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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the  petira of the Zidichover Rebbe of Chicago, Moreinu Harav Yehoshua Heschel Eichenstein, z’l, father of HaRav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein.HaRav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein has returned to Chicago and will be sitting Shiva at 6342 N. Troy, Chicago, Il,. 60659through Sunday morning (not Monday as originally announced).  Minyanim: Shacharis: 7am and 8am. Mincha: 7pm. Maariv: 10pm.   Official Shiva visiting hours: 10am-1:30pm 4-7pm 8-10pm For those coming in special and wanting to visit outside of these hours, please be in touch with R' Shaul Edelman to coordinate.  The Rav can be called on his cell between 7-8pm.  Bila HaM...
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Baltimore, MD – June 30, 2024  - It is with deep regret and sorrow that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the sudden and tragic petira of Adina (Aryeh) Zahavi, a’h, mother of nine, daughter of Barry & Susie Openden and sister of Yossi (Yona) Openden and Dahlia (Daniel) Steinherz. and her husband Aryeh heroically saved all of their children from a fire that broke out in their home in the middle of the night.  One of the children is still in the hospital with burns. Please keep  מיכאל בן עדינה בתשבע in your teffilos. The Levayah will take place at 10:15AM (Israel) (3:15AM Baltimore)  on Monday, July 1, 2024 at Beit Kneset Ashkenazi -Kochav YaakovShiva will be o...
After the episode of Korach, B'nei Yisrael continue to challenge Moshe and Aharon's authority. After yet another plague strikes B'nei Yisrael, Moshe is instructed to perform a demonstration that would show, through Divine intervention, the authenticity of Aharon's leadership as kohein gadol. He was told (17:17-18) to gather twelve staves from the twelve leaders of the tribes and to write their names on their respective staves. Aharon's name was to be written on the stave belonging to the tribe of Levi. Later, when the demonstration is performed, the Torah recounts (17:21) that the leaders gave the staves to Moshe - twelve staves with the stave of Aharon among (besoch) them. Throughout the episode, it is unclear whether Aharon's stave was one of the t...
Baltimore, MD – July 5, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Baruch Schoenes, z’l, father of Rabbi Menachem Mendel (Ariella) Schoenes.  The levaya took place earlier today. Shiva details forthcoming. Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Baltimore, MD – July 5, 2024  - It is with regret that Baltimore Jewish Life (BJL) informs the community of the petira of Rabbi Dovid Adlin, z’l, father of  Rabbi Nosson Adlin. The levaya will be held today at 3:15pm in Lakewood at the 7th Street Chapel. Shiva details forthcoming. Bila HaMaves LaNetzach…
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sara, and their son Avner, together with Ido Netanyahu and his family, attended the memorial ceremony on Friday at the Mt. Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem, for Lt.-Col. Yoni Netanyahu, who fell while commanding IDF General Staff Reconnaissance Unit soldiers in the operation to free the hostages at Entebbe, Uganda in 1976. The Prime Minister and his brother Ido said the Kaddish prayer and laid a memorial wreath on the grave of their older brother Yoni, who fell heroically in battle. They laid an additional wreath together with Yoni's IDF General Staff Reconnaissance Unit colleagues. Also attending the ceremony were the Knesset Speaker, ministers, MKs, former and current IDF commanders, and friends of the family.
Victoria Starmer, a Jewish woman with a rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted traditions, is poised to become the UK's first lady. Intertwined with her Jewish upbringing, her life story plays a significant role in shaping the values and practices of her family.  From regularly observing Shabbat to maintaining strong connections with the Jewish community, Victoria's influence extends beyond the domestic sphere into her husband, Labour leader Keir Starmer's political career. As Keir stands on the brink of becoming the next prime minister, Victoria's steadfast commitment to her faith and cultural traditions, as well as her involvement in combating antisemitism, emphasizes the unique role she will play as the new first lady of the UK. Victoria Starmer, origin...
The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas informed its ally Hezbollah it had agreed to a proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and that its leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah welcomed the step, two sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday. A Hamas delegation headed by the group's deputy leader Khalil Al-Hayya briefed Nasrallah about the latest developments at a meeting in Beirut, the sources said. One of the sources, a Hezbollah official, told Reuters that the group would cease fire as soon as any Gaza ceasefire agreement takes effect, echoing previous statements from the group. "If there is a Gaza agreement, then from zero hour there will be a ceasefire in Lebanon," the official said. This announcement comes off the back of renewed  hostage talk nego...
