Recommendations from Soroka Medical Center specialists & Adina Ben-Aharon, chief clinical dietitian at Soroka Medical Center. Thanks to Kupat Holim Clalit for sharing  this  information with us.

The very first thing

  • No matter what your age, if you are taking any medication, consult with your doctor to find out whether you may fast and ask for instructions on how to conduct yourself on the fast day.

A few days before the fast

  • Preparation for the fast begins two or three days before the fast
  • Make sure to drink around 10-12 cups of unsweetened beverages, preferably water.
  • To prevent headaches, gradually reduce consumption of caffeine and theophylline found in coffee, tea, coca cola, chocolate, cocoa, and diet drinks. None of these should not be consumed on the day before the fast.
  • Make sure to eat set and balanced meals.

The day before the fast

  • Stay away from sweetened beverages and salty soups which generate a sense of thirst.
  • Make it a point to eat frequent, small meals. At each meal, make sure to eat complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and pasta, with a serving of protein such as eggs, cheese, fish and meat, along with a vegetable side dish.
  • Avoid gassy foods like legumes, cabbage, cauliflower and carbonated beverages.
  • Even if you do not feel thirsty, make sure to drink plenty of water.

The final meal before the fast

  • Stay away from alcoholic beverages.
  • Continue to avoid gassy foods.
  • To avoid heartburn, aftertastes, and a sense of thirst on the fast day, stay away from salty, spicy and heavily seasoned foods as well as anything fried or fatty.
  • To avoid a feeling of heaviness, abdominal pressure and fatigue, don’t overeat at the final meal – you’ll have an easier fast if you don’t stuff your stomach.

What to serve at the final meal

  • Clear soup - go easy on the salt.
  • Complex carbohydrates: rice, potatoes and pasta.
  • Protein: fish, chicken, turkey, meat, tofu for vegetarians, eggs, and soft cheeses.
  • Cooked vegetables of any kind.
  • Fats: oil, avocado, tahina and humus – these can be tossed in a salad or served separately.
  • Drinks: water or tea.

After the fast

To avoid discomfort, it is important not to overeat immediately after the fast.

The incredible egg

Did you know that one egg has 6 grams of protein and all 9 essential amino acids? They are easily digestible so serving eggs after a fast makes good sense.  If scrambled, sunny-side up, boiled or poached does not appeal to you, try serving a 'pashtida' or quiche for a light yet nourishing meal.

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