Updated as of Dec. 13, 5:21 PM - BDE: Mr. Avraham Cohen, Z’L, (Yerushalayim)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 12/13/18

Baltimore, MD ā€“ Dec. 13, 2018 - It is with sadness that BaltimoreJewishLife.com informs the community of the petirah of Mr. Avraham Cohen, Zā€™L, (Yerushalayim) beloved  father of Ronit Bergman.

The levayah took place in Yerushalayim.

Mrs. Bergman is sitting Shiva until Tuesday evening at her home at 3001 Temple Gate Road. 

Visiting Hours

12:30pm -2:30pm and 5:00 pm -7:00pm.

Motzei Shabbos hours 7: 00 ā€“ 9:00 pm