After launching attacks against separate gender public events in the chareidi tzibur, the Reform Movement women’s lobby is seeking new venues to continue the war and advancing its agenda – to take on the chareidim and finding a new battlefront – the Jerusalem city libraries.

Kikar Shabbos News reports the Reform and Women’s Organizations have asked Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber and the Jerusalem Municipality to stop the separation in the “municipal library” in the chareidi neighborhoods, claiming that they have separate hours for boys and girls.

In a letter sent by the Reform Movement to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, the city’s director-general and the city’s legal advisor wrote: “The said separation imposes rigid gender segregation on all library users. Setting separate hours for boys and girls / men and women reduces the possibility of all residents using the library on a day and time.

“In addition, the establishment of separate hours does not
allow family members, mothers and children, brothers and sisters to visit the
library together”.