Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the IDF strike that killed 45 Palestinian civilians in Gaza a “tragic mistake” as he vowed never to wave the white flag of defeat as he rejected domestic and international calls to end the war. “Those who say they are exhausted that they are not ready or can not withstand the pressure,” Netanyahu told the Knesset plenum on Monday, “should hold up the white flag of defeat. I will not wave that kind of flag. I will continue to fight until we wave the flag of victory,” he stated. In a brief but rousing speech delivered as the international community increasingly believes that Hamas can not be defeated militarily, Netanyahu vowed to battle on. His address was frequently interrupted by heckling from the gallery wher...
Baltimore, MD - May 28, 2024  - Gas prices in Baltimore have risen 16.1 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.66 a gallon as of today, according to GasBuddy's recent survey. Prices in Baltimore are 4.2 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 18.1 cents per gallon higher than a year ago, new data shows. The national average price of diesel has fallen 2.9 cents in the last week and stands at $3.82 per gallon, according to GasBuddy.
"With the summer driving season now underway, average gas prices have seen ups in some areas and downs in others. Most states are seeing prices slightly below their 2024 peak thus far, with some refinery issues in the Great Lakes weighing on prices there, while other areas, like the West Coast, have seen notable relief ...
IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi told the families of kidnapped soldiers that "80% of the military objectives have been achieved, and achieving the remaining 20% will take more time", Kan reported on Monday. On Tuesday, Israel is expected to officially deliver its proposal for a hostage release deal to the mediators. This proposal was formulated by the negotiation team and approved by the War Cabinet. According to government sources, it is considered the most far-reaching offer Israel has made since the beginning of the negotiations. Meanwhile, Major General (res.) Nitzan Alon, responsible for the negotiations on behalf of the IDF, did not participate in the war cabinet meeting yesterday. Amid criticism from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the Israeli negotiation team, so...
The ring was found in the joint Israel Antiquities Authority – Tel Aviv University excavation. Its small diameter leads experts to suggest it is a child’s ring, either girl or boy, who lived in Jerusalem during the Hellenistic period. “An unusual and deeply moving find, not one found every day.” The find will be exhibited to the public for the first time in the free Jerusalem Day conference arranged by the Israel Antiquities Authority – “Jerusalem Mysteries - The Archaeology of Jerusalem” A gold ring set with a precious stone dating from the early Hellenistic period was recently found in the joint Israel Antiquities Authority-Tel Aviv University excavation in the City of David, part of the Jerusalem Walls National Park, with the support of the E...
A new study revealed the top states with the longest and shortest emergency room waiting times and Maryland tops the ranking. The research says residents have a median waiting time of 4.18 hours (251 minutes). Rhode Island came in second with a median waiting time of 3.6 hours (216 minutes). To put that into perspective, residents of Maryland are waiting longer than North Dakota and South Dakota combined. The study was conducted by experts at the Zinda Law Group. At the other end of the scale, the state with the quickest ER time is North Dakota with a waiting time of 1.8 hours. "By analyzing ER waiting times, we can shed light on the efficiency of healthcare systems in different states. The differences in waiting times may potentially indicate areas where improvements are needed ...
Baltimore, MD – May 27, 2024 –  The National Weather Service has issued a Tornado Watch for the Baltimore and Washington, DC area. This watch is in effect from 3:41 PM EDT until 11:00 PM EDT today, Monday, May 27. A Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes. Stay alert and be prepared to take shelter if necessary.
Baltimore, MD – May 27, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett, z’l, husband of Mrs. Yona Kasnett, father of Elchanan (Malky) Kasnett, Racheli (Aryeh)  Kreiser, Meir (Chanie) Kasnett, Ahuva (Chaim) Wolmark and brother of  Rabbi Yitzchak (Shulamis) Kasnett, and Rabbi Benyamin (Freidy) Kasnett. The Levayah will be held today at 5:00PM at Shomrei Hadas in Boro Park, Kevurah will take palce in Eretz Yisrael. Shivah will be observed beginning Wednesday morning at 1665 54th St., Brooklyn, NY 11204    Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
Baltimore, MD - May 27, 2024  -  The Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland and the Jewish War Veterans of Maryland Post 167 hosted a Memorial Day Kaddish Service at the Jewish Section in Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery, one of the only such ceremonies in the country. Veterans, elected officials and community members attended the meaningful service.The service was led by Chaplain Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, who read from Psalms, then the names of our Jewish fallen heroes were read followed by a Kel Molei and mourners Kaddish.The service also paid tribute to former JWV MD commander and event organizer, the late COL Erwin Burtnick, who passed away this past November.Comptroller of Maryland Brooke Lierman and Baltimore County Councilman Izzy Patoka, attended and offered word...
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the dismantling of an 800-meter-long (0.5 mile) Hamas terror tunnel in the central Gaza Strip.  The operation was carried out by the 679th Brigade Combat Team, which has been actively operating in Gaza for several weeks. In recent days, the troops have been focusing their efforts on the area of Sabra, aiming to dismantle terrorist infrastructure, eliminate militants, and locate and destroy terror tunnels.  Overnight, in cooperation with Yahalom forces, the IDF successfully dismantled a tunnel that extended 800 meters in length and reached a depth of 18 meters. This tunnel, used by the Hamas terrorist organization, was situated near the Central Gaza Strip Corridor where IDF troops are currently operating. The IDF has been making signif...
