Jerusalem, Israel  - Feb. 9, 2024  - Argentinian President Javier Milei included a visit to the Aish World Center in Jerusalem on Thursday night. The visit came amid his first trip to Israel since assuming office in November of 2023. President Milei is recognized for his support for Israel and his personal enthusiasm for the Jewish faith. Between meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog, visits to the Western Wall, Yad Vashem, and a trip south to Kibbutz Nir Oz, President Milei made sure to visit the Aish rooftop and new center for Jewish learning for our Spanish-speaking program dedicated to students from Latin America and led by the Director of the Aish Latin American program, Rabbi Zvi Klor. During the visit, Milei told Klor; “I wanted ...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 8, 2024   - Click on the graphic below to read the current issue of Baltimore Jewish Home
And these are the ordinances that you shall set before them. Should you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall work [for] six years, and in the seventh [year], he shall go out to freedom without charge (Exodus 21:1-2)  The Torah teaches us the details of the Hebrew servant, the Eved Ivri. Rashi explains, there are two ways in which a Jew becomes a servant. If he steals and is unable to pay back, the Beis Din (Jewish court) can sell the thief and use the proceeds to repay the victim, or mipnei dochko, if he is destitute. If a person has no money, no means of financial support, he can choose to sell himself into servitude. Why is this the first mitzvah God gives us in the aftermath of Sinaitic revelation?    The Lubavitcher Rebbe provides an incredible insight. The...
Of all the various laws enumerated in our portion, there is one that stands out, not only because it is the sole one that has a very specific consequence, but for the extremeness of the punishment. One who causes pain to a widow or orphan, prodding them to cry out to G-d, is assured they will be responded to quickly. Addressing the perpetrator, G-d vows, "My wrath shall blaze, I shall kill you by the sword, and your wives will be widows and your children orphans." (שמות כב כג) This retribution, although depicted in the context of these most vulnerable individuals, applies equally to all the downtrodden who are victimized by others. (רש"י שם) Rashi points out redundancy in the verse. If the Torah reports that the offender will die, isn't it self-evident that his wife a...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 8, 2024 - Strong police-community partnerships are crucial for ensuring public safety. Shomrim members recently took part in a productive meeting alongside the new Baltimore Police Department Northwest District Commander, Major Keira Saunders, and Councilwoman Sharon Green Middleton, and Chaplain Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum. We appreciate their dedication to fostering positive relationships between the police and the community in Baltimore City.
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 7, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mrs. Sally Ring, a'h, mother of Dr. Michael Ring The Lavaya will be at Levinson's  (Thursday) at 1:00PM Shiva will be observed at 7 Slade Avenue Apartment 707, BAltimjore, MD, 21208 There will be a sign at the desk for the location of the Minyanim. Thursday Mincha/Maariv 5:20 Friday (Rosh Chodesh) Shachris - 7:00  Friday: Mincha 2:00 Sunday      Shachris 8:30      Mincha/Maariv 5:20 Mon- Tues - Wed      Shachris - 7:30      Mincha/Maariv - 5:20  (Tues & Wed) Bila Hamaves LaNetzach...  
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 8, 2024 - Some topics need to be revisited as technology evolves. Food delivery service apps such as Door-dash and Uber-eats definitely fall in that category. So even though we already covered the basics last year, let’s find out what’s new in this field with BAltimore's own Rabbi Sholom Tendler a Kashrus Administrator at the STAR-K.
Ever since October 7th, the police station in Sderot has been identified solely with the horrible tragedy that occurred there.  But now a powerful work of art waits for whoever visits.  Elyasaf Miara, the one who created the painting pictured below, explained it to me as follows:“The entire police station was destroyed. Everything was full of bullet holes but one wall remained. I was given the opportunity to tell the story of what happened on this wall.I began with a painting of the destroyed structure and opposite it a tank. We see here the stark contrast of a battlefield tank entering a tranquil city.But the main subject is the open Torah scroll that represents the festival of Simchat Torah. 8 police officers fell in the police station as well as 2 fighters who came to he...
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was not involved in drafting the answer that Hamas gave to Israel's proposed hostage deal, Kan News reported on Thursday. According to the report contact with Sinwar was cut off ten days ago and the Hamas leadership has been making decisions without him. Sources in the security establishment said that contact with the Hamas leader has not only been cut off from his organization's members but also from the mediators in the hostage negotiations. Over the past two months, the IDF has been making advances in Sinwar's hometown of Khan Yunis. The arch-terrorist was reported to be hiding in the city, but he has yet to be located.
