Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Mrs. Rochel Vim, a'h.
The Levaya will be today, Thursday, Mar. 27th at Sol Levinson at 1:00 pm.Kevurah and Shiva details to follow
Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
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Also, Ask about our kitchen CLEANING serviceBaltimore, MD – Are you nervous about Kashering for Pesach; unsure you will get it done properly? Are you afraid the water will ruin your cabinets and create a mess in your kitchen? Are you moving into a new house and need the kitchen kashered; stress-free? Click here.
For the last seven years, The Kashering Konnection, has been servicing the Baltimore and DC communities. Coordinated through Star-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler, experienced, professional Mashgichim are available to come to your home and ensure an easy, mess-free and 100% properly-done Kashering of your kitchen and appliances. From ovens to stoves, counters to sinks, The Kashering Konnection can help you prepare for Pesach in an easy and affordable way....
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Baltimore, MD – March 26, 2025 - Tomorrow, Thursday, March 27, is Yom Kippur Koton, a meaningful opportunity to daven on behalf of Acheinu B’nei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and around the world.
Below is a list of Mincha Minyanim scheduled across the community: (Know of another one? Let us know so we can share it.)
Khal Ahavas Yisrael Tzemach Tzedek (KAYTT) – Rabbi Dovid Heber 2:00 PM • Ezras Noshim open for women • ArtScroll Yom Kippur Koton booklets available
Community Kollel 2:45 PMShearith Israel HaRav Yaakov Hopfer 6:15PM (Front Bais Medrash-Upstairs
Agudah of Park Heights – Rabbi Moshe Heinemann 6:25 PM (Upstairs – 3rd Floor)
Darchei Tzedek – Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz 6:25 PM (Downstairs Beis Medrash)
Bais HaKness...
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Baltimore, MD - March 2005 - The years a bochur spends building himself in yeshiva are the most precious of his life.
This is where he builds everything—his foundation in Torah, his middos, his hashkafos, and his entire identity as a ben Torah. These are the years that shape his future, and we have to make the most of them.
At Mesivta Shaarei Chaim, we give everything to provide a growth-oriented environment where bochurim turn themselves into true B’nei Torah. Now, we’re ready to write our next chapter and move into an amazing new building. But we need your help to get there.
Donate Now!
We’ve already taken the step of purchasing the new campus. But without proper renovations, we can’t move in, and our bochurim can’t continue b...
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Baltimore, MD – Mar. 22, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the Rabbi Zvi Menachem Ben Avrohom Arye Tusk, z’l, husband of Sima Tusk and father of Mordechai (Malky) Tusk, Blima (Yanky) Braun, Chaim (Tzirel) Tusk, Meir (Katie) Tusk, Yitzy (Tova) Tusk, Rivky (Michael) Leichter, Leiby (Musha Leah) Tusk and brother of David (Riva) Tusk and Pinky (Dina) Tusk
Click here to watch Livestream of the levayah which will be held on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at Levinson’s at 12 Noon
The kevura will take place at Shomrei Mishmeres Schares Haplata Cemetery 6307 Hamilton Ave., Rosedale, MD, 21237
Shiva will be observed at 3702 Kingwood Square, Baltimore, Maryland 21215.Please, no visitors after 10PM.
Shacharis: 7:45amMincha/Maariv: 715pm.
Bila Hamaves ...
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Baltimore, MD – Mar. 22, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Rabbi David Frid, z’l, husband of Rachel Frid (née Reich), father of Nechama Markovich, Zevi Frid, Aharon Frid, Malki Heshin, Tzachi Frid, Moshe Frid, Miri Margol, and Avi Frid and brother of Cathy (Yankie) Dinovitz, Arlene Gittelson, and Janet Goldberg.The levayah will take place Sunday morning at Shamgar (Jerusalem) at 11:30AMShiva will be observed in:Yerushalayim:Maalot Kedushei Telz 7, Telstone, Jeruslaem011.972. 54-846-5323
Cathy Dinovitz 443-255-7621 and Arlene Gittelson 443-435-9007 will observe shiva at 3213 Fallstaff Road, Baltimore, MD
Strict visiting hours: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Sunday-ThursdayFlorida: Janet Goldberg will observe ...
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL wishes a hearty Mazel Tov to Mordechai and Ruthie (Stal) Jhudovitz on the birth of a son.
Mazel tov to the grandparents Yossie & Tami Stal
יה"ר שיזכו לגדל בנם לתורה, לחופה, ולמעשים טובים. אמן!
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Mordehai (Mota) Gur, z'l, father of Yaakov Gur.
