell you number 5 poster, that there are currently 28 high school students without a school to go to next year because many of them were turned away from the local institutions. There also are many students from the Elementary School who have been told in the last few weeks/months by local institutions that there is no place for them in those institutions. It may be a space issue, it may be a Hashkafic issue, I have no idea, but to say that all the children from Rambam can go to other institutions is false, as the institutions cannot accommodate all of our kids. I hope and pray that the new school will open and be successful so that all the children in Baltimore who want/need a school to go to will have one!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I have read these comments and shame on the people who don't realize that there are children involved in this. It says in the Torah that it takes a community to help RAISE CHILDREN. So NU where was/is our community THEN/NOW. This doesn't just mean children with disabilities, it means ALL children. Wake up and smell the coffee, there are over 100 children that don't have a place to go. From age 2-16. On top of that after May 15th these children may be at home because there wasn't the money to pay the teachers. It is not only our job to raise these children it is our RESPONSIBLITY. PS. By the way my husband and I have gone to 4 Rabbeim in the community about what we should do with our children and all 4 have shrugged their shoulders and thrown up their hands. What does that say.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The whole school is closing down? i thought it was just the high school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The new school is not a rumor. Concerned parents, educators and community leaders got together one week ago when rumors started flying about Yeshivat Rambam and began planning a new school. It is amazing how much planning has already been done and how many students are interested in attending. For more information, and to get involved, please go to or e-mail The website will be updated with new information as it becomes available.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Everyone talks about the community not supporting Rambam financially, but no one brought up the fact that their enrollment has declined. I read in an article that it has declined by 50%. That also has played into this.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think that the community needs to get off of it's high horse and think of what they can do to help someone in need. We know that it's hard for you to financially support the school, but its coming to a point that the other schools in the community aren't accepting the Rambam children that don't have anywhere to go. For those who said and still continue to say that there's no need for Rambam, or you don't want to support're lucky that you're kids are settled in their respective schools. You're lucky that they're so easily absorbed and accepted. Please do the same for ours. Thanks.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We moved here 11 years ago because Baltimore was a place in which families lived in modest homes and drove modest cars. The shul buildings were modest but adequate for the needs of the shuls, new buildings that went up for shuls were simple but sufficient - but the schools had buildings and support. Fast forward 11 years - bigger and newer houses are being built and young families can't afford to buy homes. Cars are getting fancier and fancier. Shuls - even those with sufficient space - are building additions - and the new shuls that are being built are bigger and fancier. Every time we turn around our Jewish Federation is building another building. And the schools - when was the last time you heard of a frum school in this city that was economically stable? Almost 2 years ago, the story was about shuls making announcements to help BY teachers get paid over the summer... Parents from Yeshivat Rambam who are calling other schools in desperation are being told that there is simply no room for their children. That their boards need to meet to discuss the "Rambam children." This community was asked over and over again to help Yeshivat Rambam - whether by community mailing, or by the few Rabbanim willing to stand up and show their concern for these children and teachers. There are close to 30 children from the YR high school who have no school placements for next year - and so far the only answer offered by our community's leadership is to ask them to look for other cities to move to. There are about to be a lot more children in that boat. What will become of these children who know that their community has turned its back on them? How will this story affect their relationships with Yiddishkeit? What crime did these children and families commit that they are being treated this way? And most importantly, who in this town really cares? Had I known this is what this community would turn into, I would have never moved here 11 years ago.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Simply put, instead of building a new shul on every block, why can't it be that way with schools? I'm ashamed this had to happen to Rambam, a school I attend for elementary and part of high school. I fully agree with Mrs. Taragin's letter. For the sector of Rambam families that are respectfully "in between" Modern Orthodoxy and frumkite, there is now almost no school to attend in the community, at least one fitting that description that isn't open late at night and on Sundays. I feel it's almost as if secretly, some members of the community wanted this to happen. I hope Rambam can be revived some day, and I wish the faculty, parents, and families all the best.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a sad day for the Baltimore community. I'm really ashamed that this had to happen. I agree with the second commenter.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What are the rumors about new school? I haven't heard.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thank you to comment #10 who truly understood what I was trying to get at. I am not "blasting" the community, rather expressing sadness at the loss. And yes, if anyone can help my fellow teachers get paid through the summer, kol hakavod.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope that someone remembers what the real source of Rambam's money problems was. They opened the high school and bought the building at a time that they really couldn't afford to do either. The people who made those decisions are long gone -- some were forced out because of those decisions. But Abba Poliakoff, Meyer Shields et. al. were trying to save a sinking ship by making the school single-sex and all the rest. They did what they could but they were NOT the source of the original problems.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I read this letter over a few times trying to find a hint of the so-called "blasting of the Baltimore community" and that wasnât the message that stood out to me. I found a deep sense of sadness at the current and future changes in this community. I saw, perhaps a plea to the community at large to recognize the loss of not only a school, but families who will be forced to leave Baltimore. I guess I just wasn't looking hard enough. Why are so many of the comments in reaction to Rambam's closing such negative, defensive, and hurtful reactions? I am not a Rambam student but I have friends that are and I know that they, as well as I, are disillusioned by the lack of sympathy from this community. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Rambamâs mehalach, feel that the school is unnecessary, the community canât support another school, or whatever defensive reasoning that is presented in so many of these comments-regardless of all that, the fact remains that so many kids right now are facing the prospect of having nowhere to go next year, teachers and staff members who will have no jobs, and families who will be forced to leave because they feel they no longer belong. And yes, if Baltimore does nothing to help these kids and families then it deserves a blasting. If we canât help each other than there is no way we can even call this place a community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is a very sad day for Baltimore. The closing of Rambam is going to effect this community greatly. How can teachers not get paid? The Board sold the second building to ensure there would be a school for the future. So many lies. There will be families leaving. Families not moving here. Families who kids are going to schools in other communities and families whose kids will have no where to go and probably land up in public school. If this community doesnt step in and help now..shame on you! Hopefully the talk of the new yeshiva is not a sounds like it is exactly what Baltimore needs! I hope the community will step forward and support it!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I have to say I am not thrilled with the economic take of expression here. This is not about Baltimore's economy. Those parents who move because of their devotion to attaining an education that they feel is best for their children are admirable but they are not primarily an "economic" issue.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Meyer, you are truly amazing!!! Kol Hakavod for all your hard work and efforts. May you the one above bless those that work for the community, and may you be zoche to continued nachat from your family. All those that work diligently for the needs of the community, The One Above will send them their reward.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the community was never asked. The Board of Directors would not let it happen. In stead they sold all of the buildings for less then they could have now the community and the rabbeim should step forward and help! Tova is right. Families are leaving. Families will not move here that are looking for a religious zionist Rambam was is it. There is no where for these children and their families to go.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How very difficult it is to read about the closing of Yeshivat Rambam. As stated below, Eretz Yisrael is anxiously awaiting the arrival of all of b'nei yisrael, our doors are open, please come join us here as we await the coming of Moshiach bimhaira b'yameinu. (A former Yeshivat Rambam parent)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is a very sad day for the entire Baltimore community. What a huge loss. I really hope that the remaining Orthodox schools can step up their game, and ATTEMPT to meet the religious and secular levels of excellence that Yeshivat Rambam has provided.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the person who asked "How is it possible to build new synagogues and fancy new additions to existing synagogues etc..", be realistic, a person who has some maaser money to give is going to prioritize his own institutions..and yes, recently in baltimore that has often meant helping your kehila build a needed makom. It's simply unrealistic to ask the whole community to give up everything else and go to the enth degree to support an institution they have no direct connection with. Yes, kol yisroel areivim zeh bazeh, and we should do our best to support eachother and particularly our schools, but I agree with post #1 here, that you have to be realistic. Blaming the baltimore community of a "shanda" is simply unfair and wrong. As "terrible" as it may be for Rambam parents to have to consider other schools, there still are other schools available, so the community doesn't exactly relate to it as "there's hundreds of children with absolutely no place to learn Torah"...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Tova, Kol HaKavod for your letter. I can vividly remember when another local institution was in financial distress many years ago and the ENTIRE community (despite religious and hashkafik differences) came to them aid and bailed them out. It is a shanda that a similar reaction did not occur in this case.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We can only hope that some good will come out of this and the dedicated parents of Rambam will now make aliyah. Jews of America (and particularly those who recognize the essence of Medinat/Eretz Yisrael should heed this wake up call. Torat Yisrael for Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael! Am Yisrael Chai!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How is it possible to build new synagogues and fancy new additions to existing synagogues, when there are schools that are unable to pay their teachers? Should not our priority be on the education of all of our children?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
*correction: I even ordered the sign in the picture above.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is a very sad day for Baltimore, and a terrible mark on the community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
you wrote "It doesnât matter what or who caused its demise" and then you go on to blast the baltimore community...just an observation. Should all of the frum community, even the majority of those who are trying to make ends meat paying tuition in their own schools have given many millions of dollars to this cause? It's sad, but you do have to be realistic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I was one of the pioneer parents. I volunteered, was on the board, then worked at Rambam. I even the sign in the picture and knew where every item in the building was. My daughter (oldest) was in the first graduating class; my youngest son would have graduated this year had he not taken early admissions. The school lasted only as long as my family did. Too many memories, so much hard work all for this..... It's very, very sad for so many families, but mostly for the children.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
this is a real shame
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Sorry for the typo. Can you please correct the prior post. It should read " not true teachers won't be paid".
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
whoever wrote not true teachers (not parents) won't be paid obviously wasn't at meeting. No promises were made. In fact, the teachers were told that hopefully they will be paid through May 15. after that, they don't know and won't give assurances about anything. Hopefully the new school in planning (not rumored) will come to fruition.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am so sad for all the students and families affected.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Faculty and staff were told by the board this evening that our salaries are not guaranteed past this coming paycheck (i.e. May 15). After that, faculty and staff are working for free unless something happens, and at this juncture there is nothing definitive.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is so sad we can not help our community school. so many people will be affected by this children and teachers and so many people will lose their jobs. we need to show compassion not anger and blame.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Not true parents won't be paid. The community is fronting the money to ensure payment until the Rambam parents fulfill their obligations and the building is sold.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
not sure that its legal to post the license plate # without owners permission
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
An embarrassment for the community they couldn't support this type of school. Baltimore goes back to the old reputation of too right and too left. Parents will be leaving and others will nit move here. Who can blame them. Hopefully the new rumired k-5 school who won't have Rambams financial baggage, can be the only hope for this community (Rambam without the Rambam name - only in shameful Baltimore).
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
yes, classes will continue, but teacher pay will not
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
So what happened?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you for sharing...It means alot to me Shonny Kugler
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
way to go Sgt
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm not a YR person. But it amazes me how a school can exist for 20 years then in a short period of time just declare itself "closed." This can be a case study for other schools -- "The Rise and Fall of YR"-- has lessons for everyone. Are the issues so overwhelming that the Board keeps throwing in the towel and now you have the third President in less than 3 years! What are the parents, especially potential new parents, to think? If the Board is not committed, who is?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Third President in less than 3 years! Whats up RAMBAM?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
With the help of G-d, this void will not last long. WE NEED A DAY SCHOOL!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
There are parents already working on a Plan B should the news be bad. If you would like more information, please e-mail
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is done all the time by Yated Ne'eman in Israel. Sometimes they even alter the woman to look like a man. They also use initials for by-lines of female writers.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
If this is true, it is one more reason to DUMP the Mooslim lover hiding in the Oval Office!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rise in poll numbers? Everywhere else besides NY Times has zero change in poll numbers.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I love Rambam and appreciate all the hours the board has put in. That being said, the communication is lacking at best. I did not hear the rumors about the remaining school year. However, I am very concerned about the fact that it seems Rambam will not be to go forward next year. I myself have three children that would need to find a new school home and it's May. It would be nice to have clarification either way on this issue....good or bad.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks Abba for your hard work and support! Why is this website publishing internal board memos that were not made public?! Greg G.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
No question Abba stepped into a mess. I don't think anyone would disagree or challenge the tremendous work he did and the enormous amount if time he put in. All some people are writing (and I agree) is he brought the school to a point now that people can question they needed be at even with all the issues he dealt with. The point it is at was not likely any if his doing and likely he is as upset as many people but he is walking away leaving those facts unaddressed while he could have stayed until the end if this year to "finish his job". To leave now with such an email and positive looking marketing campaign message, does not negate the great work he has done but certainly diminishes and disappoints and leaves many people to wonder why he didnt overcome and stay on to finish. That's all. This is not an attack on Abba but sound reasoning with an expression of tremendous disappointment.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Picture no. 1 says it all. Thanks for posting.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rabbi Anemer zatzal continues to remain close to us in his teachings and as an inspiration for his steadfast devotion to all of us who sought his guidance. Rabbi and Rebitzen Anemer continued always to be interested in all of us who were honored, so to speak, by being part of their extended family. Joanne Jackson Yelenik
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
For those of you upset that Abba is quitting at this point in the game, I think you are completely right. He should have quit a long time ago - as soon as he found out what a thankless and overwhelming job this would be - on top of his full-time job and other commmunity and family obligations. I think the fact that he stayed this long, considering what he has had to put up with, is a pretty amazing thing. That being said, there are many people, myself included, who actually know how much he did and how hard he tried to save this school - even though he himself does not have school-age children - and truly respect his decision in this area.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It was a sinking ship before Mr. Poliakoff got involved. He put a in an insane amount of time and energy (unpaid!) and deserves a tremendous amount of hakaras hatov from the community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why isnt this published by the press?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
strange time for a letter like this to be made public on 'official closing day' for the school.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"We thank our teachers for their professionalism in this difficult time." These professional teachers might not get their full salaries (for which they took a pay cut this year) and might not get paid through the summer for the 10 months of work they did so admirably. Please, now is the time for the Associated or private donors to come forward and make sure the teachers get paid. This year was an amazing amazing school year, with the most wonderful principal and faculty. Please allow them to hold their heads up high with pride.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Where are the words to the community at large: Thank You ?????
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think the overwhelming majority of parents feel appreciative of the efforts of the board and Mr. Poliakoff. Count me among them. TDR
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What about next year?!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Could agree more. I personally thank Abba for doing the best he could do with what was dealt to him. I wish that that his letter had went out to the whole parent body and have some type of letter from the board about this situation. Its now Friday and there is still no communication from the board about this situation. Again thank you Abba
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
That's six weeks left that make a huge, huge difference.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I disagree with Yitzie Pretter i doubt you are a parent of a Rambam child and are friends with Abba. I Agree about not finishing what he started. When you leave in mid year and you post this self congratulatory message at such a critical time for Rambam, you are sending a clear message that you care more about your reputation then the disarray you have left. How sad for Rambam.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Abba
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We thank you Meyer and the entire board for trying so hard and volunteering so many hours. As your mother in law I know the countless hours you and everyone spent. May Hashem reward you and your families for all your hard work to ensure a good school for my grandchildren and all my precious students!! Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let's face it. YR won't be around next year. This is the death knell of modern orthodoxy in Baltimore. Sad but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
yihi zichro baruch. thank you for sharing
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Only 6 weeks left in the "current academic year".
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else to prove you're not an idiot.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you Abba for all that you have done for Rambam and our community. I hope that you will continue to be a great example for many more years of someone that cares about the needs of our community. Yitzie Pretter
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
YR has been given a gift this year. Abba Poliakoff literally put his life so that the school could succeed this year.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We thank the entire community for your support. If you are able, please give a meaningful gift to Rambam, which will make a huge impact on its ability to meet its current financial commitments.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I just don't buy this. Leaving with only 2 months left in the school year and showing such "accomplishments" while leaving the other leaders rudderless? Doesn't portray you so well. Many parents are not too happy with you no matter how good you make your accomplishments sound.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
and next year?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please Mr. Poliakoff. You have a lot on your mind for sure and I am sure you tried to help this school in many ways but please. We can read through your lines and leaving at this exact point is nothing short of cowardly. A true mark of a leader is to stay on the ship through thick and thin. To leave now and make it seem you deserve such credit is so wrong of you. Sorry but true.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I agree 100% that the board has done everything that they could do and I thank them. But in business communication is everything. The School should have been pro active and gotten a letter or e-mail out to the parents before it leaked out to the press. People don't know to keep mouth shut
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Bless this man for his courage. We see how it was that his son saved the US Capitol from being attacked on that awful day.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a joke. Patting himself on his back, while abandoning a sinking ship. At least have the decency to finish what you started.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Remember the "I" in NGA stands for "Intelligence"
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
By the way why do you assume that the school put this out for publication? Your current leadership put their lives on hold for over a year to try to save this school, with gratitude like this you are only proving that NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED. We would like to thank the board for their incredible efforts in taking on this thankless task. sincerely, Donna and Sam Wach
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its so sad that the parents of YR have to read this on facebook and not be informed by the shools leadership by a letter or email. Add this to the list of negetive things done by our current leadership. Way to go.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The official response is here: The misleading statement by Agudath Israel concerning Magen Tzedek is a misrepresentation of a very important development in kosher food production in America. Magen Tzedek is based on our assertion that biblical and rabbinic law mandate fair treatment of workers (×× ×ª×××) , humane treatment of animals (צער ××¢×× ××××) and care of the earth (×× ×ª×©××ת and ש××רת ××רץ) which can be translated into measurable standards applicable to commercial food production. These standards were developed in collaboration with SAAS, an organization acknowledged worldwide for its expertise in ethical certification programs. We are appalled that Agudath Israel sees in ethical certification for kosher food an effort that âcorrupts halakhah.â All Jews recognize that Judaism is a religion built upon ethical precepts. A central purpose of Jewish observance is to make us more decent and moral people, more capable of carrying out Godâs vision of a just world. We flatly reject Agudath Israelâs false accusations that we âharbor no respect for the very concept of halakhah.â We have always maintained that the Magen Tzedek would only be awarded to products already bearing kosher certification. Yet, we maintain that mitzvot bein adam l'makom (commandments between humanity and God) do not take precedence over mitzvot bein adam l'havero (commandments between one person and another). Maimonides stated said that in fulfillment of Jewish life âone must be strict in their behavior and still go beyond the letter of the law (××¤× ×× ×ש×רת ××××)." We see our role as ensuring that such is the case in the production of kosher food. Just as we would never delegate to the government to determine what constitutes proper kashrut certification, neither should we leave to the government enforcement of Jewish norms regarding ethical behavior. Instead of dismissing the work of one another, we call on all Jews to work together to ensure that our actions are truly a kiddush hashem--a sanctification of God's name. Magen Tzedek affirms the eternal wisdom of Torah by bringing the moral values of Jewish religious tradition to bear on the daily operations of industrial food production, bringing more Jews to value the beauty of kashrut and Jewish observance assuring that we feel truly fulfilled when we sit down around our tables for a meal.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This issue is all about power and money, not halacha. For the Agudah to contend otherwise is disgraceful, and just one more example (as if more were needed) of the bankruptcy of what passes for leadership in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i'm sure Joey P wrote the 1st comment
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It's a real problem for those who keep kosher. This "new" kashrut symbol may seem innocuous but it will confuse people at best and make it legally more difficult to for kashrut observers to legally protect their rights
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
gr8 ball player
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How can Orthodox Kashrut agencies pretend that they themselves donât create requirements that âhave nothing to do with kashrutâ and ââextending the definitionâ of kashrut.â Is Agudah blind to âkashrut agencyâ rules that limit boys and girls mixing in restaurants and do not allow TVs to be shown if they are going to give haskacha? There are so many non-kashrut rules that govern haskacha today. Orthodox âkashrut agenciesâ so often provide our community with a âfalsification of the Jewish religious heritageâ by setting standards that were never required by our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, etc.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
100% corect!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Overblown response to a legimate embarrasment to Kashrus Agencies who turned a blind eye to violations of the Torah.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
That's SHABSI he don't need a beard.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"I look forward to this all Pesach!" Frankly, I would be ashamed to even utter these words.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
MSNBC did the same thing. A Fox "Affiliate" vs. the main MNNBC, hmmmm. What can you expect from the leftist media trying to defame others, while ignoring their own.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
that's schneider!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Its Schneider!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what happened to your beard???
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Nu, where is the winning picture?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Actually, this is an idiotic idea. This would replace an property tax paying arena, that does generate some sort of revenue in terms of events for the city and state, with a Federal Court House, which would add 0 jobs to the area (just replace the current courthouse with this), the Federal government would pay no taxes, and the arena would disappear. Yes, there would be short term construction union jobs for polls to line their campaign coffers with from contributions from the affected locals, but these jobs wouldn't be private sector created jobs, but rather tax money created jobs that would require Davis-Bacon job scale, moreover, long term, its pretty pathetic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Transparent government is a joke.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
beautifull idea!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It would be nice if the LINK worked to view the site!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We already count the omer in base 7, in the standard text.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Is it true that "the tradition of Jews wearing black headgear goes back ages (it was a sign of mourning for the loss of Jerusalem)"? I thought wearing a head covering in general is considered a pious act to remember the Providence? Also, isn't the whole concept of a small circular cap versus a hat only a modern thing? Is is the Jewish law to wear a Yarmulke?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
very funny article. thank you BJL for posting
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He is the best Republican yet and definitely has my vote if he wins the nomination.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I had called the Va'ad yesterday and I was told Save a Lot was ok. I don't understand why they aren't posting it on the list above. I wish they would do a check on Price Rite and other cheaper alternatives for those of us who take the achrayus to maintain a budget
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank you BJL and BJL Staff for this beautiful article. We really appreciate it!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mazal Tov!!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
sorry I meant savealot next to shabsis
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
does anyone know if stop shop and save next to shabsis is ok
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I loved the extra aisles they had for Pesach and that the regular aisles didn't have to get rearranged.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
let's move!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Shopping at 7 Mile Market is a pleasurable experience!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
is this true or just propaganda?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Correction to reference to "Johnquil Resident". The resident is Ron Lewis who lives on Narcissus Avenue. Otherwise, the item is accurate about re-enclosing the porch.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Nothing to be proud of
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
its soo sad that a yid doing avodas Hashem was murdered. May Hashem give his family a nechama, and may ben yosefs neshama have a aliah in shamayim. a fellow yid
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We saw it all pretty cool pizza right out of the your Denver friends
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Il Duce Bloomberg does not speak for the American people!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
So nice
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
WoW! 22,000 people each paying on average of $3,000 for the week. That's $66,000,000! What recession?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It appears to me that based on the pre-Peasch advertising there care many fewer Pesach hotel options this year. The ones that remain may have higher booking rates, but the overall bookings for Pesach hotels appears to be still lower than the pre-recession era. Just An Observer
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Let it fall to foreclosure. That should teach those klotzes in SF a few good lessons: 1) A shul isn't "green" if it cannot be paid for. 2) Congregants will not flock to a certain shul b/c it is "green" - especially if it comes with membership charges through the roof. 3) You don't build a shul to convey a social message, especially not one based on false premises of man-made global warming or climate change.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Only the Regular Kfp Gefilte fish in the brown bag and the Twin pack are made with hazelnut oil, all others including the Family Pack, Salmon, Pike & White, Carb Free, Sugar Free, Splenda, Sweet, Less Suger are 100% Nut free.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The Star-K with all their annual revenue should support many more Jewish Baltimore causes than it currently does especially the local jewish day schools.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Too long, too long. I think that now that our government is really doing nothing other than talk, Aviva and Noam shalit must move their efforts elsewhere. I think they must take a position in front of the Red Cross, have a tent there, start to move these people to at least see Gilad and let him have his basic rights. If that means being at another country for several months, ask for the support of the Israeli and Jewish people to keep you there on a daily basis. I know you will get that. Someone, someone in this world needs to move and do something...............
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What does the Star K hold now?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please consider giving a Pesach donation in honor of these amazing children and their teachers -
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
maybe nobody called the city to file a complaint
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
truly a beautiful experience Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thanks Senator Mikulski, we greatly appreciate it!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thank the City of Baltimore for their fantastic work. Oh, they did not do anything for 10 hours. And why is that?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
thank you Chaverim and Michael you guys rock !
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Most seen in pictures own real estate and or conduct business in Baltimore city - main agenda of Otis is reducing property taxes while incumbent Blake will increase them again. Plus hear his plan to save the city millions.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
way to go ed@josh,u did it. the besy kosher food in baltimor.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
R' Oberstein; Thank you so much for this article. I'm so far away from those yeshiva days now, but it was heart warming be brought back for the minutes it took to read this article. An unexpected pleasure in my busy day. R' Tendler means so much to many of us...he is an Institution...and I think we sometimes forget Who he is...what his path has been...if we ever knew it. Thank you.... Jon Gerszberg (Eli's classmate and sometime chavrusa)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks for the beautiful divrei Torah!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
wow, everyone is a grouch. if I submitted a picture of myself in a costume I would not be embarrassed to see myself as 2nd place, I'd be kind of pleased.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow he is the BEST!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Awesome awesome costume!!! made my Purim - thank you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks, Eta. A really nice love story. Best regards and have a good, family filled Pesach. Herman P.S. I remain a great fan of everything you write!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please make sure the former bnos property stays in jewish hands! it would be a travesty for the community if rambam sells to the highest bidder but will ultimately weaken the stability of the Park Heights corridor!You may fix one institutions financial woes but create a whole new issue for the greater jewish community.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Amazing! Mazal Tov!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
A class A Chillul Hashem, Jewish Organizations have been working quietly behind the scenes for months to work out arrangements for alternative voting sites for this election, and the DC board of elections bent over backwards to accomodate. Now this publicity seeking rabbi just wants a nice press release. Its a Chillul hashem and it causes sinah. Terrible.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
To the commenter about Sfardic discrimination, the 1st place winner is half Sfardic too!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They just took the runner up down
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article. I have tears in my eyes.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We have increased around 30% over the last couple of years. Could you imagine getting a 30% raise in your paycheck. Come on, who's making all of this? Yes, families are struggling here, we take one day at a time. I always had extra money, now it's paid in all the bills that have risen. Really tight. What do we do?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He probably lost due to his Sfardic heritage, no equality in this town...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The runner up should get SOMETHING, especially considering that he has now gone through the humiliation of having his picture posted.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
my favorite teacher!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Now that's NEWS!!! Mazal Tov to all, and may they continue to grow. SF
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why would you put the runner up on there? Nobody wants to hear they won second place which gets you nothing. BJL, not cool!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What about the same for cyclists who are negligent of traffic laws. I see them riding 3 abreast on Park Heights Ave. To be truly fair, it needs to apply to BOTH parties.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As someone who has used almost EVERY single weight loss and diet iPhone app in the Health and Fitness Category. I can say that I was LESS THAN IMPRESSED with lose it app. I find myself half the time having to enter in a "custom food" because it's not in their comprehensive database. frustrating, and then i stop using it because this happens day in an day out. In my opinion **THE BEST** iPhone diet app is hands down intelli-Diet! It just takes the thinking out of the equation and I just eat what it says. Down 12 pounds in a few weeks! I believe itâs sixty percent off now too so you should check it out before meal snap! is their link.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Very nice. The part about R Perr was especially moving.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
i think the headline shud read 5 billion, no?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This is an anti-Israel group. Although they claim to represent "American Orthodox Jews," they only represent a narrow and divisive view. They do not want a "State" of Israel until the coming of Moshiach (may it be HaShem's will that it happen soon) and believe any efforts to support Israel harms Jews in the diaspora. They are extremely opposed to Israel and have said, "It is time for Jews to realize that we would be much better off without the friends and enemies Zionism has given us." See: They also claim, "Those of Jewish extraction who do not practice Judaism are not to be considered Jews at all." See: While I agree a secular state in Israel is not ideal, activly working against Israel is wrong. Let us not tear down what HaShem has given us in His mercy and kindness - let us build up a Torah true Israel as a place of holiness prepared to accept the coming of Moshiach.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a terrible letter
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The time is ripe to reach out to those looking for a "coherent ideology" that has worked for thousands of years. These people have real questions and we have to offer real answers. Invite your Conservative neighbor or co-worker for a Pesach meal!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Emergency fund has been set up for the Viflic family who have suffered great business loss due to the injuries. Donations can be made through
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
as a person who has bought this CD, this is one of my favorite CD's ever
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
He wants to combine the departments of Health, Social Services and Aging. This does not make seniors happy. Who can best serve seniors other than those who are expert at it: the Department of Aging.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thanks very much for this fascinating glimpse into our past!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Passage of this bill will just drive consumers to purchase alcohol in neighboring states.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Who cares its still news
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I've been wanting to ad some creativity to our seder this year and this article did all the footwork for me. Thank you for being so generous with your ideas! May your family have continued wondeful Yom Tov experiences
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
how come my comments never get posted?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why is the theif white?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I don't know how you can use Menachem Lubinsky as a "news source", where he has admitted in the past that he takes money from companies for "consulting" and then writes about them in his article, and claims that he doesn't have to and refuses to disclose his relationship.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wonderful article. Historical perspective is so important especially when it comes to appreciating the unbelievable evolvement of Torah life in America over the decades. It is something that today's generation of B'nei Torah need to know. Thank you Rabbi Tendler and Rabbi Oberstein for your insightful article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I wonder what Otis has to say about this?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
R' Oberstein - Thank you very much for this article.As a talmid of R' Tendler for many years in the 90's, it is eye opening to hear about his early days in Lakewood. Yasher Koach. Mendy Nemwan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I wish you all the best. I will pray for you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
until baltimore elects a no nonsense republican like ny did with rudy guliani,it will remain a lost cause.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Well, What is the secret recipe to this tasty cholent?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar comes from a wonderful frum family in Ramat Beit Shemesh. They davened in our shul, and we did business with his parents. May he have a refuah shlaima! Please daven for him!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I'm seeing ONLY Baltimore County residents in the feature picture .... Doesn't the Mayor only serve Baltimore City ? Oh Baltimore, class up !
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
gotta love R'T!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
does dov ocken have a job?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I hope and pray no-one pays attention to him.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mayor Blake is doing a great job.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I think this is an excellent move on multiple fronts. The OU is definitely a very respected and Universal Hechsher, at least on par with, if not more respected than, the Star K. This event eliminates the Star K monopoly, and therefore, the "strong arm" control that the Star K has had on this community in the area of Kashrus Hashgacha. It introduces a level of competition within the Hashgacha Kashrus Business in this community, which may inspire the Star K to be more people friendly and run their business with more consumer and customer focus.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
A+ on the copy and pasting skills.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
And also remember Hatzalah of Baltimore transports patients with life threating emergencies to the Emergency Room. The number is 410-358-0000 or 410-753-4444.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
John Kaplan makes the best omlets!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie- I am so glad that you wrote this article. Now others, both in Baltimore and outside of Baltimore can understand the true tragedy not only that Baltimore will suffer, but Am Yisroel will suffer with the closing of such an outstanding Jewish Day School ...that Rambam was. Joy Schwartz-Cleveland
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why is this article in Baltimore Jewish Life?...Is Diageo, a liquor conglomerate, Jewish owned?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rabbi, Thank you so very much for sharing your family and its stories with us. A truly heartwarming, endearing read. Chag Kosher v'Sameach to you and yours. Rivkah M.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
How do I get more info about this program?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie Sharfman, you continue to amaze us with your emotional writings that hit the deep places in our hearts. You were and continue to be a shining example of what a true Yeshivat Rambam graduate is suppose to be. And I know where I will continue to see the YR Red Storm the weddings! Life goes on - we cry some, we laugh some and we move on, growing with each experience. Stay strong and continue to bring us all much nachat. Vered Klein. Chashmonaim, Israel.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
From Eretz Yisrael, Refuah Shlayma to Yossi! Rabbi Elan Adler
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
refuah shelaima you are in all our tefillohs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Mollie, Thank you for your wonderful article evoking the spirit of the games, touching words and feelings, reminiscing through the years and taking us all along for the ride. I was feeling the nostalgia along with you, and could feel the excitement and exuberance whelming up inside of me as I read your accounts of your experiences as a player, and also, a participant in the events. It was very special for me to read through your eyes, the amazing impact the Yeshivat Rambamâs Willner Boys Varsity Basketball Tournament had on the lives of all the students and players. Thank you for being a testimonial to the ideal that was conceived by Mr. Willner, zâl, He wanted yeshiva students to be well rounded individuals and rise to greater heights with Torah learning. The hard work put in to the tournament was well worth knowing the benefits reaped by all, going forth with special midos gained and memories to last a lifetime. You all made Mr. Willner, zâl, myself, and my family proud. Wishing you all much success in the future. Sandy Willner
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am so uplifted and delighted to learn Yossi passed this important milestone, even though the biopsy shows the road ahead will be long and difficult. I will keep davening and saying tefila for his refuah shleima and will keep it up till you tell me he is out of danger. Keep up your good work and may the whole family be blessed with much nachas and simcha and have many happy events to share with the community. Naomi Benyowitz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am proud to have been a part of this for so many years and proud of the wonderful alumni we have produced. Mollie you are a shining example of them all - what a wonderful article - it brought tears to my eyes.. Fond wishes Laurie Austen
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are all still davening for a refua sheleima and you should know that there are so many people davening for Yossi-- my son Naftali said his entire mesivta (Mesivta Chaim Shlomo in Far Rockaway) -- several hundred boys, said tehillim-- we should hear besuros tovos -Shira Jacobson Far Rockaway (formerly Brookline)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
What a beautiful article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Since the guns that were used were "leaked" into Mexico by BATFE, shouldn't they be held responsible?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautifully written and "from the heart". Tova Taragin
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The footage of tsunami water is at the end
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Thats a really good question: Star-K can you please clarify the halachic basis of this psak?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
great article!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Wow Mollie, I'm blown away. What a great article.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
mollie a very well written article. I could not have said it any better. Ever since I joined Rambam in 8th grade the sports team was the core of our school unity. It brought everyone together especially the willner tournament running out of that locker room hearing every one from the Rambam family cheering us all on our team our school our tournament our Rambam family. This years team represented Rambam with hard play midos on and off the court and dedication to their school work as well. To go out with this victory at the red saracheck tournament was a feeling I will never forget. I was proud as a coach player and alumni all at the same time I will never forget my time at rambam as a student player or coach. Rambam and coach Braun have given me the tools to grow in life and help shape my future. I would like to thank coach Braun for all his hard work as a coach and a role model. Only after this year as a coach did I get to see the hard work and dedication that you put in. Mollio once again great article we will be part of a rambam family together forever. Our team. Our players. Our colors. Our school forever.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Aharon you look so cute:) OMG LOL TTYL ROTFL LOVE your FAVORITE SISTER MOSHE!!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Mollie - this is such a well-written article. It really conveys the feeling of witnessing the "end of an era" so to speak. Learning institutions may come and go, but connections never die. We're a family and we're a tree. Never forget those roots. --CherylT
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why do they not require kashering if they do not recommend using them? Either they are okay or not. Can someone explain this equivocal stance? Either it is the case that it makes things not kosher or it is not the case that it makes things not kosher. If they do not need kashering, that indicates that they remain kosher; why then do they not recommend using them?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Beautiful article. It is a great shame that our community is allowing this wonderful bastion of talmud Torah and derech eretz to vanish.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
refuah shelaima. you are in our tefilos!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Much thanks to Yaakov Berkovich and crew for hosting a great event for our T.A. boys. Aharon had a great time! Ephraim and Sarah Stern
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
And we are doing the same thing again to get the new one removed.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
This video was made pre-tsunami.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
the footage of water in the beginning from the tsunami was totally classless.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Our hopes and prayers are with you. Simcha & Leah Kossman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
As our daughter is a survivor of cancer, your story resonates with us in a personal way. We have "been there" and are there with you in our hearts. May Hashem bring a refuah shlema for Yossi and the cholim of klal yisrael. Shmuel Silberman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
why is this only a Chabad-Lubavitch problem?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah shelamah! Yaacova Herring
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The picture is of him in Baltimore County at Quarry Lake and the story mentions him having coffee at the Starbucks there too. If this guy is serious about running for mayor he might want to consider promoting city parks and businesses.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
wishing Yossi a full, quick and complete recovery. May Hashem give your family the strengh you need. the Sellam family from Brookline
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I love it! my may the entire world start learning and keeping the Talmud soon,Yoel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It is so kind of you to give us this update. Many in the community are davening for a complete refuah. May Hashem bless all of you with the strength that you need. fondly, Morah Chana Zuber
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish Yossi a complete and speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and tefillot. Jonathan & Temima Cohen
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are with you in tefillah here in Boston and think of you and your wonderful family all the time. Though we were privileged only to have our time here coincide with you for a year, we know how beloved you are to so many (we are close with Rich and Valerie Levine--small world!). May Hashem give you nissim v'niflaos and a refuah Sheleima for Yossi! Zvi and Yehudis Solomon
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Best wishes for a Refuah Shlaimoh b'nefesh u'vguf. We are saying Tehillim at Bais Pinchas in Brookline. I find it slightly amusing that the ad next to these articles for the last 2 days is for "ZIPS dry cleaners". I thought perhaps Eli had gone back into the business.... Izzy Zuber
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We are davening for your refuah every day. Get well soon. The Wolffs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
You should know that many many people are davening for Yossi. Our son Naftali who was at TA Boston with Yossi said the entire mesivta at Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway (several hundred boys) said special tehillim for Yosef Simcha ben Zakah Basya today. May the Ribbono shel Olam grant Yossi a refuah sheleima bekarov. Barry and Shira Jacobson (Far Rockaway, formerly Brookline)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
36 years old and has spent "spent 20-plus years in city government", did he volunteer as a youth or is this the start of the exaggeration process that is part and parcel of politics? Really interested in the answer not just being sarcastic.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Rafuah Sheleima to Yossi from Sundels.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Please G-d, Yossi should have a refuah shleima b'karov. - The Copelands
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah sheleima u'meheira to Yossi and a whole lot of chizuk to Yossi & the whole family! Please have someone keep us updated if you cannot make the time. Thank you. Debbie Cohen, Brookline
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"I will never underÂstand it â when a word ends with a "t," why would someÂone proÂnounce it with an "s"?" If you investigated just a little, you would find the answer (and you would not be so stupid)
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah Shelaima! May Hashem grant Yosef Simcha a full recovery! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what a terribly ignorant article. how did this get past the editors?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I appreciate the author making wide generalizations about one group in order to make wide generalizations about another, all while touting an attitude that reeks of cultural supremacy rather than a confident knowledge of his own culture or its lasting value.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Women only tehillim phone conference for cholei yisroel, twice daily, 9:45 a.m. and 9:45 p.m. Dial: 1-605-715-4900. Follow the prompts, put in the pin number: 534592#. Please bookmark your tehillim in advance, we say 7 perakim and we move fast! Perek 13, 20, 30, 41, 121, 130, 142. For more info, please call Rena Levin, 410-764-8205. Yasher koach, tizku l'mitzvos. I"H we will be zoche to see refuos and yeshuos!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I feel very sorry for Mr. Sam Scott who seems to be stuck in a rut and is not seeing what is happening around him. Yes, Yiddish is spoken mostly by the ultra-orthodox Ashkenazi Jews â and new generations are being brought up in these communities and new Yiddish speakers are âbornâ each day. To serve this growing target audience, new books, teaching materials, games and entertainment products are being made available (also audio and visual materials). In parallel to the religious, there is a growing interest among the youth to learn about the past, whether via genealogy, (klezmer) music, or translations of Yiddish literature. The more serious take this further and enroll in Yiddish literature and actual Yiddish language classes, and even take up Yiddish singing or acting. Although time has taken its toll of the so-called âalte gvardieâ (old-guard) and not-necessarily-non-religious Yiddish speakers and creative talents (writers, poets, journalists, actors, musicians, etc.) there is a new generation of Jews (and also non-Jews) who have taken up the challenge and are producing new Yiddish creations, or have taken upon themselves to preserve and spread the language and culture in various forms. One of the places you will find this is the abundance of Yiddish on the World Wide Web. Some of it is top-quality, and some (probably a lot) is questionable â to say the least. But so it is with any language and culture. The key, here, is that this is all grass-roots. No one is âpayingâ them to promote and/or preserve Yiddish (songs, idioms, jokes, video and audio clips, etc.). Yiddish is as âoldâ or as âmodernâ as you want it to be (like any other language): There is a Yiddish version of Google and Google-translate; there are numerous Yiddish mailing lists and chat-lines; Yiddish books and encyclopedias, as well as music, songs and lyrics â plus current events and newspapers are all available online. In a recent program on the Paris Yiddish radio show âOt Azoyâ ( ), the producer Lise Amiel interviewed my 12 year-old on how he feels about Yiddish, and what his friends think (I speak Yiddish to my kids; we are modern-orthodox, living in Israel). He said it was âcoolâ and his friends think so too. My 17 year-old daughter was also there, and responded (also in Yiddish) that her friends are always asking her to translate words, expressions, etc. â they are thirsty for that knowledge. The long and the short of it is that there is fantastically great potential out there. More than Mr. Scott can see in his limited vision, or within earshot. The surprises are yet to come. (Feel free to visit my website ). - Leybl Botwinik, Israel
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
"International News"? Baltimore Jewish Life, shame on you for posting this drek.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am glad you dont like it. get lost...
