Rabbi Yonah Sklare is a Rosh Kollel in Baltimore, MD as well as Magid Shiur at Congregation Shomrei Emunah. His refreshingly creative approach to learning as well as his captivating presentation style, have attracted a diverse and beloved following. He lectures at numerous local institutions, including Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary, as well as out of town and online. Rabbi Sklare received semichah and his PhD in Talmudic Law from Ner Israel Rabbinical College. He can be reached at rabbisklare@gmail.com.
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 26, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Elisha Gal (New York) & Avital Addi (Baltimore) on their engagement. Mazel tov to  Shalom and Shoshana Addi יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 25, 2024 - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mrs. Marjorie Fox, a’h, mother Mrs. Chaya Sara Cohn and Rachel Weinberg.The levayah will take place Sunday, February 25 1:00PM Stanetsky Chapel 475 Washington St. Canton Ma. Burial: Sharon Memorial Park Shiva Sunday: At the Weinberg home Westford Ma. Chaya Sara will sit shiva Monday morning  8:30 to 11:30 At the home of Benjamin and Marsha Brecher 269 Summit Ave. Brookline Ma. BALTIMORE:Shiva will be observed in Baltimore beginning Tuesday,  February 27th until Friday March 1st  at: Heather Ridge, 6300 Red Cedar Pl.,  Apt 403., Baltimore, MD, 21209 Visiting times: Tuesday thru Thursday 9:30am-12:30, 1:30- 5:30pm, 6:30- 9 :30 ...
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 25, 2024  - Municipal elections will be held across Israel on Tuesday, February 27/ 18 Adar I.  Below, Chaim V’Chessed provides important details about the upcoming elections. In this week’s elections, residents will vote for mayor and local council members in nearly every municipality in Israel. All Israeli citizens over age 17 are entitled to vote in these elections, in the jurisdiction that they reside in. It should be noted that these elections have been delayed since October, due to the ongoing war. The Pinkas HaBocharim (Voters Roll) closed on September 14 in advance of the original date of the elections. Hence, only citizens who were 17 years old by October 31 are eligible to vote. Additionally, olim may only vote if they ma...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken came under fire following his announcement on Friday that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is “inconsistent with international law”, reversing the policy of the Trump administration on the issue. Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on X, “Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their biblical homeland. Indeed, Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, also the Dean of the Yale Law School (who negotiated UNSCR 242), stated that Israel has the best legal claim to Judea and Samaria.” “For Blinken to announce this in the middle of a war and when the Jewish Sabbath already has begun in Israel is...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 24, 2024 - Last week, the Skulener Rebbe of Monsey, Shlita, visited Bais Medrash D’Owings Mills (Rav Nosson Newman, Shlita.) The Rebbe addressed the bachurim and spoke about the importance of Limud Hatorah. He stressed the importance of learning and doing mitzvos b’simcha. After the Rebbe spoke, the bachurim approached him to give shalom and receive a personal bracha. As two bachurim came forward, the Rebbe suggested that they should both cut off their “chup”. The bachurim were immediately mekabel, and asked if someone could bring them scissors. They brought the scissors to the Rebbe and asked him to personally cut off their “chups'', setting an example for the yeshiva at large. The Rebbe then bentsched the ba...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night spoke about the progress in talks for a prisoner swap deal to free the Israelis kidnapped to Gaza on October 7. "We are working to achieve another deal to free our hostages, as well as eliminating Hamas battalions in Rafah," Netanyahu said. "Therefore, I sent a delegation to Paris, and we will speak this evening about the next steps in the negotiations." Netanyahu also emphasized that Israel intends to operate in Rafah: "At the beginning of the week, I will gather the Cabinet to approve the plans for operational action in Rafah, including evacuating the civilian population from there. Only the integration of military pressure and firm negotiations will bring about a release of our hostages, the elimination of Hamas, and the achi...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 24, 2024 -  BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Idy Ringo & Tova Skaist on their engagement. Mazel tov to  Dr. Jonathan & Dvora Meira Ringo  and Rabbi Eliyahu & Chumie Skaist and grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Rephael Skaist, Dr and Mrs Stanley  Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ringo, and Rabbi Beryl Weisbord יה"ר שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל. אמן!
