An Iranian attack against Israel is expected to occur as soon as Friday and may include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country, CBS News reported on Friday, citing two US officials.
The officials said it would be challenging for the Israelis to defend against an attack of such a magnitude and while they held out the possibility that the Iranians could opt for a smaller-scale attack to avoid a dramatic escalation, their retaliation was believed to be imminent.
Iran has publicly threatened to retaliate for an attack last week in Damascus, Syria, that Tehran said was an Israeli air strike on a diplomatic building and in which top Iranian military officials, including a senior member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, were el...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 12, 2024 - Yeshivas Toras Simcha students enjoy an Oneg Shabbos with their rabbeim and Rabbi Hillel Shepard, Menahel.
The Oneg Shabbos includes songs, divrei Torah and, of course, chullent and soda!
Jerusalem, Israel - Apr. 12, 2024 - Today (12 April 2024) Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant met with U.S. CENTCOM Commander, General (* * * *) Michael Erik Kurilla, at the IAF Hatzor airbase.Minister Gallant and General Kurilla discussed readiness for an Iranian attack against the State of Israel, which may lead to regional escalation.The meeting was attended by Deputy Chief of the General Staff MG. Amir Baram, Director of the Policy Bureau Dror Shalom, and Military Secretary BG. Guy Markizano.Minister Gallant expressed his appreciation to General Kurilla for his leadership and contribution to the powerful and unique bond between the U.S. and Israel, and thanked him for the United States’ support for Israel.Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant: "I have recently completed a meeting w...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 12, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Dovy Rimmer & Riki Adler on their engagement.
Mazel Tov to parents Mr. and Mrs. Yoni Adler and grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Spetner
יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 12, 2024 – 9:22AM - Please be advised that an accident at the intersection of Old Court and Park Heights is currently causing traffic delays.
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 12, 2024 - Kashering is certainly one of the most critical aspects of preparation for Pesach. To many, the process may seem daunting for a variety of reasons: It is not something people do regularly, there are serious safety risks involved in handling hot items and boiling water, and potential to damage the kitchen. Also, if not accomplished correctly, there is a risk that after all the work is done, with hot water running all over the place, the kitchen may not actually be really kosher for Pesach!
However, it really does not need to be that difficult and with a little know-how and effort, most people are capable of kashering their kitchen. For a full step-by-step guide to proper kashering procedures, consult the STAR-K Passover Guide, which is available in hard copy...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 12, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Avi Majeski (Baltimore) & Tami Simon (Chicago) on their engagement.
Mazel Tov Rabbi & Mrs.Yakov & Shanni Majeski יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Following the decision of the Israeli government, the first humanitarian aid trucks transporting food entered through the new Northern Crossing from Israel into the Gaza Strip on Thursday night,
The transport was coordinated by the IDF and COGAT, as part of efforts to enhance the humanitarian aid corridors to the Gaza Strip in general, and to the north in particular.
The IDF noted that the trucks underwent thorough security checks by the security authorities of the Land Crossings Authority of the Ministry of Defense at the Kerem Shalom crossing, and were accompanied by IDF soldiers.
Last week, The Security Cabinet approved an increase in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.
The statement said that the Cabinet authorized Prime Ministe...
I am not shy about offering my opinions on a wide array of Jewish and Torah topics, but I do try to leave my personal experiences out of my writings. On occasion, I deviate from this general rule when I feel the individual insight is relevant to the public. For this Parsha, which discusses the rituals which follow childbirth, I am again taking such a liberty. Raising children in today's environment is perhaps more difficult than ever. There was a time not too long ago when parents and their homes were the principal influences on a child's young life. Such is not the case today. In the 1960's, when day school education became the norm for observant families, a large amount of influence was surrendered to our schools and the other children who att...
The Biden administration is canceling student loans for another 206,000 borrowers as part of a new repayment plan that offers a faster route to forgiveness.
The Education Department announced the latest round of cancellations Friday in an update on the progress of its SAVE Plan. More people are becoming eligible for student loan cancellation as they hit 10 years of payments, a new finish line for some loans that's a decade sooner than what borrowers faced in the past.
Casting a shadow over the cancellations, however, are two new lawsuits challenging the plan's legality. Two groups of Republican-led states, fronted by Kansas and Missouri, recently filed federal suits arguing that the Biden administration overstepped its authority in creating the repayment opt...
Quintus Tineius Rufus, also known as Turnus Rufus the Evil, was a Roman governor who challenged the famous Talmudic scholar Rabbi Akiva to debate time and again. The Midrash Tanchuma (Tazria 5) records one of these interesting debates. Turnus Rufus asked Rabbi Akiva, “Which works are more beautiful? Those of the Holy One, blessed be He, or those of flesh and blood?”Let us pause the story right here. Imagine for a moment you are Rabbi Akiva; how would you respond to Turnus Rufus? I don’t know about you, but if I were asked this question, I would respond something along the lines of, “Well, of course the works of G-d are much more beautiful than that of man. What kind of question is that Mr. Rufus. After all, G-d is G-d. He created the entire world, all the trees and ...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 12, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to to Rabbi Sholom & Mushki Reindorp on the birth of a daughter.
יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בתם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
The Metzora is one who has come up deficient spiritually and is thus afflicted with a type of leprosy. This state is an indication that the healthy lifeforce that naturally breeds robust physical health has been jeopardized by his moral failure which has blocked off that vibrant flow resulting in a partial death of his body, as evidenced in his diseased and rotting flesh.
There are two primary colors associated with the majority of the seventy-two possible signs of these impure skin afflictions governed by the laws of tzara'as, לבנה ואדמדמת— white and red.
The famed 18th century scholar and author of Mesilas Yesharim, Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, reveals that the color white is associated with the impurity of Yishmael, and red with the pollution of Esav.
White i...
Baltimore, MD – Apr. 12, 2024 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Yoel Mayerfeld & Chaya Nelkin on their engagement.
Mazel Tov to parents Yossie & Renee Mayerfeld and Moshe and Gila Nelkin
יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
G-D spoke to Moshe and Aharon, saying: If a man has on the skin of his body: A white blotch or a bright spot …. The Priest shall pronounce him ritually impure, for this discoloration is Tzaraas. (Vayikra 13:1-6)
It was a gift. Not the type of gift that makes you feel loved and appreciated; but the kind of gift that opens your eyes and heart to the realities of life. The gift to which I refer was the gift of Tzaraas (loosely translated as leprosy). Tzaraas was a physical manifestation of a spiritual malady. The Talmud explains that if one spoke Lashon Hara (slander against another), they would be stricken with a strange skin disease. One would have to appear before the kohen (priest) to have the discoloration or blotch examin...
Baltimore, MD - Apr. 11, 2024 Note from Teach MD Community Leaders
Dear Friends,We'd like to inform you of an exciting first step in the fight for nonpublic school transportation funding in Maryland, one of Teach MD's priorities this year. We're thrilled to congratulate and thank legislative champions Delegate Dalya Attar and Senator Shelly Hettleman - who fought for a new pilot program which provides funding for Baltimore and Montgomery Counties, and recently secured half a million dollars for this program! This pilot is a starting point from which we can build towards great impact for day school and yeshiva families. It is a great foot in the door and a major accomplishment! We'd like to thank fellow community members and volunteers who came with Teach ...