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
They will never stop. They are spewing hatred. Just like a former friend of mine using facebook to send his Denial messages and hate for Israel. Favebook is a platform for anti=semits for sure. Yes they have a right to their opinions. So do I. But is this the right place to encite hatred?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Why are you printing this crap from a disgusting self-hating Jew?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
May he have a speedy, complete refuah. Hurry back to class! Mr. S, and Yossi's English Class!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
they should bring this to all cities
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Eli and Zakah, Wishing Yossi a refuah sheleimah! Yossi is in our tefilah an minds. Thinking of you- Lippy and Deborah Jacobs
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
what a kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish you all the best Yosef. Ou thoughts are with you! Marian Wasser Jason Denkevitz David Denkevitz
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Our thoughts and teffilah are with you. Arnold and Ina Shear
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refua shlaima
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
I am in awe that you were able to take time out of what I am sure was and continues to be a stressful day to update the community. Thank you! May Hashem grant yossi a complete refuah. Andrea Schulman
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Does anyone know the result from the surgery?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The Greens from Brookline have your son and your family in our hearts and preayers and are praying for a full and speedy recovery. Refuah Shelamah!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
May Hashem grant a full recovery!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Dear Eli and Zakah, We remember Yossi well during our time in Brookline. Our daughter Hudi used to work in the library in your house. May he have a refuah shleima bkarov. Barry and Shira Jacobson
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
We wish Yossi a complete recovery. He is in our prayers. Judi and David Solomont
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Refuah Shelaima!!!!
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
so in Baltimore who is the OU Rav Hamachsher?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It only implies that there was a change for a reason, and some would like to know what that reason was?
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
While I totally support the efforts of PHR, let us not forget that PHR is the by-product of a lot of work done by other organizations in Park Heights. The Lucille Park project was a product of our work to create and change a bond bill that initially wanted to put a golf driving range in. We got the bond for $950,000 to get that project done. Also, the roundabout at Park Circle, the $11 million project, was brought to our organization and we hosted several community meetings to get the project approved so that the solicitation could be made to get the stimulus funds that is funding that project. The new Zeta Senior Center was another project of our initiative that began long before PHR existed. While there are several other projects and initiatives that are ongoing in the community, it has been our collaborative work that has gotten these things done. This community has been neglected for some time and it would be unfair to say that all of these accomplished have been met by PHR. While we are all now working together, its the collaborative efforts going forward that will revitalize Park Heights and other organizations should be recognized for their efforts as well. PHR is doing some good things and I am glad that Mr. Colon has come and added his expertise. Having worked with him directly, he is knowledgeable and shows concern for the community. I believe that the community is now in good hands, not just with PHR, but with all the organizations such as the Park Heights Community Health Alliance headed by Mr. Willie Flowers (whose building houses PHR) and The New Park Heights Community Development Corporation, Inc. headed by Mr. Will Hanna, Community Solutions headed by Mr. Luvon Dungee and The Development Corporation of NW Baltimore headed by Ms. Florine Robinson. We are all working together for the betterment of Park Heights. They should all be recognized for their efforts.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
It implies nothing of the sort.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
The accident that prompted this article involved a Jewish bicyclist, Nathan Krasnopolor. His parents are Susan Cohen and Mitchell Krasnopolor of Howard County, MD. Nathan's hebrew name is Natan Shmuel ben Shoshana. He remains in a coma at Johns Hopkins.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Actually, for those who work in Kashrus, it is known that the OU has higher standards.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Valuing life - it's what we do.
Comment by Natalie Shoshan
Awesome move Ed & josh now not only do you have the best food but the more popular heksher
Comment by yehuda brody
because it implies a lowering of standards.
Comment by yehuda brody
Why would the community look elsewhere?? Is the OU not reliable enough for you??
Comment by yehuda brody
For all urgent or timely requests, such as having someone watch you into your home, call 410-664-6927 x1.
Comment by yehuda brody
So what will the OU allow that the Star-K would not? Be up front or most of the community will look elsewhere.
Comment by yehuda brody
way to go!
Comment by yehuda brody
What is phone # for NWCP.I call that #, But i don't NWCP. When I come home late, I like to have some to watch me to into my house Thanks
Comment by yehuda brody
The father is a despicable person and a shame to the human race. He abandoned a woman he was married to and had a repsonsibility to care for. And now he wants to deprive his children of not only knowing their mother (even in her incapaciated state) and also of knowing their grandparents. Shame shame shame on him!
Comment by yehuda brody
Tell all your friends to shower the delegates with email- the numbers matter!
Comment by yehuda brody
410-664-6927 x1 is the 24 hour emergency hotline. For other options, please listen to the prompts.
Comment by yehuda brody
WOW! such beautiful powerful and true words! klal yisroel is with you!
Comment by yehuda brody
Who do i call if i want NWCP? Hoping to hear from u thanks
Comment by yehuda brody
wow! I also got the chills this is written so well!
Comment by yehuda brody
I have the chills! Unbelievable and so inspiring!!!
Comment by yehuda brody
Nothing like a long distance brother..If you (and the rest of our American Jewish brothers) really want to respond to this tragedy, consider joining us here in Israel, where we all belong. That is the ultimate response to these savages.
Comment by yehuda brody
A wonderful simcha to honor the best that Baltimore has in its midst. Mazal tov to Rabbi and Bracha, and to all members of Tiferes Yisroel. Here's t the next 25 years, I"H!
Comment by yehuda brody
good video
Comment by yehuda brody
I look good standing there in those glasses.
Comment by yehuda brody
I look really serious wearing those glasses just standing there.
Comment by yehuda brody
I remember the same thing. Having been in yeshiva during the 1995 Intafada, and the shooting of Rabin, I remember waking up Sunday morning to sirens screaming down on the highway. I immediately got a feeling that something was "not right"... It's eerie.
Comment by NWCP
i love love love these pictures and i love baltimore!
Comment by NWCP
May Hashem bring Moschiach speedily in our days.
Comment by NWCP
Can't find any pics! Would to see them!
Comment by NWCP
thanks!! let Rabbi Hauer know i'll never forget the tofu!
Comment by NWCP
Is there a link somewhere for the pics?
Comment by NWCP
This is disgusting
Comment by NWCP
Great pictures!! It was worth burning up the 3 batteries in your camera
Comment by NWCP
What am I supposed to click on to see the Purim photos? Thanks!
Comment by NWCP
This is an excellant writeup of a wonderful evening. Thank you for bringing it back to mind with such clarity, meaning and joy.
Comment by NWCP
What a buzz kill on the happiness . Hope his daughters don't find out of his dissapointment
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
go nick and josh! best uncle and cuzin ever!!
Comment by NWCP
haha! i like the dry cleaners part officially the best! zacharya ur such a good day care watcher!!
Comment by NWCP
Pediatric Nuerlogist??????
Comment by NWCP
Loved it thanks Yossi & Crew for the laughs, Chaya Suri would be proud - Donna Wach
Comment by NWCP
HaShem gave the world 10 parts of beauty, Yerushalyim received 9. HaShem gave the world 10 parts of humor. Dr. Yossi Scheller received 9!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Thanks for bringing purim cheer!
Comment by NWCP
The funny part? That you just wasted 8 minutes of your life watching this
Comment by NWCP
Five stars abbaJo
Comment by NWCP
very creative !! great job! L. Volosov
Comment by NWCP
Go Iris, you made my Purim!
Comment by NWCP
v'nahafoch hu - Lazarus in a black hat!! Love it!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Yossi - Thanks for tipping me off about this video at the end of my jog this morning. It gave me my first glimpse of SSM. Maybe one day in person!
Comment by NWCP
wheres the funny part
Comment by NWCP
Wow what a great deal.
Comment by NWCP
How fantastic...a program that brings mothers, fathers, sons and daughters together in a setting of Limmud Torah. Indeed we are taught, "Shma Bni, musar avicha ve'al titosh Torat imecha." Engaging in Jewish learning is an equal opportunity endeavor. Kudos to Yeshivat Rambam for providing our community with that environment. May your successes continue!
Comment by NWCP
The article failed to mention Rabbi Eden Goldman's outstanding leadership of the Shearith Israel Avos U'Bonim program. His mesirus nefesh helped make it a tremendous success.
Comment by NWCP
So that she is nice to the orthodox community
Comment by NWCP
Why give free publicity to this teacher union beholden hack ?
Comment by NWCP
Yasher Koach! Nechama Schreiber greenfield
Comment by NWCP
they might be one of the lost tribes
Comment by NWCP
Unfortunately, Democratic priorities are useless. As shown again and again by Mr. Obama, the words of Democratic politicians are good for show and tell - and not much more.
Comment by NWCP
You said it. On the money!
Comment by NWCP
Thank you for printing this story. We need to get the general media to cover stories like this, to make it known that the Jewish people -- even those in the settlements -- are a loving nation.
Comment by NWCP
What a beautiful event! The sequel is even better! Mazel tov!
Comment by NWCP
The Fogels died on our behalf? That sounds like a Xian idea...
Comment by NWCP
I commented originally: very well said. But after reading the subsequent comments, I'd like to add something to what Mrs. Adler "gently" answered to someone who felt that the Fogels' death dicourages us from making Aliyah. Yes, it would be to our advantage if we were stronger in numbers. But I feel that for any Jew who loves his fellow-Jews he must make all efforts to 'live the dream' because if not, he is sending a message: either that what the terrorist are doing pays off (and this encourages them to G-d forbid do it again) and/or that since he's afraid for his life, (and as a Jew he must be afraid for his fellow-Jews as well) and therefore his opinion would be to tell all the Jews living in Israel to, G-d forbid, move out!?! or is the discouraged reader suggesting that it's ok for them but not for him!?! I'd love to hear a reply from this reader. Thank you again, Mrs. Adler & warm regards to your wonderful family & esp. From me to your husband and Ariella. With a heart full of love for all Jews and the promised land, Rabbi G. Vogel
Comment by NWCP
If we have any prophets today in Israel my vote is for Rivkah Lambert Adler. Her insight is right on the bull's eye. I couldn't disagree with any word of her's. The redemption is not soon - it's NOW. And anybody who doesn't see it as such is blinded by the reflection of their golden idol. Shmuel
Comment by NWCP
This is Rivkah Lambert Adler. Thank you to all those who took time to comment in support of my message. I would like to respond to two readers in particular. To Yocheved, the conclusion I mean to draw, based on emuna, is that Hashem runs the world and everything He does is for the ultimate benefit of Am Yisrael. According to Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rashi teaches that the geula will begin with the trembling of the sea. This idea is supported by the verse from Tehillim (98:7), "The sea and all its fullness will roar, as will the inhabited land and those who dwell therein." It is not for me to say why Hashem picked Japan (or New Zealand or Australia or whichever country comes next). But it is a matter of simple emuna to know that God is behind every "natural" disaster. To the person who suggested that the Fogel family murders are a source of discouragement for making aliyah, I gently suggest that we in Israel would not be nearly as vulnerable if half the Jews in the world didn't still live outside the Land.
Comment by NWCP
Mobile version? Do tell!
Comment by NWCP
Beautifully put!
Comment by NWCP
I understand that there have been many "messages" telling us to move to Israel. But when a beautiful family is murdered there, that does not encourage me to make aliyah.
Comment by NWCP
"All that is happening â natural disasters.... Hashem is exhibiting His limitless force to destroy the enemies of Am Yisrael." Surely, Rivkah, you are not suggesting that the devastation of Japan is somehow an act of God for the benefit of amcha? or that Japan is an enemy to be destroyed? Please tell me you don't mean to draw such a conclusion! Yocheved
Comment by NWCP
Well, Rivka, you said it all. But, that's not all folks....stay tuned......more to come....hold onto your hats or shaitels!!!!
Comment by NWCP
As usual, you get right to the heart of the matter at hand!!
Comment by NWCP
This is only added to the confirmation and the stirring in us to make aliyah now. The fogels made us sit down and revise our plans and these last few days this feelign ahs only intensified to a forget what you need to do just go. Thank you for sharing your views.
Comment by NWCP
A superb, timely and sane analysis from a Torah true perspective. Yashar koach! May your words echo and re-echo through time, space and cyberspace. May Jews in the nations have ears to hear, and may the nations hear and heed the God of Creation, the God of Israel.
Comment by NWCP
Very well said!
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Excellent! It's time to go home.
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Errata: HaRav Soloveitchik,z"l,; Shearith Israel synagogue. Dr.E.G.
Comment by NWCP
As one of the grandfathers present at the Siyum, I can personally attest to the electric mood present in the Bravmann Beis HaMedresh. HaRav Hopfer's Dvar Torah and Divrei Chizuk were tender and inspiring. The pride with which each father took standing alongside his son as the son concluded his particular text study was transparent. For a moment I was transported back many years when my father, z"l, took my dear brother and me to the Motzai Shabbes Shiur delivered by HaRav Soloveitchk, z"l in Boston. These are existentially lived-experiences that forever remain etched on one's heart and mind, certainly on those of the Avos U'Bonim at Baltimore's Sheartith Israel synagogogue. Dr. Emanuel Goldman
Comment by NWCP
1JQ4aP <a href="">svmlkzpnsway</a>, [url=]rpcogtignvbo[/url], [link=]omeppxwqlgie[/link],
Comment by NWCP
What a bunch of idiots!
Comment by NWCP
Please it's just the government trying to get more of our money!
Comment by NWCP
so sad... people should be allowed to love whoever and however they please. everyone deserves to be loved
Comment by NWCP
What are you doing? Yes this is horrific. Yes the family has every right to want the world to see this tragedy. In your desire to show "news", you crossed a line. You can't be showing this on a site you know WILL be seen but younger children. They will be create horrific psychological issues. This is a family site. Horrific pictures (even with warning) that all blasted by one scroll of the mouse is simply wrong. Please remove this now.
Comment by NWCP
Please post the pictures of the slain family as the remaining family members want the world to see their loved ones laying in their blood. Seeing a 3 month old with her throat slashed might get through to the rest of the world. Also, please post the pictures of arabs handing out candies in celebration at Rafah. Jere Finer
Comment by NWCP
B"H, remember that ALL of our local State Delegates and State Senators supported this abomination!
Comment by NWCP
great article!! very insightful.. JG
Comment by NWCP
Thank you, Rabbi, for saying/quoting, exactly what needs to be said. Surely after today's display, and other recent "natural disasters", no one could deny Hashem's Hand in our world. These wake-up calls serve to remind us just how very, very fragile life is...
Comment by NWCP
Boruch HaShem!
Comment by NWCP
I would take this statement more seriously if the aguda showed some spine and stopped providing political cover photo ops with the likes of omally,cardin,zirkin,almond.ect.
Comment by NWCP
Yep, the old man still got his stuff! GREAT job officers!
Comment by NWCP
protect you from what??
Comment by NWCP
the kosher consumer palate will gravitate towards a fresh, delicious, reasonably priced exotic/healthy option...alot has to do with presentation and marketing, something many kosher supermarkets and delis know little about
Comment by NWCP
this is really a great thig Jewish people do to help each other, the rest of the world should learn from it and we should be proud of what we do to help our poor. and also what a excelent job Meir panim does in getting it to thoses most in need.
Comment by NWCP
yay rambam!! you guys pulled off an amazing program!!! you're awesome!
Comment by NWCP
Rabbi Baron is the best, true and total dedication to the Jews in Howard County. He has sacrificed his life to bring Judaism to the community in Howard County. His Chabad Center is a living example of ahavat Yisrael.
Comment by NWCP
Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and support ! Rambam committee
Comment by NWCP
Thanks for keeping us safe!!!! Go Police!!!!
Comment by NWCP
From the information that i heard it was the diligent work of the Baltimore County Police and their thorough search of the area that lead them to catching the bank robber with the assistance of tips from citizens. I agree the senior Officer that caught him did a good job and should get an award. He looks like he has around 30 years or more on the force. He should retire while he's on top of the world.
Comment by NWCP
My wife Feigi fondly remembers spending many an afternoon at the Kranzler home ,where the children were all musical and it was a hapapening place.Back in the day, Shearith Israel was the shul and Judaism was uplifting and normal. For her, it was like a recreatiion of the good old days.
Comment by NWCP
I am still feeling the inspiration from the concert! Thanks to all those who made it possible and for all those who attended the concert. The Achdus was beautiful and I am still getting calls requesting an encore performance! Dr. Jonathan Lasson President, Shomrei Emunah Congregation
Comment by NWCP
Give it up for the old guy that apprehended him. He looks like he has been on the job for a long time and probably is very experienced with apprehended criminals.
Comment by NWCP
What a wonderful idea. I find it frustrating to have a house full of "nosh" four weeks before Pesach. If we all limited our shalach manot to the amount necessary to fulfill the mitzvah, that would not be a problem.
Comment by NWCP
it was an incredible evening...such beautiful achdus...a walk down memory lane with all the songs they are known for!! Thank you Shomrei!! Tova Taragin
Comment by NWCP
Dont be a pary pooper
Comment by NWCP
I don't believe anybody is denying that Orthodox Judaisim is clear in it's position against redefining marriage. I think the posters above feel that as Orthodox Jews we should not push our beliefs on other people. I hardly think that just because someone would like equal rights for all members of society regardless of sexual orientation, they suddenly have no right to label themselves Orthodox. How about the idea that we as Orthodox Jews should not judge others. I can just as easily say to you that anyone who judges others can not call themselves Orthodox. But if that were the case, sadly I don't believe anyone in this Baltimore Jewish community would be able to call themselves Orthodox.
Comment by NWCP
Comment by NWCP
Keep up the good work Rambam students ! Well done on all your hard work.
Comment by NWCP
We should encourage one of the voices of sanity on the left who has been a consistent friend of Israel, and remember we can find friends on both sides of the aisle
Comment by NWCP
why are you printing statements made by your readers against dass torah
Comment by NWCP
The first three comments do not belong on this site. Someone can fail to live up to all of the standards of Orthodox Judaism and still be an Orthodox Jew. But those who wish to deny that Orthodox Judaism is absolutely clear in its position against redefining marriage, are not Orthodox Jews at all.
Comment by NWCP
You really want to call people who observe shabbos and kashrut "something other than an Orthodox Jew", it is clear that these posters are not discussing the halachic (jewish law) opinion about gay marriage, what they are saying is halacha should not be imposed on those who are not bound by it. Now if you want to say it is a negative societal trend then that is yours and the Vaads right to do so, but not you, the Vaad or anyone else has the right to decide the orthodoxy of others based on reading one Jewish Life post. The Baatei Medresh of the world are full of people disagreeing all day, that's how one learns.
Comment by NWCP
With all due respect to the posters below, even though I don't always follow the views of Agudah and the local Vaads and consider myself much more moderate, by definition, if one calls themselves Orthodox Jews (doesn't matter the hashkafa - Left, modern, centrist, whatever flavor), that means they follow Halacha and as one who follows Halacha, Halacha dictates the this opinion. If one wants to not agree with this dictate that is fine and their right but please call yourself something other then an "Orthodox Jew". THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE DEMEANING OR SELF RIGHTEOUS. It is just based on basic definitions and some of my closest friends are conservative and reform Jews and everything in between and I love them to death and disagree with those that disagree with this reasoning.
Comment by NWCP
It's not a religious belief - its a moral belief. This idea of behavior that even animals don't subscribe to is repulsive, and trust me, in Shamayim, they are looking at this immorality with disgust. How much more of the sanity of this world is going to be lost before someone does something about it? Thank G-d for people like the Vaad Harabanim who have the willingness to stand up and speak out against this stupidity.
Comment by NWCP
Dear Agudath Israel of Maryland, Rabbinical Council of Baltimore and Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington, You do not speak with my voice. You embarass me by claiming to speak on my behalf and I hope that our state legislators ignore your voice and listen instead to the voice of human decency and finish passing a law that is long overdue.
Comment by NWCP
The Orthodox Community does NOT speak with one voice on this issue and I resent that that line was included in the letter!
Comment by NWCP
What a horrible statement! If you truly do not wish to impose your own religious beliefs on others - stay out of the debate! If you don't want to redefine marriage, then marry a member of the opposite sex and stay out of other people's business!
Comment by NWCP
I promise you that after reading this sad story I heard a "ping, ping, ping", the sound of bricks popping out of the walls of the third Bais Hamikdash (Holy Temple). - Donna Wach
Comment by NWCP
The connection between the modern company that is bidding on the contract, and the French rail equipment that was used (after being seized during the war) is dubious. Given that guys with guns showed up and took the trains and the crew (and show those who didn't obey), I really don't think the French can be blamed. Perhaps the real reason by this controversy has to do with politics (would the French company pay off the same people as the current combination of railroads and unions do?).
Comment by NWCP
Information I have heard is that Shomrim was called by a resident who saw the suspect hiding in the bushes on Summerson, Shomrim in addition to telling the caller to immediately call 911, notified Baltimore County Police and utilizing thier radios which the Police have one of, were able to relay information regaridng the suspect. Good work Shomrim!
Comment by NWCP
Who said Baltimore was boring?????
Comment by NWCP
Sing all together now (to the tune of "To Life" from Fiddler on the Roof"): For life, for life, in prison! In prison, in prison, for life! Tried to take money which wasn't his, Put many precious lives at risk, Give him prison, for life!!
Comment by NWCP
Ronnie Rosenbluth won the Community Leader award several years ago.
Comment by NWCP
I was glad to see that you can now advance the video without having to watch every second to get to a certain part. That is a vast improvement. Yasher Koach.
Comment by NWCP
Comment by BJLife BJLife
af0jVT <a href="">vxdqpllumjgx</a>, [url=]fqetbrgeyvsm[/url], [link=]sfdnuezquewc[/link],
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Maybe the invention of glasses itself should be considered too modern? At what point does things get completely obsurd?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to all those who are insulting Rambam by saying that it doesn't need to exist: it is clear that those who are putting comments up like this have never stepped foot into Rambam such as the person who wrote "What are we teaching our kids by creating an entire new school every time some new dynamic is "discovered" whereby the kids just don't fit in any more? They are learning quite well that they can get life tailored to suit them." Rambam is not just another school, it is unique, and TA just doesn't work for Rambam students. all who are calling this untrue are not only showing nothing but arrogance, but are also showing a lack of intelligence and intellectual honesty. I hope that people posting these things can grow up and face reality some day. A proud Rambam student.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"The real deal" = "a real fool" :). People who are so derogatory and demeaning in their writing represent the institutional historical baggage that made the sad facts of today possible and that can't face the fact that the school today has as energetic and passionate a set of young parents and leadership and that all people like "the real deal" can do is bad mouth as they always had, have and will.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We can see from here that the Unions cost people jobs. They make it so expensive for busineses hat the businesses either have to move out of the USAor fire workers, or, as we see here, move operations away from the State. Because the Paper is pro-Labor Unions, the article does not even mention what the concessions are that the union is refusing! Why are they afraid to report this important information? They are making Giant sound unreasonable, but what are the present wages and benefits and what are the unions' demands? At this point many people are making fair wages, and the Unions are just about Union bosses raising money for their coffers to use to support democratic nominees. As we saw in the last election, many democratic candidates get a lot of money from unions. The union bosses visit the White House many times a week.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It's a shame that this blog has turned into a place where people put down the efforts of the board and flaws of the school. It's sad that as a student, I feel the need to check up on this blog every day to make sure that people are not saying negative things, and if they are that I must comment back defending my school. One of the things I have learned this year when I went to the Yeshiva University Model UN conference is how to take situations and look at them from different perspectives. At the conference people come together from all over the USA, and represent different countries, and they talk about their opinions from the country's perspective and work together to help resolve world issues. In Baltimore, as we all have different opinions on the matter of Yeshivat Rambam's high school closing, we as a community should work together to help those in the mess that they are in- even if it's just emotional support. Why should this be a place to criticize the school after all it has done for us students? I think that this blog has turned into a place of Lashon Hara and is hurting a lot of students, parents, and teachers who are really attached to the school and are appreciative for all that it has done for us. I understand that this is a place for people to express themselves and everyone has freedom of speech, but please take into consideration people's feelings. It's extremely difficult going through school life every day knowing that there are people out there who are putting down the institution that I love and have been apart of for my entire life.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I wear a sheitel, and my husband wears a black hat, AND we have a son in Yeshivat Rambam. This school shares a committment to our family's core values: Derech eretz kadma l'Torah, middos, and menschlichkeit, along with a broad curriculum in Kodesh subjects, including Ivrit and Tanach, not just all gemorah. In addition, there is a rigorous secular studies curriculum, all things that reflect our family's values. Our son is now in the difficult space of having to check out schools for the remainder of his high school career. It is most unsettling and demoralizing to consider having to have him spend a long day and Sunday away from home, perhaps adding a long commute to that, or perhaps having to send him away to dorm for high school. In addition, he will be missing out on an opportunity to learn from some stellar faculty of rebbeim and secular studies teachesr, and he will miss the warmth and support of his peers. Rambam's high school is unique in that they not only teach personal responsibility, don't only preach personal responsibility but exemplify this. The manner in which the high school administration dealt with difficult teenage behavior and sensitive topics was stunning. The administration did not flinch, did not look away, did not blink, did not point fingers and blame but sought to understand, educate and form partnerships with parents and community leaders to do what is best for the kids. I understand the financial realities and appreciate the need for fiscal rseponsbility. Still, the real accomplishments of Yeshivat Rambam high school should not go unrecognized in all the noise about the school's closing. Yeshivat Rambam is a community and a family and a model of achdus, and my husband and I tip our hat/sheitel to you in recognition of all that you have done for us, our family and the community at large. Rena Levin
Comment by BJLife BJLife
For whoever said that "The board threw in the towel", did you think twice before sending that comment? Why would the board make decisions for the school that would affect it negatively without thinking for hours upon hours about it? Why do you think that these people are even on the board? For fun? A way to kill free time? Or out of spite and hatred towards the school? Absolutely the opposite. The incredible people which worked for so long to come up with the most logical and fiscally responsible plan for the school should be thanked, not ridiculed. They shouldn't be blamed for their decisions. This is a bad predicament all around, but blaming the board is absolutely NOT the way to go. Now is the time to stop throwing blame around, saying rude and spiteful things, but now is the time to work out how to support the school - not only financially, but verbally too. If you feel that the best way to solve the problem is to continue ridiculing past decisions, that is your idea of problem solving. But it really doesn't help or solve any of the current issues.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Actually, that was a student who commented that. And I'm the one that has to live with the decisions of the board and find a new plan for the rest of high school, yet I'm still defending them. Please have sympathy for those who are in this situation and please do not continue to make accusations. I'm not asking for your money and I'm not asking for you to send your kids to Rambam or support Rambam. I'm simply asking for you not to be putting down other Jews who worked very hard to keep Rambam lasting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Once your kid is at another school you will realize WHY WE NEED RAMBAM: Rambam is very dear to so many people. The teachers are amazing the staff is amazingly devoted. These amazing teachers will not all be together in one place ever again. There is so much individualized attention to the kids. The curriculum is Frum and well rounded. The learning is on a very high level. Boys can have a Frum education without having to go to school until 8PM. Kids can excel in different subjects and not just Gemarrah, but do learn Gemarrah everyday, and can excel if they have the talent! Girls are not just one of 100 in a class. This is a real gem that the community will sorely miss once its gone. DR. ROTHSCHILD WE NEED YOUR VISION AND TALENTS. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS TO SAVE THE SCHOOL! Everyone on the Board should have children at the school, if not, they should resign immediately, because they are seeing it through the prism of dollars and cents but not seeing it through the prism of children, the need in the community, and needs of families. How dare the Board have announced a closure of the high school without calling a community meeting first? The announcement itself caused bad results to the whole school, with parents looking elsewhere in large numbers- it was reckless! We need someone to turn this around, and our only hope is Dr. Rothschild.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what middle school division are you talking about ? I seriously doubt there will be a middle school at all without a HS - most parents are now in panic mode and are withdrawing all their children as they seek options for their HS children.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To "the former Rambam student who goes to BT"- a good lesson in life is to learn to follow rules, even when you consider them to be "irrational" or "unfair". Just because a school is lenient, such as say, not making kids come to davening when they come late, or maybe not even davening at all. Maybe if you would allow yourself to really be honest, you would see how if a school wants to follow Halacha, rules for kids need to be strict, if you really want to be honest, how many kids won't end up doing something if the rule isn't strictly in place. How many kids would just sleep late. At your school, when something is optional, do a majority of kids skip it or just a small few? When you are in the real world and have a tough boss, or an "irrational" teacher in college, what will you do- get mad and leave, or stick with it and accomplish higher goals and expectations? Being frum is hard work, there are alot of rules in Halacha. Learning Torah subjects is hard too. Sure maybe some rules were "unfair", but is that a reason to leave a school? Weren't there other good things about the school that warranted some allegiance and loyalty? Just as other schools don't bend on some of their rules, neither could Rambam sometimes! Try and see it from the Rabbi's point of view- would bending on the rule lead to an undesired result? As you mature you will realize more that some things have value even though they aren't fulfilling our personal needs all of the time and even if they present challenges. Don't you think that the same people who made the rules that you thouht were irrational. don't you think they were hurt and devastated when you left? Don't you know that these Rebbeim, are not paid kings ransoms and do the best they can? I wish you much good luck and success in your future.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The board did not put the children last but they in fact put the school first. This board did what made sense, they made the difficult decisions, many of these board members have their own children in the high school, they did not do what was best for them but rather what was best for the institution. They announced when they did so that everyone and would have enough time to place their children in other schools, they had a plan in place for the 11th graders to either graduate or transfer. It is not that the board is not supporting the "idea of the high school", they are the messengers sharing the difficult reality with all of us, donât shoot the messenger. If you do contact board members I hope it will be to thank them for all their hard work and to ask what you can do to ensure the future success of the middle and elementary divisions. Donna Wach
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm so proud of you!! This is really showing the community a student's perspective, not one of a parent, faculty, or an outsider. Yasha Koyach!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You must be a Board member and all I can say is that you did throw in the towel. You never came to the high school parents or the rest of the Board. This was an executive decision and not an entire Board decision. This was the time to include all the parents of the school to tell them what was needed to keep the whole school together. You choose to be the soul decision makers and you now need to live with yourself that you let a lot of kids down. I am glad that I am not you.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thank you for clarifying it for is time for the Board of Directors of YR to step down as their soul mission is to do what is best for the entire student body and undoubtedly they have put the children last. Never did they come forward and ask the community for help that they would probably have received. It sounds like it was high school parents who stood up to take action. Shame on the Board of Directors for not fighting for the students.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go Chava! I am so proud of you for saying what so many people are thinking but do not say.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is why it is critical that Shomrim thrive and continue to be a liason for the community. It speaks volumes that the Police Department contiues to interact with Shomrim and reach out to them for assitance on a high profile case such as this. Shormim is known for its organization in missing persons cases and has been extremely successful in the past. Hope this young lady is found and the family finds the closure it needs.Keep up the good work!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
After reading the above comments, it becomes apparent how much misinformation and misplaced blame is circulating around. And, while I do not want to air dirty laundry in public, I think it is important to set the record straight to stop the unfair and hurtful accusations. So here goes. Rambamâs economic troubles began several years ago, and there have been many contributing factors. But, in its most simple form, revenue in did not equal expenses out. In an attempt to attract more families, the board decided to split the boys and girls. This was a gamble. Despite the increased cost of teaching a greater number of classes and supporting two campuses, it was hoped that more students would join Rambam, thereby increasing revenue and improving the economic outlook of the school. Unfortunately, this did not occur, and, while new students came, an equal number left, and total enrollment remained mostly unchanged. This coincided with the global economic crisis, making fundraising more difficult. The deficits have mounted, making it necessary for the board to vote to sell the building so it can use the equity to pay off debt. But, unfortunately, this has added to the schoolâs perceived instability, further reducing enrollment. Most recently, in an effort to reduce the deficit, the board voted to close the high school, arguing that the high school is the most expensive component of the school, and, by closing it, it gives the lower school the greatest chance of remaining viable. A group of high school parents, including two past presidents, a current board member, and myself, formed an ad hoc committee to try to come up with a plan to save the high school. We formulated a plan to try to reach a balanced budget within the high school by raising tuition and reducing costs by bringing the boys and girls back together for secular studies, thereby reducing the total number of classes offered and the cost of staffing. We surveyed the parents of the high school to see if this was a viable model, and the majority of parents agreed. A few declined our model because of the coed classes, and an even larger number of 11th graders declined because they had decided to graduate early, an option given to them because of the planned closure of the high school. Despite this, the majority of students were planning on returning, and many parents were willing to pay the increased tuition. But, because of the smaller numbers and because not everyone can commit to the full tuition, we fell short of our goal of a balanced budget. Our hope was that, with our new model, as enrollment returned back to its pre-crisis level, we would eventually be able to meet expenses with tuition revenue, or at least come very close. And, in truth, no school runs purely on tuition without fundraising. So our committee decided on an earnest emergency fundraising effort which would try to go to the community to make up the deficit for the coming year to enable the high school to open its doors this fall. We have been coordinating with the rabbeim of the community, who have been VERY helpful in supporting the school. They have written letters to support Rambam, given their time to meet with us, and even given their own personal contributions to help the school. We then met with executive board members to tell them our plans and to coordinate with them. To our surprise, they told us to stop, making it clear that they would not support our efforts. They believe that our efforts could be detrimental to the survival of the lower school. They explained that, in their opinion, a coed high school, while clearly acceptable to the high school parents, would be unacceptable to the elementary school parents and would cause some of those children to leave the school. Moreover, they believe that there is limited funding available for a school like Rambam, and that directing it toward the high school would draw it away from the elementary school. In our opinion, however, the extra funding necessary to keep the high school alive would be temporary, as the new model makes it more likely to keep a balanced budget in the long run. Furthermore, we did not propose bringing the boys and girls back together as a change of hashgafa or as a comment on the way children learn best, but purely out of a fiscal need to reduce costs. If, at a future date, there is adequate enrollment to support separate classes in the high school, then this can certainly be done without any modification to the core principles of the school â Torah, Umadah, and Tzionut. Perhaps our attempts to raise the needed funds would have failed, but we were hoping to get the opportunity to try. The board, though, felt otherwise and has chosen a different path for the school. None of this was the fault of the community at large or of our wonderful rabbeim. While we personally disagree with the boardâs assumptions and conclusions, we cannot ask the rabbeim of the community to get in the middle of a dispute between Rambamâs parents and its board. If Rambamâs own board is not supporting the idea of a high school, how can we possibly ask the rabbeim or the community to support this idea? The rabbeim have been nothing but helpful to our attempts and do not deserve the criticism that has been directed against them. If you are a Rambam parent and disagree with the boardâs position, call the members of the executive board and let them know. Perhaps you could change their mind, as we have been unsuccessful in doing so. But stop blaming the community and the rabbeim. It wasnât their decision to stop all attempts at saving the high school. --Elliot Rothschild, Parent of 4 Yeshivat Rambam Students
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm confused as to why people keep mentioning the past as an excuse not to help. Of course mistakes and bad decision were made to get us into this mess, but the school is trying to fix it. Multiple times inflated teacher salaries were mentioned- my husband has worked at Rambam for 5 years and not only has he never received an increase, but this year they cut all teaching staff salaries by 5%. We are trying to keep Rambam afloat and changes are being made. Why hold not only past mistakes, but mistakes made by people no longer at the school against us?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
FYI Eberle Drive is in that apartment complex right between Home Depot and the train tracks off of Patterson Ave. It's practically in our neighborhood.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the person who commented: "It seems like the current Rambam Board "just threw in the towel" and walked away from the HS", since you didn't have the courage sign your name, I'm not sure who you are. But you obviously don't know that the financial committee and board at Yeshivat Rambam went through endless hours of meetings and put in every bit of effort to try to keep the high school open. Please don't make accusations when you have absolutely no idea what you're saying. Thanks! :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
At the end of January, Baltimore Jewish Life, posted several letters from Rabbonim of our community urging community members to support Yeshivat Rambam. As I speak to non-Rambam parents within this community, I find there is a great deal of assumption regarding the situation of Yeshivat Rambam. The lack of clarity, as to the real issues, is more than evident in the comments that follow the letters on-line. I am not writing this comment to clarify these issues to the community. That is not my place. I am writing this letter because of other things that seem to be lacking. While a lack of clarity is always an issue that should be addressed, the lack of empathy towards my fellow parents and educators is far more disturbing. I write this as a plea for compassion to your neighbors and their children who are feeling pain. A written version of a lecture from Rabbi Yochana Zweig has the following thought, [Quote] Our Sages tell us that it is Sinas Chinom that destroyed Jerusalem, and it is Sinas Chinom which keeps us mired in exile until this very day. Sinas Chinom is sometimes translated as baseless hatred - hatred for no reason. When there is love and caring among Jews, Hashem acts with us in a way that shows love and care. But when we act with anger and spite, harboring animosity, it's as though we're inviting Hashem to do the same. [End Quote] My Father, AMVES, is a survivor from Hungary. He has often told me that we should feel grateful but never comfortable here, that Chas VSholom our safety on these shores may pass. He has often painfully expressed that we have not learned the lessons of what took place during those horrific years of WWII. We once spoke about Kristallnacht.My Father reminisced about what the reaction was among the frum community in Hungary. They called for a Taanis and gathering for Tefilla, but there was a popular sentiment, as they klapped in 1939 for their brethren in Germany, that they, the Yekkes, deserved it. There was Sinas Chinam then, and it is alive and well today. Looking at the comments on Baltimore Jewish Life over the past few days, I have to pause and wonder where we, a generation that has come of age in relative ease and comfort is headed. Why have so many of the comments regarding Rambam been directed at defending the lack of communal support or worse yet, diatribes against a school has clearly shown that it fills a vital need? Where is the sense of empathy that Rachmonim benai Rachmonim should have? I do not profess to know what the financial difficulties are or how they originated. I do know that small schools by virtue of the mathematics involved have to charge a higher tuition, and I sincerely doubt anyone involved in the school has been driving a Lamborghini as a result of being in Rambamâs employ. Furthermore, considering the reputation for excellence in both academic performance and the actual student product that Rambam has put out over the years, a farsighted person can see the wider communal return on the initial investment. Unfortunately, I havenât won the lottery and Publishers Clearing House is not beating a path to my door. I donât have the money to rescue Rambam, but I can feel pain for my fellow parents and express care and concern for the educators and children in my community who are suffering from a loss on so many levels. I realize, in view of keeping an institution open, that may not be much, but in the scope of Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh LahZeh, thatâs a great deal more than the extra burden of indifference or harangues being thrust upon the shoulders of parents and educators who now have to make shift for the coming year. Another thing that should be considered as people post comments or discuss the predicament in public is the reality that Rambam students are following the communal response to their situation. Please consider, how you or your child would feel if your school, a Torah institution,was being trashed by your fellow community members. In addition, does such behavior exemplify good chinuch for ANY student in our community? As I write this letter, we are approaching Shabbos Shekalim. In Parshas Shekalim we read about the obligatory half-shekel offering. In the half shekel we display the concept of achdus,unity; that each and every Jew is part of a whole. It is very clear that the international tolerance of anti-Semitism is changing, it is clear that the world-wide Jewish community is standing at a crossroads, let us show love and caring among Jews and may the RBSH bring the Orah, Simcha, Sasson, Vykar of zman Moshiach speedily in our days. R. Laks
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Almost 20 years ago we wrote a check to TA for $118, before we even HAD kids, because we were told that to keep an Orthodox school open was a COMMUNITY responsibility. I wonder how the community would have responded back then if someone had suggested that TA simply close its high school because it "couldn't afford it"? Somehow back then TA was indispensible to the community, yet now Rambam, with OVER 95 STUDENTS IN ITS HIGH SCHOOL (how's that for critical mass?) is considered disposable. We all know that times are tough for everyone. That's a reason to come together and help one another, not to throw around judgemental accusations about what random people THINK the school did wrong in the past. (By the way, the Smartboards were FREE - a grant - and, as a Rambam teacher, I'd really like to know who's getting paid these "ridiculous salaries," because I'm just working for my kids' tuition...) So what did TA do to get itself into that mess all those years ago? And did that stop people from doing the right thing and making sure that all those students didn't lose their school, and that Baltimore didn't lose an important part of its educational make-up? Rambam isn't some small "yeshiva business." It's an essential school with over 350 students in its preschool through high school. And a great many of these students will have nowhere else to go if Rambam closes its doors. They won't "fit" in the other Baltimore schools, and the other schools don't have room for them. So what will be the result? Large numbers of families will be forced to leave Baltimore because this community nolonger offers a school appropriate for their children. Is this the message that the Baltimore Orthodox Community wishes to convey - Conform or Get Out? If you don't send your kids to TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, or B'nos, who needs you? Should Rambam parents take from the community's silence during this tragedy the message that we are not welcome here? That the warm and welcoming Baltimore Jewish Community has lost it's heart and its soul? I have lived here for over 20 years, and I thought I knew Baltimore. But the Baltimore I knew would have stood up and helped. I can only conclude from the apathy I am now witnessing that Baltimore has changed, and, unfortunately, not for the better...
