Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his condolences over the petirah of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, zt’l, Rosh HaYeshiva of Ponevezh Yeshiva and  leader of Ashkenazic Jews in Eretz Yisrael Israel, reports Arutz-7. He described Rabbi Edelstein as a wise and renowned leader who devoted his life to holiness and Torah, impacting not only the Torah community but the entire people of Israel. Netanyahu recalled Rabbi Edelstein's beginnings studying the Torah in secrecy during his youth in Soviet Russia, and how he transitioned to being an open advocate for Torah study in Israel. He praised Rabbi Edelstein's tireless commitment to shaping the spiritual image of numerous Jews, guiding and supporting them with a love for all of Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu ...
The yeshva that was sitting on disputed land in the northern West Bank was relocated to a permanent structure several hundred feet away In the pre-dawn hours of Monday, and with government approval, students of a yeshiva in the illegal outpost of Homesh rebuilt the structure several hundred feet away on uncontested land.  "This is a historic moment, a step toward rectifying the terrible injustice of the expulsion from Samaria. We have been working day and night to rectify the injustice against not only those displaced, but the entire people of Israel," said Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan, who affixed the traditional mezuzah on the doorpost of the seminary. Dagan said the new location would be permanent, though the structure is still located in modular buildings, ...
Russia’s Investigative Committee on Sunday opened a criminal investigation into the senator’s comments Russia’s interior ministry put U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on a wanted list after his comments during a Ukraine visit sparked outrage in Moscow, state media reported on Monday. The video released by the Ukrainian president's office on Friday, showed Graham during a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky, saying “the Russians are dying” and then the phrase “the best money we’ve ever spent.”  Russia’s Investigative Committee on Sunday opened a criminal investigation into the senator’s comments. The Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that it was "difficult to imagine a greater shame for a country than ha...
The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), under the Israeli Ministry of Defense’s DDR&D, along with the Israeli Navy and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems have successfully completed a series of multi-system and multi-tier tests using the naval version of the Iron Dome system, known as “C-Dome.” The C-Dome, installed on the Israeli Navy’s Saar 6 “Magen” corvettes, successfully intercepted advanced targets which represent threats to the State of Israel's infrastructure and strategic assets in its exclusive economic zone. Israeli Navy combat personnel operated the systems used in the test as part of the operationalization process of the “Magen” corvettes. The series of tests included simulated existing and future threats that th...
A recent expose’ by the Intelligence Division of the Regavim Movement, which monitors the activities of the Palestinian Authority and foreign organizations in Area C, reveals that the "Union of Agricultural Work Committees" (UAWC), officially designated as a terrorist organization by Defense Minister Gantz, is running a “student exchange program for Palestinian students” in cooperation with academic institutions in France and Great Britain. The UAWC was declared a terrorist organization by the Ministry of Defense in 2021 after the close connection between the organization's activities and terrorist activity, including the murder of Rena Shnerb in the summer of 2019, was exposed. In the formal announcement of the UAWC’s designation as a PFLP-affiliated terrori...
A Palestinian Authority intelligence officer was killed during an Israeli operation in Jenin Monday morning, according to PA media outlets. Israeli security forces entered the PA-administered city of Jenin early Monday morning, arresting six wanted terror suspects following a string of attacks across Samaria Sunday. During the Israeli operation, clashes broke out as Arab rioters attacked IDF forces. The PA mouthpiece WAFA claimed that eight rioters were shot during the clashes. One of them, identified as Ashraf Ibrahim, eventually succumbed to his wounds and was pronounced dead after being evacuated to the Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin. Ibrahim, 37, had worked for the Palestinian General Intelligence Service prior to his death. A long-time member of the Fatah organization,...
 Authorities said eight people have been rescued so far after an apartment building collapsed Sunday in Iowa. The collapse happened in the downtown district of Davenport. According to officials, at least a dozen other residents made it out on their own. So far, authorities are only confirming minor injuries, but said they're still going through the rubble as there are some people unaccounted for. When asked if there were any fatalities, leaders refused to answer or speculate. Authorities said they found a gas leak after the collapse, and water also had leaked throughout the floors of the structure.
When something like this happens here, and tragedy strikes, our responders immediately do their work and their job and I can’t thank them enough,” Davenport...
Baltimore, MD – May 27, 2023 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mr. Manny Sadwin, z’l, husband of Mrs, Loretta Sadwin and father of Rabbi Ariel (Pessi) Sadwin, Mrs. Elisheva (Avrohom Shmuel) Shnidman, Mrs. Rivka (Ari) Kahn and Rabbi Moshe (Ruchama) Sadwin.Shiva will be observed at 407 Neale Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20901Minyanim:Shacharis - Monday-Friday:  7:30amMincha/Maariv: Sunday-Thursday: 8:10pm Mincha Erev Shabbos: 3:00pm  Bila HaMaves Lanetzach…
BJL was recently approached with a request to promote fire safety awareness within our community. This call to action was prompted by an incident in another Orthodox Jewish community, where a couple endured a major inconvenience due to a fire. This incident highlights the importance of preventative fire safety measures. Had such procedures been in place, the disruption and damages could have been largely mitigated. In response to this request and in our ongoing commitment to community safety, we're sharing seven key measures to ensure your home is fire-safe:Baltimore, MD - May 28, 2023 - Fire safety is of paramount importance in our quest to make our homes safe and secure. Knowing how to prevent and control fires is crucial. Here are eight key measures to ensure your home is fire-safe...