Right off Reisterstown Road, a popular thoroughfare located in the heart of Baltimore, MD, there is a furniture store that has been claiming to be “going out of business” for as long as I can remember! I’ve driven past that store literally dozens of times, and each time, upon seeing the “going out of business” sign, I feel a little sad for them, and also feel like I want to go in to get a good closeout deal on some furniture. Just recently, though, as I was driving (yet again) past the store, for some reason I decided to read the sign again, and what I noticed was shocking. The sign did not actually say, “Going out OF business,” rather, it said, “Going out FOR business.” Using falsified advertisements to lure customers into a store is n...
Jerusalem, Israel - July 5, 2024  - “I expect Aliyah from Western countries to double in the coming years,” declared Ofir Sofer, Minister of Aliyah and Klita. Sofer made his comments during a tour of Chaim V’Chessed headquarters in Jerusalem on July 3. The minister was accompanied by senior staff members, as well as Davidi Benzion, Deputy Head of the Shomron Regional Council and a leading Aliyah proponent. Chaim V’Chessed is an NGO which provides comprehensive support to olim from English-speaking countries. The organization boasts a staff of expert advisors who guide callers in areas such as medical, special education and more. Sofer’s visit came as part of his ministry’s efforts to upgrade the experience of new immigrants to Israel...
IDF soldiers on Friday morning, directed by ISA intelligence, conducted counterterrorism activity in the Jenin area. After the IDF operational activity in the area of Jenin on June 27th, during which Captain Alon Sacgiu fell, the ISA and IDF conducted a precise intelligence effort to locate the terrorists responsible for the attack on IDF soldiers. On July 3rd, the Israel Border Police eliminated the terrorist Nidal Amar, who also took part in the explosive device’s detonation. During the counterterrorism activity, exchanges of fire with terrorists took place in the area. Simultaneously, the soldiers encircled a building in which additional terrorists barricaded themselves. IDF soldiers eliminated the terrorist Hemam Heshash and an additional terrorist operative, and located ...
International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan suddenly canceled a planned fact-finding mission to Israel the same day he announced that he is seeking arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Reuters reported. Eight sources with direct knowledge of the proceedings that occurred confirmed the cancelation of the planned visit to Reuters. Khan had been planning his visit for months in order to gather evidence for a potential war crimes investigation against Israel and Hamas in the war that began with the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Khan announced that he is seeking arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant on May 20, the same day he canceled the visit. He believed that the...
Baltimore, MD - July 5, 2024  - Pikesville Fireworks Display/ Block Party at the Save-A-Lot parking lot on Reisterstown Road ...where Shabsi's Judaica is located🎇🎆🎇Happy 4th!
Baltimore, MD - July 5, 2024 - (BJL) Please note that there are many carrots, and many citrus fruits currently available in the market that originate from Israel, requiring separation of Terumos & Maasros. Consumers are advised to carefully check product labeling for the country of origin. Produce sold at Seven Mile Market and Market Maven are monitored by STAR-K and do not require such separation. Additionally, it is important to be aware that many Israeli wines from 2022, as indicated on the bottle, are currently available in the market, and these wines fall under the category of Shemittah wines.
The Labor Department reported on Friday that the U.S. added 206,000 jobs last month. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4.1%. The report continues a run of remarkable job market resilience that has continued even as the Federal Reserve has kept interest rates at their highest level in more than two decades. Still, hiring activity has slowed, and the labor market appears to have come into better balance. The unemployment rate has risen from the multidecade low of 3.4% it hit early last year. Average hourly earnings were up 3.9% in June from a year earlier, marking their smallest gain since 2021. Stocks futures were little changed.
Korach, the son of Izhar, the son of Kehath, the son of Levi took [himself to one side] along with Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth, descendants of Reuben.They confronted Moses together with two hundred and fifty men from the children of Israel, chieftains of the congregation, representatives of the assembly, men of repute.They assembled against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “You take too much upon yourselves, for the entire congregation are all holy, and the Lord is in their midst. So why do you raise yourselves above the Lord’s assembly? (Bamidbar 16:1-3) Just when we thought things could not get worse, another national debacle occurs. Still reeling from the fall-out from the sin of the spies, Korach took advantage of the feelings of sadnes...
A seventy year saga comes to a sad end. From the very first moment Moshe appears upon the scene his two chief antagonists assert their opposition. The young Moshe seeking the welfare of his brethren observes the cruel Egyptian taskmaster beating his fellow Jew, Moshe reacts by dispatching with the assailant. Subsequently Moshe sees two Jews fighting, confronts them and admonishes them for raising a hand against a fellow Jew. This quarreling pair was none other than Dasan and Aviram. Dasan deflects Moshe's attempt to reprimand and reconcile them, impudently challenging Moshe's imposition as judge and peacemaker. Dasan also cynically wonders aloud whether Moshe plans to kill them as well, as he did with the Egyptian taskmaster.    For the next nearly seven decades unti...
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