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"when students go to bt, the rules that they are complaining about aren't there." Yes, unfortunately at any yeshiva day school that is grounded on following halacha, the word "no" is a real part of the culture and must be. Even a Rambam compared to a TA or a BY is also guided unfortunately many times having to say the word "no". In community schools (not just BT but any school whose mission is not guided first and foremost by following halacha), the word "no" does not frequently need to be used in comparison and to a student how wonderful is that opportunity. I hope one day as you grow and mature and G-d willing have kids, you will be able to understand that word "no" is acceptable and necessary and it is no easy job saying it, whether as as a frum parent or educator in a frum school.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
With comments like "Please do not assume that under ever black hat or sheitel is a person who is close-minded" (assuming that Rambam doesn't have these too??). and "the indifference you sense from the wider community can be directly traced to the smug aloof approach the Rambam leadership took when they began the school" (....hmmm I was told the leadership was compared to Nadav and Avehu for even talking of starting the school and that does not exactly engender warmth and love my friend), one can see why Rambam struggles and will continue among many people. The lack of knowledge and understanding the first quote shows (yet with a sincere genuine caring for sure) and the sheer bitterness and arrogance from some of the "elite" members of the community, the second quote, that will use any excuse to not support Rambam from the beginning to now.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To the last commenter: why do you assume only non-Rambam parents are the black hat and sheitel wearers??
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Very well written and spoken with true emes. I am not a Rambam supporter, but feel badly for the students, teachers, and the loss of another choice in the community. But, the indifference you sense from the wider community can be directly traced to the smug aloof approach the Rambam leadership took when they began the school. Now in their crises mode we in the larger community have no real understanding of the financial needs of Rambam. What are we talking about? What are the projected enrollments? It seems like the current Rambam Board "just threw in the towel" and walked away from the HS. Why? Can it be saved? Why can't a boys HS of 65 boys continue? Stop blaming the community and start to look for strength from within. Only Rambam can save Rambam.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chava - I am proud that I had the z'chut to teach you (even if it was only for a few weeks last year as a sub) You are truly a special young lady. May you continue on your path to greatness, and don't let all of the negative comments get you down.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way to go Chava. You said it ALL!!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
to the person who wrote To All Rambam Parents: what you are saying is not true. Parents didn't leave because they didn't get what they wanted. they left because of the idiocy in the administration. with other schools such as bt, the rules maybe strict, but they are logical. on the other hand, many of rambam's newly implemented policy were only due to idiocy not logic. when students go to bt, the rules that they are complaining about aren't there. I can tell you that from first hand experience. from a former Rambam Student (who now goes to bt).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yes - the high school absolutely can be saved if enough money is raised. Several plans have been proposed by groups of high school parents that involve reducing costs and increasing funding, the goal being a balanced budget. As the first commenter suggested, money is needed to "get things off the ground" initially. But saving the high school absolutely is within the reach of the community, if everyone would just pitch in and help.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I did not send my children to Rambam, but I support the school. I hope things will improve and one day Rambam will reopen its high school. Please do not assume that under ever black hat or sheitel is a person who is close-minded. I wish Rambam all the best.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To All Rambam Parents, Past and Present: One of the problems with Rambam are all the people who left over the years. Over the years I would be shocked as this one or that one simply pulled their kid out- instead of realizing that as a whole this school was the appropriate school, the only modern Orthodox Zionist Day school in Baltimore, that needed as much support as possible, even if it wasn't perfect. The ridiculous reasons I heard for removing kids from rambam could fill a book- such as a teacher did not respond well to a parent's e-mail about Israel, or that the principle did not put the child into an honors class, didn't like a teacher, or other pouty, nonsense. Once that kid was in another school the parent for some mysterious reason accepted the brick wall response of the other school's administration. But for some reason the parents at Rambam always felt that Rambam should listen to all their demands even if other schools do not. So many people left over the years whenever they had a disagreement or complaint, instead of sticking with the school. At Bais Yaakov, TA, TI, BT, the parents do NOT leave when they have differences of opinions and complaints- they get used to having the administration run things without parents input and without swaying to parental complaints and desires. Whenever Rambam parents had a complaint they simply pulled their kids out and went to BT. By doing this tantrum they then changed the course of their kids lives because in no way does BT have as Frum a curriculum or standards as Rambam does. Why did they do it? Because the parents at Rambam are different than the parents at Bais Yaakov and TA. At BT, Bais Yaakov and TA the administrations are tightly in control, and you can complain to the walls, and parents accept this without question. But, Because Rambam was always a school with lots of parent input, if a parent didn't get her way, she would take her kids out. Then she'd go to any other school and she would discover that the other school do not sway at all to parental input and they suddenly accept this tough approach and unlike at Rambam, they go quietly into the night with all their grievances. If only the Rambam parents who left would have realized that no other school's principles listen even one iota to their complaints and do not change anything due to their rantings. At BY, TA or BT if you don't like a teacher or the curriculum- too bad! If only the Rambam parents had known that before they ditched Rambam, the real school where their kids truly belonged, warts and all. Instead of marching off with their kids to other schools, the school could have been saved long ago. However, even now, there are enough kids to have a viable high school. Rambam needs a real leader, a tough yet kind person to take over and run it like BY and BT are run- by devoted tough cookies, who are passionate about keeping the school alive and running strong, who set a course and do not veer off. And PARENTS need to accept that Rambam, as other schools, will not be perfect, but it will be the ONLY Modern Orthodox Zionist Day School in Baltimore, and they need to SUPPORT it and STICK WITH IT!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kudos to a very brilliant and caring physician, who is modest and an amazing example for Jewish women.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The closing of the Rambam High School is very sad and every person I speak to in the rabbinic community feels that Rambam is an important part of the fabric of our community. Rather than repeat the inaccurate accuations against "the rabbonim' and mischarecterize the TA story, it is important that those who care deeply for this institution accept responsibility for its sucess in the future. There are many good schools in the community and each has its place. each has its fundraising process and its coterie of supporters. Rambam has been in existence for 20 years and its lay leaders raised millions of dollars over those years. It is a tragedy that all that effort is being lost with the selling of the campuses, both old and new. However, this is the time to get up, dust off and take achrayus for a school and do whatever it takes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
CHAVA!!! Nice going, you said what everyone else was too afraid to say! you got guts girl~! May it take you far in life! Love, Sarah
Comment by BJLife BJLife
She is a wonderful Doctor. She has been working with my mother who has retinitus pigmantosa and my 15 year old son has the disease as well. She has been great! Congratulations! and thanks for all the hard work you put into these horrible eye diseases.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanx for saying what needed to be said. baltimore's "achdus" is really rather one-sided after all. a baltimore native for 50 yrs
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Baltimore needs more people like Chava Barr, kind and caring and sensitive, a true Bat Yisrael. You go, girl!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
When I moved to Baltimore several years ago, the Rambam community welcomed my family and me with open arms. We found a home here with good friends and a wonderful school. I have learned so much during my time at Rambam that extends far beyond the incredible academic and Torah education that I have received. The teachers and administration have guided all of us with warmth, love, and wisdom for many years. This is my last year at Rambam, I am a senior, and it upsets me greatly to see the anger and bitterness in the Baltimore community towards Rambam. I know that this community that I have grown to love has more to offer than just harsh words. As many of my friends have said, I am a proud Yeshivat Rambam student, and I hope that people will see the pride that we have for our school and learn to recognize its incredible value as we have. Liora Miller
Comment by BJLife BJLife
"What do you want people to do when they can't afford the millions it would take to get Rambam out of the hole?" The same thing that was done for TA years ago when it suffered through financial mismanagement. Perhaps you weren't in Baltimore at the time. Every orthodox Rabbi in every shule got up and begged and cajoled their congregants to give money to TA so it wouldn't be forced to close. How many of the Orthodox shule and community rabbis in Baltimore have done that for Rambam? Other than a handful of letters from a small group, where is the outcry? Shame, shame, shame!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To "Chava, you make no sense. No one is insulting anyone." Have you read the comments on the other post along these similar lines? These seem pretty insulting to me. Comments like, "Believing that Rambam was the only school that was a viable option which is how it sounded showed elitism and intolerance to other institutions." as well as, "Baloney. The community did not cause Rambam to overspend on EVERYTHING from salaries to smartboards to phone systems, etc. This never was a community school and until it acts like one the 'community' need not support it. The TA debacle was entirely different. Do your homework." and also, " There are countless stories about former Rambam families who were pushed away from the school due to financial difficulties and degraded in the process. While our hearts bleed for innocent familes left with non-perfect options, we will not support this school as they brought it upon themselves. - Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students"
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chava, you are a perfect example of how a bas yisroel must be, to express your feelings in a non-attacking way and heartfelt way as a plea for the ultimate good of klal Yisroel, trying to keep open a wonderful Jewish school for your fellow classmates. I am sorry that you had to have such an insensitive, arrogant answer to your letter. Do not let her words harm you as they were meant to. Do not let those words turn you away from the beautiful Torah and middos that are taught at Rambam. You are an example of how Rambam students are taught to behave.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have just come back to read comments after a hiatus of a few days without my beloved computer. I truly commend the HS students , my granddaughter Eliana Shields, included) who wrote so fervently about the need for Rambam HS and what it has done for them. Unfortunately, many of the comments prove that many in this city do not have what these students learned in YR-tolerance and ahavas Yisroel. For a very long time I used to praise Baltimore, saying how wonderful it was living here, because there is such unity, such achdus. Whereas, other cities were divided over issues such as kashrus, eruv, or the like, Baltimore did not have this kind of strife. My prime example of the achdus of Baltimore occurred 13 and a half years ago at the levaya of our uncle Saul Taragin zl. Saul was an ardent Zionist, president of the local RZA. He was one of the founders of Yeshivat Rambam. You can imagine my surprise and the surprise of others when, none other than Rav Heinemann shlita got up to be maspid him. Rav Heineman said, in his hesped, we might have had our differences, but Saul Taragin was my friend. That was an example of the achdus Baltimore was proud of. What can we be proud of today? Tova Taragin, proud member of the Yeshivat Rambam family
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I am a proud student of Yeshivat Rambam. These past few weeks have been extremely difficult and emotional for us, but anyone who walks through the doors of my school can immediately feel the happy atmosphere in the hallways. My friends and I have dealt with so much ridicule and hardship, donât we deserve some credit for going through it all with Sever Panim Yafot, smiles on our faces? There is so much love filling that place it's sometimes crazy- my classmates and teachers EMBODY "V'ahavta l're'echa kamocha". I will never forget the years spent at Rambam, but not only for the beautiful friendships I have made, the amazing relationships I still have with my teachers, or the lessons I have learned. In fact, I hate to say, one of the foremost memories I have from my career at Rambam is the discontent I faced at the hands of other Jews, those who didn't attend my school. How do you think it feels, to walk into shul and hear the whispers of, "Oh, those Rambam kidsâ¦"? How do you think it feels to be having a conversation and see a smirk come across the other person's face when you mention what school you go to? It feels awful. Worse yet, to be proud of your school and face this. Let's not forget the amounts of persecution at the hands of the community that Rambam students have received for years. Yes, this is a blanket statement somewhat, but the harsh words always seem to overtake the kind ones. Even the most open-minded, accepting parent would naturally hesitate to send their child to a school with such a stigma surrounding it. But who created that stigma in the first place? Money aside, the real downfall of Yeshivat Rambam has been and continues to be Loshon Hara. How can you only blame the school's ill financial decisions when you too are at fault? Poor or rich, donations or no donations, one bad word about an institution spreads like wildfire, and can cause it to fail. Especially those bad words stated without knowledge or facts. So to all the hatred and dirty looks I've gotten over the past 11 years throughout the community (you know who you are), I say this: Perhaps Rambam is a sinking ship, but you, those residing in the Jewish community who continue to be narrow-minded and cruel, are the iceberg.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
As an "out of towner" visiting Baltimore, I am sad and astounded that such an unfortunate set of circumstances has befallen a Jewish Institution in a City as reknowned for its Orthodoxy as Baltimore! This situation truly casts a pall on your city. What is even more unfortunate is the apparent lack of unity and the absence of kehilla-wide solidarity on behalf of Yeshiva Rambam. In my town, all Jews and all Rabbanim would have altruistically rallied behind a struggling Jewish institution in both monetary and moral terms. Is the Board of Directors of Rambam aware of the consequences of their misguided decision and their seeming lame effort to turn things around ? Did they earnestly try to reach out to philanthropists (in Baltimore or elsewhere) whose greatest pleasure would be to help bail this fine institution out? (People in my community have often been called upon to save struggling institutions and were we approached here would have risen to the occasion.) It's not to late........
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I have attempted to stay out of the fray, but feel moved to at least contribute my thoughts to this board. The comments by the current Rambam students are both inspirational and sad. They make me happy that my son, while only in kindergarten, attends Rambam, with my hopes that one day he will feel like these students do about his school. On the other hand, many other comments on this site add to my feelings that if Rambam ultimately does not survive, my family's ability to survive as productive Orthodox Jews in Baltimore will not either. We can only hope that the school is viable going into the future. Joel Carter
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think anyone of sound mind reading Chava Barrâs articulate and well written message and then the Bais Yaakov students less than stellar response can clearly understand why we need schools like Rambam.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the person who said Chava,you make no sense...Chava makes perfect sense. We as Rambam students have understood and accepted (with much difficulty) the fact that we are graduating as 11th graders and going to college next year. She is simply asking for sympathy and for those people who are hurting the Rambam family to stop. We've understand that people who can't help monetarily won't, because we know that people have their bills and high tuitions to pay for their children, but I think that Chava is asking as a plea to those who may be able to help in any way. And yes, Rambam was not financially stable, but that's not because they overspent aimlessly, rather they were kind to those who needed financial aid and tried to help as many people as possible...isn't it a shame that by trying to help people by doing a kind deed that it came to the point that they had to close? Before you say that Rambam overspent, even if it did, consider the fact that they helped lots of students get an amazing education and grow to be the amazing community leaders that they are. Thanks.
Comment by Rivka Laks
very nice letter but sadly you did not do your homework before hitting submit. As others have written there was over a decade of overspending and mismanagement at YR that has led to its current dire situation. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the community or parents not appreciating what YR means to the klal. We all know that there is a need for YR to exist but to blame the community for the mistakes of insiders is a mistake in itself. Good luck to you.
Comment by Rivka Laks
is it the fault of parents of students of bais yaakov or other schools that the school is closing? did the school just get into financial trouble in the last week or did this take place over many years? no one is saying that Rambam is not an important institution. The Weinberg Academy was also a very important institution, but they were forced to close as well for financial reasons. to put the blame on everybody else does not seem fair.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the poster above - I don't believe anyone at Yeshivat Rambam would like you to rob a bank or stop fulfilling your current commitments in order to support our school. When we speak of lack of community support, we (or at least I) are speaking of the almost deafening silence of the vast majority of our community leaders about this matter. (With the exceptions of Rabbi's Caplan, Marwick, Silber and Hauer.. and forgive me if I've missed others.) A few years ago there was a big campaign within the city to keep our tzedekah money local within Baltimore. Why haven't the rabbonim of our city been reminding people of the commitments that they made and reminding people that Yeshivat Rambam is its own epicenter of Torah learning in the community? Why aren't they yelling from the rooftoops, "Baltimore is a city that believes in the concept of Shivim Panim L'Torah"? Why is nobody saying, "you know what, it might not be your way, but V'chol Netivoteh Shalom?" To me, that's the most saddening part of this entire situation. The fact that I have to face the reality that Baltimore has become a city that seems unable to recognize these facts. I feel so deeply for the students of Yeshivat Rambam that are losing their "home." I remember my high school days fondly and how at that point in life ones school really does become a second family to them. But, I have to say that I am proud of them, and also inspired by them. The passion and love for Torah and their school that they have displayed both within the halls of Yeshivat Rambam and on this forum are to be admired. Reading their comments and seeing them in person re-affirms to me that I made the right choice for my kindergartener when we chose Yeshivat Rambam. Lanie Carter - Proud YR Parent
Comment by Rivka Laks
well written and well put! i am proud to call you a friend!
Comment by Rivka Laks
Chava, you make no sense. No one is insulting anyone. Rambam is closing because they overspent for years and got themselves into a mountain of debt. What do you want people to do when they can't afford the millions it would take to get Rambam out of the hole?
Comment by Rivka Laks
As a teacher at Rambam I am proud of you Chava ! All that you have learned at this school is reflected in your heartfelt and articulate words ! May you always be the very special young lady that you are today...
Comment by Rivka Laks
Why didn't they make a plea to the community for support before they announced that they were closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the person who wrote, "Right back at you", in no way did Chava Barr "insult Bais Yaakov" in this letter. Instead of going on the attack, why don't you show how kind Bais Yaakov students are to those who are hurting, and show some support and empathy for someone whose school is closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
GO CHAVA!!!!!!!!!-from one of your old BY classmates
Comment by Rivka Laks
Articulate and heartfelt. Kudos! I saw no insult to anyone. To all the non-Rambam parents out there, please read the above and consider what the comments you may be writing in to this site (or any others) are saying to our community's kids and our fellow Parents. A Bais Yaakov Parent who feels shame for Baltimore
Comment by Rivka Laks
The impending closing of this school sadly mark of a recent shift in our community toward a reformist ideal of homogeneity, a culture focused on superficial externalities such as dress, power and concealment, rather than on the noble and virtuous characteristics that our avos and gedolim of yesteryear sacrificed so much to perpetuate.
Comment by Rivka Laks
very well put!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am not from Baltimore, but I almost cried when reading this. This sounds like such a beautiful school - why is it closing?
Comment by Rivka Laks
This is an outstanding article, a mark of the chochmoh and derech eretz Rambam has imbued in its students. While I am neither a student at Rambam nor a parent, I recognize the singular and essential role the school plays within our community. It is an utter embarrassment that our community leaders and philanthropists are allowing it to sink. Indeed, there is still time for us to turn this story of tragedy into a story of triumph; with Purim approaching, this is a lesson we must learn and live.
Comment by Rivka Laks
"its not that we don't have enough students or enough money". So sorry but simply not true. Hebrew Academy has closer to 200 students in their HS but most importantly they have 750 total students. Rambam at its peak never exceeded 450 students and to survive as it was it needed 650 students. Could they have spent less. Sure. Could they have cut more. Sure. But in the end not enough total students to sustain itself. It is very unfortunately sad but not enough parents put their kids in the school and that in the end doomed it later then sooner only because of David Sidransky. The facts, the budget, and the numbers speak for themselves unfortunately.
Comment by Rivka Laks
As an adult community member, it is sad, but heartening to see the post of YR students. They are obviously bright, well educated and commited Jews. Any school should be proud to have such examples of their efforts. To those denegrading YR, you should be ashamed! You are not an example of what "Frum" means and are making a Chillul Hashem. You are also setting a very poor example for your children and making the other schools/Yeshivos, that serve our community, look bad. Everyone deserves better.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Kol Hakavod Chava for writing such a beautiful letter.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Chava thank you for expressing your feelings I am proud that you are brave to put this out there!
Comment by Rivka Laks
It's an absolute abomination that there was not enough support from the entire Baltimore community to sustain the existence of Yeshivat Rambam. While we have had positive experiences in both schools I think it's a terribly sad state of affairs which allowed this to happen. Too bad Baltimore developed into such an uncohesive group. Chava, I think you wrote beautifully. I think that anyone who writes a negative comment to your words should think twice about it.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I do not live in Baltimore and do not know Rambam School. HOWEVER, I do know the parent who wrote the article that spurred all this response. I know that this parents' children had to have financial help to go to this school. As an outsider, I am shocked at the infighting and the lack of Ahavas Yisroel in this matter. What about the children? Where will they be next year? What can each of you do to protect them and make sure they are each in the right environment. I have visited the Orthodox community in Baltimore. It is clear to me that there is room for this type of school among other Orthodox schools. Please support a plan to protect and even enhance the education of the affected schools rather than engaging in loshon hora and denegration. A CT visitor
Comment by Rivka Laks
What a courageous and beautiful neshama!
Comment by Rivka Laks
The students are not saying that it is the community's responsibility to pay to keep the high school open. I believe they are saying that they would prefer the community not to speak harshly towards Rambam's high school closing.
Comment by Rivka Laks
rambam has more than enough students to sustain itself! the administration at the hebrew academy was shocked when they heard that a high school of 90 people was closing. its not that we don't have enough students or enough money, it is the fact that they spend more than they have. had they been fiscally responsible, we could have had a high school that could have easily sustained its self
Comment by Rivka Laks
I'm so proud of you, Chava! And I truly hope everyone can find it in themselves to take this earnest plea to heart. It's the right thing to do.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Well right back at you. Please do not insult my parents, who are proud members of the Bais Yaakov Family for many years. They are proud of Bais Yaakov and Baltimore and believe it or not, they are strong supporters of Rambam too (as well as Bnos Yisrael).They understand that Baltimore needs more than just one type of school to thrive as a community. I am personally offended that you can make such comments, insulting so many people. What surprises me the most in your letter is that you are doing the same thing that you feel others are doing to you. Maybe you should think twice before making a blanket statement in public and then signing your name on it. I wish you the best of luck as you move on
Comment by Rivka Laks
"They erred in transitioning" Not so. The "non transitioned Rambam" did not have enough students to be financially viable. Any one who saw the books including board members realized this but always put faith in David Sidransky to make it all work. That simply could not sustain itself forever. Transitioning methods were abysmal no doubt but the high school was always not viable financially. What Rambam needs now are parents to support them and the great work they do.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I understand that not everyone in the community is financially capable of helping, and while it would be nice if Rambam could have survived with help from the community, I don't think that was the intention of a lot of the Rambam comments, especially by the students. Even if people could not support the school in order to stay open, we just wanted the community's support; emotionally. People don't have to give support monetarily, but rather share their sympathy for the situation we are in.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I'm an eleventh grader in Yeshivat Rambam, and I have something to say. Rambam has taught me more than just information, facts, study skills, and Hebrew skills; Rambam has taught me what it means to be a Jew. I have been at Rambam my entire school-life, and have enjoyed every year of it, as much as one enjoys school. Without Rambam I would not be who I am today - if I had gone to either a more right-wing or more left-wing school I would not be as happy as I was and am in Yeshivat Rambam, because that is the kind of person I am; nothing else would have worked for me. Rambam is my family, a large part of my life and of every student's who goes there; Rambam it essential for the happiness and education of many children, and needs to be there for those children and their families. I was heavily considering ending my schooling a year early - the one thing that stopped me was this: I wanted very much to graduate with my class. This is the sense of ahavas yisroel that Rambam infuses its students with, and is something that will impact their lives forever. This is something we need in our community, for all of the Rambam people out there. Rambam is something unique and special that has to stay. Please help us in our endeavor to keep the school and high school open and running. Sad, A Rambam Person
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been following all the comments about Rambam over these past few days and really feel a need to comment. First of all, everyone please stop blaming the community for not saving Rambam. Where are people supposed to get this money from? This is not fair to put blame on an entire community and to rant and rave how the community has let you down and you're ashamed to be part of such a community. We have seven children ka"h, six of whom are school age and we are paying full tuition for them. We receive no governmental subsidies whatsoever including medical assistance, food stamps, wic etc. and cannot receive any community subsidies either. B"H we do not need to but we are left with just enough to get by at the end of the month even though we earn a decent salary. Yes, on paper it seems like a nice amount, but after all the extra's that we pay for things that many receive subsidies for we are left with the same "take home" pay at the end of the month as those who receive tuition breaks and subsidies. Where should we get this so called money from? Rob a bank? We are lucky we can cover our monthly bills. We do not give maaser al pi psak due to the full tuition payments in lieu of taking a scholarship, our children do not attend overnight camps and we really live with the minimum. Please stop blaming us! Its very hard to read this and it is simply wrong and unfair. I'm sorry the school is closing down and I do believe that not every child fits into Bais Yaakov, Bnos, TA and TI but this is not the community's fault. If people don't have the money, then no matter how much they'd like to help, they simply can't. There are many in the community who are like ourselves and simply cannot afford it. Stop blaming PLEASE!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
The state of this community is disgusting. I am a Rambam student, and I can't imagine what my life would have been like had I not found Rambam in first grade. Would I be religious? Probably not. If I had gone to BT, the temptations would have gotten to me. If I had gone to Bais Yaakov, I would have been entirely turned off by having religiosity stuffed down my throat on a daily basis. In either case, a moderate, accepting school where I could ask questions was just what I needed. And now, kids like me- who need somewhere to go- have nowhere to belong. THAT is a tragedy. This community used to be something. There used to be a sense of Jewish brotherhood, a common theme. Now what are we? A bunch of cowards who can't see something we all really needed until it was gone. Sure, Rambam made some mistakes, but the "Holier-than-thou" attitude of the Jewish community is a disgrace. It's a chilul Hashem that people can't appreciate something good, something worthwhile, and something necessary. I personally am filled with anger and horror at how attacked I feel as a student of this establishment. When people crack jokes, point fingers, and act carelessly around me and my classmates, it not only nauseates me, but hurts me. Why do I have to be the one crying myself to sleep? All you are doing when you criticize is thinking of yourselves, your own fears. But take a look at your children. What will become of them? What will become of this generation, without someone to tell them that even if they don't wear a black hat, and even if their mothers don't wear sheitels, they are still good Jews, and are still valuable to this community? It is heartbreaking to imagine that, at the rate we're going, there may not be a thriving Jewish community in Baltimore in a few years. I can't express my gratitude for Rambam, and I hope that people can come to terms with their own pretensions and learn to appreciate the good thing we once had.
Comment by Rivka Laks
A usually treif cut of meat (T-Bone) on this site?
Comment by Rivka Laks
âKol Yisrael Araivim Zeh LâZeh.â All of Yisrael are responsible for one another. This quote emphasizes the clear mission of Yeshivat Rambam. The Achdut and Chessed which the Yeshivat Rambam embodies is incredible. We strive to help, and give, and share. The lessons we learn extend way past the classroom, and taught us how to volunteer and give of ourselves. Our incredible teachers have given so much to us, and taught us how to get out of our comfort zones to do work with Yachad, Menucha, Chai Lifeline. We started projects such as America Eats for Israel, a nationwide project which fundraises hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed hungry families in Israel, and Mind, Body & Soul, a project which raised thousands of dollars in order to help fund weddings. Without Rambam, I would not be who I am today, someone full of passion, sensitivity, and generosity. As a proud Yeshivat Rambam student, the comments which are surrounding the Rambam situation are both heart wrenching and appalling. Firstly, to those people who are in support of the schoolâs existence â thank you. Your kind words and support are immeasurable to me, and all of my class and schoolmates. To those who decided to speak of Yeshivat Rambam negatively â Iâm sorry for you. I am sorry that you didnât take the time to think twice before posting a spiteful and hurtful comment. To those saying that Rambam is a âsinking shipâ â maybe the high school is not opening next year. This can be true for many reasons. However, now is not the time to point fingers and appoint blame on the past and poor decision making. Now is the time to point fingers at ourselves, and think about the tragedy that losing a Torah institution will be in Baltimore. Yes, Yeshivat Rambam may have different views on the State of Israel. However, just like TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, Bnos Yisrael, and Beth Tfiloh, we are all learning one Torah. Rambam may not be a viable option for your children or grandchildren, but it is certainly a more than feasible option for many of your friendsâ and community membersâ children. There is still an elementary school which needs your kind support. Before responding, please think twice about it. Please remember the people who love and respect Yeshivat Rambam. Eliana Shields A proud Yeshivat Rambam student.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Dear Rambam commenters: You are all giving us such nachas! We will never give up trying to save the school for you! This is true yiddishkeit and you should be so proud of yourselves for the people you have become and how much greater you will be as you grow up and enter the adult society. Through all this pain and negativity, keep your focus and your sights straight, you are true children of Israel. You are our guiding lights! May the entire community and leadership grow and learn from you!!!!
Comment by Rivka Laks
I as a student in Yeshivat Rambam would like to point out that despite the individuals in the community who have been putting down my school, we still contribute to the community. It states in our mission statement: âWe build character and foster commitment to the community. We develop strong middot in our students with an emphasis on kindness, honesty, respect, and responsibility. We care deeply about the Jewish and broader communities in which we live, and educate our students to be respectful of others. We train our students to assume leadership roles in their communities and to contribute as sensitive, knowledgeable, active citizens.â Examples of this would be our commitment to Menucha, Yachad, Jewish Caring Network, and Chai Lifeline. A few of us take leadership in the Associated programs, such as STAC, TGI, and Diller. We help starving people in Israel by getting restaurants throughout the entire United States to devote a day to set aside 10% of their income to a soup kitchen in Israel. We had an event called Mind Body and Soul, and raised $3,000 for those Kallahs who do not have enough money to get married. For those who say that there is no place for Yeshivat Rambam, who else would be doing these projects? The leadership that we have in our school is over the top, and I am sure of it that the Yeshivat Rambam students will continue to participate in these leadership activities. But without Rambam, there would be starving children in Israel. Multiple Kallahs would not have gotten married, but because we raised money for them, they were able to. These leadership activities have helped these students succeed and grow, and helped them become who they are today. I know that for me personally, without Menucha, I would not be who I am today. I would not appreciate my health and well being. Every week when I go to visit my Menucha family, I walk out of there with a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for who I am. This is what we are taught at Yeshivat Rambam. My question is, how could somebody say that there is no need for this- for Chessed, for Achdut, for love, for inclusion, and for passion? This does not fit into the Baltimore community? Now, that is a tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
To the members of our community, I have been a Yeshivat Rambam student for three years, and never in my life have I been more proud of my Judaism. Before coming to Rambam I was in Bais Yaakov, most of my life was spent in the BY uniform, much like many of the girls in our community. I learned to speak with a Saf like your children, I learned my brachos with Morah Devorah, and my Lamed Tes Milachos with Mrs. Katz, I know what it means to be a dead fish, and all the other aphorisms used by Rabbi Hexter, I know that at the end of the day there is a line by the teacherâs room waiting to get a cup of Mrs. Gutmanâs famous soup. As much as I know this, I did not know how cruel the parentâs of my former classmates could be. I did not know that people who send their children to Jewish day schools to learn the Halacha of Ahavas Yisroel, would be the ones to insult another Jewish day school. I did not think that they would be the ones to leave a school to âsinkâ, especially after different Rebbeim sent out letters asking for their help. I honestly did not think it possible to be so disappointed in my own people. Rambam has taught me many things, one of which is acceptance. I learned that you can not change others, even though sometimes people need to change. I learned that just because people pronounce things differently, it does not make them any less worthy. I have been given opportunities that I had not been given in Bais Yaakov, ones that I did not think of being possible. I was given to the chance to show just how capable I was, I was able to make activities and other things come to life, not just for my school, but for the whole community. Many of the people who have commented probably have heard of one of my programs, Mind Body & Soul. It was all about coming together to achieve a goal, and an astounding number of people came to help. We rose over $3,000 for people who could not afford a Chasuna. I got volunteers to help me run programs with CHANA, Menucha, Yachad, Chai Lifeline, and other amazing chessed organizations. Never had I even thought I would be one to bring others to good. I had always thought I was just one of a million, Rambam taught me that I am in fact one in a million. For over six years the students have organized America Eats for Israel, and now, we must give it away. It says in Mishlei (Proverbs) âDo not withhold good from its rightful recipient, when you have the power to do it.â If you are one who follows the Torah to the letter, you are ignoring what is your duty. Râ Yonah explains that the pasuk is saying that if a person comes to you and asks for help you may not turn him away. He brings forth another pasuk from Devorim 15:7 to validate his point; it states that âyou shall not harden your heart or close yours against your destitute brother.â It is said that a person who refuses to help his fellow Jew is held responsible in the same way as one who worships Avodah Zara. Râ Yonah also says that one who has the means to help the poor should, as it says, âPerform the commandments of charity as long as you find someone in need and you have the money availableâ (Shabbat 151b). I understand that people do not see the need for a âmodernâ school, but I do. If you donât want to helpâ¦thatâs fine, but please do not insult the people who have put so much of themselves into my school. Please do not insult the children, and teachers who are the school. Please, I beg of you, do not turn someone away when they ask for help.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Reading the comments made by the students of Rambam's high school is heart-wrenching for me. I do not know how the leadership of the community and all of you who have been so "cynical" and insensitive, can read their heartfelt words and not want to help to save the school that has taught them these beautiful middos. All of you who have judged Rambam in such a harsh and cruel way without "getting to know it", I would want no part of your level of so-called frumkeit. You should go and pick out some good books on loshon hora. Rambam, you have done a good job to give these messages to these children!
Comment by Rivka Laks
Reading the many, many comments makes me realize that the lack of achdus in the community and tolerance for each other, with the children as the victims, is the real tragedy. Don't we have enough outside enemies, why must we be enemies with each other? Isn't this the work of the yetzar hora, to divide and conquer?
Comment by Rivka Laks
My children have gone to other schools/yeshivos as well as Rambam. There is Torah learning of equal quality at all of them. If the child learns the beauty of davening, Torah and mitzvahs and is happy and fluorishes in the environment he or she is in everyday, we, as parents, are accomplishing our jobs. As parents and leaders of the community, we should know that this is our top priority. As has been suggested a number of times throughout this comment section, we welcome everyone to come and walk down the halls and into the classrooms of Rambam's high school and see the peaceful atmosphere, caring teachers and rebbeim and involved administration. Come see the depth of Torah learning going on within our walls and see that to lose this group of 93 children who learn and daven in unison, as one voice, really would be a tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Do you know what it is like to have a year of your life taken away from you? Well I do. I was expecting another full year of my high school life to decide who I wanted to be in the world. I not only wanted that year I needed that year. I have no idea what I want to be when im an adult and maybe one year wouldn't have been enough but what if it was? I have been a family member of Yeshivat Rambam for 9 years. 9 years of a persons life isn't just forgotten. Yeshivat Rambam has made me everything I have ever wanted to be. I have learnt there morals and life skills that the rest of my life will be based on forever, and I am so proud of them. I was taught never to judge a person before knowing them. I was taught to never speak Lashon Hara. And the most important thing I have learnt in the beautiful hallways of Rambam is to love. Not one person who attends there can say they weren't loved. The amount of effort and devotion our teachers have to us and we have to our teachers is overwhelming. Not only have I found my life role models there in everyone of my teachers, but I have found my second family. In a family, no matter how different each member is you love them with all your heart. As Klal Yisroel isn't that suppose to be the same? We are all the children of G-d and it makes me want to fall asleep crying every night that we speak of each other so badly and we don't love each other. Yeshivat Rambam taught me how to love people no matter how different they are. That kind of mida is incredible and that is the kind of midot Rambam teaches. You have never known what you lost till its gone. This is especially true for our community. One day people will realize there is a huge need for Rambam and they will be so sorry for what they said. Love is so important and Rambam understands that. I am a proud Yeshivat Rambam student and will always be.
Comment by Rivka Laks
When people think about Rambam from an outsiders point of view there are so many things that they do not see. As a student I can definitely say that there have been difficult times. Beyond difficult times. There were times when I could not even bear to hear about all the lashon hara being spoken about my school that was flooding the community. These times were the hardest. But what people did not see was the love and support that we got from our teachers. They have always supported and helped us through it all. I hope that they read this and understand that words cannot express just how much we appreciate it. It means the world to us that we have relationships with our teachers. Itâs the people in the school that make up Rambam. Without the student unity and support from teachers it would have been 10 times harder. It hurts so much to read these posts because I want so badly to stress how amazing Rambam is. The closing of the high school is terrible for so many reasons, one of the biggest ones being the loss of a family. We are truly a family at Rambam and the fact that it is being taken away is hurting us so badly. My friends and I have relationships with our teachers that I doubt we would have gotten in other schools. I am saddened for those who will not get to have those same experiences. These are relationships that I hope that I can keep up for a long time. To walk around knowing that so many kids will get to have these same experiences is sad. So please, before you continue to say these negative things about our school, consider our feelings. Consider the emotional roller coaster that we are riding. Consider all the amazing things about our school that so often go unrecognized. Realize that we are a huge part of this situation and are trying our best to be as mature as possible considering the circumstances. Posts bashing our school certainly is not helping the situation.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am a proud student of Yeshivat Rambam. I love my school. It has helped me become who I am today. It has helped build the foundation of my Judaism. Because of Yeshivat Rambam, I have learned so much in the secular world and world of Torah. Because of Yeshivat Rambam, I have a love for Israel and a strong passion for Torah. Like the previous proud student just said, we started the project "America Eats for Israel" to help feed those who are hungry. We show the community every year on Yom Haatzmaut that we love and care about Israel! This past year we marched in the streets of NYC in the Israeli Day Parade as proud students, chanting "WE GO TO YESHIVAT RAMBAM". We do this because we are proud of who we are. "We're a family and we're a tree", the Yeshivat Rambam theme song, is true. Yeshivat Rambam has been my family for my entire career as a student. From kindergarten until now, I have truly felt that I can call the teachers and students of Yeshivat Rambam my family. Is there another school that every teacher welcomes their students into their home for Shabbos, Chanukah parties, or just to catch up on life? Is there another school where students can feel comfortable to go to their teachers house and just cry about anything, or talk about anything that is on their mind? Honestly, I'm not really sure. But this is how it is in Yeshivat Rambam. I love Yeshivat Rambam with all my heart, and it breaks my heart when I see people writing comments like "Yeshivat Rambam does not fit into our community", because to me, Yeshivat Rambam is my life! It's where I grew up and its MY family. These comments are hurtful- as students trying to succeed in high school with the challenging curriculum that we have, and deal emotionally with the high school closing, it is not helping when people put down our school. Please, STOP. Stop bashing the school! We might not belong in Bais Yaakov, BT, or TA, and we might not be on the same level as them Hashkafically, but do we go around bashing their schools saying that they do not belong? No. That is not what we do because we believe in achdut- unity. It is evident that this situation brings up many feelings and opinions, but please- if you do not have anything positive to say, do not say it. Sincerely, one of many proud Yeshivat Rambam students
Comment by Rivka Laks
I AM A PROUD RAMBAM STUDENT! Although my education with Rambam is over after 12 amazing years, I am deeply saddened by the fact the high school is closing. I have had amazing teachers and I thank them all. The teachers are always inviting students over for Shabbat and are always helping students through academic problems or average teenage problems. They have beautiful nishamot and I wish them well on finding jobs. Rambam has taught me how to love the people around you. They have also taught me how to love Israel. Having gone to kindergarder in another Jewish Baltimore school, I knew about Israel but not as much as my classmates in Rambam. I remember my first Yom HaAtzmaut at Rambam. I came home and told my parents everything I had learnt about Israel. Over the years, Rambam continued teaching me about Israel and what great things Israel does. Rambam has provided the community with amazing opportunities to spread Zionism such as America Eats for Israel and the Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzmaut community program. No other school has done anything like this. No other school has teachers that care so much for their students. Rambam is needed in this community since not every child fits into the other options of schools here. I love Rambam and for the people saying that Rambam is not needed, it hurts us students because its OUR school. Its where OUR parents chose to send us for a reason. Saying Rambam is not needed is like saying that the other Jewish schools like BT, Bais Yakov and TA are not needed. They are needed because the students need them, just like Rambam students need Rambam. Please stop with the negitivity towards OUR school. It hurts.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I am honestly in shock of what I see going on here. I am currently a student at Yeshivat Rambam and I can certainly attest to the fact that the news of our school closing is truly tearing us apart. It is hard enough as it is to internalize the fact that the school that we have grown up in is closing the doors of its high school. And on top of that we have to read these blogs and these awful posts completely bashing our school. I think that people should realize that when they write these terrible things about our school (several of which are not even true!) it is painful to us and the last thing that we need right now.