The Levaya will be held Friday, Mar 28th at Levinson's at 1:00 pm.
Shiva details to follow
Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD – Mar. 24, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of Shimon Kamenezky, z’l, brother of Moty (Dena) Kamenezky.
The Kevura will take palce at 11:00AM in the Petach Tikva Segula cemetery.
Israel:Shiva will be observed in Eretz Yisrael through Motzaei Shabbos at 3 Rechov Pardo (Brand) Bnei Brak 011.972.3.618.4742
Baltimore:Monday and Tuesday morning at 2700 Geartner Road with minyanim times to be announced.
Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD - March 26. 2025 - 3:42PM - Be aware of a disabled vehicle at the intersection of Park Heights and Green Spring Valley Rd. heading towards Bais Yaakov/Owings Mills, causing a significant backup.
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Baltimore, MD – Mar. 26, 2025 - BJL regrets to inform the community of the petira of of Mrs. Sara Nemon, a’h, mother of Mrs. Chaya Chaina (Dovid) Bortz.
The levayah will be held at Levinson’s at 2:00PM today, Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Shiva details to follow
Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
A Chasidishe bachor from New York returned a bag filled with diamonds, jewelry, and cash to a businessman he had never met before, PIX11 reported.
Last week, the young hasid was returning home from his yeshiva in Israel to spend Passover with his family, when an taxi driver transporting him from Newark accidentally gave him the wrong bag, assuming that it belonged to the yeshiva student or one of his friends.
"The yellow cab comes back, opens the window, says, ‘Someone left this,’ hands it over to me, and drives away," the yeshiva student, 20, recalled to PIX11. But before the student could tell the driver that the bag was not his, the taxi had sped off.
Opening the bag in the hopes of discovering who it belonged to, the student was shocked: "First, I sa...
Baltimore, Md - March 26, 2025 - It's been one year since a ship collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, resulting in its collapse and the death of six construction workers.
While investigations into the collapse are incomplete, its impacts are still felt daily by Maryland residents, businesses, and families.
Here's a look back at the developments since March 2024:
The day the bridge collapsed - March 26, 2024
On March 26, 2024, the ship Dali was traveling out of the Baltimore Harbor when it experienced a loss of electrical power and propulsion and struck the southern pier supporting the central truss spans of the Key Bridge, which then collapsed, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said.
The impact took place at 1:29 a.m., and by the time the sun rose t...
Baltimore, MD - March 26, 2025 - Maryland officials are marking the one year anniversary since the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge with a commemoration ceremony on Wednesday morning.
Gov. Wes Moore and other officials from the State of Maryland are holding the ceremony to honor the six lives lost in the collapse, and to honor the first responders.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is expected to be in attendance, as well.
In Memoriam: My Nephew, Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, Z'L
Baltimore, MD - March 25, 2025 -It’s so strange to see the words. It does not seem real, at least not to me. But for his wife, his children, his parents, his Talmidim, his Chasidim, and the hundreds whom he was Mekarev, it is all too real. Painfully so. My nephew, Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, was one of the rarest people I ever knew. For those of you who appreciate, or hate, my megalomania, hear me loud: he was way smarter than me. And he knew far more Torah than I ever will. There aren’t that many people of whom I have ever made such a proclamation.
When Eliyahu was a 3-year-old, he attended a small nursery in Baltimore. His teacher had given each student a paper with an outline of an apple on it and told them all to color the appl...
Baltimore, MD - March 25, 2025 - Whether you are a newbie to making Pesach or a veteran, STAR-K offers a plethora of resources – whether live or online - to help you have a wonderful Yom Tov experience.
On Monday, March 3, STAR-K Certification Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler gave a pre-Pesach bug checking class at Ohr Hamizrach Congregation Sephardic Center which was well attended.
Rabbi Tendler was invited by the Kollel of Greater Boston, on Sunday, March 23, to be the guest speaker for its Pre-Pesach Day of Learning. He delivered a morning shiur on Pesach topics, including taaruvos chometz (food products that contain chometz ingredients) and chometz sheavar alav haPesach (chometz that was possessed or controlled by a Jew during Pesach). In the evening, in c...
President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a sweeping executive action to overhaul elections in the U.S., including requiring documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections and demanding that all ballots be received by Election Day.
The order says the U.S. has failed “to enforce basic and necessary election protections” and calls on states to work with federal agencies to share voter lists and prosecute election crimes. It threatens to pull federal funding from states where election officials who don't comply.
The move, which is likely to face swift challenges from voting rights organizations, is consistent with Trump’s long history of railing against election processes. He often claims elections are being rigged, even before the results ar...