Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley said Sunday that he never received an “illegal order” from former President Trump after the 2020 election. ABC’s Martha Raddatz asked Milley in an interview that aired on “This Week” whether he was concerned that Trump would give him an “illegal order” to use the military to remain in power after the 2020 election. “I argued the case at various times for alternative courses of action, never received an illegal order,” Milley said. There were reports in the year following the 2020 election that top generals feared that Trump would attempt a coup after losing the election. Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker’s book, “I Alone Can Fix It,&...
The White House reiterated on Friday that President Biden would not pardon his son Hunter Biden if he is convicted of a crime. When asked if Biden would commute his son’s sentence if convicted on gun charges, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said no. This marks the first definitive answer the administration has given since Hunter Biden was formally charged on Thursday, though a similar message was first floated in July. “I’ve answered this question before,” Jean-Pierre said, referencing the July briefing. “It was asked of me not too long ago, a couple of weeks ago, and I was very clear, and I said no.” Hunter Biden was indicted on three felony gun charges, alleging that the younger Biden ...
Day of Purification Though we generally associate Yom Kippur with atonement, the Torah defines taharah (purification) as the day’s goal: (כי ביום הזה יכפר עליכם לטהר אתכם מכל חטאתכם לפני ה' תטהרו (ויקרא טז:ל On Yom Kippur, Hashem atones for our sins in order to purify us.  The purification relates to both the Beit HaMikdash and the Jewish People.[1] This is why the Yom Kippur Torah readings detail the purification of both the Beit Mikdash (in the morning reading[2]) and the Jewish people (in the afternoon reading).[3]   The Damage of Sin We are familiar with how the concept of taharah applies to the context of ritual purity. We are not as familiar with its relevance to the non-ritual sense. What does taharah...
Baltimore, MD - Sept 20, 2023  - The world recently lost a great tzaddik, Rav Moshe Zuriel, ZTL, of Bnei Brak. While he was relatively unknown to most people, he had a tremendous impact on his talmidim and their families, and he left an enormous legacy of over 100 sefarim that he wrote or published. Rabbi Shlomo Horwitz was a close talmid of Rav Zuriel for over 40 years, and will be speaking about him on Shabbos Shuva, between Mincha and Maariv at Shomrei Emunah, 6221 Greenspring Avenue. Men and Women are invited to learn more about this unique tzaddik who changed Shlomo's life and that of many others. Note that Rabbi Marwick's Shabbos Shuva Derasha is at 5pm, followed by Mincha at 6:25. Shlomo will start at around 6:45pm, and Maariv is at 7:46.
Chesed Chesed
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed on Friday that President Joe Biden will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week. The meeting will take place on Wednesday in New York, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Sullivan said Biden and Netanyahu will “discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues focused on the shared democratic values between the United States and Israel and a vision for a more stable and prosperous region.” The two leaders will also “compare notes on effectively countering and deterring Iran”, he added. Sullivan’s announcement comes a day after Netanyahu’s office said that Netanyahu will meet Biden during his visit to New York. On Monday, Channel 12 News reported that&n...
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2023  - Shua Tenenbaum, a 16-year-old bachur from Baltimore and the son of Chabad Rabbi Chesky and Chani Tenenbaum, has recently achieved the remarkable milestone of completing the writing of Megilas Esther for the first time. Shua, currently learning at Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo in New Haven, Connecticut, undertook this significant project under the guidance and mentorship of his rebbe, Rabbi Zalman Roth. Rabbi Roth, who taught Shua safrus as a school elective, played an instrumental role in guiding him towards the completion of the Megilla. Seizing the opportunity presented by the summer bein hazmanim, Shua devoted time while at home in Baltimore to work diligently on this project. His dedication and hard work have now come to fruition with the completio...
US President Joe Biden on Friday released a statement in honor of Rosh Hashanah, which begins at sundown on Friday. “Tonight at sundown, Jewish communities in the United States and around the world will celebrate Rosh Hashanah – the Day of Judgment, the anniversary of the creation of the world, and the start of a Jewish new year,” wrote Biden. “Throughout the High Holidays – commencing with Rosh Hashanah, continuing through the 10 Days of Repentance, and concluding on Yom Kippur – the stirring sound of the shofar calls us to examine our character and conduct. Heartfelt prayers invite us to repair our relationship with each other, with ourselves, and with God. And the tashlich ritual, that symbolizes casting away our sins, inspires us to learn from our ...