Comment by Rivka Laks
The real tragedy here is that people have no idea what they lost. RAMBAM, the old RAMBAM, served a dire need. So many people feared the "stigma" of sending their kids to RAMBAM, concern of what people would say. Never mind how their children would benefit. As a parent who transfered children to the old RAMBAM from supposedly "Frummer" schools, I found, that the midos at RAMBAM were far superior; an intolerance for fighting, even among the students, and a superior education, both in Limudei Kodesh and secular. B"H, my children thrived and generated wonderful lasting relationships. This only occurred for our children, because as parents, we were more concerned about what was best for our kids, than what people would say. (BTW, we did get some nasty comments). As a community, we need to reevaluate the definition of what frumkeit really is. RAMBAM's closing the high school is far greater a loss for the community most realize. They erred in transitioning, trying to be all things to all people. That error shouldn't have been necessary. It's fine that boys and girls are seperate, but don't think for a moment that the "frummer" school students don't associate with the opposite sex. There were more problems at some of the other schools, than at RAMBAM. It's sad that RAMBAM has to close its high school. It's sadder that the community, as a whole, doesn't know what it lost.
Comment by Rivka Laks
You and your intolerance for different types of Jews is the only thing that is laughable here and probably, in and of itself, a tragedy. A school closing might not be a tragedy until it's your school that closes. Like a different poster asked - if TA and TI both closed down would you send your kid to Rambam? I doubt it and in that situation if you felt you had no place to turn and might have to send your kid away or move out of your community you might classify that as a personal tragedy. The truth is though that the school closing is not the tragedy its the fact that the Baltimore "community" has turned a blind eye to it. You have no idea what goes on inside the classrooms at Yeshivat Rambam and, although you think you know, you have no idea what the true hashkafa of the school really is. Who are you to decide what is the Torah way? Each person has to decide for themselves what is right for them and their children and while Rambam may not work for you it really does for a good number of people. I don't believe that people think yeshivish is a bad thing it's just not right for them. The parents at Rambam don't feel that TA is a terrible school it's just not right for our kids. "I can categorically state that the Administration, Moros, Rebbeim, and teachers are the most accepting of any stripe of child that comes through its doors" Does that mean that if I switch my high school age kid to TA then he doesn't have to wear a black hat or jacket to davening? So they are accepting of all stripes as long the stripes conform to what they want? And please don't think that I'm saying that it's bad or wrong to have to wear a black hat and a jacket but it's obviously not for everyone. Everyone needs to be more tolerant of "the other side" and understand that there is big need in our community for all our school, TA, TI, Shlongers, Ner, Rambam, BT, etc. You can think that all the kids at Rambam should go to one of the other schools but that is not a reality and the truth is that a great number of them will feel the need to leave our community with whole families going as well and that IS a real tragedy.
Comment by Rivka Laks
Is divorce a tragedy?
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been reading the ongoing response to the original letter and felt the need to respond to the article and some of the comments. Firstly, calling the closing of a high school "a tragedy" is the utmost in hyperbole. The death of a young person, chas v'shalom, is a tragedy, bombs falling on our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel is a tragedy, people in our community not having money to put food on the table or pay their utility bills..those are tragedies. A school closing is a difficult situation for parents and the community at large, but certainly not a tragedy. Secondly, I found the comment that T.A. is too yeshivish, laughable. As a T.A. parent for umpteen years, I can categorically state that the Administration, Moros, Rebbeim, and teachers are the most accepting of any stripe of child that comes through its doors. I have seen teachers and principals come and go at T.A., but one thing they all had and continue to have in common, is their caring for each indivdual student no matter what their background. If "yeshivish" has a negative connotation, then that tells me all I need to know about the commentator and his/her support of Rambam. Co-ed classrooms are just not the Torah way of teaching our children; changing that to add to your enrollment doesn't change the underlying hashkofah, or lack thereof. I am indeed sorry for the students who will suffer for the bad management policies of Rambam's administration, but prefer to give my tzedakah to a charity that does indeed take care of the tragedies in our community, ie, Ahavas Yisroel, Bikur Cholim, or Gevuras Yarden, etc.
Comment by Rivka Laks
I do believe it can be saved! It takes leadership on the Board of Directors of YR, its takes the Rabbonim and the leadership of our Federation to do the right thing...which is invested to educate the children of our community.
Comment by Rivka Laks
This is why Mashiach is not coming. Why can't a community come together in times of need? It is understood that Yeshivat Rambam high school will not be opening, and there is not much to do to save it at this point. Why is the Balitmore Jewish community putting down my institution that I have been apart of for 12 years? So what. It did not succeed. "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY TRY AGAIN". And we did. We tried and tried for years to make Yeshivat Rambam last, but that does not mean that people should be bashing it and saying that it does not belong in the community. Just because it is different, it does not mean that it does not belong. This is why Rambam students are so passionate about doing Chessed such as Yachad, Menucha, and Chai Lifeline- we feel the importance of inclusion and acceptance of everyone in Klal Yisrael. Please, help Mashiach come by not speaking Loshon Hara about this situation, and not bashing it- because these students do belong in the community, regardless of what their background is. -2 proud Yeshivat Rambam students
Comment by Rivka Laks
I have been proud to be a part of the Rambam family for 15 years. Rambam is a school which is vital to our community and which I have personally gained and grown from as an educator. I will miss the high school and sincerely hope and pray that something can be done to save it. T Menken
Comment by Rivka Laks
Hatzlacha to the Rambam families, faculty and lay leaders. Perhaps one lesson we can take from this as a community is that parents and community members need to be closely involved with all aspects of our schools, while expecting the appropriate transparency on the part of our institutions. Our schools need our time, talent, and treasure, and every single member of the community can offer at least one of those things to at least one of our schools.
Comment by Rivka Laks
One thing I just can't ignore any more. This is not the main issue but it has been mentioned more than once. I have seen a few posts about previous Rambam staff fired for disagreeing with the changes in the school or with the administration. Since the posters have not id'd themselves they cannot be responded to specifically. And I don't know every situation that occurred. However, if you publicly and repeatedly disparage your employer there is no corporation, business, school, or organization that will keep you in their employ. It is one thing to schedule a meeting with the administration and voice your concerns in an appropriate manner. But I cannot feel sympathy for employees let go for publicly bashing and personally criticizing the leadership. This is not a defense of decisions made, but there is a proper way to act and people must be accountable for their actions. Also, I have no problem with this letter being anonymous. Some parents may be worried their views or statements may affect their children in some way.
Comment by esther braun
I am a YR parent and have received chizuk from some of the comments here and have been dismayed by others. To those of you who are interested in taking a look at the school for your children - I encourage you to learn more and come on a tour. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at all Rambam has to offer (I know I was the first time I toured). To those of you who would like to donate to help at this difficult time (THANKS!), here is a link to the donate page on the Yeshivat Rambam website: Please remember that there are families and children involved here - please think carefully before commenting - if your comments are not constructive and no possible good could come of them, please think twice before clicking the "add your comment" button.
Comment by esther braun
Comment by esther braun
We are not a Rambam family, but believe it is important for the community to have choices for our community and its children. We are also ready to help but there seems to be a lack of honest and up front information as to what is the real financial issues that remain in keeping both the Rambam lower school and its HS together. All I have seen from the public statements from the Rambam leadership is spin and more spin. What is the real financial deal? What steps has Rambam leadership taken to prevent the financial losses from reoccurring? How many jobs are being lost if the HS closes? Will these staff members have priority for opening at other Rambam openings? We all knew the sore at the TA crises and the community responded. Rambam needs to be up front or else the indifference you all are seeing will continue. Can the PH JCC really accommodate your grades 1-8 classes? I did not think they had that many class rooms there. Are there any real buyers for your 5600 PH Building? What were your leadership thinking in arranging that facility swap with Bnos? Yes, you overpaid certain administrators in the past and covered up a financial scandal. No one is being fooled. Now it's reality time or Rambam will fail. A Non-Rambam Family Waiting to Help
Comment by esther braun
I certainly hear the emotions of the writer, but why print an anonymous letter? Now is not the time to hide, now is the time for people to come forward with guts and leadership and say, without a mask, "Whoever is for Rambam, join me!"
Comment by esther braun
You are right, and whereas we all suffer the closing of this beloved high school, the kids have the most to lose. But remember that critical and irreversible mistakes were made a few years ago when "changes" were being made to "increase enrollment" and that's where the problems snowballed, on top of an already increasing debt. The goal of separating became the focus - instead of focusing the kids, the parents, the beloved Yeshivat Rambam community. Unfortunately, some people were so blind-sighted by their determination to achieve this newer & better mission, people who were committed to the school - pioneer parents, innocent children, dedicated employees - were tossed aside like poisonous chaff. Anyone who uttered the words - this is not a good idea - or don't transition too quickly or you will fail - were not only ignored but systematically discarded. It's not that Rambam got what they deserved, b/c after all, it is all about the kids. But the poor decisions and the poor planning yielded a poor result, and that is no surprise. Even if the school does close - even just a part of it - I think Rambam will ultimately re-invent itself and rise anew from the ashes of all of the ill-will bein adam l'chavero it created. But yes, ultimately the kids are the ones who are taking the toll. That should never have happened.
Comment by esther braun
Someone wrote: Forget Rambam HS; It's been a sinking ship and no one wants to board a sinking ship. People who have been on it will cherish and miss it, but you also need a new excited mass to come in and that hasnt happened. I have been following this thread with increasing horror. I now have a better understanding of why this is happening. The tone of the comments idnicate a distinct lack of Ahavas Yisroel and achdus. Reading this comment, I flashed on the scene in Fiddler on the Roof, when the Jews were leaving their little village, with dirge-like singing in an undertone, Anatevka, Anatevka. Yes, some maintained nostalgia for their little village and others....well, they reached critical mass and created something "new and improved". Can we leave politics aside, and focus on the kids and the school community and create real solutions to the problem, not just sound bites. Otherwise, we can cue the violins!
Comment by esther braun
To the TI/B'nos parent who would send their kids to TA/BY - What if all 4 schools closed, would you send your kid to Rambam? I'm guessing you would think long and hard about sending you kids to a more Yeshivish place out of town or moving. So please don't sit there and judge us for not wanting to send our kids to those schools. Of course you are well within your rights not to want to send your kids to Rambam and if you send your kids to TI/Bnos then I completely understand why you wouldn't want to but to say that everyone should be able to fit into one school is ludicrous. Yes we should all love each other because we are Jews but there are all different kinds of Jews and the intolerance in this community to those who think differently then the majority is the real big fault. If "A school does not have to be a perfect fit - we are all shomer shabbos Jews and there is more that unites us than divides us." then why do we have so many schools? Wouldn't the community be better off with all our kids in one school with two (separate gender) giant campuses? Of course not, that's why we have 5 schools and need 5 schools.
Comment by esther braun
To Marc L. - the reason that you have never been presented with a plan to save the school is because the Rabonim in this community are either not strong enough or don't care enough about Rambam to present a plan to the community. Believe me, the Rabonim have been approached and a few have spoken and maybe sent a letter to their congregations saying that Rambam is vital but none of them have stood up in front of the community and said that we must save Rambam. Who, within the Rambam community has power, or the forum, to stand before the entire Baltimore community and demand help? I'm not saying that Rambam closing is a black eye on the entire community because maybe people just haven't been asked but if that's the case then it's a huge black eye on the leadership of this community.
Comment by esther braun
The only losers here are the students - who have done nothing to deserve this. As their teacher, I see how much stress, change, uncertainty, venom, vitriolic rhetoric and hopelessness has been thrust upon them and to their credit, the get up every day and come to school to learn. Adult mismanagement and poor decision making aside, sinking ship metaphors aside, there are young people, yiddishe kinder, neshamos of klal yisroel, that are being effected. They are the people you need to consider and no one else. Not a board, not the teachers (although we'd certainly take your positive consideration), not the parents, not alumni or alumni parents but the children themselves who are being thrown out for doing absolutely nothing but go to school everyday. Callous remarks help no one, cynicism is nivul peh -- but ahava (coming from the root word hav, to give) is what is now needed.
Comment by esther braun
Comment by esther braun
To Forget Rambam HS Come on now. Another condescending comment. If such a "center left Ner Israel that think TA is too yeshivish group exists in numbers to make a new school financially viable, and you sound so confident, start it with your group. Big talk. You want someone else to do all the political dirty work for you. Join in, become a part of the existing solid group of dedicated hard working parents and make it happen. I doubt anyone will ever see you beyond your writings.
Comment by esther braun
Forget Rambam HS; It's been a sinking ship and no one wants to board a sinking ship. People who have been on it will cherish and miss it, but you also need a new excited mass to come in and that hasnt happened. What Baltimore needs is a NEW school with a NEW name. Keep some of the powerhouse Rabbis and teachers but beyond that no connection to the old ship. In this new community day school - center to left Ner Israel grads will be comfortable sending those kids who TA has become too Yeshivish for. Plus all the people who have gone to Rambam till now will go there.
Comment by esther braun
Very little has been said about the teachers and rebbeim who have dedicated years to the success of the school and who will now be without parnassah at a very precarious economic time -the closing of the High School is a tragedy for the Students, the devoted teachers who are now jobless and for the community at large......
Comment by esther braun
As a present Rambam student and a former Bais Yaakov student, I am one to say that although Rambam is small and has financial issues, why say that there is no need for it? If a high school has 95+ students, that's 95+ students that need to be absorbed somewhere else, by some other school. If its not possible for you to personally and financially help the school, so be it. That's legitimate. But to sit and publicly bash it and say that there's no need for it in the community? That's wrong, and inappropriate, and hurtful to the dedicated parent and student body who need and want the school to survive. So whoever feels that there's no need in the community, come check out what we have. Come see what we do. If you don't send your kids there, don't send your kids there. But please, please stop putting it down. -Eliana Shields, Yeshivat Rambam, Grade 11ish
Comment by esther braun
As Rambam high school parents have being forced to check out other options...I believe most parents would love nothing better than to bring their kids to Rambam's high school plus almost all of the teachers who have been so dedicated to our kids would come back too! Rambam's Board made a terrible mistake. Rambam is about the ECC, lower, middle and high school. It is a family and the Board should have worked to keep it that way. As a High school parent I really believe if the community was asked they would be there for our kids.
Comment by esther braun
Although it is sad to say, I agree with the postings indicating that many Rambam parents see Rambam as absolutely the only options. I have often heard Rambam parents say, "I would never send my child to TA, TI,Bais Yaakov or Bnos. As a TI and Bnos parent, if need be, I would send my children to TA and BY. Promoting a school based on the need to to not send to another school is a big fault of Rambam. A school does not have to be a perfect fit - we are all shomer shabbos Jews and there is more that unites us than divides us.
Comment by esther braun
A commenter asked: Can the school be saved? The answer is yes, the school could have been saved, but at this point, even if (big IF) the community would step up to the plate and support the school, it is probably too late to save the high school program. Many of the rebbeim and teachers are looking for work, and probably have made other plans for next year. Many of the families have been generating alternatives for their children and are doing their best to move forward. As far as where is the community, have we lost our heart and soul? The answer is YES! It seems to me that back in the day, Baltimore was blessed with the leadership of R. Naftoli Neuberger, Z"TL. R. Neuberger was a pragmataic visionary and his banner was achdus. As far as the community requiring conformity, and only certain schools being on the "kosher, approved" list, that is too sad for words. Truth is, I have had kids in Bais Yaakov and TA in the past, with extended family in Bnos (as well as Beth Tfiloh) AND I am a Rambam parent. So much for stereotypes!
Comment by esther braun
To the commenter on the comment of the woman working out: I had considered sending my children to Rambam. It was people like this woman who was raising her voice so loud that the entire gym could hear who turned me off. Believing that Rambam was the only school that was a viable option which is how it sounded showed elitism and intolerance to other institutions. I have no doubt she passes these messages along to her children. One other woman with children in Rambam realized that this woman was out of line with her negative comments and blaming the other institutions for Rambam's high school demise. She stated it is not the fault of any other school. Good for her for having common sense.
Comment by esther braun
What are we teaching our kids by creating an entire new school every time some new dynamic is "discovered" whereby the kids just don't fit in any more? They are learning quite well that they can get life tailored to suit them. That's not what I want for mine. A square can fit in a round hole if you trim the corners and sides a little. It's the kids that need some fixing, not the schools.
Comment by esther braun
The Weinberg Acadamy failed. No one saved it either. Now that was a definite need.
Comment by esther braun
I can not claim to have any knowledge or understanding of the intricacies of the current Rambam situation. What is obvious is the absolute need for this or a similar school to exist in Baltimore. I am an unrelated party (to rambam) who cares deeply about the welfare of the entire community. I feel strongly that the anti-community rhetoric is misplaced. We have never been presented with a plan to "save" Rambam nor has anybody approached the general members of the community with a plea for Money. It is offensive to suggest that this was a failure due to a lack of Community response. The depth of Rambams financial woes were unknown to the public and frankly has still never been clarified. As I mentioned, there is a definite need. SO PRESENT A PLAN. People will step up. They always do, but they need to know and understand. SEE A GOAL. No one wants to help a dead cause and all we have been hearing for 2 years is "ITS OVER." The leadership needs to bring Rambam back to life so the VOID can be filled. Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
Get with the program already. Baltimore is now a Haredi town, and a Zionist-geared co-ed school is not on the menu any more.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Reading the comments made from the woman working out: I am wondering how you would feel if one of these children were yours. Would you reach out and do whatever it took, even beg for help from others, for your own child? We have to realize that no one, none of us, are immune to finding ourselves in a situation where we find ourselves needing help from others, from the community. This judgementalness and lack of compassion for children's welfare, for whatever reason, cannot be giving Hashem much nachas, no matter what excuses one can find. Let's remember, these are children of Hashem, too, and I believe that we all need to pass this test given to us, by doing whatever it takes to protect them and allow them continue to go to their beloved school. Only good can come out of our community if we all look at these children as if they are ours; to not help these precious neshamas is simply not an option.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Yes - the high school absolutely can be saved if enough money is raised. Several plans have been proposed by groups of high school parents that involve reducing costs and increasing funding, the goal being a balanced budget. As the first commenter suggested, money is needed to "get things off the ground" initially. But saving the high school absolutely is within the reach of the community, if everyone would just pitch in and help.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I was at the JCC working out and heard two Rambam mothers complaining about TA and Shomrei Emunah and Shaarei Zion, that it's their fault that Rambam is closing. Can someone explain? What am I missing? They were so bitter that I think they lost more calories from complaining than from exercising. I agree with the comment above that complainers are doing harm to their children and making them cynical and disrespectful towards those to the right of Rambam.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Almost 20 years ago we wrote a check to TA for $118, before we even HAD kids, because we were told that to keep an Orthodox school open was a COMMUNITY responsibility. I wonder how the community would have responded back then if someone had suggested that TA simply close its high school because it "couldn't afford it"? Somehow back then TA was indispensible to the community, yet now Rambam, with OVER 95 STUDENTS IN ITS HIGH SCHOOL (how's that for critical mass?) is considered disposable. We all know that times are tough for everyone. That's a reason to come together and help one another, not to throw around judgemental accusations about what random people THINK the school did wrong in the past. (By the way, the Smartboards were FREE - a grant - and, as a Rambam teacher, I'd really like to know who's getting paid these "ridiculous salaries," because I'm just working for my kids' tuition...) So what did TA do to get itself into that mess all those years ago? And did that stop people from doing the right thing and making sure that all those students didn't lose their school, and that Baltimore didn't lose an important part of its educational make-up? Rambam isn't some small "yeshiva business." It's an essential school with over 350 students in its preschool through high school. And a great many of these students will have nowhere else to go if Rambam closes its doors. They won't "fit" in the other Baltimore schools, and the other schools don't have room for them. So what will be the result? Large numbers of families will be forced to leave Baltimore because this community nolonger offers a school appropriate for their children. Is this the message that the Baltimore Orthodox Community wishes to convey - Conform or Get Out? If you don't send your kids to TA, TI, Bais Yaakov, or B'nos, who needs you? Should Rambam parents take from the community's silence during this tragedy the message that we are not welcome here? That the warm and welcoming Baltimore Jewish Community has lost it's heart and its soul? I have lived here for over 20 years, and I thought I knew Baltimore. But the Baltimore I knew would have stood up and helped. I can only conclude from the apathy I am now witnessing that Baltimore has changed, and, unfortunately, not for the better...
Comment by Marc Loeb
Bring back Rita Shloush!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baltimore needs a Yeshivah like Rambam. I am very shocked to see that most of the leaders in the community donât see this need. How can they just close their eyes on this disaster? If the Rabanim have any control on community then why they donât do anything? Shame on anybody who can say something and doesnât, shame on anybody who can help and doesnât. How Rabanim expect us to help any other Jews when THEY stay silent in our time of need? This action of Rabanim has divided the community.
Comment by Marc Loeb
The executive board is not doing their utmost best to keep the high school from closing. Instead of giving up, they should accept one of the many plans proposed by the parents and try to make them work. Rambam's high school is a vital part of the community and it must be kept alive.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Yeshivat Rambam was started twenty years ago as a modern orthodox coed day school. It offered both strict Torah education, as well as an accelerated secular program enhanced with music,art and physical education. From its very inception, the Baltimore orthodox community did not support it. This was despite the fact that our goals and hopes for our students were the same as other Yeshivas in Baltimore. Among others, the false accusation of "outrageous salaries" is so exaggerated and furthermore loshon hora. Our students love Rambam and want so much for it to thrive. As a parent of a YR high school student deeply affected by the high school closing, I implore the Jewish community to help our school continue and excel.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Is there any way that the high school can still be saved at this time?
Comment by Marc Loeb
To: Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students... Shame on you. Everyone has "personal stories" that can cloud big picture decisions. For every personal story you share there will be another party who will share just the opposite. I can share many a parent financial situation that the school bent over backwards to quietly get parents to help in. This is similar to hating a school because one "hates a teacher". We know a teacher hated by one parent is equally loved by another. One doesn't bash on support because of personal vindictiveness. If you no longer want to help a school in need, that's your prerogative but to hide behind your personal belittling stories degrades the messenger.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I am writing in response anyone who might express their honest and heartfelt doubts about the new direction of Yeshivat Rambam. It is important to learn from history so that we don't make the same mistakes. As a parent who has been reading the school's communication over the past few months, I can say with confidence that new Yeshivat Rambam lay leaders have worked tirelessly to eliminate Rambam's historic debt, build relationships with Rabbanim in the community and make the decisions necessary to ensure the long-term financial responsibility and viability of the school. Having participated in Rambam's recent parent meeting, I am impressed with the attentiveness of the new board and its willingness to listen and respond to build a better Rambam. I am confident that the school is emerging from its financial crises that it has faced over many years, and that it continues to offers an excellent education and a hashkafah that represents our personal philosophies that we hold dear.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Dear Former YR Grandparent, I am sorry for your personal experiences of the past. I have been the Chair of the Finance Committee for the past year and can say honestly that we have worked with families whose financial situations were difficult to ensure that no child is turned away for lack of ability to pay tuition. Our financial aid process is handled with confidentiality and sensitivity - our financial aid committee is made up of community leaders who are not specifically related to Yeshivat Rambam. We have been willing to work out individual situations with families to the best of our ability. As we move toward the future, our Finance Committee is committed to working out financial issues with individual families on a case by case basis, ensuring that the families - and their children - are treated with the utmost respect and personal attention that they deserve. Meyer Shields, Finance Committee Chair
Comment by Marc Loeb
When the future of TA was threatened, we were glad to pitch in. To our knowledge, TA doesn't turn away families/students for financial reasons. When a TA family is experiencing financial difficulties, the caring school works with the family and does so in a non-degrading way. The same could be said for one of our other community schools, Bais Yaakov. There are countless stories about former Rambam families who were pushed away from the school due to financial difficulties and degraded in the process. While our hearts bleed for innocent familes left with non-perfect options, we will not support this school as they brought it upon themselves. - Proud grandparents of 2 former YR students
Comment by Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
As much as I would like to see Rambam succeed, I believe that there were many factors that caused the current predicament. One can not pin this predicament on poor management, over staffing the front office, going to a non-coed model etc...I have lived in Baltimore my entire life and recognize the general shift in the community's mission and philosophy. I don't necessarily agree with everything about the shift but I would like to point out that the blame game especially when done in earshot of our children will do nothing but create cynicism and animosity towards people who have innocently traveled with this generational shift. When people are upset about the town becoming more "right wing" or "yeshivish", it demonstrates a sense of intolerance towards a particular lifestyle within modern orthodoxy, called "right wing" or "yeshivish". I don't know exactly how people would label me but I have heard too many comments that demonstrate a very narrow view of Orthodoxy. I see how the children of the "baby boomers" have either gone with the shift or have left town. Let's engage in a healthy dialogue and hope and pray that the high school students at Rambam do not become lost or G-d forbid, perhaps even worse, become cynical Jews.
Comment by Marc Loeb
When well over $6 million dollars walks out of the community every year to meshulachim and other outside organizations (as reported when the script program went into effect), I don't know what to say. If people felt they had achrayus to their community first....also the tuition attitude gotta change...people feel that once their kids are through the system, they have no requirement to continue to support that organization....
Comment by Marc Loeb
Response to Dear Baloney, You missed my point completely. I fully appreciate the need for Rambam and the vital role the school and the students play in our community. It would be hard pressed for you to argue that the school has not overspent itself in recent years. The community had nothing to do with that. Now that you are asking for help from the 'community' I think the community deserves to know that it is supporting a fiscally responsible organization.
Comment by Marc Loeb
As a member of the Baltimore community, I do believe that we each hold a responsibility to our fellow Jews and are obligated within our means to support community institutions even if our children attend different schools. However, the Rambam leadership has made a number of decisions over the past four years that have put their school in severe jeopardy despite the advice of community rabbonim and lay leaders. I do not believe that as a community we are obligated to redeem a school that has is run by a select few who choose to do what they desire and ignore the advisors of the Jewish community. What happened to the Rambam that was an outstanding school ten years ago? When Rambam finds some new leadership who are demonstrate how an appropriate Torah institution is run, I will be happy to support the institution.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Dear Baloney, I think you need to do some homework - the Smartboards and telephone system were both purchased by grants - no community dollars were spent on them - although they do enhance operations and the educational experience for the children. I am a newer parent, so I can't comment on events of the past - but I can tell you that the school as it is now is a community school - and the families, children and staff are integral parts of the community. One need look no further than to the Yachad, Menucha and Chai Lifeline volunteers in town and see Yeshivat Rambam high school students giving back to the community. Rabbanim from across the community have posted letters of support for Yeshivat Rambam - I encourage you to read them.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baloney. The community did not cause Rambam to overspend on EVERYTHING from salaries to smartboards to phone systems, etc. This never was a community school and until it acts like one the 'community' need not support it. The TA debacle was entirely different. Do your homework.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Does Rambam have any connection to the Vadd Harabonim ? If they do now would be the time to use it. If they dont, they ought to now.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I would love to help Rambam. I really, truly would. Rambam is a great outlet and program for kids who may not want to or don't feel comfortable being more "yeshivish", or who want a more Tzioni education. Everything helps. But with two kids in another school (who, coincidentally, are both below 1st grade and I'm paying over $12,000 a year!), raffles, building funds, and other "tacked on" expenses, and many rising household expenses, its not feasible to support another school. You must understand: If everyone in the community gave $18, it would be far from what is needed to support a high school. Someone had a great idea that I would like to float. Every parent who has a child born and is going to send them to a school in Baltimore, immediately starts paying X $(for example 1,000 or 2,000 a year)amount of money into a fund. That fund is a tuition fund. All schools are permitted to take what they need from the fund for whatever tuition would have paid in previous years. Parents start paying into the fund when a child is born, and continue paying until their child is 21. This program would not only ensure that parents are not paying through the nose for tuition, but also ensures that money is always there for the schools, especially because the funds are being paid before and after a child is no longer attending the school. If every parent would start to pay today, and figure there are 5,000 school children TODAY in our schools, that would be, at $1,500 per child, $7,500,000 per year into the fund. If the program is postponed for 3 years, but parents start to pay into the fund in August, that would be $22,500,000 available the first year that funds are made available from the program. Each parent would end up paying $31,500 per child over the course of their 21 year commitment. I am close to that already, and I have just started!
Comment by Marc Loeb
There is enough leadership in the community to ensure that Rambam does not repeat its past finanical mistakes. The kids of the high school are being punished by this community for past adminstration and board members mistakes. This community should be ashamed if they do not step up to the plate to show our children that as a community we take care of our own.
Comment by Marc Loeb
The closing of Yeshivat Rambam's high school is a tragedy for our community, not just for the kids who attended and their parents. Maybe Baltimore orthodoxy can no longer consider itself a community - maybe it has become too large, maybe it no longer has leaders who are invested in the true notion of community. Rather, the city seems to be comprised of smaller localized communities that support only their own institutions and leaders with little concern for the wider implications of insularity and baseless judgementalism. The lack of public orthodox communal support for Rambam throughout this trying time has sent a loud message of indifference and exclusion - is that really the way Torah instructs us to behave??
Comment by Marc Loeb
I am a parent of Rambam high school student and I have repeatedly cycled through all the stages of grief over the past few weeks. I, too, remember the town rallying to support TA when its existence was threatened. I was hoping/praying that somehow Rambam could be saved, as it evidently fills a much needed role in the community. (denial stage). Then, I got angry, when I saw that no one was going to come to Rambam's rescue. I thought that perhaps this was because the community at large did not support the school's hashkafa. But then I came to a place of acceptance when I realized that this has happened before. The community has allowed the doors of Shalheves and Eshkol to close in the past and will allow Rambam to close its doors as well. My concern at this point is that my child continue to feel a point of connection to Hashem, His Torah and mitzvos, Am Yisroel and tzedakah, chesed and emes and that my child and my child's peers do not turn their back on our community and slam the door on all that we have to offer. I pray that these children find places that will support their growth and development in all spheres so that they can grow to contribute to Klal Yisroel and bring nachas to Hashem and that they desire to do so, despite the harsh treatment that they have received through no fault of their own.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Have someone compare the salraies in Rambam to ther schools, you will be shocked. Not everyone on staff has to have a PHD and the school could make do with a quarter of the office staff and administration. In NY you can create a 'high end' school with elite faculty because there are parents willing to pay 'prep' school tuition to get that level of education. If you want Rambam to be a 'community' school it must be run like one. TI spent years on the run until it settled in their beautiful location. Everything must be scaled down with only what it can afford. There is a perception in town that Rambam spent itself broke in order to achieve this elite status and the community will not and should not have to support that. Now that we see the real need for a school that serves the kids that go to Rambam the parents must show the community that it wants to become a true community school. The leaders of Baltimore will follow through with support if this is accomplished.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Baltimore leadership, Rabbonim, Yeshivat Rambam executive...where are you?
Comment by Marc Loeb
My heart goes out to you and all the Rambam parents. Unfortunately, it is not about money ("outrageous salaries, expenses", etc..). The HS simply doesn't have enough kids (and never has) to be a financially viable entity. For many reasons, the community voted over the years to not send enough kids. Maybe that had to do with the coed nature. Maybe not. The bottom line is without the critical mass number of students that proves viability, no one will keep writing the type of checks needed to cover. It is time to move on, unfortunately...........
Comment by Marc Loeb
Its sad but haven't they already made up their minds about the high school closing? We need to focus on keeping the rest of the school afloat.
Comment by Marc Loeb
What "outrageous salaries" ? From a Rebbi
Comment by Marc Loeb
Outrageous salaries? I've worked there several years. I wish someone told me about these alleged outrageous salaries.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I commend you for a writing- no doubt, a very hard, but honest letter. I hope the community can listen with open ears and an open heart -and an open wallet. What is the amount that needs to be raised to keep the HS open? If we all work towards the goal and campaign, that might make a difference....
Comment by Marc Loeb
Unfortunately, there is simply not enough money for every yeshiva "business" in town. Customers will vote with their wallets and their feet; an economic value judgement.
Comment by Marc Loeb
I recommend you put together a proposal with a balanced budget that will allow the HS to survive long term and not just next year. Show this to the Rabbonim and community leaders. Let them know that you are commited to making it work within these guidelines but need the support of the community for logistics and funding to get off the ground. Once the community realizes that the days of outrageous salaries and expenses are over and the school will focus on the true needs of the kids you will get what you need. I am sure of it.
Comment by Marc Loeb
good luck rambam
Comment by Marc Loeb
Comment by Marc Loeb
Avi and Eli are wonderful people. They protect, serve and care for anyone of any race. Anyone who believes that they are racist are certainly blind to reality.
Comment by Marc Loeb
why are you posting this?
Comment by Marc Loeb
Does that seem like the type of person who would beat someone up for no reason!!? NO. Both Avi and Eli and are outstanding citizens, and deserve nothing but our support! Thank you again!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Looking forward to watching and helping Rambam re-establish its vital position in our community as a bastion of Torah U'Madah.
Comment by Marc Loeb
There is nothing new and exciting about Yeshivat Rambam when a Board, school and the Baltimore community walk away from 93 amazing students in their high school. What a sad statement this community has made!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Outstanding news for all of the students, parents and faculty as well as the entire Baltimore community. Wishing the Yeshivat Rambam family continued success. Donna Wach
Comment by Marc Loeb
Our boys are good-looking.
Comment by Marc Loeb
How would our community react if a black defendant charged with beating up a Jewish teenager was cheered and congratulated as he left the court house? Just a thought.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Where were all our politicians ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
The sitra achra (other side) doesn't want justice, as they call it. They just want Eli and Avi punished without any proof. It's all a libel in the style of the Dreyfuss affair.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Hopefully,the Werdesheim brothers will get a fair trial but I have my doubts,considering what I read about the U.S. these days. S.I.Emanuel-American living in Israel
Comment by Marc Loeb
If you are writing from a psak din point of view as whether to have or not have gone one must speak to their local rabbi. From a DEFENSE attorney's perspective , we should look to Eli's more than ample counsel who obviously had no issues with the rally ( for if he did we would have heard otherwise ). Let's not second guess Mr. Alperstein's credibility in such a forum. Give him a call and offer your advice , or speak to him and find out what he thinks rather than to speculate and come to conclusions on your own and then profess them to the world. Better yet let him do his job! The Only person who knows all the facts of the case and is working it daily is Andy. So all of the attorneys who think the rally wasn't a good idea from a defense prospective should allow the choosen counsel to do their jobs without backseat drivers. I am sure that is the way you would want it if the shoe was on the other foot.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Great story and opportunity to work the real problems. SF
Comment by Marc Loeb
"EACH AND EVERYONE OF US" - The continued categorization of "us" and "them" is anti-American, and perpetuates antisemitism. Seeing in print the notion that Jews are particularly interested in themselves sheds a bad light on the direction the Jewish community is intent on traveling in a country where many different people have been discriminated against for many years. The judicial process must be respected and so must free speech. But many people feel, as I do, that a cultural security force operating in a country where everyone has a responsibility to bear allegiance to one thing, The United States of America, is incompatible with what our country should be about, and moves against the efforts that good Americans are trying to accomplish so we can progress as a society.
Comment by Marc Loeb
Beautifully said, a real Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by Marc Loeb
Do we need to promote voilence ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
The mikveh (ritual bath) being excavated in the basement of the Lloyd Street Synagogue is most certainly not the oldest mikveh constructed in the US. "As early as 1759 in New York and 1784 in Philadelphia, small Jewish communities began building mikvehs, imploring local Jews not to neglect the laws of family purity.' (from Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Comment by Marc Loeb
I suppose the rabbi who granted the heter would also approve of the JCC being open on Shabbos who rules this to be "exercise and recreation." This is a busha and a shanda!
Comment by Marc Loeb
The luzerne county prison is run by an anti semetic warden that doesent want to allow jews to be able to practice their religion. Ariel Ephraim Varsanyi needs your help to support his lawsuit. He is located at: Ariel Ephraim Varsanyi 16355171 fci fort dix po box 2000 fort dix NJ 08640
Comment by Marc Loeb
Why is there no response from this website that took down the article to begin with???
Comment by Marc Loeb
Why don't you take the responsibility of asking your own Posek.
Comment by Marc Loeb
What does the Vaad Harabonim say about this ? Go or Dont ?