Israeli soldiers and Egyptian forces exchanged fired at the Rafah crossing on Monday in a rare incident, with at least one Egyptian soldier killed. Several more Egyptian soldiers were reportedly wounded. No Israeli soldier was wounded in the incident. The IDF confirmed that it was in contact with Egypt over the shooting, and that an investigation is underway. While Egyptian reports said the Israeli soldiers opened fire fire, a military source confirmed that Engineering Corps soldiers operating in Rafah came under fire from Egyptian forces before returning fire. More to follow...
Words of Truth from the Land of Israel  A mother in Israel can teach the truth to the entire Western world. Last week, I paid a shiva call to the Buskila family in Kiryat Gat.  After eight months of uncertainty, former hostage Amit Buskila was finally laid to rest. On my way there, I heard on the radio that the international court in the Hague was seeking to arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu for war crimes, that the European Union had expressed its condolences for the death of the Iranian president, and that the UN had marked his death with a moment of silence. It is, indeed, a topsy-turvy world. But Ilana Buskila, Amit’s mother, isn’t confused at all. That is what she told me: "Every day of life is a precious gift. I was privileged to have a gift, my Amit, for 28 y...
Baltimore, MD - May 27, 2024  - Today is Memorial Day.  It is the day we in the United States of America honor and commemorate those in the Armed Forces who died while protecting our country. For me personally, it is a different kind of memorial day.  Today is Yud Tes Iyar and  the 79th anniversary of my father’s, a”h, liberation from the Woebbelin concentration camp by the 82nd Airborne Division. Many people commemorate Yom Hashoa in May , or the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in January.  Today is the day I choose to remember.  Today is the day I acknowledge the Gehinom that my father endured and with great nisim survived.  Today is the day I proudly proclaim euphemistically,   “Baruch Hashem She'Asa Li Nes.&rd...
Baltimore, MD – May 24, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mr. Phil Kalfus, z’l, husband of Mrs. Essie Kalfus and father of Mrs. Susan (Dr. Moshe) Stutman.Mrs. Stutman will return to Baltimore (with her mother, Mrs. Essie Kalfus) on Monday and complete the Shiva at 2311 Rogene Dr., Baltimore, MD, 21209, getting up Wednesday morning. Nichum Aveilim Hours: Monday: 3 PM-10 PM Tuesday: 10 AM-1 PM, 3 PM-10 PM Wednesday morning: 9 AM-11 AM
Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley visited the city of Sderot in southern Israel today (Monday) during her solidarity trip to Israel as the guest of MK Danny Danon. Haley stated that she would not criticize the current Democratic administration while in Israel. "I think it is very important to never talk negatively about an American president when you're on foreign soil. So this is not going to be a time where I'm gonna say anything negative about the president. What I will tell you is what America should do." "What America needs to understand is, when Israel's fighting our enemies, how can we not help them? The sure way to not help Israel is to withhold weapons. The sure way to not help Israel is to praise the ICC or the ICJ or any of those that are co...
Zvika Mor, father of hostage Eitan Mor who was kidnapped to Gaza on October 7, on Monday revealed that an admission by a Yesh Atid MK regarding a potential hostage swap. According to Mor, who is a member of the Tikva Forum for hostages' families, Yesh Atid's MK Meir Cohen has admitted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has never prevented a prisoner swap deal from taking place - despite statements by the media and relatives of hostages. Cohen's admission came last week, during a meeting with Mor, Mor explained. "We obviously were amazed," Mor said. "We asked him: 'The media is constantly claiming that the Prime Minister is torpedoing deals, that the Prime Minister does not want to bring the hostages home.'" "He told me, 'Every time Hamas p...
As the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said that an overnight Israeli airstrike in Rafah killed at least 35 people, mostly women and children, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday stated that the "intelligence-based strike" targeted and killed two senior Hamas officials. The statement read that the military "is aware of reports indicating that as a result of the strike and fire that was ignited several civilians in the area were harmed" and "the incident is under review." The attack took place in Tal as Sultan in northwest Rafah - the area designated for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) displaced Palestinians' tent camp. Footage from the scene showed fire and wreckage. The IDF reported killing Yassin Rabia who is ...
The Tzav 9 movmement which organizes demonstrations against the transfer of aid to the Gaza Strip, commented on reports that the Biden administration is concidering leveling sanctions against Israelis who target trucks carrying aid. "The same Americans who take pride in freedom of expression and protest, try to grossly interject in the State of Israel's war against a terror organization that committed a terrible massacre against civilians," the movement wrote in a statment. "This is our war, for our home, for our existence as a nation, and we have the right and obligation to win," it added. According to Tzav 9: "Part of victory is to completely stop Hamas' control over the Gaza Strip, and the way to do that is to stop the aid that goes directly to the terrorists. Today it is c...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contacted the police through the National Security Council demanding it increase enforcement against protesters who block trucks carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister emphasized the diplomatic challenges facing him, including accusations by American officials that he "does not do enough on humanitarian matters," the letter published by Channel 12 stated. "Therefore, we must continue efforts to flood (Gaza with aid), including ensuring that the movement of trucks continues." The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the Biden Administration is considering imposing sanctions on Israelis who target trucks carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Israeli activists have been holding non-violent protests against the transfer of ai...
The US is mulling sanctions against Israeli protesters blocking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, according to media reports. Over the past several months, the Israeli movement Tzav 9, or "Order 9," has been organizing to thwart convoys of humanitarian aid going though crossings into Gaza. Footage seen on social media and even show activists ripping off and destroying food packages. The movement refers to Tzav 8, or "Order 8," which is an emergency call for reservists to mobilize. According to spokesperson Rachel Touitou, zsav 9 “never called on people to take the law into their own hands,” as cited in a Washington Post report. Regardless, activists have been shown barring trucks and setting up their own checkpoints to ensure aid does not travel to Gaza. The move...
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