Meta has suspended the accounts of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a spokesperson announced today (Thursday). The spokesperson said that Khamenei's English and Persian accounts were suspended "for repeatedly violating our Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policy. Khamenei has for many years openly called for the complete destruction of the State of Israel, including on his social media accounts, and has voiced his support for the Hamas massacre of October 7, when over 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were murdered in the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust. The Iranian dictator has also voiced his support for the Houthi organization's repeated attacks on international merchant vessels in the Red Sea, calling these attacks "magnifice...
Security personnel on an EL AL flight from Prague to Tel Aviv on Thursday apprehended a passenger who attempted to break into the cockpit and the plane had to land in Greece. Channel 12 reported that the security establishment is increasingly suspicious that the incident was terror-related. An EL AL security guard managed to grab hold of the passenger, who was apparently an Arab and cuffed him. After the incident, the procedure in which the other planes were warned was activated. The plane landed in Thessaloniki in coordination with the local police. EL AL Airlines stated: "EL AL sees this severely and is taking all the measures required according to the procedures and the law in coordination with the relevant enforcement authorities. We have zero tolerance for violence and will c...
A special counsel investigating President Biden’s handling of classified materials concluded his case, determining that Biden “willfully” retained classified documents but stopping short of bringing charges against the president. Special counsel Robert Hur released his findings in a 388-page report after a roughly year-long investigation into how classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president ended up at an old office space and at his Wilmington, Del., home.  Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Hur in January as a special counsel, tasking him with determining whether any laws were violated given the mishandling of the records. While Hur concluded neither Biden nor his staff broke the law in removing the records, he was cr...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 8, 2024  - Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby filed to run for a second term on Thursday. The news comes two days after his ex-wife, former Baltimore City States Attorney Marilyn Mosby, was convicted on one count of mortgage fraud. During Marilyn Mosby’s trial, Nick Mosby testified that he handled the couple’s finances and did not tell her the extent of their money and tax issues. A forensic analysis of Nick Mosby’s bank accounts also found he defaulted on student loans, had his car repossessed and claimed thousands of dollars in charitable tax deductions he did not make. Nick Mosby said voters should look at his track record in elected office, not his personal financial troubles. The race for council president currently consis...
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 8, 2024  - Tens of thousands united and participated in an evening prayer rally in light of the intense warfare in the north and south of Israel, and the many dozens held captive by Hamas. Many have fallen in battle, and many others are wounded in body and soul. The rally saw the participation of tens of thousands of Israelis from all sectors and denominations, including families of the hostages, led by prominent rabbis and luminaries of the generation, members of the Council of Torah Sages, Israel's chief rabbis, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, Rabbi David Lau, leaders of the Hasidic dynasties headed by the Gerrer Rebbe, the rabbi of the Western Wall and the holy sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, rabbis, and heads of yeshivas. They gathered as one - with one heart -...
The Supreme Court on Thursday appeared reluctant to take the extraordinary step of disqualifying former President Trump from appearing on the ballot during a historic oral argument in which the justices grilled lawyers about whether states have the authority to ban a candidate from running for office. The justices spent almost no time debating whether Trump engaged in insurrection through his actions surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, which various lawsuits contend requires Trump’s disqualification under the 14th Amendment.  Instead, the court during the two-hour argument largely delved into various off-ramps that would doom the various challenges without requiring the justices to reach that politically fraught question.  Several justices seemed...
According to Guinness World Records, the Bible – which is printed at a rate of about 80 million copies per year – is the best-selling book of all time. It is estimated that somewhere between 5-7 billion copies have been sold worldwide! That number is mindboggling and astronomical, and attests to the fact that – on some level or another – the people of the world see the Word of G-d as something meaningful and worthwhile to read.Quite ironically, however, studies have shown that the Bible is not only the most sold book of all time, it is also the most stolen book of all time! Now that is crazy! How is that even possible? How can it be that the Bible – which consists of the Word of G-d and contains the very commandment of “Thou Shall Not Steal” &ndash...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 8, 2024 -Watch as Tzvika Mor, Father of Hostage Eitan Avraham Mor and Cousin of the Flamm Family of Baltimore, Speaks at Bais Yaakov This Morning
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