For a first time in Israel, a supermarket chain is offering deliveries on Shabbos and this is what Tiv Tam is advertising. The new service is expected to get underway in May as the company is revamping its website to accommodate the new service.

The chain operates on Shabbos and it has decided to expand its service to permit online orders on Shabbos morning, which will be delivered during the afternoon hours.

Just last week the Chief Rabbinate announced the removal of its hechsher from all eight branches of Eden Teva Market, which is affiliated with Tiv Tam. Eden Teva Market decided it no longer requires kashrus supervision.

Tiv Tam CEO Adi Cohen spoke to Yediot Achronot about Tiv Tam and Eden Teva, which it recently acquired. He explains Eden will not open on Shabbos and it will not sell non-kosher meat.