Baltimore, MD - Apr. 7, 2017 - Shomrim of Baltimore reminds everyone to keep your doors and windows locked at all times..  

Baltimore Shomrim and the Baltimore Police had to remind a heavily intoxicated man that he was sleeping in the wrong house on Thursday evening. He was found upstairs in bed in the home of an Orthodox family. The family had left their door open.

From past experiences we have been made aware that,  during Bain HaZmanim, children who during the year may be away at Yeshiva or Seminary, tend to forget to lock the door behind them when they are the last arrivals at home.

Last year a family's car was stolen when a thief entered the unlocked front door of a home in our community, found a pocketbook, took the keys to the family car and stole the car. Their son who was home for Yom Tov forgot to lock their door.