Comment by Marc Loeb
I certainly hope and pray that both Werdesheim brothers come out of this with the best result possible. But I am not at all sure that this rally will not be counter-productive to that purpose. Those who wish to exploit this situation for their own purposes have continued to have weekly rallies at noon at the Mitchell Courthouse. Those rallies have dwindled dramatically. Last week there were only six people demonstrating, including a couple of homeless people being paid to do so, and no one was paying any attention. It seems to me that drawing more attention to the case is not likely to prove beneficial. More likely, those with an opposite view will ratchet up their protests and the Sun papers will take the opportunity to report on increasing community tensions. I don't see how that can be a positive development in the defense of these young men. I also think that the rally can play further into the hands of those who do not wish them well. The message at the rally cannot be that we are Jews and therefore we simply want the case to go away because the defendants are also Jews. That's exactly what the other demonstrators are picketing against. I am expressing this opinion not to quarrel with those who have organized the rally, whose motives are surely pure, but because I truly have concerns that the rally may make it less likely that the result we all want will be achieved. May it be that the brothers are exonerated and that a situation like this does not arise again. Jeff Silverberg
Comment by Marc Loeb
The Lloyd Street Synagogue building was completed in 1845 and expanded in 1860. This building, which is today a historic site and presently houses the Jewish Museum of MD, was the home of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation until 1889. Rabbi Avraham Rice, the first ordained rabbi to settle in America became the rabbi of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in 1840. In the 1870s the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation began introducing reforms and soon became a Reform temple. On February 3, 1889 the synagogue building which had once been the centerpiece of traditional Judaism in Baltimore was sold to the newly organized Lithuanian Roman Catholic Parish and became the Church of St. John the Baptist! The building was used as a church until 1905. In that year it once again became home to an Orthodox Jewish congregation - Congregation Shomrei Mishmeres HaKodesh (Guardians of the Sacred Heritage). I presume that the mikve was filled in not long after the building became a church. Until then the mikve was presumably still in use. In 1875 there is a record of Congregation Chizuk Amuno contributing toward needed mikve repairs. Chizuk Amuno was formed in 1871 by a group of Orthodox Jews who withdrew from the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation as a result of the reforms that were introduced. In 1873 the reform Baltimore Hebrew Congregation rented out use of the mikve to Sheves Achim Congregation, and Congregation Chizuk Amuno contributed to its maintenance from time to time. While the mikve in the Lloyd Street Synagogue building may be "the oldest Jewish ritual bath complex in the United States" that still exists, it was not the first mikve built in the US. On page 45 of "An Old Faith in the New World" Rabbi David and Mrs. Tamar De Solo Pool write that "at the end of the 18th century the congregation [Shearith Israel of NY] was making use of a complex of five buildings - the synagogue, the community center (which served as a school and a meeting house), the home of the hazzan, and the ritual bath house." In addition to a mikve, the basement of the Lloyd Street synagogue building contained an oven for baking matzos and 4 classrooms for the day school that Rabbi Rice had started in 1841. Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Comment by Marc Loeb
The anonymity of the writer is irrelevant. The real issue at hand is that there is a growing problem here in Baltimore, and that problem is indifference to our fellow Jew, an out an out breakdown of âBein Adam LâChaveroâ. When Baltimore was a small community, which was not so long ago, ALL community members counted and were regarded as âUnzerah Yiddenâ. Baltimore has grown, but as we have grown we seemed to have fractioned off into different groups that have increasingly less to do with one another, and worse yet a growing disrespect for one another. In light of the lack of support for Rambam in recent weeks and the absence of support for the Werdesheim boys, one might even say that we no longer qualify as a community, but rather it would be more appropriate to call Baltimore an area with a high population of Orthodox Jewish Families. I ask all of you out there to consider if perhaps the lack of support for the Werdesheim boys in the early stages has brought us to here. Had the shuls come forward to offer the ability to create a tzedakah fund for the boys, perhaps a better hishtadlus for legal council could have been offered? I also ask you all if you can take a moment to honestly ask yourselves what you are feeling towards your fellow Jew and why you feel it. Ideally, you should feel joy any time you see any fellow Jew in the street. You should be Mekabel EVERY Jew âBâSever Panim Yafosâ. But if that is not what you feel ask yourselves if it is sheer indifference, a terrible thing for Benei rachmonim, or worse yet is it negativity to someone not in your camp, also known as Sinaas Chinom. In light of the Nisyonos we seem to be undergoing in the community it is time for Ahavas Chinom. For those of you who need help with this I have a visualization technique that may help. Visualize the Werdesheim boys or any fellow Jew wearing whatever religious trappings you are wearing. If that doesnât work then imagine that they are your family. You may realize after doing this for a while that THEY ARE YOUR FAMILY.
Comment by Marc Loeb
If we don't support these boys, don't ask where they are the next time someone comes looking for trouble. You can blame yourselves when your house or shed gets broken into.
Comment by michael caplan
An ANONYMOUS impassioned comment such as yours is worse then a deleted post. If you stand behind the Werdesheim boys, then let them and the rest of the community, know. And if you're not secure enough in your endorsement then I propose it is of no value at all. Signed Proudly, Barbie Porcelain
Comment by michael caplan
In 1840, Rabbi Avraham Rice was sent by the rabbonim of Germany to America as there was no spiritual leadership to help them withstand the temptations of their new environment. By 1845, he was presiding over the erection of the Lloyd Street Schul of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. He later became the Rov of the Howard Street Shul, which is a forebear of Shearith Israel. Avraham Yosef Rice was born in a small town near Wurzburg, Bavaria in 1802. The villages of south Germany were permeated with uncompromising devotion to Torah and mitzvos. Rav Rice first studied under Rabbi Abraham Bing (1752-1841), who was Chief Rabbi of Wurzburg and maintained a yeshiva there. Rav Bing had studied under Rabbi Nosson Adler in Frankfurt, together with the Chasam Sofer. He is known as the first ordained rabbi in the USA, however that is the Christian term ORDAINED. He had semicha and was a gadol b Torah, as a talmid muvhak of the Shaar Hazekeinim of Furth, Rabbi Wolf Hamburger. One burning halachic issue in America of his day was kosher supervision of oil, as the Reform contended that use of lard was permissible. Other topics were the kashrus of esrogim from the West Indies, drawing blood of an animal before shechitah and dealing with issues of chalitzah and agunos since many Jewish families were now spread across the globe. Most of his congregants were not interested in his message of uncompromising fidelity to Torah. He suffered terrible loneliness of this in the spiritual desert of mid-nineteenth century America. And wrote to his revered rebbe, Rabbi Wolf Hamburger in Furth: (quote) I dwell in complete darkness, without a teacher or companion . . . The religious life in this land is on the lowest level. Most people eat foul food and desecrate the Shabbos in public. Yet despite his struggles, he broke the ground where Torah would eventually flourish. Rabbi Shmuel Singer wrote the following in an article: (quote) Nurturing the growth of Torah life in a country is similar to planting a crop in a field. At first, the hard unworked soil must be broken up by a plow and a hoe. Only then can the seeds be planted and the crop raised. Perhaps the efforts of Rabbi Rice and his colleagues served to plow the hard unbroken soil of America, in preparation for the twentieth century crop of Torah flourishing here. In this way we can all be considered spiritual heirs of Rav Rice. Rabbi Israel Tabak, the deceased Rav of Shaarei Zion wrote this forty years ago: (quote) The town of Baltimore was zoche to a special name amongst the American community. It bore itself the name of Yerushalayim d America---because our kehilla in Baltimore has a strong Torah basis, stronger than other kehillos. Whoever understands Jews and Jewish life in this country can feel what a spirit of Torah and Mesorah we have in our kehillah. There is no doubt that the one man which left his mark on this wonderful city, with his outstanding mesirus nefesh, influenced not only his own generation but also on those after him, was HaRav Avraham Rice.
Comment by michael caplan
The lack of support shown by the people of this community is shameful. We seem to turn our backs because it is unpleasant or makes us uncomfortable. The truth is, if we let these heroes be railroaded, then it is as if we put them in the cell. I urge you all to look deep inside. If you find that spark of pride in being who you are, don't let these heroes be locked up for being who they are. We all know that if the two sides were the same race, this would be a no-brainer. Get out and support our heroes, before we have to get out of Baltimore for the crime of being Jews!
Comment by michael caplan
an anonymous comment is just as bad as a deleted post .... if you support the Werdesheim boys, then do it with a backbone ........ otherwise, no criticisms !
Comment by michael caplan
You deleted it? That's terrible! WHY???
Comment by michael caplan
Thanks Ron for being you,congratulations on your well deserved recognition.I wish I had known of the event. With warm regards Sgt V.L Amos.
Comment by michael caplan
Hired him for a corporate show for my company...did an incredible job!!!!
Comment by michael caplan
I had the privilege of davening in Kehillas Ashkenaz last January when R' Hamburger came. It was an incredible experience. I hope other people will check out this special minyan. Daniel, NY
Comment by michael caplan
Comment by michael caplan
while it certainly makes finding the desired product easy to locate for the kosher consumer, it makes just as much sense to put the foods with their traif counterparts if they fit into the same catagory. Knishes might be considered ethnic but certainly cookies and noodles are not. more consumers might buy them if they saw them side by side with the "competition" as long as teh prices are comparable.
Comment by michael caplan
Don't understand why this is local news
Comment by michael caplan
It's sad that Google's Sergey Brin is not on that list. He is worth $15 billion! You'd think he could spare a little of that for some Jewish causes, especially since he only even ended up in this country because he is Jewish.
Comment by michael caplan
Yasher Koach to Kehillas Ashkenaz for its ongoing dedication to preserving our rich minhagim, both through the minyan and itself and by offering the tzibbur the opportunity to listen to shiurim on the topic and to read from the latest seforim related to minhag ashkenaz in the Kehilla's growing library. As R' Scheinbaum is quoted to say in the article above, the mesorah that Kehillas Ashkenaz diligently keeps dates back (to a large extent)to before Rashi. As such, the minyan is providing a service not only to "yekkis" but to all Bnei Ashkenaz. Many of the minhagim which the minyan strictly adheres to (for ex. the recitation of yotzros and maaravos, saying shir hayichud, one person saying kaddish)were followed in Poland just as they were in Germany. As such, I hope this would encourage all Bnei Ashkenaz (including those of Polish or Litvish decent) to appreciate the beautiful minhagim of the past and to try to gain a better understanding of what tefilla was like in Ashkenaz when every shabbos had it's unique flavor. I hope the minyan continues to grow and look forward to davening there on my next visit to Baltimore. Yitzchak.
Comment by michael caplan
Wonderful to see how, despite many pressures, the Minhogei Ashkenaz are still held in high esteem and efforts are being made around the world to preserve our rich heritage. See and select 'Shuls around the world' on right hand menu Yitzchok Katz, N W London, UK
Comment by michael caplan
A Kiddush Hashem!
Comment by michael caplan
Go Reb Dovid for sanctifying that moment with your timely benediction. You are a true talmid chacham and mentch. Personal pleasure to know you for more than 40 years.
Comment by michael caplan
It's a miracle to even hear a liberal discussing budgetary responsibility.
Comment by michael caplan
I hope this article will inspire members of our community with German roots and experiences to try our Minyan on Eruv Shabbos or Shabbos morning. A special experience is also to be shared by attending the Kiddish after Minyan and hear a D'var Torah from Rabbi Yonah Sklare. He provides a very unique and refreshing approach to the Parsha. Robert B. Lehman, M.D.
Comment by michael caplan
great job leeba was always a true leader yasher koach!!!!!
Comment by michael caplan
isn't Rabbi Moshe Landau the av bais din in Bnei Brak?
Comment by michael caplan
Where's the rest of the article?
Comment by michael caplan
Now is the person who comes to the shuls and plasters little cards and flyers all over the place going to come and pick them all up?
Comment by michael caplan
If you review the artcle there is something in there traif: "wedding altar, or chuppah." Please review the articles first and add caveats.
Comment by michael caplan
I am so happy for them! IY"H they should be able to keep their enrollment up so they can be successful. Baltimore really needs a school like Rambam in the community
Comment by michael caplan
what ever happened to the swap with benos ?
Comment by michael caplan
Thank You.
Comment by michael caplan
It's insane! Why do people stand for this?
Comment by michael caplan
True words spoken about Joblink, but this is not a forum for bashing bnei torah who choose to sacrifice comfort for the gift of learning, if you must express such unfortunate opinions, please do so elsewhere.
Comment by michael caplan
Kudos to Eli Lasson and his much needed organization. Interesting to see Rabbi Frand speaking at such an event, I hope he takes the Joblink message back to the Yeshiva he has been connected with for decades. Sharing with them the need and requirement to support your family and how difficult that is in 2011 without proper education and training. There are a limited amount of jobs in Avodas HaKodesh and not everyone who is a great learner can be a great teacher. Looking for a second career after 10 years in kollel with a number of children in tow and mounting bills is an unfair burden for the family and the community to bear.
Comment by michael caplan
The real issue is the 82 percent of all jail time is suspended. Rather than added new laws to the books, how about putting the violent criminal in jail. Oh, and by the way, this is real similar to the AGW debate. There is a drop in gun crime, so we need tougher gun laws?????? The perp in the article was serving a five year sentence and shouldn't have gotten out before 2012. The real issue is keeping the violent criminal behind bars.
Comment by michael caplan
WOW, what chesed! Last night one of the askonim in these pictures was willing to leave his home and help us make a maariv minyan at a local shul in baltimore, the good guys just donât stop being good. Iâm honored to have such amazing neighbors and friends here in Baltimore. Ahh, Mamish a good feeling.
Comment by michael caplan
This poem was circulated a number of years ago. Perhaps it needs to be circulated again. Please read it and open your hearts and pockets to help our fellow community members. Moshiach's Hat 'Twas the night of the Geulah and in the world's varied shtiebelach The sounds of Torah could be heard coming from all kinds of Yeedelach Some were learning in English, some in Ivrit or Yiddish Some were expounding on apshat or elucidating a chiddish And up in shamayim The Aibishter decreed That the time had come "for My Children to be freed" Moshiach was roused from his heavenly berth And given instructions to set out for planet earth He instantly complied and with much jubilation Descended to earth and entered a shtiebel congregation I am the Moshiach, he announced. Hashem has heard your plea! Your Geulah has arrived! I've come to set you free! They all stopped their learning - this was quite a surprise And looked him over carefully with scrutinizing eyes He's not the Moshiach, declared one on a whim Take a look at that hat, the pinches and the brim! That's right, offered another with a sneer and a frown Moshiach wouldn't show with a brim that's turned down Hmm, thought Moshiach, if this indeed is the rule I'll simply turn my brim up before I enter the next shul So he confidently strode into the next shul in town Sure that he'd be welcomed with his brim no longer down I'm the Moshiach, he proclaimed as he made his move to enter But the Yidden wanted to verify if he was Left, Right, or Center Your clothes are so black, they cried out in fright You can't be Moshiach, you're much too far right If you want to be Moshiach, you must be properly outfitted And they replaced his black hat with a kippa that was knitted With his new kippa on his head Moshiach shrugged and said What difference is it to me what I wear on my head? And so he went on to the next shtiebel for his mission was dear Though he was fast becoming disillusioned with the Yidden down here I'm the Moshiach! He introduced himself bravely once more Hoping they wouldn't find fault with the clothes that he wore You're the Moshiach - without a black hat?? But I do have a hat!" said Moshiach to that. He pulled it right out and plunked it down on his head But they all started laughing and one of them said, If you want to be Moshiach and be accepted in this town, Try some pinches here and there and turn the brim down Moshiach was heartbroken and thought the time must not be right He turned around despairingly and walked out into the night. But when he reached his chariot and began to enter All sorts of Yidden came together - from Left, Right, and Center Please don't go it's all their fault! they accusingly said Pointing to one another and to what each wore on his head. But Moshiach sadly shook his head and said you don't understand As he started up his chariot to get out of this land Yes, it's very wonderful that you all are learning Torah But you seem to have forgotten a crucial part of our mesorah. Bewildered and befuddled they all began to shout What does he mean? What is he talking about? Moshiach rebuked them: The first place to start Is to seal your lips and open your hearts To all who deem other Yidden too frum or too frei Know that all Yidden are beloved in The Aibishter's eye If you sincerely and truly wish for me to come Try working a little harder on Ahavas Chinom!
Comment by michael caplan
Attention panicking parents who are rushing to find other options: Will you honestly be able to say "Yadeinu lo shafchu et hadam" (we don't have the blood of Rambam on our hands) NO!!! Because you will. The mass exile will kill the school leaving scores of children (not only your own) school-less and many faculty members without jobs. Please don't abandon a valuable school which has educated hundreds of wonderful children in our community!!
Comment by michael caplan
There is so much illegal Arab construction. Compare this to what the gov't does to Jews and it's evident that the Arabs are treated with kid gloves. Time to crack down on their activities and allow freedom to Jews is a Jewish country.
Comment by michael caplan
The politics of race is disgusating!
Comment by michael caplan
It may be sad to see him go, but it's important to point out that the Democratic Party abandoned him along time ago, along with the prionciples the party used to stand for.
Comment by michael caplan
This is so well articulated. I so hope it penetrates the hearts and minds of those that have been hurt by abuse. Howard Reznick, LCSW-C
Comment by michael caplan
If members of the community could raise $500,000.. Are there any benefactors out there that might be willing to help match those funds? Lets try creative problem solving and and get the job done! Does anyone know a "celebrity" willing to come to Baltimore to help us raise funds for YR?
Comment by michael caplan
As a Rambam parent who sat in a meeting with 28 families and representatives from MJBHA (whose administration couldn't have been more understanding and welcoming and want to ensure us that our kids have a school which would welcome our families- plus we would not have to compromise our haskaf)I cannot help but feel angry that another community is opening their arms while ours is not. What a sad day for the Baltimore community.
Comment by michael caplan
Shortfalls in state budgets are not anything brand new. Maryland is planning to some more creative tactics to fill their budget deficit. <a title="MD budget tries to reduce $1.6 billion" href=""> MD is going to be facing billions of dollars worth of money</a> that they simply can't afford.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As I was driving home three Rambam middle school boys (including my own son)from their basketball practice, the boys were extremely upset and kept asking why the community is not saving our school? I had no answer..because I dont know why. Families are finding themselves in crisis. Kids who have been together are finding themselves in a state of anxiety as they are being split. How very very sad that the community sits by while this religious Zionist community finds itself being pushed out. This is our community where we live, where we daven and we should be able to educate our kids here....not being told to go to Yeshiva in Washington. Baltimore...where are you?
Comment by gerlie thomas
To "Rambam gambled........" Don't sound holier though. The high school couldn't make it financially with you and they couldn't make it without you. Trying to reach a financially sound structure is worth gambles.
Comment by gerlie thomas
you rock danny!
Comment by gerlie thomas
"HE WAS NOT WEARING HIS SEATBELT" - shouldn't that be the headline?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those of you out there, who keep focusing on which side the school tilts, are missing the issue. Without a doubt, YR is evaluating what their options are. The issue for those of us on the sidelines is helping our fellow parents and the staff as best we can and share what the RBSO has given us. I am not a Rambam parent, the hashkafos of my family led us to other choices, however I have a profound respect for my friends and family members who chose YT as their school of choice. It has provided a much-needed role in the Chinuch options within this community and at times I have always been impressed by the level of excellence and professionalism the school has stood for. Those who feel that YT does not have a rightful place in this town are sorely lacking in communal vision and are ignorant of what Chinuch is al pi Chazal. I have heard and seen some terrible comments regarding the opinions that some members of this community have regarding the struggle that YR is now facing. In todayâs economy, ANY of our yeshivas are vulnerable. That people in this community, a community that constantly holds itself up as the bastion of Shalom, could sound so callous to a predicament that will leave students without a Yeshiva and staff without jobs is a Chillul Hashem. In this Galus of Bein Adam LâChavero we must band together and help each other. It is time to get beyond the labels, which are little more than a cover for Gaavah and Sinaaas Chinom.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Being a Baal Teshuva, I am quite surprised from the comments received from some of the community members. Rambam has been everything to my two sons who are now in their second year. BT wasn't for us as we are a newly observant (3 years) family and I didn't want to expose my sons to kids whose family did not keep Shabbos or a kosher home. TI and TA were not for us because I felt that they would feel out of thier element and may get scared off. We found Rambam and have never been happier. Because of the wonderful, warm Rebbeim and teachers, my sons have immersed themselves into their faith with joy and an eagerness to learn. They are devasted about this. Please save our school.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam gambled that it could be saved by a sharp tilt to the Right, in the process marginalizing and disregarding those many families who had been involved with the school since its inception. The market for "TA-lite" is apparently a limited one here in Baltimore, and the gamble failed.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The entire Jewish Community needs to be invested to help ensure YR's survival. Myriads of others outside the Orthodox community could be a source. David Cordish Sylvia Francus David M. Schwaber
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks printing socialist propaganda.even if true what good is money to dead people?the real effects of repealing obamacare would be to stop the euthanasia it requires
Comment by gerlie thomas
IS this emes? The Democrats say that that is what they want - what do the Republicans say? I am confident they would make a provision to spare them having to repay it. thanks
Comment by gerlie thomas
The community should show YR the same level of rachmanut that it showed its dedicated families that fell under similar financial circumstances.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dear "if indeed", Would you feel the same if it was Bnos, or the Bais Medrash of Baltimore were in trouble? If you are not machshiv the pasuk "Chanoch l'naar al pi darcho", these newer and smaller institutions have much less credibility as a communal necessities. They can easily be viewed as a redundant fiscal drains as they channel funds in additional communal directions and out of the coffers of the industrial size yeshivos in our town. My point CV"SH is not to close any of these yeshivos, but to point out that our town, which is one of the largest orthodox communities in the US has a large spectrum of chinuch needs and the community needs to support these institutions with the same sense of achrayus and care. Also, everyone should remember that when TA was in trouble years ago, through their mismanagement the community banded together and at the time the economy wasnât the mess it is now. It is time for Ahavas Chinam. It is time to see if Baltimore really is a "Community" or a bunch of different factions who have an appreciation for lip service but lack the sense of âKOL Yisroel areivin zeh lazehâ.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dear ALL CAPS, My children do not go to Rambam - it's not my Derech - but I believe they should be supported. There is a large portion of our community that follows the Rambam philosophy of Chinuch and sees that as their way of Avodas Hashem and that should be respected. Love Jews for who they are - not for who you think they should be. If you'd like to open a dialogue about their philosophy this is certainly not the place and time, and using ALL CAPS as a digital protest is an ineffective means of communication. Whatever Chinuch one ascribes to, Derech Eretz must be a core element of it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the previous commenter, Obviously, Rabbanim far greater than you disagree and feel there is a need
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree Rambam is needed, but what is their vision of the school for the future? If they continue to try to make themselves into a watered-down version of Bais Yaakov or Talmudical Academy then they can't succeed. If they can reconnect to the Torah Im Derech Eretz and academic excellence that they once stood for, then they have a chance.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If indeed it is $1,000,000 sometimes you have to prioritize as a community and though it would be a crying shame to lose Rambam as a school (though I would not send my kids there), the financial errors of the past and the lack of balancing the budget has led to this terrible situation now. When do you say ad kahn? All the other schools are very large and serve so so many it is obvious we can't let them fold. Rambam is unclear-if the deficit were much less, you say for sure save the school, but for $1,000,000 it is not so clear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
R' Silber is out of town this week, but I'm certain, as the former Rosh Yeshivah of YR not to mention the parent of several children there, he will add his voice.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Where is the Va'ad HaRobbonim?!! Had it been BY, TA, TI or Bnos, there would have been a Va'ad response. The silence of the President of the Va'ad HaRobbonim is deafening.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Just another rotten lawyer (as opposed to the great ones!) using every trick in the book as last resort...just ignore Gordon and he will go away.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Have there been any other crimes by Jewish people that Bernstein has shown favoritism to? Why would this lawyer say this? I think that is unfounded and antagonistic, and if he doesn't have proof, the lawyer should retract it. If he has proof, let's hear it. Sounds to me like he wants to have vengeance or stir the pot for hate. Do we need to do that? Does the Black community want to start a hate dialog? Sounds like they are itching for a fight instead of making peace. The blame never rests all on one side.
Comment by gerlie thomas
about 1,000,000
Comment by gerlie thomas
How much do they need?
Comment by gerlie thomas
"being soft on Jewish hate crimes" Has their been any others?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I thought that guy was a rapper - looks like his album
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about R'Silber
Comment by gerlie thomas
thank you for the wonderful communtiy service that you did by videoing this talk. SO many people asked me wheather it had been recorded and I was happy to tell them "yes! by Baltimote Jewish Life!" May we all take this message of emunah into our hearts and our lives.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I hope we dont hear the same old rhetoric from the DSS, i.e. how overburdened they are, how they can't do whats best for everyone all the time, blah blah blah. DSS = Dept of Social Stupidity
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam is an important institution in the Baltimore Jewish community. Let's hope the community comes together and helps the school meet its financial obligations and keep its doors open.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank G-D, praying for more good news about this case soon.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was an excellent seminar - a must for all nonprofits.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The greater community knows nothing of the financial issues at Rambam. What are we talking about? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? How many Millions? The Rambam Board needs to come clean to the community if they expect non-Rambam families to financially support the school. What was the outcome of the Monday January 17, 2011 parents meeting at Rambam?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those who could not prevail in a discussion on the merits about whether "brain death" constitutes death in orthodox Jewish law have succeeded in taking their cause to the secular media and subverting the centuries-old traditional way of resolving legal disputes. An online statement accusing renowned international scholars of holding a "morally untenable" is beyond the pale. Rabbi Elyashiv, whom many consider the foremost scholar alive today, expressly forbade his followers from going to China to receive organs from Chinese prisoners condemned to death, due to his concern that this might result in shortening the lives of these non-Jewish prisoners by even one second. Rulings with regard to receipt of an organ removed from a patient declared "brain dead" relate to whether one needs to refuse such an organ in a patient who has already had his vital organs removed. This discussion is beyond the scope of an article in a Jewish newspaper, and apparently beyond the grasp of those who have seized on this one point, in a 110-page paper, to try to discredit that work and all rabbis who oppose their point of view. How sad. Leon Zacharowicz MD
Comment by gerlie thomas
The time has come for the community to take a stand and support Yeshivat Rambam. Please consider donating through this link:
Comment by gerlie thomas
over the holidays ??????
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Moshe Schecter for your heartfelt memories of Abie z"l, todah rabbah. I too have fond indelible memories of Abie, and I believe he still remains close to those that knew him. Kind , sensitive, wise and graced with humility, he was a real mentch that I got aquainted with at Hertzbergs'. I was classmates with Abies' younger brother Sidney, and we both shared a commonality in that both our families were holocaust survivors. There were many threads that linked us together. Abie managed to build an eternal Jewish household (ahday ahaad) and I feel blessed to have him as a part of my consciousness. That is how powerfully I felt him. When I see his family, I see him. He in return is never far from those that loved him. I also believe he has become a celestial advocate on behalf of the Jewish people. I grieve still at his early departure and miss his presence. His memory remains a blessing, zichrono levrocha. Israel(Fuchs)Shualy, Oakland California.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am curious if the Aguddath Israel statement also applies to the Charedi London Beth din and its Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks. It just issues a statement declaring that brain death is not death. "For anyone, rabbi or layman, to decide that a perceived outcome should determine what halachic approach to take is something usually associated with Jewish movements outside of Orthodoxy."
Comment by gerlie thomas
Abie (as we in the family called him) was my brother. And I, like Moshe, miss him still. He really was a terrific person; sweet, kind, funny and loved how things worked. He was taken from this world way too early, but those who knew him still keep him in their hearts. we can all learn how to treat people we meet - with kindness and equality. Yehi Zichro Baruch. Susie (Diamond) Ben-David, Israel
Comment by gerlie thomas
"BT has apparently made a "frum" track, how about TA and BY making a religious Zionist track." Please. Please. Recycled wishful thinking every 20 years. New generation, same issues. The issues don't change but maybe the generation does. Modern Orthodoxy more so then 20 years ago has gone further to the left. BT will benefit most. 20 years ago "modern Orthodox" parents were looking for a religious atmosphere first and foremost and a smattering of feeling that women need to learn gemara. The moden orthodox of today feel a BT environment is perfectly acceptable while women rights and desires have far surpassed simply girl's learning gemera. For those orthodox looking for intensity in orthodox atmosphere, culture, spirituality, with modernity, it is back to Hebrew Academy in Silver Spring again as it used to be. Sad that Baltimore can't support a school to fill that big gap Baltimore has again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rabbinic response is needed, not to be sarcastic but major issues such as microscopic fish worms and Indian wig worship seem to elicit articles and symposiums. BT has apparently made a "frum" track, how about TA and BY making a religious Zionist track? I know it is radical but not more radical than losing a school like Yeshivat Rambam in one of the largest Jewish communities in the U.S.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Spin, spin, spin. I have not seen any Rabbinic leader associated with any decision(s) made by Rambam's Board. Why not? Are there any? Where can these 8-10th graders go next year? BY? TA? DC? BT? These are "pekuach nefesh issues that demand Rabbinic input!
Comment by gerlie thomas
In response to this "sad" person. I understand your sadness. But at those who in the past did not act in the interest of the school's future should not cloud your ability to respect those who are so passionately working to clean up past wrongs and do the very best to ensure a future for Yeshivat Rambam.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am not proud. I am sad. There is blame to be laid, but not at a single personâs feet. It was a combination of ill-made decisions, gross overspending, and a vision beyond what reality could contain. I, for one, begged the admin to hold onto its mission, and not believe the folklore that splitting would solve the problem. There were many issues, many problems, and dividing a house falling is never the solution. I, among many others, was fired for expressing my opinion. Many claimed that educating boys and girls was not the correct way anymore, yet my children graduated and went onto bigger and better things. I felt they were the poster kids for Rambam, yet some wanted to avoid that success? I am bewildered, I am hurt, I am sad, and I am mostly upset that upstanding educators could not admit that they made mistakes.
Comment by gerlie thomas
they don't allow boys in bais yaakov nor do they allow any individuality.....
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a Yeshivat Rambam high school student, I can only express regret and disappointment at what I perceive will be the practical ramifications of this decision, mainly: the lack of an vital high school in the Baltimore-Jewish community and the effects that it will have on the greater community as a whole. With this move, Baltimore will lose what I percieve to be a truly Modern Orthodox school which emphasizes the importance and the overarching nature of Torah, while stressing the value and need for a Secular Education and the important role that it can and should play in a Jew's life. I can only say that I will miss Rambam, that I am thankful for the years that I had there, and hope that it is successful in its endeavors.
Comment by gerlie thomas
come to bais yaakov!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rambam has a very strong program for ECC, elementary and middle school, with well qualified professionals who are dedicated to providing the very best education in lemudei kodesh secular studies and life skills to our children And let's not lack in hakarat hatov for it's herd-working, dedicated High School staff.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I commend the exective board of Yeshivat Rambam for their efforts, as extreme as they are, to give the institution every possible chance for viability into the future. I look forward to watching a renewed and vibrant school thrive and grow. With its idealogy of Torah U'Madah, Yeshivat Rambam holds a key role in the Jewish educational landscape of our community. There would be a severe void in Baltimore without it's unique character and philosophy. I wish all the very best of success!! A loyal friend.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
so where are they all supposed to go ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Please submit any question regarding this seminar to the email link above.
Comment by gerlie thomas
will there be recordings available after the presentation for those who can't make that time?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about a new garage?! Or at least an expansion of existing garages! Why are they wasting money on this?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Weiser Side of Magic is Da Bomb!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Besides being an amazing magician Danny is also an AMAZNG MENSH. Hatzlacha in all of your endeavors. Mrs R.
Comment by gerlie thomas
More lost jobs -- what a shame!
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's good I like coke!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Of course. They wouldn't want a little thing like the Constitution get in the way of socializing this country.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't shoot the messenger. Chaim did a great job. Your opinions of the event valid as they may be, have nothing to do with this article. You want to talk smack call Chabad. Don't post it on a local news site where people are trying to earn an honest living. Chaim GREAT JOB!!!! AWESOME article!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Chaim is one of the most creative writer's I have read on a local website. He is a master of the English language and writes with perfect clarity. Keep up the good work!!! We'd love to see a weekly column of Chaim's work and thoughts.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Who cares ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the poster who posted the following: "There is an outcry here that this is an "unnecessary" hashgacha only because it is from outside of the Orthodox community." If you look at the comments, they weren't referring to the conservative movement's attempt to make money. It referred to having multiple Orthodox hashgochos on products that only add cost unnecessarily. BTW, of what value is a kosher certification by a movement that doesn't keep kosher (though some Convservative Jews do keep kosher, most don't and the movement certainly doesn't).
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am the person that wrote "Oh the people that have such simplistic expert.........". After reading the 2 postings that followed mine, I can only say shame on whoever wrote that demeaning comment. I realize you can look yourself in the mirror and feel you are right to write such harmful words. I assume you are either one of those older former vindictive Rambam parents who couldn't say a nice word if someone offered you money to or simply someone who never wanted a Rambam to succeed in Baltimore in any form. In any case your harmful and demeaning words unmasked your anonymity.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a member of the Yeshivat Rambam faculty and a Yeshivat Rambam grandparent I am very proud of the letter my granddaughter wrote (above). Even though, as my grandchildren have stated: Our abba spends more time in Rambam than we do, she is proud (as we all are) of the involvement of her abba in the education of his children. The hours my son in law spends to ensure the viability and survival of Yeshivat Rambam are mind boggling. For someone to write that these people are a lot of "well-meaning people making poor decisions" is hitting below the belt. Why aren't any of the negative commenters rolling up their sleeves to attempt to help the situation? If your are a parent, why be such a naysayer? Why not work hard to make sure the school survives? I am sure that any of these volunteers who spend their spare time on YR business in addition to their "lawyer/accountant/doctor/businessman jobs would appreciate any help they can get. There is no other school in the city like Yeshivat Rambam. Make an appointment and see for yourself. I am a long time Bubby, on the inside as a faculty member and I can personally say I am very impressed with the education that all my grandchildren (grades 1-11) are getting at this fine school. It would be a shame if a city like Baltimore would lose such a jewel as Yeshivat Rambam. From a proud Bubby, mother in law, and faculty member at YR, Tova Taragin.
Comment by gerlie thomas
As a daughter of one of the volunteers who is one of the "well-meaning people making poor decisions", I must say that the letters written about the poor leadership are absolutely appalling disgusting. The few, yet strong, amazing people who spend hours upon hours ensuring Rambam's existence are not doing it for fun, or for their own benefit, but to ensure a thriving school for their own children, and for the 360 other students who have the privilege benefiting from the wonderful education that Rambam is providing. If other people wanted to volunteer their time or expertise in order to allow Rambam to continue and thrive, than maybe this complaining would make sense. However, since that does not seem to be the case, the few people who are willing to dedicate hundreds upon hundreds of hours (and I know personally how many) and effort beyond belief should be thanked over and over again for the awe inspiring Chessed that they are doing for the community. So, thank you Abba. Thank you everyone else for donating your precious time and allowing me to benefit from Rambam. ES Yeshivat Rambam Grade 11
Comment by gerlie thomas
Oh the people that have such simplistic expert reasoning that conjecture facts and "their personal expertise after the fact" after never having lived through the situations the leaders of those institutions have to. I am not a member of the Rambam situation but have been intimately involved in day schools in Baltimore and around the country for years. The so-called experts who have so much great "advice" and use forums like this to bash are usually the ones who are the loudest and most destructive in their respective schools. If these people had so much to offer they wouldn't be sharing it so negatively in print and would have been involved in their respective institutions working on the inside to help them and would know they would never offer such "advice" in such a demeaning method and forum.
Comment by gerlie thomas
There is an outcry here that this is an "unnecessary" hashgacha only because it is from outside of the Orthodox community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The folks currently involved in the leadership are very fine, well-meaning people, however, it seems as thought they are making the same mistakes that those before them have made. (as seems to be symptomatic of NEW lay-leadership). Namely, they do not know what they are doing. All of them are too preoccupied in their own professions to commit the time necessary to gain the requisite experience. Can anybody explain how a full-time Lawyer / Accountant / Doctor / Businessman has the time to manage, NOT a well-run enterprise, but a sinking ship? The answer is that in any business, trusted, full-time hired professionals are required to run the organization. That individual becomes the decision maker, the advocate, mouthpiece and bears the burden of responsibility BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR JOB!!! What we have here is a lot of well-meaning people making poor decisions, and compounding those decisions with unclear, veiled, and confusing communication to the parents/customers/stakeholders. The current board of directors was involved in the process of the terribly poor decision to purchase that dilapidated building, and squandered its final remaining asset in the process. The fact that there is historic debt is what led to the change in leadership. The fact that there will continue to be such debt, is because of it. Unless there is a REAL game-change, the results will continue to reflect the past, until the final propeller is miles beneath the surface.
Comment by gerlie thomas
actually, there are a couple of other Baltimore Jewish stars. When I went to the Jewish Star web site, I noted that my neighbor, Ratzon Gholian (now living in Brooklyn)is a contestant. I also noticed that Binyamin Guttman, is also competing in the contest. Go to the web site and enjoy the wonderful music of our native sons!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just voted, wonderful voice.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just voted 5 stars!!! Good luck Yehuda!
Comment by gerlie thomas
wow. good luck
Comment by gerlie thomas
Wow. That's so amazing!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yes, it happened while the NWPC was patrolling. And the NWCP also was patrolling then.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Did this happen between 7-10 wile the NWPC was patrolling
Comment by gerlie thomas
for those of you on top of your game, the picture is in the candy isle of Pomegranate in Bklyn, not to be confused with 7 Mile Market, which has no similarities in any way!
Comment by gerlie thomas
why didnt they call my house ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Both players are impressive. What a creative event. I hope this becomes an annual competition. Congratulations to Mike Lowenstein and Rabbi Landau. Joel Marcus
Comment by gerlie thomas
I couldn't agree more with the person that wrote about the lack of "strategic marketing". I am a current Rambam parent. Last year, the President, only days before Pesach wrote a cryptic email to the parents about selling the Rambam building. Instead of announcing it directly to the parents, he made the parents anxious and start rumors of the unknown for many weeks before speaking directly to them. Now a new President sends out a cryptic email announcing a need for the sale of the next building without again speaking first directly to the parents and make us again worry and start rumors about what is next. Rambam has supportive parents that understand the need and struggle this school has to be fiscally responsible as you remind us daily. On the other hand, you also equally have a responsibility to communicate directly with the parents instead of cryptic emails making us worry and wonder for weeks instead of meeting us first and directly speaking to us. Let's again wait and see (only because you have given us no choice) what is going on now. If you have found a building better then Bnos's (and we know Bnos's needs much work anyway) and will bring us good news, fine. If on the other hand you have decided to close parts of the school (which your cryptic letter does not rule out - allowing for more rumors), shame on you for making the parents sweat and have to endure more rumors and not first directly sharing that information first to the parents at a meeting. If that is the course and this is the methodology you decided to use, the remaining parents invited back to the school should wonder long and hard, whether they should support you and what you will do to them next in such an uncaring way. Only time will now tell and I am hoping you are making us wait because you have good news to share (and maybe I will write a letter to the Jewish Times too but will probably wait to see what is going on before doing so). Once and for all leadership when making tough decisions must remember we parents deserve better then what we have been given.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Correction: The site is <a href=""></a> No <b>www</b>
Comment by gerlie thomas
#7 I feel that other people have sufficiently responded to you, my only comment is that you do not need to refer to me as #2 since I put my full name - Donna Wach on my comments.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I could perfectly understand the comments "Many in our community are having a very difficult time paying tuition, including ourselves...." but to add "It may be right for some people but most of the gedoilei yisoel do not hold of the zionistic hashkafa and people do not want to donate to a cause they do not hold of" is quite a sad comment. You should have left with the first comment alone. I am sure when a "non-frum" person who the "gedoilei" feel are not the type of people you should personally associate with or emulate are ready to give a contribution the the schools the "gedoilei" hold by, no one will send their money back. Shameful to feel this way. Even more shameful to put it in print. (and I am not a Rambam parent) but I feel too many people like you have such religious zeal you can't see the similarities between spirituality and common sense love thy fellow man. How sad.
Comment by gerlie thomas
#7 - Regarding your concern about supporting institutions that are not representative of your haskafah, I believe that a full spectrum of opportunities should be available to children in a frum community as large as Baltimore. While you may choose to send your children to other schools, it cannot be overlooked that Yeshivat Rambam is a Torah institution that educates hundreds of students and employees over 100 staff members. When the community was asked to support TA in their time of need, the community responded positively. All #2 was asking is that the community do the same for Yeshivat Rambam - I believe that the Gidolei Yisroel who do not support a Zionist hashkafah would also not support the closing of a Torah institution.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Everyone wants transparency but this is a perfect example of over doing it. There is a time and place and their exec committee needed to hold this in until they could tell all to their parents. This is simply foolish now and another uncertainty (one might have been fine but now this is many) only hurts ability to recruit new students. This school is doing a great job educating kids but the leaders even with their need to be fiscally responsible and likely doing as good a job as possible under stressful financial conditions, need a strong course (I'd call it a PH'D) in strategic marketing. They simply don't have a clue. They stated the associated is working with them. No fear then that the building will go to anyone who wouldn't help that corridor.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I apologize in advance for not being completely specific about the proposed new location, but the sensitivity inherent to all real estate negotiations makes that impossible at this time. We understand that parents want and deserve this information, and we are committed to disseminating it as quickly as possible. The broad answer to the questions raised by one of the commentors is that selling the Beth Jacob campus should provide us with funds necessary to pay down all of our accumulated debts, and position us to operate the school (including covering the lease expenses for the proposed new facility) much more smoothly. There are a number of fundraising initiatives that the co-Chairs of Development and their committee are working on (volunteers welcome!), and I believe that as we improve Rambam's finances and operations, that improvement itself should help improve enrollment and fundraising. (It's an axiom of fundraising that need itself doesn't stimulate donations. I learned that the hard way over the past year-and-a-half.) I appreciate the various commentors' words of support for Rambam and the job its hanhala, rebbeim, and teachers (and parents) are doing. I must correct one widespread mis-impression, though, by pointing out that a number of rabbanim (and other community members) have stepped forward and offered significant support. I'm happy to explain any of this (or any other Rambam-related issues) to the extent that I can. I'm not sure this comments section is the ideal forum, but I can be reached via email (meyershields at gmail dot com), and I'm happy to respond to email inquiries with my cell phone number as well, if that's easier. (People with much greater technological skills than I have dissuaded me from posting my number here.) Thanks, Meyer Shields
Comment by gerlie thomas
#2- $250? Who has that kind of money? We are paying full tuition to 3 different schools and didn't even have money to buy the teachers chanukah presents as all our money is going to tuition. Many in our community are having a very difficult time paying tuition, including ourselves, and we should find money for another school? Personally we do not give any tzedakah to any organizations in town as all our maaser goes to our kids schools in the form of full tuition. Also not everyone holds of Rambam's hashkafos. It may be right for some people but most of the gedoilei yisoel do not hold of the zionistic hashkafa and people do not want to donate to a cause they do not hold of.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't think Beth Jacob is all that strategic. The JCC provides a pretty substantive Jewish presence down there, don't you think? Much more so than Beth Jacob/Bnos.
