Launched today, fact check will now appear as a label among news search results alongside other labels such as opinion, local source and highly cited

In the midst of a highly charged presidential election, where fact and fiction have frequently become confused, Google News has introduced a new fact check feature in search results for news stories.

Launched today, fact check will now appear as a label among news search results, alongside other established labels such as opinion, local source and highly cited.

Google News algorithmically connects fact-checking articles with live news stories partly based on an established process called Claim Review. Google says that sites meeting the definition of a fact-checking service can apply to have their service included.

In a blogpost promoting the new feature, Google said: “We’re excited to see the growth of the Fact Check community and to shine a light on its efforts to divine fact from fiction, wisdom from spin.”

Facebook, despite its increasingly critical role in the distribution of news, has yet to deploy more at The Guardian