Baltimore, MD  - Feb. 24, 2024  - Democratic mayoral candidate and former Deputy Attorney General Thiru Vignarajah condemned what he called the Mayor Brandon Scott’s mismanagement of $641 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds at a news conference today. “The mayor has frittered away a once-in-a-century opportunity, padding agency budgets, repaying favors to donors and developers, and feeding pet projects and special interests,” said Vignarajah in a news release. “Squandering $641 million is this Mayor’s biggest, most unforgivable mistake.” According to Vignarajah, the problems include the lack of timely and transparent spending as the City nears an important federal deadline that, if missed, will cost Baltimore the remainder of the...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 22, 2024  -HaRav Cohn's visit is scheduled from February 22nd to 25th, Parshas Tetzaveh. This is a unique opportunity to learn and be inspired by one of the most  renowned Talmidei Chachomim in the world! EVENT SCHEDULE:Thursday 9:00 PM- FEB 22ND : Mercaz Torah U'TefillaThe first event is titled "From Darkness to Light: Our responsibility to our Nation during these Troubling Times". This shiur will delve into our obligations and duties during these trying times.  Scheduled for 9:00 PM on Thursday, February 22nd at Mercaz Torah U'Tefilla in the main beis medresh. Oneg Shabbos 9:00 PM FEB 23On Leil Shabbos, February 23rd, an enlightening Oneg Shabbos will be held in the New House at Mercaz Torah U’Tefilla  starting at 9:00 PM. The...
IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said that soldiers' "achievements - another battalion that you dismantle, another underground infrastructure destroyed, another neighborhood where the population is evacuated to a safe space - all these things put positive pressure on the matter of releasing the hostages," during a situational assessment with other high-ranking IDF officers in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday. He commented further on the release of hostages, saying, "We are currently in the days of negotiations on the release of the hostages; I don't know this will develop; there are those whose job is to deal with Gaza; our job is to deal with fighting." He ended his assessment with a statement on positive progressions of the combat, saying,"[Our progress in the Gaza Strip] i...
The Biden administration declared that West Bank settlements are illegal as it rescinded the "Pompeo doctrine" to underscore its objection to Israel’s declared intention to advance plans for 3,000 new settler homes. “We’re disappointed in the announcement,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday during a joint press conference in Buenos Aries. “It’s been longstanding US policy under Republican and Democratic administrations alike that new settlements are counterproductive to reaching an enduring peace.   “They’re also inconsistent with international law. Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion. And in our judgment, this only weakens – it doesn’t strengthen – Israel’...
The War Cabinet agreed to send a delegation to hostage talks in Paris after Israel expressed cautious optimism Saturday night about the possibility of a hostage deal that could involve a six-week pause to the fighting before Ramadan, according to Israeli media. “We are working to obtain another framework outline for the release of our hostages,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote in a post on X on Saturday. “That is why I sent a delegation to Paris – and tonight we will discuss the next steps in the negotiations,” he stated. He emphasized simultaneously that Israel was committed to destroying “the Hamas battalions in Rafah.” “At the beginning of the week, I will convene the cabinet to approve the operational plans for action...
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 24, 2024 - According to police audio, Baltimore Police responded to the home of Mayoral Candidate Sheila Dixon Friday night. Dixon telling Fox45, someone broke into her detached garage and stole a bicycle and attempted to steal other items. On Friday, Dixon attended a crime walk in the Morrell Park neighborhood, with a focus of quality-of-life crimes. “When I come in the house or bring my car and park it in the garage, I don’t want to have to feel nervous and have to look around. I should have to coming into my neighborhood. No one should," said Dixon. In Dixon's neighborhood, a car was stolen two weeks ago, and last month a person was carjacked at gunpoint. “That’s why we really have to deal with the quality of life of crime. Burglari...
Baltimore, MD – Feb. 22, 2024 - As everyone knows, thousands of families in Eretz Yisrael were displaced from their homes on Simchat Torah with few or none of their belongs. Now, as Purim is just around the corner, they are asking for Purim costumes so that, even though this year is unlike any other, they can still have a fun and exciting Purim. Please help the wonderful people who have been providing families from the North and the South with clothes throughout the past few months to help them out again with costumes. From now through Feb. 25th, please drop off or have store-made (no homemade) costumes shipped to one of the addresses indicated in the graphic below and bring Simchas Purim to these children and families. Please do not drop off any very used, dirty, or torn costumes....
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 24, 2024 - Key U.S. Jewish leaders convened in Jerusalem for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization's annual National Leadership Mission, February 18-22, 2024, in the aftermath of the Hamas October 7 attack. The delegation included presidents from the Conference’s 50-member organizations and its National Leadership Council. From the opening event at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem, Israel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the delegation, the days were filled. In addition to meetings with Israel’s political and military leaders, during the week of the Mission, the group met with the families of hostages, bereaved families, and soldiers and commanders of the IDF. Israel Katz, Minister of Foreign Affa...
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