Comment by gerlie thomas
i truly hope that whomever they are negotiating with to purchase the former Beth Jacob property is from the jewish community. If that proprty leaves jewish hands and ends up in the community of those who live on the other side of Northern Parkway, it will be the beginning of the end... The community can't afford to lose that important boundry that helps maintain stability in that neighborhood.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It seems to me that less communication in this case is better than more. This recent letter, though clearly designed to give good news, resulted in more rumors. People read the first paragraph and concluded "Rambam is closing!" as I heard from several parties not associated with the school. These people claim to have heard "Rambam is closing!" from school parents! I am a very satisfied Rambam parent. I would love to see the community as a whole rally to help save the school as it did for TA. It is an awesome school and definitely the best school for my kids. However, the unfortunate reality is that there is not broad community support for Rambam. It does not fit the accepted norm for a Jewish day school in frum Baltimore. I believe the board has tried to rally support from some local rebbeim and the effort was not successful.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"we rushed to get the good news out to our parents as soon as possible." The "good news" is that although they "realized that, in the absence of extraordinary efforts, we would not be able financially to complete this academic year" they will sell their only asset and somehow afford "a beautiful, new premises." Is this new location nearby or in the county? How is this going to restore enrollment, increase fund-raising, etc.? I realize that these issues may be discussed on January 17, but shouldn't the parents be better informed NOW? Last year the rumor mill caused parents to seek other options. The current lack of "Communications and Outreach" could have an even greater negative impact. The "new" board is struggling with issues they inherited, but they are not including the parents or community in their efforts. If you do not inform us, you will be fighting rumors and negative public opinion.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you to the committee for all of your hard work and difficult decisions. I recall about 18 years ago TA being in dire straits, the response at that time was for the Rabbis in town to all but require every family to donate $250 to TA whether or not you had children in the school. Clearly, the survival of this important institution is at stake, and the community needs to rally, the leaders needs to respond. Sincerely, Donna Wach
Comment by gerlie thomas
I sent a comment, where is it?
Comment by gerlie thomas
The fools don't realize that it would destroy the economy that's already a disaster.
Comment by gerlie thomas
no denying this is bad but werent the cattle cars during the holocaust called the hell trains?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whats the big deal? its just looking at a bag. its not like those crazy airport scaners
Comment by gerlie thomas
We need to go back to the days where the towns hired Kashrus supervisors, so we can get rid of these high priced, big business extortionists playing unethical games.
Comment by gerlie thomas
what a sad commentary!
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those who have challenges with the internet etc. these tactics are insufficient. For those who do NOT have a problem with these technologies, the constant focus and attention paid to this issue is BORING. Like everything else, technology and the internet is a TOOL that can be used or misused. To continuously harp on it to the exclusion of all else = especially at our bais yaakov convention, is of great disappointment to me. There is so much more to be worked on - in the realm of growth, connection to each other, respect towards each other, connection to Hashem and honoring Him in our daily life - if only such topics had been broached.... sigh Risyl Edelman
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
I called the JCC and found out that Mr. Werdesheim was not only not on staff since May 2010 (although he did sub a few times since then), he also was not a member at the time so why should they allow him in. I also understand their point that if someone is accused of a violent crime they shouldnt be allowed in. I hope he is cleared if in fact he is innocent but I am comforted to know that the JCC is taking steps to protect me.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I can understand the US budget concerns. If the US spends too much money helping their only true ally against terrorist, murderers and holocaust enthusiasts, they won't have enough money to pay for Michelle's or Barrach Hussein's next vacation or "oh so successful" trips abroad.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Unecessary hashgochos should be considered a kosher tax, as it adds to the price of the food product for no reason other than some Kashrus agencies blackmail companies into paying them or they won't recommend their products. This is dispite the fact that the productss have reputable hashgochos already. We see this all the time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This should be posted on the front page and not hidden. The deluded need to be woken up.
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those of you who still think Obamaa and the Democrats care about the "Little guy," as they pretend they do, this amounts to a tax increase for lower and middle income tax payers who don't itemize, but own homes. Keep sticking your heads in the ground and ignore reality.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is it necessary to refer to this as a "kosher tax." This is a term created and used by anti-semites.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Time to wipe out the terrorists.
Comment by gerlie thomas
In general, Kashrus has become big business and the overall ethical standards suffer. The games played against each other and the unnecessary burdens placed on businesses is sickening.
Comment by gerlie thomas
who thinks the schools are gonna be open tomorrow ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Batya, your heartfelt poem was read and all in the room felt your pain. Rochel, the event was very well done. Cynthia
Comment by gerlie thomas
I cannot agree more, what a wonderful family. Thank you for all that you have done for our community. Wishing you a wonderful Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael. May we be zoche to join you there very soon! Aharon Newman
Comment by gerlie thomas
The insult is to the American people. Birther's aside, Obama coulddput the whole thing to rest in a second, by just releasing all of his information, not just a legit. birth certificate. We've never had a president, whom the country has so little knowledge. No school record, no nothing. Either he's hiding something, or would rather people focus their energies on these things instead of his actions in office. In any case, has the public been do dumbed down that they don't care what their leaders are really about and their histories. We should know all these things and it doesn't matter which party the person belongs. Obama's people challenged McCain over his place of birth. McCain, as bad a candidate as he was, immediately released his info. Obama should do the same and not the unoffical birth certificate he released during the campaign. Anyone can get that from Hawaii without being born there.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What ever happened to the poem AKEIKDA written by me , Batya Dagan ? Frankly I don't feel good about this. batya Dagan
Comment by gerlie thomas
this speech should be sent to every school, history class. The voice of one can pave the way to understanding and peace. This was a great event. Teresa
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks to Rochelle Kaplan for a beautiful event.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you so much for posting these pictures!
Comment by gerlie thomas
A lot of time and money expended. They would accomplish a lot more (for the school and the girls) with a bake and clothing(made by the students) sale.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The problem with the Jewish community is that they don't speak out loud to protect their own. Would other groups allow their member to be thrown under the bus? We always sit quietly and take the abuse. Listen to WOL or CSPAN and see what is said about the Jews. Why do I not hear the opposite. What have we learned?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you. We recently received a Bikur Cholim package from a Hatzala responder. We were appreciative beyond words.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazel Tov! Moshiach must be near.
Comment by gerlie thomas
A match for the aged, you mean.
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about "racing" to save the state from lunatic policies?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very important.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If Ben Cardin cares about victims of terror why has he spent years pushing for a Palestinian state?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Jews, wake up!!! This may not be Europe, but it is Golus and it won't get better. We in the U.S. are not immune.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Accountability in Gov't? Baltimore City, where are you?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Now this is what we Jews need to see from this site. Don't think the U.S. is that far behind.
Comment by gerlie thomas
And so begins the next phase of Galus Edom. This is how it starts folks. Next on the list, a new set of Nuremburg Laws. Start sewing your yellow stars.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is this important for Baltimore Jewish Life ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I really enjoyed reading this dvar Torah thank you Rabbi Goode
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have heard that their work is amazing.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Perhaps he has frequent flier miles. Or perhaps a sponsor "paid". Even if the ticket was paid that would be part of operating expenses. I know that the meshulachim who come to my door from Israel get expenses + 20-30%. So I have no problem with just the expense of a ticket.
Comment by gerlie thomas
You write: There are no percentages or "cuts"; all donations are going directly to help those in need. Who payed for his ticket to Baltimore?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mixed seating??
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: the youth has a previous criminal record. So what? at a minimum it tells you something about the person.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: the youth has a previous criminal record. So what?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Maybe we davened too much, lol
Comment by gerlie thomas
shomrim tried to get blacks to join but no one wanted to.
Comment by gerlie thomas
the youth has a previous criminal record
Comment by gerlie thomas
This is a fantastic organization, these guys answered the question "why isn't anyone doing anyhing for the boys in our community?" by taking action, providing a safe, healthy environment for our young men. Gobbie and his crew are doing a great service for the boys of Baltimore. Donna Wach
Comment by gerlie thomas
Arnold Jablon is highly qualified and a man of integrity. It's common for gov't personnel to go to the private sector and vice versa. Much ado about nothing.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dumbest thing I ever heard of.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan, "trust but verify." Don't trust them too much.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nice article! For more about wimpels check out newly released Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz (English version) at Shabsi's.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazal Tov
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hopefully the "new" Shomrim that will surface after all the politics is over, will be stronger and far more disciplined and rules oriented. Lack of rules makes for easily handling of complex decisions; however, the more complex decisions in the end have to rest with the police. How complex was this decision? who knows but it has cost Shomrim some of their good reputation unfortunately.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why Jews felt the need to prostrate themselves in the media and in meetings is beyond me, but of course the extraordinarily highly paid functionary head of the Baltimore Jewish Council was right there selling the Shomrim people down the river-and the community with them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Why is clogging up a lot of streets called a Kiddush Hashem? The blaring horns were not a sign of gratitude. Next year maybe do it in a way that doesn't block off Park Heights Ave.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It is very sad, when a black beats up a white, not too many people get upset about it. but G-d forbid if a white beats up a black - the whole world get upset, Even Jews which in itself is pathetic. This is without mentioning the fact that this youth has a criminal record, And its his word against the word of an adult who does not have a criminal record. doesnt anyone see that this wrong.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Precisely. Look at the Purim story. How does it start? The Jews go to an innocent party thrown by the King. The King! Not the office co-workers. And look what happened. Most meforshim say it was their attendance at the party that was a main cause of the decree against them. It starts off small. An innocent office party. Exchange some gifts for the holidays. Lets do lunch. I have never been a fan of slippery slope arguments at all. But this one is as clear as day. If you don't mingle with them, it lessens the chances of intermarriage, no doubt about it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yidden shouldnt be in the US military anyway. There should be no need for a Rabbi there, unless he can secretly encourage them not fight but to go to Israel if they have a need for fighting and fight for Israel, not the US.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The Talmud says Nair Ish UBaiso. Nothing about this.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"The name should probably be in english and non-denominational" That would defeat the entire purpose. It's a JEWISH organization, to protect the JEWISH community. If the other people want protection, they can start their own, or pay us to do it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks for the update. Excellent work.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful Kiddush Hashem and putting the video on your website for all to see and relive. Great Coverage! Keep up the good work, Chaim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Couldn't agree more!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think that we need to take a step back and ask the question why a 23 year old is a member of Shomrim, their is an advantage that age brings to one's perspective - it gives one an added maturity to deal with situations wisely - I think an organization like Shomrim which provides such a vital service needs to have an age minimum and vet recruits carefully, because one wrongly handled situation as we see can sour a good name really fast.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Interesting article, but it was written in August. Any update on this situation?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim has been very beneficial to my family over the past five years
Comment by gerlie thomas
Welcome! can't wait to read your articles!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Were any of these 200 people Jewish? If not, why bring it up?
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's quite pricey.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Strategically Shomrim should probably make more of an effort to appear less parochial. The name should probably be in english and non-denominational and the group should be open to non-jews who pass the careful screening process similar to everyone else. Also, they should probably have a minimum age required that is 30yrs+.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Yes it is those interfaith office parties that are the downfall of the Jewish people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"Shomrim was established in 2005 in response to an increase of assaults around the community." I thought it was in response to a rash of home break-ins. But that's just details. I haven't had any direct experience with Shomrim but I do get their periodic blotter and unless they're making all that stuff up, it definitely gives me an extra sense of security knowing that there is a group that is ready to respond at a moment's notice to any issues in the neighbourhood. Shomrim is not only valuable for the work they do "after the fact," to address an incident after it has happened. It is also a valuable asset to the community in the information it provides "in advance," such as tips on how to keep your home and belongings safe and warnings about times of higher risk such as Halloween and the Preakness. Keep up the good work!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree with most of the sentiments. Of course Shomrim should remain. Do they need to be reorganized in some way? Absolutely. Oversight and following all the rules given to them that allows them to work with the Police is mandatory now. It was not before but unfortunately one real bad incident makes a game changer. The game has changed. The question we will all have to see is if Shomrim can play under the new rules of the new game they will be given.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Is it possible that a member of Shomrim went a little too far in this case, hopefully not, but possibly yes. As in all such cases, let us allow the legal system (not a great one, but all we have) to figure that out. Meanwhile "innocent until proven guilty" should be our position. It is absurd that some in the black community as well as "some leadershipâ in the Jewish community have already judged the individual as well as the organization (something that they would cry foul over if it was happening to them). To call on the Shomrim organization to disband is as ridiculous as calling for the entire Pikesville area to be off limits to members of the black community because statistics and facts show that they commit the majority of crime in the area. Would anyone in their right mind suggest that the police force disband because of the occasional use of excessive force in a given situation? Shomrim has a track record of helping to reduce crime in our area, ninety nine percent of the time they do whatâs right, volunteering their time to help protect us. I am convinced that the leadership of the organization will make every effort to be even more careful in future situations. For now I believe that all members of our community should stand behind the organization as well as the individual involved in this case. This is an opportune moment for all of us to thank shomrim for all that they do!
Comment by gerlie thomas
NWCP is not only from 7:30-10:30 as you can call them for specific requests at other times. In general I don't think all the volunteer drivers know why they are out though they can be quite helpful. Shomrim is available 24-7 and have helped my family personally. All these organizations have succeeded in lowering the crime rate in our neighborhoods and I feel a lot safer knowing they are around.
Comment by gerlie thomas
why isn't the police defending Shomrim? They help the police do their job more efficiently and effectively. People need time to realize the value of additional assistance. When birthing mothers first started coming to the hospitals with doulas, doctors and nurses ere very opposed to their presence, feeling as if it was infringing on their abilities. Over the past 10 years that my mother has been a doula, she has noted how the attitudes of nurses has changed so positively, because they know that a doula's supportive presence means that their job will be easier and the mother will have a healthier and more satisfying birthing experience, which ultimately reflects back on the hospital and its nursing staff. I think people need to realize that the same applies here as well. We are ALL living in this Northwest Corridor and a call for Shomrim to close down is like inviting unhealthy, dissatisfying and more harmful experiences back into everyone's lives. For most of us, both African American and Jewish folks share the same neighborhood block and the same concern for safety and overall security for their homes, cars, and lives.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What's the problem with mentioning that the NWCP is the longest standing in the group? It is.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person that wrote: "Northwest Citizens Patrol (the longest standing in this group)' Is that statement really necessary to include?. Yes, it sure it is. It is important to note that the NWCP has been around for 28 years with NO incidents while this group has been around 5 years with one public incident, and many non publicized incidents.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hey, look over there, it's the ACLU! Sure took them long enough! Sure, go ahead and protect yourselves and your community, just don't scratch anyone in the process, or you will be the one in jail, not them. Mamash geferlach!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
"Northwest Citizens Patrol (the longest standing in this group)' Is that statement really necessary to include?. Is this sites head quarters in the Aguda PH?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baltimore Shomrim is a valuable organization for our community. They help keep crime down. We need them
Comment by gerlie thomas
So, just like every other organization, maybe a little sensitivity training is all that is required to the "over zealous" Shomrim member.Where else can you find communities go out of their way with no compensation or gratitude for helping the city reduce payroll in the areas that are covered by these important communal organizations.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Come on. There is far too much defensiveness. If anyone thinks that Shomrim can get away with protecting the community without needing to call the police first in this society in America, they now have found out after many years, they can't plain and simple. This may not be best for protecting the community but now anyone who volunteers for shomrim will be guided by specific rules and shomrim as an organization will be at stake if anyone goes "at it alone" again. This one bad judgment call has caused this to happen. Don't blame anyone but this situation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Innocent until proven guilty only extends for the victim? It also applies to the accused. We should all just shake hands, be friends, and wait for the next break-in or bike being stolen, when we call Shomrim(and then 911 or the other way, if you're a sucker) for help. And then send an email to the NWCP for their statistics.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Dangerous? Oh how very wrong you are. What's dangerous is thinking that we are all equal and should co-mingle and let's be friends and sit around the campfire singing Koombayah. What's dangerous is thinking you know better than what the Torah tells us, which is to COMPLETELY separate ourselves. That means separate everything. No office parties with them,no "interfaith" nonsense either. Or perhaps you know better?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim did come out of individuals feeling that the NWCP was too passive. What is wrong with "taking care of our own"?, well who is "our own", who are we excluding. I hope we are including all non-criminals, black, white Jewish and gentile, if not we are moving in a very dangerous segregated direction.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Rabbi Landau for your clarity on this issue. Is it possible that a member of Shomrim went a little too far in this case, hopefully not, but possibly yes. As in all such cases, let us allow the legal system (not a great one, but all we have) to figure that out. Meanwhile "innocent until proven guilty" should be our position. It is absurd that some in the black community as well as "some leadershipâ in the Jewish community have already judged the individual as well as the organization (something that they would cry foul over if it was happening to them). To call on the Shomrim organization to disband is as ridiculous as calling for the entire Pikesville area to be off limits to members of the black community because statistics and facts show that they commit the majority of crime in the area. Would anyone in their right mind suggest that the police force disband because of the occasional use of excessive force in a given situation? Shomrim has a track record of helping to reduce crime in our area, 99% of the time they do whatâs right, volunteering their time to help protect us. I am convinced that the leadership of the organization will make every effort to be even more careful in future situations. For now I believe that all members of our community should stand behind the organization as well as the individual involved in this case. This is an opportune moment for all of us to thank Shomrim for all that they do! Aharon Newman
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the last 2 posters, you hit the nail on the head. We must be vigilant with rules and regulations. The leadership of Shomrim is by default responsible (unless as the other poster said, the leadership thinks shomrim can take the law into their own hands). Some here I think hope so. That is fine but don't expect to exist with police and politicians help though.
Comment by gerlie thomas
With all due respect, Rabbi, it is a big deal because it is 2010 and a white Jewish volunteer said to a black youth "you don't belong in this neighborhood". Where does he belong south of Northern Parkway? Shomrim stepped over the line, not this young man but Shomrim the group he represents when he put on that jacket. Is the boy an innocent, probably not but that is not the point, not the point at all. The black community leaders are outraged by the violence in Baltimore, meetings and vigils are held throughout the year. Our ears all perked up because it happened to "one of us". Shomrim should not disband, it should be trained on its responsibilities and limits.
Comment by gerlie thomas
such a great program! my 4 year old came home knowing so much about fire safety!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Rabbi, with all due respect, you mix too important issues - disproportion and the facts of this case. Yes, we all know the Sun acts disproportionately. They have for years and will always to the detriment of the Jewish community. It is a given and we must speak up. However, regardless if the 15 year old has a record, if he was doing anything suspicious (and time will tell), it was up to the 23 year old shomrim member to not get out of his car BUT CALL THE POLICE. That is their job. If it isn't and their job has morphed to act as policeman, G-d protect us all.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Hey, you think Ronnie, Art Abramson and the Guv discussed the Shomrim mess? A few pastors included wouldn't have hurt :)
Comment by gerlie thomas
I couldnt agree more
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thank you Rabbi Landau for the courage of clear thinking and expression. Aaron Shamberg
Comment by gerlie thomas
100% on target! As the saying goes, "No good deed goes unpunished. It makes one wonder why anyone would want to put themselves at risk, especially when they get abused for it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Amen, Rabbi!
Comment by gerlie thomas
very well written, please try to get this into the sun paper.
Comment by gerlie thomas
7mile market is in the county for the record.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
shomrim did not come out of the nwcp. that is just one of the facts you have wrong.
Comment by gerlie thomas
thank you!!!!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very well written.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the Hebrew commentator: Write it in English. I hope they do see it. I want them to know that we are not part of their community, and they are certainly not part of ours.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ulay chashavtem rega sheha"ainam yehudim" korim et zeh gam kein vero'im kol ma she'atem kotvim? Yeish devarim she'einam reuyim lichtov baInternet leinei kol.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I love the idea of having OUR Hatzalah, OUR Chaverim, OUR Shomrim, and OUR NWCP. Why can't THEY get their own as well? Truthfully, I don't want OUR groups serving THEIR people. I think Hatzalah, for example, should only respond to Yiddishe homes. The community is not Baltimore, Upper Park Heights, or Greenspring. It's the JEWISH community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Another Chanukah miracle, the NAACP acting responsibly.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Well, I'm certainly glad to know we have the haskama of the NAACP. As if we needed it. Can we get back to the business of keeping our community safe now that we have it, or do we need to answer more questions?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whats wrong with taking care of our own?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am not sure how this all has gotten out of hand. Shomrim came out of the NWCP. To my knowledge NO community group is allowed to get out of their car and question suspected criminals. They are supposed to call the police plain and simple. If members of Shomrim feel (as some of these writers do) that the Police are not protecting the area enough, that is a different story that can't give any member of shomrim the right to take on Police duties (without explicit police permission which they never will have). No one is saying Eli is not a good person. The 15 year old may very well be a hardened thief BUT the police needed to be called if that were the case and no one at Shomrim can act as a police officer. This is so plain and simple the rhetoric here is astounding.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Did I just read "because trouble makers know we take care of our own"? Oy vey.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If Shomrim is gone, my CQC and handgun combat classes should double if not tripple in size. The "Black Leaders" are only making things worse, because scared people do things thay are not trained to do.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim does what needs to be done because the police are in other neighborhoods in the NW District. They must go where the demand is. You don't hear about the level of violence in Upper Park Heights - a greatly underserved neighborhood of the city - because trouble makers know we take care of our own. If the mayor has an issue, it should be with the leaders of communities in which have very high crime and violence rates and let us continue to do what we do - because it works.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nobody, absolutely nobody, especially someone identified as an on duty member of a community patrol organization should tell someone that they do not belong on a certain street or in a certain neighborhood, bottom line. Let us hope that the result of this incident will be increased training for the volunteers with clear guidelines on how to handle situations such as these. Without guidelines, without an understanding of their role and legal limitations we can only expect such an event to happen again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nobody, absolutely nobody, especially someone identified as an on duty member of a community patrol organization should tell someone that they do not belong on a certain street or in a certain neighborhood, bottom line. Let us hope that the result of this incident will be increased training for the volunteers with clear guidelines on how to handle situations such as these. Without guidelines, without an understanding of their role and legal limitations we can only expect such an event to happen again.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I just think it is a bit ridiculous because if I am not mistaken it was over sukkot when a young Jewish boy was attacked and had his arm broken and it took Baltimore City Police an hour and a half to respond. In that case, like many others, there was no investigation. They simply accepted what happened. Now I wasn't there, so I can not say what happened but lets be honest: Mr. Werdesheim was in the special forces in the Israel Army. If the story was he crossed Northern Parkway and picked the biggest guy he could find and broke his wrist, I would believe it. But something just doesn't sound right. A man with his skill and toughness stopping a car to pick on a little kid? I have trouble with that. Again, I wasn't there, but this seems like an act of self defense. In America, if someone breaks into your house and you shoot him, is that not called self defense? Where will they draw the line? What if something like questioning turns into a harassment charge...
Comment by gerlie thomas
Everyone knows this is going to become a HUGE racial thing this week. They should just pause and ask themselves: How many goyim would cross the street when a group of yeshiva bochurs are walking towards them, and how many vice versa?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think there is value to sitting in shul with your little one for five minutes. RAE
Comment by gerlie thomas
Civil unrest situation?? Don't you mean a riot by people in the other community that will gain status by controlling it or those criminals looking for a chance to cause damage and harm?
Comment by gerlie thomas
These ministers and the NAACP need a cause. When it doesn't exist, they'll make one up. The rush to judgement is a sad commentary on everyone involved. How about an honest search for the truth? Their cause should be the addressing of problems within their own community and not look for villains. Their youths are killing each other. Crime among the same group is out of control. This isn't racism, its fact. That's where their focus should be.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Such chutpah that there is an assumption of guilt here. It sounds as if people don't want to believe or accept that a Jew can and will defend themselves. Why not take a look at the history of this juvenile, who was arrested on car theft charges a week prior to this incident, vs. Werdesheim. Whose story is more plausible, the criminals?
Comment by gerlie thomas
This article misses the point multiple times. First, the DREAM ACT is a boon to our military. Bill Carr, former acting deputy undersecretary of defense for military personnel, has called the DREAM Act "very appealing" to the military because it applies to the "cream of the crop" of students. Second, the article referring to students of age 16 is a distortion, giving the impression that a flood of 15 year olds are crossing the borders to beat a system. This is not accurate. Those who will benefit from the DREAM ACT have been here since they were babies in most cases. They have grown up here and they entered the country on valid visas. There are many reasons why someone loses status, and a two or three year old child is not in a position to know or argue visa status. They have no options and there is no line to get into. If they leave the US, many cannot return for ten years minimum, and they are exiled to countries where they have no family, no friends, no knowledge of the culture, leaving the only home they have ever known. As Margaret Stock, a former military officer has publicly stated, potential DREAM Act beneficiaries are a military recruiter's dream candidates for enlistment, even if they have no legal status. "They are Americanized, having lived in the United States for at least five years, unlike the newly lawful permanent residents whom the military currently enlists. DREAM Act beneficiaries have no adult period of residence in a foreign country, making it easier to perform background checks for security clearance.â These are our childrenâs friends and you would be hard pressed to identify them. They are high school graduates, and only those with no criminal record will be eligible for this program. Ms. Stock noted that âif approved as DREAM Act beneficiaries, they will have passed rigorous criminal background and security checks from DHS. They will have "conditional lawful residence," which is recognized under current military recruiting regulations. Thus, the military will not have to change its regulations or process their enlistments differently from other recruits. Finally, they will be motivated to serve the United States so as to be given a chance to stay here." Finally, the DREAM ACT strengthens, not weakens the US economy. The students who would benefit under the DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the U.S. and by allowing them to pursue a higher education, we are investing in the future of our country and our economy. Communities, states, and nation would reap significant fiscal benefits from the DREAM Act as these young people pay taxes, pay tuition and cost $3,900 less in government expenses than if they dropped out of school. This amounts to an annual fiscal benefit of over $9,000 every year, money that can be used to pay for the education of others. The United States already welcomes foreign students, and the schools often get double tuition fees from foreign students. Why is allowing children who grew up here to attend school and pay tuition eroding the system? DREAM Act beneficiaries will make up part of the educated workforce needed to help the U.S. compete in the global economy. In our globalized world, their multilingual and bicultural skills, and contributions are more important than ever to the success and global competitiveness of the United States.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ours is a peaceful community if we are left alone. It's only when certain elements cross over Northern Pkwy that trouble starts. Shomrim are tzadikim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: Things dont escalate in the Jewish community. She's confusing ours with hers. Wake up, fool. We are on the brink of a civil unrest situation. And stop with the racism. What happened, happened. Its par for the course with Shomrim.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Things dont escalate in the Jewish community. She's confusing ours with hers.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shomrim should be licensed to carry guns
Comment by gerlie thomas
"KOL HA KAVOD to ELIYAHU at least we have someone that would do what it takes to keep are neighborhoods safe !!" Are you kidding. I am sure even he regrets not calling the police right now. I am sure you would love to be in his position right now feeling as good as you do. It is comments like this, that got him into trouble to make the bad decision. Eli is now a victim of the macho mentality that ruled too long without enough rules. Those days are now over for better of worse.
Comment by gerlie thomas
They need strong leader ship, and licenses to carry guns, too. What good is guarding and patrolling if you have no authority to do anything about it? It's like the store security guards, a big joke. If not guns, at least give them billy clubs like the cops had in the good old days. People should fear these good guys like they used to fear the cop walking a beat. Now, even cops have to have those silly hidden Asp things that expand when they take them out. Why? Because the liberal nudniks complained that the cops were too intimidating with the old style billy clubs! Ha! Hello? They are cops! They SHOULD be intimidating!
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was only a matter of time that a loose knit bunch of young men who have little real leadership guiding them day to day (who have done great jobs for the community overall), could make a critical error in judgment (not calling the police if they saw someone suspicious) and just maybe undo all those good years of work. One think is for sure. If Shomrim is politically allowed to exist anymore, it will be with VERY strong rules and oversight. Too bad. A former Israeli commando is the not at fault. It is the leadership who couldn't see what was coming.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It was only a matter of time before they found a reason to cry foul.
Comment by gerlie thomas
its open 2 men on the 2nd and one the 4th 2 the community
Comment by gerlie thomas
KOL HA KAVOD to ELIYAHU at least we have someone that would do what it takes to keep are neighborhoods safe !!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't understand. Why would you write a comment before you know all the facts. Oh, I get it, let's just assume he's a criminal because he's a fifteen year old Black male. My goodness, some of you really need to think what your comments would be had he been a 15 year old White male. Stop with the generalizations!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm confused-is it open tonight, the 2nd, or next week, the 9th?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Also to the person that wrote this: Would you be happier if Werdesheim was hurt? Werdesheim had no business approaching this kid, or anyone. Show me one place in the law where it says that private citizens are allowed to bully, harrass, and detain people because they are a black kid in a white area? It would have been no one's fault except his own. Don't wish it on him or any of them, but you get what you ask for. Don't approach people and no one would get hurt. Also, I would like to see pics of this supposed "stick" with nails in it. Someone, probably the police, or Shomrim, if this was a true statement, would have a picture of it to cover their liability and back up the story, don't you think? If it was 100% true that it was self defense, don't you think pictures, comments, statements and anything they could have thought of would have already made their way around the news? It's not the first time they have done this, because I myself have been the recipient of their warm, friendly behavior. They have done this to too many people - black, white, middle eastern. I know the way they operate - they are a band of vigilante, racist macho men who need to make their name in the community by being everyone's savior.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who wrote: "Think of this, who will you call if you or a family member are threatened, the 15 year old punk, the police who'll show up when it's too late and say they can't write a report or Shomrim?" I have never, nor would I ever, call Shomrim. I have no interest in being a party to a law suit that someone else will bring on them. I would call police from Alaska before I call them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It is comments like this (apparently made by Shomrim supporter who are fearful now they may lose all the good work they accomplished through one terrible incident), will make the police run from Shomrim. The bottom line is the kid had no gun or knife and if he looked suspicious in any way, Shomrim were to call the police. How are they different then the NWCP? That is the big issue that the leaders Shomrim may now have to pay the extreme price.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the poster who wrote: " I'm glad he got his butt kicked. I'm sure he was mouthing off to the Shomrim too--up until he realized he was in trouble. I wish he was carrying a gun or knife so Israeli guy could have taken this further." First of all, why shouldn't have mouth off to Shomrim?? As much as you want them to be, they are NOT police and have done nothing to deserve this kid's respect! And second, really? You think he should have been shot for walking down the street??? And then what would have happened to "the Israeli guy"??? Idiot!
Comment by gerlie thomas
These are sick comments. We might all agree that vigilantism is sometimes needed to take back the streets BUT we all know we live in the US and we can't or WE will be the one's to get locked up. Regardless if this boy was defending himself or was the aggressor, Shomrim had better come out strongly against the word vigilantism real soon or they won't exist. The public in the US won't allow them to exist. Whether the people writing here want and like vigilantism, they can do it themselves as the Baltimore City Police will run from Shomrim real fast if they don't distance themselves from it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Let's think... Did anyone care to consider that perhaps this "punk" lived nearby? You know, there are black people who live in this community... And the people here should be ashamed of themselves. The Baltimore Police Department does for this community more than any other community in the city. During Yom Tov, BPD adds multiple, tens, of officers to watch the streets to keep residents safe. They have done so much more for this community than for other communities. What's wrong - they don't respond in 3.28 seconds because someone stole a bike? Yes, bike theft is a problem - yes, its way down the totem pole. I bet if you would call 911 and tell them someone is breaking into your home, they will be there in moments. This teenager was walking down the street in the middle of the day. Is that a crime? He was not on anyone's property. And, the punk became belligerent? Wouldn't you if someone approached you and asked you what you are doing walking along the street? Sometimes, wrong is wrong. And they were wrong, very wrong this time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
To the person who posted "This was a totally unprovoked attack," you are a fool. Why do you assume that Werdesheim wasn't attacked as he says? Would you be happier if Werdesheim was hurt? It's funny, you're practicing Dahn Le'kaf Zchus for the wrong person. Think of this, who will you call if you or a family member are threatened, the 15 year old punk, the police who'll show up when it's too late and say they can't write a report or Shomrim?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't mess with the Zohan
Comment by gerlie thomas
Quit playing the race card. The 15 year old was a punk looking for trouble. He found it. What exactly was he doing at 12:45 on a Tuesday? How many 15 year olds do you know that have been arrested for theft? Would you feel different about what happened to this future felon if he was breaking into your house? I'm glad he got his butt kicked. I'm sure he was mouthing off to the Shomrim too--up until he realized he was in trouble. I wish he was carrying a gun or knife so Israeli guy could have taken this further. Did someone say call the cops? Yeah right. If the cops were on top of things, the Shomrim would never have been formed. I wish the Shomrim would patrol my neighborhood too. I'd love to send them a check to help pay legal costs. I'm not jewish but, I love jews because they don't take crap from anyone.
Comment by gerlie thomas I encourage every one to join my family in making a contribution to help keep our neighborhood safe 24/7 (Shomrim)! I also encourage every one to join my family in making a contribution to help keep our neighborhood safe 3/6 (NWCP)!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Leave it to Baltimore City to take the side of and give rights to the criminal. Also, the Baltimore Sun conveniently leaves out what the teenager was doing right before and during the confrontation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Kol Ha Kavod Eliyahu!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Leave it to Baltimore City to take the side of and give rights to the criminal. Also, the Baltimore Sun conveniently leaves out what the teenager was doing right before and during the confrontation.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This was a totally unprovoked attack. No one, other than law enforcement, has the right to stop anyone, approach anyone, or inquire what someone is doing on the street. Unfortunately, the fools in this community think that Shomrim is the best thing to come here. Explain self defense? Self defense is when you are walking down the street, and someone approaches you and tries to hurt you. All of you waxing self defense are correct - the 15 year old was defending himself from these out of control punks who think they own the streets of Baltimore!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Good Job! I wish Shomrim was an armed patrol. And he is right, the guy didn't belong in our neighborhood. Israeli's have so much more common sense than we do.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If "he was a criminal who was caught stealing a car just one week ago", why in the world would this young man not call the police for backup. Shomrim got into the same trouble other loosely knit groups do - lack of proper supervision. Once they allowed someone with the military background of this young man into Shomrim, someone should have read him the riot act about the rules. This incident alone could blow away ALL the good work Shomrim has done. Some leaders really blew it here.
Comment by gerlie thomas
it is so pretty
Comment by gerlie thomas
Last week when I made a true comment about NWCP not stopping to protect our community's residents as they enter their homes, which is the only thing they really do, you don't post that. This nonsense you post.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I guess self defense is not acceptable with certain NW policemen. Better to believe a criminal who was caught stealing a car just one week ago.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Nothing is always what it appears in print. I hope this young man did not get carried away given his para military background. Shomrim, a major asset in our community, must make certain (and it is no easy job), the volunteers realize the strong limits that are placed upon them and they should never place themselves in positions where they will need to use their own force. If they don;t understand this, they can easily be setup as targets which might have happened here. There is a point to back down and call the police and this young man is lucky this boy didn't get hurt any worse.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Shouldn't they destroy the building?
Comment by gerlie thomas
These are all closely related to what happened to the Armenians living in Turkey.My grandparents, endured in the genocide 1.5 million Armenians by the Turkish government in 1915 and came to America. This was the first genocide of the 20th century. After listening and watching the video, I am glad that future generations are told the stories that are related.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If that were true, big corporations would be fighting for the right to do the job. There is no honest money to be made in environmental projects. In fact, the only "profit" is that taxes are raised for a public project, and those with the right connections get to line their pockets with our tax money, which would otherwise be available for groceries, tuition, etc.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have Comcast and did not have any problems.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Thanks for the article!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Well, Duh!
Comment by gerlie thomas
For those of you who believe everything the media says, look at the headline above, vs. what Barak actually said. He said, "'no option should be removed from the table' when confronting Iran and North Korea." Is this the same as the headline Leaked Document: Barak Encourages Attack on Iran, N. Korea?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about posting info on the dangers the U.S. is putting on Israel? Most people have no idea and it's getting worse by the day.
Comment by gerlie thomas
There are so many important articles involving Israel, is this the best you can do?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Of course. Obama has made such a fool of himself worldwide, that no one respects, nor has an fear of him. It's open season for all crack-pots and despots. They can do anything with impunity.
Comment by gerlie thomas
ofishel makes the best fried chicken in town
Comment by gerlie thomas
Good talk!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The Obamanation will learn nothing. People who accept this kind of abuse, will ultimately accept anything. Plays right into the "Rules for Radicals."
Comment by gerlie thomas
this was their night, leave them alone. (as they like to be)
Comment by gerlie thomas
When does he start working at Tov Pizza?
Comment by gerlie thomas
How about posting this too: Jews should know how the U.S. gov't is really treating us.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Boo-Hoo, the abusers cry foul!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Best yet: Take I-83 North to I-81. I-81 to I78 East. Take I-78 all the way into the New Jersey Turnpike Extension. The Route 40 bridge is down to 1 lane - bad alternative.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The moderator is a coward. If you want a successful web site, be honest. You didn't post a legitamite concern about NWCP, that they are not doing what they are supposed to do. If you censor the truth, you will fail.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What a great idea we should do that sometime
Comment by gerlie thomas
Route 40 is another alternate to I-95.
Comment by gerlie thomas
this was a great Yom Iyun
Comment by gerlie thomas
Kudo's to thee many members of Shomrim, CERT and Chaverim for providing security, covering the entire community on Friday night, so all the girls can make it home safely and without any fear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Ok. Then why in the world would you publish clear OPINION articles you disagree with. This is great and many people will be happy to read your opinion. But you just solidified our point. If you disagree with opinion, you shouldn't publish it. If you disagree with a news article you should. That is the standard you should set for yourself. If you disagree with an opinion, by publishing it, you are by default (unless you comment under it), giving your readers (who are not all as wise as you may think) the feeling you accept it. I hope you reconsider this foolish thought and ONLY PRINT NEWS. Your concept is too good to play political opinions with it and tarnish it.
Comment by gerlie thomas
"over a blood clot" does not make sense. you probably want to say "due to a blood clot". unless he is flying over the blood clot in an airplane- in that case you would be correct!