Baltimore, MD - May 28, 2023 -  There has been a significant increase in vehicle break-ins recently. To address this issue, Shomrim will conduct night patrols and enhance camera monitoring. Please avoid storing valuables in your cars and ensure they are properly locked. As always if you witness any suspicious activity, report it immediately by dialing 911 and  Shomrim at 410-358-9999.Stay vigilant and help keep our community safe.
Baltimore, MD – May 28, 2023 - Please note that there is an issue with some of the fruit products currently available at Whole Foods. Despite signage indicating that these fruits originate from California, the stickers on the products themselves identify Israel, meaning the fruit is from Shmittah.  
Baltimore, MD – May 28, 2023 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Binyamin Guttman to Bassie Rosensaft on their engagement.   יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – May 28, 2023 – 3:05PM – Mazel Tov! The Feinberg mishpacha is making a Hachnosas Sefer Torah now with the procession beginning on Summerson heading to Kol Torah on Fallstaff and that requires altering traffic patterns on Willowglen, Summerson , Farringdon and Fallstaff up until the shul. Expect congestion and consider alternate routes if possible.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds an early lead over his reformist opponent, economist Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, after the polls closed across Turkey Sunday evening. The Turkish Electoral Body announced Sunday night that with 75.4% of the vote counted, Erdogan leads Kılıçdaroğlu 53.4% to 46.6%. Erdogan bested Kılıçdaroğlu, the candidate for the secularist Republican People's Party (CHP), in the first vote on May 14th, but narrowly failed to clear the 50% threshold needed to win outright, sending the country into a second round of voting. Running at the helm of the right-wing Justice and Development Party, Erdogan received 49.5% of the vote in the first round, compared to 44.89% for Kılıçdaroğlu. Last week, nationalist third-party candid...
With days to spare before a potential first-ever government default, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday were finalizing a deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling while trying to wrangle enough Republican and Democratic votes to pass the measure in the coming week. The compromise announced late Saturday includes spending cuts but risks angering some lawmakers as they take a closer look at the concessions. McCarthy and Biden were set to put the finishing touches on the agreement in a midafternoon call once the final legislative text was drafted. Biden told reporters at the White House upon his return from Delaware that he was confident the plan will make it to his desk and that no sticking points remain...
Jerusalem, Israel - May 28, 2023 - Imagine walking into an art gallery or a museum and encountering a captivating artwork that surrounds you with sights, sounds, and interactive elements. That's the realm of a new media installation artist who blends technology, such as computers and projectors, with traditional art forms to create immersive and thought-provoking experiences. Instead of simply hanging a painting on a wall or placing a sculpture on a pedestal, new media installation artists use a combination of digital tools, multimedia elements, and physical structures to create their art. They might project videos on walls, create interactive installations that respond to your movements, or use virtual reality to transport you to different worlds. The beauty of their work lies in ...
"Let the stranger praise you, but not your own mouth". This proverb from Mishlei implies that often, outsiders, are better able to distill the virtues which we ourselves, take for granted. Ironically, it is oftentimes hateful and antisemitic slander which reminds us of the deeper qualities of Jewish identity. A few weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, ridiculed observance of Passover. Contemptuously, he mocked that "it [Pesach] happened over 3000 years ago..get over it". Despite his malicious scorn, Rudy is absolutely right, and, of course, absolutely wrong. Yetziat Mitzrayim did occur over 3000 years ago, but we can't “get over it”, nor for that matter, do we ever want to "get over it". We call this inability to "get over it" by a different name...
 Elon Musk's Neuralink received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for its first-in-human clinical trial, a critical milestone for the brain-implant startup as it faces U.S. probes over its handling of animal experiments. The FDA approval "represents an important first step that will one day allow our technology to help many people," Neuralink said in a tweet on Thursday, without disclosing details of the planned study. It added it is not recruiting for the trial yet and said more details would be available soon. The FDA acknowledged in a statement that the agency cleared Neuralink to use its brain implant and surgical robot for trials on patients but declined to provide more details. Neuralink and Musk did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. The criti...
I do not have any pictures of this magnificent scene and that is for the best. What follows is an attempt to describe in words what I witnessed when the sun rose over the Kotel plaza where tens of thousands had gathered on Friday morning for the festival of Shavuot.I decided to be just a reporter for a few minutes to find out who those people were:There was a group that had come from Ma'alot, a town in the Western Galilee, to celebrate the holiday in Jerusalem and a synagogue group from Arad in the Northern Negev.I also met high school groups from New York and from Los Angeles. "This is their first time," the Los Angeles high school principal said, "and it is clear to see that they will remember this day all their lives."On one of the roofs of the Jewish Quarter I saw a group chanting...
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