Ahead of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, (Saturday-Sunday 16-17 September 2023), President of Israel Isaac Herzog has released a special video message to Jewish communities around the world. In his message, the President stressed the importance of creating a worldwide Jewish conversation as a crucial step to overcoming the challenges of the past year. The President noted, “It is no secret that this year has challenged us in very real ways. For so many, this time of reflection takes on new meanings this year, as we have watched Israel struggle with big questions that highlight how big the differences between us can be. But whilst our differences can be painful, they also point to an important comforting truth: we all care deeply about our Jewish people, and our beloved Jewish an...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 15, 2023 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Akiva and Shana Goldberg on the birth of a son. Mazel Tov grandparents Bill & Rochelle Goldberg and Rabbi Daniel & Tammy Moskowitz יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Click on the graphic below for a larger, printable copy (which will include zmanim for this entire Yom Tov season). 
A union representing nearly 150,000 autoworkers launched a strike early Friday morning against the Big 3 U.S. automakers -- General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The United Auto Workers, or UAW, and the car manufacturers failed to reach a contract agreement before a deadline set by the union for Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET. Less than two hours before the deadline, UAW president Shawn Fain announced the plants where union members would strike if a tentative agreement wasn't reached in time. By midnight Friday, that amounted to approximately 12,700 union workers, including ones at GM in Wentzville, Missouri; Stellantis in Toledo, Ohio; and Ford’s Wayne, Michigan plant. The union is doing what’s called a “stand-up” strike, where not all union members stri...
An explosion occurred at the Yarkon National Park in Tel Aviv this morning (Friday). No casualties were reported in the explosion. The initial investigation found that an explosive device was placed next to a tree in the park. A bystander heard the blast and called the police. Security forces stopped a vehicle on Route 431 heading towards Ramla. Three occupants of the vehicle were arrested. The Shin Bet is involved in the investigation into the incident. The detainees are suspected of plotting to carry out attacks during the Rosh Hashanah holiday, which begins tonight at sundown. The investigation is also attempting to determine if the suspects are connected to the explosion in the nature reserve. The Shin Bet says that one of the suspects connected himself with the explosion.
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 15, 2023 - 9:51AM:1.    The intersection at Pinkney and Winner is currently blocked off. As a result, it is not possible to reach Cross Country as you are forced to make a turn on Winner2.    The traffic lights at the intersection of Greenspring Ave and Northern Parkway (near Sinai) are currently flashing. o    Flashing red: Treat it like a stop sign. If all four lights are flashing red, it becomes a four-way stop.o    Flashing yellow: Slow down and proceed with caution. Note that flashing yellow has the right of way over flashing red.
Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2023 -  Jewish Caring Network (JCN) is thrilled to announce that the Eruv between the Tikva House and The Johns Hopkins Hospital is up & functioning in time for Rosh Hashana 5784! The community greatly appreciates the efforts of Mrs. Stacey Goldenberg of JCN, The Eruv of Baltimore and The Johns Hopkins Hospital. “Jewish Caring Network wishes to express our deep HaKaros Hatov to Rabbi Avraham Cohen and Rabbi Yonah Ribiat of The Eruv of Baltimore as well as their entire board who partnered with the JCN to make this a reality. Additionally, the Jewish Caring Network is grateful to Rabbi Naftali Rabinowitz, Jewish Chaplain, Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy, of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the amazing team at The Johns Hopkins Hospital who part...
We are poised to determine our fate in the ensuing year as we undergo judgment on Rosh Hashana once again. How fortunate we are to be standing before our Father, our King, and commit ourselves anew to accept the privileged yoke of responsibility in promoting His honor in the world, hoping that we will be granted another year of life, the strength and fortitude to carry that burden, and the resources to provide our needs so we may dedicate ourselves fully to this noble task. There are three fascinating customs associated with the Yom Tov of Rosh Hashana. The eating of סימנים — signs or omens, foods that are consumed with an added prayer that is based on the term used to identify the specific food and a sentiment of hope that shares a similar word. Carrots are called רובי�...
Baltimore, MD – Sept. 11, 2023 - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Mrs. Debra "Debby" Neuman, a’h, wife of Richard Neuman and mother of Akiva Neuman, Rina Neuman, Esther Neuman, Shmuel (Miriam Esther) Neuman and Yardena Neuman. The Levaya will take place tomorrow at 9:30AM at Levinson's.Kevurah at Shomrei Emunah Cemetery 3979 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21227Shiva will be observed at 6604 Linco, Baltimore, MD , 21209. Shacharis: 7:00 AMMincha/Maariv: 7:10PMMincha Erev Shabbos/Erev Yom Tov: 3:00PM
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