Comment by gerlie thomas
where can u buy suntree swiss mix thanks Sylvia
Comment by gerlie thomas
In response to some of the comments implying that the BJL has a liberal agenda, I think you need to take a step back. At our pre-election event for Bob Ehrlich, covered exclusively by (see SECTION_ID=1&ARTICLE_ID=1867 )it was personally evident to us that the principals of BJF are most definitely NOT LIBERALS!!! I believe that the purpose of publishing this current piece of trash article is more for highlighting the absurd liberal bias of the Baltimore Sun than anything else. While the media continues to ignore big problems locally and state-wide,the Sun prints this garbage instead of holding our (sic) elected representatives' collective feet to the fire. has become an incredible resource to the the Baltimore Jewish community; presenting tremendously valuable, real-time and up-to-date community information. They also re-print a cross-section of articles (some from the Baltimore Sun). Perhaps greater discretion could be exercised but I think it is important that our heads are not buried so deep in sand that we ignore what OTHER people are talking about. This is just one of those articles that should cause people to cancel subscriptions (or validate those of us who have already done so) to the Sun, not BJL!!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
I can only assume if you are now printing political opinions instead of news articles, that Baltimore Jewish Life backs the opinions they are sharing. If that is the case, you are telling the community you have a liberal bias to this site. That is sad. You started out so well. If you now are showing a politically biased agenda, you will turn this site upside down. If the who are making the decisions to publish political opinions (rather then news) are doing so because they "think it will help drive traffic to your site", you have lost your conscience (an sold yourself out) already at such an early stage of your growth. I hope you come to your senses. Also, I agree with the commenter above. Please share your views on publishing political commentary vs political news. You have crossed a line now (on purpose or by accidental lack of oversight or standards set or both) and should inform your readers.
Comment by gerlie thomas
voracious appetite indid, kol hakavod :)
Comment by gerlie thomas
Fiberwise should pay a little extra so they can use whatever they would like
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sure the kids will be lined up for their salad. How stupid are these people. The idiocy never ceases.
Comment by gerlie thomas
He understand....yeah right! He just doesn't care. I'm sure he's got another agenda, other than security. If they get away with demeaning people in this manner, what will they do next? The terrorist have already won.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have finally come to the realization that this website must have a liberal agenda. The editors only post articles that are in line with democrats or scrutinize republicans.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I have finally come to the realization that this website must have a liberal agenda. The editors only post articles that are in line with democrats or scrutinize republicans.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Didos to the above comment
Comment by gerlie thomas
I agree. This is NOT a news article but an opinion by (known biased) TV personality. No news whatsoever. Totally an opinion. By what standards do you post "news" articles? Does one person make judgments or a team. Do you allow political bias in what you decide is news or opinion. What standards do you use? Please share.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's really too bad that such misinformation as is in this article is used to try to exonerate a traitor and spy such as Pollard. He didn't merely supply information to Israel that was denied because of the Iraqi raid, but supplied tens of thousands of documents about all kinds of USA weapons systems, USA codes, USA personnel, etc. to his Israeli handlers. According to the forms that USA govt personnel sign to get security clearances, it is made clear to the individual signing that each document that is inappropriately handled can lead to a fine of $10K and 10 years in prison. Thus, for the tens of thousands of documents he delivered to a foreign country (albeit a friendly foreign country), he could easily be liable for 100,000 years in prison. Still, he could have attempted to get paroled in 1997. He has *never* applied for parole. His sick, twisted mindset is that he wants to be acknowledged by Israel as a master spy, rather than admitting that he was a small time traitor to his own country.
Comment by gerlie thomas
You should be embarrassed for posting such nonsense. Why should he comment to a reporter when there are legal considerations? how does this embarrass anyone? Bottom line is that the Sunpapers is a piece of garbage and you choose to publish them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Im just a kid and i've only been there once but even I like it better. all of my friends who have gone love it. there is like five times the candy and cookies
Comment by gerlie thomas
The program was beautiful. It is a testament to Rebecca's life that there was standing room only for the duration of the program. May Rebecca's neshama have an aliyah as a result of this evening in her memory.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What a chazer!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Those people are so deluded to the point of insanity. How much more destruction to they want? Obama hasn't done enough to the country already? Besides, they already have the groups they want to create, like their nut fringe groups and labor unions, who do their bidding.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The new 7mile is so cool! It's very spacious and more than 1 cart can fit in each isle
Comment by gerlie thomas
Amazing!! Keep it up!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baltimore Jewry wake up !! The writing is literally on the wall. Time to come home to Eretz Yisrael.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Cross Country is an East-West Road. What does it mean that the camera is placed southbound and northbound?
Comment by gerlie thomas
When you compare the prices at 7 mile with the prices of other kosher stores in the ny/nj/philadelphia area they are consistently higher for the same products. This is what a monopoly in town achieves. Keep smiling and keep on paying.
Comment by gerlie thomas
This is what happens when government is allowed to overreach. They dominate the citizens, taking more and liberties at our expense and ignore the will of the people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
can't wait till it comes
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
has CERT been called out for the storm
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think it is great. I do notice prices have definitely gone up and assume moving to a more spacious location must be covered in costs back to us. I like one stop shopping but if prices there keep rising even given how nice the store looks, I will continue shopping also at Shoppers and Giant. Also, the produce looks much nicer then it ever looked. Let's hope it stays that way after the newness wears off.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Mazel Tov. A true American and Jewish sucess story!
Comment by gerlie thomas
No reason was given to the members. It was not even mentioned in the meeting. This group is focused on maintaining control, not serving the people.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sure the commenter davens in a beautiful shul but Darchei is literally falling apart, Shomrei was not meeting the needs of the community and R. Bergers is in a private pool house that is cramped. Should we daven in slums?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Darchei's funding is coming entirely from the membership digging down as deep as the can to help pay for the new building. No outside donors have contributed to this cause as I understand it. If they do not build, the current structure will fall down on top of them. Yes, schools need money, but if this shul does not rebuild, it will simply not exist. Fixing the existing structure is no longer possible. Please know your facts before making sweeping generalities.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Whether to give to a shul or a school is really a question for an individual to ask his/her Rabbi. A community needs them all -- schools,shuls, and charity for the poor. Everyone should ask his/her Rabbi as to how to prioritize their tzadakah monies.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Pretty slick how some of the prices were raised BEFORE moving to the new store.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Wishing Darchei, Rabbi Berger's shul, Shomrei, Rabbi Weiss etc. all the best in their continued growth, but where is all the funding coming from? Excuse the pollyannaish point of view but I would rather see all that cash funneled toward the day schools and Ahavas Yisroel, does anyone share my opinion out there?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I am sorry I unable to shop there. However great news and pictures (as you know me-pictures and video are fantastics). Great work Jeffrey!!!!!!!!!!! Tell them I wish them many Mazal. Jackie Spivack of Efrat
Comment by gerlie thomas
we will see how amazing it is when my wonerful wife shops at the new 7 mile market tomorrow. The pictures and the video production were done beautifully. anonymous
Comment by gerlie thomas
What does the tie say?!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The best change made was the customer service counter! So nice to be able to interact with the Customer Service Managers! No more looking up through a window and hoping they hear you! Congrats to such a great store!
Comment by gerlie thomas
Can all us citizens, who are struggling to make ends meet, have a printing press too. This way, we wouldn't have to cut our expenditures. Hmmm, maybe the egov't should learn from us instead? The more money printed, the less the dollar is worth and the higher prices go. Anyone notice the rise in gas prices lately? The sole reason for the increasee this time, is the lessening value of the dollar. Go Obama, your destruction of the Country is gaining steam.
Comment by gerlie thomas
If the customer service and the to high prices stay the same then it wil be the same ol seven mile
Comment by gerlie thomas
is it true someone will have to eat someones hat when this is built?
Comment by gerlie thomas
I thought the new 7 Mile market is very nice and clean looking. It has much more space and items are presented nice. I just bought some of the parve yogurt and will report later on it's taste. The salad bar looked nice but needed stocking and the prepared food looked better than before. It seems that they took the old store and moved it over as is with some addition. I would like to see some more upper end items such as ethnic sauces and spices that are new to 7 mile. I am a big fan of Pomegranate grocery store in NY and was hoping for some new items similar to what they carry in this store. I would also like to see some bulk items like spices, dried fruits, olives. I think the store is just the way they were before but bigger and cleaner. I want to I do like that but I am would like more.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Their logo on the receipt takes up so much room! Maybe 7mile wants to be more "green" and make it much smaller- it would reduce the amount of paper needed tremendously.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't understand why anyone would write a paper check at a grocery store. There is something called a check card... I know it only came out about 10 years ago, but you should really check it out... no pen required!
Comment by gerlie thomas
i was thinking "my it looks like the old 7mm" and then i realised that these are pictures are from the old one . no wonder it looked so familiar.
Comment by gerlie thomas
why would they place the camera getting cars going away from the school, that defeats the whole purpose ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
My family and I would like to thank and the Knish Shop for a very tastey Shabbos, and a great excuse for a family get together (not that we really need an excuse to get together). Someone else doing the cooking made for a very easy welcoming of Yaakov into the quarter century club.
Comment by gerlie thomas
hatzlacha to the boehm family.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It's opening tuesday morning!!
Comment by gerlie thomas
hatzlacha to the Boehm family
Comment by gerlie thomas
It would be nice to know where it is located and the hours. This article is sadly lacking real information
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about the robocalls in OUR community. The 10's of unsolicited calls from every organization in the world that probably buys their list from that guy at the good book for $1. How many calls did we get during the snow storm last year at 11 o'clock at night with the act of "chesed" that someone can shovel your street for $400 (even though the other private guys were doing it for $200) or all of the NY "tzedakahs" and Baltimore sheitel machers calling and telling us about their sales. How come we can't stop those? Who cares about Ehrlick and O'Malley. Let's stop the ones here in our own backyard.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What about the robocalls in OUR community. The 10's of unsolicited calls from every organization in the world that probably buys their list from that guy at the good book for $1. How many calls did we get during the snow storm last year at 11 o'clock at night with the act of "chesed" that someone can shovel your street for $400 (even though the other private guys were doing it for $200) or all of the NY "tzedakahs" and Baltimore sheitel machers calling and telling us about their sales. How come we can't stop those? Who cares about Ehrlick and O'Malley. Let's stop the ones here in our own backyard.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Interesting, Julius Henson is a Democratic party operative.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Much ado about nothing! The Dem's are notorious for voter fraud and voter suppression techniques. This is childs play compared to the things they do. BTW, is anyone investigation why Harry Reid's name automatically appeared on the voting machine when, even before people voted? The fact that his son had control of the machines, as Secretary of State in Nevada and supporting unions program the machines....hmmm.
Comment by gerlie thomas
The major factor for this, that the Sunpapers conveniently left off, is the fact that there was a major population shift from Baltimore City to the County. As a result, many B. County residents have fled to the outer suburbs to get aways from the resulting social problems the new residents brought with them.
Comment by gerlie thomas
It works as a deterrent, because the NWCP places a very reflective and very bright piece of tape on the frame of the bike. Most of these bike theft punks know what that tape is and steer clear.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Agudath Israel of America is an anti-Internet organization, yet has no problem using the Internet outlets of any other organization that allows them that option. I'm not commenting on the substance of Avi Shafran's op-ed, just the seemingly hypocricy of using the Internet while condeming it at the same time. Eis HaEmes
Comment by gerlie thomas
The people in Glen area waited too long to get involved. Don't make that mistake, join your association and be heard today.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I don't know what the facts are on this issue, but I'd choose Glen Beck over Soros anytime. Soros is one of the most dangerous, hateful person around. He funds and manipulates all the anti-Israel, anti-democratic forces in the country and elsewhere.
Comment by gerlie thomas
We're far better off that people not know that the despicable George Soros is Jewish. Why worry about external enemies, when we have such vile internal enemies, such as Soros?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
You need more than 2-3 people on the Board to make any impact. Glen Assn. has always opposed any zoning issue. They have a very small membership base, constituting a minimal % of the community. They are clearly not representative of the community and their legitimacy is a valid issue. I suggest you get a copy of their by-laws, as a first start. They are required to provide it to any member making the request. A main problem on the Glen Assn board is a Jewish, non religious couple who are very anti the frum community. I suggest you get a copy of their by-laws, as a first start. They are required to provide it to any member making the request. A main problem on the Glen Assn board is a Jewish, non religious couple who are very anti the frum community.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Baal Tashchis on the house.
Comment by gerlie thomas
What reason was given for expelling Mr. Sauer?
Comment by gerlie thomas
It always is larger than they expected. What can you expect of these irresponsible fools, who spend like drunken sailor. BTW, a study showed that O'malley's "New Americans," you know, the illegals that he loves, cost the tax payers $2 Billion a year, an amount larger than the deficit.
Comment by gerlie thomas
I think it also works as a deterrent.
Comment by gerlie thomas
wow and lots of mazel, Jackie Spivack of Efrat, Israel
Comment by gerlie thomas
I'm sorry I missed it..I heard it was wonderful!
Comment by gerlie thomas
The experiences cited by the speakers were more appropriate for Yom Hashoah than for Kristallnacht. The first speaker spoke far too long and the night of the November pogrom (Kristallnacht) had no part in it. A small change, please; in your next bulletin,spell Kristallnacht without the "Y"
Comment by gerlie thomas
It doesn't prevent your bike from being stolen but after if it gets stolen they can prove that it's yours because it has your licences plate num. on it
Comment by gerlie thomas
How does having your bike engraved, and marked prevent it from being stolen ?
Comment by gerlie thomas
Don't forget, the NWCP has a great system that actually prevents bike thefts by having your bike engraved and marked. Call the NWCP office at 410-664-6927 to make an appointment.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Comment by gerlie thomas
A thirty-eight minute long video? Almost as long as it takes me to wait in line at the checkout there lol. Seriously, though, I wish them much hatzlacha!
Comment by gerlie thomas
looks more like "wannabees"
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very exciting. I'm just so curious what is going to be done with the old store??
Comment by gerlie thomas
i hope it opens soon with all the food that is already on the shelves :) Great article and video. We can t wait until it opens...
Comment by gerlie thomas
That's what the left does best, demonize the opposition. The sad part, is that so many people beleive their nonsense. The "big lie theory" works. Dunces fall for it all the time.
Comment by gerlie thomas
Very interesting.
Comment by Ari Storch
This is such a wonderful organization,which literally saved us thousands of dollars.
Comment by Ari Storch
Thanks, Faith. Marsha S
Comment by Ari Storch
This just show that Gov't should keep its hands out of the private sector. For those who don't get it, the City spent YOUR tax dollars on this boondogle. They can't run government efficiently, you expect them to run a hotel?
Comment by Ari Storch
Can we see pictures of the new store?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
TO those who are interested in the Girl Scouts - the contact information for Mrs. Lazar is in the Eruv Book - Also remember that has a great phone book section - add the information there so that everyone can get to it!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Anyone interested in Girl Scouting in the Orthodox community can call me and I'll be happy to help you find the right troop. I'm in the Eruv Book as well as the Good Book. Karen Hening-Speedone on Menlo Drive.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
What makes this Jewish? First of all HE was Jewish... he lived through the Holocaust coming to this country, literally, with nothing... he didn't always keep Shabbos, but he did later in life, and he did give a lot of tzedaka, quite often anonymously. Above all, he was a mensch... Jewish enough in my book.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Did he only sell Kosher food ? Did he keep Shabbos ? Did he give a lot of tzedaka ? What makes this Jewish ?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I knew and loved Paul Diamond. He was a great man, full of charm and hard working. I am inspired by his ability to build something (a chain of grocery stores and a legacy to leave his family) out of nothing. His past rooted in persecution by the Nazis, he had the strength of character to go forward and create a successful life for himself and his family. I worked as a cashier in one of his stores to pay for my apartment while in college in Baltimore. We were also family friends. Kudos on making a great choice in inducting Paul Diamond into the Food Industry Hall of Fame. Sandy Weiner
Comment by Susan Leibtag
They left off watching the vote count in the Cemetary district and the illegal's vote count. Oh, the criminal count too.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Interesting, Obama's Justice Dept. stopping voter fraud. That's funny, just like they prosecuter voter intimidation by The New Black Panther party in Philadelphia. The Dem's are experts in voter fraud. The only fraud to them, is anyone voting for their opposition.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
If you would like to find out more about Girl Scouts, stop by Tov's Pizza on Sundays between 11am-1pm or 4pm-6pm (through the end of November) and meet some of the local Jewish Girl Scouts and thier leaders. Any girl in Kindergarten through Highschool is able to particpate in the Girl Scout program and join at anytime durring the year. You can also check out the website:
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Way to go Paulie D
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Better to 'go to waste' trying, than to go to liberal democrats and their anti-Torah philosophies.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Considering that Sinai has to put up with the "Gun and Knife" club in the City and the rest of the non-paying public, including the illegals that were invited hear by then Mayor O'malley, it's a small price for the city to pay.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
and Mrs. Lazar's email address? please. Thanks. --Leah
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Sounds like a wonderful idea to have girl scout like that, great opportunity for them learn something. Could you send me information about girl scout? I'd like my kids to join with them next year. Thanks.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Time to remove the Arabs from all these places. Such chutpah. Now they vote to make Kever Rochel a mosque. Time for them to go. Israel needs a backbone.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I support a stop sign. Besides the frequest accidents at Strathmore and Cross Country, it is not safe for kids to cross there.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
David Chu's is open until 9:30 or 10
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Kol hakovod!finally some people standing up for what's right and making a kiddush hashem.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Maybe those who were "notably absent" weren't aware of it. Most of Ehrlich supporters in our community had no idea about it.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
a few thousand dollars gone to waste!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
You can triple their salaries and the result will still be the same pathetic results.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
the only things that sounds not kosher is the school and the principle. the school thinks just expel the girls that will take care of the problem. maybe it's time to expel teachers and principle who don't know how to give and teach love to the students.was das torah confront or this was a gerzarah made by the principle. before any child is expel from a school or a yeshiva ,the hanala's of the yeshiva should fast for three days.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The website for the Technology and Family Safety Alliance is
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Here is a bit more about the gathering from the Technology and Family Safety Alliance Blog: Also, here is a bit more about the Technology and Family Safety Alliance itself:
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Baltimore officially has 3 jewish book stores, not 2 Mamah Leahs should have moved to the quarry.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Fascinating article - I lived near Breuer's for several years and absolutely loved davening there. You are right, it is something to be experienced and it is unlike any other davening experience anywhere.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Fascinating article - I lived near Breuer's for several years and absolutely loved davening there. You are right, it is something to be experienced and it is unlike any other davening experience anywhere.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
K-9, not Canine, as the filtering system.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
To view the photos, click on the green box with the white arrow. The slideshow will play automatically.
Comment by Monica Caplan
This is not a fair or appropriate picture of him.
Comment by Monica Caplan
Great article Adam! May you soon see the fruition of all your efforts for this noble project. Dan
Comment by Monica Caplan
Comment by Monica Caplan
Dear readers - the photo essay is below the article
Comment by Susan Leibtag
How do I view the photo essay? I only see 1 picture
Comment by Susan Leibtag
where are the other pictures?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!Kudos!!!!! NBG
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It was a beutiful shabbos. Starting with a wonderful friday night davening, where people were standing shoulder to shoulder in the new shul. On to the Oneg Shabbos with all the Rabbonim of the city, some who had an hour walk, who came to be mekabel ponim the Novominsker Rebbe and to be mechazek the new kehila and their Rov, Rav Eichenstien. The Rebbe spoke beutifuly 8 times in the city, including Ner Yisroel, TI, TA , Rav Shlanger's and 4 times over Shabbos. It was great to see all the different hats, yarmulkas and shtreimels that wove together this friday night at the huge tent that was built for the occasion. Baltimore is a wonderful place.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It was a wonderful event Friday night. Baltimore is really a special place with our achdus diligently maintained from our Rabbanim shlita. Rav Heinnemann and Rav Hopfer had a forty minute walk! Ashreinu! That we have leaders like we do!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Thank you so much. I feel lucky to have won this prize. I already have a number of individuals who would like to be our special friends on the Shabbas we celebrate with this package.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Let the sicko womanizer stay home. No one need him or O'Malley.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
To #1: What a ridiculous comment. I am not the author of this, but wish to comment anyway. 1. If you are such a buckee, why haven't you written this yourself? In fact, what seforim or halachic guides have you written? I know the answer: 0 2. What a complete chutzpah. The most senior Rabbonim in town have endorsed this, and you have the chutzpah to open your fat mouth and post your ridiculous opinions? Leave your opinions to yourself. No one cares what you get a kick out of.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Can't wait!!!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Another lovely and innovative program from one of the most creative shuls in town. Yosher koach!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I would love a fancy milchig place, like the ones in NY, but I am sure it is too much $$$ for B-more.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
In what way was this written by your staff?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
What if I have no non-Jewish neighbors? What if the police is/are Jewish? I get such a kick out of these promotional/propoganda items that are being passed-off as halacha but don't even scratch the surface.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Love this article - what a great thing to get the kids together, running around, having fun. Parents too!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I'm fairly certain the Quarry intentionally discourages kosher establishments. Rent is very high, and I don't think they want the place to turn into a frum enclave.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
"An upscale milchig place? Like where I can take business partners for a business lunch!" It will never happen!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I always beleived that our state legislature is high all the time anyway. The reality is that medical marijuana makes sense to help people alleviate suffering. Who does it hurt? It is also done in Israel. The only reason it's not allowed here is our ridiculous approach that can't distinguish from the illegal user vs. someone with a painful disease.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
An upscale milchig place? Like where I can take business partners for a business lunch!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Attention Grammar Checker: Checksd = checked Sincerely, Spell Checker
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Welcome to online publishing!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
"Abba's, Daddy's and Tatty's" what? Those are possessive forms. I believe that what you want to write is "Abbas, Daddies and Tatties" the plural. Isn't there an editor who checksd grammar before items are released to the public?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
You can never have too many kosher restaurants in an given area and having one at Quarry Lake would be an ideal location for families to enjoy in a nice atmosphere, especially with outside seating during the warmer months. Any type of retail establishment, either books or Judaica or kosher groceries or even a bakery would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood and would surely increase the choices available to the frum community.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I think a supermarket similar to 7 mile would be very bad for the community because it would take business away from 7 mile and 7 mile has great prices, so its not like there needs to be anymore competition. A restaurant would be great....Mexican would be my preference....but I doubt that it will happen in this economy. Again, a bookstore wouldn't really do the community any favors. We have two and both have approximately the same prices and variety.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
That woudl be an awsome idea It would become much more popluar with the jewish communtiy
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I can't really see someone opening another kosher restaurant in Baltimore in this economy.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It would be nice to see the actual "quarry" used for something other than a whole with water to look boating and fishing.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Had they not said this, we wouldn't have known that a women can't lead davening. Was that ever an issue within Orthodox circles, in any venue? The issue referred to in the article was a woman's role as a leader, not davening for the Amud.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
OK. A shame segments of the modern orthodox world must keep trying to push the envelope. There is no doubt of women's frustration that exist among some Orthodox woman who feel left out and under-stimulated intellectually and spiritually today. Many years ago it was woman wanting to study gemara. Today with so many woman desiring and entering Orthodoxy from Conservative upbringings, they feel so left out and are yearning for Rabbis to give them some of the good feelings they had had in their otherwise spiritually unstimulated Conservative backgrounds. It truly is a shame a schism is happening to good and well intentioned women. Unfortunately, this modern orthodox congregant, although he feels for this situation, feels trying to apply pressure to reform existing institutions halachic interpretations and feelings is the wrong way to go. It only increases bitterness over the shabbos tables among all fellow Jews. The best way for women who feel disconnected today and can't work within the existing system of halachic interpretation is to not fight against it but to create their own institutions as they have. It won't buy acceptance they seem to want also but it should give them the spirituality within their own synagogues and institutions. I just hate to see in fighting among well intentioned spiritually inclined Jews that does no one any good except those that like it. I don't. Good luck to all.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Very nice article, Danielle! Susan Spear Kaiser Fairfax, Virginia
Comment by Susan Leibtag
BW Parkway is NOT an interstate- that is, it is MD 295 not I-295.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
One camera in Baltimore issued over 900 erroneous tickets early this year when it was configured to the wrong speed limit. It was located on the 2200 block of West Cold Spring Lane. But just don't speed and the cameras won't bother you, right?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
O'malley hiredd a lot of people. Is that his job growth? If his stats are anything like he did to "Citistat" when he was Mayor, it's figured lie and liars figure.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Yum, both soups sound amazing. I will try them when I have some time on a Sunday.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
51% approve? My have we fallen.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Whoopee, all the guys who can't pass a lie detector test.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Hey, this is Baltimore. What do you expect? A visit from the Noviminsker Rebbe or something?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The should let him out already!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Wow - these guys are taking over the world.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Me too!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Since when are Fannie May chocolate kosher?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Any news on the stolen speed cam?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
It seems to me like a better idea to is CUT TAXES. This way we won't need loans from the government.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I sure hope Ehrlich wins!!
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Baltimore City won't tolerate criminal arrests. It's discriminatory. Arrest law abiding citizens too, to end discrimination against the criminals.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
More political baloney. Wasn't the near Trillion dollar so-called "stimulus" supposed to go for the same thing? More political election cycle payoffs, with our money.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
There are numerous accidents at the corner of Cross Country and Strathmore. The speed camera is woefully insufficient - a traffic light is needed. Last year we circulated a petition that got over 500 signatures requesting the city for a traffic light. instead, we got a speed camera, which does not address the fact that it is a blind curve and it is nearly impossible to turn onto or go across cross country without saying a hearty tefillah that no one will suddenly appear around the bend. For pedestrians, it is Russian Roulette.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The camera is gone
Comment by Susan Leibtag
will this be "news" until next Succos?
Comment by Susan Leibtag
Am also very happy with this development. I live on Cross Country and note that drivers tend to think it's a highway and not a residential street. I have witnessed many many close calls -- including seeing a truck flipped over, a collision with a teenager on a bicycle, and a car hanging halfway into the creek and held back by a single sturdy tree limb. Fortunately, none of the incidents has resulted in a fatality. Yet. It's also HIGH time to educate the public about the purpose of crosswalks and the LEGAL duty of every driver to stop when pedestrians are trying to cross. A pedestrian paddle alerting drivers to stop, along with the speed camera, can go a long way to calming the traffic on Cross Country. Better drivers get a speeding ticket than ch'v'sh injure one of our children crossing the street or plow into a car going through an intersection.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
First I couldn't drive on reisterstown bc of cameras then park height then greenspring now cross country. There is no place to drive at a normal pace :'(
Comment by Susan Leibtag
The government should mandate lawn mower engines for cars...ooops, they pollute.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I guess this means that if everyone loses their jobs, the stock market will explode with growth, because in Obamnomics, the government will have a never ending supply of money to prop everything up.
Comment by Susan Leibtag
I am VERY happy about this. People go flying down Cross Country. Maybe this will help. There also needs to be a sign telling people to STOP at the cross walk when people are waiting to cross. Most people don't know they have to stop - how do we get one of those cross walk signs put into the middle of the street?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He can only motivate the ignorant!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
We rarely see the beautiful shul from this angle. I appreciate it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Watching this slide show was ALMOST as good as being there. Thank you for the wonderful pictures and the sharing!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I appreciate the pictures. Thank you for the huge time and effort it must have taken to put these online for our enjoyment.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
America is very good for jews. Those who don't think do are just ignorant. the reason he got mugged is because it was on shabbas. This is gang initiation month and you have to beat someone up to get in and on shabbas the only people walking around ARE JEWS!! Im sorry but if you think he got beatup because he's jewish, YOUR AN IDIOT.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Thanks for the input; we will do our best to organize the next album better!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Way too many pictures without knowning how many more are coming. Should be organized. How many pictures of the same people in a row are needed???
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Wasted money anyway. Throwing money at a failing system doesn't solve anything.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This appears to be for UB students only. Why is it here on
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If this were a sane state, he would be a liability to those candidates. Then again, if this were a sane state, they wouldn't have been elected to begin with.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The only reason it seems to be declining is because it takes the police an hour to get to the scene of the crime and by then the criminals are already gone and it's one less statistic
Comment by BJLife BJLife
The cake and cupcakes portrayed in the pictures were created and served by me for our family's personal succah. As of today, I still have 3/4 of the cake and at least 1/2 of the cupcakes left over in my refrigerator. I had many guests, including family members who stayed throughout the chag. My personal, not editorial opinion, is that these "sweets" enhanced our enjoyment of the holiday - by their aesthetic presence and by their actual taste. Tasting a bit of something sweet, in my humble opinion, is not equivalent to plying children with quantities of sweets and candies. Moderation and restraint are good qualities to instill in our children and ourselves, whether serving desserts or any rich foods. Overindulgence is not attractive, but complete removal of temptation does not necessarily eliminate this vice; learning that savoring a small bite of a treat might satisfy that sweet tooth even more than gulping it in large quantities is a lesson to be encouraged. Faith Wolf, Editor
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Safer, or raising $$$$?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There is a new one on Strathmore and Cross Country-watch out it is very well hidden.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He means, until after his election.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
If it is such a good idea, why have no private companies proposed to build it with their money. If it can only be built with tax dollars, and will rely on a taxpayer subsidy to operate, who needs it?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Common sense? Common sensee is not forcing cars into on-coming traffic because bike lanes were put on streets not wide enough to accomodate them. Common sense is now a thing of the past, if it ever existed.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Boo Hoo. The Arabs think of nothing when they burn Shuls or churches, nor does it bother them when they desecrate graves.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Did anyone call Shomrim? Isn't this one of their many specialties?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think it's more for us to understand that we have enemies. Posting the article is not a forum for Ahmadinejad, it's a reminder for us.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Why give this moron a forum for his diatribes?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Every Jew should learn self-defense and be armed with a gun at all times. Shoot and don't bother asking questions. Hitler's first directive was to take the guns from the people, just like Barak Hussein Obama Y.S. wants to do. ,David Altman ,David Altman
Comment by BJLife BJLife
THis will be hard to get used to, but it will make Maryland a safer place to drive!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where is the apology from all those who defended having omalley signs?!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hate to be a spoilsport, but this article is right below the one on NOT giving sweets on simchas torah. Which is the editorial position?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This is great! Obama will sink O'Malley like he sunk every other candidate that he stumped for. It'll be a great chance to find out if they think Maryland should freeze any construction to give the land back to the Native Americans!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
if the police doing it's job wright, the conclusion should be, that this was a hate crime, wchich is a federal offence
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Faith, you are so creative! They are beautiful!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
This proves once again that a vote for omalley is a vote for the radical socialist israel hating any frum person could display an omalley sign is beyond disgusting.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I hope Moshe realizes that there are many non-Jews who are appalled that this happened. I pray that it strengthens his resolve to become a Jew his children will be proud to call Father.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
refua shlema, and i hope the cops end up doing their job and make an arrest.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Chutzpah. They should forgo raises. They are paid to much already, based on the quality of what they achieve. Raises for politicians should be voted on by the public.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Lieberman is more realistic than the rubber spin of Netanyahu. Only Hashem will make peace. Netanyahu is foolish if he believes that Abbas is a true peace partner or that he can deliver anything.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
yes because nothing bad ever happens to Jews in Israel.....
Comment by BJLife BJLife
A visceral lesson to all those who think America is so wonderful for Jews. Wake up people! It's called GALUS!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
unbelievable to take a raise at this time. another reason to shake this whole md system up. democrats have been in so long they can do whatever they want (even in these historically bad times) and they feel no one can stop them. Clean house everywhere is hold new office holders immediately to standards before they too become power corrupted.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
why do they have to use more tax money for that ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
He has requested executive clemency for many years and it has been denied repeatedly by Both Bushes and Clinton. As far as parole, if he requests parole and it is denied, it could substantially prevent his chances from ever getting the opportunity to be eligible for parole in the future. His attorneys do not believe there is any chance that he would be granted parole which is why there has not been any parole request although his sentence is subject to review in 2015. There is no guarantee that he will be granted parole in 2015 either which is why it is so important that you call your Representatives in Congress and ask them to sign this letter. We need Pollard out of jail now. He is in very bad health.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
All Jonathan Pollard has to do is request parole or a pardon. He has been eligible for parole for many years, yet he refuses to apply. Why?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
i guess they forgot about the city.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
dose anyone know what time the actual shoe starts ?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
cant wait!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
To all the people who think "shoot first ask questions later" is the correct thing to do. IT ISN'T.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Always, just on the other side of the mechitza or whatever Rabbi Hauer calls that thing.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
There's an old saying; "Don't believe everything you read on the Web". And especially not, if someone is getting paid to write it.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Yeah, but the question is from where do you draw your population to determine those statistics(10%). Are you drawing it from a Middle Eastern shuk? Or from Sam's, where after years of purchasing, I've not found a bug in a strawberry.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks avi, the next invention should be a necklace with the press of a button to alert hatzalah .
Comment by BJLife BJLife
kol hakavod Avi!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
They should all go, including Obama. What a disaster!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
are women invited?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks for being the eyes and ears of the community !
Comment by BJLife BJLife
we are so lucky to have shomrim in our neighborhood. you guys are the best!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Go Shomrim! I didn't know you patrol so late.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Where can I get a large, life-size copy of this picture of HaRav Hagaon Doyv Oycken for my succah to place alongside the other gedolim?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It would be nice to have a sukkah either near the Capitol or somewhere on the mall (perhaps attached to a kosher food stand).
Comment by BJLife BJLife
thanks for sharing these yummy recipes.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is great to see the partnership Shomrim has built with the Baltimore City Police Department. BPD is lucky to have them as a resource in the NWD.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
what pictures?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Kol Hakavod!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Shomrim should be armed, with instructions to shoot first & ask questions later.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I'm looking to buy mouse traps for my sukkah. Are they selling mouse traps again this year?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Don't forget the US Capitol. The new Visitors Center is a highlight of any visit to DC. You can also schedule a tour online They have interactive exhibits (such as a touchable model of the Capitol Dome) and other interesting exhibits. Both the House and Senate are scheduled to be in session (Tuesday evening and Wednesday for the House), so make sure you visit your Members office in the House and Senate Office Buildings (Constitution Ave for Senate and Independence Ave for House) and get gallery passes for your trip.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
You can't believe anything either one of them say!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I think he wants to eat it!!!
Comment by BJLife BJLife
What a great article - love the recipes too ! Gmar Tov to all.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Great info, I just checked with Eli's Restaurant in Dupont Circle and they are open Chol Hamoed and have two sukkahs for thier customers. find info at
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Is that the new Rabbi?
Comment by BJLife BJLife
It is in the national interest to sell to Israel and not only for Israel's defense. They improve the technology and give it to the U.S. Saudi Araibia, on the other hand, funds terrorists.
Comment by BJLife BJLife
congrats ron! and i agree! take down that green o'malley sign BEFORE yom kippur please :)
Comment by BJLife BJLife
Ron when you run for President, will Crusty be your VP?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is there a call in number?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Way to go Ronnie, I know first hand your selfless dedication to the community, you deserve this.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Ronnie, you are the best we need you keep on going!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
She didn't have the cemetary vote counted yet!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
ok,ronnie you won .now take down that shamefull omalley sign,after all we are in the aseres yimie teshuva.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
where is jack abramoff? he's probably in his little office next to ronnie
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
So much for the "religion of peace".
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
keep it rocking
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
its steel, not steal
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I DO NOT like the idea of a mosque any where near ground zero, I HATE the idea of a mosque in my face in the Holy city of Jerusalem. But this guy is sooo wrong. There is no upside and only potential repercutions.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
That was very nice of him, glad there is a place like Baltimore Jewish Life to pass it along to us.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
what a great resource! i will be printing it out and hanging it in my kitchen! thank you!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The juggling is so good!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What a lovely, mouth-watering reminiscence, Faith. And I can attest to how delicious those spring rolls are. To a sweet, healthy new year!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Eli- Thanx for the menu ideas. Your salad ideas sound good. I am going to try it this Shabbos. The chicken soup recipe is easy but I think you might do better starting with a basic homemade low fat chicken stock instead of the frz stuff.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
This is an election of historic proportion (as polls indicate too). People are angry. The country has against its will been forced to shift radically. The people in this video are "old school" business as usual. We are in a new day and November will prove that to all of you one way or another.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What the amateur in the White House won't understand from this, is that this and gov't employment can't be sustained and will fall if the private sector continues as it is. Only the private sector generates wealth that allows for the economy to succeed.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Please be careful with your headlines - if someone doesn;t bread the full articlpe, they may assume it refers to DST here in the US.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
To limit the disicion between Erlich and Omalley on how much school textbook they aid they propose is tragicly smallminded .With issues such as socialised medicine,parnasa killing tax hikes,and in a broader sense the security of this country and israel at stake this election carries once in a lifetime ramifacations.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A waste of money for a waste of a States Attny.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Please stop nitpicking to justify. Today with President Obama, we have seen the Democratic Party shift dramatically to the far left. As Orthodox Jews we know what that means. Whether Governor O'Malley internally loves the direction of his party or not, he represents his party and therefore represents President Obama. I need not say more. You have every right to try to justify your support but don't look for any individual reason to. They simply don't overcome the bigger picture. I hope you feel that way when you privately enter your vote.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Very nice! Thanks for posting!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The support provided the community's schools by the two candidates for Governor was raised by one reader. The four budgets that Gov. Ehrlich submitted provided $14,730,000 in textbook aid. Over his 4-year period in office, despite a significant decline in state spending, Gov. O'Malley proposed spending $14,388,000 - virtually the same amount.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I couldn't agree more with the last poster. If one can't discuss politics open and honestly in areas that effect all of us and then get accused of "attacking people", we are worse off than we all know. Who says we can't respect people for who they are yet criticize their political choices that are blasted in front of all of us that the general Orthodox public disagree with? Come on. Stop using the attack card. That is like saying if you criticize President OBama, you are called by some a racist. Everyone grow up and let's disagree without making it personal.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Re: The first comment. Do you think people should be educated and warned about a potential disaster before or after an event? Have a little seichel next time. Most of the info is pertinent to any disaster and unless you're a Novi, be prepared. You'd probably be the first one crying for help.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
YR Rocks!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sorry comment # 16,I am disgusted that you would accuse frum jews of speaking inaproprietly without any basis whatsover.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Cute kid!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
After reading the comments on this article I am disgusted that frum Jews would speak to each other in this manner. No matter what your political views are, and you do have a right to them, there is a proper way to communicate those views. Especially in the month of elul, we should be concentrating on treating each other with respect and derech eretz. Also, I would like to understand why there was a reference to Yeshivat Rambam in connection with this incident.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Mazel tov Mazel tov !!!! I am thrilled to be able to view this across this country here in Oakland California and feel being inside the Beis Medresh of Hertzbergs',Beth Abraham. So good to see familiar faces. Rav Hertzberg would be so proud. Building a binyan aday odd. Israel Shualy
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Hence... Notice the line that says... "It is important to note that the track of the storm is still very much in flux, and a small shift in its position could make a big difference in the track of the storm, and the impact to our area." The point is: it doesn't matter if the storm is 1,000 miles away. The point is, be prepared. Preparedness will never hurt, only help.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What a shame these "leaders" couldn't do the same outward promotions for the candidate who they know in their hearts will best serve this constituency. That is the shame of our system. One must always play games, fear if they speak the truth in balance, and in a close race like this, they create lost opportunities rather then new opportunities.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Huh? Where's CERT getting this from. Are they in North Carolina. Baltimore weather reports are predicting cloudy weather at worst.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yep, K"H, sure is an expensive way to make one. You city taxes at 'work' again. Glad that I'm in the county.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yep, K"H, sure is an expensive way to make one. You city taxes at 'work' again. Glad that I'm in the county.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
what a kiddish hashem.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"Politics aside, Ronnie will always try to do what is best for our community." "Politics aside" has no margins for crossing the line. These days once you support democrats indirectly or directly you support the party and its goals. It is shameful to be in position where you cannot in full honesty tell our constituency to vote for Ehrlich especially in a year when bringing two party rule back is within reach. Ronnie has made his bed. Maybe Ronnie will do the right thing when he gets in the voting booth but if all of us took his path, we will always be sunk in the monopolistic hole of one party rule.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
To AN - We don't necessarily "NEED" to support anyone. It is beneficial for us, as a community, to have access to all sides. Some of these posters think that we are such a large community that we have this power. We don't. Our influence is in having access. Our voting influence can only occur in a close race, which is very rare in Maryland, though this Gov. race in the exception. Also, you can't vote for Ronnie, since you are a registered Republican. That registration has no value in a one party state, which unfortunately is where we live, since most of the time the Democrat primary is the election and your vote doesn't count in the primary. Another point, we won't get vouchers from anyone. The State Legislature would never pass it, no matter what Ehrlic wants. I don't want to speak for Ronnie, nor should I, but if he were registered Republican as you seem to want, he couldn't do anything to help the community.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Race is the only reason this incompetent excuse for a States Attny gets elected. This was a veiled attempt to enter race as an issue, on her part. She is good at prosecuting cops, more so than real criminals.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I have read the Comments posted below and there are several points to be made that seem to be missed by the Reader Comments: 1. Ronnie is a running for the Democratic State Central Committee. This Committee is the Governing body of the State Democratic Party. One of its primary responsibilities is to support Democratic candidates. He would have no option to support the sitting Governor. 2. If you are a registerd Republican you cannot vote for the position Ronnie is running for. 3. There are 9 individuals running for the 7 available seats on the Democratic State Central Committee. I am sure all the readers would agree that Ronnie will surly represent this community more effectively than any other of the 8 candidates for this position. 4. Elected officials look at voter turn out and in this case will specifically look to see how many votes Ronnie recieves. The more community support Ronnie has will affect how seriously he will be taken when trying to advance the needs of this community that he has given his all for over the past almost 30 years. While the discussion of Erlich v. O'Malley is a valid and important debate, if you are registered Democrat you would only be hurting your own community not to vote for Ronnie in the upcoming primary. Politics aside, Ronnie will always try to do what is best for our community.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I would like to give Ronnie the benefit of the doubt that he did what he felt he needed to do under the circumstances. However, the attitude that seems to be prevalent among some in our community, that we need to support our current officials (namely the Democrats) so that we can gain favor with them, is mistaken. If we assume that former Governor Ehrlich has no chance to win the upcoming elections, it might make sense. But given the fact that he stands a very good chance of winning, it seems to me that he would be our man in office whom we could count on to support "our agenda". Just to use one example to make my point. If we could get "school vouchers" for the State of Maryland, to help our schools and so many of us who pay so much in taxes to the State which we do not receive any benefit from at least in terms of education. Who is more likely to support such a bill? We know that it is not O'Malley. It is also difficult for me to fathom how members of the Orthodox Community could support the current Democrat ticket which supports Obama. Assuming that I can (though I am a registered Republican) I plan to vote for Ronnie even though he is running as a Democrat because I believe that he will have our communities best interests at heart. Why he feels the need to run on the Democrat ticket is a question that I would like him to address at some time soon (maybe after he is elected). AN
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I did not realise he had a huge omalley sign in front of his that confirmed?that would certainly make me reconsider.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no." Please, this was an orchestrated day to solicit in the Orthodox community and yes when the governor and his staff want to meet this important voting bloc instead of pandering with big signs as though you are influencing us to vote that way, you should tell him seriously "with a 50/50 split vote in a democratic state, you obviously are doing something wrong to the independents (who we Jews represent) and it is high time you realize it or lose our voting bloc" BUT who has the guts (event though we all know he is worried and why he wanted to us). Like I said earlier - hopefully all of you symbolic O'Malley panderers) vote your conscience inside that voting booth and cast the ballot that cares most about us.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How come the story doesn't continue with his stop at Yeshivat Rambam afterward?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
"but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no." True, but you don't have to post huge O'Malley yard sign in front of the pizza shop. I don't care for Ronnie's politics; I'm not voting for him anyway b/c in my opinion, a frum Jew in political office is idiotic and destructive to the frum community. However, anyone who shows face as an O'Malley supporter (when O'malley has done nothing for the state except raise taxes and spending and support Obama), is going against the interests of the Baltimore Jewish community and of Maryland in general, and doesn't deserve my business quite frankly. Eating in a pizzeria which displays large O'Malley signs is in essence endorsing O'Malley.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
As someone involved with one of the local mosdos I can attest to the fact that gov. Ehrlich was much more cooperative and helpful with respect to private schools than the current govorner who is beholden to the teacher unions.However as the previous comment points out ,you cannot expect Ronnie(who is a model baal chesed) to refuse the Govorners request.My issue is with the articles writer who somehow eqautes eating pizza with respect and admiration.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The two comments above are very nice, but the reality is that when the Governor of your state wishes to meet with you, you don't say no. There were plenty of people there who will most likely vote for Ehrlich.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I must agree with reservations. Mr. Rosenbluth (and other frum democratic party players) must play the game the way the cards are dealt in Maryland. But yes I agree that if everyone played to incumbents (always democrats in this state) this state will always remain a monopoly which hurts all of us. Yes I wish members of the frum community had the internal guts to outwardly put the pressure on politicians as an important core voting bloc, instead of pandering but it won't ever happen in this state. The only thing we can hope is when all them get into their voting booths where their actions are not watched, they vote their conscious and some monopolies finally are broken for all our collective good. Let's hope this...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I often hear people say that in maryland" frum jews have to be democrats for practical reasons but this in no way indicates consent to toxic dem views."The above article about frum people fraternizing with and promoting from the most offensive politicians raises serious doubt that claim.Inspite of Mr Rosenbluth's many admirable acts of chesed,I now have real reservations about voting for him in the upcoming elections.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The visit by the governor demonstrates only that too many frum jews are super gulible or self centered.Omaaley has proven he is an Obama radical democrat,and vote for him is a vote for Obama.Governors will play a major role in the implementation chas v'shalom of Obama care.Any objective person know that this bill is the path to shfichas damim and its repeal is "hatzalos nefashos".That alone is reason enough why any resposible(Jewish)person wouldn't consider voting for Omalley,not to mention all the other disasterous policies he has implemented(ie. job killing tax increases,cutting of any chance of private school funding,sanctuary to illegal immigrants ect ect.)We must also keep in mind that an electoral rebuke of dems in november i'h will make them less likely and less powerful to pressure Israel into dangerous concessions.Bottom line we must not fall victim to meaningless gestures(Such as eating pizza)and focus on the welfare of our country and our Israeli bretheren.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Abraham, it's great to read your story. I found it through following links from today's NY Times article, "Black and Jewish, and Seeing No Contradiction." I'm a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Morgan, and I want to welcome you to Morgan--have a great year!
Comment by Janice McLane
Is earning money a crime? It's a shame that too many politicians are cluless as to how to earn a living, other than on our backs. We need good people in public office who actually know how the economy really works....what a novel approach!
Comment by Janice McLane
make no mistake,a vote for omalley is a vote for the disaterous obama.
Comment by Janice McLane
I hope that bob Ehrlich reflects the view of true conservatives.
Comment by Janice McLane
Mazel ToV! It is about time that this should happen.
Comment by Janice McLane
Go Bob! What an ehrliche person!
Comment by Janice McLane
This sounds like a wonderful and desperately needed tzedakah. It would certainly be helpful to know who the people are behind this venture or at least those who review applications (sort of like the Hebrew Free Loan Association here in Baltimore where their board is shared). Thanks for doing this.
Comment by Janice McLane
How many people were at the meeting?
Comment by Janice McLane
Comment by Janice McLane
hows this gonna help?
Comment by c m
Mazal Tov Heshie and Hatzlachah Rabbah
Comment by c m
why did it take 3 years to get rid of him ?
Comment by c m
its not just upper park heights. its greenspring also
Comment by c m
Vere good . keeping them coming
Comment by c m
Count me in! 86
Comment by c m
And the end of the story is ...... ? Did you provide them with food ?
Comment by c m
Mazel Tov to the whole Friedman family!
Comment by c m
Knish Shop is open late on Thursday night.
Comment by c m
Wow!now ill forsure vote socialist/dem this november
Comment by c m
We enjoyed every second of it. You 6 were great!! ENCORE!!!
Comment by c m
Where can we see a video or hear the audio of this?
Comment by c m
Comment by c m
They did a beautiful rendition of the song. It was awesome!
Comment by c m
Here is the link for an application to register.
Comment by c m
Instead of Eggplant Parmesan, I make eggplant pizza. It is a very low fat and filling version of pizza. I cut eggplant the length wise, egg it and bread it, spray some pam over it over it and bake it for ten minutes or so the eggplant has some sort of crunch. I then put sauce and light amount of either shredded mozzarella cheese or cottage cheese and spices and bake it for another ten minutes or so! It tastes great and it is a very low fat dinner! Going to try that eggplant spread above looks great! RGA
Comment by c m
There's a time for narrow self interest and a time for puting the very existence of our country first.frum people,wake up!!these are not the dems of old,these are (sarbanes ,mikulski ect.)radical socialists out to destroy the country we love.
Comment by c m
It's nice to hear politicians checking out our community. REMEMBER WHEN YOU VOTE ON SEPTEMBER 14th for you get to decide "who will win and who will lose"
Comment by c m
Comment by c m
I agree with all you write except your leap of faith that people may not take Mr. Schlossberg delving into losing weight topics as him seriously trying to lose weight. To assume that is false. Not everyone knows Mr. Schlossberg who comes to the site (if that were true you might be correct and no one would take this topic seriously). You should assume that when someone who does not know Mr. Schlossberg hits this site, sees the word Food and losing weight together, they might assume some seriousness. This is mute if it was stated upfront that that all posts are meant to be fun and not taken seriously. Taking about "low carbs" and "weight watchers" followed immediately about decadent foods just needs a disclaimer of "don't follow me as your guide as this is entertainment". I am truly sorry this is being taken for more then I intended. I agree with what you wrote. Mr. Schlossberg is not meant to be taken seriously on these topics and as long as that is known, he can't (WITHOUT INTENTION - I know he does not realize this) send out the wrong messages to the wrong persons. Yes, I have been to other pages, love this website as there is nothing close to it in Baltimore for comprehensiveness, and have found not a thing wrong anywhere else. Hopefully everyone can move forward and this can close this topic. No ill will was intended by anyone. good shabbos
Comment by c m
to the person who commented- The articles we have been reading are called "eating with Eli", a persons personal struggle with their weight. There is a seperate health category on this website, Eli doesn't write for it for a reason. I honestly do not think that the overweight people in our community are reading this for tips, rather an outlet to laugh about what they deal with day in and day out. Constructive critisicm is important, but so is knowing whats constructive. Firstly, if you think the website has an issue with its' choosing, then Eli isn't the one to talk to. If you really wanted to get your point across I don't think here is the place. I am curious how many other places on this website you have taken such an interest...
Comment by c m
When is JUST?
Comment by c m
"Don't call Shomrim, don't call NWCP - call Nefesh B'Nefesh. Jews don't belong in Baltimore. COME HOME!" I agree wholeheartedly. We're living in Golus, and every so often we need a reminder from above that we're getting too comfortable in Golus and that we don't fully belong here...This is HaShem's wake-up call to stop relying on our resources and our friendly non-Jewish neighbors and turn to him more often. Turning to the authorities is rediculously stupid, anyway. What are they going to do, stop antisemitism? If they catch the prankster, what can they do? Give him a slap on the wrist for offensive vandalism, make him clean up and send him home. Nobody was hurt by this incident. Please stop making an eisek out of this.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Ummm... Why would you advise someone to call Shomrim and not 911?!?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Shouldn't people call 911 and get the police?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Isn't that Willowbrook Apartments?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
does anyone have any updated information ?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Unfortunately, Mr. Schlossberg, I doubt you will ever see the point shared by the two commenters. The saving point is you keep mentioning how much you love to eat. Thank you. Move off weight watchers themes and stay with what you and others who love to eat are good at. That market is strong and your articles on great foods will be appreciated. Move off selling "cutting carbs" and "Weight Watcher" stories. That market loves to eat too but also values their health. Allow forums on weight loss to be led by those who truly care about their health within their love for food. Their also is a large receptive market for that too. I hope this magazine takes this as constructive criticism and not attacks. Please don't consider me a healthy eating nut. I am not. I do see how far too many people in our community make a mockery of health in how we eat and our unfortunately, with all our blessings, our children pay the price.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Ronnie,Baltimore is a better city because of you.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
You mean the Republicans aren't the party of the rich? When will people stop beleiving that fallacy and propaganda?
Comment by Yehuda Mond
Go Ronnie!!! We appreciate everything you do.
Comment by Yehuda Mond
In Baltimore, you gotta drive forever to get to school. Why?
Comment by c m
Boruch, I am the second commenter. I agree with you that this site is wonderful and fulfills a great resource. The constructive criticism is not meant to be "an attack" nor a knock on the site as a whole. I agree with the other commenter. A title of a columnist is not the same as any of us who can comment or add our own comments. A columnist is placed at a higher madriega of respect. Eli certainly deserves respect as to who he is. That is not the point. The point is a columnist he has a responsibility to make sure his intentions of his articles are clearly understood. For example Mrs. Wolf is an expert baker. Her articles reflect her expertise. If Mr. Schossberg who is an expert on gourmet foods and consulting wrote on those topics (maybe how much he loves to eat rather then how he is truly going to lose weight), who could be confused. If he states he is writing a light hearted column that should not be taken seriously and let an expert deal with the serious issues of losing weight so be it. Don't confuse. Stick to an expertise or at the very least be upfront with the goals or lack thereof. Again, no attacks but constructive criticism which a good start up magazine should appreciate.
Comment by c m
Baltimore is known for its achdus because no one would allow differing views to be heard. This is the only way to let them be heard. People in community leadership roles want to squash the criticism and secure their control.
Comment by c m
That's an update? Anyone could have provided that information.
Comment by c m
To the 2 people who commented, in particular the 2nd. I am not sure how much of this website you have glanced at, but 85 percent if not more is helpful and constructive. I am not sure what personal feelings you have to make such attacks, but remember this website promotes others adding their opinions. So if you feel you know better in the food arena (you clearly feel you do), then by all means. What is your secret diet plan? What 'hashkafik' insight do you have to help guide the rest of us? As someone who has had weight issues in the past, I view these articles as a breath of fresh air in todays uptight world. Maybe now you can view these columns the way they should be viewed.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
These guys are so calculating that you can't believe them, even if you happen to agree with something they say. With Obama, his first off-the- cuff remark is what he generally believes, before he backs off when finding out that his beliefs will damage him politically.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
While I appreciate that the gist of the series is to highlight the challenge of achieving good health in the face of difficult food and exercise choices, the extensive description of overloaded tables filled with decadence and opulent foodstuffs did little to bring this message home. The post seemed less about making good choices and more about "never saying to NO to copious amounts of extravagant gourmet fare?" The assumption that either, or both, of those who have commented here have no struggles with food is an arrogant swipe that is not true, at least in my case. Perhaps this is why the article disturbed me. The inability to see the danger and ugliness of pride in overeating, of being immune to the upperclass attitude of too much is never enough, has permeated Torah Jews to the extent that I do not recognize the Torah in many any longer. Food is to nourish and sustain us, not a means to itself. Perhaps you will think twice before making false assumptions of other people's personal challenges and read your material with a more critical eye that ensures your worthwhile points are not lost in a grand Viennese table.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
we need burnstien for are community !
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Authors rebuttal, To the two readers who took offense to my article on Vail: I do agree the picture was a poor choice! Unfortunately it set the wrong tone for the article. They need to view the article as part of a series. In that context it was one tough week for a struggling individual trying to loose weight. They need to lighten up! They evidently do not struggle with eating issues. For those of us who struggle daily the point is we sometimes stray from eating properly and the point was that after we stray, and we all do, we get back on track. My articles are truthful and serious and they represent what many are struggling with.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I could not agree more. If these articles are supposed to be a forum to truly teach people to eat right then get people who are doing it or can teach it. If these series of articles are only supposed to be light- hearted and fun and not to try to teach healthy eating then say so and don't make it harder for those who are struggling to have to read this as chizuk which it is not. Move on to new topics or get people in here who can teach. Sorry to be harsh but eating healthy is a serious topic today and deserves better then this.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
editors: I believe that the time has come to moderate comments on this very valuable website. Time and time again, anonymous commentators to various posts on this site have written inflammatory, angry comments which almost always consist of lashon hara as well. Baltimore is known for its achdus, but many of the comments to articles on this website are far from uniting in nature!!
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
The directive for Birkat HaMazon is from the line "Ve'achalta, ve'savata, u'verachata et Hashem - You shall eat, and be satisfied and bless HAshem." I am surprised to find BJL promoting gluttony through both the disturbing picture and this article that is well represented by the photo. The pride in indulgent eating conveyed here seems out of sync with true Jewish values.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
What a wonderful man he was. It only took a few times meeting him to see just how special and loving he was. May all the lives he touched be a source of aliyah for his beautiful neshama.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Is that black sentra in the picture Crustys new car????
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
dose anyone know if their were any witnesses ?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Baruch Dayan Emes, He was a very special person.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
It seems this article has really caused a stir. To set the record straight, the police were notified about this crime about 4:00pm Saturday afternoon. The crime most likely occurred between 12:30am and 3:00am. This crime is being taken very seriously. If you believe you have any information about this crime, please call Major Teidermann at the Associated 410-542-4850.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
You have got to be kidding! Some individuals from 2 very terrific organizations are publicly fighting - one trying to put the other down and show how great they are? And to top off this avaira, you want the rest of us reading this to join the machlokes? No thanks. I hope all who read this realize that both organizations do great work. They are Shleichim from Hashem. It's Ellul - don't give into a Yetzer Hara by writing or believing Loshon Hara. And to the individuals who are either looking for fight or just want to show how wonderful they are - stop trying to bash others and wake up. Did you ever think that maybe Hashem is sending us a message? The stupid swasticas are a symbol of hate. Like one of the others commented, "I believe this is a call to teshuva and an opportunity to develop greater achdus this Elul" May our Teshuva be accepted and may we all be Zoche for a K'siva V'chasima Tova.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
did any one see it happen if it was in the afternoon ? and are they sure that it wasnt an at risk kid ?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
Neither NWCP nor Shomrim could have prevented this incident, but that is not the point. To turn this into infighting or competition within our community, is the work of fools! The more people out there guarding our community, the better. Everyone involved serves a purpose. There is an old saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut and thought of as a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it." Drop the NWCP vs. Shomrim stupidity. It only demonstrates arrogance and insecurity by those in this ridiculous competition.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I am confused and maybe there was a purpose for the NWCP at some point in time, but those days seem to be over. The proof is this very incident. The NWCP is out Friday night. For what? look what happened last Friday night. True, had an NWCP car been driving by the criminal would have waited for them to pass. It was time for change and we should all be grateful for the wonderful work of Shomrim.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I believe this is a call to teshuva and an opportunity to develop greater achdus this elul.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
The response was anger, not fear. This was not done by Jewish kids "at-risk." There is a reasonable idea of who did this, but it can't be proven. To turn this into an argument about NWCP or deflect it to Jewish kids at-risk, is almost as obscene as the incident itself. The bottom line is that we are in Golus. The worst part of all is that so many Jews don't understand that any longer. The last thing we should do is fight among ourselves.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Just a few notes about the NWCP, for those of who don't know or may not want to know: 1. NWCP continues to be regarded (by the Baltimore Police and city government, as well as groups across the country)THE ONLY reason that crime is virtually non existent in the NW District. Ask any cop on the street about NWCP and see what response you get. 2. The NWCP continues to enjoy the unprecedented support of the Baltimore Police Department. NWCP has a police officer EVERY SINGLE night (including Friday night) who rides along or in place of the patrol. 3. The NWCP continues to enjoy the unified support of EVERY SINGLE Rov in the community. Every one. 4. NWCP is a nightly patrol that drives every night (we have a police officer on Friday nights) and lets the evil doers in the community know that people are watching them and monitoring their activities. There is a police officer assigned to the patrol nightly, and he rides along with the assigned shift commander. 5. NWCP has responded to over 350 calls for service since January 1, with calls ranging from open doors, cyber security issues, missing persons, car accidents, and even missing pets (which NWCP safely recovered). So, perhaps instead of bashing the NWCP, why don't you join the NWCP and actually make a difference in your community. There is a reason the NwCP has been around for 28 years and counting... And to the chagrin of some, as appears in earlier posts, they are not going anywhere any time soon.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
What lashon hara about the NWCP. And during Elul! I thought this was a frum place . . .
Comment by Dena Stenberg
looking at the pictures does anyone think it was the same person from the first vans to the one with the blue covering? Notice they were all done to White vans.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
If an attack like this against us all can't create unity among us what hope do we have. Do we have to afraid of each other?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
what is the nwcp? Do they work 24 hours a day? do they have a police officer with them at all times? how do they get immediate police response? are they just make believe?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
I think it is important to advise location of white vans. If it is a prank by one of our own they should be taken to task and appropriate action taken.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
NWCP has not helped our community in years. And I dont know why any one would call them for help. they would just sit in there cars waiting for the police to come. Thats a real deterrent! NOT.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Yes. Both NWCP and Shomrim are organizations that provide for the security of the members of our community.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Don't call Shomrim, don't call NWCP - call Nefesh B'Nefesh. Jews don't belong in Baltimore. COME HOME!
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Let's not jump to any conclusions. It could have easily been perpetrated by our own Jewish "at risk" kids!!
Comment by Dena Stenberg
NWCP? you are joking, right?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
They are on
Comment by Dena Stenberg
so don't call them.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
You can also call NWCP - 664-6927 for immediate POLICE response.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Been in Bawlimor for over fifty years and didn't need them. Why now?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
why are the lights on the ambulance not on ?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Comment by Dena Stenberg
your Asking "games of what" you need to get out more. Read the Baltimore Jewish times once in a wile
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Games of what?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
The judges could sleep on the job and the prisons would be full in Balto. City. When was the last time Balto City expanded a jail? The previous poster must be a defense lawyer. He replaces 90% with the word 'all'. And who was talking about taking office?
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Judge Chaya or Karen Friedman as I have known her, is a tremendously steadfast, dynamic,authority figure. Karen was inspirational, strong willed, and charasmatic. I am not Orthodox, in fact I am Agnogstic. This NEVER changed how she reacted to me. Chaya taught me some of the most interesting, honest, steadfast metholodologies EVER.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
We have been following Jordan's work for quite some time and look forward to being able to access his writings on a regular basis. Thank you Baltimore Jewish Life for scoring a real talent! Yankie and Cathy Dinovitz
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Jessamy is a waste. She's much happier prosecuting police than the criminal who is ruining the quality of life for all of us.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
Best of luck to Abraham! I wish him the best. May he always continue to follow his Judaism.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It is a great story and it is amazing to see how Abraham has continued to follow his Jewish traditions. It is admirable and very respectable. I wish him the best and I am sure G-d will guide him through life.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It is an amazing story. I should add also that Abraham is a great student as well. He knows that he needs to succeed in academics in order to have a better life. We are proud of him keeping his judaism and values regardless of the circumstances.
Comment by Dena Stenberg
It's nice to see we have such insightful and intelligent posters on BJL. I'm sure that the person who posted the initial response to this article is aware that Baltimore city currently has the most locked up offenders per capita in the COUNTRY. I'm sure he realizes that there is so much overcrowding in the prisons that it has become a real problem. Obviously it has gotten to this stage because the judges let all repeat offenders back out onto the street. Also, as we all know, no one ever slips through the cracks in any other State... darn the judges. If only people like the initial poster could take office. I'm sure we would all be much better off.
Comment by Yussi Shar
Go Jamaica! We have a bobsled team!
Comment by Yussi Shar
Who cares what he says, let him rot in jail. I will never forget his press conference just before the First Irag War when he linked Israel to the "proposed aggression agaisnt Iraq." Then came the Scuds. So, let his stay put and rot!
Comment by Yussi Shar
Gratitude for what? For taking our taxes and not providing us a service? The streets of Baltimore are unsafe because the judges continue to turn the criminals loose. Over 90% of the criminals are repeat offendors, that means that a judge let them back on the street to do more crime. The community wouldn't have to support NWCP and Shomrim, if the judges would do their jobs. But, of course, this situation is something that a defense attorney would show gratitude for because it keeps his business strong!
Comment by Yussi Shar
, Reb Ariel,you left out the part where you chalenged ben cardin on his support of extreme left wing agenda items and his freqent israel bashing,right?
Comment by Yussi Shar
To put this article in perspective, please note who these "Jewish Activists" are. The Shalom Center (, was founded in 1983 as a division of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and calls itself "a prophetic voice in Jewish, multireligious, and American life." Its leader , Arthur Waskow, Ph. D.(pictured in this article), was born in Baltimore in l933 and "In 1995, Waskow was ordained a Rabbi by a beit din made up of one Rabbi whose rabbinic lineage was Hassidic, one Conservative Rabbi, one Reform Rabbi, and a feminist theologian." ( According to the Sholom Center (, the religeous leaders/Jewish activists who support the planned mosque are: Rabbis Rebecca Alpert (Temple University); Dennis Beck-Berman ; Leila Gal Berner; Amy Eilberg (Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, St. Paul, MN); Michael Feinberg; Laura Geller (Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills); Everett Gendler (Emeritus, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA ; Emeritus, Temple Emanuel, Lowell, MA); Roberto D. Graetz (Temple Isaiah, Lafayette,CA); Margaret Holub; Nancy Fuchs Kreimer; Joyce Galaski; Marc Gopin; Peter Knobel; Mordechai Liebling; Ellen Lippmann (Kolot Chayeinu); Brant Rosen; Jeff Roth; Zalman Schachter-Shalomi; Gerald Serotta; David Shneyer; Burton L. Visotzky (Jewish Theological Seminary); Brian Walt (Taanit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for Gaza); Arthur Waskow (The Shalom Center); Sheila Peltz Weinberg (Institute for Jewish Spirituality); Simkha Weintraub and Cherie Brown (National Coalition-Building Inst) Jeffrey Dekro; Arlene Goldbard (Shalom Center president); Cindy Greenberg (Shalom Center board and Kolot Chayeinu president); Judith Plaskow; Russell G. Pearce (Fordham University School of Law); Jane Ramsey.
Comment by Yussi Shar
Why is it that Chambliss and Isakson are more Pro -Israel than Ben Cardin?
Comment by Yussi Shar
shliefer is lookin good
Comment by Yussi Shar
Comment by Yussi Shar
To the reader who asked about preparing cold soups in advance and freezing them, I will address your question by providing you with several recipes very soon. Look for them in the Editor's Bytes section. And to my other "foodie fans", please send me your questions and comments. I want to know what you want featured in this Food and Dining section. Can't wait to hear from you!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Thank you for your comment. Yes, you are correct, that is ideally the most tzanua manner possible. However, in times like these, it is imperative for young women in the community to have a shidduch resource who will be able to meet with young men as "a fellow guy." I think Rabbi Brull probably has access to many more shidduch possiblities because he is a man.
Comment by Faith Wolf
i love my neighbors
Comment by Faith Wolf
I tried this recipe and the whole family loved it.
Comment by Faith Wolf
Make sure that you do plenty of walking, and not just to the dining room!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Do you have any cold soup recipes that could be made in advance and frozen?
Comment by Faith Wolf
I don't know what I would do if National Photo closed, B'H it's only 7-11!
Comment by Faith Wolf
Birds of a feather. It's funny, in a tragic way, to watch these politicians lament over the things their policies cause. Only, they never look inward. They are all weak on crime and not very competent economically either. Through the bums out!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
a school that does not have the backing of the gedolei hador will never thrive
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Interesting to find a chef who also cooks their prose so eloquently.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sounds Delicious
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great article yossila
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How can anyone frum not vote for the democrats after judge friedman was just given a cushy job by the great martin omally?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Wake up people! This is not an aberration. It's a sign of the times.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Wow. This is a news article??
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It has nothing to do with minor perks. It has to do with whether the Jewish community is part of the political process or not. This is self preservation. On the issue of an "open primary system," this is the worst alternative. That system gave the Republicans the eworst of all candidates for president in John McCain. Obama's people flooded the open primaries and now look where we are.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The point of this article is well taken but what about the perception issue.Does identifying with a democrtic party that now is the home for most anti-semtic/israel voices,anti capitisim,anti school voucher,rabidly pro abortion,pro health care rationing(ie. Shfichas damim)pro gay marriage ect ect .justified for the sake of some minor perks.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The real problem is not conservatives who won't subvert the system by registering Demoncrat, but in the number of folk who *are* part of the Jewish community who continually vote for the DemocRAT ticket. While the Demoncrats were once the party for the little guy and the downtrodden, they have shown their anti-Semitic roots, their classist stems, and their anti-capitalist branches. Anyone who votes for any DemocRAT is a traitor to the USA in my opinion.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
FYI - air popped popcorn, or light microwave popcorn is only 1 point for 3 (yes 3!) cups on Weight Watchers and it's a filling snack.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
You know...they could always just move to an open primary system, as many other places have. Registering a Democrat isn't the only's the only way it is right now...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
This is great for Rambam! Where is bnos yisroel going to be if not in the beth jacob building? Will the two schools be in the building together?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
NCSY does great work. Thank you Rabbi Lowenstein!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Rambam is not thriving. What is the last commenter smoking?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The announcement says 6600 block, not 6800 block, of Shelrick Place.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
There is no 6800 block of Shelrick Pl.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Rambam is thriving! How luck our community is to have a school that combines excellence in Torah education with strong secular studies. My kids could not be happier here!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
911 is also a good option!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Did it end up being a successful weight watchers week?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sick pics!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
that's the shomrim hotline number that you put up , and hatzalah started to transport so whats the need to call 911 ?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Hatzalahs # is 410-358-0000 or 410-764-0000 NOT WHAT IS POSTED IN ARTICLE.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Larry and Lara's food is always delicious and one of my regular stops when I visit Baltimore. Not that I'm biased in any way! Sue Penn (Irvine, California)
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Good luck & have an easy I meaningful fast! Good thing I read this before the fast & not during the fast! Everything sounded so scrumptious! Stuffed flounder? Rainbow trout? Grilled veggies? Volcano sushi roll? Hook me up! Great reporting!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A young married man meeting one on one with single dating girls and providing them one-one guidance via phone and email is not 'the most tzanua manner possible'. The age-old way of a woman working with the single girls and a man working with the boys is 'the most tzanua manner possible'.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
So impressive! Proud to be part of such a great community!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Thanks for coming out guys, I will always remember the moonwalk in the pouring rain! Stella
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Mazol tov to all the young men who, under the guidance of Aryeh Zigdon were so helpful in helping to complete the project. they were not the only Jewish men who volunteered. Nelson Precast, with 2 Jewish partners , were the suppliers of precast concrete materials needed in the construction of the outside of the home. This is what wee Jews do, help our fellow men, and women...
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Kol Hakavod. It's good to see some positive news about the frum community for public consumption. Hopefully the Jewish Times will pick up on this.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great program!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
That's what they say but the point of the quake was at HWY 270 and RT 124, which is exactly where IBM and LM do high security testing and development, not a major fault-line. I wouldn't count on this being a natural one.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Good work for your first week!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
hello i was wondering why you had skipped accents sushi which i think is the best sushi in town. The rice is seasoned properly, which is very important. I have gotten sushi from the other restaurants in town and have to say that they do not even compare to accents. I ordered a spicy salmon roll from a different restaurant and it is not spicy it tastes like it is only salmon but when you order a spicy salmon roll from accents it does not only have a salmon taste but you taste the spicy part also which is what a spicy salmon roll is supposed to taste like.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Does the school have a Rosh Yeshiva or Vaad HaChinuch?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great pics!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Eli Pollock was born in Baltimore and was educated at Talmudical Academy and Ner Israel.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
even when you're power walking, you're on the phone doing ahavas yisrael work. kol hakavod. keep up the great work ( dieting AND chesed) leah
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
How low can you go.......
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Who hires jack abramoff and then runs for office? Something is wrong with this picture.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It is a shame that we don't have a little balance in our local district. Our congressman is always voting of the extreme left/liberal side of every issue. At least Frank Kratovil is a moderate Democrat.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Very cute photo of Eli.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Ummm.... So who exactly is in charge of the school right now?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Power walk? Next Sunday walk at 8:30 am with Ella & me and we will burn up some calories. Karen
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Go Officer Dickstein!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Your perfect just the way you are
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
One of the great things about is that it highlights lots of individuals who are working hard for our community. I would encourage the editors to keep this up. I think it helps build pride within our community and hopefully will encourage others to work hard to help our community thrive as well.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Keep up the motivation!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I am offended by this action. I am a frequent visitor to Quarry Lake and have never noticed speeding or other traffic violations. The speeding occurs on Greenspring Avenue before reaching the entrance to Quarry Lake. I have noted police cars pulling violators over at that poing, which is a good thing. Perhaps signs reminding users of the streets at the Quarry to beware of pedestrians, turning vehicles, vehicles exiting parking spaces etc. might be a better solution.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It was great to see this awesome math teacher recognized. I had him in 78' & 79 and still talk about his class. To everyone who had him "AWWW GEEEZ no questions on test days"
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I couldn't understand calculus the way it was taught to me in school. Went to Mr. Miller's house and he taught me the week's work in an hour so I could get it. And his dog talked!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
On what platform is Ronnie running? Is having a Jew in the State Center Committee (whatever that is) the sole purpose of him running? I don't think we need that. Jews should stay out of direct involvement in American politics, we all know too well what happens.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Longer hours please.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great recipes. Always looking for something new.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Can't wait to try the eclairs!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Looking forward to trying Faith's apple pie recipe this weekend!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Giving tickets is not in the Torah and people need to help each other instead of trying to take there money and turn them into criminals,Yoel M
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Now that is a great way to treat your customers! Instead of using traffic calming devices such as speed bumps and/or electronic signs that show people the speed that they are driving, or marked police cars to help influence people to slow down... just use clever new technology and unmarked cars to catch people and give them tickets. Maybe we need to stay away from Quarry Lake until they learn how to better treat their customers.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is the Quarry getting a cut?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Will the Rebbe himself be there?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
this man has about as much expierence in being a civil servant as his pizza maker has in making a pizza..
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
What I like about Rambam is it allows for a rich diversity in our community, encouraging people from the whole spectrum of Judaism to come to Baltimore and live in unity. I'm a TI and Bnos parent, but I appreciate what Rambam has brought to Baltimore.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
are you sure about all this?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
The most important part of it all, is that there is new responsible and professional law leadership at Rambam, without people who have a personal financial interest in the success of the school. Frankly, if Rambam fails the other community schools have no desire to take the Rambam kids, so its in everyones best interest that this work out. And its also important that Rambam now have mainstream community leadership, so it can become the community school that it never was.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
It allows faculty and admin to work both buildings seamlessly allowing for less payroll.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Great move! Rabbi Lutch has done a fenomenal job in finding ways to cost cut without sacrificng quality.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
hope you stay open until at least 12 M during the week
Comment by mike kane
"This is an advantageous arrangement for both parties. Rambam can now bring their girls division closer to the boy's division, currently located at the JCC." What advantage does that provide to Rambam?
Comment by mike kane
This is such exciting news! You've just got to love Baltimore for how the community works together to create Win/Win's like this.
Comment by mike kane
I have been a MARC rider between Baltimore and Washington for almost 10 years. I do not agree with the statement, "MARC has a very poor history of running and maintaining the system." Most of the time the trains run on time or close to it. I have not found the cars to be dirty. There is no cheaper or more convenient way to make this trip. A large part of MARC's problem is its success. Ridership has grown steadily. That said, MARC has done two major things wrong. First, MARC has opted to put all of its equipment in service rather than hold back equipment for emergencies. Second, MARC has done a terrible job of crisis management. When one thing goes wrong, MARC handles it poorly and problems build up. MARC should spend some of its resources on reserve equipment and developing crisis management.
Comment by mike kane
Nice title for the piece. I fully approve. Chana R.
Comment by mike kane
The cameras will be in operation on the same days during the same times when schools are out for the summer months. This is being done to protect summer school students as well as to enhance overall public safety around the schools. Yeah! I have a bridge to sell the county!
Comment by mike kane
Re: "Is abramoff his campaign chair?" There is always one in every crowd. Cynicism over politics is a good thing. Using it to harm your community is another. If our community is to have representation and influence, where we need it, we need good people to step up. Thank you Ronnie!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Is abramoff his campaign chair?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Does Ronnie Deliver???You betcha!! Good luck, Moshe S
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Go Ronnie!!!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Perhaps you can start another column for our fried here... writing legibly with Eli?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Instructor of what?
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
He will be sorely missed!
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Yeshiva guys probably don't get out much, so we forgive you. :-)
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Be Matzleach
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
A very impressive resume. When I am in Baltimore I will come to Shomrei to meet, listen and hear the new Rabbi. Hatzlacha Rabba
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
On behalf of all my fellow ner guys we perfer tov
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
Sounds like a great move! Only downside would seem to be the loss of customers from Ner Israel down the block. I guess that's a plus for Ner Israel - one less temptation.
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
We wish you the best of luck. Keep yourself out of the snack pantry. Make sure that you have lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Now is the best season for them. Karen
Comment by Isaac Schleifer
I want to congratulate you on admitting something that is very difficult to admitespecially publicly. You are very brave
Comment by BJLife BJLife
I applaud your effort! You have my support. Interestingly, I was disturbed by your recent post about what's lacking in Baltimore food-wise. I originally wrote the following comment, which I did not post: "Food is the greatest and least of our problems/concerns. I enjoy good food like the next guy, but two things strike me when reading this piece. Our community spends too much time/money/resources on food as recreation/entertainment. We have schools and other vital community institutions that need our help, not to mention scores of causes in Eretz Yisroel that could benefit from our excess. In addition, there seems to be a high percentage of people in Orthodox Baltimore who are suffering from over-indulgence in food-related activities. I recently attended a community function and was shocked at the number of "creative projects" that were simply about assembling and eating sweets. I am happy that we have reputable and talented food service providers in this town, but let's keep things in perspective. Baltimore should focus on being a leader in good nutrition, not good restaurants." I, too, have battled weight issues for many years and would be happy to support you in your own personal goals and in helping others in our community to do the same.
Comment by David D
what happened with their luggage?
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I think what you are doing is GREAT! Good luck and I look forward to reading your updates.
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
I am very grateful to have Shomrim in our community. I'm also impressed with the Baltimore Jewish Life reporting, this JUST happened. For anyone who does not yet know, after you login, you can sign up for new alerts (see the button above)...
Comment by Boruch Wikowsky
super article. Even if we don't believe everything (or anything) in the media, we still need to hear about real events from those of you who are eyewitnesses to the daily travesties going on at the Gaza border.
Comment by d k
I am very grateful to have Shomrim in our community. I'm also impressed with the Baltimore Jewish Life reporting, this JUST happened. For anyone who does not yet know, after you login, you can sign up for new alerts (see the button above)...
Comment by d k
The time of the report should also be mentioned.
Comment by d k
Brina C you hit the bulls eye on that one. I have been trying to find good places for my dates. (nothing like dating in new york,lol). Eli, with all your culinary experience why wouldn't you open what we need? We'd all love to eat there.
Comment by d k
as always, great piece of the Baltimore kosher food spectrum. short, to the point and right on target. looking forward to future articles
Comment by d k
Wow, what a great article. ( you really like New York Shmorgs). All that you have said is true, I guess the real question is, what does the Baltimore community want? I also think we could use a nice milchigs restaurant. On my dating experiences, if the date led to a meal it would mean a trip all the way to Pomegranate. I am still in the "parsha" and would love to be taken to our new upscale kosher restaurant. I will continue looking forward to your articles..
Comment by brina cooperman
It is a welcome sight to see someone who is well qualified to relate to the community the adventures in Baltimore's kosher food scene. There is some good and some and to put it mildly, not so good. I hope this forum brings about the opportunity for the community to push the envelope and create a better and healthy dinning experience.
Comment by Jack Fromberg
Great Article Devorah!
Comment by Shira Gryll
Thank you for writing what so many people think and feel but won't publish!
Comment by CG Fordonski
What a great and inspiring message for those who haven't yet found their match. It's applicable to us old married people as well. There is no reason to stop growing as an individual and purusing personal interests that make us happy just because we're part of a couple.
Comment by CG Fordonski
Wow! What a well-written article! It's about time that an article this truthful was written! Kol hakavod to you! I hope your happiness only increases! :-)
Comment by Hinda Moskovitz
What a great and inspiring message for those who haven't yet found their match. It's applicable to us old married people as well. There is no reason to stop growing as an individual and purusing personal interests that make us happy just because we're part of a couple.
Comment by Hinda Moskovitz
What is this organization called Heart Mind & Soul? Tell me more about that. How can I get my kids involved? Thanks.
Comment by Hinda Moskovitz